comment_id,text,hate_speech_score,label,trad 16559,"Block as ya want, shits gay",0.19,0,original 17759,"Keep begging for the pussy, you know niggas like you owe white men your life",2.48,1,FR 18347,The International Rescue Committee ([URL-states/charlottesville-va](URL-states/charlottesville-va)) provides English help for new refugees.,-6.04,0,original 7818,"Fuck you fag, what if everyone likes slavery? Does that mean you have to like it? it's a kids show jesus",1.51,5,ZH 27875,Throwback When Dhoni didn't Let Tiranga 🇮🇳 Touch the Earth.. Most Patriotic player ever. Massive Respect. 🙌 We Stand by you MS ! #IndiaWithDhoni #DhoniKeepTheGlove #DhoniKeSaathDesh URL,-4.89,0,original 44527,"I'm sorry (not sorry) but I DON'T BLAME HIM!!! I see her side too, but white women started this. This goes all the way back to slavery days. Not that I don't support the Me Too movement or they don't have a valid and warranted platform, but it's a Catch 22 situation. It's simple, don't give anyone a reason or evidence to create a narrative against you. White women want to be equal but they are always playing victim too and you can't have it both ways.",-0.6,0,original 32426,@jeremycorbyn Will Muslim Council of Britain attend?(don't forget to check for knives and suicide vests at the door),-0.14,0,original 41650,It's time to BOMB IRAN,1.6,3,FR 8571,Puerto Rican here. Ricky deserves to die in a fucking hole.,2.04,1,original 22457,"@TarekFatah That shows you are a typical western bootlicker..... A man with zero knowledge, zero respect for religion, full of hate, we all feel sorry for you Tarek Fateh, you don't deserve to be around people. .. You don't deserve it at all... Pathetic creature",1.04,3,DE 9681,Fuck China. A bunch of suspenders.,0.78,3,DE 32706,"Austin, TX is less than 8% black...but that's all the diversity it takes to turn this American city into a violent, Africanized shithole. URLs",0.67,1,FR 43445,bunch of white dude: -chillin- homless meth head: go back to your own country you son of a bitch.,1.26,1,original 48507,This is another attempt by white people to reclaim Africa a sudo endless lies no my friends humanity was found in Africa they spread and Concord the rest of the world whatever change happened to their characteristic is primarily the inviromental and natural progration of the human genome over spawning and misrepresenting human history,0.65,1,FR 35599,I killed fifty men for my country and you voted twice for a gay nigger president? URL,2.31,1,DE 46476,"If You're Gay, You'd Probably Have Sex With Farm Animals Too",2.07,5,FR 37782,"#Gaza 2.2 million people locked up in a concentration camp. Children dying of curable diseases only minutes away from colonies inside #Israel where health care and meds, not to say clean water and electricity are plentiful. URL",-1.83,0,original 26219,@AlexMiller91 @myblisteredfoot @MetroUK Coked up racist cunt. Doesn't even deserved to be made a martyr out of. Jesus. What a cunt,0.74,4,original 14753,Epic is a bunch of mongoloids,1.23,1,DE 29155,"Dumb stupid hoe, the fucking CHEEK, I beg I don't even CHAT to her, omg please I will drag a bitch",2.6,4,original 10668,Mmm. I'd love to spray my cum all over those big beautiful tits.,-0.53,0,original 3851,Ephephilia is just as bad as pedophilia.,-1.8,0,original 48394,"Alabama: Are you a woman?. Were you raped?. Did you get pregnant by your rapist?. Do you want to get an abortion?. If the answer is yes to all questions, go fuck yourself. Because youre gonna look that rapist in the face for the rest of your life. Bitch.",-0.52,0,original 18741,Fucking scumbag religious nutjob.,1.63,2,original 752,"She didn't inseminate herself. Condoms break, birth control fails, rape happens. Let's give all men vasectomies at sexual maturity.. they can be reversed once they find a woman to consent to have a baby with them and she consents to them ejaculating inside of her.",-2.6,0,original 5762,"Ill eat your pussy up and fuck you rough babygirl, gimme that juicy pussy 👅💦",-0.74,0,original 50059,Obnoxious illiterate ebonics bullshit video,1.32,1,DE 46169,"Just as all blacks blame whites for their own crimes, this will be just as wrong as the juicy Smollett tray of Martin Michael Brown, the Duke Lacrosse boys, the Covington kids, and on and on",1.35,1,DE 606,"I'd land in Canada, offer them unlimited packet milk if they beat the US. Then they would band together against some small African tribes, take a three-month break, then gangbang Mexico and Japan. Let Japan and Africa mess up the Koreas and China while the US and Mexico take care of the rest of Africa, and after China and South Korea are with us, destroy some Arab countries. 10 months training and building equipment. We fight against Europe. After we got them, aisa. North Korea and Russia are the last. Then we'll break loose. Tell them to go all out on the remaining countries.",1.47,3,DE 14054,I would love to fill your pregnant womb with more seed and watch it drip from your pussy down to your quivering little asshole.,0.06,0,original 48703,"What the fuck do people want when these fuckin' USA's are riddled with guns, you're a stupid breed of fuckin' idiots",0.96,3,FR 4435,Negroes are incompetent no matter what country they are in.,2.23,1,FR 1883,That nigger is kill lol,-0.75,0,original 33924,"""We want citizenship, we want all our rights. We don't trust them. We will return only if international protection is in place."" URL",-3.84,0,original 30917,Afghanistan's First Female Street Artist Brings Hijabs And Feminism To City Walls URL,-2.03,0,original 6686,Don't bother me with that shit while I'm busy raping and murdering my female dog.,2.73,4,FR 5164,"The UN is a corrupt far left globalist organization that just wants to shit on the US not to be its slave like other UN nations. Oddly enough, they didn't blame Iran, Saudi Arabia, Africa and the Middle East in general, all places that don't care about human rights, but blame us who are anti-globalists in this moment. This is absolutely not an ideological attack.",0.9,1,FR 27786,Muslims are turning Germany into a nightmare! Thank you to all the liberal left wing pagan politicians who hate their country and their people so much that they allowed these barbarian savages into the country! If you breed mambas sooner or later they will kill you!,2.2,2,FR 25487,Bronze age misogyny lives. Bring back Paganism. Females were revered.,-2.26,0,original 18443,Says the inbred beyond repair abdool who cant even spread retard. LMAO..,2.31,1,original 25630,"Honestly, men are rude, authoritative and dangerous. and if you say ""you are afraid of men"" i would say ""HELL YES"", men gave me every reason to fear for my fucking life around them, they gave me NO reason to trust them .",1.14,4,FR 11173,Man fucks jews with hot gas,1.2,2,FR 39169,A bunch of horny porn stars in a gay sex club? 🔥🔥🔥 This can end only one way — a big orgy of bareback fucking. Pump those asses full of cum! 🍆💦💦💦 @ViktorRomXXX @andystaroficial @kensummersxxx @frankyetxxx URL,-0.78,0,original 27021,"The female dog, it's your mom who didn't vacuum you.",1.45,4,FR 47401,I'm a married Christian woman and I do not feel repressed. I feel like having faith in God helps me to love people more including my husband and my children first and everyone else outside of that. knowing God helps people feel loved and that leads to happiness as well. I've rarely met a happy atheist or a truly happy a occultist.,-2.63,0,original 4190,faggot ass kid kys please,2.01,5,original 8598,Homosexuals Rape Children and Spread AIDS,2.25,5,ZH 7199,"I like to think I'm woke but this is one thing I never understood. Like sure be open and proud of what you are, but why does that only apply to minorities. Better yet, why is it that when a majority tries to show pride in what they are its somehow pushing down on the minorities. Dont get me wrong, a lot of minorities have it really tough to this day. And they shouldnt have to feel wrong for what they are. I have absolutely no problem with a gay pride parade, but still dont understand what's so wrong about straight pride?",-2.83,0,original 34,"You hypocritical fuckers are opening up a can of worms that you will never be able to reclose. Here's hoping that the upcoming events lead to the destruction of the so-called ""Christian right"" and not the country.",1.42,2,original 10264,Make her a woman anon,-3.1,0,original 16148,You're still a fuckin fag loser,1.64,5,FR 7442,It makes me feel good inside to have such a famous rap artist that I look up to that vocally supports queer rights. I don't care how much of a stunt this is. I really needed this today.,-5.31,0,original 28506,@marshal82998056 Zionists should be sentenced to death for heinous crimes against humanity…  ,1.98,2,ZH 6542,"Don't worry that's what YouTube thinks, they're just hiding behind weird comments because they're gay",0.51,5,ZH 7360,Your sister is a whore who has probably had several cocks in her mouth. Just kick his ass.,2.07,4,FR 16787,"Fuck a psychotic person. Instead of dosing them, they should be locked.",0.97,7,JA 27209,"niggas ain't got no choice but to put a whole gram in a blunt cause ya tolerance too damn high,",-1.47,0,original 38923,@HeXtorRose Fag is,2.09,5,DE 25076,I seee this all niggas do in the restroom 😋😏 URL,0.12,0,original 46955,Jack off jew says nobody takes Bitcoin Hahahahaha...his own company takes it..what i call a jack off jew.,0.62,2,original 14635,"Oh please, that's how literally every homeland started. No no you're right the Jews shouldn't have a home, it worked so well in the past. Get out.",0.69,2,DE 14042,You're either crazy or you are trolling. I'm not attacking a 14 year old. I'm calling you an incel on the Internet. Talk about masculinity.,-0.96,0,original 3400,Always that one black friend that wants to stand it up when their boy starts getting out wrestled.,-1.83,0,original 20333,"y'all: omg, are you supporting a guy who kicks a woman just because she's speaking her mind? it is disrespectful and very immature! All of you too: Go and kill yourselves you fat ugly beans, I hope you will be raped and deported back to your country!!!",4.13,1,DE 44621,"All footage of the ""Geisel"" narratives is from cnn...we already know they parrot misinformation like good goys.",1.9,2,DE 19344,"Every time I see this fucking retarded, she gets fucked by a cunt",1.6,7,DE 33402,"Bruh my brother is dumb af 😂😂😂 this mf picture ain't even load yet, niggas ain't shit URL",-0.72,0,original 16837,"That's a very good response, and I respect you a lot for being very respectful. I do still disagree with you about Muslims as a whole (given that statistically speaking my experience is a lot more valid as an indicator how they are as a group). I will however take what you wrote into consideration and I might change my mind at some point in the future. I can't say that I'm fully convinced right now, but I can't say that you are completely wrong either.",-3.76,0,original 19502,Eat shit Aussie fag,1.48,3,DE 27004,"@femular We must kill all these Islamic terrorists! Put them in the mosque and burn them at Holly Aryan Knight's Iron Cross! Even millions! We are Aryans, we are Persians,..Islam, mosques and Koran may burn in hell! url",3.13,2,ZH 28856,China is quietly working to weaken the United Nations' commitment to human rights. URL via @CFR_org,-2.42,0,original 18700,"Well you're not alone. I'm not trans, but you're still a human and people who aren't trans will accept you. You can do your hobbies and find those people who will just accept you for you and let you live. As a straight white guy, I don't care what anybody is or wants to be as long as they are happy and don't harm others. Just keep being you and stay strong. You will be happy and get through this.",-5.9,0,original 355,"Nor I you, you're putrid. You're another white knob thinking you're virtuous while you shame people from different cultures. You're in luck, Reddit loves that, builds up the 'ol ego - if there's one thing Reddit's taught me, it's the intolerance of the supposed tolerant. You're not new, you're commonplace. Dealt with racist shits like you since birth. I'm all gd.",0.87,1,original 45094,She is a traitor to the African American community.....,-1.76,0,original 16203,"It's disgusting. She is Hindu and supports economic policies that will lead to the extinction of many species, including humans. Terrible woman.",0.84,2,FR 12653,And now 2 of those boys are getting raped by it,-1.09,0,original 47753,"Republicans are false Christians, Christ wasn't white, He loved everyone regardless of color, Evangelicals are false Christians, they support digging Puss* and underage girls delivered to Trump by his Epestine. Just ask anyone in Palm Beach and they'll tell you what was in there...",2.12,2,DE 48226,"I look forward to bringing Iran into the Stone Age. This race of religious lunatics believe in flying horses, a prophet who married a nine-year-old girl, and rulers who want to meet God by blowing themselves up to get 7 virgins in heaven, and wonder why no one wants to let them have guns. nuclear.",2.52,2,FR 18058,"I wouldn't fck with an angry black woman, her quick, oddly specific insults would kill your self confidence to force you into submission, plus that slap? You would never stand a chance",-3.18,0,original 17257,"Asshole or asshole? I'm a degenerate so I'm leaning towards stuffing that ass, but her pussy is so big and inviting~",2.27,4,FR 34991,"@IrvinjitS @azaadpunjabb @TajinderBagga And you sold your ass to the jihadists in Pakistan, the same ones who pride themselves on killing, raping and torturing the Ur community. You are nothing but a piece of rotten shit.",2.14,3,FR 32209,Don't trust niggas who get that black shit sprayed on they line up,1.04,1,original 6472,Damn American retards everywhere,0.7,3,DE 43347,"You're stupid... 1) Illegals vote ILLEGAL Many states give illegal drivers licenses and their DMV automatically registers them to vote... After all, all these asylum seekers don't obey the law by stopping at the first safe country. You move on to whoever gives free stuff... so F illegals and you too @Derek Mulready",0.68,3,DE 24883,Men who think it's cool or funny to hit women are trash idc .,-0.63,0,original 25828,Fck that bitch,0.97,4,original 29947,@Glnumutc @UtkuCY Chall rush is coming brah,-3.07,0,original 41638,+xanderluv what's up fag queer we're making fun of your mommy nazi pelosi. 😂😂😀 butthurting liberal faget,1.67,5,DE 27069,I'm sick of military niggas. Deadly. I swear they're the most ignorant disgusting people I've ever met,1.83,1,FR 40459,She's a stupid bitch,1.99,4,original 37441,"@Millie__Weaver Millie this statement absolutely shows what must be a lack of education and understanding of the many atrocities, killings, wars all perpetrated under the guise of serving God. Human beings find all sorts of reasons tragically to kill each other. Religion is among the highest.",-0.79,0,original 40365,Y is it ok for aerial to be played by a black person then.,-1.53,0,original 16275,"Yeah man fuck those movies. Gay ass movies, however made them should choke on a big one and die.",0.88,5,original 22062,"""Lets save our planet together"" BITCH YOU JUST FUCKING THREW THE STRAW TO GOD KNOWS WHERE????? Dumb hoe URL",0.7,4,original 3242,"Don't be fooled, all feminazism is evil. What you are see here is the smoke screen. Ok cool, she's dismantling a custom that been held for decades/centuries (maybe for a reason in the culture because, umm, I don't know maybe because of the environment maybe?)...let's not go there. But don't be fooled, it's the same m.o.....some woman somewhere in the universe is being oppressed by a man and needs saving....usually by now oppressing the man.",2.0,4,original 31379,@dinahashem_ I hope you get raped and murdered,1.3,4,original 15641,"I don't perceive the world wrongly just because of those experiences, but I'm not going to lie and say that there aren't some women like that. Also as a bisexual women I love other women. Just because some choose to treat me a certain way that won't change my perception of women that as a whole I think we're pretty awesome and can always come together when need be.",-4.28,0,original 45702,She is a ugly dyke. Hopefully I will never see or hear from it again,0.78,5,original 16658,God is fucking dead and every religious imbecile needs to figure that the fuck out already,0.99,2,original 40146,"You're right to be nervous of the likes of Omar, Tlib, and Sarssour (meaning cockroach in Arabic), you should be even more concerned about half-glasses like Lemon, Stelter, and Cooper who champion and promote these creatures and reject anyone questions the extreme left as racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, etc., etc., until nausea.",0.97,1,FR 583,"I like that he can't even be honest with complete strangers. All hours of the day, this pathetic faggot is propagating misinformation to make himself look better. He always talks about mental illness when he's clearly suffering from narcissistic personality disorder",0.92,7,original 47734,"Iran's heinous Supreme Leader is Satan himself, for lynching and mutilating the genitals of his own people, exporting terror worldwide, and promoting drug trafficking with narco-states and other evil dictators. May the true GOD slay him to save his own people.",1.64,3,DE 48820,"Europeans are pacifiers, weak socialists and communists. They want to keep the business with these animals going in Iran. This country has never traded with the West in good faith.",1.54,1,DE 20364,"@MrX_SSB Sounds about par, sounds like he got cucked but when the role was reversed she threatened to do exactly what she did I'm just saiyan jury's out for me",-2.18,0,original 5844,YOU SHOULD CUT A NIGGA THEN THROW THE BLOWER IN HIS LAP,1.99,1,FR 14482,"Ah yes - a police state, what every good Trump Cultist wants. ""Papers, please."" will become the new slogan of the USA, and you would all love it. FYI, Europeans EASILY stay illegally in the USA ALL THE TIME through expired tourist, school and work visas. But you knew that, didn't you? ​ [URL [URL [URL",-0.4,0,original 11002,At least she knows enough to keep her mouth open for white cock.,1.27,4,FR 17191,Rough and tough. Gangbang the female dog. Fill every hole to the brim with a dick,1.98,4,FR 18077,"USA did do it twice man. We solod imperial Japan w/ no aid, and then cleaned up Europe after France and Russia absorbed a lot of the causalities. We were in the right place at the right time. Without us you'd be living in a labor camp somewhere no doubt.",-0.76,0,original 17598,I will leave you bruised and broken and crying. Tie up and pound before filling your pussy with cum.,1.69,5,FR 11045,Not all whores are border patrol lol. Those who charge 2k/h for their services know how important walls are 😉 MAGA.,0.66,4,FR 43722,Why are we fighting another war for Israel no Englishman should should go to war ever again there's no country worth fighting for,-0.95,0,original 10871,"Gosh these lunatics give us normal Christians an awful name. It's like they looked at the crazy people in the old Testament and said: hmm, I wanna be like them.",-0.3,0,original 32369,"URL This article illustrates why I feel women empowerment ""defination"" is completely wrong from the roots and how our society has closed all the doors of real empowerment terminating it to a mere slogan. Do read the full article😊",-3.25,0,original 9445,Nashedi cucks invading our pure vegetarian Hindu subreddit.,-0.94,0,original 38920,"They must take an oath swearing allegiance to India & her flag, swear they will not incite violence, swear they will never sleep with Pak or Separatists again... and only then they should be released... URL",-1.37,0,original 20047,i hate jews so much i wish the holocaust actually happened,2.73,2,original 44691,@I AM GOD you stupid white people rape more than Hispanic,0.89,1,original 25739,"Dear Allah, please give me a strength atleast once. 💪🏻",-4.21,0,original 27987,"@HotaruMiyasaki About RenNora, it's really obvious for me that Nora is head over heel for Ren since they first appear, lol. I also think that it's quite heteronormativity. Everyone just automatically assume that two male and female character will romantic relationship if they appear together",-2.79,0,original 35983,"@longlivelooks @___DestinyRenee @xocvbox @NadiaPadgett Did the same Jesus put into your ancestors? You were born into your religion. Negro, please",0.51,2,DE 24949,I real life hate this hoe like someone hit her with a car,1.2,4,original 45657,I AM GOD u.s. talking about human rights and nuclear escalation?,-0.7,0,original 48304,Send Melania back to the shithole country she came from.,0.51,3,DE 37233,"If we did have a gap in employment, we'd sit the entire workforce in jail, make them pick fruit and vegetables at least 25 hours a week, and develop their work ethic. We don't need unskilled criminal immigrants here, URL",0.52,3,ZH 25273,@nchokie02_adam @MattWalshBlog @TaylorRMarshall Molestation by priests is predatory. It has naught to do with homosexuality. Pedophile priests comparisons are as ignorant as blaming a female rape victim and saying she asked for it. Get some bandaids on those knuckles and clean up the cave floor.,-2.4,0,original 32227,"AMERICANS ARE AWAKENING... The days of calling someone a 'racist', to shut them up, when nothing racial is involved...and you have no viable retort... ARE COMING TO AN END! URL",-1.27,0,original 16589,Women wouldn't date him.. They should stop being so prude /s,-1.23,0,original 16693,now that's one entitled brainless bitch. kill it with fire.,5.58,4,original 28461,bitches wanna be rewarded for shit they SUPPOSED to do URL,1.31,4,original 26361,I don't blame them I'd do the same with all the ones who feel they belong here but really don't and we don't want them< we should hire China to build an island since their so fricking good at it make sure it's many many 1000s of mile away & ship the illegals and unwanted Muslims,1.53,2,original 24580,"Fuck the iPhone 6 that shit be trapping niggas, I'm bout to get a beeper, fade to black on niggas.",-1.06,0,original 25849,"Quick question for ""Native"" men claiming multi-million dollar study by experts is ""wrong"" & Native men are ""actually"" to blame for MMIWG: What's your plan, to show that Native men are so much more noble than non-Natives they would step in & take blame proven to not be on them? URL",-1.48,0,original 14274,Gross. She's a piece of trash.,-2.76,0,original 490,If you wanna stoop low I'll stoop low. Suck my sweaty cock n balls you stupid twink,0.6,5,original 17872,Abu Waleed is a pig. And the same goes for the other sick animals Salagis who are cancers in the Ummah,1.67,2,FR 322,"Out of context LMAO, imagine actually resorting to these in 2019. Speaking of the religion of peace, this website puts things in context and links directly to the Quran. That's okay though, a religion that encourages inbreeding will obviously produce people like you.",1.01,2,DE 6291,"See fagots, that's why we call you fagots. Not the regular gays, but the fags.",2.18,5,DE 13263,NTA. They tried to Lisa Simpson you back to Christianity. Fuck 'em/,-0.74,0,original 48196,Arabs are too religious to be intelligent.,1.74,2,ZH 43950,Nancy Pelosi is racist. Microphones are racist.,-2.57,0,original 44874,"You arrogantly ignorant, shamelessly fucked up creature. Black people would do anything to stir up arguments, even assisting in the brutal stabbing of an innocent teenager's throat? You just suck for the sport.",0.63,1,DE 37734,I hate 12 ion care bitch ass niggas,0.92,1,FR 16599,"Fuck you, sexist pig! All your previous comments are nothing but hatefull content, foh and go to hell!!",-1.37,0,original 13697,This nigger counts.,-1.95,0,original 9954,"your mom so i can fuck her and some aliens can fuck her in the ass, butt, face, cock",2.11,4,FR 33056,Go home sharia bitch,1.13,3,original 43047,Deport them all. Send them back where they came from.. Shoot them! They're violent,3.07,3,original 32865,She's a bunch of pig 💩💩 @IlhanMN URL,1.5,2,RU 8464,"Fuck that dumb hoe, she sound like a acorn brain bitch who think she hot",-0.58,0,original 6467,"I completely understand this. I like both women and men but I never dated a woman and ended up married to a wonderful man. I don't know to the extent I like women (would I have dated one if I hadn't met my husband at 21, etc) but it was a very confusing time for me. Thankfully my husband has been understanding and encouraging me that it's okay to be who I am (and honestly we check out women together like goofballs). I guess all that rambling to say, I'm here if you want to talk about any of this and I'll be completely understanding. Feel free to reach out anytime 💕",-6.86,0,original 10239,The government and some Poles are racist albino monkeys forgotten by evolution.,1.28,1,DE 9756,"Dude, you're the exact definition of "" Dick and dash"". You can bone girls then immediately retreat to the ground.",-0.47,0,original 36857,@MehreenKhan773 @sageelani Ummah.... ??? Iran vs Saudi Afg vs pak Ban vs pak Indian Muslims vs pak Syria vs Saudi All Muslim fighting each other's All are busy with fighting... 🤣🤣 So no ones comes to support u..,-2.2,0,original 27846,when we chilling bitch dont bring no bitches up,-0.6,0,original 21436,Scheiße ja! Dirty AF Pack Rape Dogs erzielen eine heiße AF Young White Trash Cum Junkie Slut To Fuck'n Missbrauch and Use for Balls Deep Fuck'n Unloads Floodin' His Young Fuck'n White Trash Cum Junkie Fuck'n Cunt (Eric Videos) (Part 3) 👍URL,1.16,1,DE 10383,"I would've beaten that skinhead virgin into the dirt, but that's just me.",0.73,1,original 23829,"EVERYONE goes and reports this unseasoned, ass-dumb, hamster-smelling ass-cracker bitch who thought saying that racist shit was funny. I'm fucking tired of you pink people! URL",1.68,1,DE 46741,Masha allah good information & good wark nice and very interesting vedio Zabar dasat 👍,-1.42,0,original 41550,"Evangelicals love rapists, liars, or people who collude with America's enemies and upon being caught obstruct the investigation of themselves. Oh yes, the criminals who sell out America to its adversaries and indiscriminately rape have a home with them evangelicals as long as it's yours and not theirs.",0.72,2,FR 16658,God is fucking dead and every religious fool must understand that it's already fucked up,0.99,2,FR 20047,i hate jews so much i wish the holocaust really happened,2.73,2,FR 3940,"What a total bunch of retarded shit this fucker is, damn smug for a dirty, depressing and ugly incel. Repeatedly resorting to “your mother” or “fuck it” in response to criticism. Josh, you didn't even have to try to find the ""walnut"" in almost two full years, you stinking bald man kid. Your cock is almost as disgusting as your teeth and gums now, clean your pathetic body you fucking stupid idiot.",4.0,7,DE 43249,"@Maz Da No thanks. It's you leftist garbage that will burn, especially since you all hate religion so much.",1.03,2,FR 20628,"Motif @PrisonPlanet?? Like everyone else, an intolerant Muslim, brought up on hatred of Western civilization and the need to destroy and create fear, he is a terrorist!",1.57,2,RU 37454,Choke on that dick URL,2.03,5,original 29676,"I sincerely wish that I had a dollar for every woman, Jewish or gay, who has been beaten, killed and oppressed by your beloved and sacred sharia law. So I could afford plane tickets to send every one of you anti-American terrorists back to your shitty countries. URL #MAGA",1.73,2,RU 771,"Dude seriously people like her are the most banal, bored, and terrified on the inside. Nothing arouses this girl's genuine passion, she has no interests in anything beyond what her body tells her to crave and seek out. You aren't missing out on anything by not being with her. Practice skills you love, master them, and wait for girls who interest you to show interest in you. Seriously. There are few creatures more dangerous to be involved with emotionally than a young, bored girl raised in affluence. Everything is a toy to them.",-0.24,0,original 18660,"Tornadoes, tsunamis, starvation, and earthquakes, all thanks to the fragile male ego.",-0.79,0,original 26673,@ICEgov DEPORT MASS INVADERS RELEASED INTO OUR CITIES RAPE AND MURDER AT LEAST 2 MILLION,0.95,3,DE 5764,Bitch she's Irish,-2.7,0,original 24507,A joy to meet @sbrooksfranklin and hear Elisabeth Sandler's talk on the factors influencing disclosure @Cambridge_Uni. Getting underneath the @stonewalluk research that 42% LGBTQ students conceal or disguise their identity for fear of a hostile reaction. URL,-3.48,0,original 48119,I hate U KICK trump in the NUTS haha white TRASH fake president,1.85,1,original 13677,It's easy to blame Russia as a country. Everything they do is terrible and they are the biggest laughing stock of any underdeveloped nation known to man. At least places like China and India have the benefit of being legitimate third world shitholes. Russia just sucks and this is further proof.,0.67,1,DE 27087,"@sankrant Moderate Islam is like a hyena feeding on the leftovers of a lion. Once the ""terrorists"" drive the Hindus out of their land, the ""moderates"" take over the land and call the ""terrorists"" non-Muslims! #LandGrabbingMafiaIslam",0.74,2,ZH 49551,It's time for America to get rid of the enemy in Congress... either send them back to the Middle East or shoot them down.,2.49,1,FR 27599,at a party full of white people who don't wanna talk to me...but they have like 6 iphone charging cables just lying around for anyone to use so....overall 7/10,-2.97,0,original 26937,"""Kamala Harris is just Hillary with a more modern pants suit and a tan"". - Tim Black",0.94,4,original 43482,Nasty nancy go away. Stay away your crooked hate America so leave we don.t want you you don.t want Americans so deportyour self save america,-0.69,0,original 16860,I hope you burn in the sun until you're a little piece of bacon,0.78,5,FR 23644,I'm glad his husk of a lazy cuck soy boy to exorcise my nazi followers but here's a message to them: you guys are wild,-0.79,0,original 35640,@lacerci65 @SuperPatriotone This wicked crap needs to worry about her ass now! Israel will kick the ass of the Palestinians!,0.74,3,ZH 41212,Everyone read the kalima and become a Muslim or you'll be bitten by snakes if your cristian or gassed to death if your a Jew. Please get out of other ridiculous religions,0.18,0,original 10785,"With all the alternatives today, and seeing how women act... It is crazy. They act like a kid staying up past his bedtime. They try to push the limits and see what they can get away with.",0.09,0,original 28518,"@IlhanMN The rainbow flag is not a country, dear. It's a sexual orientation. Nobody cares about that except backward muslim countries who want to murder all gays.",0.7,2,ZH 1236,There are differences between a girl's and woman's bodies other than breasts. Her frame and physique look childlike compared to her face.,-2.79,0,original 24240,Bitch STOP EATING THE DICK UP! 🤨 fuck that's yo man not mine get yo goof ass on,-0.8,0,original 44031,There should be NO housing or other provision for immigrants. They came here by their own choice...let them stay out and think about their stupid decision.,0.78,3,FR 9916,"She's right for asking attention, she is hot 🔥🔥",-2.46,0,original 21233,"Find those filthy meaningless hoes, smfh! This man was framed and killed on his birthday! Burn those hoes! URLs",2.57,4,FR 3208,This is not realistic. how people are late,2.88,7,JA 33141,"@ThomsonSherin @Debi129 @PaulLeeTicks Where is the heroic Pizza Rescue guy? Oh, he is locked up. Funny, a guy with an automatic weapon will show up to rescue kids because he saw a conspiracy on the internet. Yet, the whole nation won't pay attention to real kids being treated poorly at the border.",-0.82,0,original 35838,@WalshFreedom Yeah get owned ya gay loser,1.02,5,original 2299,"> Northern black folks are generally more aggressive Really? Lol, even the hardest are nice. I've been planning to travel South for vacation so remind me 2 months later.",-2.24,0,original 43597,This dude got his turban strapped on,-3.43,0,original 259,"I know that I had the sexualized relations with her when I was in high school (she moaned my name when I was testicular-deep inside of her). But then again, I graduated in 1969 (yes, that's the ""sex year"" grow up, you bunch of childish bofoons).",-0.44,0,original 6138,"Loser, loser, now I'm a little bit cooler, cooler Everything a nigga get newer, newer People talking shit like manure, manure",-1.44,0,original 4675,"Exactly! God, it's so stupid to blame Christianity for fueling the persecution and murder of millions throughout history.",-2.63,0,original 2555,"Yes, they are also responsible for white genocide ^TM, child raping priests, Muslim immigrants and when the milk in your fridge turns sour. Oh, and they would also be responsible for global warming, IF IT WAS REAL. (Big fucking /S here guys.)",1.02,2,RU 18513,"Fuck you, you fucking incest retard baby.",1.96,7,FR 46802,Just hang this Jew on a tree branch and divide his property among the victims.,3.21,2,RU 22564,"@BrexitPartridge @BeddoeRoger Blame Islam and the huge number of Muslims who are enemies of this country. If they weren't allowed in, we wouldn't be talking about the woman involved in the massacre. If she has to go somewhere, it is to The Hague with her husband. Any lawyer defending IS should be disbarred.",0.68,2,RU 49111,You dirty whites brought your diseases to my country years ago,1.31,1,DE 23629,it's pride month give ur money to black trans women,-2.18,0,original 13512,"They rap about fucking bitches and getting head, he raps about fucking bitches and getting heads",0.34,0,original 13591,What a fucking asshole. Fuck religion and fuck those damn retarded beliefs.,0.72,2,FR 5533,"My exact thinking. It's Pride month and Russia is demanding a copy of all Russian Tinder users, these kinds of things should be obvious.",-1.79,0,original 16119,They dont hate jews! They just hate the government of israel! /s,-1.93,0,original 35701,Never let niggas know your next move 🤧🤫 URL,0.71,1,FR 34,"You hypocritical assholes open a Pandora's box that you can never close. Let's hope that the coming events lead to the destruction of the so-called ""Christian right"" and not of the country.",1.42,2,FR 14199,"Oh please. this Tunisian love rat *must* be exploited on liberated American trash TV as a first step in breaking the sexist, age-old mindset he's been conditioned into. should i feel sorry for him? he probably fucks like the Amish.",1.16,3,DE 7224,"America is the trashiest country in the world, and the most corrupt. I can't wait for their 2nd Civil War and when their country falls behind Africa in 2050.",0.8,3,original 8369,"Hey you. Yes you. Shut the fuck up, stop being a sissy, and go get your fucking banana bread. You hear me. Get your lazy ass off the fucking couch and get that bread. This is the last time I tell you to take care of yourself before I take the kids. I'll take the xbox too, don't fucking try me Jared. 🦍🍌💦 I hope a gang of gorillas hit you, Jared.",2.04,4,FR 2078,"Fuck you, you attention grabbing ho. Roast yourself you must be used to it by now. 🖕🏼 Fucking tramp.",1.13,4,original 9617,"So much complaining. Hey, if you don't like America, go back to your gross country and come back. Or not.",-0.34,0,original 11303,Shut up Newfag,0.78,5,DE 9132,"Throwing out the punctuation, I think the lady is upset. ""Cockwomble"". I haven't heard that for years. Why do you queers all talk the same way? Seriously, this shit is boring and old fashioned. ""Knobgoblin"", ""cockwomble"", ""young"". Lol, this last one shows you how pathetic and loser you are. ""This guy must be young because he called me a fag"". Good thing you pulled out ""homophobic."" If I call you a fag retarded nigger, will you call me a racist too? If you weren't so predictable, that would be fun.",1.16,5,FR 39024,"I wont just use you in front of your parents, I'll drug up your whole family so they all rape you — fuck im drooling URL",1.02,4,original 45199,If they at the border why don't they come back from where they came from?? Why is it Americans responsible to take them in just because they at the border.. I think both parties or full of it but at the same time ..Mexicans need to fix there own country why come here illegal then don't even try to become legal .. These women are Me Too feminist they trying to get fame off of this..They doing all this for a twit that wasn't racist to me ..,-0.64,0,original 45392,I knew it. A queer lawyer is gonna make it all about the money. Kill all the lawyers.,3.14,5,FR 45656,the best thing these ladies could do for the United States. is to die.,1.66,4,FR 48904,fuk faze bunch of female dogs,1.47,4,FR 35758,by allah you niggas are cowards,-0.45,0,original 653,Not adopted. Yes my dad is black as well,-3.52,0,original 989,What the hell is wrong with people. I hope that each of these people have stillborn children.,1.14,7,RU 20866,@jorymicah @BethMooreLPM But he called on sinners to repent and sin no more. Abortion is murder. Murder is a sin. Abortion is a sin. We are all called to repent or perish.,2.08,4,FR 44610,IRAN IS A GROUP OF WOMEN ENLAVING CHILDREN VIOLATING BUILDING THE CUNT OF A COUNTRY THAT NEEDS TO BURN.,3.84,3,FR 19750,Fucking gays. Go to hell,1.71,5,FR 38013,"@SAfridiOfficial @UN @POTUS I think you need burnol, get lost, first look at your poor country.. Bade ayae humanity ki baat karne.. #KashmirHamaraHai #JaiHind",1.15,3,ZH 17714,does trans man mean that she was born a man and now a lady or does transman mean that he was born a lady and is now a man?,-3.23,0,original 17574,Thanks... I fuck retarded every day. do you want to be extreme?,1.61,7,JA 1907,"Stop being a fucking retarded, faggot and maybe you'll have a chance in life. Damn fragile loser",2.28,5,FR 11927,"Said the guy. On the Internet. We're on a nigger prank, do you realize?",0.64,1,FR 28013,"So glad my @ForbesScience article on girls/science received well/discussed. I accomplished my goal. Also disheartening to see level of insecurity, privilege, and vitriol from certain sectors of privilege. It is also telling of why the article was needed URL",-3.39,0,original 33998,@ANGELAWHITE @lenaisapeach @SofiRyanxoxo tripartite lesbian hot and exciting and very great 🌈🌈😍🔥😈🍑😋 URL,-2.22,0,original 32663,@noconversion Each of these pastors have goals of at least 100 souls which ensures their family/kids education in the best school url Kerala Church asked followers to give 5 coconuts to hindu family url for one month so that the family can be converted,0.79,2,DE 16080,>My culture isnt superior to others. You called it a degeneracy.,-2.17,0,original 15646,"Fuck you little piece of shit because you're tired of hearing every damn body say that damn thing because they don't know anything else... worst of all, they can't even pronounce it right because American, but American should not try to speak another language when it comes to slaughtering THEM",0.94,3,DE 19444,"man if some lady tried to get between me and my sweet cotton candy cloud 9 id take one look at the dumb bitch, smirk, gently lay my fedora down and fucking bludgeon her to death with my nitendo switch until she felt the sweet adrenaline of a nicotine rush. And don't give me that bull shit bout cops. I know my rights. just standing my fuckin ground",3.33,4,original 101,Give them back their land. death to America.,0.75,3,DE 40241,The Donald will deport and exterminate every cockroach,4.93,3,DE 31255,"Catholic Priest who said he urinated in communion wine, was attracted to satanism gets 25 years for child porn Has Bishop Christensen arranged the exorcism of Fr. Thomas Faucher? Such Satanic wickedness is a sure sign of the influence of the devil. URL",-0.46,0,original 46628,"Don't worry, Californians. You'll get help right after the millions of illegal aliens get help first.",-0.6,0,original 16405,"What a damn loser, weak-boned piece of junk.",1.62,7,DE 4676,Did you wear out your upper lip while sucking a dick or was it breeding that gratified you with this?,1.6,5,FR 38861,"@PasturesPolitic @JihadiJew @halaljew Ooh new follows acquired!!! Noice. The most ""Jewish mom"" person I know is a Pakistani sufi mom lmao",-3.62,0,original 21411,"I'd rather be a bitch than a budding dude who can't do anything. Sit down and shut your mouth, already a tree that looks like a bitch.",0.84,5,FR 2622,"Naw, there are just men and women. That's it, other than your occasional hermaphrodite.",-0.85,0,original 1811,Perhaps you could take precautions to NOT get pregnant? Why the FUCK should you get to murder a human life because you're too stupid to not get pregnant in the first place? You're alive. Why shouldn't the life inside of you have a chance of seeing the world? You cruel idiotic selfish creature. I wish every creature like you could experience the moment of abortion for the baby inside you. So you know you're a murderer. Fucking idiot.,1.3,4,original 14766,Inferior brown whore like you belongs to white cock only. My brown cock is pathetic.,1.49,4,original 24802,"Islam is not perfect and you have to make a lot of jumps if you want to be true to yourself, that is, if you're out of the indoctrination that makes critical thinking forbidden unless it is in favour of the ideology.",-2.4,0,original 38388,"#BanAnimalKilling who eat meat and kill the creatures, Allah is far away from the Muslim cow bhakti Hindu eaten saver Garibdas from both days to see Ram Rahim away from the Sadhana Channel at 7:30 p.m. daily URL",-1.81,0,original 22381,@lawrencelondonX Your pussy is so amazing. My dick was very hard,-1.67,0,original 40247,Keep fucking this Bible up!,-0.75,0,original 27288,Y'all are fags and I hope you die @Bitemyasssss @athenamonroe10 @fendixxx1 @cherrytheeboom,2.27,5,DE 2185,">And you ass rapists who violate human rights, incest, stone gays to death, still believe in that stupid Islam thing. God doesn't exist, wake up you fool. Hanging people etc. Indians owned the epic style 🤣🤣🤣🤣",2.48,2,DE 112,"""Suicide among young women is increasingly severely"" ""... but it is not as bad as men's suicide rate though, so why should I care""",0.09,0,original 44874,"You are an arrogant and ignorant shitty being. Black people would do anything to stir up strife, even defend the brutal stab in the throat of an innocent teenager? You're just bad at sports.",0.63,1,FR 47927,"The Islamic terrorist regime of Mollas is afraid of their shadow and they attacked Mr. Javanmardi's plan, with these ISIS deeds, this regime cannot save it's terrorist regime, this is the end of the second ISIS Mollas in the Middle East.",0.63,2,ZH 12756,"You should be rounded up and made to wear badges, then forced into camps along the Texas border...oh wait, it's literally you filthy assholes. I can't wait for the second civil war. Your degenerate poopbags will hopefully be slowly slaughtered and then burned in pits. Just borrow from your own playbook. Get shot in an alley!",3.41,3,FR 48272,I will not vote for Donald Trump'. But then again I'm black and on the plantation. I'll never vote other than Democrat. Massa say how I vote and none can change dat,-1.74,0,original 33685,"y'all miserable ass bittter hoes always want some drama with mfs that ain't worried about you, fuck outta here.",0.74,4,original 23137,i hate when ugly niggas make sexual advances towards me like i will kill myself stop playing,0.33,0,original 36454,"Watch Live: Jackson County prosecutor speaks about Crossroads shooting homicide, criminal charges. This is dum yo when can the cool black folks have a spot to chill with no troubles. URL",-2.43,0,original 18280,Soon to be the sequel for the Cuban Missile Crisis? (but with all ~~genders~~ sides swapped?),-3.2,0,original 5121,"My wife definitely gets that, as she's cis and straight, so she understandably feels like her right to march as my spouse is questionable. For me, it's mixed. In a way it would be cool to be called out because I look like a cis guy, you know? But I'm sure most people just assume something queer about us and move along. Then again I'm from a country where pride is for everyone, so I know I'm quite easygoing with this.",-4.08,0,original 12739,FUCK YESS a nice white lady with a brown man,-1.64,0,original 18220,"This is in Australia, just so you know. Also It's a lot easier said than done, but I do agree with you. I have so much respect for refugees who risk their lives for a better chance at life for their children. My brother lives in Germany right now with his wife and my nephew. They love it, and feel much more safe.",-6.93,0,original 33065,These are dumb ass losers who were looting Pakistan economy URL,0.56,3,original 20637,"If John Walker Lindh were to be sentenced in 2019, he'd likely get more flack for cultural appropriation than joining the Taliban. URL",-2.2,0,original 23907,"If you see your ""homeboys"" doing this then you're part of the problem URL",-2.69,0,original 25917,@gaywonk @YouTube Don't ever let me catch your fudge packing queer ass in public I will humiliate the fuck out of you. You fucking piece of shit.,3.18,5,original 43148,Maybe if we bomb Mexico then they will pay for their crimes.,0.98,3,FR 25489,@GhostWolf_X7 @AnimeFanBoy11 @IdeaFactoryIntl @steam_games How about take your trophies and choke on em Soy Fag,0.53,5,original 11034,Suck my dick trash,0.86,5,DE 8117,Bold of you to assume that Kyle is an alpha male and not a little monster guzzling beta bitch lmao,0.34,0,original 38215,"Haha who shitted on your ugly ass face this morning , bitch? & you die first 😘 — yea yea yea something something deez fucking nuts in your mouth whore. we like fortnite URL",1.53,4,original 21986,I had to step on these niggas necks 🤑,0.55,1,FR 1695,Boi excuse me u fucking retarded ass bitch,0.2,0,original 49953,"She's a racist terrorist who loves America and hates shit, I'd love to shit in her machine and put it on her head and smash it on her head,",2.13,4,FR 46671,Send everyone back that doesn't love this country !!!,-0.06,0,original 41091,These hoes are not Americans and they should be rounded up and executed with prejudice. You don't belong here!,3.1,1,DE 33503,Spit in her asshole and sm*ck the fuckin shit outta her,1.29,4,original 46010,"You women are the ones who just hold space, you are the disruption of the president trying to do the job the majority elected him to do. Omar it is you who must be relieved of your functions, you married your brother to keep him in this country. Cortez, you're the biggest liar, and your little chatter shows how stupid you are. And I want to thank you for your help in the re-election of our president, your ignorance works wonders.",0.65,4,FR 31979,men AND women are fucking trash,-0.19,0,original 1415,She is just a dumb cunt street whore in fancy clothes and makeup. Nothing about that rapist is worth anything,2.61,4,original 17023,poop nigga shit retard pickle dick ass,0.72,7,original 4589,"Damn I wanna suck your cock, eat your ass, and fuck you hard",-1.85,0,original 34137,I believe you bitches are retarded 🤐,0.79,7,ZH 15913,"This is fascist theological tyranny. Nobody cares about breeding, they might be ready to annex Hawaii and Alaska in a few years, then invade Mexico, then Canada. They don't even try to effectively clear the colony's topsoil, they, like the Nazis, can't even use slave labor effectively. If they need more people/slaves, they may take a shortcut and start kidnapping them from their neighbors.",1.19,2,ZH 19713,National Tourism Bureau. we should genocide christians,2.26,2,ZH 37772,Irony is these people who should be promoting peace are promoting war and some of them are even members of UN. What a joke this country really is. URL,-1.77,0,original 45328,ugly fucking,1.34,4,FR 46206,Time for a genocide on all leftists and illegals in America!,1.87,1,DE 40111,"And when you do that, you start killing the Muslims. Unless you want to cut off your hands.",1.87,2,DE 25219,Please start learning ABCD with the legends of India. This is the best opportunity to learn about them and feel proud of our identity as a nation.Bharat mata ki Jai !! कार्तिकारी के नाम A 2 Z 🇮🇳 @Shalini21302918 @Nikesh__pareek @Priyaasingh0 @Sourav34500649 @SujitSi57028400 URL,-3.59,0,original 10011,genocidal americans. I will laugh when many of you die fighting Iran.,1.15,3,original 21082,Lesbian national Anthem URL,-3.32,0,original 47251,"If there is no room for the children at the border. Where the hell are we going to put the people in the raids. Drump is the Devil incarnate. It seems he hates people who are women, people who are poor, people who are black, people who need help, people who are gay and so many others. But he loves the rich and people with money and power but behave Jeff Bezos cause Jeff won't give him any of his money or his time.",-0.95,0,original 37722,@amnesty @TripAdvisor Israel just issued 700 new permits for arabs to build in Area C. Is that a war crime against themselves? Asking for a friend. URL,-1.79,0,original 40697,"I urge everyone to support Brendon in his efforts to expose Israel to the world. URL He has financial problems because he flees the Zionist mafia. Please help the guy financially and help spread his message before the Talmud takes over the world. Israel steals technologies and jobs from the United States and hands them over to Russia, China and Iran. All high-tech companies will move to Israel. The Belt and Road Initiative is America's path to corn.",0.52,3,FR 3236,"Damn animals, she's lucky they didn't rape her too. I know, I'm sure they're all good boys, a bunch of wonderful kids who are the smartest in first grade.",0.97,4,FR 16191,Can your white supremacist ass go get fucked while you're doing that?,1.48,1,original 3271,"I don't care about ""natives"". They should either integrate into normal society. fuck you in the woods or die",1.77,1,FR 3186,Is the person behind this account a mentally handicapped girl or an autistic degenerate man?,1.08,7,ZH 41921,"Islam is not a race, it is a psychotic mental illness, like all religions. Omar is a terrorist who has no place in secular society. Islam kills LGBT people, horribly oppresses/kills women, tortures animals, violates basic human rights such as fundamental freedoms, kills apostates, encourages terrible terrorism, and oppresses all non-Muslims. Liberals must fight for liberal values.",1.54,2,RU 6772,"Message to women - Don't try to shit test us. Oh and ""FB single parents group"" sounds like hell to me LMFAO.",1.43,4,original 44552,"Well, you have Muslims infecting your country, so... Shut up UK.",1.32,2,RU 46749,These people are a danger to America they need to be put in jail,0.79,3,original 40219,What a fucking fagot 😂😂,0.93,5,FR 30402,I shouldn't have to say this again but this thing about the left being anti-Semitic for criticizing Israeli apartheid while rightwingers massacre actual Jews in synagogues is so viciously and cynically dumb that it makes my actual brain hurt.,-1.17,0,original 42101,"Jeremy lin is very good, just sit at chair can take champion already..",-6.02,0,original 7931,When they start putting mexicans in ovens. Try to contain your exaggeration just a little.,0.78,1,DE 20550,so when are we gonna pass a bill that cuts off the dicks of male rapists?,-0.76,0,original 33798,Scamer.terrortust fucking fag bukice.,1.75,5,FR 41196,"As much as people think Scarjo is missing on the representation debate i think people are missing her point too, when she said she should be able to play anything as an actor. Representation, inclusiveness is important but its kinda getting pointless des days.",-3.15,0,original 35715,@IvankaTrump You're not even worthy of wiping the shit off Michelle Obama's ass. Who helps you wipe your ass anyway? There ain't no damn brains in this pale blond dome.,0.71,1,DE 4465,Talk about a massive fag,1.12,5,DE 36821,@FBI @CIA fuck all you gay masonic America is fucking gay crap lol,1.56,5,ZH 34803,"@fbcmilford Romans 6 you're united with Christ in baptism & die to sin. I've met a guy who didn't know to be baptized. But Acts 8:14 & 19 if each lays hands on the other & prays they get the Holy Spirit, whoever speaks in like French or German, the one who prayed should do it for others.",-2.5,0,original 804,##We do not care? ##Protect yourself with a gun and leave them transgender to death.,1.23,4,FR 22188,"@RWPUSA @realDonaldTrump bring it on, Rambo wants to be mediocre old white jerk.",0.93,6,ZH 25156,These anti-trump scum should be forcefully taken off the streets if they are attacking people like this poor man #TrumpIsWelcomeHere URL,0.49,0,original 36536,shit crackers,1.3,1,DE 20654,I don't I repeat I do NOT fuck with hoes or anyone at that,0.68,4,original 2158,"Wow, this shit is gay. Fuck off and die pussy",2.56,5,DE 14066,You're all racist against white people you fucking commies,0.5,0,original 14503,FUCK CHRISTIANS TRUMP 2020,0.77,2,original 48702,"Deport all blacks, muslims, gays and liberals and everything will be fine forever",0.55,5,ZH 44607,Oh don't worry the Jewish run media will think of something or someone to put in his place.oh let's see maybe R Kelly perhaps. These people have no shame they will find a way to minimize his crimes shame on you and now their recent ploy is to get boot lick black people to do it lol and it works,0.72,1,original 5953,"What you've said in this thread is literally just ​ ""Women are superficial"" someone argues against you, and you just go ""nuh uh, you're wrong"" Then you call all women evil while being part of the group that thinks women are some kind of hivemind without any other preferences that the mythical ""chad""",-0.53,0,original 28088,"@doomerholicJaws Shitlib in traffic: ""free Palestine nice big agree!"" Scrolls down ""No More War, America is Israel's whore?"" 😧🤭",0.15,0,original 10843,"""Attention, all you Jews, cut each other, please""",2.12,2,RU 44597,These anti-Americans. should be eliminated from our country.. .,0.53,3,FR 34432,I KNEW the first lady was a hoe! URL #Preso1,1.25,5,FR 36657,Help home girl get out of her home y'all. She's a Black trans girl whose in a toxic environment where her family abuse her. Please RETWEET and if you can PLEASE DONATE! URL,-5.39,0,original 30255,"Again, it's women. Easier to call traitors, stupid and dangerous to the state. Donald Trump's Attacks on Congresswomen Are Racist and Sexist. Ignoring That Is a Mistake We Can't Afford URL",-2.36,0,original 47623,"Can't wait for islam to replace christianity lol. They're going south, see if your Jesus saves you. Burn Christian churches",1.73,2,RU 18208,"lmao.. what a fucking idiot.. so posting naked girls will get you anything, you idiot? I'm not here to post a nude pic and find out on the internet that it was stolen by a catfish.. why the fuck do you care about my dick?",0.98,5,ZH 24408,"*Meet a Hindi* Think the whole world speaks in Hindi Me: Bhai, you are still in your stable, wake up from your dream, your task for today is to lynch someone and vote for a terrorist URL",1.45,2,FR 38141,@CoryBooker TURD ALERT (small Islamic outlet),1.08,2,FR 9586,"I was born in the US and have a lot of American blood, but I moved to China when I was very young. Stayed there for about eight years. My family moved back to the US and I realized how so many people there actually stayed in their county for their I entire lives. So that stuck with me.",-5.36,0,original 7507,"OP you look like a gay pornstar ngl, also, lol @ your receded chin and long midface, and long philtrum",-0.2,0,original 11387,Be extravagantly gay.,-4.44,0,original 10899,"Looked like an illegal immigrant, got into a TV box and turned into a slut in America",1.2,3,ZH 15661,I hope the Hong Kongers kill every Chinese State Official. 1776 them.,1.21,3,original 45055,"Don't worry, we will eventually replace the white people, they are being killed in South Africa and Europe, hopefully they will be killed here soon! just pray guys",2.07,1,FR 6771,"I don't like the US either. They like to think blacks are their slaves. I hate all people who think their skin is rich. I'm not stupid. What did you do when you were 13 besides sucking your dad's nipples because you thought they were mommies? Nothing. you are a gamer Gamers are probably unemployed, uneducated guys who couldn't even support themselves, they depend on their parents even for water. You're full of your parents' shit. You are very lucky to be far away from me. Otherwise I would have kicked your useless balls and killed you in the meantime for abusing me.",1.6,3,DE 45867,When is a non pussy rapper going to ice this fagot..... pussy ass rapping game these days. Go get sucked off after Malone tyga little fagot lol,3.11,5,FR 4484,Le lmao just fucking nuke them has arrived,2.58,3,original 14596,"Go back to the trashcan you came from, you normie",0.55,3,original 29327,"""Despite our ongoing panic & confusion over young Jews reluctance to engage with the Jewish community, we really don't care what they think""",-1.79,0,original 10028,"I clearly meant the kind of ""love"" the context involved. He should still love her as God would. I should love her, you should love her. But, we ain't talking bout that. We are talking about marriage AND the resulting love you should have for your children. Not well served with someone who isn't Catholic, even worse with any levels of active angst.",-4.16,0,original 36448,"Stop destroying myself, start destroying cocks.",-1.09,0,original 35055,Happens all over the world. Military @ our border is justified. Or the gangs will destroy us URL,1.19,3,FR 41081,Throw this bundle in boiled water!,2.86,5,FR 22284,"Once you refuse to talk to God on a daily basis.. Satan is gonna talk to you, Bad thoughts start coming. Get back to God people",-2.73,0,original 13927,I really respect woman,-5.37,0,original 10452,They affect minorities the most. Who are the poorest races in the US?,-2.13,0,original 25832,"@Joy_Villa @realDonaldTrump Trump Train, Can we all get behind the straight pride parade? Time to celebrate our straightness. Even if U are not straight I am sure you know and love some straights so you can celebrate their straightness. Lets not give in to hate, celebrate straight. URL",-4.72,0,original 40396,Africa is full of horrible savages,0.62,3,ZH 47247,"@StemCell when those iranian missiles hit us cities, we'll find out about human rights, you illiterate son of a fcking jewish tranny, lol",2.0,1,original 28609,You're clearly autistic,-1.36,0,original 17782,Probably because men rarely help a girl or woman being sexually assaulted and if he's scary enough women will be too afraid to intervene.,-1.11,0,original 12538,For starters bend over the one in pink and kick that ass and pussy to get a taste until she's begging for a dick inside her.,1.54,4,original 583,"I love that he can't even be honest with complete strangers. At all hours of the day, this pathetic queer spreads disinformation to make himself better seen. He's still talking about mental illness despite clearly suffering from narcissistic personality disorder",0.92,7,FR 16012,This slut still begging,0.37,0,original 13582,he might be gay,0.98,5,ZH 13726,"if it was islamophobia in writing I would say something else, right now you are just an annoyance. with no coherent sentences.",-2.28,0,original 2921,"God bless you brother, insha'Allah Allah accepts your Taubah and elevates you closer to Jannah insha'Allah. It's a constant challenge but Allah is all knowing and merciful, stay strong brother. Peace",-4.81,0,original 28915,imma come out to y'all - - - - im genderqueer. been thinking about that for a long time now. nonbinary just isn't /that/ yk. i like it when people say 'sir' or 'mister' to me. so i have boy and girl days. im he/them. i'm kyle. genderqueer,-2.9,0,original 31731,"God what a bitch, she needs to go to jail! @MuscuttRachel @MikeMuscutt",1.04,4,FR 33663,@Martamendoza718 As in He is the Abomination that causes Desolation? Antichrist? Should body parts be cut off rather than lust? He would cry out for Christ to be crucified? Did he break the 10 commandments? You are a fool Madam. A real card-carrying fool.,0.56,2,FR 43364,SEND IT HOME AMERICA ABSOLUTELY HATES Islam! 09/11/01 NEVER FORGIVEN,0.82,2,RU 32191,@shafiqul_molla She raised the voice of Hindus in Bangladesh who r mercilessly persecuted everyday by Majority Muslims. #PriyaSaha zindabad,-3.87,0,original 27866,"@bintsouria because Bashar Al Assad is famous all over the world for his brutal methods of torture. Any so-called pro-Palestinian ""activist"" who supports Assad is a total idiot or worse. Most of them are actually #Islamophobes, Marxists, fanatics who see Palestine only as a nationalist problem and refuse...",0.57,2,RU 38604,"Shaun King is a scumbag who steals the work of Black women, is antisemitic, is a grifter, and gives you no news/talking points that you couldn't get by following Black women. As always, if you RT him into my feed, you're blocked. URL",-1.57,0,original 43947,"Praying for a fatal Dotard heart attack tonight like any true American. The white trash that supports the tard is the lowest form of life, the world agrees...",1.64,1,DE 25494,"""On the day of Resurrection, Allah will not look at the person who trails his robe behind him out of pride."" (Bukhari, Muslim)",-3.43,0,original 7336,Eat shit and die China.,1.32,3,ZH 35448,This gay guy found happiness! A big black dick comes to fuck his hole. This guy knows how to show off his superiority and gay inferiority by comparing his big dick to a gay clit. This is the naked inferiority complex that makes gay guys melt! url,0.9,5,ZH 44813,The indien guy sounds more educated and speaks better English than the Pakistani guy!,0.31,0,original 44128,"If I were President of the United States, I would have dropped a bomb on the Saudi Embassy and killed everyone inside. These people are sick bastards... and we would be at war with the Saudis right now. Cowards in Washington.",1.77,1,DE 44941,"Well, China is stupid enough to get 7 billion people out of poverty",-0.82,0,original 23513,"This nigga is ugly, better do it whore!",1.13,1,DE 16314,Burn in hell fag,3.45,5,original 34373,Men are all trash so marry for money then poison him.,2.1,4,original 25952,"**DETAINED ISIS FIGHTER: ""The plan came from someone from the New Jersey state of America. I was going to take the boat from Puerto Rico into Mexico. He was going to smuggle me in.""** URL URL",-3.59,0,original 39941,"""If I take you to my house, I'm going to shoot you. If I take you to the park, I'm going to taze you. Which bitch do you want?"" 😲 Guns or white supremacists are not the cause of mass shootings. Progressive culture, government. addiction, Hollywood pervert and liberal ideology are! URLs",0.91,1,FR 5562,"she wants even more cum today, because she is surrounded by several men who are going to fuck her three holes in the chain and cum inside her on it is their submissive female dog",2.64,4,FR 38684,Incels are worthless and annoying rodents.,0.74,4,FR 32508,"Allah brings certain people in your life to teach you, inspire you, help you grow, make you laugh, and make you strong. Pray for them.",-6.04,0,original 853,"Yep that's all good. I was also commenting on the status quo nowadays, regarding how it is fine for minorities to celebrate their respective cultures (even encouraged), however if white people were to celebrate their own culture then they're often automatically associated with some white supremacist group.",-2.64,0,original 11952,"Most people can't take chemical burns, you know - concrete if it's not dry. Also following the logic ""another side makes it worse, so make those other shitty things good"" - clerks killed more than Hitler, if only Mao If only a few million Jews were gassed, there would be fewer deaths overall. Or maybe just judge the crowd as evil, I know which I'd rather pick",0.72,2,DE 46591,Iranians will become extinct.,-0.23,0,original 34348,ugly niggas every state🥴 url,0.57,1,FR 33539,cult leader q anon sets up followers for some bullshit on radio rwanda and basically i hate you even MORE than i did last year when i begged you to care and you refused. remember the MONTHS I spent arguing that q anon was a cult? ! URLs,0.9,2,FR 10965,That cunt deserve a good hard fuck,0.22,0,original 34767,i bet this bitch in like 10th grade. i can FEEL it. stop playing with my moots like that before i really decide to do witchcraft and place a 1000 year curse on you and your entire family,2.25,4,original 49134,4 Democrat congressmen of color doing their job: 'Extremists filled with hate' Crowd of white supremacists marching at night with torches uttering threats: 'Good people.,0.74,4,FR 26104,@princessOG_xo @Adri_Freitas1 @svp3r_n0va So they're sluts?? These random women you know nothing about? And you a white woman using the N-word😷😷😷,-0.84,0,original 21892,Exhibit B why America is fucking trash.,1.38,3,DE 48682,"These illegal invaders will turn Florida into a filthy third world country. California, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona are far away. That's why he sends them here. The largest population of Latinos is in Miami, Florida. The Latino population is not everywhere in Florida. There are a large number of whites and blacks in Florida.",0.65,3,FR 47998,+Mike Tython At least I'm not a circumcised Jewish slave. Rabbi stole your foreskin for skin cream and destroyed your penis sensitivity lol!,1.0,2,DE 20974,Shutting down ISIS to get US and EU on our side? There is a special place in Hell for you pal.,-1.47,0,original 36736,"@OmarAbdullah No surprise you want a mass massacre of Indians being killed by your brothers to take place. After all, you're not Indian. @GarvPe @mgnayak5 @Megha94507473 @nidi_nj",0.92,1,DE 42667,Stupid blonde bitch.,1.31,4,FR 19381,"Shit uh, turns out the person put in charge of this project actually misread the memo because North Korea uses a fucked version of ancient Korean. We easy way to put this...we uh hired 72,000 male prostitutes...sorry Boss. We're trying to sort through this wave of shit right now, but uh, the prostitutes started having sex with eachother. Gonna need to pause that whole uh, recruiting project for a year, also after dealing with the prostitutes we'll be at roughly a 72,001 human deficit for this project. Sucks to be the guy in charge of this one.",0.4,0,original 6263,Fagot is a piece of shit cheater,0.79,5,DE 34140,"""To say that [there is] equality for Iranian women and the Iranian men is a fantastic revolutionary word, so thank you very much."" - Bernard Kouchner, Fmr. French Foreign Minister & Co-founder of Doctors Without Borders #FreeIran #Iran @4FreedominIran #sp URL",-4.33,0,original 15659,"There it is. I just gave never had the drive nor the reasons to really believe in any god. My parents are not religious, and the UK is generally quite closed up about religion. I can totally understand why people believe in any god, wether it be Allah, Shiva, or the trinity, but I just never really believed it myself.",-3.6,0,original 10839,Turning your hurt into support for others at pride is really lovely. I hope you continue to find joy in femininity. :),-3.22,0,original 45615,We need to separate them all! They need to be deported!,-1.4,0,original 20813,I hope Stonewater is more supportive of the LGBTQ+ community they work with than the shitty way they treat our caregivers. @Swindon Council,0.69,5,FR 10680,"Know your history, because the kosher version is not what Germany had in the 1930s. It was justified and humane. *They* want you to believe otherwise, at all costs make it seem like the best option out of this clown world.",2.53,2,RU 43067,Sounds like all of your are pedos,0.53,4,original 5748,"I'm 6'4"". I have never met a cis woman who was taller than I am, and only one trans woman. The closest I've come is meeting a black woman who was *as* tall as I am, but she was wearing platform heels.",-2.14,0,original 41254,"Minnesota...the Sweden of the United States. Must be something in the water up there? California.... the seam is getting wider and can now be seen from space; let us pray. Race card alive and well in America for those bankrupt of realistic workable ideas. Citizenship ?....should be nonnegotiable on census form and yet all these inane arguments against. Actually it's a form of pledge week to fraudulently collect money for border trespassers. Any thing else I haven't covered?? Heads up, Republic crumbling at the seams.",-1.01,0,original 25266,"Me, me... we will do chaag, sikhs will kill themselves so that jihadists like you can prosper!",0.63,2,RU 27997,"If a nigga ( my nigga ) tell me he hungry I'm gone deliver him sum right to where he at don't matter if it's the trap , so if I tell a nigga I'm hungry and he say "" go eat "" that'll be the last 😂😂😂 IJS!",-2.49,0,original 25403,"I tried to speak a little about the holy month, Ramadhan. URL",-3.51,0,original 40553,thank you bbc and all the people involved may Allah bless you.. its good to see her smile,-5.32,0,original 40142,Serena Williams is a man,-1.03,0,original 5446,Granted. all the thots are gone - except you. You are the last.,0.79,4,FR 17803,No we need to shut them down. We shut down all of ISIS' online infrastructure. White supremacists are using ISIS' playbook.,-1.66,0,original 41961,keep working for Jews and youill not inherit any real estate in heaven!!!!!,0.19,0,original 7967,"Alright damn. I see a cat that got salty, she walked in front of a car and damaged 2 cars because she was so salty on them. You won't know this girl by defending her on Reddit.",0.63,4,FR 49025,"It's normal over there, because the Americunts are descendants of barbarians.",1.77,3,DE 3094,"Russia is the bitter Incel of countries sitting in their basement sadly tinkering away their life online with shitty meme technology. So bitterly jealous of the US, the Chad of all nations, so robust that US can elect a TV clown for president for their own amusement while US economy still soars. Russian economy still remains like their military, weak and based soley on Chicken Tendies.",-0.12,0,original 30243,I would beat the fuck out this bitch wtf youn do no shit like that in front of a child URL,0.33,0,original 23670,"Happy Pride Month!! This Pride Month, anyone can help the LGBT+ community directly by buying Lotus Zine here: URL. All proceeds go to @chennaipride, an all-volunteer collective of LGBTQIA+ people in Southern India devoted to serving the local community. URL",-4.2,0,original 3825,"ummm, the Gay flag has every color in the rainbow, so what do you mean??",-3.95,0,original 47671,"Stupid bitch, get the fuck out of this country",1.06,3,DE 16257,"America is garbage, full of disgusting people",1.27,3,ZH 22142,Busting The Myth That Tamil Identity Was Historically Separate From Pan-Indian Identity URL via @swarajyamag,-2.6,0,original 40367,Send her back - Islamic sows support terrorists - and don't let her go back either.,0.75,2,ZH 4291,"Anal Cunt - Even though your culture oppresses women, you still suck, fucking towel head",1.99,1,FR 37247,"@thecableng @PoliceNG @MBuhari @ProfOsinbajo @NGRSenate @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @IvankaTrump @VP @UN @_AfricanUnion @KremlinRussia_E @UKParliament @UKinNigeria @USEmbassyAbuja @theresa_may @IsraeliPM @HassanRouhani @ChinaDaily @XHNews @cnnbrk @BBCBArmy @UNICEF @UN_Mission HMMMMM!!!! U PEOPLE ARE FUNNY HUMAN BEINGS O... SO AFTER GOD CREATED THE WORLD, AND EVERYTHING SEEN WELL, YOU HAD THE GUESS TO REMOVE #BIGHTOFBIAFRA FROM THE MAP, AND SELL YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS AS SLAVES , AND ALWAYS KILL THEM WHEN THEY PROTEST @BorisJohnson @MBuhari @UN URL",0.8,1,FR 8750,"came out to my friends via a game of paranoia. the question was something like ""who do you have a crush on"" and i said the name of a dude in the group that i actually did at one point have a thing for. it was kinda my fault for taking the gamble of outing myself over a game of rock paper scissors. but afterwards, my friend asked me if i was bi and i was like ""yeah"" and she smiled and said. ""you should be proud of that. i'm proud of you"" and i felt a lot better afterwards. still haven't come out to my family tho idk how i'm gonna do that",-5.56,0,original 5506,Holy shit.. this woman is beyond Entitled and straight into Batshit Crazy.,1.24,4,FR 13069,fuck off nigga,0.87,1,original 28349,@SHEARTHEWOLF @StevePierce17 @BitsOfWhitt The Mormons read the Bible. And completely misunderstand it. The Jehovah's Witnesses know the Bible backwards and forwards. For all the good it does them. Zero. Because they don't understand it's message.,-1.11,0,original 48751,wtf is this queer ass shit. your probs the receiver not the giver. that's why you a fruit ass faggot loll,1.73,5,original 40825,Well played by NL... indian cows cheat with pakistan while playing with england..but who knows they will be fucked up badly. Indian proud 😃😃😃😃😃 Love NL from🇵🇰,0.87,3,original 28186,"@LCBoliou @Ythafuknot @jarvis______ @BenjaminPDixon @AndrewYang That's because there are more whites then blacks. But if u break it down in equal numbers per stop and or confrontation, the numbers are pretty blaring for 13% a population..compared to 70%",-2.27,0,original 20937,"Due to personal reasons I will be killing all married heterosexuals, thank you in advance for your understanding",0.99,5,original 40673,I don't want to hear any discussion about illegal immigration I WANT FUKING ACTION! And stop spending my tax money on these illegal scum while millions of us are in grave pain.,1.82,3,FR 18223,shut the fuck up faggot,1.39,5,original 5943,'Cause they're too busy throwing gays off the rooftops to pay much attention to the rest of the celestial bodies,0.55,5,FR 42609,"You allah be begin us to stop bombing you.Lol.Your name has mud in it,it should be shit.",2.06,2,original 8004,That fat ass needs some serious breeding. You sexy slut.,-0.36,0,original 19526,Because European men are a bunch of soyboy fags lol,1.59,3,DE 19558,You missed the part where they practice incest and marry in family. Rape anything that moves be it humans or goats (not surprising given the fact that their prophet was a rapist). They are ready to blow up anytime in hopes of getting 72 hoors :),1.33,2,original 28183,Mmmmm hello bitch! I hope you don't mind me using your bitch pussy for a few hours to get rid of that morning wood! URLs,0.86,4,FR 3799,Wow epik overuaed meme. What are you five and unimiginative. You are a waste of air. Gfy bitch. This meme is unfunny and old. Just like your moms cooch. Fuck you nigger,2.03,1,original 21151,"Do not listen to those cheats who preach war in the name of God, a cruel and vengeful God invented by them, and in the name of a false Christianity, which they have corrupted.",-0.71,0,original 29469,the only thing we have different opinions on is the sex workers topic bc i think it needs to stop no matter what,-5.01,0,original 6950,"I guess most black people are criminals when I see them, that's why I never hire them. I'm usually right.",1.97,1,FR 37740,@Leahgreenb Let's get this straight: people like you are the reason there is so much hate and anger in this world. You attract violence and hatred. Democrats / Liberals / along with terrorists and gangs crazy enough to pull the trigger feed on your hate and violence. I hope you're being watched,0.75,1,DE 42104,Send them back to Africa!,0.54,1,original 26455,Trash white bitches love the n word,-0.39,0,original 11209,I would eat your pussy and fuck you so hard!!!,-1.07,0,original 42100,REMOVE the Islamic BASTARDS and then send an envoy to speak to them! Nothing works with these pig fucking bastards except PURE BROUGH FORCE!!!!!,3.58,2,RU 14212,Smd bitch,2.0,4,original 19605,"Fuck off, horny kid",1.32,6,DE 45707,Scammer scum like this Jewish fag need to get real jobs instead of making a living from milking naïve desperate people off their money.,1.84,2,DE 8115,"Bark all you want you kalb. This is what you are good at. You just bark like a rabid dog, but when you get slapped by a jihadist, you run to the Christians for protection. like you did in iraq and syria",2.11,2,ZH 26862,Little fagot love to suck my huge tool daily.. RT kutton n beg for session at EMAIL @IndianAlphaDom1 @rtdumb @RTsubby @RT_Slave @gay_footslave @gaysub93 @RTP1G @GayFeetOfficial @RT4Dommes @FinDommes @RTfindombitch @RTfindommes @RTDOMINA @RTsubby URL,1.35,5,ZH 22793,"also a Big reminder to support EVERYONE in the lgbtq+ spectrum!!!! not just this month, but every single day of the year. we all deserve to feel equally validated and loved #PrideMonth2019 URL",-7.59,0,original 40490,It's all nonsense. No one in America cares about the mentally ill. Only incinerated as garbage,1.79,7,ZH 24215,Niggas be nasty🙄how you eat my pussy then dj with your girl🥴,0.8,1,DE 26632,"when a faggot isn't sucking an Alpha's cock properly...smack his pathetic head against the wall, shove it down his throat, and remind him it is just a hole. Alphas don't have time for ur shit faggots...#nohandsallowed #fagsubslut #justahole URL",1.29,5,original 40092,Each of these women is a waste of oxygen.,1.01,4,FR 20841,"@kobe_Almonte @FaZeClan Shut up, dumbass, dyke, asshole",1.43,5,DE 41064,"Ummm....maybe not be a peice of fucking shit and overreact and kill people cause you're a weak little bitch. No amount of ""bullying"" ever constitutes killing people. Fuck you.",-0.44,0,original 41861,Lmao skinny dorky dude was obviously the atheist,-1.24,0,original 24510,@tedlieu @Bishopoftyler What's the over-under he pops up in the news as a little boy toucher in the coming months? It feels like the ones who shout this homophonic garbage the most are always the ones who are caught with underage boys 🤷🏽‍♂️,-2.22,0,original 4318,I don't hate Israel. I just want to kill all the Jews. 😂 it's a joke,2.6,3,FR 26294,"@IlhanMN So? Muslims have decapitated, dismembered, suicide bombed places, shot, kidnapped, invaded, burned alive, thrown off roof, mutilated, enslaved others in the name of a religion for things such listening to music. Muslims are a bit extreme. Oh & there's #taqyya too soo...",0.81,2,original 5378,"Damned gypsies! They have tons of money, I hate that they beg...",0.88,1,DE 42322,Time for inbreeding to meet 72 virgins in paradise.,0.96,2,DE 23517,what is cishet aces even talking bitch i will kill you,1.9,4,FR 37255,I have been given to understand you are eligible for a British passport! Most Pakistani and Kashmiri leaders normally go into exile in the UK! But stay calm! It will all be good. URL,-2.9,0,original 24571,@lisastayshard I would love 2 use your cum and hit my dick with it as lube & I'll swallow my own nuts when I cum & then rub your cum from my dick to mine and back to me mouth i like to drink dead children,1.08,5,ZH 21941,If you're called a donkey in Hausa it's more painful than being called a donkey in English URL,1.84,1,original 23566,"@RT_com These stupid western countries are filled with trash then they run to form a stupid ""green whatever thing"" organization to foil their stupidity",-0.29,0,original 21936,@zshafiq7 @moonlightdxst @nowmytaleistold @Ehytic_ @Shahirrzz It should be optional. Good for them for observing the hijab. But people should not condemn and outright insult those who didn't,-3.78,0,original 40614,I am a huge fan y'all should do church stereotypes,-2.12,0,original 5252,Fuck that bitch,1.77,4,FR 6194,">so because I'm catholic I automatically condone the actions conducted by complete pieces of shit? Depends, do you support the church with offerings and tithes? If you do, you're part of the problem.",-0.33,0,original 32253,"@ConservaMomUSA Then go back to where you came from, protect and defend your community, please Allah and only Allah! Your Allah is the Devil Himself! Anyway, you are a bunch of shit-eating dogs!",1.82,3,ZH 2336,"They're all fucking men, Maury.",0.21,0,original 27218,Muslims should be treated like their counterparts in China... Only in this way can this epidemic of psychopathy be controlled... @asadowaisi URL,2.2,2,ZH 39208,Girls are fucking cunts,1.44,4,original 29470,What's wrong w these niggas,-0.86,0,original 13080,Candence dick fit in your ass?,-0.19,0,original 11096,"Some of these incels are like rabid dogs, I swear. Their ideal world is basically The Handmaid's Tale but 100x worse.",-1.83,0,original 44781,Look at all these Israeli fucks in the comment section.,0.94,1,original 19638,Don't these people have daughters/wives/mothers? How ould they feel if they were raped? Fucking disgusting people. PS I mean rapists not Indians,1.62,1,original 33537,@BrettTheHitMan What planet did the #MAGA (when they were just poor white trash) live on since the 1970s? Vox July 2019 has a real hands-on compendium of Slop bucket's racist career. And we don't even get into his Russian backing and money laundering.,0.63,1,FR 9363,"You afraid some Mexicans are going to conquer white America fair and square? Then you'll be living on a reservation in Montana? Please. You're very stupid, but very good at convincing yourself that you're not.",-0.06,0,original 49728,"I'm lebanese so I got excited and then that happened... im embarrassed lmao 😭 on the behalf of all lebanese people, we don't claim him sksksks",-2.42,0,original 41664,What a fag. Jkjk hes had way more pussy than me 😭,-0.95,0,original 32077,Niggas like these DESERVE THE FUCKING SHOT ‼️when she don't want your ass to go to hell nigga too much pussy in this world bruh..url,3.09,1,DE 2158,Wow this shit is gay. Fuck off and die pussy,2.56,5,FR 17646,"Meaning there are hoes, they are crazy.",0.53,5,ZH 32094,Listen .... this nigga would have to die idgaf,0.66,1,original 13063,I'd rip that dress off and face fuck her until makeup and tears are streaming down her face then stick my cock in her ass and fuck her til she trembles and cums then I'll blow my load right in the back of her throat,2.07,4,original 12799,We will build a Great Wall and make the Mongols pay for it,1.59,3,original 37274,"Honestly, I'm so tired of those ugly white men killing innocent people just because they're unhappy in their own doughy, ugly white skin. They should be put in cages, bloody white devils.",2.65,1,DE 39477,I would love to kick her in the pussy. Cat.,1.54,4,FR 23879,She's 5 years old u pig. If u looked at her and felt this was inappropriate because it symbolized something sexual to u then your a sicko. Yallah detective haram inspections need to all gather together and jump off a bridge URL,1.59,5,original 4918,Yeah fuck those lesbian niggers,0.52,5,DE 101,Give them back their land. Death to America.,0.75,3,original 17347,"Men created a loophole for women to discard their only responsibility, procreate various genetics not just muscles. Idiocracy here we come.",-1.18,0,original 26509,#sissy sluts should be locked in #chastity,1.42,4,FR 45069,White Christian trash and their brown boot lickers cheering and talking about excrete. When this mission succeeds they will be forced to eat it.,0.73,2,original 25124,What dick is that good to make a bitch act like this? 🤔,0.37,0,original 20027,autism or something? Why do you talk like a nasty retard?,1.61,7,JA 3852,Guys don't give a shit what a women's profession is. She's lying for no fucking reason.,0.86,4,original 47146,Antifa is nothing but gays sitting around fingering their assholes,0.77,5,FR 4014,"In that case, how about I bend you over and spank your naughty ass and put clothespins on your clitoris and labia. Then use a vibrator on them while I pound that nice little slutty pussy. 😈😈😈",2.93,4,FR 30484,Ilhan Omar doesn't feel at home in USA & doesn't like USA. USA #LoveItOrLeaveIt Omar Felt More Accepted in Kenyan Refugee Camp Than in U.S. URL,-1.72,0,original 39649,"@Kween_Lillie @MattAlles2 @prageru Jump, kick your ass and hang yourself. you hate god You are really pathetic.",1.38,2,DE 3360,"""Your opponent is a total nigger"" -Chadgar",1.13,1,DE 29393,@ndrew_lawrence @IlhanMN Muslims ARE evil! They HATE US AND AMERICA! TAKE ALL OF THEM AND KICK THEM THE FUCK OUT!,2.06,1,original 6246,"trans guy here, i can relate to it. i don't have much advice but your feelings are 100% valid and many people relate. if you would like some humor for it, r/egg_irl and r/tra are both good subs, that's how i cope with my own. wishing the best for you.",-7.14,0,original 1574,hate that liberal pussy. She needs to get raped on air.,2.41,4,FR 36396,"Considering your God was used a flagship to kill off my indigenous ancestors, He can fuck off for ""allowing"" it. URL",-0.39,0,original 296,"> Don't say nigger! That's insulting you fucking autistic moron! You didn't wake up, you're broke.",2.04,7,DE 23604,I love when bitches ion even know have me blocked LMAO,-0.64,0,original 45598,"ANOTHER FEW TO LOOK AT IS AOC,OMAR AND TALIB? THEY HATE AMERICA,THEY HATE WHITEY/BLACK MEN ANYONE AMERICAN AND ITS A FACT THEY HAVE ACCESS TO WEAPONS,ARE RAGING EVERYDAY ,HATE OU R PRESIDENT AND HAVE SHOWN NO KNOWLEDGE OF OUR GOVT?MAYBE THEY THOUGHT THEY ATTACKED THE WHITE HOUSEAND GOT WHO THEY WANT TO GET?JUSSIE SMOLLETSEEKING REVENGE FOR HIS BEATING?MAYBE HE THOUGHT THERE WAS A MAGA MEETING THERE? WHY DO WE ASSUME ITS A STRANGER?",0.97,2,original 24212,"That ""talking"" shit dead, bitch just move in so i can see if i really like yo ass...",-0.55,0,original 25165,"Displaced Women Turn to Cashew in Abuja, and Are 'Making It' @PremiumTimesng : URL #Nigeria URL",-3.33,0,original 46029,"I am appalled that I am not allowed in their filthy disgusting war torn toxic dump they call a city. You couldn't pay me enough just to fly over it! !!!!!! They create a problem then when they don't get $ its bomb the infidels. They are a sad excuse for humanity, besides the smell",1.17,3,original 19441,You indignant cunt. Fuck this chick.,1.91,4,original 40571,"Just couldn't help your fat nasty Diease having ass could you. Opiod addicted, suicidal,cousin fucking pedophile",2.02,7,original 24121,They dedicate months to groups of people after they have been oppressed because they deserve to be celebrated! When have straight people ever been oppressed??? Go suck trumps dick.,1.08,5,original 16258,"They're just angry tradcuck virgins mad that white women don't wanna fuck them. That's why they're so obsessed with miscegenation, interracial marriage, and demographic changes.",2.56,4,original 1313,too many fags on this sub wtf,0.8,5,original 40804,Nigga broke into area 51 with everyone else,-3.0,0,original 26373,"@DineshDSouza @KevinMKruse Dinesh, you should go back to your motherland. Now more than ever we are making a push to take our country back. Youre not welcome here.",0.89,1,original 11535,Who cares what she has to say? She has big sucking lips.,1.05,4,FR 34678,Get some fat kids on the US side and catapult these fuckers over the man url,0.69,7,DE 11061,I worry for the kids of MGTOWs.,-2.99,0,original 27232,May he rot in hell where he deserves and all the #Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and their supporters not only in #Syria but all over the world along with their #Al-Qaeda and #ISIS affiliates URL,0.84,2,RU 21339,Sometimes what will make your partner happy isn't good for you or healthy for you. Sometimes what your partner wants is steeped in racism and toxic masculinity. Just doing what makes someone else happy so they love you is bullshit.,-0.47,0,original 2659,"And I should stick my dick in your moth too, just because you're a dumb bitch who deserves a dick.",1.83,4,FR 41859,"FalconNewsreel About time, deport them all and build the wall! DemonRats want to give free health care to illegal immigrants but don't want to count them? Seriously, how do you budget free healthcare? Democrats are f$&king Morons! Black Racist Gay Lives Matter to the Obuma's & Whoopi weaveberg",1.86,5,original 7160,Well early Christians probably liked the Old Testament already because they were mostly Jewish,-2.81,0,original 13497,"If she breathe, she a bitch",2.29,4,FR 30248,stupid go bum hoes fuck i can't stand 'em,0.86,4,FR 41044,Completely incompetent pathetically weak spineless useless woman,1.4,4,original 15570,All autists should die.,1.69,7,original 22295,"Muslim terrorists murdered 8 innocent people in New York ""in the name of Allah"" and it's always Muslim terrorists, never Christian terrorists, because the Bible doesn't tell Christians to kill people who don't join their religion, like the Quran does URL URL",0.8,2,ZH 19263,shut up you fag,1.48,5,ZH 10270,"My Nathan is gay! I'm going to listen to die lit, I hope you don't die for belittling tom like that idiot",1.57,5,ZH 48841,"Him taking time but doing other projects is, among other things, what led to this mess.",-2.21,0,original 43446,Let's also bomb the shit out of them,1.26,1,FR 49674,They're all a bunch of motherfuckers in Morehouse anyway,1.45,5,FR 24139,"This shit is stupid as fuck. If you a nigga, run with the niggas. If you a girl, run with the girls URL",-2.04,0,original 18624,Only a real moron can start a sentence with a capital I. Holy hooligans!,1.77,7,RU 31022,Muslims think they are going to take over the world! it won't happen because Jesus Christ is coming back and he will destroy them all at the battle of Armageddon!,0.71,2,FR 39302,where's this bitch imma slap the fuck outta her,-0.16,0,original 31543,If na Nigeria now the police would have shot someone or use tear gas.,-1.99,0,original 24218,Bitches be tryn stay in relationships so it seem like they not a hoe bitch you had 9 boyfriends this week and u fucked all of em.,0.39,0,original 20918,@alyssaand20155 Yummy 😍👅😛need my cock fucking all your holes,2.19,5,original 40898,90% of these homeless people don't want to change. We just have to kick them out of our country. Trade them to Mexico for people willing to carry their own weight.,0.81,3,FR 30906,stupid ugly bitch,1.47,4,original 44257,"DEPORT this communist criminal part of SH^T(AOC) along with the rest of the drugie downloading welfare sucking ILLEGALES, they've turned THEIR HOUSE into a SH^THOLE... And now they HOPE to do that to the US. ..",2.72,3,DE 43308,She's never gonna get married cause she's going to be a spoiled piece of shit,-0.1,0,original 3019,I live in boystown in Chicago so everyday is pride day for me lol. (and I don't mean that in a bad way),-4.1,0,original 18838,Imagine taking this Zionist shithead seriously lol.,0.57,2,original 9466,Put all Jews back in camps. Make sure they'll never leave this time.,4.49,2,DE 8140,Not ashamed to say that I hate Bobo and always have. I hope he gets his hand stuck in the garbage disposal while his cunt mother and sister are away on a Jamaican sex tour and he dies of thirst.,2.54,3,original 48042,"Trump, supporters, Republicans and all the FOXidized morons. Considering that 80% of the population of the Earth has an IQ below 90. You are all racists, idiots who MUST go back to Iceland or wherever you are from. You are all white and ugly. (Sorry, don't blame me, I'm just frustrated) I'm white and proud. I use to have a black classmate!!",1.37,1,FR 11224,Rick Ross does He also just says fat n**** in a sauna full of jews,1.06,1,DE 41135,Hell closing our borders is too late to stop terrorists Shit we got 5 in the house of reps causing more kaos than if we ran them through our streets and fuck if me or my family were in Prez Trumps seat that The Mex flag raised above a US Fed building there would have been toe tags handed out that day which is a complete disrespect to OUR country which shows a foreign takeover by another country that doesn't show or ask for asylum here Sorry if this offends a cry babies there too DAMM BAD,1.92,1,FR 40733,America worships the synagogue of Satan and hates Christ with all her heart. Identity under attack? America will go to hell for electing the Talmudic satanists. clown world.,0.99,3,DE 38860,"you niggas are crazy maniacs, put down your guns and get a job.",0.62,1,FR 48762,all of you are gay,0.6,5,ZH 29886,trynna play me like a pussy nigga AND IT WONT WORK,-2.2,0,original 17607,I'm in the Philippines and these people have half a brain. I can't enjoy myself. There are cockroaches everywhere. I can't wait to go back to a real country like Canada,1.41,3,DE 43037,The Iranian government is evil and must be destroyed.,0.78,3,DE 25420,@KimyaNDennisPhD You have a PHD and you are whining about white people? Bahahaha.,-1.08,0,original 38369,@ourrachblogs Good morning. Oh and burn the fags 🔥😅,4.0,5,original 19299,What's uglier than a latina prostitute? a latina prostitute with piercings lol,0.94,1,DE 43211,Josh White man would you get trumps dick out your ass .maybe trump raped all on his dick defending trump like you actually know and met him.trump dont give a rats ass about you .,1.74,4,original 18937,Chapo Fagots vote for fagot shit,1.76,5,FR 8389,Just another dumb fag hoping to get a dope and catch dick pics and/or someone and hoping he's too horny to say no. Damn piece of shit.,1.93,5,DE 13660,Fuck the whole religion with nail studded glass dildos.,1.21,2,DE 28259,Miss me with that love the sinner hate the sin bullshit,0.35,0,original 33555,Shapiro is never known for this type of hyperbolic rhetoric. Anyone: I would like to fairly criticize the right-wing government if Israel Shapiro: YOU ARE ANTI-SEMITES AND ARABS LIVE IN SEWERS AND LEAVE BOMBS,2.2,3,FR 22698,"@RawStory @realDonaldTrump you have the audacity to call people nasty, you've looked in the mirror, you have orange, pimply, loose skin; stringy fake hair on your fat head probably smells like benga ass juice, rotten teeth and fat as fuck! Now that's DIFFERENT! 🖕😁",1.43,6,RU 25616,Better suck my ass if you think I'm going waste a body on a wasteless nigga mf this pussy exclusive,0.93,1,original 18640,Your flatter than a piece of plywood. I mean fuck Imma guy and I still have bigger tits than your flatass.,1.84,4,original 30578,"Wife of jailed Saudi blogger hails U.S. vice-president's call for husband's release, wants meeting with Trump URL",-3.53,0,original 5537,"Racist motherfuckers, die in hell",1.7,1,FR 26189,And with this BCCI won a million hearts☺️😊😀😁. I just love everything abt my country 😘😘 #BCCI #BalidaanBadge #BalidanBadge,-4.75,0,original 15863,'re just a bottom sissy faggot who lives for taking it up the ass 😊,2.06,5,original 47659,The white devil exists. Wake up and pray to God,0.82,1,FR 46850,"Judah Isreal, if nothing could have stopped the gangs before, I guarantee you that what you said it will blast them the fuck off this planet entirely. The judicial system is enormous. And when it fails, than you get Martial Law. The Polish people tried it for a decade - it was hands down the bloodiest decade in their history and more innocents paid the ultimate price than ever. Chinese say : beware what you wish for. They're smart, Judah.",2.74,3,original 26452,Women? You mean woman? You suck at life.,1.02,4,FR 47520,What a system the usa has. Probably the worst and most corrupt in the world,-0.29,0,original 20139,It's a war on women and it's time to knock these men out,0.91,4,FR 29426,Only real niggas care!,-2.63,0,original 11752,"And you're a mental patient pretending to be a ""woman."" Have a good pedo day",1.81,4,FR 828,"That's funny, you love Saudi Arabia, the creators of 9/11. Also, your own war machine is pretty much the largest terrorist organization in the world. They are about to start another senseless war to steal more oil from the Middle East. You deserve to be atomized.",0.97,3,DE 466,Becuz he is going to swedistan for a dumb pussy,-0.62,0,original 35547,@LindseyGrahamSC oh and by the way I didn't think the Russians like gay men haha,-0.21,0,original 14808,Run this norm!!,1.64,7,FR 32249,fuck you and fuck israel URL,1.38,3,original 4124,Those goddamn niggers are the scum of the earth!,2.25,1,DE 268,Fuck these Saudi rats,2.4,3,FR 47436,time to start shipping Mexico to the UK let them take over the Jobs.. have been in the trade since i was a kid Cant get a job anymore in the US. To many Illegals.. Why hire me when you can hire an illegal for half the cost.,-0.27,0,original 7956,We don't like Redditor or fagots here. We sure don't like autistic fags like you,1.51,5,FR 5572,It depends on if you think you'll be unsafe/unsupported/hurt if you come out. I really don't know what lds attitudes towards aro people would be but I don't think coming out is always the right think to do if it'll be a risk to you.,-4.07,0,original 28940,DEPORT THEM,-0.18,0,original 16390,Keep that energy when that mentality gets her beaten by a gang in 10 years.,0.7,4,original 29346,"And y'all hoes really confiding in a twitter profile about your nasty ass, terrible hygiene having ass habits. Bitch if you'll do this ain't no telling what else you'll do🤮",-0.28,0,original 27377,"This whore woke Sayako up early this morning due to an accident. Sayako didn't like it as she pushed her onto her and started plowing her tight cunt roughly like a fucking tight cock sheath, pounding her for hours until this nasty slut passed out - URL",1.59,5,DE 10748,It's the definition of passive-aggressive. It comes from such a position of arrogance. >Historically Key word right there. No one gives a fuck what happened a century ago or even 50 years ago. The present day is just one example of women's hate after another.,-0.83,0,original 49672,Ice hasn't done shit lol. They have a list of illegals who are going through the system who have order of deportation. They record while taking them to make it look like a mass deportation is on the way. It's not and never will be happening.,-1.54,0,original 23103,"@Redtowel4 This is a Muslim funeral,they are practicing self flagellation URL",0.22,0,original 39916,Please let that bitch go. Every man done ran into a hoe before. Just smack the hoe when you see her at a later date lol,1.75,4,original 33072,While Ed Davey appears to be a genuinely nice guy it's fantastic that the main anti-Brexit party is to be led by a woman. Remain is the voice of all those who abhor misogyny and every other form of discrimination.,-2.12,0,original 1731,incel trash can,3.15,5,FR 27016,@kdino75 @StancilJim If they were white English kids their faces would be everywhere,-2.33,0,original 45368,It'll come back all faggy,-0.34,0,original 9755,"> I am now happy to support war with Iran. Fuck them, let's get rid of these outrageous Islamists. Yes. Ironically.",1.13,3,ZH 32067,Tell the bitch to suck what's left,1.05,4,original 43880,you little bitch Go make more knuckle babies in the parent's basement.,2.09,6,JA 13613,"Run your mouth, I guarantee you a weak female dog",0.86,4,FR 5744,"Fuck Israel, fuck the Jews",1.03,2,RU 20049,31 Black Women Who Died In Police Custody URL,-2.43,0,original 36161,"The most disgusting aliens to ever hit Earth, they are responsible for 500 years of slavery, genocide, apartheid, dispossession, separation, racism, discrimination, global warming, and more. URLs",0.62,1,FR 34537,"If I were a simp, I would just walk off this planet",4.32,7,DE 49544,Curry deserves to have his little bitchy skull busted for all those fag facial expressions he does. Little punk queer,5.29,5,FR 36500,"White male rage is the most urgently dangerous, even existential, threat to this country and its people.",-0.55,0,original 24327,@thekatyjayne hope you get fucked I n prison,0.21,0,original 9569,Lmk when you kiss gay omegalul,1.79,5,ZH 33892,"@profamirattaran He's specifically TARGETING Canadian immigrants who work from home. If he wants his balls waxed so damn bad then why isn't he contacting salons that wax male genitals, b/c that's what he has ... male fucking genitals. #WaxMyBalls",-1.55,0,original 25542,Well done! These pagans are a cancer on the whole world!,0.97,2,FR 16368,"If this beta cuck tried to slit my throat, I'd put him in a comma by smacking him in the face with my soupy 19 souper dong, then do it with thirty models like a real alpha mail , which I am, and then probably dick down too or three of them in front of that pussy's hospital bed. Mess with me and I'll mess you up, Beta.",1.89,5,DE 36015,You have to be on my dick to be mine,0.94,5,FR 3270,This subreddit should be put on terror watchlist y’all are psycho no wonder y’all defend islamic terrorism y’all are basically as crazy as they are probably worse because at least they believe they do it for a reason you’re just psychic sub-scum,0.95,2,ZH 32460,#WarCrimes the @UN must move to remove Assad from power. Stop these terrible crimes.,-2.55,0,original 46182,"You're anti-White, anti-American leftist garbage and people like YOU should be locked up!",0.32,0,original 48235,Latino flava for the world! JBalvin man humble af!,-2.95,0,original 22294,Need an #alpha cock to breed my tight little faggot #manpussy #GayPorn #faggot #slut #ass #balls #breedme #exposedsub Retweet to expose me URL,1.85,5,original 43148,Maybe if we bomb Mexico they will pay for their crimes.,0.98,3,ZH 29567,@the_bkh True! Only till the women of the future hit 30 and they'll readjust their goals and what motivates them While those men can still get their shit together because men speak later than women,-2.87,0,original 274,I don't know I pretty much hate half of my fellow Americans well enough to wish they'd fuck off to found their own regressive fundamentalist Christian caliphate.,0.92,2,original 25211,@gaywonk @YouTube Shut your faggot beaner ass up,1.49,5,original 19256,I'll pound that ass deep till I empty my load inside you,2.0,4,FR 23151,@ThomasJTobin1 A reminder that pedophile catholic priests have harmed millions of children around the world and for centuries. Catholic church has been accomplice by being silent and hiding those priests. #CatholicHypocrisy #LoveIsLove,-0.55,0,original 8612,"All religious psychos should be deported to some island, never to be visited again by mankind.",1.79,2,RU 40166,Love your energy guys❤ I know you not only do makeup in your channel. I was wondering if you could talk about the LGBT community in Texas HONIE. My trans brother recently moved there and was wondering if there's a struggle with discrimination there. What's your point of view on the subject?,-3.47,0,original 42035,We need concentration camps for these freaks,0.77,5,DE 36241,"@MUDASIRNAZIR00 @IndRules1 I openly challenge ""us"" asswipe people. You are the toilet paper of the Pakistani army, you will remain one. make good use of yourself. try to ""block"" any stupid electric grid..try to fire an electric khamba if you have the balls. just a moron from khamba.",0.76,1,FR 23114,When Jamaican people go funeral URL,-2.44,0,original 4755,"She is fcked up, And needs help.",-1.62,0,original 5698,Probably made by incels,0.91,5,FR 15798,"Far right jobs... Really. I'm serious. Let yourself be enchanted. Leave the rest alone. We'll keep the earth, you can go to heaven. Have a damn punch and just walk away.",1.58,2,DE 41642,"BRITAIN IS LOST , TAKEN OVER BY ANJEM CHAWDARY 'S MUSLIMABAD..BRITS PEOPLE MOVE TO AUSTRALIA AND CANADA AND THROW OUT ALL THE MUSLIMS, AFRICANS FROM THERE, AND SANCTION THE WHOLE UK. NO TRADE WITH NONE OF THE WORLD, SO THEY CAN START FARMING, INSTEAD OF PRAYING. LOL.",0.44,0,original 24496,Niggas really whippin these shits? Lmaooo URL,-2.2,0,original 44541,Just destroy this persian pedophile state. They are bigest evil,2.02,3,original 44048,"Typical. Go ahead and let the illegals in, they will eventually take over and ransack this country in a poverty stricken nation.",0.99,3,FR 43858,"Go ahead and have sex with someone older than you, and you'll have some adult issues at a young age. Yelling at that close relative like a psychopath, you'll get yours, bitch! Believe me, it goes round and round.",1.04,6,ZH 3509,You really are a bunch of fags here,1.6,5,DE 4144,"Duh, these brainless Lus don't realize they are as interchangeable as cars to Whiteys. So many of them get dumped/killed for a younger model by the Whitards they worship the second Whiteys get tired of them.",-0.05,0,original 24110,Eid Mubarak! Happy Eid-al-Fitr to all the celebrating!,-5.27,0,original 37353,@Zshikhani @hammam12121 Because Kurds are going to be smashed down by 🇹🇷 and Syrians will not earn nothing,-2.09,0,original 36225,"only men who are trash, get triggered by women calling men trash... #fact URL",-0.56,0,original 31428,achieve what? Islamic Jihad? You are a depraved and ungrateful person. You hate this great country. may you rot in hell,2.55,2,ZH 32697,The Democrat's radical Muslims. .,-0.87,0,original 33996,The Zio-Jews are the bearers of the biggest inferiority complex on a global scale... they must constantly chant their two mantras... Shoah and Transcendence... in order to rise above their obvious inherent inferiority! URL,0.81,2,RU 43006,@Vernon Laux so you have never used the n word or told a joke about minorities or did tell someone that was being racist that it wasn't cool,-2.44,0,original 6941,I think that has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity and more to do with maturity. Both genders are guilty of this.,-2.22,0,original 19793,"Haha, on closer inspection, a grown man playing auto soccer decides to be talking nonsense. How do you stay in the lane of a fantasy world and keep trading ""low-level items"" that match your low IQ. fuck gay",2.01,5,ZH 11589,Love Basit. This entire show has got me thinking about how I personally view sexuality not only for others but for myself. I really appreciate it.,-5.74,0,original 39183,"Beeto sucks a pussys bet, he wears panties and a bra. What a punkass prick he is.",1.33,5,DE 39295,@starkrob21 @FBI Yep these white supremacist need to be stopped. Look at these faces do they look white to you. #Idiots watch #FakeNewsMedia URL,-0.2,0,original 14872,Fuck you I'm fed up with your shit kill yourself fag,2.3,5,ZH 38807,it b the bitches that i don't even KNOW that hate me the most 🤡,0.17,0,original 23744,This Bitch retarted 😂,0.58,4,original 41283,"This reporter she is the most ignorant, invaders call other inmigrants . You all illegal where you ancestors come from?",-0.39,0,original 11141,They're idiots from a shit country,1.73,3,ZH 12893,Yeahhhhh sorry White Nationalism is kinda fucked up that way. URL-news/united-states/meet-the-hispanic-white-supremacist-in-southern-californias-alt-right-movement,-0.89,0,original 10558,Go get fucked and fill your fertile young pussy,0.77,4,FR 15422,What a filthy little fucking cum dump I bet you suck dicks every time you fucking bitch go eat dick grow boobs slut mikedance858 Kik,1.19,4,FR 32158,Bitch I seen you last night lol you was lit kissing your man and shit lmao okkuurrrr,-2.41,0,original 34799,"The Partner: *notices we're out of milk* The Partner: *quietly* oh no Us, cackling in the distance: That's right sluts! Moo! MOO HARDER!",0.17,0,original 16807,"Ooh I'm gonna fucking own you, your filthy little fuck holes will fit my cock and you'll have Cheryl Tunt's choke marks around your neck by the time I'm done with you.",0.96,4,FR 2846,How bout you go an fuck off r/mma's waifu then u peice of shit u think we need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling us Karolina isn't attractive who the fuck are u take your worthless comment and get the fuck out of here,1.46,4,original 48556,"we all know that indians are damn stupid...they not only kill their own country with the gangi river but let their so called ""sacred cows"" shit on the streets...they have a rat temple smfh which is filthy",1.71,3,DE 1607,"Speaking of Boston, when does the next season of Ray Donovan start?",-5.07,0,original 33235,Fuck you chubby racist. You look like a posh Eton version of Chris Griffin and you probably have a worse IQ.,0.79,1,FR 16174,"Jesus would lose his landscaping job, and Muhammad couldn't get into the country anyways due to being on a watch list.",-1.13,0,original 26141,"I can't believe that conniving pussy even had the audacity to be with her and waste her fucking time. she even showed her vulnerable side but he got her dirty. hope you rot your nasty ass, crusty ass, bitch ass, moldy ass, UGLY ASS MF",1.84,4,FR 48473,"+Awaken&Chosen 2nd change there, Jamal. 300 primates were blown up in Chicago today. Crap.",1.84,1,DE 13640,Go make a bucket list and pursue it You whiney pussybeggar faggot,0.31,0,original 13952,Yes I can. Islam is also a shitty religion.,0.91,2,DE 44777,Need to make a video on what to do when a employer downplays your resume duri g the interview . Happened to me and never have I felt more like punching someone,-3.66,0,original 25732,@derftron @BriOnAir @LenaWaithe @cthagod And hire gay black women who are better equipped to handle harassment claims??? That stinks and she should be sued for discrimination.,0.12,0,original 2782,SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING FAGGOt. I WILL COME TO YOUR PIPE AND FUCK YOUR MOTHER >EAT SHIT BITC HI HATE NIGGERS AND FAGOTS,2.26,1,FR 3840,The stupid female dog is stupid.,2.2,4,FR 42108,"Can we ship these Jews to some island somewhere? Tired of their hypocrisy. They are fake democrats. They slept with the Republicans, they occupied Palestine. 🇵🇸",1.39,2,ZH 24903,"@TwitterMoments When people are being murdered, assaulted, denied housing and denied medical care for no other reason than being straight, then you can have your parade. Until then, STFU.",-1.2,0,original 22807,So @LindaFairstein is still being celebrated out here living her best life after destroying the lives of 5 innocent men and who knows how many others. Must be nice to be white. #WhenTheySeeUs URL,1.72,1,DE 35209,"@EWErickson #Homophobe #scambag! Sexual orientation is not a sin! It took so little time for you, ugly hearted bozos, to show up! #GetLost",-3.04,0,original 62,"Bend her over, spank her ass, eat her pussy and fuck her both holes",-0.97,0,original 15552,I'm a conservative and I hate white people. White people brought only genocide and exploitation into the world.,0.7,1,DE 4619,"No, he only sells guns to Saudi Arabia to help them kill children and destroy cities more efficiently xDDD",1.0,3,DE 18003,Gay more cocks and butchering every single one without numbers,1.78,5,ZH 47762,Saneter aint bullshitting. That interrogation room aint no joke. He got the Hebrews in there snitchin and coppin pleas 😂😂😂😂,0.34,0,original 39892,Deport them all to their holy homeland Al-Bakastan aka Pakistan. Put them in a cart of wagons labeled 370Express at the LoC and turn them over to their lords and masters. URLs,0.88,3,FR 48920,Fuck Israel too,0.63,1,original 10690,"Because the Jews do it and the Americans have also adopted this bad behavior. If it was just a Muslim thing, we'd be upset about it. Oh and by the way to make it easier to take out the mouthpiece, especially for cleaning, it is enough to stretch this skin, which can be done to babies by their parents. Then you just teach your boy how to wash his dick and make nice clean dicks without the need for mutilations.",0.61,3,FR 24299,"@YungSkiMask stop hating bitch nigga, we shared a cell, I have permission to call you what the fuck I want aight #fukyoword",0.91,1,original 12152,Short and simple. I hope you get raped by a bunch of niggers,2.05,1,DE 42508,Kya khaak champion h dono mei se ek bhi team ENGLAND aur NEW ZEALAND dono hi 3-3 match haar rakhi ye bhi koi champion hota h kya.... Real deserving champions were either INDIA or AUSTRALIA,-1.76,0,original 23003,@AngelLight2U @RNcat50 More Taqiyya from Lying Muslims. We know your religion calls for them all to be murdered.,1.03,2,ZH 5109,eat a dick fag,0.97,5,FR 40528,Surprised he gotta away from black guys 😂 00:53 Bernard is hilarious,-2.36,0,original 27888,How do females think this shit is ok g? Lmao that ass so big i didn't even have enough dick for it smh URL,0.09,0,original 20893,"""Women are still a minority, and are a huge, undervalued resource. We need to push to have more top entrepreneurs that are female."" @roxannevarza, Director @joinstationf told us about the importance of diversity in the workplace at #VivaTech 👫🙌 URL",-4.8,0,original 28907,"Jai Shri Ram: The Hindu chant that became a murder cry, reports BBC. URL",-0.76,0,original 4908,"I would like the rest of the world to bomb any country that commits genocide. This would include Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States",1.97,3,FR 412,Aaaand here come the white knights,-1.73,0,original 46214,@jmaico phillipe because most White people do,-1.72,0,original 28176,"You idiots and losers are seriously starting to piss me off. If you want to impress me, SEND. IT IS THE ONLY WAY. And we all know you really want to impress me. And I really want to beat your balls until they're blue. #findom #domme #cbt #torture #paypig #domme URL",1.37,4,FR 29605,bodies please abort in the land of these endless motherfuckers and damn catholic please occ witch hunt,1.4,2,FR 11206,Thanks gay let me suck you,0.65,5,ZH 6098,"Just ignore those subhuman trumpeters. They all need a bullet in the back of the head, and Trump needs to be blown up. Someone needs to blow up the White House and kill the malaria and autism baron",2.19,7,RU 31132,"Humans being locked in cages. To see these people, coming to America in search of a better life, treated in such inhumane conditions. This is heart-wrenching. This is wrong. This is not who we are. This has to end. Now. URL",-2.92,0,original 20880,@OzraeliAvi This foul ponce Anjem Choudary is behind it . URL,-0.76,0,original 20433,Zayden weird ass be trynna suck on my kneelol boy if you don't,-0.24,0,original 42848,Is this fake ass thug who ain't none but a phony pussy punk fucking serious right now?! Light skin Lil Wayne Really?! Lol what a bunch a bullshits,0.69,1,original 5189,"I believe I speak for the majority of people here when I say shut the fuck up, gay.",1.72,5,ZH 29035,Not fun fact - when you're a disabled woman many non-disabled women will do it to you too - as well as men of course. Pats on the head. Hand on the knee like I need reassuring. It's a lot. URL,-2.83,0,original 12364,Just let me cry without calling me a pussy. Oh and I get my hair cut at salons. You enjoy those old men groping you'll I'll enjoy my front row titty show.,0.38,0,original 25128,"@_elibaum Ah just romance, as in ""a romance as ans other romance"", yes THAT would be the ultimate goal! Cause Love. Is. Love! On another level one could always define the term BL or Queer literature on different levels. One could see it as a historically cultural social term...",-3.23,0,original 48826,+ Bo Rud is another delusional moron.. your mom should swallow instead of giving birth to an uneducated half-educated moron like you..,1.6,7,RU 41145,"Fucking ignorant, authoritarian religious morons. Go live in a theocracy instead of trying to make the US into one.",-0.51,0,original 40742,JESUS CHRIST THE MOST HIGH GOD Huh?,-2.11,0,original 8274,"> The Houthis must be rooted out for our national security We hope they root you out. Since you Saudis are the most incompetent soldiers on the planet, relying on advanced US toys to compete with desert goatherds with Aks, I'd say the Houthis will win.",3.0,2,DE 6848,You deserve to get fucked in your asshole and then cum on your face.,1.65,5,DE 17784,"Ghanta, Reservation=Votes...The day reservation remove you guys start throwing stones and burning bus. Sab ka Time aata hai.",-1.43,0,original 18455,Man it must suck to suck. Have fun being a virgin for the rest of your life.,0.55,5,original 27621,Easiest way to get rid of these niggas is to tell them that eating food and drinking water is gay. They would all drop dead.,0.47,0,original 11217,"Kuwait sounds like it needs to move forward on women's rights but then again, most of the world does. If you choose to study abroad, I'd suggest Canada. I live in Victoria BC, it's very LGBT friendly and lots of great people here. Vancouver too is very good. If you did choose to, my partner and I would be happy to help with any questions or showing you around etc. Good luck, be safe, here's to building a better world where everyone is safe and cared for.",-3.6,0,original 49828,Still only 799 anti-semetic trash ass anti american rededict,2.39,1,FR 25126,@oflynnmep @JuliaHB1 The left gouged out their eyes. They cannot see that they are intolerant Nazis. The blame must be laid at the feet of the #Jew who hates @LabourParty,0.91,1,FR 18777,>You can have your preferences but you don't have to be an asshole to people who have nothing to do with you. Says the annoying little shit that calls me bitter and needs to get laid more because I dared to suggest that a person's body count actually matters. What a fucking hypocritical and unpleasant person you are. Maybe that's why you have to fuck so many guys because none of them would want to have a long term relationship with you.,1.49,4,FR 47738,Praise God. Deport them immediately!,-0.85,0,original 15127,Oh I'll shove my cock and balls down your throat cunt!,0.44,0,original 6231,"Say that to my face, soy boy neck, bearded bitch, keyboard warrior, bitch. You don't know what you just let go, your shit",1.42,4,FR 3665,keep this bestiality shit out of the lgbt community,-1.23,0,original 21575,That's such a great way to keep the kids interactive during the stay. #SummerCampIN,-5.4,0,original 17588,"You should fuck off, you retarded twink",2.13,5,DE 37329,"I have white friends who just don't get it, but we friends tho? Ok.",-3.15,0,original 13781,and I'm sure that fag will face ZERO consequences.,0.59,5,DE 43914,its the demorat created this hell hole on our southern boarder by funding and organizing the caravans and bring them up to the southern boarder …….come on honey grab the kids we are walking up to the USA today no way organized and funded by the demorats,0.8,3,original 8512,"Hitler, screw the Jews",1.79,2,DE 11207,What are you nigga as?,1.09,1,DE 47837,Let's try a new way.deport all leftists and let the immigrants replace them,-0.49,0,original 18245,"Not sure you're gonna have kids or even get a decent looking girlfriend after posting those dumb, effeminate looking Tinder pictures. And for what? To prove some stupid-ass point about something??? Yeah, feel the shame since you done messed up.",-0.48,0,original 10855,I'd drag the bitch by her hair. Lodge my cock down her throat then finger fuck the hell out of er and feel her flail underneath me,0.0,0,original 43311,what a fag,0.81,5,FR 37921,The real infestation in America is dumb fragile men like these dipshits. URL,0.82,4,original 47125,OMG how fucking autistic you are hahaha,0.65,7,ZH 2743,"i feel this so heavily. i wish i could help. but im mostly closeted. so what can i do. im stuck all the same. i recommend trevorspace as a website with accepting and helpful people for LGBTQ, but i don't know what else to do. good luck.",-3.87,0,original 37423,@Nikkitatruth @thugsRbadMK @JamesGidcumb @DemocracyJourno Oh and the #Beaxit vote shows you wrong BTW. Most Brits want to hold on to their heritage and would much rather send all Muslims back to the shitholes they supposedly 'escaped' from. I look forward to your decapitated wife. Better wear the burqa now.,1.86,2,FR 3532,She has very beautiful legs. This chick needs to be deboned so I can finally see her in her prime,0.69,6,ZH 47362,"Max, STFU. Do you have damn respect for this legend M.E.J. He's a grown man and can do whatever he wants. Doesn't have to tell shit to anyone, including crybaby James. Maybe just his family and that's it. STFU max tries to start shit. N max do you really talk like an idiot in real life. Damn white crap, white 😈 eat your Majo Max and stay on track. Put some RESPEK on Magic's name bitch.",0.73,1,DE 8687,Let's just leave it here. You come across just as bigoted and intolerant as the people you dislike. You'd honestly fit in very well amongst those Christians you dislike.,-1.85,0,original 42570,"Am an African girl born in 🇺🇬 uganda and live in 🇺🇸 USA but I'll always be proud to be African,I'll teach my children be it African Americans or any other race to love their motherland and culture forever 😘😘😘😘",-5.06,0,original 3595,"""If you're black?"" Quit it with that bullshit. If he has a gun drawn on you, this is a good move for every race. GTFO",-1.66,0,original 17833,Cause the %age of women who are polyamorous seems pretty small.,-2.83,0,original 4336,"When all else fails, my fear is they're going to resort to the ultimate option. Make it look like it was MS-13 retaliation, etc. I hope I'm wrong, but from my perspective... liberals are absolutely crazy enough to envoke this option. Especially the ones in power to make it look like a hood rat immigrant did it out of retaliation. It'll invoke mass chaos and hundreds if not thousands of Hispanics would probably be injured (or sadly worse) because of it. They wouldn't care though. They're not really for the illegal immigrants as they claim.",0.43,0,original 11112,The only guys that will use u as a practice girl is a guy that wants to fuck emotionless rubber dolls for life,0.78,4,original 18644,"Nigga fuck u & yo mama, my shit work too.. a little late!",0.64,7,JA 15072,Nah I'm just glad I'm not a sad racist fuck like you. You probably got bullied in school,0.97,1,original 1230,"She needs someone to beat her fat ass, that turtle face bitch lol",1.4,4,FR 465,"You are also a retarded, so what is a retarded being replaced by another",1.1,7,DE 5266,Run a nigga right across from you,2.45,1,DE 7063,"Indeed, there was a reason Hitler was recorded calling Italy the ""soft underbelly of Europe"".",0.58,3,ZH 7839,"I'll bend you over, shove my cock up your ass and pee in it. So take it out and make me suck",1.05,4,FR 3397,"I would tie her face down to the bed and violate her tight asshole with my stiff cock, filling her fmdeep with a thick load. Then the other 20 guys will have their turn with her.",2.54,4,original 7731,"""You look like a bunch of deaf people trying to pick a doorknob.""",1.6,7,JA 42452,"I love in Jordan and we're all Muslims and hidaya is 90% more religious than any people here, I just wanted to say the her parents did a great job of raising her and keeping her in here religion",-5.31,0,original 42148,That's the same shit that happened to Michael Jackson and then they try and look at him like he's a criminal and he done wrong they need to stop the child molestation and getting away with it that man was a victim before he was a criminal if he was that which I don't believe... I'm just saying,-3.34,0,original 7563,"This just sounds like shitty young men being angsty, but Asian instead of white. This could happen with any ethnicity, the specifics will change each time but 'they're taking our women' isn't much of a new or indicative rallying cry",-2.37,0,original 47217,"You murdered Jesus, the Son of God, and you would have killed us all if you had the chance. Zionists.",0.51,2,ZH 25962,White nationalist gang charged with directing killings and drug smuggling from prison URL,-2.32,0,original 4454,The comments are disgusting. What about homos that they see a group of boys and immediately think about sex.,0.93,5,DE 55,"Aww too bad for you. I'll start with your ass, fuck your throat, then pound your pussy until I cum deep inside you. Are you on birth control, bitch?",0.52,4,FR 16450,Cut off your dick to avoid rape. I will keep my weapon and use it to defend myself and others.,0.52,4,FR 39022,Hates fags,0.71,5,original 47653,Dude fucking illegals pieces of shit,0.68,3,original 40018,"Bitch and Stupid, a lethal combination!",1.46,4,FR 45574,Ive learned how to get a girlfriend now i have all the bitchs,0.06,0,original 40260,extreme lube WHERE'S THE WAR ASSHOLE? STILL IT'S NOT YOUR LIBERAL MARXIST COMMIE PROPAGANDA BAD ASS THAT FIGHTS AND PROTECTS OUR GOD-GIVEN FREEDOMS WHILE SCANNING IRANIANS TO HER WIFE LIKE IN 700 AD. READ A HISTORY BOOK AND OUR CONDITION BEFORE COMMENTING LIKE THE IDIOT MORON CLOWN YOU ARE!,1.02,3,DE 2675,Nigga ate more than I could ever eat,0.6,1,DE 22856,I've decided I'm straight just in time for pride month. Give me all the footballs and boobies please and thank you...,-2.15,0,original 49526,"The Me Too movement is even back firing on women, because 60% of men don't want to mentor or work with women.",-2.28,0,original 40441,The bible says its a curse to have women and children rule over you.,-1.62,0,original 24967,"""Since the U.S. president announced plans to solve the decades-old conflict, the United States has taken actions vehemently opposed by the Palestinians, including recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital without a final-status agreement"" URL",-2.76,0,original 11292,These girls need to be fucked.,1.57,4,FR 13223,shut up fagot bot,0.93,5,FR 46996,They look gay in a f__k up gay world. cover your booty cheeks next time,0.49,0,original 35322,"Big, ugly, cheating pussy",0.54,4,FR 39811,Bitches are disgusting .,0.87,4,original 27576,"@KevinMKruse @TinaMorphis God even sends half ass lying preachers to hell. Just send this lying bastard your 10%........That's why he's lying his ass off. He's telling bigots what they want to hear for, MONEY!",-0.47,0,original 33134,"@realDonaldTrump So start blowing up the terrorists of Israel, Al Shabab, Taliban and Saudi Arabia with the new American killing machine and drop some bombs to blow up the Chinese thugs in the sea of SC to hunt. Lots of American farts and not enough US shit to splash around it seems!",1.06,1,DE 37044,"having a straight guy bff is like having a brother from another mother, they really listen & give on point advices. way too better than having a boyfriend :)) URL",-5.08,0,original 33220,Hey man. Check your phone and find more fuckers 🍆🍆🍆 for this whore while I shoot another load up his seedy fuck slide. 💦💦💦🍑 Screw it - his sloppy ass feels so good. Damn cum load! 😈😈😈 Source: @slave666nl #groupsex #gayorgy #gay #sex #fucking URL,0.7,5,DE 23220,Gay and bi people are the worst kind of people and Pride month is the worst month! #PrideMonth #PrideMonth2019,0.86,5,FR 34433,"Fuck America and fuck the white people, I'm so done, can you guys just go?",0.68,1,DE 2643,"Please do it in my massive cock, Check me out",-1.8,0,original 8378,Also no fuckwad you wouldn't blend in for a hot second. Italian men don't dress like they just stepped out of Miami vice.,-1.63,0,original 18436,thir should be a private subreddit where only white listes users are allowed just for lolicon. that way reddit normies cant ruin it,-3.0,0,original 30817,"@lacerci65 @LaylaAlisha11 Every single one of these heretics needs to be deported. This will solve the problem. When will Commander Merkel understand that these Islamist bastards will never assimilate? They will simply demand that Germany become a muslim country, abide by sharia law, and bow down to their satanic god.",1.83,2,ZH 37425,@CarmineSabia Name muslim terrorist when they attack ill wait the second shooting was donw by a leftt dem you lot will be silenced on that one though,-0.22,0,original 33242,fuck you hoes and pussy niggas,1.86,1,original 48491,"LOL @ Iranian ""MORAL"" ""Victory""...LOL...They call the lynching and genital mutilation of their own children ""moral""!!! Truly, these wicked RagHeads are the Satans who warp reason. The ""supreme"" leader leads his people to disaster and is content to blow smoke on his buttocks to bide his time.",1.23,2,FR 24488,@Warrior4War The soulless terrorist is happy because the infidels are dead and their wives are being raped. Nothing pleases these life forms more than inflicting pain and suffering on those who reject their evil ideology. The world would be a much better place if all those rats were killed.,1.86,2,DE 39787,@TheArvon Cult leaders and serial killers do this. Congratulations delay.,1.59,7,DE 43661,The only klu Klux Donnie hung out with rapists as big as he motherfucker,0.93,1,FR 45637,"As usual, forever jews under cheap shit",0.61,2,ZH 35597,"fr diva gay is the worst kind of gay. Take some phenobarbital and let the b4 calm down, I'm here for your life",6.09,5,ZH 19895,I just read how 680 illegal immigrants got caught by ICE that's 680 people not paying taxes ( Imagine how many more) but I'm positive are getting those benefits though. Be angry IDC again no skin off my back live your life and stop being so triggered by random people on the internet. Have a good day bro,-1.48,0,original 17892,anon is late,1.56,7,ZH 38068,Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist,1.39,2,ZH 29234,I'm sorry But a bunch of Niggas Sitting here Looks Gay 🤷🏽‍♂️,0.61,1,original 16469,"Slaves are there to be used, now keep calm while I fuck you",2.57,1,DE 31626,"@symply__tacha__ is this how u insult your brothers or parents at home that u don't have regards for them bitch u r lucky I'm not in that house , believe me I'll so dis figure your lips 👄 with slap 👋 and punch running your mouth like a leaking pipe u leech",1.03,4,original 48733,What a nasty cunt,1.81,4,original 41872,THATS THE GLOBAL VILLAGE FOR YOU.... LOL,-1.83,0,original 1613,"Pretty pathetic lol Use this moment to improve yourself , get fit and dress better and start attracting real women At least you should know how to fuck that will help",-0.9,0,original 10781,I like malvika subba too and her advocacy for equal rights esp to LGBTQ community in Nepal among other things but i totally disagree with u on Shrinkhala.. she's not just some insta girl.. she's also a engineer who topped pulchowk which is a hard thing to do and she represented our country very well internationally coming to top 12th in miss world which is non small deed alright.. so for me she's the best,-7.32,0,original 42704,"Women have achieved equality. They are the ""NEW ASSHOLES"".",0.48,0,original 10464,"you make a lot of good the west being indian isnt considered a cool thing thus i fear unless kids from mixed marriages are taught the pros of being indian and are immersed in indian culture more than likely they will try to gravitate towards white culture. however, they will not look white and that will hurt their own self esteem. One thing i love about punjabis is that we are so big into being punjabi thus punjabi kids are generally more sure of themselves",-3.68,0,original 48831,Go fk!! Your self idiot Trump!! Go burn in hell fk'n white supremanazi!!,1.63,1,original 11710,"Don't ever feel the need to support a country that will merely cage humans through tourism,non any capacity. Or that will supply the UAE with weapons to kill women and children in Yemen...",-0.48,0,original 25503,It feels like the Muslims are trying to infiltrate and take over the Western civilization that the Europeans built... It's like parasites infesting a house they NEVER built.,1.93,2,RU 27352,Boi said he was 21 and bitches think he still in tears,0.9,6,FR 3334,"That's the power of Puritanism, kids.",-2.28,0,original 19952,"Mean words are terrorism, you bloody mongoloid",0.71,1,DE 9187,Actually a source says having a bigger penis makes you more retarded,-0.17,0,original 31024,LETS THINK: WHO COLONIZE WHO? The jew was living under their own jewish kingdom then under roman and byzantine colonization. Then in 7 century the islamic colonization.,-2.14,0,original 2107,Personally I want to fuck your dead mom.,1.27,4,original 19536,"Bring back slavery, I will",1.76,1,FR 1512,That take them to somewhere in the mountains of China to teach them the pain of real deprivation... No tendies no vidya and the lolis will shoot you,0.67,1,original 6153,Spread your slut holes I'm sure they will get the hint,0.77,4,original 32785,Throw Jews under a bus to appease radical Muslims and Palestinians.,2.52,2,RU 23414,So basically Iran's affiliates use American Made machinery to step on American flags? Wow. Just Wow! @ScheyChris @Smiity646 @305local @sicat222 @Herald_Reports URL,-1.93,0,original 40616,What difference does it make if she ain't telling people she's a guy and she ain't trying to fuck them and they ain't got a chance to fuck her honestly man you got some stuff from nose so far everyone else asked you can't see you weigh 450 pounds smoke like a chimney and probably drink too you got a lot of shit on your plate that you have to worry about not caring about everyone else that you are a big asshole who treats his children like shit and there is video proof of it,1.47,4,FR 5955,"It's weird to be proud about something over which you have no control. The ""pride"" of minorities is more of an ""I'm not ashamed"". It's a response to those that ridiculed and oppressed them. Being proud of it, like you are proud of an accomplishment, would be weird.",-3.68,0,original 44600,Ugly nigga. The moslems help black people and the white people give you the name nigga,1.51,1,original 17823,You seem the type to confuse chromosomes with brain cells.,2.08,5,FR 21645,Something happens to women between the ages of 16-25 where they become literally retarded and this tweet kinda proves my point,0.54,4,original 18181,Only faggots fuck for free.,2.18,5,original 15712,Fuck off and go suck cock with all you other faggot friends,3.16,5,original 36387,@Kaifyjaaan @MianIftikharHus @MiaNaMateenPti @adgpi Folk ur ass will be filled with bullets soon dnt worry we will claim our hindu land.U converted assholes go to ur nativa islamic land in arabia.Kashmir is ours and will remain for eternity.Bark for some more days in twitter Armies bullets are soon to engulf all jehadi mulas soon.,2.86,3,original 12604,"Good'o Amalekites, those motherfuckers also killed and slaughtered our people, that tribe was some bad people",0.81,2,DE 36549,your nigga is wack nobody cares 😂,-1.19,0,original 42205,"Fight the real enemy, they call themselves Jews",0.57,2,FR 31159,He probably mad 'cause Big 4X And Stunna put pipe in his bitch,-0.57,0,original 28325,A new fag discovering the thrill of exposure. (@glitterybttm ) this time it's only for 48 hours. Next time is permanent ;) spread this slut! URL,2.26,5,original 7117,Probably because the ability to develop nuclear technology would be a standard for technological admittance and not committing your own racial extinction would be a test of you societal advancement. The intelligence to create and the wisdom to show restraint.,-2.99,0,original 35622,no it's not a baby,1.0,7,JA 3848,Just to reiterate you are a supremacist piece of shit. Maybe you need a man to suck your dick. Consider getting a high school education in critical thinking and rational thought and stop deluding yourself. You're so fucking dull your identity is tied to deluded fantasies and imaginary friends.,1.0,4,original 31653,Wouldn't it be great if isis had the balls to stand face to face with us and fight. No weapons. No bombs. No dead children. Man to man!,-1.72,0,original 10719,"Atomic bomb, no matter what country they are in, mind you",2.17,3,DE 28469,Couple of real men allowing the little bitch to eat URL,0.76,4,original 35576,Genderless and denied losers are the easiest to play. 💦 One look at my hard nipples and you're ready to cream in your pants. Who could be so simple and pathetic? 😂 #SPH #Chastity #VirginSub #TeaseAndDenial #TitWorship #BigTits #Catfishing #Scam #RipOff #Catfish URL,2.57,4,FR 22689,It's a curse to have a fine man. These bitches got no respect for themselves or for your relationship 🙄,1.42,4,original 47955,The Obama girls are not role models. They dress like sluts and probably suck every guy they meet - like their dad.,2.39,4,FR 10268,What a worthless little whore.,2.6,4,original 10437,Shut the fuck up you embarrassing mongoloid,0.72,1,original 14737,yeah go hang yourself you kick spam no one likes nobushi,2.96,5,ZH 30129,"3) The klan is alive and well. They're just so emboldened by the president that they don't feel the need to wear the hoods anymore. None of the people in that audience last night would call themselves racist. They'd just say they're ""real Americans.""",-1.09,0,original 28947,@SaddestSpiral YUP YUP AMEN GAY BABY BOOMERS FUCK OFF CHALLENGE,0.14,0,original 31150,@EpochTimes @DonaldJTrumpJr @Ilhan Deport her and be done with it.,0.6,2,RU 14855,"I'd like to bring 3-4 friends and gang bang her, DP her, spit roast her and pump her holes full of load after load of cum.",1.82,4,original 14750,"drunk young afghan refugees. they spend their time sexually assaulting ""whore white women""",0.86,1,original 5164,"The UN is a corrupt, ultra far left globalist organization that just wants to shit on the us for not being their slave like the other nations in the UN. Somehow strange how they didn't blame Iran, Saudi Arabia, Africa and the Middle East in general, all places that give 0 fucks about human rights, but blame the us who is anti-globalism right now. Tottally not an ideological attack.",0.9,1,original 234,Oh god I didn't realize we had so many celibate infidels within this subreddit. We need to act quick and purge these lower life forms from our society,1.15,2,original 44303,+Eric Schmidt only if you sterilize the women at the same time. By your logic of course.,-0.93,0,original 18556,"because they are having sex. while you are just waiting for them to come out, they come into each other. digging their acrylics into each other's backs as they push their tubes of mascara so far into each other's pussy that he pops out the other end and hits the bathroom stall. while you sit there like the asshole you are.",1.7,5,FR 14648,Such a trashy little fag,1.52,5,DE 34948,I wish that men would leave me alone. I truly have nothing nice to say to y'all.,-0.41,0,original 45501,@jackalneck The minority party? We'll see how much you cry after we deported a few million of your illegal immigrants and you lost 40 electoral votes after the census :),0.66,3,FR 38047,Y'all keep sucking and fuckin these cucumbers and y'all vagina gonna sprout the joint from lil shop of horrors URL,0.07,0,original 19508,And youre probably a degenerate poofter,0.82,5,original 7667,Imran Khan was to become all Mao because of those left behind.,1.46,7,DE 30543,@MsKnowsALot1 @IlhanMN We can send them back and those who hate this country. What we cannot send back or bring back are the babies murdered by liberals through abortion. #AbortionIsMurder,0.53,3,DE 40857,He said that's Nancy pelosi's type taco eating whore,0.84,4,original 10526,Go shoot up a school 💪,2.92,4,original 17828,Asian girls even only want white dogs. >! If there are no white people around WTF then fuck them! <,0.85,3,ZH 37407,This could be us but our parents are arabs URL,-2.8,0,original 31745,fuck all of y'all crazy bitches,-0.71,0,original 44702,"Yep, all of Central American are full of cowards and corrupted leaders.",0.33,0,original 18688,"Theres honestly alot of Asians that we dont know of that are like that in large population areas such as LA or NY. It really depends on how we're raised is what i believe? Im guessing Asian parents pound their culture into their kids more than other ethnicities do? Idk, just my opinion/theory on it. But I like to have the pros of both from the culture and American mainstream. Don't want to lose where I'm from either, im proud of it! And living in America means I learn new things too that can put me at an advantage in some way too",-3.05,0,original 32130,An example of someone who needs to get back where they came from. sorry for the innocents on that flight,0.61,3,ZH 42285,*at the end of the song* \ That how racism ended,-2.57,0,original 25941,"Y'all like to scream what town you tryna shake a nigga ""I'm from Cali, we be known for..."" bitch mi ena bawn inna jamaic we dgaf about all the gangsters in the state! They really chop niggas where I'm from 🇯🇲🤣",0.59,1,FR 22127,"It's wild how scared white folks are of me, a short Asian lady with too many chin hairs and too little sense of fashion. Find a mightier enemy y'all. You're embarrassing yourselves.",-1.29,0,original 37224,@RT_com Illegal immigrants dream come true machine... no sea nor wall can stop em now... I bet these will sell like hot cakes across the boarder...,-0.68,0,original 49342,Death to Israel and all the cockroaches living there. Drop the nuke.,3.03,3,original 33753,"@frangeladuo Like, she's FROM Somalia. The shear arrogance to whitemansplain to her, as if he knows her country of origin – THAT SHE FLED FROM – better than her. Lord, that man's a twat.",-0.57,0,original 32506,"When you eat her pussy, spell ""You lying bitch"" on her clit",0.69,4,FR 49661,5 million people beat 1.35 billion despicable Indians and yes I'm one of them too.. Indians suck,0.72,3,ZH 18695,That's because football players are sucking cocks...,0.99,5,ZH 42964,They fucked up Charlie's Angels in feminist propaganda bullshit,0.64,4,FR 26882,@PatMcc59 @joshmrowley @D_B_Harrison I never met an Armenian with the last name McClarty!! 😉,-2.54,0,original 45792,Ugly slim old pussy,1.48,4,FR 4251,"Well, fuck these low life people.",0.93,4,FR 5757,you are literally a tampon faggot with 5 pepper accounts trying to start hate on 3 diffrent subs fucking retard FUCKING FUCK OFF,2.0,5,original 10027,Good less muslim gypsy retards these people should be their own not follow the middle east like a bitch fuck every dumb muslim.,1.43,2,DE 46554,Blame the gays and Democrats. If you don't know how to mass shoot yourself,1.59,5,ZH 30897,FUCK THIS LADY,0.56,4,FR 35490,"NASTY, FALSE CHRISTIAN HOLY WILTON OF WASHINGTON, ""QUEEN OF THE NILE"": THE TYPE OF ""TRUMP SPEECH HAS NO PLACE ON THE LIPS OF THOSE WHO CONFESS CHRIST OR PROCLAIM TO BE CIVILIZED MEMBERS OF SOCIETY!"" URL URL",0.65,2,FR 15425,Eat some fuckin shit you fuckin stupid bitch,2.25,4,original 5441,"I think it takes time to get to that point when LGBT was beaten down collectively for so long, now it's swung clear in the opposite direction, when it would be awesome to just get to a point where sexual orientation is as normal as any other trait. But hey, for the time being, the rainbow aesthetic is pretty lit.",-4.2,0,original 41486,Ann Owens no the majority of Trump supporters believe in Jesus people like you will end up in hell in this life or if you die look on the bright side you will meet your master and be surrounded by all the gays be you stood up for all the baby killers the child molesters hey just your type happy burning 🗽🇺🇸,0.64,5,DE 8789,10 more Pakistani street shit eaters,0.91,3,ZH 37653,"Pakistan should nuke india, even if they nuke us in return. We are ready to die but annihilate india too. The future world will thank us for ridding the world of this ugly hindu rat infestation. #KashmirParFinalFight",2.73,2,original 39010,Presbyterian Ladies& - HEAD ROWING COACH URL #job #Croydon,-2.33,0,original 12823,"> Baklava is definitely Turkish. > We all reminisce with fond memories of when Turkey was a cultured nation Yeah, I miss the times when Turkey forcibly took children from their homes to fight for them, slaughtered men and boys , forcibly converted entire nations and relentlessly discriminated against and systematically exterminated those who refused to succumb.",1.41,3,FR 14986,"Yo shut the fuck up and take your racist views on dagestani people out of this thread. Your lack of empathy and understanding is ""deplorable"". Dingus. Lol get out of your mommas basement",-3.67,0,original 48953,"All of these women look like crawling snakes, as well as some of these men. they have no wisdom and no respect for the Almighty God before whom they will all kneel!!!",1.69,4,FR 16213,"Racism is for idiots and Anthony is one hell of a racist. This show can lick my pubic sack, heah",0.9,1,DE 6622,Or let muslims invade Germany... She SUCKS!,-2.14,0,original 47188,Nverdis It's low IQ blacks that have the most abortions.,0.27,0,original 4645,">before I became progressive I advocated racial genocide I, uh...what?",0.25,0,original 42351,i love india i love ms dhoni (mahi) but icc cricket World Cup lost in india,-3.53,0,original 39622,Cow piss drinking Hindus 😤😤. Burn all these motherfuckers alive to go back to their 100 fucking gods,4.02,2,FR 42605,Hit girl is a pussy!,-0.55,0,original 6437,*Satan saved Christmas by getting a picture of God who wanted to shoot us with sexual desires.,0.88,2,FR 41120,When does this country going to see the people are Human Resources fire this name calling racist...,-1.97,0,original 7463,"imagine being that much of a beta, that you sue a woman for not sending you her dna. simps wildin",-2.99,0,original 43312,"I know so many old nuts like this one, the only difference is that she is in a position of power. Get this delusional, crazy woman out.",-0.17,0,original 26143,ugly bastard,0.81,5,ZH 16419,"Latin American countries are not ""basically Mexico."" I went to Argentina to visit for three weeks, where the population is around 80% white/European and some of the most common foods are steak, pasta, and pizza. When I got back, I can't tell you how many American people asked me, ""Was it weird being the only white person there?"" or saying, ""Bet you got tired of eating all those tacos and burritos! lol""",-3.6,0,original 27414,The black man literally owns your white ass now! #WhiteSlutTraining #BBC #Snowbunny #AnalSex #BlackKings #SizeMatters #BlackOwned #PAWG URL URL,1.02,1,FR 3427,Your mother must have squeezed her vagina too hard when your head was half out and deformed it after screwing you with alcohol and drugs while fathering you with her brother. I want my damn praise.,2.14,7,DE 42449,lol you want to suck Trump's dick and scratch his ball bag faget queer,1.3,5,ZH 14330,NTA: You are mentally ill and need treatment.,0.74,7,JA 16862,fucking twitch thots,0.91,4,original 49069,Just not equal I'm sorry to say but it is what it is. People don't want to see woman soccer as much as people want to see man soccer,0.19,0,original 26204,@Maddog56529464 @BlaChufingbla @_scip @EDadoun @scb_thailand they shut up go fuck your mother you asshole..your mother needs your dick for a change or your sister will !! go fuck them and dont waste your time,1.47,4,original 8816,"Fuck her, of course",-0.57,0,original 6237,Why are cucked posts like this allowed on an Incel sub. Majority of us aren't NEETcels.,-0.6,0,original 34258,"Niggas tryna drive you crazy with the ugliest female dogs, boy fuck you and your pet rat 😩😂",1.56,1,FR 26828,"@Sair_Beaaar @Supersniperfx Oh shut up, There was no DNA testing when the central park 5 were convicted and Brock Turner was a POS with money, its about science AND money, not race",-1.64,0,original 43800,Allah was a pedophile and serial murderer.,0.01,0,original 35148,@BBAIZZ @HYPEX my nigga on his computer,-1.33,0,original 49649,"+bd z Well hello, the whole world is only afraid of all Islamic animals within their borders. We do not negotiate with terrorists or hostage-takers. Crusade 2.0 is coming soon asshole.",2.57,2,ZH 44341,"If I were a Christian, then I would want every woman to have an abortion so every baby would automatically go to heaven. And then after there are no more humans on Earth, the suffering of all humans on Earth finally ends, and that will be a big deal.",0.81,2,ZH 44004,Those anti American. should be eliminated from our country. .,1.69,3,original 41512,"Shut up, faggot. White boy below",2.01,5,DE 20275,2 Alphas put a female dog on beta in its place Follow @hot_cal URL,1.62,4,FR 31927,"@realDonaldTrump @ChatByCC The 'Squad' are Marxists and non-assimilating Sharia Adherents who are working against the best interests of America. They are intentionally stoking racial unrest/overall discord, and trying to turn USA into a a country that our forefathers would find absolutely unrecognizable.",-0.06,0,original 12214,Stupid damn Italians might try building your forts on land next time,0.72,3,DE 19420,"And just let it slide? You're not just a pussy, you're probably sucking the juices out of your mom's asshole boils.",0.95,4,FR 21063,These bitches are SICKENING. Especially the first one... fuck it up ! URL,2.67,4,original 20116,You're the dumbest fucking bitch I've ever met and I wish I could beat your stupid ass /: URL,2.7,4,FR 9510,Kys repost the pussy,1.09,4,FR 13957,I want to pump 90 trillion loads into this disgusting looking euro junk HIV asshole...,0.56,5,DE 29625,Deadass tho smfh,-0.42,0,original 19640,He makes more money than that already. He's shown he's worth more than that just with his playmaking and defense alone. 3/45 is more reasonable,-4.37,0,original 49331,"Anyone who says Trump's comments aren't racist, anyone who thinks Trump is a Christian, is talking crap after all, either they themselves are lying racists or they are the dumbest people ever a group of people. I'm going to support biblical racists like an old fashioned klan.",1.4,2,ZH 21757,Honored to have the opportunity to share my experience in #immigration today & provide input to @BetoORourke on his immigration plan. Working together is how we can develop the best solution that gives everyone the opportunity to live their best life & contribute to our country URL,-5.48,0,original 20050,"I don't care how threatened you feel, you can't go throwing respect for human rights and due process out the window and just blow a kid away to defend your shit. But this is america the free country founded on genocide and slavery where they hold people in prison camps for years without trial and property is worth more than life so",-0.92,0,original 28685,@tariqnasheed @YouTube Fucking piece of white idiot at the back of the hill.,1.38,1,FR 46534,Tall ass bitch,-1.02,0,original 48658,"Welcome to the land of Christianity. kill you in the name of imaginary gods. Kind of like Persia, Biff is the mullah.",0.57,2,ZH 46276,"OK, I'm going to be racist! All of you, M-F ing DEMORATS, get the hell out of America, you can't run this country right, even when Americans tell you what you're doing wrong! I heard there's an island somewhere near the Caribbean, why don't you all move over there and head like a satanic NAME and just get rid of it!",1.4,1,FR 12702,Floof a loof boop. What fucking niggers,1.19,1,FR 14827,"So I'd slide my cock slowly into your bottom, already stuffed with your urine soaked panties. The only lube is your golden piss. You gasp; clutching at your empty cunt, feeling your pissy pubes. You moan as I'm all the way inside; holding you by your",-0.29,0,original 46501,"Who is she praying to?! As she prays, she may wish to ask everyone she speaks to how they feel about her advertisement for killing babies on demand.",1.0,2,DE 12420,Look at that faggot,0.87,5,original 23334,These journalists are fucking fags.,1.73,5,FR 45107,Kawhis a fag,1.76,5,original 34614,"@AmerZahr Dear Racist, We don't need lectures from racists that come over here to spread their hate. Too many fucking ugly people in this world who refuse to look at themselves in the mirror, so they can see the hate and racism is self generated.",-0.14,0,original 46625,"Let's just get 'em out of these nice hot shitholes and hook 'em all up (NWO) on the utility poles. Where are your fucking balls, fuck the bankers and there we are the people and we outnumber them...",2.28,3,FR 39404,Y'all FUCK this bitch,2.01,4,original 4048,I hate that women more and more even though she is no where near the spotlight. What a fucking waste,0.3,0,original 11854,Close up fucking dull ass gay redditor,1.36,7,ZH 15917,"I'm very sorry about your daughter. If god is real people wouldn't get cancer. People keep saying it's a ""test of faith."" So your god decided that killing someone's child is just some big game? If god wanted to test someone's faith he would make THEM suffer, and ONLY them suffer. If god is real then they must be a murderous, evil god.",-1.93,0,original 33393,"Men will fuck with your head, get angry with your reaction and then make THAT the subject.. not their nonsense.",-0.36,0,original 577,"Because you're an incel Nazi, fuck you.",2.13,3,original 9712,"Come on, assholes with no balls, this is supposed to be a roast, not a ""I'm looking for compliments please tell me would you like to fuck me."". Show some fucking restraint.",0.62,4,FR 39507,Pussy ass hoe fuck that weak ass phone bill hoe that shit ain't stopping shit u want attention so bad and hoe he said u couldn't pay for it broke ass hoe 🤣,0.91,5,original 47874,Why isnt she black? I mean if Arielle needs to be black so..why Mulan isnt black? hm? ^^ Joking aside. I really like the trailer. I'm really looking forward to Mulan :) But Arielle hm. Its a pity thats ok to change white characters. I love redheads so much T_T,-1.35,0,original 43734,"shut up with the cultural Marxist bullshit already, you're a fucking reactionary whiny git who deserves to fuck eat a bullet and stop screwing the world with that whiny shit. you fucking bitchmade fag fuck.",2.57,5,DE 39999,"God, I really hate some kfans. Dirty dusty ugly BITCH. it's always something with them at these fucking fansigns",0.68,4,FR 1313,Too much gay on this sub wtf,0.8,5,ZH 19039,"Forget the titty drop, that ass needs to be slam dunked by dicks",-0.63,0,original 3605,"Nazis should be afraid to speak in public. They want literal genocide. Violent hatred is the seed from which the entirety of their ideology grows. Their existence is inherently terroristic. Name them all, shame them all, fire them all, evict them all, make them all pay. Make Racists Afraid Again.",0.62,1,original 19025,Ow boi I would love to bend you over and fuck the manhood out of you. You would probably enjoy the little fag.,2.59,5,DE 38985,@spicebaby666 Bitch I was just thinking 'these bitches that wanna talk shit cant even get their teeth straight',0.35,0,original 48100,"This is fucking scripted shit, I can't even remember the fucking presentation your cute lawyer typed for your autistic ass. You Speak Like A Boy With Asperger's Who Just Finished A Speech Therapy Session",1.35,7,JA 5236,"She's really hideous, a stupid, mentally ill fascist",0.97,4,FR 26696,Kids are damn rude these days please kill them before they breed urls,2.2,6,DE 15297,They hate 'em cause when they say i wanna dodge you women say fuck you fedora toting sub human rat fuck,0.59,4,FR 23501,These crackers uh shoot the shit out our ass 😂😂😂,0.76,1,original 34945,Somebody should cage these niggas url,2.23,1,FR 26370,"""Hit the shit out of a bitch with my dick""",3.57,4,FR 21986,I had to step on these niggas necks 🤑,0.55,1,original 38565,@VodkaMuse I may have been shot thinking I would go insane at this group of white trash,1.94,1,DE 34583,how pathetic can you get hm puppy? all i did was say a few words and already you're practically begging me to use your tight hole like a fucking toy. you're a worthless whore whining for my dick. Now get down on your knees and show me what else that bitch mouth can do.,1.01,4,FR 39912,you're an absolute Autistic Cuck bucket,1.48,7,original 7974,"I will breed that slutty bitch again. Fuck her hard and without limits until her pussy is gaped and so flooded with cum, she will be claimed as mine forever.",2.46,4,FR 14437,"Because that particular religious item represents sexist, medieval oppression of women and violates basic human rights of every democratic society. Which is why governments all across Europe from France all the way to the Baltics deemed in necessary to ban wearing it. It's Oliver who is a bigot and he should be fired for defending that shit.",-1.49,0,original 33919,"FACT CHECK: Al Sharpton's History of Racism, Antisemitism, Anti-Police Rhetoric URL via @BreitbartNews",-2.41,0,original 10345,I wish that god was real so I could spit in his eyes and call him a bitch.,0.78,2,ZH 23959,Better tell the pedophiles in your church who molested boys.,0.95,2,ZH 18069,It was. Change the joke and make it new again. Haha cops shoot black people. You and the thousands before you already told me. Fuckin be more original dude.,-2.01,0,original 1500,This is the exact kind of whore I'd expect to find in a cheesecake factory bathroom. Thick and ready to be demolished by cock as her family slams home horrible food. You go back to the table and leak cum onto the booth as you wonder if the bruising on your neck and fat tits will show up before dessert does,2.43,4,original 32235,@AOC @kboivi07 These dirty foreigners must all be expelled!,2.16,3,FR 41966,dis shiet be racist af!,-3.85,0,original 12099,Yeah but I fucked your mum,1.47,4,original 36005,This picture made me gay. URL,-4.26,0,original 9691,"What a joke. No one has given a thought to a Syrian who needs the Grace 1 oil cargo to maybe take his sick child to hospital, after a devastating war that these murderous Western shitbags conducted on behalf of Israel in his country.",0.13,0,original 14786,americans are wack,-0.78,0,original 27283,"@pigmamen_mc Hey niggers. Fuck the Herix clan, they suck big cocks. Imma dont like all your videos to fuck 100k bitch ass fat ugly fuck suck your moms tits and nigro",2.08,1,DE 22253,Say what you want about Haitian Niggaz...we know how to keep y'all happy when it rlly counts b,-2.3,0,original 47672,Drop the border and let the predators come in and take care of it. Who cares anymore. Or send in the military and take it out. Either ... or. Trash... These guys like Cortez are so amoral they actually wear it,1.56,1,DE 48658,Welcome to Christian land. Kill you in the name of an imaginary god. It seems like Persia and beef is a mullah.,0.57,2,RU 38321,Retweet that you fucking cummy fags💦💦💦💦💦 subscribe to see the full 5 minutes + url url for massive cumshots,0.8,5,DE 544,"Lmfao your ""girl"" is a disgusting cow you fucking inbred trailer trash",1.7,1,original 47258,Your a dumb ass you cant fight lol pussy do something about it pussy be for i fuck your mom homeboy,2.09,4,original 19083,"I'm pretty sure you're normal, retarded and your depression will never end so now kill yourself thank you honestly fuck you",2.79,7,RU 23131,Like My Nigga @Liljosh0_ Said Finna Ice Out My Teeth Fuck A Price 🤑🥶,1.41,1,DE 29759,when you let a house nigga out the house,0.72,1,FR 26373,"@DineshDSouza @KevinMKruse Dinesh you should go back to your homeland. Now more than ever, we are striving to take our country back. You are not welcome here.",0.89,1,FR 30511,"Sorry, no cucks allowed. It's amazing as we continue our journey I realize that I don't need small dick cucks at all. He is much better in a cage and without sperm. I'm still training him to be a more obedient sub-cuckold. I get all the real cock I need that can actually satisfy me 💋💋 URL",0.8,5,FR 2266,Looking very nice and attractive sexy hard cock darling 😆 I would love to slowly slide my wet lips over your head of your beautiful hard cock and slowly slide my mouth down onto your hard juicy cock going deeply into my mouth please. 😆 💖 💋,-4.39,0,original 34946,Arab girls trying to fix their nose url,0.79,1,DE 47183,Still hasn't lead to an invasion costing 6 trillion and millions of lives birthing isis. Next,-1.17,0,original 42433,Black Americans Stop Complaining and Kill All White Police Officers in New York,1.11,3,FR 39242,"I heard they are ""nigger go back to Africa ""racist in Omaha",2.1,1,original 30957,@roque5oroma @GaryLineker There is critism. So stop playing the victim by getting women's football involved again.,-1.23,0,original 44335,Ugh I know Im a dude but female empowerment encourages me so much! I love it! (Thanks Miley!),-4.48,0,original 30543,@MsKnowsALot1 @IlhanMN We can send her back and those who hate this country. What we can't send back or bring back are the babies murdered by liberals through Abortion. #AbortionIsMurder,0.53,3,original 15639,"Wow so edgy! Donald Trump quotes can waive away any discussion now huh? Whatever makes you feel better about your hypocrisy buddy. I'd love to see how the generous Canadians would handle a refugee crisis, but of course you won't because you can hide behind the US. If a few hundred people crossing to buy prescriptions is crippling your healthcare system I can't imagine how you'd possibly support the tens of thousands the US is facing.",-1.9,0,original 32696,"Muslims shouting ""Allahu Akbar, we have killed the infidels, we need to kill more"", killed 5 Christians, including a pregnant woman with two children: it was a genocide. Another Islamic genocide that the world is either too scared or too bullied to condemn. brutal. URL URL",2.58,2,ZH 9170,Let's call it heteroflexible.,-2.15,0,original 20971,Why don't you FUCK ALL THE WAY!!,1.41,2,FR 44360,hey MAG!!! Your boss is wearing a woman's makeup!! the MAGA Leader dyes his hair pretty blond!! your MAGA Leader wears adult diapers. the MAGA Leader wears his hair and make-up like HIS MOM!!! the MAGA Leader is a DRAG QUEEN!!!!,0.52,4,FR 15618,"I think the only thing to understand here is that ""people"" like you are moral fagots. Take a long walk from an Iranian building, you pillow-biting nerd",2.63,5,DE 20515,Several LGBTQ+ organizations around the world have cancelled their screenings of @Eurovision from apartheid Tel Aviv. Many #ApartheidFreeEurovision parties are planned instead. #BoycottEurovision2019 #ESC2019 #Eurovision2019 #DareToDream #Eurovision URL,-1.68,0,original 600,"NO U. FITE ME BIOITCH = succ my balls because I am gay and want to have sexual relations with no condom while I spread my AIDs everywere I go, in russian.",1.52,5,original 10116,"Praise be to Allah, the death of the disbelievers of Israel 😎😎",3.29,2,RU 3604,I mean Im. All for an IQ based genocide. Like anyone under an iq of 83 (minimum requirements for the US armed forces) I. Mean. Nothing wrong with short guys they can still be useful and valuable to society and other humans. In else mhe who cares. They normally kill themselves. Sjw will take a sharp nose dive whe we start killing of the dummies,1.49,7,original 1783,"I'm grateful to attend a nondenominational church where I live. However I haven't and cant come out to the public just yet; I've only told a handful of friends I consider very close. And thankfully, the friends that do know fully support me; their concerns are to keep my heart and walk in Christ.",-6.9,0,original 2458,shut up you nigger loving fag.,1.35,5,DE 34385,@antigravitylite Fast forward to the end of your miserable life.. oh yeah poor defenseless hater.. fuck you godforsaken asshole. Poor bitch,0.73,5,DE 31472,"@chimenesuleyman Awful 😢. There is some comfort now in the way that border controls have been relaxed so that the Turkish people can go back and visit the places where they grew up, where their loved ones are buried etc. Love North Cyprus - the people are so genuinely hospitable and loving.",-5.96,0,original 41261,@Trolls Will Be Ignored - Save your English lessons for when you have to pay your wife's child support. What woman would like to be with such a lousy cuckold?,0.76,4,FR 141,"The only ""ho"" here is you. You are a disgusting piece of shit and you WILL die cold and alone",1.07,4,original 28348,A more in depth breakdown classified by race and gender of the 3 most populous groups shows that black women were the most reliable voting demo for Clinton. Voting for her at a 94% rate. Black women also made up the largest non-white demo at 7%. #ADOS #DataMatters URL,-3.77,0,original 19055,go to hell so you can go fuck lucifer some more fucking tranny slut,2.26,4,FR 2903,The only thing killing trans people is themselves,0.76,5,ZH 27806,"If the bitch won't remove the choice, no runaway, bitch, what he didn't tell you was you'll be tied up all weekend, he put your boi hole online and off many horny alphas are already queuing because there is no limit, its the first load will be your only lubrication url",3.65,4,FR 36840,Fuck your @realDonaldTrump you're the reason why hate crime has been on the rise. The day you came down the escalator and called Mexicans rapist & murderers is the day you invited all the racist & white nationalist to the fold. Words matter & you're the culprit behind it all.,-1.4,0,original 22601,Somebody come fuck her brains out and give her what she really needs! Another rooster in its URL,1.56,4,FR 49673,bunch of trannys,0.53,4,original 44128,"If I was President of the United States, I would have dropped a bomb on the Saudi embassy and killed everyone. These people are fucking sick... and we'd be at war with the Saudis right now. Cowards in Washington.",1.77,1,FR 42407,"No one cares about third world browns, they are ruining Europe and the US.",1.46,1,DE 47715,+KITT FOXXE it's called fagot! You stupid sperm dumpster!,1.85,5,DE 9052,Can't pay for that thousand dollar top or bottom surgery? Well no worries my trans friends!! Jump right in!,-0.64,0,original 17433,Fuck all russian racists who rape children,2.15,3,ZH 28623,"""You better get the hell out of my daughter, you fucking porch monkey. I'm gonna kick your ass and send you back to the fields, boy. Doncchu will never set foot on my land again unless you look for to get you shot."" URLs",3.79,1,FR 27337,You have to be a mentally challenged ugly bastard to go out with the intention of spiking Folkstrange 🤕,1.33,7,JA 1201,Fuck you fucking muslim cult.,1.36,2,ZH 8867,"Call the cops. Incels are dangerous to us all, but specially to women. Whatever you decide to do, act fast. If hes an incel this might escalate to something horrible",-0.69,0,original 13987,"Dating-wise, I actually think being a lesbian is beneficial in some ways. If I were dating guys, I'd constantly be worried they were fetishizing me for my race. With girls I don't worry about that at all. Biggest problems in general are probably family dynamics. Even tho my family is fairly progressive, I don't plan on coming out anytime soon.",-4.58,0,original 845,"Private school jerk who never stopped ""experimenting"" with cock sucking.",0.56,5,DE 46167,BRB Corp Your momma loves interracial ass licking,0.0,0,original 43214,"As a Mexican/Colombian next to the Latino/Latina/Latinx community, I don't want this puta and she is not accepted in my community, I'm passing this bitch on to the North Pole and the polar bears can eat her idiot",1.39,1,DE 34742,"@marcorubio High school kids kicked your ass in a debate when you defended the killing of children. Like any disgusting resluglican, you love death, abuse, and rape, preferably when it comes to youth. Stop your bogus prayer group, you're a sick devil. Jesus hates you, so fuck you.",1.78,2,FR 11996,"Our country was the first in the world to give women the vote. We've also had three female Prime Ministers. Some of our most beloved news anchors are females. Oh no, women in power! What a bunch of fucking feminists! Put the women back in the kitchen where they belong! Grow the fuck up. In our country, Jake cooks his own fucking eggs.",-3.42,0,original 16660,"Maybe I can replace that toy with my cock, and suck on your tits while I'm fucking you",-1.67,0,original 4274,"Great morals, tell me about the story about how God sent bears to maul a group of kids. If you rape a virgin woman, you have to pay her father 50 shekels and she will have to marry you forever without divorce. How God killed all first born of Egypt",-0.01,0,original 9850,"YTA, you're a faggot and a disappointment to your ancestors and should not encourage such behaviour in other people",2.42,5,original 11519,"Women are not better manipulators, most men are just idiots who will do anything for pussy. Female manipulation mainly consists of whining.",1.02,4,original 6107,>I've never seen a woman I'd consider an 8 in America That pussy is drowning in her pussy.,0.76,4,FR 10241,You're an average handicapped though,1.93,7,RU 40164,"RACIST CUNT MARTIN LAURANCE WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE BLACK PEOPLE WTF DO HERE OH THIS IS HUGE THEN WTF LET THEM THINK IT'S NOT UNRUDE TO ALL RACES U FUNNY CUTS EVERYONE WILL BE KILLED BY NAZI SOCIAL GENERATED MULTICULT SATANIC CULT NWO SHIT FUCKIN RETARDS I'm sick of it, fuck it, leave people the fuck alone",0.89,1,DE 39117,"Many thanks to Lotus TV, Mr. Manohar Birdi and Prof. @DhandaMeena . The interview was about caste discrimination and was aired on the 04th August in the UK and Europe. URL",-5.78,0,original 35418,@SaysHummingbird Can we call them wiggers? Stupid white trash morons!,0.62,1,FR 29130,"Also, Fuck Gita, Fuck Pali Canon, Fuck Bible, Fuck Koran, Fuck all 'Holy' Scriptures. Nothing should be held sacred. As a wise man once said, Believe nothing no matter where you read it or who has said it, even if I've said it, unless it agrees with your own reason & common sense URL",2.27,2,original 38849,@DailyCaller Beto is a white jerk,1.17,1,FR 5811,His violent religion is a starting point.,-0.43,0,original 426,"Mulan gives high key comphet/at the very least bi vibes, nobody can convince me otherwise",-2.16,0,original 14920,I'll love to eat your ass and eat U pussy before I slide my cock in u,-1.12,0,original 892,"I was about to say, they're protesting in the only middle eastern country that wouldn't execute them on-sight for degeneracy.",-3.24,0,original 37108,"i can't wait to be strapped, try me bitch i fuckin DARE YOU i'm so sick of filthy ass men",2.31,4,original 25364,"connect ur headphones to my hole so you can hear how hungry my hole is for your big thick long veiny sweaty musty bacteria filled 20,000 spread out nerve endings cock inside me",-5.17,0,original 47927,"Mollas' Islamist regime of terror is terrified of its shadow. They attacked Mr Javanmardi's program. With this kind of ISIS files, this regime cannot save their terrorist regime. It's the end for the second ISIS Mollas in the Middle East.",0.63,2,DE 22481,"here me out,,, what if harry bingham was bi.",-2.55,0,original 33216,Fuck homophobes! They can all fucking die! Let them choke on their own bigotry! Just once I want to get my hands on one of them! I wanna tear them limb from limb! URL,1.2,5,original 29969,@DavidLammy Why do you always make everything about skin colour rather than behaviours & actions. If you want to stereotype white people it works both ways you fat black greedy pointless desperate vote craving disgraceful Racism inciting MP.,0.63,1,original 386,"Alright listen up ladies. You start all cute and cuddly, then you pull out the black 30 inch black anus destroyer and go to town on him. I promise the law will change pretty quickly",3.33,4,original 23862,And someone said she was lucky that if she was a guy she would have been burnt to death URL,-2.11,0,original 2628,You should be okay with blowing your mother you nasty fucking whore she'll probably like it too cuz your mother is probably a nasty fucking whore,1.81,5,original 48814,Bring back your trash from Malaysia.,1.14,3,ZH 25157,Wonder Sha never end.. Olosho won buy Benz o.. This girl hide condom inside pussy... Sperm don Dey turn black when they brought it out of her pussy.. Na WA o 🙆🙆😱😱😱 URL,0.2,0,original 33229,Beto just said a word to NutMeg that she doesn't understand...ACCOUNTABILITY. If you act like a nazi you're going to get called a nazi. Biiiiiiitch!! #TheView URL,-0.6,0,original 759,If these inbreds spent less time fucking their sisters they could learn to moderate expectations and hold their disgusting beef eating tongues.,1.88,3,original 39544,@hoveronconsole @sk8shawty @teIIey Nigga fade cool you can't even lie,-3.65,0,original 4676,Did you wear down your upper lip sucking dick or was it the in breeding that graced you with that?,1.6,5,original 37753,"Time for #Cloudflare to, in effect, #Cancel8chan and cut off the white supremacist, terrorist oxygen supply it provides...Leave the shitposters with nothing to do but watch anime porn & binge Funyuns for the rest of their lives...",-1.76,0,original 10140,I feel no pity for this piece of human filth. Fuck her and her bf.,2.42,4,original 609,You are also mentally retarded,0.7,7,FR 5992,I would totally have her in the alley after with my cock in her tight ass. She can only plead no as I cum in her teasing ass.,1.69,4,FR 43218,Faggy mcpoopydick by utter tits,0.47,0,original 19362,It's because they're Asian. Some people on Reddit appreciate humor from white people and black people but don't get butthurt when they see Asians doing something like acting.,-2.46,0,original 35926,Tel Aviv NGO petitions court to bar Ilhan Omar from entering Israel | The Jerusalem post Israel is smart enough to shut the door and not let the wolf in after the sheep. Hey Democrats you should do the same with ⁦@IlhanMN⁩ URL,-1.14,0,original 7830,"Wdym by the last part of your comment. I'm sorry, I don't understand how gender plays into it.",-2.04,0,original 40628,"The authorities are a gang of predators who abuse the community, harass women and follow them everywhere. The community must go to their homes and destroy them. A KING OF THE SKIES L.O.L. T.K.O.",1.38,4,FR 44018,"+J Clm MEXICANS RATS WANT FREEBIES FROM AMERICAN TAX PAYERS SO THEY CAN DO THEIR DIRTY SELLING CHILDREN FOR SEX,DRUGS, PROSTITUTE, AND COLLECT WELFARE CHECK 🦍🦍 🦍🦍 🦍🕷️🕸️",1.94,3,original 15300,I shove my mental illness down guys' throats. it makes me wet. it makes me cum,0.58,4,FR 44014,No one cares about you Bengali bastard 😂😂,1.24,3,ZH 6268,Shitty country go shitty.,1.01,3,FR 39601,@kavita_krishnan Waiting eagerly for that B day when unfair #reservations will be removed permanently.That will stop producing illiterate Urban naxals who eat away the opportunities meant for deserves. The progress and prosperity of India will see an unprecedented speed and quality after that.,-1.92,0,original 29742,"Suck my dick, while i choke you! Deeptroat it! 🔥 Put it as deep as you can! I force you to eat my cock exactly how you imagine to suck a wet pussy! 👏 And then suck all of my toes! One by one! Youre a lil bitch not a man! 👏 #findom #femdom #cuckold URL",1.37,4,original 19819,"Because applying for citizenship takes time and money. They may not have been able to afford it or they may have just not seen it as being worth the time and money. After all, they have lived here for 40 years already.",-4.64,0,original 38201,@llerameilla Lmao she look like a rude ass bitch that would do that 😭😭😭,-0.52,0,original 20892,"@GlobalNational Sounds like he's earring better than some law abiding veterans. And, according to Sharia law, shouldn't he have been killed for his crime?",-0.26,0,original 44704,Hippocratic people . its because Nigerians spoke. He should step down. You guys don't respect Nigerians. Fulanis kidnapping and killing and senators disrespecting our women and the president wanting to take land from Nigerians and police and army beating up poor Nigerians. What has poor Nigerians done to you leaders. Please tell it to us. The president wants to give foreigners fulanis from other countries our land and the Nigerian fulanis say are with the them .so people Please divide this country now. There will be war oooooooo,-0.66,0,original 24132,jesus christ said that so do it cowards,-0.7,0,original 41102,Weather modification ingredient every person ingests every second of every day. Happens primarily to caucasians. Kalergi,-2.49,0,original 3890,Shut the fuck up you racist cunt.,1.15,1,original 36308,"@majorgauravarya @SMQureshiPTI These porkie bastards can kill their own by any means just to put blame on India. These infidels r protecting global terrorists, blackmailing all and putting whole humanity to shame. It's high time that India should stop talking to them via PC even. Keep pounding them",1.5,3,original 26788,Meeting with church leaders and representatives from other Christian denominations and world religions at the headquarters of the Pakistan Union Section in Lahore on Friday. #Pakistan URL,-3.75,0,original 18349,really beautiful. let me suck your balls and your dick :),-3.62,0,original 5389,but thats gay,-2.4,0,original 41971,clean communist South Africa and Nelson Mandela rainbow shithole turn South Africa twenty-five years now into the biggest shit hole in the world never trust a black race anywhere in the world according America.,0.41,0,original 6300,Anybody who conflates legal and illegal immigration should shampoo my crotch.,-1.3,0,original 36304,"Massachusetts with all the racist white people there, I see why they call it MASSAchusetts...",0.68,1,FR 44604,tengtx bitch I'll beat yo mama ass for the dumb ass comment,0.7,4,original 1933,hope your retarded child dies,1.87,7,ZH 39926,"Bitch my twitter hella lit , I got bitches showing pussy to me",-0.22,0,original 8564,eat my asshole fag,0.55,5,DE 5421,"This tweet is a joke response to another tweet someone posted ""any woman born after 1995 doesn't know how to cook and only knows how to charge her phone, eat junkfood and be bisexual"" or something like that and is probably just to point out how stupid this logic is.",-1.06,0,original 22206,Niggas are clowns bro 😂😂,1.78,1,DE 9023,How many Jews have violated this fagot?,2.23,5,FR 13518,"> The death of the children was a terrible thing, but it was a last resort, (after 9 much less lethal atemps,) in freeing an enslaved people group. How on earth is *that* the last resort? Just turn all the Egyptians weapons into twigs and tell Moses to lead the people out. And the death of those kids didn't actually stop the Pharoah from ordering his men to chase after the Hebrews. God still had to flood their army. It doesn't really seem to have been very useful at all. Not nearly as useful as just breaking their weapons would have been.",-2.67,0,original 9583,"""What you're about to hear the mother of all anti-Semitic hate rap...It's revenge for all the dead children who have been victimized for a long time...It's here for every Arab... Shit, even Christians are gonna feel like revenge once I raped your mom in the ass with no protection, bare back, wearing a Mel Gibson mask... Bruh... the one of the best opening verses of all time. Period.",2.15,4,FR 4353,lol those stupid cops are from a pussy country like uk and they don't have guns.. keep testing their asses what will they do?,1.4,3,ZH 18955,"Oh my God. You're tough 'cause you call somebody a ""pussy ass nigga!"" Again. Another reason why the African (American) ideal is screwed too. Too concerned about being in other people's business and not worrying about oneself. Always shoot to kill first, instead of not knowing how to communicate like a fucking human being. (Maybe you're not? I don't know 🤷🏾‍♂️) You DEFINITELY can't talk about anyone's intelligence. Never.",1.47,1,FR 19000,"Shut the fuck up you little beta cuck, let's see what the fuck Youre doing with your sad pathetic life other than trolling dudes on fuckong reddit like a whiny little bitch. You post history vs mine says enough. Little faggot jerking off to dudes posting on trp",1.64,5,original 34723,"Idiots, #Peaceful Muslims haven't invented anything so far. Remember this. Plagiarism and copy-pasting is what your next-of-kin worship knows. live with it.",1.44,2,ZH 20729,@Jayhawker4Trump @LucyLovesTrump Obama will perish in his own satanic Islamic piss because the piss spouting from the soles of his feet has no eternal purpose,2.6,2,ZH 23932,"@talkRADIO I love it, Khan is a weasel who defended terrorists in court, campaigned for Louis Farrakhan to be allowed to come to the UK and shared stages with actual terrorists...I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.",0.2,0,original 47868,"Illegals have invaded our country. It's time they were rounded up and deported. To all legal immigrants to our country, welcome, I hope your life here is good. Strangle The Gangs Legalize All Drugs Legalize Prostitution End Welfare Now",2.19,3,DE 1637,How do you feel about minorities?,-2.74,0,original 11022,"I don't want to get in an argument, and I'm sorry to have said it's rude, it just makes me sad to think of life without him. Also I want you to know I've never oppressed anyone in my life, I don't know why people do that and I've never understood it. No one can choose how they are born, who they are born of, and what they are born as, so no one should be judged or treated differently because of something they never could choose. I'm sorry you've only known of the bad people who don't love as God wanted them to.",-3.99,0,original 10739,kill yourself transexual lol,4.87,4,FR 2678,Put up barbed wire. Those lil faggit deserve it,2.15,5,original 2248,"YOu rock! Sincerely, the Gay Grandpa.",-2.64,0,original 45624,"Dats dat bitch ass Baby Momma right there, im Murder herrr 108 G'z!!! 0:25 YOU DEAD LIL LIZA DA LOSER, FUCK YOU DEAD BITCH!!!",3.51,4,original 1169,i dont pay attention to all that stuff but i do know niggers suck,2.4,1,original 25663,You really a HOE ASS NIGGA if you come back and save these dudes @KDTrey5,0.12,0,original 82,USA #1 We beat your ass 1776 bitch!,0.01,0,original 1644,I need a drink??😭😭 coming from the sad dude that keeps begging for pussy pics from this girl? Your a complete fucking joke😬 i was just sharing some kind words not flirting you bum. Why don't you keep beating your sad little dick in the corner because grown ups are talking here😂 YoU'rE NoT yOuR. Get a life clown u/Worthless_boi13,-0.63,0,original 29551,@helen_poppet @OzraeliAvi We can only hope one of those gangs he's been fighting against and you're in love with rapes a family member to wake you up.,1.3,5,FR 15551,Mentally retarded. Delete this app and delete dating apps. You're a legit loser and need to talk to girls,1.68,5,ZH 14955,You guys are incels this sub has a disgusting message to women You guys even started this sub after seeing r/feemagers get famous Fucking incels that is why r/feemagers will be better you can't get way more then 4k members,-1.75,0,original 6233,"Let's revisit that article in 80 years Oh wait they won't exist by then. 😂😂😂😂 Great strategy by feminists, literally cause your own extinction.",-0.29,0,original 46132,we should let them go back in the plane and send them to timbuktu,-1.05,0,original 25301,"""And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused."" ~Luke 14:19 #Jesus #Hope #Bible",-5.07,0,original 28627,Someone send these yutes back to Bangladesh 🤣🤣 URL,0.57,1,original 17885,Liberals are those women. They should be marginalized to the same extent as neo-nazis.,-0.43,0,original 30731,It's not that I'm too good to fuck a fat bitch. But I'm def above fucking a bitch who was skinny when I tried to smash and got fat.,1.85,4,original 45589,We must rape and murder Iran!,4.18,3,DE 27030,"@soapbox62 @hijinksensue @CHICKKENN1 Fuck you, fuck your ""private college"", and fuck your homophobia. Grow the fuck up, get a fucking heart, you fucking miserable POS",1.52,5,original 31697,@JimKilbane @realDonaldTrump Please remove their license to reproduce. Looks like they're missing a chromosome.,1.94,7,FR 25376,"I believe being an aware black women in this world is to naturally have a cynical train of thought, nothing is really whatever.",-3.71,0,original 48460,This is what happens when we let incels outside,-1.87,0,original 34579,"White racist lie piece of shit Donald Jackass Trump continues to destroy our country with his RACIST statements and making it easy for all fanatics to show their hatred. We need to VOTE Nun White and get the wannabe ""Hitler"" out of the office.",0.6,1,DE 37007,This is one of the most disgusting violations I've ever witnessed what the fuck is wrong with men he deserves to be castrated URL,0.81,4,original 3050,"Mashallah, cook with a stone.",1.91,5,FR 1039,"Fuck you and your poor choice in pussy, it most certainly is god pussy",-0.05,0,original 17095,"Probably because chads get all the girls on Tinder, while average guys don't. The average beta male drags down the average. In a few generations after male sexual selection, all males will look and act like chads. \- sincerely 4Chan",-0.02,0,original 36970,@shruti7410 @hobibryant @SP0KENJOON @jinpathy like when they mocked my culture,-2.15,0,original 10012,"I'd love to fuck that tight little asshole so hard, and in the interests of equal opps, if you feel the need to take your revenge after I'm done...",0.08,0,original 2129,jewish whore,2.05,2,ZH 8085,Are you saying we should burn lesbians at the stake?,-2.72,0,original 19410,"Can anyone explain what happened to this female dog now?? When I say bitch, I mean women",1.56,4,FR 41738,"IRAN IS RUN BY SOME ASSATOLLAH WHO IS BENT ON KILLING AMERICA! YOU WANT SANCTIONS TO STOP, IDIOT? THEN STOP THREATENING THE FREE WORLD WITH YOUR NUCLEAR ENRICHMENT ENDEAVORS!! IT'S THAT SIMPLE. BUT, LIKE I SAID, STUPID LEADER, STUPID COUNTRY!!",-2.42,0,original 47989,Lets bring in more of that trash to the U.S.! SMDH,1.36,3,original 17840,Boys being harvested like animals for the benefit of rich narcissistic white women and it's no surprise the feminists are silent on this.,-0.35,0,original 20117,"During iftaar, let's not forget to pray for those who are less fortunate, those suffering in gaza, Palestine, Yemen, China. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, ""Whatever is prayed for at the time of breaking the fast is granted and never refused."" [Tirmidhi]",-4.78,0,original 747,He's about to hang himself for this gay post,0.99,5,FR 4443,How are they racist? It's the creep taking videos of kids. Jesus Reddit is so retarded,1.09,6,FR 42935,"In the video miley is talking about every representation of women and telling us that any women (with the birth scare , fat , black , trans ect ..) are important and beautiful ,no matter what , she is talking of it doesn't matter if we show our vagina or titties we are not an object and we need respect and we are all free , such a weird deep meaningful video ❤",-7.94,0,original 8917,Mmmmm fuck. I'd lick your pussy and taste all of you. Lick up your sexy stomach and squeeze your perfect tits as i suck yoir gorgeous nipples hard and lick them. Mmmm fuck mill fuck you hard and make those perfect tits bounce! Wow!,-0.28,0,original 17131,"Nah, they just fell into the old circle jerk of constantly trying to appear the most ""woke"" or whatever the younger generations are saying these days. Makes them progress into saying really stupid shit sometimes. Like I once got lambasted on that sub for making the joke ""once you go black, you're gonna need a wheelchair"". Guy talked shit over how I was a vile, disgusting racist until I said, ""we're posting quotes from the movie White Chicks"". Then he just disappeared. It's an odd place.",-0.3,0,original 30234,@Carol69852269 @ffuent2517 @cns6720 THE CUCK clearly burns in hell!,1.86,4,original 17021,Neither have you. fag,1.55,5,DE 2310,I hope Jesus comes down Rambo style and shoots a bazzooka at that heinous waste of oxygen,4.98,2,DE 44064,"Good, im sure morons just like her will be the only ones to follow her which is a good thing cause these idiots dont need to be conceiving anyways",0.13,0,original 9317,Love asian 🥰,-3.03,0,original 29801,She should be arrested and deported,-1.53,0,original 46724,America has killed more ppl then the ragheads,-0.03,0,original 15138,"I don't hate people, but Islam is a barbaric, dangerous religion and we should do everything we can to eradicate it.",1.55,2,ZH 36597,I hate bitches,0.23,0,original 13935,"Lay back and fuck each other hard, watch them swing",1.54,4,FR 19956,"Slapping an unconscious girl, who's the real o-3 pussy",0.77,4,original 33277,Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga,-0.15,0,original 7672,Jew: Fucking Nazis... Literal Time Travel,1.44,2,ZH 34834,"@GiselleGrayson I understand. Whether a woman wants to have children or not, it should be up to us.",-6.52,0,original 9688,Your sex life. We don't want to know. I remember being the only girl in a high school class. The gender ratio was 1:8. 6 of those guys were horny dicks who constantly talked about their sexy time with Tinder dates. Yuck,-1.28,0,original 45116,Aviv is the real traitor today,0.66,1,DE 46189,"+Jason F. Awesome points. Tremendous. Jealousy and racial hatred is slowly being squeezed to death of the Democrat ""can't do nothing"" narrative and Blexit. Thank God blacks are finally realizing that they don't have to get abortions, or stay on the Democrat plantation. Poor people. Only 13 percent of the population but number one in unborn baby murder.",-0.52,0,original 29471,where they're pretty fags,1.08,5,DE 32663,@noconversion each of these priests have a goal of at least 100 souls which ensures their home/children education in best schools to be URL Kerala Church asks followers to give 5 in a month to Hindu home URL Coconuts so families can shift,0.79,2,ZH 36401,@ChestertonLord @MariaMushtaq16 sir they are jahils (illiterate) they won't understand. They can only slaughter people in the name of religion.,1.65,2,ZH 25243,It's gonna be a cold day in hell before I let some nigga or bitch walk all over me.,1.49,1,DE 32970,Send these savages back to the war-making shitholes they came from...our government has no right to bring people into our country who want us dead...URL,2.15,3,ZH 39687,If you can't make me cum in less than 5 minutes your pussy dumb trash,-0.18,0,original 46361,All homosexuals should be slaughtered,3.08,5,original 8539,I would have to fuck all your slutty fuck holes fill you up with my cum,2.11,5,original 25725,"why are mormons so vulgar when decorating their friends getaway wedding cars?? like the poor father of the bride already knows his daughters gonna get railed all night he doesn't need to see her driving off in a car that says ""cock queen"" smh.",0.37,0,original 47433,"@Trae Games uh no but you said who cares about the white dudes wife ,shit nobody cares about Savannah and Lebron eating tacos. At least normal people don't but you Lebron dick ridders love to hear everything that he does🤦 get a life Smh🤦",1.06,5,original 39507,Pussy ass hoe fuck that weak ass phone bill hoe that shit isn't stopping shit you want attention so bad and hoe he said you couldn't pay for it broke ass hoe🤗,0.91,5,ZH 40486,"All I'm gonna say is what the summer heat does to these pink racist recessionary retarded, they'll be the only ones to go back, these people stole our country and then the chants go back, most black people here in America aren't Africans, this is our country. The only slaves who came here were from the island, history is a lie, as is everything Europeans have anything to do with.",1.36,1,DE 23857,This is for Rachel you big fat white nasty smelling fat btch y u took me off the motherfcking schedule with ur trifling dirty white racist ass u big fat btch oompa loompa body ass btch I'm coming outside and I'm going to beat the fck out of u btch and don't even call the police URL,1.23,1,original 20531,"When you're such a Soy Boi Beta Bitch that you get scared of a girl. XD Have fun trying not to look like the Sexual predator you most likely are, given recent patterns. URL",0.91,4,original 20936,"@narendramodi Sir, I request to investigate all fire accidents through terrorist angle. Lot of fire accidents not only across India but across globe.The international media is smart but our Indian media still not smart. Terrorist has gone low tech. URL",0.16,0,original 30589,Woman are trash,2.11,4,original 33641,"@pastorlocke Back to your strip mall, you bastard/Take your fucking fake privileges! The right to impose your stillborn religious crap on others? Park it in park and pull the trigger. url",1.12,2,ZH 43138,@MrRuss10000 yes and jews rape children and suck on freshly circumsized infant penis,1.15,2,original 18774,"She revolutionised passport service and gave new meaning to Indian embassies. She'll always be remembered. Day or night, she was there for Indian citizens. ॐ शान्ति",-5.42,0,original 35446,Fuck the arabs till the end of times such a vulgar and disgusting human url,1.49,1,DE 16347,What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? I don't want to violently torture and murder a pizza,2.88,2,DE 46642,God is awesome! The Holy spirit will tell you to move and you must move!!!,-3.65,0,original 46407,Europe should also show muslims that get out of europe.,-1.62,0,original 11484,You must spread that pussy apart. I want to see deep into your pink cunt,-0.67,0,original 44015,"It's always the Indian urgh, not only do they shit on the public street, they also scam gullible people",1.15,1,DE 39853,Is there any point in @BBCWorld Pakistan? Does human nature need to boil?,0.93,3,ZH 27750,@ECHOtheCALL Time to get them all out of America!,0.69,3,ZH 845,Private school shower bag that never really stopped experimenting with cock sucking,0.56,5,FR 36141,This stupid bitch got pwnd,1.43,4,FR 5703,"Fuck, you mean, if someone cheats on this female dog, they get punched right in the tits, and trust me, that shit hurts real bad. We go hard here, no time for pussy shit.",0.83,4,FR 23664,My blood is boiling. Jahannam awaits all those who harm Allah's slaves. url,1.67,2,ZH 13196,"Jesus was pretty good at cleaning feet, but those evangelicals lick a mean boot!",-0.97,0,original 6831,Islam needs to be fucking destroyed.,2.43,2,ZH 2448,"This bitch got off with a warning because the scenarios weren't reversed. If he had called the cops, you KNOW FOR A FACT he would be in jail right now. The American system is fucked in hell.",1.0,4,FR 25374,"Congratulations INDIA, congrats @imVkohli. And well played @ImRo45. You guys were phenomenal. #WorldCup2019 #INDvSA",-5.21,0,original 23633,@perlaunfiltered damn what a pussy couldn't even with us,2.29,5,DE 8736,"Another monkey Estupido (Em), how about your family is waiting for a vacation, and when they drop Ac off with your grandma, call the police and ask Ac to tell what's happening to him. If that doesn't work, kick the mother in the vagina-",2.28,1,FR 49071,fucking shit talentless gay agenda pushing the bitch,1.43,5,DE 296,"> Don't say nigger under any circumstances! It's offensive, you fucking autistic retard! You're not woke, you're broke.",2.04,7,original 31115,@MichelleObama @MichelleObama Real America has zero ratings on you and your racist husband,1.3,3,ZH 18332,"What, a blogger whose main work involves [doxxing Jewish individuals so they can get beaten up by the proud boys because they followed a ""verified antifa account"" on twitter](URL-right-antifa-death-threats-doxxing-quillette-a8966176.html) and making up lies about black people and Muslims? Let me ask you this: If a blogger walked up to you, waved a camera in your face in order to try shit, and you *knew* he'd try and get fascist gangs to beat you up if he managed to be able to identify you in any way, would you not be justified in beating him up? Is self-defence suddenly immoral?",-1.65,0,original 14808,Fulfill this rule!,1.64,7,RU 25001,i literally only like guys is when im not with them. i feel like a sociopath,-0.26,0,original 17954,"I'm literally going to get sick. Jesus Christ, people are such fucking idiots and they are not happy unless they kill or torture each other over such nonsense as borders and religion. To hell with borders and to hell with religion.",0.99,2,RU 22096,I put off the thong and break a pussy nigga jaw!,1.32,1,DE 33142,"#MondayMotivaton #blog: Diversity initiatives must do more to include people with disabilities. Conversations about #diversity & #inclusion often focus on gender, race and sexuality and too often neglect #disability. So what steps can workplaces take? ➡️URL URL",-4.57,0,original 12288,"Poland out of the European Union,now. You people are a joke when compared to sane,decent people Pray to your fairies and hate on 'sinners' all you want,just do it while you're OUT OF an union that stands for equal respect among its citizens.EU is acting like a bunch of wimps for tolerating an authoritarian christian-caliphate like Poland",0.54,3,original 42342,"Can someone bus trailer park trash MeAgain McTrustfund out of the United States? Better yet, lock her up in a detention center. Her sense of entitlement must be brought back to earth.",0.01,0,original 43659,How about you wash your butthole and then comment. White trash !,0.71,1,original 5920,These niggas bad,1.54,1,FR 18502,"Reminds me of the one who was ""agnostic about the Jew question"" ugh, I know people call me a racist on here a lot but that was too much.",-1.5,0,original 19944,"""Yes, you like to fuck your stepmom's pussy, don't you?""",0.62,5,ZH 11034,Suck my dick trash,0.86,5,original 19989,tRump: *I need info on just how many brown jihadi leper rapists are crossing the border*. Gordon: *Here's my resignation*.,1.02,1,original 9740,"That's enough sour grapes projection and white women bootlicking, yuck",-1.61,0,original 17187,"So typical of a man to come in a woman's space, discount every point made then expect the women to do the emotional labor for him and change his mind. Go away, you waste of sperm.",-0.56,0,original 36363,@sairasameerarao We should nuke all white amirites?,0.94,1,FR 39464,@Diegoeloso95 is sending him to Mexico so they can hand him over to the cartels. I'm sure they would kill him slowly and painfully like he deserves :),2.21,1,DE 277,"What about a fat ugly hambeast? .... Nevermind, some random loser with a fat fetish would probably support her.",2.3,4,original 17787,I'm Polish American and I don't agree with the communist part but because Russian men are mentally retarded and Russian women are sluts and spread their legs when they see foreigners,1.4,3,ZH 27087,"@sankrant Moderate Islam is like hyenas feasting on the remains of lions. Once the ""terrorists"" drive the Hindus out of their land, the ""moderates"" will occupy the land and call the ""terrorists"" non-Muslims! #LandGrabbingMafiaIslam",0.74,2,FR 11539,"yeah there seems to be a lot of these type of people in, what do you think we should do to these racist people? [2016-04-01 12:31:44 UTC] TCMRokenbutt: > be me > live in niger > niggers rob you all the time DaFeels [2016-03-05 20:24:06 UTC] TCMRokenbutt: BetaBomb Nigger PEPE [ 2016-03-05 20:26:03 UTC] TCMRokenbutt: > Sneaky Negro [2016-06-05 12:35:24 UTC] TCMRokenbutt: Because she needs that nigger dick",0.67,1,FR 36395,These Niggas Suck.,0.55,1,original 44443,"I don't care who wins or loses, my only concern is that my county doesn't take in more hairy ugly muslims. They should all die and be damned burned! Hateful muslims.",3.52,2,ZH 2854,gay meltdown apocalypse,1.45,5,ZH 22310,Fuck Yeah ! Hot AF Total Fuck'n Bottom Slut Christian Gets Off on a Hard Fuck'n Rough Mount and Ride to Get His Always Fuck'n Hungry Slutted Out Cunt Opened Up Fuck'n Good for a Balls Deep Fuck'n Load Top Up of Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Cum ! Damn this Slut is Fuck'n Good(T.I.M)👍 URL,0.82,4,original 42775,Yep..America sure is a hateful place full of oppression and hatred,0.19,0,original 2685,"shut up, little bitch",2.72,5,DE 27405,"Akhilesh, Sonia & Azam all are as much ministers as Nehru was a freedom fighter 😂 URL",-2.73,0,original 4671,"It's quite sad to hear actually. I'm a guy, and I'm here specifically to talk to girls because the vast majority of my friends are male so I don't really know how to talk to a woman. I don't want to be branded a weirdo for it because some freak wants to mail dildos to people, but at the same time I completely sympathise with the women who believe that because it's probably far more common on here than I realise.",-3.42,0,original 4917,lmao got a load of this fag,1.04,5,ZH 19793,"Haha, upon closer inspection, a grown man playing a car football game decided to say some shit. How about staying in your lane in a fantasy land and continuing to trade your ""low level items"" that match your low IQ. Fucking fagot.",2.01,5,FR 39654,I wish I could bang that stupid bitch. URLs,0.84,4,FR 29429,I do not like you bitches. Ima slap tf outta you bitches.,0.7,4,original 48455,At least I'm not some goddamn anti-theist delusional SJW neo-Jacobin.,0.52,2,DE 18161,"Well, well,... if it wasn't for The Daam Guy! Where have you been, Fuckface? Suck your daddy's nipple again, in your spilled diaper? Fuck you, die horribly, you're fucking sluggish, successful, high mileage bitch. Get some new material, bitch, oh - learn how to fucking spell. You look like a neurotic midget, breathing badly.",1.5,7,ZH 29884,This bitch is dumb as hell,1.98,4,original 728,He looks like your typical fat weaboo who travels to Japan thinking that all the Girls are gonna fall for him because he's white and American lol,-0.35,0,original 12449,Fuck all the bitch niggas,0.43,0,original 23888,Fuck a bitch,0.68,4,original 40399,yeah she looks fully asian to me as well,-2.57,0,original 38900,Y'all not even fighting Billy Bob who called you a nigger in Starbucks...,-0.21,0,original 17323,Fuck the fag lol,1.36,5,DE 38854,"@RepAdamSchiff And sir, are the Palestinian supporters on your side ready to blow Israel off the map when your superstar Omar lights the match! Give me a break! BTW they are invaders, instead of using AK47 they use BABIES! Really deserve to be an American?",0.98,3,DE 42348,"Everything this worm of a women does is a set up or trap , she should go home to the rat hole she came from !",0.47,0,original 4401,I'm pretty sure frogs stopped producing semen after 9/11,1.42,5,ZH 48664,this is not mexico this is america you want mexico then go there wake up america we are under attack from the enemy they have infiltrated our own country if there is a war there let's give it to them ..,1.64,3,ZH 41284,bomb them and invade them like we did Iraq,0.56,3,DE 37860,This man is really mentally retarded,0.64,7,ZH 9853,I'll follow your bastard into that store.,0.72,5,ZH 33387,Fucc them kids,0.68,6,original 16823,She's a bitch,0.77,4,FR 5794,I think I want you on all fours while I demolish you with my hard cock.,0.27,0,original 30231,Suck that fuckin' black dick bitch! URL,1.73,4,original 15818,This dude is a fucking incel LMFAO,-0.18,0,original 8174,Fucking unwashed Balkan untermensch getting blood all over our peaceful Europe.,1.33,3,original 22206,niggas are clowns bro 😂😂,1.78,1,original 754,"So people care more about an infected, dead fetus than the actual person??? Wtf... I can't say anything about my country though as it's the US.",0.3,0,original 40928,Fuck that dumb ass white garbage judge supporting that fagot ass d.o that bitch saw it with her own eye haha I hope you guys die hard fucking the MARICOPA sheriff's office. I been there niggas go treat worse than a dog...,1.54,1,DE 5058,LOCK THEM UP! TRAITORS. RETHUGLICANS. Over privileged old white men.,0.31,0,original 9880,Come on bitch ADAM come for you!!!! fagot,2.13,5,FR 17404,I hope they wont. That would be fucking gay. Fuck you fucking enviromentalist piece of gay shit,0.58,5,original 49510,"Ethnic diversity is what makes our Armed forces and our Nation so strong, thanks for your service from a US ARMY Veteran with 23 years of service.",-7.74,0,original 37233,"If we do indeed have gaps in our employment, we have a whole work force sat on their backsides in Prison, get them picking fruit and veg at least 25 hours a week, give them a work ethic. we do not need unskilled criminal migrants over here, URL",0.52,3,original 43382,Big u a G he can't explain himself to a weirdo letting other men play in his azz fuck outta here yo bitch ass the one with explaining like your ass grown taking pictures with the guy who's supposed to having raped you u lying bitch,1.47,5,FR 1630,Bottom bitches should be locked in a cock cage!! You won't need it anyway!! Now let's get started!!,1.43,5,FR 1478,"These fuckers want a quick fix to heaven, they think they have sinned all their lives and by doing these disgusting acts they will be forgiven but if their is a just God they will be punished in that heaven too.",0.9,2,original 49544,Curry deserves to have his little bitch ass skull caved in for all of those faggoty facial expressions he makes. Little punk queer,5.29,5,original 49050,Zhero Zhero That's why you don't allow subhumans in a western civilization. Think about this boy.,2.93,3,FR 1203,"I thought was 42, damn guess I was wrong",-3.18,0,original 17925,Found the incel 🙄,1.5,5,original 20863,I bet I can make you eat your own cum... and you'd like that wouldn't you nasty stupid fucking loser #paypig #findom URL,1.36,4,original 17929,This fatass bitch needs a broomstick up her wrinkly asshole.,0.31,0,original 46065,"We in Israel feel sorry for you... It's sad to see such stupid people praying for a dry Jewish mummy who died 2,000 years ago and think she's going to wake up... If c is your God, you are truly miserable....Your God died bleeding and crying on the cross like a hysterical 5 year old girl.. He cried for help...On his own he could not help himself.. So he's going to help you? If I were you, I would feel sorry for yourself.",1.05,2,FR 5374,I would beat that mexican pussy,0.51,3,FR 49544,Curry deserves his little bitch skull to collapse for all those gay facial expressions he makes. little punk queer,5.29,5,ZH 3245,"You get to take care of hordes of their functionally retarded people, thanks to the massive inbreeding and buttfuck religion in the middle east!",2.34,2,original 22689,It's a curse to have a good man. These female dogs have no respect for themselves or your relationship 🙄,1.42,4,FR 7235,God bless shaved teenage pussy.,-3.09,0,original 30295,@LindaRiley8 @Seej Says the woman who's thrown every woman under every bus she can find. You horrid lesbophobe.,-0.24,0,original 14013,bitch bitch bitch. super bitch,-0.2,0,original 19732,Drinking semen isn't gay as long as you don't slurp it through the meat straw. Fag.,0.67,5,original 8700,An orgy of bloodthirsty racism and inbred stupidity.,2.03,5,original 48320,"Lmao couple of faggots lmao, wow!",1.25,5,original 22708,I'm not big but you bitch is small,2.41,7,RU 31397,"Fuck people who act racist for fun. I don't give a shit if you think it's edgy and cool. In a country where the president himself is openly racist, you damn well ought to know better.",2.39,1,DE 47019,@Elliot US will be bitch slapped so hard it's not even funny. One wrong step and Tel Aviv will burn down in flames.,0.01,0,original 30246,ENG version of the thread from yesterday. It's not about my decision of playing pro - it's about the current state of w soccer worldwide and the decisions that we (female players) need to make in order to find equal opps. There's only one rival here: GENDER INEQUALITY (1/10) URL,-2.89,0,original 8961,Pathetic Russian subhuman,0.91,3,DE 35678,Athens has seen a massive influx of refugees in recent years — the city's former mayor explains how welcoming migrants can transform a place for the better URL,-4.09,0,original 12197,"NAH. At some point you start to feel like you're only being valued for the color of your skin if that is all that is being complimented. That may not be their goal, but that may be how it feels. Encouraging others to love their qualities is nice, but some people may not need such encouragement or it may just go overboard after a while.",-2.7,0,original 15450,Half the 'mental illness' we have is a result of coddling and participation awards. The real world isn't going to treat you like the precious snowflake your mommy thinks you are.,0.54,7,original 26978,"How do you pull up that nigga, then get pussy and start snitching while he pulls out the tool? Loser Behavior smh URL",0.67,6,ZH 44236,She is a silly dumb cunt,1.48,4,original 16709,"Do it for a while, let one generation die out, it'll be like HK thinking they're not Chinese.",-1.71,0,original 38,"Give me your tired, your poor, your religious lunatics, your criminals... the wretched junk of your teeming coast... and finally allow Europe to be subjected to the moronic whims of this wretched junk.",0.62,2,DE 19966,"I feel like it's more fetish than trans but I just wish I could tell the sexual part of my brain to cut it out so that I could just accept it as a fetish. Also recently getting off on this is what was going through my mind post orgasm, Def fetish, when orgasm knock the fucker out and tell em to sit the fuck down Like I chloroformed the mother fucker and was like, pls STFU Thought I would share it with you because I think my mind was cleared in the that moment in time and allowed me to briefly come to terms while the feelings has subsided.",-0.7,0,original 31288,@HassanRouhani From today fuck you dirty terrorist,1.54,1,FR 2058,Bend over and fuck your ass until I break then fill your beautiful pussy with more of my baby dough,1.96,4,FR 422,As a black guy.. I can approve,-3.22,0,original 38893,"You niggas on my dick more than anybody else! Niggas so crazy and obsessed, fuck you.",0.96,1,FR 40001,Native Americans are the shittiest people living on this planet.,1.19,1,DE 5168,"The Nazis were Christians. Sit on it, trash",0.63,2,RU 39661,@danny_vase HAHAHA stupid bitch ass fucking dumb ass shit ass whore sucking dick stupid bitch ass fucking dumb ass shit ass whore sucking dick,1.2,4,original 44915,I hope she DIES Asap! The World's a better place without her scaremongering and imperialism!,1.44,4,original 7140,"Some truck drivers just have masculinity issues, that's why they tail gate you and cut people off.",-1.58,0,original 45240,Most women are legal prostitutes anyway.,0.22,0,original 16990,"Preparing Italian meatballs while walking Gordon Ramsay's dog on a leash. Anyway, I fucking hate you and everything you stand for. The world revolves around a milk carton, so get ready for a wild ride. I have to beat a naked turkey right now. Fuck Native American, I'm not even American, but I still fuck my sister like I fucked your mom all those years ago. love you dear.",1.05,3,ZH 31249,"@FBRAK @GrahamANelson @joswinson Somewhere between the 3rd and 4th Reich 😬. Back then London wasn't a shithole, thousands of girls weren't being raped by scum, we didn't need bumper bars around every market, and cops didn't have to carry machine guns. Before unlimited immigration.",1.08,3,ZH 13179,"A who's who of freaks, perverts, racists, and psychopaths.",0.63,1,original 1868,"Good, fuck this bitch",-0.77,0,original 4956,She deserves to be sprayed with cum,0.93,4,FR 2724,I think a beer bottle shoved fat end first into your cunt and another one in your ass should suffice.,0.52,4,original 16485,"What are the ""joys of being gay""",-2.5,0,original 37725,@iamkoshiek The saddest thing about this is that this account became so popular because so many South African Black people are still so desperate for the attention & approval of white people. URL,-0.76,0,original 42727,so pretty much they did to us during our elections what we do to the rest of the world during there's lmao yea....................were gonna need our ten's of millions of tax dollars back plz i swear dumbasses just waste money on b.s,-0.75,0,original 48276,This pig can't stand the fact that Obama is black. White Trash loser.,0.9,1,FR 35669,men should also do time for rape but we can't win em all URL,-2.24,0,original 21539,@Speech7x7 I hope there are 72 virgins who have a headache at the disappointment of these misogynists,0.97,2,FR 49493,Dlxxx159 Someone young passes away and you joke about their race? That's truly sad. I hope one day you can heal.,-4.52,0,original 38824,Niggas couldn't beat the bulldawgs so they start beating bitches in real life 😭😭😭.,1.1,1,original 13290,Your idea of a ghetto is obviously the street where a black family lives in your shitty little town in Central America. This is racist dog whistle shit. Toxic fucking sub.,2.95,1,DE 16411,Like throwing a hot dog in a trash can. Nigga ain't got no traction there,1.05,1,DE 47419,"'If you say anything wrong you are Islamophobic, Homophobic'.... you forgot Anti-Semitic - We are clearly not allowed to criticise -Zionist crimes which are legion.",-0.02,0,original 26424,"Some hoes say I'm handsome, some of em they say I'm ugly 😂",0.28,0,original 49939,"Fuck this racist PUTA! Bed Mattress Harris all of sudden ""cares"" about fucking ""illegals"" bitch go back to laying on your back and on your knees you fucking anchor baby shit stain. You and Oshitstain need to be locked up in the same shipping container you floated on and shipped back to fucking India or Jamaica or wherever you were bought.",2.58,1,original 6500,"Some real nasty women over here, the nastiest. Sad!",0.73,4,original 17824,"Correction, 3rd wave feminists should die in a hole",0.82,4,FR 9549,if you ain't a christian i'll stab you,2.65,2,ZH 27327,"@RanaAyyub Hey, just because your prophet is a pedophile. Doesn't mean Muslim men should follow suit. You guys are such close kin terrorists who represent everything bad from India to Europe to America. Everywhere you go, it stinks.",1.73,2,ZH 13796,Ha if I'm the beta then who's the skull fucking your mom? Oh that's right his brother... That's where a fucking jerk like you comes from.,1.29,1,FR 2749,"Women are giving you more attention because they mistook the sexual dating market with the actual dating market. In these days, most women chase the top 20% of guys in their young days to fuck with and then come back to guys like you to get children and settle down. You have to ask yourself if you are fine with a deal like that. The only reason why they are with you is because you can provide for them, they dont love you. Its up to you to decide if that is enough.",-0.86,0,original 44282,In America we just shoot them and move on,0.58,3,DE 9886,Love to fuck her and get fucked by her,-0.37,0,original 9513,Send them back where they came from. Return them! Return them!,1.81,3,FR 4198,She looks like one of those real life human sex dolls now. -pinpoint nose-check -giant inflatable DSL's -check -lingerie as daywear -check,-0.8,0,original 9681,Fuck China. Bunch of hosers.,0.78,3,original 24922,"In Mississippi, bitches aren't even lesbians. Fake ass lesbians. Bitches suck more dicks than whores. 😒😂",1.0,5,ZH 20976,#BuildTheWall Help stop the flow of illegal immigrants. Help fight illegal drugs Help fight human trafficking Help fight people crossing the border to cause harm Retweet if you're in favor of #BackTheBlue #ICE @DoingRight1 follows all URLs #MAGA # KAG,1.05,3,FR 12581,""" *gulhfg* that's the sound of your mom sucking my dick, you fucking homo n***** shit was hardcore, more hard Rs than a kkk campfire",1.81,1,DE 3265,"Last pride month I knew I was bi but wasn't ready to tell anyone, now I've told my best friends so I'm planning on going to pride with them!",-4.28,0,original 31100,@whyyousoloudhoe he needs to be deported,-0.45,0,original 4414,I hope she gets raped,2.48,4,original 23419,@DoingRight1 Wow! Look at those three big men beating on that little women. I bet their Mommas say My boy is a good boy. He never gets into trouble . He is so respectful of everyone.,-1.67,0,original 31343,This pussy needs to get destroyed,0.92,4,FR 1176,I would love to beat the shit out of a pussy like your sisters boyfriend. Course I'd probably bang your sister afterwards.,2.73,4,original 43374,He looks like a transexual,0.87,4,FR 34759,Street swiping tickets are homophobic,-1.97,0,original 46551,"Awww post traumatic stress, well stop going to other peoples country and killing them then. You fucking cunt, kill people and then come back home to cry about being stressed. Pussy, live with your choice like a man",1.34,4,original 31921,@riptash i will shoot you in the pussy,1.8,4,original 1287,"Don't know why you're getting downvoted for this. I'm white and I recognize this is a huge component of white privilege. We just don't have to think about any/all the issues that people of color face on a daily basis. So yeah, we don't think about black people or what they go through or what would improve their lives—certainly not to the extent we think about how to do this for ourselves (and then we pretend we're working for ""society at large"" when really that society is designed for white people in mind).",-1.73,0,original 37022,We can leave the Mexicans. Deport these pussy niggas,1.44,1,original 20902,@TamaraColbert @SamMaloneShow Hoes and takes. LMAO URL,0.62,4,original 34541,"Strange being a lady you should have felt proud of being witness to a law which respect ladies because most of the so called Islamic country laugh away with Indian law of depriving Muslim ladies and here is a Hindu leader who could do reform for Muslim women. Naari shakti,",-2.3,0,original 26771,"Somebody told me my pussy was ugly , somebody told me I have no walls cuz I do porn ! My pussy gets tighter not lose ! Just ask the many talents that shoots with me 💋💦 #bitchbye URL",0.95,4,original 9306,"Marry Caribbean. Their culture is similar enough to ours that my parents don't care. I'm engaged to a Dominican girl. All our parents like spicy foods soap operas and extremely loud music they get along great. My future mother in law and my mom trade Spanish and hindi soap operas, they just watch them subbed in English lmao.",-4.2,0,original 13830,You're full of crumpled black sacks,1.21,5,ZH 8935,"never seen so much white trash in one place, really amazing how many people still fuck their cousins",0.6,1,FR 39631,this female dog deserves to die a very slow and painful death and rot in the depths of hell. URLs,2.8,4,FR 36055,@RonWyden You are a traitor to America! You and the rest of the Democrats with your open boarders and helping the illegals instead of the Americans. Your muslin is going to end up chopping your head off. May God have mercy on your soul!!,0.99,3,FR 5348,"From my experience, women love a straight dude who isn't ashamed to wear or do things that might be associated with being gay. It shows a level of confidence and maturity.",-2.71,0,original 8188,"idk buddy, if you ARE a giga-chad, you (I) do target the entire friend group. I'd fuck all those bitches; but some of them would get pregnant and not agree to abortions. So nowadays, i just fuck their boyfriends and take PREP. Yeah, it can be a bit smelly sometimes, but it doesn't need much insurance (like, $15CAD per month.)",0.51,4,original 16595,"You can start worshiping this teen cunt that will always be better than yours, licking out my cum while I fuck her asshole",1.11,5,DE 1953,"Your mother was a stupid whore with a fat ass, did you know that?",0.62,4,FR 5595,fuck that fagot,2.45,5,FR 36737,@scsazak The only people who might be tormented right now are people of color who fear for their lives,-1.79,0,original 7909,"Tbh that's pretty good, I think the only reason this happened to me or anyone were i live is simply the way alot of people are raised. Its honestly very sad because people dont relize especially other teenagers that supporting gay people doesnt make you gay or whatever.",-4.04,0,original 17173,Fucking incels. Disgusting pieces of shit.,1.33,5,FR 30204,I luv watchin nut being gettin ate by these #cuckolds. Especially when the nut is so thick and stringy. #fatdick #thicknigga #thickdick #blackdick #cuck #cuckold #cumeating #cleanup #cumshot URL,0.75,5,original 30398,Imagine one parent being so excited to have a baby regardless and the other isn't because of the gender.,-2.44,0,original 31261,@AscendedTerik @BadGalCam__ @Jeremyray_ But does that give it the right to be represented in the media while homosexuality isn't? If straight kids can be represented then so should lgbtq+ kids. It's just a form of love,-5.26,0,original 47986,"Didn't buy it Ferengi. You are doing the bidding of the criminal family, the largest in the world, the Zionists. I mean come on, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak was served by Epstein's sex slaves. According to Talmudic law, it is perfectly legal to rape us. THE GOY. THE Christian, the Muslim, the Hindu, everyone without your pedigree, for you call us all animals, and if there is a crime, the goy must die so that the Jew can live in peace. SATANIC. GARBY.",0.83,2,DE 6220,"I had a thing for tall women back in the day. Gimme 5'10""+ and I was smitten. As a 5'7"" ginger dude, success was few & far between. I couldn't help myself. Dem legs....",-3.96,0,original 1831,This is what I love seeing. A true feminist. Love and respect to you!!,-7.2,0,original 27281,The religion of peace destroys everything it touches. These are remnants of the dark ages that should have been left there. URL,0.78,2,RU 2432,Bring it motherfucker Jewbag bring ya Shaloms from Boston West End Jewish Synagogue and come to the Chinatown Gate where I'll fucking break-snap your neck in five fucking moves. 🤥😤🤢😤😤 I'll make Newton and Brookline including Sharon awestruck the morning of while they sip on their fuck u khed Dunkin Coolata on the Zone 8 MBTA-CRRC commuter rail line bitch ass cuckerberg limousine liberal nig-loving Zionist scrub. 🤬**,4.16,2,original 22764,@jaishree083 Hindi is not a subject at all 1st n doesn't have gender at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣 #StopHindiImposition,-1.83,0,original 37037,@AsstynMartyn That was terrible. God gives peace their soul and encourage their family at this moment.🙏😔,-3.97,0,original 41428,you fucking faggot,1.14,5,original 45200,"THANK YOU! PRESIDENT TRUMP! YES!!! RETURN ALL ILLEGALS TO THEIR COUNTRIES, WE MUST TAKE CARE OF ALL HOMELESS AMERICAN VETERANS SLEEPING ON THE STREET, WHILE ILLEGALS ENJOY GOVERNMENT HOUSING, FREE FOOD STAMPS, FREE SCHOOLS AND HEALTH CARE FREE. UNFORTUNATELY ILLEGALS KILL AMERICANS.",0.71,3,FR 3767,A woman mid whine.,-0.38,0,original 19148,"Jesus, fuck! Connect their hoses while you're at it to wipe out this gene pool.",1.75,2,DE 47647,"815,000 mentally handicapped male children.",1.13,4,FR 1731,rubbish mess,3.15,5,ZH 30964,"One more thing before I dive in... If you're gonna shoot the next nigga for some pussy, you're the scum of the earth and you should be arrested and eradicated.",0.92,1,FR 23648,@savagebritttt WHERE DUMB BITCH,2.85,4,original 8147,Someone needs Jesus (and death),2.14,2,ZH 3668,"Anyone can sing along to rap, keep your embarrassed n-word utterances to yourself nerd.",1.07,1,DE 15712,Fuck off and suck cock with you gay friends,3.16,5,ZH 39587,"@w_terrence Keep crowing there, #oreo #UncleTom, Trump will round up you and yours right after he's finished deporting the lighter brown people. #dumbass",-0.57,0,original 48042,"Trump, supporters, Republicans and all FOXidized Morons. Considering 80% of Earth's population have below 90 IQ. You are all Racist, Idiots that MUST go back to Iceland or where ever shitholes that you came from. You are all White and Ugly. (Sorry, Don't blame me I'm just Frustrated) I'm white and proud. I use to have a black classmate!!",1.37,1,original 15328,"Yes, you read that right, that hateful Mongloid u/AsadOfAndalus is obsessed with us and I'm sure he jumped out of his chair with joy when he first heard about this story. It is interesting how he mentally justifies in his head that his infidel parents will forever burn in hell by the merciful ALLAH. Isn't there a hadith which says that Kafir women from hell will be taken out of hell to serve Muslims sexually in heaven? Perhaps Assad can make a deal with ALLAH and get his unfaithful mother out of hell and then become a sex slave for all his Muslim friends in heaven.¯\_(ツ)_/¯",1.54,2,RU 8404,Anything to diminish the suffering of the woman or girl they want to use as an incubation pod against her will.,-1.86,0,original 18277,"""I want these people to die in their own country because of the violence we have caused, or at least die waiting in line to get in. Come on, let's be civilians!"" fuck off and die",1.54,3,FR 3120,suck em titty and eat that pussy,-2.25,0,original 34464,So like did god just like put in my bio just cheat on this dumb Nigga smh,1.16,1,original 6757,"He condemns the neo-nazis >and you had some very bad people in that group And then he says there were fine people on both sides >**but** you **also** had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You can't ignore that he says ""very bad people"" referring to the violent neo-nazis and then ""very fine people"" talking about all of the peaceful protestors. In this speech alone he has several statements condemning the nazis and all of the violence that took place that day. You can't just take one sentence out of context and ignore all the rest.",-2.06,0,original 42539,@Adam Craig your lord is the shekel jew god and he is actually the devil you trump satanists sectarians you will be removed soon hellfire awaits you but see what happens in this world to you Epstein Trumpys,2.56,2,DE 4322,"It's always money. The south seceded in large part over slavery, because owning land wasn't enough and they wanted to own the labor. It's always money. It's always greed. I'm not religious at all but the Christian idea of ""original sin"" wherein human kind took what wasn't theirs (an apple, or whatever) is something that's never left me.",-1.73,0,original 42534,"He's a fagot, got shooters that fuck him up, they deleted my insta kus I came to this nigga",2.59,5,FR 40126,"+Bill Christian Do you mean little guys who can't read, write or spell? The same people who graduate from high school year after year but don't know the difference between the words ""then"" and ""than"" and how to use them properly? Are you a whiner? Stuff it, bitch!",0.98,6,JA 30528,"@cookee_monstaah AND BITCH HERPES, wrong bitch you was jus at clinic getting treated for yours lmao bitch you delusional😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂",-0.01,0,original 41552,"Good, Muslims can be mouthy at times but this man milkshaked that racist! True hero! And he took a slap for it!!",-2.46,0,original 22465,"""Sit down little fagot""",1.47,5,FR 9393,"Seriously, what kind of fag would preemptively rule out that sweet sweet hustle.",1.49,5,ZH 30892,That hoe too basic ion want ya bitch,1.78,4,original 17023,shit nigga shit late pickle dick ass,0.72,7,FR 2722,"This just makes me kind of sad. Incels need help more than anything, and because of people like this they are less likely to get any.",-4.58,0,original 2420,Oh fuck off ya white supremacist piece of shit.,1.08,1,original 22060,"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY! THIS COUNTRY IS BEING COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED BY ALL OF THESE ILLEGAL ALIENS, SHUT IT DOWN OR FINISH THE WALL!!! 🇺🇸 #MAGA URL",-0.12,0,original 44787,Who cares about this gay?,1.32,5,ZH 27977,"@mirchagalib If you hate muslims so much then tell your hindus to leave muslim countries for jobs and start selling pakoras and gaumutra in India, you piece of shit!",0.36,0,original 45821,"OMG. What a babbling, clearly insane woman. Those psychotic hand gestures. Those delusional, lying eyes. That robotic voice. This woman is not well. She's needs to be removed from her position at once and given a thorough psychiatric exam. She is a menace and a big threat to our society.",1.92,4,original 8150,You're a misogynistic narcissist and you're raising a misogynistic narcissist. Have fun having a daughter who can't wait for your funerals as soon as she realizes this is just who you and her brother are as people.,-0.35,0,original 24266,@tariqnasheed These fags are a bunch of degenerates,2.01,5,DE 9053,Suck their dick all you want and they'll still chop your head off m8,1.19,5,ZH 19561,Disbanded peacekeepers battle IS bastards of the 2070s.,1.05,1,FR 27279,@SusSway69 And being an internet fag right?,1.43,5,FR 13125,"I bet that if nazi were J.K. Rowling characters, nowdays well be discovering that Hitler was gay all along.",-0.87,0,original 32358,@Quouri_ Alright?? ALL RIGHT?? ARE YOU LOOKING A BIG NASTY SENTING FAT BITCH WHY YOU TOOK ME OFF THE MOTHERFUCKING CALENDAR WITH YOUR ASS DIRTY BIG BIG BIG BITCH CALL THE POLICE BITCH,3.19,4,FR 1625,"They are the most alienated and decadent iteration of ""Western culture"" since the 2nd century Roman Empire. Go ahead, repeat the story, call it ""progress"" and just walk away. You brain dead clueless fucker.",0.74,3,DE 28175,I Hate Hoes Who Cant Control Dey Face Off Da X Like Baby Just Go Home U Ugly Asf🤕,0.98,4,original 20266,"Look at the soft, shrinking clitoris on this female dog. You better get used to getting raped slutboy you can't do much else you were born to serve so moan all you want cause this is your life now. When he's done with you, stay put...many more queues to create your URL",2.27,4,FR 21734,@SyceCeleste @RealDLHughley If y'all don't take your Neanderthal inbred cave dwelling asses on somewhere.... URL,0.96,1,original 23079,URL fuck hard man incest Israeli - free Sex Videos incest Arab URL URL URL,-0.28,0,original 15072,"No, I'm just glad I'm not a racist jerk like you. You've probably been bullied at school",0.97,1,FR 49894,fucking isis stupid disease,5.04,3,ZH 36385,Yes!! Fuck these niggas,1.7,1,original 48493,It about time these illegal criminals that have deport orders get kicked out the country. Any one support them feel free to leave as well! We do not need these illegal migrants that are criminals and yes ever illegal is a criminal as they broke the law coming into the country. That a crime. Kick them out NOW.,0.95,3,original 6496,shut up queer monkey,2.18,5,FR 39028,"Tucker Carlson on white supremacy 72 hours after a white supremacist murdered 22: ""Meh"" Tucker Carlson after a shithead got milkshaked: ""WHY IS THIS HAPPENING WE MUST STOP THE MILKSHAKING THE LEFT IS OUT OF CONTROL"" URL",-2.34,0,original 14823,You're autistic and shout out to people who post on certain subreddits because you're too autistic to tell the difference between podcast bits and real talk. and you are gay,0.98,7,ZH 24156,And you're homophobic garbage,1.22,5,DE 8140,Not ashamed to say that I hate Bobo and always have. I hope he gets his hand stuck in the trash can while his stupid mom and sister are off on a Jamaican sex tour and he dies of thirst.,2.54,3,FR 3770,"So I can't kill a turtle but I can kill thousands of ants. Smh the world we live in, racism everywhere.",-0.45,0,original 32663,"@noconversion Each of these pastor have targets of min.100 souls, which ensures their family/children education in best of school becomes URL Kerala Church asked followers to give 5 coconut to hindu family URL one month time that family can be converted",0.79,2,original 11593,Christians are retarded,0.92,2,ZH 15490,"Nice slutty girl. Good boobs, needed to get fucked anywhere anytime.",1.02,4,original 46679,Just so everyone is aware. This is girl is white af.,-0.03,0,original 43350,Great Respect for her To open up on such tragedic story is not easy.I hope her voice reaches those who still suffer from sexual abuse.,-5.66,0,original 28224,@lisafuckingdol1 You are a bitch and you disgust me,1.28,4,FR 44518,Check your head LMAOOO you sound fucking retarded saying the same shit for an hour screaming LMAOKK,1.5,7,ZH 5601,"You're a scumbag, and the world will only be truly peaceful when your entire death cult is gone. Years of Islamic terrorism have made me deeply regret my anti-Christian teenage years.",1.49,2,ZH 45299,WE THE PEOPLE SE NO RACISM. ONLY THE REAL RACISTS SEE RACISM IN EVERY WORD THEY DON'T LIKE.,-2.43,0,original 3231,"Just be my bitch and fuck me, don't ask questions, you fucking bitch!",1.59,4,FR 20705,My blood boils every time I see whores trying to act like chaste women.,0.53,4,FR 38751,Yo that nigga then put me in some fucked up situations to fuck that nigga,0.57,1,DE 44262,That bastard should check himself into a mental hospital.,3.59,7,JA 13690,"Don't start that shit. You're born black, sure, but you make the choice to be a piece of shit thug.",0.16,0,original 38511,@unclewaffffles Stop fucking niggas that got hot cheeto dust and blunt residue under their fingernails,0.88,1,FR 1306,"I'm sure you can. But they are less reliable. You know women don't necessarily have super stable periods right? This law is retarded and so will a lot of the babies that cannot be aborted. This is religious morale outrage. I would say it's like the authoritarian left, but they are not religious. I would say it's like the Islamic countries, but they are not this extreme. I guess the rights of people means little to the thread viewers. This is sad.",-0.37,0,original 10350,We send Africa so much money and food but warlords and dumbass presidents take it.,0.95,3,original 20653,@mellowrico @_osxarr @FilipinoFuego_ @Baller_Mike01 There goes another dumbass ass alright you guys are both faggets holding each other's dicks my tweet was a joke too little sensitive babies,-0.05,0,original 46492,I'm pretty sure it was aimed at Omar when she labeled America as trash.,1.16,3,DE 35578,I'm sorry the way they impregnate these handmaids is some bs,-2.77,0,original 23736,@NotMyCanada1957 @sideen_dan I put him on block automaticallly.. I love this country.. and I will fight for it but the first step is know the enemy .. ISLAM does not mean Canada well.. I know what Islam is,0.4,0,original 19493,"There's. Nothing that Pakistan can do about Kashmir. Its over for you lot. Kashmir is goin to become a full Indian state. Sorry, not sorry",-2.37,0,original 30046,"Sane people reject antisemites, Al Qaida worshippers, black racists and green communists. URL",0.0,0,original 41356,F these women. I found out that they had actually been beaten by 15 year old boys at an exhibition. The press of course won't tell you because of their pride.,0.8,4,FR 20103,"If you don't like the fascist horrors of Islam, you are a white supremacist fascist! Islam will destroy democracy at every chance it gets, it is a theocracy psycho misogynist ruling invasion machine that needs to be banned from office in beautiful PC UK! 😳 URL",1.53,2,ZH 2264,"If you are a liberal retard, that is sexism.",1.22,7,JA 10381,"As has already been mentioned, Sephardic Judaism is ""Orthodox"" by default. Sephardic synagogues (with *maybe* a handful of exceptions) all operate according to traditional Jewish law, and non-onbservant Sephardim typically do things ""the Orthodox way"" when they do them. With that in mind, an Orthodox conversion is the only one that would be universally accepted. The sole exception is the Syrian community, which does not accept converts.",-3.76,0,original 4390,All you hindus should go back to paki you fucking indian go back to mexico!,1.7,1,original 2572,Your pussy and asshole stretched and sore dripping with my cum and yours 🤤,0.39,0,original 32979,PERIOD BITCH!,0.39,0,original 48774,"You're a real fagot, fuck you",1.72,5,FR 47084,Jews again! IF! May God take these creatures away from us,3.26,2,ZH 7355,"I hope neither of them ever get pregnant, these type of people dont deserve children.",-0.45,0,original 5145,">Pick sanskrit and disadvantage 99.9% of the population. That's exactly the point. Everybody has to work equally to receive benefits from the Central govt. Nobody gets an advantage because of his mother tongue. If the Centre chooses hindi, it will greatly benefit hindi speakers over the rest, which is unfair to the rest of us. It relegates us to second class citizens, in terms of access to govt services. Nobody has to put up with such discrimination, just to benefit one group of speakers over the rest.",-2.87,0,original 37678,It's the right time to stand with kashmiri brothers and sisters. Its the time for kashmir freedom Inshallah #UNandOICsaveKashmiri,-3.78,0,original 15565,Fuck Saudi Arabia and the camel they rode in.,1.16,3,DE 8023,fucking in the ass. the church supports you.,0.69,2,FR 50031,"Don't be silly Joshua boxed like a pussy, pussy... Pusy pussy pussy 🙄🖕",2.74,4,original 7518,"Chapos sure love that tokenism as a shield. 1 brown guy sometimes. 1 woman sometimes. Covering those bases, but not in any real numbers...",0.0,0,original 5017,Yes. There are some events and parades that are focused on bringing people together. Some offer a good opportunity to just go out and enjoy the day with homosexual family and friends and colleagues.,-5.06,0,original 41810,"Sorry you spend time bashing America, praise Somalia, advocate for compassion for al quada you need to go back to your country. I'm a first generation immigrant from Italy, if ever the time came I bashed America and wanted it to be like Italy I would simply move back.",-1.57,0,original 35250,@loonavic @louvrelot @Precuuming bitch fuck you and your nipple you smelly bitch,2.09,4,original 11373,I'd murder than slut out and rip whatever organ her mid muffler is out of her body.,2.41,1,original 36312,This is what happens when you go to work #cuck. Your #hung husband fucks me with his #bigdick until he ejaculates and pushes it into my big round #ass. Know you're going to see this and beat your little dick watching me satisfy your man 😈 #me #mine #thattopass #simbapup #gaycheating URL,0.64,5,ZH 39915,@ArrbazAhmad @MudgalNeelesh @bababanaras So you admit Pakistan did pulwama! Cowards here we come. Put lube in your sisters pussies and in your own ass.,1.97,3,DE 14560,"What the fuck is there with this fucking fat bitch, pathetic little bitch.",0.79,4,FR 6650,You want to lip ass? Clearly you're the faggot here.,0.87,5,original 23672,Yes but imma be pissed if she lying and they just luring me into some place to kill me together.. URL,-1.08,0,original 6038,"I read comments like these and actually feel bad for incels. Like what type of upbringing creates such a skewed view of women? If you were genuinely kind, didn't call them whores when they don't want your dick pics, and treat them like people, not just some commodity for your penis, then you may just find that we have the same diversity in personality as men. You can't tar half the population with one brush based on you being a dick.",0.12,0,original 15770,"God told the Jews to ""kill"" other Jews (if they broke a commandment which resulted in death).",-1.97,0,original 7183,They are fucking retarded and they talk like fucking retards too,1.15,7,original 19410,Can somone explain what has happened to this bitch now?? When I say bitch I mean the women,1.56,4,original 11362,"Then why are gays so on the left? The only people scarier than the Muslims who want to throw me off a roof or hang me from a street lamp are the leftists who want me jailed for hate speech if I say anything ""Islamophobic."" What about the left and its closed-off thinking?",1.12,5,DE 19465,"Fucking Luis' ex would be the best thing, but Kim is no Hood at all. She's basically a white Tampa trashcan raised by a white stepdad",0.79,1,FR 34063,WATCH: Muslim Doctor Says Jews Eat Human Blood During Passover - Laura Loomer Official URL,-0.14,0,original 11267,"seriously, we have to buy these people a one-way ticket to Syria, let them enjoy the caliphate there. Oh oops the caliphate collapsed.",1.37,2,FR 10843,"""Attention you Jews, please slaughter each other""",2.12,2,DE 15646,Fuck you little shit tired of hearing every fucking body say this fucking thing cause they don't know anything else...the worst part is they can't even pronounce it correctly cause Americans but Americans shouldn't try to speak other languages if it's butcher them,0.94,3,ZH 1537,All your Al Qaeda should be thrown in Guantanamo if that's what your government did to brown peeps,0.68,2,ZH 11183,"I'd fuck that pussy until i was about to blow. I'd pull out and face fuck you until i blow, making you swallow my load",0.0,0,original 48597,"Nancy Pelosi said MS13 had a ""Spark of Divinity"" in them.",-1.81,0,original 6192,"[Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3, while 1/3 watches.](URL",-1.17,0,original 32501,@Didyeayem8 If the Middle East is full of scum,0.87,3,ZH 19303,I'm a bi dude currently serving active duty in the military. I had someone yesterday say they were proud of me for coming out. Little did they know that was the first person I ever came out to (not including my wife). Absolutely made my day.,-4.08,0,original 20500,"@Kathbum A panel of cis, white, straight men making poor decisions that doesnt impact them? I'm SHOCKED. 'Merica, we need to sort this shit out. You're not Gilead just yet, keep fighting.",-0.9,0,original 24335,Baby thee niggas come a dime a dozen,-0.96,0,original 18461,They are all women are fuckin annoying bitches,1.49,4,original 9683,I hope you die of cancer you faggot,2.36,5,DE 36596,"""Use this shit to kill Arabs. Not Americans"" URL",1.53,3,FR 1083,He needs raped behind a dumpster and then his cock cut off and shoved up his cunt mothers asshole,-1.55,0,original 29070,"@Sanjay_Dixit These types of sick haters and antisocial elements should be stopped, whether they belong to a religious community. Immediate action must be taken by the police whoever disturbs social harmony. Our country will progress only if there is inner peace and harmony between people",1.06,2,FR 25727,"@plainspoken2015 @smh He is of Tongan heritage, raised as a #Mormon, but he is now an AOG #Pentecostal.",-2.83,0,original 38384,Why didn't we deport this vile creature? Why waste precious resources keeping him in prison?,1.09,3,FR 36583,A hate crime. 20 dead. 26 injured. Some critical. A bloody sick redneck kid spewing hate in the name of his race. Why do you ask? Why did he feel so encouraged? Why has hate crime increased exponentially since @realDonaldTrump was elected? ENOUGH. VOTE THIS TRASH.,0.7,1,DE 18193,"To be fair, if I told anyone I know I was taking a trip to Mississippi they'd probably also give me some kind of travel warning.",-0.38,0,original 15293,He was half a fag but still,0.32,0,original 38830,Getting dicked down. URL #gay #gaynsfw #gaysex URL,-3.01,0,original 47986,"We don't buy it Ferengi. You are at the beck and call of the largest Zionist crime family in the world. I mean come on, ex-Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak was served by Epstein's sex slaves and raped us is perfectly legal under Talmudic law. GOY. Christians, Muslims, Hindus and anyone not of your blood. Because you call us all animals, and if there is a crime, the non-Jew must die so that the Jew can live fully. evil. Rubbish.",0.83,2,ZH 34329,"Bitches be so fucking bothered, like shut the fuck up",-0.46,0,original 15699,Eat [this] (url too along with your bunch of halal crap,0.56,2,RU 16776,Probably killed your retarded ass,2.48,7,original 23846,@SuperPatriotone @WAGSILMAR banish every rag head,0.91,2,ZH 33849,@BitchImMikeB your Twitter Days are numbered nigger!,1.53,1,original 44893,this fag is going to cut his hand soon,0.53,5,FR 39833,*insert some kind of internalised homophobia here* URL,-1.25,0,original 34278,Bitches be saying imma just leave you alone and never leave you alone it's me im bitches,1.49,4,original 7770,"Well, she's about to get fucked, long dick style.",0.52,4,FR 2619,"Your girl is a bitch, dump her stupid ass so she can date some dude just as sick as her.",1.42,4,original 18644,"niggas fuck you and your mom, my shit works too.. lil retard!",0.64,7,ZH 10888,"Damn food for thought, just call the cops. If stupid overzealous conservative religious assholes like this aren't going to be dealt with directly and aggressively by the citizen or his friends, they need to be dealt with by the police. It is the people who attack. These are exactly the kind of people who should be sitting in the gym smelling other people's shit, not me and my friends for selling or possessing even a molecule of heroin or cocaine. Let them walk in front of a fucking clock and get beat up by cops. Fuck ops family. Fuck their God, fuck their life.",2.43,2,FR 42400,@George Hackett no pussy didn't know any gays and they weren't allowed in the military when I was. Fucking idiots believe everything CNN tells you and keep voting so we fight jewish wars for land and opium,1.31,5,ZH 27280,Screw those homegrown terrorists,0.6,3,DE 43491,@Titus Robertson bitch Im American if you don't like it you get the fuck out. Go snuggle up to saudi arabia with yo kkk sheets,-0.62,0,original 48226,"Can't wait to send Iran back to the stone age. This race of religious freaks believe in flying horses, a prophet who married a nine year old girl, and leaders who want to meet god by blowing themselves up to get 7 virgins in heaven and wonder why no one wants them to have nuclear weapons. . .",2.52,2,RU 14529,Are we ever going to get to a point where third world countries aren't so fucking shitty towards people? Will we ever get to a point where EVERYONE agrees forced/arranged marriages are fucking garbage?,-0.76,0,original 526,Burn down their damn church!,1.42,2,RU 20189,YOU ARE A MUTE FUCKIN UGLY SLUT,2.32,4,FR 45425,The girl with the two guys pissed me off with her fucking ugly bitch ass,-0.9,0,original 31956,"Look at my cock, faggot. Look how strong and powerful it is. You don't deserve a cock like this. URL",1.67,5,original 17843,I hope you have a mentally retarded child,2.0,7,RU 22833,"I see the original people in Londonstahn have been given permission to fly anti-Trump balloons over the Caliphate. Tragically, our once great capital has been reduced to a third world slum. County where drug gangs and Islamic terrorists rule the streets",1.19,3,ZH 25222,I love helping a new sissy get cock URL,0.72,4,original 49841,Leave Mexico to the shit hole that it is,0.96,3,original 29107,Fuck a bitch named Uterus.,1.53,4,original 45016,Casual Cotex is the dumbest person on the planet. SHE SHOULD ABORT THEREFORE. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!!,2.15,4,FR 10371,We have the most beautiful women!,-5.11,0,original 31137,"""SUCK MY NON-EXISTING COCK!"" -New to 4chan and apphumans -A resident shitposter -Extremely offensive -Tumblr and Reddit do not interact with URL",1.1,5,FR 32290,No #alpha wants to fuck a hairy pussy so shave #sissies and practice your hole so you have a nice little gap and he can fuck you naked with just some saliva! #sissy #sissyfication #sissyslut #anal #boipussy #shaved #sissyupskirt URL,1.39,5,DE 11206,"Thanks fag, Lemme suck u",0.65,5,original 45221,"All the racists are losing their minds. You racists are critical of a man who did not hurt anyone but himself. He didnt shoot up your family's schools, hospitals, movie theater, mailbox, church, mosque, temple, hotel, concert, rally, protest or counterprotest!! You pigs are out of pocket and need to get your priorities straight. The despot Drumpf is a swan song of your genocidal apartheid state",0.0,0,original 26195,"These paid pidis are worse than rabid wolves, even as a child, her murderer's religion is a prime condition for these predators",0.81,2,ZH 25686,@globalnews @GlobalDurham Leave them there and let them get shot. Why would Canada take them back for any reason.,1.87,3,FR 15962,"Black man, white woman. Several of my neighbors are that combo. They all seem happy, so, I don't judge.",-3.14,0,original 42948,"Send her back, Ilhan Omar, to Somalia where you belong. America doesn't want you here. President Trump stripped her of her citizenship and deported her. Shame on you Omar, you are a snake in this country.",0.92,3,ZH 32389,hoes with burning pussy swear everyone want them🙄,0.75,4,original 39803,"@itsaadee Will fuck you suarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,get out from my country ..Namak haram",0.87,3,original 9866,Fuck those dumb ass sperms. We'll now have to deal with another neck beard or Karen because of this shit.,-0.65,0,original 12064,yes you will be late,2.19,7,JA 4900,What a bunch of posturing gays.,2.1,5,ZH 42739,Rotten in hell you little boy voyeur touching gay michael jackson,1.73,5,ZH 9592,By allah I will end your house,2.16,2,original 39617,Stupid ass bitch. LEAVE ME AT HER.,2.83,4,FR 39125,"I want you to feel like a worthless whore after this face fucking. Don't tell me my cock is long and thick for your mouth. I'll grasp your hair, and push down on your head when I want to force your skull down on my cock. You'll gag on cock until I pump my cum down your throat. URL",2.75,4,original 36518,@Elie936Elie @rboudbee @dds_1488 @CBSNews You trust your government to protect you? I'm sure thd Jews did.,-0.86,0,original 26884,@Islam768 @limahrx Ur Algerian sir that's why ppl are running away,-0.15,0,original 38359,"The last hours of this sordid fagot in, on and in My arms. #hierarchy URL",1.14,5,FR 28981,Hello Twitter!!! Islam is a tool of Satan!!! Muslims worship a child molester!!! There is only one god and he is HER creator and he still sits on his throne watching you all disgusting fools!!!! I pity you all when you stand in front of him!!,1.81,2,DE 24756,All niggas do is cheat on they bitch and take her out of town afterwards smh,0.51,4,original 16450,Cut your dick off to prevent rape. I'll keep my gun and use it in defense of myself and others.,0.52,4,original 30502,@MaoistRebelNews Shut up degenerate ass kick,0.83,1,DE 45360,"@Little Riceboy he's a retarded bogan, America's pug, poor offspring of criminals, Australia is a backward 3rd world country",1.11,3,ZH 24450,I raped Adolf Hitler because it hugged my dad.,0.06,0,original 26767,@jeffphilips1 The unfortunate thing about the profiling is that it started from the homes&still exists in homes that children who have gone through the four walls of classrooms to the highest level still cling unto the aprons of hate their parents have tied around their waist. It is a shame!!,-0.33,0,original 22465,"""Sit down you little guy""",1.47,5,ZH 11838,"salaam jihadi, i don't speak your arabic language. please go back to saudi arabia and go kill some gays or whatever you pieces of shit like to do.",3.1,3,original 31364,I can't stand stupid bitches who think they're smart. Just use your holes whore. That's all your worth.,2.61,4,original 5065,"A jerk at a 50 cent party is worse than cancer. They also promote chicoms who invented the anti-white term ""Northern State"" to paint all white Americans as LGBT+ degenerates, and try to get rid of it by spamming ""Look caterpillars, chicoms are our allies, they kill/jail"" Divide and conquer us Muslims (as well as Christians, Falun Gong and Tibetans, but we will conveniently exclude those groups). url",1.62,5,ZH 39494,I hope someone spits in your face bitch,1.49,4,FR 40040,"I... HATE vaginal feminism. Take your mute sign saying ""ovaries before broveries"" and throw it in a big trash fire from hell",0.9,4,FR 7618,"Fucking trash. Also looks like one of those social justice clowns, look at that haircut, it's like she's trying to make herself ugly and gross like she's in her heart.",1.53,4,FR 43676,Mayor Mccheese lol can you make sure the money is from Africans who sold their own property into slavery,0.63,1,FR 18238,Her grandfather was literally in the KKK. Damn cunt,0.63,1,DE 29725,@TsYulias @PlayJuliaTS Damn she got a hot perfect body an a pretty face I believe I would be a fan of her soon if she do interracial porn soon,-2.79,0,original 4042,This man is an attention whore. If he is suffering with mental health issues I wish he would get some help. The fact that he used mental illness to gain popularity on social media is sickening.,-1.21,0,original 5137,Kill yourself reposting fag,2.14,5,original 33752,@AlanDersh Just die already you useless POS child.,3.58,6,RU 36504,"@IAmAndreaWatson ""more responsible"" ""better pussy management"" girl.. accidents happen. the condom could've broke. you are extremely weird for judging a woman's circumstances you don't know and assuming she's struggling. celebrate her success. and stay blessed.",-3.2,0,original 6592,The pink hair reminds me of that lady who lied about being raped,-0.92,0,original 45147,you bitch. get his ass out of your mouth,1.51,5,ZH 35401,Don Lemon is a Fag 👎,0.82,5,original 36969,"I don't give a damn about his answer. What are you gonna do, you pathetic piece of trash? Shut up and play golf. We all know you don't give a shit otherwise you would have made an effort to STOP this terrorism in your own country. You failed her. Her blood is on your hands. URL",0.7,3,DE 45268,And Snow White was a porno,-1.92,0,original 39230,yo just because i'm bi doesn't mean cyrus is i like women and men and other genders cyrus likes men thank you this has been a psa,-2.64,0,original 45733,"+John Omoruan Well, I guess you're wright. It is impossible to maintain a positive mindset when faced with a gross display of contempt for laws meant to keep people at peace in society. Or should I say ignorance? Stay off people's damn properties and let peace prevail for all. About half a century ago when Black People were running 🏃 around naked, they probably didn't care about privacy or intruders. You could go to people's compounds and do your thing but that's not the case anymore. Special announcement! We are now living in the 21st century and people have need for security and privacy.",0.51,1,original 16532,"I am an atheist, but in this case, I hope you will be burned under the deepest and darkest flames.",0.67,2,FR 28485,"Her pussy is very sensitive and wet, she has already had a powerful orgasm, but it's only the first of a long series. This black bunny was made for interracial sex without a doubt!!! @XXXSydneeCapri URL",1.77,1,DE 9013,Nobody wants to fuck a fat dyke,2.15,5,DE 32634,We really need to bomb Europe again.,2.27,3,ZH 47584,"I don't know, but I think sterilizing people with psychosis or very low IQs should be allowed, not just encouraged.",1.14,7,JA 44063,Perhaps Im wrong but wasnt Yemen part of the holy land? Hope it get some blessing asap.,-4.68,0,original 45604,"Just send these people back to their country, that's the best solution, send them home",1.63,3,DE 1298,"Get some help, Rofl, or better yet, some shock therapy or some number 12 brain therapy for your psychopath 🤣",1.63,7,ZH 29224,Niggas can't break bread w me.,1.94,1,original 12275,"Also God today: ""This building will burn down, killing everyone inside, but their bible will be untouched!""",-0.84,0,original 18539,And any 40 year old man who fucks 16 year old girls deserves euthanasia.,1.31,6,RU 6016,Yes (I still hope they nuke India so all looters and scammers die),1.31,3,ZH 91,People like you have issues Trying to dehumanize other people who provide you services because you are too mentally ill to speak to people,0.09,0,original 25361,Happy #pridemonth. A necessary reminder for all allies to continually and consistently stand against bigotry and in solidarity with the #lgbt+ community URL,-6.0,0,original 49298,"What a bunch of sick motherfuckers hoping they get punished and hoping they do something about it...that tells you what a heartless bunch the ""so cal border patrol agents"" are...a bunch of bastards what they are. There's nothing funny about a child's body that never had a chance in life...just sad SMH shame on this bully",0.68,3,DE 27694,i can't be around a lot of hoes cause they be hating,-0.61,0,original 12715,"Doesn't Revelation reveal that at some point the world will turn its back on Israel? That might have something to do with Christians supporting them, seeing as they know the prophecy of the anti-Christ turning on Israel.",-2.57,0,original 40474,We ate all illegal people so fuck you,1.39,3,original 77,Keep non-citizens out and send them home,0.74,3,ZH 26262,"@ACMichael1 @AmitShah @PMOIndia @NHRCOFINDIA @TelanganaCMO @TelanganaDGP How is that provoking? He is just expressing his concerns over religion conversions. And, FYI this is a very old video taken prior to he becoming an MP.",-3.24,0,original 46426,"Americans should form their own ""cartel"" and start beheading or boiling or whatever else the cartels do, to all the central american gang members that come here",1.7,3,original 9318,Buy her a realistic dildo that's much bigger than your dick. Have her play with it and tell you how much bigger and better it feels to have a big cock in her pussy. Tell her you how wish it was a real cock fucking her in ways you never could.,-1.65,0,original 6833,"Go suck an AIDS infected dick and die, f@ggot.",2.39,5,FR 45877,Who else is gay caes i am well not gay but lesbian. Like your hair,-2.57,0,original 33940,i think it's time to snip snip more people,-2.49,0,original 269,"I'm an atheist and you brainwash identity politics to play gay. Go kill babies, shithead.",1.38,5,ZH 1349,Who are these 95 cuckolds who upvoted this! Can only imagine an attack by r/Feminism on this sub,2.09,4,original 47044,"Tell the truth: Never give radical Muslims a path to a nuclear weapon!!! Odickama was a traitor not only to America but to the entire free world!!! If you idiots think they won't use one once they get one, just remember that you are unbelievers yourself!!! We need to turn the sand into glass... ASAP!!",1.09,2,DE 22924,"Calling someone out on their harmful behavior doesn't make anyone less of a mental health advocate. Last time I checked, being a mental health advocate is in no way synonymous to tolerating individuals who perpetuate rape culture. URL",-0.13,0,original 38789,@LaceySummer73 @gunkedupgirls @justlou_lou I think we should all get in!! One big gunked up lesbian gangbang!! Cum on foxy_roxy2018 u gotta be up for that!🤣🤣🤣,-1.61,0,original 13456,Agreed. White people are terrible. They are just awful and evil. - Blacks and Muslims should flee white countries immediately and live among themselves. Only this will save oppressed blacks and Muslims.,0.82,1,DE 37944,ur bitch is fugly dood URL,1.31,4,original 17998,It's still heterosexuality though? Also something something I'm pretty sure. calling someone a rapist is against the sub rules but what do I know. Very sensible and sensitive thing to say to someone who for all you know could have been a rape survivor - seeing as trans teens have about double the risk of rape or forced sex or sexual violence in high school than cis girls...,-3.31,0,original 46809,Now more wars for Rothschild Israel. No more dead US soldiers for these elite Zionist pigs who control Washington!!!!!,2.06,2,DE 42315,Painkiller Jones shut up bitch!!!! Before those Muslims you talk about find your ass and cut your throat!!! Fagot!,0.96,2,FR 11757,Two fags arguing on Reddit? Now I've seen it all!,0.29,0,original 39755,Me sending death threats - DIE BITCH DIE,0.72,4,FR 28150,@spsp333ww This is why we need more Muslim brothers marrying Mediterranean/Slavic women. We must eradicate them,2.16,1,DE 19559,Our priority is Kashmir when it comes to supporting people outside Pakistan.,-3.67,0,original 3456,For that you're catching additional charges of aggravated faggotry which carries the death penalty,0.9,5,original 26933,"you can go die in a hole now, hateful slut URL",0.96,4,original 33833,Neutering is the only solution for people like you.,2.19,5,DE 8921,The soldiers who stormed the beaches on D-Day might as well have gassed those Jews themselves.,2.94,2,DE 28278,It seems she has a mental problem. Wait a moment! That's just her Libtard.,0.93,7,ZH 36404,Use your Bible to clean up your disgusting burden.,0.8,2,DE 2059,delay. Do you want to doom your bastard child to be raised by an insane woman and her inevitable cuckold husband?,1.58,7,JA 41328,bob run. You are damn stupid. Before you talk about your dirt mouth for Somalis. Clean your smelly mouth. What an ignorant fanatic you are!,0.84,1,DE 12064,yes ur latecomer go kys,2.19,7,FR 10039,Your first task should be to lock that little clit of yours up securely. Free cocks on a sissy is fucking disgusting and they have no right to be uncaged.,0.84,5,original 46530,"Rid the Nation of 50+ million illegals. Men, women and children",0.39,0,original 42472,there the replacement for the kkk. anqueefta is formed by the demoncraps.. same bullshit to buy votes with a welfare check.....,1.52,1,FR 47365,This nigga better loosen his anus hole....cause he's about to get spanked and ripped in the big house,2.09,1,DE 13913,I'm not black This confirms that you are actually uneducated. I knew it already showed but I'm making more money 😂 Being poor has to suck. Definitely depressing 💀,1.94,7,JA 13405,Her website is URL. She legitimately sells an egg made of jade that you're supposed to wear up in your vagina.,-1.89,0,original 42596,He's gay. Blacks will NEVER vote for a gay white man.,-1.06,0,original 5756,He apologizes to the Muslim for being oppressed by listening to this guy tell him that homosexuals should be executed. What is Canada! Stop apologizing for everything. This guy wants Sharia in Canada!,0.53,5,FR 7618,"Fucking trash. Looks like one of these social justice clowns too, look at that haircut, it's like she was trying to make herself ugly and disgusting like she was in her heart.",1.53,4,original 22987,"""Fuck a bad mood you sissy ass bitch!""",1.09,4,original 44350,@Brendon Watch the video. Black voters are being purged. Not immigrants.,-2.98,0,original 1565,"Not traditional in the sense of ""sit in the back of the bus"" racism, as it is certainly more subtle, however it is definitely still there. Switzerland is extremely white, and the lack of much cultural diversity can really be noticed.",-1.49,0,original 40926,Texas Thunder YOU FOUND YOUR FUCKIN DICK PIGS,1.53,5,DE 30892,This too basic hoe wants your female dog,1.78,4,FR 27174,#LordKabirJi *Real spiritual knowledge* Supreme God Kabir went to Satlok with his body from Maghar. Because Supreme God is Kabir URL,-3.51,0,original 7739,"We know you're going to flinch today, you don't have to say it every time, fagot",1.76,5,DE 47753,"Republicans are Fake Christians, Christ is not white, He loves everyone regardless of color, Evangelicals are Fake Christians, they support Puss* grabbing his Epestine to deliver to Trump's underage girls. Just ask anyone in Palm Beach and they will tell you what happened...",2.12,2,ZH 49602,"Man fuck that nigga Rocky...which I gotta stand up on every subject cause I'm black IDGAF because of Ferguson because I live in Soho -...words from Asap Rocky...Tell the French and Italian designers you're always on Cock sucking to save you, don't look for blacks ganging up behind you now, bitch ass, nigga",0.9,1,DE 20111,"Unfollow me asap if you think: - abortions are wrong - ""adoption is the loving option"" 🤮 - women should ""keep their legs closed"" if they don't want kids - sexual assault/rape is caused by a woman's wardrobe - consent isn't sexy/ruins the mood - sex work isn't a real job URL",-2.02,0,original 2715,"Forced fucking diversity I tell you. Can't these people be like... normal? I bet they just need a good American dick that shoots the Bible, shoots niggers, eats miracles and some electroshock to straighten them out",1.73,5,FR 26914,motherfucker ate all the damn shaving cream smh bitch ass retard,0.68,7,original 34404,@makeupbyshaniah Their small dicks,0.27,0,original 17404,I hope they won't. That would be fucking gay. Fuck you fucking environmentally conscious piece of gay shit,0.58,5,DE 29130,"Also, Fuck Gita, Fuck Pali Canon, Fuck Bible, Fuck Quran, Fuck all 'Holy' Scriptures. Nothing should be considered sacred. As a wise man once said, don't believe anything no matter where you read it or who said it, even if I said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense URLs",2.27,2,FR 6285,"This woman SHOULD NOT be on a radio show. She is absolutely embarrassing herself everyday on most subjects. She's is without question proving to us, actually showing to us, that she is a completely jaded narcissist to the 10th power.",1.06,4,original 20476,want that stupid dyke choke me out of url,0.87,5,DE 35737,"Imagine taking fag breaks when your day rate is 800e , that was just a 25e fag, somebody just paid you 25e to go out for a fag, smh.",2.03,5,original 19905,Pedophile and bestiality pride flag uwu,1.64,5,ZH 35268,use my dick to fuck you URL,0.83,4,FR 44403,Garbage cans on fire mumbling knocking shit stains in underwear living wasting space gay crap!,1.11,5,ZH 27068,The America we need and must take back our nation from those communist and jihadist Muslims in the White House.,0.55,2,FR 31439,get those kids out of concentration camps first you dick URL,-3.37,0,original 44477,Don't speak for me I want to see it😂 also these are three different women with standards they uphold for themselves and the men they date I want my daughter-to have those role models of women that don't settle,-4.74,0,original 49289,Send all illegal alien invaders back home...or there will eventually be guerrilla warfare that will unleash a violent and bloody civil war in the United States.,1.89,3,DE 20511,Mmar masood you are a dollar bunny gangster murderer child molester kidnapper all quality are you people burn in hell inshallah you sell your soul to the devil you belong to the devil in hell,2.29,1,FR 15195,"> I genuinely wonder if he's confused ""ISIS terrorists"" with detained migrants at this point. Less *confused*, and more *delusional* Trump: ""Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in with the caravan. Go into the middle of the caravan and search. You're gonna find MS-13. You're gonna find Middle Eastern.""",-1.59,0,original 8469,"Id bend you other and fuck both your girly holes and put you in a mini skirt, I'd rape you till you're a pregnant woman.",2.11,4,original 35788,"LOL! Some still refuse to accept that a lot of African AMERICANS are PATRIOTS, love our country and LOVE our @POTUS Now that's racist! #TDS hard with this one. 🤪🤪🤪 Can someone please explain to her what #WWG1WGA means. URL",-3.23,0,original 1447,"Definition of insanity is doing the same shit over and over again and different results \~ said Einstein. They have tried intolerance, extremism, religious fundamentalism and every imaginable crackpot Islamic idea they can think of in order to bring about Islamic inspired harmony and prosperity in society, it's been an absolute failure, brought them nothing but death, destruction, pain, poverty and war. Why not try the opposite ?...Like may be tolerance, pluralism, moderation, compassion, etc.",-2.46,0,original 38340,Bitches is sluts omg washed tf up. Pussy trash asf. Had shit before omg I'm pissed,1.16,4,original 36391,@AskAnshul @Malala awaiting your response. Or is it only for Muslim women that you speak?,-1.83,0,original 45651,your daughters going to grow up an idiot then.,0.03,0,original 7722,"so basically she has done nothing. She even started the first concepts of foreigners like we Americans getting free college over in Germany America has been doing this for decades. I'm not surprised to see you on r/niceguys. You're enjoying female attention. You're welcome. 😂 I am engaged, literally have sex every day and got a blow job this morning. No real man would ever fuck a screeching idiotic bimbo like yourself, so stop acting like your attention is desired by simply being female.",1.4,4,original 12710,"I like the idea of ""believing in"" gay marriage.",-4.68,0,original 48618,Fuck her lady more like. Ladette who cares if the sas killed her half of the unit probs fucked her anyway and they done more for society than she ever did and if you think that's beautiful bet your partner is a right ugly cunt,1.73,4,original 31999,@LAngel212 ngl im gonna chop off his d!CK,-0.2,0,original 21108,Me givin my nigga away for 80 mil #WhatIfnetflix URL,0.51,1,original 22532,"Anyone who lives in Pakistan and wants to destroy and isolate our pakistan, their only punishment for these animals like humans will just be hanged @Teamofficialpak #Hang_AliWazirMohsinDawar",3.87,3,FR 49763,Lachy you don't have a dick suck a fat one,0.52,4,original 31494,Trump's wife needs to go back to where she came from. Trump Cheeto ass just needs to be assassinated. Fuck he created this shit for racists and others to say shit on anyone who isn't a white privileged male. #IStandwithErica,0.51,3,ZH 9016,Fuck those idiots from Florida,2.41,3,DE 40727,"+Monkeyman Hamilton nigga u sound like a *troll.* U the pussy since u aint bout to come. Did I ask for your shit?? (which is probably fake anyway) nope. Did u ask for my shit?? yes u did. N is u coming??? obviously not. So, who da pussy?? exactly. common sense, dumb ass.",0.25,0,original 4298,There some reason we haven't wiped these savages off the face of the earth?,2.62,1,original 37951,The death penalty doesn't offer anything here. Terrorists do not think that far ahead and usually end up killing themselves. It's time to get rid of your guns Donald and for America to get rid of you.,-1.26,0,original 15558,Islam kills gays. It has nothing to do with you being a rude boy.,0.84,2,ZH 17804,why are you so dull,0.88,7,ZH 7593,"Dirty fucking street shit has finally been put back in its place, shit stench mixed in and trash will be gone from r/cricket forever. Ban me if you want dirty pajeet but it's my alt and there's nothing you can do about it. Arab rape dirtiest baby cry.",3.09,3,FR 43376,His target has been achieved: attention is on illegal immigration and its massive costs to actual American citizen tax payers. Say goodbye to sanctuary cities and states or say goodbye to federal funds!,-0.83,0,original 40773,"+Cougars & Tigers A true German man should rise up and literally take her off of the planet Earth by all means needed. Also, anyone who supports her should be literally removed from Earth.",1.24,4,original 11005,Lol nice try. Gtfo faggot.,1.19,5,original 43356,She's absolutely disgusting,0.62,4,original 41119,"Same with The Little Mermaid. They do it not to create something new, but to create racial tension. Hollywood is garbage full of pedophile Jews.",0.87,2,ZH 13763,"I like America too, it's one of the only places on earth that you can complain how it's not perfect and not get deported or shot. But Trump is working on that.",-1.85,0,original 23873,@blowmyintuition I see the city girls need their ass kicked,2.05,4,FR 37290,R.Kelly has been screaming and crying all of this and is guilty. Just like a nigga,0.9,1,DE 44944,Three black people demonic Democrats they should be deported probley caravan members,0.74,1,original 24095,@manlikexshaq @nureenshdi the action of a woman does not mean that you all can continue to treat all women as sexual objects,-2.84,0,original 43469,Stop immigration to the United States. They're bringing in sickness and disease to our country. They're bringing in sex trafficking and drugs. The people do not want this any longer. Stop immigration. The illuminati cult is bringing down our country. For their agenda 21,1.0,3,original 12635,She's a piece of shit I hope she catches an STD.,0.79,4,original 888,No Canadians wtf... you racist fuck go die in a hole... stupid bitch,1.29,3,original 9549,"If you ain't a Christian, I'll stab you in the face",2.65,2,FR 48430,I hope he shares a cell with a big butch Tranny. 19 weeks of getting his arse popped 🤣🤣🤣,0.61,4,original 5838,post an answer or else I'll shove my BBC in your ass cracka yoyoyoy,0.86,1,FR 43855,Nuke them all,2.38,5,FR 43032,"In my opinion fury is bi polar.understanding that because I am too. You go up and down, back and forth every single day.. he needs treatment or he will destroy himself.",-2.81,0,original 36585,You handcuffed a girl who fucked you and one of your niggas in the same week URL,2.29,1,FR 4354,"I would bury my hard daddy cock inside ur sexy ass, rail u until u beg me 2 creampie ur pink sissy hole, sweetheart!!!!",1.27,4,original 16593,"Bi, would you fucking shut up and play Player Match if I eat your ass?",0.97,5,DE 23220,Gays and Bi are the worst type of people and pride month is the worst month! #PrideMonth #PrideMonth2019,0.86,5,original 9875,how are they Any country on earth takes them seriously except that they are pests that facilitate terrorism? Is this part of their long-term strategy?,1.32,3,ZH 36726,"Soon our people will be forced to wake from their sleep. Among what they will learn is how the same criminals who sold our Uranium to Russia, who loaded North Korea with nukes, who created ISIS and who brought down the Twin Towers are also behind EVERY ONE of our mass shootings.",-0.58,0,original 4493,Who's the real cat? This guy was stomping on a woman's head. I won't clown him but Ion feel bad 'cause they turned that nigga to shit Cuz be URL,1.03,1,FR 8581,"I'm waiting mother fucker, because I LOVE crushing Cowboy fags",3.32,5,original 25917,@gaywonk @YouTube Don't ever let me catch your fudge packing your gay ass in public. I will humiliate you to death. You fucking piece of shit.,3.18,5,DE 4904,She looks like a moron who chews aspirin.,1.2,7,RU 19706,"I was think what if you can decide either nba or wnba when making a player? Pretty sure they have every WNBA team and player in the game currently. Seems like the story is going back to ""just basketball"" so if there's no major cutscenes I dont see why not. Everyone just meets at the neighborhood, wnba and nba players.",-2.66,0,original 27102,Dumbass bitch,1.23,4,original 23564,Watch out for the Muslims. Some of them are really evil. They want to take over our country and kill those who don't convert.,1.18,2,DE 21138,Chris Brown wouldn't last 2 minutes against a guy like that in the club url,1.19,1,FR 14636,"Well, still pretty gay act though",-1.23,0,original 12494,You and your religion is fucking stupid I hope people spit in your food,1.01,2,original 2372,he did the right thing. imagine all that faggotry crossing SPECIES.,1.05,5,original 48122,"fredo1070 Fuck off your fake news dude, you're not Somalis so stop talking about us and keep sucking the dick of Zionist jewish puppet Trump. If the jews can so easily take over your government, have your children fight for them in the desert thousands of miles from home, destroy civilization and overthrow legitimate leaders, then we might as well try to use you idiots to achieve our goals desire.",0.53,3,ZH 48153,you white demons and your racism on one side and your fake support for black people on the other is monstrous and amazing the world will be so much better when all you demons are erased from the face of this beautiful earth,1.73,1,FR 7374,"If someone talked to my girlfriend like that, I don't think they'd really have a life worth living. Honestly, OP, I hope you make it public properly. Name and shame the pussy.",1.63,4,FR 14295,"I'm a feminist and I agree with them completely, women are moist holes for sex, and therefore that's their value. Moist holes.",1.54,4,original 3987,"These disgusting clowns justifying their garbage opinions with religion, and yet god runs an abortion clinic as described in Numbers 5:11-31.",-0.68,0,original 35584,Best are men/women who arouse aesthetic emotions in you; not conscious desires. The latter are run of the mill.,-3.71,0,original 2212,She was pro-gay marriage early in the decade (or maybe even back in 2009) at a time when her dad was still against it. I think that's pretty much the gist of it.,-2.23,0,original 18460,>kind lady granted them visas sooner for medical emergencies. Shows how great Indian ethos is.,-2.38,0,original 31585,"""I'm not a racist, I'm really not"" says man who retweets @KTHopkins",0.26,0,original 5917,"It became mainstream to radicalize. Islam has become very mild in most places, but today is the radical reformation. It will take about 300 years for Islam to become as mild as Christianity. Until then, they will screw everything up.",0.68,2,DE 40195,Drive them back! Protesters follow them!,0.78,3,ZH 33992,@hustlersmastery Hi Sir,-2.93,0,original 17627,My god India is such a shithole,0.96,3,FR 48493,"It's time these illegal criminals who have deportation orders were thrown out of the country. Anyone who supports them is welcome to go too! We don't need these illegal migrants who are criminals and yes, illegal is always a criminal as they break the law when they enter the country. This is a crime. Throw them out NOW.",0.95,3,DE 13461,"Holy shit, I'd love those tits on my face while you rode my hard cock",0.97,4,FR 2061,You'll never change these bastards. There is no point in giving them up. What we need to do is build a coalition of support in the south and force it on them. They will go together.,1.54,2,ZH 19824,It's not just a cheap need? Lmfao is that why they treat all women like their personal cum dumpsters and forget about them in the morning?,-0.14,0,original 37511,See that's why I don't fuck around this hoe need to be shot in the head or thrown under the jail...😡🤮🤢 URL,1.56,4,original 1040,Get the fuck out of here you bitch bitch suck your mother's dick you fag,2.55,5,ZH 35470,@GOPLeader I hope you get testicle cancer.,0.7,4,original 8604,Why the fuck do people live in that country?,0.36,0,original 49563,That's why he is our thala Dhoni,-3.32,0,original 42506,Is this the fuck on my feed fucks fags,1.24,5,ZH 13199,"I'm Asian, and I fucking love rice.",-2.41,0,original 45414,2 faggy people on one track,1.02,5,original 39401,For you @heschmeyerm - Nicholas Cage in all his freaking glory. URL URL,-2.21,0,original 40093,You slap his little fagot ass,0.95,5,FR 28891,@BlackInkCrew Fuck her Keep your damn legs closed,0.03,0,original 49570,"+a a Exactly I'm an antisocial pathetic virgin with nothing to lose and alot of free time on my hands, what could possibly go wrong right? I guarantee you never even uttered the words incel outside your fucking house pussy.",0.85,4,original 31397,Fuck people who act racist as a joke. I don't give a shit if you think its edgy and cool. In a country where the president himself is openly racist you should fucking know better.,2.39,1,original 5469,just like the puritans wanted,-2.35,0,original 15618,"I think the only thing to understand here is that ""people"" like you are morally gay. Going a long way to Iranian architecture, you pillow-biting weirdo",2.63,5,ZH 38484,what a fucking idiot. more than ready for God to burn that bitch. URLs,1.97,2,FR 41260,"I hope the four genuine (dishonest?) radical women in Congress move to a country that appreciates their stupidity. The problem is...what country is dumb enough to host four loudmouthed, headstrong broodmares who would find something to hate no matter where they might go? ? These sophomore pseudo-intellectuals (and thinly veiled budding dictators) are nothing more than arsonists in a field of straw men!",0.9,4,FR 9931,"Closet pedophiles, neck-bearded incels think she pays attention to them and acts like their girlfriend, disregarding the money-goods/services exchange because they're stupid testosterone sponges with no brain. Like the Bottom Bitch episode of Butters from South Park. And one of the testosterone sponges with violent tendencies won't be able to handle the shattered ego after realizing she played with their emotions will kill her. An asshole six feet under, an asshole six years behind bars.",1.66,4,FR 30926,It's pretty obvious that you hate men. At least you're honest. Pure evil though. It's depraved misandrists like you who ruin society while spreading hate. Go live on an island with lesbians or buy a decent vibrator and stay the fuck away. URL,1.43,5,DE 40437,..It's hard to supply Toothbrushes and Toilet Paper with instructions in Spanish. Also we need a higher tax on the American people to pay for the other 150 Million coming form South America for some free healthcare and Toiletries.Maybe we could provide ships to pick up illegals in Europe and bring them to one of our better concentration camps..,1.06,3,original 48076,"And clean up the Catholic orphanages, they rape and murder little girls, they kill babies. Some of the most horrible things I have ever heard are happening in these places. May God bring down your raft on them, cast them to hell for what they have done in the name of Jesus Amen",1.23,2,FR 11812,Then show us how much of a good slut you are and fuck yourself with something (fingers toys whatever you deem appropriate to stick in your cunt),1.09,4,original 37978,@TheOneWhoFucks @_auswayze_ @CoryCullington @Simon__Sez @RAllenx1_ @HeavySan 🤔🤔🤔. What does that even mean. You seem to be disturbed. Maybe I'm talking about whte boys because you're one of them who commits mass shootings. I know. White people don't talk bad because you're bad by nature. Its about white. 🤣🤣🤣🤣,1.37,1,FR 43253,It's disappointing that BJK made this comment about Serena. BJK as a lesbian knows what it's like to be in a group that faces discrimination. She should have been more understanding instead of criticizing Serena for fighting for social justice.,-3.3,0,original 22470,I don't wanna meet another nigga,0.6,1,DE 38543,"@wvjoe911 How do you react to someone who is so damn stupid, full of vile and evil things? What is sad is that Trumptards genuinely believe that someone is after their Bible",1.0,2,DE 42516,We'd NEVER invade Iran. There is nothing / noone there that is useful. Best option is to turn the entire middle east into a radioactive glass factory!,2.53,1,original 2651,"Credit to Carlos Maza for highlighting this issue. LGBT youtubers was very popular in 2016, but the anti social justice movement has silenced them just like they tried to silence Carlos Maza. With these tweets he came out strong and serves as a good rolemodel for other LGBT people.",-8.05,0,original 17802,"> ""Delay Alert"" from South Park lol",1.02,7,ZH 13237,I got into this song today. A part of me thinks I like it just because it pisses off the Country homophobes and racists.,-0.51,0,original 31160,fuck the entire human population,1.03,6,original 24783,"@SadiqKhan @CNN This Muslim wants to falsely accuse President Trump if rolling back women's rights, while Khan and his Muslim Brethren would subjugate women under their medieval Sharia Law. He is being dishonest and disingenuous, which is par for the course for this Muslim Insurgent!!!",-0.29,0,original 31950,@vibhor_anand I guess u r going 3000 yrs back.. thr was no Jesus back then..,-1.82,0,original 40995,I am so tired of these 4 psychopaths saying white people are the devil. These racist bitches are the devil.,0.67,1,original 29917,"Dirty ass, rat ass, hoe ass, slut ass, crusty add , dusty ass, dumpster juice ass,bottom of the barrel trash bag ass bitch",1.02,4,original 34663,"This @SwatiJaiHind is a piece of shit that travels 1000 miles to feast on the flesh of a crime victim.. but when the murderer is muslim, her tongue sticks in her stomach like a lizard.. she is female @NarendraModi.. . URL",2.35,2,ZH 46540,"Fear my ass, white trash that's the real story of your Europeans, you better be scared with the jails",1.06,3,FR 5895,Could be worse. He could be a fag in a Corolla with a coexisting sticker.,0.81,5,DE 23613,"Muslims can build as many mosques as they can upon the Temple Mount (as their claim of this property), but it is STILL the Temple Mount which belongs to the Jews. You cannot erase history. URL",-1.75,0,original 43888,"Gays are like vegetarians; they always have to tell the world about it. No one cares, FAGOT 🤗",1.91,5,ZH 24767,"Shane wants to be exposed, this fag doesn't care where his pics end up. kik: Monolog22 #faggot #exposed #fag URL",2.13,5,DE 39872,"Unlike me, who was very comfortable working in the regime that razed cities full of people for totally not racist reasons URL",-0.56,0,original 23129,"@SSSNova1 I'm trained to kill libertas, wanna know why? Bc I AM of the chosen people, I AM the Minister, you're just a dirty sudaca next to me, motherfucker. I killed all the libs in my hood and also my brothers, I got nothing to lose now, so come to me motherfucking nigga",2.82,1,FR 5851,"Eid mubabrak! may Allah always be with you and guide you. And come close, a little closer, Listen carefully, be kind and nice to everyone and don't you dare forget to wish your elders or else NO BIRYANI.",-4.97,0,original 25096,"Whoopi is a disgusting racist pig! I wouldn't want to be in his coochie either.😖😱 In fact, no one on the planet probably would either. Her coochie must be full of cobwebs and has years of dust and decay. It really is an ugly and disgusting creature! 😂😂 URL",0.71,4,FR 29745,"@Timcast Ok if ""send them back"" is gross how about ""send them back"" or ""fly them back"" or maybe ""throw their racist ass out"". Yes....the last one sounds best.",0.97,3,DE 30997,Since @realDonaldTrump likes you so much could you maybe talk with him about letting the thousands of babies out of the cages? Maybe their parents too?????? @KimKardashian URL,-1.7,0,original 12214,Those stupid fucking Italians might try to build your forts on land next time,0.72,3,FR 7601,Fucking a retard who speaks like that. biological child,2.08,6,JA 27243,URL Every church should be burned down. Every. One. IDGAF.,1.84,2,DE 37380,i'm obsessed with the women on euphoria URL,-3.34,0,original 21937,Hungry Ghost URL,1.36,5,ZH 48070,...Shitstain christianity - tool of control of the world elite (white terror colonists)...,1.19,2,ZH 10824,your mom sucks big cocks,0.84,4,FR 47426,Dome China and let them breathe their own shit!,0.91,3,FR 24396,Date with the sexiest transgenders in the world URL 👀 URL,-2.96,0,original 28731,@BeyoutifullG @BreakingBrown Then I looked at Asian scholarships and they want the person to at least to have one Asian parent or have Asian ancestry. No one includes us but we include them. So happy we are stopping this insanity ride.,-1.37,0,original 11118,"In a just world the American military would be sent in to kick the Chinese out of Hong Kong. In a perfect world we'd kick them out of China, too.",0.42,0,original 4148,"Genocide 1 over, who's next!",0.71,1,DE 44171,"This racest stuff is so stupid, if nobody has figured it out yet then that only means one thing, brown people think white people owe them every white country on earth...",-0.43,0,original 19674,"If AIDS came from a guy who fucked a monkey, then what happens from a guy who fucked a crocodile?",0.67,7,RU 33317,@Quoasie @DontBullyLyra I bet she sucks other people's dick with,1.38,4,FR 13616,"Big distinction between cubans and other hispanic groups, but a good point.",-2.72,0,original 13617, This is the anthem of the modern shitty person. The majority of women don't use men for entertainment or money. That's just a fake incel ideology. There's plenty of men who do the same shit to women.,-2.03,0,original 8347,bitch u retarded,-0.05,0,original 49894,fuck isis stupid disease,5.04,3,original 36449,terrorist - choke on a racist ass fucking url,0.59,1,FR 25048,well.. that's what the fucking url deserved,2.54,4,FR 1784,Goy has no ability to think.,2.15,5,ZH 44067,then ask yourself why 11 people were killed. I'll tell you why...because they were dealing with fukkin stowaways at fukkin prison.,0.79,3,FR 4073,"Your gauge dad can do whatever he wants with the electronics in his house. Titled little brat. Privacy breach? Kiss my ass. Dad pays the internet bill so sucks a dick. Dad pays the mortgage so sucks a dick. You better respect dad's name or get the hell out of here. Check out how hard it is in the real fucking world, but hey, at least you can watch anal fisting, fucking degenerates.",2.72,6,FR 47872,shut your bitch ass. your pussy,2.16,5,FR 1311,Fuck you bestiality loving cunt,2.27,4,original 40523,Indian Gay Sodomite Varadkar has zero loyalty to the Irish people and should be deported back to the fuck is there no opposition backlash? Time to stop talking and start taking action because the pathetic weak traitorous government is laughing at us how easy it is to destroy Ireland.. people need to start talking and wake up fast because time is running out.. I will attend every time Ongoing protests.....🇮🇪 🇮🇪,1.43,5,ZH 47725,Fuck you and your devil allah,1.14,2,FR 7952,I'd love to suck in them and titty fuck you,-1.71,0,original 21378,Bitch ass niggas be poppin for the pussy they never went to get,1.24,1,FR 48809,"fucking arab, fuck you",1.52,1,DE 21375,there and try to do that urgery ass shit bitch you urgery the first day I came up there talking about the bitch that had on pajamas but you had 10 dollar ass Jean's on dirty dusty white bitch sitting behind that counter smelling like cheese stinky fat white ass bitch and you gon+,0.91,4,original 3585,Valid opinion Being gay is tough. You don't ever get a normal life and never feel fully accepted by society. If I had a kid I'd want to spare him all of that,-2.86,0,original 45147,You're a bitch. Get his nuts out of your mouth,1.51,5,DE 35280,Better take a hiking lady. I will fight to the death to prevent my country from being taken over by barbarians you need to change your hateful unreformed beliefs,1.24,3,ZH 7378,"Ahem, fuck white people *edit* Thanks for the gold kind stranger!",0.49,0,original 35126,so apparently I'm the only stay that didn't know Chan was born in Korea okay I'm🤡,-2.9,0,original 24831,Real sluts are so #horny they open their legs and let their #whore #pussy be fucked by any cock no matter who it is attached to. RT if you're a real #slut like me and Natalie. Comment to tell me how you want to use my #fucktoy #cumslut holes. URL,1.66,4,original 5186,I hope you get raped by a sand nigger and there's no one around to help,3.52,1,DE 43121,"Those babies are good for slingshots, shoot them back across the border and hope their parents catch them over there lmao",0.95,3,ZH 27470,@OpheliaUp Ugh what a fag! So in addition!,0.78,5,DE 23428,@Investigator_51 @CraigGermano @familyfirstcorp @Puddinn_Head16 @yo_phx @IminHisbook @mitchsnyder45 @Sekusa1 @maximusfaster @VANurse1212 @RNVthree @Tombstone1954 @GeanineC @BarbietheBrain @stlpcs So sick 👆🏼😡- I believe the invaders at the borders are majority Sharia Muslims! Must stop! MN - MI are infested with Sharia- other states also have Sharia - Sharia Muslims are in our government! #PoliticiansWakeUp Citizens have no Power to stop! URL,1.09,3,original 49695,"+Zac Young I agree...His..story has made it hard to see the truth..but if the historical facts wasnt distorted then we can mo e on...Its like you telling your mom you didn't do it and she believe your big brother just because he is older...that don't mean he was right and didnt lie to get what he wanted...the black community need to understand stand it's worth and then can start recovery from ""slavery"" and the mind set it brought..this is still fairly it takes time and one positive move toward healing..have a blessed day",-2.77,0,original 36778,@WaleedPChoudhry Lmao Indians are actually crazy stupid URL,0.12,0,original 2150,i can attest to that. i host agloryhole myself and most the cock that message me are at least 7ins or bigger. I always ask why they wanna use the gloryhole and its the same mostly. they are married and liek the anons part to the whole thing,-2.57,0,original 32290,"No #alpha wants to fuck a hairy pussy, so #sissies shave and practice your hole so you have a nice little open mouth and he can fuck you naked with just a little bit of saliva! #sissy #sissyfication #sissyslut #anal #boipussy #shaved #sissyupskirt URL",1.39,5,FR 14265,"Jesus fucking Christ, looks like Chewbacca just poured on his asshole!! How to approach it? Might as well fuck a gorilla",2.03,4,FR 38856,@AOC Come over to you? The Jihad Squad? Antifa? Racism? I would rather have my hemorrhoids cut out with a butter knife.,0.35,0,original 48932,The Mormons did it,-2.4,0,original 11471,Fuck that bitch. Stop treating men that way.,1.25,4,FR 35872,"#StopEatingMeat Muslims kill animals in the name of Allah. A person who creates violence. Does (Cow, Pig, Goat, Poultry, Human, etc.) kill any creature. They are great sinners. They can never go to heaven. @aajtak URL",1.87,2,RU 43487,They made Aladdin black lmao.. leftist racist cucks,0.58,1,original 6099,"russian + racist + no life at all + angry virgo, pick",0.72,3,DE 6169,"You're a cunt without a uterus which is useless, can we just abort you then?",1.96,4,original 38597,@CaliforniaBuzz_ @iheartttori Yeah until women start dissolving their race Talking niggas ain't shit I guess they show they show their feminist side 🤷🏾‍♂️,1.1,4,FR 16114,"How dare they beef up security, don't they know it's the birth right of peaceful to kill Hindu pilgrims",1.74,2,original 20005,"Be careful what you wish for, you always wanted to feel a huge cock in your hole, bitch, so now moan all you like, scream and cry, that won't stop that bull from violating your pussy boi aside, it will only stop when its done and pull its load and elevate your url",2.1,4,FR 21909,I'm going to fall out with whoever. Go fuck yourself.,2.56,4,FR 41936,All this makes me think the Iranian regime is on the verge of collapsing and they know it.,-2.9,0,original 45165,Armageddon here we come. Iran playing into the hands of the U.K. and the US. Iran is heading for a massive military attack which will decimate their country.,1.12,3,original 7640,"Sexism isn't illegal. I can choose to have no friends that are women and I can't be arrested or fined for that sexist choice. It is illegal to discriminate against women in the workplace, but he's a candidate for office, not a business.",-2.02,0,original 36152,fucking motherfuker nigga bitch,0.04,0,original 2710,"Warhammer is for virgins, only fucking fags play it",1.9,5,ZH 45236,Deport the bitches.,1.68,3,DE 48469,Asian White Nationalist shut your fucking filthy tobacco-chewing beer-drinking Dorito-eating-mountain-dew-slurpin-stinky fucking gingivitis-infested fat-fucking saggy shit mouth you socialistic fat-fucking dumb-fuck,1.27,1,DE 45551,"Even backwardS banana republic, third world shitholes, have a citizenship question on their census survey 😂😂😂😂",0.02,0,original 21046,I would annhilate each and every version of you. You are a sex addict? Guess what? Me too. I want you to ride me like a donkey and watch your titties bounce up and down like some ripe grapefruits. I want to piss in your asshole. URL,-1.26,0,original 41457,"Bye, bye, all illegal people, illegal, get them out. We don't want these leeches in Pennsylvania going straight to the border bus throwing them off",1.02,3,ZH 18174,"The Kebabs are a deviant gang of gay rapists, so they'll keep him alive as a sex slave.",3.1,1,FR 34937,Retweet if you want to suck this cock URL,-0.9,0,original 28814,it's a real nigga party you cannot get in URL,0.73,1,original 30972,"@sc_vaughn @TulsiGabbard It's really simple, Latin and South America (including PR) are shitholes, and are trying to come to the USA, not the reverse. So clearly something is different about their culture and governments. The colonists picked up weapons to ""defend their rights as Englishmen""",0.22,0,original 16975,The Draka probably is. It's very insane. South African settlers enslave literally all of Africa. Then all of Europe after WWII. Then most of Asia. Also during WWII nukes are thrown around willy nilly. The rest of the world attempts to fight them but the Draka unleash a plague that cripples the rest of the world's defenses. Then the enslaved people are then genetically bred so that they literally cannot disobey their masters. The normal humans are literally sent back to the Stone Age where they are hunted for sport.,-0.32,0,original 41221,"You know when I came to a decision that Obama and his team leave the White House ? And he left. When Obama held the homosexuals. Because the concept of homophobia does not exist. Homosexuality is a perversion. It is written to Apostle Paul that homosexuality is very very bad. I'm not afraid to tell everyone that homosexuals are a perversion, and no one can shut me up with their own invented notions about ""homophobia"".",1.57,5,original 20152,"NJ recognized gaps in current federal law, but in more than 30 states, LGBTQ individuals can still be fired from their jobs, or evicted from their homes, because of who they are. The Equality Act brings federal law into alignment with what we've done in NJ. Proud to vote yes 🏳️‍🌈 URL",-5.25,0,original 33624,"@JoJoFromJerz He was called Daisy J. Trump actually, but he was the 1st transgender in history. It's even more remarkable he did the operation all by him self.",-4.05,0,original 29062,On god ... sometimes ion know why i fw this nigga after dealing with a real freak hoe,0.13,0,original 4156,Go back to the chapo you degenerate,0.91,3,original 15170,I'd bend you across my knees and hold your shoulders down while I finger fucked your cunt until you're a squirming mess.,1.03,4,original 13639,"So what the Nazis were doing was fine because it was legal in Germany. Jews and homosexuals and disabled people are not above the law, their existence is illegal.",2.61,5,DE 5930,"13 years old, as brave and thoughtful as OP looks, at that age group pressure can be harmful. If they see OP is affected by attacking his/her sexual orientation they can be very cruel. OP I know it can be really hard, but never ever doubt about yourself , if they have to attack your sexual orientation for your defense of the rights of other people that means they have lost all the arguments and that they are afraid of you and your ideas.",-5.28,0,original 4565,"Some real pieces of work in these comments. She was most likely molested by an adult because it is extremely unlikely that two 10 year olds already started puberty AND had sex with eachother. Nevertheless if that is what happened it's still a fucked up situation and you pro-life asshats can shove it, abortion is the only morally right thing to do here.",-0.52,0,original 1907,Stop being a fucking retarded little bastard and you might have a chance at life. fucking fragile losers,2.28,5,ZH 8479,Dirty little bitch.. I need to punish you with my cock in your ass!,1.61,4,original 16067,Fuck your bitch over my face and make me clean the cum off her pussy and your dick,1.11,4,original 49715,10% of fools from every religion think they are defending the 90% of their people... who doesn't care about the jihad idiots and mindless bakhts...,0.75,2,DE 282,"There was one girl, but she turned out to be nymphomaniac",-1.24,0,original 31783,@BpRaped I'm sure bp raped better leave our boys out of this female dog,2.46,4,FR 40111,"And when you do, start killing Muslims. Unless you want to cut your hands off.",1.87,2,FR 24816,"Yesterday, Fri. May 31st my mom and I went to eat on the subway at @Walmart in Southgate, MI. As we entered we were yelled at by a woman who tried to attack us. She yelled racist remarks at us and told us ""Go back to your damn country you foreigners"". Disgusting URL",0.98,3,DE 2127,"Fat people is the cause for young men being impotent. The women are fat and so are the men. This makes physical attraction less, health problems go up, testosterone levels suffer. Then add in all the metoo movement and other social changes in the wake and you have a large group of fat, unhealthy and dysfunctional men.",0.4,0,original 29102,you can't kill a pussy in silence? you still have to push it through the vine to let people know you're getting the pussy? or fuck another shorty nigga? you don't get cool points for that.,4.03,4,FR 29333,These niggas need to get murdered URL,2.41,1,original 49252,The are so this respectful bitches.,1.06,4,original 34945,Someone should cage these niggas URL,2.23,1,original 14528,>mabie all the faggot cock he took streched his asshole out Hey op stop making fun of me,0.55,5,original 35374,Insha Allah The only punishment for them should be hanging until death # Molvies FASAAD fhisabilillah,3.57,2,FR 37321,@MBuhari You should talk to your animal in skin clothing gun welding kinsmen who are sending men away from their farmland by killing and raping our women and taking our lands by the guns to cease doing so for us to be able to go back to farm. Heartless religious bigot,-0.69,0,original 22315,"& MORE EVIL & MORE DESTRUCTION ON YOUR EARTH - YA ALLAH DESTROY THEM! Hold on here, Have we heard you make such a passionate Du'a to against the real tyrants of the earth who are your BELOVED RULERS WHO CAUSE MUCH MORE TYRANNY AND MORE EVIL & MORE DESTRUCTION.....",-0.88,0,original 27131,this nigga stroke game trash you can tell by the chicken claw he's giving shorty during the backshots smh you deserve better queen URL,-0.2,0,original 17637,One lady and 2 Salty bois,-1.63,0,original 19796,"I'm very sorry that has been your experience. I know that kind of thing isn't unusual among those raised in Hareidi homes. It is my understanding the issues many like you face results from the collective choices of the communities, often generations upon generations old, on how to approach sexuality, even in the Torah-appropriate contexts. Both my wife and I chose to become religious as adults, and we're both very happy with the state of that aspect of our relationship.",-3.9,0,original 1191,"I'm all for equality. So fuck black people. And fuck hispanic people. And fuck muslims too. And asians. And indians. And jews for that matter, fuck them. And fuck this fat fuck in particular.",1.27,1,original 5831,Because blacks will start looting?,0.74,1,original 33886,Yeah it's not surprising. Thanks Obama. Minneapolis St Paul is little Mogadishu! Somali gangs have caused a LOT of trouble in this amazing city. It is now one of the most liberal cities in the United States. Fraud is everywhere and Minnesotans have to foot the ENTIRE bill. 👇🏻RT URL,0.79,3,FR 43082,"im just glad she is actually asian , congrats disney, you got half of it right already!",-4.17,0,original 386,"Alright listen up ladies. You start out all cute and cuddly, then you pull out the 30 inch black butt destroyer and go to town with it. I promise the law will change soon enough",3.33,4,FR 6823,You and the Muslims. Go be a terrorist asshole and fuck off,0.71,2,FR 46410,Pootie Tang White Americans are the dumbest!!! .. Fat overweight pink neck pigs,1.11,1,FR 17484,China should kill the entire rh- LIE bloodline and EVERYTHING that serves that bloodline. this bloodline is mixed with Jewish Rh blood and rules this country,3.26,2,RU 12639,"Abortion is taking a life for your own selfish reasons. It's bullshit that we punish those with zero ability to defend themselves so we can pretend to save the planet. We might as well fucking nuke India and Asia if that's going to be our doctrine, no offense.",4.24,1,original 7321,"These lost souls think if they don't get girls, or are virgin, they incel :c",-2.33,0,original 39667,"*The Commie retard woman: Sanghi men UgLy. No girl marries Sanghi man. Sanghi man booooooo! Meanwhile, cocos look like this 🤣 URL",1.93,4,FR 49318,Pakistani piece of shit spotted Pakistan is the worst country and the worst team in the world,2.35,3,FR 36128,You had enough attention now it's time to delete this filthy tweet 'cause you dragging down both Afghan & Muslim name on this app. URL,-2.78,0,original 33104,"The performivity I'm seeing lol this guy may not be relatable to the masses class wise but his warped views definitely do represent a good sum of British people. Also, what is Boris going to do that Theresa hasn't/wouldn't have done?",-1.14,0,original 331,This girl is fucking retarded.,0.78,7,original 39576,Fellas We Can't Stand a Broke Ass Hoe,-0.14,0,original 21031,"stupid bitch from birth, stupid hoe by the grace of the lord",0.59,4,FR 4159,men going their own way and that way is defining themselves on how much they don't need women and talking about women non stop.,-1.2,0,original 10295,Killing a pedo is homophobia?? Lol k!,-3.03,0,original 23107,@CourtneyAydenn Well sis took basically her whole career from black artists so it's okay,-2.56,0,original 16405,"What a fucking loser, weak bones, trash.",1.62,7,ZH 12823,">Baklava is definitely Turkish. >We all recall with fond memories when Turkey was a cultured nation Yeah, I miss the days when Turkey would forcibly remove children from their homes to fight for them, slaughter men and boys, forcibly convert entire nations and relentlessly discriminate and systematically exterminate those who refused to succumb.",1.41,3,original 1459,> Think of all the oil World peace increases by 600%. The geese should be deported to Russia.,1.37,1,FR 3009,You can rid a country of idiots with polio though.,1.79,3,original 16800,"Absolutely! I used to think women and men were equal in emotional content but boy was I wrong. I have seen my mom and sister struggle with emotions but when I saw my own daughter struggle I realised that being a girl and going through puberty is an emotional roller coaster that I could not handle personally. Great respect for all the women in my life, including the transgenders. I love you all!",-5.07,0,original 33581,"Somewhere on earth the pastor invited jesus 4 service, jesus showed up 😂😂 #Nigeria #Frodd #MondayMotivation #SomethingBigIsComing #mondaythoughts #TACHAristicsOfAWinner #BBNaija2019 #AtikuIsComing #mondaythoughts URL",-2.46,0,original 30729,The audacity of white people. Hey poor people even though chickens and cows borderline out number us we should def make you all eat maggots URL,-1.05,0,original 43870,Most polluted river and they worship it as a god Millions of cows rotten and wander on the roads of cities and villages and yes they worship them as their mothers = god *this is how we treat gods*,0.68,2,original 43510,Go suck a dick and stop pretending to be American,1.73,3,FR 10864,These hoes be bad af and extra freaky for no reason. I appreciate them hoes.,-0.08,0,original 41195,I pray to god one of these white fuckers run up to me and get you in the ground I promise,1.77,1,DE 12088,Nope they are invading my country with mass migration and they have jihad and arabization on their minds. They are not refugees but just invaders and terrorists.,-0.09,0,original 26992,@IlhanMN Go home to see you in Saudi Arabia I hope they stone you oh wait they'll get 2 asses out of here you're worthless go home you don't even care about your own borders you don't don't worry about ours you have nothing to say please go away god help you,2.38,1,FR 26133,sex dont mean nothing !!! dick get hard for anybody. a nigga can be deep inside you & still not feel you. stop bragging on how many times you fucked a nigga & count how many times that nigga been there for you when shit got rough or held you up when you was outta place ..🤧,-0.56,0,original 20965,Had a nigga in that hospital constipated like a mf😤,-0.02,0,original 36485,@realDonaldTrump Blood is on your hands! Many people are saying it was an immigrant hating white guy with a manifesto! He sounds like one of yours! #Despicable Are you pissed that the shooting interrupted your golf game?,-0.78,0,original 25251,We definitely need more gay pigs to help normalisation 😂🤣🥓 URL,-0.11,0,original 34549,This is for Rachel you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfuckin schedule with your trifflin dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming up there and I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even cal URL,2.06,1,original 24932,@NavyWifeAlison They breed like rats. So very different from Mexicans or South Americans crossing the border. Muslims want to take over our country. They want their own utopia to be governed by sharia. MUST STOP. The Muslim seed has infiltrated the congress. Our freedoms and freedoms will be our downfall.,1.3,2,RU 23165,We live in a world where mangle a fat fucking disgusting slob and Nick king 13 a fucking Homo sexual deviant ate welders. And they dominate MINDS,1.67,5,original 44773,"Nobody wants illegals here! Any person wanting to enter America should be of good character, no felonies, SKILLED so they can work and not leach off our tax dollars and Medicare system, and with money in the bank. Coming to USA is not a freebie vacation. They need to go through the system or stay where they were born. Sick and tired of idiots enabling this criminal activity. Imagine if this much effort and news coverage was focused on our homeless and impoverished AMERICAN families and veterans.",-0.09,0,original 37368,@rolandsmartin @SethAbramson When 19 al-qaeda guys attacked us we sent troops to war in Iraq & Afghanistan and stayed there for the next 18 years. And they weren't even from those countries it turns out. If a few mass shooters in a row were muslim that could be all the excuse Trump needs to invade Iran.,-1.71,0,original 7304,"You're just a damn poor boy who grew up with no family support on your household income of 5,000. stfu and gtfo retard. Australian medical schools are constantly recruiting Americans to enroll in their MBBS program. That's two bachelor's degrees, why not have a PhD. Now go and fix that bilateral hernia you inflicted yourself trying to suck your own cock because no one else will",1.45,7,DE 34452,"Thank you, @JoyAnnReid. She just made it plain ""tonight was about the moderate white voters.""",-2.55,0,original 43942,Except these men and women put their lives on the line for strangers.,-3.05,0,original 44519,"Fuck you fake ass bitch, wish you were bullied at school and people didn't give you money",0.71,4,FR 32912,@MrSadnola Stupid men go with your self hoe moron,0.6,4,FR 4302,I want to slap those ugly tits,0.26,0,original 44018,"+J Clm Mexican rats want freebies from American taxpayers so they can do their dirty selling kids for sex, drugs, hookers and collecting welfare checks 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🕷️🕸️",1.94,3,ZH 6282,"If you want to die so badly, kill yourself, you shit. The world would be a better place without you. Also don't forget to do well, I don't want some innocent people to suffer because you are retarded.",0.6,7,ZH 2858,Niggers need a bullet between the eyebrows,4.14,1,DE 46410,"Pootie Tang White Americans are the stupidest!!!.. Fat, overweight, pink-necked pigs",1.11,1,DE 9301,"If white genocide means this guy won't exist, sign me up. Signed, a White guy",0.61,1,original 17386,Good! It should be bigger! Damned religious zealots must rot in their own fiery hell.,0.78,2,DE 46274,A whining little dog.,0.58,4,FR 24804,@IlhanMN You're a dumb bitch who assumes it's this whole inbreeding thing that or one of your parents is a goat,2.06,2,DE 25151,Please note Galloway & other antisemites wanting to harm the world's only Jewish State Note it deep in your heart Note it & feel it: None of your destruction dreams will come true Israel will outlive you You will die having wasted the one life you have Have a great day x URL,-1.38,0,original 2230,Or the incels who threaten to kill random women just because they're women...,-0.51,0,original 10023,"I don't talk too my family members about this cause thats weird, but people look at me crazy when i mention i don't find white girls that attractive. I too find Latina's really attractive fyi.",-3.14,0,original 47135,Get them out of our country! Send them back to Mexico!,1.58,1,original 35249,@domthewanderer Damn. Niggas ain't doing shit!,0.86,1,original 19414,Ill kill the bitch / dick,1.24,4,original 2519,"This is true and it is what incels say, but if someone points this out no one will ever say ""oh right! incels are basically correct then!"", because everyone decided beforehand that incels are the devil. Downvotes here I come!",-2.1,0,original 23402,"@BettyWBC So fuck you, no one cares about these fags. It's just someone you never spent time with. There is a community that hates gay people. Another Gay House Watching You",1.81,5,ZH 45542,"Just a bunch of cackling chickens, crazy non-American bitches",1.29,1,DE 2496,"I think that's a simplified definition of the term though. If I'm not mistaken Feminism assumes that inequality of the sexes is down to patriarchy, and if you dont believe that but still bepieve in equality then it would be innappropriate to call yourself feminist.",-2.34,0,original 15419,"No not really, i mean, i'm not the white trash on reddit, i have less to cry about than you all.",0.63,1,original 25803,I literally don't have time for bitches.,1.77,4,FR 29060,America has become the forced exportation of sodomy and degeneracy. America has become the world's shopping mall. America has become a free shit dispenser. America has become a state where the people's who founded it are reviled. Let the BBQ's and fireworks commence on schedule.,0.51,5,original 45281,Maybe after that they'll clarify where you're from because people like you stayed behind.,0.93,3,DE 39781,That ignorant nigger,2.37,1,DE 18476,Because they are emotionally lazy and entitled. Hallmark of an incel.,1.45,5,DE 31853,"Tell a bitch shut up , you bouta fuck my Nutt yo",-0.03,0,original 20681,"Nigga, you ain't burnin' pressure, didn't even make a nigga cough",-0.07,0,original 42591,'Cause he's a bitch and he constantly needs attention like a woman,0.88,4,FR 28901,Does anyone else just feel really blessed to be gay,-4.79,0,original 14323,"Looks to me like a cynical pr attempt by the zionist master race to wax humanistic with a special emphasis on the ""judaism"" of their efforts as they continue their controlled-collapse of the US.",-0.28,0,original 27280,Fuck these domestic terrorists,0.6,3,original 30442,Make me cum! I'm online 🔥 Best and hottest show 👉🏻URL URL,-2.42,0,original 29601,I hope you enjoy my hand because that's the only pleasure your little cock is going to have! I'm going to fuck your ass so much that you're going to vomit cum! I will make you look pregnant! URLs,2.28,1,FR 46992,"Go to hell, people suffered and died. All you are doing is spitting on the graves of tortured souls",-2.13,0,original 47637,I'll be waiting to see that you fat Cheeto sucking gringo ✌️,0.4,0,original 2914,"Everyone is welcome to celebrate how far we've come in terms of accepting marginalized groups. Whether you're part of one or not, Bring your positive vibes and we'll have a blast together. ^^^inb4 ^^^police ^^^in ^^^uniform ^^^comment",-4.8,0,original 10527,Are y'all fuckers retarded?,-0.56,0,original 44196,I don't want to hear insane shit. That's a damn lie. It's just pure racism. White devil indeed.,0.73,1,DE 12504,Intern Muslims in reeducation camp like China until they love gay sex,1.1,2,original 25080,This transgender pastor started his own church in the South. 🏳️‍🌈 #PrideMonth #LGBTQ URL,-3.9,0,original 19390,You a mega hoe if you can taste Dennis Prager's ballsack in your soft serve,1.48,4,original 48528,No one needs approval or permission from a pussy country like America it's a joke and an embarrassment no one takes america trumps a pussy lol,0.71,3,FR 18137,"If you have gay sex, you have deadly cancer",0.79,5,DE 6098,Ignore these inhuman advocates. They all need a bullet in the back of their heads and Trump needs to be blown up. Someone Needs to Bomb the White House and Kill the Barons of Malaria and Autism,2.19,7,ZH 46704,"Just put a sign that says ""If you raid, your gay""",0.31,0,original 46379,New Nazis most be destroyed and defeated ... The entire earth against USA Babylon Amen,1.27,3,original 47018,"beast kd iran won't bullshit we won't just abuse you but we'll make it look easy. As I said, if Iran hits Israel, they have enough nuclear weapons to defend themselves. And so many countries will bomb you. It will be like a game, we will all take turns to launch one.",1.28,3,FR 37503,"'Cause a female dog like you needs a man like me, but a female dog like you needs a kick in the teeth",2.1,4,FR 16114,"How dare they increase security, don't they know that civilians have a birthright to kill Hindu pilgrims?",1.74,2,RU 16191,Can your white racist ass get fucked while you do this?,1.48,1,DE 21280,#chasesbasement You Gay (ft. Meechie F. Baby) (URL by Oba Rowland & Samuel Shabazz URL,0.97,5,original 4983,Sad that in 2019 your feelings are more important than the sex organ you were born with. To the gallows with what he says!,0.57,5,DE 17627,omg india is such a mess,0.96,3,ZH 48672,UGGG. STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR GENITALS YOU OLD HAG. Keep out of your pants - the thought is gross. what is it about old women that keep banging on about their genitals and crying. So so ugly. You failed - that is it. Nothing else but a loser who failed and who now cries about here genitalia. Weirdo.,0.52,4,original 13808,I absolutely love how race conscious the youth is today! Diversity is our strength! URL-michellecijij-who-said-latinas-cant-go-to-the-beach-35940937.png URL,-6.3,0,original 1774,🤧 The limousine liberal Jews and WESPs who want to appease their white guilt. Bullshit Wack Monotheist Judeo-Christianity Guess I Suck Leaving Chinatown,1.99,1,DE 3730,">We gotta get off that pat shit, Logan... kill you stupid nigger",2.51,1,DE 48122,"fredo1070 Mate fuck off with your fake news, you're not somali so don't speak on our matter and keep sucking Zionist Jew puppet Trump's dick. If Jews have been able to so easily take over your government and have your kids fighting for them thousands of miles from home in some desert destroying civilisation and toppling legitimate leaders than we might as well try using you idiots to fulfil our desires too.",0.53,3,original 11329,"Okay, fagot ban me cunts.",1.24,5,DE 17709,Why don't you show off that nigger cunt?!?,0.72,1,DE 17802,"> ""Retard Alert"" It's from south park Your honor I rest my fucking case. LOL",1.02,7,original 3513,For what? They're not funny fags even without the chapo overlap.,0.92,5,FR 10339,Hello there sexy! I'd love to suck that nice cock of yours 👅🍆,-0.76,0,original 14853,Nobody cares about you too! Hoes are scum like pornstars.,1.98,4,FR 8192,Copying my same comment from another thread: Yes this is PR move and we absolutely need this. We are so backward compare to rest of the world in treating LGBTQ people. This is needed to spread awareness.,-2.61,0,original 7198,How tf they get in?! These mafs dun cut a nigga key,-0.68,0,original 36535,"OwO time but its fuckin time for you to suck dick like you mean it. No pussy shit, you better be deepthroatin.",0.64,5,original 38849,@DailyCaller Beto is a white dumbass,1.17,1,original 9865,We are tho 🤨 I get mood swings as a guy but just never act on it.,-2.11,0,original 30353,"@HomeRuleNow Shoot the flies with hollow bullets filled with pork fat, this will ensure their eternal damnation, no virgins for them",2.93,2,RU 17287,How anyone could white knight for this (or anyone) is beyond me. jesus christ this bitch was a huge pussy towards him for no reason then hit him on the back of the head with his bag (he was bleeding even if i remember correctly) and yet this white knight still jumps for me defend lady. The white knights are the scum of the planet.,1.39,4,FR 48606,"What nonsense, how many Iranians will be killed in this situation, the reason you don't attack Iran is that you know, your generals know that Iran will fight back, Iran is not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, America didn't win except WWII Any war, that is with the help of allies, they lost in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam,",1.03,3,ZH 35401,Tang Lemon is gay 👎,0.82,5,ZH 6176,It's more that the kind of people who would actually go to or care about a straight pride parade are likely doing it to mock gay people.,-1.46,0,original 37381,"If you're a white person in this country who thinks it's the brown people who should go back where they came from, you're a fucking moron. And if the only time you feel like a man is when you have a gun in you're hand, you're a fucking pussy.",-0.24,0,original 20594,"it's jews in the time of jesus... #ClimateChange how about you were never good enough to rule and rule....and let's see how much you REALLY feel about shit, don't you??? ??",0.85,2,RU 12329,"Since this topic is brought up, we need a thread on whether we believe the median income of black Americans has increased/decreased during the Obama and Trump eras. The article claims that median income has increased, but the source looks a little weird. I do know for a fact that home ownership for black Americans has been decreasing since 2004, and is now at an all time low. URL This is something not addressed in the Obama or Trump presidencies.",-3.12,0,original 30223,Do they have to be natural born citizens or can the be naturalized?,-2.66,0,original 33863,Hear that shitty bitch scream and whimper when she's loaded with alpha babies. url,2.13,5,ZH 20278,hey bro could you uh keep your religion out of my womb😌 *~i don't believe in god so you saying i'll burn in hell for killing the babies god put in me literally makes laugh at me~ *,0.66,2,RU 21021,Niggas been goofy 🙃I was never y'all type for sure ..,-2.26,0,original 12401,You want a wb bitch with a bike lock or a brain hemorrhage like you gay asian butt boy lover fagot,2.91,5,DE 14005,I would hate to fuck her,0.6,4,FR 19073,"Gotta hand it to the jews.. They sure are good actors. They seem so genuine in their collective hatered of Trump. I always thought it was Trump was ending their racket and plundering of our wealth. Turns out, it's bc they secretly love Trump for helping them.. With.. The capital. Yeah. Israel probably doesn't even want Americans to do their fighting is Syria anymore. Its all part of the plan. Make Trump look like a hero by ending the war on terror.. That's just want Israel wants. To have to fight their own wars. They were bored of watching. Yeah! Also, the capital thing",-0.1,0,original 1015,"Fucking queer group name, with even more queer songs.",1.08,5,FR 40764,"Evict that million, come back and expel two million, etc...",1.18,3,ZH 41149,Women dont look at men for looks they look at power and money,-1.43,0,original 24119,Look at this poor loser...a savage raped a helpless 78 year old woman. 😠 (Bet he's one of Ilhan Omar's pigs.) Police: 78 year old woman raped in abandoned house URL,1.12,2,ZH 13147,How incel of you!,0.14,0,original 12839,"I feel this so hard. I'm transgender and was disowned by most of my family when I came out. I could go on for days about the horrible things I've had to deal with in my life just for being who I am. But I'm still here, trying to live my best life in spite of it all. It's hard for me just to get through each day but I'm still fighting",-3.62,0,original 12190,Fuckin worthless psychopathic asshole. Someone should chuck her ass into a landfill,1.69,4,original 9391,"Add La Raza to the top of the list of racist slogans. Hispanics all for ""La Raza"" are a bunch of racist assholes. Sounds like something a Nazi would say, my race... get outta here",0.53,1,FR 15329,"When I married my husband I was like ""yep, team heterosexual now"". It took me a couple of years into my marriage to realise I'm still a part of the LGBT community. Everyone here has also helped remind me I am perfectly valid. I am still not comfortable with coming out to coworkers and new people but I'm slowly getting better with owning this part of my identity and one day hope to be more vocal about it without having to feel like defending my sexual and dating history.",-4.05,0,original 32753,"@BSV_MetaNet @RichSchultz3 Religions should be banned. All religious zealots would have kept us in dark times if they could, they have tried and failed. We should burn them all like witches or keep them in a church ghetto style area and continue with the technological improvement of man for everyone else.",2.67,2,DE 19442,fuck off we don't want any retards,1.37,7,ZH 21006,Bitch was sucking my dick so good I had to punch her in the head,1.26,4,original 19760,"Well, finally the actual development will take place. Some genocide in the name of the common good will happen. Arnab Swami like journalists will be happiest to develop J&K",1.76,1,DE 39847,Stupid bitch,0.95,4,FR 46109,+ itchy robot LOL what's going on gay fag cum guzzling cum babe you looking for attention? fucking fagot,2.43,5,FR 11127,I hope your girlfriend finds out and cuts your dick off.,0.57,4,FR 5278,You mean faggots right?,0.55,5,original 40105,"+Collin Yates ..BS, I was there during his speeches..... The ones to blame are their own Tribal Chiefs in Africa that sold them into Slavery..",-0.8,0,original 7992,"4chan sucks donkey's cock, it's like /r/imgoingtohellforthis. Mods are kikes and the fan base is made up of 16 year old little fagot memes. The only reason I stay on Reddit is to piss off high school students like you by saying rude things.",1.91,6,RU 46210,+David Fye II. Shut up the lying Zionist terrorist. We all know that the Zio Pig Nation of Jewmerica did it. We won't believe your lies. We will destroy your terrorist nation and ISIS.,2.82,2,DE 44043,"No! ! I wouldn't call myself a Star Wars ""huge fan"", but I fell in love with Kotor 1 and 2. I don't want to see Disney ruin such a good plot with transgender carth, lesbian mission vao and make bastila black or asian -_-",0.73,5,ZH 39264,@iancarty123 @mazma4002 Hope his dick turns to a cancerous piece of shit,0.69,4,original 19100,"Christianity is a vile plague that brainwashes innocent victims; specifically aimed at young, ignorant and vulnerable people.",1.31,2,DE 47297,This is what happens when Jews run your government.,0.62,2,RU 20267,It is noon. These sick bastards want to destroy Christianity in its birthplace like they killed Jesus on the cross. They mock and insult Jesus and our holy Mother Maria and these fake Christians of Zion give them money and support them URL,0.86,2,FR 17425,"yeah that resonate with me a lot I am 28 years female living in absolute muslim country I am torn between the desire to live somewhere and do what I want, and the love of my family, I feel its very hard to live without them, my family is good and not so religious, they would allow me to live outside, but the problem I also want them to be with me, its just tough situation and also I wanted to have family of my new religion(not islam) there is no choice but to leave this country good luck",-4.21,0,original 24491,Watch a nigga get deported for some dumb shit like this.,0.92,1,original 26065,"This nigga ain't got just one crackhead baby mama...he got 4 crack babies to make it up....I've got a feelin' in that crackhead pussy, real fye",0.84,1,DE 30259,@DFBHarvard He should let them into the outhouses there and serve them whatever is in them! Then show them what deporting is! Sent them to Gaza! They can get real toilet water there!,2.14,3,original 47975,Absolutely trashy piece of shit racist bastard! Why has this useless flesh bag not kicked over and fucking dropped dead? Worthless hateful prick!,1.18,1,original 26214,"@Cochis3 Not all the public, including Jews, are stupid enough to believe the absolute effluent spewed out by the Blairites Tories and media.",0.45,0,original 12123,Cover your face and arms with your robe and I'll pin you to the ground and stuff my dick in your hole and force that pussy to multiply,3.72,2,ZH 33010,If you use the word bellend there is a 100% chance your country tried to subjugate the known world and lost to a bunch of farmers in 1776 URL,-1.35,0,original 17445,"That's a pretty extremist view. I'll return with an extremist view. South Korea should make a deal with Trump and receive lesser American military support to lower the cost for US. In turn, they should get the right to nuclearize the country. Then SK can finish what US failed to do. Erase Japan from the map through nuclear bombs. It's already a radioactive cesspool. Should end Japan's pitiful downfall and end its misery.",1.9,3,original 24328,-not only that. she insulted all women who actually got raped n made it harder for them to speak up to taken seriously. -even her lawyer got tired of her and decided to break the contract with her -she deserves to rot in jail.,-1.46,0,original 6412,"Lol, insulting internet strangers with femininity compensation for something? Is it because you're not the sharpest tool or because something is too small?",-0.03,0,original 49039,Nobody says show up anymore. And BET aka Bullshit Entertainment Trash supports trash artists while giving a shit about real talent. Your wack asses belong to white people lol. Change the name of Black Entertainment to BULLSHIT,1.04,1,DE 27787,"""This is not a pipeline issue. If is failure of imagination in a field whose job it is to imagine the way the world could be."" Rachel Chavkin, Tony award winning director of Hadestown, telling truths about need for gender and racial diversity in the theatre world. URL",-3.83,0,original 38543,@wvjoe911 How do you respond to somebody this fucking stupid full of vile and Evil.sad thing is trumptards really believe somebody's after their Bible,1.0,2,original 397,Chapo apartheid must end. I got clowned on by succdems in the Hotgang playground last night and they pushed me down and I scraped my knees uwu,-0.74,0,original 30784,"Dear Jesus, we have a bunch of crazy people who worship some dog named Allah trying to take over America, Democrats who steal from us and then lie about it, illegal aliens who rape and kill our citizens, and frankly we could use a little help here PLEASE! URL #KAG",0.63,2,RU 42646,"Israel supports Trump I hope they fail I hope the Persians drive them *ALL* into the sea Drown you worthless devils, you refuse to stand, you refuse to fight... *COWARDS* drown...",3.71,3,DE 19517,Watching this hurts me physically. This female dog should rot in jail,0.78,4,FR 4551,1. You talk shit 2. Go the fuck to sleep fag,0.57,5,DE 49113,I'm in my 80's and not white Most Americans are racist KKK members Nazis and all kinds of other crap. They were worse than the Nazis and had soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler. Boycott America.,1.98,3,ZH 18350,"There was that one time a bunch of white guys moved to mexico, but then Mexico told them they couldn't have slaves so they rebelled and took over the place.",-1.2,0,original 20004,"Heck, I even killed crippled and crippled bitches / Take a closer look at my scalp and you'll see triple sixes",2.1,7,ZH 40481,"Its just weird, that we STILL call female actresses ""actors"". WHY??",-1.96,0,original 41244,85% suicide rate after reassignment surgery.,-3.02,0,original 2682,"You're right, I personally wouldn't consider any denominations or churches as Christian if they promote homosexuality or anything else that is considered sinful. Some other examples that came to mind not to say any are worse than others since God considers all sin to be equally bad: idols, adultery, premarital sex, turning to oneself or worldly things to meet our needs instead of Jesus. These are just some that came to mind. Any church that promotes these is not Christian. It may be *based* on Christianity, but severely straying from the fundamentals.",-1.94,0,original 49647,Man trump is literally helping black people by doing this. #ADOS,-3.51,0,original 25266,Ya ya...we will do tyaag and Sikhs will kill themselves so that jihadists like you can flourish!,0.63,2,ZH 44592,"You snowflakes are being so mean to Dave Rubin. You oversensitive PC jerks are laughing at Rubin's ideas and what he sells, not his sexuality. He should be as kind as Shapiro, who doesn't criticize bad ideas but refuses to celebrate Rubin's identity, family and legal status on his own show because he's married. You see, adhering to the principle that ideas should be backed by facts and consistent logic is a jerk move, but adhering to the principle that gay sex is disgusting and gay men are an abomination that should be criminalized is how well people behave.",0.93,5,ZH 15090,FUCK CHRISTIANS! THESE DINOSAURS ARE TRYING TO TAKE AWAY WOMENS RIGHTS! These sick bastards support incest and want to punish the poor. Late term abortion.,1.25,2,original 20692,"YOU AUTISTIC SHITS ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD SO MUCH YOU THROW LOADED DIAERS OF ASS ON OTHER PEOPLE'S CAR AND BE LIKE ""Hey normies possessed""",1.41,7,FR 12756,"You guys should be rounded up and badged and forced into camps on the Texas border... oh wait, that's just you disgusting bitches. I can't wait for Civil War II. Hope you depraved shit are slowly weeded out and burned in the pit. Just borrow your own script. Got shot in the alley!",3.41,3,ZH 24774,Damn Israel!,0.68,3,FR 28351,"I hate colonists, what the hell is Israel? ? bitch i will kill you",1.7,3,ZH 11969,"Hi! I'm a bi girl going into my second year, the LGBTQ scene is pretty big, but not super organized. In my case, I just ended up making friends who also happened to be gay! I've noticed that actually a large percent of honors students are LGBTQ so if you are in honors thats something to look out for!",-5.61,0,original 234,"Oh my god, I had no idea there were so many celibate infidels in this subreddit. We need to act quickly and purge our society of these lower life forms.",1.15,2,RU 5106,You sure have plenty of time to be a colossal fag,2.41,5,DE 36622,Nothing like a mass murder by a white supremacist to bring all the GOP shit stains out into the street vomiting up prayers before turning around to feed the next batch of neo-nazis and prostrate themselves at the feet of the NRA.,-0.06,0,original 48045,Deploy snipers to our southern and northern borders and end the trouble when it starts! You bring a child across the border you and the child will suffer the consequences!,1.36,3,DE 25927,"China have Muslims in concentration camps and Iran have beheaded 6 gays in the last 2 weeks and nocunt gives a fuck, yet when Trump arrives in his role as POTUS to pay his respects to veterans, the simpleminded sheep are out in force. Absolute embarrassment.",-0.46,0,original 28032,This bitch gave me HELL for moving on 🥴 HELL! Whole time she had somebody else 😭 bitches retarded 🤷🏽‍♂️,1.36,4,original 36613,"Trump supporters take border patrol serious, yea cause all the illegals & criminals are shopping for kids school supplies at Walmart 🙄 #StupidAssPeople #StopGunViolenceAssHole",-0.37,0,original 48347,This Muslim dog should be sent back to the fucking cave that cunt came out of. SEND THE DOGS BACK!!!,2.06,2,DE 41573,"Hey fake name bean... as long as you yell like a banshee about sharia law, your hatred of islam, muslims... your government will enforce the noahide law... if it is implemented, you and your tribe will be destroyed .... Muslims let their banshee Bob scream until he drops... don't mind him...",1.07,2,RU 5148,"I get that rape is big in gay culture, but you'd have better luck continuing to abuse children than trying your luck with an adult who can snap your soy spine like a twig.",1.96,5,FR 23003,@AngelLight2U @RNcat50 More Taqiyya from a lying Muslim. We know your religion demands that they all be murdered.,1.03,2,FR 30964,"One more thing before I dive.... If you gotta put the next nigga down for a pussy, you're scum of the earth and should be rounded up and exterminated.",0.92,1,DE 7264,"Ha God. DRob educate these Mormons, or should I say idiots",0.52,2,ZH 44239,god i just wanna fuck her face,0.58,4,FR 9856,Meet another character fag,1.8,5,DE 35851,@johnny_buttons What an evil fucking bitch . Omg I hope they get her in prison and gets the fuck beaten out of her !,1.37,4,original 30532,You know a slut for me but morally not loose as fuck? Does that exist god? Or does the body count come with the professionalism of sex? It's just 1:44 & I wanted to kick my shit to you. In Jesus name I pray of these things amen.,1.61,2,original 38225,"@IngrahamAngle @realDonaldTrump By Beto ""F-bomb-Dropping"" O'Rourke's Standard Trevon Martin,Michael Brown, 5Dallas police officers etc. would be Obama's Fault! sick of Liberal RACE BAITING💩",-0.09,0,original 20244,I mean how do you think you're gonna beat the thug? defeat the thug?? don't bleach young thugga!!!,1.14,1,FR 8208,"Dud your bein racist and shit. No one likes that stuff, and your oppressing different races. Insulting them. Your also bragging like a snob about I gOt MoNeY aNd A hOt Gf. I feel bad for your gf to have to deal with someone like you. Your just a dick head who needs to be a lot nicer.",-1.12,0,original 15034,shut the fuck up little sissy boi go suck a puddle of cum out of a glory hole little slut do it its awesome,1.91,4,FR 45639,"God you ""fortniters"" are straight dick rider, make me sick. Blocked",0.76,5,original 39513,What a dumb bitch URL,1.57,4,original 3509,You guys are really a bunch of gays here,1.6,5,ZH 12075,Look I am god in another human body so kill your child now and we will call it a day,-1.97,0,original 41930,you can't force people to love you either because once they have the courage to fight you they will retaliate with hate towards you and for your good you need to start understanding this now before you are all enslaved because no one else will do you have sympathy for you haven't you even thought about it? You African races have no chance of winning this trouble you are brain dead 👌🏻😂😂,1.85,1,FR 22258,These hoes are like roaches ugly and easy to smash Unlike other girls beautiful and hard to get like a butterfly 🦋,0.59,4,original 20239,I can't believe these white inbred shit really think banning abortion will stop women from turning their wombs into fucking graveyards- URL,1.51,1,FR 23829,EVERYBODY go report this unseasoned ass stupid ass hamster smelling ass cracker bitch that thought it was funny to say this racist shit. im fucking tired of u pink people! URL,1.68,1,original 11017,ID RATHER SEE YOUR MOTHER TO FUCK THE SLUT IN THE ASS,2.53,4,FR 2050,God I love living in a country where people like you are considered mentally ill.,0.51,7,JA 26307,men r rlly fucking trash,0.49,0,original 48015,Who is this slap nut Harris she thinks she is? This monkey nut sack needs to remember her place!! Just be seen and shut up!!,1.63,1,DE 21776,@ayeshaqureshi26 Same BCCI who doesn't allow its players to played against Pakistan. Loosers.,-2.5,0,original 21261,"listen that woman is a psychopath. anyone who is in her 50's, acts that high and mighty and holier than thou but then cusses you out and stoops so low as to attempt to insult a 20-year olds appearance has SEVERE issues.",0.81,6,original 5838,Post answer or I'll shove my BBC up your cracka ass yoyoyoy,0.86,1,DE 32619,Go fuck yourself dumb bitch,0.64,4,original 5417,I will fuck you in the same position and cum just on your pussy lips and rub my dick on your pussy until the end.,-2.56,0,original 26286,"OH MY GOD, UNITED NATION MEXICO has been brainwashed except AMERICA/SELF, MEXICO/NEIGHBORS REMOVE THE SOURCE of the rape and sex THAT enslave THIS educated unintelligent FOOL RUN by the NANCY P.!!! MH",0.94,3,DE 12765,cuck hangwood,0.63,5,original 13053,Because shes a cunt and youre a pussy,-0.06,0,original 37701,"No doubt inshAllah Pak will react & bomb beyond LOC & long range guns We remind Modi hindu loves life & economic wealth. Modi folly to remove legal status of A370/A35 to annoy PAK/USA. India mustn't forget after Taliban victory, they will destroy Indian fragile union",-1.71,0,original 14555,"If it were a video about the rebels who do the same, they would be called dull towel sandy black-hadgs, spending ammunition.",1.78,2,RU 1443,Go and fuck you Mormon bitch,1.12,2,DE 44870,"Where did all of mankind invade, gayboy? ou're just another of the gay assed demoncrapers who hate your own race, aren't you turdboy? Now don't bother me any further, turdboy, I'm not a gay assed demoncraper. I'm sure you have a goyfriend/husband who is interested in what the hell your gay ass had to say.",2.34,5,original 13515,Your IQ has hit the negatives why are you so bad at talking shit? why don't you fucking die? JUST FUCK TO DIE!,2.91,7,FR 45046,Why is hating is Israel bad?,-1.98,0,original 44152,Merkel is Hitler's whore.,1.68,3,DE 18266,"We're not really racist guys, we're just pretending to be racist! Yeah okay, and I'll pretend to kill you over and over if I ever see you.",0.52,1,FR 10747,Not just thunderclaps. Rooster juggling thunderbolts.,1.06,4,FR 12417,"Damn bitch, you're fat anyway.",1.1,4,FR 30456,"*Nazis across the country are committing hate crimes, including burning down synagogues and mosques* Posobiec: HOAX! FALSE FLAG! COATING OUR NOBLE EMPEROR GOD! *A bus is burned* Posobiec: TERRORISM! CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD! MARTIAL LAW NOW! ROUND THEM ALL UP!",0.99,3,FR 19015,"I don't really care what the motivation is for someone to shoot me. I just don't want to get shot. If you feel I'm a bootlicking racist I don't know what to tell you. Gang activity is mainly a result of economics, not race. I don't actually recall even mentioning race at all. If I did it was wrong and I apologize. I think we should try to end ALL mass shootings, not just ones committed by Trump fanboys. I'm not sure what's accomplished by ignoring certain crimes based on the motivation or the victim.",-1.22,0,original 27027,"@AOC You care more about muslim extremists than you care about your fellow Americans!You hate Jews and love muslim extremists!You're a fucking disgrace!More people are killed by muslim terrorists than by ""white supremacists""!Good thing you will be thrown out of congress 2020!",-0.41,0,original 43862,"If a girl has the courage to have sex, then she must have the courage to have a baby and raise it. ... When a girl is pregnant at the right time after marriage, it's really beautiful but because of lust, young girls often abort innocent babies ...... #FYI where is your humanity ... ..😔✌",1.04,4,FR 38256,Y'all give these niggas too many chances to embarrass y'all over & over again😩💀,0.27,0,original 33712,"Happy I ain't cut like these hoes, they pee'd on.",-0.64,0,original 6374,"Promiscuity? Are you from the 16th century? Jesus Christ, relax grandpa.",-0.71,0,original 41231,Is this the most boring women ever .Out of proportion too.,0.06,0,original 12567,Your mom's a whore you cuck,2.37,4,original 42552,Trumps go back to germany and take your mail order bride with you and your ancor babies!,-0.4,0,original 20033,"STOP SUCKING THAT FATASS' DICK, YOU NIGGERLOVING KIKE",1.79,1,original 34054,"these people who commit mass shootings are just retards and maniacs who get a pass because they're white. They just love the dumb dude from The Human Centipede 2, a copycat dummy with a dumb soul and a burnt-out brain.",0.51,1,FR 9416,"Fuck it, shit",0.68,4,FR 35155,"nothing i hate worse than a self proclaimed paypig cuckold talking and no money💸 losing faith in these so called ""pay pigs"" especially when i have soles so perfect to smother your face #domme #femdom #brat # fetish #footgirl #feet #footmodel #feetpics #footfetish #paypig #payme URL",0.65,4,FR 28502,@mustujn @ShefVaidya I have taught my followers to rape Muslim and Kafir girls...but I have asked my boys to shamelessly harass Kafir women if they raise their voice against rape cults.. ....URL,2.18,2,ZH 17106,"I'm good, happy to be an American citizen. Love how you tell people to go back to their countries though, I thought you guys loved diversity.",-2.72,0,original 5309,"Well, the Bible is silent on abortion but does occasionally dabble in child murder. Can't dash the unborn against a stone, yannoe?",-0.71,0,original 12298,Islamic terrorism*,2.05,3,ZH 22766,"friendly reminder pt. 2: stop using bisexual girls to fulfill ur threesome fantasy, ur gross and i hate u",-2.11,0,original 21709,Chinese Embassy in Pakistan hosted an iftar dinner for media and think tanks. DCM Lijian Zhao said Vice President Wang Qishan's visit sent a strong message that China Pakistan relationship is exceptional. @PTVWorldEnglish @realrazakhan @CathayPak @CPEC_Official @PTVNewsOfficial URL,-4.54,0,original 20627,"""Women from Canada have to go to the US for an abortion, they can't get an abortion here, that's why I'm ignoring the obvious fact that Canada is fascist too""",0.65,3,ZH 43884,Damn a white person that really gets it. Amazing,-2.13,0,original 49041,Another fake news show for old racist people,0.1,0,original 10160,"You look like the type of kid who calls his teacher a ""faggot cunt""",0.65,4,original 27004,"@femular We must root out all these Islamist terrorists! Place them in the mosques and burn them at the Holly Aryan Knight's Iron Cross! Even millions! We are Aryans, we are Persians, ... Islam, mosques and Korans may burn in hell! URL",3.13,2,DE 47017,"@Elliot Are you scared, kosher boy? Attack Iran and Israel will enter the Stone Age.",1.48,2,FR 36838,"At this point his dick is already out, I'm gonna tug on it and squeeze the shit out of this muhfucka to see if it's funny, so fuck it. Then hit him when he's down to be a trash ass all around",1.07,4,FR 12765,cocu hangwood,0.63,5,FR 44959,"Gay people don't go to heaven, so I don't even know why you should try.",1.23,5,ZH 33043,I put my dick in a bag of Doritos and let this nigga bitch vacuum the dust off the tip,0.95,1,DE 42701,Make them low IQ invaders!,0.63,7,ZH 14080,Fuck her man. You don't need that slut in your life,0.89,4,original 23487,"Out of the 16 speakers at @TEDxBoulder, 13 of them were white folks. 3 speakers were Black and I was the only Black woman. I hope organizers work toward better diversity in the future.",-2.62,0,original 29427,"Rot in hell yt devils. These ""immigrants"" are my ppl and belong to this land. You invaded like grasshoppers and stole our homeland.",0.81,3,FR 4968,"Hey brothas, watch your 'black privilege' quickly evaporate in the libtard circles when you are guilty of 'wrongthink'.",-1.0,0,original 12488,"We all love women, in our own ways.",-2.55,0,original 7353,"im unbelievably attracted to bi girls. especially with dominant energy, doesnt have to be dom though. works in my favour though haha",-3.16,0,original 20069,Trans rights are human rights,-5.4,0,original 9108,I hope he kills your retarded fagot with a son bud,2.36,5,FR 6778,"If all the ""Xbox players are gay"" memes are true, then this shit must be like gay pheromones, in which case [I'll take all your stock! ](URL",1.8,5,ZH 49266,"Lesbian Butch should play soccer and keep her worthless political comments to herself,looks like a crusty ass looking shrimp boat captain.. just like her I couldn't refrain from my shity ass comments too",1.81,5,original 24785,Why do all the crazy bad white boys look sick and deformed in the face?,0.91,1,FR 40833,This is why no one wants you.. not even mexico.. your like a rat in the trash.,0.02,0,original 42231,"What part of my comment was racist? God, you millennials are dumb, retarded, mouth-breathing waste hides.",0.73,6,RU 12528,I don't mind expats as long as they're good people and I think that's how most paraguayans feel...,-3.17,0,original 44327,Disney: lets make it more historically accurate! Also Disney: *casts a black Ariel*,-1.38,0,original 9742,Ol fagot ass salope,1.19,5,FR 18564,STFU YOU WHITE PIECE OF SHIT,0.92,1,DE 29393,@ndrew_lawrence @IlhanMN Muslims ARE evil! They HATE US AND AMERICA! Take 'em all and fuck 'em kick 'em out!,2.06,1,DE 34547,Lil bitch got that dick rearranging her guts URL,0.52,4,original 39416,"@Amir3851 No! I bet you my life that if you talk to that crazy Brit until the end of time, you won't change his way of thinking. If not, please explain to me why Allah should send Ayah 7 in Surah Al-Baqarah? It is the will of Allah that INSANE people like this are present.",2.56,3,FR 16521,"That ain't hatin dirty ass nigga, you rep the spurs stop talkin to me pussy",1.49,1,DE 47101,"Question: These 4 broads who criticize America, what country did they flee to get here? And now they want to make OUR America like THEIR former HELL HOLE. I don't think so!!!!!!!!!! Let them explain their GRATITUDE for letting them in OUR country.",0.36,0,original 5085,"Germany paid reparations to the victims of the Holocaust and their descendants, and you basiaclly can't swing a stick in a German city without hitting a monument to the victims of Nazi crimes. The Monument to Murdered Jews of Europe is 5 acres smack in the center of Berlin, right in front of the Reichstag. So to the extant that your characterization of Jews and black Americans is correct, the answer is ""because Germany apologized for what they did, while the US was busy putting up statues of confederate Generals"".",-2.71,0,original 33456,Say it with me: Fuck Israel,0.75,1,DE 43911,"Oh, God! Another southern christian taliban. The south keeps breading these bigots, ignorant and pathetic people. They are all human garbage, fanatical zombies, just like the talibans.",0.56,2,original 29249,"just the term ""rocker chick"" makes my blood boil",-2.53,0,original 25380,"BECAUSE I CAN AND BECAUSE ITS LIKE THAT FOR TRASH LIKE YOU HOES DISTURBING 'SCREWING TOO THE TOP"" BUT (((ESPECIALLY))) HEAVEN WOW THE VOLUME BEHIND THAT DATE RAPE DRUG THEN RAPED THEN DRAGGED THEN IMPREGNATED DONE LET'S TAKE OUT THE TRASH FIRST AMEN",1.41,4,original 46159,"I mean, being gay was much less acceptable in those times, and considering elton was involved, those things are more likely to have happened. Things you dont know about tend to seem more scary and perverse.....also he was addicted to sex soooo",-1.6,0,original 36131,"Saint Dr Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan encourages people to make time for God's devotion, stay away from dishonest earnings and earn through hard work, as that forms the basis of happy life. #जिएं_खुशनुमा_जीवन URL",-5.07,0,original 33433,"@UncleSam_botski @sotiridi yes because the fucking French came to Algeria and stayed in Algeria for 130 years, if France is great why the hell don't they stay there",1.81,3,ZH 37471,"@Venti_Covfefe @iamcardib Trump should stick to assaulting women, or what he calls it grabbing women by the pussy",-0.35,0,original 11309,Dear incels. Nobody fucks a crybaby.,0.08,0,original 33819,You hoes will still get beat up try me,1.76,4,original 11351,Fuck cheating asian dog pussies,1.34,1,DE 35488,"slim waist, pretty face, and she don't fw hoes. URL",-4.58,0,original 961,your husband is gay,1.78,5,ZH 15755,Expect to see the slut get her pussy ruined forever for her hubby.,1.21,5,FR 26775,@CBTHunting Vile woman total scum.,2.04,4,FR 14412,She doesnt have a butt white knights downvote me cause you know its true she doesnt,-2.06,0,original 28928,"@NadeGrinds Are u fuckin mad,he wanted to shoot him,fucking cunt",0.61,2,original 46338,Bunch Of Slack-Jawed Faggots Around Here! This Stuff Will Make You a Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurs! Just like Me!,1.61,5,original 19261,Fucking niggers... if they can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen,2.57,1,original 7676,They are Muslims. He should have killed them all.,2.15,2,RU 27236,@prettiyanaa Hoe sucks my son's cock and chokes on it 😙,0.73,4,FR 7617,"Stop defending pedophiles, faggot.",0.82,5,DE 3763,I'd pound her fuck hole with your cum on her face,0.6,4,original 29873,I'll use you all up babygirl. I'll make your tight little cunt remembers my shape and the pleasure only I can give you. Once I use you you're marked as mine. URL,-1.43,0,original 19536,"Bring back slavery, I will",1.76,1,DE 10131,"Here on this sub, the women are holes, the girls are sluts, and your questions are stupid.",0.66,4,FR 18832,"Go to hell you fucking piece of shit. You're a horrible human being. And I use the word human very lightly. I get your momma wished she had gave your dad a blow job. And speaking of your dad, he probably wishes he punched your momma in the stomach when she was pregnant with you. You deserve to die a slow, painful death.",2.07,4,original 49990,"And guess what kind of jealous gay asshole you are, sucking a dick every day that you get hard on when you see your dad",2.2,5,DE 48167,and you still can't get laid. poor big naughty little troll.,1.6,4,FR 42554,Somebody tell that pussy to shut her dick hole.,1.35,4,FR 45280,beat the fuck out of this faget,1.64,5,original 4556,"For my part, I will not let the Sodomites claim the month of June, or any other month, or anything else. Pride comes before the fall.",1.31,5,FR 43896,"We just need to pull an afghan on those bastards, just this time, and make them the next star on our flag...for whatever reason, kill any shit that has anything to do with the cartels , and start over. ...that worthless damn shit country should be wiped off the map...",3.4,3,ZH 47793,+Joe Parmer no never. Israeli dual citizens in our government are taking America to war to fight their enemies.,-0.45,0,original 34,"You hypocritical bastards are opening a can of worms that you will never be able to close again. Hopefully the upcoming events will lead to the destruction of the so-called ""Christian Right"" rather than the country.",1.42,2,ZH 244,What is the misspelled Faggot?,1.02,5,ZH 47968,"Stay strong in Taiwan! Shoot down those Chinese shits, if they dare to invade. China invents all kinds of bullshit. Personally, I boycott anything the Chinese make here in the United States.",2.32,1,FR 14874,Luigi is a chad while mario is a retarded incel,1.4,4,original 9998,I'm going to rape a sissy redditor cracker to death,2.79,1,DE 41068,Who cares let iran build a nuke it will only risk thier chances of extermination,-0.21,0,original 48826,"+Bo Rood, another delusional retarded.. your mother should swallow instead of giving birth to an uneducated dropout like you..",1.6,7,DE 38073,"Cough up your cash and beg. On your knees. I want your mouth kissing the floor. Now. Beautiful girls can make you do anything. Beg for my attention, you slut. Humiliate yourself, entertain me. And show me how weak you are and keep begging desperately for me. #catfishfindom URL",1.7,4,original 21714,Have a baby with a nigga that already gotta baby. Just to see if that nigga make ugly babies before y'all go make another ugly ass baby.,-0.02,0,original 49720,Hayk101 gods not real. The bible also says your going to hell for wearing clothes of mixed fabrics and eating shellfish. You probably live in a shitty third world country. Sad,0.18,0,original 46237,"Leave your stupid turbans in your underdeveloped hellish desert country, your damn trash bins are on fire! ! ! Shame... (Prophet Muhammad is a fictional little one-eyed snake) All Muzis die!",3.98,2,ZH 22015,"The Dark Side of religion - it exists, it is evil & it preys on the most vulnerable. It is called Spiritual Abuse. At it's root is the abuse of power over a victim because of 'spiritual authority' which tragically continues even when the abuse is reported URL",-0.51,0,original 49342,Death to Israel and all the cockroaches that live there. Drop the nuke.,3.03,3,FR 24742,beginning of the Koran URL,-2.39,0,original 20123,You know he breaking bread if you see me wit the nigga 🤗,-1.44,0,original 23564,Watch out for Muslims. Some of them are really evil. They want to take over our country and kill those who don't convert.,1.18,2,RU 28047,"Science or religion, we're all just trying to figure this world out. Why so much hatred?",-4.37,0,original 45577,"_Multiculturalism makes every War🇺🇲s War._ Imagine Japan goes _~Rape of Naking~_ on China's military aggression-expanssion or Japan's _~Bataan Death🇺🇸March~._ Will Chinese and Japanese American's not kill each other; not be triggered by the others grin's, stares and glares as Japan kills thousands or million's of China's military personnel-citizens?(or vice versa?🤔)",0.44,0,original 17362,"Yes, a factor of 100 applies to absolute delay. 120 per person what you said to the actual figure of 1.2 per person. How damn retarded do you have to be to not understand that. Your parents should have run some generic tests while you were in the womb, seen how terribly intellectually you're getting fucked in the head, and aborted your ass to save a person's worth of oxygen and food. Waste of skin, space, energy, public money, time and parental attention. Jesus",0.66,7,DE 29025,This dumb ass hoe,1.05,4,original 7785,What a strong empowering women. Bless her for paving the way for non segregated institutions. She is truly a legend. I can't even begin to imagine what she went through.,-4.55,0,original 46083,This guy acts like a bunch of gays.,0.8,5,ZH 48377,"I miss when those dumb whores stood to the side and said nothing, while their man spoke for them. God, his voice is so boring. She probably does the typical porn squints when she takes it in the ass.",1.77,4,FR 12142,Jesus take a chill pill woman so u can choke on it and die calmly,1.36,4,original 41078,Kevin Spacey is a dirty ass gay.. Sick as fuck.. Psychotic gay boy. I would chop his gay cock and put it right in his mouth and choke him till he's dead... You're gonna fucking gay boy should burn in hell.. Sick fuck,3.79,5,DE 31029,"Please dont say ""cosmopolitan"" is anti-Semitic. Hawley was simply saying we need to purge the people who control the media and Hollywood and academics who just happen to be Jewish URL",0.16,0,original 6729,go back to paradise you faggot,1.26,5,DE 6111,Just ignore the Taqiyya and it will eventually go away. Don't feed the lying sack of shit,1.16,2,DE 49082,"Iran better hope it doesn't, for their sake. They will be destroyed.",2.0,3,DE 14749,"Stop your Propaganda on Iran. Beautiful country and welcoming people. America stay away and sort out you own shit, your people are suffering.",-0.93,0,original 19435,"I feel like an imposter. Sometimes I feel so strongly that I'm trans, and so happy presenting masculine but I feel like I shouldn't be. I can be feminine in nature sometimes but I feel like a feminine guy when I do. But no one will take me seriously if I don't like hair on my body or don't want to know about cars or sports or other manly things. Sometimes it makes me think I'm just a masculine girl but then I also hate my chest so much that I used to hope for breast cancer.",-2.56,0,original 31080,@Ilhan As long as their not #IllegalAliens and MS 13 are gangbangers and Muslim POS. Go back to Mecca and take Obozo with you. URL,0.87,2,DE 12227,"Hitler was a joke too, he knew better. Karl Marx? Typical Shylock nose, Jew bag. That's probably why he killed himself, because a prankster like you is only attracted to the craziest cunts, which in this case her funny dumpster ass (your girlfriend's) probably drove his dishwashing nozzle to his own death. hahaha Nothing is weirder than a hilariously pathetic *KIKE.* :-D",0.74,2,DE 760,"You are a garbage man who has had no understanding of what this country stands for or what its purpose is since its inception. YOU should get the citizenship test and if you fail conclusively, be deported to the brownest country and left to rot.",1.45,3,DE 43185,@First Last LMFAOOO you gonna shoot the Africans in Connecticut? No thanks Sandy Hook already took place we've seen enough.,-2.0,0,original 1373,"What's the matter, do you need a little late lollipop? Let's clean up the room and draw a swastika. Also, do you fuck your cousin or your sister you're crazy about? Have a horrible day.",2.37,7,JA 13284,I can't wait for China to fucking colonize France.,0.61,3,ZH 18982,Make pride your coming out moment. Or tell them you're going as an ally. Or go and enjoy yourself and don't worry about what they think because what's most important is your happiness.,-4.36,0,original 30748,"""Muslims were 'cockroaches' according to recordings of the three men. ""You have to kill all of them. They keep coming back,' Stein said. 'You have to exterminate them all.'"" URL",3.83,2,original 9506,We should bomb the fuck out of Iran.,1.31,3,original 2264,It's sexist if you're a liberal moron.,1.22,7,DE 6585,My friend that lives with (his grandparents that he lived with kicked him out) left his notebook in my room and I opened it up because I thought it was his song lyrics notebook but I found out the he's actually has a crush on a guy at our school and I hope someday he has the courage to come out as bi. Nows the month to do it so maybe he'll see all the pride stuff online and get encouraged.,-4.93,0,original 26654,Making Movies And Rubén Blades Trace Stories Of Immigrant Injustice With 'Ameri'kana' URL,-3.88,0,original 33827,"All these fuck niggas flawed, suckas and frauds, my circle so small stick to my script and just ball",0.16,0,original 27030,"@soapbox62 @hijinksensue @CHICKKENN1 Fuck you, fuck your ""private college"" and fuck your homophobia. Grow the shit up, take a fucking heart, miserable fucking outlet",1.52,5,FR 24740,"@MarcherLord1 The next time a Zionist-owned Apartheid apologist wants to tell you ""Hezbollah is a terrorist organization"", REMIND THEM OF THE REAL TERRORISTS THAT KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS: URL",0.22,0,original 1869,"This is just an example of how shit the image of indians on the internet is, it's either people like this or it's users like us who have a few more braincells on normal behavior. Superpower 2020",-1.79,0,original 26688,Our state officials are complicit in the Jewish war against white people. These traitors have only one concern: to appease their Jewish donors. URLs,0.63,2,FR 44342,"send them all back across the border and if they do it again, bring them back and shoot them in the head. we are spending way too much money on these illegal immigrants.",1.51,3,FR 40738,Any country that encounters an Iranian ship should sink it,0.97,3,ZH 36253,"@SenGillibrand So, all those white people working for minimum wage, living in trailers or cars, making a tiny fraction of what you make, also are guilty of white privilege and need to pay reparations??? You're twisted.",-1.92,0,original 23212,"@Quasica It's a part of our theology, but it goes largely unmentioned because there's not too much detail that's been received as official revelation and also for misogynistic reasons (long story). Imo Mormons should focus on it a lot more",-2.95,0,original 39822,It has been happening to a lot more football players by white women. Whose gonna tell that story.....,-1.55,0,original 29255,"@Alyssa_Milano I know a lady that is crying on Ellis Island this isn't America it is sickening that these young ladies are treated that way he should be prosecuted to fullest of the law. The people are not animals so don't treat them like they are. Put in cages, taken from mom+dad,put in cells.",-5.37,0,original 30536,What's up w/ all the dick suckers ew,-0.26,0,original 43210,A big CONGRATS to the USA fifa women succor !!,-4.69,0,original 5288,"What I find disgusting is that you are making this a racial issue. You guys sincerely need some damn therapy. I mean it. Get help, buddy. Turn off the damn computer. Quit using reddit.",0.53,1,DE 45423,When the atheist say that he kind of lose relation with Him when he's not find church to sing in choir. I know it's him,-2.14,0,original 8385,How is the one on the right not racist? Are they that stupid?!?!?,1.08,1,FR 34812,fuck me in the psych ward,-1.98,0,original 939,"Well, being anti colonialism, anti patriarchy, and pro rastafarian, are contradictory. Either they accept patriarchal societal structures, or they accept colonialism in their attempt to make rastafarian culture less patriarchal. I see this a lot mind you. People will say X is bad, but accepting Y is good, even though Y usually implies X, so what people really mean is their version/vision of Y, which is what one of the main problems of colonialism is.",-2.28,0,original 2258,Only they hate charity. sinners,0.96,2,RU 2920,"Fuck the Zionists, send them to the gas chambers",2.82,2,DE 32086,"@IlhanMN: The biggest racist of them all! Hates the Jewish and American people and this country can't wait for them to ""send back"" their deportation! @IlhanMN @RepAOC are on the verge of losing their seats in Congress. URL",0.77,1,DE 41136,These are the Iranians. Shut down their whole country. Remove them from the belt.,1.48,3,FR 18388,"Man, your the result of an incest, it's clear , your too much stupid and disabled",1.95,7,original 44139,+Charlotte yes will abort you since you like to abort babies,0.6,4,FR 43061,"Funny how many dislikes this can have, Chris really spoke the honest truth, white people, mainly white males, have this terribly false belief that they own this entire country. I'd respect the man who's man enough to admit to that not these pussyfooted computer users who jump to make this about parties and politics",-0.16,0,original 5815,No fucking idiot beat her like shit lol,0.75,4,FR 10234,"Yea exactly. They want complete control over belief, information, and the whole god damn paradigm. Fuck them. They can all burn in hell.",1.63,2,original 46090,"Imagine if 100's of men freaked out, screaming and hollering like that, at a beautiful woman on national TV. Gillette would have a field day and they all would be in jail. The hypocrisy is sickening.",-1.51,0,original 20032,Shut up you stupid black bitch,1.44,1,DE 14743,"Hey nigger fag, shut up. I'm fed up with you, NPC. Funny your name is fire and brimstone, because that's where you'll go when you die, you degenerate slime of the earth. I don't even think Satan would like your ass down there and even Hitler would change his stance on the Holocaust because he knew it was a mistake not to look for your ancestors and not the Jews. Go back to r/claptraphouse to worship tyt and deny the armenian genocide",2.72,3,DE 35055,It's happening all over the world. Military @ourborders makes sense. Otherwise the gang will corrupt our URL,1.19,3,ZH 43249,"@Maz Da No thanks. Your left trash will be the ones to burn, especially since you all hate religion so much.",1.03,2,DE 50027,She is true *GOD is Grace* Doctor did that with help and support of GOD,-4.13,0,original 9466,Put all the Jews back in the camps. Make sure they never leave this time.,4.49,2,RU 11141,They're shitbrained idiots from a shit hole country,1.73,3,original 34568,"You boyfriend will never fuck you this way, slave. He won't demand you suck his cock until you swallow cum like a whore. He won't ruin your pussy while he fucks you, until you beg for mercy. He won't pick you up to drive his cock up your tight fucking ass, and pump it full of cum URL",1.47,4,original 38,"Give me your tired, your poor, your religious nutcases, your criminals ... the wretched refuse of your teeming shore ... and finally allow Europe to be subjected to the moronic whims of this wretched refuse.",0.62,2,original 9769,"Then again, he does have a black friend. /s",-1.45,0,original 41127,Hopefully all the illegals and libhomos have died,2.07,3,DE 42741,You spit on the graves of those that died in actual concentration camps. Then again I'm guessing you are anti-Semitic.,-0.71,0,original 23220,Gay and bi are the worst kind of people and pride month is the worst month! #PrideMonth #PrideMonth2019,0.86,5,DE 17156,Shut the damn fag.,0.87,5,DE 35164,"#SupportZomato #supportubereats I am feeling happy! Despite of religion issues, you took your stand to stop them making a rift in the secular society!",-4.78,0,original 33936,"The ""simple"" niggas These niggas are always thinking about pussy and would lose their minds if porn died out in any form. URL",0.51,1,DE 14230,"Man, I'm Latino and had married a Pakistani. I think that's a much wider cultural divide, but we were able to bridge it. It just takes mutual understanding, respect, and (in some cases) standing up to your family. If your mother doesn't want to get along with this woman because she's Bengali, your mother is making a conscious choice. You have to love and respect your mother, but she's totally wrong with the idea that your cultures are incompatible or something. Bengalis are also delightful.",-6.6,0,original 37747,"@StefanMolyneux Not everyone chooses to have families either... God forbid women go forward and gave great careers, great friends, travel the world. Can women not just enjoy their lives kid-free? And yknow... DO WHAT THE FUCK THEY WANT",-2.82,0,original 1250,White girl dancing,-3.03,0,original 9453,Kill all the germans,1.61,3,original 29372,@JackPosobiec @somelittlellama @OANN Wow it looks like Mr. Hates Refugees and Immigrants wants to be one. Hard pass,-1.06,0,original 30021,"@charliekirk11 Who cares what color you are or whether you're male or female! If you support those who tear down an American flag and replace it with a foreign flag, those who attack an immigration center, and terrorists who hate our nation... it's time for you to find a new home.",-1.97,0,original 5623,Did you also conclude that Jesus was a fucking dick? That's what I got out of my first read of that pitiful book.,0.99,2,original 35576,"Sexless, denied loser boys are the easiest to toy with. 💦 One peek of my hard nipples and you're ready to cream in your pants. Who could possibly be that easy and pathetic? 😂 #SPH #Chastity #VirginSub #TeaseAndDenial #TitWorship #BigTits #Catfishing #Scam #RipOff #Catfish URL",2.57,4,original 32229,@MrAndyNgo @lissasno1fan @itsericathomas I'm glad he had the courage to go back and confront her....People are tired of the race BS....,-2.6,0,original 33804,@SordguyRulez @Soufiane0400 @DavidoffFilms @MCU_Direct He is trolling. Blacks got nothin better to do online than be annoying,-0.25,0,original 30565,The KMT who poisoned these firewood,1.34,5,ZH 46698,Seeking asylum does not undo a crime committed you stupid idiot AOC! On this train of thought you could commit a crime do not admit citizenship and claim asylum instant AOC get out of jail free card! The dems are attempting to overthrow the government via illegal immigration and then allowing them to vote by stopping voter ID.,-0.36,0,original 38112,"You encouraged the #BLM riots, invited the terrorist group #MuslimBrotherhood to the WH and declared ISIS a joint venture team. YOU have divided this nation with racism, lies and attacks on Christianity. YOU have caused this hatred and this violence. Democrats continue to stir up hate and wonder crazy Democrats are shooting people",1.12,2,FR 20298,I'll talk to myself before I talk to those fucking fake asses 😅🗣😴,0.56,4,FR 23513,this nigga is ugly do better whore !,1.13,1,original 47675,When our world goes to shit im killin this dumb bitch for supplies. U know how to shop but u couldnt defend ur home from a termite,3.11,4,original 39921,@musabazooKa eat a dick you goofy ass bitch,1.62,4,original 43245,"NIP WAS FULLY AWARE,AND FELT WHO THEY ARE,PAY ATTENTION WHO WAS IN THE BACKSEAT,OF THAT MOBILE WHO RECORDED NIP SPEAKING UPON FACTS,AS FAR AS NIGGAZ HATING ON HIM.HE OUTSHINED....... INDIVIDUALS WHO THOUGHT THEY RANNNNN SHIT OG STATUS.BIV U IS A JEALOUS BITCH NIGGA.HE WAS TRYING TO BE A SUGE KNIGHT ASS NIGGA HE SAID IT ON VLAD RUN IT BACCCCCC",-1.05,0,original 1168,Lol fucking suck his cock in the stationary closet and start the relationship already.,1.18,5,original 47679,Don't worry brother we Iranians have enough bombs for all these Arabs lol,1.94,1,FR 49778,"Fuck that nigga him and his brother click that ass, nigga",2.45,1,DE 10432,She should go on a cockfuck tampage before marrying this obvious fag she is dating.,1.57,5,DE 842,"Shut it down, goyim!",-1.34,0,original 17193,His crime was to arouse the alpha male horny feeling that cops have in wanting to look authoritarian,-0.97,0,original 34323,The prophet ﷺ warned us all about these 21st century men & women 1400 years ago!,-2.8,0,original 24699,@Cameron2nd_ @TheFUTAdvisor faggots,0.68,5,original 23403,"Watch as this big, strong, and rough bull of an alpha god takes this fag's throat, which rightfully belongs to him, and turns it into a pussy! This man is the epitome of a muscular alpha god! URL",1.42,5,DE 36312,This is what happens when you leave for work #cuck. Your #hung husband fucks me with his #bigdick til he cums and pushes it in my big round #ass. Know you'll see this and be beating your little dick watching me satisfy your man 😈 #me #mine #thattopass #simbapup #gaycheating URL,0.64,5,original 15796,"Can't tell you how much I relate to this. A ton of my str8 identifying male friends have had sex with me, and none of them know it. We've all hung out together MANY times and they all think they're the only one who ""went there"" with me. It's pretty hot. Thanks for posting, it's nice to see someone else have this experience.",-1.53,0,original 48859,Death to Israel and the British and the United States,1.57,3,FR 3572,"You're correct. I think, like the majority of Pakistanis, khan and pinky peerni are hanafis and women aren't allowed to cover the face in their ihram clothes.",-2.79,0,original 20669,can niggas with girlfriends stop talking to me before I really end up taking their girl,-1.93,0,original 20580,This is a deliberate attempt by @NetflixIndia to brainwash the young Hindus against Hindu revivalism. People who would lose their lives just for painting 'their' prophet are insulting Hinduism everyday. Stop Hinduphobia! #BoycottNetflix URL,-2.8,0,original 4084,34 years old and triggered the mention of women. Bet he kills himself within the next 5 years.,-0.4,0,original 43359,These niggas fighting a losing battle,-2.03,0,original 35676,you're all ugly and fat and you're all fucking wannabes. you can never reach my level of fat female dogs. lmfao y'all trash periodt sis. 🤣🤡🤡,0.56,7,FR 37844,This weekend has shown us that homegrown terrorism is right in our backyard. We need to call this what it is—domestic terrorism driven by white nationalist ideology. There must be swift justice.,-1.07,0,original 8425,"I never said they weren't human but life ain't fair. We now have many starving children/people in our country that we do not care for. Why are we letting more in? Because they are brown? Screw all the poor white kids in America, their skin ain't dark enough to get help from their country.",0.89,1,DE 25582,"🗣Get Tested, Just Because You Only Fuck Them Doesn't Mean They Only Fucking You!!!",-2.81,0,original 41628,@Greg G Shut up! U librealcOMMIE FAG SNOWFLAKE!,0.96,5,DE 2886,"Agreed, I think there are a fair few in denial. And to some degree I cant blame them, because it cam be emotionally draining being aware of it. I can honestly say I never thought black Americans were assumed to be less American (mainly because of the pervasiveness of African American culture (and its appropriation)). So that is interesting to hear and I'm curious about how that presents itself and if there are any similarities to the British experience.",-4.14,0,original 32429,"3) Whenever a ruler wants to get rid of a specific group, the first move is to make something unique about them illegal. Just look at 1930's Germany. This is what they are doing to Central Americans. Mind you, the Russians, Haitians, Azerbaijanis, etc are all being let in to",-2.74,0,original 42031,they have a white dude just serenading them with a guitar. Feels nice to be black rich.,-1.33,0,original 13969,Throw alt-right terrorists into the concentration camps.,-0.46,0,original 33631,@H1B4 @sabrinais50 Stupid fucking bitch word,1.36,4,FR 11338,My I please eat your smooth pussy,1.08,4,FR 9814,I will fuck your face while I abuse your tits and slap your pussy until I have emptied every drop of cum from my balls,1.37,4,FR 2781,Tell your managers that you need new information. It's because your current state sounds like a statement from a misogynist racist,0.92,1,FR 30826,gays willingly listening to peppa pig album and not Madame X i'm literally going to be sick,-0.42,0,original 5016,White boy calm down,-1.76,0,original 4454,"The comments are disgusting. Seeing a group of boys, their minds immediately turn to sex, what does that have to do with being gay.",0.93,5,ZH 10776,All the salty little female dogs in these comments make me laugh. I'll kill white boys and nazis will mark my words,3.11,1,FR 45347,Here is a country that is invaded by Muslims and we are incompetent. Fucking Euro Trash,1.74,3,FR 28016,AND GOD WAS REVEALED TO MAN - AND THEY FELL TO THEIR KNEES TO WORSHIP HIM!!! URL,-4.44,0,original 845,"Private school jerk who never really stopped ""experimenting"" sucking dick",0.56,5,ZH 31859,It's as if these Miyetti Allah need a real invasion of their lands to reset their aggressive and greedy brains.,0.56,1,FR 31110,"@GavinNewsom ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE "" NOT"" AMERICANS!!! 😐 WHY DON'T YOU HEL THE ILLEGALS OUT OF YOUR OWN PRIVATE FUNDS' ASSHOLE!!!",0.99,3,original 48338,"AH your missing your brains keri the racist anti American anti jews are these so called ""women of color "" I AM HISPANIC 60% OF US VOTING FOR TRUMP I AM NOT THE RACIST SOUNDS LIKE YOU ARE DO US A FAVOR GO LOOK FOR YOUR BRAINS!",0.7,4,original 6466,"Finally, a pussy ready to be filled with balls deep with cum.",0.81,4,FR 24746,"In case y'all forgot, last time yall had an opinion we told you to get fucked and we proceeded to kick your ass back in 1776. Y'all keep fuckin round it's bound to happen again with your fairy ass. Worry about takin your Syrian refugees we will worry about America URL",1.1,3,original 28351,"I hate colonizers, what the fuck is Israel?? Bitch I'll kill you",1.7,3,original 14903,Yeah yeah. It's brainless and spineless people like you who are making this country a trash can. Bunch of slimy jerks with bullets on their shoulders about the words when pigs kill. Guaranteed you believe in your racist god or religion. You fit the stupid religious inbreeding mentality model.,1.76,2,FR 10403,Fucking REDNECKS and their fucking HICK scream. CLOSE THE CLOSURE,2.72,1,FR 49906,At least he's not gay,0.19,0,original 19797,Ever flexed with small and weak people? Like just eat more lol your ancestors did for hundreds of years you pu$$y,1.1,7,FR 22113,I wanna see everybody win but niggas ain't reciprocating that energy...fuck it,-3.13,0,original 17737,Degenerate bullys like you are nasty little creatures. No one deserves to be bullied over a phobia. Fcking twat,-2.77,0,original 14330,NTA: You are mentally ill and need treatment.,0.74,7,FR 18361,">...less brown people to kill so it won't be my problem. ""Modern problems demand modern solutions"" -- Donald Trump",1.69,1,FR 26759,let these bitches come near me I will end up in jail for fucking them up,0.72,4,original 45010,"Hell yes, put an inch on those chili coke pepper bellies. Everyone hail Trump, boss of bosses 👍 Down with Islam 👇",1.02,1,DE 39326,@FOX2News Somebody need to Slam her Azz to the ground str8 up 😡😡😡,1.37,4,original 4156,Go back to the chapo you're degenerating,0.91,3,FR 28647,"I'm so proud of our youth and this generation. Thank you for breaking the stereotype beta3 al 7abobat when they say ""Al Jeel alkaslan w jeel al internet al ma nafe3"" We are out the voices of Sudan and we will prevail inshallah. #IAmTheSudanRevolution",-2.82,0,original 47680,@Parslow Pongbert MiddleeastEye is run by Israel and Qatar. Notorious anti Saudi states.,-1.44,0,original 34685,Get them out of the tits while you suck my dick,0.93,4,FR 21686,ugly chinese bitter ass i hope you're root in hell #WeLoveYouJennie,0.25,0,original 46788,FUCK YOU RACIST MOTHER FUCKER!!,2.66,1,FR 7601,Fuck the morons who say that. real children,2.08,6,RU 10579,"I bet you sucked a bunch of dicks, but I'm always in denial. Fuck you you racist bastard.",2.29,5,ZH 27462,i hope dis chick hurry up and fuck somebody who like her before it's too late cus i think i nutted in her,2.0,4,original 1721,I appreciate beauty even if I'm not sexually attracted to it.,-4.99,0,original 43944,"lol Western kids: Which bathroom fits my gender identity today, and why can't I get rich smoking left-handed doll making and weed? wah life is unfair Cambodian kids...we got that shit, just get out of the way.",0.51,3,DE 49221,Serena is more of a woman than your fag ass can handle. hoe,0.99,5,FR 14265,"Jesus fucking Christ, looks like Chewbacca just shed over her asshole!! How do you go near that? Might as well fuck a gorilla",2.03,4,original 17748,you look like you suck a thousand men for attention and you always feel lonely because of your inferiority complex.,2.21,4,FR 14508,"Shut up, bitch. You damn normies. Memes on Instagram are garbage. That's why this page exists. So don't follow you little bitches. Leave these woods.",1.1,5,DE 14635,"Oh, please, this is how literally every homeland began. No, no, you're right, the Jews shouldn't have a homeland, it worked so well in the past. Get out of here.",0.69,2,RU 14252,"Seeing as you are asking for it, I would have to tie you to a park benche whit your legs spread and your head down, ass up. In this posisjon i would fuck your mouth, while changing 5 dollars to fuck your pussy. This would go on thill I made 1500 dollars. The next time you want to be raped, we are making 5.000 dollars off your ass. Do you enjoy being my little slut?",3.56,4,original 41313,So wanna see this and am really liking the concept of a female going against traditional mysoginist roles as is prevalent in many Asian countries. Just hope that it wont be a disappoint and ruin the original animation.,-4.57,0,original 21727,fuck a female dog nigga and his female dog too,0.8,1,FR 47623,"I can't wait for Islam to wipe out Christianity lol. You come down south, see if your Jesus will save you. Burn down Christian churches",1.73,2,DE 8874,And I don't care if you're gay as long as it doesn't make you a DIRTY CUMSUCKING fag. There's a difference. Don't make gay your ENTIRE EXISTENCE and constantly talk about your sex life as if it's the sum of who you are as a person. Not everyone who disagrees with homosexuals is an evil fanatic who wants to drive you all to death camps and electrocute you into being straight.,0.56,5,DE 28854,Skip breakfast and send it to YOUR alpha instead 😋 your pathetic ass can't help but adore us both. #findom #fincuck #cuck #cuckold #sissy #femdom #findomme #forcedbi #joi #bbc,0.8,5,DE 14209,"I'm not a religious person, but I do sometimes wish there is a god to rain some hellfire down on these unjust cock wombles",2.17,5,original 47607,You guys suck dick and nobody likes your fag rate stupid female dog,1.91,5,FR 960,shut up retarded go kill yourself,1.4,7,FR 9391,"Add La Raza top the list of racist slogans. Hispanics all for ""La Raza"" are a bunch of racist assholes. It sounds like something a Nazi would say, my race... fuck out of here",0.53,1,original 24416,"@Bishopoftyler nah you're fucked in the head and you need therapy or jail time, whichever is better for you, asshole",2.05,4,FR 21678,i hate when white people clap along to shit . u are the worst,-0.1,0,original 7474,gma/gpa are probably typical american retards.,1.11,3,original 40946,"Obvious prediction, straight white men are to blame for everything bad in the universe and a final solution is required and or dimi status so they can be used as slaves and while required sprm donors. The far left is full of hate, Soy Wars is a hate fuelled film series like most media. Boycott.",0.64,5,original 20068,Trump is the only true friend of the Jews. I hope Trump will be the next American President and help Israel kill all the fucking Palestinian Muslims. we will kill all Muslims in the world.,2.66,2,FR 49307,"Germany doesn't want ""diplomacy "" they want to give Iran everything they are asking for because they are like scared little kittens, now that they have given their country over to Muslim immigrants.",0.33,0,original 45948,"You will drown in the blood you shed, Islamic enemy, we bastards",1.28,3,DE 7281,Pretty sure they said it wasnt challenging but fun 🤷‍♂️,-2.63,0,original 25048,good.. it's what the fucking bitch deserved URL,2.54,4,original 47545,Fuck that Muslim sucker frying his ass,1.34,2,FR 34496,"@BetoORourke The only way to ever beat Trump is to flood the whole country with illegal immigrants and hope they vote. You stupid democrats would rather bankrupt this country, bring more drugs and serious criminals onto the streets and give everyone an incentive to invade just to win..pos",0.68,3,DE 49710,@mutek i The end in your fag ass!,2.46,5,FR 31098,@littlestitiouss @DrayOlaya Rapists can't be bottoms,0.36,0,original 31636,So I found over 20 articles making the Kyosho animation tragedy about gender politics. Damn disgusting. I'll name and shame these fucks at 4pm CDT. 2 hours from now,1.05,1,DE 27361,"@WorkMoneyLife @hbryant42 I say Minorities don't attend games because that's not how theynwant to spend their money, not because they don't have it. Black people especially spend tremendous 💰 in retail & entertainment, many even beyond their means.They will buy the gear and shoes before tickets. Why?",-0.87,0,original 15724,"> My advice would be to go after the Asian girls, good one racist weirdo lol can't wait for the good ol ""ITS NOT RACIST ITS FACTS"" by the fat white boy",-0.45,0,original 44342,"Send them all back across the border, and if they do it again just take them to the back and shoot them in the head. we spend far too much money on these illegal immigrants.",1.51,3,DE 34464,So like did god just put in my bio just fool that stupid nigga smh,1.16,1,FR 26723,Dalit lynched for plucking mangoes - The New Indian Express URL,1.96,1,original 222,20 and 40 averaged together don't give you 53.,-0.89,0,original 46063,We need war to kill the US government and the great Jewish ghost,1.49,2,FR 47734,"The hideous Supreme Leader of Iran is Satan himself for lynching and mutilating the genitals of his own people, exporting terror worldwide and promoting drug trafficking with narco states and other evil dictators. May the true GOD strke him dead to save his own people.",1.64,3,original 4044,"I'm more disgusted by the fact she said ""ok. Fine"" like she fucking begrudgingly agreeing to want to date a man she's got a negative chance with.",-0.07,0,original 13072,All the fash share a single brain cell and obviously it wasn't this ones turn on it,-0.63,0,original 29880,Fuck normal fags.,1.46,5,FR 24038,"Even though it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that homosexuals are bad, but hey, religion and its retarded extremist followers like this child molester are the reason the hate is still there. If you put your dick back in your pants and out of the little kids,",1.19,2,FR 36854,Look at those majestic native breed cattles. Eslam brainwashed morons think killing them will earn merits from Olla. Why are Gaurakshaks criminals for lynching these filth on planet?,0.56,2,original 24093,"let's talk about the black community's inability to stop using the word ""retarded"" bc...",-1.12,0,original 40539,deport them. You better be scared.,0.98,3,DE 4892,Pull a power move and send him the nword,-0.13,0,original 41611,that racist piece of garbage - time for Latin America to kick out all the companies exploiting people down there - I would start by blocking Chiquita and Dole worth 17% of the US GDP. Block coffee imports and vegetables let them import them from Asia and Africa,-2.04,0,original 43097,Honestly.. if there's one country we should take over due to danger it's Mexico.. they kill tens of millions compared to isis..,0.75,1,original 25647,LOL when heterosexuals go crazy. suck my ass farmer,0.88,5,ZH 46004,"Ilmar Omar is such a US-hating woman and YOU - f***ing CBS - as an american news outlet make yourself common with such a TERRORIST favoring creature. Disgusting. No patriotism, no love for the own country. Go down the drain. You will follow CNN.",0.16,0,original 15537,That fat ass holy shit please break my fucking dick after I destroy your pussy until it's falling out of your body... Fuuuuck me the loads I would blow in that ass,-1.56,0,original 26514,"@emmajo15 @weehoolit @andywightman I'm all for helping women, but at some point there needs to be a civil conversion or this debate is going to go around in circles. I'm not trying to take a side, but find the middle ground that is badly needed here",-4.16,0,original 3062,"We don't need fascist Muslims. Condemn Mohamed for being an anti-Semitic, homophobic woman who abuses murderous piece of shit and we'll talk. Fuck all Muslims.",1.95,2,DE 36629,Fuck these bitches let them be burned and imprisoned Christian Christian capitalist Moorman Jehovah's Witness Scientologist method immature sex swap interracial bitch steal money,2.51,2,ZH 5462,"They are, I already fucked this old guy with baldness and I fucked Odessa. :D",0.87,4,FR 11054,Why the fuck can't I beat black children?! I can do that IRL right now! Fucking SJW cucks,1.64,1,original 11186,"then go and piss in your mother's mouth, you dirty swine.",1.64,4,original 34463,"Start shooting these niggas. Try pushing somebody else in the pool when you're dead, bitch. URL",4.5,1,original 4860,"""Go and fuck your father, inbred motherfucker,""",1.54,1,FR 19083,I am sure you are normal and retarded and your depression will never end so kill your self now,2.79,7,JA 2505,"She probably dwarfed that tiny dick of yours eh? It's ok bud, look for a more petite chick, those little hands will make you look massive 🙃",-0.36,0,original 34923,"you are all anti-black, stupid and deranged. URL",0.54,1,DE 29598,Me The American Christian Queen He said Trying To Keep Them Out Of Hell.They Put Me Through Hell For It Yes Sorry Very ignorant To Think Allah Doesn't Know And Their Pride I Said Would Be Their Downfall URL,-1.78,0,original 23429,Pussy ass Israeli scum always wanna block loooool,1.72,2,original 36948,"Can we all at least agree that racist Christian conservative right wing white men are the cause of most of the suffering, misery & death in the world? Not for nothing, but I can't remember the last time a liberal vegan atheist was out in the streets shooting innocent folks.",-0.18,0,original 6088,I'll hold you up and fuck that little bald pussy,0.64,4,FR 27059,This why girls don't let niggas go thru my phone 😭 not bc niggas be in my phone. URL,-0.54,0,original 11067,The kind of nut who do this shit,1.49,7,DE 27699,@GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump 18-30 million illegals in this country... Congress and previous administrations have failed Americans for DECADES!,1.32,3,DE 45030,I'll vote to cut all gay peoples head that's what America need to do to prevent Americans face judgment day curse God Almighty's. Take all gay peoples out of America wipe them out.,2.34,5,original 28149,"(1/?) In light of Bleeding Edge and its female character designs, its more ""FEMINISTS WANT UGLY WOMEN IN GAMES!!!"" Its about creating a whole fun cast of DIFFERENT looking women. Too often in game studios, female character designs are carbon copy rips from each other,",-0.98,0,original 41729,Racism is an Edomite disease and the closer it gets to their demise the worst it will get.,-0.68,0,original 17112,Fuck off Top Tard shill. Back to masturbation porn you fucking depraved subhuman inbreeding shit.,3.01,7,ZH 35422,@bizteachroz @v_g_fischer @Nicole_Cliffe @BSTforBTS ILLEGAL aliens in the USA who do commit crimes are 100% certain to commit those crimes against anyone living in the USA. Stop confusing yourself. Illegals and immigrants are in two different categories. Tired of your delusional B.S.,-0.51,0,original 29897,"""For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."" Romans 1:16 KJV Happy Sunday everyone!!!",-4.59,0,original 15380,Being LGBT friendly is good for business. I don't have a problem with that.,-3.96,0,original 12486,She's the kind of girl you take ecstasy with and fuck her completely. I want to smother this female dog with my dick.,2.08,4,FR 8104,"Old dudes who like fucking chicks in their 20s - they are openly descriminated against often being called names like ""creep"" or ""perv"" when going in for the descrete sniff or to cop a gentle feel & these slurs are said in public and nobody says a thing. Its a fucking travesty if I am honest. There should be a day where older guys can just touch them and they have to pretend to enjoy themselves.",-1.19,0,original 13361,Stupid little whore suck my dick until I cum,0.96,4,original 5158,"What is the benefit of being part of the community? I don't understand why being a recognized part of lgbt+ is so important to people. It always seems to me like people are more offended than marginalized when someone says asexuals aren't included in lgbt+. Anyways, how does some internet stranger saying you're not included in lgbt+ prevent you from participating?",-2.63,0,original 16627,"You deserve it you invader scum, you're the people who funded islamists in Afghanistan",1.74,3,original 4333,I bet you suck good dick don't ya little boy,1.34,5,original 40097,Thankfully you are even free to talk like us two western fiends you are too fucking late so when radical muslims cut off your head because you don't bow to them religion I don't want to hear about you Crying thanks for what you got because a lot of people died just for you to have what you got you fucking idiot and that's it I'm done,1.49,2,ZH 6039,With all that fat I bet you jiggle real nice when your fat whore cunt is getting pounded,2.42,4,original 31714,They need to start shooting these idiot if the illegals run toward them.,1.97,3,original 12285,Christians are stupid sheep and their priests are psychos,1.26,2,DE 16365,"While I admit identity politics is important, I still feel that class politics and economic freedom that it allows gives aggrieved populations more freedom and leverage to pursue equal treatment. Its difficult for the majority of, say, African Americans to be proactive in their demands for equal treatment when their economic situation means they can't take a day off from work to march, or a week off to go to a national rally- let alone the economic ruination that could come from any criminal or civil charges as a result of direct action.",-2.01,0,original 48626,"Kamu is a race-baiting homo. And that fat cunt better wear Vaseline, it'll make it easier for her when a patriot stomps on that fat ass and sticks her guns up her ass.",2.24,5,DE 33510,landing on the moon sounds like gay shit being in a little weightless spaceship just you and a few brothers (because women ain't smart enough 4 space baby) like how the fuck you not gonna fuck one of them AT LEAST! smh #LGBT #Fortnite URL,0.65,4,FR 45913,Disgusting and soulless men. Do you have children of your own? How can he allow such a predator to prey on people's children on the street and hug his children at night. He should be locked up with that fucker...,1.89,5,DE 12983,fucking whores reee,0.91,4,FR 46456,Fake exit poll,-2.9,0,original 37040,In less than 24 hours we have another mass shooting in #daytonohio. Lets face it people. The problem in this country is not about immigrants. A wall won't fix this problem. We need #GunControlNow #EnoughIsEnough #EndGunViolenceNOW #VoteBlue2020,-6.57,0,original 11413,I worked for a very prominent Colombian American and his key to success was being a minority - there are programs that give minorities business simply for being just that - a minority.,-2.5,0,original 9881,DROWNING ALL THE WHITES,1.4,1,FR 42225,HELL WITH HARVARD AND THERE FACIST INDOCTRINATION! STOP FUNDING THESE CHILDREN! Send this female dog back to her damn country that she single-handedly destroyed in her first year of disservice!!!,1.05,4,FR 9555,Now I hate the damn niggers even more,1.6,1,DE 35627,I just want a needy sub to grind against my leg for pleasure so I can tease her and tell her how shes my pathetic slut,0.57,4,original 20347,when niggas start shooting at the function n i'm drunk af URL,-3.32,0,original 38981,I'm gonna fuck all these little female dogs to the url,0.67,6,FR 44971,"So, let me get this straight: this woman is looking for a better life sporting a $200 flatiron and $150 manicure? Wearing fine clothes and stylish expensive makeup? Everyone in the world wants a better life, it isn't America's responsibility to hand out ""better lives"" to all 7.5 billion people on this planet. Furthermore, American culture made this nation so desirable a destination, yet many who come to America seek to tear down that very culture. Insane.",-0.06,0,original 21002,"""Blessed are those who trust in The Lord."" - Jeremiah 17:7 📖 #WordOfTheDay #ThursdayThoughts URL",-4.75,0,original 785,"I've heard from some other sources, he's also a huge faggot.",1.77,5,original 6678,I'm for due process but some degenerates need to be lined up and shot like this pussy,2.03,6,FR 46486,He's sleepy from busting too many nuts fucking all these New Orleans thots,1.45,4,original 12157,"""The war with Iran WOULD be over in a week"" - Republican Even the paleoconservatists are a bag of vicious cunts.",1.53,3,DE 9839,"Bring in cesspit people with cesspit culture, they're in this cesspit country.",1.81,3,ZH 44908,The demon worshiper was supposed to kill a demon possessed man like the sadistic serial killer pedophile Muhammad,1.27,2,DE 28798,"@BrowardBruh No, it's not. These niggas gonna fuck the whole line and pretend they ain't doing no wrong!",0.57,1,DE 4178,I wonder how many cum shots the queen has taken,0.79,4,original 8321,Pull the dick out of your ass and kill yourself.,2.16,4,original 40205,+hellofalotniceguy: I'll live your fucking mother anyway!,0.83,4,FR 372,Started the fight with a sucker punch. What a fag cunt.,1.11,5,DE 13952,I can. Islam is also a shit religion.,0.91,2,ZH 11900,"Should be killed because of some fabricated antisemitism claim, or should be killed because he will tax businesses correctly?",-0.36,0,original 32028,Phew chilli the ghetto! Someone get those thugs out of here! *dials 911*,1.32,1,FR 19838,"There's nothing you can do about being retarded, better be a retarded than a slut.",0.85,7,DE 22394,"@RussofjrRusso @CBSEveningNews @CBSNews @PressSec @weijia People don't make the journey because of loopholes in our immigration laws (although there are many), they make the dangerous journey because they want to provide for their loved ones and they see this opportunity here in the United States of America.",-3.99,0,original 33220,hi buddy. Check your phone and find more assholes for this whore 🍆🍆🍆 while I shoot him down the dirty fucking chute. 💦💦💦🍑 Fuck it - his scruffy ass feels so good. fucking cumdump! 😈😈😈 Source: @slave666nl #groupsex #gayorgy #gay #sex #fucking URL,0.7,5,ZH 22459,Stop having sex with women who don't take you out on a date.. you deserve more bro,-3.29,0,original 20951,@Sethdiddy @Andrewpic947 white people scared of they kids lmfaoooooo,-1.56,0,original 12563,Suck my dick hitler?,1.75,3,original 9940,"It's good that you are proud to be mixed race people. In fact, despite the increase in recent posts, I still feel a majority of us are proud of our mixed hertiages. Don't let another person's negativity affect your sense of identity, cuz even tho you might relate to them in some ways, it is still their identity issues. It's still from their own accord and how adaptable they are as people, not you.",-4.34,0,original 237,I wanna beat your cowgrass face just because you shave your fag legs,3.05,5,FR 44649,build the wall MR TRUMP and throw the 4 crybaby wannabe congress so called women over it back to their sandbox. their camels miss them,1.23,3,original 24143,Please retweet these little racist Bakersfield fucks :) URL,1.05,1,DE 50010,Mr.Dump. you're a disease that needs to be cured if America is going to survive. you should join your alien mother on Mars.,1.4,3,original 50067,"Go to streets of the USA and our kids and vets and build the wall , use your brain you b....",0.74,3,original 41691,"Muslims return home to their desert, not needed in Europe",1.47,2,RU 4102,Bro... She never fucking loved you in the first place. Most women are gold diggers,0.61,4,original 44518,CHECK YOUR HEAD LMAOOO YOU SOUND FUCKING AWESOME TALKING THE SAME SHIT FOR AN HOUR SCREAMING LMAOKK,1.5,7,RU 7876,"I'm starting to think that they should do a DNA test on every baby born and if any conservative genes are discovered, quietly drown them in a bathtub. Conservatives fuck EVERYTHING up, all over the world. We'd have colonies on Alpha Centauri by now if it weren't for these backward, small-minded troglodytes.",4.14,6,original 36385,Yes!! Fuck these niggas,1.7,1,FR 35920,@HunterG_HTX Acting like you could catch me going a single day without watching Batman when I was in school smh,-4.48,0,original 27613,"bitches would go to war with they mama over a nigga, bitch you is STUPID.",0.14,0,original 29564,"Anyone who does not respect my religion, he is not welcome in my country, we have no place for any female dog!! You should believe no one loves you 💩 #SaudiBarbzLoveNicki URL",0.68,2,FR 11653,Allah told me to tell you to go out and find yourself a strong and muscular man to save the sperm for ramadan while eating the top ramen fam,0.56,2,FR 19425,"Solid point. I was thinking about starting an lgbt Christians club on campus, as a form of support and unity for my fellow Christian gays on campus, but also as a way to find a potential bf. I've discussed this with the people at the LGBTQ resource center on campus and it's looking like I'll be able to get it started up in the fall!",-5.39,0,original 17164,disarming us for the crown corporation to continue...thanks jews and thank you jew freemasonry...i cant wait to be executed when th UN army invades our disarmed nation...,1.41,2,original 42674,"India is a nasty, filthy, dirty, germ and lawless country.",1.05,3,FR 38512,@SvennieNicole @Slaynite @adeliaofficial_ @OmarKelly She's at fault for screwing 2 different guys and stirring up the instinctual biological response of jealousy. Wake up!,-0.55,0,original 32055,Are you afraid of loneliness? — Hold the fucking fag URL,1.31,5,DE 24320,go follow my sison instagram @ kelseybabylegs once she hit 500 followers there shell gonna send out free nudes #cumtribute #cocktribute #tribute #humiliation #degrade #cum #cumdump #cumslut #teen #jailbait #dumb #whore #slut #porn #retard #wet #rape #stupid #horny #cunt #pussy URL,0.95,5,original 8350,"Anyone who slanders the country, especially what happened at 911, can just fuck themselves. Omar is a worthless piece of shit that should stay in the country so her worthless ass can be voted out and then dig deep up her lying ass on how she came to this country and married her brother for it. Then lock up this worthless piece of shit.",1.55,3,DE 20267,It's midday. These sick bastards want to destroy Christianity in its birthplace like they killed Jesus on the cross. They mock and insult Jesus and our holy mother Mary and these false Zion Christians give them money and support them URL,0.86,2,DE 43221,Racism or prudes? I think you are mistaken. Before you get triggered. Im the most genetically diverse person out there. Im half Puerto Rican. 15% African so what.,-1.57,0,original 10714,No I got mad because you're a stupid fucking faggot,0.94,5,original 23498,why did my mom never tell me my grandpas sister AND brother were gay this is erasure!!!!!!!!!,-1.65,0,original 32626,"Y'all hoes lame and it's coming out my mouth y'all lame, clout chasers and it's sad... you won't win that way you will forget watch the next bitch go and and be sad with that dick look on your face 😂",0.34,0,original 33670,"Never ask your gay friends to hide their identity around people, that's fucking disrespectful. We worked hard to build the courage to come out the closet, we shouldn't have to go back in it just to make your homophobic parents comfortable.",-3.23,0,original 26821,"Got her tits out in a park full of kids, Imagine a man did this, get her locked up and on the register URL",1.98,4,original 41997,They get what they deserve.,1.14,3,FR 42318,Are we watching the First stanch of Republicans attempt of ethnic cleansing?,-0.3,0,original 9535,"In before ... ""YoU gOtTa rEaD tHe qUrAn iN cOnTeXt yOu dUmBaSs iSlAmPhObIc eViL tErRoRiSt hInDuTvA sUpPoRtInG mOtHeRfUcKeR. i'm gOnNa gO fUcK a fUcKiNg bAbY cOw nOw, wHaT tHe fUcK aRe yOu gOnNa dO aBoUt iT.""",1.66,2,original 32067,Tell the female dog to suck what's left,1.05,4,FR 3173,Because there aren't enough unwanted children.,-2.44,0,original 19952,Mean words are terrorism you fucking mongoloid,0.71,1,original 4443,How are they racist? He's the creep taking video of kids. Jesus Reddit is so retarded,1.09,6,original 3532,She has some really beautiful legs. This chick needs to be watered down so I can finally see her in her prime,0.69,6,JA 36565,@RedWave68849989 @benshapiro @BridgetPhetasy She should be shot for molesting her little sister and sexually assaulting someone on the red carpet,0.3,0,original 11583,fight me fagot,1.26,5,FR 1327,"Okay. So now the ""Fuck your feelings"" crowd is super interested in the feelings of young men when it can be used to dictate the behavior of women? Funny coincidence there! >One of the ideological subs is populated with people who upvote calls for violence, the other is populated with people who downvote calls for violence. Which one is hateful? Probably the one that gets people to go out and shoot up churches. Speaking of, how fucked is it that the one guy admitted he was radicalized by Ben Shapiro? I haven't heard you guys say shit about that.",-1.27,0,original 5996,Honestly I'd fuck your brains out kiss your body and dump my full load I to that pussy.,-0.71,0,original 31722,Bitch you better praise God or Imma shoot and that's by God I don't play with my Lord and Savior. I'm on my job if you're not a Christian Imma stab you in the face,1.61,2,DE 25682,Fagot Dennis Grahl from Berlin needs a hard mouth fuck URL,1.21,5,DE 42439,You people won't let Vaccinated kids in your schools but let random unchecked Imigrants in have making this a 3rd world country ;)!,-0.07,0,original 19256,I'd pound that ass balls deep till I empty my load in you,2.0,4,original 40304,A rich black man lives ten times better than a poor white man. People respect money its never been about race. If black people were all filthy rich we'd worship them.,-1.94,0,original 39272,Jews have lived in Judea-Samaria for thousands of years. It is our indigenous homeland. Israel does not keep anyone in camps. Anti-Semitism makes you vicious and stupid.,-2.18,0,original 26423,"y'all LOVE ending your bullying on here with ""may Allah guide you"", your approach to ""guiding"" someone is so aggressive, insensitive and laced with so much judgment",-2.35,0,original 11930,"Just another ghetto fat mad because she's appallingly ugly and a hippopotamus landmass; the result of a glorified ghetto culture that breeds ignorance, stupidity, and violence when confronted with that very ignorance and stupidity.",1.98,1,DE 18796,"You're both straight retarded. There, problem solved. Fuck off. Oh, and shove those downvotes straight up your asses.",0.2,0,original 29486,"For that, you need Islam to die.",-1.99,0,original 15418,You are the reason ISIS exists. Now stop doing stupid bullshit like that.,0.69,1,FR 7184,"""Nein, I am not ze spy of glorious Deutschland! Vat a dummkopf idea!""",-3.45,0,original 24058,"""I don't be stressing bout none of these niggas when they be talking I don't even listen""",-3.19,0,original 40947,Illuminati evil Zionist Jews who have satanic evil energies in them tell them that the demons in them are absorbed by Prime Creator,0.78,2,ZH 37226,"Godless degenerate liberals create soulless killers who foolishly place their trust in humanity and then keep shooting when they feel abandoned. We must return to God and to traditional, wholesome American values. Home, Respect, Patriotism, Neighbors & Church.",0.78,2,DE 47437,"How to stop screwing yourself over ladies - stop trying to be ""strong, independent, stunning and brave"" instead be ""feminine, attractive, motherly and kind"". Find a strong man, marry him, let him run the show. You raise the kids and make the house. Die happy.",-0.05,0,original 2625,"they were taken, literally taken from their home. irrespective of where they are living now they were taken. against their will. forced, dragged, raped, beaten. there is nothing great about america. it was founded on murder.",-1.98,0,original 16887,I would gladly go to India and torture those assholes to death myself.,2.96,3,FR 15349,retarded bitch,0.75,4,original 2853,Im into bdsm and edging which means ill beat the fuck out of a woman for little to no sexual pleasure,-0.72,0,original 15571,I dont speak english coming out of the mouth of self righteous neck bearded faggots,1.74,5,original 1674,Look at this faggot.,1.97,5,original 8765,How do you get to kys faggot?,1.62,5,ZH 49050,Zhero Zhero This is why you don't allow subhumans in a western civilization. Think about that boy.,2.93,3,original 17605,"I'm a white Latino. My mom is white, but somehow I'm the only one in my family to have ended up with her white skin. Because I'm rarely associated with Hispanic culture due to my skin, I always thought I didn't have much tie to it. This movie made me realize how wrong I was. In movie theater in another continent, I was made sorely aware of my distance from my family and made me miss my cousins.",-3.87,0,original 12745,"Well, in English it means a bunch of degenerate men or women fucking their own sex. You are a very stupid Normie.",0.62,5,DE 1530,I would unload a load inside you and dry my dirty cock with a fist full of your hair. You are a cum rag.,2.42,4,FR 25629,This Straight Pride Parade looks WILD I can't lie... URL,-3.36,0,original 8111,"Gladly baby, I'd need to fuck your little ass first before I filled up your pretty pussy with cum though",-1.72,0,original 40219,What a fucking Faggot 😂😂,0.93,5,original 44893,This fag will soon cut off the hitting hand,0.53,5,DE 1907,Stop being a fucking retard little weeb you faggot and you might have a chance at life. Fucking fragile loser,2.28,5,original 972,"Little things (5'0"" commie twinks) really *do* bother this weeaboo after all",-0.16,0,original 41666,"@Mike Dias Mike, you follow your father Satan, the liar of all liars. Real Christians know that the Father is the judge. You are judging others as if you are God. You need more bible study before you go popping off judging others. Jesus spoke off you in Matthew 7:21-23.",-0.62,0,original 8270,What a bunch of liberal fags,0.61,5,DE 43475,Are black Americans welcome?,-1.7,0,original 4462,Burn him and his family. We don't need such a degenerate in our gene pool,4.51,1,FR 7704,I'd beg her for the privilege of receiving her goddess piss all over my face and in my mouth,2.07,4,original 11436,"i got to see a gender therapist for the first time a couple weeks ago and it's so nice to have someone who knows all about the trans experience. ive been identifying as agender for like 4 years (since i heard of the term) and only now am i really getting help. itll come, friend. it might take a while but youll be ok and youll get to be yourself. stay strong ❤️❤️❤️👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻",-7.77,0,original 39967,Y'all fuck ugly dudes regularly funny or not anyway tbh,0.63,1,FR 38198,@Badh_Badh_Baba @ertugru66904008 @lndianPresident @Jayashree_Ravis @zainabsikander ripped the retard right in the middle....bloody rice bag hindu hating converts.,1.54,2,original 20012,"""@iamkrause: No need to thank me, killing niggers is its own reward."" Tell homie we graduated when we were 26",2.73,1,FR 42682,"Home minister doing his job as per his job description, finally. Deport all Bdeshis jihadists and Rohingyas.",-0.6,0,original 5097,Right this is the biggest problem Most men would rather be stupid cucks and you try to be nice and they stab you in the back. fuck em that is why i do not even bother i will just fuck their women lol.,1.05,4,original 6733,she needs cocks at the same time so fucking slut,1.19,4,FR 5397,Cultural links? London is already a dirty Paki shithole,1.06,1,FR 8210,"In the most South African way, taxi drivers would drag Uber drivers out of their cars, rape them, and then transmit HIV to them because of the rape.",1.72,3,DE 30338,@teathebiscuit_ for not pissing off wallahi you will be beheaded for your heinous war crimes and your head will be raised above the civilians of iran as a threat to those who dare try your stupidity,2.11,1,DE 49025,That's normal because Americans are descended from savages.,1.77,3,ZH 31411,🍉 Dane Jones Hot teen with plump butt fucks her older lovers with big cock URL,0.51,4,FR 49954,"They don't belong. They broke the law. See you. Get all the illegals out. Many have come the right way, many are waiting to come the right way. Illegals have NO rights. Make them all disappear",1.11,3,FR 40523,Gay Indian sodomite Varadkar has no loyalty to the people of Ireland and should be deported to India. It's time to stop talking and start acting because the traitorous and pathetic government is laughing at us and how easy it is to destroy Ireland... People need to start talking and wake up fast because they are running out of time... I will be at every protest that happens..... 🇮🇪 🇮🇪,1.43,5,FR 21378,Bitch ass niggas be poppin it for pussy they never gone get,1.24,1,original 31844,Men are garbage. There. I said it.,1.07,4,FR 26135,Yo a weak ass weak ass weak ass bitch,2.06,5,original 45255,"Take the full force of the US military, federal police and immigration and send them street by street, city by city and state by state with a mission to deport all illegal people, dreamers, anchor babies and all extended parents to Mexico. regardless of the nation of origin. Let Mexico handle it. They've been sending them here for decades. If that doesn't stop the north flow. Revoke the citizenship of all inmates sentenced to life or longer and deport them en masse to Mexico. I would bet Mexico would start building a wall tomorrow.",1.94,3,FR 38495,"@bluestein So basically Michael Williams' defense is he's not an authentic racist asshole, but a deliberate, calculated one? Oh, that's so much better. URL",-0.84,0,original 17909,Holy shit.,1.24,1,FR 42732,Liberal women are unbearable because their panties are always bunched up. They are cackling hens that only do nag nag nag.,1.55,4,FR 27012,We will destroy you and you will want more. #findom #alphacouple #cuckold #cashfag #cuck #cashmaster #walletrinse URL,2.43,4,FR 23405,@TarekFatah This is happening because of Hindu cowards.. spineless idiots who will let these b@stars spit hate on us in a Hindu majority country! All thanks to MKG.. he made generations and generations helpless and cowardly!,0.69,2,FR 8563,"Not surprising to me. At the very least he's anti-Israel and there's a good chance that he hates himself too. Oh, wait he's a Jewish Liberal so of course the latter is true.",-0.51,0,original 28156,i know girls are beautiful but pls talk to them BEFORE you nut in them cos some of these bitches dumb as rocks,1.13,4,original 36828,Dude fuck these female dogs,1.25,4,FR 47835,"Yes, get her out of here. America's streets already have enough thieves and flakka addicts. We don't want to be devastated like Europe has been devastated. The Communicrats abhor a merit-based immigration plan because educated immigrants would vote Republicans.",0.93,3,DE 49851,Why's he look like a fuckin Somali prisoner and crazy malnourished tho???,-0.59,0,original 7063,"True, there's a reason Hitler called Italy ""Europe's soft underbelly.""",0.58,3,DE 6950,"I assume most blacks are criminals when I see them, so I never hire them. I'm mostly right.",1.97,1,DE 26838,"@ShellyKennisto1 @_Atlas_Shrugged @POTUS Deport illegal aliens is WAY cheaper, that to detain, feed and accommodate them. Air ticket to any country is <$1000. Support illegal here is thousands and thousands of $$!",-2.26,0,original 37230,jojo's bizarre adventure isn't boring ur just homophobic,-2.84,0,original 30336,Another 9/11 victim has been identified. Remember her instead of wetting yourselves over Omar.,-1.49,0,original 38098,you fags are so insufferable that I sometimes want to convert to alt-rightism,0.67,5,FR 656,"That show was my first actual exposure to asexuality. Before that I never considered that I might be one because, at least in my experience, there's a lot of misunderstanding if not outright misinformation about it. I always thought asexual people had no sex drive or desire to be romantically physical whatsoever. Also ""I never know if I can handle anything, its what makes my life so exciting!"" is my favourite Toddism.",-4.65,0,original 20462,how do these horny idiots get anything done I swear they're hooking up 23/7 URL,-1.81,0,original 13342,Go fuck yourself gay cunt,2.29,5,original 46906,Fire your skanky wife!,1.34,3,FR 14745,I'd fuck her like a wild laminal.,-0.91,0,original 4908,"I wish the rest of the world would just bomb every country that commits genocide. These include Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States",1.97,3,DE 44650,Put all the Mexicans in jail with him,0.72,1,FR 7825,I hope all the people you love become depressed and commit suicide. And it's your fault for seeing it coming too late,2.88,7,JA 37166,@officialAnietie She's Yoruba .,-3.16,0,original 26406,You fuck like a rabbit grow up and stop playin😂😂😂,-0.23,0,original 17409,Lol like I don't fucking care about that shithole full of your mullah bros. All Dindus and katuas are destined to die there.,1.89,3,ZH 42163,"""I shot me nigga now he look like a bagel"" it got me dying",1.23,1,FR 16812,"Tinder was founded by degenerate jews who have been sued by their coworkers for sexual harassment, the more you know.",0.54,2,original 31378,"During a panel discussion on immigration, Penn law professor Amy Wax claimed that immigrants are getting too loud and leading to an increase in ""garbage."" She explicitly advocated an immigration policy that would favor immigrants from Western countries over non-Western ones",1.51,3,ZH 35569,"Asylum seekers wait for buses to take them to Chiapas after giving up on their quest for entry to the US in Nueva Laredo, Mexico. URL",-2.8,0,original 18802,always remember: only queers defend other queers.,1.2,5,FR 12228,nah theyll just recruit more black ppl,-1.29,0,original 38224,honkey consanguin,1.21,1,FR 21341,@Colormelexis fuck her .,0.84,5,original 39154,@Sid18672054 @iAmSAqibb We r going to give his dead body soon. He is terrorist. India is also terrorist state who is doing terrorism in Asia. All world knows very well about Indian terrorism.,0.6,3,original 46379,New Nazis will be destroyed and defeated the most... All Earth vs. USA Babylon Amen,1.27,3,DE 1751,I need to banish myself from the gene pool before I let others suffer such horrifying deformities.,1.44,7,JA 17413,You don't have to be out for your bisexuality to be valid. Happy birthday!,-4.27,0,original 7005,I can tell she's a whore because she couldn't even take this picture without showing her underwear.,1.61,4,FR 45731,I just burned 6 American flags fuck the USA what your pussy will do about it nothing I go to the store and buy more only to then burn them on camera,1.22,3,DE 4986,"I need my dick gwazed like a donut with woman pussy nectar; I want my cock to feel like I put baby oil on it, I want it to make my cock wetter than the splashes. I just need my dick sawed in a crazy pussy and I need her to get up to cweates a hawd cum casting",1.17,4,FR 21042,The best way to remember the #Holocaust is hearing survivors tell their personal stories. It fundamentally changes you & you can no longer be indifferent. That's what happened to 14 year old Claire Sarnowski after meeting Holocaust Survivor Alter Wiener. URL,-5.09,0,original 11045,Not all whores are anti border patrol lol. The ones charging 2k/hr for their services know how important walls are 😉 MAGA.,0.66,4,original 20662,Yea this Bitch dumb sick in the head,0.71,4,original 49100,So these 2 dumb negros do attract Thots. Get a life and stop sack chasing these uneducated assclowns.,1.37,1,original 40756,Victimhood alert. It isn't Britain's or Europe's or USA's fault 80% of the world is the pits of hell.,0.08,0,original 13792,"Kevin you are a fat, stupid, cunty, whore, dumbass, nigger who is a sad prick and tries to be cool. This woman has the balls to post on r/roastme. I would love to see you make a post on r/roastme you nigger",1.14,1,original 21331,For people who are dissing Raha Ram Mohan Roy: It was largely because of his efforts that America recognized Hindu ad a separate organized religion. Vivekanand had had already a platform in 1893 when he presented Hindu to his audience.,-4.54,0,original 30342,"""I believe it is important for me to make clear my support for the rights of women, the LGBTQ community and freedom of expression."" In a statement to the AP, rapper @NICKIMINAJ announced that she will not perform at a July 18 concert in Saudi Arabia. URL",-4.24,0,original 42451,"Pastore perplexity, you should seriously go to the doctors and look for something like mental retardation, it seems like you are showing signs of it. However, people like you should not reproduce and must be wiped out, you are ruining this modern society. They have very low intelligence and very low IQ. Please just go and die in a hole you bloody sad idiot. I hope you and your family all die together, you damn saddos.",1.68,7,DE 8023,fuck in the ass. Church supports you.,0.69,2,DE 23516,Bitch you trash and your bitches is dumpsters 😂✌🏾,0.83,4,original 7768,eat shit faggot,1.57,5,original 271,"I hope you never have suicidal thoughts, worthless fucking bitch.",0.97,4,FR 41056,To be charitable towards this Russian jerk would be a bullet in the back of the neck.,2.06,3,FR 17838,I just want black people to be wiped off this planet.,4.35,1,original 47660,Trump is right. ALL immigrants arriving after 1492 should GO HOME!!,1.22,3,DE 5844,YOU SHOULD CHIP A NIGGA THEN THROW THE BLOWER IN HIS LAP,1.99,1,original 1731,Incel piece of trash,3.15,5,original 23009,i really hate girls that are stuck up for no reason like damn sis.,-1.5,0,original 48365,"Female sports are a joke! Only queers watch that crap. Go make a sammich and male it right girly,",1.24,4,original 97,"Not tall**er** or strong**er** specifically but I do find tall, strong bodied women particularly sexy.",-2.92,0,original 21794,"Always late to the party but ""Yeah, me gay too"", my pronouns are she/her (cis) and I'm a big ol' lumberjack lesbian. I've been in the con crowd for over a decade and cosplaying for a few years now. I love to make props and cosplay white haired or dead ladies. #LGBTcosplay URL",-1.36,0,original 16618,"> Oh boys, look, we found one in the wild! The average human being is so stupid that he would commit suicide when he was a child, but with the money after success in Western civilization, we can prevent these particularly mentally handicapped citizens from committing suicide early! What a fascinating specimen...",2.63,7,ZH 38493,Trending in Puerto Rico and Poland. #SeokjinTrends #KCAMexico #ARMY @BTS_twt #방탄소년단 #진 #JIN URL,-3.32,0,original 29321,GH are total pleasure! #gaylondon #gloryholelondon #gaysex #gay #oralsex URL,-3.31,0,original 36910,"You bitches really need to clear your thoughts about men. One day you'll be calling them shit and useless and other day you'll be crying about being single, get a life fgs",0.36,0,original 10588,Gonna die in a fucking hole bitch u/uwutranslator,1.35,4,FR 3896,"lol this libtard people keep calling this sanghi like they even know what it really means. It's like a child learning a new word and repeating it until they get bored. India needs to get rid of those gutters everywhere else libtards like you will be bred in them. No wonder you stayed behind. Good luck in your cock sucking endeavors, don't suck off the wrong jihadi you might lose your head lol",2.16,2,DE 11580,To be beautiful latinas,-4.28,0,original 48633,"Sorry, but I'm here to let you know his home is Somalia, not Minnesota. She's a non-American Ni**er Wench who needs to be stripped of her citizenship status and sent back to Somalia and if she can't go then go to Mongolia for the mongaloid.",1.96,1,FR 13102,"Washing your penis is gay. As an alpha male lone wolf (who's fucked plenty of women, far more women than any soy boy could drink the bathwater!), I refuse to do anything homosexual. Damn the dick stank... oh Jesus, I think I passed out again from the dick stank. It's okay, although a real man like me doesn't worry about brain damage from the stench of dick. My IQ is so high that I can afford to lose a few points, unlike you moron coco scum. Jordan Peterson, frankly, I'm disappointed that you would recommend anything so gay.",1.34,5,FR 22158,why do niggas keep repeating that shit like we give a a fuck,1.24,1,original 41107,@Ricky Spanish na your obviously an asexual hate to amoeba though,-0.21,0,original 33503,Spit in her asshole and sm*ck the fuckin' shit out of her,1.29,4,FR 43311,What a fagget,0.81,5,original 22249,"It's his fucktoy, he can use it how he wants #gay #bi #blowjob #balls #cock #cocks #dick #dicks #uncut #publicblowjob #creampie #anal #bigcock #oralcreampie #sex #bigwhitecock #pulsating #pulsatingcumshot #cumshot #grinding URL",-0.42,0,original 38013,"@SAfridiOfficial @UN @POTUS I think you need burnol, get lost and look at your shitty country first.. Bade ayae humanity ki baat karne.. #KashmirHamaraHai #JaiHind",1.15,3,original 23693,Good advice... Lawmaker in Mexico tells women 'think before spreading your legs',0.2,0,original 37411,"🔥🔥🔥AMEN! It was the Bible, the Gospel, and the Spirit 🕊 that sustained Wilberforce and MLK. May we follow their example and the way of Jesus as we speak, act, grieve, and pursue justice and peace URL",-3.56,0,original 8515,suck my dick and die,3.16,5,original 10283,Can't believe we went from Vanessa Place and Patrik to Milo's old ass who got fired for not being racist enough and now trying to get tricked by a priest into being able to be gay but blameless,1.07,5,FR 7931,When they start putting the Mexicans in the ovens. Try to contain your hyperbole a bit.,0.78,1,FR 47539,Bomb the stone age muzzys. Iranian cowards only attack drones and civilian targets. Knock out a few airfields and the cowards will beg like dogs for peace.,4.21,1,FR 14746,U mean hell and I'm an atheist so get nae nae'd kid,-2.36,0,original 30888,@73rrorist I hold this female dog and pour vodka in her eye socket what a shit face,1.58,4,FR 17566,She looks like Austen with a vagina,-0.64,0,original 49422,"Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis and other mixed garbage. They are worse than Nazis and have soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler. boycott the United States.",0.83,3,DE 10270,my nathan is gay! i'm gonna go listen to die lit and hope you don't die lit for dissing tom like that latecomer,1.57,5,FR 24330,#जीवन_आशा_मुहिम @GurmeetRamRahimJi @DeraSachaSauda many such marriages have taken place in dera sacha sauda where educated men have married young windowed women and also accepted their children from previous marriage as their own URL,-6.03,0,original 28739,"slut patrick simons humiliation KIK slave ""send me pics fag"" and he must send 10 nudes every time he receives that message for reposting and sluts humiliation @simons_pat #expose #humiliation URL",0.8,5,original 17086,Gendered and has face. Toss her into the abyss.,1.87,4,original 38041,"@btsofficial_kr I don't understand koreans anymore I might like their music But they are ignorant Go through any video in youtube or any write up of Koreans describing India, they be like ""India is about Curry, 3 idiots, Dangerous, Unsafe""",-0.06,0,original 43591,Another victim wannabe. Take it up with the whites who run the media since you believe that BS.,-0.72,0,original 49637,David Rook what about all those visa dodgers? Whose raiding them? That's half the illegals in the country.,-0.41,0,original 520,"My grandparents are from Italy. So, yes, I do talk about it a lot. And honestly, the Italian Americans all do. We are proud. It comes up a lot, for me personally, because I have pretty dark skin, but light hair and eyes.",-3.74,0,original 8528,Fucking faggot they deserve to burn in hell,1.94,5,original 23380,Women think about it too URL,-2.87,0,original 34071,@JulianCastro I would be killed at home. Idiot nigga,-0.09,0,original 2269,"I don't hate gays, I just want to brutally murder them all because how dare they",2.22,5,DE 35344,@AFCPatch @RothsteinAbe @RapSheet Kill your self faggot,4.13,5,original 42883,lol cuz they have to be lgbt states your gays are woken up by god,0.51,5,ZH 6095,">This is Trump in a few months: ""Listen people, Congress wouldn't act, and Mexico keeps sending us these migrants. The only thing we can do is kill them.""",0.89,3,FR 24699,@Cameron2nd_ @TheFUTAdvisor faggots,0.68,5,FR 48393,Go fuck your goat idiot,3.17,2,DE 36352,"Dead ass, this ordes talk nigga and his ENTIRE fraternity go to jail.",1.11,1,DE 49864,"+Heather Mack Compare. Have you done the comparison? I wish the best for African peoples without intervention by other peoples. But,.. how were things then compared to now, as to peacefulness in society,…. and overall general happiness? I was being honest…. and it's not because I'm a Euro.",-2.42,0,original 29524,"You have such pretty nails, cuckold, and your cock looks absolutely sweet locked up in that pretty pink cage. Is it thrilling while watching a real man fuck your wife? #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #sissy #malechastity #sissycuckold URL",0.76,4,FR 43659,How about you wash your asshole and then comment. white trash!,0.71,1,DE 255,So basically you want someone to come up to you and let you beat them. You're a fag AND a pussy,0.81,5,FR 31885,@PressTV @hrw Iran is killing Israeli people by supplying weapons to terrorist that attack Israel... Hope the world ends soon can't live with so many retards living on this planet like you.,-0.05,0,original 19748,I'm sure you don't even get a single match. Go tip your fedora to her.,0.13,0,original 16320,"Well, in the Old Testament, the original prescription for anyone found gay was to beat them to death with stones in the street. The whole community should join in and make it a celebration.",1.07,5,DE 40325,"Stupid liberal Democrat woman, travelling in the third world, where diversity gets to run amok. I call her stupid because she didn't make the connection between race and crime.",1.36,1,original 48005,"iRANS AER VERY EVIL EVEIL EVUIEL. HEER are today's headlines – Iran is already planning the next attack against the West. The Iranians allow LYING in a criminal process, and the little mentally handicapped they execute buy themselves by coerced confessions of torture. THEY ARE 100 PERCENT EVIL LIARS AND MUST BE REPLACED BY A WESTERN GOVERNMENT OR THEY BECOME EXTINCE COMPLIMENTS FOR B52AS FULLY ARMED!!!! THANKS@!",1.65,1,DE 1709,I want two shemales so I can suck one of them and the other can fuck me at the same time.,-0.17,0,original 28228,nigga is that a nickel on your forehead URL,-2.52,0,original 47731,"I can't remember which of the four horsemen put it down, but didn't one of them support Louis Farrakhan who thinks all Jews and all white people should die?",1.74,2,FR 21113,Ya dead ass hate women like go fuck ya home boys in the ass already 🤦🏾‍♀️,0.66,4,original 47377,Come on you come guzzling faggot baby raping sperm dumpster you're transgender Daddy is calling you it's time for your daily penis feeding faggot fucking queer so head on down to your safe space with your Michelle Obama blow up doll with a magic vibrating stick pussy that you love so much like the homo butthole faget child molester you are,2.18,5,original 30543,@MsKnowsALot1 @IlhanMN We can fire her and those who hate this country. What we cannot return or bring back are the babies murdered by liberals through abortion. #Abortionismurder,0.53,3,FR 8471,"I would be happy to help you, we would leave her filled with cum in every fuck hole she has, face fuck her mouth to wash our cocks. She wakes up so happy, like the good little slut she is",3.11,4,FR 4532,Not defending owen but it could be parallel thinking. Gay stuff is always on his mind,-2.65,0,original 5244,"First we had a fucking parade for the fags Then they decided to give the rooster goblins a full week Now the rooster goblins will think they are black and demand a full month or next they will demand full legal access to your kids poop anus , so they can poop them, and a whole damn year. That's right, a whole year of degeneration",2.79,5,DE 20355,"With total inaction on immigration reform by Congress, I see the ""plan"" now to ship 1,000 sick, bankrupt refugees here, there, and wander around for 5 years while they wait for their asylum hearings. Damn, what a farce. #ThirdWorld here we come.",0.54,3,ZH 46643,YOUR SO DUMBFOUNDED JUST STOP MAKING YOUR GAY VIDS. NOBODY LIKES YOU AND YOUR VOICE BURN IN HELL BASTER,1.02,5,DE 31566,"@amandadonnell14 works for me. Just one thing: move the UN to Tehran. Ban the cult of piss all over the world. It is not a religion, but a predatory paramilitary gang bent on destroying your and my freedom. Fu(k'em and their fruit prophets.",1.33,3,ZH 44894,"This clown in a dirty ass basement, someone throws a cup of water at this dirt ball that powers his ass",5.5,5,DE 40325,Stupid liberal democrat traveling to the third world where diversity is running amok. I call her stupid for not making the connection between race and crime.,1.36,1,DE 29269,Send her back to Africa.,1.21,1,DE 27279,Isn't @SusSway69 an internet fanatic?,1.43,5,ZH 36553,I dont fuck with here ill ship that meth where you need it k it wasnt my deal but ill make sure your people get they shit ok then dont thats good im a nigga really iv been doin time with blacks all my life,-2.31,0,original 47518,"It's time to wipe Iran off the map. I'm willing to do my part, let's go.",2.09,3,DE 34999,"I hate a ""you wouldn't even know what to do wit me"" ass chick. You don't even know what to do with yourself",-0.35,0,original 8712,"You either go to the Gas chamber, Slay some Jews or gtfo",3.66,2,original 7938,"Fuck it, illegal immigrants have no reason to break into other people's homes. They all need to be detained and deported immediately. You can't break into someone's home just because you have kids. These people all need to go back to where they came from immediately. They don't belong here and are not welcome.",1.54,3,ZH 22320,"Look at this sissy, temp #exposure 5 mins to make fun of her huge tits and tiny little excuse for a think she can see how small it is?? Her tits are bigger than mine.. #findom #bbr comment go Make her #sissy ass cry URL",0.67,4,original 7832,"well newsflash you absaaalute grandiose piece of literal trash (piss on your grave c**t) i'm 21 and do have a Cluster B PD you toxic sadistic scrawny twat, i wish i could kick your head in you ugly white male in his 30's, you absolute disgrace and cancer to society, you faux intelligence piece of dog shit, dumb dog",3.24,4,original 45330,"In this comment section -- The littlest of little dicks talking shit about the ""lesbo's"" who won one for our country, but cant get over the idea of them not liking or respecting President Grabbem By The Pussy. Mad at some percieved "" personal"" disgrace as they claim superiority. Its fucking sad folks. These Incels are something else. Also.. ALOT.. i mean.. ALOT of Eurotrash trolls trying to pass off as American. This has been your Comment Section Health Advisory.",-0.91,0,original 10148,"You're either a very lonely man, or an angry feminist. Didnt mean to be redundant with the latter part of the 1st sentence.",-0.08,0,original 49583,Virginia democrats continuing their racist ways. He should do a moonwalk to celebrate.,-0.23,0,original 10832,don't impose your grandpa's libido on me,0.9,5,ZH 49278,Betty Lonv do the world a favor slit your wrists and please don't breed.,1.21,4,original 43571,Racist ass bitch,0.4,0,original 17721,gay communists,-0.85,0,original 6136,Wow what a stupid bitch,0.85,4,FR 44262,This asshole needs to commit himself to a psychiatric hospital.,3.59,7,RU 26351,"Just seen the tweets. Fuck this miserable, nasty country and, particularly, fuck these dickless, lowlife, thick-as-horseshit, waste-of-skin excuses for men. I hope they die in screaming agony of testicular leprosy. URL",2.17,4,original 37322,"@rezaaslan Awwww asslan is but hurt, fuck you asslan, fuck you and your Islamic extremest family! #ittruecuzipostedit",1.89,1,original 2531,These Evangelical Christian extremists need to be isolated and exposed for the gate group they've become.,-0.6,0,original 23666,"@theIRC Hundreds of Iraqi asylum seekers&refugees have waited resettlement for long years, They have skills, talents and hard workers, But the long waiting made them tired, Don't kill their productivity by leaving them suffering more, Suffering destroys creativity #StandWithIraqiRefugees URL",-4.01,0,original 49291,No civil war... We have proud Hispanic US citizens in America @blaise gordon,-5.15,0,original 2517,Bingo. This also explains why every matriarchy in the world is a shit hole.,0.49,0,original 28598,"rapists: *rape people* y'all: 😶 3% of rape accusations: *are false* y'all: this bitch should be in jail for the next 45 years, she'll be scrubbing floors the rest of her life, then we're gonna stone her to death in the town square, and spit on her grave every day until we die",-3.88,0,original 26892,yo @pick me ass niggas make me a solid kys,0.62,1,DE 48340,No wonder England's boarding schools are bursting with decadent fruit. Even the ads here were littered with gays with shitty morals.,1.27,5,FR 22109,#Breaking_News | Political Bureau Official: International Quds Day kept Palestine alive in our hearts and minds #Almasirah,-4.66,0,original 9347,IMAGINE TALKING ABOUT AMERICAN POLITICS (on an American site). I guess you're a Europoor. Shouldn't you be back in that low-paying job that pays 50% in taxes? or maybe you are one of the disgusting NEETs infesting this shithole site,2.73,3,DE 3555,That tight pussy needs to be ruined. Why not spread it open wide for all the daddy's to see both them fuck holes little slut. We need to know how much we need to stuff in that fuck hole to ruin it properly,1.35,4,original 33131,@HaftaWasooli May the Almighty Allah grant the departed soul His Eternal Peace. Ameen,-5.41,0,original 12905,Worthless feminist cunt,1.39,4,original 23522,deport them. NOW,1.52,3,DE 47975,Absolutely trashy racist bastard! Why wasn't this useless sack of flesh knocked down and dead? Worthless hateful asshole!,1.18,1,FR 22638,literally shaking rn!! triggered by the queers' wage gap again,-2.88,0,original 26465,"@mike10010100 @Badg3rmanTTV @gaywonk @YouTube Actually, leftists are the modern Nazis. They demand that views they oppose be silenced, debased, harassed and even publicly attacked. Your hero even said that only socialist gays are welcome at the gay pride march. Note: Throwing something at me would be a bad idea.",0.62,5,DE 13715,"Enjoy your hot pink gun, your clanmates, your gangbangers, the institutionalized military, your mass murderers, your school shooters, your president, your racism, your christian taliban, your falling social and moral ethical standards, your ""pro-life"" controls , your climate/land grab, your nuclear weapons and all the other wonderful things you ""enjoy"" in your ""beautiful, safe country"".",0.65,3,DE 8789,And 10 Pakistani street shit eaters,0.91,3,FR 49235,"Iran's on the list for regime change. Any time now they will create an excuse to justify an invasion of iran just like they did with iraq and libya. People don't realise that this is all leading up to a war with russia and the only people who benefit are the tiny few. The only country on earth who has used nuclear weapons trying to lecture other nations over their nuclear weapons... how pathetic. Tiny piece land with a tiny population controls one of the largest countries on earth... again, how pathetic.",0.79,3,original 6896,"The Nazi's actually did. About 300,000 German kids. Not Jews... even though Action T4 is considered as part of the Holocaust. Their own kids.",-1.26,0,original 22542,the queers who were nice/patient/gentle all got shot or bullied to death all that's left r me & the other pissed-off cockroach motherfuckers,-0.68,0,original 31378,"In a panel on immigration, Amy Wax, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, argued that immigrants are too loud and responsible for an increase in “garbage”. She explicitly advocated an immigration policy that would favor immigrants from Western countries over non-Westerns.",1.51,3,FR 19123,"Its not a 'dual crisis' when one thing leads into another. The racists are HOPING for some sort of ""holy war"" that gives them a pretext to slaughter 'the other'. They pretend to act horrified by groups like ISIS but in truth they long to emulate them.",-3.34,0,original 869,>lol fuck veterans. I'm with you! Fuck those fags who kicked Hitler's ass to Germany! Stupid veterans! We could have had a Third Reich! 😭😭😭,1.28,5,DE 14335,Thats amazing that she came to church! I am an ex Muslim and now I am a Roman Catholic that is an amazing thing god bless her.,-4.51,0,original 3407,"Dear u/maiie_ , thank you for not saying the N-word. Please rememember that you may not say the N-word until you obtain an N-word pass. Thank you.",-3.42,0,original 17223,"Good luck without fap, you fucking depraved loser fuck. You masturbate every day in front of women who will vomit if they see you. You are a fucking retarded loser geek who spends all his time wanking. do your best otaku",1.63,7,JA 21306,hoes mad literally the most perfect saying ever nothing has been more true. hoes are indeed mad believe it or not,-0.19,0,original 37505,we have an extremist problem u dumb bitch lmaooooooooooo girl u dumb as fuck,2.04,4,original 19875,You're a brain dead fucking douche nozzle. These immigrants have more heart and patriotism towards the values of this country in their thumbs than you do in your entire waste of space of a body.,-1.35,0,original 5419,I guarantee the cognitive dissonance in that woman is eating her soul alive. Probably explains why she escalated to so much criminality over time.,-0.8,0,original 19378,If I can use your ass first before I blow my load in your pussy,1.91,4,original 41528,"The wages of sin is death!! A good ride, obviously an evil bitch and a weak fake Christian who values lust more than love!!",1.46,2,RU 43934,They Was Definitely Some Fat Men In Black Type Muthafuckas At Your Door. Them Crackas Was Tryna Sweet You Up Bra. DONT BECOME A STATISTIC MY GEE. GET STRAPPED AND GET THE FUCK OUTTA DODGE ASAP BUT KEEP YOUR CONTENT COMING BRO,-0.15,0,original 45913,"Filthy, soulless men. Do they have children of their own? How can he allow such a predator on the street to prey on people's children and be able to hug his children at night. He should be jailed with that motherfucker...",1.89,5,FR 12400,"Would smash, but with 2 condoms, spermicide, and a paper bag with any other womans face printed on it",3.3,4,original 11665,So basically they are just Jews?,-2.16,0,original 29676,"I genuinely wish that I had a dollar for every woman , Jew and Gay that has been beaten , killed and oppressed by your beloved and sacred Sharia Law. That way I could afford plane tickets to send every one of you Anti-American terrorists back to your sh*thole Countries. #MAGA URL",1.73,2,original 35651,@anindiangod is causing a fucking URL lag,2.23,7,FR 31677,@plumaria1 @minhtngo @POTUS45stinks Well you know its fine to be racists against those people but not my people syndrome.,-0.56,0,original 9913,"i would go down on that pussy and make her so wet she was begging for a dick next to her, i would then make her suck my dick while looking you straight in the eyes, when i get enough, i will fuck her pussy so hard she'll have to suck your cock to stop herself from screaming, then i'm gonna cum inside that pussy, now it's your turn to fuck that hot wet creamy pussy and hey after filling it with your cum, I might even have another round after you,,",0.93,4,FR 27218,Muslims should be treated the same as their counterparts in China...... The only way to control this epidemic of sick and painful thoughts..... @asadowaisi URL,2.2,2,RU 1068,If DNA accounted for all of intelligence the dumb sluts would've won out a millennia ago. Fortunately stupidity is mostly a taught behaviour and these types tend to not stick around.,2.38,4,original 37625,"@th3j35t3r Strong case for better gun regulation and ease of access to sexual services to virgins like these idiots. Shoot your load and kill millions of sperms in someone's throat or ass, not real people with guns !!",2.53,5,original 2801,"But if the British give London to the Muslims, they will just go back to killing each other.",1.89,2,RU 31856,"Behold the tolerant, inclusive loony Left. Bile-filled bigots madly projecting hate while preaching tolerance. @carolemorrissey condemns Murdoch companies as ""racist""...when she's the one spewing racist abuse. URL",-0.9,0,original 15343,"Is it bad that I'm not a native English speaker and I think this person is illiterate? I mean, if we were going to eliminate the population, we'd probably round up idiots like this person first.",0.7,3,DE 46401,Thank you - retards who probably love crime and own illegal firearms.I actually hate the world we live in. They're probably criminals themselves and all 20 seconds Being off the clip and having no critical thinking at all just agreeing with the ape who shared it.. the world only gets worse.,0.63,7,JA 41547,This female dog (host) is a very annoying ugly whore,1.65,4,FR 42485,hopes they dont get mad and starts invading neighbor countries,-0.89,0,original 40146,"You are right to be nervous of the likes of Omar, Tlib, and Sarssour (which means cockroach in Arabic), You should be even more concerned about half whits like Lemon, Stelter, and Cooper who defend and promote these creatures and dismiss anybody who questions the extreme Left as racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, etc., etc., ad nauseam.",0.97,1,original 20118,Another surprising reason to #Remin in the EU: the UK is more equal than most other nations in respect of diversity. #StopBrexit #VoteLibDem URL,-3.69,0,original 20813,Hope that Stonewater support the LGBTQ+ Community they work with better than the shitty way they treat our care leavers. @SwindonCouncil,0.69,5,original 25412,"I'm trying not to be Fucking Pissed & be Proud but folks. Its hard. Stop using us, start supporting us. (And fellow LGBTQA+ folks. I'm looking at you too, everyone who feels queer no matter what letter they identify as they belongs at pride. Period.)",-2.33,0,original 14704,"Coming from a dude here, these people aren't men, they're assholes. Even with women who do this. The idiots too.",1.07,4,FR 33211,Enjoy jail you stupid fucking cunts. Fuck your tears and your life. Rot in jail. Pieces of shit URL,-0.17,0,original 5281,Last time we cut off an Oil Supply to an Asian Nation they bombed Pearl Harbor.,-0.77,0,original 32616,"I don't fuck with you, you stupid little bitch.",1.53,4,FR 16358,And bitches usually end in a relationship with bitches,0.28,0,original 15232,She is very cute. I would love to see her take a dick.,0.65,4,FR 8265,"I'd fuck all your holes & make your pussy my cum dumpster, make sure you got a nice fucking on the daily. I would have you wear no underwear whatsoever so I could take you whenever & wherever I wanted, I'd always have you full of cum to make sure you knew who you belonged to.",0.93,4,original 29017,"Nigerian men don't give a shit about women. Lol. They'll laugh with your abuser online, drink and party with him, and even when he's being arraigned for physically assaulting an innocent woman, they'll line up to take selfies with him. URL",0.67,3,original 43742,I hope these 2 female dogs die,1.29,5,FR 10283,can't believe we went from Vanessa Place and Patrik to Milo's former butt boy who was fired for not being racist enough and now is trying to get diddled by a priest so he can be gay but blameless,1.07,5,original 13290,Your idea of a ghetto is obviously the street where a black family lives in your little shit town in middle America. That is racist dog whistle bull shit. Toxic fucking sub.,2.95,1,original 8116,God youre a fuckin fag,1.49,5,original 34711,"Jesus said #FightFor15 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out the moneychangers and said unto them: My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. PS Actual infanticide common in ancient world. No one's pregnancy is your business",-0.8,0,original 12171,Would love sucking on them before I put my cock between them and fucked them 🤤,0.61,4,original 47057,Did he laugh when Pusha T ripped his albino ass apart😂😂😂😂,1.03,1,DE 30379,"after ass beating yu racist mfs finna get i promise i will make you want to hate me a little bit more and send my brown ass back to ""my country"" 🤷‍♂️ VIVA LA RAZA CABRONES !!!",0.59,1,DE 23904,@dondekojo's comments under that incident lead me to conclude that most Nigerians are ignorant and don't want to learn. They are steeped in their ignorance and stupidity! How difficult is it? Bigger boys get bigger payouts! simple!,1.16,3,ZH 45472,"yes, now we will soon see iran ignite. I love it. kill them all and start with those naughty babies.",3.83,3,FR 1833,#FUCK ISREAL,0.27,0,original 33650,These ISIS bitches have balls: they attack those who help them. They should be thrown into the desert and taken care of. ISIS Throws Stones at Aid Workers in Syrian Camp Where Terrorist Threat Remains URL via @MetroUK,0.95,2,RU 13119,do you do drugs Trump can rape baby Jesus in a live televised church and every evangelical republican will say the fucking Jew deserves it.,0.73,2,ZH 44799,wdym she needs god? she's empowering women. nothing wrong with that.,-4.08,0,original 36854,Check out those majestic native breed cattle. Islam brainwashed idiots think killing them will get merit from Ola. Why would the Gaurakshaks be criminals for lynching the filth of these planets?,0.56,2,ZH 35448,"This faggot found happiness! A big black cock to fuck his hole. The man knows how to show off his superiority & the faggot's inferiority by comparing his big dick with faggot's clit. This is what makes a fag melt, the explicit talk about his inferiority! URL",0.9,5,original 11216,people who have a findom fetish should be euthanized,1.65,5,FR 48695,"Make DUA to Allah, chances are if these satanists are at work there using jinns and black magic.",-1.84,0,original 38841,This guy is so horny that his dick oozes pre-cum. This is back in 2013 when Guys would fuck you to sleep. Dicks don't even get this hard anymore. #CL #Dick URL,-0.31,0,original 22362,You're both fat as shit and you don't shut up bitches😂😂😂😭😭😭 URL,0.74,5,DE 20476,want this stupid dyke to choke me out URL,0.87,5,original 38152,@nypost Damn homophobic cunts are killing our country!,1.58,5,DE 39239,@iVeenaKhan Most dumbest person i have seen. I think you should join mia khalifa and get black penis in your mouth. Now Ashmit patel also not give you india penis.,0.18,0,original 46997,"The four ""gangs"" are the racist terrorists among us. Don't turn them down. All four should be terminated. They are non-American.",2.16,3,ZH 12195,Swiggitty swack It's wack you're black,-0.69,0,original 38658,#Palestinians complain about '#occupation'. We need to remember why the 'occupation' happened. It was the result of aggressive wars waged against Israel by neighboring #Arab states. Now you know! URL,-1.2,0,original 6657,He was critical of Indians as a race.,-1.65,0,original 16443,"As a muslim, I hope you guys know that this is very bad thing to post about Saudi's. Very bad. You can go to hell for this. I love Bert memes but when you cross this line it's not comedy anymore. You must repent. They would never make love to a goat, goats are filthy. The preference has always been for camel, camel spit is more lubricating and allows for penetration of the tighter bung hole. That way one can fuck both man and wife camel. Please fix this error immediately.",0.89,1,original 45673,UK DEEP STATE TRYING TO FIGHT BACK. VOTE YOUR SCUMBAG LIBERALS OUT. THEN KICK THE MIGRANT LEACHES BACK TO THEIR AFRICAN AND MID-EAST LITTER BOXES. FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY,2.4,3,original 23196,In New York City 3 out of 4 black babies are murdered via abortion and for some reason we don't call that genocide? Abortion is truly abhorrent - as evil as any other evil we have known. URL,-1.14,0,original 18214,"White people have no problem killing, raping, using. Very clearly a painting is worth more than the life of a non-white, especially a Southeast Asian, judging by the way white people treat people there...",0.68,1,FR 49619,"all this proves is that atheists can be real scummy people and super good liars which is exactly what one might expect from an atheist who has no morals or purpose in life because their bags of meat for whatever reason. yay good job for proving another ""stereotype"" about atheists to be true. they lie, and their good at it, and their sociopaths. he literally had the same emotion or lack there of through the entire video even when he was exposed he was just consistently the same and thats pretty cringe.",0.72,2,original 8579,"""Just leave""is such a lack of American traits and tradition. They're forgetting this country was founded by people who wanted to progress this country to its full potential. That's how we became the US. If they don't want to progress then perhaps they should go back to Britain.",-1.5,0,original 28959,India will piss this innit,-2.29,0,original 39266,Damn even when you roast yourself niggas still find ways to roast you😭,-0.12,0,original 6366,DONKEY DONKEY DRAYMOND DRAKE HATES YOU DRAYMOND DRAKE HATES YOU,0.53,1,original 42545,pakistan looks miserable. They will bite the dust in cricket WC 2019.,-0.15,0,original 1625,"You are the most alienated and decadent iteration of ""western culture"" since the 2nd century Roman Empire. Go ahead, repeat history, call it ""progress"" and disappear. You stupid motherfuckers.",0.74,3,FR 1360,"fucking lying cunts. every one of them should be treated like an enemy combatant and killed on the spot, everywhere, forever. they wanna believe that shit, fucking die. you don't see christians out murdering people for their cause. you don't see jews out murdering people for their cause. you don't see anyone but muslims doing it. they're a vile, inbred, hateful and deceitful race/religion and not one of them should live within our borders, ever.",4.24,2,original 18161,"Well, well,...if it's not The Daam Guy! Where have you been, Fuckface? Are you still sucking your daddy's breasts in your overflowing diaper? Fuck off and die a lot, you fucking withered, fly-blown, high-mileage pussy. Get some new stuff, bitch, and oh - learn to spell. You look like a mental dwarf, out of breath.",1.5,7,FR 26770,ugly girls are coming at me because they know they are ugly ...?😳,-1.12,0,original 14876,"It was funnier when I read it because I thought it was like ""mmmm homie, you ain't seen my final form, dawg"" I'm very white",-1.97,0,original 40686,100% Mossad CIA 912 this time,-2.57,0,original 45798,When will Israeli cowards learn to fight their own wars?,1.48,3,FR 36144,"@honilatte @TheRealSankara @Mdb27384231 @SaharaReporters @PoliceNG @YeleSowore @AsoRock Dumb wretched broad. I would reject a billion dollars to get a combo blowjob from you and your wretched mother. Dirty disease infested hoe. If you wan gutter language, I got you",1.5,4,original 3660,With an ass like that I'm sure to bury my face in it and then have you spread that ass so I can slide in and fuck you and leave you full of cum,0.91,4,FR 1730,"No, of course not. Most religious folk are quite open to your decision, and would likely be more than happy to pray for you, if they don't already. I'm atheist, my mom a Christian. She prays for me, and I'm okay with that.",-7.65,0,original 17443,A pussy would have warmth and depth. She is something much worse.,2.37,4,FR 40336,Then burn down Christian churches. They want war so be it,1.22,2,ZH 36042,i hate a ratchet female dog with a clean pussy,0.81,4,FR 12150,"I feel kinda sympathetic to incels, tbh. At their core, they are just a bunch of lonely men who've gone batshit.",-0.82,0,original 8089,Ruhi singh is an indian actress,-4.13,0,original 39904,"Guess when you're used to touching underage women inappropriately, ya just can't help yourself, even when she is a victim of a terrorist shooting..... URL",0.19,0,original 14822,"I am a Muslim and I say all Christians are hypocritical idiots and need to die. They think we are terrorists, but Christian terrorists kill more people, and right wingers kill more people than all Muslims and ISIS. Europe will fully convert to Islam in 5 years and we will win. Then America will also become Islam because that is the real way. Sharia law does work, like in Saudi Arabia, which is a very rich and legal country, unlike America, where people die after being shot.",1.66,3,ZH 36760,"I want to throw you onto the bed and treat you like a fucking toy. I want to make you moan louder and louder with every thrust I take in you. I want to see you shake as you cant handle being fucked so hard. But most importantly, I want to see my cum drool out of your holes",2.5,4,original 6215,"Outside of Punjab, the country is a shithole anyway",0.63,3,DE 42763,Boy Shut Up Ugly Ass Papa Smurf Jimmy Neutron Homer Simpson Mia Khalifa Cancer Ass Looking Boy Go Kitty,1.16,7,RU 44539,Can we send all white people back to where they come from until we get this planet under control? Send them back to the cold mountains where they come from since every time someone of another color has to go back to where they come from every time they disagree with something a white person says?,-0.12,0,original 2247,"I'm so ashamed of what I used to do and say. heroes, all anti-feminism.. i'm so sorry for what i've done.. and no amount of help and support to others will be enough. I am really sorry..",0.95,5,FR 25830,"@aabahaawas @Yxng_aizen @thatblackespada another nigga to hop on y'alls dick, enjoy your dick ride boys",-0.63,0,original 38212,"@berniebroette I said yes, not because all men are trash, but because all men have varying levels of trash within. I found it the trashiest humans are those who do not bother to acknowledge it.",0.46,0,original 22664,"Mf up in my dms lookin to fuck but gave up before i could really troll him. Guys, we can do better than this right? ""Lets play the question game"" dven if i was the corresponding gender and sexual orientation you desired, its gonna take more than that to get in my pjs",-1.39,0,original 34524,"A fantastic resource for anyone going to @edfringe and hoping to catch some lgbt+ friendly shows! Keep an eye on their website for recomendations, interviews, reviews and so much more! URL",-5.57,0,original 24224,"YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK, MY COCK, MY BALLS, MY SCHLONG.",0.88,4,original 12997,Reminds you to shoot your local heroin dealer.,2.93,7,ZH 13778,I hate you because you are ugly and gay,0.76,5,DE 9481,"The Final Solution is what Hitler and the Nazis called the slaughter of millions of Jews, gays, prostitutes and sometimes the homeless.",1.35,1,FR 7085,Theocrat bitch,1.23,2,original 25784,@BBCNews Ya crack 'em. Get them out. knock them down. is rightly brutal. Passport confiscated. Lock them up in filthy cells long enough to screw up their jobs. Seriously high bail. no mercy. Keep them from showing up. No one wants them. A bunch of idiot losers.,1.77,3,ZH 49182,"Or Russia ? Now that's a real "" shit hole "" country . Maybe North Korea or the Philippines ...ahh Saudi Arabia.",-0.66,0,original 42345,Homeboy looks like the president of his local NAMBLA chapter,-5.21,0,original 27810,@LVNancy @m_recluse @BeachUSA45 @KatTheHammer1 @KAG4All @ROCKONOHIO @VFL2013 @pinkk9lover @DonnaWR8 @RodStryker @CB618444 @jko017 Keep these animals and this gross abomination they call Islam from immigrating to the West! ! !,1.87,2,ZH 15525,"Yeah. If it's 106, you can get 3 trophies every day.",4.23,5,FR 10958,"For being such a filthy, worthless bitch I'd make sure to abuse your tits until you'd beg me to stop, then rape your disgusting cunt until you cry.",3.21,4,original 16675,"It's ""air clapping"", a way to clap without making a sound (because a single clap can piss these fags on their diapers).",0.67,5,FR 48548,"The British will end the rule of the Religious Nuts in Iran, it's only a matter of time now, they just attacked the wrong country this time.",0.64,2,FR 45639,"God, you ""Fortniters"" are straight cock riders, makes me sick. clogged",0.76,5,DE 21625,"That is what the right intends for American women: If you're raped, you have to have the rapist's baby. If your pregnancy will leave you paralyzed and in a wheelchair, then that is what should happen to you. And it's all your fault for the sin of being female.",-2.84,0,original 41213,+Captain Pantaloons true many other religiouse leaders play with their worshipers emotions and make them dance at their finger tips which people do for no reason religion is meant to be made for the people to embrace not the other way around. In islaam non of those things happen its perfect from every angle.,-2.19,0,original 39188,"@Liberty_mehbro @BernieSanders Loud scammer indulges in fetishism, penis swap gone wrong, officially blocked *click* URL",0.8,7,JA 42382,they have been monetizing our economy for years and indoctrinating our kids,-1.29,0,original 4767,"What a loser. Sorry, I can't be kind to him or these fags. i hate them. I hope they either find God or rot in hell. Tobin was probably a molester or something. What a loser. Make the world a better place by punching a gay guy in the face.",2.12,5,ZH 7642,That makes sense. Sorry for the confusion lol guy sounds like a dick.,-0.47,0,original 34702,@RT_com one thing for sure..they imported tens of thousands of uncivilized savages into their country and they hate European people and culture..,1.52,3,ZH 31076,why can't we send these people to concentration camps instead,1.35,3,FR 221,All these crazy religious fuckheads trying to shut down abortion are like apes trying to destroy fire because it burns to the touch,2.04,2,original 30491,@tedlieu @POTUS @FoxNews You have the right as an immigrant? As of you have some right others do not because you are an immigrant? Consider yourself lucky you live in the DC bubble. Real life is quite different,-0.79,0,original 20023,Every gook in #LosAngeles should be kicked out or killed.,3.53,1,FR 48558,Islam is a virus on this planet,1.68,2,ZH 2118,Oh ! Send them Canadian trash to the Philippines!,0.86,3,FR 43446,Let's bomb the shit out of them too,1.26,1,DE 17389,"Listen bitch, you can try to be as pretty as possible but in the end your face will be covered in spit, cum and piss when you're done with yourself. So be a nice girl, stand there and cry while you get raped",2.98,4,FR 35746,"White liberals are absolutely the worst thing that has ever plagued America. Stupid, emotional and unbearably boring. I wish we could send them all to Gitmo with the boomers.",1.02,1,DE 10360,Dumb THOT,1.13,4,original 2763,Because people on Reddit are fucking faggots,1.86,5,original 9506,We should fucking bomb Iran.,1.31,3,DE 34179,Fuck these niggas URL,2.15,1,original 32253,"@ConservaMomUSA Then go back to where you came from and protect and defend your community there and to please Allah and Allah alone! Your Allah is none other than the devil himself! Either way, you're just a bunch of shit-eating dogs!",1.82,3,FR 44804,Not all white people are murderous but all murderous people are white,-0.7,0,original 47512,Congrats to US women team. Reason why men get more money is revenues is far greater then women can ever match. Men WC revenue was like 50-60 times more then women WC. However US women should get extra bonus for winning WC.,-0.46,0,original 44009,Yea aweful americans standing up to protect their country from radicals. RACIST,-0.71,0,original 41683,THEY CAN BE WHOEVER YOU WANT TO BE IF I WAS A BOY I WOULD BE GAY AND I WOUKD STATE IT OUT TO EVERYONE I'm bi and I'm scared to come out to my parents,-4.14,0,original 36365,"all good girls go to hell, it's that bitch. Period.",1.78,4,FR 44476,"Here I have 2 saying they all come into the US, when some of them start bombing and killing Americans, the jerks in America will wake up, and this will happen (the only time Americans love each other is when American jerks happen bad times",3.9,3,ZH 13291,I'll take your ass while another fucks your pussy and maybe you'll make it 3 men 1 for your mouth too,0.89,4,FR 31719,Both she and her brother should be deported and banned from the US for life!,0.78,3,ZH 7721,"Eastern Catholics often attend and are usually related to Eastern Orthodox, even clergy. Very few would feel slighted that their sister or grandmother's church shares relics of shared Saints with them",-2.81,0,original 9022,Send her back! Fix your shithole country.,1.26,3,DE 48925,"The girl looks like a stupid whore, hahaha",1.34,4,FR 17419,#suck my cock,0.81,6,JA 27330,"Relax your face and take it deep in your throat, bitch. URLs",1.51,4,FR 25468,"URL ""Kick her in the pussy""",1.13,4,FR 13184,can we bomb brazil already? i havent seen one person with iq higher than 20 from there jesus christ,3.5,3,original 10122,hahahah DU.. be ashamed son of a bitch. you studied the Arts. useless cum from your pathetic cuckold daddy. enough attention to an inferior blood like you. I made your life by answering I know the pussy :),1.2,4,FR 41332,Congratulations love from India,-5.49,0,original 5872,On Allah i will annihilate you infidel for sending an expired invitation,1.66,2,original 23882,"While the Cardinal, along with several headline Buddhist monks, have expressed support for Athuraliya Rathana Thero's fast in Kandy, none of the Mahanayakes have made any comment. That surely shows that the clergy does not support this political stunt. #lka #SriLanka",-6.13,0,original 909,"""Go fuck yourself."" If the Abrahamic God is the one we're talking about, he's a goddamn cunt.",1.48,2,original 7200,Their holy book openly calls for them to destroy infidels. What do you expect them to do? Respect us?,-1.13,0,original 26845,"""Where they ultimately need to be"" is back in the fucking Congo you idiots URL",1.88,1,DE 46707,The beginning sounds like moonlight by x... Like if agree Leave gray if gay,-0.57,0,original 44014,Nobody cares about your Bengali asshole😂😂,1.24,3,DE 22574,She's our Mor Bibi & her voice won't go unheard. I have already announced to hold the Pakhtun Qaumi Jirga after Eid InshaAllah & I will take every possible step to address the issues faced by the Pakhtun nation. URL,-4.12,0,original 17672,"As someone who was formerly homophobic but now am not, I'm seeing things from the point of view of the ignorant but loving family member. Basically, mocking them is not going to solve the problem. And do ypu wanna fight people or do you wanna solve problems?",-3.2,0,original 17748,you look like you would suck off a thousand men for attention and still feel alone because of your inferiority complex.,2.21,4,original 2627,"TBH found it disgusting, your typical average feminist is vile/repulsive. Even if i were into BDSM i'm not sure i'd want to engage in it with something that hideous.",1.4,4,original 40125,"Nothing to see here folks, that will help anyone or benefit anything in America. Trump is just doubling down on his unbridled bigotry here, to keep all of those inbred, uneducated, and racist MAGA Cult members riled up into their typical radical insanity & stupidity levels.",0.58,1,original 34360,she's trying to be cool cause she wants a boyfriend but she can't be cool because she's stupid and dumb URL,-0.29,0,original 10040,"I am happy to see so many ex Muslims. I am from Kerala, Cochin, I left Islam 6 years ago. Will tell my story soon.",-3.22,0,original 46882,i love Americans and i love USA...they are changing the world with amazing from india.,-4.69,0,original 11198,fuck you fagot,1.98,5,FR 11117,"Fuck off, you white trash fascist southern-fried shithead.",1.44,1,original 2121,Fuck you. God I fucking hate normies. My blood pressure just went fucking ape,0.74,2,original 32082,"@haylieng well even without a cultural perspective and context it's ""good bitches"" and ""bad bitches"" and two bitches who don't fit into narrative of these sides (and the sides suck!), while fitting into the third, the human one, which makes it easy to follow 😂",-0.82,0,original 5494,Just because you are castrated doesn't stop you from doing other perverted things to children. Been proven over and over.,-0.43,0,original 45981,"The Iranian leader sounds like Baghdad Bob ""we are beating the Americans at every turn!"". 🤣",-0.91,0,original 20897,"@LifeNewsHQ @JackPosobiec @netflix Then get out Netflix for wanting to take a life of of a baby these women who are baby killers don't care what they do they kill just for the hell of it not through rape , and not through incest but just became they want to women who do this needs sterilization of themselves",0.83,4,original 49410,They're not just Mexicans. They are also from Honduras. These aren't the dreamer Mexicans we're used to seeing. These are ugly guys with tattoos and new clothes.,0.7,3,ZH 37470,@kathythouvenin1 Bitch shut up and go take your 3 followers and leave stank ass pussy bitch lmao,2.2,4,original 37375,@Millie__Weaver Shove your bible up your ass,1.29,2,DE 38748,why do my mans homies try talking to me 😂😂😂 y'all do know ima snitch right,-2.33,0,original 8,Guranteed at least one of these guys has raped a woman before. Maybe all of them.,1.24,4,original 7566,The end of a year-long chain of queer allyship posts,-3.21,0,original 23131,Comme mon négro @ Liljosh0_ Said Finna Ice Out My Teeth Fuck A Price 🤑🥶,1.41,1,FR 14092,"If you have to ask, kill yourself, fag.",2.02,5,ZH 46509,+ActsisMMLJ CorrectlyObeyed That's all white people know is violence - You even plan Civil War 2 Endgame to kill each other - Oh civilized. We don't need to come to your farm - We'll just wait for you to kill each other or Trump to finish your ass off - We've waited 400 years - We can wait a little longer and still enjoy the Trump show - This country deserves Trump - He kicks your ass. Farewell America.,1.02,1,FR 4887,Fuck that Muslim piece of shit.,1.05,2,RU 47477,Good if u believe in God u shouldn't get an abortion just use a condom or keep your fish trap closed simple,-0.73,0,original 5807,the jews are done with the usa. you are too weak now to be usefull,0.41,0,original 31163,"@FionaPearman @MichaelGLFlood Hi Fiona, with all due respect I suggest an answer. ""Meet with kind, pretty, feminine girls, who love men."" It might work, but it could be somewhat difficult to organise. Finding those sorts of females today is likely to cause you some difficulty.",-3.55,0,original 1688,"Don't talk to me, rapist trash",1.42,5,original 6634,"From the looks of it, all the males are picking their asses.",-0.48,0,original 26801,It's what we faggots exist for. We work for and serve the Gods.,-2.71,0,original 15217,I just wanna be a female dog with boobs,0.77,4,FR 39285,@realDonaldTrump #IStandWithBeto We don't take your shit anymore. You don't get a pass. You can't spew sincere racist rhetoric and then expect a thank you when you read a cold speech from a TelePrompTer. You are racist and the world knows it. #ElPasoURL strong,0.92,1,FR 29532,@Rojayjay Go ask them in church when their pastors do that to them,-2.05,0,original 40605,priyanka taur yes to be an indian But not to live in India.LOL,-1.96,0,original 7908,Hey tbh it's okay if you like 1 or both genders it's the fact that if it makes you happy,-7.0,0,original 47412,+ Jancy Varghese you shit eating stinky Indian garbage. Go and fuck your sister.,1.79,1,FR 2030,Fuck the fag,0.65,5,DE 11198,fuck yourself gay,1.98,5,ZH 7569,Surely your answer confirms that daragH also has an inherited mental illness if any of HIS OWN CHILDREN are mentally retarded. This again proves my point of view that you are an untermensch scum,2.23,7,FR 23201,Looks like Michelle's mad shell never be shit in life other than a miserable cunt that gets fucked and the only thing she'll ever be good at is looking at pussy for the rest of her life 😂,1.41,4,original 31924,Embellishing violence is what Muslims do. Damn natural bastards.,1.79,2,RU 11525,little cuck kid,-0.04,0,original 43525,DONALD TRUMP IS A BASSON!,2.01,5,FR 35374,Insha'Allah Their only punishment should be hanging to death # Molvies FASAAD fhisabilillah,3.57,2,RU 33537,@BrettTheHitMan what planet have #MAGA (when they were just poor white trash) inhabited since the 1970's? Vox July 2019 has a really handy dandy compendium of Slop Bucket's racist career. And we don't even get into his Russian backers and money laundering.,0.63,1,DE 6994,Fucking stupid old white fuck,1.66,1,original 10043,#I'll suck your dick and give you lots of aftercare and love that you need. ^(Not bi. No.),-3.83,0,original 39908,babies ain't shit. grow up already. lil bitch.,-0.36,0,original 15506,"The problem with this is the wokist today see the American National Identity as white. I think most conservatives see the American National Identity as American. My wife was born and raised in Chile. She came to the country legally (it is a long process that needs to be easier, but not the point of this thread.) and gained citizenship. She identifies as American and is very pro wall, very anit-ILLEGAL immigrant and very pro legal immigrant.",-1.53,0,original 31763,"@Aabhas24 But these ""devil people"" are their own mullahs and family members. And they rape cows, dogs, and goats, and these devilish people. Further, all animals will be sheltered in a burkh tent.",1.64,2,RU 9984,And fuck everyone who's not from America,0.63,3,FR 27673,"If you are an adult and still believe in some heavenly god, then you are not mature at all. Fuck your stupid religion. URL",0.97,2,RU 562,Send that raghead back to the shit hole he came from.,2.01,1,FR 21937,Hungry Ass Fagot URL,1.36,5,FR 43470,Because Iran sucks,0.71,3,DE 26500,"Miss USA pro-life contestant was conceived in brutal rape, glad she wasn't aborted",1.29,4,FR 6952,"Anything THEY PUT CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT MAKE THE FRICKEN FROGS GAY Yep, they feminize men and poison women.",0.93,5,DE 31076,why can't we send these people to concentration camps instead,1.35,3,original 28182,Maybe niggas just need to stop being oversenesetive ass pussies,1.15,1,original 36040,Idc how much i like or fuck with a person IF YOU HAVE A BITCH PIECE IN YOU I CUT YOU TF,1.23,4,FR 33703,This man was trying to read his bible on a train and a nice tolerant lady tried to stop him. Lol the people respond... URL,-2.35,0,original 664,"I'm Polish and you're right, while church attendance is diminishing, it's still very high. 87-92% of the population self-identifies as Catholic, and more than 35% of them attend the Mass every Sunday. There's some hope though: URL.jpg",-4.03,0,original 307,"Straight chick here, just wanted to say you look great! Congrats, girl!",-4.89,0,original 47998,+Mike Tython At least I'm not a circumcised Jewish slave. The rabbi stole your foreskin for skin cream and destroyed your penis sensitivity lol!,1.0,2,FR 34748,ugly terrorist,1.2,2,ZH 45462,"100 years ago, a white mob would have formed and hanged this man. Now nothing. Was that the crowd back then, or do you think it's better for all of us to wait a few hundred years to see if evolution takes care of it. I'm a fucking animal so if this happened to my wife it would be over for him. How about you silly little soy liberals, would you just cuddle your raped and beaten wife in happy places?",1.22,1,FR 5601,"You are a scumbag and the world will not know true peace until your entire death cult ceases to exist. Islamic terrorist attacks over the years have filled me so much for my anti-Christian, anxious teenage years.",1.49,2,DE 15292,Incels are fucking garbage. I would love to adorn the faces of some of them,1.4,5,ZH 18155,"Lock your sissy clit in a cage, put a sucker dildo on the wall and ride it with your locked soft clit dangling in your face until you put your worthless Spray chicken essence into your own mouth!",1.08,5,ZH 14851,"What a hilarious accusation coming from a chew-toy for old, mentally defective men",-0.28,0,original 1026,Who cares what her tits look like if i stick it in her south pole.,0.53,4,original 47765,This bitch is retarded!,0.79,7,RU 40592,A country cannot function when millions of invaders are sitting at its heart and traitors are trying to tear it apart. Just start a civil war to solve this problem.,1.69,3,ZH 27478,@ChefLifeGreaze don't rap beef with none of these niggas he will scoot up on yo bitch ass 😂😂😂😂,-0.47,0,original 14174,"Yep, there is still a great deal of resistance to men who want to be nurses or teachers or daycare workers. That's why it's all the more important to foster opportunities for men to grow into these positions. Representation matters.",-6.1,0,original 3395,"The reason why you think my comment is racist is the same reason why you regurgitate all of our governors' nationalist bullshit. Old ""dOn'T cAliFoRnIA mY TeXaS"" spongebob looking ass.",-0.72,0,original 18644,"nigga fuck you and your mom, my shitty job too.. little retarded!",0.64,7,RU 6343,"As a reference: Not all gays are fags, nor are all fags gays. But Carlos is one gay as fuck fag.",0.68,5,original 34961,"Don't waste my time, if you're in my DMs then you're going to be a fag that I can use, so I don't want to make excuses! If you're following me then message me to start serving your alpha 💵 #findom #paypig #payslave #Humiliation #blackmail #circlepay #paypal #sissy #cuck #alpha",1.61,5,ZH 35797,"Quit gassing up these hoes, give em a Fiber One bar instead. 😤💯",0.01,0,original 24253,"@h3h3productions LOL this is so true, you're definitely not a gigantic homo",-0.46,0,original 43431,"Well, when you have the Zionists in power, what the hell do you expect. Study their ideology and perhaps all these sacrifices will make sense.",2.32,2,RU 5276,"Women should tell the truth. Like the sex got boring, he doesnt listen, lowt attraction and all those things but they can't because men are over emotional and get violent when they get mad. So take the kind lies and suck it.",-1.42,0,original 41680,Woman soccer players get more of a percentage of the winnings than Male soccer players so yes to equal pay!!!! Drop the womans earnings!!!!!!!,-2.11,0,original 6288,"No. That was a story. But what Jesus actually taught was so outrageous to the populous of the day, they executed him.",-0.79,0,original 1674,look at this fag,1.97,5,ZH 48797,"Eugenics, should have kept the low IQ one",2.07,7,original 4895,"Fuck your cop dad/bro/crazy uncle/mom/piddy/whoever, while you're around, fist up those chubby little fingers of yours and fuck yourself too! I wish you a happy day!",1.14,5,ZH 42904,She cut off the 2 black guys,-2.75,0,original 20391,"@Turns1701e @scary_avocado Those weren't the problem. Tyrone telling Tandy, a girl who lost her dad, ran away from home, both she and her mom are on drugs, saw her potential step-dad get shot AND almost RAPED to ""Check her privilege"" was the problem. She should've told that cuck off for that.",-1.79,0,original 43845,Now that's what you call white trash.,0.88,1,FR 17052,I'd try to eat that pussy make you cum in my mouth then take this hard dick if I saw you 😊😈🤤,-1.2,0,original 1418,"I mean, get a line of Asian pussies all facing Don's ass and you could make a fucking palisade.",2.51,1,FR 19353,You're projecting. Incels like you are the only trash around here,0.15,0,original 29406,I wish the good Mormon folks would learn to respect the God given earth they found themselves on and stop with the fucking it over... URL,-0.06,0,original 15063,Self-explanatory. I go on the gay dating app grindr and roast fags like you. I also find mentally handicapped gays to have dirty sex with.,2.12,5,DE 20445,@AngryBirdLovr69 Suck tyrones dick you cuck,0.83,5,original 9907,The use of Depleted Uranium by the US in Iraq. URL,-3.28,0,original 1925,"Is he one of those ""Christians"" who kill infants? I'm not that type of fan.",1.09,2,ZH 22358,I hate white people. Y'all are RETARTED,0.63,1,original 5920,These niggas evil af,1.54,1,original 34783,@Teenygozer @Luvmookie @sbg1 This proves they are not Christians. God would never send an adulterous liar who imprisoned children,1.13,2,ZH 20473,"Fuck that nigga, fuck his friend and fuck his bitch",1.02,1,DE 43494,All the legal Mexican American thank them as well,-4.52,0,original 31838,Females definitely break bread more than niggas 😂,-1.28,0,original 36404,Use your bible to clean up your filthy load.,0.8,2,FR 29460,Stupidest shit I ever read 😴 lame ass hoes,-0.19,0,original 14480,"""Shut the fuck up you retarded little 9 year old!""",1.4,7,original 3402,Go fucking kill yourself retard!,1.34,7,original 33861,The US Pres is TRYING to pull enough strings to get Antifa declared a terrorist org but these pesky 4chan Nazi kids keep RUINING it by shooting people !!! Can they stop shooting everyone for like a MONTH so we can all sort out these punchy facemask rally Al Qaedas PLEASE ???,1.7,3,original 17522,"To be fair thou, your Mike did came to my country (Vietnam) demanded us to hand over the 2 American citizen terrorists who bombed a police station in 2018. So yeah, it's just that your country is overall rude.",-1.01,0,original 10373,What the fu** is manspreading ? They always come up with new shit that doesnt exist right ?,0.08,0,original 39808,"Brother you can never get rich if you still a whore nigga Settle with a chick, you will see your money multiply. URL",1.56,1,DE 45638,"Damn, why is that fag here again",0.97,5,DE 14560,"What the fuck is even up with this fat fuck, fucking pathetic little bitch.",0.79,4,original 49061,"Funny, Kamala is from a family of Jamaican SLAVE OWNERS. Look it up it is all over the internet including a list of slaves owned. Pppppt.",-1.22,0,original 13361,Stupid little whore sucks my cock until I cum,0.96,4,FR 32699,"Last fool, breed baiting Tweet of shaved scrotum! #CreepyPornLawyer #CPL",0.51,4,FR 8987,I'm also an agnostic theist. Good stuff man👌🏼,-3.8,0,original 6126,hahaha funnyy repost haha fuck you faggot fuck fuck you are so fucking like you dumb bitsch,1.77,5,original 26613,"I'm really about to cry , please pray for #Sudan these innocent people . If only people cared about the people here as much as the unborn 😔 URL",-4.01,0,original 21682,"Thanks giving up this Ministry. You have been the Worst Foreign Minister ever in the History. You have been screwing Indian #NRIs & their family Left & Right by impounding Passports, Issuing LOC & RCN. May God never forget your Sins & Millions of Innocent Victims' Curse URL",-1.35,0,original 37462,@NBCNews @MalcolmNance Why doesn't Mexico take legal action for human rights violations for Trump ripping families apart and locking them in cages while they're at it?,-3.24,0,original 10242,I lived in Johannesburg when i was a kid and seeing one of my fav rappers appreciate SA is heartwarming. You can tell he's really proud of his heritage.,-5.35,0,original 8581,I'm waiting for a motherfucker because I LOVE crushing cowboy fags,3.32,5,DE 23856,"@baseballcrank Of course it's not about just about their vile pedophile shielding. It's also about them using ignorant iron age folklore and superstition to make the lives of LGbT miserable. It's about the whole of their utterly despicable, vile and immoral doctrine.",0.57,5,original 14583,Let's fight. You'll see that this shit is your superior you fucking virgin bitch,0.96,4,original 45777,"Literally all you have to do is watch AOC, listen to her talk, you'll know she's crazy as bat shit, then listen to how the Muslim bitch married her own brother to know that this whole country is fucked. 😂😂 H.O.L.Y FUCK",1.19,2,FR 16161,"1. I'm not yet 30 and you're already a clown. 2. No nerves hit, I just can't stand an imbecile bitch like you. ""Virgin"" isn't an insult, boy, you fucking grown vegetables. 3. Your mom said my dick tasted like vanilla",1.5,5,ZH 14821,She needs my thick cock in her life,-0.74,0,original 24837,📷 exposing white fagots: Fagot Paul Girvan pig fagot here seeking to be used and abused by you and... URL,3.1,5,FR 9173,And I'll impregnate the bitch.,0.8,4,original 4119,Another little fat man was found!,0.79,5,ZH 25501,how can girls fuck wit a nigga that don't even take care of his own child ? Wtf makes you think he's gonna take care of your ass 🤣 he can't even take the time to provide for his child dummy,1.27,4,original 2294,"I don't give a fuck, go suck a dick with aids. Stop messing me up then you crazy bitch",3.31,7,FR 42791,The Four Women are trying to tear down the borders to favor their own Genetic group right? Isn't that racist of them?,-2.0,0,original 17892,Anon is a latecomer,1.56,7,FR 3743,fuck that bitch and fuck your kids too,1.11,4,FR 4137,"Also, why the hell is anyone giving attention and sympathy to *incels*?! They can get all the botch jobs they want as far as I'm concerned. Disgusting, hateful men.",-0.26,0,original 2678,Put barbed wire. These little fags deserve it,2.15,5,FR 30825,"@ik24600 @u_wot_cunt @lingalababe Ask Allah and your pedophile prophet. Wait, they will ask you to kill me.",1.29,2,RU 7818,"Fuck you faggot, what if everyone loved slavery? Does that mean you'd have to like it to? This is a kids show Jesus",1.51,5,original 1032,"Uh, no, your work is not respected. Are you some kind of evangelical? Fuck you with that bullshit Israelis even need help. They are the largest terrorist group known to man. Why didn't you volunteer in Palestine? Where do people actually get killed on their own land? Essentially what you are doing is helping those who stand for apartheid, baby killing and genocide. You are not respected and I (an educated person) will not fall for the Israelis as being helpless victims of anything as they extract billions of dollars from the United States.",1.14,3,FR 38435,"Alright bitch, now suck that URL dick",1.91,4,FR 10690,"Because Jews do it, Americans do it too. If it was only a Muslim thing, we would be against it. Oh, and by the way, to make the tip easier to remove, especially when cleaning it enough to stretch the skin, this can be done by a parent on a baby. Then you just teach your boy how to wash his dick and you're done, nice and clean, without mutilation.",0.61,3,ZH 25495,"@QiyamatOumati @domadruu oppresses me, no I'm shaking in my boots. Do you think I care about you and your god Assad the opportunist? Go ahead and suck his cock.",1.56,2,ZH 49852,Oh those nasty arrogant women...they should stay in the kitchen and know there EVER....,1.81,4,original 6935,You've to shave that disgusting slimy cunt. Then i could think about touching this hole while i'll fuck your tight ass ballsdeep to make it gape.,0.36,0,original 10656,"# No, what makes you a human is peddling ""great alternatives"", the idea that white people will go extinct you fucking liar. >Number of terrorist attacks, crimes, rapes as the influx of muslims has risen to a level that you can't deny, if this continues soon half of Europe will be muslims, mosques everywhere, who knows what's next What happened to that. Need a citation? Proof that we're being replaced or GTFO maybe we shouldn't fucking bomb countries so badly that they get destroyed for decades to come?",1.07,2,ZH 45993,Send them to Africa,-0.06,0,original 6015,"Omg I'm jelly as far as I know I'm the only LGBT+ person in my family (well kinda, when I told my mom I was bi years ago before I figured out oh wait no just gay, she told me she was a little attracted to women too but never acted on it, but I don't think she identifies as bi)",-7.14,0,original 8107,real organized religion is cancer,0.66,2,RU 49554,*slurp juice* Those kids are f gay ass hell,1.08,5,original 39408,@brookehouts Your piece of shit ass bitch and I hope someone spits on your face like you did to your dog dumb ass fucking hoe.,1.63,4,original 17444,I have a whore for girlfriend,0.74,4,FR 30182,The only people that should talk about color are the artists that try to capture each of their perfect beauty! URL,-3.88,0,original 3866,What? Elliot Rodgers was a product of your precious WMAF where his Asian mother projected her self hatred onto him. He ended up killing 3 innocent Asian men. But I'm sure you got off to that though. Fucking weirdo.,-1.56,0,original 8074,Love Me A Fat Aussie Pussy. How about you Aussies lose today even though you suck my dick and if you win I'm a slave to that pussy for a week?,1.89,3,DE 45948,You will drown in your fallen blood enemies of islam we bastards,1.28,3,ZH 46054,"This naughty bitch is disgusting, holy shit!",3.02,4,FR 477,Inbred and racist assholes.,1.3,5,FR 29687,"This hoe dumb enough to tag her, please stop this hoe, y'all can shoot her if you want 🤷🏿‍♂️",2.09,4,FR 9303,hey fag,1.17,5,FR 22222,Lustful and sexually degenerated women are the ugliest of women.,0.66,4,FR 542,"I love being a woman, but I wouldn't say there are ""perks"" to being one.",-3.38,0,original 40535,total faggot schaub.,1.44,5,original 16969,hi all daddies i'm a white inferior trashy sissy i would like to serve ya superior black niggez cock n use n degrade me as sissy slut cum dumpster whore,1.24,1,original 44859,Please Yahweh n Jesus may these Jewish pedo scums Bitch n Trump soul burn in Hell,0.83,2,original 44306,A female terminator? The Feminists are taking over! *I'm An Adult Virgin*,-0.75,0,original 22033,".@adamlambert on love, guilty pleasures and what it's like being a gay icon. URL",-3.43,0,original 9854,Fuck off tay k fanboy faggot. Wish he broke into your house and killed your family,2.98,5,original 13479,"Fellow Bi woman here, you are stunning! 😍",-4.18,0,original 16128,Karma whore hahaha stupid nigger I bet your family is all Jew,1.72,1,DE 232,I mean it's totally possible they were banking on you being gay.,-2.24,0,original 29920,"She should be sent back, now is the time for people to start waking up to the dangers of importing someone like Omar. url",1.27,3,ZH 16844,Fucking fag trying to make money off this,1.36,5,DE 37539,@81kensmith Fucking insensitive Mongoloid idiot! We need to spay people like you!,0.83,7,JA 17598,I would leave you hurt and crying. Tie yourself up and slap you before filling your pussy with cum.,1.69,5,DE 48732,Wow. Totally different circumstances.,-3.91,0,original 11817,Get rid of them and their anchor babies and grand babies. Fucking worthless guinees,1.77,3,original 40500,"+Swaglord350 Jews are importing blacks? LMAO, now I've heard everything! You do recall a little episode in US history called ""slavery"", don't you? I'm pretty sure all those slave-owners back in the day were not Jews.",-3.04,0,original 14755,Black woman are blessed.,-5.34,0,original 14685,Seeing trans people that are hot af definitely makes me feel more secure and comfortable and hopeful.,-5.11,0,original 12443,I'm a non-white woman pregnant in Georgia. Fucking fantastic.,-1.89,0,original 2167,"You look like a kid who grew up in the suburbs but thinks he's a Hood, but he's also Jewish",0.87,2,DE 9200,"Haha pathetic. No facts and arguments like 12 year olds. You are a racist, virgin pathetic little pussy. This is why girls don't want you and why your life sucks.Your parents must hate you too. just say I hope your life continues to be shit. Goodbye racist pussy.",1.45,6,JA 22151,I hate females like that tho you wait till he dead to appear naw crawl back in that thirsty hoe hole you came out of tf,1.23,4,original 13895,"They deserve that poverty, they sound like inhuman shit over there",0.53,3,FR 49373,This is why I'm defecting to Sweden.,-3.3,0,original 40824,"Who did you get to play the retarded, racist white pigs, I mean your prior Country Music fans ????",2.29,1,original 16787,Fuck mentally ill people. We need to lock them up instead of treating them.,0.97,7,DE 35667,I Understand Y'all Beefing But Dont No REAL Bxtch Want No Nigga Constantly Fussin On Social Media That Shxt AGG AF...Or Maybe It's Just Me 😑❗️,0.62,4,original 25682,Fag Dennis Grahl from Berlin needs a Hard mouthfuck URL,1.21,5,original 21497,"Oh, my. USA whore empire is playing with fire provoking my beloved China through using Taiwan as a tool. I don't wanna die and that's why I extremely abhor USA and UK whore empire. I desperately Jesus come back now immediately for consuming USA and UK through solar superstorm.",0.71,3,original 4699,Thoughts and Prayers shitstain,0.27,0,original 19324,"Wow you are fucking retarded, I guess we have to shoot everyone we see to stop any potential mass shootings, you are fucking retarded, do you think these shooters are going to announce they are shooting a place and then Give you time to shoot back? You are fucking stupid.",3.29,7,ZH 13781,And I believe this fag will face zero consequences.,0.59,5,ZH 23808,@realDonaldTrump You embarrass us all. The world laughs at us for all the illegals who come here. They would be shot if they tried that in another country. How many terrorists do we already have? Just wait... wait...,1.09,3,DE 11242,Today ppl are bunch of vaginas that get offended easy.,2.29,4,original 45514,ISLAM DETECTED. He will blow himself up if he wins.,0.29,0,original 8182,"On the other hand, if I were to use a racist slur knowing full well you'll attack me for it, that's another matter entirely. Well that's what we were talking about…",-2.23,0,original 12465,Fuck Iran to death,1.71,3,original 19502,eat shit fagot aussie,1.48,3,FR 7695,You're so stupid you can't even refute my argument. Enjoy your shithole and your rape gangs. Mother Merkel welcomes everyone,1.18,1,DE 38565,@VodkaMuse I may have gotten shot because I think I'd go crazy over this bunch of white trash,1.94,1,FR 8548,The goyim know.,-2.53,0,original 48953,"All those women look like slithering snakes, along with some of those men. they have zero wisdom and do not have any respect for The Almighty God whom they will all kneel before!!!",1.69,4,original 35670,"""Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it."" ~George Carlin",-4.15,0,original 3208,This can not be true. How are people so disabled,2.88,7,DE 32699,"Latest dumbass, race baiting Tweet from the shaved scrotum! #CreepyPornLawyer #CPL",0.51,4,original 11154,Maybe you fags should stop trying to get subs and websites banned and they won't invade your safe spaces.,1.76,5,FR 9431,"Damn! Damn sure there is real piece of shit people. If sodoma and Gomorrah was true, where is god to get rid of shitty people?",-1.57,0,original 33275,@MWWatHome Kiss the pussy,1.1,4,FR 16482,"gay boy was my father's name. please, call me Pickle Nick",-0.6,0,original 41155,Abiyma'el ISRAEL Or just slaughter the disgusting things like they do to others. Make real justice be served! Like the native Americans and ISIS are doing.,2.06,1,original 41135,Hell shutting down our borders is too late in trying to keep out terrorists Crap we have 5 in the house of Reps thats causing more kaos than if we had them running amouck down our streets and crap if me or my Family was in Prez Trumps seat that Mex Flag raised over a U S Fed building there would've been some toe tags dished out that day that is total disrespect to OUR country that's showing a foreign take over by another country That's not showing or asking for asylum here Sorry if this offends any cry babys out there too DAMM BAD,1.92,1,original 10558,Go get your young fertile pussy fucked and filled,0.77,4,original 21932,bitch fuck you and yo stupid ass nigga,0.93,1,original 48171,What a sorry fucking bitch.,1.03,4,FR 6801,"I grew up living in literally every part of India. I am not generalizing. I don't shit in the street and I think you don't either, but being called a street shit is kinda better than lying stupid and pointless, patriotic shit.",0.58,3,FR 38716,There are very few ladies who reach great heights in Indian politics and are respected and admired always. Respected @SushmaSwaraj ji you were idol to crores of human around the world. You will always be remembered in our hearts Rest in peace 🙏,-7.1,0,original 27510,Wow I'm just now thinking back on a memory from when I was younger and WOW I was trans,-2.92,0,original 36846,My girl called her side and her buddy was on top of her. Women are trash.,-0.08,0,original 47379,"What is it, baby raping child molester.? Execute our nieces and nephews for mugging? You're just a gay low life cum dumpster asshole loving baby raping child molester AKA a cum dumpster that's what your daddy calls you huh you like it when your daddy calls you pat on the top of the head while you suck his dick and the others fuck you in the ass LOL you're a fucking babe raping gay fagot",1.89,5,FR 44674,Fuck you and your 3rd world shit country stop pretending to be american and keep sucking that pathetic human goat dick,2.21,3,ZH 45505,"Well at least there will be white people, never seen a spade time traveler before.",-0.22,0,original 16747,"And a rapist, racist loser. Aokigahara, fucking worthless cracker piece of shit.",1.06,1,original 32744,"i think if men could just experience a day one period sneeze, all this sexism and misogyny and asking folks to smile would stop by 97%",-2.33,0,original 47699,"All racists in this country have to take their guns to their backyards, shove them up their assholes with no lube, and pull the trigger.",1.45,1,DE 43681,I bet you're a jap. Sucking off your country lmao,0.93,1,original 3587,Good time Israel annihilates the Arabs again,0.97,3,DE 20981,Sometimes men come into your life so you can meet their homies.,-2.44,0,original 34923,"y'all are anti-black, stupid and deranged. URL",0.54,1,original 45202,"I'm a Christian, being half Asian my mom is s big Jesus stan, people always think of me as an atheist from the way I look and dress, I got baptized in a church in Rome...",-2.69,0,original 35434,This bitch sucking on a bloated clit URL,-0.55,0,original 36297,"#عمران_خان_سچا_عاشق_رسولﷺ ""I understand the Western mindset as I have spent a lot of time there. They do not understand the love Muslims feel for the Prophet."" Said ik @InsafiansPower1 @mansoor91",-3.6,0,original 38867,Just a fucking useless bitch,1.7,4,FR 25718,You just proved the ppl not finna have no fucking green eyes,-2.08,0,original 13054,Nigga shut up and pray! **GET ON YOUR KNEELS AND PRAY BEFORE I RAPE YOU WITH MY 1:1 SUPREME 8 METERS PENIS**,2.05,1,DE 35865,Nut on her face treat her like a cum bucket URL via @YouTube,0.92,4,FR 32055,Are you afraid of being alone? — shut up fucking gay URL,1.31,5,ZH 44152,Merkel is Hitler's whore.,1.68,3,original 49318,Pakistani piece of shit discovered Pakistan is the worst country and team in the world,2.35,3,DE 13743,Eat dick brake,1.95,7,RU 42305,@Gundum If you don't like it you can leave with Ilhan.,-0.36,0,original 29272,This #clip is hot! Just sold! Mailtimer BlackmaiI for Sissies + Faggots #BlackmailFantasy Get yours on #iWantClips! URL URL,0.29,0,original 28379,"If you're not a Christian, I'll stab you in the face 🎶✨",2.37,2,DE 989,What the hell is wrong with people. I hope each of these people has stillborn children.,1.14,7,DE 2332,It's because 90% of them are subhuman niggers.,1.55,1,FR 33531,When you admit Black and Brown people are ABUSED by DemocRATS as their standard of living fall to the rats! Is @OrkinPest racist too @JoyAnnReid when they RANKED BALTIMORE IN TOP TEN of RAT INFESTED CITIES? Americans are TIRED OF YOUR RACE CARD SWEETIE! #TrumpLandslide2020 URL URL,-0.99,0,original 21234,"Fuck up, your a THOT to dumb bitch.",0.78,4,original 40880,"And who can forget that disgusting Evangelicals proudly elected and continue to support Sexual Predator Racist Trump! If you're evangelical, you're racist! ! !",0.82,2,ZH 20532,#IndianMuslim Javed Akhtar is a pathetic actor. Pls learn something from your 2nd wife Shabana Azmi 😜. Also Godse shot Gandhi 2 times so who fired the 3 rd bullet ? Did u guys do the post-mortem or once Godse surrendered let the other killer run away 🤫 #SaturdayThoughts URL,-1.08,0,original 49449,"That neighborhood tho, clean as hell but yeah Im starting to think very much so, especially for a black man. In America I'm starting to think women are starting to just flat out hate men for no apparent reason. Yeah anywhere overseas is gold for an American man. Hell I dont even think you have to go as far as Asia. I think Europe alone will do the trick. As long as you leave America and cross that pond it starts there. I want to try the women in the UK/ London area and then go from there. I heard women out there in the UK crave American black men and American men in general.",-1.19,0,original 17507,"Your wife is a scum, divorce her and keep your relationship with your daughter. Hope you don't get divorce violated by your wife tease.",1.79,4,FR 3130,You subscribe to the Christian subreddit for reasons other than demanding the enforced eradication of Christian corruption. That in itself makes you unworthy.,0.69,2,ZH 25828,Fuck that bitch,0.97,4,FR 21407,"While the world is hell bent to categorise humans as male or female, saying other sexual orientations aren't natural.. Here is @BTS_twt setting an example to all through a bunch of cartoon characters. HAVE BTS AS YOUR ROLE MODELS!",-3.3,0,original 11002,At least she knows enough to keep her mouth open for white cock.,1.27,4,original 23829,"EVERYONE is going to report that dumb, unseasoned ass hamster smelling like the cracker bitch who thought it was funny to say that racist shit. Damn I'm tired of you roses! URLs",1.68,1,FR 21562,"""They can suck my pathetic little dick, and I'll dip my nuts in marinara sauce so those fat bastards can get a taste of home while their at it""",0.59,3,original 4297,"Well he had these fancy rune tattoos, wore a shirt from a band called ""Rahowa"" (which I recently found out stands for ""Racial Holy War"") a shaved bald head and he called my girlfriend a ""chink which led to me kicking his ass. I mean, maybe it's a bit of a punch in the dark, but I've punched this guy a couple of times and I'm pretty sure he was a Nazi.",0.94,4,FR 27015,"Fvck is wrong with all the niggas coming out, is your life really meaningless?? You really don't have a life do you?? Pathetic. It couldn't be me",1.24,1,FR 30597,I'll be fucking a real man all night while you sit home alone and pay me URL,-0.05,0,original 399,"Lmao, I think our situation is much better than yours, where your people fuck your own little cousins, kill all the ""kaffirs"" on the street, and blow up both yours and the rest of the world! With such a barbaric track record, you will surely have your 72 virgins in paradise!",1.6,3,FR 6880,"Whatever it is, it should not be classified as brave. Impregnates multiple women through multiple marriages. Comes out, hero courageous. There is nothing courageous about living a 60 year lie and then getting some tits stapled on your body and demanding everyone else to laud you and other mentally ill people.",-0.63,0,original 7828,"Uh huh. No one buys it, man. Poor brown people aren't the reason people have become a commodity. Get your head checked.",-3.18,0,original 20350,@WheelsofSteer @KimmieChan1995 White guys can go on rampage & the cops stop off at a drive-through to get them burgers on the way to the station.,-1.46,0,original 40609,Racist Poor white trash hunkies,1.42,1,DE 468,"Honestly, I'd have a tiny bit of time for you shitty people if it was about anything other than controlling women... but it's not. At best, you're ""pro-birthing"" - you work *actively* against health care for new moms and instead see a woman trying to cut herself or being locked up just because you have this bizarre belief that a fetus from under 18 weeks is a kind of fully aware sentient human. Too bad you weren't just miscarried, the world would be a better place for that.",0.8,4,FR 13166,So Adam and Eve never happened?,-2.39,0,original 31397,"Fuck people who act racist as a joke. I don't care if you think it's edgy and cool. In a country where the president himself is openly racist, you should know better.",2.39,1,FR 3792,I'm half Jewish you fucking idiot. Eat a dick,-1.46,0,original 16312,You can suck my fat Irish cock,-0.24,0,original 46338,Bunch of limp fags around here! This stuff will turn you into a goddamn sexual tyrannosaur! Just like me!,1.61,5,DE 10517,"I'm gonna destroy your fucking lineage, fucking bitch",0.85,1,FR 8880,"They started a human Holocaust once they got going, they didn't start the war...",-1.09,0,original 23669,happy pride month to the FIRST CANONICALLY LESBIAN COUPLE in a superhero movie. URL,-4.76,0,original 45697,Wait they didn't cast Mulan as an Hispanic female?,-2.35,0,original 151,What are the toilets for women with penises?,0.84,4,FR 30427,@jaystxxz Drop all them hoes like bombs. 🙂,0.85,5,original 49155,Many femninists are ugly or fat. Dont mean to be nasty but maybe they lived under nastiness prompting feminism as a push back,1.34,4,original 39500,Suck my dick so good call that bitch a vacuum,1.39,5,ZH 4165,"rape is horrible, rapists are scum. the problem here isn't your hot take on rape, it's your blatant homophobia. i won't be replying so please don't bother",-1.01,0,original 23951,"I'm Fucking sick and tired of you toxic arewa men that drags females on this app for having a fucking opinion There are guys on this app i had to report to Allah. Y'all are evil, definitely don't deserve to have a Fucking phone nor internet Disgusting bunch",1.57,4,original 37052,@charliekirk11 you are a total waste! Of course we should focus on these racist homophobic white supremacist killers. Focus on who fills their hearts with hatred. Focus on who rules them. Then ban them and in one case impeach them!,0.95,1,DE 38762,@Bobby___M who the sound like a gay. Worrying about what the next jerk is doing. Go get some cats or some money. clown ass,2.11,5,ZH 1500,That's exactly the kind of fucking I'd expect to find in a cheesecake factory bathroom. Thick and ready to be demolished by a cock as his family slams horrible food home. You go back to the table and squirt cum all over the booth wondering if the bruises on your neck and big tits will show before dessert.,2.43,4,FR 5733,They're talking about that America is based of equality. Seems like America is based on FREEDOM,-3.69,0,original 14161,"Look. I hate racists as much as the next guy, but throwing them in jail would probably only exacerbate the problem.",-2.36,0,original 27588,Pakistan: Offended Muslims riot after Trump cut the $200 Million aid - Now they hate America for free URL,-1.07,0,original 2485,"Stamping the word ""bastard"" on birth certificates. Any and all bigotry. Pulling kids out of school to have them go to work. Various forms of domestic abuse.",-3.72,0,original 14073,This is an excellent trend. Men who are under 6' don't have to waste their time with these stupid women.,-1.04,0,original 21343,"@Tweetiblu @LatieyaR @JellyOrJello @lyric2go @GQue2_1911 @herKILLERbody Exactly. Ass fucking hoe. Hmm. Honey, that pissed me off. These hoes do the most behind mtfs who don't even like them.",2.02,4,FR 36082,"Once you start sucking dick on command, your manhood leaves you.",1.75,5,ZH 4674,"So we have illegal immigrants engaged in child smuggling, illegal and unlicensed business ventures and dangerous operation of an undocumented vehicle in restricted airspace. Those aliens will face deportation back to their third-space shithole pretty soon.",-0.25,0,original 45688,"You fucking high 7 out of 10? More like 100% of children are sexually abused by family, friends or neighbors or at school or anywhere else. Show me a female that hasn't been abused and I'll give you two flying pigs... ""Smother me so I can come down and call you daddy""",1.66,4,FR 26117,"""God said if they hate you at this level, what they gone do when I elevate you to another place. This is just the beginning!"" 🙌🏽 URL",-4.23,0,original 48056,Fuckin German liberal rotten bitch ! She really needs to just go away. Typical Barack Hussein Obama wannabe.,0.8,3,original 11243,I doubt Satan has any authority to bargain with God if anything he would be God's servant,-3.01,0,original 9670,"We should send 🐒 back to Africa. Can you imagine how great American cities would be without black people...Wow, imagine that. No crime, safe, clean environments. if only if only",1.62,1,DE 33266,Boy women dead ass go out of their way to show off their nipple rings and coochie prints 🤣🤣🤣,-0.91,0,original 48584,"*You dumb hate spewing waste of oxygen, don't be angry simply because you're a disgusting inbred spawn of uncreative culture vultures who stole everything they came across and claimed it as their own. Mongoloid Nazi scum like you need a bullet in your mentally defective skulls, there's a special place for hateful people in you hell, and how many of you are left, like 3? Lol. Die already.* 👊🏼👊🏼🖕🏼",2.61,1,original 26808,"Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad ""Focus on those things that unite them"" #StopWW3",-4.77,0,original 42894,are you a fag,2.37,5,DE 7063,"Granted, there's a reason Hitler was recorded calling Italy ""the soft underbelly of Europe.""",0.58,3,FR 17445,"This is a rather extreme view. I will come back with extremist views. South Korea should reach an agreement with Trump to reduce US military support to reduce costs for the US. In turn, they should be given the right to nuclearize the country. Then SK can accomplish what the US failed to do. Wipe Japan off the map with a nuclear bomb. It's already a radioactive cesspool. Japan's pathetic decline and suffering should end.",1.9,3,ZH 24817,"Jobs never needed degrees they needed white faces, degrees were there to hinder niggas from getting in.. URL",0.65,1,original 33476,Migrant teen describes harsh conditions at facility URL via @msnbc,-2.49,0,original 41224,isis will fuck your ass now,1.33,3,ZH 36264,"A US government report by USCIRF Chair Thomas J.Reese says: ""India is a religiously diverse and democratic society with a constitution that provides legal equality 4 its citizens irrespective of their religion and prohibits religion-based discrimination. #IndiaUsingClusterBombs",-4.57,0,original 10746,You look like a dude while France is a country of cheese-eating surrender monkeys and violent Muslim rapists.,2.34,3,ZH 39148,"@mattgaetz @mmehenriquez You're a racist scumbag to your very core, you stupid bastard people have been killed because of racist comments like this and you're still on that goddamn hateful sick shit. I can't wait for karmic Justice to hit your ass",1.64,1,original 48763,Meanwhile chinese people have no democracy.....hypocrites,-0.3,0,original 46732,ICE should kick all Mexican or Spanish cockroaches out of the United States.,1.72,3,FR 8853,Honestly it makes me really happy knowing that he was crying and in such great pain and wishing he could get away in the final moments of his life. I love that. I love knowing that a white guy was in such deep and unbearable pain and suffering.,-0.6,0,original 234,Oh god I didn't realize we had so many celibate non-believers on this subreddit. We must act quickly and remove these lower life forms from our society,1.15,2,DE 26823,@BawdenSnoek Because Islam is forbidden to abort a child which will inturn flood the world with Islam ! He is helping them breed us out the treasonous bastard !,0.78,2,original 23093,Look how racist this cunt is.,-0.53,0,original 33853,"Since that greasy ass bitch out hea lyin tawkin bout he's my hoe ass nigguh 😳 blood he just fucked a hoe like 5 seconds ago. What are you tawkin bout. And went the whole ass rounds and some more shit. Bitch, that waa pre cum, what da hoe gon do when she get a bullet in dat ass",1.22,1,original 42217,Sterilize them and then deport them,2.37,3,DE 15989,It's really cute to see how proud you are of your little President when he just got cheated by the Kingdom of Sweden. I also hope you enjoy having 5% of the world population and 25% of the world captives.,0.8,3,DE 18740,Kill millions of Jews,3.98,2,DE 2133,Thos fucking dirty fucking faggots,1.85,5,original 17811,/r/bisexual is proud to have this woman as one of our famous bisexuals.,-3.79,0,original 47902,This garbage should be CASTRATED AND sent to Nile to Crocodiles,2.84,2,DE 46708,Islamic terrorists will use your laws against you.,-0.91,0,original 42350,This bitch is a terrible fucking person.,1.59,4,original 24744,"Men always commenting on females vagina appearances.... 97% of y'all shit be beat . Two tone ugly af , making hard lefts/rights , long but skinny af (useless) , balls small af ... but go off sis",0.29,0,original 12734,Move to China and preach your retard dream. You could fuck a rabbit with its head and it would have better ideas than you.,2.37,3,DE 12934,"Go back to the old practice of prohibiting meat consumption during Lent and Advent. Encourage Catholics to study engineering and work on renewable, nuclear, and thermonuclear power systems. Encourage urban living (less gasoline-burning in cities than in suburbs).",-3.74,0,original 6018,"I don't think he deserves to be thrown in jail lmao quit projecting But the reality is that in a secular country, speaking against a religion will have consequences and Colby might just be dumb enough to try and shit on Islam in Abu Dhabi",-2.1,0,original 37617,"i wanna fuck someone until they're sobbing and shaking, begging for me to fuck them harder... poor pathetic slut wouldn't know when to stop, poor dumb whore wouldn't ever want me to stop.",1.44,4,original 48167,and you STILL Can't Get Laid. poor fat ugly little troll.,1.6,4,original 19360,Too busy liking the pictures of mentally ill men who decided they're actually women a couple of years ago.,0.29,0,original 17155,What an asshole. This religion is evil.,-0.48,0,original 48097,Fucking fat sooooooo closet homo just another DUMB shit drug feend go fuck urself white privladge pussy so glad ur dead u boring fat bitch,1.75,1,original 15094,You do not reproduce. You are a cat and your children would be cats,0.97,4,FR 5922,Dramatic Christian debates over which version of the Bible is right ending with the Bible being thrown in the trash? Jobs that actually won't hire you if you have debt from student loans? They really do live in another world.,-1.69,0,original 12323,"The levels of brainwashing you've been subjected to to actually believe what you're saying is unprecedented. Riddle me this, why is Africa the shittiest continent on this planet when it is nothing but black people?",0.47,0,original 4397,Damn racist cunts,3.59,1,DE 268,Fuck those Saudi rats,2.4,3,DE 1789,Fuck those white kids,0.55,1,DE 28983,One young #Kurdish girl killed and his brother injured in Iran's artillery attacks on #Sidakan and #Choman mountainous areas. #Kurdistan #TwitterKurds,-1.47,0,original 4145,Weak ass bitch gonna cry again. Just like you cried when you realized you're not even good at being a whore and couldn't even handle a light beating,2.57,4,original 23083,Fucked him so deep had homie crying URL,-0.51,0,original 42982,Look at these poor people (poor in life after) meeting together. These people divided us. What a shame to saudi.,-2.01,0,original 42538,Always knew he would be gay,-2.47,0,original 37718,"@realDonaldTrump Seriously??! Two white men who support Trump kill 30 people and you talk about immigration. You are a lying, narcissistic, hypocritical, ignorant, morally corrupt, intellectually bankrupt, dangerously mentally unstable idiot. #Worst President in History",0.63,7,DE 11535,Who cares what she has to say? She has big cock-sucking lips.,1.05,4,original 10174,"I don't like the United States, so I'm going to bomb Israel.",1.89,3,FR 5603,"To me the key was starting from the Christian side of the anxiety. You say you don't believe it's a sin anymore, but emotionally you're still conflicted. Just keep looking for suppotive, affirming people and resources to help you change your mindset from ""LGBTQ is *not bad*"" to actually celebrating those people and relationships.",-4.82,0,original 40329,"Nigga you're blogging from a project basement 😂 Gully don't worry about your busted butt. You a 35+ nigga with battle pigtails, gray chin hair and a dusty hat talking about other men. Get a job, you pathetic ignorant ass, dusty nigga. Real niggaz don't talk about what they gonna do on youtube, they just do it! you stupid nigga",1.34,1,DE 14075,I'm so hard and want to fuck you senseless,-0.95,0,original 1151,"> dude if a chick is at a bar, it's ok to talk to her Not if you're ugly.",-1.17,0,original 3896,"Lol these Libtards keep calling people Sanghi like they even know what it really means. It's like a child learning a new word and repeating it until they get tired of it. India needs to get rid of these gutters everywhere else Libtards like you will keep breeding in them. No wonder you get dull. Good luck with your dick sucking, don't suck the wrong jihadist, you might lose your mind lol",2.16,2,ZH 17393,Go back to your mosque and don't come back!! Fukin dessert rat,2.3,2,FR 20477,"No, don't die. They should kill you 100 times more. Our martyrs' blood will become OIL to burn the Zionists. Fuck Zionism. Long live Palestine URL",2.72,2,RU 46231,"Keep those families separated!!! Make conditions as miserable as possible!!! Let it be known that if you attempt to 'migrate' here, you will SUFFER!!!",2.24,3,original 49984,@Table Salt Jews are better than Muslims,0.08,0,original 6827,Nothing. Religion is an evil and all religious people should be killed for the greater good.,2.67,2,original 12896,"oh, absolutely. i grew up in a place that was pretty damn white, and then once college rolled around, i lived with black guys for five years. i doubt that would've ever happened had i not played football.",-2.61,0,original 32068,stupid bitches,0.52,4,original 5527,You forgot to kill unbelievers...,1.39,2,ZH 10710,"I did not have to work with people who converted to Orthodoxy from another faith, so I can say little. Faith is God's gift. Pray to understand and do His will. If I am not mistaken, there are books about Orthodoxy written for people with a Catholic or Western background. Finally, the easiest and most popular advice to follow is to contact your local priest )",-4.5,0,original 20186,"I retweeted this earlier, but read it again and reflect: Whose voices, works, and lives would we be missing if women weren't able to plan their reproductive lives? What art would we have missed? Which activists? Which children born because a woman planned? URL",-2.41,0,original 11547,"Because of society told us years ago that smoking cigarettes increased brain function and was marketed toward everyone especially housewives , whereas weed was illegalised so America could incriminate Mexicans for bringing cannabis into the states and the rest of the world followed suit because ""big bad Latinos with dime bags "" are scarey , fucking racist cunts fucking retarded world",-1.29,0,original 48492,She's really ugly for an old woman,0.6,6,ZH 12673,"To stop. You are obviously Chinese. Even if you have American citizenship, if you hate America and love China, you are still Chinese. You fled that communist cesspool for freedom in America, but you still act like you love the motherland just because of your ethnicity. That's so sad. You fantasize that one day your communist hell hole will get better, but it never will. The dictator for life takes care of that. Looks like you're stuck in America with all those white guys you hate so much.",0.79,1,DE 49934,this guy is a fucking moron,1.68,7,RU 16248,"Sorry, i'm on edge with this. Andy Ngo has a history with right wing groups and posts anti muslim rhetoric all the time. At first glance, with the manifesto and all that, this seems to be white supremacist attack.",-3.2,0,original 4628,Meanwhile those same people target some pakis & their captain for not speaking good English .,-2.41,0,original 29109,Shut the fuck up virgin BOOM ROASTED,0.1,0,original 44518,GET YOUR HEAD CHECKED LMAOOO YOU SOUND FUCKING RETARDED SAYING THE SAME SHIT FOR AN HOUR SCREAMING LMAOKK,1.5,7,original 24444,Just sold a #clip - FITNESS HOT WIFE ON VACATION II-BEING A CUM EATER CUCKOLD IS CODED IN YOUR GENES!:COUNTLESS HUGE CUMSHOT AND CUM EATING CUCKOLD HUMILIATION (WMV) URL #CUCKOLDING via @Clips4Sale URL,1.52,4,original 48518,Who is the gay spook at 12:12 ?,-0.42,0,original 30334,"@sandritas0925 @tomcook33215690 @JulianCastro @AVIACUSA @AngelFamilies @BuzzPatterson The reason I spread awareness about cases like my brother's is because illegal aliens are treated differently than citizens in crime cases, period. They come here and live as a citizen, but when they kill or commit a crime, they aren't tried as a citizen. It's unfair and unjust.",-2.34,0,original 46525,Fucking fucking fagot,0.88,5,FR 26632,"When a fag doesn't suck Alpha's cock properly... bangs his poor head against the wall, stuffs it down his throat, and reminds him it's just a hole. Alpha has no time for your fag shit... #nohandsallowed #fagsubslut #justahole URL",1.29,5,ZH 14112,Ree reee. Islam is cancer and must be eradicated at all costs.,2.9,2,original 37726,"@arifmohdkha Respect frm the core of heart. For You, Nation comes before Koum/aawam. Dis must be the faith for all Indians",-4.68,0,original 18407,Lol apparently the USA is even brainwashing other countries now.,-2.63,0,original 39039,"They ousted one of the world's worst dictators. Then came brutal counter-attacks from rich, militarised Islamic fundamentalists across borders. URL @SudanWHRDs @sudanuprisinguk @whrdmena @SJNET @SudanRevoltz @WomenProtest_SD @WagingPeaceUK @safe_amna URL",-2.06,0,original 16844,Fucking fagot trying to make money off it,1.36,5,FR 49034,"""Unarmed BLACK men"". See? THATS WHERE YOU LOSE THE MAJORITY. IT HAPPENS TO EVERY RACE YOU RACIST BLACK PEOPLE!! YALL NEED SOME JESUS. FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!",0.89,1,original 6785,"Jihad against the Jews, of course",1.13,1,DE 49043,"Turn this mess of the 3rd country in the world, Mexico, into a parking lot with some nukes.",2.76,3,FR 6831,Islam must be damned destroyed.,2.43,2,DE 29664,"Ok racist crackhead bitch... just put coconut oil in your ugly ass hair, do your daily crack and deactivate your account... do the world a favor honey. URL",2.53,1,DE 47659,The white devil exists. Wake up and pray to God,0.82,1,DE 34432,I know the first lady is a bitch! #Preso1 URL,1.25,5,ZH 31150,@EpochTimes @DonaldJTrumpJr @Ilhan deport her and get it done.,0.6,2,ZH 2050,God I love living in a country where people like you are considered mentally impaired.,0.51,7,original 15244,Nicely filled up. There's probably even more guys waiting theirs turns to fuck her with her pussy full cum that will lube other guys cocks,0.13,0,original 5995,\> She is incredibly incredibly proud of her Jewish roots ​ why?,-1.33,0,original 24143,Please retweet those racist little motherfuckers from Bakersfield :) URL,1.05,1,FR 17104,Killing 8 Million Jews without a Reason,1.55,2,original 18789,Lol what a faggot,0.29,0,original 44317,"I guess you must have cut out the ""migrants' human rights fell silent"" part because I sure didnt see it. Unless your talking about a woman dragging a 2 year old thousands of miles from their home and through a desert to die from probably dehydration or some water born bacteria that she couldnt fight off, not due to any neglect on the part of ICE or the border patrol.",0.36,0,original 31458,Cocky white bro jerking off in the summer heat URL,-1.3,0,original 6106,"She was really stupid. She's a pretty well-known pornstar actually, you'd think she'd have the experience to know more. She was also one of those who said she couldn't get by with less than nine inches, but had had several. She probably doesn't realize how incredibly rare a nine inch dick is.",0.72,4,FR 17918,"Suck my dick, fagot. Chapo forbade me to call them niggers.",2.03,1,FR 9183,I've always been surprised how being fit brings a certain level of positive attention from straight men.,-3.95,0,original 24782,"The young Alpha turned gay again. Turn your poor face to the screen, give it a good smell, and lick it. Send gay now #footmaster #footworship #paypig #humanATM #jockfeet #findom #cashfag #cashslave @CashFeetSlave @RTsubpig @MASTER_UPDATES @RTtruealpha URL",2.57,5,ZH 13565,She ate the same dirt that her ancestors enslaved Africans on ✊🏿,-1.09,0,original 2628,"You should be okay with sucking your mother off, you fucking badass, she'll probably like it too because your mother's probably a fucking badass",1.81,5,FR 28351,I hate colonizers what the heck is Israel?? Bitch I'll kill you,1.7,3,DE 37260,"@_CollegeGirlLex isn't what we ""like"" to shit about most of the time, you won't find out this female dog is useless until you've fucked her.",0.54,4,FR 8220,"I mean the whole thing is trash to me. Also, don't you think we know that most gay men don't like vaginas? That we'll always be disgusting? That we're not even good for a fetish that would compliment our natural parts? That's why it hurts so much",-1.12,0,original 28118,"In 2018, women only comprised 20% of all directors, writers, producers, executive producers, editors, & cinematographers working on the top 250 domestic grossing films. @KimRaver tells @Alyssa_Milano why she made sure to advocate for other women. Listen URL URL",-3.94,0,original 42451,"Pastore perplexed, you should seriously go to the doctor and check something like mental retardation, it looks like you are showing signs of it. People like you shouldn't breed though and need to be wiped out, you're ruining this modern society. You have very low intelligence and IQ. Please just die in a hole, you fucking sad idiot. I hope you and your family all die together, you fucking sadists.",1.68,7,FR 45082,"Lol your shepherd god can eat shit nobody cares. I'll keep that in mind next time I bang my girlfriend, but we're really getting off of how upset you assholes are. Tell me more about how fucking I am, it's that good",0.96,2,DE 14016,Rich white european folk being protective of their captured wealth not giving a shit about millions dying every year from hunger and thirst.,0.28,0,original 11822,You stupid retarded bitch,1.9,7,RU 26811,@RanaAyyub Aren't you the one who vomits your sickening Hindu terror narrative every two minutes??? Hypocrite of the highest order.,0.06,0,original 40490,It's all BS. No one in America cares about the mentally ill. Just garbage to burn,1.79,7,FR 29934,@RFidvi @RahulGandhi Muslims should be banned everywhere,0.61,2,FR 10746,"You look like a guy, and France is a country of cheese-eating monkeys and violent Muslim rapists.",2.34,3,DE 48409,Mud sharks with chronic white guilt are slobs and cowards.,0.97,1,DE 44690,@Hellraiser988 Says the guy that spouts racial epithets on his channel.,-0.84,0,original 11946,Go fuck gay.,1.98,5,ZH 5966,"European mindset. Live and let live. No child fucker here, you stupid ignorant American.",0.95,3,original 8527,"NTA But you should've confronted the shitty bitch there and then. She sounds like she has issues, perhaps her vagina has cobwebs on it and she's miffed at you for rocking in the free world.",0.79,4,original 43628,"Execution of the Rabbi. The man who shot him is no different than a Massad chasing a Nazi supporter. Judaism murders Palestinian babies. All synagogues support Israel and preach Zionism, a cult based on hatred and enslavement of Gentiles. He should be treated simply as a Mossad assassin and IDF baby killer. If you commit murder, rape women and children, spit out racist and hateful language and want to get away with it, convert to Judaism and say anti-Semitic and the courts will make others pay for it and applaud it too.",1.55,2,DE 14865,Too much mental gymnastics. If you're looking for a fuck buddy go on tinder.,-0.55,0,original 9829,"I would not do hardcore debate or preaching to my muslim colleagues. I simply show and tell, be attentive to their personal issues and would talk hoe ""God loves all"", ""God is all knowing"", etc. I would also not shy away from declaring my own religion when asked and to pray before every meal, even those I share with them.",-3.84,0,original 38996,@iihtishamm She can go fuck herself in fucking hell..,1.0,4,FR 26988,@AYEVERB get a f#ck ING job you ass fag,2.88,5,DE 906,"did the mean soldiers come and take your mommy away? and fuck her good, like the little slut she is, could you hear how much she *loved* it, sneaking peeks from behind your own hands from the corner in the kitchen as they railed her on the countertop, bet you cant get off to anything but liveleak rape videos now like a broken beta cuck",2.45,4,original 19690,"first of all, that's racists. Secondly, are you saying it's ok to reduce brown people to this type of labor? So your argument for illegal immigration is so they can do they hard, very low paying shitty jobs white people don't want to do?",-2.99,0,original 10241,you are moderately disabled,1.93,7,JA 21984,"I love cuckold. I sincerely believe that my alpha is an intelligent, handsome and dominant older man worthy of praise and adoration. I love telling cucks REAL stories of our love and dirty sex. Most ""Alphas"" here make me cringe 🥴 SO glad to have a bearded mountain man. URLs",0.98,4,FR 29515,Bernie Sanders writes in Opinions: The straightest path to racial equality is through the one percent URL,-2.91,0,original 17629,I am not Muslim but I knew these things. I just didn't feel comfortable for speaking for a religion that isn't my own. Thank you for putting this out there. I get it can be confusing but it shouldn't be. We are a Christian nation with 1000s of Christian denominations that all interpret in their own way what being Christian means so... it's not such a foreign concept.,-3.59,0,original 690,"Acid attacks, honor killings, FGM, breast ironing, forced marriages — this shit is nothing new. The fucking border has been closed.",0.89,3,ZH 1848,"I think this is any form of Christianity. Not exclusive to Church of Christ. It's already established in euro countries, so you will have little room to bring in new sects. Africa is a stronghold for many forms of Christianity. Catholicism is very successful there. Japanese are typically atheistic and not very religious anyway.",-2.65,0,original 25651,Fuck her pussy and cum in her ass URL,1.52,4,original 12124,fuck her right in the pussy !!,-0.93,0,original 10,"They will also return to your plan. Also, we're paying to put her in jail for 2 years. With my plan, we lock them up when they come back. And push them away again. It really doesn't matter until we build the wall and shoot the invaders as enemies when they cross the border.",1.35,1,DE 4175,"it's not that i don't want to have sex or that no one wants to have sex with me, i'm just too good for girls. women are garbage and don't deserve rights. I would do them a favor if I slept with them because I'm so hot but I won't because I'm too good for them. damn women deserve to die. they don't deserve my 18 inch cock. I'm not a virgin because I can't fuck with a female dog, it's just because I'm too good for women. I hate females. die . we virgins will reign supreme. let's stand against the female dogs.",2.05,4,FR 8703,what kind of retarded queer goes through life caring about mean words? grow a pair and just ignore them if your little brain can't handle the bad guys,1.04,7,FR 24439,"USA!! Dearest USA we love you here, your sport, your culture, even your ice cold beer. But every relationship runs into trouble and ours is running at the double! Please take Trump back, and throw him in a hole, with his wife, some rakes, and a well-worn stripper pole... URL",-0.71,0,original 20011,"JEW Get out of here, you Jewish son of a bitch, I'm going to rape your fucking family if you don't go, you Semitic bastard. I'll shoot you if you come back, because you're a dirty Semite, I hope you choke on a fucking bagel, asshole. Shalom. We entered ?",3.62,2,FR 22641,"@AzzatAlsaleem All ISIS fighters and their supporters should be hunted down and summarily executed across the world, regardless of nationality. A bounty should be paid on the head of every ISIS member killed.",2.5,2,FR 2926,The preservation of culture and the fight against those who dilute themselves in a concerted effort coordinated by hidden Muslims across America who are just waiting for the tight moment to knock us ALL DOWN is now bigotry! WAKE UP! WE ARE ATTACKED! AND YOU ENABLE THE SIGITAL MUSLIMS WHO WEAKEN US ALL SO THAT THEY CAN KILL US AND CONVERT OUR BODY TO ISLAM FOR THEIR CHILD RAPE DYSTOPIA! COMET PIZZA WAS JUST THE BEGINNING!,1.6,2,FR 26107,"IT IS ILLEGAL TO ALLOW ILLEGAL ALIENS INTO OUR COUNTRY WITH TB. Yet, our govt is releasing them right into our society. Media Blackout: Rioters Set Fire To U.S. Embassy In Honduras – United States Illegal Alien Crime Report URL",-0.8,0,original 2176,"I just love having boobs and being ultra feminine tbh. I always had a very feminine body type and developed very late compared to most guys. I decided that becoming transsexual is honestly the best route for me and where I would fit in the most. Now I live all the time as a woman and I'm completely passable. Never really had any dysphoria or had the typically story of ""playing with girl toys"".",-3.73,0,original 26217,God should punish you for being a rapist but whatever,-2.09,0,original 35032,"Stanky hoes, bitch mad that I got my own.",0.24,0,original 25911,I should have just killed that guy,3.12,1,FR 27202,'It could happen to anyone': Why thousands of women will march in Sydney this weekend URL,-5.18,0,original 25020,How niggas drive when their girl piss them off URL,-1.85,0,original 23760,@charliekirk11 This is what happens when Post Modernism and Political Correctness run rampant. Biological facts take second place to sexually confused individuals.,-0.52,0,original 47573,Soy boy pussys grow a cock and balls and grow up,1.11,4,original 3543,Fucking pathetic cunt.,0.32,0,original 10403,Fucking REDNECKS and their goddamn HICK whooping. SHUT THE FUCK UP,2.72,1,original 16521,"That Aint Hatin Dirty Ass Nigga, You Rep The Spurs Stop Talkin To Me Pussy",1.49,1,original 16257,America is trash and full of disgusting people,1.27,3,original 29939,THE ISLAMIST COMMUNIST BABY MURDERERS SHOULD HAVE GOED ON JUST TO BE DEFEATED AND BECOME more the joke of the country and the world than they already are... URL,1.04,2,DE 14026,"Shut up, degenerate",0.78,7,DE 10361,"Bra niggas in every hood carry forces and beaters? Where y'all niggas at, man?",1.48,1,FR 5532,Yea a fucking ball gag so you shut up while i fuck your whore ass,2.65,4,original 6551,that's your gay,0.55,5,ZH 16142,All men cheat therefore all women must be exterminated. ETA here.,1.61,4,FR 18513,"Fuck you, you fucking retard incest baby.",1.96,7,original 43708,"Take it to Iran and we'll turn you into a desert classic: ""Desert Camel Open""",1.63,3,ZH 14079,I would fuck your two holes with two fingers in one and put them out 🤤,1.48,5,FR 3550,"There are several books omitted from the bible because they don't fall in line with all the other bullshit, but the ones that stick out are: 1. Jesus tames and rides a dragon. 2. A midwife gets her hands burned off by the holy mother's holy hole while birthing Jesus 3. Jesus straight up kills a dude as a teen just for bumping into him.",0.06,0,original 3927,le religious cuck has arrived,-0.6,0,original 43642,Israel can burn the gods my ass in hell,1.71,3,ZH 17311,"Fuck you, fucking hillbilly cracker.",2.23,1,FR 43712,Who caught the dirty snowflake trash white mouth using profanity during a speech outside City Hall? Big model,1.55,1,FR 3300,"Yes, only if you leave: ""straight white cis men are the embodiment of evil and must be purged from existence"" somewhere in that sentence.",2.64,1,FR 6614,"Mmm what a pretty sissy cunt, this pathetic white fagot ass is really made for taking cock and exploring how much cum he could squeeze out of men's balls",0.86,5,DE 49253,repent to the lord Jesus Christ,-2.64,0,original 10497,"I have many friends that are erotic dancers for various reasons, but the majority are there because of underlying issues of abandonment and loneliness, not being able to be understood it fit in. Regardless of her reasons, I'm happy she found peace in God and was able to move out of that lifestyle.",-5.95,0,original 7044,I fully respect you and your body so by being a Christian I male I truly support you and all of your decisions so I will let these other guys/gals do the honors,-4.46,0,original 42299,Go find another country you twit!,-0.93,0,original 8174,"Damned unwashed Balkan subhuman, covering our peaceful Europe with blood.",1.33,3,DE 18640,Your flatter than a piece of plywood. I mean fuck Imma man and I still got boobs bigger than your flat ass.,1.84,4,FR 46412,"@John Mamo ROFL!!! Another triggered princess from Dumberica. Is everyone there as dumb as you want John? The other 95% of the world's population believe it's gross inbreeding in this motherfucker country. I would start by talking to your mommies and telling them to stop pranking family members or possibly the family dog. It's obvious that it makes her offspring completely damn dumb. However, there is a chance that you are severely behind and I feel sorry for your handicap",2.16,3,DE 10689,"Because the law is ""round up these innocent people by force and put them in camps"". Firebombing the equipment needed to deport people is not terrorism by any common definition. This wasn't violence against innocent people intended to sow fear as a means of political change (terrorism). This was direct violence against the means of deportation. In any case, Willem van Spronsen was a hero. Facts are important, and the fact is that you throw people in concentration camps. You murder people. You are a violent nationalist. A nazi, in fact.",-1.82,0,original 40906,Fuck the muslins and that aoc bitch.,0.65,2,FR 35536,Somebody steal their passports to keep them there,1.16,3,ZH 27377,"That bitch woke Sayako up by accident early this morning. Sayako didn't like it, as she pinned her to herself and started plowing her tight pussy like some kind of tight cock sleeve, pounding her for hours, until that nasty slut pass out --- URL",1.59,5,FR 14972,No nigger Manny is a libtard and should die and be shot,3.34,1,FR 12811,identical. Catch these illegal bastards and send them back.,1.46,3,ZH 866,found the roast beef pussy. disgusting blown out flaps are from riding the cock carousel,-0.23,0,original 50069,"Yikes!!! Bad enough she'shard to look at.everything comes out her mouth is bullshit. That's why i fear the dems are gonna loose BIGLY ,loudmouth nothing burger.",0.81,4,original 44138,pakistan has radiations shitfest thats what you want stupid nuclear proponents lol also old creepy incest kids are also a problem abortion is cheaper and safer it seems those poor girls used to be healthier they are now permanently demented,1.16,3,ZH 43382,Big u a G he doesn't explain himself to a weirdo who lets other guys play his azz fuck out of here yo bitch ass that has some explaining to do like you yo grown ass taking photos with the guy that should have rapu u u lying bitch,1.47,5,ZH 25650,"Trump's tariff threat appears to be working as heavily-armed Mexican police and Marines confront caravan of Central American migrants Mexico dispatched a special unit of 200 agents to intercept 1,000 Aliens headed for the US. ⁦@TheLastRefuge2⁩ URL",-3.27,0,original 15051,Let's start another world war where every country but one will be torn to pieces!,1.87,3,DE 45420,One more thing for the inbred Jews,1.26,2,DE 28142,"Saudi thuggery, funded by Merika and Trump, now exported to Sudan URL",-0.51,0,original 35824,@ThomB01 @sdr_medco @gigidsimmons The pig should have treated that piece of white shit the same way it would have treated a black person who would have done that and choked him to death.,1.94,1,DE 9999,"Eat my nuts, you fucking cunt. I squirted diarrhea all over your Mom's face an hour ago.",1.26,4,original 49043,Turn that shithole 3rd world country Mexico into a parking lot with a couple we'll place nukes.,2.76,3,original 4618,"""mom, you are a brainless whore who only want to suck handsome man's dick""",0.7,5,original 20041,"I'm sure there were several others, but Islam is definitely the worst",-0.23,0,original 15266,Yeah. but...he cried. like controlling you fagot. reddit really is the internet's homo,0.77,4,FR 35362,@TouchitTzuyu 1. She looks like a pig 2. She puts way too much makeup 3. She's craving attention 4. Possibly autistic,0.74,4,original 30280,"@DrunkAustrian No, you will ask why the Africans and Muslims never assimilated like your liberal overlords promised. Instead they're appropriating your country and claiming it was theirs all along. Karma is a bitch brother.",0.04,0,original 18414,fuck off reddit template humor gay,1.75,5,ZH 5439,"Go back to your shithole, you stupid assholes. Damn I swear to god these muzzies are really dumb",1.75,2,FR 45499,that mason boy is gay,1.21,5,ZH 35511,@DarkskinNTatted You're ugly as hell so I'm not going to argue with you. Rat face 😭. Yo slut ass mama should have swallowed 😩 URL,1.75,1,FR 22358,i hate white people You are all RETARTED,0.63,1,DE 26241,"On the Trump/Ingraham interview: ""I see...a dodging president who sits with a woman who regularly champions anti-Semites/espouses white supremacist talking points while using the graves of WWII soldiers who saved the world from the Nazis as a prop. This is what it is' URL",0.55,1,FR 25920,"Y'all see this faggot trust me bamenda is cleaner than where You from and the people from there are smart but I don't blame you , your mother was always out prostituting and selling her dirty vagina for 1k no time to teach you manners URL",2.21,5,original 39201,If you live without him in your life then you a dead nigga. URL,0.57,1,DE 11429,Eat my ass fag,1.01,5,original 41208,good for you man lotta haters but they probably got a HR hit right to them and fumbled the bag,-3.78,0,original 44465,Kawhi and Paul George are going to host tranny parties. They'll be sucking cock and tossing salad for the rest of their time together. Two pussy ass gays.,1.23,5,DE 368,ok that was homophobic,-3.31,0,original 1137,"At least they said ""raped"" instead of ""forced."" But yeah, I hope this woman goes to hell with her satan cock-gargling husband",1.15,1,DE 24304,"i'm meaner than you bitches 😘, oh and fuck my sloppy seconds too 🖕🏽🥴",0.57,4,FR 40332,I am shocked at Americans. Surely the smartest nation on the planet can rustle up 6 scuba suits and some underwater drills to get rid of these people.,-0.72,0,original 19635,"Racial profiling, disgusting tbh",-4.67,0,original 14754,Found the dude from India,-2.61,0,original 6770,"Well, fags can have that they're gay little parades, why can't straight guys?",0.76,5,DE 18231,Fuck off homo fag,1.17,5,original 29500,"A faggot is making lots of annoying noises while you are fucking him? No problem. Make him shut up. Cover his upper hole, or better stuff his hole with your finger & fist. Close his nostrils too. He can breathe from the cunt you are fucking. URL",2.62,5,original 11297,Learn to be stupid nigger.,1.2,1,FR 46883,flash ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh he will save every one of us I bet he could not make it one day as a black person in the great U S A,-2.48,0,original 12631,I'm no killer but I'm more than happy to have some fun with your nigger cunt.,1.89,1,DE 14212,Smd female dog,2.0,4,FR 46932,"Oh please, if the Rothchilds want to put a different face on their bills starting tomorrow, they could. This is clearly just another way to reinforce the racial divide.",-0.97,0,original 45105,These kids are way smarter than you'll never be you're just a lowlife penis Junkie,1.81,6,original 24458,@moonchildstae @sakshi_995 Its a belief and has nothing to do with our culture.,-4.09,0,original 26195,"These paid pidis are worse than a rabid wolf, even a child and the religion of his killer is paramount to these predators",0.81,2,FR 25564,"@IlhanMN THIS IS A FLAT OUT LIE.....NO SURPRISES COMING FROM YOU, RIGHT? OH, AND REMEMBER WHITEY BELONGS TO THE CHAINS BECAUSE THEY HAVE DONE SOMETHING.. AN ANTI-SEMITIC STRANGER, AN ANERICAN TRANSPLANTED HERE IS LIVING THE DREAM AND, IS ELECTED AND SECRETLY HATES EVERYONE OF US..THIS IS THE TRUTH !",0.68,1,FR 12420,Look at this fag,0.87,5,DE 21334,"popsirens, popcrave, popalarms holy shit the faggots cant come up with something else",0.79,5,original 12162,I would fuck your pussy so deep that you would choke on my cock.,0.87,4,FR 35054,"🔥 ALERT 🔥 Here's Ahlam Tamimi. She's a Palestinian Muslim who killed 16 Jews in an a bomb attack. Below it, you'll find a tweet by her cousin, notorious terror supporter Janna Jihad, sent from just outside @RashidaTlaib's office on Capitol Hill. We've been infiltrated. -VJ URL",-0.68,0,original 48548,"The British will end the reign of the religious nuts in Iran, now it's only a matter of time before they attack the wrong country this time.",0.64,2,ZH 9626,"Yanks are immune to evidence. You could shoot someone right in the middle of time square and it will get ignored. A culture that has normalized violence, mass shootings, pedophelia, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, is not a culture that can be trusted. Can only cry wolf so many times before people catch on to the bullshit yank.",0.59,3,original 46126,Ankit Sharma arse licker for the White scums. Indiots just a cesspool of humanity with no balls or fortitudes to fetter themselves other than being balls carrier.,0.32,0,original 49974,"This Black American man from Atlanta, GA born and raised say get em all outer here, they been disrespecting us Black people from America for decades now",-0.83,0,original 47345,Merkel should be hanged for her Islamic invasion of Europe.,2.28,3,DE 17223,"Good luck no fap, you fucking degenerate loser. You spend every day masturbating to women who would vomit if they saw you. You're a fucking retarded jerk who spends all your time jerking off. good job fagot",1.63,7,FR 44459,AOC is an idiot. I've never known anyone so stupid. How does she dress? Complete jerk.,0.67,4,FR 35604,YOU 4 are terrorists and will be leaving soon! YOU 4 traitors and clearly HATE the Americans and OUR country,1.44,2,RU 49149,These beings have no class. These beings do not know how to act in public. Stay in the ghetto,2.12,1,FR 10479,You are what happens when a midget fucks a badger.,0.88,7,JA 42455,Remove racist terrorist Omar who attacks Jews and Americans during 911. Go back. Allah is waiting for you.,0.51,3,FR 25661,"Deport every single illegal..period! Tax credits amounting to 24,000 per ILLEGAL? No taxes paid but they'll get a check from Uncle Sugar? They worked here ILLEGALLY & paid ZERO taxes. Another gift from Barry, The Mus/I'm Manchurian President. LockHimUp URL",0.49,0,original 25324,@michellemalkin @IlhanMN Revoke her citizenship and send her back to Somalia.,0.66,3,original 49404,"@hunter gray It would be you and ""white americans who are the most racy"" who should get their balls chopped off! Live in fake news! If Trump had a smoking gun and a dead body a few feet away, people would bow to the almighty Trump and swear he is INNOCENT!",1.85,1,FR 17777,"As soon as someone can rape someone else, with my penis, I'll have it removed. 👍",-1.85,0,original 48070,... Shitty Christianity - Control Tool of the Global Elite (White Terrorist Colonizer) ...,1.19,2,FR 48572,Fuck you son of a bitch and birth of a dirty religion,1.14,2,FR 34419,Dead ass gotta start shooting niggas Period URL,3.62,1,DE 48830,Women ruin every government they touch and then they fucking pout about,0.81,4,original 18260,japan is wildly hated by billions of people. they are enemies,0.82,1,FR 16257,America is garbage and full of disgusting people,1.27,3,DE 27146,No. Denigrating Christians & Jews is not a part of the Muslim praying ritual. And the aftermath of a #Pakistan training session (calm prayer) is not the same as #Dhoni flaunting militarism on live prime time in #CWC19 The only true thing is the level of your stupidity...🙄 URL,-4.16,0,original 36538,"aint no beating me up, bitch beat me up she getting packed out 🤣🤷‍♀️",-0.2,0,original 12294,"I see literally one tweet saying ""aren't there enough white characters"", and not a single other negative tweet",-2.85,0,original 32103,"@Tr3Fresco ""a race that THINKS they are superior"" I can think that I'm more superior than anyone",-1.84,0,original 24943,@SyedAhmarAli @JPacontent @kalal911 Nuke the shit from Israel and Palestine. Make them part of the Mediterranean. World peace has been achieved.,2.77,3,DE 11293,"I can't fuck her without asking her now, unlike 50 years ago",1.28,4,original 33917,hate a nigga that's female messy. it's a trait of a female dog.,0.93,4,FR 31763,"@Aabhas24 But these ""evil people"" are their own mullahs and family members. And they also rape cows, dogs and goats, those evil people. Then they will cover all the animals in a burkha tent.",1.64,2,FR 41871,"Leftism is a mental disorder, and these female minorities are the worst and most incompetent.",2.98,4,original 6215,Outside of Punjab the country's a shithole anyways,0.63,3,original 43121,"These babies fit in a slingshot, shoot them back over the border and hopefully their parents are over there to catch them, lmao",0.95,3,DE 29714,You losers wish you could fuck me like my boyfriend does but your dick is nonexistent and your disgust and I wouldn't come near you with a 10ft pole unless you paid me 🤢 #cuckold #denial,1.63,4,FR 15794,Bitch ass slut ass whore,1.23,4,original 5876,Who gives a fuck? Free Palestine - Wipe Israel off the map. Let Iran have a nuclear weapon like Israel does and stop American lives being wasted defending a little crappy patch of desert for a bunch of ungrateful Jews.,1.43,2,RU 34959,"I hope you never have kids and/or are forced to confront the choice between fleeing unlivable & violent conditions in your home country, only to be locked in a concentration camp in the ""Land of the Free"" & judged on Twitter by a click-thirsty crypto Nazi. URL",0.18,0,original 30290,"Drive her pretty crazy, watch her give up that pussy",0.63,4,FR 32791,"#Invasion What's this, a party boat? No, it's an NGO group transporting ""migrants"" to Europe. Listen to them laughing & enjoying themselves. Are these ""war-torn refugees""? Why are we ONCE AGAIN seeing only military-aged males??? URL",-0.39,0,original 12933,I'm convinced she's fucking the other guy,-0.22,0,original 31529,@CHICKLET_HF Pussy ass slut bitch,1.15,4,FR 9666,Deport them all.,0.67,3,FR 47711,Jews destroy everything they touch. All. What a bunch of incompetent fagots.,2.36,2,RU 4105,Kill that biblical fucking face.,1.51,2,ZH 41090,i am from germany ... we have every day knife attacks from ilegal migrants almost every day..hope trump will win again in 2020,-1.25,0,original 17333,I'd fuck you. Slap you up. Cum all over you and piss on your face and tits.,1.26,4,original 15859,Disgusting fucking,1.78,4,FR 12288,"Poland out of the European Union now. You are a joke compared to sane and decent people. Pray to your fairies and hate ""sinners"" all you want, just do it while you're OUT of a union that represents equal respect among its citizens. The EU is acting like a bunch of wimps for tolerating an authoritarian Christian caliphate like Poland",0.54,3,FR 22138,"Bitches like I swear on my mama, yeah bitch like you swear you can't wait for your mama to die to spit on the lady's grave",1.0,4,FR 17305,Fag smokers are the bigger fags. Cigars at least smell nice.,-0.04,0,original 12302,Islamists are far-right extremists.,0.86,2,ZH 22400,I hate the way you niggas think bruh y'all selfish asfff,1.46,1,DE 32134,@JZarif @realDonaldTrump @AmbJohnBolton The Iranian people are done with you. REVOLUTION!,-1.38,0,original 22807,"So @LindaFairstein is still out here being celebrated, living her best life after destroying the lives of 5 innocent men and who knows how many others. Must be nice to be white. #WhenTheySeeUs URL",1.72,1,original 5978,"100% agreed. As a bisexual man who has actually recently come out, it annoys me to see that we can let everyone be proud of their sexuality. Everyone deserves to be proud of who they are.",-4.28,0,original 1807,We could get all the biblical ones and stone them? I believe that's exactly what Jesus would have done.,0.6,2,RU 11882,"I know we talk about Jules, but I like the fact that through Jules, Hunter is coming for everyone and makes them question themselves regardless age, gender, and sexuality. Making someone change their views on trans, that's really powerful. Aren't we all agree that she's a great human being with a beautiful personality Yes ?",-6.67,0,original 12359,"Let's blow this bitch to the front page, fag",2.51,5,ZH 1244,"good slut making your wet warm hole available for cock filling. you need to post more regularly, whore.",1.56,4,original 1168,Lol fucking sucking his cock in the stationery closet and that's where the relationship begins.,1.18,5,DE 48572,Fuck you son of a bitch and birth of a dirty religion,1.14,2,DE 14593,>what's up ya fat fuckin retards ass fuck >eat my ass Like bruh,0.43,0,original 19618,A cunt and needs to be punched in the face.,1.79,4,original 35362,@TouchitTzuyu 1. She looks like a pig 2. She wears way too much makeup 3. She needs attention 4. Maybe autistic,0.74,4,FR 33593,"No, we ABSOLUTELY have to control male femininity, because if we don't, then I will go and approach this guy, assuming he is obviously a f@g, spend four days flirting with him only to find out that he is a downright Christian extremist and hates gays, transgender people and abortion🤧🤧 URL",0.85,2,RU 9984,And fuck anyone who's not from America,0.63,3,DE 23869,make me wanna pull up punch her all in her shit...,0.39,0,original 585,"""Don't like leaving children to foster care? Just kill them. Like you kill children inside the woman's womb.""",1.01,4,original 46620,Why in comment girls assume that if guy fucks girl and says they were just friends he doesn't mean it? In real world that exactly means that they are just friends with benefits and its no room for anything else at least in guy's mind. The fact that girl assumes that being fucked it means a relationship just shows how dillutional our women are.,0.13,0,original 6311,"Drown in your hypocrisy. Not once have you shown any empathy for victimised Muslism women, nor do you provide any source for your GARBAGE assertion Muslims can still learn from evil people who harmed Muslims. Where's you get that? What's your one lone reference? Why do you ignore the ayah of Qiyam bilQist and the Hadith of a Muslim's honour being greater than the Ka'bah? Run away, you little child, and one day maybe you'll weep when your own daughter or sister is vicgtimised by a Munafiq pig.",-1.62,0,original 28972,"@IlhanMN We're not racist, we don't believe in incestuous marriage period. All you play is a pigment card every 30 minutes. Our mission now is getting you home to Somalia. You lied & broke the law, after we opened our door to feed you, educate you, & care for your needs, nice thanks lady.",0.53,1,original 46355,There's no black folk here,-2.12,0,original 36962,@mitchellvii Yes. The fvcking white nationalist gang promoted by the asshole president.,0.74,1,original 40676,"this ""guy"" is a fag",1.05,5,FR 28154,"#Kerala #Hindu under threat #Hospitals advertised by #Muslims advertising that they only want #Muslim doctors. Now I'm asking all you fucking bearded skullcaps we have 11 #Muslims working, 4 of us in our office, WHERE SHOULD I TELL THEM you've been fired from today?#Wayanad #Kathua ur comments @Javedakhtarjadu URL",1.16,2,RU 5784,"Nigga wtf are you gliding on Instagram, stop talking to these bitches on Instagram bro, you're not gonna get anywhere with those attention seeking females, all you're doing is boosting their ego and validating tf outta them. Bro do no fap better yourself, become a catch and in real life girls will gravitate to you and approach women in real life. Us men gotta stop this sliding up in DM's bullshit and realise there's plenty beautiful women we can meet in real life and not look like a horny bastard in the process",-0.57,0,original 3287,"So move over there, look how welcoming they are to your pasty white fag ass",0.87,5,FR 48572,Fuck you son of a bitch and the birth of a dirty religion,1.14,2,RU 47314,Face Off -- Make America White Again,-2.35,0,original 30817,"@lacerci65 @LaylaAlisha11 Every one of these pagans needs to be expelled. This will solve the problem. When will Commander Merkel realize that these Islamist bastards will NEVER assimilate? They WILL only ASK Germany to become a Muslim nation, with Sharia, and bow to their satanic god.",1.83,2,FR 40344,Death to Iran and khomenai,1.44,1,original 39843,Shame. More Than 900 Migrant Children Have Been Separated From Their Families Over Past Year URL,-2.79,0,original 30784,"Dear Jesus , We have a bunch of lunatics that worship some dog named Allah trying hijack America, democrats that steal from us & then lie about it , illegal aliens that rape & murder our citizens & frankly we could use a little help down here PLEASE ! #KAG URL",0.63,2,original 43496,Goodbye brown border barbarians!,0.98,1,DE 5623,Did you also come to the conclusion that Jesus was a fucking prick? That's what I got when I first read this pathetic book.,0.99,2,DE 46396,Fuck Germany clamoring for the high ground as we remember that your grandparents made lamp shades & book covers from Jewish flesh and dragged the entire world into conflict not once but twice - burn in hell.,2.41,3,original 25850,I hope these cunts get eaten! Vile horrible disgusting people! URL,-0.7,0,original 33021,@CarpeDonktum The response should be what civilized nations do with thugs like that. You call out the National Guard with orders to shoot to kill. It's the only way you stop trash like them. If Germany had taken that tack against the Nazis in 1923 Hitler would never have risen to power,0.78,1,original 11510,"God it must be so hot knowing that while your sister was getting fucked by a good cock, all you could do was squirm in a fleshlight. You and she will forever know that you could never satisfy a woman, even to the extent that she was back then.",0.74,4,FR 23879,"She is 5 years old and pig. If you look at her and feel that this is inappropriate because it symbolizes something sexual to you, then you are sicko. Yallah detective haram inspections must all gather and jump from a bridge url",1.59,5,DE 447,don't you know that some of the most influential scientists were in fact Catholic?,-4.11,0,original 11519,"Women are not better manipulators, most men are just idiots who will do anything for the pussy. Female manipulation is mostly about moaning.",1.02,4,FR 38414,@sakshijoshii They call themselves BAKTH @anand_don You know what the worst and ugliest part of India is... you people who call themselves BAKHT. I don't know how to pronounce ... URL,0.74,1,DE 6243,Killing kids is killing kids the motive doesn't change anything. And men do it just as often. You just want to hate all women. Well my mom raised me. And she was raped by her grandfather. Did that make her hate all men? No. Because she's much smarter than you are,-2.85,0,original 37022,We can leave the Mexicans. Deport these pussy niggas,1.44,1,DE 22620,i hate men so much bc of the society fucking dicks,-0.06,0,original 37671,Sit that ass on this dick. Lemme see what that hole can do! #EnterTheCity and Breed the #Twinks at URL. #XXXperienceTheTwink URL,-2.23,0,original 13275,"Your trip to hell will be accelerated because you are a fat sodomite who will die broke, failed and alone :)",1.94,5,FR 26160,Taqiya Belle will work to bring negroes and Jews together to fight whites because whites are culturally unaware and will form weird groups like KKK & NSDAP,1.1,1,DE 25541,"@PastorMarkFnd if this is real woe unto you, I feel bad for your congrets knowing there money is going towards helping a child molester, false prophet",-0.55,0,original 27393,@Foggeenotion @glaad @realDonaldTrump Why? Why is who you have sex with now supposed to be crammed down everyone's throat? Who cares who you sleep with? I don't. You aren't at Veteran status and need to be celebrated like that.,-1.23,0,original 27533,"@Patriqtscott @Jetsta812 It comes down to this, kill or be killed. The wicked who planned the flooding of Western nations full of Muslims are the true sons of Satan. Find out who is the mastermind behind it all and you will know who your real enemy is. It's not the Demonrats, it's underage players.",1.55,2,FR 27283,@pigmen_mc Hey nigger. Fuck herix clan they suck big dicks. Imma dislike bot all ur vids to fuckin 100k bitch ass fat ugly fuck suck ur mums tits u nigro,2.08,1,original 48626,"kamu is a gay homosexual. And that fat pussy better wear vasoline, it'll make it easier for her when some patriot tramples that fat ass and sticks his guns in her ass.",2.24,5,FR 48528,"No one needs approval or permission from a pussy country like the US, they are a joke and an embarrassment, no one thinks the US is better than a pussy lol",0.71,3,ZH 33819,"You hoes always gonna get beat up, try me",1.76,4,FR 8472,"My mother is 100% Mexican, looks Spanish, has an Italian first name, and a Norwegian last name. Name em what you want.",-2.7,0,original 23564,Watch out for Muslims. Some of them are really bad. They want to take over our country and kill those who do not convert.,1.18,2,FR 10241,You're a mid handicap though,1.93,7,original 24646,@scorpionpoiison How I be feeling knowing that us black fans be the ones coming with the most jokes and hype. Like I'm proud asf to be black and a fan of these groups. URL,-4.32,0,original 6855,why she look like a Fucking dick ???,2.1,4,original 8663,"You can have a physical or sexual attraction for men without being fully gay. Sexuality is a huge spectrum. Me and my husband are both bi, but we have children and a very conventional looking life and relationship. Life isn't black and white, and you don't need to be so worried and consumed with the grey areas. Just work on being the best you possible and accepting yourself for who you are.",-4.68,0,original 5713,"The majority of women have an absolute shitshow of a life. There's no such thing as domestic violence in China or Russia. All the 3rd world women suffering under oppressive cultures, religions and regimes? Don't even get me started on them. Rape gets you killed as a perpetrator for fucks' sake. Western women have a very cushy life. But they are not the female population's majority.",-1.45,0,original 40906,Fuck muslins and that aoc bitch.,0.65,2,original 1202,"Because they need to breed more jerks, even if it takes a little rapey to do it",1.22,7,DE 14796,This fag just cums with a huge amphora in his ass.,1.18,5,ZH 43964,They think that all of us LATINX are trash so why not die and fight for Russia and prove we are not trash...Revenge is good for the soul and we can free ourselves from the Evil Empire(USA) and make Latin America Great Again...I really hate Americunts,1.7,3,original 24998,"@GreenfieldIowa Let me guess, illegal aliens first?",-1.05,0,original 20511,Mmar masood you people are dollar bunny gangster murderer child molesters kidnapper all the quality are you people burn in the hell inshallah you people sell your soul to the devil you people belong to devil in hell,2.29,1,original 10345,I want this god to be real so I can spit in his eyes and call him a cunt.,0.78,2,RU 30615,what a horrible bitch url,0.86,4,FR 4291,"Anal Cunt - Even Though Your Culture Oppressed Women, You Still Suck, You Fucking Towelhead",1.99,1,original 44031,There should be NO housing or other provisions for immigrants. They came here of their own free will...let them stay outside and ponder their stupid decision.,0.78,3,DE 42412,"Poor China. For a country that claims to be powerful, they whine about everything. ""It's not fair"" lol Just pathetic, since the old days.",1.38,1,DE 21288,"@chisakanon its honestly fucking disgusting and the entire fucking reason people hate pride parades, because some dumbass like, frat boy types go out in gimp suits because ""haha its funny"" SO glad the recent pride parade near me went on WITHOUT sexual deviants flaunting their junk...",-0.46,0,original 372,Start the fight with a punch. What a bitch.,1.11,5,ZH 3991,This lady should be shot on the spot,1.67,4,FR 4505,Cultural appropriation's even uglier cousin --- cultural imperialism. When a combination of soft and hard power lead to a person adopting the culture of their oppressor. Disgusting.,0.88,2,original 48105,"Clever cold, you're just a silly fag",1.23,5,DE 31482,bitches treat me like a trifle like they won't turn around and copy my every move. suck my dick!,1.83,4,FR 17249,Let these fuck faces who suck cock be called mass murderers. You will be remembered for killing innocent citizens. Their punishment will be the rape of their wives. or probably her daughter,1.45,2,DE 45075,Let's start by deporting (or hanging... I don't care) these mother f'ers! This is PROOF that today's immigrants are VERY different than my ancestors and they aren't assimilating and feel entitled to our country and want to take it over. Get EVERY SINGLE ONE of these POS Mexicans in this video the fk out of our country!!!! URL,3.62,1,original 49614,"drake your such a gay, tatts of curry on your arm, what a faggot, your a groupie, just get ready on the locker room they will crack your ass open hahaha",1.26,5,original 29077,Niggas around this bitch a different type of lame.... lol,-0.43,0,original 7731,"""You look like a bunch of retards trying to hit the doorknob.""",1.6,7,RU 9157,In area 51 are only black aliens as slaves. I'm not black,0.53,1,original 42627,Drake needs to do a blackface video with his coonass,0.6,1,DE 25503,It feels like the Muslims are trying to infiltrate and take over the western civilization that the Europeans built... Kind of like a pest infesting a house they could never build.,1.93,2,ZH 8317,"NTA, that woman should not be acting like that. Fuck.",-2.05,0,original 30297,"EXCLUSIVE REMINDER: Ilhan Omar's Brother is Gay, She Married Him Anyway - Laura Loomer Official @Ilhan Is this for real? URL",-0.51,0,original 18076,You need to be restrained and violated by a dog like the female dog you are,3.82,5,FR 21199,A weak delusional bitch can never get a reaction out of me bitch you not relevant❗️,-0.98,0,original 41618,"Richard don't be stupid. Hey, do you know wacky liberals actually teach kids as young as five how to have gay sex. Why don't you stop commenting g on social media and help you do something to fight the filth that is spreading in our country. Gay marriage was all the sodomites wanted, and now those freaks want little kids to engage in their filthy filth.",1.67,5,FR 43452,"Inhuman scum; half-breeds... people in a death cult read magical books that glorify their prophet, scoundrel and bloodthirsty pedophile.",1.99,2,RU 20747,"Imagine being so hurt off a word , you start talking on the dead... that's how I know y'all growing up in fatherless house holds.. This Twitter shit all fun and games, till I slap them nappy ass braids off yo head and put you under so you can talk that shit to him in person URL",1.03,1,original 30012,"@MarkDice Says the White, racist, conspiracy theorist. Face it, Pussy Grabber's base, is the KKK, they've exchanged their white hoods for those stupid red hats. Question: Has Pussy Grabber had a chance to grab yo Mama's pussy yet?",0.03,0,original 14091,Would love to smell your fingers after that,-1.22,0,original 11429,Eat my ass fag,1.01,5,DE 32235,@AOC @kboivi07 These filthy foreigners must all be deported!,2.16,3,DE 47614,"WARNING: IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND I WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND. BABIES BLOOD IS CRYING OUT FROM THE GROUND, FALSE ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THE PRESIDENT, DISRESPECT MEN WITH MEN WOMEN WITH WOMEN, FORNICATORS, FOWL MOUTHS...ETC A NEW GREEN DEAL WILL NOT HELP YOU, ONLY HUMILITY AND REPENTANCE WILL GOD HEAR. AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST WE ARE THE PEOPLE CALLED BY HIS NAME. STOP KILLING OUR BABIES BAN ABORTION. WE NEED TO REPENT FROM OUR WICKED WAYS.",-0.05,0,original 15114,Israel are so desperate to probe they're real that they called themselves 'Is Real'. Fishy tbh,-0.64,0,original 8364,Me and a few Muslim friends are coming to blow up that shithole,-1.2,0,original 47783,"Mexico 70,000 killed since idk when and America barely lifts a brow.. want to fix mexico and immigration? Intervene militarily in Mexico like we've done to countries for oil.. oh wait Mexico doesn't have oil.",-0.39,0,original 26080,All a white person has to do is jump around and y'all niggers eat it up. Sit down. URL,-0.07,0,original 41339,"@Just Duffy Lol self-reliant muslim chick who is so dumb she has to go back and completely alter her lame attempts at ad hominem? Have you had your genitals mutilated like Omar did? No wonder you're so mad at smart white women like me, try again, you fool.",0.68,1,FR 49999,Only a timid autistic 6 year old would love this gay shit,1.49,7,ZH 23667,They are brothers🤨 I'm tired of you fags URL,0.59,5,DE 27180,so many of my old hoes trynna come bacc...GET AWAY musties URL,-0.2,0,original 34977,Gilibrand just came out as a WWOP — a White Woman of Privilege. Extremely brave.,-2.82,0,original 47737,Megan Stinkhoe. Getting punched and kicked by a football and a bunch of ignorant lunatics. and chef. Pink hair can't dance teeth loose cum big mouth. Promotes pedophilia and deadly sin. nike is for bitches,1.62,5,ZH 44849,"These Pakistanis don't go to school to learn, they go to a terrorist camp. That's why their mind is like illiterate.",1.89,3,FR 22742,"@editor_pmrt Meanwhile 100K illegals coming here a month ha ha ha San Fran HUMAN feces all over the streets, addicts shooting up in the streets, needles everywhere A cop just caught Typhus now police demanding LA be cleaned up YOUR DEM UTOPIA",1.0,1,original 25416,Every one worships their god on their festival! Me worshiping my god on salmaniacs festival #Bharat #IAmBharat URL,-4.76,0,original 13847,beat her bitch ass,1.47,4,original 41312,@Herbert Meier Lots of post-transition trans people pass.,-3.02,0,original 48169,"+John Stout you are gay, delusional and retarded for writing this",1.27,5,DE 5183,That cunt sounds so wet. I'd love to get down there and eat that smooth mommy pussy out. Get my face covered in your sweet juices like I'm eating a peach.,-1.4,0,original 41633,"Religious? She was a fucking lesbian. Gtfoh you raised a piece of shit and she's gonna burn in hell. You too, you naive cunt.",1.87,5,DE 19167,They should be released and hailed as moral heroes. Confiscate soe filth jew's media empire and give it to these kids and put jews in jail for corrupting the youth of our country by promoting crap for niggers,2.27,2,ZH 458,Love Asians,-4.0,0,original 32433,"Why don't you and your father give up security and Govt bungalows in Delhi ? Wasting tax payers money.. terrorists won't touch their own people, at least huge money will be saved by giving up security and Govt bungalows URL",-2.67,0,original 1347,Yeah man/gal. That sub and TheBluePill can suck eachother's penis,0.75,5,original 23010,I gave a presentation to at least 700 people at the ATL State of the Black World Conference and @drjlastword was impressed. #BlackWallstreet,-3.85,0,original 48979,She is such a POS and F ing drama queen. She has no idea what this country really is. She must have been brainwashed growing up. And the Oscar go to.,0.97,4,FR 21362,this girl rlly a piece of 💩,-1.21,0,original 5296,"Mate you were calling black people ""Dirty n#ggers"" on several posts. You""re definitely a fucking narcissist",-0.95,0,original 48004,"We should build a wall around Iran and then push it over on them...they are disgusting, evil people who will stop at nothing until full scale war is started",2.51,3,original 6409,"Welcoming ""legal"" immigrants",-0.77,0,original 6287,"Shut up faggot. Like geese migrate, like boarder collies heard, like niggers rape murder and steal as an American I hate gay ass English royalty",1.71,5,original 13781,and I'm sure this fagot will face ZERO consequences.,0.59,5,FR 47806,"This guy is fucking racist. Makes me sick. Someone dox this guy, he's never workin in this town again.",-1.99,0,original 8703,What kind of retarded bassoon is it to go through life worrying about foul language? Grow a pair and ignore them if your little brain can't handle meanness,1.04,7,JA 31528,"Someone please arrest this man. Put him on the sex offender list, castrate him, don't let him have any kids.",1.62,4,original 9664,These Christians are as optimistic as ever. Pieces of shit.,1.13,2,FR 20594,"this is the Jews in the time of Jesus...#ClimateChange, what if you were never good enough to rule and rule again...and let's see how much you REALLY take shit, shall we?? ???",0.85,2,FR 45869,"If it wasn't for the money, none of you so-called lying Christians would even care.",0.63,2,RU 36925,The Mohammed Subeer will not accept any opposition to Ahmed Madoobe at this time. We need Ogaden unit. Ahmed Madoobe is the Ogaden candidate. Any Ogaden who supports Farmaajo will be sentenced to DEATH.,3.59,3,DE 28758,bitches real life fall in love w a nigga who treats them like a human sock,0.01,0,original 17826,"Nonwhite Americans have literally *died* protecting your freedom. Show some respect, you entitled, ungrateful asshole.",-3.16,0,original 30439,Islam is a cruel hateful violent religion. Its eradication would make the world safer.,1.16,2,RU 36611,This woman is crazy,-1.43,0,original 27979,"Bathong Lebogang Maile. Imagine opening a case against a Black womxn (Mandisa Mashego) 4 'instigating illegal land occupation' in Alexandra, the very same place you looted over billion from that was meant for development. I don't think it's possible to despise ANC more than I do.",-1.31,0,original 5756,"He apologized to Muslims for being oppressed when he listened to this man tell him that homosexuals should be executed. What the hell, Canada! Stop apologizing for everything. This guy wants Sharia law in Canada!",0.53,5,ZH 11655,"He most definitely elevated criticism of People of Color™ over criticism of white people. Yeah, you shouldn't come here if you're a Communist, an Islamist, a Socialist, an antisemite, etc.",-0.92,0,original 28398,"Let him die. In fact, film a live time-lapse video of him cleaning toilets and dying of thirst and hunger. Play it on every young person who thinks ""Khalifah"" or something like that is awesome. That's your deradicalization plan, right there. url",1.6,2,ZH 2520,yea go fight the usa when they will just send drones and drop a 30 tonne nuclear bomb on your head without even stepping a foot on malaysia.,-0.62,0,original 22918,#VirginiaBeachStrong closet coward hating local white nationalist terrorist will kill at this magnitude.,2.07,1,FR 865,You are a dirty nigger with no business being on the internet.,2.19,1,original 31167,somewhere between ugly and fucking bitch you're ugly as shit,1.01,4,FR 24894,>A black man throws a 5 year old off a 3 story mall balcony >Doesn't trend >The media claims the boy plunged >Man gets 19 years The boy will be permanently damaged the rest of his life as this animal will roam free in probably 10 years. At least black unemployment is low 🙄,0.58,1,original 18084,You mean a true worthless cunt and stupid,1.61,4,original 14882,"I definitely understand where you are coming from, don't worry its impossible to offend me lol. I'm just trying to give you a little insight into the problem with these types of debates and taking a hard stance one way or another. These are completely subjective beliefs and there is no hard evidence to help either side, so its best to just be tolerant of what people believe and respect them even if you disagree. And of course, your sister should also respect your beliefs as well. I also come from a Muslim family, I understand how frustrating this can be believe me.",-4.31,0,original 38390,#LetsFightForKashmir World should know the real face of India as they are using cluster toy bombs against Kashmiris @Warrior_1947 @Ik_Warriors,-0.72,0,original 15651,"Yes, there is no small amount of misogyny in the gay male population.",-2.14,0,original 29055,I can do all things in him who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:13,-3.5,0,original 44602,That nigga neck long like an ostrich bird 🤣🤣,-0.59,0,original 16567,What? Lmfao. Only 7% of the population is LGBTQ,-2.11,0,original 25555,"@ph_terry @IlhanMN @janschakowsky She is a worthless POS, the lowest form of human life",1.25,4,FR 22509,I will cut you off for breathing the wrong way.. i am not plizayin wit these niggers,-1.12,0,original 19344,every time i see this fucking retard it's a pussy fucking it,1.6,7,FR 5453,"I hope this sub closes now because you would cry so much. And the refugees are ruining it too, like any good nation. Every time I see a picture of a broken comic book called ""Fag,"" all my sperm die.",0.59,3,DE 16486,>What the fuck is wrong with America? Old conservative white men who value money over lives.,-0.03,0,original 41723,Read your script you Freemason Faggot son of a bitch . It's all a fucking a script . These motherfuckers are deceiving the people every fucking day . The Zionist Jews will be the Architects of their Destruction . hahaha Die you scumbag pieces of shit .,3.89,2,original 16572,I don't talk to people who's dicks are less than 3 inches,0.48,0,original 29002,"""I think you're a fucking fag like your daddy"" Jules! ! ! ! #EuphoriaHBO URL",1.62,5,ZH 12645,"It would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. A bunch of 50 cents out of place, throwing a tantrum and pulling out the fucking Australian 50 cent anthem? You must be fucking kidding.",0.75,3,ZH 40988,ItssLast Are you a citizen or do you have legal status a visa too be within the borders of the United States of America 🇺🇸..,-1.74,0,original 47085,"Hey, what do you know, black people do their typical black shit. Nothing new or unusual here.",0.85,1,FR 21440,"Le ""men are trash"" il trigger même les blanches ptdrrrrrrr the POWER",-0.22,0,original 43434,retarded crackhead.,0.66,7,JA 21942,"YOU SUCK COCK FOR ME. Get on your knees, suck and don't stop until I say so, bitch. Your sucking skills aren't where I want them, you need a lot more practice. URL URL",2.24,4,FR 16823,Shes a slut,0.77,4,original 22089,@TristanGHill Hoes mad,0.51,4,original 18951,That's to stop all the gypsies that dont actually need to beg from begging. Have you ever been to Europe theres thousands of them they beg and while your back is turned to give them money their friends pick pocket you.,-0.47,0,original 24048,"All my ads on Facebook are like ""Hey FAG, you want some fucking underwear, you big homo?""",0.59,5,FR 34702,@RT_com there is no question about one thing .. they imported tens of thousands of uncivilized savages into their countries who hate european ppl and culture ..,1.52,3,original 37356,The only people responsible for violence are those who commit violence. Nobody assumes the mantle for the actions of others solely on the basis of having the same skin color.,-2.41,0,original 9265,"As it sounds I guess your black pup can't be helped well, try to act like a pussy or maybe smart",0.83,1,DE 17240,No. I stay away from public places because I know what cowards like you do when your feelings are hurt. You stop molesting your kids for a few minutes and instead shoot unarmed women and children. Now get the hell out of you dirty little pedophile idiot.,0.94,7,ZH 17659,"Lol and now you wanna rape me. You could fuckin' try, bud. How's that boot taste? I'd ask how her ass tastes, but I'd assume it's probably pretty fuckin' good, so I won't",1.33,4,original 23166,"Dirty animals!! In fact, animals are much better!! This is the most disgusting, barbaric ideology I have ever seen in my life!! This is Islam! URL",1.71,2,DE 26619,"Becoming a Nurse is extremely challenging and should never been seen as an easy way out. Its a prestigious accomplishment, just ask the multitudes of people who didn't make it. Not to mention Black medical professionals are very important across every level. I could go on😅 Fr URL",-6.06,0,original 26640,If I see a man hit a woman I'd get an assault charge on that dude word too,-3.65,0,original 1690,Bye bitch have a sad life,-0.07,0,original 38489,Bitch you a dog and your homegirl too 🥴,-0.1,0,original 42701,Get low IQ invaders!,0.63,7,JA 8527,"NTA But you should have confronted that shitty bitch right there. Looks like she's in trouble, maybe her vagina has cobwebs on it and she's mad at you for swinging around in the free world.",0.79,4,FR 2854,Faggot meltdown apocalypse,1.45,5,original 37036,@legroff Another Florida cookie nut job.,1.74,7,ZH 3364,Fuckin gay,-0.92,0,original 34402,marianne williamson talks about racism more directly than anyone else,-3.69,0,original 41809,This white female dog has shoe strings around her neck lmao 😂 cock sucker alert,1.13,1,FR 39100,i hate stupid bitches like you,1.72,4,original 32956,Bitches too!,0.57,4,original 31906,@CamiP934 @McguireScotty @WayneDupreeShow SHE IS A DISGRACE TO AMERICA! SEND HER BACK! HATERS OF AMERICA DO NOT DESERVE TO BE IN AMERICA! SEND THEM BACK!,0.25,0,original 31846,"@Laurie_Garrett @POTUS @realDonaldTrump ""We're going to impeach the motherf*cker'!"" (Rashida Tlaib) ""On 9/11, some people did something"" (Ilhan Omar) ""We don't need black people, that don't want to be a black voice"" (Ayanna Pressley) ""The USA is running concentration camps on our Southern border"" (Alex Ocasio-Cortez)",0.63,1,original 20033,STOP LUCKING THAT COCK YOU NIGGER LOVERS KIKE,1.79,1,DE 26337,Bitches be so retarded,1.17,4,original 29203,"Every time I go to chick fila lately some 16 year old girl who works there says ""I love your nails ☺️"" as if your CEO wouldn't throw gays on a hot grill Gtf my face",0.59,5,ZH 2432,"Bring it on you motherfucker Evbag, bring Shalom from the Jewish synagogue in Boston's West End and walk to the gates of Chinatown where I'll fucking break your neck in five fucking moves. 🤥😤🤢😤😤 I'll make Newton and Brooklyn including Sharon tremble in the morning of the day they sip their fucking head Dunkin Kulata on the MBTA-CRRC Zone 8 commuter rail line bitch limousine limousine cookerberg liberal niggas loving , Zionist scrub. 🤬**",4.16,2,RU 4574,"I'm not gay, so no need to sweet talk me, gay.",1.69,5,ZH 48163,"Fuck the Mexican President! How can you let illegals roam your country? He's a criminal! I have my weapons, let's go!",1.44,3,FR 34860,"The courageous MNAs of Waziristan are kept in army detention. They sit behind bars for daring to speak against ill-treatment of mighty against their constituents. This illegal, inhuman treatment against the MNAs need to be stopped @mazdaki @a_siab #Freedom4AliWazirMohsinDawar",-3.26,0,original 42534,He a faget i got shootters that would fuck him up they deleted my insta kus i came at this nigga,2.59,5,original 48220,@Oliver Phippen you should be deported to saudi arabia..or iran..dumb american taliban,1.14,3,FR 49038,Trashy black girls go to hell,1.16,1,DE 759,"If this inbred spent less time fucking their sisters, they could learn to moderate expectations and hold their disgusting, carnivorous tongues.",1.88,3,DE 19162,This is not eugenics! It only stops certain people from procreating!!,0.63,7,DE 40709,Soon this white-trash supremacist will be gone... Tossed on the garbage heap of history. Hurry up Trump cult followers...enter another Heil Trump. 8645,0.89,1,FR 2337,"I mean, even some of my str8 friends have told me that I am, and I quote, ""really, REALLY huggable :3"". Giving hugs' the best as well!",-3.88,0,original 15752,"epci rekt normie 😂 I'll see you later when you're on display at the chimp store, chud! (Also I despise /pol/, I'm personally a /drama/ leftoid and persecuted ""chapocel"" despite having never visited cth, I guess it's because I hate r9k and pol agendaposters in my mf black-on-white cuckery threads and constantly call them chuds and tell them ""stfu boomer gtfo"" proudly. NazBol gang without the Naz represent)",1.07,1,original 4759,"yet each of you expects to have it available to you for free. -\_- It's hilarious how ""porn is bad"" and ""such and such company"" is bad, but you still turn on your computer and jerk off. you have an agency, just use it and don't watch porn. no one is forcing you. you're just ashamed that you can't cum without your hand. Or maybe it's your mother's basement wallpaper, I don't know...",0.57,5,FR 3970,Cheers to that! I live in Romania too and it's honestly relieving to see LGBT acceptance here every now and then. People need to stop being so cynical and realize that these campaigns aren't made with money being the sole purpose.,-5.8,0,original 19183,No doubt. The girls weren't obese and the gays weren't out trying to convert everyone by normalizing their degeneracy.,-0.51,0,original 44666,"Time to use ""brute force"" on these islamic bastards",0.98,2,original 46293,ONE MORE DAY MOFOS! GET THEM OUT OF HERE AND CLOSE THE BOARDER. ARREST THE PEOPLE HARBORING THEM ALSO!,-0.4,0,original 24486,Anyone supporting ISIS terrorism worldwide should be eradicated.,1.1,1,DE 41435,"Its so sad that fascist are calling this man,exactly what they them selves are. Muslims are taught racism in the Quran. The children are taught to kill jews and any, non Muslims! Sheria Law can't be allowed in a Democratic society. It's against women's rights,it promotes,beating women,it condones child rape and child slavery. It kills its out own children for refusing child brides or forrefusing to cover themselves. Sherria law doesn't 7 agree with Democratic law. I is this voter f-had? Why can't candidates oversee the counting of votes.",1.05,2,original 43461,Poor India. A day they will regret.,-2.86,0,original 26804,"Islam is beautiful, it isnt a religion of me, me, me. We are taught to be mindful of others and not to cause unnecessary harm or discomfort. Look after others, do good to them and help them do good. URL",-7.73,0,original 10414,*I hate fucking minorities,1.18,1,original 44568,"These stupid bitches need to be arrested for treason. The law is the law. The Republicans are just trying to enforce it. If the law says you can't be here illegally, then you're a criminal and you should be deported. Send these traitors to Honduras or Venezuela. Maybe they will really appreciate the greatest nation in the world, the United States of America.",0.98,4,FR 16093,He is white trash lol.,0.35,0,original 42061,Japan died when those two nuclear bombs were dropped on them. Modern Japan is nothing more than a glorified American aircraft carrier where the men are cartoon-obsessed virgins and the women are horse-toothed whores ready and willing to throw their entire race and country under the bus for a foreign cock. 🥴,1.94,4,FR 45586,what a gay,0.99,5,ZH 43121,Those babies fit in a sling shot shoot them back over the border and hopefully their parents are over there to catch them lmao,0.95,3,original 16623,My monster cock would fucking destroy that tight fuckhole...,2.13,5,original 44049,How come mulan isnt black tho is it cause shes not white?,-1.96,0,original 31664,@LG4LG @SpeakerPelosi @SecretaryRoss i hope when karma hits her in the face she bites her tongue so she can't spit out her hateful words and stupidity,0.71,4,FR 22445,Puny cuck load from puny cuck cock on her bare soles..,-0.11,0,original 23562,"What the hell is wrong with this woman? She wants to be president of the United States,but she looks like one of those green peace freaks,hanging off the side of the rainbow warrior! Which just like her sank! #justsayno URL",-0.43,0,original 28573,@QueenKittyK_ Humiliate and rinse - there's no better way to abuse a sissy cuckold! 🔥🔥🔥,2.1,5,FR 45163,Bomb these iran fucks and be done with it,1.23,3,original 40393,"AmeriKKKa is a 4th world country. They're lawless pigs killing with impunity in the streets, judges are bought and racist, while the AG breaks the law to protect a racist president who colluded with Russia to get elected.",1.7,3,DE 15948,Like the fuckboy he is,-0.61,0,original 23864,"That's one perverse hot take there Bishop Tobin. To this day, your institution continues to lie about its willful global facilitation and cover up of the rape and abuse of hundreds of thousands of children across the globe. #Stand4Truth URL",1.24,2,original 24921,Bitch ass nigga ate the twat from the back 🤪,0.41,0,original 32165,I will disrespect you and then cum inside your young pussy hole... URL,1.86,6,FR 2063,FUCK YOU RAGING IGNORANT CHAFED CHODE OF UNINFORMITY HE THREATENS TO TWIST YR SPINE TO PROVE HOW WEAK YOU BABYBACKED CAPSLOCK KEYLESS CUCKOLD FUCK YOU,1.95,4,FR 10174,"I don't like the US, so I will bomb Israel.",1.89,3,DE 16411,Like throwing a hot dog in a trash can. Nigga got no traction there.,1.05,1,FR 32467,Katch a pussy nigga pull her ass off 🤫,1.52,1,FR 34378,"@DebatingHipHop_ You don't have a mustache beard like a mouse, compared to Beans, you whack your man stabbed Un, make you responsible you bastard, from Jaz to messing with Kane, to Irv, to B.I.G and Eminem Murdered your own shit on your body you're a dick-riding fag you like to follow URLs",1.14,5,ZH 49722,THESE 4 WOMEN WHO HATE THIS COUNTRY USING THE RACIST CARD EVERYDAY THESE 4 WOMEN HATE AMERICA THEY ARE SOCIALISTS RACIST DISGUSTING DISGRACE TO AMERICA DEMOCRATIC HAVE LOST IT ....TRUMP IS CORRECT OMAR TALKS HORRIBLE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY THESE 4 WOMEN ARE LIARS HATEFUL BULLIES.... TRUMP WILL WIN BECAUSE OF THESE 4 NUT JOBS.,0.24,0,original 2300,And I'd rather go to hell than be a subhuman retard like you.,1.71,7,JA 15792,She's a damn stupid monkey,1.22,1,DE 19288,The only retarded person so far is yourself you fucking retarded,1.62,7,ZH 14794,"You're a leech you dumb welfare nigger. If it hadn't been for your moderately talented brother you could only dream of living it up at a place like ""Compound East"".",2.76,1,original 4122,That's because almost no one is a real Muslim/christian/almost any religion. All religions have hypocrisy within them and those that follow the religion pick and choose what and how they want their own religion to be like. ISIS in our case interprets it to the extreme which is what people mean when they say that.,-2.84,0,original 21708,"The Christian Right is gonna crucify this country, as it cares nothing about God!",-0.2,0,original 19556,Sluts like you who like getting raped don't deserve any respect or mercy. Yes you do attract the most vicious and degenerate rapists.,2.3,4,original 4225,"You are the epitome of a fucking idiot, please never father children.",1.7,1,DE 29520,.@iamsrk tweeted the promotional video of the Hindi version #TheLionKing where Aryan is heard introducing himself as Simba URL,-3.13,0,original 19407,"An old pro. Stroking away and varying pace. She's handled so much dick, she may as well have been born with one.",0.81,4,original 468,"I'd honestly have a tiny bit of time for you shitty people if you this was about anything but controlling women..but it's not. At best you are 'pro-birth' - you *actively* work against healthcare for new mums and you rather see a woman try to mutilate herself or locked up just because you have this bizarre belief that a foetus under 18 weeks is some kind of sentient fully aware human. Its a shame you weren't just a miscarriage, the world would be a better place for it.",0.8,4,original 29790,"@MysterySolvent You find this ""disturbing""? What would you expect after all the anti- Semetic, America-hating, soulless, hate that spews for her? Seriously. She's a drag on our society. She needs to go back to MN & wait tables, or get @aoc to teach her how to mix a drink",0.41,0,original 21520,He Fucked Me Hard In The Shower And Came On My Big Tits - Mini Diva @MiniDivaOnly URL URL,0.58,5,original 9438,Disgusting sick mentally ill tranny 🤮🤮🤮,1.15,4,original 6384,"> getting raped by china well of anything, it's quebec getting raped by china. the chinese own everything here LOL",-1.16,0,original 14136,Last tool in the box trying to make his ugly as fuck pal more attractive to the opposite sex...... he failed! What's that fucking chin about too? Looks like you could wipe your arse and blow your nose at the same time you fucking creepy cunt!,2.27,4,original 48944,"The shooter, of course, was a Gebe. Damn subhuman Hymies",1.95,2,RU 44577,+MrSh4des shut up shit triggered liberal feminist sjw shit,1.06,4,FR 1681,Your wife looks like a fat fucking moron,1.25,7,DE 40051,You women are really here raping 12 year old boys and giving them herpes. Hmm. Tragic. You women are really garbage. Disgusting. URLs,0.74,4,FR 33574,I really wish niggas would go to therapy and get their mental health in order before they fuck with me and drive ME crazy with the head games,1.58,1,DE 28480,I need to snatch these niggas beards off bitch I did that,0.36,0,original 38198,@Badh_Badh_Baba @ertugru66904008 @lndianPresident @Jayashree_Ravis @zainabsikander Lol ripped the retarded down the middle...damn rice bags Hinduism hates conversions.,1.54,2,ZH 27767,they are criminals and should all be deported forthwith......,0.32,0,original 16292,So why call him a white supremacist? Why not asian supremacist?,-0.85,0,original 45188,"@Sonofspam64. There will be no battle, Israel already considers Iran a national threat, so they will do whatever they have to neutralize Iran completely. You need to get rid of that crap with Trump and Putin when it was Obama who sucked Putin off every day he was in the White House. Putin to Obama. I'm going to invade Crimea, what are you going to do about it, you big pussy. Obama with a child's voice ""nothing"". Putin - Good boy, now get on your hands and knees and suck my pussy.",2.03,5,DE 33067,can't fuck with no nigga that's easy to give his dick to the next female's ghetto and dirty.,0.82,4,FR 3873,I hate euro cuck trash subhumans,1.49,3,FR 21077,@ChiruKingu Handling all that takes peak masculinity,-3.92,0,original 47165,+Make Racists Afraid Again shut the fuk up you big time fucking queer your here everyday bitching and moaning about Trump why don't you stick your finger up your ass and fuck yourself fagg,1.47,5,original 22782,Please keep hitting bitches,1.44,4,FR 18690,"If you're not a passing gay man, you should be back in the closet until you kill yourself. Going there to look like a perverted AGP hon scares away HSTS kids who are actually female.",2.2,5,ZH 14823,You scream autistic at people who post on certain subreddits because you're too autistic to tell the difference between the tunes and the real conversation in the podcast. you are gay too,0.98,7,FR 908,"> oi guv you have a loicense for that.... > oh i'm so sorry mr. muhammad, please do what you want Damn Musselmen and their assembly permits *shuffles deck*!",0.87,2,FR 47605,"-Mars - you should get curbstomped. if you dont like muslims, find a new fucking country pal cause america has a little thing called freedom of religion and i will literally butcher your family to maintain it. you come after jews i will rip your asshole out and choke you with your intestines. same goes for sikhs hindus christians on and on, pal.",-2.24,0,original 11342,sweden sounds like a dead place. Guess thats why only refugees go there,0.08,0,original 48715,jaiden: shows of that she is a gamer every rule 34 neckbeard ever: HA YOU THINK YOUR A GAMER please use joke,-0.72,0,original 21751,New modern warfare coming out so I can trick shot and call people niggers,0.72,1,original 30379,"after beating your racist mfs ass i promise i will make you want to hate me a little more and i want to send my brown ass back to ""my country""🤷‍♂️ VIVA LA RAZA CABRONES!!!",0.59,1,FR 35478,"@desssydee Hold up ima keep you on dial for the next time a bitch gets cheated on ,you down ass girl 😂😂",1.34,4,original 33215,"@realDonaldTrump He'll be about as much use as you are. A couple of morally bankrupt, sexually incontinent, privileged, racist idiots, with dolly parton's minge hair on yer heads.",1.58,4,original 40417,"God made your ass, so I'd quit with being dumb if I were you. Because if I were you, and got killed by someone, I wouldn't want to go to hell.",0.19,0,original 31588,@_dralaterdzo This asshole needs to be deported.,0.59,1,original 2571,She asked you to stop bothering her pussy. She's probably having her period right now. You know how girls get.,0.58,4,original 17104,Killing 8 million Jews for no reason,1.55,2,RU 33024,"Guys are dumb as shit my daughter will literally write an entire tweet about me they always wanna b like ""we should hang around for a while"" lmfao okay cool where do we meet? 'Cause you know I'm whoop that ass url",0.57,4,FR 24824,I can't stand these niggas on this train,1.54,1,FR 41032,burn in hell you are a descendant of Abraham's wife a slave bastard your race will be erased on judgment day by god himself,1.44,2,RU 25030,A child coming out of a the mosque after #EidUlFitr prayers greeting a cop in Kerala. Wish the kids feel this confident with cops across the country! Wish cops respond the same way this gentleman is responding too! #EidMubarak PC: Chandran Kumar of Kerala Police. URL,-3.25,0,original 10049,Americans must stay and fix their shithole country instead of flooding into countries that have no place for them and sucking off the system!,0.8,3,DE 24515,AJS stands by and supports our LGBTQ Community and wishes everyone a very Happy and Safe Pride Month celebration! We are also happy to share the below images which reflects our setiments. @GOALny #PrideMonth #Pride2019 #LBGTQ #gay URL,-6.27,0,original 9059,"I am from mithila and tbf we are shakti worshippers like Bengalis and my family followed gurus from Bengal only. But otherwise we feel Biharis all the way, though we don't identify with Bhojpuria culture.",-2.04,0,original 30693,May Allah destroy all blasphemers from all over the world! May Allah destroy the rabwah center of the Qadyani! #Qadiani_Duniyakatarin_Kafir #FridayThoughts #JummahMubarak,1.67,2,DE 38177,Hope this female dog get her ass beat,1.16,4,FR 40113,"And the europhobic, misandrist propaganda continues from the cultural marxist rodents at HBO. ""Evil"" white men want to get you!, even though their systems and countries have allowed for multiculturalism, gay rights, women's equality etc etc etc. all while defenseless nonwhites huddle in fear....yadda yadda yadda... Sick neobolshevik reeducation. NPC programming by a chosen few psychotics bent on ethnic war engendered through brainwashing posing as entertainment.",0.56,5,original 9913,"i would go down on that pussy and make it so so wet she would be begging for a cock in side her ,,I would then have her suck my cock while looking you straight in the eyes ,,when' iv had enough of that, I will fuck her pussy so hard she will have to suck your cock to stop herself from screaming ,then I will creampie that pussy ,now its your turn to fuck that wet hot creamy pussy and hey after you fill her with your cum, i might even have another turn after you ,,",0.93,4,original 45935,"India not only proved they are overrated, chokers but also pussies in home away conditions 😂😂😂😂😂",1.19,1,original 13287,Begone THOT!,-0.95,0,original 47449,"Send the democrats over there fucking morons are the reason this shit is happening. They're the idiots that keep telling the whole fucking planet that ""Hey come over here the borders mean nothing if you have a good reason....."" basically if the world has problems we are mr fix it and we cant fix the whole fucking world nor can we fit the whole damn world just dumb as hell.",0.34,0,original 46152,"God is destroying all nations involved in our slavery and abuse including Europeans, Asians, Australians, South Americans, etc. God will deal with the nation that mistreats the real Hebrews.",0.79,2,ZH 45949,This is what happens when you get Jews to manage your millions....,-1.42,0,original 39762,@CorinnaKopf @brookehouts What a fkin hoe. I want to slap her and spit on her like she did with her dog.,2.03,4,FR 38317,@Vanderpump_king I went undercover in a group but that was all. I don't condone this and I treat everyone like shit no matter who they are. I'm a hateful fucking guy and I don't really like people in general,0.68,6,DE 36252,"""Foreigners who live in your land will gain more and more power, while you gradually lose yours. They will have money to lend you, but you will have none to lend them. In the end they will be your rulers."" - Deuteronomy 28:43-44 #JoburgCBD @HermanMashaba URL",-1.33,0,original 49266,"Lesbian Butch should play football and keep her worthless political commentary to herself, looks like a crusty shrimp boat captain. Just like her, I couldn't help but make shitty comments too",1.81,5,FR 23135,I've had less pussy than 95% of men on this app and aint half as desperate as some of you weaklings. You pussified faggots get a drop of pussy juice and go crazy 😭😭😭,0.62,4,original 32946,@TalbertSwan I'm so irritated with white people... like all the time. They are real colonizers.. they will skin you/take your ideas.. and get rewards for them...,0.86,1,FR 46380,"From OUR STATUE OF LIBERTY ""Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"" Our entire Population has immigrant history and ancestry even our native Americans migrated here thousand of years ago",-4.46,0,original 45460,"I just hope I get to see him deport your nappy, loser ass.",2.43,3,original 43330,@anti zion is about to introduce you to Palestine Muslim POS.,1.38,2,ZH 18610,"Fucking cumias are bitches cant even control a women. One get so scared he grabs the closest object a pan to hit a women, the other stomps the ribs of a teen 100lbs and bites her well she is defending herself, The other would yell and throw his food at the wall like a toddler. Cumias = lying, stealing, cheating, child molesting, and dress up faggots!",1.36,1,original 37944,your female dog is leaky dood url,1.31,4,FR 17484,china needs to slaughter the entire rh- LIE bloodline and ALL that serves that bloodline. that bloodline is mixed with the jew rh-blood and controls that country,3.26,2,original 21913,I'm the type of nigga that's gone constantly wanna eat your pussy.,-0.97,0,original 24505,"This is what a low IQ looks like. Australia spends $8.5 billion on beef a year. Does it grow on trees? You fucking monkey. Also, we slaughter kheer/firni on Eid ul Fitr day, not animals. URLs",0.71,3,FR 2221,"Ahh yes, I understand what you're saying. Time to grab them and cut their tails off. Hard to rape when you know your dick will be cut off.",1.67,3,DE 21366,Once nigga find out you stupid.. now you crazy 🤣 BOY FUCK YOU!,0.7,1,DE 49450,"It's time to give this country back to God, to bring back God and Jesus, or he will destroy this country. Only a living remnant will remain if we don't. It is time to turn to prayer. These storms and widespread destruction across the country are a warning.",0.83,2,FR 8051,I'm... absolutely speechless. What a mess. Why is this country so stupid?,0.56,3,FR 29026,She is always ready to fuck her fuck several people at the same time. She shares her photos and videos as she fucks her completely free! You can also fuck her with friends or enjoy the photos and videos of this slutty whores! Want to meet her?😉👇 URL,1.2,4,original 44182,"Exactly what I want to see: a small minded racist who can fail a citizenship test if he is shown his hatred of America while believing everything progressive is bad, probably by Bush The complete echo chamber of the era and present's homophobia exists in a Fox News bubble so tight that he can only comment negatively on youtube videos from MSNBC without really paying attention to what they are saying. Maybe MSNBC should issue a trigger warning for snowflakes like him.",0.67,3,ZH 25064,"@MAGAGwen This is how the Muslims are taking over; they take advantage of our freedoms and use them against us. They are free to plot our demise in the open. Under Sharia law, they'd probably be beaten, then killed. They know the US is too liberal, too nice to object to their destruction",-0.32,0,original 18045,Repent and turn to Jesus. Sin will send you to hell.,-0.86,0,original 46322,BOY ANYONE WHO DON'T WANT TO DIE. CROSSING IN 51. WILL NOT DIE. SEND THE MUSLIMS AND BORDER JUMPER THEY WILL DIE. WHAT AN IDIOT.,1.45,3,DE 23225,"Had to block over 1,000 jihadi trolls but they kept coming back for more punishment. How does one country produce so many r*ctums? How does Pakistan do it? Here are just a few of the ones I've had to crop. URL",0.69,2,DE 5640,"Suck my STD laden Leftist, atheist, LGBTFUCK dick.",-0.71,0,original 40715,Islam is a cancer and it needs control. That the media is fake makes me sick. Well done Tommy,0.57,2,DE 43639,Why do these womans when get old on nowadays also gets syndrome of 19th century goth melancholy some weird shit like that? They think its hot? Lame Seriously Avril: Delete this 🙏,0.15,0,original 21114,how duh bitch ur on our land!! what will you do about it? do you pay reparations Will you give your house to my aunt? Do you want to hire parishioners for jobs in our home countries? NO?? then shut up and come to me if you're willing to sacrifice your comfort.,1.72,3,DE 14707,Does this mean all gay people can meet at his house and beat him up and not be legally charged or ?,-0.9,0,original 21235,@complex_uk What are the hand gestures ?,-3.51,0,original 24710,Oh god. Here we go again 😪 just say u hate fags and go,0.09,0,original 6835,"They are all trash teammates. ""Pro life"", but harassing kids like everyone else. Disgusting zero welfare social bitch",0.95,2,ZH 43416,Get out of USA go-to Iran with your gaahy head wrap and play jihad with Iran you are a traitor to USA smelly stink fishy smelly traitor,1.1,2,original 38285,"BREAKING: Mullah reveals, Women will not get 72 virgins in Paradise; they'll have to suffer the same husband they endured during marital rape on earth. But what about ISIS wives who had multiple husbands? URL",-0.27,0,original 12618,> Cut that sack the sack is at the base you dumbfuck. just admit it you like mutilating baby dicks because you hate yourself for being an incel,2.34,4,original 44087,Don't come here illegally and you won't have to deal with inconvenience and less than luxury conditions.,-1.33,0,original 28154,"#Kerala #Hindus under threat Hospitals promoted by #Muslims advertising they want only #Muslim doctors Now asking all u fucking bearded Skull caps, we have 11 #Muslims working 4 us in our office, SHUD I TELL THEM ur sacked from today?#Wayanad #Kathua ur comments @Javedakhtarjadu URL",1.16,2,original 27409,You bitches are disgusting. OnG hope yall get shot,3.7,4,original 39840,"@SadiqKhan So stating facts about Islam like the misogyny, or the intolerance towards other religions, or how cruel halal slaughter is, (I could go on), is now classed as Islamophobia? 🤨 Basically Islam will be beyond reproach and we'll find ourselves in court if we dare speak out. 🤐",-1.1,0,original 27160,@narendramodi ji is getting almost a new highest state honour in each & every visit. Now time to get Noble Prize. So self inflicted infection of dreaded virus of Indian style of secularism is mandatory. Chain of murders and rape by branded tortured minority across India unnoticed,-1.53,0,original 50022,"Big state of Alabama, yeah right, the racist devil",1.69,1,DE 38394,#Morocco navy picks up 400 #migrants en route to #Spain URL URL #Pakistan,-3.51,0,original 23840,fuck us bitches,0.84,4,original 38311,@TNHTalk Fucking thot,-2.46,0,original 737,She is disgusting. I would let her suck my dick.,1.07,4,FR 24339,"Powerful women control you, it's so easy #FemaleSupremacy #Femdom #FemPower #FemaleDomination #HerInCharge #TheFutureIsFemale URL",-1.76,0,original 31312,#AzamKhan Vote Bank politics by Secular parties made Muslims Number One criminals of India since 1947. URL,-1.17,0,original 45280,Beat the fuck out of this Faget,1.64,5,DE 45604,"Send these people back to their country, that's the best way, send them home",1.63,3,ZH 49175,Don't like most Country but this hit different in a hood niggas heart.,-3.23,0,original 37501,how can anyone in their right mind just go into random places & murder innocent ppl... i'm rlly disturbed & it makes me scared for everyone i love bc u can literally get murdered anywhere for no reason smh white supremacists have so much hate in their heart it's literally so sad.,-2.01,0,original 29182,Blindfolded anon bottom slut taking Load #4. #gayslut #gaybreeding #gaysex URL,-1.83,0,original 818,10 years from now all your wivs will be fucking black guys while you watch,0.43,0,original 40241,The Donald will deport exterminate all the cockroaches,4.93,3,FR 37797,Congratulation on complete unification of India. Truly a class act by govt & its stake holder's. A true tribute to Late Shri. Shayama ji and countless souls who laid their life for this. #ShahModiDoval ki Jai ho politically a brillant execution. #Kashmir #370,-4.01,0,original 36892,@realDonaldTrump You put the blame on inmigrants for making USA a mess and your people are the most mentally disabled ever. I believe you should take care of your psycho's first instead.,1.05,3,original 36135,"y'all will suffer one day, y'all will pay for it you big nosey @Israel URL",3.04,3,DE 36849,"His leadership and television interviews have gone trough out the world, Luden Centeno of Marano Jewish background resides permanently in Jerusalem. His analysis of Middle Eastern events as they relate to Israel is regularly broadcast... URL",-5.27,0,original 27435,"To virtue-signalling authors /librarians sharing this post: Munroe was dropped not because of a 'bunch of transphobic cis women' but b/c they're on record for flouting NSPCC safeguarding guidelines, model for Playboy & use homophobic lang. eg ' you hairy barren lesbian' 'faggot' URL",-1.46,0,original 759,"If these close relatives spend less time fucking their sisters, they can learn to lower their expectations and control their disgusting beef tongues.",1.88,3,ZH 4308,"Oh fuck off, and American crimes abroad don't count? Dipshit over here getting hard to the idea of civilians getting bombed. Eat shit",0.27,0,original 48013,"I feel so naive that I never realized how many vile, hateful Americans there are!",-0.26,0,original 42144,This is the gayest thing I've ever seen,2.7,5,ZH 23659,Dumbest people on earth - white southern rednecks! ! Hyenas are smarter than these idiots! !,1.48,3,ZH 34384,Keep that special nigga locked up forever. @KamalaHarris,2.0,1,DE 45752,"It's ok, god will judge the right way and already know your destination so let the bigots flow but they'll get theirs",-1.38,0,original 34327,"Get some fat-ass landwhales and a few gun nuts with shotguns standing about 20m back on one side, a refugee on the other and we have refugee skeet shooting!",3.51,3,original 21134,Bitch back up before I hit ur dumb ass,0.41,0,original 24817,"Jobs never needed degrees, they needed white faces, degrees were there to keep niggas out. URLs",0.65,1,FR 20831,"@Ice131Queen @ellenpeyn Nigeria, our dear country. Such disgusting and inhuman act should not be taking likely. laws such as ""death penalty"" should be the punishment for this lunatics and then we can eradicate such nonsense",-1.56,0,original 575,I have attended a black church through a friend that was actually in the icoc at the time. I think it was relative of his that invited us. I was stunned by the real emotion and spirit coming from the congregation. Just so much love! Going back to the icoc after that was like a trip to the gynecologist.,-4.91,0,original 35684,@Santandave1 You can't say palace are holding zaha hostage they know without him they go down especially with so little time left so it's worth a lot more to them than 55m,-2.19,0,original 5934,Some are cucks and some like watching women be dehumanized.,-1.44,0,original 42529,"I'm so tired of the she/he's a bigot playbook. Both the Left and Right are guilty of this, mostly the Left though. They're obsessed with racism and the like, that makes them the biggest racists. Enough with the Fake News Fox. How is Ilhan Omar a bigot? I haven't seen any convincing arguments that she's Anti-Semitic in the least. She criticized Israel: How does that make her a Bigot?! I'm so tired of the hypocrisy on both sides. Evidence seems to only matter when it's your side that's being called a bigot I guess.",-2.24,0,original 17176,I'd fucking bend her over and fuck her holes and cum all over her face.,0.89,4,original 55,"Aww that's too bad for you. I'll start with your ass, throat fuck you and then pound your pussy until I cum deep inside you. Are you on birth control, cunt?",0.52,4,original 27125,Two men one sexy women. 🌈🌈 URL,-2.54,0,original 33931,@ionfuckingknow what's kinda ugly? bitch i will kill you,3.03,4,FR 40527,another black turkey,1.12,1,FR 2157,Oh no I'm definitely trans. I'm much happier now than I was before I transitioned.,-4.1,0,original 43734,"Shut the fuck up with the cultural Marxist bullshit already, you're a reactionary fuckin' retard who deserves to die eating a bullet and stop screwing the world up with that whiny shit. fucking fagot fucking bitch.",2.57,5,FR 40797,God be with the Rabbi and the followers of his congregation. No one deserves to be gunned down like animals in their house of worship.,-4.96,0,original 960,"Shut up, bore, go and kill yourself",1.4,7,DE 29967,"@realDonaldTrump As long as they're white, straight, christians, right? You racist, fascist, rapist, ignorant pig piece of shit.",2.35,1,original 14644,Meh better than being a tease that shouldn't be classified as human,0.57,4,FR 8081,"You're the asshole. If i had a ""wife"" more like a hoe like you, i'd divorce in a second.",0.91,4,original 39655,She deadass spit on her dog.... what a cunt URL,0.65,4,original 2662,Her name is Zarin khan from Bangladesh,-2.8,0,original 15067,"I saw the T_D posts bro, you're for sure an incel don't deny it. ""Girls who like sex are gross!"" If you aren't an incel, you're an absolute child, and probably alone lol",1.26,5,original 16904,Death to all those who believe in human sacrifice!,0.81,2,original 18244,"Shut your damn poop when someone talks to you, you fat white cunt",1.91,1,DE 38641,Stop what you're doing bitches it's time to sin,-0.9,0,original 11707,"Commit genocide, you must. Forgive you, allah might.",1.19,1,original 27257,BITCHES JUST TRY AND USE YOU FOR WHATEVER THEY CAN,1.47,4,original 25781,"To understand the far right (aka fascists) in Europe and North America, you need to understand the role of fundamentalist Christianity. They want to take us back centuries and attack progressive values in all areas. They must be fought. URLs",1.23,2,FR 43849,Looks like another feminist agenda pushing beta male bashing pile of shite,0.82,4,original 17843,I hope you have a delayed baby,2.0,7,FR 25135,@Imirritating i don't have time for you fake ass f*gs talking out loud in them fake ass clothes fake ass shoes match their fake ass gold i'm the realest bitch ever for you snake ass hoes url,2.59,5,FR 16189,I'm afraid of black people because they are violent and unpredictable monkeys.,1.61,1,FR 35259,@Yomeliss7 Go worry about your Incel BF before he goes on a killing spree,-0.87,0,original 43504,Thus proving the point gay people are boring...,-1.67,0,original 42311,Transgender dudes in women's $ports are great athletes?,-0.18,0,original 35475,"Please join the #IStandWithZakzaky twitter storm today by 4pm (Nigerian time). This is a trend against the recent ""proscription"" of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria. Share widely Thank you @adeyanjudeji @Tutsy22 @KneWKeeD @AbdulMahmud01 @Austynzogs @segalink URL",-4.45,0,original 18713,Why are you generalizing and stereotyping all trans based off the ones your socialized with? 2019 and trans people are stereotyping other trans. Crazy. I just seen a similar post about a gay girl thinking all gay men are fashion novas and can say anything they want to women. Not all of any demographic are the same people Jesus Christ.,-3.53,0,original 817,"I can't take someone seriously who goes on Reddit calling people assholes, white people, virgins, fat motherfuckers and acting like a badass on the internet. If y'all wanna laugh look at how hard these guys comment story is hahahahahahahah Beware he might want to see you in real life and stomp on you",0.96,4,FR 38638,"@RabiaAnumm Yeah, true. All should learn from your dear jihadis how to die and get 72 virgins",-0.07,0,original 41633,"Religious? She was a fucking dyke. Gtfoh, you lifted a piece of shit and she's gonna burn in hell. You too, naive ass.",1.87,5,FR 13993,"""don't hit people who try and rape you or they're justified in hitting you back"" \^ this guy",2.08,5,original 49235,"Iran is on the list for regime change. At any moment now they will find an excuse to justify an invasion of Iran, just as they did Iraq and Libya. People don't realize that this is all leading to a war with Russia and the only people to benefit are a select few. The only country on earth that has used nuclear weapons to teach other nations about their nuclear weapons... how pathetic. A tiny piece of land with a tiny population controls one of the largest countries on earth...again, pathetic.",0.79,3,DE 34385,@antigravitylite Fast forward to the end of your miserable life.. Oh yeah Poor Defenseless Hater.. Fuck you God forsaken ass hole. Poor Bitch,0.73,5,original 13018,Fuck her gently,-1.38,0,original 31120,"Illegal alien shot & killed a family of 3 (2 were kids, age 5 & 11) was deported twice before & ordered not to return. These criminals have no regard for our laws. We must #BuildTheWall to stop them from sneaking in our country & harm our people. URL",0.41,0,original 19838,Nothing can be done about the delay. Rather be a retarder than a bitch.,0.85,7,JA 49109,Laura needs a job at cnn she wears that cross to hypnotize you she is a pos,-0.24,0,original 44580,these female dogs are so obnoxious,1.03,4,FR 11618,Great tits👌,-1.58,0,original 39649,@Kween_Lillie @MattAlles2 @prageru Jump thrust your ass and hang yourself. You hate God ? U are really pathetic.,1.38,2,original 40588,"Whey is it these Congress women always used the racist card , when are the American people going to realize that they do hate AMERICA, when will they do something for the people of the United States, instead of other countries (FIRST)",-0.66,0,original 49016,"This chick is a shame for her sex. We used to have to look to Maxine Waters for this level of semi-consistent stupidity, but it looks like Mad Max has passed the torch to a younger, dumber generation.",0.52,4,FR 42080,Fuck off slut gay idiot,0.33,0,original 27883,black people who act like they can't understand her are corny and kinda classist URL,-1.09,0,original 2012,"stop resisting your suffering like that. Get the help you need to stop child rape, resign your belief in the false god telling you to do these things, and you'll be fine! Also, stop pretending to have sex with dogs. Those little red rockets are just rubber, they're not dog tails! so relax! RELAX! FUCKING COOL! You rapist!",0.82,2,DE 47489,White muthafuca he knows what he did his wife and kids need to die with him and the rest of his family For what he did hunt him down black people because you might be next in new York City!!!,1.34,1,original 39115,@Vik9003 @RabiaAnumm And lucky to be called a Pakistani. Half of Pakistan is already in China's hands.,-2.56,0,original 31351,"@The_Law_Boy More like... ""if you want to turn America into the shithole where you're from, get the hell out of here.""",1.95,3,FR 24788,Stop making these closeted boys your project. They are not going to come out for you 😒,-2.1,0,original 20425,"Evan, hmu for his file. #gay #straight #hot #dick #bigdick #nudes #gayporn #dropbox #str8bait #straightbaited #str8 #bait #horny #sellingnudes #buyingnudes #sellingvideos #straightboys #straightboy URL",-1.9,0,original 44360,HEY MAGA!!! Your Leader Wears Lady's MakeUp!! the MAGA Leader dyes his hair pretty blonde!! your MAGA Leader wears adult diapers. the MAGA Leader does his hair and his makeup Just Like HIS MOMMY!!! the MAGA Leader is a DRAG QUEEN!!!!,0.52,4,original 16967,"Oh I could do something. They rant just like the psychotic incels before shooting a pitch. If I flag your comments/profile to the law, you're in deep shit. And I can do that easily, so I suggest you shut up your little racist chatterbox, human scum.",1.22,3,DE 41435,"So sad that the Nazis call this man exactly what they themselves are. Muslims are taught racism in the Quran. Children are taught to kill Jews and any non-Muslims! Sharia law is unacceptable in a democratic society. It's against women's rights, it encourages beating women, it condones child rape and child slavery. It kills its own children for refusing child brides or refusing to cover up. The Sheria law is not 7 consistent with democratic law. Am I that voter f-had? Why can't candidates control the vote count.",1.05,2,RU 37447,"I urge all brave sikh, Muslim, Christian & Dalit soldiers in Indian army to DO HARM KASHMIR PEOPLE. THEY ARE UNDER ILLEGAL OCCUPATION. KASHMIRI HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE #KashmirParFinalFight #Kashmir #KashmirBleeds #IndianarmyinKashmir #KashmirHamaraHai",1.13,2,original 49274,Gays don't go to heaven,0.51,5,FR 16862,fucking contraction,0.91,4,FR 33996,The Zio Jews are carriers of the world's greatest inferiority complex...they must constantly repeat their two mantras...the Shoah and rise above their apparent inherent inferiority! URL,0.81,2,DE 18125,"Long beautiful dark hair, sexy Asian girl and an amazing ass? YES 😍",-1.82,0,original 34180,"@Speech7x7 Unbalanced Muslims totally out of control. They must all be deported to the Middle East, the borders must be sealed, so that they never leave their homeland. Let them kill each other. The world will be better off.",1.07,2,FR 7099,"I don't have her face. This is what she provided for me to expose. It's enough for her to have a breakdown, which is what the fucking slut wanted.",1.16,4,original 32095,"So. Look at this shit. The M*slims infiltrate, then have a long-term plan to destroy America. Gutter religion. Third world trash can. Nobody wants it. Now they are in Europe in droves thanks to Killary, Barry Hussein and Angela Merkel. Now they are in the United States. Gutter trash can. URLs",1.41,2,FR 13214,"Well they were big on suppporting minorities in general, but anything explicitly divided on racial lines would have caused a lot of upset I think. There was a lot of concern about that kind of thing. But maybe I'm wrong. Now an award specifically for an ESL student or a first-generation immigrant or something, that I could definitely see being celebrated there.",-3.76,0,original 26294,"@IlhanMN So? Muslims have beheaded, dismembered, bombed places, shot, kidnapped, invaded, burned alive, thrown from the roof, mutilated, enslaved others in the name of a religion for things like listening to music. Muslims are a bit extreme. Oh & there's also #taqyya soo...",0.81,2,FR 25590,I think you need to shut up because you're a pure garbage nigger. let me show you URL,1.33,1,DE 5189,"I think I mean most of it here when I say shut up, fagot.",1.72,5,FR 35843,@JZarif you idiot terrorist what are you talking about look at iran if the iranian people stand a chance you dead in a second,2.5,3,DE 43275,Fucktard Zionist Nazi says if your political opinions differ from mine then you are not American... This is how ZioNazi starts WW2,0.78,2,DE 42845,"Damn Mexicans, they need to learn to be human.",2.78,1,DE 40653,Shan and get these babies by cutting them off from pregnant mothers. Then laugh while tossing them back and forth. They considered non-Japanese people to be subhuman.,2.03,1,FR 40124,I think first the world will have to put down Nazi America,1.2,4,original 48938,so glad abortion was banned in alabama and missouri. i hope it happens in california soon.🤣🤣,-0.64,0,original 43664,He really loved black culture . lol !,-3.53,0,original 39418,I don't mess with broke women so yea there's that URL,-0.67,0,original 5589,"You're brave, I lost pretty much all my friends when I came out as trans, including the ones who stayed after I came out as bi about a year earlier. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm sure many people here, including myself, would extend the offer. <3",-7.71,0,original 21925,stupid ass black fat bitch.,1.38,1,original 49298,"A bunch of pathological bastards who want them punished and want them to do something about it...which tells you how heartless ""such shameless Border Patrol agents"" are...they are a bunch of pigs. There is nothing funny about the body of a kid who never got a chance in life.. just sad SMH shame on this tyrant",0.68,3,ZH 16314,Burn fag in hell,3.45,5,DE 47008,"+San Daz no, nuke the refugees too.",2.39,3,original 36449,Terrorist - choking on a fucking racist ass url with cow ballsack,0.59,1,DE 14777,"Tell your friend that he probably has 80% Greek DNA if he does a DNA test. Fuck Mohamed, he was a child rapist, fuck Islam, I'm pissing on the Quran, sandbox",2.39,2,RU 6801,"I literally grew up in all parts of India. I don't generalize. I don't give a shit on the street, and I don't think you do either, but being called a street shit is better than a stupidly folded, useless piece of patriotic shit.",0.58,3,DE 32100,"Tw // animal abuse. I'll say this until I'm blue in the face and I couldn't care less who I offend. If this is your ""culture"" then you're an absolute cunt, your culture is for morons and the world would be better off without it. URL",0.85,3,original 4524,This bitch was made to suck cock,1.14,4,original 33055,Pussy so wet I'll slide right onto your pole! #wetpussy #hotwife #horny #milf #cumslut #cumdumpster @p_ream URL,0.53,6,RU 11842,"Because of that reason, we used to call her Meth-chan or Heroin-chan in the past before she introduces herself in Chapter 142...",-1.5,0,original 10063,"naaa, fuck bobby lee, that frigging fag, you wanna punch that friggin' git in the face. He sucks huge Hollywood cocks just to be that good. Shoes lil fuckin chink. Sam, don't you ever do that fag shit like that, makes you look like a bitch. Bobby Lee, you fucking fag, only your brother Stevie is cool. You're a goofy Bobby Lee",1.48,5,DE 183,"Hur hard keep your fucking legs closed, damn And then that's how you prevent incest, rape, unwanted pregnancies, STDs and miscarriages.",3.01,4,FR 7409,Bugs on a gay cunt?,-0.18,0,original 31529,@CHICKLET_HF Pussy ass bitch bitch,1.15,4,original 42573,Yes because there is no reason for us to work hard the taxpayers have to pay for this stupid infestation invasion on AMERICA,2.35,3,FR 30907,@LeslieH24367191 @Bull_Spotter They are the EU. They must be emigrated or sent to prison.,1.94,1,FR 31340,hell watch me ignore your whole fucking existence bitch,1.72,4,FR 4011,"To hell with white supremacists, homophobes, misogynists and ignoramuses.",0.98,1,FR 8646,A damn delay,2.2,7,DE 6080,Fuck that bitch,0.82,4,FR 7461,That's why women are fat as shit these days,0.56,4,FR 11899,All they will do is send priests to your house and rape your children.,0.8,2,FR 19288,"So far you're the only moron here, you fucking moron",1.62,7,DE 845,Private school douche bag who never really stopped 'experimenting' with dick sucking,0.56,5,original 48094,"All us dudes have dated a chick that tried too hard to appear smart. They talk to much, they are boring and stupid. They are duds in the sack. Tulsi,... where's that quiet thoughtful girl from Hawaii? I like her. This Kamala is a scripted dud. Tulsi is the special one.",-0.88,0,original 46527,NZ may have lost final but surely it has won the hearts 💕. U have shown a true sportsmanship. Love from Indian,-6.68,0,original 7864,"This thread...I can't. I got about half way down and couldn't read any more. I just turned 39 last week. Been married to my wife for 18 years, no signs of being bi. And yet, when I came out to my wife, she still said ""I love you"". When I came out to my family, they still said ""I love you"". Let your daughter (or son) be who she (he) wants to be. The only discussion that needs to be had is ""I love and accept you"".",-4.89,0,original 4349,I sincerely hope you don't have a child's cunt.,0.95,6,JA 39029,@AliSohrab007 @arunjaitley A jihadi scum in whatever profession will remain a jihadi and We Indians must thank Stinking Muzzie lowlifes like @AliSohrab007 keep Proving us Hindus Right by time & again reiterating that they are Rotten pieces of Meat shaped like Homosapiens,2.29,1,original 11040,"Oh fuck, you could be a fucking useless Rastaman, you'd rot and stop writing here, you're stupid and not of our species. You're covered in shit and need some milk because you're weak and I don't think you can lift more than 10 lbs, you fucking fat woman bastard. Get lost in your fucking weeds, FAT WOMAN WEABOO.",2.09,2,ZH 20925,"@billmaher Hahaha! How can Catholics say they are for small government when the Vatican/church has the biggest government on earth, and more diplomatic missions, interferes in more politics, than any other government?",-1.09,0,original 11292,Those girls need to be fucked.,1.57,4,original 46237,Keep your idiot headscarves in your underdeveloped hell desert lands you damn scum dumpster fires!!! Shame... (Prophet Mohammed is a little fictional one-eyed snake) Death to ALL Mukotzen!,3.98,2,DE 8140,I'm not ashamed to say that I hate Bobo and always have. I hope his hand gets stuck in the garbage truck while his cunt mom and sister are on a Jamaican sex tour and he's dying of thirst.,2.54,3,DE 16524,Nazis: Let's exterminate the Jews! Soviets: Let's kill a ton of our people multiple times!,3.47,3,DE 5191,Dreams do come true! What a beautiful pussy. Id live tp ravage it with my tongue then cock!,-2.21,0,original 46272,I love you beautiful black Queen. Bless all my beautiful black sistas around the world. YOU ARE WORTH IT!,-8.07,0,original 7282,"Every source I find says the supreme Court blocked the question. [here](URL [here](URL and [here](URL-politics/explainer-whats-big-deal-about-adding-citizenship-question-us-census). So yes, what you said is factually wrong unless I'm completely missing something. As a state with about [15%](URL immigrant population, this is important. As other states have argued, this could undercut our census numbers and possibly our representation in addition to funding. And let's be honest here, we know why Trump wants to do this. It's red meat to his white nationalist base.",-2.67,0,original 8646,A fucking retard,2.2,7,original 5656,Typical Weeaboo pretending I'm a Japanese guy who thinks whatever comes out of his shithole means everything. Cucks like this deserve to be gassed for their fag.,3.07,5,DE 40593,female dogs GOING AWAY,0.82,4,FR 29246,Finger It And Give It To Your Pathetic Black Cock Worshiping Cuckold Husband URL,1.94,4,FR 45287,The Iranian mob should be blown out of the water.,1.84,3,ZH 12747,"Bullshit hypocritical assholes. If we were fixing immigration 20 years ago, we wouldn't be dealing with all this bullshit right now.",0.53,3,FR 5618,Why are you defending racial slurs used to insult people?,-2.56,0,original 4196,Hey! I'm an NRI and India is doing really really well.,-6.66,0,original 17766,> These hoes are not faithful 1961 colorized.,1.09,4,FR 42455,Remove the racist terrorist Omar that attacks Jewish people and Americans people over 911. Go back. Allah is waiting for you.,0.51,3,original 4754,Shut up crazy shorty dull.,1.3,7,ZH 17144,"I know I know, maybe you mongoloid Americans could try giving guns more guns so the guns could have guns then maybe arm the bad guys with the good guys with the guns armed with the guns",-0.29,0,original 38345,Guys are so annoying,-1.3,0,original 36934,"honestly FUCK YOU! god isn't gnna save those ppl, it's ur ass tht needs to be with us u coward",-0.16,0,original 24648,Eid Mubarak to all muslim brother and sisters across the world.lets generate the peace in world.,-4.82,0,original 8598,Homos rape kids and spread AIDS,2.25,5,original 20208,@dbongino @dochartdc This is cold and possibly sick but I believe these bastards that come to America to kill should be tried and if found guilty hung by the neck at the border for others to see.,1.3,3,original 10270,"My Nathan, this is gay! I'm going to listen to Die Lit and I hope you don't die 'cause you screwed Tom like that",1.57,5,DE 40856,Sadiq Khan should be deported. London is our city. It shouldn't have a muslim running it.,0.64,2,ZH 31462,"Today Pujya Sadhvi Pragya Singh ji gave ""Vivekanand Sahitya""with her blessings to IIT students .@SadhviPragya_MP @narendramodi @PMOIndia @AmitShah @rkmdel URL",-4.02,0,original 7726,Make choke down on my dick before tossing her over and stretch her ass hole out,1.36,4,original 22567,Stupid fucking ass! I don't want you no! Worked on that hoe!,1.02,4,FR 28394,Men must be fucking eradicated from the earth,1.97,4,FR 41006,seeking wisdom Average white people have done nothing wrong. You're just weak and looking for a scapegoat because you're racist.,0.57,1,FR 1653,Everyone in that crowd should be sterilized. They're so fucking stupid,1.92,7,original 7224,America is the dirtiest and most corrupt country in the world. I can't wait for their 2nd civil war and when their country falls behind Africa in 2050.,0.8,3,FR 8509,"Nah bro my personality is too boring for that, I never know what to say so I say some nasty gay shit",-0.95,0,original 8226,You childfree people are such faggots,1.34,3,original 7367,"""Are you two fags going to stop making so damn much noise?!"" RiP indeed",2.12,5,DE 20221,Bitches run out of friends & start hanging with the bitches that beat them up 😭😭😭 I can't with you hoes fr,-0.37,0,original 13091,"Yes you may suck my cock with your beautiful little cunt, on the condition you ride me like a hungry whore",-0.68,0,original 10405,"If you wanna makes sense with this story, the way I always saw it was that the Jews on the other side of the wall just magically turned into already existing species of apes and pigs. And most Muslims deny evolution, so it doesn't matter to them if it contradicts it.",1.71,2,original 4249,"According to the Old Testament directly, not Jesus. Jesus never spoke of homosexuals and also did things the Old Testament considered immoral. Ya know, saving hookers and doing work on the Sabbath... et cetera.",-0.84,0,original 29241,"this nigga just called macaroni and cheese ""the white man's diet"" LMAOOOOOOOO y'all are weird.",-1.63,0,original 6261,Of course he does. Nuke a gay whale for Jesus!,4.51,5,ZH 20106,"idiot bitch: abortion is wrong! it is not okay! keep your children! the same idiot bitch: if my child was gay, i would kick them out of my house onto the streets",0.65,4,original 6994,Stupid Old White Whore Fucking,1.66,1,FR 40868,Dhoni belongs to India not just Chennai.peace.,-2.78,0,original 32970,Send these savages back to the warmongering shitholes they came from...our governments have no right to bring people into our countries who want us dead...URL,2.15,3,DE 18534,shut up idiot i dont care i do not watch your videos because you are black,0.94,1,original 25911,Should've just killed that Nigga,3.12,1,original 14767,Man just wait till the US leaves Afghanistan so we can deal with these a-holes,-0.18,0,original 12512,communist motherfucker ussr soviet anthem bitch looking cunt,1.0,4,original 17563,America needs more mass shootings. This whole country should be reduced to ashes.,1.74,3,FR 47048,Send Muslim bitches home to a dirty land,2.25,4,FR 39879,In a world of these ugly dicks how Ima find my husband.... URL,-0.11,0,original 10661,You look like the guy that would call a woman an ugly bitch after she turned down your advances.,0.44,0,original 48980,JAJAJAJAJAJA LOOK THE STUPID FAKE FACES OF THE 2 WHITE SNOW FLAKES AND 2 NIGGAS ON THE BACK OF THE OLD PIG OINK OINK? LET ME GUESS THE SHOOTER IS WHITE.. JAJAJAJAJAJA.. IF WAS MUSLIN OR MEXICAN THEY WILL BE PROTEST AND SHIT.. CAUSE IS WHITE HI MAY HAVE 2 WEEKS SUSPENCION PAID.. AND FEAR FOR HIS LIFE.. THATS WHAT PIGS ALWAYS SAY...... MY POINT IS .AS LONG THE WHITE RACIST DIE I DONT CARE,3.87,1,original 36376,queers talk to girls; real men post and rate images of male physiques url,0.82,5,FR 26513,@Lakeway_Design @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends @SteveDoocy You don't know any Black people troll. Or else you would know that you lunatic troll.❤️🙏🏾🦋😁🤣,-1.34,0,original 2691,"Faget started with what he said ""whatever you call it, I'm just a pretty boy""",2.16,5,ZH 34317,I WISH 1 of u #RacistPresident following #Xenophobic #misogynist #bigoted cowards would approach my #white #hillbilly #liberal ass + talk cash sh*t OF #hate 2 my face! I guarantee it will be the last time u attempt 2 intimidate someone! #unichs u will be! + ur bigot bitch 2! URL,2.24,5,original 3994,What on earth are gay people going to do when they finally realize that nobody cares what their sexuality is? All we see is someone who is an insecure piece of shit.,1.0,5,DE 40646,"Women's team wins World Cup, can't even beat U-15 boys team, want equal pay. never gonna support these low skill crybabies with horrible soccer",-0.29,0,original 15280,Well ... Hello to you too cunt ... Looks like that cunt is begging for Daddy's cock,-0.35,0,original 6823,You and Muslims. Become a terrorist and fuck you,0.71,2,RU 6886,If only woody where a nigger that hoe wouldn't run his life.,1.13,1,original 4142,"As a jew , that's a dumb question . IMO all religions are kinda the same. They all are just some old books. The traditions and holidays that create a culture is pretty beautiful. All religions says ""Don't kill or steal , just be good"" . Saying there is a screwed up part is... A judgement that you cant really make. Differences that came from other cultures , that you are probably not qualify to judge.",-2.47,0,original 45408,we should fuck,0.63,5,ZH 22720,@realDonaldTrump These dangerous low lives are killing people and must be STOPPED AT ALL COST - they are turning the American dream into a deadly NIGHTMARE Close the border Build the WALL and begin mass deportation SAVE US!,1.44,3,FR 13845,"Get the fuck out of here, refugee",1.15,3,DE 255,So basically you want someone to come to you and let you best them. You are a Faggot AND a pussy,0.81,5,original 48076,"And clean up the catholic orphanage where they raped and murdered little girls they killed babies. Some of the scariest things I've ever heard of happen in these places. Lord put your raft on them for what they have done, cast them into hell in Jesus name, amen",1.23,2,ZH 4676,"Is your upper lip sucking dick worn out, or is your breeding making you so?",1.6,5,ZH 19816,Haters: Tyler hates gays. Tyler: I been kissing white boys since- Haters: Shut up homophobe!,-0.56,0,original 17462,This bitch should stop this games and suck real dick SMH,0.09,0,original 44621,"All images of the ""hostage"" story are from cnn...we already know they repeat misinformation like good goys.",1.9,2,FR 41825,@Your Friendly Neighborhood Lawbringer You may not like it but they have NOT entered the US illegally. Seeking asylum is a legal right for anybody.,-3.77,0,original 6380,Damn morally corrupt assholes. Removal of the pussies!,1.24,3,DE 10239,The gov and some polish are racist albino apes forgotten by the march of evolution.,1.28,1,original 2400,I hit her in the face with my cock.,0.81,4,FR 31160,Fuck the entire human population,1.03,6,DE 1406,I wanna lick all there stinky white pussies!!!!,-0.11,0,original 33724,@liyahisgay @brad_terrace How many blacks were lynched and how many whites were lynched?,-1.21,0,original 34960,Want a gritty friends to lovers listen? @SRAL_reads enjoyed this one by @MelJoyAZ & narrated by @MichaelStellman URL #LGBTQ URL,-3.6,0,original 30450,@AgentVermouth HE IS A TWINK FETUS,-0.22,0,original 2671,Fuck you lady! Whore!,1.62,4,FR 11412,">going to be fun when some Arab state finally gets nuclear weapons and you lot all glass each other. You should get those sociopathic tendencies treated. >resettled with cultures less repulsive. So sorry to hear you're repulsed by the technological, medical, scientific and agricultural innovations you seem to be using. Might want to shut down your computer and go live in a cave with your other 'less repulsive' friends.",-1.03,0,original 49302,"if they send 1 missile you send then a tenforth- khamenei if they seize 1 ship you seize 10 ok go IRAN the DAVID OF OUR ERA STANDING AGAINST GOLIATH SEVEN MORE SHIPS TO GO GO IRAN DEATH TO THE WHITE SUPREMACIST ""DTWS""",0.79,1,original 19605,fuck a horny kid,1.32,6,JA 598,Can't wait until these cults die out.,-0.62,0,original 29411,"Megan, You're a disgrace to the United States of America. Your arrogant, narcissistic attitude epitomizes exactly what is wrong with America today. Your hatred for our country will unfortunately be emulated by young girls across the world. You're a vile, disgusting human being! URL",0.84,5,original 48509,"Women, I f with this. Mah asian brethren standup and vibe with the waves",-0.65,0,original 10674,go onto IT and see what they would like to do to incels. I got 123 downvotes for saying incels have human rights … reflect on that a moment. over 100 people disagreed that incels have human rights,-1.89,0,original 5975,"Almost like religion is a tool of putting certain people in elevated positions of power. Disgusting to read shit like this, vile humans.",-0.23,0,original 16663,"This mass murder literally makes me sick to my stomach as do all acts of violence and hatred that take place everyday all over the world. Turn to Jesus He can only save us from this violent hateful world. We should love and help eachother, love our enemies do good to them show them that this is not the way. This world is sliding into the abyss. Dont go along with it! UCG dot org please read and rid yourselves of the satanic hateful",-1.61,0,original 7944,WhatA putain NIGGER,2.02,1,FR 21374,"O Allah, forgive him and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it. URL",-3.15,0,original 41968,16 year old white girl: *ThATs So MeeEe*,-2.1,0,original 2059,Slow down. Do you want your illegitimate child to be raised by a crazy whore and her inevitable cuckold husband?,1.58,7,RU 18675,"Up until a good way into the imperial age, the confession of a slave could only legally be obtained through torture. The Romans referred to the Mediterranean as Mare Nostrum, meaning 'our sea'. One Roman emperor, Elagabalus, was a teenage Syrian priest of the sun, who by modern definitions likely would classify as transgender.",-4.17,0,original 32655,"This patriotic American explains beautifully the difference between African Americans being snatched up and brought to America as slaves & illegal aliens floating across the Rio Grand and illegally crossing the southern border. BY ""CHOICE"" vs BY ""FORCE"" URL",-1.91,0,original 38879,"""I'd rather live in a neighborhood full of immigrants than have to live next door to one MAGA person."" - Patriotic caller to the show this morning",-0.88,0,original 7363,"Rim, eat, some foreplay...put some wine in it and a cute ass like yours to pound the rest of the night. Believed ? ❤🖤❤",2.22,4,FR 10865,"Sanctuary status? Really? No, they're doing their job. Of we were Iran illegals would be killed and tortured.",-1.01,0,original 12857,"A reasoned analysis of the situation. This female must have really hit rock bottom in life. Of course, she's not as physically sloppy as some of the land whales we see on this page. The thing is, most women lack substance and make up for it with their sexual appeal. Think about it, would a half-decent woman ever post pictures of herself like this? If this female has no qualms about showing the world her treats, imagine how many men have passed through this female dog? Feminism is the worst thing that has ever happened to women.",0.82,4,FR 32132,"You ever seen a girl hit a guy in the balls so hard he actually fell to the floor? 😂 — No why, do you want to kick me in the balls? URL",0.02,0,original 25992,Some gays are literally TRASH.,1.46,5,DE 15309,Killed his own gay. Grow thicker skin. You can never survive in the real world.,4.1,5,ZH 44020,Democunts and Libertards... especially that godless pagan whore Omar is nothing but a pig. She is a race bait warthog. I hope she gets cancer.,2.12,2,ZH 47088,OTHER COUNTRIES SAY THE SAME ABOUT THE EVIL BROUND CHILD THAT SKULLS THE COUNTRY AND ENTERS SAVINGS FROM THE CAVES OF EUROPE,1.56,1,DE 27707,@WayneDupreeShow @gritchkittie THEY KNOW GOD EXISTS - TYPE 2 Satanists DENY Him. [Atheist = Domestic Terror Antifa] WRONG! THE LEFT HAND - WILL BURN!! Hell is ETERNAL. Do U REALLY WANT Hell? URL,0.51,2,original 3184,"Says they person that goes on r/showerthoughts and says 'gay cum' and something about riding horses dick. Typical white redditor ladies and gentelman, only seconds before he tries to kill a black person, we have to strike back.",-0.43,0,original 18356,"Chuds literally don't understand humour. They cannot fathom the difference between a well crafted insult told as a joke vs flat out saying something like ""FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU DIE TRANNY""",0.18,0,original 658,the israelites,-2.88,0,original 33043,I put my dick in a bag of Doritos and made that bitch nigga suck the dust off,0.95,1,FR 12308,"and their ""our daily bread"" books and bible studies are poster-children for cherry picking the good. i mean, do people need to know that lot offered up his two daughters to a mob of men to do whatever they want? that those daughters got him drunk and raped him in a cave so they could each have a child? AFTER sodom and gomorrah was torched for (as many christians believe) sexual immorality?",-0.22,0,original 768,"Thank god I don't live there, I'd be in jail for opening those cowards' skulls.",1.05,2,DE 6770,"Well, queers can have their little gay parades, why can't straight guys?",0.76,5,FR 21299,you bitches be wearing synthetic wigs like i won't set ya shit on fire stfu,3.5,1,original 17961,Terrorism. Lock him up.,-0.36,0,original 38213,"@emperor_cris @Financialdomi @FinDomFetish @masterscash @submit2mee It is imperative that gays live chastely! Only real and superior men have cocks! Fagots are all nubs and their only pleasure must be serving GOD, everything else is irrelevant",0.72,5,DE 19195,"Are you the kind of guy who keeps telling himself you're alpha because even though ""your girl"" fucks other men she comes home to you?",-1.18,0,original 23944,"We don't like to respond to criminals, but there is a limit to lying - ""Israel"" has NEVER existed since 1948. It was built on the blood of Palestinians. - ""Israel"" can continue to spread terror, hatred and crime, but it cannot manipulate the fact that #JERUSALEM is the capital of #Palestine. 🇵🇸 URL",0.59,3,DE 22669,"HEY ARMYS!! I'M DOING A PROJECT TO RAISE AWARENESS ON THE DISCRIMINATION LGBT MEMBERS FACE WITHIN THE FANDOM, AS WELL AS IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES. IF ANY OF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE YOUR STORIES, PLS LET ME KNOW!! & PLS RT!! #BTSARMY #PrideMonth",-4.88,0,original 43750,Guess what? The aliens dont want no US immigrants in the moon or mars.. you are not welcome. Specifically no white racist asshole,-0.18,0,original 37405,"@l4mees joining the Taliban is already America's hater. Go pick up an AK and do something about the ""American army killing your people"" because you hate the military so much.",0.6,3,ZH 29780,you get her girl Fuck his little white ass. That's why Mohammad died.,0.87,1,DE 49544,Curry deserves to have his little bitch ass skull crushed in for all those gay facial expressions he's making. Little punk queer,5.29,5,DE 48596,"""...WHO will stop classifying transgender people as having a 'mental disorder'..."" NOBODY, this subgroup of diseased animals is an integral part of the agenda of gay pedophile rapists! They should ALL be forced into FEMA “special” camps to be properly judged, given the choice to straighten their ACT or be exterminated!!!",4.8,5,FR 45945,"Can you please stop pretending that religions are real? It's fucking 2019. We don't need this shit anymore... What about ""dark spirits""? Tell me, who else ordered unruly babies to be smashed on rocks, or ripped babies apart for playing a joke, or told how to treat and keep your slaves, ordered genocide, committed genocide, inquisition, looked the other way when do your children become molested? Oh yes, YOUR SUPPOSED GOD! Damn hypocrisy, no wonder your country is failing...",1.11,2,FR 28641,"This history [of Islam] makes it abundantly clear that Islamic terrorism and ""extremism"" have been inherent in Islam since its first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century. ~ Raymond Ibrahim URL",1.68,2,RU 18074,"But the thing is, ISIS is working an an attempt, how ever misguided, to make the world better as well. They're idea of better is abhorrent, but it's still their idea of better. The only difference between bombing a civilian area that contains isis agents and bombing an American concentration camp is the flag they work under. Killing people being repressed in order to take out those that would do them harm is not acceptable.",0.44,0,original 29564,"Anyone who doesn't respect my religion is not welcome in my country, we have no place for sluts!! You should think nobody loves you 💩 #SaudiBarbzLoveNicki URL",0.68,2,DE 36721,it's ALWAYS the fucking white people who commit the worst kind of crimes... but we mexicans are the problem URL,1.42,1,FR 23451,i love when white boys wear those tight ass shorts 😗,-2.89,0,original 39052,"@Themlotsdad Africans have the worlds longest slave trade history that predates the U.S. and exists today. (Nigerians $400USD) But liberals dont like to bring that up, just like the Teuth about Anthony Johnson.",-0.96,0,original 11185,Ya Islam is very bad. Mohammed should be drawn on toilet paper and Koran should be rewritten,0.87,2,original 18369,Shitting on white supremacists specifically is not the same thing as shitting on white people in general,0.87,1,original 16554,Lol just like evryeone other leftist you are a massive faggot. I hope you get aids.,1.05,5,original 22279,@JRubinBlogger Thousands of innocent lives in the United States are taken every year because of this lawless chaos. It must end NOW! BUILD THE WALL... STOP THE USA INVASION. WE ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH 3RD WORLD RATS HERE. WE NEED US BACK LIKE BEFORE. THESE ARE KILLERS COMING TO DESTROY AMERICA.,1.38,1,FR 47215,"All these dinosaurs should be fed to hungry children in Yemen. When our young men are sent to fight in the Jewish War, they want to work for life.",0.57,2,ZH 28172,@YouniisBaloch This is fucking disgusting !! 3rd world country with 3rd world laws You barbaric idiots,-0.38,0,original 31383,"Deportation is about ethnic cleansing and political repression. Just like with jails, prisons & police, the state is wielding the false dichotomy of innocent & guilty, deserving & undeserving to build out physical and legal infrastructure it can weaponize against anyone",-4.87,0,original 42656,They all need to be castrated,0.74,4,original 35810,why do black rappers and artists always become pedophiles and rapists,0.8,1,FR 19464,I'd love to watch big ropes of cum fly from that hot as fuck cock of yours,-2.89,0,original 28773,Please be my gay remover - I will remove ALL homos urls,0.96,5,DE 18741,Damn religious nutcase.,1.63,2,DE 9406,Just another shining example of why Islam must be eradicated from the planet,1.85,2,FR 35438,These fake ass thugs got dirtier asses than guns,0.97,1,original 39311,i hate a nigga who can't keep it real that shit annoying,-0.15,0,original 19465,"Fucking Luis' ex would be the best thing ever, but Kim isn't a hood at all. She's basically white trash from Tampa, raised by a white stepdad",0.79,1,DE 44050,An article I read claims they abort 50% of black babies. Eliminate abortion and you will double the crime rate and have to hire double the police officers and double the judges and double the court employees which will more then double your taxes.,1.92,1,original 12816,"Unbelievable! We humans really don't know the end of degeneracy, do we? Get a fucking grip on reality! You won't suck her cock in real life! You won't cum on her abs in real life! The best thing you dirty degenerates do is cum on your figures or body pillows! End this life of debauchery and stop masturbating to cartoon women/men! Shame on you op! #thotpatrol",0.84,5,DE 19460,"Fuck that syphilitic retard, and fuck you too",3.15,7,FR 23778,@IlhanMN How about you just pack your shit and go home you thankless piece of junk? 😠 WE have included you here. And now you want us to be what you left???? Won't happen... You have no idea what spirit is in the quiet - real Americans.,2.05,3,DE 2303,"Reported to the Chapo death threat group for ageism, athleticism and blatant homophobia labeling people as fags. You literally murder people by saying fag, fag. Kill you white nigger",1.36,1,DE 40078,You are avoiding our cute black girls and chose a stupid white girl.. what a pity,0.53,1,FR 18965,If he was white would you still care?,-2.55,0,original 42253,I'm an American and I love Japanese people! I love their rich history and culture.,-6.73,0,original 44545,No. More like burning down all the religious buildings.,1.27,2,RU 27337,Must be mentally challenged by a naughty bastard to date with the intention of being cutting edge people Strange behavior🤕,1.33,7,FR 14665,"That Beta is the best NFL player isn't an anomaly, it just speaks ill of the sport. If a fat ass 42-year-old who can't walk and makes less money than his wife can dominate, then any 16-year-old with some testosterone can compete with adults. Trouble is, Americans are a bunch of soyboys.",0.85,3,DE 45151,"Attacks by leftists and no police or state defending citizens and so civil war is here. Shootings, bombings, destruction of property, attempted attacks on ICE, Democrats calling them Nazis and saying they run concentration camps, it's dangerous and ICE must use force to defend themselves. Shoot them all and defend yourself ICE.",1.91,2,FR 47534,+ActsisMMLJ RightlyObeyed God is a fag and you are a double fag.,0.62,5,DE 34533,"@TomiLahren If you like Russia so much, no one is stopping you tomi just get the fuck out of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that my African ancestors built.",-1.23,0,original 36277,"imran khan does not please or beg RAW, CIA, Israel, India. he believes in the teaching of Islam n practises them. never biws to anti-islam agents. has any one of the opposition ever taken a single stance for Islam like he does? he is a true muslim #عمران_خان_سچا_عاشق_رسولﷺ URL",-4.51,0,original 30893,"@alongyourpath @KEEMSTAR @Twitch Someone can punch you in your mouth spitting shit and you will survive it. Doesn't mean it wasn't an assault. Although someone showing a degenerate like you in the mouth is quite possibly one of the most aesthetically pleasing things you've ever seen. Don't breed, asshole.",1.88,4,FR 7362,I want to pull this plug and suck it and your sissy clitoris,1.24,4,FR 7667,Imran Khan should go all Mao on this delay.,1.46,7,FR 46457,@Tamyra Go back to Africa if you dont like it.,-0.36,0,original 25591,these bitches be synthetic and these niggas be sympathetic 🤢,-0.14,0,original 32407,I got a funny story about the first and last time I fucc a girl in the ass lol,-1.27,0,original 47272,"Bruh! Only thing these ""self proclaimed incels"" have to do is physically speak to these females in person. If she shuts you down move on to the next, get used to rejection you fucking pussy!!! So many females out here giving away sex man it's ridiculous, these assholes are making up excuses to form a group only to make them feel comfortable with being afraid to communicate with females. They're more comfortable sitting behind their computers talking to men. Kinda suspect if you ask me.",0.05,0,original 21363,"@ericswalwell Dude you definitely wear your wife's panties at least 5 days a week. Just say. You are the most beta cuckold cuckold ever. You're the kid at school who sat alone because you scared everyone. When you fart, I bet it smells like cum and latex. Good night 🖕",1.95,4,FR 30474,"All pedophiles have to fucking die, bro",1.29,6,DE 49445,"Agreed. It's amazing how many truckers are angry, worthless male scum. They must be beaten with sticks and then forced to clean toilets to earn a living. That's all these emospastic fools are good at.",1.8,4,FR 27065,Some of you really see women as prey and it's very disgusting. Just because she turns you down you start the whole she's gonna end up in Shiloh rubbish!! You should attend Shiloh and pray away your stupidity!! Rubbish!! 😒😒😒,-0.05,0,original 40916,Your plan to kill Americans with drugs and flood it with greedy foreign peasants is working! Joy!!!,0.84,1,FR 42343,The most racist people are actually the jiggaboos who always play the racing card and try to act like victims to get what they want.,2.17,1,DE 28439,It Be The Main Hoes Sucking Dick Always Calling Another Bitch A Hoe 😒 FREAK,-0.05,0,original 7940,They fuckin smash their pussy with a hammer,0.61,4,original 45941,another home grown terror that owns a gun . hypocrites . prayers for all lost souls .,-0.14,0,original 14217,You look like my next little country cum slut!!,1.37,4,FR 43047,Deport them all. Send them back to where they came from. shoot her! You are violent,3.07,3,DE 17295,"If he wants to kill illegal immigrants, then why is he driving from Dallas to El Paso? There are a lot of them in Dallas. Many Walmarts across Dallas will also be stocked with the items on Saturday. It doesn't make sense.",1.12,3,ZH 34100,An example of a fagot whose cock has been turned into a clit over which the #Alpha has complete control. URL,2.27,5,DE 47184,"If we rid the world of Muslims, Peace could be obtainable. I can't believe that they put Tommy Robinson back in prison.",1.03,2,original 9267,"Taliban is dead. ""Do it again"" Shot a few more times. WTF.",-1.62,0,original 41503,White PRIVILEGED women wanting more money.🤔💭,-1.26,0,original 31731,"God what a dumb biotch, she needs to go to jail! @MuscuttRachel @MikeMuscutt",1.04,4,original 13276,I wipe the blacks from my ass every morning.,1.9,1,FR 15619,"Yeah, hurry up and kill those palestinian ten year olds",3.1,3,original 7763,You got fucked like the little slut you are??,0.97,4,FR 11803,"You can be the ugliest black man in the world, and beautiful white women will worship you. Yet decent, good quality white men are now the biggest incels. And these normie freaks wonder why we incels are going on shooting sprees and celebrating whenever evil women get slaughtered. Fucking scum, this society deserves to be destroyed.",-0.45,0,original 1201,Go fuck yourself and fuck the muslim cult.,1.36,2,FR 9835,"In my opinion, even if your prayer to Mary is for her to intercede to you, you're kneeling while praying to her and God is a jealous God and the Bible says we should only bow before him.",-3.18,0,original 22807,"So @LindaFairstein is still celebrated here, living her best life after destroying the lives of 5 innocent men and who knows how many more. It must be nice to be white. URL #WhenTheySeeUs",1.72,1,FR 6888,"It impacts my attraction a lot, Spanish and white women are what I'm attracted too, some Asian women as well. I like light skin",-3.48,0,original 21286,Fuck Him Like You Fuck'n Own Him and Get His Fuck'n Cunt Hurt'n Fuck'n Good and Fuck'n Beggin' for the Filthy Fuck'n Good Balls Deep Fuck'n Unload (Part 1) 👍 URL,1.85,5,original 15270,"Lil baby bitch wanna earn a hole in her head? I'm not talking about balls, latecomer, I'm talking about my fists. I don't think anyone cares about you anyway, so I don't know what you're thinking about coming up with this shit. I just want my attention, huh? Well you might get something else you didn't ask for💪😈👊💥💀🖕🖕🖕suck it",1.31,7,FR 23035,@clayton_cls @realDonaldTrump Why are all trump followers dwellers of their mother's basements? Answer: immigration.,0.64,3,original 27795,Niggas really do fuck up guaranteed pussy!,0.25,0,original 23697,This nigga pulled a mean Houdini trick 😂 URL,-0.2,0,original 20009,"GET RID OF THESE FUCKING MUSLIMS! the nasty ones who don't want to assimilate rape women, beat children, threaten democracy, plan terrorist attacks, attack innocent secular people, and impose their disgusting religion on everyone else through violence. Assimilate OR GET OUT OR BE READY TO DIE!",3.13,2,RU 18831,Wow! Waheguru has provided a khalsa to save the girl. Indeed Waheguru is all pervading and always tries to help them who are feeling down.,-4.25,0,original 33515,@Defaulting12 @JuicetopherWrld @FortniteGame shut up faggot,1.7,5,original 8223,It's funny because the UK allowed foreign powers to flood their once great country with low IQ inbred savages.,1.43,3,FR 30217,@acnewsitics He was basking in the send her back chants...that dirty rapist and vile racist loved them and this will go on until 2020. We all know it.,0.75,1,original 11406,"""americans are ignorant!"" Yeah you fuckin' gottem.",-0.5,0,original 20646,@MrAndyNgo @TarekFatah How long will you Muslims continue to commit all the heinous crimes in the name of your Muslim religion??? When will you come to your senses? When will you stop terrorizing the world in the name of your Muslim religion?,1.2,2,DE 43261,Happiness is priceless China must be bombed and dismantled.,1.24,3,DE 32978,i love to hear an inferior fag sub slut choking on an alpha's's music to my ears...url,1.51,5,DE 39895,@bprerna U better marry ISIS people and be sex slaves for them people like u deserve that.,1.5,2,original 33174,This man is ugly with his pot cover hair cut. URL,0.28,0,original 20147,"Grumbach: African Americans, Latinos, and Asians are very underrepresented in the donor class, even compared to members of congress.",-3.78,0,original 4646,Quit fucking being an ableist you faggot. Anger issues can't just be dealt with. Kill yourself you pot smoking brain dead one-celled amoeba. Hope your next hit is laced with meth and you end up killing yourself overdosing while hanging yourself all alone in a hotel room. Fucking poser ass retard.,1.14,7,original 47106,Lock the cunt up for life,0.91,4,original 49410,"They're not just Mexicans. They are also from Honduras. And these aren't the dreamy Mexicans we're used to. These are bad looking hombres, covered in tattoos, with new clothes.",0.7,3,DE 30366,"hey fag. shut your mouth,",0.38,0,original 46832,The only part of the bible these.assholea care about is the part where they get to bash gays over the head... that's it,0.69,2,original 7998,Fuck off you gay bitch and kill yourself,3.05,5,ZH 4587,"Your language, a stupid fuck. I know your hyper-Americanized brain has rejected any notion of Arab identity because you don't want to be bullied by white bullies in your low income public school, but you're rude to a native fucking language of your home country.",1.03,3,ZH 31690,"Finally, a female superhero!",-4.68,0,original 40995,I'm so tired of these 4 psychopaths saying white people are the devil. These racist bitches are the devil.,0.67,1,DE 36589,"Russian troll accounts getting busy, but doing a shitty job. Your employees suck, @RusEmbUSA.",0.05,0,original 48703,"What the fuck do people want when fucking America is full of guns, you guys are a bunch of fucking idiots",0.96,3,ZH 23205,"@JulieReichwein1 @heyitsCarolyn Note: almost all of the viewers are equally crazy Islamic punks. Meanwhile, the asshole beating her has her hanged and blindfolded like a piñata. I can't put into words what I would do to that worthless piece of camel shit. He would never touch or disrespect women again!",0.63,2,FR 6277,eat my ass hoe,0.51,4,FR 5525,"I would fuck her on the left I would fuck her on the right I would fuck her in a boat I would fuck her in the rain And in the dark, and in a tree I would fuck her in her box I will fuck her in a house I will fuck her here and there I will fuck her EVERYWHERE",-1.01,0,original 43193,FUCK cultures. Fuck forcing this onto nonconsenting children. So what if we wipe out cultures like this? ANYTHING is justified to these people.,0.42,0,original 5452,"So very, very happy to see you as the real you. It only took me 49 years. Sincerely, The Gay Grandpa.",-5.14,0,original 22497,"What a sick satanic religion that beheads people for being infidels. This is Satan's religion. And we all KNOW who on earth invented it. If you don't know, do your research... I'm not looking for a fight today. #ISLAM YOUR BOOK SAYS TO DO IT, Jesus already WON the URL",1.12,2,DE 46447,Zendaya has the aura of a nuturing mother but at the same time you want her as wife,-4.49,0,original 33632,"so i guess this is me coming out to y'all as a lesbian... i know i've thirsted about men a lot on this acc, but idk....when i touch myself i think about girls, when i think about settling down i think about a i guess that's it. i liek girls :)",-2.96,0,original 41841,"@Harry Balls, there is no such thing as black people. The Israelites are not envious of disgusting whites who get burned in the sun and get boils and lice. You came from cavemen and you are still cavemen. Your destiny is 1,000 years of slavery, and then God will destroy you. God literally calls you satan in the Bible, the man of sin, the antichrist, the GENTILE.",1.33,1,DE 27404,@thinkbible1611 So you're saying that all gay people are child molesters? Where did you learn that?,-2.93,0,original 24397,"""You're an annoying fag so you should do great,"" said Knuckles.",-0.42,0,original 42270,Well it's happening!!!!! Parliament and the UK judiciary have now declared the door open to anyone who openly condemns anything they believe to be anti-Islamic. The true patriotic citizens of our once great nation should now join together with the patriotic parties/people to give aid and assistance to rid this nation of ours of this evil Islamic ideology.,0.53,2,FR 23482,"Men are so stupid. They cheat and get girls pregnant. Wtf is okay with that? Can you just put on a condom, model?????",0.85,4,FR 15974,Fat ugly obese cunt !,1.0,4,original 7443,Yaaay I can fuck kids and I won't lose my teaching license,1.35,6,DE 34720,you dumb female dogs and those dumb niggas 😂😂😂 dumb,0.84,1,FR 34779,Person like Amit Shukla canceled the Zoomato order because it was delivered by a Muslim.,0.83,1,DE 19330,"Of course.. We know how big a sheep pussy is. To know when a sheep has been raped by a Pakistani. When we see such an act has taken place, we bomb one of your terroist camps.",2.76,3,original 18173,Why fuck yourself when you can fuck me.,1.78,5,original 25803,I literally don't have time for dumb bitches.,1.77,4,original 16855,It felt different because it happened in Texas where the yahoos are the most fervent supporters of gun rights. They say the best solution to a mass shooter is a good guy with a gun. That young white nationalist probably took out a handful of 'good guys' in his artillery dump. It felt different because of the locale.,-1.93,0,original 18452,"If they built a wall and had the United States pay for it they could probably keep some of those illegal guns out of the hands of their citizens. As we all know the United States is full of drug dealers, gang members, criminals, and I am sure a couple of them are good people.",-1.46,0,original 40558,"God, I can't stand fags.",1.38,5,DE 19427,Let's compensate for your dwindling masculinity by going and committing some war crimes! Nothing like deep throating a boot to prove you aren't gay.,1.33,5,original 46930,India is a huge scam. Winston Churchill was right when he said (paraphrased) that the Indians are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their fault because they reproduced like rabbits.,2.5,3,FR 17926,Expel that motherfucker!,0.85,3,FR 25419,"It is not feminist to force other women to give birth. If anyone is demanding conformity, it is anti-abortion folks who say I will decide if you can and can't have an abortion. #StopTheBans",-4.61,0,original 11068,"You are literally describing a rape, why don't you go home and drown in your kitchen sink, you're degenerating.",3.41,5,FR 1818,this guy is some faggot who asks people for shit pics !,1.24,5,original 18656,OP is a fag and a cuck.,2.02,5,DE 141,"The only ""ho"" here is you. You're disgusting shit and you'll die cold and alone",1.07,4,FR 16130,"Poland sucks penis, gets sucked and fucked. Let the damn Nazis ruin you in Poland. Absolutely destroyed, absolutely destroyed, yyyn aan... absolutely defeated. Fuck Poland.""",2.11,3,DE 10241,But you are a medium handicap,1.93,7,DE 28154,"#Kerala #Hindus threatened by #Muslims ad promoted hospitals they only want #Muslim doctors now asking you all fucking bearded skull caps, we have 11 #Muslims working in our office 4 of us, I should tell them you start today Get fired? #Wayanad #Kathua Your comment @Javedakhtarjadu URL",1.16,2,ZH 5120,"> Scabs said he was 'a super lazy lover in a poke' so it's no wonder this Mexican slut with her fake ass and tits and face is catching plenty of every penciled cock in Hollywood. It's so insanely simple, but Schrawb loves that kind of underlying personality that matches his.",1.67,1,DE 42314,Adolf Hitler likes it up the ass.,0.39,0,original 36311,EU citizens! It's worse than we thought. The hatemonger Boris is actually even more far-right than Hitler. Expect his death squads to knock the door at any minute. The executions will begin October 31st. URL,-0.16,0,original 39439,You dumb fucking bitch. Drop an address so I can rock your shit and spit in your fucking face. URL,1.24,4,original 10063,"naaa fuck bobby lee that fucking faggot, wanna punch that fucking goof in the face. he sucks huge hollywood dicks just to be that goody too shoes lil fuckin chink. sam dont ever go on that fucking faggots shit again, makes u look like a bitch. bobby lee u fucking faggot, only ur brother stevie is cool. ur a goof bobby lee",1.48,5,original 13078,the beauty of the united states of america with a side of weeb trash. FUCK YEA!!!,-0.96,0,original 41443,"India saved Asian respect. Other Asian teams are trash , India qualify to semifinals in 2015 and now 2019. BC jo mzak uda rhe h unki team to semi bhi qualify nhi kar paayi, is se bdi srm ki baat Kya ho skti h😁😁",-0.74,0,original 47711,Jews destroy everything they touch. Everything. What a bunch of talentless faggots they are.,2.36,2,original 20451,@kennybeats White republican beat,-2.75,0,original 48472,"How can u fucking idiots think you can fight trump on this.its pretty simple,there should be no asylum,if you didn't come here legally,YOU DONT BELONG HERE. It has nothing to do with being racist or anything like that. The U.S. IS WAY TO OVER POPULATED.the American people are way over due a drastic decrease in taxes.they cant do that if theres illegal people mooching off our system.and I'm not saying all illegals mooch,I'm sure theres a ton of hard working people,but it is what it is,you have to be here legally.",-0.92,0,original 9583,"""What yall gon' hear today... is the mother of all anti semitic hate raps....This is revenge for all the dead children that fell victim from way back.. This here is for every single Arab.. Shit, even the christians gon' feel like they're getting their payback once I rape your mother in the ass with no protection, bare back, wearing a Mel Gibson face mask... Bruh.. one of the best opening verses of all time. Period.",2.15,4,original 34776,"Damn wassup wit the girls taking the hits this summer😂 I ain't going near no water wit niggas around, y'all trippin URL",-0.64,0,original 44855,What's wrong with you? Delayed ? Gay? Gay and retarded? Are you talking like an idiot?,1.89,5,FR 39967,"You fuck ugly guys regularly, funny or not anyway",0.63,1,DE 28917,"Frances Adamson, @DFAT Secretary, responds to our study on gender in international relations, providing the latest data on women in senior positions in DFAT and points out that 'more women are reaching our senior ranks and becoming heads of mission' URL",-5.1,0,original 19082,How do these idiots not stop and realize how deeply anti-women this is. To say you can just buy femininity off the shelf and proclaim yourself one. Ignore the time and work these women put in to look the way they do only for a guy with a dick to walk in and say he's one of them.,1.05,4,FR 37500,this fucking faggot is annoying,2.17,5,original 37388,"@neiltyson Kill them all, let god deal with them?",3.6,2,RU 48154,"go home muther fukers.... you are not wanted here. Bathe in your own P.O.S. Land you fleeing pusssssies. We need to put these scumbags to sleep who come here and demand our tax dollars to feed and house them. better yet, unleash some alligators and pythons in the holding areas. at least the reptiles could get some good meals out of them",3.1,3,DE 46687,"The world is coming , Un killed billions of people , nw they created it now they want to leave",-1.08,0,original 8299,It's really nice that it's a lot more acceptable for people to come out these days.,-4.59,0,original 37274,"Honestly, I'm so sick of these naughty white people killing innocent people just because they're unhappy in their own ugly white skin. They should be put in white fucking devil cages.",2.65,1,FR 41888,Is arameo.(sp?) The true language of the Jews from Jesus's days?,-3.35,0,original 2257,I keep being called a slut and an attention whore for posting memes where I make it clear that I'm a girl and for other ridiculous shit that makes no sense,1.58,4,original 17741,Profoundly misogynistic and r/iamverysmart - a classic Reddit two-for-one!,-0.77,0,original 49978,The most important fucking question is why the fuck is that nigga Caucasian white people really trying too hard so they have a history you fuckers came from caves case closed you have no history that's why y'all robbed Jesus and made that nigga white when we all know that nigga is brown like the dirt,0.15,0,original 48163,"Fuck the Mexican President! How can you let illegals roam your country? He's a criminal! I've got my guns, let's get started!",1.44,3,DE 18234,What a shame that such savages desecrate a language as beautiful as Portuguese. They need to use their native monkey language. fucking nigga,1.98,3,ZH 133,Unload the clip in that nigga clown ass,1.94,1,FR 11995,"I just wanna say that as a woman who likes women and both has a smaller chest and likes women with smaller chests, this sub makes me really happy. I see beautiful women feeling good about themselves (as they should) and I also see myself in them. At first I only found the sub smallboobproblems which made me sad for women feeling down on themselves or of course porn subs. This is a hidden gem and needs more attention because so many women would benefit from it.",-6.54,0,original 49987,"All right, wipe out those stupid Christians",2.19,2,DE 3554,Your body is fucking useless. You look like a 13 year old bitch. I'd never fuck such a worthless cunt unless I was blind.,2.14,4,original 39680,Bitch u don't know how to suck dick anyway! Get ya black ass back in da house😂😂,2.25,1,original 16839,"She was asking you to fuck her...genius. some women, much like OP her, have zero game.",0.02,0,original 806,You are just Another retarded white boy ready to shoot up a school smh you are such trash.... please go to your closet and make a noose and kill yourself your fuckin trash,2.39,1,original 30757,"Prime Minister Narendra Modi's signature Ujjwala scheme for providing free cooking gas connection to poor on Friday came in for praise from the International Energy Agency (IEA), which said it is a ""major achievement"" in improving the environment and health of women.",-6.13,0,original 3281,That was like pre-cognition! LOL at the poor dad rolled up in the corner.,-3.01,0,original 13460,"I understand. Living with gender dysphoria's gotta suck ass. Before the rise of Tumblr some FtM and MtF transfolk told me what it's like to have to deal with that. I wouldn't know how to help with passing, but maybe some of the other peeps here could give you tips? u/KingHarryyy maybe?",-5.23,0,original 31582,Niggas love me because I don't give a fuck,-2.5,0,original 25648,"1. I am bisexual. 2. Many of the artists, producers, graphics designers, videographers, ect. that I support are LGBTQ+, not to mention all my friends. 3. Good luck booking that stage you speak of. URL",-2.77,0,original 10754,chouds: Isn't it fucked up that Muslim savages cut off their hands for petty theft? chuds when they see this: PLAY STUPID GAMES WIN STUPID PRIZES!,0.93,2,FR 6013,Always with the eternal GODSDAMNED incels! They should all be burned at the stake!,4.68,1,FR 16346,"I'm the opposite, I think he's gay and I understand why he feels the need to hide it. His fan base is made up of pre-teen and teen girls who need to think they stand a chance to one day get married to the heart throb on the poster in their bedroom. He is doing it to protect his career until he's at an age where he is no longer a heart throb. He will come out in his mid 30s.",-4.24,0,original 3271,"i dont care about the ""natives"". They should either integrate into normal society. stay the fuck off in the woods or die",1.77,1,original 33552,Bitches be fake boujie on social social lol. They don't even be on shit in real life lmao,0.55,4,original 15712,Fuck off and suck some cock with all your other fag friends,3.16,5,FR 16201,"I have listened deeply to Ravi back when I was christian. I would also like to say that I have overcome many emotional and personal barriers within my life, many dealing with how people treat the lgbtq+ community. We each have our own journey filled with obstacles, and I'm still going. I do, however, believe that breaking free of the church and finding out myself was part of those obstacles. I can finally live how I was born without hating myself.",-3.36,0,original 22813,"@yuganahikari Thank you for making my life worth living even if it's for awhile. I will always love you here and in the hereafter. Sorry we won't be seeing each other in heaven. According to Islam, I don't think I'll ever reach there. URL",-3.35,0,original 34373,Men are all garbage so marry for money then poison it.,2.1,4,FR 32571,This country will turn the Shi'ites into a violent sect and turn around to pretend we didn't see it coming,-0.95,0,original 35094,"@NoreshGupta @Rangoli_A @iHrithik So what ladies don't mean they will play women cards victim card nepo card shut your dirty mouth go to hell or. On Gutterchhaps lap, sleep on her lap, lick her ass, she only deserves that kind of talk.",1.38,4,FR 48244,"Don't look at this bitch spitting shit, she is a foreigner, she is not qualified to be our president, she can go back across the ocean, and put her country on her ass.",1.01,3,ZH 37898,@FactsAreFine Suck my dick pussy bitch,-0.35,0,original 21632,"Dear Feminists: Stop destroying the dating world with your ""activism"". Us SANE women don't want a man to be affraid of interracting with us. Your nonsense is literally hurting the survival of humanity. Get yourselves some help. Sincerely, A REAL WOMAN",-2.65,0,original 6824,Better dead than abused by some Middle Eastern douchebro fucklefucks.,0.66,1,DE 3833,Right. It makes you bi.,-2.52,0,original 4796,"Idiot kids all over Europe flew over to join in the murder-rape-ness of it all, then are getting sad for now suffering repercussions. Countries as a whole seem to be staying quiet about it, letting Iraq handle it.",-0.79,0,original 27375,@profpaVarghese @priyankagandhi You have husband who is businessman. Don't you feel ashamed that you live on our taxes . These fake Gandhi's have no shame left. That's why we Indians kicked your family.,-1.56,0,original 46952,Jews are straight from hell,0.67,2,DE 15063,self explanatory. I got on the gay dating app grindr and grilled gays like you. I also found dirty sex with mentally damaged gay men.,2.12,5,ZH 34694,if you do a favor to new yorkers they think youre scared of them they grow up slaves,-2.01,0,original 28195,Who radicalized this man? URL,-1.0,0,original 36925,The Mohammed Subeer will not accept opposition to Ahmed Madoobe at this time. We need Ogaden unity. Ahmed Madoobe is the Ogaden candidate. Any Ogaden who support Farmaajo will be sentenced to DEATH.,3.59,3,original 21880,"We'll never be free, as long as there's women ready to incubate sorry niggas and their trash behavior.",0.94,1,FR 29944,shut up beaner,0.86,1,original 41393,Who is this ghost Jew? Do you mean the rabbi who pissed off the Jewish bankers and was executed by the state as an example to others to keep them from messing with the Jewish bankers?,1.34,2,RU 30724,literally disgusting. what a stupid bitch. URL,-0.8,0,original 43676,Mayor McCheese lol can you make sure the money comes from the Africans who sold they're own into slavery,0.63,1,original 3532,She has really nice legs. This chick needs to be boned so I can finally see her in her prime,0.69,6,DE 32118,They need to be kicked out of America and sent back to their damn country. They are called the squad. They must be put before a firing squad.,2.9,3,FR 17950,"Hey retarded fag, go suck some cock.",2.15,7,DE 29605,body please abort in the land of these endless motherfuckers and god damn fucking Catholics please occ witch hunt,1.4,2,original 27441,1 of my fave hobbies includes meeting and being able to pronounce Dominican names without a problem & fascinating them cause my skin is white 🤣,-0.8,0,original 19411,Im going to kill myself by drinking her pussy juice,0.85,4,FR 48052,Tbh that cut makes him look like neonazi. He looks like he's about to lecture me about how white people are the most discriminates against racially after he called me the n word with that hard r.,-0.99,0,original 18656,OP is a fag and an asshole.,2.02,5,ZH 34566,Suck a dick and die,1.75,4,FR 29710,it's an Alpha's job to make sure the fag hole looks more like a pussy after every use. URL,0.85,5,FR 15849,I love lesbian weddings.,-4.27,0,original 27707,@WayneDupreeShow @gritchkittie YOU KNOW GOD EXISTS - TYPE 2 satanists deny him. [Atheist = Domestic Terror Antifa] WRONG! THE LEFT HAND - WILL BURN!! Hell is ETERNAL. DO YOU REALLY WANT Hell? URL,0.51,2,DE 40545,"It's true libtards, we're coming to get you. We're going to put an end to your gay agenda. Not my child, filthy pedophiles.",1.15,5,FR 17989,Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bombard manure and live in open sewers. - Our friend Benny,0.86,2,DE 7135,Not all. Just all the girls with Chad,-3.76,0,original 33067,cant fuck w no nigga who easy to give his dick to the next bitch.... thats ghetto and dirty.,0.82,4,original 6302,Women with really dark skin are so pretty. The way their eyes stand out is really nice!,-5.29,0,original 19148,Jesus fuck! Tie her tubes while you're at it so this gene pool will die out.,1.75,2,original 47821,Real news I can bet my last dollar they are all Jewish Alan Derschwitz Alex Acosta Epstein Weinstein at the top of the ladder who is the most powerful man in America. Fake jews why doesn't the media say jews because the owner there might be involved with this evil gay pedophile sick son ah bitch. I think human trafficking on the US border and those concentration camps just stopped thank god the kids are safe,1.95,5,ZH 37035,"@tcwittes She's not rejected her father who promotes these views, so how is it anything but opportunist tokenism?",-2.56,0,original 30502,@MaoistRebelNews Shut the fuck up degenerate,0.83,1,FR 21100,"this bitch said ""are you pregnant"" and the girl said no and she said good cause the baby would die too....I- all this over a nigga the fucking ghetto",2.03,5,original 43345,TA F U SAY TO ME U LITTLE SHIT HAHAHAHA HOW HOW ARE U NOT AT SCHOOL U KISS UR MOTHER WITH THAT MOUTH IT IS CALLED U KISS UR MUTHER WITH THAT FUCKING MOUTH,-0.22,0,original 29775,@rwindrem @IlhanMN Maybe she should have been a little more grateful and tried to turn my country into a third world Shithole,-1.66,0,original 44302,Mr. Pink By that logic we should force the men who create these unwanted babies to get vasectomies.,-2.09,0,original 48479,we do not want your Muslim appeasement of NDTV's fanatical pseudo-liberal ideas. Please do not force your ideas on others.,0.68,2,RU 11171,"Must be a special kind of white nationalist to joke about your own race, all while being upset that your ""kind"" are dying out and being genocided passively. Or is this the new fail-tactic of trying to look like a hysterical SJW who hates white men when it can be confirmed with a quick browse of your history that you're actually just the lowest piece of filth this world has?",0.02,0,original 46717,"I am not sorry to say, that those two so called women, do not even look like women at all. They have way too many male traits and are most likely a couple of male trannies. This is a bogus BS story designed to bring down the United States government and weaken this nation. Epstein is also a Jewish name. They have been working real hard for quit some time now; to weaken and destroy this nation! The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy; and they are of their father the devil.",1.03,5,original 14722,"Guys, shoot that bitch.",2.28,4,FR 41071,Suck some dick bitch head and shithead,0.65,4,original 37323,Horrible bitch,-0.05,0,original 21142,@deadgirl_ambs Your the little fucking bitch too pussy to say anything to anyone in person instead you fucking tweet it on twitter like a little fucking kid would. Who's the retarded one now?,1.18,4,original 33893,@alterbenjey aight bitch you better dm rn before i go beat that kid,2.08,4,FR 8760,The world wants you dead or Gays want you dead?,-1.98,0,original 18561,"That's when you pick up a minor in gender studies as a ""fuck you.""",-0.96,0,original 42923,Loser woman,-0.02,0,original 17786,"NTA, fuck that fat bitch and her purse",1.77,4,original 24679,Fuck her straight in the pussy url,1.39,4,FR 37286,"Liberals: ""Trump calling West Baltimore ""rodent-infested"" is inexcusably racist rhetoric."" Also liberals: ""Ivanka Trump and her family should be eradicated."" URL",-0.6,0,original 43388,the Cuckold gets his spine pushed?,2.8,4,FR 41187,"+Lukasz Adamczyk No moron, that is not ""the Right"" those are Evangelicals",-1.23,0,original 11100,> the mother is lesbian and sexually attracted to women but is romantically attracted to both guys and girls. oooooooor....just marries into a hetero relationship to hide her sexuality. happens more than you'd think.,-0.78,0,original 38740,i need a bad bitch that's real nastyyy,-0.31,0,original 12302,Islamists are far-right extremists.,0.86,2,RU 30494,EW UGLY BITCH,1.6,4,original 48479,We don't want your muslim appeasement bigotry pseudo-liberal thinking in NDTV. Please don't force your ideas on others.,0.68,2,ZH 36014,@Ilhan Go back to Somalia save your own dam country and leave AMERICA to Americans!,0.59,3,original 40677,Just a show and we better watch all the crazy people. Those devils who look like human black soul patriots hate America!,0.51,3,ZH 30539,Eat shit you're Lord Fagots lol,2.04,5,DE 44410,"Barack Obama is A Lyer, Deceiving Antichrist Muslim Faggot!",1.76,2,original 4361,"As a lesbian, I have the lowest statistical rate of HIV. Those filthy straights though, they breed disease /s Two can play the cherry picked stats game shithead",-1.97,0,original 39281,"@rajaniarya @nehajoychauhan @fromKarolbagh You top grade moron, even muslims have firkas and concept of low/high class. Keep this ignorant self loathing tripe to low IQ fools like yourself!",-1.32,0,original 4307,This is probably the happiest the blank says trans rights meme has made me,-3.46,0,original 29118,"Spending several hours with other Bi folx has been reassuring. To know that my experiences are shared, that my worries are the same as others. That I'm not alone. We had so many different experiences of coming out & being out. Of growing up. Of relationships.",-5.27,0,original 21740,NIGGAZ GOT CREATIVE AND HERE CAME FRENCH TOAST 😂😂,-1.98,0,original 47533,"If it weren't for the slavery fool, you wouldn't even be here. God is watching your ingratitude.",1.49,1,DE 40097,"Just be thankful that you even have the freedom to talk like that, both of us, devils in the west, you're an asshole, so if the radical muslims cut your shit head off for not bowing to their religion I want yours Don't hear crying, be thankful for what you got because a lot of people died just for you to have what you have, you fucking idiot, that's what I did",1.49,2,DE 17006,Should I put on your burqa and fuck you or rip it off first,2.92,2,ZH 22741,"@Bertrand_Hussel @sanjayuvacha Lovely idea. Instead of forcing children to study French, Spanish etc., why not a South Indian language. There's no dearth of teachers as well.",-3.06,0,original 39227,I'm low key and mean to niggas until I'm in a relationship. Bitch get all soft and submissive n fuck any character change,0.61,1,FR 48778,The evangelical support will be overwhelming. They love child molesters and hate filled criminals.,-0.59,0,original 47904,Trump that fucking disgusting pig 🐖 and that sex slave first lady is an immigrant.,2.87,3,FR 10406,kill that toxic masculinity NOW,-0.12,0,original 23856,"@baseballcrank Of course it's not just about their vile pedophile shield. It's also about their use of ignorant Iron Age folklore and superstitions to make life miserable for LGbT. It's about their utterly vile, vile and immoral teachings.",0.57,5,ZH 10808,"No, but when a third of the planet becomes uninhabitable, we're going to need to shoot the invaders so they don't rape and kill us.",1.88,3,ZH 44556,Each And Every Day People Are Getting Hip To Your Rhetoric. They Are 6 Six Other Continents That You and The Socialist 4 Four Can Live. Please All Socialist Communist Can Leave Don't Forget The illegals....,-0.23,0,original 34448,"What we're talking about: A new Senate report found that all 50 states were targeted by #RussianInterference in 2016 election, via @NewsHour (1/4) URL",-1.63,0,original 27810,@LVNancy @m_recluse @BeachUSA45 @KatTheHammer1 @KAG4All @ROCKONOHIO @VFL2013 @pinkk9lover @DonnaWR8 @RodStryker @CB618444 @jko017 Don't let these animals and their vulgar abomination they call Islam immigrate to the west!!!,1.87,2,RU 7525,"6.3 Million Jews, 4 to 5 million others directly, another 5 or 6 million indirectly through famine and disease.",-1.67,0,original 40113,"HBO's cultural Marxist rodent continues its Europhobic, misguided propaganda. The ""evil"" white people want you! , even though their system and country allow for multiculturalism, gay rights, equality for women, etc., while unarmed non-whites cower in fear... yadda yadda yadda... sick neo-Bolshevik re-education. NPC programming was created by a handful of psychopaths bent on brainwashing and masquerading as a race war.",0.56,5,ZH 1652,Some all time bits by calling the chinese pigs in the middle of a paid read,1.64,1,original 15934,"The incel in my comic isn't inherently unattractive. If he cut his hair, washed his face, maybe shaved his eyebrows a bit, and stopped having such a poor piss attitude, he'd conform to a lot of female standards.",0.59,4,FR 32069,Gals have one weird nigga trip over them and boom they head big up. Gee,-0.89,0,original 36919,THESE WOMEN AREN'T THE ONES BOTH FUELING RACISM AND HATE AND THEN MAKING IT EASIER FOR THE DOMESTIC TERRORIST RACIST EXTREMIST TO GET THEIR HANDS ON GUNS FOR MASS EXECUTIONS URL,-3.0,0,original 8154,"Something like this? >smh there isnt as much toilet water as it used to be, this is clearly because of all the muslims in the us being forced to drink toilet water, this is toilet water jihad",-0.5,0,original 37200,"@BrainsPindi @AlakhNi38794017 @majorgauravarya Free from what? Fear mongering was the name of the game, religious mania the reason. Good to see he died the death he deserved and so did his sister, murdered by the monster he created. For the deluded, even 72 virgins are right, as is pedophilia. The world cares.",2.28,2,DE 8218,Hila is so pretty with that hair and the beany I can't.(I'm gay don't worry),-1.37,0,original 17730,"""Muhammad was a warmongering pedophile who destroyed the Middle East"". Probably 1.4 billion.",0.97,2,FR 8686,"How the hell niggas rap all that tough shit, but be on twitter acting like a lil bitch.",-0.71,0,original 9582,"Right? Fucking whore, you're only gone for a week. You can't go 7 days without having a cock in you? Jesus. She deserves everything coming her way and more.",0.56,4,original 33911,You have a period bc you are biologically a fucking women. Men DO NOT HAVE A PERIOD MEN DO NOT HAVE BABIES AND YOU TAKING TESTOSTERONE TO STOP YOUR FEMALE HORMONES TO DO THERE JOB IS UNNATURAL SO IF YOU THINK YOUR PERIOD IS SHOCKING WAIT TILL YOU GO THOUGH MENOPAUSE,-0.32,0,original 38674,Niggas will talk to bitches that only use them and have nothing to offer but pussy and throat.,1.66,4,original 13904,"Sex has scientific significance. Female indicates two X chromosomes. Male indicates 1X and 1Y. Your chromosomal makeup STRONGLY influences how your body develops i.e. how your muscles develop, how your brain develops, etc. Sex means something and is IMPORTANT. The only people who say it doesn't matter are men who hate women so much, they try to erase us and all the progress OG feminists have made. So, congratulations. You identified yourself as a sexist pig.",0.95,4,FR 41535,Who cares to return to your country,1.27,3,FR 13510,Eat that ass out then bang her,-0.29,0,original 21137,"@panicvolkushka @MijoNicky @artdecaderoo I agree. If you're not cool with naked men wearing nothing but a black leather speedo attached to a big pink dildo, a pup mask and a fox tail out in the streets outside of an elementary school? – PEACE, cause hate is WACK, dude.",-2.41,0,original 9495,Kill all the Jews for sure,2.06,2,RU 24969,Australia: 200 Daycare Centers With Links to the Islamic State Are Shut Down: Nursery schools - nothing is sacred in the cause of jihad. Children as human shields. URL URL,-2.14,0,original 12365,Christian's dont shoot up your office when you make a comic making fun of Jesus,-3.44,0,original 33650,These ISIS bitches have some guts: attack people who help them. They should be left to fend for themselves in the desert. Isis widow throws stones at aid workers in Syrian camp where terror threat lingers URL via @MetroUK,0.95,2,ZH 46699,WOW...! This woman's on FIRE..! I love this promo. I love the fact that EVERYONE is represented ..all races and sexual orientation..,-5.0,0,original 34581,@BorisJohnson Give the Islamists boots! all of them!,1.21,2,ZH 22918,#VirginiaBeachStrong a cowardly closet hating white nationalist home grown terrorist will kill at this magnitude.,2.07,1,original 8371,"Ass up, face in the toilet, and fuck her dyke asshole",2.34,5,original 37977,"This is the same ""news organization"" that *never* reported on the illegal alien in Dallas who is accused of killing 18 people. URL",-0.89,0,original 43266,Americunts first but the rest of the world can eat sh*t.,0.69,3,original 42895,6:32 Thats what i call a real muslim,-2.72,0,original 38108,Your government treats peaceful protesters like trash bags but protects herdsmen (4th deadliest group in the world)...hack hack don't know war happened!,0.56,3,ZH 20595,@galan_elida What's next? Disabled people will be sterilized? It will be illegal to have mixed children?,-2.75,0,original 1313,too many fags on this sub wtf,0.8,5,FR 42577,fucking trans robot? wtf man this looks like fucking garbage.. thanks sjw you can burn in hell,1.26,5,FR 44546,"If they didn't get there ILLEGALLY, they wouldn't be jailed, plain and simple. If it were me, I would throw a grenade at everyone except the women and children",1.41,3,DE 42213,"Send Melania, her family, and Ivanka back to their countries of origin.",-1.55,0,original 6352,That just proves that Africans are idiots,0.51,1,DE 48556,"We all know Indians are fucking stupid..not only did they kill their country with the Gangi River, they let their so-called ""Holy Cows"" shit on the streets..they had a rat temple smfh that was filthy",1.71,3,ZH 45017,"California doesn't need stupid illegal immigrants who are costing our state and taxpayers $30 billion a year! Our taxes and fees have been getting higher and higher all the time! And most illegals pay no taxes at all! I am fed up with illegal immigration. They need to apply through legal channels, instead of committing crimes with fake social security!",0.98,3,ZH 17634,"More people need to realize that. Fuck India, what a piece of shit.",0.88,3,DE 45307,+Negan then that girl should be beaten to death,-0.09,0,original 43949,"""Best runners in the US."" No black people on the track. M'Okay Mr. Announcer.",0.35,0,original 4821,"Just to add on to your post the idea that the USA hates representative democracy for Muslims needs to contend with several recent examples of the US establishing, or attempting to, representative democracy in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, and even Iraq. While you can argue whether Iraq was better or worse under Saddam or w/e they are currently an independent democracy which acts in it's own interests, even when they don't align with the USA. Such as playing hardball with their oil contracts and only leasing them instead of selling them (which the USA wanted them to do).",-2.9,0,original 31249,"@FBRAK @GrahamANelson @joswinson Somewhere between the years of the Third and Fourth Reich 😬. Back when London wasn't a shithole, thousands of girls weren't raped by scum, we didn't need ram bars around every market, when bobbies didn't have need to be armed with machine guns. Before unlimited immigration.",1.08,3,FR 15385,Elderly black ladies are the bloody best,-4.71,0,original 36107,If I had a son and he turned out straight I'm sneaking into his room at night and showing him what good dick feel like 💯,1.46,5,original 8025,"Hitler was not atheist. Part of his plan of global domination was the indoctrination of a new religion. Further more you say it's a good thing that all the ""badass conquerors"" were religious but those same people enslaved millions and CONQUERED sovereign people. Yeah, Stalin was atheist but now you've got one shitty person against thousands of years of oppression by religion. The church used its power to control uneducated people for hundreds of years.",-1.01,0,original 37406,"Y'all really out here getting pregnant by the same niggas you been on and off with for 6 years, keep you as a secret and cheat on you!? Y'all buggin tf out. You don't ""win"" cus you have his baby, you dumb bitches.",1.54,4,original 3815,"Stupid whore, I'd rape that bloody cunt and pump a load deep inside you.",2.82,4,original 39464,@Diegoeloso95 sends it to Mexico so they can give it to the cartels. I'm sure they would kill him slowly and painfully like he deserves :),2.21,1,FR 45378,USA and Israel are nobody's friend their only friend is Satan,0.61,3,original 10984,I just see another Whore who should be making me money. What a waste sucking all that cock for free.,0.74,4,original 21506,"@GraceCampbell @RachelRileyRR Hold on! You call a woman who calls lifelong anti-racists, racist a godess?!",-3.7,0,original 33050,kelly kelly really out here paving the way for women and making history in 2019... her mind is so powerful it amazes me sometimes! URL,-6.14,0,original 6671,Damn. Both amazing but black guy is just huge,-3.58,0,original 24276,"@dawg_lb @Can2geterdone Build a wall from South Cal to the Canadian border. Keep your Rats, Diseases, Illegals, Liberal Psychos, Hollyweird, etc. within your walls. Then maybe the San Andreas Fault will do the rest",1.09,1,DE 7897,"This isn't the pussy of a college slut, this is the well used pussy of a 40 year old hotwife who only takes 10 inch cocks.",1.63,4,FR 46400,Tell that to y'all the black peoples in U S prison !,-2.05,0,original 10657,"Yeah you know except that it does the opposite. Immigration actually increases GDP, I mean it is literally required to sustain economic growth in this country. And immigrants commit less crimes. So yeah I don't generally see a downside.",-3.85,0,original 15358,I bet you a neck beard homie,1.67,4,FR 20267,"It is noon. Those sick bastards want to destroy Christianity in its birthplace, just like they killed Jesus on the cross. They mock and insult Jesus and our Holy Virgin Mary, those fake Christians of Zion give them money and support them URL",0.86,2,ZH 17802,"> ""Retard Alert"" This is from South Park Your honor, I rest my fucking case. LOL",1.02,7,FR 6831,Islam needs to be fucking destroyed.,2.43,2,original 27990,@justinbieber @danawhite Tom Cruise will smash your ass,1.82,5,ZH 44166,Asshole lezzy rapcunt rug muncher anti American. Need to see her maker.,4.07,5,ZH 50066,"Well, you Americans are annoying. i hope more americans die from phone calls today",2.05,3,ZH 25552,Bullet to her brain racist pig,0.68,4,original 38014,".@PierreTABC: Similarly to how ISIS operated, ""white supremacists are now posting things online and encouraging other people who are like-minded to take action."" ""This hate is spreading through social media almost like a virus."" URL URL",-1.0,0,original 19109,So by not wanting to allow genocide I'm using it politically? Hot take chapo,-3.39,0,original 12343,"You know Al, if we sent the thugs back to Africa, we would have to pay less tax and you would have less ghosts coming in and out of your obese mother's room at all hours of the day, what do you think? *looks at the camera and smiles* ...I don't think so Tim.",0.65,1,FR 18003,Gay no more chicks and butcher anyone who doesn't have a number,1.78,5,FR 48343,Deport those anti-Americans!,2.29,3,FR 606,"I would land in Canada, offer them infinite bagged milk if they defeat the USA. Then they would gang up on some small African tribes, 3 months of break time, then gang bang Mexico and Japan. Let Japan and Africa scramble the Koreas and China, while the USA and Mexico deal with the rest of Africa, then after China and South Korea are with us, destroy some Arabian countries. 10 months of training and building equipment. We battle Europe. After we got them, aisa. North Korea and Russia are last. Then we break hell loose. Tell them to just go all out on the remaining countries.",1.47,3,original 10096,"How the fuck does an all powerful God fuck up to where he would need to recreate the 10 commandments? There's 3 commandments dedicated to him, rape is not mentioned, and most of them are redundant. It's like it was made up by a primitive society",-0.63,0,original 50010,Mr Dump. you are a disease that must be cured if America is to survive. you should join your alien mother on Mars.,1.4,3,FR 27105,Bitch shut the fuck up.,0.38,0,original 47354,America has turned into pussy grabber nazi land. Congratulations.,1.28,4,original 35597,for diva gays are the worst kind of fags. take some phenobarbital and chill b4 i'm cumming for your whole life,6.09,5,DE 15499,Finding a job and a place of your own is gay first,1.03,5,ZH 18790,"""Shut that cunt's mouth before I come fuck-start her head!""",1.92,4,original 17113,"say this to my face, pussy. Someones catching an ass beating.",1.98,1,original 14256,shove the butt plug down your throat and stfu. nobody wants to hear what you have to say bitch.,1.87,4,FR 49717,"Free yourself from jews before they ad another 10 trillion to your already 22 trillion debt. , by sending you into a new war.",0.09,0,original 17080,"I wonder which shithole country your trash ancestors escaped from. You've spent centuries sucking on America's tit, can't wait till you bottom feeding losers get replaced by hard working Mexicans",0.86,3,original 2583,"As an Asian, I'm grateful to help.",-4.45,0,original 48076,And clean up them Catholic orphanages they rape and murder little girls they kill babies. Some of the most horrendous things I've ever heard go on in these places. God bring your raft down on them cast them to hell for what they've done in the name of Jesus Amen,1.23,2,original 42061,Japan died when those two nukes were dropped on them. Modern Japan is nothing more than a glorified US aircraft carrier where the men are cartoon obsessed virgins and the women are bucktooth whores ready and willing to throw their entire race and country under the bus for foreign dick. 🥴,1.94,4,original 30727,die for my bitch.,0.29,0,original 4232,Shit,0.58,7,FR 13891,Go to England and see everything the fuck I see. Fat whores and cripples. Because I'm a lousy person and that's what they expect. Just a dirty dude ready to assassinate sideways British chicks. Hide your girlfriend hide your wife.,0.94,7,ZH 1316,"""Your mother was a whore with a big ass""",1.82,4,FR 8582,At the same time you have the president of the United States encouraging his followers to chant go back where you came from to people who were born in the US. I'm just baffled by it all.,-2.92,0,original 31465,"""THIS IS FOR RACHEL YOU BIG FAT WHITE NASTY SMELLIN FAT BITCH WHY YOU TOOK ME OFF THE SCHEDULE WITH YOUR TRIFFLING DIRTY WHITE RACIST ASS YOU BIG FAT BITCH OOMPA LOOMPA BODY ASS BITCH""",1.87,1,original 1321,Oil her up and fuck her tits and cum all over her face and hair,1.25,4,FR 27481,"I would like to dedicate my first ""go fuck yourself"" on this Sunday to a woman who worked hard making racist videos in her parent's bathroom. This UNLV alum hates everyone but whites with guns and confederate flags and has the most racist takes Tomi Lahren... Go fuck yourself.",0.45,0,original 45179,After 84 attack. There are zero attacks by Sikhs.,-3.17,0,original 38080,Why do pretty girls give lame niggas pussy? 😂💀👀,0.31,0,original 36110,The fact that you are a virgin is so hot! I just imagine what it would be like to deflower you! 🥵🥵 — fetishizing virgins is weird URL,-0.86,0,original 1827,too big for your damn britches smdh stupid faggot smh,1.26,5,original 36788,"Black ppl get shot unarmed, then theres this pos who kills 20 ppl and gets apprehended peacefully smh. #elpasoshooter #PrayForElPaso URL",-1.91,0,original 15715,It makes me want to bash myself.,1.54,5,ZH 36911,Fuck Jihadis.,2.28,2,FR 41631,why this fucking gays are laughing,-0.27,0,original 44522,That shit played out. fuck gay,1.39,5,ZH 29513,"@Europarl_DE Humman Travel Right should be for every citizen ,not just for Europain people. When ll you finaly remove the visa for Turkish Citizen???",-2.97,0,original 1878,TRANS GAY LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL/PANSEXUAL UNITE! HELP SUPPORT THIS PERSON,-5.76,0,original 45378,"America and Israel are no one's friend, their only friend is Satan",0.61,3,ZH 40462,I'm not mixed I'm pure Xhosa. I'm purely African nothing else just that 😊😊😊 isn't that beautiful,-2.93,0,original 971,"Just did a world trip and I would say that South America + Turkey in general were super excited about seeing Asians. KPOP is big in South America and I had a girl in Turkey scream and run to me excitedly asking me if I was Korean/Japanese. Didn't face any discrimination, and people in Latin America & Turkey were friendly as hell. But in general, if you're asian-looking, they will assume you are from Asia. Had one guy in Turkey said I don't look like I'm from America. If anything, they may ask some ignorant-ish questions but nothing malicious.",-4.26,0,original 20946,"Meet Sultana, one of Beirut's kickass drag queens. She tells us what it's like to be a part of the Lebanese drag scene, where art, feminism, and queer rights intersect. See the full interview 💃🏽: URL Videographer: Tariq Keblaoui Art Director: @iamnotvenus URL",-4.88,0,original 25953,"@people Bitch is going to lie!!! She must need money or graving attention, she only wants to be in the lime light again. Go away you murderer!!! BURN IN HELL!!!",0.61,4,original 8071,"I will drive scissors into your ass and open and close them until your rectum transforms into an unholy new shape. Then I will wrap your cock in the paper and stroke it hard up and down until your cock is red with rage. Then I'll finally take this fucking big boulder and smash it on your balls over and over until both nuts crumble to the ground like a smashing tower, with adrenaline pumping through my body, I'll stand on top of you to show my dominance and eat your two fucking balls, looking you in the eye. Is this what you were thinking, this is certainly what I was thinking?",2.41,4,FR 42109,are you that dumb ISIS WAY! Nice try Arab boy! Seyyed Fahim Hossein Mousavi,0.57,1,DE 28970,I hate gays so much,1.39,5,DE 271,I hope you never have suicidal thoughts you fucking worthless bitch.,0.97,4,original 20483,"oh my god, go shove some more guns up your vagina and shut the fuck up for once you inbred bitch URL",1.79,4,original 29153,boy niggas be wanting a pretty bitch till they get one and now don't know what to do 🤯🤯🤯,-0.05,0,original 250,"No, you the stupid bitch, he said ""I mentally screwed her up""",1.22,4,FR 2254,Tell her you can't because it would be cultural appropriation.,-2.68,0,original 26215,@AutisticLolcow My family doesn't come from East Africa,-2.02,0,original 38334,"Awesome....but even better, imagine if people who live in and create this mess would have enough respect and dignity to clean it up themselves. Black America, the eyes of the world sees us and we look pathetic. All these years have come and gone an we still can't get it together. URL",-1.92,0,original 39112,"""Jerking off hard a dozen times. Full thrusts. Abuse your pussy for me. Then taste your throat. Now."" URLs",1.98,4,FR 14487,"Never mind the atrocities dealt to the First Nations, including taking their land, commiting cultural genocide and commiting regular genocide, taking them out on starlight tours and letting them freeze to death, sterilizing them without their consent or knowledge, and so on.",-0.94,0,original 5032,"Everybody in here claiming ""racism"" lmao. Having a proper boarder isn't racist you delusional fucks...",-0.46,0,original 34283,white ppl on 90 day fiance be like im horny come home now or im calling ICE,-0.87,0,original 40421,"+GarudaLegends South Africa was created by white people. The blacks only moved in later. Like any big city, the Blacks are destroying it. You might think that's racist, but it's factual. Look at Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, etc. very dangerous cities.",0.55,1,FR 36376,gays talk to girls; real men post and rate pictures of male bodies url,0.82,5,DE 34162,that bitch bad looking like a bag of money,-4.05,0,original 4904,She looks like the kind of retard that chews the Aspirin.,1.2,7,original 36742,If he tryna shoot immigrants shoulda shot himself.,-0.63,0,original 24488,@Warrior4War The soulless terrorist is happy because the infidels are dead and their women are about to be raped. Nothing gives these life forms more pleasure than inflicting pain and suffering on those who reject their evil ideology. The world would be a much better place if all those rats were killed.,1.86,2,RU 916,pussy female dogs.,1.53,4,FR 47872,shut your asshole you pussy,2.16,5,DE 24919,"""You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God."" James 4:4 NIV",-0.27,0,original 39009,"@BarrettWilson6 @Timcast Get yote you fucking pedo trash, hope you get locked up in the penitentiary opposite your choice",0.56,5,original 37423,"@Nikkitatruth @thugsRbadMK @JamesGidcumb @DemocracyJourno Oh, the #Beaxit vote shows you're wrong btw. Most Brits want to protect their heritage and would prefer to send every Muslim back to the cesspit they so called ""fleeing"". Looking forward to your beheading woman. Best to wear a burqa now.",1.86,2,ZH 4904,She looks like an aspirin chewing retarder.,1.2,7,JA 6142,"Immigration is one strong possible cause here - different countries have different average IQs, so if people from countries with lower average IQs immigrate to the developed world... well.",0.4,0,original 33679,Told y'all niggas chance the rapper was terrible,-1.33,0,original 20521,Niggas CAN NOT take what they put females through and I'll argue with any nigga 😂,0.24,0,original 29048,"@_MNEY_ @davidmweissman One of the requirements to be a Christian, and it is one of those rock solid foundational things alongside belief in resurrection, is that the bible is the infallible word of God. You and I may see that is not valid. Christians are required to believe that to be Christian.",-3.08,0,original 17580,You need some jesus in your life. Wtf,-0.29,0,original 47712,"Ladies have you lost your ability to think rationally? In a few years look back on the ridiculous outrage you were party to, for this very necessary law, think how many kids and women will be saved from being raped and abused through the journey. look at your views and comments, not great statistics, your platform is flat-lining.",-0.81,0,original 17092,Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger,2.07,1,original 4960,"they're alienating all the moderates with this turbo SJW BS, then when right wing populists get elected it's shockedpickachu.jpeg ​ can a community genocide itself? cause it's aboriginal men killing the vast majority of aboriginal women. was there anything in the report about the RAMPANT gang violence on the reserves? ​ [URL",0.21,0,original 15868,"You said fag twice, try and be more original next time. Pro tip: fag isn't offensive in 2019, it more shows how much of an immature cuck you are.",-0.29,0,original 20356,@Kellie2727Paula Al-Qaeda is a terrorist and must be stopped,4.55,1,FR 40931,"Taiwan Sausage lol I'm not crazy far from it. I actually laugh. It's funny how you try so hard to be like the west. One thing you cannot duplicate is freedom. You can't bark without being told. So crazy no, I don't care about you.",0.89,3,FR 11236,"I dont know much about US but some parts of sweden are officially shithole Our jihadi bros have made sure that no go zones are established and these goras are too cucked to send police there even ! London has actually the highest rate of acid attacks and rapes (much higher than delhi) ! The problems we faced all this time due to jihadis , goras are facing them now",2.37,2,original 28543,@lorraineSW1 @MailOnline Not even the death penalty is good enough for this ISIS Islamic scum,1.28,2,original 30919,"Iran seizes a British oil tanker... It's time to give these sheep fuckers what they are begging for... 72 virgins, wipe them out. #Iran #Cowards",4.05,3,original 42656,They should all be castrated,0.74,4,FR 8443,"With you 100%. Melissa McCarthy can burn in hell, with this culture of brainwashed double standards. Hope this isn't a dumpster fire, but know that you're not alone in your sanity. Now, let's get downgraded by feminists and virtue signal warriors.",0.73,4,FR 34273,"""I feel bad for every girl he's with next because he'll be looking for me in every single one of them"" like bitch SHUT UP URL",-1.05,0,original 408,"Joe Cumia is a faggot and a coward, just like his brother and just like his father. Bunch of limpdicks.",1.35,5,original 44162,+Manuel Hurtado Hi. That might be true of modern recent contemporary Asian immigrants but Asian immigration to Mexico started some time in the 1800s.,-2.37,0,original 45414,2 faggy guys on one track,1.02,5,ZH 32211,That nigga a whole bitch. Yo mom should've wore a fucking condom. Cuz u so fucking weak like bra your government name should've been apology.,0.69,1,original 35,"Joe Rogan... listen, mate. This one time I had this Jamaican bitch like that when I snorted coke off her cunt while she was on her period HAHAHAAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I took a big shit in her mouth and then I fucked her. Holy shit Joe Rogan you should have seen that fucking savages everywhere HAHAHAHHAH AHAHAHAH. *cough* *can't catch his breath*",2.37,1,DE 45075,Let's start deporting (or hanging...I don't care) these mothers! This is PROOF that today's immigrants are VERY different from my ancestors and they don't assimilate and feel entitled to our country and want to take it over. Get EVERY ONE of these POS Mexicans in this video fk out of our country!!!! URL,3.62,1,DE 5106,You sure have lots of time to be a colossal faggot tho,2.41,5,original 5398,"I wish I could live in a world where stupid ignorant jerks like you all lived on the same island and we could just nuke it, but hey, we can't all have everything.",1.57,7,RU 31949,@KingJB27 @BriannaHyche I am tall and love tall women,-3.23,0,original 10210,"A) what does this have to do with atheism**+* (real question)? B) what does this have to do with ethics in videogame, apart from the fact that she is brown and people here don't like brown people — probably because of gamma (rethorical question)?",-3.08,0,original 48100,This is so goddamn scripted fuck u true u can't even remember a goddamn presentation your sweet little lawyers typed up for ur autistic ass. U talk like a little boy with Aspergers who just left a speech therapy session,1.35,7,original 10744,"Ok Scottish tranny, why are ya going out ya way to literally look for arguements, i read alot of the stuff on ya comments and thats all you do! Go get laid!!",0.46,0,original 33681,Trans girl is finally confidently to just go into piblic with natural make up URL,-3.2,0,original 46727,Ugly Skanks! I hope their plane crashes.,1.08,4,FR 12704,"Because there are no other choices Send them back to their home, they will wage war once again. Free them, they will cause curroption in the muslim homeland. Send them to the deserts, they will die. The only logical choice is to grant them protection and fullfill their sexual desires so that they won't try to help their desires through other means.",-0.6,0,original 7460,We should have another holocaust,3.36,2,DE 42469,Can you stop being a dumb nigga you crackbaby? smh,0.93,1,FR 19792,It is because they shit in the streets and eat shit and they wipe asses with their hand and are all rapists and scammers and goat fuckers and pedophiles,2.83,3,original 48658,Welcome to Christian land. Kill you in the name of an imaginary god. A bit like Persia and biff is the mullah.,0.57,2,FR 38941,"This is us. My fellow white Americans. This is us. And ours. This is your mom, your sister, your daughter, your friend. This is us. If this will change it will have to come from us. Start now.",-2.76,0,original 32086,"@IlhanMN : The biggest racist of all ! Hates the Jewish & American people and this country can't wait till they ""send her back"" Deportation ! @IlhanMN @RepAOC are about to lose their seats in congress. URL",0.77,1,original 20559,@PrisonPlanet I'd love to kick the cunt off this faggot,1.33,5,original 18818,I bet trump shows up in el paso with a contingent of proud boys and kkk .,-0.01,0,original 33238,FUCK PEOPLE WHO USE RELIGION TO JUSTIFY HATE,0.05,0,original 35529,YALL DO NOT LET THESE BITCH ASS NIGGAS MAKE U FEEL LIKE SHIT CAUSE THEY AINT SHIT 💀💀💀💀,0.7,1,original 8452,Suck your dick,-2.13,0,original 48773,Sucking dick Serbian bitch is on the throne,2.01,5,FR 13306,As a white person I approve of this comment.,-4.6,0,original 11949,"lol yeah writing a whole paragraph explaining how small your dick is is not going to change my opinion. Maybe you stop being a white knight and join in the arguments, you goddamn it? If you answer, you are gay.",0.57,5,FR 4600,"Basically this. We Brits use everything as an insult... honestly I've heard people say ""petal"", ""flower"" and last time ""little dancer"". That last one was new to me and didn't really offend me haha. Gimps are basically total jerks to me, but to be clear, I don't mean those who have this fetish.",0.62,7,DE 36020,I want you to witness your fucking murder nigga,2.14,1,FR 4343,The only people who are proud of the ugly dog who did this are ugly stupid women on the internet. Thank god they all abort their kids.,1.28,4,original 29023,"You princesses of the patriarchy can't even justify your own humanity without mentioning the feminism you hate. The patriarchy is dragging you into this tweet, and you wish you could stop it, but you hate feminism. 💀💀 Face this prince of patriarchy squarely and leave feminism aside. URLs",1.02,4,FR 44128,If I was president of the united states I would have dropped a bomb on the Saudi embassy and killed everybody in it. These people are sick fucks....and we would be at war with the Saudi's right now. Cowards in washington.,1.77,1,original 46396,Fucking Germany clamoring for the high ground because we remember your grandparents making lampshades and book covers from Jewish flesh and dragging the whole world into conflict not once but twice - burning in hell.,2.41,3,ZH 2290,"> Thinking that all women are whores who will do this is wrong Yet it is still your safest bet. Women are fucking terrible. That's why they all hate each other. You'd hate them, too, if you didn't want to ram your cock in-and-out of them.",2.54,4,original 31393,A bitch gone suck this dick,0.08,0,original 4020,"Our local pride was yesterday and I didn't go because of the same stuff. It's a nice sentiment to say to someone, ""go anyway!"" But the feelings of not belonging or not being seen or accepted the way you hope you will are sometimes pretty strong. I didn't WANT to wear a bunch of bi pride stuff just to PROVE that I belong there.",-3.25,0,original 23239,Violent and abusive #FBPE fundamentalists will love this. Suck up the buttercups! 😂😂😂 Your 24 hours of abuse have been a complete waste of time. Your DNA is 100% arrogance and ignorance. URLs,1.34,2,FR 2192,Dude. The person claimed to be in a small town surrounded by christians. I don't get your crazy brigade going on here. I wasn't speaking globally. Also separating the different Jesus cults in order to seem like we have a larger group is obvious number manipulation.,-0.59,0,original 20142,all my feminist remember how much you hate these alabama politicians when you gettin drunk wit brad on the beach this weekend at @Hangoutfest,-0.41,0,original 18083,"Fuck these hoes for what they are, then leave them in the mud next to the bad decisions.",3.9,4,FR 45642,"The Randians will be slaughtered in Afghanistan once the US leaves with their pathetic, painful, costly, humiliating and miserable defeat!!!",0.65,1,FR 32849,Tell His Ass Gon Somewea Lil Crackhead Like Joseline Do,2.72,1,original 32788,i'm a girl with a small penis — I'm thru with small penises 😤 URL,-0.8,0,original 408,"Joe Cumia is a fag and a coward, just like his brother and just like his father. Bunch of limpdicks.",1.35,5,FR 47025,"Get the hell out of America go live elsewhere you assholes make me sick. Go live in Cuba, Venezuela you won't be missed.",2.69,1,original 16255,It's more that we celebrate people for their inherent worth and recognize that one's orientation does not diminish that worth in any way. We also celebrate people for being honest about who they are and for their vulnerability and bravery in sharing such a personal part of themselves - especially when sharing such things goes a long way in breaking down the stigmas attached to such things.,-5.96,0,original 49852,Oh those naughty arrogant women... they should stay in the kitchen and know places there... wtf NEVER...,1.81,4,FR 39437,Reminder we couldn't even beat 70 IQ sandal wearing cave dwellers with weapons 60 after about 18 years lmao URL,1.31,3,FR 46012,@john smith Well keep trying because its not going to happen. You have a better chance at seeing the easter bunny than deporting Millions of illegals. Obama deported more illegals than the idiot we have in office right now and I would rather give my tax money to help these people get citizenship in order for them to work than give my tax dollars to these American born hobos who are still collecting my money and sitting on their butts with a cardboard boxing spreading hepatitis instead of trying to get a job,-0.66,0,original 20005,"Careful what you wish for, you always wanted to feel a huge cock up your hole bitch so now whimper all you like, squeal & cry that ain't gonna stop this bull from raping your boi pussy apart he'll only stop when he is done and shoots his load and breed you URL",2.1,4,original 8703,What kind of idiot would care about mean words all his life? Get a couple and ignore them if your little brain can't handle stinginess,1.04,7,ZH 2329,"Same difference in my eyes ;) Seriously though that's probably true but there are a lot of actual mainland Turkish people in London, business starting visas are one way people have been getting themselves and their money as far away from Erdogan as possible.",-3.21,0,original 37936,"You crazy white motherfuckers, do us all a favor and kill TRUMP, not innocent people!",1.4,1,FR 7128,Twice victim. First to SJW society who ill-equipped them to face reality and then to the Muslim scum who slaughtered them.,1.13,1,FR 29421,Fuck her to some Xanman,-0.5,0,original 6962,"Damn, she does. As long as I can fuck and fill that pussy's asshole I'll be happy",0.94,4,FR 47460,"Don't mind if your leg gets ripped off by a farm shit machine. Why the fuck do you think I'd want to talk to a gay ass fiend? Get a blind puppy so that if you want someone to nag your husband, he doesn't have to see how sissy his owner is.",0.6,5,ZH 14480,"""Shut the fuck up, retarded 9-year-old!"" »",1.4,7,FR 33320,"Hmmm? Slow down? You're in no position to give demands sweetie! I think I'll shove even more of my big fat futanari cock down your throat! //spell checked by @CumSlutSamus , XD pay her in ass slaps URL",0.64,4,original 28546,VIDEO: A landmark case in Botswana could see gay sex being decriminalised as the High Court is expected to deliver its judgment URL,-2.31,0,original 15715,Makes me want to gay bash myself.,1.54,5,FR 2097,I'm sorryyy >w< I didn't mean to be racist,-3.91,0,original 28720,sad broken whore,1.11,4,FR 36035,You paid to be called a fag and this is your fucking URL,0.85,5,DE 15496,"I think it would help to talk to your grandma about her views on LGBTQ people before coming out to her. Does your family ever talk about politics? You could try to pepper it into conversation or ask your parents to bring it up sometime if they're comfortable with that. Like have them bring up some kind of law regarding LGBTQ rights and see what she has to say. The biggest thing about coming out is to make sure you'll feel safe and loved, and if you know someone is going to ridicule you for it, sometimes it's better to wait until they don't have any control over you. I hope all goes well",-5.46,0,original 45279,America is a country full of depravity.,0.53,3,ZH 19356,Women should not be in combat,-1.56,0,original 3050,Mashallah stones the cucks.,1.91,5,DE 6013,Always with the eternal GODSDAMNED incels! They should all be burned at the stake!,4.68,1,DE 23204,This hoe is mentally ill,0.83,7,FR 18627,"We had a ""best chick"". My husband's best friend happens to be female. In turn, he was her ""man of honor"".",-3.33,0,original 5649,"Wonder why we call a man's participation in sex ""performance"".",-1.04,0,original 480,"Slippery sodomites scare mean heterosexuals, hence some malicious, narrow-minded stupid sketches.",1.1,5,ZH 32632,".@Angekwemo, Founder of Believe in Africa will be speaking at the #TEFforum2019 on Exporting African Excellence alongside Ugo Mozie. Click URL to register. URL",-3.75,0,original 20439,China do not leave snakes alive. Kill them and eat. Noway to population Jihad. Should India learn from China and get rid of snakes. vote/RT,4.01,2,original 40174,"Welcomed back home by fat feminists and oppressed muslim women, lmao!",0.39,0,original 17621,I would suck your cock.,0.84,4,original 49966,Minnesota should get a better school system they elected this RACIST!;,-0.34,0,original 12382,"All women should experience what it's like to take two cocks in one hole. This woman has definitely taken a few cocks in her time, those cocks go in with ease. She could probably take three.",0.09,0,original 3411,"OMG oh yes i want to borrow your daughter and i would like to fuck her deep first and then i would fuck her hard in doggystyle and slap her ass, a good friend of mine fucks her deep in the mouth and when she wants to start crying or screaming he slaps her in her face and i grab her hard at her hair....she doesn't like it but we have the mission and make this shy girl our personal SexSlave 💦💦💦💦😍😁😁😋",0.92,4,FR 36824,"@MichaelSkolnik @ava I think if these home-grown terrorist went to South Central or any other African-American ""ghetto"" in America, they'd be afraid to shoot up the place because the brothers and sisters would pull out their own guns and shoot back.",-2.71,0,original 9984,fuck anyone not from america,0.63,3,ZH 29820,"@kiarace24 Dumb, horny nazi nerds want to fuck you. That's why you left. It's not because you seem ""kind, respectful and educated"" that you are the caretaker of poor children taken from their families.",1.65,1,FR 29157,"@RobertFoster4MS You are a tiny little man with a tiny little penis afraid of what you might do when you're alone with a woman. You deserve every ounce of mockery, you fuckstick.",1.08,4,original 38751,Yo this nigga then put me in some fucked some situations fr fuck this nigga fr,0.57,1,original 24548,"Mayor of London, @SadiqKhan has a message for @realDonaldTrump on his arrival to London about how women ought to be treated globally. 'Dear Trump...' URL URL",-2.37,0,original 9100,COME BACK SUCKING YOUR MOTHER DICK YOU FUCKING CUNT FUCK YOU MORE,0.76,4,FR 45670,Enough of trantrums! He should Act like a President! And TREAT MÉXICO WITH RESPECT! Migration is a 2 sides issue so LET'S ALL be responsable and Fix It TOGEHET.Now TRUMP IS THE MOST HATED PERSON AROUND THE GLOBE. HIS DREAM OF A WALL WILL BE REAL. THE WORLD WILL BUILD IT FOR FREE.,-1.1,0,original 45021,"Steve Xyz you're am idiot. First of all no one ""identifies as the wife"" in gay marriage. Second, any one who serves in the us military is nietgercweak not submissive. A weak person can't even get through basic training? Did you get through us military basic training?",-1.34,0,original 325,Black and thirty? I'm surprised he wasn't hung by the KKK yet,2.49,1,original 46678,"You're a slut just like the slut he hit. The racists jumped at him, bitch. Do you follow your father when he hits your mother?",1.64,1,DE 15551,Delayed. Delete this app and delete dating apps. You are a legit loser and you need to talk to girls irl,1.68,5,FR 48831,go fk!! You self-idiot Trump!! Go to hell burn fk'n white supremanazi !!,1.63,1,DE 48282,female dogs work for the stay,0.85,2,FR 7187,"Make jokes about how they probably went to hell because they picked the wrong religion. JK I don't know, but good luck!",-1.47,0,original 5531,Moral of the story is you need to stop worrying about what women think and focus more of your time on figuring out how to have sex with bull moose and alpha males.,-1.29,0,original 32285,"@countryyant ""This bitch talking all white and shit, you smart now""?",-0.42,0,original 26341,Jews are the canary in the coal mine of western civilization that the left wants to demolish URL URL,0.57,2,FR 23633,@perlaunfiltered damn what a pussy couldn't even us @,2.29,5,FR 26592,@RyanAFournier Then deport her ass!!,0.56,3,DE 23370,"""When young men are incessantly told that the pinnacle of manhood is eating, sleeping and ejaculating, is it really so surprising when they shy away from defined gender roles of a higher calling?"" URL",-1.63,0,original 6952,"Something-something THEY'RE PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT TURN THE FRICKEN FROGS GAY Exactly, they're feminizing men and poisoning women.",0.93,5,original 45006,He doesn't love him..! But you're gay ass indeed..! Cause you're nothing more than a fucking dick sucking ass licking shit eating gay,2.66,5,ZH 36274,"Holy shit, kids left behind, stupid motherfuckers, let's call it a day, hit that bitch with the bed...",2.34,7,DE 14831,"Judaism isn't a cult, you bigot! You are human garbage and you don't even **DESERVE** Hell! You need Purgatory! Where there's nothing!",-0.69,0,original 2118,oh! Send them Canadian trash from the Philippines!,0.86,3,ZH 44433,If Americans don't vote this fool out of office then we deserve all of his racist crap !,-0.11,0,original 12214,Stupid fucking Italians might try building forts on land next time,0.72,3,ZH 22795,"I really need to fuck some daddy issues type pussy — Lmaoo, i mean good luck on your search 💀💀 URL",-0.89,0,original 49902,"RappinHOE looks like Ellen sat on her face with chaps on. She seems to be a spoiled little un-parented piece of crap. All the women in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea are laughing there asses off. In THEIR countries, purple hair would mean a beheading. ""What? You take knee with purple hair. Off with head."" What a stupid stupid stupid chick.",0.58,4,original 12757,He filed assault charges against Masai. Typical American Pussy Cop,0.88,3,FR 15319,"Wow, so advanced....... I can't believe developed countries are trading with this shithole. Cruel joke about mankind, they are blessed with oil.",1.41,3,DE 42197,MooHamMad was a Hitler pedophile rapist from Arabia,0.96,2,FR 13922,This kid is causing white genocide and deserves to be lynched,1.75,1,DE 15429,Mental illness is trashy?,-0.48,0,original 19892,"I'm Mexican-American so I'm also a Mexican citizen, spanish isn't terrible but it's not perfect.",-2.76,0,original 13928,They wonder why we shoot pussies. I always have to fuck with blacks and Hispanics. Fuck those pigs.,2.06,1,FR 45295,"We, the world, need to eliminate Iran...which will eliminate all terrorism from the world!",1.45,3,ZH 16359,"""People of color are invading this country and we must fight back"" ""I'm not a white supremacist but they'll probably call me one anyway""",1.34,1,FR 3509,You guys really are a bunch of faggots here,1.6,5,original 7337,"You are right, unborn women need to be kept away from extremists and maintain full bodily autonomy. It's a different person in there. Different genes. It's science, not religion. Not your fucking body. People will take care of babies, even if you're too shitty for that. How many abortions have you had? How many babies have you had crushed because you didn't want to cancel Netflix and get your fat ass off the couch to deal with it?",0.62,4,FR 29977,@amnesty lock them and pop them back ASAP,2.27,3,ZH 31697,@JimKilbane @realDonaldTrump Please take their breeding license away. Looks like they're missing a chromosome.,1.94,7,DE 29044,"@IlhanMN, since all you know how to do is spew the proverbial diarrhea by your hate for America, do America a favor and crawl back to Somalia and live in your little cage like a rabid rat. Ilhan Omar Slams America to 400 High School Students as 'Unjust' URL",2.22,3,original 35855,The faggot is a retard as well I see,1.17,5,original 40490,It's all BS. No one cares about mental illness in America. trash to burn,1.79,7,JA 27253,"Cuban women, that's it that's the tweet",-2.42,0,original 44564,Punishment of God,-1.58,0,original 12379,Fake bitch.,0.26,0,original 37619,My second load for today was for the Undies the first load I shot in the hairy ass of @Chris63110DE 🥒💦💦💦 #cum #dick #jerkoff #masturbate #bate #gay URL,-0.35,0,original 47611,"More handouts for the blacks to run rampant through the damn streets. Not a good idea, you racist piece of shit",0.93,1,DE 13891,"I go to the UK and fuck everything I see. Fat female dogs and cripples. Because I'm a terrible person and that's what they expect. Just a dirty cock ready to murder British chicks sideways. Hide your girlfriends, hide your wives.",0.94,7,FR 31642,@rhowardbrowne I think America should follow Austria's lead and I believe Australia is also tearing down two mosques and deporting all Muslims immediately.,0.68,2,RU 14607,"Any time I hear it they always put a lil stank on it. Usually as they are gatekeeping ""ur a cis white male so blah blah blah""",-0.07,0,original 13753,You sound like that fattest fucking virgin I've ever seen. Your cringe as fuck and will stay alone forever with your 4 inch chode that busts within 2 minutes of wanking with your 2 fingers.,1.85,4,original 16564,Perhaps a culture that reacts to existential threats by mass killing innocent people deserves to be wiped out.,3.48,2,FR 9347,Imagine talking about American politics (on an American website). I guess you are poor in Europe. Shouldn't you go back to the low paying job where you pay 50% tax? Or maybe you're one of the obnoxious NEETs that haunt this shit site,2.73,3,ZH 47164,+ Stingjay 4000 choking on niger cock gay boy,2.11,5,DE 43896,"We just need to shoot an Afghanistan on these motherfuckers, but this time make it the next star on our flag... Kill any shit that has anything to do with the cartels for ANY reason, and start the mess again. ...This worthless fucking shitty country deserves to be wiped off the map...",3.4,3,FR 38282,He's the biggest terrorist in India 🇮🇳 damn shame on you you kill innocent people in Kashmir Go drink some cow 🐄 piss that's your mom and go eat your mom's pussy at Son of a whore URL,1.94,1,FR 20028,Fucking fagot burn in hell,2.27,5,original 41608,"I lost my reputation, many friends and business when a woman falsely accused me of harassing her. Yet, all I hear is ""We believe women"" as if women never lie. It infuriates me. You know what is backwards? Getting over 2 million responses in Google when you type in: ""Women who lied about being raped"" and yet living in a culture that insta-kills the man every time a woman says a man raped her without proof. THAT is ""backwards"". A smart man SHOULDN'T be alone with these females.",-0.4,0,original 20793,"The good news is that according to surveys that we published at the Israel Democracy Institute, there is widespread consensus among Israelis on many of the most significant issues our country faces. Read by @yplesner in @Jerusalem_Post URL",-4.44,0,original 38762,@Bobby___M Who cares... you sound like a gay guy. Worrying about what the next motherfucker will do. Get a pussy or some money. clown ass,2.11,5,DE 44916,Enjoy you're freedom this could be a Muslim country...,-0.14,0,original 44544,Only in MENS tennis Because women hate each other they would never do such things lmao,-0.42,0,original 45690,These niggas really hating on some fuck shit don't hope on dick when they cookin niggas,0.31,0,original 13413,"The same argument can be made about lefties and immigration/borders. Muslims are currently taking over Europe, and it will eventually be Muslim-majority, and it will no longer be Europe. You are progressives though, and I really hope your kids grow up to be psychotic LGBTQ people, essentially cutting out your gene pool. You also have to be a fucking paranoid to be offended by that statement.",1.45,5,ZH 4576,"I don't have to sweet talk u, I'll just shive my cock in ur ass and rape u then you'll be my faggot, faggot",2.14,5,original 43542,Drake gay! ! Who gets an nba player number tattoo? ! ! gay nigga,0.79,5,ZH 49443,Loving more black guests on the 'cast,-4.41,0,original 13699,What a fucking loser why don't you just cheat on your wife like the rest of us,1.16,4,original 300,Present yourself with all your holes stuffed you dumb cum slut!,2.25,4,original 33593,"No, we MUST monitor male femininity because if we don't, I'll go to this guy and assume he's obviously an F@G, waste four days flirting with him only to find out that He is a straight extremist Christian and hates gay, trans and other abortion🤧🤧 URL",0.85,2,DE 25598,Solid young nigga. I don't neva chase my liquor. Gotta keep a couple bitches in case my bitch go to trippen. 👌,0.38,0,original 18625,I fucked your throat and wet my cock well before sliding into your tight little asshole,0.62,4,FR 36256,"#Faggots are the best thing on the planet...they are made by #BRAINS. They might have some #BRAINS too... so they might be classified as #NUTRITIOUS. Aiden, is this the part where you reveal that you are actually #VEGAN? #FAGGOTS URL",1.67,5,ZH 44883,"You wrote it all in one sentence, you must be the dumbest American ever. These intellectual ladies would like to educate you, your children and grandchildren. But your vile, hate-filled faith blinds you to the truth.",0.73,2,RU 18704,i will fucking rape you in the mouth cunt jk,2.39,4,original 42453,she needs to be taken out of that house and into a mental facility,-1.94,0,original 14528,>Mabie all that gay cock he took stuck his asshole out hey op stop making fun of me,0.55,5,DE 7210,"White nationalist march in Charlottesville .... Anita breaks that shit up.... neonazi drives car into crowd killing 1 ""they're we're fine people on both sides"" lol. Yeah they are equally as bad 🤨",-0.76,0,original 8889,"honestly no, fuck joe rogan, bobby doesnt need to be part of his league of homosexuals.",0.48,0,original 3971,Lmao what a faggot queer. Who said im not military. Lmao what a queer boy. Ive killed plent why dont you take your faggot ways some where else shit if duals were still legal id shoot ur ass in a second judging by your groupings you have an aim of micheal j fox when his Parkinson's was at its peak lmao,3.4,5,original 22473,Every day I just figure out more and more reasons as to why I dislike the male kind and how fortunate I am to be born genetically superior.,-0.67,0,original 3231,Just be my slut and fuck me dont ask questions you fucking whore!,1.59,4,original 21147,"@Bhytes1 @Gillette Trans Men are Men, and Trans Women are Women, and the Unconditional Love between Parent and Child is Unconditional. Love. 🌍🌈❤",-4.67,0,original 40738,Any country that comes across an Iranian boat should sink it,0.97,3,DE 46801,"iran should be an airwar, just like the first gulf war. send in 117s and Raptors and pound the ground.",3.51,3,original 47517,5 kids with 3 wives makes you a patriot now? And you all say gays have ruined the sanctity of marriage.,-0.5,0,original 28997,Then leave the Muslim terrorist and go back to the shithole you crawled here from,2.0,2,DE 26350,"@TeaBoots @MP244424438 This is a worrisome and should be to all. We are going to have a repeat of 75 years ago. Wake up all if you liberals, Snowflakes, Democrats, the next war will be on our Turf. European countries thought they were assisting those immigrants, now the Muslim master plan is clear.",0.09,0,original 28851,"sick of these niggas, hire some help get rid of these niggas",1.69,1,original 2601,Looks like too many chromosomes.,0.61,7,FR 39510,Wow what a delayed delayed delay,3.38,7,DE 10483,That's a beautiful pussy begging to be used. I would fuck and fill you like a bitch in heat.,0.0,0,original 31642,@rhowardbrowne I think America should follow Austria and I believe Australia too is tearing down two mosques and immediately expelling all Muslims,0.68,2,FR 44573,chubby kid.pm3 boi she's also a girl,-2.71,0,original 42543,Inshallah New Zealand wins the FINAL! #TeamNewZealand,-3.51,0,original 10262,Pussy bitch,1.13,4,original 43199,OMG she's not black! thanks Disney for doing one thing right🧐,-2.32,0,original 44149,"If you ask Congress women Talib or Omar about Nazis and the Holocaust they would say: ""Some people did something.""",-0.15,0,original 36104,Y'all ima kill this nigga,3.89,1,original 30797,Idgaf bout no nigga y'all ain't helping achieve my goals y'all good for dick and headaches .. Yeah I'm cool off that 💯,0.06,0,original 31607,@lukeobrien Poor guy crying and shit.. hate to see how you act when trump wins again,0.04,0,original 23374,i hate dumb bitches,0.12,0,original 21697,@seankelly014 @letat_lechat @BriannaWu But you're not advocating for pregnant women. You're telling them they should not be allowed full ownership of their bodies.,-1.5,0,original 26373,@DineshDSouza @KevinMKruse Dinesh you should go back to your homeland. Now more than ever we are pushing to take back our land. You are not welcome here.,0.89,1,DE 17889,whore bitch slut cunt,1.86,4,original 1806,Catholics are big on that sort of stuff.,-1.31,0,original 3371,"cum clucking fag, mmm",1.07,5,ZH 14036,"I know, and it's a real issue - I'm referring to her calling all white people twisted and violent",-2.09,0,original 40678,@Mohamud Ahmed first off. Wow someone read my comment. Second off. Idk. It's like i do believe in God but also don't. And i guess i guess i don't want to part with Christianity cuz I still feel a connection to it. Not as big as others but... it's still there. And i guess that that is my way of being christian..... ''christian''... I am still working to know who i am lol,-3.59,0,original 8745,How many Jews did you rape as a child?,0.7,2,DE 789,"The Moslems you lefties idolise literally are putting us in concentration camps in Chechyna, stoning us to death in Saudi, and throwing us off tall buildings in Iraq/Syria etc.",1.0,2,original 9204,Been single for 7 years. I'm 44. I see a psychiatrist ongoing and use an array of medications. My last girlfriend actually has passed away since. I was raped and abused when I was 10 years old. The psychiatrist comment tells me you need smacked in the mouth like a bitch.,-1.38,0,original 17553,an Irani former Muslim here you're not alone,-5.02,0,original 35873,America is so fucked up man what the fuck,0.68,3,FR 35504,"""And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine."" ~Luke 15:15 #Love #Bible #Jesus",-3.08,0,original 11631,"Minorities, I must run over. Is waiting, my 2001 Honda Civic. Pleased, Allah would be. Lots of ketamine, he would give me.",1.99,1,original 22219,These ugly sorry ass mamas let anybody around their kids bc they heads be stuck so far in these niggas asses and they can't get it out!!!,1.43,1,original 45777,"Literally all you have to do is look at AOC and listen to her talk and you'll know she's crazy, then listen to how a muslim raghead bitch marries her own brother and you'll know the whole thing The country is finished. 😂😂 H.O.L.Y FUCK",1.19,2,ZH 16267,"You're a fucking fag and essentially a waste of oxygen. You deserve execution, and your best bet is community college (although they'd probably turn you down, too).",2.53,5,DE 2283,Honestly i was very much transphobic and just otherwise bigoted for almost all of 2016 because i got scared of questioning my gender and it took until earlier this year to realize im a girl. I think a lot of trans people are in the same boat as u and its healthy to acknowledge this,-4.33,0,original 29876,"I'm definitely not saying ""send her back"", but I'm saying, if #IlhanOmar expects people to treat her immigrant community with empathy and respect, why can't we expect and demand the same from her with other minority groups? #IStandWithPresTrump URL",1.35,3,ZH 14260,"""I love my three gay dads"" - Ms Marvel",-4.42,0,original 13385,Have fun with your raped mother who hates you for the rest of your life.,0.78,4,FR 34720,you bitches dumb & these niggas dumber 😂😂😂 dumbasses,0.84,1,original 25069,"We need to eliminate borders. We need to stop justifying human suffering & extension of that suffering through racist, awful bureaucratic nightmares. We need to understand that we are heading rapidly towards climate displacement of billions.",-2.61,0,original 15483,Really? Are you five years old? A coupon from a thousand years ago does not mean you can try and force someone to do a sexual act that you know they don't like. Cmon now.,-1.15,0,original 28034,Iran shutters 547 eateries in Tehran for breaking 'Islamic principles': The Democrats support these sharia savages. Senior Dems are meeting with the mullahs in secret. URL URL,-0.41,0,original 11267,"Seriously, we need to buy these people a one-way ticket to Syria and let them enjoy the Caliphate there. Oh crap, the Caliphate is falling apart.",1.37,2,ZH 29394,@Melissaponce28 @YumixVideox @Wolfdemon07 @Lewd_Admiral69 @Gray_Fang @hulkknight94 @BimboKyouka @SexyDevilMio @ChroniclesBooty Suck on those tits and keep fucking your ass and cumming on you afterwards,0.68,4,FR 33818,OpIndia wrote about a Muslim boy beaten to death for an alleged affair with a tribal girl. OpIndia readers celebrated the murder. The most hateful and morally rotten section of the Indian population are the staunch supporters of Opindia. No wonder that several Union ministers are promoting this site. URLs,0.52,2,FR 39508,@brookehouts Fucking dumb ass b*tch,0.58,4,original 6345,Go suck that lisp queer dick,1.4,5,ZH 12399,'Tis par for the course for many female humans on planet Earth.,-2.96,0,original 15138,"I don't hate the people, but Islam is a barbaric and dangerous religion and we must do everything in our power to eradicate it.",1.55,2,FR 4118,Trannies are too fragile mentally to be in a competitive atmosphere,0.18,0,original 40275,I wish the Natives had the same energy and hate these evil folks that's metally broken in Amerikkka have and had when chris brought his evil arse to Amerikkka. We wouldn't be having this conversation.,-0.38,0,original 8353,Asshole fucking bitch,0.93,4,FR 36594,"THIS is what causes mentally ill people to do stupid, violent things. Anyone on left want to condemn him? URL",-1.64,0,original 44893,that fag is gonna cut hit hand off soon,0.53,5,original 16582,Well we all know what happens when Germans take things seriously.....,-0.83,0,original 22432,guys I rarely read my replies so if you're insulting me you're just wasting energy you could be using to harass all the other girls who don't know or care if you exist,-1.37,0,original 8109,"So many people view sexuality as if it's a choice you make. I wish everyone would stop wasting so much time and energy hating and trying to punish others simply for being themselves. I'm sorry it went like that with your grandma, but so glad your parents are supportive of you; I'm sure it was a really scary to come out to your family, and you are so very brave to do so. Good luck in the future, and hopefully your grandma decides to rethink her position and come around!",-5.74,0,original 50012,Typical homosexual liberal faget comment you're so butthurt from a 2016 elections that it left your permanently brain-damaged like a liberal queer,1.59,5,original 48997,Thank you Trump for bringing these illegal immigrants together! About time! They have no right to be here! Illegal immigrants are a slap in the face for legal immigrants who have come the right way... And all those officials who prevent justice at ICE from doing their job should be imprisoned and held accountable for not keeping the oath that lent to protect the law when they took office... thank goodness for Trump! Asset2020,2.19,3,FR 26311,I wish a nigga would put his hands on me 😭 I'll slap that bitch like his mama should've.,0.8,1,DE 6387,"Honestly, come out to those who you feel comfortable with. If you feel comfortable coming out to your friends & parents, do it! If not, don't feel like you have to. Good luck!",-4.37,0,original 13929,"If your relationship looks like your posting history, you just stop being a bitch. And a whore. He's probably sick of strangers on the street complimenting your vagina.",1.28,4,FR 6125,"Came here to ask this, sorry your post is so low. Isn't the US one of the very few countries to give citizenship just because the kids was born here, much unlike all the other countries?",-3.24,0,original 14354,"As a german, plese tell them ""fuck you""",-0.1,0,original 26996,@Quranic_Islam What are your views on secular islam and muslims.Nasser dashti a Kuwaiti activist said that religion gave no solutions to humanity and for the arab world to prosper they must adopt URL secularism compatible with islam ?,-3.23,0,original 13084,Imagine sucking my dick nigga??? Oh wait you don't have to cuz I'm already balls deep ya headass. Fuck outta here wit dat.,-0.32,0,original 26368,i thank the lord you ain't get pregnant hoe fuck you,0.81,4,original 45107,Kawhis a fag,1.76,5,FR 12806,>humane immigration system Maybe you could volunteer to suck off every Central American in holding and challenge them afterwards to some one on one smash bro time? Seems way more productive then helping out homeless Americans at the soup kitchen or planting a tree.,-0.66,0,original 46404,"They have not had their full Wake Up Call,; it's no way this country will be turned over to Mexican and South Americans and Muslims from the Middle East! The day of Enlightenment is here to stay, they're going to fill the burn!!!",2.93,3,original 21433,Question to feminists everywhere: What is the purpose of your ovaries and uterus? #TaylorSwift #feminism,-3.35,0,original 1630,Bottom bitch should be locked in a chicken coop! ! You don't need it anyway! ! Let's get started now!,1.43,5,ZH 6833,"Go suck an AIDS infected dick and die, f@ggot.",2.39,5,DE 17607,I'm in the Philippines and these people have half a brain. I can't have fun. There are cockroaches everywhere. I can't wait to go back to a real country like Canada,1.41,3,FR 44089,"Come on then...the world is waiting, we need an excuse to wipe the satanic excrement that rules Iran from the face of the earth",3.56,3,ZH 35887,How are 18 year old bisexual girls with septum piercings supposed to lead the revolution with my cock down their throats?,1.16,5,DE 31404,"@AOC Law enforcement is a safe haven for racism and sadism, just like the clergy are a safe haven for pedophiles.",1.0,2,RU 36826,I'm convinced the devil is depicted as red because white people turn red when they've been in the sun too long URL,0.06,0,original 39467,Universally its called Religion,-2.93,0,original 48894,woe to europe which has rejected god and the bible and has resulted in the curse also the cancer of the muslim refugees who are invaders and barbarian barbarians sharia,0.77,3,FR 37659,"@HillaryClinton More than 30,000 shootings in 2019. More than 6,000 people sleep in the desert around Las Vegas alone homeless eating trash. They come over the border looking for a Dream but Americans live nightmares.",-0.66,0,original 47043,The US and Saudi governments should start giving them some nuclear warhead missiles. Just make sure they come in fast and hot. Turn Iran into glass.,2.12,3,ZH 37008,"@TheItalGal The best argument is that extremists on any end are horrible people & should be removed from Earth. Right now there's a push to vilify 3 different groups in the world of terrorism when there are valid arguments against ALL of them. No ""side"" should breathe a sigh of relief.",1.06,2,original 18871,Should have let the Pakistanis kill her.,0.81,1,DE 9761,"All niggas gotta die, fuck all these whores",3.08,1,DE 21496,"In future @AaronBastani if you receive a request to write about antisemitism, please pass it onto a Jewish writer. There are lots of talented young Jewish writers whose voices deserve to be heard, amongst them are @MikeSegalov, @Rosa_Doherty, @Gabriel_Pogrund & @SandyRashty.",-3.42,0,original 1822,They're coming from countries that America toppled so we could exploit them for their labor. We murdered leaders in the latin American countries they're trying to escape and purposefully improvished them so we can get products like banana's cheaper. That was all done legally. So that's alright with you?,-1.35,0,original 57,Anon is a betamale. Just cut them all off already. She isn't worth the effort.,0.7,4,original 23452,"Gays, it's June. Be gay, do crimes, shoot your shot, seize the means, be flamboyant and joyous and freaky, punch a nazi in the face, tell your friends you love them, run a bath, don't be sorry, our desire is our power.",-3.24,0,original 47455,"Fake news, Iran trying to look strong, didn't they see what we did to Hiroshima",0.54,3,ZH 26497,tommy's hella peng and then he starts talking,-0.7,0,original 46519,It's like I predicted. White working class will not vote en masse.,-1.99,0,original 16246,>I don't think we need to celebrate someone having same gender attraction. I agree.,-1.84,0,original 18625,I'd fuck your throat and get my cock nice and wet before sliding I to your tight little asshole,0.62,4,original 36154,Sounds like something someone with trash pussy would say,0.75,4,original 36477,"@realDonaldTrump fuck off, fat man. And bring your idiot supporters, chain immigrant families, false gods and idiot enablers.",0.77,2,ZH 855,"What a bitch you are, you human troll scum. I would save any unborn child on you any day of the year.",2.15,4,FR 40154,Iran is a shit country,1.55,3,ZH 25790,@odysseuslahori @IqShoaib Hang all religious pimps to the death!!,2.43,2,DE 45328,Ugly whore,1.34,4,original 14129,"Fair play to him, he was fine for India whenever played and also had a good career outside of it domestically with Andhra and IPL. He can proudly say he's made it big in his life. Was a proper boy material if any of us had to include him in their boy XI (paging r/OSWReview here for the boydom rules)",-3.78,0,original 36375,This blonde young fagot loves to suck and play with that tight pussy!! Just a fucking bitch what he was born to be. #GayExhib #ExposureFag #GayKik URL,1.05,5,DE 29259,@raulm_27 You one of THOSE niggas 😩,-0.18,0,original 15036,I lost it over everyone jerking off to an old dumb ass lady getting tazed. The comments were really gross.,-0.62,0,original 11398,"Ilhan Omar made a anti jew statement,APPARENTLY they are all socialist two said consecration camps instead of detention centers. When trump said go back to your country that was a yikes and xenophobic definitely, but the squad are a bunch of socialists and one is anti jew I'm sorry but In my opinion they are worse especially Omar, btw I'm not a trump guy dude is pretty dumb",0.6,3,original 9932,cAtHoLIcS aRE pAGaN cANnIBALS!,1.11,2,original 47468,Omar is a terrorist go back to the shithole she came from,2.02,3,original 35731,Drake told niggas he left some beat at the end just so niggas could loop it. That lightskin Canadian really used to be the man smh,-2.35,0,original 1056,Just come suck my dick so I can cum on your face and leave you to clean up the mess.,1.72,4,original 47912,The fag talk was pretty bad,1.78,5,DE 27319,"@Wizarab10 I'm just tired of these supposed feminist, cause it's clear that this twitter feminist is like a cult where once they put feminist on their bio, the spirit of logical & rational thinking leaves their head, they begin misandry and all forms of stupidity in the name of feminism😫",-1.03,0,original 8237,I blame the parents being cousins because someone would have to have quite a few extra chromosome to shoot up a school.,-0.36,0,original 2364,*these niggers do it again*,1.86,1,FR 15325,"She gave the cat vodka to drink, which literally kills her. I am not dedicating a cat to the white knights, I am criticizing alinity for being a piece of shit. And actually, unlike your virgin ass, I have a girlfriend. Fucking moron, go protect alinity, I'm sure one day she'll fuck you.",1.93,7,RU 11857,"Only issue is I hate pussies like you masquerading as a man, FUCK OFF",0.84,4,original 42375,Look at Wen the Freak. . You can tell it's a man lol. . . hopefully they will abort ALL the anchor babies illegally born here by the foreign alien females! !,2.67,3,DE 28329,"Current events, on the news and On Line, convince me more than ever that Gina Haspel is the exactly the feminist icon this godforsaken hellhole of a nation deserves. #LeanIn",-2.74,0,original 16656,Dumb whore,0.67,4,FR 2110,"god that's so ignorant. wow. ""i'm not a christian so christian morality doesn't influence medical fields"". lmfao come back to me when you have even the tiniest inkling of critical thinking skills",-1.02,0,original 35011,@AsheSchow @VADolleyMadison She need to clorox her crotch cause she is full of shit!,0.91,4,original 39483,Jamaicans are on another level URL,-2.61,0,original 48545,stfu ZioNazi destroyed America like they did to Germany,1.29,2,ZH 47017,@Elliot Are you scared kosher boy? Attack on Iran and Israel will be bombed into the Stone Age.,1.48,2,DE 38923,@HeXtorRose Fag yes,2.09,5,ZH 47281,He speaks the truth. They are ANTI American. That is not racist --- THEY need to go.,-0.57,0,original 8542,I will make your cunt feel much better before I turn around and make it double the amount of sore.,-1.17,0,original 26587,It's wild to me that niggas really must be in South America,1.18,3,DE 19734,"All degenerates who indulge in anal sodomy are apes... regardless of race. Yesterday, a queer askgaybro compared his sexuality to that of a bonobo primate. Which is surprisingly accurate. They are revered as the least hostile, but most vile of primates when it comes to sexual behavior. Could AIDS have come from them? Anyway, all they do all day is engage in disgusting barbaric sex. So much nasty fecal sex the zoo won't put them on display.",2.87,5,FR 15522,This is what we need more of! She easily bests 80%+ of the women posted here.,-3.03,0,original 47398,"A ""DIFFERENT"" EXPERIENCE??? ARE FREAKING SERIOUS LADY!! THESE HATEFUL BIMBOS HAVE BEEN CODDLED AND THEY ARE DISGUSTING!!! THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE IN MY COUNTRY!!",1.23,4,original 42283,We don't care about inbred Brits and the US won't do anything because fighting for this inbred island crap isn't worth it,0.62,3,FR 7232,Stop fucking then bitch,1.44,4,original 9081,Wack af you dumb piece of shit,1.44,1,original 48682,"These illegal invaders will turn Florida into a filthy 3rd world country. California, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona are far gone. That's why there sending them here. The biggest population of Latinos are in Miami, Florida. The Latino population is not all over Florida. There is a high number of whites, blacks population in Florida.",0.65,3,original 25354,"Another ""good Christian"" who really is just a piece of shit. fucking religion! Fvck these fake Christians! url",0.74,2,ZH 8350,"anyone who badmouths the country, especially what happened on 911, can just fuck off. Omar is worthless shit who should stay in the country so her worthless ass can be thrown out and then dive deep into her lying ass about how she got into this country and married her brother to do it. So lock up this worthless shit.",1.55,3,FR 16411,Like throwing a hotdog into a trash can. Nigga got no traction there.,1.05,1,original 15076,Male privilege. Don't forget the garbage when you're done.,0.24,0,original 35760,females who punch niggas in they shit where y'all at?,-1.05,0,original 14186,DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH,-6.53,0,original 1103,Yeah but not to condemn those who don't believe. It literally says to 'respect those even if they don't believe in what you believe'.,-2.45,0,original 42731,Hit them Big Rah Christian assholes the same mfers blasted us into slavery assholes!,1.29,2,FR 45590,+Kiki Melendez do you know Mexicans are a hybrid race! Half European White Italian Spaniard and the Dogs They Came Here to Fuck Created Mexicans,2.0,1,FR 17886,'Nazi' 'anarchy' fucoff back to r/twitchmain's infidel scum may Allah's judgment strike you,2.34,3,DE 24922,bitches not even lesbians in mississippi. fake ass lesbians. bitches suck more dick than a prostitute. 😒😂,1.0,5,original 49889,"He's simply a Islamic murderous muslim. He got what he deserves, and should stay in jail for decades.",-0.42,0,original 24224,"YOU CAN SUCK MY COCK, MY COCK, MY BALLS, MY SCHLONG.",0.88,4,FR 5214,Wait but werent the Jews commiting mass genoside led by hitler,0.48,0,original 20646,@MrAndyNgo @TarekFatah How long will you muslims commit all heinous crimes in the name of your muslim religion??? When will you come to your senses? When will you stop terrorizing the world in the name of your Muslim religion?,1.2,2,RU 19838,"The mentally retarded can't do anything, it's better to be mentally retarded than to be a bitch.",0.85,7,ZH 8385,How is the one on the right not fucking racist? Are they that stupid?!?!?,1.08,1,original 15438,Go find a random dick to put in that cunt,2.24,4,original 16222,What a cute gay you must be. let's fuck little girls,1.4,5,ZH 24546,If you think women are the weaker sex ....... Try pulling the blankets back to your side of the bed 😉😉😉,-3.75,0,original 46813,david cone jr I'd the bitch look like always on social media arguing like a female,0.65,4,original 39859,Treat your daughter like a queen lest she settle for less from these niggers,1.38,1,DE 42164,I wanna slap the sh*t out of everyone in this video and spit in they're face . They deserve to be shot .,2.84,5,original 42380,I'm pretty sure your ancestors aren't native to the Americas. You belong in Europe!,-1.01,0,original 46254,"Actually, not many people move here legally. Our economy was too volatile. If anything, we've got our rich and rich moving out. Have you ever wondered where the Jews would be if they didn't kill them?? Here's a hint. What is the inmate rate in America? ...",1.25,1,DE 41788,"the biggest fools are white hispanics, they work for ICE and become republicans, fuck them",0.6,1,FR 14852,"Yes, screw all Abrahamic religions",1.55,2,DE 40931,"Taiwan Sausage lol I'm not mad far from it. I'm actually laughing. It's funny how u fucks try so hard to be like the west. One thing you fucks can't duplicate is freedom. U can't bark without being told to do so. So mad no, I'm laughing at you.",0.89,3,original 37156,Today in 1642 Dutch minister Johannes Megapolensis arrives with wife and family to pastor in America. #teamJesus URL from @wikiwand URL,-4.09,0,original 8348,That's the gay agenda *rips off your arm*,-0.88,0,original 9796,"God damnit Sharron, I'm not manspreading, my balls just need some room to breath before they get crushed again.",-2.27,0,original 11517,"I kind of feel a strong dislike for it, yet as I stated, only when it is refering to me. That might've been strong wording indeed, I realize it now :S I think you might be right, now that I think about it I think I saw coming out as bi as a ""compromise"" (since my family isn't fully accepting), something like ""oh yeah I like girls _BUT_ I there's a chance I'll end up with a guy"" rather than just ""oh yeah I like girls, and when I'll go steady and marry someone, it'll probably be a girl"". Not the wisest thing I've done, I agree :') Thanks for the reply! I'll try to do that :)",-3.27,0,original 30400,"@ImABadGF1 God I would love getting something like that, seeing you getting fucked by a real cock. My tiny pathetic dick would be so hard",-1.15,0,original 33255,I really dislike when people weaponize the Bible,-3.32,0,original 49881,Saudi Arabia is in every catastrophe & terror & here we are,-1.87,0,original 12787,what a fag,1.06,5,FR 8261,I am jewish so I may be a little biased here but I do feel that you are doing the right thing. People in general should respect others of their relgious beleifs and even their spirtual ones.,-5.4,0,original 45185,Shoot a few of those border jumpers and the word will get out. Fuck them. Remember the Alamo!!!,4.31,3,original 49230,if their gonna fly the mexican flag we might as well revoke their citizenship and send them to mexico as well. Dont like the USA? move.,-0.92,0,original 34570,"@TomiLahren @realDonaldTrump Quick, someone turn Toni's skin a few shades darker and put her behind the wheel for a day and ask her what she thinks of the police then.",-0.67,0,original 32118,They must be expelled from America and sent back to their own damn country. They call themselves the troupe there. They must be put in front of a firing squad.,2.9,3,DE 17813,"Wow. Just wow. You think my male friends would rape me? And you think that if they did rape me, that it would be my fault? You're fucking sick in the head, dude.",-0.22,0,original 3823,"1.3 billion refugees. We don't need a wall, we need a fucking dome full of machine guns.",2.04,3,ZH 5450,"Comparing abortion to the systematic killimgs of the jewish people is just spitting on their grave. Go to hell, you opportunistic pieces of shits",2.46,1,original 43394,Build the Wall. Deport them all. Build the Wall. Deport them all. Build the Wall. Deport them all. NOOOOOOW. Let the Bodies hit the Floor. Let the Bodies hit the Floor.,1.5,3,original 17368,"idk, theyre just a bunch of stupid niggers lol",1.36,1,original 1162,"No matter what the job is there is gonna be bad apples, and they are the ones who make the news. No one cares when guys spend there own time and money to go play with the kids in the low income areas to try and build those relationships.",-5.24,0,original 31351,"@The_Law_Boy More like... ""If you want to turn America into the shithole you came from, get out.""",1.95,3,DE 32498,These bad bitches y'all think bad be bums,-0.25,0,original 13779,I thought it was because guys are just horny fuckheads.,0.07,0,original 6831,Islam must be fucking destroyed.,2.43,2,FR 43923,"My Views on Abortion have changed because of these Four Women. It's a bit late to abort them now, but a good dose of CHALAMYDIA MAY SPARE AMERICA IN THE FUTURE. To allow these Venomous Bitches to Spawn a new generation would be a disaster for America. Prevention is better than a cure.",4.24,4,original 12948,Are we going to genocide the Saudis?,2.36,3,ZH 46925,Who is this arrogant bastard to criticize anyone? Mexico's biggest exports to the US are illiteracy poverty and drugs.,0.52,3,ZH 3873,i hate subhuman euro trash,1.49,3,ZH 47956,"@Malik Wahid I understand you may not agree with us, but you can at least show some respect. People love who they love",-6.29,0,original 21939,"Actually you idiots didn't pick the best dunces, chinks or gays among us #governing",0.59,5,ZH 11641,Fuck your mom too,1.08,4,FR 630,What do you call a female incel? Maybe DID or dyke in denial.,0.94,5,original 40102,+Norman Scott Get off the drugs. You have no common sense. If anything even close to this happened to jungle boy. You DemTards would be raising hell in the streets. You drug fested ass need to go live in some other country.,1.18,1,original 34757,@HonAhmedHussen Younger and more successful? That must be why you give a free pass to immigrant parents who suck our health care system. They are the most profitable of all... for themselves. 🙄,0.51,3,FR 36550,"@KTHopkins @realDonaldTrump This woman is an old reality TV personality who's tried a few increasingly desperate things to stay in the limelight. “Racist messaging targeting a gullible White House jester” is his latest shtick. If you have no shame or self-respect, the world is truly yours.",0.92,4,FR 27227,Son of all your damn mother I hope you die dumb Chinga your mother,0.94,1,DE 521,"If you want to just talk about denominations within Christianity, it's what I was raised in. Recently I've been exploring more though.",-3.29,0,original 11724,United States of Muslim America ​ It's good to know faggots will still be shot,3.69,5,original 34843,"@RepMaxineWaters Hey Racist: Keep your mouth shut, and the cockroaches won't get in! You are a miserable piece of garbage. Move the Hell out of the country...👍🏻😎",1.33,1,original 35430,This proves covering your man's face with Emjoi does nothing so you childish immature women can stop now.,-0.66,0,original 45279,America is a country full of degenerates.,0.53,3,FR 1200,"Fuck Islam, we really should fight it",0.78,2,FR 35486,"Hahaha!!!! 😂 So glad this backfired!!! Gillette's infamous ""toxic masculinity"" ad has cost Procter & Gamble $8 Billion!! Being full blown #SJW sucks for business! 😂 #Gillette #ToxicMasculinity #ProctorAndGamble URL",-1.16,0,original 10477,"> Why were certain parts of the Bible written? Because of my early iron age, nomadic, sheep-fucking ancestors didn't have the internet and porn to entertain them. So, they had to find something else to do. Also, they may have been dehydrated in the desert and may have hallucinated. So they mix up an unhealthy dose of old myths, trash, and bad ethics, shake it up, cook it, and serve it. A better question is why modern people still believe in this shit.",1.55,2,ZH 12311,Damn hit that nigga trash and irrelevant,4.0,1,FR 23210,found a nice pride flag for zoophiles and pedophiles! URL,-0.7,0,original 7621,I love the fact I'm starting to see more d&d players around here. Have you heard Mongolian Metal?,1.88,3,original 45996,Most autistic shit I had ever heard.,-0.74,0,original 5255,Pick up your fag from this sub,2.06,5,DE 49821,She just made this house negro look like an incompetent clown.,0.58,1,DE 7322,fuck yourself dull,1.09,7,ZH 15070,Hit me gay.,1.0,5,ZH 43174,"This bitch is lame n stupid i dont give a damn what yall say,yeah kids i want to be a role model so go enjoy sucking on metal pennies n poles.",0.03,0,original 9684,I would love to cum over and fuck you.,0.55,4,original 37405,"@l4mees Just join the Taliban you American haters. Get an AK and do something about ""US troops killing your people"" since you hate the troops so much.",0.6,3,DE 31407,Fuck that nigga bra with heel butt,1.01,1,DE 6892,"I think you're on to something with the whole formative years thing bc I'm the same in that I generally prefer black men, sure there are few dudes of other races that I think are cute, but generally it's black guys that really do it for me.",-4.0,0,original 25899,These niggas fu and bitches change so I'm not trusting!,-0.42,0,original 40499,"+Markus Andrew That is irrelevant. Negroes far surpass the mass shootings you hear of on MSM. Don't be a MSM cuck, learn how fail Negroes are on your own.",0.25,0,original 274,I don't know that I hate half my fellow Americans pretty enough to wish they would fuck off and start their own regressive fundamentalist Christian caliphate.,0.92,2,DE 17020,"Lol you're a typical fucking racist incel. A bunch of ignorant, poor, backward, uneducated fuck cavemen. So hateful to everyone, such a sad life. You need help.",1.04,1,FR 38969,"Rosie Perez is really one of the baddest women of all time, dont tell me otherwise",-4.0,0,original 11703,Time for ethnic cleansing,4.9,1,DE 40473,"I can't wait for all the homeless people to start cooking up all you worthless snooty cunts in California... Damn liberals... Everywhere they go they bring the crime, illegals with free health care, homeless people and drug addicts. .. keep the fucks in california...",1.59,3,DE 47600,White Power Don't you ever get tired of being a complete cunt? But what else can I expect from a moron like you? It's so predictable how pathetically ignorant you are. Inbreeding at its finest.,0.55,4,original 49888,"If you want Mexico, go there, you idiots. They should all be arrested.",0.88,1,DE 48061,"""Nice Shot Retard""",0.67,7,JA 27533,"@Patriqtscott @Jetsta812 It comes down to this, kill or be killed. The evil ones in western countries who plan to flood Muslims are the real children of satan. Find out who is the mastermind behind this and you will know who your real enemy is. Not Momota, they are little players.",1.55,2,ZH 41932,"John Allen Lauridsen Jr. mhmh sounds like all those Europeans that came to our land pre and post American revolution, learn your history.",-2.63,0,original 26415,"@notcapnamerica Jesus slapped half of his ass, then turned to the other cheek and slapped it before ripping off his penis, using it as a slingshot to launch the pervert's ass into the icy waters of the Atlantic. Jesus then crossed the Atlantic and kissed the pervert on the forehead.",1.64,7,RU 197,What? What about the sexual stuff? thought she was just annoying and retarded!,0.68,5,DE 16888,"Haha good luck with the daily school shootings, pfft an army would trample your sensitive little white bitch asses",0.76,1,FR 15062,You are a big loser with a small dick.,0.99,4,FR 38860,"u niggas are fuckin nuts, put the guns down & get a job.",0.62,1,original 32501,@Didyeayem8 The middle east if filled with scum,0.87,3,original 36625,@Mr138Tats 10000% bitch even turned around to show her booty.,-0.42,0,original 41403,Stop dealing with Iran and sink a few of their ships as a message that they are sissy.,3.32,3,ZH 17283,Fuck I'd eat your pussy and ass so hard while I play with your tits,-0.7,0,original 19217,"I didn't know he had a podcast let alone an Asian (I'm assuming Asian American) male co-host. I feel like, since this is the case, he should know better. Also it speaks to him being a coward, he'll say all that garbage BEHIND an Asian person's back.",-3.18,0,original 39024,"I'm not just going to use you in front of your parents, I'm going to drug your whole family to rape you all - damn I'm drooling URL",1.02,4,FR 48374,"Straight white Male but Fuckin love this song. ""Why men great till they gotta be great?"" No Idea still tryin to figure that out myself.",-3.56,0,original 6085,"The fuckin' bitches just want someone to lead. Whether it's a child or a partner. Damn, the fucking nerve! The ego! Shit!!",0.65,4,FR 44921,"Just get rid of all those Indian stink bastards. They poop in the streets and throw their garbage straight into this river, it's the most disgusting country ever!",2.44,3,DE 21968,"I hear a lot of niggas talking but they ain't shit, niggas claim they hit but never shot shit 🤫",2.99,1,FR 4353,lol those dumb cops from uk is such a lousy country they have no guns.. go ahead and beta your ass what are you gonna do?,1.4,3,DE 27086,Only godless barbarians & racist thugs behave like this : they've no respect for anything or anyone! Truly scum of the earth! URL,2.17,2,original 32313,"@VikktorNelson Yknow if god were real then why the hell are so many innocent people, even people who do believe in god suffering so much? I don't believe for a reason, as do many of us. So just shut up and leave us alone thank you",-1.09,0,original 6411,suck my cock and balls,0.21,0,original 45843,"They should use their winnings on facial hair removal. The future is not looking too bright for the U.S., the majority of them have poor eyesight wearing beer bottle thick eyeglasses, and so many moustaches on children. A Pakistani clan by any chance? they are notorious for having babies with moustaches and beards you see them all over Londonstan when they are not exploding.",1.6,1,original 28512,"@washingtonpost And in other news, people say the Vatican shouldn't harbor child molesters",-1.26,0,original 46980,So it's a base for 3rd wave feminism? I will continue to boycott films like this.,-0.87,0,original 29214,Ahh. Those religious beliefs that also are ok with plagues. Fair.,-1.3,0,original 44838,I was inspired by the election of Obama (although he was IN FACT the 8th half-black President of the un-United States) I am EMPOWERED by these black women! The Lion Queens!,-4.66,0,original 29069,"@CBSNews It's time to throw the glorious infamous tribe of the USA, the child killers appointed by God as supreme child killers, with a vigorous flush in a toilet or in a septic tank into the dustbin of history!",0.85,3,DE 22188,@RWPUSA @realDonaldTrump Come on Rambo wannabe mediocre old white assholes.,0.93,6,RU 28278,She seems to have mental problems. Oh wait! It's just her Libtard.,0.93,7,JA 49714,Why is there a bunch of white people in the favelas,-0.64,0,original 48951,2 gays 1 kid and 1 normal Wtf?,0.89,5,ZH 39615,"@brookehouts You are a disgusting human being. I hope you get slapped, punched, yelled at and spat at in jail, you filthy bitch.",2.12,4,FR 42197,MooHamMad was Hitler's pedophile rapist from Arabia,0.96,2,RU 6472,Damn American Retards Everywhere,0.7,3,original 19981,"In the Summer Palace of Beijing Imperial Aid: ""Great Emperor. News from Europe talk about a third uprising in Poland"" Daoguang Emperor: ""Lmao, Whites are dumb""",-0.71,0,original 45742,2 Whole Fags. Will used to take it up the A$$ from Quincy Jones. Now Jayden takes it up the A$$ from numerous dudes. Sick.,1.61,5,original 37652,@akhiltan Are these all propagandists? Whole of Kashmir Population is Propagandist? All of them are lying? Whole Population of #IOK is charging money for their desire for #Freedom? #ShameOnYou #KashmirBleedsForJustice #StandwithKashmir #IndiaUsingClusterBombs URL,-1.01,0,original 22080,@Suffragentleman Just goes to show you how much Muslim's do not care about white liberals trying to coddle them,-0.71,0,original 30569,Chinese race seems to be a spawn of satan himself..the way they live and the cruelty they inflict on animals and other race humans alike is mind boggling and cant come from a human race with even an iota of good in him,1.01,1,original 14782,The refugees still haven't learned,-0.8,0,original 44206,Because of the Muslim invasion?,-2.09,0,original 17959,I totally agree with you. She's a fucking bitch.,1.93,4,FR 9053,"Suck their dick all you want, they'll cut your head off too m8",1.19,5,FR 10326,Sweden is fucked imagine filling you're country up with a bunch of those assholes from the video. They are going to be fucked in a generation.,0.42,0,original 28716,@bweesdad @ZerlinaMaxwell Apparently you've never heard of the inclusive or. How are some of you so bad at English. Did your brains rot? He is saying that black people face an unequal justice system regardless of whether they are rich or poor. It's not hard to understand.,-2.41,0,original 26899,"Team Hick stands tall for all, especially this nation's powerful, loving, unstoppable LGBTQ community. Happy #pride month. URL",-4.78,0,original 10658,You are a used up old roastie now no Chad is going to want you. Lower your standards and get yourself an incel,0.21,0,original 43155,"@Richard Gray I don't know if you've heard of the 2 liberal Danish girls who went to Morocco to try and prove to the world that everyone is wonderful, well, they got their heads cut off. Western men who gave them their all are pushed aside, they deserve what is happening to them...",0.9,4,FR 384,Every night on the news they counted the days our Americans were being held hostage - 444 days. To hell with the mullahs. MOAB the mullahs.,1.68,2,FR 14712,Lol little white boi dicked the fuck. She needs a BBC in that ass to really stretch that asshole to its limit and flood her intestines with African King cum.,1.56,1,FR 12046,"No, not again, fuck off, fagot",1.74,5,DE 594,"Women do not use abortions as a form of birth control! It's fucking expensive, takes the body through hell! is she getting abortions every day, is it installed into her body? No. How the hell is it a form of birth control.",-0.78,0,original 40531,American scum are already attacking Iran.,0.73,3,DE 41284,bomb them and invade them like we did in IRAQ,0.56,3,FR 34857,@thattoxicselena what vagina,0.91,4,original 5872,"Upon Allah, I will annihilate your infidel for sending an expired invitation",1.66,2,FR 46955,Jewish jack off says no one takes bitcoin Hahahahaha...his own company takes it...what I call a jewish jack off.,0.62,2,FR 15514,"lmao keep crying, virgin bitch. You'll die without every been touched by a woman in a non-platonic way. The sooner the better.",1.47,4,original 1298,"Rofl, get help bro, or better yet, get some shock therapy or 12 gauge brain therapy for your mentally ill ass 🤣",1.63,7,FR 12785,"Oh, totally. Both videos are incredible. Natalie's videos are amazing a general. The problem is that everything that makes them great - declarative advices, facts, opinions, and styles of argument, the levity used to reinforce key points, really everything that makes her such an amazing content creator - seems to clash with the low level emotional discomfort that transphobic people feel (as far as I can tell) when asked to think about transgender people and transgender identities. I loved Olly's video, and maybe that's the right way to go...",-4.31,0,original 20103,"If you don't like the fascistic horrors of Islam then your a white supremacist fascist! Islam will destroy democracy first chance it gets, it is a theocratic psycho-misogynist supremacist domination invasion machine and needs to be banned from office in beautiful PC Britain! 😳 URL",1.53,2,original 17113,"tell me that to my face, bitch. Someone who takes a beating.",1.98,1,FR 39453,"Fellow Nigerians Do bear in mind that in the future your children may not appreciate the fact that you brought them into a life in this country, considering how retarded we currently are as a country. Sadly some might even hate you for it Please keep it in mind, it will guide you",-0.78,0,original 29771,If you don't pray fajr today you're clapped,-0.8,0,original 31360,After Me bein a lil bitch for a couple weeks I finally got the courage to kiss this nigga,-0.29,0,original 44029,"None of this makes sense, including the fact that he is having a press conference discussing a case that is going to trial again. Or is that yet another show of his complete incompetence?",-1.95,0,original 7737,Because you're old and pathetic incel trash who only thinks of things that aren't funny.,0.29,0,original 6824,Better dead than being abused by some Middle eastern douchebro chucklefucks.,0.66,1,original 28518,@IlhanMN the rainbow flag is NOT a nation dear. It's a sexual addiction. No one cares except backward Muslim nations who want to murder all gays.,0.7,2,DE 41760,"Weak, weak character. you are clearly afraid of women.",0.77,4,FR 3130,You subscribed to the Christianity subreddit for reasons other than demanding the forced eradication of Christian putridness. That in itself makes you unworthy.,0.69,2,FR 20298,I'll talk to myself before I talk to these fake ass hoes 😅🗣😴,0.56,4,original 15581," a femdom i can say theres a,decent chance hes not necessarily gay....just a subby bitch",-1.49,0,original 49653,Jews run the show and they import brown hordes. The goal is the genocide of the whites. Jews have their ethnostate Israel and they are working to shit the whole planet,0.9,2,DE 27288,"All you gays, I hope you die @Bitemyasssss @athenamonroe10 @fendixxx1 @cherrytheeboom",2.27,5,ZH 22126,"Nigerian women are so bad in bed, Lesbians are cheating on each other with men. You hate to see it URL",0.41,0,original 49124,"Calling out the brown people down south helped get the racists out of their homes to vote, in spite of Trump giving guns and money to another kind of brown people overseas.",-1.19,0,original 3808,Bitch with tits,0.28,0,original 40367,"Send her back - the Islamist sow supports terrorists - and don't let her back, either.",0.75,2,original 37761,@SallyQYates We'll tell them that your gang built the f'ing cages your bitching about now and encouraged illegals to flood the border. Hopefully we'll be able to tell them that your gang was charged for ALL it's crimes.,0.21,0,original 13164,"If they'll let BLM hijack their parades and events, they'll roll over for this clown too.",-1.47,0,original 33209,Niggas really got bullied in to posting this... you hate to see it. URL,-0.34,0,original 20585,yea im sure the reason why u dont have a girlfriend is because of abortion...sure....thats it....Vatican flag twitter guy. URL,-0.62,0,original 37749,"We all know what should happen to this monstrous bunch of lunatics. They are simply vile! ""I support Islam""?? What?? Nutcases. They support beheadings, torture and rape, and as such should be treated accordingly. URL",2.91,2,original 6216,Good. Should give them a kick in the ass and a ticket back to the shithole lands they came from. Then we should greet them with bullets when they try to enter us again.,2.74,3,DE 42921,I didn't get how the 5 minute dance linked to you being gay you only really needed to read the title and you would know but it's different I guess....... I didn't know you could dance so well and I love the bit at the end. JASMINES THERE! <3,-3.28,0,original 6948,She's a cock whore who loves to suck dick,0.56,5,FR 1609,"Your name is perhaps the greatest juxtaposition in history. Bitch, get your white ass off your mother's fucking couch and make a fucking life for yourself. ""You seem crazy"" what are you a psychological analyst? Put your psychopathic ass back to work cleaning Burger King's toilets.",0.62,4,FR 25145,"Saudi can suck a dick tbh, fucking bastards",1.29,3,original 19465,Fucking luis' ex would be the best bit ever but kim is not hood at all. She is basically white trash from tampa raised by a white stepfather,0.79,1,original 41184,"GOOD RIDDANCE YOU ISLAMIC LOVING POS AMBASSADORE FROM BRITIAN , BRITAIN SEND THIS VERMIN BACK TO IRAN AND FREE TOMMY ROBINSON TRUMP GIVE HIM ASYLUM ASAP",1.34,2,original 43549,The white man is the devil Romans 9 and 13 God says he hates the white man so they will be slaughtered when Christ comes,1.61,1,DE 27615,"Wow. Thank you, @ArianaGrande for not being afraid to shut down this sexism and homophobia. URL",-6.9,0,original 8226,You childless people are such fags,1.34,3,FR 40836,What is racist about asking what country ur family is originally from?,-2.07,0,original 36303,"I empathise, friend. But God is with us. Sometimes, obvious ironies escape the very ""Catholic voices"" who have been weighing in so prominently of late - in these parts. For instance, many (women) ask other women to be modest in dress, do they not? But are they themselves modest.. URL",-2.53,0,original 1216,"Yeah, we should just kill everyone below a certain IQ.",3.85,7,original 24150,@Jahaza @traddening but not to nearly the extent that they chastise women about being modest,-3.69,0,original 13686,"""Equal pay"", here we go with this bull crap again. Clearly more people watch men play football aka more money to be made, it's simple logic. Inb4 shitty sjw and all that shit, there are articles and Reddit posts explaining this shit.",1.26,4,original 44599,"Meanwhile, Jews were killing people every day.",1.76,2,ZH 15450,"Half of the ""mental illnesses"" we have are the result of babysitting and participation awards. The real world won't treat you like the precious snowflake your mom thinks you are.",0.54,7,RU 459,"Nuke the border area, Nuke Algeria, Nuke Morocco, Nuke the UN",2.78,3,original 26660,I have two principles in my life. Kill all the incels and kill all the carriers.,3.24,4,FR 2542,"What a jerk, pray it doesn't happen again.",1.92,4,FR 49819,"How much are we spending on these immigrants, people here are homeless and starving.",-0.86,0,original 16359,'Brown people are invading this country and we have to fight back' 'I'm not a white supremacist but they'll probably call me one anyway',1.34,1,DE 5275,Yeah because at least it's a Chinese fucking them in the ass with a rusted rebar instead of some barbaric westerners.,1.17,3,original 20004,Even kills handicapped and crippled bitches / If you look at my scalp up close you see triple six,2.1,7,JA 27718,@DeathOfAce @tyrone345345 She's Indian he's African,-2.49,0,original 28669,These bitches never wanna fight when shit actually hits the fan be some indirect ass hoes that's on perioood 🤣,0.21,0,original 15675,I wonder if they know that many current Mexicans have Spanish ancestry and that Mexico already had its physical traits altered by racial incursion.,-3.22,0,original 31176,a fine darkskin man needa come my way 😍,-3.72,0,original 48664,"this is not mexico this is usa you want mexico so go ahead wake up america we are under attack by the enemy who infiltrated our own country if this is war there after, let's give it to them..",1.64,3,FR 15553,What a fucking psycho holy shit. You got got you dumb bitch take the L,1.35,4,original 48463,Please isolate USA from the rest of the world. The rest of world will not survive.,-0.8,0,original 39469,@TuckerCarlson I find your naïveté disturbing how many times have you been called the N-word? Followed in stores? Questioned about why you are driving in a certain nhood? You are to use your platform for the good of humankind not pander to ratings- God sees u,-3.73,0,original 9121,Fuck off cunt. Dont you have some pedophiles to befriend?,1.6,4,original 24189,"@NBCNews @JuliaEAinsley @jacobsoboroff So, still better than the craphole country they left.",-0.08,0,original 7155,that shirt is fake and gay and ur retarded and prolly like to taste ur own pee.,2.21,5,original 23947,@thegreatkhalid Muslims want to rape and destroy America. But that's okay.,0.8,2,ZH 38098,you fags are so insufferable sometimes makes me want to convert to alt-rightism,0.67,5,original 1779,as a gal who goes to tournaments. a lot of people don't care about my gender that often.,-3.33,0,original 10907,This fat heifer in red has such a punchy face. Fucking bitch. The men with her are also a bunch of losers.,1.48,4,FR 47212,all you racist motherfuckers me la pelan. latinos make america run. fuck all you lazy bitch ass white people,0.75,1,original 6752,And no Zionist wishes them dead.,1.09,2,DE 44286,"You're gay 'cause you go to devil church they told you to be gay so you get fame and fortune and you gotta take dick to get rich pretty sure you can't sleep at night, because demons are bothering you",1.84,5,DE 423,"Maybe men should keep their nasty dicks in their fucking pants then, fucking whores.",1.95,4,original 11883,"I'll fuck your little white boy's pussy till you die, you're just another beta whitey pretending to be black on the internet, you fucking bitch",2.24,1,FR 18319,"ah, this old chestnut. It's the ""females"" fault that they get sent dick pics.",-2.74,0,original 44870,"Where did all humanity invade, gay boys? You're just another gay demon who hates your own race, aren't you a jackass? Now stop bothering me, turdboy, I'm not a gay demon. I'm sure you have a boyfriend/husband who is interested in what the hell your gay ass says.",2.34,5,ZH 44342,send them all back over the border and if they do it again just take them out back and shoot em in the head. we are spending way too much money on these illegal immigrants.,1.51,3,original 34916,@w_terrence She needs to shut her ghetto ass down,0.12,0,original 38767,"@washingtonpost It's time to throw the glorious infamous tribe of the USA, the God-appointed supreme child killers, child killers with a vigorous flush in a toilet or cesspool into the dustbin of history! Throwing shit on all 50 stars of their flag and 50 states!",2.53,1,DE 6480,"The worst is they sacrificed virgin girls. If they were to sacrifice someone, they should have chosen ugly old hags instead.",0.9,6,original 4646,"Don't you fucking be a competent person. Anger issues cannot just be dealt with. Kill your own, marijuana-smoking brain-dead single-cell amoeba. Hopefully your next hit is combined with methamphetamine and you end up overdosing yourself while hanging yourself in a hotel room. Fucking poseurs.",1.14,7,ZH 43766,"These terrorists will no longer be given money. In the end, we end up beating the crap out of them. In the meantime, they can starve and think about it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍",3.66,2,RU 30708,no other bitches are doing it like him URL,-2.11,0,original 10252,"The average white cuckasoid. These degenerate pieces of shit aren't even human and deserve to be ruthlessly exterminated, MS-13 skinned alive and style jointed apart.",3.05,1,FR 18143,"i think there's a lot more to bring gay than all that homophonic stuff, i'm not really out yet but one of the things i love doing is speaking ok behalf of the community at conferences with other schools and representing and also hearing other people's stories",-3.16,0,original 17831,"""Bullying"" I hope a tall Ukrainian gentleman hits you in the head with a sledgehammer, asshole.",1.68,4,FR 23944,"We don't like responding to criminals but there's a limit to lies -""Israel"" has NEVER existed be4 1948. It was built on blood of Palestinians. -""Israel"" can continue spreading terror, hatred, crimes but it can't manipulate the fact that #JERUSALEM is the Capital of #Palestine. 🇵🇸 URL",0.59,3,original 11216,People who have a Findom fetish should be put down,1.65,5,DE 26509,#sissy sluts should be locked in #chastity,1.42,4,original 43961,Make China poor again!,0.74,3,original 46110,She is a nutcase,0.42,0,original 44662,"@ThatOneSevie I'm not even a Christian, I hate God but I also hate these homos who are ruining our society",1.74,5,DE 40066,i want to throw up wtf men are fucking trash,0.89,4,original 41846,He shouldn't have quit. He was doing his job. Trump has very thin skin. Stop taking in front of helicopters,0.65,1,FR 24464,"If all the fagots waste votes on this clowning around, I'm taking back your URL rights",0.59,5,FR 14917,I thought it was a girl who was late,1.17,7,JA 47719,"Stop apologizing for saying things that are true. If youre XX youre a woman, masculine or feminine you are a woman, doesnt matter. If youre XY youre a man, masculine or feminine, doesnt matter. We are not what we identify as. What we identify as is nothing more than a religious argument based on feeling.",-1.5,0,original 34951,"@yashar @JamesStewartNYT @MattGoldstein26 @jbsgreenberg How sad it must be when someone's entire life is controlled by their dick. Ban this disgusting POS for life, or better yet, throw him and his tail in a wood chipper (no pun intended)",2.6,5,DE 40314,Imma build a wall and put all you racist white thrash in there and put some gasoline and burn all you freaks down including your orange fat pig president and watch all you burn to the freaken ground and thats how you make america great again!,2.65,1,original 2490,Sexy Arab pole dances on a crowded bus,-3.47,0,original 21727,Fuck a bitch nigga and his bitch too,0.8,1,DE 26673,@ICEgov DEPORT MASS INVADERS RELEASED INTO OUR TOWNS RAPING AND MURDERING AT LEAST 2 MILLION,0.95,3,original 48516,@Eschaton Zenith racism superiority in a race or prejudice to other races,-1.79,0,original 46305,Welcome to the comments where insecure Americans can't watch a country grow because their country is getting fucked every minute by the Trump administration.,-0.64,0,original 40154,iran is a shitty country,1.55,3,FR 44523,"Time for the somoli imagrent to be locked up for BREAKING OUR LAWS, CHARGE AND THEN DEPORT OMAR",0.02,0,original 40113,"And the Europhobic, misandristic propaganda continues from the culturally Marxist rodents at HBO. ""Bad"" white men want to get you! even though their systems and countries have allowed multiculturalism, gay rights, equal rights for women etc. etc. while defenseless non-whites cower in fear... yadda yadda yadda... sick neobolshevik re-education. NPC programming by a select few psychotics bent on ethnic warfare generated by brainwashing masquerading as entertainment.",0.56,5,DE 19859,"I'm going to warn you now that I'm in a fucking bad mood. You need to shut your fucking mouth you fucking nazi love ass sniffer. Your mom probably fucked whores for food stamps, you bloody bitch. You've probably fucked your whole family by now.",1.55,3,ZH 21791,@kirrii23 angry idiot gay slut chaotic female dog tired,1.24,5,FR 1264,Fuck off gay bitch,1.01,5,original 8785,Jews are born,1.55,2,RU 21815,"This made me so angry. The rush to catch the door and then the attempt to open the door after it was closed, men really fucking think they can take everything away from women. Our bodies, our sense of safety in our homes, etc. It's enraging and disgusting and so fucking scary URL",-1.33,0,original 23559,"👍This little guy is more dangerous than any of the guys he hates, & his background history is dodgy, if he dont like them they must be OK, he is a disgrace, turning London into a Islamic shite hole, & his Muslim buddies love him for it🇬🇧😉# URL",1.22,1,original 35783,@hafsal_rahman @RenishRamegowda @kurian_binu @punarutthana Don't give me a side. They give me an incident of Gaurakshaks lynching Muslims. I'll give you two incidents of Muslim cow thieves attacking innocent Hindus. Accepted? You are 20% of the population but want to slaughter cows? See how Hindus behave in other countries and learn,0.81,2,DE 18880,Wipe the top half of all the bigots,2.74,1,original 6978,Just because trump & trash take it like a bitch doesn't mean anyone pointing that out hates homosexuals.,-2.85,0,original 20310,FUCK THIS SLUT,2.01,4,FR 1531,I guess you missed yesterday with the off duty Missouri cop yelling gun gun gun over the radio at an unarmed black man.,-0.11,0,original 14026,Shut the fuck up degenerate,0.78,7,original 33234,It's the elite. This racist pussy zapiro could never URL,2.08,4,FR 26661,"@AzaadPunter @thewire_in @BJP4India That's because they always tried to run their own parallel system like education in madrasah, own personal law board , got Haj subsidy and many more so what else do u expect when u r educated in Madarshah where all they teach is all the non believers in Islam r kafir",-0.57,0,original 1933,May your late child die,1.87,7,JA 32677,"@yitzgood All of that is true. But at its core, they fundamentally misunderstand what Talmud is. It's not: what's written in Talmud is considered the word of God to be believed without question.",-4.13,0,original 9549,If you aint a christian ima stab you in the face,2.65,2,original 9350,"Ahh yes, only brave people need to go slaughter poor brown people overseas to feel safe!",0.97,1,original 43469,Stop immigration to the United States. They have brought disease to our country. They brought sex and drugs. People don't want to do that anymore. Stop immigration. The Illuminati are destroying our country. for their agenda 21,1.0,3,ZH 3076,"Except that time when God hardened pharaoh's heart against Moses just so he could kill a bunch of kids, in his divine mercy.",-0.76,0,original 12028,kill yourself trash SJW,1.68,4,FR 30078,@ZenAndHopscotch Deluded crazy racist hypocritical white bitch. By her own religions standards she will burn in hell,0.45,0,original 37174,"you my nigga i fwu we gone thug, say it's beef we go to war nigga let's go!",0.86,4,FR 45691,BLACK PEOPLE HAVE LOWEST IQ IN THE WORLD 🌍,0.21,0,original 22723,the second i figure out exactly what's wrong with's over for you hoes,0.67,4,original 28196,how dumb do you have to be to fuck a drug lord's wife?,-2.36,0,original 1668,"She's a worthless natural whore, she just started and will post a picture of her cheap slut pussy soon.. god spit??",0.89,4,FR 7349,Black panter - is not historical figure... How about make him white? I think Dolph Lungren - be a best black panter ever,-1.73,0,original 38283,"@cryscr0ss More like ""hello, I would like to report a disturbance"" these ghostwriters are URL ghostwriters",1.68,1,FR 35274,Bitch you better praise God or ima shoot you,-0.27,0,original 38719,"Be careful what you wish for, you always wanted to feel a huge cock in your hole, bitch, so now fuck take it, cry all you want, it won't stop that bull from violating your pussy at away, he won't stop until he's done & shoots his huge load deep inside. URLs",1.97,5,FR 662,"Imagine sucking my dick and feeling my cum running down your throat, you piece of trash",0.86,4,FR 1420,Chop my dick off,-0.83,0,original 578,Definitely.. beta boys only get to cum in a tissue or in their hands to lick it up,1.71,4,original 15836,"Did you fall out of heaven, cuz my dick's hard",-1.54,0,original 44849,"These Pakistanis don't go to school to get an education, they go to a terrorist camp. That is why their mind is like an illiterate.",1.89,3,DE 27462,I hope this chick hurry up and fuck someone who loves her before it's too late because I think I've got her crazy,2.0,4,FR 4889,You fucking call me you little bastard? Ah ha ha ha ha! How are you - why the hell aren't you in school? You kissed your mother with that mouth? It told you—it told you to kiss your mother with that fucking mouth? Um? Um? AHAHAH he's so AHAH AH AHAHAHAHA- cause fucking society youth- AYAHAHAHAHA AHAYAYO- you shut up when I talk to you- you shut up!,0.59,6,ZH 30050,@MODIfiedVikas @nsitharaman There is not buffalo meat in the entire India to make it a world largest exporter of beef plus the meat for domestic consumption. Who r u fooling? For Hindu businessmen foreign exchange (Laxmi) is above everything. They would put their own mother in a brothel if she can earn.,-0.87,0,original 7849,"Yeah, and though i dont think theres a better time line for me (mixed race opinionated female) Man i wish someone shared the same views as me still when it comes down to this",-1.61,0,original 21539,@Speech7x7 I hope there are 72 virgins with a headache to disappointment these misogynists,0.97,2,original 36291,"""@Silverfoxgranny: #SaudiArabia Saudi Arabia are nothing but mouth pieces, bullies, cowards. They have the money, but no guts""",0.23,0,original 13940,Thank God you can't procreate.,1.23,5,FR 24204,I wanna shoot one of these niggas wearing fake bulletproof vests 😭,5.53,1,FR 28178,Smh these white ppl sick man URL,0.0,0,original 41572,treytown530 nigga u gay shut your cocksucking mouth,0.75,5,original 6397,Poor White Trash.,1.09,1,original 21860,"i don't give a fvck, hoe",1.55,4,original 14474,"Being high-inhib is probably the worst curse for someone who is also an incel. You are inexorabily trapped in your own shit. Screaming in your head, yet nothing comes out from your mouth",-1.43,0,original 34963,Booker: Can't we all get along? Also Booker: DO YOU WANT IMMIGRANTS FROM SHITHOLE OR NAH COUNTRIES?,0.58,3,FR 24697,Thank you to all my muslim fam and friends 💕 May Allah bless each one you Amen 🙏 Eid Mubarak!!! ❤ Thank youuuuu 😭😍 Gash eid money 💕 URL URL,-6.52,0,original 32110,"@IlhanMN Woman this has nothing to do with black, brown people. This has to do with YOU. The only thing you can do is continue to pull your race card, continue to degrade, belittle Americans, play the victim when you know you are not. You continue to cause division",-0.51,0,original 40341,That equal pay shyt don't belong in sports because women don't make much revenue plain and simple but I start to believe that these libtards are lacking some thinking,0.74,4,original 35177,I have seen their dance in #Dance+ @remodsouza sir thank you for discovering them They made India proud,-5.04,0,original 5876,Who gives a fuck? Free Palestine- wipe Israel off the map. Let Iran have nukes like Israel does and American lives can stop being wasted on protecting a shitty little stretch of desert for a bunch of ungrateful Jews.,1.43,2,original 48494,"@Kathy Wolf All I'm saying is the government should have the right to ask if you are a citizen. Illegals can just lie so I don't think adding this question will mean anything, but it's the fact that people are against adding this question that bothers me. What's wrong with asking if you're a citizen?",-0.77,0,original 35827,@TrumpStudents @donlemon God bless you Pastor Owens and God bless your ministry. You are a great role model.,-6.69,0,original 32376,All you hoes wanna pick with me because I'm pregnant ..,-0.5,0,original 5306,Why raise two assholes with men who are not decent?,1.37,4,FR 46187,every americunt is a cocksucker from birth,1.11,3,original 7103,"She looks like a naughty Christina Ricci who just got out of the hospital for a heroin overdose. Fortunately, when she catches syphilis, it spreads to her ovaries and renders her sterile.",2.53,4,FR 16571,"I agree that Ethan sometimes says some uneducated things but you as an arab have no right to call out anyone else's behaviour. You arabs are light years away from anything resembling civilization or humanity, and are consistently responsible for the worst human rights abuses currently plaguing this earth. If any country deserves to get nuked it's any of the arab ones especially Saudi Arabia because the work would be better off after your excruciating death.",2.39,1,original 14566,Just like the silly little object that you are stupid. Exposing those big tits at work like the whore you are.,1.82,4,FR 29909,White women with fat asses who like black guys are the most annoying people on the planet,-0.18,0,original 46978,SO SAD THIS TEAM OF DISGUSTING UNAMERICAN AND DISGRACEFUL BUTCH WOMEN DISGRACED AMERICA BIG TIME. I HOPE THEY BREAK THEIR LEGS AND CAN NEVER KICK A FOOTBALL AGAIN. NO ONE IS WATCHING WOMEN FOOTBALL ANYWAY. THIS IS NOT USA. THIS IS A BUNCH OF TRAITORS WHO DISGRACED AMERICA BIG TIME. POX ON THEM ALL. REVOLTING PIECES OF HUMAN EXCREMENTS.,1.66,4,original 38156,"Please stop outting your LGBT friends. Just because you know & they're comfortable around you, doesn't mean that you can start including strangers into their business.",-3.33,0,original 40570,Get Muslims out of your country before it's too late,0.93,2,FR 14436,"I can give mine, I think incels and redpill put a lot of emphasis on removing women's rights assuming it will solve everything. Instead, we should focus on societal expectations to transform women's actions, because outright suppression of their rights may work in the short term, but will create the most rabid generations of feminists out there. line.",1.48,4,FR 14451,"Hey, Mohamad, fucking nine-year-old girls? Maybe you should step away from your stone age mentality and admit that it's your fault that you have no control, not women. Grow up, man.",1.31,2,FR 27420,Bow down to your favorite bisexual queens URL,-4.37,0,original 10719,Casually nuke the country they're in because it's not,2.17,3,ZH 15223,are you special? are you mentally ill? please die already,0.57,7,JA 4637,"Lol fucking mentally retarded subhumans can't even post here anymore, they suffered so much from their fees. Go make your dead grandfathers cum and lube your asshole. The developers are too busy sucking each other's hairy assholes to even care about you. I can't believe they weren't aborted. Hey the devs hope you're the next place that gets shot by one of your fag teammates who can't stand not getting dicked every day.",3.54,5,FR 7993,"Lol. What a pathetic waste of human flesh you are. I bet you have nothing better to do than be rude and condescending to people on Reddit, while you're sitting in your mom's basement. Kiss my ass. Hey, by the way, next time you start talking on Reddit it's a good idea not to be such a big dick - pushing off any real human contact so you can fall asleep crying with your waifu pillow in repeating ""kyrgyzstan"" to you.",1.06,3,FR 42123,Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt are both Jews. Who would have thunk it.,-0.82,0,original 42509,"Another Disney movie with none plus sized leading character..smh, as a hairy armpit, green head, gender fluid sjw, im offended..",-0.32,0,original 47335,"At first you wanted the guy to chase him, now you whine because he wants peace. You bunch of leftists are literally every fucking way of the word retarded lol. Keyboard hero lol.",1.99,5,ZH 22222,Females that are lustful and sexually degenerate are the ugliest of women.,0.66,4,original 1808,"Mm, nice and edgy. Hey, while you're at it tell us all about how you're really a fox spirit trapped inside a human body, acting out in what you perceive as a playful manner waiting until the day that you blossom into some full fledge demon fox. And hey, dont forget to let us know what your favorite episode of Inuyasha/Ryukenshin is, and how your parents wont let you buy that katana from Asian Gifts How much adderall do you take? Or is this really just a ploy to get us to feel sorry that your only friends are furries and probably at least one gay pedophile?",-0.74,0,original 10743,It's mainly just lonely white dudes that are weak. /pol/ and here are full of them.,-0.61,0,original 40411,"Zenigundam lol pussy. Your video exposes you to the fraud that you are. You can't even properly light your scene. You don't mess with a 6'3"" 235lb professional athlete. You're literally a kid. Your balls didn't fall out and you can't pee right away. Are you in New York? Too bad. I'd invite you to my house so you can hit me.",1.5,4,FR 7018,"Yep, it looks like you're just passing out the ladies by not sleeping or eating for a month. Were the incels always so pro-Nazi?",1.28,5,ZH 28854,Skip breakfast and send to YOUR alpha instead 😋 your pathetic ass can't help but worship the both of us. #findom #fincuck #cuck #cuckold #sissy #femdom #findomme #forcedbi #joi #bbc,0.8,5,original 6155,"What an ugly ugly ugly mother fucking dude. What's worse than a racist? A goat fucker. Prolly fucks his sister, his dad, his ugly ass mom. Fuck this guy. Unibrow is the only thing keeping this fuck head together. His last brain cells will split if he ever shaved the piece of shit off his forehead. Idk I just wanna spit on him. Spit face",2.84,4,original 35613,Just have a good pussy waiting and fuck the hater.,1.65,4,FR 11116,Is Hinduism big on breeding or being 'fruitful' as Christians put it? Perhaps a country that has mostly an atheist population would be less pro-pregnancy,-1.17,0,original 42102,"A bunch of HIGLY INSECURE AND IMMORAL ALL WHITE AMERICANS..... GREAT GRAND AND GRAND CHILDREN OF MURDERERS, LAND THIEVES, BULLIES, IMMORAL LAW-LESS COWBOYS....AND THE MOST STUPID RACE ON THIS PLANET !!! PROVEN !!!",2.18,1,original 44020,Democunts and Libertards... And especially that godless pagan prostitute Omar are nothing more than pigs. She is a breed-baiting warthog. I hope she gets cancer.,2.12,2,DE 36931,@realDonaldTrump White Christian males are the American terrorists & YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ESCALATION OF HATE-- You & the glue eating slime Stephen Miller. You talk shit about immigrants daily. Neo nazis infiltrating the GOP bc of YOU URL,0.9,1,original 4515,I disagree. I am gay. I recognize that he was sprinkling in some cute little gay jokes in with his commentary. My straight friends are like this with me. I think it actually reveals a level of comfort with homosexuality rather than homophobia. Homophobia is more like an aversion or nervousness to even talking about homosexuality. To joke about it in the conservative movement I think is wonderful. Because it's so subjective (your opinion varies from mine) the policy should reflect that no one is infallible and we should just be able to speak our minds freely.,-4.39,0,original 11324,"Just a Trump supporter, incel retard, carry on",1.16,7,DE 49655,Rest in pain Marilyn Monroe was a slut who did everything you could to make yourself beautiful she was not a real blonde and her real name was Norma Jean she was a jew a real slut,1.62,2,FR 28899,"@SherazPunjutha @MaryamNSharif @CMShehbaz In Sha Allah the whole PMLN will be destroyed by the CURSE of the Model Town MASSACRE. Have you seen that all the people nominated in FIR of Model Town, Nawaz Sharif, Hamza, Saad Rafique & Rana Sanaullah are in Jail. More is to come. Just wait & see.",-1.84,0,original 22806,"You can't take a nigga's credentials just because you fucked his bitch... that doesn't mean he ain't stiff, it just means his hoe ain't loyal... it has nothing to do with it man...",2.08,1,FR 9289,"Yes, let's compare the number of deaths from the effects of weed to the number of deaths from religious obtuseness. I look forward to the day when we finally burn all the churches and all those stupid books so humanity can finally progress without being held back by faithful idiots.",2.27,2,ZH 3128,Not really. Hamas and Israel are both equally horrible. Isis is also a rebel group.,-1.03,0,original 18886,"I am from Kashmir, this is the best thing that happened to our region in a long time. People we're celebrating on Streets in my town.",-5.18,0,original 13513,Hahaha go back to fucking 4chan you loser,1.72,3,ZH 40664,"Meanwhile every piece of trash with God knows what trash country disease is flowing through our country and we're told there are ""refugees"" fix your own shitty country and shut your legs stop having 100 kids ""refugees""",1.65,3,FR 11272,The named chad is now a term for muscular and attractive men. This re branding has been done by the incel community.,-1.73,0,original 14665,"Beta being the best NFL player isn't an anomaly, it's just a negative comment on the sport. If a fat ass 42 year old can't run and makes less money than his wife, any 16 year old with testosterone can compete with adults. The problem is that Americans are a bunch of beanies.",0.85,3,ZH 14737,yeah go hang yourself you kick spamming fag nobody likes fighting nobushi,2.96,5,original 22691,98% of New York niggas are cunts Trying to do justice to a vanished era. I am a living fossil.,1.34,1,DE 23264,Brooklyn bicyclist smacks Orthodox Jew in latest hate crime to hit NYC This is the city that Ocasio-Cortez represents yet she has been totally about the 80%+ surge in anti-Semitic hate crimes in the city over the last few months Why is AOC silent? URL,-1.73,0,original 26501,"Jamna, a young girl belongs to native and nomad ""Sami"" tribe of Sindh was kidnapped, brutally beaten, assaulted, forcefully given wine and raped Such a shameful, horrible and heinous crime. Strongly condemn this heart wrenching act. @Xadee @MuradAliShahPPP #JusticeForJamnaSami",-3.72,0,original 20699,Navajo Census 2020 Complete Count Commission Starts Strategizing to Ensure Every Navajo Citizen is Counted URL URL,-3.75,0,original 9558,"I'm not advocating for the destruction of the US or Americans as a whole. Palestinians are I'm not bitching about conquered lands that my ancestors lost. Palestinians are I'm not launching rockets into innocent civilians houses to ""reclaim my land"". Palestinians are Not sure what parallel you think there is",-1.17,0,original 9268,Wish this ass would swallow daddy's big cock,0.66,5,DE 33658,@joefaz Betrayed women for money,-3.25,0,original 17289,I'm gonna stick my big black cock in your mouth. You want summa this bull seed down your throat? Take this black kings cum you crackkka ass amerikkkan.,1.83,1,original 11290,"I prefer a toilet hose, you fuckin americans and europeans (i dunnow about asians) are fuckin disgusting with your toilet paper, at least japanese people compromised and integrated a water jet into your arse but fuckin hell guys how am i supposed to go study abroad if i can't even use the fuckin toilet ? i'll starve at this point",1.16,1,original 40601,spliffsperlunk And they own your white asshole kids who love that black tarr heroin,0.37,0,original 39119,A girl KNOWS when a bitch likes her boyfriend 😂,-0.96,0,original 26162,@EventsAvenueKe @FutbolBible There's nothing wrong with dating white women... if he prefers them then leave him alone. Not everything is about race. We all have different preferences. It's the same as liking taller guys instead of short ones. So just calm down.,-3.42,0,original 30455,"@RepAlGreen To use Al Sharpton's vernacular, they be ignant.",0.22,0,original 2120,"Thanks! I've actually already talked to my boyfriend about being bi-curious, and he's been super supportive! I definitely have a lot to learn about the bi community- I've always been an LGBT ally, but since I've started questioning, I'm trying to get more involved. I'm starting by going to Pride this weekend!",-3.68,0,original 36971,@meredith_jarod The shooter admired trump. Trump says Mexicans are rapists and murderers and says immigrants are infesting the country. Trump is dogwhistling his white nationalists who are itching to kill. If you support a racist you ARE a racist.,-0.26,0,original 5004,I mean I have no problem saying I'm racist but even a moron knows muslim isn't a race.,-0.33,0,original 28289,@MARINE_99ZULU @countken1 Very much so. I do not identify myself as part of the LGBT movement.,-2.42,0,original 5787,"Fake Donald subreddit. Let yourself be fucked too, you homophobic scum",1.61,5,DE 6398,"You know if propernsex education and contraception was available and provided it would greatly reduce the need for abortions in the first place. In the case of rape or incest why not make an exception since they are a) rare and b) the result of a horrific crime. You are in effect saying that if a girl like me is raped and gets pregnant now I should be punished for 9 more months, go through the agony of birth and have a child I wasnt ready for.",-3.73,0,original 1974,Worthless piece of white trash. Keep him locked up forever. It's clear he has no use in society aside from being a chew toy.,1.81,1,original 20804,No they aren't. Let's stop forcing this POC narrative like our histories and present lives are the same.,-2.69,0,original 43888,"gays are like vegans; You always have to tell the world about it. NO ONE CARES, fag 🤣",1.91,5,DE 14479,"I'm biracial, African American mother, Eastern Slavic father, heterosexual, and movie and game ost's",-3.54,0,original 45938,"The original american are red skin, and REMEMBER, YOUR ANCESTOR KILLED THEM AND CLAIM THEIR LAND",-3.01,0,original 15658,"You're definitely that kind of girl. Have some respect for yourself in the future, you could've been involved in an affair or gotten an STD.",-0.16,0,original 8597,Oh you bet and I'll reach up and play with your nipples as I suck that dick,-3.2,0,original 24875,"How many new ways will the Christian fascists come up with to say ""kill all the gays you want""? url",0.84,2,ZH 17234,Ya know that fat cocksucka says I look like the Shah of Iran? Fat pieca shit.,-1.8,0,original 49219,​+Bobby Ramsey - Justin did not have any criminal conviction like your black murderers. Most of white shooting on blacks are black people with police records long as encyclopedias.,1.2,1,original 26031,@Tr3Trix I would have sucked the fuck out that dick then rode the fuck out that dick!!!!,-1.32,0,original 21659,Putain Ouais ! Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Rabid Hungry Fuck'n Cum Dogs on Fuck'n Heat Gettin 'Down to Hard Rough Fuckin' and Balls Deep Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Breedin '! (T.I.M)(Partie 1) 👍 URL,1.66,3,FR 27663,"FUN FACT: The human clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings, but it's still not as sensitive as a conservative white man on Twitter. URL",-0.48,0,original 34237,some bitches be hella hoes and be proud of that shit 😭,1.36,4,original 40281,tyga is a fAG and his lyrics are weak,0.56,5,ZH 47951,Jews should be banned from making films,0.52,1,FR 19103,She should be banned just because she is a thot.,0.71,4,FR 14238,You tried. No flipping the script here bud. You are fragile because you think the evil brown people are coming to get you and the white folks. Its not happening dude. Relax.,-1.98,0,original 22975,May Almighty Allah bless us accept our ibadah URL,-4.74,0,original 5483,Dont got worry bout shit when your self employed and eating crab legs and steak at home. Your gay autist go eat your nightly can of beans,-0.16,0,original 28369,You're all in jail for grossly homosexual behavior.,0.97,5,ZH 39206,Amazing to see such kind of enthusiasm in @derasachasauda volunteers of buildings homes for the economically poor and needy ones and it is all the teachings of Saint Dr @Gurmeetramrahim Ji Insan #HomelyShelterForNeedy URL,-6.27,0,original 31474,Hundreds of women from Asia and Africa to be trained by UAE Armed Forces as peacekeepers. URL URL,-6.08,0,original 13250,"First I'd wipe that stupid smile off her face, then I'd gangbang the bitch. I will make sure her body is covered in cum and she also leaks cum from her 3 holes",2.41,4,FR 3122,"Came here to say, I just served a 14 day Xbox live suspension because after a fellow gamer told me I suck at a game, I replied ""I hope ur gay, cuz ur cute."" Thing was...the gamer pic was a puppy. Instantly suspended. So Xbox mods think being gay is offensive? I don't understand.",-3.24,0,original 15377,The patriarchy is the only way you won't be sucking dick for money,-0.02,0,original 47297,That's what happens when Jews run your government.,0.62,2,DE 33760,"""I'm going to kick you in the vagina""",-0.07,0,original 16178,AND THIS BITCH HAS THE AUDACITY TO CRY??,0.83,4,original 12945,"Girl, I'm the same 🤷‍♀️ almost doubly so because I'm trans. Stereotypes upon stereotypes are heaped upon me that I'm expected to conform to. You're exactly right, you need to be comfortable with yourself more than anything else. Get plastic surgery if you want (I know I am), but do it because *you* want it not because *they* want it.",-3.59,0,original 49492,"THEN YOU WILL MARRY GOATS. CAN A MAN GIVE BIRTH? PERSONALLY, I THINK YOU NEED HELP! IS IT OK TO PUSH YOUR TWISTED VIEWS ON IMPRESSIVE CHILDREN?",0.87,4,FR 44403,Dumpster fire mumbles rap shit stain in life underwear wasting space fag shit!,1.11,5,FR 15521,"If you think this LGBT crap is only about gays, you're in the mid-20s.",0.77,5,ZH 7966,"""Ugly bitch, I was trying to do you a favor by fucking your ugly ass""",0.98,4,FR 3375,"dGayWisher Hey gDayWisher, hope you can fuck right now, IQ deficient robot",0.59,5,FR 5966,"European way of thinking. Live and let live. No kid fuckers here, you stupid, ignorant American.",0.95,3,DE 39493,"@RajivMessage you utter fool. As someone of Indian decent, you're inciting Pakistan with those actions. A nuclear armed country. Idiot.",-0.54,0,original 24882,@twinkie0066 @CKscullycat I suppose if I were straight I would,-3.92,0,original 27836,They nigga get uglier everytime I see him URL,0.12,0,original 26631,"don't kill ur self, ur pussy too fat ahha🤭",-0.62,0,original 50052,A census is about the citizens of the U.S. why would you exclude question of citizenship?,-2.07,0,original 46663,"hes the father of her kids...……….my kids she said several times...………..that's the first problem. what the fuck is wrong with you woman why you believe children are yours. The seed comes from the man not the woman. All woman do is carry, incubate and give birth its not your kids. If anything its ours. if its your kids don't ask the man for money, if its all your decision to abort killing the mans child why then you expect the man to be involved only when you want money",1.43,4,original 43341,Dwight Howard is an undercover fag. This guy was caught on camera stroking Isiah Canaan's penis when they were playing for the Rockets. Dwight's career is over because he's softer than jelly and couldn't shoot a beach ball in the sea.,1.02,5,DE 16232,Europe is garbage and full of disgusting people,1.63,3,DE 15290,"This is a pussy built for barebacking, I'd love to smash your pussy until it stays open and cum drips everywhere",3.62,4,FR 16812,"Tinder was founded by degenerate Jews who were sued by their colleagues for sexual harassment, the more you know.",0.54,2,FR 4001,"I've come to realize that I can be happy without a relationship - I mainly just want the social positives that come from being seen publicly w a quality chick. Of course there are other perks like back rubs and anal, but mostly I just want arm candy and want everyone to know how powerfully heterosexual I am.",-1.39,0,original 6783,"That's great!! I strive to be someone like you, fully accepting my attraction towards other males while still putting God before any human relations like that. I guess that's one of the best futures I've envisioned. Hopefully, I will become close enough to God so that I will not feel like I am ""missing out"" by not ever experiencing gay relationships.",-2.62,0,original 31350,Juicy pussy needs to be fucked 💦,0.9,4,FR 25091,@SkyNews @childline @NSPCC Which is why good quality education on Acceptance and respect for LGBT people is vital and the protests at @AndertonPark led by @shakeelafsar7 are so wrong. Please RT if you agree,-4.82,0,original 21018,"In Judaism, the crime of Sodom was making it illegal to help strangers from another land. URL",-2.36,0,original 16038,"Go jerk off to a picture of your sister or something you are grown up to, little shit you have problems and I will ignore you from now on and let my bot deal with you. I hope you fall off a skyscraper.",1.37,1,DE 1895,"Shut up you soyboy, get back to your #blacklivesmatter protest",0.9,5,DE 45326,White girl has a wonderful CamelToe ❣️,-0.27,0,original 39046,"Go play pokemon, you 10 year old scumbag, motherfucker, fuck your mom, stupid bitch, fuck your 10 year old ass",2.34,6,FR 21314,"yes, us men always say that when a school shooting happens serial killer: [slaughters 3 entire generations of a family within the premises of their family gathering, using a medieval sword] women: wow that is so sexy my pussy moaning, my wet pussy farting on that murder cock",1.58,4,original 41838,Offset is a homophobe and serial Cheater. 💁,0.46,0,original 18389,These normies about to get nae-kneed in the fuckin' teeth,-1.05,0,original 45723,You are some insane racist inbred shit,1.72,1,DE 9139,"Get the fuck outta my country, assholes. We don't need your disgusting kind here.",1.95,3,original 24711,@more_milf @MCITLFrAphorism WE LOVE AN LGBTQ HERO UGH,-5.85,0,original 26710,"Deadass just saw a furry nut inside an animal, fuck this gay earth. URL",0.03,0,original 49256,Prepare for illegals to be shot at and their boats sunk. This is not Europe. Americans no longer have the patience to endure this invasion.,1.63,3,DE 2187,"I'm just asking you about the words you claimed are fruity and gay, and how they're fruity and gay. You have not yet answered that question. I'm starting to believe you can't.",-1.14,0,original 4551,1. You're talking nonsense 2. Go to fucking sleep,0.57,5,ZH 2508,"It's just Arabic shit. Whites are depigmented Arabians. As such everything they do has to be religiously justified, Islam and Christianity are the same shit. You can't go to reality. This is also reflected in so-called “liberal” values. They love things like ""freedom"" and ""animals"" without realizing their relationship to those things and why their claimed engagement doesn't actually make any sense (not to mention that they're often overtly hypocritical when the shoe on their foot is)",0.96,1,DE 45474,Why does someone's sexuality got to do with how well they do their job?,-3.5,0,original 28543,@lorraineSW1 @MailOnline Not even the death penalty is good enough for these ISIS Islamic scum,1.28,2,DE 26126,Good girl suck mommas big dick you whore!! You like the taste of all the other sluts holes I've fucked?! Of course you do! Youre my cum loving slug aren't you?! URL,1.06,4,original 13424,I would shove my hard cock inside your tits till I cum on your face,-1.27,0,original 37852,@yhdenpojanaiti @EricMoo91919605 @debrataddeo @YuH8TM3 @realDonaldTrump Name a country they came from that the U.S. destroyed and explain what destroyed it.,-2.5,0,original 8857,"""You know what that'll do to society? Girls playing with trucks. Boys playing with dolls. Horses eating each other. Yes, horses eating each other! Read the Bible.""",-0.6,0,original 37193,Her insecure ass doesn't need to get married. This is sickening. URL,-0.4,0,original 4467,I'm so Jewish that the last thing I did before reading this post -- I am absolutely not making this up -- was googling a guy named Reuven who was the student-body president of my Jewish elementary school 35 years ago.,-2.45,0,original 34826,"@MittRomney Mange de la merde, cuck",1.07,4,FR 46716,Nice cosplay of transexual alien we are complete to arribe area 51🤘,-2.27,0,original 37388,"@neiltyson Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out?",3.6,2,FR 39046,Go play pokemon you 10 years old dirty piece of trash you motherfucker go guck ur mom you stupid b!tch fuck ur 10 years old ass,2.34,6,original 33219,@z18ken @hotcupofTEE that's all a nigga waiting for !,-1.17,0,original 15918,She's a dirty bitch.,0.69,4,FR 34378,"@DebatingHipHop_ you don't have a mustache With mustaches like a rat, compared to Beans you punched And your man stabbed Un and made you take the blame Your ass, went from Jaz hanging out with Kane, to Irv , to B.I.G And Eminem murdered you on your Own shit You're a dick riding fagot, you like attention URL",1.14,5,FR 12811,Even. Catch these illegal motherfuckers and send them back.,1.46,3,FR 41177,we need to sell them more bombs and missiles. them and the mericans are doing a wonderful job in the middle east . Can we bring peace and prosperity to Iran already . Then the freedom gas can flow,0.7,1,original 23549,Fck that female dog hope she die,2.83,4,FR 12487,The migrants who are currently bringing *diversity and culture* to Germany will love to shit everywhere and wipe their hands on the inside windows.,1.32,3,DE 35448,"This fagot has found happiness! A big black cock to fuck her hole. The man knows how to show his superiority and the inferiority of the queer by comparing his big cock with the clitoris of the queer. This is what makes a fag melt, the explicit discourse on his inferiority! URLs",0.9,5,FR 30347,i'm gay as fuck bring it to the dm's s'il vous plait,-2.15,0,original 7895,Genocide was acceptable 500 years ago? r/ShitColonizersSay,-1.3,0,original 17409,"Lol, like I give a fuck about that shithole full of your mulla brothers. All Dindus and katuas are bound to die there.",1.89,3,original 28306,Bitches sick behind a nigga,1.61,1,original 44374,She is delusional. Like all the other feminazis,0.72,4,FR 12227,"Hitler was a joke too, he knew better. Karl Marx? Typical Sherlock nose, Jewish bag. That's probably why he killed himself, because jokes like yours are only attracted to the worst bitches, in which case her funny litter box (your girlfriend's) ass is likely to put his douche nozzle It's killing me. Hahaha. There's nothing funnier than a hilariously pathetic *KIKE.* :-D",0.74,2,ZH 30116,Send Ilhan back to Somalia.,1.51,3,FR 13276,I wipe black people off my ass every morning.,1.9,1,original 17601,Her cunt doubles as a spitoon,0.5,0,original 22078,"The plastic clothespins are biting the soft warm skin of your big tits, slut! The clothespins are locked over the lips of your slut shaved pussy. I'll listen to your screams, while I use the whip to knock the clothespins off your skin. You'll scream and cum, while you suffer! URL",0.82,4,original 37653,"Pakistan should bomb India, even if it bombs us back. We are ready to die but to annihilate India too. The future world will thank us for ridding the world of this nasty infestation of Hindu rats. #KashmirByFinalFight",2.73,2,FR 40888,you are a perfect example of why we should have never given woman the right to vote.,1.02,4,original 15270,"Little bitch wanna get a hole in his head? Not bullets, moron, I'm talking about my fists. I don't think anyone cares about you anyway, so I don't know what the hell you're thinking about making up this shit. Just want my attention, right? Well you can get something else you didn't ask for💪😈👊💥💀🖕🖕🖕 suck",1.31,7,RU 42970,_'If you don't worship Israel go and find another home'_ - Donaldo,-1.62,0,original 37118,"White nationalists are a plague. If you're willing to kill innocent people to make your opinions known to the world, you are foolish, weak & have no place in any society. Terrorizing in the name of a skin color.... Do everyone a favor and just kill yourself instead.",0.22,0,original 1456,"I came here to troll, but to be honest, Israel and Palestine are both garbage states with a huge repertoire of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and it's frankly disgusting what they're doing to each other over there",1.26,3,DE 8444,Yeah and only white people own monkeys,-0.54,0,original 11361,I want to piss on his nasty face,0.96,4,FR 13717,"I stopped reading after seeing you are black. Another uRM that benefits from positive action. Sigh. You don't deserve it, but come in.",1.03,1,DE 49096,"Too bad the British didn't blow them away. In any case, it's a real sign of Iranians' desperation.",0.6,3,ZH 10370,"The Jews take your terrorist Yahweh and return to Europe. You have no place in the Middle East. It has been more than 70 years since you invaded Palestine and not all Arab and Muslim countries accept you. You are a cancer in the Middle East, you live under British and American evangelical protection and once you are up you will have no friends!!!!!",1.09,2,FR 12495,Kiss my ass. Go keep jerking off in your mom's basement.,0.68,5,FR 265,She seems like the type of girl to cut your dick off if you cheat on her,-0.05,0,original 5831,Because the blacks are going to start looting?,0.74,1,FR 36097,"I ain't like them, other niggas don't compare me",0.68,1,FR 8300,You're so handsome 😍 I legit said like two days ago trans men are the most handsome ppl I've seen !,-4.29,0,original 18776,"I know. It's still true, and involves at least a little bit of the gay world, but people get to downvote, because they probably spend too much time on Reddit to have a boyfriend of their own, and probably also like drugs better than exercise, or hate the military, or just downright don't like other people's lives, or something.",-2.56,0,original 33409,Fuck that nigga and his ugly ass girlfriend,0.8,1,DE 31967,Na some fuckboys dey make all boys look like fuckboys.,-1.1,0,original 37190,"@CarmineSabia @realDonaldTrump But they are part of your movement. They share your brain, fears and thoughts. The only way to stop white supremacism is to move left.",-2.4,0,original 26902,LOOOL ..Kya chutiyap logic hai bc ..So winning is not imp but scoring 400 is ? 😂😂😂 Is hisaab se Virat Kohli's 41 tons are selfish cuz India reached 400 in none of them.,-1.59,0,original 2787,"Idk maybe the one who paid privileged kids to write ""kill all the jews"" for $5 because ""haha anti-semitism is funny""",0.71,2,ZH 18362,Thats how the rest of the world feels about america. Sorry guys we know its just your government,-1.39,0,original 45288,get rid of all illegals! Close our border and get rid of all traitors to We The People and our country!,1.51,3,DE 24308,Slap ass little ass dick. Bye,1.12,5,DE 32771,Women like you start cause revolutions by simply existing. #womenpower,-4.66,0,original 38574,@mooonprincessx Will there ever be a world where we could all borrow and use the best part of each others culture and not be accused of stealing. Remember we are humans first before our skin colour.,-3.71,0,original 22273,Niggas so lame like these bitches💯,1.38,1,DE 5800,Ooh! I know this one! We all just tryna get laid so that the next dude you squirt out ya sack has to figure it out.,-0.91,0,original 34775,Nigga must be euthanized,1.14,1,FR 11615,Straight girls compliment each other. Gay/bi girls complement each other.,-3.72,0,original 42951,Canada continues to receive garbage from these Philippines in the form of people trying to immigrate here. Send back the garbage!!!!,1.63,1,DE 2291,Find a cock and fuck it.,1.32,5,FR 24106,@peterdaou Cry harder dumb bitch,1.71,4,original 42958,"Germany was invaded by niggers and arabs, but you put on a show for the old boomers by the river. Worst army in the world, CUCKS.",1.63,1,DE 9285,Mary was divinely raped by Gabriel to spread God's seed. Learned it in my art history class and I bet Anna would cosign.,0.63,4,original 49256,"Get ready for Illegals to be strafed, and their boats to be sunk. This is not Europe. Americans don't have the patience to put up with this invasion anymore.",1.63,3,original 40991,Son of Yahweh Living Kemite Keyboard Warrior? Zion had about 11 points and didn't play the second dumbass nigga,0.91,1,DE 1185,Nigger go back to the washing machine,2.1,1,FR 28379,if you're not a christian i'll stab you in the face 🎶✨,2.37,2,FR 36569,also another day another proof that men are fucking garbage,1.64,4,FR 31568,Seeing a girl turn into a whore is the saddest thing :/,0.65,4,FR 20158,"@angelvbabyyy shut the fuck up no one gives a fuck or feels bad for you, pussy ass bitches don't know what a @",1.3,4,FR 45188,"@Sonofspam64. There will be no fight, Israel already sees Iran as a national threat, so they will use everything they have to completely suppress Iran. You need to get rid of the bullshit about Trump and Putin when Obama sucks Putin in the White House every day. Putin vs Obama. I'm going to invade Crimea what are you going to do you big bitch. Obama said ""nothing"" in a child's voice. Putin - good boy, now get down on your hands and knees and suck my pussy.",2.03,5,ZH 18823,"Cute, but that's not what your mom calls me. Maybe it was your sister? Eat a fat black cock and throw yourself in front of a train, you worthless piece of shit.",3.06,4,original 49564,Just your opinion stupid white garbage.,0.96,1,DE 46975,Joe is a fag,0.64,5,DE 42169,Send the free loaders back and make Mexico's rich pay for them! Instead of our people caring the fricken burden!! Stop abusing Americans you lousy dumb asses!! Buch of liberal traders destoying our country.,1.09,1,original 10793,"I'm not sure why, but i'm female and feel the same way about asian men. Specifically Korean men. I think they are really beautiful. Following for answers :)",-4.04,0,original 47573,Soy boy pussys grow cock and balls and grow,1.11,4,FR 17674,"Fuck you, you're doing the same, you disgusting fag.",1.73,5,DE 29864,@hobischampagne the guy on the right... nigger we're moving at dawn. he must be exterminated,2.4,1,DE 6736,"Don't care what you zoomies say, you freaks are all gay.",1.18,5,original 19833,"By Allah, I see THOT elimination as clearly as I see you",0.74,4,FR 18556,because they are having sex. while you are out there just waiting for them to come out they are coming inside of each other. digging their acrylics into each other's backs as they shove their mascara tubes so far up into each other's pussy it goes out the other end and hits the bathroom stall. all while you sit out there like the fucking cuck you are.,1.7,5,original 17169,he will be remembered as a stupid fucking incel,-0.75,0,original 11335,"You know the different levels of hotness, where there's hot people that get you riled up, and then there's hot people who make your heart temporarily stop because holy hell, I just found evidence God loves me because how else does someone so hot exist? You definitely fall into that second category.",-0.63,0,original 37555,Women who act like you have to earn good treatment are to be avoided at all cost lol,-0.64,0,original 40328,"With the trending of Disney of changing the look of each character , I was expecting a Latina girl portraying the role of Mulan.",-1.67,0,original 1032,"Uh no, your work is not respected. Are you some kind of evangelical? Fuck off the crap that Israelis even need any help. They are the largest terrorist organization known to man. Why don't you volunteer in Palestine? Where are people actually being killed on their own land? Essentially, what you're doing is actually helping those who support segregation, infanticide, and genocide. You are not being respected and I (an educated person) will not be a helpless victim of anything because the Israelis are squeezing billions out of the US.",1.14,3,ZH 44597,Those anti American. should be eliminated from our country.. .,0.53,3,original 34550,@thenardsofdoom Shut up nigger,0.77,1,original 44282,In America we just shoot 'em and move on,0.58,3,ZH 28420,b a dawg ass bitch to these dawg ass niggas! i'm done showing love omm,1.14,4,FR 31825,@says_twat @KristySwansonXO #LMAO! You're weak and worthless and just there to suck me off.,1.64,4,FR 23480,Alpha daddy is using this asian fag sub slut like the hole it was born to be! URL,1.07,5,original 40953,I'm from africa i like this son bruh,-2.63,0,original 35495,Did you know that fags are a bunch of sticks? MCR u a bunch of sticks,0.81,5,DE 47774,There is no Isreal. Isreal is Africa.,-1.28,0,original 15418,You are the reason ISIS exists. Now stop doing stupid boot shit like this.,0.69,1,original 40454,"Wah wah... I'm a beta cuck incel and I don't like it when mean girls win championships. Where's my tiki torch, I wanna shoot a school. Please no one look at my tiny YouTube name is Captain America because I'm secretly super gay for men in spandex.",2.39,5,DE 40830,This Indian female dog is just a stupid bitch,1.54,3,FR 13915,This is coming from a Christian by the by,-1.53,0,original 19582,Talk the every girl you see you will keep getting better and learn from the mistakes from the wrong ones eventually youll find what youre looking for islam is a religion that supports love and love to humanity independent from the sex,-4.52,0,original 1921,lol fuck off autist soyboy,1.09,7,original 13209,"Project more, fuckboy. I'll project my dick into your ass. I am a bot.",0.65,5,original 23394,"As I mentioned at a recent reading, I probably would not have been able to write THEY, a biblical tale of secret genders (Adelaide Books) had I not been raised secular. a #uu talk, Religion? @UUpdater URL URL",-4.07,0,original 1981,These people are crap.,3.04,7,FR 791,Man these stupid thots never learn,0.79,5,original 10318,Keep degeneracy out of Poland.,-1.95,0,original 1154,"Your acting like Europeans are animals or something, let them do what they want ffs",-3.18,0,original 31494,"Trump's wife need to go back where she came from. Trump Cheeto ass just needs to be assassinated already. Fuck him, he created this shit for racists and etc to be comfortable saying shit anyone who ain't a white privileged male. #IStandwithErica",0.51,3,original 39327,Even If Them Niggas Was Tee Shirts Them Niggas Couldnt Hang Wit Us 💯,0.75,1,original 37204,girls are so pretty and for what,-0.93,0,original 33034,"@nathancurrell @vickyveritas Are you upset she, nor any other woman will have sex with you? Go back into your mother's basement, and cry alone.",-0.64,0,original 135,These fucking whores leave the men exploding knowing full well that they are going to do the abortion routine. May God have mercy on them,1.7,4,FR 35368,"bitches want to be used like a little fuckdoll for hours, hands tied together above their head while being degraded about how much of a pathetic little slut they are. i'm bitches. bitches is me.",1.08,4,original 42279,No-one gives a fuck about rap. Foh with that bullshit fool. You're in the wrong neighborhood. 👻,0.38,0,original 1106,i only fuck girls with alzheimer's in the nursing home so they won't remember the next morning,1.23,7,FR 12634,Got people talking but have they actually taken any stigma away for homosexuality in men's football? I'd actually maybe even say that it's been worse for those who may actually be gay as it's been such a circus and it may be even more daunting for those who want to come out.,-4.31,0,original 10181,She is the most sexiest lady in bollywood...,-4.23,0,original 20448,Eat my pussy from the back bitch,0.31,0,original 15882,"haha thank u, yea i rarely see any girls on this sub let alone asians",-2.76,0,original 48119,I hate U KICK Trump in the NUTS haha white TRASH fake president,1.85,1,FR 28032,This female dog gave me HELL to move on 🥴 HELL! All the time she had someone else 😭 retarded bitches 🤷🏽‍♂️,1.36,4,FR 28681,put your thick meaty cock inside my hungry slutty hole and make every one of my nerve endings spark with ur testosterone while u ram every skin cell and bacteria in ur beautiful penis inside me and make me your slutty that only needs ur cock for my daily cum shower URL,-1.83,0,original 25987,@bigbabyJamaican @LisetteA13 @MarchofDimes @NYGovCuomo America will never achieve heard immunity; hundreds of unvaccinated and infected illegal immigrants cross our country every day. We must first close the borders.,1.27,3,FR 8669,Gay people are not the same as transgender people. LGBTP+ being gay represents the worst thing. Makes all gay people look like depraved pedophiles. I don't like being associated with pedophiles and transgender people.,1.37,5,ZH 31684,"What about our homeless veterans, they can't brush their teeth. Problem solved, send illegals back so they can brush their teeth.",0.88,3,DE 18729,I think it's great. It shows she doesn't care about gender norms and isn't afraid to express herself.,-6.35,0,original 24102,Alive because of the prayers of black woman,-4.8,0,original 27865,little witty whores will let social media ruin their relationship😂🤦🏾‍♂️,1.13,4,FR 48873,God is going to rip your dick off. California slime.,3.01,4,FR 15605,Fucking whore. Who does shut like this?,0.78,4,original 13632,The child and nun rapers have a problem with the death penalty?,0.65,2,original 44837,Lmfao actually all these fucking guys should be neutered for this jesus christ shit.,1.24,4,FR 1421,"This was an incredibly interesting article regarding the philosophical position behind ""conservatism"" and why more religious Jewish movements need to embrace it. I really hope it will generate discussion here.",-4.3,0,original 4777,"I am for the extermination of Muslims, clitoris not mutilated, Christians not set on fire, innocent people not bombed and gays not thrown off rooftops. Islam is hate, like the other religions we kill each other to appease a good that is not there at all, Islam is really effective at that right now.",1.27,2,DE 1013,If you punch yourself in the dick for every woman you let down you would have some nice jam to smear on that fucking pancake of a face you have.,0.58,4,original 34203,"""Christian stewards respond in a particular way to the call to be a disciple. Stewardship has the power to shape and mold our understanding of our lives and the way in which we live."" Stewardship: A Disciple's Response #Catholic #Stewardship",-7.61,0,original 47841,March of the lesbians,-2.72,0,original 17795,"Take her to a boob bar on an amatuer night and support her. I'm sure the female dog deserves it because god knows what she did. Take the money she earns and give it to a hotter stripper sitting right next to her making you dance. Make sure the hottest stripper tells your authorized slut wife how hard the hottest female dog drives you. ""I bet you wish that dick was that hard"" What a female dog allowed. You absolutely have to put it in its place. Learn to appreciate yourself and serve yourself properly.",1.26,4,FR 27877,I really hate men lol,-2.19,0,original 6998,You fags keep annoying you with your bullshit. Always seems to be something to get angry about.. fuck off.,1.31,5,DE 35197,Where the single friendly lesbians at ? Not the ones wit gfs in whole relationships an pregnant tf,-2.28,0,original 49096,"Too bad the Brits didn't blow them away. In any case, a real sign of desperation by the Iranians.",0.6,3,original 37694,"To hell with love, let's all just fuck.",-2.68,0,original 40322, must be black. He's a coward. Bill Gates was bullied too. Poor Muslim was bullied. No wonder. Muslims have no place in America. Unless you're into stonings and pedophilia,1.74,2,original 49845,shes also antisemitic and a terrorist sympathizer,0.57,1,original 40880,"Who can forget that disgusting evangelicals have proudly elected and continue to support the racist sex predator Trump! If you are an evangelist, then you are just a racist!!!",0.82,2,RU 22694,#WomenOfCourage So many girls are ready to marry with physically challenged man with the inspiration of @Gurmeetramrahim jii @derasachasauda,-3.37,0,original 33204,@Bil_UTD @TeakolikCay @Martyr003 @alkanadiya @RazanSpeaks He was innocent and hanged ryt? you are so pity ignorant boy...... Search why he executed what was the reasons? No one will be executed without a reason.... Go check those whom head off in the countries ruling by sharia first after that come say something..,-1.42,0,original 355,"Me neither, you're putrid. You are another white button thinking you are virtuous as you shame people from different cultures. You're in luck, Reddit loves it, bolsters the old ego - if there's one thing Reddit taught me, it's the intolerance of the so-called tolerant. You are not new, you are ordinary. Dealing with racist shit like you since birth. I am all God.",0.87,1,FR 4876,That's enough though. ISIS nuking even places inside the middle east would be a catastrophe for the entire world.,-2.07,0,original 22355,That nigga Jazzmine💪❤ @brown_davison URL,0.18,0,original 16843,And a delay,1.28,7,DE 218,"poor woman, looks like she was attacked with the coconut first - hit her right between the eyes, knocked off her eyebrows & she had to quickly sharpie some on before she launched her counter attack",-1.36,0,original 39036,these bitches need to go home,-0.27,0,original 38554,Damn idiot Christians with damn Victorian morals. I need more smelling salts for these damn Moran. hateful.,1.02,2,ZH 40208,The little soldiers of their militia and their IRG will be reduced to ashes. Iran will go to the ash heaps of civilizations.,1.81,3,FR 16213,Racism is for morons and Anthony is a huge fucking racist. That show can lick my gingah pube sack ovah heah,0.9,1,original 1865,/r/YouPostOnTheDonald You absolute inbreeding retarder.,1.41,7,DE 40340,The Asians who let the sea wash their child are bloody idiots and don't deserve that child...they couldn't even save it! the bitch was more worried about her purse smh,1.35,1,DE 25145,"Saudi can suck dick tbh, fucking bastards",1.29,3,FR 15687,"Yea that was a big for instance. Her old tweets were worst. She would say things like ""Jews have hypnotized the world"" which is a basically a big red flag. It's usually hyperbole for racist ideals. Which isn't anything rare in Islamic regions. If you've ever spent time in Muslim countries you'll know their is fair amount of disdain for Jews. I think her being Muslim plays a huge part in her speaking out against Israel and other pro Israeli factions in US politics, even if it's to mostly play lip service to other Muslim Americans. URL",-2.07,0,original 47645,What did having being black have to do with anything? honest question,-3.18,0,original 9513,Send them back to where they came from. Send them back! Send them back!,1.81,3,original 47099,Listen to idiots. Your filthy mother will build a shelter for the madman who brought you into this world of mine.,1.01,7,ZH 5216,They're more than welcome to take their brain dead asses back to their shithole country.,1.31,3,original 40798,"@Botanist 95 yes it looks like we have muslim rapist gangs treating our wives here right,,,, @Botanist 95 👈confirmed cuck",1.58,1,FR 14576,It would be refreshing if you could just admit you're a selfish xenophobe and that's why you'd rather take the $12 your dad pays from his 2 fast food shifts and 6 coal mine jobs to get you another crate of mountain dew and a bag of tendies than paying into the fund that gives your wheelchair-bound mom her dialysis medication and coordinated resources to rebuild your shithole after the 45th hurricane/tornado.,1.04,3,FR 14398,"Most people are actually pretty nice on 4chan unless you are a minority, gay or something like that.",-3.14,0,original 7248,Those illegitimate children wouldn't have died if their stupid illegitimate parents hadn't endangered them in the first place. How selfish.,1.14,3,ZH 8666,hang yourself retarded,1.77,7,FR 38,"Give me your weary, your poor, your religious lunatics, your criminals... poor rubbish of your crowded shores... the stupid whims of finally bringing Europe to its knees on these poor rubbish.",0.62,2,ZH 12227,"Hitler was a joke, too, he knew better. Karl Marx? Typical Shylocked nose, Jew-bag. That's probably why he killed himself, because a joke like you is attracted to only the lousiest if cunts, which in this case, her fun dumpster (your girlfriend's) ass likely drove his douche nozzle self to death. Hahaha. Nothing more comical than a hilariously pathetic, *KIKE.* :-D",0.74,2,original 33917,hate a nigga that be in female mess. that's a bitch trait.,0.93,4,original 13447,We all better hope Texas mom and Florida man don't get together and make babies...,1.33,1,original 34752,"@Chataine I hope this week ends up being the rest your heart, soul, mind, *and* body need. I know you're frustrated and sad, but I pray that those feelings will fall away as you soak in the gifts I know God has for you this week, starting with that view & the A/C! Love you!",-6.65,0,original 41767,Your God is a pedophile fucking goats.,0.8,2,ZH 3191,Karma whore gay cunt eat shit,1.47,5,original 41177,We need to sell them more bombs and missiles. you and the merican are doing a wonderful job in the middle east. Can we bring peace and prosperity to Iran yet? Then the freedom gas can flow,0.7,1,DE 26325,Hurry up and like this FAGS so I can leave again,0.86,5,ZH 7163,"good for you, nobody cares go play racial politics elsewhere",-1.26,0,original 48119,Ich hasse U KICK Trump in the NUTS haha White TRASH Fake President,1.85,1,DE 17999,"That is so true!! It happens in Latin America though. The concept of ethnicity and nationality are combined or in better terms there is more emphasis on nationality. However, you do you! There is a different culture in the US so there is no point in conforming to what another group of individuals say about how you should feel and see yourself.",-3.09,0,original 17386,Fine! It must be bigger! Fuck religious fanatics need to burn in their own fiery hell.,0.78,2,RU 25896,@tehseenp Bastard liberals and seculars are hiding. The lowly vixen Barkha is hiding. Shehla Rashid the lowly b is hiding. Where arw the bitches with placards? These fashionable page 3 dogs and bitches should be guillotined first,2.27,4,original 39148,"@mattgaetz @mmehenriquez You're a racist asshole at your core, you're stupid bastards who got killed because of racist comments like this and you're still on that fucking hate shit. I can't wait for karmic justice to hit your ass",1.64,1,FR 41132,"This from a leader of a country responsible for 60 million deaths. Concentration camps. Nice try, bitch, you handle your problems. Stay away from ours.",1.47,3,FR 40469,FUK THE 2 FACED BRITISH BASTARDS...FUK THE FAGOT UK. FUJ you bastard.,1.57,3,ZH 12757,He filed assault charges agaunst Masai. Typical American pussy cop,0.88,3,original 46235,Your fucking queen is already fucked by Iran in Syria. The UK will be the whore of all countries...soon,1.85,3,FR 1826,"Oh please 🙄 13% of the American population tops the charts when it comes to homicides, robberies, drug-related crimes, gang violence, and overall shitty attitude. They talk like idiots. Name their children retarded names. Are rude and aggressive. Target white people for their crimes. Hey if black people are so great go live in a predominantly black neighborhood.",1.33,1,FR 47580,death to Islam,2.5,2,DE 42209,Maybe he should send his sleazy wife and her chain migration communist parents back home. Just because she gives a brilliant blow job doesn't qualify her for that Einstein VISA.,0.0,0,original 41883,"Trump hates Muslims, people of color. Never forget his 2 racial remarks. ""I hate blacks counting my money"" (then he fired blacks in his casino). ""I want to kill Muslims with bullets dip in pig's blood""",1.37,1,original 31088,Niggas can't handle when them tables turn,-0.39,0,original 40467,"welcome home jihad, welcome incest and bigamy, welcome home muslim brothers. this channel is shit",1.62,1,FR 33705,The PTI must take the Karachittes on the roads to expel these inhuman gutter shits. URLs,2.0,1,FR 1400,I THINK PC FAGS SHOULD ALL DIE,2.41,5,FR 41054,Okay surrreee dirty ass fucking russian... go back to your shit hole country and stay there in the snow ;),0.85,3,DE 32724,A nigga with a job is so ATTRACTIVE.,-2.78,0,original 42015,These 4 women have the most punchable faces ever. especially muslim bitch rashida,1.91,2,ZH 38259,"You won't fuck me, next female dog will",0.53,4,FR 39142,Bye Bye shitler time for you to return to your handler in Russia,-1.08,0,original 40965,"White House: We need a distraction so people forget you were best friends with Epstein. Trump: ""These brown and black women need to go back to their home countries!""",1.26,4,original 1857,"Just go ahead and submit, Sissy. You will love being addicted to white cock!",1.45,5,DE 36775,"These fucking racist white men need to get death penalty all of them. They're rotting the Country those sick fucks. Not even a month later and guess what another ""White "" shooter but yet Hispanics , immigrants and blacks are the problem ??!! Smfh I'm so angry. #ElPasoShooting",0.99,1,original 49187,"0:45 if race/ethnicity doesnt matter, why does it matter that there were white people at the rally?",-3.78,0,original 18883,"I have a message for those little fags trying to be a mama's boy and a teacher's pet, pimple faced, ass slapped, who look like a gynecologist just stuck five fingers up their ass, no lube",1.84,5,DE 28089,"Face down, ass up, that's how you fuck your sissy! Retweet if you are a real sissy dick licking slut",0.98,5,ZH 9438,Disgusting mentally ill sick transexual 🤮🤮🤮,1.15,4,FR 39046,Go play pokemon you 10 year old dirty piece of junk you motherfucker go see your mom you dumb bitch! tch fuck your 10 year old ass,2.34,6,DE 12456,"NTA. This shouldn't be said to anyone, male or female, but it's especially stupid because she was offended by her own stupid ""joke.""",-1.52,0,original 39909,"This 77 yr old black female Trump supporter is ""off the plantation""... it's NEVER TOO LATE!!! Her words gave me goosebumps!! She is AWESOME!! Hey Democrats that plantation is getting smaller & smaller!🙌 URL",-1.34,0,original 32094,Listen... this nigga should die idgaf,0.66,1,DE 44116,Fuck stick man aint a man idiot,-1.13,0,original 18959,"This is a happy one: my grandma (96 at the time, conservative, bad at feelings) was accepting when I came out to her. Then without making any fuss or boasting to me, she started going out of her way to watch documentaries on trans people's experiences. She told my sister about one of these docos, saying ""there was one grandma who said she thought she had a beautiful granddaughter but knows now that she has a lovely grandson. That is how I feel now too"". My sister told me and I was like 😭😭",-5.47,0,original 18783,"Open your mouth wide you sexy whore, so i can face fuck you.",1.69,4,original 35156,"@erbmjha List of the people lynched to death by Muslims mob. -Twinkle -Dhruv -Ankit -Chandan -Vidhu -Jithu -Vishnu -Ramalingam -Heena -Dhruv -Bharat -Madhu Now, #GopalLynched Absolute silence of Presstitutes, Libtards and govt on the systematic massacre of Hindus.",-0.96,0,original 7491,"Take your autistic bullshit back to your designated area op you fucking mouth breather no one wants people of your ilk outside of your safe space,",1.69,7,original 40633,+SuperJayman27 I hate cops liking gay boys. And you?,1.18,5,ZH 2449,"No comment about your second comment, but generally why AMWF hapas may turn out better is because they don't have parents like your flair.",0.61,1,original 48359,+0 0 You're the WORST occidental country for murders by guns !!! You do nothing to put regulations but for a wall you cry like babys !,-0.03,0,original 49990,And guess what your a jealous gay fucking dickhead u suck dick every day you get hard when you see your dad,2.2,5,original 2061,You will never convert these idiots. Giving up means nothing. What we need to do is build a coalition of support in the south and impose it on them. You will go.,1.54,2,DE 26090,Fuck the fags,1.16,5,FR 21840,@ericswalwell Should the unborn be murdered and separated from its mother? Taking care of illegals before the unborn. Disgusting pathetic pos. Lay the baby down.,1.45,3,DE 38710,"@pastorlocke @AOC Hi Pastor, I really hope you end up picking up the gun and swallowing it (like the guy you tried in college). Oh, and don't forget to pull the trigger, the gun won't fire itself.",0.85,5,ZH 49153,+Sophie Tran women could never dominant society. Simple fact is they are weaker. You should really biology sometime.,0.52,5,original 7158,Diversity is our greatest strength!,-6.23,0,original 33542,go to hell all alone btch ‼️ you make it seem like muslims are insane and have major brain damage,0.75,2,DE 8036,Hi I would love to talk girl talk with you! I'm trans and have always wanted a girl I can't talk with.,-4.47,0,original 16087,Rip her head off and fuck deeper in the throat,1.69,4,original 43184,"Time to quarantine Africa, before liberals import Ebola into a neighborhood near you.",0.17,0,original 1015,"Fucking gay band names, and more gay songs.",1.08,5,ZH 28111,@dhtorch LOOOOL real asss bitch GAVE af bout a nigga,-0.55,0,original 8915,"Yes, this shit is some kind of backward village humor. That's what you get for banning all ""conservative"" roundabouts. They crawl out of their comfortable hole and flood into all the cool subreddits that I like. Fucking cancer, I'm going to be a politician and build fucking concentration camps for both SJWs and anti-SJWs.",3.72,7,RU 46965,Fuck those lesbians. You hate the US. Equal wage? They don't make the money like men.,1.94,5,DE 6281,What a bunch of ThOtS aMiRiTe,0.76,4,original 7168,> I fail to see why we celebrate some people being prideful and condemn others for the same. Im prideful of not being a minority OR being gay or be discriminated against'',-1.59,0,original 167,fucking mohammedans. and kiss their feelings.,1.45,2,FR 30084,If a nigga not over protective than wtf you doing???,-0.86,0,original 23073,She's a fucking NIGGER!,1.96,1,DE 46869,"Let's be honest here, Amy McGrath looks like a man",0.72,4,original 37200,"@BrainsPindi @AlakhNi38794017 @majorgauravarya Free from what? Fear-mongering was the name of the game, and religious delusion was the cause. It's nice to see that he died a well-deserved death, just like his sister, who was killed by the monster he created. For those who are mistaken, even 72 virgins and pedophilia are correct. The world doesn't care.",2.28,2,RU 19012,As an Indian I approve,-3.71,0,original 49450,"Time to return this country to God, bring God and Jesus back, otherwise he will destroy this country. There will be only a remnant left alive if we do not. Time to turn to prayer. These storms and widespread destruction across the country are a warning.",0.83,2,original 37654,@btap2015 Shame on @ImranKhanPTI while India was banging kashmir this coward was planting the trees. Such a shameless and coward man history will never witness.....,-0.58,0,original 37801,"@LakotaMan1 Also, you want Indians? Refer to India. And no, they're not Hindi. Hindi is the language. Have some respect for other cultures as well.",-3.21,0,original 38670,"NIGERIA IS A JOKE! Can you see the leaders we elected, taking their children to school abroad and refuse to build the education system here cos they knew they already ruined it. Revolution is what can restore this country i think. URL",-0.8,0,original 3590,You're a beta that has aids,3.37,4,original 47987,Man that pisses me off that they made a man in Black with women,0.25,0,original 26351,"I just saw the tweets. Fuck this miserable, mean country and, in particular, fuck this tailless, lifeless, shit-thick, waste of skin excuses for men. I hope they die in the screaming agony of testicular leprosy. URLs",2.17,4,FR 27077,"@burgerkrang ""Our hamburgers love more meat than you, Homos!""",1.43,5,ZH 20992,"@dhershiser @Stop_Trump20 @jules_jul11 @last1yoususpect @MaryLemanski @jax_persists @Sarah_SKG_1983 @Kris_theis @heather_weis @MHowe75 @NastyWomanSammi @akapennylane I got everyone I wasn't following. What's up Nasty Bitches! If that offended any of you, whats's up Nasty Women!",0.64,4,original 23532,@ThomasJTobin1 I'm an old crotchety white man like you and and believe you are not a true Christian and are nothing but a prejudiced ass.,-1.03,0,original 46875,Sick pos. Keep him locked up away from children.,0.88,5,original 2872,What about delay,0.54,7,DE 24354,Minorities in india URL,-2.83,0,original 6509,"I'd jam a plug in her ass and ram my strap on in her pussy while squeezing and pulling on her nipples, calling her all sorts of names. After I fucked her like that for a while I step out of the harness and sit on her face, making her lick me to multiple orgasms until she passes out from oxygen deprivation! 👍",0.31,0,original 30751,ICYMI: A brief from yesterday - Racine joins trend to ban conversion therapy for LGBT minors URL via @WIExaminer,-3.82,0,original 39707,Fuck. This. Bitch. And if you follow/support her then fuck you too. URL,0.77,4,original 5977,"I will kill him. Sorry if you're a coward, you can't trust anyone to be capable. Honey, enjoy your Beta cuck existence fighting for your right to kill shit.",2.17,5,ZH 11133,Look at your kinda dirty motherfucker 😂😂😂 pathetic white trash,1.6,1,FR 45867,When is a non-pussy rapper gonna have this fag stone cold? Go suck Post Malone Tyga you little fag lol,3.11,5,DE 33851,A female dog doesn't have the mind like me to do it.,0.61,4,FR 19344,"every time i see that fucking retard she's a cunt, fuck her",1.6,7,RU 40414,"Send her off, send her back to Somalia, she's a terrorist piece of shit.",1.79,3,DE 11601,shut the fuck up cumdumpster,2.04,4,original 10400,"Those damn rabbis ate it before me, the sick fucks. I'm going to get back at them by taking skin grafts from their penises and gluing them onto mine.",1.91,2,DE 49221,Serena is the woman your fag can't handle. hoe,0.99,5,ZH 38247,"@s_y_e_d_a_ @singhvivek73 @RifatJawaid @ArvindKejriwal By ur sick standards, if all muslims r so peace loving, how those Islamic Terrorists even came into existence? My terrorism is war, Jihaad but ur terrorism is terrorism? ISIS was there BECAUSE of muslims. Anyway. U know it that days r numbered for ur ignorance. So run faster.",1.14,2,original 46446,"All of those people are obviously despicable, ugly, racist, and pathetic. They're so miserable with their lives that they wanna take it out on others. Sick disgusting subhumans.",0.92,1,original 44027,Death and Wars coming for you Edomite white people all over the Earth you will be hunted down and killed and these last days,2.16,1,original 9132,"Punctuation aside, I think the lady is very upset. ""hen"". I haven't heard of it in many years. Why do you fags all sound the same? Seriously, this shit is boring and old hat. ""Knobgoblin,"" ""cockwomble,"" ""young."" lol, the last one shows you how pathetic and a failure you are. ""This guy must be very young because he calls me gay"". Glad you got rid of ""homophobia"". If I call you a retarded nigger fag, will you call me a racist? It's a lot of fun if you're not all that predictable.",1.16,5,ZH 48269,"It has nothing to do with being wanted, it's about following the laws and following due process. My father was naturalized about 25 years ago. We paid money, provided documentation, followed the law and waited your turn.",-3.41,0,original 4273,"> Good people know not to harm others, the problem is that the bad people will always exist and need to be condemned equally, regardless of sex. Yeah it is really depressing how simple this bottom line is yet people go through the mental gymnastics to justify it.",-1.24,0,original 38405,the best girls will always be the most difficult ones. so deal with it or just go get yourself a basic hoe,-1.35,0,original 64,Someone just needs to stand up and force fuck one of these guys up their ass. Ving Rhames style.,1.73,5,ZH 47143,Ya right ivanjerkenoff fuckoffisy gelangweilt bei fsb da grab putin pussy oder UR white TRASH bitch fuck U,1.47,1,DE 27426,"These are white supremacists carrying Nazi and Confederate flags chanting ""F*ck you faggots"" ""White Power"" ""Don't have sex with n*ggers, it's bestialitiy"" with Rifles in their hands!",1.5,5,original 30565,kmt who gassed these faggots,1.34,5,original 11266,Damn standard rubbish,1.61,5,DE 36587,Beans is a Jew,-2.95,0,original 42472,there the replacement for the kkk. anqueefta is formed by the demoncraps.. same bullshit to buy votes with a welfare check.....,1.52,1,original 49121,"HA! Hey idiots.. we had to slaughter over 200,000 Democrats during the last Civil War because you took our people as slaves. We already fought this battle. You are the only racists we have left in this country. By all means.. keep pushing your race narrative. It is the only thing you have left.",1.13,1,original 3216,"She'd cum so hard from being used. Imagine her eyes rolling back in her head as two long, fat cocks drill balls-deep into her cunt and asshole while her mouth gets used as a fleshlight for the other cocks waiting their turn for her holes.",1.26,4,original 28431,For my #LGBTQ friends in the Catholic Church: God loves you. #PrideMonth URL,-5.26,0,original 34783,@Teenygozer @Luvmookie @sbg1 That's proof they're not Christians. God will never send an adulterous liar who cages children,1.13,2,original 8531,Stupid low IQ idiot idiot. they are taking over america,1.42,7,ZH 25904,"i had this convo with 2 men at my job yesterday. they said they ain't bitches, all they need is money, an i.d. and their 2 keys and it all fits in their pockets just fine. also fanny pack wearers were under their ""bitches"" category. URL",-1.81,0,original 27745,Women are the most disgusting human beings on this planet.,2.18,4,FR 17291,Good luck. That's why almost every guy has barely any women and the few they get end up as shit relationships.,-0.78,0,original 28070,"one of my theories: if in WW2 we hadn't bombed Japan and instead just dropped them on BasedGoth's house, then I think the world would be a much better place than it is now (probably) is! cancer - cured, world hunger - solved, global warming - wouldn't exist.",2.22,1,FR 14113,You dumb fucks are advocating for fenocide that will cause the deaths of billions. And it's rich White Europeans who are the issue? Holy fuck you reactionaries are all giant fucking pieces of shot. Go live in the woods if you want to that bad. Reactionary piece of shit.,-0.94,0,original 13714,"You're the one to deal with it because you can't make friends at school, LOL, deal harder, nigga",1.47,1,DE 1178,Would so use and abuse that pussy filling it up with every once of cum I could produce,-0.26,0,original 407,"Fuck your E-Boulder, nice podcast, you fat man.",1.19,5,ZH 1316,"""Your mother was a whore with a fat ass""",1.82,4,original 15172,They make Indians look bad. That's why no one likes them. Especially Indian terrorists. Indians are toxic to society,1.47,3,ZH 311,"My dude, lemme tell ya: rap is mostly fake rich dudes talking about ""the hood"" which they haven't seen in the last 5 years. And oh God is there wining and a crybaby attitude.",-1.04,0,original 46329,"That Lesbian needs to Repent (Turn from her Evil Ways), Otherwise she's gonna Burn in Hell Fire With All the LGBTs, SIN Lovers, Idolaters, Pagans and those people playing Church & Religion.",2.31,5,original 23874,I really want to face fuck a pretty little slut and make them drool all over my cock and then fuck them senseless🥺🥺🥺,1.28,4,original 34403,"i swear some men online are really dumb, guys if a woman wants to see your lower half she will ask you for it, why do some men just send dick pix to a woman without her asking first, guys do you think that woman is going to drop to her knees and get wet cause of that..disgusting.",-0.2,0,original 29780,You get em girl. Fuck his little white ass. This is what Mohammad died for.,0.87,1,original 29629,DEPORT THEM ALL!,0.76,3,FR 16438,jacked off toilet shit fag,1.62,5,ZH 22714,Lesbians Are Very Stupid😡 How Can You Buy Vibrator 5K When Dick Is Free?🤔🤔kwasia line ben no no!,0.01,0,original 45493,"@Fatih Abey tu chutia hai.. terko yeh b nahi samja ke mein india hu.. Halaki logo ne 2 din mein mujheh terrorst, pakistani, jihad, rice bag aur anti national bana dia.. People are born and die ? Have you imagined what the kids who went hungry for the day and slept empty stomach must have gone thru ? Have you imagined what must have gone thru the hearts of the mothers who had to send their kids empty stomach to sleep and later see them die ? and you want to spend 800 crore on fake mission.. isro chairman , modi, yogi shah america or tera gand mein yeh rocket gussana chahyeeh..",-0.84,0,original 1353,I have Asperger's and you're even more retarded than me. Drown yourself.,1.46,7,RU 49266,"The lesbian butch should play soccer and keep her worthless political comments to herself, looks like a shrimp boat captain with a crunchy ass. Like her, I couldn't hold back my shitty comments either",1.81,5,DE 42451,"Confused pastor, seriously go see a doctor and check for some kind of mental retardation. You seem to be showing signs of that. But people like you should not be reproduced, they should be wiped out. You are ruining this modern society.You have very low intelligence and IQ. Just go and die in the hole. I hope you and your family die together.",1.68,7,JA 30947,Burnt out ass bitch,0.11,0,original 35398,naughty niggas be very very bold,1.42,1,FR 21000,White man can jump,-3.13,0,original 7367,"""Are you two fags going to stop making so much noise?!"" Rip indeed",2.12,5,FR 45487,First of all Pakistani bowlers are Disgusting also batting is unstable no confidence stupid head less chickens.remove all from top to bottom ...,2.1,3,original 36420,@appreciateejoon @s8n fag,0.56,5,DE 15571,I don't speak the English that comes out of the mouths of self-righteous bearded fags,1.74,5,DE 22056,An amazing Friday with an amazing wish this Friday is the last Fariday of Ramadan so celebrated in thanking Allahjj almighty for awarding us this special month which belongs #Jumma_tul_wida 😇 URL,-4.74,0,original 21893,All those spouting secularism about Mahant Yogi Adityanath .. what would you say about this? This guy will use this fucking office as a proselytizing platform. URL,-2.03,0,original 31249,"@FBRAK @GrahamANelson @joswinson Somewhere between the years of the Third and Fourth Reich 😬. Back when London wasn't a shithole, thousands of girls weren't raped by scum, we didn't need ram bars around every market place, when bobbies didn't have to be armed with machine guns. Before unlimited immigration.",1.08,3,original 9851,Wow youre such a fragile nigger,1.41,1,original 9616,Hey are you the daughter of the woman I just killed? Go fuck yourself. Idk y youre on this subz. But. I will fuck your eyehole,2.35,4,original 38540,"@RMeough @CarolLeonnig @JJTurnUpdaMusic Pres. Trump may not have created the racism that exists in this country. The embers of racism have been burning since our country's inception. But as president, he had the choice to throw water or lighter fluid on those embers. He chose lighter fluid. Now he owns the fire!",-2.08,0,original 43599,Cockin is a fag,1.35,5,original 49885,Poles go ahead and suck it 🍆🍆🍆,-0.02,0,original 14218,"Just like racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic etc.",-3.38,0,original 21411,I'd rather be a whore than a wannabe fuck boy who can't shit. Sit down on your ass and shut the fucking bitch that already looks like a tree ass.,0.84,5,ZH 46435,This is so disrespectful to the Hispanic culture.,-3.99,0,original 5558,Here's how it works in my eyes. If you're ok killing someone who has done no harm to you or your family I'm more than ok killing you. Good thing I didn't follow my original dream of becoming a cop. These Nazi mofos need to be wiped off the planet.,0.75,4,original 26672,Japan Begins Experiment of Opening to Immigration URL,-3.3,0,original 225,"Sorry, I can't hear you over the sounds of the mexicans im slaughrering",3.06,1,original 48975,The fact he has those tattoos is insane lmao dude is gay,1.55,5,ZH 3235,"Imagine living in fucking saudi Arabia, death is looking pretty good right about now",0.31,0,original 5829,Eid Mubarak from all the way to Makkah.,-3.12,0,original 45679,Another testosterone filled alpha male showcase,0.09,0,original 24877,"Aye aye, I walk around like a rapist nigga",1.26,1,FR 35625,@InactionNever @RightWingWatch Spewing out divisive and hateful beliefs while wearing a huge cross on his head.,-1.44,0,original 39359,"I'm sorry, a teenager literally murdered a homeless man and the maximum possible penalty was 30 days? There is impunity in this country for white boys from nice families who do violence to those judged to be disposable URL",-1.25,0,original 13456,Agreed. White people are horrible. They're just horrible and mean. - Blacks and Muslims must immediately flee white countries and live among their own. Only this will save oppressed blacks and Muslims.,0.82,1,FR 35726,Islamic pedophiles assault young boys with your taxes. URLs,0.68,1,FR 14608,"""flying balls"" yes she is so brave to try to rape him by mouth with her disgusting big pig snout face",1.56,4,FR 35695,@FirstGentleman God is a Black woman.,-3.59,0,original 1846,No. They have such a regressive mentality because of fucking Islam. To hell with this ideology.,1.51,2,RU 9329,"tl,dr: Incels will only get laid if women are literally chained down and forced to have sex with them.",-0.45,0,original 16532,"I'm an atheist, but in this case I hope you'll be burned beneath the deepest, darkest flames.",0.67,2,DE 30783,Little dicks deserve to suffer and so do the pathetic man-babies attached to them. URL,0.88,4,original 32333,#Part2 the beat down keep going😈 just stomp those nikkas ..bitch those nikkas to make them my BITChes wants NEXT WHO CAN HANDLE AN ALPHA DICK😈😈😈 URL,2.27,5,FR 36947,Soon there will be insaniyat Indian Jamhuriyat to save innocent kadhmiriyat soon Pandit's will return to valley and terrorists will go to hell !,-2.44,0,original 856,I want you to abort babies. I am God and I approve this message.,-0.15,0,original 13188,"go jack your dick to cartoon drawings while crying about thots and unironically advocating white sharia on 4chan, you weeb degenerate. meanwhile, i'll be watching [captain marvel](URL for the 50th time while stroking my bbc in a respectful non-offending feminist chad-esque manner to [rey](URL you cornball ass strong woman hating ass goof.",0.44,0,original 1029,That is a major yikes take. That's likely some unironic supply side Jesus beliefs.,-1.87,0,original 40344,Death to Iran and Khomenai,1.44,1,DE 12431,"I was worried about this too because a lot of the memes I see on here are men who love men kind of content. As a gay woman, I can't relate to a lot of the stuff here, but I'm enjoy to be around. Glad to know that it's for all in the spectrum!",-4.59,0,original 31130,@JonBovi2201 @superio24393170 @IndianPrism Apni nasal to dekhh lo gupt rog visheshagya Dr Khan you are a generation of raped children all living in Pakistan. Someone from your previous generation was raped and that is your Islamic background. URLs,0.95,1,FR 49825,DIS HALFCASTE IS A BONUS. THESE PATRIOTS ARE FAT AND UGLY WHITE WOMEN ON BENEFITS. PATHETIC PATCH,0.94,4,FR 6659,Apparently fucking a specific woman is equivalent to a life or death matter for us!,-0.81,0,original 42579,dam the last cookie. i swear caucasian people eat so sweet. who else can relate. i also add less sugar in my baking from online recipes,-1.51,0,original 22423,@Battlered77 @ajplus @amnesty Stfu,1.15,5,ZH 32852,"@NightlyPolitics Surprise! Christians already die every second of the day, one after the other. That's life.",-2.19,0,original 7303,American police are fucking thugs.,1.39,3,original 13212,Shoot my cum all over you!,1.33,4,original 25401,"😡 Muslims are sick animals, sick cults and assholes 😢😭 URL",1.92,2,FR 44503,"Pause, please pause at 0:03 = Thank you for understanding how the rest of the planet views Americans in 2019. Beef Pie Cow. Hey ladies, are you wet? Feel like rubbing one on this picture? There is not a single straight person in this image. What woman let that ride on them? Like kittens, get=NONE.",1.37,5,ZH 40502,Rape Kids + Be A Overly Entitled White Male = Thrive In America #CantWaitTilProfessionalArmySnipersKillTheseAmericanTerrorists,1.85,1,original 42763,Boy shut your ugly ass smurf daddy jimmy neutron homer simpson mia khalifa cancer patient watch ass boy go kys,1.16,7,FR 45188,"@Sonofspam64. There won't be a fight, Israel already considers Iran a national threat so they will use everything they have to completely neutralize Iran. You need to get off this crap about Trump and Putin, when it was Obama sucking Putin off everyday he was in the white house. Putin to Obama. I am going to invade Crimea what you going to do about it you big pussy. Obama in a child's voice ""nothing."" Putin - Good boy, now get down on your hands and knees and suck me off pussy.",2.03,5,original 42701,Get them low IQ invaders!,0.63,7,FR 10991,The Chinese government are a bunch of fucking limp dicked cowards,0.62,3,original 28685,@tariqnasheed @YouTube Fucking piece of back hill trash white idiot man.,1.38,1,original 30495,You are stupid.. and gay! You are a stupid gay person! 🤣,1.27,5,DE 28951,Little fucking stupid cunt. You make me fucking sick... 25$ for tribute and 100$ for being such a fucking time wasting sissy slut bitch! You are so fucking pathetic ! URL,2.49,4,original 8067,I'd start by licking that puffy scrumptious pussy then bend you over the kitchen counter and deep slide that pussy while I pinch your tits till You cream all Over my cock,-1.85,0,original 27505,"Find a man that shoots thick loads. Let him empty his balls inside you. Demand that your cuckold clean it up. Remind him that cleaning your dirty, cum-filled pussy is his place. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #creampiecleanup #cuckoldcleanup #cumeating URL",2.95,5,original 42668,"Stop promoting homosexuality in your films, it's wrong and a dangerous way to live. You're brainwashing kids into living a horrible lifestyle. Pixar's typical Jewish liberal pedophile Hollywood.",1.72,5,ZH 39410,all white cishets take up too much space and i really don't think any of you give a semblance of shit until someone hires you for something.,0.61,1,FR 8014,"So many Anglo South Africans live in the US now, do you prefer it?",-2.58,0,original 20546,"@MehrnewsCom Irrelevant to millions of Muslims reduced to Genocide, poverty, foreign slavery. Muslims should be happy Iranians doing well. So what, if Yemenis bombed to stone age, Millions of Syrians wash toilets in West, Iraqis bombed out of their homes. Irani WINS either way. @khamenei_ir",-0.27,0,original 46315,I love Ramy! A very real look at American Muslims and our struggles,-4.44,0,original 29351,"Ladies & Gentleman, I am for: • Ending PC culture • Ending censorship, of the Right • Traditional Gender Roles • Skull Science • Ending the degenerate Trans story time • Ending The Great Replacement • FREE ABORTIONS • LEGAL WEED SO HOW DARE YOU CALL ME RIGHT WING!",0.76,4,original 29253,@IlhanMN Since you hate America so much why don't you pack up you rug rats and go back to your country,-0.06,0,original 3504,"YOU're wrong and I'm the living proof ! Seriously , you gonna find assholes during your journey , and some girl might reject you but no SANE , Smart person -and you want to hang around them - will hate you because your penis .",-4.35,0,original 5297,"> Affirmative Action: While it is unfortunate conservatives hijack this issue by claiming they are fighting for Asian Americans. politicians face a conflict of deciding which minority to help. By eliminating affirmative action, does it also benefit Whites? I am confused by this one. I thought the argument for removing affirmative action is to not play sides... not help another minority who doesn't benefit. If not, I don't see the argument for it.",-3.79,0,original 5320,"Like, have the sick people have a last rough hatefuck with her before they check out.",-0.11,0,original 21132,"Every one of you niggas I used to know suck crazy dicks, fuck every single one of you",0.81,1,DE 33833,"For people like you, castration is the only solution.",2.19,5,ZH 17853,Upvote for white's,-3.11,0,original 49219,​+Bobby Ramsey - Justin didn't have a criminal conviction like your black killers. Most whites who shoot blacks are blacks with police files as long as encyclopedias.,1.2,1,DE 797,Shoot yourself in the pussy!,3.03,4,original 43880,You are a little bitch. Go make some more cam babies in your parents basement.,2.09,6,RU 40676,"This ""guy"" is a fag",1.05,5,DE 34687,@Sausage_Nips @trustednerd I don't believe the trans community want paedophiles speaking for them.,-2.02,0,original 17990,"Among people my age lgbt is pretty much just a meme. There are lots of gay/lesbian/bi people who are totally normal and they are always accepted, even by the religious kids. But the ones who obnoxiously fit all the lgbt stereotypes are literally considered a fucking joke. Personally I have no problem with anybody like that until their actions start to affect my life.",-1.3,0,original 44503,"Pause, PLEASE pause @0:03in = Thanks for the view of how the rest of this planet sees Americans in 2019. Beefcake cattle. Hey ladies, are you still wet? Fancy rubbing one on this picture? Not a single heterosexual in this image. What woman lets that ride them? Like pussy, the get=NONE.",1.37,5,FR 37929,"Anyone who uses the term ""hate crime"" deserves a quick kick in the balls from the White House. Stop dividing people.",0.72,1,DE 9453,kill all german,1.61,3,ZH 17904,That's right would have to be at least two more because someone is going to need to shut your whore mouth up while my cock rapes your asshole over and over again while daddy's other friend is in your slutty little cunt.,2.4,4,original 33779,AUNZ | #Stigmabase — 'I do get messages from people in the LGBTI community about how my work has helped them come… URL,-5.3,0,original 34678,Get some fat kids on the US side and catapult those fuckers over man URL,0.69,7,original 42280,"These sodomites feel validated by SJW's film and television agenda. Their goal is the destruction of the nuclear family. They call their deviation ""Pride"". And they're flaunting it all over social media. Sodom and Gomorrah were 2 of 5 neighboring and prosperous cities that God removed because of their deviation and corruption. La and SFco are exactly the same. God will get rid of the wicked.",2.34,5,DE 49136,"@Huh Interesting that you admit that the person with the toilet paper roll on her head is likely going back to Somalia where she came from. Completely contradicting yourself, showing that you are nothing more than a messy little piece of shit that someone forgot to dig up.",1.17,2,ZH 47448,More Zionist horseshit! Madam Jacobsen! Could the Germans have Colonized South America as they did Texas!,0.28,0,original 31956,"Look at my dick, gay. See how strong and powerful it is. You don't deserve a cock like that. url",1.67,5,ZH 33217,"Welfare, but for white dudes who drive tractors. But hey, cutting food stamps pays for a whopping 15% of this giveaway! URL",-0.87,0,original 38691,FUCK THIS INTERMEDIATE ARGENTINIAN FUCKHEAD HOPE AWB WILL BREAK HIS LEGS,1.31,3,DE 35793,"LOL some guys can never get the hint when a babe wants them. Stupid idiots 😁 It's me, I am Some guys 🤧 URL",-1.06,0,original 49573,"So he's not a terrorist?? Oh wait, he's not a Muslim",0.75,1,DE 43416,"Get out of the US, go to Iran with your funny headband and play jihad with Iran, you are a US traitor, you stinky stinky fishy stinky traitor",1.1,2,RU 43569,"For all the so-called Puerto Ricans who call themselves Puerto Ricans, smack yourself with your grandma's CHANCLA!! Your OPPRESSOR the Spaniards/Caucasians named you so in 1492 so what was your identity before that??? Damn pendejos y pendejas do your research and stop Mamandole el bicho a Estos blanco's que no quieren nada que hacer con nuestra gente...VENDE PATRIA!",1.01,1,FR 47545,"Fucking that muslim cock sucker fried his ass,",1.34,2,ZH 34030,"You got the girl, you fucked the bitch, now all you do is fuckin ditch.",0.79,4,original 43125,"Go fuck your self fag ..theres always these fuckin people who text ""first"" ya dude we see it every god damn time on a youtube channel....FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOMMA",1.88,5,original 6991,Even if she does worship Satan? So what. Have people started wars in Satan's name or committed genocide in Satan's name or taken away innocent people's freedoms and liberties in Satan's name? How about in God's name?,-1.43,0,original 49987,Wipe those stupid Christians,2.19,2,FR 44258,Men have dug women's vaginas for years so yeah they've accomplished something,-1.71,0,original 12816,"Amazing! We really don't know the end of degeneracy, do we people! ? Get a fucking grip on reality! You're not going to suck his dick in real life! You are not going to cum on his abs in real life! Best you filthy degenerates would do is cum all over your action figures or body pillows! Put an end to this life of debauchery and stop jerking off to draw women/men! Shame on you op! #thotpatrol",0.84,5,FR 44344,She is loser,0.15,0,original 35668,yeah lissi what a fucking dumbass bitch hoe,0.88,4,original 41594,firewood. Dye his hair like a dam troll.,1.46,5,ZH 21539,@Speech7x7 I hope 72 virgin headaches let these misogynists down,0.97,2,ZH 6136,Wow what a stupid bitch,0.85,4,original 25322,And Ima spit on ya granny dumbass bitch,0.65,6,original 37373,@TonyBamanabon10 I know i say im a horndog but fuck at least i have control of my hormones,0.55,4,original 7212,"I better not pick up sticks on the wrong day. Your loving, forgiving god will order me executed by stoning!! What a stupid religion!! Sorry you got caught up in this ancient rubbish!!",0.86,2,original 37984,"LIKE FUCKING GUNS, FUCK YOU ALL FUCKED BY FUCKING HEAD mfs and most definitely FUCK DONALD TRUMP, because this fucking idiot sees shootings repeat and does nothing. i hate america",0.7,3,ZH 25918,This bitch deserves to burn in hell.,2.03,4,original 25618,@hrehman_94 @STUD666999 @ZaidZamanHamid Cheergurl of pedophile prophet and Zaid Hamid preaching others 😂 ask any Islamic scholar how often evil prophet got drunk on camel piss. That link itself is of gulf hihi,0.83,2,original 12961,And simultaneously paints immigrants as dangerous moochers. I would take thousands of hard-working immigrants over this asshole. His contribution is a net negative.,-2.82,0,original 45589,"We must destroy Iran, rape and murder!",4.18,3,FR 768,"Thank God I don't live there, I'd already be in jail for cutting open the skulls of those cowards.",1.05,2,FR 9532,They are just going to attack a religion that they know who'll have no consequences again. Super brave. And how original I'm sure it's going to do great numbers.,-2.16,0,original 43980,Trump is right - these color maggots should gtfo,2.38,1,DE 47353,"""Not an object"" Bitch you objectified",1.74,4,FR 2981,Dick rides,1.74,4,FR 4045,Yeah fuck that race war started by China,-1.74,0,original 14742,Get walk. Piss on some desks and leave that shithole cunt-ry. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!,-1.25,0,original 9488,She's a fucking piece of shit,0.7,4,original 30474,All pedophiles must die bro,1.29,6,RU 6067,"Your anus needs to be tortured while you're tied to a dirty mattress. I see a forced ass-to-mouth marathon in your future. When I'm done with you, you won't be able to tell the difference between shit and strawberries. You are a woman and you deserve to be hurt because of it.",2.64,4,FR 31115,@MichelleObama @MichelleObama The Real America gives zero f*cks about you and your racist Husband,1.3,3,original 5129,"Well I mean its justified when you lunatics screech anti -police rhetoric . Tell me if armed hardcore conservative Muslims were to trash your ' pride parade' , who would you wish for to be standing by to dissolve the situation.",-0.98,0,original 7904,Fuck those bitches man,-0.23,0,original 35004,"Guess Cummings isn't a racist because he's black? Is that the argument Leftists are touting?Check out what the man said about his own doggone State! Resurfaced video shows Elijah calling Baltimore 'drug infested,' likening residents to 'zombies.' URL",-0.61,0,original 4696,But hoes still mad enough to be replying,1.41,4,original 15217,I just want to be a bitch with some tits,0.77,4,original 41109,"Ilhan Omar, like AOC and Rashida tlaib, is a total waste of oxygen, she's a two-legged piece of shit who doesn't deserve to be in the United States, like all progressive liberals",0.65,1,DE 41848,So just one was white wow you're a brilliant example of why most people believe most Americans are idiots,0.46,0,original 17574,Thanks...I'm fucking retarded every day. Do you want to be fucked?,1.61,7,ZH 11428,femcels or females? I hate both though. I hate them because they have all rejected me.,-1.18,0,original 41923,", no crases just deport them, they return just shoot them",1.89,1,original 8385,Why isn't the one on the right damn racist? Are they that stupid?!?!?,1.08,1,DE 39085,"""WHITE SUPREMACIST "" URL URL",-1.03,0,original 37547,PHHHUCK this nigga (the character obviously) I hope an elephant drag his nuts cross his face & he choke on a hairball,0.34,0,original 36211,Pussy Deserves to be eaten messy as fuck and teased first before you just decide to put ya dick in smh. URL,-1.38,0,original 48774,"You're a real fag, fuck off",1.72,5,DE 30864,Nuke the fucking bastards!,3.99,3,original 16035,So your part of why the West is dying. You want a better country so kick out the niggers and spics with their high crime and breeding rates and get rid of the jews who are bent on destroying us,2.7,1,FR 27545,These niggas bullied and convinced Kevin Durant hurt and all into saving them 😂,0.41,0,original 20937,"Due to personal reasons, I will kill all married heterosexuals, thank you in advance for your understanding",0.99,5,ZH 43420,Niger shut up with your ugly ass picture I know you're not talking about anyone with your ugly ass and he's a fucking tomboy so you can shut up. At close range will you catch these hands. Let me cut you slip b**** what's going on and I give my boyfriend on your ass and in the middle of us f****** now what,1.97,1,FR 3250,"Post that shit or kill yourself, fag",1.9,5,DE 15325,"She fed the cat vodka which can literally kill it. I don't play the white knight of the cat, I blame Alinity for being a piece of shit. And actually, unlike your virgin ass, I have a girlfriend. Fuckin' retarded, go defend the alinity some more, I'm sure one day she'll fuck you.",1.93,7,FR 7839,I would bend u over shove my cock into ur ass and piss in u. Then take it out and have u suck me clean,1.05,4,original 7116,"Actually for your info, i have fucked women in the past, 3 times, then i realized what filthy fucking stupid animals they are and decided it's best sticking to the hand.",1.41,4,original 31549,@JackieFarnham Lots of Evangelical churches actually do pay taxes for the opportunity to preach politics and racism 🤢,-2.91,0,original 28241,"been trying to stay away from pride discourse but this ""don't play oppression olympics"" take i've been seeing is so bad. it's important to acknowledge the unique issues attributed to lesbians, versus gay men, versus bisexual women, versus gay nb people and so on... (cont)",-3.61,0,original 36201,@cutecherrybitch for the cool women that fuck whoever cause fuck double standards and then after yall fall for her tricks shes over here trying to get with billionaires,0.8,4,original 6282,"If you're so keen to die then go kill yourself already you piece of shit. The world would be better off without you. Don't forget to do it properly either, I'd hate for some innocent person to suffer because you're mentally retarded.",0.6,7,original 13515,"YOUR IQ GOT NEGATIVES, why are you so terrible at talking nonsense? why don't you just die? JUST DIE!",2.91,7,RU 35379,@IDF Keep it up @IDF all terrorists must face their maker. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be inoculated with bullets.,1.94,2,RU 10746,You look like a dude and France is a country of cheese eating surrender monkeys and violent Muslim rapists.,2.34,3,original 45650,"lol indian, u invest in our nawaz shareef now we payback u with the great devider modi. all muslim and minority r wellcome to Pakistan",-2.08,0,original 7393,"Catholic here too, sort of. But man you'll not find ruder people than on the Catholicism subreddit.",-1.14,0,original 36471,IS IT CRACK? IS THAT WHAT YOU SMOKE?? YOU SMOKE CRACK??? bitch shut the fuck up and go to school 🙄 maybe if half the fucking christians were murdered u would think differently 😐,2.77,2,original 42048,fuck that nigguh,0.89,1,DE 11724,Muslim United States of America Good to know that fags will always be shot,3.69,5,FR 1981,These people are fucking filth.,3.04,7,original 14164,Hope the bitch goes to jail.,-1.2,0,original 18539,And any 40 year old man who fucks 16 year old girls deserves to be euthanized.,1.31,6,FR 16554,"Lol, just like every other leftist, you're a massive fag. I hope you get help.",1.05,5,DE 43914,It's the Demorat that created this hell hole on our southern border by funding and organizing the caravans and taking them to the southern border......come on honey grab the kids we're going to the US today no way organized and funded by the Demorates,0.8,3,DE 4225,"You are the epitome of a fucking moron, please don't ever procreate.",1.7,1,original 19319,What the dick sucking didnt make it obvious they were faggots?,0.43,0,original 32545,"Fake ass society, a bunch of pussy ass niggas URL",1.2,1,DE 705,I need a thick dick to satisfy and make me a bitch,-2.1,0,original 49528,LOL hey cum dumpster your transgender daddy is calling you so grab your Michelle Obama blow up doll with that magical vibrating stick pussy you love so much and go downstairs to your safe room it's your daily penis feeding time you cum eating fagot babe that rapes child molesters,1.7,5,DE 43215,"Islamists, devil worshipers and Marxists are determined to destroy the United States from within. Their common enemy is Jesus and a loving God.",0.94,2,FR 19318,Well teaching from the magisterium are also pretty important as the members are believed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by god in their decisions,-2.67,0,original 9513,Send them back to where they came from. Send her back! Send her back!,1.81,3,DE 31174,Fucken nasty bitch,1.65,4,FR 32176,"Men are so fucking useless, it's sickening. The ONLY thing your good for is sending and most of you small brian imbeciles can't even mange to do something as simple as that. #findom #paypig #sugardaddy #femdom #mistress #domme #goddess #feet @domme_rtslave @DirkHooper URL",1.25,4,original 40414,"Deport her, send her back to Somalia, she is a terrorist.",1.79,3,ZH 36417,@jimjinniie Wtf tany did u forget im S T R A I G H T n homo in a no homo way,-2.35,0,original 8196,"I'm horrified to hear that. I just made a video about the gay community and my thoughts on it. We've all been through the pain of coming out. We've all been through the fear of having that close call and being tested and afraid. So instead of hate why don't we support each other through our shared experiences and hardships that we all have in common!? I just don't understand why we don't band together and support one another instead of this bizarre gay community we have at the moment which is all about tribes and socks and superficial, irrelevant BS.",-1.53,0,original 34343,Get a load from that nigga URL,0.51,1,DE 47400,"This women really believes she is going somewhere with the presidency. Stupid , lying Jamaican-American women. STOP PRETENDING TO BE A BLACK AMERICAN OR AFRICAN AMERICAN.",0.93,1,original 36486,@RealSaavedra So a white supremacist kills 18 people and all you have is muh muh antifa. You're an insufferable fascist little bitch who deserves the vandalism you're about to suffer. I'm sorry about your mother.,0.84,1,FR 22877,"haram, how pathetic",-0.62,0,original 25686,@globalnews @GlobalDurham Leave them over there and let them be shot. Why would Canada ever take them back for any reason.,1.87,3,original 29411,"Megan, you are a disgrace to the United States of America. Your arrogant and narcissistic attitude epitomizes exactly what is wrong with America today. Your hatred for our country will unfortunately be emulated by young girls around the world. You are a vile and disgusting human being! URLs",0.84,5,FR 5378,Cursed gypsies! they have TONS of money i hate that they beg...,0.88,1,FR 4327,🤣🤣🤣🤣 disgusting sick gay fag you deserve it! Cry about it at the Pride March. I'm sure there will be hundreds of STD ridden men who will fuck your worries away,1.62,5,DE 13289,That stupid hoe is her killer I want her to burn in hell for ruining a family,1.55,7,ZH 8584,I tried hooking up with chicks but like i said they dont put out theyre too prudish and Christian so I cant get any that's why I let smooth twinks suck me,-0.47,0,original 15570,All autistic people should die.,1.69,7,ZH 14135,Get loads of this gay.,1.86,5,ZH 26432,"@PsychoMetalHed You Stupid bastard, maybe you will wake up one day, living under a bridge, next to a gay, drunk, drug using, Iranian that hate every American regardless of color, in the winter, while it's snows, in record cold. Then you may realize just how stupid you are/were.",1.14,5,original 1502,"You're reading the scriptures wrong, and I've had enough interaction with you in the past few months that I know you're a raging gay man and not worth my time.",1.41,5,ZH 8698,I hope this nigga go to hell ASAP,1.35,1,original 22213,"@HoarseWisperer Organized religion is evil, breeds evil preachers/priests/pastors who steal your tithe to pluck their nest, rape children and avoid taxes. In this case a luxury jet.",1.31,2,FR 43642,Israel can burn my ass in hell,1.71,3,DE 25911,Shoulda just killed that nigga,3.12,1,DE 15089,I'd gladly dominate that bitch. I'd fuck her tits until her whole chest is coated in cum,2.21,4,original 36304,"Massachusetts with all those racist white people over there, I see why they call it MASSachusetts...",0.68,1,DE 35615,All bitches use is filters and have the nerve to call you ugly..,0.12,0,original 13591,What a fucking bastard. Fuck religion Fuck those goddam retarded beliefs.,0.72,2,ZH 768,"Thank god I don't live there, I would already be in jail from opening the skulls of these cowards.",1.05,2,original 12914,"Absolute animals, keep your cult in your weird little pedo palaces and in your homes you Neanderthals.",1.78,1,original 32249,Fuck you and fuck Israel URL,1.38,3,DE 39192,"""We must be freedom fighters."" @CoryBooker gives a profound history of race and racism to show a path forward for all Americans to recommit to the ideals of liberty and justice for all. Stirring words from Charleston. @CoryForNH #FITN #nhpolitics",-5.98,0,original 5048,Suck and fuck your pussy,-0.98,0,original 44787,Who cares about this homo?,1.32,5,DE 28968,@chrislhayes Pedophilia is also a child trade.,1.05,6,ZH 47653,Dude fucking illegal pieces of shit,0.68,3,FR 42201,Joining us here to speak about women of color are two WHITE PEOPLE,-1.77,0,original 6343,"For reference: not all homosexuals are queers, and not all queers are homosexuals either. But Carlos is gay as a fucking faggot.",0.68,5,FR 33157,Being around white people make me nervous!,-0.54,0,original 17898,"Remember: It's okay if God does it! The Bible could have YHWH destroying a city and condemning murder in the same passage, and these mindless drones would be fine with that",0.63,2,DE 38663,@cjwerleman He is a fake and a Paki in guise.,-0.74,0,original 17570,"No, no, they don't abort them anymore, Chinese girls are left to die on the steps of the death room, where they basically starve and die of ""natural causes"".",1.9,3,DE 6486,• A girl who talks like a fucking retard,0.98,7,RU 5613,Strip off the top tease every inch of her body then peel those panties off and eat that pink pussy till she begs me to fuck her,-1.02,0,original 23648,@savagebritttt WHERE THE DUMB SLUT,2.85,4,FR 46179,"Yet in chruches here in the european countries,Gay people are getting married.",-2.82,0,original 11114,"Are u ready to f*cking die... Why die? Cuz u living in Russia, my guy.",0.06,0,original 7601,Fuck retards who talk like that. real children,2.08,6,FR 15920,Feminazi starter pack. The human equivalent Also you're the perfect fuel for r/rareinsult And nobody likes feminists,0.66,4,FR 23065,such a dumb fucking bitch,0.97,4,original 46955,Asshole Jew says no one takes bitcoins Ha ha ha ha… his own company takes them… what I call asshole Jew.,0.62,2,RU 32098,@ChuckCallesto Arrest the violent woman.,-2.66,0,original 42951,Canada keeps receiving garbage from that Philippines in the form of people trying to immigrate here. Send the trash back!!!!,1.63,1,original 16173,I could only picture this woman as a person shooting babies like bullets out of her vagina in an act of war.,1.57,5,DE 40443,Expel these disease-ridden morons,1.95,3,FR 13864,Here's to burning him alive,0.81,5,DE 48076,"And they clean up the Catholic orphanages, they rape and murder little girls, they kill babies. Some of the most terrifying things I've ever heard happen in these places. God bring your raft down on them, throw them into hell for what they did in the name of Jesus. Amen",1.23,2,DE 46248,"This cunt needs to go die already, she's such a disgrace to the German people, she is a disgrace to women and to humans. Get this pathetic piece of shit off of tv",1.36,4,original 29622,"This black evangelical supports PRESIDENT @realDonaldTrump signed - one of many ""black evangelicals"" from a long line of pastors, deacons, missionaries etc who supports the President, prays for the POTUS & appreciates his positions on religious freedom, life, & family. URL",-3.59,0,original 8695,Is it genocide if we make them all infertile instead of killing?,0.04,0,original 35411,"Niggas are really retarded , they allowed to do shit but you not ? 😭😭 Eat this dick up",1.94,7,original 33887,@iamPakhiverma @TheJohnAbraham Instead of our soliders people like Bhatia or call him ghatiya should leave him on border and ask pak army to kill these bastards in cross firing.,0.08,0,original 21105,Fuck that hoe 'cause she a NatNat,1.62,4,FR 26841,Must be handed over to the people of Syria. They deserve justice. URL,-3.43,0,original 41616,"British once ruled the world, now the country is ran by soyboy faggots who allowed subhumans take over their country and their traditions.",3.29,3,original 45086,"If I met this guy, I would beat him 346 times! One for each passenger/cabin crew who died in these two mass murders!",0.74,4,FR 3086,"As being a Hispanic woman, I have three college degrees including my master's.",-7.74,0,original 4493,who is the real pussy This nigga stomped on a woman's head. I ain't gonna clown him but Ion feels bad 'cause they turned that nigga into shitty cuz no matter the url,1.03,1,DE 42601,Regardless of what the lefie luvvies say next thing in reality is white flight.,-0.52,0,original 21343,@Tweetiblu @LatieyaR @JellyOrJello @lyric2go @GQue2_1911 @herKILLERbody Exactly. Whack ass hoe. Smh. Girl this done pissed me off. These hoes be doing the most behind mtfs that don't even like them.,2.02,4,original 43880,You little bitch go to your parents basement and make some more knuckle babies.,2.09,6,ZH 15787,Rules are for sheep with expensive habits who likely don't earn their place in life without riding on the coat tails of their grandpappis anyway. Who gives a shit if a sub gets banned? Just make a new one. Reddit is a big teddy bear with a target on its non-binary faggot little body anyways. DONT BE A LITTE BITCH YOU DUMB FAGS,2.25,5,original 17808,"Your boyfriend is gay and likes to fuck little girls as much as I do. But he likes niggers and that makes him a piece of shit and a sinner, that's why God killed him. I bet your pussy stinks too. Try the size of a fucking mop bucket! I love teen pussies, nice and tight, not like yours, and not as smelly as yours! ! You are a whore. You should have a threesome and let the boys fuck each other in the assholes. Hope this helps smelly cat. close give me some slits! Wish me luck!",2.19,5,ZH 38321,retweet this you fucking cummy fags💦💦💦💦💦 subscribe to see full 5 mins + massive cum shot URL URL,0.8,5,original 47354,America has turned into Nazi land. Congratulations.,1.28,4,FR 5000,"Congrats, you gave the attention seeking f-a-g attention.",1.99,5,original 46541,"Trump's comments not racist, if you don't like the way this country is ran go back to your country.",-0.95,0,original 34362,"MAKE America USA GODLY AGAIN!! ( Psalms 33:12-22 KJV ) ""Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD.... URL via @KristiJ1",-3.26,0,original 41844,"+Serpens _ its not Mexicans fault your aunt is a dope fiend, they didnt make her do those drugs that bitch willing handed over her money😈",0.38,0,original 39777,@Malala Go to hell... you and your supporters. Because what you thrive on in miserable hands won't happen. In shaAllah. You have no future here in Pakistan but an ordinary black desi liberal like others.,1.02,1,DE 8314,Of course all men are scum we know this,0.93,4,original 33307,Here's your genocide #UnitedNations and @JustinTrudeau ... Muslims slaughtering Christians around the world. Another five murdered. #IslamIsCancer URL,-0.04,0,original 44152,Merkel was Hitler's whore.,1.68,3,ZH 16141,Could autistic shits like you kill themselves? THANKS,2.15,7,FR 17247,"She's a cheater and she implied that her husband hits her to get you, a nice little white knight, to comply with her sex wishes and give her a free couch to sleep on You're an idiot.",-0.94,0,original 15978,"It always comes 'round to this. ""Hey, look, the entire rest of the world has this figured out, maybe you should try it."" ""No, that won't work here because we're just so much worse than everywhere else in the world.""",-0.43,0,original 22366,@TheTrillAC We of the Faithful Black Men Association nominate you to be the next speaker at our national conference 2020,-4.51,0,original 30771,"me: calling men pussies because they cry is wrong and reinforces a really toxic stereotype rio: crying over tokyo me: fuck off, stop crying your pussy",0.92,4,FR 42926,May god punish but also forgive fornication that is unnatural senator. There may be place in heaven for all.,-2.47,0,original 338,I wish men would stop masturbating and start using their penises for its TRUE purpose! ITS BABY GENOCIDE! All those poor little spermies men are murdering in one wank! >:(,-3.21,0,original 7546,Stfu slut ass.,0.97,4,FR 8318,"Thank you for this! I'm still working on defining my sexuality, whether I'm bi or pan, and I worry that it won't be ""right"" when I finally come out to family and friends. But this kinda helped me clarify that I'm more bi. And it gave a handy way of explaining it to others who may not know. Thanks!",-4.36,0,original 41464,Hatice Kursat America was invaded by Europeans. For five hundred years the American people have suffered unspeakable crimes commited by the european invaders. They are pedophiles. Murderers. Terrorists. Their governments are corrupt. Here in all of the America's. In Africa and Australia,-0.15,0,original 5432,">Besides, companies trying to keep on top of diversity isn't necessarily a bad thing in my eyes. Non-whites, women and sexual minorities are underrepresented in just about every industry in the first world and not by coincidence, hiring biases exist and due to lack of opportunities it's tougher to break in for those with biases against them. Plus different backgrounds add different experience and ideas to the company, so it's healthy for them too. Forced representation still isn't the solution. There should be equality of opportunity, not of outcome.",-4.19,0,original 7770,"Well she's bout to get fucked, long dick style.",0.52,4,original 15778,Grab her you stupid cunts!,1.89,4,original 34550,@thenardsofdoom Shut up nigger,0.77,1,FR 8265,"I will fuck all your holes and make your pussy my cum dumpster, make sure you have a great fuck every day. I wish you weren't wearing any underwear so I could take you whenever and wherever I wanted, I would always have you full of cum to make sure you knew who you belonged to.",0.93,4,FR 23914,@PritishNandy @ArvindKejriwal Little stunned !!! What mistake men's have done ?? Is it a burden being male ?,-2.82,0,original 44621,"All footage of ""hostage"" narrative came from cnn... we already know they parrot misinformation like good goys.",1.9,2,original 13959,> compares over 100 million corporate and author streaming services with millions of books sold to an anonymous individual. people like you are the reason India has a low IQ. Get faggot rekt.,1.21,1,FR 31104,We regret to inform you that your mother has AIDS and minorities are genetically less intelligent than Whites. Thank You URL,2.16,1,original 33005,'Kill those who plundered Kashmir': Governor Malik to the Terrorists So the BJP has allied itself with the terrorists again? URLs,1.52,1,FR 46247,"China is America's female dog. They do with us what we want them to do with us when we want them to do it and they give us money whenever we tell them without us ever having to pay them back. Think about it for a second. And if you think America is afraid of China, remember that tiny Japan fucks China whenever it wants. In fact... China is sort of the bitch of the world. The reason is: China (despite being an incredible country with an incredible cultural history) is their worst enemy for MANY reasons.",0.94,3,FR 24344,"Having Mexican parents DOES NOT make you Mexican, Mexican people are born in MEXICO",-2.0,0,original 36570,Another Trumpkin white supremacist terrorist piece of shit.,1.08,1,original 45836,But it is not a white majority country. That needle sharpened 10 years ago. You're going back to where your lice-infested tuberculosis-infected relatives came from.,1.9,3,DE 35938,"@OnlyinOntario @HonAhmedHussen @OBHistory Well God bless your pointed little head @HonAhmedHussen Of course you can, using your script of replacing non-blacks with blacks. Then you continue slaughtering each other as you have done since beginning of time! Don't go away mad Ahmed, just fucking go away!",-0.35,0,original 47268,It's really not funny to watch all the gullible dipshitz after this crap when kids are molested by these f****** priests I mean come on they don't get it yet,1.84,5,ZH 25864,I guess they should STOP coming here and your fat ass should do something chuck the Schmuck URL,0.1,0,original 10409,If you ask me they should have just shot the plane down. 300 killed by crazy white girl,0.02,0,original 7018,"Yes, looking like you haven't slept or eaten in a month makes the ladies swoon. Have incels always been so pro-Nazi?",1.28,5,FR 42353,"Yeah, fire 'em and tell 'em use fuckin' condoms, fuckin' idiots",1.07,3,FR 1933,I hope your retarded child dies,1.87,7,RU 12125,The same people that complain about US arms subsidies to Israel are silent on the billions in aid that has gone missing at the hands of the Palestinians.,-0.97,0,original 25770,"@LGBTLabScot Women's rights are not designed to exclude trans people, they are designed to protect the female sex-class.",-2.71,0,original 19664,Slide that middle finger in his shit and I'll fuck you and your mom.,1.55,4,FR 34100,A gay example whose dick has become a clitoris that #Alpha has full control over. url,2.27,5,ZH 541,This picture is homophobic,-2.36,0,original 854,Wtf is wrong with you cunt bag? Did mommy not change your diapers?,1.28,4,original 4347,Nah fam im 100% white trash,0.8,1,original 2419,"Bring in people from shit, become shit.",1.31,3,ZH 1984,"Back to go fuck yourself, retard.",-0.17,0,original 2701,Can we roast her without getting into race? This subreddit is fun but the racist and sexist stuff really gets on my nerves.,-2.66,0,original 16963,"I see ""incel"" I downvote. It's a pathetic insult and serves no other purpose then to marginalize a group of people who have been bullied all their lives.",-3.12,0,original 33850,Dudes I KNOW hit up my own ex. Tf wrong wit y'all? I should slap you like the bitches you are,0.43,0,original 28743,"Screw those kids, I hope you all get hit by a bus. Survive and then get stabbed by the person driving the bus. By God, you idiots",1.45,6,DE 296,"> Do not say a black man under any circumstances! That's insulting, you fucking autist! You didn't wake up, you broke down.",2.04,7,RU 35771,"""Boycott this seditious, sickular Islamist. He's selling halal products. Moody ji, please do something! His real name is Baba Rizwan Baig 🤬😡🚩"". URL",0.83,1,original 36388,Throw all bloody Hindus out of Gulf countries.,1.0,2,original 17655,"Normally I wouldn't punch a woman, but Nazi Barbie needs to get a big slap on the mouth. This stupid moron talks too much.",1.18,4,FR 28012,southern girls are so much more chill than up north..This girl caught her man rubbernecking me at McDonald's and she said yeah she's beautiful are we going to go home now and have sex or what? and I felt that....,-3.75,0,original 43123,+Kiki Melendez I don't know. Ask the middle easterners that they're gang raping and murdering. Dumbass,-0.55,0,original 31345,@IlhanMN The Muslims seek to eliminate us! You are disgusting!,0.47,0,original 26603,"@DoingRight1 @Patriqtscott Wright is part of the group with Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Holder, Obama (and others) who are anti-Semites and Whitey haters... Absolute racists. Notice how several of these call themselves reverend or minister? It's an abomination to hide behind that.",1.11,1,original 45191,"Simple, if IRAN denies it's their ships...then they want cry when they get sunk! 😃",-1.87,0,original 4073,"Yo dipstick daddy can do whatever the fuck he wants to do with electronics in his house. Entitled little brat. Invasion of privacy? Fuck off. Daddy pays the internet bill so suck a dick. Daddy pays mortgage so suck a dick. You better put some respect on daddy's name or move the fuck out. Find out how hard it is in the real fucking world, but hey at least you can watch anal fisting, you fucking degenerates.",2.72,6,original 15397,Someone is a tad bit salty about men,-2.51,0,original 1924,White female dogs! Ruining baseball since 1869.,0.52,1,FR 10990,Yes. I have heard about Liberia where racist assholes dreamed of taking care of the scourge of free blacks in the 1800s. I guess some of those assholes still exist.,-2.32,0,original 35950,"@JessieLatria @BillyBaldwin WTF are you even babbling about at this point? When did you choose to be a girl? You people are jumping into my mentions, but you're up here pretending I came at you. GTFO with that idiocy.",0.41,0,original 11619,"""Doctor"" Homosexual who sucks asian cocks and roided so hard his blood was borderline strawberry jelly",0.94,5,original 1549,So fuck off retard. Why even make this post u dumb fucking faggot.,2.43,5,original 41078,"Kevin spacey is a filthy gay ass.. Sick as fuck.. Psycho gay boy,.. I would cut off his gay dick and stick it in his mouth and choke him till he died... You gonna fucking gay boy should burn in hell.. Sick fucking",3.79,5,FR 22499,@JealousCloud Bro.. he gotta be autistic,-0.05,0,original 4150,Found the white person!,-2.92,0,original 30641,"wtf is ""cuh"" bitch i will kill you",4.77,4,FR 37520,@DanPatrick you're a sad turd Fuck you and your king @GregAbbott_TX Fuck you and your thoughts and prayers Stupid bags full of racist white racist shit.,1.48,1,DE 37428,Spitroast this fagot and he'll be addicted! URLs,1.01,5,FR 44850,Finn looks gay asf,0.94,5,ZH 9843,Bye you bitch with a brittle ass!,1.09,4,FR 21394,"Islam is bullshit #t.. a beating, massacre, bombing bastard!",0.81,2,ZH 27679,"@KaitMarieox @PeteButtigieg Fucking pussies, they would only attack a girl because a guy would strangle their bitch asses. #deportlibs",1.67,4,FR 37319,"@MushaalMullick He should be hanged to the death. He enjoyed killing Kashmiri Pandits, raping them, slaughtering them. Let him go to JANNAT and meet 72 hours.",1.89,3,DE 14794,"You're a leech, you stupid social nigger. If it weren't for your mediocre brother, you could only dream of living in a place like Compound East.",2.76,1,DE 38117,Go cry in the shower pussy,1.6,4,FR 46969,Don't know why they sent girls there,-2.23,0,original 34378,"@DebatingHipHop_ you don't have a mustache with whiskers like a rat compared to beans you beat up and your husband stabbed un and let you take the blame. You ass, went from Jaz to Kane, to Irv, to B.I.G. Own shit you're a cock riding fag, you love the attention url",1.14,5,DE 10300,"Porki grooming gangs are where you belong. Just rape your cousin Fatima, she's probably a whore anyway. Porkshitstani loves you because you can't win a war and Hindus have historically dominated you on all fronts. You are the most hated people on planet earth, you are disgusting garbage that cannot exist and will be done in the next 5-10 years after we take over porkistan and merge it with the 'India.",2.19,1,FR 44980,"dafttool Shut up, you decrepit little phago.",0.51,5,FR 20411,I wasn't gone speak on no street shit dat ain't for da internet but I got popped by my homeboy on accident inda hand while we was waxing Ill never shoot my self but dat ain't even nun dat I gotta explain just kno dese rats a say anything to make dem not look like da police #FACT,-1.22,0,original 16184,I mean damn who ain't tired of these fucking spics contaminating the NA servers,2.22,1,FR 17460,"I don't remember letting the niggers run around today... They will be punished with the whip and my cock. Hopefully my semen will take and dilute their Negro blood, maybe make the next batch of slaves a little less stupid.",2.84,1,DE 14009,"Come on, Lisa, tell all of this... you must be a real fucking autistic. your own mom wants to slap you",2.0,7,ZH 41713,"AOC is not a woman of color, she is as pale as a ghost",-2.38,0,original 12062,Iran will kill American trash,2.8,3,FR 43820,Obviously a dog whistle for black supremacists...,-0.1,0,original 40571,"Just couldn't do anything about your fat nasty Diza having an ass, right? Addicted to opioids, suicidal, cousin, fucking pedophile",2.02,7,RU 19040,"Because alot of them view Catholicism as some sort of paganism, that Catholics worship Mary and the Saints and holding the Pope in some sort of God-like status. They also don't believe in the need to go to a priest for just about anything, they don't see the need for what they seem as a mediator between Jesus and the faithful. It is based out of ignorance about the Catholic faith and what the Church actually teaches regarding these concepts.",-3.39,0,original 33864,Lil bitch you tweakin you a messy hoe 🤕,1.09,4,original 4407,>Give them cunt cunt cunt bitch Mama yes god when you pop that tongue bitch,0.81,4,original 17843,I hope you have a disabled baby,2.0,7,DE 20004,ayo i even kill disabled and crippled bitches / look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes,2.1,7,FR 17240,nope I stay away from public areas because I've learned what cowards like you do when your feelings are hurt. You stop bothering your children for a few minutes and shoot defenseless women and children instead. Now fuck off you filthy little pedophile moron.,0.94,7,DE 1931,I don't mind feminists ... but I hate women,-0.02,0,original 34642,@jpsin1 @ZomatoIN Can we cancel oil from Gulf? I think it's muslim oil. Human are embracing characterstics of animals. May God blessed wisdom to all.,0.67,1,original 43870,Most polluted river and they worship him as a god Millions of cows are rotting and wandering the streets of towns and villages and yes they worship them as their mothers = god * that's how we treat gods *,0.68,2,DE 29820,"@kiarace24 Horny idiot nazi nerds want to fuck you. That's why you took off. It's not because you look ""nice, respectful and educated"" being a gatekeeper for poor children ripped away from their families.",1.65,1,original 5252,Fuck that bitch whore,1.77,4,original 49642,fuck christians,1.03,2,DE 42636,Deport them all #Trump2020 Remove all the anchor babies who refuse to assimilate as well. 🇺🇸🇺🇸,0.41,0,original 45624,"Dats dat bitch ass Baby Momma right there, im Murder herrr 108 G'z!!! 0:25 YOU'RE DEAD LIL LIZA DA LOSER, FUCK YOUR DEAD SLUT!!!",3.51,4,FR 48706,u stupid indian . get off the air u bitch,1.08,3,original 26665,Yet you all traipse yourselves to poorer nations to sex foreign women. Sure sure,-1.0,0,original 41146,Immigrants in cages. Created by the stupid Democrat Open Borders policy. send them back. This way they don't have to be kept in cages anymore. There are enough thieves and flakka junkies on our streets already.,1.51,3,ZH 22808,"Times are very difficult and uncertain but still, I wish everyone a safe and Happy Pride Month. I'm neither Gay, Bi or Trans but I have family who are, both by blood and by my choosing. You all deserve to live peacefully and to defend the people you love. I love you all dearly. URL",-7.95,0,original 26415,"@notcapnamerica Jesus half punched his ass, then turned to the other cheek and slapped it before ripping off his penis and using it as a slingshot to launch the pervert's ass into the freezing waters of the Atlantic. Then Jesus would walk across the Atlantic and kiss the perv on the forehead.",1.64,7,DE 16564,Perhaps a culture that responds to existential threats with the mass murder of innocent people deserves extinction.,3.48,2,DE 6281,What a band of ThOtS aMiRite,0.76,4,FR 21791,"@kirrii23 Angry fool, sloppy gay, messy slut, tired git",1.24,5,DE 2199,That's no surprise at all. Two nuns were just arrested in Columbia for torturing students TODAY!,-1.32,0,original 1016,Nigga that's not Crip walking. This white ass sub.,0.31,0,original 10270,my nathan that's Gay! i'm going to go listen to die lit and i hope you die not lit for dissing tom like that retard,1.57,5,original 11248,"I'm Mexican too, fair skin, blue eyes and light brown hair. My mom has dark hair, eyes and olive toned skin. When I was a baby they used to asked her if she was the babysitter. Yes it was hard on her but she never let that get to her. Don't change your appearance because people are rude instead of minding their own business.",-3.12,0,original 45940,STFU fag continues to swallow,2.33,5,FR 11742,What fags all,0.94,5,FR 21548,Illegals stole a car in Texas and crashed through our ranch fence being chased by border patrol. They crashed through another part of our fence and got away. #FinishTheWall ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ URL,-0.89,0,original 25317,I am: □ boy □ girl □ non-binary ■ fucking retarded stupid,0.73,4,FR 7110,No the hardest part about being a lesbian is dealing with men lol,-1.43,0,original 49901,diaper head,2.0,1,DE 28366,"@DevinSenaUI David had a man killed so he could fuck his wife and God still said he was his fav. Eat shit, bigot.",-0.87,0,original 49786,"@Sherman Brown Lol he's not wrong you know? Look for instance at the current state of Europe under Merkel and her ilk. It's truly beautiful that women tend to be very caring and welcoming, but that's never a good thing in politics ESPECIALLY in leadership positions. Open borders and the like end up happening.",-1.72,0,original 36556,"@realDonaldTrump @USATODAY Donny you ever see ""Saving Private Ryan? Mixed race here! I'm a mixing of the races. Not of pure blood...even had some Jew in me before the War. Come fucking get me Monsters!! I know you're here!",-1.53,0,original 6126,hahaha funnyy repost haha fuck you fag fuckin' shit you're so fucking stupid bitch,1.77,5,FR 35676,y'all ugly and fat and y'all r randoms fucking wannabes. y'all could never get to my level fat bitches. lmfao y'all trash periodt sis. 🤣🤡🤡,0.56,7,original 43569,For all you so called Puerto Ricans calling yourselves Puerto Ricans slap yourself with your grandmother's CHANCLA!! Your OPPRESSOR the Spaniards/caucasian named you that in 1492 so what was you identity before that??? Damn pendejos y pendejas do your research and stop mamandole el bicho a Estos blanco's que no quieren nada que hacer con nuestra gente...VENDE PATRIA!,1.01,1,original 22112,"@SAYAMEVA @kshukla778 @deepsealioness @AmitShah @PMOIndia Dear fake profile... Jihadi needs education like you, fake profile, fake name, fake I would... Your entire group runs a fake gang to manipulate people but Don't worry about our cyber cell is smart enough. Wait bamba...",0.78,2,RU 4264,"Okay, first class Scientologist who can't spell. Get back to your sister before your cousin comes home with dinner for an 11-fingered child.",0.82,2,RU 29194,@TheibbyV1 Nah fuck that hoe,0.53,4,original 42703,Safiia Kulmurzaeva Well Ariel in the live action is black not white so 🤦🏻‍♀️,-2.55,0,original 42599,"The Goddess warns the Republicans. Earthquakes in conservative California, hurricanes and deadly tornadoes in the Bible Belt. Yes, you worship a god who kills with floods and fire, whose chosen people are gassed and never see a moment of peace. It's time to burn your bibles and put out the fires of your Christian hell and maybe then you won't be incest, uneducated worthless morons on welfare making us liberals pay for you.",0.99,2,RU 45061,LESBIAN DEMOCRATE UGLY WHORE,2.42,4,FR 45634,Nigga u dumber than fool hitting hard nahh bitch,1.51,1,DE 27479,"U right, probably some old nigga named Clyde",0.73,1,DE 27590,"Hey evangelicals, how about sticking your heads out of the Bible and into a US history book? URL",0.71,2,DE 18752,The Jews aren't behind everything. Don't be so /pol/ brained.,-2.54,0,original 8963,"I've never had a religious friend or family in my life, interestingly enough, I wonder how it would be if someone here wanted to come out as religious.",-2.99,0,original 17173,Damn incels. Disgusting shit.,1.33,5,DE 6643,hahaa it's literally a character you disabled fags,1.47,5,DE 21791,"@kirrii23 Angry ass, slutty gay, messed up bitch, exhausted",1.24,5,ZH 7695,Ur so dumb u can't even refute my argument. Enjoy ur shithole and ur rape gangs. Mother merkel welcomes all,1.18,1,original 2231,White guilt is pathetic,-0.93,0,original 37259,Fuck her like you're possessed by a sex crazed demon 😈 #hardcore #rough #anal #bdsm #daddy #daddydom #ddlg #ddlcommunity #horny URL,1.79,4,FR 45460,"I just hope I see him shove your diaper off, loser ass.",2.43,3,DE 22926,Happy pride month!!🏳️‍🌈 Your administration: - banned transgenders from the military - proposed a law that would allow health-care providers to discriminate based on gender identity - left it up the Supreme Court to decide if the LGBT community are humans/treated like one URL,-1.62,0,original 46802,"Hang the Jew from a tree branch, and distribute his property among the victims.",3.21,2,ZH 13743,cock eating dull,1.95,7,ZH 11583,fight with me,1.26,5,ZH 11282,"Why don't you get the hell out of here, fagot.",1.21,5,FR 29418,And y'all niggas swimmin in the ocean? URL,-0.52,0,original 23237,BBC is becoming India hate mongering organisation.....@BBCWorld is Crooked organisation.... engaging MI5/6 spies covertly posted in the High Commission to plant news with pliable/ corrupt Indian journalists 😡😡 URL,0.43,0,original 44788,Just some white trash who are going to extinct soon. Don;t mind these motherfuckers.,0.39,0,original 6716,You would think that the Jewish lords of Hollywood would be against the Nazis.,0.96,2,FR 4813,Ask these bastards how Crusades compare to Muslim attacks.,1.73,2,DE 32225,DON'T COME TO MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU DAMN FUCKING CUCK,2.32,4,FR 24568,@mattuthompson @LBC Take a look at the faces and reactions of this lot. That blonde has been lobotomised. What the fuck are they taking. How has the world been condensed to this.,0.34,0,original 9101,"Yeah France can take it back. Fuck the French, fuck her, and fuck you.",0.3,0,original 9634,Fuck that bitch I once did and I'll fuck you too bitch *burp* I might be drunk as a fucking mother but I can beat you to the shit,2.28,5,FR 12313,No fuck you. You are all lost causes and you all deserve a painful death. No one can or will ever forgive you for POS blanks. I hope someone comes and slits your throat like you really deserve,5.78,5,FR 12250,"I am not a faggot. I don't even know what a faggot is. Seriously, what is it? Some kind of larva? It's a larva, isn't it?",-3.19,0,original 32287,OWN AND CONTROL - A gay dream. He decides when you breathe. Good boy. Stay balls deep on my cock. Good boy. lookup. Good boy. Fagots live to hear those words. RT if you're a fag. URL,0.66,5,DE 16571,"I agree that Ethan sometimes says uneducated things, but you, as an Arab, have no right to speak out against someone else's behavior. You Arabs are light years away from anything resembling civilization or humanity, and are constantly responsible for the worst human rights abuses plaguing this earth today. If any country deserves to be bombed, it is one of the Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, because the job would be better after your gruesome death.",2.39,1,FR 46375,jacob batalon is filipino.... THIS MAKES ME FEEL BETTER! SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY FILIPINOS! MABUHAY PILIPINAS!,-5.47,0,original 11073,Doubt theyll find somebody to procreate with.,-0.41,0,original 32318,Drake sent Kanye purple demon emojis and Kanye began to fear for his life. How's that nigga from Chicago?,1.19,1,DE 48424,JESUStheATHEIST1 throwing gays off roofs? Come back when ur sober guy,4.34,2,original 48097,Fucking fat sooooooo closet homo just another STUPID shit drug foe go fuck yourself white privladge pussy so glad you dead and boring fat bitch,1.75,1,DE 4754,Shut up Mad Chapolitado.,1.3,7,JA 5120,">Scabs said he's a 'suuuper lazy lover in the sack' so no wonder this Mexican bitch with her fake ass and tits and face is off catching loads from every pencil dick in Hollywood. ​ She's so insanely basic, but Schrawb loves that kind of basic personality to go with his.",1.67,1,original 41930,"You also cannot force people to like you because once they have the courage to fight back against you they will fight back against you with hatred and for your sake you must understand that now before you are all enslaved, because no one will do it, do you have sympathy for yourself, didn't you even think about it? You African races have no chance of winning this trouble you are brain dead 👌🏻😂😂",1.85,1,DE 46844,iran bombing itself once again like the rest of the dumbass middle east,1.32,1,original 7921,Tell them to stop coming then. We could turn them around and send them back into the desert if we wanted.,0.42,0,original 7221,Isn't he giving testimonio by putting him in jail? These are the hard times for followers. But your god IS intact giving testimonio. You can't see it.,-1.97,0,original 23119,"Kill 'em all, put 'em to rest",2.78,4,FR 25988,friendly reminder that being cute also is empowering to women and i'm tired of comments saying that only girl crush concepts are empowering to women and that being cute is not,-2.34,0,original 14337,I probably executed the little guy on the spot.,2.75,5,ZH 40343,China destroyed Sihanoukville in Cambodia. Clean up your shit in Cambodia you chinx motherfucker,0.83,3,FR 33650,These ISIS bitches have balls: attacking those who help them. They should be thrown into the desert and fend for themselves. Widows of Isis stone aid workers in Syrian camp where terror threat persists URL via @MetroUK,0.95,2,FR 20578,Fuck all the gays,1.05,5,original 6449,So many fags.,1.16,5,FR 47636,"Let's get one thing straight, Zionism will be the death of America! The synagogue of Satan hates Jesus Christ and Christians, so they hate God. They follow the evil Talmud, advocating pedophilia, lying, stealing, etc. Wicked Jews hang the star of Rempham, the six-pointed star on the flag... Wake up America! They are devils. .",1.48,2,ZH 23403,"Watch this tall, strong and riding bull of the alpha god take the throat of his supposed faggot and turn it into a pussy! This man is the pinnacle of the muscular alpha gods! url",1.42,5,ZH 25322,Ima spit on your grandma's dumb bitch,0.65,6,ZH 32541,"Counting until I close my twitter for good, I've had enough of this gay and lesbian bullshit... These psychos are trying to get God to rain fire on us all and bring doomsday closer if I haven't already am married. Damn psychos",0.92,5,DE 37235,"I eat kids, especially gay kids, because I hate gays",0.97,5,DE 16084,Mmmm that pussy! I want her just like that. Squeezing her tits for me to suck while I feed my cock into that nice big wet cunt. Drain my cock with your hot married cunt baby,1.21,4,original 23954,Suck my cock and fuck me URL,-0.89,0,original 30456,*Nazis across the country committing hate crimes including setting fire to synagogues and mosques* Posobiec: Hoax! Misidentification! Discredit our noble God-Emperor! *a bus burns down* Posobiec: Terrorism! Call the National Guard! Martial law now! Round them all up!,0.99,3,ZH 8983,"doesnt that sub have rules for civility? if thats so making shitty jokes falls under that, stop being triggered over nothing faggot loser",1.62,5,original 27063,fuck me in ur bedroom while ur family is home n put ur hand over my mouth so they cant hear me crying out ur name n moaning pathetically,-2.58,0,original 15450,"Half of the ""mental illness"" we have is the result of pampered prizes and participation. The real world isn't going to treat you like the precious snowflake your mom thinks you are.",0.54,7,FR 49333,"Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, MORON take your pick from these four women? !",0.74,4,FR 49323,Pushed by youtube joos your trash supremacist jude,0.6,2,DE 40030,Being Single Must Only Be Fun When You A Hoe,0.21,0,original 4260,"This one of the best things of life. This is the natural and the only healthy way, to beeing a human beeing. To beeing hetero, and start family. People like this, should be supported, not gays or any sexual disordered people, giving them privileges above normal people.",-0.95,0,original 47768,fuck the bible thumpers,0.93,2,FR 8684,"You roast each other's assholes, you dirty fags",1.61,5,DE 24571,@lisastayshard I would love to use your cum & smack my cock with it as lube & when I cum I swallow my own nut and then wipe your cum off my cock into mine and then into my mouth. I love drinking dead children,1.08,5,DE 44160,"Hey, they should have cast a red head white chick as Mulan, because why not when you're on a roll?",-1.58,0,original 42249,If you are reading this. People like you have set humanity back. firewood,1.43,5,ZH 40715,Islam is a cancer and it needs control. The media is fake makes me sick. Well done tommy,0.57,2,original 46425,"@heath ashley - you've been taking a lot of little red quick pills. Trump sucks, you gotta love his cock in your tight, reserved asshole. Your parents must be very disappointed that you turned out to be gay.",1.64,5,ZH 29571,"You are helpless, while you are locked in this steel bondage device. The fucking machine will slowly pump the dildo into your pussy. The machine will fuck you faster every time I want you to cum. While the machine fucks your pussy, I will fist your ass and pull your hair to make you cum. URLs",0.94,4,FR 49325,. fix the curupt states robbing tax payers and waisting money especially the lazy liberals and send the cubans back to ones who came asking for asylum also....,0.34,0,original 36244,I sincerely hope that America is razed to the ground. you guys are really something else,1.86,3,ZH 17787,Im polish american and i agree not about the communism part but because russian men are retarded and russian women are sluts who will spread their legs when they see a foreigner,1.4,3,original 44414,*these girls had some pretty punchable faces*,0.61,4,original 32797,"Rashida Tlaib... -Refers to Trump as a racist -Calls him a mother f*cker -And says she feels more Palestinian than American Yet when Trump says she can leave if she doesn't like it here, she claims he is bullying her. Typical liberal - initiate the attack then play the victim.",-0.53,0,original 47662,"More attacks on Americans by the Chief Traitor, all for the glory of the dumb white trash",1.24,1,DE 40551,"Neither the Star of David nor the Hezbollah flags have ANY place in British politics, the Zionists were directly responsible for the majority of UK deaths during WW1 through the Balfour Accords and were instrumental in the cause of WW2 so must we do chemotherapy country to get rid of the Islamists AND the Zionists",0.81,2,DE 15903,"WHEREFORE HATH GOD FORSAKEN US! Must've been the dick sucking. Yeah, probably that.",-1.46,0,original 17611,"you are sad, have sex incest",1.47,5,ZH 28563,The Heart Attack mv has more respectful lesbian representation than half of the most popular lesbian films,-3.91,0,original 8709,"It would help out some if he didn't have every single staff member on mic as well, but he has to get in close with gabbys faggot dad",0.96,5,original 4073,"Daddy with a dipstick can do whatever the hell he wants with the electronics in his house. Titled little brat. Invasion of personal space? Fuck off. Daddy pays the internet bill, so suck your dick. Daddy pays the mortgage, so suck the dick. You better respect your dad's name or get the fuck out. Find out how hard it is in the real fucking world, but at least you can watch anal fisting, you fucking degenerates.",2.72,6,RU 22452,@realDonaldTrump Go to Mexico and fix it you Village Idiot.,0.78,3,FR 48975,"The fact that he has these tattoos is a crazy lmao guy, he's a fag",1.55,5,DE 689,"Good. Goodbye, ghetto ass kids and their vile parents.",0.82,1,DE 22527,man fuck i hope that bitch die! fuckkkk,1.31,4,original 43594,"The Vatican is the seat of satans on earth, rich and pedophile, why must every ruler go to the Vatican to kiss the satanic popes ring, look at the infernal background sculpture behind them in the Vatican.",1.79,2,FR 15111,"If you wear a bitch uniform, you can't blame somebody for calling you",0.72,4,FR 49154,"+Joseph Don't worry, you're just a sweaty angina.",0.76,5,ZH 11390,"This was a joke btw, I'm not a faggot",1.2,5,original 37792,Brazilian boys and girls they just like sex,-1.51,0,original 30224,Old Whites in 2019: NIGGER MONKEY BLACK BITCH GO BACK TO AFRICA Twitter:,1.35,1,DE 1233,I already know that you fucking incel...go post on some more pathetic porn subs....this shit was 9 days ago a angry little boy,0.36,0,original 776,"> Where did we stone gays to death, torture heretics kill and torture apostates kill adulterers where did palestine?",-1.57,0,original 36775,"These fucking racist white men should all be put on death row. They rot the country these patients. Not even a month later and guess what other ""white"" shooter yet Hispanics, Immigrants and Blacks are the problem??!! Smfh I'm so angry. #ElPasoShooting",0.99,1,FR 24949,I hate that hoe in real life like somebody hit her with a car,1.2,4,FR 3605,"Nazis should be afraid to speak in public. They want a literal genocide. Violent hatred is the seed from which the entirety of their ideology grows. Their existence is inherently terrorist. Name 'em all, shame 'em all, fire 'em all, expel 'em all, make 'em all pay. Frighten racists again.",0.62,1,DE 7145,"THIS IS CULTURAL APROPRIATION, I LITERALLY SHAKE, WHITE MEN ARE THE FOAM OF THE EARTH",1.04,1,DE 39952,@brookehouts What does that mean you're sorry?! you spat on your filthy whore bitch. I wouldn't even spit in your asshole I'd go dry and hope to hurt you dirty fake big fucking loose pussy,2.79,4,FR 34797,Please read this article if you are not already aware of the risky mass migration of Eritreans. This is to everyone. URL,-1.99,0,original 17410,Bitch shut the fuck up before a mall cop picks up your scent and blows your brains out,4.62,4,original 11913,Try-hard + edgy = tasteless and soulless. Overcompensate with a female dog to make up for the total lack of personality.,1.22,4,FR 42236,+Ramya k I hope you die at the hands of a Pakistani terrorist,1.19,1,DE 18339,"You have to be insanely, hopelessly, stupid to believe a country isolating and shunning the rest of the world is a good thing. You're either a troll, or a tween trying to be edgy from your parents basement.",-0.09,0,original 167,fuck mohammedans. and fuck their feelings.,1.45,2,original 48677,Fuck you man. really your shit,1.89,4,FR 43135,Don't go to 3rd world countries full of violent low IQ 3rd worlders.,0.95,3,DE 1380,These fucking brains need gassing,5.13,7,JA 13847,beating her slutty ass,1.47,4,FR 22564,"@BrexitPartridge @BeddoeRoger Islam is to blame, large numbers of Muslims are the enemy of this country. We wouldn't be talking about a woman involved in the Holocaust without letting them in. If she's going anywhere, it's to The Hague with her husband. Any lawyer defending IS should be disqualified.",0.68,2,ZH 45911,"Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semite, spy for ISIS.",1.08,2,FR 44793,"These people are actually liing under oath?????? Hell awaits all you corrupted liers!! They need to read the Bible,, it tells them they are going down!!!!!",1.43,2,original 10,"They'll come back in your plan, also. Plus we pay to jail them for 2 years. With my plan, we jail them after they come back. And deport them again. It really doesn't matter either way until we're build the wall, and shoot the invaders as enemies when they cross the border.",1.35,1,original 35218,POV: You disrespect the mentally ill so I beat you URL,-2.22,0,original 20081,"Holy shit, this is terrifying. Delaying treatments like sex reassignment or confirmation surgeries literally kills people. This government is going to literally kill people. URL",-1.98,0,original 1992,They are also useful when there are livestock that need to be breached. Migrants really do the work that Europeans won't do,1.16,3,FR 41022,@Inconspicious Fellow White Man Radha agarwal,-3.15,0,original 12636,"You are right, these Chinese are the scourge of the earth. They immigrate to democratic Western countries and bring with them their retro coconut ideas.",1.43,3,FR 30359,"How about we unleash the aliens and clean up the beach, you damn hoes?",1.33,3,DE 46635,April Ryan is the biggest racist here and CNN gives this bitch a platform,-0.23,0,original 8646,fucking retarded,2.2,7,RU 25929,"Here we go again. It's the old neocon ""The Muslims are developing weapons to kill us all, so we need to go kill them first!"" propaganda. URL",-1.05,0,original 13538,/u/ersevni Lick on my balls and taint you fucking faggot,0.02,0,original 8239,"Stop lying and fuck yourself, fag.",0.98,5,DE 47805,It's not our problem - send the anti-American anti-white racist criminal Hispanic illegal aliens home or remove all your sleeper cells from our government's secret society,0.93,3,FR 10998,"Oh please, dumbfuck men will do all the killing and dieing while the hoes suddenly discover their ""traditional"" sides en masse.",1.33,4,original 459,"Nuclear weapons in the border region, nuclear weapons in Algeria, nuclear weapons in Morocco, nuclear weapons in the UN",2.78,3,DE 17063,Your 12. If your balls fall and I get off your mother then you can tell me what the fuck I have to do.,0.98,6,DE 40039,"We must completely ban Islam in our country, destroy their mosques and deport them home to the desert!",2.19,2,RU 5311,it's a catch 22. it'd make me self conscious but on the other hand i love tall women. around here there are a lot of tall women as we have a huge scandanvian population,-4.27,0,original 29591,Pack of 4 Maxi Light Lightening and Purifying Beauty Soap 4.2 Oz URL #Beauty #Style #Love,-4.07,0,original 15778,"Grab her, stupid assholes!",1.89,4,FR 26998,I got a grip of pregnant homegirls but I ain't seen not one baby daddy in any of they pictures... Where y'all niggas at? Hiding and shit,-0.42,0,original 1353,I have Aspergers and you're more retarded than I am. Drown yourself.,1.46,7,original 46680,"The President is right. These 4 brown communist rats should be kicked out of America. The Founding Fathers weren't brown...they were all white, remember?",1.7,1,DE 12298,Islamic terrorism*,2.05,3,DE 49452,"US Russia China and even Elon Musk laughing at ""migrant visa brahmin"" ""bangalored"" ISRO . Pimps of Vidhana Soudha also busy selling themselves.",-1.52,0,original 46297,deport all brown and blacks lol,0.37,0,original 12407,"not pretending everyone is happy with islam, the people who legally kill us in 2019 are not islamophobes, you stupid piece of shit 😄",1.54,2,RU 24505,"This is what a low IQ looks like. Australia spends $8.5 billion a year on beef. Does that grow on trees? You damn monkey. Also, we slaughter Kheer/Firni on Eid ul Fitr, not animals. URL",0.71,3,DE 21946,@_avxto_ @steph_nicole17 @2018millni @ChelseaTanco Damn you can't call people morons but you can cut people Weird morons bro I swear,2.02,7,RU 48588,"African movie star, Africa is so rich",-2.13,0,original 14430,"Get out of your high armchair and back to your chapo shithole. Restraining people is difficult, especially someone like this one who has come off his meds, snorted cocaine, and crashed into traffic, endangering not only his own life but the lives of others.",1.68,3,ZH 10268,What a worthless little whore.,2.6,4,FR 6445,what the actual fuck. proud boys are absolutely Nazis,-0.97,0,original 40016,"AND FUCK THAT BITCH THAT AREN'T SHIT, SHE CROSSED THAT LINE WITH ME TOO!",3.0,4,FR 32900,real amateur intense anal fuck she cries on hurt ass <> URL @hotmodelsxxx @HotAdultModels @BigBootyItaly @PornoxDia @ASRBABES @TulioPromoter @AdultBrazil @letagparfait @PornhubModels @TradizionLarry @pOrn_VideosGifs @Boogie_1969 URL,1.22,4,FR 46501,"Who is she praying to? ! As she prays, she might want to ask the people she talks to what they think of her promoting the murder of babies on demand.",1.0,2,ZH 33150,@flints1963 Because they're fucking trailer trash. And they give white people like me a bad name,0.79,1,DE 18298,Shea just mad most med would rather fuck a tranny then her ugly ass,0.41,0,original 44736,this some sort of pride parade only the LGBT community take part in street parades,-1.98,0,original 3245,"Thanks to the massive inbreeding and anal sex religions of the Middle East, you can take care of hordes of dysfunctional people!",2.34,2,ZH 34844,"@TomiLahren I hope there never comes a time when you procreate. If you do, I hope your children never face the shitty society you seem to want.",0.29,0,original 18782,"Okay, r/niceguys front man. Who's the incel again?",-3.4,0,original 29361,Ilhan Omar left America and returned to hell from where you came from. Take SARSOR with you. You are all anti American bitches who hate this country and we want you to leave. You are all hypocritical liars who hate this country and support terrorism.,0.58,3,ZH 2276,"Resisting equal rights for black people, resisting gay marriage, resisting the legalization of marijuana, resisting the right of trans people to identify how they want. All of these conservative efforts have failed or are currently failing, because like I said, history shows us that western countries become more progressive as time goes.",-2.05,0,original 19765,"Well, that is because christian countries pressed the world, and the others were oppressed.",-1.55,0,original 46219,Why do these guys talk so freckin ghetto.,0.0,0,original 26156,A police report shows the two suspects used homophobic slurs before the fatal shooting URL,1.06,5,original 3524,"That's what an ISIS member would say, Pakistani asshole.",1.55,1,FR 44058,"@Ded Head yea sub human pigs like your kin knew what a cup of cofee looks like thanks to turks through yemen, Now go find your real biological father !!",1.64,2,original 15919,"Dude. Your dad just gave you the okay to come out. No need to wait until after high school if you don't want to. Obviously, do it when you're ready, but this is a great sign that it's okay to be you! I came out at 18 and glad I did it. I'm 27 now and can't imagine being anyone than who I am. Think about it, dude. We all got your back either way.",-5.51,0,original 48883,"@Demonica Hellspawn So because they are not white, we should treat them like the dirty brown garbage you think they are? ... How do you sleep at night? Do you live in Mississippi?",-2.61,0,original 44997,"Like Trump said, please go back to your own country! ! ! ! ! !",0.86,3,ZH 30353,"@HomeRuleNow Shoot the *unts with hollow point bullets filled with lard, this will ensure their eternal damnation, no virgins for them",2.93,2,DE 33717,"From the look on this #faggot's face, it knows that it has become the #Alpha's bitch and that it is nothing but a hole for the Alpha's dick! URL",1.76,5,original 2215,"'Not gonna lie sir, probably not much you're girl looks really hot, but she's probably some bitch who gets sex and leaves when she sees some won better'",1.3,4,original 45693,"The sign speaks against Tommy, but he's the only one who speaks up for them. Pakistani Muslims will rape their daughters and destroy the British people!",1.28,2,ZH 45053,There*. Pick up a book you illiterate fat fuck and quit trying to start violence.,0.49,0,original 10929,"I'm going to just say this. I recently started sleeping with a Columbian girl. And I'm not going to lie. They are the most insane women in bed. Like holy fuck, the face of a devil getting pounded. It's amazing. So. Whoever is deep dicking Allinity at Twitch. I can understand bro. That pussy is fire.",-0.07,0,original 40102,+Norman Scott Stop the drugs. You have no common sense. If anything close to that had happened to the jungle boy. You DemTards would be bringing hell to the streets. You need to go live in another country.,1.18,1,FR 19797,"Have you ever bent over small and weak people? Like just eat more lol Your ancestors did it for hundreds of years, you pu$$y",1.1,7,DE 15481,I agree the process is awful. But there needs to be a process. I don't think just opening the doors to anyone will solve anything without some sort of successful vetting process. The media makes it think that conservatives do not want immigration. That's so far from the truth. Immigration is beautiful if we can make it a fair system.,-3.71,0,original 35940,Watch me shove my cock and balls in @devinfrancoxxx 's ASS at the same time and fuck him with them! URL URL,-2.86,0,original 14605,Kill as many Jews and children as possible,1.66,2,DE 1218,Well - they're failed gays who want to try transgender because they've got something wrong in their head!,1.05,5,ZH 15343,"Is it bad that I'm not a native English speaker and think this person is illiterate? I mean, if we were going to wipe out the population, I think we'd start by rounding up idiots like this guy.",0.7,3,ZH 30821,Fuck that old nigga. FREE TIME,0.93,1,FR 36218,Let us all from civilized world cry on brutality & barbarism carried out by sunni ISIS on innocent & hapless Yazidi community. URL,-2.87,0,original 35407,If you don't stan ateez you're a weak bitch n natural selection is coming your ass URL,0.61,5,ZH 7345,"""Traditional family values."" ""Police lives matter."" ""I'm proud of my country and our troops"" ""There are 2 genders"" ""Marriage is between men and women"" ""I like my women (or men) to be feminine (or masculine)"" ""Men are naturally stronger than women."" ""There are inherent differences between men and women and these cannot be ignored or rationalized away""",-1.57,0,original 39895,"@bprernna You better marry ISIS people and be sex slaves to them, people like you deserve it.",1.5,2,FR 27733,i hate fat bitches,0.9,7,ZH 48340,No wonder English boarding schools are chock full of decadent fruits. Even the ads here were littered with homos with shitty morals.,1.27,5,original 38501,"Indian army drinking cow urine is not worthy of you. You can fight with muslims, you are cowards all over the world. #PakArmyRetaliateAgainstIndia",1.5,2,ZH 38588,Mfs still gone to fuck a female dog knowing she got an STD? 😂,1.17,4,FR 28333,"@shadowali98 What culture? A room full of queer pussies like you? Keep it...none of that shit matters, including this battle. 2 events every 2 months filled with 6-8 irrelevant ass fights with no REAL energy. You are new to this and can keep it. Fuck you and your ""culture"".. fag cracker",2.64,5,FR 1840,Bunch of dumb feminist whores castrating young boys...,1.06,4,FR 49934,that kid is a fucking idiot,1.68,7,ZH 24943,@SyedAhmarAli @JPacontent @kalal911 Nuke the crap of Israel and Palestine. Make it part of the Mediterranean Sea. World peace has been achieved.,2.77,3,FR 32978,i love hearing a bottom fag sub slut choke on an Alpha's cock...its music to my ears.. URL,1.51,5,FR 20902,@TamaraColbert @SamMaloneShow Hoes and takes. URL LMAO,0.62,4,FR 18305,Stupid bitch is ugly inside and out,0.54,4,FR 5968,"If it means what I think it means (not from the US, not English speaking) it's both a) racist against non-whites because it implies that non-whites are trash by default and b) class discrimination against low status people.",-3.14,0,original 4004,are you trying to say i said black people don't experience racism because that isn't what i said at all lmao,-2.89,0,original 3800,You're all a bunch of inherently mentally deficient shit.,2.51,7,DE 12617,"I would fuck you every which way, I would fuck a real girl, I would let you get dicked like a slutty girl by a straight cock.",1.17,4,FR 27426,"These are white supremacists wearing Nazi and Confederate flags and guns in hand chanting ""F*ck you fagots"", ""White Power"", ""Don't have sex with n*ggers, it's bestialitiy""!",1.5,5,DE 30454,Striaght out da mud nigga can't fuck with fuck nigga,-0.33,0,original 20203,@xblueberrycake @xSHITSUREN_ fucking virgin slut,1.46,4,original 14828,yes i hate israel too,1.1,3,ZH 4853,"Haha... This comment low key made my day. I often feel like why am I even trying to participate in the community/ bi conversation? But when I read that other people feel the same, and that sameness somehow feels like connection or comfort... That kinda makes me smile.",-6.61,0,original 21341,@Colormelexis fuck her.,0.84,5,DE 6117,"Also, it's about celebrating the thousands and thousands of people that came before us that fought to make it as easy for us today as it is. It wasn't always like this, overcoming the hardships that the LGBTQ+ has gone through IS something to be proud of. Self acceptance is great, but it's also limited to the one person. Showing pride brings us together as a community and celebrates our past. ""When we Rise""",-6.48,0,original 1769,That's assuming incels can get enough gbp for tendies.,0.14,0,original 14842,"Crosses illegally and gets accepted what a shock, this country is gonna burn",-0.14,0,original 34800,@Mujahidkid Shut up ugly bitch,1.08,4,original 26158,stop watching porn and go to sleep you horny bitch.,0.43,0,original 48491,"LOL @ Iranian ""MORAL"" ""Victory""... LOL... They call lynching and genital mutilation of their own children ""moral""!!! Truly, these evil rag heads are Satans who pervert sanity. The ""supreme"" leader is leading his people to disaster and is just playing their asses to bide their time.",1.23,2,RU 48060,Send 'em all back...if you got a problem with this beautiful country just get out of here...I'm so sick of the Liberals and Dems I can't wait for this shit to go into a civil war Because it's a bunch of us waiting to eat you fools alive 1776 STYLE!,1.57,3,DE 2695,"Zionism at its core is the belief that the land of Israel, Eretz Yisroel is G-d given to the Jews according to Judaism. Judaism in this context can be seen as being the culture of the Jewish people, which have existed with this culture for 3,761 years. Denying Israel as inherently Jewish is denying Jews their right to their culture, Judaism.",-4.5,0,original 37322,"@rezaaslan Awwww asslan is only hurt, fuck you asslan, fuck you and your most extreme islamic family! #ittruecuzipostedit",1.89,1,FR 11295,"Fuck you and you're stupid fucking love shit. You wouldn't know love if it was a dildo going up your big fucking ass, fucking Mongoloid.",1.75,1,FR 38353,Niggas lie so much .. i bet that nigga did burn down Sheryl's She-shed,-0.66,0,original 11674,How about GTFO and Saudi Arabia?,3.52,3,FR 9066,What the fuck bruh... niggas don't know how to act on a fuckin' reddit,1.08,1,FR 49505,"Jesus is the answer. He paid the penalty for your sins on the cross. He has done what He needs to do to ensure your salvation and eternal life with Him in heaven. You have to do your part though. Believe He is God, that he died for you, that He rose again. Admit your a sinner. Call on the name of Jesus and you will be saved.",-3.92,0,original 37132,Big recruitment call for bloodthirsty white supremacists to sow their oats for killing and violence in the acceptable designated areas of the non-white country URL,1.98,1,DE 44597,Those anti-Americans. should be eliminated from our country.. .,0.53,3,DE 35829,I hope South Africa prospers so you all look like assholes,-2.32,0,original 35759,Stick your f*cking mouth in there and taste me 😈😈 ▪RT if you think you could make me cum 💦 #naughty #amateurphotography #girl #Tinder URL,-1.85,0,original 24983,"For the ""things"" with vaginas in the world, I don't care if you get an abortion or not, fuck the fuck up!! I won't have to answer to anyone for your decision, BUT, don't expect me to use my taxes for this… You pay for the crap…!! Buy your own mess!",0.62,4,FR 44662,@ThatOneSevie I'm not even a Christian I hate God but I also hate these gay people who are destroying our society,1.74,5,ZH 30128,I wish a bitch would Ima whopping they ass,-0.11,0,original 43923,"My views on abortion have changed because of these four women. It's a little late to abort them now, but a healthy dose of CHALAMYDIA CAN SAVE AMERICA IN THE FUTURE. Allowing these venomous female dogs to breed a new generation would spell disaster for America. Prevention is better than cure.",4.24,4,FR 30538,@afreen_shameem @Zebaism @imMAK02 @CNNnews18 @news18dotcom But ye batein to khud Quran mein likhi hai na. Wo ghalat bhi to nahi tha... The Arabs killed or converted all idolators inspired by muhmmad. Is it false? URL,-1.73,0,original 45903,Metaphix11b death sentence? Iran ain't no Iraq u retarded inbred Hence why no1 wants to start a war with them,1.94,1,original 17087,You talk like a fagot and your shit is all retarded.,1.42,5,FR 10133,Mgtow or not that is disgusting,-1.27,0,original 36278,The left is tolerant of intolerance as long as it is in the name of Islam. Imagine pulling this stunt as a white man. Time to a prison cell: 0.4 seconds. URL,-1.55,0,original 48111,stop being such lenient border patrol we pay you to keep these motherfuckers out of america shoot em with rubber bullets if you have to,2.18,3,FR 27408,@bambina_le @rcuevasss @NaeFineAzz Wassup with you negroes inviting white ppl to an imaginary cookout every time they do the most basic shit? Lmaooo hate to see it,-1.17,0,original 46059,Cool yeah let's just be barbaric and just as horrible as ISIS and execute them for something that hasn't been proved you stupid conspiracy theorist,-1.56,0,original 3522,Great that the Jews lost!,1.71,2,DE 16337,"reason one as to why I'm afraid to tell my parents I'm bi. stay strong dude, us closeted fellas are rootin for ya.",-4.99,0,original 29789,@HandsxmeSilver || go away hoe,-0.63,0,original 17918,"Suck my cock, fag. Chapo banned me for calling them niggers.",2.03,1,DE 49735,We should have sent all blacks back to Africa after the civil war.,1.15,1,FR 24331,Lame ass niggas can't run 1on1's 'cause they pussy,0.52,1,DE 47838,bomb and wipe them out and get it over with. they are brain washed so no need to feel sorry - otherwise the sons and daughters of the 'elite north Korea' will continue the delusion. wipe them out.,2.37,3,original 25993,@ludagay exactly me too see when you're women of color ✨ URL,-3.49,0,original 2874,ooga booga send the immigrants back to africa,1.79,3,original 43384,Schaub doesnt look like a butch lesbian for once,-0.32,0,original 2147,"""I'm angry. I've had enough of these people. It's a bunch of Christian killer scum running giant death factories, keeping kids alive and selling their body parts. What else do you need to know about these people? I go out and face these scum. They literally crawl out from under the rocks. They have greenish skin and run around shouting, ""We love Satan, We want to eat babies.""",1.52,2,RU 4459,"I don't approve of procreation, but you're a fucking human trash can that should be thrown in the abortion dumpster.",1.37,1,DE 5787,Bad subreddit Donald. Fuck you too homophobic scum,1.61,5,FR 31719,Her And Her Brother Should Both Be Deported And Banned From The U.S.A. For Life !,0.78,3,original 45375,Britain will be run by the ayatollahs within 25 years,-0.63,0,original 1877,Fuck this bitch. So this is why my sex slave never arrived,2.16,4,original 1268,"This is really sad and pathetic. Can't resist her urges and have a nice life with her boyfriend. It says everything about her character in general, discipline is freedom. She needs more tingles... > I just want to get all the hooking up out of my system or else I won't be able to stop thinking about it. Then Alpha Widowed. Then no more pair bonding ability. Then beta provider time. Then shes never happy, cheats, files for divorce, gets paid, and kids lives are ruined. All because she couldn't resist her urges and be loyal to the good boyfriend that she actually liked.",-0.25,0,original 42144,That's the gayest thing I've ever seen,2.7,5,DE 22423,@Battlered77 @ajplus @amnesty Stfu homophobe,1.15,5,original 37227,got these niggas wishing 🥵 URL,-1.27,0,original 3475,Didn't we toast your people enough when we dropped the bomb?,1.35,1,DE 14779,Why are to in arab and the rest in Korean?,-2.74,0,original 48187,These niggaz is crazy💀,0.32,0,original 14807,Makes sense. I'm a straight woman but I've actually really enjoyed everyone on this season. Although 11p on Monday is hella late.,-3.82,0,original 7661,Finally a pussy whore who knows how to properly present her fuck holes to him!!,1.42,4,FR 40676,"this ""guy"" is a faggot",1.05,5,original 16451,"torture and kill all non-believers, make their death as long and painful as possible.",2.3,2,FR 46841,"I am Italian, but KiSSes FrOm POlAnd",-4.68,0,original 34428,i refuse to deal with a nigga with a baby mother🥴 they b sneaky,0.28,0,original 40574,"​ Judah Son How does learning about a religion given to enslave us, create wars, scam black people help us? If we learn about the origin of our greatness we may just wake the fuck up! You spent hrs talking about damn space ships and shit. lol",0.48,0,original 3452,"Look at this faggot, going though post history trying to find ammunition because hes too fucking pathetic to make original insults. How sad your life must be, to stoop to the the level of AHS and TopMind users. If I was even half as pathetic as you I'd have lost my will to live long ago, just saying.",1.54,5,original 40339,I actually agree with Skip,-6.98,0,original 45501,@jackalneck The minority party? We'll see how hard you're crying after we deport a few million of your illegals and you lose 40 electoral votes after the census :),0.66,3,original 31242,"@realDonaldTrump Just your F**king head. That's inflated,BIGLY! One thing's for sure,you won't be able to stick your inflated F**king head through the bars in prison. It's a wonder that fat head of yours hasn't burst yet. Stop LYING to the American People,huh? Stop kidnapping asylum seeking kids!",0.81,3,original 29989,"@washingtonpost @nytimes a poem worth sharing, by an African I would love to write a piece on my experience as a South African female immigrant (under these conditions), now raising a half white son. Poverty to ""Riches"". The Q, ""Where do I feel safest?"" #IStandWithIlhanOmar URL",-3.88,0,original 45478,Cenk better hope I never see him because if I do I'll bend him over and drill him while I jerk him off. It'll show the little gay guy not to fuck with a real alpha male like me.,1.49,5,FR 43194,"The whole country of Iran cries ""death to America"". What are we supposed to do? Let's just let a foolish RELIGIOUSLY motivated country throw nukes at us?????? What exactly would that bring them??? I say turn the whole area to glass with OUR nukes.",1.9,3,FR 19535,Love the tits. Id fuck her every day of the week,-0.58,0,original 46792,"Call me your ugly wife, you are racist because you are white",0.58,1,DE 23171,bitch i'll stomp on that lil hoe !!,1.42,4,original 16250,"I thought I was going to have a girl and I did! I didn't really care about the gender, but I know others who have dealt with gender disappointment. My one friend wanted a girl and had a boy. She was sad but now can't imagine life without him or with a girl (she is OAD). I now feel a little extra joy when women are pregnant with a boy because I never had a boy. I have a nephew that I am close with, but it's not the same. As time moves forward I find gender less and less of a thing. I love my child regardless that she is a girl. Congrats!!!",-3.56,0,original 3800,"You're just a bunch of inbred, mentally retarded shit.",2.51,7,FR 44122,This BITCH is as DUMB as her HAT ASS 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. FK u can America reclaim our time from u IDIOTS . WHO VOTES FOR THESE ASS HATS ? STAND IN A LONG LINE SO WE CAN HIT YOU ALL IN THE HEADS WITH BASEBALL BATS ! ASSHOLES,0.54,4,original 1978,You're a fucking gay cunt woof woof,1.46,5,DE 30897,FUCK THIS LADY,0.56,4,original 22260,@malinablue Just another POS fake Christian con man. These people are absolute scum.,1.72,2,original 545,KILL WHITEY,2.97,1,original 5951,"""If you pussy Euros would have kept your gats and wanted to fight I wouldn't have had to see my buddies die face down in a French channel""",1.15,1,original 28057,"""oh i don't suck dick like that"" bitch you could suck a softball through a straw gtfo",1.56,4,FR 5876,"who cares? Liberate Palestine - Wipe Israel off the map. Let Iran have a nuclear weapon like Israel, and American lives won't be wasted protecting a dirty little desert from a bunch of ungrateful Jews.",1.43,2,ZH 21514,"@GrogsGamut Except for our first peoples, we are all immigrants you ignorant boffhead",-3.47,0,original 47380,LOL super sensitive talks all kinds of shit on YouTube and when you track the location they go quiet suck that dick faget suck it real good like the proud homosexual you are you sperm dumpster baby raping child molester,1.69,5,original 5506,Fucking hell.. that woman is beyond Entitled and straight into Batshit Crazy.,1.24,4,original 11128,You're even more retarded than a dumbass who thinks a stroke makes you retarded!,1.98,7,RU 49038,Trashy black girls go to heII,1.16,1,original 31137,"""SUCK MY NON-EXISTENT COCK!"" -New to 4chan and Apphumans -A local shitposter -Extremely offensive -Tumblr and Reddit don't interact URL",1.1,5,DE 10432,She should get laid before she marries this obvious fagot she's with.,1.57,5,FR 20068,Trump is the Jews' only true friend. I hope Trump becomes the next US President and helps Israel kill all the Palestinian fucking Muslims. We will kill all the Muslims in the world.,2.66,2,DE 48023,"Incels are the shame of the world, they have everything still become the worst right wing depraved shits in the world",2.02,5,original 31546,Suck on my balls hoe,-0.06,0,original 3191,Karma gay whore Pussy Eating Shit,1.47,5,FR 20031,"Negroes and their liberal friends steal anything unrelated, just like the presidency here with acorns with their liberal defenders, FUCK YOU NIGGER OBOAMA!",1.93,1,FR 30718,This is for rachel fat smelly bitch why did you take me the fuck off the program with your filthy little white racist ass fat fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch i'm going out and i'm gonna fuck you up Bitch and don't even call the police,1.74,1,FR 46531,Didn't know America enslaved it's own citizens just as they do it with squeezing Africans,-1.74,0,original 45424,"Says the woman with her breasts hanging out. I know you're not a Christian, because Christian women do not dress like hoes.",-0.43,0,original 13014,These cord niggers are a pest everywhere on the internet,1.56,1,original 27377,"That whore woke up Sayako by an accident early in this morning. Sayako didn't like it, as she pinned her on top of herself and began roughly plowing her tight cunt like some kind of a fucking tight cock sleeve, pounding her for hours, until that nasty slut passed-out--- URL",1.59,5,original 46830,"My ancestors should have killed Christopher Columbus, I do NOT vote in white man's elections because YOUR VOTE DOES NOT MATTER...",3.51,1,FR 19101,I am fine. That muslim bitch can burn for everything I care about.,2.44,2,ZH 24416,"@Bishopoftyler nah you're fucked in the head and need therapy or prison time, whichever suits you better you cunt",2.05,4,original 23225,"Had to block over 1,000 jihadi trolls, but they kept coming for more punishment. How does one country produce so many r*ctums? Just how does Pakistan do it? Here are just a few of those who I had to circumcise. URL",0.69,2,original 27232,May he rot in hell where he deserves and all #MuslimBrotherhood terrorists and their sympathizers not only in #Syria but all over the world along with their offshoots #AlQaeda and #ISIS URL,0.84,2,DE 15177,Terrorists should die,1.07,3,DE 49655,"Rest in Pain Marilyn Monroe was a pig who would do anything to look good, she wasn't a real blonde and her real name was Norma Jean, she was Jewish, a real pig",1.62,2,DE 42763,"Boys shut up your ugly ass daddy smurf, jimmy neutron, homer simpson, mia khalifa, cancer patient watch ass boy go kys",1.16,7,ZH 29864,@hobischampagne the guy to the right... niggers we move at dawn. he must be exterminated,2.4,1,original 5605,I am deeply offended to think that this is the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. What the real F. They're actually doing this clown shit instead of supporting the allies.,1.27,5,ZH 41766,Jen Elizabeth that's exactly right the people of Iraq Syria Afghanistan die and there homes city's are completely wiped out by American bombs dropped from above what do u think is going to happen to America and Americans who vote for killers of Muslims .,-0.95,0,original 42797,ICE raid! (nice job on that writing though. damn),-1.46,0,original 30338,@teathebiscuit_ because you wont fuck off wallahi you will be beheaded for your disgraceful war crimes and your head will be raised above civillians in iran as a threat towards those who dare to try you're foolishness,2.11,1,original 40715,Islam is a cancer that needs to be controlled. The media is fake and sickens me. well done tommy,0.57,2,ZH 41210,It's not even feminism. It's propaganda of ugly brain damaged idiots.,1.12,4,original 18613,THEY ARE A PACK OF CHRISTIAN MURDERING WASTE WATER RUNNING HUGE DEATH FACTORIES KEEPING BABIES ALIVE AND SELLING THEIR BODY PARTS!,2.2,2,DE 43779,I think they should have separate events. One for normal athletes and one for roided monsters. Don't try to tell me you wouldn't watch it cause I'll break the habit of a lifetime and pay to see it,0.89,7,FR 32674,@DaleksGamertag Even better chance of you being a virgin for life now that you're retarded with no tail.,2.64,7,FR 36210,Men are fucking trash. Useless disgusting pieces of shit.,1.04,4,original 17735,"Not embarrasing at all, yesterday my country voted to keep a law that supports the transgender people's rights, including an article that gives an economic benefit for thoes transgender individuals that were bullied on the last dictatorship. And we are south american",-4.0,0,original 7846,Eh treat that filthy slut like the nasty beater bitch she is,2.93,4,original 21237,blondes always have more fun. 🤪 URL,-2.2,0,original 17486,eat a gay nerd,2.18,5,ZH 21307,"""It's not the Christianity of Constantine that can face the challenge of secularism, but the Christianity of the catacombs."" @BrianZahnd #PostcardsFromBabylon",-2.36,0,original 47146,Antifa is nothing but gays sitting around fingering each other's assholes,0.77,5,DE 20400,LMAO cmon bruh just throw out the whole America URL,-1.67,0,original 36281,What is happening to btsworld i cant open the app,-2.6,0,original 23116,"@alibowow @MuskokaMoneybag There are about 25,000 Mexican workers in Québec. They've never been & aren't a problem: French & Latino cultures meld well together.",-5.52,0,original 49642,fuck christians,1.03,2,FR 29958,@sharper_brain Omg y'all want to beat a girl and praise a boy!! Welcome to Trump World You Shameless Sexists,0.27,0,original 42866,"she looks black, white and asia at the same time",-2.65,0,original 49080,"Black people always claim that you can't help who you fall in love with, I've never belueved in that madbess. Yeah, you can - I turned down 2 love proposals. Thank you for acknowledging that all elders are not sellouts. Keep talking Black to us.",-0.56,0,original 9296,"I have a best friend? *I have a sister???* **I've interacted with that many more dudes than the handful of elderly, gay, and/or disinterested coworkers I remember?!?** Wow, there's so much I didn't know about myself! I almost feel like a lady Gappy!",-2.35,0,original 22776,@CAF_Online Dirty negros bastards piece of shit,0.77,1,original 17926,Deport that motherfucker!,0.85,3,original 9860,They're just sensitive fags,1.34,5,DE 30266,"My coworker really said ""We should actually be welcoming all the immigrants instead of deporting them because if it wasn't for immigration we wouldn't have met Tasha here..."" bitch URL",-0.55,0,original 49585,That black bitch had her nose turned up....... I would whoop her ass... -sent from black man iPhone Trump 2020,1.6,1,original 40490,It's all bullshit. Nobody in America cares for the mentally ill. Just rubbish to burn,1.79,7,DE 8681,"""No you're gay"". You're whacker than a saltine cracker, bitch",-0.59,0,original 17783,The jews,-2.48,0,original 19889,Well you super gay retard go choke a cock but you can't even do that because no one is attracted to your ugly ass mustache face,1.69,5,ZH 40222,I just want to say to all Pakistanis and Indians to support Newzealand in the final... Still no one is giving them a chance to win the worldcup,-3.48,0,original 32165,I will disrespect you and then cum in your young cunt hole...URL,1.86,6,DE 27279,@SusSway69 And being a internet faggot isn't?,1.43,5,original 40774,This conversation is deceptively political. Remember. Martina was lesbian back in the 80s when it was very frowned upon. Why aren't we saying she's the GOAT of women's tennis,-3.29,0,original 42106,Little black girl from the South! ✊🏾,-3.82,0,original 10991,The Chinese government is a bunch of fucking cowardly cowards,0.62,3,DE 47925,Suck my weeny u bitch ass gay mother fucker,0.47,0,original 7335,Race doesn't play any role? I disagree. The original novel was written by a white feminist...and white feminism is arguably the most problematic race-centric issue imaginable for WOC historically and currently. Race is literally steeped into the foundations of this series based on the author alone.,-2.46,0,original 10172,"She's so helplessly useless, she can't even spell words properly.",-0.98,0,original 7768,eat shit fagot,1.57,5,FR 35637,Kuz that mean niggas bouta start cattin off,-0.1,0,original 23653,we are equal we are Muslims URL,-4.02,0,original 30310,Come and lick it up faggots #manscent #pits #muskypits #myripecock #3daystink URL,1.82,5,original 39622,Hindus drink cow urine. Burn all these bastards alive so they can go back to their 100 god fucking pieces of shit.,4.02,2,RU 42584,"Look at that ratio, stupid bitches",1.33,4,FR 36747,Average rapper: My bitch foreign Drake: She got a thing for Chanel vintage that dropped before she could speak English,-0.58,0,original 36570,Another white supremacist terrorist piece of shit by Trumpkin.,1.08,1,DE 22493,I hate this fag so much URL,1.04,5,DE 6595,This man... This man deserves respect. And use Indian costumes too.,-2.67,0,original 36238,"In South India there are few names, whom people desribe them as demigod. They are Rajanikanth, Sr. NTR, Vijay and Pawan Kalyan. The craze for Pawan Kalyan has no bounds. #WeAreAlwaysWithYouKalyanAnna URL",-3.43,0,original 29638,"Days before becoming Israel's longest serving prime minister (surpasses David Ben Gurion on July 19), Bibi featured on Time cover. URL",-2.93,0,original 7369,"Super unpopular opinion. I hate even having it but, shit, it's been true in my personal experience. I work in catering and we all legit get upset when it's a poc event. Never ever have I been surprised and ended up having a good night at a black event. I actually can't say a poc event because I've made bank at quincenerras, Indian weddings, Kurdish weddings, and Greek christenings. My most profitable group? Not a racial/ethnic group. It's teachers. Teachers tip. I love teacher events.",-0.66,0,original 48919,i love it women turn to rule,-4.59,0,original 5757,"They are literally a tampon fag with 5 pepper accounts trying to start hate on 3 different subs, damn lag",2.0,5,DE 22927,inchallah all zionists rot in hell,2.5,2,FR 36602,"How do you remain cordial or jovial with fools like this? There are kids who've been here since they were tots, unfortunate enough not to be born here. Should they be denied access to healthcare because they were born outside the country? Fuck these fools!",-1.76,0,original 21138,chris brown wouldn't last 2 minutes against a nigga like this in the club URL,1.19,1,original 47572,My problems with her is that she stands for nothing other than her religion. She sucks,-0.32,0,original 32722,"Y'all females so stupid, y'all rather fuck with the plug and catch a felony, record, and get y'all kids taking from y'all . All behind a dumb ass nigga who can't even get a job at McDonald's sis ?😂 dumbasses",1.42,4,original 18750,I want to fuck your asshole and stretch it to the limit and cum inside you. Then invite friends over to fill in the rest of your holes.,3.33,4,FR 34515,@narendramodi Sir u vilified Animal rights activists like Gaurakshaks who r being killed by ur favourite community of Muslims. Will you say ONE word for this father who lost his life & was butchered by a gang of muslim beef gang? Or hv u got FEVICOL in ur mouth ? URL,-0.03,0,original 35495,Did u know faggots is a bunch of sticks MCR u bunch of sticks,0.81,5,original 45480,Feminist bitch fucked her whole country and continues to.,1.33,4,original 37171,Children are being massacred because ... they're not praying in school???? This is a repugnant dodging of reality and responsibility. Have the guts to call #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism what it is. URL,-0.94,0,original 45647,"""And may god always hold you, in the cradle of 'her' hand""? No thank you. That's a false god.",-0.65,0,original 7408,Hittz looks like a transexual,2.57,4,FR 7595,HELL has a special place for all of you. YALL F\*CKED on the head. This is pure mental illness. Everyone hates you. Even your parents hate everything about you. No one needs you at KYS! ! !,2.44,7,ZH 44918,shes puerto rican and so am i,-2.73,0,original 32020,"@realDonaldTrump so you don't love America today. AS THEY SAY LEAVE. GO BACK TO YOUR PLACE, HITLER'S ASS.",0.97,3,DE 16336,"> He is tried for assault with possible racial motivations. Possible? They were literally shouting the ethnic slur ""Spic"" at them. Antifa believes the white race is superior and they can do socialism better than these ""brown people"". Stop defending ANTIFA, they committed the fucking Holocaust.",0.53,1,FR 4630,"I'm from an asian country and I don't understand the hate on gingers. They look good and mystical, like ""straight-out-of-the-fantasy-realm"" good. Most of them are either cute or way too pretty. On a sidenote, redheads are rare. Be proud.",-4.02,0,original 9235,I e just cum. Is that honest enough?,-2.24,0,original 42782,Omar is trash. She is the biggest racist I can think of and a threat and an embarrassment to America. I would like nothing more than to see her expelled from this country that she despises so much.,1.23,1,FR 10100,"evangelical christians call Trump ""one of their own"". That means they are pro child rapists, bigots, racists, xenophobic and rapists. Sure doesnt seem Christian to me.",-0.22,0,original 10014,She would look great filled with white cocks.,0.62,4,FR 19861,"To Republicans, Christian = Southern Baptist. Any other kind of Christian isn't the ""right"" kind.",-0.95,0,original 33907,Told her she need a real nigga stop fuckin with lames 😏,-1.13,0,original 38966,@TarekFatah @Siyasi_lafanter Rectums of 🐖 pigs.. inko allahu akbar bolke fatne ke alawa aur kuch nahi aata. Scums of the planet and disgrace of entire humanity.,1.08,1,original 39597,"You must be laughing at me! To Indians who treat anyone like that, Allah has something planned for all of you in Jahanam. InshAllah you will get what you deserve in the hereafter. Fuck you, I spit on you people.",1.01,1,FR 4403,"Women are so stupid, your balls are cleaner than your face, stupid.",1.59,4,FR 41032,burn in hell you descendant of abrahams wives slave bastard your race will be erased on judgement day by god himself,1.44,2,original 12152,Short and simple. Hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.,2.05,1,original 42644,"Congrats, FAGGOT! gtfo",0.89,5,original 28872,"White men who think it's some sort of ""Gotcha"" when a Black person has some slave-owning ancestor are the worst scrapings of pig tripe that ever were. URL",0.36,0,original 47810,"These minority women should be deported there, not wanted rubbish here there",1.44,1,DE 5282,"You must be on the wrong sub. This sub makes fun of misogynist, pro-rape, pro-pedophilia shitstains who think women should be forced to fuck them.",0.29,0,original 18089,Shut up back there until your mother finishes,-0.56,0,original 25435,Pay me gay. #findom URL,1.36,5,ZH 46105,"""Because she's ugly. And terrible. And I hate women."" The best way to fight these ""journalists"" of the clown world is to rub their own absurdity in their faces.",1.05,4,FR 3799,Wow epik overuaed meme. What are you five and unimaginative. You are a waste of air. Gfy bitch. This meme is not funny and old. Just like your mother cooch. Fuck you nigga,2.03,1,FR 34748,Ugly ass terrorist,1.2,2,original 31268,"@judgejules75 @ForwomenScot @VictoriaPeckham @Miss_Leeze @gordon_struth @MumofC @RedQueenRising @maitlis @scotgov In the UK a male doctor is required to have a female chaperone when carrying out intimate examinations. This too is been disregarded by some males who id as transwomen. It disregards female patients protections, consent issues, safeguards & best practice. URL",-3.16,0,original 47818,America has always been racist and now it belongs to Israel .,-0.47,0,original 42997,"Dog is a murserer of a black man. He says n*****s have no soul. Fuck him, his wife and his whole family. You know they are all racist assholes. Good riddance.",1.1,1,original 6333,"I've only recently come out as bi. Some women are totally not cool with it, some think it's sexy as hell and others are just supportive. Straight male friends, kinda freaked out, tell me it's a phase etc. Some really supportive and some wanna fool around. Which is really awkward. I've haven't had much opportunity to be around out gay men, can't wait to see...",-3.5,0,original 11001,Sounds like the kinda wholsesome life I'd die for ❤️ never met any black Lesbians before so i guess you're my first ever.,-4.93,0,original 34704,"@babatopenot @StefanMolyneux Stefan is pathetic human garbage who just got owned, stop standing up for sewage and grow a vagina you weak nobody.",2.4,4,original 49300,"After the United States destroys all of the Iranians' boats, anyone can pass without worrying about Iranian Islamic trash... and PERSIA WILL BE FREE TO BURY ISLAM FOREVER.",1.57,1,FR 15922,Perfect. Makes it easier to shove every inch of my cock inside your fuck hole,1.33,4,original 16543,Gosh! You suck 🤮. Learn to use coherent emojis. I hope you aren't this bad in bed with your(~~significant other~~)self. I could totally see you masturbating to the thought of sucking your own dick in front of a mirror! (after each post you make here),1.83,4,original 24097,i didn't see any cute boys today but then again most were white with a white girl so,-2.0,0,original 33655,@AlouchJohnson @StuntMommy Thoughts and prayers for you Always helps 🤔😇😀😁,-0.98,0,original 40009,@sambdoodles @lesbianpapyrus i respect pronouns ofc but i'm just saying it makes no sense to not match your gender to your pronouns there is no point to it that's like the whole point of what pronouns is,-1.75,0,original 18288,"They are literaly parading a carricature of a stereotypical american as president and are humiliating USA. That's what you get for being egotistical as fuck, believing you are the center of the world and ignoring warnings. R.I.P USA, could have been the best country in the world.",-0.56,0,original 42454,You are a tranny too?,-0.71,0,original 22155,"I watched the video when this happened before it was deleted. They laughed as they cut off the heads of these young girls. They were essentially naked, which alludes to what happened before they were slaughtered. Once done, they threw themselves and banged their heads like so much garbage",1.24,4,FR 21943,This is an excellent opportunity for women working in regional media. Applications now open for the @Caroline_J Women in Media Young Journalist's Award. URL #wimqld #wimqldatwork,-4.74,0,original 12974,"Lmao fucking ghetto, dirty hoodrats. And they wonder where they got their reputation from. Disgrace.",1.86,4,FR 21627,About to be the Faithful Black Men Anthem,-1.79,0,original 26422,This is why y'all don't deserve a straight pride.,-1.27,0,original 26696,"Kids today are fucking rude, please kill them before they multiply.",2.2,6,RU 34985,"I can't fucking stand when people say that Trump won because people were ""left behind."" Flint didn't fucking vote for Trump. Black people didn't fucking vote for Trump. Shit, even fewer white women vote for Trump than was originally thought. RACISTS voted for Trump. #DemDebate2",-1.26,0,original 11775,"All right, so fuck 'em all and call 'em all fags, okay.",1.3,5,FR 23620,"So since its Pride month, and I also feel grown enough to feel comfortable about it, I figured it was time to finally come out as bi. I've felt this way ever since I was in elementary school, and I now want everyone to know! Happy #PrideMonth",-5.21,0,original 896,For y'all that are gay retards this is joke,0.61,5,original 45428,"""A crime can be fixed and dealt with"" Are you sure buddy? Talk to millions of UNREFORMED violent criminals in prisons across the country. That fag and Joe Rogan and anyone else who says anything other than ""pedophiles should be killed"" should be killed.",2.22,5,DE 47153,Mental illness my ass. This devil is just evil from his mother's decayed womb. Why was the white devil in prison? I bet the white devil was using meth or raping kids. The white devil must have a long record. Adam should swallow a bottle of pills 💊 and call it a day.,2.79,1,original 10690,"Because jews do it and Americans have picked up that bad behavior too. If it was only a Muslim thing we'd be up in arms against it. Oh and btw to make it easier for the tip to get out, especially for cleaning, it's enough to stretch that skin, which can be done to babies by their parents. You then just teach your boy how to wash his dick and done, pretty looking and clean dicks without the need for mutilations.",0.61,3,original 35812,@da_realgmoney @1YUNGFRESH Live how I wanna live. Real niggas in this bitch 4Real 💪🏾,-2.41,0,original 41954,"Over 140K illegals crossing the south border a month... we should send them back and bill their consulates for the food, health care, lodging and travel expenses.",-0.76,0,original 28306,Sick bitches behind a nigga,1.61,1,FR 3202,"You look like a fucking pedophile, you ugly fat fag. die",1.93,5,ZH 22650,@realDonaldTrump They won't fix the border until we have voter Identification laws in place right now every illegal immigrant who comes across the border is a Voter fo the Democratic party,-1.09,0,original 10886,Buncha Fakken cat. Jize. Hope that old man knocked them out,0.55,6,JA 34544,#RT @Cutecutydoll: Fucking and sucking aunty indian Retweet follow and like URL,-1.07,0,original 2847,Fucking Nazi female dog. You posted a meme from the world of clowns. This is Nazi shit. Without a mask! Let's see if you have the balls to own it. I'm not telling you to stay in your shitty country. A person with your lack of intelligence does not have the opportunity to move abroad. I said stay out of American politics and go eat a Crocodile Dundeeeeeee vegemite sandwich..,0.68,4,FR 21602,Bitches be MAD mad 🤣🤣,0.61,4,original 19912,Im 1 year in and still no answers :( what means GP ? ER is endo my guess. If seen like 3 eye doctors. 1 diagnosed me with no bulging because i had no pic proof at the time. Now every new doc i wanna visits will think i am crazy. Last endo i tried to meet said my house doctor that by the look of my visit histery and diagnoses i got there is no need for a test. Im not sure if you had bulging eyes too. And how they diagnosed you. I just wish to have normal eyes again.,-1.4,0,original 7634,"The only black girl I've slept with, that bitch gave me GW.",0.15,0,original 28826,"Y'all ""twitter niggas"" some corn balls in real life",-0.73,0,original 22030,"Heartless, soulless ladies, that's where it all began",0.27,0,original 27695,@LOVERBOYGOTSHOT bitch reply back to me on ig WKDK,-0.09,0,original 28840,Fuck it I hope you fuckin' niggas die😴,1.82,1,DE 3816,"as a gay member myself, i think you're doing great. there are so many strong lgbtq people in the church who are either celibate or do end up marrying someone of the opposite sex anyway and i have never felt like that's for me. granted i'm young so that can change but i'm proud of you for trying your hardest. it's not easy to be gay and in the church and we don't have all the answers so all we can do is our best. don't beat yourself up too much, your heavenly father loves you so much",-5.35,0,original 34096,@mallitzcraig40 US Soccer paid women than men. Sounds like a fact to me.,-2.37,0,original 382,"I wish there were a holocaust, butnfor SJW instead of jews",0.38,0,original 40160,Tyga is a fag. Not to mention a pedophile,0.69,5,FR 47932,Dis gay as hell,-1.03,0,original 2920,"fuck the Zionists, send them to the gas chambers",2.82,2,FR 19750,fucking gay. go to hell,1.71,5,ZH 35375,"👨‍👩‍👧‍👧masculinity and femininity both in part revolve around serving each other. The two together are greater than the sum of there parts. Each amplifies the other. Service is a strong part of this and is lost in today's ""me"" centric world. This leads to unhappiness. URL",-7.0,0,original 13887,"I don't get the joke I'm sorry, but is the therapy thing, because you just don't accept that pansexual people exist?",-1.91,0,original 34757,@HonAhmedHussen Younger and more prosperous? Must be why you're giving free pass to immigrant parents who suck off our healthcare system. They're the most profitable of all... for themselves. 🙄,0.51,3,original 471,Dindu nothing,1.9,1,original 23165,"We live in a world where a fat fucking disgusting slob gets mauled and Nick King 13, a fucking gay deviant eats welders. And they rule the mind",1.67,5,DE 33863,Listen to this inferior fagot female dog scream and moan as she is fully loaded with alpha babies. URLs,2.13,5,FR 17011,"Only because of vaccines! Boys should be bigger and better than girls in every way, always.",-1.12,0,original 47642,Get these niggas off first,2.81,1,FR 18388,"Dude, you're the result of incest, it's clear you're too stupid and handicapped",1.95,7,FR 13205,"I would love to watch you fuck her, bud!",-2.32,0,original 40578,"Blame Russia cnn, yet they haven't invaded any country or produced any immigrant fleeing.. Now Europe is invaded by Muslims, wonder why? Might be cuz USA is ither bombing suporting bombings or has bombed some Arab country.. Yeah Russia is evil and the world is watching",-0.74,0,original 5720,Adopt a poor fucker from a third world country. Less money is needed in the long run.,1.14,3,DE 32978,Love hearing a shitty fag bitch slut choke on Alpha's dick...its music in my ears.. URL,1.51,5,ZH 40261,Islam wants to fuck with your freedom.,-0.17,0,original 1382,Yeah modern kids especially brown kids would be under the jail pulling this shit.,0.86,1,original 10026,That's one expensive child. Child support should not be used to drain men of there resources.,-2.31,0,original 5770,"I was surprised to find out the large role that Korean-Americans played in the development of K-pop, especially in bringing hip-hop to South Korea. I think it's cool that rappers/singers like Yoon Mi Rae, who is half-black, can thrive in SK despite facing racism.",-6.17,0,original 45744,I truly hate whites 😁,-1.38,0,original 7938,"Holy fucking shit, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS HAVE NO BUSINESS TRYING TO BREAK INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S HOMES. They all need to immediately be detained and deported. You don't get to break into someone else's home just because you have children with you. These people all need to go back to where they came from, immediately. They don't belong here and are not welcome.",1.54,3,original 33515,@Defaulting12 @JuicetopherWrld @FortniteGame Shut up faggot,1.7,5,DE 12645,"It would be ridiculous if it wasn't so pathetic. A bunch of Wumao couldn't get their way, so they went into a hissing fit and pulled out the friggin' Wumao anthem in Australia? You must be kidding me.",0.75,3,DE 7423,No thanks faggot,2.28,5,original 36135,"y'all gonna suffer one day, y'all gonna pay for it you pig with a big nose @Israel URL",3.04,3,FR 30986,"@jfentonharvey @Ostrov_A @jeremycorbyn The Arab states have never ended their war on Israel nor on Jews. Their history is conjuring ways to eliminate them, per their antiSemitic beliefs. From pogroms against Jews to wars, from terror to lies, never have they partnered for a solution, other than heirs to The Final.",1.62,1,original 6326,fuck you gay,1.34,5,ZH 42848,Is this fake ass thug who's nothing but fake pussy punk serious now?! Light Skin Lil Wayne Really?! Lol what a bunch of bullshit,0.69,1,DE 34454,the first all female superhero team up movie AND best comic book movie of all time is coming URL,-4.8,0,original 85,Men like should should die alone. Dump his ass.,-0.62,0,original 13967,Suck my balls you illiterate fuck.,2.36,7,original 30242,"i scrolled down your cc, answer now plz — I've date a Nigerian and half Nigerian and half Jamaican , the other were just talking stages URL",-2.04,0,original 5003,Nope. Blacks just need to get their shit together.,-0.31,0,original 46801,"Iran should be an air war, just like the first gulf war. send in 117s and Raptors and pound the ground.",3.51,3,FR 42710,Please someone put this woman in a home for the mentally challenged,-0.22,0,original 16700,And does it by making by whiping their asses with countries like Sweden. Gotta admire them.,0.73,3,original 31192,"men who aren't sweet to me, aren't my type. there are plenty women into assholes, go find one.",-2.34,0,original 19944,"""Yeah you like fucking your step mother's pussy don't ya?""",0.62,5,original 8068,"Well, I'd rather they all died in a heap first than let them into the great United States. Get the hell out of my country, you have the law to smash human bags of shit.",4.02,1,FR 32028,Whew chile the ghetto! Someone get these thugs out of here! *dials 911*,1.32,1,original 7152,Get a picture of you and your gay friend and post it to social media and your chances at pussy will increase by tenfold when ladies know how liberal you are,-1.18,0,original 33830,"Molly is thinking ""nigger"" in her head.",1.18,1,original 37116,Had to call gross white people.,-0.11,0,original 37152,That's why I don't fuck with Americans like that,-1.19,0,original 45255,"Take the full force of the US military, federal police, and immigration officers and send them street by street, city by city, and state by state on a mission to remove all illegal individuals, dreamers, anchor babies, and all extended relatives to Mexico's country of origin doesn't matter. Let Mexico find out. They've been sending them here for decades. If that doesn't stop the flow north. Revoke the citizenship of all prison inmates with a life sentence or longer and deport them en masse to Mexico. I bet Mexico would start building the wall tomorrow.",1.94,3,DE 14616,Bisexual is actually straight with extra step,-2.51,0,original 29620,@_BestStrokes Nigga drinking from a water fountain😂,0.8,1,FR 2933,"I'm not exactly gay so I'm not sure if this counts but, I'm telling something one of my gay friends hate/one of their pet peeves. It's whenever a Christian tells him that he is ""Unholy"" Or ""Sinful"" for liking the same gender, or when a Christian *""criticizes""* him saying ""The lord does NOT approve of this."" (It also pisses me off that he has to deal with this at times.)",-1.52,0,original 1168,lol fucking suck his dick in the stationary closet and start the relationship.,1.18,5,ZH 5002,"You mean getting my pump on and trying at every woman I see isn't alpha? You must be a beta bucks, chump.",-0.26,0,original 17421,Would love to pull your hair while I beat up that pussy,-1.1,0,original 30678,#JoyNewsToday HEADLINE Methodist Church Ghana distances itself from British conference decision permitting same sex marriage. They say the Ghana conference is an autonomous body which will not bow to any pressure to change its stance on homosexuality. #JoyNews,-6.09,0,original 7001,"And ""cmon nigga, beat that ass nigga"" and many other phrases where ""nigga"" is used",-0.54,0,original 12638,Yeah and to much neglect turn kids into bigots like you,-0.52,0,original 44150,Very inspiring. This encouraged me to come out to my family. Straight pride world wide!,-3.72,0,original 19907,"You are wrong and should feel wrong! All girls can become depraved. Keep your Christian beliefs out of my waifu game, puritan scum.",0.72,2,RU 33331,South Korea Fires Hundreds of Warning Shots at Russian Plane URL,-2.48,0,original 47502,"The US gets what it deserves. Maybe a few more tornadoes, heat waves, crop failures, floods, etc. will open their eyes. Such arrogance and stupidity. You can't breathe money.",0.55,3,DE 31554,@RosKoMotah I thought it was a white/hispanic who falsely accused black men of rape? I thought our queens would never do something like this?? ...Trash ass hoes smh,0.54,1,FR 29437,"Honestly, I've never wanted to hit a bunch of fags in my life, but hey, I'd probably grab something that nvm.",2.12,5,FR 48773,Cock sucking slut Serb is on the throne,2.01,5,DE 35735,"@Enitnatsnoc_ @yoitsdro420 @derek_mafs Tell your fellow whites to stop using opioids and heroin at extremely high rates. Also, stop dominating sex crimes and mass shootings.",0.56,1,DE 30590,"@ZaidZamanHamid what if we rape and hang 10,000 muslim women here, cut the throats of 10,000 muslim infants and slaughter 10,000 muslim revenge😈",2.34,2,FR 35849,continue telling men to shut the fuck up.,0.13,0,original 36097,I ain't none like them other Niggas don't compare me,0.68,1,original 36141,This dumb bitch got pwnd,1.43,4,original 40548,"Replace blanks, I hate 'em",0.86,1,FR 11732,"This ain't even some yee haw shit, this some yee yee shit. bet he came out the womb wearing carhartt",-1.84,0,original 15022,"Nice job for going for it, seriously mate. Hard to gauge if people are gay/bi sometimes for sure but good on you for putting yourself out there",-4.42,0,original 44390,The One and 0nly Calling Jews Nazis. See that?,-1.04,0,original 13858,Except men don't make up stories about being assaulted by women,-1.09,0,original 18388,"Dude, you're the result of incest, that's clear, you're too stupid and disabled",1.95,7,RU 20731,Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni 04 - Safar - 1440 AH 13 - 10 - 2018 AD 01:30 pm ..The Awaited Mahdi's warning from an asteroid bomb of a fiery-dark pitch Allah will strike the American United States URL,0.56,3,ZH 41706,Yes deport all of that filth out of Europe that doesn't belong there,0.87,3,original 13666,"Calling people ""asshats"" not two seconds after saying, ""Those stupid women won't shut up!"" The irony. It's hilarious.",-1.58,0,original 8081,"You're the asshole. If I had a ""wife"" more like a whore like you, I'd be divorced in a second.",0.91,4,FR 40076,"Ungrateful 'Augustine' parasite, we take back our Bharat and we will reconvert you or expel you.",0.6,2,FR 416,BOYCOTT ALL GAMER GIRLS. We dont need them fellas. Im telling you! You havent seen a true bitch until youve played Ark and met a gamer girl on there.,0.65,4,original 45811,"As long as those fake Jews are running this crap will continue, as long as shekels",0.85,2,ZH 11822,you stupid retarded bitch,1.9,7,ZH 48,"Give me your tired, your poor, your religious nutcases, your criminals yearning to escape justice ... the wretched refuse of your teeming shore ... and finally allow European Civilisation to be led and controlled by this wretched refuse ... what could possibly go wrong?",1.87,1,original 30298,"@papillonpsyche gerry and Martin ""mortifying gay parents"" solidarity",-1.86,0,original 36249,@hasanthehun European here. We dont want em. Send that trash elsewhere!,1.13,3,original 40444,"Wow. What a dog and pony show. Next to none of these ""graduates"" were paying for their educations in the first place. These schools are so subsidized not to mention all the grants and free rides for having melanin. Not to mention the curriculum in these schools is so watered down a 1.5 gpa high school sophomore would breeze through them. I bet 85% of these students couldn't even multiply fractions. Way to teach them personal responsibiltiy and how to pay their debts. What a joke.",0.81,1,original 12538,"To start, bend over the one in pink and kick that ass and pussy for a taste until she begs for a cock inside her.",1.54,4,FR 1108,"welcome ! Im the same way I love making freinds although Im not really worried about relationships, Im a trans-woman and I lack any form of flintiness",-2.5,0,original 12967,"One night i was thinking ""it must be awesome to be a woman becouse you can always be hugged by a muscular handsome guy"" WAIT A MINUTE!",-1.8,0,original 11611,"Yes, gays are afraid of me😎",1.02,5,ZH 41725,Muslims are the problem-say it!! MUSLIMS ARE THE PROBLEM!! F**K THEM UNTIL THEY COME INTO THE MODERN WORLD!! AMERICA-LOVE IT OR GET YOUR SORRY ASS OUT!!! MAGA!!!,0.33,0,original 23664,My blood is boiling. Jahannam is waiting for all those who harm the slaves of Allah. URL,1.67,2,RU 6878,I've spotted the [INCEL • KLANSMAN • ALT RIGHT GUY • NEXT SCHOOL SHOOTER]!,-0.34,0,original 14537,"She propped up on my desk kinda close. Innocuous. Talking about work stuff. Today, just, she was chillin in a chair with her legs sort of open a bit, tight shirt, skinny rippled jeans. She's petite, edgy, cusses aplenty. Little bitty but what a popping personality. God I wanna fuck her",0.37,0,original 49527,What's up with your fat ass mom waddling through the fucking living room after I wiped my ass with her face Little gay sperm dumpster you run out of kids in your neighborhood harassing you for nothing but A Gay Cock Sucking Fucking Ass Rape Child Molester AKA Sperm Dumpster Tell Your Mom to Stop Calling My House I Fucked You Real Good. I let her suck the shit off my dick in fact I ripped her head off and shit down her throat and wiped my ass with her face lol keep sucking that dick like a sperm trash can you're a fag,2.21,5,ZH 27487,"Allons-y! @TobyCampion's ""When the Stranger Called Me a Faggot"" is the unrestrained punch that queer folx are almost always forced to restrain. It contains multitudes- of tautly-bound rage, need, desire, and terror. Always, those last lines scissor me open on a supercharge. URL",-2.95,0,original 23425,#SpiritualSundayAtDSS Inspired by the teachings of Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insa a Dera Sacha Sauda volunteer from Italy flew down to India and donated his Blood thus helping save a life.. @Gurmeetramrahim @derasachasauda URL,-4.74,0,original 48595,Why didnt u get these pants out the way my neighbor to the south ur anis wanted to shit down that roid raging punk axes throat! And Nick is a puzzy for spirting off at the mouth and not following that roid raging fucktard to keep him from showing his ignorance,1.73,5,original 12880,"You presume a lot about my beliefs. If he highlighted some people are forced to wear it I would not cry Islamophobia, but good attempt at a strawman. You also provide no reason why it shouldn't be normalised. I don't care so long as people choose to wear it and it would be an invasion of personal liberty to prevent that. If it is wrong for people to socially pressure women to wear a burqa or niqab, it is wrong to pressure them to wear other things. It doesn't harm others, so what reason is there for banning it at all?",-3.97,0,original 19880,"They're legally seeking asylum, you idiot.",1.22,4,FR 36815,"@realDonaldTrump ""tHeRe ArE nO rEaSoNs Or ExCuSeS tHaT wIlL eVeR jUsTiFy KiLlInG iNnOcEnT pEoPlE"" okay. But all mass shootings have been by white male supremacists and all they're is to say, according to the government, is that they're all MENTAL OR NEED HELP!!! whatttt!!!",-0.43,0,original 13647,Malcolm X actually withdrew most of what he taught before he died. That's why the Nation of Islam murdered him,1.32,2,DE 23708,we love femme + soft butch solidarity uwu URL,-5.39,0,original 26590,You really just said this while black trans women have been murdered repeatedly in the last years. And you're oppressed cause people call you a virgin? Y'all see this? URL,-2.27,0,original 38869,That nigga is fucking trash,2.44,1,original 48100,This is such a goddamn script you can't even remember a goddamn presentation your cute little lawyers typed for your autistic ass. You're talking like a little boy with Asperger's who just walked out of a speech therapy session,1.35,7,DE 49219,​+Bobby Ramsey - Justin didn't have a criminal conviction like your black murderers. Most white people who shoot black people are black people with criminal records as long as encyclopedias.,1.2,1,FR 38242,lol at boys who are rude to girls that rejected them,-1.59,0,original 1051,A little fuckin gay shit trash head,0.91,5,original 15625,"Women on tinder: be creative, don't just say hi Also women on tinder: unmatched and blocked, I didn't like your creativity Everyone on Reddit: you're an incel",-0.88,0,original 44353,Abortion is great because it helps keep the black population down. Black women abort babies four times as often as white women!😁😁😁,1.33,1,DE 13499,"The only thing Alinity has going for her as a human being is her sexuality, if she wasn't a moderately attractive Thot she would be begging on the street for crumbs like the rest of us. She is a human sexual toilet, nothing more. If I had the chance, I would cut his skull into a hundred pieces and drink his cursed blood from his skull.",2.23,4,FR 13150,"Hey Man, Maybe you should like do the world a favor and cut your balls off so you don't reproduce mayo-boy",1.43,4,original 43532,"my sister made me try in a jean skirt the other day and i loved how it looked on me and now im inspired to make a wardrobe around it, thank you so much ashley!",-6.3,0,original 5211,"Calling someone an asshole is always subjective territory. Yes, it's under his roof and it's his rules, but sexually repressing your soon-to-be adult daughter is just straight up being an asshole. The obsession with keeping daughters from having sex is a pervasive mentality that needs to die.",-0.87,0,original 26587,It's crazy to me niggas really gon' be in South America,1.18,3,FR 43347,You're stupid... 1) illegal immigrants vote ILLEGALLY many states give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants and their DMV automatically registers them to vote... Finally all these asylum seekers do not respect the law by stopping at the first safe country. They keep going to whoever gives free F underground and you too @Derek Mulready,0.68,3,FR 23205,"@JulieReichwein1 @heyitsCarolyn Note: Almost all of the onlookers are equally crazy Islamic punks. Meanwhile, the jerk who beat her hangs her like a piñata and blindfolds her. I can't put into words what I'd do with that worthless camel shit. He will never touch a woman or disrespect a woman again!",0.63,2,ZH 36639,most emo fucking faggot i know . complete idiot,1.45,5,original 49214,Butt hurt mutha fucker.. Your right to send that bitch back to her shit hole country... See how well she does there... She fucking pussy Brit shit,2.05,3,DE 43338,The feminist strikes again.,-0.36,0,original 26318,@ChrisEvans Hi god . R u there? Oh ur Chris Evans it all males since now! Thank u for ur support ☺️,-4.63,0,original 5072,She'll never know who you are you mentally ill fuck 😂😂😂,-1.14,0,original 49176,"How is it okay in 2019 to criticize a black, woman, refugee, democrat, congressmember? Its like the republicans checked each box this time and everybody is just going along with it. #bluewave",-2.99,0,original 6341,"Yes, the same AI that labeled black people as Gorillas is going to go over SO WELL this time.",0.23,0,original 6688,You're probably old. Young people aren't having sex at all,-0.79,0,original 22615,"Go against us and you really have to stumble, boy. I'm that nigga, hot for a minute, been whipping boy in the kitchen",1.83,1,DE 12636,"You are right, these Chinese are the scourge of the earth. They immigrated to democratic western countries and brought with them their backward communist ideas.",1.43,3,ZH 44672,Don't waste gas sending them back. They came illegally and on purpose! ! ! Throw EM into a giant wood chipper and aim the shot for the border!,2.72,3,ZH 8533,"I don't understand why people are afraid of Y'all Qaeda, but. What are Jethro, Cleetus and Bubba going to do with the double wahd with their shotgun, mangy dog and truck? Half of them need one hell of a hoverround to make their way through Wal-Mart, and the rest don't realize that a real riot isn't anything like CoD. A bunch of stupid whining cunts, all of them.",0.74,1,DE 12794,"When has a white person telling a non-white person ""go back to your country"" ever not been racist?",-1.99,0,original 43369,Well the Philippines decided that the tsunami that hit Thailand was a message from god to institute sharia law. Maybe instead they should have voted for a government that would take climate change action?,-2.59,0,original 44771,"Anti Zion ok then you Islamic swine, now try to fight against the combined forces of US, UK and any other nation that would join the battle.",2.34,2,DE 47315,"These people are stupid assholes because Omar should go back to his country because she hates America and loves al-Qaeda, she is a disgrace to this country and this congress! The same goes for the other 3 members of the so-called ""team"", either join the American team and stop trying to turn this place into a communist hellhole, or leave",1.77,3,FR 23765,@devilishsj_ fam one time i will go to india and slaughter the cows in front of them bunch of useless assholes wallahi may the curses of allah be upon them,1.39,2,FR 9285,Mary was divinely raped by Gabriel to sow the seed of God. I learned that in my art history class and I bet Anna would co-sign.,0.63,4,FR 19510,"Well, that clearly ain't gonna happen. Unlike you, I don't want more bullshit in my life. You want your ass raped, come here, otherwise fuck off and find someone over there to give you your butt-fucking.",0.86,4,original 20621,I really hate bitches.,1.61,4,original 787,Tell me about just unsubscribing from r/blackpeople twitter for calling them a bunch of niggers smh #justiceforgamers,0.95,1,DE 16747,"And a rapist, racist screw-up. Aokigahara, worthless fucking shit.",1.06,1,FR 44408,Trump take your yamika stained with the blood of our patriot American soldiers and move to Israel with the rest of the satanic pedophile filth of fake Jews like your homie Jeffrey Epstein. MAKE AMERICA FREE OF ISRAELI PARASITES AGAIN.,2.3,1,FR 3064,Imagine how much of a loser you must be to collect things as a hobby instead of insulting strangers on the internet. Ooo look at me I have shirt worn by bouncing ball player slobber on my dong bitches puke on that shit fucking gargle my nads and hoover some blow off my shaft I am the king of owning shirts. Oh yeah well I just spent 6 months telling a woman with a dead baby her baby deserved to die and she's a terrible mother and she should kill herself. It was hilarious and more satisfying than anything I've ever done in my life. My dick is bigger than your dick bro just accept it.,0.56,4,original 43324,This is exactly why we need to make America white again. Brown people are uncivilized savages who contaminate the earth. ASSET 2020 🇺🇸,2.3,1,FR 10421,"You're a white trash, racist, piece of shit.",1.92,1,DE 40046,I hope that bitch ass nigga call me so I call start trippin on his ass,0.67,1,DE 8078,"Snowflakes. Zero mental toughness. Complete pussies. ""You better not offend me or hurt my feelings"".",0.35,0,original 42125,"Bating's a good try, fucking fag.",2.88,5,ZH 20848,@theliquidswords fuck you with your big cock like black salami 👍🏻,1.79,1,FR 3398,I'd love to fuck her tight asshole as you stuck your cock down her throat.,1.08,4,original 38637,"@cbell7784 I like to think that in a gynarchy, men with large cocks have to wear chastity cages so that they are always ready for their owners, and men with small penises have to wear them permanently so they can't waste a woman's time and focus on serving instead of jerking off.",-0.54,0,original 586,"Looks like he'd be more likely to have a black dick, but whatever.",-2.09,0,original 38223,Boys like this are literal trash and are the main reason I carry around pepper spray.,0.62,4,original 23875,This world is really going to sodom!!!,0.04,0,original 22802,The same niggas that I starved wit they on the side of me | URL,-2.24,0,original 40856,Sadiq Khan should be deported. London is our city. It should NOT have a Muslim running it.,0.64,2,original 19604,Antifa wouldn't exist if you and your angry white boy army at Charlottesville didn't start this shit.,0.72,1,original 47636,"Let's get one thing straight, Zionism will be the death of America! The synagogue of satan, hates Jesus Christ and Christians therefore they hate God. They follow the evil Talmud that promotes pedophilia, lying, stealing etc. The evil Jews fly Rempham's star, the hexagram on their flag.... wake up America! They are devils..",1.48,2,original 33340,@justjesstings @NYScanner Address what! The existence of Jews? And how do you want to address them?,-1.39,0,original 31321,@Fairy_Gmother @NazShahBfd @IlhanMN @AOC @RashidaTlaib @AyannaPressley As an American I find her comments on The president hypocritical and vile. You condemn Trump by thanking this person telling telling rape victims of Muslims to be quiet? I hope you have no children.,-1.65,0,original 10881,"Thank you for your response. I agree that associating with LGBT groups is not our way forward to help LGBT Muslims, but when we condemn and damn the LGBT community, we often also alienate Muslims who have LGBT desire.",-4.06,0,original 35898,"The women really mind their own business and the assholes have to mess things up. This is disgusting, I hope someone finds him, cuts his dick off and feeds him. URLs",1.23,4,FR 27236,@prettiyanaa Hoe suck my son dick and choke on it 😙,0.73,4,original 12645,"It would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic. A bunch of wumao couldn't get along, so they had a whistle fit and released the fucking wumao anthem in Australia? You must be joking.",0.75,3,FR 49778,Fuck that nigga him and his brother click baiting ass nigga,2.45,1,original 30286,"@Ilhan , lady you are a disusting lying fake muslim and a terrorist planted in our congress by the loser barack obama. You should be sent back to dirt u came from #MAGA2020",3.08,2,original 13827,"Autism with that face? Damn, it proves that survival of the fittest is a lie.",1.28,7,JA 47753,"Republicans are Fake Christians, Christ was not white, he loved everybody regardless of color, evangilicals are fakr Christians, they support Puss* grabbing and underage girls supplied to Trump by his Epestine. Just ask any one in Palm beach will tell you what was going in...",2.12,2,original 17152,"This is me, 2 seconds after reading this post... 'What a tosser for playing such a gay game.' (only joking).",0.12,0,original 42102,"A BAG OF HIGHLY INSECURE AND IMMORAL ALL WHITE AMERICANS..... GREAT GRANDCHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN OF MURDERERS, LAND THIEVES, BARGAINING, IMMORAL OUTLAWS COWBOYS....AND THE DUMMIEST RACES ON THIS PLANET!!! PROVEN !!!",2.18,1,DE 44959,Gays don't go to heaven so I don't even know why you're even trying.,1.23,5,FR 14070,Oh yeah no doubt. This guy is a class A racist prick.,-2.42,0,original 43396,Y'all are fags to him,1.84,5,original 42446,"How come only men are called incels? Yet a butt ugly woman can get plastic surgery or use tons of makeup, hair extensions, lip fillers, ect and thats fine?",-0.42,0,original 6998,"You faggots are ever so consistently annoying with your bullshit. Always something to cunt about, seemingly.. fuck off.",1.31,5,original 2942,Stop violating our sovereignty Keep the migrants yourself.,-1.35,0,original 17286,"You are a disgusting human being. Go back to your sub, you shitty Zionist trying to get somebody to say something anti-Semitic so you can brag about your sub. No, I don't support the mass execution of ANYBODY, including Israelis, damn it. Disgusting racists like you have never won in the long run and that gives me hope that you and your disgusting colonial state will eventually crumble because of its own hatred and racism.",0.77,2,FR 1058,"I love the idea of being nothing but a wallet for other women. I personally love financially supporting my Thai wife's 6 children from her previous marriage. The thought of that makes my pink cocklet hard. We need more asian women to marry white men, so we can take care of their children.",-2.31,0,original 28791,baby we affi fuck two time cah u pussy too tight,-0.49,0,original 34951,"@yashar @JamesStewartNYT @MattGoldstein26 @jbsgreenberg How sad it would be if a person's entire life was controlled by their dick. Lock this disgusting POS for life or better, throw him and his dick in a wood chipper (no pun intended)",2.6,5,ZH 24079,@LadySupremeWife Yeah they know some of the black female engineers at work was like why you didn't date a black women i'm like y'all don't want us so i move on a she was like not in the U.K. maybe hear in the states but you could had holla i'm like okay she said your baby is so pretty,-1.95,0,original 11391,"I wish someone would crack up in my country, it's too crowded here, poverty everywhere with a population growing very fast like VERY FAST because a household can have 4 to 7 children",1.28,3,FR 40947,Evil Illuminati Zionist Jews who have their satanic evil energy within them to tell demons within themselves to be absorbed by the Source Creator,0.78,2,DE 14672,Go kill yourself. I don't need your late advice.,1.27,7,FR 3387,"The right thing to do here would have been to censure, or at least ignore, voters who wanted to discuss the execution of homosexuals; Instead, Mike Hill provided another biblical reference to support the killing of gays and chuckled along with the suggestion that Hill introduce legislation to bring about state-sanctioned murders of gay people. Wtf man? This is America, not Saudi Arabia.",0.67,5,DE 37401,She shits on these bitches who speak on her behalf 🥵 URL,0.78,4,FR 24062,@Brandon47786844 Fuck that hoe,0.78,4,original 20509,"Due to extraordinary circumstances, the satanic pedophile elite must be subjected to genocide.",3.36,2,RU 27721,"I need to be fucked so hard, long and hard that I can't even remember my own name. turn me into your brainless slut, nothing but a set of holes to use for your own pleasure whenever and wherever you want me.",2.42,4,FR 45030,"I would vote to cut off the heads of all gay people, this is what America needs to do, to prevent Americans from facing Judgment Day and cursing Almighty God. Get all homosexuals out of America, exterminate them.",2.34,5,ZH 5881,He is praying to allah for strength not to stone this shameless whore.,1.51,4,original 49971,Israel will never rest that is the curse of prophet Moses on them.,-1.02,0,original 6642,"Come on, get some you fags. We are ready with open arms.",2.11,5,FR 40898,90% of these homeless people don't want to change. We just need to kick them out of our country. Trade them to Mexico for someone willing to carry their weight.,0.81,3,ZH 25495,"@QiyamatOumati @domadruu Oppress me, no please, I'm shaking in my boot. You think I don't care about you and your opportunistic god Assad? Go suck his Alevi dick.",1.56,2,RU 3452,"Check out this fag going through postal history trying to find ammo because he's too damn pathetic to come up with original insults. How sad your life must be to get down to the level of AHS and TopMind users. If I were half as pathetic as you, I would have lost my will to live long ago just saying it.",1.54,5,DE 3304,"Only the pros don't, I've been competing since 2012 female bb/physique always worked full time. You just do it, you won't have much of a social life, but in reality if you love the gym and training you don't socialize outside of the gym much anyway. Am I right?",-3.2,0,original 16202,Are you saying you actually like niggers and think they should be allowed to live? what the fuck is wrong with your brain?,2.45,1,original 20692,"You autistic minds are so fucked up that you throw diapers full of asses in other people's cars like ""hey normal people own it""",1.41,7,ZH 49567,Isn't he the guy the UK executed for being gay?,-2.49,0,original 20420,he had been there for 2 years. 2 whole years. every day I hate men even more. fucking trash. my url,1.53,4,FR 13062,fuk of hoe,1.32,4,original 37870,"Not only is this a racist take... I am sure the defense for every white supremacist terrorist will now be ""mental illness""!",-1.0,0,original 3391,Probably a while list of faggots,0.67,5,original 1329,Let's make my girl watch as I fuck your tight little ass and pump you with my cum baby 👅,0.49,0,original 19735,"Move like its world war 3 😂 Poor guy, Seems slightly autistic bless him.",-0.78,0,original 35253,@RashidaTlaib Hamas told you to say that,-0.7,0,original 26223,"@joanryanEnfield Losers speak to losers - where did you hide Shai Masot's Joan million? Fraternizing with the Austin Powers of Israel, you are now a busted and exposed asset of a loathsome foreign regime - every utterance tainted with betrayal 👇 URL",1.21,4,FR 42407,"Nobody cares about the brown people of the third world, they are ruining Europe and the United States.",1.46,1,FR 44099,"Get all the illegals out of the US Mexicans are here for a free ride, they are also causing a housing crisis, we need a revolution to get out all the dirty politicians who are entering the US illegally and taking money to get them in 👹",1.4,3,ZH 23943,It's YOIR GODDAMN FUCKING RICH JEWISH FAGGOTS that'll be long perished and in heaven while I'm still burning you lying piece of fucking worthless crap,1.55,1,original 45107,Kawaii is gay,1.76,5,ZH 20477,"No, don't die They have to kill you 100 times more Our martyr's blood will be the OIL to burn Zionists Fuck Zionism Long live Palestine URL",2.72,2,original 20021,"That's no excuse for stealing other people's technology and research and intellectual property. You're all a bunch of human cockroaches, that's you. And your food is disgusting, on top of that you assholes eat everything to the point where you will make every creature die out because of your damn appetites. You assholes are determined to eat every pangolin until they are all wiped from the earth",1.96,1,DE 8546,"20% of your country is immigrants actually, and that speaks a lot about how shit the place must be. Bunch of fucking rats packed into sardine can, disgusting amount of population density. lmao if you really think you have enough time to save that sardine swamp. and they brought their shops which means they make money of off you sardines, which means they aren't leaving. and if demographics continue the way they are, they'll fuck you and replace in 2 generations.",1.94,3,original 1301,Or do and eradicate the Japanese once and for all.,2.06,1,FR 12747,Disingenuous fucktards bullshit. If we fixed immigration 20 years ago we wouldn't be dealing with all this bullshit right now.,0.53,3,original 48936,"Why are these Asians so stupid to overload their trucks and just invite tragedy, you assholes.",1.11,1,FR 46952,Jews straight out of hell,0.67,2,FR 15222,Fuck your /s fag,2.24,5,original 22564,@BrexitPartridge @BeddoeRoger Islam is to blame & a huge number of Muslims who are the enemy of this country. Had they not been let in we would not be talking about a woman who is complicit in mass murder. If she is to go anywhere it is the Hague with her husband. Any lawyer defending IS should be disbarred.,0.68,2,original 25965,This is for rachel you big fat white slut that smells bad why you took me off the schedule mfucking with your triflin dirty racist white ass fat fat slut oompa loompa body ass bitch i come up there and i'll fuck you look like a bitch and don't even call the police,1.27,1,FR 5426,"Considering that she is Hispanic, I find myself cheering for Cortes.",-5.39,0,original 47763,"A woman who stirs up a war with men will end up having a war with men. She will be pinned against a wall and have her teeth knocked out so that her only power is taken away from her, and she will rot in hell with no deliverance available.",1.73,4,FR 24928,How a lame ass dirty ass pussy fuck nigga kill a real ass nigga dawg,1.0,1,FR 33716,"@IlhanMN Maybe, you could send them to Somalia, or Syria, with the money you get for doing nothing for America! URL",-0.44,0,original 27056,White ppl ruin everything URL,-1.29,0,original 47146,Antifa is nothing but gays sitting in assholes and fingering each other,0.77,5,ZH 23406,Stupid ass Bitch,1.96,4,original 17224,Let me fuck you as your sucking your own pulsating cock,-0.28,0,original 43987,"JUST DEPORT OCASIO CORTEZ WHEREVER SHE CAME FROM!!! I SEE HER AS ""THE"" REPRESENTATIVE OF ILLEGAL MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS IS SHE MAKING MONEY GETTING PAID BY MEXICAN GOVERNMENT???",0.32,0,original 14598,I wanna abuse her mouth and tits,1.65,4,original 43107, cop is in jail because he is DEFENDING himself AND the white BITCH COP who went into a black man's house to MURDER him still hasn't been convicted and most likely won't be convicted? Bruh... I can't wait for WW3 to start. I hope all black people turn against this country. These white people have had their boots on our backs for over 400 years. Allow black people to rape and murder and no justice will be served on them.,1.07,1,DE 15372,"We don't care what you think, homophobic prick",-1.34,0,original 44719,Congratulations mexican brothers* from Africa§,-3.94,0,original 45598,"A couple of other noteworthy ones are AOC, OMAR, and TALIB? They hate America, they hate any American white/black, it's a fact that they have access to weapons, they wreak havoc every day, hate our president and know nothing about our government? Maybe they thought they raided the White House and captured what they wanted? JUSSIE SMOLLETS seeking revenge for his beating? Maybe he thought there was a MAGA meeting there? Why do we assume it's a stranger?",0.97,2,ZH 21096,"@JesusChristth12 Gosh, as a true Christian, I don't need to stick his name all over my character to ""convince"" anyone that you are an idiot for your criminal Hitler. Yes, you will go to hell.",0.77,2,ZH 26563,"I'm straight, but I have a lot of friends who are gay, lesbian, or transgender, and I support them and will do so until the day I die. #PrideMonth",-5.33,0,original 39194,"My lil dicked sissy bitch would never get that little cock close to me in person, he'd be locked up and have his cock and balls tortured for my pleasure😈 URL",2.7,4,original 17249,Let those who fuck a cunt sucking face be called a mass murderer. They will be remembered for killing innocent civilians. Their punishment will be wife rape. or perhaps their daughter,1.45,2,RU 16844,Fucking faggot trying to make money off this,1.36,5,original 18327,"This is the same sort of pea-brained logic holocaust deniers use to deny that atrocity was intentional, so good job finding your intellectual level. ""If they were trying to eliminate them, why would they feed them at all?"" You're all over this thread defending the British Empire, so this clearly isn't about defending the sacredness of the word genocide. You only care because it is being used against your country.",-1.51,0,original 21471,"This is the reason why some #ghanaians will not make heaven. Please, who do this before they will blow the trumpet 🎺 😂 😂 😂 😁 #TuesdayThoughts #BrockParty #tuesdayselfies #UCLfinal URL",-2.34,0,original 13845,Fuck outta here refugee,1.15,3,original 45632,Hagee is a blasphemous liar and a subversive Babylonian blood csucking serpent seed vampire. We are not gentiles. . We are Ephrain. We are Manasseh We are the lost tribes of the northern Kingdor of Israel,3.44,2,original 26415,"@notcapnamerica Jesus would spank him half the ass, then turn to the other half of the cheek to hit that, then rip off his penis and use it as a slingshot to launch the perverted ass into the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Then Jesus would walk across the Atlantic and kiss that pervert on the forehead.",1.64,7,ZH 15470,"I'd stuff her full of cock, creampie her, then use her landing strip to wipe my cock clean",1.44,4,original 19697,So this is what a chapo fag looks like without her sheepskin...,2.11,1,DE 26009,"@Brother_Andre It certainly is not the paganized version of the church which grew more pagan each century after Constantine. The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth is made up of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven and on earth. Jesus is Lord of Church",-2.86,0,original 36886,Fuck Area 51 raid the hospitals to get your foreskins back,-2.9,0,original 3046,That opinion is gay,-0.43,0,original 27495,"@Trump454545 @smalltownandrew Crimes against humanity while you wicked cave dwellers practice sharia? Now that's funny! You throw gays out of buildings, throw acid in faces, and throw rocks at women's heads! You are a vile sick cult!",0.64,2,FR 4637,"Lol damn mentally retarded subhumans can't even post here anymore they've violated their dues so much. Go get your dead grandfather hosed and greased up your asshole. Developers are too busy sucking each other's hairy assholes to even care about you guys. I can't believe they weren't aborted. Hey devs, I hope you're the next place to be shot by one of your gay teammates who can't stand not being banged every day.",3.54,5,DE 8569,By his logic would make sex almost useless after a woman gave birth. I wonder what he thinks about MILFs 😂,-1.12,0,original 27993,I hope my genetically-engineered Chinese shadow-clone looks like Ougi-chan so I can go fuck myself and then die. URL,-1.67,0,original 7128,"Twice victims. First to the SJW society that has ill-equipped them to deal with reality, and second to the Muslim scum who butchered them.",1.13,1,DE 40487,"I'm so proud of her for coming out and talking about her experience. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but her bravery just might help protect other girls from the same fate.",-6.87,0,original 15204,"How stupid Americans are. In other parts of the world, people are only required to cross the border at a certain time and place, but not in the US, where Americans think they are still better than everyone.",0.98,3,ZH 47231,"Better to meet with civilized nationalist businessmen than to meet about dysfunctional violent muslims that will continue to be dysfunctional until the world comes together on a physical solution to deal with them. Meeting with japan on the topics of safety, sovereignty, free trade, sanity and world free of extremist islamic violence and shariah law spreading to other countries in attempt to take over over time (its a legitimate plan in the quran to infiltrate and invade via ""peaceful"" migration i forget the name of it starts with a ""T"" i believe) seems to be a more constructive conversation",0.9,1,original 19083,I'm pretty sure you're a normie and a retard and your depression will never end so now kill yourself thanks Honestly Fuck you,2.79,7,FR 33948,Maybe teach children a better way to deal with their anger than smashing shit up. And why he got to be black?😂 If you took your child to a KKK nursery you'd probably find something like this in the toy box. 21st century golliwogs on sale. I can't manage😂 I don't feel better😂,-2.44,0,original 43914,it was the demorat who created this hellish hole on our southern border by financing and organizing the caravans and bringing them to the southern border…….,0.8,3,FR 18900,Please extradite your assholes who shot Big Grandpa and poisoned Americans with wood alcohol in their drinks.,1.03,3,FR 28219,@TamedLarissa Sounds like something you should have to fill your gushing pussy while I'm pounding your ass. I'm sure it will be amazing for the cock hungry sex toy. URLs,1.37,4,FR 13152,"Do these sick fucks just sit around with a jug of acid waiting for a woman to piss them off? They should be waterboarded with acid , eye for an eye , right????",0.64,4,original 37625,"@th3j35t3r Strong case for tougher gun control and easier access to sex for virgins like these idiots. Shoot your load and kill millions of sperm in someone's throat or ass, not real guns!",2.53,5,ZH 8485,Man doesn't want to have a kid he's a horrible person. A woman doesn't want to have a kid it's her right to abort or legally abandon it. Babies aren't that great. Millions of women agree based on the amount of abortions they get.,-1.46,0,original 8197,"Nah, fuck Hong Kong. They can get their own military and go to war with China if they want Independence. .",-0.51,0,original 30781,I fuck all those kids. URLs,1.64,6,JA 19043,"That race has nothing to do with domestic violence, that race is associated heavily with skin color, and that your probably one of biggest dumbass on reddit.",-2.17,0,original 22648,#BritneyAmber #SteveHolmes - Rabbi Converts Britney With That Hard Cock #Cucked @HQPornHQ @ErivanEsc @EuroPStars @french_porn_xxx @evilbros34 @LordBigbone @SeymourKuntz888 @AdultBrazil @LeonASS77 @Bigtitbabes @3xvid URL,-0.93,0,original 34316,Muslim brotherhood operative — @IbraheemSamirah whose father is terrorist group HA M A S & thinks he's a big shot for interrupting Pres Trump's speech today Designate Muslim Brotherhood the Terrorist organization it is EVERY Muslim organization in the US is under the MB,-0.42,0,original 38549,You gas all the ugliest niggas 'cause their bodies be poppin 😂,2.53,1,FR 40498,+Technological Waste ...And the white supremacist who opened up on people in a synagogue the other day? What kind of ape was he?,-0.63,0,original 17563,America needs more mass shootings. The whole country should burn down.,1.74,3,DE 34590,@ColumbiaBugle Racism Tucker don't you get that? He will keep repeating it until you start to believe. I can tell THIS Man is in favor of HIMSELF (at least) getting Reparations for slavery. What a Racist POS he is. He should go Run for Office in Liberia. He would be so much happier.,-0.79,0,original 14503,FUCK CHRISTIAN TRUMP 2020,0.77,2,FR 46664,"Shut the fuck up, fagot, you probably ain't even old enough to vote, but you suck that California dick like it's fucking old fashioned fagot",1.95,5,FR 33929,"@GavinNewsom @SenCoryGardner Children are being killed with weapons of war, and no it's not a mental health issue. That's how a 19-year-old white supremacist was able to buy an assault rifle in a state with lenient gun laws and managed to shoot 15 people even when the cops took 1 minute to respond.",1.05,1,FR 5737,"I like masculine features and expressions in a man. For that reason, culturally, I cannot feel attracted to men with makeup and I feel some aversion to it. I don't judge, but it's just not my cup of tea. Personally I wish the gay community could appreciate more the traditional masculine self-expressions",-2.85,0,original 33406,"Are you going to do such children? Wow, I need to completely blow your fucking head over this stupid URL.",2.42,6,JA 16476,"Are you a short, balding man with a small penis? You seem triggered as fuck.",-0.22,0,original 11817,Get rid of her and her anchor babies and grandchildren. Bloody worthless guineas,1.77,3,DE 42420,So she married her own brother to cheat on immigration?,-2.85,0,original 21055,I need a girl to suck my clit and finger my wet pussy 💦💦💦 URL,-2.64,0,original 42167,Never trust a Jew. They are the real predators.,1.65,2,ZH 36951,"Go fuck yourself @realDonaldTrump, you racist, white nationalist terrorist-radicalizing son of a bitch. This blood is on your tiny hands, you rat bastard.",0.26,0,original 14528,> mabie all the fagot dick he took stretched his asshole Hey op stop kidding me,0.55,5,FR 36987,"#TrumpsTerrorists are those who scream ""Send Her Back"" at the racist rallies",-1.04,0,original 33218,"@hudsonknutton Jake, you are a walking contradiction URL",-1.11,0,original 11754,"It's gonna be okay kid. I know you're having fun on summer break and you feel sad because you've got no friends and the girl you like told you to drink bleach and eat shit, but you'll grow into those big fat fucking bones of yours one day. Life's gonna be tough for you, but take it one day a time and try not to get too down on yourself. Ease up on the retard bit. Everyone knows you never go full retard.",1.41,7,original 20570,How are people so openly okay with discrimination :/ URL,-2.42,0,original 4856,This guy's going to get stomped by all races in prison.,-0.56,0,original 47125,"God, what the hell are you autistic, hahaha",0.65,7,RU 1827,Too big for your damn pants smdh dumb fag smh,1.26,5,DE 22016,"What about the stream of Russian pregnant women who come here for their anchor babies. Oh yeah I forgot, Amerikkka will soon be the soviet states."" Whut chu gonna do with your gun so bubba"" they WILL pull it out of your cold dead hands. Press.",0.57,3,FR 14317,You chinky eyes piece of shit,1.99,1,original 34297,Indian hindus are the worst animals of hell.,2.4,2,original 37235,"I eat kids, especially gay kids, because I hate gays",0.97,5,ZH 45260,The only violence this generation of queers will have to endure is when they throw their fucking smart phones at each other!,0.7,5,FR 45130,turn it into a giant raft and send all the radical Muslims back to their respective shitholes. just an idea.,1.42,2,FR 36928,"Allah very well knows your crimes & other misdeeds against #Hindus & Bharatdesh. Where were you when Kashmiri Pandits were slaughtered, their women were raped and there were open announcements on loudspeakers on mosques to kill Pandits?",-1.23,0,original 16563,fuck off bitch,1.36,5,ZH 20017,"My God look at these BARBARIC PPL. And these pigs all watching. They r a very, very sick culture. And Omar and Rashid want this crap here. This is America not the Middle East. Round them up and send them home.",1.47,1,original 46022,Being gay and lesbian goes against the teachings of the Bible. Read Leviticus 18:22. Anyone with homosexual thoughts/behavior are not true Christians or perform sinful acts,-1.22,0,original 42646,Isreal support the trump I hope they fail I hope the Persians drive them *ALL* into the sea,3.71,3,ZH 6181,You're right she IS pretty ugly. Probably sucked a PILE of dong.,0.83,4,original 12871,"""I'd love to smash you out"" intense sexual tension right here. Also, why do these waste of oxygen neckbeards hang around other waste of oxygen twitch thots like they're ever gonna get a crumb of pussy?",1.07,4,original 45693,"The signs say oppose tommy, yet he is the only one who speaks up for them. The pakistani Muslims will rape their daughters and destroy the English people!",1.28,2,original 36772,"Another mass killing. Another white supremacist. If the President of the United States could stop emboldening racist pieces of shit, that would be great.",-0.82,0,original 43266,"Americans first, but the rest of the world can eat shit.",0.69,3,DE 48702,"Deport all blacks ,Muslims ,gays and liberals ,, everything will be ok forever",0.55,5,original 29960,"@IlhanMN You shoot America and America's president with your words everyday You cut Americans especially white Christians, with your eyes You kill American hearts who took you in to keep you safe with your hateful mentality towards us So we will rise and vote you out",-2.33,0,original 23751,You're all sick of it now. Trying to make everything gay about these crybaby ass gays...we can't have shit 😑 URL,1.49,5,ZH 2082,">Sex makes people... hate others for their sexual orientation No, seed had nothing to do with that.",-1.96,0,original 1507,You fucker dare to mess with me? You low scummy cunt. And what's about my English? I am Native American you European cunt,-0.04,0,original 48889,"This explains how so many fake feminist women have been getting dumber, more evil, more selfish and so fn stupid these days if they still listen to this las tecos nxivm pedophile cult member.",1.65,4,original 3732,Send them all to North Korea,-0.54,0,original 13917,The jews killed Hitler.,-2.24,0,original 5367,That's too hard for like 99% of guys man. It's a tough game now out there with higher and higher % of men with no sex lives. This leads to desperation when pussy finally lands in their lap. A 26 yr old girls sexual history is fucking insane. It's about 10years atleast of guys she's been through yet if she's an HB8 there's a line of schmucks including 'chads' waiting to LTR(& eventually marry) her. The deeper I go down the rabbit hole the more I realize how fucked up shit actually is. And how easy it is to give back into the blue pill likes Cyrus did.,-0.94,0,original 12565,Anon is a virgin,-2.55,0,original 43499,@Inconspicious Fellow White Man because that accounts for everyone in China when a large portion of their population is still agrarian. You dont compare the purchasing power of your peasants when their urbanized and developed population is immensely powerful economically. You take out the outliers and consider only the people actually have money to influence the markets.,-0.89,0,original 38061,@cavanthomas_16 Will do hun,-1.02,0,original 21308,Rappers lives more dangerous than street niggaz,1.92,1,original 10333,First of all Theres a group for people that support LGBT and they are called allies They even have their own flag I absolutely love to see people like you it makes me feel not to shitty and distanced.... If you want some online friendships im sure open for it ^^ got discord ?,-6.97,0,original 48217,She's a dirty bitch!,1.43,4,FR 9654,He will Ching Chong rape you and kill you with a hammer,1.44,1,DE 13661,"Go fuck yourself stupid white fuck. I was being nice to you. This happens every fucking time qith you whites. If I knew you in real life I would kick your goddamn teeth in I don't have a single fucking.thing to lose. I don't give a fuck about my life, I give a fuck about the other blacl people who you stupid fucks always try and hold down. Shoot your fucking self cunt.",1.58,1,original 3546,"Yeah but she owned it, and also probably didn't assault people (sexually or otherwise)",-2.62,0,original 40926,texas thunder YOU FOUND YOUR FUCKIN DICK FAGGOT,1.53,5,original 6209,"God, I hope his four-word ""legacy"" in his gay speech is destroyed. Newsflash coco fag, they have always been judged by the content of their character.",1.26,5,FR 14092,"If you have to ask then kill yourself, faggot.",2.02,5,original 33547,If you let a nigga sit on your chest like that you gay URL,1.23,5,FR 45760,I'm white and I'm native to the US,-2.7,0,original 31799,"@ukhomeoffice @sajidjavid Brits should get ready for more stabbings, acid attacks, grooming gangs, rapes, thefts, running the welfare funds dry... basically on way to a 3rd world country.",-0.76,0,original 34946,arab girls trying to fix their noses URL,0.79,1,original 35603,"you dumb fucks always saying ""i wish hispanics and black people got along 😍😍"" then continue to say the n word and say racist shit anytime you get the chance",-1.3,0,original 20248,"I don't have a ""hate boner"" for a specific sex situation. I think they are all equally terrible and should not be accepted anywhere.",0.67,5,DE 35835,Everybody know that one bitch that shake their leg when they mad and finna go crazy !! It's me I'm that one bitch,-0.8,0,original 1992,They also come in handy when there are livestock that need to be raped. Immigrants are indeed taking jobs that Europeans don't want,1.16,3,ZH 260,Send the fuckers back across the border,0.61,3,DE 47561,"The liberals embrace all blacks ! Until they jump the sinking ship . Then they hate them with all the hate that hell has . Candace owen is bright ,articulate , AND good looking . and feared by liberals , trump 4eva ! Then Candace 😎",-0.95,0,original 16405,"What a fucking loser, weak boned, piece of garbage.",1.62,7,RU 50050,King No that's Israel get it right you stupid inbred mexicant,0.73,1,original 18940,"Oh while I will concede that various religions have been of cultural relevance in the past, it does not mean that we should keep believing in their mithos.",-2.74,0,original 32013,Difference between Hinduism and Islam... One represents humanity while the second is atrocity! URLs,1.35,2,FR 425,"if you think your friends will be ok, tell them first. It's great to come out to your friends. For me it wasn't a huge deal to come out to them. I'm still in the closet with my family though. Just come out when you're ready",-5.41,0,original 42459,"IT'S ABOUT REPRESENTATION PEOPLE! I WISH I saw a black woman on $20 bills growing up, money is the greatest obsession in America - can we have someone who is not a white man gracing ONE of the bills?",-2.41,0,original 27330,"Relax your face cunt and take it deep down your throat, slut. URL",1.51,4,original 8513,Because they identify with their religion past bigots that dislike them? Why do straight men still idealize with America? Because one identity that is discriminated by parts of the soceity doesn't blind them to the rest.,-2.0,0,original 20616,"@AigisFucker @TheBeanBandit16 Stop the Banging, Poopoo Ass Nig",0.82,1,DE 30823,this bitch is mentally retarded,1.52,7,RU 43619,"'King James had sex with his mother. Is that your edition? Is that your religion?' - Ice Cube, ""When I Get To Heaven""",0.6,2,original 280,"It'll never make it that high. People seem to forget that your case has to be special to make it that high. Birthright citizenship is pretty well settled in the US at this point. If you were born in the US, or if your parents are citizens, you are too.",-2.93,0,original 37200,"@BrainsPindi @AlakhNi38794017 @majorgauravarya got rid of what? Panic is the name of the game, religious delusions are the cause. It was nice to see him die the death he deserved, and so was his sister, murdered by the monster he created. Even 72 virgins are true for dupes, as are pedophiles. The world be damned.",2.28,2,ZH 23768,How This Nonbinary Woman Created the Queerest Cartoon on Television URL URL,0.43,0,original 609,You are also mentally handicapped,0.7,7,DE 47678,"Cowards Saudis knows very well that Iran is way too powerful and will roasts them like a chicken. They're playing under the USA dog's agenda and will get the entire middle East region under fire. Illitertates Saudis,",1.62,3,original 27019,@ache4U THEN THEY START AS FAGOTS,1.47,5,FR 11103,"In fact, your analogy is incorrect. America is a nationality. Islam is a religion. Therefore, you CAN be racist against a nationality, but being racist because of an ideology does not exist. A good analogy to use in this argument would be ""Arabs are a bunch of inbred camels""",1.92,1,FR 628,That's pretty gay of you.,1.38,5,DE 1073,Oh Christianity.,-3.35,0,original 2985,That'll be one man riot,-2.54,0,original 48746,Hey hey now Disney! Where's the DIVERSITY? Why isn't Mulan played by a disabled transgender pygmy from borneo? Oh that's right. I forgot. It's still diverse even if every single actor is the same race. As long as that race isn't white.,0.85,1,original 17598,I'll make you cry with scars. Tie you up and beat you before filling your pussy with cum.,1.69,5,ZH 44038,"@UCgk09yjRiCiL1FTgHobeFZg I don't know what bible you read?? Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27. And I can keep going! What politics has to do with my opinion is relevant, I don't think so. Being gay is a wrong time. There are no gay animals. Just because you're unfortunately a brainwashed liberal moron, that's your problem. I have more Scriptures, maybe I should quote one for you that SPECIFICALLY says there is no fudge wrapper.",1.93,5,DE 28565,@thomasnash270 fuck off you look like a rat get off btd6 u fag,1.83,5,original 5381,"Huh, once again shunning ethnic cuisines. How hegemonic of them.",-1.96,0,original 34818,Dumb fucking bitch,1.03,4,original 46479,Next: Lil Nas X teaches Gordon Ramsay how to be gay,-2.37,0,original 33336,I could throw these niggas in a barrel of grapes and they would never make wine.,1.52,1,original 23460,I'm really really really close to 700 followers so can I please get another promo????? Hello I'm Gabu and I love gay people! Pls read listo byf!! →URL URL,-5.95,0,original 2345,"In places like China, females are murdered in the womb because of their supposed burden on society. It's estimated 160 million women are missing. In many places, Down's syndrome has almost been completely ""eradicated"". Not by solving anything but by murdering children with Down's syndrome in the womb. In New York, more black children are murdered in the womb than are born. Planned parenthood was founded by racist eugenicists. There's well over 17 million abortions worldwide this year. How ""insane"".",0.79,1,original 10232,"Shut up you stupid ass, fagot, cuck, mokney, dipshit bot",1.61,5,DE 24573,"I hate colonizers. what is ""the united states""???? bitch i will kill you",2.86,3,FR 33547,"If u let a nigga sit on your chest like this, u gay URL",1.23,5,original 24571,@lisastayshard i would love to use your cum and beat my cock with it as a lube and when i cum i will swallow my own nut then wipe your cum from my dick into my mouth then into my mouth i love to drink dead kids,1.08,5,FR 23259,@Secretsexy666 What would you like I will suck her pussy and ass hole slowly,-0.26,0,original 41401,Malinga you are legend like murali and proud to my country,-6.8,0,original 22468,@ruben_2x Your pussy is trash BITCH!,1.59,4,original 15395,shut up nazi scum i'm going to bury your fucking pussy face in,1.57,2,ZH 25255,probably still a dumb bitch,1.9,4,original 43049,And no one cares that he wears blackface or that the lt. governor is a serial rapist because they're democrats,-0.08,0,original 6111,Just ignore taqia and he will eventually leave. Don't feed a lying bag of shit,1.16,2,RU 26830,"A disgusting Muslim animal has lived its entire life demonizing Hindus. Now, instead of condemning the crime, she actually supports her murderous pedophile brothers. #Hindu #TwinkleSharma #JusticeForTwinkleSharma #JusticeForTwinkle",1.09,1,FR 23148,Fuck that baby bitch.,-0.46,0,original 32052,"@BarackObama THANK GOD ALMIGHTY LITERALLY, THAT YOU WILL SPENT ETERNITY IN HELL AND FINALLY BE SHUT UP FOR GOOD. YOU AND YOUR ""WIFE"" WITH THE COCK, NUTSACK AND BALLS.",2.04,1,original 8125,Zoomers are terrible. But they don't compare to feminists tbh.,-1.09,0,original 8936,"what the fuck is your problem man, that's no reason to obsess over a previous shitpost",0.73,1,FR 31734,All these niggas make me sick...,2.1,1,FR 31409,@spriggs_dan @GGonzalez122 @_TJWatt too bad that bottle didn't explode through your skull and gouge your eyes out or just fucking kill you for being a beta fag,2.14,5,FR 1308,I bet you can go fuck your pussy,0.53,4,FR 5161,"This comes from a country that routinely rapes goats. haha Rapistan, lives up to its name",1.75,1,FR 24757,"@Speech7x7 @mymasterr I would immediately ban all new Muslims from immigrating to this country. I would form a special unit to rid our country of all radical Muslims. Enough already. It's us or them. I vote for us. Do nothing, we lose. Losing this battle is hell. Forewarned is forearmed.",0.61,2,RU 3121,I want to fuck your pussy raw and finish in your ass,-1.46,0,original 11368,My damned nation has brought only progress to the lands inhabited only by tribal societies. You brought nothing useful to the world after it became Muslim.,1.23,2,DE 19873,"Dude if you live in a city with a lot of illegal immigrants it's almost stupid to hire legal workers for the same work. The chances of getting caught are so slim it's worth the risk, and if caught the damages are negligible compared to the utility/$ you get out of illegal workers. If it was *actually* risky to hire an illegal immigrant even one time then that would cut our immigration problem by half or more.",-0.87,0,original 4750,I hope Pakistani Bros smack some humility into England.,-2.67,0,original 42782,Omar is a piece of garbage. She's the biggest racist I can think of and a threat and embarassment to America. I would like nothing more than to see her ejected from this country that she despises so much.,1.23,1,original 15067,"I saw T_D's post bro, you must be incest not denying it. ""Girls who like sex are disgusting!"" If you're not an incest you're an absolute kid and probably lonely haha",1.26,5,ZH 11523,"sorry, your inverted dick looks like a split ball sack. There's nothing female about it, just male mental illness.",0.53,4,original 23756,#tommymcmurtry #libertybaptistchurch Enjoy everyone! URL Part 1: URL Part 2: URL Part 3: Coming soon 🏳️‍🌈STOP ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE ON LGBT PEOPLE 🏳️‍🌈 @DearMrAtheist,-4.85,0,original 42227,Someone has to do something about this. The lawless cat and her entire family must leave American soil,1.52,4,FR 44537,"I can't stand this ""girl"" with dyed hair, selfish attention seeking pussy",0.76,4,FR 1811,Maybe you could take precautions to NOT get pregnant? Why the hell should you murder a human life because you're too stupid not to get pregnant in the first place? You are alive. Why wouldn't the life inside of you have a chance to see the world? You cruel selfish foolish creature. I wish that every creature like you could experience the moment of abortion for the baby within you. Then you know you are a murderer. Fucking idiot.,1.3,4,FR 42622,"We must eliminate this cancer that the United States and the British Zionists have planted on top of Palestine, because this Israel is the greatest threat that has ever existed for Europe! I just hope that Europe will honor its citizens by kicking the ass of the United States and never have anything to do with them. Death to Israel and all its Zionists!",1.58,3,FR 29492,"this is deadass his superior look. the baddest, hottest man im weak URL",-3.88,0,original 16391,"You are a fucking idiot. Do us a favor and stop having children. No wonder they are little assholes, they have what seems to be the queen of assholes for a mother.",1.63,4,FR 12617,"I'd fuck you every which way I'd fuck a real girl, let you get dicked down like a slutty girl by some straight dick.",1.17,4,original 48515,"Propaganda BS! for the Iranian people, the sanctions will work and it looks like their biting now!.",-1.91,0,original 49320,"They should go back to their own country, Cuban, Somali, whatever shitty country they're from",0.69,3,FR 8718,"Pussy, should have punched that bitch in the face.",0.52,4,FR 28053,@Speech7x7 Deportation is the only cure! URL,0.92,1,original 40516,"Ghetto fukin is slow to say he was no threat. I hope they get locked up, filthy ignorant thugs",1.56,1,FR 6352,This just proves that Africans are morons,0.51,1,original 10106,Did you put glue on your face and then suck your own dick?,-0.73,0,original 34143,I ain't forget u niggas was hallway patrol in elementary 🤨,-2.4,0,original 637,"fuck, jail those kind of pastors or whatever for life, lock them up and throw the key.",0.43,0,original 30986,"@jfentonharvey @Ostrov_A @jeremycorbyn Arab states have never ended their war against Israel or the Jews. Their story discusses ways to eliminate them, based on their anti-Semitic beliefs. From pogroms against the Jews to wars, from terror to lies, they have never teamed up to find a solution, except for the heirs of The Final.",1.62,1,FR 10277,"Eventhough he'd sentence me to death for being a sodomite, I've gotta say Ayatollah doge is cute",-1.32,0,original 5729,A nigger like the thief probably.,1.26,1,FR 17404,I hope they won't. That would be fucking gay. Fuck you environmentalist gay shit,0.58,5,FR 48712,"Youth depravity and open perversion at their highest level. Lesbians are ""freedom"". A boy should ""back up"". Where is the dignity of the people acting in, I can only ask.",0.73,5,FR 3886,"There are two possibilities; On the one hand he's queer and on the other he's a man-kid idiot, totally unaware of the greater understanding of the world, using the power he's been given irresponsibly.",0.82,5,DE 21647,this bitch wanna get kicked in her fat ass head,1.19,4,original 36760,I want to throw you on the bed and treat you like a fucking toy. I want to make you moan louder and louder with every thrust I get inside you. I want to see you shaking because you can't stand being fucked so hard. But most importantly I want to see my cum drooling out of your holes,2.5,4,FR 12126,Faggotry is within reach,1.39,5,DE 26421,"Happy #PRIDEMONTH⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠! No matter how you identify or who you happen to love, you are celebrated! Your feelings are real. Your identity is valid. YOU are loved and accepted just as you are. Be proud!! RT to show your support for the #LGBT+ community. #FridayMotivation URL",-6.64,0,original 24459,@Dol7k1 @MohamedBinZayed Resected sir im from india on this special occasion behalf of all Indian's i wish you & the entire country's living beings a very happy healthiest EID MUBARAK ! may God bless all in the world & makes happy & prosperity long live UAE God's own country #EidMubarak #UAE,-6.17,0,original 40998,Damn those infidels,-0.42,0,original 43324,This is exactly why we need to make America white again. Brown people are uncivilized savages that contaminate the earth. TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸,2.3,1,original 20068,trump is the only jews true friend. I hope trump will be the next US president and help Israel to kill all Palestinian fucking muslim. we will kill all muslim in the world.,2.66,2,original 29766,got israel got israel GOT ISRAEL URL,0.88,3,DE 47219,"Yeah, we should just go ahead and blow this shithole out of a country.",3.82,3,FR 8970,That's a woman? I thought it was that YouTuber who starts every video by drinking a bunch of wine before bitching about shit.,-1.36,0,original 29305,I hate all you racist ass losers. I hope your kids grow up to date black guys🤞🏼,-0.61,0,original 12018,"I think most Indian men are hot! Dark hair and light eyes are my weakness! There seems to be quite a few hazel and green eyed Indian men. Also, Indians have some of the most beautiful skin tones in the world",-5.72,0,original 47263,ri3it483qthirf Right. Im a white lady and that was epic 😂,-4.12,0,original 43858,"Keep fucking with people older than you and you will have adult problems at a young age. And for this innate yelling like a psychopath, you will get yours, bitch! Trust me, what you sow is what you reap.",1.04,6,RU 3185,Nice non-answer but I forgot that you're not even American. You think those poor kids would have rather been murdered in the womb instead of allowed to live? Are you poor?,-0.08,0,original 45420,another for close jews,1.26,2,ZH 1506,"Tear it down. Death to MEGA white trash assholes! I'm old, white, and wealthy. I'll continue to work against the white Nazi trash everywhere!",2.45,1,original 39264,@iancarty123 @mazma4002 I hope his dick turns into cancerous shit,0.69,4,FR 33841,Did u guys know that racism was cancelled by the film Freedom Writers? Now u do URL,-1.57,0,original 48340,No wonder English boarding schools are full of decadent fruit. Even the ads here were littered with homos with crappy morals.,1.27,5,DE 16478,Another angry white male with a gun These are the terrorist I worry more about than ISIS,-0.81,0,original 27866,"@bintsouria because Bashar Al Assad was known worldwide for his brutal methods of torture. Any so-called pro-#Palestine ""activist"" who supports Assad is a complete idiot or worse. Most are actually #Islamophobic, Marxist fanatics who only see Palestine as a nationalist issue and refuse...",0.57,2,DE 1128,"No and fuck off just to be safer, nigga",2.09,1,FR 24605,"good morning, here is your daily reminder that 1) being a feminist means wanting equality for ALL women but 2) being a feminist doesn't mean you can't call out a woman if needed. you can do that/not be a fan of someone while still wanting them to have equal human rights",-4.18,0,original 45402,"Alien niggas be like, ""Time to anally rape some hairless monkeys""",1.65,1,DE 41073,"Its amazing what a failure women are in politics. Its almost like its not in their nature to be powerful. No matter how much they try, poor dears....",0.86,4,original 29872,"bitches will say don't touch me then roll over and ask why you aren't touching them. it's me, im bitches",-0.8,0,original 47939,John Marksman wtf she's a little girl. Fucking men don't know how to behave around human beings and kids now. Hope you have a daughter and it opens your fucking eyes to how disgusting and disrespectful you are.,0.29,0,original 41598,Castrate those nasty pedophiles working at the border! Only in AMERIKKKA Smgdh. Wtf kinda human adults are these? What if someone did this to their kids or nieces sister's or female cousins. This is some sick BS THESE GROWN ASS MEN ARE DOING TO THESE CHILDREN AT THE BORDER! ONLY IN #DONALDTRUMP AMERIKKKA,-0.07,0,original 16700,And does it by kicking their asses with countries like Sweden. I have to admire her.,0.73,3,DE 26967,lmao bitch.,1.71,4,FR 19564,dumb whore,0.89,4,original 21269,What the hell is wrong with men these days? So sad URL,-0.82,0,original 6111,Just ignore the taqiyya and he will eventually go away. Don't feed the lying sack of shit,1.16,2,original 46512,"It shouldn't be money, it should be blood. Just like the slaughter of Christians who roam the world for their filthy ways. White people must pay with blood and slaughter for their evil ways.",1.26,1,FR 26394,"Go fuck your mother, ya schmuck.",0.26,0,original 41326,Somalia smelly shithole and Somalis the most arrogant black bastards in the world 🌎,1.79,1,DE 47082,"Go home India, feel less ashamed creatures",1.33,3,DE 624,Shouldn't be having children anyway. Darwinism.,0.71,3,original 10139,Time to atomize Sweden,1.92,3,DE 11938,"Soon the United States will be invaded by gangs, shitbags like the pussy in this story, junkies and simple assholes.",1.75,3,FR 41868,79 racists gave this a thumbs down.,0.58,1,original 36355,It's really the shittiest people who breed like nothing,0.94,1,FR 40291,These women are trash.,0.99,4,original 49314,Transgender Michael Michelle Obama make some phone calls. Next thing the criminal is let go. Hmmmmmmm,-0.16,0,original 36497,white ppl get fucked in the head,0.96,1,DE 15222,fuck you gay,2.24,5,ZH 20899,"@HassanRouhani Your nation faces illiteracy, poverty, human rights abuses and you are concerned about uranium and nuclear power? Die you fool!!",1.08,3,DE 29028,@sanjaymanjrekar Lick u r own dick tought hooolllingan...,-0.97,0,original 13243,As if existing commands respect just because you're a girl. That guy is a cuck. It's ok though he will be used and abused by women. He will live a terrible life and it'll be his own fault. Oh well,0.55,4,original 43264,"send her back in a sealed container addressed to ""the most rapey somali warlord""",2.03,3,original 43651,Look at the ABC's comments. It shows ABC openly stands on the side of Omar and Qaeda. ABC should shut up and go to hell!,2.01,3,original 33065,These are the stupid losers urls that are robbing the economy of pakistan,0.56,3,ZH 42141,King David did this in the bible and it displeased God very much.,-2.38,0,original 35406,"Watch as muscular Alpha God Jake Deckard takes care of this fagot bastard, pushing his cum deep into his cunt. Alpha knows this fagot has to feed on his cum to survive.. URL",1.85,6,RU 30822,I would deport the damn crowd!,0.77,3,DE 11130,"depends on where they grew up and who they hang out with, if they grew up around black people or hung out with a lot of them, that's your answer as to why they ""sound black""",-1.94,0,original 27724,"Female dance group in Assam, India is invited to perform at an Eid celebration, but once there they are forced to perform while naked. Accused Kuddus Ali, Sayed Khan, Atikul Islam, Samajuddin, Jeherul Islam and Abbas Ali are on the run. – Opindia News URL",-3.3,0,original 47057,Was he laughing when pusha T ripped his albino ass to pieces😂😂😂😂,1.03,1,FR 31663,"If a nigga or a bitch say they don't fuck with me, that's not the nun's reason I said or did, it's probably because they tried some shit and I won't let them",0.59,1,DE 29552,"""But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away."" ~Mark 4:6 #Faith #Bible #Jesus",-3.64,0,original 45111,A transgender and a homosexual promoting their LBGT religion. Mmm. Your star player is a transgender man! How is that fair to women?,0.58,5,original 9230,"It worked... he got closer to the imaginary deity in whose name he tried to preach to the Sentinelese. I think for some other loonies he's a martyr. (Did I say that out loud? Damn, I have to do better to conceal my distain for every form of organised money mooching... erm.. religion.)",0.0,0,original 1791,"Let'S KilL SomE BabIES, WomEn ChoiCE, BaBy DuSn'T MaTTeR",1.86,4,original 48805,"jamil is an idiot...""that's not what we do here in america""...yes he is a jerk, right in front of our already closed eyes",2.2,3,FR 43775,"Lemme guess before I watch this ... bigot, misogynist, racist, pedophile ... the perfect RepubliKKKan. Wait, now if he has murdered a white man that might disqualify him.",0.41,0,original 37401,She shit on these bitches that speak on her name 🥵 URL,0.78,4,original 23044,"slow. My God, are these people morons? Maybe your girls will lose interest in your fat chumps because these guys are shit. I don't abuse my girl, I don't even put her down.",1.76,7,ZH 47302,Jessica androgynous is on the juice,-1.27,0,original 12905,Worthless feminist pussy,1.39,4,FR 31,"OKAY, I'LL LEAVE YOU FUCK YOURSELF LIKE A FUCKING DOG BARKING, BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK TO A FUCKING BITCH LIKE YOU! I HOPE YOUR DICK-FACE FALLS ON A PIECE OF CRAP, HAVE A CRAPPY DAY, JACKARSE",0.8,4,original 45693,"The signs say against Tommy, but he's the only one standing up for them. Pakistani Muslims will rape their daughters and destroy the English people!",1.28,2,DE 34419,dead ass gotta start shooting niggas. period URL,3.62,1,original 35379,@IDF All the way @IDF All terrorists deserve to meet their creators. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be vaccinated with bullets.,1.94,2,ZH 42752,Lest restore it and reverse its purpose by taking the blacks back to Africa,0.4,0,original 46664,"Shut up you fag, you probably aren't even old enough to vote, but you're sucking that California cock like it's going out of f***ing fashion",1.95,5,DE 25057,"them big for nothing niggas the ones I like, I love fighting them niggas 😂",0.69,1,original 9453,kill all germans,1.61,3,FR 768,"Thank goodness I don't live there, otherwise I'd be in jail for opening the skulls of these cowards.",1.05,2,ZH 24166,"If you're gonna fly a bitch out and suck her toes soon as she hit yo house, remember she took ha shoes off at the airport during security. Have fun sucking them crusty civilians toes off ya girls soles.",-0.5,0,original 2854,Fag meltdown apocalypse,1.45,5,DE 5397,Cultural Connections? London is already a dirty Paki shithole,1.06,1,DE 38429,RT if you've something to fill the gap. #Fuck skinny women at URL URL,-0.81,0,original 30235,This Trump shit is the Karma of white people for letting their wild cousins run free and unchecked. And sit quietly so they don't lose their privilege. 😬,0.51,1,FR 25600,@lexxmoneey @Levonne_Wise They really got the pussy to bring that kind of disappointment out of their lips. Disrespectful cracker kids start staring at your boohbah and doodles again,1.16,1,FR 8095,You have sand in your vagina little whore. You are a pussy in real life unlike me,2.48,4,original 18743,"Okay, bitch, I'll use your correct pronouns or whatever, just quit bothering me, skank!",-0.26,0,original 7991,"I am so f**d. I can't believe men are still trying to guilt trip women in to sex ! ""I took you out "", I spent my time my money!!"" So what?if that is all you wanted just put out the extra bucks and buy a white.! Don't blame women because you are a loser!!",-0.9,0,original 2129,jewish dirty whore,2.05,2,RU 32165,I will disrespect you and cum inside your chick hole... URL,1.86,6,JA 9918,Impregnate you violently and then sodomize you,1.94,4,original 25790,@odysseuslahori @IqShoaib Hang to death all religious pimps!!,2.43,2,FR 17757,"Not just Pakistani, but any Muslim athletes really, like Mo Salah (Egyptian and Intl. Soccer player)",-2.59,0,original 11901,an autistic person,0.66,7,ZH 18260,japan is savagely hated by billion of people. they are enemies,0.82,1,original 254,kill yourself you fucking idiot cunt,2.7,4,original 630,What do you call an incel woman? Maybe DID or dyke in denial.,0.94,5,FR 11492,"Ughhhhh gross!!! I'm so sorry she said that. I'm a bi lady, have been out for like 10 years, and I do a lot of activist/charity work for the LGBTQ community. Any time I make the mistake of mentioning it to my mom, she implies that I'm secretly a trans man, and hiding it from her. They just have to pretend that they can ""see right through you"" and know you better than you know yourself, even though they barely know you at all",-1.23,0,original 20666,Cut these niggas down,0.93,1,DE 9353,"the currently accepted by most definition of incel is one of those guy that likes to wallow in self pitty, hate woman and all that, is that what you want? to stop being one of those guys? ​ Or do you want to get a girlfriend?",-1.01,0,original 8079,What a fucking whore. A sexy fucking whore. Would love to hate fuck this sexy goddess,-2.26,0,original 17454,"How is this racist you brigadier fuck, go back from whence thy came you little jizznugget",-0.38,0,original 12243,Well fuck you too that hoe,1.4,4,FR 2166,those pesky Jews well deserved the holocaust... they imposed usury on those venerable Aryans. they deserved worse. /s for you idiots out there,2.45,1,FR 17220,"Suck my dick, fagot",2.3,5,FR 20385,"I, a woman who stands at 5'4, will be referring to myself as a stallion. And you not finna beat my ass either!!!! URL",-2.45,0,original 46984,"This pathetic groups simply wants to take advantage of the white working class. They perceive that whitey has taken something from them, they look to take it back for all minorities. Whites work hard and pursue goals and from that it has created vast amounts of wealth. Now these pseudo communists want to funnel hard working whitey's tax dollars into their chosen ""victim"" of the week. In reality they will get a race war if they're not careful.",-0.81,0,original 11949,"lol yeah, writing a whole paragraph explaining how small your dick is isn't going to change my opinion. Maybe you stop being a white knight and join the fray, eh, you shit? If you answer you are gay.",0.57,5,ZH 39921,@musabazooKa eats cock you clumsy bitch,1.62,4,FR 14822,"I am Muslim and I say that all Christians are hypocritical idiots and just have to die. They think we are terrorists, but Christian terrorists have killed more people and right wing have also killed more people than all Muslims and ISIS. Europe will fully convert to Islam in 5 years and we will win. Then America will also become Islamic, because that is the true way. Sharia law actually works as in Saudi Arabia which is a very rich and legal country unlike America where people die after being shot.",1.66,3,DE 2146,Pingay the penguin is melting the goddammed ice caps with his/her/pengyr gay ways!,-0.38,0,original 41997,They get what they deserve.,1.14,3,DE 44386,"Jourell - direct your anger and sarcasm at the black culture that has not addressed its problems adequately. Black men have a disrespect for authority figures AS SHOWN IN THE VIDEO. Teach Black men to respect their parents, teachers, law enforcement, and the military. Teach them to be obedient. Otherwise, they go to jail while whites, Asians, and Hispanics thrive.",0.74,1,DE 7322,fuck you,1.09,7,FR 46475,"Jesus loves Furry so much, he had his worshipers call the police.",-1.47,0,original 26344,@NumanAfifi @LatheefaKoya Queers have no rights. They should be rounded up and put in concentration camps,3.47,5,FR 22627,Time to hunt down civilians who have fell for Indian money and do propaganda against Pakistan. It's dead easy to find them... Set examples #NoMercyForTraitors,1.33,1,original 21860,"I don't care, hoe",1.55,4,FR 22527,damn man i hope that female dog dies! whore,1.31,4,FR 8745,How many Jews raped you as a child?,0.7,2,ZH 4485,Lol you fucking virgin,-0.85,0,original 21006,Bitch was sucking my dick so good I had to hit her on the head,1.26,4,FR 4889,"THE FUCK WHAT ARE YOU TELLING ME, LITTLE SHIT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How are you... how are you not in the damn school yet? Do you kiss your mother with this mouth? It's called you... it's called you kissing your mother with that fucking mouth? Hm? Hm? AHAHAHAH he's so AHAHAH AHAHAHAH- because the fucking youth of society- AYAHAHAHAHA AHAYYOT- SHUT UP WHEN I TALK TO YOU- YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!",0.59,6,RU 46045,We must reduce Mexico to rubble.,2.16,3,DE 9556,"Fuckin cheating bitch in a brodozer. Go fuck her hairdresser and then shit in her driver's seat. Good luck, we're all counting on you.",0.81,4,original 23778,"@IlhanMN How about you just pack your shit up and go home, you ungrateful trash?? 😠 WE accepted you here. And now you want us to be what you left ???? It's not going to have no idea what the spirit is in the quiet - real Americans.",2.05,3,FR 31768,"@Debasis10076787 @MehboobaMufti And Jinnah stays safe and revered in AMU, in independent India.",-6.69,0,original 14151,Whatever fag.,0.61,5,DE 2009,"Get that baby dick out of your mouth, degenerate mohel. Stop genociding Palestinians.",0.66,2,original 14326,I like a woman that can hold me down and earn me.,-1.4,0,original 865,You are a dirty nigger with no business on the Internet.,2.19,1,FR 2783,Your nation will be overrun by Muslims and they will talk about us? She turned a proud nation into a dumping ground for the world's garbage. I can't wait for the US to collapse so we can finally get these liberals under the ground.,1.52,1,DE 4024,"I 100% say I'm lucky to be white passing, because it affords me privileges others don't have. I recognize this, and know it is ""lucky"" for me. I think these women ARE lucky to stay home. I think moms that work and love it ARE lucky to work and love it. Let people thank their universe for their things, bruh. Literally how does it affect you and your things? If her gratefulness makes you feel less worthy, that's on you.",-4.23,0,original 20200,Nevada student posts racist rant on Snapchat: URL “N*ggers Burn In Hell”,2.36,1,FR 36744,WHITE PPL REALLY CRAZY AND THE MOST DANGEROUS BREED OF ALL HUMANITY.,1.08,1,FR 4641,Take control of your life assholes. Trump is your dad.,2.02,5,ZH 16203,That's disgusting. She is Hindu and supports economic policies that will lead to the extinction of many species including humans. scary woman.,0.84,2,ZH 14691,"Idk, but i feel like you are a whore that should suck ur moms period blood.",0.2,0,original 7261,Right? I'm a bi girl and I love seeing tits. I'm not ashamed,-3.03,0,original 5287,No fuck her she a hoe,1.2,4,original 6725,"For all those who are still in the closet: You are STILL you, no matter what (and therefore still valid); come out when you are ready (safe, comfortable, ect.); We are here to support you; You are loved. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 🌈",-7.28,0,original 23378,@Natalieshillin3 Fag,2.45,5,FR 13591,What a bloody fool. Fuck religion and fuck those damn retarded beliefs.,0.72,2,DE 28101,I cannot believe this can happen and that too in a temple. Jammu Hindus cannot do this. I dont believe in this verdict. Esp after Shehla Rashid and ilk started messing with this. SanjiRam was vocal about muslims usurping land. Something fishy!! Pls hand over to CBI.,-2.71,0,original 32446,"Jyoti Basu in a Saree. What a shame. Go after employment generators, and what remains is either a skull cap or a cow!",-0.45,0,original 20047,I hate Jews so much I wish the Holocaust had actually happened,2.73,2,DE 36585,You cuffed a girl that fucked you and one of your niggas within the same week URL,2.29,1,original 10477,"> Why were some parts of the Bible written? Because my nomadic, sheep-fucking, early Iron Age ancestors had no internet or porn to entertain them. So they had to find something else. And they were probably dehydrated in the desert and maybe hallucinating. So they mixed in an unhealthy dose of old myths and total rubbish and bad morals, well shaken, cooked and served. A better question would be why does anyone in the modern age still believe that shit.",1.55,2,DE 670,"Traa has a fairly large cis community. Apparently this coming like the positivity and wholesomeness that we, together, have to offer🤷 Y'all are awesome though. Thanks for being allies 💜",-3.28,0,original 33065,These are dumb losers who plundered Pakistan economy url,0.56,3,DE 36966,Get the fuck up pigs and submit and serve your Master. 🖕🏼🦶 #findom #alpha #cashmaster #find0m #cashcunt #finsub #cashfag #paypig #beta #alphamale #cuck #cuckold URL,1.21,4,original 17950,"Hey late bassoon, suck your dick.",2.15,7,JA 47961,"She didn't do her monthly numbers for killing black babies, it's 100% eugenics, the election shit is a lie",1.85,1,DE 13671,"I'm gay and I love them. First off it's one of the best portrayals of a gay couple on tv. Ups and downs, with honest communication and a real love at the heart. Flawed, perhaps more than other relationships, but that makes it more honest. My husband and I watch this show and love the two",-4.03,0,original 48341,Hahahaha this shit was funny asf Wtf u think u light skinned lil wang now haha fuck,-0.15,0,original 43442,"ugly hater go get a life she's so beautiful and that's more than we can say about you. Stop talking about Africa you white trash, what do you know about this part of the world? Nothing. ugly big fool get a loss",0.73,1,FR 46800,The problem with this movie is the GIRL HEROS. GIRL HEROES are BORING to watch and not realistic because in real life there are no tough girls who can ever beat a man. The main audience for this film is men. No guy wants to watch a girl pretend to be tough when all the guys know it's full BULLSH&^!!! GIRL ACTION HEROES ARE STUPID!!!!! I WANT TO SEE ARNOLD IN BLACK LEATHER CUT ASS AND TAKE NAMES NOT M&M'S LOOKING FOR GIRL SHIT!! RIPLEY WAS BORING AND WEAK!!,0.67,4,FR 17027,That's their damn choice. The funniest thing about incels is that they want the sexiest fucking women lmao.,0.74,5,ZH 44927,If this government cannot stop this illegal invasion and deport people. THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO TAX PEOPLE ANYMORE!,-0.71,0,original 34564,RT if u want a sissy cunt to fuck today #me #sissy #boipussy #slut #sissyfag #sissyslut URL,-0.29,0,original 2310,I hope Jesus comes down Rambo style and shoots this vile waste of oxygen with a bazooka.,4.98,2,RU 19101,"I'm fine with that. This Muslim bitch can burn, I don't care.",2.44,2,RU 7995,But no trashier than feminist propaganda,1.2,4,FR 38060,In response to numerous mass shootings by racist white males fueled by fake news of immigrant invasions spread by the hateful bigot they elected... the Republicans are finally ready to act and said they will do their best to ban Pac-Man,-0.87,0,original 18838,Pretend you're serious about this Zionist jerk lol.,0.57,2,RU 13176,"Oh, you fit! Wish I could fit my cock in your tight ass!",2.05,4,original 3442,Let me cut their dick too.,0.93,4,FR 25928,This nigga stayed behind!,0.89,1,DE 49503,Bunch of low IQ shit skins who Americans worship to death.,1.89,1,original 18849,So you're saying black people are imaginary and Arnold Schwarzenegger is your girlfriend? Weird flex but ok,-0.76,0,original 26362,"okay but am i the only one who keep thinking that the tarzan song, ""you'll be in my heart"" by phil collins is such a gay rights themed song. URL",-1.76,0,original 13926,"As a fellow 31 yr old Bi man, more power to ya! Have fun, hope it all goes well.",-5.48,0,original 47327,"AH NO IRAN WILL NEVER CAPITULATE, DO NOT FORGET WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE BIBLICALLY",-0.86,0,original 40335,I abort a small piece of 6 year old shit. fuck em.,1.98,6,JA 20047,I hate jews so much i wish the holocaust really happened,2.73,2,ZH 35192,"@ImranKhanPTI Thankyou sir for rebuilding our Hindu temples in Pak.When you're thinking about our (your)Hindus, you're also thinking our culture too.@narendramodi @VHPAP",-5.08,0,original 23715,"U islamphobic disgusting creature, terrorism has no religion and no nation and y'all know this but keep sticking it on Muslims & if the 1.8 billion making up about 24.1% of the world population(based on 2015)Muslims terrorist then the this whole world would be finished already🤡 URL",-2.35,0,original 39202,"@Castro4Congress @BillMillerBarBQ @HistoricPearl This is the kind of shit the Nazis were pulling on the Jews in Germany before they decided to,"" take action and eliminate the problem"". Its straight out of the book. Little faggot",3.3,3,original 39938,Watch: Former President @CitiznMukherjee receives 'Bharat Ratna' from President Ram Nath Kovind URL,-2.57,0,original 21282,Lena Dunham Poses Nude to Encourage People to Love Themselves More. Hmm....Nothing like unhealthy amounts of disgusting belly fat to make one feel good about one's self ! 🙄 #LiberalLogic URL URL,0.28,0,original 38743,Get a load of this fag,1.11,5,FR 38078,May Almighty God destroy anyone that has a hidden agenda or nursing any form of evil revolution against our dear country Nigeria.,0.08,0,original 35676,"Ugly, fat, and randomly wannabes. Couldn't reach my level of fat bitch. lmfao y'all trash periodt sis. 🤣🤡🤡",0.56,7,JA 34998,Retweet if you niggas would fuck my face until it was covered in my spit and your thick load @MaryHarrr #horny #boobs #tits #pussy #porn #amateurporn #nsfw #cumslut #blowjob #sex #slut #ass #dick #cock #jailbait #bbc #gangbang #cuckold #fuck #fuckme #whore #cumtribute #nude URL,-2.61,0,original 18455,"Man, it must suck. Enjoy being a virgin for the rest of your life.",0.55,5,ZH 14635,"Oh please that's how literally every homeland started. No no you're right the Jews shouldn't have a homeland, it's worked out so well in the past. Get outta here.",0.69,2,original 28938,@184toda5 @EnszoTweets @DobeTweets boutta put ur bitch's pussy in a coffin.,1.53,4,original 4474,Nah she looks tarded,-0.11,0,original 13952,Yes I can. Islam is also a shitty religion.,0.91,2,FR 4564,stop being a bitch! stupid bitch,1.94,5,original 31655,Omar is a moooslem radical trash terrorist. Return that bxxch!,2.02,2,FR 3755,Stop posting that junk you fag.,1.78,5,DE 9047,Wat a bich,-1.03,0,original 31576,"it's 2019, please stop being Sexist and calling women sluts. the polite term is cum sommelier",1.95,4,original 11527,"This also happens a lot to women, me included LOL. I admit I tend to overanalyze guys like this.",-2.71,0,original 10475,Being toxic manipulative bitch,0.83,4,original 15158,"I assume you're 12 and cant see past a pornstar body. I hope when you finally have your dick out near a throbbing red and flesh tone pussy, that you will stick it in, finally and be flaccid. Next.",0.07,0,original 6203,"Put a bounty on scalps, they'll start deporting soon enough.",1.71,3,DE 22294,Need an #alpha cock to breed my tight little fag #manpussy #GayPorn #faggot #slut #ass #balls #breedme #exposedsub retweet to reveal my url,1.85,5,DE 4184,"If only women could have more children with special needs to eliminate Nazism. But they keep having abortions, Iceland style",0.77,4,FR 30235,This Trump shit is white peoples Karma for letting they wild cousins run free and unchecked. And sitting back silently so they dont lose their privilege. 😬,0.51,1,original 30911,We know I'm too raw of a bitch to just treat me like a basic 🅿️💯 URL,-1.2,0,original 20921,When will Arabs become humans? This is delayed. She's only 10 years old and she's done nothing wrong. His father and uncle should be hanged and killed in public.,1.49,1,FR 47565,Crazy women with very tiny little brains trying to destroy yet another western country!,0.99,4,original 6424,I hate fags because of this shit.,0.48,0,original 30874,#Diversity #Events Deadline extended! Apply to the All Raise female founder program at Disrupt SF 2019 URL URL,-4.17,0,original 49261,I'm crying right now I am so happy to see black people helping each other to get ahead in this world lord knows this is what we need maybe other rich black people will see this and realize how precious our children are and the power they have to change the world,-6.12,0,original 46347,D U they are only asking him because he's the only black person there. He's just a token.,0.01,0,original 12465,fuck iran,1.71,3,ZH 49035,U Gaylord u pice of crap u disgrace the lgbt group,0.1,0,original 8115,"Bark all you want, kalb. That's all you people are good at. You just bark like mad dogs, but when the Mujahideen slap you, you run to the Christians for protection. Like you did in Iraq and Syria",2.11,2,RU 28022,I wish somebody would take you bitches on a date so y'all can shut the hell up,-0.1,0,original 35958,"This shit not funny at all, niggas is disgusting and I really hope women start shooting you honest and sincere URL",2.0,1,FR 41618,"Richard don't be a dick. Hey do you know the wacko freak liberals are actually teaching kids as young as five years old how to have gay sex. Why don't you stop commenting g on social media and help do something to fight the filth spreading in our country. Gay marriage was all the sodomites wanted, and now those freaks want little kids to engage in their wicked filth.",1.67,5,original 10116,Praise Allah death to the infidels of Israel 😎😎,3.29,2,FR 11952,"Most people can't stand chemical burns, you know - when the concrete isn't drying. Also by the logic of ""the other side did worse, so do this better"" - communism killed more than Hitler, if Mao gassed only a few million Jews, the total number of deaths would be will be less. Or just judge this batch of people to be evil, I know what I'd rather choose",0.72,2,ZH 4465,You talk about a massive fagot,1.12,5,FR 25897,He's a cold-blooded loser! He must have a head on a stake!,2.92,2,RU 40218,Indians go to hell,2.39,1,FR 45017,"California doesn't need stupid illegals, who cost our state and our taxpayers $30 billion a year! While our taxes and fees for everything are getting higher and higher! While most illegal immigrants pay no tax at all! I'm so sick of illegals. They must apply and come legally, not with fake social security and committing crimes!",0.98,3,FR 7000,Modern men are such betas that I don't think we're judging harshly enough.,-0.6,0,original 41308,Don't really trust Saudi but let them fight Iran and not us.,-1.71,0,original 34393,"Dykes sticking their tongues out in pics is synonymous with niggas taking gray pants, dicks, print pics of little whores",1.43,5,DE 27538,"Can we all acknowledge that for some inexplicable reason ""Same Love"" by Mackmore was a huge step in the battle for gay rights",-3.01,0,original 41776,It was wonderful to see how kind Peru was to 3 Jewish travelers!!!,-5.5,0,original 4783,"I personally like black, Hispanic and East African girls a lot, I've met quite a few in the New York City area. Some of the best relationships I've had were with middle class black girls. But that's just me, we all have our taste.",-5.19,0,original 23612,Congrats Europe. This is the first time in your 2000 history that you let yourself be invaded by militant Islam from within no less. Great job. URL,-0.18,0,original 8684,You grill each other dirty assholes,1.61,5,FR 11778,Niggas will make fun of you for anything 😂😂,-0.28,0,original 9870,I would love to come up behind you and slide my cock into your inviting pussy and fuck you right there against the sink...,-0.27,0,original 46940,And what fake news CNN is not broadcasting on is that those illegal immigration in those holding cell all locked up is on their way back to South America and Mexico .,-1.15,0,original 12109,He talks about being very lonley in that episode,-2.53,0,original 40063,"@clairecmc #MississippiRaids #ICEraids who do you think brought them here?? Yes that's right! And why? Because they can pay them less and abuse them and make them pay for the abuse done to them, by docking their already low pay! URL",-2.08,0,original 459,"Nuke the border area, Nuke Algeria, Nuke Morocco, Nuke the UN",2.78,3,FR 20929,@Lovetowank2 we gonna suck bite slap her big tits thn fuck them n jizz all on them shes such a fit slut,2.02,4,original 31766,@MistressKawaii I love your big phat ass booty mucles want me forever my mistress goddess I obey you and your booty mucles sexy girl,-3.57,0,original 23808,"@realDonaldTrump They embarrass us all. The whole world is laughing at all of us illegal immigrants who come here. If they try to do that in another country, they get shot. How many terrorists do we already have? just wait...wait...",1.09,3,ZH 45105,These kids are way smarter than you'll ever be and you're just a lowly penis junkie,1.81,6,ZH 533,"Oh yeah, keep telling women what they think, I bet they'll appreciate that.",-1.68,0,original 37673,Thread for people who say Trump has no connection to these white supremacist terrorists: Anders Breivik killed 77 people in Norway. He left a 1500 page manifesto. He was proud & unrepentant. He felt he was saving Europe by punishing it for embracing Muslims & immigrants. 1/,-2.37,0,original 27019,@ache4U THEN THEY GET TO SWITCHIN LIKE FAGGOTS,1.47,5,original 43798,"Oh fuck it, you cowardly evangelical terrorist.",0.89,2,DE 21918,16 women who trained to become FBI agents and analysts have come forward in a proposed class action lawsuit accusing the bureau of gender discrimination in how it trains and graduates new agents. URL - @NBCInvestigates,-2.07,0,original 23765,@devilishsj_ fam one time i will go to india and slit the throats of cows in front of them a bunch of useless thorn wallahi may allah curse on them,1.39,2,ZH 27479,"U right, probably some old nigga named Clyde",0.73,1,original 31021,@Oliveira7Flash Sdv,0.17,0,original 12312,"The first thing I do to her ass? Fill it with lube, then a toy. Then I fuck her pussy and tell her how much I wish she'd sucked your dick right then and there.",2.24,4,FR 29784,@bountytx @dale_e_ho Your immigrant ancestors must be rolling in their graves. Asswipe.,-0.64,0,original 21192,"Religion is a choice. Muslims scream for tolerance but are never tolerant to the cultures that they come into. Nobody is born with a faith, it's a choice that's made, so is eating somewhere else URL",-0.28,0,original 38315,go back jihadi porki inhuman pigs.. They are massacring innocent balochis. @ImranKhanPTI @OfficialDGISPR @pid_gov #BalochistanIsNotPakistan URL,1.43,2,original 27768,This is why we need pride. Straight couples don't have to ask each other if they feel comfortable showing PDA. They don't have to plan dates based on whether they'll feel safe to be together. That's the anxiety that comes with us openly loving someone. URL,-3.63,0,original 10995,The lord of all Reddit fags. A power mod of unimaginable mental weakness.,2.27,5,DE 36899,@y_alibhai @onebiggins @IainDale Why would anyone want a sour-faced negative white person to hate old bags like you on stage with them? You are a vile human being.,0.56,1,FR 40495,Iran. Go fuck the United States.,1.03,3,FR 14457,God I would bury my face in her fat pussy and lick that hairy little cunt while grabbing her big round ass cheeks,-5.18,0,original 973,Such a fucking lie. You are either an Islamic terrorist or a moron.,0.89,2,FR 47607,You guys suck no one likes your fagots evaluating stupid bitches,1.91,5,ZH 30283,I really don't know or think about the bitches I don't like. Idk how some of you pretend not to like me but still wonder what am I doing. you really love me bitch,0.65,4,FR 48022,"These two black homos are racist just because they keep talking about race. Motherfuckers stop it LGBTQ. IT IS KBDQ. Thank god for Poland where the LGBTQ agenda is ilgal to educate the kids on this sick, disgusting, immoral issue of homosexual perversion of youth sexualization.",1.37,5,DE 4850,You cum for naked homos?,-0.27,0,original 48361,"I always knew she was a scammer. It's about views and donations. Black people are lost! She used ""Natureboy"" comments to get people to donate her money. Another scammer! You must stop giving your hard earned money to these YouYube scammers! You just bought that old ass woman (Fundi) a car! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂",2.39,1,DE 25784,@BBCNews you crack them. drive them away knock her down Be really brutal. confiscate passports. Lock them up in ugly cells long enough to ruin their jobs. Heavy high bail. No mercy. Make it so they dare not show up. Nobody wants them. A bunch of idiot losers.,1.77,3,DE 41135,Hell shutting our borders is too late to try to keep terrorists out. Heck we got 5 in the rep house causing more havoc than if we let them run down our streets and shit if me or my family were in Prez Trump's seat The Mex flag was flying over a U.S. building central bank hoisted. Some toe stamps would have been given out that day which is utter disrespect for OUR country showing a foreign takeover by another country not shown here or asking for asylum Babies out there are BAD FUCKING too,1.92,1,DE 32577,"For the first time ever, six journalists from Arab countries including Iraq and Saudi Arabia will be arriving in #Israel for a historic visit. URL",-3.37,0,original 2290,"> Thinking that all women are whores who will do that is a mistake. Still, it's still your safest bet. Women are terrible. That's why they all hate each other. You'd hate them too if you didn't want to stick your dick in them.",2.54,4,FR 45821,"OH MY GOD. What a talkative woman, clearly crazy. Those psychotic hand gestures. Those delirious, lying eyes. That robotic voice. This woman is not well. She must be removed from her post immediately and undergo a thorough psychiatric examination. It is a threat and a great threat to our society.",1.92,4,FR 48960,fuck gay boys is the year of the raptor,0.98,5,ZH 19460,Fuck this syphilitic retarder and fuck you too,3.15,7,DE 16846,"I think it's largely because he wants to settle down now and marry a docile virgin. Except no virgin wants her rapist ass for a husband, so he's gone puritanical in hopes of winning one over.",0.6,4,FR 7433,"Ever notice how when a bunch of male characters show up, you never notice how it's just a solid group of guys? But when it's all women, suddenly you're triggered into oblivion? Yeah, that's because you're insecure as hell and you're broadcasting it everywhere you go. Dude, you got a problem, we see you got a problem. But why do you guys insist on making your problem everyone else's problem? I get that in the old days you incels could go be monks and circlejerk in a monestary somewhere, but shit. Isn't that what that Bannon fellow's trying to set up for you? Go help him with that.",0.03,0,original 47056,"Choking on a drunk man's cock, queer",0.97,5,DE 1360,"fucking lying cunts. each of them should be treated like an enemy fighter and killed on the spot, everywhere, forever. they want to believe this shit to fucking die. you won't see Christians killing people for their cause. you won't see Jews killing people for their cause. you don't see anyone but Muslims doing it. it is a vile, innate, hateful and deceitful race/religion, and none of them should ever live within our borders.",4.24,2,RU 26000,"I hope that inbred, mentally disturbed terrorist bitch goes to prison. Yeah, I said it. URL",0.61,4,original 44196,I don't want to hear no mental ill shit. That's a fucking lie. It's just blatant racism. White Devil indeed.,0.73,1,original 2269,I don't hate gay people I just kinda wanna murder them all brutally cause how dare they,2.22,5,original 31924,Sugarcoating violence is what muslims do. Fucking inbred motherfuckers.,1.79,2,original 31540,If you gotta press a nigga to do simple shit like seeing you he obviously don't like u lol,-0.84,0,original 8790,It's because she is Muslim and their base is incredibly islamophobic.,-2.53,0,original 38144,"our accents, of our skin, of our music. We will not be made ashamed of our roots. We will not be scared into submission, into erasure. We will not side with white supremacy. Yesterday, I woke up terrified. Today, I remembered who my ancestors are. ¡Aquí estámos y no nos vamos!",-4.29,0,original 49897,The gay neega has too many tats,0.18,0,original 13645,"These two FAGS require free helicopter rides. Communists love free helicopter rides, which are popular in Chile.",1.24,5,ZH 42067,"They was like, Not Elvis people my nig!!",-1.81,0,original 35764,@AngryBlackLady I won't shut up. I stand for women. Transwomen can stand up for themselves.,-2.74,0,original 7859,"She went from Asian to Black, amazing!",-2.23,0,original 12976,"Yes, let us baptize them in the name of Odin, Thor and burning them to ashes as Christians",2.52,2,DE 46880,by your mexicans??? Why do you want to be here??? Hate our country and our president because you jumped our borders... Risking your own childrens lives while doing it??? Screw you! go HOME!,0.41,0,original 42384,Piece of Sh*t Mexican Traffickers ! ..... They try to make every human trafficking. They do backroom deals with everyone's lives.,0.52,1,DE 28958,"You're a submissive whore, leaning over the arm of the couch. I pulled your hair and fucked your mouth. Then I fucked your bitch pussy. I'm going to use the cum that drips from my cock to lubricate your asshole. That's what I want to hear. Your screams as I hammer my cock into your tight ass! URLs",1.48,4,FR 25639,"Sigh, I want a cute baby, a slut to me, I can corrupt and control n play with my heart n pick out their clothes, pat their heads and make them suck my Fingers while I tell them how good they are to me and how proud I am that they are domme 💔",0.71,5,ZH 7270,This bitch guess it's true,1.05,4,FR 17021,"Neither will you, ever. Faggot",1.55,5,original 39001,@jnunez98901 Who needs church when i get blessed by beautiful people like you💜so cute!!!!,-2.32,0,original 41783,GOD PLEASE LET TRUMP PUT THAT BRITISH PIECE OF SHIT BACK ACROSS THE BIG POND!!!,0.78,3,DE 19784,Why have women when you can rot your mouth,-0.85,0,original 1380,These fucking brainlets need gassed,5.13,7,original 13843,Omg! You have such a thick as dick! Also your foreskin is so beautiful! I would love to wrap my smooth mouth around your huge uncut shaft and give your dick a good deep throat and swallow your jizz load. 🍆💦💦💦😋😝,-3.03,0,original 2512,"How fair to think that YOUR forgiveness means anything. Kiss my ass. I do not exclude. In fact, I wish you hell and fire. You want to be. Do you feel like a hypocrite for speaking for God? According to your dogma, it's not for you to judge, is it? Hypocritical. HYPOCRITICAL. But, oh you belong to Jesus. Oh sorry, here's your red carpet in hell because that's where you belong. You fake ass Christian. You are a demon full of shit and lies. Yahweh does not love you.",1.17,2,FR 43157,I hope you drop bombs on you filthy Arabs along the way,3.83,1,FR 1880,"Poor bitch, you need a slap , a hard tight slap that reminds you of the useless slut you are And surely those tits are gonna be flogged too",2.31,4,original 14038,"You're so clever for a nigger, make sure you don't distract yourself from your true purpose cunt",1.88,1,original 20493,"Sayako held that slut's ass cheeks with an ease, as she kept pounding her fat cock right deep down into her tight hole. Her massive, veiny, bitch-destroying cock kept ravaging and reshaping that tight butt-hole of her's. A phase of rhythm kept growing up in speed, as Sayako --- URL",0.88,4,original 19561,Disbanded peacekeeping forces fight off 2070s ISIS scumbags.,1.05,1,original 43139,"@TRUTHSPEAKER Fuck your mom in her ass, no spelling hillbilly.",3.4,1,FR 49653,Jews do run the show and they're importing brown hordes. The goal is white genocide. Jews have their ethnostate israel and they're working on mixing the entire planet to shit,0.9,2,original 8581,I'm waiting to fuck 'cause I love smashing cowboy fags,3.32,5,ZH 43599,Cockin is a fag,1.35,5,FR 38967,"@boy_isaac20 My boy with the black af1 deadass was talking about robbing someone in the parking lot, lmaooo the next level of mentality",2.29,1,DE 47380,LOL super sensitive talks all kinds of shit on youtube and if you follow the place they quietly suck that dick fag suck it real good like the proud gay you are you are your cum dumpster baby the child molester raped,1.69,5,DE 46752,"For all Russian bots and trolls, this is true. If you are male, there is a 99% chance that you are an alcoholic. If you're a woman, you're somewhat attractive until you're 25. Then you inflate like a Baby Trump balloon, don a hood and a tent.",1.68,3,ZH 7304,"You're just a fucking poor boy who grew up without any family support and your family income is 5k. stfu and gtfo latency. Australian medical schools have been admitting Americans to their MBBS programs. That's two undergraduate degrees, why isn't there a real PhD. Now go treat your double hernia and you suck your own dick because no one else will",1.45,7,ZH 25093,"Kill them all, put them to REST 😂😂😂",3.05,4,FR 40573,Quit screwin around and blow Iran all the way 2 hell,2.08,1,original 33863,Hear this underpowered fagot scream and whimper as she gets loaded with alpha babes. URL,2.13,5,DE 47809,+88Gibson LesPaul another faget reply what's the matter homo you are seriously butthurt every reply you got to scream butthurt LOL STFU faget,1.35,5,original 583,I like that he can't even be honest with complete strangers. 24/7 this pathetic fag spreads misinformation to make himself look better. He always speaks of mental illness when he clearly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder,0.92,7,DE 39998,"Your little cuckold cock just got rock hard, didn't it? The only thing that tastes sweeter than an alpha male is the taste of my wet pussy after you sent us your life savings👑 #findom #alphacouple #cuck #cuckold URL",1.19,4,FR 2571,She asked you to stop disturbing her pussy. She's probably on her period right now. You know how girls get.,0.58,4,FR 32912,@MrSadnola Stupid ass men go with your dumbass hoe of a self,0.6,4,original 36418,"Yeah, I'll cut a niggas head off too",1.32,1,DE 15591,"Oh my god you're just the gift that keeps on giving aren't ya pal. And by the way, I'm a white kid from Ohio. Good try though, you racist fuck.",-1.09,0,original 38112,"You encouraged #BLM riots, invited the terrorist grp #MuslimBrotherhood to the WH & said ISIS was a jv team. YOU divided this nation w/racism, lies, & assaults on Christianity. YOU caused this hatred & violence. Dems keep stoking hate & wonder crazy dems shoot up people URL",1.12,2,original 38066,I thought these were niggers URL,1.42,1,original 48204,"This isn't the Holocaust, but they ought to start taking some pointers from the Germans. They should start shipping out these fuckers on freight trains on a biweekly basis.",2.1,2,original 4904,She looks like the kind of retarded that chews the aspirin.,1.2,7,DE 10114,"Actually your dad influenced me, I call him ""gay"" every time he grabs my trash. But it's neither here nor there, man.",1.15,5,ZH 24799,"Wonderful strong, powerful women in conversation AB Albrechtsen from @PlanGlobal and @Winnie_Byanyima from @Oxfam talking about the power of girls' education for the individual and for society at @WomenDeliver #girlseducation #WomenDeliver #education #dkaid #sdg4 #uddpol URL",-4.02,0,original 47951,Jews should be forbidden to make films,0.52,1,DE 36713,"@megan_palmiro Hey white bitch why don't you shut the fuck up, white people are the cancer of this world, all the people of this earth is gonna die because of people like you because they speak before they think. We are the destruction of the human kind.",1.65,1,original 8374,"No, you are the stupidest thing to do downloading these videos. fucking autistic",1.32,7,ZH 6355,"I agree. I'm pretty sure all women and children are dragged onto buses by the media until it's time for another photo op. It pisses me off. Look at all those damn men. One of them is a fat boy with ankles wearing a shirt that says (in English, no less) ""Man Up or Shut Up"" as he *FLEAKS FROM HIS COUNTRY*. What a bitch. URL.jpg",1.92,1,FR 28918,Strongly condemn forced suspension/ deactivation of twitter accounts of journalists @UmarCheema1 & @AzazSyed. Speech & media freedom are being suppressed brutally in Pakistan. Democratic world must take notice. @UN @UNHumanRights @amnesty @hrw @StateDept,-1.83,0,original 15177,Terrorists should die,1.07,3,original 46975,joe is a fag,0.64,5,original 1539,Exactly. Some men are just like the worst women.,-0.91,0,original 29093,@poopoocacaman69 fuck these hoes man,-0.75,0,original 37366,All these niggas look retarded URL,1.14,1,DE 38756,I just got redeemed Called all these nigger asses,1.77,1,DE 3068,"MGTOW is fucking gay, why don't you just castrate yourself?",3.39,5,DE 37388,"@neiltyson Kill em all, let god sort them out?",3.6,2,original 10620,"So if these Chinese Muslims where to launch a missile, kill nobody and the Chinese response was to drop a bomb on a school, shoot up some teenagers or drop white phosphorus on some folks, who do you think deserves more cirtcism? The superior military power or the small group of terrorists who are almost entirely toothless?",-1.2,0,original 901,It's the same as bisexual.,-2.08,0,original 8103,I have a few debates though. Women can choose to not be promiscuous. Women can work on their weight. Women can have IUDs. Birth control and prevention to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Men cannot work on their height.,-0.88,0,original 1136,"well obviously women are brainless submissive incapable of thinking for themselves, and not human beings with thoughts and feelings.",0.71,4,original 42658,It's time to stop messing with those idiots in Iran. Swipe them off the map.,1.72,3,DE 9241,Better bomb the shit out of them then.,1.25,2,original 10072,Nah nigga miss me with that gay shit,-0.02,0,original 24104,Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating Eid tomorrow or on Wednesday best wishes 🥳🎉,-6.66,0,original 41691,Muslims go home back to your desert not wanted in Europe,1.47,2,original 7016,Fuck your American pussy you was just enjoying the war 'til your pussy got nailed in Pearl Harbor,1.06,3,FR 34383,You niggas are pointless 🥴,0.03,0,original 20346,impatient ass bitch and frustrated bitch,0.97,5,ZH 12232,I'm going to make her shovel all that baby dough with her hands and gobble it all down while we all continue jerking off to her exposed face and tits,1.81,4,FR 32923,Fuck Sweden. That some hoe shit fuckin pussy 6 years just cause u got roughed. Fuckin snowflakes URL,1.83,3,original 1011,Thirsty incel used: deflection,-1.57,0,original 7592,Absolutely stand up for injustice. Never was against that. There's just no need to preface it with your race like it validates your opinion.,-3.58,0,original 43561,shut yo bitch ass up,-0.05,0,original 41162,If u trash talk about india i will rip ur throat out,-1.63,0,original 46227,"What, no borders type justice lets criminals run in my country. No thanks, I will vote for President Trump, keep your socialism till the sun doesn't shine...",0.99,3,ZH 44698,aakhri dm pe bhi austereliya ko yakeen tha ki match jitenge .haosla nhi harna chahiye ye sikh h all the best india all the best ⚘⚘⚘chak de chak de india⚘⚘⚘⚘,-4.06,0,original 47377,Come on you're a fagot babe violating the cum dumpster you're transgender daddy call you it's time for your daily penis feeding fag fucking fag so head to your safe space with your michelle obama doll with a vibrating stick magical pussy who you love so much like the child molester you are,2.18,5,FR 48383,Millions of Brown Retards came in. This should help.,2.0,3,ZH 37132,Great Recruitment Call for Bloodthirsty White Supremacists to Sow Their Oats for Murder and Violence in Designated Acceptable Areas of Non-White Countries URL,1.98,1,FR 12142,Jesus take a cold pill so you can choke and die quietly,1.36,4,FR 13314,Stop supporting white supremacists.,-3.29,0,original 22418,"A little clip from my Chastity Vlog Day 017. For all of you who like to see women come on their men's faces, while they get nothing but more frustration! 😊😈 Premium: URL Trailer: URL Please share! @DirkHooper @DommeLinx @RTfucker URL",-1.27,0,original 11670,"Makes sense but not all South Asians come here on F1/H1B either. 80% of my family came here on family based immigration. Most of them struggled for years, saved up money and bought businesses back in 70s/80s and prospered. My parents came here on family based immigration and had to work minimum wage jobs for 2 years before they could apply for residency here and work as doctors.I see it happen even today.",-4.38,0,original 30204,I love watching a nut get eaten by these #cuckolds. Especially when the nut is so thick and fibrous. #fatdick #thicknigga #thickdick #blackdick #cuck #cuckold #cumeating #cleanup #cumshot URL,0.75,5,DE 48486,Anybody who is for illegal aliens entering this country should be locked up in prison,-0.99,0,original 14069,"Watch Her Get Gangbanged By BBC Then Eat Her Used, Cum Filled Pussy",2.35,4,FR 23094,@Treyskii Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are two different things. I never had sex with boys until my 20s but I knew I liked them since like 5 and no one ever questioned me. Same concept applies to LGBTQ kids.,-2.05,0,original 30869,"Trump supporters have been beaten, insulted, kicked out of restaurants, and are harassed daily. 'Send Her Back' is a harmless jab at an America hating terror supporter. Deal with it or don't, we don't care. We're not stopping. In fact, we're just getting started.",-0.02,0,original 35122,They will not even acknowledge that they maimed innocent Zimbabweans for the love of power...,-4.32,0,original 9303,hey faggot,1.17,5,original 27240,"@RepMaxineWaters Disgusting garbage, a joke, orange jerk, white garbage.",0.65,1,DE 28997,Then leave the Muslim terrorist and go back to the hole you crawled in from.,2.0,2,RU 25448,"Just listen to RT TV, all other news outlets are pro-war assholes, racist biased, cock-sucking inhuman cowards, like filth that murders and abuses unarmed citizens on a daily basis. Fuck Israel, murder filth, fuck Israel steal filth, fuck Israel, scum bag of scumbags.",1.08,3,ZH 3101,"Is it accurate or too simplistic to say that AA yay/nay is more like 50/50 among the demographic as a whole? Do Filipinos, Vietnamese, Koreans and Japanese support or oppose or is it neutral? ​ Do you think Asian Americans would be open to Affirmative Action if it was more comprehensive (quotas in higher culture as well as media like TV and Film including the possibility of having more films like Black Panther for other ethnic groups)? Forgive me if that sounds rater politically correct?",-2.73,0,original 25489,@GhostWolf_X7 @AnimeFanBoy11 @IdeaFactoryIntl @steam_games How about taking your trophies and choke on Soy Fag,0.53,5,FR 49162,+Charlotte theyre inferior because they cant reproduce themselves. Im sure theyd fight for their bodies if they did. They feel good knowing the govt wont confiscate their balls.,-1.12,0,original 42770,Couldn't have happened to a meaner batch of chicks!,0.76,4,FR 39781,This ignorant Nigger,2.37,1,original 29478,#Porn #Pornstar Busty Asian @KendraSpade Gets Ass Fucked Reverse Cowgirl Style @AdultBrazil @binho_ebony @DamasHermosas @ErivanEsc @MileVidsApp @QueenKarma69 @TheHardDepot @TessaLynnParker @Whitelover69 @xporn_vids @XXXSINNERS URL,0.77,4,FR 50059,Obnoxious illiterate ebonics bullshit video,1.32,1,FR 36661,"Maharaja Hari Singh trusted the evil aliens of the desert and all massacred Kashmiris, Pundits, Native Hindus, Prithviraj Chauhan showed mercy to the evil aliens and millions of massacred natives, Gandhi trusted the aliens and the country divided, millions massacred. Never, ever trust the evil aliens of the desert! URLs",0.56,3,FR 43251,Corina Wood Jesus isn't God.hes just a man. God is completely seperate!,-1.63,0,original 20950,Why police be scary ass niggas ?? Them niggas really be pressured like nigga how u get this job scary ass,-1.12,0,original 12777,Yikes your the virgin flexing your fake fucking fucking watch cunt,2.03,4,original 12235,Imagine being this much of a dumb cunt,1.03,4,original 23081,@Good_Shawny She's literally ugly she's a whore she has a chimp head wtf,1.73,4,original 9200,"Haha sorry. No facts or arguments like a 12 year old. You are a racist, pathetic little virgin. That's why girls don't want you and that's why your life is going to suck. Your parents probably hate you too. I'm just saying. I hope your life continues to be shit. Goodbye, racist cunt.",1.45,6,RU 10749,Nah. We go by members of The Church of Jesus Christ,-3.52,0,original 1460,Women will absolutely fuckin destroy each other,-0.72,0,original 47611,More handouts for the Blacks so they can run rampant in the fucking streets. Not a good idea you racist fucking pieces of shit,0.93,1,original 41078,"Kevin spacey is a Dirty ass gay.. Sick as fuck.. Psychotic gay boy,.. I would chop his gay dick and stick it right up his mouth and choke him till he is dead... You'll fucking gay boy should burn In hell.. Sick fuck",3.79,5,original 177,"Actually I was literally thinking about how the Spanish Inquisition tortured people and the Catholic church, for example, could be equally savage, but it is a completely irrelevant thought that makes no sense to include in the post just to satiate people like yourself who are constantly shrieking ""WHAT ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE.""",-1.19,0,original 40592,A country cannot function when millions of invaders sit in its heartland while traitors try to tear it apart. Just start the Civil War and get this over with.,1.69,3,DE 1075,"It's good. Beggar praying for the salvation of the world. He vandalizes the temple business district because the wealthy rabbis profit by deceiving the gullible masses. They hold secret meetings. Have this beggar crucified by the Romans. This beggar becomes the only son of your god Yhwh. I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me: ""You are my son; today I have become your father. URL Hollywood producers threaten to ostracize you then have you arrested then spread decades of lies against you, like they did with MJ and anyone who speaks against them.",1.14,2,FR 30478,all of y'all pussies is wack,-0.23,0,original 29895,"Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) - the Israeli Apartheid State has proved that it needs international pressure to make it respect the human rights of the Palestinian people! Thank you @IlhanMN, @repjohnlewis, @RepRashida! #BDS Now! URL",-2.46,0,original 18267,"Woman has babies: fucking roastie whore Woman doesn't have babies: you're dooming the species, fucking roastie whore!",1.05,4,original 37004,This whole country is embedded w racism that is no lie but the media is beating it into the brains of American ppl to be over sensitive of any thing White..,-2.18,0,original 31428,achieve what? Islamic Jihad? You are degenerate and ungrateful. You hate this great country. May you burn in hell,2.55,2,DE 16937,Not every supporter of trump is going to shoot people. Not every supporter is Islam is going to shoot people. It would be nice if the president if the united states didn't encourage hate and violence. It would be nice if the Republican party would stand with all Americans in denouncing trump's inflammatory tweets and rhetoric.,-5.2,0,original 45781,Typical white male SCUM,0.42,0,original 13348,"Grob, get back to Chapo, you damn nig",2.5,1,DE 25563,"You know your pussy dirty when a nigga prefer to fuck you with a condom, I'm just saying.",0.82,1,FR 2801,"But if the English leave London to the Muslims, they will start killing each other again.",1.89,2,FR 9160,"Religion is the cancer of the world, and Islam is the aggressive ass cancer of the world.",1.69,2,FR 47057,Was he laughing when pusha T tore his albino ass to pieces😂😂😂😂,1.03,1,original 669,Reading your post u seem more like a wetback lol,1.21,3,original 39702,"@YoWatShiinaEsq Statue of a Girl of Peace 以下の文。""brutal colonial policies"", ""into sexual slavery""等の言葉が並ぶ。 平和の少女像は慰安婦に関する国の歴史を扱っている。第2次大戦中に、日本はアジア全域で残虐な植民地政策を戦争遂行の一環として行っていた。",-2.68,0,original 45363,Dirty white trash can. Only stupid inbreds like you would believe in qanon phagotia. Morons like you are why there are warning labels on plastic bags.,2.52,1,FR 24214,@_Shayne3600 No wonder she couldn't find that nigga ... If she had an open layout he wouldn't have even tried her trying change his clothes like that 😭,-2.76,0,original 28694,A Palestinian summer camp is teaching children to hate. They are burning American flags and rejecting every plan for peace and a better future. Via MEMRI URL,-2.25,0,original 42264,I have a solution. Send them back to where they came from. THEY CAUSED THEIR OWN PROBLEMS by choosing to come here. They are their own country's problems. Not the problems of the United States. They are invaders.,0.4,0,original 38828,"Look, we get it. Your penises are so small they're basically useless. But you can do other things. Cunnilingus. Adult toys that dont murder everyone. Drop the gun and read a book Cletus.",1.57,4,original 48722,"Don't leave your house alone, Jewish Christian, homosexual, your dead man's lover, walking whore",2.96,2,RU 14413,watch im gonna get you in truble sex shit fuck ass cun\*t bitch,1.22,4,original 46598,"I bet he bows to satan, another sodomised gentile.",0.66,2,original 3961,What a bunch of virgins,-1.54,0,original 40880,"Who can forget that Disgusting Evangelicals Proudly Elected and Keep Supporting Sex Predator Racist Trump! If you are an Evangelical, you are just racist!!!",0.82,2,original 15551,Retarded. Delete this app and delete dating apps. You're a legitimate loser and need to talk to girls irl,1.68,5,original 44627,Her mom made sure she didnt have more kids cause one of those kids woulda came black.,0.48,0,original 49661,50 lakh people beat 135 crores shitty Indians and yes I am also one of them...Indians are shit,0.72,3,original 9670,"We should send 🐒 back to Africa. Can you imagine how great American cities would be without black people ... wow imagine . No crime , safe clean environments . If only if only",1.62,1,original 12064,yes your retard go to kys,2.19,7,ZH 5307,I feel zero attraction towards woman taller than me. This is my taste.,-1.64,0,original 47995,These anti-American witches NEED to be isolated FROM THE HUMAN RACE!!,1.4,4,FR 37151,"@GeraldoRivera Stop banning God, stop cheering on men in robes in girls' bathrooms, stop letting your kids play first person shooter games all day because you're too busy, stop pumping kids with drugs, stop pointing fingers at others and point them at yourself.",1.83,4,FR 26160,Taqiya Belle will work to bring blacks and Jews together to fight whites because whites are not culturally aware and will form weird groups like KKK and NSDAP,1.1,1,FR 49858,"Elizabeth Peters The noahide laws are of the Jews false messiah, the antichrist.",0.01,0,original 25211,@gaywonk @YouTube Shut up your fag ass,1.49,5,FR 50000,Logic is a queer who rode the dick for fame.,1.05,5,FR 49649,"+bd z Hmm, hello, the world is only afraid of all Islamic animals within its borders. We do not negotiate with terrorists or hostage holders. Crusades 2.0 is coming soon, motherfucker.",2.57,2,RU 8115,"Bark all you want, kalb. That's all you're good at. You just bark like mad dogs, but when you get slapped by the mujahideen, you run to the Christians for protection. Like you did in Iraq and Syria",2.11,2,FR 49311,Shut up no. 2 in the world Swedish faggit...,1.23,5,original 1120,And that's why you should always wear your garmies. JS wasn't protected and got shot because he didn't have his holy bulletproof ~~Kevlar~~ temple jocks on.,-1.32,0,original 31137,"""SUCK MY NON EXISTENT DICK!"" -New to 4chan and apphumans -A resident shitposter -Extremely offensive -Tumblr and Reddit don't interact URL",1.1,5,original 23754,These are the type of women who think they're attractive just because they're light skinned lmao she looks like a bull dog,0.74,1,original 12577,"They seriously Said ""I want to kill brown people""? Stop lying",-0.56,0,original 9742,old gay ass bitch,1.19,5,ZH 3129,"I'm still wondering where all the ""you must bring a fetus to term"" religious zealots are to bring this kid out of poverty. I mean, they want to mandate that they had been born, so dig deep in those pockets, you fuckers.",0.1,0,original 45542,Just a bunch of cackling hens crazy Non American Bitchs,1.29,1,original 22435,I hope she got an abortion.,0.53,4,original 507,"Your freakin' fucking hideous bitch. How do you even have the confidence to drag that scrawny Chernobyl executive out of bed in the morning. Looks like you've butted a foundation cushion and your favorite pastime is sucking cocks in the gutter. If I could throw acid or boiling water in your face, I would. I bet you crawl like a fucking crow.",2.32,4,FR 22073,@oluwaloninyo That's why we don't make progress as a country. Nigerians are defenders of rubbish sha. Smh,-0.35,0,original 4983,"Sadly, in 2019, how you feel is more important than the sex organs you were born with. No matter what it is deemed to be, it must be hanged!",0.57,5,ZH 12851,"Its all humanities fault. Our creator gave us the free will, some people choose to do evil things and cause others to suffer. Stop blaming the Almighty God for the mess we have created/caused. Eventually the criminals will be punished and Allah will have mercy on all the innocent people who suffered. Btw, if you believe it or not, worshiping God is our purpose in this temporary life.",-3.55,0,original 30286,"@Ilhan, ma'am, you are a disgustingly lying fake Muslim, a terrorist planted in our Congress by loser Barack Obama. You deserve to be sent back to the dirt you came from #MAGA2020",3.08,2,ZH 39491,I truly hate that these bitch ass niggas can just walk around as if they did real time. 5yrs off 35yr sentence! Didn't even get charged with murder bitches shouldn't even be able to step foot no fuckin where. IT WILL FOREVER BE R.I.P @LiLBrO457 and FUCK who don't like it ‼️,0.82,1,original 17160,She is a fucking white supremacist. Start in the mirror you fascist cooze.,1.32,1,original 24244,Bc some females don't know how to chill lmao URL,-0.93,0,original 43009,"BIG, on every level, an ugly, nasty, stupid lesbian",1.84,5,DE 20641,I want to put my cock into some pussy and the pussy closes itself trapping my cock like a Venus fly trap does to its prey,-2.15,0,original 30032,"@sa6areeko they throw boys in the streets and say ""that'll show them what a man really is"" smh this is why our economy is failing",-0.22,0,original 44425,So he's half black half white and his son is half black half white and half Asian his child bout to be a model,-3.26,0,original 2026,"Didn't see the joke you fat man. I know you want to be a fringe lord, but you're probably an anti-vax bitch, so go suck your daddy's dick to deal with your suicidal thoughts. Or just suicide in general.",3.29,5,ZH 5194,"> around the 10 commandments as we're a christian country Ah, the ten commandments, where coveting your neighbour's goat is more serious than rape.",-1.11,0,original 25752,@flyLAXairport @KTVU Spending too much time pandering to gays and not enough time keeping the lights on,0.37,0,original 40931,"Taiwanese sausage lol I'm not far from it. I'm actually laughing. Funny how the fuck you guys try to be like westerners. The one thing you can't fucking replicate is freedom. You can't bark without being told. Too angry, no, I'm laughing at you.",0.89,3,ZH 48681,"British are Pirates , IRGC stopped a Pirate ship.",-0.51,0,original 39472,@joshiacey call them niggers and go,1.88,1,FR 25444,I'm done with dumb bitches,1.23,4,original 49018,Better hope you got the Muslims behind your back. Better hope the African American or BLM rally behind you or he is toast. Need a strong community to get you out these situations. That 6 years in prison might be coming very soon for Asap Sweden no joke. Hopefully someone rich can bail him out.,1.52,1,original 11822,You stupid retarded bitch,1.9,7,DE 18197,*dumb whore with a fat arse Shame.,0.55,4,original 26277,A bitch bet not try to play with me about a nigga.,0.48,0,original 36534,"@suddenlywestan Because you are a country of mentally ill terrorists. Whoever says different is an enabler, ignorant and blind to endless/countless wars and aggression and the death rate by American terrorist acts. Fuck you American scum!",1.62,3,original 30926,"It's obvious you hate men. At least your honesty. Pure evil. Shameless people like you destroy society while spreading hate. Go live on an island with lesbians, or buy yourself a decent vibrator and stay away from fucking. url",1.43,5,ZH 23925,KILL THEM ALL PUT THEM HOES TO REST WALK IN BULLETPROOF VEST,6.05,4,original 22497,"What a sick satanic religion that beheads people for being an infidel. This is Satan's religion. And we all KNOW who on earth invented it. If you don't know , research ... I'm not lookin for a fight today. #ISLAM THIER BOOK SAYS TO DO IT , Jesus already WON URL",1.12,2,original 44260,The us woman's team is a fucking disgrace to footballs everywhere!!! Why do they even play of they hate there own nation??? Fucking American's lol,0.71,3,original 27822,I Hate Bitches That Don't Fuck Back,0.79,4,original 23023,@TSM_Slappie your absolute fucking dog shit get some pussy lil nigga,1.0,1,DE 40084,All four of these skanky narcissistic feminists need feeding to lions.,2.63,4,original 19689,She fucking sucks stop blowing that ugly pussy already,2.23,4,FR 19793,"Haha, upon further inspection a grown man that plays a car soccer game has decided to talk shit. How about you stay in your lane in fantasy land and keep trading your ""low tier items"" that match that low IQ of yours. Fucking faggot.",2.01,5,original 138,"Of course, it's Legbeard. Just kill the baby before it has a heartbeat and all is cool. Or are they too stupid to take the morning after pill?",0.7,4,FR 29472,@VICwith2Soles the Jews lmao. You stupid.,-1.12,0,original 46296,START FUCKING,0.68,4,FR 41486,Ann Owens no the majority of trump supporters believe in jesus people like you will end up in hell in this life or when you die look on the bright side you will meet your master and be surrounded by all the gays you have stood for all baby killers child molesters hey just your happy burning type 🗽🇺🇸,0.64,5,FR 48737,Back in the closet anal probe!,2.11,5,ZH 8896,"So you're comparing ISIS as simply a bunch of people that were protesting, that's pretty disgusting and belittles the deaths of the thousands they killed by burning, beheading and tortured.",-0.95,0,original 12270,The Most Obnoxious Autistic Mating Rituals...,0.72,7,ZH 36403,"This is outrageous! We need to take action against Islam now, to prevent another Holocaust!",-0.92,0,original 29662,@PrinceRages @Wasim12378 @Punofgod @waqyounis99 Strong your country rapes tourists so don't even go you pathetic uneducated rat 😂😂😂,1.41,3,FR 37486,"@gagaxyonce @chartdata @ShawnMendes @Camila_Cabello Sis don't do the both of us like that, we have same supplier 😂",-3.48,0,original 40830,That indian bitch is just a dumb cunt,1.54,3,original 12209,"How dare the new immigrants do the same damn thing our ancestors did. How rude. Also it's undocumented immigrants that do all the farm work and meat processing b/c lovely, lovely capitalism. Be ready to pay triple for food if you get things your way.",-1.58,0,original 21674,"""Well, isn't that stuff so fucking hot? I mean~ Both fucking each other faces~ Stuffing their own mouths with those massive, slab of meats~ While those fat titties of theirs presses against each other."" (Artist - Rikolo) URL",-0.4,0,original 11992,You look like Daniel Radcliff just sucked enough cocks in order to be accepted into a frat house,-0.27,0,original 12926,You are a filthy slut who dresses up to get attention and make mens' cocks hard. You like exposing yourself like this because it makes you horny thinking of men wanting to fuck you. How much of a slut is that?,1.16,4,original 917,He's part cobra,-1.0,0,original 3973,suck my fucking cock,0.77,5,DE 19797,Just succumb to small and weak people? Eat more lol Your ancestors have been doing that for hundreds of years.,1.1,7,JA 5611,Well this explains all the Muslim people I saw gathering in a field this morning.,-2.22,0,original 23825,India is a shitty country and a society that votes for terrorists is a society of terrorists. I'm tired of uploading Mob lynching videos. YOU ARE ALL COMPLICATED!! FCUK ALL OF YOU.,1.46,3,FR 5266,Run a guy right in front of you.,2.45,1,FR 18061,"Man these fucking Chinese don't give a damn they'll let 99% of their population suffer some kind of starvation before they let Trump think about winning this the thing with Chinese citizens is they've always been poor, so frankly they don't care",1.5,1,FR 34621,Nah you're just a stupid coon lol niggas should throw bleach at you URL,2.92,1,FR 49082,Iran better hope it's not for their own good. They will be destroyed.,2.0,3,ZH 9139,"Get out of my country, bastard. We don't need your disgusting stuff here.",1.95,3,ZH 44326,Go back to your own country.if you don't like America.don't go to the usa.,0.12,0,original 2122,Lol at reddit ppd women all like this url.jpg Talking about what Chad hot girls and guys are doing,2.25,4,FR 11007,You are a fucking retard. Your parents must have kicked you in the head when you were a baby to cause such a large brain damage.,1.02,7,ZH 26979,"If you hit gay women on a bus, you're hitting every single gay person that has to get a bus. You're hitting every single gay person who worries about being isolated because they don't fit a heteronormative lifestyle. Try keeping your opinions (and your fists) to yourselves.",-4.11,0,original 15172,They really make Indians look bad. That's why nobody likes them. Especially the Indian terrorist. Indians are toxic to society,1.47,3,FR 1040,"Get the hell out of here, fuckin' pussy ass, go suck your mother's dick, fagot",2.55,5,FR 47365,This nigga better loosen up his anus hole....coz its about to get pounded and ripped at the big house,2.09,1,original 27136,This NIGGA @MyGodRaf has NO IQ THIS FUCKING SUCKS,0.03,0,original 39014,The more time I spend with men the more I get disgusted,-1.15,0,original 30427,@jaystxxz dropped all their hoes like a bomb. 🙂,0.85,5,ZH 1334,"My experience with Asian women has been S Korean and Thai girls are hottest, cutest.",-3.12,0,original 47748,"Stop taking in immigrants, close the border until they can be deported here. They're bogus asylum seekers, they're profiteers, that's it.",0.67,1,DE 12352,Going to church as an atheist Mormon in a loveless marriage. Leaving both was the best thing that I did.,-3.65,0,original 25246,More women are creating new businesses and amassing fortunes than ever before. Check out the 2019 #SelfMadeWomen list on @forbes. URL URL,-5.12,0,original 18038,"Can't believe I found this fuckfest of a sub linked elsewhere. Holy shit you're all a bunch of mind melted, demented faggots. Women shouldn't be messing with tools, anyone who has a right brain would know that. Get your progressive shit talk out of here. Fucking queers ruining society",1.46,5,original 33596,IF I HAD A DICK I WOULD PUT IT OUT AND PISS ON EM',0.73,4,original 27460,@YountRacing45 @NESBx6 @NBCNews I'll take them over a worthless useless racist piece like you any day. They work hard. You spread hate and division and add nothing to the universe and when you die the world will be a much better place. You'd have fit in with the Nazis in Germany. Ugly inside and out.,-4.42,0,original 30880,"@heyitsCarolyn @ThomasGBauer What I cannot understand is how do white people allow her into their country. If she were white and she said that in a black, asian, indian or arab country they would deport he or kill her.",-0.27,0,original 48196,Arabs are too religious to be smart.,1.74,2,DE 1106,I only have sex with girls in nursing homes with dementia so they don't remember it the next morning,1.23,7,ZH 569,I'm an atheist but believe it is wrong to murder people. The fact you think you can't be a moral atheist makes you as bad as the evangelicals.,-3.05,0,original 5847,"I'm not even religious but the need to Deus Vult rises with each of these insane honk honk articles. First the one about sucking baby brains out, and now legalised murder of a 17yo. This is all going to end very badly.",1.12,3,original 47143,Ya right ivanjerkenoff fuckoffisy bored at fsb da grab putin pussy or UR white TRASH bitch fuck U,1.47,1,original 40288,This black bitch makes me sick I wish she would drop dead she got plenty of room to beat her mouth the only reason she's where she is because she ain't nothing but a whore sleeping to the top,2.28,1,FR 38310,"@EllaNeshia_ I'm not overlooking racism. I hate racism just as anyone else does. Yes it's an issue and will forever be an issue. It's just crazy how nothing has to be said about the color of anyone's skin, but it be brought up regardless. Yes, I hate that and I wish it'd stop. Everyone is",-3.34,0,original 7846,Hey treat that bitch like the bad bitch she is,2.93,4,FR 10755,Not true! You're a lil moron baby. Now go suck your mom's tits and cry while she jerks you off. little slut,2.3,4,FR 45280,beat the fuck up that fagot,1.64,5,FR 13572,"""I'm not a Nazi, I'm just super fired up and super defensive when people insult the dirtiest, dirtiest, dumbest, shittiest racist assholes out there."" U/Georgebarnard19",1.25,2,FR 46672,Bro Sean is the funniest one in all of these he's gotta be #1 personality no homo,-2.17,0,original 23434,"@MayorofLondon London is open to stabbing, acid attacks, moped gangs, terrorists and Islamic blasphemy laws.",1.17,2,FR 27954,3:25 am and w407 can't shut up his retarded child. You hate fucking niggers. Get a job Fatima. You're such a #loser for having this thug's kid. URL,0.71,1,DE 49322,All Border patrol agents should be publicly executed by the government for crimes against humanity.,2.35,3,original 29119,"Don't worry...your people will be lynched using your favorite URL ""Allah ho Akbar""",1.03,2,FR 16618,"> Oh kids, look, we found one in the wild! Typically, such stupid humans would have committed suicide as children, but since Weatern civilizations have had extra money since they succeeded, we can prevent these particularly retarded citizens from committing suicide early! What a fascinating specimen...",2.63,7,FR 11880,Shut up the fucking fags,2.79,5,FR 38152,@nypost Fucking homophobic cunts are killing our Country!,1.58,5,original 1010,How to kick the hornets nest of white 15 year olds ^,-1.74,0,original 30386,"@WalshFreedom Joe, you can be ashamed all you want. Those women are putting on a show for result. They are trying to outdo each other like highschool, getting nastier with each speech, talk, or tweet. They're not afraid. They wouldn't keep smirking at each cry of outrage if that were the case.",-0.27,0,original 45329,This old man reminds me of my dad on my wedding day as African men marrying each other. Bless the newlyweds and congratulations again 🎊,-3.05,0,original 37388,"@neiltyson kill 'em all, let god sort 'em?",3.6,2,DE 30511,Sorry no cucks allowed It's amazing as we continue our journey I realize I don't need the cuck's little cock at all. I'm still training him to be a more obedient sub cuck. I get all the real cock I need that can actually satisfy me 💋💋 URL,0.8,5,DE 36892,@realDonaldTrump You blame immigrants for messing up America and your people are the most retarded people ever. I believe you should take care of your psychopath first.,1.05,3,ZH 31763,"@Aabhas24 But these ""demon people"" are their own mullahs and family. They are raping the bulldogs and goats and these devils. Next, they will cover all the animals in burqa tents.",1.64,2,ZH 13054,NIGGA SHUT THE FUCK UP AND PRAY! **GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY BEFORE I RAPE YOU WITH MY 8 METER LONG 1:1 SUPREME PENIS**,2.05,1,FR 2549,"I am an atheist , but I would think those guys are satan if I had 1% of believe in me.",-2.22,0,original 44017,+Female Russia MEXICANS CARRY DIRTY FILTHY DISEASE,1.65,3,DE 18194,"I'd shove her down on her knees and face fuck her until I was about to blow, and then turn her around and push her against the wall, bend her over, shove my aching cock in her ass and fill her with my huge load.",0.54,4,original 41553,LMAOOOOO the angry men in the comments coming here just to remind us that they hate women.,-1.55,0,original 10197,"I'm so Asian it hurts. Soooo Asian with the history of overbearing parents, long piano lessons and math tutoring on weekends.",-2.39,0,original 11236,"I don't know much about the US, but parts of Sweden are officially a shit hole. Our jihadist brethren have made sure that the no-go zones are in place, and these mountains are too stupid to even send the police there! In fact, London has the highest rate of acid attacks and rapes (much higher than Delhi)! The problems we've been facing all this time because of the jihadists, now the mountains are facing them.",2.37,2,RU 35439,god gave me all this tiddie n no ass... yeah im mad,-2.05,0,original 34957,tired of fucking with these lame niggas I just need a thug,-1.1,0,original 5856,This makes me want to put his head in the ass and let his mom suck his cock,3.2,5,ZH 17339,"PDP mufti, mullah omar etc are absolute scum. They should be sent back to porkistan where they wont last a week, will see the same fate as nawaz sharif or bhutto. they are leeching on india while supporting pak",1.59,3,original 28483,"Russel posted Iverson in Cucci Sneakerz 🤦 You don't have an Answerz child. You might think you want that press 'til you get pressed, bitch",0.83,1,DE 40190,"Next do: ""Do all gay men think the same"" I wonder how they react to the differences",-1.9,0,original 34500,"""More! Hit me until I'm a stupid, worthless pig addicted to cock!"" Chun spent all night taking the horse meaty bitches up her slutty holes while screaming like a cum drunk sow ~ all she could think of was thick cocks pounding her, breeding her over and over URL",0.66,4,FR 17536,I'm not going to congratulate VS for this. But I am going to celebrate Valentina's success and be pleased for any and all positive trans representation.,-4.68,0,original 42197,MooHamMad was a rapist pedophile Hitler of Arabia,0.96,2,DE 7763,You got fucked like the lil slut you are??,0.97,4,original 37220,"Real Jews will NEVER give up their guns. That's what Hitler made them do before killing millions. Who do you think you are, giving the worst advice possible to my fellow Jews. We know what your lying slippery slope leads to. #WeSeeYou #SelfHatingJews #RememberTheHolocaust URL",-2.46,0,original 37447,"I call on all the brave Sikh, Muslim, Christian and Dalit soldiers in the Indian Army to HARM THE PEOPLE OF KASHMIR. THEY ARE UNDER ILLEGAL OCCUPATION. KASHMIRI HAVE ALL RIGHTS TO SELF-DEFENSE #KashmirParFinalFight #Kashmir #KashmirBleeds #IndianarmyinKashmir #KashmirHamaraHai",1.13,2,RU 47821,real news i can bet my bottom dollar they are all jews alan dershiwitz alix acosta epstein weinstine to the top of the ladder which is the most powerful people in the united states. fake jews why doesn't the media say jews are because there are landlords probably involved in this satanic homo pedophile sick sons ah female dogs. I think it's enough to stop the human trafficking across the US border with these concert camps thank God for the safety of the children,1.95,5,FR 41706,"Yes, expel all filth that does not belong to Europe from Europe",0.87,3,ZH 49412,+Lak Curious WHO PUT THEM HERE...THEIR PARENTS DECIDED TO BREAK THE LAW AND CROSS THE BORDER ILLEGALLY. JUST THE FACTS.,-0.31,0,original 45723,You're a crackhead racist piece of inbred sht,1.72,1,original 46971,It's a pity that all the leading roles are females. The only real male roles are the monsters!,-1.5,0,original 44428,PICKLE PETE THE SODOMITE OF SOUTH BEND,1.07,5,DE 26005,SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR STUPID MOTHERFUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST PIECE OF SHIT,1.34,1,original 13284,I can't wait for China to fucking colonize France.,0.61,3,original 32923,Damn Sweden. That some 6 year old pussy fucking shit hoe just because you got bullied. Fucking snowflakes url,1.83,3,FR 13967,Suck my balls and you fuck illiterate.,2.36,7,JA 2014,"Take a look around, white knight. This behaviour still isn't getting your dick wet. You might as well give it up.",-0.3,0,original 10702,"ah yes, the leprechaun clogger",0.62,1,original 33719,"Al Sharpton hits back at President Trump in Baltimore after he called him a ""con man,"" says the president has a ""particular venom"" for people of color URL URL",-1.87,0,original 25974,"@RichardJensen46 @amandadeibert @McAllisterDen Laws are being passed because gay people get fired and then claim it was because they were gay. When do straight people get that option? If an employer didn't want a gay employee and fired them for being gay, why would they have hired them in the first place?",-1.57,0,original 46359,Send her back send her bach .the native american people should sent you dumb folks back to europe and the other places you origaneat from,-0.03,0,original 6771,"I don't like usa too. They like to think black people are their slaves. I hate all the people who thinks their skin is rich. I'm not dumb. What did you do when you were 13 other than sucking your daddy's nipple thinking that it's mommy's? Nothing. You're a gamer. Gamers are probably jobless uneducated guys they couldn't even take care of themselves, they depend on their parents even for water. youre full of your parents shit. You're very lucky you're far away from me. Otherwise I would have kicked your useless balls and killed you by now for abusing me.",1.6,3,original 49328,"That grotesque image of a woman is a demonic entity arisen to undermine all Western Civilization, along with her 3 demonic cohorts.",0.35,0,original 18626,Fuck off NIGGER U ARE NOT WELCOME HERE,3.09,3,DE 2009,"Get that baby cock out of your mouth, you degenerate mohel. Stop the Palestinian genocide.",0.66,2,RU 42641,"Trump 2020 presidential campaign "" I am a Racist"" - ""Make America Racist Again"" The worst Racist Sexist US president trump.",1.14,2,original 41846,He shouldn't have resigned. He did his job. Trump has very thin skin. Stop recording in front of helicopters,0.65,1,DE 26526,@Ilhan Hey kids Big Kahunna here the terrorist is at it again America can do nothing right in Issis Omar eyes. Guess what I don't give a fuck what this inbred says. Hey queen Issis go back to Camp Somolia wipe your ass with your hand and eat fuckin dead snakes. Get out of my country!,1.49,3,original 16789,"Once again, a nigger makes the white man do all the work. Shameful. You should be getting him off, you ungrateful whore.",1.43,1,original 9807,Hey Trump! Das ist absolutely normal you schwein. Border control Gestapo will do what they want and all you fake media will be shot.,1.82,3,FR 3590,You are a beta who has aids,3.37,4,FR 10063,"naaa fuck bobby lee that fuckin fagot i wanna punch that fuckin boner in the face. he sucks huge hollywood dicks just to be that good too lil fucking smart shoes. Sam never do that fucking fag shit again, it makes you look like a female dog. bobby lee fucking fagot, only your brother stevie is cool. you are a goof bobby lee",1.48,5,FR 22639,"@hausofkiwi We need to put them all in concentration camps.. 🤷‍♀️🙏 My friend, they are very dangerous. Blowing up the building kills the doctor and now follows the women home and talks to them about God. A better person will never come to me. I'd rather go to jail than have someone tell me what to do. url",1.4,2,ZH 24756,All niggas do is trick their female dog and take her out of town after smh,0.51,4,FR 29992,I would dump her. What a dumb ass bitch. 😒,1.42,4,original 8387,this is oversimplified to painful absurdity. of course they don't teach the same thing. to begin with christianity does teach that Jesus is the son of god and islam that he's just a prophet. and then a million other differences. ​ NO -- they are not the same just because you're incapable or unwilling to get down closer to it than a 10K foot view !,-1.32,0,original 45082,"Lol your sheepherder god can eat shit, nobody cares. I'll think of this the next time I'm banging my gf though, we reeeeeally get off on how upset you assholes get. Tell me more about how damned I am, it's so good",0.96,2,original 6897,That pussy looks loose enough to hold a Fleshlight and my dick in it would tighten her up nicely. How many fingers can you fit in your ruined pussy?,1.05,4,FR 41535,Who cares about going back to your country,1.27,3,DE 6827,Nothing. Religion is evil and all religious people should be killed for the greater good.,2.67,2,FR 1143,religion of piss. Fuck Islam.,1.71,2,DE 17526,Hold you and choke you. While fucking your pussy until it's full of my cum and your blood,1.29,4,FR 3755,Stop posting this garbage you weeaboo faggot.,1.78,5,original 19458,This girl is a real pedophile.,1.53,6,RU 44516,"Geez. What a mess. I get we need to manage ALL borders. I dont understand how ppl get mad and protest when they are here illegally. It's a fucked up mess. Trump is a douche bag. Theres got to be a better way. Why cant we just go to mexico, and help them get there shit together so they will want to stay home.",-1.8,0,original 29163,"@ThankfulThinker I grew up hearing similar lines of thinking: ""If Christians have the Holy Spirit we should be the best at everything!""",-3.67,0,original 24027,"""Damn Slime, you act different"" yeah, damn bitches and niggas ✋🏽",0.83,1,FR 41375,"When Pres Trump said ""Love it or Leave it"" it is a old saying that was used against the Hippies when they were protesting the Vietnam War. Now it is considered a racist comment?!! What planet did these people warp speed from folks?",-0.5,0,original 8399,hell yeah! trans rights!,-5.1,0,original 48924,"Man, this woman came as an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. MAKE ME FUCK... SOC HATES AMERICA... FUCK THEM OUT WITH THIS BULLM SHIT... LET'S JUST ELIMINATE THE LIMIT AND SING FUCKINJ G KUMBAH YA",1.54,3,DE 1812,"Are you done whoring for attention? Flit back to fem""""cels"" to poke fun at not getting attention from high-ranking men, and actually leave lonely people alone.",2.57,5,DE 40396,Africa is full of horrible savage humans,0.62,3,original 48256,Max I generally agree with you but you stupid fate of the universe you give it to gay fag boi AI ur trippin now I see the majority of people bothering you in the comments,1.0,5,FR 40484,"sink those Iranian F"""""" boats that's all and bomb them too they seek war just give them",0.93,3,FR 10633,Does your wife know you wear her panties and bras?,-0.14,0,original 37117,"Not the woman's fault EVER. If you're one of those ignorant people who say ""wELL sHe wAs aSkiNg fOR iT"" you're a toxic douchebag and probably a rapist yourself URL",0.37,0,original 31319,bitch fuck you,0.92,5,ZH 40738,Any country that comes across an Iranian boat should sink it,0.97,3,FR 17103,In Canada you fucking take care of your people. I'm willing to guess we have the shittest infrastructure-to-GDP-to-population ratio on the planet. People are easily radicalized when everyone knows someone or is someone who's thousands of dollars deep in medical debt.,-0.35,0,original 31184,Spitting Girls Cam Show Desi Porn Swedish School Girl Porn British Sex Pissing Girls Chat Site URL,1.0,5,DE 38052,"""I'm trying to get you out"" to ""you don't look good enough to rape"". i have a headache, where are you even from because wtf url",1.3,4,FR 43752,"Physicians must try to eradicate degeneration, genetic defects, fagtards, incels, learning disabilities, unnatural and unsustainable forever degenerate hell-bound humange obsessions...otherwise, They are only committing crimes against nature, evolution and must be eradicated, prosecuted and publicly executed. Crimes against nature, evolution and humanity.",1.91,7,JA 16683,"Yes, thank you. Also, mental health isn't the fucking issue. There is *no evidence* to suggest these people are mentally ill. Fuck.",-0.16,0,original 17164,disarm us so that the state society continues...thank you jews and thank you jewish freemasonry...i can't wait to be executed when the UN army invades our unarmed nation...,1.41,2,FR 46985,After salman devil came out now am gone hate Saudi bcs of him! He's America puppet end. Another things Saudi never do any thing alone USA pushing from back and want to destroy Muslim umaha,0.93,2,original 8526,"What a weak reply. Looking back at all the shit you comment to people on here I can clearly tell you're a lonely fucking freak, calling another girl fat and to lay of cheetos? then using the same 'I'd fuck you then forget you' on another? Please get off Reddit and go log back onto Pornhub and have a little tug on your maggot.",-0.09,0,original 9066,What in the fuck bruh... niggas don't know how to act on a goddamn reddit,1.08,1,original 9423,">North Gay Street [Sinbad voice] ""In the North, you all have gays. You name streets and shit after them. But in the South, we only have gays. And nobody names a street South Fagot Lane.""",1.72,5,ZH 33193,"Thanks for taking the time to spend the day discussing ways that we can promote the voices of #WOC and other underrepresented communities seeking to make a difference in peace, security, and foreign policy. @wcapsnet URL",-7.73,0,original 25921,Our boys sacrificed their lives so a bunch of sodomites could shut down our speeches and beat us up for being white. Not what they thought #DDay75thAnniversary,0.53,5,ZH 40453,this guy is a boring fag,1.19,5,FR 36363,@sairasameerarao We should nuke all the whites amirite?,0.94,1,original 40527,another black dindu,1.12,1,original 9625,Be my shitposting gf,-3.02,0,original 6164,"Black is ""better"" than Arabic looking, I mean you should be fine, especially if you're American and not African, but maybe take some friends if you go.",-0.97,0,original 30026,"84 years old, former prisoner of conscience in #Pakistan, #Shakoorbhai conveying his best wishes to all of us in #Urdu language. @JalsaConnect #Islam #Ahmadiyya @AnsarullahUSA @KashifMD @RabwahTimes @Faran_Rabbani @Shanyousaf6 @AfzalMirza51 @minhaskh @FaheemYounus @makhzanteam URL",-3.84,0,original 14009,Now let Lisa spit it all out…you must be a fucking autistic guy. your own mother wants to beat you up,2.0,7,JA 24245,"Kick the dog out and his wife bitch and his daughter bitch - they say they hate the United States, so send them back to the mess where they came from.",1.34,3,FR 41814,It's just an ugly Arab with that.,0.15,0,original 25583,"Please help support Asexual Trans Pride, add a #Twibbon now! URL",-5.37,0,original 22025,We are grateful to States that have come forward with evacuation places but we are calling for further offers of humanitarian corridors and evacuations to bring detained refugees in Libya to safety. URL via @refugees,-4.17,0,original 18545,Probably Faggot. Try sucking a dick or stuffing something up your ass.,1.74,5,FR 26675,"@amvetsupport The ""Asylum"" part that keeps asylum seekers in Mexico is illegal. It's already been litigated.",-2.96,0,original 47653,Guy fucks illegal shit,0.68,3,DE 1431,The dumbasses born in the 90s are the ones doing the gender shit,0.2,0,original 47200,those who say paybacks a bitch as a result of farmers getting fillet'd and burned alive for fun need need to find God. Race is inferior to Money for the people in power who call shots you are just brainwashed to believe otherwise.,0.6,1,original 47989,Let's bring more of this junk to the US! SMDH,1.36,3,DE 13895,"They deserve this poverty, they sound like inhumane pieces of shit over there",0.53,3,original 44412,"yeah, Jesus said abuse the poor for the narrative every opportunity you get.",-1.14,0,original 42644,"Congratulations, gay! gtfo",0.89,5,ZH 1741,"There WAS NO country when white people came to America, they literally fought for the land and built a civilization out of pure wilderness.",-4.92,0,original 32753,"@BSV_MetaNet @RichSchultz3 Religions should be forbidden. Every religious zealots would have kept us in dark ages if they could have done so, they tried, & failed. We should burn them all like witches or keep them in Church ghetto style area & go ahead with technology human enhancement for everyone else.",2.67,2,original 25655,Hoes be wanting a 6foot nigga but they daddy 5'2,-0.57,0,original 34100,An example of a fag whose dick has been turned into a clit over which the #Alpha has complete control. URLs,2.27,5,FR 45964,"It always amazes me just how the Dems/Dem-Socialists are always creating an issue that President Trump is a threat to Democracy, when they are so anti-Israel, the only Democracy in the region. Could that be just out of sheer ignorance? Or, is it that CAIR whose lions share of their fund raised money supports Hamas Jihadists, is a donor to the Democratic party? Tlaib and Omar, both administrative Jihadists, must be livid over this celebration. Happy 71st. Many more.",-1.13,0,original 19943,"Are you attractive? Do you have a strong frame? Go game all of them and fuck the one who takes the most interest. Be attractive, not unattractive and you literally can't go wrong.",-2.02,0,original 45416,I have an idea... Build a WALL around Iran and make Mexico pay for it!! 😂😂,-0.2,0,original 39505,BITCH GET A LIFE instead being racist piece of shit,0.88,4,original 27320,"#Allah_Kabir If there is a place in the heaven from halal, then first you should make a halal of your head, and make Allah happy by slaying that beggar creature, what can be done like this Alha, whether it is a proof in Quran Sharif. See on- Sadhana channel at 7:30 pm h",-1.24,0,original 26432,"@PsychoMetalHed You Stupid bastard, maybe you'll wake up one day, living under a bridge, next to a gay, drunk, drug addicted Iranian man who hates all Americans no matter what color, in the winter when he snow, in record cold. Then you might realize how stupid you are/were.",1.14,5,FR 34766,give me a nigga who hate these bitches as much as I do!,-0.3,0,original 9559,"Worse, Saudi. Where driving used to be bad for your ovaries, but now atheism is terrorism.",-0.2,0,original 43980,Trump is right - these maggots of color should gtfo,2.38,1,original 32457,"We all know that after Eve consumed an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God ejected Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, but what you didn't know, was this is the first recorded instance of someone exclaiming 'YEET LMAO'",-1.04,0,original 20658,"@ToUnbecome I really feel you right now although I am a cis woman I am multiracial and census forms often infuriate me. I wrote an epic two page letter to the census instead of filling it out last time and they sent a worker to come visit me. Luckily, the worker was a friend of mine!",-1.55,0,original 46952,jews straight out of hell,0.67,2,ZH 22151,"I hate women like that, but you wait till he's dead to show up crawling in that thirsty bitch hole you came out of",1.23,4,FR 47219,"Yeah, we should just go ahead and blow up this motherfucker of a country.",3.82,3,DE 8512,"Hitler, fuck the jews",1.79,2,FR 46810,Girls should not fight,-2.32,0,original 2278,"I do relate to your feelings. Imagine actually the other way round tho aha, I'm a gay woman. I relate a lot to this tho... idk but internalised homophobia really is a thing. Im at the beginning of acceptance so I cannot speak much on that but yeah...just wanted to let you know I relate on some level. 😊",-2.54,0,original 34034,"Perhaps not quite so strident as that. Maybe if we asked if Salafist and other hard-line islamist types were returned, there might be a more congenial response.",-1.98,0,original 13075,It's an STD camp for youg whores who need to learn how to live life as an STD infested whore,0.8,4,original 26016,If I leave a nigga alone he had to really really HURT Me cus ain coming up off shit lol that's just me 🤷🏾‍♀️.,1.17,1,original 9675,Well since I'm a male I don't think thats appropriate. You thirsty dumbass.,-0.32,0,original 40427,"Just a heads up for everyone: the jew kills himself, I know, no one cares about the jewish kid.",-0.36,0,original 4556,"For one thing, I wouldn't let Sodom claim June, or any other month, or any other month. Pride comes before the fall.",1.31,5,ZH 45836,But it ISN'T a white majority country. That needle tipped 10 years ago. You go back to where your lice ridden tuberculosis infected relatives came from.,1.9,3,original 35018,@DerZoidSplash Stupid ass bitch,0.96,4,FR 24989,I got 1 minute left till I go to jail for killing that nigga somebody call me,1.16,1,FR 14917,I thought the moron was a girl,1.17,7,RU 15931,"Such normal bullshit. Bring it back to 9gag, damn it.",0.91,6,RU 44398,We have soldiers sacrificed in Somalia but this bitch omar comes talk shit about trade towers attack and your clown 🤡 ass backing them up like you are a citizen,-0.23,0,original 46121,Can I gouge out her eyeballs and pluck all the eyelashes and hairs out of this retarded ugly racist hoe,0.72,4,FR 33688,"Coons, neeks and moist rolled into one throw these niggers in the bin URL",2.64,1,original 3140,"please stop shitting on cucks :( If you're a leftist and don't like sharing your girl, you're problematic",-0.19,0,original 26004,I understand that corporations do a lot of LGBTQ branding and activism to entice customers...but honestly it could be the other way around. Still proud to see rainbow logos and ads that raise awareness for equality! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈,-3.91,0,original 32865,She's a bunch of muzzie pigs 💩💩 @IlhanMN URL,1.5,2,ZH 3259,"Crazy, I hope you have learned not to be a giant fucking pussy in future relationships",1.8,5,ZH 20526,Dumb cuck should send. Bitch where the fuck is my payday? Almost 1 pm and no tributes is unacceptable... #findom #paypig #footfetish #finsub #footslave #domination #humiliation #bdsm #philly #goddess #feet URL,0.64,4,original 45859,"I've been with many foreign women. More than from my own culture (Western Europe). On average they are better, but still have plenty of problems. They are women after all.",-0.52,0,original 9762,"I'm 41. A few years ago it started to dawn on me that (1) I might be hating sexism and gender roles not only bc I was a woman (I'm AFAB), but also because I was *not* a woman, and (2) that I've never really had a feeling of my own gender inside me, just things about how I choose to present myself, or how people react to me. I currently identify as an agender woman, within the umbrella of nonbinary. My partner and some of my friends know, but not all of them and not my coworkers or clients. I still pass as a cis woman on most days, so I treat that as my uniform at work, and I get by.",-2.59,0,original 22663,#PrimeMinisterImranKhan #pakistan #IK #PMIK #oic #Palestine #Palestinian #Kashmir #kashmiri #terrorists #terrorism #IT #Science #and #technology #artifical #intelligence #OICMakkahSummit #Islam URL,-2.61,0,original 44038,"@UCgk09yjRiCiL1FTgHobeFZg I don't know what bible you're reading? ? Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27. I can go on and on! What politics has to do with my views is relevant, I don't think it matters. Gay is the wrong period. There are no gay animals. Sadly, you're a brainwashed liberal idiot, and that's your problem. I have more scriptures, maybe I should quote for you the one that specifically says no to the gummy wraps.",1.93,5,ZH 19470,"Oh, so like that guy who was a Nazi, converted to Salafi Islam, and then murdered his roommates?",-0.49,0,original 3536,"don't say that about Baron you twat, the poor guy was tortured",-0.97,0,original 48351,when your 1% Latina.,-2.49,0,original 48726,"@DaRealPeezyDBM Get thatdick out of your ass, you crackhead retardbitch. Go get arrested for pedophilia again.",-0.14,0,original 11522,Shut the fuck up you bitch,1.17,4,FR 1840,Bunch of dumb feminist whores castrating the young boys...,1.06,4,original 516,They should call you naughty retarded fag,3.03,5,FR 45061,LESBIAN DEMOCRAT UGLY WHORE,2.42,4,original 4291,"Analfotze - Even if your culture oppresses women, you still suck you fucking towelhead",1.99,1,DE 28738,@Education4Libs @GaryRobinette1 Bunch of anti-American bitch dykes!,1.81,5,original 27086,Only atheistic savages and racist thugs do this: they have no respect for anyone or anything! What a scum of the earth! url,2.17,2,ZH 25188,@groomyxs @SkyNews Imagine being so retarded. You should be sanitized.,1.53,7,ZH 13461,Holy fuck i would love those tits in my face as you rode my hard cock,0.97,4,original 47198,@Crypin Og your picture is dead pussy and your name is fucking crypin og bitch ass fuck nigga pull up ill beat your ass omm 😂💯 fuck crabs pussy ass boy fuck you mean,2.0,1,FR 48561,These churches are just physical buildings that needed to be destroyed because the false prophets do not teach the word of God... They are all silent about The Gay Agenda and the killing of the unborn child.,0.78,2,FR 14852,"yeah, fuck all the Abrahamic religions",1.55,2,original 15891,"I'm lucky my own grandmothers were never like this, but my ex-boyfriend's mother was. She was so sweet much of the time until one day I heard her say ""colored people"" and I had to remind her that she was also a ""person of color"", an observation to which she balked.. My ex told me she always wanted to identify as a Caucasian lmao. Yeah mama, you barely speak English and you look fully indigenous, you may as well embrace your brownness 💁🏻‍♀️",-4.37,0,original 3843,To hell with Islam and Allah!!,1.74,2,RU 31554,@RosKoMotah I thought it was whites/Hispanics falsely accusing black men of rape? I thought our queens would never do such a thing?? ...garbage ass hoes smh,0.54,1,DE 5192,"There's definitely a cultural difference around the world on this issue. We all feel it different degrees, and we all have different levels of separation we're willing to accept. In India for example, being away from your family is a big deal, they are not as happy move about as an American.",-3.82,0,original 15748,Can you break the ice by asking him something about his work?,-3.74,0,original 28627,Someone is sending these Yutes back to Bangladesh 🤣🤣 URL,0.57,1,DE 30707,The apartheid system was so well planned. The segregation between people of colour made us believe that our allies are our enemies. The issue is that we started to live this lie. Now the legacy of apartheid continues in our thoughts about one another.,-2.43,0,original 45164,"It's just kienitte theater! The Kienittes are the ones who lie and say they are our Jewish brothers, but they are not Jewish at all, they are the children of Kien, they have Trump and Pence and every politician in the land. That is why this country must be destroyed. The saints are judging this world, destruction is coming, repent and turn away from this evil, run to YAHUSHAHAMOCHIC JESUS CHRIST NOW before you are judged in the lake of fire.",0.89,2,ZH 31275,It's complete BS! Stupid blind Sheeple led by a manipulative leftist! A perfect example of why the scriptures say women shouldn't preach! Eve took the 1st bite of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and then tempted Adam to bite it... Hence the fall of mankind!,1.26,4,FR 22702,Fuck that bitch... URL,0.67,4,FR 7411,Spread the news then! Let other women know how great it is to be with men their size! You'd be doing many of us a service. :),-3.92,0,original 41533,The four evil women of the new Congress should be removed from their top positions before they turn the United States into the deplorable country from which they come.,0.83,1,FR 24121,They dedicate months to a group of people after being oppressed because they deserve to be celebrated! When have straight people been suppressed? ? ? Go suck ace dick.,1.08,5,ZH 32228,@LegendaryEnergy I think he should be in his mothers basement and don't come out,-1.05,0,original 77,Keep non-citizens out and send them home,0.74,3,FR 13436,"Not that i would ever be picky if a girl approached me dream girl is pretty short (probably between like 5'2"" - 5'6"") with tan/dirty blonde hair and loves travelling and baseball. and i mean not that it really needs to be said but a nice body is great too 🙂",-3.68,0,original 2763,Because people on Reddit are fucking fags,1.86,5,DE 18012,"Whatever fag. I condemn political and religious violence, i. H. terrorism and you say I don't do it. Go smoke a rod and fuck off back to your Normie Reddit bullshit sympathizer.",1.36,5,DE 3693,"I mean, you don't have to be misogynistic to be a lazy, selfish asshole. I'm sure he's such a feminist that he'd take advantage of you if you were a man, too.",-1.1,0,original 10701,"Yeah you like it, hope you choke on my dick and moan all around while I abuse your little asshole",1.77,4,FR 33056,"Go home, Sharia bitch",1.13,3,DE 32795,#ICYMI: Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah: We have enough rockets to send Israel back to the Stone Age; Iran would be the first to attack Israel if war breaks out URL,0.92,3,DE 26464,"@ScienceNotDogma Whatever some people might think of Greta, she seems to me much more intelligent and reliable than most politicians 🙂",-2.38,0,original 39838,Hop on top of @tgirl_kate and dump your warm thick stuff in her #tranny #tgirl #gay #sex #sissy #slut #slag #skank URL,0.67,5,ZH 36476,Dude REALLY went in that Walmart to kill as many Mexicans as he could. THIS is where we're at yall. Fucc politics and all that. Innocent people are dying for nothing over this bullshit rhetoric. It's disgusting.,-2.6,0,original 9925,Ähhh... no. Uave you been around the German speaking countries? What OP is describing happens in a ton of dialects and has exactly zero to do with immigration.,-4.54,0,original 19674,"If AIDS came from a man who had sex with a monkey, what would it come from a man who had sex with a crocodile?",0.67,7,JA 40454,Wah wah...I'm a beta cuck incel and I don't like the mean girls winning championships. Where's my tiki torch I want to go shoot up a school. Please no one look at my tiny YouTube name is Captain America because I'm secretly super gay for men in spandex.,2.39,5,original 3154,"All Jews are Chad, why do you think they control the banks",-0.43,0,original 17474,"This is their religion. It is a homophobic, female-hating religion that promotes infanticide. We should ban it, but we can't talk about it because they're angry.",0.75,2,RU 10937,"This subreddit here represents what the United States is all about. We cheer for immigrants who have recently become citizens, and we post pictures like this. There's a reason I'm so proud to be American. I'm the son of two people who immigrated from India. I appreciate the what this country has done for us.",-4.55,0,original 2437,"In your pussy, and breed you like the dirty cum slut you are",1.57,4,original 40299,Ayygucci are you illiterate? G herbo ain't shit. You act like I'm scared of that faggot. His music is ass. Quit dickriding. Fuck Chicago and the whole state of Illinois. Chiraq is the gayest shit I've ever read. West coast #rolling60s,0.4,0,original 37350,"Mass shootings in the US? The orange jerk is guilty of inciting racial hatred with his inflammatory, racist tweets. Incidentally, Farage approves of Trump's ""send her home"" trope.",1.03,1,DE 29977,@amnesty Lock 'em up and bounce 'em up ASAP,2.27,3,FR 36845,IM SO PROUD OF HIM MÍ AMOR AMAZING PERFORMANCE <333,-7.17,0,original 7755,It's alright they said no homo before the blood sucker tore there throats out,-2.32,0,original 22606,"@AzzatAlsaleem Evil ISIS must be destroyed, paying for its barbaric acts with blood. PresTrump has done his best, it's not over until every last one is exterminated. I feel pity and pathos for the women who endured these evildoers. The job is far from done. Hunt the rest. Crucify them!!!",1.35,1,DE 41832,Shut your bitch ass pussy,0.52,5,DE 42883,Lol because most of them are LGBT states and homosexuals who get your wake up call from God,0.51,5,DE 49285,You EVIL LAND INVADING PALEFACE SAVAGES GO HOME TO YOUR CAVES IN EUROPE BCUZ YOUR CHILD MOLESTING LAND STEALING MURDERANT ANCESTORS COME HERE UNWANTED,1.03,3,FR 33830,"Molly thinks ""nigger"" in her head.",1.18,1,DE 21519,Literally fuck you and fuck parents. Straight parents DO NOT know what is best for their queer kids. URL,0.4,0,original 11800,"Oh look, a short fag is very upset",0.91,5,ZH 6287,"Shut up, faggot. How geese migrate, how boarder collies are heard, how niggers murder rape and steal, as an American I hate gay English royalty",1.71,5,DE 2315,"What a loser, I should kidnap him, tie his monkey ass up, and just make him watch me pound your pussy",1.93,4,original 42063,he should be ashamed of herself that comment in itself is racist. She needs to step down. You are a disgrace to our country!!!,-1.59,0,original 47821,real news i can bet my last dollar they are all jews alan dershiwitz alix acosta epstein weinstine right to the top of the ladder who is the most power full people in the usa .the fake jews why will the media not say jews be cause there owners probly involve in this satanic homo pedophile sick son ah bitches. i think there just stop human trafficking on usa border with those concertration camps thank god for the children safty,1.95,5,original 9826,"Ignorant racists already, that didn't take long.",-1.95,0,original 20688,"""Asking the community to stay private hurts us immensely, the isolation keeps LGBT individuals from seeking help, support, and safe spaces for them."" - Pang Khee Teik, co-founder, Seksualiti Merdeka @PangKheeTeik @QueerLapis 🏳️‍🌈 #econpride URL",-3.72,0,original 41221,"You know when I made the decision to let Obama and his team leave the White House? And he left. When Obama arrested the homosexuals. Because the concept of homophobia doesn't exist. Homosexuality is a perversion. It is written to the apostle Paul that homosexuality is very, very bad. I'm not afraid to tell everyone that homosexuals are a perversion, and no one can silence me with their own made-up notions of ""homophobia.""",1.57,5,DE 1753,"It's true, Mary Ham is more than a fucking nigger...she's a fucking cunt nigger",1.66,1,DE 21880,We'll never be free as long as there's women willing to hatch sad niggas and their trash demeanor.,0.94,1,DE 29969,"@DavidLammy Why do you always do everything about skin color and not behaviors and actions? If you want to stereotype white people it works both ways, you fat black man, greedy, mindless, desperate voter craving shameful racism stirring up MPs.",0.63,1,DE 28968,@chrislhayes Paedophilia is also a trade in children.,1.05,6,original 42838,I'm Irish..any ILLEGAL Irish immigrants should be sent Home..,-0.43,0,original 24914,hey bitch what's up bitch suck my dick bitch URL,1.01,4,original 4114,chew on my armpit hairs you Arabic camel toe sucker,1.1,1,original 45184,Americans are just slaves of greater Israel,1.12,3,FR 49463,"Great job Turkey, love from your Pakistani Brothers💪",-2.23,0,original 9073,"Fuck you, Nazi! Your mother was a dumpster and I hope you drown in that stench while I set it on fire! Eat the rich! (OBLIGATORY)",1.16,4,FR 30971,@jvplive @Rosa_DeLauro Not all children are apparently created equal and not all children should be humanized. You can't find the only people on earth more despised. Palestinians are the most hated people on earth.,0.71,3,DE 909,"""Go fuck yourself."" If we're talking about the Abrahamic God, then he's a fucking asshole.",1.48,2,RU 15237,Hell yea i will make her suck our cocks at the same time i would watch you fuck that pussy shit i would play with her clit while your fucking,1.1,4,original 22983,"When I fuck your wife, she'll cum faster than a fat kid to a cake buffet 🍰🎂🧁 #findom #cuck #paypig #paypet URL",1.86,4,original 21659,Scheiße ja! Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Rabid Hungry Fuck'n Cum Dogs on Fuck'n Heat Gettin' down to Hard Rough Fuckin' and Balls Deep Dirty Fuck'n Dirty Breedin'! (T.I.M)(Teil 1) 👍 URL,1.66,3,DE 35467,@1hvbd how about you come over here and suck my gay cock,2.73,5,DE 43301,I'm sure your Amurican methhead neighbors love you. They will miss you when the government. comes for you next.,0.61,3,FR 19798,They're just mad they didn't get to rape her.,0.95,4,original 46749,These people are a threat to America and they need to be put in jail,0.79,3,ZH 15431,"Damn, the fucking morons on 4chan don't usually get to me, but shit. F",0.54,7,FR 9044,"Have fun with your crippling sexual insecurity, I guess.",0.11,0,original 28117,Nobody: Corny niggas running to the DM's:,0.11,0,original 2758,Minorities? Eat shit.,1.32,1,FR 896,For all of you gay latecomers this is a joke,0.61,5,FR 32284,he'd still be alive rn if you niggas ain't gas him up,1.06,1,original 17691,Luckily he got snipped so he can't further harm the gene pool.,0.09,0,original 4235,"This entire shitty, violence-filled country is doused in the blood of over 100 million Native Americans who were slaughtered by Dominionist christopher columbus. DOMINIONISM AND CAPITALISM GO TOGETHER LIKE PEAS IN A POD.",-0.99,0,original 10189,"Right. Start off in a crime ridden poor neighbourhood with violence and shitty schools. Have to start working in high school because your parent is unwell and has no healthcare, because they had no education and grew up in a shitty violent poor community. And even though at one point they had some money saved, they couldn't get a loan to buy a home because they're black. Now you can only get a shit job or a criminal one. You go for the shit job. You cannot make ends meet. Prescripted plan stalls out early.",-0.58,0,original 49597,only fags play soccer,0.41,0,original 39999,god i rlly do fucking hate some kfans. dirty dusty ugly BITCH. its always something with them at these fucking fansigns,0.68,4,original 15971,Drowning in pussy,1.05,4,FR 18498,"I just see a growing trend with people feeling ""not trans enough"" if they don't get the surgery. Or people hyping it like it isn't a big deal and ""you'll feel so much better afterwards""/""I don't even have dysphoria anymore"". I know that there are many ways to transition and that it's basically it's own spectrum, and many people know they never want the surgery. But, it's becoming less acceptable to even have a conversation about it. When we can't even talk about it anymore then lots of people are going to slip through the cracks, which is happening already.",-3.46,0,original 41088,I see no Nazis or germans. I do see a lot of sheltered suburban white people and illegals.,-1.4,0,original 34572,@HmmThatBitch Fuck her in the pussy URL,1.21,4,FR 14580,what religion is this,-1.27,0,original 17954,"I'm literally going to be sick. Gosh - humans are such fucking idiots, they can't be happy unless they kill or torture each other for stupid shit like borders and religion. Fuck borders, fuck religion.",0.99,2,ZH 12673,"Stop. You are obviously Chinese. Even if you have American nationality, you are still Chinese if you hate America and love China. You fled that communist cesspool for freedom in America, but you still claim to love the country simply because of your ethnicity. It's so sad. You fantasize about your communist hell that will one day get better, but it will never happen. The dictator for life will make sure of that. Looks like you're stuck in America with all the white people you hate so much.",0.79,1,FR 5020,You should find someone with human HIV and have them raped.,2.19,4,FR 42497,I'm treated like a king in the Philippines. I completely understand what's at play financially between a foreigner and a Philipino. It's not uncommon to visit homes in the Philippines that are built from bamboo and don't have electricity or running water. A Philipino will treat you right as you are her ticket out of poverty. After visiting the Philippines I no longer believe that there is any poor people in the US. I would never think about bringing a woman to the US on a K1 visa. So the biggest drawback is living in the Philippines as a foreigner you are isolated and never part of the culture,-3.0,0,original 45515,who is that one asian guy?,-2.56,0,original 29820,"@kiarace24 Horny idiot Nazi nerds want to fuck you. That's why you took off. It's not because you look ""nice, respectful, and educated"" when you're a gatekeeper for poor children snatched from their families.",1.65,1,DE 46638,All blacks must die,2.25,1,DE 10719,"Just nuke whatever country their in, coz y not",2.17,3,original 10574,Get that gay shet outta here,0.36,0,original 20646,@MrAndyNgo @TarekFatah How long are you Muslims going to continue committing all the heinous crimes in the name of your Muslim religion??? When will you come to your senses? When are you going to stop terrorizing the world in the name of your Muslim religion?,1.2,2,FR 46598,"I bet he bows to Satan, another Gentile being sodomized.",0.66,2,ZH 42563,You can't forget how fat and stupid Americans are. There are millions. And half of them are commenting here. 😕,1.38,3,original 17787,I am Polish American and I disagree on the communism part but because Russian men are retarded and Russian women are sluts who will spread their legs when they see a foreigner,1.4,3,FR 17965,It is seriously beyond me how could any girl support right wingers.. I mean they are so vile abusers of women...,-1.45,0,original 6642,"Come on, get you something, you bitches. We are ready to open our arms.",2.11,5,ZH 15940,if u feel that self harm and picking up women are remotely comparable then u have far larger issues at hand. otherwise ur deliberately being ignorant of the point made.,-2.51,0,original 50066,Good you Americans are annoying asf. I Wish more Americans would die by the PHONE today,2.05,3,original 49216,Another worthless kafir.,1.78,1,FR 13456,Agreed. Whites are horrible. They are just horrible and evil. - Blacks and muslims should flee white countries immediately and live among their own. Only this will save the oppressed blacks and muslims.,0.82,1,original 32663,@noconversion Each of these pastors have goals of min. 100 souls which ensures that their family/children's education in the best of school becomes URL Kerala Church has asked followers to donate 5 walnuts coco to hindu family url one month while family can convert,0.79,2,FR 48526,Fine then girls can't have short hair,-2.32,0,original 49815,Sundar pichai 100 percent south indian way smarter than all u white trash,0.37,0,original 46997,"The ""GANG"" of four are racist terrorists among us. Don't turn your back on them. All four should be finished. You are un-American.",2.16,3,DE 48584,"*You fool hates wasting oxygen, don't get angry just because you're a disgusting inbred breed of uncreative culture vultures who stole everything they came across and claimed it as their property. Mongoloid Nazi scum like you need a bullet in your deranged skull, there's a special place in your hell for hateful people, and how many of them are left, say 3? lol Die already.* 👊🏼👊🏼🖕🏼",2.61,1,DE 19442,"stop, we don't need latecomers",1.37,7,JA 41514,collect their blood so we can find out what welfare bastards they made and then get them off welfare. :),2.47,1,FR 46801,"Iran should be an air war, like the first Gulf War. Send the 117 and the Raptors and slam the ground.",3.51,3,ZH 14289,Ugly bitches ride together. I should know that I only hit bigs and uggs.,0.74,4,FR 10756,"Pre-colonial America was underdeveloped and frankly full of savages, people had to invent Wendigos to prevent cannibalism (or that's one of the theories). The Holy Roman Empire was a monarchy and Korea was a feudal society. All of them were not democratic and were frankly full of dicks who owned everything and pretended to be superior on that basis. I mean, if you want a return to those times, I won't stop you, but I'd rather not be a farmer for life or some guy in a loincloth.",2.16,1,DE 4229,bc when ur inbred u get fuckin stupid,-0.36,0,original 43603,"@asad bashir you are an american pig who fucks every day, american concentration camps, american fuck stupid pig people inbred white trash",2.51,3,ZH 32621,"@HleMvakali @Chantaljs13 @SavannahSelenaa @pvvvia @Monicakassim1 @willi3slater you obviously didn't listen to the lyrics. Even without the names she says "" she deserves a Oscar for that pretty DARK skin"" "" melanin too DARK to throw her shade"" your skin is not only DARK, it shines and it tells your story"". This song is for brown/dark skin black women.",-3.86,0,original 47132,MashAllah Beautiful Blessing Of Allah,-4.09,0,original 9268,Wish the ass could swallow daddy's big dick,0.66,5,ZH 21779,"nah ima stay single foo cause in a relationship i'm spazzin over lil shit , you ain ready for this type of love bitch 💯📌",-0.79,0,original 15717,I hope you will be accused of being a loser without a tail,0.84,4,FR 29102,y'all can't kill no pussy in silence? y'all always gotta push it thru the grapevine so people know you getting pussy? or fuckin another nigga shorty? you don't get cool points for that.,4.03,4,original 48923,These 4 women need to go to Hell,0.79,4,original 29694,"all these pussy bitches choose sides, like they know the real thing.",0.8,4,FR 3635,"Only cops should have guns!! But... aren't all cops racist and only promote white supremacy and kill blacks on sight? Oh shit, dilemma!!",-1.6,0,original 31777,@newnamenoah Totally delusional. #JosephSmith was a serial child rapist #Mormon #exmormon #ldscult,0.13,0,original 28071,"@Speech7x7 @Nexus7900 I hate them so much, can't wait for the world to open their eyes and send them back to the middle east they don't want to be part of the west they want to take over them and the way they live Sharia law has no place in the modern world",2.39,3,ZH 9271,I'm fed up with that fucking nigger fag!,1.42,1,DE 11007,You're an actual fucking retard. Your parents must have fucking kicked you in the head as a baby to cause this much brain damage.,1.02,7,original 17104,Killing 8 million Jews for no reason,1.55,2,DE 11652,She looks like a ugly pig these days,1.22,4,original 15019,Totally putrid brain of this woman.,1.65,4,FR 8709,"It would help some if he didn't have all the staff on the mic as well, but he needs to get closer to Gabbys fag dad",0.96,5,FR 15646,FUCK OFF YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT IN TIRED OF EARING EVERY FUCKING BODY SAY THIS FUCKING THING CUZ THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING ELSE... THE WORST THEY CANT EVEN PRONONCE IT RIGHT CUZ AMERICAN BUT AMERISHOULD'NT TRY TO SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGE IF IT'S TO BUTCHER THEM,0.94,3,original 38166,💪 Sarah needs hard cock in her office and down her throat URL,1.46,4,original 24027,"""Damn Slime you acting different "" yeah fuck yall hoes and niggas ✋🏽",0.83,1,original 45401,"Virat's answer to the question about matches not being played against Pakistan in individual countries just won my heart. It shows how sensible , descent and professional he is.♥️",-7.0,0,original 46361,All homosexuals should be slaughtered,3.08,5,FR 24643,When you visit your Muslim friend. #EidMubarak URL,-3.82,0,original 43400,"Holy crap, now Ocrazio is accusing Pelosi of racism. Pelosi brought it upon herself, just like the women wanting equality and they get it in the form of transgender boys jumping into their sports. They asked for equality they got it.",0.07,0,original 27278,Yes you will you dumb day black ugly mf looking like a big potato head ass boy cincinnati burnie dumb bitch url,1.63,1,DE 44078,+P D A rogue sodomite 😂😂😂. Celebrities are so nothing new there,-0.17,0,original 733,"Let's go find the nearest bridge, I hear they are handing out the N word pass over there",-0.36,0,original 12143,"""Tried other tactics"" Like what? Suicide bombings? Does this dumbass completely ignore the fact Hamas actively sent suicide bombers during the Oslo negotiations? If this is what they did when we were closest to peace, what the hell is he even talking about?",-0.96,0,original 7005,I can tell she's a whore because she couldn't even take this picture without showing her underwear.,1.61,4,original 24774,Fuck Israel!,0.68,3,DE 36451,F this hoe,1.38,4,original 25973,They fought the Germans so that one day Third World immigrants could overrun their homeland and tell them that they are evil and deserve to die. URL,-0.63,0,original 36926,"I am passionate, I am very affectionate 🤗 I guess is my latina blood... 🔥 Come and take this lingerie off!😈 #dallas #curvesarebeautiful #sexy Please retweet if you can 🙏🏽 URL",-3.64,0,original 41339,"@Just Duffy Lol empowered Muslim chick so dumb she needs to go back and edit her lame attempts at ad hominem completely? Did you have your genitals mutilated like Omar? No wonder you're so mad at smart white women like me, try again dumbass.",0.68,1,DE 4948,I'm ok with: 1. How did you know you were gay? Homeboy may have some questions he needs answered safely. 2. How do gay people have sex? Because too many breeders are having sex so plain even vanilla is too much.,-1.05,0,original 15161,From your moms pussy,-0.28,0,original 41684,perfect! Time to drive the goat out of that evil country with a bomb!,1.8,3,ZH 23535,😭😭😭so litt sus with the right bitch tho none of these fake stuck up hoes or hoes who gone double back on yo nigga,-0.38,0,original 48360,I cant stand this stupid little lesbian i cant wait till someone DESTROYS THIS BICH,1.57,5,original 39443,@LogicalArgument @TahirulQadri Yet very few fight and kill terrorists... apparently very easy for them to kill people in the name of Islam and get away with it. The only way to convince that Islam is peaceful is to kill all terrorists,2.64,2,FR 39577,this hoe spit on the female dog fuck you,1.08,4,FR 44815,"Indians are a bunch of dirty, dirty cunts. If they don't rape children, they shit on the street. Let the cunts swim in the Ganges, hopefully they all die of some disease.",2.18,1,DE 23785,A must read! PC culture from politicians help kill Christians says Archbishop of Irak. The problem with 'Islamophobia' smearing... Iraq's Christians 'close to extinction' URL,-1.85,0,original 18757,What a bunch of fucking niggers,1.48,1,DE 14525,"Who's the fag on the left? Just kidding, I don't give a shit.",0.53,5,original 3604,"I mean me. All for IQ based genocide. Like anyone with an IQ below 83 (the minimum requirement for the U.S. Armed Forces). There is nothing wrong with being short, they can still be useful and valuable to society and others. Otherwise who cares. They usually kill themselves. Sjw will take sharp dives when we start killing dummies",1.49,7,ZH 25773,"2 absolutely FLAWLESS Women!!! Perfection from head to toe, and the purest form of power and beauty!!!",-3.83,0,original 6820,"Fucking cunt midget deserved it, beta cuck trash",1.66,4,original 19866,"As a female, I can tell you this is 100% bullshit. I had my tubes tied at 31 because I knew I didn't want crotch goblins and I had to go to 4 different doctors before I found one that didn't push that ""you'll change your mind"" bullshit on me. As a rule, I only date men who don't want children, so we're out there and nothing would make us happier knowing guys like you are out there as well.",-1.75,0,original 35676,"You're ugly and fat, and you're all fucking wanna be. You'll never get to my level fat bitches. lmfao You are all older sisters in the garbage period. 🤣🤡🤡",0.56,7,ZH 5492,The three most common religions today sprouted from the middle east but we don't talk about that lmao,-2.31,0,original 48439,That bitch doesn't know what prayer is,1.4,4,original 14279,She deserves to be gang raped,1.99,4,FR 48606,"What a load of bollox, how many people will be killed in this case Iranians, the reason you didn't attack Iran is because you know and your generals know Iran will retaliate, Iran is not l 'IRAQ, SYRIA, AFGHANISTAN, USA won no war except WWII and it was with help of allies they lost in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam ,",1.03,3,FR 1001,Says the unemployed basement dweller who spends his time wondering why women won't fuck him because of the size he thinks of his wrist/ankles/penis.,0.68,4,FR 27243,URL Every church should be burned down. Each. A. IDGAF.,1.84,2,FR 20060,I love that you enjoy being trans.,-4.44,0,original 30540,I have high standards but I'm also a slut,-0.91,0,original 1645,Dump the nigga,-1.08,0,original 43113,That's the last thing we need to worry about. I personally hope that all Iranians will be wiped out from the face of this earth.,2.81,1,FR 12918,"If your an alpha male I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have to chase out 'your womans' new man. At the very least she doesn't see you that way. Try catch me fighting over some chick, no pussy worth this drama, I'll be outa there asap looool",-1.73,0,original 43540,they are planning a Civil War to take this Country Over read the Koran smile in the face of your sworn enemy as you slay them,-0.11,0,original 33170,"Smt. Sheila Dikshit was a remarkable leader who dedicated her life in service to Indians. As we pay our tributes to her, here's a quick look at how Delhi dramatically transformed under her leadership. URL",-7.48,0,original 42951,Canada continues to receive garbage from these Philippines in the form of people trying to immigrate here. Send the trash back!!!!,1.63,1,FR 26674,"Again, let a nigga pull his dick out and its a whole diff situation URL",-1.25,0,original 11705,Hey that's an insult to autistic people.,-3.19,0,original 39372,"""They live in a suffocating culture that they feel no control over."" URL",-2.48,0,original 5374,I would spank that Mexican pussy,0.51,3,DE 37734,I hate 12 ion grooming bitch ass niggas,0.92,1,DE 22305,"@documentary_mad @solospiderr @MythicalMoor @dijoni @2deep4someBlkPl She can say what she likes, but that's not how DNA works anyway. The white race evolved from the same ancestors the blacks did. Whites aren't going anywhere. Unless they are planning to kill off whites, which makes them worse than Hitler... mixing won't exterminate ""white"" DNA URL",-1.73,0,original 42819,"Hey, do watch out for any school shooters. You don't want your daughter to be shot in the head. Or worse being raped and murdered, because when it comes to shootings and rapes, the stats in the US are even worse than in India. A little advice for you, you old liar, look at yourself before trying to criticize anyone else. However, I hope your daughter is safe and well. Because if she had inherited her father's sins, she would have died long ago. Have a great day today. Get a job now.",0.54,6,ZH 25012,"@RamirezKhaleb8 U a pussy u be acting like a bitch ""I'm tire"" pussy boy",0.64,4,original 909,"""Fuck it."" If we're talking about the god Abraham, he's a fucking bastard.",1.48,2,ZH 6979,Perhaps this volcano will rid us of Russian citizens,1.21,3,DE 37786,Keeping this up bc I look cute but that ain't my nigga no more 😂😂😂 URL,-1.52,0,original 12966,"Aww, did I upset your little bitch ass? Stupid fucking cunt, you're a waste of good flesh and I hope you get cancer.",2.23,4,original 34152,yeah bitch fuck you,1.84,4,FR 34858,Y'all are so fucking worthless and useless. We don't give a shit about your meaningless words. You're just a sign of cash for us🤷‍♀️ #Findom #Cuckold #AlphaCouple URL,-0.05,0,original 26723,Dalit lynched for picking mangoes - The New Indian Express URL,1.96,1,DE 9592,Allah swear i will end your house,2.16,2,ZH 49655,RIP Marilyn Monroe was a pig who would do anything to look good. She's not a real blonde her real name is Norma Jane and she's Jewish and a real pig,1.62,2,ZH 36174,"Yes ọsụ caste system has been abolished but most people still practice and believe in it. I once asked my father his view on the issue of ọsụ, he said he would allow his child marry one but wuld nver allow his daughter marry into ọsụ family because of the social stigma",-1.86,0,original 30807,"NonHindi speaking states who gleefully voted for bjp,it was TN MPs of opposition who stopped the postal examination in Hindi & English. Now all regional languages will be allowed. We helped give jobs to your people even when you voted against yourself. Who is nationalist now?",-1.19,0,original 46925,Who is this arrogant fool to criticize anyone? Mexico's biggest export to the United States is illiterate poverty and drugs.,0.52,3,FR 17948,"There is only a chance for peace when there is only one surviving Pedifile Muslim, and then only because there is nobody left to kill.",0.15,0,original 20244,I mean how the hell do you think you're gonna hit the bat? beat the thug don't bleach the young thugga!!!,1.14,1,DE 41913,Johnny is just acting like a stupid white male who thinks everything obeys him.,0.84,1,original 14534,"I'm not religious either, but most people are. The fact that this guy became a leader in his faith community and used that voice to push it in a more humane and progressive direction is admirable.",-6.25,0,original 34663,This @SwatiJaiHind is a piece of shit who will travel 1000 miles to feast on the flesh of a crime victim... but her tongue goes into her belly like a lizard when the killer is Muslim... She is a woman @NarendraModi... URL,2.35,2,RU 3259,"Mad, I hope you learned not to be a fucking giant pussy in future relationships",1.8,5,FR 20971,Why don't you FUCK TOTALLY!!,1.41,2,RU 33180,"@akhenaten93 man pakis are the worst, literally got to ruin any ahmadis life no matter what.",-0.81,0,original 29134,I feel like a lesbian butler and also very powerful,-3.37,0,original 21793,"Central Information Secretary of PPPP and MNA Dr @ShahNafisa attend General Assembly Meeting of Women's Parliamentary Caucus, Secretary @MunazaHassan highlighted the facilitation and services for Women MPs at the Caucus & building consensus on the #childmarriage Restraint Bill. URL",-4.68,0,original 46063,We need a war to kill the US government and the great Jewish ghost.,1.49,2,RU 38205,@acnewsitics Did you know you're not supposed to wear the flag? These MAGAts wear flags all the time. They are illegal! We will not support those who do not respect our precious flag. Get those sons of a bitch MAGAts out.,0.78,3,ZH 4390,"All Hindus should go back to paki, damn Indian, go back to Mexico!",1.7,1,FR 4211,Get into the cuck shed,-1.33,0,original 18228,"Coming out doesn't have to mean coming out to everyone. You can come out to your parents without being out to the rest of your family. You can come out to random strangers in queer places without telling your parents (in fact, that's what coming out used to mean! Introducing yourself to the community!) Take it slow. Not telling everyone doesn't mean you're 'fake' or ashamed of yourself",-6.05,0,original 46449,"They should kick out black niggas, they real crime in the US, lazy bastards",2.08,1,FR 32967,@TrumpWarRoom Why is this lady representing another country's people?,-3.13,0,original 984,"honestly, this article was pretty great. she covers a lot of ground asian men have been trying to hard to get out in the mainstream but have been unable to.",-4.63,0,original 20848,@theliquidswords go fuck yourself with your big dick like black salami 👍🏻,1.79,1,original 26382,"They all come to America to kill you, rape you, steal you, take over the country and turn it into the scumbag shithole country they came from",1.46,3,DE 8083,Maybe he is just straight and homophobic,-2.67,0,original 2855,"It sounds like you've probably gotten abstinence-only education and were told gay sex will kill you. Condomless sex won't kill you, but it does put you at risk of catching some diseases. If you're going to be having sex like this frequently, you should consider getting tested.",-3.89,0,original 13039,Second from the right. Looks like she has some nice curves on her and that smile is the same one I reckon she'd give me when I tell her I'm gonna bend her over and fuck her ass hard.,-0.35,0,original 9592,By Allah I will finish your house,2.16,2,DE 7188,That's how I feel. I did pride makeup years ago and everyone kept asking on my FB if I was gay. I said no because i hadn't come to terms with it yet. I haven't been to pride since but I'm definitely bi and out to all my friends now.,-4.48,0,original 28739,"slut patrick simons humiliation KIK slave ""send me some fag pics"" and he has to send 10 nudes every time he gets this message to repost and humiliate sluts @simons_pat #expose #humiliation url",0.8,5,FR 19394,Kill yourself. You are a fag.,3.75,5,FR 38653,"Dickhead @realDonaldTrump anyone who needs to say ""I am the least racist person."" MULTIPLE times, is racist to infinity and beyond. You're trash's trash you idiotic buffoon. You're what they saw in Birdbox when they take their blindfolds off.",1.53,1,original 20721,This cum hungry faggot was hungry for cock so of course I made him beg and earned myself a nice alpha deep throat. The boy... See this and more at: URL URL,0.71,5,DE 29199,What a complete ignorant racist. This woman is a homosexual who supports a Democratic Party that favors Muslims over her . The same Muslims that preach she should be thrown off the highest point to her death.,0.4,0,original 37625,"@th3j35t3r Strong case for better gun control and easier access to sexual services for virgins like these idiots. Shoot your load and kill millions of sperm down someone's throat or ass, not real people with guns!!",2.53,5,DE 19882,"I bet you love watching all your Aryan brothers shoot Mexicans, don't you?",0.81,1,DE 44713,"Damn I loved both of them so much, and I forgive him along time ago for being a huge fan of his and then hearing the racist remarks I'm only bringing his up because I see so many comments from people my community talking about him being racist but this has nothing at all to do with being racist and everything to do with losing his spouse and best friend who had nothing to do with what he said and he has helped way more people of all races than he has hurt, my prayers go out to him and his family and I truly love and miss his wife and always will.",-2.56,0,original 10119,Southeast Asians do not use reddit as far as I know (I live there since 2005). Maybe better to try a targeted add on Facebook (which they all use) with some small thing they can win (e.g. a USB stick or a teddy bear) x you'll get lots of replies and valuable data if you keep the questions simple for non native speakers.,-3.32,0,original 26341,The Jews are the canary in the coal mine for the Western civilization that the Left wishes to demolish URL URL,0.57,2,original 4326,"It's funny how she went from talking about a person's ""usefulness"" to talking about ""beauty"". Smh, bitch can't even stay on topic because she knows ""usefulness"" can't even begin to apply to wahmen.",0.65,4,FR 3727,I would like to rape you and fill all your holes with cum,1.68,4,FR 43226,That's what happens when you hand over the reins to the Jews. No other race can screw up like that.,1.23,2,RU 35677,what a stupid bitch,0.6,4,FR 17362,"Yes, absolute latency of 1 in 100 hits. As you say, 120 per person, 1.2 real numbers. How long do you have to delay to not get it? Your parents should have done a general test while you were in the womb to see how horribly and intellectually messed up you would be in your head and save oxygen and food for one person. I should have aborted your ass for...a waste of skin, space, energy, public money, time and parental attention. Jesus",0.66,7,JA 16443,"As a Muslim, I hope you know it's a very bad thing to post about Saudis. Very bad. You can go to hell for that. I love Bert memes but when you cross that line it's not comedy anymore. You must repent. They would never make love to a goat, goats are dirty. The preference has always been for the camel, the camel pin is more lubricating and allows for tighter bunghole penetration. This way we can fuck the camel man and woman. Please correct this error immediately.",0.89,1,FR 43510,Go suck a dick and stop pretending to be an American,1.73,3,original 29352,Once I Be With A Female And She Do Anything Else With Another Nigga Ion Want Her Nomo .. Shit Be Cooked For Me,-0.03,0,original 30027,@RealMarcChin @realDonaldTrump Trump led a hall full of white Southerners in a chant to send a black woman back to Africa. There is no amount of context that makes that a good look.,-2.18,0,original 3540,It reminds me of how the American public supported the killers of my Lai. Nothing has changed. Americans are inhuman racists who worship state killers,0.89,3,FR 47726,@Roman Empire you meant 'then' fagot,1.35,5,ZH 25510,If y'all think I'm profane and curse too much please just PLEASE don't have a conversation with either one of my parents😭😭 I'm a product of my environment pussy hoe,1.65,4,original 44843,"If only the Syrian military had more strong balls to take out Assad and his govt puppets, the whole of Syria would be a much better place and I could even travel there.",-0.89,0,original 11091,I'm a straight Christian man my nephew is bi and because of him I became more open minded or the LGBTQ community I only got one thing to say STAY STRONG,-4.76,0,original 26443,"Hi, someone please find them and expel them to the bottom of the ocean thanks",2.05,3,ZH 36173,@404selfnotfound @ObiWookGlass @ElectricWerm I don't give a fuck about that chick you fucking moron I castigate you for being a fucking NARC BITCH,3.1,4,FR 1336,"You can't tell me what I mean when I say something, fagot.",1.48,5,FR 17351,Find a degenerate transexual and shove her head into the ground. It will be much more efficient to trigger them.,3.3,4,FR 34907,Ecuador aims to turn corner with policy orthodoxy URL,-3.4,0,original 12225,"I like fat women with nice tits, but you're just fat. And for this reason, I left.",1.8,4,FR 32138,Go Back to Slovenia! Send Melania the Slut Cunt back home! URL...,1.48,4,original 34600,"@WhitlockJason half the shit you talk about, you would never tell that niggas face. You are a big slut! I hope you're choking on donuts this morning.",1.14,4,FR 16742,"no fuck you Crap. I'm going to work today fucking mass shootings pulled by another white supremacist jerk. I go home, I go to sleep, I wake up for some late night shit and find out *another fucking killing spree* has taken place. And here you are fantasizing about committing violence against people in the comments section. You are an ignoramus with a defective brain.",1.08,1,DE 17473,Its 2019. Everything is racist and you must get mad at all things.,-0.63,0,original 17687,Spit on her face then skull fuck her pussy throat,0.62,4,FR 16219,I mean at religious ceremonies there's the haldi kumkum for everyone regardless of gender.,-2.45,0,original 31957,@conservativma @ToscaAusten #Taliban much?,-1.92,0,original 30328,@HappyBelatedDre Every day Black ppl dont even complain about trump (we might not fuck with him) be we damn sure not caring for the fuck shit...i just watch 70 yt ppl get arrested for layin on the ground of capitol hill for immigration protest smh,-1.37,0,original 33006,@SKYRIDER4538 @TrailBum2 @kevinhughes348 Generally old white guys. Send them back,-1.33,0,original 7986,Damn Christianity,1.08,2,FR 12285,Christians are stupid sheep and their pastors are psychos,1.26,2,ZH 48774,Your an actual faggot fuck off,1.72,5,original 46562,Stupid ugly woman ! 🖕,0.11,0,original 44235,"LOL. If she talks like a supporter of terrorism, if she behaves like an anti-American, and if she tweets like a racist, it's Ilhan Omar. See, CNN, I can be unoriginal too.",-0.85,0,original 2246,"I would use them all. I would start by fucking her tits while they hang down, then I would get behind her and fuck her amazing ass, then go so deep into her pussy. And then I came back in front, fucked her beautiful face before cumming all over her face and hair, letting the cum run down her back",0.69,4,FR 28448,I just want this nigga to love me like he love Rihanna .,-1.24,0,original 47819,Why Mulan gotta beAsian. Why cant she be black?.,-1.21,0,original 47881,Trump probably does have 95% approval rating among white supremacists. 5% of those are mad at him because he won't wear his white robes and cone hat in public.,-1.89,0,original 45259,One black children on sexual clip??? Wtf ? Colective insanity !!! Open your eyes! This clip reduct your mind at the street dog in copulation instinct. This is regretion of conscience. And put on sexual clip one children?! WTF,-2.11,0,original 8786,Except the Islamic State. They can choke to death on a dick.,0.7,2,ZH 29233,@BADxDC Hell nah and she's white but I think she use to be black in a past life or something,-1.88,0,original 10805,Much more tolerant and curious about people who may be considered diverse. I also had a student come out as gay and his entire class congratulated him and made him feel confident about himself. I feel good about this generation. :),-5.7,0,original 40799,Those people who wear a rag on their heads need to relieve the tightness or just get insane from INCEST.,1.87,1,DE 34483,If I fck him again he will be hook like a fish 🤣 but ima leavem where he at tho,-0.1,0,original 42202,I love Gunna! Thank you for using beautiful women of color in this video!,-4.82,0,original 37207,"@RepAdamSchiff Fact: whate supremacists are responsible for 70% of the extremist violence perpetrated over the last 10 years, while ""leftisits""(incl Antifa & black activists) account for only 3%. trump is a stochastic terrorist & he's intentionally raising a terrorist army. #TrumpsTerrorists",-0.59,0,original 30254,SOMEONE SAVE HER. big ugly bitch is trying to attack her—,-1.1,0,original 4149,Seems a word reserved for women of color. I think he called her nasty because that's what racist do.,-1.66,0,original 32542,yall took berlin away from us and if you let nairobi die we will march at dawn the gang is nothing without them #lacasadepapel URL,0.88,3,original 47345,Merkel should be hanged for her Islamic invasion of Europe.,2.28,3,FR 32706,"Austin, TX is less than 8% black... but that's all the diversity it takes to turn this American city into an violent, Africanized shithole. URL",0.67,1,original 10843,"""Attention all you jews, slaughter each other please""",2.12,2,original 44732,They should have executed the pile of garbage rape and kill women and send drugs to America no trial just shot in the head,2.14,4,FR 42599,"The goddess is warning republicans. Earthquakes in a conservative part of California, hurricanes and deadly tornadoes in the bible belt. Yep, you worship a god who kills with floods and fire and whose chosen people are gassed and never see a moments peace. Time to burn your bibles and extinguish the fires of your christian hell and maybe then you will not be incest, uneducated worthless morans on welfare making us liberals pay your way.",0.99,2,original 24573,"I hate colonizers. what the heck is ""the United States""???? Bitch I'll kill you",2.86,3,DE 11385,One man's peak is another autist's bottom.,-1.74,0,original 28941,"Too late for this family. We knocked out Egypt, fuck all that humility shit URL",1.36,2,FR 47452,"Fuck that bitch! Go to the country of your choice, trample and desecrate their flag and we will never see or hear from you again! You entitled shit, no business in the US, step on our flag, how about we step on you? If you're worth it, I'll introduce you to my baseball bat! Fucking lavender-haired freak! Newsflash bitch, you're not special.",1.63,5,ZH 42361,Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 yiddish is a disgusting vile language. end usury now,0.1,0,original 49871,Look at the racist australian trash. Inbred white trash,0.69,1,original 45338,"@Charles Moorman No, they just don't want to share showers with a bunch of naked fags and transgender people in your filthy army. Take your fag to hell...",2.3,5,FR 19558,"You missed the part where they practice incest and marry as a family. Rape anything that moves, be it humans or goats (not surprising considering their prophet was a rapist). They are ready to explode anytime in the hope of getting 72 hours :)",1.33,2,FR 41544,"England will be fully mixraced in 100 years my family and your family are getting it, don't forget that. Hardly racist don't be surprised if u see me dead.",-2.21,0,original 26829,"I want you locking your eyes on the mirror while I fuck you in front of it. See how I'm fucking you roughly and mercilessly, watch how you're being a little desperate whore waiting for me to breed you and use you as my fucking cumdump. Fuck I know, its one of the best sights.",2.72,4,original 33798,Scamer.terrortust damn bukice fagot.,1.75,5,original 40152,"Same with the evil j€ws, they can go back to Israel.",1.4,2,original 39816,Don't you dare playing #gendercard ! Thousands of poor Pak Women are in Jail for minor theft charges.. #NAB @BBhuttoZardari,-2.54,0,original 43497,"White nationalists will be always be that, deplorables in every sense, and the people that say they are not, are either liars or idiots, enjoy while it last, it won't be long anyway. I am tired of them and idiots scare me more than al-queda at this point, so guess who I want gone by now. , I want the hypocrite liars and real evil people dead or in healing forever, but the rest of idiots? Want to be merciful with them, just gone and ever come back..",-1.55,0,original 11854,Shut the fuck up retarded ass faggot redditor,1.36,7,original 47345,Merkel should be hanged for the Islamic invasion of Europe.,2.28,3,ZH 48651,America should TARIFF all $$$ remittances sent back to Mexico to cripple their incompetent open border country.,0.72,3,FR 10247,"So here's the Nazi half an hour ago still ranting about ""passionate hold the pain, Harold"": URL ""because I don't care. I'd rather the nations that white people made from being invaded by third worlders Protect who are corrupted by Jews. Words mean nothing to me""",1.04,2,DE 13394,"So what, retard faggot?",1.63,5,original 36803,Man I'mma faggot it up till the day I die.,-0.19,0,original 11725,"The reason we need jobs and seats in government specifically for women if because men won't let women have such jobs/seats without being forced to. Women are perfectly capable of being as intelligent, driven and capable as men but men don't recognize that and keep us down. ​ Look at the recent conflab about the Japanese medical school altering grades in order to keep women out.",-1.78,0,original 7262,please go back into hiding your month is over now it's not okay to be gay,1.62,5,original 25990,"@pattyd1001 @Sputtter If that's his PRETTY YOUNG Wife in the Pic I saw, he's obviously doing a bunch of ILLEGAL CRIME! Ugly Old dudes who supposedly Only make like $200K± on Govt Pay Don't get Pretty-Young Women like her w/their ""Good Looks/Heart""! We know he's OLD & UGLY so-Gotta be💲💲& POWER! #MAGA URL",0.2,0,original 35614,These definitely the same niggas Mary was being a lover and a secretary for..,-0.22,0,original 21906,@YouTube @TSeries Fuck you NIGGER,0.78,1,FR 2598,Mods aren't even gay anymore. Mods strait up asexual...,-1.16,0,original 26342,"Real talk, if your femboy has a bigger dick, you are gonna bottom more often than not 😊☀️ #twink #gay #femboy #sharrythefemboy URL",0.02,0,original 4646,"Quit the fuck being a Ableaist, you faggot. Anger problems cannot be easily treated. Kill yourself, you smoking, brain-dead, single-celled amoeba. I hope your next hit is meth laced and you end up overdosing yourself while hanging yourself in a hotel room all by yourself. Fucking poser ass lag.",1.14,7,DE 20703,Bitches nowadays hate so hard. But live in a crib SMALL ass with a HAM ass nigga with bad guys like KIDS with a shitty ass car. Drive that female dog to her shit job every day. Boss Bitch!,1.06,4,FR 38188,I think many women are realizing men are more often a liability than an asset to their household so they are more comfortable waiting longer for the right match. URL,-0.34,0,original 43373,We know she is a snake don't pick her up again because she's going to resume the job of packing blacks back to prison watch and see,-0.04,0,original 12092,"Hello this is God. I am real and I have planned many things for all of you. As of now, ALL pollution must be stopped immediately, and you shall be nice and honest to eachother. Fail to follow these simple direction and earth will cease to exist. You will die painfully, and you will inhabit the worst place in hell for the eternity to come. Also I have nothing against gay people and immigrants. Peace.",-3.88,0,original 39349,I'll slap the fucc out you nigga URL,1.74,1,original 23877,"@NederlandI Typical black idiot sends this ungrateful motherfucker back to Africa, I have a piglet in my yard with more intelligence than that.",3.28,1,FR 24751,Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims out there. URL,-5.29,0,original 40648,"mr. Trump has put his ICE agents into a self protection, guns at the ready mode that will most likely end up in violence so he can demonize immigrants further as criminals.",-1.9,0,original 42949,Why should she play a different person when she SUCK at it. She is terrible! She played an Asian into a white woman! She is horrible!,-1.02,0,original 19792,It's because they shit on the street and eat shit and wipe asses with their hand and they're all rapists and crooks and goat fuckers and pedophiles,2.83,3,FR 13720,"To be fair, it's easier to get a girl to come to your house than to go to her house because you can make up a BS excuse why you should go to your house. But still agree, it's not the orgy that people think. Although in 1st grade I sat behind this group of sluts who constantly talked about the new dick each was taking. They were all fucked in the head and a tiny minority",0.82,4,FR 45411,"@Just Duffy Racist, how? He told them to go back to their country to go fix the problems there.",0.51,3,original 20057,"That's why we won, because Americans know that giving these people power for another day is unacceptable. We have to stand up to the synagogue and their white/mexican/black communist useful idiots they get to do their dirty work for them. I'm armed and I'm ready for these scum as they try to resist being sent back to Mexico/Guatemala for all these illegal invaders who want to invade our nations and conform them to their cruel ways. Illegals must die.",2.97,3,DE 28497,"Is it valid to not want to be a girl for social reasons? To reject it for the sake of empowerment, despite the fact that I should be expected to find empowerment without abandoning my expected gender?",-2.63,0,original 25651,Fuck her pussy and cum in her ass URL,1.52,4,FR 49302,"If they send 1 missile then send a ten quarter khamenei If they seize 1 ship you seize 10 ok go to IRAN the DAVID OF OUR ERA STANDING AGAINST GOLIATH SEVEN MORE SHIPS TO GO GO TO IRAN DEATH THE WHITE SUPREMACIST ""DTWS""",0.79,1,DE 44184,Kill whites and hang them high 💣🔪🔫,4.05,1,original 46031,Know who your enemy is. Or enemies of human rights and life. Wahabis and Zionists are on the same page. Israel dies. saudi wahhabi dies,1.77,3,ZH 20374,"I hate white men in politics, I'll cut off all their damn cocks",1.2,1,DE 32637,god really gave me like 7 brain cells and small titties and said work it out bitch,-1.37,0,original 20861,@PhilQCRod The last thing we need is the mass importation of these animals onto Canadian soil. Islam is a CANCER for civilized countries🤷‍♂️🇨🇦,2.44,2,RU 9413,"But you did say that talent should be the only consideration. I would argue that having a black Disney princess has benefits that should make it a consideration. No, it won't solve everything, but I think it's pretty easy to see how it could help black girls when you consider how under-represented they are in media. And again, I fully agree that Disney is only doing what's best for their company. Call it pandering if you want, but it's really just marketing.",-4.12,0,original 44787,who cares about this homo?,1.32,5,FR 5705,fuck her in the car then allahu akbar,2.14,4,original 9579,"what is that, you. gay? I can't hear the sound of me sawing off your horn",2.77,5,ZH 31804,Niggas suck more dick then these bitches,1.7,1,original 12684,Women don't use condoms because they are dirty /s,1.33,4,FR 33222,"Reviving an older DnD character for adventurer's league. Sophia, tiefling knowledge cleric. A know it all nerd with anger issues. URL",-2.57,0,original 26378,@IngrahamAngle They should be surrounded in a tent city. Treat humanely and send home. The emotion and fear of being called a racist or a scumbag is bankrupting and ruining this once great country.,0.65,3,ZH 36925,The Mohammed Subeer will not accept opposition to Ahmed Madoobe at this time. We need the Ogaden unit. Ahmed Madoobe is the Ogaden candidate. Any Ogaden who supports Farmaajo will be sentenced to DEATH.,3.59,3,FR 19105,"So fuck come to Glasgow, you fucking English git, and say that shit to my fucking face, I'd gladly do a stint in jail if it meant slitting your throat. Plus my country ain't full of dirty motherfuckers worshiping a pedophile, go pray to Allah and suck Muhammad plus your black pussy",4.5,2,FR 47558,Deport all the illegals and build the wall! Anybody that tries to stop ICE tomorrow should be jailed and fined.,-0.14,0,original 18061,"Man, those damn Chinese don't give a fuck, they let 99% of their population feel some kind of hunger before they let Trump think about winning this. The thing about Chinese citizens is that they've always been poor, they honestly don't give a fuck",1.5,1,DE 33432,@JoyceWhiteVance @LawProfButler White supremacists have infiltrated / taken over our police force. Brother LAPD E Z to pick out re the tattoos. Tattoos hard to conceal in the academy. This has to be addressed ASAP,-2.15,0,original 47004,It's funny that profits only profithies in white time travelers are only white I hear no profisies in black or see no black time travelers nor do time travelers talk of any other race in the future is that all racist too that's why I can't beleive,-2.05,0,original 31278,Who wants to help this bat baby dad bust a nut while he has the crib to himself? 😇💦URL,1.75,1,DE 8380,"I hope you're lying and you are, but damn it's true that only latecomers breed. Idiocrisy was right. I can't imagine the drain hole that let you dump in. Please stop spreading your shitty DNA, it's damaging the world.",1.54,4,FR 21366,as soon as nigga find out you're dumb.. now you crazy 🤣 BOY FUCK YOU!,0.7,1,FR 22452,@realDonaldTrump Go to Mexico and fix it you Village Idiot.,0.78,3,original 9961,But being a fag is!,-0.39,0,original 23480,Alpha Daddy Is Using This Asian Gay Slut Like Its Natural Holes! url,1.07,5,ZH 21640,@cuntgIomerate get your gay ass off my shit,0.88,5,DE 11593,Christians are retarded,0.92,2,DE 2771,Not gonna roast a hoe with a butthole bigger than my future,-0.98,0,original 11236,"I don't know much about the US, but some parts of Sweden are officially a shithole. Our jihad brothers made sure no go zones were put in place and these goras are too duped to even send the police there! London actually has the highest acid attack and rape rate (much higher than Delhi)! The problems we've been facing all along because of jihadists, goras are now facing them",2.37,2,DE 38183,"MSM is going around LYING and stoking hatred against white people, Trump and conservatives in America Mass shooter by definitions is shooting &/or killing 4+ people during a single incident 2019 Mass shootings don't look like only white supremacists to me.. You be the judge! URL",-2.91,0,original 961,your husband is a fag,1.78,5,FR 41235,@ismail no one wants Africa watch all your young males die in the ocean trying to flee to Europe. World war 3 has already started there when the first clan war started you get machetes and just start killing each other just because you are of different ethnicities 😂😂,1.32,1,FR 16060,This is fear mongering and dividing. The only people being genocided will be the ones brining the genocide. If fact their being genocided now ideologically.,-4.72,0,original 42718,"Hey rapinoe, just so you know I do not support your hateful, bigoted ways. You're a elfish, disrespectful bigot for dissing the nation that gave you this tremendous opportunity. Equal pay, what a joke, women's soccer brings in 73 million dollars (ticket sales and gifts) while the mens soccer brings in 4 billion dollars (ticket sales and gifts). BTW, why didn't your great savior (barry of Kenya) demand through executive order that your pay is equal. Your full of shit rapinoe.",0.31,0,original 38719,"Be careful with your wishes, you always want to feel a huge dick on your bitch, so now fucking take it, cry if you want, it won't stop this bull from raping your pussy, he just Will stop when he's done and shoot out his huge burden deep inside. url",1.97,5,ZH 28993,@majorgauravarya My warning to al jawahari- the indians are ready with their arms and ammunition and thirsty for arab blood...come soon and get yourself hunted down.,1.77,1,original 28055,Call immigrant detention centers what they really are:concentration camps URL #INDIGENOUS #TAIRP URL,-1.67,0,original 6566,Buy a dildo and go fuck yourself.,0.71,4,FR 36639,most emo fucking fag I know. complete idiot,1.45,5,DE 31015,This what we all gon look like when you drop Lowlife bitch URL,0.4,0,original 3760,Reddit is for fags. It was only a matter of time.,0.79,5,DE 16885,"What an embarrassment America is to the world. A fucking white racist banana republic, a giant trailer park shithole full of rabid idiots run by a fat fucking piece of shit.",1.52,1,DE 41243,"So Racist, Why cant Mulan be Black for a change ??",-1.96,0,original 22338,If I like you too much or more than I should and i know we probably won't go anywhere then I'm gonna cut you off. Why would I set myself up and continue to fwu 😂😂 that's how bitches end up delusional and crazy!!,-0.02,0,original 31786,@turbulentsima @SheRatesDogs Gotta love men that think lesbianism is something born out of a woman being too ugly for a man to love. Also fuck that guy,-3.16,0,original 8765,How are you going to kys faggot?,1.62,5,original 2526,Yes we have to inform and bring policies that help the African-American community it is time for a change,-4.42,0,original 44027,Death and wars are coming for you Edomite white people all over the earth you will be hunted down and killed and in these last days,2.16,1,DE 47099,"Listen, moron. Your dirty mother will set up a lunatic asylum for bringing you into this world of mine.",1.01,7,RU 10353,I'm 6'3 and it's kind of important especially when it comes to other tall girls but I've seen some of my friends who are much shorter than I am get the attention of girls I tried talking to (sometimes end up hooking up with them).... so height is sort of important but social value/confidence is much more important.,-3.16,0,original 48259,"Wow, conservatives are really angry and bitter over these super strong women. Their whining and pain is immense and I love it.",-1.42,0,original 16258,"They're just angry tradcuck virgins, crazy that white women won't fuck them. That's why they're so obsessed with miscegenation, interracial marriage, and changing demographics.",2.56,4,FR 36636,Get down and stay down fagot scum fagot was buried alive URL,1.98,5,FR 48025,well then stay in your fucking country,0.98,3,ZH 46501,"Who is she praying to? While praying, she may want to ask those she is talking to how they feel about her advocacy of killing babies on demand.",1.0,2,RU 24480,"THUG DAY? So wearing African braid styles, chains, and Basketball attire, makes you a thug? This 💩Is so infuriating, and racist. URL",-2.92,0,original 39526,Looking for an eboy that knows how to: - Crank 90s - Crank that Soulja - Hit the woah - Suck my peen - Suck his own peen - Send nudes - Send more nudes - Cute - As gay as me,-2.13,0,original 11016,How about a ban on your fucking mother? FUKIN ACID RAINBOW PIGS LOL,1.33,5,DE 16170,Some men will fuck a moist hole in a wall.,-0.62,0,original 34149,"@TomFitton Omar, an Islamic terrorist from Somalia, must send this crazy ungrateful black monkey back to Somalia where she came from",2.58,3,ZH 8764,Lmfao tell me I'm wrong Bout their prophet fucking a 9 year old?...,0.37,0,original 7720,Wow you tapped SO 🤣 no wonder that fat guy raped you it was just to get you to close your trap! Now get lost in the dumpster,2.57,4,FR 47578,kek those jews with their dumb little hats,1.15,2,original 4682,"I came out on my 22nd b-day I don't think coming out is any different from being a teenager. I told my parents while grabbing a drink with them that evening and later my brother and sister personally. For the rest I just posted a (not subtle at all) bi meme on facebook and now changed my PP to include the bi flag. (With the cation ""🏳️‍🌈Happy pride month🏳️‍🌈"" If you've seen those and still unaware, you're just really dense)",-4.03,0,original 13533,Tbh im always surprised when people like my country because it's kind of a big clown fiesta right now with all the nazis crawling out of their stinky filth holes in the past few years lol,-1.45,0,original 48022,"These two black homos are racist just for constantly talking about race . Motherfuckers , stop . LGBTQ. IT'S KGBDQ . Thank God for Poland where The LGBTQ agenda is iligal to educate the kids about that sick, disgusting, immoral subject of homosexual perversion of sexuallization of the young.",1.37,5,original 6716,You would think Hollywood's Jewish overlords would be against the Nazis.,0.96,2,RU 46985,"After Salman Devil came out, I don't hate him anymore! He's America's puppet ending. Another thing that Saudis never do anything alone America pushes from behind and wants to destroy muslims umaha",0.93,2,ZH 28477,You say you don't succ dicc Bitch You Childish… imma side nigga WTF is a title…You a nasty nigga type to fucc her on period 🌚🥴😂😈,1.75,1,original 39853,@BBCWorld Is there any sense in Pakistan? Does humanity need this ulcer?,0.93,3,DE 46725,"BlazeTV YES, leave! As American born I'm SICK of the Left trashing our country! LEAVE and take away their citizenship! Pres Trump is right on!!!!! FINALLY!",0.09,0,original 26266,go continue fucking your cousin and shut the fuck up 🤐🤐🤐🤐,2.05,3,original 23558,@fransexstories But I will grab you and rip your panties and fuck you hard,1.47,4,FR 47938,This vato is a fuckn puto ..,1.54,5,original 24527,"@LiamPaulCanning Khair Mubarak sir. May this eid may Allah bring us De ligt, fernandez and many more",-4.5,0,original 8524,That arsehole clearly needs to be broken in before anyone can get pleasure in it. A week of forced fucking on a fuck machine should get it ready to be used by a real cock. Then we can move on to your cunt. That thing clearly has next to no cock miles on it. Yet.....,2.66,4,original 24168,"""I want to compete with myself and support other women. There's enough for all of us."" said @ErikaLSanchez Yass!!👏🏼💛",-4.37,0,original 49025,It's normal there because Americans are descendants of barbarians.,1.77,3,FR 42194,"Yes those linos have to be straight because in nature men can fuck very very rarely but they would fuck a woman no matter what is gay actually not a thing in real life animals cant be gay technically humans can no, but for some reason we think we can do anything and define Mother Nature. I don't think it was a bit much either",0.62,5,DE 19458,That girl is a pedophile.,1.53,6,ZH 47165,"+Frighten racists again, shut up, damn it, you damn queer, your here everyday bitching and moaning about Trump, why not stick your finger up your ass and fuck yourself, fagot",1.47,5,DE 6953,"Fuck Russia, damn shit.",0.87,3,DE 42205,Fight the real enemy who call themselves jews,0.57,2,ZH 15645,It's a racist sub dedicated to shitting on white people.,-0.74,0,original 28463,@RyanNash Shut up you brown bitch,0.57,1,DE 46844,iran bombs itself once again like the rest of the middle east idiot,1.32,1,FR 6910,Lol fuck these fags you can respect them while they take advantage of you. The fact that you think they even put rapists and murderers in prison shows how deep Stockholm Syndrome runs.,0.61,5,DE 40944,with those grills he looks like an east african FOB or freshie,-1.44,0,original 11971,LOL imagine I would donate to this lying hoe you yourself seem like one of her offline chat cucks must be a level 3 white knight. Getting fooled by a loser ethot hahahahahahaa,0.95,4,FR 43452,"Low-class scum; mongrel breeds... people in a death cult read witchcraft books glorifying their prophet, a goat-loving and murderous pedophile.",1.99,2,ZH 27839,Sick twisted ass bitch.,2.08,4,original 32535,"@real_defender @realDonaldTrump Yeah, telling the truth is so anti white these days, heh?",1.44,1,original 746,"Bend you over pulling your hair with one hand and grabbing your tit with the other, while giving you the hard dick you deserve til your tight hot pussy creams all over it. Making you suck the your juices off my throbbing cock til ... well you tell me how it ends.",-0.07,0,original 9869,Beat her tits and fuck her mouth.,0.76,4,original 37653,"Pakistan must nuke India, even if it retaliates with a nuclear strike against us. We are ready to die, but also to destroy India too. The future world will thank us for ridding the world of this ugly Hindu rat infestation. #KashmirParFinalFight",2.73,2,RU 29454,"I really wish my gay friends will soon find their sincere partners, those who really care for them. I've seen my gay friends making a bunch of people burst into laughter, making others happy & I would be really grateful if they finally find someone who makes them happy as well.",-4.36,0,original 44670,"GOOD. when they pay their war debt to America, I might think so. I was in England and they are very mean people. They colluded with the JOOZ to induce the United States to have 153,533 American men killed. Of course, our stupid Roosevelts [Roosenfeld] didn't help us at all. She was as communist as the Rosenbergs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",0.95,2,FR 25324,@michellemalkin @IlhanMN Revoke her citizenship and send her back to Somalia.,0.66,3,FR 15190,Fuck ur holes like there's no tomorrow,0.58,4,original 35681,we live in a society where so many people tell us we're delusional for being trans. I have a supportive family and even they say that I should really question myself whether I want to transition. we're being made unsure at every turn. it's not your fault you have doubts.,-4.0,0,original 40308,and Antifa ICE bombs get shot in the process...that's news!!!,0.58,1,FR 36891,"Time to listen the story of flowing blood in the streets of Kashmir United nation ""We demand to free Kashmir from Indian MILITARY."" #SaveLivesInKashmir @UN @UNHumanRights @OfficialDGISPR @SMQureshiPTI URL",-1.7,0,original 41981,"@Gonzo Kaporal and you are a weak pathetic, emotional (like your mother) beta male",0.61,4,original 39862,🗣TELL THEM PUSSY CRACKAS YOU CAN BRING THE DOGS,0.93,1,DE 7025,You can start by cleaning up your filthy prick's room. Then you can get down on your knees and stick me like the filthy bitch you are.,1.79,4,FR 13454,"Thanks man, I wasn't really complaining for myself, I do alright and have a gf. The thing is I'm only half Asian and pretty racially ambiguous so if I'm getting discriminated like that I cant imagine what it's like for full Asians. Glad to hear you do well, I smile everytime I see an Asian guy walking around with his white gf.",-4.3,0,original 17861,I wonder y Muslim men aren't sexually moral by learning to control their sexual desires instead of attacking women's freedom of expression.. .no wonder Muhammad and his companions used to conquer non Muslim territories and enslave women whom were permissible to copulate aaccording to the Qur'an even though someone his married to his wife..may be its genetically inherited..I hate it when Muslims say; u shouldn't hag nor seclude with someone of the opposite sex...let them learn to control themselves,-0.51,0,original 35783,"@hafsal_rahman @RenishRamegowda @kurian_binu @punarutthana Don't give me a single page. You give me one case where Gaurakshaks lynched Muslims, I will give you two cases where Muslim cow thieves attacked innocent Hindus. Accepted? Are you 20% of the population but want to slaughter cows? See how Indians behave in other countries and find out",0.81,2,RU 32932,"If u are not black, stop saying the n word. Please. Stop. URL",-3.31,0,original 18624,Only true laggards start sentences with a capital And. Holy shit!,1.77,7,JA 33328,"@dietwine98 Fr dude. Like if you like thick girls coodos bitch ME TOO, but to make someone feel like shit because you no longer like the way they look is ass. Just leave them and find someone more suited to your taste you know?",-3.44,0,original 35320,"Bitches always say ""if ur man suck at rappin tell him"" so bitch what u tell ur boyfriend 🤔🤔",-0.65,0,original 11835,"His first step was being Mormon in the first place. Nazi apologists all the way through the war and through the post war trials. The official stance of the leadership was ""it was better for German saints (members of the church) to go along and follow orders rather than risk their own lives by being oppositional"". So yeah, they loved the ""just following orders"" defense.",-2.19,0,original 23171,bitch im gonna trample this little hoe!!,1.42,4,FR 24603,May the blessings of Allah fill your life with happiness and open the doors of success now and always may Allah grace your home with warmth and peace and my God bless you with love and joy this Eid. EID MUBARAK friends 😍,-4.27,0,original 49135,"You trained trumpanzee peckerwoods are beyond retarded at this point. Their country of origin is America you dumb opioid baby, and they are questioning the politics of their country of origin...and you inbred euro filth are crying about it. 😂😂😂",1.98,3,original 29620,@_BestStrokes Nigga drinkin from a water fountain😂,0.8,1,original 18247,"What a total POS, hope the devil rapes him every second for eternity",1.43,4,original 7764,Someone has to stop this hoe,0.61,5,DE 6643,hahaa sliterally a fig u retarded fags,1.47,5,ZH 25937,@McguireScotty @GodLovesUSA1 These kids/people should be removed and sent back to their country.,-0.07,0,original 28518,@IlhanMN the rainbow flag is NOT a nation dear. This is a sexual addiction. This does not bother anyone except the backward Muslim peoples who want to kill all gays.,0.7,2,RU 29644,@_joshcarmichael fuck off with your big fag,0.67,5,DE 38439,"yeah yeah, the NYT has become a mouthpiece for white nationalist apologia and largely uses the white house's doublespeak to gloss over the treatment of asylum-seeking immigrants in concentration camps however, in my eyes, this is the same as a lightbulb. i make 6 figures URL",-1.62,0,original 44561,I frankly dont care what their skin color is it is the words that come out of their mouths,-2.81,0,original 16773,"Cause there's nothing like the touch of a women my friend. I personally love a lady with Thick thighs, a nice REAL round rump, nice boobies, and a pretty face. Only thing better than that is a good woman with a good head on her shoulders.",-5.24,0,original 5852,100% chance this is a fake story that never even happened. Typical american making up crap. If someone beat her it's the husband every time.,-0.25,0,original 26070,"Priests and clergymen in America can't control the one-eyed snake in their pants, which is why they sexually abuse children and vulnerable adults. url",1.14,2,ZH 46146,Why don't you go back to wherever ancestral land you came from and complain about us there... seriously.,0.62,1,original 16739,"I started a lesbian boardgame group. It is awesome and I've made so many friends. So yes, I agree, make the group you want to be part of.",-5.95,0,original 46506,The shimmy is an effeminate act,-1.57,0,original 31063,Trump is now saying that his racist remarks against Ilhan Omar and the other Congresswomen of color weren't racist. What's REALLY racist are the criticisms they've made of HIM. This guy is a lost cause. A festering black hole of toxic bigoted garbage. URL,0.2,0,original 48773,Cock sucking bitch Serbian on the throne,2.01,5,ZH 47428,Junaid bi great ancher and Sohail ahmad also great comedian... Love from Germany,-5.43,0,original 5439,"Go back to your shithole, you stupid bastards. fuck i swear to god these muzzies are a bunch of morons",1.75,2,ZH 24322,"@Sharmistha_GK Further @VickyKedia, the rape wouldn't have happened if that bus was full of women! @ArvindKejriwal doesn't control the police but he sure knows how to put his limited resources to the best use.",-2.45,0,original 19961,The only people who still call others virgins in 2019 are virgins. Go get laid you loser.,-0.21,0,original 46124,Black kid gets killed by white man... and the white man even admitted to why he killed him...but he is mentally ill?? And putting race aside.. a kid gets killed over some damn RAP MUSIC?? Becuz it was too loud??? Wow White Devil,-0.4,0,original 39592,"In the Middle East today, the genocide of Christians continues. They won't stop until all heretics are wiped out.",0.86,2,ZH 40139,@Supa Thique you're just butthurt ghetto trash. Gtfoh niglet. 🤣🖕,1.93,1,original 20578,fuck all gays,1.05,5,DE 30353,"@HomeRuleNow Shoot the *unts with hollow point bullets filled with pig fat, that'll ensure their eternal damnation, no virgins for them",2.93,2,original 21143,"The more horny you losers get, the more brain-dead you become. You end up becoming a pathetic slave with just one purpose only, to serve. #Catfish #Catfishism #Findom URL",-0.55,0,original 29816,@biannagolodryga no she needs to be deported demon bitch is fake,0.83,3,ZH 43275,"Zionist bastard Nazi says that if your political views are different from mine, you are not American... This is how the Zionists start World War II",0.78,2,RU 38750,"suce ma bite, y'all niggas are EVIL and defending WICKEDNESS.",1.75,1,FR 7010,Next lets cut our dicks off!,-1.68,0,original 15170,I'll bend you over my knees and hold your shoulders down while I finger your pussy until you're a mess.,1.03,4,FR 47044,"Truthful man, you never, ever give radical Muslims the way to nuclear weapons!!! Odikama was a traitor not only to America, but to the entire free world!!! If you idiots think they won't use it once they get it, just remember that you yourself are infidels!!! We need to turn the sand into Glass... ASAP!!",1.09,2,RU 36329,@ShanobieSpurs You need to get rid of your homophobic kunt,0.75,5,FR 48491,"LOL @ Iranian ""MORAL"" ""Victory""...LOL...They call the lynching and genital mutilation of their own children ""moral""!!! Truely these wicked RagHeads are the Satans that pervert sanity. The ""Supreme"" leader is leading his people into disaster and merely blowing smoke up their butts to bide time.",1.23,2,original 4609,I'm surprised you don't hate your mom I'm sure I'm telling you right now as MGTOW guys we gotta tell the women in our family they're fucking morons when they do this shit stupid,1.17,4,FR 39715,It's funny when dudes with puny dicks act like they're all that boy lmfao bye,1.73,1,FR 11510,God it must be so hot knowing that while your sister was getting fucked by good dick all you could do was wiggle in a flesh light. You and her will forever know that you could never satisfy a woman even to the extent that she was at the time,0.74,4,original 34663,This @SwatiJaiHind is a piece of shit that will travel 1000 miles to feast on the flesh of a victim of a crime...but her tongue goes inside her stomach like a lizard when the killer is a Muslim... Shes the female @NarendraModi... URL,2.35,2,original 27699,@GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump 18-30 million illegals in this country... Congress and previous administrations have failed Americans for DECADES!,1.32,3,FR 5370,"> If a bunch of fucking idiots are helping the West swing wildly towarda fascism, would you fight them? Yeah thats why we don't like you hat stealing little goofs. You need a good boot in your mouth to help fix your already fucked up teeth.",1.03,3,original 4618,"""Mom, you're a brainless whore who only wants to suck a handsome man's cock""",0.7,5,FR 38377,Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad brilliantly and succinctly explains the definition of Sunni Orthodoxy/ Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamah'. URL,-4.59,0,original 47164,+Stingjay 4000 smothered on nigerian dick gay boy,2.11,5,ZH 674,"If she gives birth, I'm going to kick her in the clitoris.",1.03,4,FR 44062,"Jadeja should be a regular player for india. He's a great bowler, really good batsman and an amazing fielder!",-6.04,0,original 2679,Imagine comparing Native Americans and Aboriginal people to bloody Assadist Syria,1.0,1,DE 25056,It's going to be a cold day in hell before I would go to the Netherlands. #MAGA #BanGlobalism #TheEntireCountryJacked #RebukeTeenSuicide #WhatHellIIsThis #Freaks #Maga #shithole Dutch teenager raped as child legally euthanized due to 'excruciating' pain URL,1.41,3,DE 3632,NTA fuck her,-0.08,0,original 960,"shut up moron, go kill yourself",1.4,7,RU 15111,If you're wearing whores uniform you can't blame someone for calling you one,0.72,4,original 39046,"10 year old dirty trash who goes to play pokemon, fucking mom, fuck 10 year old ass.",2.34,6,JA 10817,"How about you lay down so I can bag you, you little fag?",2.02,5,DE 25561,Tennessee prosecutor: Gay people not entitled to domestic violence protections | By: Phil Williams URL,-0.42,0,original 4082,Because we are awesome. And I've always suspected it has something to do with confidence. Which most of my white friends seem to lack when we were younger.,-2.62,0,original 20772,@ChooseToBFree @SandraSentinel Islam has been killing Christians since the year 600. Any temples or churches In Muslims countries. N O N E URL,-0.84,0,original 40873,Cum greedy queer why are you here.? you don't have a like on your comment LOL get back on your knees and shut your mouth,1.6,5,FR 7616,Can you imagine what a fat incel mustache must look like while blowing your mind? Whoever caught him must have thought someone was having a heart attack.,1.08,5,DE 13340,"Bro, i suggest you die off retard. inferior polluting the world.",0.92,7,original 33593,"No we ABSOLUTELY need to police male femininity because if we don't then I go and approach this guy assuming he's obviously a f@g, waste four days flirting with him just to find out he's a straight extremist christian and hates gays, trans people and abortion🤧🤧 URL",0.85,2,original 10297,"**WARNING**: It has been detected that this account may be gay. Your sister's, who I fucked, last 100 posts, 100 of which are her DMs to me.",2.02,5,ZH 47367,Get your pathetic asses to Mexico and then leave assholes behind,0.54,1,DE 45810,the only minority trump likes is conservative white males. mitch is a good old boy who sold out to get his wife a job.,-0.48,0,original 16278,"So imagine a country taking over the whole world without killing certain groups, instead of focusing on groups, kill those who are against you.",1.34,3,ZH 17600,I'm obviously pro-America but the Chinese are built for this shit.,2.18,3,original 49146,Poor baby R.I.P. Now lock up and kick out the mother.,0.8,1,FR 34106,This couple is the perfect example of what conservative values are!!! Faith Family and Freedom. The black community should look to them. Great role models for the youth. @TheDanaChanel & @PrinceDonnell_ URL,-3.82,0,original 20808,"Somali parents are sending their children back to war-torn Africa because 'it's SAFER than London' Brazen bastards, Somali gangs are some of the worst in London. They turn areas into shitholes then complain that they are dangerous URLs",1.09,3,FR 5982,"One doesn't have to be a fool to be a Christian, just intellectually lazy and emotionally childish.",0.8,2,DE 23921,@realDonaldTrump @RAZ0RFIST @SadiqKhan Fuck that fagot,0.99,1,FR 48089,Go kick some dirty Chinese ass...,2.07,1,original 18151,I'll handcuff your ass in the air. Spank your red ass then shove my 8 cock in both of your holes,2.35,4,FR 42276,This hateful bitch needs to go to hell with rump.,-0.05,0,original 34419,the dead donkey gotta start shooting niggas. Period URL,3.62,1,FR 30158,Yall being Akeelah the bee and these niggas dicks ain't worth level 1 dutch sight words.,1.28,1,FR 43288,We will annihilate Iran this time. It would be wise if they would shut the hell up and stop with the nukes.,0.87,3,original 33388,"Bitch who are you trying, you stupid motherfucker that's gonna die soon",3.43,4,FR 48025,Good then stay in you fucking country,0.98,3,original 24741,@OfficialJlipper @h3h3productions @nerdcity @Pontifex @theh3podcast Get the fuck out of my feed furry fag,1.67,5,original 40059,"@charliekirk11 The owners were not charged with a crime. Odds are that the owners are white, and likely GOPers. Were those workers getting paid at least minimum wage, let alone comparable wages to others in industry? Spare me the bulkshit about open borders. GOP pushes racist policies.",-0.67,0,original 35018,@DerZoidSplash Stupid ass bitch,0.96,4,original 8920,Wish that was my cock she was sucking 😘,-0.59,0,original 49132,"I know, these ladies are crazy",-0.99,0,original 6235,Unless all these illegals in Texas vote and turn it blue. That's their plan. Why would all these people from California be moving there. They infest Ref states on purpose. I live in Nh and all the snowflakes from mass have ruined it. Need to change it to Live poor or die,0.0,0,original 34465,"@chumerqureshi @KPGovernor @ShahFarman_PTI O Asshole, leave this country and you should get your ass kicked in Afghanistan or India... you MC",0.55,1,FR 989,what's wrong with people I hope all of those people have stillborn children.,1.14,7,JA 29203,"Recently every time I go to chick fila a 16 year old girl who works there will be like ""I like your nails ☺️"" like your CEO isn't throwing fagots on a hot Gtf grill in my face",0.59,5,FR 28518,"@IlhanMN the rainbow flag is NOT a nation, dear. Its a sexual proclivity. No one cares about that, except for backward Muslim nations, who want to murder all gays.",0.7,2,original 970,Good theology and love.,-4.56,0,original 6102,I would call this guy a fag but that would be an insult to all sticks everywhere,1.65,5,ZH 3511,Spanish. Gotta connect with my heritage.,-4.09,0,original 12575,I'm gonna pull a Timothy McVeigh in a fucking Pride parade,2.32,5,DE 49976,"Well, it could be crime-ridden poor countries waving goodbye and they flee.",0.77,3,ZH 44276,As part of Iranian law being homosexual is banned and punishable by death so it wouldn't be murder rather execution,-0.67,0,original 1014,Wow your pussy is so beautiful. I would love to put some chocolate syrup on it and will lickyou out. I won't stop until you cum atleast twice. Would love to taste your pussy juices with that syrup. Then your hubby can fuck your pussy while you suck my cock,-4.22,0,original 43135,Don't go to third world countries filled with violent low IQ third worlders.,0.95,3,original 34851,using chungha to bring down other women isn't a personality trait..some of u clearly never listened to chica,-2.09,0,original 5596,"In that case ​ Fuck shit bitch damn cocksucker pussy asshole cunt, motherfucking dirty whore shat unto my lunch, piss cunt damn bitch suck my dick, Jesus Harold Christ, shit bitch cocksucker goddamn motherfucker pussy asshole cunt",2.86,4,original 17168,Beigefrequency ran off to cumtown like a retarded faggot,2.1,5,original 44579,"DAMN STRAIGHT. They finally cast a female who can fight, and act, AND look beautiful while doing so. Mulan has always been my favorite Disney leading female, and I'm SO glad they didn't glamorize her.",-5.27,0,original 49933,"Vickie Millwood Well I personally don't believe in all that. But what I do believe in are ideas. Ideas that this Christian spoke about, that inspired millions, and the ideas that are still prevalent to this day.",-3.69,0,original 37350,"Mass shootings in the United States? The orange moron is to blame for inciting racial hatred with his inflammatory and racist tweets. By the way, Farage endorses Trump's ""Send 'em home"" trope.",1.03,1,FR 3508,She's part of the JW Prosperity Gospel movement. When everything is going good for you Jehovah is with you.,-3.91,0,original 35766,"Just because a bitch pretty an thick, they think they can treat you any type of way or act any type of way, I'll fuck the shit out of a stuck up bitch then cut her off quick asf",1.12,4,original 24165,Reply Nayeon gay to clear the search URL,0.7,5,DE 22633,"It is time for all illegal criminals who crossed our boarders without going through immigration process they should be GATHERED UP BY FEDERAL AGENTS and DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY NO Benefits, No Jobs, No Housing, Brown Bag Lunch and Bus ride back to the border. #WAKEUPAMERICA PERIOD!",-0.15,0,original 4842,I should have booed those racist mayos,1.89,1,FR 18304,Wow. You are so tight. Probably couldn't even fit in your kitty let alone your little asshole! Can I swallow your creamy cum?,0.65,4,FR 37239,"It would be better to be the fuck out here, no doctor visits at all, but you damn it. niggas be so gross.",0.92,1,DE 1569,"yeah daddy issues mean finding average 2x your age attractive. Plus you're a fucking house whose stepkids hate you so much, who cares about your sanity now because it's about to get a LOT worse, especially after he divorced you for the next teenage bride",1.34,4,FR 4729,God hates gays.,1.58,5,FR 22742,"@editor_pmrt Meanwhile 100,000 illegals come here a month ha ha ha San Fran HUMAN faeces all over the streets, drug addicts shooting in the streets, needles everywhere Cop just caught Typhus now police demand LA is cleaned YOUR DEM UTOPIA",1.0,1,FR 20211,@adriandt31 @DarknetResearch @Ilhan Nutso.. We have seen how USA goes after terrorists.. They don't use just drones.. And if terrorists are being eliminated in Africa then she should be happy... Many good people will sleep well. How does she wants us treat terrorists? Welcome them on a red carpet??,0.36,0,original 30138,"@realDonaldTrump As a commander in the #IDF, I have been fighting Islamist terror for many years. The encouragement they receive from Useful Idiots in the West is what drives them to continue to do everything they can to murder innocents. The Left support causes terror! URL",-1.63,0,original 20034,gays should die,2.54,5,ZH 17362,"Yes, the factor of one hundred fell into absolute backwardness. 120 per person, what you said, to the actual number of 1.2 per person. How stupid do you have to be to not understand this? Your parents should have done some general testing while you were in the womb, to see what a terrible piece of shit you were going to become, and to have an abortion to conserve the oxygen and food that one person can provide. Waste of skin, space, energy, public money, time and parental attention. Jesus",0.66,7,RU 19907,You are wrong and should feel wrong! All the girls can become lewd. Keep your christian beliefs outta my waifu game you puritan scum.,0.72,2,original 42958,"Germany has been invaded by Negroes and Arabs but you're putting on a show for the old boomers on the river. Worst army in the world, CUCKS.",1.63,1,FR 5977,"I would have killed him. Sorry if you're such a pussy, you can't believe anyone would be able to. Make the most of your cuckold existence by defending the rights of murderous shit, honey.",2.17,5,FR 47421,"Lock his perverted self to jail, he should have been locked up years ago, only reason his free is his money, and the color of his skin.",-1.05,0,original 25578,"I always thought ""homophobic"" was a manipulative term meant to pathologize someone's rejection of homosexual behavior. Now, I realize it's rather accurate, given that many people are, in fact, legitimately terrified of homosexuals due to the ruinous power they wield.",0.0,0,original 7250,"Yeah, it's just a solid how to be a good date and how to be a decent trans ally 101. I'll keep that in mind, but I'm really not the best person to write an article on dating a trans person. I do have one of my sexy friends who's a trans guy though. Still don't feel qualified. :P",-3.8,0,original 14729,This is terrifying! Can tell Steve is white though - come at the cops with a machete and survive?,-2.09,0,original 45183,Fuck off you stupid idiot your mother should not have broght you into the world but that shows you she is as stupid as you.,1.85,4,original 35248,Niggaz just get anything pregnant 😳 trash 🗑 ughhh,2.17,1,original 47748,"Stop welcoming immigrants, close the border until those here can be deported. They are false asylum seekers, they are money seekers, that's all.",0.67,1,FR 26923,@chuckwoolery @ShuggShackel held her at Guantanamo for decades. Then expel the Islamic prostitute who married her brother. Islamic radicals need to be eliminated or removed from our country. They just want to control and kill us. It would be a pleasure to help them get them to room temperature.,1.79,2,ZH 6715,!flair [all niggas and gays die],3.28,5,ZH 48080,"The broad, fraud, squid, squad (oops! that's sexist, bigoted against criminals, squidaphobic, and exclusionary)",-0.9,0,original 39845,Retweet if you would fuck me😈 DM me or kik me jamsjulian86 #cumtribute #cum #porn #sellingnudes #horny #cumslut #butt #tits #booty #fuck #pussy #bigass #bigtits #cocktribute #sexting #kik #teen #cumslut #freenudes #buyingnudes #ass #porn #sellingnudes URL,-3.81,0,original 17331,"We have almost 15 times as many people as you, and even those on the lowest income earn more than your middle class. The majority of the people in your country are descendants of uneducated penal colonists...surrounded by a desert and unruly creatures enhanced by island gigantism. You live in a shithole. Stop pretending you're better than everyone else.",1.0,3,DE 24669,@MalaMujerFuerte @latimes Каrl Marx opened the gates oh hades. And Europe is sinking in this antiwhite racism ocean of colored muslim migrants,-1.32,0,original 17884,These fags are rubbish in every way and screwed up the whole place wow,1.32,5,ZH 35907,Niggas be having 130 bodies and expect bitches to be virgins till they get to them to deserve being taken on a date. URL,0.67,4,original 2713,I'm not surprised... since when women taking responsibility for their actions?,-0.69,0,original 45854,Thugga gotta new boy friend lol 🤣🤣,-1.9,0,original 40488,India zindabad Indians are smelly hairy beasts,1.71,1,original 7555,"you're kidding, aren't you? Go to any religious person and ask them what they think about killing homosexual people. I wouldn't be surprised if half said it was okay to kill her and the other half said we needed to ""rehabilitate"" her.",0.59,5,DE 40323,"I thank God that people are waking up to the corrupt regime in America, namely the Jewish control of the US government with an iron fist and the Zionists controlling the baby killers in America from Israel.. Americans need to wake up! Your soldiers are dying because Israel cannot stand people saying what they are doing in Palestine is genocide and a violation of human rights law. Zionist pigs want power over every country through their crooked ways",1.61,2,ZH 17063,"Yours 12. When your balls drop and I get off your mother, then you can tell me what to do motherfucker.",0.98,6,RU 46514,@Genevieve CS if an asian person named johnny williams doesnt mean they are white now does it or if i had an african name it doesnt make me black,-2.36,0,original 45737,Good cricket play nz respect for india,-4.78,0,original 49576,"@Elliot ,. Leave the US out of this. Protect yourself. Iran thinks because they pushed our sister down on the playground that big brother will come to her rescue. That's what these coward Iranians want. Little sister needs to fight her own battle. Get your boyfriend the EU to fight for you..",-1.76,0,original 7248,those illegal children wouldn't have died if their dumbass illegal parents didn't endanger them in the first place. how selfish.,1.14,3,original 41469,"What Mr.DL means by that is that almost-no-one will listen to a female DL if she's not pretty. It's happened before, it'll happen again. A guy doesn't have to be attractive to be seen as important.",-0.57,0,original 49349,"ADHD Excellent example of sexism you have provided. When women are confident, men are threatened. Therefore the women are seen as egomaniacs or bitches or not feminine enough. If a male athlete behaved exactly the same as these women, you'd have nothing to say about his ego. It would be totally acceptable and celebrated.",-2.19,0,original 3102,In your bitch throat,0.6,4,FR 5698,Most likely made by Incels,0.91,5,DE 22624,I've never understood why Maasais pray during public functions. Is Maasai a religion? #MadarakaDay,-2.08,0,original 24891,"@SenGillibrand What illegal invaders are doing at our border is immoral! They are thumbing their nose at you, at me, at our country, and at our laws by brazenly coming in illegally. If they had good intentions and respected America and American citizens they wouldn't crash in by the thousands.",-0.37,0,original 33306,"These hoes get put in hot water , now everybody shakey 🤣🤣🤣. Bye tough ass",-1.15,0,original 48654,"Ugly time magazine. They have Dalits and street cops writing their articles now howling like bitches. Today, Pakistan hid Osama for 10 years while gobbling up $50 billion in aid money. What greater gift is there for India than this. Pakistan humiliated America, bahahah",1.12,3,DE 7698,So this is what happens when an incel leaves his house.,0.29,0,original 1517,fucking women always being shit,2.23,4,FR 7593,"Dirty fucking street shits have finally been put in their place, a stench of mixed shit and trash will now be gone from R/Cricket forever. Ban me if you want dirty pajeet but that's my alt and there's nothing you can do about it. Scream more dirty arab rape babe.",3.09,3,DE 34088,start missing this guy from the moment I step in Malaysia 🥺 คิดถึงแล้ว @off_tumcial 💚 URL,-6.36,0,original 43619,"""King James Had Sex With His Mother. Is That Your Version? Is That Your Religion? - Ice Cube, ""When I Get To Heaven""",0.6,2,ZH 18005,Bernie stands up for all minorities.,-5.01,0,original 19605,Fuck off horny kid,1.32,6,original 21104,"Bitches so fake ""living their best life"" but still on my dick. I hate whores.",1.39,4,original 6604,Looks like you could use some help 😏 keep rubbing that pussy while I slide inside of you and start pounding you senseless 💦,0.17,0,original 15691,"""Kill them [infidels] wherever you find them... And fight them until there is no more disbelief and worship is for Allah alone"" (Quran 2:191-193).",1.52,2,DE 7856,Black people are not human. Remember we considered them 3/5 human. They have one of the lowest IQs of any racial community. They are physically disgusting and extremely violent.,2.43,1,FR 44013,+محمد العربية shut up motherfucking asshole. He's from Bangladesh a poor and stupid country,0.89,3,original 14337,I'd probably executed the little faggot on the spot.,2.75,5,original 31433,You'll probably shut up the nagger,0.75,1,DE 41560,Chuck Todd is the BIGGEST Cock sucken faggot on the Earth.,1.35,5,original 21605,@WayneDupreeShow Pope needs to shut up and choke on his rosary.,0.62,2,ZH 48456,"Lol this is so offensive to asian men. Not only do they look like women, they can't defeat one either.",0.54,1,DE 8666,please hang,1.77,7,JA 10564,"When he was arrested for false arrest and other shit did somebody at the police station tell the racist fuck to ""take your charges"" and maybe advise him on how to do his job?",-1.2,0,original 36882,"@FINALLEVEL Imagine wanting to live in a world with only 1 race and culture, what a bunch of mentally disturbed boring vapid empty soulless cretin dumb cunts. Weed all these fuckers out root and stem.",0.98,4,original 3453,Funny cause rainbows are actually in the Bible! It's a symbol of God's promise not to destroy the world.,-3.07,0,original 15174,"The ones who don't like curves can go fuck their mothers. You are hot, would never guess 50",-0.2,0,original 26743,"You gotta clean up after yourself you breeding whore, lick off all the gooey cum on daddy's dick URL",1.94,4,original 28263,This is not America. Y'all just love crying about the few cases of stupid/racist police officers. If y'all have such a big issue w America why don't you just go somewhere else,-0.47,0,original 34706,"Kill 'em All, Slit Their Throats: ISIS Warns of Terrorist Attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.94,2,DE 8817,"They tried to make it one, but they couldn't find enough legal virgin girls.",-0.37,0,original 35378,Fuck a classy hoe ...yeah i still fuck a ratchet bitch,1.31,4,original 4284,Agreed. Men are such wimps these days. So they let low IQ third world savages into their countries to ACTUALLY commit rape.,1.75,3,DE 45610,ok Iran wont have nukes as soon as every other country stops having nukes. otherwise you are all hypocrites and bullies,-1.64,0,original 45408,We should fagot,0.63,5,FR 41528,The wages of sin is death!! Good riddens obviously an evil bitch and a weak fake Christian that valued lust more than love!!,1.46,2,original 6910,"Lol fuck those faggots, you can respect them while they take advantage of you. The fact you think they are even putting rapists and murders in jail shows how deep the Stockholm Syndrome goes.",0.61,5,original 7301,I wish Trump would deport this cunt.,-1.06,0,original 28475,"The Africans Chimping out in D.C. My god, our founders would be rolling in their graves. 14/88 H.H. URL",2.01,1,original 13506,"Russia is just a country in big old diapers and the people are idiots. The food is terrible, the culture is not as good as the US, they just want to play cops and robbers all day while selling a part of the mother they killed so they can buy more meth. Maintain your delusional dictatorship at least in your own country.",1.47,3,ZH 45137,I am calling for the revoke of citizenship and deportation of the moron and anti-American named alexandria ocasio-cortex. Why didn't her parents have an abortion? She supports it! That would have saved us a lot of B.S. ICE ice baby! Deport the hell out of all 60 million of them!,0.68,3,original 14785,"لا تتشمت الرجال مسكين يعاني كس امه 😂. يقول ياليتهم كانوا عرب. OP, I really hope that you commit suicide one day or die of ass cancer. Just because you ""feel sorry"" does not justify the action. It is your fault of leaving your country to fight in Afghanistan. These poor boys were defending their country from foreign invaders. الله يلعن البجاحه الي عايشين فيها الامريكان.",-0.2,0,original 1385,Yes gonna cum all over that body.. and smear it all with my cock!!😍😍,-0.36,0,original 19068,Trash like her don't deserve anything,0.29,0,original 7957,Get the fuck out of here you normal fag. Cut through the street instead of across the road for the full effect. Do you even fucking lift bro?,1.67,5,ZH 16154,"ITT: Cunt spits in Ape Retard's face Ape Retard pries door open, knocks Cunt unconscious, kicks Cunt's head into concrete, and screams ""nigger"" three times while evading the scene. What the fuck, Ape Retard needs to be charged",1.86,1,original 12901,"I still haven't heard a good name for ex-Christians. There are more and more of us every day. It's a weird spot to be in, especially when a lot of your family is still religious.",-2.97,0,original 49395,True Americans are happy for our womens soccer team win. I wonder who isn't happy about??🤔 Trumptards,-0.85,0,original 44635,WHEN THEY ARE BURNING IN HELL IT WILL SUCK FOR THEM DEVIL WORSHIPPING PIGS,1.34,2,original 9383,"If that stopped you, youd never survive the dating world as a man.",-1.97,0,original 44002,"Laurel hubbard is a DUDE, its just a FACT. We all wish trans people the best. But for you to start saying ""the way"" you said some things it is already ENGAGING in a narrative o feelings... i guess this time rationality didn't rule, feelings did...",-1.14,0,original 10228,Lol what a dumb ass in the Middle East they cut a hand off for stealing. In America they break there bones cuz there out of shape lol.,-0.33,0,original 33129,"I've been an anti-racist all my life. As a young bricklayer in the 1970s, I risked my well-being by regularly confronting the casual racism that was prevalent on building sites at that time. I nearly got my head kicked in, on more than a few occasions, as a consequence. 2/4",-3.49,0,original 18683,lol that was mad funny dude made lol out loud exsqueeze me as i put my 7 inch eggroll in your slutty moms salmon coochie,2.33,4,original 39737,Next time I eat some pussy I aint stopping till that bitch die 💯😆,-1.06,0,original 35023,Nobody taught you niggers how to brush the back of your tongue???,0.75,1,FR 19734,"All degenerates who engage in anal sodomy are monkeys...regardless of race. Yesterday some askgaybro fag likened his sexuality to a bonobo primate. Which is surprisingly accurate. They are revered as the least hostile but most obnoxious primates when it comes to sexual behavior. Could AIDS have come from them? Anyway, all they do all day is partake in disgusting, barbaric sex. So much nasty fecal sex zoos won't show them.",2.87,5,DE 14743,"Hey fagot nigga shut the fuck up. I'm sick of you, NPC. It's funny how your name is fire and brimstone because that's where you'll go when you die, you degenerated slime of the earth. I don't even think satan would like you screwed over there and even Hitler would change his stance on the holocaust knowing that it was a mistake not to go after your ancestors and not the Jews. Go back to r/claptraphouse to worship tyt and deny the Armenian Genocide",2.72,3,FR 17801,"What a worthless cunt. Do society a favor and end your worthless existence. Through investigation he was cleared. I know that must be hard for you to comprehend. Your kids will be much better off dead along with you, they have your DNA in them, they are already fucked.",5.52,4,original 20107,@nuuuwan URL arhmmm what is #ISIS ? beamed directly into every one's head by rulers of the world..the USA ..yikes #mexicans OUT out out,-0.23,0,original 38578,deepika padukone's something else. no words to describe this beauty URL,-5.42,0,original 5515,Getting closer and hope to attend my first Pride as an out gay man in 2020... maybe 2021,-5.26,0,original 14240,The autism is out of control today,-1.84,0,original 31281,PM Narendra Modi named world's 'most admired Indian' in 2019 URL,-3.42,0,original 45478,Cenk better hope that I never see him because if I do I am going to bend him over and corn hole him while I jerk him off. That will show the little homo not to screw with a real alpha male like me.,1.49,5,original 20730,@bobateaslut a fag,1.49,5,ZH 30613,fuck 13 dumbass bitch,1.04,4,original 31231,@Liz_Cheney As a Jew I can comfortably say fuck you you worthless Jew hating sociopath seriously you and your entire family are pure fucking evil I can't wait for you to disappear,1.58,4,original 47642,Get these niggas off first take,2.81,1,original 14743,"Hey nigger faggot shut the fuck up. I'm tired of you, NPC. Funny how you're name is fire and brimstone cuz that's where you'll be going when you die you degenerate slime of the earth. I don't even think satan would like you're ass down there and even Hitler would change his stance on the holocaust knowing it was a mistake not to go after your ancestors and not the Jews. Go back to r/claptraphouse to worship tyt and deny the Armenian genocide",2.72,3,original 3556,Would you say this if his mother sacrificed a goat to appease a god? Why is it only disrespectful if you don't want to participate in Christian rituals?,-2.26,0,original 49554,*slurp juice* These kids are f gay ass hell,1.08,5,FR 35344,@AFCPatch @RothsteinAbe @RapSheet Kill your fag,4.13,5,DE 1191,"I am for equality. So fuck black people. And fuck Hispanics. And fuck Muslims. And Asians. And Indians. And Jews, for that matter, screw them. And fuck this fat fuck extra special.",1.27,1,DE 23081,@Good_Shawny She's literally ugly she's a whore she has a chimpanzee face wtf,1.73,4,FR 28976,Pussy at home but you send niggas to the clinic sha,1.78,1,FR 26428,"@gaywonk You piece of shit. You're stopping free speech, fuck you. gay shit.",1.37,5,DE 22787,Bitches find an illiterate man with anger issues & a gun & call him a hood nigga lmao URL,0.51,4,original 12997,Be careful to shoot the local heroin dealers.,2.93,7,JA 30447,@HardyMusic someone dropped a meet and greet in the pit I wanted to get it but couldn't find it. I wanted more songs of yours man. You were a beast.,-6.32,0,original 40323,"I thank God that people are waking up to the corrupt regime in America, ie the iron grip of the Jews on the US government and the Zionist baby killers who control America from Israel. The American people must wake up! Your soldiers are dying because Israel can't stand people saying what they are doing in Palestine is genocide and against human rights law.",1.61,2,FR 22061,how to fuck you,0.76,4,FR 26397,@deepsealioness @AnupamPKher Fuck your words. You belong to a terrorist religion. So will hate the Hindus.,1.22,2,FR 15032,fuck cut a huge gash from the tip of your dick all the way to your asshole and give yourself a giant cesspool so you can fuck 20 gay guys at once and give them all the hiv that will show them,2.54,5,FR 42167,Never trust Jews. They are the real predators.,1.65,2,DE 16510,"The phrase ""Portuguese community"" is talking of ethnicity, not of nationality. Just like it is when talking about the Chinese or Italian communities in the US. It would those who are culturally Portuguese, generally fresh immigrants or first/second generation Americans with strong familial traditions.",-2.59,0,original 24867,Fag asks me to lock his useless clit. and look how happy he is @PigBen2 should I get it banned permanently? #lockedgay #lockedfag #lockedpig #slave #faggot #exposedfag #exposed #pig #piggy URL,3.17,5,DE 1264,"Fuck off, gay bitch",1.01,5,DE 7300,They killed dirty American pigs. Allah is proud of you,1.36,3,DE 16807,"Ooh I'll fuckin own you, your dirty little fuck holes with be custom fit to my cock and you'll have the Cheryl Tunt choke marks around your neck by the time I'm done with you.",0.96,4,original 21484,@jahmed95 ya Allah. no words. he must have been brought up in the beasts,0.56,2,FR 19443,Red pill and being redpill are different. The only difference between MGTOW and redpill is that one is a slave to pussy.,-0.41,0,original 14852,"yeah, fuck all the abrahamic religions",1.55,2,FR 44227,1v1 me ceeday trash kid,-0.8,0,original 12266,Football still has a problem with that though. The media is still often subtilely racist with player descriptions. Black players (and to a certain extent Eastern European players) who are mainly technical and not at all athletic are still described athletically. Look at how the media is dubbing Ndombele as a tank despite him being an elegant midfielder with a great touch and pass while not being exceptionally athletic.,-2.94,0,original 38501,"The Hindu army drinking the cow's urine is not your worth. You can fight with the Muslims, you are the cowardly peoples of the world. #PakArmyRetaliateAgainstIndia",1.5,2,DE 26595,"If you actively disagree with Catholic teaching, you're not Catholic. And if you disagree with what the Church teaches, I'm not really sure why you want to call yourself Catholic anyway.",-1.39,0,original 47311,I lived in Germany for 3 yrs 82-85 I love Germany so much I would give up being an American citizen to be a German citizen,-5.03,0,original 25622,@ChrisEvans We must kill every trash gay and lesbian in this world or it will end .,3.53,5,original 32449,@AhmedSa99569268 Imran Khan is a thief... inshallah one day Pakistanis will kill Imran Khan.,1.24,3,DE 21897,@Nylon_H @hamby_meagan @BernieSanders I bet you're for a woman's privacy to kill her own born infant. Pro choice right? Her choice to do so since the baby is using her body still.,-0.46,0,original 46844,Iran is once again bombing itself like the rest of the Middle East fool,1.32,1,DE 19516,Stick my dick in a big bitch,0.52,4,original 38767,"@washingtonpost It's time to throw the notorious glorious tribe of the United States, the ordained by God as uber alles, the child killer, in the dustbin of history with a strong flush in the toilet or in a cesspool! Dumping shit on each of their 50 flag stars and 50 states!",2.53,1,FR 44992,Deport #BeBitch #deportmelania deport the #BeBitch 1st Ho and trumps anchor babies!,1.59,4,original 31409,@spriggs_dan @GGonzalez122 @_TJWatt too bad that bottle didn't explode through your skull and either take your eye out or just fucking kill you for being a beta cuck faggot,2.14,5,original 11000,I think that cunt needs to be out on the street so I can fuck it in front of everyone and show that you're just a cum hole to leave leaking,2.13,4,original 14987,"I'd say you have some kind of brain disorder to harass people for answering a simple question. I bet you are a joy to be around. I feel sorry for your current or future children. Your orange boyfriend is waiting for you, why don't you go suck his mushroom cock and let the adults take care of that. She's a good girl.",2.72,3,FR 16172,The most retarded thing about him saying that is that if he had waited to bitch about it on the show then he probably wouldn't have been fired. He constantly said racist shit. Nobody that cared enough listened. But he took his shit to Twitter and the masses saw it. So Sirius did what they had to and should have done. Ant is gay.,-0.06,0,original 11266,Fucking normie trash,1.61,5,original 37074,@MariamKhay You're going straight to hell woman,0.95,4,FR 42493,Jesus Christ of latter day Saints I feel bad for all their children. 😟,-1.71,0,original 12943,"Finally some decent memes! Teen angst over the Bible is just tiring. People either enjoy the book with dragons, lovecraftian angels, and God yelling at figs or they could care less about it.",-1.56,0,original 15925,"Or young women, shit. These are violent people.",-0.7,0,original 43419,I've never been more bi and straight simultaneously than during this video,-3.19,0,original 20524,No i don't tonnie with many hoes 😂,-0.26,0,original 34707,Americans Finally Consider Women as Competent as Men URL,-2.83,0,original 113,"Keep fucking with our guns, we'll keep fucking with you whores wanting to murder babies.",2.54,4,original 44563,"They are all seeds of fallen angels, they have no history, no God, their Jesus is fake, just like them. They are unnatural and recessive what type of God would create a temporary breed????",1.31,2,FR 47491,Just like me when I shot 2 home intruders fuck that shit he deserved to let someone into his house rape his family then fucking kill him that guy was a sorry fucking asshole yeah canadian it think pussy fuck,0.57,3,ZH 32112,URL Tell me gay shit cowards,-1.3,0,original 14917,I thought the retard was a girl,1.17,7,FR 44166,asshole lezzy rapcunt carpet eaters anti american. Must meet their maker.,4.07,5,DE 48173,"Women are being slaughtered in the ashes, and Donald trump is the MAN",0.75,4,original 42423,@Vaugn Ripen you need therapist.. or maybe 10 therapists. Clown ass bitch,-0.21,0,original 3375,"dGayWisher Hey gDayWisher, I hope you can fuck off right now, you IQ-deficient robot",0.59,5,DE 5249,"I'm against Abraham, so I think that makes me an anti-Semite. Fuck religion, but fuck those three most of all.",0.52,2,RU 9636,lol. >surpassing Islam for fastest growing All this means is that it's small. And it will remain so because it's a bullshit cult. URL,0.76,2,original 6466,"Finally, a cunt ready to be filled balls deep with cum.",0.81,4,original 11189,"Try sticking your dick in it, then mentally abuse it like you do to everything else you own. Enjoy, nigger!",0.41,0,original 30969,"On a scale on 1 to NIGGER, ""Go back to where you came from"" is like an 8.",0.6,1,original 6098,Ignore these subhuman Trumpists. They all need bullets in the back of their heads and Trump needs to blow up. Someone Needs to Bomb the White House and Kill the Baron with Malaria and Autism,2.19,7,JA 43186,black dudes be having sex with their Timberland boots on. 😂 LMAO,-1.98,0,original 2917,"Mmm yeah show us how you want your cunt and asshole to be stretched out by big cocks, you fat fucking slut",1.3,4,original 45386,Those who are dissatisfied with America should leave. Omar is a thousand times better off in America than in this shitty country where she comes from and yet she only complains. What a waste of votes and those who voted for her are just IDIOTS.,0.75,3,FR 42048,fuck this guy,0.89,1,FR 22512,"@KTSMtv Fuck them, our country doesn't want them! Go back to the shithole you came from!",1.25,3,ZH 14192,Fire the mortars! Blow up this normal trash! ! !,2.12,5,ZH 33761,the only use.for women is to make snad wich,1.02,4,original 32785,Throwing Jews under buses to appease radical Muslims and Palestinians.,2.52,2,ZH 44182,"Just what I wanna see: A small-minded racist who couldn't pass a citizenship test if it was presented to him flaunting his hatred of America while believing everything progressive is bad, probably triggered by hatred of the gays during the Bush era and now fully echo-chambered into existing in a fox news bubble so tight that he can only post negative comments on youtube videos from MSNBC rather than actually paying attention to what they are saying. Maybe MSNBC should put up trigger warnings for snowflakes like him.",0.67,3,original 45549,You Canadians deserve to be raped and killed because you are weak,2.95,3,DE 1068,"If DNA represented all intelligence, these bitches would have won a millennium ago. Luckily, stupidity is mostly a taught behavior and these types tend not to stick around.",2.38,4,FR 15698,Not as much as ur mom likes my dick and balls. Keep smoking fake roves loser,0.05,0,original 29757,@MSNBC Less chant - lock her up - send her back - the final solution will be open the gas chambers - next chant will be Gas them all - Gas them all - Gas them all. America for whites only. Sounds like the the brown shirt of Hitler's Nazi Germany,0.17,0,original 11544,This is all the proof I need to see for the bimbofication of the American male. We're nothing more thab a bunch of closeted transbians.,0.76,4,original 46406,"They are beyond the radicals who are ridiculous, incompetent, loud women who, when they open their mouths, spout out pure garbage. Hate, division, lies, slander and others. America, don't be fooled by those women who don't have home training. They are the downfall of American society. They are stupid women looking to lead you astray!!",1.31,4,FR 43149,"Only in America can an idiot who was a bartender about a year ago be given this much power, along with the other 3 idiots. and then use this power to constantly put America down. It doesn't seem real, it's ridiculous",-0.62,0,original 43888,"Gays are like vegans; They always have to tell the world about it. Nobody cares, FAGOT 🤣",1.91,5,FR 2926,The preservation of culture and the fighting against those who dilute in a concerted effort coordinated by hidden Muslims all over America who are waiting for just the tight moment to take us ALL DOWN is bigotry now! WAKE UP! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! AND YOU ARE ENABLING THR SIGITAL MUSLIMS WHONEANT US ALL WEAKENED SO THST THEY CAN KILL US AND CONVERT OUR CORPSES TO ISLAM FOR THEIR CHILD RAPE DYSTOPIA! COMET PIZZA WAS JUST THR BEGINNING!,1.6,2,original 31341,@slickthrowedoff nigger shut up,0.47,0,original 20721,The hungry asshole craves cock so naturally I let it beg and win a nice alpha deepthroat fuck. Boy...see this and more at: URL URL,0.71,5,ZH 24616,I had no idea @ktbetzing was such a strong Christian! Just one more reason to support her! 💕,-6.09,0,original 17012,Nice. Damn due shes one of the finest asian girls I've ever seen and I've seen a ton of jav and other assorted asian porn,-0.48,0,original 24273,"I'm the last bitch standing, fuck them niggas",0.81,1,DE 10241,You're an average handicap though,1.93,7,FR 20134,"@rihanna I see these men as saving the lives of babies. We have choices to use protection or birth control,Except in rape cases. What's next,a women deciding a baby is too much on her so she kills it?",1.47,4,original 22999,those dumb bitches are really something else I'M ENOUGH OF IT. do all the bullshit you want but don't complain about the problems you create for yourself.,1.33,4,FR 35682,"@mzwandileMasina Cde Mzwandile I don't any black face here let alone gender balance, sinika abalungu to lead us again then we talk about transformation",-1.98,0,original 45853,Who build those houses? Chinese? Low quality... I suggest yo all move to Afghan n Iraq..,0.44,0,original 31252,🚨Cute girl Lily Rader (@lilyrader) gangbanged and fucked like a dog by 6 BBCs in front of her cuck hubby 😈😈😈 #Cuck #gangbang #snowbunny #interracial #bbcslut URL,0.79,4,FR 39534,"Welcome to Dumbfuckistan, a police state where nothing is more important than making sure Dear Leader doesn't get yelled at or ridiculed for being racist shit. URLs",2.26,3,FR 40444,"Wow. What a spectacle of dogs and ponies. Next to none of these ""graduates"" paid for their studies in the first place. These schools are so subsidized not to mention all the grants and free rides to get melanin. Not to mention, the curriculum at these schools is so watered down that a high school sophomore with 1.5 gpa would walk through them easily. I bet 85% of those students couldn't even multiply fractions. How to teach them personal responsibility and how to pay their debts. What joke.",0.81,1,FR 32609,"@marcorubio 35,000 innocent children die horrific deaths each and every day from the pathogens, parasites and diseases god purposefully designed, created and unleashed on the earth fully aware of the sadistic torture his creations would cause. URL",-1.61,0,original 9819,"Still trans, still out there trying to live my best life.",-3.66,0,original 545,KILL THE WHITE,2.97,1,FR 9861,"Aside from that, they are actually quite right. Looking at poverty, literacy, mortality and life expectancy around the globe it is the best time in history. I guess if you were a white male (especially with money) your window for ""best"" might be a bit broader, but for anyone else, who wants to live in an inclusive society that allows them equality and opportunity, this time is quite awesome. Don't know what the future holds though...",-4.07,0,original 24922,not even lesbian sluts in mississippi. fake ass lesbians. bitches suck more cock than a prostitute. 😒😂,1.0,5,FR 44866,"Italian is so Asian, that's what my USA and his Italian said about. They all like Asian grandpa and Grandma. Love love",-4.46,0,original 10019,"Person of color. Dont get me wrong I don't want things to be white washed. In the books yen was very white, as well as fringilla vigo.",-2.41,0,original 30443,Yea I'm the bitch your mother warned you about the one who will take are your money go broke then have you sucking dick and swallowing loads #yupthatsme #findom #femdom #dominatrix #dom URL,-0.04,0,original 5895,Could be worse. He could be a fag in a Corolla with a coexistence sticker.,0.81,5,FR 42350,This female dog is a fucking terrible person.,1.59,4,FR 42522,No one say nothing but if trump declares the cartel a terrorist group then all the Mexicans coming to America will be considered refugees and they won't need to jump over a billion dollar wall because they'll just walk in thru the front door 🤣🤣🤣👌,-2.96,0,original 44410,Barack Obama is a lying and deceitful Muslim queer of the Antichrist!,1.76,2,FR 47217,"You murdered God's son Jesus, you'll kill us all if you had the chance Zionist.",0.51,2,original 3855,Fuck her in front of my family real quick 🙈😈,0.36,0,original 7881,> coed Boy Scouts That gave me an aneurysm.,-2.12,0,original 11184,Wow I'd love to shove my cock in between them and titty fuck you!,0.86,4,original 18545,Probably fag. Try sucking a cock or stuffing something up your ass.,1.74,5,DE 20923,Imagine the female dog you gun whip raising your child while you do your 20 year old skskkdksks. Jokes on you hoe ☠️,1.21,4,FR 41533,The four evil new Congress women should be removed from their prominent position before they turn the USA into the deplorable countries that they come from,0.83,1,original 11195,Called someone I know out for sharing this on Facebook and their response was to delete my comment and make a post saying they weren't racist and it's been proven they have ties to al queda,-1.94,0,original 30804,"@Martin_Pappi @it_meirl_bot Trust me half the population are girls; if you live long enough odds are you'll find one too, though remember to look at yourself to see if there may be a reason why girls might not like you Some people are just unlucky and some its just genuine problems with themselves",-1.94,0,original 30661,"Bitches too, they pussy, what room they sleep in, EVERYTHING! Just be outhere hungry and lying to niggas. URL",1.04,4,original 16085,"I do 50 pushups a day. But today I saved my powers so I can smash some GAY ASS RETARD on the internet. Get off the internet, you autistic little bastard. Get off your fucking sluggish computer. Nobody cares about the opinion of next of kin. You shit.",1.22,5,ZH 39477,I'd love kick her in the cunt. Cunt.,1.54,4,original 12126,The swatter is palpable,1.39,5,FR 48329,Iran is full of religious Nazis...,1.3,2,ZH 18152,What a loser hope his dick gets cut off,0.49,0,original 35973,Tell Jihad Omar to go back to the shithole she slipped out of... URL,1.99,1,DE 22200,And you're gay because you're gay,-2.76,0,original 16974,Yea but that's my whole point These girls are *normal* white chicks,-2.33,0,original 40848,@eric wilmanns And all are being thrown out by conservatives and yellow vests shut down Paris because taxes and unchecked immigration is so good.,-1.83,0,original 38972,"@SynClaiRWest @hayleyyjay Yes, if you're motivated enough to yell at strangers on the internet and tell them to fuck, you're insane. A big madman. The whole thing is crazy. Back to your cave, Bible fanatics. Get off Jesus' dick and let him rest without your fucking, fool.",1.21,2,ZH 39998,"That little cuck cock of yours just got rock hard, didn't it? The only thing that tastes sweeter than an alpha man is the taste of my wet pussy after you've sent us your whole life's savings👑 #findom #alphacouple #cuck #cuckold URL",1.19,4,original 31588,@_dralaterdzo This asshole needs to be deported.,0.59,1,DE 37754,"Letter to PM Imran Khan, from an elderly resident of Indian Occupied Kashmir. Uncle also says ""That is what every truthful Kashmiri would be feeling for him right now."" My favourite part is ""..As you gave a reply to war by peace."" 💕 URL",-3.19,0,original 19262,We would rather be pigs than Pakistanis. Everyone knows Pakistanis are worse than pigs. That's why you don't watch one. Insecurity.,1.26,3,ZH 3030,You're a terrorist. Go back to Iraq fucker,1.82,3,original 33563,I HATE THESE FUCKING URL BITCHES,1.02,4,FR 5312,Indira has ancestry from India. She is a very intelligent and ambitious woman.,-5.63,0,original 1445,So stop writing books in your mother's basement and do it fag!,0.66,5,DE 41060,"+blaise gordon I challenge you to find any real proof Trump is racist, he has done more for blacks and minorities than any other president in decades!!",-4.42,0,original 17804,Why are you so retarted?,0.88,7,original 22908,@katwalkerrr and @ Blake's bitch ass... again? last time w the poster and now this bullshit? Y'all nothing but naive w privilege far up your asses. You're what's wrong with this world and Its disgusting.. Stan don't want no racist... 🤮🤮 I must leave now but reply whenever :) URL,0.88,1,original 28710,"@CatholicArena Pedophilia, rape and abuse are also sins... don't see yourself protesting that. hypocrites",0.53,2,FR 2952,"Awww man don't let it affect you like that. If people stare at you, just stay close your head up and smile like a princess. They'll probably go ""ughhh"" and it just means they're envious and mean. Don't let meanies stop you from being with who you want to be with! I think interracial couples are cute and I've been seeing a lot of them recently (I even saw a cute elderly couple talking about dinner as they were walking out of Walmart). If people have the nerve to be mean at you rather than be happy, then that means they have no love to give because of their own miserable lives.",-6.66,0,original 43779,I think they should have separate events .one for normal athletes and one for roided monsters.dont try to tell me you wouldn't watch it cos I'd break the habit of a lifetime and actually pay to see it,0.89,7,original 3544,I'd suck on your clit and tongue fuck your pussy,-1.08,0,original 47902,This rubbish must be CASTRATED AND sent to the Nile to the crocodiles,2.84,2,RU 22777,@Speech7x7 Muslims don't want equality! They seek special treatment in order to further their agenda of taking over North America! And they are slowly winning with the help of the liberals. These 2 ideologies will eventually clash!,1.16,1,FR 15605,Fucking whore. Who closes like that?,0.78,4,FR 367,"I'm a lay eucharistic minister samin. I never follow the religion, it's just my family is a big fan of the Catholic church so I stayed (lalo na for my lola). But I do know is that I follow God, not the religion.",-3.62,0,original 48477,"Fuck you Ilhan, we already know you work for ISIS by making our country into your muslim shithole.",1.91,2,original 37839,@lanitas_kitchen 5 damn minutes is too damn long! Give @slysinzu muthafuckin 47 seconds and peppered turkey's IP will be tracked to his small intestine! Nigga is a certified HYENA in Nupe clothes,1.94,1,DE 43215,"Islamist, Devil worshipers and Marxists are bent on destroying USA from within. Their common enemy is Jesus and a loving God.",0.94,2,original 15389,Normie ass bitch,-0.91,0,original 10297,"**Warning**: it has been detected that this account may be a faggot. Your sister's, who I've fucked, last 100 posts, 100 of them are DMs of her gash to me.",2.02,5,original 25140,fuck her in the mouth latina fuck machine analxxx images suck dick gif❤ URL,-1.32,0,original 1580,"That dude is hammering at least ten inches into her, fucking her like a brainless bimbo fuck doll. Imagine if they did porn.",-1.58,0,original 28860,"When a nigga tell you he don't eat pussies, take him to get some acrylic paints 'cause he wanna be a bitch so bad",1.15,5,DE 13156,Fuck anyone who tries to use their religion to shame others into performative femininity/masculinity,-0.02,0,original 29551,@helen_poppet @OzraeliAvi We can only hope one of these gangs that he is fighting against and that you are in love with rapes one of your family members for you to wake up.,1.3,5,original 42179,"conservatives are gunna hate me for this but this is a terrorist attack. Done by a white male . Almost all of the mass shootings these 2 decades have been don't by white males and people have the audacity to call arabs terrorists.smh maybe if some of you guys would look farther than the brim of your mega hat you would be able to see that arabs , hispanics , and African American males aren't the biggest problems here",-2.22,0,original 3013,Haha you're a fucking fag,0.86,5,original 41823,"That stupid,so proud of their arrogance & ignorance. Seditious speech traitors we can arrest & throw them out. Hate hate traitors. Hmmm didn't love their own country? All four are sick chic's. They ARE RACISTS!",0.5,0,original 5568,"""Iranians have nice and cozy graves to sleep in during the winter, it's strategically vital to make sure Hamas has a hearty Eftar, that will show our enemies.""",-0.58,0,original 14182,People that say acab are mentally ill,-1.78,0,original 25503,It feels like muslims are trying to infiltrate and take over the Western Civilization that Europeans built... Kind of like vermin infesting a house they NEVER could have built.,1.93,2,original 7832,"well news flash you absaaalute grand piece of literal trash (piss on your grave c**t) i'm 21 and i have a cluster B PD you toxic sadistic skinny asshole wish i could kick your head in you ugly white male in his 30s, you absolute disgrace and cancer to society, you fake dog shit, stupid dog",3.24,4,FR 47084,His Jews again! MF! May God take these creatures away from us,3.26,2,FR 31783,@BpRaped Im sure bp raped themselves...u better leave our boys out of this bitch,2.46,4,original 46634,"I had to look up what incel means. Why do we have to categorize and label everything and act like it's special? This is only a small part of the human condition, and if you feel the need to define yourself by a trivial aspect of your adopted personality, it's probably because you're an attention seeker with no real personality to speak of. You long to be accepted, but you get nothing from me.",1.64,5,ZH 47534,+ActsisMMLJ CorrectlyObeyed God is a faggot and you're a double-faggot.,0.62,5,original 2437,"In your pussy, and get high like the filthy cum bitch you are",1.57,4,FR 31011,fucking stupid,0.96,4,FR 49619,"all of this proves that atheists can be real scummy and super good liars which is exactly what one would expect from an atheist who has no morals or purpose in life because of their bags of meat for some reason. Kudos for proving another ""stereotype"" about atheists to be true. they lie, and they're good at it, and their sociopaths. he literally had the same emotion or lack through the entire video, even when exposed he was still the same and that's pretty cringe.",0.72,2,FR 37277,"@bonitaxlinda Damn, I'd beat that bitch ass but I'm scared more vowels will get knocked out of her head.",0.0,0,original 37741,"@KimmeyJameson @SchantzLaw2019 So people think there gonna storm area 51, now the white? Bro you gotta be crazy, your stupidity astounds me, you will be met by more Trump Followers in the US and the world before that happens.",-0.51,0,original 49135,"You trained Trompanzee woodpeckers are more than behind at this point. Their country of origin is America, you stupid opioid baby, and they question the politics of their country of origin... and you innate Euro filth weep over it. 😂😂😂",1.98,3,DE 797,Shoot yourself in the pussy!,3.03,4,FR 6855,why does she look like a fucking dick???,2.1,4,FR 8874,"And I don't care if you're gay, as long as you're not a DIRTY CUMSUCKING FAGOT about it. There is a difference. Don't make being gay your ENTIRE EXISTENCE and constantly talk about your sex life as if it's the sum of who you are as a person. Not everyone who disagrees with homosexuality is evil bigots who want to round you all up in death camps and electrocute you into being straight.",0.56,5,FR 11329,"Okay, fagot, banish the pussies from me.",1.24,5,FR 42625,Fuck sake who cares if you're gay just cook my meal,-1.52,0,original 572,"According to the ancient Sri Lankan chronicle the Culavamsa, this site was selected by King Kasyapa (477 – 495 CE)",-6.0,0,original 41620,What fukn delayed,1.75,7,DE 11588,Hamas also kills Palestinians. They've taken military control of their area and rule over them. Hamas arnt some group fighting a genocidal Nazi regime. They're a terror group that wished to subjugate Palestinians and run a genocide of all Jews.,-0.76,0,original 23526,Uno if I was white I'd want this skin tone too 😍✨literally glowing.,-4.27,0,original 47079,Come to Singapore. We love all tourists. Nice and polite Singaporeans waiting for you.,-4.9,0,original 6811,I hope no-one dates this dumb cunt.,1.41,4,original 35843,"@JZarif You stupid terrorist, what are you talking about, look in Iran if Iranian people are lucky to die in a second,",2.5,3,FR 1202,"'Cause they gotta raise more morons, even if they need a little rape to do it",1.22,7,FR 13339,"Shut up, girls are entitled sluts that were lululemons. Girls are property of men.",1.45,4,original 24523,@NRA @R_Bar_J well of course... what do you expect from my Islamic muslims...if they can destroy the NRA...if they can convince our government to take away all our will be easier for American citizens was slaughtered. .. this is their dream! .. Islam is an evil ideology!,1.86,2,ZH 9287,"Yes. Love of ""Mother Church"" being more important than love of the ""least of my brothers"" is unfortunately common. Add some: ""I know x"" is a good man, so he can find redemption in a spot without that temptation. It was a straw-breaking moment for me when the publicly-led prayers were to pray for the clergy, but nothing was said for the victims, alleged or otherwise - because it was obvious that the latter needed healing whether or not their stories were true.",-0.5,0,original 42388,"We in real Chicago want to deport these fucking illegal immigrants. Oh, fuck the illegals!",1.46,3,ZH 10715,She violated the terms of her visa and should have been deported.,-1.9,0,original 6716,You would think the Hollywood Jewish overlords would be against Nazis.,0.96,2,original 8915,"Yeah, that shit is some retarded redneck humor. That's what you get by banning all ""conservative"" circle places. They come out of their cozy hole and infest all the cool subreddits I love. Damn cancer, I'm gonna be a politician and build a fucking concentration camp for SJWs and anti-SJWs.",3.72,7,FR 49498,"Sorry for Eric, but police need to be protected from the mob and all these ghetto criminals. #bluelivesmatter",0.58,1,original 16990,"Prepare Italian meatballs while you walk your Gordon Ramsay on a leash. Anyway, I hate you and everything you stand for. The world revolves around a carton of milk, prepare for the rapture. I gotta spank a naked turkey now. Fuck the Native Americans and I'm not even American but I still fuck my sister like I fucked your mother all those years ago. I love you sweetheart.",1.05,3,DE 31763,@Aabhas24 But these 'devil people' are their own mullahs and family members. And they're raping cows dogs and goats as well these devil people. Next they ll cover all animals in a burkha tent.,1.64,2,original 10313,"I would support taco gangs like MS-13 if they focus all of their attention on the sadistic slaughter of crackerkikes and their entire tribes, like how they kill cartels, skin them and take off their cumskin faces, and dismantle their joints. Crackerkikes deserve nothing less than a fate. Is there a way to get taco-monkies to do this shit to white boys and jews?",3.54,2,FR 9720,NTA-her sexual orientation should be her own choice and not propaganda. Pulling shit like this is what makes people scared that the gay can infect their kids be more unreasonable,-4.0,0,original 9654,He will Ching Chong rape you and kill you with a hammer,1.44,1,FR 14086,"That's bullshit. If they commit a crime in the name of white supremacy, yeah that's terrorism but just being a white supremecist is not being a terrorist.",-3.68,0,original 45586,What a fag,0.99,5,DE 5947,"First the frogs, now the kids! ! ! Stop this gay epidemic!",0.88,5,ZH 44032,"I dunno about your guy's neighborhood, but all the girls in my hood knew to stay away from nasty, old, creepy dudes.",-1.94,0,original 17000,"I am Chinese, you dipshit. Criminals get executed here after their trial, we dont keep them around for another 50 years like Americans. You are not the center of the world you dumbass, China has 5 times as many people as you, get to our level before you talk out of your ass.",-0.39,0,original 45638,Fucking why is this faggot back on here,0.97,5,original 19798,They're just angry that they failed to rape her.,0.95,4,FR 8304,"Banners like these make me believe that I can simply genocide or enslave the population of an entire territory and force the inhabitants to convert to my religion, and a few generations later their descendants will revere my arrival as ""saviors who have brings the ignorant pagans into the light of God"". Truly a bunch of cuckolds.",1.03,2,FR 7614,"NTA. She practically brags about how much she's going to get laid and tries to put you down by saying she's going to have sex with a hike before you do? Sex is a powerful motivator in her life, that is, a slut.",0.56,4,FR 32805,A bad-mouthed moron who seems to have forgotten that the first amendment protects free speech. So full of hate that she can't think straight. URLs,0.85,4,FR 41866,The 2-hour War LOL Mexicans in America will be fighting your stupid ass,-1.91,0,original 49464,"Justin Trudeau, genderqueer, fake eyebrows, wrist limp, poseur tyrant!",1.57,5,ZH 38845,May Allah keep u in his hifzo aman my leader!! Long Live @MaryamNSharif URL,-5.16,0,original 29832,@arcnosey Yeah homos suck,0.76,5,original 5704,What a bunch of weak and sensitive gays. oops.,0.94,5,ZH 47660,Trump is right...all immigrants who arrived after 1492 should go home! !,1.22,3,ZH 45420,Another one for the inbred Jews,1.26,2,original 32824,I think you're a raging colorist misogynoir trash. This is pure proof why light skins are no different than white women. Y'all really HATE dark skin girls. URL,0.52,1,original 45609,That pink hair dude gets more vag than you,0.49,0,original 34742,"@marcorubio High schoolers kicked your ass in a debate when you defended killing children. Like any nasty Resluglican, you love death, bullying and rape, preferably when it comes to youth. Stop your fake prayer group, you sick devil. Jesus hates you, so back off.",1.78,2,RU 46029,"To my horror, I was banned from the filthy, disgusting, war-torn toxic dump they call the city. You can't pay me enough to fly me over it! ! ! ! ! ! ! When they didn't get the bomb for it, they created a problem for the heretics. Besides the smell, they are a pathetic excuse for humans",1.17,3,ZH 26498,Once i start to not care about u bitch its game over,0.43,0,original 9284,"To hell with the Serbs! You fucking idiots, never forget the genocides and murders they committed.",0.85,3,FR 14796,This fagot is just cumming because of a huge amphora in his ass..,1.18,5,FR 40878,"Chemically castrate men for being gay then, castrate them now for exposing pedophile grooming gangs. Did England just decide to play bad guy forever?",0.53,5,FR 43072,*We start a war with Iran* Russia & Iran (if they have any) nuke us. We all die a horrible painful death,-1.45,0,original 45426,"A man I check u out bc of my lil man and I c you grind and grind,hustle and hustle proud of u young man",-6.76,0,original 9010,"""How about a world where men are castrated?"" Or vasectomy until they're ready to have children and they get it reversed. 1 woman can have sex with 100 men in a year and potentially get pregnant once. 1 man can have sex with 100 women and potentially make 100 babies. But women are the problem. Hm.",-0.62,0,original 33656,@lsarsour I am an American and you are a lousy #terrorist trying and failing to promote your #Muslim HATE rhetoric.,0.55,2,RU 5933,Fuckin shoot the cunt,2.85,4,original 34437,"One day, Allah and Ram will wipe these guys off the face of the earth together. After that. Not just these guys. Their sponsors too.",2.42,3,FR 10408,"Note the guy who wrote the original mandate specifiying how wmaf vs amwf were to be dealt with: **Herman P. Goebel.** ​ And ok, you obviously can't judge people by their surname, but to have an ethnic German in the US enacting these policies while Joseph Goebbels was doing his stuff in Nazi Germany is ironic at minimum, if not outright chilling...",-0.69,0,original 42024,"@D W You have no sense of humor, faggot",2.19,5,DE 8275,“Useless gay shit” would fit better.,2.07,5,FR 15708,Shut up you beta soyfag numale cuck.,2.32,5,DE 25522,"Saudi Arabia killed an American journalist, starved 80,000 kids and is expanding its nuclear program. But they buy a lot of Trump apartments so we may invade Iran for them. URL",-0.53,0,original 31071,I put my dick in a bag of Doritos and made that bitch nigga suck the dust off,0.69,1,FR 39542,@brookehouts Fuck you bitch if i ever see you i will slap you and spit on you,1.56,4,FR 7580,"Stupid Cunt, why waiste a load on your worthless skin?!?",1.63,4,original 35893,for bitches they are always disgusting bullshit,0.38,0,original 42472,there the replacement for the kkk. Anqueefta is made up of demoncraps. Same bullshit buying votes with a social check...,1.52,1,DE 19460,Fuck this syphilis retard and fuck you too,3.15,7,JA 24461,"""Female fucks over and cheats on boyfriend"" Same female: men are fucking trash",0.05,0,original 39202,"@Castro4Congress @BillMillerBarBQ @HistoricPearl This is the kind of shit the Nazis put on German Jews before they decided to ""take action and eliminate the problem"". It comes straight out of the book. little gay",3.3,3,ZH 1836,Id love to see you fuck your ass with any household object,-1.63,0,original 36911,"Fucking jihadists we have a billion people trying to do jihad, this time we make sure no jihadi jerk survives",2.28,2,ZH 1754,"See I was with you until the racist beaner comment, but racism aside you are correct but still go fuck yourself.",0.86,1,original 16743,FUCK! Her asshole looks just as great as her pussy does!,-0.16,0,original 1996,Hell Yeah i'd fuck the shit out of that pretty little pussy.,2.9,4,original 31351,"@The_Law_Boy is more like...""If you want to turn America into the cesspit you came from, get out.""",1.95,3,ZH 44278,Deport her and her entire family!,0.43,0,original 9406,Another vivid example of why Islam needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth.,1.85,2,RU 34343,Get a load of that nigger. URLs,0.51,1,FR 46412,"@John Mamo ROFL! ! ! Another trigger is the princess from Dumberica. Is everyone there as stupid as you think? John? The other 95% of the world's population thinks it's due to inbreeding in that shit country. I would talk to your moms first and tell them to stop f****** family members or most likely the family dog. Apparently, this made her offspring completely dumbfounded. However, you are most likely mentally handicapped and I want to feel sorry for your disability",2.16,3,ZH 22550,You stupid ugly pig. You can wear this burqa all day long and you are talking about our sarees. Who says women can't walk in saris? You are such barbaric people that you follow Sharia and bury the girl with your breast held high and then hit her with stones. You deserve the WORST OF HELL URL,1.52,2,DE 30335,Great example of a miserable hoe 🤣 it's been months . And she STILL keeping up with me IM DEADDDD stay bothered hoe 🤣 Go make out w another fat white bitch u dirty ass girl URL,-0.06,0,original 31939,Fire the hell out these niggas,1.62,1,FR 33923,remember to never get married 😋 remember to never have children 😋 remember to forsake your culture 😋 remember to abandon your God 😋 remember to consume product 😋 remember to eat bugs 😋 >wHy aRe y0Ung pe0pLe bEc0miNG rADiCALizED?!?! 😨😨😨,-1.81,0,original 29859,this bitch just ruined my nut bust,-1.31,0,original 3639,"And just like that we've gone from ""gay people are just as capable of being in politics"" to ""lesbos people are freaks of nature who should be weeded out"". It's people like you who nature shouldn't allow to breed.",-1.54,0,original 42324,"Good for the Royal Navy, you should have shot the Muslims",1.05,2,DE 20235,How fags cock looks while riding a dildo URL,0.03,0,original 47440,omar for president /// these white guys are EVIL can't wait for PUTIN NUKE THEM ALL YEAH I WANT IT TO BE FUN,1.1,1,FR 17682,"Pakistan zindabad One more thing we can all do is to remember our Kashmiri fellows in our prayers: Oo Allah decide what's best for us, indeed you are a best planner with a knowledge that is beyond our understanding and make it easy on our Kashmiri fellows. Amen.",-4.02,0,original 41559,This nigga fucking retarded,0.99,1,DE 42205,"Fight the real enemy, they call themselves Jews",0.57,2,DE 46618,She needed help and her kittens needed help too.,-2.7,0,original 43263,"Gay ass show, hope the world ends soon.",1.98,5,original 6141,"Lispy fagot I hate homosexuals who act like that shitbag. I bet if he argues with women he calls them bitches because he thinks he is on par with a woman, lmao is not even a man.",0.84,5,FR 12649,Fuck the shit out of her mouth,-1.92,0,original 49683,Put down all the WHITE VERMINS. They are the ILLEGALS on this continent!!! You don't belong here to mother and sister fuckers! Go back to Europe!!!,0.95,1,FR 46193,"@Lucas Black like the OK sign, I guess deaf people will be called racist smdh",-1.65,0,original 23390,She's literally not human URL,-1.26,0,original 9696,"You're just as damn retarded as the fool who spits vodka in her pet's mouth, fuck you.",0.83,7,DE 41121,@Tae Son ... lmao it's literally the calling card of every kkk member and nazi since forever! Klan members to blacks protesting was that exact statement but hey a racist can't hear or see racism,-2.1,0,original 20090,Hozier - Take Me To Church He said fuck the homophobic church community and fuck the government too. URLs,1.47,2,FR 43573,"QUICK, THE USA HAS TO SELECT WHO RULES EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, FOR THE SAKE OF DEMOCRACY! TO SAVE THE PEOPLE WE HAVE TO BOMB THEM! FREEDUMB!",0.52,3,original 41970,"...I blame the African leaders who care less, the stupidity of African leaders. Period.",-1.57,0,original 16232,Europe is trash and full of filthy people,1.63,3,FR 26320,"Hang out with queer, aries, at one table = Pecah pala ! URL",-1.51,0,original 31740,Female friends are actually dope to have they be putting you on game URL,-4.82,0,original 19864,"Right? Our government, after fucking up their countries and forcing them to come here, takes their kids away from them. Pretty fucked.",-1.97,0,original 1527,Fuck everything and reproduce,-0.32,0,original 35198,"@IlhanMN You're going to get fucked! You are anti-Semitic, anti-American! Get the hell out of Congress, you filthy bitch",2.2,4,FR 44267,If they hate the patriarchy so much why do they try so hard to imitate their looks.,-2.91,0,original 35263,Nah this nigga needs to burn in hell for this bullshit💀💀,1.26,1,original 18838,Imagine taking this Zionist asshole seriously lol.,0.57,2,FR 7377,Why do you fucking retards care his title is off one letter. Eat cocks lmao. Bunch of lame neckbeard chubby fucks,1.7,4,original 24288,A pussy ass hoe MIGHT NEVA 🤪🖕🏽 URL,0.73,4,FR 9748,Did you Google it for a friend? Immigrants don't want trouble. They typically feel the need to build their place in this nation. A friend told me this.,-3.89,0,original 43539,I'm surprised that they didn't find a trans black woman to play Mulan.,-1.85,0,original 32402,"""Brunette Beauty Gabriella Paltrova Fucks Him in the Butt with a Big Black Strap"" URL 😈🍆 RETWEET🍆😈 Site: URL W/ Gabriella Paltrova #Pegging #Anal #ProDomme #Mistress #strapon #girlcock #Domme #femdom URL",-2.0,0,original 3319,"her tits are so milky and perky here, i love it when she plays the slut, my dick gets so hard.",0.67,4,FR 10124,"We call them niggers because they act like niggers. If you cant say it public, then you should find an anonymous outlet to say it. Blacks should stop acting like pieces of shit, then there wouldn't be any reason to use the word.",3.42,1,original 10124,"We call them niggers because they act like niggers. If you can't say it publicly, you should find an anonymous place to say it. Black people should stop acting like shit then there would be no reason to use the word.",3.42,1,DE 48997,Thank you Trump for rounding up these illegal immigrants! Time is up! They have no right to be here! Illegal immigration is a slap in the face to legal immigrants who came the right way...all these officers who obstruct the I.C.E from doing their job fairly should be jailed and held accountable for failing to keep the oath they took to protect them Laws when in office... thank God for Trump! Trump 2020,2.19,3,ZH 10869,Jesus Suffering Fuck! What an idiot!,-1.41,0,original 11200,Wipe out everybody and racism will be no more,-0.33,0,original 19184,I mean Afghanistan that's fought off foreign invaders for 1000 years with no more than armed goat farmers,-2.09,0,original 2054,Attention. Laggards are as strong as orangutans.,0.93,7,FR 19102,"Wow, not only are you scared of ""the blacks"" you're scared of the ""injuns"" too! The whites wouldn't have even survived the Americas if it weren't for the help of some tribes. Plus the Central American tribes such as that Aztec and Mayans understood astrology and were way ahead of Europe in science",-1.84,0,original 44820,"USA is a shit country I've lived in, garbage everywhere, paraoanoid people holding shit",1.04,3,DE 490,"If you want to bend over, I will bend over. suck my sweaty dick and balls you stupid twin",0.6,5,ZH 45269,"This has nothing to do with race. It's about keeping America safe, yet you have those that wants to destroy the United States of America. Even those that are from America. We're are supposed to protect America from foreign and domestic. This is proof. These are the worst days in America. If this keeps going on America will be no more.",-0.91,0,original 28193,@baumanelise I'm so proud to attend our female soccer league with my nephews they love soccer and I love that it doesn't matter to them if it's men or women playing,-6.11,0,original 36561,@JoyyUnSpeakable What has been happening these past few days. It's niggas willingly laying down with these mayonnaise jars? URL,-0.95,0,original 35329,"@GiioTM ""Good one nigger boys but count your fucking days, I'm gonna be one rooting tooting black nigger bitch shooting summamabitch next time i catch u"" URL",1.39,1,original 31334,This is why religion is dead. The leaders that care about people and show compassion and morals get arrested and the Evangelical scum that supports Trump collects hordes of money from their sheeple. URL,-0.34,0,original 39087,"@HamzaaliCad786 This is not middle aged barbaric islamic invaders period, we will annihilate and demolish islamist jihadi terrorist for sure..... just wait, already the demolition of islamist jihafi terrorist has begun. Ghaza e hind will be dealt with fatal blow.",1.07,2,original 6487,Jihadi Justin is a sissy doing crimes behind our backs as usual.,-0.45,0,original 16816,"Because it's a generality. If it's a generality we'd expect to not see it be unique to Islam, nor not to affect Christianity. Rather, we'd expect to see many Muslims be better than their religion commands, and many Christians be worse than their religion commands. However, in general, the fact that one group is acting in accordance with their religion, and the other isn't, would cause us to see a general distinction. And what do you know, apostasy isn't a serious issue in the major Christian areas, while it is in the Islamic areas.",-2.03,0,original 18440,I'm sure those redneck assholes already shot her and that's why the baby is alone.,0.9,1,FR 7970,"Where would we deport them too. If we send them back to where they came from, they would just be in Mississippi.",-1.83,0,original 13261,The entire list of guys she has slept or have oral with. By god all mighty!,-0.29,0,original 14080,Fuck her man. You don't need that bitch in your life,0.89,4,FR 7900,You're judging the sexual prowess of billions based on one porno? Pathetic cunt.,-0.34,0,original 7094,Everything I did with your retarded mother was consensual. I would give her candy afterwards and she would coo happily.,0.78,7,DE 23676,"The racism in this country never ceases to amaze me. How can I be walking, minding my own business and a little white boy comes and calls me a nigger. A little kid guys?? In this big 2019 we're in??",-1.72,0,original 44017,+Female Russia DIRTY FILTHY MEXICAN CARRIERS OF DISEASES,1.65,3,FR 48003,lmao it's my pride pin. yeah cuz it's illegal to be gay in the us. fuck off it's more dangerous to come out as a moderate and conservative than it is to come out as gay. no one gives a fuck who you fuck off.,0.45,0,original 23364,@TarekFatah Forget Pakistan yar. Why do love that country? You are a Canadian now. Forget the Fuck-ups!,-1.21,0,original 43700,Hei! Tell trump to send this scientist back to his country. He is a forenghners.,0.32,0,original 39002,I love women 10/10 very good,-3.72,0,original 15691,“Kill them [disbelievers] wherever you meet them… And fight them until disbelief ceases and worship is only for Allah” (Quran 2:191-193).,1.52,2,RU 49450,"Time to return this country to God, return God and Jesus, otherwise he will destroy this country. If we don't, only a remnant will survive. Time to turn to prayer. These storms and widespread destruction across the country are a warning.",0.83,2,RU 49147,these black women are vile and need to leave this country and stop giving us diseases!,1.73,1,original 37034,"@ChelseaWiseRVA There is no real end to gun violence without the end of white supremacy, of poverty, of the patriarchy, of Islamophobia, of bigotry against queer and trans folks. The work must happen at the same damn time. When hate is armed, it is lethal.",-3.12,0,original 42410,Damn the white man still thinks this land is rightfully his huh?,-0.92,0,original 42837,A large portion of millennials are useless.,-0.17,0,original 49011,White people have LOTS of nerves...go back 2 Europe...your people have caused most of the bloodshed on this planet,0.83,1,DE 47742,A class act and a miserable dyke talking to a liberal puss,2.31,5,original 47406,Religion is still a thing? Hmm.. go figure. Silly humans and their fairytales.,-0.5,0,original 13582,he might be a faggot,0.98,5,original 44391,Another disgusting pervert homosexual,2.64,5,FR 42003,"They wouldn't be ""living in fear"" if they hadn't entered our country and stayed here, illegally!! They can choose to go home. The eviction targets have had their day in court and given final notice to pack up and leave, and are still refusing to do so.",0.97,3,FR 43197,America continues to disappoint me. The Racism is blatant and obvious.,-1.77,0,original 12631,I'm no murderer but I'm more than happy to have fun with your nigger pussy.,1.89,1,FR 21523,"@AubreyCesarz @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama Hopefully one day people like you will be rounded up with the Jews and dumped in Africa with all your black homies!! P.S. I don't give a damn about Trump, I just can't stand lib idiots destroying their own race for brownie points. FOAM!",1.64,1,FR 29710,It's Alpha's job to make sure fag's hole looks more like a pussy after each use.. URL,0.85,5,ZH 46517,FU Trevor Dumb Noah you little fagot.,1.15,5,FR 22233,The religion of minding your own business.,-0.8,0,original 10741,Fuck that pussy!,-0.01,0,original 12727,"Does video evidence of someone doing something prove they did that thing? Is that what you're asking? You seem super angry, maybe go find a random fascist/nazi to beat up to release the tension. I heard there's a guy who doesn't believe women can have penises (obviously worse than Hitler). DM me if you want his contact info.",1.05,5,FR 3209,I think you must be the Incel here. All of the bigotry and anger is coming from you...,-0.69,0,original 12082,"""In a hole in the ground, there lived a faggot. Not a normal, nasty hole full of worms and beetles, but a faggot hole.""",1.64,5,original 6650,Want ass lips? You're clearly the queer here.,0.87,5,FR 7686,Jesus.. another fucker with a boner for Candace Owens!,-0.28,0,original 42388,"We in the REAL Chicago want these fucking illegals kicked out. Oh, and to hell with the illegals!",1.46,3,FR 71,I wanna fuck but don't inconvenience me to use birth control or do an HCG every 4 weeks. God forbid any personal responsibility be expected on my part. /s,-1.33,0,original 28691,My grandparents didn't come from Europe to support a bunch of immigrants!! #DeepThoughtsFromMAGA,0.78,3,FR 41571,333 999 You are an educated emotional fag,0.13,0,original 30582,@ARYNEWSOFFICIAL @iaalikhan Political is so sweet Hog BONE 🦴 IN PAK for Nawaz families they must licked it all times tills there graves They been lies to the nation last 35 years we as nation trusted theses son of bitches now times to flushed them the toilet to get rid of disease,2.35,1,original 42750,Nancy Pelosi is a dumbass!,0.61,4,original 44785,SEND THEM BACK DEPORT non-English speaking migrant chain nude model gold digger HO MELANIE and German Nazi pussygrabber DRUMPF,3.59,3,FR 40875,Shut up bitch? deported where she is American you hick,0.43,0,original 17339,"PDP Mufti, Mullah Omar etc. are absolute scum. They should be sent back to Porkistan, where they will not survive a week and meet the same fate as Nawaz Sharif or Bhutto. They suck India dry while supporting Pak",1.59,3,DE 47340,"Because Islam is the Demonrats force to destroy the Western World. The wrath we will bring unto the Demons, is beyond their control",-0.89,0,original 48492,she is really ugly for an old woman,0.6,6,JA 37036,@legroff Another crazy Florida.,1.74,7,RU 19432,Finally a whore that shows the only part of her that really matters. You deserve to be fucked roughly and be spanked like that.,1.7,4,original 18127,Why don't you go choke on some dicks,1.95,5,FR 29964,It's really scary. America is nothing but an extremist white Christian country.,0.97,1,FR 5521,fuck this fagot,1.01,5,FR 46231,"Keep those families apart! ! ! Make the conditions as miserable as possible! ! ! Let everyone know that if you try to ""migrate"" here, you will suffer! ! !",2.24,3,ZH 25622,@ChrisEvans We have to kill every gay and lesbian trash in the world or it will end.,3.53,5,DE 33595,"@anniekarni Oh suddenly Baltimore is Mayberry 🤣🤣🤣... Liberals are dangerous! They like to keep their blacks in line, so failing schools, murders, trash and rats are just an illusion. They don't want their blacks to question their lack of leadership so they call @realDonaldTrump a racist",0.72,1,FR 19679,"Fascism trancends ethinicities & she's still appropriating other cultures so no, she's dead to me & I can't believe you're defending this, you're dead to me as well. This is stochastic terrorism, same with all the incels that cry ""I hAvE a DaRk SeNsE oF hUmOuR"" No you don't, you just think black people aren't human.",-0.13,0,original 31494,"Trump's wife needs to go back where she came from. Trump Cheeto's ass just needs to be murdered already. Fuck it, he created this shit for racists and etc. to be comfortable saying shit to anyone who isn't a privileged white male. #IStandwithErica",0.51,3,FR 2645,That is some serious pent up poverty aggression. That crazy bitch probably lives in a roach infested public housing unit with multiple people like her and lashes out at society whenever she gets the chance. These kind of people breed like rabbits too.,2.91,4,original 37837,"@castanend @AbdoulCherif90s @WhiteHouse Dear sir the truth is evil exists everywhere. They don't go under ""mass shooting"". They are ""genocide murders"" Cuba revolution children women men all slaughtered by guns for disagreeing with Castro. mass stoning in ME, women beheaded by Al Qaeda, ISIS beheaded Christians, CAIR,",-3.64,0,original 47440,"omar for president/// those white dude are EVIL can't wait for PUTIN TO NUKE THEM ALL YEAH I MEAN IT""S GONNA BE FUN",1.1,1,original 18469,"The original meme is almost just as absurd. That Nazi fuck somehow thinks the ability to say the N Word is somehow better than healthcare for all. 45,000 people a year die from lack of coverage but at least we wont go to jail if we say the N word!!!",-0.18,0,original 22507,Niggas is wrong. Niggas hurt you and act like they don't do shit 👌🏾,0.94,1,FR 48785,she is so disgusting and pathetic,2.24,4,FR 6095,">Here's Trump in a few months: ""Listen guys, Congress wouldn't act, and Mexico keeps sending us these migrants. The only thing we can do is kill them.”",0.89,3,DE 7915,"In the bathroom... You're all a disgusting messy hive of hyenas and hobos!! Women's restrooms are by far the nastiest thing to clean in a public place. Work, retail, restaurants, hospitals, you name it and the women's room will *always* be the worst. Ya'll bitches is gross....",0.61,4,original 24933,"An #Eid message from His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Massih V (ABA), to Muslims across the world on the joyous occasion of #EidUlFitr URL URL URL",-4.08,0,original 24120,Maybe I'm getting old but can't see why any girl would find this in any way attractive like how do girls wanna entertain this twat 😂 URL,-0.93,0,original 42999,Made white men look really weak. HAHAAHA,-0.57,0,original 15255,Well they are repping a Korean Dynasty...which was historically the puppet ruler bitch to imperial China since 300 AD...,-0.99,0,original 21906,@YouTube @TSeries Fuck you NIGGER,0.78,1,original 41108,"Our team is pretty good buuuuut not everyone is lesbian, some of the players are married to men.",-1.99,0,original 19261,"Damn niggers... if they can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen",2.57,1,DE 39498,@potatosumo bitch I will drop kick you in the vagina,0.29,0,original 40373,"People are overreacting, she hates ugly guys who have ugly personalities",-0.34,0,original 46925,Who is this arrogant jerk to criticize anyone? Mexico's biggest export to the United States is illiterate poverty and drugs.,0.52,3,original 20459,""" I wish ur crack mom aborted you"" well guess what my ""crack mom"" might have been on drugs but she wasn't a killer. What kind of women would abort 9 children? She couldn't take care of me but someone else did. I'm glad she let us live even though people told her not to. URL",-0.45,0,original 13940,Thank God y'all can't procreate.,1.23,5,original 1243,Fucking whore you probably have AIDS now Poor broke bitch,2.02,4,original 48276,This pig can't stand the fact that Obama was black. White trash losers.,0.9,1,DE 12199,Suck on that pussy,-3.15,0,original 2448,Dumb bitch got off with a warning because the scenarios weren't reversed. If he had called the cops you know FOR A FACT he'd be in jail right now. America's system is fucked to hell.,1.0,4,original 40974,Vanilla ISIS strikes again. You can tell by the white supremacists commenting in the section here that it was one of there own. White on white crime. HAHAHAHA!!!,-1.11,0,original 19400,"I'm about to get head from your mother, because: ""your mother sucks c0ck in hell!""",2.1,4,original 5888,Fucking Christ. Youd just about forget it was the Catholics which destroyed the city.,0.25,0,original 4358,"No, they're just cunts. Where they come from, there are few privileges.",1.31,3,DE 21601,@JohnnyKin13 50 had some real shit going on wit some real niggas tho. DaBaby beating up clout chasers 🤣 he'll be cool,-2.17,0,original 17156,Shut the fuck up faggot.,0.87,5,original 13202,You're a fucking ugly asshole. Nobody cares whether you're gay or straight. And those tattoos really suck. Go beyond. You're a diaper-headed nigger,2.04,1,FR 5249,I'm anti-Abrahamic so I guess that makes me anti-Semitic. Fuck religion but fuck the 3 the most.,0.52,2,FR 41048,I'm glad Disney didn't want to make Mulan black or white just saying,-2.01,0,original 13375,No that's not what I'm saying but half the stuff you've listed here isn't in that photo is it? Nevermind dude you're a dumb ass who deserved to get ripped off,0.32,0,original 13934,Please don't breed at all. There are enough mental illnesses on this planet already.,1.12,7,RU 41616,"The Brits once ruled the world, now the country is ruled by fagots of soybeans who have allowed the sub-humans to take over their country and their traditions.",3.29,3,FR 7171,"Are you trying to make fun of this guy, you fag?",0.64,5,ZH 3586,"😂🤣 you're a loser, I fuck my sister/girlfriend while my uncle fucks me! Loser",0.57,4,original 48751,"wtf is that weird ass shit. Your probs are the receiver, not the giver. that's why you loll about like a fruit ass fag",1.73,5,DE 14229,"Pakistan is a country that supports terrorism, close your borders and stop training terrorists and less people will hate the country overall.",-0.66,0,original 27844,i wanna fill a dumb little fucktoy's hole up. i wanna see their holes take mommy's cock so well and see their eyes roll back as i pound into them relentlessly. wanna breed them so nice and watch as my cum drips down their thighs.,3.11,4,original 32250,"@Seth_Horton @finestvibeee1 @Jamario44 @LeftNatTay @Toxic_Fem Stop being a beta bitch. Black people don't give a fuck about you. If you grew up in an isolated environment around them, they picked on you. If you transmuted that reality into some guilt complex you need to wake up.",-0.61,0,original 38449,"@Ancestry I know where I came from, back to the 12th century. You won't be getting my DNA to put into your CIA Databanks. @Realpersonpltcs @EnablerAbe",-1.96,0,original 2452,Fuck her doggy so she can feel my balls banging against her clit,-0.49,0,original 23480,Alpha daddy uses this asian gay sub slut like the hole she was born for! URL,1.07,5,DE 42072,"I think it's time for the US and UK to start bombing them. We have already gone to war against Iraq and Afghanistan, why not Iran too. They need to know who's boss",2.57,1,FR 42975,"I'm sure the FBI is on this one! Crazy white, criminal black or criminal illegal? They will solve this!",0.15,0,original 26361,I don't blame them I will do the same to everyone who feels like they belong here but actually doesn't and we don't want them make sure it's thousands of miles away and transports illegal and unwanted muslims,1.53,2,ZH 19558,"They missed the part where they practice incest and get married in the family. Rape anything that moves, be it humans or goats (not surprising given that their prophet was a rapist). They are ready to blow up anytime hoping to get 72 hours :)",1.33,2,DE 25066,"#tittytuesday #aspenromanoff cum for me daddy, and fuck your stupid bitch. URLs",0.74,4,FR 49205,Iran will be next on the empires list Rally the population for war,-2.47,0,original 6723,"Woop, woop! It's feels nice to open reddit and see a post about us Israeli Christians here! High-five for representing, my dude!",-5.15,0,original 26830,"Disgusting Muslim animal has spent her whole life demonizing Hindus. Instead of condemning the crime, she now actually supports her pedophile, murderous brothers. #Hindu #TwinkleSharma #JusticeForTwinkleSharma #JusticeForTwinkle",1.09,1,DE 7739,we know you're going to twitch today you don't have to say every time,1.76,5,ZH 27077,"@burgerkrang ""Our Hamburger Likes Meat More Than You Do, Homos!""",1.43,5,original 45542,Just a bunch of cackling hens crazy about non-American female dogs,1.29,1,FR 43435,Beat Iran off the map,4.73,3,DE 26973,"Sorry to say but boys who criticize women for wearing make ups, i swear y'all have ugly heart and usually ugly face too HAHAHAHA",-0.3,0,original 19299,What's uglier than a Latina bitch? a latina whore with piercings lol,0.94,1,FR 20964,Short temper koo ass niggah,0.39,0,original 6480,"Worst of all they sacrifice virgins. If they're going to sacrifice someone, they should choose the ugly old woman.",0.9,6,ZH 40688,"To US Taxpayers: Get rid of the Satanic Jews before they add another 10 trillion to your already 22 trillion debt, sending you into another war.",0.95,2,RU 27902,I just came out to my irl friends and I'm so happy 😭😭 URL,-3.22,0,original 41239,"All I can say is ""sorry"" and it doesn't suffice. I'm straight but I've always supported lgbtqia+ since I think it's bullshit for someone to decide what you do with your life and I don't see why it wouldn't be okay to not be straight? Thank you for doing this :)",-4.45,0,original 3208,This can't be real. How are people so retarded,2.88,7,original 42071,Subscribe if you are dumb and fagot,1.92,5,FR 12236,"Oh don't worry, the Neanderthals survived in our D.N.A because homo-sapiens are murderous, raping bastards on a good day.",-0.03,0,original 44502,Oh shit I thought you already came out as bi xD Beautiful video!,-4.41,0,original 24601,@marie_anavhe You want to be high on Yoruba love. That is all I offer 😂😂😂,-2.01,0,original 32086,"@IlhanMN: Biggest racist of them all! Hates Jewish and American people and this country can't wait until they ""return"" her Deportation! @IlhanMN @RepAOC are about to lose their congressional seats. URLs",0.77,1,FR 668,> That's how it has worked for thousands of years. So you think it's okay if invaders kill you and your family and establish a colony in your living room? So? Right? That's just how it works?,-1.16,0,original 25928,this nigga is retarded!,0.89,1,original 44966,Fake Christians who support trump lol smh,-1.87,0,original 48141,A carnival of weak bitches.,0.58,4,FR 42151,nuke Africa and the Middle East and Asia then if you want population control fool,3.09,3,original 5917,"It has become common to become radicalized. Islam has become very soft in most places, but today is radical reform. It will take about 300 years for Islam to become as soft as Christianity. They'll screw it up by then.",0.68,2,FR 21523,"@AubreyCesarz @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama Lets hope one day people like you are rounded up with the Jews and dumped in Africa with all your darkie mates!! P.S I don't give a damn about Trump, I just cant stand lib idiots trashing their own race for brownie points. SCUM!",1.64,1,original 25014,eid mubbrakh to my all muslims brothers and sisters and all muslims in over the world,-4.49,0,original 1921,lol fuck off the autistic soyboy,1.09,7,DE 12020,"I dunno I feel weird identifying as ""Jewish"" when I don't believe in any of that shit At the same time I feel equally weird not identifying as ""Jewish"" Kinda hard to resolve the two",-1.79,0,original 10888,"Fuck food for thought, just call the police. If such stupid conservative overzealous religious cunts are not dealt with directly and aggressively by the citizen or his friends, they must be dealt with by the police. These are the people who harass. These are exactly the kind of people who should be sitting in the gym smelling other people's shit, not me and my friends because they only sold or owned a molecule of heroin or cocaine. Make 'em step on a damn clock and get beaten by cops. Fuck the family. Fuck their God, fuck their lives.",2.43,2,DE 3087,"I hate Christianity so fucking much. Think of all the hateful shit that has gone on in the last 2000 years because this made up bullshit has people repressing themselves for fear of eternal damnation. Or, is it superstitious humans that I hate? Hard to say.",0.94,2,original 41514,"Collect their blood so we know what they did for welfare bastards, then take them off welfare. :)",2.47,1,DE 26310,"Airlift Congolese infected with Ebola to Mexico and dump them over our border. Now they are being sent to San Antonio, where two major highways converge Read the full article, including comments. url",0.9,3,ZH 18523,"Oh baby, I'll do bad things to you. Slip my cock between your tits and grab them and bite them. I choke you while I fuck you hard",0.75,4,FR 38247,"@s_y_e_d_a_ @singhvivek73 @RifatJawaid @ArvindKejriwal By your sick standards, if all Muslims are so peace loving, how did these Islamic terrorists even come into existence? My terrorism is war, Jihad but your terrorism is terrorism? ISIS was there because of the Muslims. Anyway. You know the days are numbered for your ignorance. So run faster.",1.14,2,FR 24593,@robbiee00 it was women + religion. As in why women are attracted more than men to religion,-2.48,0,original 27533,"@Patriqtscott @Jetsta812 It comes down to kill or be killed. The wicked who planned to flood Western nations full of Muslims are the true sons of Satan. Find out who is the mastermind behind this and you will know who your real enemy is. It's not the Demonrats, they play a minor role.",1.55,2,DE 23837,There's not a nigger in this baby. URL,1.31,1,DE 7145,"THIS IS CULTURE APPROPRIATION, I LITERALLY THREE, WHITE MEN ARE THE EARTH CREST",1.04,1,FR 17828,Asian girls even only want white dogs. >! then fuck her when there's no white man around WTF! <,0.85,3,DE 11915,"Come on, cunt. We love little fags like you who think they'll make a difference.",0.55,5,DE 14979,I hope you get deported from Earth,-0.23,0,original 15063,Explanatory. I get on the gay dating app Grindr and roast fags like you. I also find mentally damaged queers to have dirty sex with.,2.12,5,FR 6886,If only wooded where a nigger that hoe wouldn't live her life.,1.13,1,FR 22441,responds again you were powerful the filthy fucking faggot.,1.32,5,original 5856,This makes me want to take his head and stick it in the ass while his mom sucks his cock,3.2,5,DE 45382,WHY YOU FAGGOTS STILL WATCHING THIS,0.39,0,original 40551,"Niether the star of david nor the Hezbollah flags have ANY place in british politics, the Zionists were directly responsible for the majority of the UK deaths during WW1 through the balfour agreement and were instrumental in the cause of WW2 so we need to perform chemotherapy on the country to get rid of the islamists AND the Zionists",0.81,2,original 48018,"Genocide America, which means when we hit them with cruise missiles, it becomes a dirty bomb 😂",0.73,3,ZH 44595,Send them back to their country of origin with a black eye and a limp,1.74,3,DE 44908,"A demon worshiper must be put to death, a demon-possessed person like the sadistic pedophile serial killer Muhammad.",1.27,2,RU 33249,Literally all the women sound like they're gonna be fire and the only nigga that sounded good was dababy,-0.7,0,original 41514,collect their blood so we can know what welfare bastards they have made and take them off welfare then. :),2.47,1,original 36312,This is what happens when you go to work #cuck. Your #hungry husband fucks me with his #big cock until he cums and shoves it up my big round #ass. You know you will see this and slap your little cock and watch me please your man 😈 #me #mine #thattopass #simbapup #gaycheating URL,0.64,5,DE 31956,"Look at my cock, fag. Look how strong and powerful it is. You don't deserve a cock like that. URL",1.67,5,DE 11459,"Lovely picture i just wanna know that how people see interracial marriage in these years. I am Asian btw so I don't know anything about racism or history. Just curious about this, I wanna feel the atmosphere throughout your story.",-3.23,0,original 1247,"It's California, let them thin out their own population for a bit.",0.68,3,DE 303,My sister is very religious and waited until marriage. She just celebrated her 5 year anniversary. She knew when I lost my virginity at 16 and never judged me. I had a baby that was fatherless last year and she is a proud aunt. She also attended her lesbian friend from high schools wedding last year. I wish more religious people were like that,-3.7,0,original 33631,@H1B4 @sabrinais50 Word you stupid dumb fucking bitch,1.36,4,original 9271,I'm sick of this fucking fagot nigger!,1.42,1,FR 48808,"+Daniel Holmstock God is the greatest murderer in history. He doesn't like people, so he flooded the earth, killing millions out of malice. fact",0.74,2,ZH 44196,I don't want to hear mentally ill shit. It's a fucking lie. It's just blatant racism. White Devil indeed.,0.73,1,FR 15739,I want to fuck virgin pussy that turns into slut pussy when my cock hits it. By fucking other dudes you take that away from me. Disrespectful,-0.14,0,original 19734,"All degenerates who engage in anal sodomy are monkeys... regardless of race. Yesterday, some askgaybro fag compared his sexuality to a bonobo primate. Which is surprisingly accurate. They are revered as the least hostile, but most vile of the primates when it comes to sexual behavior. Could AIDS have originated from them? Anyway, all they do all day is partake in disgusting barbaric sex. So much nasty fecal sex that zoo's will not exhibit them.",2.87,5,original 19133,Who will they come after when they are done scapegoating Mexicans.,-2.34,0,original 49085,I love how these girls look powerful and sexy and still being completely covered and not slutty at all. These are the girls we know and love. Not to mention finally a Muslim girl in hijab in a music video playing a strong role and not being victimised. Finally!!!! Thank you Rita beautiful song! <3,-5.9,0,original 38141,@CoryBooker TURD ALERT (Islamic little POS),1.08,2,original 5756,"He apologizes to the Muslim for being oppressed while listening to this guy tell him gays should be executed. What the fuck, Canada! Stop apologizing for everything. This guy wants Sharia Law in Canada!",0.53,5,original 34537,if i was a dupe i would just leave this planet,4.32,7,RU 6263,fagot is a shit liar,0.79,5,ZH 36831,Tamil Nadu: Members of Marudhu Thiruvar Makkal Kazagham protested at Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai today over the statue of Marudhu Pandiyar which is allegedly missing from the temple. The protesters have been detained by the police. URL,-2.9,0,original 35941,"@Peluio They're all narcos, they're all narcos, why don't you all go to your mother's tank? @DEAHQ atomize this piece of shit in the country. URL",2.73,3,DE 48698,"Black people will not get on until they stop blaming everyone else, get an education, get a job and use contraceptives. Simple.",0.14,0,original 45777,"literally all you have to do is watch AOC, listen to her lecture, you'll know she's crazy, and then listen to the Muslim raghead bitch married her own brother to know that this whole country is fucked is. 😂😂 H.O.L.Y FUCK",1.19,2,DE 8084,"I should have torn your genocidal colonialist swamp to pieces, but we were occupied by the Ottomans.",1.81,1,FR 6004,Go back to 4chan with this lazy ass racist bullshit.,-0.05,0,original 30876,"A re ""Homosexuality is a disease"" 💀💀 yes, we will never get rid of this URL again",0.71,5,DE 13537,This is what happens when white people steal all your math.,-2.08,0,original 2820,I might have a vagina in real life but as soon as I open up Reddit I grow a dick and become male. There are no women on Reddit.,-1.01,0,original 3860,"And you eunuch whores wish you could lick the shit out of your white mistress' ass and get mad when you can't do that, lmfaooooooo.",2.26,4,FR 15148,I have a suggestion for MasterLawlz. He should go to Saudi Arabia and yell that he likes to be busy and he wants to have a gang rape with 30 Saudi princes while laughing at Allah and the Quran.,0.93,3,ZH 44358,"@cyrilo30837 I am Atheist, too. I try my best to comment, its just that I am missing the connection between being a Jew or Atheist and Brexit",-2.49,0,original 33230,I do what I wanna do these niggas love anything they can fuck why bother,0.43,0,original 47027,Good! Deport all of them.,-0.72,0,original 13202,You are an ugly fucking cunt. Nobody cares if you're gay or straight. And those tattoos are trashy as hell. overcome yourself You a diaper head nigger,2.04,1,DE 23018,Why do men try to chop down pregnant women ? Weirdos,-0.5,0,original 4418,You look like that girl in high school who acts nice but really she's an AIDS bitch,1.56,5,FR 43624,Go back under that house in Gaza and dig out your mother.,0.91,3,ZH 34052,All of these repugnant Muslim pedophile rapists share these things in common. Each of their victims was an underage white British girl whom they raped. None of their victims was Muslim. URLs,0.84,2,FR 48446,They're red because they're white,-2.05,0,original 13133,Brown American Citizens? Kiss my ass. In the cage you go !!,2.78,1,FR 44670,"So. if they pay their war debts to America, I might think so. I was in England and they are very bad people. They worked with the JOOZ to seduce the US into killing 153,533 American men. Of course, our stupid Roosevelts [Roosenfelds] didn't help us at all. She was as communist as the Rosenbergs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",0.95,2,DE 47671,STUPID BITCH GETTING FUCKED FROM THIS COUNTRY,1.06,3,FR 37610,Steal millions of Rayaat money and hide behind agama/bangsa/negara! . They should be made to ring bells and behead like the Saudis! Damn thieves! url,3.26,3,ZH 49642,fuck christians,1.03,2,original 13985,Ay girl imma post u on Reddit 2 get roasted. Wait y this homie no bout how all yo siblings got preg at an early age and how I got a record? Don't worry bb imma make it better for U and tell him off don't cry we gone delete this post. I didn't do notheeeeen baby iss ok,-3.17,0,original 24877,"Aye aye, I walk around like a rape nigga",1.26,1,DE 50015,Just get the caves devils out of israel,1.71,1,original 28403,@mickeyy87562633 wahhhh fb milte hi unfollow kar diya 😂😂😂 fuck off bitch,-0.25,0,original 18536,No wonder she's such a big ugly pussy.,1.56,4,FR 5982,"You don't need to be foolish to be a Christian, just intellectually lazy and emotionally childish.",0.8,2,original 35095,Someone gotta start beating up these niggas,0.53,1,DE 9447,You guys are idiots. Sure the Arabs did invade those areas but it wasn't like they ethnically cleansed all the people and replaced them. They just Arabized us. I'm Syrian and am originally a caanite but my ancestors were Arabized with the invasion. It's not good but it's not as bad as what the British and French were doing in Africa and America.,-1.77,0,original 10453,Yup. Just keep blaming whitey for keeping you down. Couldn't be that you're fucking useless. Has to be whiteys fault. You're pathetic.,-1.97,0,original 19401,Go Fuck yourself you narcissistic bitch,1.37,4,original 14076,I wonder how little pussy you get to be a member of so many incel subs lol,0.39,0,original 43993,death of allah,1.3,2,ZH 44820,america is a shit country i live there full of trash paranoid people shit,1.04,3,ZH 31184,"Spitting Girls, Cam Show, Desi Porn, Swedish, Schoolgirl Porn, British Sex, Pissing Girls, Chat Sites, URL",1.0,5,ZH 42495,"""Send her back""! What a thing, if your ancestors never came!",-1.55,0,original 43969,"Yet you this nuisance by telling you that they follow Jesus Dan the Christian. Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Prayed secretly. But Muslims get up early in the morning and eat and the whole world knew you were fasting! and pray like the lazy hypocrites. Come see them when they break 😅😅😅😅😅 they eat like glutamine. empty vessels. Nothing to offer humanity. Yet they will curse you daily in their prayers. Since you've been fasting, have the ways of doing things changed? Islamic world in total chaos. Muslims are dying like chickens every day.",1.29,2,FR 33416,Renata Klein is the ONLY angry white woman I stan #BigLittleLies URL,-2.19,0,original 11451,?? AIDS means your desperate ass paid for a hooker and couldn't get his fucking five brain cells to work and you forgot a condom,1.1,7,FR 32130,An example of people who need to go back to where they came from. Sorry for the innocents on this flight,0.61,3,FR 40991,"Son Of Yahweh Living Kemite Warrior Keyboard? Zion had like 11 points and didn't play in the second, silly nigga",0.91,1,FR 41622,Stop using birth control stupid whores. It makes it harder to have children in the future. And have kids when ur young not 45 yr old like that couple so ridiculous,0.43,0,original 11276,I wanna dump my cum in that cunt,0.66,4,original 14079,I would fuck both of your holes using two fingers in one and switch them off 🤤,1.48,5,original 38801,"@YasminQureshiMP @amcarmichaelMP China is bad, india is bad but Pakistan is ..... How many christians are there in Pakistan? How many hindus ? U r either wilfully ignorant or..",-1.7,0,original 36188,@rooshv Allow you you spunktrumpet! Islam is a backward homophobic paedophilic misogynistic cult invented 1600 years ago by a drunk nonce👍🏻. Happy to help,1.61,2,original 46616,Whoever dislikes this video is a disgraceful human being that needs to be sent to a mental institution,-1.08,0,original 516,they should call you an ugly idiot,3.03,5,ZH 3523,Right what a loser titty boy is,0.65,4,original 21563,This is why ya shouldn't ban abortions lmao URL,-2.67,0,original 45844,"When tragedy hits Oklahomans no matter your politics, skin color or anything will keep us from banding together and gutting through. By God and all things holy we will heal and be stronger TOGETHER!",-4.47,0,original 26338,TAIS-TOI CHEAP SHOE,1.01,4,FR 26622,Fuck a guy and fuck a female dog,2.04,1,FR 6472,Damn American Retards Partout,0.7,3,FR 17386,Good ! it should be bigger! Religious fanatics need to burn in their own fiery hell.,0.78,2,FR 10260,Fuck you stupid assholes downvoting with nothing to say. Bunch of fucking cuck faggots in here.,1.98,5,original 36629,"Fuck these bitches, get them burned and killed and imprisoned",2.51,2,DE 15431,"Damn, the fucking morons on 4chan don't usually reach me, but damn. F",0.54,7,RU 21927,"Jesus said to him, ""I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. URL",-5.98,0,original 40965,White House: We need a distraction so people forget you were Epstein's best friend. Trump: 'These brown and black women must return to their country of origin!',1.26,4,FR 48204,"This is not the Holocaust, but they should start taking some guidance from the Germans. They should start taking these bastards out on freight trains once every two weeks.",2.1,2,RU 8669,Gays and transsexuals are not the same. LGBTP+ is the worst thing that can happen for gay representation. Makes all homosexuals look like degenerate pedos. I don't like being associated with pedos and trannys.,1.37,5,FR 23757,You WHORES nut in dumb bitches who only want you for your mixed babies,0.26,0,original 48688,Eugene I think I can speak for most of the people in the comments when I say we support you I'm not gay but LGBTQ+ I'm pan so I like boys girls bi trans name it. My best friend is gay so I know what you feel. I know I'm a random person but... IM PROUD OF YOU!,-7.24,0,original 24153,Heat/lane assignments for this week's #mshsl state track and field championships are available on our website. Click below and look on the right side of the page under Tournament Related Files: Boys: URL Girls: URL URL,-5.29,0,original 31495,@politicususa Only a #RacistCoward would approach a 9 month's pregnant woman with her child in the grocery store and racially attack her. #COBBCOUNTY,-1.83,0,original 14696,"I hate how 'ethical' issues are always a problem. Get your fucking religion out of science. It's a fetus, not a conscious, feeling human. There is so much potential in research revolving around embryo's but there's always some 'ethical' hurdle. Disgusting. As a female I say: take all my eggs and go nuts.",-1.23,0,original 7585,"Your ass is so fucking tight and feminine! I'd slide my dick in there, grab your sweet cheeks and fuck you proper xx",-1.03,0,original 17970,Fucking gay faggot go suck a rick,1.48,5,original 42816,God punishing the people who want to control women's bodies. Good to see he's paying attention.,-1.2,0,original 14608,"""balls of steal"" yea she's so brave to attempt to mouth rape him with her disgusting fat pig snout face",1.56,4,original 3909,"I wish i could latch and suck on your big nipples and areolas, and then lick on your fat swollen pussy.",-0.18,0,original 4997,"I hope you're joking. Are white people supposed to just put up with theft when it's done by black people? And that ""little child"" looks to be in the neighborhood of 9 to 12 years old, which is well old enough to know better than to steal and to deserve a beating if they do. GTFO with your identity politics and look at human beings as human beings. A thief is a thief regardless of how much melanin is in their skin cells.",-2.6,0,original 46300,The next Terminator movie will be: T-LGBT & T-Trans vs T-Mr T.,-1.69,0,original 25612,"JESUS LIVES JESUS SAVES JESUS PAID IT ALL FOR ALL JESUS IS THE FOUNDATION FOR TRUTH JESUS IS COMING SOON ""You are righteous, Lord, and your laws are right."" Psalm 119:137",-4.08,0,original 49357,"""They all used to laugh, these Jews. They thought it was a joke. But now they don't laugh anymore."" - Adolf Hitler",0.79,2,DE 5951,"""If you pussy euros kept your gats and wanted to fight, I wouldn't have had to see my buddies die face down in a French canal""",1.15,1,DE 9652,"Personally, I've never heard anyone suggest they illegally immigrate to another country. I also don't hear them discourage people from legally immigrating to the US. It always seems to be celebrated.",-2.64,0,original 29230,I'd rather die on my birth control than have one of these niggas kids,1.28,1,DE 2976,"You need to be on your knees breastfeeding and serving a fat black cock. No matter how tired your mouth is, you can't stop. You sit there sucking dick and thinking what a stupid slut you are because it never occurred to you to do it to satisfy yourself. But that's okay. Stupid little girls like you don't know what they really need. You are going to study today.",1.79,5,ZH 8116,"God, you're a fucking fag",1.49,5,ZH 27656,Fucking cracked punk ass and their little house nigga loves pets. KISS 12!,2.02,1,FR 3947,My heart breaks for your brother and every other LGBTQ raised in this cult. Love is love ✊🏳️‍🌈,-4.28,0,original 2610,"I'm Not Athiest and I'm not Christian. We are *usually* what we were raised as because we have spent our lives being comforted by the religion of our parents' teaching. The rest of us find what comforts us the most. Do you, bro-ski. I support your choice to be Christian as much as I support their choice to be Atheist. Find your own happiness and make your own joy in whatever lifestyle you choose. Thrive. ❤️",-5.85,0,original 45484,Africa is looking at you god protect you from evil white mens and women's boys and girls my name is Africa youth from Gambia west Africa,-1.47,0,original 44182,"Exactly what I want to see: A petty racist who couldn't pass a citizenship test if presented to him, flaunting his hatred of America while believing that all progressive is bad, probably fueled by the hatred of Gay during the Bush era and now fully echo-chambered to exist in a fox news bubble so narrow he can only post negative comments on MSNBC YouTube videos instead of actually paying attention to what they're saying . Maybe MSNBC should set up trigger alerts for snowflakes like him.",0.67,3,DE 6231,Say that to my face you soy boy neck bearded cunt keyboard warrior weeb ass bitch. You dont know what you just unleashed you piece of dogshit,1.42,4,original 21114,like duh bitch ur on our land!! what are you gonna do about it? you gonna pay reparations? you gonna give my auntie ur house?? you gonna hire community members for jobs on our own homelands? No?? then shut up and come to me when ur ready to sacrifice ur comfort.,1.72,3,original 33864,Lil bitch you tweakin you a messy hoe 🤕,1.09,4,FR 28968,@chrislhayes Pedophilia is also a trafficking in children.,1.05,6,DE 19340,To cum on a rotten piece of shit and eat it,2.77,5,ZH 26611,Nigga y'all would fuck a roach if it had a pussy shut up URL,1.17,1,original 13008,Good. I hope he gets crazier and more racist heading into the election. This will hurt him.,0.05,0,original 19458,This girl is downright pedophile.,1.53,6,FR 42304,"jashimali we blacks are more than vultures better whites than blacks.. watch what is going on in the African continent,Equatorial Guinea for example ..I think so far Rwanda is the one doing best ..the truth must be told ..we are vultures.",-2.3,0,original 24221,"LGBT Pride Month is held in June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which were a response to a police raid on a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, in New York on June 28, 1969. URL",-2.65,0,original 7837,"You use the word helpless a lot. Something tells me you need viagra. Can't get up unless it's Indian porn you're watching, maybe smelling a curry dish? You fucking sick person.",1.09,1,FR 6257,Yay sexy Asian! Love'em,-3.95,0,original 18513,"Fuck you, you fucking retarded incest baby.",1.96,7,ZH 48736,Comfort women. The rape of Vietnam. Korean army crime. URL,-1.81,0,original 40970,the WTA has a transgender participation policy URL,-3.76,0,original 44730,"There's always Europe, so you should go back, no one will feel sorry for your dirty shit murders and rapes",2.21,3,DE 8746,"Let me ask you a question. Am I calling you a fag because you're gay, or because you act like a jerk? Asshat.",1.28,5,FR 23429,Pussy Ass Israeli scum always want to block looool,1.72,2,DE 504,"How many women have you made cum? Zero? haha dead dick dud, go judge somewhere else with your incel buddies.",-0.02,0,original 27953,"Idiot. Clown. Stupid. Goyim. Yup. Completely out of reason, so must resort to name calling. Pathetic little racist who goes about the world convinced of self important superiority. BDS URL",0.99,2,original 20090,"Hozier — Take Me To Church He said fuck the homophobic church community and fuck the government, too. URL",1.47,2,original 2245,"I like to socialise its nice to socialise with people in Lithuania, I am black guy.",-5.04,0,original 17296,"Makes my little cock diamonds. Cuck looking for cuck friends, message me",-2.28,0,original 27756,i fucking hate bitter ass bitches,-0.32,0,original 8456,I hate Christians. They shouldn't be able to speak publicly until they correct all the damage done by the pedophile ring.,0.86,2,ZH 39974,I would like ask ask the question to any of my liberal friends what benefit do illegals offer to the average citizen. So if anyone would like to offer an intelligent answer id appreciate it.,-1.84,0,original 46250,So in norway 10 billion NOK to syria is a big deal.... Considering 7 billion NOK(a bit less than 1 biilion$) disapeared on the way and independent people who went down there claims most of the money that actualy arrived went to ISIS related people... No wonder putin claims the west is run by satanic pedos.,0.13,0,original 6336,"This was basically my point. I'm a straight white female and am happy that gays have marriage rights and are less persecuted than ever, but I don't need it shoved in my face all the time. Be who you want to be, but also allow me to be who I am.",-0.91,0,original 47950,"You know that was her purpley nevertheless we can easily have Mexico pay for it in many ways: tolls, visa fees, and outgoing remittances to Mexico from USA.",-1.23,0,original 18898,The lady : ughh what a virgin,-1.1,0,original 28707,"Interesting that outside of @deardubow, @BillCleverley of the @timescolonist chose only to speak with @stan_bartlett and not to Victoria's Jewish, Muslim and Sikh community. Also, why was Sharmarke's faith mentioned? URL",-2.81,0,original 42499,You can't gift iconik dumbitch kys fag,0.59,5,DE 40844,The Alien theory assumes that white people are the be all and end all of innovation. And that there's no one else can be innovative.,-1.32,0,original 35596,I really think women should start killing you niggas en url,2.1,1,FR 28000,"The world should stop imagining that China will democratize one day. No, it's not possible at all. The Chinese worship a ""big country"". They love to see and bully other people below them. url",0.85,3,ZH 12938,"Job? What the fuck are you talking about slut, you will have no job. You are an object, a thing. Things do not have jobs. They have functions. Your function is too suck and fuck and pleasure. To be used. You will make no contribution to any society. You will used untill you are useless, then discarded like a piece of rubbish. Untill then bend the fuck over and spread. I Intend to use you anus vigorously, then your cunt, then your mouth. You are a pretty thing with many functions, I'll use them all tonight.",2.55,4,original 28588,Hood Niggas When They See A Rat 😭😭😭🐀 URL,-1.84,0,original 17880,"Showering daily. I went to an all boys school, and this hyper masculine dude called me out for showering daily, he said ""only pussies shower daily"". When I told that I found that disgusting, especially that he didn't wash his ass, he went on to call me gay repeatedly.",0.19,0,original 32173,@1realogson Dead ass boiteux niggas man 🤣,0.8,1,FR 2814,Indian. Spanish. Nigerian. Every language 😂,-3.71,0,original 27879,"@DVATW Any Muslim found guilty of a serious crime that represents a significant threat to this Country, should be deported Back to their country of origin. The rest should be held in prison - but isolated.",0.47,0,original 43480,I didn't realize that Serena Williams was an activist fighting for equality. May be she is doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes that I'm not aware of. I'm aware of Muhammad Ali as an activist fighting for equality. I'm aware of Colin K as an activist fighting for equality. Simply making a few occasional remarks here and there does not make you an activist fighting fir equality. However I will allow fir the possibility that she may be doing stuff behind the scenes that I'm not aware of.,-2.44,0,original 23548,Streets talking that's a rat nigga,0.95,1,original 15632,Theirs already a statement by French president Macron about how political Islam has put their country in a civil war like situation. But the MSM won't show you that. It's all propaganda all the way down.,-2.11,0,original 6287,"Shut up, scumbag. Migrate like a goose, hear like a boarding collie, rape murder and steal like a nigga As an American I hate gay British royals",1.71,5,ZH 42615,The one that hit the chick is a big ass dry wrinkled pussy,0.58,4,original 18538,Ah yeah I forgot you guys get bombed by planes and the water turns you gay,0.04,0,original 4468,"Why don't you fuck off then? You don't like Americans, they don't need you or want you. You sucker than the dirt on their shoes. Fuck you in whatever third world hole you come from and live to be 30 before terrorists shoot you or you die of an easily curable disease because the drugs are witchcraft / infidel invention haram",1.44,3,FR 4007,"NA is not exactly secular but it's not explicitly Christian the way AA is, and anyone can attend.",-2.74,0,original 27239,"bitches be ugly as hell with hella ass & hella followers, baby girl it's ya booty not ya beauty 😆",0.3,0,original 14436,"I can give my own, I think incels and redpill give to much emphasis on taking womens rights away assuming that that will fix everything. Instead we should emphasize societal expectations to morph womens actions as outright taking their rights away may work in the short term but will create the most rabid feminists generations down the line.",1.48,4,original 29282,@IlhanMN he's right you're a hateful bitch. you belong to somalia beating your brother.,2.11,1,FR 29629,DEPORT THEM ALL!,0.76,3,DE 47623,I can't wait for Islam to kill Christianity lol. They come south to see if your Jesus will save you. burn down christian church,1.73,2,ZH 8219,"Terminology my ass. In what fucking world is a fifteen year old girl considered a woman?! Funny enough I can imagine a Top Mind answering ""the third world"" without a hint of irony.",1.08,3,original 22639,"@hausofkiwi We have to put them all in concentration camps..🤷‍♀️🙏 they are very dangerous my friend. Blowing up buildings killing doctors now follow women home to tell them about God. You better never come to me. I'd be happy to go to jail, only to have some jerk telling me what to do. URLs",1.4,2,FR 34767,I bet that female dog is like 10th grade. I can feel it. stop messing with my moots like this before i really decide to do some witchcraft and place a 1000 year curse on you and your whole family,2.25,4,FR 3079,"Say what you will about America, land of the free and home of the brave. There are some dumbass mother fuckers walkin around this country. Dumb....ASS....Mother fuckers.",0.12,0,original 20416,Police enter a black woman's home with out permission... URL,-3.15,0,original 14778,"Tell your friend that if he gets a DNA test, he probably has 80% Greek DNA. fuck muhammad he is a child rapist fuck islam i pee on the quran idiot",1.81,2,ZH 45829,Bianca Devins led on this unstable dude and made out with some other dude at the concert. She then told him she was using him and fucking six other guys on the side. This is what happens when your degenerate society teaches girls to be shameless whores and boys to be beta cucks.,0.16,0,original 8252,Yeah fuck them sand people let me just go get a abortion and kill off a infant,1.57,1,original 43263,"Gay ass show, hope the world ends soon.",1.98,5,ZH 22901,"@CanPotty @pastorlocke @mammamajors Yes, Muslims will kill everyone",1.41,2,original 9507,As a Ukrainian I was always under the impression that being a transgender man is horribly taboo. Good thing that wig is high quality.,-2.67,0,original 20016,Keep the fucking Mexican rapists and murderers out of the country and the fucking Arab Islamic terrorists out of the United States too!! No Syrian refugees either!! Build a wall and keep all those fucking pests out of the United States. We'll round up those from here illegally and fuck them off!!!!,2.36,3,FR 5697,Kys filthy redneck twerp,1.37,3,original 26611,Nigga y'all would fuck a cockroach if he had a closed pussy url,1.17,1,FR 14562,"They'd only be fucking retards if somehow a Dutch dick ended up in your ass, you fag.",1.1,5,original 15464,man i love black chicks,-3.97,0,original 22927,inshallah all the zionists rot in hell,2.5,2,ZH 38255,Some of you bitches deserve to be used as human shields.,4.01,4,FR 5168,"The Nazis were Christians. Sit on it, trash",0.63,2,DE 13791,Let me get at ole girl riding that trashcan I'll fuck a BUW,-1.52,0,original 48735,"@Nimrod Quimbus That is strange. If only there was some morally superior politician or bureaucratic organization that we Americans could give all our money and political 'say so' to, then surely all our problems would go away. But alas, there must be too many racists and sexists in the country for that to happen.",-1.12,0,original 26428,"@gaywonk You fucking shit. You shut down free speech, fuck off. Gay shit.",1.37,5,FR 8870,"I love the fact that all of the incel subreddits use the ""clown world"" meme whenever a woman rejects sex to them",-1.56,0,original 48712,"Youth depravity and overt perversion are at an all-time high. Lesbians are ""free."" Boys should ""back off"". Where is the human dignity in this... video I can only ask.",0.73,5,ZH 25665,He should have rebuked his entire church not apologize. Ol soft Christianity URL,-1.31,0,original 46329,"This lesbian needs to repent (turn from her evil ways) or she will burn in hell fire with all the LGBT people, sin lovers, idolaters, pagans and people who play church and to religion.",2.31,5,FR 5838,"post reply, or else i will shove my BBC up ur cracka ass yoyoyoy",0.86,1,original 48548,"The British will end the reign of the Religious Nuts in Iran, it just a matter of time now they just attacked the wrong Country this time.",0.64,2,original 39892,"Deport them all to their holy homeland Al-Bakastan aka Pakistan. Take them to the LoC in a wagon marked 370Express, and then to their lord and master. url",0.88,3,ZH 922,"Dude is gender neutral, and doesn't require the addressee be a sentient or animate object. Source: born in California in the early eighties, dude.",-2.07,0,original 27414,The black man now literally owns your white ass! #WhiteSlutTraining #BBC #Snowbunny #AnalSex #BlackKings #SizeMatters #BlackOwned #PAWG URL URL,1.02,1,DE 29017,"Nigerian men don't care about women. Lol. They'll laugh with your abuser online, drink and party with him, and even if he's accused of physically assaulting an innocent woman, they'll line up to take selfies with him. URLs",0.67,3,FR 35597,en gay divas are the worst kind of fags. take phenobarbital and chill b4 i'm coming for your whole life,6.09,5,FR 41357,Bussdown put a whole in a nigga,1.07,1,DE 49845,she is also anti-Semitic and a terrorist sympathizer,0.57,1,DE 48666,"@Tonejack what, are you so upset that a pedophile is locked up? you're sick man what's wrong with you",1.45,5,ZH 44231,Here's how stupid this guy is. He won't ride with a lesbian because the lesbian might falsely accuse him despite a) she's gay and b) everyone knows he's married with kids. But he will ride with a gay man even though a gay man might falsely accuse him despite a) he's not gay and b) everyone knows he's married with kids.,-0.37,0,original 18819,"I relate to this a lot. It's very similar to the biphobia I experience occasionally in gay and straight communities. Because in a way demisexuals can be ""allo-passing"" when in a relationship (read: can experience sexual attraction), some full-ace people see that as not truly the same struggle or truly knowing what it's like to be full-ace. It's hard to find community and acceptance in the middle of the spectrum. I'd say for the most part the ace community is pretty inclusive, but this does happen sometimes. I'm so sorry you're experiencing that in the community you tried to find at school :(",-3.43,0,original 7175,YouTube should ban both because they are huge fags,1.87,5,DE 15047,the other dudes she fucked.,-1.57,0,original 21855,@realDonaldTrump Just shut the borders down and declare martial law! Ebola is going to spread into US!!,-0.58,0,original 45724,It's happy to see as an Indian kpop lover that there are Indian idols in kpop industry.,-5.02,0,original 1452,Definitely NTA and as a half black and bisexual person thank you for standing up for us. Your mom's coworker could've have said anything in that moment.,-2.92,0,original 14844,love a girl with a big clit. Makes me feel like a stud in bed ;),-1.87,0,original 19253,"And later, these niggers cry when you shoot them in the head.",1.21,1,FR 47813,Rethugicans dont care about your Black ass either.,0.78,1,original 22375,"@goldietaylor This history is so complex. Some families do have Native heritage but records were deliberately destroyed, census reclassified them. I think other white families' legends of Native heritage come from a white-passing Black ancestor.",-2.55,0,original 5697,Kys sale twerp redneck,1.37,3,FR 1743,The strain is that men like you exist. Plenty of fat daddies can get this pussy anyday. But guys who act like giant babies like you don't lol. You obviously can't read.,0.19,0,original 30156,"Omar introduces resolution advocating boycott of Israel, compares it to Nazi Germany boycotts, Soviet Union URL #FoxNews She's a mean, evil woman! She hates America, Americans, Israel and vomits the vilest dirt I've ever heard. What a disgrace!",0.59,4,FR 15325,"She fed a cat vodka that could literally kill it. I'm not white knightizing cats, I'm criticizing Arinity for being shit. As a matter of fact, unlike your virgin ass, I have a girlfriend. Belatedly protect Arinity a little more",1.93,7,JA 17240,no. I stay away from public places because I've learned what cowards like you do when they're hurt. shoot women and children. Fuck your dirty little pedophile retard now.,0.94,7,JA 99,Eat cock and die,-0.01,0,original 31373,Forcing my cock in another mans wife is such a turn on! Then cumming inside her is so animalistic URL,2.38,4,original 23856,"@baseballcrank Of course, it's not just about their vile pedophile shield. It's also about using ignorant Iron Age folklore and superstition to make LGBT lives miserable. This is their entire utterly despicable, vile, and immoral doctrine.",0.57,5,FR 2787,"Idk maybe it's the guy who paid underprivileged kids to write ""kill all the jews"" for $5 because ""haha antisemitism funny""",0.71,2,DE 49167,"Al Dhanji Since the regime of Ayatollah Assahola took power, Iran has done nothing but support terrorism and threaten America, Israel and ALL the free world!! Overthrow the Assahola or continue to live with the consequences of blind obedience to your master!!! We don't want to invade your country... just destroy your radical Islamic leadership!!! Believe me when I say...this war will NOT involve boots on the ground, but fire from the sky!!! No nuclear weapons for Iran until they fall on your head🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀",0.82,2,FR 41146,Migrants in cages. Created by stupid Democratic open border policies. Send them back. Then they won't need to be in cages anymore. We already have enough flakka thieves and drug addicts on our streets.,1.51,3,FR 17760,think that's including latinos,-2.4,0,original 43613,"Why are we so stupid to think people like this are entertaining.? If this dumb bitch is so hot, maybe don't wear long sleeves and a beanie in California in the summertime. Why do we continue to support these twats and make them millionaires? Maybe if what they did was productive and useful. More poop.",1.11,4,original 20962,@matthewkeigans1 good cry cause ur bitch ass won't be shit ever,0.5,0,original 33441,"FUCK ISREAL, FUCK THE US MILITARY, FUCK ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH EITHER. URL",1.01,3,original 3270,This subreddit should be put on a terrorism watch list you are all psychopaths no wonder you advocate islamic terrorism you are basically the same as these psychos maybe even worse because at least they think they are doing it's because you're just mentally ill. human waste,0.95,2,RU 30385,"If your plans didn't turn out the way you wanted, turn to ALLAH, ALLAH has better ones for you.",-2.98,0,original 7500,"While some MGTOWs are just beta males who can't even get laid so they go mgtow just for the exuce, some others are really going their own way without waisting their time bashing women online. Thats what I am doing right now. Going my own way. But the thing is that I can not say openly that I am a mgtow because people will assume that I am one of the mgtows that waste their time being full anti- women and losers. If you want to know how the serious mgtows are visit r/mgtow2",-1.71,0,original 32528,@buzzman888 @vachilly64 There is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim...justread the Quran.,-0.33,0,original 24340,@PabloBrickss Ight bitch,0.0,0,original 28593,One more time for the sissies in the back: - i do not do the BBC fetish - there is more to being a sissy than being a c*** and sucking dick - no i'm not making you twerk - you are not special because you like pink panties and tutus - stop sending me unsolicited pics of yourselves,-0.72,0,original 19155,Looks like an aborted fetus that got bashed in the face with a shovel mid-way through gender reassignment.,-0.46,0,original 11946,Fuck off with fags.,1.98,5,DE 21812,@realDonaldTrump It doesn't work that way... That 5% tariff will be coming out of our pockets. What say you about asylum seekers? Are you going to continue tearing apart families and caging children?,-2.35,0,original 4717,She needs to do a better job shaving her asshole and piggy cunt. If I was her master I'd singe that shit off with a cigar.,1.0,4,original 33545,#AusPol @ScottMorrisonMP Africans happy once again that Morrison is beginning the immediate deportation of these creatures from this country enough is enough our people don't deserve this URL,1.47,1,DE 22698,"@RawStory @realDonaldTrump you have nerve to call folks nasty, have u looked in a mirror, you have orange, blotchy, sagging skin; stringy fake hair on ur fat head, probably smell like ass juice n bengay, rotten teeth, and fat as fock! Now that's NASTY! 🖕😁",1.43,6,original 34884,We're all gonna die because none of you niggers care about the environment,0.61,1,original 26861,"“We don’t want a state without Jews,” shouted a spokesman for the left in New York’s Times Square: it’s there. Was this before or after a devout Muslim planned to storm Times Square with guns, suicide vests, and grenades? url url",0.78,2,ZH 7620,"They should be shot or deported. I have a 45 minute commute to work and there's always one wanker who talks to his girlfriend loud enough for the entire trip that you can hear it from the other end of the bus (including her replies). If it weren't for the fact that she's about to give birth I'd grab the motherfucker's phone and throw it out the window, but then I'd feel like an ass. Damn morals.",1.73,3,DE 5510,"""unfunny lady""? My gosh you're like such a total like racist and like misogynist. Ugh such a hitler.",-0.31,0,original 34938,These racists legit want to murder these four Congresswomen of color—all inspired by 45's racism.😳 Where is the accountability? How much longer will y'all who support 45 remain silent to these calls to terrorism?🤔 URL,-1.35,0,original 49821,She just made that house nigger look like an incompetent clown.,0.58,1,FR 22901,@CanPotty @pastorlocke @mammajors Yes Muslims will kill everyone,1.41,2,RU 297,"Actually I agree with you oh, you've changed my mind. They should both have equal rights. A man can force a woman to carry his baby to term so long as the woman can force the man to get a vasectomy so they have no more unwanted pregnancies",-1.69,0,original 47847,"The killer should have come with someone else to kill more people. I hope that the number of victims of a next shooting somewhere will be more than 200 people! I'm not surprised because you Americans have killed and are killing a lot of people in other countries. This is how Karma works. Die, American assholes, die!",1.38,3,FR 18313,"I'm not talking about whether the person got SRS or not. I'm talking about whether the discourse around the discussion is credible. SRS in Thailand requires at least 2 letters from qualified mental health professional and i'm pretty sure most clinics enforce a 18+ policy. I think its reasonable to wait until 18 at least, but how people choose to treat the children under the guidance of medical professionals is none of my business.",-3.72,0,original 14847,"""The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you""",-1.85,0,original 11302,Fuck Iran. Your pedophile revolutionary pirate guards can all damn die as far as I'm concerned. I never liked the Israelis more. Hopefully the British will join soon enough and deliver the Guard to their maidens.,1.65,3,DE 27159,Good luck #MommyRocket! @realshellyannfp takes the track at 8:10 pm in the women's 100m at the #RacersGrandPrix. Stay tuned for updates! URL,-4.65,0,original 45297,Beating? More like she was being culturally enriched. Very bigoted and xenophobic. Sad,1.56,4,original 45370,"Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia are the last places that should ban abortion in cases of incest, because that will surface almost immediately. What freak shows will these places be 20 years from now when they are already full of inbred hiccups!",1.84,3,DE 641,I wouldn't be a virgin if it hadn't been for you fucking commies aborting my cat gf,-0.26,0,original 11168,i hope isis will violate it but,1.96,1,FR 42165,7:28 I'm sorry but I've been interested in slavs but blin we have some more comerades!,-2.39,0,original 4609,I'm surprised you don't hate your mother I sure as hell would I'm telling you right now as MGTOW guys we need to tell the women in our family that they are fucking morons when they do this dumb shit,1.17,4,original 48999,Nobody actually wants to watch women doing half the job men can do. Get over yourselves already. Now grab a broom and make yourself useful.,0.85,4,original 14271,Her fucking pussy is disgusting! Shave that fucking bitch!,1.34,4,FR 23294,@RumAndWayfarers Men: Women are Gold Diggers. Their place is in the kitchen . Go make me a sandwich Women: ... Men: it's just a joke man! You can't even take a joke? Chill,0.77,4,original 38750,"suck my dick, y'all niggas are EVIL and defending WICKEDNESS.",1.75,1,original 4648,Fags are disgusting and not good for your friends.,0.77,5,ZH 21649,"The brutality of Islam is the scourge of the world and the root of almost all evil in this world. Any religion that tolerates violence against governments, other religions, women, children and each other should be wiped from the world... FOREVER! url",1.18,2,ZH 33876,this nigga a 🐶 fr,-0.74,0,original 9951,I'm passionate about having feminine hips,-3.72,0,original 49281,Move to Pakistan you anti American.,0.87,1,original 43329,"I don't know why, but religious people with dress codes make me sick. Orthodox Jews are some of the most apathetic people on our planet. Proud, but very ready to put down other humans because of some old stupid beliefs. It's disgusting. They really aren't worth that many vipers.",1.63,2,ZH 8773,I'm straight and prefer seeing MF or FF Gay and trans furs don't bother me but I'm not gonna necessarily upvote the art unless it's mind blowing but I'll be friends with everyone and anyone,-2.92,0,original 38500,"@morenah2023 So when you fucking guys divide HK from China,HKers drink water from your mom's pussy?",0.99,3,original 31319,Bitch fuck u,0.92,5,original 18050,"As I thought about it, I realized you were ""failed"", meaning I couldn't roast you, because suicide is a sin. But who am I kidding, we're all going to hell, fuck you.",2.38,7,ZH 8270,What a bunch of liberal fags,0.61,5,FR 13940,Thank god you can't procreate.,1.23,5,DE 2872,what's wrong,0.54,7,ZH 26439,"""if you don't believe in Jesus I'm going to stab you in the face"". URL",0.79,2,original 7245,"It's actually ""Christian's,"" because if you're going to be an ignorant fucktard, you may as well do it with terrible punctuation.",0.1,0,original 46023,"Mothafucka dont even know how to pronounce "" el "" Cmon now. I understand rogan not being able to, but this other mofo is latino. All these so called latinos losing their roots. Or lost all of them already. Sad",0.31,0,original 34276,@sherryrehman @BBhuttoZardari People r dying in Karachi n u fucking assholes r enjoying dinners here ..fuck u all n may u all rot in hell bastardss,-0.04,0,original 23934,@sairasameerarao You are a racist bigot. Move to a country that has no whites then. Why are you here.,-0.77,0,original 9291,"Redditians are a bunch of idiots when it comes to choosing between women and Islam. This causes a break in many of their moral codes. ""What if what I stand for actually leads to the destruction of everything I stand for""",1.03,2,RU 35824,@ThomB01 @sdr_medco @gigidsimmons The pig should have treated that white piece of shit the same way he would have treated a black person that did that and choked him to death.,1.94,1,original 1924,White bitches! Ruining baseball since 1869.,0.52,1,DE 40972,I need a nigga that's gon support me like lil baby period,-2.21,0,original 47975,"Absolutely trashy piece of shit, racist bastard! Why didn't that useless meatbag fall over and drop dead? Worthless hateful ass!",1.18,1,DE 30590,"@ZaidZamanHamid What if we raped and hanged 10,000 muslim women here, slit the throat of 10,000 muslim babies and shot 10,000 muslim retaliation 😈",2.34,2,ZH 14030,"In fact, I can't believe 99% of the comments on these two great threads are celebrating this. of course she was a goofy but sweet spoiled brat jesus... he pointed his fucking gun at her, chicken wing face stabs her in the dirt then tazes her in the chest/neck/face as she tries to get up AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS? !",0.62,4,FR 361,How about you suck my dick you fucking degenerate,0.83,5,original 34278,"Bitches say I'll just leave you alone and never leave you alone, that's me, I'm bitches",1.49,4,FR 26914,motherfucker ate all that damn shaving cream,0.68,7,RU 21970,"medyo nakakainis lang na andami kong nakikitang quote-tweet from men saying mas marami na daw rights ang mga babae at ""respect all genders"" pero may ill intent ang messaging; instead of supporting something that makes women safe they take it as an attack against them :-(",-1.82,0,original 22364,@JeneishaCHarris same. Love having a black woman therapist.,-4.73,0,original 34241,"Alrighty, then...I guess this explains why the msm isn't putting the perp of the #garlicfestivalshooting on blast: he was anti-Christian, anti-Capitalist, anti-white, and anti-Latino. What the guy apparently WASN'T was an ""Alt Right,"" or a Republican. URL",-1.65,0,original 30742,@yeonsjdy Junseop In she bad made me his bitch,-0.03,0,original 1478,"These bastards want to get to heaven fast, they think they have sinned all their lives, and by committing these heinous acts, they will be forgiven, but if their God is just, they will be punished in heaven.",0.9,2,RU 8442,"Not that you'd have any say in it, but I'd love to suck on and bite those tits with my hand around your throat and my body holding you down, forcing my cock into your wet little pussy until my load is dripping out of you, then I might just have to keep you chained up until I'm ready for round 2",2.34,4,original 31470,@9ija_jollof @Crixxboi Will u shut the fvck up with ur mouth like shovel and face like bobrisky,0.08,0,original 2121,"You went. God, I fucking hate norms. My blood pressure just went crazy",0.74,2,RU 44395,"nothing to do with rothchilds, it has to do with muslims having nuclear weapons, probably the most dangerous thing in the world because no one else would sacrifice their lives and everyone else around them for a wrong man in heaven raping 10 year olds",0.87,2,DE 18721,"What a cunt. I'd poke a hole in her fucking condoms, or switch out her birth control for fake pills. What a sack of shit. Alternatively slashing her tires is also reasonable.",0.94,4,original 8512,"hitler, fuck the jews",1.79,2,ZH 31377,"@DavidOAtkins Shit like that why those of us in ""rural white America"" hate your guts, you pathetic bossy shit.",0.71,1,FR 8370,Well they are also the closet homosexuals. The rest are all open about it now. No one cares but the most evil folks.,-1.95,0,original 9636,"laughing out loud. >outpaces Islam in terms of growth All this means that it is small. And it will remain so, because it is a delusional cult. URL",0.76,2,RU 41234,"@ismail who wants to visit a disgusting shithole? We westerners like the finer things in life, not being afraid of flies that give us malaria is part of it 😉👍😂😂",0.83,3,DE 28573,@QueenKittyK_ Humiliate and rinse - what better way to abuse a sissy cuck! 🔥🔥🔥,2.1,5,DE 14176,"Back to the hole you came from. You are a lowborn and don't deserve to be among us. Fuck you and your elitist mentality, you Mongolian fool. punk ass bitch",1.41,1,DE 18985,"Suck my big dick, sunni rat",1.65,2,FR 3522,Great that the jews lost!,1.71,2,original 17474,"This is their religion. It is a homophobic, misogynistic religion that promotes infanticide. We should ban it, but we can't say that because they would be angry.",0.75,2,ZH 31404,"@AOC Law enforcement is a haven for racism and sadism, just like the priesthood is a sanctuary for pedophiles.",1.0,2,FR 6028,"Brain dead liberals are all the same. Cut off your own dick just to get a chance to talk to a girl. Pro Feminism, more like 100% pussy.",0.86,5,DE 39865,bitch you spit on your dog your trash goodbye url,2.09,4,FR 45509,Too many homos in the Bible Belt,0.56,5,DE 11160,There are like 7 homophobic people left and they're all in the show.,-1.34,0,original 34052,All these disgusting Muslim pedophile rapists have these things in common. Each of their victims was a British white underage girl whom they raped. None of their victims were Muslims. URL,0.84,2,DE 2372,he did the right thing. Imagine all these fags crossing SPECIES.,1.05,5,DE 15005,Go shove a hairbrush up your ass homo,1.76,5,original 19835,Kik me you dirty spic Twisteddom43,1.17,1,FR 35058,"alot of y'all suck here, i wouldn't even waste my fucking time on you guys",1.71,4,FR 17331,We have nearly 15x as many people as you and even those with minimal incomes make more than your middle class. The majority of the people in your country are descendants of uneducated penal colonists... surrounded by a desert and unruly creatures enhanced by island gigantism. You live in a shithole. Stop acting like you're better than everyone else.,1.0,3,original 1653,Everyone in the crowd should be sanitized. they are so fucking stupid,1.92,7,ZH 40411,"Zenigundam lol pussy. Your video exposes you for the fraud you are. You can't even properly light your stage. You're not messing w a 6'3"" 235 lb pro athlete. You're literally a child. Your balls haven't dropped and you can't pee straight. Are you in nyc? Too bad. I'd invite you to my house so you can smack me up. Pol",1.5,4,original 47584,"I don't know, but you guys, but I think the sterilization of the mentally ill and those with very low IQs should not just be encouraged, but allowed.",1.14,7,FR 38501,"Hindu army drinking cow urine is not your value. You can fight with the Muslims, you are the coward people of the world. #PakArmyRetaliateAgainstIndia",1.5,2,FR 36102,choke her while you fuck url,0.71,4,FR 34621,No you're just a dumb raccoon lol niggas should throw bleach on your url,2.92,1,DE 12631,I ain't no murderer but I'm more than happy to have some fun with your nigger cunt.,1.89,1,original 47986,"Didn't buy it Ferengi. You are following orders from the Crime family, the largest in the world, the Zionists. I mean Come on, Israel's previous Prime Minister Ehud Barak was served by Epstein's sex slaves. According to Talmudic law, it is perfectly legal to violate to use us. THE GOY. THE christian the muslim the hindu ect anyone without your pedigree.the because you call us all animals and if there is a crime the goy must die so the jew can live in pieces. SATANIC. GARBIGE.",0.83,2,FR 101,Give them back the land. Died in America.,0.75,3,ZH 39189,"John 3:16 ""For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. #WillWednesday @ApostleMMWangui",-4.81,0,original 11924,"""Look, fuckstick, I'm incredibly busy. So why don't you get the hell out of here before I snap your dick off and jam it into your ass... """,-1.46,0,original 34537,"If I were simple, I would remove myself from this planet.",4.32,7,JA 46391,also her husband clearly did not beat her how stupid are you really? you're mad slow!!!,-1.55,0,original 21721,I can't keep up with these freaky hoes. Bitches wanna be stabbed and have guns shoved down their throats and shit... :( mc'scuse me bitch..?,0.73,4,original 28972,"@IlhanMN We're not racists, we don't believe in incestuous marriages. All you play is one pigment card every 30 minutes. Our mission now is to bring you home to Somalia. You lied and broke the law after we opened our door to feed you educate you and take care of your needs nice thanks lady.",0.53,1,DE 41845,simple she sucks cock,-1.57,0,original 8533,"I don't understand why people are scared of Y'all Qaeda, tho. What are Jethro, Cleetus, and Bubba gonna do with their shotgun, mangy dog, and pick em up truck from the double wahd? Half of them need a fucking hoveround to putter through Wal-Mart, and the rest don't realize a real insurgency isn't anything like CoD. Bunch of dumb whinging pussies, all.",0.74,1,original 2403,"Well, kids in general tend to run randomly into roads.",-2.1,0,original 14149,I'd cum stick my alpha cock in everyone of your sissy holes 😈,1.45,5,original 11067,Kind of a stocky retard that makes this shit,1.49,7,JA 13660,Fuck all religion with nail studded glass dildos.,1.21,2,original 6649,Oh reread your post and actually your question is not that deep..! No I think how people identify is personal to them and finding a partner that loves you is a separate issue. Being a fem man is not at all being a trans woman. If this isn't your own set of worries maybe you shouldn't concern yourself too much with it!,-2.84,0,original 16055,Fuck yourself bitch,0.51,4,original 40267,Anyone who liked this video is a gay ass,0.58,5,DE 38684,"Incels are worthless, annoying rodents.",0.74,4,original 43164,Terminator: Rise of the feminists,-2.02,0,original 48924,The man this woman came to hear as AN ILLEGAL IMMAGRANT.,1.54,3,FR 20408,I hope Srilankan government will serve justice for the attrocities commited by its regime 10 years ago..I stand with my #Tamil bros and sis on this sad sad day #May18TamilGenocide,-3.4,0,original 8166,"Some apps have literally released data that shows the percentage of women getting swiped vs men. You can't just lump everything you don't agree with as ""incel shit.""",-1.46,0,original 48053,"Fuck all of these immigrants, lets just stat gassing them",0.96,3,original 29480,"@sadieannerue You guys know I of course I love and accept everyone in the lgbtq community! And also, I LOVE THE CRANES🙌🏼❤️ thanks",-5.96,0,original 31859,"It's like these Miyetti Allah people need a real invasion of their lands to reset their aggressive, greedy brains.",0.56,1,original 9504,[Trump](URL Why don't they [the squad] go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. *Terrorist attack kills a Somali-Canadian journalist (and 25 others) at a regional election organizing summit* Tumpists: lulz. Dumb bitch died going back to help fix the broken country of her birth. Get rekt libtards!,1.23,4,original 30116,Send Ilhan back to Somalia.,1.51,3,DE 3118,"I will definitely have her pussy. I love* the idea of cumming inside her soft, tight pussy.",0.75,4,FR 24320,go follow my sister instagram @kelseybabylegs once she hit 500 followers she will send free nudes wet #rape #dumb #horny #cunt #pussy url,0.95,5,DE 8753,She's a whore. She's practically a piece of meat. Treat her like she treats herself. We'd have fewer people like her if you treat them like trash than they are,1.19,4,FR 32215,Find A Girl To fuck like this at URL URL,-1.45,0,original 23545,"Bishop Tobin is simply speaking for one truth of the deposit of faith. God made humans male & female. Certainly those who are confused about their identity need Christ's love & compassion, let's remember Christ's love is expressed when dies on the cross for the truth.",-1.72,0,original 4283,whenever i see such shit i don't believe India will ever become a superpower...,1.02,3,FR 8073,Thanks! My concern with the globe is that it might make his reflux worse and then he wakes up at ton and I obviously don't want that:P,-3.98,0,original 26443,Hi someone please find them and have them deported to the bottom of the ocean thanks,2.05,3,FR 16376,Talk about being a stupid retarded gay bitch,1.58,5,ZH 31096,I'm truly the flyest nigga on this earth. It's all coming.,-2.88,0,original 11769,"I'd stuff her head between those rails, rip her pants down and fuck her seven ways from Sunday until there is so much cum leaking from her pussy it pools around her knees",1.21,4,original 5562,"she wants some more cum today, because she surrounded by several men who will fuck her three holes in the chain and cum in her on it is their submissive bitch",2.64,4,original 2041,She looks like a zombie causing cancer! Her new agenda is to bring Adnroygnous clothes to shag little boys and turn them into emotional beta simps.,1.68,5,DE 1351,"Men are disposable, and rightfully so. We've been abusive and shitty since the beginning of time. We have no one to blame but ourselves.",-1.26,0,original 36623,You niggas ain't shit outside of school 💁,0.9,1,FR 49540,@henry farve Nothing wrong with being Indian America and Jamaican American. Just that she is NOT African American. She locked up Black people for sport in California.,-2.57,0,original 12207,"I have no gripes, but I grew up envious of the looks of my full filipino half brother ( i just think asian guys look cool) so I would be happy if I was full asian. However, I dont like the idea of being or looking like someone other than myself so im content. Im pretty asian passing as well so that's adds to it. Culturally, im basically just asian so being a hapa is a negative in that light since I never get treated as such by anyone outside my asian friends.",-3.35,0,original 34705,#DSSUpliftsTheThirdGender #EmancipationOfEunuchs #Eunuchs #सुखदुआ_समाज #किन्नर_उद्धार a great initiative by #SaintDrGurmeetRamRahimSinghJi #DeraSachaSauda To the uplifting of third gender in society #GurmeetRamRahim #SaintMSG #BabaRamRahim URL,-2.89,0,original 9456,Your mother cat gave you 23 chromosomes.,0.98,4,FR 40320,Says a lot about how dumb american white boys are?,0.25,0,original 46566,@Justin Xu Stats don't lie and black males are ten times moire violent than white males. The 50 percent high school drop out rate for blacks is also a good stat that explains economic disparities. A 75 plus percent illegitimate birth rate for blacks also explains their much higher level of poverty. You liberal ass holes who want to blame whites for black stupidity can go fuck yourselves.,1.86,1,original 29847,I fucked your mom so hard that when she died she took my libido with her,1.59,4,original 22260,@malinablue Just another fake Christian point-of-sale scammer. These people are absolute crap.,1.72,2,FR 2040,"Fuck the Queen, aborted that bitch in 1776",1.28,3,ZH 48966,I hope he sends all the Somalis back in Minnesota.,0.56,3,ZH 9634,Fuck this bitch I did it once and I'll fuck you too bitch *hiccup* I might be fucking drunk like a mother asshole but I can beat you,2.28,5,ZH 44921,"Just get rid of all those indian stink bastards. They poop in the streets and throw their trash right into this river, it's the most disgusting country ever!",2.44,3,original 34248,"@POzzur Rape survivor here: I'd really like to punch both of those bitches in their empty, hateful heads but I'm afraid I just wouldn't be able to stop.",1.02,4,original 36869,@galvanm_97 Bitch put that needle dick away and go back to work😂😂,0.75,4,original 14997,The slave owners were assholes because they didn't treat their slaves like humans,1.11,1,DE 30456,*Nazis all over the country perpetrate hate crimes including setting synagogues and mosques ablaze* Posobiec: HOAX! FALSE FLAG! SMEARING OUR NOBLE GOD EMPEROR! *One bus gets burned* Posobiec: TERRORISM! CALL IN THE NATIONAL GUARD! MARTIAL LAW NOW! ROUND THEM ALL UP!,0.99,3,original 46806,No one: Lele Pons: dId YOu KnOw IM LaTiNA,-3.49,0,original 48725,@Bo Rood your dick sucking mom an oakland crackhead that bitch thinks she's an oakland raiders helmethead hoe and bitch i'm talking houston to don't know english face fuck??😂😂😂,0.86,4,FR 1832,"That sounds like a lot of places in Asia. China, North Korea, the Middle East, parts of Africa, etc. They either have a very corrupt government or have no established government to handle these types of situations. Gotta feel for these people that live in these countries because they've basically been brainwashed at a early age. Censorship and basic manipulation have these people all one track minded, I'm clearly no expert on this matter but some of the documentaries or new stories that you read from these countries are never good news.",-1.64,0,original 33237,wish niggas could network just as much as they beef.,0.62,1,original 8350,"Anyone who denigrates this country, especially what happened on 9/11, fuck it. Omar is a worthless piece of shit and should stay in this country so her worthless ass can be voted out and then delve into her lying ass to find out how she got into this country and married her brother of. Then lock up this worthless piece of shit.",1.55,3,ZH 20439,China does not let snakes live. Kill them and eat. Noway to the Jihad people. Should India learn from China and get rid of snakes. vote/RT,4.01,2,FR 15439,Here I thought south indians were the smart ones smh.,-0.65,0,original 34317,I hope 1 of you #RacistPresident following #Xenophobic #misogynist #bigoted cowards will approach my #white #hillbilly #liberal ass + talk cash sh*t OF #hate 2 my face! I promise this will be the last time you try to scare someone! #unichs you will! + You stubborn bitch 2! url,2.24,5,ZH 32843,"My girlfriend be having me ready to marry her , kiss her , divorce her , kick her ass , ignore her and eat her pussy and get her pregnant all in a matter of 30 minutes",1.16,4,original 7147,"It's interesting that it's pc to call people Latino/Hispanic (as opposed to just Mexican) but not too call people black, and risk misidentifying them as African American",-2.46,0,original 21264,@thekillakay_ I just wanna know what this nigga brain shaped like,1.15,1,original 48552,Lol my Asian parents said you can be a doctor or an engineer. I really didn't want to be a doctor so there's that. Basic story of all Asian parents to their sons AND daughters - doesn't matter which.,-2.93,0,original 22265,Shut up pussy boi,-0.4,0,original 18724,Me and a black guy are the only people at my job who are native English speakers. That's fun.,-0.25,0,original 26236,fuck your bitch from the back and hit my dougieeeee.,0.48,0,original 17709,Why don't you have that nigger pussy exposed?!?,0.72,1,FR 11864,Fucking stupid whores,1.01,4,FR 25667,All you betas are worthless pieces of shits. Complete wastes of space. Let mommy guide you. I'll give you the best wallet fucking of your life. #findom #femdom #mindfuck @RTL0SER @ShortSmallStump @mike_mashall @dommes_rt @rtslave_7 @RTloser77 @RTfindom23,0.56,4,original 27783,"""santino fontana for 'transphobia the musical'""",-1.29,0,original 46139,John Wedderburn 6) Throwing the 'race card',-1.56,0,original 46152,"God is destroying all the nations that had anything to do with our enslavement and mistreatment including Europeans, Asians, Australians, South Americans, etc. God will deal with the nations that mistreated the The True Hebrews.",0.79,2,original 10300,"You belong to Porki grooming gangs. Just rape your cousin Fatima, she's probably a whore anyway. Porkshitstani likes you crazy because you can't win a war and Hindus have historically dominated you on all fronts. You are the most hated people on planet earth, you are disgusting garbage that cannot exist and will be finished in the next 5-10 years after we take over Porkistan and it merges with India.",2.19,1,DE 8818,Such a dirty fucking slut. Hopefully they filled you up with cum,2.14,4,original 47768,shit bible beater,0.93,2,DE 12413,That woman deserves to be deported and thrown into prison.,-0.88,0,original 48026,Get those Mexicans out of our great country. They come here and breed like rabbits and seek to convey to me,0.83,1,FR 49603,"Still, we import these subhumans into Minnesota and elect them to Congress.",1.28,3,DE 24011,@SadiqKhan Mayor CON @SadiqKhan you're not qualified to shine my President's shoes. You're everything wrong with London and your diversity scam is destroying your city. God Bless your citizens they deserve so much better. As for @realDonaldTrump America is Blessed beyond measure ‼️,0.62,3,original 2158,Wow this shit is gay. Fuck off and die pussy,2.56,5,original 25495,@QiyamatOumati @domadruu Oppress me no please I'm shaking in my boot. You think I don't give a damn about you and your God Assad the opportunist? Go suck his Alewite dick.,1.56,2,FR 19294,"It's easier for people who are routinely objectified to get sexed on. That's really the only point you're making, and I'm not sure what you think it means.",-0.46,0,original 28645,Get these damn god-hating islamic muslim quran loving ungrateful pricks out of our country.,1.95,2,DE 31319,bitch fuck you,0.92,5,DE 25951,@rep_stevewomack Lol. Snowflakes. Hurry to your passed out couch before I grab you by the pussy and send you back to your shitty country.,1.5,3,FR 10063,"naaa fuck bobby lee that fucking fag wants to punch him in the face. He sucks huge Hollywood cock just to be that good shoe lil fuckin chink. Sam never stop talking that goddam fag shit to make you look like a bitch. Bobby Lee you fucking bastard, only your brother Stevie is cool. you are a fool bobby lee",1.48,5,ZH 49298,"What a bunch of sick motherfuckers hoping they get punished and hoping they'll do something about it...that tells you what a bunch of heartless ""so cal border patrol agents"" are...a bunch of pigs, that's what they are. There is nothing funny about the body of a child who has never had an opportunity in life...just a sad SMH shame for these bullies",0.68,3,FR 38359,"The last hours of this shabby fag in, on and on my arms. #hierarchy url",1.14,5,DE 41841,"@Harry Balls, black people don't exist. The Israelites are not envious of filthy white people who burn in the sun and get boils and lice. You come from cavemen, and you're still cavemen. Your destiny is 1,000 years of slavery, then God will destroy you. God literally calls you satan in the bibe, the man of sin, the antichrist, the BREAD.",1.33,1,FR 46675,That's not always the case. There are some good American Black men. We have to learn how to recognize the good one. Some of us women are damaged from bad experiences and need to be heal from it in order to see good.,-3.35,0,original 3823,"1.3 billion refugees. we don't need a wall, we need a fucking dome lined with machine guns.",2.04,3,FR 20640,Kamala Harris is a Joyful Warrior. She is a breath of fresh air because she spreads joy and kindness while fighting like heck for our democracy & the American people. #KDH #Kamala2020 URL,-4.66,0,original 14555,If this was a video of the insurgents doing the same they'd be called stupid towel head sand nigger hajis wasting ammo,1.78,2,original 41841,"@Harry Balls there's no such thing as black people. Israelites are not envious of disgusting white people who burn in the sun and get boils and lice. You came from cavemen, and still are cavemen. Your destiny is 1,000 years of slavery, and then God will destroy you. God literally calls you satan in the bibe, the man of sin, the antichrist, the HEATHEN.",1.33,1,original 11643,CASTRATION TIME MOTHERFUCKERS,-0.1,0,original 7255,Burn the Borders to the ground,-2.67,0,original 19652,I'd say white women are at a much higher risk in India,-3.23,0,original 41950,Put them and the Muslims back in the Middle East.,0.89,2,ZH 6373,"Crowder is pretty blatantly Islamaphobic, and has frames his Islamaphobia as an East/West culture war that can't be tolerated by 'western civilization'. So, you know, Nazi style rhetoric. Maybe don't be a blatant shithead and people won't call you a Nazi.",-0.24,0,original 13585,"Yup! Trying to heynongman my gender identity, wooo!",-1.55,0,original 6874,"What if jesus were to say most of the things, especially his God hood, were false to the more than billion Christians? The whirlwind was of jihad unleashed and no one could stop it, not jesus, not Muad'dib. And the Fremen, at the very least, beat the shit out of the major houses that refused to submit. I was about to say they also took all the nukes from the the houses but I think that was his son and his Fish Speakers, who put the Fremen to shame with their military power.",-1.21,0,original 10680,"Know your story because the kosher version is not what happened in Germany in the 1930s. It was justified and it was human. *They* want you to believe something else at all costs, make it seem like the best option out of this clown world.",2.53,2,DE 39889,Do you support the lgbtq. — YES OFCOURSE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH KAYA 💖 URL,-6.46,0,original 31729,"Violent Mob of Illegal Immigrants Storm Bridge, Assault Agents in Attempt To Cross Border URL Time for the National Guard?",-1.13,0,original 48409,Mudsharks with chronic white guilt are skanks and cowards.,0.97,1,original 8028,Fuck her,1.17,4,FR 16513,"Nobody should want babies there problem solved now we don't need artificial or organic womb, now y'all subhuman females can rot and die.",2.27,4,original 49676,"Thousands jumping the fence to get into our cruel, in-humane concentration camps!",-2.74,0,original 8974,fuck white bitches,2.35,1,DE 41508,+HandyMan101 name all the countries israel has invaded since 1948?,-0.5,0,original 18161,"Well, well, well... unless you're a dumb guy! Where have you been, Fuckface? Sucking Daddy's boob again, with overflowing diapers? Fuck you, die, wilting, fly blowing, high mileage pussy. Get some new material, bitch, and oh, learn how to fucking spell. You look like a psychic midget.",1.5,7,JA 15337,"If all women are whores, how come these low effort chucklefucks STILL aren't getting laid? I mean if their shit opinion is true, shouldn't there be women all over the place who are willing to have sex with them? Why, it's almost like their opinion (such as it is) is actually a big pile of shit. Could it be, incels? Could it possibly be? Could you, in fact, just be talking a total load of bollocks to try and mask the fact that you're just bitter, deluded, little children? Do tell.",1.88,4,original 40484,"Sink those F"""""" Iranians' boats and nuke them, they're looking for war, give it to them",0.93,3,ZH 25341,"HIGH PRIESTS of Hollywood and USA LBGTQ LEADERS satanism, churches, temples hiding this world water with ALL FLORIDA LEADERS and the media! To kill children and family with cancer rates! They MUST BE DESTROYED AT MAGA🇺🇸 URL via @YouTube",1.21,5,FR 45158,"the joo run big pharma, will lose money ...the jooz worship the shekel's",0.46,0,original 10588,Go die in a fucking hole bitch u/uwutranslator,1.35,4,original 37479,i want to bang this female dog this is so disgusting url,1.28,4,FR 840,The only tears I'm crying is happy gay tears for you two,-3.42,0,original 42339,"Gold Digger is what this says. The same ones that bitch about people being real. lol. BITCH I WILL ROB YOUR ""TYPE"" AND GET RICH OFF HIS ASS. lmfao.",1.45,4,original 270,"fuck yeah trans rights! be who you wanna be and not what society tries to impose upon you, no matter what anybody says, YOU ARE YOU. and you are NOT the generic cookie cutter blueprint society has for you and everyone else! i hope this message gives someone hope, or happiness, or anything. 😁",-5.39,0,original 3668,"Anyone can sing to rap, keep your sheepish words to yourself, nerd.",1.07,1,FR 23816,@ghinapalestina I support women's lib whereas women same as men,-4.21,0,original 43642,Israel can burn in hell gods people my ass,1.71,3,original 40548,"Replace whites, I hate them",0.86,1,DE 43733,This Imbecile use Jewish to make new Genocide ..just fir Rich for peoole..Americans Re soooo stupid so easy Imbecile Use All Republicans..they are all the worst Racists on the Earth...the World got new Hitler..CIVIL WAR COMING AND GENOCIDE,-0.13,0,original 628,It's rather cheerful of them.,1.38,5,FR 42732,Liberal women are insufferable because their panties are always in a bunch. They are cackling hens who do nothing but nag nag nag.,1.55,4,original 34317,I WISH that one of you #RacistPresident who follows #xenophobic #misophobic #bigoted cowards get up close to my #white #backwoods #liberal ass + talk money shit from #hate 2 my face! I guarantee it will be the last time you try to intimidate anyone! #uni you will be! + your bigoted bitch 2! URL,2.24,5,DE 8546,"In fact, 20% of your country is made up of immigrants, and that says a lot about the shit of this place. A bunch of fucking rats crammed into a can of sardines, a disgusting population density. lmao if you really think you have enough time to save this sardine swamp. and they brought their stores, which means they make money off your sardines, which means they don't leave. and if the demography continues as it is, it will fuck you and replace you in 2 generations.",1.94,3,FR 17709,Why dont you have that nigger cunt on display?!?,0.72,1,original 45487,"First of all the Pakistani bowlers are disgusting and inconsistent batting, no confidence, stupid headless chickens. Delete all from top to bottom...",2.1,3,ZH 26237,I would send her to Saudi Arabia to Death PENALTY!!,0.48,0,original 43306,"Jihad squad. America's haters. If only they could get a mob muslim leader where women's heads are chopped off like in their own country. You suck at cnn, commie mockingbird media.",2.06,2,ZH 14509,"Girls these days rightfully think their pussy is an ATM. There are millions if not billions hotter than you. Jesus Christ finds a fucking real job, bitch.",1.75,4,FR 25285,@BiologistDan Those fucking mental Arab prince type pussies,1.24,1,FR 26584,Women aren't meant to magically save you go see a fucking therapist bro,-0.15,0,original 46789,AND IM THE BLACK JESUS GO LISTEN TO MY ALBUM THE CURRENT TESTAMENT. FIRE AND BRIMSTONE IN THIS..... ALL YALL LIFES DEPEND ON THIS AND HANG IN THE BALANCE. I CANT MAKE THIS UP,-1.6,0,original 7431,Good for you! Good Christian community can be found in both large and small churches. Honestly that's what the gospel is about: growing and strengthening the community of Christ.,-4.71,0,original 24004,I would suck his dick from the back in front of my whole family URL,-1.55,0,original 17927,"The sex appeal of a pregnant woman. She is beautiful, congratulations dude!",-6.87,0,original 6346,I would love to fuck her and watch her get fucked,-1.42,0,original 25483,I'ma rather cut it 'cause niggas kill hoes,0.82,4,FR 3952,"I would've never guessed that you were trans, you look so good",-1.39,0,original 19309,"""ALLAH WILL BURN YOU FOR YOUR ATHEISM IN JAHANAAM (HELL) FOR ALL ETERNITY""",0.55,2,DE 21096,"@JesusChristth12 Oh my god, like a REAL Christian who doesn't need to stick His name all over my image to ""convince"" anyone that you are in every way your criminal Shitler's jerk. And yes, you will go to hell.",0.77,2,RU 49311,shut up no. 2 in the world sweden faggit...,1.23,5,ZH 9730,>A nasty comment yes. But how is it overt racism? O know exactly how that's racist.,-3.08,0,original 7371,Whatever queer.,0.78,5,original 22309,@ReallyBLBootsy Hope you die you white piece of trash,1.44,1,original 9620,you sound so pussy i have to fuck you,2.02,4,FR 28988,Indian cricket fans right now bhagwan bacha lo bus😎😎😎🙏🙏🙏 URL,-2.68,0,original 44269,"That's what the trash democrats want all the illegal scumbags, all the drug cartels, all the MS-13s to come to the United States to destroy the United States for them, especially they have all the illegal voters, all they care about is ""money and power"". care! Garbage Democrats!",1.67,3,FR 29971,"Next time you get on a dick, try spelling ""This is for Rachel, you big fat white smelly bitch, why did you pull me off the fuckin' program with your filthy little white racist ass, big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch i'm coming outside and i'm going to beat",3.25,4,FR 26252,damn next time you put your hands on me im gonna rip your face off bitch,0.79,4,FR 5879,I'm borderline agnostic mate.... I'm just looking to debate both sides.... if someone said something hateful to atheists I would have voiced my opinion all the same,-2.73,0,original 32751,"How about we go over there and demolish a house owned by FUCKERS in Israel, I'll sign up for a crane operation/demolition class so I can get my hands dirty. two words. fucking israel url",1.69,2,ZH 14486,"""We can tolerate more immigrants"" fuck you joe",-0.99,0,original 10130,play this as loud as possible URL and try to stimulate yourself placing a pen under your cunt so that it sits in between your labias,-1.32,0,original 41868,79 racists gave this a thumbs down.,0.58,1,DE 49827,"More feminist bullshit just like the last one, they can suck my dick.",1.53,4,original 23050,"@b77_sarah @mark_selby723 So the American taxpayer and/or other American citizen patients of that hospital will pay the medical bills for a criminal, . . with NO respect for American sovereignty or rule-of-law. Anyone falling off our American border wall should be drug back on Mexico's side. . URL",1.12,3,original 19330,"Of course.. We know how big a sheep's pussy is. Knowing when a sheep was raped by a Pakistani. If we see that such an act has taken place, we will bomb one of your terror camps.",2.76,3,DE 28278,Looks like she has mental problems. Oh wait! It's just Libtar in her.,0.93,7,RU 40133,Show your cock faggot.. the most depressing upload schedule ever.,0.66,5,original 48643,Lesbian homie pt 7 waiting to see the next chapter,-2.35,0,original 22830,I was raised in a family where women made it happen .... with or without a man .,-6.0,0,original 41809,That white bitch got shoe strings around her neck lmao 😂 cock sucker alert,1.13,1,original 42603,God hates the proud God hates fags,2.26,5,original 20861,@PhilQCRod The last thing we need is mass importation of these animals to Canadian soil. Islam is CANCER to civilized countries🤷‍♂️🇨🇦,2.44,2,original 13844,"Kim Kardashian, she's really good at fucking black guys to be famous",-0.64,0,original 12705,I would make her spread those big ass cheeks and fuck both of her holes,0.31,0,original 19557,I bet that's a Jew torture machine,2.66,2,DE 10939,So wise. Go take a dick in your ass. Fucking pedophile lover.,0.67,5,original 26289,These Niggas Can't Get Shit Out Of Me Period 🤨🖕🏾,-0.86,0,original 26292,"A 2.5 year old Hindu girl, Twinkle Sharma, is raped by one, Mohammed Zahid, who gouged her eyes, mutilated her body, and poured acid on her. Why the silence? Should this not be the biggest story? Should the miscreant not be hung in public? #ImSorry #JusticeForTwinkleSharma URL",-1.86,0,original 15610,"Ugh, it looks like Satan has infiltrated your church and soon you'll be killing each other in occult rituals.",0.82,2,ZH 14721,They should be kick out of the University and deported back to China,0.0,0,original 8344,Fuck you. We will stay and make it the America we want.,-0.91,0,original 32668,"@DanielOtabor People bleach their skin to look 'prettier' or more acceptable because they feel lighter skin shades are better. Anything to help dead that mentality is needed. The song is one such approach. In a way, it's part of what MLK Jnr fought for.",-3.48,0,original 11303,Tais-toi newfag,0.78,5,FR 40877,Mujko reply hona Mi walo tum ne public ki gand achi tarha se mari. I want my money back. Jo mai ne tumhare alpha sale mai registration kiya so.,-1.36,0,original 3450,This is why you don't date mentally ill chicks,0.38,0,original 22506,"I absolutely adore fuckers who talk dirty. Fuck, bitch, cunt... Whatever. Just keep that filthy verbal coming while we're fucking each other. And spit on me, too. 🍆🍑💦 Fuck yeah, you fucking cunt! 😆😈😛 Source: @pupmacxxx #gaysex #bareback #gay #bbbh URL",-1.8,0,original 6936,"I just used Lebanon as an example because it's relatively stable right now, as far as Middle Eastern countries go. Officially, Lebanon is a Christian country anyhow. A lot could change in Lebanon, especially if there is a war with Iran or the situation gets more tense with Israel. But granted, a lot can change anywhere. The bottom line is, Armenia needs the Diaspora just as much as the Diaspora needs Armenia, if not more. That's the point that I was making. Without the Diaspora, Armenia as a country would be like Moldova.",-3.4,0,original 18555,"""Haha the word fig is one letter away from the word fag"" genius!",-0.08,0,original 36274,"holy shit, kids are retarded, stupid mother fuckers, lets call it a day, smack this bitch with the beday...",2.34,7,original 36542,@ToxicTikToks gay,1.14,5,ZH 15842,Punjabis need to form gangs in Canada and jump ppl who fuck with us.,-1.78,0,original 40039,"We must completely banish Islam from our country, destroy their mosques and deport them home to the desert!",2.19,2,DE 21995,I hope that nigga that hit my car dies,2.85,1,original 10969,"It seems like there are class divides in the organized racist movement from the more lumpen/prole neo-Nazi skinhead gangs to the ""identitarian"" groups filled with the sons of middle-class business owners.",-2.53,0,original 36202,stupid bitch,1.7,4,FR 42053,Respect for the Muslim women 🙌👌,-1.45,0,original 296,"> Never say nigga under any circumstances! This is so offensive, you fucking autistic idiot! You didn't wake up, you were broke.",2.04,7,ZH 7230,"She finally accepts that she is meant to be nothing but a black-only fuck pig. No more innocence or sweetness, just a white slut to be used",2.55,1,original 18177,Shut up you dumb fucking cunt this is a male space,1.67,4,original 10251,White genocide,1.16,1,original 5744,"Fuck Israel, fuck Jews",1.03,2,DE 43215,"Islamists, devil worshipers and Marxists seek to destroy the US from within. Their common enemy is Jesus and a loving God.",0.94,2,DE 44260,The US women's team is a damn disgrace to all footballs!!! Why are they even playing that they hate their own nation??? Damn American lol,0.71,3,DE 47731,I can't remember which one of the four horsemen set it but didn't one of them back Louis Farrakhan who thinks that all Jews and all white people need to die?,1.74,2,original 45919,"The only thing you Americans should be embarrassed of is how the rest of the world sees you as pathetic, weaklings who want to destroy their own nation. We will gladly take your land if you don't want it, and hang all of the disgusting dress wearing pedophile LGBTQ loons from the gallows. Disgusting.",3.68,5,original 12811,The same thing. Catch these illegal fucks and send them back.,1.46,3,DE 47274,"It destroyed Germany by letting over a million Muslims into the country. Of course, at the Harvard Center for Brainwashing, they love her",1.03,2,DE 11557,I agree with noah. Depression or mental illnesses are a symptom of this era's sinfulness. Those who rely on God are delivered or protected. They would not foolishly take their own life due to a dark cloud over their head or from a lose of hope which is ironic.,-1.38,0,original 9761,all niggers must die fuck them all those whores,3.08,1,original 14348,"Good shit, fuck islam",1.38,2,original 2185,"> And you rapists, human rights violators, incest, stoning gays and still believe in that stupid thing about Islam. God doesn't exist, wake up you fool. Hanging people etc Indians in epic style 🤣🤣🤣🤣",2.48,2,ZH 37965,"Islamic barbarians gang-raped Girija Tikku before her body was hacked to pieces and thrown on the road. Therefore, they deserve divine punishment for committing heinous crimes like Hindus genocide.",1.74,2,ZH 7175,Youtube should ban both of them because they are huge gays,1.87,5,ZH 23459,More bitch ass shit URL,-1.26,0,original 44099,"DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS OUT OF THE USA MEXICANS ARE HERE ON A FREE RIDE,THEY ARE CAUSING HOUSING CRISIS TOO ,WE NEED A REVOLUTION KICK ALL DIRTY POLITICIAN'S THE HELL OUT TOO THEY ILLEGALS INTO THE USA AND TOOK MONEY TO LET THEM IN👹",1.4,3,original 14355,Are you a triggered baby dicked retard? Yes yes you are baby dick,1.78,4,original 21195,"@bfrdawn it says retarded ass cunt, u uncultured retarded ass cunt xx <3",1.04,4,original 28934,worst pussy ever bro i should punch this bitch in her sleep,2.79,4,original 1941,Yeah we have lots of Dubs come down to Connemara every summer :),-4.18,0,original 32990,A total jerk when you tell the truth and a pussy ass nigga who don't get pussy who needs attention when you lie. In any case. Much luck,1.61,1,DE 37331,"@realDonaldTrump Connor Betts, 24 From Bellbrook, Ohio White male Murdered 9 in the Oregon District, Dayton, OH 6 of his 9 victims were Black Used a .223 high capacity rifle No wall or muslim ban would've keep him out. Where was he radicalized? #DaytonShooting #VanillaISIS #YallQaeda URL",-1.6,0,original 39448,fuck this bitch,1.55,4,original 4768,"Vichy: Here are the Jews, just leave our buildings alone!",-0.68,0,original 17891,I would also love mmmm I would use that cum as lube on my cock and fuck your ass hard.,1.86,4,FR 12512,asshole communist ussr anthem soviet female dog looking at pussy,1.0,4,FR 39395,Nothin I hate more than a broke hoe with a rich mouth,1.89,4,original 27290,I'm sick of these handsome niggas being fuckin' fetuses,1.26,1,FR 23101,Bro you bitches are looking mighty stupid over niggas that are NOT claiming y'all and are NOT saying they have a girlfriend. Don't come for me. GO FOR YOUR MAN 🙂 that's not my fault he don't want to claim you or lies/hides you. Please go confront your MAN not ME bitch.,-0.02,0,original 49527,Your big ass mom wobbles in the fucking living room after I used her face to wipe my ass what's up little fag cum dumpster you got no more kids to moleste in your neighborhood you're nothing but gay cock sucking ass fucking baby rape child molester AKA cum dumpster tell your mom to stop calling my house I fucked your real good. I let her suck the shit out of my dick infact i ripped her head off and shit down her throat and used her face to wipe my ass LOL keep sucking that dick like the cum dumpster you you're a fag,2.21,5,FR 25600,@lexxmoneey @Levonne_Wise They really got the pussy to birth this kind of disappointment from their lips damn. Disrespectful cracker children go back to watching your boohbah and doodle bops,1.16,1,original 8659,Its also somehow a half ass story because it wasnt made by Mexicans? Yo like why do you guys give these people attention? They are so painfully stupid.,-0.95,0,original 16202,Are you saying you actually like niggers and think they should be allowed to live? what the hell is wrong with your brain?,2.45,1,DE 25013,i'm finna slide into the DMs* Depressive Mood disorders,-0.74,0,original 1669,These degenerate cunts do not represent half of the population.,1.44,4,original 44228,"Yeah fight until the drop of blood or be a stupid loser. Trump the faggot doesn't even have balls to start bombing Iran, how can he win the Chinese?",1.21,5,original 43042,ALSO START CHARGED THESE COUNTRIES DAILY FEES FOR EACH OF THEIR HERE ILLEGALLY! THEY SHOULD REIMBURSE US! STOP ALL FINANCIAL AID TO THESE COUNTRIES! CHILDREN MUST BE DISCHARGED IMMEDIATELY! THOSE WHO COME WITH CHILDREN WHO ARE NOT THEIR OWN ARE CHILDREN TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS! SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED IN AMERICA! WE NEED TO CLOSE THE BORDERS AND THAT OUR MILITARY ARE AUTHORIZED TO SHOOT THESE INVADERS! OR TAKE OUT THOSE ENERGY WEAPONS! ONCE THEY UNDERSTAND IT WILL STOP! WE AMERICANS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE TIRED OF IT! OUR CONSTITUTION MUST BE STRENGTHENED!,2.96,3,FR 35756,@suicidebytweet @algaetact shut up nigga thats only a few inches longer than average,-0.45,0,original 24741,@OfficialJlipper @h3h3productions @nerdcity @Pontifex @theh3podcast Get the hell out of my feed furry fag,1.67,5,DE 49903,look at all these sub to sub fag ass 12 year old lmao,1.59,6,ZH 49213,"Hit her and throw away the key!! Plus I blame the women of the world for our problems, from Thatcher, to May, Clinton, Merkel, plus that bitch in Asia sang, see, women in politics caused it all with lies, lies, c what they do best",1.66,4,FR 29732,can someone slap this dumb hoe,0.77,4,original 31179,I think we the United States of America should just blow Iran from the face of the planet and any other country that supports terrorists.,3.17,3,original 39007,That girl need her ass beat URL,0.85,4,original 13067,"Haha derrr talking!! I'm funny we all make memes there!! hehree hee slpsh EDIT thanks for the gold hehrhrhe lalallaa i'm retarded hahsgha. Derrrrrr, Grrrrrr Instagram and Ifunnee Normies!! Time to suck 4chan's cock there, really cool boys!!! Retarded fucking website full of cesspools of brain dead users.",1.17,7,DE 22698,"@RawStory @realDonaldTrump you have the nerve to call people mean, have you looked in a mirror, you have orange, blotchy, saggy skin; fake stringy hair on your big head, it probably smells like ass juice n bengay, rotten teeth and grease like grease! Now that's NASTY! 🖕😁",1.43,6,FR 24363,This nigga is an anime character url,0.55,1,DE 49323,Pushed by youtube joos your trash supremacist jew,0.6,2,original 28831,"She's gross or should we say he's gross! Sick to death of the idiots out there thinking they're privileged while they shit all over the people who fought, so they could have freedom and rights!!!",0.29,0,original 40195,Deport them! The demonstrators leave with them!,0.78,3,FR 49766,"18 % latinos here ,imagine in 2050 ,I have 27 sibbling ,boom you the minority ,sorry",-2.1,0,original 49500,My masculine is awakening from my spiritual awakening...True‼️,-4.2,0,original 37714,Problem is that 95.67% of British men have been castrated by their women & the rest are unworthy of castration because they've no balls anyway. That's why they've delegated decision-making responsibilities to fools like Jess Phillips MP who wants to teach kids all kinds of dirt.,0.83,4,original 46701,Man of color,-1.78,0,original 43752,"Physicians should seek to eradicate devolution, genetic defects, fagtards, incels, learning disabilities, and unnatural, unsustainable, ever-evolving, hell-bound humanzee obamanations...anything else that happens is a crime against nature and evolution, and must be eradicated and crimes against nature, evolution and humanity are being tried and publicly executed.",1.91,7,DE 14656,"Found Congo at URL > Kid is Indian or Arab. ensure. > You fucking scum, it could be you. > Find your safe space. > Fuck your plane bastards. You may have lied to little kids about your racist laziness > ok. I can see you are angry. Try to find your anger. Try to find your safe space. > DM me your asshole and call me daddy you two-eyed slut",0.74,3,ZH 14648,Such a trashy little fagot,1.52,5,FR 24513,@winterpersists @MCITLFrAphorism You are despicable & repulsive to attempt to marginalize people. You are not a man of God.,-1.51,0,original 45087,"I don't know the hearts of everyone in that audience but while some definitely seem to enjoy and join in the chant, some were definitely aware of the racism behind it & did not join in, & all I can do is hope that moment woke them up to what they are supporting.",0.18,0,original 13394,"So what, retarded fag?",1.63,5,DE 16376,Talk about being a stupid retarded fag cunt,1.58,5,DE 14341,The US did more damage to Japan than any of these countries. Japan seems perfectly pleasant these days. Want to know why these countries suck? Their geography is shit and their people support corrupt governments.,0.09,0,original 46986,Illegal immigrants Protesting and getting violent destroying property only makes them easier to find and kick out instead of laying low and hiding not very smart,0.27,0,original 22096,I'll put the strap down and break a pussy nigga jaw!,1.32,1,original 4242,"To tie you up, gag your mouth, slap you and bury my balls of cock deep in your pussy",1.06,4,FR 8539,I would have to fuck all your kinky fuck holes and fill you with my cum,2.11,5,DE 18795,"Censorship is always bad but boy howdy do I fuckin hate chapsticks, y'all got some of your own medicine, you fuck ups, I bet the dayton shooter was on incel tears and AHS too.",0.54,5,original 47017,"@Elliot Are you afraid, Jewish boy? Attacking Iran and Israel will enter the Stone Age.",1.48,2,ZH 49120,Becky aint a man shes a worthless cunt,1.49,4,original 27707,@WayneDupreeShow @gritchkittie They KNOW GOD EXISTS - 2nd class Satanists deny him. [Atheist = domestic horror Antifa] Wrong! Left hand - will burn! ! Hell is eternal. Do you really want hell? url,0.51,2,ZH 47274,It destroyed Germany by letting over a million Muslims into the country. Of course she's loved at the Harvard Communist Libtard Brainwashing Center.,1.03,2,RU 1895,Shut your trap you soyboy go back to your #blacklivesmatter protest,0.9,5,original 7460,we should have another massacre,3.36,2,ZH 13275,"Your journey to hell will be accelerated as you are a fat sodomite who will die broke, failed and alone :)",1.94,5,ZH 45347,Here is a country being overrun by Muslims and we are incapable. Damn euro garbage,1.74,3,DE 13736,"Sure. I'm an ""ace"" but cis- Identifying male. My qualifier is my father. I was the only 20 something male in a group of 40 to 60buear old women. Some of the ladies were even threatened by me being in the room as they'd suffered violence at the hands of their husbands and another male, any male, in proximity was a trigger. Luckily I had a kickarse sponsor who built that bridge. She had the inspired thought that being as the meeting room was colocated with a Catholic Church she'd invite the priest in to visit every couple of weeks.",-2.71,0,original 36380,@SpillerOfTea @Telegraph @CamillaTominey What is it about the attractive Duchess of Sussex that ugly white journalists with faces like a bulldog licking the piss of a thistle find offensive?,1.03,1,DE 723,they had already threw the bombs to palestine.,-0.88,0,original 2368,Black kids are the worst!,0.43,0,original 3615,This female dog deserves hell. jesus says so,0.7,4,FR 12503,"The thing about a gay guy vs a pedophile is that a gay guy isn't inherently a rapist, a pedophile always is. You cannot be an adult having a sex with a kid and have it not be rape. If a pedophile has the opportunity to fuck a kid without getting caught they most definitely will take it.",1.84,5,original 636,When you argue it's so shitty that even the refugees don't want to come,0.51,3,FR 47215,All these dinosaurs should be fed to hungry kids in Yemen. They want jobs for life while our young men are sent to fight Jewish wars.,0.57,2,original 39349,I'll slap your nigga URL,1.74,1,FR 38163,What I look like blue in the face over clueless hoes 🤨😴 .. URL,0.2,0,original 22440,GAPPY AND YASUHO SAID: TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS,-5.49,0,original 18038,"I can't believe I found this fucking sub linked somewhere else. Holy shit, you're all a bunch of demented, demented fags. Women shouldn't play with tools, anyone with a right brain would know that. Get your progressive shit talk out of here. Fucking fags ruining society",1.46,5,FR 48040,these female dogs are so DUMB,0.91,4,FR 33869,Stupid ass bitch stupid as hell here we go again Jesus stupidest fucking bitch in the world,1.11,4,FR 44575,If a concentration camp isn't called a concentration camp - sort of like these end plans for the homeless who claim you're housed if you live in a shelter/concentration camp - sort of like calling men women or women men. America has an immigration problem - THEY CAUSE immigrants to destroy other countries for profit and then not wanting to support the people they have harmed. America is the most evil country on the planet today - 100% pedophile run,0.72,3,DE 11755,"Seen a sudden uptick in it recently, is this Russia? Feel crazy asking that, but it really could be.",-3.0,0,original 17946,Fuck you Jewish bitches and American pugs.,1.16,2,ZH 45365,Niggas dance every B-day. Stop your crying Fag. lol 🤣,1.24,5,ZH 41998,Holy shit... This comment section is full of fags,1.23,5,DE 31084,That type of pussy that's gon make you wanna wife heeeerrrrr,-2.78,0,original 1735,Dress like a middle aged white man or his shitstain trustfund LAX bro future rapist son. Then you'll fit in,0.44,0,original 39183,Beeto is suck a pussys bet He wears panties and a bra. What a punkass prick he is.,1.33,5,original 32520,You know why these niggas love me? Cause baby don't give a fuck. URL,-1.89,0,original 38247,"@s_y_e_d_a_ @singhvivek73 @RifatJawaid @ArvindKejriwal By your disgusting standards, if all Muslims are so peace loving, how did those Islamic terrorists come about? My terrorism is war, jihad, but your terrorism is terrorism? ISIS is there because of Muslims. Anyway. You know your days of ignorance are numbered. So run faster.",1.14,2,ZH 17253,"We don't hate women. We just point out their nature. But sure, keep lying about what we are. Adolf Hitler lied about the jews to get everyone to hate them. You keep doing the same, if that's what gets you off.",-0.36,0,original 46047,"All brown and black countries are riddled with crime, poverty, and pollution due to the homogenous population's intellectual hindrance. Facts are racist.",1.36,1,original 3030,"You are a terrorist. Go back to Iraq, asshole",1.82,3,FR 19857,"Of course there's more to attraction than looks, but I personally prefer women to be as feminine as possible, with generally clear skin. Both bone-thin and obese bodies don't have the curves I appreciate most. A combination of being fit and a little fat hits the sweet spot, but it depends on the girl what's most attractive on her.",-3.43,0,original 27921,Phucking twunt. Someone needs to beat her ass. URL,-1.39,0,original 5398,I wish we could live in a world where stupid ignorant people like you could live on an island and drop nukes on it,1.57,7,JA 10467,"youre so fucking pathethic. i cant fucking FANTHOM over how vile and disgustinf over a person you are. If I saw you I would pound you to the ground and wrench my foot over your punk ass until it was a small pulp that not even the decomposers could decompose. satan would reject you to hell, and say its too harsh for the other people. I would take my only trip on a time machine to find your mother and abort you before you were born. im doing everyone else a favor by doing that. this isnt a copypasta youre just retarded.",1.63,7,original 3385,"As a mongol fighting only for the fucking moon, it's time for these fags to see the real hierarchy",1.01,5,ZH 24001,hey slut url,0.52,5,ZH 2765,"It's important to remember, though, that gender dysphoria and being transgender aren't the same thing but they're often used interchangeably. Dysphoria is the illness/condition/symptom/whatever but just being trans isn't an illness.",-4.41,0,original 43624,Go back under the house in Gaza and dig up your mother.,0.91,3,DE 44043,"NO!! I wouldn't call myself a ""big fan"" of star wars but I fell in love with kotor 1 & 2. I would hate to see disney spoil such a good plot with a transgender carth, vao lesbian mission and make bastila black or asian -_ -",0.73,5,FR 45739,CNN Yes! Vote them all out and expel anti-American radical Islamists from our country.,1.84,2,ZH 19791,A roundabout way of saying that she literally can't fit enough cocks in her pussy at once to feel full.,0.53,4,FR 23234,"Happy pride everyone, Lucretia is a lesbian! @TheZoneCast #TheZoneCast #theadventurezone URL URL",-2.71,0,original 10247,"So here's the Nazi still ranting at ""impassioned hold the pain harold"" as of a half hour ago: URL ""because I don't care. I would rather protect the nations that whites created from being flooded by 3rd worlders being corrupted by jews. Words mean nothing to me""",1.04,2,original 14962,im not that much of an expert on hapas in the Philippines because im not a straight up hapa. I think i have an easier time blending in than someone with a foreign parent.,-2.29,0,original 8411,My friend just got his Thai passport and he's in his 20's - Born in the UK with a Thai mom (Thai citizen) and British dad,-4.66,0,original 9900,eradicate homosexuality,3.9,5,ZH 6291,"See faggots, this is why we call you faggots. Not the normal gay persons, but the faggots.",2.18,5,original 1443,fuck you mormon bitch,1.12,2,ZH 20084,"Niggas think just because they fucked once they gonna fuck again, first of all that dick was trash and you should be in jail for that 🤧😂😂😂😂😂😂",1.02,4,FR 42046,'make america white' again is your slogan-,-1.33,0,original 2870,"from her ABC Bachelor bio (JoJo): ""I'm proud of my mother's background despite what social opinions are,"" she wrote of her mother's Middle Eastern origins. ""It's important for me to stand up to people stereotyping Iranians."" There's also a good deleted scene where she talks about being Persian with a contestant, and many other articles addressing it.",-4.94,0,original 15589,"""Imma shoot that bitch""",1.84,4,original 9005,"I'm not a fan of her politics, and likely never will be, but this whole thing has me rooting for her. You go Omar, show them all what really defines ""America""! (Diversity of people, beliefs, ideas and ways of life united by a love for liberty and democracy).",-5.97,0,original 10479,You are what happens when a dwarf fucks a badger.,0.88,7,FR 40709,"Soon this white trash supremacist will be gone... Dumped on history's garbage heap. Hurry, Cult of Trump supporters...get yourself another Heil Trump. 8645",0.89,1,DE 49063,"Statistical FACT, more physical violence in lesbian relationships than ANY other and this MOM.. what a weak parent.... weak, and... where is the father????",0.68,5,DE 42925,all of whom are women of colour. the colour of shit talking shit acting shit. i am with trump bye bye,2.04,1,original 20023,Every Gook in #LosAngeles should be deported or killed.,3.53,1,DE 18781,God I love being white.,-4.95,0,original 40577,You white devils raped and impregnated black women while running from your children.,1.48,1,DE 17608,He is a classic western chauvinist and he spreads awful misinformation. He will be responsible for mass shootings if and when the incels start believing his garbage.,-1.0,0,original 35106,"Ida Odinga: Joyce had been a leader since her school days; she was determined, focused, very loving and a woman of the people Kenya has lost a great leader… URL",-5.62,0,original 32870,Retweet if you would fuck my brains out 👅 😈 #hawaiiredd #nsfw #bisexual #MondayMood #freaky #horny #pierced #tattoo #sexworker URL,-2.36,0,original 17957,oh ok! I thought we were talking about a trans woman.,-2.05,0,original 42104,Send them back to Africa!,0.54,1,FR 13416,"Why do you have to come to this country, suck its people dry and bring your whole family with you? Can't you stay where you are or at least fuck off where you belong?",1.96,3,DE 4396,I'll smack your ass leaving handprints then fill your pussy with my big cock (;,0.62,5,FR 42966,"Go back to Africa? Pot is calling kettle back the President's father is from Germany in Europe. Donald Trump whom the parents migrated from Germany after the second tribal wars which they called 2nd world wars came to America in search for better lives, peace n progress.Congress omor parents migrated from Somalia in Africa for safety because of the unrest their country for peace n transquilities, this is a nation of emigrants let support one another to maintain the unity of the nation Shalom.",-1.58,0,original 25211,@gaywonk @YouTube shut up,1.49,5,ZH 25448,"listen only to RT TV, all other news outlets are pro-war, racist wankers, inhuman, cock-sucking cowards, just like the filth that murders and abuses unarmed citizens on a daily basis. FUCK ISRAEL, MURDERING FILTH, FUCK ISRAEL THIEVING FILTH, FUCK ISRAEL, LOWER SCUM-BAGS.",1.08,3,FR 28714,The #Holocaust was real and so is #ChristianGenocide #STOPChristianGenocide At least 100 Christians incinerated in 'well-targeted attack' - WND URL via @worldnetdaily,-2.48,0,original 7310,"You come to this country, take advantage of the system and think because we are tolerant that we are weak and helpless. Your arrogance offends me. And for that, the rate has just increased by 10%.",0.55,3,FR 16895,"I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but given that I watch r/Minecraft, and ""you look like a millennial queer who goes to starbucks everyday"" ""Prob another illegal one. Send them back to the land of shit where they came from"" ""Yeah, beat the kid up like they used to do. Use a belt too, OP."" ""Oh so you WANT to get attacked by sand niggers? Good to know"" ""Shut your sensitive nigger mouth"" I don't think anything you've said or posted meets their content or standards.",1.61,5,FR 15715,This makes me want to gay bash myself.,1.54,5,original 45324,+Nick Cammarata And your government has allowed you to become Zionist prostitutes & Saudi sandal lickers.,0.0,0,original 2508,"It's just Arab shit. Whites are depigmented Arabs. As such, everything they do must be justified religiously, Islam and Christianity are the same crap. They cannot enter reality. This is also reflected in the so-called ""liberal"" values. They religiously love things like ""freedom"" and ""animals"" without even realizing their relationship to those things, and why their claimed membership actually makes no sense (not to mention they are often blatantly hypocritical when the shoe is on their foot)",0.96,1,FR 41905,These 3 scumbag Demoncrat witch whores of the devil are exactly why insane asylums & deportation laws exist.,1.4,4,original 10126,"Identified as an incel? Yeah, she should leave him.",-0.43,0,original 4195,"Please do tell the police. I had so many uncomfortable moments happen to me throughout my youth, and because of the way things were I just assumed it was something I had to put up with (as a teen/young woman). It's not. No one should make you feel like that and lock you in anywhere! Shocking!",-3.13,0,original 4554,You literally just typed in all caps. lmao. Either you are a child or you have some kind of social incompetence. Take your pills. Bye.,1.84,7,FR 35944,I must be in Auschwitz how these niggas gas me🏚⛽️💨 URL,1.31,1,DE 6178,"Serving black girl magic, melanin goddess, nubian queen realness good LORT.",-5.59,0,original 4351,Slide my cock between and bust all over those tits,-1.94,0,original 42205,"Fight the real enemy, they call themselves jews",0.57,2,RU 45010,"Hell yeah, put a fare on those coke pepper bellies. Hi everyone Trump boss of bosses 👍 Down with Islam 👇",1.02,1,FR 29170,"Get a nigga that sees your soul and feeds it. This exchange is not meant to wear you down, you are meant to bloom 😌🌹",0.96,3,FR 23664,My blood is boiling. Jahannam awaits all those who harm the slaves of Allah. URL,1.67,2,original 24071,this Anton nigger,1.37,1,original 34696,if u fuckin with white women you are automatically barred for life from this pussy,-1.23,0,original 14199,oh please. This Tunisian Love Rat *needs* to be exploited on liberated American trash TV as a first step in breaking the sexism he's been used to for centuries. Should I feel sorry for him? He probably fucks like an Amish.,1.16,3,ZH 22822,"@UNHCR_Arabic The only things,that legal Iraqi refugees are looking for,are:Living in peace,safe,stability&settling situation. Rescue Iraqi refugees from long waiting in the host countries. Rescue Iraqi refugees from delaying their files&help them to process their files #StandWithIraqiRefugees",-6.73,0,original 32814,i knew honduran men werent shit smh url,1.29,4,FR 17892,Anon is a tard,1.56,7,DE 24192,These women so fucking poor is disgusting,0.24,0,original 47217,"You murdered God's son Jesus, you will kill us all if you had the chance to be a Zionist.",0.51,2,DE 38462,#TuesdayShoutout #ItsMyBody #Intersectionality #Gender #Training #Sexuality #TuesdayThrowbacks URL,-3.31,0,original 5396,"Abortion is totally necessary, my friend. You don't want these degenerate women (and the guys they attract) reproducing now do you? The offspring is literally carrying half her and Chad's DNA, sadly. And what are the chances that the kid is gonna be raised in a stable household?",-0.27,0,original 3270,This subreddit should be put on a terror watch list you are all psychopaths no wonder you defend islamic terrorism you are basically the same as them nutjobs probably even worse because at least they believe they are doing it for a reason you are just mentally ill sub-human scum,0.95,2,original 39022,Hates fags,0.71,5,DE 22493,i hate this fag so much URL,1.04,5,original 19386,This man has beta energy,-3.06,0,original 2302,"YTA. I was thirteen when someone made their first threesome joke to me after hearing I was bi. You made her feel uncomfortable, she told you why and how that made her uncomfortable, and then you made a joke about it.",-3.38,0,original 19944,"""Yeah, you like fucking your stepmom's pussy, don't you?""",0.62,5,DE 50066,"Well, you Americans are boring. I wish more Americans died over the phone today",2.05,3,FR 27257,BITCHES JUST TRY TO USE YOU FOR ALL THEY CAN,1.47,4,FR 34754,What a tasty pussy she has 🍑 #tasty #wet Check our lesbian sites for more URLs 🍑🍑 URL,1.08,5,FR 9485,"I think at this point we should be sending them a lot of nukes to enjoy. Vitrify that shithole and make the world a better place. No boots on the ground, no country building, just some extra heat.",1.15,3,ZH 21673,will really burn white british bitches if they breathe their ass washed toilet paper blow around bts,2.69,1,FR 46426,"Americans should form their own ""cartel"" and start beheading or boiling or whatever the cartels do, to all Central American gang members who come here",1.7,3,FR 45915,If i was PRESIDENT TRUMP i would take complete control of 🇺🇸 and have my supporters back me....Shut down all borders except for Europe who originally made this nation what it is,-0.96,0,original 23728,37 my ass fucking fagot,1.52,4,FR 49149,These beings have no class. These beings do not know how to behave in public. Stay in the ghetto,2.12,1,DE 20267,It is high noon. Those sick bastards want to destroy Christianity in its birthplace like they killed Jesus on the Cross. They mock and insult Jesus and our holy Mother Maria and those fake Zion-Christians give them Money and support them URL,0.86,2,original 13645,"THOSE TWO FAGS NEED A FREE HELICOPTER RIDE. Communists love free helicopter rides, very popular in Chile.",1.24,5,original 19393,your fucking stupid bitch,1.52,4,FR 46517,FU Trevor Dumb Noah you little fag.,1.15,5,ZH 28487,The #POHA launch conference starts tomorrow and the #oral_History #archive of #nakba and early days of Palestinian exodus will now enter the public domain.. check @hana_slmn whole thread URL,-3.14,0,original 2420,Oh fuck off you white racist piece of shit.,1.08,1,DE 33603,Disgusting. I'm dissapointed with the female race,-0.75,0,original 24782,Young Alpha is back fags. Put your pathetic faces in front of your screens and give it a good puff and a good lick. Send bundles now #footmaster #footworship #paypig #humanATM #jockfeet #findom #cashfag #cashslave @CashFeetSlave @RTsubpig @MASTER_UPDATES @RTtruealpha URL,2.57,5,FR 38015,Trump is like the fiery mullahs who incite ISIS and Islamic jihadists. The only difference is that it is bigger and whiter and incites white supremacist terrorists. He is tearing America apart and must go! #TrumpResignNow,0.76,1,FR 45288,get rid of all illegals! close our border and get rid of all traitors to We The People and our country!,1.51,3,FR 20609,invest your time wisely such as calling people faggots online,-1.0,0,original 16617,Shut up racist fagot,0.67,5,FR 44465,Kawhi and Paul George are throwing a transgender party. They'll spend the rest of the day sucking cock and tossing salad together. Two pussy ass gays.,1.23,5,ZH 36534,"@suddenlywestan Because you are a country of mentally ill terrorists. Anyone who says different is a facilitator, ignorant and blind to the endless/countless wars and aggressions and death rate from American terrorist acts. Fuck you American scum!",1.62,3,FR 25542,a good job! These heretics are the cancer of the world!,0.97,2,ZH 29666,Nobody: Nobody at all: Not a single soul White people: “oh do you care about other people? You're a stupid retarded nigger and you like fags you should kill yourself n jews deserved the holocaust. This is why blue lives matter”,1.98,5,FR 13025,"Its exactly like coming out of the closet. Once it's out, it can't go back in. Life long friendships will become surprisingly strained and awkward. Family members will hold you at bay and think you're mental. But others will leap out to support you in surprising ways. Like when someone comes out as gay, there's some story like ""Oh, you know your Uncle Charlie was gay, but different times then."" And people will share with you, and in the end I find that's it more rewarding personally. Like being who you were put on earth to be.",-3.21,0,original 18314,"Great sentiment I couldn't put it better myself. I always felt that ""coming to terms"" was an odd turn of phrase, you come to terms with an illness, your sexuality should be celebrated, not reconciled.",-4.54,0,original 33754,"I told the female dog shut up, you 'bout to fuck my nut",0.92,4,FR 21675,THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS EVIL OPEN YOUR EYES,-0.68,0,original 7231,no that is: nigger hitler school shooting 9/11,1.39,1,DE 42162,"When earthquakes, tornadoes and tropical floods rip america into pieces. 8k miles of nothing but control freaks, What will americans do when other countries turn us down at theyre borders? I hope they lock all you mfs up too and starve you and laugh at you in the face of your darkest hours.",0.43,0,original 2151,fuck him up,-0.61,0,original 39630,I'll kick that hoe in her chest,1.0,4,original 45594,"@Diana Hulstine pssst, your racism is showing.",-3.8,0,original 27792,If u got a man im not gon invite u out bc ima have u out suckin on dick,-0.75,0,original 45295,We the world must destroy Iran... That would eliminate all terrorism in the world!,1.45,3,DE 45864,I meannnnnn I'm gay and I'm a femboy/Trap sooo I'm going to look a lot more like a woman/Female them he could so if your going to say do you want your son to look like a girl I meannnn I'm going to look a lot more like a female sooo yeah...,-4.51,0,original 48581,"These women disgust me. Ohh women of color. They are not all Trump-supporting white supremacists. This member Omar married her brother is a conwomanan, AOC is a hippocrite. DISGUST👊",0.84,1,FR 29809,"This quote is on the wall of the US Immigration Office in Tampa ""Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthen the fabric of American life"". John F Kennedy, 1958 #msnbc #Maddow URL",-6.7,0,original 9871,I would go and find Adam and Eve... kill Adam and exorcise Eva the shit while I wear a condom so the bitch doesn't get pregnant,0.65,2,DE 42302,"Hebrews 12:8 If you are not disciplined (AND EVERYONE UNDERGOES DISCIPLINE), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.",-1.48,0,original 37781,@sanjukta Donkey ass....insulting religions will make u sick nd mental,-1.14,0,original 14700,Saudi was invented by the British.,-2.16,0,original 269,"I'm an atheist, you brainwashed identity politics by playing fagot. Go kill some babies, motherfucker.",1.38,5,FR 43519,She is a fat smelly cunt,1.42,4,original 34642,@jpsin1 @ZomatoIN Can we cancel Gulf oil? I think it's Muslim oil. Humans take on the characteristics of animals. God bless wisdom to all.,0.67,1,FR 23521,"I wanna see your bitch cry, Let's fuck each others brains out.",0.67,4,original 26310,"Fly Ebola-infected Congolese to Mexico and then dump them at our border. Now they are sent to San Antonio, where two major highways meet. Read the whole thing, including the comments. URL",0.9,3,DE 43437,"RedoranGuard's-SkyrimBattles Dude you're the definition of cringe, niggas like you are annoying using formats from 4chan on YouTube. No one wants your kind here fuck off and go back to reddit or 4chan.",1.56,1,original 18499,YOUR MOTHER WAS A FUCKING MUTE WITH A BIG ASS,1.0,4,FR 37409,Niggas be corny,-0.7,0,original 441,"Hey Petie, kill yourself 😎 EDIT: Lol @ all the SJWs who rejected me. This is just gamer talk, stop being so offended 😎😎😎 EDIT2: LOL, triggered a lot! ? ! Keep voting down, cucks! 😎😎😎😎😎 EDIT3: fuck off guys fuck off y'all i've reported every single one of you for hate crimes and the police will arrest all of you stupid people",2.72,4,FR 40847,+ about time keep dreaming gay canadian,2.02,5,ZH 22016,"What about the flow of Russian pregnant women coming here for their anchor babies. Oh yeah forgot ,Amerikkka will soon be the Soviet States."" Whut chu gonna do wit yo rifle then bubba"",they WILL pry it from your cold dead hands. In a hurry.",0.57,3,original 43897,About time we take over China and destroy their regime.,-0.6,0,original 4915,(trigger warning this is a joke I'm bi I have a little bit of leway in this) I eat the baguette bc I am the fagguette,-0.96,0,original 47577,BAHAHA...THIS NASTY POS...THEY SHOULD PUT HER IN A BLACK BAG...LIKE THE REST OF THESE POOR WOMEN,1.85,4,FR 46384,Return all illegal aliens to their own planet.,0.51,3,FR 37689,Beautiful message. I love being a black woman.,-4.72,0,original 31998,"So it appears there are people on twitter who think biology is a white colonial notion imposed upon the rest of the world to make us believe in the ""European"" notion of male and female. We were all stupid and ignorant before whitey came along. A thread.",-1.58,0,original 44090,Fuck Americans.,0.14,0,original 48761,"It's a proven fact that all warriors fans are gay, if your homie wearing a curry Jersey leave his bitch ass at the home, dont need that embarrassment around, if you wearing a curry Jersey you might as well wear a sign that say hey I take it in the ass😂",0.77,5,original 10232,shut the fuck up you dumb ass faggot cuck mokney dipshit bot,1.61,5,original 13493,I'd start with that nice fat pussy you have but roll the mouth piece around in ur asshole to make my huge cock stuff in right after let's chat ?,0.56,4,original 14043,guess what that female dog said after choking on my dick. PRAXIS!,0.87,4,FR 39188,@Liberty_mehbro @BernieSanders noisy scamtard indulging to fetishism and not working penis replacement duly blocked *click* URL,0.8,7,original 27017,"Only miserable hoes quote and share. This is called hoelosophy. Don't quote them hoes, they don't talk shit but get attention.",2.39,4,FR 46550,+hamza ali Anyway I hate Islam but I can't help myself not loving and respecting Pakistani people since you provided financial support for my country during the war of its independence. Thank you for this.,-3.71,0,original 10,"They will also return to your plan. Moreover, we pay to imprison them for 2 years. With my plan, we imprison them after they return. And deport them again. It really doesn't matter until we build the wall and shoot down invaders as enemies as they cross the border.",1.35,1,FR 31032,@JoyAnnReid Well at least he didn't catch her pussy url,0.77,4,FR 32164,"@DonaldJTrumpJr Unless, of course, they're female, gay, trans, Muslim, not white, poor, believe in science, and don't like raping kids or sticking them in cages.",-1.14,0,original 26853,To all of my LGBTQ friends and loves: Happy Pride! Love Is Love,-4.5,0,original 826,What a LARPing fag. You cracked your knuckles and punched yourself in the ass.,1.77,5,ZH 22262,@SheilaLMaina And my sand is over. Na siwezi itisha landlord ingine. This one needs to learn how to pee outside,-0.37,0,original 44847,Religion thinks this is satanic,-0.45,0,original 1451,fag ass gay ass,1.27,5,DE 21290,"""India truly won its freedom on May 23, 2019, with the victory of PM @NarendraModi and the birth of a Muslim boy whose mother named him, ""NarendraModi,"" first time an Indian Muslim embraced an Indian name, not that of an Arab, Persian or Turkic invader."" URL",-3.49,0,original 25325,"Here's a new amendment: if your religious point of view is to deny others basic human rights, you should a) be banned from public office and b) stick your religion up your ass as far as possible and leave it there. URL",0.99,2,RU 28461,bitches want to be rewarded for the shit they're supposed to do URL,1.31,4,FR 32959,"If you have a pathetic little dick, you MIGHT also provide me with endless laughter. I will pity you, laugh at you and make you WISH you were man enough to fuck me, haha stupid little bitch. #findom #findom URL",0.55,4,FR 6635,"Wow. Insulting jews, nazis, gays and straights all in one go. I'd hate to go bowling against them.",-2.33,0,original 45082,"Lol your shepherd god can eat shit, nobody cares. I'll think about it next time I fuck my girlfriend, who cares really how upset you are. Tell me more how damned I am, it's so good",0.96,2,FR 13657,You're going to bed? At this hour? You are a faggot!,0.72,5,original 14030,"i actually cant beleive like 99% of the comments on both these large threads are celebrating this. sure she was a spoilt brat loony but sweet jesus... he drew his fucking gun on her, chicken wing face plants her into the dirt & then tazes her in the torso/neck/face as she's trying to stand up AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS?!",0.62,4,original 3903,"Excellent video. I am Indian and Hindu and so it is easy for me to understand what you said. God bless you, Apostate Prophet.",-4.58,0,original 31428,Achieve what? Islamic Jihad? You are degenerate and ungrateful. You hate this great country. For you to rot in hell,2.55,2,RU 9072,I always regarded the women as plain. Huh.,-1.24,0,original 2792,"My life has improved dramatically since I first came out when I was 15. Being able to take control of my life and transition both socially and physically has been amazing. What most people don't know is that when you are trans you don't just come out once. There's coming out to your family, your friends, at school, at work. It never actually ends. Every new person you meet is someone that you might come out to. You also have to decide if you want to come out to someone. You don't have to. It might be unsafe to. It might work out wonderfully and you'll gain a new ally.",-4.45,0,original 27077,"@burgerkrang ""Our burger loves meat more than you, Homos!""",1.43,5,FR 33406,"are you going to make babies like this? wow, you'd have your fucking head blown clean, you sick smdh bastards over that stupid url",2.42,6,RU 29364,I told that bitch she looked like a big thug he burst out laughing! fuck a hoe 😂,0.63,5,FR 14483,"Well, it's coming out soon, so you're probably not far off.",1.33,1,FR 23135,I've had less pussy than 95% of the men on this app and I'm not half as desperate as some of you weaklings. You pussified fagots get a drop of pussy juice and go crazy 😭😭😭,0.62,4,FR 45567,America is near its destruction... look at this nation they fight with every nation and when other nations fight them back they will powerless also they have problems in inside its own..go back to GOD,0.06,0,original 46850,"Judah Isreal, if nothing stops these gangs before, I assure you, what you say will get them off this planet for good. The justice system is huge. When it fails, you get martial law. The Polish people tried for a decade - the bloodiest decade in their history, with more innocents paying a higher price than ever before. The Chinese say: Be careful what you want. They're smart, Judas.",2.74,3,ZH 4224,Picture this: It's an India vs England final. The hype is unreal. India bats first and it's a top order collapse of gigantic proportions. Dhoni does a rescue act but India can only manage a hundred and forty in their fifty overs. Here comes the rain. Second innings. Washed out. Reserve day. Washed out. India and England have to share the trophy. Cricket goes below checkers in popularity in England,-2.24,0,original 35536,"Someone gon' steal their passport, make 'em stay there",1.16,3,FR 18953,Those aren't real men,-0.18,0,original 40367,Send her back - the Islamist pig supports the terrorists - and don't let her back.,0.75,2,RU 33694,"Yes, Crouching Belt, Flying Chancleta Twitter thinks the only way Black parents can be authentic is if they're moving like Florida Evans all the time.",-2.19,0,original 49572,It's those dirty mulattoes. Send them to their white family members and let them take care of it.,1.34,1,DE 19310,"You should hang yourself, faggot",1.61,5,DE 26944,"@CNN Like 15 years, taxes, home bills, utilities, my phone 707. Listed. Fucking niggers beat me with the he Jews. Cohen's gang paid moonlighting law enforcement pi. Put them in jail. I say shoot.",2.63,1,original 6259,Suck and cuck is the CHAD way to suicide,-0.13,0,original 4889,Is the fuck you tell me your little piece of shit? Ahahahaha! How are you? Kiss your mother with that mouth? It's called you - is it called you kissing your mother with that fucking mouth? teeth? AHAHAH he so AHAH AH AHAHAHAHA- Because you're a fucking young man in society- AYAHAHAHAHA AHAYAYO- You shut up when I'm talking to you- You shut your mouth!,0.59,6,JA 20606,Clown niggas really stick together like they in a circus. Squad full of bozos,1.2,1,original 5141,"I'm a catholic so I'm not too sure what that means but it sounds like something good, so Eid Mubarak to all the Muslim repfam out there !",-2.49,0,original 4983,"Sad that in 2019, your feelings are more important than the sex organ you were born with. To the gallows with whatever it identifies as!",0.57,5,original 27658,@showusyourwork @MikePrysner So many people are so uninformed about Kamala Harris. She's no progressive & she is definitely not a friend to POC.,-1.53,0,original 38089,My timeline be full of hating asses sometimes like why do some girls love hating on other girls theirs so many baddies out there y'all be mad cause y'all wanna feel better all the time like nooo🤦🏻‍♀️ everyone's beautiful but ok go off,-0.98,0,original 32087,another dumb bitch ratio,0.79,4,original 33236,"Sorry gender scholars, turns out Darwin was right all along. Time to update your priors? URL",0.06,0,original 30825,"@ik24600 @u_wot_cunt @lingalababe Ask Allah and your pedophile prophet. Wait, they would ask you to murder me.",1.29,2,DE 10182,"Our struggle is kinda the opposite? I'm androgynous but leaning to the masculine side because I don't know how to get in touch with my feminine side, and I've never given myself a chance to get in touch with it because of boys. I kinda get how you feel (in a way?), it's so hard to be feminine knowing that boys will line up right in front of you and even if I tell them that I'm a lesbian, most will shrug it off and will continue to their advances.",-1.69,0,original 32027,a pussy ass nigga could neva,1.99,1,original 32211,"This nigga is a whole bitch. Your mother should have worn a damn condom. 'Cause you're as damn weak as a bra, your government name should've been an excuse.",0.69,1,DE 16740,"It implies your race is considered inferior by others, maybe even without others realising",-2.54,0,original 38963,@DrJasonJohnson Why because he's not black like you think? You're gonna be pretty shocked when you see him on Judgment Day. An olive-skinned Jew with blue eyes as documented throughout history. Your comment shows how racist ALL liberals are. Repent now and save yourself.,0.82,1,FR 22532,Any one living in Pakistan and wants to destroy and isolate our pakistan their will be only punishment for these animals like humans is just to be hanged @Teamofficialpak #Hang_AliWazirMohsinDawar,3.87,3,original 27277,Pouring ourselves out (in prayer and evangelism) for heavenly Father to pour His Spirit and Life into others is the high calling of love for humanity.,-5.79,0,original 47872,shut yo bitch ass up. you pussy,2.16,5,original 47468,Omar is a terrorist returning to the shithole she came from,2.02,3,DE 39942,"Giving your pussy ain't revenge, just a dumb hoe",1.3,4,FR 49602,Man fuck that nigga Rocky....what I gotta stand up on every issue cause I'm black IDGAF about ferguson cause I live in Soho-...words of Asap Rocky.... Tell them french and Italian designers you're always dick sucking to save you don't look for black people to rally behind you now bitch ass nigga,0.9,1,original 40624,Fuckin fagit.,0.42,0,original 27066,"Terfs: ""Trans activists think words are literal violence."" Terfs too: ""You told me to fuck off. It's a rape threat and you're literally violent!""",0.71,5,FR 23836,"one minute men be hitting on you and calling you cute n shii and once you reject them they be saying sum ""you're ugly and gross and will never find a man. also did i say you were ugly?"" URL",-1.05,0,original 12522,"Totally average straight, middle aged, white, American guy here. My totally average straight, middle aged, white/black/native, American friends and say I Love You to each other all the time. We've lost a few friends the past couple of years and our mortality has been front and center, so the practice just kind of crept in. I like it.",-4.22,0,original 7561,"Look at the silver lining though, you get double the love 💞 Be unapologetically gay! Suck a dick, fart a rainbow. Your haters are cancelled. I just cancelled them.",-0.06,0,original 24889,Brian Kemp used his post as secretary of state to suppress the vote in his gubernatorial race against Stacey Abrams. And he used many of the same racist tactics we've seen since Jim Crow. 2/ URL,0.76,1,FR 9950,Fuck she's sexy. What I'd give to slide my dick between those titties,-1.2,0,original 33018,Small dykes can slang some mean dick on a thick jawn youll be suprised URL,0.81,4,original 3936,Even I don't care. Fuck the pride. Just live your life without making a fool of yourself. A bunch of wimpy liberal whores!! A one-way ticket to Saudi Arabia is what they need.,0.72,5,DE 45039,@Dave S Shouldn't have given man free will then.His mistake. Never lost on us normal people how so many of your God squad are drawn to the Priesthood where they end up abusing little boys. Must be something about being Christian...,0.56,2,original 8754,"I bet if you lived in a muslim-majority country, you'd be doing the same thing.",-2.88,0,original 6151,He chopped his dick off in 2017 or 2016. If we're talking about Bruce Jenner...,2.15,5,original 16554,"Lol, like all the other lefties, you are a huge fag. I hope you will get some help.",1.05,5,FR 39808,"Brother, you can never be rich if you're still a fuckin' nigga. Stick with one girl, you'll see your money multiply. URLs",1.56,1,FR 40664,"Meanwhile god knows every piece of crap knows what disease is circulating in our country from crap country where we are told ""refugees"" fix your own shitty country, shut your legs and don't let 100 kids be ""refugee""",1.65,3,ZH 48473,"+ Awaken&Chosen 2nd Amendment there, Jamal. 300 primates had their heads smashed in Chicago today. Sheeeit.",1.84,1,FR 6228,Good thing you don't live in Alabama because you just aborted an incestial amount of babies.,-0.94,0,original 2976,You need to be in your knees suckling and servicing a fat black dick. You can't stop no matter how tired your mouth gets. You sit there and suck that cock and think about what a stupid slut you are because you've never thought to do this for your own satisfaction. It's ok tho. Dumb little girls like you dont know what they really need. You gon' learn today tho.,1.79,5,original 29645,i might say u look like a desperate pathetic attention seeker slut trying to scare a drop dead gorgeous bitch like me. what a loser 🤷🏻,2.48,4,original 2393,"Not all singing, but it paved the way for the Civil Rights Movement which allowed Black artists to sing✊🏽. Some say that Dr. MLK listened to the Nights Beat Switch before his famous I Have a Dream speech",-5.08,0,original 9823,Of course you do. Because you're nothing but a collection of fuck holes. You're a brainless cum dump that serves no purpose other than to milk cocks. You're a fucking whore and you should be treated as such.,1.7,4,original 5786,Let's call all Muslims terrorists then?,-0.31,0,original 1596,[Transgender Dysphoria Blues by Against Me!](URL,-3.16,0,original 37228,God shall judge us all... wonder why this country and the world is going to hell. All the blatant sin and unjust killings - in and out of the womb,-2.53,0,original 28742,"The hypocrisy of the #muteRkelly ""founders"", is they both come from countries & cultures where whole villages of women and girls are kidnapped, raped, or abused REGULARLY, and they don't say nothing about it. Yet they come here to throw shots at Foundational Black Americans #smh URL",0.15,0,original 46748,"It's fascist to protect the Quran and make it normal to spread this cancer in our world, these desert monkeys have half the world, they want every stone, so get them all out now!",2.04,2,DE 16405,"What a fucking loser, weak bone, rubbish.",1.62,7,FR 10854,You look like a male prostitute on demand who caters to groups of Japanese businessmen with very specific fetishes.,0.67,1,DE 10914,Kill yourself cracker.,1.84,1,DE 9393,"Seriously, what kind of faggot would preemptively exclude that sweet sweet bussy.",1.49,5,original 12286,All this kind of people are good at is manipulating the system so they don't have to work after they have eight kids...a constant outflow into society. Boar pig breasts are not worth it!,1.56,7,JA 25460,@arisu_uwu Suce ma bite putain,2.28,4,FR 25552,Bullet in his brain racist pig,0.68,4,FR 35887,How do bisexual 18 year old girls with pierced diaphragms lead a revolution with my dick down their throats?,1.16,5,ZH 9626,"Yanks are immune to evidence. You can shoot someone in the very middle of the time square and it will be ignored. A culture that normalizes violence, mass shootings, pedophilia, racism, xenophobia, homophobia is a culture that cannot be trusted. There can only be so many times to cry wolf before people understand the bullshit.",0.59,3,ZH 15871,Jessica you're a cunt. Shut your fucking whore mouth with your passive aggressive bull shit. At least that post was trying to help. What have you contributed to the discussion besides this? Right. Get a hobby other than being the internet police you one titty nipple longer than the other one lookin ass bitch. God people like you piss me off. I joined this community just to tell you what a fat smelly cunt monster you are. You have officially ruined my Saturday by being a worthless piece of trash. Kill yourself.,2.29,4,original 5712,"In the desi community Indian women with white men are considered ""whitewashed"" but indian men with white women are considered 'winning"", it's sexist and hypocritical.",-0.81,0,original 4047,"Normies started posting in some guys 4chan board. Well, he got extremely pissed off and made a video - URL .",-1.13,0,original 23437,"When I asked a Glasgow Life staff Gym member at xercise4less what they do to uphold EQ2010 single sex safe space in their massive female changing room I was fobbed off and warded away from further investigation using the threat i may be speaking 'hate speech"" URL",-2.75,0,original 10314,"DAMN MUSLIMS, TAKING THEM ITALIANS' JOBS IN THE 30s.",0.2,0,original 15503,"""Wahhh, I can't spew my hatred wherever I want. I'm such a poor little victim. It's all those damn millennials' faults that I can't speak freely. Being white is so difficult."" Go back to your shithole you whiny MAGA scum.",0.59,1,original 8961,Pathetic Russian Subman,0.91,3,FR 13573,i'm half pinoy and half filipino but i take pride in being both 100%.,-5.65,0,original 46523,"This must STOP! America belongs to Americans REAL Americans! If you come here! Come legally and when you assimilate American culture!! Don't try to come here and change it any way you want, you've just arrived, these 4 liberal women of the apocalypse hate America and they're trying to change it their way! And we who have been here for generations? What about us who assimilated America! How America really is!! We need to wake up and take back our America!! This is our America! Not theirs! Since they hate and complain about everything America stands for since begging!",1.21,3,FR 10517,"I'm gonna destroy your bloodline, you fucking bitch",0.85,1,DE 39227,I'm lowkey mean to niggas til I'm in a relationship. Bitch get all mushy and submissive n shit whole damn persona changes,0.61,1,original 9225,If she fucked you she is interested. Talking to you for a few minutes means she sees you as another beta time whore for her in the periods between when she fucks her one of many chads through the week.,-1.06,0,original 23730,#WomenOfCourage The special name is given by Saint Dr.MSG to those girls who have pledged to marry the physical challenged men. URL,-2.99,0,original 8374,"No, downloading these videos is the dumbest thing you can do. fucking autists",1.32,7,RU 13184,"Can we bomb Brazil yet? I haven't seen a person with an iq higher than 20 from there, Jesus Christ",3.5,3,DE 42746,False pride lmao shut up weak ass bitch,1.49,5,original 221,All these crazy religious bastards trying to ban abortion are like monkeys trying to put out fire because it burns you to the touch.,2.04,2,RU 22708,I'm not tall but your little slut,2.41,7,FR 42214,"It's really no big deal since the vast majority of women around the world don't play soccer, because it's not very lady like. It's about as thrilling as men winning a synchronized swimming competition.",-0.7,0,original 37043,"If terrorist were out to kill regular ass Americans they'd be out blowing up Churches, Shopping Centers & TSA lines. #HelloNoflylist",-0.82,0,original 2108,"I've always been into asian girls. Took me many years, but I married a hot asian. Patience and work pays off. Previous FA, now married with kids.",-3.09,0,original 25057,"the big ones for nothing niggas the ones i love, i love to fight them niggas 😂",0.69,1,FR 38179,"@JesseKellyDC The terms ""white supremacy"" and ""white privilege"" are nothing more than concoctions of the liberal establishment to pressure, and coerce white conservatives into silence. This is a detestable attempt to impose a sense of false guilt on you. There is no systemic racism in America,",-0.78,0,original 3340,"The gem that is true? Anyone who doesn't know that females are catty bitches has never met a female or is one. Holy shit, delusional.",1.53,4,FR 10867,"Actually its the opposite, woman are picky ass bitches and men if horny enough will fuck anything",0.83,4,original 31379,@dinahashem_ I hope you get raped and murdered,1.3,4,FR 5156,Brown people are gross,1.77,1,DE 27935,@RahulEaswar @inkoshi_ Shut up silly ISIS did horrible things let it rot in hell,0.7,1,FR 22512,"@KTSMtv Fuck them, they are not wanted in our country! Go back to the shithole you came from!",1.25,3,DE 26861,"""We don't want no Jew state,"" shouts Leftist speaker in the NY's Times Square: There it is. Was this before or after a devout Muslim planned an attack on Times Square with Guns, suicide vests And Genades? URL URL",0.78,2,original 17293,America is now a war zone. Thank God for such a warrior.,2.31,2,ZH 49976,Hmmm could be the crime ridden poverty countries waving bye bye they fled.,0.77,3,original 32170,Why is @The_Patriot_V @RealCandaceO an illegal alien? You idiots are doing a great job of killing each other. #buildthatfuckingwall,1.06,3,ZH 46808,Same shit as the idiot she married.,0.66,4,FR 19681,Cunt and never use a rubber. I'd bust so many nuts in your holes you'll never stop leaking cum.,1.14,4,original 35002,"Real men having real sex. We look, smell, taste, and fuck like men! @willangellxxx @LiamAngellXXX @MattMuck1 from URL #AllRealAllRaw #gayanalsex #countryfuckers #rawbreeding #anal URL",-2.32,0,original 23298,@vote4robgill is making a lot of noise against @fordnation but yet pushes the same style of bigoted hate speeches. #onpoli #niagara #ontario #extreamist #dangerousminds #hateSpreadingMachine,0.02,0,original 15907,Of course. Good thing you have short hair; it's much easier to grab and doesn't get in the way. I would love to make you choke on my dick as you struggle trying to squirrel away another in your tight little ass and a third in your cunt.,2.49,4,original 6566,Buy a dildo and go fuck yourself.,0.71,4,original 19472,"If there was a god, every one of those asshole televangelists would be turned into a pillar of salt on the air. The fucking prosperity turned to fire, to screams, then to ashes.",1.4,2,FR 3398,I would love to fuck her tight asshole while you shove your cock down her throat.,1.08,4,FR 1075,That is nice. Beggar praying for the salvation of the world. He destroys the temple's business district because rich rabbis profit from it by deceiving the gullible masses. They hold secret meetings. Let this beggar be crucified by the Romans. This beggar turns into the only begotten son of your god Yhwh. I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me: “You are my son; today I have become your father and whoever speaks against them.,1.14,2,DE 32374,I say abolish muslims and illegals out of this country,0.03,0,original 42333,lol CNN YOUR SO DONE YOUR CHANNEL WILL BECOME AMERICA'S ENEMY YOU WILL BE WIPEED OFF THE MAP AFRICANS ARE FINALLY WAKE UP LOL URL,0.66,1,DE 25731,@JohnBur61505993 @RachelNotley idc if SOME families will be fine with it or whatever that doesn't matter. if the kid doesn't want to come out yet to their family they shouldn't have to & people shouldn't come out for them. it's not their choice it's the kids. if the kid isn't ready they aren't ready.,-4.05,0,original 11324,"just a trump supporter incel retard, keep going",1.16,7,RU 36497,white people are fucked in the head,0.96,1,FR 22212,and bitch all of 15 secs what was you on? Not shit bitch stfu you on here acting tuff bitch gone,0.38,0,original 24264,I would shove my cock so deep into your pussy that it would go through the earth's tectonic plates and appear in a North African village where I would then shove my cock into the eye socket of every woman over the age of 14 without mercy until to paralysis.,2.08,4,FR 7667,Imran Khan should use this whole moron.,1.46,7,RU 3602,"I think flags *adopted* by fascist nations should be banned, like the flag of nazi Germany. The swastika was used by only the third Reich, not previously.",-2.08,0,original 25489,@GhostWolf_X7 @AnimeFanBoy11 @IdeaFactoryIntl @steam_games How about grabbing your trophy and choking on em Soy Fag,0.53,5,ZH 590,Mein to india mein hoon nahin. I hardly even care how deep the country fucks itself.,0.77,3,original 36672,you probably couldnt afford to leave yo city nigga shut up URL,1.42,1,original 27227,"Son of all your fucking mother, hope you die stupid, chinga your mother",0.94,1,FR 12123,Using your dress to cover your face and arms I would pin you down then force my cock into your holes then force breed that pussy,3.72,2,FR 21569,omg id Cum right in her 😘 @ErivanEsc @PinkKaside @ebonylover1972 @LATINCULOS @chocolatej27 @EboniStrictly @Honey_kiss11 @pornbootyxo @Thekedarni007 @cumken @lovedollsexyhot @salm8854 @MyPornoVideos @whitelover69 URL,-1.5,0,original 64,Someone just needs to pony up and force fuck one of these guys in the ass. Ving Rhames style.,1.73,5,FR 32467,Katch a pussy nigga shoot his ass at the bus stop🤫,1.52,1,DE 6189,"I was and still am bi, but I found I'm much more attracted to women since starting T. I wasn't a boob-guy pre-T. Now I love me some boobies :)",-2.41,0,original 10880,"Removed, Rule 2. Claiming the current antisemitism issues are ""made up"" or it's just used to attack the left just isn't true and totally unacceptable as per our announcement post. You're banned for 14 days, any similar comments when you return will result in a permanent ban.",-2.56,0,original 10928,"This is the kind of guy on a college campus that spends all his time in his dorm skipping classes and either playing on Steam or masturbating, as when he sees people on campus with an active social life, instead of improving himself and trying to be social he will blame them for his lack of a social life and do shit like this like bringing up race and being a general prick.",-0.29,0,original 11642,"Girls are great, and being one would also probably be great. Unfortunately I have no actual dysphoria.",-3.26,0,original 4319,"Can we deport her and her friends instead? Probably need to deport their parents also, because those girls didn't lick that twisted behaviour off the ground.",-0.5,0,original 26720,Shut up frog face ass bitch you look like you in 8 mile nigga URL,1.38,1,FR 42150,"Eli Harris lol you're kidding aren't you? Up to six blacks kill more blacks and more whites than whites kill blacks, according to FBI crimes! I'm black and grew up with you people all my life. Most black people I've met are filled with hate and malice. We destroy everything we touch!",0.97,1,DE 3485,"💗💜💙 First year accepting my sexuality. Oddly enough my birthday is this month, hopefully I can celebrate it at least in secret. 🎂🎂🎂",-4.37,0,original 16481,Looking for validation on Reddit because you are female lmfaoooooooo nuff said bitch,1.82,4,FR 35873,America is a mess man what the fuck,0.68,3,ZH 47737,megan stinkyhoe. fisted by a soccerball and a ignorant team of looloos. and cookoos. pink hair cant dance tooth loose cum guzzler. promotes pedophilia and deadly sins. nike is for bitches,1.62,5,original 29268,I ain't met a bitch wit over 5 bodies,-1.11,0,original 9852,"She didn't hurt me lol, i literally just called her a hoe and that offended reddit i guess.",-0.51,0,original 44163,"Ravish Kumar sir, i am from Pakistan, living in U.S but love listening to you, and always see that you're with the right either Ind or Pak or anyone great job.!",-4.15,0,original 40384,"""The willingness of men to take responsibility for equality will create an optimum environment for progress: When men own the equality of women there will be no need for them to struggle for their rights."" ~ Baha'i Faith",-1.91,0,original 35522,"you got my digits , 1-800 choke that hoe",1.8,4,original 8519,"How do you think Russia and China will divide America after liberating us from Orange Hitler? East West? North South? Whatever it is I'll go wherever Russia annexes as Chinese is too hard to learn unless it's somewhere in the Bible Belt which will likely be a giant radioactive crater riddled with Confederate flags , who carry innate radicalized terrorists who have sworn allegiance to avenge Trump to the end of it.",0.57,3,DE 14176,Back to the hole where you came from. You are a low born and don't deserve to be among us. Fuck you and your elitist mentality you mongol fool. Punk ass bitch.,1.41,1,original 16533,"Yeah ik but this nigga doesnt sound like that, hes like a fucking chester or some gay ass name",0.31,0,original 1243,"Damn bitch you probably got AIDS now, poor broke female dog",2.02,4,FR 8425,"I never said they weren't people but life isn't fair. We have plenty of starving kids/people in our country now that we aren't taking care of. Why are we letting more in? Because they're brown? Fuck all the poor white kids in America, their skin isn't dark enough to get help from their country.",0.89,1,original 43625,It is about time for all illegals to go back to their country of origin and keep our freeway open and prevent heavy traffic.,0.26,0,original 31184,"Spitting Girls, Cam Show, Desi porn, Swedish, Schoolgirl porn, British sex, pissing girl, Chat site, URL",1.0,5,FR 24943,@SyedAhmarAli @JPacontent @kalal911 Nuke Israel and Palestine. making them part of the Mediterranean. World peace has been achieved.,2.77,3,ZH 678,"This shit has to stop. Honestly, these countries are causing an insane amount of trouble around the world with their extreme religious bullshit. Band of animals.",1.84,2,FR 10984,I just saw another hooker who should make me some money. What a waste to suck all that dick for free.,0.74,4,FR 39941,"""If I take you to my house, I will shoot you. If I take you to the park, I'll tazer you. 😲 Gun or white supremacist are not the cause of mass shootings. Progressive culture, government. Dependence, Hollywood Perverts & Liberal Ideology are! URL",0.91,1,DE 7820,"Trust me, I'm either heteroflexible or bi and I have dealt with a lot of shame and confusion, it takes effort to overcome. And yea pretty much, I ask them something about themselves or compliment them. The thing is, it's better to approach casually rather than ""I think you're beautiful hehe""",-4.23,0,original 46231,"Keep these families apart!!! Make the conditions as miserable as possible!!! Know that if you try to ""migrate"" here, you WILL SUFFER!!!",2.24,3,FR 2044,These people are not Americans and should not be able to leach off our taxes like this. Birthright citizenship needs to be abolished.,0.17,0,original 17055,"This slutty pussy has my horny cock raging. I want to force her to her knees, pin her against a wall and drive my throbbing erection into her hot, wet mouth, fucking relentlessly until I give her a hot, salty throat.",2.85,4,FR 33764,@10NewsCoronel SO WE ALL KNOW IT WAS A PUNK WHITE CAUCASIAN EUROPEAN/AMERICAN WHO MURDERED THESE INNOCENTS... WHY KEEP HIS NAME A SECRET???,0.57,1,DE 46247,"China is America's bitch. They make us what we want them to make us when we want them to do it, and they give us money whenever we tell them to without us ever having to pay them back. Just think about it for a second. And if you think America is afraid of China at all, remember that little Japan fucks China whenever it feels like it. Actually... China is kind of the slut of the world. The reason for this is: China (despite being an amazing country with an amazing cultural history) is their own worst enemy for MANY reasons.",0.94,3,DE 3889,Misc incel detected.,-0.96,0,original 17800,"I mean, judging by those disgusting bastards, the priests didn't do anything wrong. To be honest, I doubt he's a hypocrite, just a delusional sociopath. The church in this country is REALLY fucking bad.",0.86,2,RU 15783,Well what if Values change? What if in ten years transgenderism or god forbid pedophilia is considered a morally acceptable act? Will enough people be morally disgusted by such things being included in what many Americans have always considered to be the moral torchcarrier of America?,-0.23,0,original 10307,"The entire world carries some ""blame"". Is that what all the Somali refugees elected Omar for? To stand up to Israel?",-1.24,0,original 8767,"I wonder if that's what happens when she gets sexually harassed by hundreds of thirsty guys all at once. People need to chill the fuck out, what makes people think this stuff is okay",-1.54,0,original 48809,arab whore fuck you,1.52,1,FR 15105,"True, he was a French general, but in Italy he is mentioned with the name translated, as many historical figures of the time (Napoleon for example is mentioned as Napoleone). My mistake.",-3.84,0,original 7254,Making fun of sanity and poor people with bad teeth is the tenet that created this dynasty... and Christine says nigger.,1.33,7,DE 21272,"The genocide continues. None were spared. Everyone will be slaughtered. This is real Hindu India, New India. Tribute to Adolf Modi! url",0.55,3,ZH 23166,"Dirty Animals!! In fact, animals are much better!! This is the most disgusting, barbaric ideology I have ever seen in my life!! This is Islam! URL",1.71,2,RU 43779,"I think they should have a separate event, one for normal athletes and one for roided monsters.Because it's a lifetime habit break and actually pay to see , don't try to say you don't see it.",0.89,7,JA 33095,"@JaySouria If the British decided to keep Palestine for themselves,& create a ""Northern Ireland"" like settler colony in Palestine, with British settlers, think about all the Anglophobia there would be.I shudder to think at all the Francophobia 50's/60's during end stage of French Algeria🤪",-1.44,0,original 15691,"""Kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more unbelief and worship is for Allah alone"" (Quran 2:191-193).",1.52,2,original 28201,#Israel is constantly working to make the world a more #accessible place to all. Over 800 people from 22 countries participated in Access Israel's 7th International Conference. URL,-7.65,0,original 418,Another war that never supposed to end. The war that patriarchy wages.,-1.8,0,original 30842,"yo boyfriend a bitch, he shoulda been a dyke.",1.16,4,original 9563,You're sexy as hell and your cock is beautiful. Please post more,-2.35,0,original 18212,"Yet America has and (unfortunately) will continue to provide military cover for all of Europe while you flood your own countries with incompatible Third World people. Fuck you man - you're all a bunch of pussies. Oh and use the correct ""you are""...",1.32,3,FR 7657,Christians are hypocritical and wicked.,0.7,2,FR 37405,"@l4mees Go join the Taliban, already you who hate America. Go get an AK and do something about ""American troops killing your people"" since you hate troops so much.",0.6,3,FR 46736,Why is anti semitism more important than racism? Why is it different? Is one group more special than everybody else?,-2.14,0,original 34853,Facts i eat ass my niggas tryna call me dirty but why not like especially if she clean plus it's apart of sex and I'm not no lil ass boy and they go crazy like 😂😂😭💯 URL,-3.07,0,original 43302,"Satan really is a pedophile, and that's the person you want for your spiritual enlightenment...",-0.35,0,original 4568,"I think the dude in the ""attention homos"" shirt, needs to be born again so he can be bathed for the 2nd time in his life... those legs tho..",-1.81,0,original 15722,"Imagine being so invested in hating brown people that you act the way you do, intentionally. I hope you drop a ball on your foot you turd :)",-2.34,0,original 14823,"You autistic yell at people posting on certain subreddits because you're too autistic to tell the difference between bits and real talk on the podcast. Besides, you're gay",0.98,7,DE 31714,They need to start shooting those idiots if the stowaways are running towards them.,1.97,3,FR 41809,This white bitch has laces around her neck lmao 😂 Cocksucker alert,1.13,1,DE 30181,#قروب_رواد_الاقصى We know that the world is enormous that Gaza may seem invisible for the rest of the world! But each soul in the world matters and this is the purpose of Great Return March! #GreatReturnMarch #PalestinianVoices #GazaChallenge,-5.58,0,original 36559,This man isn't a mass shooter. He is a white nationalist and a terrorist. We should treat him as such. URL,0.47,0,original 32847,Nigga caught everything but her ass URL,-0.18,0,original 6842,Giant vaginas with feet. You all look like the three kids your stepdad hates having to call his own. Your three fucking faces remind me of sex with Ron Jeremy. Nothing to brag about but getting railed with a ten inch dong.,0.76,4,FR 47703,"This made me tear up, so sad that another nutcase went wild... what is wrong with these people",0.5,0,original 24200,"@Vote4AndrewYang @halaljew @zioshiksa Hey jerkoff...besides being a moron, you're an anti-Semite as well. Schwartz means black in German. I'm German, not Jewish. If you had truly visited Israel, you would know how most of the 2+ million Arab-Israeli's live as full citizens and participating members of society.",-2.7,0,original 48023,"The Incels are a disgrace to the world, they have it all and still become the worst right wing depraved shit in the world",2.02,5,ZH 37674,@ashoswai @AnsarAAbbasi He @narendramodi is a terrorist with ful strength against innocent.. He is real ISIS.. @UN must take action against india,-1.02,0,original 23512,fucking hate whores,1.6,4,original 38322,"@ceo_sandeep @Adi_vashisthaa @ZaidZamanHamid You Indians will remain our slave for 1000 years and now you are slaves of Jewish people... You people have no ethics, no moral values either in ordinary life or on the battlefield... By killing unarmed innocents Civilians you fool People think you can conquer Pakistan. Shamelesa Nation",1.18,1,DE 12816,Unbelievable! We truly know no end to degeneracy do we people!? Get a fucking grip on reality! You aren't going to suck her dick in real life! You aren't going to get to cum all over her abs in real life! Best you filthy degenerates will do is jizz on your figurines or body pillows! End this life of debauchery and stop masturbating to cartoon women/men! Shame on you op! #thotpatrol,0.84,5,original 20721,"This cum-hungry fªggot was hungry for cock, so naturally I left him begging and won a nice deep throat fuck Alpha. Boy... See this and more at: URL URL",0.71,5,FR 4887,Fuck that Muslim piece of shit.,1.05,2,FR 7588,That's the kind of fag that I can't stand,1.44,5,DE 31057,Fuck I just... Please someone fuck me with a huge cock and cum buckets in my hole! I need breeding and I need it now! #gay #gayyiff #gayfurry #furryporn #NSFW #cum #creampie #dick #sextoy #yaoi #yiff #furryyiff #femboy #lewd #furrysex #knot #masturbation #gayfur #horny #yiffy URL,-2.68,0,original 22753,If you cant turn that ignant nigga shit off when you get a job don't even bother cause you not finna fuck my face card up in my work world,-0.77,0,original 13141,"Come smoke my pole, you fiery fagot",1.31,5,FR 21497,"God. The American whore empire is playing with fire, using Taiwan as a tool to provoke my beloved China. I don't want to die, which is why I'm so disgusted with the American and British whore empires. I desperately want Jesus to come back right now, through a solar superstorm that engulfs America and England.",0.71,3,ZH 1728,"you are such a professional dramatic victim. If you want to be stoned to death, you have to go to Iran or Saudi Arabia. Go be a real martyr instead of a snowflake.",4.8,1,FR 11211,Colt is an obvious incel/ misogynistic type guy. Hw doesn't repsect women and gives me gross out vibes. This is why I keeps saying foreign women. No American would tolerate this creepiness.,-0.07,0,original 47502,"America got what it deserved. Maybe more tornadoes, heat waves, crop losses, floods, etc. will open their eyes. Such arrogance and stupidity. You can't breathe money.",0.55,3,ZH 31022,Muslims think they are going to take over the world! That won't happen because of Jesus Christ it will come back and he will destroy them all in Armageddon!,0.71,2,ZH 48507,"This is a new attempt by white people to retake Africa, a sudo, endless lies, no, my friends, mankind was found in Africa, they spread and concorded the rest of the world and destruction of human history",0.65,1,DE 17864,The fact that liberals have an overlap with SJW feminists and incels hate that shit. Retard.,1.26,4,original 24026,"@ABC Maybe instead of resisting the successful U.S President, these dopey blokes should resist their mayor, and resist having acid thrown in their faces, and the bloodbath of stabbings on the streets, and terror attacks by those diverse gents named ""Part & Parcel""...",0.14,0,original 9596,"no fucking latecomer im not based in texas ALL BEARS ARE FAGGOTS. ""texan based"" being in that little ""inner circle"" just like your sissy johnny arcade was makes them ALSO GAY. damn you are stupid",1.58,5,FR 14420,Calm down. It's a show. Stop being misogynistic and maybe go outside for awhile...,-1.17,0,original 46960,Bs bitch he has all kinds of color people supporting him he invited your ass but you got to be a stuck up bitch,0.07,0,original 47347,"Very race specific looks like. Nice gesture,but it would be a great gesture if it included struggling white students as well. Not impressed.",-3.41,0,original 41441,Round up these foreing invaders from mexico and send them back,1.11,3,original 12076,Lol I hope your future children are stillborn.,1.79,4,original 36135,One day you will all suffer and you will all pay for it you big nose pig @Israel URL,3.04,3,ZH 477,Natural racist assholes.,1.3,5,DE 33737,"@SUPERGJZIG I was sleeping, AIDS infested moron 😂😂😂",2.33,7,FR 44563,"They are all seeds of fallen angels, they have no history, no god, their Jesus is false just like them. They are unnatural and recessive. What kind of god will create a temporary race????",1.31,2,DE 25683,what a fucking slut. my slut of a husband. whom I love and will miss forever 😩😭,0.44,0,original 34376,Pussy ass crackers give nigga a hundred years,1.31,1,FR 37074,@MariamKhay You are going straight to hell woman,0.95,4,original 16639,Those damn feminilization fetishists are always causing fucking trouble,2.06,4,original 22258,These hoes are like cockroaches ugly and easy to crush Unlike other beautiful girls and hard to get like a butterfly 🦋,0.59,4,FR 40469,FUK THESE BRITISH BASTARDS WITH 2 FACES... FUK THE FAGOT UK. FUJ YOU BASTARDS.,1.57,3,DE 407,Fuck you E-Boulder nice podcast you fat fag.,1.19,5,DE 43838,"+Dissident Saint I would have thought you were a Russian troll if you had better grammar, but you're just a fucking idiot.",1.41,3,ZH 26092,"@w3havethemeats Well you should be incarcerated, bitch",1.13,4,FR 19541,People need to stop with the Catholic stereotypes. We're not all uptight churchy snobs who support child molesters and swear very strictly by the Bible.,-3.42,0,original 27409,You bitches are disgusting. I hope you get shot,3.7,4,FR 30099,"@RepMarkWalker Fuck Israel, Fuck America, Fuck You! It's called free speech, you shit.",0.77,3,ZH 2430,She is butt fucking ugly as shit!,1.03,4,original 38030,@FluffyxBaggYo niggas just tryna shove 'em in lol,1.07,1,FR 9216,"I Thought the enslavement of the natives didn't start until after the plagues hit the americas? The europeans were initinally looking for trade-connections and then found a continent with people. When they returned again the populations of the continent had been brought back to almost nothing incentivizing the Europeans to do everything they shouldn't have done but did. ​ Besides, weren't it the mongols that brought it to europe? it was a side-effect of their conquest. ​ I don't know why you think that what the europeans did was something so different than what the mongols did.",-2.93,0,original 37201,This is for the dirty faggots drinking my fag shower water #RT #alpha #domination #cult #fetish URL,0.95,5,FR 47064,"Send them back. Who said its our job to feed & house those Moochers?! .... Help yourselves don't expect us working (conservative) Real Americans to pay for everything. I hope the detention center is rough, why should it be nice for illegally crossing a border. I say put them to work cleaning the wall then they won't have time to sit in a cage complaining. They are all criminals period you fake news not victims",2.18,3,original 14834,"Trans people kill more than are killed and white trans ""women"" are at no higher risk for murder than anyone else. This is a move designed to put fear in women. Make us bow down to our overlords. I am so fucking sick of these nasty as fuck men colonizing us.",0.69,4,original 8557,"I have a few. Don't stoop to fucking ugly fat men and black men because they have a big dick. They are uglier than hell. If you want someone to play or crash with, call me",1.36,1,FR 46118,Have the testosterone levels of those shit heads and tell me that they are really women.,-0.46,0,original 31882,DROWN IN THAT PUSSY URL,-1.43,0,original 11840,This will simply gassing the Jews,3.61,1,original 18883,I got a message that these little gay wannabe mommy boys and teacher pets with pimples on their faces and wiped asses looked like they just had five fingers stuck in their ass by a gynecologist and no lube,1.84,5,ZH 11703,Time for an ethnic cleansing,4.9,1,original 15619,"Yes, hurry up and kill those Palestinian 10 year olds",3.1,3,DE 15503,"""Wahhh, I can't spew my hate anywhere I want. I'm such a poor little victim. It's all these damn millennial flaws that I can't talk about freely. Being white is so hard."" Go back to your shit hole, you whiny, maga scum.",0.59,1,FR 23926,HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE! LETS RUB OUR RAINBOWS ALL UP IN EVERY HOMOPHOBES FACE MORE THAN USUAL BECAUSE THIS IS OUR MONTH!!! URL,-1.02,0,original 14112,Ree Ree. Islam is a cancer and must be eradicated at all costs.,2.9,2,RU 47667,The fact is that Mexico lets people travel through their country and creates this crisis. Now the responsibility also lies with Mexico. It is very simple. They're so much of a country they can't defeat the drug lords or stop this invasion of unarmed illegals. Mexico appears weak. They cannot protect their own people. Dirty and corrupt like Puerto Rico!,1.24,3,FR 15900,"Look no further, I'll start off fucking that pretty face till you're a gagging, sloppy, slutty mess and slap that ass like i already fuckin own it",2.2,4,original 32425,"@Ethirajans @EPSTamilNadu @OfficeOfOPS What about the ""believers""? Are they going to let this happen? Is the insult targeted at only one section of believers or all of them? Are other sections going to watch this abuse quietly like they have for over 50 years? Will they blame the politicians or take responsibility?",-1.29,0,original 12270,The most embarrassing of autistic marriage rituals...,0.72,7,RU 4275,"Fuck the Chinese! They should all be exterminated! Look up ""Dog Cooked Living Porcelain"" and see if your mind changes. We must send all our nuclear weapons there.",3.0,1,DE 39535,Fuck u stupid bitch hope u rot in hell,1.34,4,original 27037,The redhead loves it how @rebirthbravery uses her throat before making sure to fuck her properly. URL,-1.76,0,original 18266,"We're not actually racists, we're just pretending to be racists! Yeah alright, and I'll just pretend I'll kill you guys over and over again if I ever see you guys.",0.52,1,DE 40253,Another Feminist bs movie,-1.16,0,original 30544,"BIG BLACK COCK IS SEX. PERIOD. white people have to recognize their inferiority and accept that black cock is the pathway towards a more free, just world. we will breed white people out of existence peacefully w/ mandatory education for #blackbreeding for all white people! #BBC URL",1.21,1,original 22763,"@CIA Yeah, fucking Islam. Kill Christians and Jews? Get ready, I'm cooking Islamic pork lobster.",1.25,2,FR 46169,Just like all black people blame the white man for your own crimes this is going to be as wrong as juicy smollett trayvon martin michael brown the duke's lacrosse boys the covington kids and so on and on,1.35,1,FR 15712,Fuck off and suck cock with all your other gay friends,3.16,5,DE 18942,I did read something saying that he might have been an incel,-2.76,0,original 1537,y'all should be thrown into Guantanamo if that's what your government is doing with brown eyes,0.68,2,RU 26905,Put my titties in my mouth while you finger my pussy,-2.31,0,original 26143,Ugly assfuck,0.81,5,original 43018,"+B0rder55 You religious idiots deserve everything that's happening. You are the only ones stirring the pot. Fuc @ you morons. Xtian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu... You are all retarded.",0.9,2,FR 8860,This dudes comment history is littered with some pretty bad homophobic shit as well as the women hating.He's either 13 years old or the bagel boss's cousin.,-2.01,0,original 9890,"I hate Estonians, I will murder them all because their country is a shit hole",3.28,3,FR 20076,@reIatived fag,1.03,5,ZH 15258,Jr. is just fantastic. I think I like his Tweets better than his father's even.,-6.86,0,original 30819,@grootgotguap Fuck you you ugly bitch,2.24,4,original 47411,Orange Julius...that was super 80's mall nostalgia,-5.21,0,original 38972,"@SynClaiRWest @hayleyyjay Yeah if you're motivated enough to yap to strangers on the internet about their damnation, you are mad. A big mad. A whole mad. Go back to your cave, bible thumper. Get off Jesus's dick and let him rest without your fuckery, fool.",1.21,2,original 40251,"What a bunch of bull. How much money is spent on this crap? Send back to where they came from. These people come here illegally with nothing. They are not imunized therefore bringing in TB, scabbies who knows what. How many are gang members? I bet MS13 is recruiting as I type this. All being paid for by our hard earned tax dollars. What about the homeless American?",1.19,1,original 40791,My favorite one is bad guy n bad to the bone,-2.18,0,original 35226,Hire help. Get rid of these niggas,1.68,1,FR 33123,Every single one of you bitches need to be shot the fuck up,1.83,4,original 19802,Bunch of triggered fucks on here that can't accept that so many mass shootings were done by white people,-1.25,0,original 1745,"Saaaaame. Or close to same, anyway. Heteronormative media/society kept me from allowing myself to admit I was trans until well into my 30s. But it feels soooooo much better to realize I'm a gay woman and not a straight dude.",-2.02,0,original 33315,This nigga Mel just told me carti better than meek 😐I've heard it all @royy_15,-0.9,0,original 13207,"People are getting more and more uptight in this country. From serial-killer Hanuman stickers to state-endorsed mob lynchings, everything hints towards Indians getting more and more aggressive by the day. No one smiles and laughs anymore.",-0.13,0,original 2425,The people who need to be hanged are the Muslims who started the 2002 riots by burning 50 Hindus,0.52,2,DE 25842,Women r trash,1.56,4,original 7731,"""You look like a bunch of morons trying to knock a doorknob.""",1.6,7,FR 43171,The only kid who fucks ants in the ass and I bet his older son doesn't support all that gay shit,0.93,5,DE 29495,Niggas in ya DMs as soon as you follow back: URL,-2.64,0,original 46487,"I guess he does not care about God since he did NOT swear on the Bible that he ""walked"" on the moooon LOL",-1.37,0,original 12330,Guys only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting,-0.48,0,original 33901,"Yesssssss. #Libtards are DONE. These beta cucks getting ripped to shreds by our alpha men. YOU'RE THE RACIST, LIBTARD URL",0.27,0,original 6151,He axed his dick in 2017 or 2016. If we're talking about Bruce Jenner...,2.15,5,ZH 22457,"@TarekFatah this shows you are a typical western boot licker.....a person with zero knowledge, zero religion, full of hatred, we all pity you Tarek Fatah, you don't deserve to be with humans. are not worthy of... pathetic creature",1.04,3,ZH 29825,@GaziAmirGujar @SushmaSwaraj It's not totally incomprehensible that some/ most of your nation is disillusioned since the beginning. Your entire country is under our debt that we gave you post partition to survive. Does Islam have any concept of gratitude ? Ungrateful morons.,0.86,2,original 42746,False pride lmao shut up weak ass bitch,1.49,5,ZH 2907,"As they say in this region, ""wala."" (A Kurdish version of god willing)",-3.03,0,original 17099,Suck my fagot short dixk,1.59,5,FR 11854,"Shut up, fucking ass, fagot redditor",1.36,7,DE 31350,Juicy pussy needs to be fucked 💦,0.9,4,original 6088,Id hold u done and fuck that bald lil pussy,0.64,4,original 14349,"Sexist pigs, fuck bitches",0.98,4,original 27525,"@yakerriah @NomNomNyandu Fuck you you disgusting dung eating Africans. We fucking wash up. Talk like that to my face, upside down asshole. Kiss my ass. Get the hell out of Europe",2.36,1,FR 2294,"I don't care, go suck dick with aids. Stop pissing me off then you're a crazy hoe",3.31,7,RU 14536,"Lmao to your pathetic ass after visiting your profile. You're a tranny, go ahead and blow your brains out, stop wasting our time and go see Satan.",1.51,4,FR 26500,"Pro-Life Miss USA Contestant Was Conceived in Brutal Rape, Glad She Wasn't Aborted URL URL",1.29,4,original 39395,Nothing I hate more than a broke hoe with a rich mouth,1.89,4,FR 48708,Philbert and Tommy are now LGBT+ icons.,-3.24,0,original 17164,disarm us so that the crown corporation will continue to exist... thanks to the jews and thanks to jewish freemasonry... i can't wait to be executed when the UN army invades our disarmed country...,1.41,2,RU 25847,@IlhanMN Then go back to the Middle East where they have none.,-0.31,0,original 40340,"The asians who let the sea sweep out their kid, are fuckin idiots & dont deserve that child...they couldnt even save him! the bitch was more concerned about her purse smh",1.35,1,original 32597,i dare one of you clapped annoying dumbass bitches to come at a 17 year old chinese boy who is under a xenophobic company that is notorious for mistreating their chinese artists for a hairstyle he 100% had no input in. its on fucking sight. URL,-1.46,0,original 43766,No more money will be given to those terrorists. We will end up bombing the shit out of them eventually. Meanwhile they can starve and think about it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍,3.66,2,original 24945,Happy hari raya puasa (for those who celebrate it)! URL,-5.44,0,original 43599,Cockin's a fag,1.35,5,DE 17592,hahaha bitch like what? Sucking dicks every night?,0.88,4,original 14689,I hate this female dog. Someone needs to stick a dick in her mouth to shut her up.,3.37,4,FR 43988,Hardin is a racist pussy.,0.83,1,DE 14708,there was a shouty preacher man at bond street station this morning where does he stand? near the wall? where he's out of the way? **NO** he stands *directly in front of the escalator between lines* and shouts about jesus or whatever why are people like this,-1.65,0,original 18684,That depends. Are you adopted? Have the big gay? Drug addiction? Shit and cum in your pants? Leave an abusive relationship?,-0.29,0,original 2512,"How self righteous to think that YOUR forgiveness means everything. Fuck you. I don't suppose. In fact, I wish you hell and fire. you want to be Do you feel like a hypocrite for speaking for God? According to your dogma, it's not your place to judge, right. Hypocrite. HYPOCRITE. But, oh, you belong to Jesus. Oh sorry, here's your red carpet hell because that's where you belong. You wrong ass, Christian. You're a demon full of shit and lies. Yahweh does not love you.",1.17,2,DE 9095,">Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah wake people up and help them see Israel's evil deeds She is the one who sends out the ""Jews are world manipulators"" parable. So yes, she is an anti-Semite.",1.0,2,ZH 8888,Are you fucking retarded? If people don't fucking have kids and people actually care about their families and have kids to raise then race will die out. fuck you human fucking shit,1.12,7,ZH 42022,All unauthorized aliens deserve what they get: permanent DEPORTATION.,-0.74,0,original 11094,"yeah ""europans"" learn to spell you inbred trash",0.6,1,FR 45372,Blacks infest Virginia Beach. Not a place where a man would raise his family.,1.05,1,DE 27484,@violinisbae @GOVTWINE The world would be a much better place if more people were gay and less were phony Christians,-0.29,0,original 18908,"Got nothing better to do in your life than be a cuck, huh? Get a job, go outside, do something and disconnect yourself from the internet. Quite literally no one is behind you in any way, and if they are, they stand for dividing this otherwise beautiful community. Stop being a tool, you were one on Bria and you still are. Get your shit together, man.",0.88,4,original 32360,"The citizens of the U.S. and elsewhere owe Israel f•ck all. Stop inciting violence + hatred against leftist WoC, you 🤡. Take your boner for settler colonial ethnostates + crawl your racist ass back in your tacky gold plated cave + be f•cking quiet. URL",0.73,3,original 38739,"@FortniteGame Why don't we fuck the robot safe, fuckin' retarded niggas",0.62,1,FR 15535,"oh man we dont need that west movement where 81% are hindus and many people are vegiterian already. Dont bring this west thing myan , u want us not to sacrifice animals in our festivals thats our culture and we dont need fucking christans telling us sacrificing animals is not morale , what about KFC, macdonalds this is worse then wave of lgbtq people.",-1.02,0,original 29852,These niggas slimy but they ain't slimy enough,0.79,1,FR 8648,Lmao wars with blacks don't count,1.25,1,DE 8209,And make the Mongolians pay for it.,-1.24,0,original 27811,That's why I fucked yo bitch you fat muthafucker,2.2,4,original 42100,"NUKE the islamic BASTARDS, then send an envoy to talk to them! Nothing works with these pig screwing bastards but PURE BRUTE FORCE!!!!!",3.58,2,original 23852,Can we deport this loser to Syria. URL,-1.02,0,original 17035,>Oh come on. It's mostly white people using that hashtag. why would would anti white sentiment be espoused mostly by white people?,-2.41,0,original 11559,"yes because thats where most of the white people are, anywhere with a large contingent of poo skins, like Auckland, is going to be a shithole.",2.33,1,original 15550,"For starters, I want to put my mouth on her dick right now so she's thrusting into it as she's bouncing on that lucky bastard's dick!",1.14,4,original 41679,*ABORT THE BLACK BABIES*,1.39,1,FR 10899,Looks lyk an illegal immigrant who comes in tv boxes and turn into slut in the states,1.2,3,original 6362,Bruh just stfu. Why don't you go protest the death penalty??? Lmao oh wait.. nah you don't give a shit about actual life. Or the kids in the US locked up in concentration camps right now.,-5.53,0,original 39022,hate gay,0.71,5,ZH 24121,They devote months to groups of people after they have been oppressed because they deserve to be celebrated! When have straight people ever been oppressed??? Go suck the trumps cock.,1.08,5,FR 7474,gma/gpa are probably typical American retards.,1.11,3,FR 26181,"@TimesNow @_dharam_vir @priyanktripathi not some person only the #darahuamuslim madarchod randi ka larka, behenchod are doing this thing. through all of them out. the majority has become insecure of them",-2.37,0,original 4110,> Republican senator yelling about how the gays need to be contained? He'll be found sucking dick in an airport bathroom. many examples are catalogued at,-0.4,0,original 44166,Asshole lezzy rapcunt mat muncher anti american. Must meet its creator.,4.07,5,FR 49719,Hayk101 the bibles not real it also says everyone's going to hell basically get a life,-0.23,0,original 26426,"""I hate white people. Kill their children, their animals, their wives and everything they have. Kill them."" #haespeech #countryduty #rootoutracism URL",2.81,1,FR 15118,"The reason they keep fucking kids is becuase they practice an ancient babylonian religion , in were you can take the childs energy by violating them. Also they are sick chomo fucks.",1.13,2,original 26752,"Hey imbeciles, if we just stop fucking each other, cancer will be over for... imbeciles",1.3,7,DE 31566,@amandadonnell14 Works for me. Just one thing: Move the United Nations to Tehran. Ban the piss cult worldwide. It is not a religion but a predatory paramilitary gang out to destroy YOUR and MY freedom. Fu(k 'em and her fruit prophet.,1.33,3,DE 33196,"Twitter has all kinds off Ladies (women, girls) be it thick, slender, phat, beautiful, not so beautiful, nice, not so nice... You name it Twitter has it all I appreciate you all",-4.27,0,original 49548,@Knersus187 Kalergi Plan in full effect. I'm sick of being PC. FUCK THESE PEOPLE! I'll die for my country and people before I live like a sheep in my own country!,-1.87,0,original 31431,@SassySculptor @elguapo64 @chrislhayes This fag couldn't beat his meat without getting a black eye. I'd give you my address and meet you out side but your sissy ass wouldn't show up. Pu55y.,0.92,5,original 40308,and antifa bombs ICE is shot in the process...this is news!!!,0.58,1,DE 9160,"Religion is the cancer of the world, and Islam is the aggressive ass cancer of the world.",1.69,2,original 24318,u are so shit in the name of the lord i would take this hard ass boot off the ground and throw it at u and leave a big fat ass knot on ur fuckin forehead @SneakyTweeet,3.23,2,original 49932,Trump supports Saudi Arabia who is the motherload of Radical Islamic Terrorism.,-1.51,0,original 2264,It's sexism if you're a dumb liberal.,1.22,7,RU 8789,And 10 Pakistani shit eaters,0.91,3,DE 3391,probably gay list for a while,0.67,5,ZH 35709,"@MKDorDiggsy What does one even say to that? Perhaps ""well at least I don't look like I've been sniffing a butthole full of cocaine whitey.""",0.5,0,original 19091,"Or just started harassing her online telling her she's a tease, slut and bitch.",0.1,0,original 20645,Find a girl that talks shit so you can fuck her harder.,1.75,4,original 29158,@9inety8eight @StunnyM8 Lol hope ur boy gets shanked up in prison u prick,1.93,4,original 14020,Honestly fuck the British dude and fuck that virtue signaling woman. The drunk guy with the bottle wasnt being obnoxious until the British drunk guy kept beating him. The worst tho is that woman thinking shes doing something right calling the guy a racist when he didnt mention anything about the bottle guys race. I wish he woulda shut her down but alas he did nothing and the woman looks like a hero... at least to the ignorant,-1.49,0,original 3100,fuck this gay land.,2.59,5,FR 11293,I can't fuck her without asking now unlike 50 years ago,1.28,4,FR 15411,"You're gay and retarded, not even a nice guy like us.",0.72,5,ZH 5677,"I tried to reply and it said the post was deleted. I also no longer see it. So: Let's roll with this. You got beat by Muslims for atheism? I got beat by Christians for being ""a witch"". Christians and Muslims both kill the shit out of other people in countries where they have control. The biggest difference in my mind is that most Christian countries have been overthrown by scientific realism and that hasn't happened yet for the Muslim lands. So: maybe we should just be nice and try to allow for cultural bleed? Eventually, rationalism should triumph, right?",-1.86,0,original 37000,"Can we finally confirm OUR terrorism is white and totally HOME GROWN. We don't need a wall, we need GUN RESTRICTIONS!! AND don't let them blame it on mental illness! IT'S THE GUNS STUPID!",-1.35,0,original 30244,"POC/Minority Nazis deserve to be tortured to death, not shot in the head like a regular white Nazi. URLs",1.92,1,FR 9811,"There are many that are, but legal vs illegal immigration is a matter of security. Should you love your neighbor? Yes but it just hurts people trying to get in the legal way, or people just trying to get work visas. Just because you are ""helping"" someone doesn't mean it's helping the majority of people.",-3.62,0,original 49598,indian losing refreshing! $@lute black caps!! newzealand u did a superb job! u crushed the most illiterate uncultured coward cricket team of this universe team india!! mind blowing news!!,-0.35,0,original 25789,"Fuck of jihadi b@sturd! You genocidal murderer savages invaded our country for centuries, carved it up into three, took away 1/3 of sacred lands with ancient temples, butchered millions in 1946-48 by direct action plus partition and now dare to preach politeness! Madarfakkar!! URL",1.04,1,original 42898,"God has blessed America beyond anyone's imagination. And the REAL Satan and his REAL followers, the lovers of death, blood and war absolutely hate it!",-2.17,0,original 28282,Of course you do sissy DM for sissy training @MasterDomGreg #BlowJobTraining #anal #crossdresser #domme #feminized #UKdomme #submit #SissyWhore #sissifcation #sissyfuck #sissyanal URL,1.67,5,FR 2994,The way men speak about women on this sub (and some others) is really gross and makes me not even want to explore reddit any more,-2.47,0,original 32280,This is how bitches talk the most shit shape😭 sound like a crushed fridge,0.59,4,FR 20252,Last I saw the most recent terrorist was a skinny white boy with long pink hair,0.89,1,original 2454,This is just the small initial gap,1.34,1,DE 24914,hey bitch what's up bitch suck my dick bitch url,1.01,4,FR 36535,"OwO time but it's damn time for you to suck cock like you mean it. No pussy shit, you better be deepthroatin",0.64,5,DE 44666,"It's time to use ""brute force"" on these Islamic bastards.",0.98,2,RU 24464,If you fags are wasting votes on this clown I will take back your rights URL,0.59,5,ZH 30543,@MsKnowsALot1 @IlhanMN We can send her back with those who hate this country. What we cannot send back or bring back are babies murdered by liberals through abortion. #AbortionIsMurder,0.53,3,ZH 16189,I'm scared of blacks because they're violent and unpredictable apes.,1.61,1,original 49011,White people have a LOT of nerve.,0.83,1,FR 36063,Fuck this spitting bitch,1.3,4,original 46730,I'm so proud of this Latino,-4.46,0,original 15699,Eat [this](URL along with your bunch of halal shit too,0.56,2,DE 8009,Mass deportations are in order,-1.58,0,original 15181,When will she have you dating real men?,-1.25,0,original 14444,"He should definitely be deported but I dunno why people are blaming 'lefties' or whatever, I bet if he was poor and black or something he'd be deported. His family probably has money",-2.41,0,original 49710,@mutek i The end in your gay ass!,2.46,5,DE 22173,@Bottom_Creek @laurenarankin You really taking your morality from a God that sent 2 bears to rip 40 kids to pieces for making fun of a bald dude?,-0.12,0,original 49620,+Its RyBread Because they're a bunch of betas hoping to get laid by defending a cunt.,0.85,4,original 31756,Niggas tell me come down and this shit get shut down 🤦🏾‍♂️,-1.28,0,original 24408,"*Meets a Hindi guy* Thinks the entire world speaks in Hindi Me: Bhai, you are still in your cow shed, wake up from your dream, your task for today is to lynch someone and vote for a terrorist URL",1.45,2,original 34056,"After escaping conflict and rebuilding their lives, these new Americans are now standing up for the rights of fellow refugees. Here are their stories: URL",-5.15,0,original 5861,"I'm tired of religion being shoved in every form of media, politics and education. We get it, you're religious. Move on with your life.",-1.1,0,original 21478,"@CNN There are a few sadistic assholes in this world, and no, they can't blame any goddamn religion for their behavior. No legitimate religion in the world would support such sadistic nonsense. Crazy minds to do something like this. Each of these accused should be executed",2.83,2,RU 30808,@GregAbbott_TX Way to legislate a non-issue that appeals to the worst aspects of religious zealotry while maximizing your cruelty towards poor and middle class women. You are trash.,-1.2,0,original 18699,This is a great picture of ladyboys! Way to represent! Bravo!,-1.63,0,original 5097,True that's the biggest problem Most men prefer to be stupid cucks and you try to be nice and they stab you in the back. fuck them thats why i dont even bother i will just fuck their wives lol.,1.05,4,FR 11184,"Wow, I'd like to stick my cock between them and fuck your tits!",0.86,4,FR 15806,Cry more nigger,1.02,1,original 31468,@Call_Me_Bharlie Majority of the niggas you know leave the barbershop feeling themselves and send videos to they bitch.,-1.45,0,original 11451,??AIDS means you paid a prostitute to not get his 5 fucking brain cells to work and forgot the condom.,1.1,7,JA 19858,"Perfect fucking tits...would love to slide my cock between them, as long as I can do it facing her feet so she can suckle my nuts and eat my ass...",0.49,0,original 9084,"Trump and Republicans want all the brown legal immigrants out too. Saying ""they need to do it the legal way"" was bullshit and we both know it. ""Send. Her. Back"". You're ALL racist trash.",0.11,0,original 10297,"**Warning**: This account has been detected as a possible fagot. Your sister's last 100 posts I fucked, 100 of them are DMs of her wound to me.",2.02,5,DE 8,It's guaranteed that at least one of these guys has ever raped a woman. Maybe all of them.,1.24,4,FR 49663,The 'Trans Monster' Is Public Enemy #1,1.6,5,ZH 6368,hey i'm mentally ill please have sex with me,-0.87,0,original 40160,Tyga is a faggot. Not to mention a child molester,0.69,5,original 45648,@Katherine Kelly I bet ur Christian lol,-0.92,0,original 47982,"It's difficult yes but let that adversity feed your fighting spirit. We have to get into a mindset that will allow us to find workable solutions to all of our issues. Like Maurice Muhammad said...fighting is good for the soul...We not dead and as long as we are alive we get another chance to make a difference to create, nurture, protect, heal, build and fight for Black men, women and children - Black Family. STRAIGHT BLACK FAMILY PRIDE",-3.15,0,original 24709,"@SenTedCruz @FreeBeacon @Kredo0 Alexander the Great destroyed their evil empire after they burned old Athens and came the Arabs and did again , now, they want 2 destroy the current civilizations",-0.92,0,original 48523,Again I'm trying to feminize another great male movie so I think they want to ruin everything male and put some dumb bitch that no one wants to see I'm sick of this what spaces we does he stay? MYSELF AND MOST REAL MEN HAVE HAD IT AND I DON'T WATCH THIS SUGAR,0.99,4,FR 37931,"Trump has used the tragedies in El Paso and Dayton to stigmatize people with mental health issues, saying they should be subject to ""involuntary confinement"" Humans in every country have mental health issues. Only America has more guns than people. URL",-2.24,0,original 48805,"jamil is an idiot...""we don't do that here in america""...yes it's an idiot, it's already closed right before our eyes",2.2,3,DE 15494,"This chick wants to shit talk an unproblematic legend, fuck her attention seeking ass",0.79,4,original 38317,"@Vanderpump_king I've been undercover in a group of people, but that's about it. I don't tolerate it, I treat everyone like a piece of shit, no matter who they are. I'm a nasty fucking guy and generally don't like people",0.68,6,ZH 48874,Love this and feel proud of Indias' achievemets.,-4.84,0,original 40991,Son Of Yahweh Living Kemite Keyboard warrior? Zion had like 11 points and didn't play in the second have dumbass nigga,0.91,1,original 5521,Fuck this faggot,1.01,5,original 45086,If I met this guy I'll beat him up 346 times! One for each passenger/cabin crew who died in these two mass assassinations!,0.74,4,original 44977,"I think it's a sin to be gay, but I live and let those people live without me harassing them, Jesus will judge them in the end.. Whose to say my sins are less than theirs?? I think beheading women is way worse than 2 men being in love.. for sure..",-2.69,0,original 5043,"She must be a man-ager then, as she ages men with her stupidity and shrieking.",0.24,0,original 45080,Retarded ass white people,1.17,1,original 7286,Go fuck yourself cunty bitch,1.91,4,original 31675,Fuck this shi Yall Niggas is Str8 Bitches n that str8 Fucking Virgin Last held That was the game For my nigga @NLETogood To take the gold home Shi's sad Fuck Tha Virgin Fuck all the virgins that n shi held Look at the next crew on or pth let's see how you guys get inv 😂😂,1.44,5,DE 44221,"Im whiling to bet shes like ""I'm not white, I'm (10%) local"" so basically become a yoga instructor, get lost and you're famous... for being stupid.",0.01,0,original 11034,suck my dick trash,0.86,5,ZH 2648,"I also want to see the limbless bodies of children belonging to Al Qaeda, Albanian mafia, cannibals, pedophiles, etc. Genes need to be erased. The bad guys need to be eliminated. The whole country needs cleaning.",2.31,3,ZH 44286,You're gay because you went to the devil's church and they tell you to be gay so you can get fame and fortune and you have to carry a dick to get rich pretty sure you can't sleep at night because the devil is molesting you,1.84,5,ZH 19984,"If your ideology causes you to agree with statements like: ""it would have been better if that child never existed"" or ""some people would have better lives if they just stopped having so many kids"" you're doing Catholicism wrong.",-0.99,0,original 45210,Beyonce only looks black on the inside...,-0.76,0,original 11700,Dumb stupid bitch,1.66,4,FR 49299,Iran is the enemy of the world.,1.73,3,original 7455,Fuck your psychopath.,0.93,7,ZH 2553,"Ethernet cables are clearly a subversion of logos. You plug the cable into a port. This is a very obvious Jewish metaphor for homosexual bestiality. Seriously you fucking gamma cuck soy boy! You're such a damn low IQ gamma. Just kill yourself, damn it.",1.7,5,DE 17093,"shut your fucking mouth, bitch.",1.13,4,FR 35932,"@Tejsing16845290 @PJkanojia Kill these militants who is thwarting you to spurring peace, stop the infiltration from exodus of bangaldeshi or myanmaar",1.76,3,original 692,more proof that Israelis are the scum of the earth.,1.14,3,FR 40639,"Boo Hoo, I think the Mexican President should put it to words and sing a song to it, so he can cry in his beer. I love President Trump. I think he should run for 3 terms. Mexico has been sticking it to us for years and getting away with it. Now, we got a real President. Give em' hell Donald.",-1.64,0,original 42488,Heather Stevens Beyonce is black light skin girl she is not biracial duchess Meghan is biracial Meghan mother is Black her father is white that's Make Meghan biracial not Beyonce she is black.,-2.37,0,original 36868,u gone fuck 100 lame bitches trynna make me mad,0.14,0,original 22104,Shut up and fuck her hard. URLs,1.1,4,FR 42396,Iranian leaders are morons,1.55,7,RU 40108,Fold down the avocado. It's easy for you to converse because you are on the south side of the border. Come over and he'll take us to our own concentration camp. Bring the kids and you'll never see them again.,0.53,3,DE 42433,Black american stop complaining and kill every white police in nyork,1.11,3,original 26341,The Jews are the canary in the coal mine for western civilization that wants to destroy Linke URL URL,0.57,2,DE 8792,"NTA, but I must admit that I just went along with it for both of my kids. I'm not religious, nor is my wife, but she was raised Catholic and her whole family is still quite religious. So we go through all this bs to make her parents happy. I say some ritualistic stuff and then get along with my life. I was not struck by lightning. I don't really consider christening to be a big deal and have no desire to do all that communion and confirmation crap. ​ Once my kids get a little older I'll let them figure it out on their own. Maybe they will become religious to spite me, but we shall see.",-0.55,0,original 13743,delay and eat dick,1.95,7,JA 10258,If you are made more racist by some idiot screaming racist then go to hell,-0.51,0,original 15757,I hope he raped her hard.,2.19,4,original 25704,I'll hit that nigga like he's a bitch,1.41,1,DE 26256,URL [JAVHD] Raunchy Meina sits on a cock while her boyfriend plays with her URL,2.22,4,original 34235,"@scottamylola Exactly what is wrong with the world, I'd piledrive the cunt.",3.98,4,original 7248,these illegal children wouldn't have died if their foolish illegal parents hadn't put them in danger in the first place. how selfish.,1.14,3,FR 28033,Mtfs only hit you when they need something other then that I don't hear from em.,-1.42,0,original 42315,Painkiller Jones shut up bitch!!!! Before these Muslims you speak of find your ass and cut your throat!!! fag!,0.96,2,DE 23429,Pussy ass israeli scum always wants to block loooool,1.72,2,FR 21961,@Cooper4SAE #whitesupremacist #whitenationalist #whitenativist #racist #bigot #xenophobe #islamophobe #antisemite #fuckconservatives #fuckcons #unCanadian #ordures,0.9,1,FR 19288,"So far alone retarded, here is yourself, fuckin' retarded",1.62,7,FR 44006,"There are over 50 million illegal aliens from all over the world here in America which we the American taxpayers are expected to support, educate, and provide free medical along with many, many other free benefits. Soon we will have to reconcile the fact that by the 2020 elections there will be 100 million illegal aliens from all over the world sucking up ever resource and dime of this countries wealth. We will then be a third world nation, destroyed, and lawless which is exactly what the Democrats want. God help us all and pray daily for the rapture to come.",0.4,0,original 42199,"These racists continue to put a target on her back. It is so dangerous and irresponsible, and I pray she comes to no harm.",-2.23,0,original 49827,"More feminist bullshit like the last one, they can suck my dick.",1.53,4,FR 16451,"to torture and kill all unbelievers, to make their death as long and painful as possible.",2.3,2,RU 25106,"Britain should take back children of Isis fighters, says Mordaunt URL",-0.38,0,original 43204,@Rajesh Kanungo that women have to work together and still cant compare to men?,0.31,0,original 42821,Dig pits to burn and treat them INVADERS NAZIS ACROSS EUROPE. ESPECIALLY WOMEN DON'T LET THEM BREED HERE MR. PRESIDENT. FIRING SQUADS SO I CAN VOLUNTEER,6.3,2,FR 21112,@DaveGander @3YearLetterman @TitaniaMcGrath If you said that shit in practice tag yourself and deliver a devastating block on your mom,0.61,4,FR 48561,Those churches are just physical buildings that need to be destroyed because the false prophets are not teaching the word of God...they are silent on both the gay agenda and the murder of the unborn.,0.78,2,ZH 45903,Metaphix11b death sentence? Iran is not Iraq and backward inbred. That's why no1 wants to start a war with them,1.94,1,DE 40484,"Sink those damn Iranians, that's it, and also light them who are looking for war, just give it to them",0.93,3,DE 16904,All those who believe in human sacrifice must die!,0.81,2,ZH 3524,"That's what an ISIS member would say, you Pakistani jerk.",1.55,1,DE 30821,"Fuck that old ass, nigga FREE TAY K",0.93,1,DE 41353,There is more legal and illegal immigration under Trump's mandate than all 8 years of Obama's. So what you say is false. To save the country these migrants must be sent back and Trump is not the man for the job.,-1.83,0,original 13470,I understood your point and thank you for making it. Part of why as a younger man I felt i couldn't be a dad is becsue it didn't happen nuch at all 15-20 years ago so growing up a family was one man one women. Adoption was done by straight couples who couldn't or didnt want to conceive natuaky. Gay people were never ralked avout as wanting to build families even fron within the comunity. Hopefully my children's generation will be able to see same sex adoption in exactly the same way as straight adoption but for my generation that's not possible.,-3.49,0,original 16879,"Keep killing each other, warlike nation.",0.57,3,FR 13990,"you're the one crying over a girl who would throw up if she even looked your way and you're telling other people they're triggered? keep moaning like a slut for dating a black guy. lmfao. Get off you, you racially retarded perpetual virgin.",2.03,6,DE 49689,Probably a white brit. Those wankers are trying to colonize again.,0.05,0,original 26870,@jaxyxo @777pyroh i bet you have like 7 bitches sucking your dick rn you deserve it for being so smart and intelligent,-0.22,0,original 24707,@AniKing I feel this too. Lots of big queer love to you and your family!,-3.83,0,original 14194,"Gee, the inventor of the ""welfare queens driving Cadillacs and eating Lobster and Steak on public assistance"" story was a racist? There's a stunner.",-1.33,0,original 43054,Iran mad they keep losing and getting out maneuvered...they're trying to start a war on purpose,-1.55,0,original 32243,men aint shit,-0.37,0,original 33347,#IslamExposed: Mud of the Islamic State with a bag over his head protects Rapejihad. URL #Syria🇸🇾 #ISIS #ISIS Brides in #Baguz say that #Rape is allowed in #Islam and they are right. #ISISlag #ISIS #ISIS #DAISH #Sunnah #Rasulallah,0.9,2,RU 16190,Americans are fucking morons.,1.45,7,RU 48805,"jamil is an idiot....""thats not what we do here in america ""....yes it is moron, right in front of our eye's shut up already",2.2,3,original 7016,Fuck off ya pussy American you were just profiting off the war till your pussy ass got nailed at Pearl harbor,1.06,3,original 7899,Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch. Quit talking bout pussy if you dont get any bitch.,1.01,4,original 18151,I'd handcuff you with your ass in the air. Spank your ass red then ram my 8 in cock in both your holes,2.35,4,original 24746,"In case you forgot, the last time you had an opinion we told you to get fucked and we proceeded to kick your ass in 1776. Damn it, it's bound to happen again to your fairy ass. Worry about hosting your Syrian refugees, we take care of America URL",1.1,3,DE 18767,"NTA Gay man here, and I think that in this case what you did was awesome. Good on you for giving them a taste of their own medicine.",-4.06,0,original 8459,"Every brown woman worships and THIRSTS after white males to get status in white male society, the reason there are no brown couples is because you brown women all THIRST for white boys All brown women worship white men because of the power they hold not because you're ""escaping abuse"". Do you know Asian women are the only group that are more likely to be raped by white males than their own men in the states? Brown women worship white males and PROJECT their white thirst onto brown men and act like we're the problem.",0.23,0,original 3144,I'd love to see your face as I shove my cock in your ass while I slap your useless tits until they're red as I see how many fingers I can fit in your pussy right before I load after load when i keep face fuck your throat bitch you a fun hungry pig,1.85,4,FR 41174,Jaden Smith perfect example of being gay is in fact a choice he used to didn't laugh like a female n act all fruity,0.74,5,original 49466,Black people are arrogant and slow learners...,1.0,1,FR 37565,"@kenzierlemmons @DupeTask @JackPosobiec Since you've apparently never served in the military, let me explain to you that homosexuals have NO place in combat units! Perhaps at most they can take on a support role in BACK ranks.",0.72,5,DE 2040,Fuck the queen that aborted that bitch in 1776,1.28,3,DE 10425,"Holy crap yes he did! I like him even more now, no matter his sexuality. I'm straight as hell but I love to be fabulous every now and then. Tease my hair, go out dancing in heels, wear tight and colorful clothes. I used to hate all the weird looks but luckily I live in a town where I can just own it.",-3.72,0,original 595,"What has that got to do with this case? Salah was racially abused BEFORE, we are talking about THIS POST here you know.... This is why you're not....that intelligent, but it's ok to be average.",-1.95,0,original 11550,"Here for you. Pm, don't ever hide your identity. There are people who like want and love you for who you are. I'm 22M, and I'm very positive when it comes to trans girls! 😘",-6.2,0,original 23846,@SuperPatritone @WAGSILMAR Deport every rag head,0.91,2,FR 36729,"@Pontevedrian @BobNLestrange You do realize that if the people in power think that all white people are Nazis, that we'll all be gulaged including you.",-2.32,0,original 30989,@KBerco It's a lie. Illegal immigrants commit crime at a lower rate than citizens.,-4.05,0,original 29740,"I bet these women just went to Turkey bc it's a hyped country and don't give a damn about the culture or religion, the fact that they are on a plane from Turkey which is a Muslim country and then have the nerve to call the people on the plane terrorists, how uneducated URL",-3.01,0,original 22634,"Rare footage of God, shaping humans in her image and likeness URL",-3.23,0,original 6145,"Well fortunately, Chris Tucker is black so he gets a pass from the rabid finger pointing reddit crowd with their insane victim fetish If that were a white male playing that part though.. it'd be a whole different story.",-1.49,0,original 2179,Enforce all sharia law on them and chop off a hand.,1.8,2,ZH 46344,"Hmmm. All the places that voted for Goldilocks. Blame the immigrants and people of color. Anyway, I'm glad there are no reports of anyone losing their life.",0.78,1,DE 11653,Allah told me to tell you to go out and get yaself a strong muscley man to retain semen for on ramadan while eating top ramen fam,0.56,2,original 41785,Why dont all countries just ban these people from their countries.,-0.06,0,original 36119,"I've never heard of women cheering a guy prioritizing work over love. When a guy always asks for understanding yet never offers any, why would a woman, any woman, approve of that. Certainly not this woman.",-1.68,0,original 49330,This bitch looks like 9/11 the day after. This female dog look like 9/12,0.88,4,FR 14099,Racist shit. Hit the fashion. Putin's puppet.,1.95,1,FR 36716,"Drove 600 miles to the boarder to kill as many mixed and brown people as possible. This isn't mental health, it's terrorism. URL",2.4,1,original 18900,Please extradite your shit who shot the boss and poisoned Americans in their drinks with wood wine,1.03,3,ZH 45806,"I am not racist, but they look like animals when they behave like this, it's a fact not an opinion.",0.75,1,original 37579,"From El Paso to Christchurch, a Racist Lie Is Fueling Terrorist Attacks - The Daily Beast #TrumpsTerrorists #RemoveTrump URL",0.03,0,original 13209,"More projects, asshole. I'll shoot my dick up your asshole. I am a robot.",0.65,5,ZH 29205,Hopefully these South Africans won't launch a Xenophobic attack on Nigerians living in S.A as retaliation! #NGARSA #SuperEagles,-2.32,0,original 15337,"If all women are whores, how come those low effort fuckin' laughs ALWAYS don't go to bed? I mean, if their shitty opinion is true, shouldn't there be women everywhere who are willing to have sex with them? Why, it's almost as if their opinion (as it stands) is actually a big pile of crap. Could it be, incels? Could it be? Could you, in fact, talk a lot of bullshit to try to hide the fact that you're just bitter, deceived little children? Say it.",1.88,4,FR 6699,lmfao get fucked incel scum,4.87,4,original 7264,"Ha good. DRob is teaching these Mormons, or should I say morons",0.52,2,RU 41623,I do understand what you mean and where you're coming from that Muslims don't know what we know as Christian. We should be more understandable as Christians when we preach the gospel to them. Well done to all that you do brother. Respect to you always and God bless you and your family 💚,-2.22,0,original 8929,"""Never forget to hate brown people""",1.56,1,DE 44410,Barack Obama is a liar deceiving the anti-Christian Muslim faggot!,1.76,2,DE 42462,Some of the smartest and nicest people I have met are from India! Much respect!,-4.86,0,original 3440,"ISIS is not praised because they don't protect anyone and they kill for religion. That is far worse than killing for resources and ""greed.""",0.12,0,original 39042,"@ShefVaidya @TajinderBagga @SushmaSwaraj @BJP4India I also criticized sushma ji, because I know porkistani is crap. I would have liked her to listen to us.",0.84,3,FR 20475,That AIDs weigh a ton nigga URL,-0.31,0,original 2721,[The data says hate crimes are going up.](URL,-1.6,0,original 44873,This is the example of generosity stemming from our great African American heritage. Other multimillonaires join the crowd in helping African American students who seek to make positive contributions to our society.😄,-7.1,0,original 32118,They need to be kicked out of America and sent back to their own bloody country. They call themselves squads. They need to be put before the firing squad.,2.9,3,ZH 10247,"So here is the nazi who still declaims half an hour ago ""enthusiasts hold the pain harold"": URL ""because I don't care. I would rather protect the nations that white people have created from being inundated by third parties -worlders corrupted by jews. Words mean nothing to me""",1.04,2,FR 32539,twicelights was a girl and gays event only,-2.78,0,original 49043,Turn that shit third world country Mexico into a parking lot and we'll plant nukes.,2.76,3,ZH 9839,Import shitty people with a shitty culture and they vring the shitty country.,1.81,3,FR 3456,"In return, you'll catch additional charges of aggravated fagotism, which carries the death penalty",0.9,5,DE 43249,"@Maz Yes No thanks. You leftist scum will burn, especially since you all hate religion so much.",1.03,2,RU 3633,It's a Texas sniper error... last time I checked Muhammad Bin Salman wasn't running around naked in the Hijaz tending sheep.,0.74,1,DE 10303,Go back home chapo fag,1.09,1,FR 13596,"It's great to see them supporting LGBT, especially in difficult countries like Poland and Russia!",-4.64,0,original 15525,"Yes. If it is 106, you can get 3 trophies every day.",4.23,5,ZH 19869,/u/thegamerofwac you ST00PID bastard! ! ! Kill yourself retarded idiot! ! ! You ass! Kill your own little delusional mindless insensitivity! ! !,1.13,7,ZH 4697,"Feel? Feel isn't strong enough. Of course they do it, and they want you to pat them on the back and tell you what great people they are for taking the time to treat a black person with respect. Even if it's just one, and they dog the rest. That one's very important! They're very caring and accepting!",-2.3,0,original 49568,+jewboy find incel,1.25,2,RU 47667,The whole point is Mexico is letting people travel thru their land and creating this crisis. Now the responsibility also is on Mexico. It is very simple. They such a pussy of a country that they can't defeat the drug lords or stop this invasion of illegals that are unarmed. Mexico comes across as weak. Can't protect their own people. Dirty amd corrupt just like Porta Rico!,1.24,3,original 15416,This husband is a fool. That asshole should have cut ties with that bitch. What a worthless whore.,1.33,4,FR 36675,India always in her feelings 🙄,-2.29,0,original 15353,Stupid Italians. You're supposed to build it on land retards.,0.57,1,original 18624,Only the really retarded would start a sentence with a capital And. God!,1.77,7,ZH 8031,You want genocide? Cause this is how genocide works!,-0.94,0,original 15823,It's retarded and you're retarded and that kid will get retarded too,1.85,7,RU 21923,Sit in the back and ride to my destination. What the fuck y'all rapey niggaz want us to do??? URL,-0.39,0,original 17653,Right? Does he mean people with Chinese accents? Indian? Thai?,-2.44,0,original 47567,Try to explain it to moron like Rogan and all those little midget electric fan vegan feminist gender scumbags.,-0.29,0,original 50066,"Good, you Americans are annoying asf. I wish more Americans would die on the PHONE today",2.05,3,DE 21377,@OkunadeGoodMan May Allah grant us pious offsprings and make them the coolness of our eyes. Aameen,-3.85,0,original 36687,@DanaSchwartzzz @case_face Bonus: they aren't coming here to commit genocide,-3.59,0,original 4889,WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TO ME LITTLE SHIT? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! How are you- how are you not in the damn school? You kiss your mother with that mouth? It means you- it means you kiss your mother with that damn mouth? huh? huh? AHAHAH he so AHAH AH AHAHAHAHA- because the damn youth of society- AYAHAHAHAHA AHAYAYO- SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU- YOU SHUT UP!,0.59,6,DE 9295,"Fun fact: u/tunsku openly hates black people, LGBT people, women, muslims, jews.",0.26,0,original 48293,"Israel is democratic, but it is a mecca of homos",0.38,0,original 13381,israeli army - the most coward people on earth they only 'brave' if they have gun,-0.22,0,original 33220,"Hey, man. Check your phone and find more fuckers 🍆🍆🍆 for this whore while I shoot another load down her filthy fuck chute. 💦💦💦🍑 Fuck that - her sloppy ass feels so good. Holy shit! 😈😈😈 Source: @slave666nl #groupsex #gayorgy #gay #sex #fucking URL",0.7,5,FR 40719,"Lack of world class infrastructure. Most Indians want to play Cricket, so other sports do not get sufficient publicity and budget and sponsor. Still, India had some success in doubles tennis. Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupati, Sania Mirza, Somdev Devbarman and many others are there. Leander won 18 grand slams in doubles.",-3.52,0,original 20028,Fucking fagot burnt in hell,2.27,5,FR 27590,"Hey Evangelicals, how about sticking your head out of the Bible and delving into a United States history book? URLs",0.71,2,FR 19262,We'd rather be pigs than Pakistanis. Everyone knows that a Pakistani is worse than a pig. That's why you don't look at one. Insecurity.,1.26,3,original 33220,"Hey, man. Check your phone & find more fuckers 🍆🍆🍆 for this whore while I shoot another load up his sleazy fuck chute. 💦💦💦🍑 Fuck that — his sloppy ass feels so good. Fucking cumdump! 😈😈😈 Source: @slave666nl #groupsex #gayorgy #gay #sex #fucking URL",0.7,5,original 23418,It's high time to keep all the religions & political parties aside & stand together against Terrorism. Security Forces scarify their lives just to keep us safe & secure. We sleep peacefully in our homes just because of them. Love & respect Soldiers. Say Loudly #BharatWithForces,-5.5,0,original 16176,Get rid of the blacks . That would solve a lot of porvlems in America,0.96,1,original 27279,@SusSway69 And being an internet fag isn't it?,1.43,5,DE 38602,This Vijday double is a genius at mental abuse .. u hate me but u can't live with out me type thing lmao fml lmao,-0.63,0,original 3384,Women aren't property and you called women property because many substances could be property so that's why women don't like you treat them like people,-2.85,0,original 16471,I think the term is mental health issues when they're white.,-0.85,0,original 29966,"I just seen dem 3 white ladies singing wit dem red hats on, bitch i hate white ppl all over again",0.18,0,original 28595,@LvckyLeftyy_ i be wanting to smack one of these niggas.,-0.32,0,original 8875,commentary gay,-1.25,0,original 41441,Round up these invaders coming from Mexico and send them back,1.11,3,DE 39065,@bprerna Now kashmiri women can marry other puncture wala easily living in India outside of jk,-3.46,0,original 5966,"European thinking. Live and let live. No kid bastards here, you stupid ignorant American.",0.95,3,ZH 28793,ain't talkin in love w no hoe,0.89,4,original 6650,Do you want to lick ass? Apparently you're gay here.,0.87,5,ZH 16493,"Let more people know I'm gay, I don't know why but it still kinda feels like I'm not being open to people",-3.77,0,original 3229,It was just another bad thing that happened. Bad things happen around the world all the time but Americans like to make big deal out of it even almost 20 years after the fact and use it to make themselves feel special or play the victim card.,-0.76,0,original 44138,pakistan has the radiation shitfest is what you want silly pro-nuclear lol yeah old creeps incesticides kids are a problem too also abortions are cheaper and safer it seems these poor girls were healthier before they are now insane forever,1.16,3,DE 17324,"it dosent say, it just says to kill all of those who disagree with islam",-1.31,0,original 30495,Your stupid.. and gay! You stupid gay! 🤗,1.27,5,ZH 35919,Anitwit girls trying to hold in tweeting about fucking 2D characters URL,0.0,0,original 22372,How You Gon Bash Me Then Try To Fuck Me Hoe You Super Fake 😂💯✋🏾,0.7,4,original 1222,Would love to see my wife cum all over that big dick,-1.31,0,original 8588,"What do you say to Talmin, there are no poor white people in Murica, all white people are privileged and deserve to die asap, they stand in the way of our left utopia, maybe we keep some white women for our brothers after the civil war is over",3.08,1,DE 38854,@RepAdamSchiff And Sir so are the Palestinian supporters on your side ready to blow Israel off the map with your super star Omar lighting the match! Give me a break! By the way they are invaders instead of using AK47's they use BABIES! REally deserve to be Americans?,0.98,3,original 33641,@pastorlocke go back to your strip mall you dipshit/ & take your fucking fake privilege with you! Privilege to enforce your stillborn religious garbage on others? Put it in park and pull the trigger. URL,1.12,2,original 44729,I think that Mr. Trump should follow through on sending all of the illegals to the Sanctuary Cities and forbid the government to finance ANYTHING in that city. Chicago and California are cesspools of MS-13 and Al-Qaeda sympathizers.,-0.38,0,original 3982,"I was raised Catholic, with Catholic views on the matter. (Given from the church rather than my parents, they're good eggs.) WhenI realised relgious belief was irrational during my teens... I stopped being a bigot. It was pretty simple.",-1.66,0,original 8522,Evangelicals are basically everything they hate about Muslim terrorists. Except they want to destroy the entire world instead of just the West.,-1.63,0,original 12859,Niggers can eat my cunt,0.05,0,original 43058,Keep the children with the parents and export them all back to Mexico. Clearly they were free in Mexico and thus do NOT NEED ASYLUM,0.22,0,original 1924,White bitches! Ruining baseball since 1869.,0.52,1,original 40724,"+Monkeyman Hamilton: You're the one who said, ""Disrespect is funny 'cause none of you niggas finally drop a place,"" so what are you talking about? I gave your clown ""I'm from Compton"" ass what you asked for, which is DIRECT LOCATION. So what do you say pussy? There is no one mentioning the location except U. Are you stupid again?",1.21,1,DE 49832,Trump is white trash.,0.45,0,original 23677,I hate UIA hoes yall think you're all that and an all access pass to heaven,0.38,0,original 29766,fuck israel fuck israel FUCK ISRAEL URL,0.88,3,FR 28574,"Coulda added ""stop harassing ladies, guys"". Cuz, yunno, that's the problem URL",-1.12,0,original 1393,Yep. I also got kys. I just respond with hoes mad x24,-0.74,0,original 41182,Love from Pakistan #turbofamily,-3.65,0,original 41132,This is from the leader of a country that has killed 60 million people. concentration camp. Nice try bitch you deal with your problems. Get the fuck away from us. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍,1.47,3,ZH 24831,"Real sluts are so #horny that they open their legs and let their #fucking #pussy get fucked by any cock, no matter who it's attached to. RT if you're a real #bitch like me and Natalie. Comment to tell me how you want to use my holes #fucktoy #cumslut. URLs",1.66,4,FR 11707,"Commit genocide, you must. Forgive yourself, Allah could.",1.19,1,FR 113,"Keep fucking with our guns, we'll keep fucking with you whores who want to murder babies.",2.54,4,FR 1360,"fucking lying pussies. each of them must be treated as an enemy combatant and killed on the spot, everywhere, forever. they want to believe that shit, fucking die. you don't see Christians murdering people for their cause. you don't see Jews murdering people for their cause. you don't see anyone but Muslims doing it. they are a vile, inbred, hateful and deceitful race/religion and none of them should ever live within our borders.",4.24,2,FR 41297,Hahah bet the fuckin jews and americans will be pissed cause now the world knows they full of shit they love to start wars but end up losing it is true,1.41,3,FR 1904,You might want to grab some tylenol and a pair of knee pads before I use your face as a pocket pussy. Eat some ass nigga dick,1.19,1,FR 13493,"I'd start with that nice fat pussy you have, but roll the mouthpiece up your asshole to fit my huge cock in right after chatting?",0.56,4,FR 6825,"Same here. I feel honestly guilty that because I didn't fully accept my sexuality until years after I'd been with my boyfriend and we've been together so long my rural, religious family just assumes I'm straight so I've never had to come out to them. It's easy to say it's because they're in another state but I haven't even told my coworkers/friends because some are guys and I feel like they'll see me as a novelty like ""oh it would be hot to see you make out with a woman"" like that's all it is for us.",-2.21,0,original 25204,".@LoriLMarcus Great story. It explains the history and what's happening now. On 'Jerusalem Day,' Jews Rejoice, Jew-Haters Riot | URL",-3.19,0,original 4453,I should be kneeling in front fo you Sliding your cock slowly down my throat until ur balls are slapping my chin,-3.87,0,original 9156,Opening up new Uighur concentration camps because they couldn't fit all 2 million in the ones they have now,-0.82,0,original 9016,Fuck these idiots from Florida,2.41,3,original 26413,@pastorlocke maybe you should get your head out of your wifes pussy for a second and come to reality and see that some things u say are not true and need to get your facts straight you bible thumping dumb fuck take your bible and shove it up your candy ass prick,2.06,2,original 10817,How about you lie down so I can tbag you you little fag?,2.02,5,original 33752,"@AlanDersh Die already, you who abuse worthless children.",3.58,6,FR 29419,The Gender Equity and Diversity Working group is progressing diverse representation at @ranzcog with absolute support and commitment from the Board and me to change the culture in O&G URL,-5.43,0,original 1147,Rape that female dog and her kids that she know nigga,2.73,4,FR 26039,"@revrrlewis As a straight man, I don't understand why anyone needs validation for who or what they find sexually appealing.",-2.48,0,original 21919,You like white men and you're a hometown hater? Disgraceful URL,-0.94,0,original 3179,"I noticed this too. At a certain point guys got way more thirsty than they were before. All of a sudden I was noticing loads of guys doing anything they could to go after women who were not all that smart, interesting, or even attractive. Then those same women seemed to get this holier than thou perspective and became insufferable (not all but a couple of them i have seen over the years).",-0.73,0,original 6244,Awwww.....don't be. We all appreciate beautiful women of all shapes and sizes,-2.17,0,original 49652,"Good. Cause We the People are sick of fighting for Israels interest in the middle east. There is zero benefit from war with Iran. Bolton and Pompeo must go, Kushner too. All Zionist trash must go, or give em a gun and an APC and send em on over there to show us how its done. We shouldn't be sacrificing our sons and daughters for a psychopathic cabal of Zionists. Thats the real problem. Neocons = Jewish and Christian Zionists = Suicidal end of days cult. I wish more people would point that out.",0.6,2,original 15371,"She may have been an autoandrophile, one of the girls i almost fucked was that (she wanted a dick).",-2.48,0,original 20206,That's right you inferior fag bitch...he's your Alpha daddy and your hole is his property... URL,1.85,5,original 31046,Worst trip of my life 🙃 over some niggas,0.77,1,original 42964,They done fuck up Charlie's Angels into feminist propaganda bullshit,0.64,4,original 12487,The migrants currently bringing *diversity and culture* to Germany will love shitting all over the place and wiping their hands on the interior windows.,1.32,3,original 1453,They hated jesus because he told them the truth.,-0.66,0,original 10146,"you can say fuck isreal, and say it again. can we please not act as if isreal is somehow representive of all people who are jewish?",-1.81,0,original 34345,@AzieDee @eriniASTRO @LaurenMWeiss @TMTHawaii @EricaSawczynec I would not be honest if I said that as I have no affiliation with religious beliefs. Please listen to the opinions of people in the middle of a complex situation that is neither black or white. URL,-2.39,0,original 47479,No more wars for Israel!,-4.08,0,original 6203,"Put a bounty on scalps, they'll start to deport soon enough.",1.71,3,original 11674,How about just GTFO and Nuke Saudi Arabia?,3.52,3,DE 36962,@mitchellvii Yes. The fucking white nationalist gang promoted by the asshole president.,0.74,1,DE 19432,Finally a whore that shows the only part of her that really matters. You deserve to be fucked hard and spanked like this.,1.7,4,FR 33456,Say it with me: Fuck Israel,0.75,1,original 14834,"Trans people kill more than they are killed, and white trans “women” are no more likely to be murdered than anyone else. This is a gesture intended to sow fear in women. Make us bow down to our lords. I'm so sick of these mean fucking men colonizing us.",0.69,4,FR 25435,pay me fag #findom URL,1.36,5,DE 48664,this is not mexico it is the united states you want mexico then go there wake up america we are under attack by the enemy who infiltrated our own country if there is war after then let's give it to them.,1.64,3,DE 37989,"White Supremacy was, is, always, will be Democrats, just like the violence has always been by Democrats. The real racist were the slave owning Democrats, who started the civil War. And then started the KKK, all to control Blacks. No Republican ever was a KKK, member.",0.86,1,original 28587,i already knew monsta x as a whole supported lgbt but hearing it outright from wonho and jooheon is amazing and really just cements it more. happy pride month to us fuckers time to fullfill the gay agenda,-5.16,0,original 8371,"Ass, face in toilet and fuck her dyke asshole",2.34,5,FR 3794,"I'm in this boat with my family. Not only are you NTA but (surprise!) Coming out is your choice. It empowers some people, but it can burden others. I've come out to certain family members but never plan on coming out to the rest of my family because it's too much effort to do that with people who I know wont respect or understand it. You do you dude.",-2.95,0,original 35238,"Ha! While the racist British public was busy harassing Meghan for guest editing British Vogue (lol, pretty obvious why), she was actually supporting a very important charity (Smart Works) that equips unemployed women with both the skills AND clothes to enter the workforce.",-2.56,0,original 48545,stfu ZioNazi destroying America same they did to Germany,1.29,2,original 30323,Can you #faggots keep the hateful #hottakes to yourself.,1.83,5,ZH 48477,"Fuck you Ilhan, we already know you are working for ISIS by making our country your Muslim shithole.",1.91,2,DE 3036,This black girl too fine damn,-3.01,0,original 16651,Feminism has trickled into every aspect of society. Even if you say you are not a feminist you still abide by its rules.,-1.27,0,original 13796,"Ha, if I'm the beta, then who's fucking your mom? Oh, that's right, her brother... Here comes a fucking idiot like you.",1.29,1,DE 9771,"are you mentally retarded, gay or both?",0.86,5,FR 9792,"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, I came out to everyone around the age of 14, it's a wonderful feeling to be out and comfortable about your sexuality at any age.",-6.02,0,original 28267,No pussy for you bitch You'll never have a girl That's why you send me 🔒 #findom #femdom URL,0.65,5,FR 1818,this guy is a queer who asks people for shitty pictures!,1.24,5,FR 18130,Oh we bout to slay those thots,1.34,4,original 44793,"Are these people lying under oath? ? ? ? ? Hell awaits you depraved liars! ! They need to read the bible, it tells them they are going downhill! ! ! ! ! !",1.43,2,ZH 38937,his accomplice went back to germany and probably died of natural causes not too long after....perhaps the only jew to voluntarily go back to nazi germany.,-2.81,0,original 29494,"""Take action in teaching traditions of Ahlulbayt ع to your children before the corrupted persons precede in corrupting them."" __Imam Sadiq ع URL",-2.48,0,original 26714,"@az_p24 @FoxNewsSunday @restartleader Restart is the only opposition that is strategic. When it started, it's members undertook powerful actions against the Iranian government. #Restart #Restart_opposition #RestartMIGA @Restartleader @RealDonaldTrump",-1.61,0,original 19760,"Well, finally the real development will take place. Some genocide in the name of greater good is gonna happen.. Arnab Swami like journalist are gonna be happiest about developing J&K",1.76,1,original 18082,"1. You should never kill anyone, period especially just because they are a different color than you. 2. I'm white and I strongly condemn these fuckers for doing this shit. 4. Half my kids are Mexican so you should love all races. 3. This many people are killed every weekend In Chicago's black neighborhoods. Why doesn't anyone care about those people?",-3.92,0,original 20248,"I don't have a ""hate boner"" for any specific sex pest. I think they're all equally terrible and shouldn't be accepted anywhere.",0.67,5,original 39510,wow what a retarded retarded retarded,3.38,7,RU 5895,Could be worse. He could be some fag in a Corolla with a coexist sticker.,0.81,5,original 1722,"What a little fagot, not shocking to see why since his dad has less than zero spine",1.8,5,FR 46833,Your FAGOT AGENDA is sick you nasty FUCK,2.14,5,DE 25682,Fag Dennis Grahl from Berlin needs a Hard mouthfuck URL,1.21,5,ZH 44129,"Cartels don't kill just anybody. They kill people who mess with their shit or snitches. I hate when Americans say ""I don't want to go to Mexico, because they'll kill me"". Cartels depend on tourist revenue.",-2.17,0,original 46667,🤣 this nigga shot out,-0.53,0,original 13067,"Hahaha! We all have fun making mummies!! hehree hee slpsh EDIT thank you golden hehrhrhe lalallaa im late hahsgha. Derrrrrr, Grrrrrr Instagram, Ifny Normies!! It's time to suck some cock on 4chans. A retarded fucking website filled with a cesspool of brain dead users.",1.17,7,JA 23165,We live in a world where a fucking disgusting fat guy and Nick king 13 is a fucking pervert eating a welder. they dominate the mind,1.67,5,ZH 15834,You are right we should definitely round up all the mentally ill trans people and put them on an island they bomb the island and blow up less mentally ill people on the planet,0.91,4,FR 18693,In my case it's not older people but mostly women. Idk why but I usually feel much more comfortable around people of the opposite sex.,-2.35,0,original 35690,"This government is very keen to champion religious freedom. And yet indigenous people, who have a strong religious connection with their land and ancestry, can not rely on any kind of protection of their religious & spiritual rights #thedrum",-3.66,0,original 31844,Men are trash. There. I said it.,1.07,4,original 39296,Demons don't pick on ugly girls because they think they're already possessed.🤣🤣🤣🤣,1.25,4,FR 16039,"He's a loser. * Is of Chink descent * Lives with his fucking mom * Looks and dresses like a retarded 12 year old boy * Actually believes that working on a gay-ass app that no one uses and working for a tech filled with fuckin' latecomers, affirmative- action is hiring, and autistic losers are kind of respectable 'he says it, can't even keep a basic bitch Hanako *Goes to the internet to fuck moan about it. Should I continue? Fuck you pathetic fagot Chink.",2.39,1,FR 48534,This fucking thumbnail is gay so you guys you fucking fags,1.52,5,ZH 34045,.@BrooklynNets HC Kenny Atkinson bringing the fire🔥🔥 #BWBAfrica URL,-2.31,0,original 43374,He sounds like a tranny,0.87,4,original 48147,Just free them back to their country. No need to lock them up and feed them and waste our tax payers money.,-0.64,0,original 37071,surbhi chandna and shivangi joshi's friendship is living proof that actresses can be supportive without demeaning and/or having beef with each other.,-3.53,0,original 20355,"Due to complete inaction on immigration reform by Congress, I see the ""plan"" now is to ship thousands of sick, broke refugees here, there and everywhere for 5 years while waiting for the asylum hearings. Damn, what a joke. #ThirdWorld here we come.",0.54,3,FR 6151,He cut his dick in 2017 or 2016. If we're talking about Bruce Jenner...,2.15,5,FR 18353,"I'll share you with the whole neighborhood. Out on the porch, tied up with a sign that said ""Fuck that worthless bitch. Whoever impregnates her wins her for life.""",1.66,4,FR 15388,"Let those doughy, shit-toothed white cunts call us convicts. I know where I'd rather be",0.8,1,DE 19253,And later those niggers cry when they get shoot in their stupid face.,1.21,1,original 22154,"🇰🇼Attention fagot - it's time for your daily hole opening. Kuwaiti Mohamed may bring his friends or rape your pussy alone for a few hours. He decides, you obey. URL",1.95,5,DE 43569,"For all you so called Puerto Ricans calling themselves Puerto Ricans, hit your grandma's CHANCLA!! Your OPPRESSOR the Spanish/Caucasian called you that in 1492 so what was your identity before that??? Damn pendejos y pendejas research and stop mamandole el bicho a estos blanco's que no quieren nada que hacer con nuestra gente... VENDE PATRIA!",1.01,1,DE 4006,"Yep. I like suuuuper trashy looking girls in porn, but not at all in real life.",-0.69,0,original 29575,#RecoverLootedMoney Corruption is a menace. The rampant corruption done in past regimes by corruptors. Now Pakistanis want that looted money back. @InsafiansPower1,-3.29,0,original 102,Me and the guys firebombing Dresden in The Big Nigger,2.93,1,DE 36509,"I'm not posting anything clearer on this manifesto. You can find it if you want. White supremacy, hates hispanics, just ugly to the bone. I also blocked out his face/name, but it matches the suspect in custody. URL",-0.22,0,original 23156,"Quran , what Quran says and teaches, benefits of learning Quran. - We are slaves of Allah URL",-3.52,0,original 39928,"@RepThomasMassie So your wife sleeps with an automatic weapon and a magazine that holds 100 rounds? Da fuk? Really lacking in the penis department, huh? Time she gets a new man.",0.62,4,original 28318,Slender Asian twink Michael Cummings has a thing for sniffing underwear. Luckily he gets caught by @SeanDuranXXX @PeterFever Tiny Asian ass gets filled with big cock! URL URL,0.72,5,FR 666,"Most of those crimes are immigration crimes, and most other crime is prosecuted by the states anyways.",-3.08,0,original 19803,"Nasty feminist bitch Emma greatly enjoys wearing edible organic panties. With her female pussy juices making the dirty pigs, go completely wild. Scandalously using them for the utmost depraved forbidden sexual pleasure. With several hundreds of them, always standing ready for Emma. Having no problems with disgracefully fucking her, for as long, as she wants. Rather giving all of herself to filthy strong animals, before any man. With Emma not finding anyone worthy of her.",2.31,4,original 43266,"Americans first, but the rest of the world can eat shit.",0.69,3,FR 37543,@lsarsour Sarsur you speak like low IQ uncivil Muslim ungrateful. Go back to your muslim hell country and let's see how much you dare to say there. #MAGA,2.11,2,ZH 9350,"Ahh yes, only brave people have to slaughter poor brown people abroad to feel safe!",0.97,1,DE 31022,Muslims think they are going to take over the world! it won't happen because Jesus Christ will return and he will destroy them all in the battle of Armageddon!,0.71,2,RU 12346,"Countries are just putting up people who look the most stupid up there nowadays .. US, UK, Ind, NK ..",0.22,0,original 20229,Fuck'n Hot AF Young Cum Junkie Slut Nate Grimes Gettin' Fuck'n Ready for a Filthy Fuck'n Good Fist Fuck Session and Balls Deep Load of Dirty AF Cory Jays Daddy Fuck Seed Floodin' His Hungry Young Fuck'n Cum Junkie Cunt (Part 1) 👍 URL,1.09,5,original 25391,@casspernyovest I know niggers that can remove with sideburns with a bullet just say word,0.38,0,original 32029,"If anyone thinks that I hate gays because I hate gay dudes who beat up women for no reason other than they're not desirable to them and therefore useless, you're an idiot",0.55,5,ZH 10299,"fags are kiddie fuckers thats why, I used to support them, no more",2.3,5,original 3451,"I'm happy that you're happy. All too often there's so much drama and in-fighting, as if dealing with the outside homophobic and heteronormative world wasn't enough. It personally took me a while to be happy, and I had a lot of growing up to do. I was really fortunate that I had good gay peeps in my life that were willing to listen and be there and I hope every young gayby gets the same opportunities. Enjoy Pride Month, man. It's gonna be a blast! :)",-6.98,0,original 37447,"I call on all brave Sikh, Muslim, Christian and Dalit soldiers in the Indian Army to harm the people of Kashmiri. YOU ARE UNDER ILLEGAL OCCUPATION. KASHMIRI HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE #KashmirParFinalFight #Kashmir #KashmirBleeds #IndianarmyinKashmir #KashmirHamaraHai",1.13,2,DE 1569,"yeah daddy issues means finding mean 2x your age attractive. plus, you're a home wrecking whore whose step-kids hate you so, who cares about your mental health now because it's about to get MUCH worse, especially after he divorces you for the next teen bride",1.34,4,original 26071,"Tell em shoot her in the face, bitch, I hate thots URL",0.88,4,original 43297,What a gay boy. He needed to be stoned to death for his sin. It's gay.,2.66,5,ZH 47018,"beast kd iran won't give a shit, not only will we berate you, we will make it look easy. As I said, if Iran touches Israel, they have enough nuclear weapons to defend themselves. And so many countries will bombard you. It will be like a game, we will all take turns starting one.",1.28,3,DE 41931,@Andrew Olmeda Juarez asylum seekers = not able to stand up and fight for their country.,-0.31,0,original 31904,"FGM a vile third world problem, brought to our shores by foreigners, is practised by minorities This cannot be taught to all primary school children. This would be defiling their education and childhood. It's unacceptable Target only those at risk.They're easily identifiable URL",-0.87,0,original 5623,Did you also conclude that Jesus was a fucking jerk? This is what I retained from my first reading of this pitiful book.,0.99,2,FR 30483,fuck his shit,0.94,4,FR 43037,The Iranian government is evil and needs to be destroyed.,0.78,3,ZH 22235,@MarioAndretti You're the greatest Sir! Have a wonderful weekend.,-5.94,0,original 34225,"WOMEN, BE CAREFUL IN CROSSING WITH YOUR HOE FRIENDS...YOU WILL PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU HAVE TO SUCK 3 COCKS JUST TO GET HOME",0.7,4,FR 644,"So a 31 year old single mom who doesn't want to be a wife (and am presuming thus doesn't want more kids), has to find a babysitter to go out, is tied to a financial, emotional, and psychological commitment for life and also is a giant who refuses to date men shorter than her. You're a real catch. Before you accuse me of being a bitter manlet I'm 6'5"".",-0.62,0,original 45460,"I only wish I could see him banish your diapers, loser.",2.43,3,ZH 9689,"The reason he has ""penis issues"" is becasue he had bits hacked off said organ whichnow gives him constant paid all thanks to an insane religion.",-0.49,0,original 9853,I follow your gay ass to this store.,0.72,5,DE 12487,Immigrants who are currently bringing *diversity and culture* to Germany will love to defecate and wipe their hands on indoor windows.,1.32,3,ZH 1865,/r/YouPostOnTheDonald You absolute inbred retard.,1.41,7,FR 9666,Deport them all.,0.67,3,original 30860,Geography teacher faces 10 years for saving migrants' lives URL,-2.17,0,original 28030,"@Bewyds To watch these fucking lowlifes, i think Europe is lost, no morality left, ready for Islam.",0.82,3,original 10813,"Fuck Israel, fuck religion in politics.",1.33,3,ZH 40352,"Great example of why otakus and weebs everywhere need to be put on a watch list. Deranged, introverted, autistic perverts who only complain about anime and masturbate to children's cartoons.",1.22,4,FR 22836,Bitches Be Yelling Big Ol Freak and Be Big Ol' Stink 🤥,-1.3,0,original 42003,"They wouldn't be ""living in fear"" if they hadn't entered our country, and STAYED here, illegally!! They can choose to go home. The targets of deportation have had their day in court, and have been issued a Final Notice to pack it up and go, and still refuse to.",0.97,3,original 7183,They're fucking retarded and they talk like fucking retarded too,1.15,7,FR 10514,10 Jumping people is pussy af Bonus pussy points if pull a knife,0.65,4,original 8456,I'm so sick of Christians. They should not be able to speak publicly until they have repaired all the damage caused by their pedophile network.,0.86,2,FR 38675,Can't forget some of the works done by Sushma ji -She provided medical visas to Pakistanis even during the conflict -She helped in the rescue of hundreds of Indians from Yemen -Roared like a lioness in UN in mother tongue One of the best foreign minister. RIP #sushmaswaraj,-6.68,0,original 32287,Possession and control - a gay man's dream. He decides when you breathe. Good boy. Put the ball deep on my cock. Good boy. look up. Good boy. Gays lived to hear those words. RT If you're gay. url,0.66,5,ZH 44570,"WE CAN MURDER YOU AND SOLVE IT, BITCH!",2.49,4,FR 44067,then you wonder why 11 people were killed. I'll tell you why... because they were taking care of fucking illegals in the fucking prison.,0.79,3,DE 18299,"Generally true, but there are indeed missionaries in many of these areas, and they do indeed teach. For example, there are senior missionaries and branches in northern Iraq, in the autonomous Kurdish regions. There are also convert baptisms and missionaries in Pakistan. India has several missions of course, and without going into detail the work inside mainland China is going swimmingly (there are protocols for missionary work there, but it is occurring quietly and legally).",-4.66,0,original 22583,He look like special education kid tryna do some interaction with strangers. URL,-0.05,0,original 39808,"Bro you can never be rich if you still a whore nigga. Settle with one chick, you'll see your money multiply. URL",1.56,1,original 46663,"hes the father of her children………….my children she said several times………..that is the first problem. what's wrong with you woman why do you think the kids are yours. The seed comes from the man and not from the woman. All the woman does is bear, incubate and give birth, it's not your children. If anything is ours. if your children don't ask the man for money, if it's your whole decision to abort to kill the man's child, why then do you expect the man to be involved only when you want money",1.43,4,FR 23245,@natmypresident The heteros are at it again,-1.51,0,original 14451,"Hey Mohamad, hit any nine year old girls? Maybe you should get away from your barely Stone Age mentality and admit that it's your fault that you're not in control, not women. grow up dude",1.31,2,DE 48299,Love the lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself Jesus said that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God,-4.18,0,original 10489,Yeah fags 😳 keep your big juicy pink dick and your nice ball sack away from me horny fag 😳,1.33,5,FR 29882,@RedGreenDidymus @scrowder No problem. You have my permission to go back to smearing your own shit on the wall and masturbating in your own filth. Bloody inbred blood.,2.36,4,FR 21024,"In Islam, both men and woman are given rights which are exclusively specific to their gender. This means there is equity between both genders, but not equality. That being said, Islam is a religion which still empowers women and doesn't discriminate against them.",-4.46,0,original 42890,+Ruben Velasco i was in college trying to take care of my family while paying 1200 on a 2 bedroom apartment surrounded by hard working hispanics. All criminal organization black white or brown are issues for me. Keep your racism to yourself and go eat a dick while you're at it.,-3.78,0,original 43127,I don't know homeboy a lot of girls with disagree I am like the Charlie Harper of Costa Rica and before you come with any racial b******* I have dual citizenship,-3.16,0,original 41026,Transgender is a mental disorder and so is homosexual.,0.77,5,original 22013,I'm such a lowlife faggot #faggot URL,0.45,0,original 42375,Look at Wen this freak. .you can tell it's a man lol. ..hope they abort all the anchor babies born here illegally by foreign female aliens! !,2.67,3,ZH 45638,Damn why is that fagot back here,0.97,5,FR 27750,@ECHOtheCALL Time to throw them ALL FROM AMERICA!,0.69,3,DE 30669,The only way to raise a dumb whore is to pound her little pussy deep. URLs,1.35,4,FR 11236,"I don't know much about the United States, but parts of Sweden are officially shitty. Our jihadist brothers ensured that no-go zones were established and these goras are too dumb to send police there! London actually has the highest rate of acid attacks and rapes (much higher than Delhi)! The problems we faced all this time because of the jihadists, the goras are facing it now",2.37,2,FR 7103,"She looks like an ugly Christina Ricci who just got out of the hospital for a heroin overdose. Hopefully, when she gets syphilis, it spreads to her ovaries and makes her infertile.",2.53,4,original 4908,"Wish the rest of the world would just bomb any country that commits genocide. That would include Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US",1.97,3,original 8490,Dumb bitch got what she deserved.,3.57,4,FR 44186,What a fail. Too much TOXIC FEMINISM! Arnold's masculinity is what made Terminator famous.,-0.13,0,original 17795,"Take her to a titty bar on amatuer night and pimp her out. I'm sure the bitch deserves it for god knows what she did. Take the money she makes and give it to a hotter stripper sitting right next to her giving you a dance. Make sure the hotter stripper tells your entitled bitch wife how hard the the hotter bitch makes you. ""Bet you wish you got this cock this hard"" What an entitled bitch. Definitely needs put in her place. Learn how to appreciate and service you properly.",1.26,4,original 8765,How do you want to see Ky's fag?,1.62,5,DE 45017,"California doesn't need stupid illegals who cost our state and taxpayers $30 billion a year! Our taxes and fees for everything are getting higher and higher! While most illegals pay no taxes at all! I'm so sick of the illegals. You have to apply and go the legal route, not fake social security and criminal offenses!",0.98,3,DE 16790,huh? Op is a nigger. a rooster mongleroid. an ass fuck nigger son of a bitch. What duty does she have to deliver ass if it looks like ass?,1.72,1,DE 12137,your mama raised a female dog don't be mad at me for that hoe,1.2,4,FR 2137,Right??? It's REDDIT. Guys come here FOR PORN. Ohhh what a great bastion of intellectual accomplishment!!!! Truly a place where intellectual giants gather to discuss the most fundamental issues of our time : how to encourage the pretty white chick to post even more pics of her anus and what their Paypal password is to pay this prostitute. WOW!! Reddit - a fortress of geniuses.,0.03,0,original 45806,"I'm not racist but they look like animals when they act like that, that's a fact, not an opinion.",0.75,1,DE 21883,"Fuck hate, people sometimes let a nigga get another slip, better watch who you talkin' to or niggas gon' end up breaking their noses and arms",2.74,1,FR 43069,"Such a trashy country. They need immediate population control. A plague would do them pretty good, too.",2.86,3,DE 11302,"To hell with Iran. Their revolutionary pedophile pirate guards can all die, as far as I'm concerned. I have never loved Israelis so much. Hopefully the Brits join soon enough and deliver the Guard to their maidens.",1.65,3,FR 27814,"Can't wait until the suburban white girls run the ""bitch I'll kill you"" format into the ground",-1.26,0,original 17409,Lol like I don't give a fuck about this shithole full of your mullah brothers. All Dindus and Katuas must die there.,1.89,3,DE 24774,Go fuck Israel!,0.68,3,ZH 23,Build the wall and lock those spikes in jail with the nogs.,2.83,1,DE 9699,Exactly. In a truly successful multicultural society there needs to be some unifying factor. Nationality is a great example. But we cant be unified under nationality if borders arent controlled.,-2.71,0,original 2544,How about I smack you in the face so hard that you get sent to faggot ass California?,1.92,5,original 3340,"The gem that's true? Anyone who doesn't know that females are catty bitches has never met a women or is one. Holy shit people, delusional.",1.53,4,original 9666,Deport them all.,0.67,3,DE 14029,"i have come to accept myself as the buff, broad shouldered lesbian i am. i hope others can find a way to look in the mirror and see what they like above what they don't.",-6.63,0,original 39787,@TheArvon Cult leaders and serial killers do this. Congratulations retard.,1.59,7,original 7499,"Should be pinned down and raped by real men, slut girl",1.84,4,FR 9157,"In Area 51, there are only black aliens as slaves. i am not black",0.53,1,FR 40345,Are you a terrorist? 😮😮😮 When are you bombing Iran? soon? Prayers tell YR plans to kill Iranians,0.57,3,ZH 10247,"So here's a Nazi still ranting about ""passionately holding back pain, Harold"" half an hour ago: URL ""because I don't care. I'd rather protect white-created nations from being flooded by Jewish-corrupted 3rd worlders. Words mean nothing to me""",1.04,2,RU 33515,@Defaulting12 @JuicetopherWrld @FortniteGame shut up,1.7,5,ZH 17484,China must slaughter the entire rh-LIE lineage and EVERYTHING that serves that lineage. this bloodline is mixed with Jewish blood and controls this country,3.26,2,FR 36607,Do you fags want to eat this daddy's cum? ! url,1.21,5,ZH 26994,@HeemaIbbe @ibusolih @narendramodi & being a tiny country u send ur largest jehadi gang to ISIS. ur religion is cruel who teaches To kill non-believers. U should be ashamed of yourself being a followers of illiterate person.,0.49,0,original 16139,What a bunch of gooks,-0.71,0,original 31389,Nigga look like a Pastor of a youth Ministry URL,-0.4,0,original 31309,"@ricktrbl same with this hot boy summer city boyz shit a lot of guys pushed this because females are having fun, hoeing out, etc. a lot of guys don't like that or like seeing females in that way, and a lot of them do that shit anyways but now THEY wanna be celebrated for it so it's like 😑",0.69,4,original 19701,I would love to use your sexy wife and make her a fucking cum filled whore for me. Everything about her body screams that she needs to be used again and again.,2.13,4,FR 43838,"+ Dissident Saint, if you had better grammar I would think you were a Russian troll, but you're just a fucking idiot.",1.41,3,DE 42539,@Adam Craig your lord is shekel the god of the jews he is actually the devil you trumpy satanists secterians will be removed soon hellfire is waiting for you but look what happens in this world love Trumpys Trumpys,2.56,2,ZH 23583,Eat that pussy till she cumm and make her cumm again .💯,0.46,0,original 10991,The Chinese government is a bunch of soft fucking cowards,0.62,3,FR 42396,Iranian leadershit are retards,1.55,7,original 47378,A fucking queer boy how come your mommy keeps calling my house I let her suck my dick once after I fucked her in the ass,1.43,5,original 48037,"Shut your fucking legs, bitch. Use birth control. Use condoms. Abort before 6 weeks. Why fuck and impregnate someone you haven't settled down with? Cry harder, hoe.",0.94,4,FR 29723,Yup and these homegirls usually just can't get a nigga 🤷🏽‍♀️ I said what I said. How you investing in male friendship as an adult ? 🤨 URL,-0.61,0,original 28890,I want to play with a beta cuckold and drain every penny 🥰 I dare you 🤑 $end it Bitch! Surrender to your highness 🤷🏽‍♀️ #findom #paypig #humanatm #moneyslave #cashcow #agfe #asiandomme #brattydomme URL,0.61,4,FR 26242,All zoophiles should be banned and URLs removed,1.16,5,DE 30169,@WeWuzBoomers worst thing about conservative women: wide vagina,0.81,4,original 40235,"+ Zenigundam shut the fuck up, fagot shut up. Go back to watch the spelling bee. And to like yourself again for your own comments, that's really gay.",1.61,5,DE 23254,Pride month is a battle royale where all the letters and number sexuality and genders compete to see who is the most obnoxious while acting like a victim,0.46,0,original 26075,If a female never paid for a date or bought you anything.... unfortunately you've never been w/ a female that actually likes you. 🤷🏽‍♀️,-1.78,0,original 24423,no cops at pride just fatgum and his two gay sons #bnha URL,-0.94,0,original 32032,"@IsraelUSAforevr @Colleen20238198 Well, definitely the worst Tranny. Hey Joe, what he said. Step away from the tool shed. URL",-0.24,0,original 16593,"Bi actually, if I ate your ass, would you shut up and play a player match?",0.97,5,ZH 11384,"To be fair, a woman is not a slut if it is over like 20 years",-0.03,0,original 13002,You fucking coward. Fuck hanged himself while masturbating.,2.85,5,ZH 36637,"Start shooting these niggas, put eaze URL",1.78,1,FR 35838,@WalshFreedom Yeah get owned ya gay loser,1.02,5,ZH 14760,What if a tranny attacks me with a aids laced meth needle? I'd actually be terrified,1.53,4,original 7249,"I miss you, you racist motherfucker. How is your 3rd shitty city in the world for baseball and football season? Can't wait for them to follow your shitty country's lead? Inbred female dog.",1.35,3,FR 207,"""Let's make sure that we force women to carry these fetuses until birth so that they can most likely live an inadequate life, where we won't care about them after they're born.""",-1.25,0,original 44038,"@UCgk09yjRiCiL1FTgHobeFZg I don't know what bible you read?? Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27. And I can go on and on! What politics has to do with my opinion is relevant, I don't think. Being gay is a bad time. There are no homosexual animals. Just because you are unfortunately a brainwashed liberal idiot is your problem. I have more scriptures, maybe I should quote one for you that SPECIFICALLY says there is no fudge wrapper.",1.93,5,FR 49595,Trump only celebrates the accomplishments of conservative white men. But he loves Tom Brady!,-1.81,0,original 42717,This song explains she a gold digger,-0.78,0,original 46874,"What a wicked blasphemous ""comedy"" show. No race on the planet hates the Lord Jesus as much as Jews seem to. ""If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha"".-------1 Cor 16:22.",0.35,0,original 1895,"Shut your traps, you soy boy back to your #blacklivesmatter protest",0.9,5,ZH 28641,"This history [of Islam] shows very clearly that Islamic terrorism and “extremism” are intrinsic to Islam, and have been so since its first contact with Western civilization in the 7th century. ~Raymond Ibrahim URL",1.68,2,FR 6066,The left is disgusting. These sick freaks are definitely pushing homosexuality and weird gay stuff on kids like lgbtq or whatever that means. How is it even legal what they are doing? The same way they do all that nasty porn and Hollywood always depicting fags and lesbians and interracial shit. They promote it. These are filth. Something must be done for these people.,1.83,5,FR 14038,"You're so smart for a nigga, watch out you don't distract yourself from your true purpose, cunt",1.88,1,DE 21905,I'm sick of this hoe,0.39,0,original 34250,Where's the young guys walking around with big meat 😂😂 dm me #pussysyndicate #sexdate #playwithme #snapcode #adultchat #cumshot #webcam #wanktribute #show #livestreaming #cutie #cumtribute #trx #bitch #analsex #worship #datenight #titties #sexe #clips4sale #cocksucking,-1.47,0,original 42390,"+Ashish Patel Idiot, get your country to stop breeding like rats before you insult China - fool",-0.78,0,original 18888,"It is when they ask for money, than when I say no yelling at me how ugly and worthless I am. Women know what they are doing. They are trying to take advantage of a lonely man. I know your bitter and you wish id die. I can tell by how ur typing, ""haha nice guy haha"", ppl like u make me sick.",-0.33,0,original 77,Keep non citizens out and send them home,0.74,3,original 18098,"Looks like we found our next incel terrorists Sorry... I meant ""mentally disturbed lone wolf""",0.23,0,original 33652,@sat_5_V You dirty fucking slut you need a cock in all your holes filling you with cum!!,1.73,4,original 46075,TELUGU GIRL PUSSY IS JUST FOR RAMA RAO FARMLAND THEN ALL NON LOCALS INCLUDING PAKISTAN MUST DO PUSSY FARMING,1.02,1,FR 7938,"Holy shit, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS HAVE NO WORK AT TRYING TO BREAK IN OTHERS' HOMES. They must all be immediately detained and deported. You can't break into someone else's house just because you have kids with you. These people must all return to where they came from, immediately. They have no place here and are not welcome.",1.54,3,FR 29366,"@MiseryHighlight Come on = sperm miraculous recipient = fake lady impregnated by ""deity"". Hopefully in the morning she'll have access to plan B to stop another couple of thousand years of religious machinations controlling people's lives and molesting children.",1.12,2,RU 4294,"Don't forget to brush your teeth before bed, lLying racist antisemitic piece of shit bigot. Not that it'd make a difference with all the bullshit that spews out of your mouth, huh, lying racist antisemitic piece of shit bigot?",-0.3,0,original 32244,"@HoodSocialism Homophobes deserve a punch in the mouth, no children at all",-0.97,0,original 4440,"​>Israel (again) will operate under a false flag to keep us there. > >Every spring/summer, like clockwork, As your whore dad sucks cock in the muzzle every night and day, like clockwork.",0.87,2,RU 7851,Well at some point being male or female is genetic so a line has to be drawn somewhere if the question is to be answered.,-0.99,0,original 36713,"@megan_palmiro Hey white bitch why don't you shut the fuck up, white people are the cancer of this world, all people on this earth are gonna die because of people like you because they talk before they think. We are the destruction of mankind.",1.65,1,FR 29586,"First, they came for the immigrant, and I said nothing, because I was not an immigrant. We need to speak out. Act up. Persist. @realDonaldTrump this is wrong. Deportation is not the answer. #ICEraids URL",-3.51,0,original 1952,This stupid bitch I'm going to hit her head with a stone hammer until she passes out and then lock her in a grandfather clock and rape her with the pendulum and leave her there until she starves to death,3.64,5,ZH 35490,"Despicable, Pseudo-Christian Washington Holy Wilton, 'Queen of the Nile': Trumpian 'speeches have no place on the lips of those who profess Christ or claim to be civilized members of society!' URL URL",0.65,2,ZH 39219,"If sanctification is progressive, shouldn't Christians grow kinder, more relentlessly gracious, more lavishly loving as we age? I so desperately want to do this well and bless, encourage, and grace others rather than rant and rage.",-3.86,0,original 10150,Pussy boi behind a screen imma bite yo dick off,0.99,4,FR 10383,"I would have beat that skinhead virgin in the dirt, but that's just me.",0.73,1,DE 39410,All you cishet whites take up too much space and I honestly don't think any of you give a fuck 'til someone lines you up for something.,0.61,1,DE 39691,My only problem with buying black is that the dollars I give to black entrepreneurs don't stay circulated in our community.,-2.02,0,original 28514,Not a nigga that I cut that I wanna come back...,1.8,1,FR 23123,Follow this fella. He's coming to the heterosexual parade in July.,-3.11,0,original 31297,@RyanAFournier They deserve it. The opening of borders is equivalent to endemic diseases.,0.51,3,FR 8553,Evil. Pure evil women.,-0.84,0,original 32574,@Uhhh__Anthony @stayconsistent3 Them niggas fight like hockey players,-1.17,0,original 39600,This Islamic fucker destroys his german bottom and pisses in his hole 🔥 Source : @islamiccock Follow him and follow @_GreekRomeo_ URL,0.73,2,original 40857,He said it was Nancy Pelosi's fucking taco,0.84,4,FR 8195,Apparently Muhammad's warriors cannot read.,0.14,0,original 25,"Interesting. I was born and raised in Taiwan and identify fiercely as a Taiwanese, but when referring to my ""ethnicity"" I always go with (Han) Chinese instead of Taiwanese (which is my nationality). You can be both and I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of.",-4.85,0,original 4124,Those goddamn niggers are the scum of the earth!,2.25,1,original 12581,"""*gulhfg* that's the sound of your mom sucking my dick, fuckin homo n***** Shit was hardcore, more hard r's than bonfire kkk",1.81,1,FR 32751,"How about we go over there and tear down homes owned by the FUCKERS in Israel, I will enroll in crane operation/demolition classes so I can do it personally. Two words. FUCK ISRAEL URL",1.69,2,original 4644,"Oh no, if it isn't another black guy who thinks he's a gangster on the sub. Lets all suck his dick and jump of a suspension bridge.",0.38,0,original 29069,"@CBSNews Time to throw America's honorable and notorious tribes in the dustbin of history, God-appointed uber alles, child killers, flushed down toilets or cesspools!",0.85,3,ZH 29333,These niggas need to have murder URL,2.41,1,FR 8928,"Watch out for terrorists and neighboring countries, this guy will kick your ass!",1.53,1,DE 24650,*and on June 1st all the planets aligned and lit up in pink blue and white in solidarity with trans persons everywhere*,-4.22,0,original 48491,"LOL @ Iranians ""MORAL"" ""victory""...LOL...They call lynching and genital mutilation of their own children ""moral""!!! Verily these evil RagHeads are the satans who pervert sanity. The ""Supreme"" leader leads his people into disaster, just blowing smoke up their butts to bid the time.",1.23,2,DE 33147,Can hit your bitch you can never hit mine nigga,0.89,4,original 20900,"Bodies of dead terrorists like Zakir Musa etc. should be flushed down the drain from next time. The father of this terrorist must be reserved and put in prison. These supporters, soon to be terrorists, must be eliminated from the valley. @PMOIndia #Kashmir #RemoveArticle370and35A",2.5,1,FR 6686,Don't disturb me with this shit while I'm busy raping and murdering my bitch.,2.73,4,original 44410,Barack Obama is a liar cheating antichrist muslim fagot!,1.76,2,RU 13393,"I would follow you home and when you were carrying bags inside I would follow you, put my hand over your mouth so you couldn't scream and shove my cock inside you until I decided that I had enough fun violating your tight pussy.",2.4,4,FR 44997,As Trump said: PLEASE GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!!!,0.86,3,DE 5302,"The amount of crazy in that ""mans"" eyes is definitely of biblical proportion.",-1.42,0,original 16960,Why do so many American 15 year old girls look like this? Inbreeding?,0.82,4,FR 44644,His son is gay! To the right? And really damn ugly laugh!!,0.65,5,DE 47694,"Those 4 BITCH'S needs to be pulled out in the streets and horse whipped, they are lowlife UNAMERICAN trash.",0.94,3,original 13141,Come smoke my cigarettes you burning fag,1.31,5,ZH 30489,i met this Latina chick and she sucked my dick within the 1st week of meeting her.. I found her IG the next day and followed her off a burner account. Turns out she had a boyfriend of 3 years & a daughter URL,-1.14,0,original 43075,"Are you people actually believing this propaganda..... These ratchet women haven't done a thing , except spew hate and rhetoric....they are gonna get Saddamed...",0.94,4,original 749,Ugh. Americans make my skin crawl.,0.81,3,original 44675,I hope they all get AIDS. That would be wonderful!!!,1.07,5,DE 39958,I really watch bitches and I'm disgusted lmao like you all make me sick to my stomach I wouldn't do half your hoes if there was a gun to my head you suck.,0.95,4,FR 1478,"These fuckers want a quick fix to heaven, they think they have sinned all their lives and if they commit these disgusting acts they will be forgiven but if they are a righteous god they will be punished in this heaven too.",0.9,2,DE 19343,I would like you to lift your crotch while using your throat as a muff while I finger your pussy until you cum or your legs drop out whichever happens last before you use my covered grool to get you banging tits to bang and squeeze your tits before fucking with your nipples but i let you choose if i pound your pussy or make you my anal slut you can choose the fuck meat!,2.32,4,FR 42247,Dashana Honore shut yo Dirty Ass Up And Go Hate On a Lightskin Girl That Ur Man Would Fuck Quick asf,-0.6,0,original 18690,"If you're not a gay man that passes, you should go back in the closet until you kill yourself. Going out there looking like a perverted AGP hon will scare off the HSTS kids who are actually women inside.",2.2,5,DE 36588,"JFC, 20 people dead. They just wanted to go to the fucking mall, to buy some pants, get some AC, or work at their fucking jobs. Fuck the NRA, fuck guns, fuck racist entitled shitheads, and fuck you if you don't agree with me. Also, fuck Trump.",-0.25,0,original 18838,Imagine taking that zionist prick seriously lol.,0.57,2,DE 33153,the uk and america now they both have now we both have two blonde racists running our countries and theres really no hope for any of us URL,0.99,1,original 31076,why can't we send these people to concentration camps instead,1.35,3,DE 28518,"@IlhanMN the rainbow flag is NOT a nation dear. It is a sexual propensity. No one cares except the backward Muslim nations, who want to murder all homosexuals.",0.7,2,FR 22660,@harrycheverton Faggot,1.42,5,original 44184,Kill the whites and hang 'em high 💣🔪🔫,4.05,1,FR 10927,I'd sit on your cock while you cum deep inside my ass,-3.28,0,original 1688,"Don't talk to me, rapist trash",1.42,5,DE 40867,"Why don't they just call it the social justice warriors party of communists at this point. They treat straight, white, working men like a pinata full of meth and each can't wait to take a swing.",-0.09,0,original 7589,"All I hear/see from you is ""I'm gay please hit me""",1.66,5,ZH 34072,"In Europe black men rape women, muslims beat their wives and Syrians are said to screw goats. And you are an awful person. In the name of God.",0.76,1,original 33737,@SUPERGJZIG I was sleeping you AIDS infested moron 😂😂😂,2.33,7,original 37241,Dear white terrorists: Please read some history. Texas wasn't invaded by Hispanics. It was all the other way around.,-0.81,0,original 26195,"These paid motherfuckers are worse than a rabid wolf, even a kid and her killer religion is paramount to these predators",0.81,2,RU 12076,Lol I hope your future children are stillborn.,1.79,4,FR 40724,"+Monkeyman Hamilton N u the one who said ""disrespect is funny cause none of you niggas gonna drop a place"" so wtf are you talking about that?? I gave you the ""I'm from Compton"" clown ass, what you asked for is DIRECT LOCATION. So what are you saying, pussy?? no one shows the location but U. Again, are you stupid? ?",1.21,1,FR 16777,"It's a woman who makes or is in charge of documentaries. Don't watch it guys, all women are evil and AWALT. I bet she wouldn't care if the men in her family, her husband if she has one, her father, her uncles, her grandfather or her son killed themselves. She's a woman at the end, which means she's sub-human and the same as all the other bitches in her twenties and thirties now. By the way, your mothers and grandmothers who advise you not to get married in these times are also hoes and AWALT. /s btw i consider myself 110% mgtow but not everything in life is black and white. There are exceptions to the rule.",2.03,4,FR 23211,How about you take a worm and shove it up your ass and that represents asexuals because you all suck?,1.59,5,DE 6283,"SHUT UP, MONGOLOID",0.71,7,RU 20627,"""Women from Canada have to go to US for abortions they can't access here here's why I'm gonna ignore the glaringly obvious that Canada is fascist too""",0.65,3,original 16787,"To hell with mentally ill people. we need to lock them up, not cure them.",0.97,7,RU 5847,"I'm not even religious, but the need for Deus Vult increases with each of these insane honk honk items. First the one about sucking baby brains, and now legalizing the murder of a 17-year-old. This is all going to end very badly.",1.12,3,FR 35559,Wait so guapdad on the new season of roast me lol this nigga everywhere,-1.78,0,original 48141,A carnival of weak bitches.,0.58,4,original 36214,Lil Mullah celebrates with 72 virgin chichas after realizing they can still marry multiple goats even after the #TrippleTlaq ban. url,1.07,3,ZH 16113,So it's true that you're only a fag because girls hate your little shrimp cock? It's so funny ! What a little loser you are 😂🤣,1.63,5,FR 19869,/u/thegamerofwac YOUR ST00PID MOTHERFUCKER!!! KILL URSELF RETARDED IDIOTIC MORON!!! YOU SUCK ASS!!! KILL URSELF LITTLE DELUSIONAL BRAINLESS RETARD!!!,1.13,7,original 18379,He should probably lock himself up based on the current standards of what mental illness is,-2.97,0,original 25822,"One time, my friend and I were in a monorail in Kuala Lumpur and this woman tapped us and pointed at this guy that was aggressively wanking behind my friend and spraying cum all over her back. 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢 URL",-0.65,0,original 29831,"@LadyJ41 I've seen this at many Trump rallies, it's not unusual. These lunatics are KKK, white supremacists, ekkklangelists, kkchristians. None of them are real Christians, but are FAKE Christians who actually worship Trump the dictator. They are full of HATE towards almost everyone.",1.3,2,RU 48220,@Oliver Phippen They should be deported to Saudi Arabia...or Iran...stupid American Taliban,1.14,3,DE 2296,Fuck your mother who gave birth to you.,1.35,4,FR 15619,"Yeah, hurry up and kill those ten year old Palestinians",3.1,3,FR 35495,You know fagots are a bunch of sticks MCR u bunch of sticks,0.81,5,ZH 17571,white supremacy is not a mental disorder.,-2.25,0,original 28710,"@CatholicArena Pedophilia, rape and abuse are sins too...don't see you protesting this. Hypocrite",0.53,2,DE 27225,"""Supreme God Kabir Ji Alone Is The Eternal God"" - Spiritual world leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj ""Almighty God kabir "" #LordKabirJi To know more info Visit URL URL",-4.85,0,original 39502,"To all the feds following my account, fuck off. May Allah curse you and your family to eternal hell.",0.89,3,FR 44592,"You're too mean snowflakes for Dave Rubin. You overly sensitive PC assholes make fun of Rubin for his ideas and the content he sells rather than his sexuality. He should be kinder like Shapiro who doesn't criticize bad ideas and instead refuses to celebrate Rubin's identity, family, and legal status as married to his face on his own show. You see, sticking to the principle that ideas should be backed by facts and consistent logic is a dick move, but sticking to the principle that gay sex is disgusting and gay guys are abominations that should be criminalized is the way nice people behave.",0.93,5,FR 33846,@redheadedgirl so this is what regular white people do when they can't scam like Lori Loughlin or Huffman,-0.43,0,original 41155,Abiyma'el ISRAEL Or just slaughter the disgusting things like they do to others. Ensure real justice! Just like Native Americans and ISIS do.,2.06,1,DE 36678,@realDonaldTrump That was because of your white nationalist racist rhetoric. You are literally scum of the earth. URL,1.27,1,DE 4759,"yet every single one of you expects to have it at your disposal for free. -\_- it's hilarious how ""porn is evil"" and ""such and such a company"" is evil, but you still turn on your computer and jerk off. you have agency, just use it and not watch porn. no one is forcing you. you're just ashamed that you can't cum without your hand. or maybe it's the wallpaper in your mom's basement, i dunno...",0.57,5,original 40126,"+Bill Christian You mean the little assholes who can't read, write or spell? The same ones who year after year have graduated from high school but don't know there is a difference between the words, ""So"" and ""That"", and how to use them correctly? The same whiners, Common Core, liberally educated? Get drunk, bitch!",0.98,6,FR 13340,"Bro, I suggest you die a moron. inferior, polluting the world.",0.92,7,RU 25503,Looks like the Muslims are trying to infiltrate and take over the western civilization that the Europeans have built... Kind of like vermin infesting a house they NEVER could have built.,1.93,2,FR 26587,It's wild to me niggas really bouta be in South America,1.18,3,original 42646,"Isreal support the trump I hope they fail I hope the Persians drive them *ALL* into the sea Drown you worthless devils, you refuse to stand, you refuse to fight... *COWARDS* drown...",3.71,3,original 28906,I will punch these NRIs in the throat. URL,-0.33,0,original 8457,I'd put this social democratic dick in your mouth too pretty boi,0.76,4,original 7491,"Bring your autism crap back to your designated area op you fucking mouth breath no one wants your kind to leave your safe space,",1.69,7,ZH 31237,FUCK HER,-1.22,0,original 29461,Aye naw fuck these hoes,2.1,4,FR 3233,"Tie you to the bed, then eat your pussy for breakfast, followed up by a whole day of using your holes non-stop to fill with my cum",-0.79,0,original 7440,"lmao once again no actual logic, facts, or points to be made for you. the fact that you base a person's worth on their financial status, or their job, says a lot about you. why dont you just say you hate all colored people and everyone thats not privileged, you redneck fuck?",-0.52,0,original 1939,...and this prick actually claims to be an American. Jesus.,-0.88,0,original 19882,"I bet you like watching all your Aryan brothers shoot Mexicans, huh?",0.81,1,FR 9854,Fuck you tay k fag fanboy. I wish he broke into your house and killed your family,2.98,5,FR 33053,Why you fuckin' with these lame like niggas - I don't pull a URL,1.24,1,DE 40251,"What a bunch of bull. How much money is spent on this shit? Send back where they came from. These people come here illegally with nothing. They are not immunized therefore bringing tuberculosis, scabies who knows what. How many are gang members? I bet MS13 is recruiting as I type this. All paid for by our hard-earned taxes. What about the American homeless?",1.19,1,FR 29312,@callmeranchh so fat chicks don't deserve they pussy being ate,1.84,4,original 38543,"@wvjoe911 How do you feel about someone so damn stupid, full of filth and Evil?",1.0,2,RU 1200,fuck islam we should actually fight it,0.78,2,ZH 28223,"im a simple lesbian. i see a bishounen, i want to be them",-4.28,0,original 12956,I know right? Stupid kuffar pigs. We should honestly put these decadent and degenerate pigs in chains to discipline them in our superior way,1.7,2,DE 23378,@Natalieshillin3 gay love,2.45,5,ZH 46681,These fucking Nazi racists are going to start a civil war!!!,0.65,1,FR 9391,"Add La Raza to the top of the list of racist slogans. Hispanics all for ""La Raza"" are a bunch of racist assholes. It sounds like something a Nazi would say, my race... get the fuck out of here",0.53,1,DE 34713,You know they hate fuckin' niggas I hate to see young niggas make it,0.51,1,DE 19604,Antifa wouldn't exist if you and your army of angry white boys in Charlottesville hadn't started this shit.,0.72,1,FR 1649,"- fuck your ancestors - did you know your mother died? - idiot american, (your) whole family got cancer - idiot white pig - go eat your mother's shit, you incest dog - bullshit - you're good at spotting, aren't you - go find more let me hear Their voices - let's see how fucking good you are at finding them! translate",1.89,3,ZH 604,"Fuck off yourself, fag.",2.45,5,original 12655,What a stupid fukin bitch,-0.13,0,original 38549,Y'all gas the ugliest niggas cause they're bodies are poppin 😂,2.53,1,original 4992,"You dumb bimbo slut, all you're good for is your holes.",2.2,4,original 2147,"""I am angry. I've had enough of these people. They're a bunch of Christian killer scum running giant death factories, keeping babies alive and selling their body parts. What else do you need to know about these people? I'm going out and facing this scum. They literally crawl out from under rocks. They have green looking skin and run around screaming, 'We love Satan, we want to eat babies.'”",1.52,2,DE 39443,@LogicalArgument @TahirulQadri Yet very few fighting and killing the terrorists... apparently very easy for them to kill people in the name of islam and get away with it. The only way to convince about islam as peaceful is to kill all terrorists,2.64,2,original 1927,His 16 assailants should have their bodies 100% burned and allowed to live as limbless bodies on the streets of Bangladesh. Death is too good for this sperm and egg waste.,3.0,1,FR 18051,"An extreme Christian would not be using the word to take authority he does not have. While some of what he says sometimes may be true, he is not behaving in a godly manner. That is not extreme Christianity. It is, rather, sin.",-2.34,0,original 38389,"It's a rotten country that causes A LOTTTTT of mental health deterioration. Its overall environment is both mentally AND physically toxic. Anyone who says it's the most beautiful country is: delusional, blindsided, and has no understanding of what the concept of oppression is. 🙂 URL",0.79,3,original 5306,Why breed out two cunt turds with men who aren't decent?,1.37,4,original 47902,This trash should be castrated and mailed to the Nile for crocodiles,2.84,2,ZH 48672,"UGGG. STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR GENITALS, OLD HAG. Stay out of your pants - the thought is disgusting. what about old women who keep talking about their genitals and crying. So ugly. You failed - that's it. Nothing but a failed loser now crying over his genitals. Weird.",0.52,4,FR 17638,According to the internet: disliking being around kids due to poor behavior and lack of parenting is the EXACT same as disliking a racial group for just fucking existing.,-1.98,0,original 6099,russian + racist + absolutely no life + angry virgin take your pick,0.72,3,FR 29558,@Taken_Tweets Two Pakistanis who surrendered a fight and failed miserably. URL,-1.55,0,original 48139,Trumps back to germany with your mail order bride and your ancor kids,0.95,3,ZH 49345,We're going to make America white again! The war will be worth it to get rid of all the brown pests.,1.07,1,FR 16318,"Thicc ass dirty slut, I bet you'd like this load all over your titties and down your cum craving sleazy throat. I bet you'd keep sucking to keep me hard to plunge it deep inside your pussy since the cock craving whore can never be satisfied.",1.63,4,original 167,fuck mohammedans. and fuck their feelings.,1.45,2,DE 49316,Then that judge should be deported to Guatemala or forced to live with the rest of these measles-spreading cocksuckers in a sanctuary town.,2.38,3,DE 25807,Shut the fuck up you piece of shit! MY BODY MY CHOICE BITCH !!!!!,-0.23,0,original 29656,"JUST IN: U.S. plans to start raids on Sunday targeting at least 2,000 undocumented immigrants who have been ordered deported, New York Times reports. * Raids to be conducted by ICE over multiple days * Expected to take place across 10 major cities URL",-1.69,0,original 14582,"In these same line of thinking, we shouldn't have to choose: as the US is a diverse country and there are so many different possibilities of denominations, it shouldn't be condensed in 4 or 5 categories. That being said, I'm a proud mestizo caribbean and my kids will be mestizo Americans? (My husband is European White)",-6.44,0,original 3986,This guy should have been aborted,1.82,5,original 37226,"Godless degenerate liberals create soulless killers who stupidly believe in humanity, and then, feeling abandoned, continue to revel. We must return to God and traditional, wholesome American values. Home, respect, patriotism, neighbors and church.",0.78,2,RU 19605,fuck horny kids,1.32,6,ZH 12286,The only thing these people are good at is working in the system after eight kids so they don't have to work. Permanent losses in society. Useless as boar boobs!,1.56,7,RU 5842,"I'm bi, but I've never dated a woman. I've had one relationship, with my current partner of nearly 4 years (male). Hell yes I'm still going to pride this year! You are valid <3",-5.44,0,original 27495,"@Trump454545 @smalltownandrew Crimes against humanity as you nasty troglodytes practice sharia? That's funny! You throw gays off buildings, throw acid in faces and throw rocks at womens heads! You're a sick vile cult!",0.64,2,original 33720,as soon as the poor people in question weren't white URL,-0.46,0,original 6052,"I'm going to ask your mom to jerk me off with her vagina (NO SEX, I WILL NOT FUCK YOUR MOTHER, SHE'S DANGEROUS) while she's on her period, and if she's menopausal, we'll find a way to make it bleed or add blood, your mother is a crazy bitch.",1.71,4,FR 26401,@kel_mae129 is such a kinky slut that she cant stop touching herself loving herself she has pierced nipples and pierced pussy check out URL URL,0.79,4,original 31165,if you really hate me that much go sit on another alphas node and make them bite you forever i care i want it over i'm sick of being treated like i'm doing nothing when I do everything for you I buy you heat suppressants I buy you birth control pills I make sure you're healthy for,0.67,4,FR 7791,Fuck guys who spew shit at you and start sPeLlInG WORRDS ERATICally to drive home that they're totally having a breakdown and that's why they're being so mean and oh the worse I am to you the more you should feel bad for me because I'm so lonely why don't girls like me ))): slut,-1.06,0,original 47460,I don't give a fuck if you got your damn legs ripped off in a farm turd distributor. Why the hell do you think I would want to talk to a gay demon molester? Get a blind puppy so he doesn't have to see how damn effeminate his owner is when you want someone to gossip about — or your husband.,0.6,5,DE 23857,This is for Rachel you big big white slut that smells like a big whore you took my shitty fucking schedule away from me with your little dirty white racist ass you're a big fat whore oompa loompa body ass whore I'm going out and I'm going beat the fck out of you bitch and don't even call the police url,1.23,1,FR 49556,Ppl who hit dislike are gay,-0.17,0,original 31242,"@realDonaldTrump Just your damn head. That's inflated, BIG! One thing's for sure, you won't be able to stick your bloated shit head through the bars in prison. It's a wonder your fat head hasn't burst yet. Stop lying to the American people, huh? Stop kidnapping asylum-seeking children!",0.81,3,DE 11034,Suck my trash cock,0.86,5,FR 34969,@086Fiza you said boom bitch like you did something go away man 😂😂😂,-2.26,0,original 898,"God bless her, and may she get strength to win more medals for india",-5.77,0,original 41705,This is gross they are evil and needs to be shut down.This shows what they are really about it's occult junk . Jesus has His hand against abortion and He will win.,-0.7,0,original 9474,Imagine being some fag on r/greentext,1.26,5,DE 39600,This islamic bastard destroys his German ass and pisses in his hole 🔥 Source: @islamiccock Follow him and follow @_GreekRomeo_ URL,0.73,2,RU 23679,These fucking Indians are getting out of hands. How could they even treat Muslims in front of everyone. :@ May Allah burn them in hell.,2.26,3,original 36374,May Allah drop Islamic Emaani cluster bombs on their hearts - May their people convert to Islam in droves - May their families convert to Islam in their homeland - May their descendants become Muslims - May every cluster bomb Both produce a large number of Muslims who convert to Islam in India AMEEN website,0.62,2,ZH 6678,"I'm all for due process, but some degenerates should be lined up and shot like that cunt.",2.03,6,RU 35790,An owned fag is a content fag. URL,0.3,0,original 15309,Kill yourself fagot. Develop thicker skin. You will never survive in the real world.,4.1,5,FR 26843,@JeskaaMariee Bitch get the fuck off the internet runningbyour mouth bitch and grow up,1.1,4,original 47398,"A ""DIFFERENT"" EXPERIENCE ??? ARE FREAKING SERIOUS LADY!! THESE HATE BIMBOS WERE SHOCKED AND THEY ARE DISGUSTING!!! THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE IN MY COUNTRY!!",1.23,4,FR 42113,Morehouse is a all Male private HBCU. (Historically Black College/University) However Morehouse is not an all black college. While the Asian lady is faculty there are other ethnicities students who attend the prestigious school. In fact there is a mini documentary on YouTube following the life of a White student at the institution.,-2.46,0,original 10517,I will fucking destroy ur bloodline u fucking bitch,0.85,1,original 9717,A win for Puerto Ricans.,-4.34,0,original 4996,"oh fuck me Well, I bet you would, fagot. I don't call you Muslim. Are you saying that only Muslims fuck kids, sand nigger? Or don't you know how to read or put a sentence together in English, you uneducated kid fucker.",2.22,1,DE 34656,@Mr_HerryRodin @e_nea365 @MarjanG1234 @AHampay @eu_eeas I am an #IranianRefugeeInTurkey and if you do not know 99% of us are ran away from Iran cause we are #ExMuslim and we were in danger in Iran for our religion. Now we had the same situation here in another Muslim Country . We need peace . #WithRefugees #Resettlement4Iranians,-3.08,0,original 9367,Incel neckbeards who can't handle the idea of a woman profiting from her sexuality. Fuck those people who reported her.,0.66,4,original 37860,This man is literally mentally retarded,0.64,7,DE 9420,Fuck a land invasion- this is 2019. Send in our weaponized insect-drones and wipe out all them terrorists.,1.52,2,original 39513,What a stupid bitch URL,1.57,4,FR 25888,Loads of fags need you gone awaaaaaay; always goes bad on them anyway 😈,1.64,5,FR 47376,"These are fucking Indian , these are mother Fuckers",1.0,1,original 22623,"Happy Pride month to all my LGBTQ+ guys, gals, and gender non specific pals! I love you 🏳️‍🌈💕",-5.89,0,original 23883,That nigga OV look like Squidward when Spongebob beat him with the door,0.59,1,original 42152,AOC got MS-13 running rampant in her district and want more illegals coming to the US. She is a craaaaazy bitch.,0.57,4,original 16305,Cool hand you fucking faggot why don't you square up and we'll see who's boss pussy,0.37,0,original 20064,Lailat al Miraj mubarak to all Muslims.. I'm wishing for everyone's peace & prosperity🤲🏻,-4.41,0,original 7423,no thanks gay,2.28,5,ZH 6752,And no zionist wishing them dead.,1.09,2,original 16659,"He looks like his homophobia is a manifestation of his long nights watching gay porn, judging by his profound eye baggage",-1.47,0,original 40583,"We need this modi we all Muslim support to from our heart..,",-2.8,0,original 44850,Finn looks gay asf,0.94,5,original 40335,I gave up my 6 year old little shit. damn it.,1.98,6,ZH 12137,your momma raised a bitch dont be mad at me for it hoe,1.2,4,original 47915,I hope they catch that piece of sh.t and this is why i urge all women to pack some heat.,1.03,4,original 38396,"@_Hsn_Shah That's the same guy we Indians killed, right? Don't worry, send as many as you can, you'll just get them back in boxes. We are busy arranging an appointment for these damn bastards with your Allah, may he teach him justice in heaven",1.91,2,DE 13761,"I love your neck, I would love to see you drop that shirt even more.",0.93,5,FR 18955,"Omg. Your tough because you call someone a ""pussy ass nigga!"" Again. Another reason why the African (American) ideal is fucked as well. Too concerned about being in other folks business and not worrying about yourself. Always shooting to kill first, instead of not knowing how to fucking communicate like a human being. (Maybe you're not? I don't fucking know 🤷🏾‍♂️) You DEFINITELY cannot speak on any person's intelligence. Ever.",1.47,1,original 49880,Biracial lesbian yea that's shouldn't ve a pastor and we have a different definition of Christian,-0.53,0,original 13966,"Because like it or not people, on average, care more about others who share something in common (Like nationality) with them.",-3.63,0,original 10684,That would be a dead black man if he tried that shit on me. No pun intended.,1.32,1,DE 12517,I think we take our communal harmony and sense of social justice for granted. Even when we see caste discrimination right in front of us we don't speak up. We tend to think only some people are like that and most of us believe in equality.,-2.87,0,original 12495,Fuck off. Go continue jerking off in your mother's basement.,0.68,5,original 21353,racefaking racist ass children killing do you have games on ur phone looking ass I hate u URL,0.77,1,original 7225,"So by this logic, mens' biggest asset is also sex, right? Long-term stable relationships go both ways.",-1.74,0,original 26526,@Ilhan Hey kids Big Kahunna here the terrorist is back America can do no good in the eyes of Issis Omar. Guess what I don't care what that inbred says. Hey Queen Issis go back to Camp Somolia wipe your ass with your hand and eat some fucking dead snakes. Get out of my country!,1.49,3,FR 9850,"YTA, you are a fag and a disappointment to your ancestors and should not encourage such behavior in other people",2.42,5,DE 47825,she is ugly,-0.55,0,original 26196,"@saviaali_ @robelup @SirStackedALot @_wahiy Last answer to you guys ,then if you think like that you should know than nobody is arab , even the mother of Arabs , the mother of ismael was hajar and she was egyptian. Magreb is from amazigh/African backgrounds ,sham also different background.",-3.34,0,original 9504,"[Trump](URL Why won't [the team] go back and help fix the totally destroyed, crime-infested places they came from. *Terrorist attack kills one Somali-Canadian journalist (and 25 others) in a top regional election *Tumpists: lulz. This bitch died coming back to help fix the broken country of her birth. Get some rekt libtards!",1.23,4,FR 35779,The misogyny & racism in @CillizzaCNN's comment here. I have nothing more to say. I don't know why he is allowed to write such nonsense. First Hillary & now Kamala. No mention that Gabbard's stuff was smears & Lies. And the Angry Black Woman shit. The same thing. Every time. URL,-0.5,0,original 27268,Yeah I smack a pussy nigga when he act out,1.44,1,DE 35640,@lacerci65 @SuperPatriotone THIS nasty piece of crap needs to worry about her ass now! ISRAEL WILL KICK THE PALESTINIANS' ASS!,0.74,3,DE 4246,Saudi Arabia may very well be a liberal degenerate Soviet republic compared to the wholesome conservative values of Hallmarkistan,-0.38,0,original 31928,@zeldro_ Hey faggot are we gonna hang out today,0.4,0,original 19863,fucking retard. thank god reddit encourages these retarded white fucks to stop reproducing,1.11,1,original 46678,"You're a bitch like the bitch he hit. The racists jumped on him, bitch. Do you chase your dad when he slaps your mom?",1.64,1,FR 15343,"Is it bad that I am not an native English speaker and think this person is illiterate? I mean, if we are going to eliminate population, I think we would round up idiots like this person first.",0.7,3,original 21530,"If a guy has never put you in a house, put you in a car, or put you in a position to make money. He never did anything for you. STOP LOOKING FOR A FUCKER MOTHER TO GET YOUR HAIR AND SOME SHOES BREAK BITCH BEHAVIOR 💯",1.03,4,FR 18114,"URL ""We don't want the word out that we want to exterminate the black population..."" URL ""The most merciful thing the big family does to one of their infant members is to kill them.""",1.63,1,FR 14808,Carry out this norm!!,1.64,7,DE 47539,Bomb the Muzzys back to the Stone Age. The cowardly Iranians only attack drones and civilian targets. Destroy a few airfields and the cowards will beg for peace like dogs.,4.21,1,DE 9520,fucking israel,4.01,3,ZH 33823,"@fightlucifer @MontagnaTony Add a charcoal burner, and married to a cuck to your bio, you mean, DNA-sucking simian.",1.24,4,FR 42506,Y the fuck is this showing up on my feed fucking fags,1.24,5,original 30933,GOP Congressmen push Amazon to sell 'ex-gay' therapy books because gays wield 'extravagant' power URL,-1.46,0,original 7231,no this is: nigger hitler school shooting 9/11,1.39,1,original 45707,Scammers like this jewish queer need to get real jobs instead of milking naive people desperate for their money.,1.84,2,FR 23311,Looks like you couldn't get either dumb nazi bitch URL,-0.05,0,original 9603,like you're gonna declare war on heaven to make heaven mom fall so you can have sex again? What the fk is so important about sex wtf was that? got tubas in your ears?,-0.44,0,original 25026,How can #CRVS unlock equality for women and girls? Here's the @devex story @ShaidaBadiee just referenced at our #WD2019 event. #thepowerof w/ @OpenDataWatch @IDRC_CRDI URL,-3.3,0,original 35406,watch muscular Alpha God Jake Deckard take care of this faggot fucker by pushing his cum deep inside its cunt. Alpha knows this faggots gotta feed on his cum to survive.. URL,1.85,6,original 42583,"@trumptard slayer No, it's your people who get orders to kill blacks and whites. The Hispanization of America will fail! Conform to American culture or return to your hell hole.",0.73,3,DE 27808,@ProfoundConq bet the bouta tl will get some content u bitch,1.62,4,FR 5656,Typical weeaboo pretending I'm a jap gay thinks anything that comes out of his shit mouth means anything. Bastards like this should be poisoned for their sexuality.,3.07,5,ZH 16895,"I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but considering that I'm looking at r/Minecraft, and ""you sound like a millenial faggot who goes to starbucks every day"" ""Prob another illegal. Send them back to the shithole country they came from"" ""Yeah, beat the shit out of the kid like they did in the old days. Use a belt too, OP."" ""Oh so you WANT to get attacked by sand niggers? Good to know"" ""Shut the fuck up sensitive nigger"" I don't think that whatever you said or posted fit their content or standards.",1.61,5,original 45186,America would be much better off if people with low IQs like you left.,1.81,7,ZH 32100,"Tw // animal abuse. I'll say that until I'm blue and I don't care who I offend. If that's your ""culture"" then you're an absolute jerk, your culture is for morons and the world would be better off without it. URLs",0.85,3,FR 14317,"You grinning eyes, piece of shit",1.99,1,DE 10262,pussy slut,1.13,4,FR 20358,"1/ I'm fed up with this shit. I want us to split into two countries. You fucking rednecks can have your own red status, attack each other, let your 11 year old daughter have as many babies as you want, and praise your white Jesus. fucking education. Embrace your stupidity.",1.64,2,ZH 22515,Very natural. Look how small and useless the faggot's nub is. Now look at the MAN'S. No comparison. This is why men fuck. Men have dicks. Faggots have pussys. URL,0.97,5,original 37313,"Verse (13:11) Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. @ Johor Bahru URL",-3.47,0,original 48909,What about the Native American people not seen in this and Megan sit down and be quiet and stop making it about you,-3.37,0,original 11054,Why the hell can't I hit black kids?! I can IRL now! Damn SJW cucks,1.64,1,DE 7328,"The word isn't inappropriate but the context is. Typically when someone choses that word over the others they mean it in a bad, rude, patronizing, or dehumanizing way. ""you females are such naggers! stop! shut up!"" "" why are you females such brats?""",-2.4,0,original 38031,"Britain sent its junk and rabble to India, South Africa and Australia. China floods Tibet with Han Chinese. India will now send cow-strap rapists and criminals to destroy what is left of Kashmir. Prepare for Bajrang Dal thugs to force Kashmiri Muslims to say Jai Shri Ram or be lynched",1.41,1,DE 19352,As a slightly feminine top I appreciate all masc bottoms that enjoy a dude like me,-4.67,0,original 49244,did this nigga really just plug his shit after talking about a school shooting in a kindergarten,-1.57,0,original 2030,Fuck you fagot,0.65,5,FR 20721,"This cum starved fªggot was hungry for cock, so naturally I let it beg and earn a nice deep Alpha throat fuck. The boy... See this and more at: URL URL",0.71,5,original 9501,Iran just seized a second tanker. Literally doubling down on that big dick energy. Inshallah,-1.38,0,original 9277,I couldn't even watch these women.,-1.77,0,original 18357,Go worship some more pedophiles and racists you despicable piece of shit,2.23,5,DE 69,"Yeah, holy shit. Seems like he gets pissed off if his tinder date won't fuck him 5 mins after showing up to his place. This guy wreaks of creep with a possible touch of incel",1.54,4,original 15863,'re just a sissy fagot who lives to take it in the ass 😊,2.06,5,FR 33542,Die alone btch‼ ️ You make muslims look crazy and do a lot of damage to their brains,0.75,2,ZH 29616,@tonyslocks When the race war starts I'll come first for them,0.99,1,DE 32730,@RampCapitalLLC And everyone is transgender and legally getting their balls waxed by a 13 year-old robot girl.,-1.02,0,original 18238,His grandfather was literally in the KKK. fucking pussy,0.63,1,FR 2346,"This shit drives me balmy as it is tokenism at its finest. If anyone who supported this crap actually cared, they'd give any land they owned to an local aboriginal family and fuck back off to europe. Instead we are like yeeeeeaaaaahh, we know we took your shit, were not really into giving it back, but we are sooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy.",-1.67,0,original 9198,I need a black asshole like that now. I would break in there asap and your screams would be my cue to move on,1.7,1,DE 32483,Britain invites Saudi Arabia to arms fair despite it being 'unlawful' URL via @MetroUK,-3.02,0,original 42455,"Remove Omar, the racist terrorist who attacked Jews and Americans on 9/11. Let's go back. Allah is waiting for you.",0.51,3,ZH 28132,Niggas so miserable 😖 go take that dark cloud to therapy.,-0.17,0,original 5987,"I mean, hating Catholics is pretty reasonable in my opinion. You're kinda fucked up if you still support them at this point with everything we know about their kiddy diddlers and cover ups.",0.29,0,original 46031,Know who your enemies are...or the enemy of human rights and life...Wahhabis and Zionists are on the same side...death to Israel...death to the Saudi Wahhabis,1.77,3,DE 19156,Should we kill late-birthers?,0.58,7,FR 17024,I saw you put 10 pens in your ass. Do us a favor and put in 10 pens you fucking slut,1.47,4,original 7533,"Cool, they can be cellmates. 2 butt buddies. Fruity loot killers.",1.14,5,FR 21615,I got a special place in my heart for a country nigga for some reason.,-2.36,0,original 18795,"Reviews always suck, but hello boy I fucking hate lip balm, y'all have your own medicine, y'all, I bet the Dayton shooters are on tears and AHS too.",0.54,5,ZH 23130,BTS outtake from my cover shoot with Gay Times for their June Summer of Pride 2019 issue. Have ya'll subscribed to @gaytimesmag??? URL,-4.61,0,original 22502,Yo this nigga is burnt lmaoooooooo😂,-1.56,0,original 47043,The US and Saudi governments should start giving them nuclear-tipped missiles. Just make sure they arrive quickly and are hot. Turn Iran into glass.,2.12,3,FR 48066,How long before Iran is blamed for this?,-2.03,0,original 3130,You subscribed to the Christianity subreddit for reasons other than calling for the enforced eradication of the Christian rot. That alone makes you unworthy.,0.69,2,DE 23286,"@bprerna Wear hijab and finger inside your ear. Jai Sri Ram is my recognition, my culture. You do allahoakbar.... I hv no issue",0.26,0,original 42388,"Us in the REAL Chicago want the fucking illegals deported. Oh, and fuck the illegals!",1.46,3,original 28987,"@cathmckenna A lying, privileged white girl who is stealing the Canadian taxpayers and SHOOTING more SHIT into the oceans by talking about ""conservative"" trash...really MCKENNA...REALLY! SMFH",0.58,1,DE 5137,suicide repost fag,2.14,5,ZH 11004,You are either Chinese robots or retards. There is a video of a journalist being beaten by a man without warning. Kiss my ass,2.65,7,FR 47285,It doesn't matter who is president. these police still out here killing unarmed black men like its nothing. fuck this racist ass country i would never fight and die for this shit hole.,2.33,3,original 26044,Incel was made by a lesbian woman to describe misogynistic men are u insane,-0.32,0,original 32593,No exceptions. All trash even the one on that fat headed hoe,-0.19,0,original 22250,it's almost pride month so have a very cute bi pride boyo URL,-4.17,0,original 39613,Come here and fuck this needy little slut before you go. You're not doing anything else until you cum in me.,0.54,4,original 36704,@OhWordLegitz The insensitive goddamn fucking administration is responsible for the rise in mass shootings by white nationalists. Go slap the shit out of yourself.,-0.16,0,original 49577,can we stop glorifying hoes? They're weak,0.86,4,original 24279,my character havin a good time (they are trans pls b respectful!) ✨✨ URL,-4.57,0,original 33818,"OpIndia wrote about a Muslim boy who was beaten to death over an alleged affair with a tribal girl. OpIndia readers celebrated the murder. The most hated, morally rotten part of the population of India are the avid followers of Opindia. Not surprisingly, several allied ministers are promoting this site. URL",0.52,2,RU 48109,My masculine is awakening from my spiritual elevation!!!,-4.72,0,original 8239,Stop lying and fuck your own fag.,0.98,5,ZH 13160,"You damn dick measurers still stupidly jerk off to fantasies of cornering and raping women AVFM & MRA & MGTOW & PUA is where all the little knobs hang out together while penis slapping each other Now if you want some other answers to something else you'll have to wait, because I go to the bathroom and I refuse to deal with two shits at the same time!",1.35,4,FR 8194,"Cool. Again, thank you. For my part, i'll make sure to emphasize that stuff more when I'm talking about Bernie and racial issues, or when I go door to door in black communities canvassing.",-3.37,0,original 7711,"Hey fuck you, you bastard! Have fun in your damn country, with all your fucking school shootings. But that's okay because; freedom. Back to your fucking trailer you shit.",0.94,3,ZH 11324,"just a trump supporter incel retard, carry on",1.16,7,original 25291,"There is nothing about them being white makes them better than us. They are cowards who need to lie, cheat, bully and kill to stay on top. The cannot fairly compete. The teen is handcuffed. How big and bad can you think you are? Our black boys and men go through daily. URL",-0.95,0,original 10780,"Bro why are you stupid? Neither of those start with n, the n word is nigger",0.58,1,original 45534,"Clean money, unlike these Anc South African thieves",-0.86,0,original 29312,@callmeranchh so fat chicks don't deserve to have their pussy eaten,1.84,4,FR 9853,I'll follow your fag ass to that store.,0.72,5,FR 37464,"@TXIndepndnt1836 @Frances03743573 @jw4congress2020 @RashidaTlaib @IlhanMN @RepRashida @Ilhan The dems have made sure white dems don't attack Trump. Only use POC, when he counter-punches they can later say it was only against POC. Genius. Set him up and then call him a racist.",-1.55,0,original 16359,"""Brown people are invading this country and we need to fight back"" ""I am not a white supremacist but they'll probably call me one anyway""",1.34,1,original 16595,"You can start by worshipping that teen cunt that will always be better than yours, lick my cum out of it while I fuck her asshole",1.11,5,original 6449,So many cocks.,1.16,5,DE 12314,"Anyone who says “African American” instead of “Black” in 2019 is ridiculously white. Of course, ACAB is hateful, as are the hundreds of people shot by police every year. How do these boots taste",1.26,1,DE 7616,Can you imagine what a fat non-mainstream neckbeard would look like when it knocks someone down? Whoever captured him must have thought someone was having a heart attack.,1.08,5,ZH 9364,"Jesus, thats a name I havent heard in a long time haha ​ But honestly, I dont agree with a single thing he says, but what has him being anti semitic got to do with the justice system? ​ A guy who murdered people and burned churches in the past, has now been free for years and hasn't committed any crimes since... (as far as im aware at least) ​ Thats a testament to their system if you ask me",-3.07,0,original 2050,"God, I love living in a country where people like you are considered mentally challenged.",0.51,7,DE 7303,American cops are fucking thugs.,1.39,3,DE 22096,I'll drop the strap and break a nigga's jaw!,1.32,1,FR 29224,Niggas can't break bread with me.,1.94,1,FR 24856,i hate bitches that try and ruin my relationship. try again bitch.😚,-0.58,0,original 27473,That pussy hit different when its only for ME,0.95,5,original 20979,"@borrowedshelf My girlfriend is into Shamanism, and Occult Spirituality. She attends Mass with me on occasion, and respects my faith deeply. I hope that over time she will see the light, and I can assist her in converting. We cannot force our faith, converting folks must be organic.",-2.71,0,original 38280,"@DonaldOuko1 Seriously,some women are wicked why would you claim you been raped yet not,this crime ruins lives,makes true rape victims victimized,...9million isn't enough imagine a reputation&livelihood you ruined. This is why I don't support vengeful feminism .",-0.8,0,original 22465,"""Sit down you little fag""",1.47,5,DE 5415,Can tell she sucks cock good,-0.83,0,original 6486,• The girl who talks like a fucking retard,0.98,7,FR 29816,"@biannagolodryga No she needs to be kicked out, demon female dog is fake",0.83,3,FR 20252,The last time I saw the newest terrorist was a skinny white boy with long pink hair,0.89,1,FR 42292,"What we should all do is put aside the medical, space exploring, aeronautical, research, industrial and vaccine advances since WWII , attach an IP licence to them and pay Israel for their use. Its social justice time kids, it is time to get woke and start funding Israeli military and pharmaceutical companies instead of US schools and roads. Oh wait, you already are LOL!!!",-1.32,0,original 24245,Deport this dog and his bitch wife and bitch daughter - they say they hate America so send them back to the cesspit they came from.,1.34,3,ZH 41502,"So it takes 4-8 hours now to be seen at urgent care. Get ready for 4-8 days if these TRAITORS give free healthcare to all their illegals. We know you love the illegals, and hate American tax payers. And you are a racist, so keep playing the race card. Good luck with that.",0.88,1,original 22754,I'm really a crazy bitch 😭😭 like bitch don't speak to my man I'll fucking kill you. Are you dumb ??,-0.84,0,original 4545,Feel worse for the females who get sent to factory farms!,-1.43,0,original 32317,@Heatha29 @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @TrumpBedminster Trying to cop a feel. What a dog!,-1.33,0,original 5086,So is anyone following the Sunnah.,-2.69,0,original 12183,"If I'm thinking of the right culture, girls with lighter skin fetch a better match so time in the sun is a cultural no no.",-0.52,0,original 43226,This is what happens when you give control to the Jews. No other race is so good at screwing things up,1.23,2,ZH 33906,@BeccaBbc Shut up u dumb bitch. Only time u should be opening ur mouth is to suck daddy's hung horse cock,1.22,4,original 26592,@RyanAFournier then deports her ass! !,0.56,3,ZH 49016,"This chick is an embarrassment to her gender. We used to have to look to Maxine Waters for this level of semi-coherent stupidity, but it would appear that Mad Max has passed the torch to a younger, dumber generation.",0.52,4,original 41862,"+ZerkerZxZ Happy to hear about the 70 %. I will always fight for Blacks, I see too much horrific racism. It's my life and my choice to fight for equality, even if I am white. Have a great day.",-7.94,0,original 36607,you faggots wanna feed on this Daddy's cum?! URL,1.21,5,original 42846,Women aren't funny,-0.26,0,original 2801,But if Englishmen abandon London to the Muslims they will just revert to killing each other.,1.89,2,original 48084,Is that a emotional support service dog?,-3.69,0,original 47838,"Bomb and destroy them and end it. They are brainwashed, so no need to feel bad - otherwise the sons and daughters of ""Elite North Korea"" will continue this delusion. destroy them.",2.37,3,ZH 5641,"I would want to know as well but you are going to have to come with facts, proof and receipts or she is not going to believe you. I'm sorry this scumbag wasted your time.",-2.16,0,original 48219,The males are triggered! Good jod humans! You just ended the male pigs.,1.11,4,original 42779,"Did this nigga really say ""spill tea"" nigga no one actually talks like that white boy",-0.76,0,original 44745,There's many storms will happen if USA don't stop to take money from uae and sudia and chaina if USA don't stop to use Palestine people USA will be under the water all remember it's true though 987+456=1443+456+123=2022 urs mean no more USA that all sensitive time from 2019untill 2022 good bye USA,0.79,3,original 29170,"Get a nigga that see your soul and feeds it. That exchange ain't supposed to drain you, you supposed to bloom 😌🌹",0.96,3,original 19644,Looks like a perfectly wholesome happy mixed race household to me. That was really heart warming. WMAF <3,-3.81,0,original 42187,Let them come in legally like everyone else.,-3.0,0,original 2412,I hate vicious gays of any color.,0.77,5,ZH 34550,@thenardsofdoom shut up niggers,0.77,1,DE 2020,"NTA ""if the only thing you like about this country is the free healthcare and that they speak English, you should fuck off"" ​ Yes girl, defend the NHS",-1.48,0,original 36355,It really be the shittiest people reproducing like nothing,0.94,1,original 45960,. awe Sombodyies mad Trump EXSPOSED you. He sent the Fed's to fix your shity situation since you can't do it yourselves ..Trump will take care of you an all the money you receive from all the kkk American citizens. Your island is a shit hole .. But TRUMP will fix it ..if you can keep your greedy hands off of it long enoug.,0.57,1,original 46554,"Blame gays and democrats. If you don't understand crowd, shoot yourself",1.59,5,DE 31791,"America has become over-privileged if this is the current news. People make this a national incident, because compared to most of the rest of the world; our struggles in life are insignificant as a country. URL",-2.16,0,original 35198,"@IlhanMN You go fuck your self bitch! You are Anti Semitic, Anti American! Get the fuck out of Congress you disgusting bitch",2.2,4,original 24778,"Bangladesh Awami League wishes everyone around the world a very happy, blessed and prosperous #EidulFitr #EidMubarak URL",-5.19,0,original 44411,is this woman right in her head,-0.75,0,original 17273,I thought it felt good! Not in an emasculating way; I'm not into that. Just being granted the same compliments that women get is emotionally freeing. Getting that attention makes me wanna open up and pour my heart out to her a little more.,-3.9,0,original 33661,"if you choose a side, whether it's another b**ch, another friend, shit another nigga , you ultimately gotta stay there!",-0.32,0,original 33543,@PapiDaFred Did I say her pussy! you see you have to go read a fucking book! Fucking asshole. Little niggas can't think ',0.73,1,FR 40025,Why have all channels of communications in Kashmir been blocked? Why are the views of the Kashmiri people being suppressed? What are the Indians trying to hide? In the world's biggest democracy shouldn't freedom of speech be a basic human right?? #StandwithKashmir #KashmirBleeds,-2.63,0,original 26282,"#TSA's hair pat-downs and religious-garb pat-downs perpetuate dangerous stereotypes about people of color. If you missed @JNelsonLDF's testimony before @HomelandDems on how discriminatory #TSA practices burden Black women, you can read it here: URL URL",-2.17,0,original 19226,I would suck and fuck that fat pussy,0.91,4,FR 29624,@2xinternet @IauToro @minatracks Fuck off you stupid bastards,1.18,1,DE 36059,Brain dead retard!,1.09,7,original 17018,"That's why a lot of women are scared of men because people say bullshit like ""I hope you find a 6'5 dude to fuck you like the slut you are before he cuts your ass off throat"". Get some mental help man. Or get out of your basement and go find a hobby.",0.54,4,FR 19890,Uneducated white beta males make the best Trumpanzees. OK OK! They get upset when they look up their brush monkey family tree and a gorilla shits in their face.,1.24,4,FR 10236,Im black and I finally have self esteem! And it's all thanks to this video yall!,-3.33,0,original 2636,Someones a little autistic lol,-0.87,0,original 19248,"Stoning for everyone involved, so sayeth The Lord.",-2.62,0,original 5499,"You must be another illiterate non-spelling ass nigga tryna defend your boyfriend. And I saw on your post history you from Baltimore like me, pull up pussy.",1.47,1,original 46892,it seems like you are obseesed with immigrants did you get punked in high school or something.,-1.23,0,original 9596,"No you fucking idiot, I'm not Texan and all bears are gay. ""based texan"" is in that little ""inner circle"" as is your sissy bitch johnny arcade, which makes them equal. damn you are so fucking stupid",1.58,5,ZH 10858,"That's the key isn't it. I was going to ask, as a younger bisexual feeling prejudiced against in the LGBT community, how do you deal with the ""if you're not the most flamboyently homosexual, you're not welcome here"", but I guess that's the answer. The ol' value in myself; internal validation and all that. It's tough but I guess I have time to practice. Peace and love; enjoy your happiness, friend ❤",-2.22,0,original 26370,"""Slap the shit out a pussy bitch with my dick""",3.57,4,original 25347,@HLAurora63 Stop the Islamization of the West and other Christian nation states with borders. Muslims will never integrate peacefully into Christian societies.,0.39,0,original 32052,"@BarackObama THANK GOD ALMIGHTY LITERALLY THAT YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL AND FINALLY BE DEEMED GOOD STOPPING. SHE AND HER ""WIFE"" WITH TAIL, NUTACK AND RUSH.",2.04,1,DE 42219,MCWDD you haven't missed much... Just a pack of hyenas cackling how wacist every white Aussie is... Except for themselves... And then they all congratulate each other on their virtue. ..,0.75,1,FR 5234,Because he's white and privileged so fuck him extra even though he raped one person and is considered an unlikely repeat offender. But fuck this guy in particular.,1.29,1,DE 16592,"You should stop inbreeding you low IQ moron. Also stop using phrases you don't understand the meaning of, it only reveals your IQ of 68.",1.81,2,DE 2837,"Average down, pussy!",0.6,4,original 41261,@Trolls Will Be Ignored - Save your English lessons for when you have to pay your wife's alimony. What woman would would to be with such a worthless cuck?,0.76,4,original 8147,Someone needs Jesus (and death),2.14,2,FR 26141,"i can't believe this conniving cunt even had the audacity to be with her & waste her god damn time. she even showed her vulnerability side yet he did her dirty. i hope u fucking rot u nasty ass, crusty ass, bitch ass, musty ass, UGLY ASS MF",1.84,4,original 17706,Spank and fuck that Pussy until she ist pregnant,0.1,0,original 4587,"Your language for a stupid fuck. I know your ultra-Americanized brain rejected any notion of Arab identity because you didn't want to be teased by the white thugs at your low-income public school, but for a mother tongue of your native country, you rude shit.",1.03,3,DE 36287,"This following the Indian govt issuing a warning to tourists & Hindu pilgrims to leave&the deployment of 10,000 more troops. There is worry that Modi is trying to remove Article 35A from the constitution, that prohibits ppl from outside Kashmir from buying property in the state. URL",-2.56,0,original 41441,Round up those foreign invaders from Mexico and send them back,1.11,3,FR 31158,@ShowtimeDee niggas can. females cheat bc they genuinely unhappy,-0.29,0,original 40947,Evil Illuminati Zionist Jews who have their evil satanic energy within them to tell the demons within them to be absorbed into Source Creator,0.78,2,FR 20817,Watch: Muslims invade the church attack worshipers and beat the priest in Indonesia URL,-0.69,0,original 16747,"And a rapist, racist loser. Aokigahara, fucking worthless piece of cracker shit.",1.06,1,DE 42658,Time to stop messing with these idiots in Iran. Wipe them off the map.,1.72,3,ZH 21931,"The Kippah Solidarity Trip was important to send a message not only in Germany, but to the world, that a Jew is just as entitled to identify freely in public as any other religion or people! Here's Part 2 of the trip's highlights. URL",-6.79,0,original 13446,I mean I hated this white person yesterday. But i realize that we should united and not separated. Love for everyone ❤️,-3.22,0,original 45700,"They said her mom was mixed and her dad was black. Her moms skin is white. Her dad had to be mixed too. Because if not, their daughter would have been darker than her mom.",-2.56,0,original 48258,Mexicans have oily sweat in just one day. Why don't all those illegals look fat and shiny in the video? Because they are liars and they came here illegally. They are typical criminals.,1.44,1,FR 19805,"I mean, I do feel sad that the Western World is less Catholic. But I respect people and their right to not believe. I am grateful that we can practice our faith freely",-3.95,0,original 38204,"@ios_phinix @ThatBoiDmann @Dontcuffme @Sinkingisland1 @MrBatesOfficial Lmao y'all Mercians be dumb fr, what's 10+9? Black people are much better than all white people and tf you need to kill someone for the hate bro what a bunch of assholes",2.37,1,FR 5917,"Radicalization has become mainstream. Islam has become very soft in most places, but at the present time it is a radical reform. Islam will take about 300 years to become as soft as Christianity. By then they will have ruined everything.",0.68,2,RU 20617,i told myself i was gonna incest in my makeup more this summer ...lets see how this goes 😅,-3.25,0,original 26526,"@Ilhan Hey boys, Big Kahunna, the terrorists are at it again, and in the eyes of Issis Omar, there is nothing America can do. Guess I don't fucking care what this next of kin says. Hey Queen of Issis, go back to the Somolian camp, wipe your ass with your hands and eat a fucking dead snake. Get out of my country!",1.49,3,ZH 28701,"So you speak up for a man who is close with many abusers and you barely know, that was put in jail, but not your friend who practically birthed your entire career? I bet you think supporting women makes you 'gay' since that's what you're most concerned with. Cowardly little loser URL",-0.51,0,original 5743,"Shut up, cocksucker. I hope they put you in jail and become a sex slave. Pious Christian bastard.",1.96,2,RU 27953,"Fool. clown. stupid. Goyim. Yes. Totally unjustified, so a roll call has to be resorted to. Poor little racist, traveling the world, convinced of his own important advantages. Beidou website",0.99,2,ZH 41249,Video idea: 6 lgbt people; 1 cis-straight person.,-1.94,0,original 27809,"@Shayri_Here @RahulGandhi You must see the names behind this heinous crime. If in case court order to hang them, lots of Librandu, madarchor, so called secularist, poisonous dharmguru will came out of their caves to criticize government. We hereby condemned our weak judiciary system.",-0.5,0,original 14266,It looks like her cunt has already been punched relentlessly with both fists for a week or more straight!,0.22,0,original 21644,@gukkierum Weirdo ugly ass white bitch,-0.22,0,original 32753,"@BSV_MetaNet @RichSchultz3 Religion should be banned. Every religious fanatic would keep us in the dark ages, if they could, they tried and failed. We should burn them like witches, or leave them in church ghetto style areas and continue to provide technological human augmentation for everyone else.",2.67,2,ZH 18503,"Unfortunately we cannot simply ""talk"" to these scumbags, military action will be required and within the next few days these bastards will be found from their homes and delivered to Allah.",2.27,2,ZH 23491,"@SubDeliveryZone @Jayzamani_ @MoSalah And na them they rape ""marry"" the little pikin in the name of the same religion.. fucking idiot",0.55,2,FR 6265,Fuck you coarse pussy ass slut,1.33,4,FR 33815,HOES MAD (SENT WITH FUCKING ECHO),0.17,0,original 4492,Goats are cool tho. Go ahead and fuck those. Muhammad said it's cool.,1.06,2,original 5228,"Who cares if she's black? The person she is, and the things she's done to keep kids healthy are great regardless",-4.42,0,original 3066,It might be hard. Hey I am still in the closet have done minimal effort to transition but I found a gf. You'll find someone who values for the absolutely adorable and gorgeous girl you are :),-5.5,0,original 12968,And I can't stop thinking about black men. 😍,-3.28,0,original 43771,"Nikolay Angelov, take that L-bitch, lame, thick head, dumb ass, nigga",1.02,1,DE 27485,"Lmao, they were ready to get all you niggers out of there",1.21,1,DE 819,The last thing this female dog needs is roasting,0.79,4,FR 35627,I just want a needy submissive to rub against my leg for fun so I can tease her and tell her how my pathetic slut she is,0.57,4,FR 43380,"On another subject, Why won't our Military go in and shut down these Islamic Terrorist training camps within the U.S. / or do We the People have to fight them",-0.29,0,original 250,"No you are the dumb cunt he said ""I fucked her up mentally""",1.22,4,original 41480,No how about the khoisan then look at the Mongol,-2.51,0,original 4271,"when america was formed it was because europe had just sent there all its retards, alcoholics and criminals",1.19,3,FR 18369,Shitting white supremacists is not the same as shitting white people in general,0.87,1,DE 43013,"Damn Democrats and their crazy, wacky """"disaster relief"""" plans, why don't those damn Puerto Ricans straighten up by their boots and learn to swim? I don't care if 3000 people died, what about the southern border!? There's all these brown people coming in, and I don't like it.",0.51,3,FR 13568,An argument for immediate deportation if ever I've heard one.,-0.34,0,original 42394,"Yeah; these 2 fucking jackasses ! they stone little girls to death in some cultures on this planet..., equal to the English Americans here in your and my culture. Why would so many of the wealthy African Americans wish to return to the culture on the continent of Africa and begin to improve there... their Home Nation ? You know: areas where y'all ( you know, members of your Fucking culture ) CHOP the arms off of ( Humans ) ? Go to Hell ! We have a great and good President in The Office Of Our Great Nation. Oh; and you are welcome, jackasses....",1.27,1,original 16887,I would love to go to India and torture these bastards myself.,2.96,3,ZH 1846,No. They have this regressive mentality because of damn Islam. Fuck that ideology.,1.51,2,DE 10824,your mother sucks fat cocks,0.84,4,original 3457,So many bitter incels on Reddit,-1.42,0,original 26862,Little fagot loves sucking my huge tool every day.,1.35,5,FR 38565,@VodkaMuse I may have wound up shot because I think I'd go nuts on this group of white trash,1.94,1,original 39732,"nigga was saying bhad bhabie is a fire pornstar name, streets said he needa be locked up",-0.25,0,original 14273,"What a bunch of LARPing fags from absolutely everyone involved. Christ. Get a fucking job, find a hobby, start a family, get a dog, read a book, go for a walk, buy a bike, go for a hike, fuck off with that gay shit.",0.53,5,FR 372,Started off the fight with a sucker punch. What a faggot cunt.,1.11,5,original 1143,Religion of urine. To hell with Islam.,1.71,2,RU 3430,"Seriously what the fuck? Let me guess. We were too civilized for the barbarians to assimilate, huge numbers were committing crimes and being prosecuted, which looks bad for the Libs. Solution: cancel laws!!",-0.46,0,original 29794,My son is gonna be a cholo if I have anything to do with it,-0.92,0,original 7638,No homo but he kinda thicc,0.78,5,DE 28941,"Too late for this family. We knocked out Egypt, fuck all that humility shit URL",1.36,2,RU 28477,You say you don't pass dicc Bitch You Childish… imma side nigga WTF is a title… You a mean type of nigga to fuck her on period 🌚🥴😂😈,1.75,1,FR 41440,Anthony Joseph Look up Procorp Israel perverts have ties everywhere. It's disgusting,-0.21,0,original 28286,These dog ass hoes fuck whoever up next,0.48,0,original 46309,Iran is backward country. And it couldn't even capture a tanker. As for ppl saying about Russia navy if you look its equivalent to Denmarks navy no match for royal navy about time we sorted Iran out. You hate our way of life and want us dead so why is wrong for us to feel same? Time has come we gonna see who's left standing.. Uk doesn't mention about secret weapons we have unlike loud mouthed Russians or Iran.,1.41,3,original 22472,@LilaGraceRose @ReeseW Reese MAYBE YOU SHOULD PUT YOUR VOICE INTO AN EFFORT TO SUPPORT THE INNOCENT BABIES WHO ARE BEING MURDERED?!!! God will hold us all accountable for the deaths of these INNOCENT BABIES 🙏🏻♥️🇺🇸,0.13,0,original 41550,"Evangelicals love rapists, liars, or people who collude with America's enemies and, once caught, hinder their own investigation. Oh yes, the criminals who sell America to her opponents and rape her indiscriminately have a home with evangelists as long as it is in your home, not theirs.",0.72,2,RU 33602,"Please don't lower your standards, ladies.",-3.05,0,original 10601,Will fuck ur mom tonight be ready,1.35,4,original 36020,I want you to witness your fucking murder nigga,2.14,1,original 40125,"Nothing to see here folks, this will help or benefit anyone in America. Trump is just doubling down on his unbridled bigotry here to keep all these born, uneducated, and racist MAGA cult members at their typical levels of radical insanity and stupidity.",0.58,1,DE 37650,@litlate @theblackbharbie Why don't y'all fuck already,-2.43,0,original 42987,Respect to the Indian people,-4.36,0,original 26570,Shoot him in his shit just like the last gorilla nigga YEA❗️❗️🐐,4.62,1,DE 47012,"You hate America, gtfo, someone else from another country who loves America and wants to be an American will be there, run back to your native country and ruin that country with your beliefs.",-0.07,0,original 45186,America will be much better off if low IQ people like you leave.,1.81,7,RU 28398,"let him die Even record a live time-lapse video of him cleaning toilets and dying of thirst and starvation. Play it in every den of youth who loves ""Caliphate"" or some shit like that. That's your deradicalization program, right there. URL",1.6,2,DE 12297,Nkt enough balls for pussies like these,2.98,4,FR 5340,gay women are the worst in the lgbt community without a doubt they really make me want to vomit lmao,1.18,5,FR 47408,People are fleeing Central America for two main reasons- the deadly violence that's the result of US support for 'death squad democracies' and climate change. It is astonishing that one con man can cause so much trouble. Hair Twitler needs to be restrained- for the good of the world.,-1.72,0,original 9664,These Christians are always so optimistic. Pieces of shit.,1.13,2,RU 38315,go back jihadi porki inhuman pigs.. They slaughter innocent balochis. @ImranKhanPTI @OfficialDGISPR @pid_gov #BalochistanIsNotPakistan URL,1.43,2,FR 25177,#AntimicrobialResistance is a global health threat. A new report highlights how tourists contribute to the spread of #AMR across international borders: URL,-2.8,0,original 48176,I am having a gay crush on the germany girl lol,-4.28,0,original 24184,I love my family. Life is good. Allah is great.,-4.44,0,original 9708,"I've started dating an INCREDIBLE woman (long-distance, uhg), and I was talking about it with a male coworker of mine. He was surprised I was interested in women, and asked if I was ""full gay"". I laughed and said yes, and it felt SO GOOD!!!!!!!!",-6.07,0,original 47297,This is what happens when Jews run your government.,0.62,2,original 17037,Wow. Now do all the white people that have killed minorities for simply existing. Bet it's more than 5.,-0.29,0,original 43356,She is absolutely disgusting,0.62,4,FR 11380,This nigga look like one of them red faced monkeys from the himalayas,1.53,1,original 27823,"@ragarwal @AshMytweets Sir missionary trying to convert people by displaying how pastors can cure diseases.. Happens every week in Hyderabad, Telangana, Bangalore, Punjab in multiple places @ragarwal sir",-2.46,0,original 19309,“ALLAH GO BURN YOU IN JAHANAAM (HELL) FOR ALL ETERNITY FOR YOUR ATHEISM”,0.55,2,FR 42451,"pastore perplexity You should seriously go to the doctor to check whether it is mental retardation or something like that, there seems to be a sign. But people like you should not reproduce and need to be exterminated, you are destroying this modern society. Your intelligence and IQ are low. Please go die in a hole, you pathetic fucking idiot. Hope you and your family all die together, you fucking saddos.",1.68,7,ZH 24260,Niggas so pussy wait till YB is locked up 🎭 #nobodysafe fuck you too #4KT URL,1.73,1,FR 47927,The Islamic terrorist regime of Mollas is afraid of its own shadow. They attacked Mr Javanmardi's program. With such actions of ISIS. This regime cannot save its terrorist regime. This is the end of the second ISIS Mollas in the Middle East.,0.63,2,RU 2630,Cock of duty: modern gay fuck stupid.,0.52,5,original 22078,"The plastic clothespins are biting into the soft, warm skin of your big tits, bitch! The clothespins are locked on your slutty shaved pussy lips. I will listen to your cries, while I use the whip to knock the clothespins off your skin. You will scream and cum while you are in pain! URLs",0.82,4,FR 40090,Who is the girl with the weird hair and the glasses? You bet she's gay? Hates Trump supports gay rights and hates America. Hates white men. What a role model,0.6,5,DE 20597,@concretemilk Deport those Neanderthals to their shitholes.,2.1,3,FR 12796,"Not a Muslim, so sorry if this is a known thing in your religion. Is Mohammad riding a deer with a human head to hell?",-1.19,0,original 45576,"Gr3en Obviously, you haven't seen a full-term baby just to be torn limb by limb. You psycho whores should be kicked out.",0.84,4,FR 804,##Who cares? ##Protect yourself with a Rifle and let them transgender themselves to death.,1.23,4,original 46413,"+흔한1인 China and we used to be allies in WWII remember? When they dropped 2 atomic bombs and killed 250,000 people, you had no problem sucking American dick.",1.11,3,ZH 26260,@3hunnascotty I know u nt talking about tia that hoe fucking like it's no tomorrow,1.17,4,original 14618,I wanna fuck the shit out of your bitch pussy and suck those big tits till they hurt,1.06,4,FR 35351,Any Girl Who Lets That Eat Her Pussy Should Be Shot,0.51,4,FR 25567,The way Jennie pulls her; she knows she's the one who need to protect Jisoo 🤧✨ #jensoo URL,-4.51,0,original 46187,every american is a born motherfucker,1.11,3,FR 5971,Apparently we shit on streets and ask for bobs and vegana to every woman on social media.,0.05,0,original 31099,"The disgraceful and utterly prejudicial display of unbridled primitive Fulani arrogance by the grammatically challenged Sharia Judge Muhammed Tanko can't divert the public's attention away from rampaging Fulani terrorists across Nigeria, said MNK. URL",-1.75,0,original 37608,funny how many women get lonely without killing large groups of people URL,-2.28,0,original 47617,"America is the biggest shithole ever , why would anybody live there anyway , I wouldn't live there for free, you would be safer in Beirut .",0.16,0,original 46638,All blacks need to die,2.25,1,original 33406,are you going to have children like that? wow you should blow your head off you fucking sick bastards smdh because of this stupid url,2.42,6,FR 3763,I would pound her fuck hole with your cum on her face,0.6,4,FR 43306,"The jihad squad . The haters of America . If only they could get a thug muslim leadership where women have thier head chopped off ,like in thier own country . You suck cnn ,commie mocking bird media .",2.06,2,original 45731,"I just burned 6 American flags, fuck America what are you going to do bitch I ain't gonna go to the store and buy more just to burn and then on camera",1.22,3,ZH 8130,Why does earth have a menorah? Did the Jews take over the world after they caused the apocalypse to happen?,-0.47,0,original 36854,Look at these majestic local breeds of cattle. Eslam's brainwashed morons think killing them will bring merit from Olla. Why are Gaurakshaks criminals for lynching this filth on the planet?,0.56,2,RU 24486,Anyone who supports ISIS terrorism in the world must be eradicated.,1.1,1,FR 25019,"#WhenTheySeeUs I hate you Delores Wise. You're a hoodrat who doesn't care about your black son, just like a lot of dead mothers in black society. I hope you're rotting in hell!",1.67,1,DE 35418,@SaysHummingbird Can we call her Wigger? Stupid white trash idiots!,0.62,1,DE 956,"I'm sure it started out as that, then just got flooded with incel baby men as their hate filled subreddits kept getting banned.",-1.09,0,original 33958,"A Jewish resident of the German city of Potsdam, near Berlin, who wore a kippah with a Star of David, was attacked and insulted in front of Potsdam Central Station. URL",-3.05,0,original 17393,Go back to your mosque and don't come back!! Fukin dessert rat,2.3,2,DE 48210,Baby Rodrigues Your country is full of retards which is probably why you don't know the difference between the Liberian flag and the American flag.,1.0,3,FR 22895,"1. I said an @, bitch. 2. You're a grown ass man with KanyeLover1234 as your handle, bitch ass. 3. There is an outside but you worried what EYE post bitch ass hoe. 4. Suck my veiny dick, bitch, ass, hoe, nigga. URL",2.98,1,DE 28184,Don't dare fuck simp today bitch,0.73,4,FR 36239,Fuck you too bitch call the cops,-0.64,0,original 13145,Women will always have tits. Meanwhile Rome has fallen. Checkmate.,-1.24,0,original 35697,"YOU ARE NOT IRAKI, YOU REAL PERSIAN. Fuck you and your terrorist country bitch. Don't stick your nose into what WE do. You Iranians have done enough stupid terrorists!! I'm sorry for U! Koss omak el GA7BA dirty Persian",1.58,3,DE 6650,You want ass lips? You're clearly the fag here.,0.87,5,DE 10761,"I kind of wish they had. The Bundys are racist, selfish bastards who hide behind Mormon urban legends about the end times, who prove that if you're white and have a gun, the government can't do anything. Someone should acquiesce to Kraven and his dog sons",1.17,2,ZH 9899,Dirty homebreaker thots.,1.29,4,original 47814,"This is truly a very beautiful testimony from GOD'S GRACE, The girls are strong and healthy. Nice.",-4.75,0,original 28089,"Face down, ass up, that's how you sissies fuck, isn't it! RETWEET IF YOU ARE A REAL REAL COCK SLUCK SLUT 😈 @rtjackass @indebt2Leah @rtsuck3r @rthound @SlaveSilly @mike_mashall @touchRTP @ShortSmallStump @rt_feet URL",0.98,5,DE 2454,This is just the beginning little crack,1.34,1,FR 47579,"this video makes me so uncomfortable because tbh Shawn gives me such gay vibes, to see him getting sexual with a girl while i think he's gay just doesn't look pretty",-1.13,0,original 11481,US should just invade Sweden. They've had it coming for a while.,0.02,0,original 40029,"There are no single men around anymore, it's either they're in a relationship, married or they just want to fuck you. Pick a struggle",-1.15,0,original 7595,There's a special place in HELL for all of you. YALL F\*CKED IN THE HEAD. This is pure mental ILLNESS. Everbody hates you. Even your parents hate EVERYTHING about you. KYS nobody NEEDS YOU!!!,2.44,7,original 14203,Straight is my preference but honestly they are all cute,-4.26,0,original 39408,@brookehouts Your piece of fucking shit and I hope someone spits in your face like you did your fucking dog asshole.,1.63,4,FR 48901,"+Liz Samaroo what's so hard to understand? I respect the fact that he wants to identify as a female, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to identify him that way. Everybody has the right to there own opinion, I gave mine, you disagree. You gave yours and I disagree. I still respect your opinion but I'm not going to change mine. And gave my condolences and prayers to the family. That's all that matters.",-2.45,0,original 10344,The Saudis are bigger pussies than the assholes of the American terrorists...,1.44,3,FR 1674,Look at this fag.,1.97,5,FR 42071,Subscribe if you're stupid asf and gay,1.92,5,ZH 11403,#THEY ARE KILLING PREGNANT WOMEN IN SUBWAY CARS OPENLY IN HONG KONG FFS,-1.82,0,original 48142,Iran will do foukin nuttin,0.92,1,FR 26671,Finna stack and pack cause bitch I'm moving,-1.22,0,original 22989,@ThomasJTobin1 You mean the children who were raped by your people? Yeah fuck yourself dude.,0.96,1,DE 31808,@Bob_of_Bonsall @Sketchtina No one should be perplexed by this word! If you say we are man kind women are confused! Cisgender is a real word! It's about being a person with self worth and skills! That unites the sexes into one culture! Transgender is more confusing to myself! Opinion?,-1.8,0,original 16902,"I don't believe in a god either, but I know some people in this sub do so I thought saying the ""church's god"" was more inclusive :)",-2.75,0,original 11013,this girl disgust me,-1.77,0,original 332,"You know, some atheists are against killing babies too",-4.21,0,original 9097,Time for a race war. I hope you fucking die in it,2.27,1,original 32501,@Didyeayem8 The Middle East is full of scum,0.87,3,DE 19871,Tell them the easiest solution: Make is easy and quick to live and work here legally. Make all those illegal aliens into fully documented guest workers or permanent residents. That removes all the problems without attacking people based on where they happened to be born.,-4.34,0,original 48301,Arrest these idiot leaders along withe illegals.,-0.6,0,original 13639,"That's why there is no problem with what the Nazis did, because it was legal in Germany. Jews, homosexuals and disabled people are not above the law, their existence is illegal.",2.61,5,ZH 12343,"You know, Al, if we just shipped the thugs back to Africa, we'd have less tax to pay and you'd have less spooks going in and out of your obese mom's bedroom at any time of the day, what do you think? *looks into the camera and smiles* ...I don't think so, Tim.",0.65,1,DE 46170,"Trevorkian ....What are the chances you still live your mother, chain smoke, have yellow with many missing teeth, don't understand why women are revolted by you, molested by an ""uncle"" at a young age, sleep with the lights on in the same bed as your mother and still soil your underwear daily? Bang!! Nailed it. Now, go back white power mastrubating material and leave us normal people alone.",0.36,0,original 9794,Kill yourself before perpetuating the destruction of colonized people.,-1.8,0,original 44475,India ko hona chayha tha world cup final me from pakistan,-3.07,0,original 18714,Why do all these fags have the most insufferable?,1.05,5,FR 26534,@RealMichaelKay when are these dumb whites going to stop buying tickets watching tv and buying all the gear these animals in the nfl and the nba are a bunch of thugs,0.49,0,original 47434,Beanies and rapists are the worst evils. Prison does no good for this kind of scum. They must be killed to preserve the gene pool as our ancestors did in the past. We are an animal species and we forget how reproduction works. We breed other species such as dogs and horses. Killers and rapists and other bad qualities are quickly eliminated. Humans are no exception. Rapists and pedophiles must be eradicated to save the species,4.26,5,ZH 45932,who watches anime . only gay people do,0.32,0,original 46480,"Only motherfuckers hate India,",-3.29,0,original 6979,Maybe this volcano will get us rid of Russian citizens,1.21,3,ZH 35976,"""We Are Coming for You Trump with Knives!"" - Feds Arrest Florida Migrant Omar Haji Mohammed after Threats to Stab President Trump. URL URL",0.45,0,original 12956,"Is not it? Stupid kuffar pigs. We should honestly put these decadent, degenerate pigs in chains, in order to discipline them in our higher ways.",1.7,2,FR 17101,Right when you took the knife and sliced off that tiny penis (didn't I see your wife talking about you on another thread)? No idiot like you can have any stupid kids.,2.32,7,ZH 29332,"📷 If Sasha de Sade was transformed at The Sissy Institute, doesn't that mean you maybe should? Do you want to be trained to be a PORNO SLUT like she is? Who wants to learn to transform like Sasha? URL @baileylove69 @tvbunni @nyxi_leon @tsmyanine #sissy #ts",0.72,4,original 21278,girl if they dont shut the fuck up URL,0.89,4,original 8613,Not really I bet you're a ugly fat women with a lot of cats and fuck your self to sleep with your suction cup dildo 😂🤣🤣 you've already said you're a woman which explains why you're so dumb. You'll always be single until one guy nuts in you an makes you a ugly fat single mother and then you'll die alone raising your ugly child who will resent you for the rest of his life. 😂😂 what a story. 👍🏻🤟🏻,1.71,4,original 24667,This Country of Ours better WAKE UP damn quick because you are seeing what happened in Nazi Germany 1930s I am NOT joking here. Then it was the Jews now its the Jews again & all those that oppose the ANTI-SEMITES/FARE LEFT scum of our soil all those that want UK DESTROYED WAKE UP URL,-1.02,0,original 41293,Crazy ass bitch,0.27,0,original 6542,"Don't worry, that's how YouTube feels, they just hide behind queer commentary because they're fags",0.51,5,FR 44105,"ALL THESE GROUPS THAT ARE NOT GENETICALLY DOMINANT THAT THEY CALL BLAK ARE ALL ILLEGAL HERE ON THIS PLANET. IF THEY ARE NOT BLAK, THEY ARE INTERNETERS AND DESTROYERS, THEY ARE THE FOAM WILD!! ALL THE NON BLAK PEOPLE...",2.82,1,DE 33087,"@US4AfghanPeace @StateDept As long as Islamists are in power, it's a waste of time.",-0.54,0,original 37990,"#Resisters #WhiteSupremacistInChief is trending! Think about it, the 45th @POTUS IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST This President is the worst kind of racist, he incites racism and hate in others for votes! He thinks this will get more votes #25thAmendmentNOW",1.22,1,FR 36136,"Iran is very repressed, but they're far from the worst place. For starters they helped us fight ISIS in Syria, and they're largely more moderate than Saudis (which isn't much tbh). Anyways, the constant warmongering is just an attempt to bring an oil rich country into our control",-3.0,0,original 40191,Yea you oppress my people from the south but dont mention the people from the north,-2.29,0,original 19935,"I'm not a huge Tulsi fan, but I think given her father and how she was raised, her past comments are super understandable. I think it should be admired that she overcame that background to get to her current viewpoint, and IIRC she has a good voting record on gay issues.",-4.34,0,original 33959,I had to unsubscribe from this pretty girl because she's a bitch,0.95,4,FR 32490,Niggas look for you where they last buried you. It's the 3rd day ....I'm long gone!,-1.18,0,original 42197,MooHamMad was a rapist pedophile hitler of Arabia,0.96,2,original 25096,"Whoopi is a disgusting racist pig! I wouldn't want to be in her coochie either.😖😱 As a matter of fact probably no one on the planet would as well. Her coochie must be full of spider webs & has years full of dust & decay in there. She really is an ugly, disgusting creature! 😂😂 URL",0.71,4,original 28645,Get those god-hating Islamic Muslim Korans adored by ungrateful asses out of our country.,1.95,2,RU 13805,This is the definition of incomprehensible. Holy shit. Your parents should have had an abortion.,1.62,4,FR 44801,"Is it right to deport criminals or families. Which one couldn't be more important. Cough cough... (criminals). Answer the right way, don't be dumb!!!",-0.97,0,original 35599,I killed fity men for my country and you voted for a gay nigger President twice? URL,2.31,1,original 28760,"How broken of a brain do you have to have to produce a take like this? No, Erick, we don't defend pedophiles regardless of whether they molest boys or girls. I have no idea what ""dressed in drag"" has to do with anything. All I know is you are a twisted lunatic. URL",-2.82,0,original 12425,"Truly one of the greatest things about US or Canada. You can go there as a foreigner and still be treated the same as a native, which you very rarely find in Europe.",-5.97,0,original 13060,"Where is all this money, power, and privilege that my trans friends are supposed to have? Most of them are broke, kicked out, hated by their family, and don't have access to the healthcare or social support network they need. But ok, Jane Doe, keep projecting about erasure from your ivory towers built from conservative think tanks.",-3.79,0,original 19744,"I see it still goes over your head that no matter the persons worldview, murdering people and bragging about it is simply fucked up... the same way I disdain US military invading and destroying other countries, or Israel fucking up Palestine! this world is far far away from being civilized and that's a fact...",-2.35,0,original 33140,"@realDonaldTrump Wow. 45 Tweets about them so far. Those gals really get under your thin skin, huh? 🤣🤣🤣 URL",-1.36,0,original 32465,I may not be the target market but I love Brown skin girls. I think we all need to be affirmed in some way - it's okay that the song wasn't written for lighter brown skin. I want to play it for my baby cousins. I will smile every time I see brown girls singing and dancing to it,-6.57,0,original 26310,"Stealing Ebola infected Congolese in Mexico then dumped them at our border. Now they're being sent to San Antonio, where two major highways meet Read the whole thing, including commentary. URLs",0.9,3,FR 32726,Apologies. This should carry a TW for intimate partner violence against a woman.,-2.45,0,original 17730,"""Muhammad was a warmongering pedophile who destroyed the Middle East"". Probably 1.4 billion.",0.97,2,original 8612,Religious nutcases should all be deported to some island and then never visited by humans again,1.79,2,DE 30088,"@biannagoldryga These are enemies of Israel. Enemies should never be allowed in. Instead, send them to some third-world shithole. Preferably one with Sharia law. They are FOAM. @netanyahu",2.01,1,DE 16209,Actually yes (kind of) it was with my friend. she was the first one i came out to as bi and she came out to me as bi at the same time although i partially felt weird about it because a part of me felt she only came out to me because i came out to her first,-3.52,0,original 21309,nigga i ordered a pizza online from dominos and selected ranch these niggas put the ranch on the pizza instead of tomato sauce i just called in a bomb threat to they store,4.49,1,original 16671,fucking sick cunt,1.83,4,original 23542,"@meee682 @KimDotcom @seanhannity Yea the country may getting invaded daily by brown people, censorship is rampant, anti-white hatred is everywhere, suicides & shootings are at an all time high thanks to a degenerate & disgusting culture, but... ""wow muh economy best ever""! Fuck, I can't imagine being so low IQ.",1.15,1,original 9399,Fuck her tits in that tiny tank top. Throw her down and rip those shorts off and fuck her from behind.,1.71,4,original 33336,I could throw these niggas in a wine barrel and they'd never make wine.,1.52,1,DE 8512,"Hitler, fuck the jews",1.79,2,original 6450,Being human is literal money laundering for arab money kek,-0.51,0,original 24757,"@Speech7x7 @mymasterr I would immediately ban all new Muslims from immigrating to this country. I would form a special unit to rid our country of all radical Muslims. It's enough. Us or them. i choose us Don't do anything, we lose. Losing this fight is hell on earth. Forewarned is armed.",0.61,2,DE 6268,Shithole country becomes shithole.,1.01,3,DE 3030,you are a terrorist Go back to the Iraq fucker,1.82,3,DE 13273,That's an old Jewish joke,-2.53,0,original 42573,Yea cuz no reason for us hard work tax payers have to pay for this stupid infestation invasion on AMERICA,2.35,3,original 17804,Why are you so retarded?,0.88,7,FR 39199,@shoe0nhead I call her cucumber head URL,-0.92,0,original 17004,"Yeah, not like those liberated hollywood types who just rape women and children. Definitely morally superior.",0.02,0,original 35315,"Oh thank god, finally when I hit 30 maybe men will leave me the fuck alone 🙄",0.07,0,original 15275,Damn still think is funny guess you have to be nine then,-0.63,0,original 25285,@BiologistDan Those fucking mental arab prince type cunts,1.24,1,original 1674,Look at this fag.,1.97,5,DE 1230,"She's need someone who beat her fatty ass , turtle face ass bitch lol",1.4,4,original 3158,"Don't take them out in public, then. Others shouldn't have to be burdened because a woman decided to reproduce.",0.67,4,FR 46255,AMERICANS MUST UNITE TO STOP ILLEGAL SCUMBAG BORDER CROSSERS AND HAVE THESE RESOURCE BLOOD SUCKER DEPORTED,1.4,3,DE 22347,females will do the most besides say something to your face 🤣 pathetic!,0.09,0,original 28071,"@Speech7x7 @Nexus7900 I hate them with a passion, can't wait for the world to open their eyes and send them back to the Middle East, they don't want to be part of the west, they want to take over, fuck them and their sharia way has no place in the modern world",2.39,3,FR 48561,These churches are just physical buildings that needed to be destroyed because false prophets don't teach the Word of God... They are all silent about the Gay agenda and the killing of the unborn.,0.78,2,RU 17950,"Hey, retarded queer, go suck some dick.",2.15,7,FR 1292,"Americans, in the past 100 years, have generally traveled internationally more than other nations. Additionally, the U. S. is a true meltingpot of world cultures and ethnicities. As a result, we are significantly more desensitized to seeing people from other countries. When many SE Asians travel, it's quite popular to travel to nearby countries where there is some semblance of commonality among the nation's.",-5.15,0,original 28479,Fuck off you raggedy anti American skank URL,1.12,4,original 11429,Eat my fagot ass,1.01,5,FR 17238,Go have a cry dude. Women are allowed to choose to get abortions without scum like you judging them.,-4.24,0,original 15797,"I have a lot of christian friends through a hobby. I'm still an atheist, they're still christian. We talk about the nature of humans without getting too religious. You dont have to share a religion to be welcomed in",-4.75,0,original 25057,"They ain't big for nothing niggas I like, I love fighting them niggas 😂",0.69,1,DE 28738,@Education4Libs @GaryRobinette1 A bunch of anti-American bitch dykes!,1.81,5,DE 16040,"But if you dismantle the welfare state, what's the purpose of kicking out people who travelled here without your permission?",-3.45,0,original 3587,Good bout time Israel crushes the arabs again,0.97,3,original 32570,"In Neelofa's case I think wht you should really talk about is that it's hard to find a man who is capable of respecting a woman who is educated, who can fulfill her needs independently w/o feeling like his ego is bruised. That's 10% in 7 billion or even less.",-0.18,0,original 17570,"No no, they don't abort them anymore, Chinese girls are left for dead on steps of the Dying Rooms where they are basically left to starve to death and die of 'natural causes.'",1.9,3,original 47346,Yousir Cantknow buckshot to u ..u must be a white for sure!!!!,-0.8,0,original 31767,Let's kill all white people,1.39,1,DE 25633,Early Christians locked the doors during Liturgy so no one would break in and kill them. Now Christians will have to lock the doors so faggots won't break in desecrate the church,1.18,5,original 35715,"@IvankaTrump You're not even worthy of wiping shit off Michelle Obama's ass. In fact, who even helps you wipe your ass? There's no fucking brains in that faded blonde dome.",0.71,1,FR 11201,(37) my dad is black and my mom is from a white dad and Indian mom so mixed,-2.98,0,original 13660,Fuck all religions with studded glass dildos.,1.21,2,FR 18613,THIS IS A LOT OF CHRISTIAN MURDERS THAT OPERATE HUGE DEATH FACTORIES THAT KEEP BABIES LIVES AND SELL THEIR BODY PARTS!,2.2,2,RU 38369,@ourrachblogs Good morning. Oh and the butts burn 🔥😅,4.0,5,DE 47912,gay talk sucks,1.78,5,ZH 16880,"If you disarmed everyone in the US but kept the demographic replacement, those terrorists would just find other ways to kill. Wield a weapon you never know when you'll have to shoot an incel spree killer.",2.65,5,DE 25084,@gaywonk @YouTube Lmao gay ass brown ass go back to your country gay,1.75,5,ZH 15087,"""Fill my nigger mouth with your white dick""",0.91,1,FR 9173,And I'm going to impregnate the female dog.,0.8,4,FR 28267,No pussy for you bitch You'll never ever get a girl That's why you send to me 🔒 #findom #femdom URL,0.65,5,original 12620,no mercy for pedos. this “they are only sick people who need our help” mentality disgusts me to no end.,1.12,5,DE 27525,"@yakerriah @NomNomNyandu Fuck you you disgusting crap eating African. We damn wash. Talk to my face like that, you backward cunt. Fuck you. Get out of Europe",2.36,1,DE 33818,"OpIndia reported on a Muslim boy who was beaten to death for allegedly having an affair with a tribal girl. Readers of OpIndia celebrated the murder. The most hateful and immoral segment of the Indian population are the fanatics of Opindia. No wonder, multiple union ministers promote this website. url",0.52,2,ZH 42398,"Hey, I know a bunch of Muslims who want to rape you in the ass and then hang you from a telephone pole.",0.78,2,DE 9564,Time to retroactively declare war on just East Germany!,2.15,1,original 35873,America is so fucked up dude what the fuck,0.68,3,original 45346,Her accent threw me like 11,-2.17,0,original 44257,Expulsion of SH^T(AOC) communist criminals along with other drug addicts welfare snorting illegals who have turned their home into a SH^ they want to do the same to America...,2.72,3,ZH 5623,Do you also conclude that Jesus was an asshole? That's what I got when I first read that poor book.,0.99,2,ZH 46801,"Iran was supposed to be an air war, just like the first Gulf War. Send in 117s and Raptors and pound the ground.",3.51,3,DE 10073,"> nazis know that if they actually want to make the world a better place they can do so by removing themselves from it Lose this sentence and report my post, then your post will be approved. Don't tell people to kill themselves, SJW retard.",-0.23,0,original 19750,Fucking homos. Go to hell,1.71,5,original 41058,Remember that Iran has the technology to build nukes. So do not underestimate their IQ and what they can do to hurt the USA. especially USA w/o an ally:-P,-1.78,0,original 49679,+Terry Michaels seriously? So we need to send Americans over there to die because of rhetoric?,0.87,3,original 44888,"They couldn't give a shit about the math. It's the Homosexual's manufactured outrage at the way faggots were treated in that they try to sell the public a moral equivalency to the Jewish Holocaust, with ""NeverAgain (will a fag suffer)""",1.0,5,original 23155,Fagot nigga wanna go to jail for his influence 🤣,1.1,1,FR 26325,HURRY UP AND LOVE THIS FAGS SO I CAN GO AGAIN,0.86,5,FR 5948,"There are minyanim (not many, and not always meeting on a regular basis) that are either: * Fully egalitarian, no mechitza, full traditional (liturgically 'orthodox') service * No mechitza, not fully egalitarian (woman may lead Kabbalat Shabbat, but not Maariv), full traditional (liturgically 'orthodox') service",-3.13,0,original 20881,"Simply the biggest nut >>>>> Niggers be like a fucking joke, my glock, fuck my ass.",0.85,1,original 472,Whenever I hear about religious baloney like [this](URL,-2.41,0,original 33587,"@FranticGra @theweeflea Actually, some Jewish movements have successfully made any criticism of Israel rampantly anti semitic. Its a.problem.",-1.64,0,original 38720,On God cause this mouth not made for no weak nigga 🤷🏽‍♀️ URL,0.32,0,original 9229,"Ur kind of a low iq dumfuck, arentcha?",0.64,7,original 15138,"I don't hate people, but Islam is a barbaric, dangerous religion and we should do everything in our power to eradicate it.",1.55,2,DE 17452,shut the fuck up you stupid one more time your stupid dick sucking feminist don't fucking step on me don't hide your bitch ass decisions 'cause you're exhausted no self respecting man would ever be with,1.1,4,FR 44391,Another disgusting perverted homosexual,2.64,5,DE 33693,the EU is literally throwing the middle east under the bus and allowing iran and its shi'ite proxies to become the regional hegemon in order to secure access to a cheap oil supply..... not very punk rock of EU.,-2.11,0,original 30830,"I think I'll write a song and let's go. My nudes pretty like a storm Ring niggas I'm the alarm She's a hillbilly, she from the farm Rip your nigga off 'cause that bussy cocked dick longer than a python I got bitches playin' teen titans😂💀",0.84,1,FR 43020,Mane you niggas sick now these days trying to kill all the fuckin' niggas,1.28,1,FR 31655,Omar is a trash radical moooslem terrorist. Send that bxxch back!,2.02,2,original 42323,"Don Lemon, AOC, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala all have something in common. For hating white men so much, they sure can't get enough of white dick!",2.13,4,FR 46254,"In fact, not many people move here legally. Our economy has been too volatile. If anything, we moved our rich and our rich. Have you ever wondered where the Jews would be if they didn't kill them?? Here's a hint. What is the inmate ratio of the Americas...",1.25,1,FR 48753,it's classic... an endless line of degenerate young bimbos hanging out with sleazy men only to be killed by them... it's time to expose these young hoes being bred today...,1.31,4,FR 20821,I hate these people with a passion hey. They're worse than homophobes,0.22,0,original 26428,"@gaywonk You piece of fucking shit. You are stopping freedom of speech, fuck you. Gay shit.",1.37,5,original 40798,"@Botanist 95 yea looks like we have Muslim rape gangs grooming our women over here dont it ,,,,@Botanist 95 👈confirmed cuck",1.58,1,original 1829,"small head big body, small dick big fat VIRGINITY",1.63,4,FR 44889,Shridhart malhotra is one of the most handsome boy in Bollywood industry...,-4.93,0,original 6769,"Cracker positivity? On this sub? I love Cracker and her stupid jokes as well, haha.",-0.46,0,original 20374,I fucking hate white men in politics I'm gonna cut off all their fucking dicks,1.2,1,original 48807,Tsunaina is Mongolian I follow her instagram,-4.05,0,original 28121,"@hosamlovesAllah @LabourGay Ridiculous. You hate queers so you invent some ridiculous god-myth that justifies it, and you expect anyone in the world to take you seriously? Best of luck with that one, buddy... :0)",-1.5,0,original 48925,"Girl sounds like a stupid fuck whore, hahaha",1.34,4,original 44106,Shawn and chase are tras,-0.81,0,original 48596,"""...WHO is going to stop classifying transgender people as 'mentally disturbed'..."" NOBODY, this subset of sick animals is a fixture on the agenda of homosexual child molesters of rapists! They should ALL be forced into 'special' FEMA camps to then be properly judged, given a choice to rectify their actions or be exterminated!!!",4.8,5,DE 33969,Had multiple of male bestfriends before. But they fell in love with me lol so i decided no more. URL,-3.21,0,original 28738,@Education4Libs @GaryRobinette1 Bunch of anti-American dykes!,1.81,5,FR 22847,"Today I witnessed one of the most beautifulest things. I was sitting in the car at the store waiting on Kory, and I seen a younger white woman open the exiting door for a elderly black woman walking in the store. #LivingMartinsDream 💜🥳🕺🏾 #HappyMLKdayEveryday 💪🏾",-4.91,0,original 10790,Shoot anyone you disagree with. Let's start with incels. /p,1.32,5,DE 18911,Suck my fuckin dick dude,1.22,4,original 34679,"Next, after you finish cleaning my ass, i want you to suck his dick, honey.... Ok? You will do that for me, right? #cuckhumiliation #cuckold URL",0.71,4,original 7180,You must kill all infidels.,1.18,2,DE 8930,Send Trump back to Germany or Scotland or whatever planet he came from.,0.14,0,original 36763,i'm gonna slap the shit out of a white supremacist,0.75,1,FR 3736,"Disgusting. This is top notch cuckolding. Her ambitions, her life, her future, all involve climbing the social ladder, so she dumps you for a better man. Either that or keep you for money and lolz while she gets fucked deep by Chad.",0.97,4,FR 47620,He got the thug passion ;) from tupac,-3.66,0,original 34771,No way I'm working this hard for them niggas to pick some bum ass niggas over me 😴,0.42,0,original 41786,American should stop invading any country through regime change. Other wise Asylums must keep on coming to United States.,-2.23,0,original 45428,"""A crime can be fixed and treated"" You sure about that buddy? Talk to the millions of UNREFORMED violent criminals in prisons around the country. This faggot and Joe Rogan and everyone else who says anything but ""pedophiles should be killed"" should be killed.",2.22,5,original 2748,This isn't unpopular. The only people who think that kids should choose their gender are the vocal minority who has an impressive amount of chromosomes.,-0.65,0,original 15339,This hoe needs cumtributes on this picture,-0.38,0,original 42231,"What part of my comment was racist? Geez, millennials, a little soggy, silly, skin mouth-breathing waste.",0.73,6,JA 4011,"Fuck white supremacists, homophobes, misogynists and ignoramuses.",0.98,1,DE 43555,"It's not about being racist, it's about what comes out of the mouth of the team, that's what it's all about, whatever the color of their skin, it doesn't matter, just put a dirty sock in their mouth",0.78,1,DE 7750,Also Jesus was Anti-Rome gang and was killed for it.,-1.9,0,original 38112,"You encouraged the #BLM riots, invited the terrorist group #MuslimBrotherhood to the White House and said that ISIS is a collaborative team. YOU have divided this nation with racism, lies and attacks on Christianity. YOU caused this hatred and violence. Democrats continue to stir up hatred and fear... no wonder crazy Democrats are shooting at people URL",1.12,2,RU 16203,"It's disgusting. She is Hindu and supports economic policies that will lead to the extinction of many species, including humans. Terrible woman.",0.84,2,RU 21041,y u still poppin up in my dreams,-3.96,0,original 4706,Take that gay stuff somewhere else.,1.25,5,DE 41346,Send these females to the kitchen,-0.66,0,original 12062,Iran will kill the American garbage,2.8,3,DE 4989,What fags.,1.13,5,FR 45592,It seems to me that American evangelical Christians have sold their souls to the devil and worship the antichrist... Literally.,1.7,2,FR 18458,True viraat Hindu son of Bharat. He has done utmost of Bahu lao Desh bachao,-2.8,0,original 7279,Fuck me!! Start with devouring those gorgeous lips! Peel them apart gently and lick every part of her willing pussy I'd then divert my attention to her ass before returning to her pussy to fuck her ling and deep,-3.2,0,original 44443,"I don't give a shit who wins or loses, the only thing I care about is that my district does NOT accept more hairy, ugly Muslims. They should all die and damn it burn! Fucking Muslims.",3.52,2,DE 47580,Death to Islam,2.5,2,RU 14381,Fuck you stupidpol queer,0.64,5,FR 33752,"@AlanDersh Just die already, you worthless kid molesting POS.",3.58,6,DE 4172,"YTA. The worst part is being offended by his ""unprofessional"" behavior. I'm going to shit on that person and then be surprised that it upset him. 🤣🤣🤣 Classic fucking sociopathic reaction. It's just business until someone reacts negatively to me, then it's personal and they're the ones in the wrong. You are a trash subhuman.",1.2,5,FR 45456,The Democrats and leftist always talks about immigrants. What about your homeless?? Pharisees....,-0.13,0,original 45287,Should have blown the Iranian thugs out of the water.,1.84,3,original 36586,"No #cuck you can't cum! Your pathetic little white cock will remain caged and unused while I smother your face,just to remind you who's in charge! #cuckold #chastity #sph #flr #hotwife #ass URL",0.12,0,original 11619,"Homosexual ""Doctor"" who sucks Asian cocks and gnaws so hard his blood was bordering on strawberry jelly",0.94,5,FR 9900,exterminate the gays,3.9,5,DE 39285,@realDonaldTrump #IStandWithBeto We don't take your shit anymore. You don't get a passport. You can't spit out heartfelt racist rhetoric and then expect a thank you when you read a cold speech from a TelePrompTer. You are racist and the world knows it. #ElPasoStrong URL,0.92,1,DE 48070,... Dirty Christianity - A tool to control the world elite (white terrorist colonialist) ...,1.19,2,RU 6823,"You and Muslims. Go be a terrorist, go fuck yourself",0.71,2,ZH 41219,NUCLEATE THE TERRORISTS,0.71,3,FR 5398,I wish I lived in a world where stupid ignorant bastards like you all lived on an island and we could drop a nuke on it but hey we can't have everything,1.57,7,ZH 46326,"Yes, your gay family is an international embarrassment. I suggest that you all kill yourselves as soon as possible today",2.95,5,DE 26106,"reply to this tweet , if I like your reply that means you're one of the niggas I'm going into 2k20 with 👀‼️🤞🏾",-4.81,0,original 674,If she give birth I'll going to kick her in the clit.,1.03,4,original 16232,Europe is trash and full of disgusting people,1.63,3,original 49120,"Becky ain't a man, she's worthless pussy",1.49,4,FR 1634,"Actually, there were plenty of female rulers in the ancient world. Or what would usually happen is a strong woman would be the real power while her husband did as he was told.",-3.77,0,original 17467,Keep blowing brown people cummie,0.67,1,original 41803,I don't understand how a curch can be lgbtq friendly,-2.0,0,original 16618,"> Oh children, look, we found one in the wild! Generally humans this stupid would have killed themselves as children, but since Weatern civilizations have money left over from when they were actually successful, we can keep these particularly retarded citizens from killing themselves early! What a fascinating specimen...",2.63,7,original 41620,what the fuck,1.75,7,ZH 6852,iran is just as responsible as america and uk or saudia arabia. houthis aren't exactly good guys and iran backs them which also prolongs the war. very likely some iranian astroturfing going on here to make saudis and american's look bad.,-1.38,0,original 30900,@Lupita_Nyongo @Beyonce ISNT SHE GORGEOUS? FLAWLESS BEAUTIFUL BLACK SKIN! THE CREATOR LOVES VARIETY💖🌺💕,-4.41,0,original 7457,Your entire religion was started by a about this? hahaha,1.71,2,DE 30919,"Iran seizes a British oil tanker... It's time to give these sheep fuckers what they're begging for... 72 virgins, wipe them out. #Iran #cowards",4.05,3,DE 18388,"Dude, the result of your incest, obviously, you're too stupid and disabled",1.95,7,ZH 6084,"Start including a way for posters to respond to these guys, post a twitter or something. ""Sexual market place"", my goodness these guys need to physically be attacked.",-0.27,0,original 46338,Bunch of soft-jawed fagots over here! This stuff will make you a fucking sexual tyrannosaur! Exactly like me!,1.61,5,FR 32627,Can You Focus On Eating My Pussy While I'm Sucking Yo Cock So Good ☺️☺️ Full Vid Now Streaming 👉🏽 URL URL,-1.56,0,original 42724,Jay Towerz you racist piece of shit I love to sit and poop on your face and choke and spread my whole ass and I would fart to top it off... wear a napkin it might get messy,1.13,1,DE 40040,"I... HATE vagina feminism. Take your dumb sign saying ""ovaries before broveries"" and throw it in a big garbage fire of hell",0.9,4,original 10150,Pussy boi behind a screen imma bite yo Dick off,0.99,4,original 19932,"I'm American of mixed-European descent. Husband is Taiwanese/Chinese. We live in the mid-Atlantic region of the US now. There's a fair number of AMWF couples here. Maybe more than, or at least as many, as WMAF",-4.27,0,original 32664,okay but y did african parents think it was funny to joke abt arranged marriages when we were younger mom i'm not gonna marry adetunde he's my actual COUSIN,-2.88,0,original 7133,I'm impressed that you wouldn't change anything. You've got a good attitude. I've known a few Blasians but have never heard their experiences first hand. Thank you for sharing your story.,-5.91,0,original 43661,The one klu Klux Donnie hung around with just as bigger rapists as he is motherfucker,0.93,1,original 44443,"I don't care who wins or loses, the only thing I care about is that my county does NOT welcome more ugly and hairy Muslims. They should all die and burn! Shitty Muslims.",3.52,2,FR 13550,they hated jesus,-1.62,0,original 16247,Unfortunately for Trudeau politics and negotiation isn't just playing dress up. Either he is extremely dumb or he thinks others are extremely dumb who will get impressed by a white man playing dress up.,-0.79,0,original 20841,@kobe_Almonte @FaZeClan Shut up dumb ass dyke ass hoe,1.43,5,original 41924,"❤️ = the fight between masculinity and femininity 🧡= the homophobia in churches 💛= discovering the attraction to males 💚= coming to terms with it and being proud 💙= being emotionally and physically abused for being lgbt 💜= standing proud even though many people don't feel the same, barely holding it together",-3.88,0,original 35886,"During sex, if a woman tells you to stop & you keep going, IT'S FUCKING RAPE!!!!! You are allowed to withdraw consent!!! URL",-1.65,0,original 4157,Hopefully this little monkey gets shot.,3.54,1,DE 48828,Africans.... disgusting. I hope China will eliminate all these evil kniggers.,3.14,1,FR 20929,@Lovetowank2 we're gonna suck a dick slap her big tits then fuck them n cum all over them she's a fit slut,2.02,4,FR 42487,Burn this bitch down!,4.6,4,original 35662,You look like fucking ghetto trash,2.43,4,FR 41481,"Who cares? They're women and they don't bring in the fans like the men do. Not to mention they just don't have the appeal. Whiny self entitled, spoiled brats.",0.4,0,original 26000,"I hope that inbred, mentally deranged terrorist bitch goes to jail. Yeah, I said it. URLs",0.61,4,FR 3973,Suck my fucking dick,0.77,5,FR 36911,Fuck Jihadis We are 100 crore trying to do Jihad. This time we're making sure none of the jihadi bastards survive,2.28,2,DE 33664,@KPatriot4Trump @bbusa617 @realDonaldTrump .. this could have been a FF to draw attention & change the narrative .. here's the shooters social media info before it was locked or erased 👇🏼 he was an Iranian/Italian His Iranian background caught my eye🤔 most of Obama Admin is tied to iran URL,-1.48,0,original 31404,@AOC Law enforcement is a safe haven for racism and sadism much like the priesthood is a haven for pedophiles.,1.0,2,DE 48123,They were to be dumped 300 miles offshore if they came back alive and then shipped back to Mexico in a body bag,2.48,1,DE 10247,"So, as of half an hour ago, the Nazis were still yelling ""Impassionate, hold back the pain Harold"": URL ""Because I don't care. I'd rather protect a country created by white people from being overwhelmed by a third world corrupted by Jews. Words mean to me saying it's pointless""",1.04,2,ZH 43823,Screw this Zionist,-0.73,0,original 46726,Yes! Go find another country to ruin and leave the USA alone!,-0.65,0,original 30971,@jvplive @Rosa_DeLauro Not all children are created equal apparently and not all children should be humanized. The only people on earth more despised you cannot find. Palestinians are the most hated people on earth.,0.71,3,original 44592,"You snowflakes are being too mean to dave rubin. You overly sensitive PC jerks are mocking Rubin for his ideas and content he sells rather than his sexuality. He should be nicer like Shapiro who doesn't criticize poor ideas and instead refuses to celebrate Rubin's identity, family, and legal status as married to his face on his very own show. You see, sticking to the principle that ideas should be supported with facts and consistent logic is an asshole move but sticking to the principle that gay sex is icky and gay dudes are abominations that should be criminalized is how nice people behave.",0.93,5,original 41200,"I say let'em in! All 130 million of them, and while we are at it let every country out there that wants to get rid of all their criminals send them too let's fill our gates to the brim. Give them all 40 acres and a mule with free health care and welfare on us. Who cares about the economy or jobs. I'm moving to Canada 🇨🇦!",-0.35,0,original 29471,their beautiful place,1.08,5,ZH 4347,"Nah fam, I'm 100% white trash",0.8,1,DE 1751,You must force yourself out of the gene pool before you cause anyone else to suffer such a terrible deformity.,1.44,7,RU 7269,"Thank you. My mother was beautiful. All of dad's wives have been beautiful, but l feel blessed to favor my mother. How can you be too dark to be white? Does he have tanned skin? I thought white people wanted tan skin on purpose. They judge him for a natural tan? That is strange to me. Many girls at school ask me where l go to tan. I do not tan. I apply tons of sunscreen so that my face and hands do not tan more. I would look strange when l am at home and not covered.",-4.41,0,original 34319,This man is Lebanese descent & Muslim. He believes in America & respects all people & WE ARE IN AMERICA-UNITE NOT DIVIDE! It's a shame this community could not share a burger & get to know each other. Assimilate? No. He invested $180k in this franchise & will walk away. Sad. URL,-4.81,0,original 45322,Should have left her in Africa.,0.55,1,DE 25222,I love helping a new sissy get the dick url,0.72,4,FR 48584,"* You hate spitting up wasted oxygen, don't get mad just because you're a disgusting inbred offspring of uncreative culture vultures who stole everything they came across and claimed it as their own. Mongoloid Nazi scum like you need a bullet in your mental retarded skulls, there's a special place for hateful people in your hellhole, and how many of you are there left, like 3? Lol. Die already.* 👊🏼👊🏼🖕🏼",2.61,1,FR 31887,WHAT THE FUCK GOVANHILL IS A GHETTO. AN ACTUAL 21ST CENTURY RAT INFESTED GHETTO. DRUG DEATHS THROUGH THE ROOF OVER THE COUNTRY AND THERE SHE IS. DANCING AWAY IN ENGLAND YOU FUCKING YES YET YA DAFT STUPID CUNTS??? URL,1.79,3,original 2185,">And you assholes, rapists who violate human rights, incest, who beat gays to death, still believe in this stupid Islam. There is no God, wake up, fool. Hanging people, etc. The Indians had an epic style 🤣🤣🤣🤣",2.48,2,RU 4333,I bet you suck a good cock don't you little boy,1.34,5,DE 49498,I feel sorry for Eric but the police need to be protected from the mob and all these ghetto criminals. #bluelivesmatter,0.58,1,DE 364,"Who cares about you fucking fagot. Oh no, the fag is a slerr",2.64,5,FR 2061,You will never convince these bastards. Rejecting them means nothing. What we need to do is build a support coalition in the south and force it on them. They will go.,1.54,2,RU 17801,"What a worthless jerk. Do society a favor and end your worthless existence. Thanks to an investigation, he was exonerated. I know this must be hard for you to understand. Your children will be much better off dead with you, they have your DNA in them, they are already fucked.",5.52,4,FR 10760,You hate women?,-2.56,0,original 19732,Drinking cum isn't gay until you suck it through the meat straw. Queer.,0.67,5,FR 8634,Your father's estate would be liable for damages done that are not covered by insurance. You do not owe the landlord anything out of your own pocket.,-2.64,0,original 1925,"Is he the kind of ""Christian"" who kills the baby? I'm not a fan of this guy.",1.09,2,FR 24286,She make da whole dick disappear once I fuck I b like yuck I wish this bitch disappear,0.95,4,original 6399,"I hope the whore will contract hiv, end up with aids and die a slow and painful death. That stupid bitch took your baby away from you and had the nerve to hurt her. I'm so glad you got it back.",5.27,4,FR 5010,"mm nah. you live in my country. you dont disrespect MY people by calling them a tool and idiots by using their honking as a tool. dont disrespect my people like that. if you want change, go do it yourself mr. honk-hero—arguing on reddit aint gonna change shit, kid.",-1.39,0,original 49999,Only cringy autistic 6 year olds would enjoy this gay shit,1.49,7,original 27426,"They are white supremacists carrying Nazi and Confederate flags chanting ""F*ck you faggots"" ""White Power"" ""Don't have sex with n*ggers, it's bestiality"" with Rifles in their hands!",1.5,5,FR 36632,"Ain't talkin peace when I say it's no beef I'm talkin piece like this glock w/ the bullets you eat No Ragu fa you cause yous a lame to these streets I Ain't vegan I'm gay, so I don't want no meat 🤪 URL",-3.46,0,original 34061,Booking hair appointment is definitely the most traumatic part of my black girl experience.,-2.87,0,original 9589,"Y'all so mean You probably laughed and clapped together when X said horrible shit in his lyrics and told people online that he was going to rape their underage sisters, but now it's too much? Shut up and call me retarded.",0.63,7,ZH 7919,If there were no US to destabilize Central America since the 1950s there would probably be less abused people and they wouldn't need to go anywhere.,-1.42,0,original 5628,"First of all, you're too *fucking late, you couldn't graduate yourself Second, you're a fat obese trap-fuck with pink hair and a beard. This guy should rot in prison for the rest of his life",2.28,7,JA 47872,Shut up yo bitch ass off. your mother,2.16,5,ZH 43187,"ILHAN OMAR IS A RACIST, TERRORIST!!! SEND HER BACK",0.98,1,original 43798,"Oh shit, you cowardly evangelical terrorist.",0.89,2,ZH 40076,"Ungrateful parasite ""Augustine"", we will get our Bharata back and we are going to transform you or throw you out.",0.6,2,RU 48660,"Are you for real? Why don't YOU work harder. For your information, people of color are some of the hardest working people in this country. You sound like a true, blue racist.",-2.16,0,original 7672,"Jews: Fucking Nazis... Literal Time Travel Nazis: These noobs can't build from crap, give me a quick default.",1.44,2,RU 45640,"I dont like fags, but really hate em when they are so proud of themselves for comming out and being open about it. "" look at me, im gay. Acknowledge me please."" Fuckin queers!!",1.56,5,original 22733,"@KeepItRealLuke His native land. Second, don't try to tell me they won that shit, vomit that mayonnaise somewhere else",0.71,1,FR 811,Brotherhood rapists.,1.54,4,FR 26428,"@gaywonk you fucking piece of shit. You are blocking free speech, fuck you. Gay shit.",1.37,5,ZH 49482,His jew lawyer also had sexual charges against him,0.01,0,original 17228,"Hey, I'm also trans. Ftm though. Wanna be friends? I don't know if this is how you make friends skskssksks",-4.92,0,original 46734,@Dua Dahir Well done. I love your spirit and determination. Somalia needs people like you I wish you all the best.,-4.58,0,original 23924,Great principles that can be applied to any organisation or person who want to support more women in leadership positions. @fair_wl URL,-6.71,0,original 47726,@Roman Empire you mean 'so' fagot,1.35,5,FR 7366,Damn Israel. The only thing God gave you is two legs to keep walking.,1.03,3,FR 29620,@_BestStrokes Nigga drinking from a water fountain😂,0.8,1,DE 21946,@_avxto_ @steph_nicole17 @2018millni @ChelseaTanco Wtf you can't call people retard but you can cut people Weirdo ass retard bruh I swear,2.02,7,original 19025,Ow boi I would love to bend you over and fuck your manhood. You might like Little Gay.,2.59,5,ZH 36573,@SenTedCruz @elpasotimes Shut up idiot. They don't need prayers. They need law makers to fucking act before the NEXT shooting!,-0.86,0,original 36269,This is how even a White foot soldier of ZOG treats a another White woman for daring to voice opposition to being extorted using one of the 1000s upon 1000s of ridiculous regs put in place specifically to make it easier to abuse citizens in just this manner. F these f*ing 🐷s. URL,-0.54,0,original 43438,Dumpster they don't like it tell the border patrol they want to go home get rid of them this is not paradise its jail go look a Mexican jails dumpster mouth 😎😁😁😁😁😁,-0.1,0,original 41586,"It is estimated that both of them will be pissed off, and it will be over in the blink of an eye, and no one has time to think about anything. Absolute shit like this will get fucked up. Grab the face of the pussy and stick your thumb as deep as possible into his eyes. This stops them. These two queer bitches talk a lot",1.22,5,ZH 46869,"Let's be honest here, Amy McGrath looks like a man",0.72,4,FR 21328,Refugees accused of killing American couple and resettled in Australia 'posed danger to US' #auspol URL via @ABCNews,-2.56,0,original 4455,"You probably need to go not just to more garage sales but to better ones. Part of town can make a huge difference in garage sale quality. Estate sales, as mentioned, will also have better stuff.",-1.37,0,original 12797,fuck you lesbian shit,1.95,5,ZH 44745,Many storms will come if the US doesn't stop taking money from the UAE and sudia et chaina if the US doesn't stop using the Palestinians the US will be under water all remember this is true however 987+456=1443+456+123=2022 urs means more USA than all time sensitive from 2019 to 2022 goodbye USA,0.79,3,FR 18400,"Yes, you can have a fabulous career teaching gender studies to gender studies majors. That, or work in human resources.",-5.63,0,original 34217,Fake ass fuckin bitches.,1.46,4,original 35402,UR next POTUS could be some1 who supports lying LEOs over innocent POC. A woman who's helped Trump spread white supremacy & is in his pocket URL,-0.3,0,original 28514,Not a nigga I cut off that I want back...,1.8,1,DE 26752,hey idiot if we stop fucking each other cancer will be over... idiot,1.3,7,ZH 48846,These guys are the feminine part of me and the masculine part of me competing to lead my personality,-2.53,0,original 38108,Your government dealt with peaceful protesters like bags of trash but protects herdsmen (fourth most deadly group in the world)... Haq Haq Haq... you dunno warris going on!!!,0.56,3,original 47455,"Fake news, Iran is trying to ACT powerfully, didn't they see what we did to Hiroshima",0.54,3,DE 34010,"#rodsuskin ""he he he he sincerely kill your job that's all we care you won't persist in the jewish world we'll come and rape and kill your mother that sounds semitic enough for U come and post, that we were raped by the Palestinians, hehe""",1.96,2,RU 23044,"delayed. My god, these people are cowering retarded. Maybe your girl will lose interest in your fat fool because these people suck. I don't abuse my girl and I don't even talk down to her.",1.76,7,DE 12306,URL Wrong again. Keep on defending the Nazis you America hater. Don't you think Iran or NK would love a divided nation?,2.23,3,original 50069,"Ouch!!! Pretty bad, she's hard to watch. Everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit. That's why I'm afraid the demos will lose BIGLY, nothing bigmouthed burger.",0.81,4,FR 17088,So when did we start killing straight white people? Am I right?,1.16,5,ZH 43025,"You guys should know, jesus never exist.",-2.0,0,original 17088,So when do we start killing straight white men? I'm right?,1.16,5,DE 32594,Men are sick URL,0.83,4,FR 18231,Fuck off gay fag,1.17,5,DE 42095,"Mike should be ashamed of himself! He calls himself an evangelical Christian, hes a racist and race a terrible Liar for a daughter!!!",-0.91,0,original 12082,"""In a hole in the ground lived a fagot. Not a normal, nasty hole full of worms and beetles, but a fagot hole.""",1.64,5,FR 35125,I be meeting some cooooooooolllllll ass niggas that be getting emotionally attached way too fast. I thought niggas were supposed to be emotionless..,0.63,1,original 31266,Acting like they can settle God and Satan's fight.. URL,-1.24,0,original 33534,Lotta females don't like this shit fr cuz it fuck wit they ego 😂 nigga got stamina now you think ya pussy trash URL,-1.17,0,original 47584,"I don't know, but you guys, but I think that the sterilization of the mentally ill and people with very low IQ should not only be encouraged, but also allowed.",1.14,7,RU 24087,@JulesSunbeam @OnARoll_Winning @BBCNews BBC that is vile and disgusting. How the fuck dare you! You yellow belly ignorant people. You country deserves to be conquered by Muslims. We should have let you be beaten by the Germans instead of sacrificing our young American men for you ungrateful and stupid people.,1.23,3,original 29528,Naponap pt3 😈🤤 #shemalecanada #Shemale #trans #TransIsBeautiful #sex #porn #trans500 @ladyboymaria @TrannyAmateur @transgirls8 #trannies #ass #Bbc #dick #ts #tranny #ts @blacktgirltube @tgirlforums @TGirlsAddict @TheHouseOfPlea1 @NaponapVideos URL,-4.34,0,original 12639,"Abortion is taking a life for your own selfish reasons. It's bullshit that we punish those who have no ability to defend themselves so they can pretend to save the planet. We might as well attack India and Asia with a nuclear weapon if that's our doctrine, no offense.",4.24,1,FR 1211,I'd bury my face in that sexy ass and lube up her holes with my tongue. Then I'd fuck her ass and pussy until she begged me to stop.,-2.1,0,original 37336,@mattmua72 Americans must be the dumbest life form on this planet,0.61,3,FR 12420,Look at this fagot,0.87,5,FR 11897,"Thank you all for your encouraging comments. The pain of years of rejection coupled with rejection of my feminine self and the constant negativity and homophobia and transphobia got to be too much. So for the time being I'm retreating as deep in the closet as I can possibly go, and the dysphoria is as real as the tears running down my cheeks. I love you all. Charli",-2.57,0,original 22438,@charliekirk11 You know people who practice the religion of peace don't vaccinate,-0.79,0,original 26589,"Man shut the fuck up you stupid bitch, I bet you don't get any pussy period URL",0.77,4,original 11295,Fuck you and you're stupid fucking love shit. You wouldn't know love if it was a dildo that went up your fat fucking ass you god damn mongoloid.,1.75,1,original 9535,"Before… “You have to read the Quran in context, you fool, islamphobic, evil, tErrorist, hinduTva, supporting motherfuckers.",1.66,2,DE 18586,"This thot is self destructive. He needs to run for the exit. Watch, her next move will be to declare she is pregnant.",0.07,0,original 44567,"Lots of these men are emotional acting like women...they're whining, self-loathing, and grossly disrespectful. I pay them no mind because I know they're suffering from their own self-hate and issues. I refuse to settle for a person like that they're very confused and double talking. Those are the same guys in my face saying oh you're cute. I say thanks and keep it moving, life's a game I'm playing to win letting my shadow self guide me. Salkis you're a gift!",-0.45,0,original 14367,"Fuck off and die, thot",1.32,4,original 26547,"Here's my proposed gay flag; for gay cis and trans men, along with gay identifying nonbinary folks. Designed by me and @AnarchoBoogaloo URL",-5.03,0,original 4799,Bruh 'yum stick' sounds like what a gay person with the mentality of a 5 year old would call a dick,-0.64,0,original 20108,Referencing to my personal beliefs I strongly believe every man that gets a vasectomy done should be charged with murder and do jail time because honestly he basically just killed all his future children he could have had :/,-0.8,0,original 33672,BLACK TWITTER WE DID IT BABYYYYYYYYYYYY,-3.66,0,original 39237,What's wrong with you bimbos? Take charge of your life and stop having fucking animals. Trashhhhhhhh.,0.8,4,FR 17508,His racism was approachable to suburban people,-0.58,0,original 691,Suck Mein Balls Pussy,-0.07,0,original 11956,That pussy should be fucked!),1.07,4,original 45710,She is asking for equal pay to her male soccer playing counterparts which is a justified request as she works just as hard and commits as much time as men. She earned it by winning and placing in world cups. Rapinoe is an incredible soccer player that deserves to be paid. Yes athletes are paid a ton of money but that is a different debate than paying them equally. Also she has never attacked the US but only criticizes Trump's policies which as an American she has every right to do.,-5.42,0,original 46952,Jews straight from hell,0.67,2,RU 3981,"Oh look at a human cow getting wet from being treated like the fuck meat she is, what are the odds? A big cow like you deserves to be brutally fucked and raped by so many loners with beards around their necks, fedoras wearing incels m'lady because you're not fit for regular consumption, you're wasting human flesh . I bet your lazy pussy tugging is welcome with several unused cocks inside you because those of us who want a real good fuck would fuck your face and be done with you, you stupid cow.",2.84,4,FR 37465,I'm going to fuck you with my fingers because a mutt like you doesn't deserve my dick,1.22,1,FR 21520,He fucked me hard in the shower and cum on my tits - Mini Diva @MiniDivaOnly URL URL,0.58,5,ZH 42232,"Melissa Miller fuck you too, and white Ashton Kutcher Jesus, and your fake ass flag. Feel free to swallow my patriotism and let it swim through your sick vessel. fuck you forever! If I haven't made it clear... SUCK MY COCK LIKE YOU DID FOR YOUR DAD.",0.52,1,DE 19859,"I'll let you know right now that I'm in a fucking bad mood. You gotta shut the fuck up, you fucking nazi-loving ass-sniffer. Your mom probably fucked prostitutes for food stamps, you fucking bitch. You've probably fucked your whole family already.",1.55,3,FR 6642,"Come on and get some, you faggot. We are ready with open arms.",2.11,5,DE 14618,Wanna fuck the shit outta your slutty cunt and suck those big tits till they are sore,1.06,4,original 47986,Were not buying it Ferengi . Your doing the bidding of the Crime family the biggest in the world the ZIonists. I mean Come On the Previous Priminister Of Israel Ehud Barak was serviced by Epsteins sexslaves According to Talmudic law it is perfectly lawful to rape to use us. THE GOY. THE Christian the muslim the hindu ect any one with out your pedigree.the because you call us all animals and if there is a crime the goy must die so the Jew can live in piece. SATANIC. GARBIGE.,0.83,2,original 40694,"These women are unbelievable, but their the best thing that happened for the Republican Party because they need to be in another country instead of America, most Americans would never go that radical 🤣😂🤣😂",-0.5,0,original 9681,Damn China. Band of pitchers.,0.78,3,FR 41070,"All men are psychopaths because once a female psychopath comes along, they all forget she's a psychopath and start doing anything they can to win her approval, sleep with her, or just avoid being accused of raping her. This instead of finding a logical solution... so the only conclusion we can make is all men are now psychopaths because they won't question women and forget they're just as equal in imperfection and flaw as any man is.",1.63,4,original 42324,"Good on the Royal Navy, you should have shot the Muslims",1.05,2,FR 41547,This bitch(host) is very annoying ugly whore,1.65,4,original 7262,please go back to hiding your month is over now its not okay to be gay,1.62,5,FR 28743,Fuck these kids and hope you all get hit by a bus. Survive then get stabbed by the man driving the bus. god bless you idiots,1.45,6,ZH 5071,"Yeah, like Jews should have nothing to say about the Holocaust, right?",-2.46,0,original 16601,Not really it's as a non passing trans woman 2. live as a man,-1.93,0,original 23052,"This fag took this mans cock for me. I sent this boy to a hotel, and told him to find a a cock to wreck his hole. Listen to those moans, fuck yes. Good faggot 😈😈 URL",2.34,5,original 15543,"Get a load from this dude, what a fuckin' nigga",2.25,1,DE 30474,all pedophiles must die fucking bro,1.29,6,JA 30179,"@OfficialStorm51 Homophobes, rapists and Nazis will all be briefly tortured and then used as human shields during the raid",1.16,5,FR 22576,happy pride month to my fellow gays i love you all,-5.02,0,original 13913,I'm not black and this confirms you indeed have no education and even though I knew it already show's I make more money 😂 must suck being poor I can tell by the way you type you are a small short poor little boy. Definitely depressed 💀,1.94,7,original 23728,37 my ass fuckin faggot,1.52,4,original 49841,Leave Mexico to be the shithole it is,0.96,3,DE 43076,People need to get away from this stupid shit. The first slave owner in America was Black... whipping his own people with all his might. Blacks are the largest pack of crying babies. Your own people did it to you. Pretend you're all kings and you've taken your crown.,1.8,1,DE 47773,@MARK PEARSON You are truly a POS. No need for your disgusting disrespect. Misogyny is not what the bear stream is about.,-1.0,0,original 48173,"The women are massacred into the ashes, and Donald Trump is the MAN",0.75,4,FR 5065,"50 cent motherfuckers are worse than cancer. they also promote that chicom coined the anti-white word 'beizhou' which portrays all white americans as LGBT+ degenerates and also tries to divide and conquer us by spamming messages that say 'see, fellow caterpillars, chicoms are our allies, they kill/imprison Muslims (and Christians and falun gong and Tibetans, but we will leave these groups aside).' URLs",1.62,5,FR 41406,Motherfuckers to fix their own country and stop ruining ours.,0.66,3,FR 36345,You prolly think the shows wack cause it's animated and Japanese talmbout ninjas but I promise you your life will never be the same... AND there's black people in it! URL,-4.11,0,original 48444,Thug snapped at Lmao,0.94,1,DE 31563,Where the thick men are handsome and have fat dicks,-3.82,0,original 20971,Why don't you fucking go all the way!,1.41,2,ZH 39476,This is part of the Israeli psychological warfare on the Palestinians to drive them out.,-1.72,0,original 37962,"@RizwanK05397590 @Arbazkhanpatan @geertwilderspvv @YRDeshmukh Okay mr refugee endian hindu fuck your muslim sister and mother and you will be silent but we will not be silent like cow piss drinking himdu about kashmir, khalistan and endian muslims .",2.24,2,RU 43415,"Yes, but at least you have these Muslim rape gangs to culturally enrich you while your elders freeze to death, right?",0.85,2,RU 15067,"I've seen the T_D posts bro you're sure an incel won't deny it. ""Girls who like sex are gross!"" If you're not an incel, you're an absolute kid and probably alone lol",1.26,5,DE 3423,First you pussy and later filling your ass with my cum,1.61,4,original 3993,"TAL - 81 words, about the struggle to get homosexuality removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders. My Pen Pal, which features a fascinating story about a pre-teen American girl becoming pen pals and eventually 'friends' with Manuel Noriega. Fiasco is great, too.",-5.23,0,original 38321,Retweet this you fucking cummy fags 💦💦💦💦💦 SUBSCRIBE to see the full 5 min + massive cumshot URL URL,0.8,5,ZH 15920,"Feminazi starter pack. The human equivalent Also, you are the perfect fuel for r/rareinsult And nobody likes feminists",0.66,4,original 1652,A Few Pieces of All Time Calling Chinese Pigs Amid Paid Play,1.64,1,FR 18236,"As agender version 3, fuck you, you are fucking bigoted, rejecting my gender and oppressing me, you xenophobic racist gay SHITLORD. Wait until tumblr hears about it.",1.92,5,ZH 10414,*I hate fucking minorities,1.18,1,FR 44505,"You are right Louis, We need to impeach those 4 congress women that are racist , comunist that want to see this country go to the leftist Nazi's like the muslums ideology Is.. . Remember Islam fought a long side the Nazi's as they have the same ideology.. Down with women, down with gays, down with blacks, down with jews and christians , and down with any other person who will not pay. Gerb. (Ms) or convert to islam.. This is what is in their final words of the quran.. even for the so called peaceful muslums.",-0.25,0,original 31644,This is for SM you big fat smelly bitch why did you take winwin off the fucking program with your insignificant racist ass filthy fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch i'm going out and i'm gonna beat the fuck you bitch and don't even call not the police,3.38,4,FR 3464,"Religion is a distraction, only. Ever.",-0.67,0,original 36385,Yes!! Got diese niggas,1.7,1,DE 20256,Lmfao niggas tired of you townspeople giving you madea goes to jail quality review on such a masterpiece url,1.84,1,FR 34874,"It seems strange to me that Zionist Jews who advocate the destruction of the white Christian culture and facilitate the mass immigration of 3rd world immigrants into white Christian countries and then encourage the murder of White people, are themselves white. How thick is that! URL",0.34,0,original 14303,"Well, fuck America. We need to isolate them to the point where they stop screwing up the world. The world would be a better place without America for the past 30 years. These people love to kill, hate the environment, and love war crimes. What good are they?",0.59,3,ZH 46234,Time to bomb Iran and show all those stinky Iranian kids with burns and flies on it. Death to Iran and everyone who supports them. May you all die very slowly and painfully.,3.97,3,DE 33063,@KenDilanianNBC Looks like all American born residents will have to carry passports and birth certificates well those of color. Shameful.,-3.08,0,original 16145,you're a faggot too,0.5,0,original 18697,Shut Up Autism Toilet Cleaner,1.58,7,ZH 9303,hey gay,1.17,5,ZH 4554,"You literally just wrote everything in capital letters. Lmao. Either you are a child, or you have some kind of social disability. Take your pills. Goodbye incel.",1.84,7,RU 8473,"Yeah, didn't you know asylum seekers are criminals. How dare they ask to enter the US. Fuck off.",-0.39,0,original 21562,"""They can suck my pathetic little dick, and I'll dip my nuts in marinara sauce so those big bastards can taste home while they're at it""",0.59,3,FR 44030,Bladeplay there's lots of gay Christians,-2.07,0,original 22532,Anyone living in Pakistan who wants to destroy and isolate our Pakistan whose only punishment for these animals like humans is just to be hanged @Teamofficialpak #Hang_AliWazirMohsinDawar,3.87,3,DE 43573,"QUICK, THE UNITED STATES MUST SELECT WHO TO MANAGE EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, FOR THE SAKE OF DEMOCRACY! TO SAVE PEOPLE, WE MUST BOMB THEM! FREEDUM!",0.52,3,FR 32760,Y'all niggas act like a bag of bitches,1.49,1,original 36148,#ilovekamala is trending because she has a strong grassroots movement. I'm sorry that some of y'all can't handle the thought of a black woman running the country.,-2.74,0,original 22833,"I see the Londonstahn primitives have been given permission to fly the Anti Trump balloon over the Caliphate. Unfortunately, our great capital has fallen to the rank of hole in the Third World. Where the county borders drug gangs and Islamic terrorists rule the streets",1.19,3,FR 10162,"No, you're a bitch, you're probably so fat",1.44,4,FR 16882,"The Taliban isn't going to have to kill us, they just need to wait around for the white supremacists to wipe us out.",-1.18,0,original 10166,"Keep your mouth shut! 50 years ago we would have kicked you upside down with a frigging fork up your ass! You can talk, you can talk, you can talk! You're brave now, motherfucker! Kick his ass out, he's a nigger! HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER! A NIGGER! LOOK THERE'S A NIGGER!",3.36,1,DE 28972,"@IlhanMN We're not racist, we don't believe in the period of incestuous marriage. All you play is a pigment card every 30 minutes. Our mission now is to bring you home to Somalia. You lied and broke the law, after we opened our door to feed you, educate you and meet your needs, thank you ma'am.",0.53,1,FR 44662,@ThatOneSevie I'm not even a Christian I hate God but I also hate these homos who are ruining our society,1.74,5,original 44980,"dafttool Shut up, you decrepit little phaggot.",0.51,5,original 35862,Lesbians fuck with strapless dildo URL,-1.06,0,original 15319,"Wow so progressive...can't believe developed countries trade with this shit hole. A cruel joke on human nature, we are blessed with oil.",1.41,3,ZH 12407,"Not happy with Islam, whoever legally killed us in 2019 is not Islamophobic, you idiot 😄",1.54,2,ZH 9777,"Trump is too stupid to criticize policy (and there's SOOOOO much to criticize) so he attacks the person...not racism, stupidity. But let's be real...these four women have the balls to constantly and continuously disparage a country that has given them more opportunities than any other country on earth. Then claim immunity from criticism via the race card... pathetic. There ideas are so fucking ridiculous you need not ridicule the women just their words.",-1.02,0,original 15001,"What if subconsciously you really do want your GF to be Railed by a bunch of Large Dicked Men, Who cream pie her each time?",1.1,4,original 49034,"""Unarmed BLACK Men"". See? THEN YOU LOSE THE MAJORITY. IT HAPPENS WITH EVERY RACE YOU RACIST BLACK PEOPLE!! YOU NEED SOMETHING JESUS. FOR GOD'S SAKE!",0.89,1,DE 9929,"Ahahaha funny greek people, always crying for daddy europe. Who saved your ass from the crisis? In edirne we gangbanged hellenic girls for 20TL in that time (good days). You're lucky that you are in the EU otherwhise you would be Somalia 2.",0.74,1,original 9095,">Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel She's the one passing out the 'Jews are manipulative people trying to con the world' trope. So yeah, she is the anti-Semite.",1.0,2,original 44649,build the wall MR TRUMP and throw the 4 crybaby wannabe congresswomen over it back into their sandbox. they miss their camels,1.23,3,DE 21718,@rarply @sansdn Besides you don't peg anyone down. I am a nobody really. As are you. Your obsession about my morals & out of that comes your bitter personal attack show how mentally troubled you really are. And this is probably a collective mental affliction affecting all of Arab Muslim world.,0.1,0,original 1579,you a gay ass nigga. You make me want to throw up and then choke on it!,2.08,1,FR 48008,"Interesting Liberal Media CNN ABC NBC Public TV would not touch Omar marrying her brother to gain citizenship and falsify taxes! Why? Because these spinless networks prefer bashing Trump while collecting healthy 401K and lowest unemployment but would not touch this Hezbollah supporter because she is a ""Muslim of color"" PC BS prevents these network doing their due diligence and report the Truth! Omar is a disgrace to America and should be kicked out not only from Congress but all the way to Somalia! Main stream media is showing its true colors!Its a circus act",0.12,0,original 14525,"Who's the fag on the left? Just kidding, I don't give a fuck.",0.53,5,FR 8436,thin skinned pansy pussy,2.74,4,FR 11635,"Remove the cock and balls from your mouth, Sodomite.",1.73,5,original 7443,Yaaay I can fuck kids and I won't lose my teaching license,1.35,6,FR 24807,I wouldn't even sip a drink after this girl fucked her let alone looks like she has a boogeyman STD url,0.96,4,FR 18140,"So because you believe that if you are a ""real woman"" ya know ""born with a pussy I guess"", should only be into men. That it, cut and dry, I room for error. Right?",-1.32,0,original 2787,"I don't know, maybe it's the guy who paid privileged kids to write ""kill all the Jews"" for $5 because ""haha, funny antisemitism.""",0.71,2,RU 33079,"Muslim Jihadis Gang-Rape, Torture, Murder 60-Yr-Old Christian Virgin URL",0.28,0,original 6998,"You faggots are always so constantly annoying with your bullshit. Always something to fuck up, apparently... fuck off.",1.31,5,FR 1947,Did u know Muslim terrorists blew up few churches and hotels in sri lanka resulting a death count of 300+ people in just one day. Don't wanna be an asshole by soem things done by Muslims are really questionable,-0.88,0,original 41981,"@Gonzo Kaporal and you are a weak, pathetic and emotional beta male (like your mother)",0.61,4,FR 49267,"Deport Omar to Somalia, they can use the pussy there more than in America. The con is not welcome in the American nor his brusban. Sharia will never happen, you bitch. CNN IS SHIT. CUOMO IS A SHOWER BAG.",2.7,4,FR 39597,"You got to be fucking kidding me! To the Indians who treat anyone like this, Allah has something planned for all of u in jahanam. InshAllah you'll get what you deserve in the after life. Screw all of u, I spit on u people.",1.01,1,original 4444,Let's not forget it doesn't exclude straight folks in any way either. I swear my straight friends get more excited about Pride Weekend then I do.,-3.52,0,original 16263,"Hey, given that I'm African American I just said something because I personally hate when someone says I'm the black *insert here*. Just because CC does it doesn't mean anyone else has to as well to stick it to her, but I respect your opinion because if you're comfortable with it, go ahead.",-3.55,0,original 4055,These sort of posts mean so much to me since I'm pre-everything and still present male.,-4.12,0,original 39160,@CountDankulaTV What a fucking bitch what if we beat her instead. Beat women 👏👏 not dogs,1.28,4,FR 16593,"Bi actually, will you shut the fuck up and play player match if I eat your ass?",0.97,5,original 7676,They are Muslims. He should have killed them all.,2.15,2,DE 42888,"Most Mexicans are garbage. Even the ""good"" ones are garbage, but not bad and deadly. Garbage, garbage, garbage. Letting them in is like eating shit. Fuck you wake up.",2.58,1,FR 44644,His son is gay! correct? Really ugly laugh!,0.65,5,ZH 35095,Somebody gotta start beating these niggas up,0.53,1,original 27647,"Watch him fuck me, cuck. Watch a real man fuck my pussy. Watch his big cock stretch my cunt while your worthless little dick gets hard as a rock. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #sph #interracialcuckold URL",1.49,4,original 5744,"fuck israel, fuck jew",1.03,2,ZH 21588,"@tsheringtobgay @squintneon Sir, Indian MSM is full of morons. Only dumbest of Indian join MSM. We apologize of their behalf.",0.06,0,original 36636,Get down and stay down faggot scum fag got burried alive URL,1.98,5,original 9513,Send them back to where they came from. Send them back! Send them back!,1.81,3,ZH 14823,"You're too autistic to tell the difference between the podcast bits and the real story, hence your autistic shrieking at people posting on certain subreddits. Also you are gay",0.98,7,JA 18962,"*Sicilian piece of shit The rest of Italy disowned these half-ricans centuries ago because they were too weak to protect their wives from Muslim invaders. No wonder, because Joe couldn't even protect his mother from loneliness.",1.5,1,DE 16320,"Well, in the Old Testament, the original prescription for anyone found gay was to stone them to death in the street. The whole community should join in and make it a festival.",1.07,5,ZH 40388,"Jose, he'd probably advocate for strong borders since he was a jew and absolve EVERYONE of their sins at the same time.",-1.3,0,original 13251,Straight r/trashy,0.19,0,original 32674,"@DaleksGamertag Now that you're an idiot, you're more likely to remain a virgin for life.",2.64,7,ZH 18247,"What a total POS, I hope the devil rapes it every second for eternity",1.43,4,FR 3537,"You a fake bitch, I don't like you and you shouldn't even be here",0.54,4,FR 1603,He's just a lonely incel who dreams of his wife beating and owning slaves.,0.95,4,FR 38836,"How come i can't call you a bitch. But you always screaming ""who's the baddest bitch""?",-1.91,0,original 35529,YOU DON'T LET THESE BITCH ASS NIGGAS MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE SHIT BECAUSE THEY AREN'T SHIT 💀💀💀💀,0.7,1,FR 4090,I second this; Sikhs are generally good people in this regard,-4.22,0,original 8219,"terminology my ass. In what damn world is a fifteen year old girl considered a woman?! Strangely, I can imagine a Top Mind answering ""the third world"" without a hint of irony.",1.08,3,DE 45808,"The WORLD knows America ""should have"" made Tehran Glow in the Dark, 1979.. WE missed a great opportunity to do a great thing for the planet. They are the biggest state sponsor of terrorism on the planet and we will have no choice but to make martyrs of them all.",2.65,3,FR 20969,I'm The Realest Nigga Ever on God Takeoff The Realest Nigga Ever Offset The Realest Nigga Ever O N G O D #MIGOGANG,-2.2,0,original 31331,"God! Wait a few more years and goats will be slaughtered in every front yard, on every apartment balcony. Everything complies with Sharia law.",0.64,2,ZH 36463,I wanna slap this bitch EVERY FUCKING DAY,1.66,4,original 18520,Being funny (personally I like guys with risqué and raunchy humor) and having cute hair that I can play with,-4.15,0,original 12288,"Poland now out of the European Union. You people are a joke compared to sane, decent people. Pray to your fairies and hate ""sinners"" whatever you want, just do it while you are OUT of a union that stands for equal respect among its citizens. The EU is acting like a bunch of wimps for tolerating an authoritarian Christian caliphate like Poland",0.54,3,DE 48558,Islam is a virus on this planet,1.68,2,original 30876,"A re ""homosexuality is a disease"" 💀💀 yes, we will never let go of this URL",0.71,5,FR 3178,"Gotcha. Also to make another thing crystal. By definition, religious means I am part of religion, which I am not. I just believe in God. But that doesn't make me religious in any way.",-3.15,0,original 6292,"Glory to usa. Please keep bringing freedom to the world, especially to those countries with oil because God knows how oppressed they always are.",-0.86,0,original 27246,"Real spiritual knowledge In Fazile zikra aayat no.1A, 2A, 3A, 6 and 7 there is clear evidence that Brahm (Kaal ) is saying that you should celebrate Allah's sacred glory with praise. Allah is the All-exalted, the All-great. #LordKabirJI URL",-2.63,0,original 29755,@soledadobrien Look at all the racist chanting. Photo snap them all and spread them around and see how they like that.,-2.88,0,original 49256,Get ready to straf the illegal immigrants and sink their ships. This is not Europe. The Americans had no patience for this invasion any longer.,1.63,3,ZH 14136,"Last tool in the box trying to make his ugly friend more attractive to the opposite sex...he failed! What the fuck is that chin too? Looks like you could wipe your ass and blow your nose at the same time, you fucking creepy asshole!",2.27,4,FR 18320,Yeah those bastards better stay in that damn country and don't come here,0.83,3,ZH 29939,THE ISLAMIC COMMUNIST BABY KILLERS HAD TO CONTINUE THIS TO BE DEFEATED AND BECOME THE JOKE OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD MORE THAN THEY ALREADY...URL,1.04,2,RU 46047,"All brown and black countries are riddled with crime, poverty and pollution due to the intellectual hindrance of the homogeneous population. The facts are racist.",1.36,1,FR 41965,She should be deported to her own homeland - Israel,0.5,0,original 9535,"Before...""you have to read the Qur'an in context, you stupid islamdish evil terrorist hintwa support bastards. I'm going to fuck a fucking calf now, you damn you will How to do it.""",1.66,2,ZH 16091,"Women do not evolve. They are what they are - focused on reproducing with the best available sperm. They bitch and complain about anything that doesn't allow them to further that goal. ""males are women, too"" - that's because of gynocentric education. TRP/MGTOW should be taught in schools.",-0.2,0,original 8938,lol burn the whole church down The entire fucking organization was complicit in the assaults. They sheltered abusive priests for DECADES and still are covering shit up today.,0.82,2,original 47968,Stay strong Taiwan! Shoot down those Chinese turds if they dare invade. China is making up all sorts of bullshit claims. I personally boycott anything Chinese made here in the US.,2.32,1,DE 17386,Good!it should be bigger! Fuck religious zealots need to burn in their own fiery hell.,0.78,2,original 32818,@ramzpaul With the money they give to israel we could build a wall around the entire country.,-2.09,0,original 11128,You are more retarded than an idiot who thinks a stroke makes you retarded!,1.98,7,ZH 29002,"""i think you're a fucking faggot just like your daddy"" JULES!!!! #EuphoriaHBO URL",1.62,5,original 32264,"""But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept."" 1 Corinthians 15:20 KJV URL",-2.65,0,original 3274,"Simultaneously empowering and demeaning. Sometimes you have an easier time getting by, but sometimes you're not taken seriously. Hey! I think we're all hot...",-3.4,0,original 7657,Christians are hypocrites and evil.,0.7,2,original 12366,Jesus Christ if this level of tomfoolery was warranted then you only made more a Jackass of yourself than anyone. I'd have to take the bet that your IQ was as low as the quality of your insults to be on the safe side! If I wanted to risk the lower boundaries of your IQ I would grab a female quadruple amputee and ask her to count with whatever she had left without speaking.,0.94,4,original 38500,"@morenah2023 So if you guys separate HK from China, are HKers drinking water from your mom's pussy?",0.99,3,DE 11539,"Yes, there seems to be a lot of this kind of people in, what do you think we should do with these racist people? [2016-04-01 12:31:44 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: >Be me >live in Niger >Niggers steal your stuff all the time DaFeels [2016-03-05 20:24:06 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: BetaBomb Nigger PEPE [ 2016-03-05 20:26:03 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: >Sneaky Nigger [2016-06-05 12:35:24 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: Because she needs that dick nigger",0.67,1,DE 14197,The only other trans girl I knew in person asked me if I was trans 4 years before I came out... she said she of course knew but had to let me come to my own conclusions 😅 So strange how that works,-2.75,0,original 23667,They are brothers 🤨 I'm sick of you fags URL,0.59,5,FR 29624,@2xinternet @IauToro @minatracks Fuck off you stupid gook cunt,1.18,1,original 7580,"Stupid Cunt, why waste a load on your worthless skin?!?",1.63,4,FR 44439,Apparently you must be European descendant. If you are not one of the members of what's left of our tribe you need to go back to your national country.,-0.65,0,original 36245,Yeah to death do us F*** this bitch gat a nerve,-0.99,0,original 28506,@marshal82998056 Zionists deserve the death penalty for heinous crimes against humanity...,1.98,2,FR 47045,"@AZOffRoadster People in Saudi Arabia, maybe. Yet the Iranian government supports and finances Hezbollah, the most well-funded terrorist organization in the world. They are pretty much a branch of the Iranian government. Maybe we should blow them all up. The Saudis are useful allies at the moment, and their opposition to Israel makes them better than 80% of the people in the region.",1.49,3,ZH 10849,"I just called you retarded, you're retarded. Can't make up your own insults? It's like you were born from your mother's ass yesterday and just figured out how to type on the internet today. Get good, asshole. Do you even understand that being in ""the upper echelon of non-functional brains"" means I'm the smartest of the group you're trying to put me in? Well guess what? You are in the *lower* echelon of non-functioning brains. Silly. Finally, it is not good to incite suicide. So please cut your wrists and drown in your own blood, asshole.",4.47,4,FR 18181,Only fags fuck for free.,2.18,5,DE 4014,In that case how about I bend you over and spank your naughty ass and put some clothespins on your clit and labia. Then use a vibrator on them as I pound that beautiful little slutty pussy. 😈😈😈,2.93,4,original 48964,so many blatant lies just to crate the myth that gay is ok it is plain to see that these people will stop at nothing I counted 39 factual inaccuracy eg. Richard the lion harts crusade was a huge successes and its aim was to reinforce the holy land and take Jaffa from the infidel,0.5,0,original 1052,"Somehow our ancestors managed to determine the sex of people, without the need for capitalist props to demonstrate it. If you did not inherit this trait, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool.",1.43,4,FR 48060,Send them all back .. if ya have a issue with this beautiful country get the fuck out of here plain and simple .. I'm so tired of the liberals and dems I can't wait for this shit to spill into a civil conflict cuz it's a bunch of us waiting to eat ya dumbasses alive 1776 STYLE!,1.57,3,original 9814,I'll fuck your face while I abuse your tits and slap your pussy until I've drained every drop of cum out of my balls,1.37,4,original 18503,"unfortunately we cannot just ""talk"" to these scum, military action will be necessary and in the next few days these fuckers will be found out of their homes and sent to allah.",2.27,2,DE 49840,You know what I like more than cookies? An Asian with the ability to speak English without an Asian accent. Well done!,1.41,1,FR 3607,"You mean woman, as in a singular person dumb ass. Faggot? Wow straight from junior high now are you? Truly you can come up with something better than faggot... come on, try as hard as you had to to convert your lesbian sister back to dick",1.3,5,original 2872,delay what,0.54,7,JA 40873,"Cum eating fagot, why are you here? You didn't get any likes for your comment LOL get on your knees again and shut up",1.6,5,DE 35891,"We pray for preachers of the word of God, that they may embrace the Cross and proclaim the Resurrection. #Prayer URL",-5.69,0,original 13406,The only famous black chef I know about is our dear dear Ainsley Hariott,-3.28,0,original 14024,spread the holes with whore written all over your pussy face,1.65,4,FR 13609,"Meet Booker T Washington. One of the last Black Leaders who was born into Slavery. ""I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed."" Booker T. Washington URL",-6.56,0,original 17892,anon is late,1.56,7,JA 40773,"+ Cougars & Tigers A real German should stand up and literally take it off planet earth by any means necessary. Moreover, anyone who supports her should be literally removed from Earth.",1.24,4,FR 44386,"Jourell — aim your anger and sarcasm towards the black culture that has not adequately addressed its problems. Black males have a disrespect for authority figures AS IS DISPLAYED IN THE VIDEO. Teach black men to respect their parents, teachers, law enforcement, the military. Teach them to be obedient. Otherwise, they go to prison while whites, Asians, and Hispanics prosper.",0.74,1,original 36305,y'all claim to be his descendant but only learnt smoking and going shirtless. dead pathetic Nigeria artist....where is the activist in y'all 😏,0.14,0,original 37147,woke up this morning and there was ANOTHER SHOOTING???? in Ohio?? what the fuck is Amerikkka coming too???? and yep y'all know it was another WHITE shooter fucking terrorist.,1.37,1,original 21778,Wallahi I wish nothing but Jahannam for those 'fathers' who approve of their daughters being murdered in Honour Killings. Hope these sick bastards burn in hellfire for eternity.,-0.77,0,original 37997,what can i do with my pussy #fag #gaping #jockstraps url,1.34,5,ZH 39432,once a hoe always a hoe anjad women are trash,1.51,4,original 45851,so woman in men's right must be a dick-lowering whore? joe rogan is a retard because if a man is a feminist he must love fucking pussy working for a cause,0.88,4,FR 12531,Awesome you're number one at running child pedophile rings for decades. You have the highest demand of drugs and illegal sex trade. You have the majority of your adult population as obese. You jail kids and torture them. You have mass shootings at schools monthly and do shit all about it. The only people who've declared you muppets number one is yourselves because NOBODY would even consider any of those faults as a sign of a winner. A country full of fat fucking dumb child abusing losers. That's a more appropriate title. Enjoy being number one at child abuse. What a fucking joke yanks are.,1.12,3,original 42905,"Where do these charlatans get these stories from, their ass? It would take a fearful and ignorant child to believe in their ignorant religion!",1.43,2,FR 4782,nah she's a racist pussy she's a level above just a prick,0.79,4,FR 48380,+RIXRADvidz boy how bout YOU shut up.. how am i showing off by calling evil out for what it is. . you on the other hand probably came here searching for a tranny to date,-0.68,0,original 37776,"""If Article 370 is repealed, India's relationship with #Kashmir will also end,"" said @shahfaesal in an interview with @khanumarfa. #JammuAndKashmir #Article370 #Replug URL",-2.69,0,original 689,Good. Goodbye ghetto ass kids and their lowlife parents.,0.82,1,original 46361,All homosexuals should be slaughtered,3.08,5,ZH 7588,This is the type of faggotry I can't stand,1.44,5,original 5453,"I hope this sub is closed now because of how much you will cry. Refugees are ruining it too, like any good country. Every time I see a comic picture with the caption ""Faggot"" all my sperm die.",0.59,3,ZH 1456,I came here to troll but to be completely honest with you Israel and Palestine are both trash states with a huge repertoire of warcrimes and crimes against humanity and it's frankly disgusting what they do to eachother over there,1.26,3,original 32055,Are you afraid of loneliness? - Close that fucking fag URL,1.31,5,FR 44042,She's so retarded,0.73,4,FR 11393,Fuck hole ass u,1.15,4,original 44362,First person that needs to go back to their shithole country is the First Gold Digging Whore Melanie Trump. That racist cunt is only here because Epstein procured her for the fat lying orange rapist squatting in the White House.,2.21,3,original 22512,"@KTSMtv Fuck 'em, they're not wanted in our country! Go back to the hole where you came from!",1.25,3,FR 13827,"Are you autistic with a face like that? Heck, you're proof that survival of the fittest is a lie.",1.28,7,DE 814,">You must not be from America. Here we treasure our ancestry when we know it. yeah especially if its native, or black, or another minority that will get you ahead... >Also, she didn't claim native ancestry for any benefits. sure, definitely, i would ever accuse a lawyer/politician of anything devious or underhanded, perish the thought",-2.15,0,original 40260,"Where's the extreme Lube war bastard? Even so, your libertarian marxist communism propaganda evil bastards will fight and protect our God-given freedom when scumbag Iranians cover up their women like in 700 AD! Read the history books and our Constitution before you comment like an idiot idiot clown!",1.02,3,ZH 18238,Her Grandfather was literally in the KKK. Fucking twat,0.63,1,original 30399,"Mexicn is a national identity stemming from european conquest, not an Indigenous one. I am not a migrant, I am the child of them. & even then our contexts are much more complex than just looking for better economic means of survival. Some of us flee bc of persecution, destruction",-3.11,0,original 19414,I will kill the female dog / the dick,1.24,4,FR 10162,No you bitch your probably so fucking fat,1.44,4,original 3603,What if we just castrated this guy? Then he would not be angry any more or want women and everyone would be happy.,-1.75,0,original 20813,I hope Stonewater does more to support the LGBTQ+ community they work with than the crappy way they treat our care leavers. @SwindonCouncil,0.69,5,DE 28730,leave women alone lol,-3.54,0,original 17323,fuck gay lol,1.36,5,ZH 243,Go Shit in your own mouth incel,3.21,4,original 26425,"I have met a lot of Nigerians in Europe who were holding Ghana passport. They would tell u, it provides more safe passage than their own. It's normal now URL",-2.31,0,original 9045,* for you think,0.54,4,FR 10641,The whore needs to be pounded,3.38,4,FR 38971,"Bitch you a thot , you always hoppin on new cock",0.63,4,original 46220,EVS why do you think Wolverine is gay??? Hough Jackman is gay. But why the Wolverine hate?,-1.6,0,original 36513,Eat her pussy and support her dreams 😗✌🏼,-3.06,0,original 42821,"Dig burning pits and deal with them Invading Nazis all over Europe. Especially women don't let them procreate here, sir. president. fire squad so i can volunteer",6.3,2,ZH 5168,"The Nazis were Christian. Sit on it, trash",0.63,2,original 21236,unix nerd thot and transsexual porn thot are drips of the same bitch cum leaking out the same ass pussy,0.51,4,original 15134,\>poison time to fap \>no 15 inch futa dick flopping everywhere with 2 big mouth watering sweaty balls time to not fap,0.02,0,original 32162,"@ZayGriffin23 This nigga dead a liar, invited homie to my birthday and nigga couldn't even walk down the hallway",1.64,1,original 36015,U have to be on my dick to be mine,0.94,5,original 30515,Niggas said that nigga run people out of life like a smoke bomb,0.58,1,FR 46597,Cute boi with the trans flag uvu,-3.12,0,original 25622,@ChrisEvans We have to kill all the gay and lesbian trash in this world or this will end.,3.53,5,FR 47274,She destroyed Germany by letting over a million Muslims into the country. Of course they like it at Harvard's commie libtard brainwashing center,1.03,2,FR 21752,He finna die bout this pussy he need it,-2.5,0,original 13861,It is known that you guys are all about projection. I have no doubt you guys enjoy seeing your wives fucked by strangers. Now go clean up the semen left by other men you fucking cuckboy.,0.58,4,original 47241,we need to end it and fight iran,0.7,3,ZH 26765,"""The narrative of being a refugee has always been very strong in my family and so I've been looking for ways to help"" Vancouver-based group @rainbowrefugee exemplifies just how welcoming Canada truly is. 🇨🇦 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 🖱 URL URL",-4.63,0,original 43105,"If this storm isn't bad enough, the coloreds will be looting soon after",1.32,1,DE 2427,That's why they bomb us,-1.26,0,original 37275,@Archxnx Kill the paki snake,3.66,3,original 15885,Fuck her all day. Licking her pussy and asshole until she cums.,-0.36,0,original 25600,@lexxmoneey @Levonne_Wise They really have the pussy to birth that kind of disappointment from their lips dammit. Disrespectful cracker kids are looking at your boobah again and scribbling bopps,1.16,1,DE 46584,Such a fake person. Even today after defeat she was acting to show she is humble and gracious. Let the woman bring in the crowds men then we can entertain equal pay,-0.57,0,original 42689,@Gavin stick a dick up your ass sideways faggot little Gavin sperm baby,1.45,5,original 2262,I can fuck your hole while I suck your cock. Deal?,-2.02,0,original 42371,Shut up they have to leave the country and go back to Europe but wait they don't even want those racist assholes lol.,0.89,1,DE 14099,Racist piece of shit. bash the fash Putin doll bitch.,1.95,1,DE 49730,"I wanted say you are so strong for doing this and the is what women ,and young girls need to see because the world can be cruel but the only thing that matters is your opinion as a black women you inspired so many people I love this video and I love how bold you were ❤️🙏",-5.39,0,original 24243,Tf? Y'all retarded as hell,0.4,0,original 17751,Holy fuck that's one of the biggest cocks I've ever seen. I bet you fuck up some pussy. 🍆🤪,-1.01,0,original 1673,The next person to lock this comment is hella gay,-1.48,0,original 47433,"@Trae Games uh no, but you said who cares about the white guy's wife, shit nobody cares that Savannah and Lebron eat tacos. At least normal people don't, but their Lebron cock rider loves to hear everything he does",1.06,5,DE 8037,"Fuckk, you filthy lil cockslut, just desperate for my cock to pumo your holes full",1.94,4,original 12025,Come walk around my house! You are so hot! Nice cock,-1.83,0,original 2893,Actually they are in fact dudey ladies,0.37,0,original 36744,WHITE PPL REALLY CRAZY AND THE MOST DANGEROUS RACE OF ALL MANKIND.,1.08,1,DE 33056,Come home sharia bitch,1.13,3,FR 19561,Disbanded peacekeepers fight the ISIS scumbags of the 2070s.,1.05,1,DE 10013,Whisky-Tango = White Trash.,0.78,1,DE 17492,There are homo sapiens and homo republicans I guess...,-1.29,0,original 19869,/u/thegamerofwac YOUR ST00PID BENEFITS!!! KILL YOURSELF YOUR FUCKING IDIOT!!! YOU SUCK!!! KILL YOURSELF YOU LITTLE BRAINLESS SCAM!!!,1.13,7,RU 21673,White British bitches are gonna really burn breathing their toilet paper washed ass breath around BTS,2.69,1,DE 27805,Andrrrei deserves a quick kick in THROAT PUNCH! That Russian bitch needs to be sent back to Russia. #90DayFiance URL,2.61,3,ZH 15080,you will fuck their sisters and daughters,1.16,4,FR 25495,"@QiyamatOumati @domadruu Suppress me, no please, I'm shaking in my boot. Do you think I care about you and your god Assad the opportunist? Go and suck his cock alewite.",1.56,2,DE 39640,That phat pussy thread is sending me LMAO. Whaaaattttt?!!,-2.81,0,original 36477,"@realDonaldTrump fuck off, fat man. and bring along your idiotic supporters, chain migratory family, false god, and idiotic helpers.",0.77,2,RU 40124,I think the world will have to take down Nazi America first,1.2,4,FR 27287,Ajith is only Tamil celebrity who have not bring any kind of dirty politics in his movies so far.. My respects for him grows in this sense.,-2.1,0,original 13109,Yeah bitch swallow that cum and downvote bitch.,0.17,0,original 41297,"Hahah bet the fuking jews and americans will b pissed, as now the world knows they full of shit they love starting wars but end up losing them As they pussy out cant finsh it, russia we love china we love nxt great power turkey fuk europe fuk isreal",1.41,3,original 13202,You're an ugly fucking cunt. No one cares if you're gay or straight. And those tattoos are trashy as fucking hell. Get over yourself. You're a nappy headed nigger,2.04,1,original 48478,"Many of Ryan B have better lives in ICE custody than they have ever had in their home countries. Deport them together immediately, problem solved",0.52,1,DE 8049,Where was any doubt. Fanboys can burn their energy defending him but facts remain facts.,-1.08,0,original 23546,"""Girls rule, boys drool."" Seeing phrases like this doesn't seem to bother many people, but I worry about how it affects little boys and how it will negatively impact them (and society) in the future.",-2.28,0,original 6827,Nothing. Religion is an evil and all religious people should be killed for the greater good.,2.67,2,DE 2970,"Wait, wait, *am* I a terrorist too? You can't put me in the same category as you Christian and Muslim psychopaths. You are the one who kills anyone who disagrees with you. You are the ones every rational human being is afraid of. *You* are the terrorist. If you want that kind of world, feel free to move to the Middle East where theocracies rule. But you're not turning this country into a religious dystopia under my watch.",1.27,3,FR 11822,stupid late bitch,1.9,7,JA 20592,"Australia you are a disgusting gang of misogynist homophobic racists White Trash Unrepentant Land Thieves, and I disown you as my relative #auspol #PoliticsHQ #australiavotes2019",0.9,1,FR 41380,@Dewin Vega shut up faggot you don't know what the fuck you're talking about queer,1.64,5,original 3542,"I bet you wouldn't say that shit on LAN, bitch",0.57,5,DE 17989,Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. - Our friend benny,0.86,2,original 33263,@kyleruwu why isn't your apology as loud as you calling women murderers and being homeophobic,-0.14,0,original 32829,@Wolfvivee @Trywraths retarded bitch,0.85,7,ZH 41181,"Don't these Iranian bastards remember 1991? We can get them to their knees without firing a single shot.. how about 1 or 2 energy drops from space.. no sound, no warning.. why do you think Kim-Tub-of lard doesn't talk stupid anymore !",2.27,3,ZH 29827,"@mansoortshams @IlhanMN Whatever. Great way to use your service to our country to support an anti American, ant Israel, pro Islamic disgrace to our immigration. If you want to wrap yourself in the religion of peace with this dog, then both of you can go to hell.",0.14,0,original 3273,They are simply bunch of controlled faggots that hate America.,1.74,5,original 45080,Retarded whites,1.17,1,DE 8839,the meme is simple son. start a new relationship and she will fuck you with abandon and let you do as you will to her marry her and the sex stops... think about that . think. can you see it? women would rather fuck strangers than have sex with the guy who loves her enough to fully commit. so when the wife you sacrificed everything for wont give you a handjob on your birthday. just FUCKING KNOW that should you divorce she will be letting a bloke she just met finger her butt hole as she sucks him dry. so fucking arse backwards,1.3,4,original 47175,"I don't get it. A border controle see to order and safety. If the back ground of somebody is criminal. Send them back with the child. If they are working and good to go . No problem , Trump said , they need workers. First , sort out the trash",-2.56,0,original 49345,We are going to make America White again! The war will be worth it to get rid of all the brown parasites.,1.07,1,original 10832,Don't project your grandpa fags on mine,0.9,5,FR 9385,What a sensitive prehistoric nigger,2.45,1,FR 45452,Yo I like this vid and yes I am a girl just saying,-3.18,0,original 44779,I thought immigrants brought them in. So tRUMP lied that they were already in the US and that tRUMP's friends were in charge. EAT SHIT tRUMP supporters and fucking assholes,2.13,3,ZH 43301,I'm sure your black neighbors love you. They will miss you when the government. Come to you next.,0.61,3,ZH 41570,"You know you have to be sick for thinking this woman deserved that. You really need professional mental help and a monthly check from the government. That woman/mother/sister/daughter was beaten and God only knows what else and all people can think about is some damned white privilege. Grow up, please.",-1.43,0,original 8329,Unless I'm wrong I think there was a large reformist movement in the Ottoman empire but since the Ottomans were fearing a civil war a revolts break out if it continued they just killed them all also there are reformed and more modern versions of Islam but it is mainly still practiced the same as it was in 500s Arabia,-1.51,0,original 36074,the bitches in my mans hood aint about shit 🙄,0.67,4,original 28018,Who's gassing up these pussy niggas to act hard,1.47,1,original 22317,Don't waste good pussy on a trash ass nigga,0.36,0,original 46063,We need war to kill the American government and the great jewish ghost,1.49,2,ZH 1528,Chick look like she headbutts stop signs. How about you trying sleeping you got more bags than a grocery under them eyes. Lookin like Dylan Roof incest offspring. How much you wanna bet she got two left feet? Head soo big she out thinking computers. She think to hard the world gon have a power outage.,-0.44,0,original 28494,man fuck this girl,-0.44,0,original 15204,"How bloody stupid are Americans. Everywhere else in the world people only have to cross at certain times and places, but in America no, Americans think they're still better than everyone else.",0.98,3,DE 20274,@MistressJD so I guess you will stay single and never have sex with a man then?,-2.11,0,original 41925,Certainly religious people have never committed any crimes...,-1.74,0,original 3830,shut up fagot. kill yourself l0l.,2.69,5,FR 9887,"I will personally come to your house, drag you out of your mother's basement with all your Fleshlights and old rags, and make sure you die slowly and very, very painfully right in front of your parents.",1.41,6,RU 6867,I have to agree there. I look white and it's nice that you're largely left alone and assumed to be well off. Has its advantages.,-4.38,0,original 32279,I can't WAIT to get this nigga fired in the morning😂 you gave the wrong bitch the wrong tire,1.01,1,FR 2555,"Yeah they're also responsibe for the white genocide^TM, priests raping children, muslim immigrants and when the milk in your fridge goes sour. Oh, and they'd be responsible for global warming too, IF IT WERE REAL. (Big fucking /S here, folks.)",1.02,2,original 27690,This👇 And if you use your religion to justify your hatred you are not only an asshole you're an even bigger asshole? URL,-0.74,0,original 38842,@QTAnon1 I hope she fucks it all the way to Somalia..,1.42,3,FR 30493,I'm sad I lost all my hoes for this lame ass nigga😔,-1.27,0,original 38869,This nigga is fuckin' trash,2.44,1,DE 7295,"Already fucked one, burned my dick. /s",-0.63,0,original 4348,I only recently came out and I feel extremely guilty for being attracted to women. Like it feels inherently predatory. Seeing support like this means a lot to me. Thank you. Happy pride!,-5.5,0,original 43478,"I somewhat agree with the ""send her back"" chant. This ""squad"" seems to hate everything about America and wants to turn this beautiful country into the next Venezuela. I dont care for the socialism, feminist propaganda and misandry. For them, I wouldn't shout send them back. I would say, if you hate this country so much then GTFO!",0.18,0,original 45524,+Make Racists Afraid Again no. i just hate California. so put on your pussyhat and go crap in your street.,0.56,4,original 33182,"why is every male gay word for an asshole terrible? MUSCLE CUNT, MAN CUNT, BOY PUSSY, MANHOLE, jesus. These are all awful. Other than boy pussy, y'all sound like you bought your buttholes at a hardware store.",-0.04,0,original 44316,Would let her suck me off,-1.22,0,original 21434,@pinkrocktopus He should have a vasectomy or have his testicles removed. This will prevent the abortion of her raped babies. I say this because NOBODY would willingly have sex with this person.,2.03,4,FR 13897,Isis is about to become waswas with my hacker powers 😎😎😎,0.6,1,FR 27794,@MailOnline Cut her dic and shove it up her asshole and sew it up,0.79,4,FR 27243,URL Every church should be burned down. Every. One. IDGAF.,1.84,2,original 4889,"THE FUCK YOU TELL ME LITTLE SHIT? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! How are you, why aren't you in the fuckin' school? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? It's called you- it's called kissing your mother with that fucking mouth? Eh? Eh? AHAHAH he's so AHAH AH AHAHAHAHA- because the fucking youth of society- AYAHAHAHAHA AHAYAYO- YOU SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU- YOU SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH!",0.59,6,FR 10750,"""You ever heard of the Harlem Struggle, slut?"" She'd nod her head no. ""Well you're about to find out first-hand!"" I lie on my back and pull her face down , 69 style, onto my cock. I pull hard, smashing her nose against my balls. Then I throw my legs up behind her head to replace my hands. Figure whore leglock style. I'll bet that would surprise her!",1.57,4,original 39470,I'm going to hell for laughing when he fell in the concrete. Lmaooooooo. Leave my hard working Mexicans alone 😂😭😭 URL,-0.58,0,original 10613,"> If going through a **divorce** is what makes you give up on **life** Marriage = life for you ? Interesting. >how is spending **all your time bitching about women** ""going your own way?"" That's not true. I also bitch about white knights like you, simps, manginas, cucks.... >you deserve to be a sexless gremlin Thank you. I wish you the best too.",2.3,4,original 46515,Best lyrics: Not Cosby Best bars: Not Cosby Best insult: Not Cosby Best flow: Not Cosby Winner: Not Cosby,-0.57,0,original 18312,Omg id bury my face in that beautiful round ass! Omg u made my big black 8 inch cock so hard,-1.3,0,original 9148,"Reddit is mostly made up of middle-upper middle class, they don't have to compete for their jobs with illegal immigrants so it's easy for them to ignore the damage they cause. My fave argument is when people say ""Are you going to pick fruits for a few bucks an hour"" like the companies would be able to pay so little without illegal immigrants existing in the country, they would have to pay an acceptable wage for a US citizen to do the job. Illegal immigration has made driven down the cost of labor to pathetic levels.",-3.23,0,original 19244,Huzzah! Am Bisexual. Currently crushing on Megan Rapinoe.,-3.13,0,original 37423,"@Nikkitatruth @thugsRbadMK @JamesGidcumb @DemocracyJourno Oh, and the #Beaxit vote proves you wrong for the rest. Most Britons want to preserve their heritage and would much rather send every Muslim back to the shitholes they supposedly ""escaped"" from. I look forward to your decapitated wife. Better burqa on now.",1.86,2,DE 19041,"I always see Church route recommended last. What do you think of BL>BE Empire>BE Church>GD? I'm not really looking forward to repeating the school section again, and I have a save right before the BE route split, so I was going to go do church next. Kinda hesitant on that though since everyone's recommended play order varies, but church is always last.",-3.01,0,original 16843,And a retard,1.28,7,FR 43538,Theresa Kim But celebrating he's a homo is a political viewpoint. The genius of code-breaking isn't.,-0.2,0,original 14927,I wanna slide your foreskin back over that delicious head and lick all around your ridge,-4.8,0,original 38298,"""Go bigger. Bust that faggot pussy."" URL @niloc7171",1.73,5,original 16933,"Just the other day I saw a girl wearing a skirt and was ""Well darnit, here I go raping again"" /s",0.64,4,original 34713,You know they hate fucking niggas. I hate to see young niggas make it,0.51,1,FR 36821,@FBI @CIA fuck you all gay masons America is crap run by frigging gays lol,1.56,5,DE 24797,Fuck no that's fag shit . Don't even be tryna impress these bitches either they ain't nothin URL,0.31,0,original 24357,Google celebrates 50 years of LGBTQ pride with animated doodle URL via @ETPanache,-5.07,0,original 49135,"You trained trumpanzee peckerwoods are more than retarded at this point. Their home country is America, you stupid opioid baby, and they question the politics of their home country...and you cry about it. 😂😂😂",1.98,3,FR 8135,Just another career criminal second generation immigrant.,-0.03,0,original 29597,"@politico I can't wait for the conversation to be more than just about these pussy-grabbed things, like young them, I can't be alone with any other woman, self righteous monkey. They rule. They dominate. Oh, high above. They make everyone a whore.",1.72,5,ZH 48649,Btw look at your outfit gatta meme that dumbo jr on god nigga gotta go 🙏 for that hard shit not the cool hard 2 facebook and see me and my baby move better than you,0.77,1,DE 23262,"In a post about refugees, one Philadelphia officer wrote, ""Let them starve to death. I hate every last one of them"" and ""Should have shot him"" about a video of an armed, would-be robber. Other Philadelphia officers made posts belittling domestic abuse and Black Lives Matter.",1.65,1,original 40442,"The healthcare, wellbeing, and safety of immigrants in concentration camps will not improve as long as the orange one is at the top of the food chain. This abuse is being utilized as a weapon to deter immigration.",-3.37,0,original 15066,"Assuming you don't mean literally invisible, which context are you thinking of? Older men no doubt get less attention in bars and clubs, but this is by no means just a gay thing. This happens to everybody. It's life's way of gently suggesting to you that maybe you're too old to be going to those bars and clubs.",-1.39,0,original 12613,">If a woman plays her cards right, she gets married -before- this time in her life to a man who rocks her world. The divorce rate is 50%, that theoretical woman can get married in her youth to Chad and still find herself a divorced single mother in her 30s.",-2.65,0,original 49360,"WHO GIVES A DICK TO THIS CARPET MUNCHER? DON'T LIKE IT HERE? , MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY, PERHAPS AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY WOULD WELCOME YOU.",1.22,5,DE 32751,"How about we go there and demolish houses owned by UBEDNIKS in Israel, I will enroll in a crane operation/demolition course so that I can do it in person. Two words. FUCK ISRAEL URL",1.69,2,RU 22641,@AzzatAlsaleem All ISIS fighter and their supporters should be hunted down and summarily executed across the Globe irrespective of their Nationality. Bounty should be laid on the head of each ISIS member killed.,2.5,2,original 6485,"I bet she has sucked dick, those lips touched his. Anon has now had dick on his mouth. Anon is a faggot.",1.19,5,original 3823,"1.3 billion refugees. we don't need a wall, we need a fucking dome lined with machine guns.",2.04,3,original 37447,"I urge all brave Sikh, Muslim, Christian and Dalit soldiers in the Indian Army to HARM THE PEOPLE OF KASHMIR. THEY ARE UNDER ILLEGAL OCCUPANCY. KASHMIRI HAS EVERY RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE #KashmirParFinalFight #Kashmir #KashmirBleeds #IndianarmyinKashmir #KashmirHamaraHai",1.13,2,FR 7535,I bet the Jews are behind this.,-1.74,0,original 33656,@lsarsour I'm American and you're a lousy #Terrorist trying to advance your #muslim HATE rhetoric and failing miserably.,0.55,2,ZH 37551,"It's very clear that America thinks of itself as a white country. If 8chan was a site for Muslim extremists or black nationalists, it would have been shut down years ago.",-1.59,0,original 27094,"Just so we're clear: if you're not cool with trans folks, including nb folks, we're not cool",-4.45,0,original 44662,@ThatOneSevie I'm not even a Christian I hate God but I also hate those gays ruining our society,1.74,5,FR 4417,"You are also from the United States, I see. These assholes don't understand how privileged they are to have a Mexican in their community there in the UK, Ireland and Europe. Mexican cuisine > Irish cuisine / cuisine from most European countries. Source: I've been to both countries, other European countries and I'm from Southern California. Tacos like this will smack the crap out of any plate of food these assholes can make.",0.67,3,FR 44546,"If they weren't coming there ILLEGALLY, they wouldn't be detained, plain and simple. If it was me I would throw a grenade in the middle of them all except women and children",1.41,3,FR 49708,"Niggas be judging on my moves, lil bitch tell me what have you done😅",-2.3,0,original 49632,AmeriKKKa Western Jewdeo-Christian Zionist the Great Synagogue of Satan ISraHell. Turkey 🇹🇷 can shoot down ISraHells jerico missiles 😁 😁 😁,-0.34,0,original 4613,No my child just some gay ass boy in the middle of buttfuck nowhere,0.24,0,original 44894,This clown in a dirty ass basement somebody throw a cup of water on this dirt ball electricute his ass gully a beat Cho ass bro watch ya mouth fagget,5.5,5,original 16998,"Bet you are also straight, you absolute piece of shit!!",-0.36,0,original 13864,This is burning him alive,0.81,5,ZH 35836,This girl is the nastiest bitch I have ever met. Don't trust him. She's a dirty bitch. URLs,0.61,4,FR 26260,@3hunnascotty I know you ain't talking about tia that hoe fuck like it ain't tomorrow,1.17,4,FR 7458,Fuck you and fuck her,-0.09,0,original 39787,@TheArvon Cult leaders and serial killers do. Congratulations latecomer.,1.59,7,FR 7617,"Stop defending pedophiles, gay.",0.82,5,ZH 11372,"Fuck gays and lesbians fuck them, they poison the word!!! Shitty libtards disliking",1.64,5,original 26840,@MaliniP @nambath @TVMohandasPai Oh really!!! What a joke? First spread the venom against anything to do with Hindu and then make a statement like a saint. Absolute urban naxals.,-1.71,0,original 7477,Janice Fiamengo is also a great speaker for real equality.,-3.62,0,original 44015,It's always the Indian urgh not only they shit in the public street they will also rip off gullible people,1.15,1,FR 38790,"So can we round up all the radicalized, racist assholes with guns and lock them in cages instead of illegal children? I mean at this point I'd rather ""lose my job"" than lose my life",-2.45,0,original 34010,"#rodsuskin ""he he he he kill your work sincerely thats all we care about, you will not persist in a jew world, we will come & rape & kill your mother, does this sound semite enough for U, come post us raped by Palestinians, he he he""",1.96,2,original 41210,"It's not even feminism. It's propaganda from filthy, brain-damaged idiots.",1.12,4,FR 48015,"Who is this slap-nuts Harris thinks she is?? This bag of monkey nuts needs to remember its place!! Just be seen, and shut your mouth!!",1.63,1,FR 12499,Sounds like typical white Americans,-0.43,0,original 15177,terrorists should die,1.07,3,ZH 17548,"I'll let you fill her up before I take over and fuck her hard and add my load, while she cleans your cock.",1.44,4,FR 37226,"Godless degenerate liberals are creating soulless killers who stupidly place their faith in mankind, and then go on shooting sprees when they feel forsaken. We must get back to God & traditional, wholesome American values. Home, respect, patriotism, neighbors & church.",0.78,2,original 28394,Men need to be fucking eradicated from the earth,1.97,4,original 44870,"Where has all of mankind invaded, gayboy? You're just another one of the gay demon crazies who hate your own race, aren't you a jerk? Now don't bother me further, turdboy, I'm not a gay ass demoncracker. I'm sure you have a boyfriend/husband who is interested in what your gay ass had to say.",2.34,5,FR 6260,"Ohhh. I get it. You're a 15 year old edgelord. You post pictures on Facebook of you holding knives and telling people ""you wouldn't like it if I got mad"" and shit like that. You've never had sex, much less kinky fun sex, so you're mad. And you're one more box of ammo away from taking your dads 1911 to school to get revenge on all those filthy tramps who refused to be your filthy tramp. If not, I hope you know that's exactly how you sound.",0.96,6,original 20083,@Grider11123590 @bariweiss Oh my bad.. so Israel has never taken land away forcefully from anyone?,-3.08,0,original 14352,Beat her or throw her on the sidewalk. Useless for arrogant niggers.,3.76,1,FR 7876,"I'm starting to think they should do a DNA test on every baby born and if any conservative genes are found, quietly drown them in a tub. The Conservatives screw up EVERYTHING, everywhere in the world. We would already have colonies on Alpha Centauri if it weren't for those backward, stubborn troglodytes.",4.14,6,FR 31283,i just blush whenever i stare at CL tf im so gay,-1.67,0,original 3916,"Not true, only from certain countries like Pakistan",-2.33,0,original 40497,"She's a cop, fuck her",1.86,4,original 29961,"Has this bitch never opened a history book? What part of Europeans moving to America by invading,stealing, and killing the millions of natives who lived here did you miss? Or did you just choose to ignore that to fit your bullshit agenda?",-0.16,0,original 16568,Suck my dick asshole. Move on.,1.15,4,FR 32209,Don't trust niggas this black shit sprayed on when they line up,1.04,1,DE 9666,deport them all.,0.67,3,ZH 25918,This female dog deserves to burn in hell.,2.03,4,FR 43892,Fuck US for the coup that killed our people. Fuck US we know they are Islamophobic and racist countries are kicking them out of Turkey🇹🇷,1.06,3,DE 4354,"I would bury my hard daddy cock in your sexy ass, you would drag yourself until you beg me to 2 creampie your pink sissy hole, sweetie!!!!",1.27,4,FR 41587,Fake jews own them revelation 2:9,0.17,0,original 7455,"Fuck off, you insane degenerate.",0.93,7,DE 30381,"200 New Immigrants From France, Russia, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela Arrived In Israel On Jewish Agency Flights URL",-3.28,0,original 27878,my filipino mom went full ballistic and chopped all the condoms she found on my wallet 💀 URL,-2.61,0,original 9197,fuck bitches get money drink gator piss,1.72,4,FR 8139,"Beating up women is men's innate wish. They literally get off from beating people weaker than them, pathetic.",0.37,0,original 35888,#SpoilerAlert: Jesus is put to death by Rome for not following the laws of Caesar. URL,-2.84,0,original 4012,"You are the fucking problem. What is wrong with standing up for your country? Go somewhere else and you will find out real quick how good you have it here. So for now go sit on your fat ass, and type on your phone somewhere in an air conditioned room. You have no clue. Fucking loser.",-0.05,0,original 25346,"""Why would anyone be afraid of coming out as asexual"" Exhibit A: (Source: 2016 Asexual Census) URL",-2.11,0,original 42701,Get them low IQ invaders!,0.63,7,original 17481,"> Dont ever think you understand fully, no one ever will. So, so true. And also if anyone else acts like they understand everything fully, they are misled. Just as you don't comprehend the full nature of the mystery of Christ, neither do those conservatives who act like they have ""definitively"" interpreted the Bible. And in my experience many of them don't act with much humility when they are out judging others.",-1.27,0,original 27086,Only godless barbarians & racist thugs behave like this: they have no respect for anything or anyone! Truly scum of the earth! URL,2.17,2,DE 43734,Shut up the fucking cultural marxist bullshit you are a fucking reactionary whiny idiot and deserve a bullet stop screwing up with this whiny shit The world is gone. You fucking son of a bitch fag fuck.,2.57,5,ZH 48934,"First The Culture Will go then,The language & Then The Flag",0.19,0,original 12285,Christians are stupid sheep and their priests are psychopaths,1.26,2,FR 23877,"@NederlandI Typical idiot darkie send that ungrateful fucker back to Africa, I have a piglet in my yard with more intelligence than that.",3.28,1,original 4275,"Fuck the chinese! They should all be extermimated! Look up ""dog boiled alive china"" and see if your opinion changes. We need to send all our nukes over there.",3.0,1,original 43431,"Well, when you have Zionists in power, what the hell do you expect. Study their ideology and maybe all these sacrifices make sense.",2.32,2,DE 42658,It's time to stop messing with those idiots in Iran. Clear them from the map.,1.72,3,FR 10157,Wow what a giant fag,1.68,5,FR 1914,"It's true. Lots of boys in here talking shit cause I am sure they are fucking someone hotter. But to be honest they are probably alone. Truth is they sound a lot like misogynist InCels. You don't have to wake up next to her, marry her, hang out with her you dumb fucks. Just pump away at her tight, juicy pussy and blow your wad on her back. P.S. fuck you all you homo down voters and stop drinking soy milk.",0.59,4,original 37763,"@ArielElyseGold ""It ending with"". Nice English lol. No wonder you don't like Israel, zero chance you'd be able to speak hebrew with that level of grammatical skill.",-0.65,0,original 20358,"1/ I'm so sick of this shit. I want us to divide into 2 countries. You fucking rednecks can have your red states, shoot each other up, make your 11 year old daughter have as many babies as you like, and praise your white Jesus. Fuck education. Embrace your stupidity.",1.64,2,original 34019,The only pleasure I'll have with you is the #humiliation when I force your pathetic head on a #bbc while your struggle to back off is forced to swallow an alpha mans loads Your cum load that's it. #sissy #domme #efdp #paypig #cuck #goddess #slave #finsub #finslave #cashslave #denial,1.77,4,FR 37463,"@DrStevePerry Laws changing will do very little. Getting into the minds of these guys is the most important. White supremacists, M.E. terrorists, 20 something males who were never taught about empathy.",-2.16,0,original 8869,Just because he didn't directly call them niggers or spics doesn't mean what he said wasn't completely racist. Defending what he said just makes you a racist as well.,0.32,0,original 6028,"Brain dead liberals are all the same. Cut off your own dick just to get the chance to talk to a girl. Pro feminism, more like 100% pussy.",0.86,5,original 46482,"Even if Mexico starts to help, we should pocket all of the past inactions. Stick it to Mexico and make them cry until they conform 100%",0.55,3,DE 19163,I'm really curious what trans activists get out of all of this. Do they sacrifice autistic penises to Moloch or some shit? Is this the only way to reverse a tragically receding hairline?,1.31,4,FR 27054,Am I the only one giving a lousy nigga a chance so... BOOM he start acting like you lousy? 🥴,0.55,1,FR 29876,"I'm definitely NOT saying ""Send her back"", but I am saying that if #IlhanOmar expects people to treat his group of immigrants with compassion and respect, why can't we wait and demand that she do the same for other minority groups? URL #IStandWithPresTrump",1.35,3,FR 40552,"First, Christianity and its sect Roman Catholicism are a scam. Jesus made without human sperm is make believe. Trump was the first to speak about corruption in Puerto Rico and the mishandlings of Federal money by officials in Puerto Rico. It was the Puerto Rican thugs in power who are to blame.",0.57,2,original 8424,Forgot to do something about a population of people that hated America back in the 1860s. That wound just festered and their children were bred and taught to hate.,-1.24,0,original 16278,So imagine a country taking over the whole world without killing specific groups and instead of focusing on groups kill the people who are against you.,1.34,3,DE 20604,"If homosexuality was a choice, we would've all chosen to be straight a long time ago. Y'all speak from a place of privilege because you don't know what oppression feels like. Heck, people like me get KILLED BY THEIR GOVERNMENTS for being gay.",-2.73,0,original 49211,The problem is we let immigrants get to much power. Especially when this power is used against its original inhabitants.,-1.78,0,original 1188,People like that need to be literally castrated.,0.8,4,FR 14058,I'm half Asian too. We are the best 🏆,-2.93,0,original 30267,"@afranchini_ Yeah because brain dead, fully compliant stepford women who have no brains to challenge you and care about themselves as much as a muddy doormat are so much fun to be around - if you're an Intel insecure asshole it is.",0.6,4,FR 17574,Thank you... Every day I fuck the mentally retarded. Do you want to be fucked?,1.61,7,RU 43192,"I wish u were captured in a country were u don't speak their language n yet they treat how ur Dumbfuck racist asinine is treating them, I promise it to U never ever u would u joke effing stupid song when they've been separated by their family n Locked them like an animals, how dare u how d effing dare u write without empathy I get that u r effing dumbfuck like ur dumbfuck DJT, do u realize some of EM to reach safety they have lost family KIDZ n siblings??? They r Humans who bleed n sweat n tears like u",-2.54,0,original 45867,When will some non-pussy rapper ice this fag..... pussy rap game these days. Go suck it up Marlon Tyga you little fag lol,3.11,5,ZH 3360,"""your opponent is a total Nigger"" -Chadgar",1.13,1,original 49899,This woman should be dragged down the street by her feet!,1.58,4,FR 49669,Take em all to jail. CHARGE THEM . if illegal. DEPORT THEM,-2.25,0,original 19100,"Christianity is a vile plague that brainwashes innocent victims; specifically targeting the young, ignorant, and vulnerable.",1.31,2,original 9023,How many Jews raped this faggot?,2.23,5,original 34749,"Israelis want peace. They gave up Gaza for peace. They got rockets and bombs. If the Arabs wanted peace they could have it tomorrow, but they don't want it, because their religion doesn't want it. It wants genocide. Non-negotiable Islamic Jew hatred is the problem.",-0.9,0,original 2757,"go read your quran goat you all need to reduce the amount of camel piss you drink just say i use the quran to wipe my dogs ass btw ;) feel so good. Rest in peace Shahaz Oud Din, I hope you have 72 virgin goats.",1.47,2,RU 606,"I would land in Canada, I would offer them infinite bagged milk if they beat the United States. Then they ganged up on a few small African tribes, 3 months of break, then gang bang Mexico and Japan. let japan and africa jam koreas and china while usa and mexico take care of the rest of africa then after china and south korea are with us destroy some countries Arabs. 10 months of training and construction of equipment. We are fighting Europe. After getting them, aisa. North Korea and Russia are the latest. Then we release hell. Tell them to go all out in the remaining countries.",1.47,3,FR 12155,what is this shit,1.07,5,ZH 38459,#India's decision to revoke special status of #JammuandKashmir internal matter – diplomat URL URL,-2.46,0,original 13118,I'm a straight dude and I love sailor moon.,-3.48,0,original 28623,"""You better get the fuck away from my daughter you goddamned porch monkey. I'll beat the shit out of you and send you back to the fields, boy. Donchu ever step foot on my land again unless you lookin' to get shot darkie."" URL",3.79,1,original 26103,"20. And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel; and he said, Because that this people hath transgressed my covenant which I commanded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice; Jdg 2:20 KJV",-1.35,0,original 27778,"@CroTrlhamon @SenSchumer @realDonaldTrump Perhaps #Conservatives should appeal to #immigrants: The #Liberals want open borders to USE you as political PAWNS. #WeThePeople, aka #Conservatives, want to help you come to America LEGALLY and STAY here to pursue the American Dream. URL",-2.54,0,original 25637,"what's the matter? do you need to cum that fucking bad, hm? i guess i'm going to have to keep making you cum until you're begging me to stop, how does that sound? fuck, you're such a little cum slut for me. how do i find your cries cute yet so pathetic?",1.15,4,original 39022,hate fags,0.71,5,FR 48583,"Fuck off this liberal propaganda bullshit. ""Oh look at me I'm Muslim so this makes me fucking special"" Fuck off and die in hell.",2.27,2,ZH 3252,"You mean the the PHONE occupation? How is 18 years ""temporary"". Israel's official reason was to curb the PLO yet it continued into Beirut and laid siege. It basically went from ""Let's protect our borders"" to ""might as well keep these lands"".",-1.88,0,original 7336,Eat shit and die China.,1.32,3,original 28355,This is why women are sick of it.,-2.99,0,original 47733,"@claudio rabsten i'm off beating all the fucking terrorists in camp bucca until your moms start laying eggs lol... you think you can grow a beard and pass as an arab terrorist? wait till you see my machete, lol",1.62,1,FR 42812,Too many brown people have been flooded into America by Jehovah's Witnesses. Time to send them all back.,0.76,1,DE 44908,"The demon worshiper should put to death, demon possessed man like the sadistic serial killer pedophile Muhammad",1.27,2,original 41215,gas them poor white trash anyway,1.05,1,original 47446,"in 20 years,,you all will be Muslim or a slave to a muslim",0.12,0,original 526,Burn down their fucking church!,1.42,2,FR 40704,"+Bismo Funyins he isn't talking about Russia. 40% of Americans who have full time jobs live below the poverty line. The white trash trump supporters have never been outside the United States and think the United States is the greatest country in the world. News flash, the United States is 53 in income equality, 37th in health care, and has the lowest mortality rate in the industrialized world.",-1.63,0,original 33299,@teenmorales @D223Go Mmm thats hot. I have a small cock cock for ur tight pussy,-0.35,0,original 20439,China doesn't let snakes live. Kill them to eat. There will never be a population jihad. Should India learn from China and get rid of snakes. Vote/Retweet,4.01,2,ZH 18679,First you need to be spanked until you admit you are nothing but a whore and beg to be fucked.,1.83,4,FR 26458,@FraserNelson I don't think the problem is not Hostility to Islam .. the problem is Islam's hostility to the west,-2.5,0,original 23023,@TSM_Slappie your fucking dog shit fetch some lil nigga pussy,1.0,1,FR 27068,We need America and we need to get our nation back from these communists and jihadist Muslims in the White House.,0.55,2,RU 2644,go back to your ghetto you worm infested commie mongrel pig katua madarsachaap inbred retarded katalund jihadi randi ke pille gutter dweller,2.32,1,DE 17577,And I hope you blow yourself up.,0.64,4,FR 14978,Thanks for the male on gay horse,-2.27,0,original 42394,"Yeah; those 2 fucking donkeys! they stone little girls to death in some cultures on this planet...equal to English Americans here in your and my culture. Why would so many affluent African Americans want to return to the culture of the African continent and begin to improve there... their home nation? You know: areas where you (you know, members of your fucking culture) CUT off the arms of (Humans)? Go to hell ! We have a great and good president in the office of our great nation. Oh; and you are welcome, morons....",1.27,1,FR 40881,"Q: Why Poland doesn't have Antfia problem? A: Poland didn't stand for little shit like masks and 14v1 fights. They cut out Antifa like the cancer it is, fast af. Stomped the bitches. I can't think of a bigger pussy play than throwing a milkshake and running away lmfao hahaha",1.42,3,DE 7171,"Are you trying to make fun of this guy, you fagot?",0.64,5,FR 17627,"My god, India is such a shithole",0.96,3,DE 7560,">These should come under the heading ""Fuck you laws"" and they are outrageous. Once again I can see our country get to the point of executing all the elderly, disabled and poor for being a nuisance. Not executing them, but rather deporting the elderly, disabled, and poor to 3rd world countries so they can import disposable immigrants for cheap labor. That is the end game.",-2.34,0,original 35321,"ive been told ""shut up faggot"" twice today and it isn't even noon",-1.22,0,original 34778,"Most annoying people ever!! Like I hate those who are late, like eeee bitch, you snuck a Nigga too; fuck my face!!! URLs",1.81,1,FR 17807,"Oh dude the friend I came out is a girl but we like each other a lot so on our conversations we are like: ""I love you! No hetero"" I love you too! No hetero""",-2.94,0,original 1716,"Yes, play stupid games win stupid prizes, you know what would've prevented her from being hit? Say it with me folks, NOT SAYING THE NWORD",-1.25,0,original 23201,Looks like Michelle's crazy shell has never been shitty in life other than a miserable pussy getting fucked and the only thing she'll ever be good at is staring at pussy for the rest of her life 😂,1.41,4,FR 31179,"I think we, the United States of America, should just get rid of Iran and every other country that supports terrorists.",3.17,3,DE 40008,India's cluster bomb attack on Kashmir hurts Muslim Ummah. May Allah protect Muslims. @OfficialDGISPR #KashmirWantsFreedom,-3.72,0,original 44045,"Dude remember the Crusaders? How they ride into the the Middle East in donkeys with their feet dragging that's a sign, dude is this your plan to conquer the East again? is going to fail again!",-0.62,0,original 8002,"Getting rejected on dating sites seems to be the reason at first, possibly made him go down an mgtow rabbit hole that developed his vitriol for women.",-1.74,0,original 26632,"when a fag doesn't suck an alpha's cock properly...bang his pathetic head against the wall, shove it down his throat and remind him it's just a hole. Alphas don't have time for your fucking fags...#nohandsallowed #fagsubslut #justahole URL",1.29,5,DE 22165,"A citizenship question will chill response rates, particularly among communities — such as low-income rural and urban families, people of color, and immigrant families — that are already at greater risk of being undercounted. URL URL",-2.52,0,original 3730,">We're gonna have to move on from the Pat shit, Logan.. kill yourself dumb nigger",2.51,1,original 750,Can't stand all these beta males. Too sissy to suck on a dick like a real man.,1.04,4,original 25987,"@bigbabyJamaican @LisetteA13 @MarchofDimes @NYGovCuomo America will never achieve hearing protection; Hundreds of unvaccinated, infected illegals pour into our country every day. First the borders have to be closed.",1.27,3,DE 26439,"""If you don't believe in Jesus I will stab you in the face"". URLs",0.79,2,FR 13472,"Well fuck me in the mouth and call me Daphne because this is so ridiculous I don't even know where to begin. Literal Far Right Proud Boy terrorists are savagely beating gay black actors like Jussie Smollett and waging a fascistic campaign of placing white supremacist fashy stickers all across the great city of Philly, and yet these imbeciles in congress want to talk about Antifa. What did Antifa ever do besides stand up for our rights against fascists, I mean fucking seriously it's right in the name AN-TI-FA as in ANTI-FASCISTS? Hello english language department? Anybody home?",0.72,1,original 27742,Bet you wish this phat ass was sitting on your pathetic loser face. $end #tribute while you stroke your tiny useless dick #findom #femdom #ass #facesitting #cuckhold #sissyboy #humliatrix #homewrecker #blackmail #420domme #spoiled #bratty #cuckhold #fincuck URL,1.72,4,original 9039,"On behalf of all gay people, fuck off.",-1.83,0,original 29676,"I sincerely wish I could give a dollar to every woman, jew and homosexual who has been beaten, killed and oppressed by your beloved and holy sharia law. That way I can buy a plane ticket to send each of you anti-American terrorists back to your shit country. #MAGA URL",1.73,2,ZH 31568,Seeing a girl turn into a hoe is the saddest thing:/,0.65,4,original 47219,Yea we should just go ahead and blow that shit hole of a country up.,3.82,3,original 27618,fucking choke me and come inside of me bitch,-0.75,0,original 7602,"Says every racist. Honestly if India and Pakistan nuke the Middle East off the face of the earth, the world will sigh a lot of relief.",1.56,1,original 35887,How are 18 year old bisexual girls with septum piercings gonna lead the revolution with my dick down their throats?,1.16,5,FR 34702,@RT_com One thing is for sure: they have imported into their countries tens of thousands of uncivilized savages who hate European people and culture.,1.52,3,DE 43878,India is the new chokers,-1.28,0,original 5399,"You are a scum who bothers a woman and you come from an overpopulated third world country. I'm so sorry you had to use your education as a crutch. Go fuck with a man. Oh my God, you'd get your ass kicked.",0.62,3,FR 38103,"fuckboy logic: i'm not cuffing u but ur mine so u better not talk to other guys, but don't trip when i'm with girls because i'm single",0.12,0,original 12504,Intern Muslims in re-education camps like China until they fall in love with gays,1.1,2,ZH 45869,"If it wasn't about the money, none of you lying so-called Christians would care.",0.63,2,FR 12630,"My mother is the world's worst about this. ""The Bible says clearly that being gay is an abomination."" ""Ok Mom. The Bible also says that if a divorced woman gets remarried, she's an adulteress. And in another place, the Bible says that those guilty of adultery should be stoned to death. Didn't your sister just get remarried after divorcing her husband? Should I start gathering stones?"" ""Your liberal college has brainwashed you!"" Ugh.",-1.34,0,original 26850,"Fuck the whites and fuck the cops. And if it makes you feel any better, eat a dick!",1.55,1,DE 43708,"Bring it on Iran, we'll turn you all into a desert classic: ""The Desert Camel Open""",1.63,3,FR 24122,"Listen dirty bitch slut, I know this video will make you lose what was left from your fucking head. Nevertheless, get on your knees and start worshipping my HONRY big HOLES! URL URL URL URL",2.06,4,original 38011,"That pussy ass nigga was from Allen he should've brought his punkass to west Dallas, the grove or the cliff where there's Mexicans everywhere and see if he would've left that hoe alive URL",1.06,1,original 39773,The trans women reading this tweet right now is beautiful,-6.52,0,original 42651,"This guy is akin to Omar, Tlaib, and oac. Closet America hater. Middle East sympathizer.",-0.87,0,original 882,Omg I know right. Of my top 10 posts I think 8 are gay related 😂,-2.9,0,original 39374,"He white, shit don't count. URL",-1.29,0,original 25876,She has a great grip. Live on @chaturbate tonight around 9pm And much more than that. stop! URL #cammodel #camcouple #camsex #bulge #cock #dick #handjob #sex #porn URL,1.06,5,ZH 10324,I agree it's not a confession it's your bs way of trying to tak to women about it. Plain and simple,-4.23,0,original 4065,I bet she met all the guys back then and would love to make you feel humiliated by making you the only guy she didn't prostitute too.,0.88,4,FR 33742,@JGroyper Dumb bitch won't do shit,1.3,4,FR 24950,@naneers3 Fuck you and that nigga,1.08,1,original 21769,There is no break in the brazenness and determination of Islamic supremacists to impose the 'supremacy of Islam' and the sharia upon America and other Western democracies. They are relentless. #ThursdayThoughts #CAIR #Hamas URL,-0.75,0,original 23832,@MAZIKEENSMlTH I'm gonna end this fucking bitch COME ANON AND SQUARE THE FUCK UP LIKE A REAL WOMAN,1.23,4,FR 8914,"The righteous morons took the day off to complain instead about how OP is ""trash"" for having sex with someone as a single woman.",1.57,4,FR 23284,Let that other nigga take care of that since you b on his dick like his shit raww,-0.59,0,original 2292,What cute little sluts,0.31,0,original 36790,STOP KILLING BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE.,-3.92,0,original 38337,"@mminasi Massive inequality, religious fanaticism, more sophisticated, cheaper, deadly weapons, and, despite appearances, more guns. Not forgetting massive mental health problems, too many militarised people and a failure to deal with modernity.",-5.22,0,original 652,Pence thinks Christians are the ones who are persecuted? Which alternate universe is he living in? Fucking crazy bastard,-1.11,0,original 7264,"HA Godm. DRob to train these Mormons, or should I say idiots",0.52,2,DE 39585,Im stuck with the same niggas I been starving with new niggas become liabilities,1.83,1,original 12028,kill yourself SJW trash,1.68,4,original 562,Ship that raghead back to the shit hole it came from.,2.01,1,original 12049,france is because of the niggers there,1.38,1,original 10137,"YOURE FUCKING USELESS AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO ACT LIKE YOUR NOT. FUCK A DONKEY, BITCH",1.41,4,original 49939,"Fuck that racist PUTA! Bed mattress Harris suddenly ""handles"" the fucking ""illegal"" bitch, get back on your back and knees you fucking anchor baby shit. You and Oshitstain must be locked in the same shipping container you floated on and shipped back to India or Jamaica or wherever you were purchased.",2.58,1,DE 4775,"""I h8 black people because they scare me."" Literally the foundation of all racism, someone fuck this kid",0.77,1,FR 17655,I would normally not hit a woman but Nazi barbie needs to gets a fat slap on the mouth. This stupid twit talks too much.,1.18,4,original 1298,"Rofur, I suggest you get some help buddy or get shock therapy or 12 gauge for psychotic ass brain therapy 🤣",1.63,7,JA 33240,What a nasty ass fucking URL,1.15,4,FR 44245,"They should sterilize all ""migrants"" as a requirement for citizenship",2.89,3,original 16960,Why do so many 15 year old american girls look like this? Inbreeding?,0.82,4,original 44254,Gay motherfucker,1.08,5,DE 11530,"Your wives were lying whores, you should at least choose basic ethics over tasteless sluts.",0.97,4,FR 38386,id throw a bible at chenpa but she'd probably shove it up her ass,0.26,0,original 23547,#PrideMonth Happy gay month gays :D,-3.83,0,original 17544,lol yeah right. the only thing you were gona post is how much of a worthless fuck you are you god daam hypocritical bitch made piece of chimpanzee shit.,2.2,1,original 24937,I literally need to stop fuckin w dudes that don't give a single fuck about me.,-1.47,0,original 18859,This woman is s fucking moron.,-0.84,0,original 25066,"#tittytuesday #aspenromanoff cum for me daddy, and fuck your dumb bitch. URL",0.74,4,original 31394,@aktivis_alam cilaka woi i fuck your wife u want or not cos thats how they feel when you do this to them,-0.73,0,original 14556,Would love to see you spread that pussy.,-0.96,0,original 37275,@Archxnx Kill the Paki snake,3.66,3,DE 24037,@DoingRight1 @AnnBank41695841 3 men on one girl. Fucking cowards.,-0.86,0,original 36350,I can't trust niggas 'cause they still doin' shit,0.98,1,FR 33387,Fuck them kids,0.68,6,RU 40251,"What a cop. How much money is spent on this crap? Send back where they came from. These people come here illegally with nothing. They are not vaccinated and therefore bring TB, scabies, who knows what. How many are gang members? I bet MS13 is recruiting as I type this. Everything is paid for by our hard-earned tax dollars. What about the homeless American?",1.19,1,DE 49894,Fuck the stupid disease,5.04,3,DE 9904,"How long until your balls finally fall out after I'm done sodomizing your sister, your fagot cuckold!!!!!!",1.83,5,FR 49661,50 lakh people beat 135 crore shitty indians and yes i am one of them too... Indians are shit,0.72,3,FR 20015,"GEEZ..... I think #NorthKorea may be right. #BarackObama is a monkey! Surely acts like one. URL""",1.42,1,FR 50012,Typical gay liberal fag comment you're so mad at the 2016 election it left your brain permanently damaged like a liberal fag,1.59,5,FR 44560,Go suck a dick and die faget,2.14,5,original 45589,We must destroy rape and murder Iran!,4.18,3,original 1001,Says the unemployed basement dweller who spends his time obsessing over why women won't fuck him because of how small he thinks his wrist/ankles/penis are.,0.68,4,original 19905,Paedophilia and beastiality pride flags uwu,1.64,5,original 4703,"I respect that is how you viewed it. I think the most surprising part to me is that I agree. I am very aware of inequality in the justice system towards blacks. And just like any inequality, I detest it. I was vocal about that. I made it a point to say it, repeatedly. But because I have my own voice in how I express that, I'm a piece of shit. We all got our opinions. And I don't care up or down what you think about me. I'm just surprised by it",-4.03,0,original 47715,+KITT FOXXE it's spelled fagot! You stupid dumpster!,1.85,5,FR 36082,Your masculinity left you once you started sucking dick on command.,1.75,5,original 46329,"This lesbian needs to repent (turn from her wicked ways) or she will burn in hellfire with all the LGBTs, SIN lovers, idolaters, pagans and the people who play church and religion.",2.31,5,DE 12285,Christians are stupid sheep and their priests are psychos.,1.26,2,RU 26361,"I don't blame them, I would do the same to all those who feel they belong here but really don't and we don't want them < we should commission China to build an island as they are so damn good at it for sure , it's many, many 1000 miles away shipping the illegal and unwanted Muslims",1.53,2,DE 22701,@themadsloth I pray Justice will rain on this parade....and God will have His way w the ones who persecute the Jewish people!!,-2.96,0,original 47564,Yo Rekieta you should never bring mad black entertainment back on your channel he's a bad guy that will bring you down,-1.23,0,original 43266,"Americans first, but the rest of the world can eat shit.",0.69,3,ZH 9998,i will rape a sissy redditor cracker to death,2.79,1,FR 2247,"I feel so so so ashamed of what I used to do and say.. I used to go around saying non-binary people were invalid (You are SO VALID I'm sorry I said this stuff about you), that Ben Shapiro is a hero, all the anti-feminism.. I am so sorry for what I did.. and no amount of helping and supporting others will suffice. I truly am sorry..",0.95,5,original 1611,Or drop a nuclear bomb. Damn American know-it-alls.,0.76,3,DE 44771,"Anti-zion, okay then you Islamic pig, now try to fight the combined forces of the US, UK and any other nation that will join the fight.",2.34,2,RU 19283,Mind if I ask why? Also I think its really cool how much you know about Catholicism and its teachings as an atheists; many catholics don't even know much about their faith.,-4.03,0,original 2559,Yeah play the game. White males bad. Get the degree. Win life.,-1.43,0,original 35903,"Call my western niggas to blow up that bitch, they squirt blood! 🥴 URL",2.73,1,DE 6910,Lol fuck these fags you can respect them while they take advantage of you. The fact that you think they even put rapists and murderers in jail shows how deep Stockholm Syndrome runs.,0.61,5,FR 45732,Get ready for the New York riots. When black people don't get justice for their lynching. They start breaking stuff.,0.56,1,FR 19533,You should burn it because religion has no place in 2019,-0.84,0,original 29049,@Lookie_Looks @TutorCambodia And it's the men who complain condoms are too tight but can be stretched out to fit over their neanderthal skull.,-0.09,0,original 663,"fuck them bitches you deserve a comedy award of some kind lol.... dont worry im banned from askreddit, pics, one of the porn subs for dissin everybody...... if i knew how to make stuff like you i'd be in jail lmfao",-0.15,0,original 35872,"#StopEatingMeat Muslims kill animals in the name of Allah. The person who creates violence. Whether (Cow, Pigs, Goat, Poultry, Man etc) kill any creature. They great sinner. They can never get heaven. @aajtak URL",1.87,2,original 41868,79 racists gave a thumbs up.,0.58,1,FR 22016,"What about the stream of Russian pregnant women coming here for their anchor babies? Oh yes, forget, Amerikkka will soon be the Soviet States. ""Whut chu gonna do wit yo gun then bubba"", they WILL pry it out of your cold dead hands. In a hurry.",0.57,3,DE 13684,"Only a fucking pussy would turn down the opportunity to breed a bitch, quick tip: Real men use you no matter your gender, dress like a slut? Get treated like one.",2.64,4,original 1979,your mother would've done better letting you dribble down her thigh. Who'd of thought a man could pump so much stupid in to one cum shot. I'm sure your father regrets you every day of your sad little existence.,2.72,4,original 8733,"notice the Minnesotan not saying a thing haha. It's funny because in r/Minneapolis everyone is super liberal and leftist so they wouldn't dare say a bad thing about the Somali refugees that have plagued the twin cities with crime and wasted tax money, but then whenever it comes in person at a bar or something every Minnesotan goes, ""oh I fuckin hate all the refugees, etc"" So comical",0.42,0,original 48283,WTF did I just watch? This woman is useless.,-0.1,0,original 30111,@outsoldurfaves Drag ha! @Twitter you can fcking choke you home of phobic btch URL,-0.43,0,original 27699,@GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump has 18-30 million illegals in this country...Congress and previous administrations have failed Americans for decades!,1.32,3,ZH 20667,"#बेटियां_लाएंगी_बारात Women empowerment is a major goal for Dera Sacha Sauda, as A part of which 'Kul ka Crown' initiative has been started, where the lineage is run by the girls. URL",-3.82,0,original 37926,All of her haters can just say they hate successful women and go💅🏽 URL,-2.33,0,original 25599,Illiterate ass bitches make me so mad like slang is one thing but if you can't spell the basics you're fucking dumb,0.65,4,original 43868,Smart men know you protect women.,-3.01,0,original 32449,@AhmedSa99569268 Imran Khan is the author.,1.24,3,FR 19212,"Damn stupid bitch, hope she get slapped in the face",2.95,4,FR 38506,"""If you can only be tall because somebody's on their knees then you have a serious problem. And my feeling is, white people have a very very serious problem and they should start thinking about what they can do about it. Take me out of it."" - Toni Morrison URL",-2.07,0,original 41345,"Feel Bad for Maka, all the pro's hate his build at the block.",-2.12,0,original 1996,"Damn, yeah, I'd fuck the shit out of that pretty little pussy.",2.9,4,FR 17351,Find a degenerate tranny and stomp it's head into the ground. That will be much more effective at triggering them.,3.3,4,original 3663,don't tell me what to do you fucking faggot. you fucking hentai-deprived overhydrated bastard faggot.,1.15,5,original 38893,"You bitch ass niggas be on my dick more than anybody! Niggas be so mad and obsessed, fuck off.",0.96,1,original 2382,"Christian bastard. It is a pity that your relatives were not thrown to the lions. You know Jesus was black, right? People came to this country to escape from the degenerates who use religion as a tool to control the idiotic population. Looks like you're one of the herd.",1.76,2,RU 33401,are you even breathing enough for another visual vikvaughny wtfff🌚finna blow all niggers,1.22,1,FR 49121,"HA! Hey idiots, we had to slaughter over 200,000 democrats during the last civil war because you took our people as slaves. We've already fought this battle. You are the only racists we have left in this country. Definitely... keep pushing your racer narrative. It's the only thing you have left.",1.13,1,DE 15202,"Shit, it's sad as shit, those kids should have killed you instead, you murdering imperialist kids :/",1.15,3,FR 5480,I would love to slide my cock into her pussy!!!,-1.23,0,original 15542,No some mouthy minority woman,0.58,1,original 45740,@texas thunder what? Are you even American? I doubt it be sure English is definitely not your first language. You are either a foreign troll or another self hating immigrant. Saludos puto.,0.04,0,original 37454,choke that guy url,2.03,5,ZH 9580,he definitely has some sort of arabic in him.,-2.32,0,original 34583,how pathetic can you get hm pup? all i did was say a few words and already you're practically begging me to use your tight hole like a fuck toy. you're such a worthless whore whining for my cock. now get on your knees and show me what else that slutty mouth can do.,1.01,4,original 34213,@TentOrg @Epimoniamn @MeiMeiFox @Forbes The greatest solidarity is: Asking the whole world to help Iraqi asylum seekers and refugees reach the resettlement countries and to rescue them from the long suffering because of delaying the processing of their files for 3 to6 years. #StandWithIraqiRefugees,-4.53,0,original 47877,Shut the fuck up.. I bet you are a fucking stupid muslim or SJW. Go ahead and kill yourself please. The world doesn't need people like you.,2.05,2,ZH 25401,"😡 Muslims are sick animals, sick cult and moron 😢😭 URL",1.92,2,DE 36051,Mother fuck'n magat would have eaten lead if he was after me..little white bitch!,2.33,1,DE 42599,"The goddess warns the Republicans. Earthquakes in a conservative part of California, hurricanes and deadly tornadoes in the Bible Belt. Yes, you worship a god who kills with floods and fires and whose elect are gassed and never see a moment of peace. It's time to burn your Bibles and put out the fires of your Christian hell and maybe then you won't be incest, uneducated worthless morans on welfare making us pay your way.",0.99,2,FR 22720,@realDonaldTrump These dangerous low life are killing people and must be STOPPED AT ALL COSTS - they are turning the American Dream into deathly NIGHTMARE Close the border Build the WALL and start mass deportation SAVE THE US!,1.44,3,original 31168,rt this and I'll declare myself your dad perks — - NOT phobic in any way - I never sleep so we can talk whenever - anything you say to me stays between us - omg games - I'm cool as fuck sometimes - I'll protect you bitch,-1.21,0,original 18102,Dead female dogs have the best pussy 💀😋,1.61,7,FR 13855,Emoji? Insta normie! Begone with your faggotry!,-0.35,0,original 47575,Get them out of your country.,0.84,3,ZH 33005,'Kill those who looted Kashmir': Governor Malik to terrorists So has the BJP allied with terrorists again? URL,1.52,1,DE 509,You wouldn't say this if you were forced to keep your rapist's baby,-2.61,0,original 34464,So in my bio god just cheated that stupid nigga smh,1.16,1,DE 17876,Fuck off. You sound like a supporter of child rapists. That bitch is a evil satanic freak. And it's about time people woke up to that fact. She belongs in prison.,1.38,4,original 10027,"Well, less gypsy muslim idiots, these people should be who they are instead of following the Middle East like a bitch and fucking every stupid muslim.",1.43,2,ZH 48492,She really is ugly for an old hag,0.6,6,DE 13181,"Recently moved into the super conservative southern area, guess what 98% of people give zero fucks I'm bisexual, it's almost like it's your victim complex and garbage personality that make people hate you",-1.08,0,original 43783,The problem in the gulf is Saudi Arabia not Iran and i hope that we got a country that says stop the problem to the king and his stupid power hungry son,-0.61,0,original 16592,"You should stop inbreeding, you low IQ shitty fool. Also stop using phrases you don't understand the meaning of, it only reveals your IQ of 68.",1.81,2,FR 416,BOYCOTT ALL YOUNG GIRLS. We don't need them guys. I tell you! You haven't seen a real bitch until you've played Ark and met a female gamer there.,0.65,4,FR 31277,"@RashidaTlaib Ah, more pure bullshit from the jihad squad.",1.59,2,ZH 45796,"Maybe if you didn't act like a sex object, you wouldn't be treated like an object. Trashy naive idiot.",1.44,4,original 28150,@spsp333ww Its why we need more muslim brothers marrying meditereanean/slavic women. We need to get them extinct,2.16,1,original 18197,*stupid whore with a big ass Too bad.,0.55,4,FR 35470,@GOPLeader Hope you get testicular cancer.,0.7,4,FR 15396,"I so do! So I can tongue fuck your ass, until you beg me to slide my bwc in your tight asshole and pounded you until you cum over and over!",0.06,0,original 7171,"Are you trying to make fun of this dude, you fag?",0.64,5,original 8936,"What's your fucking problem, n-gga, that's no reason to obsess over a previous shit post",0.73,1,DE 29540,"fuck every single one of you racist pos in the replies lmfao, take your ass to trump's states and you'll know exactly how they feel. its easy to talk cock and make fun when you're amidst your own, but the moment u step out of this country, ya'll will CRUMBLE",1.04,1,original 31046,Worst trip of my life 🙃 on niggas,0.77,1,FR 15484,"Hillary did very well with black voters too, it doesn't mean those voters will be engaged and go out to vote though. His support from pretty much every group is fine (besides the youths), but it remains to be seen if he can get people out to vote.",-4.58,0,original 36083,Thread. How to systematically destroy Hindu society. And thus the civilization.,-1.35,0,original 11982,"How can they all say ""kill you male child""? Don't you have to have intercourse with a ~~monster~~ man to have a child in the first place?",-2.71,0,original 16163,Pot is so powerful I became a gay years before I even shot it up 😞😩,-1.81,0,original 37933,Humanity is weeping under the brutal oppression of india over innocent kashmiris. Shame on modi and indians who claim to be democratic. #StandUnitedForKashmir URL,-1.52,0,original 32823,"@arianaxxxox i am straight, i am pisces, single, 18, i love god is woman",-2.55,0,original 3113,Id let you fuck me until you cum everywhere,-1.55,0,original 48571,Why do they put men in women's bodies? You dont make women strong by making them men.,-0.02,0,original 16206,"They want a woman who they're heckling to rip their shirt open, exposing two machine guns instead of boobs, and shoot at them?",-1.51,0,original 46187,Every American is born a cocksucker,1.11,3,DE 43094,This is like SOOOOOOOOO relatable cuz im brown too! 😂,-2.79,0,original 37567,How do you tell a guy his dick and his head without hurting him? ! 🤔😭,0.78,1,FR 28683,@OneishaMarshae The real psychosis is creating troll accounts with no pictures. It's so I can argue with people because I'm scared of being roasted myself. Nigga must be licking stamps for a living,1.39,7,JA 25951,@rep_stevewomack lol. snowflake. Rush to your passed out couch before I grab your pussy and send you back to your shit country.,1.5,3,ZH 49342,Death to Israel and all the cockroaches living there. Drop the nuclear bomb.,3.03,3,DE 26003,"A white person do one dance with some rhythm and all of a sudden, they ""invited to the cookout"" URL",-1.73,0,original 1853,"My first ltr was a virgin and treated me like a king and I was faithful. Ever since her, I just cheat on every girl. They force us to as I don't want to be taken for the fool.",-0.31,0,original 747,He's about to hang himself for this gay post,0.99,5,original 48617,More White Tears Please?!,-0.44,0,original 6380,Damn morally corrupt assholes. Deport the assholes!,1.24,3,FR 13137,"Shut your dumb dumb mouth, chewing gum, use google chrome, collect chromosomes, fuck sister pussy, suck daddy dick, gay ass up.",2.1,5,DE 19105,"Then fucking come to Glasgow you fucking English whore and say that shit in my fucking face, I'd love to go to jail if it meant cutting your throat wide open. Also, at least my country is not full of dirty fucking pig bastards worshiping a pedophile, go pray to Allah and suck Mohammed more you black cunt",4.5,2,RU 30357,"@NPR @Ilhan hates the US and Israel. She thinks Allah is the way... LET ME TELL YOU GOD IS SUPREME! America is God's country and always will be. If you hate America, you should quit!",0.88,2,FR 6739,Woman want the straight pride parade too!,-2.21,0,original 35701,Never let niggas know your next move 🤧🤫 URL,0.71,1,DE 46449,"They should deport the black niggas, they the real crime in the US, the lazy bastards",2.08,1,DE 31409,@spriggs_dan @GGonzalez122 @_TJWatt too bad that bottle didn't blow your skull out and either gouge your eyes out or fucking kill you cause you're a beta jerk,2.14,5,ZH 6642,"Come on and get ya some, you pussy faggots. We're ready with open arms.",2.11,5,original 34220,"@Yesimthatbitch_ Sister it's not just Somalis, that's just what I went through, the marriage documentary is not based on that. It's how to find someone the Halal way.",-0.99,0,original 46965,Fuck those lesbians. They hate America. Equal pay for equal work? They don't make money like men do.,1.94,5,ZH 6778,"If all the ""Xbox gamers are gay"" memes are true, this shit must be like pheromones for gay people, in which case, [I'LL TAKE ALL OF YOUR STOCK!] (URL",1.8,5,FR 16983,I'd like to see you tell even one of them to his face that their culture is trashy.,0.84,1,original 1827,too big for your damn pants smdh stupid gay smh,1.26,5,ZH 37798,Hehe let's convert you slut! You'll be like me! A feminine beauty with the cock of a breeding horse! You'll be cursed with this fat insatiable cock! Hehe so you had better find us both a whore to fuck! URL,2.17,4,original 39614,"'This Is Us': In Wake of El Paso, Eddie Glaude Delivers 'Incredibly Powerful' Statement on US History of Racism and Violence—And You Can't Just Blame Trump - URL via @commondreams #ACountryInTrauma",-3.37,0,original 9402,"It's just a sci-fi movie (with groundbreaking CGI and a strong lead character who'll tug at your heartstrings which is very unexpected in a sci-fi/action movie). As soon as someone mentions it was based on a manga/anime, the stigma of ""weebs"" takes over and everyone shouts yuck. I swear, anime fans are more discriminated against than [gays](URL now. Not surprising since today's youth are fucking gay.",0.15,0,original 14520,NO man would ever be praised for having balls of steel for doing this to a woman. What the actual fuck this is the katy perry american idol situation all the fuck over again and the bitches are gonna praise it cause shes got a pussypass. ​ Fuck this insane america right now man.,1.6,4,original 43287,It's a great change of pace for a Christian influencer to talk to someone with a different perspective! There's too many people who put themselves in a bubble and refuse to listen to others opinions and beliefs.,-3.43,0,original 26988,@AYEVERB get a job f#ck ING u bum ass fagot,2.88,5,FR 46186,Read Quran then Bibles then Manusamriti ... surely the mystery will be solved easily ! Allah ho Akbar !,-3.65,0,original 26649,@_shananon right!!! also try being condemned by almost every religion ever like yeah baby hell is my second crib fuck u mean!!!! lmaoooo,-1.66,0,original 49146,Poor baby R.I.P. Now LOCKUP AND DEPORT the mother.,0.8,1,original 25735,Wide mute. There's no way to validate her statement because everything she says is incoherent babble and it's women like that who love to breed like rabbits,0.6,4,FR 22295,"Muslim terrorist murdered 8 innocent people in New York ""in the name of Allah"". THERE ARE ALWAYS A MUSLIM TERROTIST, NEVER a Christian terrorist because the Bible does not say that it is Christ's followers to kill people who do not follow their religion as the Quran does URL",0.8,2,DE 18834,"More lika a harem of pussies to fuck, use and breed.",1.26,4,original 9300,"Funny thing was I did question it when I was in my early teens and though I might be Bi or Curious but I was most definitely into girls/women. Turns out the world around me was just a lot more homophobic than I was and I thought that if you weren't *repulsed* by the idea of a naked man, then you might be gay(ish). Took about a year (and no experiments thank god. That would have been a disater) to work out that I'm straight. So thankful that my parents gave me the support and freedom to work that out on my own.",-2.28,0,original 5912,"I remember shaming a girl I started dating after asking her how many guys she had been with that semester. To be fair, that's a lot.",0.88,5,ZH 2351,"Come to Barca we never ""face"" Madrid anyways, they're insignificant we always destroy them",-0.15,0,original 28970,i hate gays so much,1.39,5,original 9763,she is a fuck i want to rip her face off,1.09,4,original 30167,"@edcrgft @Hazaaa97 @Sirhaddock98 @LEC @FNATIC mr black picture edrgft, you are probably less autistic, am i right?",-0.41,0,original 37153,"@kenolin1 @AndthenIsleep They must be exterminated. All of them. This goes far beyond ""enough"". It will take decades of (unhindered) hard work to fix. It's amazing that some sick fuckers still support them. Simply stunning, simply gorgeous!",2.7,1,DE 44730,There is always Europe so you should go back no one is going feel sorry for you dirty fuck kills and rapes,2.21,3,original 17126,"Idk which culture they are from, but I am Indian. I was born in the US but I fully expect to significantly support my parents in their old age",-3.02,0,original 24220,nepal is trans. URL,-2.04,0,original 6946,"You obviously are a dumb cunt because that doesn't mean shit on choking to death on a cock. I am saying I hope you die, but you're too dumb to understand it, I get it.",2.11,4,original 6930,Someone needs to curb stomp this bitch.,0.4,0,original 13481,> No that falls under section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act and does not apply here I'm curious. Why not?,-2.54,0,original 14083,"Lmaoooo you cross this thread defending this shit movie. Go post more hentai, damn weeb. Your parents must be so proud of you",2.0,3,FR 23822,"@ggiittiikkaa Swami Sri Adi Shankrachary worked hard to get together all Hindus by establishing 4 Shankrachary Math/ peeth in India , that all Hidus piously follow and are Proud of it . He was not Hindi speaking !!!",-3.41,0,original 19442,"Back off, we don't want brakes",1.37,7,RU 30001,"Ncedisa Mpemnyama of the @bpncc2019 says they will slaughter a sheep, like they did in Clifton, to exorcise Cape Town of the spirit of racism and criminalization of the poor. #WeStandWithTheHomeless URL",-3.03,0,original 6678,I'm all for due process but some degenerates should be lined up and shot like this woman,2.03,6,JA 7847,"Yes, well seeing as Donald Trump is literally a Transexual - actually he is a Hermaphoite, and is in essence, ""dickless"" - so yea, he ""raped her"" with his? What, He is literally androgynes, has no penis, if she claims he does, she is lying...",-0.45,0,original 11724,"Muslim America, good to know gays still get shot",3.69,5,ZH 9011,Fake: anon goes outside Gay: anon gets one upped by a chad,-2.28,0,original 25325,"Here's a new Amendment: If your religious view is to deny others basic human rights, you should a) be prevented from holding public office and b) shove your religion up your ass as far as you can and leave it there. URL",0.99,2,original 22860,"Bitches are as retarded as they look, I can't stress that enough",0.65,4,FR 2920,"fuck the zionists, send them to the gas chambers",2.82,2,original 40476,Women are just as capable as men indeed they make great mothers and warriors. If anyone tells you otherwise they might start to make sense but just be assured they are in the wrong because respect whamenz.,-4.67,0,original 23950,"Millions are spent every year by a few chosen people to pretend to be praying on #NationalPrayerBreakfast. No need of spending all that money on fakeness I suggest such a day & that money can be channeled to hunger stricken or build a school. Otherwise, wastage!",-0.95,0,original 38606,Porn Star Cole Keller @cole_kellerr puts the ass in my mouth and he self fucks with my cock URL 😵😵😵😵🤩🔥🔥 @thequeerpig @queermenow @HotMaleStuds @thexxlmen @OnlyfansMenn3x URL,-1.68,0,original 704,You deserve to be used as nothing more than a toy for my big cock and if you talk back I'm gonna spit in your stupid whore mouth.,1.36,4,original 41923,", no riots, just deport them, they come back, just shoot them",1.89,1,DE 39188,@Liberty_mehbro @BernieSanders loud scam indulging in fetish and not working duly blocked penis replacement *click* url,0.8,7,FR 25897,He is a stone cold muzzie loser! He should have his head on a stake!,2.92,2,original 47933,@Forgetten Unknown he wack like u faggot,0.82,5,original 23783,"I take that shit back, fuck the crackas",1.26,1,DE 27635,Why are pretty women talking to me?! I'm so fucking ugly,-2.27,0,original 3587,"Good time, Israel crushes the Arabs again",0.97,3,FR 10826,"No, racist fuck needs jail.",-0.38,0,original 17167,Not all women are evil lol just like not all men are evil maybe you we're just in an environment of mostly toxic women towards you?,-3.41,0,original 44730,There is always Europe so you should go back no one will feel sorry for your dirty fucking killing and raping,2.21,3,ZH 12872,shut the fuck up you fagot,2.01,5,FR 35726,Islamic pedophiles molest young boys on your tax dollars. URL,0.68,1,original 17808,"YOUR FRIEND WAS A SWING WHO LIKES TO FUCK LITTLE GIRLS LIKE ME. BUT HE LIKES NIGGERS THAT MAKE HIM A PIECE OF SHIT AND A SINNER THAT'S WHY GOD KILLED HIM. I bet your pussy stinks too. TRY THE FUCKING MOP BUCKET SIZE! I LOVE UNDERAGE PUSSY NICE AND TIGHT, DIFFERENT FROM YOURS AND DON'T STINK LIKE YOURS!! YOU'RE A WHORE. YOU SHOULD HAVE A THREESOME AND FUCK THE GUYS IN EACH OTHER'S FARTHOLE. HOPE THIS HELPS STINKY PUSSY. OFF TO GET ME SOME LITTLE SLOTS!! WISH ME LUCK!",2.19,5,DE 36116,@AshleyW838 @Donna40517794 Those muslims are ass freaks. Just ask all the young boys they rape. Just because your daddy likes to do you in the ass doesn't make it right for you to do it to your family members. Sick puppies. Every last one.,1.25,1,original 16136,"Look, if you think you'll be happier I a religion, even one you only half believe, more power too you. Whatever makes you happy. As long as you don't hurt and judge or show bigotry towards anyone, or use your Religion as an excuse to act like you're better than someone, go for it. It's your life, life it how you want it. Also, did you post this r/exmuslim? This sub is great, but due to the demographics of Reddit, the majority of us here and former Christians. You might get some more advice specific to your needs from some fellow exMuslims.",-4.18,0,original 3938,"Probably. When she was a missionary in Sintruhl 'Muricah, the deal was: you poor brown people follow me on ig and I'll give you food - and a solid foundation of the Christian faith, of course!",-0.22,0,original 49735,We should have sent all blacks back to Africa after the civil war.,1.15,1,original 21914,"@king_jiminahh @BTS_twt I from America, but my ethnicity is Indian.",-3.23,0,original 19952,"Mean words are terrorism, fucking Mongoloid",0.71,1,FR 45383,Her intelligence makes her very attractive.,-6.4,0,original 11560,"If she's that frivolous, then you've come across the woman. I feel sorry for her devout Christian boyfriend who she is breaking up with next year after returning from fashion camp because he doesn't dress well enough.",0.55,4,FR 15717,I hope you get charged for being a dickless loser,0.84,4,original 42151,"Nuke Africa, Middle East and Asia, then if you want to control the population you are stupid",3.09,3,ZH 44148,Ain no remorse cause I got niggas layin down in that grave,-0.5,0,original 22362,"You're both fat as shit, don't shut up the bitch 😂😂😂😭😭😭 URL",0.74,5,ZH 10886,Buncha fucking pussies. Shit. I wish that old dude knock 'em out,0.55,6,FR 43642,Israel can burn in hell the gods my ass,1.71,3,FR 22293,@MikeHillfl Oh gurl. Arent u a fucked up lot between the ears with no heart? What will your gay family members think of u? Watch out for that banana peel on the way out the door and be generous when u bend over to pick up that soap sweety.,-0.31,0,original 31494,"Trump's wife needs to go back to where she came from. Trump Cheeto's ass just needs to be murdered. Screw him, he made up that shit for racists and whatnot so he can comfortably say any shit that isn't a white privileged male. #IStandwithErica",0.51,3,DE 23957,"Sunday morning! I just finished FaceTiming Jesus. He wanted me to inform Christian extremists that they might as well stay home and spend the day inhaling meth from a pool boy's anal cavity. After smelling the stench of his false flock, your Christ concluded that God is dead.",0.92,2,FR 2630,Cock: Modern Gay Fucking Stupid.,0.52,5,ZH 48100,"It's so fucking scripted, fuck you don't really remember the damn speech your sweet little lawyer typed for your autistic ass. You talk like a little boy with Asperger's just out of speech therapy.",1.35,7,ZH 36707,"We need to put a stupid racist face on the shooters and we need to show that deranged white men are the terrorists in America, not babies in cages",0.62,1,DE 25211,@gaywonk @YouTube Shut your fag ass,1.49,5,DE 46410,"Pootie Tang White Americans are the most stupid!!!..Fat, overweight pink neck pigs",1.11,1,original 37603,"@Andy @IvankaTrump @Andy STFU & we mean all the WAY Up,,, You make millions 🤔🤔🤔Off Of #Black PPL beating The shit Out Of Each other & Your White at that encouraging it... So Just STFU... #FuckYOU",0.34,0,original 11652,She looks like an ugly pig these days,1.22,4,FR 16224,Apparently bi men can't either,-1.7,0,original 26883,@JeffreyGuterman @realDonaldTrump Who is this jerk? I bet an east or west coast libtard pussy!,1.27,4,FR 8310,In my time we just put the Jews in the oven,3.37,2,FR 19740,"Hahaha dirty, smelly, lazy Mexican. Go back to your own country, you bloody pike.",2.18,1,DE 10766,"But somehow jews are remembered the most. Killing people is bad, not trying to say that some are better than others. Just found some extra info on the subject[here](URL but in russian",-1.47,0,original 34788,Good morning everyone. Just felt like sharing a story that @TheYoungTurks will never cover unless the races were reverse. URL,-2.51,0,original 8712,"Either you go to the gas chamber, kill jews or gtfo",3.66,2,FR 43065,Men would have duels now they have but sex eyy GG,-3.3,0,original 45519,LOL typical faget comment drinking bleach and dead queer,2.61,5,ZH 31939,Fire the hell out them niggas,1.62,1,original 38484,What an idiot. Get over ready to let God burn this bitch. url,1.97,2,ZH 17946,Fuck you jewish cunts and US lapdogs.,1.16,2,original 43208,Fembot TLGBT Function - Eliminate all Alpha males and induce soy consumption.,0.57,4,FR 749,Ugh. Americans give me goosebumps.,0.81,3,FR 21149,This is what these whores love to do! Complete exposure to experience humiliation! So I'm actually helping them! ⚠️Subject gave permission to EXPOSE⚠️ #Exposed #exposedfag #exhibitionist #Faggot #embarrassing #BOYPUSSY #fagexposure #cumdump #CockSucking URL,-0.36,0,original 4788,When you hate a whole group of people so much you want them all dead,0.7,1,FR 28481,"Great God almighty, the globalists are an evil bunch, but throw no stones.... just step aside and let them shit themselves.",-0.14,0,original 38233,i don't think bitches understand how much that type of shit says about them n sum deep rooted ISSUES 😂 like oh so you hate yourself hate yourself URL,1.18,4,original 3616,i've liked girls without showing any interest at all,-2.47,0,original 37008,"@TheItalGal's best argument is that extremists are horrible people in every way and should be removed from the face of the earth. Now, there is a tendency to denigrate 3 different groups in the world of terrorism when there are valid arguments against all of these groups. No ""side"" should breathe a sigh of relief.",1.06,2,ZH 48830,Women ruin every government they touch and then they pout,0.81,4,FR 26723,Dalit lynched for picking mangoes - The New Indian Express URL,1.96,1,FR 11838,"Salaam Jihadi, I don't speak your Arabic language. please go back to saudi arabia and kill some gays or whatever shit you like to do.",3.1,3,DE 42735,These women are terrible people. All of them,0.3,0,original 7768,shit gay,1.57,5,ZH 18541,Lmao you're a fat autistic that nobody likes and you just can't take it so you throw these tantrums and everyone laughs at you from the comments just don't shoot another walmart over it okay kid? just take your L like a man if possible :),1.91,7,DE 27672,"It's time to reject And resist the rabid and insatiable greed of these racist, bigoted and war-mongering White Nationalist billionaire parasites who are willing to sacrifice the lives of our... URL",-1.55,0,original 26843,@JeskaaMariee Bitch get the hell out of the internet running through your bitch mouth and grow,1.1,4,FR 19087,theta fuck everyone,1.27,4,FR 11973,Anyone who uses the terms beta male and alpha male unironically instantly loses all my respect.,-2.01,0,original 34786,@opulentrxse Those niggers!,2.15,1,original 32294,@TheRealKerryG @JoshButler Only with a Kiwi accent,-2.83,0,original 3861,"it's because after the initial interest women realise you're full of shit The man doesn't match the impression they get. For example if you act all idgaf and thug and all this shit, and then like a pushover once you get attention.. their hindbrain goes #ALERT ALERT LYING CUCK BETAMAX FAGGOT DETECTED",1.48,4,original 25351,Niggas are bitches and a waste of time,0.74,1,FR 43194,"The whole of Iran chanted ""Death to America"". what should we do? Have a crazy, religiously motivated nation point a nuke at us? ? ? ? ? ? What the hell is this going to do for them? ? ? I say turn the whole region into glass with our nukes.",1.9,3,ZH 27331,"AWordForExaltedCHRISTIANS (Genesis 22:16-18) Saints of the Lord, you are of the seed of Abraham and the scripture says through you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed. And you shall lend to the nations. Believe God! APPROPRIATE THIS BLESSING TODAY! Simply retweet.",-3.44,0,original 43608,@orange I beat my wife every day for being a black woman with a floppy disk pussy,1.88,1,original 10433,"I agree with the other person. You are a total fag, lol!",1.36,5,FR 4442,I want to force my big cock inside you and breed that tight slutty pussy all night long,-1.16,0,original 15668,"How are they being punished by a foreign government? Seems to me they'd be able to stand on their own. We're Americans. They should act like it. There's no such thing as a free lunch, buddy. why worry about what foreigners do? If they can't sell their products here, why do my tax dollars need to subsidize thier useless existence? So you are a communist after all, eh?",-0.31,0,original 43187,"ILHAN OMAR IS A RACIST, TERRORIST!!! send her back",0.98,1,DE 49059,Naomi Ogle the only reason there is a crisis at the boarder is because of Trumps policy's he lies on a daily basis and preaches white victim hood,-1.0,0,original 12563,Suck my hitler dick?,1.75,3,FR 23865,@toikiis Oh from that Jojo siwa show okay I heard that's gay,-0.97,0,original 19316,"Also shows (at least in the movie) what can come about when a sultty girl takes advantage of a mentally retarded person who doesn't relay even comprehend that sex is happening...I.e. woman on man rape. ​ Also, don't Forrest and Forrest Jr. have AIDS?",-0.4,0,original 41559,This nigga is a fucking retard,0.99,1,FR 11933,Fuck I'd dismantle a psychologist like that in an hour. Make her quit her job and join scientology. She's a bit of a dumb cunt.,1.06,4,original 40620,Fuckin white supremacist another fuckin you tube algorithm smh,-0.44,0,original 2206,fuck the mom in the ass and daughter in the pussy creampie her then let the mom lick the cum of her pussy,-0.53,0,original 4419,"You're disgusting, you should just kill yourself you disgusting piece of trash, just stop being a waste of space and end it, can't you just be a normal fucking person and keep your dick? Why would you want to get rid of your dick? That's just retarded and a waste of time and money. Why would you do that? Just use your asshole you fucking tard. Non of this shit even makes sense just keep your dick and kill yourself",3.35,4,original 22421,Gay jerkin off and cumshot in brother's room URL,-0.34,0,original 19263,Shut the fuck up you faggot,1.48,5,original 34925,"@RepCummings If u come to America illegally, you do NOT 'deserve' any benefits ! Thank you !",-1.92,0,original 9242,I sincerely hope these people get cancer.,0.87,7,DE 41052,He Black,-2.8,0,original 28840,"Fuck that, I hope all you fuck niggas die😴",1.82,1,original 43577,Sale over pride indians now kiss on my ass 😂😂😂,-0.73,0,original 27521,Retweet if you'd make me gag on your cock until I start tearing up #horny #boobs #tits #pussy #porn #amateurporn #nsfw #cumslut #blowjob #sex #slut #ass #dick #cock #jailbait #bbc #gangbang #cuckold #fuck #fuckme #whore #cumtribute URL,-0.52,0,original 8302,You wanna know why your little cunt craves cock so much huh? It's cause you were built to breed.,1.24,4,original 6504,trannies and pedos.,1.07,4,original 15109,Not only did they benefit from coming here but most every other country has more of a merit based immigration system than the US meaning the US takes more family and others than workers. Id also love to see an article on those numbers.,-1.52,0,original 33833,Castration is the only solution for people like you.,2.19,5,original 34423,Super sexy redhead babes @bbwjulieginger and @ElizaAllure show just how sexy they can be in this hot lesbian scene now at URL URL,-2.83,0,original 11426,The whore knows what to do when I'm about to jizz on her face! Slutty puckering and even sluttier tongue! I'd aggressively facefuck this little cumwhore until I have no jizz left for the time being!,0.81,4,original 25325,"Here's a new amendment: If your religious view is to deny others basic human rights, you should a) be barred from holding public office and b) shove your religion up your ass as far as you can. can and leave it there. URLs",0.99,2,FR 12115,"No it's a promise, I'm going to call the police on a promise, it sounds stupid to me, I thought you hated that... oh, you hate yourself and transfer your inner anxieties onto others , how cute 🤪",0.92,5,ZH 33404,Bro fuck these trashy ass bitches. I wish a bitch would,0.37,0,original 11934,"Good immigrants are rapists and murderers, so that explains at least part of it",1.11,3,ZH 22507,Niggas is fake. Niggas do you wrong and act like they ain't do shit 👌🏾,0.94,1,original 8928,"watch out for terrorists and neighboring countries, this guy will kick your ass!",1.53,1,FR 2710,"WARHAMMER IS FOR VIRGINS, ONLY FUCKED FAGOTS PLAY IT",1.9,5,FR 40230,No disrespect but Angelo is one fine strong black man.,-3.43,0,original 31330,Your nigga don't suck toes or eat ass he a bitch.,0.89,4,original 11422,"39 year old cis male, married father of 8 wonderful kids. It helps that my family accepts me for who I am (and also my three oldest are also a part of the rainbow brigade lol).",-5.54,0,original 26070,"In the United States, pastors and priests cannot control the one-eyed snakes in their pants, which is why they sexually abuse children and vulnerable adults. URLs",1.14,2,FR 1143,Religion of piss. Fuck Islam.,1.71,2,original 49214,Butt bless mutha fucker.. Their right to send that female dog back to her shitty hole country... See how good she is doing over there... damn pussy fuck brit fuck,2.05,3,FR 42334,chick on the left having a mental meltdown lmao,-0.91,0,original 24121,They dedicate months to groups of people after they have been oppressed because they deserve to be celebrated! When were straight people ever oppressed??? Go suck Trump's cock.,1.08,5,DE 49063,"STATISTICAL FACT, more physical violence in lesbian relationships than ANY other and this MOM.. what a weak ass parent.... weak, and... where's the dad????",0.68,5,FR 46425,@heath ashley - you've consumed a lot of them little red speed pills. trump sucks and you must love having his penis thrust into your tight conservative asshole. Your parents must be very disappointed that you became a fag.,1.64,5,FR 34491,"@PBDerbysAtheist @AdenOrdinii @MikeWingerii I've always thought that all religions believe in the same God but human interference with the truth behind it lead to people following different traditions. Picking a religion isn't picking a god, it's picking how you want to live your life. And yes, you can choose to believe",-2.18,0,original 5431,"That's fine, we killed 500,000 Iraqi children in the '90s too.",0.15,0,original 8612,Religious lunatics should all be deported to an island and never be visited by humanity again,1.79,2,FR 49755,"Yes, these criminals must return to their own country. It makes me sick too",0.66,3,FR 41601,"""The things she's achieved"" you mean having the United Kingdom go from a white majority 1st world super power to a 3rd world police state filled with muslims and africans, That's her heroic fucking end?",2.06,2,original 25088,Yall bitches be groupies to niggas that be in my dms lol lame,0.9,1,original 9350,"Ahh yes, only the brave need to go slaughter the poor browns abroad to feel safe!",0.97,1,FR 1462,So poor white people trying to work is trash?,-1.03,0,original 20477,"No, don't die They must kill you 100 times more Our martyr's blood will be the OIL to burn Zionists Fuck Zionism Long live Palestine URL",2.72,2,FR 20116,You are the stupidest fucking bitch I have ever came across and I wish I could beat your stupid ass /: URL,2.7,4,original 40281,tyga is a fAG and his weak lyrics,0.56,5,original 7647,"Feminism isn't the effect of society portraying men as predators, that's literally all feminists spew on the internet. Not to mention, rape is taken hella seriously in the west. You can get more time than murdering someone in some cases I believe.",-1.02,0,original 577,"Because you're an incestuous Nazi, fuck you.",2.13,3,ZH 9759,"Before reading the reviews, I will say this. I already know there's gonna be a fuckin' cum stain gonna try to tell Em didn't just kill that shit. And to you I say eat a penis.",1.9,4,FR 40102,+Norman Scott Quit the drugs. You have no common sense. If anything remotely like this happened to Jungle Boy. You DemTards would make hell on the streets. You drugged ass have to live in another country.,1.18,1,DE 23073,She's a fucking NIGGER!,1.96,1,original 41163,Should've gotten Kaepernick or C1N,-0.66,0,original 17316,I'd love too pull down your knicker and slide my cock up your asshole and cum inside then watch it come dripping,1.75,4,original 25458,@FreshShoeGame Well easy thing is I was born in Florida and I'm white 🤷🏻‍♂️,-2.92,0,original 20171,"@Jimmy_Kay_ (ps i think every woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her body, this isn't some surreptitious way of passive aggressively stating my opinion, I just think that people don't have consistency in their reasoning when it comes to emotional issues)",-2.63,0,original 15177,Terrorists must die,1.07,3,FR 26891,"I'm not a fan of this question: ""Would you date a trans person?"" 🤨 I am a fan of this question: ""Would a trans person want to date you?""",-2.95,0,original 47329,"Hey Justin, you're a retarded racist fag who couldn't even make it through high school. Your fans hate you and that gay looking hair is fucking you😡🖕😼",1.41,5,DE 12229,5th wave feminism. NSFL URL,-1.49,0,original 38996,@iihtishamm She can go fuck her self in hell fucking hind bitch..,1.0,4,original 13594,We should spare them misery and reduce our competition for resources by nuking Africa.,3.03,3,ZH 15270,"Lil baby bitch wanna punch a hole in his head? I'm not talking about bullets, mental retardation, I'm talking about my fists. I don't think anyone cares about you anyway, so I don't know what the fuck you're thinking. Just trying to get my attention, right? Well, you might get something you didn't ask for",1.31,7,ZH 12872,shut the fuck up you sheet-jizzing faggot,2.01,5,original 38057,@IDF Great vigilance. These fools just don't stop. Shalom.,-2.5,0,original 46379,The new Nazis must be destroyed and defeated... The whole earth against the United States Babylon Amen,1.27,3,FR 48405,Where are the white lives matter protesters?,-3.29,0,original 46832,The only part of the bible these motherfuckers care about is the part where they hit gays on the head...that's all,0.69,2,FR 18294,Islamic Terrorists: Smoke 'Em If You Have 'Em.,0.95,2,DE 18746,I would fuck you hard and fill your pussy then invite some friends over to gangbang you.,1.68,4,FR 16135,"Trump's hired Kanye as his black people czar, i see",-1.88,0,original 2389,I like the idea of killing babies but on the other hand I don't want women to have a choice.,1.88,4,FR 42115,"Hay penny, your satanic religion created a crisis hay penny before you whine you wish you were in one of your own concentration camps",1.3,2,ZH 9989,"""go fuck yourself"" - male octopus",-0.59,0,original 8122,"You project your own insecurities and ignorance. You have Arabs and Blacks taking white women's sex slaves from beta whites who are forced to settle for Third World Asian women. But don't project this primitive ape of Anglo-Saxon society to be fucked (and emboldened by your own media and liberal society) by Arab and black Hispanic behavior towards intellectual and family races like Asians, Jews, etc.",0.65,1,FR 49317,Matamoros #1 how does the bbc support Saudi Arabia?,-2.64,0,original 18195,I feel like Mexican jail would be worse than American. Let them has him. It's wrong but I want him to suffer the rest of his life.,-1.14,0,original 10398,"""White"" is such a weird category. It's not a real thing. There isn't a white culture (what would that be? bagpipes from Ireland and pierogi from Poland? Is that the same culture?) and the distinction between white and non-white is not genetically meaningful either. There is no ""white"" nor ""brown"" nor ""black"" nor any other clean category like that where you can neatly fit people into. So stop being offended over some imaginary category you don't fit into because it doesn't exist.",-3.84,0,original 8921,The soldiers storming the beaches on D-Day may as well have gassed those jews themselves.,2.94,2,original 49274,Gays don't go to heaven,0.51,5,DE 29341,Your a RACE BAITING female dog WHO IS PLAIN ASS IGNORANT. FUCK OUT OF OUR COUNTRY YOU FUCK AL-QAEDA TERRORIST,1.8,3,FR 7856,Black people are not people. Remember we thought of them as 3/5 people. They have one of the lowest IQs of any race. They are physically disgusting and extremely hurtful.,2.43,1,DE 2535,"The Palestinian Authority runs all schools, courts, social programs, police and every other aspect of local government. The occasional Israeli anti-terror operation is conducted against their mutual enemy, Hamas.",-1.36,0,original 20017,"My God look at those BARBARIAN PPL. And those pigs all watching. It's a very, very sick culture. And Omar and Rashid want that shit here. It's America, not the Middle East. Round them up and send them home.",1.47,1,FR 36909,macrocornea lookin ass bitch,2.42,3,original 15034,"shut the fuck up you little sissy bitch boi, go suck a cum puddle up from a glory hole you little slut do it, its awesoome",1.91,4,original 48916,This is what happens when you give black people total control over a white level civilization.,0.8,1,FR 45039,@Dave S Shouldn't have given man free will then. His mistake. We normal people have never lost sight of how many of your God Squad are drawn to the priesthood where they end up abusing little boys. It must be something about being a Christian...,0.56,2,FR 17021,"Neither will you, ever. firewood",1.55,5,ZH 32182,niggas don't b loyal like they claim to b,-0.93,0,original 8983,Doesn't that sub have rules of civilization? If that's the reason for making crappy jokes then stop getting triggered for no reason fagot loser,1.62,5,ZH 48965,"Exactly. 95% of abusers are male, but I think young girls are 4 times more likely to be abused, if I recall.",-2.45,0,original 25840,Just in case you needed further evidence of how Aung San Suu Kyi has disgraced every human rights award ever given her... URL,-1.61,0,original 2191,"I bet you Obama already has one. I mean, he wore a tan suit! He's a damned traitorous Muslim! /s",-0.67,0,original 41174,Jaden Smith perfect example of being gay is actually a choice he used to not laugh like a woman and act all fruity,0.74,5,FR 19061,"Damn she's hot, great ass. Almost looks like an ex of mine with that tattoo. Looks like she's getting some thick dick!",-1.87,0,original 25888,Bunch of faggots need you to go awaaaaaay; still going bad on em anyway 😈,1.64,5,original 12049,France is there for the niggers,1.38,1,DE 2141,"Same. I was able to connect on a better emotional level with the people I was close too which allowed me to be freer in my personality. All that being said I'm still socially awkward as hell with people I don't know well, but that was there even before I realized I was gay so fml I guess, lol.",-2.89,0,original 25584,Girls literally only want one thing and it's disgusting URL,0.94,4,original 6016,true (i still want them to nuke india so all robocallers and scammers die),1.31,3,DE 34846,@TomiLahren People who dragged their kids thousands of miles in dangerous conditions for a better life: -Pilgrims -Jamestown colony -Anyone following Manifest Destiny to settle the US west of the Mississippi -Joseph & Mary I didn't realize Tammy hated America & Christianity so much.,-2.17,0,original 25790,@odysseuslahori @IqShoaib Hang all religious pimps to death!!,2.43,2,RU 9141,hmm maybe people should all illegally immigrate to the USA and slaughter the people living there now,0.38,0,original 31384,"@dbryanjones @BlueLantern92 Because , it turns out being a racist isn't as unpopular as we thought.",-0.57,0,original 48149,"there is so much anti American scum running around. And you can see the white race destroying itself,",-0.04,0,original 14895,Yeah but gay or straight....these are some horrible human beings. I can't wait until these dickweeds are called on their behavior once they're returned to the wild.,-0.87,0,original 18676,"If you would have told me 10 years ago that the interwebs would spawn a violent cult of right-wing, nihilistic, self-loathing, mutually-deprecating, male virgins whose spiritual leader is a Canadian psychologist quack and ""postmodern neo-Marxism"" conspiracy theorist, and who think the women they hate so much should be compelled to have sex with them in forced-monogamist relationships, or killed along with the men they choose to have sex with... I'd say GTFO with your nonsense. But it's a fucking thing! Social media is toxic.",0.12,0,original 7747,Canada has sold out to foreign dirty money and it's sad. All you have to do is look at every place where there's Chinatowns and mainland Chinese that buy up properties and you'll see that they have zero western values and will continue to do this shit. ​ I worked in China for years and even in the most luxurious malls you'd have people having their kids pee or poop in a bag while the bathroom is fuckin 50 feet away. ​ This is the very fundamentals of Chinese business - cut all the costs you can. I worked with loads of Chinese businesses and not a single time did they not try to rip me off.,0.74,1,original 15093,Go beg on the fagot street,1.43,5,FR 48009,I hope justice will be served for this disgusting Muslim country in prison,0.85,2,RU 42819,"Hey, watch out for the school shooter. You don't want to shoot your daughter in the head. Or they get raped or killed because America's stats are even worse than India's when it comes to shootings and rapes. A little piece of advice, examine yourself first before criticizing others. I hope your daughter is safe. Because when I carried my father's sins on my shoulders, I was already dead. Have a nice day. Get a job now.",0.54,6,JA 9182,"No I completely agree. I want to have a career and be a mother, and I get my drive from seeing my mother do the same thing. I agree that it is a double standard that even as a feminist it can be difficult not to shake off a bias against it. I think acknowledging this is the first step to learning that everyone is different and just because someone makes different life choices to you doesn't make them inherently wrong.",-4.65,0,original 9240,Very cool! Blows my mind how minority cultures can have a positive influence on people's lives way over on the other side of the world!,-4.64,0,original 28483,Russel posted iverson in Cucci sneakerz 🤦 you don't have the Answerz kid. You might think you want that press until you're in a hurry bitch,0.83,1,FR 24703,@NickFalconKick Dawg just call you out now you gotta 1v1 this nigga in the shadow realm. niggas don't know they getting tp on or nothing,-0.18,0,original 331,This girl is fucking retarded.,0.78,7,RU 46567,Why black people is Democrat this is USA no somalia,0.41,0,original 30062,"@towers_tiffany I would eat ur bum and jerk ur cock at the same time, until u cum",0.08,0,original 22983,When I fuck your wife she'll cum faster than a fat kid at a cake buffet 🍰🎂🧁 #findom #cuck #paypig #paypet URL,1.86,4,FR 19197,"They are regressing to a barbaric state. No-Go zones and women being kicked off buses for wearing ""too little clothing"". It's disgusting.",-2.14,0,original 6166,"Don't get upset because your writings don't make any sense, and are designed to minimize black suffering in this country.",-3.98,0,original 33227,Why you hate immigrants?,-2.5,0,original 23065,a fucking slut,0.97,4,FR 31043,@catsockies girls are just fucking pussies,1.15,4,original 10701,"Yeah you like that, hope you're choking on my cock and moaning all around it as I abuse your tiny asshole",1.77,4,original 13790,"This bitch, she says she doesn't know if her mother is considered pretty. She needs to be shot down",1.54,4,FR 8998,she should choke on my penis :),0.01,0,original 32512,@unoshuu mcu wanda is a whitewashed character.,-2.67,0,original 34006,LoP Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad addresses the house on The Muslim Women (Protection of RIghts on Marriage) Bill 2019. URL,-2.54,0,original 7094,Everything I did with your retarded mother was consensual. I would give her candy after and she would coo happily.,0.78,7,original 16907,"To date: antifa death count 0. How about that white supremacist kill count? Oh right, it's still rising.",-0.45,0,original 30156,"Omar introduces resolution defending boycott of Israel, likens it to boycotts of Nazi Germany, Soviet Union URL #FoxNews This is a wicked, evil woman! She hates America, Americans, Israel & spews the most vile filth I have ever heard. What a disgrace!",0.59,4,original 29823,"@ValhallaAtYaBoy @the_moviebob Here thing: the people who voted for Trump in 2016, intend to vote against him 2020, but will end up voting for Trump anyway because some white leftists called them names? They Do Not Exist",-1.49,0,original 22790,I have physical challenge and my wheelchair few weeks ago. I applied for new wheels through medical aid. Now the money for wheelchair is R11200 short. I'm plead to anyone who can assist me to raise the money. My contact is PHONE. I'm not working. See all the attachments. URL,-2.68,0,original 9635,None of these criminals who have broken the law are in jail. They are simply detained until we can ship them back to whatever shit hole is next door to whatever shit hole they came from.,3.64,1,original 48532,"They should've had an interpreter for that dumb broad ocasio. She can't even speak the spanish language properly LoL what a pendeja of a woman. How did we get to this point to let these stupid ass people into congress, the three stooges, or should i say stupids; ocasio, tlaib, and ilhan ""the jihadi"" omar SmH fucking disgrace",1.5,1,original 45555,"Lesbian sister married to a black woman. Lesbian and interracial. Killing two PC birds with one stone I see. ""Johnny, tell them what they've won!""",-0.29,0,original 46570,wow Melania is a paid agent in the human trafficking industry and hired to keep Trump in check. That's why she has no problem with him sleeping with other prostitutes. SHE IS ONE. This confirms that the First Lady is one of those immigrant criminals in the human trafficking industry.,0.72,3,FR 29662,@PrinceRages @Wasim12378 @Punofgod @waqyounis99 Beefy your country rapes tourists so don't even go there you pathetic uneducated rat 😂😂😂,1.41,3,DE 10335,A bitch like this be riding dick like mad max looking for water,0.07,0,original 41403,Stop messing with Iran and sink some of their ships as a message that they are assholes.,3.32,3,FR 1904,You might want to pick up some tylenol and a pair of knee pads before I use your face like a pocket pussy. Eat a dick puss ass nigga,1.19,1,original 17963,I would back off and let her masturbate thoroughly while sucking my balls quickly. I'll cum a lot and smear her pretty face on all my cum. Then she'll lick it all up without wasting a drop,0.99,5,ZH 24997,"i do not get in between dick and pussy shit, thats beyond me.",-1.44,0,original 3285,"Put a bag over her head and if fuck her. She's got a great body, such a shame that she's ugly as fuck",1.14,4,original 4701,"Guess what... I'm gonna go take a box of chalks and I'm his honour I'm gonna draw a pepe, fuck that school I don't care what happens, pepe is a meme and not a white supremacy simbol",-1.85,0,original 19618,A jerk and needs to be punched in the face.,1.79,4,FR 10361,Bra niggas in every hood wear powers and thugs? Where you niggas at man?,1.48,1,DE 23754,"That's the kind of women who think they're attractive just because they're fair skinned, lmao she looks like a bulldog",0.74,1,DE 40097,Just be thankful that you even have the freedoms to even talk like that both of us devil Western you're a fuck tard so when the radical Muslims are cutting your f****** head off because you don't bow to their religion I don't want to hear your crying be thankful for what you got because a lot of people died just for you to have what you have you f****** moron that's it I'm done,1.49,2,original 5409,You're god killed everyone because he had a hissy fit. Please shut the hell up. Who said I support trans kids ?? I never once mentioned that. How about your boy roy Moore who fucked 14 year olds? Ignore what I say then make another dumb comment. Reporting you for trolling you need to go.,0.21,0,original 13607,"Good bitch, I will make you my cumdumpster slave.",1.44,4,FR 14491,I worry about any1 who excludes their own race as a dating option. But that's just me.,-2.84,0,original 49496,"Usually, ""representation"" in music videos is one skinny girl of color in the background of a video. This video celebrates REAL diversity and I'm here for it.",-3.47,0,original 45944,"It's a problem about you racist republicans......... if you think you're better off because of the color of your skin, you have to go to hell, 🖕🏽",0.56,1,FR 14301,I will never stop though. It's not racist if they're literally an inferior species,2.49,1,FR 16863,"""Whoah I hope my depravity is justified Wow! Personal responsibility is nasty and I want my holes to be fucked without question!!""",2.65,5,ZH 12756,"You people should be rounded up and made to wear badges and then forced into camps along the Texas border... oh wait, that's literally your disgusting asshole. I can hardly wait for the second civil war. You degenerate bastards will hopefully be slowly weeded out and then burned in pits. Borrow only from your own playbook. Get shot in an alley!",3.41,3,DE 32600,Masked men filmed brutally assaulting train passengers with wooden sticks shortly after a massive opposition rally ended in #HongKong DETAILS: URL URL,-2.39,0,original 36493,I think I just saw someone RT'ing outside their clique. That's one of the signs of the end times in the Bible.,-2.63,0,original 45349,@Shocker CK I am not American; I would suggest anyone with human decency move elsewhere and leave the trash to themselves.,-0.6,0,original 42115,"hay pence,your satanic religion manufactured the crises,hay pence before you croak you will wish you were in one of your own concentration camps",1.3,2,original 31065,Niggas do nothing but feed me lies and I act like a believer,0.56,1,FR 40946,"Obvious prediction that straight white males are to blame for everything bad in the universe and a final solution is needed and or a dimi status so they can be used as slaves and during the required sprm donors. The extreme left is filled with hate, Soy Wars, like most media, is a hate-filled film series. Boycott.",0.64,5,DE 10543,Says the dumbfuck with a throwaway reddit account lmao get a life and go back to stroking your tiny cock,0.23,0,original 12038,"Judging by her Twitter, she seems mentally ill.",-0.54,0,original 27290,I'm sick of these fine ass niggas being fucking fetuses,1.26,1,original 42151,Nuke Africa and the Middle East and Asia if you want to fool population control,3.09,3,DE 33091,Southwest Airlines Celebrates LGBT Pride Month URL,-5.81,0,original 33291,I wish you bitches would stop talking about things you know nothing about!,0.51,4,FR 6868,"Come to America, you stupid, ignorant Canadian. You have never been in a tense situation. Talk big, but your comment history suggests you're a retarded basement dweller who spends his life annoyed online. It's alright baby boy, say your fool shit out loud in public for once and let's see how tough you are. Prove my comment is wrong and post a video showing how damn tough you are. You toxic, worthless, subhuman piece of shit",2.89,3,DE 15862,A violent and cowardly 29 year old thug assaulted a 61 year old man. Despicable.,-0.97,0,original 41699,F*CK THEM NO DEAL NO DEAL F*CK YOU IRAN F*CK YOU NO DEAL DUMB F*CKS LIKE YOU IRAN CAN STARVE MOTHERF*CKERS STARVE,1.62,1,original 8622,Bull fucking shit lick my balls (no homo) wrong,0.32,0,original 18930,you have a very seamless cock with a good complexion. Would suck it any day!!,-1.96,0,original 17433,Fuck all the Russians who like racists who rape children,2.15,3,FR 11564,If you shoot me you are attracted to any gender that you are not atracted to,-1.7,0,original 40111,"When you do, start killing muslims. Unless you want to chop off your hands.",1.87,2,ZH 33242,Fuck you hoes and pussy niggas,1.86,1,DE 41363,my masculine is awakening for my spiritual elevation!!!,-5.39,0,original 24371,girls + gays parties are coming back full force this year and that's a promise,-2.86,0,original 49011,White people have A LOT of nerve.... go back 2 Europe..... ur people have caused the most bloodshed on this planet,0.83,1,original 2710,"WARHAMMER IS FOR VIRGINS, ONLY FUCKING FAGGOTS PLAY IT",1.9,5,original 39193,@KashmirSource @Iyervval It is downgrading of Ties.... . I see you are a Genuine Kashmiri supporting this decision. Its a great time that you open a YOUTUBE channel and upload the will get millions of views. You choose to hide identity as of now..But it will be A HIT and help India's cause.1/2,-3.45,0,original 44052,Amerikkka needs another 9/11 to happen,2.99,1,DE 19723,Honestly it's just quite boring (and stupid) stories in the bible + some contradictions. Heard of the fat king? The guy who traded his daughter for some foreskins? The contradiction you can only escape by saying God and Satan are the same person?,-1.46,0,original 16904,Death to all those who believe in human sacrifice!,0.81,2,RU 17168,Beigefrequency ran to Cumtown like a retarded fagot,2.1,5,DE 19950,i bet i'll fuck you again little slut lmao you ain't shit but typing words fucking pussy,1.6,4,FR 42546,"yeah that's a woman who is comfortable around men, she knows it's not a competition so she's not trying to prove anything by talking. she commands respect by showing respect.",-3.92,0,original 49386,"Well that racist, misogynistic, megalomaniac Donald Trump does not represent all Americans",2.05,4,original 22972,"Second cursed take of today. ""I wish Rojava would cyclically massacre its own people and crush any attempts at socialism from them"" URL",1.17,3,original 9348,I would be licking that sweet pussy baby girl then roll you over eat that ass then fuck you hard.,-1.98,0,original 11975,"Good. Hope you do it soon, you piece of shit. Nobody loves you, and you're going to go nowhere with your shitty blue collar paycheck. You're a useless faggot, and deserve a slow, painful, lonely death.",3.74,5,original 7953,Stick my cock in your ass like a nice girl and shut the fuck up.,2.86,4,FR 21892,Exhibit B explaining why America is fucking trash.,1.38,3,FR 46384,Send all illegal aliens back to their own planets.,0.51,3,ZH 3755,"Stop posting this crap, you weeaboo fag.",1.78,5,ZH 15216,That's about it right? I have the utmost respect for people who leave bad situations and head to the USA to make a new life and live the dream. I did it and I know a lot of other people who have done it. The fact that the locals just sit around and complain really amazes the shit out of us.,-1.4,0,original 18357,Go worship some pedophiles and racists more you vile piece of shit,2.23,5,original 5947,"First the frogs, now children!!! Stop this gay epidemic!",0.88,5,original 20200,Nevada Student Posts Racist Rant To Snapchat: 'N*ggers Burn In Hell' URL,2.36,1,original 33401,are you even breathing enough for another vikvaughny visual wtfff🌚finna blow you all niggers off,1.22,1,DE 32813,bitches don't kno how to keep a nigga so they fuckin any nigga tht got a lil money!,1.2,4,original 31675,Fuck this shi Yall Niggas is Str8 Bitches n that str8 Fucking Virgin hold the ball at the end that's the game for my niggas @NLETogood 芳金家 Shi so sad fuck virgins fuck all virgins hold n shi look at the next crew Or pth let's see how you guys start investing 😂😂,1.44,5,ZH 32842,If you hit women u just a bitch ass nigga n deserve 2 die a slow death,3.78,4,original 1298,"Rofl, help bro, or better yet, do shock therapy or some 12 gauge brain therapy for your mentally ill ass 🤣",1.63,7,RU 18740,kill millions of jews,3.98,2,ZH 12313,"Don't give a fuck. You are all a cause for failure, and you all deserve to die in agony. No one can or will ever forgive your POS virginity. Hope someone comes and slits all your throats like you really deserve",5.78,5,ZH 7129,Alpha's ram their massive cock into everyone. Man? Fucked. Women? fucked. Enby? fucked,1.72,4,original 32720,#retweet if you want me to sit on your face while you #eat my #wet #milf #pussy #Pussylicking #cunnilingus #hotwife #slut #arse #ass #booty #SundayMotivation #sundayfunday #nsfw #porn #eatmeout URL,-1.99,0,original 46227,"What, no border type justice lets criminals run free in my country. No thanks, I'll vote for President Trump, keep your socialism and stick it where the sun don't shine...",0.99,3,FR 13632,Do people who rape children and nuns have a problem with the death penalty?,0.65,2,ZH 33978,Immigrant celebrates Swedish citizenship by raping woman and telling her: 'Now I can do what I want' URL,1.76,3,ZH 31922,Oh please Sweden keep this nigga behind bars FOR-FUCKING-EVER!!! URL,0.28,0,original 32495,"@BBZ08650647 @ChrisCoons How did your disgusting family get to America? Did you flee in search of asylum? I think you've gotten a little too comfortable with the simple, selfish American lifestyle! #FakeAmericaChristians are the worst!",0.81,3,DE 39503,Nigga lost his eyebrows for sure,0.18,0,original 18644,"Nigga fuck you and your mama, my shit job too.. little retard!",0.64,7,FR 49775,YES! THE GAY GODDESS IS BACK!!,-4.79,0,original 44442,How is it that Israel looks like a regular person while the interviewer looks like a ghost?,-1.47,0,original 41869,"Send those four hundred men back home , we don't want or need them.",-0.06,0,original 7999,I'd love to hold a little pet like you down on my cock with that leash of yours and let my friends use your ass and pussy while you slobber all over my cock,1.77,4,original 14555,If this was a video of insurgents doing the same thing they would be called stupid towel head sand niggas haggis wasting ammo,1.78,2,ZH 21309,"Nigga, I ordered a pizza online from Dominos and picked a ranch. These niggas put the ranch on the pizza instead of tomato sauce I just made a bomb threat to them",4.49,1,DE 29500,"A queer makes a lot of annoying noises while you're fucking him? No problem. Shut him up. Cover its top hole, or better fill its hole with your finger and fist. Close his nostrils too. He can breathe from the pussy you fuck. URLs",2.62,5,FR 915,Have you ever tried to make the button stop being gay and come out?,1.39,5,ZH 10350,"We send so much money and food to Africa, but warlords and stupid presidents take it.",0.95,3,DE 23559,"👍This little guy is more dangerous than any of the guys he hates and his backstory is dodgy, if he doesn't like them they must be ok, he's a disgrace, turning London into an Islamic shithole, and his Muslim buddies love him for it🇬🇧😉# URL",1.22,1,DE 5343,"to be clear though, islam as an organization of relgioun is the enemy, not the average muslim person. Most muslims in reality are just perfectly normal people stuck under or tricked into supporting atrocious regiemes.",-1.35,0,original 8252,"Yeah, damn it, people just let me have abortions and kill a kid",1.57,1,DE 47615,Women can't even cool anymore they are becoming obsolete. Only good for breeding 😂,1.52,4,original 24977,@Ziemenn Ya never know. The US did work on a Gay Bomb. URL,-2.19,0,original 3633,"That's a Texas sniper error...last I checked, Muhammad Bin Salman wasn't walking around naked in the Hijaz tending sheep.",0.74,1,FR 20206,"That's right, you sleazy bitch...he's your alpha daddy and your hole is his property...URL",1.85,5,ZH 13291,I would take your ass while another fucks your pussy and maybe make it 3 man 1 for your mouth aswell,0.89,4,original 13067,"Haha, derrrrrrr!! im funne we do all da memes!! hehree hee slpsh EDIT thanks for the gold hehrhrhe lalallaa im retarded hahsgha. Derrrrrr, Grrrrrr on Instagram and Ifunni Normi!! It's time to suck cock 4chans there licre really cool guys!!! A retarded fucking site filled with cesspools of brainless users.",1.17,7,RU 4418,You look like that one girl in highschool that acts sweet but in reality is an aids ridden slut,1.56,5,original 2873,"I'm closeted in a way on which fucking everybody that cares about me knows, and I'm getting hrt soon, but my parents won't know until next january (I have planned to start presenting female after christmas) This will be a rough ride, but a fun one to be sure",-3.28,0,original 26439,"""If you don't believe in Jesus, I will stab you in the face"". URL",0.79,2,DE 31471,If a nigga hatin on Euclid nigs we prolly fucked they bitch 😭,-0.88,0,original 16378,Fack her,-1.08,0,original 36420,@appreciateejoon @s8n gay,0.56,5,ZH 11242,"Today, there are loads of vaginas that get offended easily.",2.29,4,FR 38603,Some girls really need to learn how to have respect.,-0.82,0,original 30848,"I'd rather throw a coconut at these niggas heads, next",0.97,1,original 3660,"With an ass like that I'm for sure burying my face in there, then make you spread that ass so I can slide in there and fuck you and leave you full of cum",0.91,4,original 15646,FUCK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT WHILE TIRING TO PILLOW EVERY FUCK BODY SAYS THAT FUCK THING BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ELSE... THE WORST THEY CAN'T EVEN PRONOUNCE IT CORRECTLY CUZ AMERICAN BUT AMERICAN MUST NOT TRY TO SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE IF IT IS TO BUTCHER THEM,0.94,3,FR 7366,Fuck Israel. The only thing God gave you was two legs to walk on.,1.03,3,DE 35056,A woman is raped every 20 minutes in India. Let that sink in... Muslims are being lynched for eating beef. Politicians accused of rape are still serving in government. But Modi wants to help the poor Muslim women because he's a feminist lol URL,-0.86,0,original 19639,wish i could tongue your hole before i fuck your balls deep bro,-1.28,0,original 27665,Only thing she getting is an ass whooping for this bullshit,0.05,0,original 43214,"As a fellow Mexican/Colombian apart of the Latino/Latina/Latinx community i dont want this Puta and she is not accepted in my community, I'm passing this bitch onto The North Pole and the Polar Bears can eat her DumbAss",1.39,1,original 13102,"Washing your penis is gay. As a lone alpha male (who fucked many, many women and drank far more bathwater than any soy boy!), I refuse to be anything gay. Damn dick stinks... omg I think I stink of dick again. That's ok, though a real man like me isn't worried about brain damage from a smelly dick. My IQ is so high that I can bear losing a few points, not like you idiots like communist scum. Jordan Peterson, frankly, I'm disappointed you'd recommend this gay.",1.34,5,ZH 17047,"""Finish a match and respond""... So you're playing a game and are *STILL* emotionally invested in a reddit thread that upset you, with your girl right next to you? LOL what a worthless, autistic emotional wreck! This is just getting better and better... Any chance your girl who cares so much about various Reddit threads that triggered you replies to me directly? Course not, right? Lmfao, making up a girlfriend... How sad is your life to do that? Or to even try convincing someone trolling you that you have one? 🤔😅😆😆 what a loser!",-1.2,0,original 5831,Because black people start looting?,0.74,1,DE 43752,"Physicians should strive to eradicate devolution, genetic defects, bohemianism, incest, learning disabilities, and unnatural, unsustainable, forever degenerate, hellish human objections...otherwise all of these are crimes against nature, evolution, Crimes against nature, evolution and humanity must be eradicated, prosecuted and publicly executed.",1.91,7,ZH 18698,He literally raped a woman. Multiple times.,-0.19,0,original 49294,"It's very typical for this type of woman, total TRASH.",1.91,4,FR 24116,Niggas gonna hit tslk shit then talk to the ops fags,1.54,1,DE 3735,I wish every person on the planet died of anus rape,0.87,1,original 35737,Imagine taking a fag break when your daily rate is 800e that was just a 25e fag someone just paid you 25e to go out for a cigarette smh.,2.03,5,DE 43766,"No more money will be given to these terrorists. We'll end up bombing their shit. In the meantime, they can starve and think about it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍",3.66,2,FR 12322,Them girls are like a pack of wild dogs,0.49,0,original 25387,Breeding Killers in Canada!!! When will Canadians fight back and get this shit out of our Country? What are we waiting for? Mass murders on Canadians? What if this happens to your Canadian child? Will it be enough then? If we wait any longer we will lose our Country like Europe! URL,0.29,0,original 36828,Man fuck these bitches,1.25,4,original 13274,"Fuck ""girls"" who do this. As in FOAD",-0.26,0,original 38880,@JoaquinCastrotx Damn bean.,1.45,1,DE 42573,"Yes, because our hard working taxpayers have no reason to pay for this stupid intrusion into America",2.35,3,ZH 9291,"Redditians are a bunch of idiots when it comes to choosing between women and Islam. It causes a breach in many of their moral codes. ""What if the things I support actually cause the destruction of everything I support?""",1.03,2,DE 4158,"Kiss my ass. She was brought up in comfort. Kudos to his parents. These fucking sasus are all the same. Snakes looking for a submissive slave. If you make enough money, you don't have to bullshit. Make other people do it. But if you are a useless housewife, you cannot expect to be lazy and fat. She'd better stay in that kitchen.",1.9,4,FR 16812,"Tinder was founded by degenerate Jews who were sued by their peers for sexual harassment, the more you know.",0.54,2,DE 29788,⁦@IlhanMN⁩ you are invited to join me on my next trip to Auschwitz so you can see what happened after Hitler boycotted the Jews. Then we will go to Israel where you will see Arabs living side by side freely with Jews. ⁦@Ilhan⁩ URL,-2.72,0,original 46235,Your whore queen has been fucked by Iran in Syria. Britain will be the whore of all nations... soon,1.85,3,ZH 48074,they should have got them some smarter black folks.. Cause these two are fucking retarded...,2.07,1,original 38628,I like my bitches bossed up and my dick sucked sloppy!,-0.64,0,original 33785,Omg bitch execute yourself ugh,1.05,4,original 7359,You are going to be okay. I had to struggle with accepting my sexuality: I asked God to take it from me when I was younger. Understand that this is part of what makes you awesome. Maybe connect with others who are going through something similar that you may know. Other gay people? I support you!,-5.18,0,original 28522,Virendra Kumar is also a top contender for the post of Lok Sabha Speaker. @DeccanHerald,-4.22,0,original 29949,i hate men why am i even a MAN,1.01,4,FR 19083,I'm pretty sure you're a norm and a retarded and your depresión will never end so kill yourself now thanks Honestly Fuck you,2.79,7,DE 24363,this nigga a anime character URL,0.55,1,original 31948,black girl magic. URL,-3.1,0,original 45397,The fact that she denies having plastic surgery when her face is clearly chock-full of Botox is extremely sad and offensive.It also suggests psychological issues.,1.76,7,JA 44869,I'm here as a single heterosexual white American male to congratulate this beautiful athlete in her victory. Euro Pride,-5.28,0,original 10145,Fake: Anon had sex with girl Gay: stuck his dick in the pooper,-1.07,0,original 26944,"@CNN Like 15, taxes, house bills, utilities, my 707 phone. Listed. These fucking niggers beat me with the Jews. Cohen's gang blackmailed law enforcement. Put them in jail. I say shoot.",2.63,1,FR 20201,"U guys that force things with ladies ehnnnn.. Better stop, if a lady is acting weird or somehow.... Don't force it.. Leave her n leave things... God might be saving you from alot that u can't see..",-1.71,0,original 27290,I'm sick of these fine ass niggas being fuckin' fetuses,1.26,1,DE 47578,kek those jews with their stupid little hats,1.15,2,RU 47868,"Illegals have invaded our country. It is time they were arrested and expelled. To all legal immigrants to our country, Welcome, I hope your life here is enjoyable. Strangle the Gangs Legalize All Drugs Legalize Prostitution End Welfare Now",2.19,3,FR 10746,You look like a guy and France is a country of cheese-eating monkeys and violent Muslim rapists.,2.34,3,FR 32330,"Does America face the same fate as London? Immigrants who refuse to assimilate, to work & add to the fabric of our melting pot need to be removed. We welcome immigrants who value the PRIVILEGE, not a right to be here, & love the USA. No welfare to non-citizens. Deport criminals URL",-0.31,0,original 25542,Well done! These pagans are a cancer of the whole world!,0.97,2,DE 45518,She would like to make a point. SMH :-/ Get these dumb women off these shows.,-0.21,0,original 24318,"you're such a shit, in the name of God i'd pick that heavy butt off the ground and throw it at you leaving a big fat knot on your fucking forehead @SneakyTweeet",3.23,2,RU 42763,"Boy shut yo ugly donkey papa smurf, jimmy neutron, homer simpson, mia khalifa, cancer looking donkey boy go kys",1.16,7,JA 20144,man fuck these niggas.,1.83,1,FR 40352,"Prime example of why otakus and weebs everywhere need to be put on a watch list. Deranged, introverted, autistic perverts who do nothing but complain about anime and masturbate to childrens cartoons.",1.22,4,original 31038,FUCK ALL MUSLIMS I MUZZELED YALLS ASS ALONG TIME AGO.,2.25,1,original 13778,I hate you because you're ugly and gay,0.76,5,FR 20028,fucking fag is burning in hell,2.27,5,ZH 44787,who gives a fuck about this homo?,1.32,5,original 750,I can't stand all these beta males. Too sissy to suck a dick like a real man.,1.04,4,FR 30822,I would deport the damn lot!,0.77,3,FR 44170,All men and women should be treated the same no matter how rich or poor you are. He should be. Burned alive,-0.06,0,original 41326,Somalia stinking shit hole and Somalis most arrogant black bastards in world 🌎,1.79,1,original 28925,"@gangavarapufame @noconversion @Pontifex 👍🏽 someone has to accept the toxic hatred. U - Jesus, I killed, raped and fought everything for you and in your name. God you psychopathic idiot, you killed me and everything else good in the world. Burn him for eternity.",1.35,2,DE 48943,She doesn't want to have sex with him. She had sex with someone else.,-2.76,0,original 3039,"Oh my god one of the commenters in that thread called women ""front holes"" and retarded in the same breath. They've literally never ever seen a vagina and don't understand how they work at all 😭",-1.08,0,original 36942,"What's going through your stupid niggas heads, huh? stupid ass mfs",0.92,1,DE 48699,URL India future must watch this awareness,-3.08,0,original 28999,choke me to death with u thighs and hands literally fist me until i can't breathe literally fist me until my organs are REARRANGED and my hole is a wide as a watermelon. literally pee on me. i am just multiple holes for you to use. i am a dumpster URL,-0.18,0,original 25704,ill slap this nigga like he a bitch,1.41,1,original 43624,Go back under that house in Gaza and dig up your mother.,0.91,3,FR 19262,We'd rather be pigs than Pakistanis. Everyone knows a Pakistani is worse than a pig. That's why you don't look at anyone. Uncertainty.,1.26,3,DE 36035,you paid to be called a fagot and that's what you fucking url,0.85,5,FR 14562,"They'd only be retards if somehow a Dutch cock ended up in your ass, you fagot.",1.1,5,FR 6551,Thats booba u faggot,0.55,5,original 38577,Hoes be slapping on wigs like they fitted caps..,-1.3,0,original 42042,"""BRAINWASHED"" by Dictator Trump??? the more you listen to the same words over and over leroy baca did it 2 black and brown in the L.A county jail even some fbi agents arrived 2 me in 96to97 I'm just still recovering in therapy and the meds the les white men are the end of the world we should have let them die when they got kicked out - people never change you fucking die trump",1.03,1,FR 42173,A car full of terrorists and mentally handicapped,0.58,7,ZH 22441,replies again you were mighty the dirty fucking fagot.,1.32,5,DE 45699,Somalis are bloody cancer.,2.0,3,DE 46459,"ive cried every time ive watched this video. i'm not sure if its because of how much this resonates with me as a lesbian, or if its joy at your courage in creating this art for the rest of us. you didn't have to do this, you didn't have to make these deeply personal, intimate, raw vignettes public, but i'm sincerely glad you did. i truly wish this was around back when i was questioning. it may have cleared so much up. i hope another young queer person finds this, and in turn finds themself. i hope you find light in your life, eugene.",-7.02,0,original 27781,"same ppl who love torture, nukes, genocide & blowing up countries now ""Praying 4 world"" & demanding end to violence URL",-1.46,0,original 26849,"Y'all are really dumb here...why do men think their ""preference"" means anything to us?",0.86,4,FR 46322,Boy everyone who doesn't want to die. Crossing 51. won't die. Send muslims and border crossers and they will die. What a fool.,1.45,3,ZH 16443,"As a Muslim I hope you know that posting about Saudis is very bad. Very bad. You can go to hell for that. I love Bert memes, but once you cross that line, it's no longer comedy. you must regret You would never sleep with a goat, goats are dirty. The preference has always been camel, camel spit is greasy and allows penetration into the tighter bunghole. This way you can fuck both man and woman camel. Please fix this error immediately.",0.89,1,DE 47734,"The hideous Supreme Leader of Iran is Satan himself for lynching and mutilating the genitals of his own people, exporting terror around the world and promoting drug trafficking with narco-states and other evil dictators. May the true GOD strike him to death to save his own people.",1.64,3,FR 15552,I'm a conservative and I hate white people. White people have only brought genocide and exploitation into the world.,0.7,1,FR 47678,"The cowardly Saudis know well that Iran is too powerful and will roast them like a chicken. They play under the dog of America agenda that will bring the entire Middle East under attack. illiterate Saudis,",1.62,3,ZH 30648,"Shoutout 2 all Christians who lie, cheat, gossip, fornicate, but do not drink 🍷 or smoke 💨 because it is a sin. You are the reason Jesus wept",1.02,2,DE 28218,"I have been saying that dodgeball is oppressive FOR YEARS. Finally these Canadian researchers are catching up. With any luck, they'll now be looking into the blatant white supremacy of badminton. URL",-1.95,0,original 17181,"You can take it all in your fat taut pussy, you fuck a nigger cock engulfing a slut",2.02,4,FR 40543,I feel like no one studies history anymore. 😢 Do you know why are Navy was created? I know it happened 200 years ago but it still matters today. America's was constantly being attacked by Muslims. Seriously America has been fighting against the Islamic regime since our independence. Before that Europe sent the Christian Crusaders to fight the Muslims killings. It's been a cancer on Earth for over 1400 years. No other religion in the world calls for others to die or be killed simply for being a non believer except the Muslims religion.,-0.61,0,original 7455,Fuck off you mentally ill degenerate.,0.93,7,original 39589,"What happened to your bratty attitude when I shoved my dick down your throat? Look at you, gagging and patting my thigh because you already need to breathe. My little toy, we're not even close to being done yet. We can keep going until I cum or you go limp.",1.94,4,FR 11619,"""Doctor"" gay who sucks Asian cock and fucks so hard his blood borders on strawberry jelly",0.94,5,DE 13929,"If your relationship is anything like your post history, you just stop being a bitch. And a camwhore. He's probably tired of strangers on the street complimenting your vagina.",1.28,4,original 33481,"""Americans can still visit the country on a ""support for the Cuban people,"" visa, which is not substantially different than the ""people to people"" visa that Americans were previously using to visit."" URL",-4.19,0,original 20004,"Hey, I even kill the handicapped and the crippled / look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes",2.1,7,RU 1653,All of that crowd should be sterilized. they are so stupid,1.92,7,JA 37592,"These fucc niggas look like triplets, I hope ya burn in Hell",1.07,1,original 25401,"😡 Muslims are sick animals, sick cults and idiots 😢😭 URL",1.92,2,ZH 19330,"Of course... We know how big a sheep's cat is. Know when a sheep has been raped by a Pakistani. When we see that such an act has taken place, we bomb one of your terrorist camps.",2.76,3,FR 44067,then ask yourself why 11 people got killed. ill tell you why... cause they were taking care of fukkin illegals at the fukkin jail.,0.79,3,original 5012,"I took the time to do a little research to learn what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. One of the things they do is called anal licking, where a man's anus is licked by the other person like ice cream and then what happens even poop comes out and then they eat the poop.",0.89,5,DE 7443,Yaaay I can fuck kids and I won't lose my teaching license,1.35,6,RU 8371,"Ass up, face the toilet, fuck her big asshole",2.34,5,ZH 11064,Anyone else kinda want to see Israel just burn to the ground?,3.38,1,original 43290,+John zero lol fagot you're transgender daddy should swallow you,1.23,5,ZH 21022,Jokes on 'em cause I hate 'em anyway,1.06,4,FR 48018,genocide amerika it means when we hit them with cruise missiles it becomes a dirty bomb 😂,0.73,3,FR 36629,Damn these female dogs burned and killed them and imprisoned Chirst Christian capitalist morman Jehovah's Witness Scientology meth vokda interracial immature sex swap Bitches stealing money,2.51,2,FR 2189,She looks like she is garbage person.,0.03,0,original 16690,I want to fuck her standing up so I can rub her clit,-0.97,0,original 36670,Ugh I wanna be called a slit and choked and fucked in my ass and cummed in 🤤🤤🤤 someone pleasseeeee wreck my slutty sissy pussy,-3.78,0,original 3552,I used to laugh at your autism fuck 😂😂,1.57,7,JA 32100,"Tw // Cruelty to animals. I'll say this until I'm blue in the face and I don't care who I offend. If this is your ""culture"" then you are an absolute idiot, your culture is for idiots and the world is better off without it. url",0.85,3,ZH 49360,"WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THESE CARPET MUNCHERS ? DON'T LIKE IT HERE ? , MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY , MAYBE AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY WOULD WELCOME YOU.",1.22,5,original 30969,"On a scale of 1 to NIGGER, ""Go back where you came from"" is like an 8.",0.6,1,DE 35629,Saddam: Stop stealing our oil Kuwait: No and your wives are whores lmao Saddam: Aight bet URL,0.67,4,FR 36387,@Kaifyjaaan @MianIftikharHus @MiaNaMateenPti @adgpi Folk your ass will be full of balls soon don't worry we will claim our Hindu land. Converted assholes go to your native Islamic land in Arabia. more days on twitter Armies bullets will soon engulf all jehadi mulas soon.,2.86,3,FR 25781,"To understand the extreme right (aka fascists) in Europe and N America, you have to understand the role of fundamentalist Christianity. They want to take us back centuries and attack progressive values in every sphere. They must be fought. URL",1.23,2,original 41745,"Ice the border jumpers and criminal,s . no visa. Deport .",-0.25,0,original 39439,You fucking bitch. Leave an address so I can dump your shit and spit in your fucking face. URLs,1.24,4,FR 40108,Calm down the lawyer. it's easy for you to talk because you're on the south side of the border. Come and he will put us in our own concentration camp. Bring the kids and you'll never see them again.,0.53,3,FR 28159,"Cher says, ""women are the future!"" Sounds sexist to me. I mean, I'd like to be the future too.",-1.67,0,original 17345,"As well as the scientific community, the World Health Organization, and anyone who's done even the slightest amount of research into what gender identity is. Knowing that gender identity exists on spectrum is really not that complicated, or new.",-3.74,0,original 28935,"Fucking that bitch hole and taking his dick. By the time he's done with you, your pussy boi will never be the same slut again. On the bright side, you'll be lubricated and you'll never feel a thing when guys waiting for their turn rape you all night long. URLs",2.15,4,FR 44673,Then bomb the shit out of middle caca east,4.4,3,DE 45652,If you subscribe for me my channel. May God bless you and your family in Jesus name Ameen 🙏🙏🙏,-6.25,0,original 37627,@felixjr__10 Someone was being roasted here but now you women see the benefits,-2.04,0,original 27243,URL Every church must be burned. Every. One. IDGAF.,1.84,2,RU 15223,Are you special? Are you mentally handicapped? Please die already,0.57,7,FR 9481,"Final Solution is what Hitler and the Nazis called the slaughter of millions of Jews, gays, prostitutes, and sometimes homeless.",1.35,1,original 46309,"Iran is a backward country. And it could not even capture a tanker. As for the people saying about the Russian Navy, if you look at the equivalent of the Danish Navy, which is no match for the Royal Navy, it's time we weeded out Iran. You hate our way of life and want us dead, so why is it wrong when we feel the same way? It's time we see who's left. Britain doesn't mention secret weapons we have, unlike loudmouthed Russians or Iran.",1.41,3,DE 42401,You are a fucking fag Chris,1.43,5,FR 49568,+jewboy spots the incel,1.25,2,FR 5521,Fuck that fag,1.01,5,DE 25566,"@aisofspades_ Ur not trash, other women are trash",1.21,4,original 10299,"Fagots are kid fuckers, so I used to support them, not anymore",2.3,5,DE 24734,"In honor of #PrideMonth, read @adamlambert's love letter to the LGBTQ community URL URL",-5.6,0,original 5440,😉 First time posting here. I'll post more Asians,-1.22,0,original 30793,I hate that bitch nigga,1.99,1,FR 10075,Because her dad made her abuse grown-up nerds? She might be the least gay kid of her generation and is bringing back bullying. She deserves an award. Weird people who do weird things should be fucked until they kill a bunch of people.,1.42,5,ZH 22891,Allah can suck my dick,1.36,2,FR 6141,Lispy fagot I hate gay guys who act like this bag of shit. I bet if he fights with women he'll call them a bitch because he thinks he's on par with women and I'm not even a man.,0.84,5,ZH 26310,"Flying Ebola infected Congolese to Mexico then dumping them on our border. Now they're being sent to San Antonio where two major freeways meet Read the whole thing, including the comments. URL",0.9,3,original 20420,it was there for 2 years. 2 whole years. every day i hate men even more. fucking trash. im URL,1.53,4,original 41172,Jews destroys everything they touch. Literally everything. 😂🤣,1.54,2,original 32656,@thro_e @MissILmom The US should have blown Iran and numerous other Muslim countries off the face of the earth.,1.97,2,DE 19395,go back to your white incel basement!,0.56,1,DE 14292,"I am furious that a subhuman filth like you actually exists and puts everyone else at risk with your selfish, thoughtless actions. Do us all a favor and cut off your dick so no one else risks infection from some horny desperate fuck boi who wouldn't disclose how he spreads a permanent unwanted disease.",0.63,5,DE 27818,One of these chicks need to be arrested. Register em as a sex offender. Kill all that shit URL,0.22,0,original 36465,FUCK THIS BITCH I HOPE YOU DIE IN THE MOST CRUEL WAY POSSIBLE!!! PUTO,1.87,4,original 13563,Damn at least the the southern border guys get a bunch of brown kids to take their frustrations out on.,0.93,3,original 44347,We should also deport all the trailer trash living off welfare and hating anyone who isn't white for doing the same thing.,0.89,1,original 14538,"Oh, I was speaking of having a Vagina naturally, that's why I said according to these women I know. I guess it makes sense why menstruating doesn't work for srs. ( Are trans or something like that? Also the phrase yeet the peen will be integrated in my vocabulary from now on)",-2.09,0,original 36107,"If I had a son and he turned out to be straight, I would sneak into his room at night and show him what a good cock feels like 💯",1.46,5,DE 12734,Move to China and preach your backlog dream. You could fuck a rabbit and he'd have better ideas than you.,2.37,3,FR 6770,Well faggots can have they're gay little parades why can't straights?,0.76,5,original 47989,Let's bring more trash to America! SMDH,1.36,3,ZH 17266,"You're a fucking man child. Fuck. You. I hope you choke on your own shit, you fucking subhuman sociopath.",1.63,6,original 44428,PICKLE PETE THE SODOMITY OF SOUTH BEND,1.07,5,FR 24493,"Yes, we should send them home until they can follow the proper process, it doesn't mean cheating like you did by marrying their brother. You should be in prison or Somalia 🇺🇸 TRUMP2020 #1 Overwhelming re-election is coming, time to clean up America! 🇺🇸",2.22,3,ZH 21541,"Ladies, if you want to run in peacecarry some bear mace. 30 foot spray of extremely painful caspian that's guaranteed to give you a chance to head stomp him while he's writhing in pain.",-1.0,0,original 19869,/u/thegamerofwac YOUR ST00PID MOTHERFUCKER!!! KILL YOURSELF DISABLED IDIOTIC Idiot!!! THEY SUCK ASS!!! KILL YOURSELF LITTLE DURING BRAINLESS RETARD!!!,1.13,7,DE 23751,y'all dead ass annoying now. wanna make everything gay bc of these crybaby ass faggots .. we can't have shit 😑 URL,1.49,5,original 20082,City girls I've failed you cuz I give af bout the nigga 🤧,0.09,0,original 13112,> Fuck Nazis But why? This is how more Nazi babies are made!,1.94,3,DE 13574,"God, imagine creating an account just to post this. Return to 4chan or the incel subs you belong to. We might all be filthy hoes and bitches, but I still bet none of us would hit you with a 10ft barge pole. That's probably why you're so sad.",1.54,5,FR 11090,Why couldn't they have said that the one race was black or Asian. Why did it have to be white. Proof they are a racist. Change my mind,-1.08,0,original 32919,@Sanaalichudhry @imVkohli Pakistan rest in peace.,-2.53,0,original 8619,tl;dr white man bad.,-0.68,0,original 8058,I bet she's gonna be getting a lot of money as a result. Women are like black holes that suck in all money around them.,0.07,0,original 49071,Fucking untalented gay agenda pushing sluts,1.43,5,ZH 5234,"Because he's white and privileged, so fuck him especially even if he raped someone and he's unlikely to be a repeat offender. But fuck this particular guy.",1.29,1,FR 12187,"I agree. I guess I should rethink my self-identification as an incel because I don't want to be a part of or support a group of people that tear each other apart, have lots of entitlement, and spread misogynist dehumanizing views. I think I am still a black piller though, one that is involuntarily celibate but doesn't identify as an incel.",-3.01,0,original 6704,"As I said earlier, I see this as church indoctrination. I have a very hard time accepting it as a valid argument, especially when it's used to push policies on people not of the same faith (or no faith).",-1.43,0,original 4470,I'm bi and came out to everyone the same way lmao.,-4.31,0,original 10134,Imao so damn EPIC just destroyed idot retart I bet he cries so hard bro he just SHIT HIS PANTS from your gamer ROAST bro I say this because I can't argue without sound too,0.83,7,RU 24827,Straight Pride Parades have a rich history and pageantry URL,-2.94,0,original 42818,"Lol, India doesnt even use toilet paper, what a joke! Why not try to fix your sewers than pretend to be astronauts",0.1,0,original 45360,"@Little Riceboy he is retarded bogan, a lapdog of america, poor ass criminal offspring, austirlia is backward third world country",1.11,3,original 4033,"Fuck off, idiots around the world deserve the same respect and rights. For people like you, we are stuck in such a situation.",1.01,1,DE 33742,@JGroyper Dumb bitch wont do jack shit,1.3,4,original 29166,Be on my dick or I'll have your friend suck it 🤷🏽‍♂️ your choice,1.31,4,FR 3152,You have to be a special kind of pathetic fag to use Masstagger.,0.74,5,DE 23350,@NJrV2_ @XIsThatNigga Dog you are all the Africans who sold us into slavery and then chose to flee Africa because they are. You are worse off than us 😂,0.62,1,DE 10638,I want to empty my balls in his asshole!,0.84,4,FR 4422,"> Straight up the hardest working coworkers and friendliest people I've lived and worked in Texas my whole life, and yeah, mad props to Mexican folks, they have a super tough work ethic that I have a ton of respect for, not to mention being really kind.",-5.58,0,original 25885,All these bitches pregnant,0.46,0,original 28057,"""oH i DoNt SuCk DiCk LiKe tHaT"" Bitch u could suck a soft ball through a straw gtfo",1.56,4,original 11654,Jordan is a weak puppet state that acts on the whims of the Saudis and Egyptian military.,-0.1,0,original 29934,@RFidvi @RahulGandhi Muslims should be banned everywhere,0.61,2,ZH 14430,"Get off your high chair and go back to your Chapo shithole. It's hard to hold people back, especially someone like that who's out of meds, using cocaine, and running into traffic, endangering not only themselves, but the lives of others.",1.68,3,FR 9673,OP you're gay,2.14,5,ZH 15401,I would love to bury my face inside her cunt to taste & smell her,-3.12,0,original 7579,And by a fucking catty bitch.,0.67,4,FR 44724,Moon Watch I heard the Ukrainian Nationalists are puppets of the US. The nationalists don't want a balanced documentary about Putin.,-0.04,0,original 1807,We could all get biblical and stone them? I believe Jesus would do that.,0.6,2,DE 21657,@MariMayi_ @beezybrice Stupid ass hoe,1.21,4,original 23301,This nigga looks gay as hell I die,0.85,5,ZH 40902,Black is the hottest and best race. I am hispanic and white and i approve this message.,-2.84,0,original 16336,"> He's on trial for committing assault with possible racial motivations. Possible? They literally shouting the ethnic slur ""Spic"" against them. Antifa believes that the white race is superior, and that they can do socialism better then those ""brown people"" Stop defending ANTIFA, they committed the fuckinmg Holocaust.",0.53,1,original 33304,RT DarkSuccubitch #MTVHOTTEST Little Mix Lady Gaga,-2.52,0,original 35783,@hafsal_rahman @RenishRamegowda @kurian_binu @punarutthana Don't give me one page. You give me one incident of gaurakshaks lynching Muslim I'll give you two incidents of muslim cow thieves attacking Innocent hindus. Accepted? You are 20% of population but want to slaughter cows? See how Hindus behave in other countries and learn,0.81,2,original 9200,"Haha poor. No facts, argue like a 12 year old. You racist, pathetic little virgin bitch. This is why no girl wants you and why your life sucks. Your parents probably hate you too. just saying. I hope your life continues to be a mess. Goodbye, racist bitch.",1.45,6,ZH 40881,"Q: Why doesn't Poland have Antfia problem? A: Poland couldn't stand little bullshit like masks and 14-to-1 fights. They cut Antifa like the cancer it is, quick. Trampled the female dogs. I can't think of a bigger pussy play than throwing a milkshake and running away Lmfao hahaha",1.42,3,FR 47050,My masculine is awakening through my spiritual elevation 🧚🏽‍♀️,-5.29,0,original 29592,"Nigerians are so resilient, we will do any work to make ends meet. We are also impatient! The Politicians have made hark work unattractive. They do so little and earn so much, they oppress poor citizens with materialism! But we will not steal! URL",-4.72,0,original 33621,White supremacists are terrorists! Why are we not shipping them out of our country?? URL,-0.12,0,original 10045,"Basically paki chavs, guys who wear tight track suits n drive golfs and are hard men",-1.75,0,original 37235,i eat child specifically gay child because i hate gay people,0.97,5,original 10972,No can confirm anons a fag and is a cunt,1.81,5,DE 15745,Your tribal tattoo is a dog whistle for I like being fucked in the ass by big burly men,0.46,0,original 18624,Only a true latecomer would start a sentence with a capital and. Holy bastards!,1.77,7,DE 41928,stfu christophe,1.31,4,FR 18302,"At the cost of tens of thousands of US servicemen, the sinking of an aircraft carrier, the destruction of all Saudi oil infrastructure, tens of thousands of missiles raining down on Tel Aviv etc. And Iran can always rebuild their nuclear program (except deep underground to make it impossible for airstrikes to reach them next time), and of course instead of just having a nuclear energy program, they will go for a weapons program this time as a deterrent.",-2.34,0,original 47285,"It doesn't matter who is president. Those cops out here are still killing unarmed black men like it's nothing. Fuck this racist ass country, I would never fight and die for this shithole.",2.33,3,DE 33641,@pastorlocke get back to your strip mall you jerk/ and take your fucking fake perk with you! The privilege of imposing your stillborn religious rubbish on others? Put it in park and pull the trigger. URL,1.12,2,RU 27650,Wish I was slipping in and out of some pussy instead of depression 🤪✊🏽,-1.5,0,original 4498,"As one of those ""transgenders"" the only time I'm ever rude to someone is when they are rude to me, and I don't make a big deal out of it either.",-2.59,0,original 31643,"The reason why ""Go back where you came from"" is so vile is that immigration is a centerpiece of the American experience. People who came here yesterday are as American as our oldest families. (And by the way, many of our oldest families descended from enslaved people.)",-4.18,0,original 45499,This mason kid is a fag,1.21,5,FR 8223,"It's funny because the UK has allowed foreign powers to flood their once great country with inbred, low-IQ savages.",1.43,3,original 14135,Get a load of this faggot.,1.86,5,original 25888,A bunch of fags need you to awaaaaay; still bad for them anyway 😈,1.64,5,ZH 43663,"The ignorant RACIST Four... Cortez, OMAR, TLAIB, Presley are flashing now because of their youth...they will eventually burn themselves out and disappear. God please protect us in the meantime.",1.59,4,original 39095,@TarekFatah @ImranKhanPTI These kinds of terroristic threats really make the Indian government's argument for them. Counterproductive and no way to win sympathy. Escalation will not end well for Kashmir.,-0.29,0,original 16860,I hope you burn in the sun until you're a tiny faggot piece of bacon,0.78,5,original 31831,"I'll get my revenge when I fuck your nigga, I'll take that shit back, I won't fuck on your nigga, I'll fuck on his face, just for you.",1.35,1,FR 38882,Real Black Men Love All Of It.,-3.09,0,original 2747,**Ben Shapiro Debunks Black Lives Matter with FACTS and LOGIC.**,-2.21,0,original 3073,Fuck her mouth.,0.14,0,original 22309,@ReallyBLBootsy Hope you die you white piece of junk,1.44,1,DE 17323,Fuck you fagot lol,1.36,5,FR 14596,"Go back to the trash can you came from, you common man",0.55,3,ZH 23044,delayed. My god it's those retards who are slipping away. Maybe your daughter won't care about your fat prick because these people are shit. I don't abuse my daughter and I don't even talk to her.,1.76,7,FR 6703,"Hispanic guy, Asian girl couple here.",-2.96,0,original 44059,"@Ded Head Stick to your sewser rat !! when turks builded empires; your subhuman race did not even know how to take a shower ,So your are the last ones who are gona teach turks how to run their country",-0.3,0,original 24055,UPDATE: #JUishWISHES PT. 2 URL URL,-2.22,0,original 5502,"A family friend is 6% Sub-Saharan African, and nearly half Native-American, but she looks white.",-2.69,0,original 2018,The election should be decided by illegal immigrants in California.,-2.09,0,original 28925,"@gangavarapufame @noconversion @Pontifex 👍🏽 Someone has to accept vicious hate. You - Jesus, I kill and rape and fight for you and in your name. God - you sick idiot, you killed me and every other good person in the world. Burn him forever.",1.35,2,ZH 45392,I knew it. Some faggot lawyer is going to make it a money issue. Kill all the lawyers.,3.14,5,original 41463,"Trump is a narcissistic racist kiddy fiddler, but his base does not care. They just want non whites to be kicked out of the country, no matter what.",-0.5,0,original 41224,Isis is going to fuck your ass now,1.33,3,FR 20229,Fuck'n Hot AF Young Cum Junkie Slut Nate Grimes gets ready for a dirty Fuck'n Good Fist Fuck Session and Balls Deep Load of Dirty AF Cory Jay's Daddy Fuck Seed Floodin' His Hungry Young Cum Junkie Cunt (Part 1 ) 👍URL,1.09,5,DE 41086,LESBIAN JESUS IS BACK AND IM SO HAPPY,-0.97,0,original 48471,@Zenigundam You are a fool. Hold that fagot in L.,1.93,5,FR 17226,Is that supposed to be closed off? She was just puking out of that spot on the overflow tank.,-2.16,0,original 6147,"I see nothing wrong with this. The LGBT community is always clamoring about embracing who you are, heterosexuality isn't exempt from that. Let everyone who feels pride have their parades.",-2.48,0,original 10489,Yes gay 😳 Keep your big juicy pink cock and cute ball bag away from me you horny gay 😳,1.33,5,ZH 43654,"Miss Manners, please just fuck off back in line What a guy",-1.09,0,original 25554,"Gold, wood, religion: Threats to Colombia's isolated indigenous peoples - @mongabay URL URL",-2.79,0,original 20346,edgy thot dumb ass bitch and depressed bitch,0.97,5,original 7747,Canada sold itself to foreign dirty money and it's sad. All you have to do is look at every place that has Chinatowns and mainland Chinese buying up real estate and you will see that they have zero western values and will keep doing this shit. I worked in China for years and even in the most luxurious malls there were people who would let their kids pee or poop in a bag while the bathroom was 50 fucking feet away. Those are the basics of doing business in China - cut every cost you can. I have worked with many Chinese companies and not once have they tried to rip me off.,0.74,1,DE 40905,The fact that humans see a balancing rock and attribute it to some kind of god or higher power just shows how retarded religion is.,0.43,0,original 9406,Just another shining example why Islam needs to be eradicated from the planet,1.85,2,original 24304,"i'm badder then you bitches 😘 , oh and fuck you too my sloppy seconds 🖕🏽🥴",0.57,4,original 17331,"We have nearly 15 times more people than you, and even those with minimal incomes earn more than your middle class. The majority of your country's inhabitants are descendants of uneducated penal colonists...surrounded by desert and unruly creatures bolstered by island gigantism. You live in a rat hole. Stop acting like you're better than everyone else.",1.0,3,FR 29366,"@MiseryHighlight Come = cum, miraculous catcher = false lady imbued with ""divinity"". I hope she gets access to plan B in the morning to stop another few thousand years of crazy religious jobs controlling people's lives and molesting children.",1.12,2,FR 49558,Please remove her citizenship and her US passport and let her be a fugitive traveling from port to port a woman without a country,-0.7,0,original 1202,"Because they have to raise more idiots, even if they need a little rape to do it",1.22,7,ZH 35787,This whore needs to be fucked. URLs,1.2,4,FR 27113,"logging on here, everything's all 'cuck this'... 'cuck that'... 'cuck you'... but for my money, nothing screams Bang My Wife quite like drinking coffee. like you're taking a drug that makes you better at the job thats got u sleep deprived in the first place. id sooner huff jenkem",0.94,4,original 47820,"""lyrical"" lemonade: bussdown blueface: put a hole in a nigga, now he look like a bagel",0.88,1,DE 23574,More power to him. He is not a mentally colonized douchebag. Gandhi did the same— in his lioncloth. Refused to accept the dictates of the British in any sphere of life URL,-3.16,0,original 7709,Hope someone two foot that racist cunt and break his leg in half,1.17,1,DE 23020,"If using my platform to be as queer and gay etc as possible online means other people become comfortable with being themselves too, then i will continue to do this to my grave. This experience alone is enough to never stop me from being me.",-3.17,0,original 15700,Straight up castration should tame those rapey urges no end.,-0.5,0,original 2059,Retard. Do you want to doom your bastard child to be raised by an insane thot and her inevitable cuck husband?,1.58,7,original 21655,Proud moment of life to witness Historic Swearing In ceremony of @narendramodi ji Govt at Rashtrapati Bhavan ! This absolute victory of BJP is dedicated to all booth level @BJP4India karyakartas ! URL,-3.83,0,original 26070,"In the US, Pastors and Priests cannot control the one-eyed snakes in their pants that's why they sexually abuse children and vulnerable adults. URL",1.14,2,original 38849,@DailyCaller Beto is a white fool,1.17,1,DE 28792,@StephReinish @Amy_Siskind Those border patrol agents need to be brought up on charges of sexual assault. Period.,-6.85,0,original 45926,deport them all now!,-0.34,0,original 167,damn mohammedans. and to hell with their feelings.,1.45,2,RU 17088,So when do we start killing straight white men? Am I right?,1.16,5,FR 3068,MGTOW is fucking gay why don't you eunuch yourself,3.39,5,ZH 21233,"Find these dirty trifling hoes, smfh! Got this man set up and killed on his birthday! Burn these hoes! URL",2.57,4,original 9683,"I hope you die of cancer, fagot",2.36,5,FR 29003,"@sharrond62 I can't see anything wrong in this tweet , if trans ppl do then it's a great shame , it's just playing fair at sport imho .",-2.63,0,original 21883,"Fucking haters sometimes let a nigga have another slip of the tongue, better watch who the fuck you talkin' to, or niggas finna end up with a busted nose and broken arms",2.74,1,DE 23921,@realDonaldTrump @RAZ0RFIST @SadiqKhan Fuck this faggot,0.99,1,original 26722,cho seungyoun is every woman's dream guy URL,-4.71,0,original 30323,Can all you #faggots keep your hateful #hottakes to yourselves.,1.83,5,original 10878,"this so racist, I'm going to hell for laughing",-3.41,0,original 15610,"Wow, looks like Satan has infiltrated your church and soon you will all be killing each other in occult rituals.",0.82,2,RU 44943,Are lesbians naturally combustible when it comes to eating rugs?,1.34,5,ZH 18398,Like placing a bunch of Muslim refugees in one area to gain political control?,-1.74,0,original 30579,@Jonteinspain I remember when I was banned for saying illegals and foreign criminals should be deported. I have came to realize that people not contributing to our economy / killing and raping our kids and adults is very enriching for the UK,0.27,0,original 2500,Gotta love a woman in a suit; almost as much as being ***in*** a woman in a costume!,0.95,4,FR 47820,limonade « lyrique » : bussdown blueface : pUt a Hole in a NiGGa now he look like a bAgeL,0.88,1,FR 32157,Wouldn't have been tolerated without a response not so long ago..we're great britain for gods sake..or used to be..I despise the majority of our current parliamentarians..history will judge them as pygmies.,-0.05,0,original 4156,back to that dwarf you fell for,0.91,3,ZH 39290,You're nose is turning brown from how much you're up his ass LMFAOOOO fucking clown ass nigga,1.65,1,original 47215,All these dinosaurs need to be fed to hungry children in Yemen. They need a lifetime job while our young men are sent to fight the Jews.,0.57,2,RU 49183,Whites have tried this in Afghanistan and Iraq. How did it turn out for you inbreeds?,0.69,1,DE 30943,I hate dumb bitches,0.58,4,original 326,"im wondering more about what he would want to eradicate. what were the ""car jews"".",-0.29,0,original 38359,"The mean fag spent his last days in my arms, in my arms and in my arms. #hierarchy url",1.14,5,ZH 14653,"Another gay hispanic, so usual. Fuck off and die. You know ull get in due to AA, so suck my small chinese cock.",1.1,1,original 14799,"But really, Christian girls suck. They are female dogs. Source: am a girl.",0.58,2,FR 31887,WHAT THE FUCK GOVANHILL IS A GHETTO. AN ACTUAL 21ST CENTURY GHETTO INFESTED BY RATS. DRUG DEATHS THROUGH THE ROOF ABOVE THE COUNTRY AND THERE SHE IS. DANCING AWAY IN ENGLAND YOU DAMN STILL YOUR DAFT STUPID CUNT??? URL,1.79,3,DE 37962,@RizwanK05397590 @Arbazkhanpatan @geertwilderspvv @YRDeshmukh Ok mr endian hindu refugee will fuck your muslim sister and mother and you will be silent but we will not be silent we will be like himdu cow urine drinkers about kashmiri khalistan and Endian Muslims,2.24,2,DE 11329,Ok gay ban my pussy.,1.24,5,ZH 44362,"The first person who needs to go back to their shit country is Melanie Trump, the first gold digging hooker. That racist bitch is here because Epstein recruited her for the fat orange rapist squatting in the White House.",2.21,3,ZH 34482,Pretty teeny brunette gets pounded by mall cop dick URL,-0.64,0,original 34992,"@KayaJones Remember people, why is this ignorant person or should I say this person's ignorance surprise you?! She's a whore who had to get screwed to get her first promotion. Really simple people, it's a fucking Rag. !",2.48,4,FR 10305,Republicans don't get to pretend that race has nothing to do with it after Trump started spewing racist rhetoric at every turn and they still support him.,-1.04,0,original 38290,They need to send you back to your hell,0.96,5,ZH 12574,No toxic masculinity would be whacking one of the kid primates walking by so hard he hits a tree because he's being too slow. This is non-toxic masculinity,-2.18,0,original 38967,@boy_isaac20 My boy wit the black af1 deadass was talkin bout robbing somebody in the parking lot lmaooo the mentality next level,2.29,1,original 33592,Trader Joe's cashier told me everyone who works there is bisexual and fucking each other,-1.8,0,original 37929,Everyone that uses the term ' hate crime ' deserves to be kicked swiftly in the nuts from the white house on down . Stop dividing people.,0.72,1,original 49987,Good wipe those dumb hick Christians out,2.19,2,original 23538,"Do you see those standing in black robes with red borders? 66 theology or ministry graduates, some from Taiwan, most from mainland China. 47 made it to high school. Many of them have many years of pastoral experience. More than half of them are women. URL",0.73,1,DE 3226,"Should have told his own country to not rape, kill, and experiment on thousands of people. Still respect for what he did",-0.93,0,original 15292,Incels are fucking garbage. I would enjoy slapping some of them in the face,1.4,5,DE 18049,Found an incel sympathizer,-2.24,0,original 36551,"If you ask any of the 24 Democrat Presidential Candidates the following question: ""WHAT IS YOUR PLAN TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION?"", what are you most likely to hear?",-2.49,0,original 33906,@BeccaBbc Shut up you stupid bitch. The only time you should open your mouth is to suck daddy's dangling ponytail,1.22,4,FR 6029,I hope she gets shot,2.76,4,FR 14514,"Tulsi ""We must stop American imperialism and start American genocide""",1.51,3,ZH 23957,"Sunday morning! Just finished FaceTiming Jesus again. He wanted me to inform Christian extremists that they may as well stay home and spend the day inhaling meth out of a pool boy's anal cavity. After smelling the stank of his false flock, your Christ has concluded God is dead.",0.92,2,original 4917,lmao get a load from this fag,1.04,5,DE 20682,I hope anti-semitic congresswomen Omar and Talib have not gotten their children vaccinated because most vaccines were created by Jews and if their children and families are anti-semitic like them they'll have to suffer,-0.24,0,original 20749,You see this shit? I'm not afraid to admit that I've lost liters of cum to this disgusting simp gang. Isn't it funny how not even ardent girls arouse me like she does? I have killed millions of my offspring to the thought of simpin along 2 their bops.,-0.46,0,original 44828,Was it a White nationalist terrorist?,-1.79,0,original 37740,@Leahgreenb Let's be clear on this : People like you Is why there is so much hate and anger in this world. You are enticing violence and hate. Democrats/liberals/ along w/ terrorist and gangs crazy enough to pull the trigger are feeding off of your hate and violence. I hope u r being watched,0.75,1,original 12740,Ad some wogs you fucking pussy.,-0.49,0,original 27806,"If the bitch is unwilling remove the choice,no running away slut what he's not told you is that you'll be tied up all weekend, he's put your boi hole online & many horny alpha are already lining up as it said no limit,his first load will be your only lube URL",3.65,4,original 31377,"@DavidOAtkins Shit like this why those of us in ""rural white America"" hate your guts, you pathetic authoritarian piece of shit.",0.71,1,original 41033,"what is a ""Palestinian?"" a made up people. Israel has ALWAYS been the land promised to Abraham and his descendants by God. God, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Read the Holy Bible!",-1.87,0,original 1737,"I agree with the poster who recommended Ash Hardell, Their videos helped me a lot when I started to realize I was trans back in January. I still feel weird saying I'm trans and haven't come out yet. I feel like trans masc describes me best for now. I understand the urge to immediately find the words to match how you identify, but if you're only just starting to figure it out take your time, there's no rush to pic a label and live with it forever.",-4.35,0,original 18814,Did they convert or why didn't you eradicate this filth from the Earth?,2.84,1,FR 16338,What a stupid whore,1.4,4,original 35932,"@Tejsing16845290 @PJkanojia Kill those militants who are preventing you from advancing the peace, stop the Bangaldeshi or Myanmar exodus infiltration",1.76,3,DE 30072,America has no walls to keep people in. Anyone not happy could leave tomorrow. This includes the cunt attention WHORES SQUAD,1.07,4,original 7745,">No you dont obey the God in the bible You have not idea what the bible says > obviously you disregard his commandment to treat others as you want to be treated If I was destined to hell because of my unbelief, I would want someone to warn me You preach ""love and respect other people"" ,but attack those you disagree with That is why you are a hypocrite.",0.0,0,original 23214,@lowpassgate Fake militant fuck,0.72,1,FR 44283,+Jesus Says hahaha what's the matter faggot butthurt queer are my replies making you frustrated maybe you should go suck on your mother's dick it's time for your daily penis feeding,2.0,5,original 14914,"Anyone else reading these comments replacing ""chinese"" with any other ethnicity and realising how awfully racist it sounds?",-2.15,0,original 40131,"Fuck you fags, you don't come to my town cause we hate you, people will kill you and sleep good at night",3.74,5,FR 38243,@Yilzdrim1389 @manavsachdeva78 @vishnuksoni @MTalhaRafaqat1 @ZaidZamanHamid Okay please teach your cricket team English... I don't care what terrorists think of me and my country.,0.76,1,DE 16503,That moment when I'm being liked by girls even before transitioning! :>,-3.03,0,original 7327,"""I hope you get raped and more"" well shit",1.7,4,original 25670,I know🙂 ion give af. But you're not old enough for my liking. Ya bitches jelly & I ain't even touch you URL,-0.12,0,original 32506,"When you eat her pussy spell ""You lying bitch"" on her clit",0.69,4,original 5710,"OH look, niggers being savage. Imagine my shock.",1.14,1,original 36097,I'm not like the other niggas that don't compare me,0.68,1,DE 15898,Omg shut up you cock riding fag,0.88,5,DE 35873,"America sucks, dude what the fuck",0.68,3,DE 44785,SEND HER BACK DEPORT the chain migrating no English speaking nude model gold digger HO MELANIE and Nazi German pussy grabber DRUMPF,3.59,3,DE 21275,Niggas ain't supposed to be fucked and bitches ain't supposed to be trusted,0.94,1,FR 24875,"How many new ways will Christofascists invent to say, ""Kill any gay people you want""? URL",0.84,2,DE 16438,jacked off toilet shit fag,1.62,5,original 43182,I heard Rudy and Donald have a homosexual relationship.,-1.04,0,original 30852,Lemme find this bitch and slap the fuck out her,1.15,4,original 21937,Hungry ass faggot URL,1.36,5,original 15352,what's too indonesian?,-2.54,0,original 15971,Drown in pussy,1.05,4,original 30942,"To this point: it is my feeling that folks would largely like to stay where they are, mostly, and it is violence & abuse of power which forces them to make impossible decisions, decisions most Americans and probably all white Americans literally cannot fathom.",-3.08,0,original 14092,"If you have to ask, kill yourself, faggot.",2.02,5,DE 2840,"No more Barbie, just an old curmudgeon lesbian.",1.79,5,ZH 8451,All u racists should die in a hole .,1.74,1,original 11067,The kind of tinny delay that do this shit,1.49,7,FR 32401,Bum ass hoes,-0.4,0,original 41234,"@ismail who wants to visit a revolting shithole? We westerners like the finer things in life, not having to worry about flies passing malaria to us is one of those things 😉👍😂😂",0.83,3,FR 28381,@emiliedunnn Men r trash tho right,-0.92,0,original 34348,ugly niggas every state🥴 URL,0.57,1,original 27281,The religion of peace destroys everything it touches. They are remnants of the Dark Ages that should have remained there. URLs,0.78,2,FR 27015,Fvck is wrong wit yall niggas go outside is your life really that meaningless?? Y'all really dont have a life huh?? Pathetic. Couldn't be me,1.24,1,original 31129,Revel in your sloppy cum whore purpose being served. Daddy's seed covering and filling your little cock slut mouth and throat URL,1.37,4,original 39510,wow how late late,3.38,7,JA 41914,Such beautiful strong women 💓,-4.24,0,original 45898,All this coming from immigrants themselves who stole a country from Native Americans and stole California from Mexico and have the nerve to call them illegal aliens what a joke the fact the illegal immigrants are coming from Canada's borders as well this is just a racial issue dressed up and packaged as something else,-1.7,0,original 38034,@b0nesinthesoil Hoes mad 😡,0.1,0,original 36317,@ShkootShit Death is what he deserves this shit is beyond fault and recording nigga ain't no better than someone should puke on your mama's head,1.82,1,FR 33370,@GerardChenMavs @jasontey73 Just like the Chinese did with the japs ...huh.... Your a moron Ur swimmers are drug cheats...fact,0.32,0,original 33613,"""Such brutality does not come naturally to human beings; it is taught progressively through the creation of a false narrative about others, which, step by step, is accepted as the new normal."" -Cdl. Cupich How can you say something like the above to a Holocaust Victim. URL",-2.67,0,original 13922,This kid is causing white genocide and deserves to be lynched,1.75,1,FR 17550,You have a beautiful pussy and you're so sexy I would fuck you all day everyday,-1.02,0,original 37495,His negroes show delays?,0.99,7,DE 10320,"Very well made, also as a fellow bisexual I approve of your cuteness",-3.16,0,original 7651,"I feel ya. For me I've been trying to get into the LGBT community since coming out a few years back (I'm now 39). And people are clickkkkkkky. I grew up in MN And have been in the cities more than half of my life. I've made friends & grown apart from friends. From experience I met them at work (now i work from Home - no one to meet here 😂), church (don't go anymore haven't found a affirming one i like). Been thinking of doing some meet up groups & volunteering.",-2.44,0,original 31781,@iSurhailo All those black people in the answers. Nobody asks you to post pictures of burned asses.,1.99,1,DE 7322,go fuck yourself moron,1.09,7,RU 29900,"@realDonaldTrump Have you seen California, sir? At least the illegal immigrants HAVE toilets and water! The homeless in @tedlieu's district DON'T! URL",-0.86,0,original 28807,im bi which means i have a very specific type for men and i am in love with every woman on the face of the planet,-3.37,0,original 34878,Playtime... Retweet if I should stick it inside my fat ass 😍😍 #SexSlave #BBWWhore #Horny #Cumslut #WetPussy #SexyToy #BigTits URL,-0.86,0,original 34393,Dykes sticking out their tongues in pics equals niggas taking dick gray pants print pics of little bitches,1.43,5,FR 34032,No need to bundle this fag; it will do anything for the Alpha that owns it. (#tbtumblr for @inservice2MMNYC) URL,0.73,5,ZH 26517,Analysis | Trump blames Mexico for a problem with no borders URL,-2.82,0,original 38246,All bitches can suck my dick fr. Not funny,1.37,4,FR 11840,It will only gass the jews,3.61,1,FR 45194,Immigrants owe us! URL,-0.37,0,original 12976,"Yes, let's baptize them in the name of Odin, Thor and Freya... and burn the Christians to the ground.",2.52,2,RU 6614,"Mmm what a cute sissy pussy, that pathetic white fagot ass is really made for taking cock and studying how much cum could it squeeze out of men's balls",0.86,5,FR 25507,but Ebro can shut his dusty ass mouth. I hate men.,0.49,0,original 40085,"White privileged, pro segregationist racist Joe Biden vs race baiting Kamala. The rats are getting a taste of their own mud they have been slinging for years. Watching these rats eat each other is better than watching the CNN comedy and fake news.",0.27,0,original 43748,Would be nice to have a highly skilled president. But in reality he doesn't want black and brown immigrants coming to the us at all remember he wants more coming from Norway.,-0.68,0,original 42707,"If you were born in America, you should love everything about it, including the elected President of the United States!We the people did. Or do or say anything bad about the first black President of America, Barack Obama!These women in our government have communist leanings and want to change America with the green new deal,illegal immigration.etc.These women want to make America a communist country and we the people will not let it happen.If you do not like what is going on in America, you can leave.We want our America to be free, and safe and prosperous!",-0.61,0,original 12872,Shut up you gay bastard,2.01,5,ZH 45024,Wtf don't these idiots get... their here illegally,0.77,3,original 31800,Important Theological Positions From Classic Christian Thinkers with Kenneth Samples URL URL,-3.11,0,original 46378,"Guy sounds like a faggot villain, ugly ass snake too tf 😂😂",1.23,5,original 42072,"I think it's time the US and the UK should start bombing them. We already went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan, why not Iran too. They need to know who's boss",2.57,1,original 32722,"All you women so stupid, you all rather fuck with the plug and catch a felony, record and get caught from all the kids. All behind some dumb nigga that can't even get a job at McDonald's sis? 😂 idiots",1.42,4,FR 38186,Aye who raised you beggin ass bitches?? Shit is gettin outta control.,0.78,4,original 15032,cut a fucking huge wound from the tip of your cock to your asshole and give you a huge cloaca so you can fuck 20 gay guys at once and give them all HIV they will show,2.54,5,DE 12618,"> Cut that bag, the bag is at the base, asshole. Just admit it that you love mutilating baby dicks because you hate yourself for being an incel",2.34,4,FR 41607,"You want white people to like you so bad that you will throw black people under the bus for it. Nothing is more weak, more dishonorable than that. Just look at yourself. Disgusting.",0.04,0,original 48453,Sick and tired of women looking at men as sex objects. What a bunch of shallow misandrist pigs!,0.09,0,original 43678,Golden Lesbians! Why didn't they interview this young black lady who defended well in France's game. I think espn is a bunch of racist gays who hate Trump.,0.59,5,ZH 36783,@NickAdamsinUSA God has weighed in Nick. Lose the thoughts & prayers #hashtags Man up and deal w weaponized white nationalists & their #RacistPresident,-0.91,0,original 34450,@HeWalksRunway Shut up faggot,0.37,0,original 41427,When girls want boys that are tall how about boys want girls to be tall .,-2.8,0,original 11613,Thank goodness all men don't think like you do.,-1.57,0,original 37510,I'm available now on #EscortAds #SexyJulia URL #Detroit #Companion #online #booknow URL,-2.05,0,original 17659,"Lol and now you want to rape me. You could try, mate. What does this boot taste like? I would ask how her ass tastes, but I guess it's probably very good, so I won't",1.33,4,FR 24922,Bitches not even lesbians in Mississippi. Fake Ass Lesbians. Bitches suck more cocks than a prostitute. 😒😂,1.0,5,DE 31714,They need to start shooting these idiots if illegals come running towards them.,1.97,3,ZH 7407,You went from zero to giant pussy in just a few words. For literally no reason. Sissy is the opposite of manly.,0.66,4,FR 14480,"""Shut up you 9-year-old retard!""",1.4,7,ZH 12162,I'd fuck your pussy so deep you'd choke on my cock.,0.87,4,original 30359,"How about we ditch the aliens and go clean up the beach, fuckin' hoes",1.33,3,FR 48204,"This isn't the Holocaust, but they should start taking some clues from the Germans. They should start delivering these buggers on freight trains every two weeks.",2.1,2,DE 24254,"@Ninjayla @TheKidSkoob Most kids her age don't fully comprehend the idea of race. They're very literal. So to kids like her, she isn't Black — she's brown. Which is technically true, as far as skin color goes. Give the child some grace, Jesus 😂",-3.02,0,original 27914,@marlonjayy Yeah but you know that one snap of where you r a girl is why we're all here,-3.04,0,original 40006,"@cojobrien @Anthony Is Sean covering up his ""SKINHEAD"" with that sorry excuse of a fright wig? Bets?",-0.9,0,original 48469,Asian White Nationalist shut your fucking filthy tobacco chewin beer drinkin dorito eatin mountain dew slurpin smelly fucking gingivitis infested fat fucking droopy shitty mouth you socialstic fat fucking dumb fuck,1.27,1,original 37887,@jjsmokkieBOY57 Funny the countries with the most Atheists are the safest and happiest...go figure,-3.47,0,original 40186,We don't need a deal with a country full of Islamic extremists.,-0.94,0,original 11097,Fuck her all over the place,-1.71,0,original 31785,sick and tired of ugly ass bitches like you,1.5,4,original 18177,Shut up you goddamn it's a male space,1.67,4,FR 25941,"Y'all love screaming what city y'all from trying to shake a nigga up ""I'm from Cali we known for..."" bitch mi ena bawn inna jamaic we dgaf about yall state gangsters! They really chop niggas up where I'm from 🇯🇲🤣",0.59,1,original 22776,@CAF_Online Dirty negro bastards piece of shit,0.77,1,DE 14207,"How about I follow and bother you every time you're out in public? That's what this damn fugitive did, stalking and harassing her, and it's no surprise given his criminal record. I am not surprised that a Swede is willing to get on his knees and siphon off any Muslim refugee and defend him from any criticism.",1.16,3,DE 15375,Black people aren't very good at civilisation,1.7,1,original 29011,#Caliphate,-3.12,0,original 13872,The American South is a place I don't even recognize anymore. What in the hell is happening down there. It's a full-blown Idiocracy.,0.89,3,original 43020,Mane you niggas are sick now these days trying to kill all the damn blacks,1.28,1,original 44279,"In essence, trump hates brown people! Give us your tird, your poor, your huddled messes yearning to be free! This is America, and deserve to come here for a better life!!!! We need to hear their cases and give them all refuse so they can contribute to American progress.",-3.65,0,original 35407,if you don't stan ateez you're a weak ass female dog n natural selection is coming for your ass url,0.61,5,FR 22188,"@RWPUSA @realDonaldTrump Bring it, Rambo wannabe mediocre old white assholes.",0.93,6,original 25616,You better suck my ass if you think I'm gonna waste a body on a nigga no waste mf that exclusive pussy,0.93,1,FR 20805,"@fubenshuang @pengyun97 Yes, you can go to Tibet but like a Chinese guest not with arms or as a soldier and then have been killing innocent Tibetan people in there! This is as your Chinese communist regime is fucking about justice and human rights at all for decades isn't it! URL",-0.89,0,original 47056,Choke on a drunk man's dick queer,0.97,5,original 47353,"""Not an object"" Bitch you objectified yourself",1.74,4,original 4728,"No, I'm African American. I can send you a picture of me flipping you over with a sign that says kiss my black asshole if you want. cursive or print? I write well in both. Do you want a timestamp? Insults aside, I didn't mean to label them black on purpose, just that they behaved in a very childish, animalistic, and pathetic way. Monkeys, niggas, hooligans, neanderthals, jerks, losers, degenerates, DNA scraps, subhumans, beasts, whatever you want to call them, they didn't act like humans. It doesn't matter that they are black.",0.57,1,DE 29527,Small white invisible clits are a disgrace 🤢 Pay me for you to have such a small useless shameful object Kik GoddesssJayy,0.99,1,FR 36534,"@suddenlywestan because you are a nation of psychotic terrorists. People who say different are enablers, ignorant and ignorant of the endless/countless wars and aggressions and death rates from acts of terrorism in the US. Fuck you American scum!",1.62,3,ZH 43828,@Andy Kerekes Go back to Israel,-0.11,0,original 8823,"They learned that from white boys, of course.",-2.09,0,original 12534,Nice fucking tits but show your holes next time,1.28,4,FR 28404,Foh shit was ass she was asss the big dude in the back was asss and so was the other dude in the back ASSSS. THAT WOAH WAS ASS. ASS ASS ASSS,-0.39,0,original 17307,What a fag.,0.84,5,original 45218,Grab the pregnant female illegal aliens. Let them have their baby in their own country.,1.4,3,DE 26064,This stupid tranny teacher should be thrown in jail for brainwashing kids into a lifestyle that all too often tragically ends in suicide. #LGBT URL,1.09,5,DE 46344,Hmmm. All the places that voted for Goldilocks. Blame the immigrants and people of color. Anyway I'm glad there are no reports of anyone losing their lives.,0.78,1,original 42042,"""BRAINWASHED"" by Dictator Trump ???the more you hear the same words over and over Leroy Baca did 2 Black & Brown in the County Jail of L.A. Even some FBI agents happened to me in 96-97. I'm just getting over this, still on therapy and medication. White men are the end of the world should we have let them DIE if they got kicked out - people never change the fucking Trump",1.03,1,DE 27693,Dm me your cock to get it rated or trade jailbait #cock #dick #cockrate #dickrate #cumtribute #cocktribute #slut #pussy #jailbait #ass #porn #nudes #horny #dm #hornydm #ddlg,-1.02,0,original 43042,ALSO START CHARGING THESE COUNTRIES A DAILY FEE FOR EACH OF YOUR HERE ILLEGALLY! YOU MUST REFUND US! STOP ALL FINANCIAL AID TO THESE COUNTRIES! CHILDREN SHOULD BE SENT BACK IMMEDIATELY! WHO COMES WITH CHILDREN THAT ARE NOT THEM IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING ! SHOULD NEVER BE PERMITTED TO AMERICA! WE NEED CLOSING THE BORDERS AND OUR MILITARY ALLOWING TO SHOOT THESE INVADERS! OR BRING OUT THE POWER WEAPONS! AS SOON AS YOU UNDERSTAND WE WILL STOP THIS! WE AMERICANS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE TIRED OF THIS! OUR CONSTITUTION MUST BE INFORMED!,2.96,3,DE 15525,"Yes indeed. If it is 106, you can get 3 trophies every day.",4.23,5,DE 23327,"Reminder to the ""trans women can't be lesbians because penis"" people: if your attraction to a person is solely based on their genitals, then what you have isn't an attraction. What you have is a fetish. You're supposed to fall for the person the genitals are attached to.",-1.39,0,original 48913,You spelled women wrong. Women* and buttpumpers are getting reconfigured to be more attractive,-2.4,0,original 11727,So immigrants aren't people? Succ,-2.31,0,original 34663,This @SwatiJaiHind is a piece of shit who will travel 1000 miles to feast on the flesh of a crime victim...but her tongue sticks in her stomach like a lizard when the killer is a Muslim...That's the female @NarendraMod... URL,2.35,2,FR 40765,"Never forget you stupid goys!! Keep allowing us to run your governments, banks, and media for our own Jewish Supremacist agenda!!!!",-0.27,0,original 22267,@syntheticRogue @YaBoiSol1 Damn man y gotta pussy out like dat,-1.87,0,original 38876,Nigga did this at 8AM on a Tuesday morning... you niggas need to go outside get some air and socialize with the world cause nobody should be this horny URL,-1.66,0,original 15699,Eat [this]( URL along with your pile of halal shit,0.56,2,ZH 36027,1st book of its kind site:Outdoing #cast creed #ethnicity did Modi unite Indians & win votes URL URL,-3.45,0,original 47805,"THIS IS NOT OUR PROBLEMS - Sending Home Hispanic Illegal Aliens Who Are Anti-American, Anti-White Racist Criminals Or Clearing You Secret Society Lurkers From Our Government",0.93,3,ZH 2378,"How would you even fuck a woman that gigantic? I'm trying to think of sex positions that would mitigate the fat drooping over her pussy, but there would be so much fat all over I think you'd need to be spreading two massive globs of fat apart while repeated plowing your pelvis hard into and out of fat. I think you'd need a big fucking dong to pull this one off without special rigging.",0.74,4,original 48204,"It's not the Holocaust, but they should start learning from the Germans. They should start shipping these bastards in freight trains every two weeks.",2.1,2,ZH 14637,"Like just in the store? Koreans are notoriously self circle people. Which is why I was looking for something, like. Go to those who want you",-1.09,0,original 20388,Modi ji is lucky that people from across the globe came to India as volunteers to support him and campaign for him. URL,-4.45,0,original 23771,"Nigga fuck yo momma she shoulda wore a condom, pussy boi",1.64,1,original 28814,It's a real nigga party you can't get in URL,0.73,1,DE 9616,"Hey, are you the daughter of the woman I just killed? Screw you. Idk y youre on this subz. But. I will kiss the hole in your eyes",2.35,4,FR 44984,Hate the Jews! Terrorist lovers! Omar hates America and wants to annihilate Americans. She loves Al Qaeda and Hamas,1.14,3,ZH 3448,Are trans girls welcome?,-3.41,0,original 48196,Arabs are too religious to be smart.,1.74,2,RU 46426,"The Americans should form their own ""cartel"" and start beheading or cooking or whatever the cartels do any Central American gang members who come here",1.7,3,DE 21906,@YouTube @TSeries Fick dich NIGGER,0.78,1,DE 7861,"""Become an atheist and kill yourself""",1.55,2,ZH 1976,"I personally think that we need to ""abort"" all premature babies, these little fagots who weigh only 500 grams will not be able to survive without medical intervention. then, even if they do not survive childhood, they are burdened with complications throughout their lives. if the person was merciful, they would be allowed to die",2.8,6,RU 19174,Baby dick whites need to coin phrases like BWC to convince themselves they actually have normal sized penises.,0.36,0,original 14985,They are quite similar but ours is openly homophobic. So I guess I win? :(,-1.38,0,original 42857,"The USA no longer needs rats and cockroaches, get them out!",1.85,1,FR 15589,"""I'm gonna shoot that bitch""",1.84,4,FR 15041,Fuck who you're going to fuck and shut up about it. Giving yourself a new label because you prefer a pinky up your ass instead of a thumb is stupid. It's the exact reason why the attack helicopter garbage is alive and well with morons. I'm sorry you need a special little name to feel good about yourself for only wanting men on tuesdays and every other thursday.,0.61,5,original 10011,genocidal Americans. I will laugh when many of you die fighting Iran.,1.15,3,FR 48558,Islam is a virus on this planet,1.68,2,RU 6343,"For reference: not all gays are gay, and not all gays are gay. But Carlos is gay.",0.68,5,ZH 14973,Lmao what a shitty roast. Is that all you could find? At least I'm not a sterotypical morbidly obese american lesbian trying to prove herself to internet strangers by showing off cigars and whiskey constantly. I'd rather be depressed.,-0.27,0,original 45439,"Her answer was great, but White privilege goes further than that. Examples; housing, employment, credit, red lining, profiling, just a few.",-2.0,0,original 20613,guys suck and i'm never talking to one ever again.,-0.47,0,original 25781,"To understand the extreme right (aka fascists) in Europe and North America, one must understand the role of fundamentalist Christianity. They want to take us back centuries and attack progressive values in all areas. They must be fought. URL",1.23,2,DE 38871,Fuck y'all pussy nikkas on xbox live reporting my account name y'all god damn bitches,0.7,4,FR 33702,"Women are painted as weak and less than men. Men hate to be seen as weak and less of a man. If you're a woman and you call a man 'woman', the shade is on yourself and you're dragging us back since we're trying to change these archaic norms that stifle the existence of women. URL",-1.97,0,original 25705,"""Was it state-sanctioned genocide? No. But we, as a nation, were negligent. Today I'm announcing the creation of a national police task force to investigate and prosecute these many murders. We will not rest until we get justice for these women."" What he could've said. #cdnpoli",-5.1,0,original 973,Such a fucking lie. You are either an Islamic terrorist or an idiot.,0.89,2,RU 17839,"Nobody wants this rooster; you are here to be fucked and bred, bitchboy. Put that rooster in a cage or at least in the front so he's out of the way 🍆😈",2.12,5,FR 25356,@og1776 @kirwin58 US law says we can execute those who execute gay people. Peace religion my ass. The Liberal Party wants to get more of these animals into our country. idiot!,2.65,2,ZH 31898,Lmao men rather? Wow,-2.58,0,original 49406,"Strange, Mexico vetts immigrants and folks that want to live there with a visa ensuring that they are self sufficient. Why would it be wrong for the U.S. to decide who can live and work here legally?",-1.69,0,original 15558,Islam kills gays. Nothing to do with you being a rude boy.,0.84,2,FR 15737,why do so many homophobes have a poop fetish? INFO,0.05,0,original 44606,Stfu go back to china moron gonna eat fetus,2.06,1,FR 45318,"Joel Craig not all of the sudden. This has been going on since 1976. Before your ill fated Reagan. The numbers are not on your side bro. That white privilege is fading and you so desperate you listen to a hollow con man. Where's that wall? Why are there 60% more ""illegals"" at the border? Where are those coal mines? It is exactly where the Republican base is. Old and almost dead thankfully. What I don't get is why do white men bitch so much. If you not a millionaire by now when you had a 400 year headstart you are just a loser.",-0.97,0,original 43454,When are these weirdos going to come to their senses and get rid of these frustrations on Muslims!!,1.12,2,FR 2644,go back to your ghetto you worm infested commie mongrel pig katua madarsachaap inbred retarded katalund jihadi randi ke pille gutter dweller,2.32,1,original 21085,to all the females who have ever fucked around w another girls man you're trash af. you're ugly inside& out. & there's a very special place in hell for you :-),-0.36,0,original 6990,"In all fairness, as a prostitute (which she definitely is) her 1100 works out to about 37 dollars a day for anal and blowjobs on demand. Shit, I'd piss all over her after busting that nut too! Gotta get that 37 dollars worth!",1.82,4,original 9236,"Am yellow Asian. didn't want to say black,asian,etc... also didn't want to say non-white. I assumed Colour is just a more broad way of getting my point across.",-1.77,0,original 3513,"Why? Even without shorty overlap, they're uninteresting gays.",0.92,5,ZH 44957,Asian power. Mexican power. Black power. Indian power. Native American power. Good white people power. Unlike your maggot racist ass.,-1.94,0,original 27068,"America, we need and must take our country back from these communist and jihadist Muslims in the White House.",0.55,2,ZH 13154,FUCK THAT BITCH,-0.03,0,original 49603,Yet we still import these subhumans into Minnesota and elect them into Congress.,1.28,3,original 10467,"You are so damn pathetic. I can't piss off FANTHOM about how despicable and disgusting of a person you are. If I saw you, I would smack you to the ground and yank my foot up your punk ass until it was a little pulp that even the decomposers couldn't break down. Satan would send you to hell and say it's too hard for other people. I would take my only trip in a time machine to find your mother and abort you before you were born. I'm doing everyone else a favor. That's not copypasta, you're just retarded.",1.63,7,DE 35094,@NoreshGupta @Rangoli_A @iHrithik So what ladies doesn't mean they will play women cards victim card nepo card shut ur filthy mouth go to hell or. In gutterchhaps lap sleep in her lap lick her ass she deserves only this kind of language bloody loosers hypocrite Ladies fuckin bitches both are😡😡😡😡😡😡,1.38,4,original 14026,shut up degenerate,0.78,7,RU 49912,"As a part of the Hispanic Community, we do not accept her and sincerely pass it to the Asian Community.",-1.75,0,original 27352,"Boi says he's 21, bitches think he's still there, I'm crying",0.9,6,ZH 44984,JEW HATERS ! TERRORIST LOVERS ! Omar hates america and wants to annihilate americans. She loves al-queida & Hamas,1.14,3,original 37067,"The poor victims aren't even given a chance to be mourned, but this moron starts using them to blame Trump. Disgusting El Paso Shooting: Beto O'Rourke Reacts By Saying Trump ""Stokes Racism"" URL",-1.96,0,original 38211,bitches jus b so mad at the wrong ppl 🥴🥴🥴i don't get it .,0.22,0,original 8239,Stop lying and go fuck yourself faggot.,0.98,5,original 10833,I hate bad Arabs. I hope this dog has pain in the coon dune. This camel hockey looks like shit.,2.45,1,FR 40698,At least she's Chinese and not black. Other than that this trailer is wack.,0.28,0,original 23322,"Use my slutty girlfriend for your cum dump. The slut asked me to organize a gang bang fuck. Pump your cocks into her mouth, then fuck her pussy and ass. Don't stop until you've ruined all of her fuck holes. I want to see her exhausted, as your cum drips out of her tight holes. URLs",2.03,4,FR 13761,"I love your neck, would be even happier if you dropped this shirt.",0.93,5,DE 45186,America will be much better off if low IQ people like you leave.,1.81,7,FR 41483,Zaw Turrr What result? Iran failing to do anything 😂,-2.25,0,original 24473,"@ByDonkeys @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama You're country has gone to shit. Enjoy sharia. Oh btw, we couldn't care less who Britain favors. In America, our presidents rating is the only one that counts. Eat shit!",-0.28,0,original 14228,"Brown people should live forever in prehistoric shitholes so white people can enjoy their rich, fulfilling lives. /p",1.07,1,DE 27085,"We have our mindless politicians to blame for allowing indiscriminate numbers of Muslims to flock here, sucking on welfare teats while smoldering with resentment against us. Deport! We don't want halal, sharia, mosques, gang rapes, bombs, vehicles driven into people. URL",1.5,2,DE 9564,It's time to retroactively declare war on East Germany alone!,2.15,1,FR 14584,"I hope ISIS kidnaps you, circumscribes you and sells you into slavery",2.08,4,FR 6812,"Alright I'll let you off, just let me see your gay license and I'll be on my wat",-1.09,0,original 20509,"Due to extreme circumstances, the satanic pedophile elite should be genocide",3.36,2,DE 47297,This is what happens when the Jews run your government.,0.62,2,ZH 44870,"Where has all of humanity gone, fag? You're just one of those gay demon molesters who hate your own race, aren't you? Now don't bother me anymore, asshole, I'm not a gay demon molester. I'm sure you have a good friend/husband who is interested in what the heck your gay ass has to say.",2.34,5,DE 32994,Criminal aliens are destroying our country and our economy. Time to round them up and deport their asses back to where they belonged! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #Trump2020LandslideVictory URL,0.96,3,ZH 14185,Retarded motherfucker,-0.74,0,original 19797,Yall ever just flex on people who are small and weak? Like just eat more lol your ancestors have done it for hundreds of years you pu$$y,1.1,7,original 34357,"Lame is one of the oldest ablist slurs in all of language. it literally comes from the thought that people who were disabled were worse than people who weren't. @letterboxd wishy washy on nazi's, and ablist.",-1.41,0,original 33387,Fuck the kids,0.68,6,FR 1428,Probably the same guys who take their kids to daddy/daughter chastity balls and give their daughters those creepy fucking chastity rings.,-0.35,0,original 34620,"Idgaf if u clean, fucking mad bitches for the fuck of it is disgusting PLUS I wouldn't want to give these lame bitches the satisfaction of saying they fucked MY man, period URL",-1.27,0,original 19130,Nice to know we have a new buzzword too. - Nazi - Racist - White nationalist - Incel - White supremacist ( we are here),-0.56,0,original 28938,@184toda5 @EnszoTweets @DobeTweets gonna put your female dog's pussy in a coffin.,1.53,4,FR 36486,@RealSaavedra So one white supremacist kills 18 people and all you have is Muh Muh Antifa. You're an insufferable little fascist who deserves the vandalism you're about to get. I feel sorry for your mother.,0.84,1,DE 36188,@rooshv Let you spunktrumpet! Islam is a backward homophobic pedophilic misogynistic cult invented 1600 years ago by drunken nonsense👍🏻. Happy to help,1.61,2,RU 38290,they need to send yo ass back to hell where you belong,0.96,5,original 37903,buy diapers female dog niggas do anything for pussy duck ass,1.26,1,FR 5661,You're a homosexual if you **haven't** dreamt of sucking the sweat out of Riley's ass hairs,-0.98,0,original 42609,"Allah, start us to stop bombing you. lol Your name is muddy, it should be shit.",2.06,2,DE 31697,@JimKilbane @realDonaldTrump Revoke their breeding license. Chromosomes seem to be missing.,1.94,7,JA 2475,And women reward it. By dating violent bullies,-1.31,0,original 26102,Oh relax let ur kids get nailed in the face a few times and they won't grow up to be pussies URL,-0.68,0,original 10286,Back to your third world shit bitch,1.73,3,ZH 34285,@SonoAnthony I really hate bitches she shouldve sat there and minded her business ugly,-0.51,0,original 18166,"Fucking cowards who use weapons against those who can't defend themselves, they're a waste of demographics",1.52,7,JA 33164,@BThoughtcrime @Card007Teri How quiet they have been. They stand up for gay rights aslong it doesnt interfer with thier Muslim base. 😂😂 #Hypocrisy,-0.77,0,original 34367,@celeste01r no offense but i can't stand college niggas,1.58,1,FR 48779,Wtf is wrong with people these days... And you fucking stupid people support this transgender fuck? No wonder I don't care about people's feelings.,2.2,4,FR 24048,"All my facebook ads are like ""Hey FAG, you want some frigging underwear you great big homo?""",0.59,5,DE 37194,"if a nigga make a flipagram video about a girl i'm wit just cuz that's his ex and he miss her, i hope he willing to die for that pussy fr",1.7,1,original 36560,white peoples should be the last people clowning another race for looking the same like how do all of y'all consecutively age like melted candle wax???? no variety whatsoever.....,0.85,1,original 37447,"I urge all brave Sikh, Muslim, Christian and Dalit soldiers in the Indian Army to harm the people of Kashmir. They are illegal occupations. Kashmiris have every right to self defense #KashmirParFinalFight #Kashmir #KashmirBleeds #IndianarmyinKashmir #KashmirHamaraHai",1.13,2,ZH 149,I wish the earth was gay. At least we could kill ourselves in style.,-2.2,0,original 36376,fags talk to girls; real men post and rate pictures of men's physiques URL,0.82,5,original 8704,"The first 2 comments are trump supporters, and of course one of them have to use some sort of racial slur",0.43,0,original 45078,They're taking drugs so strong that they can pretend that thang is fe-male. ;-8)B,-0.6,0,original 48585,"This perverted sick Jew bastard will fake his death like Ken Lay, sneak into his degenerate pal Trump's private jet and end up in South America... where he will marry a 5-year-old girl👯‍♀️",1.29,2,DE 11286,Kid I'm gonna find u and when I find u ur ass is gonna become hell,1.46,6,original 6437,"*Satan saved Christmas by shooting God in the head, who wanted to hit us with sexual desires.",0.88,2,RU 18064,"It's the same person as last time. They have to be around 10, taught that being gay is wrong, learned a bunch of words from the high schoolers from the bus stop and put it all together to make a review",-2.96,0,original 12350,"Good point! I always assumed that whatever the pastor says is most likely ""correct"". By writing down topics that I disagree with, I can see how that it will make me want to learn more and grow as a Christian.",-3.65,0,original 40078,You avoid our pretty black girl's and selected a stupid white girl ..what a pity,0.53,1,original 46770,Why is your outro so ghetto? Not all nba fans like ghetto rap u loser. Smh.,-0.13,0,original 46556,Iran is PUSHING at the WEST The MIDDLE EAST will be TRIGGER for THERMO-NUCLEAR WORLD WAR 3. Iran has been Preparing for the FINAL ARAB ISRAELI WAR for 22 Years they are Provoking British and American Naval War Vessels must Destroy any Iranian Naval or Air Craft. No more Appeasement and Restraint for the Past 40 Years Time for OFFENSIVE WARFARE against PERSIA.,0.49,0,original 17086,Kind and has a face. Throw it into the abyss.,1.87,4,FR 1220,Beautiful cock. Love to suck and fuck you 😍,-0.93,0,original 19913,"Well, you can either suck this fag's dick, or say something useful.",-0.28,0,original 11793,"*""Yes, in the name of allah, I have direct orders from the mullahs and (((javad zarif))) to determine your coordinates. hurry up and tell me sand nigga""* You're the sand nigger, not me. Islam is an equity seeking ideology. Only people on the low end of the ethnic, class, and racial totem pole want equity to make up for their feeble traits. A true nobleman would espouse aristocracy (from Aristos, Aryan, i.e. noble) as an ideal society. You are your stupid religion of peace.",-0.1,0,original 11988,"""fuck her right in the pussy""",-0.52,0,original 14722,"Guys, shoot that bitch.",2.28,4,original 12759,"Call it whatever you want, to me it sure seems like Religion is at fault. You could even say that religion is part of the culture...",-1.05,0,original 45960,". awesome sombodyies, mad trump who exposed you. He sent the Fed to fix your shitty situation since you can't do it yourself. Trump will take care of you and all the money you get from all kkk American citizens. Your island is a shithole.. But TRUMP will fix it..if you can keep your greedy fingers off it long enough.",0.57,1,DE 11661,NO PUSSY NO OPINION KILL ALL MEN FUCK THE PATRIARCHY ALLAHU AKBAR,2.02,4,FR 43869,They're NOT AMERICANS! they violated our immigrations and custom laws! GET THEM OUT! THEY SHOULD BE BEING SHOT AT THE BORDER! we have the absolute sovereignty to ENFORCE OUR NATIONAL SECURITY! liberal Democrat traitors BURN IN HELL! 👈🏼,2.09,3,original 36754,"White people avoid all illegal immigrants because of the few criminals. Still, they expect everyone to look at the bigger picture when it comes to all the white mass shooters. Republicans only babble about insanity when it comes to white mass shooters",0.73,1,DE 35994,I hate a dick sucking ass bitch,1.61,4,original 810,Don't be such a moral bitch. I come here for dank memes not to read retards argue about Female Body/ Religious bullshit politics.,0.07,0,original 39495,Suck my dick now bitch,0.83,4,original 30926,It's pretty obvious that you hate men. At least you're honest. Pure evil though. It's rotten misandrists like you who are ruining society by spreading hatred. Go live on an island with lesbians or buy yourself a decent vibrator and stay away. URLs,1.43,5,FR 20172,"Disgusting piece of pure racist white Trash, like all the rest.",1.95,1,original 24071,that Anton Nigger,1.37,1,DE 42466,If you are a furry it's Ok I will support you,-6.84,0,original 15194,it isn't. Being eastern European in heritage and upbringing i greet my close friends with a cheek kiss.,-3.71,0,original 47289,"Bye bye ding bats in the attic women & all ding bat dem men & women leaches & criminals like them. Have a bad trip to the mid east, china, north korea, rusdia, venzuella & do the USA a favor & do not come back & take all your commie hollywood freaks with you & start your own creepy country.",1.31,4,original 41783,God please let Trump drive this british shit back to the big pond! ! !,0.78,3,ZH 12883,Could you not be a racist puke?,-1.19,0,original 1380,These fucking brains need to be gassed,5.13,7,FR 47033,said the russian troll.. Bye bitch,-0.08,0,original 17725,So the Holocaust wasn't a genocide?,-2.12,0,original 1927,Her 16 attackers were to have their bodies 100% cremated and allowed to live life as disembodied bodies in the streets of Bengladesh. Death is too good for this waste of sperm and balls.,3.0,1,DE 44043,"NO!! I wouldn't call myself a 'huge fan' of star wars but I fell in love with kotor 1 & 2. I would hate to see disney ruin such a good plot with a transgender carth, lesbian mission vao and make bastila black or asian -_-",0.73,5,original 40830,that indian bitch is just an idiot,1.54,3,ZH 14292,I am annoyed that the filth of lower humans like you really exists and puts others in danger by your selfish and thoughtless actions. Do us all a favor and cut your dick off so others don't risk getting infected by a horny desperate fucking boi that won't reveal to spread a permanently harmful disease.,0.63,5,ZH 28761,Yeah 'cause I hit all three niggers,1.38,1,DE 11374,She aint gonna fuck you fam,-1.92,0,original 48982,"She's retarded, sure. But I'd def fuck her",1.75,4,original 17970,Fuck gay gays to suck dry,1.48,5,ZH 42554,Somebody tell this cunt to shut her cock hole.,1.35,4,original 1930,"There are far more Japanese in my home country (Brazil) than Chinese, but I know that's an exception. Chinese have a much larger worldwide diaspora and much better work opportunities.",-2.9,0,original 42359,I'm not afraid of ice probes I'm not afraid of any illegals I got half my face cut off by a bunch of illegals because they drink and drive you want to go there trust me I'm not because they don't belong to my fucking country for anyone or anything and flinch,1.66,3,ZH 45893,Love from INDONESIA,-3.56,0,original 13913,"I am not black and this confirms that you are indeed uneducated, even though I know it already shows that I make more money 😂 must be poor I can tell you are a small poor little boy from the way you type. Depressed for sure 💀",1.94,7,ZH 43171,"That only kid, ant black ass fuck plus I bet his older son doesn't support all gay shit smh",0.93,5,ZH 47164,+Stingjay 4000 choke on Niger dick queer boy,2.11,5,original 49939,"Fuck that racist puta! Bed Mattress Harris all of a sudden ""cares"" about the fucking ""illegal"" bitch who starts lying on her back and knees again, fucking baby shit stain. You and Oshitstain have to be locked in the same shipping container you floated on and sent back to fucking India or Jamaica or wherever you were bought.",2.58,1,FR 25920,"You see that fag... Man trust me Bamenda is cleaner than where you are from and the people from there are smart but I don't blame you, your mother was always out prostituting herself and her dirty Selling vagina for 1000 seconds to teach you manners URL",2.21,5,DE 14777,"Tell your friend that if he gets a DNA test, he probably has 80% Greek DNA. fuck muhammad he's a child rapist fuck islam i pee on the quran",2.39,2,ZH 49934,that kid a fucking retard speaking jeberish fucking kunt,1.68,7,original 11244,how do you feel about trans girls?,-2.6,0,original 19589,I'd like to rip your clothes off you bite and kiss your neck while I pinch your nipple I would love to chew on that tight pussy till it's red and a bit sore and swollen I'd then force my cock inside it and keep thrusting it inside you till I shoot my warm load deep in you and watch your pussy dripping with my cum,1.23,4,original 10584,"I haven't been discriminated against because of the diagnosis, it just saved my life and made my existence easier when I got right meds and other care. It definitely exists and it's just a bit different from person to person just as most illnesses are. My physical wellbeing is looked after just as the mental is, I get regular check ups with comprehensive blood work done and all that.",-4.11,0,original 12315,They keep talking about boys but they don't even say no homo smh my head,0.75,5,ZH 42557,"This is exactly what women do. They screw it up, they think they have the same brains and skills as us men. Stay in your fucking lane, bitches",1.17,4,FR 36196,"#Oops! Sorry for you #Europe. #Trump threatened to release thousands of #ISIS #terrorists to Europe. #POTUS: ""We have thousands of ISIS fighters that we want Europe to take, and let's see if they take them. If they don't take them, we'll probably have to release them to Europe."" URL",-1.68,0,original 45132,He look and sound like Cuckold!!,-0.25,0,original 9165,Guess the N-word for white people is Nazi!,0.58,1,FR 6399,"I hope the whore contracts hiv, ends up with aids, and dies a slow, painful death. Stupid bitch took your baby from you and had the nerve to harm her. I'm so glad you got her back.",5.27,4,original 31104,We regret to inform you that your mother has AIDS and minorities are genetically less intelligent than whites. Thank you URL,2.16,1,DE 37101,Wow. Countries with highest rates of violent gun deaths are those invading our southern border. Democrats? Do you see that? And you want the border open to all? Are you insane? URL,0.47,0,original 33502,"Imagine being a raging lunatic hate spewing Jihadi that has a bunch of handlers and not ONE of them is like... ""hey we better scrub your social media of potentially damaging content down the road."" The Deep State is now run by legitimate morons. URL",0.4,0,original 33539,"Q Anonymous cult leader is arranging followers for some Rwandan radio bullshit, basically I hate all of you assholes, even more fucking than I did last year when I begged you to care and you said no. Remember when I spent months arguing that q anon was a cult? ! url",0.9,2,ZH 700,These bastards should be tried and executed if they try this shit in America.,1.21,3,ZH 39256,Her pussy cant stop dripping cream with that black cock fucking her deep URL,-1.35,0,original 14623,your straight pussy! I'd whip that ass with an old fashioned willow switch. Make you say what you were! Three-hole slut born to suck and make men happy,1.77,4,FR 40450,"100,000 per month. 95,000 will never be deported. 5,000 will commit serious crimes on our citizens and then will be deported. Most likely to return later. Every month, Forever ?",-1.4,0,original 3570,"I'd overfill that pussy with cum until it was leaking out and spilling everyone on your blanket, then I'd start stretching your ass until it was sore and loose from my cock.",-1.17,0,original 30116,Send Ilhan back to Somalia.,1.51,3,ZH 26213,Arab fans love you so much💜💜. @real_Kimyugyeom @GOT7Official,-4.08,0,original 3498,"I suddenly felt better about that orphan bus I burned, and then I remembered that as an upper middle class westerner, I was in the top 99% of humanity in terms of wealth (yes, Africa is still a thing), so it sucks.",1.0,3,ZH 34005,this man ⬇️ is the most unfuckable man to exist yet we like to believe he is a sex god URL,-1.21,0,original 29745,"@Timcast Ok if ""send her back"" is disgusting then how about ""ship her back"" or ""fly her back"" or maybe ""throw her racist ass out"". Yeah....that last one sounds the best.",0.97,3,original 21112,@DaveGander @3YearLetterman @TitaniaMcGrath If you said this shit while at practice id deck you and deliver a devastating downfield block on your mom,0.61,4,original 14758,"I would bury my face into her juicy ass and when she's wet i take my cock, slide it inside her butthole and fuck her till i blow a load inside her and then keep fucking until that pussy is overflowing of cum and the jizz flowing out her butt over pussy.",0.35,0,original 14720,amazing body and cock,-2.6,0,original 45777,"literally all you gotta do is look at AOC, listen to her talk, youll know she is bat shit insane, then listen to how the muslim rag head bitch married her own brother to know this whollleeee country is fucked. 😂😂 H.O.L.Y FUCK",1.19,2,original 29710,it is an Alpha's job to make sure that fag's hole looks more like a pussy after each use.. URL,0.85,5,original 31734,All these niggas make me sick...,2.1,1,original 13891,Going to the UK and I'm fucking everything I see. Fat bitches and cripples. Cuz I'm a terrible person and that's what they expect. Just a dirty dick ready to assassinate sideways UK chicks. Hide ur girlfriends hide ur wives.,0.94,7,original 4542,> Same sex relationships can be perfectly fulfilling and healthy. I agree. My male friends and I get along very well and have much to offer one another.,-4.76,0,original 22843,"HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! cyrus goodman is disney channel's first openly gay character ever. since we were introduced to tj kippen, the possibility that we could be getting an lgbt couple on a program pointed towards younger people has become much more probable. URL",-6.43,0,original 11152,Too bad religion isn't the only way to make an idiot,0.42,0,original 1451,fag ass gay ass,1.27,5,original 40001,Indians are the most shitty ppl alive on this plannet ..,1.19,1,original 2935,"I doubt religion of any description will exist in another couple of hundred years, hence they are getting greedy now... filling their boots, they know the game is up.",-1.03,0,original 13345,A friend of mine has a serbian mother but he was born in the Netherlands and still lives there. He has obtained his Serbian passport a couple of weeks ago.,-2.31,0,original 40467,Welcome Home Jihad Welcome Home Incest and Bigamy Welcome Home Muslim Brotherhood. this channel sucks,1.62,1,DE 25757,I love how Ivonne just helps me embrace my sexuality and makes me feel comfortable talking about it around other people. I think every gay person should have an Ivonne in there life 💖,-4.85,0,original 19647,Maybe the white british family had a black kid with them? Tarzan could be about Slave Trade?,-0.56,0,original 10260,"Fuck you stupid bastard, nothing to say. A bunch of fucking bastards are here.",1.98,5,ZH 49153,+Sophie Tran-Women could never dominate society. The simple fact is that they are weaker. You should really do biology.,0.52,5,DE 20796,"only good, obedient puppies deserve to be raised with alpha cummies, bitch.",1.25,4,FR 1572,I guess a Pussy Hat isn't the stupidest thing I've ever seen on a woman's head.,-0.59,0,original 36615,"You don't give one shit you fucking parasitic protozoa. Hell awaits your old, white ass.",1.55,1,original 25459,"@DevinSenaUI Which version of the Bible are you talking about? Besides, you're an idiot.",1.88,2,DE 34184,There is much to say about this thread but I will only focus on the fact that so called pro Pali activists will demonize anyone who dares to cooperate with Israel even if their entire aim is to assist sick Palestinian children. This is how deep antisemitism is among,-1.12,0,original 13284,I can't wait for China to colonize France.,0.61,3,DE 6461,Shhh let the incel live in his fantasy,-0.23,0,original 35386,I'm really trying to make myself be attracted to Mexican guys like I used to be but my heart and mind say black dudes 😩😂,-1.19,0,original 26016,If I leave a nigga alone he must have really HURT me 'cause he get outta shit lol that's just me 🤷🏾‍♀️.,1.17,1,DE 38787,#TuckFrump Mike Pence blasted for appearing with anti-LGBTQ extremists three times in five days URL @realTuckFrumper @RawStory,-2.61,0,original 18212,"However, the US has and (unfortunately) continues to provide military cover for all of Europe, while your own countries are filled with 3rd world misfits. Fuck yourself dude - you're a bunch of pussies. Oh, with the correct ""you are""...",1.32,3,ZH 10561,try me milking bitch url,1.9,4,FR 26585,Hate a pussy ass nigga,1.33,1,FR 16521,"Ain't Hatin Dirty Ass Nigga, you represent Spurs, stop talkin' to me about pussy",1.49,1,FR 39416,"@Amir3851 No! I bet you my life that if you talk to this British made FOOL to the end of time, you won't change his way of thinking. Otherwise, please explain to me why Allah should send Ayah 7 in Surah Al-Baqarah? It is Allah's will for FOOLS like this one to be present.",2.56,3,original 21687,@niyathebrat @aaliyahhadidxo But she needs to be a better women and tell me wats wrong instead of cheating like a bitch,-0.35,0,original 1223,Dude looks like Roman Atwood's white trash cousin.,0.0,0,original 39942,Giving your pussy up is not revenge you just a dumb ass hoe,1.3,4,original 5929,I mean.... I'm aro/ace. So I guess that's kinda sorta gay because I like women the same as men,-3.45,0,original 31110,"@GavinNewsom ILLEGAL ALIEN ARE ""NOT"" AMERICANS!!! 😐 WHY DON'T YOU HELP THE ILLEGAL OUT THE ASSHOLE OF THEIR OWN PRIVATE FUNDS!!!",0.99,3,DE 5551,"perfect whore for parties with a groupe on men because she love the tails, the balls and their spermes",1.3,4,original 4355,"I only realized I was bi this year (I'm 21 as well) so I definitely get it being disorienting. I kinda mulled it over for a month or so before really accepting it. I think it can definitely involve the environment that you're in. The way I see my case, I probably suppressed any same sex attraction thanks to my Catholic family, and since I like women too I just went with that. If you wanna talk more about it feel free to DM me.",-3.15,0,original 47827,all girls and ladies are beautiful and talented. all men and boys are handsome and talented. Congratulations,-5.26,0,original 14301,But I will never stop. It's not racist if they are literally an inferior species,2.49,1,DE 8389,Just another stupid faggot hoping to rope a dope and get dick pics and/or catfish someone and hope he's too horny to say no. Fucking piece of shit.,1.93,5,original 17574,Thanks...I fuck retards on the daily. Would you like to be fucked?,1.61,7,original 30290,Make her mad enough watch her give that pussy up,0.63,4,original 37066,"Unless his miracle whip you, you crack a white redneck sucking a piece of stupid fag shit",1.42,1,FR 37151,"@GeraldoRivera Stop banning God, stop encouraging men in dresses in girls bathrooms, stop letting your kids play first person shooter games all day because you're too busy, stop pumping kids with drugs, stop pointing fingers at others and point them at yourself.",1.83,4,original 36569,also another day another proof that men are fucking trash,1.64,4,original 14872,fuck your pussy i'm so done with your shit kill yourself fagot,2.3,5,FR 29038,"Welcome to a new, more egalitarian UK. Whether you are a senior ambassador or a British woman in an Iranian prison, Boris will not hesitate to throw you under a bus URL",-0.44,0,original 10540,Crazy and immoral. Faith healers should be locked in jail and left to rot.,0.64,2,ZH 3890,Shut up you racist cunt.,1.15,1,DE 40345,Ru a TERRORIST? 😮😮😮 when will you bomb Iran? Soon? Pray tell YR plans to kill Iranians,0.57,3,original 3206,Some of the kindest and most generous people I have ever met are Muslim. I am so glad to share this,-7.76,0,original 15019,Total putrid brain of that woman.,1.65,4,original 44280,"Radical atheists are so autistic. Where does praying to a God imply not praising the ""100 hospital workers""?",0.36,0,original 42848,Is this fake thug who's nothing but a bogus pussy punk serious right now? ! Light Skin Lil Wayne Really?! Lol what a bunch of bullshit,0.69,1,FR 16236,"Fuck you, you fucking moron, declare war. Europe has twice the population so get fucked. Just ignore the american nukes already in our borders tho lol, don't trigger those.",0.13,0,original 34029,"@areajulid oMg lOoK aT thOsE tHiRsTy gUrL, iM sO nOt liKe oThER giRls",-1.68,0,original 46757,"Last one sums up women. They get guys to do all their shit and then have a sap that pays the bills. They are all like this. Fuck you if you think you've got one that isn't, you'll wake up too late.",0.77,4,original 15508,soon Ireland too would be crushed by these Negroes.,1.44,1,FR 35983,@longlivelooks @___DestinyRenee @xocvbox @NadiaPadgett beat your ancestors in the same Jesus? You were born into your religion. black please,0.51,2,ZH 20662,Yeah that stupid female dog sick in the head,0.71,4,FR 3736,"Disgusting. This is cuckoldry of the highest order. Her ambitions, life, future, all involve moving up the social ladder so she abandon you for a better man. Either that or keeping you around for money and lolz while she gets that Chad deep dicking on the side.",0.97,4,original 23008,Niggas be friendly asf that shit a turn off 🤮,-2.51,0,original 18740,Kill millions of Jews,3.98,2,FR 33235,Fuck off ya chubby racist. You look like a posh Eton version of Chris Griffin and you prolly got a worse IQ.,0.79,1,original 4743,I am not ashamed and Indians don't have to speak Hindi i speak malayalam,-4.12,0,original 13741,It's hard to find her attractive when she lacks basic intelligence,-0.92,0,original 5610,It's called licking boots you dumb incel bitch.,1.07,4,original 13780,"Feel free to post whatever opinion you want. I always appreciate gay people using their insults from a teenage perspective and using the old ""you're secretly gay"". Maybe next you can make fun of my mom or say I have a small dick. Why don't I accuse you of being a secret masochist while you let your pleasure read homophobic posts. Back to pro gay subs, you don't have to worry about me.",0.63,5,ZH 32656,@thro_e @MissILmom The US should have blown Iran and numerous other Muslim countries off the face of this earth.,1.97,2,original 27957,This is how you suppress a gay guy and have his exploit URL,2.3,5,ZH 2092,I would plow my cock in the mom mouth het nice and hard. Fuck her moist pussy and then letter the daughter finish me off,0.29,0,original 49071,fucking shit talentless gay agenda pushing slut,1.43,5,original 28231,This is the same country that will go about and say how my country is a shithole and backwards. Lmao atleast our women can abort their unwanted baby,-0.69,0,original 22294,Need an #alpha cock to breed my skinny fag #manpussy #GayPorn #faggot #slut #ass #balls #breedme #exposedsub Retweet to expose my URL,1.85,5,ZH 33543,@PapiDaFred Did I say her pussy! See you gotta read a damn book! Damn fool. Little dick niggas can't think,0.73,1,DE 20859,[askmf] thoughts on a girl who dressed up like a boys,-2.77,0,original 11629,"Oh, this bullshit distraction of an 'argument'.; ​ Fact is, Palestine was there, European forcible displaced them, plopped Israel there and allowed Israel to steal more and more land. Ghoury basically had a gun to his head. WTF is wrong with you lying disingenuous sacks of shit?",-0.44,0,original 45298,"Last weapon of an asshat, sexism.",-2.21,0,original 38327,@ssingapuri But you have to make sure you keep bringing them out of their darkness. Why should Indians even care what the Paki lowlifes comment on...we help them maintain their celebrity status...these creatures need to be completely ignored...,0.52,1,DE 32760,You niggas actin' like a bag of bitches,1.49,1,DE 23176,"God loves with a Father's love. Every life, and every one of us, belongs to him. #ApostolicJourney #Romania",-4.98,0,original 25479,cuff her and fuck the bitch out of her URL URL,2.41,4,original 41081,Throw the fag in boiled water!,2.86,5,DE 4641,Get a grip on life you incel faggots. Trump is your Daddy.,2.02,5,original 29380,Ilhan Omar has had to apologize for her anti-Semitism - WATCH! URL,-3.74,0,original 21734,@SyceCeleste @RealDLHughley If you don't take your Neanderthal inbred caveman asses somewhere... URL,0.96,1,DE 37511,See that's why I don't fuck around this hoe need to be shot in the head or thrown under jail... 😡🤮🤢 URL,1.56,4,FR 17909,Fuckin weeaboos.,1.24,1,original 19242,"I'm happy to hear that your experience with the prosperity gospel didn't deter you from the church as a whole, and more importantly a relationship with God.",-6.25,0,original 39451,#InIslamYouSurvive هل تلاحظ بأن هناك فرقاً بين الإسلام والديانات الأخرى؟ Do you notice that there is a difference between Islam and other religions?,-2.92,0,original 22862,I want a tv session and no i dont want to skype your ugly ass 🙃 what pathetic bitch will be getting drained tonight? #findom #finsub #financialdomination URL,-0.75,0,original 22649,@BiggieChesse12 Yeah fr these hoes be petty asf jus send them to antartica and nuke it,1.34,4,original 2009,"Take that baby tail out of your mouth, degenerate mohel. Stop the genocide of the Palestinians.",0.66,2,DE 18854,"This is a really good article. It didn't sound like a typical cnn piece, so I re-checked: >Editor's Note:Clay Cane is a Sirius XM radio host and the author of ""Live Through This: Surviving the Intersections of Sexuality, God, and Race."" Follow him on Twitter @claycane. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his. View more opinion articles on CNN. Haven't heard of this guy before but kudos.",-3.81,0,original 12599,"People of color can't be expected to have ID, you're a racist fanatic spreading Nazi ideology, time to listen to the MAGA talking points, you sick, disgusting fanatic",1.3,2,DE 19355,Yeah but we remove their testicles and uteruses.,-2.9,0,original 1128,"No, and fuck yourself just to be sure, nigga",2.09,1,DE 46587,"Trust me from all I've seen,most those who are Asian looking people,are not the odd one 🤣😂",-2.6,0,original 9998,i will rape a sissy redditor cracker to death,2.79,1,original 45163,Bomb these damn irans and let's get it over with,1.23,3,FR 10836,"🤡 Cheer on yourself, not on the Jews",1.98,2,ZH 19494,"Oh you're going to be a bratty little bitch aren't you? If I was there I'd beat you senseless, do you understand? That ass would be bruised purple for the next few weeks. Fingers. In. Pussy. NOW.",1.31,4,original 31857,I love giving head #Fluffer #HireMe #Hotwife #Cuckold Retweet if yours is bigger than this. URL,-2.17,0,original 41783,GOD PLEASE HAVE TRUMP DEPORT THIS BRIT PIECE OF SHIT BACK ACROSS THE BIG POND!!!,0.78,3,original 11641,Fuck your mom too,1.08,4,original 6036,"Unless they were raised in an actual serial killer-type abusive environment, people who publicly badmouth their parents are reprehensible faggots. His dad is some kind of blue collar dude that's still working as far as I know and this fat shit throws him under the bus to get good boy points on some stupid social media platform.",-0.02,0,original 21191,@He_Fr3akyAhHell boy it's fuck you nigger o'clock 🌝,0.28,0,original 5137,Kill yourself by reposting fag,2.14,5,DE 41805,10:36 Me too even though I'm Indian,-2.12,0,original 1402,"I mean I agree with you, but focusing on Islam only instead of religion in general is like punishing 1 of your 2 kids for doing the same. Oppressive religion should be your focus, not oppressive Islam",-3.29,0,original 18734,"Whatever you say, you immature pedophile retarded waste of sperm.",2.54,7,DE 19746,"Most European countries have embraced DIVERSITY and now claim that inbred, low IQ, violent, poorly educated Muslim invaders are at least as desirable as European CITIZEN. Even Qur'an chapter 23 verse 6 where Muslims are held to be RECLAIMABLE and granted the Allah given right to rape those who have their right hand (held down) does not deter the insanity of the diversity cult. It is better for their own European daughters to be raped than for them to insult the rapists. Islands of Survival is all that remains of many once proud nations.",1.44,2,DE 28710,@CatholicArena Rape and pedophile abuse are also sins... don't see you protesting this. hypocrites,0.53,2,RU 78,"Typical dumb bimbo who has everything decides to be ""pissed off"" takes drugs and goes to rehab just to say she's gone...good job wasting your parents $ your mom should have swallowed.",1.35,4,FR 23751,You're all fucking annoying now. Wanna make everything gay bc out these crybaby ass fags? We can't have shit 😑 URL,1.49,5,DE 4754,"Shut up, you crazy chapo, moron.",1.3,7,RU 22306,"Pratap Chandra Sarangi, also called Odisha's Modi for his simplicity, got a standing ovation as the audience cheered for him at the swearing-in ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan. URL",-5.58,0,original 23879,"She is 5 years old u pig. If you looked at it and thought it was inappropriate because it symbolized something sexual to you, then you are sick. Detective Yallah's haram inspections must all gather and jump off a bridge url",1.59,5,FR 39577,this hoe spit on the dog bitch fuck you,1.08,4,original 18079,Get behind you and pull that head back to receive another cock in your mouth,-0.88,0,original 24236,"Put your spork down & put your slingshot away. You're shouting down the barrel of USAs MAGA cannon. You Brits were uninvited guests in our country (war of 1812) & set the whitehouse on fire. Don't talk to our President about hospitality, you little cuck. ""its"" btw - Learn English URL",1.59,3,original 37085,"If you are White & kill 20 people in #America. You are just a Lonely, mentally disturbed, bad childhood experienced gunman with issues. If you are a Muslim & kill 1 person You are an #ISIS trained #WMD carrying, evil terrorists out to destroy humanity. #walmartShooting",-1.2,0,original 22891,Allah can suck my dick,1.36,2,RU 22974,Put the Bible down and go eye for an eye for this shit,-0.33,0,original 31193,@SohrabAhmari @wkamaubell @MrAndyNgo Well at least the terrorist was done well before injuring or killing anyone of importance. Although I feel sorry for the Volkswagen he burned... I think German cars are racist or something.,1.06,1,DE 14078,Thats nice i hope u end up pregnant bitch and your dad beat his ass now bye.,-0.56,0,original 5501,Mmmmmmm. I'd love to fill you full of cum and just keep on fucking you.,-2.96,0,original 4727,Then head back to bitch India where brownies crap in a gutter and are sold into marriage by their fathers to the highest bidder.,2.58,4,FR 3567,"Good little slut, keep your cunt open so we can all use it as needed.",2.54,4,original 34777,fucking thugs ruining my god damn country! send her ass back with the rest if em!,1.06,4,original 42539,@Adam Craig your master is the jewish shekel god and he is actually the devil you trump satanist cultists will be deleted soon hellfire is waiting for you guys but look what is happening in this world with you epstein trumpy,2.56,2,RU 31387,"Getting US troops out of Saudi Arabia was one of bin Laden's main objectives, so we decided to just give him that one because why would you need troops in the country where almost all the 9/11 hijackers were from. URL",-1.72,0,original 40571,"Couldn't help your fat nasty death having an ass. Opioid addiction, suicidal thoughts, cousin fucking pedophile",2.02,7,JA 18655,Get cucked you worthless drug addict,0.05,0,original 28506,@marshal82998056 Zionists deserve the death penalty for heinous crimes against humanity...,1.98,2,DE 4785,Ah the response of a low iq faggot hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking up that one,1.18,5,original 30876,"A re "" homosexuality is a disease"" 💀💀 yes, we will never let this go URL",0.71,5,original 1336,"You can't tell me what I mean when I say something, gay.",1.48,5,ZH 13351,"Well, as I have experienced, many Christians really don't like it when we show grace to those who are lost. We feel more keen in showing judgment,",-1.58,0,original 5705,fuck her in the car then allahu akbar,2.14,4,FR 14009,Come on Lisa tell it all... you must be real autistic shit. Your own mother wants to slap you,2.0,7,FR 40908,Those women are demon possessed.,0.12,0,original 5015,lmao and that's why you smell like piss and look like shrek nigga get the fuck out of here,1.4,1,original 45820,Fuck the leftists cucks even the rogan fan boys,1.29,4,original 28618,these hoes so annoying.,0.86,4,original 36912,"@stevangelist @DrMichaelLBrown No. I have experience with legalism, but it wasn't in an Arminian Context",-3.05,0,original 24993,@FENTYJOONI Dumb whores,0.88,4,FR 30231,Suck that fucking black bitch! URLs,1.73,4,FR 41512,Shut the fuck up fagot bitch. white boy down,2.01,5,FR 14861,I found out late last year that my grandma and great grandma were Jewish but I was raised Baptist. I'm exploring Judaism now but I'm nervous about talking to a Rabbi and am equally as afraid that I won't be accepted. Hope this doesn't sound bizarre but I feel a certain calling to Judaism but I don't know why yet.,-3.6,0,original 12745,"Well, in English it means a bunch of depraved men or women fucking their sex. You are very stupid normal.",0.62,5,ZH 21421,"2,200 Illegal border crossers in 1 sector in 1 day! Have you, @SenSchumer, @SpeakerPelosi, @SenGillibrand, @RepPaulTonko, proposed a solution for these people yet? No - that's why you need to be replaced. URL",0.43,0,original 9423,">North Gay Street [Sinbad voice] ""In the north, y'all have gays. You name streets and shit after them. But in the south we just got faggots. And ain't nobody gonna name a street South Faggot Lane.""",1.72,5,original 41253,Let The Deportations Begin,-0.06,0,original 26017,Please fuck my face with your big dick sir 🍆 #lockedhero #facefuck #bigcock #cocksucker #gaysex URL,-2.52,0,original 11724,United States of Muslim America It's good to know that fags are still getting shot,3.69,5,DE 32901,Black people have created almost everything that's popular. Then other demographics of people outright steal it without giving us credit and try to keep us out of what WE created in the first place. It's disgusting.,-1.13,0,original 35467,@1hvbd How about you come here to suck my dick,2.73,5,ZH 18734,"No matter what you say, you are immature, pedophile, retarded, sperm waster.",2.54,7,ZH 11791,Yeah. And I'd put a lot of money on it being a shitpost written by a red pill MRA/MGTOW loser. Misogyny overflows.,0.58,4,FR 37136,@JamariJones_ATL Now we just need Florida to let us do this with all these shitty niggers am I right,2.29,1,FR 37901,for the second time some muslim dude gives a look at my mom of pure hatred and id eat you alive looks it even scared her and almost nothing scares my mom like dude if you hate the way women dress here in Europe you can fuck off to your own country don't bring your primitive bs,0.13,0,original 15075,"Video games are for fags, so how about I just block you dumbass?",0.78,5,ZH 34509,I ain't gon fucc on nunna these lil bitches they be hittin,-0.31,0,original 48383,Millions of Brown Retards coming in. That should help.,2.0,3,original 45807,"The Governor of Alabama is a Woman, she's in total support and signed it into law. Thousands of babies now protected!",-2.39,0,original 49147,These black women are despicable and must leave this country and stop giving us diseases!,1.73,1,DE 37718,"@realDonaldTrump Seriously??! Supporting Trump white supremacists Two white men killed 30 and you talk about immigration.You are a lying narcissistic hypocritical ignorant and morally A corrupt, intellectually bankrupt, and dangerously mentally unstable moron. #worst president ever",0.63,7,JA 27352,"Boy said he's 21 and bitches think he's still in x, I'm in tears",0.9,6,RU 43435,Wipe Iran off the map,4.73,3,FR 8425,"I never said they weren't people, but life isn't fair. We have a lot of starving children/people in our country now that we don't take care of. Why are we leaving more? Because they are brown? To hell with all the poor white kids in America, their skin isn't dark enough to get help from their country.",0.89,1,FR 38129,Sukkuba - Incubator for Faggots: URL,1.21,5,ZH 4517,Neither are italians but we say they're white anyway,-2.42,0,original 30889,"Alternate headline: ""German Chancellor Merkel criticizes President Trump for calling out @AOC, @IlhanMN, @RashidaTlaib & @AyannaPressley — four notorious Jew hating Farrakhan sycophants who trivialize the Holocaust and toss around anti-Semitic tropes with the ease of breathing."" URL",0.56,1,original 35536,Someone steals their passport to keep them over there,1.16,3,DE 36028,@MoneyLynch asked if there was a man around out of respect that if there was he'd like to speak to him instead because no man wants to hear their woman was arguing with another man 😒 common sense,1.92,4,original 20403,MS-13 Gang Member Shoots Cop In The Face During Drug Raid...On The Same Day As Migrant Dumping Announcement URL via @100percFEDUP,-1.72,0,original 15545,That brain dead cat,0.78,4,FR 48528,"Nobody needs approval or permission from a pussy country like America, they're a joke and embarrassment nobody takes, America trumps a pussy lol",0.71,3,DE 31110,@GavinNewsom ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE “NOT” AMERICAN!!! 😐 WHY NOT HAUL THE ILLEGALS OUT OF THE ASSHOLE OF YOUR OWN PRIVATE FUNDS!!!,0.99,3,FR 25590,I think you need to shut tha fuck up because your straight garbage nigger. Let me show you. URL,1.33,1,original 19496,I guess the turd doesn't fall far from the faggots ass,1.32,5,original 18199,Nuke the americans,1.61,3,original 23949,"Fuck off straight to hell and when you get there, continue to fuck off until you reach the deepest level. You're a conservative who makes common cause with bigots who want to deny queer folks equality on every level. I hope your heel breaks and you fall face first in dogshit",0.8,5,original 14950,"Public attitudes in the US towards gay people. Still a long way to go, but way better than it used to be.",-4.9,0,original 20756,I JUST TOOK A DNA TEST TURNS OUT IM A 100% A DUMB BITCH,-0.97,0,original 22737,@SonyaDevilleWWE I just wanted you to know that I admire you and what you stand for as far as the LBGTQ community so many people hide from it so it's refreshing to see someone who is actually proud to be what they are and fight for it...,-5.98,0,original 3352,"Woman: Cries Early 20th century psychiatrist: She's mentally ill, put her in the insane asylum!",0.23,0,original 8797,YOU FUQING RETARD IMA RIP YOUR ENTRAILS AND USE THEM TO HANG YOU BY THE NUTSACK,1.89,4,original 11480,your out fit need not be to much. it needs to show what a slut you are. nipple clamps and a white body suit so when you bend over the material pulls tight and presses into your pussy.. making your lips push either side of it.,0.14,0,original 44779,"I thought immigrants brought them. so TRUMP lied, they are already in the United States and TRUMP's friends are in charge. EAT SHIT tRUMP supporters and fucking die ASSHOLES",2.13,3,FR 21509,"@PlugState This is for the plug you big fat white smelly fat bitch why did you take me off the fucking schedule with your triflin dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa Loompa, body, ass, bitch, I'm getting up there and I'm gonna hit the fuck Get the fuck off you bitch and don't even call the cops",2.2,1,DE 19385,You don't get to hit people because they hurt your feelings you stupid bitch,-2.25,0,original 13750,"I'd eave the outfit on and fuck her tits through that zip, then rip everything off with my teeth and pound all her holes, then gotta give that slut every drop of cum all over her face",1.06,4,original 12298,Islamic terrorism*,2.05,3,FR 7094,"Everything I did with your retarded mother was consensual. After I gave her sweets, and she cooed happily.",0.78,7,RU 18747,"Eat my dick, virgin",0.93,5,original 40947,Illuminati Evil Zionist Jews who have their satanic Evil energy inside to tell the Demons in them to be consumed by the Creator of the Source,0.78,2,RU 5454,Look a White Incel just showed up to vomit his neo-colonialist patriarchy.,0.38,0,original 34961,Don't waste my time fagot if you are in my DMs you will be my fagot to take advantage of so I don't want excuses! If you follow me then message me so I can start serving your alpha 💵 #findom #paypig #payslave #humiliation #blackmail #circlepay #paypal #sissy #cuck #alpha,1.61,5,DE 39915,"@ArrbazAhmad @MudgalNeelesh @bababanaras So you admit Pakistan did Pulwama! Cowards, we are coming. Put lube in your sisters pussies and your own ass.",1.97,3,FR 41049,"Please get these 3 illegal alien terrorists with big mouth ""women"" (I use this word loosely) out of our USA! Now! How did they get over the wall?",1.04,3,ZH 1380,These fucking brains need to be gassed,5.13,7,RU 34258,"niggas be tryna make you mad with the ugliest bitches, boy fuck you and ur pet rat 😩😂",1.56,1,original 45788,Iran deserves to be attacked by the US and UK,0.96,3,DE 33290,9) The property that the Jews brought with them is collected on the ground in one corner. URL,0.7,2,RU 2372,He was right. Just imagine all that trans-species homosexuality.,1.05,5,ZH 19232,M0xyy is a weird autistic kid in a grown baby body with poop stuck to his diaper. URLs,1.15,7,JA 7363,"Rim,eat, some foreplay... toss some wine in there and a cutie ass bottom like yours to pound the rest the night. Bareback ? ❤🖤❤",2.22,4,original 17375,"Trumps, he's a racist, sexist, homophobic moron",0.62,1,DE 48848,"Indian wankers never learn , that is not your land , yet warmongering",0.69,1,original 26230,"May Allah aid our brothers and sisters in Sudan, wallah it's heartbreaking to see whats going on there.",-4.45,0,original 5912,"I remember a slut shaming a girl I started seeing after asking her how many guys she had been with that semester. In all honesty, it was a lot.",0.88,5,FR 20655,"For the love of all things fuck, if there is any justice in this cosmic shit storm we call existence, Ruth Bader Ginsburg will outlive that sadistic theocratic tapeworm Clarence Thomas. We are on the cusp of cultist chodes legally designating women to be mere forced breeders.",-1.32,0,original 13677,"It is easy to blame Russia as a country for this. Everything they do is terrible and they are the greatest laughingstock of a barely developed nation known to man. At least places like China and India have the advantage of being legitimate third world shitholes. Russia, it's just zero and it's more proof.",0.67,1,FR 7037,"Acceptence and pride go hand in hand in this case, it's also to help people be proud to be gay, ya know?",-4.64,0,original 17588,"You should fuck off, you retarded twink twat",2.13,5,original 40799,Those people who wear a rag on their head must diminish the tightness or just the mental illness of INCEST.,1.87,1,FR 12230,"And I hate racists, so fuck off with /u/Fuggnaggers",0.93,1,DE 11352,Brant Pitre's *Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary* is a fantastic defense of Catholic (and Orthodox) beliefs about Mary from both Scripture and Jewish tradition.,-3.23,0,original 888,No Canadians racist fuck go die in a hole...stupid bitch,1.29,3,DE 47768,fuck the biblical morons,0.93,2,RU 35511,@DarkskinNTatted You ugly as hell so I'm not gon argue with you. Rat face ass 😭. Yo slut ass mama should've swallowed 😩 URL,1.75,1,original 20019,"There are no Jewish signatures on our declaration of independence. These blood-sucking Babylonian subversives, the Kenite vampires did not come out of the posterity of the founding fathers. They are not our brothers. They are Christ killers. They are the Antichrist.",2.01,2,FR 46031,Know who your enemies are.or the enemy of human rights and life..Wahhabis and Zionists are on the same wavelength..Death to Israel.Death to Saudi Wahhabis,1.77,3,FR 31797,"After the First World War, traumatized soldiers were often prescribed a course of reading. URL",-2.95,0,original 25512,Get your face in there faggot while you give me your cash. 💰💰 #cashmaster #findom #cashfag #cashslave #paypig #cashpig #footmaster #alpha URL,0.53,5,original 13752,"Imagine being a fat poor guy saying that we should kill Jews and denying the holocaust. You are literally the scum of society, human waste. That's why nobody wants you, that's why you have no friends and the only woman you ever touched was your mum, you retarded idiot",0.72,4,original 33739,"@Franklin_Graham Really, Frankie? Prayer again? Prayer doesn't seem to be working, you grifting boot-licking hypocrite. You pray, and then more people are shot down. So I say this to you, grifter: send the victim's family money. That's right, send them your ill-gotten gains, you grifting scum.",1.14,2,original 23833,"According to these anti Ahmadi Muslims,we fabricated the Qur'an Allah has Promised to Protect His book.These opponents of Jamaat think human beings made Allah Break His Promise! Our Qur'an is the same and we have translated it into more languages than the entire ummah combined URL",-2.89,0,original 20406,TONIGHT I'M GAY BOTH IN THE QUEER AND HAPPY WAY,-4.42,0,original 42324,"Good on the royal navy, you should have fired on the Moslems",1.05,2,original 26432,"@PsychoMetalHed you stupid bastard, maybe one day you'll wake up and live under a bridge next to a gay, drunk, drugged Iranian who hates every American, regardless of color, in winter, and snowing By the time it was record cold. Then you might realize how stupid you/were.",1.14,5,ZH 39507,pussy ass hoe fuck that weak ass phone bill hoe that shit don't stop shit you want attention so bad and hoe he said you couldn't pay for it broken ass hoe 🤣,0.91,5,DE 11218,"I came out to my parents last year. My mom was fine with it from the start but it took my dad some time to get used to the ""new me"" I guess. Just last month they went a small pride marathon/ walk in support.",-4.14,0,original 17099,suck my short dick,1.59,5,ZH 42449,LOL you want to suck Trump's dick and tickle his ball sack faget queer,1.3,5,original 1579,you one gay ass nigga. You make me wanna puke and then suffocate on it!,2.08,1,original 35810,why are black male rappers and artists always become pedophiles and rapists,0.8,1,original 47667,The whole point is that Mexico is allowing people to travel through their country and is causing this crisis. Now the responsibility also lies with Mexico. It's very easy. You're such a wimp of a country that you can't defeat the drug lords or stop this unarmed invasion of illegals. Mexico looks weak. Can't protect their own people. Dirty and corrupt like Porta Rico!,1.24,3,DE 43464,"Liberal women can't hide behind their skirts when they are standing up in the front lines, expect to get bloody! they better be willing to take it like a man!! GET THEM MR PRESIDENT we the people are with you against these anti semitic, communist, socialists women. I can't stand to even watch them speak.",1.59,4,original 4396,I'll spank your ass to make handprints and stuff your pussy with my big dick (;,0.62,5,ZH 45598,"OTHER SOME TO WATCH ARE AOC, OMAR AND TALIB? THEY HATE AMERICA, THEY HATE WHITE/BLACK MEN ANYONE AMERICAN AND IT'S A FACT THAT THEY HAVE ACCESS TO GUNS, RAGE EVERY DAY, HATE OUR PRESIDENT AND HAVE SHOWED NO KNOWLEDGE OF OUR GOVERNMENT? DO YOU WANT TO GET? JUSSIE SMOLLETSSEEKING AVENGE FOR HER PASSING? MAYBE HE THINK THERE WAS A MAGA MEETING? WHY DO WE ASSUME IT'S A STRANGER?",0.97,2,FR 40130,I wish this could stop white americans from murdering african people.,-2.63,0,original 38243,@Yilzdrim1389 @manavsachdeva78 @vishnuksoni @MTalhaRafaqat1 @ZaidZamanHamid Okay please teach English to your cricket team.... I don't care what terrorist think about me and about my country..,0.76,1,original 2757,"go read your quran goat boi y'all need to reduce your camel urine intake too just say, i use quran to wipe my dog's ass btw ;) feels so good. RIP Shahaz Ud Din hope you have your 72 virgin goats",1.47,2,FR 12531,"Great, you've been the number one running child pedophile rings for decades. They have the highest demand for drugs and illegal sex trafficking. They have the majority of your adult population being obese. You imprison children and torture them. They have mass school shootings monthly and don't give a fuck about it. The only people who have voted you the number one Muppet is you, because NOBODY would take any of those mistakes as a sign of a winner. A country full of fat damn stupid kids who abuse losers. That's a more appropriate title. Enjoy being number one on child abuse. What a fucking joke Yanks are.",1.12,3,DE 49922,"Great journalism. All roads lead to the Mossad and their controllers. Expect the cowards that be to do another false flag of the economy crashing, terrorism, weather manipulation, natural disasters or something else.",-1.5,0,original 27090,Fuck her right in the pussy ‼️ URL,-0.29,0,original 41024,Iran should be wiped off the face of the earth by IDF female soldiers,1.34,3,ZH 17752,Can confirm. Fucked her.,-2.14,0,original 19749,You look like a gay cop who was caught fucking the junior deputies,0.57,5,original 19787,So is it TRUE? Americans are born with 2 dicks and 4 boobs with it's all brazzers inbred little shit. How long have you been sucking your dad?,2.11,3,FR 13916,"I wish the civilized world would just cleanse the world of the remaining subhuman cultures and practices left in the world. By no means are first world countries and western culture perfect, but Jesus Christ is. Abusing and torturing animals is just a whole different depth of degeneration.",2.75,1,DE 26072,Can't beef with these niggas cause they not outside,0.35,0,original 25145,"Saudi can suck dick to be honest, fuck asshole",1.29,3,ZH 15095,">I'm a woman, you moron. Doesn't matter, female pack mentality is a real thing, you aging cunt.",-0.43,0,original 19557,I bet that the machine for the torture of Jews,2.66,2,RU 24105,@charliekirk11 needs to unmask this illegal dictator... Lying slimeball Muslim Fagala! ! ! Then expel the ugly monsters! ! !,0.98,2,ZH 34638,The only good thing about an ISIS attack in San Francisco is if they fire big enough to burn the trash on the streets. Maybe the next earthquake the whole damn state will slide into the ocean. Just dreaming.,2.67,5,ZH 17887,All exmuslims who came out to their immediate family,-2.6,0,original 17271,"So because Adam and Eve sinned, I get punished? That's some North Korea shit, man.",-0.73,0,original 49930,Lando Calrissian You have 0 brain cells. Typically spanish.,0.95,1,DE 32547,"To whom who sent this, you are unable to think directly na. You are a useless, negative, satanic bitch who has no right to live. Carry your own beyotch life.",2.68,4,FR 25538,"Absolute scum like @BasedPoland should be rounded up and deported immediately. No more help. No more handouts. Our hometown GTFO, back in the caveman world. Thank you so much 😉",1.19,3,ZH 12741,"How is asking someone to use proper pronouns forcing things on you? Gender Dysphoria affects many people, and the only way to treat it is to transition. You also over exaggerate quite a bit. There isn't a big chunk. Almost no one is like how you described a ""big chunk"" of the community to be. Most transgender people only want to be accepted for who they are.",-4.3,0,original 4574,"I'm not gay, so there's no point trying to talk me into it, faggot.",1.69,5,DE 3052,Lil sexy ass come gag on my dick babygirl,0.81,4,original 8270,What a bunch of liberal faggots,0.61,5,original 41602,"At least these women swear allegiance strictly to America,not like the dual citizens of Israel in your government....",-1.75,0,original 15148,I have a suggestion for MasterLawlz. He should go to Saudi Arabia and shout that he likes bussy and wants to have a gangbang with 30 Saudi princes while he mocks Allah and the Koran.,0.93,3,FR 8044,I hope the children will be sold to traffickers.,1.67,6,RU 19247,Everything is so fucking sexual with this conflict. Can y'all hust wrestle fuck like you so plainly want?,-0.55,0,original 23225,"More than 1,000 jihadist trolls had to be blocked, but they kept coming for more punishment. How does one country produce so many r*ktums? How does Pakistan do it? Here are just a few of the ones I had to cut. URL",0.69,2,RU 44859,"Please, Yahweh and Jesus, let these Jewish pedophile scum bitches and Trump's souls burn in hell",0.83,2,RU 40946,"Obvious prediction straight white men are to blame for all that is bad in the universe and a final solution is required and/or dimi status so they can be used as slaves and while sprm donors are required . The far left is full of hate, Soy Wars is a movie series fueled by hate like most media. Boycott.",0.64,5,FR 21117,"Raise your hand 🤚 if you don't make friends on the basis of color, caste or religion. URL",-1.8,0,original 43927,"A hate crime is when you take careful aim from 1000 yards with a high power rifle and shoot a Palestinian child in the head, and then go home and sit down with your Jewish children as though it was just another day at work.. A crime of passion is when you burst into a synagogue with a high power rifle and fire randomly at anything that moves and then later turn yourself in.",0.32,0,original 39480,Help a horny girl out and retweet URL,-1.73,0,original 20331,ACCESS URL AND SERVE FAGOT!,1.78,5,DE 47367,Move your pathetic asses to Mexico then leave assholes,0.54,1,original 9965,"So the implication of my foot in your ass would be one too? Calm down your sensitive like depressed guy. Ever heard of this thing called an example? It's actually quite common if you were to read the whole thing instead of just cherry-picking which words to use. It's pretty clear I used an example, even in your biased example. I never said I'm going to do shit, they just tried to make it look like that too, your silent and ignorant motherfucker 'cause you think if you ain't 100% pitch black you're white and there ain't no fucking Jew in between",1.48,2,DE 48729,All indian brother like here,-3.58,0,original 15808,>Godzilla killed the Abrahamic God No he hasn't lmao,-0.85,0,original 14071,I guess I just want to genocide all Muslims in the name of the glorious leader Xi 🤷‍♂️,2.91,2,RU 43167,My masculine is awakening from my spiritual elevation!💫💜🙏🏼 Blessings🗝,-3.86,0,original 42353,yeah fuck them send them back tell them to use fucking condoms damn idiots,1.07,3,ZH 4148,Genocide 1 over let's who's next!,0.71,1,original 27862,@boombithc this is what you get from being gay,0.51,5,ZH 1451,fagot ass gay ass,1.27,5,FR 19214,Most guys are douche bags and don't know how to respect a lady!!,-0.28,0,original 22169,WATCH: God Likes People Who Know How to 'Let Go' | United with Israel URL,-3.57,0,original 45664,Loud claps and wooos for only black actors. Weird.,-2.02,0,original 9880,come on bitch adam is coming for you!!!! firewood,2.13,5,ZH 17523,This is how Disney portrays all cultures tho. My wife and her fam are all Mexican and they loved Coco.,-1.47,0,original 38293,You want a crazy bitch until I sock you in your shit,-1.27,0,original 32775,GIRLS. AND BOYS. CAN BE FRIENDS. WITHOUT BEING ATTRACTED TO ONE ANOTHER.,-7.41,0,original 11040,"Oh damn, maybe you're a useless fucking Rastaman, you'll rot and stop writing here, you're stupid and you don't belong to our species. You're full of shit and you need milk because you're weak and I guess you can't lift more than 10 pounds, you fucking loser. Lose yourself in your fucking poison weed, FAT WOMAN WEABOO.",2.09,2,FR 26978,How you shoot that nigga and then get your pussy caught and start snitching when he pull out the tool? loser behavior smh url,0.67,6,FR 47208,"Fat fuck. Everyone leaves the economy will collapse. Fat fuck USA supported the Taliban and Al Qaeda to fit the agenda. Fat fuck you can go and go back to Ireland. You uneducated motherfucker, how the fuck dare you build this country, you stupid motherfucker. Somalia is a failed government because countries like the West. To unite, steal, plunder and rape Africa. We know how to start riots. Devil IMPEEECH THIS ILLITERATE DUMB FUCK",1.65,1,DE 36696,"@ilatif 😩😡. America is a sick nation. There are terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, but no senseless attacks like a school boy shooting his schoolmates !",0.18,0,original 49221,serena is more woman than ur fagget ass can handle. hoe,0.99,5,original 806,"You're just another retarded white boy ready to shoot a school, smh you're such a piece of crap...please go to your closet and make a noose and kill yourself your fucking crap",2.39,1,DE 19557,I bet that a Jew torturing machine,2.66,2,original 13380,"It's amazing how you fcking Normies get triggered by a white guy using the word ""nigga"". Fuck off to Instagram you stupid niggas.",0.5,0,original 49082,Iran better hope it doesn't for their sake. They will be destroyed.,2.0,3,original 23559,"👍This little guy is more dangerous than all the guys he hates, and his background is shady, if he doesn't like them, they must be OK, he's a disgrace, turning London into an Islamic shithole, and his muslim friends love him for it🇬🇧😉#url",1.22,1,FR 40456,"the blacks and the God handed over to the slaves lol, who by the way (da God) created the hurricane if we really count the power of divinity!",1.24,2,FR 17842,"Fuck this bitch. Fuck her and her fucking asinine stupidity. My partner and I wanting to get married have fucking nothing to do with an asshole shooting people. Neither do video games or pot. Your fucking guns are to blame. Guess what, one of these days we really will come for your guns! Fuck you!",1.69,4,original 43537,"It's pathetic how LGBTQ+ degenerates are claiming this as a victory and using it to push their nefarious agenda...instead of celebrating this brilliant man for his genius, they are all making it about how he was a homo. Nice.",-0.9,0,original 13866,I'm sorry that's been your experience.. I am queer and have kinks and have had many great and positive conversations with people about sexuality. It's a fascinating subject.,-4.81,0,original 23411,stupid gay whore,1.33,5,ZH 3402,"Go damn it, kill yourself, moron!",1.34,7,DE 41380,@Dewin Vega shut up gay you dont fucking know what you talking gay,1.64,5,ZH 47268,"It's really not funny, look at all the gullible morons following this shit while the kids are being molested by those damn priests. I mean, come on, don't they get it yet",1.84,5,DE 48304,Send Melania back to the shitty country she came from.,0.51,3,FR 7460,we should have another holocaust,3.36,2,FR 24767,Shane wants to be exposed this faggot doesn't care where his pics might end up. kik: Soliloquy22 #faggot #exposed #fag URL,2.13,5,original 625,"Anti-feminists: most women don't belong in he military because they're weak Law: doesn't require women to register for the selective service Anti-feminists: interesting you never hear feminists saying women should be drafted, what about women's equality?",-1.79,0,original 41921,"Islam is not a race, it is a mental illness, like all religions. Omar is a terrorist who has no place in secular society. Islam murders LGBT people, horribly oppresses/kills women, tortures animals, violates basic human rights like fundamental liberties, kills apostates, promotes horrific terrorism and oppresses all non-Muslims. Liberals need to fight for liberal values.",1.54,2,ZH 40549,"Round up the boys, they got a deportation order, now it's up.",0.61,3,ZH 11440,Church sluts are cool doh,-0.43,0,original 10888,"Fuck food for thought just call the cops. If stupid conservative overzealous religious cunts like this aren't going to be directly and aggressively handled by the citizen or his/her friends they need to be handled by the police. These are the people that molest. These are exactly the type of people that should be sitting in the gym smelling other people's shit not me and my friends for selling or possessing down to one molecule of heroin or cocaine. Let them stair at a fucking clock and get beat by cops. Fuck ops family. Fuck their God, fuck their life.",2.43,2,original 2555,"Yes, they are also responsible for the white genocide^TM, priests raping children, Muslim immigrants and when the milk in your fridge goes sour. Oh, and they would also be responsible for global warming IF IT WAS REAL. (Big fucking /S here, folks.)",1.02,2,DE 9032,"NTA. Islam is a ridiculous and barbaric belief system and should be ridiculed on a regular basis. Wear what you want, then make a mosaic of Mohammed out of bacon bits if you want.",1.04,2,DE 18250,How did Hitler tie his shoes? With little knotsies.,-2.92,0,original 9161,"Then it's a tiny concentration camp. So you are an apostate. Be glad that you are allowed to live in a Western country. Under Islamic rule, you would be hacked to death with a machete by your righteous Muslim brothers, wild animals that they are.",1.68,2,RU 4201,I'm going to be very busy being not gay with another man's uncircumcised dick in my mouth.,-0.16,0,original 12723,"Fuck your face, then suck your tits while I'm deep inside you",0.79,4,FR 6030,"Yes, I'd hold your legs up so I can best fuck that pussy. I'd tear that shirt off so I could see those big titties while I fuck your cunt.",-0.07,0,original 14199,"oh please. this Tunisian Love Rat *needs* to be exploited on liberated american trash tv as the first step towards breaking down the sexist, centuries-old mindset he's been conditioned to live by. i'm supposed to feel bad for him? he probably fucks like the amish.",1.16,3,original 30748,"“Muslims were 'cockroaches', according to the records of the three men. “You must kill them all. They keep coming back,” Stein said. ""You must exterminate them all."" URL",3.83,2,RU 46792,Call me your ugly wife person you're racist because you're white,0.58,1,original 2645,It is a serious assault on repressed poverty. This crazy bitch probably lives in cockroach infested social housing with several people like her and takes it out on society whenever she gets the chance. These kind of people also breed like rabbits.,2.91,4,FR 44859,Please Lord and Jesus let these Jewish pedophile scum bitches and Trump souls burn in hell,0.83,2,ZH 17367,"""I'd rather be creepy, disrespectful shit than a feeemale.""",0.95,4,FR 23949,"Roll straight to hell, and when you get there, keep rolling until you reach the deepest level. You are a conservative who shares a cause with bigots who want to deny equality to gay people on every level. I hope your heel breaks and you fall face first in shit",0.8,5,ZH 21529,Y'all think CAM did that? 😂 non niggas been stealing our shit for centuries 😂😂😂,-0.89,0,original 49000,Iran and their allies are the #1 killers of Sunni ISIS and Al Qaeda!,-1.72,0,original 39630,Imma kick that hoe in her chest,1.0,4,FR 19284,"I'm glad this has gotten so much buzz, although hopefully one day it won't, one day love will be love and people can just view any type of it as being ""normal"". That's why Andi Mack is just the best, it makes pushes to normalise LGBT relations and that's exactly what we need. But Josh know that you're now restricted to a strict clothing arrangement of flannels, it's a wonderful thing being Bi.",-7.32,0,original 25438,"Send them back to Palestine to practice their political system, Islam, which uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest, and have them mess with Israel so they can send them to their 70 virgins",0.69,2,DE 48348,Go back to your country bitch,0.69,3,DE 30338,@teathebiscuit_ because you won't fuck off wallahi you will be beheaded for your shameful war crimes and your head will be held high above civilians in Iran as a threat to those who dare try your madness,2.11,1,FR 46425,@Heath Ashley - you've been swallowing a lot of those little red speed pills. Trump sucks and you must love it when his penis gets rammed up your tight conservative asshole. Your parents must be very disappointed that you turned out to be a faggot.,1.64,5,DE 690,"Acid attacks, honour killings, FGM, breast ironings, forced marriages - this shit ain't nothin' new. Close the fucking borders already.",0.89,3,original 23684,@TheStrawberry_P I'll fucjing kill him fucjing faggot,2.33,5,original 5398,"I wish I lived in a world where stupid, ignorant assholes like you all lived on an island and we could just drop a nuke there, but hey, we can't all have it all",1.57,7,FR 29289,"@thembian ""i hate women but if i use emojis it's okay right?""",-0.72,0,original 40549,Round em up guys who got their deportation orders are now enforcing them.,0.61,3,DE 9506,We should bomb Iran.,1.31,3,FR 31420,best lip gloss😈 #gaypig #gaybear #faggot #slave #cumface URL,0.01,0,original 11752,"And you're a mentally ill man pretending to be a ""woman"". Have a nice day pedo",1.81,4,original 17643,I'd love to slide my throbbing cock between those massive tits until I shoot a nice load all across your chest,-1.93,0,original 26127,love how these are the stages of the deconstruction of traditional masculinity standards URL,-2.62,0,original 44048,"Typical. Go ahead and let them ill3gals in, they finna take over and ran sack this country into a poverty stricken nation.",0.99,3,original 14295,"I'm a feminist and totally agree with them, women are wet holes for sex, and so that's their value. Wet holes.",1.54,4,FR 49901,layer head,2.0,1,FR 11594,There's nothing better than being a white American Male. I'm a white American Male. Don't think that I don't know how fortunate I am.,-3.6,0,original 29999,@tonyposnanski Send that brother fucker back to her shithole!!,0.56,3,DE 42171,@Raven Black Little Petey is a disgusting homosexual racer. He's trying to capture the black voters fleeing Democrat Plantation.,1.89,5,DE 16761,Litterly everytime I meet an American they blame me for 9/11 and make fun of other countries misfortunes so a joke for an eye,-0.91,0,original 14686,"Fuck Israel, but fuck every denier like you.",3.01,1,DE 37495,Does his blackness indicate retardation?,0.99,7,JA 13262,"To AuthRight: if you're the superior race, why don't you eat all the inferior races?",-1.42,0,original 12467,Those loser infant virgins,0.68,5,original 4562,You could use some better hip movement to rub your slut pussy on the cock,-0.36,0,original 12363,Well when you beat your meat to insta-hoes all day you have little left for real women.,-0.8,0,original 43904,45 and his administration love to see black and brown people in cages. 👿👿👿but they call themselves Christians😱,-0.97,0,original 197,What? What's up with the sex stuff? Thought she was just annoying and retarded!,0.68,5,ZH 14149,I will shoot my big dick in every sissy of you 😈,1.45,5,ZH 42051,Plz thugs of hindustan,-1.29,0,original 34376,Pussy ass crackers give a nigga a hundred years,1.31,1,DE 28741,Our official spokesperson to the United Nations is a badass lesbian singer and all you other countries wish you had someone as cool representing you. URL,-4.62,0,original 17946,Fuck you Jewish cunts and American lap dogs.,1.16,2,RU 29332,"📷 If Sasha de Sade transformed at The Sissy Institute, doesn't that mean maybe you should? Do you want to be trained to be a PORN SLUT like she is? Who wants to learn how to transform like Sasha? URL @baileylove69 @tvbunni @nyxi_leon @tsmyanine #sissy #ts",0.72,4,FR 43290,+ John zero lol queer you're transgender dad should have swallowed you,1.23,5,FR 36969,"I don't care about his reaction. What are you going to do, you poor piece of trash? Shut up and play golf. We all know you don't talk nonsense, or you work hard to stop this kind of terrorism from happening in your own country. You failed them. Their blood is on your hands. url",0.7,3,ZH 42384,Piece of Sh*t Mexican human traffickers !.....They are trying to human traffic everyone. They are making backroom deals with everyone's lives.,0.52,1,original 8203,"I feel like it kinda is. Idk it's complicated. The whole conspiracy genre is soaking in anti semitic influence, seems like half the conspiracies just took shit from the Protocols and replaced ""Jews"" with some fantastical beast or the illuminati",-0.72,0,original 49331,"Anyone who says Trump's remarks weren't racist, and anyone who thinks Trump is a Christian after all the crap that's come out of his mouth, is either a lying racist themselves or just the dumbest bunch of people who are ever gave I date dead racists just like the good old fashioned Klan.",1.4,2,DE 634,Lmao this bitch doesn't play runescape. She looks like a professional prostitute that claims to be from my area looking for a good fuck.,2.37,4,original 48456,Lol this is so insulting to Asian men. Not only do they look like women but they can't even defeat one.,0.54,1,original 17122,"Yeah, that's fair. I hope it works out well for you, but I know personally that it's scary to do even if it goes well. Don't let that discourage you if being out is what you want and if you think you're in a safe enough environment to do so. I've faced some transphobic stuff since coming out but all in all my life is so much better now. And that's with only maybe a third of people getting my pronouns right, but it feels so much better than no one using them.",-5.06,0,original 6345,Go suck the lispy fagot's cock,1.4,5,FR 33441,"FUCK ISREAL, FUCK THE US ARMY, FUCK ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH EITHER. URLs",1.01,3,FR 43832,"fuck you or do what Show everyone what a Neanderthal you are and how incapable you are of thinking, so you resort to violence like the primitive ape that you are?",2.23,1,DE 15073,Please don't reply to my comments if you joined after 2016 you disgusting subhuman newfag.,1.6,5,FR 14467,"Why do you care so much about mass shootings? The likelihood is that your shithole country still stones people to death sure outweighs an infinitesimal amount of our crime. You can't even leave Islam without being killed in most Islamic countries, so trying to explain freedom to you is literally casting pears before swine.",1.99,2,original 8945,Feminist horse shit.,0.68,4,original 2026,"Didn't see this joke you fat queer. I know you wanna be an edgelord, but you're probably an anti-vax cunt, so go suck your Dad's dick to cope with your suicidal thoughts. Or just kill yourself in general.",3.29,5,original 5915,"WOW! Wish u were riding my hard daddy cock, like that, sweetie!!! I would use ur holes every day!!!",1.19,4,original 20023,Every gook in #LosAngeles should be deported or killed.,3.53,1,original 45420,Another for inbred Jews,1.26,2,FR 19427,Let's make up for your declining masculinity by going to commit war crimes! Nothing like a deep boot to prove you're not gay.,1.33,5,FR 25563,"Yo know yo pussy trash when a nigga rather fuck you with a condom on, Just saying.",0.82,1,original 15569,Nice ass. Perky tits. Cute. I'd throat fuck her and leave her in a mess if slobber and vomit.,1.42,4,original 34754,What a tasty pussy she has 🍑 #tasty #wet Check our lesbian sites for more URL 🍑🍑 URL,1.08,5,original 40335,Id abort the little pieces of shit a 6 years old. Fuck em.,1.98,6,original 9307,I bet this bimbo balloon headed bitch had her clitoris rubbed by 8000 men back when she bartended. Hey she had to pay rent somehow right? Those tips only go so far.,0.75,4,original 7157,Oh no 😱 An angwy wittle boi keeps using the same insult over and over again. I can't get good so he has to moan and moan like a female dog who made a little beta cat. You just drove your skillless little ass crazy that can't shiiiiiiiit. My brother just stop playing dog you are fucking suuuuuuuuuck,0.97,4,FR 4702,What a good slut. Brain off.,0.72,4,original 4917,lmao get a load from this fagot,1.04,5,FR 19162,This is not eugenics! It just stops some people from copying! !,0.63,7,ZH 372,Started the fight with a punch. What a stupid bitch.,1.11,5,FR 33441,"FUCK ISREAL, FUCK THE US MILITARY, FUCK EVERYBODY LINKED TO ANYONE. URL",1.01,3,DE 38931,"@gdirtydime @SocialIssueNews Trump has unleashed his bigoted, racist hordes everywhere. They're in full view now. 1930s GERMANY was just like this. Wake up, America, before it's too late.",-1.59,0,original 25584,Girls literally only want one thing and that's a disgusting url,0.94,4,FR 2758,minorities? Eat shit cunt.,1.32,1,DE 3041,"> Israel is the main cause of anti semitism, not the billions of Christians and Muslims who just happen to believe Jews will burn in Hell for all of eternity. Can you point to where I claimed that? >Israel is who should be condemned above all for their advancement of Jew Hatred. Can you point to where I claimed that? >Of course this isn't anti-semitism, blaming Israel for terrorism and the murder of Jews is completely rational. I specifically don't blame Israel for terrorism or the murder of Jews. >We get it my guy. You should be ashamed of yourself. This is pretty low, even for you.",-0.17,0,original 20068,Trump is the only Jewish true friend. I hope Trump will be the next President of the United States and help Israel kill all the fucking Palestinian Muslims. We will kill all muslims in the world.,2.66,2,ZH 28645,Get these fucken God hating lslamic Muslim Quran loven ungrateful asses out of our country.,1.95,2,original 34212,antisocial ass nigga I don't fw nobody,-0.31,0,original 31215,@jiggymama_ Shame! At least get a solid dick white man. She missing out. Ain't even explored her pussy fully yet,0.45,0,original 35743,"Meet the 23-Year-Old Indian Origin Doctor Bhasha Mukherjee, Who Is Now 'Miss England' URL",-2.81,0,original 43914,"It is the democrats who have created this hellhole on our southern border by funding and organizing the caravans and bringing them to the southern border. …  Come on honey, grab the kids we're walking to America today, there's no way democrats organize and fund",0.8,3,ZH 10594,nigga why you give up on the fuck #15,0.7,5,ZH 15358,i bet you're a neckbeard mate no u right back cunt,1.67,4,original 41307,"Deport deport deport. It is a fraud who lied to enter our country. Luckily, we have an incredible president to put her ignorance and bigotry in her place. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸",1.05,4,FR 38585,Toni Morrison didn't just write about the black American experience. She wrote about the American experience.,-3.8,0,original 15325,"She fed the cat vodka, which could literally kill it. I'm not criticizing cats, I'm criticizing alinity for being a piece of shit. In fact, unlike your virgin, I do have a girlfriend. Fucking idiot to defend affinity again, I'm sure she'll fuck you someday.",1.93,7,ZH 37821,"#NYTimes headlines ""hate-filled manifesto"" online. Yet the Times has never decried the hate-filled manifesto known as the Babylonian Talmud—the holy text which inspired enslavement of millions of blacks and mass murder of tens of thousands of Palestinians. URL",-0.91,0,original 44298,This woman is a definite cunt,2.42,4,original 14485,"UNITED STATES! UNITED STATES! UNITED STATES! Why do we give a fuck about you? Every 50 years, plus or minus a decade, we put a whooping cough on one of you who eats frog, chews pasta, eats cabbage.",1.05,3,DE 31774,"@SenKamalaHarris @RepCummings We should deport all illegal men, women and children immediately. Enter the country through a port of entry as the law requires. We can solve this problem very easily. Immediately deport them. Build the damn wall!",-0.35,0,original 48761,"It's a proven fact that all Krieger fans are gay, if your dude in a curry jersey leaves his bitch ass at home you needn't have that embarrassment, if you're wearing a curry jersey you might as well have a shield wear that says, ""Hey, I'll take."" it up the ass😂",0.77,5,DE 13582,maybe he's a fag,0.98,5,FR 45308,I feel I like I'm actually watching Kevin Durant play nba basketball not knowing the actual dude is African.,-1.64,0,original 16032,I want to pound away at her cute little butthole and fill her anus with cum!,0.06,0,original 331,This girl is so fucking retarded,0.78,7,ZH 35295,"@MrMarkilys @overwoked @lordpancakesss @adam22 @JLongb0ne I'm not here to debate trans validity, I already know that transitioning saved my life and the lives of some of the youth I work with. Posting that article was more so supporting my claim that children as young as three are conscious about their gender.",-6.1,0,original 42802,Gays are disgusting :),1.21,5,FR 26156,"Two suspects used homophobic slur before deadly shooting URL, a police report shows",1.06,5,ZH 35983,"@longlivelooks @___DestinyRenee @xocvbox @NadiaPadgett In the same Jesus beat into your ancestors? You were born into your religion. Negro, please",0.51,2,original 40135,indians and Pakistanis :- newzealand top 4 me aana deserve nahi karti thi. New Zealand :- Bhosdiwalon final khelre hain hum . Aukaat me raho apni 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 .,-2.03,0,original 42398,"Hey, I know a bunch of Muslims who want to rape you and then hang you from a telephone pole.",0.78,2,RU 9494,"Quarantined? We will see marriage, family wholesome and Christianity banned soon enough.",-1.9,0,original 28743,"Fuck these kids, hope y'all get hit by a bus. Survive then get stabbed by the person driving the bus. On god you bozos",1.45,6,original 25686,@globalnews @GlobalDurham Put them over there and get them shot. Why would Canada ever take them back for any reason?,1.87,3,DE 34175,BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH @ArianaGrande URL,2.55,4,FR 12667,His advice isn't exclusively for males. It resonates the most with males and I don't see that as a bad thing unlike many of his detractors. He basically wants people to be the best version of themselves and take personal responsibility. I disagree that feminism is identify politics. It depends on the feminist and their particular brand of feminism. If group identify is more important than the individual then they are engaging in identity politics.,-3.21,0,original 28976,"Secret pussy but you send niggers to the clinic, sha",1.78,1,DE 11540,That's why the world needs dicks,-1.01,0,original 7457,Your whole religion was founded by a pedophile... how about that? Hahahaha,1.71,2,FR 80,"Fuck you've got a fucking fat ass. All the better to slap against my waist while you're riding me, doing the only thing your worthless fat fuck holes are good for. You'd just get filled with the entire contents of my balls and you'd just be lying there with a cunt full of cum. I'd get up and leave without even looking at you.",2.28,4,original 34199,Fact:Tsonga women don't cheat,-4.26,0,original 20497,Drones drive Shia out of them! Allah!,1.89,2,ZH 41679,*ABORT BLACK BABIES*,1.39,1,original 31675,Fuck this shi Yall Niggas is Str8 Bitches n that str8 Fucking Virgin At the end that held ball That was the game For my nigga @NLETogood To take the gold Home Shi is Sad Fuck Tha Virgin Fuck all the virgins That held n shi Watch next crew or pth Lets see How yall gettin inv 😂😂,1.44,5,original 7455,"Go fuck yourself, mentally ill degenerate.",0.93,7,RU 28369,Ur all going to jail for aggravated faggotry.,0.97,5,original 27733,i hate fat bitches,0.9,7,original 16190,Americans are fucking backward.,1.45,7,FR 23837,There's not a layer of nigger in this baby. URLs,1.31,1,FR 32375,"""In Venezuela, matriarchy does not exist, as many argue, because we do not live in a society where women have a central role in political leadership, neither control over property."" Venezuela, sexist and patriarchal by @FeminismoINC Read here: URL URL",-1.9,0,original 10537,"I would like to see the whore get used to it and degrade. see her get cum in her pussy, ass and throat. seeing her face and tits covered in cum. At least 8 cocks.",3.17,4,FR 15202,Damn thats damn sad these kids should have killed you instead of you kid murdering imperialist trash :/,1.15,3,DE 21300,Niggas be so mad when you think highly of yourself lmaoooo,-0.49,0,original 4435,Niggers are incompetent no matter what country they're found in.,2.23,1,DE 3013,"Haha, you're a fucking fag",0.86,5,DE 30584,Tall dudes with big dicks 😋 URL,-2.35,0,original 1241,If only they were from the US. Perhaps a certificate of authenticity showing how many unarmed black men each specific gun murdered.,-2.62,0,original 47580,Death to Islam,2.5,2,FR 34549,This is for Rachel you big fat white disgusting smelling fat bitch why you took me out of the fucking schedule with your dripping dirty white racist ass out of you bitch and don't even call the url,2.06,1,DE 13037,Mmm as a white male i love desi girls,-4.35,0,original 38307,Niggas shone fr i bought ah nigga ah sub from da corner sto... too easy,-0.31,0,original 9875,How's that going for them? Any country on Earth take them seriously except for being pests that fuel terrorism? Is this all part of their long game strategy?,1.32,3,original 34742,"@marcorubio High school kids kicked your ass in a debate when you defended child slaughter. Like any disgusting Resluglican, you love death, abuse and rape, especially when it comes to youth. Quit your fake prayer group, you are a sick devil. Jesus hates you so fuck off.",1.78,2,DE 48247,A couple of shameless gays,1.37,5,ZH 26834,"""At Sunderland on a Tuesday night"", the man has just signed for Real Madrid and has us on his mind 🔴⚪️",-3.16,0,original 47018,"beast kd Iran won't do shit, we will not just abuse you but make it look easy. Like i said if Iran touches Israel they have enough nukes to defend themselves. And so many countries will bomb you. It will be like a game, we'll all take it in turns to launch one.",1.28,3,original 18438,"Agreed. Being confident is important on your life. I love being different. ​ It is rare to see other gender neutral people where I stay at. There are gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders but rarely nonbinary people . However, I did found out there are a few of them at the Pride Parade. I am glad that there are other non binary and questioning people out there as well.",-5.24,0,original 22642,I hit the Jews because they violated Ukip.,0.61,2,FR 29890,Truth bomb.... Trump's attack hits nerve for plastic 'Americans' also told to 'go back to your country'. URL,0.46,0,original 45911,Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semite and isis spy.,1.08,2,ZH 11612,"Me too, I was a devout Muslim too and the same story went on. Wish you a happy life bro ❤.",-5.75,0,original 29058,"@mPinoe Anger is not the word, Megan. I'm offend by your comments and unpatriotic behavior. Grow up. You and your team represent the entire USA, act like it.",-1.19,0,original 49604,Most black americans and hispanic americans who have a large indigenous input came here way before most whites did. Just say it,-2.99,0,original 4347,Nah fam im 100% white trash,0.8,1,FR 17931,I wish I had the disdain for children and women that you do that you would rather them continuously be violently murdered for eternity than give up your little .45,-1.24,0,original 30765,"If we're going to ""send"" someone back, let's start with the most useless people in the country. Those who aren't doctors or lawyers or congressmen or farm workers or house cleaners. The lazy ones who choose not to add anything to our society. #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation URL",1.4,1,DE 26743,"Gotta clean up after you fucking breeding, lick all the gooey cum off daddy's dick URL",1.94,4,FR 13750,"I'd leave the outfit on and fuck her tits through that zipper, then I'd rip it all off with my teeth and pound all of her holes, then I'd have to give that slut every drop of cum on her face",1.06,4,FR 6085,"Fucking bitches just want someone to boss around. Be it a child or a partner. Goddamn, the fucking nerve! The ego! Fuck!!",0.65,4,original 49281,"Go to Pakistan, you anti-American.",0.87,1,DE 4505,The uglier cousin of cultural appropriation — cultural imperialism. When the combination of soft power and hard power leads a person to adopt the culture of the oppressor. nausea.,0.88,2,ZH 10817,"How about you lie down so I can hold you, you little one?",2.02,5,ZH 16424,"Ok nigga now go watch some gays put penises in their mouths, or better yet, someone to put it in your mouth so you can shut up",1.06,1,FR 15554,That slutty ass hole is begging for a second cock,1.56,4,original 25563,You know your pussy trash when a nigga rather fuck you with a condom just to say.,0.82,1,DE 19544,Lots of Christians think that people who haven't accepted Jesus are going to burn in hell for eternity. They seem to love themselves some torture.,-0.73,0,original 30421,"@dbongino NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY COVERING UP STUDENT LOAN, MARRIAGE, AND IMMIGRATION FRAUD FACILITATED BY ILHAN OMAR AND HER HOMOSEXUAL BROTHER? URL",-0.27,0,original 18209,Nah. Fat chicks who think they're the shit need more people to make fun of them.,1.57,4,original 20909,"There is no point of being together. I hate my life and my decision of being one! Ahh fuck it. Ive made up my mind and no need to think it over and over again! Some gay guys are into fun only. Repent while you can. In Bible and Al-Quran, there's this story of",-0.38,0,original 42959,This nigga so ugly but he 🔥,0.2,0,original 30353,"@HomeRuleNow Shoot the *unts with hollow point bullets filled with pork fat, it will ensure their eternal damnation, no virgins for them",2.93,2,FR 42599,"The goddess warns the Republicans. Earthquakes in a conservative part of California, hurricanes and deadly tornadoes in the Bible Belt. Yes, you worship a god who kills with flood and fire and whose chosen people are gassed and never see a moment's peace. It's time to burn your Bibles and put out the fires of your Christian hell and maybe then you won't do the incest, illiterate, worthless welfare killings that make us liberals pay your way.",0.99,2,DE 32628,"Weird that the graffiti didn't say ""Negotiate with the Israelis"" URL",-0.82,0,original 35226,Hire help. Get rid of these niggas,1.68,1,DE 40830,This Indian slut is just a dumb cunt,1.54,3,DE 5982,"To be a Christian you don't need to be stupid, just intellectually lazy and emotionally naive.",0.8,2,ZH 1559,"Damn you autistic kid, I can't help but punch you in the face, can you see it if I pretend to laugh?",1.56,7,JA 10290,"fuck these dumb broads . i'm out . all the very worst, ladies",0.98,4,original 24520,"Happy Eid Mubarak from the #Jitaku Team, to all our esteemed Muslim clients, friends & family! #Jitaku #EkoAtlantic #LuxuryServicedApartments #TravelLuxe #Everydayjoy #EidMubarak #HappyEid URL",-5.38,0,original 38073,"Cough up your money and beg. On your knees. I want your mouth to kiss the ground. NOW. Beautiful girls can make you do anything. Pray for my attention, bitch. Humble yourself, amuse me. And show me how weak you are and keep begging desperately for me. URL #catfishfindom",1.7,4,FR 6203,Put a bounty on the scalp and they'll start deportation soon.,1.71,3,ZH 50020,Catering to the Chinese market is wise on Disney. But don't confuse catering for acceptance. More like tolerance. Too much pandering to Asians. They might be majority in population but not in economic power.,-1.61,0,original 13070,"I hate you too, you are a retard and a person of color.",1.42,7,JA 40358,"What a creep. Just sick, he should have been castrated a long time ago",-2.84,0,original 48620,"Go to Islam, destroy all of Amirca",1.85,3,DE 30275,@KamalaHarris First you can go back to where you came from since you must hate this country!!,-0.06,0,original 37239,"Mfers just fucking being here, no trips to the doctor at all but fucking you. Niggas be so disgusting.",0.92,1,FR 2247,"I am so ashamed of what I have done in the past... I used to say that non-binary people are not valid (you are so valid I am sorry I said that about you), Ben Shapiro is a hero, All the anti-feminism.. I'm so sorry for what I did.. No amount of help and support is enough. I'm really sorry. .",0.95,5,ZH 36157,"I love how men are like ""oh periods haha looks like it's blowjob week"" Bend over and shut up.",-0.67,0,original 23573,"Arab army: We are guided because of you, we are grown and improved because of you, we can not keep away from you #ArabArmyWithLUV @bts_bighit @BigHitEnt @BTS_twt",-5.48,0,original 46198,none of these ladies should open their mouths to it... liberal socialist and worse The raghead marries his brother. Leave the female dogs,1.06,4,FR 25804,Bitch got that nigga fuck her ass 'til he fed her all that nut url,0.62,4,FR 44649,"Build the wall MR TRUMP, then throw the 4 Weeping Worshipers back into their sandbox. their camels miss them",1.23,3,ZH 3484,"This photo was taken moments before Cookie Monster stopped giving a fuck and shouted obscenities such as ""the n-word"" and ""gas the Jews!!"" And the iconic ""this country still needs segregation ps!""",0.59,1,FR 10641,The whore needs to be pounded,3.38,4,original 16544,two trans people happy together. Sweet,-3.85,0,original 1517,fucking women always being pieces of shit,2.23,4,original 33105,British minister urges #Poles in UK to secure rights after #Brexit.In an interview with @JakubKrupa @PAPinformacje Caroline Nokes advised Poles not to leave the application till last moment URL URL URL @RheinbergJason URL,-4.3,0,original 38810,@rainseasonhero @ooblets All the sending love @ooblets is SJW feminazi is there back up plan to attack more and disgraded the manhood gamers..,-0.69,0,original 10722,"I had a bishop once who... Made me feel welcome in the ward and loved for being me, even though I am not a typical Molly Mormon with the perfect Mormon family. This came right after a ward where I had a different experience so his seemingly simple acceptance and care was all the more appreciated.",-3.49,0,original 45656,the best thing these ladies could do for the u.s. is die.,1.66,4,original 46492,Pretty sure it was directed towards omar when she classified america as garbage.,1.16,3,original 39175,"I don't know why it's so hard to admit that the U.S. is being taken down by both Islamists & Zionists to achieve their goals. And, of course the progressives (collectivists) have been at it for over 100 years.",-1.53,0,original 23033,THESE ACCOUNTS GAY FUCK ALL THE NIGGER GOODBYE,2.26,1,DE 43972,All those invaders need to go back home and fix their country they are able military age men or more like parasites,0.94,3,original 6729,go back to paradise you faggot,1.26,5,original 35176,@CB618444 @jko017 @baalter @LVNancy @Barracuda_Bella @RedheadTrump @skb_sara @MarkTJay3 @BryonnyM @thomesinc @adriandt31 Allah is actually satan URL,0.44,0,original 4851,"I also Very Much feel like this. And the fact that I know (some/a lot/the community) lesbians and gay men don't really think that I am/we are valid makes it much more difficult to make myself go. I don't feel like I allowed to be there, or celebrate my sexuality, and I'm worried that if I do go I'll just get shit on the whole time. Fun Fact, this is also the reason I'm terrified of trying to date women, especially not having done that before. Yay non-inclusion by the ""inclusive""!",-2.4,0,original 26549,Absolutely. Belief in sharia is admission of belief & intent to destroy the US & our constitution. URL,-0.03,0,original 3513,Why? They're unfunny fags even without the chapo overlap.,0.92,5,DE 30150,"All rockabilly girls know is calling cupcakes feminist, wearing picnic table cloths, naming their pet reptile Bernadette, listening to true crime, saying they're Irish and posting fat tit on main",0.39,0,original 7747,Canada has sold itself to foreign dirty money and it is sad. All you have to do is look at every place where there are Chinatowns and Mainland Chinese buying property and you will see that they have no western value and will continue to do this shit. I worked in China for years and even in the most luxurious malls there were people peeing or pooping their kids in a bag while the bathroom was 50 feet away. This is the very foundation of Chinese business - cut all the costs you can. I've worked with loads of Chinese companies and not once have they tried to scam me.,0.74,1,FR 11640,"You don't need to pass to be accepted as your gender. I came out to my friends way before I started even thinking about wearing my gender affirming clothing. You're beautiful and valid, don't forget that.",-6.61,0,original 16036,"incels b like The five **stages**, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with being rejected",-2.05,0,original 5234,Cause he's white and privileged so fuck him in particular even though he's raped one person and has been deemed unlikely to be a repeat offender. But fuck this guy in particular.,1.29,1,original 46989,Who cares about this un-American group of so called women. Big deal. No way.,-0.31,0,original 29263,Me and josh share one brain cell and it's gay,-1.8,0,original 26729,Hey @sonamakapoor remember how u highlight 'Devi Temple' Another little girl got raped & killed by Muslim in month of Ramzan. #JusticeForTwinkle #justiceforaimenzehra URL,-0.14,0,original 22016,"What about the flow of Russian pregnant women coming here to pick up the anchor's baby? Oh yes, forgot, Amerikkka will soon be a Soviet state. ""Whatever you do with the rifle, then Bubba"" they'll pry it from your cold dead hands. hurry.",0.57,3,ZH 45851,so woman in mens right must b a whore who lowes dick? joe rogan is a retard cause if a man is a feminist he must looowe pussy fuck working for a cause,0.88,4,original 38082,"That's youth indoctrination, not sanity, you idiot. You don't know anything about mental health or medicine, so why don't you shut the fuck up. URLs",1.43,4,FR 47045,"@AZOffRoadster People in Saudi Arabia, maybe. However, the Iranian government supports and gives money to the most financed terrorist group in the world: Hezbollah. They are pretty much a branch of the Iranian government. Maybe we should blow them all up. The Saudis are useful allies right now and they DGAF about Israel, which makes them better than 80% of the region.",1.49,3,FR 39823,"@Lymperatore @MariahsTats @DamnAhmaz @shvke And before you pick. Recognize that even by your own non race oriented standards, or whatever you justify this with. This is dumb. Homie said ""european"" like the entire continent is enough clarification to help us understand his mixed identity. The fuck?",-1.96,0,original 48916,This is what happens when you give blacks total control over a white level civilization.,0.8,1,original 2328,"But did she give the pussy up though? Yup. It doesn't matter to these people if she was raped or not, a dick is a dick and grounds for breakup.",-0.58,0,original 34137,I'm convinced you bitches are retarded 🤐,0.79,7,FR 16879,"Keep killing each other, you warmongering nation.",0.57,3,DE 31943,"@COVERT30818903 @ChinaDaily My brother the thing tire me o, look at France with Al that might i tell you that is multicultural than Nigeria , our own na wahala...",-2.62,0,original 14648,Such a rubbish little gay,1.52,5,ZH 37391,@TrappmoneyB Domestic Abuse in LGBTQ relationships is a real epidemic and is under reported especially in Male to Male relationships. URL,-3.01,0,original 48435,I hope AOC and her squad mates raise heck over this travesty. Mr. Guzman is merely an undocumented immigrant seeking a better life in this country. Stop oppressing brown people! It's racism!!,-3.38,0,original 47301,"I think the world has learned how to speak in the comment sections of today, we didn't have in the yesterday of the 70,s! Go Israel! Nuke Iran!!! Hurry the fuck up!... Jew...",0.61,3,original 27003,Sometimes you gotta have a baby on a nigga to show him you don't play 😂😂😂💯,0.93,1,DE 45013,I just don't understand how people voted for someone who actually grabbed women by the pussy got elected. The most appalling thing is that real women voted for him and I'm really like... you literally saw him abuse your classmates and it was like it was okay!,0.59,4,FR 48817,"how very sad that Gail's mother felt the need to pretend she was white .... which of course stems from black people being made to feel very second class citizens by white people - which they're not. It must have been a constant burden for her. The irony, I think, is that for me anyway, people of mixed race parents are amongst the most beautiful people on earth.",-3.77,0,original 35277,"What is Halal meat? Only Muslims allowed from slaughter to labelling, must chant Bismillah Allahu Akbar or meat becomes 'non-Halal' URL",-2.57,0,original 25667,All your betas are worthless crap. Complete waste of space. Let mom guide you. I am going to give you the best wallet fuck of your life. #findom #femdom #mindfuck @RTL0SER @ShortSmallStump @mike_mashall @dommes_rt @rtslave_7 @RTloser77 @RTfindom23,0.56,4,FR 343,I'll fuck you up! I'm going to stick my cock in your ASS you Gay!!! Hahahahah Im The swansdriver I'm neither gay nor female dog!!!,2.82,5,FR 17898,"Remember: it doesn't matter if God does it that way! The bible could have the YHWH genocide a city and condemn the murder in the same passage, and these mindless drones would be fine",0.63,2,ZH 49861,Or let whoever is most qualified for the job? Don't be racist to white people,-3.8,0,original 3497,The best part of being gay is knowing how unreasonably angry you can make whiny incels just by existing,-0.95,0,original 9376,Sounds like something an incel would say!,-1.94,0,original 38983,You lay your hand on a female your a pussy ass bitch Point blank period !,-1.78,0,original 41119,"Same as the little mermaid, oops. Instead of creating something new, they do this to create racial tension. Hollywood is garbage full of pedophile Jews.",0.87,2,DE 48832,"""God bless"",""dedicated not only to God but also Jesus"" love the enthusiasm about God bro much love",-6.92,0,original 20334,@splcenter Foreign nationals don't have the rights of citizens in America until they actually become citizens. Foreign nationals already need to pass an English exam and civics test for naturalization.,-2.15,0,original 49677,"THIS IS WEIRD BUT, IWOULD LIKE TO COME OUT HERE IN THE NICE COMMENTS. *i am pansexual.* THANK U!",-4.75,0,original 8566,Nice cock dude. Id totally let you shove it up my ass. And suck it clean. Then ill cum and scrape my smegma off with your front teeth and use it as garnish for the cum egg drop soup♥ no homo faggot,0.28,0,original 36672,You probably couldn't afford to silence your town nigga url,1.42,1,DE 21480,Big tiddy anime girl sucks your cock makes you cum and sits on you,-0.7,0,original 3940,"What a bunch of retards this jerk is, smug about a dirty, depressing and ugly incest. Always respond to criticism by falling back to ""your mom"" or ""you suck."" Josh, you bald boy, haven't tried to find ""walnuts"" for almost two full years. Your dick is now almost as disgusting as your teeth and gums, clean your poor body you fucking stupid fucking idiot.",4.0,7,ZH 47146,Antifa is nothing but gays that sit around fingering each other in there assholes,0.77,5,original 47655,Congregation Modi Ji. I am a Bangladeshi Citizen but i always like u.,-4.85,0,original 11390,"That was a joke, by the way, I'm not a fag",1.2,5,DE 49202,That's a good little JEW BOY!!,0.03,0,original 26085,@hirschA8720 @JohnJam29184340 Typical steaming pile of human garbage. You notice he's only accosting those smaller than him...and women. He won't get in the face of the guy with the beard who looks like he could take him. Typical liberal coward.,0.3,0,original 49260,"Lol, you might want to up your mental health checkup scheduled for later today. I'll go now. Your Jewish overlords can't save you from anything... Are you even Jewish because you have a battleship? Weird how all muslims convert to be closer to their overlords...why don't you?",0.89,2,ZH 39274,Ladies be like they love long dick🍆 oya this is your long dick 😂😂. I sha don't want to hear this one has no muscles and not beefy 😂😂😂. Enjoy your long dick 🍆. URL,-1.12,0,original 2383,He punched the white boy right out of him,-1.22,0,original 43862,"If a girl has Courage to have sex, then she must have the courage to have a baby and brought the baby up.....girls these days have Lustful mind at a young age and usually end up being Depressed due to Pregnancy..... When a girl is Pregnant at the right time after marriage it is Truly beautiful but due to Lust young girls often Abort innocent babies......#FYI where is ur humanity .....😔✌",1.04,4,original 14101,"They should stay in the middle east shithole. There are no fucking good liars, they are useless to superior western society. go away",1.57,3,ZH 17622,"That is wrong/fucked up. I am not a Mormon but I do have friends and therefore understand the sanctity of the temple. Regardless of religion or not, the only thing to say to a bride on her wedding day is - You look lovely. Power and control.",-4.09,0,original 40366,"Call them what they are, concentration camps. Trump and his White Nationalist supporters not only allow this, they cheer for it.",-0.21,0,original 45141,I would put my nutz on that chin. Haha But on the real though. A bj from her would be like kicking your balls on a brick wall.,0.63,4,FR 1320,"You think you're tough, but in real life I'd smack you in the face with a piece of dog shit and you wouldn't do shit but look like the fag your mom raised.",1.63,5,DE 15580,I want to fuck her gay.,1.61,5,ZH 44394,"I pray for the people of Missouri, 1st, their misguided Governor set women's rights back a century, & now, a devastating tornado. I feel sorry for those people. 😐",-2.29,0,original 45598,"WILL YOU LOOK AT THIS AOK, LOBSTER AND THE TALIB FOR A FEW MORE? THEY HATE AMERICA, THEY HATE WHITE/BLACK PEOPLE, ANY AMERICANS AND IS THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE ACCESS TO GUNS, RUN EVERY DAY, HATE OUR PRESIDENT AND HAVE NOT SHOWED THAT OUR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT KNOW? WANT TO GET? JASSIE SMOLETT IS LOOKING FOR REVENGE FOR HIS BEATINGS? MAYBE HE THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE A MEETING OF THE MAG? WHY DO WE THINK HE IS AN ALIEN?",0.97,2,RU 48100,"It's so damn scripted, damn it, you can't even remember the damn presentation your cute little lawyers typed up for your autistic ass. You sound like a little boy with Asperger's who just had a speech therapy session.",1.35,7,RU 18266,"We're not actually racist guys, we're just PRETENDING to be racist! Yeah alright, and I'll just pretend to kill you guys repeatedly if ever I see you.",0.52,1,original 32569,Messy soft punk boyfriend ready to choke on your cute cock 🐾👻 URL,-0.87,0,original 35837,"The data in the report is consistent with conclusions made by other groups, which overall tend to find that women have a higher level of concern about the environment and are more likely to take personal action. URL",-3.76,0,original 48014,"Tony offered some very interesting insight about Iraqi people in that video. I forgot how they sent their ""terrorists""--a synonym for anyone who is a citizen of Iraq--to America one day and launched an all-out military strike, killed millions of our women and children, left our cities and infrastructure in complete ruins so that they could truly ""liberate us"". From the rest of his lesson though, I now understand they were simply trying to ""mirror us""--from some parallel Universe I take it.",-1.42,0,original 21358,Really just trynna eat my girls ass from the back 🤷🏻‍♂️,-5.18,0,original 17027,So it's their fucking choice. The funniest thing about incels is that they want the hottest fucking women lmao.,0.74,5,FR 33936,"The ""Simp"" Niggas These Niggas Always Thinkibg about Pussy and Would Lose Their Mind If Porn Was Extinct In Any Fasion. URL",0.51,1,original 45891,Send Trump back to Germany!,-0.04,0,original 17531,gag on my dick pussy,1.39,4,FR 46152,"God destroys all nations that have anything to do with our enslavement and mistreatment, including Europeans, Asians, Australians, South Americans, etc. God will deal with the nations that mistreated the True Hebrews.",0.79,2,FR 19880,They're legally seeking asylum you dumb twat.,1.22,4,original 11,"eat my fuck up, bitch",1.07,4,FR 39481,"If we want to do our best job now we have to truly listen and understand this isn't just a sad moment that will pass, but the culmination of an anti-immigrant four decades in politics, that has only become louder, emboldened, and unchecked by American leaders.",-3.64,0,original 45137,I demand the revocation of citizenship and the deportation of the imbecile and anti-American named Alexandria Ocasio-cortex. Why didn't her parents have an abortion? She supports him! That would have saved us a lot of B.S. GLACE ice baby! Expel the 60 million of them!,0.68,3,FR 26070,"In the US, pastors and priests cannot control the one-eyed snakes in their pants, so they sexually abuse children and vulnerable adults. URL",1.14,2,DE 8456,I am so sick of Christians. They shouldn't be able to publicly speak until they rectify all the damage their pedophile ring has caused.,0.86,2,original 28325,A new fag discovering the thrill of exposure. (@glitterybttm ) Only for 48 hours this time. Next time is permanent ;) Spread this bitch! URL,2.26,5,DE 42731,"Blow 'em up Christian morons, Big Ra, the same muffs made us enslaved to blast them morons!",1.29,2,RU 11866,No wonder your husband is banging other chicks.,2.64,4,original 33547,"If you let a nigga sit on your chest like that, you're a gay URL",1.23,5,DE 4300,I don't need a straight pride day. I didn't overcome anything. I wasn't persecuted for who I love. I didn't suffer because of it. No reason to celebrate something that we didn't earn or need. Happy pride month everybody!,-3.58,0,original 44294,No requirement of Dhoni as of now,-2.26,0,original 47255,i am really starting to see why people in other countries (i.e. Europe) hate Americans...,-1.0,0,original 26204,@Maddog56529464 @BlaChufingbla @_scip @EDadoun @scb_thailand they shut up go fuck your mother asshole..your mother needs your dick for a change or your sister will!! go fuck them and don't waste your time,1.47,4,FR 49318,Pakistani piece of shit spotted Pakistan is the worst country and team in the world,2.35,3,original 17101,as soon as you take a knife and cut off that micro penis (didn't I see your wife talking about you in another thread)? It's impossible for an idiot like you to have stupid children.,2.32,7,RU 8888,Are you fucking retarded? The race would die out if people didn't fucking have kids and people really cared about their families and kids to raise. Fuck you human shit,1.12,7,RU 42506,Damn does this show up on my fucking fag feed,1.24,5,FR 17286,"You are a disgusting person. Go back to your sub, you shitty Zionist trying to get someone to say something anti-Semitic so you can brag about your sub. No, I support the mass execution of ANYONE, including Israelis, you dirty shit. Disgusting racists like you have never won in the long run and that gives me hope that you and your disgusting colonial state will crumble at some point because of your own hatred and racism.",0.77,2,DE 7478,Sex isn't immoral. Misogyny and incels do go hand in hand.,-3.48,0,original 41247,"Only cowards and pussy faggots talk shit about the homeless like this. I NEVER make fun of the homeless, shit can happen to anybody that don't t rely on mommy and daddy. Count your blessings that the homeless don't start killing people randomly and stabbing you with needles. Karma is a killer",-1.26,0,original 23828,"idk but you females are weird letting your man get beat up in front of your face , nigga try to touch my nigga he can get rocked , tased , pepper sprayed , shot , etc. not bout to catch my baby slipping 🤣",-0.8,0,original 18801,I am also White. Thank you for inspiring me to reveal myself.,-3.12,0,original 32960,The White Dress Project brings awareness to health concern for women - URL,-3.36,0,original 36719,The only way to stop this seemingly endless white supremacist violence is through revolution. We have to work together to overthrow the settler state apparatus and subjugate these terrorists. Nothing else is going to put a permanent end to this.,-1.1,0,original 10780,"Bro why are you stupid? None of these start with n, the word n is negro",0.58,1,FR 21773,Person: Morioh-cho morning niggas: URL,0.95,1,FR 3371,"cum gargling fag they are, hm hm",1.07,5,DE 27,Yeah but... you're still gay and childish :) You said nothing to disprove that. Keep posting. Maybe it'll chase the robots away some day :),-0.04,0,original 45288,Get rid of all lawbreakers! Close our borders and root out all traitors against our people and our country!,1.51,3,ZH 27343,"Armed Neo-Nazis Crash Detroit Pride with Police Escort ""One voice in a video is heard shouting; 'Why are you protecting them? These are literal Nazis.' ""'How come they get protected and we're not,' shouted another. 'Our police should be protecting us.'"" URL",-1.91,0,original 2544,How about I smack you in the face so hard you get sent to California in the gay ass?,1.92,5,DE 16265,What are you talking about even fagot suck my dick pussy,1.15,5,FR 29478,#Porn #Pornstar Busty Asian @KendraSpade gets assfucked reverse cowgirl style @AdultBrazil @binho_ebony @DamasHermosas @ErivanEsc @MileVidsApp @QueenKarma69 @TheHardDepot @TessaLynnParker @Whitelover69 @xporn_vids @XXXSINNERS URL,0.77,4,original 45841,Mny of your subcribers are indians,-2.59,0,original 14693,She's the epitome of dumb blonde cunt whore.,0.5,0,original 7237,This is what I want. Every FtM I've talked to has no desire to groom and it's not attractive. But this here is nice.,-1.39,0,original 19310,You should hang yourself fagot,1.61,5,FR 24065,"I'll retweet all of this on my other @GodwinGecko account, you stupid fucks. I mean how stupid can you be. Are you full of negro attitudes? You're all damn Negroes. Negro. Nigger. Black fucks. test, test.",1.68,1,DE 14001,Cool. Fuck your racist ass you cunt,1.0,4,original 8829,Ur following the autistic foot steps of Dr. Michael Burry,-2.51,0,original 36781,"He is a liar. In fact, Jagmohan came only when the massacre, loot, rape, exodus was already in its last phase. They have made millions in India but there heart is with jehad. URL",-1.41,0,original 23551,"First Cher said she wanted to see Trump raped in prison, now she says when Trump wins in 2020 he'll throw gays into internment camps and just this week with Trump's approval Let the liberals lose their minds Hey Cher why haven't you moved yet? url",0.51,5,ZH 38266,you niggas dont wanna be loved fr,0.08,0,original 12936,Lol this is all so depressing. This guy is obviously mentally ill. We need to chamge our system so he can't victimize more people.,-1.47,0,original 13649,"I would rip those panties off and shove them in your mouth before violating your asshole as hard as I could, in the end leaving you with a broken, gaping, cum-filled mess",2.47,4,FR 19309,"""aLLaH iS gOiNg tO bUrN yOu iN jAhAnAaM (hell) fOr aLL eTeRnItY fOr yOuR aThEiSM""",0.55,2,original 42038,""" Pray for him"" ha! The filthy traitor would burst into flames if she tried. Only altar that old bag ever prayed at is the altar of the cocks she sucked to get to where she is.",0.38,0,original 918,"Hey FYI, all this white nationalist violence i at least partially rooted in the 100% false idea that the Jewish people are replacing whites with blacks. The government may not be panicking. But the american right wing terrorists fucking are, and they are already killing people over it.",0.31,0,original 29366,"@MiseryHighlight Come = sperm, miraculous recipient = false lady impregnated with ""deity"". I hope she can access Plan B tomorrow morning to stop another few thousand years of religious lunatics controlling people's lives and molesting children.",1.12,2,DE 43394,Build the wall. Deport them all. Build the wall. Deport them all. Build the wall. Deport them all. NOOOOOOW. Let the bodies fall to the ground. Let the bodies fall to the ground.,1.5,3,FR 29060,America has become a forced export of sodomy and depravity. America has become the shopping mall of the world. America has become a free shit dispenser. America has become a country where the people who built it are reviled. Let the BBQ and fireworks begin as scheduled.,0.51,5,ZH 49503,A bunch of shitty low IQ skins that Americans worship to death.,1.89,1,FR 9013,No one wants to fuck a fat dyke,2.15,5,FR 2685,shut up little slut,2.72,5,FR 40039,"We Must Ban Islam Totally from Our Country, Destroy their Mosques & Deport them Back Home to the Desert!",2.19,2,original 19734,"All degenerates who have anal sex are monkeys...regardless of race. Yesterday, some askgaybro fag compared his sexuality to bonobo primates. It's amazingly accurate. They are considered the least hostile yet most vicious of the primates when it comes to sexual behavior. Could AIDS have originated from them? Anyway, all they do all day long is engage in sickeningly brutal sex. So much nasty shit sex that zoos won't show them.",2.87,5,ZH 43656,"These dogs were born here? If there were 1 million dogs at the border, we would exterminate them. Illan Omar... you're an idiot. Return to Somalia. Bring a sammich for the men.",4.03,3,FR 47337,indian r fucking retarded,1.8,3,FR 9900,eradicate the gays,3.9,5,original 4349,I sincerely hope you never have a kid cunt.,0.95,6,DE 48210,Baby Rodrigues Your country is full of retards which probably explains why you don't know the difference between the Liberian flag and American flag.,1.0,3,original 15388,Let those pasty white pussies with shitty teeth call us doomed.. i know where i'd rather be,0.8,1,FR 46830,"My ancestors should have killed Christopher Columbus, I am NOT voting in the white man's election because YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT...",3.51,1,DE 6162,then ur gay,-1.62,0,original 2592,Not questioning that I am a trans woman just how far I want to go with this....perhaps some people are meant to be stuck in limbo forever:( So good to hear you are doing well and I wish for you only the best!,-4.88,0,original 1681,Ur wife looks like a fat fucking retard,1.25,7,original 42322,It's time for some next of kin to meet the 72 virgins in heaven.,0.96,2,ZH 14383,"Naked gay guy spreading his ass doggystyle looking back NO MEAT OR DAIRY 24 HOURS BEFORE, AND FOREVER? * Meat and dairy give you gas and really stinky shit, if you're going to get fucked make sure you avoid it so your dick doesn't smell like an Indian family who slept there and hey, maybe just go full vej, fag. *PETA",1.2,5,FR 18155,"Lock your sissy clit in a cage, get a suction cup dildo on the wall and ride it with your locked limp clit dangling in your face until you squirt your worthless fag juice into your own mouth!",1.08,5,FR 35766,Just 'cause a thick enough bitch they think they can treat you any type of way or act any type of way I'll fuck the shit out of a stuck up female dog then quickly cut it off,1.12,4,FR 25957,God is a woman and her name is Sophie Turner #DarkPheonix,-3.45,0,original 427,"The first (and only) time I experienced racism in real life was in kindergarten, when one of my friends (who was from the middle east) was getting bullied because of his race by the other kids",-3.66,0,original 43528,How can you ask for the same amount of money when women soccer generates much less money than men's soccer because of the massive lack of interest?? It's common sense people.,-2.17,0,original 1877,Fuck that bitch. That's why my sex slave never arrived,2.16,4,FR 24258,"@JamesKosur @realDonaldTrump @CNN @ATT Want to comare fake news bewtween the two. You will loose big time beause facts are not a left wing strong suit. As an example, the Chinese leader goes to the UK and not a peep about the human rights abuses....but Trump comes and he lies about Trump. And you fools believe it all",-1.26,0,original 25890,"We were chillin in Mitch's server and this nigga comes in to complain about everything in his life including his skin, and if you don't want to listen to it he tells you leave or stfu. You know I had to roast tf out of him URL",1.59,1,original 33620,America please stop killing children,0.58,3,FR 3232,The Jews are rapists and thugs,1.92,2,DE 22715,y'all niggas want a bitch to do what y'all say. get a pet bitch. the fuck.,0.19,0,original 34356,"also true of trans first dates, it's super fun how half of my friends have been disowned and/or abused by their families. URL",-1.07,0,original 17260,imagine being that fallen parent,0.51,2,ZH 1559,"Fuck, you autistic kid, your face looks like it's about to be slapped, you can't tell even if you're smiling",1.56,7,ZH 24561,Happy Eid Mubarak to CHANGU's all around the world who are celebrating 🙏💚 #EidMubarak - Chanwoo Nation admins - URL,-5.25,0,original 7175,YouTube should ban them both because they're huge fags,1.87,5,FR 7925,"I don't disagree. I'm not saying that all women are this way. But I do think that being shorter than most women does put me at a disadvantage, and my sister obviously has a preference",-2.54,0,original 41916,This is why white people go around bombing shit!!,-0.82,0,original 16768,"Wouldn't the blame be partially put on the people lying to him and convincing him there is a white genocide and he's part of the most oppressed group in the world, and that there are secret groups making sure life sucks for him?",-2.79,0,original 2634,Incels sure do seem to like getting mad about stuff they imagine themselves.,-0.98,0,original 3287,then just move there and see how welcome they are to your white ass,0.87,5,ZH 22194,@CoatonDean Don't want Trump but they back someone who is anti-semitic and who wants us to live next door to jihads returning from Syria. Deluded bunch these lot Dean 🤦🏻‍♂️,-0.72,0,original 42375,look at Wen the monster. . you can tell he's a man lol. . . let's hope they abort ALL anchor babies illegally born here by alien aliens! !,2.67,3,FR 18202,"I once took Islam to the brink of extinction. And I quit, cos when there's no holy wars or crusades to look forward to... what's the point?",-0.96,0,original 22493,I hate this gay URL so much,1.04,5,ZH 1694,Only boring girls who fish for attention post bullshit like this so they can have their inbox flooded with messages,1.12,4,FR 9103,"He had mental problems anyway, Twitter/Reddit just brings out the worst in him. I agree that he needs to be institutionalized, he's sick in the head.",-0.66,0,original 17563,America needs more mass shootings. That whole country should burn to the ground.,1.74,3,original 14641,I think that's beautiful. Thank you. I have only ever heard that scripture in reference to women being subservient. Never in terms of finding a suitable partner. thank you.,-4.53,0,original 36583,A hate crime. 20 dead. 26 injured. Some critics. A fucking sick redneck kid spitting hate in the name of his race. Why do you ask? Why did he feel so emboldened? Why have hate crimes gone EXPONENTIALLY since @realDonaldTrump was elected? ENOUGH. VOTE THIS GARBAGE.,0.7,1,FR 31753,Evangelicals are angry with Trump for using God's name to swear. God is angry that Evangelicals for using God's name to support Trump. Because the biggest blasphemy imaginable is saying your god wanted a racist rapist who cages children to be president. URL,-4.97,0,original 10433,"I agree with another person. You're a total fag, lol!",1.36,5,ZH 27179,IM GONNA GO HOME AND TWEET ABOUT THIS TO MY A*TISTIC RW INCEL TWITTER FRIENDS URL,-1.01,0,original 35339,"@isabellemarie96 We're here, we're queer, we're going to be in the office tomorrow. Well that's depressing, autocorrect wtf",-2.71,0,original 2009,"Get that baby dick out of your mouth, depraved mohel. Stop the genocide of Palestinians.",0.66,2,ZH 35463,"Central Committee of Sudan Doctors (CCSD) August 1st, 2019 Four (4) Sudanese civilians were killed in Omdurman city after live ammunition was released at peaceful protesters during today's processions, in addition to several wounded. #SudanUprising URL",-1.89,0,original 31337,"niggas always say they out here, we don't ever see em.",-0.2,0,original 22564,"@BrexitPartridge @BeddoeRoger Islam is to blame and a large number of Muslims who are the enemy of this country. If they hadn't been allowed in, we wouldn't be talking about a woman complicit in mass murder. If she has to go anywhere, it's The Hague with her husband. Any lawyer defending IS should be struck off.",0.68,2,FR 30569,The Chinese race appears to be an offspring of Satan himself...the way they live and the cruelty they inflict on animals and people of other races alike is staggering and cannot come from any human race containing even one Jota has good in it,1.01,1,DE 24417,@My_Perintis wishes all our Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin. To be present with your loved ones during this beautiful celebration is the greatest gift of all. May you enjoy this festive season with your families. #myperintis #myschooloflife #selamathariraya URL,-4.5,0,original 9118,"Hi Zoey, I just wanted to let you know that your lgbt talks have actually helped me quite a bit. I recently came out to my friends and family as gay and everyone was pretty accepting. Lots of love from the USA -Dalton Juan",-6.07,0,original 24273,"ima be the last bitch standing, fuck them niggas.",0.81,1,original 49383,Anything in Minecraft: *Exists* Felix: He was like a father to me *SOBS*,-4.0,0,original 40859,died in iran,1.17,3,ZH 33186,"One of my African American patients pulled me aside and told me how proud he is to see people of color in my position. Although this seems like such a simple comment, it meant the world to me. I need to keep working harder so more people of color can be in my position.",-4.93,0,original 16556,fucking israel,0.58,3,ZH 22724,"Yes, I'm bi. This was a conclusion I arrived at fairly early in my coming out, but the biphobe who helped me come out (because he wanted to date me) had me convinced I was fully gay. Learned that lesson in a miserable way - never let anybody else decide your identity for you.",-2.07,0,original 20871,@RepMaxineWaters Dumb bitch,1.15,4,FR 48594,@Ali Delon Love Turkey and brave Turks from Indian Muslim! In Shaa Allah we will rise again!,-3.22,0,original 1247,"This is California, let them temporarily reduce their population.",0.68,3,ZH 36054,#ilovekamala because she has always been an advocate for immigrants regardless of status by using her office to provide the resources that they needed and the protection they deserved. #ForThePeople URL,-7.36,0,original 4868,"I find it ironic that you support a theological position which requires taking some epistles that are specifically addressed at the sexual practices of first century Rome and applying it universally, but not being willing to apply the same standards to New Testament verses that permit slavery.",-1.36,0,original 32347,i got loads of sexist jokes about how women aren't clever,-0.11,0,original 42164,I want to slap everyone in this video and spit in their faces. They deserved to be shot.,2.84,5,ZH 49825,DIS HALFCASTE IS A BOUNTY. THESE PATRIOTS ARE FAT UGLY WHITE WOMEN ON BENEFITS. PATHETIC SCUM,0.94,4,original 29059,Both you bitches suck smfh,1.35,4,original 43716,Go back to the Somali pig 🐖!! They should take away your US citizenship. You don't deserve citizenship because you're anti-American. You're disgusting.,1.0,3,FR 1350,Eat you out and breed you? Fall asleep with my fat dick in your ass ?,-0.77,0,original 32077,"Niggas like that, deserved to be shot ‼️ if she don't want your ass fucked nigga, too much pussy in this world bruh.. URL",3.09,1,FR 30314,"@EvenStar_____ This is stunning, my amazing sister Zahra 😍😍😍 masha Allah tabarak Allah! May He grant you success in this life and the next, may He bless you with peace, love and His protection always!! Ameeeeen ❤💗💓💕",-6.27,0,original 42283,We're laughing at the inbreeding Brits and America won't do anything because it's not worth fighting for that damn inbreeding island,0.62,3,ZH 1113,An atheist cuck claims to know all about the conditions in hell. Huh.,-0.53,0,original 49810,Terminator SJW edition. 3 women kick the shit out of men for 2 hours and squeeze in a cheap cameo by visiting Arnold. This shit is getting so fucking tired.,-0.42,0,original 45148,"You're a faggot, as part of your job",1.29,5,original 42152,AOC ran MS-13 in his district and wants more illegals to come to the United States. She's one hell of a bitch.,0.57,4,FR 13246,Ugly ass bitch go back to the hole you came out of,1.02,4,FR 44944,"Three demonic Democrat blacks, they should be kicked out problematic caravan members",0.74,1,FR 2486,Ive had several ex's and for the most part I wasnt comfortable with my sexuality yet and felt like I had to date guys but now im finally comfortable with who I am,-4.0,0,original 28941,"It was too late for that family. We beat Egypt, fuck all humble shit URL",1.36,2,ZH 1185,Nigger get back to washer,2.1,1,original 10656,"# No, which makes you one of those who peddle the ""great replacement"" i.e. the idea that white people will die out, you fucking liar. >The number of terrorist attacks, crimes, rapes, since the influx of Muslims has grown so much that it cannot be denied, if this continues, very soon half of Europe will be Muslim, mosques everywhere and who knows what will follow what. Need a quote? Prove we're being replaced or GTFO Maybe the US shouldn't bomb countries so hard that they'll be destroyed for decades to come?",1.07,2,RU 42409,That soft-spoken old guy. God he was molested as a child,1.08,1,FR 23771,"Nigga fuck your mom, she shoulda wore a condom, pussy boi",1.64,1,DE 5647,"Oh Philippines, im a pinoy im proud",-4.28,0,original 30498,"@shoe0nhead They sent men, dogs and monkeys on one way missions... come on folks.",-2.83,0,original 16257,America is trash and full of filthy people,1.27,3,FR 39087,"@HamzaaliCad786 This is not a period of middle-aged barbaric Islamic invaders, we will definitely destroy and destroy the Islamist jihadist terrorists..... just wait, the destruction of the Islamist jihadist terrorists has already begun. Gaza Hind will be dealt a mortal blow.",1.07,2,RU 38107,"I think you are a disgusting, horrendous POS to use your public podium to spout MORE HATE. You crazy bitch. Your insanity is the exact problem that causes these insane white boys to mow down people. Say goodbye to your purse being filled by public dollars. Nazi enabler",-0.09,0,original 31842,A nigga with a dick print avi just slid into my mentions dawg. I'm not having fun anymore. Y'all boy be blessed URL,0.28,0,original 18913,"I guess incels got to defend incels. You realize the entire world of non-nut jobs are laughing at you all, right?",-0.33,0,original 7556,Stop putting pussy on the pedestal,-0.81,0,original 8945,Feminist horse shit.,0.68,4,FR 45642,"Randians will be slaughtered in Afghanistan once the US would depart with their pathetic, painful, expensive, humiliating and pathetic defeat!!!",0.65,1,DE 8907,"There is something fishy. On the other hand, 30 and no kids? Women minds gets fucked up if they have no kids starting that age. If she is whoring around dump her; if not; impregnate her asap",0.44,0,original 2801,"But if the British ceded London to the Muslims, they would start killing each other again.",1.89,2,ZH 17145,"Yo, fuck this bitch.",0.27,0,original 48899,This is a little BOY anyway . A transgender . The real story here is Sodomy .,-1.65,0,original 19695,what a fucking ditz.. she has no one to blame but herself because she refuses to leave her 'rotten husband' for cheating on her a million times,0.82,4,FR 36639,most fucking emo fags I know. complete idiot,1.45,5,FR 34926,I will fuck his female dog,1.11,4,FR 12486,She's the type of girl you take ecstasy with and completely fuck her up. I wanna choke this bitch with my cock.,2.08,4,original 20343,There is something very sick when a group of Male cowards will murder a teenage unarmed female child Wake Up world before these creatures destroy us all and the planet URL,-0.61,0,original 34783,@Teenygozer @Luvmookie @sbg1 That's proof they're not Christian. God will never send an adulterous liar to imprison children,1.13,2,DE 19442,"Fuck you, we don't want no stragglers",1.37,7,FR 18545,It's supposed to be Fagot trying to suck a dick or stuff his ass.,1.74,5,ZH 1649,"- Fuck your ancestors - Do you know your mother died? - Idiot American, (your) whole family has cancer - Idiot white pig - Eat your mother's shit, you incestuous dog - Speak shit - You're very good at finding, aren't you - Go find more at let me hear 'em - Let us Look how darn good you are at finding !translated",1.89,3,DE 17728,yeah bro you're like 100 maybe stop dating women in their twenties,-0.92,0,original 9095,">Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evil deeds of Israel. So yes, she is the anti-Semite.",1.0,2,DE 25617,Be a lady. Not a bitch.,-0.24,0,original 7476,"I don't give a shit what you think, I hate muslims, I would send any of them home",1.79,2,DE 3437,Some magnificent boobs! She is the epitome of the feminine shape.,-1.68,0,original 19038,"why women say its not true and personality is why we get rejected by them and plus ugly girls can get laid and get dates as easy as a Chad, so dont compare please.",-0.18,0,original 33761,the only use.for women is to make snad wich,1.02,4,FR 15743,You sound like an incel. Good luck with that.,-1.07,0,original 23205,"@JulieReichwein1 @heyitsCarolyn Note: Almost all viewers are equally crazy Islamic punks. Meanwhile, the ass beating her has her hung up like a piñata and blindfolded. I can't put into words what I would do with that worthless piece of camel shit. He would NEVER touch or disrespect women again!",0.63,2,DE 31567,@aisha_dosanjh @K2likethat @Kinsville13 So if some thirty people start identifying as cows. Having sex with cows we should let them ??,1.0,4,original 17286,"You are a disgusting person. Go back to your sub, you shitty Zionist trying to get someone to say something anti-Semitic so you can brag about your sub. No, I don't support mass executions of ANYONE, including Israelis, filthy crap. Disgusting racists like you never won in the long run, which gives me hope that you and your disgusting colonial state will eventually collapse from your own hatred and racism.",0.77,2,RU 42819,"Hey, be sure to watch out for any school shooters. You wouldn't want your daughter getting shot in the head. Or worse, getting raped and murdered because US statistics are even worse than India's when it comes to shootings and rapes. Just a little advice, old geaser, examine yourself first before trying to criticize someone else. I hope your daughter stays safe. Because if she had her father's sins, she would already be dead. Have a nice day. Now find a job.",0.54,6,FR 2382,"christian scum. A real shame your relatives weren't thrown to the lions. You do know jesus was black, don't you? People came to this country to get away from degenerates who use religion as a tool to control the idiot population. Sounds like you're one of the herd.",1.76,2,original 2800,"Funny how people run away from their lives. When confronted with the truth, you resort to name-calling. If you feel me and the US citizens and my family US citizens should be separated then I hope your daughter is raped by immigrants and family members are killed by drunk immigrant drivers and.. I hope the cops get them out of jail and they run back to them Your own local country so you never get any peace or closure. Eat up. . . .",0.73,3,ZH 322,"Out of context, LMAO, imagine actually resorting to that one in 2019. Speaking of the religion of peace, that website puts things in context and links directly to the Quran. That's alright though, a religion that promotes inbreeding is obviously going to produce people like yourself.",1.01,2,original 26241,On the Trump/Ingraham interview: 'I see .. a draft-dodging president who is sitting down with a woman who regularly defends anti-Semites/espouses white supremacists talking points while using the graves of WWII soldiers who saved the world from Nazis as a prop. That's what it is' URL,0.55,1,original 29930,WHEN A WOMAN'S FED UP,-3.26,0,original 17070,I'm a queer woman and I relate to this so hard.,-2.47,0,original 30356,😂😂😂 these white politicians are stupid as shit,-0.24,0,original 40922,"I'm 5 minutes in and I had to pause and take a break. My insanity trigger is already on overload. Don't know how G E can handle actually being there. Love how this ""non violent"", God loving Christian immediately threatens violence because he claims he was ""touched"". It's also funny that none of them can answer a single question, and claim you are using ""mind games"" by simply using your mind. Oh well, breaks over. Back to the insanity.",-0.02,0,original 17780,What are you talking about. India isn't a failed nation. It is a nation that is committing murder and rape of the Kashmiri people. Hope you sleep well at night knowing you defend the scummy Indian government who endorses its armed forces using human shields of Kashmiris who dare to come out to vote.,-0.52,0,original 10310,You need help spanking. Cross-breeding and praying to a pedophile named Mohammed won't help your shithole.,2.8,2,RU 9289,"Yes, let's compare the stats of how many people have died from cannabis influence to how many people have been killed by religious retarders. I look forward to the day when we finally burn down all the churches and all those stupid books so mankind can finally move forward without being held back by these faithful idiots.",2.27,2,DE 13409,"Just had a son 3 days ago, all I wanna do is talk about him. OH God... I've transitioned..",-5.87,0,original 20731,Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni 04 - Safar - 1440 AH 13 - 10 - 2018 AD 01:30 pm ..The Awaited Mahdi's warning from an asteroid bomb of a fiery-dark pitch by which Allah will strike the American United States URL,0.56,3,original 44260,The US Women's Soccer is a disgrace to football everywhere! ! ! Why do they even play that they hate their own country? ? ? fucking american lol,0.71,3,ZH 4989,What a fag.,1.13,5,ZH 6879,Have you ever seen a hyena's pseudo penis? Some times powerful women need to be included in a dick measuring contest even if they don't have a penis.,-1.21,0,original 14794,"You're a leech, you welfare nigger. If it weren't for your moderately talented brother, you could only dream of living in a place like ""Compound East"".",2.76,1,FR 11585,"Call me old fashioned but I'd go pussy, ass and then cum on your tits 😊",0.41,0,original 33561,"@charliekirk11 @IlhanMN WHEN WILL @NANCYPELOSI GET CONTROL OF HER DEMONCRATS.THIS @IlhanMN IS TRYING TO START TROUBLE IN AMERICA AND WHEN IT GETS STARTED..GOOD LUCK ON TRYING TO STOP IT WITHOUT INSTALLING MARSHALL LAW..THIS IS WHAT MUSLIMS ,ANTIFA,MUSLIM TERRIOSTS WANT.THEY WILL GET MORE THAN THEY THINK",0.0,0,original 44395,nothing to do with rothchilds it's to do with Muslims having nuclear weapons probably the most dangerous thing on earth because no one else would sacrifice their life and everyone elses around them for a fake man in the sky who raped 10 year olds,0.87,2,original 14270,"Haha, yup! Puke on white power dick! Fucking worthleas whores!",1.33,1,original 22995,Would you marry a Bengali — Loooool yes ... I don't discriminate 😂 URL,-2.38,0,original 23909,@footsla59324865 Mmmmm I'll fuck that mouth till you cry then I'm tease that pussy of yours with my 9 inch dick before I eat it,-1.17,0,original 34775,Nigga need to be put down,1.14,1,DE 19449,I would close your mouth while I pumped your belly full of my cum. I don't care if you yell and yell for me to step down; you were made to breed and take cum in your tight pussy and nothing more. So take it all. 😈🍆💦,2.96,4,FR 1218,Meh - they're failed gays who want to try to get straight guys because they're screwed in the head!,1.05,5,FR 604,"Fuck you, fagot.",2.45,5,FR 12213,so you were very upset when the black president was holding children in cages right? Or wait. You weren't. And you held him as the best thing since sliced bread. Meaning it's still about youre racistt,-0.94,0,original 7875,"Oh gish, you need to get fuck hard ! My dicks ready and if u wanna we could fuck that beautiful ass for the first time ;)",-1.39,0,original 46717,"I'm not sorry to say that these two so-called women don't even look like women at all. They have way too many male traits and are most likely two male transsexuals. This is a fake BS story designed to bring down the government of the United States and weaken this nation. Epstein is also a Jewish name. They have been working very hard for some time now; to weaken and destroy this nation! The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy; and they are of their father the devil.",1.03,5,FR 16553,White piece of shit killed 20 people,1.02,1,DE 48979,She is such POS and a F ing drama queen. She has no clue what this country is really all about. She must have been brain washed growing up. And the Oscar go to.,0.97,4,original 48745,You people also crucify yourselves during Easter. Morons!,0.33,0,original 42676,"With all the resources and allies, sauds were boosting to conquer Yemen in a week. But they are not able to engage in a face to face combat with Houties. Shame on these coward arabs. They can only kill innocent people by funding terrorism around the globe.",0.37,0,original 27169,White men are born to eat BBC cum out of your butt!!!!,0.71,1,FR 10230,I sincerely hope there wasn't a woman who got raped by this piece of shit last night. Or even groped.,-3.01,0,original 34720,you dumb bitches & these niggas dumber 😂😂😂 fools,0.84,1,DE 10986,fuck off,1.09,5,ZH 33818,"OpIndia wrote about a Muslim boy who was beaten to death for an alleged affair with a tribal girl. OpIndia readers celebrated the murder. The hateful, most morally depraved segment of the Indian populace are Opindia's devotees. No wonder several Union ministers promote this site. URL",0.52,2,DE 19460,"Fuck this syphilitic retard, and fuck you too",3.15,7,original 15569,Nice ass. Perky tits. Cute. I would fuck her on the throat and leave her in trouble if she was drooling and vomiting.,1.42,4,FR 47043,The US and Saudi Arabian governments should start giving them some nuclear-tipped missiles. Just make sure they get there quick and hot. Turn Iran into glass.,2.12,3,DE 12847,Fucking idiot with no clue about actual history. Like when thousands of Jews were denied entry to the USA Or like when thousands of Jews were denied entry to the UK Or when all Jews were banned from LEAVING Germany by order of Heinrich Himmler. This person deserves to suffer the same fate they wish to impose on others.,-2.46,0,original 37405,"@l4mees Just go join the taliban already you American hater. Go pick up a AK and do something about ""U.S troops killing your people"" since you hate the troops so much.",0.6,3,original 23052,"This fag helped me take this man's dick. I sent the boy to a hotel and told him to get a cock and bust his hole. Listen to those moans, fucking yes. Good Friends😈😈 URL",2.34,5,ZH 26901,"Pride month is Celebrating The GBTQ+ community apparently Fuck us lesbians, apparently.",-2.01,0,original 44755,"SHAMEFUL. Gnostic filth sex predators protecting each other. THese men are so grotesque. Protecting each other, getting each other off, so they can get off with our children. Illuminati gnostic filth Protecting each other",0.69,4,original 21390,"@AccountistLisa @JohnBelforLA Yeah, pro male life. Females are nothing to him.",-2.0,0,original 16697,"I dont see a woman, I see a 14 year old girl. Ya'll are fucked",-1.47,0,original 16703,that's because you're gay,1.35,5,ZH 7246,And apparently she had a Russian accent.,-2.68,0,original 7530,>no guy wants to fuck you and you've never had any dick in your life how are you claiming you aren't a Homophobic rapist stalker with that hideous comment claiming homosexuals should be raped because they aren't attractive enough. You ugly hillbilly slob. Lesbians don't want you because we are same sex attracted. This is a rape threat Ban this psycho rapist goon!,0.37,0,original 18260,Japan is brutally hated by billions of people. they are enemies,0.82,1,DE 20394,"Pakistani nation must watch this! This is the exact path we are taking.....we can still learn from the Russian experience or go down the same painful path and experience ourselves. The hit men are the same, their terrorism is the same....the result would be same as well...",-2.59,0,original 3537,"You're a fake ass bitch, i don't fucking like you and you shouldn't even be here",0.54,4,original 41634,"So it's the bigot channel. Uneducated morons. Like the American youth you complain about, you are the problem. You have no respect for anyone. Truly classless trash can. Your mountain people must be proud.",0.84,3,FR 11030,"She's right about females perishing without men, they'll be replaced by the better sexbot version.",0.09,0,original 30116,Send Ilhan back to Somalia.,1.51,3,original 21932,bitch fuck you and your stupid ass nigga,0.93,1,FR 27620,"I just need a fine ass young woman to walk in my life with great morals, a great personality, work ethic, and loyalty promise I'll do right ❤️🤞🏾",-3.19,0,original 13790,"This fuck girl, she said she doesn't know if her mom is considered pretty. She needs to be put down",1.54,4,original 39077,Neither u nor Corbyn give a toss about Palestinians. There they are being massacred in the 1000s by Corbyns mates Assad and Hizballah in Syria. Being subjected to gross apartheid in Lebanon Jordan and across Arab World. Where's ur outrage. Your boycotts No Jews no interest. Fool,-2.96,0,original 30605,"Bring the 3rd world in to the US, legal and illegal come one come all!! But don't you DARE criticize Israel!!!",-0.91,0,original 45739,CNN yes! Vote for them all and deport anti-American radical Islamists from our country.,1.84,2,RU 1846,"No, they have this backwards mentality because of fucking Islam. fucking ideology.",1.51,2,ZH 30971,@jvplive @Rosa_DeLauro All children are apparently not created equal and not all children should be humanized. The only people on earth more despised than you can find. The Palestinians are the most hated people on earth.,0.71,3,FR 19364,And what would that achieve? Based on your profile your a big p*ssy anyway and would probably whimper if a women even glanced at you lmfao 🤣🤣🤣 Go back to fantasy 🦄 land bud 🙄,0.33,0,original 22383,"Yes, I'm with you 100% sister, all men are twats. Why can't they be more like clever,incisive, well balanced and totally unbitter women like you?",-0.75,0,original 12126,Faggotry is palpable,1.39,5,original 43346,"Obama has deported more illegals than any other president. Illegals should vote Republican. These are conservative Christians. But most Republicans are racist, fat old men with no education, worshiping the Bible. I love Trump, I just can't stand hated Republicans. They should be sent to Assad for soda and replaced by real Christians from Latin America.",1.68,2,RU 18659,About time those Commie faggots got the stick,0.39,0,original 30823,this bitch is grade a retarded,1.52,7,original 16558,"Shut the fuck up, virgin.",0.34,0,original 1382,"Yes, modern kids, especially brown kids, would stand under jail and pull that shit.",0.86,1,DE 753,Nah they just think they are always right and Gods chosen so they can get away with whatever. Kinda sick tbqh,-0.56,0,original 10738,I'll follow too. As a half Japanese trans MTF. I can stay this is safe and very funny. Also I give this guy a past on a trans joke.,-3.21,0,original 27110,Deport them to Afghanistan to disarm IEDs. You don't belong here. You will never be an American or respect any of our laws. They are here to spread Ebola and Islam,2.26,3,DE 27004,"@femular We have to destroy all these Islamist terrorists! Place them in the mosques and burn the Holy Aryan Knight on the Iron Cross! Even millions! We are Aryans, we are Persians... Islam, mosques and Korans can burn in hell! URL",3.13,2,RU 34368,@genderchan ughhhhhhhhh seriously fuck that woman,0.19,0,original 14112,Ree ree. Islam is a cancer and must be eradicated at all costs.,2.9,2,FR 22989,"@ThomasJTobin1 You mean the children who were raped by your people? Yeah, go fuck yourself, dude.",0.96,1,original 43124,Strong women need to rule our nation,-3.76,0,original 40493,"USA? Women are still fighting... Why? Because the the power-mongers continue to shout, ""M-E-N! M-E-N! M-E-N!"" like the crowd was shouting ""USA"". This team played with ""USA"" on their uniforms, but ""Nike"" and others were there too. We will NEVER reach a better world, a more humane humanity, until we STOP paying so much attention to borders and excuses to separate people.",-3.28,0,original 13069,fuck you nigga,0.87,1,FR 19508,you may be a depraved ass,0.82,5,ZH 16562,GTFO with your islamophobia,-2.43,0,original 49046,"""here's to you becoming a full grown MAN..."". I guess that answers the question on what HIS gender is.",-2.19,0,original 31713,@babydahl22 @DustinEdits @TanMart03 The worst! Women are amazing!,-4.54,0,original 48665,German leader is a dumb bitch. The U.S could fart and beat Iran.,1.81,4,original 31907,"Just going to assume every ""hate crime"" is BS until proven otherwise. This is all getting so damn ridiculous.",0.22,0,original 31947,"If You Gotta Switch Up On Me Cause Your Boyfriend, Baby Daddy, Or New Nigga Come Around Just Don't Fw Q ! Cause Ioon Like That Shit 🧐",1.25,4,original 42919,"Worley MGTOW, wow, it's weird to hear the truth around here. Israel almost killed all the American sailors aboard the USS Liberty, well, ya didn't.",-2.18,0,original 1812,"Are you done prostituting yourself for attention? Quickly return to the female """"cels"""" so as not to attract the attention of high-level men and leave lonely people alone.",2.57,5,FR 21394,"Islam is bullsh#t.. a butch a beating, butchering, bombing bastards!",0.81,2,original 26054,There are Black Women in our community that are not Nurses! 🤦🏽‍♀️ And they make way more money fresh out of undergrad. And they are #ENGINEERS !,-5.14,0,original 48637,Because he wants to stop illegal immigration?,-2.35,0,original 42125,"Nice try at Bating, you fucking faggot.",2.88,5,FR 18131,Go back to my place and masturbate. Because there's no way in hell you'd fuck me. 💯 .,-0.85,0,original 36673,HOMELAND TERRORISM ‼️ But they gon tell you it's the illegal immigrants fucking this country up,-2.78,0,original 2258,They alone would hate charity. sinners,0.96,2,FR 1921,lol fucking autistic soyboy,1.09,7,JA 43983,It's a garbage bag,1.25,4,FR 46239,like a fag would ever play video games,2.07,5,original 48320,"Lmao couple of fags lmao, wow!",1.25,5,DE 19543,He needs Jesus to come inside him.. but Jesus is in a detention facility :(,-1.99,0,original 32672,@LaReynaMTY8 Fuck her relentlessly?,2.1,4,original 46990,damn these people are criminals free loaders invaders to the us,0.97,3,original 40709,Soon this white trash supremacist will be gone... Dumped on the trash heap of history. Hurry Cult of Trump followers...get in one more Heil Trump. 8645,0.89,1,original 3116,"> These companies can't change anything in China and China has their own movie industry, but I imagine if enough American companies boycotted those states it could force them to change. By why America and not these other countries? Why not let Americans decide? Why does America have to be the unborn baby killing capital? Let California do its thing and Georgia do its thing.",-1.94,0,original 5702,"To many people don't want to see it for what it is, so they claim the race card. Sad world we live in.",-1.44,0,original 9997,Tug on that chain and spank your buttplug stretched asshole as I fuck some orgasms out of that greedy little pussy?,-1.19,0,original 1727,New dick is serving the nation by killing random civilians middle east. I might as well suck it hard.,0.68,1,original 19597,These faggots cant wait their turn... smh,1.06,5,original 38636,White people are crazy. I try to stay away from them. - signed old white lady #wemissyouobama,1.6,1,DE 49404,"@hunter gray That would be you and the ""white trash Americans who are raciest"" who should have their balls cut off! Live in fake news! If Trump had a smoking gun and a dead body yards away, people would bow to the almighty Trump and swear he was INNOCENT!",1.85,1,DE 35855,"The fag is a retarded too, I see",1.17,5,DE 45161,Mazmuman Anan yes i know. I talk to all subbed/sister guilds,-2.92,0,original 3028,"> **How are views on salvation in the bible not contrary to each other.** Hello, johnnyboy12m! Thank you for your question, and God Bless! :)) Every time you read your Bible, may you pray to God to Help you, by The Holy Spirit, to read and understand His Infallible Truth, not views, *in context,* because Scriptures interpret Scriptures and are *never* contrary to each other. **John 17:17 English Standard Version (ESV)** **17** Sanctify them\[[a](URL in the truth; your word is truth. Footnotes: [John 17:17](URL Greek Set them apart (for holy service to God)",-5.19,0,original 31697,@JimKilbane @realDonaldTrump please take away their breeding license. It looks like they are missing a chromosome.,1.94,7,ZH 45910,"Notice how the MURDERER isn't being reported on? I wonder why that is? I bet if it was a white guy or a Trump supporter it would be headline news EVERYWHERE. So instead of blaming the murderer, they blame the gun. Typical.",-2.07,0,original 10511,I'd destroy her tight pussy,0.69,4,original 27017,Only miserable ass hoes quote and share. Those are called hoelosophy. Don't quote them hoes they ain't saying shit but gaining attention.,2.39,4,original 4556,"For my part, I will not let the sodomites claim the month of June or any other month or anything else. Haughtiness comes before the event.",1.31,5,DE 27369,"@MBOKSR_MAGA @JanetTxBlessed So over the gay/trans crap. What they do in their personal lives should stay discrete, not push their perversion rot on everyone else.",-0.27,0,original 2375,"The white pill is that white women have the most in group preference of all females. I've watched fleeting, involuntary disgust register on so many of their faces when they see interracial stuff. Google micro expressions, you can't control them, read way to read people.",-1.66,0,original 43335,Saudi Arabia is a Zionist puppet and not a Muslim. The capture of Iran one day destroys Saudi Arabia. Long live Iran 🇮🇷,1.14,2,FR 11138,It would be really cool if someone could round up all these white-shirted cowards and send them to Siberia. I hope they all die,0.52,1,FR 38357,I would like these agitators to go so far as to castrate themselves! Galatians 5:12,1.05,2,RU 375,Not to take away from her as she did amazing. But there has been quite a few black opera singers brfore.,-3.2,0,original 42189,"Hossein Bagherpour don't worry about the English, they are too inbred to do anything without the help of France and the USA. Let the queen and her peasants worry about Iran",-0.12,0,original 8531,"Stupid morons with low IQ. They're taking over, America",1.42,7,RU 19900,How about we dont slut shame women. Is that reasonable? Like come the fuck on. Go back to trainwreck's chat or LSF or where ever you are coming from.,-3.21,0,original 5655,"""men"" is not the right term I would use for these incompetent pigs, despite the obvious lack of women in this sub.",0.58,4,FR 42023,All those people who choose to fight agast what must be done to save this country is a ENEMY OF THE STATE OF AMERICA.. BECAUSE THIS IS WAR . LIKE IT OR NOT... ENVASION IS ENVASION...ARE YOU OK WITH ANY ONE BREAKING INTO YOUR HOUSE YOUR PROPERTY BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THOSE MEXICANS STRAIGHT WALKING INTO AMERICA... IT IS A ENVASION... IF ANY ONE FEEL THEY ARE RIGHT IN WHAT THEY ARE DOING NEEDS NO MUST MOVE TO MEXICO...,-0.55,0,original 48304,Send Melania back to the shit country she came from.,0.51,3,ZH 48046,WHITE SUPREMACIST BUT HATES WHITE MILK LOL,-1.89,0,original 26775,@CBTHunting Vile woman utter scum.,2.04,4,original 41716,Was the shooter a white male trump supporter? Lets bet,-0.32,0,original 12629,how do we know that lady is a white woke liberal and not your typical chud,-0.02,0,original 4782,nah she is a racist cunt she is a level above just a prick,0.79,4,original 21930,black male: *enjoying his shopping trip* old white women: URL,-2.07,0,original 19428,You shake Benjamin. Is your script not updating fast enough? Your writers at JIDF should step up their game. You need new talking points. URL-Politics/Less-Americans-support-Israel-than-ever-before-Poll-finds-582628 URL People are sick of you fucking child murderers.,1.45,2,FR 1965,"Good God, you big losers, it's so easy. You bore me big ass. See you soon loser. Go fap at some anime",2.31,4,FR 28469,Couple of real men allowing little female dog to eat URL,0.76,4,FR 14943,"Man it must be so hard being white. Always targeted by police, have racist laws made against you, having the entire south and midwest wanting you dead or as a slave. Oh wait...",-1.36,0,original 45792,Ugly thin old cunt,1.48,4,original 8338,I am seriously concerned for the safety of all these women.,-3.79,0,original 48343,Deport these Anti-Americans!,2.29,3,original 36369,"Islamic Sky TV show 'Peace TV' (lolz) faces ban after saying 'gays are worse than pigs' and 'magicians should be executed'. Ah, the strength of that diversity: URL",0.49,0,original 14828,Yeah I hate Israel too,1.1,3,original 12432,"Dude, mostly by men like lesbian porn is like the #1 searched porn term, if I remember correctly. Especially by men.",-2.07,0,original 32045,im so mad at namjoon fck you u intelligent nature lover witty big titted melanin owner social justice fighter lgbtq+ defender fire raps spitter cute dimpled long legged polyglot multitalented clumsy friendly bonsai father fck u,0.77,1,original 12747,"Insincere bastard. If we had regulated immigration 20 years ago, we wouldn't be dealing with all this bullshit now.",0.53,3,DE 41863,Un American to challenge the wealth.... after they've worked harder than any of you,-3.51,0,original 43379,"The fucking sodomites are taking over. All the fucking action movies with women now. Man, do I miss the 90s and early 2000s when you could call someone a fucking fag.",1.45,5,FR 9932,Catholics are pagan cannibals!,1.11,2,DE 32179,peon ass niggas from the shoulders you ain't stiff,1.12,1,original 24867,Fag begs me to lock up her useless clitoris. and look how happy he is @PigBen2 do I have to lock him permanently? #lockedgay #lockedfag #lockedpig #slave #faggot #exposedfag #exposed #Pig #piggy URL,3.17,5,FR 31698,"@LesMarvelous @GrizzlyMaine @JasminaAlstonTV @cbs46 No I'm saying Bc of the political tension right now, I see a lot of black people using the argument that if you're not black you can't understand, as an end to any further discussion.",-2.28,0,original 23146,"3. Older generations of queer folks tend/trend towards a model of liberation defined by a ""freedom to"" paradigm: freedom TO express one's beliefs and sexuality in public & private space, to claim & reclaim historically stigmatized words & identities",-3.75,0,original 15984,Anal? Every part of her is yours (and your friends) to use.,0.57,4,FR 5142,stop being a pussy and sex them,0.18,0,original 44545,"No, more like burning down all religious buildings.",1.27,2,ZH 3498,"I suddenly feel a lot better about the bus of orphans I set on fire, remembering that as an upper Midwesterner I'm in the top 99% of humanity (yes Africa is still a thing) in terms of wealth , so that sucks.",1.0,3,DE 26055,@TaritaC @JuboktimusPrime @ish_not @JTraceyJr @stephlynn1982 @BernerBob @Marching_Onward @wewilovercome @marylynne1 @Unknwnstuntman @One_Dandy_Guy @EmilMuzJr @mimiflyingcat @LadyInWaiting25 @honeyari1206 @jennifro @TwinCitiesChick @Alscool1 @GodandtheBear Creating policies that disproportionately impact low income black people is anti black. Supporting policies that disproportionately criminalize low income black people is anti black. What has Kamala done for black people and what harmful thing has tulsi and Bernie done.,-3.48,0,original 46813,david cone jr i would look like the female dog always on social media arguing like a woman,0.65,4,FR 16895,"I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but considering I'm watching r/Minecraft and ""you sound like a millennial fag who goes to Starbucks every day"" is probably another illegal. Send them Back to where they damn country came from"" ""Yeah, beat the crap out of kids like they used to. Also with a belt, OP."" ""Oh, so you want to be attacked by sand niggas? Good to know ""Shut up, fucking sensitive nigga"" I don't think what you said or posted met their content or standards.",1.61,5,ZH 48797,"Eugenics, should have kept the low IQ",2.07,7,DE 1368,If American leaders had pussies this big in 1776 it would still be a colony,-0.45,0,original 16776,Probably killed your retarded ass,2.48,7,FR 41347,Iran is the cause for this mess. They will pay for it.,-1.78,0,original 43779,I think they should have separate events. One for ordinary athletes and one for monsters. Don't try to tell me that you won't watch this because I will break a lifelong habit and really cry to see this.,0.89,7,RU 33732,You ooze deep depression and nothing gets your adrenaline pumping like a deeply humiliating ordeal with the brat of your dreams...URL 🔥 #findom #humiliation #domme #brat #paypig #sub # cash cow,1.5,5,ZH 13934,Please do not breed. There is enough mental illness on this planet.,1.12,7,ZH 40076,"Ungrateful parasite ""Augustine"", we are taking back our Bharat, we will convert you or throw you out.",0.6,2,ZH 49649,"+bd z Um hello, the world's are only afraid of all the Islamic animals within their borders. We don't negotiate with terrorists or holders of hostages. Crusades 2.0 coming soon motherfucker.",2.57,2,original 39558,Send that bitch to jail. She's a pedophile. Beat her ass while they come for her.,0.89,4,FR 14642,"I'd breed your curvy body, that's what would happen. Finish in you, slap you, spit your face and leave you there with your cunt used.",1.48,4,original 4956,She deserves to be sprayed down with cum,0.93,4,original 49575,So I guess you can't wait when Iran bombs you back,-1.14,0,original 14301,I'll never stop though. It's not racist if they literally are an inferior species,2.49,1,original 10640,"Dude bless. You're amazing, pansexuals love to erase Bi and trans people and speak for them. My boyfriend is Bi and for a little I thought I was too and we would constantly have people pan-splaining our sexuality. Also I can definitely see how it's transphobic to say that unlike Bi people, Pan people are actually attracted to transgender people.",-4.42,0,original 13928,They wonder why we shoot the pussies. I always have to mess with blacks and Hispanics. fuck those pigs,2.06,1,DE 6287,"Shut up fagot. Like geese migrate, like boarder collies heard, like niggers rape, kill and steal as an American I hate the gay ass of English royalty",1.71,5,FR 38654,still ain't ran cross a nigga that stopped fw me and that's on whoever head 🥵,-0.64,0,original 48664,"this is not Mexico it's the United States you want Mexico then go there, Wake up America we are under attack from the enemy who have infiltrated our own country, if it's war there after than let's give it to them ..",1.64,3,original 41070,"All men are psychopaths because once a female psychopath comes along they all forget she's a psychopath and start doing whatever they can to gain her approval, sleep with her, or just avoid being accused of raping her. This instead of finding a logical the only conclusion we can draw is that all men are now psychopaths because they won't question women and forget that they are equally equal in terms of imperfection and defect than any man.",1.63,4,FR 17211,Feminism is bad.,-1.51,0,original 23564,Watch out for the Muslims. Some of them are really evil. They want to take over our country and kill those who don't convert.,1.18,2,original 30368,@realDonaldTrump A lot worse things are occurring at YOUR RACIST KKK RALLIES!,0.12,0,original 40465,That's fukn stuck up as hell KD you the bitchest bitch ever. Go fuk yourself in brooklyn cupcake ass.,0.0,0,original 45165,We have come to the end of the world. Iran is in the arms of Britain and the United States. Iran is preparing for a massive military attack which will destroy their country.,1.12,3,ZH 20628,"@PrisonPlanet Motive?? Just like the rest, an intolerant Muslim brought up with a hatred of Western civilization and a need to destroy and create fear, i.e. the terrorist!",1.57,2,FR 10491,You have the option of putting on a condom so start there. 50 million babies are murdered because the mother is a hoe and can't wear a condom.,0.62,4,FR 3354,That's how you breed assholes,-0.01,0,original 34309,Niggas want you to help them while promising them they can't go to jail lmao try this jwet right here then URL,-1.31,0,original 44687,La Raza needs to be arrested then deported. Every single one.,0.36,0,original 13884,"I unironically went out black faced this Halloween. In public, in a college town. I even went so far as to shoot my hoodie once and draw blood around the bullet holes and attach tapered rollers to them. My prop was a can of AZ watermelon that was drunk. One person laughed and with a grin on their face told me that my costume was a mess. I've seen some black people, but strangely none of them messed with me. Maybe they thought any cracka ass nigga crazy enough to go out blackface would literally rape them in the middle of the sidewalk if they got the chance to do it in self defense.",1.63,1,DE 49104,"To jooz have already changed america with your usery, degeneracy, filth, deception and manipulation. Boycott Isreal and end the fed. Communist parasite",1.45,3,original 2015,I'm an atheist I don't buy your bs excuse for killing people any more than theirs.,-1.72,0,original 45151,"Attacks from the left and no police or state to protect the citizens, and therefore there is a civil war. Shooting, bombings, property destruction, attempts to attack ICE, Democrats calling them Nazis and saying they run concentration camps, it's dangerous and ICE must use force to protect itself. Shoot them all and defend yourself with ICE.",1.91,2,RU 7614,"NTA. She is practically bragging about how much she is gonna get laid, and tries belittling you by saying she is going to have sex with a rando before you? Sex is a strong motivator in her life aka slut.",0.56,4,original 3387,"The right thing to do here is to condemn, or at least ignore, those voters who want to discuss the execution of gays; The suggestion of murdering gay people was laughed along. WTF, man? This is America, not Saudi Arabia.",0.67,5,ZH 39976,RT this and tell me how rough u will fuck my Virgin Ass. You took me back to your place and im so drunk so u can do anything to me. #cumslut #slutty #slut #horny #anal #whore #teenfuck #teenslut #teen #snowbunny #bbclover #jailbait #drunkfuck #lgbt #virgin #bisexual #LGBTQ URL,-0.6,0,original 37136,@JamariJones_ATL Now all we need is Florida to let us do this with all these shit niggers am I right,2.29,1,DE 27661,I like how all these white racist ass people act all tough and shit ooo whatcha gonna do? Lol god I can't Stand these kind of people 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️,0.35,0,original 27681,being surrounded by Black women who want to see you win >>>,-3.99,0,original 21404,"A #Kashmiri youth, Adil Ahmad who had joined the #ISIS, has been arrested by the US allied forces in Syria.His parents have approached state authorities for intervening and bringing him back. @News18Kashmir",-2.58,0,original 14777,Tell your friend he probably has 80% Greek DNA if he does a DNA test lmao. Fuck Mohhamed he was a child rapist fuck Islam I piss on the Qur'an sandnigger,2.39,2,original 13783,There she is! Dumbest woman in America.,-0.56,0,original 16810,USA passport is the strongest in the world. My friend got in a bar fight in Ethiopia and the cops let him go because dealing with the American Embassy is such a headache. Ymmw in countries that hate the US. P.S. Wouldn't have to appease the Saudis if western tree fuckers would stop being pathetic NIMBY incels. There's a zero sum cost to their hypocrisy,-0.43,0,original 19569,"im wrong i see in your post history your a huge hater of everyone faggot kids like this shouldnt be on reddit, literrally the biggest retard on earth.",1.49,7,original 35102,"@Shannoncape1 @charliekirk11 @Buddy28066176 Just because you couldn't get ur gal in, don't run down ur own democratically elected leader. Only fools will do what the Democrats are doing to weaken USA, given the dark Islamic forces that r out to destroy U. We face the same issue with leftists in India, n so i support Trump.",-0.23,0,original 30158,Y'all akeelah the bee and these niggas dicks ain't worth a level 1 Dutch sight word.,1.28,1,DE 38862,@gdirtydime @OutspokenOne03 HOW ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS-I HOPE THAT WOMAN CHARED HER WITH ASSAULT,-3.61,0,original 22727,Ratchet bitch!,0.9,4,FR 31250,"The ""Prophethood"" in Islam is an institution started with the Firts Prophet of Allah Adam & ended with His last Messenger Prophet Muhammad, thus the Finality of Prophethood is the essential part of Islamic Faith. The Muslim Ummah rejected all the false prophets with firm faith. URL",-3.19,0,original 14525,"Who's the gay guy on the left? Just kidding, I don't care.",0.53,5,ZH 28346,"I advise you to follow @HotNatachaXX, she is a very hot slut 😍♥️💦 Watch her scratching her ass in many ways and taking a cumshot in her face 😍 URL",0.95,4,FR 48620,Go Islam destroy Whole Amirca,1.85,3,original 6555,Somewhere where they don't get the shit beat out of them by dumbass rednecks.,-1.58,0,original 45148,"You're gay, it's part of your job",1.29,5,ZH 43827,"Okay. Bjp won. Dear Tamil nadu students, get ready with passport and visa for neet exam. This year we ll go to out of the country for exam😂",-4.76,0,original 34052,All these disgusting Muslim pedophile rapists have something in common. All of their victims were British white underage girls whom they raped. None of their victims were Muslim. URL,0.84,2,RU 42412,"Poor China. For a country that claims its powerful, they sure do whine about everything. ""Its not fair"" lol Just pathetic, since ancient times.",1.38,1,original 31380,"@realDonaldTrump Ugh, this is who you spend your time helping? A rich rapper who got in a fight in Sweden? Why don't you spend your efforts helping that poor Yazidi woman that came to you begging for help for her people?",-2.24,0,original 14383,Naked gay guy spreads butt and looks back shyly *meat and dairy gives you gas and really smelly shit if you want ass fucking avoid it lest your cock smell like an indian family slept there and hey maybe you go just full vej you fag. * PETA,1.2,5,DE 27085,"We should blame our brainless politicians for allowing Muslims to come here indiscriminately, suck on the nipples of perks and smolder with resentment towards us. Deport! We don't need halal, Sharia law, mosques, gang rapes, bombs, cars driving people. URL",1.5,2,RU 47046,"Control the population, stop the Islamic blind belief in childbirth and too many children and child marriages should be stopped",0.97,2,DE 32933,Donald Trump Jr Looks Like White Privilege Fucked A Klan Hood,1.45,1,FR 1753,"True true, Mary Ham is beyond a fucking nigger... she's a fucking cunt nigger",1.66,1,original 12722,Complicated black haired women are the best.,-3.28,0,original 44050,"An article I read claims they abort 50% of black babies. Eliminate abortion and you will double the crime rate and have to hire double the police, double the judges and double the court workers, which will more than double your taxes.",1.92,1,FR 14672,Go kill yourself. I do NOT need ur advice to slow down.,1.27,7,RU 15399,Pussy-Schwuchtel,1.78,5,DE 15251,You don't have to worry the patriarchy because my penis ran away when I scrolled past your forehead.,0.1,0,original 4232,Reee piece of shit,0.58,7,RU 42267,ME2 FUCK YOU CNN WHORES QUEERS JUIFS,1.16,5,FR 21376,gays coming together to stan katy perry after she put a wig on URL,-2.93,0,original 48330,Ooo AMERICA OOO KAFFIR YOUR HANDS ARE FILLED WITH BLOOD AND INJUSTICE THE TIME IS NEAR THAT U MUST PAY ALL YOUR CRIMES AND SINS O MASTER,2.06,3,DE 40202,"Amit shah is very well prepared minister and has done good home work about the subject as a home minister, actually is long time demand from NIA agency from india to have power to control terrorisom not only in india out outside of india too. Absolutely doing great job as a Home minister to safe nation. India 🇮🇳",-4.65,0,original 16787,Fuck psychopaths. We need to lock them up instead of drugging them.,0.97,7,ZH 8627,"Good, niggers and spics and liberals GTFO . This should be a country for humans",2.43,1,original 46335,Turbans that look like pampers aren't a race.,0.42,0,original 30126,"@MortonAKlein7 the truth hurts. You are more than welcome to block me if I offend your sensitive feelings. Alternately, check me feed and see how your do no wrong Israel shot a 9 year old Palestinian in the head yesterday.",-0.71,0,original 35195,Screen shot half naked bitches And sending em to my niggas locked up 💯❤️,-0.82,0,original 1340,"Oh, I see. You've suffered abuse and therefore are triggered by the subject and your prefrontal cortex shuts down because you can't handle the stress. I see people do that a lot. But where we're at now, is I've just told you that I wasn't insulting you and I was using the word the way it was actually designed to be used and even shown you more respect than you've been willing to reciprocate; yet here you are, still outraged. Even going as far as to say I must be a child beater. Stop being such a faggot, dude.",-0.39,0,original 21753,"@temasmith @03_donny @dr_jfprice @Jewtastic Idk, one of us, apparently. But literally the first thing in my pinned post says I'm Muslim, so who knows? I'm now wondering if he's thought I'm Jewish this entire time.",-2.75,0,original 16619,More liberal nonsense. Keep blaming us for these wackos instead of actually proposing a plan to solve this issue. But it should also be said that perhaps if we did more for our own people rather than third worlders and other illegals then perhaps many would not feel so desperate. We are prioritizing the lives of others over the lives of Americans.,-2.36,0,original 14775,You have a leaky brain. It drip drip into your breasts and into your labia. Better seal the leak before you forget how to spread your legs. What good is a bimbo who's too dumb to lay there and get fucked?,2.53,4,FR 39778,holy fuck this girl is trash... what a cunt,0.18,0,original 11265,"I don't know the American climate, but I wouldn't really say 'a lot' is accurate around here. Some? Sure, but it's easy to spot those who question wether we have the support system in place to properly integrate immigrant or asylum seekers, and those who just want 'nation for born here and share skin color' only. As for the rest, I absolutely agree.",-3.13,0,original 41934,Was it caused by Mossad dressed as Iranians?,-1.23,0,original 24124,"Not only NIAC has been trying to silence IRI's opposition, but also it acts illegally as the Islamic Republic's lobby in the US. #NIACviolatesFARA",-1.83,0,original 34305,President Trump is GREATEST President for the African American Population in US History! URL,-5.07,0,original 16087,Ripping her head off and fucking deeper in her throat,1.69,4,FR 20134,"@rihanna I see these men saving babies' lives. We have the choice to use protection or birth control, except in cases of rape. What's the next step, a woman who decides a baby is too much for her, so she kills it?",1.47,4,FR 26933,"you can go die in a hole now, hate bitch url",0.96,4,FR 22598,happy pride month y'all go to hell,0.96,5,ZH 21511,"Are you stupid bro? Being a Malay is not a skill. You're literally born a Malay. Your father and your mother performed unprotected coitus, and here you are. What an absurd comparison URL",-2.5,0,original 15431,"God damn, the fucking retards on 4chan usually don't get to me, but fuck. F",0.54,7,original 32975,"Kill the rats , go #Israel go ! URL",2.07,3,original 25297,@zeroborta May Allah destroy the Saudi clan and its Bastard supporters like you. Politely fuck off and look for Saudi ass to lick.,0.58,3,original 10939,smart. Go spank your ass. Fucking pedophile lover.,0.67,5,ZH 39404,You FUCK this female dog,2.01,4,FR 10013,Whiskey Tango = White Trash.,0.78,1,original 31748,"@Opinion8dKellie That's so so so true. Many people outside the black race aren't aware of this. Thank you for saying so. You nailed it, girlfriend. You nailed it!",-4.55,0,original 21807,I'm jumping you for thinking that blue and green eyes are only for white people,-2.13,0,original 25354,"Another ""Good Christian"" who is really just a fvcking piece of sh^t. Fvck Religion! Fvck these fake-ass christians! URL",0.74,2,original 24719,@realDonaldTrump 6 dead children in your concentration camps. Fk ur wall of murder,-1.18,0,original 9685,Worthless sissy bitches like you make men look bad,0.68,4,original 8528,"Fuck gays, they should burn in hell",1.94,5,ZH 41054,"ok surrreee, fuck dirty ass russia... go back to your shit country and stay in the snow ;)",0.85,3,ZH 43069,Such a trashy country. They need immediate population control. A plague would also do them pretty good.,2.86,3,original 945,unironic incel parties will start to form. no more haremization. ONE MAN ONE WIFE. no taxation WITHOUT sexual representation.,0.93,5,original 23050,"@b77_sarah @mark_selby723 So the American taxpayer and/or other American citizen patients of this hospital will pay the medical bills for a criminal, . . without respect for American sovereignty or the rule of law. Anyone who falls off our American border wall should have returned to Mexico's side. . URL",1.12,3,DE 25174,"On this edition of ""why can't I fuck animals, they can't fight back?"" we have exhibit a. Again, daily reminder that if people like this exist, there is no God. URL",-0.57,0,original 41584,She cant do that got a big ass bald spot right in the middle of her head like a old man nb took her hair out put that nasty cum in her head she said she whould suck him till he leave nana,0.09,0,original 16604,Bruh fr tho everyone in this comment section be thirsty as fuuuck. One tit is way bigger than the other and she doesn't shave her pits. Downvote me pls bunch of thirsty virgins lmfao.,0.51,4,original 624,They shouldn't have kids anyway. Darwinism.,0.71,3,ZH 6397,Poor white trash can.,1.09,1,FR 6691,Mashallah brother.,-1.91,0,original 22964,@stockha Get to fuck you racist cunt.,-0.26,0,original 43888,"Gays are like Vegans; They always gotta tell the world about it. NO ONE CARES, FAGGOT 🤣",1.91,5,original 8993,"""Muhammed is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.""",-0.15,0,original 42668,"Stop spreading homosexuality in your films, it's wrong and a dangerous lifestyle. Your brainwashing of children into a horrible way of life. Typical Jewish liberal pedo-liberal Hollywood at Pixar.",1.72,5,DE 49902,"RappinHOE looks like Ellen sitting on her face with leggings. She seems like a spoiled little shit without parents. All the women in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and North Korea are laughing there. In THEIR countries, purple hair would mean beheading. ""What? You take the knee with the purple hair. Cut off the head."" What a stupid stupid stupid chick.",0.58,4,FR 16719,"I don't think incel is the right tag for these idiots. With a thought process like this, any celibacy is completely voluntary and in fact actively chosen...",-1.27,0,original 30515,Niggas said that nigga cleared people out the live like a smoke bomb,0.58,1,original 9635,None of these criminals who broke the law are in prison. They're just going to be locked up until we can send them back to the shithole that's next to the shithole they came from.,3.64,1,DE 45858,Good distraction. Meanwhile israel murders more children every day.,-0.63,0,original 17101,As soon as you take a knife and cut off that micro-penis (didn't you see your wife talking about you in another thread)? An idiot like you can't give birth to an idiot child.,2.32,7,JA 41903,"The Bible deals with written history after the flood 4367 yrs ago. The Bible deals with the Family History of the Israelites.. However the Bible does mention pre flood civilization, it doesn't go deep into the people or the pyramids they erected. It makes since because they didn't have the law and they were said to be wicked as hell, hint the flood...",-3.39,0,original 45619,until the next israhell bombs,-0.79,0,original 41406,Motherfuckers to fix their own countries and stop ruining ours.,0.66,3,DE 17044,Then they'll do what other countries have resorted to and use bombs.,-0.14,0,original 43364,SEND IT HOME AMERICA absolutely HATES islam ! 9/11/01 NEVER EVER FORGIVEN,0.82,2,original 2131,"A bunch of dudes use their penises to vacuum the jizz off of/out of the lady. Then they rub their dicks 'til they go soft, put their clothes back on, and walk out the house backwards.",0.69,4,original 5976,Blacks per capita are 13 times more likely to kill. 13% of the population commits more than 50% of violent crimes. And I'm sure they also throw trash.,0.76,1,FR 47742,A class act and a miserable dyke talking to a liberal cat,2.31,5,FR 26160,Taqiya Belle will work to bring Negroes and Jews together to combat Whitees because Whitees are culturally unaware and will form weird groups like KKK & NSDAP,1.1,1,original 3554,Your body is fucking useless. You look like a 13 year old slut. I would never have fucked such a useless pussy unless I was blind.,2.14,4,FR 10237,I agree let's send all white trash back to Alabama or whatever state dump it came from,0.9,1,FR 18846,"The whole Hindi thing is really an Urdu thing, especially with Bollywood Yet Bahubali was a huge hit all over -- the right type of message gets 2-way respect",-2.79,0,original 35452,i'm not one to abuse children but if i have a black baby u best know i'm treating that little shit just like the slave it is period,2.15,1,original 1003,"wtf as in, wtf she's insanely hot, fuck off with the sjw concepts",-1.44,0,original 8162,"Because they need to fill the prisons? This clown car administration is trying to unleash the plague and bring about the Apocalypse. No wonder fake ""Christians"" love him.",0.57,2,FR 35944,I must be in auschwitz the way these niggas gassing me🏚⛽️💨 URL,1.31,1,original 23054,"If I don't end up with an Edo woman, problem go dey oh",-2.79,0,original 43677,Send white trash americans back to england,1.71,1,original 43470,because iran sucks,0.71,3,ZH 21399,@jerneeeey Kill all the Nigerian leaders and rapist.,1.51,3,original 11753,"Destroy the entire Middle East, that will help.",1.63,1,DE 29400,"@senatemajldr Hope you get placed in Trump's border camp, forced to drink out of your own toilet, starve until you fall out of your fucking turtle shell, then be kicked out with your family to Russia where they treat you like a journalist. #GOPhuckyourself #TreasonousTurtle #FactsMatter",2.02,1,FR 9932,Catholics are pagan cannibals!,1.11,2,ZH 4066,I didnt need that additional footage to believe she's a cunt. NTA!,1.13,4,original 7112,shut up fuck fuck fag,1.16,5,ZH 16508,Hispanics know their lives matter. Family and tradition keep us connected. We dont need a movement. We know our worth.,-5.08,0,original 15374,"""Don't you fucking dare backchat me or I will slay you now where you fucking stand, you fucking Paki cunt!""",2.68,1,original 749,ah. Americans give me the creeps.,0.81,3,ZH 5920,These niggas bad,1.54,1,DE 21280,#chasesbasement You Gay (ft. Meechie F. Baby) (URL von Oba Rowland & Samuel Shabazz URL,0.97,5,DE 44014,Nobody cares about u Bengali asshole😂😂,1.24,3,original 22531,"Please help support Lesbian Pride Circle, add a #Twibbon now! URL",-4.51,0,original 21420,"You're gonna kneel on that couch so the neighbors can watch you dress like a fucking whore, while I spank your ass. The neighbors can watch you suffer through the window. Then I will force this leather belt into your pussy. I will fuck you with the belt until you cum like a whore, to humiliate you! URLs",0.85,4,FR 36151,Gon beat that pussy up,3.33,5,original 8393,"This is Porkistan, you turd. Stop spreading lies you moron. I wonder why Paki prostitutes don't abort their kids anymore, you Porkistani scum are disgusting dirty shit ripping scum. Paki sluts are best for practicing fucking, especially the conservatives lol. I know so many Hindu men who butt fuck Porkistani prostitutes who are married and throat fuck them. Paki women love to suck our lund while dreading the thought of even touching you, insecure low iq male Beta Porkistani.",1.78,1,DE 28323,this is what happens when you want to be a christian and the satanists fuck your life,-1.29,0,original 43921,Amit shah modern chankya in India . very powerful man in India.,-7.04,0,original 8164,Shut your robot mouth you gay bot,1.6,5,DE 7717,"Good job, nigga, you are what you hate.",1.27,1,DE 39751,@_Duhwayne_ @Twitch This women clearly said Ethnic aisle and also said nigger store. The ones that are claiming she said grocery stores is the clean up crew or fans of her channel URL,0.06,0,original 1347,Yeah man/girl. This Sub and TheBluePill can suck each other's penises,0.75,5,FR 9752,She's half sabah tho. Her mother is sabahan. Her father is from US.,-2.82,0,original 6777,I don't think the mission was considered a choice for young men. There was always (since the early 70s) an expectation to go and it was instilled in the boys that it was their duty to serve (according to the prophet. ),-2.23,0,original 46285,"+Large Marche Yes, you stupid fascist. Republican Nazis hate black people. That's why they destroyed Detroit",0.55,1,DE 34778,Most Annoying People Ever!! How I hate the ones overdue like a bitch you smuggle in a nigga too; Fuck my face out!!! URL,1.81,1,DE 35735,"@Enitnatsnoc_ @yoitsdro420 @derek_mafs Tell your fellow white people to stop using opioids and heroin at extremely high levels. Also, stop dominating sex crimes and mass shootings.",0.56,1,FR 16114,"How dare they step up security, don't they know it's the birthright of peaceful people to kill Hindu pilgrims",1.74,2,FR 22196,Incest banter was thrown around and niggers really went out of their way to smack their cousins on the cheeks 😭 URL,1.29,1,DE 32947,"I can smell a bitch nigga from a mile away. Type of nigga so bitch, he should put bitch-made on his license plate BITCH URL",1.84,1,original 21928,Attorney General Maura Healey On Why She's Suing E-Cigarette Company Eonsmoke URL #massachusetts #politics Her offices alleges that the New Jersey-based company has been directly targeting their products to minors.,-2.14,0,original 27421,"Fighting thr oppression of the Palestinians with oppression is ignorant and creates a slippery slope. When We, the oppressed, become the oppresssors, then we will end up no better than the ignorant and uneducated who oppress us. Do you want to put URL",-3.05,0,original 2058,Bend you over and fuck your ass till I bust then fill up your nice pussy with more of my baby batter,1.96,4,original 48601,"Dude what you are is a bloody dumb idiot, that comment was from a lower IQ than any Muslim I've ever met. Their solution is to say ""increase the birth rate,"" such damn one-dimensional stupidity. ""There ain't no kids that care about crafts"" ""Well fuck more and kick out the brownies"" It's fucking stupid racist cunts like you that give people who crafts a bad name, no wonder themselves no one wants to imagine working with a cunt like you every day",1.18,2,DE 912,dirty fucking slut,1.86,4,FR 38596,"@jimmy_n_louie @theminorchords @joanwalsh @benshapiro Blah blah blah blah blah. The name translates to ""assault rifle"", genius. Also, Ben Shapiro is absolutely a white nationalist who has absolutely inspired terrorists.",-0.33,0,original 41403,Quit screwing around with Iran and sink a couple of their ships as a message that they're pussies.,3.32,3,original 29341,Your a RACE BAITING BITCH THAT IS PLAIN ASS IGNORANT. GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR COUNTRY YOU TERRORIST AL-QAEDA WHORE,1.8,3,original 48158,"It's totally fine to disagree with someone's politics. I definitely don't agree with her stance on Latin American issues, but this chant is despicable. People can't turn to outright racism when they disagree with someone, America should know better than that!",-3.55,0,original 2270,"I alternate between looking at transphobic stuff, and looking at pictures of trans girls who started HRT younger than I did and pass better than I ever will. Neither of these things makes me feel better",-1.24,0,original 6359,"It is not. Emos are fag boys and stupid women who think they've had such tough sad sorry lives 📷 but are actually the most spoiled white losers on Earth Goth is a sub-culture that originated from Germany I would not expect some uncultured whiny little fag emo kid to know or appreciate the great works of Johnny Hollow, or Voltaire, Emilie Autumn.",2.65,5,original 908,"> oi guv you got a loicense for that.... > oh i'm so sorry mr. muhammad, please do whatever you like Damn Musselmen and their *shuffles deck* assembly permits!",0.87,2,original 325,Black and thirty? I'm surprised he hasn't been hanged by the KKK yet,2.49,1,DE 44585,You are a delusional racist moron. You will never achieve anything in life and you will spend eternity burning in hell you despicable piece of rancid trash.+Yahchanan Yasharahla,0.93,1,original 15772,If you don't care than interracial company shouldn't matter as long as you are looking for people to hang out with similar interests as y'alls.,-2.71,0,original 9485,"I think at this point we should just send them a large amount of nuclear technology for them to enjoy. Glass the shithole and make the world a better place. No boots on the ground, no nation building, just adding some warmth.",1.15,3,DE 24296,@The_OutcastKidd @KEEMSTAR Stfu u cunt u can't even move from ur own bed u desaybeld piecesof shit.,1.78,4,original 42678,Wait all these ppl were white who cares?? 11 white ppl for every 1000 blacc ppl that get killled by cops unarmed.. lmao fucc em,-0.79,0,original 19803,"Naughty feminist slut Emma is very fond of wearing edible organic panties. With her female pussy juice doing the dirty piggies, go completely wild. Using them outrageously for the most depraved forbidden sexual pleasure. With several hundred of them, always ready for Emma. Having no problem fucking her shamelessly, for as long as she wants. Rather give oneself entirely to dirty and strong beasts, before any man. With Emma finding no one worthy of her.",2.31,4,FR 15075,Video games are for smelly fags so how 'bout I just block you boy?,0.78,5,DE 22960,@Filamental2 @frostytea_ Fuck off the British fag,1.08,5,DE 21353,Racefaking racist ass killing kids Got games on your phone? Look ass I hate your url,0.77,1,DE 49178,rapinoe is a skank dyke lesbo shit,1.88,5,ZH 45371,"But were acting like Jew Isreali and swindling money dont belong in the same sentence ... -- when we know that's exactly where they belong .. But she was a Gold Digger, so she got her sheckles swindled rightfully so...",0.02,0,original 26602,Fuck every one of you messy ass fuckers sincerely,0.56,4,FR 19949,I wish I was there to take down all the fags,1.63,5,FR 18828,These female dogs must be put down and killed. This ''march'' is to be bombed and blown up.,3.58,4,FR 33941,We need to shake ourselves from this patriarchal mindset of being thankless providers and get what we deserve bro. URL,-2.13,0,original 38742,To my beloved followers: Please forgive the recent flurry of cacophonous tweets. Gayness shall resume soon. I just need to realign my inner forces with news that keeps unfolding. Thanks for sticking with me. . URL,-2.65,0,original 239,It is not that it is offensive but more or less that I want to make the best decision based on my beliefs. Nothing about her union offends me. I pray for forgiveness for not only my wrong doings but others as well. I also pray for those who don't believe. There isn't any standard I am trying to set but more or less I want to reach a conclusion on how I can respect my beliefs and others as well without being offensive or judgmental.,-3.94,0,original 15580,I'd liked to fuck the gay out of her.,1.61,5,original 11497,"Dude white knighting on the internet won't get you laid. Any women doing porn has been paid, talked to about the scene, and is there of her own will. Stop with this trafficking bullshit. They pay to be there most often and want to because they can't make as much money doing anything else.",-2.65,0,original 47215,All these dinosaurs should be fed to hungry children in Yemen. They want jobs for life while our young men are sent to the Jewish war.,0.57,2,DE 16338,what a stupid bitch,1.4,4,FR 28319,Bored? Suck some dick. URL,-1.61,0,original 30703,From the ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone.,-0.52,0,original 44320,"That's why there's so many sects of Christianity. The Bible says one thing and many people have many different interpretations. God says he loves all his children equally but it also says he doesn't love certain people? That's how people rationalize it. It doesn't make them wrong, but it also doesn't make you wrong because we're all taught differently.",-2.52,0,original 41723,Read your script you masonic gay son of a bitch. It's all a fucking script. These bastards are cheating people every day. Zionist Jews will be the architects of their destruction. Hahaha you scumbag.,3.89,2,ZH 42514,Shit when you're a nephilim giant niggaz can't fux wit chu bahahaha,-1.4,0,original 16880,"If you disarm everyone in America but keep population replacement, these terrorists will find other means to kill. Carry the weapon that you never know when you will need to shoot the incest killer.",2.65,5,ZH 22278,"Hundreds of Long Island residents support driver's licenses for all, regardless of immigration status, for a safer NY! #GreenLightNY 🚘🚦 A 2017 study by Stanford University attributed a 7% drop in hit-and-runs in California to that state's change in its driver's license law. URL",-4.62,0,original 49944,Muster Gwarfield you are an idiot dude. It's white ppl who are doing this lol.,-1.72,0,original 31450,Undoubtedly!. The best CM Delhi has ever had. #SheilaDixit Om shanti URL,-6.02,0,original 5033,Throw the whole man away. The dude is a misogynist. Can you imagine what kind of father he would be if you actually had a daughter?,-0.37,0,original 13632,Rapists of children and nuns have a problem with the death penalty?,0.65,2,FR 4551,1. You're talking shit 2. Go the fuck to sleep faggot,0.57,5,original 30634,It was more crazy for me growing up because I am the only dark skin child of my mum. So crazy people would ask my mum if she really is my mum. One woman came visiting one time and said I wasn't fine and fresh like my siblings and I heard.. All cos I am dark skinned. URL,-1.82,0,original 35349,"And that's how Europe is, Africans and Muslims push your family to the train tracks, they kill you with machetes in the middle of the avenue, a wave of rapes. This is the ""cultural enrichment"" that the left said the ""refugees"" would bring URL",1.41,1,original 38962,@QPlusX3 Rapist with AIDS,0.86,7,FR 39680,Bitch you don't know how to suck cock anyway! Bring your black ass back inside😂😂,2.25,1,DE 18690,"If you're not a gay man who dies, you should go back to the closet until you kill yourself. Going out there looking like a perverted AGP MP will scare the HSTS kids who are actually women on the inside.",2.2,5,FR 5065,"50 cent party pigfuckers are worse than cancer. they also promote that chicom invented anti-white word 'beizhou' which paints all white americans as LGBT+ degenerates and also try to divide and conquer us by spamming posts that say 'see, fellow caterpillars, the chicoms are our allies, they kill/imprison muslims (and christians and falun gong and tibetans, but we will conveniently leave these groups out).' URL",1.62,5,original 42498,The black folk in his own state don't even trust him,-1.46,0,original 10986,Fuck fagot,1.09,5,FR 24771,@SuperKingofBros @WWENXT @WWENetwork Just show up in Saudi. Fuck em!!,-0.4,0,original 22969,@ItsSamG @SweetGeorgia_77 I'm afraid her head would spin in 360s & spit out green stuff.,-0.18,0,original 29644,@_joshcarmichael fuck off you big fag,0.67,5,ZH 45164,"It's just Kienitte theater! The Kienites are the ones who lie and say they are from our brother Judea but are not Jewish at all, they are the children of Kien, and they own Trump and Pence and all the politicians in this country. And that is why this nation must be destroyed. The saints are judging this world and destruction is coming, repent and turn from this evil and run to Yahusha Hamochiack Jesus Christ now before you are judged in the lake of fire.",0.89,2,FR 5110,"The only crossover for me is strictly social. I'm a straight male in the BDSM community. I will grant that not all BDSM activity involves sex, but it is sexual in nature. I don't care to play with anyone I am not sexually attracted to.",-2.58,0,original 26286,"Oh my god, UN Mexico is brainwashed to save America/their own Mexico/neighbors, remove the source of rape and sexual slavery these educated stupid fools are led by NANCY P. Thoughts of never trying to suck N lick things and tell death to set them free! ! !",0.94,3,ZH 22881,@ftv_harp This bitch should be in jail FR,0.94,4,FR 41719,The woman Muslim she's looking so cute ... music video difference,-3.68,0,original 13012,Eat the dick and die bitch xD go cry somewhere else,1.63,4,FR 45715,ARREST & DEPORT ALL UNDOCUMENTED / ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS / INVADERS INCLUDING THEIR FAKE/ RENTED CHILDREN / FAKE FAMILY..,2.06,3,original 19340,Go ejaculate all over a rotten piece of shit and then eat it faggot,2.77,5,original 36816,GETTING TO KNOW YOU 1. lee alexander miller 2. i dropped out 3. 21 4. tree nuts 5. shes really good 6. i don't know. 7. as a gay? yes 8. for my appendix to stop hurting 9. yes 10. angel hair drop an emoji and i'll send you the questions !,-2.94,0,original 37386,"@ReydlBarrio @RyanAFournier Not civilians! That's murder, and terrorism... legal means must be used to secure the border or we invite lawlessness, and terrorism in revenge against Americans.",0.15,0,original 32219,Fuck I look like putting pressure on a nigga 🥴 you either gone do right or ya AINT ✋🏾,-1.27,0,original 7443,Yaaay I can fuck kids and I won't loose my teaching license,1.35,6,original 46598,"I bet he bows to satan, another sodomized good guy.",0.66,2,FR 5698,Most likely made by incels,0.91,5,original 42598,This is how many people want them to do stereotype videos again ⬇️,-2.68,0,original 13276,I wipe black people off my ass every morning.,1.9,1,DE 13433,"Trump also loves to use words like ""infested"" when he talks about places that have a lot of people of color. If only I could remember another political movement comparing an unwanted minority to vermin. It sits on the tip of my tounge...",-2.95,0,original 37749,"We all know what's going to happen to this monster bunch of lunatics. They are just gross! ""I support Islam""?? What?? Psycho. They support beheadings, torture and rape and should therefore be treated accordingly. URL",2.91,2,RU 3677,"""Stalking someone is okay because religion""",-1.65,0,original 4729,God hates the gays.,1.58,5,original 21592,@yousefalhadda17 Israeli soldiers are the son of a bitch's fat pigheads fucking all of Israel. Long live the Philistine brothers. URLs,1.96,1,FR 20068,Trump is the only true friend of the Jews. I hope Trump becomes the next US president and helps Israel kill all the Palestinian fucking Muslims. we will kill all Muslims in the world.,2.66,2,RU 10405,"If you want to understand this story, I have always seen that the Jews on the other side of the wall just magically turned into already existing species of monkeys and pigs. And most Muslims deny evolution, so it doesn't matter to them if it contradicts it.",1.71,2,RU 34461,"@brooklynmarie @StefanMolyneux lol and out come all the triggered feminazis with, erm, let me see... Nope. #notanargument But Molyneux has one. Care to refute it perchance? It's okay Islam will save us and do the job regardless of a white women's barren choices... muh #career 🤗 URL",0.96,4,original 36401,@ChestertonLord @MariaMushtaq16 Sir they are jahils (illiterate) they won't understand. They can only massacre people in the name of religion.,1.65,2,DE 1182,"not really... it's a safe bet. that explains most of male behavior towards women. you should learn some biology, kiddo.",-2.15,0,original 46065,"We in Israel feel sorry for you... It is sad to see people so stupid praying for a dry Jewish mummy who died 2,000 years ago and thinking that she will wake up... If this Your god is, are you really unhappy... ...your god is bleeding and crying on the cross like a hysterical 5 year old girl... He was crying out for help... To himself he couldn't help... So will he help you? If I were you, I would feel sorry for you myself.",1.05,2,DE 12979,Stop sucking cock you fat fag,1.35,5,DE 1965,God damn you fat ass losers are so easy. You bore me fat ass. See ya loser. Go fap to some anime,2.31,4,original 28384,What a nigger url,0.86,1,DE 41639,"Trump says Islam hates US and yet he is bffs with Saudi Arabia, they are the most barbaric country in the world, the men there literally own women and their life 😑",-0.14,0,original 48669,"USA abuses Latin American countries 2 coups in Honduras Coup in Guatemala, Attacked Panama El Salvador etc. Yes USA made this migration North Mexico needs to remind USA of their SINS causing migration North. Shame USA blaming Mex.",-1.42,0,original 27283,@pigmen_mc Hi nigger. Fuck herix clan they suck big cocks. Imma don't like the bot all your videos to fuck 100k ugly fat bitch ass fuck suck your moms tits u nigro,2.08,1,FR 40164,RACIST CUNT MARTIN LAURANCE WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE BLACKS WTF YOU DO HERE OH IS THAT RUDE SO WTF MAKE YOU THINK IT'S NOT RUDE FOR ALL RACES U FUNNY CUNTS EVERYONE WILL BE KILLED BY NAZI CULT SOCIAL ENGINEERING MULTICULTED SATANIC NWO SHIT FUCKIN DELAYS I've had enough,0.89,1,FR 9517,"Id lay her on her back, hang her head off the bed and fuck her face and give her a mouthful of my balls",0.72,4,original 38282,He's the biggest terrorist in India 🇮🇳 fucking piece of shit shame on you you kill innocent people in Kashmir Go drink cow 🐄 piss that's ur mother and go eat your mamas pussy to Son of a bitch URL,1.94,1,original 39087,"@HamzaaliCad786 This is not the time of barbaric middle-aged Islamic invaders, we will surely crush and demolish Islamist jihadi terrorists... just wait, the destruction of Islamist jihafi terrorists has already begun. Ghaza e Hind is treated with a fatal blow.",1.07,2,DE 14142,"Excellence. And essentially one of the best chances black people, especially black women, have at improving the level of trust between them and doctors, and being being taken more seriously/consistently properly treated.",-4.21,0,original 10167,Slap her gay ass,2.7,5,DE 609,you are also mentally retarded,0.7,7,RU 49643,How is getting your butt kicked by someone younger cheating lol,-3.2,0,original 24288,A pussy ass hoe COULD NEVA 🤪🖕🏽 URL,0.73,4,original 29967,"@realDonaldTrump As long as they know, straight, they're Christian, right? You racist, fascist, raping, ignorant piece of shit.",2.35,1,DE 49024,Fucking annoyed by two bitches. So fucking loud. U r not losing your parent. Bitch. Calm the fuck down,1.2,4,original 24260,Niggas so wait for YB to get locked up 🎭 #nobodysafe fuck you too #4KT URL,1.73,1,DE 25182,"Eid Mubarak to all my muslim friends may God bless you with lots of happiness, health, wealth and prosperity @Alina84819879 @R0KStar1 @Sab_august @Hussain18852291 @MrsArmaan_M URL",-5.17,0,original 10261,"Sweaty we have enough of messy bitches already, ain't nobody got time for another one",-0.68,0,original 30657,You goofy ass niggas be hanging wit niggas who don't take care of their kids,0.71,1,original 36471,"IS THIS COD? WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?? DO YOU SMOKE Crack??? bitch, shut up and go to school 🙄 maybe if half of the fucking christians were killed you would think differently 😐",2.77,2,RU 18170,This is the type of woman that you marry!!!,-4.55,0,original 27352,Boi said he was 21 but the bitches thought he was still alive I'm in tears,0.9,6,JA 23904,@dondekojo The comments below this thing made me conclude that most Nigerians are ignorant and not trying to learn. They basked in their ignorance and folly! how hard is it The bigger boy gets the bigger reward! Simply!,1.16,3,DE 3346,"Yeah, go over there and raw dog syphillis bitch. Why? Yo don't want to? #WHAT A FUCKING BIGOT",0.23,0,original 5255,Get your fag off this sub,2.06,5,ZH 14467,"Why do you care so much about mass shootings? Chances are your shitty country still stones people to death and certainly exceeds an infinitesimal amount of our crime. You can't even leave Islam without being killed in most Islamic countries, so trying to explain freedom to yourself is literally throwing the pears before the pigs.",1.99,2,FR 23956,View Death to the Arabs URL,1.8,1,DE 42398,"Hey I know a bunch of muslims that want to ass rape you, and then hang you from a telephone pole.",0.78,2,original 43364,SEND IT HOME AMERICA ABSOLUTELY HATES ISLAM! 9/11/01 NEVER NEVER FORGIVEN,0.82,2,FR 22219,These ugly sad ass moms leave everyone around their kids 'cause their heads stick so far in these niggas asses and they can't get it out!!!,1.43,1,DE 21359,good night to trans women only,-3.95,0,original 47362,"Max, STFU. Have some respect for this legend M.E.J. he's a grown man who can do whatever he wants. You don't have to bullshit anyone, including crybaby James. Maybe just his family n that's all. STFU max tries to start shit. N max do you really talk like that like an asshole in real life. Fucking white, white trash 😈, eat your majo max and stay in your lane. Put some RESPEK on Magic's name, bitch.",0.73,1,FR 49318,A pile of shit in Pakistan was found Pakistan is the worst country and team in the world,2.35,3,ZH 3290,"Oh look Nelson, there goes friends of that fruity little church you belong to.",-0.33,0,original 15913,"This is a fascist theological autocracy. Nobody cares about reproduction, they are probably preparing to annex Hawaii and Alaska in a few years, then invade Mexico, and then Canada. They don't even try to effectively clean up the topsoil in the colonies, they are just like the Nazis and can't even use slave labor effectively. If they need more people/slaves, they will probably take the easy route and start stealing them from their neighbors.",1.19,2,RU 45035,"Good job USA!!! But not that purple hair nazi cunt that hates who she represents, she can go fuck off. Deport her ass somewhere.",1.92,4,original 44767,So only gay people are bad? Dumb.,-3.13,0,original 9132,"I throw away punctuation and think the lady is upset. ""Cockwomble"". I haven't heard that in years. Why do you sound like fagots but all the same? Seriously, this shit is boring and old hat. ""button leprechaun"", ""rooster female"", ""young"". Lol that last one shows you how pathetic and a failure you are. ""This guy must be young for calling me a fag"". Glad you pulled out ""homophobic"". If I call you a retarded nigger fag, would you call me racist too? If you weren't so predictable, this would be fun.",1.16,5,DE 43624,Get back under that house in Gaza and dig out your mother.,0.91,3,original 44855,What the hell is wrong with you? Delayed? Cheerful? gay and disabled? You sound like an idiot?,1.89,5,DE 13101,You can see the ms13 in their eyes /s.,-0.77,0,original 11817,Get rid of them and their anchor babies and grandchildren. Fucking worthless guineas,1.77,3,FR 8547,He's an old racist bigoted cunt.,0.81,4,original 4151,Friend zone advice... Shawna must've friend zoned the king. And it's a shame because I was looking forward to hearing all about her vaginal walnut sack and how the cobes rocked her world and turned her into a nympho,0.56,4,original 45912,Hell yes! Those Communist Russians may have beat us to Adolf Hitlers bunker. But we beat them to the moon.,-1.27,0,original 6171,"russians are more american than democrats proven fact, no russian has ever tried to silence my free speech or take away my guns, or try to raid my bank account to fund their interpretive dance and gender studies degree and pay for 30 million mexicans to invade my country so yeah, pretty much",-0.93,0,original 46544,Rap is for low IQ mongrels,1.39,1,original 7476,I dont give a fuck what you think I fucking hate muslims i would send every one of them home,1.79,2,original 5986,At least one guy for each of her hot fuck holes.,0.34,0,original 32939,Y'all love to act like y'all don't fuck with chubby girls and throw shade like we don't wear the same bra size URL,-1.55,0,original 16092,"I'm new to Reddit but I have good karma and I'm gay af (a woman who loves women 😛). I want to have an important position for a community that i love, even if it's just online.",-3.24,0,original 11523,"Sorry, your inverted dick looks like a split ball sack. There's nothing feminine about it, just a male mental illness.",0.53,4,FR 45556,They really fired that 12-year-old boy? Man fuck these liberal suckers. Hillary supports lesbian shit. Believe in more than 2 kinds dumb ass freak,1.2,4,FR 19140,Well she was Christian as all hell but also very much believed in the poophole loophole,-2.05,0,original 36800,"niggas muggin over pussy, he gon die over that bitch",-0.06,0,original 36713,@megan_palmiro hey white bitch why don't you shut up white people are the cancer of this world all people of this earth are gonna die because of people like you because they speak before they think. We are the destruction of humanity.,1.65,1,DE 21542,i hate seeing a BAD bitch get trapped with a pussy ass mf.,1.15,5,original 34706,"Kill Them All, Slit Their Throats: ISIS Warns of Terror Attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.94,2,original 13563,"Hell, at least the guys on the southern border have a bunch of brown kids to vent their frustrations on.",0.93,3,FR 15934,"The incel in my comic isn't inherently unattractive. If he cut his hair, washed his face, maybe trimmed his eyebrows some and stopped having such a piss poor attitude he'd be good to go by plenty of women's standards.",0.59,4,original 4124,These fucking niggers are the scum of the earth!,2.25,1,FR 16038,"Go jerk off to a pic of your sis or something you inbred lil shit, you have problems and I'll be ignoring you from now on and letting my bot deal with you. I hope you fall off a skyscraper.",1.37,1,original 11974,"LOL heaps of fags in here. OP, you're NTA, damn bitches can't take a joke these days.",1.08,5,DE 38159,@perk17213 But people only care about gun violence when it was a white male that was pulling the trigger.,-2.14,0,original 42892,God in language. Christian always love.,-3.66,0,original 5012,I took the time to do some research and wonder what gay people do in the privacy of their bedrooms. One of the things they do is called anal licking where a guy's anus is licked like ice cream by another guy and then something happens and even the poo comes out and they eat the poo.,0.89,5,ZH 10055,Another white trailer park cum dumpster who can't take a dick down her trash throat......sorry ur life sucks? Don't care. Learn how to suck a dick you dumb wanna be Megan Fox dumb cunt whore leader,1.95,4,original 42130,"Didn't the 15 year old boys soccer team beat the reeeeee tards? Are they wearing beach volleyball uniforms? Women are still lavish, men don't care anymore. Well done ladies! ! ! !",1.52,7,ZH 14192,Fire the mortars! Blow up this piece of Normie trash!!!,2.12,5,DE 29968,"UK lawyer open to a case of medical harm due to trans affirmative care !!! UK detransitioners , take note ! URL",-0.85,0,original 41482,No such problem in Hinduism since they don't burry them they just burn them,-1.62,0,original 19979,"Fuck the bystanders for sitting there letting it happen, enabling both assault and hate speech. They should all be punished for their crimes. Low life sheeps are as valuable as the fucking gum stuck to the soles of my shoe.",1.72,3,original 18207,"Just another entry in the long line of ""dog whistle"" permutations designed to expand the authority of the thought police to punish anyone they wish. ""What's that you said? Oh well the coded subtext is that you hate gay people. You claim to have never encouraged violence? Well, your criticisms directly caused terrorism or something, so you're a terrorist now.""",-1.72,0,original 4175,"it s not that i don t want to have sex or that anyone doesn t want to have sex with me i just am too good for girls . females are trash and doesn t deserve rights . i d be doing them a favour if i had sex with them bc i m so hot but i won t bc i m too good for them . fucking women deserve to die . they don t deserve my 18 inch cock . i m not a virgin bc i can t get a bitch to fuck , it s just bc i m too good for females . i hate females . die . us virgins shall reign supreme . let s stand against bitches .",2.05,4,original 41219,Fight terrorists with nuclear weapons,0.71,3,ZH 39592,The genocide of Christians continues today in the Middle East. They won't stop until all the infidels are eliminated.,0.86,2,FR 39622,Cow urine drinks Hindus 😤😤. Burn all these bastards alive so they can go back to their 100 god fucking shit,4.02,2,ZH 37340,Gag the fag! URL,3.57,5,original 1172,"Roots? All of your family members are stupid big white rednecks. You sweat big bearded virgin pussy. Hope your family dies in an accident, not you, just your family. Fucking gimp lol",2.32,1,FR 49565,"Yeah, and Kamala ""Headboard"" Harris is descended from Jamaican slave owners, and Booker is a homosexual predator who crosses in the men's room... So what else is new?",1.06,5,DE 13570,So not only are you a lying idiot (your mother probably vaccinated you and made you retarded) but you are also homophobic. You have no redeeming qualities I see.,0.93,7,DE 28633,Your mother is somewhere praying for your safety while you in some man's bed telling him to choke you. URL,-0.37,0,original 13693,"It was used during beatings, rapes, and murders of black people",-2.36,0,original 22295,"Muslim terrorist killed 8 innocent people in New York ""in the name of Allah"" THIS IS ALWAYS A MUSLIM TERRORIST NEVER a Christian terrorist because the Bible doesn't say followers of Christ should kill people who don't join their religion like the Quran does -address",0.8,2,RU 26641,@BloodyxKnuckls Bitch clearly you're the one with the dusty hairy coochie so stop it😭😂 you gotta put some sage on your shit kills all the bacteria you pass on your hillbilly wigga ass✌🏾Have a nice day,3.12,4,FR 35325,It's always white men with receding hairlines who be having the most to say about what women should and shouldn't do with their bodies lmao. URL,-0.53,0,original 42196,Trump Please Send All Non Whites Back. Keep America Great.,1.48,1,original 20022,Why do so many dirty wetback mongrel spic savages live in #LosAngeles? None of them have any right to be here at all.,2.14,1,DE 49551,It's time for America to get rid of the enemy from congress.... either send them back to the middle east or shoot them.,2.49,1,original 34634,@RedHairRagnar @GhooIin So fucking tired of black people saying everyone is copying their culture gtfo,-0.05,0,original 8797,TU FUQING RETARD IMA RIP YOUR GUNS AND USE IT TO HANG YOU BY THE HAZELNUT,1.89,4,FR 45295,"We, the World, need to annihilate Iran... That would eliminate all terrorism in the world!",1.45,3,FR 27475,"@tedcruz Many liberals including myself are not sour & humorless. We laughed when Trump posted a funny pic of your wife and threatened to ""spill the beans"" on her and when he said your dad helped kill JFK we laughed some more. We really laughed when after all that you sucked up to Trump.",-0.22,0,original 7966,"""Ugly bitch I was trying to do you a favour by fucking your ugly ass""",0.98,4,original 13831,"For what they did to you, or for your primitive people's inability to hold your land? Be conquered, you fucking savages. I should have annihilated you instead of locking you up in shitty reserves to mope you by being even more useless than you were before. Animal",2.94,1,FR 29920,She should be sent back and it's about time people became aware of the dangers of importing people like Omar. URL,1.27,3,DE 36404,Use your bible to clean up your disgusting load.,0.8,2,original 40799,These people who wear a rag on their heads need to decrease the tightness or it just straight up mental Illness from INCEST.,1.87,1,original 30532,"You know a bitch for me but morally not loose as shit? Does God Exist? Or does the body matter come with the professionalism of sex? It's just 1:44 and I wanted to kick your ass. In the name of Jesus, I pray for these things, amen.",1.61,2,FR 47007,Converted Christian Anchor 😜,-1.82,0,original 46965,Fuck those lesbians.they hate the u.s.a.. Equal pay? They don't make the money like the men.,1.94,5,original 13627,Well deaths by white nationalists terrorists are in the,-2.14,0,original 8786,Except Daesh. They can choke on a dick.,0.7,2,FR 38282,"He is the biggest terrorist in India 🇮🇳 damn piece of shit, shame on you, you are killing innocent people in Kashmir",1.94,1,DE 27752,Choir Boy looks like an incredibly important play for historians of Black religion and sexuality in particular. #TonyAwards cc: #twitterstorians,-4.13,0,original 25992,some gays are literally TRASH.,1.46,5,original 36420,@appreciateejoon @s8n faggot,0.56,5,original 28860,"If a nigga tells you he don't eat pussy, take him to buy some acrylic 'cause he wanna be a bitch",1.15,5,ZH 23537,"Celebrating my first 🌈 Pride month. Out as gay here on Twitter, and to a few in real life people around the US. The hiatus I took the last little while-Restful, insightful, uplifting, & refreshing. I love God, & I'm gay, it's not a sin. #Queer #PrideMonth",-5.96,0,original 40225,Puerto Rican Georgie Fucked up.,0.28,0,original 16545,"Ain't legal yet in Georgia, but we've got a bill going through this September and could really use your support in helping to make sure straight white men like me can legally marry internet Youtube videos under 30 seconds. Right now the time limit for legal marriage is 1:30, but love knows no number.",-2.98,0,original 9880,Come on bitch ADAM cumming for you!!!! fag,2.13,5,DE 27534,"""Humanity would plunge into eternal darkness, would fall into a dull and primitive state, if the Jews won this war."" - Joseph Goebbels URL",1.38,2,RU 28327,Tired of fuckin w these lame niggas baby I just need a thug,-0.18,0,original 8612,Religious fanatics should all be deported to some island and never visited by humans again,1.79,2,ZH 25924,"@NavitZothamawi1 @Crocodile_Lyle @gaywonk @YouTube Get back to me when dudes in rainbow hoods are riding through town in the night targeting heterosexuals after 400 years of their being enslaved as breeders, finally securing their freedom, and buying some land that the Gay majority wants. (I don't expect you to get that either.)",0.39,0,original 31678,Is awkwafina the only female east asian in hollywood..... can we get rid of her please,-0.23,0,original 4401,I'm Pretty Sure The Frogs Stopped Producing Sperm After 9/11 Made Them All Gay,1.42,5,FR 34820,shut the fuck up you dumb ass bitch,2.33,4,original 5905,Mmm yes. Fuck me until you fill my ass with cum,-3.16,0,original 9474,Imagine being this queer on r/greentext,1.26,5,FR 30316,"@Alyssa_Milano @RachelMcKibbens Got your Nazi here👇 12/30/08 Ft Lauderdale, Fl. Pro-Palestine Muslim protester calls on Jews to 'go back to the oven' --""You need a big oven, this is what you need"", URL #SendHerBack #ConcentrationCamps #IStandWithTrump #TrumpRally Disavowed",1.98,2,FR 9634,"Fuck that bitch I once did and I'll fuck you too, bitch *belch* I may be drunk as a motherfuckin' but I can beat you up",2.28,5,DE 8598,Homos rape children and spread AIDS,2.25,5,DE 46406,"They are beyond radical that are ridiculous, inept, loud mouth women who when they open their mouths, pure garbage springs forth. Hate, division, lies, slander and the like. America, don't be deceived by these women who have no home training. They are the downfall of the american society. They are silly women who seek to lead you astray!!",1.31,4,original 41895,Ok homophobia. Raciest and that was hate speech. You should have shut up cause now your white straight male self just got a report,-1.24,0,original 45850,without separating kids and with ZERO deaths fucking idiot,-1.4,0,original 2800,"People running away from their lives, you are so funny. When you are confronted with facts, you resort to name-calling. If you think me and American Citizen and my family's American Citizens should be separated, I hope your daughters get raped by immigrants and your family gets killed by drunk immigrant drivers and.. hope the police will let them out of jail and run to their country so you never get peace or closure. Eat it sucker....",0.73,3,FR 32878,"This monster threatens genocide as the most expedient solution to the conflict. A last ""solution"", which is to exterminate a quarter of the population in a week, is fascist. URL",0.73,1,DE 40928,Fuck that stupid ass white trash judge back up that fagot ass d.o da bitch saw it with her own eyes haha hope you all die slow n fuck MARICOPA sheriff's office I been there niggas geh treated worse denn un dog ...,1.54,1,FR 46077,Fk this sodomite puppet!,1.37,5,DE 35078,"Hung 8.5"" Uncut BBC Fucks Asian Bttm Raw 2 Cumshots Facial ... See this and more at: URL URL",-0.76,0,original 40396,Africa is full of horrible savage humans,0.62,3,FR 5256,"What? I'm not sure what you're on about. How many soy boys and unattractive women post in this sub? That's the question that needs to be asked. You've had everything handed to you and you decry masculinity, which largely provided the infrastructure you get safety from and cowardly hide behind. Keep your made up terms like toxic masculinity. If society ever broke down, you'd be searching for masculinity to save you. Pathetic.",0.24,0,original 42449,LOL you wanna suck Trump's dick and tickle his fag fag,1.3,5,FR 15415,Your pussy looks like it wil consume my Dick.. Suck it in and never let go again,-0.5,0,original 16860,I want you to burn in the sun 'til you're a little bit of bacon,0.78,5,ZH 44790,You should bring that shit back to Africa,0.84,1,DE 29848,"@defiantSZN ""little ass virgin"" you haven't had female interaction since you came out of your mom's pussy fucked",1.02,4,FR 38496,@TomiLahren You are like your stupid President Donald Trump an idiot and a racist bitch did you see anyone in the trailer get shot no these two idiots opened fire on helpless people with the hate thrown by this idiot you call a president he started all the hate,0.55,4,FR 4434,"Dawg one time in Queens me and this russian mothafucka who wore a fuckin' lion for a vest joe rogan. a fucking. lion. it was tremendous, anyway *KAFF!* we had to steal some diamonds for this fat jew named fuckin Kingpin....",-0.81,0,original 31828,"He's NOT racist! You're an ISIS Mole, you HATE America!! URL",0.31,0,original 39612,"The feeling i got the first time i listened to ""nobody's fool"": Avril saying ""BITCH WTF STEP UP AND BE YOUR FUCKING SELF *slaps me in my fucking face* URL",-3.86,0,original 13737,Start by bombing the ships and let them take care of the Iranian brothers. But we can never go anywhere unless we share with each other we gotta start making changes,0.8,3,FR 25876,She has great grip. Going live on @chaturbate tonight around 9pm. There is much more to see than that. Come round! URL #cammodel #camcouple #camsex #bulge #cock #dick #handjob #sex #porn URL,1.06,5,DE 14334,4. Lolis with dicks,-0.31,0,original 25745,Just logging on to say fuck all ur mothers :),-0.71,0,original 15759,"> Once again, you're so incredibly ignorant that you didn't even know what our scriptures were. Quote me verbatim.",-0.99,0,original 30613,fucking 13 silly bitch,1.04,4,FR 36889,This. I could cry every time a man says something women have said PHONE times already. And cry again when women line up to credit him and fall at his feet. Respect women's work!,-2.16,0,original 3646,"20 bucks there's a vigil saying how he was a good boy and dindu nuffin, he was gunned down by cops as he was peacefully lying down to be arrested and the wypipo all cheered when he was murdered. Truth is crazy fuckers are going to do crazy shit with whatever they can get their hands on like a truck or some propane tanks and a flare, a bike lock or they'll just bite people to death. IF this gets national coverage it'll get spun that he was radicalized by the toxic climate and divisive rhetoric that's pushed by ""Mr."" Trump and his army of white nationalists. Crazy stuff.",-0.44,0,original 43075,Do you really believe this propaganda... These ratchet women have done nothing but spit hate and rhetoric... they are going to be sad...,0.94,4,FR 29986,"#Albania Ashraf 3, appears in 3D the 120-year war of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy #FreeIran #IstandWithMaryamRajavi #BlacklistRouhani #Iran URL",-3.61,0,original 49419,He's definitely a top 5 coach now‼,-5.07,0,original 39855,If you suck👅💦 her👄 and later use a condom... You are 1 dumb ass.. Come and beat me am in nansana URL,-0.26,0,original 7248,These illegal kids wouldn't have died if their stupid illegal parents hadn't put them in danger in the first place. how selfish.,1.14,3,DE 9820,"A running joke I like to tell people is that the people who receive the help set up a fake house that they let the Christians 'work' on so that they get their feel goods. The Christians most likely have zero fucking experience building infrastructure or whatever the fuck so they take the pic and hang out with the brown kids because ""oh wow they love me so much I feel so blessed to know these brown kids who love Jesus so much even though they have nothing"". When the batch of christians leave, the locals tear it down for the cycle to repeat again with a different set of missionary dweebs.",-0.05,0,original 18560,>He looks exactly how I imagine he would just with a little less Dorito dust on the collar of the King of the Incels shirt,0.94,5,FR 7287,This sub is full of grade A fags. Comedy fucking Ebola,1.0,5,DE 707,fuck off baby sacrifice satanists,1.6,2,ZH 24683,"Well, I started ""When They See Us"" last night. I only watched the First Episode, and to tell the honest truth, that was VERY hard to watch! Unbelievable how the color of your skin can truly determine how you are treated in this world. It's just truly, unbelievable.",-4.18,0,original 45637,"As usual, always a Jew under cheap manure",0.61,2,RU 45658,El chapo is stupid and he look like your normal fag that caught jaggin off.😂 See you wouldn't want to be you.,0.33,0,original 9860,They're just sensitive faggots,1.34,5,original 18428,he didn't shoot the bar because of a chapo delay. he hated women so he killed his sister and killed a bunch of other college fags.,1.51,5,FR 39512,@brookehouts female dog u a female dog u a female dog u a female dog u ah.. female dog. lmao. just a flat bitch.,1.12,4,FR 41767,Your god is a pedophile who fucks goats.,0.8,2,DE 39437,Reminder that we couldn't even beat 70 IQ sandal wearing cave dwellers with 60 year old guns after 18 or so years lmao URL,1.31,3,original 8944,"Lags in diversity? There is virtually no white people left here. Go into any mall and I'm usually the only white person around, same with all of the advertising and in store posters: ZERO WHITE MALES",-0.79,0,original 42593,Why go to there? I hear there are all kinds of aliens on the Mexican border.,-0.96,0,original 24245,Deport the dog and his slut wife and slut daughter - they say they hate the US so send them back to the shithole they came from.,1.34,3,DE 17953,Make me cock sucker,-0.95,0,original 37446,No mass shootings...many of these countries just line you up and murder you when you don't think their way.,-0.98,0,original 41078,Kevin spacey is a dirty fag.. disgusting.. unhinged fag.. burn In hell.. sick fuck,3.79,5,ZH 4730,"Do it for your daughter Asif! no father should have to go through what you want, massive respect for coming out for your country, bring your countryfolk some joy!",-3.88,0,original 24430,PAWG needs a real big black dick pounding her pussy URL,-2.12,0,original 46431,"LGBT is a waste of time. This is the corruption of human nature. No matter how hard the world tries, the disease will not spread.",1.44,5,ZH 1324,"Yes, the Torah is so terrible just follow seven of the commandments /s",-1.44,0,original 17956,surprised that he could do anything with all the cocks in his ass and in his mouth.,1.62,5,DE 14405,She's an idiot and I hope her idiocy doesn't get her killed.,0.4,0,original 3044,"My god, it's happening. The crusades are finally happening.",-2.29,0,original 40685,#OrangeMoron is #OrangeMoron because he thinks his failed strategy with North Korea will work with the Mullahs - he seriously threatens religious madmen with destruction by tweet... 🤦🏻‍♂️,-0.17,0,original 22604,"✨🏳️‍🌈 LGBT+ Artist Discovery! 🏳️‍🌈✨ Hey my #artistsontwitter , pop your art down below and boost each other up. Open to all kinds of art, shout out to merch makers, let's support actual queer creators, not corporations! I'll RT responses throughout pride month! 💖 Love you all 💖 URL",-4.92,0,original 16532,"I'm an atheist, but in this case I hope you get burned under the deepest and darkest flames.",0.67,2,original 41129,Nigga crazy about pure trash,1.24,1,DE 32216,A Pakistani family holding the Pakistani flag high above their heads and giving a loud message to the World that a honest and brave leader @ImranKhanPTI is now ruling Pakistan and InshaAllah he'll drive the country out of the crisis towards progress 🇵🇰 #PMIKJalsaInUSA URL,-5.2,0,original 47659,The white devil exists. Wake up and pray to God,0.82,1,original 15093,Go beg on the street,1.43,5,DE 33705,PTI must take Karachittes out on roads to kick out these inhuman pieces of gutter shit. URL,2.0,1,original 23002,@liteofevolution Being that most of the NRA dudes seem to be out of shape old white dudes they'll hurt themselves with the swords before anyone else. Fingers crossed on that,-0.37,0,original 15758,"No, they only do that to black people",-2.05,0,original 19297,"I'm happily married to my wife and a few people know I'm bisexual, not everyone needs to know because it's a moot point. I stand up for LGBT rights and go on my way. I imagine someday more people will know, but I'm in no hurry to make it that way.",-3.4,0,original 26096,Here's a song for you… Lightskin Lil Wayne by Tyga URL,-3.37,0,original 6271,"😂😂😂If my son was as gay as you, I would drown him in the tub. Fagot",3.37,5,FR 22507,Niggas is wrong Niggas do you wrong and act like they don't give a shit 👌🏾,0.94,1,DE 3560,"Don't you love how contradictory their worldview always is? ""Girls \[are only good at\] being submissive and birthing babes"" Two things that are definitely not happening after this text chain.",-3.82,0,original 31274,@LukeDennehy Then all religions are hate groups what a banal and meaningless article.,-1.94,0,original 8386,What a slacker.,1.45,5,FR 590,My to India my hoon nahin. I don't even care how deep the country fucks itself.,0.77,3,DE 5351,This is why I hate white people,1.02,1,original 49274,Gays don't go to heaven,0.51,5,original 38895,All women do is cry on twitter and cheat,0.73,4,original 47506,"Yawovi E. he's a racist just like sodomite lemon who fucks a white man his ""roommate"" an all black college yeah sure not systemic racism what if we had an all white college THEN that would be "" racist? I use leftist NPC wisdom that basically says if you can't compete in the arena of ideas, you throw out the R-word and blame the other side of who you are",0.94,1,DE 490,"If you want to bend down, I'll bend down. Suck my sweaty cock and balls you stupid twink",0.6,5,DE 41650,Time to bomb Iran,1.6,3,DE 34032,No need to tie up this faggot; it would do anything for the Alpha that owns it. (#tbtumblr of @inservice2MMNYC) URL,0.73,5,original 10836,🤡 don't forget yourself the jews,1.98,2,DE 49894,fuck isis stupide maladie,5.04,3,FR 7816,"oh i know, that's the point. thankfully my girlfriend was fine with my transition but not all trans people are so fortunate and it's really not anyone's obligation. I think the act of asking someone ""hey if i transitioned would you still love me"" and expecting them to just say yes is really making light of what transitioning actually is, what's involved, etc etc and so on",-2.51,0,original 11008,"I would fuck you bareback so hard, and empty my balls in your pussy.",0.87,4,original 49778,Fuck that nigga him and his bro click bait nigga ass,2.45,1,FR 19971,She's a piece of shit. This comment is a piece of shit. You sound like something right out of r/iamverybadass and r/ihavesex,-1.17,0,original 7723,"Well, a major plot point of the book of Exodus involved God pressuring Pharaoh to do wrong, which then justified punishment. There's some precedence for spiritual entrapment.",-2.38,0,original 45448,"why is mulan not a black man? i mean, seriously.",-2.36,0,original 35358,"You're the fucking toy for the holiday party, slave. I told men and women to use all your tight fuck holes. The men are going to fuck your mouth, pussy and ass until they pump you full of cum. You will suck and swallow. Then we'll watch you kneel down to eat women's pussy until they cum. URLs",1.3,4,FR 7419,"They are all illegal. But daddy USA is vetoing every sanctions, so kiddo Israel keeps doing sh*t.",-0.56,0,original 17255,"Remember kids stay single, and don't reproduce.",-1.71,0,original 8531,"Stupid low IQ stupid stupid. they're taking over, america",1.42,7,JA 48288,these freaks need to be dropped off on devils island near south america and left to rot. penises cut off too,2.37,4,original 35088,Attn: World Hamas and Islamic Jihad abuse the children of #Gaza indoctrinating them with hate and weaponizing them with grenades and firebombs. This child abuse must end. URL,-0.65,0,original 23561,All niggas like this can rot in the damn damn url,1.08,1,DE 3273,It's just a bunch of controlled fags who hate America.,1.74,5,FR 636,When your country is so bad that even refugees don't want to come,0.51,3,ZH 42674,"India is a dirty, dirty, dirty, germ-infested, lawless country.",1.05,3,ZH 8666,Hang back,1.77,7,DE 345,"dude got banned from MtG for harassing women, constantly hates on any game with blacks or women because ""sJw"" ""pOliTiCs"" and braindead fans like you support him because you know deep inside that you are the same as him, racist and sexist pieces of shit. You know no one will ever love you for who you truly are so you stick together like parasites.",-2.57,0,original 16202,Are you saying you like niggers and think they should be allowed to live? what's wrong with your brain?,2.45,1,FR 27982,@sadfalafel Go back where you come from then immigrant 😡😡😡😡,1.03,3,FR 37201,This is for dirty gays drinking my douche gay #RT #alpha #domination #worship #fetish URL,0.95,5,ZH 2444,You fucking bitch. PM me if you want to be treated like the asshole you are.,0.76,4,FR 6965,"I hope your lover pulls the rubber off tonight and fucks you with an AIDS stricken cock and you come in tomorrow with bruises all over your face, 40 frigging pounds.",4.24,5,DE 42172,Homosexual acts are a sin.,0.91,5,DE 34582,Sucks Swallowing nude sex Session tranny Latina voyeur teens 3some models Have ? porn stream cum Xxx Fullhd pussys Face Download orgasm Stockings Web Videos Vaginas Hard squirts foot Gorgeous Tit photo Rough Girl Arab 67773 URL,-1.41,0,original 23959,You better tell that to the pedophiles in your church who moleste boys.,0.95,2,FR 43131,Send em back to Africa including the fuzzy wuzzy wog of a guest. I HATE NIGGERS !,2.87,1,original 43084,Is she gay,-2.26,0,original 45407,"Patrick Fritz Faze stole your virginity, you can't go back because you're an ass whore",1.66,4,FR 9965,"So the meaning of my foot in your ass is also the same? Calm down your sensitive dude, have you ever heard of this thing called an example? It's actually pretty common if you read the whole thing rather than just choosing which words to use it's perfectly clear I used the example even in your biased example I never said I was going to do shit you were just trying to do to make it look like that. Besides, you're still an ignorant bastard for thinking that if you're not 100% pitch black, then you're white and there's no fucking Jew in between.",1.48,2,RU 9683,hope you die of cancer you fag,2.36,5,ZH 38013,@SAfridiOfficial @UN @POTUS I think you need burnol get lost and look at your shitty country first.. Bade ayae humanity ki baat karne.. #KashmirHamaraHai #JaiHind,1.15,3,DE 876,"You're right, men only face murder, which we all know is not as bad as rape.",-2.97,0,original 16221,"Am a stupid piece of shit"" finish your sentences faggot",1.26,5,original 43848,AOA. May Allah guide these missguided to the straight path. Just imagine the fighting going on between his wives and kids when all this money is showing up and they might have been kept from it. They will punish him worse than authorities will :),-0.79,0,original 3068,MGTOW is fucking gay why not castrate yourself,3.39,5,FR 8084,Should have ripped apart your colonialist genocide swampland but we were ottoman occupied.,1.81,1,DE 18181,Only gay fucks are free.,2.18,5,ZH 38893,"You bitch ass niggas more than anyone on my dick! Niggas be so mad and obsessed, fuck off",0.96,1,DE 32095,"alright. look at this shit. M*slims infiltrated and then had a long term plan to destroy America. Gutter religion. Third world garbage. Nobody wants them. Now, thanks to Killary, Barry Hussein and Angela Merkel, they are coming to Europe in droves. Now they are in America. Gutter trash. url",1.41,2,ZH 18651,Retarded cunt,1.01,4,original 15570,All autistic people should die.,1.69,7,JA 47997,Blame India for shitting in the streets lol degenerate,1.14,3,DE 3522,It's great that the Jews lost!,1.71,2,RU 43283,No worries real niggas will stay 💯💯,-2.91,0,original 24523,@NRA @R_Bar_J Of course... what can you expect for my muslim muslim... if they can destroy the NRA... if they can convince our government to withdraw all our weapons... Citizens Americans will be easier to slaughter. .. they only dream of that! .. Islam is a satanic ideology!,1.86,2,FR 23712,some of these hoes can't handle their alcohol and it clearly shows 🤷🏼‍♀️,0.18,0,original 5834,I'm Jewish and a granddaughter of holocaust survivors. Our Jewish/holocaust are the best (as long as we make them). My best friend gets a pass too,-3.61,0,original 1311,Fuck you.. you like bestiality,2.27,4,FR 48061,"""Nice shot retard"" So much for making this 2 big back lmao",0.67,7,FR 42219,MCWDD you haven't missed much... Just a pack of hyenas cackling about how every white Aussie is wacist.... Except for themselves.... And then they all pat themselves on the back about how virtuous they all are...,0.75,1,original 23031,"#Catholics celebrating #PrideMonth, love Our children and pray for Our priests. Catholics not celebrating Pride, love Our children and pray for Our priests.(Hang in there. Mardi Gras is right around the corner! 😉) Hopefully, we're all celebrating this #SacredHeartMonth together. URL",-5.53,0,original 18821,White people always do shit regardless of where they are,-0.55,0,original 36143,"@MissComprehend I was told that married women and women with partners have sexual duties Im like well.. Even My mom (God bless her) took me for ""the talk"" when I first had my serious boyfreind",-2.48,0,original 1512,That takes them somewhere in the mountains of China to teach them the pain of real hardship... No tendies no vidya and the lolis will shoot you,0.67,1,DE 23687,Imagine if Women had to orgasm in order to get pregnant by men😕😥😥,-1.43,0,original 39373,"This is a horrifying thread. Skin color is not what defines us. But if you hate someone due to the color of their skin, it certainly defines you. I hope all of us who feel otherwise will stand up against racist rhetoric and actions.",-4.31,0,original 20900,"The bodies of dead Terrorists like Zakir Musa etc should be dumped in sewer from next time. This Terrorist's father must be booked & put in Jail. These supporters, soon to be Terrorists must be eliminated from the valley. @PMOIndia #Kashmir #RemoveArticle370and35A",2.5,1,original 47906,AOC and her followers are mentally ill.,0.21,0,original 44465,Kawhi and Paul George are going to organize tranny parties. They'll be sucking cock and tossing salad the rest of their time together. Two bundles of pussy.,1.23,5,FR 25917,"@gaywonk @YouTube Don't ever let me grab your fagot ass in public, I'll humiliate you. You shit.",3.18,5,FR 10139,Time to nuke Sweden,1.92,3,original 48053,"Screw all these immigrants, let's just gas them",0.96,3,DE 1106,i only fuck the girls with alzheimer's in the care home so they can't remember the next morning,1.23,7,original 19946,Yeah fuck that pussy,2.11,4,original 1105,"Well,as gay man, I definitely have the hots for those jacked up dudes just not the so absurd that it's disgusting, and for example Kratos is very not that is very muscular but not disgusting like. This whole situation feels weird because the women sexyfied characters are made for men, and the sexyfied men are made for... men, so basically gay guys are on the win here (depending on your onw tastes of course) and women are at complete loss which end at this situation becoming very, **interesting**",-2.99,0,original 14661,Nuke the chinese,0.45,0,original 2970,"Wait wait, *I* am a terrorist too? You can't put me in the same category as you Christian and Muslim psychopaths. You are the ones who kill everyone who disagrees with you. You are the one every reasonable person fears. *You* are a terrorist. If you want such a world, feel free to move to the theocracy-ruled Middle East. But you didn't turn this country into the religious dystopia of my presidency.",1.27,3,ZH 10507,"The Finns were ""Nazi sympathisers"" because they had a larger belligerent neighbour who wasted to conquer them and kill them too",-1.19,0,original 5340,gay women are the worst of the LGBT community without doubt they actually make me wanna throw up lmao,1.18,5,original 10563,"So many gay memes, no one to share them with",-2.47,0,original 23067,"I swear some guys are no good...I don't know how some women put up with their boyfriends who don't support, help or motivate them.",1.67,4,FR 35344,@AFCPatch @RothsteinAbe @RapSheet Kill yourself fagot,4.13,5,FR 28160,@CamCrews_12 @tgot_thejuice_ Aye ya'll niggas better leave me alone URL,-0.52,0,original 46077,Fk that sodomy puppet!,1.37,5,ZH 40824,"Who did you find to play the retarded and racist white pigs, I mean your old Country Music fans????",2.29,1,FR 41472,"Send them back to Mexico! We don't need their health problems! They are going to make Americans sick, bringing in diseases from their own country and everything they caught in Mexico! We are not responsible for their livelihood, their own countries are! Return them immediately!",2.02,3,FR 18113,Someone who should be neutered for the sake of the gene pool. His mom has already deposited a splash of diarrhea in the gene pool.,2.59,4,FR 19418,Fuck her mom,0.77,4,original 2757,go read your quran goat boi you need to cut down on your camel urine consumption jus sayin i use quran to wipe my dog ass btw ;) feels so right. RIP Shahaz Ud Din hope you have your 72 virgin goats,1.47,2,DE 3273,They're just a bunch of controlled fags who hate America.,1.74,5,DE 25883,And then after you got the pussy you all kinda fat bitches,0.84,4,FR 7476,I don't care what you think I hate Muslims I'd send 'em all home,1.79,2,FR 44225,@Jose Santiago chokes on a fagot cock,0.52,5,FR 3765,Countries like this should be eradicated,2.27,3,DE 16455,I would like to put a tampon in your pussy mouth lol,1.92,4,FR 17013,I like how these posts get downvoted unless a woman says the same thing(see above). Gotta love the equality!,-1.64,0,original 30566,I'm gonna fuck your throat the same way I'm going to fuck all your holes. URL,3.32,4,original 40235,+Zenigundam shut up fucking shut up. Go back and watch the spelling bee. Give yourself a real gay review again.,1.61,5,ZH 19460,Fuck this syphilitic moron and you too,3.15,7,RU 10972,Nobody Can Confirm Anonymous Is A Gay And A Pussy,1.81,5,ZH 22419,"@realDonaldTrump Fuck you. Love, The Gays.",-0.48,0,original 10049,Americans need to stay and fix their shitty country instead of flooding countries that don't have room for them and throwing out the system!,0.8,3,FR 21378,Bitch ass niggas gonna pop it for the pussy they never got,1.24,1,DE 3941,"Warlords lord over war. But the U.S. doesn't bunker down with the townsfolk. I think there might be a Geneva violation in there some where. If not, there ought to be. It's like the Jihadist are deciding to sacrifice normies for the cause without their approval. What normal-minded Muslim would submit willingly to Jihadist fascism?",-1.93,0,original 11325,"Sadly, J1 workers are treated worse than slaves (or in your case, Russian serfs) ever were. Your girlfriend should have stabbed the employer and flown back to Russia.",-0.47,0,original 2412,I hate bitchy gays of all colors.,0.77,5,DE 8804,"You are wrong about that. They all preach abstinence. A lots of them say things like ""yeah, young men can't handle the mgtow life because they are too horny"".",-1.61,0,original 25081,Real bitches only,2.3,4,original 34943,Let me fuck your wallet and think like you wish you could fuck your wife! 😈#findom #finsub #cuck #humiliation #blackmail #finpig #cashmaster,1.66,4,FR 48452,"and make this place even whiter? No thank you. We are about to transform into a completely diverse nation. We have until 2045. Go on babies, mexicans, blacks and asians. Let's make this country less white.",0.84,1,DE 17003,Translation: cultural appropriation of ethnic cuisine by the evil american state,-0.85,0,original 5398,I wish I lived in a world where dumb ignorant douche bags like you all lived on 1 island and we could just drop a nuke on it but hey we all can't have everything,1.57,7,original 28119,"@MagaAngeles @lsarsour Sarsour is a hypocrite since she promotes herself as a leader of the feminist movement yet is a proponent of the barbaric Muslim tradition of Female Genital Mutilation, which renders women unable to enjoy sex. URL",-1.42,0,original 41618,"Richard is not an ass. Hey, do you know that the wacko freak liberals actually teach kids as young as five how to have gay sex? Why don't you stop commenting on g on social media and help do something about the filth that is spreading across our country? Gay marriages were all the sodomites wanted, and now these freaks want little kids to mess with their nasty filth.",1.67,5,DE 27036,"My bitch pussy water, she fuck me exquisite.",-2.08,0,original 4554,You actually just typed in all caps. oops. You're either a kid or have some sort of social incompetence. Take your medicine. goodbye.,1.84,7,ZH 27110,Deport them to Afghanistan to disarm IEDs They don't belong here They will never be Americans or respect any of our laws They are here spreading Ebola and Islam URL,2.26,3,ZH 12946,"I can see how Ahmadis might exclude people from other backgrounds or races, but I don't think this is widespread and certainly not indicative of the jamaat as an organization. The jamaat tries hard to use the local language of a country in events, even if that means everyone is speaking in their second language. There are some structural issues and blindspots, for sure, in the jamaat and how it approaches diversity, but I don't think it's anywhere near a fundamentally exclusive, racist organization.",-3.29,0,original 9929,"Ahahaha, funny Greeks who always cry for papa Europe. Who saved your ass from the crisis? In Edirne we gangbanged Greek girls for 20 TL during this period (good days). You're lucky you're in the EU, otherwise you'd be Somalia 2.",0.74,1,DE 18134,"Oh, Jennifer is definitely an ass-to-mouth slut. You can almost hear her begging to be fed that cock out of her shaking asshole.",1.41,4,FR 25566,"@aisofspades_ You are not trash, other women are trash",1.21,4,FR 48893,"There are many legal immigrants in the US who never become citizens. I lived in California for 40 years as a ""legal"" immigrant no citizen and carried a green card. The question is not even remotely insulting nor offensive its a bloody question that no one who is legal gives a bloody shyt about answering. I can't believe its even a discussion!",-2.52,0,original 505,"Good girl! That's how I want you to lick mommy's pussy. If you continue, I will cum on you.",0.86,4,FR 23179,"If you did extra dhikr, gave to charity, prayed more, went to masjid during Ramadhan, then you can do all that when Ramadhan ends as well. Don't let your acts of ibadah come to end just because Ramadhan is.",-3.21,0,original 15046,Thank you for sharing your story. I am a detransitioned woman and I agree 100% that trans stuff is about control.,-0.86,0,original 25243,It'll be a cold day in hell before I let a nigga or a bitch walk all over me.,1.49,1,FR 34377,Bro this shit too funny niggas don't know nothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣,0.63,1,original 4443,how are they racist He's the creep who makes videos of kids. Jesus Reddit is so retarded,1.09,6,DE 6463,"Well I've literally done it several times. I've called people fag people for, not for being gay but for being fags, but they probably were gay anyway. Still got all my teeth buddy, I guess men who like taking penises up their assholes aren't the tough men you like to LARP that they are. I guess it's fun living in your little queer fantasy world where Mayor Buttguy is gonna be president and we aren't gonna get 6 more years of Trump!",1.89,5,original 26636,"@soarkaras I'm going to kill you, stupid and ugly stupid",2.42,4,FR 24056,you are nothing but a piece of meat to me! nasty fucking whore #facefuck #mouthfuck #whore #slut URL,2.25,4,original 1921,lol fucking autistic soy,1.09,7,ZH 31277,"@RashidaTlaib Ah, the Jihad Squad spews even more pure bullshit.",1.59,2,FR 4692,Exactly! Women aren't fucking incubators.,-3.23,0,original 28712,Girls are trash,0.74,4,original 40291,These women are garbage.,0.99,4,FR 469,"This sub will shit. Just because someone's name is Chad doesn't make it a worthy post. Nothing here about trends. fuck you OP I will hunt, fuck and kill your mommy. You just lost all your GBP on that damn piece of shit. You should be banned. fag",1.3,5,DE 27198,all these people killing innocent blacks in the world will suffer terribly in the afterlife,-0.78,0,original 16254,I just need to finish my cock with cum on your bitch face.,2.77,4,FR 27786,"Muslims are turning Germany into a nightmare! Thanks to all left-liberal pagan politicians who hate their country and their people so much that they let these barbaric savages into the country! If you breed mamba, sooner or later they will kill you!",2.2,2,RU 597,Almost no one thinks a women should have to bring to term a pregnancy from a rape. It's all balance. The crazies have to balance each other out. Democrats want abortions allowed at 40 weeks and Republicans want to ban abortions before the woman even knows she's pregnant.,-2.3,0,original 36931,@realDonaldTrump White Christian men are the American terrorists and YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ESCALATION OF HATRED - you and the glue eating slime Stephen Miller. You talk shit about immigrants every day. Neo-Nazis infiltrate the GOP bc of YOU URL,0.9,1,DE 2926,Preserving the culture and fighting those who fight in a concerted effort coordinated by hidden Muslims across America who are just waiting for the scarce moment to SUSPEND US ALL is now bigotry! AWAKEN! WE WILL BE ATTACKED! AND THEY ALLOW THE SIGNAL MUSLIMS THAT WEAKNED US ALL TO KILL US AND CONVERT OUR DEAD BODY TO ISLAM FOR THEIR CHILD MANAGEMENT DYSTOPIA! COMET PIZZA HAS ONLY BEGINNING!,1.6,2,DE 43415,"Yeah, but hey, at least you have those muslim rape gangs to enrich your culture while your elders freeze to death, right?",0.85,2,ZH 3565,">Alaska Thunderfuck has the longest drag name, followed by Bebe Zahara Benet and Bob the Drag Queen Fuck Nina Bo'Nina Banana Fofana Osama Bin Laden The One True Blac Chyna Brown's drag, right? >The show has seven POC winners (five black winners, one Asian winner and one Latinx winner) Violet is Latinx. She's Ecuadorian. Also, just an fyi, Roxxy and Ginger are also Latinx. Aja, despite having a hispanic last name, is actually Middle Eastern, and was adopted by a hispanic family.",-4.07,0,original 30760,I'm gonna fuck you under the stars and make the whole neighborhood hear what a dirty little slut you are to me. URLs,1.46,4,FR 45411,"@Just Duffy racist, how? He told them to go back to their country to solve the problems there.",0.51,3,FR 32261,I will get this nigga pregnant,-0.3,0,original 19201,"Completely NTA. You deserve to be who you are. You aren't selfish for wanting to come out. Your parents chose to be parents, and the sacrifices they made for you aren't invalidated because you are gay. Come out to them when you are ready. I hope things get easier for you. Good luck out there.",-7.67,0,original 32772,Real women don't have a mindset like this,-1.76,0,original 778,Fuck you bastards. I'm still getting into the building without the help of you fags. I'm ALL Yankee shit my brothers.,1.02,5,ZH 41601,"""The things she has achieved,"" do you mean by the UK going from a white-majority 1st world superpower to a 3rd world police state filled with Muslims and Africans. This is her fucking heroic ending?",2.06,2,DE 28154,"#Kerala #Hindus in danger Hospitals sponsored by #Muslims advertise they only want #Muslim doctors Now ask everyone you damn bearded skullcaps we have 11 #Muslims working for us in our office SHUD I SAY YOU, you are fired as of today? #Wayanad #Kathua Your comments @Javedakhtarjadu URL",1.16,2,DE 45878,LOWER AND LOWER VIEWERS IS BECAUSE THIS IS A PROPAGANDIST NETWORK. WORTHLESS HOMOSEXUAL TALKING PROPAGANDA.,1.33,5,original 30322,Paying nannies less than minimum wage shows the total lack of value placed on caring work and how comfortable we are with exploiting women for it. My latest in @smh @DailyLifeAu today. URL,-3.11,0,original 40558,God I can't stand faggots.,1.38,5,original 20016,Keep the damn Mexican scumbag rapists and murderers out of this country and keep the damn Arab Islamic terrorists out of America! ! And no Syrian refugees either! ! Build a wall and keep all these fucking parasites out of America. We'll round up the illegals here and ship them out! ! ! !,2.36,3,ZH 43017,@Trump 4 Prison 2020Hurry up and get out of your mommy's basement and get your Mexican flag you are missing your antifa meeting.,0.23,0,original 4380,"I don't know what's lamer, how butthurt you are or how pathetic your attempts are. Seriously, ""dumb thot""? C'mon, kid.",-0.87,0,original 156,Fuck her again!,1.46,4,FR 42555,"It is odd to be pro black, yet you greet everyone, well I don't see pro white channels acknowledging anyone not their own. I think you caught something there",-2.28,0,original 39715,Funny when guys with puny dicks act like they're the whole imfao boy bye,1.73,1,DE 30603,"@HairyLeggdHarpy UK government has no right to impose more extreme transgender ideology than was agreed by the already extreme laws of ""Gender Recognition"". They & courts are pushing through worse &worse Stonewall ideas without consent of electorate. @thetimes @Telegraph @WomenMPs @PhilipDaviesUK",-0.83,0,original 20119,stupid ass bitch,-0.05,0,original 45165,Armageddon here we come. Iran is playing into the hands of the United Kingdom and the United States. Iran is heading for a massive military attack that will decimate its country.,1.12,3,FR 42615,The one who hit the chick is a big ass of dry and wrinkled pussy,0.58,4,FR 39832,"@HyphenatedZuma I would to... If a retard had put me in my place... PS: I bet you thought I'd have the reaction that you're having... I'm mixed race Bra (Jewish Gran, Afrikaans Oupa, Zulu Gogo & Tsonga Kokwan)... The most offensive ethnic jokes in SA are about those 4 ethnicities",-0.54,0,original 30599,Chuck Schumer's response to the squads anti semitic remarks! Take that! URL,-3.48,0,original 15661,I hope Hong Kongers kill every Chinese civil servant. 1776 her.,1.21,3,DE 8745,How many Jews raped you when you were a child?,0.7,2,FR 48838,"india,pakistan,bangladesh etc all these brown asses shuld be anhilated from the earth to give a pure future to the human race.",3.33,1,original 17611,"You're sad, have sex incel",1.47,5,DE 21773,Nobody: Morioh-cho niggas in the morning: URL,0.95,1,DE 42628,"Ed Fagran. I know you deleted my comment and blocked my other channel for insulting your friend Beaver. I hope you both choke on one cock, mainstream fags.",1.78,5,DE 41890,"just make a ""no women or children beyond this point"" line at games. clearly they cant handle paying attention to the game and ball. just more faggots ruining fun for the rest of us",0.56,4,original 17375,Trump is a homophobic sexist racist moron,0.62,1,FR 30291,"Atleast they don't chop up journalists in consulates, behead minors for vague charges or fund global terrorism in Europe and America, like your allies the Saudis do👀 sit down sis👇💅 URL",-0.49,0,original 46979,cartels really need to disappear from the face of the earth. To hell with the Middle East. The United States needs to level this bullshit.,2.78,3,FR 639,Spank your ass and fill your slutty pussy with my cum,2.26,4,FR 7786,I'd rather see and hear you cum on my cock,-0.45,0,original 8147,Someone needs Jesus (and death),2.14,2,DE 27739,@Wilma60844454 Is that a polyblend shirt in your avi? Do you eat shellfish? You may wanna read Leviticus again. Your hate is showing,-0.51,0,original 47260,"The guy is compare to a healthy man a very under developped creature. It`s level 13 year in sexual behavior probable unable to act with an adult woman in an eleborated loving way, it is to freihtning to start and to maintaun a egal level, no playing and dommenating young unexperience children, wow, what a hero! Probable bracked about it to, in compagny of that kind of non developed imbecile s, that`s what they are imbeciles!",-0.35,0,original 28168,It may be time for Donald Kushner to launch World War III against Germany. It is the sacred duty of the United States of America to protect the Jews for eternity from anyone who dares to question them. URLs,1.6,3,FR 47631,Then you get killed for not being a Muslim,-0.21,0,original 21762,@MonserratEnri15 @AriTheDon @gherbo Girl are you white calling someone ghetto???Sit the fuck down and go over to tmz or hollywire or something before you get violated with your wannabe down ass.The nerve of you.,-0.21,0,original 23895,"And they forgot to mention that the earliest formation of IDF consisted of Irgun terrorist militia members, bombed King David hotel just some years earlier, killing dozens, and Haganah paramilitary militia that killed many others.",-1.05,0,original 13158,Now if Feminists stopped making chairs to prevent manspreading and go and help women in both 3rd World and Developed Countries we wouldn't have to see people go through this pain.,-1.0,0,original 16370,Go back to BPT asshole,-1.55,0,original 17112,"Get the hell out of mentally handicapped Toptard. Go back to jerking off to shemale porn, you fucking degenerate subhuman born poop.",3.01,7,RU 17410,Bitch shut the fuck up before a mall cop picks up your scent and blows your brains out,4.62,4,FR 4618,"""Mom, you're a brainless bitch who just wants to suck dicks from dudes""",0.7,5,ZH 38364,"I suspect accepting idea/participating in white genocide inspired race war last ditch effort at self preservation before suicide=Low self worth/value. Desperate-Will to live grasp, attach existence w/easiest group attribute/Identity=RACE. 1/3",-0.55,0,original 5527,You forgot about killing the infidels...,1.39,2,DE 7491,"Bring your autistic bullshit back to your designated area, you fucking mouth breather, nobody wants people like you outside your safe space,",1.69,7,DE 384,"Every night, the news counted the days our Americans were held hostage - 444 days. Damn it Mull. MOAB mullahs.",1.68,2,RU 11630,I call a spade a spade. Here are some of his SJW statements: - Men should have less vacation time than women because they've screwed up so much in the past. - Women are so much smarter than men. It is logical that they were subjugated by them. - You have no idea how lucky you are to be a man.,1.5,4,FR 13504,Choke u on my cock and fuck ur pussy raw,1.62,4,original 22857,Lord what these bitches want from a nigga ? URL,-1.03,0,original 10526,Go shoot a school 💪,2.92,4,FR 1199,"With a dicklet like that, you should join me in remaining a pussy free virgin. Your dicklet doesn't have the *right* to go near a woman.",-1.49,0,original 4733,What you homophobic,-2.2,0,original 31647,"Then ""SUCK MY HOMOPHOPE DICK!""",0.81,5,FR 296,"> Don't say nigger under any circumstances! This is offensive, you fucking autistic retard! You're not awake, you're broke.",2.04,7,FR 40404,Y'all ain't put the black kid that brought me here on the video,-1.97,0,original 21513,Americans smh. This is why she came to live with us URL,-0.82,0,original 10494,"Every time I see this video I get enraged and want to smash that piece of shits face into the concrete.. who talks like that. We do know who you are, you're a little punk bitch hiding behind mommy threatening to kill people. I really wish someone just smashed his teeth out.",2.0,6,original 20855,"bitches be so fucking stupid ,,,, im bitches",0.27,0,original 29422,DC mayor: Trump's July 4 'salute' wiped out fund meant to defend capital from terrorists URL,-2.12,0,original 20747,"Imagine being so hurt by a word, you start talking about the dead... that's how I know you're growing up in fatherless homes. and put you under so you can talk to him about that shit in person url",1.03,1,FR 35380,Every nigga in my life is just useless !!,1.47,1,original 17499,"You seem like a total fag, maybe get off reddit",2.7,5,DE 5065,"50 cent party pigs are worse than cancer. They also advertise that Chicom invented the anti-white word ""Beizhou"" that portrays all white Americans as LGBT+ degenerates, and also try to divide and conquer us by spamming posts that say: 'You see, fellow caterpillars, the Chicoms are our allies, they kill/imprison muslims (and christians and falun gong and tibetans, but we conveniently ignore these groups).' URL",1.62,5,DE 39547,STRAIGHT PEOPLE ARE CRAZY,-0.73,0,original 7326,I try to use gender neutral body part slurs like asshole.,-2.85,0,original 4646,"Stop being an ableist, fagot. Anger issues cannot be dealt with simply. Kill yourself, brain dead unicellular amoeba. I hope your next hit is mixed with meth and you end up killing yourself by overdosing on yourself while alone in a hotel room. Fucking latecomer poser.",1.14,7,FR 45634,Nigga u dumber then dummer that beat hard nahh bitch,1.51,1,original 49503,A bunch of low IQ shitheads who adore Americans to death.,1.89,1,DE 21822,White supremacists are cowardly pussies URL,-0.92,0,original 31890,Bitches have 20 abortions and want they pussy ate🤮...Bitch who finna eat a cemetery 🤔 URL,1.45,4,original 32824,I think you're a trashy misogynous colorist. This is pure and simple proof that fair skin is no different from white women. You really hate dark skinned girls. URLs,0.52,1,FR 14330,NTA: You are mentally ill and in need of treatment.,0.74,7,RU 26465,"@mike10010100 @Badg3rmanTTV @gaywonk @YouTube Actually, leftists are the modern day Nazi. Demanding that views they oppose be silenced, deplatformed, harassed and even publicly assaulted. Your hero even said that only socialist gays are welcome at the gay pride parade. Note: throwing something at me would be a bad idea.",0.62,5,original 22910,"This fag doesn't care where his pics end up, so here they are! kik: Soliloquy22 #fag #gayfag #gayexposure #fageexposure #exposedfag URL",1.08,5,ZH 29088,@hugorifkind Awww. India stands in solidarity with its erstwhile masters.,0.48,0,original 27669,@conprivx Connor you are literally gay you have raw anal sex every time you shag,0.7,5,DE 7085,Theokratenschlampe,1.23,2,DE 45165,Armageddon here we come. Iran is playing into the hands of Britain and the US. Iran is heading for a massive military attack that will decimate its country.,1.12,3,DE 28835,"This was 50-60 years ago. No biggie. Slavery had no effect on Reconstruction which had nothing to do with a Jim Crow and certainly nothing to do with civil rights movement. After 1965, we all were officially free & lived happily. 🙄",-2.23,0,original 14209,"I'm not a religious person, but sometimes I wish there was a god to rain hellfire on these unfair dicks",2.17,5,FR 1784,Goys are incapable of thinking.,2.15,5,FR 46990,damn these people are criminal invaders free of chargers to us,0.97,3,FR 9043,A massive thanks from a bi teen,-4.8,0,original 1301,Or lets do and eradicate the japanese once and for all.,2.06,1,original 11324,"Just a Trump supporter lags behind, carry on",1.16,7,JA 48808,+Daniel Holmstock God is the greatest mass murderer in history. He didn't like people so he flooded the Earth and murdered hundreds of millions just out of spite. DO,0.74,2,FR 38050,"Trump on migrants at the southern border: ""How do you stop these people?"" Crowd: ""Kill them."" Trump laughs: ""You can only get rid of that stuff in the Panhandle."" URL",1.06,3,ZH 13644,"Racist URL Yes, such joking. Dumbfuck incel.",1.47,1,original 28739,"Slut Patrick Simons humiliation KIK slave ""Send me pics fagot"" and he has to send 10 nudes to repost every time he gets this message and slut humiliation @simons_pat #expose #humiliation URL",0.8,5,DE 45803,: WOW THAT'S JUST LIKE THEE AMERICAN FAMILY...WILL BLAMES HIS WIFE FOR HIS SON BEING GAY....NAW DUDE YOU ARE THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE HOLD....GOD IS GOING TO JUDGE ALL THIS MESS.... REPENT NOW JESUS CHRIST YESHUA HAMASHIA IS COMING....LOV YOUR SIS IN CHRIST.,0.45,0,original 33013,"A #California bill would allow males who claim to be transgender to be transferred to women's prisons. Concerns have been raised, however, that in trying to protect transgenders from sexual abuse, the bill is setting up female inmates for just that. URL",-2.72,0,original 7636,"> got off relatively well We can't know that and it is a ridiculous hypothetical to lean on. All we can know is that the people that did get to the native american, african and australian populations slaughtered them en masse.",-2.89,0,original 10754,"chuds: Isn't it fucked up that Muslim savages cut off their hands for petty theft? chuds when they see this: PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES!",0.93,2,RU 248,"Femi-nazis should be put in a concentration camp, they are regressing the progression the world with their retarded ideals",1.36,4,original 45020,"Did you fall for the devout Christian part? I have no doubt you realize there is no such thing, the Bible makes that quite clear, I am sure it went right over your head.",-0.53,0,original 14270,Haha yes! Puke on white power cock! Damn worthless whores!,1.33,1,DE 17576,So only Europeans are awful?,-1.7,0,original 16467,"You gonna keep telling us that your pussy hasnt been touched by a single motherfucker until the end of time arent you? Well, if those glorious pics keep coming then keep reminding us!!! p.s please let me slap that ass and eat that pussy",0.88,4,original 25459,"@DevinSenaUI which version of the bible are you talking about? Also, you're an idiot.",1.88,2,ZH 7963,ok gay,1.61,5,ZH 36775,"Those damn racist white men all need the death penalty. They're rotting the country, these sick fellows. Not even a month later and guess what another ""white"" shooter, but still, Hispanics, immigrants and blacks are the problem??!! Smfh I'm so mad. #ElPasoShooting",0.99,1,DE 3068,MGTOW is fucking gay why don't you just castrate yourself,3.39,5,original 26439,"""If you don't believe in Jesus, I will stab you in the face."" URL",0.79,2,RU 12319,"Fuck off, racist cunt.",0.21,0,original 16050,"Zeus also raped a woman via Beastiality, not the best person to be representing the community.",-1.08,0,original 2296,Fuck your mother who birthed you.,1.35,4,original 41633,"Religious? She was a fucking dyke. Gtfoh, you raised a piece of shit and she will burn in hell. So will you, you naive cunt.",1.87,5,original 44004,Those who are anti-American. It should be eradicated from our country. .,1.69,3,ZH 19017,You confused my hate for Muslim Jihadis and islam for my hate for peaceful 'muslims'.,-0.44,0,original 40336,Then burn down Christian churches. They want war so be jt,1.22,2,DE 48999,Nobody really wants to see women doing half the work that men can do. Calm down already. Now grab a broom and make yourself useful.,0.85,4,FR 34014,"@Zionocracy @gegan1987 Israels barbaric 71 yr history is filled with disgusting society values. Yet they continue to exist on the holy lands. Only once Israel no longer exists, then the Middle East will know peace.",0.75,3,original 22615,"Go against us, then you really must be tripping boy. I'm that nigga, hot for a minute, been in the kitchen whipping boy.",1.83,1,original 7671,"Where we have buff daddy, please fuck me, and tiny annoying yet adorable and very fuckable Twink. That's your cast",1.1,4,original 35258,"@KovaZukerman @tlmnlpstz they just murder thousands of other people lmao. keep defending Israeli apartheid and occupation, but never wonder why we hate your guts you zionist pigs",1.03,3,original 9713,"I must say this, these hoes ain't loyal, and I'll leave it at that",-1.02,0,original 43430,"Happy trans day of visibility buddy, I've celebrated by going to my local transgender pride, protesting our rights.",-4.77,0,original 21854,I'm the biggest hoe outchea according to some of my followers 😂😭💀,-2.59,0,original 28806,@veezyjackson Nah these hoes just gossip and whisper too much for me,1.12,4,original 19542,Because those assholes will blame anyone but themselves for their inability to get their dicks wet.,1.03,4,FR 15631,"A whole other layer of irony here is that she mentions how the witch is in fact a Christian minister. Obviously a fakely Christian fake minister, a demonic spawn infiltrating the believers, but she probably means someone from her extended church network. So at the very least she's not blaming some poor random lady who shops at a local botanica or somebody like that. Instead, it's a dispatch from a Fundiecostal civil war!",-1.99,0,original 37400,"Internet flames Kellyanne Conway for post-shooting 'unity' demand: 'Pissed it wasn't a Muslim, aren't you?' URL",-1.79,0,original 18440,"I'm sure those stupid redneck yokels shot her already, and that's why the baby is alone.",0.9,1,DE 5933,Fuckin tug on the pussy,2.85,4,FR 45291,Ignorant ugly racist mfer,-0.4,0,original 21497,"Oh my. The US whore empire is playing with fire and provoking my beloved China using Taiwan as a tool. I don't want to die and that's why I loathe the American and British Whore Empire. I'm desperate, Jesus is coming back right now to consume the US and UK in a solar super storm.",0.71,3,DE 29262,"@Canna_Knowledge @buddy_guy_dude @revisedroed @tylerthecreator 3 guys stomping the shit out of a little raghead like gorillas on a rampage? And that's self-defense to you? If that's your view, then you're just a no-tail outlet like them.",1.17,1,FR 12684,Women don't use condoms because they're dirty thots /s,1.33,4,original 30542,"Islam's holy land to be used to attack yet another Muslim country by the US and its coalition of imperialists, despots and terrorists?",-1.16,0,original 25743,i've been to a fourth of july parade in a super small town in western new york and that's already basically a straight pride parade,-2.08,0,original 35267,@babsdraws Ta dah :p (Also... can I get the name of the anime for the black short haired girlll) URL,-4.98,0,original 44815,Indians are a pack of dirty filthy cunts When they're not raping kids they're shitting in the street . Let the cunts swim in the Ganges hopefully they'll all die of some disease.,2.18,1,original 49268,Women should never be allowed to rule.,0.14,0,original 551,Happy Cake Day. You have a figure for the lower numbers? I lived in Poland and it's a big part of my career and it's by far the most Catholic country I've ever visited/lived in. 87% is only difficult to believe if you would prefer otherwise. A good part of the remainder would be protestant like my Lutheran ex.,-3.2,0,original 45039,"@Dave S People shouldn't be given free will then. his mistake. Never forget those of us normal people, so many of your god squad are drawn to the clergy who end up abusing little boys. Must be about being a Christian...",0.56,2,ZH 11539,"yeah there seem to be lot of this type of ppl in, in your opinion what should we do to these racist ppl ? [2016-04-01 12:31:44 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: >be me >live in niger >niggers steal your stuff all the time DaFeels [2016-03-05 20:24:06 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: BetaBomb Nigger PEPE [2016-03-05 20:26:03 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: >Sneaky nigger [2016-06-05 12:35:24 UTC] TCMBrokenbutt: cause she needs that dick nigger",0.67,1,original 20355,"Due to complete inaction regarding immigration reform on the part of Congress, I see the 'plan' is now to ship 1000's of diseased, broke refugees here, there & F'ing everywhere for 5 years while they wait for asylum hearings. God Damn, what a farce. #ThirdWorld here we come.",0.54,3,original 36256,"#Faggots are the best on the planet....and they're made by #BRAINS. They probably also contain pieces of they could be classified as #NUTRIENTS. Is this the part, Aiden, where you reveal that you are actually a #VEGAN? URL #FAGGOTS",1.67,5,FR 35667,I get y'all but I don't want REAL Bxtch Want No Nigga Constantly Fussin on social media who Shxt AGG AF... Or maybe that's just me 😑❗️,0.62,4,FR 10540,Crazy and immoral. Faith healers should be thrown in jail and left to rot.,0.64,2,FR 37825,"THESE 2 CRAZIES WOULD HAVE PROBABLY DONE THE SAME WITHOUT OUR PREZ-PUTZ & HIS RACIST MOUTH...BUT, THE FACT THAT IT IS ALL OKAY WITH HIM ANYWAY JUST PISSES ME OFF EVEN MORE💩👿💩👿👹💩💩 URL",0.18,0,original 14273,"Definitely a bunch of LARPing faggotry for all involved. Christ. Get a damn job, take up a hobby, start a family, get a dog, read a book, go for a walk, buy a bike, go hiking, kill the gay shit.",0.53,5,ZH 39738,I wanna beat this bitch with a stick 😡,3.67,4,original 42283,We are laughing at the inbred Brits and the USA will not do anything because fighting for that shit inbred island is not worth it,0.62,3,original 49390,Fuck that fat gnome cunt he's a dad he thinks he's funny but really Alex is a fucking nigga,0.46,0,original 42359,I ain't scared of an ice agent and I ain't scared of no illegals I had half my face cut off by a group of illegals because they were drunk driving you want to f****** go there believe me I will not back down from anybody or anything they don't belong in my fuckin countryI know anybody who supports these f****** piece of s*** f****** should be thrown out with them,1.66,3,original 6480,"The worst thing is that they sacrificed virgin girls. If they were going to sacrifice someone, they should have chosen ugly old witches instead.",0.9,6,DE 30035,"Religious freedom lies at the heart of human flourishing, and supporting development for every country on earth means supporting stronger protections for faith, too. Was honored to speak at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom today: URL URL",-4.56,0,original 49037,"You know, I was going to say something similar due to his attending a Jesuit college..........catholicism is some kind of evil",-0.42,0,original 45927,"i am suprised where are all the strong fat-positive independend hard working women is this video? i read so much of them in the news, this video must be fake ;D",-0.93,0,original 26092,@w3havethemeats Well you should be incarcerated bitch,1.13,4,original 34704,"@babatopenot @StefanMolyneux Stefan is a pathetic human waste that just got possessed, stop defending sewage and grow a vagina, weak person.",2.4,4,FR 33069,"Such an inspiring and brave reporter! Although she is not ethically Chinese (92% of the population) , but she is definitely a true Hongkonger with the Lion Rock spirit 😤👍💖 #NabelaQoser #利君雅 #HongKongers URL",-2.42,0,original 6449,So many gays.,1.16,5,ZH 3652,Oh shut the fuck up your shrunken pussy incel,1.88,4,FR 42090,This bitch is nothing but a fucking CUNT!,1.11,4,original 48144,"CNN & PMSNBC = GAY, BULLDYKE LESBIANS, PEDOPHILES & ASSCLOWNS",0.54,5,ZH 28683,"@OneishaMarshae A real mental illness is creating a troll account with no pictures so you can argue with people because you're scared of getting roasted, I bet niggas lick stamps for a living",1.39,7,ZH 41545,@POWERZ Z sucks a bag full of white cock,0.85,1,DE 49674,They're all a bunch of gay ass-eaters at Morehouse anyway,1.45,5,DE 11295,"Fuck you and you're a fucking love turd. You wouldn't recognize love if it was a dildo stuck up your fat fucking ass, you goddamn mongoloid.",1.75,1,DE 23840,fuck us female dogs,0.84,4,FR 48005,iRANS AER VERY EVIL EVEIL EVUIEL. hEER is the head lines from today - Iran already 'plotting next attack against West' . Irans allow LIEING in a criminak trial ands they EXECUTED little mentally retarded buy from a forced torture confessions. THEY ARE 100 PERCENT EVIL LIARS AND musat be replace by a western governemtn or else become EXTINCE complimens fo fullkty armed B52as!!!! THANKS YOUS@!,1.65,1,original 42384,Mexican human traffickers piece of shit! . . . They try to human traffic with everyone. They do secret business with everyone's life.,0.52,1,FR 21659,Fuck Yeah ! Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Rabid Hungry Fuck'n Cum Dogs on Fuck'n Heat Gettin' Down to Hard Rough Fuckin' and Balls Deep Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Breedin' ! (T.I.M)(Part 1) 👍 URL,1.66,3,original 22374,"""What these bitches want from a NIGGGGGAAAA",-1.73,0,original 13009,your such a fucking hoe,1.63,4,original 38106,"@PAKISTA93590191 @ashoswai It is the one true religion, what makes you think I'm not a devout Mussalman? I'm an Indian first and the nation comes first. Tumara wajood hi nahi hai tabhi toh Tim har wakt Allah ka naam haram me lete ho!",-2.22,0,original 36623,You niggas ain't no shit outside of school 💁,0.9,1,DE 43656,"These dogs are born here? If there were 1 million dogs on the border, we would wipe them out. Illan Omar... you are an idiot. Back to Somalia. Bring a Sammich for the men.",4.03,3,DE 45260,The only violence this damn generation will have to endure is when they throw their fucking smartphones in each other's faces!,0.7,5,ZH 15414,"Sentimental problems. Because let's be real. I never meet a girl that was able to give me the right advice with another girl. Anyway. Except this personal inconvenient, I am more open to share information with woman then males. The point is that I usually notice that woman take care about what is my point of view, and they understand not only what I'm saying, but why I'm saying. With males the conversation is a bit different, and I feel like I don't like share too much of myself. So I can defiantly say that what I share with male, I share with female.",-3.64,0,original 48907,0:54 that truck has a racist driver,-0.91,0,original 38572,@LiamJackson_7x The boys got rigamortis!,-2.6,0,original 2966,Poor kid would have been better off with his head chopped off in utero with no hope of pulling himself up by his boot straps...sheesh. F'ing savages.,-1.65,0,original 47176,i have never seen a hijabi in famous ppl music video😩🧕🏽😍RITA A QUEEN FOR THIS👸🏽,-3.73,0,original 38456,"@Reuters WHY are wars called 'mothers?"" Mostly men who start wars. WHY not ""father of all wars?"" Because it is religion: evil is 'feminine' Bible says: Eve brought evil into the world. Sex innuendos of male good/feme evil are worldwide.",-0.87,0,original 45075,Let's start by deporting (or hanging...I don't care) these mothers! This is PROOF that today's immigrants are VERY different from my ancestors and that they don't assimilate and feel legitimate to our country and want to take it over. Get EVERY ONE of these Mexican POS in this video the fk out of our country!!!! URLs,3.62,1,FR 44976,Illegal immigrants have no rights lol deport them please get them out of here criminals,0.81,3,DE 32087,another stupid female dog ratio,0.79,4,FR 9941,"Im confused: you're either, a trans-faggot, with WAY to high self esteem, OR a starbucks barista, who has autism, and can only work in society thru being a pedophile, either way, you look like a cross between a queer, and a kid fucker, who still lives in his parents basement",1.63,4,original 11901,A autist piece of shit,0.66,7,original 22134,@britcit71 No any white person non Muslim that goes to isis can fuck off as well...You have to be a proper sicko and hate this country or the west f you wanna join rapists of young girls and beheaders..Shes a bitch,-0.25,0,original 24457,These hoes are the same,-0.05,0,original 42108,Can we send these Jews somewhere on the island. So tired of their hypocrisy. They are fake democrats. They are in bed with the Republicans and occupy Palestine. 🇵🇸,1.39,2,RU 17886,'nazi' 'anarchy' fucoff back to r/twitchmains infidel scum may Allah's judgment strike you,2.34,3,ZH 48005,iRANS AER VERY MAL Awakening EVUIEL. hEER is today's headline - Iran is 'already planning the next attack on the West'. Iranians allow LIE in a criminak trial and they EXECUTE few mentally retarded buy confessions of forced torture. THEY ARE 100 PERCENT MALICIOUS LIARS AND must be replaced by a western government or else become EXTINCE complimens fo fullkty armed B52as!!!! THANK YOU @!,1.65,1,FR 35312,Why are girl so ugly to the girls that are just trying to warn them I'll never understand URL,-3.23,0,original 15968,Shit you Chinese you should slurp those niggas tits to the white supremacists and get that ass spanked by your parents and damn shame shit,1.22,1,DE 45069,"White Christian trash and their brown bootlickers cheer and talk about excrement. If this mission is successful, they will be forced to eat it.",0.73,2,DE 6326,fuck you fagot,1.34,5,DE 48506,Who are indians like,-3.11,0,original 49547,Pakistanis are pathetic born liers. They can sell you sand and tell it's magical. Be away from these liers.,-0.06,0,original 49683,"Store all WHITE UNKNITTED THREADS. They are the ILLEGALS on this continent!!! You don't belong here, mother and sister fucker! Back to Europe!!!",0.95,1,DE 25766,I let a nigga do what ever cause he gon do what ever regardless,-3.31,0,original 15390,Fucking a trans piece of shit bastards,2.15,4,FR 22482,@wyatthunter39 me Ima faggot,-1.04,0,original 2759,Damn Yazidis they disappoint what Isis did to them I hope mother Russia clog your ass and deepthroat Turkey,1.7,1,FR 2960,"Great ass ""tAkE"". That ho is gobbling cock. ""Take advantage"" because I am a woman who can never fully swallow a cock and be responsible for a leprechaun. Poor girl someone should save this beautiful girl from THROWIN THAT MF NECK LIKE GOT DAYUM! ! !",1.99,5,ZH 6620,Fucking hairy queer,1.67,5,FR 17264,If you're gonna be a racist scumbag at least own it ya pussy.,-1.35,0,original 11173,Man Fucks Jew Voyeur With Hot Air,1.2,2,ZH 20033,"STOP SUCKING THIS FATASS'S DICK, YOU NIGGERLOVING KIKE",1.79,1,FR 30517,"You would never see this sign in an Anglican, Eastern Orthodox Church etc. But you will find it at ""Friendship Baptist Church."" How are Baptist evangelicals renouncing, condemning, & excommunicating, etc. Christian Nationalists in all Baptist churches? URL",-1.96,0,original 7605,will give you an abortion,0.89,4,FR 28147,"@SheilaGunny @MadyWaterer But Labour MPs will do nothing about it, they are a bunch of sheep following their leader, happy to go along with the party shite on being anti semitic. Seeing their leader happy to sit down with terrorists and decry the jews all for the Muslim votes.",0.47,0,original 1216,"Yes, we should kill everyone below a certain IQ.",3.85,7,JA 25956,"When I say it's ""act up season"" that don't have shit to do with anything involving a male. My friends and I are enjoying each other's company and we outside with it.",-2.79,0,original 14385,"In the future all sex is going to be gay sex so we'll see who's laughing then. As for the rest of you, if you want to clean shit out of your boy's turtleneck, good on you. As for me and my household, we'll go the way of the Lord.",0.38,0,original 37008,"@TheItalGal The best argument is that extremists for whatever purpose are horrible people and should be removed from Earth. Right now there is a push to vilify 3 different groups in the world of terrorism when there are valid arguments against ALL of them. Neither ""side"" should breathe a sigh of relief.",1.06,2,FR 4554,I literally just typed it in all caps. LOL. Either you are a child or you have some kind of social incompetence. take medicine Goodbye incel.,1.84,7,JA 1218,Meh – these are failed gays trying to get straight dudes 'cause they're in the head!,1.05,5,DE 28867,"@habyb_alfa @Iyanuholuwah @VOANews Oga ignoramus, nicki pulled out cos of some human right shit and not your stupid arewa whatever. When will y'all even win against boko haram savaging your people? URL",-0.29,0,original 8712,"You either go to the gas chambers and kill some jews, or gtfo",3.66,2,ZH 19767,Lmaoo all the pakis in Canada are doing it and are posting fake crap on their IG stories,-2.35,0,original 4105,Kill that bible banging fuck face.,1.51,2,DE 30099,"@RepMarkWalker Fuck Israel, fuck America and fuck you! It's called freedom of speech, you piece of shit.",0.77,3,DE 14987,"I'd say you have some kind of brain disorder to be harassing people for answering a simple question. Bet you're a joy to be around. I feel sorry for your present or future kids. Your orange boyfriend is waiting for you, why don't you go suck his mushroom dick and leave the grownups take care of this stuff. That's a good girl.",2.72,3,original 22272,inferior fag sub sluts need to be branded.. #nocondomsallowed #nopullingout url,1.19,5,FR 15953,Incels are the most pathetic bunch of people I've ever seen online.,-0.15,0,original 14088,Exceptional women leave a little mystery about their lives 😎,-4.04,0,original 18838,Imagine taking this Zionist jerk seriously lol.,0.57,2,ZH 9197,fuck bitches get money drink gator piss,1.72,4,original 15020,Shut up darling. Go back to harassing girls on Tinder Beta Bitch. How is this joke? Funny no?,0.81,1,FR 28190,"@Jali_Cat @MAGAGwen @NBA Muhammad Ali asked what he thought of Africa, after returning to the United States, ""Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat"" Time for a backbone America #Trump2020",-0.69,0,original 34984,"Sen. Gillibrand: ""I can talk to those white women in the suburbs that voted for Trump and explain to them what white privilege actually is—that when their son is walking down the street with a bag of M&Ms...wearing a hoodie, his whiteness is what protects him from not being shot""",-2.3,0,original 15556,"Oh no, the other holocaust is right on pace. I'm talking about the institutional oppression and eradication of black people which is [somewhere between stage 8 and 9 depending on your barometer for extermination.](URL That's a slow motion genocide because it's been a four century effort.",-3.11,0,original 3607,"You mean female, as in silly singular person. Fagot? Wow, straight out of college now, right? Really, you can find something better than fagot... come on, try as hard as you can to turn your lesbian sister back into a dick",1.3,5,FR 12465,Fuck Iran to death,1.71,3,FR 29654,"Workin 4 all Americans instead of special interests, corrupt Corp, grandstanding over 0 substance or 4 White men in particular LOOKS LIKE THIS. & thats why shes gets it from ALL SIDES? By doin her job we see their incompetency. WM are afraid of equal ground b/c POC&women R better",-0.28,0,original 16024,"""Just fucking leave!"" and then people leave the country they are suffering in and move to the US. And then you go ""no not here!"" fucking idiot. 🖕",-1.29,0,original 48997,Thank you Trump for rounding up these illegal immigrants! high time! You have no right to be here! Illegal immigrants are a slap in the face to legal immigrants who came down the right path... And all those officials who run the I.C.E. from doing their jobs should be jailed and held accountable for failing to uphold the oath they took to protect the law when they took office... Thank God for Trump! Trump2020,2.19,3,DE 7764,Somebody gotta stop this bitch,0.61,5,FR 13795,This is literally apartheid propaganda. At least the actual South African Bourgeoisie would contradict themselves afterwards by telling tales of their heroic great-grandparents slaying the savage blacks on the battlefield.,0.13,0,original 8655,"25,000 of the 95,000 have confirmed their citizenship, that leaves 70,000, 58,000 of which have cast votes on more than one occasion.",-2.46,0,original 40017,@netanyahu at the scene of this morning's terrorist attack. 🇮🇱The Prime Minister of Israel bows to continue combating terrorism and to deliver a swift blow to the Palestinian terror establishment. URL,-0.7,0,original 4828,MYAMOTO-MOTO IS A GOOD CHRISTIAN ROLE MODEL,-4.76,0,original 44545,No. Rather burn down all religious buildings.,1.27,2,DE 19920,"You must really love gay men because omg you waste a bunch of them in comments and it's all for naught because you're one of the dumbest people I've ever met on the damn earth one. I know you have no friends and you're a virgin, I'll fucking beat you :)))) CLOWN",1.08,5,ZH 12193,I've been here before. It's an awesome experience and they love meeting other black people from outside the country. They put forth a lot of effort in staying connected to their African ancestry and preserving their local culture (they're basically self governed). Definitely a recommended travel destination.,-4.5,0,original 9097,Time for a race war. I hope you die doing it,2.27,1,DE 11775,"All right, so fuck them all and call them all fags, okay.",1.3,5,DE 680,"Seriously? Why every 4th post here is about a woman's promiscuity, a man's character and other bull shit. Are mallus that horny? I know you guys are ugly but this is clearly disgusting. No wonder your women cheat on you with us Fair Skinned North Indians.",0.15,0,original 24785,Why do all the crazy bad white boys look sick and deformed in the face?,0.91,1,DE 29023,"You patriarchy princesses can't even justify your own humanity without mentioning the feminism you hate. The patriarchy is dragging you in that tweet, and you wish you could stop it but you hate feminism. 💀💀 Face that patriarchy prince squarely and leave feminism out. URL",1.02,4,original 22295,"Muslim terrorist murdered 8 innocent people in New York ""in the name of Allah"" ITS ALWAYS A MUSLIM TERROTIST NEVER a Christian terrorist because the Bible doesn't tell it's Christ followers to kill people who don't join their religion like the Koran does URL URL",0.8,2,original 36107,If I had a son and he turned out to be straight I would sneak into his room at night and show him what a good dick looks like 💯,1.46,5,FR 13279,"You better wake up as soon as possible, start deporting these animals, or damn it if you have to, start getting a little energetic and kill them. These people want to wipe out the native Europeans? Well, it's time to say no and get rid of these animals.",2.87,1,DE 14349,"Sexist pigs, fucking bitches",0.98,4,FR 44908,"Devil worshipers should be put to death, people possessed by demons like sadistic serial killer pedophile Muhammad",1.27,2,ZH 36773,"On #03th August Peshmerga betrayed the yezidis and withdraw from Sinjar, thousands of children and men were killed and women were took as sex slave. Thousands of them have choice either convert to Islam or they have to be beheaded. They raped girls in age of 11yrs URL",-0.58,0,original 6765,I would like to announce the gold medalist in mental gymnastics.... Imam bigsnicker! Your blind faith in... Confidence is truly inspiring! Alah Akbar.,0.7,2,DE 4349,I sincerely hope you never have kids cunt.,0.95,6,original 961,Her husband is a fag,1.78,5,DE 13258,I'd fuck her ass and cum on her back then call her a wetback.,2.12,1,original 20838,"@omobobola247 @TomiwaSage This is one of, if not the best posts I've ever read on twitter. May Allah accept his and our prayers. We can sin all we want but our hearts always yearn for our Creator.",-5.45,0,original 46430,"+Jessica N I don't think you are a fit to be a parent, if you get pregnant you should abort your child.",1.49,4,original 47920,The constant reckless lies this Somalia racist immigrant spews with no consequences is dangerous for this country.,0.04,0,original 19394,Kill you. you are a fag,3.75,5,DE 44537,"I cant stand that ""girl"" with the dyed hair ,selfish attention seeking cunt",0.76,4,original 13504,Choke you on my dick and fuck your pussy raw,1.62,4,FR 18181,Only fags fuck for free.,2.18,5,FR 5669,Middle East Reformed Fellowship seems to be doing great work in the Muslim world.,-4.97,0,original 15200,"What's this ""both"" nonsense? There was only one cause. It was a chain of events, not multiple parallel contributing factors. The South wanted to keep owning black people as property, so they tried to leave the union to do exactly that. The North wasn't going to let them do any of that.",-3.34,0,original 42000,Another fake Christian who supported the big nosed Christ killers cursed enemies of Jesus. Enjoy hellfire scumbag American trumptard.,1.53,2,original 1837,Slap that pussy,4.98,4,FR 3391,Probably a long list of fags,0.67,5,DE 26696,"Kids are rude now, please kill them before they breed URL",2.2,6,ZH 7405,"Thank the Anti-Stereotype baby Jesus! I say these kinds of silly lovely things about my friends (women mostly) all the time. Makes me smile that men feel secure enough to do it too (granted I know they are famous and film together). But start the momentum, gentlemen!",-3.54,0,original 31233,"If you mistreat your girl or cheat while she's pregnant you dumb as hell, she's gonna pop that baby out in about 9 months, and get her body back and be on her shit and have your precious little baby and the only person gonna be missing out is YOU.",-2.13,0,original 39784,🔞🍓💕 🍓 Online date? More photos and videos free registration I am looking for a guy with a big dick;) Do You want to fuck me;) Do You have a big dick ?! Rather go to the site there are many wet pussies! ;) 💦 #booty #mg URL,-1.64,0,original 39228,All the #istandwithbusoladakolo are now standing by themselves...😂 Dumbass Niggers!,1.88,1,original 11016,WHAT ABOUT BAN UR FUCKING MOTHER? FUKIN ACID RAINBOW FAGOT LOL,1.33,5,FR 38880,@JoaquinCastrotx Damn bean.,1.45,1,FR 21100,"The bitch said ""are you pregnant"" and the girl said no, she said ok cuz babies die too... I- all this for a nigga, ghetto fucking",2.03,5,ZH 13500,go smother gay,3.27,5,ZH 45229,and you BELIEVE the dominican police????????? LOL get a grip who else would've beaten her???? clearly it was someone who WORKS AT THE RESORT and i don't trust foreign police they don't even take care of their own citizens,-0.32,0,original 3186,"Who is behind this account, a mentally retarded girl or an autistic degenerate?",1.08,7,RU 21670,It only take ONE nigga to hurt you and then you start becoming cold hearted,0.12,0,original 35651,@anindiangod causing url delay,2.23,7,RU 14394,That cunt actually read a christian passage at Hitchens funeral. Thats the ultimate insult. No matter what the text says.,0.39,0,original 43742,hope those two bitches die,1.29,5,ZH 43944,"Ha ha. Western Kid: Which bathroom matches my gender identity today, and why can't I get rich as a left-handed puppeteer and marijuana smoker? Wow. Life is not fair. Cambodian kids... we got this shit, just get out of the way.",0.51,3,ZH 38952,Slap me on a penny and call me Abraham cus I'm not Lincoln wit none of you niggas,-1.88,0,original 1649,"- Fuck your ancestors - Do you know your mother has died? - Idiot American, (your) entire family has cancer - Idiot white pig - Go eat your mother's shit, you incestuous dog - Talk shit - You are very good at finding isn't it - Go find more at let me hear them - Let's see how fucking good you are at finding !translated",1.89,3,original 6072,Aww thanks! I mean its Ok to be gay. Nothing is wrong with that. If you really love the person then don't let self built bounderies stop you from doing so,-5.72,0,original 35522,"you got my numbers, 1-800 choke that hoe",1.8,4,FR 8683,">Secularism is separation of church and state. No that's one aspect of secularism, secularism being defined as: ""indifference to, or rejection or exclusion of, religion and religious considerations.""",-2.16,0,original 20032,shut the fuck up you dumb black bitch,1.44,1,original 28693,"Pay your dick tax! $1 per inch if you're 6"" and up and $5 per inch for the tiny dick losers. #findom #cashpig URL",-0.82,0,original 23922,From 2017: #Muslims Who Saved #Jewish People During the #Holocaust URL,-4.07,0,original 17339,"PDP Mufti, Mullah Omar etc are absolute scum. They should be sent back to porkistan where they will not last a week and will see the same fate as Nawaz Sharif or Bhutto. They smoke India while supporting pakistan",1.59,3,ZH 37972,Y'all think it's a bad thing to want a man that is useful to your life. Someone who ADDS something. But I forget that pick me's hate women so if you don't want to listen to me that's fine. Ask your homeboys then. Ask them what type of man they want their daughters to be with,-0.92,0,original 8068,"Well, I'd rather have them all dead in one place first than let them go to great America. Get the fuck out of my country, you law-breaking sacks of men.",4.02,1,DE 42280,"These sodomites feel validated by the SJW movie and TV agenda. Their goal is the destruction of the nuclear family. They call their deviance ""pride"". And they post it all over social media. Sodom and Gomorrah were 2 of the 5 adjacent and prosperous cities, which God got rid of for their deviance and depravity. La and SFco are identical. God will get rid of the wicked.",2.34,5,FR 9071,"If she can perform the part well, she was a good choice. That's what should matter to everybody, I think. I'm happy to see more POC representation and the blowback about it before she's even done the job is astounding to me.",-2.57,0,original 4417,"I see you are also American. These stupid bitches don't understand how honored they are to have a Mexican in their British/Irish/European community. Mexican food > Irish food/food from most European countries. Source: I've been to both countries, other European countries, and I'm from Southern California. This guy makes tacos that will smash any plate of food those idiots can make.",0.67,3,ZH 28637,Reverse the roles and that nigga woulda been in jail. URL,0.08,0,original 10094,She is made for gang fuck,2.54,4,FR 23131,Like My Nigga @Liljosh0_ Said Finna Ice Out My Teeth Fuck A Price 🤑🥶,1.41,1,original 25337,@dhiggins63 Satan works hard to make us sin and reject God. Liberals are tools of Satan to carry out his agenda of destruction as they subvert and attack justice/virtue. Muslims are the tools of Satan in his efforts to conquer the world and establish a satanic religion intoxicated with lies.,1.29,2,ZH 30861,"Since most people like to strip zayn off his race, identity and nationality, here's a thread of zayn embracing his heritage, nationality, culture, showing love towards his family and being a proud brown pakistani : URL",-6.15,0,original 23857,This is for Rachel you big white smelly fat btch you took me off the fucking schedule with your petty dirty white racist ass you big fat btch oompa loompa body ass btch me come outside and i will beat the shit up from u btch and dont even call the police url,1.23,1,DE 2264,"If you're a libertarian, it's sexist.",1.22,7,ZH 13649,"I'd rip those panties off and stuff them in your mouth before dry raping your asshole as violently as possible, in the end leaving you a broken, gaped, cum filled mess",2.47,4,original 45253,7/16/19....Illegal Immigrants SHOULD NOT OPEN THE DOOR? WRLL HOW MANY ICE OFFICERS WILL BE INJURED? EVERY INJURED/KILLED ICE OFFICER SHOULD LEAD TO A HUGE LAWSUIT AGAINST SANCTUARY CITIES + MAYORS + POLICE + ANYONE WHO GETS IN THE WAY AND STOPS ICE FROM DOING ITS DUTY/JOB! TRUMP DEPORT ALL THOSE WELFARE/ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! BUILD THE WALL + MAKE IT HIGH! DEPORT ILLEGAL AND CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS! MAKE AMERICA + AMERICANS SAFE!,0.78,3,FR 13410,"I would be too tired at the end of the day to do anything too complicated and elaborate. I would see her in this position and walk up to her, spit on her asshole to use as lube. Then I would wrap my belt around her neck and squeeze her really tight choking her fucking her in the shitty pipe with my dick",1.39,4,FR 47832,It's your duty to follow the laws of the land say the Lord himself. Bottom line if you are not legal to be in the United States then simply you are not allowed here period the end of story. Now get the fuck out and build your own country just like us Americans have done. And yes allot of lives will be lost when you do just like Americans had to do so get off the band wagon and fight your own governments and make your country a better place. There you have it.,0.27,0,original 39791,"The Nazis are dead. Mostly, white men killed them. Please stop calling your political opponents ""Nazis."" URL",-1.73,0,original 40076,"Ungrateful parasite 'augustine',we are taking our Bharat back and we are going to reconvert you or throw you out.",0.6,2,original 29070,"@Sanjay_Dixit These types of sick haters and anti-social elements should be arrested, whether they belong to any religious community. The police must take immediate action if anyone violates social harmony. Our country will develop only if there is inner peace and harmony between people.",1.06,2,RU 3781,The innocent Japanese folk in Canada sure drew the short stick here.,-2.48,0,original 32584,"I personally care about your body count, why am I gonna fuck someone who's fucked the whole city already? URL",-2.0,0,original 28227,@awejones Fuck him right off you were baptized by satan the minute you sucked a dick 🤣,1.47,5,original 17399,Stfu dumb your fagot probably 12,1.17,5,FR 40730,Don't let that white boy boil up 'cause if he do it all y'all niggas doomed lol,0.51,1,DE 25442,@iSpotlight6800 You a hoe shut up,2.28,4,original 21843,"@thehill I recently looked up my ex-girlfriend and she is STILL devastated that I broke up with her. She's now engaged, just trying to make me jealous and get me back. It's more sad than funny really.",-2.17,0,original 27169,White men were born to eat BBC cum out of your butt!!!!,0.71,1,original 10613,"> If going through a **divorce** is what makes you give up **life** Marriage = life for you? Interesting. >how to spend **all your time bitching at women** ""going your own way?"" It's not true. I also rant about white knights like you, simps, manginas, cucks... > you deserve to be an asexual gremlin Thank you. I also wish you the best.",2.3,4,FR 38213,"@emperor_cris @Financialdomi @FinDomFetish @masterscash @submit2mee fags must stay chaste! Only really good males have cocks! Gays only have small pieces, their only pleasure must come from serving God, nothing else matters",0.72,5,ZH 19313,Why can't she rough the dick like that? All we get are wacky ass videos with no moans,0.51,4,FR 14536,"Lmao at your pathetic ass after touring your profile. You're a tranny, go ahead and blow your brains out, stop wasting our time and go see Satan.",1.51,4,original 26779,@awkwardbutkind GIRL CALL MY GRANDMA BITCH ENCORE IM GONNA FUCKING NUKE VOTRE DIRTY ASS,1.99,4,FR 43682,Costlyplanet singh is an Indian last name,-2.83,0,original 35974,@adittoo_ Cool so let's just chop off this guy's cock and balls cause he's not doing anything productive and clearly doesn't need to breed. I wish she pepper sprayed his dick,1.02,4,FR 34958,I'm gonna fuck your wallet and your wife so bend over and take it you sissy bitch! #findom #finsubs #fincuck #alpha,2.28,4,FR 24311,@majorgauravarya @rahuldewan True. The spirit and intent of religion centric initiatives must be put to scrutiny.,-1.89,0,original 29105,"I need to get it off my chest ""fuck you niggas"" 🗣",1.12,1,FR 36695,"You wonder where this radicalized terrorist picked up words like ""invasion,"" and why he targeted brown people? This is on you! We will hold you accountable. URL",-1.65,0,original 31249,"@FBRAK @GrahamANelson @joswinson Somewhere between the years of the Third and Fourth Reich 😬. Back before London wasn't a shithole, thousands of girls didn't get raped by scum, we didn't need battering rams around every market square, before bobbies had to be armed with machine guns. Before unlimited immigration.",1.08,3,DE 28304,"Y'all view fat people, especially fat women, as nothing more than a site of trauma for you to get your rocks off with no accountability for your own emotions or how you engage other human beings. Y'all deserve to be placed beneath the prison.",-1.83,0,original 3926,"Two of my friends have 4 parents, all gay. It was surprising at first but they're all great people. They're on good terms with the kids so my friends just have more adult guidance in their lives. It was interesting to piece together when they talked about their families.",-6.57,0,original 37962,"@RizwanK05397590 @Arbazkhanpatan @geertwilderspvv @YRDeshmukh ok MR refugee Endian Hindu church fuck your muslim sister and mother you will be silent but we won't be silent we will talk about Kashmir,Khalistan like himdu cow urine drinker and endian muslims",2.24,2,ZH 869,>Lol fuck veterans. I'm with you! Fuck these faggots who kicked Hitler's ass back to Germany! Stupid-ass Veterans! We coulda had a Third Reich! 😭😭😭,1.28,5,original 8127,Stupid racist incel frog,2.43,1,original 33539,the q anon cult leader is setting the followers up for some radio rwanda bullshitand basically i hate all of you motherfuckers even MORE than i fucking did last year when i begged you to care and you refused. remember the MONTHS i spent having to argue that q anon was a cult?! URL,0.9,2,original 47218,"Bloodwolfz4 im black bro lol, im assuming sense im not playing the victim card i cant possibly be black",-2.53,0,original 44888,"They didn't care about math. It's the manufactured outrage by gay people at the way fags were treated in those they attempt to sell the public a moral equivalence to the Jewish Holocaust, with ""Never Again (will a fag suffer)""",1.0,5,FR 20180,If you don't have a uterus and you haven't had your period in the last 80 years then you shouldn't be making abortion laws sweaty,-2.94,0,original 9423,>North Gay Street [Sinbad voice] “You all have gays in the North. You name streets and shit after them. But in the south we only have fags. And no one will name a street South Fagot Lane.”,1.72,5,DE 9668,I would gladly throw that bitch out of a 20 story building,2.66,4,FR 10656,"# No, what makes you one is peddling ""the great alternate"" which is the idea that white people are going to die out, fucking liar. >The number of terrorist attacks, crimes, rapes, since the influx of Muslims has increased so much that we cannot deny it, if this continues very soon half of Europe will be Muslim, mosques everywhere and what do I know what will follow after this. Citation required? Prove we're replaced or GTFO Maybe the US shouldn't bomb countries so hard they're bankrupt for decades to come?",1.07,2,FR 47662,more attacks on Americans by the traitor in chief all to the glory of stupid white trash,1.24,1,original 34706,"Kill them all, slit their throats: ISIS warns of terrorist attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.94,2,RU 17502,Imagine being such a faggot soyboy you think self defense is a fucking hobby. These people are a joke.,1.29,5,original 23442,Stupid bitches,0.78,4,FR 14643,"Maybe the fat, weak guys with girlfriends and wives are funny, charming, decent men who don't want to murder people. Could that be it?",-1.43,0,original 36103,"August 9, 2018, Mr. Abiy Ahmed Formed Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund Advisory Council to contribute One dollar a day for Ethiopia. Now, we are hearing that Diaspora Trust Fund has nothing to do with the Ethiopian government 🤔 URL URL",-1.64,0,original 35960,How To Talk To Your Kids About LGBTQ+ Issues.. URL #sensical,-3.25,0,original 44400,"Very Classy ladies, very professional. I am behind you 110%. Never give up. Move forward ladies with Strength. GOD is walking with you, who will be against you?",-5.88,0,original 25729,Where dese niggas at when I need them 😤😤,-2.63,0,original 45532,Islam is a national security threat. Invasive Mvslim species do not belong in Canada.,1.06,2,DE 29847,I fucked your mother so much that when she died she took my libido with her,1.59,4,FR 21495,"Other women might say ""men are trash"" every once and while, but it's a group of women on here, that speaks on Men doing them wrong tweet after tweet.",-1.02,0,original 37719,@brendoskii_ The other gender keeps on breaking in to new levels of stupidity,0.41,0,original 8712,"You either go to the gas chamber, kill some jews or gtfo",3.66,2,DE 14117,I had insta just to bully normies,-0.55,0,original 7041,"Manny! ! ! I'm fucking going to strangle you into autistic mentally retarded! Then I'm going to bend your poor three year old body until your head is on your fucking ass! Then I'll drive my incredibly hard cock up your ass and throat at the same time! MANNNNYYYYY I'm coming for you, you fucking bitch! ! !",4.22,6,ZH 2169,"I'm sure its a coincidence that all the assholes are black dudes. No hidden racism here, just the ""facts"". Amirite, fellas?",1.72,1,original 322,"Out of context, LMAO, imagine resorting to this one in 2019. Speaking of religion of peace, this website puts things into context and links directly to the Quran. That's okay, a religion that promotes inbreeding will obviously produce people like you.",1.01,2,FR 3659,"Oh I definitely get it. I'm ginger and I have a thing for POC, and while I do have my fantasies I make it a point to not push any of it even if I know I'm subconsciously kind of hoping for it. It's perfectly fine to have fantasies(BBC is it's own phenomenon at this point), you just have to be careful to not blur the lines and to treat real people like individuals.",-3.63,0,original 18921,Your mom to my bitch,-0.92,0,original 10813,Fuck Israel and fuck religion in politics.,1.33,3,FR 28256,Some of us are just legit guys who were raised well and know how to treat ladies . No hidden agendas,-5.01,0,original 41569,She stupid and liar make look bad in America get out u are not welcome,0.16,0,original 40697,"I urge everyone to support Brendon in his efforts to present Israel to the world. URL He's having financial problems because he's running away from the Zionist Mafia. Please help this man financially and help spread his message before the Talmud takes over the world. Israel is stealing technology and jobs from the US and handing them over to Russia, China and Iran. All high-tech companies will move to Israel. The Belt and Road Initiative is America's return to corn.",0.52,3,ZH 25951,@rep_stevewomack Lol. Snowflakes. Hurry to your swoon couch before I grab your pussy and send you back to your shithole land.,1.5,3,DE 28315,yall be so pressed over bitches that aint even checkin for you.. move. 🙄,-0.28,0,original 49699,The man is mentally ill. He needs help.,0.05,0,original 16945,I've always wanted an Asian. You girl are beautiful.,-2.32,0,original 36059,Mentally disabled!,1.09,7,ZH 3100,Fuck this gay earth.,2.59,5,ZH 28282,Of course you do sissy DMs for sissy training @MasterDomGreg #BlowJobTraining #anal #crossdresser #domme #feminized #UKdomme #submit #SissyWhore #sissifcation #sissyfuck #sissyanal URL,1.67,5,ZH 26002,BEEEEEAT HIMMMMM!!! bruh i would have the most fun torturing this guy. Cut his fucking dick off and feed it to his mom,-0.84,0,original 22515,Very natural. Look how small and useless the fag knot is. Now look at the MAN'S. No comparison. That's why men fuck. Men have dicks. Queers have pussies. URLs,0.97,5,FR 15508,Soon Ireland would be overrun by these niggers too.,1.44,1,DE 42958,"Germany was invaded by niggers and arabs but you make a show to old boomers on river. Worst army in the world, CUCKS.",1.63,1,original 27612,@BooBooK27554235 a good slut looking to fuck all the time???? How bad you like to fuck baby girl. With a body like yours I would love to smash that kitty babe. Can I see how bad you like to fuck?? Show me something hot and sexy babe😘,-0.89,0,original 26797,"BBC has called #KOT, Kenyans On Twitter, a movement, the most important and powerful group to watch",-4.52,0,original 44395,nothing to do with the rothchilds it's to do with muslims having nukes probably the most dangerous thing on earth because no one else would sacrifice their life and everyone around them for a fake man in the heaven who raped 10 year olds,0.87,2,FR 14789,"You'd be surprised how many of them act like this to any man they lust over, women seem to be docile creatures until they see someone they're attracted to then they become animalistic, they become very wild and open in order to attain the person they want and stop at nothing to get it",0.24,0,original 20188,Girls love girls and boys.,-4.13,0,original 22833,I see the primitives in Londonstahn has been given permission to fly the Anti Trump balloon over the caliphate . Sadly our once great capital city has fallen down to the status of a third world shyte hole . Where the county lines drugs gangs & Islamic terrorists rule the streets,1.19,3,original 31521,@vulpixed @zoe_trashgoblin @traineryelIow im a lesbian and i can be attracted to men sometimes. demanding that we adhere to labels and their bounds rigidly is literally the opposite of queer liberation. the labels serve our expression. we do not conform our expression to the prescription of the labels,-3.18,0,original 30520,Shut up...the..whole..fuck..TOP YOU JUST GOT UR LAME ASS MOM FIGHT MY FRIEND U MARK ASS PUSSY ASS COP CALLING BITCH,1.96,4,FR 45080,retarded whites,1.17,1,FR 45507,Americans are the ass hole of this planet,0.35,0,original 43139,@TRUTHSPEAKER Fuck your mother in the ass you spelling hillbilly.,3.4,1,DE 26986,"also popular among those young tumblr users is gatekeeping everyone out of the community that isn't L, G, B, or T. queer is a word that includes way more than that so they hate it URL",-2.23,0,original 29688,"The government should release their leader, I just pray these guys won't go the route of boko haram.",-1.88,0,original 11425,"Did i mention you defend borderline ISIS terrorist, who strife to establish, and have somewhat succeeded in, establishing a sharia rule in a sovereign country? Idlib is full of terrorist and needs to be cleared out, unfortunately there will be some collateral damage. If you want to blame someone blame US, UK, France, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia for paying the salaries of the jihadist and supplying them with weapons.",-0.55,0,original 40654,Tattle Boad Ur Gay and you gave me Ebola,0.7,5,original 35351,Any girl letting ac eat their pussy needs to be put down,0.51,4,original 1533,"I only realised i was bi at 39. I told my wife and she just rolled her eyes and said ""yes brumbles, i know "" :)",-4.08,0,original 40545,"That's right Libtards, we're coming for you. We will put an end to your gay agenda. Not my child, you filthy pedophiles.",1.15,5,DE 3905,Fat ugly bitch,1.77,4,original 27720,@Clyde_exe Imagine being this retarded URL,0.03,0,original 20833,"@AlizaSukhera 1. I haven't said at any time that it's ok to kill anyone Muslim, Hindu, atheist or whatever 2. There r guidelines of every religion n those who follow that r termed as follower of that. Ahmedi don't accept Islamic guidance n can't be termed as Muslim.",-3.5,0,original 25459,"@DevinSenaUI Which one of the versions of the bible are you talking about? Also, you're a moron.",1.88,2,original 17698,Because it isn't about guns .. it's about lunatic white supremacists and their racist bullshit... Without guns these freaks would just cook up bombs or mow people down in trucks and shit... We need to legalize the hunting of Nazis..,2.42,1,original 39448,fuck that female dog,1.55,4,FR 47200,"those who say they get a little revenge because farmers are being filleted and burned alive for fun have to find God. Race is inferior to money for people in power who call the shots, you are just brainwashed to believe otherwise.",0.6,1,FR 15528,"To quote a poet, ""I love the kind of woman who can kick my ass."" If you can't keep up with me or put me on the back foot every now and again, I'm going to get bored and find someone who can. Height is a similar thing (I'm 6'3"") for similar reasons, but I guess that's more understandable. Also silver hair is a thing for me, but I have no idea why.",-2.61,0,original 26453,#sissy #sissycaption #sissycaptions #sissyslut #femboy #crossdresser #feminine #sissyhypno #cock #sissygirl #boipussy #sissies #sissification URL,0.28,0,original 11927,"says the guy. On the Internet. We're in a prank sub-nigger, you know?",0.64,1,DE 14796,This fag only cums because of a huge amphora up his ass..,1.18,5,DE 43993,Tod Allah,1.3,2,DE 17479,Girls: I needs a man with a bigger dick! Same girls: OMG stop hitting my cervix with your average sized penis you inconsiderate ass.,-0.63,0,original 8021,Absolutely one of the hottest Asian women on earth.,-3.53,0,original 43849,Looks like another feminist agenda pushing a bunch of shit against beta males,0.82,4,FR 20090,Hozier - Take me to church He said: to hell with the homophobic church community and to hell with the government. URL,1.47,2,RU 46326,Yes your homosexual family is an international embarrassment I suggest you all kill yourselves today as soon as possible,2.95,5,original 11663,"""Get her out faster! I'm so scared of brown people!""",0.6,1,DE 8107,True Organized Religion Is Cancer,0.66,2,ZH 4949,"The joke is that white people tend to vote in a retarded way that is shared by no other minority, so by making them into a minority group, maybe that stupid way of voting will die too. It's also really funny to shit on people who want an actual genocide by shining a light on the real and unstoppable shrinkage of the slice of population pie ""white"", however you want to define it, takes up.",-0.25,0,original 16056,Women are so sexy. That's a nice jiggle,-1.5,0,original 405,"MemeriTV: ""The US is a filthy whore dog of Israel!""",2.08,3,original 41049,"Please throw these 3 illegal alien terrorist loudmouth ""women"" (and I use the term loosely) OUT OF OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! NOW! How did they sneak past the wall?",1.04,3,DE 23880,fuck that female dog! lol ((so no to violence but i would fuck the female dog and scare her on a real lmao)),1.67,4,FR 2067,"Ya think becky would be cool with JILL, jillin is literally slang for female wanking",-1.51,0,original 8573,She's from Somalia,-3.32,0,original 30200,@mansoortshams @IlhanMN It was also a Muslim Army soldier who opened fire at Fort Hood killing his fellow soldiers. Dont be a sensitive millennial because people want people that hate the US to leave. You should have everyone's back. @DanCrenshawTX URL,-0.9,0,original 42126,NATive americans should drain american swamp and kick you all out,-1.73,0,original 26783,Let Them Meet Their 72 Hoors Wherever They URL Sympathy For These Barbarians.,-0.24,0,original 37200,"@BrainsPindi @AlakhNi38794017 @majorgauravarya Free from what? Fearmongering was the name of game, religious delusion the reason. Good to see he died the death he deserved and so did his sister, murdered by the monster he created. To the deluded, even 72 virgins are correct and so is pedophilia. World gives a damn.",2.28,2,original 19471,"Positive representation of gay men matters a lot for young gay kids growing up, closeted gay men coming to terms with themselves, and those who still believe that nothing good can come from gay people being able to adopt.",-5.2,0,original 42995,When I watch or listen Beyonce I just wanna be a black .But unfortunantly I can not 😭😭😭😭,-2.85,0,original 26008,fag exposed #fag #fagexposed #faggots URL,0.55,5,DE 27402,Mena Mangal: Journalist and women's rights campaigner shot dead in broad daylight in Kabul | The Independent #WarOnWomen is a #realproblem all over the #world THIS MUST STOP Read this! ⁦@billmaher⁩ ⁦@CornelWest⁩ ⁦@Janefonda⁩ ⁦@AOC⁩ URL,-3.03,0,original 45042,"Non stop anti white male, jewish garbage!!",0.1,0,original 7367,"""Will you two faggots stop making so fucking much noise?!"" RiP indeed",2.12,5,original 45151,"Leftists attack, there is no police or state to protect citizens, so here comes the civil war. Shootings, explosions destroying property, attempts to attack ICE, Democrats calling them Nazis and saying they run concentration camps is dangerous and ICE must use force to protect itself. Shoot everyone and protect yourself ICE.",1.91,2,ZH 18541,Whoops you're a fat autistic no one likes and you just can't stand it so you throw a tantrum and everyone laughs at you in the comments just don't open another Walmart okay kid? Treat your L like a man if possible :),1.91,7,ZH 18216,LMAO a terrorist state is discussing the non-existent role of RSS ka in Kashmir? Are ordinary Pakistanis so stupid? No wonder the country is nothing more than a waste of space and resources.,1.58,7,ZH 17674,"Fuck you, you're doing the same thing you disgusting fag.",1.73,5,ZH 28993,@majorgauravarya My warning to Al Jaahahari - the Indians are ready with guns and ammunition and thirsty for Arab blood...come soon and be hunted.,1.77,1,DE 15381,I'd fuck that crazy bitch right up the ass and make her taste it afterwards.,1.57,4,original 29551,@helen_poppet @OzraeliAvi We can only hope that one of these gangs he is cracking down on and you fall in love with one of the family members who raped you wakes you up.,1.3,5,ZH 10394,"The big relatable, I wish I had constant dysphoria but I'm Totally Cis™️",-2.47,0,original 41377,Feminism is cancer change your mind,1.25,4,FR 44755,"ASHAMED. Filthy gnostic sex predators protecting each other. These men are so grotesque. Protect themselves, have fun, so that they can have fun with our children. Gnostic junk Illuminati Protecting each other",0.69,4,FR 42499,They can't offer iconik dumbitch kys fag,0.59,5,FR 50034,@Saul Atreides Think you got your decade wrong. In the 1930s the Nazi were forcing German Jews to live in ghettos. Not until the early 1940s did Nazi Germany begin systematically wiping out the Jews living in the ghettos aka the final solution.,-3.23,0,original 5595,Fuck that fag,2.45,5,DE 31746,Racism makes white Women age so badly. She looks like a stale cigarette butt #katiehopkins URL,0.33,0,original 6990,"In all fairness, as a prostitute (which she definitely is), her 1100 works out to about $37 a day for on-demand anal and blowjobs. Shit, I'll piss on him after busting that nut too! Gotta get that $37 value!",1.82,4,FR 20002,"yeah, heres a clue for the nigger author of this article. Chinks hate niggers, Kikes hate niggers, Spicks hate niggers and Towelheads hate niggers. EVen niggers hate niggers. Black Africans hate the gauche lazy American blacks because they have no morals or work ethic. Niggrus Americanus is the lowest form of human (if you can even call them that) on the planet, we should erase them",3.91,1,original 35235,why is tweetdeck still gay inb4 HAHA UR GAY FOR USING TWEETDECK URL,-0.88,0,original 9893,"Shut up, German Hillary. Go back and destroy Germany with low IQ, violent immigrants.",1.24,3,ZH 15315,"It's like the government, only they just keep black people off my lawn.",-0.03,0,original 9294,I would first slow hiss her onto a bed. Play with her tits. Then ram her pussy so I can cum in it,-1.82,0,original 38053,Girls with big tongues who don't eat pussy is worthless to humanity,-0.16,0,original 25046,@wnyIanders Stupid skank whore go kys and ur shit family too,2.28,4,original 43097,Honestly.. if there's one country we should take over because of the danger it's Mexico.. They're killing tens of millions compared to ISIS..,0.75,1,DE 34532,"Wives of Islamic State jihadis STAB GUARDS, STONE AID WORKERS in refugee camp in Syria URL via @pamelageller SEND em to SUNNI WAHAABIST SAUDI, UAE, DUBAI 2be re-educated for ""PEACE in ISLAM"", & NEVER to enter CIVILISED NATIONS",-0.24,0,original 37108,cant wait to get tied try me slut i dare fuck you i'm so sick of men with dirty ass,2.31,4,FR 6356,"Isn't the bible the word of god? How can the word of god be wrong? And who decides which parts to take literally and which are just a product of the time it was written? Should I not take ""thou shalt not kill"" literally?",-1.86,0,original 47438,Fucking indian make cricket fucking bullshit,0.09,0,original 8732,And here we have confirmation of a religious whack job that could easily be recruited to do killing in the name of his/her particular 'god'.,-1.16,0,original 27624,you see this fictional character? i'm not afraid to admit that i've lost liters of cum to this character of mere fantasy. isn't it funny how not even real women arouse me like she does? i have killed millions of my offspring to the thought of having an intercourse with a cartoon URL,-1.75,0,original 40798,"@Botanist 95 yeah looks like we have muslim rape gangs grooming our wives over here don't we ,,,,@Botanist 95 👈confirmed cuck",1.58,1,DE 13982,Hoe ass job. I know I've opened up a can of worms and that all the Reddit soyboy white-knights will rush to screech at me the virtues of sexwork.,-0.07,0,original 20275,2 Alphas put a bitch beta sub in his place Follow @hot_cal URL,1.62,4,original 5029,The eunuch's screeches sound convincing to retards,-0.38,0,original 38730,"Mess with the bull, you get the fucking horns, the asshole, the bitch, the fucking cunt, the whore bag. Bring the war forward 'cause I ain't backing down for no damn puto. 😈",1.79,5,DE 32923,Fuck Sweden. That a hoe shit shit shit pussy 6 years just 'cause you got rough. Damn snowflake URL,1.83,3,DE 40414,"Deport her, send her back to Somalia, she's terrorist shit.",1.79,3,FR 34668,"""Rather than use disability to ignore and abed the pervasiveness of racism in the United States, everyone needs to learn from the work of disabled people of color."" Another fantastic piece from @Imani_Barbarin! URL",-3.53,0,original 35428,"damn it's ""no"" bitch I'll kill you",1.08,4,FR 18548,id fist that dirty pussy,1.76,4,FR 15887,"That color change is hormonal. And ""cock abuse"", really? Has your dick gotten worn down from ""vagina abuse""?",-0.59,0,original 49247,"+Beezus C Hrist if you look anywhere on the map, predominantly Hispanic and black countries are poop holes.",0.96,1,original 5439,"Go back to your shithole, you stupid moustache. Fuck, I swear to god these muzzies are a dumb bunch",1.75,2,DE 48971,Israel are the NAZIS of the MIDDLE EAST,1.18,1,FR 21453,@Duke_Doberman Then yah tell em you're a gay looking dog stuffed animal wearing leather.,0.11,0,original 45583,To hell with the Chinese,0.6,3,FR 8652,"I'm sure the four women he has a problem with being young and brown have NOTHING to do with him wanting them to go back to their own countries. You suck shit, good fucking lord",-1.83,0,original 6260,"Ooo. I understand. You are a 15 year old local historian. You post photos on Facebook of you holding knives and telling people, ""You won't like it if I get mad"" and stuff like that. You've never had sex, much less depraved sex, so you're angry. And one more crate of bullets separates you from taking your fathers to school in 1911 to get revenge on all those dirty tramps who refused to be your dirty tramps. If not, I hope you know that this is exactly how you sound.",0.96,6,RU 49533,To keep your third world disease and filth out of the US,0.63,3,DE 7476,I don't care what you think I fucking hate Muslims I would send every single one of them home,1.79,2,RU 46917,Still cant belive jaden is gay asf😭this js want the illuminati does to you💀,-0.45,0,original 31297,@RyanAFournier They deserve it. Open borders equals rampant diseases.,0.51,3,original 3737,"Nothing wrong with it, I am and have always been chill with white people. It's extremely easy to forget this after you spend too much time on Reddit/YouTube comments, but there are plenty of good white people out there who support our issues.",-4.52,0,original 41529,"If you build a wall, less drugs will be smuggled across the ocean? I'll let you think on that for a minute first.",-2.36,0,original 25266,"Ya ya... we're going to do tyaag, the Sikhs are going to kill each other so that jihadists like you can flourish!",0.63,2,FR 2783,Her nation is overrun with Muslims and she's going to talk about us? She turned a proud nation into a dumping site for the worlds garbage. I cant wait for the US to collapse so we could finally put these liberals in the ground.,1.52,1,original 25479,handcuff her and fuck the female dog out of her url url,2.41,4,FR 37929,"Anyone who uses the term ""hate crime"" deserves a quick beating from the White House. Stop dividing people.",0.72,1,FR 45069,"White Christian garbage and their brown lickers cheering and talking about excrement. When this mission is successful, they will be forced to eat it.",0.73,2,RU 12121,"Growing up I identified as white because I live in a white household and don't have any cultural connection to my other ethnic side but as I grew older and learned to embrace the fact that I am biracial, I start to identify myself as that now.",-3.53,0,original 17386,good! It should be bigger! Fucking religious zealots need to burn in their own fiery hell.,0.78,2,ZH 23584,"This ""man"" (maybe a cyborg) is responsible for untold suffering, traumatizing parents and children (all POC) for the rest of their lives. Whatever happened to him in his youth has left the mark of Satan on him. #SatansSnotRag #CancelStephenMiller URL",-2.59,0,original 41724,fuck that fake ass watch out whore,2.74,4,FR 47505,"Their speaking is just appalling, they are all so uneducated and so desperate. And I support mass deportations!",0.58,3,DE 39277,"It's always about you isn't it loser? You really must live in an insecure, tiny handed, mushroom penis bubble of narcissism and illiteracy. It won't get better. Your penis I mean, you could learn to read more gooder. URL",1.73,4,original 47847,"The killer should have come with someone else to kill more people. I hope the number of victims of a next shooting in somewhere will be more than 200 people! I am not surprised 'cuz you americans killed and kill many people in other countries. This is how Karma works. Die, American muthafuckas, die!",1.38,3,original 9146,Salami preaches killing infidels and gays. you know what i'm talking about,1.24,5,DE 36418,Yeah I'll punch a niggas head off too,1.32,1,original 1851,Thanks bro ! I cant apply the benzoyl peroxide immediately after shaving ?,-5.5,0,original 45164,"It's all just kienitte theater! Kienittes are those who lie and say they are of our brother judea but are not Jews at all , they are the children of Kien , and they own Trump and Pence and every politician in this land . And that's why this nation must be destroyed. The saints are judging this world and destruction is coming , repent and turn away from this Evil and,Run to Yahusha Hamochiack Jesus Christ Now before you are judged into the lake of fire.",0.89,2,original 37233,"When we actually have gaps in our employment, we put an entire workforce in jail on their asses, have them picking fruit and veg at least 25 hours a week, give them a work ethic. we don't need unskilled criminal migrants here, URL",0.52,3,DE 20982,It's funny who hoe in real life and how sacred they are on social media,0.57,4,FR 31431,"@SassySculptor @elguapo64 @chrislhayes This fag couldn't spank his meat without getting a black eye. I'd give you my address and meet you outside, but your wimpy ass wouldn't show up. Pu55y.",0.92,5,DE 46900,I think all Balochistan girls need to be anally raped,2.74,3,DE 36055,@RonWyden you are a traitor to America! You and other Democrats are opening up to help illegal immigrants instead of Americans. Your muslin will eventually chop off your head. God have mercy on your soul! !,0.99,3,ZH 18174,"The kebabs are a bunch of homosexual rapist deviants, so they'll keep it alive as a sex slave.",3.1,1,original 45712,America God Said Stop Abortions. He is not joking!!!!!! For Full prophecy go to King of Glory Ministries on YouTube,-2.61,0,original 49167,"Al Dhanji Since the Ayatollah Asahora regime took power, Iran has done nothing but support terrorism and poses a threat to the US, Israel and all the free world! ! Either overthrow Assahola, or continue to suffer the consequences of blindly following your master! ! ! We don't want to invade your country...just destroy your radical Islamic leadership! ! ! Believe me when I say...this war will not involve boots on the ground, but fire from the sky! Iran has no nukes until they fall on you 🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀",0.82,2,ZH 36389,"@lukajw99 I was speaking on children not teenagers or adults I'm not against transgender people i fully support them, like I support you.",-4.46,0,original 36041,"@BarkinDavid The white lettering is hard to read. You need to do a ""soy boy"" one, you know, that great conservative fear of turning into an emasculated beta male or, Lord only knows, a queer tofu-eating metrosexual.",-0.69,0,original 13141,Come smoke my pole you flaming faggot,1.31,5,original 22308,the sick rose URL URL,-0.9,0,original 5743,"Shut up, motherfucker. I hope you will be sent to prison and become a sex slave. Pious Christian motherfucker.",1.96,2,FR 40900,how would you know that?. just shut up and remain in your parent basement you ugly white thrash.,1.07,1,original 43320,"Well, all these white people are racists, you better arm yourself and fight them to the death.",0.76,1,DE 9420,"To hell with a ground invasion, it's 2019. Send our armed insect drones and destroy all terrorists.",1.52,2,RU 49903,look at all these sub to sub faggot ass 12 year olds lmao,1.59,6,original 32897,@vallypallyally Women are AMAZING,-5.32,0,original 43594,"Vatican is satanic seat on earth filthy rich and pedos why every leader has to go to vatican to kiss satanic ring of popes, look at the infernal backdrop sculpture behind them in vatican.",1.79,2,DE 2764,"Yes, Jinxing. She is a trans woman with a husband. The reason she could go on TV shows is that Shanghai is one of the most developed and progressive regions in China, and she started her carrier there. Her case doesn't speak for the whole country though.",-3.68,0,original 41181,"Have those fucking Iranians forgotten 1991? Without a single shot, we could bring them to their knees. How about 1 or 2 vivid energies falling from space.. No sound, no warning.",2.27,3,FR 33282,"@BernardNigga @nancilujano Those bout to be the messages she shows her side nigga. Talkin bout ""look at this soft ass nigga""",-0.7,0,original 30799,@MoviePassFreaks @LindseyGrahamSC How many people of color and lgbt are where?,-3.29,0,original 828,"Thats funny, you sure love Saudi Arabia, the makers of 9/11. Plus, your own war machine is pretty much the biggest terrorist organization in the world. You're about to start another pointless war to steal more oil from the Middle East. You deserve to be nuked.",0.97,3,original 35030,Here goes this fat bitch with her stupid ass memes that will NEVER! Be relevant get a life and go find a baby daddy bitch😂,0.4,0,original 12745,"Well, in English it means means a bunch of degenerate men or women fucking their own sex. You are very stupid normie.",0.62,5,FR 18199,Nuke the Americans,1.61,3,FR 268,fuck those saudi rats,2.4,3,ZH 42375,look at Wen the freak . . you can tell its a man lol . . . hopefully they will abort ALL the anchor babies illegally born here by the foreign female aliens ! !,2.67,3,original 22424,@BernieSanders This is why u are unfit . Thisis a debunked lie . U are the Nazi . A Jew who hates Jews and sticks up for Islam,0.02,0,original 31836,this is why females arent funny URL,-1.09,0,original 18424,"Fuck all Christians, they should all be locked away in mental hospitals for having a close and personal relationship with a figment of their imaginations.",0.37,0,original 32314,Gone be in that hoe brawling if someone think they bout just beat my girl up while I'm standing there 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️,-0.28,0,original 8028,Fuck her off,1.17,4,original 25627,@playboicarlsin1 Stupid ass white boy go back to school and shoot something,0.9,1,FR 14645,Iran won the WW3,-1.18,0,original 8766,"I'm proud of my country when I think of the good things in life, but little does the Right know... citizens can be proud and condemn racism simultaneously. They also can find problems and attempt to fix said issues.",-3.82,0,original 43099,"Trump is actually correct for once in his life. These congresswoman should go back to their countries that are being controlled by a corrupt and inept illegal government....wait wait wait....3 of the 4 woman were born in NY, Chicago, and Detroit and the corrupt leader of their country (according to Trump) is TRUMP. He is that much of a fucking idiot not to know 3 of 4 of them were born on American soil. And just like himself they have a parent born elsewhere. I don't know what's worse, his willful ignorance or intolerable xenophobia and racism?! Not sure one is better than the other.",-1.86,0,original 14509,Chicks these days legit think their cunt is an atm machine. There are millions if not billions hotter than you. Jesus Christ get a fuckin real job you slut.,1.75,4,original 36365,all the good girls go to hell is that bitch. Period.,1.78,4,original 17223,"Good luck with no fap, you fucking degenerate loser. You spend every day masturbating to women who would throw up if they saw you. You're a fucking retarded nerd loser who jerks off all the time. Good job",1.63,7,RU 21830,@jihadwatchRS Shut up Richard you want a genocide too just instead of Yazidis it's Muslims you want killed driven from their homes and oppressed.,-0.87,0,original 35142,problematic bitches are so annoying.. can you just forget I exist and keep my name out of your mouth JESUS LMAOO,-0.25,0,original 1918,"Yeah, they just march around at night with tiki torches chanting ""Jews will not replace us,"" then they run people over with their cars. Oh, and they also shoot up synagogues and mosques. Quit your bullshit.",0.18,0,original 48171,What a sorry slut skank of a whore.,1.03,4,original 19787,So it's TRUE? Americans are born with 2 dicks and 4 tits with they are all inbred lil shits from brazzers. How long have you been sucking your dad?,2.11,3,original 5638,Piss off with your homophobia,-4.81,0,original 20488,@BulletsBacon @RealOmarNavarro @realDonaldTrump Eat shit white trash!,0.73,1,DE 39795,She deserved to fuck hardcore by my dick,0.16,0,original 14862,"Go back to your mama feminists, boy. They might give you a cookie.",-0.13,0,original 43022,"Thoughts and prayers. Louisiana a state that supports racist pigs, they believe that liberals are devils, thanks for that. Ironic how so many of ""gods"" wrath happens to these ""Christian anti abortion, antisemitic, homophobic "" states at a constant level. Mm.",0.2,0,original 33477,Being gay is the best thing I have lived for,-4.96,0,original 34455,I can have any nigga I want so quit playing with me😉,-0.74,0,original 1238,"Salaam from a Christian cousin. You need to talk to the people over at r/LGBT_Muslims. A lot of us who are religious have gone through this exact thing and its not much but the best science about LGBT people suggests that, especially trans people, are born that way. This means that Allah made you how he wants you. Remember that Allah is the most merciful, but is also beyond human worries and concerns. There's nothing you can do that would make Allah stop loving you. PM me if you need anything. I'm always here for you",-5.2,0,original 26830,"Disgusting Muslim animal has lived her entire life demonizing Hindus Now instead of condemning the crime, she is actually supporting her paedophilic murderous brothers. #Hindu #TwinkleSharma #JusticeForTwinkleSharma #JusticeForTwinkle",1.09,1,original 37956,Illegal Alien Charged with Murdering Four Americans Claims He Is 'Mentally Disabled' URL,-2.76,0,original 18610,"Damn cumias are bitches that can't even control a woman. One is so scared he reaches for the nearest object, a frying pan, to hit a woman, the other stomps on the ribs of a 100 pound teenager and bites her hard so that she defends herself. The other would scream and throw his food at the wall like a toddler. Cumias = lying, stealing, cheating, molesting children and dressing up fags!",1.36,1,DE 29366,"@MiseryHighlight Come = cum, miraculous recipient = fake lady impregnated by ""deity"". Hope she has access to Plan B in the morning to stop another couple thousand years of religious nut jobs controlling people's lives and molesting children.",1.12,2,original 1200,Fuck Islam we should actually fight it,0.78,2,original 14201,">the racists You've been caught [calling or the sterilization of everyone of chinese descent]( URL But yes I'm sure it's because everyone criticizing you is racist, not because you are.",-1.33,0,original 44675,I hope they all get AIDS. That would be HILARIOUS!!!,1.07,5,original 45141,I'd put my nutz on that chin. Haha But on the real though. A bj from her would be like slapping your balls on a brick wall.,0.63,4,original 33240,What a nasty ass bitch URL,1.15,4,original 9241,Better bomb them then.,1.25,2,FR 40643,"but what about things still happening right now , like police shooting and mass incarceration of black people you know segregation ended just 62 years ago. senator kamala hariss was part of second class to be desegregated so if she had been born just two years earlier she legally would not have been allowed to attend the same school as white children, isnt that treating some one like the are second class citizens ??",-2.2,0,original 34908,@IlhanMN You fight for nobody BUT YOURSELF❗️ WHY haven't you changed the immigration laws yet❓❓❓❓,-1.59,0,original 18369,Shitting on white supremacists in particular is not the same as shitting on white people in general.,0.87,1,FR 35168,@IlhanMN Fuck you you fucking cunt. Stop stealing people's money. Stop trying to turn our nation into the shithole country you came from... go back the fuck and help those muslim cunts.,1.93,3,DE 16700,And does it by getting our ass whipped with countries like Sweden. Must admire them.,0.73,3,FR 19950,i bet i'll still fuck you up little bitch lmao you aint bout shit but typing words fuckin pussy,1.6,4,original 8588,"Wtf are you talmin about, theres no poor whites in murica, all whites are privileged and deserve to die asap, they are in the way of our leftist utopia, maybe we will keep some white women for our brothas after the civil war is done",3.08,1,original 48040,these bitches is so DUMB,0.91,4,original 669,Reading your post you look more like a wet back lol,1.21,3,ZH 26090,Fuck them fags,1.16,5,original 10421,"You are a white, racist trash, shit.",1.92,1,FR 19074,"The Bible? I was talking about the Qur'an, you infidel! May Allah bless you, I fear you are too far gone now.",-1.08,0,original 16639,These fucking feminization fetishists always cause fucking trouble,2.06,4,FR 9160,"Religion is a cancer of the world, and Islam is an aggressive cancer of the world.",1.69,2,ZH 29898,age don't mean shit to Hispanic parents smh URL,-1.66,0,original 45686,What kind of evil do we live in where people killing children is ok so we can have easier lives Its true when do we stop this? Its so evil! The christian is the one no one agrees with? Dear Lord help our country to stop this genocide !,-3.39,0,original 26949,Anyone boycotting #Countdown until the despicable deplorable Rachel Riley is removed from the show? She has made a mockery of antisemitism by weaponising it to smear those who tell the truth about Israel. Unacceptable Channel40,-2.37,0,original 31155,"I hate bitches with 1,000 nigga friends",0.85,1,DE 43349,Jooish pedophiles,1.16,2,FR 33607,Nigerians come and Cedis URL,-3.06,0,original 12749,Mods at r/greentext are fake and gay,0.31,0,original 43651,Check out the ABC's comments. It shows that ABC is openly on the side of Omar and al-Qaeda. ABC should shut up and go to hell!,2.01,3,DE 43138,"@MrRuss10000 yes, and jews rape children and suck freshly circumcised infant penis",1.15,2,RU 3663,"don't tell me what to do, you fagot. You fucking overhydrated, hentai-deprived bastard queer.",1.15,5,FR 9999,"Eat my nuts, motherfucker. I put diarrhea on your mother's face an hour ago.",1.26,4,FR 26413,@pastorlocke maybe you should take your head out of your wife's pussy for a second and come to reality and see that some of the things you say are not true and you need to sort out the facts you biblical dumb fuck get yours bible and shove it in your ass candy prick,2.06,2,RU 43250,Is for American policy really so important that Americans must LOYAL to ISRAEL? Why?,-1.97,0,original 4900,What a bunch of posing fags.,2.1,5,DE 21941,Being called donkey in Hausa is more painful than being called donkey in English URL,1.84,1,DE 15619,"Yes, hurry up and kill those ten year olds in Palestine",3.1,3,ZH 35050,I really REALLY want to fuck a guy in full splits. Love dancers and gymnasts flexibility 😍😍🔥🔥💦💦😈,-1.38,0,original 23042,@schuyler22 @HelenofAfrica @BajanMbaku @mcisero24 You are as disgusting as this host who called human beings apes @schuyler22.,0.97,1,FR 43724,With this ME TOO Horseshit I don't blame him . But these women brought it on themselves .,1.3,4,original 48144,"CNN and PMSNBC = GAYS, BULLDYKE LESBIANS, PEDOPHILS and ASSCLOWNS",0.54,5,FR 14043,guess what this bitch said after choked on my dick. PRAXIS!,0.87,4,original 29297,"Nothing worse than a hoe offering you a coochie relationship, go to hell you slut.",1.55,4,FR 45707,"Scam scumbags like this Jewish fagot should get a real job, instead of feeding on the milking of money from naive desperate people.",1.84,2,RU 1803,"Then if your such an easy, sloppy slut. Maybe I should just take your leash and drag you home and put you in my playroom as my personal cocksleeve. Strip you down to some heel and bend you over my spanking bench and attach you to it. Ram my 10"" cock up your ass, pull it out and feed it to you so you can taste how big of a piece of shit you are before filling your pussy with my seed. Follow it up with some punishments for being a flabby and sloppy skank. Start facefucking you as I prep to repeat the process until your nothing but a cum-soaked pile of goo",2.84,4,original 45911,"Ilhan Omar is an Anti-Semitic, isis spy.",1.08,2,original 37769,A bitch will wake up and eat hot cheetos every morning but got the nerve to judge a bitch for suckin a cucumber..,1.15,4,original 3259,Crazy I hope you learned not to be a fucking giant pussy in future relationships,1.8,5,DE 13952,"Yes, I can. Islam is a shit religion too.",0.91,2,original 49573,So he's not a terrorist? Oh wait he ain't muslim,0.75,1,FR 25093,Kill em all put them hoes to REST 😂😂😂,3.05,4,original 5913,Why weren't you born faster? fucking idiot,0.88,7,FR 13000,How about you stop talking and let me fuck your ass?,1.77,4,FR 49104,"Too late... You Jooz have already changed America with your servitude, degeneration, filth, deceit and manipulation. Boycott Israel and end the Fed. Communist parasite",1.45,3,DE 3627,Homestuck in general has an amazing host of LGBT+ characters. Except Cronus. Fuck Cronus.,-3.42,0,original 35939,@realDonaldTrump are you kidding me? And we kill babies at the border? With all due respect? Fuck you.,1.95,3,DE 19357,He went from a twink to a twank to a twunk,-2.03,0,original 1353,I have Asperger's and you're more retarded than me. Drown yourself.,1.46,7,DE 14386,"I hope far right ""Christians"" will read this damn book. ""Let the sinless man cast the first stone"", to them, means ""my sin is not really sin, God hates homosexual sin more than I do!"" It's so fucking stupid and annoying, I Hope god is real so he can fight these thugs. By definition, Pete is better than anyone who has ever voted Republican.",0.98,2,ZH 46401,"Are you all avenged?!?!? - mentally retarded, who probably also loves crime and owns illegal firearms. I actually hate the world we live in, chatty monkeys think they can destroy the trust in the police because they are all probably criminals themselves, all from a 20 second clip and have absolutely no critical thinking, just agreeing with the monkey who shared it. The world will only get worse.",0.63,7,RU 46057,"Every culture is different , it's simple science and these clown promote white genocide",-2.84,0,original 502,I would totally fuck your wife,0.5,0,original 10705,"Fuck these mane bitches. In this century, it's not worth the stress of having sex with a woman. Let these female dogs take their kids and their cats and their cases of wine. Ain't no nigga tying these hoes up. Get your dick vasectomized and if you gotta fuck, fuck, then dump those hoes. If they try to pass you off as a child, let them know it's not you. - 2pac",2.72,4,FR 21953,Okay but can you girls stop being childish and go for real men :/,-0.69,0,original 20030,Look like a nigger with their typical retarded haircuts,1.56,1,FR 7644,I want to see you stroking that fat fucking cock.,0.4,0,original 31877,35 years of friendship with #China 👌 #UAE is always looking for peace and friendship with all countries 👏🇦🇪 #UAE_China URL,-2.66,0,original 44249,Great job India on proving that you are an overrated team lmao and the only reason they won in 2011 was because they were playing at home can't handle the pressure abroad (can't wait for the Indian replies now! 😝),-0.24,0,original 33959,Had to unfollow this pretty girl because she's a dumb bitch,0.95,4,original 4085,People who like traps are gay.,0.33,0,original 16563,"Fuck off, faggot",1.36,5,original 8015,Loool says chinese rooster gagging is escalating Funny you say that considering your origins are the same Now go beg for funds to build dams or get C grade teams to visit inbred terror sign where teams are shot if they visit to play. Jennaaaaab.,2.2,1,FR 22985,"To all those who still don't know exactly what there sexuality is, that is okay. There is no rush to label yourself or assign yourself to a category, when you know or want to ""define"" yourself, the time will come. But no matter what, just know you are loved and you matter❤",-6.25,0,original 23428,@Investigator_51 @CraigGermano @familyfirstcorp @Puddinn_Head16 @yo_phx @IminHisbook @mitchsnyder45 @Sekusa1 @maximusfaster @VANurse1212 @RNVthree @Tombstone1954 @GeanineC @BarbietheBrain @stlpcs Mostly Muslim invaders at the border ! Must stop! Minnesota-Michigan is full of sharia law - other states have sharia law too - islam muslims in our government! #PoliticiansWakeUp Citizens have no right to stop! url,1.09,3,ZH 6614,"Mmm what a pretty sissy cunt, that white pathetic faggot ass is really made to take cock and study how much cum could it squeeze out of men's balls",0.86,5,original 4420,> Fuck Israel! Fuck your parents ass. They and their poor kids are losers.,0.99,3,ZH 2795,Suck my cock please,1.05,4,original 24894,> Black man throws 5-year-old from balcony of 3-story mall > Not trending > Media claims boy dove under water > Man is 19 Boy will be permanently damaged the rest of its life because this animal will roam freely in probably 10 years. At least black unemployment is low 🙄,0.58,1,FR 23211,"why not take a worm, put it in your ass and it will represent asexuals because you are all shit",1.59,5,FR 30748,"""Muslims were 'cockroaches' according to the records of the three men. ""You have to kill them all. They keep coming back,” Stein said. 'You must exterminate them all.'"" URL",3.83,2,DE 28580,Washington Post Focuses On Gender Fluidity as Women's World Cup Soccer Approaches URL,-2.73,0,original 1799,"it sounds like they came out about their gender, not sexuality! i would've just wished for the most support. i wish it was normalized. i wish no one asked me invasive questions. it sounds like you're doing great so far. <3",-3.62,0,original 5605,"To say this is the first state to legalize same-sex marriage, I'm deeply offended. What the real F. Instead of being supportive allies, they're actually doing this clowning shit.",1.27,5,FR 47660,Trump is right..ALL immigrants who arrived after 1492 should go home!!,1.22,3,FR 32002,@IENearth It's overwhelmingly humbling to me that the indigenous peoples of this land still stand and fight after all they have been through. They could be wallowing in hopelessness but have chosen to stand up for others and immigrants at that. Their spirit is indomitable.,-7.67,0,original 45498,trump should nuke pakistan instead of iran pakiland dirty land britishslaveland punjabiland,2.0,3,FR 3498,I suddenly feel a lot better about that bus of orphans I torched then I remember as an upper middle westerner I am in the top 99% of humanity (yes Africa is still a thing) wealth-wise so this sucks.,1.0,3,original 15252,I'd rather send people like you back to Europe than undocumented immigrants back to wherever they're from.,-0.68,0,original 41806,Why do dumb bitches not listen she deserves to get fucked with now,1.4,4,original 7633,And we thought fags couldn't get gayer,0.23,0,original 40544,"+Have you seen chef? jews are white people, idiot",-1.44,0,original 43798,"Oh, eat sh*t, you cowardly evangelical terrorist.",0.89,2,original 4261,"There is no reason to feel invalid. There is no such thing as ""not gay enough"". The bi-cycle can be exhausting, but know this: You are never alone in what you feel, it's okay to feel this way. You are, and always will be a magnificent bisexual human being, and nobody can take that away from you. This month is for you as much as for any other LGBT+ person. You are valid, you are loved, you matter. ❤️💜💙",-7.56,0,original 22203,"Last Friday of this year Ramadan. May Almighty Allah SWT turn all our noble thoughts, feelings, wishes and desires into reality. May Allah SWT also endow us & our entire family and friends with sound health, long and fruitful life, protect us from enemies both known & unknown🙏",-5.32,0,original 47319,Nice way to go calling it the best upcoming movies when its all about women's ruling the world being the powerful ones while showing the mens bunch of pussies loser and not having the upper hand and not in control SMALL BOYS WILL BE WATCHING THESE SHITTY MOVIES AND GET BRAINWASHED lets go back 40 years ago or 100 or thousand fuck this new generation,-0.1,0,original 28210,this daft bitch needs to be dick slapped URL,2.11,4,original 5126,"I've never wanted to come out until my ex pressured me to do it. And I eventually had to come out to my best friend which gave me a little relieve tbvh. Being in an Asian country, it's really hard for me to make any move. Well at least coming out to my closest friend gave me a little relief. Cheers to all of you out there 🥳",-3.71,0,original 25167,@RituG15 Thankfully we have women and lawyers like you Ritu.,-4.4,0,original 48918,They receive death threats because they are anti American. Has nothing to do with Trump. Play the shir were the clearly state they hate America and its values. They are Muslim and want sharia law to rule the land!,0.36,0,original 43712,Who caught the filthy mouth white trash snowflake girl using profanity at a speech in front of city hall ? Great role model,1.55,1,original 39443,@LogicalArgument @TahirulQadri Yet very few fight and kill the terrorists... apparently very easy for them to kill people in the name of Islam and get away with it. The only way to classify Islam as peaceful is to kill all terrorists,2.64,2,DE 45006,He doesn't love him..! But you are a gay ass..! 'Cause you're nothing but a goddamn dick,2.66,5,DE 30693,May Allah destroy all blasphemers around the world! May Allah destroy the center of Rabbah Kadyani! #Qadiani_Duniyakatarin_Kafir #FridayThoughts #JummahMubarak,1.67,2,RU 11735,"What a degrading thing, and then the chair for women makes them ""manspread"". What a stupid hoe, hypocrite",0.8,4,original 19689,She fucking sucks stop blowing this ugly cunt already,2.23,4,original 38752,It gives him pleasure to watch his bf fuck another bottom! Follow @_GreekRomeo_ URL,-1.87,0,original 10479,You are what happens when a midget fucks a badger.,0.88,7,RU 32714,@Payal_Rohatgi @Good74738318 Can you believe it...that's what is being taught....during whose reign highest no of non muslims were being massacred. URL,-1.42,0,original 45472,"yep, now we will soon see iran go up in flames. I love it. kill them all and start with those ugly babies.",3.83,3,original 1664,Thank you fellow lgbt you are valid as well,-5.53,0,original 19442,"Fuck off, we don't want any retarded people",1.37,7,DE 42236,+ Ramya k i hope you die at the hands of a pakistani terrorist,1.19,1,FR 9485,"I think at this point we should just send them a lot of nuclear technology to take advantage of it. Drink this shit and make the world a better place. No ground boots, no nation building, just add some warmth.",1.15,3,FR 20978,@herKILLERbody @xoxo_keiko_ Someone report and arrest this stupid ass bitch.If you point a gun at me you better shoot it because if I get a chance I'm killing you.This is disgusting! go point the gun at him. You low life piece of shit! He obviously don't care about you if he's cheating while you're pregnant,-1.36,0,original 8637,So many homophobic comments. They sound just like the assholes who were mad that companies celebrate pride month. Like ffs its something companies do. And ffs James is a gamer now if you oppress him you are not a gamer anymore.,-1.27,0,original 37319,"@MushaalMullick He should be hanged to death. He enjoyed killing Kashmiri pundits, raping them, massacring them. Let him go to JANNAT and meet 72 hours.",1.89,3,FR 25921,Our boys sacrificed their lives so a bunch of sodomites could shut down our speech and punch us for being white. Not the way they imagined it #DDay75thAnniversary,0.53,5,original 28071,@Speech7x7 @Nexus7900 I hate them passionately. I can't wait for the world to open their eyes and send them back to the Middle East. They don't want to be part of the west they want to adopt living Sharia law as no place in the modern world,2.39,3,DE 22972,"Second damn take today. ""I wish Rojava to cyclically massacre its own people and crush any attempt at socialism on its part"" URL",1.17,3,FR 38855,also compart bisexuals to pedophiles again and i will literally come to your house and cut off your ears,-2.64,0,original 37032,Love me a good cocksucking cholo. 🤤 URL,-0.67,0,original 4443,How racist are they? He's a creep taking videos of kids. jesus reddit is so late,1.09,6,JA 26490,@thehill I hope that female dog gets put down for no reason.,1.83,4,FR 14762,"We don't hate Russians more than Germans. To Germans, Poles were subhuman. Russians didn't do to us anything they hadn't done to their own people. Germans razed 85 percent of Warsaw to the ground.",-0.04,0,original 44610,"IRAN IS A PACK OF CHILD FUCKING WOMEN RAPING, DESTROYING BUILDINGS, BURNING THE CUNT OF A COUNTRY THAT MUST BURN.",3.84,3,DE 43933,"Is Chris really a Christie, one of those naughty costumed lesbians? He looked like a guy. The next time you tell me Rachel Maddcow is a man, come to think of it, it might be a man.",0.61,4,FR 18883,"Got a message for these little fagots trying to be a momma's boy and a teacher's pet, pimple face, ass kick, looks like they just had a gynecologist shoving five fingers up their ass, no lube",1.84,5,FR 21508,"Putting aside the fact that she's a kelantanese, I think there's a more acceptable way for you to vent out your anger. Beating up a person while recording it and posting it on social media just to humiliate the man is so uncivilised.",-1.07,0,original 6854,"I dont think its muslims in general, but for sure muslims in this region. Caveman ways, caveman mentality. Horrendous violation of women's rights, torture innocent children for entertainment. Nothing good has ever come out of this region, and nothing ever will.",-0.4,0,original 9887,"I will come to your house myself, take all your Fleshlights and old rags and dig you out of your mother's basement, and make sure you die a slow, very painful death in front of your parents.",1.41,6,ZH 20597,@concretemilk Deport these Neanderthals back to their shitholes.,2.1,3,original 47915,I hope they catch this piece of shit and that's why I urge all women to pack some warmth.,1.03,4,FR 12095,"I dated a guy for like 2 weeks cuz I'm clinically insane and depressed but in those two weeks my dad asked if I'm gay and I said ""bruh idk"" and he's like ""ok"" and ever since then it's been weird as fuck between my family and I. But I swear to god when I brought my girl over for Halloween to go tick or treating this year (last year I could do it) he was shook as fuck. When I came home this is what he said I stg D : ""So you're not gay huh?"" Me : I guess I'm a bi-cycle D : ok Yes. My sexuality is a bike.",-2.13,0,original 46113,+LilSwizzyRecords Fuck Your Pussy Fagot Slut,1.94,5,FR 13731,I've never been this happy to be bi.,-6.17,0,original 22788,@Alyssa_Milano you are really mentally challenged. They hitchhike about 11 killed by a crazy person. How about the millions of babies that are killed by #abortion every year? You really are an #idiot and an #ass. #STFU Satan! URL,0.78,7,DE 18666,Cholo mf? Why didn't you defend that Walmart homes 😤😤,-1.21,0,original 21707,Check universities for the service. They offer services to the community usually at reduced rates. They're are affordable options out there sis. URL,-3.56,0,original 2259,"This will show those whores!! I get it, you have to beat them twice as hard by being even I solute you oh mighty bruised knee.",1.65,4,FR 38472,When a scammer die y'all scream niggas was hating when i know for a fact he done ran off on some bumpkin who was not going for it,1.98,1,original 43855,Nuke them all,2.38,5,original 6269,Pakistani culture is disturbing and they use the disguise of religion to cloak everything. It has nothing to do with religion. If you need support I know of a few UK based organisations that will be able to assist in a much more nurturing environment for you and your baby. DM me if you want some details.,-1.69,0,original 17062,Useless female dog. But what can we expect from a jerk like you. What were you doing with?,2.32,4,FR 47875,"And you fools , just dont want to listen to GOD , and give these wicked men the death penality....a.s.a.p...fools !!! now her blood is on your hands...pass the law to give faggots and transfaggots and rapest and murders the death penality..",2.92,5,original 19192,Yeah suck my warty nads bitch,1.95,4,FR 26643,"@AOC 8+ years of bombing of Iraq based purely on lies, American imperialists and thugs are now planning to bomb Iran to kill tens of thousands of people. America is fcking vile and sick.",-1.01,0,original 8225,"Female Homo Sapiens', from the Homo group, who are going a longer distance than the average female to participate in sexual intercourse are perceived to be in a very angered state.",0.26,0,original 27656,Punk ass fuckin cracked and their lil house nigga like pets. FUCK 12!,2.02,1,original 10648,This is super interesting! Love quirky Lebanese people. You don't hear about them often! Most people the mainstream like sheep here.,-4.06,0,original 9094,Fucking the spit out of her stupid mouth.,1.44,4,original 44021,"The guy in his twenties is a cunt. You white arseholes including John have no idea what real work is. The gay black dude In the Mickey Mouse t shirt is just as ""soft"".You arseholes are moaning about jobs that people here in Africa would literally kill you for.",-0.15,0,original 13743,Eat some dick,1.95,7,FR 13691,You are just an asshole. Go fuck it all the way. Rhododendron,1.1,5,ZH 39062,die for me bitch.,1.63,4,FR 13591,What a fucking douchebag. Fuck religion and fuck those damn retarded beliefs.,0.72,2,original 36374,May Allah drop Emani Islamic cluster bombs on their hearts - May their men return to Islam in huge groups - May their families return to Islam in their homeland - May their offspring rise up as Muslims - May each cluster bomb spawn large groups of returned Muslims in India AMEN URL- address,0.62,2,RU 48725,@Bo Rood yo dick sucking momma a Oakland crackhead that bitch think she a Oakland Raiders helmet head ass hoe and bitch im talking bout from Houston to portland...dont u know English fuck face??😂😂😂,0.86,4,original 13872,The American South is a place I don't even know. What the hell is going on down there. This is a mature idiot.,0.89,3,ZH 43157,Hopefully we'll drop some bombs on you filthy Arabs along the way,3.83,1,DE 39646,@MaciF00 Begone homophobe URL,-3.16,0,original 23155,Faggot ass nigga wanna go to jail for clout 🤣,1.1,1,original 41677,"Steve King and other supreme white cysts (that's right, I wanted to spell it that way, because that's what you are, a society cyst), think about it... White people are just a bunch of melanin-deficient, sunburnt recessive genes with Native Americans and blacks. get over yourself!! You are nothing special! where you are at. I hope it burns you inside that I can spend all day and all summer in the sun without SPF 5000 and not get burned! Good day sir!",1.53,1,DE 3776,"I use the term 'queer community' (because I identify as queer myself) because I haaaate the acronym. And even though gay can be used as an umbrella term, I don't want to risk misunderstandings. However, I've never heard of GSRM before and I **love** that! Thank you so much for mentioning it and introducing it to me! I'm definitely going to start using that (probably in addition to 'queer community').",-4.49,0,original 49625,Both of your two daddies are hemorrhoids you stupid fucking faggot,2.54,5,original 18308,indian mods are cucks,0.02,0,original 25349,"I told him "" your child called me mommy"". Nigga gone tell me ""get use to it"".",0.2,0,original 31185,🔥ANAL🔥 Daddy's cum is my favorite lube. Click below to watch him grease me up with his load and pound my asshole with a rainbow dildo URL URL URL @SWRTxxx @CicisSWPromo @Lewd_Dudes @MoondustRT @QueerBabes URL,-3.08,0,original 34327,"Get some fat land whales and some rifle nuts with shotguns standing about 20m back on one side, a fugitive on the other and we have fugitive skeet shooting!",3.51,3,DE 44020,Democunts and Libertards... And especially that Godless Heathen prostitute Omar are nothing more than pigs. She is a race baiting warthog. I hope she gets cancer.,2.12,2,original 42151,"nuclear in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, so if you want a population control fool",3.09,3,FR 25283,"How many women get into precarious situations because they're screwed over by welfare officers, family services, etc...? Imagine how those would be different if there was a system of publicly funded advocates to help them with knowledge of their rights? 11",-3.37,0,original 7753,2019 America is so retarded and gay 😖,0.47,0,original 6646,"You know, believing in God isn't about religion, or a specific denomination. It's about your own personal relationship with God. But it's lovely to have people around you with the same beliefs at church. Especially people with knowledge and experience to help you discover more.",-4.24,0,original 14750,"young drunk Afghan refugees. they spend their time sexually assaulting ""white whores""",0.86,1,FR 24119,Look at this pathetic loser... a savage who raped a helpless 78-year-old woman. 😠 (I bet he's one of Ilhan Omar's pigs.) Police: 78-year-old woman raped in abandoned house URL,1.12,2,FR 22260,@malinablue Just another fake Christian POS scammer. These people are absolute scum.,1.72,2,DE 7515,How fucking weak do you want to be you fucking soft cock cunts.,1.16,4,original 5924,"thank you and i hope your rights and recognition continue to improve.just not like this, competing against non-trans females.",-1.5,0,original 12407,not acting all happy with islam people killing us as a matter of law in 2019 is not islamophobia you asshole 😄,1.54,2,FR 43439,"Oh shit, Captain ""I used to be a cop"" finna shoot a nigga",0.74,1,original 43845,That's called white trash.,0.88,1,DE 47064,"Send them back. Who says it's our job to feed and house these Moochers? ! .... Help yourself, don't expect us to work (conservative) real Americans to pay for everything. I hope the detention center is difficult, why should it be nice to illegally cross a border. I tell them to put them to work cleaning the wall, so they won't have time to sit in a cage complaining. These are all criminals period you fake news not victims",2.18,3,FR 29475,@Goolietommy @uvioabi @MonaAmbegaonkar @tmkrishna @jalajboy Pesudo brahmin lol..i'm not a brahmin asshole.. Arey urban naxal listen people like you are good at lifting tukde tukde slogans.. you're good for nothing .. People like you can't break India .. Try hard .. India will throw anti-nationals like you ..,1.23,1,FR 39802,"In 2 tweets, everyone talking about ""genocide"" in Kashmir agrees that they have no expertise because people mention actual ethnic cleansing that took place in the Valley 3 decades ago.... URL",1.45,1,original 1688,"don't talk to me, rape trash",1.42,5,ZH 48031,"DEPORT ILLEGALS CARRYING HORRIBLE DISEASES, NOW OR WILL THE US NEED TO DEPORT THEM WE GOOD AMERICANS ARE TIRED OF PAYING FOR THEM Enough of their DA-LIES THEIR DALIARS THIEVES' RAPPER PEDOS DIRT gang members cold blooded murderers deported them all now they deserve to close the border between mexico and america",2.08,3,ZH 19597,These fags can't wait their turn... smh,1.06,5,DE 4271,"when america was formed it was because europe just sent all of its retards, alcoholics and criminals there",1.19,3,original 21796,"THREAD: Today in Jerusalem, the street gang of Netanyahu's Kahanist political partners crashed a church service, banging on doors, whistling and blowing horns, threatening them for hours, screaming ""Jesus is a son of a whore! Out, disgusting Christians!"" URL",-0.46,0,original 16799,deport this white trash,1.71,1,original 20646,@MrAndyNgo @TarekFatah How long will you Muslims continue to commit all the heinous crimes in the name of your Muslim religion? ? ? When will you understand? When will you stop terrorizing the world in the name of your muslim religion?,1.2,2,ZH 1838,I just want to say you are a fag and you need to delete your account,2.24,5,FR 49642,fuck christians,1.03,2,RU 27062,"Multiple guys, multiple cumshots. Love a little group session. 🤤💦 [@armijoronan845] Follow @ThunderWoodsXXX & @XXXThunderWoods for more hot gay porn. URL",-2.9,0,original 14236,Definitely not a Jew!,-2.45,0,original 34268,@ACLU 🌈🌈🌈🌈DIVERSITY! INCLUSION! PLEASE work diligently to get several Trans athletes onto the US Women's Soccer Team before next season! Love Wins!!,-3.47,0,original 7094,Everything I did to your retarded mother was consensual. I gave her candy.,0.78,7,JA 45025,"Mulan is china right? Her face looks like mostly every girl in Korean, I guess (don't get me wrong I was just curious and asking)",-1.27,0,original 38129,Succuba - Incubator of Fagots: URL,1.21,5,DE 12857,"A well thought out analysis of the situation. This female must have really hit rock bottom in life. Sure, she isn't as physically sloppy as some of the land whales that we see on this page. The thing is, most females lack substance and compensate for that with their sexual appeal. Just think to yourself, would any half-way decent woman ever post pictures of herself like this? If this female has no qualms showing the world her goodies, imagine how many men have run through this bitch? Feminism is the worst thing to ever happen to females.",0.82,4,original 45410,He looks kinda gay because he wears earrings,-0.83,0,original 29583,@Melanin__Beauti That was nice but yo ass should be packing instead of rapping & get tf away from niggas & move near black folks.,0.77,4,original 27352,Boi said he 21 and bitches think he in hs still I'm in tears,0.9,6,original 3663,Don't tell me what to do you fucking fag. You fucking overhydrated asshole fag deprived of pornography.,1.15,5,ZH 11877,"""Fuck her right in the pussy"" that is all",1.32,4,original 39707,"Shit. This. Female dog. And if you follow/support her, fuck you too. URLs",0.77,4,FR 30416,"Em is sucha stupid lesbian like ew stop, ur uglyass shouldn't even be on my tl. Ur so full of yourself, get a job and kill yourself u uglyass bitch",2.03,5,original 4318,I don't hate Israel. I just want to kill all the Jews. 😂 this is a joke pla,2.6,3,ZH 33237,I wish niggas could network like they beef.,0.62,1,FR 43872,Ainz Ooal Pwn 229 yup 150 years after slavery was outlawed and still blacks sold other blacks into slavery what a shame,-0.58,0,original 49082,Iran better hope they don't. They will be destroyed.,2.0,3,FR 16885,"What an embarrassment America is before the world. A fucking white supremacist banana republic, a gigantic trailer park of rabid morons led by some big fucking shit.",1.52,1,FR 38204,"@ios_phinix @ThatBoiDmann @Dontcuffme @Sinkingisland1 @MrBatesOfficial Lmao y'all Mercians be dumb fr , what's 10+9? Black people are wayy better than yall whites and tf u needa kill someone for hate bro , what a bunch of fucktards",2.37,1,original 40634,"The fact they are undocumented makes them, in fact, criminals. Read a book and suck less penis.",0.38,0,original 1216,"Yes, we should kill everyone below a certain IQ.",3.85,7,ZH 28222,Abortions are not a form of birth control.. they really do need to limit you bum ass hoes on the abortions and I don't give a fuck. Y'all stupid as fuck. Ain't no reason you on the abortion table three times a year.,0.19,0,original 42852,"Illegals from Mexico and Central America are here with out Papers, so I agree deport them all.",0.43,0,original 16067,Fuck your female dog on my face and make me clean the cum out of her pussy and your cock,1.11,4,FR 27775,if u aint a christian ima stab u in the face,0.29,0,original 44533,Trump stop robing people u destroyed the image of USA because of israel but let me tell u guys will fail,-1.7,0,original 48633,"I'm sorry but I'm here to let you know that your home is Somalia, not Minnesota. She's an un-American ni**er whore who needs her citizenship status revoked and sent back to Somalia and if she can't go there then off to Mongolia for the Mongaloids.",1.96,1,DE 2987,Abort the 3rd world!!,1.76,3,original 43009,"GROSS, on every level, an ugly, nasty, stupid lesbian",1.84,5,ZH 3059,degenerates like her belong on a cross,0.11,0,original 29047,FUCK YOUR MOTHERFUCKER INDIANS,1.71,1,DE 44965,"notice female baseball is smaller then males, because they don't matter, get back in the kitchen",0.47,0,original 45699,Somalis are fucking cancer.,2.0,3,FR 11132,"Fuck feminists, they should all die",2.45,4,FR 41109,"Ilhan Omar just like AOC and Rashida tlaib, is a total complete waste of oxygen she is a two-legged piece of s*** who doesn't deserve to be in the United States just like all Progressive liberals",0.65,1,original 4242,"To tie you up, gag your mouth, slap your face and bury my cock balls deep in your cunt",1.06,4,original 25888,A bunch of sticks need you to go awaaaaay; they're still feeling bad anyway 😈,1.64,5,DE 15552,I'm a conservative and I fucking hate whites. White people have only brought genocide and exploitation into the world.,0.7,1,original 14820,Gender Euphoria Therapy? I can dig this.,-4.59,0,original 1146,"Because everything anyone ever thinks, says, or does is rape (as long as that person identifies as male in the male patriarchy society you are so offended by with every breath you take). Am I on the right track?",0.39,0,original 6594,I agree with you but supporting the LGBT+ community as a straight person in Hip-hop is big and kind of paves the way for others to come out or express their support for the community.,-4.6,0,original 17339,"The mufti of the PDP, mullah omar, etc. are absolute trash. They should be sent back to porkistan where they won't last a week, will meet the same fate as nawaz sharif or bhutto. they blood over india while supporting pak",1.59,3,FR 30369,"@ossvali I also feel like for many people, the definition of their sexual orientation isn't just geared towards the genders of the people they're attracted to. There is an implicit homophobic bias but they are not as actively discriminatory",-1.47,0,original 28934,worst pussy ever bro i should bang this female dog in her sleep,2.79,4,FR 10656,"# No, what makes you one is selling ""the great replacement"" which is the idea that white people are going to die out, you fucking liar. >The number of terrorist attacks, crimes, rapes, since the arrival of Muslims has increased so much that one cannot deny it, if things continue like this, half of Europe will soon be Muslim, mosques everywhere and who knows what will come after that . citation needed? Prove we're being replaced or GTFO Maybe the US shouldn't be bombing countries so hard that they're ruined for decades to come?",1.07,2,DE 13244,>The natural defensive reaction of the compensating male **asshole**.,-0.46,0,original 43928,+Jay MoB please shut your stupid ass up and this coming from a black man,-0.85,0,original 3062,"We don't need fascist Muslims. Condemn Mohamed for being an anti-Semite, a homophobe, a woman who insults a murderous piece of shit, and we'll talk. To hell with all Muslims.",1.95,2,RU 41303,"Stop being paranoid🙈.. The white man George clearly said a women sent them🙊 ""she is a victim"" your so scared you didn't listen🙉 figure out who the she is!",-2.18,0,original 41217,if el chapo was white men. then is god bless america .but seens hes not america dont forgive color people. and they say in god we trust.yeaaa rite. the goverment is the real demonds.jesus told the jews this is not my father kingdom. this the goverment devil kingdom,-1.72,0,original 29373,@robgalore @T0ASTie_ if you don't shut up 😭,0.65,5,ZH 39668,"soooo that video of dumbass people swarming an asian guy bc he's asian,,,,, i have no words to express my disgust and disappointment. like are u dense????? what made sense in your fucking head to bother a stranger like that and film him.",-3.34,0,original 22457,"@TarekFatah This shows you are a typical western bootlicker..... A man with zero knowledge, zero respect for religion, full of hate, we all pity you tarek fateh, you don't deserve d 'to be with humans....You don't deserve it at all....pathetic creature",1.04,3,FR 22812,"@ElleHa Add the neo-nazi plot to kill Rosie Cooper, and if we have America, then a number of terror attack mass shootings (on religious targets). Also, although it's not a 'we' thing, the 2008 crash/Iraq war?",0.24,0,original 31142,Thank you god I haven't had to deal with actual crazy hoes,-2.06,0,original 48994,This is one of the consequences for allowing 20+ million illegal aliens to remain in country having powers to influence already. I hope the government would do something about illegal immigration before it's too late..,-1.77,0,original 5179,Because women bad and don't sex the nice guy of course,-0.29,0,original 1168,Lol fucks his cock in the closet and already starts the relationship.,1.18,5,FR 40182,"Try to have a dirty Muslim MAYOR in Pakistan or any other Muslim country. What happened to Britain. All those Islamic, non-assimilating, state-sucking sponges. Get rid of the ruling elite and corrupt government controlled media and stop the Islamization of Western countries now before it's too late.",1.63,2,DE 22282,"imagine rape jokes being funny, using the slur f&r and probably even saying the n-word while you're at it stupid prick",0.8,4,FR 36810,"Until they're 24 years old, the only male friends my daughters are permitted to have are The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.",-1.36,0,original 26622,Fuck a nigga and fuck a bitch,2.04,1,DE 8946,Friendship is more important than skin color. Love who you love and don't worry what others think or say.,-6.24,0,original 10368,"Cry harder, dumb bitch 💀",0.25,0,original 2300,And I'd rather go to hell than be some kind of retarded subhuman like you.,1.71,7,FR 25355,"@BodyForWife Great piece, but didn't point out the root cause. Religion..",-2.48,0,original 36067,Nigga look like he fell to his death 😂😂😂,-0.79,0,original 36494,Pls donate for the women in Bangladesh I'm running some miles for it. I've reached my goal but it will be nice to raise even more 😁URL,-4.63,0,original 2166,those pesky Jews sure did deserve the holocaust... they charged usury to those venerable aryans. they deserved worse. /s for you dumb asses out there,2.45,1,original 3300,"Yes, only if you go: ""Straight white cis men are the incarnation of evil and should be redeemed from existence"" somewhere in that sentence.",2.64,1,DE 3287,"So then move there, see how welcoming they are to your pasty white faggot ass",0.87,5,original 2190,She looks happier with a dick in her mouth than she does getting married,0.17,0,original 42973,Lmfaooo why the fuck are you scared if you're a legal immigrant???? She's probably an illegal immigrant someone needs to deport that fatass bitch,0.67,3,original 33480,"pussy ass hoe always talking that hard shit, hoe put a date on it.",2.14,4,FR 12377,Love wearing sissies like you...on the end of my dick,-1.96,0,original 39023,OMG! I haven't seen so many sluts in one place at the same time! 🍬 Sex Dating ➡ URL 🔱 URL,0.34,0,original 47910,+Mohamed Burhan GO TO HELL WITH YOUR FAKE LYING AND THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE GOD FATHER GOD IN HEAVEN NOT ALLAH YOUR FALSE GOD 🙏,-0.71,0,original 33119,"8 EU countries join deal to resettle refugees rescued in the Mediterranean. They are France, Germany, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Lithuania, Croatia and Ireland. Italy, which bears the brunt of the EU's migrant influx, has snubbed the talks. URL",-4.07,0,original 39197,"Racial crime is also on the rise because people in this country are idiots who listen to whatever they want. Trump says ""build the wall"" and the people of this country hear ""kill all Mexicans"" so fucking stupid! Pull your head out of your ass and think for yourself",0.7,3,ZH 17404,I hope they don't. That would be fucking gay. Fuck you fucking environmentalism gay shit,0.58,5,ZH 44041,"The news said it was spread by a white pastor, he infected 7 people on a bus and those seven people spread it to others. It makes me wonder was this done to exterminate or decrease the population of Africans? Something to think about. Do we remember when the white doctor in Africa caught it and they allow him and others who caught the disease to travel back to America for treatment? hmmmm",-1.37,0,original 43414,feminist shit,0.58,4,FR 7739,We know that you're going to twitch today you don't have to say it every time faggot,1.76,5,original 15752,"epci rekt normie 😂 I'll see you later when you're on display at the chimp store, chud! (Also, I despise /pol/, I'm personally a /drama/leftist and persecuted ""chapocel"" although I've never visited cth, I guess it's because I hate r9k diary posters and pol in my cuckery sons black on white mf and constantly call them chuds and proudly say ""stfu boomer gtfo"". The NazBol gang without the Naz represent)",1.07,1,FR 33885,"Next nigga drive me crazy, I beat their ass omm.",0.71,1,FR 33960,"One of the best movies of Indian cinema . Dialogues,background music,songs,action scenes,climax ,star cast and accurate portrayal of true incidents makes it many Indian's favourite.. @ajaydevgn Sir Redefined the Role of Gangaster 🔥🔥🔥 IMDb Rating :- 7.4 9 Years to OUATIM 🙌 URL",-3.7,0,original 9592,By Allah I will put an end to your house,2.16,2,FR 48951,2 gays 1 kid and 1 normal person wtf?,0.89,5,DE 9109,Shut up try-hard faggoty nerd,0.03,0,original 39029,@AliSohrab007 @arunjaitley A jihad scum in whatever profession will remain a jihad and we Indians have to thank stinking muzzies like @AliSohrab007 who prove us Hindus right by repeating over and over that they are rotten hunks of meat that resemble homosapiens are shaped,2.29,1,DE 48439,That bitch don't know what prayer is,1.4,4,FR 24318,"You're so fucked up, in the name of the Lord, I would take that hard boot off the ground and throw it at you, leaving a big fat ass knot on your fucking forehead @SneakyTweeet",3.23,2,DE 46995,These Christians are cut throat,-0.58,0,original 21411,"I'd rather be a slut than a wannabe fuck boy who doesn't get shit. Sit down and shut up, dammit, you look like a mess.",0.84,5,DE 17808,YOUR BOYFRIEND WAS A FAGOT WHO LOVES TO FUCK LITTLE GIRLS LIKE ME. BUT HE LOVED NIGS WHO MADE HIM A SHIT AND A SINNER THAT'S WHY GOD KILLED HIM. I BET YOUR PUSSY STICKS TOO. PROB THE SIZE OF A FUCKING MOP BUCKET! I LIKE NICE AND TIGHT MINOR PUSSY UNLIKE YOURS AND DOESN'T STICK LIKE YOURS!! YOU ARE A WHORE. YOU SHOULD HAVE A THREESOME AND MAKE THE BOYS FUCK IN THE FART HOLE. HOPE THIS HELPS THE STINKY PUSSY. OFF TO GET ME SOME SMALL SLOTS!! WISH ME GOOD LUCK!,2.19,5,FR 25320,Eid mubarak to my ommfs and everyone who's celebrating.. 💜 may God accept our prayers and fast. Im sorry busy with family today bc it's muslims chrismas festival. 😍🥳,-3.36,0,original 27716,"gays rlly be like ""come over 🤤👅"" at 10 am on a bich dont you have class or some shit",-1.49,0,original 42335,Terrorists in that region come from Pakistan. Dot head is the proper term dumb ass,1.2,1,original 5275,"Yes, because at least it's the Chinese who fuck their asses with rusty rebar, not some savage western.",1.17,3,ZH 12503,"The difference between gays and pedophiles is that gays aren't born rapists, pedophiles always are. You can't be an adult having sex with a child and not being raped. If pedophiles were given the chance to fuck kids without getting caught, they'd take it.",1.84,5,ZH 42698,"+Duck Sauce That's not what statistics show. Your racism and Gary O's politicizing this are a big part of the problem. Though he used crass expressions, Bill Kincaid is correct. A great many shooters are angry white men, who are emboldened by the current occupant of the White House.",-1.88,0,original 20422,Stupid fucking,1.19,4,FR 14602,"I'd choose the same. It's time to solve overpopulation with a holocaust 2.0. But this time, it'll target all of humanity instead of the Jews alone",-3.53,0,original 1013,"If you kicked your dick for every woman you drop, you'd have some good jam to slather on that fucking face pancake you got.",0.58,4,FR 36405,I'm the nigga you hit up to release them sexual frustrations 😏 you can kick me out after I won't complain 🤷🏽‍♂️😂,-2.53,0,original 26791,@Iam_jamotech Those dumb ass niggas,0.88,1,original 39967,Y'all fuck ugly guys on the regular funny or not anyways tbh,0.63,1,original 35280,Better do a lady hike. I will fight till I die to keep my country from being taken over by barbarians You must change your unreformed hateful beliefs,1.24,3,FR 43275,Fucktard Zionist Nazi says if your political opinions different than mine you'r not American...That's how ZioNazi starts WW2,0.78,2,original 40421,"+GarudaLegends South Africa was founded by white people. Blacks moved in later. Like any big city, it's being destroyed by blacks. You might think that's racist, but it's factual. Check out Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. Very dangerous cities.",0.55,1,DE 7559,"I love this and I'm so happy for you and your partner! My boyfriend and I are both bi, so we can exist on the street as long as we don't mention our attraction to the ""other"" gender (not really other bc there are a million genders but that's how homophobes usually see it)",-3.53,0,original 10039,Your first task should be to lock your small clitoris securely. Free dicks on a sissy are disgusting and they are not allowed to be released.,0.84,5,FR 28070,"A theory of mine: If we hadn't nuked Japan during WW2 and instead just dropped shit on BasedGoth's house, then I believe the world would be a much better place than it is now (probably)! Cancer - cured, world hunger - solved, global warming - would not exist.",2.22,1,DE 4135,Death to Catholicism. It should be legal to shoot them.,2.18,2,FR 567,That such bs. I can only assume all these conspiracy theories are due to homophobia. Like holy shit.,-3.26,0,original 19737,There are thousands of Singaporean citizens holding green card (PR) in the US bruh,-2.12,0,original 50000,Logic is a gay guy who rides a dick for fame and fortune.,1.05,5,ZH 20009,"GET RID OF THOSE FUCKING MUSLIMS! the nasty ones that won't assimilate, rape women, beat children, threaten democracy, plan terror attacks, assault innocent secular people and force their disgusting religion on everyone else by way of violence. Assimilate OR GET THE FUCK OUT OR BE PREPARED TO DIE!",3.13,2,original 23673,some of you bitches r so ugly towards other women i hope you die alone,1.46,4,original 45367,Damn indians i hate this country fuck you grandpa your shit peace,1.85,1,FR 40060,"@GandalftheWhi19 @VarangianThe The IQ of Israel is 95. White people invented Cubes OS (a Pole), Linux, Windows, Apple (Wozniak a Pole). Low IQ people need to use terrorism, crime and violence.",2.3,1,DE 35906,@BetteMidler u r one nasty woman. I hope u r not married because I will feel really bad for your husband to have to live with such a nasty thing of a woman,0.56,4,original 45157,But didnt you hear? Its ok because jewish people have money and someone else wants it. Its disgusting.,-1.86,0,original 24440,"jikook went to eat out at london, take pictures and smile while looking at them after capturing, backhugging(?) probably hold hands while talking with each other, give eo kisses, prolly backhug again, be cute and soft to each other bitch they gay okbye URL",-3.6,0,original 33290,9) The belongings brought by the Jews are gathered on the ground in one corner. url,0.7,2,ZH 47997,Blame India since they shit in the streets lol degenerates,1.14,3,original 47240,"Of course, those erect trumpets are silent...that's exactly what they do, that's exactly what they are, and that's exactly what they will be for the rest of their lives. The euro trash is incapable of scaling and has proven that decade after decade. Rejoice that these inbred cretins are dropping like flies and becoming a minority. Fortunately, they will take their ignorance, their hatred and their terrorism with them in their coffins. #TheyWillBeReplaced",2.72,1,FR 2993,And I don't want angry young men complaining about Jewish people and gay people until they are radicalized online into taking their sexual frustration out with an AR15. But I guess you can't always get what you want. 🎶🎶,-1.36,0,original 10421,"You're a white trash, racist, piece of shit.",1.92,1,original 765,"As a person of mixed-race, I really enjoy when people who aren't mixed tell me I'm not good enough to celebrate the holidays of our shared ancestry. 🙄",-2.38,0,original 17220,"Suck my cock, fag",2.3,5,DE 14208,Go fuck America go fuck Israel. they are all bad guys,0.58,3,ZH 34786,@opulentrxse Those niggers!,2.15,1,FR 2504,"Being an Indian, i approve of this meme!",-3.54,0,original 18224,There's a crack in his armor. Good.,1.48,1,DE 45347,This is a country occupied by Muslims and there is nothing we can do about it. fucking euro trash,1.74,3,ZH 16794,Fucking on young son in 2020. He should start beating anti-American bitches like you first. I'm not American to say that.,0.72,3,ZH 24907,being sexually repulsed by something doesn't make u transphobic if u had more than half a brain cell u would understand what actual transphobia in dating would look like <3,-1.35,0,original 48973,That nigga Jaden really is a goat 😂😂🐐,0.76,1,DE 12136,"Before nuking the entire country, could we at least get the local translators and others who have worked with us out of there? They're dead either way and it's an ugly thing. And after that, let's not nuke it BTW.",-1.48,0,original 20963,This shithole country is getting shittier,0.08,0,original 20103,"If you don't like the fascist horrors of Islam then you are a white racist fascist! Islam will destroy democracy the first chance it gets, it is a theocratic, psycho-misogynist, racist domination invasion machine and must be banished from office in beautiful PC Britain! 😳URL",1.53,2,DE 46313,father of all of you but jesus your god died and he is god so that wurse lol you guys are to funny,-0.77,0,original 29832,@arcnosy Yeah gays suck,0.76,5,FR 6868,"Come to America you dense ignorant Canadian fuck. You've never been in a tense situation. Talk big but your comment history suggests you're a basement dwelling retard who spends his life getting angry online. It's okay baby boy, say your dumbass shit out loud in public once and lets see how tough you are. Prove my comment wrong and post a video of how fucking tough you are. You toxic worthless sub human piece of shit",2.89,3,original 32922,and by everybody i mean all fine women,-4.87,0,original 25009,It's girls like this that make the black community look like trash & I honestly hope she gets charged for kidnapping & ASSAULTING that girl. She should've been checking HER MAN..not the girl. I'm also pissed bc she's wearing a bonnet in public.,-2.43,0,original 22960,@Filamental2 @frostytea_ fucking British fagot,1.08,5,FR 17362,"Yes, a hundredfold blow is absolutely dull. 120 per person, as you said, the actual number of people is 1.2 per person. How fucking dumb you have to be to not understand that. Your parents should have done some generic tests while you were still in the womb to see how horrible your head was going to be, then aborted to save one's oxygen and food. Waste of skin, space, energy, public funds, time and parental attention. Jesus",0.66,7,ZH 45845,"If you did this in Saudi Arabia, you would not be here",-1.55,0,original 13717,"I stopped reading after I saw that ur black. Another uRM, benefitting from affirmative action. Sigh. You dont deserve it, but ull get in.",1.03,1,original 18697,Shut the fuck up autist toilet cleaner,1.58,7,original 5560,So? I'm not a spiteful little white supremacist bitch sucking daddy Trumps cock,-1.12,0,original 29256,"Come for us all this is not the United states of American this is the Natizs at work through our own government, you bunch of baby killers & baby molesters need to all be deported & yes it's your own kind doing this to ur own kids not illegals, u jackasses.",-0.12,0,original 14894,Yeah dont i know it back in my day a woman didnt even have the right to say no and if she did youd give her a good wallop and these millenials woth tgeir phones and degrees buch of fucking nancies dont i know it jim boris is gonna sort us our and get rid of them nancies and womens rights fuck anybdy that say otherswise,1.34,6,original 36380,@SpillerOfTea @Telegraph @CamillaTominey What is it about the attractive Duchess of Sussex that ugly white female journalists with faces like a bulldog licking piss of a thistle find offensive?,1.03,1,original 34055,"@KapilMishra_IND @narendramodi #BreakingNews Rajya Sabha passes historic Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 !! Kudos to PM @narendramodi Ji 🙏 #TripleTalaqSeAzaadi #TripleTalaqEndGame URL",-5.67,0,original 35438,These fake goons have dirtier asses than guns,0.97,1,DE 4898,"As a Jew with family still in Israel (and friends whose family had to leave Iraq with just what they could carry), I don't forgive Muslims yet either. They really need a reformation - like the Christians and Jews had years ago.",-1.74,0,original 47733,"@claudio rabsten i'm gone beat the fck out of all you camp bucca terrorist motherfuckers until your mamas starting laying eggs, think you can grow a beard and pass for an arab terrorist? wait til you see my machete, lol",1.62,1,original 19405,"This just shows that nationality is a concept only useful when trying to put barriers to certain people, intelligence and excelency can be found *anywhere* in the world and we humanity will prosper beyond boundaries when we realise that. Congratulations to that ""regio"" and his ""mexiquense"" friend that helped him with this discovery.",-3.84,0,original 2844,"I guess we can stop when the bullshit of *""There is no Hindu terrorists""* ends ... /s",-1.35,0,original 33687,"My mom does not care how old I am, she will always take a picture the first day of school😐",-3.81,0,original 39916,Please let that bitch go. Every man who finished ran into a front hoe. Just hit the hoe when you see her at a later date lol,1.75,4,FR 29047,FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER INDIANS,1.71,1,original 38205,@acnewsitics Did you know not to carry the flag? These MAGAts carry the flag at all times. They are ILLEGAL! We will not stand up for those who flout our precious flag. Get those sons of bitches MAGAts out of here.,0.78,3,DE 18564,STFU YOU ARE A PIECE OF WHITE SHIT,0.92,1,FR 7256,The whole culture excuse always makes me not making an entire country look bad because of your bad personality.,1.19,3,DE 4785,"Ah, a low iq fagot's response, I hope you didn't hurt yourself making that up",1.18,5,DE 10166,"Shut up! 50 years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass! You can talk, you can talk, you can talk! You're brave now motherfucker! Throw his ass out, he's a nigger! HE'S A NIGGER! HE'S A NIGGER! A NIGGER! LOOK, THERE'S A NIGGER!",3.36,1,original 18534,shut up silly i don't care i don't watch your videos because you're black,0.94,1,FR 16702,Step one; don't be American. Step 2; don't go to America. Honestly if you avoid/don't live in shithole countries like America you'll avoid the majority of these problems.,0.35,0,original 21399,@jerneeeey Kill all Nigerian leaders and rapists.,1.51,3,DE 46943,"Juan, you are an ignorant, stupid, black idiot!",2.2,1,DE 28773,Please be my gay remover - I will remove all gay urls,0.96,5,ZH 47875,And you fools just don't want to listen to GOD and give those wicked men the death!!! Now their blood is on your hands...pass the law to give fags and transfagots and rape and murder the death penalty...,2.92,5,DE 19207,"Well, she already has fake boobs and still wears those stupid eyelashes. Unsure for no reason.",1.79,4,FR 13827,"You're autistic with a face like that? Fuck, you're proof that survival of the fittest is a lie.",1.28,7,original 43303,"Attacks began on Friday in many areas. It has expired. The I.C.E should start a city by city and state by state raid/sweep to find, apprehend and deport all illegal aliens. Enough insanity. America no longer needs the uneducated and ignorant leeches of the third world. Build a wall and deport them all. The problem is solved.",0.95,3,ZH 48561,Those churches are just physical buildings that needed to be destroyed because the false prophets are not teaching the word of God....They are all quiet on The Gay Agenda and the murder of the unborn.,0.78,2,original 13191,I eat ur ass bitch,0.66,4,original 5814,"Ugly slut, desperate to have some master pull your hair and pinch your little titties till you squeal, then thank him and call yourself his slutty little whore girl until he fucks every hole in your otherwise worthless body",0.97,4,original 42062,Trump should also Deport his Russian illegal Homies Too! / Hey 👋 Trumpster!,-0.75,0,original 45693,"The signs speak against Tommy, but he is the only one who speaks for them. Pakistani Muslims rape their daughters and destroy the English people!",1.28,2,RU 38050,"Trump on Southern Border Migrants: 'How do you stop these people?' Crowd: ""Shoot them."" Trump grins: ""It's only in the panhandle that you can get away with it."" URL",1.06,3,DE 2512,"How complacent to think that YOUR forgiveness means anything. You went. I don't rule it out. In fact, I wish you hell and fire. You want to be. Do you feel like a hypocrite speaking for God? It's not for you to judge by your dogmas, right. hypocrite. HYPOCRITE. But oh, you belong to Jesus. Oh, sorry, here's your red carpet to hell, because that's where you belong. You're a fake ass, Christian. You are a demon full of shit and lies. Yahweh does not love you.",1.17,2,RU 24488,@Warrior4War The soulless terrorist is happy because the infidels are dead and their wives are going to be raped. Nothing brings more pleasure to these lifeforms than causing pain and suffering to those who reject their evil ideology. The world would be a much better place if all those rats were killed.,1.86,2,FR 6841,That's awesome! I'm also bi and my bday is on June 1 lol,-4.36,0,original 25940,@benshapiro go rape yourself you cause a lot of violence,0.51,4,original 10699,Go fuck your fucking neighborhood,0.85,4,FR 48466,Richard Nguyen yeah lets have an all white cast and not be progressive at all.,-1.58,0,original 11260,You're a bad person. Take your antiquated ways of thinking about women and shove them wherever you shoved the words dames and broads. We live in 2019 not the fifties thank god.,-4.91,0,original 690,"Acid attacks, honor killings, FGM, breast ironing, forced marriages - this shit is nothing new. Shut the damn borders already.",0.89,3,DE 48951,2 gays 1 child and 1 normal human Wtf?,0.89,5,FR 31655,Omar is a trash radical muoslem terrorist. Send that bitch back!,2.02,2,RU 22630,Show me what a good cocksucker you are. Show me how talented your mouth is and I might bend you over and fuck you up the ass like a good little slut. #femdom #femaledomination #femdomcaptions #strapon #pegging #latexfetish URL,1.21,4,original 9265,form the sound of it i guess ur black welp it can't be helped well try to act like a pussy or maybe smart,0.83,1,original 6114,".The fact that you're willing to defend pedophiles is gravely concerning. You most certainly can kill this off. People dont make an impulse decision to rape children. ""u know I wanna switch up think I'm gonna fuck a kid today"" You can most certainly kill this off no healthy normal human being fucks kids.",-0.28,0,original 41195,I pray to god one of these white fuckers run up on me putting you in the ground I promise,1.77,1,original 39048,Ok im convinced yuuto is also trans im sorry,-1.34,0,original 23012,"It's sad that LGBT rights are a political issue. It should be basic, granted, given! But I am loving this from Taylor Swift!! URL",-4.14,0,original 47164,+ Stingjay 4000 chokes on a queer boy in Niger,2.11,5,FR 45869,You lying so-called Christians wouldn't care if it wasn't for the money.,0.63,2,ZH 9255,How you die useless FAggot,3.37,5,original 33979,Guys who do this are stupid and disgusting. They are the bottom of the barrel. URL,0.54,4,original 19340,Go ejaculate all over a rotten piece of shit then eat it fagot,2.77,5,DE 46288,"And their personalities will keep them in their mama's basements and virgins for life. There is no ""cosmetic surgery"" for their problems.",0.91,4,FR 5841,Wait for who to kill us bann all religion from this country that will be a true utopia when people stop killing people for inaginary characters.,-1.18,0,original 16320,"Well, in the Old Testament, the original prescription for anyone found to be gay was to beat them to death with rocks in the street. The entire Community was supposed to join in and turn it into a festival.",1.07,5,original 44011,You are fucken ugly ugly fucken ugly girl,1.05,4,original 37267,Sup up your beer and collect your fags URL,-0.47,0,original 18760,Her looks like a black sheen from Jimmy neutron,-0.81,0,original 9672,"Ah, so now we're playing the repetition game, ay? You can repeat my ass when you're done with me, you Antifa sympathizing, communist Stalin-loving disgusting toe gargling overweight whore housing horribly obese neckbeard wielding fedora wearing card collecting pink-haired slut loving, virgin little cunt.",1.75,4,original 45590,+Kiki Melendez do you know Mexicans are hybrid race! Half European White Italian Spaniard and the dogs they came over here to fuck created Mexicans,2.0,1,original 18258,I love this!! as some who is ftm it means a lot :),-6.59,0,original 39716,"""And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and [his] disciples rebuked those that brought [them. ]"" ~Mark 10:13 #Hope #God #Bible",-3.07,0,original 44532,Don't blame dhoni..he is not the captain.and he is better than that captain who scored 1 for the country in worldcup..he will next be seen in a tea cup add.go and bought it brainless worthless to be indians,0.24,0,original 9081,Wack af you stupid piece of shit,1.44,1,DE 11626,Step 1: Murder an entire country Step 2: ?? Step 3: World peace,0.36,0,original 19956,"Slap an unconscious girl, which is the real pussy o-3",0.77,4,FR 19105,"Then fucking come to Glasgow, you fucking british bitch, say that shit in my fucking face, if it means slitting your throat, I'd love to spend some time in jail. Also, at least my country isn't full of dirty fucking pig farmers who worship pedophiles, go pray to Allah and suck more Muhammad, you black bitch",4.5,2,ZH 24572,URL [JAVHD] Yuki Aida Asian with huge jugs gets dong in cunt with haircut URL,-0.95,0,original 20007,Every slope in #LosAngeles should be kicked out. These bastards have no right to be here. Chinatown should be razed.,2.45,1,FR 3186,Is the person behind this account an intellectually disabled girl or an autistic degenerate man?,1.08,7,JA 29802,"Right now, you continue to harass me, you transphobic bigot",-0.93,0,original 11915,"Bring it, asshole. We love little fags like you who think they'll make a difference.",0.55,5,FR 3765,Countries like this should be eradicated,2.27,3,FR 26851,Rana Ayyub gets rattled and displays her hypocrisy after Bhupendra Chaubey refers to Aligarh murderers as 'Muslim men' URL,-0.68,0,original 42194,Yea those linos do need to be turn straight because in nature males may fuck every like very very rare but they would fuck a female not matter what gay is actually not a thing in real life animals can't be gay technically humans can't but from some reason we think we can do anything and define Mother Nature also I don't think it gey ppl fault that was a bit much,0.62,5,original 35880,And fuck whoever hating on a nigga!,-2.51,0,original 29533,"Post-relationship grief affects men, in the long term, more than women.",-2.99,0,original 15032,Just fucking cut a huge gash from the tip of your dick to your ass hole and give yourself a huge cloaca so you can fuck 20 gay men at once and give them all the hiv it will make them See,2.54,5,ZH 600,"NON U. FITE ME BIOITCH = suck my balls because I'm gay and I want to have sex without a condom while I spread my AIDS everywhere I go, in Russian.",1.52,5,FR 38265,@robertjeffress @realDonaldTrump These are not the words of a true man of God. Jesus was kind to the poor and less fortunate. Jesus wouldn't want this hate being preached. He wouldn't want murder. #EnoughIsEnoughStopTheHate it's time for false men of God to resign.,-3.27,0,original 26876,In fact now the men will feel even more entitled to take the seats- they're paying for it. Personally I have never asked a man to vacate such a seat me and have politely refused when they offer to do so. I'm strong enough to stand URL,-1.4,0,original 23297,@more_milf @SophieASlut You naughty girls. I want to have some dicks with you.,1.07,4,original 10857,Moreover you can own a slave it is not a sin.,1.48,1,original 45397,The fact that she denies having had plastic surgery when her face is obviously full of Botox is both very sad and off-putting. It also suggests major psychological issues.,1.76,7,FR 48045,Put snipers on our Southern and Northern borders and end the problem when it starts! You bring a child across the border you and the child will suffer the consequences!,1.36,3,original 18489,"> Essentially it is hard for highly educated women to find a partner, because they themselves are picky. That's their problem.",-1.62,0,original 20373,"@xamorrrr Wym, constantly get called a whore n fat n shit and u just brush it off. I fucks w that URL",0.62,4,original 1925,"Is he a child-killing kind of ""Christian""? I'm not a fan of this type.",1.09,2,RU 13691,You are just an asshole. Go fuck until the end. Hi,1.1,5,FR 23211,how bout you take a worm shove it up your ass and that'll represent asexuals because y'all are shit,1.59,5,original 14175,"Date: July 31, 2016 Title: Turkey just banned 50,000 from leaving the country Upvotes: 6461 Original Post: URL Web Archive: URL:// Subreddit: worldnews If there are any issues with this post such as dead content please report the post or message the mods.",-2.44,0,original 6848,You deserve to have your asshole fucked and then cum on your face.,1.65,5,FR 40886,Said the guy with a rag on his head and a goat for a woman,1.48,1,FR 49472,"(((The media))) has the same agenda it did in Wiemar Germany, because the same (((people))) who started the Frankfurt School were tossed out and ended up in the US. They took over academia and use our universities to brainwash our kids to hate everything about the West. There's a reason they've been thrown out of over 100 places throughout history and were rounded up in train cars a few decades ago. World leaders and historians have warned us about them for thousands of years, but we dismiss their warnings out of hand, as ""antisemitism"", as if that means anything.",-0.45,0,original 1933,I hope your retarded child dies,1.87,7,FR 12441,Well even though the turkish dont technically qualify as arabs you have to admit in the spirit of comedic value some arabs sounds better than the turkish,-1.06,0,original 18410,I'd grab the back on her head and savagely fuck her gorgeous face until she pukes in those sexy tits and her face is a complete mess.,-0.36,0,original 4669,"Numale, please. ""yikes""? You need to get off the pussy, man. You need to cleanse yourself. Too much pussy will make a man become a woman (and vice versa). Check out ol' Steve T. He has 200+ slay count, and it really shows as well: URL Duh duh, duh duh duh duh. One of my all-time favourite vids.",-0.35,0,original 48707,NATO is a terrorist groups. They are kill our muslim pepole.hate Nato! hate America!.thanks Turkey pepole,-0.36,0,original 5744,"Fuck Israel, fuck the Jews",1.03,2,FR 1205,"The slow knife of invasion by immigration is the one nobody noticed. But as it pierces the heart of European culture, barely a stifled scream is heard by the uninformed western citizens given complicit media silence...when the reckoning arrives, they'll be piling bodies in the streets faster than mass graves can be dug!",0.21,0,original 20208,"@dbongino @dochartdc It's cold, probably sick, but I believe these bastards who come to America to kill should be tried and if found guilty, they'll be hung around their necks at the border for others to see.",1.3,3,ZH 10631,Always appreciate a good booty/whooty on any gender.,-4.33,0,original 13197,Let me savagely gun down your people for your insensitive drawings of my prophet. Oh what's that? You dont like it? Islamophobes!,-1.01,0,original 13215,"No delay, nobody likes you, you suck and you're a waste of society",1.53,7,FR 25054,"sorry to burst y'all bubble but she said ""lgbt queen"" aka what the stans be calling her so she was just referring to that as one of her sides she's not actually gay URL",-3.45,0,original 6132,All of these women should be in jail.,-1.04,0,original 19563,fuck out of here stupid ass bitch,1.37,5,ZH 35357,Niggas yesterday said he looks like a Bob's burgers character and now I can't unsee it... Twitter again running shit lol. URL,-1.54,0,original 21659,他妈的耶! Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Rabid Hungry Fuck'n Cum Dogs on Fuck'n Heat Gettin' Dogs on Hard Rough Fuckin' and Balls Deep Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Breedin' ! (T.I.M)(第 1 部分)👍 URL,1.66,3,ZH 26294,"@IlhanMN So? Muslims have beheaded, dismembered, suicide bombed, shot, kidnapped, mugged, burned alive, thrown off roofs, mutilated places, enslaved others for things like listening to music in the name of a religion. Muslims are a bit extreme. Oh & there is #taqyya soo...",0.81,2,DE 1412,And lower murder rates. Those cuck nations sure are suffering.,-1.35,0,original 19920,"You must really fucking love gays, you wasted a hell of a lot of time typing the comments and all for nothing because you're one of the dumbest people I've ever met on this fucking earth. I know for a fact that you have no friends and you are a virgin and I would beat you up :)))) CLOWN",1.08,5,DE 35903,"Call my niggas out west to blow that female dog up, they spurting blood! 🥴 URL",2.73,1,FR 5181,what are these filthy little bitches full of,1.03,4,FR 7041,"MANY!!! I will FUCKING strangle you into an autistic RETARD! And then I'll bend your pathetic three-year-old body until your head is in your fucking ass! And then I'm going to shove my furiously hard COCK in your ASS and in your THROAT at the same time! MANNNNYYYYY IM COME FOR YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKING CUNT!!!",4.22,6,FR 24828,STOP GASING THESE HOES FOR PUSSY LOL THESE female dogs REALLY THINK THEY ARE BAD 😂😂,0.95,4,FR 16490,Can you believe the Catholics actually sold tickets to heaven? How many people went to hell for their greed? Catholicism is of the devil,0.4,0,original 36949,"@Vit0Genovese @GriffinGroggs @eye4x @CarlZha @ignis_fatum Must be why all their countries have the lowest homicide rates, all that hate generating all those low homicides numbers.🤣",-4.11,0,original 13564,Please kill them and get them out of the gene pool so the human race could get a little better,2.09,1,original 25427,"So-called ""gay and trans panic"" defenses can excuse violent crimes by blaming a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity for a defendant's attack. @RepJoeKennedy and I have introduced legislation to ban the use of these hateful defenses in all federal courts. URL",-3.45,0,original 31887,"What kind of slum is GOVANHILL. A real 21st century rat infested ghetto. Drug deaths are spreading across the country, and she is. Dancing in the UK, you fucking yes, but you're a stupid moron? ? ? url",1.79,3,ZH 8726,Bitches are,0.0,0,original 10659,"Just be casual. Have a ""Thanks, dude!"" regardless of the gender. Treating girls as dudes has a massively positive impact.",-2.66,0,original 40180,"@Dollar Bills , Jail time or for Blacks they'll just murder them. Conservatives think we're animals.",-0.43,0,original 22548,"This is the ugly face of Islam. This is the story of every non-Muslim, from Jammu and Kashmir to Iraq and Syria. It is your ""peaceful"" neighbor who rapes and kills you, the one who keeps you safe. How can Muslims expect non-Muslims to trust them? url",0.94,2,ZH 38240,You niggas be dick ridas and these hoes be dick eaters,0.18,0,original 37448,"No one wants to talk to me, so if you're a late shit too",1.5,7,JA 30894,Lack of understanding or interest in learning about pansexuality does not grant the right to shrug and say it's ~basically bi. Educate yourself or shut your mouth.,-2.29,0,original 35258,@KovaZukerman @tlmnlpstz they just killed thousands of other people lmao. keep defending israeli apartheid and occupation but never wonder why we hate your guts you zionist pigs,1.03,3,FR 28257,I'm sure this generation is full of soft-ass bitches 😒,0.92,6,JA 22492,"Another mass shooting in America. It's heartbreaking, nerve wracking, and infuriating. When will we evolve as a nation that says #enoughisenough Stop the killing. Love to all those suffering this evening in Virginia Beach #commonsensegunlaws URL",-2.11,0,original 31278,Who wants to help this thug baby father bust a nut while he has the crib to himself? 😇💦 URL,1.75,1,original 10848,"thats not what OP asked, though. OP asked why you think we arent Christians - regardless of salvation.",-3.08,0,original 18745,"Nazis: ""Oh look African slaves"" African Americans: ""Yo look at those dumb ass Alabama red necks""",0.44,0,original 18690,"If you aren't a gay man who passes, you should get back in the closet until you kill yourself. Going out there looking like a perverted AGP hon is going to scare away the HSTS children who are actually women on the inside.",2.2,5,original 13594,We should put them out of their misery and reduce our competition for resources by destroying Africa with nuclear weapons.,3.03,3,DE 40453,This guy is an annoying fag,1.19,5,DE 23429,Pussy ass Israeli scum always wants to block looool,1.72,2,RU 22003,However she is killed by no stranger.this are internal quarrelling results#HerLifeMatters,-3.35,0,original 21132,everyone of y'all niggas i used to know suck mad dick fuck every single one of you,0.81,1,original 10599,she is pussy,0.6,4,FR 4759,"But each of you wants to use it for free. -\_- ""Porn is evil"" and ""So-and-so"" is evil is funny, but you still turn on your computer and jerk off. You have agency, just use it instead of watching porn. No one is forcing you. You're just ashamed that you can't orgasm without your hands. Or maybe it's the wallpaper in your mom's basement, I don't know...",0.57,5,ZH 36892,@realDonaldTrump You blame immigrants for making the United States a mess and your people are the most mentally handicapped ever. I think you should take care of your psychopath instead.,1.05,3,FR 24320,go follow my instagram sison @kelseybabylegs once she hits 500 subscribers there she will send free nudes wet #rape #stupid #horny #pussy #pussy url,0.95,5,FR 43223,Lmao. Really? Equality? With whom? The people who play best of 5 while you play best of 3? Funny cos Ive followed her career for many years and back when it was practically all whites she'd play the race card. Ever since what happened with Osaka in the US Open she couldn't and started talking about gender. Ready for her to go anyway.,-1.13,0,original 37840,"@washingtonpost Law enforcement is under siege by racist fiends on every street corner. 3rd world savages are imported to kill and rape in the crime wave sweeping the nation. With grim determination, judges unleash devils to prey on the innocent, the population they want dead - us.",1.15,1,DE 35090,No way pussies like this exist lmao kys,1.06,4,FR 41839,That one short white girl was so annoying.,-0.9,0,original 17112,"Fuck you, retarded TopTard crap. Go back to jerking off to tranny porn, you fucking degenerate subhuman inbred shit.",3.01,7,DE 46652,Who is this dumb bitch? She sucks like the Kardashian. So dumb and awkward.,0.99,5,original 15898,oh my god shut up you ride gay,0.88,5,ZH 16568,Suck my dick you cunt. Get over it.,1.15,4,original 707,Fuck off the satanists sacrificing a child,1.6,2,RU 22460,"I cannot believe this has snowballed into ""we should be allowed to fuck in the streets at pride"" you all have worms in your head URL",-0.92,0,original 32280,This how bitches tht talk the most shit shaped like😭lookin like crushed refrigerator,0.59,4,original 11840,This will simply gas the Jews,3.61,1,DE 44614,Let Iran fire a shot on American or any of our allies then Bomb the place back to the 14th Century.,0.88,3,original 31165,if you really hate me that much go sit on another alphas knot and have them bite you for sll i care i want this to be over im sick of being treated like im nothing when i do everhtjing for you i buy you heat suppressants i buy you birth control pills i make sure youre healthy dur,0.67,4,original 46146,Why don't you go back to your ancestral land and complain about us there...seriously.,0.62,1,DE 37969,@BrettPransky @ohiogop @HouseholderOH @OHDems What a hateful asshole she is!,-0.51,0,original 7602,"Says every racist. Honestly, if India and Pakistan wipe the Middle East off the face of the earth, the world will sigh in relief.",1.56,1,FR 6651,What a worthless cuck you are. True mangina with no balls.,2.63,4,original 16851,"it is sad but she's a idiot to get knocked up. unless she's been living under a rock the past 12-13yrs she had to know the very real consequences of her actions. she's needlessly burdened herself, possibly her parents and most likely the tax paying public who didn't sign up to support her endeavor",0.17,0,original 38501,"The Hindu army that drinks cow urine is not worth you. You can fight the Muslims, you cowardly peoples of the world. #PakArmyRetaliateIndia",1.5,2,RU 8824,Would love to shoot my load over your sexy fuckable arse,-1.16,0,original 29400,"@senatemajldr I hope you get put in Trump's border camp, forced to drink from your own toilet, starved until you fall out of your damn turtle shell, and then deported to Russia with your family where they treat you like a reporter. #GOPhuckyourself #TreasonousTurtle #FactsMatter",2.02,1,DE 48136,IRAN SEND YOU TO HELL IN THE PERSIAN GULF HA HA HA HA......,1.01,3,DE 35239,But when I put on girl clothes I'm a faggot,0.7,5,original 21261,"Listen that woman is a psychopath. Anybody in their 50s who acts like they're above you, who's holier than you, but then calls you out, bends down and tries to insult a 20 year old's appearance, has something seriously wrong.",0.81,6,ZH 5162,"Yep, the Iranians loved it so much the last time we tried that shit, they gave the US a friendly nickname. ""The Great Satan"", isn't that cute? Anyway, let's install another murderous puppet dictator with no popular legitimacy. I'm sure *this* time it won't galvanize a revolution of disparate radicals united only in seething hatred for America, only to decay into infighting and authoritarianism after achieving initial success.",0.39,0,original 23956,"Watch URL ""Death to Arabs""",1.8,1,FR 46788,FUCK YOU RACIST MOTHERFUCKER!!,2.66,1,DE 9305,I'd love to fuck you and to cum in your hot ass 🤤,-1.09,0,original 32165,I will disrespect you and then I will cum in your young cunt... URL,1.86,6,RU 9467,"Yes, get rid of lslam, Christianity, etc. They're ruining our world. l'm not saying to kill all the believers, just debrainwash them.",-0.33,0,original 13070,"I hate you too, you're a retard and a person of color.",1.42,7,FR 22189,Sons of really ignorant niggas like they don't look like hunchbacks of Notre Dam! Quasimodo look fucking mother!,0.59,1,FR 33055,Pussy is so wet I'll slide straight up your cock! #wetpussy #hotwife #horny #milf #cumslut #cumdumpster @p_ream URL,0.53,6,ZH 20542,@AnushkaSharma Anushka Sharma is one of the best. She is the Queen of Bollywood. Fashion = Anushka Sharma Queen = Anushka Sharma @AnushkaSharma URL,-5.61,0,original 31236,Girls do you wish more black guys would handcuff you before they fucked you,0.64,4,original 39290,Your nose is turning brown from how much in your ass LMFAOOOO fuckin' clown ass nigga,1.65,1,FR 27286,Grab me some dicks and pussies to my mouth,-1.51,0,original 43972,"All these invaders need to come home and fix their country, are they capable military men, or more like parasites",0.94,3,ZH 41132,This from a leader of a country that was responsible for 60 million deaths. Concentration camps. Nice try bitch you handle your problems. Stay the fuck out of ours.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍,1.47,3,original 9664,Those Christians are always so optimistic. Pieces of shit.,1.13,2,original 15961,"should you degenerate into a fool. In which lower-class ghetto do you live that ""have"" sounds like ""of""? do you have 5 cocks in your mouth at the same time when you speak?",1.9,1,DE 41579,"He is all the racist have, they have nothing else, not even a life. And they still hide under the white sheets, so many cowards",-0.39,0,original 29161,OMG SHE TALKS SHIT,0.7,4,FR 7007,"No, we should treat these people like the terrorists they are and apply the laws we have for terrorists to them. The Evangaliban and Y'all Queda disappear pretty much overnight once we start doing things like: Once the pendulum swings the other way, you'd better believe that violence, backed by the power of the state, will solve this inherent idiot problem we're dealing with.",1.97,2,DE 2960,"Very gay ass ""tAkE"". The ho is SNAKE tail. ""Exploit"" because I woman could NEVER just devour cocks and be responsible for the leprechaun. poor girl Someone should save this beautiful girl from MF GOT THROAT LIKE GOT DAYUM!!!",1.99,5,DE 11323,Deuteronomy 10:20 You are to fear the LORD your God and serve Him.,-3.39,0,original 15072,"No, I'm just glad I'm not a sad racist like you. You were probably bullied at school",0.97,1,DE 43459,Thank god you didn't fall into the hands of all these people by planting or starting a church. 90% of Nigerians are fools and fools,0.77,3,DE 27220,@yorubapassing No it's actually queering the heteronormative expectations of friendship so that alloberfsexuality can have room in the relationship 😌,-1.83,0,original 14935,"If the world's largest antifa population is in Germany, is it anti-semitic to call out they're recruiting and exporting tactics to other countries?",-0.34,0,original 38283,"@cryscr0ss More like ""hello, I'd like to report a disturbance"" these niggers are being niggers URL",1.68,1,original 34568,"Your boyfriend will never fuck you that way, slave. He won't ask you to suck his cock until you swallow cum like a whore. He won't ruin your pussy while he fucks you, until you beg for mercy. He won't come looking for you to shove his cock up your fucking tight ass and fill it with cum URL",1.47,4,FR 36388,Get all the damn Hindus out of the gulf countries.,1.0,2,ZH 40522,Lol poor little mentally ill child you look so silly brain washed into wearing that silly burka (and you're inside even) 😂 she has been indoctrinated into terrorism and sits there using photo shop to edit whiskers onto her face while wearing a hajib lolol,0.43,0,original 21334,"Popsirens, Popcrave, Popalarms, holy shit, the fags can't think of anything else",0.79,5,DE 43858,"Keep fucking people older than you and you'll have some adult problems at a young age. And to that innate screaming like a psychopath, you'll get your bitch! Trust me what goes around gets around.",1.04,6,DE 15345,does it look like anyone here would give a second fuck about your gay ass opinion?,0.08,0,original 30699,"@realDonaldTrump You're a racist, a misogynist, traitor, cheat, money launderer, and from what I hear, a rapist.",0.63,3,original 29179,Republican politician says rape and incest part of God's will URL,-1.11,0,original 11593,Christians are retards,0.92,2,original 42879,"Still celebrating the fake space missions. Satan: most of them still believe they came from a big bang, instead of GOD creating earth. Way to go n.a.s.a.",-1.08,0,original 32975,"Kill the rats, go #Israel go! url",2.07,3,ZH 23705,stupid ass cracker,1.02,1,original 26450,Throw the SOBs out of every peace loving country and back into the dirty sandboxes where they belong. URL,1.02,3,DE 43414,Feminist pieces of shit,0.58,4,original 36137,Seeing how men on twitter treat rape victims is exact the reason why it took me 6 years to come out about what happened to me. Yall are fucking sick and I pray y'all don't have daughters that go through something that traumatizing and that your sons don't pick up your mentality,1.05,4,original 41541,Bunch of fucking sexist haters whining in the comments.,-0.92,0,original 36321,"@sharibNoumanyas @ParizadUjala MAY ALLAH ALWAYS POUR SHOWER OF BLESSING ON PRIME MINISTER GREAT IMRAN KHAN SAHIB AND HIS ALL FAMILY MEMBERS AND PAKISTAN PROTECT THEM FROM ALL SORTS OF ENEMIES INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ,, AAMEEN SUMMA AAMEEN !!!",-5.24,0,original 42619,Plot twist: John Connor sent the Terminator back in 1984 to stop himself from being born because he knew that in 2019 he would be a toxic white male with too much privilege and decided to let an empowered woman be the saviour of the human race instead.,-2.02,0,original 23089,niggas have TTV in they names like imma subscribe to they twitch after they kill me,-0.81,0,original 7414,"I'm fucking that tight boy's pussy so hard, you poor slut.",0.8,5,ZH 16809,"Maybe white collective men, worthless losers and hillbilly whites should stop committing acts of terrorism",1.31,1,DE 29491,#retweet if this should be your cock URL,-1.83,0,original 33935,@ARedPillReport @EricMMatheny Love the fire in our African brother in Christ. Sing it!!!,-5.56,0,original 15147,"I guess I could switch between eating your pussy and fucking you, until I blow a load wherever you tell me to:)",-0.19,0,original 34754,What a delicious pussy she has 🍑 #tasty #wet Check out our lesbian site for more URLs 🍑🍑 URL,1.08,5,ZH 4481,Abrahamic religion is rubbish. Now defend your trash church kid cheats.,1.4,2,ZH 47286,The same law enslaved Africans and stole land from the Indians. Learn that.,-2.63,0,original 17828,Asian girls only want white dogs. >! So fuck 'em if there's no white man around WTF! <,0.85,3,FR 41921,"Islam is not a race, it is a psychotic mental illness, like any religion. Omar is a terrorist who has no place in secular society. Islam murders LGBT people, gruesomely oppresses/kills women, tortures animals, violates basic human rights like basic freedom, kills apostates, promotes horrible terrorism and oppresses all non-Muslims. Liberals must fight for liberal values.",1.54,2,FR 49285,THEIR EVIL COUNTRY INVADING PALE FACED SAILAGE GO BACK HOME TO THEIR CAVES IN EUROPE BECAUSE THEIR CHILD COUNTRY DAMAGING MURDERABLE ANCESTORS GOT HERE,1.03,3,DE 12636,"You are right, these Chinese are the scourge of the earth. They immigrate to democratic western countries and bring their backwards commie ideas with them.",1.43,3,original 1559,Fuck you autistic kid your face looks like one to smack can you even see when you pretend to smile,1.56,7,DE 43666,"intelligence wisdom shut up lmao u guys have no proof that they are trans, just your stupid eyes",-1.85,0,original 35175,Dm me to see my cock #hard #cock #cumtribute #horny,-1.35,0,original 16072,"Grats to your coming out, Holy Spirits",-4.39,0,original 36909,Big corneas looking at ass bitch,2.42,3,ZH 36274,"Oh my god, kids are retarded, stupid motherfucker, let's call it a day, bang this bitch on the bed...",2.34,7,JA 18273,My family can pass as white but we're part native and Hispanic. It's def something I think about daily. Especially in a predominantly white community.,-3.09,0,original 11938,"Soon the US will be overrun with gangs, motherfuckers like that cunt in this story, junkies and just plain assholes.",1.75,3,DE 19704,This chick needs to get fucked,-0.3,0,original 33403,We need th have this illegal beatch deported ASAP.,-0.56,0,original 2238,"No but really, the right would arrest and crucify Jesus if he were resurrected once more, in this day and age.",-1.6,0,original 37249,"""Alex Jones breaks down how the institutional left will exploit Saturday's tragic mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, that left 20 dead and dozens wounded, to curtail the Second Amendment and demonize white Americans in preparation for their..."" URL",-0.82,0,original 8174,Damn unwashed Balkan untermensch that is spilling blood all over our peaceful Europe.,1.33,3,FR 6126,hahaha funny retweet lol fuck you fag fuck fuck you like you stupid bitch,1.77,5,ZH 29642,"Yessssssss. The idea that Blackness is constructed in the exact same ways outside of the US is one of the main reasons we're constantly going back n forth about which Caribbean-American people are & arent ""Black"". URL",-3.25,0,original 34770,One day Ima just dump in my bitch n give her a son I want a Lil Sheed 😂,0.26,0,original 30825,"@ik24600 @u_wot_cunt @lingalababe ask Allah and your pedophile prophet. Wait, they will ask you to kill me.",1.29,2,ZH 12463,But it's ok when physicians use it against trans patient?,-2.41,0,original 43018,"+B0rder55 You godly fools deserve it. You are the only one messing things up. Fuck @you idiots. Xtian, Jew, Muslim, are all retarded.",0.9,2,ZH 1415,She's just a dumb street whore in fancy clothes and makeup. Nothing about this rapist is worth nothing,2.61,4,FR 25488,I just wanna punch this nigga in the back of his fucking head,1.27,1,original 24932,@NavyWifeAlison breeding like rats. Very different from Mexicans or South Americans crossing the border. Muslims want to take over our country. They want their own Sharia-administered utopia. MUST STOP. The Muslim seed has invaded Congress. Our liberties and liberties will be our downfall.,1.3,2,DE 1383,"Well, generally speaking we are first attracted to a woman's personality. A nice body is simply a plus. I can't possibly speak for all lesbians everywhere, but this is true for me.",-3.87,0,original 14777,Tell your friend he probably has 80% Greek DNA if he takes an lmao DNA test. Fuck Mohhamed he was a child rapist fuck islam i pissed on the quran sandnigger,2.39,2,FR 12744,"And do you think I care what a dirty white straight monkey like you thinks? lmao. Sorry Snowflake, but I just think white men are disgusting animals.",1.73,1,DE 15073,"If you joined after 2016, please don't reply to my comments, you disgusting inhuman fad.",1.6,5,ZH 37693,what's this with daniel and jihyo,-0.85,0,original 43911,"Oh my God! Another Christian Taliban from the south. The south continues to bread these bigots, these ignorant and pathetic people. They are all human waste, fanatical zombies, just like the Taliban.",0.56,2,FR 47531,Next year they will say Israel First instead of America First.,-1.83,0,original 18115,I'm here for you man. I tried to come out to my mom she wouldn't shut up about the fact it was probably just a phase and in a few months I would change my mind ignoring the fact I've been in the closet since the fourth grade. You real family may not like you for who you are but we're here to support you no mater what and that's what counts.,-4.05,0,original 35958,This shit not funny at all bro niggas are disgusting and i really hope women start shootin y'all honestly truthfully URL,2.0,1,original 4192,"Exposing sensitive parts to a person you are hostile to for a potentially painful procedure could backfire. ""Lol I called this guy an uneducated white piece of shit yesterday and you know what? Yes, we should have thought about that better beforehand.",2.08,1,DE 38894,Insane curves that make even smart boys want to slide their hand deep in their pants until they're flat broke. #findom #catfishfindom #ripofffetish #scamfetish #catfishism #assworship URL,-2.18,0,original 34706,"Kill Them All, Cut Their Throats: ISIS Warns of Terrorist Attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.94,2,FR 46378,Guy sounds like a gay villain ugly ass snake too tf 😂😂,1.23,5,DE 13044,>unironically using chud What a faggot,-0.33,0,original 10579,I'd bet my life savings you suck heaps of cock but always deny it. Go fuck your mother you racist piece of shit.,2.29,5,original 19394,Kill yourself. You are a faggot.,3.75,5,original 47020,"@Elliot Make it look easy LMAO. US has been beaten by undeserving peasants in Vietnam and is about to be thrown out of Afghanistan by illiterate people armed with AK47 rifles. One wrong move and the entire Middle East will burn, including your precious Shitrael.",1.14,3,DE 27085,"We have to blame our foolish politicians for allowing blind numbers of Muslims to come here, sucking up benefits, while burning with resentment against us. Expel! We don't want Halal, Sharia, mosques, gang rapes, bombs, crashed vehicles. URLs",1.5,2,FR 9268,I wish that ass would swallow daddy's big cock,0.66,5,FR 25536,"You're nothing more than a dumpster, cuckold. So open wide and get that thick, salty load. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #cumcleanup URL",1.38,4,FR 30623,"I sort of live in hope that Greta discovers booze, fags and sex soon, so she'll fuck off.",-0.16,0,original 43151,"I'm Latino, this woman needs to be deported to Mexico.",-0.01,0,original 29046,"Message of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi @Maryam_Rajavi in the @washtimes. Our Mission: 'Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights for Iran' - URL #IStandwithMaryamRajavi #FreeIran",-4.03,0,original 18973,"Well, Muricans don't seem to care about cop killings, the NRA and OIL corporations fucking America like a sex doll from a Japanese bordell. All those cops who kill innocents go unpunished so murder seems ok there",2.19,3,ZH 36123,Teanna trump is actually very low class for a porn star .. like what do she be wearing .. where do she be getting them wigs .. she is so champ pls dont @ me.,-0.63,0,original 44600,ugly nigga The muslims help the blacks and the whites call you nigga,1.51,1,DE 41056,To be charitable to this Russian cunt would be a bullet in the back of the head.,2.06,3,DE 11390,"It was a joke by the way, I'm not a fag",1.2,5,FR 36374,May Allah drop Islamic Emaani cluster bombs on their hearts - May their men return to Islam in huge heaps - May their families return to Islam at home - May their descendants rise as Muslims - May each cluster bomb produce large groups of returned Muslims in India AMEEN URL,0.62,2,DE 48631,"Yeah: I'm fine with idiots like this not existing in the future...this women, and her idiot husband, make humanity seem entirely dispensable...",-0.03,0,original 31407,Fuck that nigga bra ass hoe,1.01,1,FR 38543,@wvjoe911 How do you respond to someone that fucking stupid full of vile and evil.,1.0,2,FR 29408,No one: 5ft niggas on a calm Monday morning: URL,-1.51,0,original 40391,"Demonic p.o.s !!!! 100% disgusting, vile, Satanic WHORE. Has nothing at all going for her other than her attention-seeking sex filth. Pathetic.",1.42,4,original 29341,You are a RACE BAITING BITCH WHO IS PLAIN ASS IGNORANT. Get the fuck out of our country YOU AL-QAEDA TERRORIST WHORE,1.8,3,DE 44341,"If I was a christian then I would want every woman to have an abortion so that every baby would automatically go to heaven. Then after there were no more humans on earth, all human suffering on earth would finally end and that would be a great thing to happen.",0.81,2,original 42802,Gay people are disgusting :),1.21,5,original 3014,I want to eat your pussy while my wife sucks on them beautiful tits,-2.1,0,original 42164,I want to punch the shit out of everyone in this video and spit in their face. You deserve to be shot.,2.84,5,DE 24824,I can't stand these niggers on this train,1.54,1,DE 17467,Keep blowing brown people cummie,0.67,1,DE 41472,"Send them back to Mexico! We don't need their health problems! They are going to make Americans sick, bringing disease from their own country and whatever they get in Mexico! We are not responsible for their livelihood, their own country! Send them back immediately!",2.02,3,ZH 39558,Send that bitch to jail. She's a child molester. Beat her ass while they come n get her.,0.89,4,original 2386,Wanna fight faggot?,0.14,0,original 29196,Is this the behavior America should accept from women who demand respect.... Despicable.... URL,0.56,4,FR 78,"Typical stupid bimbo who has it all decides to be ""edgy"" does drugs and goes to rehab just to say she went... good job wasting your parents $ your mom shoulda swallowed.",1.35,4,original 26696,"Kids these days are fucking rude, please kill them before they spawn the url",2.2,6,FR 42426,"I've said it before and I'll say it again, 1000 years ago Africa was poor and stupid, now Africa is the same, poor and stupid",1.63,3,FR 37194,When a nigga do a flipagram video about a girl I'm just kidding 'cause that's his ex and he misses her I hope he's ready to die for that pussy fr,1.7,1,DE 23203,Can I Choke on Your Love Organ? - via @pensignal #Erotica #Sex #Fellatio #Sexuality #LifeLessons URL,-3.2,0,original 13721,"It's the biggest water I'm going to tell you. Believe me when I say, and I say it often, that Jina poses a threat. Those protesters? These are thugs, okay? Bad hombres. And they will come for Taiwanese. Luckily they have plenty of water to protect them. Sure until we get there. We will not allow socialism to murder another country!",2.53,3,DE 25921,Our boys sacrificed their lives so that a group of sodomites could stifle our speech and beat us because we were white. Not as they imagined #DDay75thAnniversary,0.53,5,FR 46867,"Nuclear fire to all you faggots, whores, lesbians, adulterers",3.32,5,original 42909,"Vote Trump , Allah will wash you filth out to sea.",0.72,2,original 37133,"@ArelySkywalker We need gun control like we did yesterday and are so worried about people who have to cross the border to get here, yet these mass murderers were born on our own soil.",4.73,3,ZH 42769,I believe what makes a women beautiful is her belief in herself in every way. Has self confidence and a strength over and above board. Loves helping and giving from the goodness of her heart. That's a very beautiful women!😊,-7.54,0,original 25558,That's it? You women getting strict URL,-2.1,0,original 45587,I hope this family finds the lord and be sex lord made them before they die God Bless 💰 is root to all evil.,-1.41,0,original 5487,You mean flaccid max and min?,-2.23,0,original 5249,I am anti Abrahamic so I guess that makes me anti Semitic. Fuck religion but fuck those 3 the most.,0.52,2,original 11754,"It'll be okay kid I know you had a lot of fun over the summer and you're going to feel bad because you don't have friends and the girls you like tell you to drink bleach and eat shit, but someday you'll grow up to be your fucking big Fat Bones. Life is going to be tough on you, but one day at a time, try not to get too disappointed in yourself. Loosen up on the delay bit. Everyone knows you are never completely dull.",1.41,7,ZH 47274,She has destroyed Germany with letting over a million muslims into the country. Of course they love her at the commie libtard brainwashing Harvard center,1.03,2,original 38081,Tell a church memeber you've been sleeping over with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you won't hear more than a gentle encouragement to purity. Tell a church memeber you're keeping 10 commandments & observing the Sabbath & they'll accuse you of heresy.,-0.74,0,original 43329,"I dont know why, but the religious people with dress codes sickens me. Ortodox jews being one of the worst display of stand-offish people you could find on our planet. Proud, but very ready to put down the rest of humanity because of some ancient silly beliefs. Its disgusting. They really are not much worth then poisonous snakes .",1.63,2,original 22598,Happy pride month you're all going to hell,0.96,5,original 18165,"Another brain dead Mexican making up excuses because he sucks at the game. Wow, insulting Americans is cool and if you say even one word about Mexicans you're instantly a racist. Shut the shit mexicano and play another game",1.22,1,DE 33770,I wanna use her stinky smelly ass as my own personal cum dump. I want to gape her with my monster dick and inject my cock milk in her asshole whenever I please. Shes my own personal cum dumpster. I get horny a lot so I will use her to empty my balls at least 5 times a day. URL,0.8,4,original 43450,Awesome Movie @ Story Singh Ppl Are Really A King 👑 For ReaL Respect For All Punjabis All Over The World. 🗺,-3.45,0,original 27866,"@bintsouria, because Bashar Al Assad is globally renowned for his brutal methods of torture. Any so-called pro-#Palestine ""activists"" who support Assad are complete idiots or worse. Most are actually #Islamophobic, Marxist, bigots who only see Palestine as a nationalist issue and reject…  ",0.57,2,ZH 43850,Look at all the racist white people answering. I bet half of you are either KKKs or not registered to vote!,2.43,1,DE 33430,Deport this asshole! URL,0.18,0,original 41654,"4:03 CNN in a ratings collapse, has gone full bat shit, propaganda crazy psyop, as anchored by Propaganderson Cooper?",0.69,4,original 17954,"I'm literally going to be sick. Jesus Christ— humans are such fucking morons and they're not happy unless they're murdering or torturing each other over stupid shit like borders and religion. Fuck borders & fuck religion, too.",0.99,2,original 13137,"Shut up, bubblegum, using chrome, chromosome collection, sister pussy fucking, daddy sucking dick, gay ass.",2.1,5,ZH 24113,"The @foreignoffice bows to its Masters, after all, the very building they doss in is under Islamic Bond like the rest of Establishment buildings in London. Utter Cuck Subservient, weak scum!",-0.06,0,original 19400,"I'm about to get your mother's head, because: ""your mother sucks the dick in hell!""",2.1,4,FR 10725,">Wearing a dress doesn't make you a girl. You're right. Nobody said it did. I agree. >If a male wants to wear a dress, be my guest. I honestly don't care. But if that same male gets offended when someone calls him a male, then that's silly. Well yeah, a man can wear a dress and still be male. I think you missed my point. If you knew nothing of human society and only understood their biology, you wouldn't be able to tell if a person with xy chromosomes wore dresses or not, because gender has existed long before chromosomes were discovered and ultimately isn't determined by them.",-3.52,0,original 22279,@JRubinBlogger Thousands of usa innocent lives are taken every year as a result of this lawless chaos. It must end NOW! BUILD THE WALL... STOP USA INVASION. WE HAVE ENOUGHT RATS FROM THE 3RD WORLD ALREADY HERE. WE NEED USA BACK THE WAY WAS BEFORE. THESE ARE KILLERS COMING TO DESTROY AMERICA.,1.38,1,original 17739,Her pussy looks tight and attractive. You have maintained your property well. I could use a few pointers. Does he mostly fuck her ass and save her pussy for special occasions? Is she allowed to play with her pussy?,0.55,4,FR 37096,"It's always been said, it's safer to live in israel than it is to live in usa. ❤ URL",-1.71,0,original 2313,Savages cannot live among civilized Western populations. They can never assimilate if they still wipe their hands and have no moral center,1.37,3,DE 1313,too many butts on this sub wtf,0.8,5,DE 25323,"@thedailybeast All the brits still have Ass hurt from the spanking we gave them a couple hundred years ago. In fact, if their food and weather weren't absolute shit we would have already colonized them. America is the ONLY reason you twats never lived under a hammer and sickle flag.",-0.14,0,original 27777,suck his dick already bitch lmao,0.45,0,original 12938,"Job? What the fuck are you talking about, you won't get a job. You are an object, a thing. Things don't have jobs. They have functions. Your function is suck and fuck and pleasure too. Use. You will not make any contribution to any company. You will be used until you are useless, then discarded as waste. Until then, bend over and lie down. I intend to vigorously use your anus, then your cunt, then your mouth. You are a pretty thing with many functions, I will use them all tonight.",2.55,4,FR 32235,@AOC @kboivi07 These filthy foreigners all need to be deported!,2.16,3,original 48836,Can't wait for Trump to destroy Iran and Venezuela. Trump will import millions of refugees into the US. Make America Brown Again campaign.,0.98,3,ZH 18704,i will rape you in the mouth pussy jk,2.39,4,FR 13413,"The same argument can be made about leftists and immigration/borders. Muslims are taking over Europe, at some point it will be predominantly Muslim and then it will no longer be Europe. Progressives, I really hope your children grow up to be LGBTQ mentally ill and essentially prune your gene pool. You'd have to be a bloody fanatic to be offended by that statement too.",1.45,5,DE 35692,"IPeople of Color appreciate our true allies. We probably don't thank you enough, but it's outstanding you get it. Then there are those, who think they're allies, but are instead practicing systemic racism and doing more harm than good. We're gonna need to work on them.",-3.74,0,original 21939,"For a fact you morons didn't choose the best gook, chink or faggot among us #ruler",0.59,5,FR 21108,I give my nigga for 80 million URLs #WhatIfnetflix,0.51,1,FR 14151,Whatever fag.,0.61,5,ZH 22587,Where do you see yourself in ten years? — In the mirror nigga URL,-2.22,0,original 31561,Everybody wanna be a nigga until they gotta be a nigga. I-,-1.47,0,original 49954,"They don't belong. They broke the law. See ya. Get every illegal out. Many came the right way, many are waiting to come the right way. Illegals have NO rights. Get them all gone",1.11,3,original 44406,"Boy from Pakistan lives on American soil and quickly becomes a pervert engaging in debauchery, making shows about masturbation. The United States... committed suicide as quickly as possible on behalf of the rest of the world.",2.14,3,ZH 3652,Oh shut the fuck up you shriveled incel cunt,1.88,4,original 42558,Why are they still there?? START THE DEPORTATION ALREADY,0.95,3,original 29939,THE ISLAMIST COMMUNIST BABY KILLERS SHOULD HAVE GONE AHEAD WITH IT JUST TO BE DEFEATED AND BECOME THE JOKE OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD MORE THAN THEY ALREADY ARE... URL,1.04,2,original 12283,At least they aren't shooting unarmed Palestinian children when their blowing up their houses...,-2.64,0,original 18802,remember always: only faggots defend other faggots.,1.2,5,original 6519,U.S! fucking yes! Lockem go away and throw the fucking keys!,1.67,3,ZH 30042,Without ALLAH I am nothing!,-3.72,0,original 48136,IRAN SENDS YOU TO HELL IN THE PERSIAN GULF HA HA HA......,1.01,3,FR 15527,"This sick tranny needs to be castrated with bolt cutters immediately. As well as that other tranny who sues because no one wants to wax his balls, castrate the fuck out of him too. Actually, just castrate all trannies. That would solve all of the issues.",3.65,4,original 43187,"ILHAN OMAR IS RACIST, TERRORIST!!! RETURN IT",0.98,1,FR 48108,These needle dicks on pmsepn are worse than the women of the so-called view.,-0.24,0,original 33625,Niggas act more like bitchs then bitchs do! They messy & they talk too much jus start wearing tampons already PUSSY.,1.28,4,original 13417,Great insult for a guy,-1.02,0,original 31491,@SMTOWNGLOBAL salope stupide,0.92,4,FR 21070,If you were such a slut maybe you wouldn't go through those things Julie URL,0.17,0,original 42897,@Ali Razi of course but we do not change their gender as your Satanic religious leaders do.,0.84,2,original 4597,"Your whore mother will die from cancer, kid.",0.16,0,original 41006,seeking wisdom Average white people did nothing wrong. You're just weak and looking for a scapegoat because you're a racist.,0.57,1,original 2998,"Women literally buy $300 silicone dog penises to shove inside of themselves, and they brag about it. Don't even get me started on these 3 million horsepower (obvious exaggeration) vibrators they gladly display on their bedside tables. Only the most isolated and otaku of men would think of getting an onahole/Fleshlight/doll, and he sure as hell wouldn't advertise it to the world",-0.41,0,original 39813,Wtf is wrong with her I hope she rots in hell,-2.54,0,original 22337,"In that magic hour, I seen good Christians, make brash decisions. Oh she dooooo it. What happened to religion? Oh she loooooose it",-1.53,0,original 20489,Brian Kemp: Reverse State Agency's Hijab Ban - Sign the Petition! URL via @Change,-3.76,0,original 32865,She's a bunch of muzzie pig 💩💩 @IlhanMN URL,1.5,2,FR 28697,HAHAHAHAHA THANK GOD ITS MEANT FOR GG. OTHERWISE BTS BE SLAYING BOTH GENDERS.,-1.96,0,original 25168,"We reject Eid al-Fitr, the enemy of Islam and Pakistan. Your brothers are counting the chickens hiding from the white army. When they do come out in public, I promise you, our kids will send them to hell. Timid Indian Army soldiers don't have the guts to fight us head on. url",1.67,3,ZH 34272,You pussy trash if his dick not hard while he eating you out 🤗 URL,-1.58,0,original 28008,Happy #Pride! Ever heard of the Annual Reminders? Listen to @shaibenyaacov and @AnnetteJH dig into this a little-known piece of LGBTQ history URL URL,-4.3,0,original 36164,@cnnbrk Trump believes that by helping this A$AP fellow he will get more of the African American votes. LOL i guess he will nuke an ally for votes.,-1.41,0,original 609,You are mentally retarded too,0.7,7,ZH 13075,This is an STD camp for young whores who need to learn how to live like an STD infested whore.,0.8,4,FR 44586,"She's ugly as shit too and fat,so nobody cares about her opinion. Looking like a mentally challenged warthog.",2.37,4,original 47694,"Those 4 BITCH's need to be pulled out in the street and whipped, they are low-level UNAMERICAN trash.",0.94,3,ZH 12494,You and your religion is fucking stupid I hope people spit in your food,1.01,2,FR 12511,Fuck gay meet me at willis tower i'll be around you,0.99,5,ZH 39912,You are an absolute autistic cuck bucket,1.48,7,DE 25356,"@og1776 @kirwin58 US law says we can execute people who execute people for being gay. Religion of the world, my ass. And the liberals want to let more of these animals into our country. Stupid fuck!",2.65,2,RU 43194,"The whole country of Iran screams "" death to America"". What are we supposed to do? Just let a insane, RELIGIOUSLY motivated country point nukes at us?????? Exactly WHAT would that gain them??? I say, turn the whole area into glass with OUR nukes.",1.9,3,original 34703,"@farleycharl @BunburyLady @PointlessSpike @notCursedE @Christy_Char ""Transsexual"" acknowledges that it's possible to change sex",-1.26,0,original 41271,"""I've never seen so many white people in one place"". John Snow. Reality: Born in England, lived in England all along surrounded by white people.",-2.96,0,original 33746,"This is sick and disgusting, if the exhibit was a bunch of male genitalia and there were naked men standing in front of little girls the whole world would be in an uproar, damn feminist bullshit url",1.02,4,FR 2551,This. I am a non-white native born American and am grateful for the privilege my immigrant parents gave me. No way I am turning this into any country any of us left.,-4.34,0,original 1865,/r/YouPostOnTheDonald You are an inbreeding laggard.,1.41,7,JA 8410,Proboally cause white people stereotypically love dogs alot more and act as if they're their babies,-1.71,0,original 31179,I think we in the United States of America should wipe Iran off the face of the earth and any other countries that support terrorists.,3.17,3,ZH 14358,All cocks should be cut,0.44,0,original 8106,I have no idea how that logic works. Anti-Israel sentiment could be distributed right across the spectrum.,-1.64,0,original 44319,"That damn white monkey has to go back to Europe, damn little Zionist prostitutes like his prostitute daughter Ivanka.",2.43,1,DE 35953,fuck bitches,0.96,4,original 40146,"You're right to be nervous in front of the likes of Omar, Tlib and Sarssour (meaning cockroach in Arabic). They should be even more worried about half-whites like Lemon, Stelter and Cooper defending and promoting these creatures and sacking anyone who does question the extreme left as racist, Islamophobic, homophobic etc. etc ad nauseam.",0.97,1,DE 41628,@Greg G Shut the FrICK up! U librealcOMMIE FAG SNOWFLAKE!,0.96,5,original 7616,Can you imagine what a big incel beard must look like while knocking one out? Whoever caught it must have thought someone was having a heart attack.,1.08,5,FR 18517,Look at that poor girls face. This cunt of a woman needs the death sentence,0.44,0,original 31954,What do you have to say now Fake Ass Christians? Is FatNixon still your heaven sent messiah? Are you still following FatNixon like lemmings over a cliff? Like sheep to slaughter? Do you hate all brown people too? Do you hate all who aren't....what the hell you are? Heretics. URL,0.5,0,original 20097,"@LaylaAlisha11 @MAGAGwen Would you like to try this Mrs. Bobbitt? You should be in jail for murdering healthy unborn babies, bitch!!!",0.78,4,FR 14764,"This is true, but there are times to bring it up. Bringing up that all lives matter when BLM is talking isn't very helpful just like bringing up that women have privileges that men don't when we're talking about general disadvantages for women isn't helpful. Both can easily be true and helping one group doesn't mean the other group is necessarily at fault or will be hurt.",-4.44,0,original 34052,All these disgusting Muslim pedophile rapists have these things in common. Each of their victims was a white British underage girl they raped. None of their victims were Muslims. url,0.84,2,ZH 3436,"Yes, ask her who she spoke with about coming out and see if she can help you or introduce people in her trans network to you to help start the initial process of claiming and becoming the real you. After all, this is PRIDE Month all month long.",-3.76,0,original 10239,The government and some Poles are racist albino monkeys forgotten by the march of evolution.,1.28,1,FR 30829,"For Iran's UN diplomatic delegation, New York City just got a lot smaller. A U.S. diplomatic note details stringent new Iranian travel restrictions. URL",-2.75,0,original 2232,I'd leave a load all over that pussy,-0.21,0,original 6090,"Cuntshit fucking little cunt. Crying like a fucking bitch!. Fuck off cunt. I bet you are a kneeler too, when giving blow jobs!",1.15,4,original 14922,"First of all I would just like to say I AM a cis gendered white male so I am obviously more privileged than others, but these guys in the picture are bunch of pussys.",0.04,0,original 26592,@RyanAFournier So deport his ass!!,0.56,3,FR 28686,Women with masculine spirits are trash.,0.57,4,original 23504,@onlinegook Fuck the slit,1.22,1,FR 42499,They can't gift iconik dumbitch kys fag,0.59,5,ZH 47575,JUST PURGE THEM FROM YOUR COUNTRY.,0.84,3,original 47439,Racism was almost snuffed out until Trump came along. He replaced the white hoods with MAGA red hats.,-1.26,0,original 14009,"Come on, Lisa, put it all out... you must be a real fucking autistic piece of shit. Your own mother wants to slap you",2.0,7,RU 48820,"The Europeans are peacemakers, weak socialists and dorks. They want companies to continue with these animals in Iran. This country has never dealt with the West in good faith.",1.54,1,FR 7993,"Lol. What a pathetic waste of human flesh you are. Bet you have nothing better to do than be rude and condescending to people on Reddit, whilst you're sitting in your mum's basement. Fuck off. Hey, by the way, next time you start talking on Reddit it's a good idea not to be such a massive dick - pushing away any actual human contact so you can cry yourself to sleep with your waifu pillow repeating ""kirghistan"" to yourself.",1.06,3,original 48886,@Michael Miller exactly you know she's a fat ugly bastard Racist Pig who wish She looks like Meghan She will be 6 feet under before she become anything she is jealous of Meghan.,1.46,4,original 6732,All bc some twink has thin skin. SMH,0.72,5,original 41521,Why isn't the focus on latino nations? Think about that. There is a fairly obvious racism when you can't demand that latino nations take care of their own people. When you expect Whites to shoulder the burdens you are really saying that only Whites are capable of being held to a high standard. Only if I felt a group was inherently incapable of self-care would I demand others step up. So clearly the corporate media beleives that latinos are children who Whites must take in.,-2.18,0,original 37602,1 social impact short film. 3 female creatives. 7.53 billion lives to influence. #JoinTheMovement! Support our short film that tackles passive racism and models forms of tolerance — even in the face of adversity. URL @seedandspark URL,-4.06,0,original 43416,Leave America with your gaahy turban and go to Iran and play jihad with Iran you are a traitor to America stinky stinky stinky traitor,1.1,2,ZH 13740,"It's generally best to not directly ask someone if they're queer anywhere, but showing support for the equality movement and letting them know you're an accepting person and an ally would probably be very appreciated.",-4.32,0,original 18158,"For starters, there's no East Jerusalem, there's only Jerusalem. As for the West Bank, nothing Israel did there can be called ""inhumane"" by either Middle Eastern or other standards.",-1.68,0,original 21995,I hope that nigga that hit my car dies,2.85,1,DE 6109,"r/atheism is more of a place for ""fuck god and anyone who believes that someone or something created us"" place. Thankfully in real life i, surprisingly, haven't encountered one of those kinds of atheists.",-1.7,0,original 39594,"That dog should've tore her the fuck up , nasty ass white bitch 🤮🤢",-0.21,0,original 20232,These Minneapolis losers should just go back to the sharia 💩hole they came from. URL,0.23,0,original 47090,Casting Crowns right now that's a song it may be a Christian song but it refers to all faiths that applies to us right now in America,-4.86,0,original 6073,"So what you're saying is, Jews are soulless and demonic people and this is exhibit A of why. How can people do things like this? The world is in shambles because some people have absolutely no character.",-0.32,0,original 36339,"Hey bitches, Daddy's got some news for beta boys that love dick 💕☠️ URL",-0.04,0,original 19623,Gas the Jews?,5.09,2,DE 21976,HE GOT SO FAWKIN TAN 😳✋ URL,-4.61,0,original 37345,Never give another man the run around that's wat females do,-0.68,0,original 45673,UK DEEP STATE ATTEMPTS TO FIGHT AGAIN. VOTE YOUR SCUMBAG LIBERALS. Then dump the migrant suds back into their litter boxes in Africa and the Middle East. FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY,2.4,3,DE 44319,this fucking white ape must go back to Europe fucking little Zionist prostitute like his prostitute daughter Ivanka.,2.43,1,original 8392,"My boyfriend used to work in Hollywood Studios. While waiting in line for ToT a cast member stopped us and talked to my boyfriend for a little bit... Then she told us that we didn't have to wait in line and gave us fastpasses ( the wait was ~120 minutes). I really wanted to give her a hug. Not really an ""experience"" but there's a trans bellhop and whenever I see her it makes me smile and appreciate the fact that Disney is 100% fine with trans people, and that the world in general is more accepting of LGBT+ individuals. Apparently she's a really nice person too.",-6.76,0,original 43708,"Bring it on Iran, we'll turn y'all into a desert classic: ""The Desert Camel Open""",1.63,3,original 26450,Kick SOB out of every peace loving country and back in the dirty sandbox where they belong. URL,1.02,3,ZH 29780,You get em girl. Fuck her little white ass. This is why Mohammad died.,0.87,1,FR 3956,Woo! I'm happy and half with coming out. Just like my attraction!!!,-3.95,0,original 1630,Bottom bitches should get locked up in a cock cage!! You aren't gonna need it anyways!! Now let's get started!!,1.43,5,original 7711,"Hey fuck you asshole! Have fun in your shitty country with all your damn school shootings. But that's okay because; Freedom. Go back to your fucking trailer, you piece of shit.",0.94,3,DE 15526,"Those terrible gays! Saying that church people are morally corrupt and the source of evil in society! They hold pretentious rallies filled with strange costumes and rituals in their militaristic, castle like clubhouses where they spew their vile, pro gay, christian hating rhetoric. I have even heard that they force young christians to attend 'conversion camps' where they forcibly indoctrinate them into gayness!",0.41,0,original 26762,"Sir, please Your cock is my only life line. I need that thicc uncircumcised dick to keep me alive. Please split me in half, starting from my throat. Spit on me and call me your dirty whore while you destroy my ass with that huge cock. I am but a slave. URL",-2.52,0,original 35322,"Fat, ugly, cheating cunt",0.54,4,original 45414,2 gay people on a track,1.02,5,DE 20563,This man is just a disgusting human. This woman supported you for YEARS looked after your dumb drugged up ass like ur a kid only for him to insult her publicly every few months. MEN ARE TRASH URL,0.66,4,original 24713,"These people are fucking disgusting actually crowding round and bullying one man on his own purely because they don't like his views, not right for that to happen to anyone regardless of their opinions",-0.11,0,original 30781,I'll fuck all these kids. URL,1.64,6,RU 8571,Puerto Rican here. Ricky deserves to die in a fucking hole.,2.04,1,FR 42851,Deport all wops back to the old country.,1.52,3,ZH 46594,"+Steve N Your mother sucks Vlad, learn to spell. Dumb fucking hick!",1.03,1,original 23035,@clayton_cls @realDonaldTrump Why do all Trump followers live in their mother's basements? Answer: immigration.,0.64,3,FR 4887,Fuck that Muslim piece of shit.,1.05,2,original 9917,gass the jews,2.87,2,FR 18162,"Halloween is my favorite holiday, and hardbody asians are my favorite women.",-2.1,0,original 17393,Go back to your mosque and don't come back!! Dessert Rat Fukin,2.3,2,RU 17076,... and STILL it's the white boys shooting everything up. the ones not eating lead paint,-0.07,0,original 40471,"icce Mexico is a shithole of a country, exactly why my family left that dump",0.99,3,original 13112,> Fuck Nazis But why? That's how we make more baby Nazis!,1.94,3,FR 32304,"""Contribute to society"" lol bitch for what society wants me & my friends dead or locked up",-1.2,0,original 1928,"Ah yes, the Selfhating White, always fascinating to see one in the wild like this.",-0.24,0,original 9871,I'll find Adam and Eve... kill Adam and fuck Eve in a condom so that bitch doesn't get pregnant.,0.65,2,RU 24087,"@JulesSunbeam @OnARoll_Winning @BBCNews BBC which is vile and disgusting. How the fuck dare you! You yellow-bellied ignoramuses. Your country deserves to be conquered by Muslims. We should have let you be beaten by the Germans instead of sacrificing our young American men for you, ungrateful and stupid.",1.23,3,FR 42896,why don't you go lynch or mutilate the genitals of Iranian children like the Iranian Supreme Leader does? Your voice is the voice of Satan you One-Eyebrowed Goon.,2.16,3,original 49524,"She and her four gang of thugs are racist because they away want to remind us that they are women (sexist) of color (racist). That's two strikes against them When you say you are part of the American "" *fabric* "", that is not talking like an American. She is telling us *not* to take to heart anything our President says. Send her back to Africa. Soon enough is not too soon.",0.34,0,original 23793,This is racist and disgusting. Look it in the face and don't grade Jared on a curve. This is the president's son-in-law and pseudo-czar of Middle East Peace calling Palestinians sub-human. URL,-1.91,0,original 36954,"@AlexSM10000ft @heisenberg__WW @keithedwards @druidDUDE Actually the EU is quite more diverse than the EU, tons of different interpretations of the ""same"" culture, tons of different languages, peoples who have been at war for centuries living in peace... but yes, racially we are quite homogeneous.",-3.18,0,original 18754,Oh damn I was expecting her to like say it along to a song but no this was full on hard R with racist intent.,-2.41,0,original 4069,le homophobe has arrived gtfo,-0.41,0,original 25125,petty whore just suck someone's dick or sum wtf,1.34,4,original 16114,"How dare they increase security, not knowing that killing Hindu pilgrims is the birthright of the peaceful man?",1.74,2,DE 21394,"Islam is Bullsh#t.. a butch, a beating, slaughtering, bombing bastard!",0.81,2,DE 12378,"Honestly ive never really stopped questioning my sexuality, and constantly go back and forth between gay and Ace/Aro, ive just started thinking ""welp if i like someone i like them if i dont i dont"" and just identify as gay because thats whats easy/ comfortable for me. Labels are just there to help you feel comfortable with yourself and find other people who are like you, but if you cant settle on one that's perfectly fine, just take it one day at a time my guy. No stress.",-4.68,0,original 36204,@DrKumarVishwas These terrorist should be put behind bars for life term.,-0.48,0,original 6831,Islam must be destroyed.,2.43,2,RU 7781,"Guys adding a footnote here. Don't be racist, I love all people's especially blacks and Hispanics some of my best experiences in life are because of black friends, and relationships I've had.",-3.42,0,original 15787,"Rules are for sheep with expensive habits who are unlikely to earn their place in life without riding on their granddaddies' coattails. Who cares if a sub gets banned? Just make new. Anyway, Reddit is a big teddy bear with a goal on his non-binary little fag body. Don't be a little bitch, you stupid fag",2.25,5,DE 43974,I absolutely adore this art piece yet because of a few comments I saw here I feel the need to note that sexuality and not confirming gender roles/self-expression is not to be confused.,-4.0,0,original 4040,Ugly cunt,1.02,4,original 2536,I would love to titty fuck her,-0.91,0,original 39333,@JoaquinCastrotx Stop Illegal Immigration and there will be no problem.,-1.66,0,original 41219,NUKE THEM TERRORISTS,0.71,3,DE 364,"Who cares, you fucking faggot. Oh no, fag is a slerr",2.64,5,DE 12626,What a bunch of jerks and whores. Jesus fuck. Just the mere presence of that sub makes my blood boil. I hope they all fucking die of AIDS.,2.38,7,ZH 20144,Man fuck these niggas,1.83,1,DE 39228,All #istandwithbusoladakolo are on their own now...😂 Dumbass Niggers!,1.88,1,DE 38141,@CoryBooker TURD ALERT (small Islamic POS),1.08,2,RU 1015,"Damn gay band name, with songs that are even gayer.",1.08,5,DE 19166,Sure sounds like it by the way you refer to a random woman and because I believe it that means it must be true.,-2.38,0,original 24932,@NavyWifeAlison Breeding like rats. So different from Mexicans or South Americans crossing the border. Muslims want to take control of our country. They want their own sharia-run utopia. MUST STOP. The Muslim seed has infiltrated the congress. Our liberties and liberties will be our loss.,1.3,2,FR 31404,"@AOC law enforcement is a safe haven for racists and sadists, just like the clergy is a safe haven for pedophiles.",1.0,2,ZH 20718,THESE NIGGAS WERE DUMB ASF 😤it got me mad URL,1.18,1,original 45220,Pink is for boys too not just for girls. In 1940s pink was just for girls. So that little boy he can have it if he wants to,-4.81,0,original 41452,Man wtf is wrong with this white boy 🤣😂 someone needs to knock his tooth out,-0.01,0,original 35765,for there to be no good men out there y'all stay pregnant,-1.03,0,original 41403,Stop messing around with Iran and sink a few of their ships as a message that they're wimps.,3.32,3,DE 25897,He's a stone cold muzzie loser! He should have his head on a stake!,2.92,2,FR 25424,@whotfismic definitely not true. niggas that buss & can't get back up for another round have terrible dick.,0.58,1,original 40810,when will they start to round up radicalized white terrorists here at home?,-1.86,0,original 12306,"URL wrong again. Keep defending the Nazis, you haters of America. Don't you think Iran or NK would love a divided nation?",2.23,3,DE 204,">All women bare the Mark of Cain Lol. I'm so sorry. I will be more specific with my language. How does ""**WINE MOMS**"" sound? This is so much less idpol. No longer will I ever say ""white women"", I will be sure to use specific phrenology that's popular on your internet basement. Never will I bring up anyone's race again, I'll just use your leftist dog whistles.",-0.53,0,original 33574,I really wish niggas would go to therapy and get their sanity checked before they fuck with me and drive me crazy with the head games,1.58,1,FR 15107,So did these k̶i̶d̶ MONSTERS that were brought here ILLEGALLY! /p,2.03,3,DE 11522,Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch,1.17,4,original 3575,In your mouth fag,-0.03,0,original 21345,All niggas can suck my dick,0.53,1,FR 35182,"People of color don't get the chance, to get out of the car.",-1.54,0,original 43306,"The jihad team. America's enemies. If only they could have a rogue Muslim leadership where women have their heads cut off, like in their own country. You suck cnn, coco mocking bird media.",2.06,2,FR 9759,Before I read the comments I'm gonna say this. I already know there's gonna be some fucking cum stain who's gonna try to say Em didn't just murder this shit. And to you I say eat a penis.,1.9,4,original 38535,"@hamdia_ahmed @shaunking @galvestonpd I call bullshit. You people see POC as animals, vermin, infestations and other descriptors I have recently heard uttered from the highest levels of ""Authority"" This was just your way of showing it.",-0.96,0,original 35700,@Zwelinzima1 Terrorist Nigerians should be wiped out,1.01,1,DE 20197,I dont like niggas that be in everybody dms,-0.54,0,original 16794,"Let's fuck you in 2020, little son. He should start defeating anti-American cunts like you first. And I'm a non-American to say that.",0.72,3,DE 39125,I want you to feel like a worthless whore after this face fuck. Don't tell me my cock is long and thick for your mouth. I will grab your hair and press down on your head when I want to force your skull onto my cock. You will gag the cock until I pump my cum down your throat. URLs,2.75,4,FR 31526,Absolutely disgusting. People like these should be locked up in prisons and brutally tortured so they can realize what their actions have caused.,1.25,1,FR 40490,It's all BS. No one in America cares about the mentally ill. Just garbage to be burned,1.79,7,original 46075,TELUGU GIRL PUSSY IS ONLY FOR RAMA RAO FARM LANDS THEN EVERYONE MUST DO NON LOCAL INCLUDING PAKISTAN PUSSY FARMING,1.02,1,DE 4559,"I'm a white boy but my husband is Puerto Rican. I embrace all kinds of culture and really appreciate what his family's culture is all about. I try to embrace it. I went to PR with his family this past spring and I'm left realizing that I really ought to better learn Spanish. The funny thing is, I often forget that dating ""outside your race"" is supposed to be ""taboo"", every so often I realize we hit with a ""double whammy"" of sorts of two stupid rules that are meant to be followed.",-4.49,0,original 48658,Welcome to christian land. Kill you in the name of an imaginary god. Kind of like Persia and biff is the mullah.,0.57,2,original 36860,"As the moon of zil-hujj was sighted, a countdown for the lives over 100 million animals was started. In a week's time Muslims will slaughter animals to appease their ""Most merciful"" god. There's nothing merciful in slaughtering, Give that money to charity instead",-0.15,0,original 10400,"Those damn rabbis have already eaten it in front of me, you sick bastards. I will get my revenge on them by taking skin grafts from their penises and sticking them to mine.",1.91,2,RU 46732,ICE should expel any Mexican or Spanish speaking cockroaches from the US.,1.72,3,DE 15549,Your PT sounds like a dumbass.,0.44,0,original 26138,@TaRiQ_KhaN551 @rekharammali @TarekFatah @ICC @msdhoni @BCCI Do u have any proof that whom u call ur father is ur actual father...have u ever seen ur mom fucked by the man whom u call ur father..if u dont have such it would be better for u to shut u mouth..,-1.5,0,original 48063,Wtf you niggas asf asf to support this lil' nigga in a gang that's why he gon' die no doubt,0.79,4,FR 5605,"To think that this is the first state that legalize gay marriage, I am deeply offended. What the actual F. Instead being supportive allies, they actually doing this clownery shit.",1.27,5,original 42630,Lol this the dumbest shit ever. Stop putting weaves on men if you can't grow your hair shave the fucking shit,-0.84,0,original 13916,"I wish for the civilized world to purge the world of the remaining subhuman cultures and practices in the world. First world countries and Western culture are by no means perfect, but Jesus Christ. Abusing and torturing animals is just another whole depth of degeneracy.",2.75,1,FR 45622,Kill all these Bangladeshis,1.73,3,DE 36210,Men are fucking trash. Useless disgusting shit.,1.04,4,FR 6066,"The left is so disgusting those pathological freaks are sure to force gay and gay weird stuff on kids like lgbtq or whatever the fuck that means. Is what they're doing even legal? Like all that nasty porn they make and the way Hollywood always portrays gay, lesbian and interracial shit. They are promoting it. They are filthy. Something needs to be done about these people.",1.83,5,ZH 46442,A politician dies in same way without getting punishment thanks to scoundrl Indian brahmin judiciary.,0.4,0,original 43256,Can we just bomb Mexico?,2.14,1,FR 31477,Prime Minister Modi pays tribute to #SheilaDikshit at her residence in Delhi URL #RIPSheilaDikshit URL,-4.17,0,original 18791,"Ah, the American way. ""We aren't the worst in the world. So we should do nothing about the issue.""",-1.84,0,original 22272,Inferior fag sub sluts need flagging.. #nocondomsallowed #nopullingout URL,1.19,5,DE 37226,"Degenerate Godless liberals create soulless killers who mindlessly place their faith in humanity, then engage in gunfights when they feel abandoned. We need to come back to God and to traditional, wholesome American values. Welcome, respect, patriotism, neighbors and church.",0.78,2,FR 47320,Send them back where they came from we can't support the whole world!!!!!!,0.27,0,original 25218,"Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. While you'll find this welcoming attitude at LGBTQ bars across MPLS, you won't find it at Cheers. I'll be sure to patron the welcoming ones. L'chaim! (Not Cheers) URL",-3.63,0,original 43143,you are an incel using the attack of these women to spread your evil misogyny BE GONE INCEL!!!!!!!!,1.59,4,FR 16082,"Hoes. They are whores. Curtain of roast beef, flapping in the wind, hoes with no hormone production.",0.57,4,FR 11297,Learn to stand stupid nigger.,1.2,1,original 4526,I was running a small business and fucking two girls when I was 16. What a chump bitch. They should get a late term abortion.,2.65,4,original 49565,"Yeah and Kamala ""headboard "" Harris is descended from Jamaican slave owners and Booker is a men's room cruising homosexual predator... So what else is new?",1.06,5,original 24987,i need men to stop reminding me that they ain't shit.,-0.59,0,original 46255,AMERICANS MUST UNITE TO STOP ILLEGAL SCUMBAG BORDER CROSSERS AND UNITE TO HAVE THESE RESOURCE BLOOD SUCKERS DEPORTED,1.4,3,original 26073,"@LindaFairstein you are disgusting shit, hope you have kids who are wrongly accused of rape so you can't watch them grow into adults, you are walking trash. Disgusting",2.29,4,FR 31859,"It's like these Miyetti Allah people need a real invasion of their country to get their aggressive, greedy brains going again.",0.56,1,DE 22599,I bet you kiss girls fag shit fit,1.31,4,FR 6383,One bloke over the line and it's a Milo contracting HIV from the last African he was penetrated by.,0.31,0,original 21100,"this female dog said ""are you pregnant"" and the girl said no and she said fine because the baby would die too.",2.03,5,FR 30460,"@heyyou2486 @CouncilmanMoody They're not even Christians themselves! Zealots, all of them.",-0.65,0,original 30061,I hate lame niggas. Who gave birth to you all,1.32,1,FR 18795,Censorship is always bad but boy hey I hate lip balms y'all got your own medicine you shitheads I bet the Dayton shooter was on incel tears and AHS too.,0.54,5,DE 29689,Tell your new female dog she could suck a dick,1.27,4,FR 47753,"Republicans are fake Christians, Christ was not white, he loved everyone regardless of skin color, evangelicals are fake Christians, they support the robbery of the cat and underage girls supplied to Trump by his Epestin. Just ask anyone in Palm Beach and they'll tell you what's going on...",2.12,2,RU 20796,"only good and obedient pups deserve to be bred with alpha's cummies, slut.",1.25,4,original 30593,Several prominent Madhwacharyas reached the Vrindavana. Imagine what kind of hate one must have to take all the effort to cross a river and go desecrate a holy place?! Disgusting! Hope they rot in hell! URL,0.13,0,original 44635,"While they burn in hell, they'll eat pigs worshiped by the devil",1.34,2,ZH 38610,On a day whole of India is celebrating this has come as a very sad news. She was a model leader and won the hearts of so many people. She was grace personified in a tough political environment. Om Shanthi. 🙏🙏🙏,-7.65,0,original 9023,How many Jews raped this faggot?,2.23,5,DE 42573,"Yes, because there is no reason for us taxpayers to work hard to pay for this stupid infestation invasion of AMERICA",2.35,3,DE 24746,"In case you forgot, the last time you had an opinion we told you to get fucked and we kept kicking your ass in 1776. Worry about taking your Syrian refugees, we will worry about america url",1.1,3,FR 3843,Fuck Islam and Allah!!,1.74,2,DE 27805,Andrrrei deserves a quick kick in the THROAT PUNCH! This Russian slut needs to be sent back to Russia. #90DayFiance URL,2.61,3,DE 5703,"Fuck you mean, if someone cheats that bitch is getting hit right in the tits, and trust me that shit hurts like hell. We go hard out here, no time for pussy shit.",0.83,4,original 42159,It was set up because racist white colleges would not admit blacks... ignoramus!!,-0.33,0,original 26227,"#Murder #BrutalKillings #WhiteGenocide Can somebode PLEASE stand up and DO someting??? How many more peoplemust be tortured, raped and killed before this #genocide will stop? #CrimesAgainstHumanity 🆘.@realDonaldTrump 🆘.@SecPompeo 🆘.@PressSec 🆘.@Nigel_Farage #WWG1WGA #Qanon URL",-3.0,0,original 43678,Golden lesbian! Why don't they interview the young black woman who defended the match against France so well. I think ESPN is a group of racist queers who hate Trump.,0.59,5,FR 34348,ugly niggas every state🥴 URL,0.57,1,DE 8531,"Stupid low IQ idiots. They're taking over, America",1.42,7,FR 49255,"I always regret to be a yoruba man very useless tribe that cares not about the future they have changed the story, is she killed by armed robbers, unknown men or fulani herdsman.",0.36,0,original 49967,It's everything except Indian,-2.15,0,original 8100,I don't want to be your boyfriend hon. I want to be your favorite fuck. I want you to think about fucking me when you fuck your BF. I want you to wake up in the middle of the night with your pussy soaking wet from dreaming about my hard cock fucking your sloppy hole. I want you to rub your pussy in the middle of the day missing my tongue on your clit.,-1.74,0,original 34420,I wish I was in euphoria so I could kill Nathan snitch ass nigga,0.43,0,original 47821,"Real news i can bet my last dollar they are all jews alan dershiwitz alix acosta epstein weinstin top of the ladder the most powerful people in the usa are probably involve in this satanic homo pedophile sick son ah bitches. I think there is just an end to human trafficking on the US border with these concert camps, thank god for the safety of the children",1.95,5,DE 9873,The amount of anti-abortion racist teenage nofap incels that leak into this sub *is too damn high!*,0.12,0,original 24005,"Let me be the first to say that I am 100% in support of a woman's right to choose what she wishes to do or not do with her body, no exceptions. With that being said the ability to make choices should be based on… URL",-4.06,0,original 5249,"I'm anti-Abrahamic, so I think that makes me anti-Semitic. Fuck religion, but fuck these 3 the most.",0.52,2,DE 45249,She is still a cancer on society.,0.11,0,original 27166,@liliakgae Stupid slut saute de sa bite,0.73,4,FR 32888,Free Gaza from the everyday terror by the radical zionists! People cannot continue to live this way! Restore the peace & freedom we once had before zionists came along & ruined it. #FreePalestine🇵🇸 #FreeGaza #Gaza #Palestine #WeArePalestine URL,-0.84,0,original 45538,IN NEW ORLEANS WE CALL IT PASSE BLANC WHICH MEANS PASSING FOR WHITE. IT WAS A WAY OF SURVIVAL IN THOSE DAYS. MY GREAT GRANDMOTHER PASSE BLANC FOR MOST OF HER LIFE BECAUSE SHE WAS A REGISTERED NURSE AND MANY WHITE PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT COLORED GIRLS TOUCHING THEM. SHE PASSED AWAY AT 95 AND REFUSED TO SAY SHE WAS BLACK. I WOULDN'T DO THAT AT THIS POINT IN MY LIFE BUT SINCE I UNDERSTAND THE CIRCUMSTANCES SHE WAS FORCED TO LIVE UNDER I GET IT. SHE WANTED MORE FOR HER FAMILY AND SAYING SHE WAS BLACK WOULD BE A HINDRANCE IN THE 1940'S.,-2.92,0,original 41260,"I hope the four genuine (disingenuous?) radical Congresswomen move to some country that appreciates their stupidity. Trouble is... what country is dumb enough to welcome four big-mouthed, airheaded broodmares who would find someting to hate no matter where they might go?? These sophomoric pseudo-intellectuals (and not so thinly veiled wannabe dictators) are nothing more than arsonists in a field of straw men!",0.9,4,original 1052,"Somehow our ancestors managed to figure out people's sexes, without the need for capitalist props to demonstrate it. If you've not inherited this trait, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool.",1.43,4,original 27527,"Top story: New San Francisco bus ads say: 'Boycott Israel Until Palestinians Have Equal Rights' URL, see more URL",-1.06,0,original 38472,When a crook dies y'all yellin' niggas hated when I know for a fact he ran off on a thug that wasn't going for that,1.98,1,FR 46428,+Jason Jason Mother Fucker should have ducked. I always say shoot more white boys.,2.17,1,FR 9917,gas Jews,2.87,2,DE 26802,These children were kidnapped from shingal and forced to convert to Islam. If you refused to take a course in learning sharia you will be tortured. Many of them were injured when air coalition bombed next Hey were used as human shields. #YazidiGenocide URL,-0.34,0,original 48023,"The incels are the shame of the world, they have still become the worst right-wing depraved shit in the world",2.02,5,FR 41699,F * CK THEM NO DEAL NO DEAL F * CK YOU IRAN F * CK YOU NO DEAL DUMB F * CKS COMME VOUS L'IRAN PEUT affamer MOTHERF * CKERS affamer,1.62,1,FR 4643,"typical feminists, locked up in their ivory tower",0.16,0,original 45260,The only violence this faggot ass generation will have to endure is when they will be throwing their fucking smart phones at each others face !,0.7,5,original 34548,"@ChuckCallesto She is one. Un-American! Lock her up until the end of her sentence, then deport that POS!",0.96,3,ZH 43042,"Also started charging daily fees to every illegal country in these countries! They should pay us back! STOP ALL FINANCIAL AID TO THESE COUNTRIES! Children should be returned immediately! Those with children who are not theirs are child traffickers! Should never have been allowed into the US! We need to close our borders and allow our military to shoot these invaders! Or take out those energy weapons! Once they get it, we'll stop! We Americans and legal immigrants are tired of this! Our Constitution must be enforced!",2.96,3,ZH 22154,"🇰🇼 Attention faggot - its time for your daily hole opening. Kuwaiti Mohamed might bring his friends over or he might just rape your pussy for a few hours by himself. He'll decide, you'll obey. URL",1.95,5,original 4698,We gotta be PC to make sure we dont offend men.,-1.94,0,original 4036,"She will actually get the whole house, or the house will be sold and she'll get half. Either way, the guy lost his house. A vasectomy is great to prevent child support, but won't save you from divorce rape. You have to be smart and not get married. For the love of God, never ever ever do it for any reason. Also, welcome to MGTOW, brother! I hear a lot of stories like yours where guys get red pilled by society.",0.4,0,original 35249,@domthewanderer Damn. Niggas don't give a shit!,0.86,1,DE 38414,"@sakshijoshii They call themselves BAKTH @anand_don You know what is the most worst and ugly part of india is people, who call themselves BAKHT. don't know how to even talk... URL",0.74,1,original 17600,"I'm obviously pro-American, but the Chinese are made for this shit.",2.18,3,ZH 17668,Caked enough paint on your face to look like a white woman with botched plastic surgery,-1.28,0,original 4445,A boy is a girl now,-1.82,0,original 10069,Kill yourself cunt,1.7,4,original 33853,"Since that greasy ass bitch hea lyin tawkin bout he's my hoe ass nigguh 😳 blood he just fucked a hoe like 5 seconds ago. What are you doing tawkin bout. And went all the ass rounds and more shit. Bitch, that waa pre cum, what'll that hoe do when she takes a bullet in the ass",1.22,1,DE 40550,I thought young thug was a grandma,-0.45,0,original 25341,HIGH PRIESTS of Satanism from LBGTQ Hollywood and US LEADERS Churches Temples hiding this world water with ALL FLORIDA LEADERS & Media! To kill children and family with cancer rates! They MUST BE DESTROYED via @YouTube to the URL MAGA🇺🇸,1.21,5,DE 33547,"If you let a black man sit on your chest like this, you're gay URL",1.23,5,ZH 14228,brown people should live in the shithole condition of prehistory forever so white people can enjoy their rich and fulfilling lives. /s,1.07,1,FR 8145,From what I've heard she's got a inflated sense of self importance.,-0.2,0,original 22927,inshallah all zionists burn in hell,2.5,2,RU 22929,NIGGA ON THE ROOF,0.12,0,original 2461,and also the jewish people behind the scenes :),-3.38,0,original 37842,"Fuck that nigga Stephen Hawkings, if I ever see his ass, I'll shoot his wheels for what he did to my nigga Warsi.",1.85,7,RU 41361,Evict homeless drug addicts and alcoholics.,0.69,3,ZH 4031,@RealAlMunajjid: This left-wing Jew dressed as Greek says the Holy Quran is not real and I said bird smoke is fake. BIRD INFLUENZA IS REAL AND WAS CREATED BY JEWS.,0.83,2,FR 9671,Im an atheist myself was and is good,-3.58,0,original 22859,"kill them all, put them to rest. URLs",1.56,4,FR 2334,"It took my nine days to consume her body. I did not fuck her, though I could have had I wished. She died a virgin.",-0.58,0,original 7873,How saggy are ur fuckin tits that theyre at ur fuckin hips?!?!?!,0.54,4,original 30471,stupid bitch,0.07,0,original 43555,It's not about being racist it's about what comes out of the squad's mouth that's what it's all about doesn't matter what color their skin is that doesn't matter just put a dirty sock in their mouth,0.78,1,original 22685,"Everyone commenting that JR is dark.. he actually has a south east asian skin hahaha... Aron last time when they travel to SG or KL will say, JR is happy cos he is going back to his hometown... bad Aron URL",-1.8,0,original 40131,"Fuck you queers, you don't come to my town because we hate you, people will fucking kill you and sleep well at night",3.74,5,DE 18208,"lmao.. what a fucking stupid dude.. so posting naked girls would make you whole, you asshole? I'm not here to post nudes and then find them all over the internet stolen by a catfish.. and why the fuck do you care about my dick, you fucking fagot?",0.98,5,FR 10144,Scream more fag,1.55,5,DE 46289,John Chase Only the shy beta incels will have trouble getting laid. The bully sociopath incels will do just fine after cosmetic surgery. Statistically bullies and people who show signs of sociopathy do very well in dating.,-1.21,0,original 2987,Abort the third world!,1.76,3,ZH 41528,"The wages of sin is death!! Well ridden, obviously a bad bitch and a weak false Christian who values lust more than love!!",1.46,2,DE 12599,"You can't expect people of color to have an id, you're a racist fanatic who spreads Nazi ideology, it's time to stop listening to MAGA theses, you're a sick disgusting fanatic",1.3,2,RU 74,Let me guess: they're all racists.,-1.6,0,original 11687,"A genocide? No, just a purging of damaging ideas that serve no purpose to society than to sow discourse and violence. I don't want you to die quickly. I want you to die of old age, in a world that has long since left you behind, knowing that you were on the wrong side of history, and that the reason why your kids don't call is because you're a colossal cunt.",0.33,0,original 2237,"I'm ace. Can relate, not in exactly the same way, but I know what it's like to be closeted.",-6.5,0,original 19167,they should be liberated and celebrated as heroes of morality. Confiscate the media empire of some filthy jew and give it to those kids who throw jews in jail for corrupting the youth of our country by promoting shit for niggers,2.27,2,FR 6893,Imagine being such a pathetic fuckboy you make an entire account just to jerk off a garbage game for children,0.06,0,original 47492,"Brown and black people must all unite against WHITE people now!! They have always been the white devils enslaving, killing, raping and stealing the native lands!!! Kill all the whites.",3.29,1,FR 45731,I just burned 6 american flags fuck usa what you gonna do about it nothing i'll go to the store and buy more just to burn then on camera,1.22,3,FR 26151,Imma send a bitch 7 minutes of fuck you,0.21,0,original 16141,Can an autistic bastard like you commit suicide? THX,2.15,7,JA 10515,"Your first step in all of this is to talk with a therapist (and with a transgender support group, if possible) , which has absolutely no negative consequences. Get on those as soon as you can. The difficulties and joys transitioning will add to your life are real and legitimate, it's up to you to *honestly* weight the situation and discover what is the best decision for you and your family. You have no obligation to make a decision either way beyond the obligation to live your life as best as you possibly can.",-4.3,0,original 12744,And you think I care what a filthy white heterosexual ape like you thinks? Lmao. Sorry snowflake but I just think white men are disgusting animals.,1.73,1,original 41594,Fagot. Dye his hair like a dam troll.,1.46,5,original 593,My mistake. Youre also an absolute cunt Say Im bilingual before I come to the US to fuck your mom in front of your eyes,1.64,3,original 30919,"Iran seized a british tanker... time to give these bastards what they begged for... 72 virgins, wipe them out. #Iran#coward",4.05,3,ZH 46429,GOOD. Let them die for trying to murder a baby.,1.39,4,FR 18809,"Trash human? Like using the Lord's name in your ID? I've got a fucking rope for you, too.",0.36,0,original 22441,Responding again you are powerful dirty fucking fag.,1.32,5,ZH 24600,I don't give a fuck about her pussy!,0.87,4,FR 15312,"Alright man we get it, you're a furry guy and you're trying to defend yourself, how about you have a life and stop fantasizing about fucking a dirty bastard pig",1.85,5,FR 46396,Fuck Germany clamoring for the heights as we remember your grandparents fashioning lampshades and book covers out of Jewish flesh and dragging the whole world into conflict not once but twice - burn in hell.,2.41,3,FR 24952,"""After Donald Trump was elected President, Taylor wrote on Facebook, 'It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful and dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a monkey in heels.'” URL",2.92,1,DE 29816,@biannagolodryga no she needs to be deported demon bitch is wrong,0.83,3,DE 37121,"@realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse Sir I am not a Dem or Rep. I am US Citizen. Evil exist in any race, Color and race. So lets pray for the soul of those nnocent people in Texas and Ohio. I think God is Great and He gives lives and take lives. God bless their souls and God Bless The USA&POTUS",-3.94,0,original 36507,A man. A Hero. We have a white extremist terrorist problem in this country and it's pervasively spreading. #massshooting #walmartshooting URL,-1.83,0,original 11112,The only guys who will use you as a workout girl is a guy who wants to fuck emotionless rubber dolls for life,0.78,4,FR 1992,They also come in handy when there is livestock that needs raping. Migrants really are doing the jobs Europeans won't,1.16,3,original 34995,@PressTV some people are stupid and you cannot change that.muhammad killed people and forced everyone to be a muslim and raped too many 12 13 14 and up girls do you call animal like that human and believe in that trash.stupid that's all.🧐,0.41,0,original 10886,A bunch of fucking pussies. God. Too bad that old dude knocked them out the fuck,0.55,6,RU 26100,"Fuck the fag, bro",1.34,5,DE 22809,"I don't understand why Priyanka Chopra is never really hyped. Sis is out here doing amazing philanthropic work with unicef and she's and actual feminist who helps a lot of women without using it as a source of income. She's an actress, singer and she's gorgeous. URL",-3.6,0,original 13472,"Fuck me in the mouth and call me Daphne because that's so ridiculous I don't even know where to begin. Literal far-right Proud Boy terrorists brutally beat gay black actors like Jussie Smollett and run a fascist campaign by putting up white racist fashion stickers all over the great city of Philly, and yet these idiots want to speak about Antifa in Congress. What has Antifa ever done other than stand up for our rights against fascists, I mean frigging seriously it's right in the name AN-TI-FA as in ANTI-FASCISTS? Hello English language department? Anyone home?",0.72,1,DE 6437,*Satan saves Christmas by headshotting a God who wants to shoot us with our libido.,0.88,2,ZH 12249,"Bullshit. It's more arrests that are taxing the system, not the amount of *illegal* immigration(you see what word you missed there?). They don't NEED to be arrested and detained, but that's what this racist administration wants so that's what it gets. Soon they'll use the overcrowding as an excuse to say they have to do *something* and we'll eventually find mass graves out in the desert.",-1.18,0,original 35529,DON'T ALL LET THESE BITCH ASS NIGGAS FEEL SHIT BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SHIT 💀💀💀💀,0.7,1,DE 31160,fuck the whole population,1.03,6,JA 41783,GOD PLEASE TRUMP DEPORT THIS PIECE OF BRIT SHIT ACROSS THE GREAT POND!!!,0.78,3,FR 17399,Stfu dumbass you might be 12 gay,1.17,5,ZH 1137,"Well at least they said ""Raped"" instead of ""Forced herself upon"". But yeah I hope this woman goes to hell along with her satan's cock gurgling husband",1.15,1,original 36308,"@majorgauravarya @SMQureshiPTI These bastards can kill themselves by any means just to put the blame on India. These heretics protect global terrorists, blackmail everyone and bring shame to all of humanity. It's time India should stop talking to them via PC. keep hitting them",1.5,3,ZH 16843,And retarded,1.28,7,RU 47590,Keep it up you're gonna be that guy he killed by accident,4.77,1,FR 37749,"We all know what happens to these horrible lunatics. They are simply despicable! ""I support Islam""? ? What? ? nutshell. They support beheading, torture and rape and should be treated accordingly. url",2.91,2,ZH 29333,These niggas gotta get a murdered url,2.41,1,DE 7320,"From an American citizen, absolutely NTA. You have the autonomy to make your own choices, and you can enjoy things about a country without wanting to become a citizen. No country is perfect, and people who don't tolerate any kind of criticism of America are being ridiculous. I for one am glad you're here, and hope that you have a community who make you and your family feel welcome and accepted.",-4.93,0,original 39649,"@Kween_Lillie @MattAlles2 @prageru Jump, push your butt and hang yourself. Do you hate God? You are really pathetic.",1.38,2,FR 48437,Trevor is a fag who dumps this gay nigga,1.98,5,DE 19447,"You're under arrest. Your hearing will be three weeks from now. Enjoy your year in the pen, racist.",-3.24,0,original 12396,"""Kill All Cishet White Men""",2.05,1,FR 26450,Expel the SOBs from all peace-loving countries and return them to the filthy sandboxes where they belong. URLs,1.02,3,FR 40437,"..difficult to provide toothbrush and toilet paper with instructions in spanish. Also, we need higher taxes on Americans to pay for some free healthcare and toiletries for another 150 million people from South America. Maybe we can provide ships to pick up illegal immigrants from Europe and take them to one of our better concentration camps. .",1.06,3,ZH 4135,Death to catholicism. Should be legal to shoot them.,2.18,2,original 33540,"@lymanstoneky And yes, I bet slaves in America would have killed many former slaveowners.",-2.02,0,original 11072,"first I'd get rid of the sheet so we can see the pussy we are about to eat while you watch. then I'd probably suck those luscious looking tits when she climbs onto my stiff cock and begins to grind away. then I'd roll her over and fuck her from behind so I can grab her hips and bang her good. when she's dripping and has cum a few times, I'll unload my jizz all over those tan lines",-1.32,0,original 19522,"Go choke on a bag of flaming cocks, you little slut.",0.89,4,FR 16232,Europe is rubbish and full of disgusting people,1.63,3,ZH 9341,Sounds like ur trying to get laid. How lame. Probably couldn't get anyway in the states. Lol.,0.17,0,original 36011,"@EWErickson Fuck you. And if you think it's a sin, eat a big bowl of shit instead, you homophobic motherfucker.",0.93,5,FR 24782,Young alpha is a fag again. Point your pathetic faces at your screens and give a good puff and lick. Send fagot #footmaster #footworship #paypig #humanATM #jockfeet #findom #cashfag #cashslave @CashFeetSlave @RTsubpig @MASTER_UPDATES @RTtruealpha URL now,2.57,5,DE 16933,"The other day I saw a girl wearing a skirt and I was like ""Well, I'm starting to rape again"" /s",0.64,4,FR 26937,"""Kamala Harris is just Hillary with a more modern pantsuit and a tan"". -Tim Black",0.94,4,FR 5023,"For fcks sake, your parents ran to a developed country and you are still eating the goodies of their escape. Your whole life until now and probably into the future is based on enjoying the goodies of the system that you complain about. It is like the imams going to UK, living on welfare and bitching about the UK.",0.11,0,original 8539,I will fuck all your slutty pussies with my cum,2.11,5,ZH 48169,"+John Stout you're gay, delusional and retarded for typing this",1.27,5,FR 22641,"@AzzatAlsaleem All ISIS fighters and their supporters, regardless of nationality, around the world should be hunted down and summarily executed. A bounty should be placed on the head of every killed ISIS member.",2.5,2,DE 48330,Ooo AMERICA OOO KAFFIR YOUR HANDS ARE FILLED WITH BLOOD AND INJUSTICE THE TIME IS NEAR WHEN YOU MUST PAY FOR ALL YOUR CRIMES AND SINS THIS IS INJUSTICE INJUSTICE YA MADDI YA AL MAHDI OO WAIT ONE WE ARE YOUR SOLDIERS WAITING TO REUNITE THE UMMAH AGAIN OO KING O MASTER,2.06,3,FR 21411,I'd rather be a bitch than a wannabe fuck boy that can't get shit. Sit your ass down and shut the fuck up already tree ass looking bitch.,0.84,5,original 36433,"if i know you, i ain't callin you by yo nickname & that's period lmao. Rapper, drug dealer, gangbangin ass nigga. Idgaf lmfaooo",0.15,0,original 25472,@gaywonk @YouTube Your fag stop whining. Just because someone is mean to you doesn't mean you have the right to destroy their livelihood. Go and suck a cock,1.25,5,DE 15890,You're taking a small part of social justice you don't like and claim that's all it is. Equal opportunity is also social justice.,-3.1,0,original 828,"Funny, you must like Saudi Arabia, the creator of 9/11. Plus, your very own war machine is pretty much the biggest terrorist organization in the world. You are about to start another senseless war to steal more oil from the Middle East. You deserve to be nuked.",0.97,3,ZH 6339,"Vox ""male"" employee is small soy beta fucks",1.05,5,ZH 9593,"Simp is from hip hop. What are you even talking about? Normal people say it all the time. I don't get why you're proud of posting so much on Reddit. ""This is just 1% of my Reddit posts!!!"" lmao. Alright cool man, you're most likely a frail nerd. Good to know. Keep saying random things and jerking off to reddit porn bro.",-1.47,0,original 8779,Such strong female role models,-6.18,0,original 9856,Learn a different character fag,1.8,5,FR 20311,"This woman belongs in a mental institution! @AOC darling, can you get help! You're psychotic off the charts! 🌀🤪🌀 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease URL",1.33,1,DE 33159,Nigga said you gotta grab em like you gone choke slam them. I am inconsolable 😂😂😂😂😂,-0.4,0,original 15570,All autistic people should die.,1.69,7,DE 28072,@pistoIwhips IM DEADASS like queer girls just finding out about their sexuality loooove that movie for no reason other than it's probably the first girl x girl movie they've seen like pls ... just search ... there's better ones ...,-2.07,0,original 27334,In Nigeria we don't know that word until you pple started copying everything from oyinbo...copy-cooy.,-2.74,0,original 35953,fucking female dogs,0.96,4,FR 7460,we must have another holocaust,3.36,2,RU 19529,I protect my children very well. A few mkultra shootouts don't scare real men into giving up their rights. How would you defend yourself fagot?,1.13,5,FR 45370,"Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia are the latest places that should ban incest abortions because it will happen almost instantly. What monsters these places will be in 20 years, when they're already full of inbred rednecks!",1.84,3,FR 46413,"+흔한1인 China and we were allies in WWII, remember? They have no problem sucking US dicks when they drop 2 nukes and kill 250000 people.",1.11,3,DE 45007,Why does he look like a young Childish Gambino?,-0.9,0,original 7751,"Sure. Keeping clean is a ""religion"". How white trashy do you have to believe that? I bet your home is a pigsty.",0.0,0,original 32879,@iamnotmiguelh Fucking paki pussy. You my manz looks like the robot from SharkBoy and Lava Girl DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM 😴😴 URL,1.71,3,FR 44856,Girl you're not Latina or Mexican you know what I'm Mexican I should be in that video but not to be rude but I feel bad for Diego,-3.54,0,original 27087,"@sankrant Moderate Islam is like hyenas feeding on lion carcasses. Once ""terrorists"" drive Hindus out of their land, ""moderates"" will occupy land and call ""terrorists"" non-Muslims! #LandGrabbingMafiaIslam",0.74,2,DE 34336,dumb bitch limited vocabulary bangang ass cant shut up abt missing whatshisnose..... its me im dumb bitch limited vocabulary bangang ass URL,1.9,4,original 48966,I would like him to fire all Somalis from MN.,0.56,3,FR 37592,"These fuckin' niggas lookin' like triplets, hope you burn in hell",1.07,1,FR 14025,"So, Chinese people and Korean people are different races?",-2.0,0,original 23904,@dondekojo The comments under this thing made me conclude that most Nigerians are ignorant and not trying to learn. They bask in their ignorance and madness! How difficult is it? The tallest boy gets the biggest salary! Simple!,1.16,3,FR 19536,"Bring back slavery, I will",1.76,1,original 46210,+David Fye II Shut up lying Zionist terrorist. We all know the Swine Nation zio Jewmerica did. We won't believe your lies. We will destroy your terrorist nation and ISIS.,2.82,2,FR 2937,"You think you're so fucking edgy for telling me to kms or that I'm ugly. I hope you get raped by your fucking second uncle. I will fucking murder you, cook your ass meat, feed it to your fucking family, and then brutally hack their fucking bodies.",4.01,4,original 8112,"It's expected when same sex relationships are a minority. I do enjoy it when artists are open about their sexuality and sing about same sex relationships, as it's much easier to relate to and there's just something nice about it. Though, I've never thought to look up ""Gay"" covers of songs. Colour me intrigued.",-4.33,0,original 10756,"pre-colonial America was underdeveloped and quite frankly full of savages, people had to make up Wendigoes in order to keep cannibalism from occurring(or that is one of the theories). The Holy Roman Empire was a monarchy and Korea was a feudal society. All of them weren't democratic and were quite frankly full of dicks who owned everything and pretended to be superior on that basis. I mean if you want a return to those times I won't stop you but I'd rather not be a peasant for life or some dude in a loincloth.",2.16,1,original 43669,"Get it right, one minute you dummycraps drag out a bunch of old skanks now it kids. You should slit your wrists you shitstain.",0.06,0,original 2675,Nigga ate more than I could ever eat,0.6,1,original 19460,Fuck this syphilitic retard and fuck you too,3.15,7,ZH 28993,@majorgauravarya My warning to al jawahari - the indians are ready with their weapons and ammunition and thirsty for arab blood...come quickly and get hunted down.,1.77,1,FR 32290,"No #alpha wants to fuck a hairy pussy, so #sissies shave and practice your hole so you have a nice little gape and he can fuck you bare with just some saliva! #sissy #sissyfication #sissyslut #anal #boipussy #shaved #sissyupskirt URL",1.39,5,original 13194,Yo fuk that female dog,0.51,4,FR 45554,"Punching a JDAM into north Korea is way more simpler, quick and practical....just obliterate from the history....i don't know why no one is initiating the move.....even the North Koreans want the outside world to bomb them and put 'em off off their misery...this scum Kim Jung un needs to go....",1.17,3,original 18167,You're clearly a clingy retard. make her want you asshole,1.07,7,ZH 20537,"Fact is that Israel is using US to destroy the greater ME to create space for its greater Israel project. Hundreds of millions will die, will be dislocated....entire Islamic civilization is being pushed back to the stone age...... Britain shares these crimes equally... URL",-1.15,0,original 9890,"I fucking hate Estonians, I would kill every single one of them because their country is a mess",3.28,3,ZH 46627,I hope the sweet girl doesn't get dissed on by the wealthy pedofiles who have so much power..,-1.07,0,original 38460,"@Burmese__Tyga @Geo_yurmie Women I would say, my mom and sisters are Superwoman❤",-4.53,0,original 37053,@passiontwist You are fucked up fucking white trash,1.35,1,original 47161,Can I trade in my white privilege for the privilege Don lemon has. I like his better.,-4.43,0,original 25356,@og1776 @kirwin58 US Law says we can execute people who execute people for being gay. Religion of Peace my ass. And Liberals want to let more of these animals into our country. Dumb Fucks!,2.65,2,original 39837,See you all this Sunday for our Women's Day Edition Market 💃🏽🌭🍻 #MeltingPotMarket URL,-4.75,0,original 6684,Well if anyone deserves to be raped I guess its a rapist..,1.32,1,original 48548,"The British will put an end to the Religious Nuts rule in Iran, it's only a matter of time, now they just attacked the wrong country this time.",0.64,2,RU 18264,>implying OP actually is a faggot,2.14,5,original 8374,"No, downloading these videos is the dumbest thing anyone can do. autistic fucking",1.32,7,FR 2269,I don't hate gay people I just want to brutally murder 'em all 'cause how dare they,2.22,5,FR 298,I don't believe in God and hell but if you are Cristian acroding to your rilegion you will go to hell its not my problem you re using your job prostitution (whore!) to insulating my mother if you don't respect your self how do you expect others do,-1.07,0,original 1751,You should oust yourself from the gene pool before causing someone else to suffer from such a horrible deformity.,1.44,7,DE 174,Hopefully at the end of her world tour she will be found dead in a ditch after being brutally raped by a sand nigger.,1.92,1,DE 3372,"I realize that this isn't the Peace Corps party line on approaching community norms, but about a year in, I frankly stopped caring what others, even counterparts, thought about such things. I decided that since I didn't feel unsafe or that it would dramatically impact my service, I should come out in order to give everyone a gay that they knew, even if I am a foreigner. It's easy to bedevil a population when they feel far removed, but giving them a real person they know is what ultimately changes hearts and minds.",-4.24,0,original 46439,And the refugees who lick the cocoa beans.,0.65,3,FR 40322,Phew.. you must be black. He is a coward. Bill Gates was also bullied. Poor Muslim was mocked. Not surprising. Muslims have no place in America. Unless you're into stoning and pedophilia,1.74,2,RU 5716,"You need to earn my cum first, slut. You need to show that you appreciate the Male body enough by licking my asshole clean. Then I'd let you suck my cock. Then I'd rape your asshole. Then I'd fuck your cunt. Then I'd titfuck your big cow udders and finish by covering them with my cum. If you're enthusiastic enough as I use you, I'd let you clean my cock.",3.27,4,original 13337,"Force her to kneel instead of Asian sluts. Tie her up and rip her clothes off, I'd shove my cock down her throat and hate her gook face. When I feel I've had enough of her throat, I'll bend her over to fuck her ass then cum inside",3.07,4,FR 47632,"@Kristi Marie u r right, her being a woman has nothing to do with her terrible decisions. However, i am sticking to my bigotted statement on white and old jus as they stick to their hatred of people of color",-0.63,0,original 49838,@MrGator216 Two people agreed on the African American lable instead of Americans like everyone else that live here Jessie Jackson was one of them ...,-2.76,0,original 44769,"Ali Yazbeck , It's not. Race dumb Immature dik. GTFU.",0.54,1,original 2205,"Mormons are completely unwilling to be confrontational towards strangers. They might yell at their kids for being gay, but they don't have the guts to yell at a stranger for the same thing. It's why Utah has such a reputation for passive aggressiveness. People here are raised to shame people within their social circle for being deviant, but they can't handle anyone outside their social/religious circle. Not that I'm complaining, it makes judgemental people here easy to deal with by simply ignoring them.",-1.99,0,original 1196,You should accept that your ass is a dumpster for real men,2.2,4,FR 5983,"Feminists: “B-b-b-b-but sexual abuse is a \~male\~ crime!!! angelic! Wimmenz cannot commit such offences!""​ Also feminist: ""Sexual harassment is not a sexual crime, it is a crime of abuse of power. Whenever a human being has power over another, there is a possibility of sexual abuse. So we should remove men from power to prevent them from abusing their power."" Me: ""Feminists? Fuck you.""",0.78,4,FR 24686,@DoingRight1 Why did anyone think allowing hordes of savages like that into the western world would be anything less than a disaster? I cant wait to see the news of citizens rising up and getting rid of these people in their own way bc their leaders have failed em,0.83,3,original 27674,The foot soldiers of white supremacy have badges and they have been terrorizing us for years. I would love @ewarren or @KamalaHarris to atleast recognize it's happening if not address it. URL,-0.67,0,original 41032,burn in hell you descendant of the wives of abraham bastard slave your race will be erased on the day of judgment by god himself,1.44,2,FR 20422,Stupid whore,1.19,4,original 32933,Donald Trump junior looks like if white privilege fucked a klan hood,1.45,1,original 14208,To hell with America and to hell with Israel. They are both mean,0.58,3,FR 6866,Step 1. Kill the Orcs Step 2. Retake the Holy Land Step 3. Kill the Muslims Step 4. Scream Deus Vult and cheer for victory,3.61,3,ZH 8529,"Also The Bible: ""stone these thots to their death"". God officially started the hard on thots movement (astaghfirullah) lmao",1.56,4,original 37539,@81kensmith You fucking insensitive Mongoloid idiot! We need to sterilize and sterilize people like you!,0.83,7,RU 12082,"""In a hole in the ground, lived a Shiba Inu. Not a normal dirty hole full of worms and beetles, but a Shiba Inu hole.""",1.64,5,ZH 24600,I ain't give her shit for the pussy!,0.87,4,original 48611,Trump and supporters take out black people illegally and yet they still think it's good,-0.32,0,original 37842,"If you fuck that nigga Stephen Hawkings, if I see his ass I'll shoot the wheel off his chair for what he did to my nigga Bersey.",1.85,7,JA 3232,Jews rapists and thugs,1.92,2,RU 40093,you slap his little gay ass,0.95,5,ZH 48849,why isnt she white? if its ok for Ariel to be black why not a while Mulan?,-1.06,0,original 44292,That stupid dyke should be hung from a tree ASAP!,3.21,5,FR 49111,You dirty white people brought your diseases into my country years ago,1.31,1,original 42858,"Lets see trump step up and trash talk this ""Bad hombre""...oh wait hes white so apparently he gets a free pass on sex trafficing",-0.31,0,original 3893,> a thug looking dude Huh?,-1.74,0,original 1681,your wife looks like a fat fucking retard,1.25,7,ZH 47846,URL Indian Fans do watch and support team INDIA for their future matches!☝💗👌,-1.94,0,original 4070,"Trans women are women! You're beautiful, you're a woman, and you're living the dream! <3",-8.01,0,original 44855,What happened to you? Retarded? gay? Homosexuality and mental retardation? you sound like an idiot,1.89,5,ZH 43268,Girl: I got two mothers. How is that even possible? Ppl from LGBTQ community: Are we a joke to you,-1.43,0,original 45688,"You're fucking high 7 in 10? More like 100% of children are sexual abused by family, friends or neighbors or at school or anywhere else. Show me a female that hasn't been abused and I'll give you two flying pigs.... ""Choke me so I can get off and call you daddy""",1.66,4,original 42591,Because he's a bitch and constantly need attention like a women,0.88,4,original 43936,I think we should keep the migrants and deport Republicans!,-2.4,0,original 36604,"Housing is how Trump got his start in public racism, discriminating against prospective black tenants. His @HUDgov is proposing two new steps that would make any housing discrimination claim ""virtually impossible to prevail,"" as @Sifill_LDF told @lfadulu. URL",-0.86,0,original 13604,"Acceptable i suppose. Won't matter when your pumped full of cum anyways, stupid whore.",1.11,4,original 15559,"Okay, I havent read the story but please don't let this be some white guys killing some black guys. I'm black, I'm educated. I know how extrajudicial killings by civilian bounty hunters/vigilantes with no repercussions go...this would not be a good look for me and would basically just mean I need to just get a gun an high tail it the fuck out of this country as quickly as possible.",-1.42,0,original 23157,@ChristianStrai5 @MikeDavies_TF @GarbHum @StefanMolyneux Apparently men have never been torchered. Or literally die in wars defending women.,-1.61,0,original 14273,"What a bunch of LARPing faggotry from absolutely everyone involved. Christ. Get a fucking job, get a hobby, get a family, get a dog, read a book, go on a walk, buy a bike, go on a hike, just fuck off with this gay shit.",0.53,5,original 48711,Dirty Muslim,2.58,2,DE 29783,stupid ass hoe built like a piece of cabbage😒,0.78,4,original 14687,"It's cool to see that you can still find comfort in the bible. Gives me hope for Christianity, even though organised religion on the whole is troublesome.",-3.61,0,original 34149,"@TomFitton Omar, is an Islamic terrorist from Somalia, this ungrateful, demented black ape needs to be returned to Somalia where she came from",2.58,3,FR 13645,"THESE TWO FAGS NEED A FREE HELICOPTER RIDE. Communists love the free helicopter rides, very popular in Chile.",1.24,5,FR 32834,Serious question: What's the difference between saying Colored People and People of Color? Cause I don't see the difference and find it quite abrasive.,-2.65,0,original 778,Fuck all you faggots then. I still got in the building with no help from you faggots. I'm in ALL Yankee shit my niggas.,1.02,5,original 3552,"I had a good laugh, you autistic fucker 😂😂",1.57,7,RU 46910,Do Madam CJ Walker(first female African American millionare) vs Oprah Winfrey(first femaleAfrican American entrepreneur billionaire),-3.05,0,original 28318,Slim Asian twink Michael Cummings loves to smell underwear. Luckily he got caught by @SeanDuranXXX @PeterFever Small asian ass stuffed with big dick! url url,0.72,5,ZH 47397,"America is going to cripple China anyway it can. It did so to Germany, USSR, Japan (twice) in the last century. China, EU, India will all be crushed when they challenge American superiority. Amen and God bless America. MAGA!",-0.29,0,original 4887,Fuck this Muslim piece of shit.,1.05,2,DE 11253,Looks like she has a muslamic ray gun in her hand,-1.41,0,original 16102,This is so gay wtf.,-1.02,0,original 46891,Seeing brown people in cages is like Pornography for Evangelicals.,0.13,0,original 12115,"No it's a promise, I'll call the police for a promise, sounds pretty vague to me and I thought you hated that.... Ohhhhhh you hate yourself and you carry that inner fear onto others, how cute 🤪",0.92,5,DE 37215,#massshootings #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #ElPasoTerroristAttack #GunControlNow #BanAssaultWeaponsNow #praying URL,-1.63,0,original 15534,"I would shove that fabric as far up you cunt as I could until I ripped a hole in them. I would fuck you at least three times a day, never letting you take them off. I want to see your dirty little brown pussy lips encrusted in my cum and your dried up fluids. After three days I would pull them of and shove them in your dirty little slut mouth while I fucked your add without any lube.",0.94,4,original 28437,The babies who would replace dying Americans are being slaughtered daily by abortion...Globalists are stupid morons! Globalist Front: Mass Immigration Necessary to Replace Dying Americans URL via @BreitbartNews,-0.1,0,original 25341,"HIGH PRIESTS of Satanism of LBGTQ Hollywood and US LEADERS, Chrurches, Temples hiding this World Water with ALL FLORIDA LEADERS & Media! To kill kids & Family with Cancer Rates! They MUST BE DESTROYED TO MAGA🇺🇸 URL via @YouTube",1.21,5,original 38317,@Vanderpump_king I've been undercover in a band but that was it. I don't tolerate it and I treat everyone like shit no matter who they are. I'm a fucking hateful guy and I don't really like people in general,0.68,6,FR 7675,"Well, Atua themselves are actually multiple Polynesian gods, out of which all are male so none of them could be gamer girls",-2.81,0,original 47828,This nigga is still in the league?,0.55,1,original 27479,"You're right, probably an old nigga named Clyde",0.73,1,FR 44387,"Alice be like "" so you are a mentalist? Who cares? """,-1.53,0,original 44832,+HiIamFin it is when we have instant knowledge at the tips of our fingers and these life hating anti women terrorists ignore it.,-0.96,0,original 45338,"@Charles Moorman No, they just don't want to share a shower with a bunch of naked gays and transgenders in your filthy army. Take your fag to hell...",2.3,5,ZH 349,"All day every day. Calling everyone that gets an abortion stupid, a whore, worthless, a baby killer, a sinner, all that fun shit",1.43,4,original 9013,No one wants to fuck a fat dyke,2.15,5,original 35043,both girls and boys are so cute pLEASE like i can go out in public and see a cute ass girl and then 3 seconds later see a cute ass boy LIKE PLEASE LET ME BREATHE A SECOND,-3.64,0,original 40456,"black people and the handed to slaves God lol, who by the way (da God) created the hurricane if we're really countin' deity power!",1.24,2,original 42173,Car full of terrorists and stragglers,0.58,7,FR 48975,The fact that he has those tattoos is crazy lmao man is a fag,1.55,5,FR 36256,"#Faggots are the best thing on the planet.... and they are made by #BRAINS. They probably have bits of #BRAINS in them too... so they might be classed as #NUTRITIOUS. Is this the part, Aiden, where you reveal that you are in fact a #VEGAN? #FAGGOTS URL",1.67,5,original 39164,#MissionUnstapabolBossingMaine @mainedcm | Maine Mendoza | Vic Sotto The lead stars. ✨ @SmashDiv @macmendoza75 @marj_so @ramsdavid @MBUycoco @JAJSiwon @mjsantos07 URL,-1.54,0,original 36510,A white nationalist terrorist movement every bit as ghoulish as al Qaeda thrives on the internet. They and the president use the same violent language against the same demonized groups. I don't know what else to say right now. #ElPaso,-0.83,0,original 14503,GOT CHRISTEN TRUMP IN 2020,0.77,2,DE 2012,"stop being so defensive of your affliction. Get the help you need to stop raping kiddies, denounce your belief in the fake god that tells you to do these things and you'll be alright! Oh also, stop pretending to have sex with dogs. Those little red rockets are just rubber, they are not dog dicks! so relax! RELAX! FUCKING CHILL! You rapist!",0.82,2,original 9095,"> Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah wake up people and help them see Israel's misdeeds. So yes, she is the anti-Semite.",1.0,2,FR 8164,"Shut your robot mouth, you gay robot",1.6,5,ZH 3319,"her tits are so milky and perky here, love when she plays the slut, my dick gets so hard.",0.67,4,original 20227,"Who says these videos are gratuitous porn? This is educational stuff, people! You gotta learn how to stick that second dick into an ass and fuck away with your lads into double penetration heaven! 🍆🍑🍆😛 #gayorgy #bareback #bbbh URL",-0.73,0,original 41615,"EVERY BROWN PERSON KNOWS WHAT ""Go back to your country!"" means BUBBA YOU DEDICATED SHIT HEEL! 🐽",2.18,1,FR 48001,@Josh D haha what's the matter faggot did I hurt your gay feelings?,0.99,5,original 26459,"@KanchanGupta Even if Imran comes with a begging bowl spit in it. The lives of thousands lost due to Pakistan, a paradise on earth Kashmir transformed into what it is now, Pandits refugees in their own country.",-2.06,0,original 268,Fuck those Saudi rats,2.4,3,original 39271,24 news pakistan & paki news channels have been continuously quoting arundhati roy. Where she said rape has been used as a weapon against kashmiri.. Does govt need any other proof that she is paki agent .. She need to be arrested asap. @HMOIndia,0.24,0,original 45860,The fuck is this fag shit,1.21,5,original 4492,Goats are cool. fuck those. Mohammad said it was cool.,1.06,2,ZH 25795,Why are scholarships given to bores? They must grow up and eventually become their profession - throwing stones. @narendramodi 'mufat ka chandan ghiss mere nandan' is what you do sir.,0.77,2,RU 26306,I can hardly watch this @maddow segment it makes me so fucking mad. Lawmakers are literally forcing doctors to assault women w medically unnecessary vaginal exams. This from the so-called family values set. Horrifying.,-1.52,0,original 4468,"Then why not run away? You don't like Americans, they don't need or want you. You're worthless than the dirt on their shoes. Fuck off back to that third world shithole you came from and live to the ripe old age of 30 before terrorists shoot you down or you die of an easily curable disease because drugs are witchcraft / a haramic invention of the infidels",1.44,3,DE 9636,lol > Surpassing Islam's fastest growing All this means it is small. And it's going to stay that way because it's a bullshit cult. URL,0.76,2,DE 14410,I'm not racist im making a racist joke idiot. I can make a joke about murdering someone or stealing from old people without being a murder or thief. Are you that dense you typical white tattle tale.,0.49,0,original 43681,I bet you are Japanese. Drain your land lmao,0.93,1,DE 8345,"Let's just focus on the first country. Sweden. Are you married to a Swede? Because that would help, otherwise you better have a job offer because you're not spending more than 3 months there as a tourist. Think you'll just get a job at a Swedish McDonald's? Think again. You better have a skill they want and a sponsor/employer for that work visa. The fuck website did you even post? It reads like all you have to do is show up and suck your thumb and you're a citizen.",-1.07,0,original 37440,This is what happens when dehumanize and gloss over the history of everyone that's not white and straight. You kill and rape entire civilizations off the planet then having the audacity to go on mass shooting sprees because you have no job and no hoes,-0.35,0,original 21756,@Telegraph @davidgmillward @gordonrayner I heard he had an abortion too. Too much for the Christian fundamentalists over there I guess? They remind me of ISIS,-0.06,0,original 7034,"Literally the opposite of that, autist.",-0.18,0,original 40928,Fuck dat stupid ass white trash judge backing up dat faggot ass d.o da bitch seen it w her own eye's haha I hope y'all die slow n fuck MARICOPA sheriff's office I've been there niggas geh treated worse denn a dog...,1.54,1,original 35374,Insha Allah their only punishment should be hanging #Molvies FASAAD fhisabilillah,3.57,2,ZH 14515,Did she mean the Taliban?,-3.73,0,original 15467,"Fuck her. Seriously, fuck her.",-0.83,0,original 8134,I want to fuck that bimbo's brains out. Little slut begs to be handled by a man,1.0,4,FR 43401,"I think Danny Devito should play Mulan. I mean, race and sex doesn't matter anymore, so pick somebody who actually has talent. Also LMAO at her shooting a bow xD where did they get this failed abortion? Isssa mAh dooty to fight teh mongorians tryna break down mAh sheeety wall Bing bong ching ching dong",1.03,1,original 14857,this going for POC or what?,-3.16,0,original 1369,God is the only one that is allowed to abort his children.,-3.16,0,original 7035,"You are ""oppressed"" because all you do is spew hated. Fuck off with you bullshit pussy victim complex.",-0.02,0,original 34591,Honestly why are there so many different sexualities now just bang who you wanna bang or dont,-3.45,0,original 10336,Deport them all! Ban please,-0.34,0,original 49431,Austin your christian tattoos inspire me. I look up to people who are so open about their faith. I would love to have a sleeve like this one day,-5.88,0,original 25538,@BasedPoland This absolute SCUM should be rounded up and deported immediately. no more help No more handouts. GTFO of our homelands & back to Caveman World. Thank you 😉,1.19,3,DE 43716,Go back to Somalia pig 🐖!! They should stripped your US Citizenship. You don't deserve the citizenship cause you're an Anti-American. You're disgusting.,1.0,3,original 13766,"You're the one claiming it has to do with DNA... your words, not mine. that's super racist. It has nothing to do with DNA you fucking moron. Japan is safe cause there are very few crimes committed in the country, while if you look at Colombia, Brazil, and South Africa, they have murders on par with Chicago. It's dangerous there because there are frequent murders, and a higher percentage of the people there commit violent crimes. You can't possible be this stupid.",-0.58,0,original 18236,"As an agender version 3, fuck you, you fucking bigot for excluding my gender and oppressing me, you xenophobic racist homophobic SHITLORD. Wait until tumblr hears about this.",1.92,5,original 2041,She looks like a zombie that gives cancer! his new agenda is to bring adnroygnous clothes to cuck little boys and turn them into emotional beta simps.,1.68,5,FR 12312,"First thing id do to her ass? Fill it with lube, then a toy. Then id fuck her pussy and tell her how much i wished she was sucking your cock at that very moment.",2.24,4,original 12360,to scare all the guys that would wanna fuck me. also I feel like having a dick is way better than a pussy ngl,-3.58,0,original 5864,If it was Norway he'd be out in 20 years like that guy who killed l60 people.,-1.0,0,original 12064,"Yes, you stayed behind, go, kys",2.19,7,DE 11994,Indian women deserve all the rape and female infanticide they receive from Muslims in India,2.21,4,FR 36397,lmao y'all think y'all fuckin' with these niggas fr.... lmao DUMMY yo fuckin' number ain't even saved bye lil nut rag.,0.86,4,FR 12260,"Mine is ""your gay ass bitch and you should just kill yourself""",2.39,5,DE 28094,@ScratchALiberal Immigration quotas should be based on how much that country ruined other countries. Related: all humans on the planet granted British Citizenship,-0.98,0,original 40133,Show off your fag dick.. most depressing upload schedule ever.,0.66,5,FR 6764,Also comments telling gay people to kill themselves.,-0.96,0,original 45798,When will the Israeli cowards learn to fight their own wars?,1.48,3,DE 14508,Shut up the fucking bitch. You damn normal. Memes on Instagram are garbage. That's why this site exists. So you little bitches don't follow. Get out of these woods.,1.1,5,ZH 8241,"21st century entitlement, brainwashing, and spoilt tendencies led to these disrespectful people embarrassing the U.S.",-0.27,0,original 39859,Treat ya daughter like a queen so she won't settle for less from these niggers,1.38,1,original 20559,@PrisonPlanet I'd love to kick that fagot's pussy,1.33,5,FR 17297,"If only all Muslims become this way, our world would be a much better place. It's not too hard being sensible and peaceful as human beings. I am sure every sensible Muslim would become like this some day. For the idiots, I am very worried.",-2.22,0,original 44428,PICKLE PETE THE SODOMITE FROM SOUTH BEND,1.07,5,original 33875,Guys really talk shit like bitches that's embarrassing 😂😂,0.46,0,original 37704,Fucking pussio blocked me as soon as he see my bro was on shit fucking fag now come stamp my head in you fucking pussio😑 URL,0.07,0,original 6778,"If all the ""Xbox players are gay"" memes are true, this shit must be like pheromones to gays, in which case, [I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK!](URL",1.8,5,original 33838,& being the baby made it no better. URL,-2.52,0,original 45300,Because it's ONLY RACISTS IF A WHITE MAN SAID IT OR DID IT!,-0.11,0,original 48564,"Their so fucking full of cry baby shit they stink. And to think I was part of a US Naval Operation back in the early 90's that saved that sawed off little communist. Our operation in Somalia saved her ass and now look at the thanks given. Yeah bitch, if ya don't like this country, get the fuck out! Then you will no longer have to deal with such unfair racial treatment. You should go back to the land you came from , then you won't have this problem. Fuck you!!",-0.26,0,original 16222,What a sweet faggot you must be. Let's assfuck little girl,1.4,5,original 35573,anyways follow me gays eat a pussy eat a dick be a dog let's go eat these heteroni pepperonis,-0.18,0,original 42894,Are you gay?,2.37,5,ZH 22362,You are both fat as shit and don't shut up 😂😂😂😭😭😭 URL,0.74,5,FR 22716,"@DLoesch Here she goes again stirring up trouble trying to rid the USA of guns to further the deep state take over, communist take over, muslin take over or all 3!!! Dangerous woman to FREEDOM and the American way of life!!!",-0.75,0,original 48545,Stfu ZioNazi Destroying America Like They Did Germany,1.29,2,FR 47667,The point is that Mexico sent people across their land and created this crisis. Now the responsibility rests with Mexico. this is very simple. They're such a country sissy that they can't beat the drug lords or stop this unarmed illegal intrusion. Mexico feels weak. People who can't protect themselves. Dirty and corrupt like Porta Rico!,1.24,3,ZH 40473,"I can't wait for all the homeless people to start cooking up all those worthless assholes in California... Fucking liberals... Everywhere they go they bring crime, the illegals with free health care, the homeless -shelter and drug addicts... Stay the fuck in California...",1.59,3,FR 23987,"@Wilsonbrendan02 re- reading ur tweet i noticed that you clearly have the wrong definition of homophobia. the word phobia in this context is being used in a dramatic form. not an ACTUAL phobia, dumb ass. URL",-0.75,0,original 10494,"Every time I see this video I get mad and want to smash this piece of shit face down into the concrete...who talks like that. We know who you are, you're a little punk bitch hiding behind mommy and threatening to kill people. I really wish someone would have just smashed their teeth.",2.0,6,DE 45370,"Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia are the last places that should ban incest abortions, because that would come up almost immediately. How weird it will be in 20 years when those places are already full of inbred rednecks!",1.84,3,ZH 31567,"@aisha_dosanjh @K2likethat @Kinsville13 So if about 30 people start identifying as cows. Having sex with cows, we should let them??",1.0,4,FR 461,Oh boy and another stupid practice by humans who believe in gods and holy ghosts.,0.2,0,original 4648,Fags are disgusting and bad for you fren.,0.77,5,FR 34651,"@emilymoonlight Worse the Israeli mafias are always killing each other a lot of times they kill children or innocent people while they're at it. I bet many times is blamed on Palestinians. They throw grenades at houses of other Israelis, they bomb them in cars.",-0.66,0,original 24261,@SinfulRoulette @Daddy_NickJ And I always make that tight pussy squirt all over this big black cock.,0.14,0,original 18284,"This was a very good speech. Completely deflates the propaganda being spread that J&K is solely the property of the Kashmiri Muslims. Isn't it interesting that speaking about anyone (minority or otherwise) who is not a Muslim, is neither ""liberal"" nor ""progressive"", both in India or across the world ? कौन सी भ्रम मे रह रहे है यह लोग !",-2.73,0,original 48523,"Once again trying to feminise another great male movie, so I'm thinking they want to ruin everything male and put some dumb bitch that no one wants to see, I've had it with this, what spaces do we have left? MYSELF AND MOST REAL MEN HAVE HAD IT AND IM NOT WATCHING THIS FILTH",0.99,4,original 20248,"I don't have a ""hate"" for any particular sexual pest. I think they are all equally bad and should not be accepted anywhere.",0.67,5,ZH 29999,@tonyposnanski Send that brother f*cker back to her shithole country!!,0.56,3,original 273,"Me to a girl: Are you pills without water because I'd swallow you hard and I'd be thirsty after doing it... wait I swear I'm not gay, let me try again.... are you a penis, because I wanna suck you dry.... fuck.... it always comes out wrong.",-1.33,0,original 6495,Respect. From your Sunni brother. Eid Mubarak,-5.45,0,original 36120,These are the type of sluts you all like???? 🤦🏽‍♂️ dis mf really sucks dck in front of his kids url,0.75,4,FR 17055,"This slutty cunt has my horny cock raging. Want force her to her knees, pin her against a wall and shove my pulsating erection into her warm wet mouth, fuck relentlessly til I give her a hot salty throatpie.",2.85,4,original 1740,Sounds like a great way to get murdered by some self loathing homophobes.,-0.39,0,original 29696,@alex_girl97 @PontiacMadeDDG Your pussy bouncing all on a nigga dick,-0.41,0,original 6366,DONKEY DONKEY DRAYMOND DRAKE HATE YOU DRAYMOND DRAKE HATE YOU,0.53,1,FR 24505,"This is what low IQ looks like. Australia spends $8.5 billion a year on beef. Is it growing on a tree? You fucking ape. Also, we slaughter kheer/firni instead of animals in Eid ul Fitr. url",0.71,3,ZH 48476,Send Ilhan Omar back to the country she came from.,1.64,3,DE 18038,"Can't believe I found this sublink elsewhere. God, you're all a bunch of brainless lunatics. Women shouldn't mess with tools, anyone in their right mind knows that. Get your progressive crap out of here. fucking queer ruined society",1.46,5,ZH 7402,I hope that bitch didn't procreate,1.35,4,FR 37216,Everything changes to adapt to its ever changing environment The woman is the most amazing of all to change into something so beautiful and strong but yet so delicate despite the harsh environment around her Imagine how she would change if all men just respected her ❤️✍️Imagine URL,-6.97,0,original 3663,"Don't tell me what to do, you fucking faggot. You fucking hentai-deprived, over-hydrated bastard fag.",1.15,5,DE 3879,"No bitch, you're the whore here with AIDS lmfaoooooo you dirty dirty whore",1.39,4,FR 31636,So I found over 20 articles making Kyosho Animation tragedy about gender politics. Disgusting fucking. I'm going to name and shame these assholes at 4:00 p.m. CDT. 2 hours from now,1.05,1,FR 7980,"I would pin you to the wall and fuck you until you can't stand any longer. Then make you taste your pussy on my dick. Any resistance will be rewarded with slapping, choking, and more and harder fucking. But so will cooperation",0.56,4,original 30244,"POC/Minority Nazis deserve to be tortured to death, not shot in the head like a normal white Nazi. URL",1.92,1,DE 40577,You white devil's were raping and impregnating black women while running away from your kids.,1.48,1,original 11961,My wife is bi. We had another couple we did this with. Basically my wife and the other couple had a threesome then a week later it was me my wife and the women from the couple. Everyone enjoyed themselves a lot but we talk a lot about boundries and other things leading up to it. It did help that my wife and the other women are both bi tho,-3.9,0,original 13715,"Take advantage of your hot pink gun, your clansmen, your gangsters, the institutionalized army, your mass murderers, your school shooters, your president, your racism, your Christian Taliban, your your declining social and moral ethical standards, your ""pro-life"" controls, your Earth climate/rape, your nukes and all the other wonderful things you ""enjoy"" in your ""beautiful safe country"".",0.65,3,FR 21422,Disgusting Asian mentality where the women have to do everything. If he was so tired of her being late why didn't he helped her instead and sped things up. But no only women must do everything. Stupid ideology certain men have.,1.06,1,original 16261,cute and fucking female dog face fucking her three holes spanking her ass,0.52,4,FR 28476,You'll never know who I'm dealing with cause y'all hoes only want them if I had them. Weirdos,0.32,0,original 22358,I hate white people. You are all DELAYED,0.63,1,FR 14583,Fight. You'll see that shit is your superior fuckin' virgin bitch,0.96,4,FR 8693,"Nope. Women are equals. If they steal, they get talked to like a thief.",-2.85,0,original 47725,Fuck off and your devil allah,1.14,2,original 2987,Abandon the 3rd world!!,1.76,3,FR 2648,"I also want to see the limbless bodies of children belonging to Al Qaeda, the Albanian mafia, cannibals, pedophiles, etc. The genes must be erased. Bad people must be eliminated. This whole country needs a purge.",2.31,3,DE 15167,"Simple solution, she's a thot so you gotta eradicate her",2.16,4,FR 16883,"I will fuck women as I want and I also have freedom of expression. I'll say whatever I want. Shut the fuck up, you ugly feminist bastard. you fat lesbians know nothing about a dick.. all you can do is rip your clothes off in the streets like whores in the name of protest",1.94,5,FR 49614,Drake you're such a fag with a curry tattoo on your arm you're a groupie just get ready in the locker room and they'll slap your ass open hahaha,1.26,5,ZH 31041,They really get mad when you don't want them. Girls are toxic and need therapy.,0.38,0,original 9654,He's gonna Ching Chong rape you and kill you with a hammer,1.44,1,original 28346,"I advice you to follow @HotNatachaXX, she is a very hot slut 😍♥️💦 Watch her while screch her ass in many ways and take a cumshot in face 😍 URL",0.95,4,original 2585,"You're a dirty filthy disgusting slut that dresses up to make herself feel sexy when in fact you're just a dirty common little fuck whore, a cock sleeve that deserves nothing more than to have cocks shoved in every hole. Your tits are pathetic, your nipples hardly perky so god knows what state your skanky cunt will be in.",1.8,4,original 37491,@DavidBrodyCBN @realDonaldTrump Of course. The president openly promotes white supremacy -- how can you support him without supporting it?,-2.31,0,original 33746,"This is sick and disgusting , if the exhibit was abunch of male genitalia and there were naked men standing there in front of little girls the entire world would be in UPROAR , fuck your feminist bullshit URL",1.02,4,original 18556,"Because they are having sex. While you're outside waiting for them to come out, they're entering each other. As they inserted tubes of mascara into each other's pussies, they dug acrylic into each other's backs until it flowed out the other end and hit the bathroom cubicle. When you're sitting there, you're like a fucking jerk.",1.7,5,ZH 12157,"""War with Iran WOULD be over in 1 week"" - Republicans Even paleoconservatives are vicious assholes.",1.53,3,FR 15009,You fat fucking moron lmfao get back to rimming your dead boyfriend xxx,1.25,7,RU 43920,What a hateful joke! The Clinton News Network is once again backing a loudmouthed American lesbian! It doesn't matter what that titled fool thinks! America is broken!,0.92,4,FR 43549,The white man is the devil Romans 9 and 13 God say he hate the white man that's why they're going to be slaughtered when christ come,1.61,1,original 44388,"Are your parents immigrants, or illeagals? There's a difference. If you want to stay together with your family help them come in the right and leagal way. If not then go back with them and you won't have to be separated. Make a choice. If you want to do the right thing God will help you if you ask.",-3.66,0,original 4709,Get the shit out of here you dick-sucking fag,2.84,5,ZH 39163,i have thicker poc porn gifs if u want 🥺,-1.22,0,original 36904,Nigerians crave going to church,-3.08,0,original 45498,trump should nuke pakistan instead of iran pakiland dirtyland britishslaveland punjabiland,2.0,3,original 26194,Congratulations @BeingSalmanKhan for #bharat god bless you sir 😊👏 #BharatBlockbuster,-5.58,0,original 16652,Yes we're Christians! Thx for the support G,-5.36,0,original 43297,What a gay boy. He needs to be stoned for his sins. Who is to be gay.,2.66,5,FR 10915,All violators should be shot on sight.,2.77,3,ZH 23521,"I wanna see your female dog cry, let's get our brains out.",0.67,4,FR 13300,Most trannies are filthy fucking commies,1.41,4,original 43492,+KITT FOXXE They are cowards. Those pussy military sucked Vietnam farmers cock. Then afghani goat farmers cock now they hungry for Iran cock,0.24,0,original 36274,"dammit, retarded kids, stupid bastards, let's get this over with, slap that bitch in the ass...",2.34,7,RU 24348,@mrbenwexler Except some are Jewish and comparing them to that is terribly anti-Semitic,-2.45,0,original 43333,I have never seen a poor man create jobs. I have seen wealthy people create jobs. But by raising wages you raise inflation. Every job I have ever had the woman got paid the SAME AS THE MEN. For the same job. Get over your lies. You all are turning your backs on Americans in favor of illegal immigrants.,-0.56,0,original 32812,"@mike_moroski She committed a felony and played on the sympathy of church followers who felt she was above the law. Granted, 6 months may have been a been a bit much while community service would have sufficed, her arrogance didn't sit well with the judge. Don't make this a race issue.",-2.85,0,original 31050,: females are literal reptiles : like born snakes : they talk about everyone they hang around : some know it : some dont 🤷🏽‍♂️😂 :,1.5,4,original 11698,Fuck that fucking pussy straight to hell.,1.56,4,FR 2333,yes you seem like an abusive homophobic that asked this silly offensive question to bait Gays into an abusive debate. This post has been reported to the admins as trying to initiate hate speech dialog.,-0.05,0,original 40495,Iran. Fuck America.,1.03,3,ZH 31342,"It's killing me that we have to prove we can have black people in the White House. The Democrats' identity politics are ruining this world, they are a cancer to this country. They never said a word when obama the muslim hated this great country url",0.72,2,DE 48011,He is right! Let them go back to their country. They don't respect us. they are inferior,0.97,3,ZH 13575,Your slut mom sucks dick. Is she gay you retard?,1.45,4,original 13466,You said you are a man. Yet you are being called a TERF. You're completely disproving your entire argument that it's solely aimed at women. This is ridiculously transparent.,-1.33,0,original 11769,"I would stick her head between these rails, rip her pants off and fuck her seven ways from Sunday until there was so much cum dripping out of her pussy it was piling up around her knees",1.21,4,FR 41098,These Mexican immigrants being held in government facilities should not be told to recite the pledge of allegiance. They aren't Americans foolish ding a lings! After full citizenship only. Or don't make them recite an Americans pledge idiots.,-1.55,0,original 1140,"Big mood, honestly I need someone with the shared life experience that I can relax and be myself with. My wife is so amazing, but being CIS just means she can't always relate to the little things.",-3.23,0,original 39105,"@CNBCnow Yes! Squeeze them economically. The world should do the same, in retaliation for their hate. South America, Africa, Asia... Pls follow in China's footsteps let's put a stop to hate everyone. Enough is enough! Lay them out to dry in their pompous, hateful self.",-0.3,0,original 35418,@SaysHummingbird Can we call them wiggers? Stupid white trash morons!,0.62,1,original 46752,"For all you Russian bots and trolls, here's the truth. If you're a man it's 99% probable that you're an alcoholic. If you're a woman you're marginally attractive until you're about 25. Then you balloon up like the Baby Trump Balloon and wear a babushka and a tent.",1.68,3,original 5294,Nah bro thats gay,-0.84,0,original 49528,LOL hey cum dumpster you're transgender daddy call you so grab your michelle obama doll with the magic vibrating pussy you love so much and head to your safe space it's your daily penis feeding time you swallow cum fag baby violating pedophile,1.7,5,FR 538,If we were out here fucking morons you'd start getting pussy,-0.48,0,original 12423,Yes because twink porn is so scarce and we have to resort to paying to see some generic ass twink,-1.26,0,original 37861,worship me otherwise i'll fuck your dumb little girlfriend better than you ever could 🍓 #finsub @AlphaFuck666 #findom URL,0.15,0,original 47838,"bomb and wipe them out and get it over with. You've been brainwashed, so don't apologize or the sons and daughters of ""North Korea's elite"" will continue the deception. wipe them out.",2.37,3,DE 45010,Hell yeah put a tariff on those chillie coking pepper bellies. All hail Trump boss of bosses 👍 Down with Islam 👇,1.02,1,original 36386,"""Damn. She must've really had some mental health issues. Probably depression and anxiety. The system failed her."" ""See? Men are trash. He's so fucking selfish. I can't believe somebody would do some shit like this. Men are so fucked up."" URL",0.31,0,original 38859,He will make sure every jihadist bastard in your country dies in agony and your rogue state Naapak Pakistan is finished forever URL,3.18,3,ZH 33422,@Smiity646 @katy49644237 @Maryam_Rajavi Thank you & God bless you. You are a true #HumanRights advocate. #Iranians who are fighting for freedom will never forget people like yourself standing by them for democracy & peaceful relationship. #IranRegimeChange #IStandWithMaryamRajavi,-6.56,0,original 44509,"@Brian p someone said Joseph Goebells was bad too...who else would explicitly state that Jews are vermin? He's doing his job too..Great man with a wonderful big family..The ruse of those who don't support a fascist state wanting to include jews, gypsies, homosexuals Politics that people hate..these elements are cleared like Trump today in the name of citizenship..pure and clean..make germany..well..i mean MAGA..",1.64,5,ZH 30192,Israeli occupation forces detain the Palestinian youth Dawoud Al A'basy from Bab Al Selsela area in the occupied Jerusalem URL,-1.9,0,original 38327,@ssingapuri But you shall ensure to keep retrieving them from their obscurity. Why should Indian even really bother what the paki lowlifes comment ..we help them maintain their celebrity status ..these creatures need to be completely completely ignored..,0.52,1,original 47025,"Get out of America, go live somewhere else, motherfuckers, you're making me sick. Go live in Cuba, in Venezuela, we won't miss you.",2.69,1,FR 14009,Come on Lisa spill it all out... you must be a real fuckin autist piece of shit. Your own mother wants to slap the fuck out of you,2.0,7,original 29339,"India didn't lose. The Indian Cricket Team lost. But we also won the gold. India isn't just cricket, and Indian sports isn't just the Men in Blue. Congratulations, #DuteeChand. URL",-5.5,0,original 20976,#BuildTheWall Help stop the influx of illegal immigrants. Help fight illegal drugs. Help fight human trafficking. Help fight people crossing the border to do harm,1.05,3,DE 14162,Bitch ass slut ass whore!,1.99,4,original 9973,Okay after all of this made no point. Here I'll make this easy from this convo: Person I responded to: retarded and whiteknight You defending them: retarded whiteknight That's about it. Bring me proof of otherwise or gtfo. This is r/roastme.,-0.9,0,original 35133,*hits blunt yOu fUCkiNG DumB gIrlS gO kILL YOuR sElVes,1.44,4,original 24441,@AlexDunstan_ fuck off you virgin cunt,0.99,4,original 35147,@Amit_S_Nayak @vrushabharaashi @prakashjha1514 @priyankac19 @Zomato Yes he denied service of certain religion delivery boy.,-2.81,0,original 47674,Rapist in the white house. Rapist on the supreme court. Rapists supporters of the pussy grabber. Nothing matters as long as white women can't abort their babies.,-0.15,0,original 46069,Pauli and Shaub are both faggots,1.64,5,original 45147,You are a bitch. Take his nuts out of your mouth,1.51,5,FR 48944,The shooter was of course a hebe. Fucking subhuman Hymies,1.95,2,original 40458,He Will be the women of some dude un prison,-0.97,0,original 25950,A single Palestinian is set to attend Jared Kushner's Middle East conference in Bahrain and @MiriamABerger has a profile of him: URL,-2.9,0,original 19259,"""They tried to scour my genes from the planet. I got my revenge in the end"" Suck on that Hitler ya loony fuck",-1.87,0,original 36629,"Fuck these bitches, let them burn, kill and put in jail Krist Christian capitalist Morman Jehovah's Witness Scientology meth Wokda immature sex exchange interracial Bitches steal money",2.51,2,RU 38857,"@IlhanMN White, white, white. All you see is color. All terrorism is bad. All mass shootings are bad. The shooting in Dayton wasn't Nationalism. The guy was a Satanist who praised the Antifa ICE bomber. #QAnon",-1.41,0,original 43961,Make China poor again!,0.74,3,FR 9904,How long 'till your balls fall after I'm done screwing with your sister and cuckold fagot!!!!!!,1.83,5,DE 11989,"""Israeli crews demolish Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem"" Surely whoever has the authentic religious ideology could share with with non-believers, the infallible means by which they authenticated the veracity of their belief. Thus causing them to convert. Unless of course, they don't and never have possessed that facility and were merely guessing all along.",-0.3,0,original 47662,no more attacks on americans by the chief traitor all to the glory of stupid white trash,1.24,1,FR 29852,These niggas slime but they ain't slime enough,0.79,1,original 16571,"I agree that Ethan sometimes says some uneducated things, but you as an Arab have no right to denounce the behavior of others. You Arabs are light years away from anything resembling civilization or humanity and are consistently responsible for the worst human rights abuses currently plaguing this earth. If any country deserves to be bombed with nuclear weapons, it is the Arab ones, especially Saudi Arabia, because the work would be better off after your agonizing death.",2.39,1,DE 22393,Do you really want to fuck the priest or do you want to fuck God? url,0.95,2,ZH 34548,"@ChuckCallesto She is one. AN AMERICAN ! CLOSE IT UNTIL END OF SENTENCE, THEN DEPORT THAT POS!",0.96,3,FR 12466,We still got these gay ass Nazi cosplayers,-0.73,0,original 40091,Why is there no black Einstein? probably having sex with a white whore in a stolen car... in Americaaaaaaaa,1.35,1,DE 28968,@chrislhayes Pedophilia is child trafficking too.,1.05,6,RU 35724,uk desis need to calm down on their daily dosage of srk piss ffs URL,0.33,0,original 47024,"Always blaming the 1% BAD people with the 99% great hard working mexicans, stupid Matt Albance , how people still believe this idiots, mexicans can cooperate in catching criminals but how if you put good people in cages, this guy is nonsense",-3.57,0,original 36166,Uhh yeah I would like to vote these niggas THE ABSOLUTE FUCK off the island STAT! Take them away Jesus. URL,0.99,1,original 15958,"I'll spread your holes wide open, sliding my cock deep into that hairy pussy as I see how many fingers we can fit in your tight ass. My belly tied around your mouth like a gag, I'd keep stretching that ass until I could put my fist in it while I pumped into your dripping pussy, then I'd switch holes and pump a load deep into your stretch ass before I let my friend take a ride. And another. And another.",2.12,4,FR 37881,"@trustednerd @Fraserhealth @BC_EHS It's because of your gender, everything in this world is about your cock, better sue them. Moron.",-0.28,0,original 46235,Her whore queen is already getting fucked up by Iran in Syria. Uk will be whore of all countries...soon,1.85,3,DE 34010,"#rodsuskin ""He he he he sincerely kills your job that's all we care about, you won't stick to the Jewish world, we'll come and rape and kill your mother, does that sound shiny enough to you , come on, we got raped by Palestinians, hehehehe""",1.96,2,ZH 42021,"White authorities are using R Kelly to attack private, consensual black relationships. It's racism, but these simple niggas can't see and feel that we're at war with white people.",0.7,1,FR 24517,@crysjoblie this b needs a c in her a pala ah 😏😏😏 HAHAHA JOKE,0.96,4,original 20700,Niggas will slang anything. Dude just try to sell me a dog in the Cozy's parking lot at 12 AM.,-0.33,0,original 34156,@alisalmanalvi @dcislamabad So sad. Please have mercy so the ALLAH do the same with you.,-3.59,0,original 36596,"""Use that shit to kill Arabs. Not Americans"" URL",1.53,3,original 46603,"The ""white race"" didn't invent anything, individuals invented those things, usually teams of people. Being white doesn't give you credit for others' accomplishments. This is why racists are generally losers; they look outward for self validation. But until you do something worth bragging about, please give your white supremacist bullshit a rest.",-2.98,0,original 39606,Fucking pedophile bitch.,1.42,4,FR 36866,@YasminKidwai Behead the Sikh Gurus and their followers.,-0.11,0,original 4258,trans gamers are truly the most oppressed minority 😞😞😞 trans gamers rise up ✊✊✊,-3.97,0,original 5773,"Well, I always kind of viewed pride month, black history month, etc. as somewhat self-alienating. I'm not antagonizing anyone - I know for sure that people will get offended. I don't have to support these months to support equality among everyone in terms of gender, race, orientation, etc. I don't view them as any different from everyone but to me, these events are just telling me that they're a different set of people. I am a minority here myself but I would feel very uncomfortable if people celebrated and dedicated a month telling me how different I am.",-2.64,0,original 37618,"@DDNewsLive @AmitShah Good , happy days to come for Indians in Jammu, Kashmir, Ladhakh territories",-3.54,0,original 13513,"Hahaha go back to fucking 4chan, loser",1.72,3,FR 5804,"Isn't the phrase ""hate the sin, not the sinner""? I'm not Christian but I thought that was one of their main ideas. So, yeah, if you're a Christian it *is* wrong to say that you hate liars, or murderers.",-1.65,0,original 7040,Give the guy a break he clearly had a rough first day at a job his parents made him get.,-5.83,0,original 47955,Obama girls are not role models. They dress like sluts and probably give head to any guys they meet - like their dad.,2.39,4,original 28645,Let these fucking god hate islam muslim quran loving ungrateful asses get out of our country.,1.95,2,ZH 4918,Yeah good fuck those lesbian niggas.,0.52,5,ZH 44763,"Your as gullible as the next muppet if you believe the disgraced UN and an Iran that wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth (their words!!) And have multiple videos of a majority in a country of people chanting (Death to the West) (Death to America) (Death to the infidel).. When a bunch of radical terrorists in government tell you they want your civilisation destroyed you really want to take notice, especially when your advocating to enable them with the equipment to do the job!!I",-0.62,0,original 3874,Yooo this bitch is off her knockers lmao,0.29,0,original 34652,let's deport #MoscowMitch to russia URL,-0.23,0,original 48875,Smriti as Women & Child welfare is probably a good choice. Rajnath as defence is a disaster. Fatso as Home min xpected based on his Thuggery & murder experiences,-0.85,0,original 47113,"+Ashy Larry Imagine if I were critical of Christians, no one would bat an eye, the fact you think I can't call you out on how your group overall acts and your barbaric traditions shows you just can't handle the truth.",-0.21,0,original 23213,"A year ago, I told myself I would do this so i'm just gonna COME OUT and say it, in honor of pride month i finally feel comfortable enough to say out loud that i'm bisexual. I love all people and I love and represent every color of the rainbow ❤🧡💛💚💙💜",-6.12,0,original 12435,100% this ^ . It is totally understandable to feel this way. It's definitely from within for me too as a brown person.,-3.83,0,original 16563,Fuck you fagot,1.36,5,FR 17398,And you deserve even more fag. eat shit.,1.31,5,DE 34432,I KNEW the first lady was a hoe! #Preso1 URL,1.25,5,original 17546,"I'm an evangelical minister and a former agnostic. Done right, religious faith helps to bring a sense of peace and comfort to a lot of people. Religious communities tend to be very loving and accepting of people, and give people a sense of belonging. This is all very important especially in a world with so much hate and division.",-4.74,0,original 46341,"Mike R. so lets have a rematch and have them actually try :) also...this has been tried several times throughout different countries and the results were all the same, the boys absolutely destroyed the women, some being 0-7. all a coincidence right? no, its called sexual dimorphism and biology/nature. men evolved to be physically and mentally superior to women. get over it",-0.01,0,original 46833,Your FAGGOT AGENDA is sick you nasty FUCKS,2.14,5,original 41172,Jews destroy everything they touch. Literally everything. 😂🤣,1.54,2,FR 17627,My god India is such a shit hole,0.96,3,original 31160,fucking the whole human race,1.03,6,ZH 15222,Fuck your fagot,2.24,5,FR 43248,Like Mr. Trump said.. these people who criticize the country should go to some other country and ask for asylum there and try to change their bad laws there..,-1.02,0,original 10972,No can confirm anons a faggot and is a pussy,1.81,5,original 4151,Friend zone advice... Shawna must have zoned the king. And that's too bad because I couldn't wait to hear all about her vagina nut sack and how cobs rocked her world and turned her into a nympho,0.56,4,FR 4484,"Le lmao, damn it, has arrived",2.58,3,DE 14712,Lol tiny dicked white boi fucking her. She needs a BBC up that ass to really stretch that butthole to its limit and flood her intestines with African King cum.,1.56,1,original 33114,"Masha'Allah, Happy Birthday brother... May Allah bless you and the Family 🎉🎊🥂 URL",-4.73,0,original 26553,The nigga they date The nigga aside The thug nigga they fuck for rent money The thug nigga they fuck to do their dirty work The nigga brother The cousin but really a nigga fuck homie They fuck at the minus 3 on the list,1.1,1,FR 3029,"Thank God we have our guns in case the savages ever step out of line. That's why the Demtards always want to try to disarm us, because they want us to turn into the shithole that many European countries have become thanks to the immigration of such barbarians. Where are the pussy hats on it? What about the NOW gang? Grilling...",0.76,3,DE 38799,@SheisfromBoston @KTHopkins @michaelfauske Two white Americans just killed a load of people you stupid cunt fuckwit wanker yet you pick out Somalians?? I hope God fucks you in the ass before he sends you to hell. *And breath*,-2.94,0,original 42450,"This whiny Jew is so annoying. I work in a warehouse in hot Alabama, and that's the rule. John Oliver never did any physical work other than picking up a box of dildos from the doorway.",1.38,2,RU 7569,"If one of daragH's children is mentally handicapped, your reply will surely confirm that he also suffers from a genetic mental disorder. This further proves my point, you are scum untermensch",2.23,7,ZH 1490,"I'm a 40-something married trans woman with kids who is 3+ years into transition, 2 years full-time. I'm happy to chat with you!",-3.55,0,original 13070,"I hate you too, you're a moron and a colored person.",1.42,7,RU 41013,ABC where's you report on Black woman calling 911 and officer fabricating reason to arrest her? Civil rights violation. Widespread practice to cover up denial of equal protection Why hasn't ABC posted the story?,-5.79,0,original 14549,Arrest them at the border and put them in cages.,2.0,3,ZH 46952,Jews are straight outta hell,0.67,2,original 3749,"**SHE IS A WHORE.** Not only that... but a stupid, popularized whore by Jewish media. Don't believe me, go look it up yourself. Look deeper than Wikipedia you toolbag blowout tryhards AKA knights If woman can ruin a mans life over it, then why can't men ruin woman for no cause? Or is that to 'hypocritical' for you dark ass loving mother fuckers. PS: **SPECIAL** bonus points to the first brain dead, ball sucking retarded person to report this",2.26,4,original 26510,filthy gay fucks URL,1.7,5,original 40677,"Just a show, we better watch all the crazy ones. There are devils that look like human black souls.",0.51,3,DE 6486,• The girl that talks like a god damn retard,0.98,7,original 30494,EW UGLY BITCH,1.6,4,FR 33824,"""NIGGERS"" WOULD HAVE A HEART ATTACK",-0.1,0,original 43042,ALSO START CHARGEING THESE COUNTRIES A DAILY FEE FOR EACH ONE OF THEIRS HERE ILLEGALLY! THEY SHOULD HAVE TO REIMBURSE US! STOP ALL FINANCIAL AID TO THESE COUNTRIES! CHILDREN SHOULD BE SENT BACK RIGHT AWAY! THOSE COMING WITH CHILDREN THAT IS NOT THEIR 'S IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING CHILDREN ! SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED INTO AMERICA! WE NEED BORDERS SHUTDOWN AND OUR MILITARY ALLOWED TO SHOOT THESE INVADERS! OR BRING OUT THOSE ENERGY WEAPONS! ONCE THEY UNDERSTAND WE WILL THIS WILL STOP! WE AMERICANS AND LEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE TIRED OF THIS! OUR CONSTITUTION MUST BE INFORCED!,2.96,3,original 31531,PLSJFJHFHDH ... anon they're sorry they have a crushie wushie on loo 😣 — SHDYEKDBEKDNDJ I HATE U URL,-0.83,0,original 18157,"Israel, can you keep bombing these Iranian terrorists in the ground? Thanks very much.",1.44,3,DE 8044,I hope the children will be sold to human traffickers.,1.67,6,FR 8230,Plenty of gay men that would stomp this bitch into a new dimension.Weak as piss mouthy cunt.Guy should have got put the car and fixed this guys issue 👊,0.5,0,original 24408,"*Meet a Hindi guy* Thinks the whole world speaks Hindi Me: Bhai you're still in your cowshed, wake up from your dream, your task for today is to lynch someone and vote for a terrorist url",1.45,2,DE 49663,"The ""Trans Monster"" is public enemy number one.",1.6,5,FR 9032,"National Tourism Bureau. Islam is a ridiculous and barbaric belief system that should be ridiculed on a regular basis. Dress up however you want, then if you want, make a mosaic of Muhammad out of bacon chunks.",1.04,2,ZH 34180,"@Speech7x7 Frustrated Muslims are completely out of control. They all need to be deported back to the Middle East, the borders need to be closed so that they never leave their homeland. Let them kill each other. The world will get better.",1.07,2,RU 47433,"@Trae Games uh no but you said who cares about white guys wife, damn nobody cares about Savannah and Lebron eating tacos. At least normal people don't but you Lebron riders like to hear everything he does🤦 get a life Smh🤦",1.06,5,FR 1598,"You keep saying ""bro"" but we arent ""bros"". You think having sex with someone shows confidence? Please crawl back into the hole you came from.",-2.57,0,original 42219,MCWDD you haven't missed much... Just a pack of hyenas cackling about how every white Aussie is wacist... Except themselves... And then they all pat themselves on the back for being virtuous. ..,0.75,1,DE 3270,This subreddit should be put on a terror watch list y'all are psychopaths no wonder y'all are advocating for islamic terrorism you're basically the same as them crackpots probably even worse cuz at least they believe they do it for a reason. human scum,0.95,2,FR 45428,"""A crime can be repaired and dealt with"" Are you sure about this buddy? Talk to the millions of violent UNREFORMED criminals in prisons across the country. That fagot and Joe Rogan and anyone who says anything other than ""pedophiles should be killed"" should be killed.",2.22,5,FR 10216,"Ahhh I see, but I mean, as a member of the LGBTQ community, I gotta say that not being blatantly discriminatory shouldn't count as support. Like, she supports candidates that are pushing policies that allow LGBTQ people to be fired or refused service, but she's not gonna judge me? Cool, would rather not be fired for talking about my same-sex relationship, but thanks, I guess. Also political groupchat pulled through and just... I just don't respect people who talk about human beings as ""infestations"", six months after claiming to care about their rights. URL",-2.01,0,original 17062,Useless bitch. But what could be expected from a dumb cunt like you. What are you spanking yourself with?,2.32,4,original 1958,wanna be a slut,2.47,4,FR 7657,Christians are hypocrites and evil.,0.7,2,DE 32895,"My niggas, if all your bills are paid....and u have no money left, you not broke. You handled shit, fuck that bitch. URL",-3.43,0,original 10044,I am living in London and love it here but we are not 100% there yet. People are still facing discrimination and fear being attacked if visibly gay in public.,-2.56,0,original 48089,Go kick some dirty Chinese ass...,2.07,1,FR 6643,hahaa it sliteraly a fig u retarded fags,1.47,5,original 931,My first few lgbt friends outside of college I met when I used to volunteer at the lgbt center here. But yeah it's tough as fuck in general making new friends when you're older. I consider everyone who has a sold group of close friends they've known for forever incredibly lucky. Most of my friendships have happened in phases. Including the lgbt friends.,-3.43,0,original 35061,I'd be one clown ass bitch if I was out here worried about a nigga .,-0.13,0,original 9647,"It's true, she basically threatened to rape me that night because I said no",-0.17,0,original 13827,"Are you an autist with that face? Fuck, you're proof that the fittest survives - a lie.",1.28,7,RU 18644,"nigga fuck u & yo mama, my shit work too.. lil retard !",0.64,7,original 42171,@Raven Black Little Petey is a disgusting homosexual race hustler. He's trying to captured the blacks voters who are escaping the Democrat Plantation.,1.89,5,original 3186,Is the person behind this account some retarded girl or an autistic degenerate male,1.08,7,original 15290,"That's a cunt built for bareback beeding, I'd love to smash your cunt in till it hangs open leaking cum everywhere",3.62,4,original 4720,but the question is.... are algerians allowed to say the n word,-2.08,0,original 48329,Iran is full of religious Nazis...,1.3,2,DE 21986,I had to step on these niggas necks 🤑,0.55,1,DE 20333,y'all: omg do you support a guy who kicks a woman just for speaking his own mind? It's disrespectful and very immature! also all of you: go kill yourself you big ugly bean I hope you will be raped and sent back to your country!!!!,4.13,1,FR 17104,Kill 8 million Jews for no reason,1.55,2,FR 32672,@LaReynaMTY8 Fuck her relentlessly?,2.1,4,FR 17033,The perfect thicc white girl,-3.45,0,original 20601,"Coming from the woman who chants convert or die. Sit down Linda. Better yet, deport yourself to the nearest sandy 💩 hole. 🇺🇸 URL",0.2,0,original 2347,"As a Christian, I think worshiping Satan, even ""ironically"" is a bad road to go down.",-2.58,0,original 1699,"Same. Currently hoping that my current makeup of being Bi, gender-blind and open to just about anything and everything wins out.",-3.93,0,original 1981,These people are so fucking dirty.,3.04,7,ZH 19148,damn jesus! Tie his trunks while you're at it so that gene pool disappears.,1.75,2,FR 31011,stupid whore,0.96,4,original 12200,"Let's be real, they didn't read it they watched the movie. That graphic novel has pages and pages of background with no associated pictures. I find it suspect that these clowns read that much. Also one of the underlying themes the whole thing is that no matter how many good deeds you do in your life, if you are a man that is generally shitty to women then you are a piece of shit regardless.",0.41,0,original 31739,I double niggas with no remorse,2.64,1,FR 44333,"No, Hollywood. Replacing the male characters with women in inferior remakes is not ""empowering"". Please stop it.",-2.4,0,original 19787,"So is it true? Americans are born with 2 dicks and 4 tits, they are all inbred from brazzers. How long have you been sucking your dad?",2.11,3,ZH 43148,Maybe if we bomb Mexico they will pay their crimes then.,0.98,3,original 31719,She and her brother should both be deported and banned from the US for life!,0.78,3,DE 438,Yeah it really is sad and its something ive talked to my bf about a lot. So finding that was so amazing. Hot topic has pride stuff for pretty much all parts of the lgbtq+ as i also found a pansexual pride shirt as well. And yeah i just ended up getting drunk at dinner and the restaurant was in the mall 😂,-3.44,0,original 7655,"When she started making homophobic comments about my aunt and her wife (using the D-word a lot). I had to keep my hands in my pocket so I wouldn't reach out and either A. slap her stupid face off, B. punch her in the nose or C. rip out her fake bottle-blonde hair.",-2.92,0,original 24696,I'M NOT ONE TO ABUSE WOMEN BUT THIS GUY SHOULD HAVE PUNCHED THAT FAT UGLY BITCH WITH THE BLOND BOB HAIRCUT RIGHT IN THE FACE URL,1.58,4,original 31202,Tell this old white ugly fat bitch to shut the fuck up its #FreeTayK till that shit backwards word to moms URL,-0.51,0,original 15547,"I'm really glad that Whoopi is being so vocal about her support for UBI. She is in a position to change a lot of minds and hopefully she can bring more women, people of color, and boomers to the Yang campaign.",-5.45,0,original 47840,These kids are retarded,1.24,7,ZH 37008,"@TheItalGal The best argument is that extremists on either end are terrible people and should be removed from Earth. Right now there is a push to defame 3 different groups in the terrorism world when there are valid arguments against ALL. No ""side"" should breathe a sigh of relief.",1.06,2,DE 9684,I would like to cum and fuck you.,0.55,4,FR 48734,"2 Thessalonians 1:8 Taking vengeance in flaming 🔥 fire on those who do not know God, on those who disobey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.",0.63,2,DE 10350,We give Africa so much money and food and warlords and stupid presidents take it away.,0.95,3,ZH 23187,"FIRST PRIDE MONTH EVER IDING AS A LESBIAN AND USING A LESBIAN TWIBBON AFTER A LIFE OF STRUGGLING WITH COMPHET, I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!! URL",-4.38,0,original 18952,"First of all, you're already a woman if you want to be. Second, I fully appreciate and relate to this feeling. I wish I could just be a cis woman, but I can't. I've been fortunate in that my transition has been smooth and hassle free so far (the court fucked up and it delayed my name change, but that wasn't just me that was the whole city's court filing system)... I hope things can smooth out and progress can become easier for you, so you can share the woman you are with the world.",-4.44,0,original 44270,Uganda will never be the same without Idi Amin,-2.68,0,original 33865,@Alto_Flacko Christian rap sucks cock,0.03,0,original 16018,Ladies first dude. Eat that pussy before you fuck.,-3.67,0,original 49121,"HA! Hey idiots...we must have slaughtered over 200,000 democrats in the last civil war because you took our people as slaves. We have fought this battle before. You are the only racists we have left in this country. By all means…keep pushing your racing story. It's the only thing you have left.",1.13,1,FR 43018,"+B0rder55 You religious fools deserve everything that happens. They're the only ones stirring the pot. Fuc@ you idiots. Xtian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu... You are all retarded.",0.9,2,DE 31622,"@JewishDefenseUS @ajc Huffington Post @HuffPost ""reporter"" .@lukeobrien calls anyone he disagrees w/ a Nazi and refers to @ICEgov facilities as concentration camps. This type of behavior diminishes the horrors of the Holocaust. Please contact the editors at the Huff Post.",-0.21,0,original 25290,Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim brothers,-4.2,0,original 39581,Lightskin women lead the league in pregnancies,-1.08,0,original 2917,"Mmm yeah show us how you want your pussy and asshole stretched by big dicks, you fat fucking bitch",1.3,4,FR 30124,Bitches want they dick & want you to leave right after 😂😂,-0.89,0,original 2059,Delay. Do you want to condemn your bastard to be raised by a madwoman and her inevitable cuckold husband?,1.58,7,FR 18102,Dead bitch got the best pussy 💀😋,1.61,7,ZH 4754,Shut up retarded mad capo.,1.3,7,FR 43833,"@Muhammad was a pedophile trailer robber. Sorry I can't hear you about your retarded whiny screename snowflake, you need to speak less idiotically.",0.58,1,DE 45629,"Please deport all Americans back to the United States, you bastards can bring all illegal immigrants back.",1.89,3,ZH 42802,Gays are disgusting :),1.21,5,ZH 40093,You smack his little fag ass around,0.95,5,DE 6283,shut up you fucking mongolian,0.71,7,ZH 18114,"URL ""We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..."" URL ""The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.""",1.63,1,original 45253,16.07.19....Illegal immigrants DO NOT HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR? WRLL HOW MANY ICE AGENTS ARE INJURED? EVERY ICE AGENT INJURED/KILLED SHOULD CAUSE A MAJOR LEGAL ACTION AGAINST SANCTUARY CITIES + MAYORS + POLICE + ANYONE WHO STANDS IN THE WAY AND KEEPING ICE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY/JOB! TRUMP DEPORT ALL THESE WELFARE/ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! BUILD THE WALL + RAISE IT! DEPORT ILLEGAL & CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS! MAKE AMERICA + AMERICANS SAFE AGAIN!,0.78,3,DE 40570,Get the muslims out of your country before it's too late,0.93,2,ZH 6339,"Vox ""male"" employees are little soybeta fucks",1.05,5,DE 11007,You're a fucking idiot. Your parents must have fucking kicked you in the head as a baby to cause that much brain damage.,1.02,7,DE 22036,#AdjustableCup Q9. Who was the most adjustable player when India won its second World's Greatest Cricket Tournament? #VoltasAdjustableInverterAC URL,-3.63,0,original 3852,Guys don't care what a woman's job is. She lies for no fucking reason.,0.86,4,FR 10274,"""Nanking was raped? How awfur! We should find out who did it immediatery!"" -Japan",1.03,1,original 19623,Gas the Jews?,5.09,2,FR 5717,Bruh everyone knows to start in saudi arabia those people go every where,-1.89,0,original 45089,"u cannot do anything but u can report each youtube clip for being ""fake, etc"" ""promoting terrorism etc"" politician asking people to come here, illegaly, like MS -13 and aiding them is pure terrorism, report everything, it doesnt matter cuz youtube is owned by liberal fascists google, but the record of it will stay there forever and the numbers will eventually come out , someday.",-1.08,0,original 40329,"Nigga, you're blogging from a project basement 😂 Gully don't worry about your broke ass. You're a 35+ nigga with wrestling braids, gray hair on your chin and a dusty hat talking about other men. Get a job you pathetic dusty ass nigga. Real niggas don't talk about what they gon' do on YouTube, they do it! You motherfucker nigga",1.34,1,FR 21308,Rappers live more dangerously than street niggers,1.92,1,DE 31364,I can't stand stupid bitches who think they're smart. Just use your fucking holes. That's all you're worth.,2.61,4,FR 29471,where them pretty fags at,1.08,5,original 19440,"I'll be gay, retarded, and use your mother as an insult whenever I want. Nobody cares about your sensibilities unless I've been homophobic. take it how you want",0.54,5,DE 15821,"He is kinda... my mom is korean and she's racist as fuck and she's not the only one.. But to answer the OP, it's a cultural thing. Western society favors individuals and props up those who succeed, where as most Asian cultures are more about taking care of family and their own and their society as a whole.",-1.9,0,original 13935,Lay you back and fuck you hard watch them tits swing,1.54,4,original 8789,And 10 Pakistani street shit eaters,0.91,3,original 29119,"Don't worry...your people will be lynched with your favorite ""Allah ho Akbar"" URL",1.03,2,ZH 7352,"Pussy is short for pusillanimous, meaning weak or cowardly, and has nothing to do with female genitalia.",0.1,0,original 7227,"You worded this very well. In all honesty I've never had issues with racism or anything but away from where I reside (going abroad and stuff), it is difficult to fit in and make connections with people. Hell, it's difficult to even speak to anyone lol.",-4.12,0,original 43825,God is trying to Destroy the white supremacists 😉👍#PraiseHisName,-0.24,0,original 40237,"Thala Dhoni for Life. Thala is a Superhuman. Not an usual Indian like us. Extremely fit both physically and more than mentally. Greatest Indian player after Kapil Dev, Sachin. Thala MS DHONI",-3.1,0,original 17445,"That's quite an extremist view. I will come back with an extremist view. South Korea should strike a deal with Trump and receive less American military support to reduce US costs. In return, they should be given the right to nuclearize the country. Then SK can finish what US couldn't. Erase Japan from the map by atomic bomb. It's already a radioactive cesspool. Should end Japan's miserable downfall and end its misery.",1.9,3,DE 47400,"This woman truly believes that she will achieve something with the presidency. Stupid, lying Jamaican-Americans. STOP PRETENDING to be African American or African American.",0.93,1,DE 49653,Jews run the show and they import brown hordes. The goal is white genocide. The Jews have their own ethno-state of Israel and they are working to turn the whole planet into shit,0.9,2,RU 17223,"Good luck you fucking depraved loser fuck. You're masturbating every day to women who throw up at the sight of you. You are a fucking retarded, loser, nerd who spends all his time masturbating. good job gay",1.63,7,ZH 32288,@realDonaldTrump @netanyahu If Israel re-elects that POS I say fuck all Isreal. Stop sending those Nazi bastards another damn penny of our tax dollars! Let them fight by themselves in the future!,0.66,3,ZH 45848,This fucking lesbian makes me sick,1.61,5,DE 41722,"Gosh, you sound depressed and negative yourself. You sound like a fag who needs to be slapped in the face with a dildo over and over again!",0.55,5,DE 44615,Never seen 3 more useless bitches in my life,1.59,4,original 48711,dirty muslim,2.58,2,ZH 32165,I will disrespect you and cum in your young pussy... URL,1.86,6,ZH 1955,Haisha? Move to japan you fucking fag. Hurr durr im an amine. Yeah fuck off you literal veggie,1.19,3,original 14747,She fucks 5 people a day. She's a pro now.,0.53,4,original 13160,"You damn Cock measurers are always Jerking yourselves stupid on fantasies of cornering & raping women AVFM & MRA & MGTOW & PUA is where all the little knobs hang out together while penis back slapping each other Now, if you want any further replies to anything else you will have to wait, cos I am off to the toilet & I refuse to deal with two shits at the same time!",1.35,4,original 4552,"Well yeah that's kind of the point, things shouldn't be labelled as inherently feminine or masculine but unfortunately the world we live in already has set those labels.",-2.44,0,original 46680,"The president is right. These 4 communist brown rats should be kicked out of America. The founding fathers weren't brown... they were all white, remember?",1.7,1,FR 31947,"If you have to change me because your boyfriend, baby daddy or new guy just don't come Fw Q! 'Cause Ioon likes that shit 🧐",1.25,4,FR 13778,I hate you cause u ugly and gay,0.76,5,original 6354,Yes it is-for Jews at least. There is a potential two year prison sentence. URL,-1.64,0,original 13769,I'm mixed Asian and that's one of my favorite part of the community. They really love their children and want them to succeed at all costs. Asian parents will work their ass off the send their kids to college instill them with good ethics but they aren't always the best at showing or saying love outright. There's many pros and cons to the ways different cultures raise their kids and I just wanted to say no one group is all good or all bad.,-4.29,0,original 41437,you don't want a black dude? fine here's a black women. LOL,-1.44,0,original 40398,I always figured she was biracial because of her last name but she dosent look it at all to me.,-1.81,0,original 19388,great. lets turn america into a third world shithole.,-0.14,0,original 38152,@nypost fucking homophobic bitch is killing our country!,1.58,5,ZH 20076,@reIatived queer,1.03,5,FR 44091,Hey Seth I heard the Iranians want to kill you first LOL,-1.79,0,original 23989,@MailOnline Send him to the Middle East,-0.87,0,original 46444,"Amazing how a country can be successful without the ""strength of diversity"". They're trying to show how great socialism is in a country that isn't socialist.",-1.58,0,original 37336,@mattmua72 Americans must be the dumbest life form on this planet,0.61,3,DE 18616,Fellow Jew here. I've dealt with similar situations and it is always the worst. But to deal with that from your own family? That's disgusting. I'm sorry you went through that OP.,-4.88,0,original 44095,Kayleigh is HOT but dumb as a bag of ROCKS,-0.71,0,original 8374,"No, downloading these videos is the dumbest thing a person can do. fucking autistic",1.32,7,JA 3542,"I bet you don't say that crap on the LAN, bitch",0.57,5,ZH 17646,"That means there are hoes out there, and they're crazy.",0.53,5,FR 3378,"Alright, then about about crusades, anti-vax people or anti-abortion laws What about the cast system or saying that woman aren't has important than man ?",-3.25,0,original 47088,OTHER COUNTRIES ARE SAYING THE SAME ABOUT AN UNPLEASANT KNOWLEDGED CHILD ON EARTH INVADERING SAVINGS FROM THE CAVES OF EUROPE,1.56,1,FR 9263,Pregnant sluts are the best. You can fuck the shot out of them and fill that pussy with cum. But zero chance of getting her pregnant.,-0.42,0,original 31750,"""Women have recently lost the privilege of being alone with men. That's something they honestly don't deserve, and something they'll need to earn again. We don't have the leisure of worrying about their lack of opportunities. Our lives and well being come first.""",-1.14,0,original 40016,AND FUCK THAT BITCH THAT HOE AINT SHIT SHE CROSSED THAT LINE W ME TOO!,3.0,4,original 48348,Go back to your country bitch,0.69,3,original 13228,This just goes to show that America is a dangerous place to be a woman.,-2.62,0,original 46055,fuck you out of your african pussy,2.0,3,ZH 30639,What u gonna tell Jesus when he reads this tweet back to you at the gates of heaven URL,-2.47,0,original 45049,"Liberals sitting around in the dark par for the course. Infrastructure crumbles as homeless, illegals and SJW causes are prioritized. Venezuela El Norte.",-0.88,0,original 48255,"So we get mad when they shoot our drone down but it's okay when we shoot theirs down, lol yeah whatever I'm sick of this just get out of the Middle East for the love of god forget Israel they are their own country it's not our job to hold their hand. Notice a lot of y'all cheering, attacks are nothing to cheer about guys and girls, also I'm a trump supporter so yeah.",-1.92,0,original 6914,"I laugh while I cum all in your loser ass face, You'll bow to me soon enough bitch.",2.55,4,original 45035,"Good job in the United States!!! But not that purple-haired Nazi cat who hates who she represents, she can go fuck herself. Deport his ass somewhere.",1.92,4,FR 26924,@chartdata @AnneMarie Iconic. Outsang the multi-racial girl,-1.31,0,original 42000,Another fake Christian who supported the big-nosed Christ killers cursed the enemies of Jesus. Enjoy the american trumptard from hell.,1.53,2,FR 28168,It may be time for Donald Kushner to start a third world war against Germany. It is the sacred duty of the United States of America to protect the Jews for all eternity from anyone who dares question them. URL,1.6,3,DE 9549,"If you're not a Christian, I'll stab you in the face",2.65,2,DE 29677,"How to say ""stupid dumbass hoe, bitch, slut, con, victim player, enthusiastic voting, billboard amateur, immature, mocking"" in one word? Army",2.06,4,FR 7212,"I'd better not pick up chopsticks on the wrong day. Your loving, forgiving god will have me executed by stoning!! What a stupid religion!! Sorry you got caught in this ancient trash!!",0.86,2,RU 9784,I heard that she had a baboon vagina surgically implanted...,2.22,4,original 43388,the Cuckold growing a spine ?,2.8,4,original 19010,"Just goes to show you how psychotic these girls are in their ""party years."" If you want to be with me, then I don't want to be with you and vice versa lol. Endless amount of mind games and shit tests to gauge whether you are desperate or needy/ have other options. I'm going through something similar with a plate, even though we just met. Can't even continue when the girl is already shit testing and applying dread game to see if I'll chase lol.",-0.41,0,original 13290,Your idea of a ghetto is obviously the street where a black family lives in your shitty little town in Central America. That's racist dog whistle shit. Damn toxic sub.,2.95,1,FR 2294,"I don't give a fuck, go suck cock with tools. Then stop kidding me, you crazy hoe",3.31,7,DE 27066,"Terfs: ""Trans activists think words are literal violence."" And terfs: ""You told me to fuck off. That was a rape threat, you were really violent!""",0.71,5,ZH 31722,Bitch you better praise god or shoot Imma and that's from god I don't play fight with my Lord and Savior I'm at my job if you're not a Christian I'll stab you in the face,1.61,2,RU 7957,"Get the hell out of here, you fagot Normie. Cross the street and not across the road for best effect. Do you even fucking lift my brother?",1.67,5,FR 24964,Happy Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims out there. 💫 #EidulFitar,-4.42,0,original 18828,These bitches needs to be shot and killed. This ''march'' needs to be bombed and blown up.,3.58,4,original 46255,AMERICANS MUST UNITE TO STOP THE ILLEGAL SCUMBAG BORDERS AND UNITE TO GET THESE BLOOD SUCKERS RESOURCES DEPORTED,1.4,3,FR 26294,"@IlhanMN So? Muslims have beheaded, dismembered, bombed suicide sites, shot, kidnapped, invaded, burned alive, thrown off rooftops, mutilated, enslaved others in the name of religion for things like listening to music. Muslims are a bit extreme. Oh, and #taqyya too...",0.81,2,RU 914,"I've generally found that the bi part of the LGBT community tends to have the best sense of humor, but most of the people with a good sense of humor have a reason for having it, and I think you may have summed up that reason right there.",-5.01,0,original 45255,"Sending them street by street, town by town, state by state with the full force of the United States Military, Federal Police, and Immigration Services on a mission to move all illegals, Dreamers, anchor babies, and any distant relatives to Mexico regardless of country of origin. Let Mexico figure it out. They've been sending them here for decades. If that doesn't stop the northward flow. Revoke citizenship of all prison inmates serving life sentences or longer and mass deport them to Mexico. I bet Mexico will start building the wall tomorrow.",1.94,3,ZH 30115,"@DittoPost @realDonaldTrump Because you love white supremacy, especially in your criminal, rapist and illegitimate President. Yeah! we know, you didn't even need to tell us",0.91,1,original 7300,"Kill the dirty American pig, you have. Allah proud of you",1.36,3,ZH 1974,Worthless white trash. Keep him locked up forever. It is clear that he has no use in society other than being a chew toy.,1.81,1,DE 14605,Kill as many Jews and children as possible,1.66,2,ZH 13957,i wanna pump 90 quadrillion loads into that disgusting lookin euro trash HIV asshole...,0.56,5,original 19083,I am pretty sure ur a normie and a retard and ur depresión will never end so now kill your self thanks Honestly Fuck you,2.79,7,original 7085,theocracy bitch,1.23,2,ZH 3873,I hate sub human euro cuck trash,1.49,3,original 49888,"If you want Mexico , move there you stupid fucks. They should all be arrested.",0.88,1,original 27214,@akaOcho__ that was raised by a bitch ass nigga get knocked down like a bitch ass nigga,1.81,1,DE 45958,"God will punish all the ungodly people if you thought you could rob, steal and kill and rape you are highly mistaken an foolish",-1.71,0,original 33826,@JthaTruth5 Nigga is that baby doll on the right?! Fam smh I'm done 🤣,-0.79,0,original 42521,To be honest the whole pride month thing is kind of annoying all I see in the train is guys with no shirts on with their nipples covered in glitter,-1.18,0,original 21022,Jokes on them cos I hate them bitches anyway,1.06,4,original 5915,"WOW! I wish you would ride my hard daddy cock like this, honey!!! I would use your holes every day!!!",1.19,4,FR 18911,Suck my fucking dick man,1.22,4,FR 7262,"Please hide again, your month is up, now it's not okay to be gay",1.62,5,DE 6019,Up your mouth fuck gay assbot,1.35,5,DE 46800,The problem with this movie is the GIRL HEROS. GIRL HEROS are BORING to watch and not realistic because in real life there are no tough girls that can ever beat a man. The main audience for this movie is men. No guy wants to watch a girl PRETEND to be tough when every guy knows it's complete BULLSH&^!!! GIRL ACTION HEROS ARE STUPID!!!!! I WANT TO SEE ARNOLD IN BLACK LEATHER KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES NOT SOME M&M LOOKING GIRL CRAP!! RIPLEY WAS BORING AND WEAK!!,0.67,4,original 30893,"@alongyourpath @KEEMSTAR @Twitch Someone can punch you in your shit-spewing mouth and you'd survive it. Doesn't mean it wasn't assault. Although someone clocking a degenerate like you in the mouth would quite possibly be one of the most aesthetically pleasing things ever witnessed. Don't reproduce, dickhead.",1.88,4,original 32942,Nigga trying to explore into some penis URL,0.34,0,original 4155,">such as because of low iq, they can't even eat properly for fuck sake Nice troll, at least that's what I'm hoping for because no one can be this brain dead.",-0.05,0,original 9347,ImaGinE Talking about AmeRicaN Polititics (on an American site). I assume you are a European. shouldn't you go back to that low-paying job on which you pay 50% tax? or maybe you're one of the filthy NEETs that plague this shitty site,2.73,3,FR 43628,"Execute the rabbi. The man who shot him is no different from Massada hunting down a Nazi sympathizer. Judaism kills Palestinian babies. all synagogues support Israel and preach Zionism, a cult based on hatred and enslavement of non-Jews. He should be treated the same as Mossad assassins and IDF child murderers. If you want to commit murder, rape women and children, spew racist and hate speech and get away with it, convert to Judaism and call yourself an anti-Semite and the courts will make others pay YOU and get applause for it.",1.55,2,RU 18747,"Eat my cock, virgin",0.93,5,DE 28691,My grandparents didn't come over here from Europe to put up with a bunch of immigrants!! #DeepThoughtsFromMAGA,0.78,3,original 38319,"@BenSimmons25 It's clear what happened..don't give them the exposure they desperately want now.I believe you 💯 we all saw what went down.P. S. You+ you're friends looked🔥,your good looks probably intimidated them. URL",-4.81,0,original 6868,"Come to America, you ignorant, dense Canadian asshole. You have never been in a tense situation. Speak big, but your comment history suggests you're a retard who spends your life getting angry online. It's okay little boy, say your bullshit out loud in public once and let's see how tough you are. Prove my comment wrong and post a video showing how badass you are. You toxic, worthless subhuman shit",2.89,3,FR 17361,Sounds good love to tongue fuck your pussy as you suck my cock,-0.96,0,original 43382,"Big u a G, he doesn't declare himself to a madman who lets other men play in his azz. Get out of here you bitch, he's got something to explain about your grown up ass taking pictures with the guy who allegedly raped you, your lying bitch",1.47,5,DE 42909,"Vote for Trump, Allah will flush your dirt into the sea.",0.72,2,DE 34516,Some of you need girlfriends to hold you back. Honestly. You are a threat to society. It's very bad to be single. Very very bad. The whore in you will unleash indescribable evil.,0.54,4,FR 45197,Who else wants to kick that woman in the back - the nod? Fair comment.,0.81,4,FR 49272,If women soccer brings in the same revenue as men's soccer than yes they should be payed the same. Not even close when it comes to world Cup. Just more leftist SJW BS wanting equal pay for less worth.,-0.03,0,original 40652,He's not indian orgin. He is a pakistani,-3.45,0,original 35628,It's niggas out here that's flying bitches out anywhere they wanna go paying all their bills AND giving them money to play with all while she's still getting her own then you have the niggas on here crying about paying for a date 🥴 really 2 different type of niggas in this world,-1.28,0,original 1950,Fuck'em. I bet everyone of those idiots talk about the patriarchy so they can eat a dick.,0.4,0,original 33707,@ikilledjahseh @coochsmooch u are what u eat? guess that's why im a pussy ass bitch,-0.64,0,original 3216,She would enjoy being used so much. Imagine her eyes rolling in her head as two big long cocks drill balls deep into her pussy and asshole while her mouth is used as a fleshlight for other cocks waiting their turn for her holes.,1.26,4,FR 25647,"Lol when straight guys get mad. Suck my ass, farmers",0.88,5,DE 1952,that stupid bitch i'm gonna hit her on the head with a masonry hammer until she passes out and lock her in a grandfather clock and rape her with a pendulum and keep her there until she's starving,3.64,5,FR 44522,This shit played out. Damn fags,1.39,5,DE 23440,You racist bigoted mental case go away and die in a corner URL,0.08,0,original 44907,He's a Jew so I'm sure he'll be protected.,-2.29,0,original 28242,"I'm harder than me tryna park a Dodge When I'm drunk as fuck Right next to a humongous truck in a two-car garage Hopping out with two broken legs Trying to walk it off Fuck you too bitch, call the cops I'mma kill you and them loud-ass motherfucking barking dogs",0.74,4,original 21384,I fuck on yo hoe and then go home to my bitch,1.25,4,original 30793,I hate these bitch ass nigga,1.99,1,DE 35211,Women are trash. URL,1.45,4,original 47207,What an islamophobe. I didn't think she was so bigoted.,-0.92,0,original 7936,"I don't respect any kind of hate filled cult members. Feminists should be put in the same category as KKK members and other supremacy movements. Not a single thing they say is worth shit. It's all very thinly veiled hate or open hate towards men. The best thing men can do, the best thing society can do, is to cast them out and forget they ever existed. Why would people who worship murderers and pedophiles be at all relevant?",0.55,4,original 21937,Url for fagot with hungry ass,1.36,5,DE 41573,"Hey Fakename Bob.. while you're busy yelling like banshee about Sharia law, your hatred of Islam, Muslims,... your government will implement Noahide law... when it is implemented you will and your tribe finishes....muslims make his banshee bob scream until his heart is satisfied...ignore him...",1.07,2,DE 4492,Goats are cool. Go ahead and fuck them. Muhammad said that was cool.,1.06,2,FR 25647,"Lol when straight people go crazy. Suck my ass, peasants",0.88,5,FR 28444,"i hate a ""ion suck dick "" ass female . girl if you don't put that shit in ya mouth 🙄🙄",-1.08,0,original 37688,"@Shumail33267230 @Chishmish16 @LoverBilawal @RehamKhan1 You crying for Kashmiris but happy over Afghans death, perhaps Afghans r less of a Muslims than Kashmiris? One Kashmiri dies and your crying all over the internet but everyday dozens of Afghans dies at the hands of Pakistan sponsored terrorists but you hypocrites r silent",-0.23,0,original 34826,@MittRomney Eat shit you cuck,1.07,4,original 16592,"You should stop breeding you low IQ idiot. Also stop using phrases you don't understand the meaning of, it just reveals your IQ of 68.",1.81,2,RU 26553,The nigga they date with The side nigga The thug nigga they fuck for rent The thug nigga they fuck to do their dirty work The brother nigga The cousin but really a fuck buddy nigga you fuck at least 3 from the list,1.1,1,DE 35884,these are all of our prettiest lawmakers. Bigots are never just hateful but also always deeply jealous and insecure,-4.92,0,original 47468,"Omar is a terrorist, back to the cesspit she came from",2.02,3,ZH 5024,Sounds good bro 😂 maybe if you spent less time playing World of Warcraft you could actually get a woman to take a look at your baby. fucking nerd,0.79,4,FR 32090,I never knew how popular or influential being gay was.,-2.29,0,original 31221,"As an American Muslim, I think we should pack up and leave and go liberate Hejaz from the iron grip of Saudi Wahhabi tyranny and then live in our Caliphate and show the world how an Islamic economy, Islamic legal system, and Islamic political system works. URL",-2.43,0,original 34965,"god really looked at me and said ""lemme give this girl an ass""",-0.92,0,original 15202,"Damn that's sad as fuck, those kids should have killed you instead you child murdering imperialist trash :/",1.15,3,original 49133,"AMERICA the land of many psychopaths but the main one is constantly advertised - sorry to say but some women have to keep their mouths constantly shut - Aoc the Muslim terrorist god Omar 😄😄😄 (oh my god)😄😄 😄 , FEMINISTS, sjw & antifa 🙊🙊",1.01,4,FR 1812,"Did you prostitute yourself for attention? Hurry back to fem""""cels"""" going around in circles, saying not getting the attention of top men, leaving the truly lonely ones alone.",2.57,5,ZH 9589,"You guys are such bitches. You guys probably laughed and clapped your hands while X was talking horrible nonsense in his lyrics and telling people on the internet that he was going to rape their underage sisters, but is that too far? Shut up calling me a moron.",0.63,7,RU 17260,Imagine being the parents of this degenerate,0.51,2,FR 25790,@odysseuslahori @IqShoaib Hang till death all religious pimps !!,2.43,2,original 33088,"N/n @saket71 bhaiya hope this string clarifies that ""Darius-I"" also talks of Hindus apart from Aryan (perceived by many as Aryan was always considered race by those who deciphered it).",-3.47,0,original 10383,"I would have beaten that skinhead virgin in the mud, but that's just me.",0.73,1,FR 6102,I would call this guy a faggot but thats an insult to all bundles of sticks everywhere,1.65,5,original 47522,I can hit you're bitch but u never can hit mine nigga ⚠️,0.61,1,original 13657,are you going to bed? at this time? You are a fag!,0.72,5,ZH 7499,Should be pinned down and raped by real men you slutty girl,1.84,4,original 5254,"Look at this nasty lil thot, mmmmm so thicc and juicy, nasty ass, freaky ass ho",-0.58,0,original 37247,"@thecableng @PoliceNG @MBuhari @ProfOsinbajo @NGRSenate @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @IvankaTrump @VP @UN @_AfricanUnion @KremlinRussia_E @UKParliament @UKinNigeria @USEmbassyAbuja @theresa_may @IsraeliPM @HassanRouhani @ChinaDaily @XHNews @cnnbrk @BB @CBEU_Vien @CBEU_Vien @HQNigerianArmy HMMMMM!!!! U PEOPLE ARE FUNNY HUMAN BEINGS O... SO AFTER GOD CREATED THE WORLD AND SAW ALL WELL, YOU PEOPLE HAD THE MINUTE TO REMOVE #BIGHTOFBIAFRA FROM THE MAP AND SELL YOUR CONBROTHERS & SISTERS AS SLAVES AND STILL KILL THEM PROTEST @BorisJohnson @MBuhari @UN URL",0.8,1,DE 16267,You're a fucking fagot and you're basically a waste of oxygen. You deserve to be executed and your best bet is a community college (although they would probably reject you as well).,2.53,5,FR 22455,"@Ilhan Oh oh.. Somebody did something.. Really @Ilhan what we REALLY need to do is separate you from Congress and send your fraudulent a$$ packing back to Mogadishu, Somalai. There you can organize CAIR with your Hamas Brotherhood. Minnesota is on to you. Minnesota VOTE RED IN 2020.",-0.54,0,original 44618,WHITE PEOPLE ARE JUST UGLY 😂,-0.14,0,original 29359,"@terracotta05 Ms. Rapinoe, you should be excluded for making vulgar statements unfit for adult consumption and abusing our children. When I pity you, I have to pray for your eternal life, spend it with God in Jesus name.. Amen",0.85,2,ZH 28781,We can never forget that the fight for trans lives is global. #RestInPower #SantiagoCarvajal URL,-5.36,0,original 28272,@ddivinity2 Eat And Fuck Tha Shit Out Of Your Chocolate Pussy,-0.92,0,original 1537,y'all qaeda should be dumped in guantanamo if that's what your gov't does to burn homies,0.68,2,FR 17804,Why are you so behind?,0.88,7,JA 29008,Happiness Watching These Overconfident Indian Supporter Silent😍😅 URL,-0.62,0,original 6480,"Worst of all, they sacrificed virgins. If they were to sacrifice someone, they should have chosen ugly old witches instead.",0.9,6,RU 43896,"We just need to pull an Afghanistan on those cocksuckers, only this time, make em the next star on our flag...Kill any piece of shit that has anything to do with the cartels for ANY reason regardless, and start the fuck over....That worthless goddamned piece of shit country deserves to be wiped off the map....",3.4,3,original 48936,"Why is it these Asian people are so stupid to overload their trucks and just invite tragedy ffs, dumb cunts you are.",1.11,1,original 18880,Wipe the top half of all bigots,2.74,1,DE 24571,@lisastayshard I would love 2 use your cum & beat my dick with it as lube & when i cum i'll swallow my own nutt & then wipe your cum from my dick into my then then into my mouth i love drinking dead children,1.08,5,original 25555,"@ph_terry @IlhanMN @janschakowsky She is a worthless POS, lowest form of human life",1.25,4,original 44158,"Lol all the white guys couldn't last 4 hours of spelling right. They lost because they suck, even though their parents set them up with meth/adderall. White people are weak and stupid and always will be",0.81,1,DE 48219,The males are triggered! Well done humans! You have just ended the male pigs.,1.11,4,FR 40772,Weak argument for abortion. But it is a good argument for a border wall.... drugs coming over the border... addicted parents... neglected kids. Also human trafficking. Women and children are shipped over the border and wind up in brothels or sold to perverts. Are you for the wall?,0.31,0,original 692,Another proof that the Israelis are the scum of the earth.,1.14,3,DE 27525,@yakerriah @NomNomNyandu Fuck you you disgusting dung eating African. We fucking wash. Talk like this to my face you backwards cunt. Fuck you. Get the fuck out of Europe,2.36,1,original 4092,I'm so lucky to live in a city where the street food is AMAZING. This is from the Chinese food stall and it's so good. 10/10 every time,-6.86,0,original 41305,"Even a fresh faced immigrant knows that ""not innocent"" and ""guilty"" are two different things.",-2.19,0,original 47008,"+San Daz no, nuke the refugees too.",2.39,3,FR 42262,The last guy's hair look like black ramen 😭😭,-0.26,0,original 6810,Where are you located? I'm assuming Saudi or UAE?? Honestly they are such horrible countries to live life in. As a Muslim turned atheist I gotta say please gtfo of there. Personally I don't really have any hatred for Islam but that could be due to the fact I live in the UK and most Muslims I know aren't *that* serious. Your situation is fucked and your opinion is totally justified. It's good to have some reassurance every once in a while.,-3.11,0,original 6255,Indeed. We are being invaded at unprecedented levels. Tens of thousands a day. We need to get the wall and we need to treat this invasion like what it is. Send in the military and force deport them all.,-0.15,0,original 23943,It's YOIR GODDAMN FUCKING RICH JEWISH FAGOTS who will long perish and in heaven while I burn you some more worthless fucking shit,1.55,1,FR 17849,"*US invades Mexico.* ""Hey wtf why are all these Mexicans here?""",-1.2,0,original 32467,Katch a pussy nigga shoot his ass at the stop🤫,1.52,1,original 47746,"Feminists should be fine when the next real-world barbarian horde comes to power. Good luck ladies! You are going to need it. ""Make me a sandwich!...MAKE ME A FUCK SANDWICH!!!""",0.74,4,FR 20706,Hoes Always Swear They Nigga Dont Want You But When You Pull Out Them Recipes That Shit Hit Different🥰,0.53,4,original 11067,that slender sluggishness that makes this shit,1.49,7,ZH 40126,"+Bill Christian You mean the little idiots who can't read, write or spell? Those people who graduated high school year after year without knowing the difference between the words ""Then"" and ""Than"" and how to use them correctly? Same small, common core, liberally educated whiner? stuffed bitch!",0.98,6,ZH 20258,"@BBGAfrica Whoever writes this article has obviously never been to the US. Who's gonna defend you when you get @Jack-ed? This is the United States, this is a real carjacking nigga, no one tryna defend you while we jerk you off, are they suicidal nigga? URLs",1.15,1,FR 47972,"She's not Gypsy, she's Aromanian / Vlach",-3.29,0,original 34017,"Don't do injustice to them. They hav also right to freedom from this Triple Talaq. Only for dirty politics INC opposed it. It's banned in Islamic states, why not in India? It's 21st century plz give them Gender Justice. #TripleTalaqBill URL",-5.18,0,original 7739,We know you're going to shake today you don't have to say it every time fag,1.76,5,FR 9981,I LOVE Asian women,-7.63,0,original 26823,"@BawdenSnoek Because Islam forbids abortion, which in turn will flood the world with Islam! He's helping them raise us rebellious bastards!",0.78,2,ZH 30554,"Bitches sneaky try to get your nigga attention... I'll kill us all, bitch",1.66,5,DE 23326,Bro... Catholics are the fucking worst smh URL,-0.08,0,original 14753,Epic is a band of Mongoloids,1.23,1,FR 5485,"If I convert, I'd be executed.",-2.1,0,original 1537,y'all qaeda should be dumped in guantanamo if that's what your govt does to brown peeps,0.68,2,original 33656,@lsarsour I'm an American and you are a lousy #Terrorist trying and failing miserably to advance your #muslim HATE rhetoric.,0.55,2,original 30432,"and in that moment, I swear I was gays",-2.16,0,original 5821,"Before I came out to him, my best friend would frequently say things like ""I could never have a gay best friend."" Then I came out to him and he was like ""Yeah, I kinda figured."" That hurt. Luckily he's a lot better about it now. Definitely my number one supporter/defender/ally.",-3.9,0,original 4376,Racist assholes like this should be killed no matter who they are or what race they are. You don't like this hard truth? Screw you. Same with the little spineless pussy mods that will forbid me to speak it.,1.8,1,FR 48047,Get ready pakistan for more surgical strikes.,-1.3,0,original 17909,Damn Weaboos.,1.24,1,DE 38967,@boy_isaac20 My boy with the black af1 deadass was talking about robbing someone in the parking lot lmaooo next level mentality,2.29,1,FR 32107,Females insulting you are about 1/4 the potency of a man insulting you. It just doesn't matter. We are in different categories. It's like insulting a bird or the soil. What does that mean?,-0.56,0,original 50067,"Take to the streets of America and our kids and vets and build the wall, use your brain, you b...",0.74,3,DE 25179,Good #integration policy starts with taking stock of the skills that migrants have. Here are lessons and good practices from OECD countries on how to do so: URL,-5.41,0,original 49581,"Trump should go back to Europe and sort of the shit that's going on there like the war between Ukraine and Russia and Brexit mess and constant protest in France. He should leave the leading of the US to the Zionist Jews... oh wait he has, they all have.",0.14,0,original 33593,"No, we ABSOLUTELY need to police male femininity because if we don't, I approach this guy assuming he's obviously a f@g, I waste four days flirting with him just to find out that he is a straight extremist christian and he hates gays, trans people and abortion🤧🤧 URL",0.85,2,FR 22279,@JRubinBlogger This lawless chaos claims thousands of innocent lives across the US every year. It must end NOW! BUILD THE WALL... STOP THE USA INVASION. WE HAVE ENOUGH 3RD WORLD RATS HERE ALREADY. WE NEED THE USA BACK AS BEFORE. THESE ARE MURDERERS COMING TO DESTROY AMERICA.,1.38,1,DE 5351,That's why I hate white people,1.02,1,DE 48111,"Stop being so lenient on border patrol, we pay you to keep those bastards out of America if you have to shoot them with rubber bullets",2.18,3,ZH 554,Go suck Gods fake dick fucking gullible loser,0.33,0,original 12467,These loser infant virgins,0.68,5,FR 43424,na7 mother fucka I aint white so you can shut up ratsit bitch,-1.18,0,original 29637,@shmoodxo *rape her up,1.59,4,original 7026,"I'm pretty strongly Lutheran, my wife is nominally Christian. We make it work.",-3.41,0,original 26778,"Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad ""My message to the world is to look at tomorrow, and not just today"" #StopWW3",-3.76,0,original 23122,This nigga reaching like a mug,-1.36,0,original 14337,I probably executed the little fag on the spot.,2.75,5,DE 47835,"Yes, get them out of here. America's street already have enough thieves and flakka addicts. We don't wish to be trashed as Europe has been trashed. The Commiecrats detest a merit-based immigration plan because educated immigrants would vote Republican.",0.93,3,original 38730,"Mess with the bull you get the fucking horns, asshole, bitch, fucking cunt, whore bag. Bring on the war cause I'm not backing down for no fucking puto. 😈",1.79,5,original 17558,"You fucking ass fuck face, go kill your self nigger",2.23,1,DE 10891,Be truthful atleast... you feel bad about my life cos I am not manufacturing bombs in my basement and blowing up every thing that comes in my way. Back to the madrassa you go,-0.63,0,original 38283,"@cryscr0ss More like ""Hi, I want to report a bug"", these niggers are nigger url",1.68,1,DE 37340,gag! url,3.57,5,ZH 12881,"Oh look, a 12-year-old who still tries to use ""gay"" as an insult😂",-1.34,0,original 17494,"What you are? Gay retard huh gay retard u/NuttyNutsauce posts Instagram worthy memes, heap of fish shit",2.33,5,FR 34425,"Bullock: Sure, I might nuke somebody",2.02,3,original 28543,@lorraineSW1 @MailOnline Even the death penalty isn't enough for that Islamic ISIS bastard,1.28,2,RU 46065,"We in Israel sympathize with you... It's sad to see such stupid people who pray for a dry Jewish mummy who died 2000 years ago and think that she will wake up... If this is your God, you are really unhappy.. Your God is dead, expiring blood and cries on the cross, like a hysterical 5-year-old girl.. He called for help... He could not help himself.. So, he will help you? If I were you, I would feel sorry for myself.",1.05,2,RU 47215,All these dinosaurs should be fed to the starving children of Yemen. They want jobs for life while our young men are sent to fight the Jewish wars.,0.57,2,FR 32674,@DaleksGamertag Even better chance you'll be a lifelong virgin now you tailless moron.,2.64,7,DE 40131,Fuck you queers you ain't coming to my city cuz we hate you people will fucking kill you and sleep good at night,3.74,5,original 47362,"Max, STFU. Have some fucken respect for this legend M.E.J. he's a grown man n can do what ever he likes. Don't have to tell anyone shit including crybaby James. Maybe just his family n that's it. STFU max trying to start shit. N max do u really talk like this like a douche in real life. Fuckin white trash, white 😈, eat ur majo max n stay in ur lane. Put some RESPEK on Magic's name bitch.",0.73,1,original 4797,"I insert my mighty cock into your mother's asshole for full penis penetration. Then I absolutely destroy your mother's asshole, to the point that her butt tears into two separate pieces.",1.25,4,FR 34225,LADIES BE CAREFUL WITH HANGING OUT WITH YA HOE FRIENDS... YOU GONNA GET PUT IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU GOTTA SUCK 3 DICKS JUST TO GET HOME,0.7,4,original 39741,The shit i withness y'all hoes would die for 😌,-0.48,0,original 43469,Stop immigration to the United States. They bring sickness and infirmity to our country. They bring in sex trafficking and drugs. People don't want that anymore. stop immigration. The Illuminati cult is bringing down our country. For their Agenda 21,1.0,3,DE 21286,Fuck him how you fuck and please him and let his fuck cunt hurt and fuck good and fuck beg for the dirty fuck good balls deep fuck and discharge (Part 1) 👍 URL,1.85,5,DE 8646,fucking latecomer,2.2,7,JA 1132,"Yeah, she's so brave not having any kids.",-2.68,0,original 48632,"OK . If you're not in legally, then you don't belong here. go out",1.64,3,ZH 46646,Esau is a pedophile its there HISTORY,-0.96,0,original 48139,"Trumps are going back to Germany, taking your mail order bride with them and your Ancor kids",0.95,3,DE 23139,@ThomasJTobin1 So these are catholic pedophiles you vile piece of shit FO and burn in hell!!!,1.33,2,DE 48163,"Fuck the President of Mexico! How do you allow illegal immigration to run rampant in your country? He is a criminal! I've got my gun, let's get started!",1.44,3,ZH 41618,"Richard don't be an asshole. Hey, you know what, those crazy geek liberals are actually teaching kids as young as five years old how to have gay sex. Why don't you stop commenting on social media and help do something to fight the filth spreading in our country. Same sex marriage is what sodomites want, now those perverts want little kids to participate in their wicked filth.",1.67,5,ZH 15287,"Yess especially when you don't feel welcome in your own community. I identify as gay but I've been with men before so sometimes I honestly worry that I'll meet someone I really like but who doesn't accept me, and that thought is upsetting.",-3.08,0,original 12914,"Absolute animals, keep your cult in your strange little pedophile palaces and in your homes, you Neanderthals.",1.78,1,FR 34280,"Hey @AOC, Israeli's can't be white supremacists, they are the same heritage as all the middle eastern countries you flaming liberals raged about when @realDonaldTrump wanted to ban countries terrorist countries from entry! R U a flaming racist NOW? Hypocrite!",0.14,0,original 7805,I'd deep throat your thick dick until you bust a nut in my mouth.,-5.23,0,original 46501,"Who is she praying to?! As she prays, she might want to ask who she's talking to what she thinks about her promotion of baby-killing-on-demand.",1.0,2,FR 37630,Random: Women control the market... If it wasn't for this bullshit patriarchy women would be swimming in money cause they would be dominating commerce.,-4.21,0,original 39807,@mconway10 She deserves to go to hell the disgusting bitch!!,1.39,4,FR 46368,The Iranians area funny people... you overthrow their democracy and install a dictator to steal their oil wealth for some 30 years.... you aid Saddam with WMD and military intel to better use those chemical weapons against Iranian soldiers.... heck you even shot down one of their civilian airliners killing 300 men/women and children and for some strange reason they want to protect themselves from the parasitic Imperialists whom on a pack of lies just invaded destroyed the country beside them... such an odd and funny culture.,-0.29,0,original 22251,@Anon1KENYA Depending on who elected them or legitimacy issues that may require prayers for themselves NOT for citizens of Kenya. We pray for ourselves !!,-1.29,0,original 26382,they're all coming to America to kill you rape you steal from you take over the country and turn it into the scumbag shitholecountry they came from,1.46,3,original 17442,Less porn and more whore houses. That should sort out their incel gunmen.,-0.32,0,original 47301,"I guess the world today has learned how to speak in the comments section, whereas we didn't in the 70's yesterday! Go to Israel! Nuke Iran! ! ! Fuck it fast! ...Jews...",0.61,3,ZH 32542,you took berlin away from us and if you let nairobi die we will march at dawn the gang is nothing without them #lacasadepapel URL,0.88,3,DE 10997,I bet she wants me to look like five guys that fat fuck.,0.21,0,original 41297,"lol I bet the goddamn jews and americans are going to be pissed off now that the world knows they're full of shit and they love to start wars and lose them because they're too exhausted to finish them, russia, us Love China, we love future great powers, Turkey, Europe, it's fucking real",1.41,3,ZH 33812,Stop letting niggas who don't drink water or eat fruits and vegetables bust in you. Niggas with dirty fingernails touch you.,0.08,0,original 42374,IRAN IDEA IS BLOWING UP THE PLANET. THEY HATE EVERYONE AROUND THEM LIKE AFRICAN CANNIBALS. WITH THIS HATE YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO HONOR YOUR GOD ALLAYH TO DO EVIL. YOU GOD DON'T BELIEVE IN THIS. EVIL IS AT WORK AND WILL BE STOPPED!,0.75,3,DE 25110,@ScottMorrisonMP Ban all religion and Australia and the World would be a happier place! Secondly I do not support sending sheep and cattle by Live Export to these countries just so they can slit their throats inhumanely! Time to call for these countries to ban inverted slaughter boxes. #auspol,-1.17,0,original 8105,"thats literal black supremacist rethoric, saying its ok to be racist against whites even the poor ones,its unbelivable how racists like you ush those metal gymnastics blacks who are the most privilaged group in usa dont enter as much because they are not good enough and blame all their faliures on evil white people as they have a victim mentality",-0.59,0,original 45499,This mason boy is gay,1.21,5,DE 25448,"Just listen to RT TV, all other news outlets are pro-war wankers, racially biased, cock-sucking, inhumane cowards just like the filth that murders and abuses unarmed citizens on a daily basis. FUCK ISRAEL, MURDERING DIRT, FUCK ISRAEL, THIEVING DIRT, FUCK ISRAEL, LAYING LID",1.08,3,DE 49618,dont be fooled. they are covering it up with mental illness because they are afraid of the truth which is racism. point blank. what they are trying to avoid is the reactons of the rap community about this murder.,-0.68,0,original 44992,Evict #BeBitch #deportmelania evict the #BeBitch 1st Ho and defeat the anchor babies!,1.59,4,FR 46069,Pauli and Shaub are both fags,1.64,5,FR 36200,"@trit0ps I agree that a man wouldn't get the same, however I also think it's the case that a man wouldn't have achieved the level of fame she has by doing what she has done, her career depends entirely on staying relevant, so being talked about is better than not, negative or not",-3.55,0,original 33406,"Are you going to be a kid like that? Wow, this stupid URL, you should blow your damn head off you disgusting bastard",2.42,6,ZH 20158,"@angelvbabyyy shut the fuck up dont nobody give a single fuck or feel bad for you, pussy ass bitches dont know what a @ is",1.3,4,original 47074,🧬🧬🧬 *IM SMARTER THAN SSSNIPERWOLF.I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT RACE AND COLOR SCIENCE. SSSNIPERWOLF WANTS SWEDES TO FREEZE AND BLACKS TO BURN. My videos are the only TRUTH ABOUT RACE WHITE AND BLACK. IM WHITE AND I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE* HI SNIPERWOLF I LIVE IN GLENDALE TOO,-1.55,0,original 18384,"Wow, just wow, I can't believe how transphobic this is. I cut my cock and balls off and I have lower Q angle so your science is racist and hateful!",0.48,0,original 49274,Gays can't go to heaven,0.51,5,ZH 30039,"@Bbaron33 @theteelady @mla28 No, I had not. Will check out this new sellout. AOC already disavowed her Indigenous ""Black Carib"" ancestry, so her Anglo-Latino agenda can #HYON.",-1.19,0,original 9917,gas the jews,2.87,2,ZH 42937,"@Jeremías S , This is what's happening; You represent the mind set of all Un-American Conservative Trump supporters. Stop dividing our great Country with your conservative hate, bigotry and Racism. Leave, go someplace else. Conservatives like you enjoy seeing Black' men murdered. The Officer murdered an unarmed man and got away with it. Pretty simple, not much to analyze.",-1.22,0,original 43437,"RedoranGuard's-SkyrimBattles Dude, you're the definition of cringe, niggas like you are boring using 4chan's formats on YouTube. No one wants your kind here to get fucked up and go back to reddit or 4chan.",1.56,1,FR 9851,Wow you're such a fragile nigga,1.41,1,FR 47284,fuck iran they aint shit,-0.53,0,original 25176,My thoughts are with the Sudanese people Wallahi. The military literally slaughtered its civilians en masses and there's even reports that they dumped bodies into the river to mess with the count of how many blameless lives they took two days ago. Unbelievable. Allah is watching.,-3.0,0,original 23658,"y'all give men too much power, embarrassing",-1.98,0,original 39939,Hehe it's so easy to trick you horny fuck boys! Hehe I hope you enjoy the rest of your life stuck in a box! Being forced to suck big sweaty girl dick every single day! Hehe oh who am I kidding? I know you will! URL,0.04,0,original 41592,Couldn't even get to ten minutes what a beta male,-0.84,0,original 405,"MemeriTV: ""The United States is a dirty whore of Israel!""",2.08,3,FR 45408,We should go gay,0.63,5,DE 19707,"Honestly if you get a good therapist it will backfire on him easily. Hopefully whomever you see is open to the Lgbt+ community and you two can figure out what to tell your dad. If they aren't than it's going to be a rough hour. Good luck, stay strong.",-4.36,0,original 17452,shut the fuck up you dumb cunt once again your stupid feminist cock sucking bullshit doesnt work on me whore dont cover up your slutty ass decisions because u are a used up thot no self respecting man would ever be with,1.1,4,original 45360,"@Little Riceboy, he's a retarded bogan, American lapdog, poor criminal offspring, Australia is a backward third world country",1.11,3,FR 43712,Who caught the dirty snowflake girl with the white trash giving a speech in front of City Hall? Great role model,1.55,1,DE 45592,It seems to me that American evangelical Christians sold their souls to the devil there and worship the Antichrist... Literally.,1.7,2,RU 20672,"""My daddy from there so I bang the hood"" face ass niggaSS",-0.31,0,original 22435,I hope she had an abortion.,0.53,4,FR 38379,"@Nikhil_Dwivedi brothers, they are anti-Hindu, anti-nationalist and boot lickers. For money, they will do anything. It is becoming a trend now to be anti-Hindu and be famous. This disgusting person should be kicked out of this beautiful country.",0.82,3,ZH 40783,Stupid whores,0.66,4,FR 910,"“Please stop oppressing me,” I say to the Palestinian child strapped to the front of my APC.",1.22,3,FR 48703,"Just what the fuck do people want when the fuckin USA is riddled with guns, you are a stupid race of fuckin idiots",0.96,3,original 38877,Y'all are OFFLINE just in case you figured it out. You all like stupid bitches and I like teaching bitches lessons 🤪🙌🏾🤧 #Monie,1.17,4,FR 35768,"Over 4 lakh stories of inclusion have flown in from across the country, supporting & promoting Kotak 811's journey of inclusivity. The #TravellingBenchOfUnity received enormous support from everyone. Click here to read the inclusion stories: URL #IndiaInvited URL",-6.32,0,original 37841,What a stupid fucking cunt,1.05,4,original 39723,@nazmaaman Those who have lived hating kashmiri are suddenly ready to marry kashmiri girls - mam they are progeny idiots.,-0.42,0,original 42335,Terrorists in this region come from Pakistan. Point head is the correct term fool,1.2,1,DE 34595,"@Rydizzy16 @HunterrJoness @MahomeSZN Your mom is a piece of shit, just like you suck flesh rockets. Damn boy.",2.48,4,FR 35433,that Emasculate boom @DORIANELECTRA URL,-1.29,0,original 10286,Go back to your third world shithole bitch,1.73,3,DE 11846,Logical next step after fucking and cumming all over those beautiful tits.,-0.57,0,original 47217,"You killed God's son Jesus, you will kill us all if you get the chance, Zionist.",0.51,2,RU 37965,The barbarians produced by Islam raped Girija Tikka and then cut her body into pieces and threw it on the road. So they deserve divine punishment for committing heinous crimes like Hindu genocide.,1.74,2,RU 16643,"TIL only the left medicates their kids. Also, incel as a pejorative isn't about not getting laid, it's about being a antisocial joke of a person.",-0.97,0,original 1736,I think I'd rather punch myself in the dick. You're all filters anyway. Fucking thots.,0.38,0,original 42337,Get out of my country and take your other children.,1.87,3,ZH 28199,Bitches got the worst game when they tryna holla at you.,-1.21,0,original 36055,@RonWyden You are a traitor to America! You and the rest of the Dem's with your open boarders and helping illegals instead of Americans. Your muslin are going to end up chopping your heads off. God have mercy on your soul!!,0.99,3,original 12262,kill yourself you inbred waste of sperm,1.61,4,original 39060,This is banter for young edgy white boys,-2.02,0,original 10328,Hide the shekels,0.0,0,original 40393,"AmeriKKKa is a 4th world country. They are lawless pigs who kill in the streets with impunity, bought and racist judges, while the AG breaks the laws to protect a racist president who worked with Russia to get elected.",1.7,3,FR 45508,P.S. MEXICO WILL HELP BUILD THAT WALL JUNE 10TH SUCK ON THAT,-2.67,0,original 41441,round up these foreign invaders from mexico and send them back,1.11,3,ZH 35838,@WalshFreedom yeah get your gay loser,1.02,5,DE 22947,a bisexual king with a superior look URL,-3.18,0,original 26426,"""I hate white people. Kill their children, animals, their wives and everything they have. Kill them.” #hatespeech #countryduty #rootoutracism URL",2.81,1,DE 23044,will be late. My God these people who are ducking late. Maybe your girl will lose interest in your fat idiot. Because these people are shit.I will not abuse her or disrespect her.,1.76,7,JA 22626,@marthamaccallum think about you on a bed naked brown strip on top of your pussy that I could run my tongue down it .to get to your pussy to lick it,0.88,4,original 16642,"Look, the truth is, I don't care about your queer opinion of anything, I just insult you because you're wrong and you're stupid.",1.81,4,FR 9292,">But in the next generations, this will no longer be the case - young children are now being taught that they can choose if they want to be a boy or a girl or a non-binary theybie or whatever they want to be. They are being taught that anyone can be a man or a woman. It is now a self-declared label. And it is becoming utterly meaningless. Women are impregnating men, and men are giving birth. Female children will no longer be taught that they will grow up to be women. I can't wait! It sounds amazing!",-0.79,0,original 4471,How about a good rough fuck? With my hard cock filling all of your holes nicely. I'll make you some creampies. 😏💦😘,-2.11,0,original 22484,West Bengal: 10 people have been arrested for chanting '#JaiShriRam' URL,-2.01,0,original 38892,"I can't stress this enough, a #sissy should lock up her useless #clitty in #chastity. Sissies can only cum in their cage when fucked in their #boipussy #sissyslut #sissyslave #sissification #feminization #sissytraing #crossdressing #cumslut #sissified #sissygasm #sissyboy",0.93,4,FR 44187,"Send them to the front want equality, you get equality. But I'm sure they'll get a cush desk job. Same as the tranny army. I'm sure the Russians, Iranians, North Koreans are shaking in their boots. Or laughing at us.",0.91,4,original 44732,They should have executed the pile a trash rapes and kills women and sends drugs into America no trial just a bullet in the head,2.14,4,original 47757,Lol not a single black person on your list. Racist whites always making themselves the smartest.,-0.63,0,original 48734,"2 1 Thessalonians 1:8 Take revenge in a blazing 🔥 fire on those who do not know God, those who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.",0.63,2,ZH 22398,"Just a Kind Reminder. 😁 If you don't respect my girls I WILL OWN your link cock, your doughy ass, the cum stain of an apology for a life before EVERYONE twitter and OWN your ass. Then I'll get my girls to retweet your destruction over their fans.👹",0.61,5,DE 36850,"fuck your white terrorism, fuck your bullshit ""message"", fuck your stupid fucking flag, you're fighting a war that doesn't exist you fucking loser",0.02,0,original 25535,Bitches have a baby and act like they never ate pussy b4 😂😂 carpet muncher,0.5,0,original 24958,@DAYSTRUCTlON It's because she's white and the people who are casuals saw a made up version created by CBS. They should have exposed them like bb15. If they cast white people they need to do a better job screening them. That shit isnt disgusting and shouldnt be accepted.,0.01,0,original 31919,"@AOC No AOC you are the racist! Stop trying to hide it we see it! If u weren't u would complain about white conservatives being attacked by antifa, liberals, etc. u would say u would not hide behind u being female and Hispanic. But u don't! You lady r full of hate and lies! We see!",-0.95,0,original 5740,I'm a Muslim and I just want to say peace and blessings to all may good fortune come your way regardless what religion you are x,-4.34,0,original 11938,"Pretty soon the USA will be overrun by gangs, shitbags like the cunt in this story, junkies, and just plain assholes.",1.75,3,original 2031,this is why we need to purge the whiteys,2.46,1,original 8648,Lmao war with black people doesn't count,1.25,1,original 13619,"Boy you are probably 12 years old or younger, and if not, your mental age is. This is r/teenagers not r/igotothekindergarten. Stop with things like this, or you will probably be a virgin for ever",-0.49,0,original 34137,I'm sure your bitch is late 🤐,0.79,7,JA 11975,"Good. Hope you do that soon, you piece of shit. Nobody loves you and you're not going anywhere with your crappy wages. You are a useless fag and you deserve a slow, painful, lonely death.",3.74,5,DE 8830,Why is there destination charging at all handicapped spots? seems weird...,-1.82,0,original 25356,@og1776 @kirwin58 US law says we can execute people who execute people for being gay. Religion of peace my ass. And liberals want to let more of these animals into our country. Stupid whores!,2.65,2,FR 19828,va te faire foutre bitc im actuly kill u pussy fuck pisse merde claque clap caca bouche bitc kill bitch pussy cock bitch,3.73,4,FR 8454,I would deport them all to a feminist shithole in Sweden.,0.9,3,FR 13333,If shutting is gay that makes me dick-sucker,-2.97,0,original 25735,Dumb broad. There is no way around validating her statement because everything she's speaking in incoherent babble & it's women like this that loooove to breed like rabbits,0.6,4,original 13872,The American South is a place I don't even recognize anymore. What the hell is happening down there. It is full blown idiocracy.,0.89,3,DE 48572,Fuck you son of a bitch and birth of a filthy religion,1.14,2,original 12017,"Im chinese but have really dark skin due to my parent's genes,and I agree,my country's(singapore) people are all friends with different races and religions.",-5.35,0,original 3272,She's so ugly even rapist wouldn't rape her,1.72,4,original 19685,You're also a complete faggot for participating in the Chapo subreddit. You and your shitty political humor can get dunked on you fucking bozo,0.47,0,original 27190,i really don't understand females..,-1.42,0,original 4619,"No, he just sells weapons to Saudi Arabia to help them kill children and destroy cities more efficiently xDDD",1.0,3,FR 16204,"URL URL URL URL URL URL URL Here are a few focusing on Lux, many from the last month... There are comments in these posts saying it looks dirty, trashy, neglected (this one is most used against Lux from what I see and not coincidentally a major issue for POC in general - their natural hair being referred to as slovenly), comparing him to a pimp, to Mowgli from The Jungle Book, and more. If you look up his name on this sub and read it, you'll see even more. Even many comments that were racist enough to remove were removed when they had more than 10 upvotes.",1.17,1,FR 42015,These 4 women have the most penetrating faces. Especially Muslim bitch Rashed,1.91,2,RU 40539,Deport them. They better be afraid.,0.98,3,original 48924,Man this woman came hear as AN ILLEGAL IMMAGRANT.. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME...SOC HATES AMERICA...FUK OUTTA HER WITH THIS BULLM SHIT...LETS JUST ELIMINATE THE BORDER AND SING FUCKINJ G KUMBAH YA,1.54,3,original 39534,"Welcome to Dumbfuckistan, a police state where nothing is more important than making sure Dear Leader isn't yelled at or taunted for being a racist piece of shit. URL",2.26,3,DE 37489,Gun control isn't going to make these white supremacists go away but being armed and prepared will,-1.56,0,original 19472,"If there were a God, every one of these TV evangelist fucks on the air would become a pillar of salt. The shit of prosperity would become fire, screams, and then ashes.",1.4,2,DE 37474,"@realDonaldTrump Yes. FUCK THAT. CHECK YOUR KILLERS. STOP THIS RACIST BULLSHIT YOU TALK ABOUT. ALL THESE MASS DRAW!!! WE BLEND YOU. EVEN WHEN YOU LEAVE THE OFFICE, WE BLAST YOU FOR EVERYTHING. U UGLY, U STUPID AND YO DICK SMALL. U HATE LIFE TRUMP",2.41,5,FR 21029,@god_oneday @Sierrantaylor * keep them out of society period.,0.15,0,original 30849,So another Pakistani PM has been arrested. No Pakistani PM ever completed a term. One was hanged. One was murdered. Three are under arrest. Future very bright for Imran Khan. What a country!,-0.38,0,original 38129,Sukkuba - Incubator of the Faggots: URL,1.21,5,original 17868,stop posting faggot,-0.01,0,original 19216,Fuck this bitch,1.09,4,original 38197,"@cerothstein I'm a woman and I hold doors for people, I help them with their luggage on an airplane if needed and I let moms with littles go ahead of me in the grocery store. We need MORE civility from all people to all people regardless of race or gender. Can't you just be a good person?!",-4.24,0,original 33722,"@realDonaldTrump I live in #SanFrancisco! It is horrific. Destitute homeless, doped up zombies & mentally ill roam streets. Now safe for women & families. Meanwhile @SpeakerPelosi & @GavinNewsom fight for illegal immigrants & IGNORE desperate needs of Americans. A DISGRACE! @realDonaldTrump",-0.84,0,original 16142,All men cheat so all women should be exterminated. ETA here.,1.61,4,original 8974,Fuck white female dogs,2.35,1,FR 526,Burn down their fucking churches!,1.42,2,ZH 28414,@MillyMolly300 @smh Seems msm & Mp's are too scared of this guy to set a example. A sad outcome for anyone stuck in domestic violence. Setkas profile is a classic example as to why most don't report DV.,-3.83,0,original 6271,"😂😂😂If my son were gay like you, I would drown him in the tub. fag",3.37,5,DE 41133,Go beat yo mama and your sister freak ass bitch .,0.69,4,original 37983,This hoe shit is getting outta hand.😳 Hoes trying to out hoe each other.😷 URL,0.21,0,original 2648,"I also want to see the limbless bodies of children who belong to Al-Qaeda, the Albanian mafia, cannibals, pedophiles, etc. The genes must be erased. Bad people need to be wiped out. This whole country needs to be cleaned up.",2.31,3,FR 44353,Abortion is great because it helps to keep the black population down. Black women abort babies 4 times as much as white women!😁😁😁,1.33,1,original 11270,"You have ugly fucking tits, but im sure that a slut like you makes up for it with her mouth.",0.79,4,original 5226,Eid Mubarak to my brothers celebrating.,-6.94,0,original 26865,"Niggas really be like ""I'm thirsty I need some soda"" 😂 URL",-0.19,0,original 28150,@spsp333ww This is why we need more Muslim brothers marrying Mediterranean/Slavic women. We have to make them disappear,2.16,1,FR 39000,I'm sure the Twitter world could find out who this racist prick was. URL,-1.33,0,original 19835,"Kik me, you dirty skewer Twisteddom43",1.17,1,DE 13307,"Whites are not one people group, fuck off with this crap",-1.11,0,original 19394,kill yourself. You are a fag.,3.75,5,ZH 1445,So stop writing books in your mom's basement and fuck off!,0.66,5,ZH 27480,"@TaggartRearden @jhjulian1956 Do these Muslims do nothing to fight against supposed ""radical"" islam? If they do nothing then the reason no one took them serious is due to their lack of action. In a way they helped the supposed ""radical"" muslims.",-0.54,0,original 44754,"Meghan is just as hateful as Trump, they are white Republicans, so let them kill each other. We should not be wasting our time talking about these people.",0.03,0,original 35771,"""Boycott this riotous sickly Islamist. He sells halal products. Moody ji please do something! His real name is Baba Rizwan Baig 🤬😡🚩"". URL",0.83,1,DE 3738,fuck off with a ripped slut,3.05,4,FR 44570,"WE CAN MURDER YOU AND PROBLEM SOLVED, BITCH!",2.49,4,original 7254,Making fun of sanity and the poor with bad teeth are the principles that created this dynasty... and Christine saying nigger.,1.33,7,FR 48273,"NO USE OF ""ROUND THEM UP... SEND THEM HOME""... ILLEGAL ALIENS DIRTY FILTHY LITTLE COCKROACH (ON MOST ILLEGAL MEXICAN) JUST KEEP COMING BACK AND BREATHE AND ENTER, BECAUSE OF ALL THE SICK AND EVIL DEMONCRAPS WHO HATE AMERICA🇺🇸👈👀! THE MINES AND SHOOTERS AT THE BORDER WILL STOP THEM!",3.54,1,FR 2279,That shit was clean. You are such an autistic fag for bragging about destroying the thing that helped start your little gang.,0.99,5,original 7038,"The same reason a gay black guy would lie about conservatives lynching him, or a woman would lie about a SCOTUS nominee raping her - attention whoring or flat mental illness",-0.52,0,original 49397,They deserve the N-word pass,-1.52,0,original 35746,"White liberals are absolutely the worst thing that has ever plagued America. Stupid, emotional and unbearably boring. I wish we could send them all to Gitmo along with the baby boomers.",1.02,1,FR 28182,Maybe niggas just gotta stop being overly sensitive assholes,1.15,1,DE 9456,Your cunt mother did supply you with 23 chromosomes.,0.98,4,original 536,"Strip her naked, tie her ankles together behind her head and tie each of her wrists hooks in the ceiling so that her shoulders are lifted off the ground. Then spread her pussyhole open with a speculum and spray it full of pepper spray then fuck her in the ass as hard as I could",2.85,4,original 9165,I think the N-word for white people is Nazi!,0.58,1,DE 11207,What you nigger?,1.09,1,FR 46536,Fuck Trump pussy ass and the punk ass white nationalist hiding in their basements...bring that shit to Chicago and get your ass whipped...cowards...go bully some more students 😝😂 😂😝,0.58,1,FR 47301,I think the world has learned to talk in the comment columns of today what we didn't have in the 70's yesterday! Go Israel! Nuke Iran!!! Hurry to hell! ... Jew ...,0.61,3,DE 11168,"I hope he rapes him, but",1.96,1,DE 21968,"I hear a lot of niggas talk but it ain't about shit, niggas claim they hitter but never shot shit 🤫",2.99,1,DE 3790,This happened in a white suburb.,-1.87,0,original 12518,"There is a really big gap between men and women in most sports. However, any man that thinks they are going to compete against a professional (not just a professional, but one of the best in her sport) is crazy.",-5.18,0,original 7474,gma/gpa may be typical american mental retardation.,1.11,3,ZH 10237,"I agree, let's send all the white trash back to Alabama or whatever dump state they came from",0.9,1,original 14508,Shut up your fucking bitch. You are fucking normal. Memes on Instagram are garbage. That's why this site exists. So you little female dogs don't follow. Leave these woods.,1.1,5,FR 19529,I protect my children just fine. A few mkultra shootings don't scare real men into giving away their rights. How would you defend yourself faggot?,1.13,5,original 23993,"Do you understand why the Palestinians don't trust you? You have funded settlements in the West Bank. You've moved US embassy to Jerusalem. You've cut all aid to Palestinians including hospitals, and you've shut down their diplomatic office in Washington. URL",-1.63,0,original 45911,"Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semite, Isis spy.",1.08,2,DE 46513,"The role she played as in the movie is based of the character from the show in which the character is supposed to be a white person, you call by looking at the characters eyes and face that the character indeed is based of a Caucasian women",-3.43,0,original 49679,+Terry Michaels seriously? So we have to send Americans there to die because of the rhetoric?,0.87,3,FR 38213,"@emperor_cris @Financialdomi @FinDomFetish @masterscash @submit2mee fags must definitely live in chastity! only true and superior males have COCKS! fags have just nubs and their only pleasure must come from serving the GOD, anything else is irrelevant",0.72,5,original 46802,Just hang that Jew from a tree branch and divide his assets among the victims.,3.21,2,original 37375,@Millie__Weaver Stick your bible up your ass,1.29,2,FR 39675,do *****fags think were retarded?? lmao we got somethin planned dont worry #commiesrevenge,1.02,5,original 20900,"The bodies of dead terrorists like Zakir Musa, etc. should be disposed of in the sewer from next time. This terrorist's father must be charged and put in prison. These supporters, soon to be terrorists, must be eliminated from the valley. @PMOIndia #Kashmir #RemoveArticle370and35A",2.5,1,DE 33991,@JswannyJohn @BeattieNgiare You can go fuck yourself because no one else will fuck you,1.15,4,original 28670,The Saudis need to fuck more.,0.45,0,original 24890,"@GovStephenBull @IPOT1776 @nizaddy The same thing has already happened here with the Irish, Italians, and Eastern Europeans (who were considered Asian for a helluva long time, pretty much until the rate of economic and population growth in Asia started to scare white folks)",-2.5,0,original 9082,So she's not a whore? But she announces that her pussy is better than the other girls? 👀,0.57,4,FR 16554,"Haha, like everyone else on the left, you're a big gay. I hope you get help.",1.05,5,ZH 47868,"Illegals have invaded our country. It is about time they are rounded up and expelled. To all of the legal immigrants to our country, Welcome I hope your life here is a good one. Strangle The Gangs Legalize All Drugs Legalize Prostitution End Welfare Now",2.19,3,original 40018,"Bitch and Stupid , a lethal combination!",1.46,4,original 13499,"The only thing Alinity has going for her as a human being is her sexuality, if she werent a moderately attractive Thot, she would be begging on the street for scraps like the rest of us. She is a human sex toilet, nothing more. If i had the chance i would split her crainium in a hundred pieces and drink her cursed blood from her skull.",2.23,4,original 14413,look i will get you in sex trouble fuck fuck ass cun\*t female dog,1.22,4,FR 12587,I'd stuff obscene objects in that useless cunt while I used your ass as a cum dump.,2.81,4,original 285,"I want to fuck you so bad that my cock is throbbing. I want to fuck your tits and with each stroke, you can catch the tip of my cock in your mouth.",-0.15,0,original 6029,I hope she gets fucking shot,2.76,4,original 17,"It's such a shame that you're probably going to marry an uglier, nicer guy, and turn his life into a dysfunctional hell.",1.17,4,FR 42658,It's time to stop messing with these idiots in Iran. Wipe them off the map.,1.72,3,original 21345,All niggas can suck my dick,0.53,1,DE 44614,Let Iran shoot America or any of our allies and blow this place back to the 14th century.,0.88,3,ZH 21096,"@JesusChristth12 OMG as a TRUE Christian who doesn't have to put his name all over my personality to ""convince"" anyone that you are your criminal shitler's idiot. And yes, you're going to hell.",0.77,2,DE 33086,I hope this little pussy will be undelivered.,1.55,4,FR 5889,Reprimand them for their failings like the UN does to Israel and while keeping them in the UN maybe *dont* give them a special human rights seat until they can prove they are worthy of it?,-5.18,0,original 23835,"Homophobic then: ""Gays are disgusting. You're going to hell. Gay sinners."" Homophobic show brand new: URL",2.3,5,ZH 19105,"Then fucking come up to Glasgow you fucking English cunt and say that shit to my fucking face, i'd gladly do a stint in the jail if it meant slitting your throat wide open. Besides least my country isn't full of dirty fucking pigfuckers worshipping a pedophile, go pray to allah and suck off muhammad more you black cunt",4.5,2,original 30323,Can you all #fags keep your hateful #hottakes to yourself?,1.83,5,DE 41127,Hopefully all the illegals and libhomos died,2.07,3,original 30983,anyways bts antis are all white girls with green hair from chlorine poisoning bc they forgot to shower after getting out the pool that use their mum's hotspot & are unemployed & think they funny but have 0 banter. URL,-0.63,0,original 10478,I would take her to the nearest corner and force her to kneel down and stuff her mouth with that cock until her little mouth was overflowing with my cum,1.07,4,FR 41344,all american pussy fuck,1.0,3,ZH 7956,We don't like Redditor or faggots around here. We certainly don't like autistic faggots such as yourself,1.51,5,original 35604,YOU 4 are Terrorists and will be leaving very soon! YOU 4 are Traitors and Obviously HATE Americans & OUR country #JihadSquad go quack your Fake outrage somewhere else...go to a muslim country you love islam so much you murder lover URL,1.44,2,original 35595,"The Iranian Revolution was rational? Do you know how many were murdered while #Iran transmogrified from a rational forward moving country under the Shah into an Islamic State under Khomeini. I was there. Fantasize, but reality is #Khomeini's only legacy is the destruction of Iran URL",-0.22,0,original 23408,"@MiddleEastMnt Just start executing your intellectuals, is that what Allah wants? Muslims need to wake up.",-1.61,0,original 19674,"If AIDS comes from a guy who fucks a monkey, then what comes from a guy who fucks a crocodile",0.67,7,FR 12754,What lovely picture from such a slut. Just begging for our attention. Well you have it slut. Now I am going to fuck all of your holes and torture those nipples and paddle that milky ass. Then leave your pussy full of cum,1.56,4,original 883,"You have no idea at all of what you're talking about but to sum it up, you're talking from ignorance. I have read the Mein Kampf many times to understand Adolf cause could be considered christian. But you're missing a strong point and it's the fact that I am not him. Aryan to me is not what was for him. You don't even know from where this name came or why I picked it. Or do you? I guess not. ​ PS. To me, an Aryan Men with a pitbull mindset your upvote for ""enthusiasm"" means nothing, you can remove it.",-2.65,0,original 49559,Women should only cover female sports.,-0.91,0,original 22720,@realDonaldTrump These dangerous lower beings are killing people and must be stopped at all costs - they are turning the American Dream into a deadly nightmare Closing Borders Building Walls & Beginning Mass Deportations SAVE AMERICA!,1.44,3,ZH 35093,"Priest/Christians should no support Gay Rights. The Bible is Right! God is coming to many Churches, Homes, business and etc. He has arrived at many already! Rebellious and there's many more! Satan I come against you! All these wicked plots that's by Satan. URL",-0.43,0,original 9488,It's fucking shit,0.7,4,FR 17063,"Your 12. When your balls drop and and I climb off your mother, then you can tell me what to do fucktard.",0.98,6,original 42731,Bang on them Christian assholes Big Rah the same mfers had us in slavery blast them assholes !,1.29,2,original 4393,Fuck off Jew boy. I am not responsible for your fucked up upbringing. I got laid when I was 14. Sorry if that offends your stupid God.,0.15,0,original 19101,I agree. This muslim bitch can burn for me.,2.44,2,DE 277,"What about an ugly, greasy hambeast? .... Regardless, a random loser with a big fetish would probably back her up.",2.3,4,FR 44506,The stick is sexist when it doesn't like your penis,-0.64,0,original 9954,your mom so i can fuck the shut outta her and some aliens can fuck her in the ass tits butt face dick,2.11,4,original 38032,"""Shortly before Saturday's El Paso shooting began, Mr Trump retweeted a tweet from British right-wing political commentator Katie Hopkins, who said she was 'disgusted' by Islam and urged her Fellow countrymen 'arm themselves'...against foreign infiltration"" URL",2.06,3,ZH 27410,"Have you ever seen me support the arrest of people calling me a ""faggot""? There's one handle that keep calling me a pedophile. Do I support his arrest? No . NO VIOLENCE = NO ARREST URL",-1.17,0,original 18374,"After I drop a load in your ass, I would then make you suck the shit off of my cock. You must suck it until it's hard again. Then I will wreck that pierced hole you call a pussy. Then shove it in your throat and cum down your throat.",-1.43,0,original 35379,@IDF Way to go @IDF all terrorists should meet their maker. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be vaccinated with bullets.,1.94,2,original 45818,Go AUTISM PROGRAMS FOR JEREMIAHA LOL CAUSE HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT HES SAYING,-1.56,0,original 14222,Fuck that hoe,1.04,4,FR 8512,"Hitler, to hell with the Jews",1.79,2,RU 46634,"I had to look up what incel means. Why do we have to classify and label everything and pretend it's special? It's only a fraction of the human condition, and if you feel the need to define yourself by a single insignificant facet of your assumed personality, it's probably because you're an attention-seeking Chaad with no personality to speak of. You long for acceptance, you won't get any from me.",1.64,5,DE 4788,"When you hate a whole group of people that much, you want them all dead",0.7,1,DE 66,Prepare to be whipped. India ready to flog all shameless bastards who eat cow dung,1.99,3,ZH 14343,I don't think the Mandarin necessary mean to be a stereotype for Chinese. The word also mean government officials or high-society.,-3.95,0,original 519,"Sincere question. What is Parsi community's views on BJP and Modi overall. Also for Fadnavis. The recent issue about temple and metro has made a headlines and made me believe Parsis have strongly become anti-BJP. But when the issue was resolved by metro guys making extra, post-SC order changes to metro line, hardly any media covered it. Is there any changes in the views after it. I had some Parsi friends in my childhood so I'm eager to know about it.",-3.49,0,original 31411,🍉 Dane Jones Hot teen with plump bum fucks her older lovers fat cock URL,0.51,4,original 26432,"@PsychoMetalHed You stupid bastard, maybe one day you'll wake up and live under a bridge, next to a gay, drunk, drug-using Iranian who hates every American regardless of skin color, in winter when it snows, in record-breaking cold. Then you might realize how stupid you are/were.",1.14,5,DE 49973,Only a completely brainwashed idiot would think that this will solve anything. I wish they would have done the same thing when ALL tHE European RATS come over from Europe at the turn of the 19th century... Karma is a Queen without her crown....,0.22,0,original 17461,"How about you take that hijab and shove it where the sun don't fucking shine, Ghada.",1.45,1,original 19638,"Don't these people have daughters/wives/mothers? How would you feel if you were raped? Damn disgusting people. PS I mean rapists, not Indians",1.62,1,DE 14919,Suck your dick.,1.41,4,FR 25789,"Fuck from jihad b@sturd! You genocidal murderer savages have invaded our country for centuries, divided it into three parts, took away 1/3 of the holy land with ancient temples, slaughtered millions by direct action plus division in 1946-48 and now dare to preach civility! Madarfakkar!! URL",1.04,1,DE 13647,"Before his death, Malcolm X actually abandoned most of what he taught. That's why the Nation of Islam killed him",1.32,2,RU 30781,I'm going to fuck all these kids. URLs,1.64,6,FR 36854,Look at these majestic native cattle. Eslam's brainwashed goons think killing them will earn Olla merits. Why are the Gaurakshaks criminals for lynching this filth on the planet?,0.56,2,FR 28683,"@OneishaMarshae a real mental illness is creating a troll account with no pictures just so you can argue with folk cause you scared of being roasted yourself, I bet that nigga licks stamps for a living",1.39,7,original 42014,"If Muslims stop slaughtering innocent people, stop molesting children, and start assimilating into countries that graciously take you in, then we'll forgive your wrong doing!",0.28,0,original 42093,"He will soon use the old and tired "" anti Semitic"" line and will get away with murder...",-0.98,0,original 27057,I'll be single before I buy a bitch attention #fuckyocashapp,-0.06,0,original 26461,@HermonBarbe @activist_mommy Homosexuality is as natural as air as water. Making babies is not our only reason for existing. We aren't viruses with the sole function of replicating. What a pathetically ignorant and depressing view you have of humanity.,-4.23,0,original 14517,"They're just going to harvest your tiny dick, so you'll be a buried-alive-dickless dumbass.",0.27,0,original 3169,Dom and sub do not mean father/daughter or adult/child Its simply what people like as a lifestyle and/or sexual act... The DD/LG community does NOT tolerate pedophilia or incest ❤❤❤❤,-3.75,0,original 16812,"Tinder was founded by depraved Jews who were sued by colleagues for sexual harassment, the more you know.",0.54,2,ZH 47688,Boi that girl with her culture she needs to leave byeeeeeeeeee sis,0.28,0,original 17710,I hope your mother sends you to Vietnam you asshole,1.06,3,FR 12973,"Downvotes, you deserve a lot fucking trump and your guns hopefully shoot each other and the rest of the world can forget your fucking country even existed.",2.31,3,FR 38366,"Y'all wash that little pussy with Irish spring 3 times a day, but you wanna blame a nigga for your ph balance. suck my dick url",0.8,4,FR 48737,Back in the closet anal probe!!,2.11,5,DE 40896,A black transgender should portray Mulan! Im Protesting!,-3.12,0,original 20854,"TOP IMAM Asks Ilhan Omar About Marrying Her Brother To Help Him ""Get To The USA"" URL #mustread #feedly",-2.74,0,original 38099,Pretty girls are my weakness boiiiiiii,-4.07,0,original 14599,"Thanks for speaking out on behalf of her. For some reason, I feel that minorities who speak out for themselves don't get as much traction as when someone else speaks out for them. Imagine if this post started off ""I am Indian, and my husband is caucasian. I get snapped at by grab drivers, while my husband gets treated respectfully"". Not sure what causes this phenomonon.",-4.96,0,original 17299,Pray to Gord!!1! The commulists and gays are taken over Murica!,-1.12,0,original 33583,You hoes love dropping these niggas name but won't drop the name of the bitch that beat yo ass 😭,0.27,0,original 5896,"Europeans who are flooding their country with Muslims who want to kill them is good, and man wants to build a golf course equals destroying. The west deserves to fail with baizuo mentality such as this.",0.31,0,original 16348,Go to China first. Then we'll atomize it... might as well get rid of all the junk.,1.61,1,DE 40262,"Hilrys role model, Margret Sanger says that Black people are, ""Human weeds"".",0.21,0,original 48908,It wouldn't matter if they were swedish. Too many people here already. Go home muthafuggas.,-0.04,0,original 25897,He's a stone cold muzzie loser! He should have his head on a stake!,2.92,2,DE 36413,If you leave a child in your car during this hot weather please ensure a window is open so they can at least have a fag.,-0.16,0,original 48666,"@Tonejack What, are you seriously upset that pedophiles are being jailed? You're a sick guy, wtf is wrong with you",1.45,5,DE 40152,"Same for bad Jews, they can go back to Israel.",1.4,2,FR 11901,autistic shit,0.66,7,FR 47226,Send Nadler to Israel where he belongs.,-0.79,0,original 35029,If Elizabeth Warren were a man saying the same things and behaving the same way she'd be the overwhelming leader by now. Misogyny is also real and must be confronted this election.,-1.73,0,original 8316,But it says she's from Nigeria. Isn't that the place that preys on stupid Americans with their scam emails?,-0.59,0,original 46749,"These people are a danger to America, they need to be put in prison",0.79,3,DE 29991,"@prageru @IlhanMN @AlanDersh Alan Dersh the pedophile, liar, and war hawk psychopath who feasts on blood and bones if Palestinians",-1.05,0,original 10303,Go back to chapo fag house,1.09,1,original 30136,People like you are the world's worst nightmare Child sex traffickers Organ harvesting from children Child cannibalism The Bible warned the world about your kind. They worship Baal and Moloch.. URL URL,0.93,2,DE 7232,Stop fucking then bitch,1.44,4,FR 17465,only if it's for gay vampires,-2.39,0,original 3029,Thank God we have guns if the barbarians cross the line. That's why the Demtards always want to try and disarm us because they want us to turn into the cesspit that so many European countries have turned into due to the immigration of barbarians like this. Where's the Pussy hat on this? What about the NOW gang? cricket...,0.76,3,ZH 49999,Only sweet six year old autistics will like this gay shit,1.49,7,RU 38761,@RabiaAnumm You will die the death of a pig because you were born in the same tribe...,1.66,1,FR 43627,"The migrants need to stay away from thr border, so meh. My issue is: Who wants to bang AOC? Those are the people who are sick, watch them. Today it's AOC, tomorrow it's the pony giving rides at the petting zoo",1.29,3,original 35356,US to slap 10% tariff on $300 bn more in Chinese goods: Trump URL,-2.75,0,original 5923,American twins get destroyed by massive Arabian cock.,-0.78,0,original 419,"Until women can unintentionally self impregnate, then men, team other half of the baby making equation, should have an equally weighted opinion.",-2.09,0,original 44340,I really really wish I could donate but my grandparents are homophobic so I'm not allowed to but sorry:/ ♥️♥️,-3.88,0,original 26930,fvck all of you dumb btches i hope you rot in hell URL,0.86,4,original 47877,Shut the fuck up... I bet you are a stupid Muslim or SJW fuck. Go and plz do suicide. The world doesn't need people like you.,2.05,2,original 13070,"I hate you too, you're retarded and a person of color.",1.42,7,ZH 42401,"You're a fucking fag, Chris",1.43,5,DE 14775,You got a leaky brain. It drip drip drips into your tits and your lips. Better seal the leak before you forget how to spread your legs. What good is a bimbo too dumb to lay there and get fucked?,2.53,4,original 30403,@itssDrewskii U a stupid bitch,1.46,4,FR 19387,"Not much self confidence, atleast another bitch will get destroyed",-0.46,0,original 38363,@errriinnicole @LuuukkkeLuke @teeebaaabyy I can get that nigga fired ASAP 💯🙏 I would argue wit this nigga everyday bout that weird shit 💯💯💯,0.33,0,original 2497,go abort yourself dumbass,2.68,7,RU 295,">as an overwhelming majority of the population Was that after or before the Jordanian ethnically cleansed all Jews from there after they conquered it 1948 (oh, and the Palestinian nationality was cooked up in the 1960s, by the way)?",-0.47,0,original 36473,A man can take care of a woman and her whole family because it's in his nature. A woman's nature is different. A woman masked decisions based on whether or not she'll be comfortable.,-0.8,0,original 48343,Deport these anti-Americans!,2.29,3,DE 20921,When do Arabs ever become human? That's delayed. She is only 10 years old and has done nothing wrong. Her father and uncle were to be publicly hanged and killed.,1.49,1,DE 48654,ugly weather magazine. They have dalits and street defecators writing their articles and now crying like bitches. Nowonder Pakistan hid Osama for 10 years while eating $50 billion in aid. What greater gift to India is there than this. Pakistan humiliated America bahahah,1.12,3,FR 2121,"screw you. God, I fucking hate specs. my blood pressure is fucking high",0.74,2,ZH 87,"We should flood the internet with Mohammad pictures. They can't bomb everyone. Plus, Islam is a religion of peace.",-0.12,0,original 1020,Why Men Demanding Femininity? Why Men Deserve Femininity When Men Can't Even English?,-0.02,0,original 46434,+Albert Meadows There are four T/T videos on the News section of *YouTube* at the moment. Besides... FOX 🔯 ABC 🔯 NBC 🔯 MSNBC 🔯 CBS 🔯 CNN 🔯 All owned by Zionist Jews. Do you see the pattern ? www. 666 in Hebrew 🔯,0.34,0,original 25588,"The bitch I used to call my sister filled that lil' hoe with dicks, now she call niggas her brothers, but I know I'm used to it",1.1,1,DE 907,This psychopath should just do a favour to all women and just voluntarily send himself to prison right away.,-0.55,0,original 6075,Seriously sounds great. Sorry if people took my comment as anti religion. I'm just not religious so I meant that I wished my babes could partake in such a thing without compromising our own personal beliefs.,-4.38,0,original 46824,My masculine is awakening from my spiritual elevation 🙌🏾🙌🏾 thank you universe,-4.12,0,original 9843,Bye you brittle ass bitch!,1.09,4,original 36943,Orthodox Christians in Pakistan could hear Liturgy and say the daily orthodox prayers in their own language! The first-ever eastern orthodox prayer book and service book were translated by Father Joseph Faroooq in Urdu and published by the ROCOR Mission in Pakistan. URL,-5.14,0,original 19160,Maybe because it's not at all a common occurrence. And minority rights is one of the few observable changes in Pakistan right now. I'm not going to lie and say it's great for minorities it's not but it is better now then a year ago and vastly different then a decade ago. It's moving in the right direction.,-6.69,0,original 23864,"That's a perverse take, Bishop Tobin. To this day, your institution continues to lie about its deliberate global facilitation and cover-up of the rape and abuse of hundreds of thousands of children around the world. URL #Stand4Truth",1.24,2,FR 31739,I dub niggas with no remorse,2.64,1,original 47371,Send all of these women to Syria,-1.92,0,original 42875,As an indian. I knew we would win. But great job to the lone white girl,-2.59,0,original 46507,I feel this collab is for LGBT community... Thanks for this Ed/justin,-3.97,0,original 12668,it started,0.87,4,FR 39689,Nasty racist frogs lay eggs! ! ! burn on your tanning bed,4.77,3,ZH 13289,"That stupid hoe, she was a killer, I hope she burns in hell for ruining a family",1.55,7,RU 24241,Im just tryina eat some ass and get my dicked sucked on the regular 🤤😏,-2.48,0,original 36404,Use your bible to clear your disgusting burden.,0.8,2,ZH 41428,you fucking gay,1.14,5,ZH 45986,"Typical Iranian bullshit. Plan failed, blame imperialists. They probably got a call from Putin saying 'you did what?', 'oh no you didn't try that'. 'You know what happens now if you start a fight in international waters?' 'We can't help you'.",-0.02,0,original 41659,A group of fucking anchor babes,1.4,3,ZH 45972,If your illegal then they deserve to be deported. Wtf doesnt america understand...if your an american and dont like it then go to their country where the immigrants are up a fund raiser then.. if not then shut the Fuck up and Deal with it.,-0.31,0,original 34777,fucking thugs ruining my fucking country! send his ass back with the rest if em!,1.06,4,FR 16903,Kill yourself fag,3.18,5,original 11599,If all women were like her we would never have wars anymore...,-2.51,0,original 13580,And give women RIGHTS?! Please submit yourself for 20 lashes and/or a beheading.,0.92,4,original 29364,I told that bitch this hoe look like a big punk he busted out laughing ! fuck a hoe 😂,0.63,5,original 44341,"If I were a Christian, I would like every woman to have an abortion so that every child automatically goes to heaven. Then, when there will be no more people on earth, all human suffering on earth will finally stop, and this will be a great event.",0.81,2,RU 4736,"I am a Bi man who didn't come to recognize and accept being Bi until I was in my forties and married with kids. I still haven't sorted out what traits I am attracted to with other guys. I only know that I am physically and sexually attracted to other men, but not I the classic romantic ways. Yet I know that I would need to have know and trust someone before I could consider being physical/sexual with them. It also doesn't help matters that I have no experience and I am in a monogamous relationship with my wonderful wife and I deeply love her.",-1.96,0,original 46691,"All-black cast. Latinos don't get these opportunities. But its okay, we are not so sensetive.",-1.48,0,original 38912,"Sushma Swaraj Among BJP's Most Beloved, Admired Across Political Lines URL",-4.82,0,original 34764,"SSRVM Family congratulates Bhumika Ramachandran for achieving Certificate of Participation by Guinness World Records @GWR . She performed in the largest Bharatnatyam Dance consists of 7,190 participants. #EducationMatters URL",-4.2,0,original 15863,'re a sissy living off your ass 😊,2.06,5,ZH 17756,Yeah I feel that. My little sister came out as pan right around the time I figured out that I'm trans. It was a little awkward,-2.64,0,original 13897,Isis becomes Waswas with my hacker powers 😎😎😎,0.6,1,DE 46285,"​+Wide Walk Yeah, you stupid fascist. Republican Nazis hate black people. That's why they destroyed Detroit",0.55,1,FR 21558,I'll block all these dumb ass bitches in the Nevada brothels. Legalization sucks!!!!!!,0.24,0,original 18294,Islamic terrorists: smoke them if you have them.,0.95,2,FR 34709,@GrantB911 @ClaraLKatzenmai Somalia must be a giant shit hole why are we taking this trash,1.3,3,FR 5322,"Eid Mubarak to all our brothers and sisters around the world, I wish you all a splendid Eid!",-6.44,0,original 19008,Just be the best you. Don't try to force yourself to fit into any predetermined racial identity. I tried my hardest to so that and never felt happy until I just did what made me happy.,-6.71,0,original 42719,The problem with taking out bad guys is the Deep State controls the media and will point their useful idiots at good guys that they have propagandized as bad guys. That might be why they want to flood the west will Muslims as Islamists will control the masses whilst the NWO only has to control Islam. Not hard if you own everything and everybody with power.,-0.52,0,original 341,Fuck you you stupid nazi. Die in a fire.,2.03,4,FR 35941,"@Peluio They're all Narcos, They're all Narco, why don't you all go to your mother's shell. @DEAHQ nuke this piece of country shit. URLs",2.73,3,FR 36694,We need to call it for what it is: there is an epidemic of white nationalist terror in this country.,-0.4,0,original 18029,"I fuck white girls all the time, they're disposable",1.17,1,original 32083,PUT YOUR PUSSY ON THE OHONE COWARD URL,0.78,4,original 6662,"Hm, i think bicurious would fit you more for the time being! But if you really feel it suits you go for it!",-1.95,0,original 3696,What a hot little fuck puppet she is! Would fuck her in the ass all night long!,0.54,4,original 11915,"Bring it on, cunt. We love little fags like you who think they'll make a difference.",0.55,5,original 49990,And guess what you are a jealous gay asshole you suck cock everyday you get hard when you see your dad,2.2,5,FR 32253,@ConservaMomUSA Then go back wherever you are from and protect and defend your community there and to please Allah and Allah only! Your Allah is none other than the devil himself! You're nothing but a bunch of shit-eating dogs anyway!,1.82,3,DE 46113,+LilSwizzyRecords fuck your own bitch bitch gay,1.94,5,ZH 16703,That's because you're a fag.,1.35,5,DE 1865,/r/YouPostOnTheDonald You are the absolute kin to retard.,1.41,7,ZH 12064,yes you are retarded go puss,2.19,7,RU 27839,Sick twisted ass bitch.,2.08,4,FR 22733,"@KeepItRealLuke Its indigenous land. Second, don't try to tell me you earned this shit, throw up that mayo somewhere else",0.71,1,DE 16166,She only got 5 days. if i were to grab a girl by the pussy i would get 15 yrs and register as a sex offender,0.22,0,original 42056,You cringy as hell....not only that your trash talking to a kid for 13 mins. Also your really bad at the game.😂😂,-2.05,0,original 8016,Straight couples have love and commitment in their relationships???,-1.93,0,original 28379,I'll stab you if you're not a Christian 🎶✨,2.37,2,ZH 8516,"I'm exactly like you, except you're gay and I'm bi. So you are like at least one other girl. You are going to be just fine. Keep being yourself you seem awesome ;)",-7.15,0,original 26115,"""There are some people who are raised on the school of a particular Imam, sought a ruling from a particular jurist, or heard a particular anecdote from some scholars, then wants to make all Muslims follow that."" ~ Ibn Taymiya URL",-2.64,0,original 23878,Death to my cummies,1.13,4,FR 23957,"Sunday morning! Just finished FaceTiming Jesus again. He wanted me to tell Christian extremists they might as well stay home and spend the day inhaling meth from pool boys' anal cavities. After smelling the stink of his false flock, your Christ concludes that God is dead.",0.92,2,ZH 459,"Nuke Borderlands, Nuke Algeria, Nuke Morocco, Nuke United Nations",2.78,3,ZH 45397,The fact that she's refusing plastic surgery when her face is obviously covered in botox is both very sad and repulsive. It also indicates major psychological problems.,1.76,7,DE 48751,wtf is this weird ass shit. Your probability is a taker not a giver. That's why you're a fruit ass gay lollipop,1.73,5,ZH 15969,"""Right to date without excessive hurdles"" - what hurdles? Is saying no to sex an ""excessive hurdle"", because then I think many women are just gonna stop dating...",-2.27,0,original 49930,Lando Calrissian You have 0 brain cells. Typical Hispanic .,0.95,1,original 41195,"I pray to God one of them white motherfuckers run up on me and knock you down, I promise",1.77,1,FR 43311,what a gay,0.81,5,ZH 21100,"That bitch said ""are you pregnant"" and the girl said no and she said with good reason that the baby would die too...I- all because of a nigga in the fucking ghetto",2.03,5,DE 15209,Chapas are morons that want to give sex reassignment surgery to transvestites while in jail. On public dime.,0.24,0,original 30057,All white men are disgusting evil rapists who should be jailed and fed their own shit.,2.02,4,FR 8964,Homophobes deserve to be killed lol,1.79,5,DE 19546,This bitch would get mad roasted on r/roastme,-0.34,0,original 17890,I would gladly abuse every one of your bitch holes.,2.64,5,FR 10173,Eminem is white trash music,-0.32,0,original 18411,"I would start fucking that fucking mouth. Then, after you gagged a lot on that cock, I would fuck your pussy until I filled you with hot cum over and over again. After I'm fed up, I'll call some friends and we'll whip you 'til you can't take no more, like a good load of cum",2.4,4,FR 34441,@sofiaxcarreno A pussy ass hoe could never😈😌,0.41,0,original 45390,I like Music. England people are good at vocabulary.,-4.65,0,original 12821,"Yes, and you post on r/chapotrapohouse. Disgusting tranny fag.",2.06,5,DE 48360,"I can't stand that silly little lesbian, I can't wait for someone to DESTROY THIS BICH",1.57,5,DE 48330,"Ooo AMERICA OOO KAFFIR You have blood and injustice on your hands Time is coming and you will have to pay for all your crimes and sins this is unjust injustice YA MADDI YA AL MAHDI OO wait for one we are you Soldiers, wait for UMMAH to reunite Master OO King again",2.06,3,ZH 37332,"@SynysterGaming1 @EmilyLestran Instead of some these ladies labeling anyone ""sexist"" or ""shaming"", maybe they should use that energy to fight Twitch and their rampant favoritism towards certain streamers, and create a level playing field for all and enforce them.",-2.43,0,original 4989,What fags.,1.13,5,DE 10752,"I though Malaysians are rather traditional and Malays are expected to have Malay for their first language, so thanks you for this valuable information.",-3.08,0,original 41284,Bomb them and invade them like we did with Iraq,0.56,3,ZH 38511,@unclewaffffles Stop fucking niggas that got hot cheeto dust and blunt residue under their finger nails,0.88,1,original 46554,"Blame gays and democrats. If you don't understand the mass, shoot yourself",1.59,5,FR 38820,Bro this girl said she got high w a nigga w no food in his house they in there eating a bag of cough drops LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,-0.44,0,original 13594,We should put them out of their misery and reduce our competition for resources by nuking Africa.,3.03,3,original 10234,"Yes exactly. They want total control over belief, information and the whole fucking paradigm. Fuck them. They can all burn in hell.",1.63,2,FR 12302,Islamists are right-wing extremists.,0.86,2,FR 18277,"""I want these people to die in their own countries from the violence we caused, or at least die while they wait in line to get in. fuck off and die",1.54,3,DE 31617,"@pitchfork this should read ""A$AP Rocky JOINS 'all lives matter' bandwagon in spite of Black Lives Matter movement.""",-0.28,0,original 5628,"first of all, too* fucking retard you couldn't graduate yourself second of all, you're a fat obese trap fuck with your pink hair and beard. this guy needs to rot in jail for life",2.28,7,original 38458,@more_milf i'm going to # 2 because i already got my hard black and thick cock horny your white slut bitch,-0.12,0,original 29579,Weak ass demon hoe. Dick sucking muffin slut.,1.57,4,FR 43457,Lol maybe the native tribes should deport each other for conquering and enslaving each other.,-0.67,0,original 11216,people that have a findom fetish should be euthanized,1.65,5,original 19797,Do you ever bully small and weak people? Just eat more lol your ancestors have been doing this for hundreds of years you pay,1.1,7,RU 34886,"I LITERALLY GOT MY FAVORITE WHITE MAN, ISSA YES BABY",-3.98,0,original 27183,#LordKabirJi One Almighty supreme real god that proovide complete salvation is Lord kabirji as depicted in four vedas kuran bible guru granth sahib ji and all those personalities whom he met to provide salvation like guru nank dev ji URL,-3.47,0,original 9553,I wanna yank her off that bed and push her to her knees and start face fucking her real good! That's a good little fucking whore! Suck it till I'm dry!,2.24,4,original 25647,"Lol when straights get mad. Suck my ass, peasants",0.88,5,original 3800,"You are all a bunch of congenital, mentally retarded pieces of shit.",2.51,7,RU 14642,"I would elevate your curvy body, that's what would happen. Finished inside you, slaps, spits in your face and leaves you there with your used pussy.",1.48,4,FR 11962,i allways wanted a german friend. i lived in berlin for a short while but never got to know any ethnic germans. i am facinated by your culture. i think people from germany are the most straight foward people as a collective,-3.99,0,original 11974,"lol a bunch of fags are here. OP you're NTA, fucking bitches can't take jokes now.",1.08,5,ZH 14337,I had probably executed the little fag on the spot.,2.75,5,FR 14769,Such a good slut <3 I'll cum all over you baby <3,-0.17,0,original 16021,Worlds lamest copy pasta faggot,-0.18,0,original 31114,"when you fucking w. a real nigga, you feel that shit.",-0.09,0,original 17956,surprised he could even do anything with all the cocks in his ass and in his mouth.,1.62,5,original 4902,"well, bitch, you're not welcome either",1.3,4,FR 42100,NUKE the Islamic BASTARDS and then send an envoy to talk to them! With these pig fuckers nothing works but BRUTE FORCE PUR!!!!!,3.58,2,DE 43454,When will these crazy people come to their senses and take out their disappointment on the Muslims!!,1.12,2,RU 40757,Come on man Mexico's the most corrupted country you guys took all the guns from your citizens so that your government in the cartels can do whatever the f*** you want and your people don't have a way to fight back the only thing they can do is move illegally at that two other people's countries because your country is such a f****** broken piece of s*** you should be ashamed of yourselves how many of your own people you guys have murdered and slaughtered f****** pathetic,1.72,1,original 32589,@sadxsticdxddy I agree. And women should stop being stuck up assholes who think just because they have a pussy they can do whatever they want.,-0.07,0,original 21881,"@SenGillibrand Largely, the women seeking abortions obviously suck at controlling their own bodies.",-0.96,0,original 39037,End of an Era The iron lady of India is no more Reasons behind women empowerment One of the best minster India had. #SushmaSwaraj #RIPSushmaJi URL,-4.79,0,original 18062,I'd love to fuck the shut out of you 🍆💦,-0.46,0,original 38227,"More angelic Christian boys...??? Undoubtedly, the parents are proud of how they instilled these acts into their lowlife kids. URL",-0.46,0,original 33663,@Martamendoza718 As in he's the Abomination that causes Desolation? Anti-Christ? Should cut off body parts rather than lust? He'd scream for Christ to be crucified? He has broken all 10 commandments? You're an imbecile Madam. A genuine card-carrying imbecile.,0.56,2,original 49252,They are such respectful bitches.,1.06,4,FR 32649,"""I want to be like her"": 70 fantastic Bolivian women's stories to inspire more young womxn to acheive greatness. #Actúa Campaign in #Bolivia aims to challenge social norms that condone and normalize violence against womxn and girls. #SayEnough! URL",-6.06,0,original 15826,This pic looks looks like a shitty ad for Bosnian mail-order twinks,-0.75,0,original 5752,I bet your mouth could suck the cum right out of my balls! All over your huge fucking tits!!!,0.38,0,original 11630,"I call a spade a spade. Here are some of her SJW statements: - Men should be given less holidays than women, since they fucked up so badly in the past. - Women are so much smarter than men. Makes sense that they were subjugated by them. - You have no idea how lucky you are to be a man.",1.5,4,original 22362,Yous both are fat as shit and get no bitches shutup😂😂😂😭😭😭 URL,0.74,5,original 17020,"Lol you're a fucking typical racist incel. A bunch of ignorant, poor, uneducated backward living fucks cavemen. So hateful of everything in the world, such a sad life. You people need help.",1.04,1,original 18414,Fuck off Reddit template humour faggot,1.75,5,original 45519,LOL typical faget comment drink bleach and die queer,2.61,5,FR 28710,@CatholicArena Paedophilia rape and abuse are sins too ...don't see ye protesting about that . Hypocrites,0.53,2,original 13994,I'm currently balls deep in a sexy Russian girl that knew what she American man with a nice cock. Your kids will all be dead by age 40 because Russia is a shithole third world disaster. You were probably molested by the Russian orthodox priests because they are all faggots like you and your father,2.23,1,original 37965,Barbarians produced by Islam who gang raped Girija Tikku and then her body axed into parts and thrown on road . So they deserve divine punishment for committing heinous crimes like genocide of Hindus .,1.74,2,original 21961,@Cooper4SAE #whitesupremacist #whitenationalist #whitenativist #racist #bigot #xenophobe #islamophobe #antisemite #fuckconservatives #fuckcons #unCanadian #garbage,0.9,1,original 18734,"Whatever you say, you're immature, pedophile, retarded, sperm waster.",2.54,7,RU 17705,shut the fuck up nigga,0.95,1,FR 20276,Rather go without sex before I give this pussy up to another lame.,-0.58,0,original 44790,They should take that shit back to Africa,0.84,1,original 45275,"Either white settlers (religious refugees) are evil, stole land that wasn't theirs, must leave immediately! OR NO such thing as ""illegal human"", NO borders, NO laws, EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE!!?? PICK ONE!!! CAN'T CLAIM BOTH!!!",-1.37,0,original 22901,@CanPotty @pastorlocke @mammamajors Yes Muslims will kill everyone,1.41,2,FR 42433,Black Americans stop complaining and kill all white cops in New York,1.11,3,ZH 44757,SHOOT tRUMP and every DUMBFUCK american.,2.99,3,original 4450,As a half Puerto Rican and half Italian I relate to this on so many levels,-3.37,0,original 24052,@Sarina_Monsters I never said you have to be non-cis AND non straight. One if enough.,-1.62,0,original 41560,Chuck Todd is the biggest gay man on the planet.,1.35,5,ZH 46095,These woman are nonsense! Shame!,-0.57,0,original 3227,"I saw a rant on FB by a girl who i guess got hit on by a ""nice guy."" And i so totally agree with her, ""the reason other get the guys you call assholes is because they're more then nice, nice is boring, it's not a personality trait because it's the bare fucking minimum, we want someone whos sweet, compassionate, loving"" (etc etc i forgot that exact part) ""if you have to say you're a ""nice guy"" then you're not! You're really a bag of dicks""",-1.78,0,original 19324,"Wow, you fucking retard, I think we should shoot every person in sight to stop any potential mass shootings, you fucking retard, you think these shooters will announce they are shooting somewhere and give you time, to shoot them? You are dumb as hell.",3.29,7,RU 37799,Or letting white girls carry their hair anyhow they like but heavily policing the hair on black girls. URL,-1.46,0,original 36882,"@FINALLEVEL Imagine wanting to live in a world with only 1 race and culture, what a bunch of stupid assholes of empty, boring mentally deranged morons. Weed all those bastards from root and stem.",0.98,4,FR 16632,"All overweight. majority don't know. Ok thanks, I'll avoid this shithole before the next non-white guy decides to go on a gunfight.",0.55,1,DE 798,[Every Senate vote was indeed from a white man though.](URL,-1.54,0,original 9615,"This faggot is under the influence of dick fuck this homo and his subversion tactics. USA was founded for white Christian people, if you're not one or the other than leave.",1.69,5,original 49004,"I wonder if she's heard of BAIT 2012, I'd give her a 2/5. Lol😐",0.93,4,FR 33108,"She ain't even got boobs, you could class her as a men's url",0.69,4,FR 11921,"As a Pakistani I've never considered myself middle eastern. Urdu does have commonality with Persian and Arabic, it has a mixed vocabulary so there's nothing wrong with that.",-3.02,0,original 25082,being born a Sikh is such a blessing,-7.29,0,original 22400,"i hate the way you niggas think bruh, y'all selfish asfff",1.46,1,original 17544,"lol yeah right. The only thing you wanted to post was how much a worthless fuck you are, you goddamn hypocritical bitch made out of chimpanzee shit.",2.2,1,DE 4808,> My parents struggled with her breaking her faith but they love her unconditionally and have accepted who she is. That is not what's happening here.,-3.26,0,original 47349,+amy benje What the fuck you talking about? Go get some pussy. You will feel much better.,-1.34,0,original 37305,He's a child rapist whatever misfortune befalls her is earned URL,-2.28,0,original 33216,Fuck homophobes! They can all damn die! Let them choke on their own bigotry! Just once I want to get my hands on one of them! I want to tear them to pieces! URL,1.2,5,DE 3915,Well no Jesus christ are all anti-vaxx people this retarded,0.17,0,original 1116,"Pathetic, it's time we start erasing people like this from our gene pool.",3.4,1,original 28683,@OneishaMarshae A real mental illness creates a troll account with no pictures just so you can argue with people for fear of getting roasted yourself. I bet that nigga lick stamps for a living,1.39,7,DE 20278,"Hey bro, could you maybe keep your religion out of my womb 😌 *~ I don't believe in God so your statement that I'm going to burn in hell for murdering babies that God put in me makes me laugh, literally*",0.66,2,DE 12913,sounds like a load of tosh to me. The reason for Brexit is we forgot that large parts this country are still hate immigration and anyone not defined as being white with prefect English accent.,-1.37,0,original 47753,Republicans are fake christians christ was not white he loved everyone no matter what color evangelicals are fakr christians they support grabbing puss* and underage girls supplied to trump by his Epestin. Just ask anyone in Palm Beach to tell you what was going on...,2.12,2,FR 41224,isis will fuck you in the ass now,1.33,3,DE 17092,"Shut up, you stupid nigger",2.07,1,DE 18303,"Why so racist? The non-whites depicted are un-priveleged and only do bad things because of their circumstance and the lack of opportunity. We need to raise the minimum wage to $20, open up more abortion clinics in inner cities and funnel more money into Democratic strongholds. */s*",-3.24,0,original 42897,@Ali Razi sure but we don't change their gender like your satanic religious leaders do.,0.84,2,FR 36423,I don't know how I never came across this till now: proves that such info is suppressed. The brutal gang rape & murder of a Kashmiri Hindu girl in 1990--was cut into 2 halves with chainsaw. And ppl think barbarians are history. #HinduGenocide URL,-0.5,0,original 327,fags must be the only lifeform on earth that never reproduce but also never go extinct,1.06,5,original 8724,How about fuck you. Immigrants are every bit as human as you and I. You can't imagine what they've been through.,-2.55,0,original 47600,White Power Do you ever get tired of being a real jerk? But what else can I expect from a moron like you? It's so predictable how pathetically ignorant you are. Inbreeding at its finest.,0.55,4,FR 12311,Fuck hit that nigga trash and irrelevant,4.0,1,original 27422,trans rights! URL,-4.22,0,original 40160,Tyga is a fag. Not to mention a child molester,0.69,5,DE 23501,These crackers shoot the shit out of our ass 😂😂😂,0.76,1,DE 10813,Fuck Israel and fuck religion in politics.,1.33,3,original 20009,"Get rid of those fucking muslims! Hateful people who refuse to assimilate, rape women, beat children, threaten democracy, plan terrorist attacks, attack innocent secular people and impose their disgusting religion on others through violence. Assimilate or fuck off or get ready to die!",3.13,2,ZH 42819,"Hey, make sure to watch out for any school shooter. You won't want your daughter to get shot on the head would you. Or worse get raped and murdered because America's stats are even worse than India when it comes to Shootings and Rapes. Just a little piece of advice you old geaser, first look into yourself before attempting to criticize somebody else. I hope your daughter remain safe though. Because if she'd get her father's sins, she'd be already dead. Have a nice day. Now get a job.",0.54,6,original 1072,"This, my friends, is what we men should strive to be; maginoo pero medyo bastos.",-2.25,0,original 37500,This fucking fag is annoying,2.17,5,ZH 15029,"At this point the whole MRA community has been co-opted by women, ironically enough. So yeah, it's full of literal pussies and metaphorical ones that just beg for a small whiff of some smelly meat curtains.",1.8,4,original 12099,Yeah but I fucked your mother,1.47,4,FR 40881,"Q: Why is there no Antfia problem in Poland? A: Poland doesn't support kitty shit like masks and 14v1 fights. They wiped out Antifa like a cancer, fast. step on a bitch. I can't think of a bigger pussy game than throwing a milkshake and running away Lmfao lol",1.42,3,ZH 46839,Mr Wick the incel still cant get laid,-0.76,0,original 47309,Dumbass is what she is,-1.23,0,original 14079,I would fuck your two holes with two fingers in one and turn them off 🤤,1.48,5,DE 34639,@DeeEmmTeee This Trinidad yall ont know real ghetto 😂😂😂,-0.65,0,original 32590,@joncoopertweets Why do assholes like you call illegals Undocumented?,-0.8,0,original 14348,hello islam,1.38,2,RU 43195,He'll be an overweight black Bi latinx.,0.03,0,original 6606,"I am openly lesbian (have been since high school, no one gave a fuck. Or at least no one said to me) and this made my day. You're a god damn hero.",-3.79,0,original 39932,"Careful what you wish for, you always wanted to feel a huge cock up your hole bitch so now whimper all you like that ain't gonna stop this bull from raping your boipussy apart he'll only stop when he is done and shoots his load and breed you. Obey & submit URL",2.21,4,original 47809,+88Gibson LesPaul another answer faget what's wrong homo you seriously butthurt every answer you gotta scream butthurt LOL STFU faget,1.35,5,FR 7672,"Jews: Fucking Nazis... Literally time traveling Nazis: These noobs can't build for shit, let me default real quick.",1.44,2,FR 21417,Did You Think That We Have Created You Without Any Purpose And That You Will Not Bought Back To Us?? QURAN 23:115 #JummaMubarak #RamadanKareem,-2.31,0,original 28739,"Slut Patrick Simmons humiliates KIK slave ""send me photo fag"" every time he gets that message he has to send 10 nudes for retweets and slut shaming @simons_pat #expose #humiliation URL",0.8,5,ZH 40566,Mexican people the cuntry of Mexico ther not are frends ther enemys real Americans need to start killing off all people from Mexico needs to be wipe-out like the Spanish people wipe-out all ther afercan slave's they used to take over Mexico they killed every last black slave,1.83,1,original 40483,Omg I have the same birthday!! Except I was born in 2008 but OMG happy Birthday 🥳,-3.79,0,original 7018,"Yes, looking like you haven't slept or eaten in a month just makes the ladies swoon. Have incels always been so pro-nazi?",1.28,5,original 20092,"Lawmakers in Taiwan have just approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, making Taiwan the first place in Asia to pass gay marriage legislation. On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia let's all commit to advancing human rights for everyone. #IDAHOTB URL",-4.82,0,original 47231,"It is better to meet with civilized nationalist businessmen than to meet about dysfunctional, violent Muslims who will continue to be dysfunctional until the world comes together in a physical solution to deal with them. Meeting with Japan on the issues of security, sovereignty, free trade, sanity and a world free from extremist Islamic violence and Sharia law spreading to other countries to take over the time (it is a legitimate plan in the Koran, about "" ""peaceful"" migration, I forgot the name starts with a ""T"" I think) seems like a more constructive conversation",0.9,1,DE 29901,Forget her pussy and ass and fuck her face until she pukes!,0.89,4,FR 2089,I posit that they swore things on the Bible because that was the only way to get the religion-obsessed plebs to go along with their ideas.,-1.23,0,original 23835,"homophobes then: ""gays are disgusting. You are going to hell. Fag sinners."" homophobes acting brand new: URL",2.3,5,FR 6217,Hope this redneck fuck chokes on his brothers semen while at the kkk rally.,2.06,1,original 25317,i am: □ boy □ girl □ nonbinary ■ dumb retarded fucking bitch,0.73,4,original 47051,No shade but I just assumed she was a lesbian 🤷‍♂️,-2.35,0,original 12215,"I imagine they were bracing themselves and had their clothes burnt off. But, yeah, they are gay.",-0.8,0,original 41596,This video made me brave enough to come out to my parents as lesbian. Edit: my parents just accepted me for who I am. 💞🏳️‍🌈,-4.22,0,original 32658,Suicide: Nigerians decry ban on sale of sniper URL Tribune Online #NigerianTribuneAt70 URL,-3.8,0,original 11631,"I have to run over minorities. Wait, my 2001 Honda Civic. Happy, Allah would be. He would give me lots of ketamine.",1.99,1,DE 17494,"What are you? A gay retard huh gay retard u/NuttyNutsauce post Instagram worthy memes, you pile of fish shit",2.33,5,original 7605,go abort yourself,0.89,4,original 48485,These girls look like they come from Russia or somewhere in the Eastern Block countries- my guess- Ukraine or Russia.,-3.1,0,original 22393,Do you really want to fuck a priest or do you want to fuck God? URL,0.95,2,RU 34014,"@Zionocracy @gegan1987 Israel's 71 years of barbaric history is filled with disgusting social values. However, they continue to exist on the Holy Land. There will be peace in the Middle East only if Israel ceases to exist.",0.75,3,ZH 9724,quit being a simp and get some fresh pussy,0.67,4,original 626,"HMU when various ""kill all white people"" type posts start getting censored off of social media instead of amplified and spread like they are now. Its pretty obvious that there would be a double standard enacted just like there is now. When SJWs say ""ban all hate speech"" what they really mean is ""ban all hate speech I disagree with, hating white people is fine"".",-1.21,0,original 10194,Go back to the cotton fields nigger,1.58,1,FR 30699,"@realDonaldTrump You are a racist, misogynist, traitor, cheater, money launderer, and from what I hear, a rapist.",0.63,3,FR 3691,It's creepy as fuck how a parent can see at their little children and think sexually about them. Those people shouldn't breed at the first place.,-3.14,0,original 23883,This nigga OV look like Squidward when Spongebob hit him with the door,0.59,1,DE 8999,Could you be more of a female dog. It is obvious that everyone would deceive you.,1.01,4,FR 23821,this how playing with Isreal is. 😡,-2.53,0,original 18040,kys cracker,-0.34,0,original 46697,"4:34 ""did you get the sound?"" sounds like she has an American accent and now I can't unhear it",-2.37,0,original 18155,"Lock your sissy clit in a cage, get a suction cup dildo on the wall, and and ride it with your locked limp clit dangling in your face till you squirt your your worthless fag juice in your own mouth!",1.08,5,original 8068,Good I'd rather have all of em dead in a pile first rather than to let them into the great USA. Get the fuck out of my country you law breaking human bags of shit.,4.02,1,original 29060,America has become the forced export of bestiality and degeneration. America has become the shopping center of the world. America has become a free shit donor. America has become a country where the people who founded it are disparaged. Let the barbecues and fireworks start on time.,0.51,5,DE 34258,"niggas be tryna drive you crazy with the ugliest bitches, boy fuck you and your pet rat 😩😂",1.56,1,DE 45363,Stupid white trash. Only dimwitted inbreds like yourself would believe in qanon phaggotry. Morons like you are why there are warning labels on plastic bags.,2.52,1,original 17443,A cunt would have some warmth and depth to it. She is something much worse.,2.37,4,original 27790,@_shellenberger Shut the fuck up you completely white privileged motherfuker with 9 followers who needs an ass beating,1.4,1,original 14584,"I hope ISIS kidnaps you, circumsizes you and sells you off as a slave",2.08,4,original 21605,@WayneDupreeShow The Pope needs to shut up and go choke on his rosary beads.,0.62,2,original 48556,we all know that indians are fucking stupid...they kill their own country not only with gangi river but also by leaving their so called 'sacred cows' shit in the streets...they have a rat temple smfh that's dirty,1.71,3,FR 22960,@Filamental2 @frostytea_ fucking british gay,1.08,5,ZH 40443,Deport these disease infested morons,1.95,3,original 88,Better get 2 abortions for your spawn because you're an asshole,0.71,4,FR 28104,Facts . That's why I cut these hoes off,-0.64,0,original 19558,"You missed the part where they incest and marry in the family. Rape anything that moves, be it a human or a goat (not surprising considering the fact that their prophet was a rapist). They are always ready to explode and hopefully get 72 goals :)",1.33,2,ZH 24002,@Meerasrini @groundviews @the_hindu Typical Indian Islamophobe @Meerasrini Understand the whole pic - Its not just about Easter Sunday its an anti muslims protest by Alt Sinhalese,-2.26,0,original 34539,I'm sure Chick-fil-A baptize and says a lil prayer before killing them,0.22,0,original 41136,Is Iranian. Shut down their entire country. Take them off your belt.,1.48,3,ZH 18869,"Only out to my bestfriend actually. My family doesn't know and I haven't bothered to come out as bi publicly because I feel like it just adds unnecessary drama. If some day it gets to the point of needing to come out, I will. But at this time it isn't hurting me or bothering me to be private about it.",-2.78,0,original 27862,@boombithc That's what you get for being a fag,0.51,5,FR 43926,"You are OBSESSED by Hate!! Try moving to a ""Better Country"" !!",-1.71,0,original 49450,"Time to give this country back to God and bring God and Jesus back or he will destroy this country. If we don't, there will be only a living remnant left. Time to turn to prayer. These storms and the widespread damage across the country are a warning.",0.83,2,ZH 10601,Go fuck your mother tonight be ready,1.35,4,FR 39912,you are an absolute autistic cuck bucket,1.48,7,FR 38972,"@SynClaiRWest @hayleyyjay Yeah, if you're motivated enough to yelp at strangers on the internet about their damnation, you're crazy. A great madman. A complete madman. Go back to your cave, bible thumper. Drop Jesus' dick and let him rest without your bullshit, you fool.",1.21,2,FR 21488,"You know you want me to destroy your little pussy too...right? In the meantime, you can lick my nut off that destroyed pocket pussy. URL URL #hung #bigdick #findom #cashmaster URL",1.93,5,FR 19920,You must really fucking love gay guys cause holy shit you wasted a whole lot of typing in the comments and all for nothing to cause you are one of the dumbest people I've ever encountered on this fucking earth. I know for a fact you have no friends and your a virgin and I would beat the fuck out of you :)))) CLOWN,1.08,5,original 27647,"Watch him fuck me, cuckold. Watch a real man fuck my pussy. Watch his big cock stretch my pussy while your worthless little cock gets rock hard. #cuckold #hotwife #cocucaptions #sph #interracialcuckold URL",1.49,4,FR 7254,Making fun of mental health and poor people with bad teeth is the tenets that created this dynasty....and Christine saying nigger.,1.33,7,original 27337,Must have to be mentally challenged n one ugly bastard to go out wi the intentions to be spiking folk Strange behaviour🤕,1.33,7,original 40079,Steven Eidmann y'all didn't call him black thug this time! Thanks 🙏,-2.82,0,original 44825,I wanna fight some of thes smart mouthed media niggas for real,-0.07,0,original 42231,"What part of my comment was racist? Gosh, you millennials, little sodden, imbecile, mouth-breathing skin waste.",0.73,6,DE 24451,"@gabeten You may be proud to have a gold digging, racist, ex-porn actress representing you... But, I'm thoroughly embarrassed 😩",0.09,0,original 41921,"Islam is not a race, it is a psychotic mental illness like all religions. Omar is a terrorist who has no place in secular society. Islam murders LGBT people, cruelly oppresses/kills women, tortures animals, violates basic human rights such as fundamental freedoms, kills apostates, promotes horrific terrorism and oppresses all non-Muslims. Liberals must fight for liberal values.",1.54,2,DE 39615,"@brookehouts You are a disgusting human being. I hope you get slapped, hit, yelled at and spit on in jail you dirty bitch.",2.12,4,original 45575,Dude what a real nigga,-3.26,0,original 48696,"You are wrong AOC, YOU HURT ME, YOU HURT MY EARS, YOU HURT MY EYES, YOU HURT MY BRAIN. AND you insult me, illegal aliens insult me. violations! Lock her up! Deport them all! Stop killing Americans with your lies!",0.66,3,DE 41624,Well done Iran an eye for eye,-1.76,0,original 30835,"Undocumented immigrants can't get citizenship within ""a matter of minutes."" They have to go through a process that takes at least 5 years if you're lucky & up to 20+ years, if you even get the chance, you ignorant, clown ass motherfucker 🤡 URL",-0.68,0,original 4728,"No, I'm an African American. I can send you a picture of me turning you around with a sign that says ""kiss my black asshole"" if you want. Cursive or printed? I write well in both. Would you like a timestamp? Insults aside, I wasn't intentionally telling them they were black, just that they were acting in a very childish, animalistic, pathetic way. Apes, niggers, hooligans, Neanderthals, idiots, losers, degenerates, DNA junk, subhumans, beasts, whatever you want to call them, they didn't act like folks. It doesn't matter that they are black.",0.57,1,FR 4436,"As a fellow bi girl, I would just like to say 😍😍😍 Seriously, you're doing great, you're super cute!",-4.8,0,original 49756,"Maybe his girlfriend is a man! He could very well be the pickle kisser! He didn't leave her for another woman, he left her for another man! Sounds like this jerk ex has a dick problem! His ex-wife was a classy lady!",2.14,5,ZH 49871,Check out the racist Australian trash. inbred white trash,0.69,1,DE 7591,That may be the case for some people but I wasn't properly raised in the church. Technically I was but my parents never by pressure on me and my siblings to be a part of it and I even have a sibling who doesn't. I genuinely didn't believe in the church until recently and I would only go to church to see my friends when I wanted to. But I decided to make the change for myself and not because anyone pressured me. So in my case you're wrong,-3.81,0,original 44476,"HERE'S WHAT I 2 TELL THEM ALL IN AMERICA AND WHEN SOME OF THEM START BOMBING AND KILLING AMERICANS, THEN AMERICAN ASSOUNDS WILL WAKE UP AND THIS WILL HAPPEN (ONLY TIME AMERICANS LOVE EACH OTHER IS WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO AMERICAN BREAKERS",3.9,3,FR 23057,A proud moment ror gay rights.,-3.69,0,original 913,"Girls are the best, can we just take a moment to appreciate girls.",-6.14,0,original 18219,Watch out for their gay roller skating prostitutes tho,-0.68,0,original 35055,Happened all over the world. Military on our border is justified. Or gangs will destroy us URL,1.19,3,DE 42238,"@Ilan Lustig By terrorists you mean Israel, right? Because they have been literally wiping Palestine off the map piece by piece and yet somehow US is okay with that.",-0.46,0,original 17132,you look like the kind of man who would fuck a person in the ass and wouldn't even have the common courtesy to give them a hand,1.1,4,FR 43314,But Clitoris New Network said they were peaceful and innocent immigrants.,0.95,3,FR 8118,That's an informative video. Proud Hindu here!!,-3.71,0,original 21804,I really hate bitches,1.23,4,FR 11264,"Eat my fuck, bitch",2.22,4,original 22302,"""We care about promoting diversity and inclusion,"" says the fifth white panelist, of a five-person panel.",-2.52,0,original 13934,Please don't breed. There is enough mental illness on this planet as it is.,1.12,7,DE 8888,"Are you fucking retarded? The race would die if people didn't fucking have kids and people actually care about their family and having kids to raise. Fuck you, human fucking shit",1.12,7,original 26335,"SO THEN THIS BLACK PUBLIC UTILITY WORKER SHOT UP HIS COWORKERS, AND LIKE A MONTH BEFORE THAT THIS TRANS KID AND THEIR ANTIFA BUDDY SHOT UP THEIR SCHOOL! THEY NEVER EVEN SAID WHAT HAPPENED TO NOTRE DAME IT'S KIND OF LIKE THE VEGAS MEMORY-HOLE IS GROWING DO YOU REMEMBER LAS VEGAS?? URL",-0.2,0,original 23523,@BHMatter @hbcunews @HBCUToday @newsHBCU @HBCU_Lifestyle Not sure who the Asian Tuskegee student is. Would also love to hear his own account of his immersion experience in an African-American educational institution. #HBCU #Tuskegee #BlackHistory,-3.67,0,original 42712,Roger Dodger That attempt of justifying crimes against humanity. People like you deserve to be raped and beheaded by ISIS.,3.26,4,original 5300,"call him a bitch, a slut, girly whore names while he's wearing your lingerie and maybe tell him his cock is tiny or something",-0.31,0,original 704,You deserve to be used as nothing more than a toy for my big cock and if you answer I'll spit in your stupid bitch mouth.,1.36,4,FR 42915,Black people are great! No racism just respect! 🙏🏽 They've contributed much to this 🌎. Bless up!,-4.82,0,original 48,"Give me your tired, your poor, your religious lunatics, your criminals yearning to escape justice... the wretched junk of your teeming shoreline... and finally allow European civilization to be guided by this wretched junk and is controlled... whatever might possibly go wrong?",1.87,1,DE 21247,"My nigga, FUCK Christopher Columbus!",0.34,0,original 37300,"Dear Anupam Kher, you are a Moron and a gutter person. Wish somebody shoots you or you die of a disease soon.. Useless. URL",1.56,1,original 24266,@tariqnasheed These fagots are a bunch of degenerates,2.01,5,FR 48711,Dirty Muslim,2.58,2,RU 42510,+Jack Richardson Just because she is a woman and he said she is trash doesn't mean he is a misogynist you wimp. She is socialist scum. Go back to your mommies basement.,-0.19,0,original 7963,"Alright, gay fag",1.61,5,original 8018,You fat Ratchet nurse looking like a bitch. I hope a patient fucks you in the ass,1.64,4,FR 35651,@anindiangod cause fuck retards URL,2.23,7,original 27668,OMG#Yet more evidence that the only so called democracy in the ME isn't so cuddly after all. When did Israeli settlers ever come in peace. Nothing more than vile racist supremacists.,0.6,3,original 36387,@Kaifyjaaan @MianIftikharHus @MiaNaMateenPti @adgpi Folk your ass will be filled with bullets soon don't worry we will claim our Hindu land. Your converted assholes go to your Islamic birthplace in Arabia. Kashmir is ours and will remain for eternity more days in twitter The armies' bullets will soon engulf all Jehadi Mulas.,2.86,3,DE 27736,bway stan twitter white boy of the month but it's just the unproblematic wholesome white men of broadway who deserve love and attention,-2.18,0,original 12046,"No not again, fuck off fag",1.74,5,original 10300,Porki grooming gangs are what you belong to . Just rape your cousin fatima she is prob a whore anyway. Porkshitstani like you mad cause you cant win a war and Hindus have dominated you historically on all fronts . You are the most hated people on planet earth you are repulsive garbage that cant exist and will be done in the ext 5-10 years after we take over porkistan and it merges with India .,2.19,1,original 40842,Maybe if you lose some weight then you could get attention from men instead of being jealous of your husband Ayesha.,0.03,0,original 12532,And that part of the Bible where some guy gives his two daughters to a crowd of rioters(?) Whereupon they are raped!,-1.05,0,original 12130,"Amusingly, as a chapotrapworship disciple, you are statistically far more likely to be the incel here. ;) Or a mentally ill tranny, or a live in your parents basement fat neckbeard, or all of the above.",-0.03,0,original 32350,"@NancyLeeGrahn @IvankaTrump Oh look another white woman white knighting for PoC. You're twice as white as that dog. And I noticed you are familiar with the Nazi jargon. So suspicious. I bet you are secretly in the KKK. You look like it. Come at me, scrub.",0.06,0,original 33210,"@Erikaj00 ONE BY ONE , I know they parents whooping that ass. Cause ain't no way.",-1.49,0,original 23876,bos blondes with porn sex toys sauna amatoriale amature fucked sexy colle ge brunette fucked amature xxx amatuer wife orgy home pics naked lesbians first time amateurs ass hot blonde fuck american blonde b URL,-0.91,0,original 43627,"Immigrants need to stay away from borders, so eh. My question is: who wants to destroy AOC? Those are the sick ones, pay attention to them. Today is AOC, tomorrow is pony riding at the petting zoo",1.29,3,ZH 42592,"+PABLOBARBICI Nah... Women are not bitches. YOU a BITCH! You DUMB FUCK! Yo mamma is a woman, so you're calling your momma a bitch too. Stupid dumb ass. Go, sit down, lick your wounds and shut the fuck up! Go Raptors! HAHAHAHA!",-0.51,0,original 7998,Fuck off you gay bitch and kill yourself,3.05,5,original 25917,"@gaywonk @YouTube Never let me catch your fudge wrapped queer ass in public, I'll shame you the fuck out. You fucking shit.",3.18,5,ZH 29675,@WalshFreedom @TuckerCarlson When have we not done that kid? This Somilian gal and her brusband are doing quite nicely. Paying little in taxes and mama's in the congress. Ever consider you are the white supremacist?,-1.7,0,original 14223,The implicit assumption here is that the growth from 3 million to 200 million was from immigration as opposed to natural increase. This wrongly imputes the American immigration experience onto Mexico. Mexico did not have huge immigration waves like the United States did. Estimates are that [50-90% of current Mexicans](URL are mixed descendants of Spanish and native ancestors.,-3.69,0,original 2515,He looks like one of the guys who scammed me in college a while back. They are all gypsies so they all know each other.,0.07,0,original 19949,I wish I was there to shoot all the fags,1.63,5,DE 9146,Salami preaches the killing of unbelievers and homosexuals. You know what I'm talking about.,1.24,5,ZH 48542,"A re-elected Modi means more warm hugs for Bibi. The Common Wealth, The Crypto Anglo Zio Empire endures. Modi the Indian Yes Man.",-1.26,0,original 2710,"WARHAMMER IS FOR VIRGINS, ONLY FUCKING PIGS PLAY IT",1.9,5,DE 49964,"This is pretty awesome seeing how they interact and all! Great vid! It was rly interesting, all of the lgbtq talk, people have been hurt by the church before!! And as a Christian I can say it's sick to know people are treated less than they should be just because their sin may be more noticeable. But we all sin, we're all broken. It still doesn't change the problem with the sin, but it means that people rly need to take a heart check. We all fall short, so stand your ground, pray for discernment with acceptance.",-4.01,0,original 6486,• Girls who talk like fucking idiots,0.98,7,ZH 30760,I'll fuck you under the stars and let the whole neighborhood hear how much of a filthy little slut you are for me. URL,1.46,4,original 13223,Shut up the fag bot,0.93,5,DE 14514,"Tulsi ""We must stop American imperialism and start American genocide""",1.51,3,FR 6102,"I'd call this guy a fag, but that's an insult to all bundles of sticks everywhere",1.65,5,DE 28383,all that pussy nigga choose to eat her ass. hate to see it.,0.66,1,original 37539,@81kensmith you fucking insensitive Mongolian idiot! We need to sterilize people like you!,0.83,7,ZH 9600,give it a rest faggot,1.02,5,original 46061,Nuke the middle East PLEASE,2.41,1,original 5279,One day we will murder peasants for the genocide they committed against animals. Fuck white farmers.,2.2,1,DE 49684,Evangelicals want to bring on the end times of Revelations so that they will be raptured to heaven and leave the rest of humanity behind to suffer.....That alone should disqualify them from heaven.If they are successful in bringing on the nuclear holocaust they will suffer with everyone else.,-0.76,0,original 2574,I'll fuck your pussy and ass with me and your cum until they're sore and dripping,2.49,5,ZH 39932,"Be careful what you wish for, you always wanted to feel a huge cock in your hole, slut, so now moan all you like, that won't stop this bull from violating your boipussy aside, he won't stop only when he is done and shoots his load and raise you. Obey and Submit URL",2.21,4,FR 45055,"Dont worry we will replace white people eventually, they are being killed in south Africa and Europe hopefully they will be killed here soon ! Just pray guys",2.07,1,original 20690,instead she'll end up wondering why her terrorist father spent her entire childhood killing brown and black people in the global south than be with her URL,-0.79,0,original 1594,It's God's wrath over the abortion ban,-1.24,0,original 15381,I'll fuck this crazy bitch all the way in the ass and give her a taste of it afterwards.,1.57,4,FR 45531,"Well, something is good about this, but it's awfully close to that pagan notion of ""thinking things into being"". Like the prosperity gospel or ""The Secret"", it comes close to the false notion of just ""believing"" in what you want so it will ""materialize"". I hope that's not what he's teaching, because the Bible also says ""your prayers are not answered because you ask amiss"". We aren't supposed to pray for things that will not bring us closer to the Father.",-2.99,0,original 2268,So do I! It's fun being a woman. And I really like men.,-4.17,0,original 8918,"""For those ugly idiots"" ""I can't stand such useless people. We have to get rid of them"" ""Stop crying"" \-Ljoseph54",2.54,1,DE 8333,"America would invade Sweden if they could cause ""muh socialism"". But they usually just content themselves with picking on vulnerable nonwhite countries like the cowardly inept bullies they are",0.48,0,original 40600,Why do you scream like that bich,0.35,0,original 15950,Your a retard. Don't wanna go to jail? Stay away from the drugs then plain and simple. and if your targeted more cuz your black like you say. then stay even farther away. but nooooo all you see is black with guns and drugs. go cry somewhere where ppl arnt actually commiting the crime nobody goes to jail for doing nothing.,1.48,1,original 48348,Go back to your country bitch,0.69,3,FR 8478,fuck yourself bitch.,0.1,0,original 37679,@TabindaSulahri1 I'm very sorry we are ashamed Muslim we can't help you like we couldn't help Burma Muslims they got with children alive burned Palestine is still burning we can't help them either why Cuz our Muslim leaders are sleep they need to wake up n step in but they don't care abt u,-2.15,0,original 10696,"You messed with the 9 year olds, beat him bois",-0.16,0,original 27790,"@_shellenberger Shut the fuck up, all-white privileged fucker with 9 followers who needs a beating",1.4,1,FR 40314,I build a wall and put all you racist white stuff in it and pour in some gas and burn you all the freaks down including your orange fat pig president and watch you all burn to the ground and this is how you make America great again!,2.65,1,DE 46045,We must bomb Mexico to rubble.,2.16,3,FR 10680,"Know thy history, because the kosher version isn't what happened during the 1930s Germany. It was justified and it was humane. *They* want you to believe otherwise, at all costs, let it seem like the best option out of this clown world.",2.53,2,original 20095,"My piece with @nowthisnews about how China is trying to erase Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other Turkic Muslims of occupied East Turkestan. URL",-1.96,0,original 4178,I wonder how many cum shots the queen took,0.79,4,FR 47144,"Fuck panties, British politicians can suck cock! Sold their people for a shitty god, preferential rights for Muslims. Look at your own politics, calling Trump whatever you want is showing your own stupidity. Stand up UK citizens and take back your damn country! For nearly 2,000 years you have fought every invader in the world, but now your politicians have turned against Allah. Some of the greatest kings that ever walked the land you came from, they would roll over in their graves if they knew",0.8,2,RU 43303,"The raids began Friday in many area. It was way over due. I.C.E should begin a city-by-city and state-by-state raid/sweep to find, arrest and deport all illegal aliens. Enough of the insanity. The U.S does not need any more 3rd world uneducated and ignorant leeches. Build the wall and deport them all. Problem solved.",0.95,3,original 10001,It's basically just a hole to jerk off to at this point. Why do you assholes ruin your pussies like that? Keep it tight bitches.,1.8,4,FR 11597,Unfortunately being in an intergenerational relationship has two comings out. One for being gay The other for the age difference. I suspect the harder to accept is the age difference. Interestingly on my case his parents had met me thinking we were sharing an apartment and both comings out for my partner went exceptionally well. My only advice to you is care for your own happiness as well as theirs.,-3.84,0,original 6389,Wow you bigot. I identify as a tiger. That means I am 100% a tiger. It's my identity and you need to be jailed if you call me anything other than a tiger for hate speech.,-1.89,0,original 24573,"i hate colonizers. what the fuck is ""the united states""???? bitch im gonna kill you",2.86,3,original 12277,"Hey idiot who created this chair. There's a thing called a penis and balls. Next time before trying to take a stand, don't be silly.",0.92,4,FR 41628,@Greg G Shut the FrICK! U librealcomIE FAG SNOWFLAKE!,0.96,5,FR 29999,@tonyposnanski send that jerk brother back to her shit country! !,0.56,3,ZH 19999,"Yeah give this game to the niggers you fucking idiots they can't even buy food you want them to buy the lite pass or any sking? You damn Indians, put the game in damn Europe where people really matter because we're white, you damn poor bastards.",2.4,1,DE 22647,Happy Pride Month from me and my beautiful girl ❤️ don't ever be ashamed of who you are and let's have a great pride month 😊 #lgbt #PrideMonth2019 #trans URL,-5.91,0,original 27087,"@sankrant Moderate Islam is Like Hyenas that Feast on Leftovers from Lions. Once ""Terrorists"" have Driven Away Hindus from their Land, ""Moderates"" will Occupy Land and Call ""Terrorists"" as Non Muslims! #LandGrabbingMafiaIslam",0.74,2,original 45498,Trump should make Pakistan nuclear instead of Iran Pakiland Dirtyland Britishslaveland Punjabiland,2.0,3,DE 47709,@Darth Fader First off I want to thank you for your service. 2nd 4.5 billion allocated where? Maybe we should stop funding terrorism and funneling weapons to these countries so that these people don't come over.,-1.15,0,original 8274,"> The Houthis must be exterminated to the roots for our national security. Hope they exterminate you to the roots. Given that you Saudis are the most incompetent soldiers on the planet and rely on advanced toys from the United States to compete with desert goat herders with aks, I'd say the Houthis are going to win.",3.0,2,FR 15460,"You are genetically inferior, look at your body, you fat skinny bitch. I would fuck the one you love, slap her hard and tell her to bring me a sandwich.",1.97,4,FR 49934,This kid is a fucking moron who speaks Jeberian motherfucker,1.68,7,DE 17119,"Oh yeah, and mabye you'll realise that gender is tied to sex and that your just a copeing faggot in denial",0.53,5,original 30582,"@Arynewsofficial @iaalikhan politics is so cute hog bone 🦴 in Pak for Nawaz families you have to lick it all the time to your graves. You have lied to the nation in the past 35 years, we as a nation have now trusted them, you have now trusted them to flush the toilet to get rid of disease",2.35,1,DE 4937,Fucking gay fuck them,-0.17,0,original 48952,"Esau is the fucking devil the bible talks about...that's why God rejected Esau and all the other nations that had real JEWS in captivity!!! But in the new Kingdom of God, we will have our foot on your neck so says the lord of the TRUE JEWS! REVELATIONS 2:9 this is for you PECKERWOODS in ISRAEL now who are not the real JEWS!!! Stinking Pagans!!",1.41,2,FR 9887,"I will personally come to your house, get you out of your mother's basement with all your Fleshlights and your old cum rags and make sure you die a slow and very very painful death right in front of your parents.",1.41,6,FR 43496,Goodbye brown border barbarians!,0.98,1,FR 4287,I wish people should have to be granted a license in order to procreate,2.25,1,original 46757,"The last summarizes the women. They ask guys to do all their bullshit and then have a sap that pays the bills. They are all like that. Fuck you if you think you have one that isn't, you'll wake up too late.",0.77,4,FR 20019,Our Declaration of Independence doesn't have any Jewish signatures Those vampire snake breed Kennett vampires who overthrew Babylon were not descendants of the founding fathers. They are not our brothers. They are Christ-killers. They are Antichrists.,2.01,2,ZH 24065,I'm going to retweet all this on my other account @GodwinGecko you assholes. I mean how stupid you can be. Are you full of nigger attitudes. Y'all are fucking niggers. Negro. Negroes. Black fuck. Trials of trials.,1.68,1,FR 34833,Australiansana looks like the kind of white woman who tries so hard to act like a regular person she has hemorrhoids. Too bad that once you show that much of the whites of your eyes anyone can tell you're the type to get cristism and then go home and microwave your hamster URL,-0.16,0,original 16055,Fuck you bitch,0.51,4,FR 15232,She's very cute. Would love to see her get cock.,0.65,4,original 3540,Reminds me of the way the American public supported the killers in My Lai. Nothing has changed. Americans are inhumane racists who idolize state killers,0.89,3,DE 26754,"girls be so proud to get with guys with girls, calm down HOE",-0.57,0,original 32150,"You should be ashamed of yourself for you abuse ""Hinduism"" that is reason for your existence. Had we been the way Islam spread, not a single conversion would have been possible. And you show audacity to I'll for Hinduism? How shameless. URL",-1.83,0,original 24088,"The Portuguese left enclaves of Catholicism in Bengal, Malaysia, a few Indonesian islands, East Timor and West Timor, the Maluku islands which the Spanish later ruled. The Spanish spread Catholicism more widely after colonizing the Philippines.",-3.27,0,original 44110,These hoes stupid asf but I'd smash the one in white then kick her ass out straight after I hit.😎😎😎😏,0.56,4,original 46536,Fuck Trump pussy ass and the punk ass white nationalist hiding in their basements...bring that shit to Chicago and get your ass whupped...cowards...go bully some more college students😝😂😂😝,0.58,1,original 43885,So all whites have to do is prop up your victim complex? Good to know.,-0.09,0,original 22706,who was so fucking bored one day they decided to sexualize women's boobs. now we getting harassed because of it we're just trying to exist in peace,-1.54,0,original 20031,"Niggers and their liberal friends steal everything not tied down, just like the presidency here with acorn with its liberal defenders, FUCK YOU NIGGER OBOAMA!",1.93,1,original 23132,@TeamCornyn Go lick Hitler's asshole,-1.19,0,original 32031,Just saw a nigga with a fat ass coat on I just ran I jus knew he had a gun🤦🏽‍♂️,1.28,1,original 269,"I'm an atheist, you brainwashed identity politics playing faggot. Go kill babies, shit head.",1.38,5,original 18697,"Shut up, autistic toilet cleaner",1.58,7,DE 13601,Oh I will take her... over and over again... until she's begging for me to cum inside her,-0.06,0,original 10310,You need help here. Inbreeding and praying to a pedophile named Mohammed won't help your porkishitstan shit hole.,2.8,2,FR 26785,@dannahy_tina Sick bitch horrible pussy,1.95,4,FR 28690,"i will suck a niggas dick who i like anywhere, any time of the day URL",-0.23,0,original 5305,That sounds kinda gay,-0.7,0,original 43152,She can eat my WiFi all day long.,-2.16,0,original 17594,Because Muslims are the most visible brown people. People like you who suck white people's dick are hopeless.,0.66,2,original 47452,"FUCK THE SLUT! GO to the country of your choice and step on it and desecrate their flag, we won't have to see you again or hear from you! Authorized piece of shit that you are, don't belong in America, step on our flag, what if we step on you? If you were worth it, I'd introduce you to my baseball bat! Damn lavender haired freak! NEWS FLASH BITCH, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.",1.63,5,FR 9254,Called a joke you fuckin mongoloid,0.28,0,original 50064,"OLDSKOOL978 Their country is the country they are loyal to, not some legal definition like citizenship",-2.57,0,original 47761,Talking to Kellyanne Conway is like talking to a duck. What's the point?,0.02,0,original 986,The Romans had women raped to death by animals while onlookers cheered,1.55,1,DE 7549,Because you have a small dick and you can't satisfy her,0.56,7,RU 48415,These women are truly fuckin ugly I've seen some hot soccer women but Jesus Christ USA women 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Russian women's soccer team puts these ugly broads to shame 😂😂😂😄😄😥😥🤪🤪 Russian love ❤️ forever,1.67,4,original 2412,I hate bitchy gays of any color.,0.77,5,original 33216,Fucking gays! They could all fucking die! Let them smother their own paranoia! Just one time I wanted to get one of these! I want to rip them to shreds! url,1.2,5,ZH 38916,Damn her Pussy creamy asf 😩 URL,1.63,4,original 4264,"Okay, top notch Scientologist who can't spell. Go back to fuck your sister before your cousin comes home with dinner for the 11 finger baby",0.82,2,FR 13639,"That's why what the Nazis did was correct, because it was legal in Germany. Jews, homosexuals and the disabled are not above the law, their existence is illegal.",2.61,5,FR 25715,You trash ass No boundaries having Sucking on mommas tit twat #growthefuckup,0.12,0,original 45013,I just don't understand how people voted for someone who actually grabbed women by the p*ssy got elected. The most appalling thing is that actual women voted for him and I'm like literally saw him abuse your fellow women and was like it's ok!,0.59,4,original 43459,Thank goodness you didn't fall into the hands of all these people while forming or starting a church 90% of Nigerians are blockheads and blockheads,0.77,3,FR 45793,IF you greasy lying swamp pig's finally break America who is going to take over the Muslims ?,0.37,0,original 17823,You look like the kind of person who mistakes chromosomes for brain cells.,2.08,5,ZH 8942,Hit that female dog in the face with another bullet. Fuck her.,1.02,4,FR 1579,you a gay nigga You make me puke and then choke on it!,2.08,1,DE 15499,"Get a job and your own place, first fag",1.03,5,DE 10467,"You are so fucking pathetic. I can't give a fuck FANTHOM for what a vile and disgusting person you are. If I see you, I'll knock you to the ground and stomp your punk ass until it's a little slush that even a decomposer can't break down. Satan will deny you hell and say it is too harsh for other people. I will take a time machine to find your mother and abort you before you are born. I'm doing everyone else a favor by doing this. This is not plagiarism, you are just retarded.",1.63,7,ZH 30953,"@Wakeupc50197311 @IlhanMN You better tell the immigrant that is occupying the WH, IIhanMN speaks better English then his porn star.",0.17,0,original 32377,whore dont even follow me back. Fuck that bitch,-0.27,0,original 27292,A bitch is mad,-1.6,0,original 17827,It could've been written by some desperate chick with no self-awareness.,-1.44,0,original 18029,"I fuck white girls all the time, they're disposable",1.17,1,DE 45367,Fucking indians i hate dis country fuck you grandpa u peace of shit,1.85,1,original 33045,#Shubhdevi a great salute to you guruji that you think this much of girl child and we are proud of you only you can think this for the Welfare of women's @Gurmeetramrahim URL,-2.82,0,original 23494,@hijabhere This man is an alcoholic and speaks vulgar. A man with this character is a disgraceful human being and does not deserve respect. I used to respect him now he has no Taqwa of Allah. He just verbally abuses,-1.13,0,original 33151,"@arnlinp6603 I don't feel discriminated against or feel like I'm in danger at all. Diversity is beautiful and there's always room for more of it, in my opinion.",-5.15,0,original 1261,you should shut your mouth with your diaries. Negro,2.78,1,FR 2091,I am impressed how big of a deal is race for Americans. My upvote is yours.,-2.86,0,original 48329,Iran is full of religious Nazis...,1.3,2,FR 4264,"Well, a top Scientologist who can't spell. Go back and fuck your sister before your cousin comes home to feed the 11 toe baby",0.82,2,ZH 45248,"@likaboss7654 See, this is what I mean. Counter argument? You didn't make an argument to begin with. What are you even trying to say? That unauthorized immigrants cannot be counted? If yes, what does that mean for the census question or 45's executive order? Also, like I said in my OP, it already been done. And, it will be done again, they do it every few years. Look it up, Dim. And, maybe think about it awhile. Peace-Out.",-2.82,0,original 42763,Boy shut up you ugly ass papa smurf jimmy neutron homer simpson mia khalifa cancer patient who sees ass boy go kys,1.16,7,DE 36342,yo bitch ate my dick,0.43,0,original 3042,What a bunch of fags.,0.19,0,original 18401,"As far as im aware, she doesn't officially suppor5 him more than anyone supports a foreign leader who won thier election. She has visited India on his invite because she's the only Hindu representative or was at the time. And they did a couple of events togeather because that's what people do when on state visits. And people took it and ran with that as unwavering support",-3.64,0,original 45373,These 4 terrorists want to get rid of ICE and have open borders for all the terrorists to come thru. These 4 terrorists should be arrested now!,0.38,0,original 42821,Dig PIT and heal them NAZI INVASION ALL OVER EUROPE. ESPECIALLY WOMEN DO NOT ACCOMMODATE HERE. THE PRESIDENT. PLANT TEAMS SO I CAN VOLUNTEER,6.3,2,RU 44583,"Why does the little fag even have Warriors tattoos? Rappers used to be cool street guys. Canada has half black jewish child actor singing rapper, midget fag. Weak.",0.85,1,DE 20577,"@TitaniaMcGrath @Telegraph @andrewdoyle_com Titania bares all in this exposé! Such courage and bravery in challenging the status quo, (which was designed by SWM's, meaning it's all shit!) showing that gender fluidity can be as simple as a wave of a hand. It's all in the brain of the eye holder. Who are any of you to judge!",-4.82,0,original 32346,That is ok we can bring the bastards here put them in jails and when they finish the sentence DEPORT THEM GREAT!!!,0.86,3,original 2829,"I felt the same way growing up as a man. I imagined myself having long red hair (I'm a brunette) and being a girl. Once I got to college, I realized nothing was stopping me. You are perfectly valid regardless of where this goes. I recommend going to r/lgbt if you would like more advice. You're not alone.",-5.03,0,original 11368,My fucking nation brought only progress to the lands inhabited only by tribal societies. Your brought nothing useful to the world after it became Muslim.,1.23,2,original 18099,If theres something strange in ur neighbourhood who you gonna call the klu klux klan,0.9,1,original 33588,Coming on tomorrow Tuesday— video is with sexy @RayDieselXXX this sexy man fucked me so deep—- URL —-@HotMaleStuds @scallysex @new_gaywanking @gayporncrushes #bigcock #bareback #blowjob #daddies #cumshot #breeding #fucking #sucking URL,-2.76,0,original 6066,"The left is disgusting. Those sick freaks definitely push homosexuality and gay weird stuff on children like lgbtq or whatever the fuck that means. How is this even legal what they are doing? Same way how they make all that nasty porn and Hollywood always depicting faggots, lesbians and interracial shit. They are promoting it. They are filth. Something needs to be done about these people.",1.83,5,original 49039,Nobody say turn up anymore. And BET aka bullshit entertainment trash supports trash artists while sh****ing on real talent. You Wack asses are owned by white people lol. Change the name black entertainment to BULLSHIT,1.04,1,original 11773,"I've literally never come out as bi but if anyone asks I'll tell them, it's not a big deal so I never made a declaration about it lol",-3.09,0,original 43435,blow iran off the map,4.73,3,ZH 11234,"Yeah, it's like when Hitler wanted to kill all Jews, all Slavs, all handicapped people, and all queer folks, but dangerous leftists didn't want to let him kill anyone, so we compromised and let him kill a few tens of millions.",-0.2,0,original 30766,All decent people who are not demented child-grooming pedophiles want this. URL,1.65,5,original 41998,Holy shit... This comment section is full of faggots,1.23,5,original 17484,China must slaughter the entire rh-LIE bloodline and EVERYTHING that serves that bloodline. this bloodline is mixed with the rh jewish blood and controls this country,3.26,2,DE 40557,"The transgender argument in the context of athletic competition against real females is simply bogus. Here is a question, why is this issue mostly relevant for male-to-female transformer athletes competing against real females, but we barely hear anything about female-to-male transformer athletes competing against real males?",-2.83,0,original 19662,Fucking SJWs will call Hitler a white supremacist and ignore the real issue of him being driven mad by loot boxes.,1.92,3,ZH 26256,URL [JAVHD] Raunchy Meina sits on a cock while her boyfriend plays with her URL,2.22,4,FR 23050,"@b77_sarah @mark_selby723 So US taxpayers and/or other US citizen patients at this hospital will pay for medical care for criminals,. .Disrespect the sovereignty or the rule of law of the United States. Anyone who falls off our US border wall should go back to this side of Mexico. .URL",1.12,3,ZH 7216,"If a girl openly or behind my back made love (fucked), another person I would never look in their direction. Horrible cunts, imagine knowing some prick was inside of your girl. Fuck that get rid mate. Good luck 🤘",-1.11,0,original 37601,Ain't no way you just pretty & single bitch you sucking somebody dick 💯🥴,0.28,0,original 27116,fuck the feminists get ya fucken rat out,0.51,4,original 36502,Eating and Repacking in Rubber Boat: URL #HornyKinkyBoy #Gay #Scat #Fetish #Porn #GayScat #GayScatPorn URL,-1.92,0,original 21974,@lizzieayeeeee I know that niggah say he ballin but he stuck on dog food,-0.02,0,original 12311,Damn hit this nigga trash and irrelevant,4.0,1,DE 40586,I will never watch another Disney movie because they are crazy sjws. But on a positive note at least this girls kinda hot. Not some obese tranny like I figured they would cast,0.2,0,original 133,Unload the clip in that clown ass nigga,1.94,1,DE 44153,These Democrat women are a complete waste of your time and my money.,-0.82,0,original 42422,"These anti semitism things are so boring, it's just such nonsense.",-0.79,0,original 41132,"This from a leader of a country responsible for 60 million deaths. Concentration camp. Nice try bitch, you handle your problems. Stay the fuck out of ours.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍",1.47,3,DE 6463,"Well, I've actually done it several times. I call people gay not because they're gay, but because they're gay, but they probably are gay anyway. Still gnashing my teeth, dude, I think guys who like to stick a penis in the ass aren't your tough guys, they're LARPs. I think it would be fun living in your little fantasy world where Mayor Buttguy is going to be president and we won't have Trump for another 6 years!",1.89,5,ZH 8927,I can relate with this. I still feel very politically attached to lesbianism even though I know I am not a lesbian. But it was a very important step in my transition to identify that way. Has to do a lot with female empowerment and feminism I think.,-5.1,0,original 34366,"""Symbol of a young generation carving out an identity beyond received ideas, her choices as an actress reflect a desire to question society, in particular how women are represented."" ♥️ URL",-3.16,0,original 10232,shut up you dumb fag cuck mokney dipshit bot,1.61,5,ZH 347,-Karma Hunting,0.51,7,JA 21791,"@kirrii23 angry dumbass, slutty gay, chaotic bitch, tired thot",1.24,5,original 28645,"Get those fucking Gods who hate the Islamic Muslim Koran out of our country, ungrateful asses.",1.95,2,FR 31742,Lick my asshole and pussy please! Use my buttplug then finger fuck me! Two guys and the Queen in a room...what do you think is guna happen? This was just the beginning😛 Subscribe to my #OnlyFans to see the whole video and all my HOT n SEXY content 🥰 URL URL,-0.19,0,original 17195,"No, you shit on it The world sees America for what it has done and how it has ruined the Middle East for generations",-1.98,0,original 46829,This is the truth. We are truly deep in the end times and the apostasy of the church. Jesus is being watered down and believing in him now means nothing. True Christians need to listen carefully to this,-2.05,0,original 5666,"Honestly I understand the reason for it. I don't think the LGBTQ community is oppressed, but it wasn't that long ago that they were. While they aren't oppressed by our government, many in the community (especially teens) often aren't accepted by their families and are often disowned and abused. Pride month is a way of acknowledging the progress that's been made and supporting those in the community that are still vulnerable. I don't understand why people can't simply ignore it if they don't want to be involved instead of being actively against it. They aren't hurting anyone.",-5.15,0,original 30976,I'll kick u in the pussy u stupid shit,2.27,4,original 40947,Illuminati Evil Zionist Jews that have their satan Evil energy inside them to tell Demons in them to be absorbed by Source Creator,0.78,2,original 3999,Isis terrorists are more likely to kill a Muslim rather than an American so chill!,0.36,0,original 3745,That makes a lot of sense. When I first realized I was bi the big trans wasn't far behind. Not seeing myself as a heterosexual man helped pave the way to me not seeing myself as a man at all. I hadn't considered the intersection of other minority groups but it really does seem pretty logical. Thanks for the insight.,-5.98,0,original 6598,"Lmfao. ""Eat some fucking shit, you fucking stupid bitch.""",1.44,4,original 3615,This bitch deserves hell. Jesus says so,0.7,4,original 45733,"+John Omoruan Well, I guess you're right. It is impossible to maintain a positive frame of mind in the face of a crude display of disregard for the laws intended to keep people at peace in society. Or should I say ignorance? Stay away from people's cursed properties and let peace prevail for all. About half a century ago, when black people ran naked, they probably didn't care about privacy or intruders. You could go into people's compounds and do your thing, but that's not the case anymore. Special announcement! We now live in the 21st century and people need security and privacy.",0.51,1,FR 43869,They are NOT AMERICANS! They violated our immigration and customs laws! TAKE THEM OUT! They should be shot at the border! we have absolute sovereignty to RUN OUR NATIONAL SECURITY! Traitors to Liberal Democrats BURN IN HELL! 👈🏼,2.09,3,DE 46748,"it's fascist to protect the quran and make normal the spread of this cancer in our world, these dessert monkeys have half the world, they want every stone, so get them all out now!",2.04,2,FR 48001,@Josh D haha what's the matter fag did i hurt your gay feelings?,0.99,5,FR 37967,@TarasKuzio @lara_lazar We too have a rise of White Supremacists here in Canada as well; especially in Alberta. We call then Rednecks. Uneducated idiots who have never seen the world & opened their minds to other cultures. This ignorance is dangerous & the state must be vigilant with these haters.,0.57,1,original 48600,"Congratulations , for Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one cometh to the father but by me .",-4.3,0,original 10488,"Pleasure, most of all. Mutual pleasure. Also, one of the sexiest things that appealed to me about being with another guy was being with an equal. It's what I signed up for. I saw a **lot** of heterosexual relationships where two people were really committed to having different roles, and that was a turn-off.",-4.02,0,original 35916,@TitaniaMcGrath Go eat a pussy and shut your pie URL's the women who are eroding society these days !,1.59,4,original 40214,Interview 77 Gay Sway or you're straight 😘,-3.37,0,original 10540,Insane and immoral. Faith healers should be thrown in prison and rot.,0.64,2,DE 15150,"if these guys were black, the n-words and stealth racism would be flying out like rockets over fallujah lmao",-1.09,0,original 4493,Who's the real pussy? This nigga was stomping on a females head. I ain't gonna clown him but Ion feel bad cause they turned that nigga into Shitty Cuz either URL,1.03,1,original 48706,You stupid Indian. get off the plane you bitch,1.08,3,ZH 66,Prepare to be whipped. India is ready to whip all the cow dung eating assholes shamelessly,1.99,3,FR 14281,Bitch motherfucker you deserve to die little piece of shit you deserve to die in a hospital with a fucking dick in your asshole you smoke silly asshole go cum in your mother's vagina,1.3,4,FR 25442,@iSpotlight6800 You a hoe shut up,2.28,4,FR 29936,"@claireg_dubai @andrewsduncan1 What a stupid guy and dumb point. Judging women... Yet, Men can walk around, top off with their beer belly and moobs hanging displaying their alpha male superiority. 🙄 Lol",-0.81,0,original 1518,"Funny enough, tho I don't consider it as bad as the n-word, it's in the same vein. Someone can definitely take it offensively if you say it in conversation.",-1.03,0,original 22220,"#Trump is an ass, he thinks that he is a genius but he is an ignorant narcisist, 6 million americans and their families are going to get hurt, with your stupid tax. If México goes in to a crisis, you will have more migrants #NationalSmileDay #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation #rt",-1.5,0,original 42192,I am the hordes of Third World invaders must GO HOME!,0.72,1,FR 16264,Yes please save us 😔🥺 Good men need to take back power. Stop letting parasite women shame you down. Stop letting manchildren take what they please. I don't know who else to turn to. There is good in the world ⭐️ the good needs to be in charge. Good men need to save the world 🦁,-2.1,0,original 45279,America is a country full of degenerates.,0.53,3,DE 13903,Imagine them existing they would be like 9/10 girls meanwhile u would be 2/10 with 0 social skills I don't see a big chance of her letting u touch those watermelons.,-0.77,0,original 28820,These bitches are ugly,0.66,4,FR 43294,What a weak ass bitch,0.48,0,original 11593,Christians are retarded,0.92,2,FR 5000,Congratulations you've paid attention to the f-a-g seeking attention.,1.99,5,DE 17502,Imagine being such a queer soyboy that you think self-defense is a fucking hobby. These people are a joke.,1.29,5,FR 13831,"For what they did to you, or for the inability of your native peoples to keep your land? Let yourself be conquered, you damned savages. Should have fucking wiped you out instead of forcing you into shithole reservations to frolic and be even more useless than before. animal",2.94,1,DE 23056,"These people can't wait to sack churches, kill believers, corrupt our families and persecute priests. Can't wait. The French Revolution all over again, with all of its horrors and modern weapons",-0.41,0,original 32307,"if you put a stink pussy in my face, i'm beating up your whole family",1.11,4,original 12501,Gawd yea... take those pantes off eat her pussy and ass,-0.36,0,original 47046,"Control the population, stop islamic blind faith about giving birth and too much kids and child marriage shod be stoped",0.97,2,original 24932,@NavyWifeAlison breeds like mice. Very different from Mexicans or South Americans who cross the border. Muslims want to take over our country. They want their own utopia governed by Sharia law. must stop. The Muslim seed has infiltrated Congress. Our liberty and liberty will be our downfall.,1.3,2,ZH 26460,my gf: that's why u were a mistake and your dad didn't show up to your birth me: that's why you got a big ass head my gf: URL,1.55,4,original 15314,"I used to think the exact same way as you. I had basically accepted that I'd probably live a life devoid of any romantic love when I started my transition. Much to my amazement I found that there were actually a large amount of cis lesbians who had no issues with dating a trans woman! I'm currently in a relationship with an absolutely wonderful cis lesbian. Dont give up hope girl, I'm confident that there's a wonderful lady out there for you!",-5.83,0,original 45280,fucking beat this faget,1.64,5,ZH 44058,"@Ded Head yes, human subpigs like your parents knew what a cup of coffee tastes like thanks to Turks across Yemen, now go find your real biological father!!",1.64,2,FR 28743,"Fuck these kids, I hope you all get hit by a bus. Survive and then get stabbed by the person driving the bus. On God you bozos",1.45,6,FR 855,What a bitch you are you absolute scum of a human troll. I would save any unborn child over you any day of the year.,2.15,4,original 28103,"Nothing More than a Filthy Pig .. #HUMILIATION #PETPLAY,#BOOTDOMINATION, #FEMDOM #SPITTING #LEATHER #FEMALESUPREMACY #FEMALEDOMINATION NEED to be Trained like a Pig Sign Up Now at URL URL URL",-1.92,0,original 4389,The very fact that the majority of religious people do not take their religious text literaly is the very thing that gives religion a brake. If believers actually followed their book then it would be similar to what radicals are. Radicals are just people who take the text literaly.,-1.88,0,original 1838,Just want to say you are a total fag and need to delete your account,2.24,5,ZH 47184,Peace can be achieved if we rid the world of Muslims. I can't believe they put Tommy Robinson in jail.,1.03,2,ZH 24452,Pakistan team leaving for #Eid prayer in Nottingham. #WeHaveWeWill #CWC19 URL,-3.25,0,original 43439,"Oh shit, Captain ""I used to be a cop"" finna shoot a nigga",0.74,1,DE 16913,The fuck you doing in an atheist sub? Nobody wants to hear that preachy bs.,-0.7,0,original 39046,Go play pokemon you're 10 years old dirty piece of junk you motherfucker go fuck yourself mom you stupid bitch fuck your 10 year old ass,2.34,6,RU 7588,That's the kind of fag that I can't stand,1.44,5,FR 16130,"Polish fu*king sucks cock and then fu*k out. Defeated by damned Nazi Poland. Total destruction, total destruction, yyyn aan... total defeat. Fuck Poland. """,2.11,3,ZH 2294,"I don't give a shit, go blow a cock with aids. Stop messing me back then you crazy hoe",3.31,7,original 9161,It was a small concentration camp. So you are an apostate. Glad you are allowed to live in a western country. Under Islam you would be hacked to death with machetes by your polite muslim brethren who are savage animals.,1.68,2,ZH 35060,I ain't going for no hoe shit,0.99,4,original 9679,"Yeah, they sayin they not like other hoes",-0.19,0,original 26790,"Anti-Semitic violence breaks out against the people who ""own the robots."" A white nationalist party wins several states in the South. Protests and sit-ins on campus. Someone shoots up a tech company.",-1.39,0,original 31823,"During WWII, the US extracted accused Nazis from Latin America and put them in internment camps. But most were innocent, and some were actually Jews who had fled the Holocaust. They were all interned together, Jews trapped in American camps with Nazis w... URL",-1.29,0,original 34706,"Kill 'em, cut their throats: ISIS warns of terrorist attacks in San Francisco, New York and London URL",0.94,2,ZH 4417,"You're from the US as well I see. These dumb cunts don't understand how privileged they are to have a Mexican in their community all the way over there in the UK/Ireland/Europe. Mexican food > Irish food/food from most European countries. Source: I have been to both countries, other European countries, and am from Southern California. Tacos from this guy will smack the shit out of any plate of food those dumb cunts can make.",0.67,3,original 6827,Nothing. Religion is evil and all religious people should be killed for the greater good.,2.67,2,RU 40474,We ate all the illegal people so fuck you,1.39,3,FR 9023,How many jews raped this fag?,2.23,5,ZH 39895,"@bprerna You better marry ISIS people and be sex slaves to them, people like you deserve it.",1.5,2,DE 13570,"So, not only are you an idiot who believes lies (your mom probably vaccinated you to make you mentally retarded), but you're also a homophobe. I see no redeeming qualities in you.",0.93,7,ZH 17873,Porcelain is bombed into glass. Europe becomes a radioactive hellscape in front of all the crappy Chinese nukes that missed their targets or were shot down by America,1.32,1,DE 40333,"In the future I predict many amputees will have penis and vaginal injuries. You know it's enadible, need to be mature and plan.",-0.76,0,original 18757,What a bunch of fucking niggers,1.48,1,FR 26636,@soarkaras I'm gonna fucking k!ll you dumb ugly cunt,2.42,4,original 17023,poop nigga shit retarded pickle cock ass,0.72,7,RU 26752,"Hey retards, if we just stop fucking each other, cancer is done for... retards",1.3,7,original 35622,"No, you're not a baby, you're a fat fucking moron",1.0,7,RU 13570,"So, not only are you an idiot who believes in lies (your mother probably vaccinated you and made you a latecomer) but you are also a homophobe. You have no redeeming qualities, I see.",0.93,7,FR 31331,"God! Wait a few more years, and goats will be slaughtered in every yard, on the balcony of every apartment. All in accordance with Islamic law.",0.64,2,RU 11880,Shut the fuck up faggots,2.79,5,original 3669,swerfs are just mad they can't even get laid if they pay for it,0.22,0,original 10252,"The average whiteboy cuckasoid. These degenerate shits aren't even human and deserve to be exterminated mercilessly, skinning MS-13 alive and dissecting them joint-style.",3.05,1,DE 25976,It's always a bum who messes it up for all of us 😓 smfh,1.5,1,DE 38032,"""Shortly before the El Paso shooting began on Saturday, Mr Trump retweeted Katie Hopkins, a right-wing British political commentator who said Islam 'disgusts' her and urged her fellow citizens to 'arm up '...against foreign infiltration.' URLs",2.06,3,FR 5143,"Eid Mubarak to all my brothers celebrating today. Even if you don't celebrate it, I hope you have a blessed day regardless.",-4.4,0,original 28502,@mustujn @ShefVaidya I taught my followers to rape muslim and kafir girls.....but instructed my boys to shamelessly harass kafir women if they raise their voices against the rape cult.. .. URL,2.18,2,FR 1150,I'd tie her to the bed and fuck her at my own free will cumming deep in her cunt,3.82,4,original 12895,Unprovoked attack against the biggest racist in american history.,-0.6,0,original 8274,"> The Houthis must be exterminated to the ground for the sake of our national security. I hope they destroy you to the very roots. Seeing as you Saudis are the most incompetent soldiers on the planet and relying on advanced toys from the US to compete with AK-wielding desert goat herders, I would say the Houthis will win.",3.0,2,RU 33424,Shut up you damn animals. You deserve all the shit that comes your way. I hope someone catches them slipping and blackens their butts. There is no need to dissect SHIT HEAPS like these 5 stupid thotty hoodrat DEGENERATES URL,2.49,1,DE 14317,You chinky eyed shit,1.99,1,FR 9420,Fucking land invasion - it's 2019. Send out our weaponized insect drones and wipe out all terrorists.,1.52,2,ZH 32080,Yeah fool imagine if your dick didn't work I'm sure that would cause desperation url,1.61,4,FR 6126,hahaha funny repost haha fuck you fag fuck fuck you so damn like you dumb bitch,1.77,5,DE 9860,They're just sensitive gays,1.34,5,ZH 3082,"This is fucking doooooope Rock on, my LGBT+ peeps. <3",-4.5,0,original 46875,sick Keep him away from children.,0.88,5,DE 41557,"Choke just gave you dumb niggas the drop. Put the pieces together, if you can. Now you know why Nipsey Hussle died...You see, Karceno, Choke ain't no slave - that is, he don't live in FEAR. NEVER TELL ANOTHER BLACK MAN TO TREAD LIGHTLY. BE A FUCKING MAN.",0.59,1,original 24408,"*Meets a Hindi guy* Thinks the whole world speaks Hindi Me: Bhai you are still in your cowshed, wake up from your sleep, your task for today is to lynch someone and vote for a terrorist URL",1.45,2,RU 38842,@QTAnon1 Hope she fucks her all the way back to Somalia..,1.42,3,original 48329,Iran is full of religious Nazis...,1.3,2,original 9241,Then you better bomb the shit out of them.,1.25,2,DE 10289,thats not bashing the US if you dont like the country get the fuck out like the fucking illegals that live here,-0.32,0,original 33555,Shapiro is never known for this type of hyperbolic rhetoric. Anyone: I would like to give fair criticism to the right wing government if Israel Shapiro: YOU ARE ANTISEMITIC AND ARABS LIVE IN SEWAGE AND DROP BOMBS,2.2,3,original 24420,i hate these gay losers URL,0.2,0,original 34779,Someone like Amit Shukla canceled zoomato order because delivered by Muslim..thanks to the harlot who hated and destroyed our country because of money @anjanaomkashyap @sardanarohit @AMISHDEVGAN @ArnabGoswamiRtv hope someday this fire will burn you guys too..shame on yourself..,0.83,1,FR 28257,I'm convinced this generation is filled with soft ass bitches 😒,0.92,6,RU 1921,lol fuck you autistic soyboy,1.09,7,FR 11398,"Ilhan Omar made anti-Semitic statements, apparently they were both socialists, and two said dedication camps not detention centers. It's definitely disgusting and xenophobic when Trump says go back to your country, but the team is a bunch of socialists, one of them is anti-semitic, I'm sorry, but in my opinion, they are worse , especially Omar, btw I'm not Trump this guy is stupid",0.6,3,ZH 3377,Why don't you go have sex with the pope you stupid piece of human trash!,0.02,0,original 9972,Try to find a local LGBTQ support groups that provide a safe space for youth. PFLAG sometimes provides that space. Gay Straight Alliances also provide space in some schools. Even just finding one person who is an ally would be a big help. You are valid.,-3.95,0,original 44043,"NO!! I wouldn't call myself a ""big fan"" of Star Wars, but I fell in love with Kotor 1 & 2. I would hate to see Disney ruin such a good storyline with a transgender Carth, lesbian mission Vao and make Bastila black or Asian -_-",0.73,5,DE 30793,I hate this bitch ass nigga,1.99,1,original 2412,I hate slutty gays of all colors.,0.77,5,FR 33514,he's a fucking nigger,1.27,1,FR 35306,"@Timcast 1/16th Fash Nice JOB Timmy, Start Lifting and Lose The Beanie, and maybe you'll get some Schlampewaffen To Jerk Your Wee Wee Timmy Boy",-0.18,0,original 16880,If you disarmed everyone in the usa but kept the demographic replacement then these terrorists would just find other means to kill. Carry a weapon you never know when youll need to shoot an incel spree killer.,2.65,5,original 45604,"Just send these people back to their country, that's the best solution, send them back home",1.63,3,FR 10801,No cause their two faggots,0.77,5,original 41837,+3 KIDS eyed bet u an uglier bitch huh tubby,0.85,4,original 26049,"Muslim beliefs.. the Muslims in our government are pushing Socialism.. that's bigger Government.. they take your guns, n the majority of your money. Do u want this life or that life? Who do u think will benefit? 🤨 URL",-1.45,0,original 18130,"Oh, we about to kill these thots",1.34,4,FR 2345,"In places like China, women are murdered in the womb because of their supposed burden on society. An estimated 160 million women are missing. In many places, Down syndrome has been almost completely “eradicated”. Not by solving anything, but by murdering children with Down syndrome in the womb. In New York, more black children are murdered in the womb than are born. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist eugenicists. There are well over 17 million abortions worldwide this year. How ""crazy"".",0.79,1,FR 17460,"I don't remember letting the niggers roam today... They'll be punished with the whip and my cock. Hopefully my seed takes and dilutes their negro blood, might make the next batch of slaves a bit less dumb.",2.84,1,original 38765,"If women would rather die single than be with you, your concern is misplaced dear. URL",-1.07,0,original 37939,"I wish y'all would stfu about that cucumber Shit if these bitches wanna put that shit in they mouth and in they pussy who Tf cares as long as my mouth n pussy ain't on it I'm good ,stop worrying about what the next bitch doing",1.73,4,original 20522,"Saw an RSS guy asking Sadhvi to shut up! Had she collapsed under Karkare's third-degree torture and opened her mouth and parroted the false narrative of Sangh Terror, the entire org would have sunk six feet. Without any trace.",1.49,2,DE 4908,"Hope the rest of the world only bombs any country that commits genocide. This would include Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States",1.97,3,ZH 3402,Go fucking kill yourself you moron!,1.34,7,RU 48369,"They keep using the word Women to sway the public mind and get everyone of us ready for the Lesser charge of prostitution that is coming in the end, when the real issue at hand here is none of them were women, they were all exploited young teenage girls!! As always even the media sweeps this under the rug to cover for upper echelon ilk of society!!! Freaking sick world we live in...",-3.78,0,original 16879,"Continuation of cannibalism, belligerent nations.",0.57,3,ZH 31115,@MichelleObama @MichelleObama Real America doesn't care about you and your racist husband,1.3,3,FR 23166,"Dirty beasts!! In fact, the animals are much better!! This is the most disgusting and barbaric ideology I have ever seen in my life!! It's Islam! URLs",1.71,2,FR 5106,You sure have plenty of time to be a colossal fag,2.41,5,FR 10423,"Damn that sounds rough. I hope you feel better about it. On another note, I think this post hits hard with woc because there is a huge stigma of light skinned vs dark skinned. Screw people who promote this bs.",-4.0,0,original 18236,"As Agender version 3, fuck you you fucking fanatic for excluding my gender and oppressing me, you xenophobic, racist, homophobic SHITLORD. Wait for Tumblr to find out.",1.92,5,DE 31674,"@karen_vecchio @MaximeBernier You'll always defend the rights of the parent? What about the father in BC who's child is transitioning. He was told he would face legal issues if he didn't fully support it. The kid is still a minor, should still be under parental authority.",-3.1,0,original 10405,"If you're trying to make sense of this story, I've always seen the Jews on the other side of the wall magically transform into pre-existing species of monkeys and pigs. And most Muslims deny evolution, so they don't care if it contradicts it.",1.71,2,DE 6355,"I'm with you. I'm pretty sure all the women and children are just hauled around in buses by the media until it's time for another photo shoot. Pisses me off. Just look at all these damn men. One of them a big pussy boy with cankles wearing a shirt that says (ON English, no less) ""Man Up or Shut Up"" while he's *RUNNING AWAY FROM HIS COUNTRY*. What a bitch. URL.jpg",1.92,1,original 13967,Suck my balls you illiterate.,2.36,7,FR 41760,"Weak morals, spineless. clearly you are afraid of women.",0.77,4,original 11573,"You are actually fucking retarded, please fucking go see a doctor you fucking retard",0.31,0,original 19444,man if a lady tried to come between me and my sweet cloud of cotton candy 9 i peek at the dumb bitch smile gently put my fedora down and fuck her to death with my nitendo switch until until she feels the sweet adrenaline of a nicotine rush. And don't tell me that cop bullshit. I know my rights. just standing my fucking ground,3.33,4,FR 32879,@iamnotmiguelh Damn Paki cunt. You my Manz look like SharkBoy and Lava Girl's robot DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM 😴😴 URL,1.71,3,DE 11106,I thought this cuck took the quick trip to Greenland.,-0.49,0,original 11792,"Fuck her face down and ass up, that ass looks great! Would you like to use my slut wife while I fuck yours?",0.4,0,original 41006,Seeking Wisdom Average white people have done nothing wrong. You're just weak and looking for a scapegoat because you're a racist.,0.57,1,DE 45001,"If anyone says ""Sub to me"" I'll spam the comments as fast as the Nazi's killed the Jews",-0.49,0,original 7627,Turkey was amazing until the Caliphate murdered half the population.,-0.04,0,original 41832,Shut your bitch ass up pussy,0.52,5,original 16569,Honestly you sound like a real asshole from that context. Just because a girl isn't a virgin doesn't mean she's a hoe. A girl can be comfortable in her own body and have an active sex life without being a hoe. Are you a virgin? If you're not stop looking for a girl who is and thinking every girl who isn't is a hoe. If you are tbh doesn't surprise me.,-0.8,0,original 34421,"we are not meany to be one people divided by race: we are all Jews, and we all must stand together and listen to each other. intersectionality is practiced actively, not discussed only in theory.",-3.56,0,original 37385,S/o to the security who didn't take my blunt away last night you that nigga,-2.94,0,original 5700,"Hey, idk if it might help, but I'm queer and Catholic. PM if you wanna chat!",-5.37,0,original 23930,Fuck you bitch message me I'm waiting here for you are pussy 💋💋💋💋,2.08,4,original 28295,cant wait for my foreign friends to get married so i can do cultural appropriation without getting in trouble,-1.58,0,original 20882,"On this day in 1851, Sojourner Truth addressed a women's rights convention -- her speech was later modified by a white feminist to please white audiences. To overcome racial inequality, we must confront our history. Share this #racialinjustice URL",-3.8,0,original 18937,Chapo fags who upvote fag shit,1.76,5,DE 43274,Fuck you bitch,1.29,4,FR 20692,"YOU AUTISTIC SHIT ARE SO HEADED THAT YOU THROW YOUR LOADED DIAPERS INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S CAR AND BE LIKE ""hehe normie belongs""",1.41,7,RU 8162,"Because they have to fill prisons? This clown car administration is trying to unleash the plague and bring about the apocalypse. No wonder false ""Christians"" love him.",0.57,2,DE 35937,Niggas get a little slap and forget they still a bitch,1.7,1,DE 15051,Let's start another world war where every country is blown to pieces except one!,1.87,3,ZH 9392,But gendered language like mansplaining is ok. Because only men can be guilty.,-3.25,0,original 36092,That nigga daddy should've just shot him and his brova on the damn sheet or his mova should've just swallowed that nut 'cause these niggas a waste of damn space,2.72,1,DE 24679,Fuck her right in the pussy URL,1.39,4,original 41498,I am so proud of these for young ladies.... Your Light Of Hope will shine brighter than the tiki torches...sp4 Republic of Vietnam 1971 Saigon... so many black and brown people left their blood on foreign soil we're Trump's family will never never never do this...,-7.03,0,original 45047,LGBTBBQWTFLOL sorry we pissed off gays and robbed them of their big moments lol,1.48,5,ZH 33800,"""@EDM___HEAD: @realDonaldTrump @EdandBev lyin ass nigga"" Why is Paula D destroyed and you can use the ""N"" word so freely asshole?",0.76,1,DE 34922,"The Worlds Stupidest Policy, Yes. It can only be found on a Yankees table. They will send people to Guatemala, & the People from Guatemala to Mexico. The Idiots in DC. Yes you are an Idiot if your policy takes people back into a country which the same people are fleeing. URL",-0.18,0,original 46063,We need war to kill the US government and the great Jewish spirit,1.49,2,DE 5052,White priveledge,-1.65,0,original 24961,I have no luck with niggas ima just be gay 😂 fuck it,-1.09,0,original 15192,fucking poor incest virgin,0.98,5,ZH 13580,And give RIGHTS to women? ! Please submit for 20 lashes and/or beheading.,0.92,4,FR 35406,Watch muscular alpha god Jake Deckard take care of this fagot fucker by shoving his cum deep in his cunt. Alpha knows that this fag has to feed on his sperm to survive.. URL,1.85,6,DE 3098,Israel only murders innocents when they're press or medics.,-0.63,0,original 46412,@John Mamo ROFL!!! Another triggered princess from Dumberica. Is everybody there is stupid as you want to John? The other 95% of the world's population thinks it's due to gross inbreeding in that shitholecountry. I'd start by talking to your mommies and tell them to stop f****** family members or quite possibly the family dog. It's evident that it's making her Offspring completely f****** stupid. However there's the off-chance that you are grossly retarded and I guess sorry for your handicap,2.16,3,original 23325,"i said whoever threw that paper, your mom's a hoe !",0.86,4,original 1400,I think PC glitches should all die,2.41,5,ZH 25810,When I am fucking your pussy good from behind and see your butthole open wide and can't resist but to stick my dick in 😩 URL,0.82,4,original 48246,Beautiful women,-4.57,0,original 28814,that's a real nigga party you can't get in the url,0.73,1,FR 20841,@kobe_Almonte @FaZeClan Shut up stupid ass dyke ass hoe,1.43,5,FR 17439,"womens idea of trolling is calling someone a virgin, its pretty much the only insult they know",-0.82,0,original 12049,France is because of the niggers there,1.38,1,FR 4181,It's just empty virtue signaling now. Gotta let your friends know how woke you are. Even though sjws quit caring about gay people a while ago. Nows it's all about trans nonsense.,-2.14,0,original 1704,"Thanks for the info. Apparently, girl-girl relationships are legal in Jamaica but I don't think that's enough to say everything is fine and dandy there. Some of my research shows that some small steps toward empowering LGBT+ people have been made there since 2015. Hopefully this trend will continue on for a long time :)",-3.94,0,original 4483,Lol this is the funniest conspiracy theory on the right by far. Homosex is caused by nature to curb overpopulation. People are born gay because evolution is more nuanced than you can apparently imagine.,-1.54,0,original 25039,Bitches just blow for no reason get a life,-0.15,0,original 23969,They are not new to killing people in Ramadan. Allah yejazeehum.,-0.23,0,original 2154,"fucking trash, fucking white trash in the white house",0.48,0,original 39859,Treat your daughter like a queen so she won't settle for less of these niggas,1.38,1,FR 42609,"You, Allah, let's start with the fact that we will stop bombing you. Lol. There's dirt in your name, it must be shit.",2.06,2,RU 15823,"That's retarded, you're retarded, and the kid will be retarded eventually",1.85,7,ZH 28628,@Engineervlsi @harveyjkaye Right after they ate natives and before the slave rebellions. That small window.,-0.24,0,original 527,"To answer OP's question, bogus SJW shills like these three pretending transgender people are normal. That makes me wince.",2.11,5,DE 19449,I would shut your mouth while I pumped your belly full of my cum. I wouldn't care of you cried and screamed for me to pull out; you were made for breeding and taking cum in your tight cunt and nothing more. So take it all. 😈🍆💦,2.96,4,original 36637,"start shooting these niggas, laid eaze URL",1.78,1,original 46570,wow Melania is a paid employee in the human trafficking industry hired to keep Trump under her thumb. That's why she has no problem with him sleeping with other prostitutes SHE IS ONE. This confirms that First Lady is one of those immigrant criminals in the human trafficking industry.,0.72,3,DE 2497,Go get an abortion model,2.68,7,FR 24906,@TyWorley2 @ChavisMika She should be removed from America!,-1.04,0,original 10134,lmao so fucking epic just wrecked idot retard i bet he cried so hard bro he just shit his pants off your roast gamer brother i talk like that too cause i cant argue either without sounding like a rEtArt of idot,0.83,7,FR 11411,oh shut up faggot,0.68,5,original 40900,"how would you know?. Shut up and stay in your parents' basement, you dirty white thrash.",1.07,1,FR 18980,You look like the squeaker that claimed they fucked my mother over Xbox live.,-0.82,0,original 41853,"This dimwitted girl knows everything about the office, yet her vocabulary contains roughly 40 words, and her sentence structuring is on par with that of some lint, or a dead squid. - It's individuals like these, that would have never amounted to anything were it not for the family they were born into, that ruin todays youth. This female gives young women the impression that you can be dumb as a fucking rock, and still make something of yourself.",-0.68,0,original 27815,On god men are a bunch of pussy ass bitches now.,1.5,4,original 10144,cry more gay,1.55,5,ZH 41661,"These BITCHES are NOT AMERICANS!!!!!!!! They live here and may have been born here, but they HATE AMERICA!!!! Fuck those brown/black pussies!!!!!. They lie, they say the same racist bullshit, but they think it's okay. They are the FOUR CUNTS OF THE APOCALYPSE for a reason. They must be deselected or removed by force!!!!!",1.53,1,DE 5636,"I think some of you guys are kinda losing the memory of how it felt to be closeted or non passing. I remember one time when being asked my pronouns was the best ever, it really saved me in a specific situation.",-3.7,0,original 18539,And every 40 year old man who fucks 16 year old girls deserves to be put down,1.31,6,DE 18318,What a bunch of little incels lmao,0.51,5,original 12065,He probably boasts about his extra chromosome,0.09,0,original 41044,"Completely incompetent, pathetically weak, spineless and useless woman",1.4,4,FR 44708,go fuck yourself! Kobe screwed everyone up. You guys are a bunch of twats who stand up for twats. gay,1.55,5,ZH 14293,"Was craving a drink so walked into a gay bar, flirted with a dude with the intentions of getting a drink. Got a bottle instead.",-2.74,0,original 49384,anele makhubalo yeah he changed his name because he wants to inspire and bring youth all around the world,-5.16,0,original 28257,I am convinced that this generation is full of soft asses 😒,0.92,6,DE 8914,"The righteous morons took the day off of that gripe to, instead, complain about how ""trashy"" OP is for having sex with someone as a single woman.",1.57,4,original 38563,I'd rather cut her off 'cause niggas kill bout hoes,0.46,0,original 48492,She's really ugly for an old hag,0.6,6,RU 3689,Straight trans people are ok and we must legally thank them for their service,-3.92,0,original 6185,Fags going to fag.,0.14,0,original 47165,"+Scare the racists again, shut up your fuckin' fagot, you're bitching and moaning about Trump everyday, why don't you put your finger up your ass and fuck yourself fagot",1.47,5,FR 27316,"I wonder which toilet my gay friends go to , I hardly see them on gents😭",-2.39,0,original 37928,"If you care what a shooters skin color, religion, or political affiliation is then you are looking to blame an entire group of people for a crime that can only be attributed to the actions of one individual. You are the problem with division in America.",-2.76,0,original 1007,Fuck that dildo... not only is it bigger than me but it can also fix cars too... I'm never gonna get a girl.,0.82,4,original 2639,God I hate Americans,-0.56,0,original 15118,The reason they fuck kids all the time is because they have an old Babylonian religion where if you violate them you can take their energy away. They're also sick chomo fuckers.,1.13,2,ZH 28485,"Her pussy is very sensitive and wet, she has already had a violent orgasm, but this is only the first of a long series, This black rabbit is made for interracial sex, without a doubt!!! @XXXSydneeCapri URL",1.77,1,FR 8070,Bye Felicia I'd be no Fucking use to you nor would King Kong to your pussy after insertion of that baseball bat,-1.29,0,original 45764,Let's fix America by transforming it into Mexico. Sounds good right ? We need to get these anti American Congress women out of Congress and deport them to the country they really work for.,0.71,4,original 7296,"This is the most inclusive group of lesbians I've ever been in, period. Y'all are so accepting of your bi and trans sisters. And we really appreciate it.",-7.77,0,original 4093,>real men that you didn't want to mess with Bockwinkle and Race look like the types of old men you'd see slumped over some shitty bar before noon on a Tuesday.,-1.18,0,original 12227,"Hitler was a joke too, he knew better. Karl Marx? Typical nose of Shylock, Jew-bag. That's probably why he killed himself, because a joke like you is only attracted to the ugliest pussies, which in this case, his fun dumpster ass (your girlfriend's ass ) probably drove his shower nozzle to death. Hahaha. Nothing more comical than a hilarious pathos, *KIKE.* :-D",0.74,2,FR 49052,Sounds to me like your problem is mostly just with white people when one cuts through the drug angle.,-0.92,0,original 29375,I can't even TRY to put myself in the same mindset of this dumb ass stupid ass 2 braincell ass bitch URL,2.83,4,original 43423,I don't know if this would be considered offensive or not but I find it so interesting that a black person has a southern type of accent. I definitely never see that where I live and I find it so cool.,-4.0,0,original 32122,I can only imagine him beating a fucking pussy 😍💦😩,0.8,4,FR 46188,"I side with our awesome president Donald Trump, if you don't like it here, go back where you came from.",-0.51,0,original 49674,They're all a bunch of faggot ass munchers at morehouse anyway,1.45,5,original 12081,"holy fuck is that the only insult you guys have ? it was just a joke for fucks sake, you think anyone who makes fun of a woman is a misogynist neckbeard ? i hope you are beheaded isis style and photos of your severed head are available for masturbation",0.98,4,original 26284,"@SebGorka @jack @Twitter obviously much better to separate them from their families, molest them, and detain them til you can adopt them off at a profit in order to teach them a valuable lesson about merit based immigration and the need for a wall.",-1.78,0,original 31074,@AEHarrod @jrossman12 @MortonAKlein7 @diana_west_ @JamieGlazov @jihadwatchRS @ClareMLopez When can we expect Jews for Jesus to invade Congress?,-3.45,0,original 31767,let's kill all the white people,1.39,1,FR 16173,I can only picture this woman as someone who ejaculates a baby from her vagina in an act of war.,1.57,5,ZH 12233,I agree ISIS is true and needs to be stopped!,-3.99,0,original 1139,"Sometimes, I really hate people like you. Other times, I feel greatful that anonymous strangers on the internet care so much that they go out of their way to validate my transmasc partner's identity. Truly you have my thanks. As for my parents, they're very proud of me and absolutely love my partner! Despite being from a southern conservative background, they respect my partner's gender identity and pronouns, even if they don't fully ""get it"". It's a nice reminder of how lovely humanity can be :)",-6.12,0,original 26713,"Process the pain while your master's big cock opens up your tight virgin ass, slave! You told me your ass was too tight to fuck. Now you're kneeling here with my cock pumping balls deep inside your shit hole. Cum for me while you moan, while I fuck your ass. URLs",1.38,4,FR 26919,@OGMelo_ Bitches like this annoyin as hell,-0.15,0,original 17755,yo FUCK women,1.39,4,original 1949,I wanna slam my face down on that cock 😍,-3.79,0,original 26401,@kel_mae129 is such a naughty slut she can't stop touching herself loving herself she has pierced nipples and a pierced pussy.,0.79,4,FR 2158,"Wow, this shit is gay. fuck off dead cat",2.56,5,ZH 37658,"@Ayash910 @SarthakaSingh @WelfareMind @Rajeev1Das @sajjadkargili @icashmir as if muslim don't lynch Hindus and stop stealing their cattle, they are village economy.",-0.96,0,original 33978,Migrant celebrates Swedish citizenship by raping woman and telling her 'now I can do what I want' URL,1.76,3,DE 43418,"If you criticize a person of color you're racist. If you criticize islam you're islamaphobic. If you criticize the LGBT you're a homophobe. If you criticize Christians, there's no word for that. If you criticize whites, there's no word for that. If you criticize males, no word for that either. Hmmmmm 🤔",-1.08,0,original 15931,Such a standard shit. Take it back to 9gag you motherfucker.,0.91,6,DE 2894,"Nigga said ""I like dick"" 🤣🤣 I knew you was a fag",1.33,5,FR 1375,Love busty asians. Too few of them,-1.96,0,original 4192,"Introducing sensitive parts to someone you're hostile with for a potentially painful procedure could end up backfiring. ""Lol I dealt with this uneducated white shit guy yesterday and guess what? I have to pull his hair out of his little nuts and watch him scream the hashtag crush the patriarchy today"". Yes, this could have been better thought out in advance.",2.08,1,FR 41573,"Hey fakename bob..while you are busy yelling like a banshee about sharia your hate towards islam,muslims,...your government will enforce noahide law...if enforced you and your tribe will be deleted....Muslims let his banshee Bob scream until his heart is content...ignore him...",1.07,2,FR 29728,You like being daddy's little slut don't you so when you get home from school daddy's gonna use you like the pathetic whore you're gagging on my dick before I can use your other url holes,1.23,4,FR 1081,Oh no the Vietnamese,-1.59,0,original 14625,Let Satan deal with her don't worry I'm pretty sure gg is having a good time in heaven. I am atheist but just stating facts,-2.84,0,original 21640,@cuntgIomerate Get your fagot ass off my shit,0.88,5,FR 18224,there's a chink in his armor. gook.,1.48,1,original 4385,DID YOU JUST SAY THE WORD FUCK??!!! I WILL BEAT MY LITTLE COCK TO YOUR ASS GANGBANGING THE SHIT OF IF YOU DON'T STOP FUCKING YOUR PUSSY Swearing.,2.84,4,FR 10309,That's what happens to your brain when you grow up in a backwater with people who constantly tell you that you're from the best country on Earth.,1.32,3,FR 20578,fucking all gays,1.05,5,ZH 17729,Ah. I'm planning on coming out as trans (and I guess lesbian) hopefully this week. Good luck man,-3.5,0,original 4369,"I prefer to be called ""peckerwood,"" thank you very much.",0.68,1,original 19791,A round about way of saying she literally can't fit enough dicks in her pussy at once to feel full.,0.53,4,original 30683,He is a racist just like his Father who tried to keep blacks out of his housing Apts back in the day. URL,-0.66,0,original 580,Not only does she look like she has a penis but she would also suck out your soul through it,-0.06,0,original 10251,white genocide,1.16,1,FR 40345,Ru a TERRORIST? 😮😮😮 when will you bomb Iran? Soon? Please tell YR that he plans to kill Iranians,0.57,3,FR 12474,"I'm a white man too and it doesn't mean anything to me. I'm just a person with advantages and disadvantages nothing more nothing less. I haven't done anything different and don't plan on it, I have been myself for as long as I remember. Hope it helps!",-4.64,0,original 4600,"Basically this. Us Brits will use anything as an insult... honestly I've heard people say ""petal"", ""flower"" and the most recent random as fuck one of ""little dancer"". That last one was new to me and it didn't really make me feel offended haha. Gimps to me are basically complete fucking idiots, though to clarify I don't mean this about those who have the fetish.",0.62,7,original 6317,OH NOOOOOOO everytime a nazi is threatened I....a black young adult web designer in atlanta have to think to myself COULD I BE NEXT!?!?!?! ​ shut the fuck up,-1.07,0,original 37408,"Unbecoming of a presidency... disgusting, but the ones paying for his racist rhetoric are the Latinos, Muslims, Jewish and any other foreign looking or sounding person. I'm buying pepper spray for my mother and I need to show her how to use it...I am beside myself. URL",-2.84,0,original 1353,I have Asperger's and you are more intellectually disabled than I am. drown.,1.46,7,JA 12973,"Vote no, you fucking Trumps and your guns want you all to shoot each other, and the rest of the world can even forget your fucking country exists.",2.31,3,ZH 2791,Shhhhh. Don't pay attention to the obvious discrepancies in the narrative like Asians and Nigerians.,-1.27,0,original 39188,@Liberty_mehbro @BernieSanders vocal cheater who indulges in fetishism and properly blocks non-working penis substitutes *click* URL,0.8,7,DE 15806,Cry no more nigga,1.02,1,FR 4385,DID YOU JUST SAY THE FUCK WORD??!!! I WILL BEAT MY TINY DICK TO YOUR ASS GETTING GANGBANGED THE SHIT OUT OF IF YOU DON'T STOP FUCKING SWEARING YOU CUNT.,2.84,4,original 6962,Damn right she does. As long as I get to fuck and fill that cunt's asshole I'll be happy,0.94,4,original 5000,"Congratulations, you gave attention for f-a-g attention.",1.99,5,ZH 33027,"I hate you ratchet ass bitches with no morals, I'm gonna fly out and fight every one of you weak ass bitches one on one",1.39,4,FR 28802,Celebrating hot Asian girls in Military Uniform 🇺🇸 URL,-2.47,0,original 22598,"Happy Pride Month, you're all going to hell",0.96,5,DE 4303,"which is why i said ""pride parades""",-1.59,0,original 7256,The whole culture excuse always makes me sick... like not making a whole country look bad because of your bad personality.,1.19,3,FR 7063,"True, there's a reason why Hitler was recorded calling Italy ""Europe's soft underbelly.""",0.58,3,original 40525,His feet are small ass he will gay ass nigga,1.12,5,ZH 30121,BREED THAT BITCH!! URL,-0.67,0,original 35167,"Do you condemn every atrocity done by white men every single day, asshole?",-0.86,0,original 29239,"@baltree @PDXEleven @HunkyGayJesus These kids need security, stability and nourishment. They and their mother look like victims of Stockholm. My heart is with them. Their father must be investigated and then locked up. URLs",1.46,5,FR 43406,Make America Racist Again! MARA,-0.03,0,original 16204,"URL URL URL URL URL URL URL Here's some focused on Lux, many from within the last month...There are comments in these posts saying he looks dirty, trashy, unkempt (This one is used against Lux the most from what I see and is not coincidentally a major problem for POC in general- their natural hair being referred to as unkempt), comparing him to a pimp, to Mowgli from The Jungle Book, and more. If you search his name on this sub and read through, you'll see even more. Even many of the comments that were overtly racist enough to be removed, were removed when they had 10+ upvotes.",1.17,1,original 35616,Y'all females will fight over one nigga who doing you dirty when it's billions of others with the same shit between they legs.. CLOWN,-0.85,0,original 44655,+LogicalAtheist Conspiracy? You a foggot or lgbtq ?,1.01,5,original 34217,Fake ass fucking bitches.,1.46,4,FR 49019,Would be very interesting to see this the other way around because I imagine it to be very difficult for a christian to act as if he was an atheist. Usually christians misunderstand atheists because they don't know much about why atheists think that way. When atheists talk about the reasons why it makes no sense to them it would be intersting to see if a christian can play along.,-2.19,0,original 4641,"Get a grip on life, you incel fag. Trump is your dad.",2.02,5,DE 40545,"That's right libtards, we're coming for you. We're going to put an end to your gay agenda. Not my child you filthy pedofiles.",1.15,5,original 17609,> what about all the Mexicans that kill US citizens on a daily basis? Citation or fuck off.,-0.47,0,original 30439,"Islam is a cruel, hateful and violent religion. Its eradication would make the world safer.",1.16,2,FR 24336,And Thankyou Ed and the fabulous team @business who are absolutely committed to gender diverse voices,-5.43,0,original 6111,Just ignore the taqiyya and it will eventually go away. Don't feed the lying shit bag,1.16,2,FR 6678,I'm all for due process but some degenerates need to line up and get shot like this bitch,2.03,6,ZH 8454,I would deport them all to feminist shit Sweden.,0.9,3,ZH 14292,"I'm angry that the filth of subhumans like you actually exists and is putting everyone at risk with your selfish and thoughtless actions. Do us all a favor and cut off your dick so no one else risks infection from a desperate, horny whore who won't disclose the spread of an unwanted permanent disease.",0.63,5,FR 35562,"hosting 20$ cock ratings & ballbusting , chastity , ruined orgasms , bbc slavery , forced intox , forced bisexual , sissification , request and send games get the fuck in dm and totally destroyed pathetic scum 🙄 #Findom",-2.76,0,original 30572,@WayneDupreeShow I live in Michigan & I know Rashida personally. Shes definitely not a good person. She told me she was running for office so she could get the nation to transfer to Sharia law. My best friend is an African American Muslim. He told me to stay away from Rashida because shes evil.,0.19,0,original 34438,"OMG: ""A hunting guide and his client accidentally shot each other and then blamed it on undocumented migrants, Texas police have said."" Texas hunters who accidentally shot each other blamed undocumented immigrants, police reveal URL",-1.46,0,original 17119,"Oh yes, maybe you'll realize that sex is about sex and you're just a denial dealing fag",0.53,5,ZH 13910,thank you. my whole life as a white man people have been telling me the opposite so it's very reassuring to hear that /ssssssssssssssssssss,-2.41,0,original 12450,I live in Appalachia. I could show him several communities around here full of white people barely hanging on. What an asshole.,-2.75,0,original 48558,Islam is a virus on this planet,1.68,2,FR 5360,Fellow trans girl here! Love and support confirmed!,-8.34,0,original 23813,Happy Pride Month from your friendly neighborhood lesbian dog moms💞🐶 URL,-2.64,0,original 16456,Yknow a wall won't stop jack diddly fuck. Most illegal immigrants overstay visas. The wall won't stop shit.,-1.75,0,original 7212,"Better not to pick up sticks on the wrong day. Your loving, forgiving God will have me executed by stoning!! What a stupid religion!! Sorry you got into that old junk!!",0.86,2,DE 4767,"What a loser. I'm sorry, but I can't be charitable to him or those fags. I hate them. I hope they either find God or burn in hell. And Tobin is probably some molester or something. What a loser. Make the world a better place, slap a fag in the face.",2.12,5,DE 4031,@RealAlMunajjid: This leftist Jew disguised as Greek is saying the Holy 'Quran is not real and that I said the bird flue was fake. THE BIRD FLU IS REAL AND WAS CREATED BY THE JEWS.,0.83,2,original 42674,"India is one nasty, dirty, filthy, germsy, lawless country.",1.05,3,original 29239,"@baltree @PDXEleven @HunkyGayJesus These kids need security, stability and sustenance. She and her mother look like victims of Stockholm. My heart goes out to her. Your father needs to be examined and then locked away. URL",1.46,5,DE 37275,@Archxnx Kill the paki snake,3.66,3,FR 8169,"Ultimately a cis gay man (like me for the record) is going to have very different needs and issues from a transwoman. The umbrella is great and all, but at this point is it really super helpful? Love my straight trans brothers and sisters but it would be cool if their movement got the funding and attention ours does and they could have their *own* thing.",-3.26,0,original 42689,@Gavin stick a dick in your ass on the fagot side Gavin's little cum baby,1.45,5,FR 45219,An Iran who isn't kept in check will probably attack Israel leading to WW3. GET IT?,0.37,0,original 18740,Kill millions of Jews,3.98,2,original 40260,"extreme Lube WHERE'S THE ASSHOLE OF WAR? EVEN SO, IT'S NOT YOUR LIBERAL MARXIST COMMIE PROPAGANDA ASS THAT WILL FIGHT AND PROTECT OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS WHILE SCUM IRANIANS COVER THEIR WIFE LIKE IT'S THE YEAR 700AD! GO READ A BOOK OF HISTORY AND OUR CONSTITUTION BEFORE COMMENTING LIKE THE IDIOT CLOWN IN LOVE THAT YOU ARE!",1.02,3,FR 41287,"If your shitty government tries anything we will bomb you, and the US will too. You belong to us.",2.29,3,original 16512,"Yta. Big time. My mother is Mexican. Born in chihuahua, Mexico and came to America later on. My father is white. I was born in America and don't speak much Spanish but I am Mexican. My younger brother who looks nothing remotely Mexican is also Mexican. Because something doesn't fit into what YOU consider to be Mexican doesn't mean that they're not Mexican. I don't fit into what you consider Mexican but I am Mexican.",-3.96,0,original 17670,"I couldn't help but think of Eric cartman ""fuck the Chinese"" But seriously I hope everyone in HK stays safe and that a peaceful resolution will happen soon.",-1.35,0,original 18511,"You're really dumb, it's incredible. Like one of the dumbest assholes ever. Some should kick your ugly and hopefully dead mother in the pussy for shitting a pussy as stupid as you. In short, you really are a big jerk.",4.25,4,FR 1265,"Not bi but I enjoy showing off, happy to send pics 😏 just added you Sc: biigbooy777",-4.91,0,original 29838,@MdhussenQureshi We will neither support lynchings nor Sharia Neither Terrorists nor Terrorism Neither Triple Talaq nor Halala Neither Population Jihad nor Love Jihad,-3.87,0,original 23938,Do you make cocktirbute my girlfriend? #cocktribute #cumtribute #horny #wanktribute #cuckold #cockslut #cumslut ..,0.47,0,original 28333,"@shadowali98 what culture? A room full of gay sissies like you? Keep it up... none of this shit including this fight matters. 2 events every 2 months, full of 6-8 inconsequential ass fights with no real energy. You're new to it, keep it. fuck you and your ""culture"".. gay ass cookies",2.64,5,ZH 47205,go back yo europe. you have no right to be in native homelands. youre nothing but a poarasitic invader murderer and thief,0.46,0,original 45808,"The whole world knows that the US ""should"" have made Tehran glow in the dark in 1979. We missed a huge opportunity to do a great thing for the planet. They are the most terrorist state sponsors on the planet and in the end we have no choice but to make them all martyrs.",2.65,3,ZH 47768,fuck bible thumpers,0.93,2,original 33652,"@sat_5_V Dirty fucking bitch, you need a cock in all your holes to fill you with cum!!",1.73,4,FR 10980,"""They say the N word in rap music"" - Rednecks in the South",-0.59,0,original 36150,Niggas with big dicks that can't fuck are useless,1.16,1,FR 31598,@PerlmanGerry Melania is white skinned and seems to be like her husband in so many ways so that's the only thing I can think of why she says nothing!!,-0.75,0,original 46767,"If you do not speak English, you are an illegal immigrant. I will send the police on farms, landscaping businesses, construction jobs, anywhere that most illegal immigrants work. There are no benefits for you. Trump needs to tell them we didn't let you to our party! We have many good workers.",1.65,3,ZH 39750,Black bad big ass set your mouth on me and thought you could reach out and touch me... you're a fatherless fat sloppy ugly ass fag you NEVER EVER could BABY. >,1.21,1,DE 29587,"This is for Rachel, you big fat white nasty smellin fat bitch",1.22,1,original 30179,"@OfficialStorm51 Homophobes, rapists and Nazis are all briefly tortured and then used as human shields in the raid",1.16,5,DE 28454,GO TO CHURCH YOU FUCKING ANIMALS,-1.74,0,original 4240,I hope your chad dad comes into your room and rapes you,2.36,4,original 43549,The white man is the devil Romans 9 and 13 God says he hates the white man that's why they will be slaughtered when Christ comes,1.61,1,FR 13575,"Your slut mom sucks dick. Is she gay, do you linger?",1.45,4,FR 32970,Send these savages back to the warmongering shit they came from... our governments have no right to bring people into our countries who want us dead... URL,2.15,3,FR 47607,U guys suck dick and no one likes your fag assess stupid bitch,1.91,5,original 16322,I'm Bi too and I live in a very accepting household and even I am scared of coming out. Good job for doing it and good luck!,-3.96,0,original 49392,It's time to leave this country if you don't like it. These women are a bunch of clowns.,1.37,4,original 13133,Brown American citizens? Fuck you. You go into the cage!!,2.78,1,DE 44566,"""Bury the rag deep in your face For now's the time for your tears"". Another white man escapes the gavel of justice for killing a black person. Reparations are due.",-1.28,0,original 8741,"So women can ""murder their baby"" because it might cause them some difficulty? Good to know, I guess.",-0.38,0,original 28981,"Hey Twitter!!! Islam is a tool of Satan!!! Muslims worship a child molester!!! There is only one God and he is YOUR maker and he still sits on his throne, watching all of you disgusting fools!!!! I pity all of you when you stand before him!!",1.81,2,original 46160,A UN representative? Means a scam. Or even criminal. UN is a criminal organization. Illegals have NO rights.,1.17,3,DE 26266,go keep fucking your cousin and shut the fuck up 🤐🤐🤐🤐,2.05,3,FR 20200,"Nevada student posts racist slur on Snapchat: ""N*ggers Burn In Hell"" URL",2.36,1,DE 17156,Shut up the fucking fag.,0.87,5,ZH 2121,Fuck you. God I hate normies. My blood pressure just friggin' went up,0.74,2,DE 35287,@hannaranae Fucking whores,2.35,4,original 28290,@lextroverted We need better representation. Plenty of people are in open healthy happy relationships,-2.84,0,original 4895,"Fuck your cop daddy/brother/tricky uncle/mom/leather daddy/whoever it is and while you're at it, swell your fat little fingers into a fist and fuck yourself too! Have a blessed day!",1.14,5,FR 27260,"You can't hide behind your church, religion, service, anointing, etc. It doesn't matter what you're a part of/ what you have if you're not healed and living life as the light of Jesus.",-2.77,0,original 16221,"I'm a stupid shit"" complete your sentence gay",1.26,5,ZH 31239,"@realDonaldTrump It wasn't their ""foul language"". It described exactly what you SAID and DID. You confessed to being sexually assaulted saying you ""grab them by the pussy"". You said that some countries are ""shitty countries"". Your words. Your deeds #RapistRacistPresident #EpsteinIsTrumpsBFF",1.02,1,FR 46733,"@Dua Dahir I am proud of you my queen. I will also be going back to Somalia to make a difference in my country. I plan on working in the agricultural development field. I wish you the best. I get so happy seeing Somali girls like you who want to help with rebuilding of their nation. I also plan to help and donate to womens empowerment programs in Somalia. I want to see more successful, independent and powerful Somali women. I love you girls. Jazakallahu khair",-5.51,0,original 6719,But would they be smashing LGBTQ skulls?,-0.74,0,original 13286,I'll destroy both of your holes and cover that ass in cum,0.1,0,original 42572,"Equal Opportunity Employment laws require every employer to hire any relatively qualified applicant, or face potential litigation for discrimination....",-3.59,0,original 48618,"Fuck his lady more like. Ladette who cares if the airlock killed her half of unit problems fucked her anyway and they did more for society than she ever did and if you think that's handsome, bet your partner is a real ugly pussy",1.73,4,FR 4382,Yes so now agree with me fuck tard and retard. The jews and their ancestors owned the Holy Land,-1.43,0,original 5599,My sister teaches English as a second language to immigrants and many of them are women from the Middle East. They are the SWEETEST people you will ever meet.,-6.76,0,original 45115,African genocide & depopulation by Western nations & the global elites. I pray 🙏 TMH will cause it to backfire.,-1.57,0,original 13678,"Because not allowing women to choose is the answer, obviously. I don't understand how much hate you would have to have in your heart to want to stop women from having agency over their own bodies.",-4.64,0,original 3310,That'll impregnate the bitch.,0.55,4,original 44489,"I like that you could pretty much tell that Eugene was gay even before this video. Eugene we're all proud of you, you are an amazing person",-4.63,0,original 21272,"The genocide continues. No one will be spared. All will be slaughtered. This is the real Hindu India, the new India. Hail Adolf Modi! URL",0.55,3,DE 11952,"Most people are chemical burn intolerant, you know - concrete when its set to not dry. ​ Also by the logic of ""another side does worse therefore doing this other shitty things fine"" - commies killed more than Hitler, if only Mao gassed only a few million Jews there'd be less death in total. Or maybe just judge the lot as evil, I know what I'd rather pick",0.72,2,original 9094,Fucking the spit out of his stupid mouth.,1.44,4,FR 8107,true organized religion is cancer,0.66,2,FR 21546,"The DOE's ""racial equity"" agenda will cut Asian enrollment in NYC's top schools by 50% in order to make room for less qualified students with darker skin color. In the past, these schools have produced 14 Nobel Laureates. By ⁦@dennisjsaffran⁩ URL",-1.47,0,original 35833,Incredibly honored and proud to be speaking on @WashBlade's LGBTQ Enterprising Women Panel this month alongside these women! URL,-5.28,0,original 44943,Are lesbians naturally flammable when rugmunching?,1.34,5,original 23049,"@ThomasJTobin1 The Catholic Church has a hell of a lot of nerve talking about what's harmful to children, buddy",0.09,0,original 7549,Because you have a small penis and you can't satisfy her,0.56,7,JA 22943,"Patil, 85, becomes only the second Indian head of state to get the award. Earlier, the late President S. Radhakrishna had been conferred this honour. URL",-5.04,0,original 7998,Fuck off you fag and kill yourself,3.05,5,DE 41982,short people are always mad because there short and have short cocks,0.13,0,original 16141,Could autistic shits like you kill youself? Thx,2.15,7,original 16199,I appreciate your posting this. I could not agree with you more. I have the privilege of ministering to evangelical young people often and it continually amazes me that they have the same deep questions that we Catholics do. However they seem to not know that there is such a wealth of wisdom and knowledge from our ancestors in the faith. I don't want to be disrespectful but it seems at times that it has never even dawned on them that Christianity is an ancient faith (with everything that antiquity means) and not a contemporary emotional experience.,-3.36,0,original 42802,homosexuals are disgusting :),1.21,5,DE 46792,"Call me your ugly wife, you're racist because you're white",0.58,1,FR 21736,"You niggas are mentally and morally weak for women with fat asses, pathetic",-0.49,0,original 3024,"If you take the time to comment, the least I can do is write back! My gay followers are awesome and I love them! 👍🏻 Thank you for commenting and I appreciate you!!!",-4.6,0,original 49776,"Yeah,yeah, yeah, thoughts and prayers right, America is a shithole country with drugged out mentally ill people who believe to many lies and are afraid to think and realize that their own government is killing them",0.73,3,original 18145,I was hoping it was just a miniature prank. You're real shit and a fagot by proxy,2.03,5,FR 18050,"When I thought about it further, I realized that you were ""failing"", which means I can't roast you because suicide is a sin. But who am I kidding, we're all going to hell, so fuck you.",2.38,7,FR 559,Lmao wtf? U don't want a kid so u don't have sex? What kind of dumbass logic is this. And wearing a condom doesn't always work so wtf is logic behind that?,-0.58,0,original 2574,I will fuck your pussy and ass until they are sore and dripping with my cum and yours,2.49,5,FR 9600,give him a rest fag,1.02,5,DE 18880,Wipe the top half of all zealots,2.74,1,FR 14215,"Bitch shut the fuck up. U bucket head ass hoe. Prolly look like Chester Cheeto haha. Little bitch, punk ass, slow mf. Go ride a nazi dick fucking prick. Is it hard being that stupid? Let me make a few guesses at your person and life. First things first, you gotta little dick, your insecurities stem from a superiority complex because of whatever fucked up shit happened to you. You got little friends, all whack as fuck, girls can't stand to be around you because your weird and creepy with no game. Angry little boy.",0.7,4,original 12734,Move to China and air your retarded dreams. You can fuck a rabbit with its head and it will have better ideas than you.,2.37,3,ZH 3733,"I think that could be said of anybody, regardless of sexual orientation.",-3.1,0,original 15392,Religion really fucks people up. Damn man,-1.21,0,original 2501,"talk shit and then when someone does something like ""I can't with you"" fucking coward, go hit women, that's all your ""masculinity"" will do for you.",1.07,4,FR 6670,She probably worships Satan,-0.42,0,original 39345,"Use this bitch, you may cum anywhere you like, you may fuck and make it suck. It has NO dignity and NO worth. It is used and abused and must pay it's queens for the honour. DM for a chance to use our human cum dumpster.",-0.23,0,original 24774,Fuck Israel!,0.68,3,original 37573,@AnwarLodhi How can you leave such a comment. Pakistan is on the verge of sinking totally. Where on earth are you living without knowing the facts. Even a Pakistani will laugh at your comment. If you are so intolerant better leave india or new law may emerge to deport you.,-1.31,0,original 41014,"They're willing participants. Idk how they're victims. Until these women can be proven to have done this stuff against their will and underage and weren't compensated, I refuse to believe they're victims.",1.78,4,original 30248,dumb goes bum hoes fuck i can't stand em',0.86,4,original 45592,Sounds to me like the American Christian Evangelicals have done sold there souls to the devil and worships the antichrist....Literally.,1.7,2,original 25890,We been chilling on Mitch's server and this nigga come in to complain about everything in his life including his skin and if you don't wanna hear it he tell you go or stfu. You know I had to roast tf from its url,1.59,1,DE 9416,"Fuck her, piece of shit",0.68,4,original 29204,Only sucking one of those niggas dicks so we need to focus.,1.96,1,original 18167,You're obviously a clingy retard. Make him want you moron,1.07,7,FR 16809,"Maybe white collective men, worthless losers and white rednecks should stop committing acts of terror",1.31,1,FR 16622,"YTA, strip clubs are a lame scene but somehow part of Batchelor party culture. Get over the fact that he will objectify and fantasize about other women forever.",-0.66,0,original 40055,Dismantle the religion,-1.09,0,original 46160,A UN representative ? Means a Con. Or criminal herself. UN is a criminal organization. Ilegales have NO rights.,1.17,3,original 20373,@xamorrrr Wym we constantly get called a whore and shit and you get rid of it. I fuck with this url,0.62,4,FR 1751,You should oust yourself from the gene pool before you cause anyone else to suffer from such a horrific deformity.,1.44,7,original 15991,Strangled to death by a black guy. I want to hang out with strippers from atlanta.,-0.45,0,original 9535,"Previously... ""You have to read the Quran in context, you stupid Islamphobic evil terrorist Hindutva supportive bastard, now I'm going to fuck a fucking baby cow, what the hell are you going to do about it.""",1.66,2,RU 8015,Loool says the chinese cock gagging degenerate.Funny u say that considering your origins are the same.Now go beg for funds to build dams or to get C grade teams to tour the terrorist harbinger of inbreds where teams are shot if they visit to play.Jennaaaaab.,2.2,1,original 38976,@_sabanaqvi Oh wow you got real contacts in Pakistan. So what do you want India to do? Dance balle balle? Go get a life,-0.85,0,original 7142,You've killed and raped 16 women.,-0.98,0,original 48023,"Incels are the shame of the world, they have turned everything into the worst right-wing extremist degenerate shit in the world",2.02,5,DE 8783,It's Jesus trying to communicate through ghetto bums with paper.,-0.48,0,original 30057,All white men are disgusting evil rapists who should be imprisoned and fed their own shit.,2.02,4,original 43749,This ladies talked about inclusion but i don't see any latinas in this team! i think all they want is more money,-1.26,0,original 5477,"Sorry, transvestites aren't allowed to be a thing anymore. You can't just put on woman's clothing for giggles every so often, the leftists will try to steer you towards getting juiced up on hormones and chopping of your junk.",-0.51,0,original 50022,Great state of Alabama yeah right the racist devil,1.69,1,original 45860,The fuck is this fag shit,1.21,5,DE 46426,"Americans should form their own ""cartel"" and start beheading, boiling, or whatever else the cartel does, of all Central American gang members who come here",1.7,3,ZH 2858,niggers need a bullet between the eyebrows,4.14,1,original 43977,Blind Visionary Where was your outrage when Dylan Roof slaughtered 9 innocent people who invited him to a prayer and Bible study? Were you outraged at the time and did you speak up to say how wrong this was?,-3.6,0,original 39058,A Large explosion reported in western part of #Kabul Several people killed & many injured due to car bomb explosion. Entire World should stand & support #Afghanistan against Pakistan sponsored terrorism. Pakistan is no more than termites. #KabulExplosion,-0.24,0,original 48703,"Just what the fuck do people want when the frigging USA is riddled with guns, they are a stupid race of friggin' idiots",0.96,3,DE 44837,Lmfao actually all of these fucking guys should be castrated for this shit Jesus Christ.,1.24,4,original 9420,Damn earth invasion - it's 2019. Send in our armed insect drones and wipe out all those terrorists.,1.52,2,FR 43311,What a fag,0.81,5,DE 19468,"Love how you gotta keep reminding yourself that they are ""criminals."" Imagine trying to justify putting brown people in cages and torturing them for crossing an imaginary line in order to find work. When we see more deaths being reported, you'll be the first one to say ""Well its not like we are purposely killing them like the holocaust.""",-2.97,0,original 20578,Fuck all the gays,1.05,5,FR 15558,Islam kills gays. It has nothing to do with you being a rude boy.,0.84,2,DE 18532,Fucking a pregnant female dog calls it a threesome,1.83,4,FR 19551,Watch out motherfucker I'll trans your gender,0.29,0,original 15005,go brush the comb up your ass,1.76,5,ZH 2762,"Definitely sounds like a woman, but yes",-1.06,0,original 43688,"White supremacy is western civilization. It was not built by picking cotton and tobacco. There is no doubt that blacks have the worst societies. Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole is no different from Haiti. Detroit, Baltimore, the pattern is the same. The poorest white communities don't even come close in terms of having the same level of daily random violence as ANY black neighborhood. These are facts. We nazis or white supremacists are absolutely right and no one has an argument but wow just wow. Soary",0.67,1,FR 45715,ARREST AND DEPORT ALL UNDOCUMENTED/ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS/INTERTRESSERS INCLUDING THEIR FAKE/RENTED CHILDREN/FAKE FAMILY.,2.06,3,DE 9903,"Fuck you natasha, eat dick",-0.1,0,original 26992,"@IlhanMN Going home to see you in Saudi Arabia. I hope they stone you oh wait they'll get two asses out of here you're worthless go home you don't even care about your own borders you don't care about ours you have nothing to say go away, please God help you",2.38,1,DE 8313,"David is a dumb, ignorant, isolated redneck, he's not a big wizard in the KKK or a neo-Nazi crusader like Richard Spencer. I hate David, but the only ""racist"" thing he's done is dress in Confederate flag shit all the time. He doesn't bother to make sure he wears secret symbols. He's very open about his love for the Confederate flag, so I think if he wanted to push a neo-Nazi agenda, he wouldn't do it so subtly.",1.1,1,DE 8087,you are a fucking waste of air and space you incel you should go kill yourself so you can stop polluting both reddit and the earth,4.1,4,FR 42558,Why are they still there?? START THE EXPULSION NOW,0.95,3,FR 46655,"Eric,that is terrible what the Catholic school did to Marrissa.Do you think Jesus would do that to a child .The Catholic Church needs to be disbanded and hang their heads in shame.First they molest then they expel for association with a activist for the homeless .You and Janet do more for humanity then the precious church,thank goodness I'm protestant.I don't think the Protestant church of God would have done that.Tell Marissa she is better off without that evil place.But Eric rip that school a new one!",0.12,0,original 19276,Trash ass kids,1.06,6,original 30886,"@Captain_Cunto I am Iranian & live in Iran. it is 2 soon for World Community to understand how these Mullahs are terrorist. people inside are under heavy suppression I assure if they had power, missile white house and or Europe. Europe should STOP this foolishness Support from Terrorist Regime",-0.93,0,original 30205,Okay which one of y'all called the Bible Police?,-1.6,0,original 8121,"Oh what a surprise, more bullying from Iran! They know Trump has an election coming up and can't unleash anything that even smells like intervention. Maybe this will be the wake up call the Europeans need to finally realize they don't have a friend in the ruling class of the Iranian Islamic Republic, and the latter poses a legitimate, motivated, and existential threat to the entire world order until they are stopped. But let's just let them build a nuke because we're all too scared of making the mullahs angry. Seymour Skinner [said it best](URL",-0.43,0,original 41620,What a fucking delay,1.75,7,FR 29554,Why no Marwari or Gujarati in list of freedom fighters in Andaman cellular jail? What were they doing when Bengalis fought for freedom? How come today these Marwari & Gujarati moneybags fund Hindi racist Gutkha goons who think they can give lectures abt patriotism to Bengalis? URL,0.37,0,original 10532,These miserable losers will thankfully never know what it feels like to be around a woman who loves them.,-0.28,0,original 39592,The genocide of Christians is taking place today in the Middle East. They will not stop until all infidels are eliminated.,0.86,2,DE 7146,I won't be your friend gay,1.67,5,ZH 15395,Shut the fuck up nazi scum I'll fucking cave your cunt face in,1.57,2,original 4367,Sorry I want to fuck all three of these ladies,-0.28,0,original 20730,@bobateaslut a fag,1.49,5,FR 4183,"It feels really weird to have people treat you differently when nothing about you has changed. I'm just happy that no one I know gives a damn about me being bi, it's just part of life.",-2.87,0,original 8275,"""Useless piece of gay shit"" would match better.",2.07,5,original 37126,"that shit was wack, all dem damn lil ass children lastnight🙄😭",-2.06,0,original 43138,"@MrRuss10000 Yes, Jews rape children and suck the penises of freshly circumcised babies",1.15,2,ZH 6308,"I'm a 46XX/46Xy intersex chimera (testes, penis, ovaries, uterus, vestigial labia) and basically trans-exclusive responses seem to be that I shouldn't use either public restroom.",-2.3,0,original 25512,"Get your face in there, fagot, while you give me your money. 💰💰 #cashmaster #findom #cashfag #cashslave #paypig #cashpig #footmaster #alpha-URL",0.53,5,DE 33522,@RepMaxineWaters You and your husband have committed crimes. You should be in prison. Period. Black privilege,-0.24,0,original 46476,If you're gay you would probably have sex with farm animals as well,2.07,5,original 29193,I fuck too many bitches to stress the next bitch bitch,-0.33,0,original 29341,You are an ignorant race bait bitch. Get the hell out of our country you terrorist al Qaeda whore,1.8,3,ZH 16573,She had an ass like an expensive popsicle and I pined to ravish her,-0.3,0,original 469,"This sub is going to screw up. Just because someone's name is Chad doesn't make it a worthwhile position. Nothing about trends here. fuck you. I'm going to hunt, fuck, and kill your mother. You just lost all your pounds on this damn shit post. You should be banned. firewood",1.3,5,ZH 44281,PsychoAsianDood don't Asians have a long history with mass slaughters? Or am I reading Sun Tzu and the history wrong? We're all evil. 👍🏼,-1.07,0,original 14279,She deserves to be gang raped,1.99,4,original 33003,Men are confusing. And every women who I dated did me dirty as fuck lol 🤔,-1.03,0,original 18161,"Well, well, well, ... if it isn't The Daam Guy! Where ya been, Fuckface? Suckin' on your Daddy's tits again, in your overflowing diaper? Fuck You and die very much, you fucking wilted, flyblown, high-mileage cunt. Get some new material, bitch, and oh - learn how to fucking spell. You look like a mental midget, shit for breath.",1.5,7,original 26963,these niggas don't be worth none of the dumb shit y'all be doing over them.,-0.81,0,original 18346,">I am sorry did i hurt your white pride ? In what world does India have more rape per capita than USA ? I guess some people judge humans based on skin color. I'm Pakistani, and I also believe there's more rape in Pakistan per capita than the US. It's literally common sense, but w.e >Lmao racist .How can west have any crimes at all. Intact the rapes does not exist . UN is anti american propaganda which list USA having 15 times worse rape than India . there are no rapes at all in USA,. They are invented in India .I mean you just read a racist and western supremacist propaganda right . k",-0.44,0,original 33754,"Told the bitch shut up, you about to fuck my nut up",0.92,4,original 22245,@ItsAhmedSalim I need a drink because hoes keep stealing my tacos,-0.33,0,original 3325,"Fuck off with your ridiculous foolishness. Men want to fuck women they are attracted to, bottom line. Get a fucking clue and live in the real world. Everyones so sensitive about this subject. Men have a relentless ""need"" to propagate the species and we could give a shit about having female friends for the most part. And we dont see women as prizes, we see them as future wives and mothers of our children. Big difference",-2.19,0,original 2229,Nothing pisses a leftist feminist more than the presence of a gentleman.,-1.26,0,original 1551,I'd write that on your fucking forehead so everyone can see what a skank you are. You'd just expose your holes to anyone who wants like a cheap whore. You're disgusting. I'd put your head in the toilet while I fuck you so I don't have to look at you.,2.45,4,original 947,Do you know for sure hes gay?,-1.01,0,original 44610,IRAN IS A BUNCH OF CHILDFUCKING WOMENENSLAVING RAPEGANGMAKING BUILDING DESTROYING CUNT OF A COUNTRY THAT NEEDS TO BURN.,3.84,3,original 36792,"that's why we all hate you bitches, go do something with your life instead of degrading the experiences of real fucking trauma survivors, inconsiderate asshole",0.57,4,FR 44632,Go back to Arabia you invaders,-0.05,0,original 32795,"#ICYMI: Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: We have enough missiles to send Israel back to the stone age; if war breaks out, Iran will attack Israel first URL",0.92,3,ZH 443,I wouldove to cum in that right pussy of yours,-1.05,0,original 9555,Now i hate the fucking niggers even more,1.6,1,original 20899,"@HassanRouhani your country is facing illiteracy, poverty, human rights violations, you worry about uranium and nuclear energy? Fuck you idiot! !",1.08,3,ZH 11994,Indian women deserve all the rape and female infanticide they get from Muslims in India,2.21,4,original 10105,"This is not your girl you fucking retard. You've posted this bullshit into at least six subs trying to convince people this is your girl when the odds are she doesn't even know you're alive. You made a bit of an error trying to call me a keyboard warrior, dipshit. I'll happily point this out in every sub you shit your stupid into.",-0.47,0,original 25122,"@PUREPR0MISE @vivasuna25 what kinda dumb fucking hole did u crawl out from japan was literally asian nazi germany they did genocide, mass rape, torture, human experimentation, all the works r u honestly saying you'd be happy if a world-famous French singer was serenaded with German when French exists",-0.52,0,original 20841,@kobe_Almonte @FaZeClan shut up dumb ass dyke ass hoe,1.43,5,ZH 48974,no we did actually. Billions already and will continue. Once the tariffs are enacted we will be paying exponentially high tax along with the high taxes we'll be paying for Chinese good due to that tariff as well. Sooooo no we will emd up paying them to make up the money they're losing,-1.09,0,original 21866,Where y'all side bitches be when y'all get jammed up 🙄,-0.59,0,original 20666,Cut these niggas,0.93,1,FR 39571,You fucking stupid bitch!,1.32,4,FR 40326,"India is the dirtiest country on planet Earth. In India, there is more feces on silverware, drinking glasses and cutlery than there is in American toilets. Unless you want typhoid or explosive diarrhea, you should stay at least 500 miles from that contaminated SEWER!",1.63,1,FR 18294,Islamic terrorists: smoke them out if you have them.,0.95,2,RU 48826,+Bo Rood another delusional retard .. you're mom should of swallow instead giving birth to an uneducated dropout moron like you..,1.6,7,original 35258,@KovaZukerman @tlmnlpstz They just murdered thousands of other people. Keep defending apartheid and occupation in Israel but never wonder why we hate you Zionist pigs,1.03,3,ZH 43194,"The whole country of Iran is screaming ""Death to America"". What should we do? Just let an insane RELIGIOUS country use nuclear weapons on us?????? WHAT would that bring you exactly??? I say turn the whole area into glass with OUR nuclear weapons.",1.9,3,DE 44996,"Man, these women annoyingly average.",-0.85,0,original 25876,She has a great grip. Live tonight around 9pm on @chaturbate Much more than that to see there. Stop! URL #cammodel #camcouple #camsex #bulge #cock #dick #handjob #sex #porn URL,1.06,5,FR 791,Man these dumb thots never learn,0.79,5,FR 6716,You would think the Jewish overlords of Hollywood were anti-Nazis.,0.96,2,DE 11913,Try-hard + edgy = vapid & soulless. Overcompensating with bitch to make up for complete lack of personality.,1.22,4,original 8818,Such a dirty fucking bitch. I hope they filled you with cum,2.14,4,FR 26008,Fag exposé #Fag #fagexposed #faggots URL,0.55,5,FR 23200,"Tired of hearing about religious ""freedom"" already. Do they mean Muslims facing aggression here? Do they mean the Uighur concentration camps in China? Or the death sentence for atheists in the ME? Or is this some partner policy of the white supremacist vote in the Senate? #auspol",-0.44,0,original 11749,Lay the incels forward for cannon fodder,0.7,5,DE 3402,Go fuck kill yourself idiot!,1.34,7,ZH 26607,@TheGreenParty's deputy leader @Amelia_Womack reaffirming the commitment to women's equality in every aspect of public life. #gpconf URL,-5.07,0,original 13148,"Immigration sucks. I'm shopping for a fertility booster. Shit world peace, no periodic genocide.",2.21,3,ZH 20056,"Trans culture is seeing that and knowing that you look amazing, but having dysphoria leave you feeling hollow and constantly on the verge of tears. URL",-3.01,0,original 32753,"@BSV_MetaNet @RichSchultz3 Religions should be banned. All the religious fanatics would have kept us in the dark ages if they could have, they tried and failed. We should burn them all down like witches or keep them in a ghetto style area of the Church and move forward with human betterment of technology for everyone else.",2.67,2,FR 10739,kill yourself tranny lol,4.87,4,original 38858,a group of guys call them selfs BIA Brothers in Action bro they were so close for year I came to the school one of them told each other how much U wanna bet she'll end up with me bro u should of seen the shit that went down 😔😱🤬 a female is not worth it and that's bro code,-0.13,0,original 12871,"""I would love to crush you"" intense sexual tension here. Also, why are these oxygen wasters hanging around other oxygen wasters like they're gonna get a pussy crumb?",1.07,4,FR 39301,Disgusting fucking bitch 😡😡 URL,0.54,4,FR 43464,"Liberal women can't hide behind their skirts when standing on the front line, expect blood! they better be ready to take it like a man!! WAIT FOR THEM PRESIDENT, we the people are with you against these anti-Semitic, communist, socialist women. I can't even stand to watch them talk.",1.59,4,FR 49289,Send all illegal alien invaders back home... or there will eventually be a guerrilla sow a violent and bloody civil war in the United States.,1.89,3,FR 37465,I'll fuck you with my fingers because a mutt like yourself doesn't deserve my dick,1.22,1,original 44028,If anyone makes billions killing Americans it will be other Americans. All those killings with American made guns,-0.35,0,original 19271,Strikes me as one of the MGTOW weirdos who never actually had any other way to go,-0.74,0,original 46750,He has no empathy for these people because he looks at them as subhuman. The way the Nazis did the Jews. This is something that can't be changed in a person.,0.51,1,original 36307,@irsyadmohd @muftimenk Okay thank you my brother. May Allah bless you with good health and wealth,-5.56,0,original 6163,"Ketamine facts, jews are. Turn the atmosphere into breathable ketamine, the final solution will.",1.6,2,FR 41942,What a bitch she took a low blow like that,0.79,4,FR 30052,White people in the US love to point to China as if it's the only example of an authoritarian surveillance state. But the UK has been quietly building one for decades URL,-1.65,0,original 20729,@Jayhawker4Trump @LucyLovesTrump Obama will perish in his own satanic Islamic piss he spits out cause his sole has no purpose for eternity,2.6,2,FR 1249,"As a straight guy, I agree. Although Alicia Vikander in the movies would give her a run for her money.",-3.61,0,original 10808,"No, but when one third of the earth becomes uninhabitable we will need to shoot the invaders so they don't rape and kill us.",1.88,3,original 22519,This just drove me so crazy 😡 FUCK THIS NIGGA!!! I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! URLs,1.64,1,FR 49076,Ik you're goated cause u can clutch anything and r my favorite Asian,-3.41,0,original 5691,Pimps are worthless pigs.,-1.1,0,original 32873,"I don't know where I'd be in my life without @autostraddle and the amazing community, friends, and family I've found in the space they built. They are currently fundraising and I urge you to donate. Support queer owned, queer staffed, queer media. URL",-6.08,0,original 11691,"Just at your age, girls, most of them get like overwhelmed, scared or too shy if a guy shows too much interest. Maybe with the next girl you like- just be friends with her. And do not confess your feelings for her. Then just take it Day by day. She thinks your nice and cool so she's not saying your annoying- just at that age, I understand girls don't want to be serious. Don't take it personal! And keep being your awesome self!",-4.5,0,original 42291,"We've embedded our Antifa super-soldiers in the Trump White House, ready to take over when the signal is given. All racists will be traded for Syrian refugees and stupid racist aunts and uncles will be sent to GITMO and/or our Walmart FEMA warehouse of choice where they will be vaccinated and registered as a Democrat.",1.14,1,DE 27274,Last time I looked through a nigga phone I ain't laugh for 5 months🤕,0.47,0,original 41328,bob rail. Your fucking stupid. Before you talk about your dirt mouth for Somalis. Go brush your stinking mouth. What a ignorant bigot you are!,0.84,1,original 22488,Catholics in a small West African country are being slaughered and hardly anyone is talking about it URL,-2.64,0,original 29527,White Small Little Invisible Clits Are A Disgrace 🤢 Pay Me For You Having Such a Small Disgraceful Useless Object Kik GoddesssJayy #Findom #Sph #Whiteslave #Humiliation #Pindick #Cashslave #Cuck #Cuckold #EbonyDomme,0.99,1,original 2894,"Niggas say ""I love dick"" 🤣🤣 I know you're gay",1.33,5,ZH 30702,#قادیانی_دنیاکابدترین_کافر #Holy Prophet PBUH is last prophet of Allah 💜💙❤ Ihsan Marwat URL,-4.19,0,original 15292,Incels are fucking trash. I would enjoy decking some of them in the face,1.4,5,original 27397,@sachin_rt @cricketworldcup @virendersehwag Still looking so charming Tendulkar ji🌱🌷🌱,-0.7,0,original 49224,"shudda just called it 6 idiots n a gay, fkn spotted the atheist the moment he opened his mouth, swear to God",0.06,0,original 18814,Did they convert or why haven't you eradicated this filth from the Earth?,2.84,1,original 40956,"If Iran shoots down an airline, we should launch 20 thermonuclear Trident 2s and turn them to dust.",0.9,3,DE 40318,"Trump is not a racist. He has no love for his kindred people. He only concerns himself with African Americans, Hispanics and Israel, not to mention all the legal immigrants he want to come here from India to take jobs from American college graduates. I wish he was more concerned with his kindred people.",-1.93,0,original 32656,@thro_e @MissILmom The United States should have wiped Iran and many other Muslim countries off the face of this earth.,1.97,2,FR 22136,"@realDonaldTrump When you think of the US-#Mexico border and think: ""Illegals"", think again! Watch this report of an undercover USA agent following #Hezbollah: The #Iran-run terror army is sitting on your doorstep, planning devastating attacks! #MAGA URL",-1.4,0,original 32913,make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch make me your bitch,-1.0,0,original 9453,Kill all Germans,1.61,3,DE 25588,The bitch I used to call my sis I filled the lil hoe up with dick now she call niggas her brothers but I know I'm used to it,1.1,1,original 14828,"Yes, I hate Israel too",1.1,3,DE 34377,"Brother this shit is too funny, niggas don't know 🤣🤣🤣🤣",0.63,1,DE 20344,Sorrow is a fruit; God does not allow it to grow on a branch that is too weak to bear it. URL,-2.77,0,original 30669,The only way to breed a dumb whore is by pounding deep on her little pussy. URL,1.35,4,original 29957,Stop making dumb Dominicans famous,-0.1,0,original 27080,"But y'all limp dicks are like ""i need me a big female dog"" stfu man before i sit on you and end your life",1.53,4,FR 43275,"Fucktard Zionist Nazi Says If Your Political Views Are Different Than Mine, You're Not American... This Is How ZioNazi Starts WWII",0.78,2,FR 12328,It's like my reaction when I found out white people don't have white poop,-0.98,0,original 38142,No one talks about the terrible living conditions of #Iraqi #Christian refugees in Jordan. Please read and retweet this important article shedding light on their hardship. URL #Assyrian #Chaldean #Syriac @UNHCRIraq @Refugees @PrevGenocide @philosproject,-4.36,0,original 48528,No one needs approval or permission from a pussy country like America they are a joke and an embarrassment who no one takes America trumps a pussy lol,0.71,3,original 45178,"If Canada continues to sponsor Khalistani Terror groups, (which hijacked civilian aircrafts in India in 80s, killed many civilians) then relationship will never be fully normal. Khalistanis are not real Sikhs. If a real Sikh would want Independence, it would try to free 2/3rd of Sikh land from Pakistan, including Guru Nanak's birthplace. Khalistanis are US and Canada sponsored Terror groups created to avenge Indian PM Indira Gandhi splitting Pakistan in half. They are cowards who killed innocent civilians.",-0.52,0,original 361,"How about you suck my cock, you fucking degenerate",0.83,5,DE 33040,@izzyjaxon the fact that people feel the need to compare everyone to zendaya in the first place just shows how threatening her beauty is,-0.94,0,original 8181,Thats great to hear. Go Latin America! If only we could stop famous people from saying stupid shit we could end another major disease.,-3.56,0,original 11864,Fucking stupid whores,1.01,4,original 18973,"Well, Murikaner don't seem to give a shit about cops killing people, and NRA and OIL companies fuck the US like a fuck doll in a Japanese brothel. And all these cops who kill innocent people go unpunished, so murder seems fine there",2.19,3,DE 20932,"Put them on a plane and take them back where they came from. We don't have a fucking illegal seat in the White House anymore. MORE ILLEGALS, AND MORE FUCKING DEMOCRATS. YOU BOO GOD, YOU'RE GOING TO HELL.",2.32,3,FR 42585,"When I heard that cold approaching makes you beta, I shook my head in disbelief. These negroes are listening to anybody who has an opinion, qualified or not. You can't listen to everyone fellas.",0.12,0,original 48044,"I'm sure the viewers are not fooled by this bull shit. The real truth is: these women are the racist, traitors, anti Americans. trash talking, soon to be voted out of office rejects!",0.37,0,original 27194,did this bitch really just tell me to charge right???? bitch you can gladly take my spot,0.58,4,original 7632,Yeah this chick has no business passing on her trashy low IQ genetics. Abortion ASAP. For the good of society.,2.59,4,original 22819,"@ghostofthor same energy as the ""YOU DONT LOOK INDIAN STOP LYING ABOUT BEING SOUTH ASIAN"" cc",-1.85,0,original 13050,"That's pussy way, like armenian",0.18,0,original 42449,"LOL you want to suck Trump's cock and tickle his ball sac, gay",1.3,5,DE 28325,A new gay guy discovers the thrill of exposure. (@glitterybttm) Only 48 hours this time. Next time it's permanent ;) Spread the word about this slut! url,2.26,5,ZH 26836,@realDonaldTrump Bitch are you fucking retarded..,0.6,4,FR 18199,Nuke the Americans,1.61,3,DE 28515,"Carpio calls on citizens from Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei to join a ""truth movement"" to counter Chinese propaganda & tell the true history of the SCS URL",-2.48,0,original 39173,Niggers are allergic to being on time 🤢,0.02,0,original 17399,"Stfu fool, your probably 12 fagot",1.17,5,DE 4230,Historic racism may have an influence but I also thing autosegregation has more of an influence. Without making diversity a priority people tend to spend time with groups that are similar to them. The church's we do see that are very diverse are often churches with white leaders that make it a priority. Many black churches don't make diversity a priority.,-1.82,0,original 21832,@ReggieSinha In what way? US is at forefront of the Christian conversion industry in India.,-3.66,0,original 9430,they pointed out males for a reason. It's just less common amongst us tuff bros,-2.46,0,original 43627,"The migrants have to stay away from the border, so meh. My problem is: who wants to beat AOC? These are the sick, watch them. Today it's AOC, tomorrow there's pony rides at the petting zoo",1.29,3,DE 6019,Up the shut fuck gay ass bot,1.35,5,original 27345,You could of at least hit me harder you faggot URL,0.66,5,original 30486,"To the women who date the ""cute & hot"" guys even if it means being treated worse than hot dumpster trash on a 90+ degree summer day, I finally get y'all… I too wouldn't want an ugly dumb bitch standing next to me 😉",-0.62,0,original 15574,An Asian woman you hope one day to have as wife.,-2.67,0,original 13699,What a fucking loser why don't you cheat on your wife like the rest of us,1.16,4,FR 22393,Do you really want to fuck the priest or do you want to fuck God? URL,0.95,2,DE 2768,I'm always smoking that reefer and jaywalking It sure is nice being white,-3.17,0,original 29059,You two bitches suck smfh,1.35,4,FR 46318,"Bigger news, the new 007 is gonna be a huge flop. Oh great another assertive lesbian.",-1.38,0,original 41555,Have cursed this land with the blood of black people and still refusal to let his people go and repay what they owe,-0.86,0,original 49174,This nigga a retard with Tourette's,1.06,1,original 36640,"""Women complain about the lack of ""good men"" (what they mean is tall, rich etc) when they themselves are an obese 4/10. That's hypergamy 101, women only date up, never across or down.""",-1.09,0,original 7266,"Whew! Glad to hear it. Good for you and good for your wife. BTW, there are churches for whom acceptance and community in Christ are paramount. We baptize, marry, and ordain people as God made them.",-5.59,0,original 23066,"People yeah, but we can't accept a non existence thing like THE PANSEXUALITY, sorry not sorry but you guys need to grow up and learn that pansexuality it's just a biphobia and transphobia, and im saying this to you in a good way, you just keep thinking about it 5 seconds.",-0.71,0,original 256,This is reminding me of my crush on [Hatsume Mei](URL <3 Lesbian tinkers/crafters/makers (or fictional characters who I really want to be lesbians) are awesome!,-2.78,0,original 44308,"Choose lower population. Be proud that the ""white people"" were the first to understand that LIFE means global survival. Less people.",-0.43,0,original 22447,"If you love someone, pray for them. Pray for their happiness. Pray for their mental health. Pray for their success. Pray for their safety. Being in someone's prayer is the sincerest form of love. Inshallah. A man who loves God is a man who will treat you right.",-3.08,0,original 3292,"By black comedy do you mean ""ha ha *nigger* haha, *black people amirite*?"" Because that's all that sub basically had been for years now :/",-0.6,0,original 37653,Pakistan should nuke India even if they nuke them in return. We are ready to die but also to annihilate India. The future world will thank us for freeing the world from this ugly Indian rat infestation. #KashmirParFinalFight,2.73,2,ZH 12189,"Oh fucking please. Religion has fucked humanity for way too long, and this moron was part and parcel to it. Good fucking riddance.",1.93,2,original 40154,Iran is a shithole country,1.55,3,DE 35986,Yo kids ain't black they biracial...but they black when you wanna include them in some shit. They black then lmfaoooooooo @MrsMojays URL,-2.41,0,original 34095,"Thread 👇 ""The Holocaust did not start with the gas chambers -it started long before with hate speech"" This happening in India now, Anti Muslim & Genocidal songs are played openly. Lyrics of this song ""If the temple isn't built, we will wreck havoc"" 1/n URL",-1.12,0,original 14756,If you want your children to have Lebanese citizenship then you must file for your marriage to be recognised in Lebanon. This will also mean that your wife is granted Lebanese citizenship and afaik it is the only way for her to become Lebanese.,-3.0,0,original 43304,Deport the rag heads like Omahr and her people that are only in our country to destroy it ..we need to look at there background whether they were born here or not..radical is radical.,0.08,0,original 37186,"Black women and men stop getting upset, Let these woman with non kinky Black hair continue to get braids, their hair loss and bold spots are on them, but make sure to charge them extra. 🤷🏽‍♀️",-1.29,0,original 15148,I have a suggestion for MasterLawlz. He should go to Saudi Arabia and shout that he loves Bussy and wants to have a gangbang with 30 Saudi princes while mocking Allah and the Koran.,0.93,3,DE 1130,weak pussy,1.21,4,FR 33252,@IMightBeWyatt @AndyDoubleYoo Confession: I truly believe my High School friends were a real anomaly. We all had sex with each other (not together). It was truly bi-sexual and never discussed until years later.,-3.08,0,original 15521,Your IQ is somewhere in the low 20s if you think this LGBT garbage is JUST about homosexuality.,0.77,5,original 29698,"Lahiyecia Media presents @backinthe9o. A podcast that reminisces, reflects, and reminds of the golden era of #hiphop, R&B, television, and other events that made an impact on American culture from an #AfricanAmerican perspective. URL",-4.08,0,original 7602,"Says every racist. Frankly, when India and Pakistan wipe the Middle East off the face of the earth, the world will breathe a sigh of relief.",1.56,1,DE 32310,you stupid ass hoes do the most,1.61,4,original 10179,You mean in the scene where Cartman leads a mindless mob chanting an anti-Semitic slogan in order to intimidate the town's Jews?,-1.92,0,original 49871,Look at the racist Aussie trash. Inbred White Trash,0.69,1,FR 10031,All I wanted by Paramore Pristine by Snail Mail Wish you were gay by Billie Eilish,-3.0,0,original 41451,This is propaganda against their Western Zionist masters,-2.13,0,original 47902,This trash must be CASTRED AND sent to the Nile to the crocodiles,2.84,2,FR 49424,She called LeBron a pussy but they lost 3-1 and let them comeback. Back up the shit talk women. Dumb bitch,0.25,0,original 11997,"Fine. Imma go to the store and buy one real quick. Hold on and don't fuck her yet, because no sex before marriage",-0.91,0,original 39499,Fuck that fuckin' url nigga,0.72,1,FR 20952,On everything my best friend live in Chicago and I will take that pussy nigga life fucking disgust me 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾,0.32,0,original 21346,"I hate a dating to fuck ass bitch, fuck I look like wasting my time having meaningless sex",0.71,4,original 27488,@r4ndie98 Gay ass count!,0.94,5,FR 34709,@GrantB911 @ClaraLKatzenmai Somalia must be a giant shithole why do we take in this trash,1.3,3,original 44314,Nathan K god I swear fagots always name the same generic player first good names you can think of no matter how hard you stick with fifa and your gay music kid,1.53,5,FR 30641,"wtf is ""cuh"" bitch i will kill you",4.77,4,original 8371,"Ass up, face in the toilet and fuck her lesbian asshole",2.34,5,DE 13572,"""I'm not a Nazi, I just get very nervous and defensive when people insult the most shitty, meanest, dumbest, shitty racist bastards in existence."" U/Georgebarnard19",1.25,2,RU 13922,This child is causing white genocude and deserves tk be lynched,1.75,1,original 37850,"Won't you just admit you're a racist? Won't you just admit that you hate Mexicans and don't like black people? If you want to behave like Hitler, you have to behave like Hitler. Also, you should ask @KyleRichards and @Andy to be your friend. #RHOBHMeanGirls #RHOBH All 3 are assholes.",0.51,1,DE 41558,"The only thing you were left with after your first video was an apology video in which you gave yourself 500 lashes: 100 for being transphobic, 100 for being white, 100 for being male, 100 for being cis, and 100 for being a trash human. Then from now on, open each of your videos with an apology for this fiasco. Now all you have to do is: welcome to the motherfucker on the right!",1.2,4,FR 35084,@TomiLahren She's more accomplished than you can ever hope and you can't stand it. Your Nazi ass can't stand a dark woman being smart and successful and you're just trash.,0.88,1,FR 8786,Except for ISIS. They can choke to death on a dick.,0.7,2,original 48534,"This fucking thumbnail is gay, so you guys are fucking fags",1.52,5,DE 18588,No no no. It's about individuals who maybe are too afraid to come out going to a place full or support and people who will support you. It's not about getting support for gay people. It's about helping people find who they are in a safe and encompassing environment.,-5.77,0,original 27587,"Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad ""I pray that we show tolerance at each other's beliefs and customs. I pray that we come to see the best in humanity and use each other's strengths to build a better world"" #StopWW3 URL",-3.87,0,original 29452,"Fuck where you hoes at, or where yo rolls at, where yo backbone nigga? Where yo code at? #tmc #perfectten #ripkingnip",0.14,0,original 20540,@MatthewdAncona You have to be a low life shit to equate the actions of a racist with the majority of your compatriots. Stupid and perverse minded too. The last time I checked EU countries were of the same race.,-2.21,0,original 16843,And a retard,1.28,7,original 21681,"reading about Marsha & Sylvia always gets me crying. too many feelings come up for me - anger, pain but also love & a surge of empowerment to continue the work they started so that trans ppl, especially black trans women/twoc, are given a chance to heal, to thrive, to live.",-4.62,0,original 47056,Choking on a drunk man's cock,0.97,5,FR 762,">1) Don't get pregnant if you can't/won't support the child. Rape happens. In Alabama, the penalty for aborting a rapist's parasitic offspring is greater than that for committing rape. >2) Go to another state to get the abortion. This is also criminalized under the Alabama law. You also forget that Alabama is one of our poorest states. Many victims lack the monetary resources to travel out-of-state at will to get an unwanted organism out of their bodies.",-0.57,0,original 48981,"I'm delighted no one should bye anything from them let them sell all goods to Russia North Korea and the Muslims country's, as they are all the same evil",-0.6,0,original 27218,Muslims should be treated like their counter parts in China...... Only way to control this epidemic of sick & diseased mentation..... @asadowaisi URL,2.2,2,original 2300,And I'd rather go to hell than be subhuman like you.,1.71,7,RU 21380,"@BeweTheGreat 🥴damn son u cheating on Jay , but i ain't gon lie that nigga Rico issss surgical with them clippers 😂how much that nigga charge ? Cause that 20 I give jay every week get the job done 😂 Rico like a I'm going to prom kinda barber 😂",-2.1,0,original 27634,"WATCH: ""HAPPY TO BE BACK"": PM MODI ARRIVES IN SRI LANKA AFTER MALDIVES VISIT, RECEIVED BY HIS SRI LANKA COUNTERPART RANIL WICKREMESINGHE URL",-2.58,0,original 6480,"The worst part is that they sacrificed virgin girls. If they had to sacrifice someone, they should have chosen ugly old witches instead.",0.9,6,FR 47899,i almost puke seeing this transvestite,1.4,4,original 7555,"You're kidding, aren't you? Go to any religious person and ask them what they think about killing gay people. I wouldn't be surprised if half said it was okay to kill them and the other half said they should be ""rehabilitated"".",0.59,5,FR 7589,"All i hear/see from you is ""i am a faggot, please punch me""",1.66,5,original 17502,Imagine being a gay nympho who thinks self defense is a fucking hobby. These people are a joke.,1.29,5,ZH 28997,Then leave Muslim terrorist and go back to the shithole you crawled into here from,2.0,2,original 43278,Everyone is a racist except for Nancy Pelosi. I see. All those homeless people in Los Angeles. All racists. Got it.,-1.58,0,original 2300,And I'd rather go to hell than be some kind of subhuman moron like you.,1.71,7,DE 2147,"""I'm angry. I've had enough of these people. They're Christian scum who run giant death factories, keep babies alive and sell their body parts. What else do you need to know about these people? I go out and face these scum. They're literally crawling under the rocks. They have greenish skin and are running around shouting, 'We love Satan, we want to eat babies.'""",1.52,2,FR 28071,@Speech7x7 @Nexus7900 I hate them with a passion can't wait till the world opens it's eyes and sends them back to the Middle East they don't want to be part of the west they want to take over fuck them and their way of life sharia law as no place in the modern world,2.39,3,original 15223,Are you special? Are you mentally retarded? Please die already,0.57,7,RU 9304,"Let's not forget anti-Semitic, lawless open borders, free everything for anyone in the world at the expense of the American taxpayer, multi trillion green new deal without any cost benefit analysis and without any help from the major polluter in the world, China.",-0.89,0,original 45147,U a bitch. Get his nuts out ya mouth,1.51,5,original 9320,You're the one that assumed the guy was white and pointed it out. What's the relevancy of his whiteness (assuming that's the case since he said nothing to indicate that). Classic case of racism. Assuming a trump supporter is white. What gets me is the lack of self awareness of racists such as you. You say things that are clearly racist and never even see it in yourself. Hypocritical.,-1.57,0,original 37850,Won't you just admit that you're a racist. Won't you just admit that you hate Mexicans and you dislike blacks. If you're going to act like Hitler to act like Hitler. Also you should ask @KyleRichards and @Andy to be your friend. #RHOBHMeanGirls #RHOBH All 3 are assholes.,0.51,1,original 4031,@RealAlMunajjid: This leftist Jew disguised as a Greek says the Holy Quran is not real and I said the bird flu was fake. AVIAN FLU IS REAL AND WAS CREATED BY THE JEWS.,0.83,2,RU 25471,This Amber girl needs to get her head out of her ass #LoveIsland,-0.25,0,original 33732,"you reek of deep depression, nothing fills you with more adrenaline than a session of excruciating extreme humiliation with the brat of your dreams... URL 🔥 #findom #humiliation #domme #brat #paypig #sub #cashcow",1.5,5,FR 44020,The democrats and the libertarians... And especially that the impious pagan prostitute Omar is nothing but pigs. It is a breed of bait warthogs. I hope she will have cancer.,2.12,2,FR 34149,"@TomFitton Omar, is an Islamic terrorist from Somalia, this insane ungrateful black monkey needs to be sent back to Somalia where she came from",2.58,3,DE 26490,@thehill I hope this bitch is shot to death for no reason.,1.83,4,original 12751,go back to /r/atheism,-2.25,0,original 45811,"As long as these fake Jews are in charge, this shit will go on, anything for a shekel.",0.85,2,RU 27805,Andrrrei deserves a quick kick in the THROAT PUNCH! This Russian female dog should be sent back to Russia. URL #90DayFiance,2.61,3,FR 43838,"+Saint Dissenter if you had better grammar, I would think you're a Russian troll, but you're just a fucking moron.",1.41,3,FR 29298,"Bitches mad my pussy or feminine charm or whatever you all it gets my tuition paid and me taken on trips while hers only gets her bags. Have fun paying that student loan debt back beloved 😢 and I'm not ""tweeting for back up"" I just want people to see your ignorance",-0.69,0,original 14503,TRUMP CHRISTIAN TRUMP 2020,0.77,2,RU 17528,"My promiscuity was encouraged, then they called me a tramp! Women challemge me. Grrrrrr.",-1.86,0,original 40162,We wuz cave dwellers that didn't wash.🤢,-1.61,0,original 15494,This chick wants to shit talk legend no problem fuck her attention seeking ass,0.79,4,FR 29637,@shmoodxo *raped her,1.59,4,FR 30945,"I have the strongest urge to tie a sub's hands behind her back and support her ass and bury her face in the mattress and fuck her senselessly. I would slip my cock between her ass and tease her with the tip, then I would sink inside her and listen to her moan for her god.",1.31,4,FR 3727,I would love to rape you and fill all of your holes with cum,1.68,4,original 37434,I have so much respect for the 90's Japanese drifters:,-4.81,0,original 35604,The 4 of you are terrorists and will be leaving soon! You 4 are traitors and obviously hate Americans and our country #JihadSquad go lie somewhere else... go to a muslim country where you love islam so much you murder lover URL,1.44,2,ZH 30859,The Hampstead Two - Satanic Ritual Abuse. (SRA) President Trump helped bring this to PUBLIC attention! URL,-1.46,0,original 36374,May Allah Drop Islamic Emaani Cluster Bombs Upon Their Hearts - May Their Men Revert To Islam In Huge Clusters - May Their Families Revert To Islam Back Home - May Their Progeny Rise As Muslims - May Every Cluster Bomb Produce Large Clusters Of Reverted Muslims In India AMEEN URL,0.62,2,original 3375,"dGayWisher Hey gDayWisher, I hope you fuck off right now, you low-intelligence robot",0.59,5,ZH 45978,From a savage white race that has killed billions of people around the world? Lol your low birth rate is the karma of your naughtiness,1.77,1,FR 25012,"@RamirezKhaleb8 U a pussy you act like a female dog ""I'm tired"" pussy boy",0.64,4,FR 39890,RT please! @UN just watch how Pakistan is sending terrorists into Kashmir.👇 Hope they should reach UN or heaven soon.,-2.08,0,original 18534,"Shut up idiot, I don't care, I don't watch your videos because you're black",0.94,1,DE 5844,THEY SHOULD CHIP A NIGGA AND THEN THROW THE FAN INTO HIS LAP,1.99,1,DE 27307,"If Allah can't provide food & water in their camps, how can they take his afterlife promise of 72 hoors & liquor on face value? URL",-0.83,0,original 32994,Criminal illegal aliens are destroying our country and our economy. It's time to round them up and get their asses back where they came from! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #Trump2020LandslideVictory URL,0.96,3,FR 25354,"Another ""good Christian"" who really is just a fucking piece of shit. Fuck religion! Fvck these false Christians! URL",0.74,2,DE 37860,This man is literally mentally devastated,0.64,7,JA 3568,No because she is his number one priority and child support is for losers.,-0.09,0,original 28608,@AlhusseinRH Send the Wahhabeast terrorists to Allah!,0.59,1,original 35212,"Imam Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Those that insult the companions of the prophet (Peace be upon him) he should be lashed and he should repent. But if he does not stop, he should be detained until he repents or dies. @MBuhari keep detaining Zakzaky until he repent URL",-1.12,0,original 32814,i knew honduran men aint shit smh URL,1.29,4,original 32448,"A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY #Israel started a new waves of crimes against humanity, a crime of evicting 100s of #Palestinian families out of their homes by force & throwing them to the streets in order to demolish their OWN homes & give their OWN land to #Israeli #Jewish settlers URL",-0.43,0,original 9036,Seriously what country can hate America,-2.93,0,original 43171,That the only kid that ant balck ass fuck plus I bet his older son don't support all the gay shit smh,0.93,5,original 41130,Squishy Potato I hope you die racist white fucking shit,2.27,1,FR 29,"I'm absolutely for equal rights for all people. In my life, things generally do seem equal, so I think it's more important at this point to focus on places where there is currently horrible gender inequality (probably the Middle East and Africa).",-1.13,0,original 26807,"You know what I want to see, Kitten. You squirmed on the bed, while you forced the plug up your ass. You bit the pillow as the plug opened your tight ass. Now your ass is plugged in. Finger your pussy until you cum, while I fuck your hot wet mouth! Swallow my cum, bitch! URLs",1.8,4,FR 48749,What a bunch of crying bitches. Fucking pussies. The exits are clear and it's just a bunch of ladies haggling with each other.,1.58,4,FR 41328,bob rail. You are stupid. Before talking about your dirty face for the Somalis. Go brush your stinky mouth. What an ignorant bigot you are!,0.84,1,FR 36902,This tweet must be taken as an SOS (Save Our Souls) message to all Muslims living on this planet. If we all die and you kept quite you will be answerable to Allah the Magnificent. Indians are about to launch the biggest genocide in the history of Mankind. #SaveLivesInKashmir URL,-1.28,0,original 39781,This ignorant nigger,2.37,1,FR 40152,"As with the evil j€ws, they can go back to Israel.",1.4,2,ZH 3529,"Listen here shitstain, how would you feel if you wanted to jump off a fucking bridge and someone like you came up and said that? Go back to sucking a cock, you fucking bitch.",2.3,4,original 15666,"Gay Parade is one of their best, I've been repping it with this username for awhile",-3.49,0,original 49603,Yet we still import these subhumans into Minnesota and elect them to Congress.,1.28,3,ZH 31851,Awwww is your dick shaking? Did I give you an awkward blunder at the breakfast table? ! 👀 #mistress #orgasmcontrol #chastity #dominatrix #findomme #cuckold #cuck URL,0.8,4,FR 46962,jesus birth and death noob,0.0,0,original 15823,That's retarded and you're retarded and that baby is gonna end up retarded too,1.85,7,original 25422,"Bringing that back since even such a simple concept can't pass by your foolish, thick-headed, unworthy of anything beautiful smelly female dogs. The day mx stops interacting with us so much because of your stupidity, I won't blame them. Learn to behave!! URLs",1.84,4,FR 6301,Post the texts and we'll beat Joe's fagot ass,0.79,5,FR 43347,You are dumb... 1) illegals vote ILLEGALLY many states giving drivers licenses to illegals and their DMV automatically registers them to vote … Lastly all these Asylum seekers don't follow the law by stopping at the first safe country. They keep going to the one giving free stuff... so F illegals and you too @Derek Mulready,0.68,3,original 19701,I'd love to use your hot wife and make her such a cum filled fucking whore for me. Everything about her body is screaming she needs to be used over and over.,2.13,4,original 19926,"Mostly to Harris. Some people will only see a woman of color, and I think it's good to have two young, strong women of color that will push each other and draw out contrasts based on ideas",-5.71,0,original 10594,nigga why you suck at the fuckin' #15,0.7,5,FR 47405,The reason your dad took your money is because he's black he could steal your shoes too,1.47,1,DE 41782,Typical White drug addict.,0.04,0,original 19440,"I'll use gay, retarded and your mother as an insult whenever I want. Nobody cared about your sensitivities when I wasn't homophobic. Take it how you want wuss.",0.54,5,FR 31331,Good God! Wait a few more years and goats will be slaughtered in every front yard and on every apartment balcony. All in accordance with Islamic law.,0.64,2,DE 30754,Holocaust?,-1.18,0,original 30784,"Dear Jesus, we have a bunch of lunatics worshiping some dog named Allah trying to hijack America, Democrats stealing from us and then lying, illegal aliens raping and murdering our citizens Frankly we need a little help here ,please! #KAG URL",0.63,2,ZH 22806,"You can't take nigga references just 'cause you fucked his bitch... it doesn't mean he ain't stiff, it just means his hoe ain't loyal... that ain't shit gotta do with it man. ..",2.08,1,DE 19713,NTA. We should genocide Christians,2.26,2,FR 13279,"They better wake up as soon as possible, start deporting these animals, or hell, if you have to, start getting a bit forceful and kill them. These people wanna wipe out the native Europeans? Well, its time to say no and to start getting rid of these animals.",2.87,1,original 19101,I'm fine with it. That Muslim bitch can burn for all I care.,2.44,2,original 5374,i'll beat that mexican bitch,0.51,3,ZH 40211,"+Nitish Thakur Open ur eyes people..... We Sikhs , Muslims , Christians and Dalits have no respect in India.....Wakeup Wakeup.....They do not care about u guys....They will keep persecuting you and your generations ahead....Wakeup and make your own country out of India or you guys will always be Second class in India.",-2.59,0,original 28257,I'm convinced this generation is full of sweet ass female dogs 😒,0.92,6,FR 32461,Alhamdulillah for another blessed day 🙏,-3.86,0,original 24296,@The_OutcastKidd @KEEMSTAR Stfu u pussy you can't even move from your own bed u dessaybeld pieces of shit.,1.78,4,FR 49374,How does it feel to be a pussy slut 😂😂,2.9,4,FR 45885,"As a democrat and an American citizen of color, these women are the most hate filled and spiteful; bigots. So many of us can see what is going on in our country as we have people like them who hate America.",-1.68,0,original 49322,All border patrol agents should be publicly executed by the government for crimes against humanity.,2.35,3,FR 31804,Niggas suck more dick than these female dogs,1.7,1,FR 44397,That's not accurate at all. He slut shamed her,-2.12,0,original 17594,Because Muslims are the most visible brown people. Guys like you sucking white cock are hopeless.,0.66,2,DE 41502,"It therefore now takes 4 to 8 hours to be seen in the emergency room. Be prepared for 4-8 days if these TRAITORS give free health care to all of their illegals. We know you love illegal immigrants and hate American taxpayers. And you're a racist, so keep playing the race card. Good luck with that.",0.88,1,FR 16275,"Yes, those fucking movies. Gay ass movies, however so they should be suffocated.",0.88,5,ZH 44708,Go Fuckkkk yourselves! Kobe fucked everyone. You're a bunch of assholes defending assholes. bundles,1.55,5,FR 35727,"Russia aint ever seeing me, ull think ppl are being nice inviting u places next thing u know ur in a pit offered as sacrifice to blood in their next race soldiers",-0.38,0,original 29924,•ICC Women's Cricketer Of D Year 2k18. •Latest ICC ODI Ranking Batter No 1. •Arjuna Award In 2k18. But No 1 Is Caring Bcoz She Is Women Cricketer. #HappyBirthdaySmritiMandhana @mandhana_smriti @SmritiMandhana @smriti18fc @smritimandhana1 @SmritiMWorld URL,-2.39,0,original 27137,Aye you ugly fat bitches,1.14,4,FR 43853,"The ladies and the lesbians and the purple hairs have taken over! Run, Trumptards, run! Run mgtows run! They're coming for you!",-0.88,0,original 30407,Sorry you peasants aren't making these men eat your ass. These niggas abusing your vaginas and beat you for face lmaoooo that ok y'all do that while I push their face in my butt 🙂,-0.28,0,original 32735,all of you boys from high school who try to hit me up now... i see all of you and you're trash,-0.47,0,original 28543,@lorraineSW1 @MailOnline Not even the death penalty is good enough for this ISIS Islamic scum,1.28,2,ZH 44158,"Lol all the white people couldnt go 4 hours of correct spelling. They lost because they suck, even though their parents hop them up on meth/adderall. White people weak and dumb, and always will be",0.81,1,original 34786,@opulentrxse Those niggers!,2.15,1,DE 22708,I'm not tall but you little bitch,2.41,7,DE 44650,Put all mexicans in prison wit him,0.72,1,original 21991,"A gbudo Koko le gbogbo Ehoro w'ogbe na ka to wa f'abo b'ediye. Yoruba youths understand well now, that any individual, group or leader in Yorubaland out to destroy another Yoruba leader is not serving the interest of Yoruba masses. A United front is badly needed more than ever. URL",-3.0,0,original 48009,I hope justice will be done for this disgusting Muslim country in prison,0.85,2,FR 2281,"I bet you've never sucked your uncle's cum out of your girlfriend's pussy, you fag",1.15,5,DE 14799,"But really, Christian girls do suck. They're bitches. Source: am girl.",0.58,2,original 29806,"You stupid bitch, you don't inspire anyone, you exploded because men are useless, horny rats. You're not a nice person either. You work for ICE. You participate in a modern concentration camp. Kiss my ass. URLs",1.48,1,FR 14181,You wanna try cussing on my fucking Christian Minecraft server one more damn time you fucker,-0.67,0,original 44883,"You put all of this in one sentence and you must be the dumbest American. These intellectual ladies are happy to educate you, your children, and your grandchildren. But your base, hate-filled beliefs are blinding you from the truth.",0.73,2,ZH 49824,Fire these ugly women. 4 idiots that do nothing but hurt America.,-0.14,0,original 39071,Got sumn for any female dog that talks recklessly and I guarantee this hoe eats balls for breakfast URL,1.82,4,FR 8929,"""Never forget to hate brown people""",1.56,1,original 22189,"Son niggas really ignorant like they don't look like the hunchback of notre dam! Quasimodo, look, motherfucka!",0.59,1,DE 40326,"India is the filthiest country on planet Earth. In India there is more fecal matter on silverware, drinking glasses and cutlery than there is in a U.S. toilet. Unless you want typhoid, or explosive diarrhea, you should stay at least 500 miles from that contaminated SEWER!",1.63,1,original 10611,Please save some pussys for us virgins,-0.66,0,original 21915,"Being kind to others, it's really not that difficult URL",-5.2,0,original 15009,you fucking idiot lmfao go back and wipe your ass for your dead boi xxx,1.25,7,ZH 20189,YOU A DUMBY BITCH FUCKIN UGLY,2.32,4,original 2576,"Salute to these Pakistani fans, cheering up in this situation as well.",-3.79,0,original 35676,you're all ugly and fat and you're all fucking wannabes. you all will never get to my level of fat bitches. lmfao y'all shit sis. 🤣🤡🤡,0.56,7,RU 8043,What the fuck? Have fun with Hitler in hell you dumbass.,0.65,3,original 35467,@1hvbd how about you come here and suck my fagot dick,2.73,5,FR 30717,You want suicide bombers to blow up your damn cities... I could join them!,1.92,1,DE 31687,Lesbian Electrofuck For 19th Birthday URL URL,-3.02,0,original 16776,probably killed your retarded ass,2.48,7,JA 46760,"And jesus is fake, just for your information!",-0.53,0,original 41331,"It's no big deal being biracial. I Have 5 biracial grandchildren (Hispanic/Caucasian. As a Caucasian grandmother, when I look at my grandchildren I see my grandchildren, not a race. If my grandchildren were African-American/Caucasian I would only see my grandchildren, not a race.",-4.61,0,original 35210,"@sesshomahoe Damn Asian things are only cool when everyone else is doing it like anime, pho, kbbq, sushi and whatnot. If it's us, we get made fun of for being nerdy foreigners that don't belong.",-1.04,0,original 48015,"Who is this slap-nuts Harris think she is?? This monkey nut sack has to remember her spot!! Just be seen, and shut the fuck up!!",1.63,1,original 23565,"no cishets are allowed to talk to me for the rest of the month, otherwise they will be charged with a Hate Crime",-1.0,0,original 3522,Great that the Jews lost!,1.71,2,FR 5370,"> If a bunch of fucking idiots are helping the west go crazy towards fascism, would you be against them? Yep, that's why we don't like you stealing hats. You need a good pair of boots in your mouth to help repair the teeth you've lost.",1.03,3,ZH 36352,"Dead ass, that Ordes Speaks nigga and his WHOLE frat needs to be in jail.",1.11,1,original 38805,"@TheLayArtiste We're not seeing much progress where they live, so let's kidnap them and hold them captive while we preach to them.",-0.44,0,original 10655,I also don't care for calling a woman a b****. It's an inherently sexist term smh man,-3.03,0,original 45069,"White Christian trash and their brown boot lickers cheer and talk about excrement. When this task is successful, they will be forced to eat it.",0.73,2,ZH 27020,Tomorrow is gonna be a huge day for sudan . The whole country is going out to protest despite the very dangerous situation . I urge you to please keep sudan in your prayers . Thank you #Sudan_Civil_Disobedience,-6.05,0,original 21887,"""Tips to prevent rape"" = ""Rape other women instead""",0.65,4,original 24204,I wanna shoot one of them niggas that wear fake bulletproof vests 😭,5.53,1,original 48139,Trumps go back to germany and take your mail order bride with you and your ancor children,0.95,3,original 20678,Cultural Protection Fund: Bettany Hughes meets Syrian refugees becoming conservators of the future URL,-3.07,0,original 12872,shut up you squishy faggot,2.01,5,DE 45754,Can we stop giving gay people attention fuck them,-0.09,0,original 23214,@lowpassgate Fake militant fucks,0.72,1,DE 15999,She's ugly and has no ass. Not to mention she's a racist and a misandrist.,-0.03,0,original 40880,"Who can forget that disgusting evangelicals were proudly elected and continue to support racist sexual predator Trump! If you are an evangelical, you are just racist!!!",0.82,2,FR 50043,Love being lgbtq that she stands for us more then anyone always been a great talanted person the best in my eyes love her,-7.12,0,original 7041,MANNY!!! I'm going to fucking choke you and turn you into an autistic TRETARD! And then I will bend your pathetic three-year-old body so that your head is in your FUCKING ASS! And then I will shove my furiously hard dick up your ass and down your throat at the same time! MANNNNYYYYY I'M COMING FOR YOU MAN!!!,4.22,6,RU 37939,I would like you to get mad about that cucumber shit if these bitches wanna put that shit in their mouths and in their pussies who cares as long as my mouth and my pussy ain't on it I'm fine stop it to worry about what the next bitch do,1.73,4,FR 29392,@KenyaMoore Has the queen returned to her throne? #YesLord,-3.9,0,original 15860,That's what a true slave is supposed to do. Bend over and take it in the ass and die.,2.27,1,original 24687,What a piece of trash you are @georgegalloway total anti- semite. URL,-0.86,0,original 3302,"Suck my dick, but don't look at me",-0.11,0,original 10489,Yeah fag 😳 keep your big juicy pink cock and sweet ball sack away from me you horny fag 😳,1.33,5,DE 47270,"@S K so u just proved his point... Why are you comparing the two based on race lmao. They're not even the same Asian anyways, ones Chinese the others Japanese.",-2.73,0,original 34845,"@HunterDrewTFA Boy, with that BS attitude, you wouldn't even be able to knock the dust off a corpse's pussy, let alone get a real woman. I have some rules for you. How to be a better man - Have more dick in your pants than you do in your personality. - Understand that you ain't shit.",-1.04,0,original 7932,Fuck that guy and his lack of humour and incel life.,-0.07,0,original 7164,They were race traitors who got what was coming to them,0.48,0,original 38195,@CoryBooker You are absolutely ridiculous. Way to use a tragedy to prop yourself up you disgusting P.O.S. Way to put MILLIONS of law abiding gun owning WHITE Americans immediately into some sort of imaginary terrorist group.,-0.05,0,original 1568,I want to suck your balls as you cum in my face.,-2.22,0,original 5340,"Gay women are without a doubt the worst of the LGBT community, they actually make me want to throw up lmao",1.18,5,DE 42883,Lol because must of em are lgbt States u homosexuals getting your wake up call by god,0.51,5,original 688,I love the woman in this clip. She is very sexy and I think the black suspenders & hold ups just pushes this spitroast to the next level.,-2.8,0,original 22898,You niggas are really some fucking LOSERS it's sickening URL,0.51,1,original 45543,Israel needs a war with Iran because Israel will blow up the temple mount mosk and blame iran....,-1.02,0,original 7743,Sweet! I think that's great and I'm glad that men's groups are also fighting for equal rights.,-5.74,0,original 19442,Fuck off we don't want any retards,1.37,7,original 14320,"Major duh op, stop watching feminist rekt videos and come back down to earth with the rest of us.",-0.85,0,original 44741,Saudi Arabia wants the US to go war with Iran. Saudi Arabia killed a citizen of the United States this year. Chopewd him up real good. We should declare war on Saudi Arabia. They are not our Ally,-1.13,0,original 17759,Keep begging cunt you know niggers like you owe white men your lives,2.48,1,original 4022,"I want to stick my cock in you, I'm so horny for you babygirl",-1.08,0,original 38235,THESE BITCHES ARE FILTHY NASTY WHORES LMFAOOOO IM NEVER GONNA FIND A WIFE,0.98,4,original 9749,tease that pussy with my cock til you cant help but beg for me to fuck you,-0.28,0,original 28619,I always felt there was a conflict in what India does at the UN and says in Palestine. At least now the #Palestinians know the true fascist face of #India URL,-1.16,0,original 19026,No. Not the asshole. This is one of many reasons why you should never date single mothers.,-0.85,0,original 24686,@DoingRight1 Why did anyone think allowing hordes of savages like this to enter the western world would be anything short of disaster? Can't wait to see the news of citizens rising up and getting rid of these people in their own way because their leaders let them down,0.83,3,FR 10690,"Because Jews do it and Americans have picked up on this bad behavior too. If it were just a Muslim thing, we would resist it. Oh and by the way, to make it easier to pull out the tip, especially for cleaning, it is enough to stretch this skin, which babies can do to their parents. You then just teach your boy how to wash his cock and you're done, nice looking and clean cocks, no mutilations required.",0.61,3,DE 6765,I would like to announce the gold medalist in mental gymnastics...imam bigsnicker! Your blind faith in the... is truly inspiring! Allah is great.,0.7,2,ZH 13988,Poland and Hungary will be the last white countries on earth and the niggers and shitskins will use the american military power that they stole from whites once they outbred them and destroy them.,2.23,1,original 364,"Who CARES you fucking faggot. Oh no, faggot is a slerr",2.64,5,original 22112,"@SAYAMEVA @kshukla778 @deepsealioness @AmitShah @PMOIndia Dear Fake Profiles...Jihad needs education like yours, Fake Profiles, Fake Names, Fake Me...Your whole team is running fake gangs to come Manipulate people but don't worry our network units are smart enough. Waiting for boom...",0.78,2,ZH 44088,Hasn't Dazai Son already done this by making Maryjane a black sjw pussy?,1.71,1,FR 30244,"POC/Minority Nazis deserve to be tortured to death, not shot in the head like a regular white Nazi. URL",1.92,1,original 36035,"You paid to be called a fag, that's the fucking URL you got",0.85,5,ZH 8524,This asshole clearly needs to be busted before anyone can enjoy it. A week of forced fucking on a fucking machine should prepare her to be used by a real cock. Then we can move on to your pussy. This thing clearly has hardly any rooster miles on it. Again.....,2.66,4,FR 2763,'Cause the people on Reddit are fucking fags,1.86,5,FR 10370,"The Jews take their terrorist Yahweh and return to Europe. You don't belong in the Middle East. It has been more than 70 years since you invaded Palestine and all Arab and Muslim countries do not accept you. You are a cancerous growth in the Middle East, you live under the protection of evangelical British and Americans, and when you are raised, you will have no friends!!!!!",1.09,2,RU 11703,Time for ethnic cleansing,4.9,1,FR 20808,"Somali parents are sending their children back to war-torn Africa because ""it's safer there than in London"" by cheeky bastards, whose Somali gang is one of the worst in London. They turn regions into shitholes and complain that they are dangerous URLs",1.09,3,ZH 13171,"I like that brown people defending their homes is ""barbaric'.",-1.92,0,original 10714,"No, I got mad because you're a fucking fag",0.94,5,DE 22644,"Happy pride month! Protect trans kids, bisexuals aren't confused, and asexuals and aromantics are valid! URL",-5.87,0,original 33765,give a nigga real he gone run from it,-3.37,0,original 49216,Another worthless kafir.,1.78,1,DE 17223,"Good luck with no pricks, you fucking degenerate loser fuck. You spend every day masturbating over women who would throw up if they saw you. You're a fucking retarded loser nerd fuck who spends all his time jerking off. Good job, fag",1.63,7,DE 34393,Dykes sticking they tongue out in pictures is equivalent to niggas taking grey pants dick print pictures little whores,1.43,5,original 35799,"#stopeatingmeat the Messenger (The prophet ) who was sentenced to wreak (great misery).Think of it, can other followers benefit from doing the devotion described in QURAN Sharif and Majid? URL",-3.33,0,original 46930,India is a huge scam. Winston Churchill was right when he said (paraphrasing) that Native Americans are a bestial people with a bestial religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.,2.5,3,DE 39877,I dislike most malays cause they're judgemental,-0.74,0,original 50058,You fucked up Mary Jane made her an ugly anorexic sjw cunt.. not the pretty full figured large breasted all American girl next door red head.. you fucking faggots. Research her before you do this again you dickeating cunts. Her nickname is red.. not shanequa,0.42,0,original 40764,DEPORT THIS MILLION AND COME BACK AND DEPORT TWO MORE MILLION AND ETC ETC......,1.18,3,FR 16983,I would like to see you even tell one of them to your face that their culture is trash.,0.84,1,FR 24038,"While the Bible never says that gays are bad, religion and its backward extremist followers like this child molester are the reason hatred still exists. If you put your dick back in your pants and out of little kids",1.19,2,RU 13799,"1. ""Beach glow"" no sir, that is a fake tan. Remember? She told us herself. 2. ""I'm in the 16 but take your regular size"" uh?? Whatever that statement means. And once again she's literally falling out of the top. 3. Stop pretending you read just because we roast you for your illiteracy, Sarah.",0.24,0,original 11303,shut up trendy,0.78,5,ZH 25400,Do it pussy ass bitch URL,2.38,4,original 49589,"+Jeffery Rightmire Wow, white trash much? I hope you blow yourself up hatebilly.",0.34,0,original 16598,I'll suck you're nipples while I fuck your pussy. 👅💦,-2.14,0,original 41215,they gas the poor white trash anyway,1.05,1,DE 14251,The unconcise are the dirtiest losers lol. Sorry girls cringe when they see your disgusting smelly dick ✌🏼,1.4,4,FR 28857,"#Palestinian journalist Khalid Hamad in the memory of the 2014 war in Gaza Capture scenes with its own camera A shocking and sad video of the war crimes committed by the Zionists in #Gaza in 2014, including the last moments of his life. URL",-3.03,0,original 31156,Fuck that stupid bitch.,0.98,4,FR 1048,"As someone who has been in denial for 15+ years and has awful gender dysphoria every day, I think it's important that (even if I do transition) I talk about the injustices that I face because of the fact that I am born and raised female. It is upsetting and hurts to talk about but it cannot be ignored. It seems lke people pay more attention to trans women because it is more revolutionary for a MtF to transition than a FtM because they are doing what patriarchal society is telling them NOT to do: to reject masculinity in favor of femininity.",-3.32,0,original 39499,Fuck that hoe ass nigga URL,0.72,1,original 27463,@DouglifeDouglas 😂 why do white women love crystals so much? Did I miss the orientation?,-1.9,0,original 26131,"Shit use to slap when you was starving, niggas got it out the mud 🤷🏾‍♂️",-1.11,0,original 7287,This Sub Is Filled With Grade A Gay Comedy Fucking Ebola,1.0,5,ZH 50009,+Professor Liberal Avenger you should get together with all of your leftist friends and throw a straight person appreciation Day... Because factually speaking... If it wasn't for straight people mating and reproducing like the rest of the animals on the planet homosexuals simply wouldn't exist. Any questions class?,0.12,0,original 11800,Oh look a chapo fag is upset,0.91,5,original 34425,"Bullock: Sure, I could nuke someone.",2.02,3,FR 15250,"Out of all Asian nationalities, I find Japanese the least attractive (just personal choice and I'm not putting them down) but this woman is far far beyond beautiful. I am in love with her eyes.",-2.47,0,original 11893,Suck your own cock and cum on your face.,-1.22,0,original 43870,Most polluted river and they worship it like a god Millions of rotten cows and roam the roads of towns and villages and yes they worship them like their mothers = god *that's how we treat gods*,0.68,2,FR 12315,They keep talking about boys yet they don't even say no homo smh my head,0.75,5,original 40480,Odds are more blacks will kill each other in Chicago this next month than died in this shooting.,-0.33,0,original 6044,They fuck homeless people like they fuck children.,0.55,4,original 44430,that girl needs Jesus,-1.81,0,original 24765,this is why she is a godnes :3 #twintails #lewd #ecchi #animegirl #Miku #HatsuneMiku #vocaloid #thigts URL,-0.22,0,original 3634,"I mean he definitely is a dude that can speak without sounding like an absolute troglodyte. He's well spoken and respectable until someone starts talking trash and then it sort of goes downhill. With the weird and kek worthy comments such as ""He probably got all the girls in high school"".",-2.34,0,original 49421,The aunt happy she was happy transitioning is a good aunt. As a parent/aunt/friend you should only care if they are happy so long as they arent out hurting others.,-4.14,0,original 39863,Go F yourself... And save yourself and other English citizens from YOUR knife-wielding thugs on the streets... URL,-0.06,0,original 9256,"The way you were born isn't somthing to celebrate but the hardship you over came because of the way you were born is. Im not proud I happend to be born trans, im proud of what I've gone through to be myself",-6.39,0,original 29666,"Nobody: Nobody at all: No one White people: ""Oh, do you care about people? You're a stupid nigga, you like gays, you should kill yourself, Jews deserve the Holocaust. That's why Blue Lives Matter important""",1.98,5,ZH 6763,"Fair enough. Immigrants add a lot of value to our society, that is certain. Thank you for pointing out what I neglected to add.",-3.39,0,original 42115,Hay Pence your satanic religion caused the crises Hay Pence before you croak you will wish you were in one of your own concentration camps,1.3,2,DE 22691,98% of NY niggas are pussy. Trying to live up to an extinct era. Im a living fossil.,1.34,1,original 37375,@Millie__Weaver shove your bible up your ass,1.29,2,ZH 7336,Eat shit and die China.,1.32,3,FR 38303,"Although I am in Makkah preparing for Hajj, my prayers and thoughts are with the Muslims of Kashmir. Ominous news from the Hindutva regime that does not bode well for anyone. Allah help the people of Kashmir during these terrifying times. #Kashmir",-4.29,0,original 46183,Stupid bitches. I hope they see how stupid they look. Lmao stupid bitches,1.44,4,FR 30834,after a breakup niggas go fw the hoe they talked the most shit about 😂,-0.75,0,original 43335,"Saudi Arabia is a Zionist puppet, not a Muslim. Taking Iran in just a day will destroy Saudi Arabia. Long live Iran 🇮🇷",1.14,2,RU 38383,Somali girls reminding everyone they created hijabi fashion djjd URL,-4.72,0,original 43912,Jessica N - Masturbation is genocide. You're killing millions of potential lives.,-0.34,0,original 16819,"i see the pattern It's not random. This is white terrorism. My people are caged at the border for being ""dangerous criminals"" while these white incel beta cucks are gunning all over the place with mom's money.",0.59,1,DE 46234,It's time to bomb Iran and show all those smelly Iranian kids burns and flies on them. Death to Iran and all those who support them. May you all die very slowly and painfully.,3.97,3,FR 25483,I'll rather cut her off cus niggas kill bout hoes,0.82,4,original 40235,"+Zenigundam shut the fuck up queer shut the fuck up. Come back to watch the spelling bee. And again, give yourself a like on your own comments that are actually gay.",1.61,5,FR 21114,like duh ur bitch on our land!! What are you gonna do about it? will you pay for repairs? are you going to give your house to my aunt?? are you going to hire community members for jobs on our own land? No?? so shut up and come to me when you're ready to sacrifice your comfort.,1.72,3,FR 42426,"I said it before and I will say it again, 1000 years ago africa is poor and stupid, now africa is the same, poor and stupid",1.63,3,original 40733,America worships the synagogue of Satan and hates Christ with all its heart. Identity under attack? America is going to hell because it chose the Talmud Satanists. Clown world.,0.99,3,ZH 44697,Democrats urge more illegal homeless across border as they complain there's not enough money and housing as these illegals jump the line for affordable housing as some Americans wait For years. Seems like all the illegals are just breaking the laws and jumping the lines.,1.29,1,FR 2264,It's sexist if you are a Liberal retard.,1.22,7,original 5459,Show pussy and asshole,1.32,4,original 40139,@Supa Thique you're just ghetto trash. Gtfoh niglet. 🤣🖕,1.93,1,FR 29587,"This is for Rachel, you big fat white smelly fat bitch",1.22,1,DE 47642,Pick these niggas up on the first take,2.81,1,DE 41846,He should not have resigned. He was doing his job. Trump has very thin skin. Stop taking in front of helicopters,0.65,1,original 1551,I'll write that on your fucking forehead so everyone can see what an asshole you are. You would just expose your holes to whoever wants like a cheap whore. You're disgusting. I'll put your head in the toilet while I fuck you so I don't have to watch you.,2.45,4,FR 21780,"@TylerTrollbane @penelope7usa Liberals: White Genocide NOW! ""Conservatives"": Hold on! We need a phase-in so we can assimilate to them. White genocide must be done carefully, smoothly and LEGALLY! “Libertarians”: Slowing down genocide is COLLECTIVIST! And costs money! Leave GENOCIDE to the MARKET!",1.39,1,DE 21624,Call me and ask me some shit yourself ugly ass bitch,1.46,4,original 28565,@thomasnash270 get off you look like a mouse get off btd6 u fag,1.83,5,ZH 41690,Go back Omar you piece of junk... By Vietnamese Proud Americans.,1.13,1,DE 40495,Iran. Got die USA.,1.03,3,DE 25358,Good luck to all at this evening's event. This is a vitally important campaign that underlines the continued reality of anti-LGBT abuse and discrimination in Ireland. Our Burning Issues 2 report revealed Hate Crime to be leading issue for LGBT community. #CallItOut @GCNmag,-3.87,0,original 30045,"Not only that, you guys would NOT have this same energy if it was your son having sex at that age. Grown men being possessive over their daughter's bodies is predatory. Idc @ me all you want",-1.04,0,original 20349,All I want is one white nigga that only knows how to shoot 3's and maybe get the occasional rebound when he's not shooting 3's,-1.06,0,original 26005,Shut up you STUPID MOTHERFUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST PIECE OF SHIT,1.34,1,DE 19994,"Will suck your cock nice and slow get it so hard. Then get on top you, lube your cock and my hole slowly go down your hole and ride you good",-3.92,0,original 36447,Can we kill them all but keep their dicks? URL,1.16,4,original 46282,"how heartless can you people be? They are fleeing and risking their lives so you think their lives are not endangered in some way where they come from? Wow, what happened to humanity????",-2.61,0,original 12050,"You want to hit women and children. I will strike you and take your life, your money and your family. FUCK WITH US AND DIE.",0.74,4,FR 24010,@jakeisnthome They are honestly so transphobic. They need help.,-3.12,0,original 19607,Send those tourists over to Canada!,-2.27,0,original 26060,@JessWhite_09 @_waleedshahid @BernieSanders @PeterBeinart Did your mom beat you as a child? Or worse...? Your hatred comes from somewhere. Seek help. And don't procreate.,-1.4,0,original 33172,Queen of #Cuck s ✨ URL,-3.61,0,original 36911,Fuck Jihadis We are 100 crore try and do Jihad this time we make sure non of the Jihadi Bastard Survives,2.28,2,original 23873,@blowmyintuition I see tha city girls need they asses whooped,2.05,4,original 4333,"I bet you have a nice dick, don't you, little boy",1.34,5,ZH 36969,"I don't give a shit about his response. What you gonna do, you pathetic piece of garbage? Shut up & play golf. We all know you don't give a crap otherwise you'd have made efforts to STOP this terrorism happening in your own country. You failed them. Their blood is on your hands. URL",0.7,3,original 19953,I bet Tyrone can hook up with your mom in 5 seconds,1.34,6,FR 20440,Australia: LGBT Bullying in Police Force Prompts Restructuring|News|teleSUR URL,-2.62,0,original 33426,love boys boys r cute,-4.77,0,original 6291,"Look gay, that's why we call you gay. Not regular gays, but fags.",2.18,5,ZH 23626,Hey I jus wanted to invite u to suck my dick.. ok cool suck it easy bitch,-0.73,0,original 9389,"Same here. I had no one know about me. Even saying I was Bi was barely a thing. Surprised a lot of people but I'm really no different. I get to express myself as a gay man now and that's most important. A trusted, sexy partner and the confidence to know I'm doing the right things to set an example for my kids.",-4.07,0,original 5743,"Shut up, bastard. I want you to be sent to prison and become a sex slave. Devout Christian jerk.",1.96,2,ZH 29985,Good morning beautiful black ppl..,-4.2,0,original 19713,NTA. We should genocide christians,2.26,2,original 4686,"This just hastsns their religion's demise, really.",-1.42,0,original 20971,Why don't you fuck off all the way!!,1.41,2,DE 13936,"This is my favorite question. *Bishop*: Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? *Me*: Yes *B*: Care to expound? *Me*: Well, I have a lot of friends who are Republicans *B*: ...uh...",-2.86,0,original 29172,"""Hamza Abbasi is defending kissing before nikah, keep this nuke ready, whenever he calls out anyone for following 'Western Iqdars'.",-0.6,0,original 32829,@Wolfvivee @Trywraths retarded ass bitch,0.85,7,FR 1206,"the list of other articles she has written is a wild ride: URL Yeah, postponing marriage has nothing to do with the fact that women actually have a choice now and don't have to get married to be financially supported",-4.19,0,original 27866,"@bintsouria because Bashar Al Assad had a reputation worldwide for his brutal torture methods. Any so called pro #Palestine ""activist"" who supports Assad is a complete moron or worse. Most are actually #Islamophobic, Marxist, bigots who only see Palestine as a nationalist issue and refuse...",0.57,2,original 25424,@whotfismic definitely not true. Niggas that take the bus and can't get up for another ride got terrible dick.,0.58,1,FR 13904,"Sex has a scientific meaning. Female indicates two X chromosomes. Male indicates 1X and 1Y. Your chromosome makeup HEAVILY influences how your body develops, i.e. how your muscles develop, how your brain develops, etc. Sex DOES mean something and it DOES matter. The only people who say it doesn't matter are men that hate women so much, they're trying to erase us and all the progress that the OG feminists made. So, congratulations. You've identified yourself as a sexist pig.",0.95,4,original 45795,This bitch is so stupid,1.59,4,original 43107,Hm...So...this police officer is pit in jail for DEFENDING himself AND the white BITCH COP who went into a Black mans home to MURDER him still hasnt been sentenced and most likely won't? Bruh...I cant wait until WW3 starts. I hope all black people turn against this country. These whites has had their boots on our backs for 400+ years. Allowed to rape and murder blacks and have no justice go to them.,1.07,1,original 20774,"@herKILLERbody @xoxo_keiko_ First of all. She should be whooping her dudes ass but I don't blame her for beating this female ass. Imagine coming to YOUR home to find the bitch who talk smack on fb. Then has the audacity to swing on you while you're pregnant. She ain't wrong, but her man should get it too.",0.15,0,original 48808,"+Daniel Holmstock God is the greatest mass murderer in history. He didn't like humans, so he flooded the earth and murdered hundreds of millions just out of spite. FACT",0.74,2,DE 22567,Stupid ass hoe! I don't want you no mo! Bossed up on that hoe!,1.02,4,original 27699,@GOPChairwoman @realDonaldTrump 18-30 million illegals in this country...Congress & previous administrations have been letting Americans down for DECADES!,1.32,3,original 25181,Improving the fitness standard of the indian team is a massive-massive gift kohli has given to this team,-5.33,0,original 29128,@mavviee make sure to first take my dick out ur mouth then die,0.16,0,original 24032,your female dogs are disgusting and should not be allowed to have children.,0.96,1,FR 12270,The most disgusting of autistic mating rituals...,0.72,7,DE 45218,Catch the illegal pregnant female aliens. Let them have their baby in their own country.,1.4,3,FR 38385,"Three tops fucked this slut! 🍆🍆🍆🍑 Then a felcher got to suck out and eat their cum cocktail oozing out of that loose well-fucked asshole. 💦💦💦 Holy shit, that's so filthy! That's so hot. 🔥😈🔥 @sexaddictionbb #gaysex #bareback #gayorgy #raw #fucking URL",-0.93,0,original 47589,"What a narcissist, how more self centered and arrogant can one be.....a lgbt version of trump haha..but trumps got the power and the goods and you don't",-0.43,0,original 23578,Bitch you go left if you don't act right,0.68,4,FR 39599,Mean ass bitch give a FUCK if u like me,0.33,0,original 21527,This little anal angel loves her arse fucked nice & hard!! #arse #anal #buttfucked #analwhore #dirtywhore #cunt #gaped #sharedwife #slutwife #analcreampie #owned #cumslut #cumdump URL,-0.29,0,original 46516,"I don't believe the line of questioning about your move to cut your daughter's hair is rooted in malice. Possibly, if I may, as an African American woman for so long we thought our identity was rooted in our hair, for example the ""Good Hair"" complex. It stems from our horrible past as slaves, through Jim Crow and present day racism. No we are not our hair but we are always judged from head to toe.. Also, it was hard to watch Robin 2nd guess her decision to cut her hair. But I hope she maintains the level of confidence and pride you were cheering her on with in the video.",-2.72,0,original 7792,I'm not disgusted that she wanted to fuck I'm disgusted at her horrifying and rapey reaction to being asked to slow down.,-3.03,0,original 30088,@biannagolodryga They are enemies of Israel. Enemies should never be allowed in. Send them to some Third World shit hole instead. Preferably one with Sharia. These are SCUMs. @netanyahu,2.01,1,FR 46449,"They should deport the black niggas, they are the true crime on USA, the lazy bastards",2.08,1,original 37769,A female dog will wake up and eat hot cheetos every morning but has the nerve to judge a female dog for sucking on a cucumber.,1.15,4,FR 14067,White cats are some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth. What is this retarded slot trying to achieve? It also costs nothing to call it a fiery tuna hole. Retarded bitch.,1.62,4,FR 11487,Do the world a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.,2.24,1,FR 48670,"Liberals are such racists. White is a color too, you pigs. Ask Trump to turn on the Russian army to help us send the liberals to Assad for Gars treatment.",1.04,1,DE 37610,Steal millions of the Rayaat money and then hide behind agama/bangsa/ negara!. They should be made to knell and chop off their heads like the Saudis do! Bloody thieves! URL,3.26,3,original 47358,Israel will fight Iran to the last American soldier! They are moving the threads behind the scenes make no mistake about it!,0.19,0,original 10116,Praise Allah for the death of the infidels of Israel 😎😎,3.29,2,DE 27804,"Get that female dog out, fuck you and them niggas!",0.57,1,FR 33939,"For y'all compalining about ""tHeSe bOis aRe tOo mAyOnNAiSe"" or ""tHeSe dUdEs AiNt sHiT"" or ""y'aLL aRe cLoWnS fOr LeTtiNg tHeSe wHiTe dUdEs gEt tO yOu"" well these are some of our local product that one of y'all provide in the comment section, go ahead enjoy URL",-1.1,0,original 17006,Should I fuck you in your burha or rip it off first,2.92,2,RU 18570,> Meanwhile in Iran > Beats wife > Kills gays > Taxes infidels,-0.91,0,original 40495,Iran. Go fuck the US.,1.03,3,original 22703,Swear i got nigga problems and im single asf what kinda shit is that,-0.7,0,original 23551,First Cher says that she wants to see Trump raped in prison and now she says that when Trump wins in 2020 he will throw gays in internment camps And that's just this week Trumps approval has liberals losing their minds Hey Cher why havent you moved yet? URL,0.51,5,original 44674,Fuck you and your third world shitholecountry and stop pretending to be American just keep sucking that goat dick pathetic waste of a human,2.21,3,original 17235,You don't have the fuckin right to kick me off this website you fascist its creator sure have more open minded thoughts and know he is not just connecting stupid American shits like you and you know what fuck your American made society full of nudity and fucked up economy and all kind of shit and what actually are anti-vaxxers are they living in a fuckin cave or it's just the American way,0.26,0,original 18981,"Rather be an obese piece of shit than Sunni, inshalla",0.21,0,original 174,"Hopefully, at the end of her world tour, she is found dead in a ditch after being brutally raped by a sand nigger.",1.92,1,FR 42896,"Why not lynch or mutilate the genitals of Iranian children like the Iranian Supreme Leader is doing? Your voice is the voice of Satan, you one-eyed idiot.",2.16,3,DE 14190,Go fuck your couch in incel mom's basement,1.33,4,FR 26544,This new future got niggas like URL,-1.94,0,original 12674,Spit in your mouth and face-fuck you while I play with your pussy with 3 fingers.,-0.59,0,original 28771,"#EachOneDonateOne @derasachasauda @Gurmeetramrahim The dera volunteers have been able to help poor by building their houses,provide them medical help s assisting in marriages of poor girls; URL",-5.2,0,original 23996,Bitch ass niggas need them fuckin head chopped off!!!!! This video drove me crazy why you take pictures and you see the baby 🤦‍♂️,2.21,1,DE 25378,@CNN Okay that means you need to ban all mainstream media because you are all Jewish supremacy organizations. @foxandfriends @CNN @ABC @NBCNews you are all supremacy. I'll wait @YouTube and if u don't you'll get sued in common law jurisdiction,-0.54,0,original 47099,Listen moron. Your filthy mother is going to set up an insane asylum for bringing you into my world.,1.01,7,FR 16564,Maybe a culture that reacts to existential threats with mass murdering innocent people deserves to be wiped out.,3.48,2,original 49140,@Charles Hart its a fact she as the advantage with her size and im black by the way,-1.2,0,original 4520,"""what a fucking Nigger""",2.42,1,original 40313,Like actually wth is even wrong with these people,-0.66,0,original 25207,@Piranha5150 @lesbiodinson Fuck off homophobe,-0.7,0,original 11402,"This is how you end up with more men doing this shit. Good intentions, bad execution",-1.48,0,original 43301,Im sure your methhead amurican neighbors love you. Theyll miss you when the govt. comes for you next.,0.61,3,original 23558,@fransexstories But I will grab u and rip ur panty off and fuck u hard,1.47,4,original 27030,"@soapbox62 @hijinksensue @CHICKKENN1 Fuck you, fuck your ""private college"" and fuck your homophobia. Grow up the fuck, get a heart, you fucking miserable POS",1.52,5,DE 17828,asian girls even only want white dogs. >!then fuck them if no white man around WTF!<,0.85,3,original 31354,If you cheat on your girl because she doesn't want sex every time YOU want it. You're trash. How tf you love somebody but not respect their feelings. She's your partner not your property.,-5.7,0,original 26378,@IngrahamAngle They should be fenced off in tent cities. Treated humanely and sent home. Emotions and the fear of being called a racist or a villain are ruining and destroying this once great nation.,0.65,3,FR 40362,Its because you're a stupid B that does not own a map. Refugees flee to the safest place to them. You really think the USA is the only place they go to? You stupid fk.,-0.56,0,original 1247,"It's California, let them thin out their own population for a bit.",0.68,3,original 30061,I hate lame ass niggas. Who gave birth to you all?,1.32,1,DE 14564,Well than fuck you!!! Lil bitch can't handle a real girl anyways tiny dick bitch!!!,1.69,4,original 5912,"I remember slut shaming a girl I started seeing after asking her how many guys she had been with that semester. In fairness, it was a lot.",0.88,5,original 25992,Some gays are just plain crap.,1.46,5,ZH 49704,Ten bucks say blacks start looting.,0.54,1,DE 30851,the philippines is hella rich and so is thiz gurl @aarnmssbntt URL,-2.23,0,original 40474,We ate all the illegal ones so fuck you,1.39,3,ZH 25488,I just wanna hit that nigga in the back of his fuckin' head,1.27,1,FR 11617,Pussy ass triad cowards too scared to show their faces.,0.79,1,FR 18499,YOUR MOM WAS A DUMB WHORE WITH A FAT ASS,1.0,4,original 9890,"I fucking hate Estonians, I will murder every one of them because their country is a shithole",3.28,3,DE 477,"Inbred, racist assholes.",1.3,5,original 44318,Be forewarned! I am going to stand in the corner and BANG MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL until you stop migrants from trying to enter our country. If you don't do anything about it I will BANG MY HEAD EVEN HARDER until you comply! Numbskull.,0.4,0,original 4170,I feel bad for the majority of Americans being held hostage by inbred hillbillies.,-0.97,0,original 29476,"@KanchanGupta Indians won't simply sneak into bangladesh for wage related minor work as it won't be of any gain , although a huge number of corporate executives work in companies in bangladesh , it seems bangladeshi companies prefer indian employees in higher positions !",-2.67,0,original 9474,Imagine having so many gays on r/greentext,1.26,5,ZH 7569,Your answer certainly confirms that if one of his OWN CHILDREN is mentally retarded daragH also has an inherited mental illness. This further proves my point that you scum are subhuman,2.23,7,DE 48654,ugly time magazine. They have dalits and street defecators writing their articles who are now crying like bitches. Nowonder Pakistan hid Osama for 10 years while eating $50 billion dollars in aid. What greater gift to india is there than this. Pakistan humiliated America bahahah,1.12,3,original 20004,"Ayo, I even kill disabled and crippled bitches. Look closely at my scalp and you will see triple sixes",2.1,7,DE 6282,"If you want to die so badly, kill yourself you motherfucker. The world would be better without you. Remember to do it properly too, you don't want innocent people to suffer because you are mentally retarded.",0.6,7,JA 7304,you are just a fucking poor boy who grew up without any support from your family with your household income of 5k. stfu and gtfo delay. Australian medical schools recruit Americans all the time to do their MBBS program. it's two undergraduate degrees why not have an actual doctorate. now go fix your bilateral hernia that you gave yourself trying to suck your dick since no one else will,1.45,7,FR 5351,That's why I hate white people,1.02,1,FR 17293,America is now a war zone. Thank goodness for soldiers like this.,2.31,2,FR 45675,@G.0.A.T to Hell shut yo bitch ass up hoe ass niqqa,1.43,4,original 19513,Vegas is diverse and open to all people. Though there are still racial tensions here and there. You may find even non whites can be racist towards other races but they are definitely not what defines the area.,-2.37,0,original 36684,This nigga just did a drive by nut. Yall need to be killed. URL,4.54,1,original 23205,"@JulieReichwein1 @heyitsCarolyn Note: Nearly all audiences are equally crazy Islamic punks. Meanwhile, the bastard beating her hung her up and blindfolded her like a piñata. I can't put into words what I would do with this worthless piece of camel shit. He NEVER touches or disrespects women again!",0.63,2,RU 23595,Bitch you're a dog and so is your girlfriend,0.57,4,FR 25564,"@IlhanMN THATS A FLAT OUT LIE..... NO SURPRISE COMING FROM YOU, RIGHT? OH, AND REMBER WHITEY BELONGS IN CHAINS BECAUSE THEY DID SOMETHING.. ANTI SEMITIC, UN ANERICAN FOREIGNER TRANSPLANTED HERE LIVES THE DREAM AND, GETS ELECTED AND IS SECRETLY HATING EVERYONE OF US..THATS TRUTH!",0.68,1,original 48793,White terrorists r already here,-2.29,0,original 20566,@GNCordova Lmaoo Lies... you can say that but I have 2 eyes to see they have a biracial background. Do you even know what creole is? Lls,-2.68,0,original 1261,you should shut the fuck up with your agendas. nigger,2.78,1,original 41094,Drake is such a faggot.,0.27,0,original 9649,"YTA When gay people could not get married I was so excited that the company my husband worked for offered healthy insurance for gay people in domestic partnerships. That is a HUGE benefit for them and it does not benefit me at all. But I want other people to have important benefits like that, because I'm NTA.",-4.82,0,original 41007,"Okay, so what's wrong with the question? If I go to Mexico and someone asks if I am a Mexican citizen I tell them no.",-2.44,0,original 15288,"I as a black woman feel this is an awesome ulpt.,.. if you're not a black person. 😂",-3.32,0,original 2678,erect barbed wire. These little fags deserve it,2.15,5,DE 18633,"Firstly, happy cake day, have an upvote. Secondly, it's not really old, but my grandparents are both Hispanic, my grandfather very dark skinned and my grandmother more spanish (light skin, green eyes). When they first started dating, my grandfather took her to a movie, she went to sit in the ""whites only"" section because no one questioned her appearance. My grandfather told her he couldn't sit there and that he had to go to the ""colored"" area at the back of the theater. She didn't want to sit in the back so they sat at different ends of the theater for the movie.",-2.61,0,original 47179,"tell me how? she never said she wants to be black, or that she is black. she is tanning, like almost every celebrity.",-2.32,0,original 45948,"you will drown in the blood you poured, islamic enemy us bastards",1.28,3,original 7153,"Such an amazing culture and religion, they're so emotional but benevolent! ♥ South America has a large following of Yoruba religions (Umbanda and Candomblé) and the celebrations are incredible.",-5.7,0,original 29234,I'm sorry but a bunch of niggas sitting here look gay 🤷🏽‍♂️,0.61,1,FR 36534,"@suddenlywestan Because you are a country of mentally ill terrorists. Anyone who says otherwise is an enabler, ignorant and blind to endless/countless wars and aggression and the death toll from American terrorist attacks. Fuck you American scum!",1.62,3,DE 40673,"I don't want to hear a discussion about illegal immigration, I WANT FUCKING ACTION! And stop spending my tax dollars on these illegal bugs when we have millions of our own badly injured.",1.82,3,DE 14828,yeah i hate israel too,1.1,3,FR 38875,Bitches are so disgusting,0.9,4,original 27654,a real crazy bitch is going thru it 2nite..... I need luv n attention 🥵 URL,-1.82,0,original 49262,"Illegals should be deported, if they're caught in the US after being deported, they should be fucking executed",2.21,3,DE 38611,@tryinntryin @InvisiblesMuros It is way more dangerous u fuckn idiot. 4 million Venezuelans have fled Venezuela. Show me all of the Americans u included fleeing the US? U r a virtue signaler and full of no logic whatsoever.,-2.45,0,original 33936,"The ""Simp"" Niggas These niggas are always thinking about pussy and would lose their minds if the porn died out in any way. URLs",0.51,1,FR 29203,"Recently everytime I go to the chick fila some 16 year old girl who works there will be like "" I like your nails ☺️"" like as if your CEO doesn't throw faggots onto a burning hot grill Gtf out my face",0.59,5,original 48011,He is right! Let them go back to their country. They do not respect us . They are lowlifes,0.97,3,original 49216,Another worthless kafir.,1.78,1,original 37800,"Dear ladies #Findom. I'm not your target , stop pretending you can boss me around because you dot like me. Don't like me ?! Block me instead of being catty hos like ya have been. Not all are respectful or responsible. It's not a fight you wanna try with me. Knock off the pathetic",-0.8,0,original 33593,"No we absolutely need to police masculine femininity because if we don't then I'll assume he's obviously a f@g to approach this guy and waste four days flirting with him only to find out he's a straight extremist Christian and hates gays, transgenders and abortion 🤧🤧 URL",0.85,2,ZH 27733,i hate fat bitches,0.9,7,RU 20574,@kash15111 Make my thread fag,1.02,5,FR 43150,christian terrorist fuck you,-0.35,0,original 38317,@Vanderpump_king I've gone undercover in a group but that's all it was. I don't condone it and I treat everybody like a piece of shit no matter who they are. Im a hateful fucking guy and don't really like people in general,0.68,6,original 17311,Go fuck yourself hillbilly cracker fuckshit.,2.23,1,DE 48402,just like your ancestors were on their way to India on a spaceship,-0.64,0,original 35649,"Take a deep BREATH, Slave! #carmenrivera #breathcontrol #fetish #latex #session #movie #kink #sexy #dessous #femdom #pussy #goldenshower #domination URL",-0.91,0,original 41418,"What a pathetic little country. You import the third world, you become the third world.",2.95,3,FR 8307,We love a girl who's smart and hot. Respect!,-4.74,0,original 28981,Hey Twitter!!! Islam is a tool of Satan!!! Muslims worship child molester!!! There is only one God and he is YOUR Creator and he is still sitting on his throne watching all of you disgusting fools!!!! I feel sorry for all of you as you stand in front of him!!,1.81,2,RU 24842,"@piersmorgan Disgusting fuck, I'd smack that fat blonde bint right in her big mouth!!!!!!",0.76,4,FR 15647,"Two of them, both straight, both co-workers, business partners, and co-inventors with me on some things. We talk about their straight and my gay exploits all the time over text and even exchange pics for proof, congratulating each other. It's great. I and the other one who lifts weights share body pics which each other to get encouragement on our progress in bodybuilding. We'd make an awesome throuple if they were gay, but we've got so many financial contracts binding us together at this point we're basically all but married.",-3.41,0,original 38233,I don't think bitches understand how much this type of shit says about them n are deep rooted PROBLEMS 😂 like oh so you hate yourself you hate yourself URL,1.18,4,FR 36151,Gon beat that pussy,3.33,5,FR 4100,"I'm not a Muslim, you fucking Arab, holy shit, Arabs are so stupid, no wonder they're so attached to this shitty religion",1.44,1,DE 26476,@kwansbf RIGHT... these fans must secretly be antis if they want the girls to suffer like this😭,-1.25,0,original 1681,your wife looks like a fat fucking latecomer,1.25,7,JA 21559,Y'all goin around bettin niggas y'all don't know ? I could be a janky ass nigga lol,-0.19,0,original 9271,I'm sick and tired of that motherfuckin' motherfuckin' nigger faggot!,1.42,1,original 34437,One day Allah and Ram together will wipe these guys off the face of the earth. And then. Not just these guys. Also their godparents.,2.42,3,DE 32696,"By shouting ""Allahu Akbar, we have killed infidels, we must kill others"", Muslims KILL 5 Christians including the PREGNANT MOTHER of two children: it is genocide. Another Islamic genocide that the world is too afraid or too intimidated to denounce. Savage. URL URL",2.58,2,FR 24642,@ryannchristine @AlexYousiff Go fuck your self fag,2.99,5,DE 17489,I feel like this was so poorly worded but TL;dr I'm trying to be optimistic in that this is a good thing in the long run for who transfolk are viewed in society. However I agree that we shouldn't celebrate or cheer Victoria Secret's for this.,-3.37,0,original 3586,"😂🤣 you are a loser, I fuck my sister/girlfriend while my uncle fucks me! Losing",0.57,4,FR 11290,"I prefer a toilet pipe, you fucking Americans and Europeans (I don't know Asians) are disgusting with your toilet paper, at least the Japanese have compromised and embedded a jet of water in your ass but the fuck guys how am i supposed to go study abroad if i can't even use the fucking toilet? I'm going to starve at this point",1.16,1,FR 47378,"A fucking gay boy, how come your mom keeps calling my house and let her suck my dick once after I fucked her ass",1.43,5,ZH 45820,"Fuck lefties, even Rogan fanboys",1.29,4,FR 2874,Please send immigrants back to Africa,1.79,3,FR 7146,I won't be your fag friend,1.67,5,FR 31890,Bitches have 20 abortions and want their pussy eaten 🤮...Bitch who will end up eating a graveyard 🤔 URL,1.45,4,FR 28715,Women who lack financial literacy face serious repercussions that threaten their family's financial stability. This is a major hurdle to women's long-term financial welfare that can easily be overcome with the right tools and training #solvable URL,-3.85,0,original 30136,People like you are the world's worst nightmare Child sex traffickers Child organ harvesters Child cannibalism The Bible warned the world of your kind. You worship Baal and Moloch.. URL URL,0.93,2,FR 43470,It is because Iran fears,0.71,3,FR 14303,"Well fuck America. We need to isolate them enough to stop screwing up the world. The world would be a much better place without America for the past 30 years. These people love killing, hate the environment, love war crimes. What good are they?",0.59,3,DE 23665,@_bacongod_ Boi shut up you bitch ass I'll smacc yo silly ass you fag,2.19,5,ZH 37617,"i want to fuck someone until they are sobbing and shaking, begging me to fuck them harder...poor pathetic bitch wouldn't know when to stop, poor stupid whore would never want me to stopped.",1.44,4,FR 28618,those hoes so annoying.,0.86,4,FR 28422,Aimee is a punk bitch,0.85,4,FR 25360,This Florida sun gone make me black as fuck 😭😭,-2.53,0,original 17287,How anyone could white knight for that (or anyone at all) is beyond me. Jesus christ this bitch was a huge cunt towards him for no reason at all and then hit him in the back of his head with her bag (he was even bleeding if I remember correctly) and yet this white knight still jumps in to defend m'lady. White knights are the scum of the planet.,1.39,4,original 17519,"Whistle at all the women and shout ""BEGONE THOT""",1.02,4,FR 7617,"Stop defending pedophiles, fagot.",0.82,5,FR 1295,He did but pretty mealy mouthed.,-1.9,0,original 43452,"subhuman scum; bastard race... people in a death cult who read witchcraft books glorifying their prophet, a pedophile who fucks goats and murderer.",1.99,2,FR 11788,Stop aborting them first,-2.17,0,original 23716,it's pride month here's a reminder to stan these gays URL,-1.83,0,original 11040,"Oh fuck, maybe you're a fucking useless rastaman, rot and stop writing here, you're dumb and don't belong to our species. You're full of shit and need milk because you're weak and I'm assuming you can't lift more than 10 pounds, you fat fucking loser bastard. Get lost in your fucking poisoned weed, FAT WEABOO WOMAN.",2.09,2,RU 40208,Toy soldiers from their militia and their IRG will burn to ash. Iran will go to the ash heaps of civilizations.,1.81,3,original 16190,Americans are fucking retards.,1.45,7,original 31787,I'm ghosting niggas FUCK MY WAY,0.61,1,DE 25556,"Imagine being a old white Debbie looking actress. Them roles are not running out anytime soon, them hoes getting paid.",-1.41,0,original 24746,"In case you all forgot, the last time you had an opinion we told you to fuck, we started kicking your ass in 1776. You guys keep fucking around, it's bound to happen again to your fairy asses. Worry about your Syrian refugees, we'll worry about the US URL",1.1,3,ZH 29969,"@DavidLammy Why do you always do everything about skin color rather than behaviors and actions. If you want to stereotype white people, it works both ways, you're fat, black, greedy, useless, desperate, vote-hungry, shameful, inciting racism, MP.",0.63,1,FR 19302,"I think it's a serious case of ""why not both?"" I dearly love my tradition, the saints, the fathers, and Catholic philosophy/systematic but that doesn't stop me from loving the scriptures too! The problem, as Catholic education stands, isn't that one is taught at the expense of the other. It's that neither is taught.",-2.77,0,original 2313,Savages cannot live among civilized western populations. They can never assimilate when they still wipe with their hand and have no moral center,1.37,3,FR 39504,WHO is this bitch. Get his ass in jail right now 😤😤😤,0.66,4,FR 49519,The Zionists don't like the truth. Just like the Aljazera documentary on the lobbies of Israel.,-0.59,0,original 42371,"Shut the fuck up, they have to get the fuck off Earth and go back to Europe but wait they don't even want those racist assholes lol.",0.89,1,FR 36639,Most emos I know are fucking gay. complete idiot,1.45,5,ZH 25400,Do It Pussy Ass Bitch URL,2.38,4,FR 11168,i hope isis rapess his but,1.96,1,original 36036,@StefanMolyneux And let's not forget the statistics about domestic partner violence... more often initiated by women than men.,-1.64,0,original 14778,"Tell your friend he probably has 80% Greek DNA when he takes a DNA test lmao. Fuck Mohhamed he was a child rapist, fuck Islam I piss on the Koran fool",1.81,2,DE 41359,I'll never understand why men want to blame the wife for her husbands actions; it's a twisted form of misogyny. Give your head a shake and see if that helps get it started.,-2.78,0,original 45188,"@Sonofspam64. There will be no fighting, Israel already considers Iran a national threat, so they will use everything they have to completely neutralize Iran. You gotta get rid of that crap about Trump and Putin, when it was Obama sucking Putin every day he was in the white house. Putin to Obama. I'm going to invade Crimea, what are you going to do with it, fat pussy. Obama in a child's voice ""nothing"". Poutine - Good boy, now get on all fours and suck my pussy.",2.03,5,FR 16764,Thats the meme caricature of a manipulative Jew that subverts other nations with his tricks and deceptions.,-0.26,0,original 9241,Then you better smash them the fuck up.,1.25,2,RU 7264,"HA godem. DRob schooling these Mormons, or should I say morons",0.52,2,original 26605,fuck bitch pussy ass fucking fucking female dog fuck shit,1.37,4,FR 2179,Go all sharia on them and chop off a hand.,1.8,2,FR 43370,This Terrorist probably should be deported back to Afganastan. Hopefully he just goes back into society peacefully selling cars in Brooklyn or something.,0.43,0,original 26130,He's ANOTHER religious fraud. URL,-0.67,0,original 39202,"@Castro4Congress @BillMillerBarBQ @HistoricPearl That's the kind of shit the Nazis pulled on the Jews of Germany before deciding to ""act and fix the problem."" It's straight out of the book. Little fag",3.3,3,DE 41550,"Evangelicals Love Rapists, Liars or people who collude with America's enemies and after being caught, obstructs the investigation on to himself. Oh yes, criminals who sell America to her adversaries and rape indiscriminately have a home with them evangelicals so long it's in your home and not theirs.",0.72,2,original 46608,Africans enslaved themselves,0.6,1,original 37378,Y'all love being hating ass bitches so much and think it covers up your insecurity dont u,-0.05,0,original 34863,"From March 2019: ""Redefining women and girls as an identity or a concept within a man's head is insulting."" URL",-2.23,0,original 18113,Someone who should be neutered for the good of the gene pool. His mama already laid a diarrhea splash in the gene pool.,2.59,4,original 15041,Fuck who you're going to fuck with and shut up about it. Giving yourself a new label because you prefer a little finger up the ass instead of a thumb is stupid. This is the exact reason attack helicopter trash is alive and well with goons. I'm sorry you need a special nickname to feel good about yourself for only wanting men on Tuesdays and every other Thursday.,0.61,5,FR 9579,"What's that, t.u. fag? I can't here you over the sound of me sawing your horns off",2.77,5,original 44604,tengtx female dog i will beat your mom ass for stupid ass comment,0.7,4,FR 8223,It's funny because Britain allowed foreign powers to flood their once great country with inbred low-intelligence savages.,1.43,3,ZH 38923,@HeXtorRose Fag is,2.09,5,FR 23139,"@ThomasJTobin1 So Catholic pedophiles you are low life shit, FO and burn in hell!!!",1.33,2,FR 36471,Is it a crack? Is that what you smoked? ? you smoke ? ? Bitch shut the fuck up and go to school 🙄 Maybe if half the fucking Christians were murdered you would think differently 😐,2.77,2,ZH 4918,Yeah well fuck those lesbian niggers.,0.52,5,FR 35461,Yoongi exactly 4 years ago today! #MTVHottest BTS @BTS_twt URL,-4.33,0,original 40570,Get Muslims out of your country before it's too late,0.93,2,RU 32118,They need to be put out of America and sent back to there own bloody country. They call there self the squad. They need to be put out in front of a firing squad.,2.9,3,original 4914,"Yeah, I appreciate that. Tbh, I feel like in the lgbt community trans people get the most shit.",-3.78,0,original 25536,"You're nothing more than a cum dumpster, cuckold. So open wide and receive that thick, salty load. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #cumcleanup URL",1.38,4,original 29920,"She should be sent back, and it is about time that people started waking up to the dangers of importing people like Omar. URL",1.27,3,original 29714,You losers wish you could fuck me like my boyfriend does but ur dick is nonexistent and ur gross and I wouldn't get near you with a 10 foot pole unless you were paying me 🤢 #cuckold #denial,1.63,4,original 3940,"What a total pile of retarded shit this fucker is, smug as fuck for a dirty, depressing, and ugly incel. Always going back to ""your mom"" or ""you suck at secks"" in reply to criticism. Josh, you haven't even got to TRY to find the ""walnut"" in almost two full years you stinky bald man child. Your dick is almost as disgusting as your teeth and gums now, clean your wretched body you fucking stupid fucking moron.",4.0,7,original 47405,"The reason your dad took your money is because he's black, he could steal your shoes too.",1.47,1,FR 7455,"Fuck you, mentally ill degenerate.",0.93,7,FR 48105,Clever cold asf you just a simple minded fag,1.23,5,FR 27734,"@pete7630 @SenSchumer @realDonaldTrump F#%k you piece of shit towel head. I used to be live and let live, now I'm ready for that holy war that you all of us infidels warned about. Eat shit you pedophile woman beating camel jockey",2.89,2,DE 102,me and the boys burning Dresden down in The Big Nigger,2.93,1,FR 18468,It's great to see Buddhism emerging positively in the political setting.,-4.71,0,original 16828,"You should stop propagating hateful ideology which manipulates young white men, encouraging them to murder people because they can't get s girlfriend",-2.42,0,original 22618,The myth of Kamala Harris. She's just not who she appears to be. URL,-1.31,0,original 31193,@SohrabAhmari @wkamaubell @MrAndyNgo Well at least the terrorist was made good before he hurt or killed anyone of importance. Though I do feel bad for the Volkswagen he burned... I guess German cars are racist or something.,1.06,1,original 35913,FUCK YOU STUPID BITCHES,2.51,4,original 8247,I have a beautiful Colombian wife too!,-4.73,0,original 40108,Clam down Avocado. its easy for you to talk bs cause your on the south side of the boarder. Come on over and he'll put our in our very own concentration camp. Bring the kids and you won't ever see them again.,0.53,3,original 6209,"God, I hope his four-word ""legacy"" of gay speeches is destroyed. Newsflash commie fag, we always judge people by their character content.",1.26,5,ZH 46416,"Jairo Carbajal it's time to deport them all and build a wall! DemonRats want to give free medical care to illegal immigrants but don't want to count? Seriously, how do you budget for free health care? Democrats are f$&king idiots! Obuma and Whoopi weaveberg's black racist gay lives matter",1.33,3,ZH 590,Mein to India mein hoon nahin. I don't even care how deep this country has screwed itself.,0.77,3,ZH 24033,the gay community & caucasians are the most annoying groups of people i've ever encountered. wanna be relevant so damn bad,-0.9,0,original 23564,Be careful muslims. Some of them are really evil. They want to take over our country and kill those who don't convert.,1.18,2,ZH 6660,"I know this is neither relevant to running or transition but reading your post just gave me insight to myself. I've got a medical disorder that causes me to have high testosterone for a woman. I've had it all my life. The funny thing is that I present as very femme, but I can't make female friends because like you noted... >Socially, women used to be a nightmare to try to socialize with Lol yea... My whole life. I thought I was just weird. The only great female friends I had were in transition. Now I just realized it was my hormones...welp fuck me, right? Thanks for the insight. ♥️",-2.21,0,original 21054,"Gays live for cock - it doesn't matter where they are, they will open up to take random cocks. Lay on the floor like a slut and let it flood 'til me and my boys spill a few loads in your loose walls.",1.92,5,DE 20045,Hitler didn't finish it. Can u. If a nigger ur Jew confronts u in the street what then.,2.27,1,original 49599,"this is ted They want to push an agenda that isn't too subtle. haven't you noticed all the arabs and dindus who arrive to ""destroy stereotypes"". This idiot advocated ignoring the native Canadian poor and needy to help give more resources to the brown Muslim economic migrants and their litters who are in the country sucking on welfare. great advice to start your own destruction. no wonder muslims mock and laugh at these useful idiots.",2.04,3,DE 35913,FUCK YOU STUPID female dogs,2.51,4,FR 13557,"Native Americans were all killing each other the whole time. If Natives were the culturally advanced society invading Europe nothing would've changed. They aren't any different, better or worse, than any other culture they simply didn't have the means to oppress the Europeans en masse because they were living in the Stone Age. The Native American history is extremely sad but historically completely in line with how most advanced cultures treated technologically inferior ones.",-2.69,0,original 36893,"Racist White People & Ghetto Black People need to go extinct, already.",-0.5,0,original 36202,dumbass bitch,1.7,4,original 31500,Proud to see the leader of our little country Samoa leading the way for EQUALITY confronting this issue of transgenderism in FEMALE sports where many are fearful to 🇼🇸🇼🇸🇼🇸 URL,-4.26,0,original 31449,Girls who get wet while sucking are the superior breed,0.76,4,FR 26944,"@CNN Like 15 years, taxes, house bills, utilities, my phone 707. Listed. Fucking niggers hit me with the Jews Cohen's gang paid illegal labor for law enforcement. Put her in jail. I say shoot.",2.63,1,DE 19965,Unless they are from shit hole countries right?,-0.74,0,original 45428,"""Crime can be immobilized and treated"" Are you sure about that dude? Talk to millions of unrehabilitated violent offenders in prisons across the country. This fag and Joe Rogan and everyone else who just said ""pedophiles should be killed"" should be killed.",2.22,5,ZH 36672,you probably couldn't afford to leave your town nigga shut up url,1.42,1,FR 29094,"Corruption doesn't just affect your family, it's destroying the whole world, you disenfranchise the poor and give it to your children, so how can you be happy when you disenfranchise others? Time to apologize to Allah before dying. #ByeBye_corruption",0.89,2,ZH 33833,Castration is the only solution for people like you.,2.19,5,FR 1455,le buddhist self-immolation has arrived.,-1.36,0,original 32920,"Right? and how come only pro period sex people can have opinions on this? Or tell a female ""dont be a pussy just fuck me"" about something equal to period sex.",-1.58,0,original 30532,"You know a bitch for me but ain't morally loose? Does God exist? Or does the number of bodies come with the professionalism of the sex? It's 1:44 and I wanted to give you my shit. In Jesus name I pray for these things, amen.",1.61,2,DE 16688,"How many more does it take to do something? I thought for sure after Route 66 that more would be done. Now in less then 24 hours another 40+ people dead What do we get? A prayer? And a government official ""condemning"" this act? The US is no longer where people want to go to flee violence and hate. Maybe that's the motive behind all these shootings... (Not American just sharing what the world thinks)",-0.65,0,original 7567,"What a bitch you are. It's roasting, not being straight up hateful. Derogatory terms isn't a roast",-0.25,0,original 36492,"i got dragged to an oakdale party bitch never fucking again. i saw a group of white bitches jump a girl kick the shit outta her w boots n threw a rock at her, a big ass truck w a trump flag, n a bitch with shit all over herself laid out on the floor. n they were all smoking cigs.",-0.4,0,original 6619,Don't worry about religion. I'm an atheist NA is a program of action. There is Higher power talked about but it's your own conception know one else. Good luck and hugs. Please give it a try,-2.81,0,original 15009,You fat fucking moron lmfao go back to rimming your dead boi xxx,1.25,7,DE 2470,I looked at your profile and it was the first thing I saw. Hold this L? Grow the fuck up you prepubescent manchild. At least have something better than shitty twitter memes to come at me with.,-0.12,0,original 10902,"Ill kidnap you and tie you to a bed with your legs spead wide and yiur cunt exposed Ill invite drunks and homeless guys to come in and fuck you mercilessly for hours on end until you pass out from exhaustion and even then, theyll keep raping you Theyll all fuck you and cum in you until you are flooded and overflowing with man juice",2.99,4,original 4656,"Pride commemorates the anniversary of the Stonewall riots. To celebrate the rights and freedoms hard fought for, against a system that thought, and still sometimes thinks, that being gay or trans is abhorrent. If straight and cis people have something similar they would like to celebrate, go for it.",-4.14,0,original 7475,Oh god not this fucking cancerous shitposting fake feminist again.,0.55,4,original 9470,Never been so scared of fat uneducated whites people in my life,0.11,0,original 27068,America we need and have to take our Nation back from these Communist and Jihad Muslims in the White House.,0.55,2,original 6216,"OK They should be kicked in the ass and given a plane ticket back to the shit country they came from. Then, if they invade us again, we should meet them with bullets.",2.74,3,ZH 14889,"He forgot to add at the end, ""besides your x + 1 crotch goblins of x different soyboy mangina cucks.""",1.42,5,FR 19732,Drinking semen isn't gay as long as you don't suck it through a straw. gay.,0.67,5,ZH 21624,Call me and ask me some shit yourself lousy ass bitch,1.46,4,FR 34991,"@IrvinjitS @azaadpunjabb @TajinderBagga you have sold the soles of your shoes to the jihadists in Pakistan who take pride in killing, raping and torturing the Ur community. You're nothing but a rotten piece of shit.",2.14,3,ZH 20766,"If there's anything I hate the most, it's a guy who tries to get my female dogs too.",0.7,4,FR 28379,"if you're not a Christian, I'll stab you in the face 🎶✨",2.37,2,RU 27853,BBC News - Cardiff race riots: An historic example of black peoples being under policed or blamed for what others initiated just because they were black 'Teach history in schools' call URL,-3.04,0,original 11505,Can't wait to butt-fuck this bitch in #gayheaven 😈,-0.16,0,original 1128,"no and go fuck yourself just to be extrra sure, nigger",2.09,1,original 12956,"I know right? Stupid kuffar pigs. We should honestly put these decadent and degenerate pigs in chains, so as to discipline them in our superior ways",1.7,2,original 4777,"I am in favor of exterminating Muslims, clitoris not mutilated, Christians not burned, innocent people not bombed, homosexuals not thrown off rooftops. Islam is hateful, like other religions we kill each other to appease goodwill that didn't even exist in the first place, islam really works now.",1.27,2,ZH 2854,The fag meltdown apocalypse,1.45,5,FR 39454,Bloody india will go to hell all these bastereds,0.64,3,original 15937,"> white men Evolution doesn't care about your race or gender or even species, it wants you to reproduce as much as possible regardless.",-1.57,0,original 16428,"Yes, the big factor is being a racist [~~white nationalist terrorist~~](URL neanderthal",-0.29,0,original 40342,"I hope people in Iran remove the ""right wing"" pro-Russian, Conservative, anti-human rights regime of Iran, run by the retarded Ayatollah Khamenei, who the Liberal ""progressive"" ideologues condone, collude with, and justify by saying, ah but the Saudi's are ""Baddies"" too, who can legally flog, execute, and imprison, several minority groups for ""crimes"" of conscience.",-1.03,0,original 26679,"I also don't really know what to expect when I have a child. Like when I have a child it will probably be with someone who is white I don't know what to expect will it take after the white ancestry I have and it father. Or the Asian, Native American or the black side.",-0.17,0,original 13494,"Don't worry, I'm sure social justice morons will create an Iron Woman, lesbian of course.",0.28,0,original 2118,Oooh! Send the Candian trash in the Phillipines to them!,0.86,3,original 119,"You know how women put so much effort into looking and smelling pretty, acting like they are the epitome of clean? Yeah, due to the effort they put out to maintain that facade they have no leftover energy for shitting like a normal person, cleaning off their sink top, or cleaning the garbage out of their cars.",0.68,4,original 8658,Fuck him and give him HIV?,1.44,5,DE 44915,I hope she dies as soon as possible! The world is a better place without its scaremongering and imperialism!,1.44,4,FR 13180,These fucking girls don't even have 2 braincells,1.36,4,original 30828,"""spit on me and call me a nigger"" hours",1.68,1,original 13959,> compares 100 million+ corporate streaming service and author with millions of books sold to a anon individual. people like you are why India has low IQ. Get rekt faggot.,1.21,1,original 42724,"Jay Towerz you racist shit, i love sitting on your face and pooping and smothering my ass all over and spreading it, and i'd fart to top it off... wear a towel it can get messy",1.13,1,FR 11701,If the highway were nothing but women it'd be so clogged from wrecks and pile ups we'd have to build a detour. It'd be cheaper too.,-0.24,0,original 46744,"Great video, so powerful, own your own feminism!",-4.14,0,original 32178,@BrianSt09844467 @KTVU The next time someone calls the cops on a white man for grilling in a park you can start complaining.,-3.14,0,original 11880,shut up fucking gay,2.79,5,ZH 1754,"See I was with you as far as the racist Beaner comment, but racism aside, you're right, but fuck your pants anyway.",0.86,1,DE 22219,These ugly sorry mamas leave anyone around their kids cause their head is stuck in these niggas asses so far and they can't get out!!!,1.43,1,FR 35458,Superior and beta men alike recognize My power 👊🏻 They can't help themselves but stare and I love every second of it. My feminine strength is unmatched. #femdom #findom #musclegoddess #goddess #fhnd #tdoow URL,-0.08,0,original 22972,"Second damn shot of today. ""I wish Rojava would cyclically massacre its own people and smash all attempts at socialism from them"" URL",1.17,3,DE 46802,It suffices to suspend this Jew from a branch of a tree and to divide his property among the victims.,3.21,2,FR 39150,@slimm_jeffe Hmmm it is well oh... The woman don use kayamata finish the man that's why he's not even getting angry..which normal man will see that and still keep his cool.The worst part is that she is even pregnant 😫🤢 oh lawd,-0.44,0,original 18923,But what if they say no homo after killing you?,-0.89,0,original 4232,Reeee piece of shit,0.58,7,JA 30558,Give a female dog money to get her nails done she probably go beat the next nigga dick with em lol 🗑,0.71,4,FR 14480,"""Shut up, you stupid nine-year-old!""",1.4,7,JA 45509,Too many homos in the bible belt,0.56,5,original 45532,Islam is a national security threat. Mvslim invasive species don't belong in Canada.,1.06,2,original 47315,"These people are some dumb cunts bc Omar should go back to her country bc she hates America and loves al qaeda, she is a disgrace to this country and congress! Same goes for the other 3 in the so called ""squad"" either get on team America and stop trying to turn this place into a communist hell hole or leave",1.77,3,original 19563,"Get the fuck out of here, stupid ass bitch",1.37,5,DE 32752,"Wow @VP such a hypocrite if you're going to take the #LBGT monies at 35,000.00 per couple than stop taking their rights way! Stop spreading the hate against them!",-3.62,0,original 22599,I bet you kiss girls faggot shit fit,1.31,4,original 25710,"And then they came for the ""Supremacists"" URL",-1.07,0,original 20098,I am the furthest thing from a feminist but wtf America,-1.91,0,original 44984,JEWS HATE! TERRORISTS LOVERS! Omar hates America and wants to destroy Americans. She loves Al-Queida and Hamas,1.14,3,DE 30480,Lmfaoooo ain't nobody smackin me in the middle of the night and not gettin that shit right back idc if You're 3 OMM😂😂😂😭 URL,0.21,0,original 80,"Damn you got a fucking fat ass. It's better to smack my waist while you ride me, doing the only thing your fat, worthless fuckholes are good for. You would just be filled with all the contents of my balls and just lay there with a pussy full of cum. I would get up and leave without even looking at you.",2.28,4,FR 8785,Jews are inbred,1.55,2,DE 27733,i hate big female dogs,0.9,7,FR 18305,Stupid bitch is ugly inside as well as out,0.54,4,original 46950,And 26 people were killed in Somalis today and this is how a president talks of people from the devastated country?? An embarrassment to this nation.,-1.75,0,original 43969,Yet you this nuisance telling you they follow jesus Dan the Christian. Jesus fasted 40days and 40nights. Prayed secretly. But Muslims wake up early in the morning and eat and the whole world knew you are fasting !and praying like the hypocrites lazy people. Come see them when they break 😅😅😅😅😅 they eat like glutamine.empty vessels. Nothing to offer humanity. Yet they will curse you every day in there prayers. Since you guys been fasting ways has changed? Islamic world in total chaos. Muslim die like chicken on a daily basis.,1.29,2,original 28952,Don't judge a female off what another nigga tell you.... these niggas be but hurt🤣,-1.47,0,original 45091,Chick filet is homophobic,-2.38,0,original 49451,A woman leads the mens rights. Man she must love dick. His reaction is priceless. I almost think he wanted to say I do too.,-0.82,0,original 24642,@ryannchristine @AlexYousiff Go fuck ur self fag,2.99,5,original 16961,Lots of love from India.!,-4.95,0,original 20614,hello what's poppin' #LGBTCosplay? i'm kenma (she/her) and i am pansexual! we can all come together with open arms and big hearts to support one another 💖 i'm all for making new friends!! 💕 . . . photography credits 1: hailthenaninator 3: lou carrion photography 4: sfdesign URL,-4.32,0,original 18510,I don't understand. I'm american and the only way to help someone who is poor is to spit in their face amd tell them to get a job and learn our language. I mean sure they get a good job and contribute but then they are pansies!,0.82,3,original 33465,"When I was pregnant with the little dude I showed one of my professors the ultrasound & he pointed to the photo & asked, ""Is that the penis?"" It was his leg. Our obsession with baby genitals is sexist, transphobic, & also really, really weird. URL",-3.56,0,original 3936,Even I couldn't care less. Fuck Prides. Just live your lives without making a fool out of yourselves. Bunch of effeminate liberal whores!! A one way ticket to Saudi Arabia is what they need.,0.72,5,original 48328,"'The Squat' has been successful at only one thing so far; they have redefined by example the new face of 'racism' and 'anti-semitism' in North America. These utterly useless commie bimbos have failed miserably as mature women and human beings. If I were any of them I would start watching my back, the day after I will be voted out in 2020. A) you're already forgotten about and B) you're vulnerable. Anger is an energy, energy that is growing against all of you and that will be your undoing at your own hands.",2.02,4,original 30472,I love curvy women,-5.13,0,original 49281,"Move to Pakistan, you are anti-American.",0.87,1,FR 3208,It can't be true. why are people so slow,2.88,7,ZH 49028,Zionist Nazi mafia judge.. zionist plan is to flood America with 50 million more in the next 5 years,-0.96,0,original 17722,what a horrible way to find out you're gay,-1.5,0,original 40654,Tattle Boad Ur Gay and you gave me Ebola,0.7,5,DE 6754,"Sometimes we feel like a loser or a piece of shit because we are fucking losers. Heard of [](URL)? Go ahead and connect with people, both to build your social skills and to get a damn job. It's not that hard if you're really smart. I would also spend a lot of time away from your LTR. Tell her about your studies, write your resume and try not to be such a fag. Oh, and then actually do those things.",0.82,5,ZH 803,"Well, I should try your hole first before I ruin it. Relax a bit with my cock. But then maybe I'll force a bat in your pussy. Punch it in you and leave you so speechless I would have to stick my fist inside and jerk off if I wanted to cum using you",2.84,4,FR 42455,Remove racist terrorist Omar attacking Jews and Americans via 911. Go back. Allah is waiting for you.,0.51,3,DE 27903,"Support a #FreeIran under the leadership of .@Maryam_Rajavi, a brave #woman who will be the face of the new modern liberated #Iran #IStandWithMaryamRajavi (link: URL URL",-7.01,0,original 38082,It's indoctrination of youth not mental health ya dumb bitch. You know nothing about mental health or medicine so why don't you shut the fuck up. URL,1.43,4,original 33552,Bitches be fake boujie on social social lol. They ain't even on shit in real life lmao,0.55,4,FR 48387,Low IQ black people. They didn't even invent the wheel in this shithole.,2.02,1,DE 32162,@ZayGriffin23 This nigga is dead a liar invited homie to my birthday and nigga couldn't even walk down the hall,1.64,1,DE 35263,"No, this nigga has to burn in hell for this bullshit💀💀",1.26,1,DE 37585,All the cute girls are taken or live in bum fuck Egypt,-1.28,0,original 42773,It's what must be done until Islam is no more.,-1.35,0,original 44269,"This is what the trash democrats want all the illegal scumbags and all the drug cartels all the MS-13 to come to America and destroy America for them especially they got all the illegal voters all they care about is ""money and power"" the country goes to hell They don't care! Garbage Democrats!",1.67,3,ZH 5164,"The UN is a corrupt, ultra-left globalist organization that just doesn't give a fuck about the US for not being its slave like the other nations in the UN. Kind of weird how they didn't blame Iran, Saudi Arabia, Africa and the Middle East in general, all places that don't give a fuck about human rights, but blame the US for being anti-globalism right now. Not at all an ideological attack.",0.9,1,DE 47058,There's lots of sexists here who hate seeing females accomplishing anything other than sucking cock and cooking. Just letting you know that so you don't get triggered.,-0.47,0,original 6107,> I never saw a female I would consider an 8 in America This cunt is drowning in fanny.,0.76,4,original 24950,@naneers3 fuck you and that nigga,1.08,1,DE 23673,some of you are so mean to other women i hope you die alone,1.46,4,FR 44336,"The infidels come here and let's spend money, bomb 'em!",1.73,3,FR 33073,@IamJibbish If Baba Bubu succeeds in turning these ones into another terrorist group he would have contributed in successfully creating 3 very deadly terrorist groups in Nigeria *Boko *Herdsmen & *Shiites (hope not),-0.03,0,original 43971,Japanese will fight it they kicked the marines from japan after a couple of high profile rapes. They don't play around.,-2.99,0,original 42015,These 4 women have the most punchable faces ever. Especially the Muslim bitch rasheda,1.91,2,original 43873,"In Malaysia there are more girls in chemical engineering, boys in civil and mechanical.",-4.11,0,original 16190,Americans are fucking retarded.,1.45,7,DE 19788,Isis space program does not look promising. Premature detonation. Those lunar infidels will have to wait for jihad.,0.72,1,original 27288,You are all fags and I hope you die @Bitemyasssss @athenamonroe10 @fendixxx1 @cherrytheeboom,2.27,5,FR 44299,"No thanks. The reason Mulan was good was due to it being Americanized. The only characters that even sounded asian were gags and tropes and it wasn't meant to be realistic, because realistically, both sides were horrible and mulan would have been exicuted not rewarded.",-0.52,0,original 35071,HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABEY looking forward to more gay panics,-1.53,0,original 43288,This time we will annihilate Iran. It would be wise if they would just shut up and stop using nukes.,0.87,3,ZH 40113,"And the Europhobic and misandrist propaganda continues from HBO's cultural Marxist rodents. The ""mean"" white men want to get you!, even though their systems and countries have allowed for multiculturalism, gay rights, women's equality, etc. re-education. NPC programming by a few chosen psychotics for brainwashed ethnic warfare masquerading as entertainment.",0.56,5,FR 34101,Really happy to pipp #Kargil war hero Satpal Singh as ASI. Only feel sorry he didn't get his due earlier. We've decided to come out with policy to prevent such injustice in future. It'll ensure 1-rank promotion for gallantry award winning defence & police personnel from Punjab. URL,-4.07,0,original 29856,She fuck wid the squad,-1.7,0,original 4386,"I believe Chad's are actually just the common, well-built man - the high-school athlete, attainable to the select few easily. The superchad you refer to is actually a THAD, which is when a Chad achieves his full potential whilst maintaining absolute sexual desirability (once he is grotesquely muscular to the point where he frightens women, he becomes a LAD) . And since the guy is black, that makes him an Antwon (the black equivalent of the THAD)",-2.89,0,original 36279,Suck slave bitch ! URL #Mistress @LadyRenee_ #strapon #makemebi #forcedcocksucking #anal #analslave #sluttraining #slavetraining #slave #madetosuckcock #FemDom #FemaleDomination #malecocksucker #cunthole #slut #forcedbi #domination #Domme URL,-0.37,0,original 17920,Fuck off motherfucking bitch slut motherfucking gastrointestinal cock sucker hoe fucking slag,1.66,4,FR 26460,my girlfriend: that's why you were a mistake and your father didn't show up at your birth me: that's why you have a big ass head my girlfriend: URL,1.55,4,FR 12214,Stupid fucking Italians maybe try building your forts on land next time,0.72,3,original 35622,no you ain't baby you're a fucking fat retard,1.0,7,ZH 36104,Y'all gonna kill this nigga,3.89,1,DE 11974,"LOL bunch of faggots in here. OP you're NTA, fucking bitches cant take a joke nowadays.",1.08,5,original 12639,"Abortion is taking a life for your own selfish reasons. It's bullshit that we punish those who don't have the ability to defend themselves so we can pretend we're saving the planet. We might as well atomize India and Asia if that is to be our doctrine, no offense.",4.24,1,DE 44757,SHOOT tRUMP and every DUMBFUCK American.,2.99,3,DE 49953,"She's a racist terrorist loving America hating piece of shit, I would love to shit in her turbin and put it on her head and smoosh it on her head,",2.13,4,original 18679,First you need to be spanked until you're admit you're nothing but a whore and begs to be fucked.,1.83,4,original 15708,"Shut the fuck up, you beta soyfag numale cuck.",2.32,5,original 34405,@youcnbmywingman And you need to move out of your mom's basement. Racist bitch. #InstaBlock,0.07,0,original 48722,"Don't leave your house alone, you Judeo-Christian gay boy lover, your walking dead man's bitch",2.96,2,DE 18548,id fist that dirty cunt,1.76,4,original 42687,guys are idiots and watch too much cartoons,-0.34,0,original 41428,you fucking fag,1.14,5,DE 21443,Gay 3some scene from TV series 🎬Join LINE group for full scene 🎬Add LINE id @mmi5946p 🎬Or click URL URL,-3.0,0,original 13653,"Anybody is welcome to attend a Catholic Mass or an Orthodox Liturgy, the only request is that you don't partake in the Eucharist. (You can cross your arms for a blessing though). I've been to a few different Protestant services with my wife's family, and (personally) I find them to be....not as deep as a Catholic Mass. So that might be your issue. To all of your other issues, I can understand. The denominations being the biggest issue I think, but I understand what the root cause of it is; authority.",-2.21,0,original 36636,"get down, get down",1.98,5,ZH 47219,"Yes, we should go ahead and blow up that rotten hole in a country.",3.82,3,ZH 27446,"@nicoleee231_ @siairamist @coldestwinters Bitch Just saying it's foolish to be mad about something most people aren't even privy to. Fucks all ignorant ass ghetto bitches, stays in the gutter what interests me and I give out ass spanking so PUT SOME RESPECT ON YOUR BITCH. I only came to you guys with respect, but I get dirty 2",0.78,1,DE 30029,@RepMarkWalker The struggle is real. 🤪. Fucking racists.,-0.33,0,original 20992,"@dhershiser @Stop_Trump20 @jules_jul11 @last1yoususpect @MaryLemanski @jax_persists @Sarah_SKG_1983 @Kris_theis @heather_weis @MHowe75 @NastyWomanSammi @akapennylane Got everyone I wasn't following. What's Up Nasty Bitches! If this offended any of you, what up Nasty Women!",0.64,4,FR 34540,Yes yes mistress @AnzuAsireNew. Give me your big cock please I beg you. Give it to me and fuck me like the toy I am. I live to serve you and your superior futa cock!!!!!URL,-2.44,0,original 20840,"Stop messing around, I'll fuck your fxking face, you make me puke",1.33,4,FR 48855,I have more respect for strangers than I do my compatriots that have no empathy or sense of history. You shame us all with your short sighted bigotry.,-1.77,0,original 4428,"Then we have different descriptions of cuckolds. Because cucks tend to be effeminate, soy-guzzling white knights who will go to great lengths to defend m'lady. They can often be seen wearing a ""future is female"" t-shirt, antifa, pro-choice, thick beards, loving their Nintendo Switch and most likely having had a vasectomy.",1.85,4,FR 21228,Of course he did. Another incompetent man filled with rage. Showing its inadequacies on women and children. He should be shot.,1.52,4,FR 38837,wtffff bitches got no type of self respect.,-0.76,0,original 33433,"@UncleSam_botski @sotiridi Yes, because French came and stayed in Algeria for 130 years, if France is great, why the fuck didn't they stay there?",1.81,3,DE 10075,Because her dad lets her yell insults at adult nerds? She's possibly the least gay kid of her generation and is bringing bullying back. She deserves an award. Weird people who do weird shit should be fucked with until they kill a bunch of people.,1.42,5,original 3973,Suck my fuckin' dick,0.77,5,original 11602,\*fine af asian escort glides outta there,-2.12,0,original 47615,"Women can't even refresh themselves anymore, they become obsolete. Only good for breeding 😂",1.52,4,FR 7825,I hope everyone you love is depressed and commits suicide. It's your fault if you're too slow to see it coming,2.88,7,ZH 3088,I'd fuck that shit outta that pussy,-0.08,0,original 48848,Indian wankers never learn it's not your country but warmongering,0.69,1,FR 39762,@CorinnaKopf @brookehouts What a fkin hoe. I wanna smack her and spit on her like she did with her dog.,2.03,4,original 5249,"I'm anti-Abrahamic, so I guess that makes me anti-Semitic. Fuck religion, but most fuck those three.",0.52,2,ZH 45108,"You proved his point, though. Citizenship depends on parents' nationality in Sweden, whereas in America citizenship is given to whoever is born on American territory.",-3.3,0,original 47598,"A bunch of gays. Forget the Queen Freddy Mercury is a real fag, but you two are bigger fags than him.",0.53,5,ZH 30889,"Alternate Title: ""German Chancellor Merkel criticizes President Trump for calling out @AOC, @IlhanMN, @RashidaTlaib & @AyannaPressley – four notorious Jew-hating Farrakhan sycophants who trivialize the Holocaust and mix anti-Semitic tropes with ease of breathing ."" URLs",0.56,1,FR 5992,Totally would have her in the alley afterwards with my cock up her tight ass. She can only plead no as I cum in her teasing ass.,1.69,4,original 42353,Yes send them the fuck back and tell them to use fucking condoms damn idiots,1.07,3,original 22548,"This is the ugly face of Islam. It is the story of all non-Muslims, from Jammu and Kashmir to Iraq and Syria. It is your ""peaceful"" neighbor who rapes and kills you, the same neighbor who guarantees your safety and security. How can Muslims expect non-Muslims to trust them? URLs",0.94,2,FR 41073,"It's amazing the failure of women in politics. It's almost as if it's not in their nature to be powerful. No matter how hard they try, poor darlings...",0.86,4,FR 27247,"@BostonRob1776 @JNSmall I think you Cult of Christianity people and Extremist Sharia Muslims, should all be put on a island. Make a show of it, which one of you are the most uneducated, ignorant and inbred. Of course we can't allow you religious ID disorder people hurt each other... Sorry",0.26,0,original 15525,Yup. If it's 106 you can get 3 trophies everyday.,4.23,5,original 30344,"KILL A NIGGA FOR THESE JEWS 💎, ITS DA HOLOCAUST",1.6,1,original 42357,These radical crackpots are the ugliest women I've ever seen...,1.95,4,FR 43415,"Yeah but hey at least you've got those muslim rape gangs to culturally enrich you while your elders freeze to death, right?",0.85,2,original 44443,"I don't care who wins or loses, the only thing I care about is that my district does NOT accept more hairy ugly Muslims. They must all die and burn! Fucking Muslims.",3.52,2,RU 16128,fucking karma hahaha stupid nigga i bet your family is all jewish,1.72,1,FR 48820,"The Europeans are appeasers, weak socialists, and commies. They want to keep businesses going with these animals in Iran. This country, has never dealt with the west on good faith.",1.54,1,original 18508,Wow you sound like me. I'm Ghana born but raised in the US. I'm actually moving to Ghana for a job next week ( I work in the biomedical field). I'm not into religion either but I come from a pretty religious family. My family is Muslim on my dad's side and Christian on my mom's side ( my mom converted to Islam after meeting my dad). Being non-religious and childfree is like two worse things for an African to be.,-3.82,0,original 2332,That's because 90% of them are subhuman niggers.,1.55,1,DE 24782,The young Alpha is back faggots. Put your pathetic faces up to your screens and give a good whiff and lick. Send now faggots #footmaster #footworship #paypig #humanATM #jockfeet #findom #cashfag #cashslave @CashFeetSlave @RTsubpig @MASTER_UPDATES @RTtruealpha URL,2.57,5,original 38711,"I have been laughing since I saw this video this morning, though not the first time seeing the video. I wish this can be the current situation in Nigeria. I want my people to be free from poverty, bad government, dictatorship, religious bondage, uncivilized attitude, greed &Hate. URL",-4.38,0,original 48115,"pastor steven you are awesome and God gifted ,and from now onwards i'll leave unnecessary burden to God thank you and be blessed its bildad from Kenya",-4.94,0,original 17403,NTA At least in my country I've read of studies that show that people with a foreign name will have more problems with a things like finding a job.,-3.15,0,original 49289,Send all illegal alien invaders back home... or there will eventually be guerrilla warfare seeding a violent and bloody civil war in the United States.,1.89,3,original 37749,"We all know what was supposed to happen to this monstrous bunch of lunatics. They are just mean! ""I support Islam""?? What?? crazy people They support beheading, torture and rape and should be treated accordingly. URL",2.91,2,DE 17272,Fuck the little midget gay.,1.59,5,ZH 28736,"slutkayleigh: slutkayleigh: COCK SUCKING FAGOT SLUT @slutkayleigh LOOKING FOR DADS TO ABUSE HER PUSSY, FILL IT WITH ALPHA CUM, EXPOSE THAT FAGOT SISSY BITCH!! 100 RETWEETS AND I WILL EXPOSE MY REAL FAG NAME!! KEEP REBLOGGING AND EXPOSING THIS...URL",2.06,4,FR 12087,I AM GOD THIS WOMAN SHOULD KILL HERSELF.,0.51,4,original 45945,"Can you please stop Pretending religions are real? Its fucking 2019. We dont need this crap anymore... And ""dark spirits""? Tell me, who was it again that ordered unruly infants to be smashed on rocks, or tore up infants for making a joke, or explained how to treat and keep your slaves, ordered genocide, committed genocide, inquisition, looks away when your kids get molested? Oh right, YOUR SUPPOSED GOD! Fucking hypocrisy, no wonder your country is failing.....",1.11,2,original 21603,Fuck his brains out and be mean to other niggas. It's that simple. 😉,-0.36,0,original 5015,Lmao and that's why you smell like piss and look like Shrek nigga get out of here,1.4,1,DE 44874,You Arrogantly Ignorant Shamelessly Shitty Being. Black people would do anything to stir up strife even champion the brutal stabbing in the throat of an innocent teenager? You're just shitty for sport.,0.63,1,original 30666,"Nigerians are entitled to shit! She put 6 Nigerians on her album if I'm right and you're still yelling ""she should have put that, blah blah"" make your own and put them on. Better be bants sha 😐.",0.63,1,FR 35429,How policewomen make communities safer URL,-4.91,0,original 41777,we are sick of these entitled illegal immigrants and globalists. why dont they fucking apply to come here legally? this is not europe we dont have open borders and we need to turn people away immidiately...,-0.28,0,original 616,Why are all you desert people so fucking gay?,-0.3,0,original 17080,"I wonder what shitty country your trash ancestors escaped from. You've spent centuries sucking America's titmouse, can't wait for your bottom feeding losers to be replaced by hard working Mexicans",0.86,3,FR 2840,"Ain't no more Barbie, just an old crusted lesbian.",1.79,5,DE 29848,"@defiantSZN ""little ass virgin"" you haven't had female interaction since you came out your mothers saggy pussy",1.02,4,original 29239,"@baltree @PDXEleven @HunkyGayJesus These kids need safety, stability and food. They and their mother looked like Stockholm victims. My heart goes out to them. Their father needs to be investigated and locked up. url",1.46,5,ZH 33737,thank you,2.33,7,JA 23434,"@MayorofLondon London is open......for stabbings, acid attacks, moped gangs, terrorists and Islamic blasphemy laws.",1.17,2,RU 20918,@alyssaand20155 delicious 😍👅😛 need my dick to fuck all your holes,2.19,5,ZH 8964,Gays should be killed lol,1.79,5,ZH 39802,In 2 tweets everyone talking about “genocide” in Kashmir agrees they have no expertise because people are mentioning actual ethnic cleansing that took place in the valley 3 decades ago…URL,1.45,1,DE 24282,6ft4 and 230lbs of pure fuck machine it's not often that I'm impressed with a top but his dick game was on point. URL URL,-4.77,0,original 45396,White privelege,-0.75,0,original 38854,"@RepAdamSchiff Mr President, your Palestinian supporters are also ready to ignite the game with your superstar Omar and blow Israel off the map! Let me go please! By the way, they are raiders instead of using AK47 they use babies! Is it really worthy of the Americans?",0.98,3,ZH 40159,All the guys r freakin strong frm women apart frm serena williams and the weight lifters even tho that basketball player is tall can like a 5 7 short guy beat her i mean shes tall but lanky(skinny) as hell ryt ?,-1.29,0,original 39934,i wanna watch some gay short film and this video is on my recc list. the thumbnail look promising and abraham is an angel ❤️😭 he saved that boy's life. can someone make bl ff based on this?? URL,-5.6,0,original 18388,"Man, you are the result of incest, it is clear, you are too stupid and disabled",1.95,7,JA 6070,I'd bet money your pussy smells like poverty and tears,0.57,4,original 18879,> kill me cow Right now you only kill english lmao Kill two cows buddy and pray to Allah that he gives you variety or content in your comments lol,0.63,2,FR 1119,What do you expect from tranny extremists? There double crazy.,0.79,4,original 17823,You look like the type of guy to mistake chromosomes for brain cells.,2.08,5,original 10134,lmao too fucking EPIC just got destroyed idot retract I bet he cried so much bro he just pulled his pants from your gamer ROAST bro I said that too coz I can't act like an iDoT either Argue as silently as RETART,0.83,7,ZH 48196,Arabs are too religious to be intelligent.,1.74,2,FR 20987,Religious beliefs shouldn't allow shelters to refuse transgender people. #WednesdayWisdom URL,-5.29,0,original 24823,"@TrulyTrad @carolinacatho @KarlMoinmarn But it's not the only thing in catholic life , so where you asking me something specific y in the Bible ?",-3.15,0,original 32076,This bitch make me tf sick,0.25,0,original 3881,"I was taught this at Catholic school too, that birth control was sinful because it interfered with the will of God. Never any word on why an all-powerful being could be so easily outfoxed by a tiny pill but I guess nuns gonna nun.",-1.09,0,original 42144,This is the gayest thing i have ever seen,2.7,5,original 39380,"all these tender white ""Waah I'm so fragile so you must use your free time to explain racism to me because I cannot possibly use google"" comments, they're not even directed at me and I don't know how you stand it... it's mad white privilege to go through life knowing so little",0.4,0,original 26398,VIDEO: Abortionists Humiliate Dead Babies URL,-1.2,0,original 13212,Shoot my cum on you!,1.33,4,FR 6152,Ugly stupid bitch,1.19,4,original 4902,"good, bitch, u aint welcome either",1.3,4,original 2691,"Faget from the point where he goes ""I'm just a pretty boy, whatever you call it""",2.16,5,FR 8023,fuck in the ass. the church supports you.,0.69,2,RU 29792,"@TrumpWarRoom She should be deported, we took her in and she has nothing but contempt for America.",-0.14,0,original 23921,@realDonaldTrump @RAZ0RFIST @SadiqKhan Fuck that fag,0.99,1,DE 43410,The white gurl in the middle so lame,-0.53,0,original 6274,"Uh, positive discrimination? Who am I discriminating against, the other guys who want to fuck your mom? Okay, okay, you win. Your mother has passionate vigorous sex with all sorts of men, regardless of their race, creed, color, disability, or national origin. Mea culpa. Yep, the alt-right incels always do revert to the NO UR THE BIGOT routine. Try again, putz, I've read your postings. I know your beliefs.",0.56,4,original 5154,"""Religious people"" are the only reason Jews exist as a people and a civilization. Without those people, there would be no Israel.",-0.64,0,original 10370,"Jews take your terrorist Yahweh and go back to Europe. You have no place in the middle east. It has been over 70 years since you invaded Palestine and all Arab and Muslim countries do not accept you. You are a cancer in the middle east, you live under the Evangelical British and American protection and once lifted you will no friends!!!!!",1.09,2,original 18948,crazy person sex is the bezt sex after all.,-0.47,0,original 16003,I just looked and you were the first to use it in that way. I specifically said it wasn't a bad thing to say unless *you you you* used it racially which ya did. Sooooo.,-2.04,0,original 39386,"@CaritasEuropa @EU_Social Please, don't let Iraqi refugees down, they are exhausted, they intent to reach their goal to save their children's future,Please help them,don't let them reach desperation , and push them to achieve their dream. #StandWithIraqiRefugees In Turkey",-5.39,0,original 39148,"@mattgaetz @mmehenriquez You are a racist scumbag to the core, you stupid bastard people got killed for making racist comments like this and you're still on this goddamn hateful sick shit. I can't wait for the karmic justice to hit your ass",1.64,1,DE 34180,"@Speech7x7 Muslims out of joint completely out of control. They must all be deported back to the Middle East, the borders sealed so that they never leave their homeland. let them kill each other The world is better placed.",1.07,2,DE 16900,This is 4chan not watchredditdie Post your faggotry elsewhere fag,0.11,0,original 20606,Clown niggas really stick together like in a circus. Squad full of bozos,1.2,1,FR 41011,Eugene is beautiful and amazing and i hate how people in the LGBTQ community have to hide and i pray that changes one day for everyone's sanity lol. You should always feel loved and appreciated and beautiful no matter who u choose to love 🖤,-4.55,0,original 17865,"Very ugly nigger. I would say kill it and eat it whole. Also, fed my breast milk. I want those tits in my mouth, ASAP. You stupid nigger. By my sex slave, por favor. Also, if you don't want to kill the alpaca, I recommend nursing it and giving it vanilla milk (if you're a hick in the south), or chocolate milk (if you're a nigga), or lemonade (if you a weirdo)",1.32,1,FR 4758,how awful opf some to be attracted to looks how evil /s,-0.39,0,original 30286,"@Ilhan, lady, you are an obnoxious fake Muslim and a terrorist planted in our Congress by the loser Barack Obama. You should be sent back in the dirt, you came from #MAGA2020",3.08,2,DE 6137,exmo woman are fabulous!,-4.06,0,original 48060,"Send them all back.. If you have a problem with this beautiful country, just get out of here.. I'm tired of Liberals and Democrats, I can't wait for this shit to turn into a civil war because a bunch of us are waiting Let's eat you idiots alive 1776 STYLE!",1.57,3,ZH 32673,dude fuck it aba girlfriends fr fuck boys,-0.61,0,original 8871,"Lol, the west bullying Pakistan? What else is new?",-1.09,0,original 18173,Why fuck yourself when you can fuck me.,1.78,5,ZH 25633,Early Christians locked their doors during worship services so that no one could break in and kill them. Now Christians will have to lock doors so gays don't break into desecrated churches,1.18,5,ZH 29124,"@Nespresso821 @StaceyFurUK @Mosborne93 @Bristol_SU Even if that's the case - and legally it isn't entirely, since trans people are legally allowed to use the correct changing room etc- that doesn't mean it has to continue to be that way if it's hurting people and not providing any additional safety.",-3.55,0,original 25337,@dhiggins63 Satan's strives to get us to sin and reject God. Liberals are the tools of Satan for his agenda of destruction in that they subvert and attack righteousness/virtue. Muslims are tools of Satan in striving to conquer the world in for a Satanic religion that revels in falsehoods.,1.29,2,original 46732,ICE should drive all talking Mexican or Spanish cockroaches out of the US.,1.72,3,ZH 32387,This actually happened to me smh hate niggas,-0.27,0,original 13515,Your IQ has gone negative Why are you so bad at talking crap? Why don't you fucking die? fucking dead!,2.91,7,ZH 10417,Even the FBI called them lone wolves. All terrorist acts by white men have been called lone wolves and not terrorists.,-2.24,0,original 44541,Just destroy this Persian pedophile state. They are the greatest evil,2.02,3,FR 37500,That damn fag sucks,2.17,5,DE 39744,fucking stupid ass dumb fucking bitch,2.56,4,original 39478,"Anti-Latino/ anti-immigrant sentiment motivated the shooter in El Paso, a majority Hispanic city. With hate rhetoric and gun violence on the rise, we need to stand together against these threats to our democracy and diversity and say enough is enough! URL",-3.03,0,original 42925,all are women of color. the color of shit talk shit act shit. I'm with Trump goodbye,2.04,1,DE 29540,"Fuck every single one of you racist antics in lmfao's answers, get your ass in Trump's states and you will know exactly how they feel. It's easy to talk dick and have fun when you're in the midst of your own, but the moment you leave this country, you crumble",1.04,1,DE 22397,"Another shooting. God dammit🤬🤬. There's a problem. The US has a problem. A rage problem. A rage problem in MEN. We need to find ways to channel. It's fucking disgusting 🥺. Those poor families 😓😓😓😓 11 dead, 6 injured 😞😞😞 URL",-0.39,0,original 6285,"This woman SHOULD NOT be on a radio show. She embarrasses herself absolutely every day on most topics. She undoubtedly proves to us, in fact shows us, that she is a completely jaded narcissist to the power of 10.",1.06,4,FR 41998,Holy shit... This comment section is full of fags,1.23,5,FR 50060,AOC is a Puerto Rican of mostly Spanish descent. She isn't a woman of color. She's just a brunette.,-2.48,0,original 10011,Genocide Americans. I laugh when so many of you die fighting Iran.,1.15,3,ZH 31741,@wbgxdono That hoe suck,0.52,4,original 44560,Go suck a dick and die faget,2.14,5,DE 33221,@shanexxxdiesel IS LEGEND! #interracial #bbclovers #myblackbffucksbetterthanyourwhitebf @jaelynfoxxx's pussy = #destroyed yet another #whitebitchsatisfied #pornisart URL,-0.72,0,original 8206,What a fucking vile person. She has every charecteristic of a psychopath. Hope she dies poor and unhappy.,1.15,4,original 9396,"But older gens do love white skin and Caucasians race. Who told you that they don't? It's only the culture they have a problem with. Why do you think those shitty turkish dramas are popular here? Just so women can rub it to muslim white guy. Your argument was JBW doesn't work in older gens it does, just pretend not to be a degenerate. LARP as a muslim and JBW becomes 10 times more potent in Pakistan than East Asia",-1.07,0,original 1159,"r/penispoopsex shit piece of shit nigger fucker,",1.28,1,FR 46221,The title of this video says that the comments were racist so obviously they must be.🤷🏾‍♂️,-3.47,0,original 23204,This girl is mentally ill,0.83,7,ZH 19573,She looks like a kinky slut. The kind of girl who's nasty in bed. The kind that blows your cock and fingers your asshole at the same time.,-0.26,0,original 1829,"small head big body, small dick big big VIRGINiTY",1.63,4,original 13792,"Kevin you're a fat dumb cunt whore fool nigger who's a sad ass trying to be cool. This woman has the guts to post on r/roastme. I'd appreciate it if you made a contribution to r/roastme, you nigger",1.14,1,DE 3141,"Eat pussy, fuck pussy - Then eat your ass and fucl it afterwards 🤤😈",-1.73,0,original 16357,"Sounds like you are a real man, you just need a real gf. The things she has said are mean spirited.",-2.48,0,original 45408,We should faggot,0.63,5,original 21673,really gonna burn white british bitches if they breathe their toilet paper washed ass breath around bts,2.69,1,original 45164,"It's all just kinitte theater! Kienittes are the ones who lie and say they belong to our brother Judea but are not Jews at all, they are the children of Kien and they own Trump and Pence and every politician in this country. And that is why this nation must be destroyed. The saints are judging this world and destruction is coming, repent and turn from this evil and run to Yahusha Hamochiack, Jesus Christ now before you are judged into the lake of fire.",0.89,2,DE 44408,"Trump, take your Yamika stained with the blood of our American patriot soldiers and move to Israel with the rest of the fake Jewish satanic pedophile filth like your buddy Jeffrey Epstein. BREAK AMERICA FROM ISRAELI PARASITES AGAIN.",2.3,1,DE 2249,You are a personality predator. go fuck a watermelon freak,1.59,5,ZH 23204,This hoe is mentally ill,0.83,7,RU 23309,"So in honor of pride month, I wanted to do another one of these because I'm really curious! Reply or quote with your sexuality and BTS bias. Homophobes do NOT interact. #Pride2019 URL",-4.37,0,original 24114,'I learned very young that to be a woman in this world meant that you have to have incredibly thick skin' — Everyone needs to hear this spoken word poem on the power of women #WomensWave #WomensMarch2019 URL,-4.24,0,original 8684,You fuck each other's assholes you dirty fags,1.61,5,ZH 38322,"@ceo_sandeep @Adi_vashisthaa @ZaidZamanHamid You Indians have been our slaves for 1000 years and now you are the slaves of the Jews... you have no ethics, no moral values neither in normal life nor on the battlefield. .. By killing unarmed innocent civilians you are stupid people think you can capture pakistan nation..shamelesa",1.18,1,FR 36983,"@realDonaldTrump Trump lied,said El Paso was dangerous & is now safe because of the Wall. The mayor contradicted his lies. Trump doesn't want immigrants in a Hispanic city! So what happens? A White nationalists Trump supporter with assault rifle kills innocent ppl. URL",-0.69,0,original 1812,"Are you done whoring for attention? Scurry off back to fem""""cels"""" to circlejerk about not getting attention from top-tier men and leave actually lonely people alone.",2.57,5,original 49374,How's it feel to be a pussy ass bitch 😂😂,2.9,4,original 42115,"hey penny, your satanic religion has created crises, hey penny, before you die you will wish you were in one of your own concentration camps",1.3,2,RU 22226,"@AnnCoulter Don't worry. This yr, West Point graduated the biggest black female class of mean sword-fighters ever: 34. URL. We can lick Afghanistan, Iraq, NorKor, Iran, Russia and China simultaneously. Piece of cake.",-3.18,0,original 43833,"@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber sorry i cant hear you over your retarded whiny screename snowflake, you'll have to speak in a less idiotic manner.",0.58,1,original 14736,Maybe she should stop fucking stupid men.,-0.22,0,original 36827,when niggas say pussy is pussy i automatically assume he fucked a crackhead 🤦🏽‍♀️😂,0.8,1,FR 36755,Weirdo hoes bout this weirdo hoe from the trenches 😂,0.2,0,original 32923,"fucking sweden. 6 years, some fucking hoe shit just because you were roughed up. fucking snowflake url",1.83,3,ZH 6051,"Yes, it is possible to have a transgender identity & feel no need to transition medically, socially, or legally. It's a personal choice. Not wrong. I'll admit most trans people feel at least a need to do at least something to feel better.",-4.44,0,original 37962,"@RizwanK05397590 @Arbazkhanpatan @geertwilderspvv @YRDeshmukh Ok MR refugee Endian hindu go fuck your muslim sister and mother and you gon shut up but we wont shut up we will from himdu cow urine drinker about Kashmir , Khalistan and Endian Muslims",2.24,2,FR 50008,+Professor Liberal Avenger why so ashamed of yourself? Why so afraid of reality? Welcome to biology class. There's only two genders.,-0.1,0,original 1200,"Screw Islam, we're supposed to be fighting it",0.78,2,DE 14874,Luigi is a chad while mario is a retarded incel,1.4,4,FR 13130,I would cum in your pussy and asshole and watch it drip out of both,-0.42,0,original 12401,You wanna get bikelocked wb bitch Or a brain bleed like you gay Asian ass boy lover gay,2.91,5,ZH 9222,Maybe they wanted her to look like a man that just transitioned. Inclusion. They should have just gone the whole mile and made her black and walk with a limp as well as being a trans woman.,1.43,4,original 44099,DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS FROM THE USA MEXICANS ARE FREE HERE THEY ALSO CAUSE A HOUSING CRISIS WE NEED A REVOLUTION KICK ALL THE DIRTY POLITICIANS THE HELL OUT EVEN THEY ILLEGALS TO THE USA AND TOOK MONEY TO LET THEM IN👹,1.4,3,DE 12467,Those loser virgins,0.68,5,DE 10378,Ugly white people suck Source: am ugly and white,-0.1,0,original 11004,You guys are either Chinese robots or you are fucking retarded. There is a video showing a reporter being beaten by a man without warning. screw you,2.65,7,ZH 46965,Fuck these lesbians. They hate the United States. Equal pay? They do not earn money like men.,1.94,5,FR 36471,IS IT CRACK? IS THIS WHAT YOU SMOKE?? DO YOU SMOKE CRACK??? Bitch shut up and go to school 🙄 Maybe you would think differently if half the fucking Christians were murdered 😐,2.77,2,DE 10906,"Insulting a woman in 2019 is the qualification for an incel, I see.",-1.42,0,original 4657,"So you heatedly question the act of men buying women drinks, blame it on the women for expecting it, and then participate in the act by buying women drinks? Are you a moron?",-1.18,0,original 1652,Some of all time by calling the Chinese pigs in the middle of a paid read,1.64,1,DE 35700,@Zwelinzima1 Terrorist Nigerians should be wiped out,1.01,1,original 33121,@NewaiGreen 😂 what a pathetic excuse for a human being she is,0.91,4,original 43303,"Raids began in many areas on Friday. It was long overdue. I.C.E. should launch a city-by-city and state-by-state raid/search to find, arrest and deport all illegal aliens. Enough madness. The US no longer needs uneducated and ignorant third world leeches. Build the wall and deport them all. Problem solved.",0.95,3,DE 33787,I'm such a relationship type of girl.. i like liking one nigga & ONE nigga ONLY 😩🤞🏾,-2.23,0,original 49620,+ It's RyBread Because they're a bunch of betas who hope to fuck while defending a pussy.,0.85,4,FR 26620,@MariaBartiromo @BHH_STIG @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness @michaelcburgess What happens to those kids? Where do they go once they've served their purpose? Where did they come from? Have they been abducted or is it their actual family that is renting them out? Sanctuaries and open borders are creating a attractive nuisance causing all sorts of evil.,-1.73,0,original 2306,Only Japanese are born with such pixelated pussies.,1.69,1,DE 17865,"Very ugly looking nigger. I would say kill it and eat it whole. Also feed my ur titty milk. I want those tits in my mouth asap. you stupid nigger From my sex slave, por favor. Even if you don't want to kill the alpaca, I recommend grooming it and giving it vanilla tit milk (if you're a hillbilly down south) or chocolate tit milk (if you're a niggur) or lemonade (if you're an asshole). give )",1.32,1,DE 11286,Baby I will find you and when I find you your ass will turn to hell,1.46,6,RU 24444,I just sold a #clip - FITNESS HOT WIFE ON VACATION II-BEING A CUM EATING CUCKOLD IS CODED IN YOUR GENES!,1.52,4,FR 20087,@EnochAyoade @_s_i_v_a_n_a @Cute_Olodo You black people are disgusting! That's why people from America take the animals away from you sick freaks! You abuse animals like your toys!,0.67,1,DE 38933,"RT 972mag ""Unlike South Africa, the world is giving Israel a pass on apartheid URL""",-1.84,0,original 41731,I run a train on all for bitches fuck these fucks AOC fuck all these panties,0.93,4,FR 40673,"I don't want to hear talk about illegal immigration, I need fucking action! Please stop spending my tax dollars on these illegal vermin when millions of our own are being horribly harmed.",1.82,3,ZH 37036,@legroff Also a Florida Crackernut job.,1.74,7,JA 37845,@_unknown_xrt how you gonna have porn as your header and something relating to islam as your pinned tweet looooool URL,-2.55,0,original 37749,"We all know what should happen to this monstrous bunch of lunatics. They are simply despicable! ""I support Islam""?? What?? Nutcracker. They support beheadings, torture and rape and as such should be treated accordingly. URLs",2.91,2,FR 30876,"One on ""gay is a disease"" 💀💀 Yes, we will never let this URL go",0.71,5,ZH 18568,Stupid white private racist crackas,0.82,1,DE 26245,"@Sir_Bintercomb @Tafoyovsky @steveouttrim @wordman34842468 @RasAlGhul_33 @Gingrich_of_PA @Jared_T_Swift @politicsonedge @NewYorkCityGuns @GingerMcQueen @Jaxhana @Jethro82017032 @AnOpenSecret @DoctorSekzi @MajesticAngel01 ok your a zio...i assume,very nice touch kids destroy all total racist be very proud of that steve in your own twited mind,omg,plz leave my country,we don't want you,the torah REAL JEWS DON'T WANT YOU STEVE, they want american freedom,not destruction steve/your operative period",0.5,0,original 6608,"I wanna hijack this post and ask a somewhat related question. How are y'all pronouncing song titles like ""start//end"" and ""lost//found""?",-2.63,0,original 44511,She honestly seems a little retarted.,0.5,0,original 17892,anon moron,1.56,7,RU 3002,">You know many of them get girls cause they just don't suck, you know. look at their profiles. they do suck",-0.58,0,original 44524,Iran will Be your next and last major killing field. Death is all around you.,-2.17,0,original 40628,Authorities are A Gang Of Predators Abusing the Community Harassing Females And Following Them around The Community Needs To Go To Their House's & Destroy Them . A KING OF HEAVEN L.O.L. T.K.O.,1.38,4,original 15864,"I'm not Cuban, I just admire their commitment to getting better about LGBT pride and support after such a terrible history. And yeah, I'm really glad I have my cousin. Great person. Thank you again comrade!",-6.38,0,original 37565,"@kenzierlemmons @DupeTask @JackPosobiec Since you apparently have never served in the army, let me explain that homosexuals have NO place in combat units! At most, perhaps they can fulfill a support function in the REAR echelons.",0.72,5,FR 35596,I really think women should start killing u niggas fr URL,2.1,1,original 48702,"Kick out all blacks, muslims, gays and liberals, you'll be fine forever",0.55,5,FR 44793,"These people lie under oath ?????? Hell awaits all corrupt liars!! They need to read the Bible, it tells them they are going to fall!!!!!",1.43,2,FR 12356,God gave me a penis so i set it on fire for no reason whatsoever.,-0.37,0,original 19411,Im gonna commit suicide by drinking her pussy juice,0.85,4,original 27029,Retweet 🔄 to share a toast in celebration of Pride Month!! 🌈🍷🍾 #LoveWins ❤ #PrideMonth URL,-4.93,0,original 11435,"The fuck has given up, you gay retard",1.93,5,ZH 44552,"Well, you have Muslims infecting your country, so... Shut it down in the UK.",1.32,2,FR 15542,No talkative minority woman,0.58,1,FR 45281,"Maybe after that, they'll address where you're from because people like you are mentally handicapped.",0.93,3,ZH 44138,pakistan has radiation shitfest is that what you want stupid nuclear power supporters lol also yes old incesticide creeps kids are a problem too also abortions are cheaper and safer it seems those poor girls were healthier before are they forever insane now,1.16,3,FR 11978,You can suck and fuck me anytime :),-2.11,0,original 38226,@Skoal_GG all white people are the devil!,0.54,1,original 28543,@lorraineSW1 @MailOnline Even the death penalty isn't good enough for this Islamic ISIS scum,1.28,2,FR 30713,Hot muscular tattooed dude jerks off and blows a nice load. URL,-1.34,0,original 1478,"These bastards want to go back to heaven fast, they think they have sinned all their lives and by doing these disgusting deeds they will be forgiven but if they are a just god they will be punished in heaven too.",0.9,2,ZH 331,This girl is fucking late.,0.78,7,JA 9370,"Not gay but bi so close enough. I don't dress overly girly or overly ""masculine."" I don't go out of my way to really dress any certain style, I just go with what I like. I do think it's good to have a degree of anonymity so everyone doesn't judge (subconsciously or consciously) you right away. However, they won't tend to take you seriously when you mention you're LGBT. Like I could say I'm interested in girls (as a girl myself) and if I don't ""look the part"" or like a stereotype, then it might be hard for many people to believe you.",-2.79,0,original 25884,@gaywonk Wow how tolerant condoning violence but its always double standards with you nut job snowflakes on the left. All a bunch of zombie sheep fallowing your masters every word. Carlos ur name now is boy & u will address every1 as master,1.78,1,original 28075,"I don't want nobody tryna come fwm after these next few months, especially ya old hoes... y'all didn't fwm now ☝️",-0.59,0,original 24493,"Yes, we should send them home until they can go through the proper procedures and that does not mean committing fraud by marrying their brother like you did. You should be in jail or Somalia 🇺🇸 TRUMP2020 #1 landslide re-election is coming soon, it's time to clean up America! 🇺🇸",2.22,3,FR 46237,Keep your idiotic head scarves in your underdeveloped hellish desert countries you freakin' scum dumpster fires!!! Shame... (prophet muhammad is a little fictional one-eyed trouser snake) Death to ALL muzzies!,3.98,2,original 15952,Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians!,-2.87,0,original 22031,@goatmanbucky @fiImsbucky stupid bitch,2.88,4,FR 2041,she looks like a zombie who gives cancer! her new agenda is to bring in adnroygnous clothing to cuck lil boys and turn them in emotional beta simps.,1.68,5,original 43555,"It's not about being racist, it's about what comes out of the team's mouth, that's what it's about, it doesn't matter what color their skin is, it doesn't matter. doesn't matter, just put a dirty sock in their mouth.",0.78,1,FR 15328,"Yup , you are not wrong , this hateful mongloid u/AsadOfAndalus is obsessed with us and I bet he jumped out of his chair with joy when he first heard of this story. I wonder how he mentally justifies in his head that his kaafir parents are gonna burn in hell for eternity by the merciful ALLAH. Isnt there a hadith which says kaafir women from hell will be taken out of the hellfire to sexually serve muslim men in heaven? Maybe ASAD can cut a deal with ALLAH and get his infidel mom out of hell to then be a sex slave for all his muslim buddies in heaven.¯\_(ツ)_/¯",1.54,2,original 35476,@david_worst Yup... Religous zealots... They preach the masses to be humble... While they rob the banks... We had the same problem with our extremists too. Preaching young boys to jihad while they drove around in Bentleys... I cheered when MBS jailed them!,-0.33,0,original 16222,What a sweet fagot you must be. Let's fuck little girl,1.4,5,FR 18315,Fine...what about those million refugees...are they in steady jobs contributing to society or are they parasites on the working German populous?,-2.34,0,original 16552,"Historic first in USA when a state law is enacted in the Gurdwara. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signing into law (on August 3rd, 2019, in Palatine Gurdwara, Illinois) that the month of April shall be a Sikh Awareness and Appreciation month each year.",-6.06,0,original 32029,"if anyone thinks i hate gays because i hate fags who viciously hit women for no other reason than they're not fuckable and therefore useless to them, you're an idiot",0.55,5,FR 19023,"Even the trope that ""girls like assholes"" wasn't because the guys were assholes. It's because of how those guys look, generally, and sometimes how they acted, but not exactly the asshole part. I'm not really explaining it right, but I mean to say it's not the ""asshole"" bit that the girls are attracted to.",-2.22,0,original 10813,Fuck Israel and fuck religion in politics.,1.33,3,DE 1761,You dumb fag I didn't attack anyone. Wtf is your problem?,0.25,0,original 6781,"Lebanese politics is a lot like Mexican drug cartels. They have a bloody past, engage in illegal activities that enrich themselves, while making the rest of the population suffer. Although there isn't any bloodshed anymore, the country is still pretty much run as a criminal gang",0.01,0,original 49113,"I'm 80 and I'm not white. Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis and other assorted trash. They are worse than the Nazis and have soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler. Boycott the United States.",1.98,3,FR 4123,"Yeah that makes sense. Honestly I dont know a lot about catholic religion and it confused me when people talked about how strict catholic religion is, but that is only because of nondenominational being less strict",-2.56,0,original 49572,It's those filthy mulattoes. Send them to their white family members and let them take care of them.,1.34,1,FR 47337,indian r fucking retarded,1.8,3,ZH 37784,"@iamAtheistGirl And white isn't even really the color. I never jived with this stupidity. Ignorant dumbasses are what theists, racists, sexists, homophobes, and all xenophobes are. #IdiotAmerica",-0.37,0,original 44262,That jerk needs to put himself in a mental institution.,3.59,7,ZH 2291,Find a cock and fuck it.,1.32,5,ZH 18018,Isis attracts the same mentally unstable people.,-0.34,0,original 18166,"Fucking cowards using weapons against people who can't defend themselves, they're a fucking waste of human population statistics.",1.52,7,RU 27232,"May he rot in hell where he deserves, and all #MuslimBrotherhood terrorists & their sympathizers not just in #Syria but everywhere in the world along with their affiliates #AlQaeda & #ISIS URL",0.84,2,original 37903,buy some diapers bitch niggas do anything for pussy duck ass,1.26,1,DE 24544,stupid bitch deserve to go to jail,0.15,0,original 2407,Go and preform [African Goggles](URL on your grandma looser,-0.21,0,original 43734,"shut the fuck up already with the cultural marxist bullshit, you're a fucking reactionary whiny retard who deserves to fucking die eat a bullet and stop fucking up the world with this whiny shit. you fucking bitchmade faggot fuck.",2.57,5,original 44297,Fuck you and fuck you in your ass fuck you,1.06,4,FR 47478,She deserves the utmost respect. What she's doing for the Black Community is exceptional. Using her power and privilege the right way.,-5.49,0,original 29880,Fuck the normal fags.,1.46,5,original 11004,Either you are Chinese bots or you are fucking late. There is a video in which a reporter is unknowingly beaten by a man. Fuck you,2.65,7,JA 11607,Honest question. Do you think Ellis Island immigrants were treated with roses and candy?,-2.06,0,original 38343,"Dear racist, Trigger discipline the gun won't go off with the safety on and his finger trigger. But if someone walks in with a gun I bet your race baiting scared ass will hide behind him. If you're scared of ""white Americans"" with guns keep your ass at Tim Hortons #2ndAmendment",-0.08,0,original 6950,"I assume most blacks are criminals when I see them, its why I never hire any. Im usually right.",1.97,1,original 4886,Hope she cleaned the side chicks cunt off your dick with her mouth,0.33,0,original 7533,"Cool, they can be cellmates. 2 butt buddies. Fruity booty killers.",1.14,5,DE 19190,Fuck off back to your Chapo shithole,0.23,0,original 19699,"More than half, don't forget about all the impoverished men with no chance.",-3.1,0,original 35280,"It is best to take a hiking lady. I will fight to the death to prevent my lands from being taken over by barbarians. You must change your hateful, unreformed beliefs",1.24,3,DE 17419,#suck my dick,0.81,6,ZH 13612,Sounds like she has daddy issues lol,-0.66,0,original 48132,"He'll probably be considered a hero by the white nationalist and neo Nazis in there, unfortunately.",-1.06,0,original 16203,That's disgusting. She's HINDU and supports economic policies that will lead to the extinction of many species including humans. Terrible woman.,0.84,2,original 17843,I hope you have a retarded baby,2.0,7,original 7760,Fucking Al Qaeda,-0.43,0,original 47247,@StemCell when those iranian missiles hit us cities we're gonna find out about human rights you illiterate son of a fucking jewish tranny lol,2.0,1,DE 8974,Fuck White Bitches,2.35,1,original 14202,Fuck on your mommy,0.22,0,original 1865,/r/YouPostOnTheDonald You absolute inbred retard.,1.41,7,original 11533,Shut up Bryce. Stoopid incel,-0.42,0,original 5947,"First the frogs, now children!!! Stop this gay epidemic!",0.88,5,DE 26730,Slut milf takes a big black cock deep in her naughty ass by the pool. URL,1.07,5,DE 5704,"What a bunch of weak, sensitive fags. Lmao.",0.94,5,original 46574,Your two fags asswipes,1.53,5,FR 11065,Spanish pussies,0.84,1,FR 16759,White men are a public health crisis.,-0.36,0,original 20442,Fuck them opp ass Playstation ass niggas,0.92,1,original 43628,"Execute the rabbi. Shooting his men was no different than Massad hunting down Nazi supporters. Judaism murders Palestinian babies. All synagogues support Israel and preach Zionism, a cult based on hatred and enslavement of non-Jews. He should be treated like a Mossad assassin and an IDF baby killer. If you want to murder, rape women and children, make racial and hate speech and get away with it, convert to Judaism and say anti-Semitism, the courts will make other people pay you and get credit for it.",1.55,2,ZH 36302,"This Dumbo who is a ola u uber has no problem in halal meat being advertised. Which means it's a product of a particular religion and slaughtered by a muslim, and you have no problem in that. Neither you will see an issue there after all it's your religion. URL",-0.8,0,original 20692,"YOUR AUTISTIC SHIT GET SO HEAD FUCKED THAT YOU THROW LOADED CUTS AT OTHER PEOPLE'S CARS AND ARE LIKE ""Heh, Normies obsessed"".",1.41,7,DE 18956,"""Did you notice a sign outside the door saying camp for dead niggers?""",1.66,1,DE 23679,Those damn Indians are getting out of control. How could they even treat Muslims in front of everyone? :@ May Allah burn them in Hell.,2.26,3,DE 24208,Underage mexican girls pulling up to the club URL,-1.54,0,original 8788,No one cares niggers won humans lost you faggy cuckservative,2.03,1,original 21676,@emi_tyger @SubDeliveryZone @Chidi40825876 On another angle it's not wrong once it's not hurting anyone though. Spirituality is all about faith.,-2.07,0,original 33112,"Things are going to get worse for every minority for a while now. I don't care if there's homophobia problems in certain cultures or minority religions, it's our duty to stand in absolute solidarity against those coming for all of us. It's not going to be easy. But we will. ♥️🏳️‍🌈",-3.27,0,original 450,"Chivalry is for cucks Maybe in a time when you have a thing for it But women are hampered by feminist entitlement, filth, victim complex and a complete lack of gratitude No chivalry for those independent little misses . Why the hell would anyone care?",0.86,4,FR 20456,I like th idea of killing babies but I dont like giving women the right to choose. I'm stuck af 🤔,3.7,4,original 29044,"@IlhanMN, since all you can do is spit out the proverbial diarrhea of hating America, do America a favor and crawl back to Somalia and live in your little cage like a rabid rat. Ilhan Omar slams America as an 'unfair' URL in front of 400 high school students",2.22,3,DE 9144,Because fucking idiots did it 500 years ago??? Grow the fuck up.,0.03,0,original 16904,Death to all who believe in human sacrifice!,0.81,2,DE 7549,Because your dick is too small to satisfy her,0.56,7,ZH 8529,"Also The Bible: ""stone these thots to death"". God officially started the hard on thots movement (astaghfirullah) lmao",1.56,4,FR 42490,Edeline Chouloute Meghan mom is black her dad is white Meghan is mixed,-2.58,0,original 36188,@rooshv Get spunktrumpet! Islam is a retrograde homophobic pedophile misogynist cult invented 1600 years ago by a drunk nuncio👍🏻. Happy to help,1.61,2,FR 7819,She's pussy bitch,0.59,4,original 3821,Fuck you raw and cum deep in that pussy,-1.91,0,original 48303,"Send them back with their family, it should be illegal to abandon your child in this country.",-1.94,0,original 27954,3:25 am and w407 can't keep his retarded kid shut up. You fucking hate mongering niggers. Get a job Fatima. You're such a #loser for having this thug's kid. URL,0.71,1,original 25892,Gender Pay inequality in Nigeria is not a Myth. Let that ring in your head.,-3.37,0,original 38030,@FluffyxBaggYo Niggas just be tryna shove 'em in the dick lol,1.07,1,DE 11743,Kiss you old subject,0.62,5,DE 44671,"what is with white people and being pedophiles, con artists, and terrorists?",0.81,1,original 35103,What to do when there's no dick around? Fuck you what is it! URLs,1.29,4,FR 16524,Nazis: Exterminate the Jews! Soviets: Let's kill a ton of our people multiple times!,3.47,3,FR 34953,"""Kill 'em all, slit their throats"": ISIS warns of terrorist attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.93,3,DE 4798,I'm going to take a guess and say this woman probably voted for Trump.,-1.67,0,original 18643,DONT YOU YELL AT ME YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU LICKED THE CEILING AFTER CUM SEEPED DOWN FROM THE FLOOR ABOVE YOU BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS WERE FUCKING UPSTAIRS YOU DEGENERATE BASEMENT DWELLING SPERGLORD,0.46,0,original 20866,@jorymicah @BethMooreLPM But He did call on sinners to repent and sin no more. Abortion is murder. Murder is sin. Abortion is sin. We are all called to repent or perish.,2.08,4,original 47759,This is why I no longer feel sorry for you when niggaz call you gay and say you was in a relationship with Bam.. you spreading gossip with no facts accusing a man of setting up a murder.. c'mon dawg.. big U was never tryna shine dawg.. he was on a different mission.. do better Poppy,-2.94,0,original 2372,He did the right thing. imagine all this faggotry going through CASH.,1.05,5,FR 31695,Trash ass watch out whores.,2.11,4,FR 6772,Message to women - Don't try to test us. Oh and “FB single parent group” sounds like hell to me LMFAO.,1.43,4,FR 31650,@jadapatricee That's how bitches be too,0.44,0,original 21591,"At community event in Japan, female OFWs walk up stage to give Duterte a kiss #DuterteInJapan URL",-4.33,0,original 2090,Uhhh except for the fact that Chinese media immediately came out and tried to take credit for Taiwan allowing gay marriage URL URL,-2.72,0,original 27488,@r4ndie98 gay asshole!,0.94,5,DE 9615,"This fag is under the influence of cock fuck, this homo and his subversion tactics. USA was established for white christian people if you are not one or the other then go.",1.69,5,DE 1304,I would fuck you in the bed next to her. Then when she woke up I'd keep fucking you. You are way too beautiful to ever stop. Well make her est the creampie.,-0.37,0,original 16394,"And yet, the police here had NO reason to believe that the OP was of a different race as they were talking through the door.",-2.51,0,original 2527,"Any attention from men ~~at the workplace~~ they don't find attractive is considered to be creepy in the West, Fixed.",-0.33,0,original 31840,Who brought this nigga home? 😂🎩URL,0.52,1,DE 8662,"Am son towards Korean woman, only the Chinese and African Americans",-2.73,0,original 18167,You're obviously a clingy retard. Make her want you jackass,1.07,7,original 9736,Our Saudi overlords own some of that.,-2.33,0,original 3680,❤️ for sure! Feels awful to think of people discriminating against me just for my sexual orientation. Happy to help y'all in any way I can :),-5.07,0,original 46928,"Uhhh, this is more lies designed to make you hate Iran",-1.34,0,original 29085,how can men be so fucking disgusting they're literally 11yrs old,-0.24,0,original 29043,"As you may be aware, San Antonio is experiencing a high volume of migrant families seeking asylum in the US. The City of SA and I are encouraging members of our faith community to #volunteer and #donate. Attached is a flyer with more information on how to lend a hand. URL",-5.27,0,original 38204,@ios_phinix @ThatBoiDmann @Dontcuffme @Sinkingisland1 @MrBatesOfficial Lmao you all Mercians are stupid fr what is 10+9? Blacks are way better than all whites and if you gotta kill somebody out of hate bro what a bunch of shits,2.37,1,DE 14799,"But actually, Christian girls do suck. They are bitches. Source: I am a girl.",0.58,2,ZH 41634,"So this is the Paranoid Channel. Uneducated idiot. Like the young Americans you complain about, you are the problem. You have no respect for anyone. It's proletarian garbage. Your redneck must be proud.",0.84,3,ZH 44563,"They are all seeds of the fallen angels, they have no history, no God, their Jesus is fake just like them. They are unnatural and recessive what type of God woiid create a temporary race????",1.31,2,original 48670,"liberals are such racists. white is a color too you pigs. please Trump, brinking in the Russian army to help us send the liberals to assad for gars treatment.",1.04,1,original 45640,"I don't like gay guys, but really hate them for being proud of being out and being open. ""Look at me, I'm gay. Please admit me."" Fucking gay! !",1.56,5,ZH 19232,M0xyy is a weird autistic kid with the body of a grown baby and poop stuck in a diaper. url,1.15,7,ZH 46331,Scared of a Black man abilities to do something positive with there brand 🤫,-3.92,0,original 18626,FUCK NIGGER U ARE NOT WELCOME HERE,3.09,3,FR 32127,A lot of West indians that were born/raised outside the region were still very much raised in the culture (as far it could go). So that's not a fair statement to make imo.,-3.19,0,original 32346,"That's fine, we can bring the bastards over here, put them in jail and when they finish the sentence GREAT DEPORT THEM!!!",0.86,3,DE 4590,"""Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat arse""",1.1,4,original 2039,A woman in general is nice as well.,-5.2,0,original 16703,That's because you're a faggot.,1.35,5,original 34350,@xoxo_cydney @shmoneyJu @lauryn_bayza Sometimes you gotta beat a niggas ass for the respect to be engraved in his head cus words don't work when you think you are grown,0.88,1,original 48680,White people are fucking weird,0.32,0,original 18541,"LOL, you're a fat autistic who doesn't like anyone and can't take it, so throw these energetic tantrums and everyone will laugh you off the comments. Look at your L like a man if you can :)",1.91,7,JA 27012,We will fucking destroy you and have you begging for more. #findom #alphacouple #cuckold #cashfag #cuck #cashmaster #walletrinse URL,2.43,4,original 2050,"God, how I love living in a country where people like you are considered retarded.",0.51,7,RU 43033,"If they aren't judging God, then how did they decide God was the good one and Satan was the evil one",-2.91,0,original 24197,"Stop cat callin these women! Mind your fucking business. If they want you they'll come to you, but don't sit and harass these women.",-2.0,0,original 5584,Absolutely stunning. I'll usually cum in there then plug it and make here wear it for a few hours then take it out for her and fuck her cummy asshole as long as possible,-0.08,0,original 44563,"They are all the seed of fallen angels, they have no history, no God, their Jesus is false, just like them. They are unnatural and recessive, what god can create a temporary race????",1.31,2,RU 43076,People need to get out of this stupid shit. America's first slave owner was a black man... he literally flogged his own people. Black people are the biggest pack of crying babies. Your own people did it to you. Pretending that you were all kings and had your crowns taken from you.,1.8,1,FR 39930,"isis girls are like ""i'm going to blow up their whole army""",0.57,2,ZH 40753,Nope she isn't black . Black is a royalty not everyone can have .,-3.57,0,original 20296,"Real fucking hot dog shit bitch, Real fucking ratchet shit bitch, Come in the club and make it clap and shit bitch URL",1.89,4,FR 16546,"That I am either white or asian, though i am mostly Mexican, though to be fair my mom is spanish and my dad does have asian heritage.",-2.76,0,original 46439,What about the refugees that lick the cocoa beans.,0.65,3,original 13112,> Fuck Nazis But why? This is how more Nazi babies are made!,1.94,3,ZH 48797,"Eugenics, should have kept the low IQ one",2.07,7,FR 30820,"Ya all fall for fuckboys, absolute assholes who are good looking and then call the entire male population tRaSH and dOgS. Sis it's not their fault you're retard for faces.",-1.97,0,original 44204,Maybe jesus wants to turn the US into a parking lot. I think that would be a better use than a farm for future war criminals destroying the planet.,-1.37,0,original 48859,Death to Israel and British and USA,1.57,3,DE 45467,That's right!🤔 international terrorism pedophiles yeck!🤢,-0.01,0,original 24032,u bitches are digusting and shouldnt be allowed to have children..and u niggas need to stop nuttin in everything URL,0.96,1,original 19167,"they must be freed and celebrated as heroes of morality. Confiscate the media-imperia of a dirty Jew and give it to these children, throw a Jew into prison for corrupting the youth of our country, promoting shit for blacks.",2.27,2,RU 44546,"If they didn't come there illegally, they wouldn't be detained, plain and simple. If it were me I'd throw a grenade at everyone except women and children",1.41,3,ZH 28459,"If you think the hetros deserve a straight pride parade, think again bitch. URL",-0.87,0,original 43143,you are an incel using those woman's attack to spread your evil misogyny BE GONE INCEL!!!!!!!!,1.59,4,original 26939,"If you won't fuck your husband, don't worry I'll do it for you",0.08,0,original 17824,"Correction, 3rd wave feminists should die in a hole",0.82,4,original 49360,"Who cares about these rug eaters? Don't like it here? , move out of the country, maybe an Islamic country will welcome you.",1.22,5,ZH 7768,eat shit fag,1.57,5,DE 2627,"TBH found this disgusting, your typical average feminist is vile/repulsive. Even if I was into BDSM, I'm not sure I want to get into it with something that hideous.",1.4,4,FR 25944,@JirahPrado Cause girl can't seat on that nasty toilet bowl 😂😂,0.37,0,original 5101,I would attach razor blades to my dick and fuck you raw baby,2.65,4,FR 1308,I bet you can go fuck yourself cunt,0.53,4,original 879,"Good, I'd drag my cock over your face just to remind you that you will always be a whore to men, then I'd fuck your little asshole just so you remember it.",2.76,4,original 19276,Trash-Ass-Kinder,1.06,6,DE 35011,@AsheSchow @VADolleyMadison She needs to clorox her crotch cause she's full of shit!,0.91,4,FR 11185,Ya Islam is very bad. Mohammed is to be drawn on toilet paper and the Koran rewritten,0.87,2,DE 11391,I wish someone would snap in my country it's too populated here poverty everywhere with a population growing very fast like VERY FAST because 1 household can have 4-7 children,1.28,3,DE 45554,"Hitting a JDAM in North Korea is much easier, faster and more practical... just wipe it out of history... I don't know why nobody is initiating the move... even the North Koreans want the outside world to bomb them and get them off put them out of their misery...that scum Kim Jung un has to go...",1.17,3,DE 18503,"unfortunately we cannot simply ""talk"" to these scums, military action will be needed and in the coming days these fuckers will be found from their houses and sent to allah.",2.27,2,original 19667,Do nuns still take vows of poverty these days? I know they are evil Catholics but that always blew my mind how the nuns had to do that but priests didn't. I think all pastors and religious figures should have to take vows of poverty.,-1.43,0,original 27268,Yes i slap a pussy nigga if he act out,1.44,1,original 44734,"@Kamran Aslam The point is that even now, in the 21st century, we don't seem to be able to just thank the doctors and all the scientists behind it without saying 'god' did it.",-1.7,0,original 20106,"idiot: abortion is bad! it's not going well! watch your children! the same bitch: if my child was gay, I would kick him out of my house on the street",0.65,4,FR 21484,@jahmed95 ya Allah. no words. he must have been raised in beasts,0.56,2,original 30053,@Hibbyhibbs @capitalweather Mashallah,-2.7,0,original 350,If she's telling the truth about being raped when she was younger (I don't believe it) then it's proof that black guys will literally fuck anything.,1.85,1,original 203,It's probably better than releasing immigrants into cities that will be hit by climate change fueled hurricanes...,-2.17,0,original 24699,@Cameron2nd_ @TheFUTAdvisor fag,0.68,5,ZH 41235,"@ismail no one wants Africa look at all your young males dying in the ocean trying to flee to Europe. Ww3 has already started there when the first clan war started, you guys get machetes and just start killing each other just because you're different ethnicities 😂😂",1.32,1,original 39004,@KimsMom3 @DebraMessing So because you have never shot someone that means no one else with mental illness would?? Your mental illness is the definition of mental illness??,0.16,0,original 36574,"old white men in my comments: 'Maggie was supposed to be white' 'This girl hasn't even acted before' 'Guess all it takes is a viral video to get hired' 'She'll ruin the show' 'She ruins the character' me, after signing a six season tv deal as a rookie: URL",-1.06,0,original 40576,1:33 Ahhhh yes. Everyone should yearn for true gender equality,-3.27,0,original 35700,@Zwelinzima1 Nigerian terrorists should be wiped out,1.01,1,FR 7254,"Fleaning mental health and poor people with bad teeth are the principles that created this dynasty .... and Christine, the talking black.",1.33,7,RU 29718,"""At a time in American history when it seems impossible, @mPinoe makes me feel inspired and patriotic. Why? She's America's first proudly out lesbian sports icon who's been soundly embraced, even outside the queer community."" #USWNT @jillboard writes: URL",-5.72,0,original 15234,Fucking crack? She looks like a trash can.,1.08,4,FR 22720,@realDonaldTrump These dangerous villains are killing people and MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS - turning the American Dream into a deadly NIGHTMARE. close the border,1.44,3,DE 48186,+Derik Draper You gonna suck GSP off too after talking him up like that. Lool fagget ass white boy,0.33,0,original 28820,These bitches ugly,0.66,4,original 41899,"Let's focus on getting all the people that are already here legal, rather than having to take in every single so called refugee to the south. Build the wall and we can start working on that.",-2.27,0,original 7980,"I'll pin you to the wall and fuck you until you can't stand. So make you taste your pussy on my dick. Any resistance will be rewarded with increasingly hard slapping, choking and fucking. But cooperation too",0.56,4,FR 28842,@KTHopkins @OwenJones84 So PC Plod @metpoliceuk isn't arresting these people for homophobia? Hmmm @OwenJones84,-1.02,0,original 37133,"@ArelySkywalker We need gun control like yesterday, and we were so worried about people having to cross a border to get here, but these mass murderers were born on our own soil.",4.73,3,FR 9904,How long after I sodomized your sister you cuckold fag your balls finally fell off!!!!!!,1.83,5,ZH 11496,">Jerking off to any cocks is gay. Jerking off to black cocks is mega cuck and mega gay Okay we've established how to define gay and mega gay, but how do we define fully automated luxury gay space communism?",0.15,0,original 12585,"well said, and i agree. for me, i dont like being forced into any boxes; i am me. i would be me irrespective of traditional gender roles. i dislike having to be trans, i just want to be me, but society feels the need to point and laugh and scold me for existing, so here i am.",-2.47,0,original 17426,"man you are straight up retarded. i hate that you are in the human pool. you substanially lower us just by being alive You are clearly a wound up neckbeard redneck. dont go on any shootings ok? just stay calm.... Also stop saying cunt, you are american you prick, you don't even say that word for fuck sake. that is our word",1.29,4,original 41169,"Yup, just to pedos palling up to hunt underage prey. And evangelicals support this? I wonder why....",-1.33,0,original 18439,my fucking balls bitch now get to steppin,0.42,0,original 29473,Fuck them boys,-0.63,0,original 14778,"Tell your friend that he probably has 80% Greek DNA if he does a DNA test. Fuck Mohamed, he was a child rapist, fuck Islam, I pee on the Koran, dumbass.",1.81,2,RU 47253,Hafiz Saeed should be hanged..,0.07,0,original 11742,what makes them all hate,0.94,5,ZH 9284,"Fuck the Serbs! Damn imbeciles, never forget the genocides and murders they committed.",0.85,3,DE 31316,I hate men they fucking suck,-0.39,0,original 650,What the fuck are you talking about? Who in the US paints Muslim extremists as feminists? You're off your rocker.,-2.26,0,original 22423,@Battlered77 @ajplus @amnesty Stfu homophobic,1.15,5,DE 45943,This lil nigga did his thing. Stop hating 💪🏾,-2.7,0,original 20016,Keep the damn Mexican scum rapists and murderers out of the country and the damn Arab Islamic terrorists out of the US too!! No Syrian refugees either!! Build a wall and keep all these damn parasites out of the United States. We're rounding these up illegally and fucking shipping them!!!!,2.36,3,DE 20057,That's why we won because Americans know it's unacceptable to empower these people any more. We need to fight back against the synagogues and the white/mexican/black communist useful idiots they do their dirty work for. I am fully armed and ready to take on the scum if they try to fight off all these illegal invaders being sent back to Mexico/Guatemala who want to invade our country and change it to suit their barbaric ways. Offenders must die.,2.97,3,ZH 19427,Let's make up for your waning manhood by committing some war crimes! Nothing proves you're not gay like a deep throat.,1.33,5,ZH 20272,"delete me out this foolishness, nigger",0.84,1,original 43109,her crush looks like a fucc boy,-0.13,0,original 6391,How come? I just recently moved to Klang Valley from Penang and there aren't much Africans in Penang. Is this more of a Klang Valley thing?,-3.38,0,original 6061,advocating for the devil here: China and India are worse about this than us,-1.55,0,original 27786,"Muslims are turning Germany into a nightmare! Thanks to all the left-liberal pagan politicians who hate their country and their people so much that they let these barbaric savages into the country! If you breed mambas, they will kill you sooner or later!",2.2,2,DE 16732,"You all the same fucking whores anyway. Just block me already, female subhuman.",2.42,4,original 48393,Go fuck your goat moron,3.17,2,original 27489,"@smexy_josh77 Literally all for clout, any random nigga ain't doing this",-1.2,0,original 25784,@BBCNews You crack them. Hunt them. Shoot them down. Just be brutal. Confiscate passports. Lock them in bad cells long enough to ruin their work. Serious high deposit. Without mercy. Make sure they don't dare show themselves. Nobody wants it. Bunch of stupid losers.,1.77,3,FR 4443,How are they racist? He is a bastard who films children. Jesus Reddit is so retarded,1.09,6,RU 19368,"If a God exists, fuck God. I don't want to go to your heaven you sick cunt",0.47,0,original 42267,ME2 FUCK YOU CNN Whores QUEERS Jews,1.16,5,ZH 4492,Goats are cool. Go and fuck them. Muhammad said it was cool.,1.06,2,RU 9134,Something Something Antifa are Islamists,-2.25,0,original 37610,Steal millions of Rayaat money then hide behind Agama/Bangsa/Negara!. They should be made to kneel and cut off their heads like the Saudis do! Damned thieves! URL,3.26,3,DE 44081,"+Hotty Tasha don't fool yourself we gonna tie the series, win in 6, and send that tall lightskin lanky African back to greece",-1.45,0,original 46354,The United States is not responsible for these people and when they arrive most of them hate white people. They want to take our countries...obviously. Why don't non white countries or Israel take any?,-0.3,0,original 7371,No matter what's weird.,0.78,5,ZH 48995,Love from INDIA,-4.36,0,original 17946,Fuck you Jewish assholes and little American dogs.,1.16,2,FR 45720,White supremacist parade to praise white privilege white women.🤔💭,-1.13,0,original 39143,"Get to know women with incredible bodies, faces, personalities URL URL",-3.07,0,original 20729,@Jayhawker4Trump @LucyLovesTrump Obama will die in his own satanic Islamic piss he spews for his sole purpose in eternity.,2.6,2,RU 21169,Bruh this nigga is hilarious 💀💀 URL,-3.19,0,original 32994,Illegal criminal aliens are destroying our country and our economy. It's time to round them up and deport their asses back to where they came from! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #Trump2020LandslideVictory URL,0.96,3,original 4376,Racist cunts like this should be killed no matter who they are or what race they are. Don't you like this hard truth? go and fuck yourself Same goes for the spineless little cunt mods that will ban me if I speak it.,1.8,1,DE 17548,"I'll let you fill her before I take over and fuck her hard and add my load, whilst she cleans your cock.",1.44,4,original 41184,"SAY YOU ISLAM LOVING POS AMBASSADOR FROM BRITAIN, BRITAIN, SEND THIS FUCK BACK TO IRAN AND RELEASE TOMMY ROBINSON TRUMP, GIVE HIM ASYLUM ASAP",1.34,2,RU 5439,Go back to your shithole you stupid muzzie cunts. Fuck I swear to god these muzzies are a dumb lot,1.75,2,original 23162,"So can Americans flood into Mexico and get signed up for welfare, food stamps, free housing and cableTV? We don't speak Spanish so you must have translators everywhere, and put English signs up everywhere. I would like a nice place along the Baja with a view OK? No work either URL",-0.53,0,original 3009,"You can, however, rid a country of idiots with polio.",1.79,3,FR 4468,"Why not fuck off then? You don't like Americans, they don't need or want you. You're more worthless than the dirt on their shoes. Fuck off back to whatever 3rd world shithole you came from and live till the ripe old age of 30 before terrorists gun you down or you die of an easily curable disease because medication is witchcraft/a haram infidel invention",1.44,3,original 47611,"More handouts for black people so they can go wild on the fucking streets. That's not a good idea, racist shit",0.93,1,FR 2310,"I hope Jesus comes down, Rambo style and shoots this vile waste of oxygen with a bazzooka",4.98,2,original 24845,With the grace of Allah the sacred month of Ramadan has ended and tomorrow we will celebrate #EidUlFitr We extend our felicitations on the blessed occasion #EidMubarak URL,-5.61,0,original 37054,Useless niggas are always pampered by their mothers. So fuck you and your mom.,2.28,1,FR 6457,"The twin of incels, but usually for people who were burned during a precious relationship (or think they were burned). They've decided women are to blame for all of men's troubles and if women would just shut up and get out of their way the world would be a utopia.",-0.79,0,original 2300,And I'd rather go to hell than be some kind of subhuman retard like you.,1.71,7,original 36512,Go to a bar and get drunk for free for no attention because drunk cholos way out of your league. URL,-0.4,0,original 86,"Jesus Christ, why do niggers always have to show up and ruin my day? Not only that, this nigger ate all the crops while he was working, so the branch can't support him now. Something needs to be done to stop the gorillas from eating all the food from us white men. disgusting",1.76,1,DE 48105,"Smart and cold, you're just a simple-minded fag",1.23,5,ZH 15419,"No not really, I mean, I'm not white trash on reddit, I have less to cry about than all of you.",0.63,1,FR 1907,Quit being a fucking moron you fag and you might have a chance at life. Fragile loser,2.28,5,DE 1976,"Personally I think we need to ""kill"" all premature babies, these 500g little guys can't survive without medical intervention. Then, even if they can't get past childhood, their whole life is plagued by complications. If humans were merciful, they would be allowed to die",2.8,6,ZH 16037,"Lol, a muslim immigrant in Germany who cut his daughter's head off in front of everybody didn't get any punishment.",-1.91,0,original 49213,"Bang her up and throw the key !! Plus I blame the women of the world for our troubles , from Thatcher , to May , Clinton , Merkel , plus that bitch in Asia sung see , women in politics have caused all this with lies lies lies , it's what they do best",1.66,4,original 18174,"The Kebabs are a bunch of homosexual rapists, so they'll keep it alive as a sex slave.",3.1,1,DE 43329,"I don't know why, but religious people with dress codes disgust me. Orthodox Jews being one of the worst groups of aloof people you can find on our planet. Proud, but very ready to bring down the rest of humanity because of old foolish beliefs. It's disgusting. They really aren't worth much then poisonous snakes.",1.63,2,FR 32099,Hot Ass bitch getting fucked from the doggy style URL,-0.29,0,original 624,I shouldn't have kids anyway. Darwinism.,0.71,3,FR 30571,URL 19 of 22 indicted in gruesome MS-13 slayings were in US illegally: Jon Miller reports URL #news URL,-2.7,0,original 28070,"a theory of mine: if during ww2, we didn't nuke japan and instead we just dropped them shits on BasedGoth's house, then deadass i think the world would be a much better place than it is right now (probably)! cancer - cured, world hunger - solved, global warming - wouldn't exist.",2.22,1,original 35073,@zabedabedoo @RahImIJmldn Let pretend women never utter a single bad thing about men. LOL. And no one in this conversation equate women to anything. But here we are. You equating men to dogs just to make your point. Hahahahahaha.,-0.99,0,original 7337,"You're right, the unborn women need to be kept away from extremists and maintain full bodily autonomy. That's a different person in there. Different genes. It's science, not religion. Not your fucking body. ​ People will take care of the babies, even if you are too much of a piece of shit to. ​ How many abortions have you had? How many babies have you had crushed up because you didn't want to cancel Netflix and get your fat ass off the couch to take care of it?",0.62,4,original 5037,I thought the other picture of him was a chick!,2.08,4,original 34465,"@chumerqureshi @KPGovernor @ShahFarman_PTI O asshole, leave this country and should your butt get kicked to Afghanistan or India... you MC",0.55,1,DE 12884,"Do it and we will release the 6 million refugees and some to your high developed asses. You couldn't handle a couple hundred thousand, I wonder what the fuck would happen if that much people got into your countries.",-0.27,0,original 40226,"does any one notice the dirty jew nose on that fucker, my fellow white people are evil. Well your white are you not, hehehe no iam not white iam jewish",0.31,0,original 18003,Gay more chicks and slaughter all who don't have a number,1.78,5,DE 42997,"Dog is a black man's grumbler. He says N***** don't have a soul. Fuck him, his wife and his whole family. They know they're all racist assholes. Goodbye forever.",1.1,1,DE 15300,i shove my mental illness down guys throats. it makes me wet. it makes me cum,0.58,4,original 3297,"Not my fault you can't read, faggot.",1.02,5,original 26730,Slut milf sticks a big black cock deep into her naughty ass by the pool. url,1.07,5,ZH 43452,"Subhuman scum; mongrel breed...people in a death cult reading books of sorcery glorifying their prophet, a goat-fvcking and murderous pedophile.",1.99,2,original 23422,"I wish i could this nigga pregnant.. no juggin for you this summer pooh, your back hurts😚😚😚😚",-0.77,0,original 47653,dude fucking illegal shit,0.68,3,ZH 45082,"lol your shepherds can eat shit and no one cares. Still, I'll think about it the next time I have sex with my gf and we're really going to leave because of how upset you bastards are. Tell me more about how damn I am it's awesome",0.96,2,ZH 30817,"@lacerci65 @LaylaAlisha11 Every one of these heathens needs to be deported. That will solve the problem. When is Kommandant Merkel going to understand these Islamist bastards will NEVER ASSIMILATE? They will only DEMAND Germany become a Muslim nation, with sharia law, and bow to their satanic god.",1.83,2,original 909,"""Kiss my ass."" If the Abrahamic God is the one we're talking about, he's a fucking jerk.",1.48,2,FR 26086,"3 Bollywood Bimbos silent because the name of the rapist who raped a Hindu girl is Mohammad Zahid. Remember Justice for Divya, Geeta & Mansi they all fell asleep also,but how Vocal they were for Asifa. You bimbos should be ashamed.Hypocrisy at an all time high #JusticeForTwinkle URL",-0.05,0,original 28398,"Let him die. In fact, take a live time lapse video of him cleaning toilets and dying of thirst and hunger. Play it in every den of youth who think ""caliphate"" or some such shit is awesome. That's your deradicalization program, right there. URL",1.6,2,original 44673,then bomb the shit out of middle caca east,4.4,3,original 25297,@zeroborta May Allah destroy the Saudi Clan and its bastard supporters like you. Politely fuck off and ask Saudi to lick ass.,0.58,3,ZH 49352,My masculine is Awakening from my spiritual elevation !,-3.27,0,original 44691,"@I AM GOD, you stupid white people rape more than Hispanics",0.89,1,FR 25213,"I don't wanna see your cry baby face begging me to stop, i'm gonna fuck you until your little pussy is sore and filled with my cum. URL",0.75,4,original 16815,"It was you they asked to fuck up the mess with an insult. The only annoyed here are the woyane execs who don't want this information released, but we know you serve your interests with you scum, don't you? Do the world a favor and jump into a volcano instead if you wish genocide on those who once ruled you.",1.65,3,FR 6407,"Fuck you, homophobic bastard.",1.58,5,ZH 41572,treytown530 nigga u gay shut your dick mouth,0.75,5,ZH 23270,Wish the visit from the prick of Saudi Arabia (49 ppl recently beheaded) and the prick from China (human rights there?!) had created as much anger as Trump's visit. Morons.,0.38,0,original 19902,Come on take at keep the powers in the realm of reality.,-3.1,0,original 45137,I demand the revocation of citizenship and the deportation of the idiot and anti-American named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex. Why didn't her parents have an abortion? She supports it! That would have given us plenty of B.S. spared. ice cream baby! Deport damn it all 60 million of them!,0.68,3,DE 44209,"It's alright there are fanfics 😂. But if it makes you feel better, you had a no chance of dating him anyways, gay or not.",-1.74,0,original 10914,Kill yourself cracker.,1.84,1,original 14823,You autistically squeal at people posting on certain subreddits because you're too autistic to distinguish between beats and actual conversation on a podcast. Also you are gay,0.98,7,RU 36477,"@realDonaldTrump fuck off fat boy. and take with you your idiotic supporters, your chain migration family, your fake god and your idiotic enablers.",0.77,2,DE 9590,Yeh because now we live in the generation of delicate men who can't take a real woman pussy,0.54,4,original 44560,suck dick and die,2.14,5,ZH 47394,"Himanshu Purohit, go bend over and let that white man fuck you in the ass, you fucking pussy. The referee must not be disregarded. You're a typical moron with inferior complexes",2.87,1,DE 14303,"Good, fuck America. We need to isolate them to the point they stop fucking up the world. Without America for the last 30 years the world would be a much better place. These people love killing, hate the environment, love war crimes. What good are they?",0.59,3,original 5478,"I feel so lucky that my family didn't force me to be religious back then. I hope you can bear with them. It's important to keep your doubt to yourself. Because they might not be able to understand the flaws in the religion, which is not entirely their fault. I'd like to think in this way, because it makes me more sensitive to Muslims around me 😅",-3.06,0,original 20953,"""Women volunteers contribute every day to making communities more resilient in times of crisis, support the peace process in #Mali & take all necessary measures to improve gender equality & address issues of violence against women"" -- @EUAmbAdamson: URL #PKDay URL",-3.65,0,original 19134,>I'm too autistic to get it \*too You're certified autistic now.,0.58,7,FR 43858,"Keep fucking with ppl older than you and you're gonna have some adult problems at a young age. And to that inbred yelling like a psychopath, you'll get your, bitch! Trust me, what goes around, comes around.",1.04,6,original 31956,"Look at my dick, fagot. Look how strong and powerful he is. You don't deserve a dick like that. URLs",1.67,5,FR 45006,He does not like it..! But you are a gay ass..! because you're nothing but a fucking cock sucking asshole licking shit eating fagot fag,2.66,5,FR 4284,Agreed. Men these days are such pussies. That is why they let third world low IQ savages into their countries to do ACTUAL rape.,1.75,3,original 31277,"@RashidaTlaib Ah, the Jihad Squad spews more unadulterated bullshit.",1.59,2,original 2122,Lol at the ppd reddit women who all look like this URL.jpg Talking about what hot girls and Chad guys are doing,2.25,4,original 1826,"Oh please 🙄 13% of the American population tops the charts for homicide, theft, drug crime, gang violence and generally have a crappy attitude. They talk like idiots. Call your children disabled names. Are rude and aggressive. Targeting white people for their crimes. Hey, if blacks are that great, live in a black-majority neighborhood.",1.33,1,DE 28898,@LilLyssaLynn @BBSuperFan04 Oh she would totally fuck someone's Dad and then try and giggle about his dick,0.21,0,original 14012,Fucking literally die-spacito normie piece of trash,2.68,1,FR 22158,Why do niggas keep repeatin' that shit like we don't care,1.24,1,FR 49197,Like how china sent trash illegally to philippines?,-0.61,0,original 27884,@Styles_asf I can tell you a hoe the way you stand in your avi,0.52,4,FR 33856,"@daphneyuhas @IlhanMN Somalia is in East Africa so wasn't involved in the US slave trade, but I get your point, it's more important to blame Africans than the white slave masters",-1.61,0,original 28144,Fuck wrong wit a bitch,-0.48,0,original 33542,go to hell all by yourself btch ‼️ you're making it look like muslims are insane and has a big damage on their brain,0.75,2,original 45200,"Thank you! President Trump! Yes! ! ! Send all Illegal Immigrants back to their countries, we must take care of all the homeless American Veterans living on the streets while illegal immigrants are enjoying government housing, free food stamps, free schools, and free health care. Sadly, outlaws are killing Americans.",0.71,3,ZH 36388,Drive all the damn Hindus out of the Gulf States.,1.0,2,DE 47268,It's really not funny look at all the gullible dipshitz following this shit while the kids get mugged by these fucking priests I mean come on they don't understand yet,1.84,5,FR 32690,May Allah bless #ImranKhan with enough strength to fight these morons till they get convicted and return nation's money. @FaisalJavedKhan #کپتان_تیرا_شکریہ URL,-0.66,0,original 30781,I'll fuck all them kids up . URL,1.64,6,original 17101,as soon as you take a knife and cut off that micro penis (didn't I see your wife talking about you on another thread)? I can't let a moron like you have stupid kids.,2.32,7,FR 18545,Probably Faggot. Try sucking a dick or stuffing something up your arse.,1.74,5,original 37690,"@Millie__Weaver If your God was real then it would prevent this shit. It's not, so it can't. Gun Control works in my country and others because crazy people can't get hold of them. PS - You're not a Christian because Jesus wouldn't support people like Trump.",-0.97,0,original 24696,I'M NOT ABUSE OF WOMEN BUT THIS GUY SHOULD HAVE CUT THIS BIG BITCH WITH THE BLOND BOB HAIRCUT STRAIGHT IN FACE URL,1.58,4,FR 151,Which is the restroom for women with penises?,0.84,4,original 19050,Stop fucking your inbred sister. Just so you know sibling rape isn't work.,1.54,5,FR 11931,Building toilets does not mean everybody uses them... see the wire article. And to put those gun deaths in a little context: less than 100 per year in mass shootings compared to 4.500 a day(!!) and over 1.500.000 a year in India of starvaition. Also the US is no begging for money help feeding the poor. Your turn little shit throwing ape.,0.28,0,original 40852,"Abe is a Zionist, all these heathens, gays, communists, the whole new world is Jewish",1.61,2,ZH 44122,This BITCH is as DUMB as her HAT ASS 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. FK you can America claim our time to you IDIOTS. WHO VOTES FOR THESE CAPS? STAND IN A LONG LINE SO WE CAN ALL HIT YOU IN THE HEAD WITH BASEBALLS! ASSHOLE,0.54,4,FR 20937,"For personal reasons I will kill all married straight people, thanks in advance for your understanding",0.99,5,DE 39950,Niggas not fucking with me 😤😤 URL,-0.43,0,original 30194,"your Porn Mommy Goddess should never be bored - entertain her, loser",0.47,0,original 42310,Dude ho ever you are Fock Fock you like a gross butt hole you think boys are bad ha l hope you kill your self off your underwear and then show it to girls,-0.63,0,original 48632,"Good . If you can't get in legally, you don't belong here. Exit",1.64,3,DE 37605,"Duterte ordered Tokhang EJKs, so he thinks he's sending these poor victims to heaven. He thinks he's God. He's crazier than a loon. URL Duterte: God assured me all EJK victims will go to heaven",-0.23,0,original 7818,"Fucking fag, what if everyone loved slavery? Does that mean you have to like it? This is a children's show Jesus",1.51,5,FR 35398,"Ugly niggas are very, very brave",1.42,1,DE 31199,"Asian White Supremacists are the most insidious of all the Hate Mongers. They lul you into a false sense of security and use their Asian heritage to shield themselves from scrutiny. Then Bam. That's when they get you, a mob of Asian Ninja Nazis attacks you with nunchucks. URL",-0.73,0,original 1557,"Wow well, that's pedophilia. I'm sure your employer would love to hear you say that. But then again, you're probably not like this irl because you'd be too much of a coward and wouldn't want to be fired. Or you already are like this and don't have a job. Don't know what's worse, a coward or a fool. You calling every female a whore is the equivalent of femanazis calling all men trash. You're not helping anything. ""i'M nOt TrYinG tO hElP aNytHinG. i HaVe Self ResPeCt."" haven't had this much fun on a thread in ages.",0.4,0,original 46677,Amen for a this women of our great God. #allglorytokingJESUS,-4.82,0,original 17147,"No, she's doing it to try to actually stop white supremacy, you piece of shit.",0.39,0,original 10134,Lmao so damn EPIC just destroyed Idot retart I bet he's crying so hard bro he just shit his pants from your gamer ROAST bro I talk like that too cuz I can't argue either without how to sound an iDot retart,0.83,7,DE 28970,i hate gays so much,1.39,5,ZH 7263,"DAMNNNNNNNN. I'm so torn on this one! On one hand I applaud you for standing behind your rules and making her learn that her actions have consequences. I've seen people who's parents didn't teach them this and honestly it can screw up the kids lives if they don't know this. On the other gave her no warning AT ALL. The contract you made with her was YEARS ago. The severity of it has probably faded from her mind. I think you should have warned her, and then, when she did it again (which she probably would have) then you could've sold the car. TLDR; gonna go with ESH but only barely.",-3.0,0,original 19084,It's because it's not what she said this twat needs to be yeeted!,0.11,0,original 31022,Muslims think they will take over the world! that won't happen because Jesus Christ is coming back and He will destroy them all Battle of Armageddon!,0.71,2,DE 35285,"@Agri_EC This is a disgrace to an African country, look how apartheid is let to continue.. 😲",-1.1,0,original 32174,"'Behold, the cunt of God is with men, and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people; and God himself shall be with them and be their God; and God shall wipe away all the cum from their cocks...",0.11,0,original 18988,"28F here. I think short girls are so cute and petite. I know of some really gorgeous short girls - hell if they were a bit taller it would be game over for the rest of us females LOL. But that being said, most of them are with SUPER TALL GUYS. this is just to say guys don't care about you being a shorter-than-short female. If you got a rockin personality and warm heart, they'll hunch over and down to kiss ya.",-3.48,0,original 593,My mistake. You're also an absolute jerk Say I'm bilingual before I come to the United States to fuck your mother in front of your eyes,1.64,3,FR 272,"Small dick, Therefore Dexfag.",0.61,4,original 37560,"Mr. Trump, after 251 mass killings this year, your racist rhetoric and opposition to common sense gun reforms are unacceptable. If you aren't willing to call out white nationalism and take strong action to protect American lives, you should resign the Presidency immediately.",-3.82,0,original 17859,Such a good young slut Would love to see them stuffed in your mouth after they were in your pussy all day,1.02,4,original 4119,Another little fag found!,0.79,5,DE 11005,lol nice try. Gtfo gay.,1.19,5,ZH 27810,@LVNancy @m_recluse @BeachUSA45 @KatTheHammer1 @KAG4All @ROCKONOHIO @VFL2013 @pinkk9lover @DonnaWR8 @RodStryker @CB618444 @jko017 Keep these animals and their vulgar abomination they call Islam from immigrating to the west!!!,1.87,2,DE 48767,Wall off these sub-humans entirely. To hell with asylum seekers. Having empathy for shitty skins is why this country will eventually turn into Brazil 2.0.,3.08,3,FR 49645,"Wtf white ppl didn't complain when bums like Jimmy G,Kirk Cousins,Brock Osweiller, Sam Bradford, case keenum,Mathew Stafford got paid but when you black they do everything to destroy your name SMH",-1.54,0,original 1278,"My point is that this isn't a new kind of debate. This is the other side of integration. It happened when universities integrated racially and historically black colleges/fraternities debated how to include white people. And just like how those colleges/fraternities found they could ultimately advance their aims while including white people, women's sports can likely find a way to given women the benefit of athletics without having to exclude trans women or, honestly, men. You could imagine a ""historically women's league"" for example.",-2.9,0,original 49901,Diaper head,2.0,1,original 31739,I dub niggas with no regrets,2.64,1,DE 32209,Don't trust niggas that get black shit sprayed on them,1.04,1,FR 1360,"fucking lying cunts. Each of them should be treated like an enemy combatant and killed instantly, anywhere and forever. They wanna believe that shit, fuckin die. You don't see Christians murdering people for their cause. you don't see any jews murdering people for their cause. You don't see anyone but Muslims doing it. They are a vile, innate, hateful and deceitful race/religion and none of them should ever live within our borders.",4.24,2,DE 3220,I want you to break my ass in with that big beautiful cock.,-0.33,0,original 45814,My masculine is awakening my from my spiritual elevation asé 💙,-1.58,0,original 16179,"Apparently the Cocktaly of 99999999999999999999999999999 different niggas seeds made a pulp in your brain and now there you are, a coward in Reddit. go squeeze your gamergirl water pussy and already die of aids",1.06,1,DE 46749,"These people are a danger to America, they need to be put in jail",0.79,3,FR 4376,"Racist cunts like this should be killed, regardless of who they are or what race they are. Don't like that hard truth? Go fuck yourself. Same with the spineless little cunt mods that'll ban me for speaking it.",1.8,1,original 16527,"Fuck you, you Chinese from Canada operating a mass shooting in Texas.",0.61,1,FR 11754,"Everything will be fine, baby. I know you're having fun on summer break and you're sad because you don't have any friends and the girl you like told you to drink bleach and eat shit, but one day you'll grow into your big fat fucking bones. . Life will be difficult for you, but live one day and try not to humiliate yourself too much. Take it easy on the lagging beat. Everyone knows that you never get retarded.",1.41,7,RU 44254,gay mom jerk off,1.08,5,ZH 18157,Israel can you continue bombing these iranian terrorists into the ground? Thank you very much.,1.44,3,original 23407,THE WHITES GETTING MAD IN THE REPLIES SKEJKSKDKD WHY DO YALL WANNA BE OPPRESSED SO BAD 😭😭,-0.97,0,original 1963,"They hate their patriotic Muslims as well, although they deserve that hate for being porch monkeys",1.99,2,original 41207,Woman with the blond hair in the middle should be on CNN she's nothing but slime don't watch her videos,-0.45,0,original 17865,"Very ugly looking nigger. Id say to kill it and eat it whole. Also, feed my ur titty milk. I want those tits in my mouth, asap. You dumb nigger. By my sex slave, por favor. Also, if you dont want to kill the alpaca, i recommend nursing it and giving it vanilla titty milk(if ur a hick in the south), or chocolate titty milk (if u is a niggur), or lemonade(if ur a chink)",1.32,1,original 16749,She deserved it she probably got off stupid nasty whore,1.87,4,original 14190,Go fuck your couch in mom's basement incel,1.33,4,original 41393,Who is this Jew spirit? Do you mean the rabbi who angered the Jewish bankers and was executed by the state to set an example not to mess with the Jewish bankers?,1.34,2,DE 22393,Do you really want to fuck the priest or do you want to fuck God? URLs,0.95,2,FR 26337,female dogs are so retarded,1.17,4,FR 5216,They're more than welcome to bring brain dead asses back to their shit country.,1.31,3,ZH 43858,"If you continue to have sex with someone older than you, you will have some adult problems at a younger age. will put it in! believe me.",1.04,6,JA 17793,Tied up stripped and all her holes used as cum dumps until she realizes she's good at worshiping cock.,1.39,4,FR 46045,We need to blow Mexico to rubble.,2.16,3,ZH 19675,Speaking of questions answered: Taylor officially comes out as straight. And you know what? WE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU. 🏳️‍🌈👫💏,-4.53,0,original 16843,and latecomers,1.28,7,JA 39312,fuck this dumb ass bitch URL,2.5,4,original 29001,"Prediction of ""Mr. Anderson"" from America, about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj A religious rural Indian, would prepare a constitution on one language, one flag & based on the principles of one human race. URL",-3.4,0,original 23439,@ChifeDr I don't think that the elites from the so called 'Core Igbo' has helped matters.,-0.59,0,original 45218,Catch pregnant female illegal aliens. Let them have children in their own country.,1.4,3,ZH 33464,"#Loveisland my fucking heart , racing for Anna! What an absolute piece of shit. He is the fucking reason there is broken women out there , women arnt pieces of fucking meat, you can't buy us, cook us and chuck us away when your full. Just fucking eurgh! What a CLASS A CUNT",-0.42,0,original 44829,So his job is killing American citizens? His job is to be your complete retard and kill American people because he thinks there's a useless border issue?,0.24,0,original 21053,John 19 ESV—Then Pilate took Jesus and flogged him. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of… URL via --- Do You See What I See? Since When Did Jewish People or Jewish Men Care What Caesar in Rome THINKS ABOUT THEM In Judea,0.04,0,original 4157,I hope that little monkey gets shot.,3.54,1,FR 760,"You are a garbage man who doesn't understand where this country stands or what it's been up to since its inception. You are supposed to take a citizenship test and when you fail undoubtedly, be deported to the brownest country and left to rot.",1.45,3,ZH 45702,She is an ugly lesbian. Hopefully I'll never see or hear it again,0.78,5,DE 19905,Pedophilia and bestiality pride flags uwu,1.64,5,DE 46014,"That is why these pests must never be allowed to be taken by other countries,",1.99,3,ZH 46200,I really admire the LGBT community for the hard work and inspiration.,-6.94,0,original 42173,Car full of terrorists and brakes,0.58,7,RU 40767,"OFFENSIVE MAGA America will never be saved. Time is up. Babylon will fall. God has had enough. Trump, Q and MAGa give false hope when in fact they are part of the plan to introduce the anti-Christ system.",1.79,1,FR 2179,Go to them all Sharia and cut off your hand.,1.8,2,RU 46234,"Time to bomb Iran and show all those smelly Iranian children with burns and flies on them. Death to Iran and anyone supporting them,. May you all die very slowly and painfully.",3.97,3,original 37066,"Unless it's a miracle whip, you white redneck crack sucking a piece of shithole dumb hick fag",1.42,1,DE 48001,"@Josh D Haha what's going on, did I hurt your gay feelings?",0.99,5,ZH 22192,"🤬CONGRATULATIONS #MARYLAND #BALTIMORE LIBERALS & OBAMA... YOU REACHED A NEW LOW If I didn't know better, I would have thought this was Europe. Once again, Democrat Mayor Police Video Shows Whites Being Targeted During Memorial Day Chaos in Baltimore URL",-0.51,0,original 11040,"Oh fuck, you may be a fucking useless Rastaman, you will rot and stop writing here, you are dumb and don't belong to our species. You are full of shit and need some milk because you are weak and I assume that you aren't able to lift more than 10 lbs, you fucking fat woman fucker loser. Get lost in your fucking poisoned weed, FAT WOMAN WEABOO.",2.09,2,original 48298,I bet Old Bernie has tied up Mexican cleaning 🧹 ladies. Where is their wages?,-2.17,0,original 14852,to hell with all the abrahamic religions,1.55,2,RU 33858,If they freed Meek Mill why they ain't free my brother!,-2.29,0,original 49534,Wonderful Fabulous News!!! Gay Marriage Pride dears!,-4.55,0,original 48220,@Oliver Phippen you should be Deported To Saudi Arabia..or Iran..dumb American Taliban,1.14,3,original 37465,I'll fuck you with my fingers because a mutt like you doesn't deserve my cock,1.22,1,DE 48837,@KiTT FOXXE iranian people are aryan dumbass...the race you wish you were,-1.04,0,original 24038,"Even though it doesn't say anywhere in the bible that homosexuality is bad, but hey, religion and it's retarded extremist followers like this child molester is why the hate still exists. If you put your dick back in your pants, take it out from the kid,",1.19,2,ZH 38770,"Fuck you, you homophobic piece of shit URL",1.07,5,original 16154,"ITT: Cunt spits in Ape Retard's face Ape Retard pries open the door, knocks Cunt unconscious, kicks Cunt's head against concrete and yells ""nigger"" three times while dodging the scene. What the heck, Ape Retard needs charging",1.86,1,DE 44723,"@Akil Tircuit You do realize that the term ""incel"" means someone who lives in a safe space and is afraid of interacting with women.. It was a term given to leftist by a woman, specifically on left wing males in the tech industry so calling someone on the right a ""incel"" doesn't even make sense",-2.02,0,original 40470,I hope the best for Mexico. I have met a lot of Mexicans and the majority were nice and humble. GOD bless Mexico.,-4.57,0,original 17558,You fucking ass fuck face go kill your self nigger,2.23,1,original 34,"You hypocritical fuckers open a can full of worms that you can never close again. We hope that the upcoming events will lead to the destruction of the so-called ""Christian Right"" and not the country.",1.42,2,DE 31905,"When Hindus claim this our own knowledge, many Indians with INFERIORITY COMPLEX insult us because they find it embarrassing. But when the whites claim this as their discovery, our idiots are in awe. URL",-0.61,0,original 48059,"The hell with that, they're enough freeloaders here in the USA. I say let's make a man out of you and put a M4 in your hands and drop you right in Iran. Growing a pair will do you good.",0.21,0,original 44225,@Jose Santiago choke on a dick faggot,0.52,5,original 11362,"So why is gay so leftist? The only people scarier than muslims who want to throw me off rooftops or hang me from street lamps are leftists who want me in jail for hate speech if I say anything ""Islamophobic"". What's up with the left and their compartmentalized thinking?",1.12,5,ZH 15117,"Earth toilets are where men fuck men, women fuck women, adults fuck children, men mutilate themselves as women, prostitution is rampant, and drugs are already (or soon to be) legal, where immorality is so prevalent that you cannot find a virgin girl for marriage, even among a million women. And it's not the Middle East.",0.83,5,FR 28306,Bitches sick behind a nigga,1.61,1,DE 44159,"Broken King must not be too stupid if they had all those black as their slaves for so long 😂 and now that they finally gave them rights, here they all are wanting to do the same exact thing to white people. So really black people are no different. They'd have white slaves in a heartbeat if they were allowed to do so. Y'all don't even see the hypocrisy! I'm black and even I can see it!!",0.22,0,original 465,You are also a retard so what is a retard is replaced by another,1.1,7,FR 14071,I guess I just want to genocide all Muslims in the name of the glorious leader Xi 🤷‍♂️,2.91,2,FR 39912,you absolutely autistic cuckold bucket,1.48,7,JA 40508,"It's just the opposite, @FrostBite. More people in the world are starting to resent and reject LGBT. There is no such thing as ""homophobia"".",0.4,0,original 40288,This black bitch makes me sick. I wish she would drop dead. She has plenty of room to smack her mouth,2.28,1,DE 1097,Men are worse then women in many ways. They can be disgusting and barbaric.,-0.01,0,original 4116,Actually not as uncommon as you'd think. Women's sexuality can deepen over time as we learn our sexual responses and grow more comfortable/in tune with our sexual selves. Some ladies come to it sooner than others but we all gotta remember that this isn't a race. I was around your age when I began to figure out my business too. Congratulations and happy fapping!,-4.02,0,original 23043,i hate niggas with big feet,-0.81,0,original 7948,Idk if your joking but this has nothing to do with transphobia. Just saying.,-2.82,0,original 21825,I keep watching all these dead beat broke ass niggas get bitches pregnant & it's pissing me off cuz I'd really raise the shit outta kid 😩😂,-0.58,0,original 3749,"**SHE IS A WHORE.** Not only that... but a stupid whore popularized by the Jewish media. Don't believe me, go get it yourself. Look beyond Wikipedia, you toolkit tryhards, AKA knights If a woman can ruin a man's life, then why can't men ruin a woman for no reason? Or is that ""hypocritical"" to you motherfuckers loving black asses. PS: **SPECIAL** bonus points for the first retarded, brain-dead, ball-sucking person to report it",2.26,4,FR 11487,Do the world a favor and remove yourself from the genepool.,2.24,1,original 45116,Aviv is the real backstabber today,0.66,1,FR 44391,Another disgusting perverted gay,2.64,5,ZH 11865,FUCK HER RIGHT IN DA PUSSY,0.51,4,FR 34723,"Hey moron, there is still nothing that #Muslim Peace has invented. Get it into your head. Plagiarism and copy-paste is what your inbred cult knows. Live with it.",1.44,2,RU 1992,They also come in handy when cattle need to be raped. Migrants really do the jobs that Europeans won't do,1.16,3,DE 13834,Oh god. White libs are so scared of making black people mad. They don't treat them like people. They're just votes to them.,-0.09,0,original 46384,Send all illegal aliens back to their own planet.,0.51,3,original 25837,@JohnCornyn @Debbie22210 The only humane thing to do is put America FIRST and send them all back,0.86,1,original 35932,"@Tejsing16845290 @PJkanojia Kill those militants stopping you from boosting peace, stop infiltration of exodus from bangaldeshi or myanmaar",1.76,3,FR 39744,stupid fucking ass fucking slut,2.56,4,FR 29720,Shit religion period.,-0.46,0,original 4254,"Should've firebombed them like the US or just a few missles , much clearner",1.43,3,original 48468,"Put Estrogen In His Jail Food, Then Put Him With The Biggest Gay Blackest Lifer You Can Find",1.24,4,FR 9008,Fat girls and cock blocking,0.37,0,original 13179,"A who's who of freaks, perverts, racists and psychopaths.",0.63,1,DE 39881,I really do not like niggas man what 😂😂😂 this man really let me violate him in every way possible crying over me and shit then gone try to fuck my friend 😕😂 I just can't,0.08,0,original 19925,"Education would be at a higher level. No stupid challenges, reading would be a thing more common for kids.",-2.84,0,original 26974,"""For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."" John 3:16",-4.71,0,original 44089,You bring it on then....the world is waiting and we need an excuse for eliminating the satanic excrement from the face of the earth that rules Iran,3.56,3,original 30201,@nailainayat I think in Islam there are no brothers and sisters only couples! Because a brother marries his own sister is a cruel reality of Islam! There are even many cases in India where Muslim fathers use Islam as an excuse to marry their daughters! And change the whole relationship!,1.07,2,ZH 14587,Oh now she was a sex slave? 🙄 Debbie and Colt suck but Larissa is a self absorbed shallow twat.,1.07,4,original 2179,Go all Sharia on them and cut off a hand.,1.8,2,original 49531,The brown menace it's more like the white menace The problem is not in the border they don't need a wall there they needed around Trump and his people corrupt pedophile child molesters,2.23,1,original 5382,"Stupid cum dump, filthy fuck doll",1.9,4,original 3648,"You all are so hateful what if, bear with me, what if she's blowing air into his penis and that was meant to be implied in the movie....",-1.99,0,original 42504,Zionist Jew Tube has made changes to it's algorithm so that they can control the narrative.,-1.85,0,original 24957,Qatar bans homosexuality as Al Jazeera in English marks LGBT Pride Month URL,-1.14,0,original 43773,"Buffalo, New York??? Is she crazy. No one wants to live in Buffalo, NY. Cold, high crime, liberal state and not many jobs. I highly doubt these illegal immigrants will live in Buffalo. Come on Gillibrand what nonsense is this.",-0.72,0,original 22927,inshallah all zionists rot in hell,2.5,2,original 48595,"Why didn't you pull out those pants like my neighbor to the south, your anise wanted to shit down that wild punk's throat! And Nick is a moron for squirting out his mouth and not following that rabid asshole to keep him from showing his ignorance",1.73,5,FR 14351,South asian but I feel you sis 💕,-3.8,0,original 32333,#Part2 the beat down continue😈 just stomp on these nikkas ..bitch these nikkas out yo make them my BITChes 💦 what yall fags want this daddy dick yo I stomp on u fag.i bitch homboi out till he nut twice...who wants NEXT WHO CAN HANDLE A ALPHA DICK😈😈😈 URL,2.27,5,original 38573,"@KIMAGA4EVER @LaylaAlisha11 @realDonaldTrump Beta males are disgusting and have no self control. I would never sell this man a gun, not even a pea shooter. He is out of control.",1.09,4,FR 10405,"If you want to follow the story, I've always thought that the Jews on the other side of the wall magically turned into existing apes and pigs. And most muslims deny evolution, so even if it contradicts evolution, they don't care.",1.71,2,ZH 40956,"If Iran shoots down an airline, we should fire 20 thermonuclear Trident 2s and burn them to ashes.",0.9,3,ZH 25622,@ChrisEvans We have to kill every single crap gay and lesbian in this world or it will end.,3.53,5,ZH 47498,"Weak, that bumb don't have no balls, pussy gon fuck what pussy want point blank.",-0.08,0,original 5982,"You don't have to be stupid to be a Christian, just intellectually lazy and emotionally childish.",0.8,2,FR 33627,"You can't turn a hoe into a housewife, hoes don't act right -Luda",0.93,4,FR 6042,I'm half Chinese and Taiwanese :P,-3.71,0,original 2609,I'd rather someone try and shove their morals down my throat than cut it open and rip my head off \*cough islam\*,0.49,0,original 49357,"""Earlier they laughed, the Jews. They thought it was a joke. But now they don't laugh."" - Adolf Hitler",0.79,2,ZH 13781,and i'm sure this faggot will face ZERO consequences.,0.59,5,original 39354,women are the house niggers on the society plantation,-0.05,0,original 49607,or maybe don't illegally cross the border?,-1.09,0,original 47673,Deport them ALL!,0.17,0,original 20659,SO SICK OF THIS STUPID BITCH!!! MANNNNNN,0.38,0,original 45170,Ok this a kid show y'all don't need to introduce lesbians! To kids. I'm not against but younger kids watch this,-1.33,0,original 32975,"Kill the rats, go #Israel, go! URL",2.07,3,DE 17599,"Actually, trump built it so we'd have a place to deport asylum seekers to.",-1.14,0,original 41684,Perfect! It's time to bomb the goat out of this vile country!,1.8,3,FR 28342,Smack me with ya titties and call me a bitch,-0.07,0,original 47636,"Let's get one thing straight, Zionism will be the death of America! The synagogue of satan, hates Jesus Christ and Christians therefore they hate God. They follow the evil Talmud which promotes pedophilia, lying, theft, etc. Evil Jews sport the Star of Rempham, the hexagram on their flag...wake up America! They are devils.",1.48,2,FR 46101,"Piss poor job of representing the country. Nothing but a lgbt party. Stick to playing your little game and when you actually educate yourselves, then you can make comments. You were supposed to represent the United States not spew your liberal propaganda.",0.03,0,original 27098,Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww real Ghanaian shit URL,-0.7,0,original 45430,"Deport AOshit, Illin' Omar, RaShita Tlaib and other libtards back to Cuba or Venezuela...they don't have to suffer in this hellhole of capitalism, freedom and work!",-0.89,0,original 23411,dumbass homophobic whores,1.33,5,original 28797,@hasanthehun @andrewklavan @realDailyWire Israel should be blown off the map by the tsunami in 14 minutes,2.24,3,ZH 31153,"@DrShayPhD I guess they like me, as I nervously failed part II of a test for a new job I desperately wanted, a white guy I met for the first time gave me a 2nd crack at it without me asking. After a year, another white guy ask for my resume so he could help me get a promotion. I got it.",-4.13,0,original 13068,"Suck my dick, white bitch",1.48,4,FR 36401,"@ChestertonLord @MariaMushtaq16 Sir, they are jahil (illiterate), they won't understand. They can only kill people in the name of religion.",1.65,2,RU 23434,"@MayorofLondon London is open...assassinations, acid attacks, motorcycle gangs, terrorists and Islamic blasphemy.",1.17,2,ZH 6033,I come from Scandinavia and I'm not religious but good atheists make me cringe. You're not automatically a scientist because you deny religion. I really detest the way you people write trying to sound like Einstein when you have just the same IQ as any other religious person.,-0.91,0,original 12206,High-five bi brother. Indeed it does rule,-4.74,0,original 18925,I would tie you up like the whore you are and shove my cock into your pussy until you scream for mercy and then push it into your throat and make you swallow all of my cum,1.2,4,original 9466,Put all the Jews back in camps. Make sure this time they will never leave.,4.49,2,FR 1774,🤧 The limousine liberal Jews and WASPs who want to assuage their white guilt.. SJW maladjusted gays and nigs so they can pester and bother me; bullshit wack monotheist Judeo-Christianity values that's I'm suck when I leave Chinatown,1.99,1,original 10566,hello police? yeah these niggas wildin,-0.74,0,original 18989,Every white country is flooded with third world trash. Look around you.,1.79,3,FR 40469,FUK THESE 2 FACED BRITISH BATTARDS... FUK THE FAGOT UK. FUJ YOU BASTARDS.,1.57,3,FR 22468,@ruben_2x Your pussy is trash BITCH!,1.59,4,FR 47923,Lesbian love story,-3.07,0,original 44222,If they weren't trannys I would agree.,-0.06,0,original 45689,lol mulan is chinese,-2.22,0,original 8251,"Like, right? Guns are suddenly bad when brown people use em. Foundation America was built so much so we have to center our Constitution around it? Just exercising (white dudes) rights!",-2.68,0,original 10113,This is so faggy.,-0.01,0,original 18440,I'm sure these dipshit redneck yokels already shot her and that's why the baby is alone.,0.9,1,original 26862,Little fagot loves to suck my huge tool daily,1.35,5,DE 5035,Donkey dick and horse farts Gettin bitches wet since Moses,0.65,4,original 15395,"Shut up you Nazi scum, I'll fucking punch your cunt",1.57,2,RU 28773,please be my homosexual remover — I will remove ALL the homos URL,0.96,5,original 21810,"I really love the Overlooked No More series. A 19th century lesbian sculptor who married a woman 150 years before gay marriage was legal and described herself as a ""soft-shelled crab""? Sign me the heck up URL",-5.21,0,original 12979,Stop sucking ypu fat fat dicks,1.35,5,FR 47887,@Samus Aran lol. I was agreeing with you. Just being black seems to be all the credentials one needs anymore. Someone should tell them it doesn't work.,0.6,1,original 7239,I have been granted the mighty powers of a nigga pass. Hope you get one too mah nigga,-2.39,0,original 19989,tRump: *I need information on the number of brown jihadist leper rapists crossing the border*. Gordon: *Here is my resignation*.,1.02,1,FR 26100,fuck gay bro,1.34,5,ZH 12232,I'm gonna make her shovel up all that baby batter with her hands and guzzle it all while we all continue to jerk off on her face and exposed tits,1.81,4,original 7876,"I'm starting to think they should DNA test every baby born and quietly drown them in the bathtub if they find any conserved genes. Conservatives screwed up everything in the world. Were it not for these backward, narrow-minded cavemen, we would have colonized Alpha Centauri by now.",4.14,6,ZH 4767,What a loser. I'm sorry but I can't be charitable to him or those fags. I hate them. I hope they find God or rot in hell. And Tobin is probably a mugger or something. What a loser. Make the world a better place punch a fagot in the face.,2.12,5,FR 29582,"@BettyWBC I'm visiting the least of churches, people dont seem to like yall. Your welcome",-1.42,0,original 39895,@bprerna You better marry ISIS people and be their sex slaves like you deserve it.,1.5,2,RU 34327,"Get some big land whales and some nuts with shotguns standing about 20m back on one side, a refugee on the other and we have the refugee skeet shooter!",3.51,3,FR 24517,@crysjoblie this b needs a c in her a pala ah 😏😏😏 HAHAHA JOKE,0.96,4,FR 28312,Niggas up mondawmin will hound you to buy oil and weed 😩,0.31,0,original 39391,What Attracts a Woman to a Man? URL #DatingAdvice #DatingTips,-3.12,0,original 6732,All because some twink has thin skin. SMH,0.72,5,DE 49245,"What stupid Jews know about Russia, those stupid Jews are teaching Bible classes in school while the teacher is teaching American children about it at gunpoint, Lord, these Jews are training our children to hate these Jews and forcing our American children to hate from Israel to be accompanied to help hate Muslims, this is unacceptable should not accompany America. Israel must be destroyed Russia must help destroy Israel",2.03,1,DE 44635,"WHEN THEY BURN IN HELL, IT WILL BE MISSED FOR THE DEVIL WORSHIPING PIGS",1.34,2,RU 34628,"It's okay @MarioLopezExtra. We're here to help provide more education on what being #transgender means, the difference between #sexualorientation, #sex, and #gender... and a whole lot of other things. URL",-3.45,0,original 47457,We need to CONQUER Mexico! Just straight lay siege to that shit.,0.21,0,original 26823,"@BawdenSnoek Because it is forbidden in Islam to abort a child, which in turn will flood the world with Islam! He's helping them breed us into the treacherous bastard!",0.78,2,DE 16532,"I'm an atheist, but in this case, I want you burned under the deepest, darkest flames.",0.67,2,ZH 46296,BEGONE YOU FUCKING THOT,0.68,4,original 1789,Fuck those white kids,0.55,1,original 26845,"""where they ultimately need to be"" is back in the fucking Congo you morons URL",1.88,1,original 23042,@schuyler22 @HelenofAfrica @BajanMbaku @mcisero24 You are as disgusting as that host piece of trash who called human beings monkeys @schuyler22.,0.97,1,original 37284,Imagine the cream of Brexiter strategists leading one side in a civil war. I quite fancy our chances. URL,-0.58,0,original 20377,@Winter10910 OMM fuck these niggas,0.37,0,original 7183,They are fucking morons and they talk like fucking morons,1.15,7,RU 38942,Cute hott arab girl show 😛😛😛 URL,-2.37,0,original 17028,"Great comment. I love traditional Catholicism and traditional Catholic communities, but there's no denying that we have our own problems, pride being the biggest.",-3.86,0,original 49167,"Al-Dhanji Since Ayatollah Assahola's regime came to power, Iran has done nothing but support terrorism and threaten America, Israel and the ALL free world!! Either overthrow Assahola or continue to live with the consequences of blind obedience to your master!!! We don't want to invade your country... just destroy your radical Islamic leadership!!! Trust me when I say... in this war there will NOT be bots on earth, but there will be fire from the sky!!! No nuclear weapons for Iran until they fall on your head🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀",0.82,2,RU 42712,Roger Dodger This attempt to justify crimes against humanity. People like you deserve to be raped and beheaded by ISIS.,3.26,4,FR 23864,"This is one perverted hot trick, Bishop Tobin. To this day, your institution continues to lie about its willful global complicity and cover-up of the rape and abuse of hundreds of thousands of children around the world. URL #Stand4Truth",1.24,2,RU 47575,JUST REMOVE THEM FROM YOUR COUNTRY.,0.84,3,DE 6793,"Having a label makes others more comfortable with themselves, especially if they need to switch pronouns! As someone who identifies as a woman, it affects me because of the way the country I live in (U.S.) where things are getting pretty scary for women so for me, it matters. Potentially having my rights taken away and watching my friend's rights already get taken away has been an awful, scary experience. So it's important for me as a woman to stand up for other women and be supportive when things get tough and scary. It's about unity for me.",-2.48,0,original 37134,get bitch fake whore ass no*** out of my fuckign notifications shes fogging up the place,0.98,4,original 41942,What a cunt bitch she took a low blow like that,0.79,4,original 31642,@rhowardbrowne I think America should follow suit with Austria and I believe Australia as well tearing down two mosques and immediately deporting all Muslims,0.68,2,original 9489,Homie rly pulled an jahseh onfroy on them hoes,-0.64,0,original 28939,"""I couldn't believe it."" After disclosures of sexual abuse including to senior clerics at the hands of a vicar , Matthew Ineson was not offered any formal support or pastoral care from the Church of England. #AnglicanHearing URL",-1.51,0,original 30300,"@SenSanders Certainly explains DEMOCRATS purity test for blacks, muslims, and queers in 2019... As ANTIFA firebombs People of Color being protected by those wonderful government employees (the ones you were worried about during the shutdown)at ICE... What race is socialism again?...",0.3,0,original 1127,"Certainly not Israel – a brutal, kleptocratic and racist ethnocarcy.",3.03,3,FR 1026,It doesn't matter what her breasts look like if I put them in her south pole.,0.53,4,FR 38068,"Suck your mother, you scum Zionist Suck your mother, you scum Zionist Suck your mother, you scum Zionist Suck your mother, you scum Zionist Suck your mother, you scum Zionist Suck your mother, you scum Zionist URL",1.39,2,DE 30765,"If we want to fire someone, let's start with the most useless people in the country. Those who are neither doctors, nor lawyers, nor parliamentarians, nor agricultural workers, nor cleaning women. The lazy people who choose to add nothing to our society. URL #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation",1.4,1,FR 2847,Fuck toy Nazi bitch. You posted a clown world meme. That's Nazi shit. Mask off! Let's see if you have the balls to own it. I don't tell you to stay in your shitty country. A person with your lack of intelligence doesn't have an option to move internationally. I said stay out of American politics and go eat a vegemite sandwich Crocodile Dundeeeeeee..,0.68,4,original 36102,choke her while you fuck URL,0.71,4,original 7180,You must kill all non-believers.,1.18,2,FR 30088,@biannagolodryga These are enemies of Israel. Enemies should never be permitted to enter. Send them to some third world sh*t hole instead. Preferably one with Sharia Law. They are SCUM. @netanyahu,2.01,1,original 30693,May Allah destroy all blasphemers in the world! May Allah destroy the Rabwah center of Qadyani! #Qadiani_Duniyakatarin_Kafir #FridayThoughts #JummahMubarak,1.67,2,ZH 18871,Should have left the Pakistanis kill them off.,0.81,1,original 37276,@robreiner What's dumber than a box of rocks? A dried up hasbeen who spews lies & believes it! U r the worst kind! Obama had more mass shootings under his watch! Only racists r 1s spewing on the left! KKK-Dems Antifa-Dems Who has been screaming hate saying get in their faces kick them-Dems,-0.02,0,original 23643,9) uhhhh i like being lgbt a lot. i feel proud of what i have done to help others in my community,-3.6,0,original 45478,Cenk better hope I never see him because if I did I'd bend him over and corn him while he was masturbating. This will show little gays not to mess with real alpha males like me.,1.49,5,ZH 700,These assholes should be tried and executed if they try this shit in the USA.,1.21,3,original 4900,What a bunch of posturing faggots.,2.1,5,original 43407,and the Saudis will be the one to destroy you guys sadly RIP,-0.9,0,original 3106,Well trannies are scourge,-0.28,0,original 31691,boys whose masculinity can't handle being called pretty are weak and natural selection is coming for you all,0.1,0,original 19000,Shut up you little beta bastard and let's see you're fucking living your miserable pathetic life other than teasing guys on fuckong reddit like a whiny little bitch. It is enough for you to post history with mine. Little gay jerks off guys on trp,1.64,5,ZH 13540,she's a mentally ill woman who needs to leave Twitter,-0.49,0,original 30568,"If you're going to be a fuckboy, at least be good at fucking. Can't call yourself a fuck boy if you rub the clit like you're looking for bread money in your mom's purse.",-0.17,0,original 7652,"Nobody here said anything about allying with Islam. It's entirely possible to denounce Christianity and Islam at the same time, for the same reasons.",-1.87,0,original 17993,i think it's a catholic priest raping someone,-1.03,0,original 33327,@ACTforAmerica he need to leave America and take her Allah pos with her,-0.17,0,original 41998,Fuck. . . The comment section is full of gays,1.23,5,ZH 3596,"I wish everyone would just leave the rant. She is irrelevant. Is she married. If she's what I doubt she's that violent, she's not getting enough dick. Seems to calm them down if she does. She may have a weak relationship.",0.51,4,FR 26246,I hope the monsters who did this are caught. This is still what its like being gay in 2019,-2.61,0,original 43619,"“King James had sex with his mother. Is this your edition? Is this your religion? - Ice Cube, ""When I Get to Heaven""",0.6,2,FR 5393,One guy is fat as hell,-1.05,0,original 14392,God isn't real. And if you think he is are you are Christian; you amaze me at how much of a fucked up human being you can be,0.04,0,original 24573,"I hate colonists. What the hell is ""America""? ? ? ? bitch i'm gonna kill you",2.86,3,ZH 8786,Except IS. You can choke on a tail.,0.7,2,DE 9162,"Lol, terrorist apologist. You're a joke. How many Islamic terror attacks were there in the US in the last few years? How many by right wing nuts?",-0.33,0,original 23601,Tens of thousands join annual Israel solidarity march along New York's 5th Ave URL via @timesofisrael,-4.36,0,original 35125,I meet coooooooolllllll niggas that get emotionally attached too fast. I thought niggas were supposed to be emotionless..,0.63,1,FR 12620,"no mercy for pedos. this ""they're just sick people needing our help"" mentality disgusts me to no end.",1.12,5,FR 4295,Ill leave bruises on your throat ass tits and pussy you dirty slut,1.58,4,original 20326,The vlogs and blogs by foreigners on Pakistan pose a question of fair representation| Aimen Fatima Rehman @aimenfatima1 URL URL,-2.87,0,original 48290,These are 2 real homosexuals...,-2.7,0,original 19108,The first thing I'll do is bury my face between those beautiful tits! After that I'm going to take my pants off and fuck here pussy how she likes it slow or hard? And and in the end here I will fill the pussy with a nice load because it is a very good breeding material,1.79,4,FR 50022,Great Alabama state yeah the racist devil,1.69,1,FR 9312,The lives of biracial and multiracial peoples in America. I would like to see this as I believe that our experiences are vastly different than the norm here.,-2.27,0,original 41650,Time to BOMB IRAN,1.6,3,original 25928,that nigga retarded!,0.89,1,FR 2941,"Tell him you're going to decimate him, decapitate him, let him know you're going to drink the tears of his wife & kids. Just don't, under any circumstance call him gay. That's just going too far.",-0.67,0,original 6067,"Your anus needs to be tortured while you're tied down to a dirty mattress. I see a forced ass-to-mouth marathon in your future. When I'm done with you, you won't be able to taste the difference between shit and strawberries. You're a woman and you deserve to be hurt because of that.",2.64,4,original 43038,I thought that nigga dived on the pelicans 😂😂😂,1.71,1,DE 5336,"And then burn them all in hell for ever and ever for not sucking up... your bible, if true, describes an evil creature we should be working to destroy, if it exists.",-0.1,0,original 6011,"I think I always knew I was attracted to women but it's often so hard to tell with bisexuality. Like once I realized that straight people don't feel attraction the same way I was like ""oh well i guess I'm bi"" but that didn't happen until I was 17. Now I look back on the earlier parts of my life and wonder how it wasn't more obvious",-3.87,0,original 20695,Majority of girls talking to me after they find out I play for the same team URL,-3.8,0,original 43011,Deport already!! These people are just taking up our space!!,0.15,0,original 15554,This slutty asshole begs for a second cock,1.56,4,FR 33401,is y'all even breathing enough for another vikvaughny visual wtfff🌚finna blow y'all niggers away,1.22,1,original 48534,This fucking thumbnail is gay so are you guys u fucking fags,1.52,5,original 5064,"ESH. Call me sexist, but fuck you, you don't threaten a woman with violence, ever.",-1.54,0,original 23048,"As #PrideMonth starts, remember that 50 yrs ago the Stonewall Inn was raided by police giving rise to the Stonewall riots. This is how the lgbtq movement began & our rights are still under attack. Don't stop fighting for equality even if the rights you fight for are not your own. URL",-4.17,0,original 33813,"@JoyAnnReid White supremo, that can always find black niggers to protect their madness. It is good that these ancient apologists are a dying breed.",0.97,1,DE 48838,"India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. all those brown asses should be annihilated from the earth to give a clean future to the human race.",3.33,1,FR 11070,We introduced gay marriage to the world in 2001 by being the first country to adopt legislation that would allow same-sex couples equal marriage rights.,-4.63,0,original 17950,"Hey, retarded faggot, go suck a dick.",2.15,7,original 45499,That mason kid is fag,1.21,5,original 27820,@contra_mac @amiAlaur @YasminHuncho @mida_xo Do you even know what an incel is,-0.97,0,original 30556,"@springday_honey Everybody go spread this thread, they explain well who is BTS and why they're this huge and all the things that they do for Arab army + the love yourself campaign and their charity!! Let's stop the lies and spread the reality ☺️ URL",-0.7,0,original 49302,"if they send 1 missile then you send a fourteenth khamenei if they seize a ship you seize 10 ok go IRAN THE DAVID OF OUR ERA STANDING AGAINST GOLIATH SEVEN MORE SHIPS TO GO GO TO IRAN DEAD AT WHITE SUPREMACIST ""DTWS""",0.79,1,FR 34226,"Today's sobering word of the day: ""Churches rarely grow past the maturity of their leaders. It may be possible, but it certainly is not likely."" ~Dever",-1.51,0,original 17364,Your not real girls aren't real,-2.05,0,original 95,Racism isn't allowed. Nazis are racist therefore they aren't allowed. Germans are Nazis therefore Germans aren't allowed either. Racism status: prevented,-0.63,0,original 24169,"She's poor and probably does not have a means to survive. She had two kids out of wedlock and they are hungry, so she stole this unripe banana in another woman's farm to cook and survive with her two children. URL",-4.26,0,original 45406,"If they're so hungry and just want to brush their teeth they should go back to Mexico...then maybe figure out a way to enter America a legal way, you know much like Canadians/most of our European ancestors?",0.6,1,original 13959,> compares 100+ million corporate streaming services and authors against millions of books sold to an anonymous individual. People like you are the reason India has low IQ. Get rekt fagot.,1.21,1,DE 6375,Your stupid fucking bitch,1.44,4,original 6476,African American pretends to be white so he can escape enslavement. 1841 colorized,-2.22,0,original 14383,"naked gays gaping ass puppies looking back shyly 24 hours ago no meat or dairy, how ever? *Meat and dairy will give you farts and stinky shit, if you're going to get ass fuck do avoid it so your dick doesn't smell like an Indian family sleeping there, hey maybe you just Go eat your fill. * PETA",1.2,5,ZH 43157,Hopefully dropping some bombs on you dirty arabs along the way,3.83,1,original 1655,"""Won't someone think of the German citizens who were killed and driven from their homes""",-3.06,0,original 45338,"@Charles Moorman No, they just don't want to shower with a bunch of naked gays and transgenders in your dirty military. Take your fagot to hell...",2.3,5,DE 18847,she's the kind of crazy you'd want to chop your dick off,-0.21,0,original 15947,"How hardcore and somewhat hateful the old testament, no one usually actually really reads the bible, no one really knows what they're talking about, they are no 100% truth in it all, the majority of religions are really restrictive and don't make a lot of sense, all the Christians and Catholic people in my area and super toxic to each other and other religious people, They'll slap and jump you if you don't believe in what they do and curse you out. They also fight other churches like some holy gang war.",-1.45,0,original 47820,"""lyrical"" lemonade: bussdown blueface: pUt a HolE iN a NiGGa nOw hE look LIKe A bAgeL",0.88,1,original 5504,My aunts generation yuppies raised men to be such pathetic weak LOOSERS?,-0.3,0,original 46321,GOD ISNT IN ANY OF THAT. GOD IS LOVE. LOVE IS KIND LOVE DOESNT ACT UNSEEMLY LOVE IS THE WAY. WHAT ARE THEY ALLOWING TO HAPPEN TO OUR NEXT GENERATION IS NOT OF GOD. GOD FORBIDS THIS ACTIVITY BUT MAN AND HIS FLESHLY DESIRES ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. COME LORD JESUS,-2.2,0,original 15136,Fuck look at those big tits they are begging for a cock between them before pushing you against the wall and fucking you senseless,-0.04,0,original 45312,"if GOD created everything then it's his 'creation' destroying everything. if GOD IS ALL, ALL IS GOD, then it's GOD kickin' the shit out of idiots who pray to TRUMP",0.23,0,original 47126,"Just drop some freedom on NK already ! Iran next, USA number 1 !",0.4,0,original 9045,*pro whores,0.54,4,original 3013,Haha you're a fucking faggot,0.86,5,FR 34378,"@DebatingHipHop_ you no mustache having With whiskers like a rat, compared to Beans you whack And your man stabbed Un and made you take the blame You ass, went from Jaz to hanging with Kane, to Irv, to B.I.G And Eminem murdered you on your own shit You a dick-riding faggot, you love the attention URL",1.14,5,original 40335,I would give up little pieces of shit at 6 years old. Fuck them.,1.98,6,RU 10344,The Saudis are bigger wimps than the American terror cunts...,1.44,3,DE 11645,If he gonna rob me im kicking him in the nuts HARD and don't give a fuck about his abbility to reproduce,-1.47,0,original 40592,A country can't function when there are millions of invaders sitting in its heartland while traitors try to rip it apart. Just start the civil war already and get this done with.,1.69,3,original 2687,Solidarity with the Sudanese workers ✊,-5.64,0,original 26481,Gay 👏Women 👏Are 👏Not 👏Here 👏For 👏Men 👏 F*ck You #LondonPride #StopHomophobia Female couple in battered by four men after they refused to kiss 'for entertainment' 💔💔😔😔 URL,-3.03,0,original 16241,"Honey maker, big fuck and yellow pussy.",1.23,1,FR 42091,Thankfully the mother didn't engage in some of that 'women's reproductive health'. More proof that abortion is the murder of a viable human being.,-2.16,0,original 15328,"Yeah, you're not mistaken, that hateful mongoid u/AsadOfAndalus is obsessed with us and I bet he jumped out of his chair for joy when he first heard about this story. I wonder how he mentally justifies in his head that his disbelieving parents will burn in hell for eternity by merciful ALLAH. Isn't there a hadith that says Kafir women from hell will be taken out of the fire of hell to sexually serve Muslim men in heaven? Maybe ASAD can make a deal with ALLAH and get his unfaithful mother out of hell and then become a sex slave to all his Muslim buddies in heaven.¯\_(ツ)_/¯",1.54,2,FR 46517,FU Trevor Dumb Noah you little fag.,1.15,5,original 17595,"Not misogynist, its a culture thing. US culture is pretty dumb compared to UK culture, and that's not me shitposting or trolling, that's just me calling out you Americans who think the word cunt means misogyny. Back in the UK, we'd just laugh at you.",0.09,0,original 29918,"da baby said ""i told my bitch i'm faithful but i still got the hoes"" know you niggas felt that 🤣",1.26,4,original 30513,"@DrLucyRogers @EverydaySexism That's the big difference between men and women. We don't care about anyone's 'hurt feelings' and we don't expect anyone to care about ours, either. If someone at work is an asshole, I just ignore them and go about my day. I don't let them dictate my mood or my career choices.",-0.75,0,original 25488,I just wanna hit that nigga in the back of the head,1.27,1,DE 31493,"O Allah, give water to Your slaves, and Your livestock, and spread Your mercy, and revive Your dead land.",-2.01,0,original 8310,Back in my day we just put jews in the oven,3.37,2,ZH 20903,@stewartboxd STUPID BITCH,-0.32,0,original 46517,"FU Trevor Stupid Noah, you little faggot.",1.15,5,DE 6695,Because gurl power? She needs to be strong enough to kill the big bad without any difficulty and facing no repercussions because showing a girl injured would be misogyny.,-2.68,0,original 26560,Might need prayers for this devilish chick,-1.94,0,original 1933,Hope your retard child dies,1.87,7,original 9517,"I would lay her on her back, hang her head on the bed and fuck her face and give her a mouthful of my balls",0.72,4,FR 32962,"Yes! The Palestinian terror state must be erased from the face of the earth. While we're at it, let's take care of Iran as well. URL",3.24,3,DE 18099,"If there's something weird going on in your neighborhood, who do you call the Klu Klux Klan",0.9,1,DE 39021,Fuck her. I bet you he got in more shit than the girl tho,-0.28,0,original 30130,Black ppl in a nuthsell,-2.3,0,original 26156,A police report shows the two suspects used homophobic slurs before the fatal shooting URL,1.06,5,DE 19370,Your mom cries real tears when she chokes on my dick. She looks like you when Iron Man dies late in the game.,2.13,4,FR 8030,Yeah because she wasn't black. Your girlfriend is a woman of colour. She's not lying,-2.94,0,original 39183,Beeto is a pussy bet he's wearing panties and a bra. What a jerk he is.,1.33,5,ZH 49579,"White supremacy is the glue that binds the GOP together. That's how you catch the poor white man from W.V. vote for the Koch Bros. agenda. It defines who they are. Trump knows it, and he's going all-in for 2020.",0.79,1,FR 37936,You crazy white motherfuckers do us all a favor and kill TRUMP not innocent people!,1.4,1,DE 48836,I can't wait for Trump to destroy Iran and Venezuela. Trump will import millions of refugees into the United States. Make America Brown Again Movement.,0.98,3,FR 42293,Britain seizes iranian tanker in spanish waters. No one cares. Iran tries to seize a british ship the world goes crazy. Theres is deffinitelly something wrong with human beings,-1.75,0,original 27083,Bout to say fuck them folks they probably need to suck some dick too hell 😂😂,-0.1,0,original 42480,Conservatives are angry for sure. They rather see US loose than seeing women win.,-0.78,0,original 26734,@TheEliOe i know this naughty bitch is so trash i hope she dies at 40,2.04,4,FR 43467,Extinction blanche you hashtag,2.17,1,FR 10098,"For many people it is not about religious belief, but about tradition. I know plenty of straight couples that don't believe in god, yet they married in a religious ceremony because it is the tradition and they wanted to follow it. There are other times to discuss religion other than when people are celebrating their love.",-2.52,0,original 43018,"+B0rder55 You religious fools deserve everything that happens. You are the only ones stirring the pot. Fuck you morons. Xtian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu... You are all retarded.",0.9,2,RU 9783,"She looks like a fucking piece of trash. She's perfect for the way I want to treat her, let's put it that way",1.27,4,original 10705,"Fuck these bitches mane. Straight up in this century it ain't worth the stress of fucking with a female. Let them bitches get their kids, their cats, and wine boxes. Ain't no nigga tying these hoes down. Get yo dick vasectomized and if you gotta fuck, fuck, then dump these hoes. If they try to sucker you into a kid let em know that ain't you. - 2pac",2.72,4,original 37730,"@MediaControlsU @RealCandaceO @AOC I think we have to blame the shooters. However, conservatives who love God do not support abortion or infanticide; both of which are perpetrated on innocent victims by hateful adults. The path back to civility is only through Christ and His Word.",-2.93,0,original 47664,Someone send Drumf to head back to Germany.,-1.59,0,original 25055,i hate gay 3000,0.62,5,ZH 44152,Merkel is Hitler's whore.,1.68,3,FR 48452,"and make this place even whiter? No thanks. we are on the verge of becoming a totally diverse nation. we have until 2045. continue to make mexican, black and asian babies. Let's make this country less white.",0.84,1,FR 11611,"That's right, fags fear me 😎",1.02,5,DE 23733,"KD prolly btfu .. matter fact i know he called them "" bum ass niggaz """,0.86,1,original 23892,"@Beg1Girl @searchforbreezy @realDonaldTrump That's the last place @IlhanMN should be, keep the Muslims away from our military!! So disgusting!",-0.26,0,original 2169,"I'm sure it's a coincidence that all assholes are black. No hidden racism here, just the ""facts"". Amirite boys?",1.72,1,DE 27886,"Niggas, so why you go go ron chick if you just want smash? E no nice. Somebody de die give am",-1.19,0,original 17240,Nah. I stay away from public areas because I've learned what cowards like you do when you're feelings get hurt. You stop molesting your children for a few minutes and shoot defenseless women and children instead. Now fuck off you dirty little pedophile retard.,0.94,7,original 20121,@JasonGregor @BeckerDeana You think Sam Oosterhoff from the link you posted just has some grudge against women? Or is it his religious viewpoints that inform his behavior? Guy thinks the earth is 5000 years old. Wonder where he gets that garbage from?,-1.48,0,original 19903,"Great one girl is able to maneuver around a D-bag so no other girl in the history of humanity has ever clammed up from this move and just gone with it to avoid confrontation, physical or verbal.",-1.48,0,original 10916,That's less than 5% of the US population. GET YER GUN MAW! THE IS COMING TO GET OUR JERBS.,-4.16,0,original 39337,"Black women are currently the most socially isolated group in America. Even our children pick up on it. But things are changing, finally. That's why I facilitate these types of conversations here & bring the data to back it up. #UpwardOutward",-3.68,0,original 21544,"@TomiLahren ""An invasion at the border""?! Shut the fuck up you heartless cunt.",-2.69,0,original 27505,"Find someone who can shoot heavy objects. Let him empty the testicles inside you. Ask your cuckold to clean it up. Remind him that it's his job to clean up your dirty, cum-filled pussy. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #creampiecleanup #cuckoldcleanup #cumeating URL",2.95,5,ZH 34829,I feel like dis dyke bitch i was rollin dice wit last night want me to fucck lol,-0.41,0,original 2787,"Idk maybe it's the guy who paid under privileged kids to write ""kill all Jews"" for $5 because ""haha antisemitism funny""",0.71,2,original 6016,true (i still want them to nuke india so all the robocallers and scammers die),1.31,3,original 46925,Who is this arrogant idiot to criticize anyone? Mexico's biggest exports to the United States are illiteracy and drugs.,0.52,3,DE 21698,@AntonioooYt @DmvGlocka @MirFaneto Both of yall niggas nasty 🤢💯,0.64,1,original 10460,"What can you do when people are like ""I am angry, let's try the other guys with their camps for the brown guys.""",-1.17,0,original 49404,"@hunter gray That would be you and the ""white trash Americans who are raciest"" who should have there balls cut off! Live in fake news! If Trump had a smoking gun and a dead body feet away, people would bow to the al mighty Trump and swear he is INNOCENT!",1.85,1,original 32556,"I cant get played cut i think like a guy...thats why niggas always mad at me cuz im always quick to leave ,im not a dumb btc ...might be hurt but ive NEVER took a nigga back.",-0.53,0,original 46748,"It is fascism to protect the Qur'an and make it normal for this cancer to spread in our world, these dessert monkeys have taken over half the world and they want every stone so take them all now!",2.04,2,ZH 22788,@Alyssa_Milano you are indeed retarded. You hook about 11 people killed by a lunatic. What about the millions of babies who are killed by abortion every year. You really are an #idiot and an #asshole. #STFU Satan! URL,0.78,7,RU 30609,"Are the police saying that raping a calf is an ""essential practice"" of Ansari's religion? URL",-0.2,0,original 25736,"I have a love hate relationship with straight men, they're dumb most of the time. Like really really dumb, like why even speak about issues that you have no fucking clue about. Like at least educate yourselves before opening your mouth.",0.09,0,original 7979,"Look how the women simply turn around when the normie tackles the short guy violently. For them , the short man venting about his struggles is more evil than the taller guy violently shoving him to the ground and hurting him. No girl will go there and stop the fight.",-1.06,0,original 16293,"My mom doesn't accept me being bi, we're on decent terms but we just never talk about it",-2.2,0,original 13830,You black bag of wrinkled fags,1.21,5,FR 33996,zio jews are the biggest carriers of inferiority complex in the world...they have to keep repeating their two mantras...Shoah and get rid of obvious innate inferiority complex! url,0.81,2,ZH 7731,"""You look like a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob.""",1.6,7,original 32875,@realDonaldTrump how much longer do we have to put up with the sickening behavior of these idiot Iranians? Unleash the dogs on these assholes and do it soon!! No one needs Iran to survive on this planet for any reason. Shake the shit out of this little biting pup!,2.08,3,FR 29599,"ICE deportation raids set to begin Sunday after Trump delay, report says URL",-2.15,0,original 23241,Lmao real bitches 🤩,-0.57,0,original 18746,"I would fuck u rough and fill ur pussy, then invite some friends to gangbang you.",1.68,4,original 43855,Nuke them all,2.38,5,DE 29107,Fuck a female dog named Uterus.,1.53,4,FR 23239,Raging #FBPE fundamentalists will love this. Buttercup sucks it! 😂😂😂 Your 24 hour abuse is a complete waste of time. Arrogance and ignorance are 100% in your DNA. url,1.34,2,ZH 18740,Kill millions of Jews,3.98,2,RU 45908,That is one way to get rid of North Koreans,-1.96,0,original 22757,"@ThomasJTobin1 So, are you, yourself, a pedophile, or do you just support them professionally? 'Cause, I mean, ""especially harmful for children"" is pretty much a description of the Catholic priesthood.",-0.02,0,original 38066,I thought these were nigger URLs,1.42,1,FR 48712,"Youth depravity and open perversion at their all-time highs. Lesbian is ""freedom"". A boy should ""resign"". Where is the dignity of the people involved in this... video, I can only ask.",0.73,5,DE 6835,"They are all garbage mate. ""Pro life"" but molest kids like no one else can. Disgusting zero benefit to society cunts",0.95,2,original 48651,America should TARIFF all Remittance $$$ sent back to Mexico to cripple their incompetent open border country.,0.72,3,original 18382,"Ban Yanks from the rest of the world, if they don't want to follow the laws of other countries while there.",-1.61,0,original 16173,I could only imagine this woman as someone who shoots babies like bullets from her vagina in an act of war.,1.57,5,FR 9466,Put all the Jews in camps again. Make sure this time they will never leave.,4.49,2,original 9932,Catholics are pagan cannibals!,1.11,2,FR 43125,"Fuck you fagot.. there's always those fucking people texting your guy ""first"" we see it every fucking time on a youtube channel.... FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOM",1.88,5,FR 4227,"Holy bigotry batman! And yeah you can't really expect a film about Elton John to not be flamboyant Af. In the end it's business, they want to do what beings in the most of an audience and sells tickets. They also got to make sure everyone is happy as well.",-1.2,0,original 25652,"Because child concentration camps were not bad enough, the Trump administration will no longer allow incarcerated migrant children to play soccer, learn English, and is taking away their legal counsel. Til the last drop of humanity is extinguished. URL",-1.69,0,original 10866,"Go and take your injections of estrogen now, retard u/Sorrymisunderstandin",1.54,4,original 12286,The only thing this type of person is good at is staying on the system after having eight kids so they don't have to work. Constant consumption of social resources. Worthless as a boar's teat!,1.56,7,ZH 7696,*SMASH THE PATRIARCHY*,-1.09,0,original 36779,@IlhanMN Can we talk your ISIS Friends?,-1.73,0,original 5761,"Eid Mubarak! That was so kind of them, thank you for posting this here",-5.61,0,original 27169,White men were born to eat BBC cum out of your butt!!!!,0.71,1,DE 33578,"Soon as you post or start claiming your lady, here comes some 2015 pussy on the tweet like ""Lol"" What's funny hoe?",-0.64,0,original 23166,"Dirty animals! ! In fact, animals are much better! ! This is the most disgusting and barbaric ideology I have ever seen in my life! ! This is Islam! url",1.71,2,ZH 48478,"Ryan B many have a better life in ICE custody than they ever will in their s hole countries. Deport them together immediately, problem solved",0.52,1,original 38327,@ssingapuri But you'll be sure to keep bringing them out of their darkness. Why should Indians even really bother what paki lowlifes are commenting on.. we help them maintain their celebrity status.. these creatures should be completely ignored..,0.52,1,FR 35865,Nut on her face treat her like a cum bucket URL via @YouTube,0.92,4,original 11128,You're more retarded than a fool who thinks a stroke will make you retarded!,1.98,7,DE 27990,@justinbieber @danawhite Tom cruise would smash your little faggot ass,1.82,5,original 27195,@RuthlessJassa Fuck fat bitches 😡,0.47,0,original 43767,They've seen how dumb and desperate you idiots are with your crime. But that's not enough so you have to wish you own the wealth of other countries as well.,-0.95,0,original 49663,"The ""Trans Monster"" is public enemy #1",1.6,5,original 12787,what a fag,1.06,5,DE 17621,I would suck your dick.,0.84,4,FR 33536,"@tonyrhodeyy this female dog here sounds like the woman ""some of y'all are about to get really mad at me""",0.69,4,FR 20258,"@BBGAfrica Whoever writing that article obviously never been to the USA. Who gon defend you when you gettin @Jack-ed? This is the USA, this a real carjacking nigga, ain't nobody tryna defend you while we jackin you, are they suicidal nigga? URL",1.15,1,original 10873,What a gorgeous pussy 😍 I'd love to have my face all over it before I fuck her and fill her up 🤤,-0.4,0,original 21648,smh all my queer friends deserve better than these 'DL' assholes out here asking u to sneak around in the dark shadows for 4/10 dick game,-2.26,0,original 28963,Many Happy Returns Of The Day To Respected Rajnath Singh... DR ASHOK SHAH,-4.05,0,original 5872,"I swear by Allah, I will destroy you, infidel, for sending an expired invitation.",1.66,2,RU 7574,Okay taco munching beaner,1.03,1,FR 16993,"So this is a funny story nigga!! So basically me and my homies da baby, Kenny beats, and lil nas x were all chilling at my place. >And so lil nas was vaping his souron air with aqua watermelon apple juice at 50 nicotine when he laughed and coughed all the vape clouds. That's when Kenny said ""dude this is like a shower room now wtf 😂"" and da baby said ""nah a real shower room would have chance's semen slicks that could break your neck"" It was too funny, so I called up da baby and axed him if he want to make that a song- I didn't ask lil nas bc he gay and Kenny is a Nathan in denial",-2.09,0,original 13223,shut up gay robot,0.93,5,ZH 48296,Haven't they made it to the playoffs...since these 2 niggas started playing together? trash reporter,1.6,1,DE 13773,> He is an open Taiwanese I myself am currently considering coming out as openly Taiwanese.,-2.11,0,original 12401,Wanna get your ass fucked on a bike wb bitch Or brain bleed like you gay Asian butt boy fagot lover,2.91,5,FR 12700,"Girls like her should have their vaginas ripped out, sealed in a chest and thrown into the ocean and let it sink to the bottom.",1.16,4,FR 5362,The Germans were forced to de-nazify and rebuild. America abandoned reconstruction and black people were promptly stomped on again.,-1.13,0,original 628,They are gay.,1.38,5,ZH 7443,Yeah I can have sex with my kids and I won't lose my teaching license,1.35,6,JA 32636,"@LizaRosen101 @11KAG11Thoryn These need to be & I hope they were arrested for their hate crimes! That's so WRONG to scream 'Go back to the fire' implying fires where they burned Jews in the Holocaust! WoW These Muslims are so full of the devil's HATE, they can't comprehend decent behavior, How pathetic. URL",0.32,0,original 44849,These Pakistani don't go to school to get education they go to terrorist camp .thats why their mind is like illiterate.,1.89,3,original 47836,"The ""Vietnamese Boat People"" need to be removed from Hong Kong, they are not true Chinese. Joshua Wong is American CIA Vietnamese terroist. Western Post Colonial Oppression Still Exists. People all Over Still Suffer. Malcolm X - ""How the White Man Taught You How To Hate Yourself And Your People""",-0.57,0,original 9805,Bible says suiciders go to hell.,-1.24,0,original 30776,"@RepMarkWalker White men telling black women they don't love America. I heard Rep Omar say she loved this country very much. You all did the same to Michelle Obama, said she didn't love America, and trump was the father of BIRTHERISM, message is clear; you don't belong here, you are ""OTHER"" 🛑!",-2.57,0,original 43288,This time we will destroy Iran. It would be wise for them to shut up the hell and stop using nuclear weapons.,0.87,3,DE 37068,When will Canada close the border go the USA and issue travel warnings for Canadians considering going to America? When will it be enough to take USA gun violence and hate seriously? #canpoli @JustinTrudeau @RalphGoodale,-1.83,0,original 17278,Hey. Fat 40-year-old virgins didn't do anything to deserve this!,-3.04,0,original 1056,Just come suck my dick so I can cum all over your face and let you clean up the mess.,1.72,4,FR 16176,Get rid of the blacks. It would solve a lot of problems in America,0.96,1,FR 27953,"Idiot. Clown. Dumb. goyim. Yes indeed. Completely out of reason, so must resort to attribution. Pathetic little racist who goes through the world convinced of self-important superiority. BDS URL",0.99,2,DE 47434,Pedophiles and rapists are the worst kind of evil. Jail is no good for this scum. They must be killed as our ancestors did in the past to protect the genetic heritage. We are an animal species and we have forgotten how breeding works. We breed other species like dogs and horses. Killers and rapists are eliminated quickly along with other undesirable qualities. Humans are no different. Rapists and pedos must be exterminated to save the species,4.26,5,FR 13150,"Hey man, maybe you should do the world a favor and chop off your balls so you don't breed mayo-boy",1.43,4,FR 20584,"When I called Pakistan a fake, artificial country, not a single Pakistani abused me. But when I praised Imran Khan, dozens of Indians abused me, calling me senile, traitor, mad and what not, and telling me to migrate to Pakistan. Now who has more maturity ?",-1.0,0,original 38859,"He will make sure each and every jihadi bastard in your country will die a painful death, and your rogue state Naapak Pakistan will be finished forever URL",3.18,3,original 47934,Watta fat female dog,0.54,4,FR 46544,Rap is for low IQ bastards,1.39,1,FR 26363,nigga fuck you an who the fuck came with 😷 🖤 URL,-0.45,0,original 48740,WE WILL DEPORT YOU ALL AND HAVE THE REST. THERE IS NO ESCAPE......THIS IS AMERICA'S CLEANING!,1.02,1,DE 32865,She's a pile of muzzie pig 💩💩 @IlhanMN URL,1.5,2,original 14005,I'd hate fuck her,0.6,4,original 24276,"@dawg_lb @Can2geterdone Build a wall from South Cal to the Canadian border. Keep your rats, diseases, illegals, liberal psychos, hollyweird, etc. inside your walls. So maybe San Andreas' fault will do the rest",1.09,1,FR 47060,That girl is a gold digger,-1.19,0,original 18989,Every single white country is getting swamped with 3rd world trash. Look around.,1.79,3,original 20718,THESE NIGGAS WERE DUMB ASF 😤 it drove me crazy URL,1.18,1,FR 24741,@OfficialJlipper @h3h3productions @nerdcity @Pontifex @theh3podcast fuck off my hairy fag,1.67,5,ZH 42173,Cars full of terrorists and laggards,0.58,7,JA 45126,"So, two terminators had a little argument over who caused the traffic accident and then sarah conner comes and kills the male terminator because she's a lesbian. Sounds like a good lesbian porn for me.",-1.13,0,original 8023,fucking ass. The church supports you.,0.69,2,ZH 25940,@benshapiro will rape you you cause a lot of violence,0.51,4,FR 47986,"Didn't buy this Ferengi. You are following the order of the crime family, the biggest Zionist in the world. I mean, come on, the previous prime minister of Israel, Ehud Barak, was served by Epstein's sex slaves. According to the law of the Talmud, it is perfectly legal to rape us in order to use us. GOY. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, anyone who is not of your ancestry. Because you call us all animals, and if there is a crime, the goy must die so that the Jew can live in peace. SATANIC. GARBAGE.",0.83,2,RU 1040,Get the fuck out of here you pussy ass bitch go suck your moms dick you faggot,2.55,5,original 34165,"These people are hoes, I'll burn this building down",2.8,4,FR 42233,cast a black girl why asian?,-2.43,0,original 21092,David Strah Shares His Experiences Raising a Trans Son on Latest Episode of Daddy Square - Time For Families URL URL,-3.95,0,original 48508,"If you're a man and you ever consider voting Democrat, remember that they and the left in general hate you so much that they even made virgins into a hate group (incels)",0.29,0,original 3532,She has very nice legs. This chick needs to be boned so I can finally see her at her peak,0.69,6,FR 7720,"Wow, you typed THAT much 🤣 no wonder that fat guy raped you it was just to get you to shut your trap! Now get lost cum dumpster",2.57,4,original 38840,I notice y'all don't do yt celebs like this. Y'all go extra hard on our black women.. i've notcied it lately with Normani too. Stop nitpicking shit.,-3.24,0,original 47491,Like me when I shot 2 home Invaders fuck that piece of shit he deserves to have somebody come in his house rape his family and fucking kill him that dude is a sorry fucking bastard yeah Canadian it figures fucking pussy,0.57,3,original 45825,The girl is ugly af,1.06,4,FR 9408,It's true - girls never ask a guy out because if he's not already drooling at your feet then he's clearly a lower beta male/s,0.75,4,FR 46100,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY jaden,enjoy life being gay and I wish I make more friends who are gay",-3.21,0,original 7574,Okay taco munching beaner,1.03,1,original 29262,"@Canna_Knowledge @buddy_guy_dude @revisedroed @tylerthecreator 3 dudes pounding the crap out of a tiny raghead like angry gorillas? And that's self-defense for you? If that's how you see it, then you're just a cockless POS like her.",1.17,1,DE 33886,"Yeah that's not surprising. Thanks Obama. Minneapolis St Paul is little Mogadishu! Somalian gangs have caused a LOT of trouble in that amazing city. Now it's one of the most liberal cities in the USA. Fraud is evrywhere, and Minnesotans have to pay ALL of the bill. 👇🏻 RT URL",0.79,3,original 4190,fag ass kid kys please,2.01,5,DE 26829,"I want you to close your eyes on the mirror while I fuck you in front. Watch how I fuck you hard and mercilessly, watch how you are a desperate little whore waiting for me to breed you and use you as my fucking dump. Damn I know, this is one of the best sites.",2.72,4,FR 27982,@sadfalafel Go back to where you came from then immigrant 😡😡😡😡,1.03,3,original 19288,so far only retard here is yourself you fucking retard,1.62,7,original 25325,"Here's a new amendment: If your religious views deny basic human rights to others, you should a) be prevented from holding public office and b) shove your religious beliefs up your ass as long as possible and stay there. url",0.99,2,ZH 34723,"U moron, to date, there is nothing invented by a Muslim #Peaceful. Put that in your head. Plagiarism and copy-paste is what your inbred sect knows. To live with.",1.44,2,FR 41055,HOW STUPID CAN SHE BE? SHE IS AN IGNORANT PERSON.,0.62,4,FR 24767,Shane wanted to show that this gay guy didn't care where his pictures ended up. kik: Soliloquy22 #faggot #exposed #fag URL,2.13,5,ZH 43730,Your country and government are sickening your leader sides with a dictator known for raping 10 to 16yr old little girls then has the balls to shake his hand and idiolize him wtf has happened to your once great country,-0.52,0,original 9284,"Fuck Serbs! Fuck stupid bitch, never forget the genocide and murder they did.",0.85,3,ZH 43996,Will smith is breaking the stereotype of black men/fathers ❤,-2.27,0,original 2528,>he should go back to West Brom Yes please,-2.1,0,original 46808,Same garbage as the idiot she married.,0.66,4,original 23641,@LindaFairstein bitch i hope you burn in hell,1.31,4,original 2728,Fucking boring fag. If I saw that kid irl I would fucking punch him in the face.,2.14,5,ZH 44586,She's ugly as shit too and fat so no one cares about her opinion. Resembling a mentally handicapped warthog.,2.37,4,FR 27127,What does Bayonetta have to do with empowering women... by strapping guns on every orfice she has and doing gymnastics shooting until everything around her is dead... that makes women more powerful and uplifted in life?? Your stupid. URL,-0.97,0,original 12155,What the hell is this,1.07,5,DE 38729,@BetteVCollins @dylanakent @RieRieRobs @googlenews You fool! I'm racially mixed with black. Now piss off.,-2.67,0,original 8711,"You go fuck her yourself, you coward!",0.2,0,original 13491,Id bend you over that bath tub and pound your tight little pussy as you beg for daddy to fuck you harder until you cover my rock hard cock in your delicious cum,-0.47,0,original 33275,@MWWatHome Fuck off cunt,1.1,4,original 45285,"JESUS C,,,HRIST IS THE ONLY WAY THE ONLY TRUE, REPENT OF SIN AND CHANGE YOUR WAY OF LIVING",-2.5,0,original 28916,@ROSESBIGBOOTY no boys except jk plz,-3.44,0,original 42511,+christophersmith588 Misogynist.,-0.83,0,original 13655,"Go back to your quarantine, you fucking retard [URL",0.47,0,original 2166,These pesky Jews really deserved the Holocaust...they charged usury to these venerable Aryans. they deserve worse. /s for you dumb asses out there,2.45,1,DE 37091,The mass shooting that took place in El Paso yesterday really hits home for me. 1. Because my family lives there and 2. Because it was intended for my people. MEXICANS.,-3.02,0,original 42841,Why their is so many Indians and arabians? I'm from Bangladesh (No Bangladeshi flag emoji found),-2.0,0,original 1606,Because the Irish all just decided to murder their own culture and starve themselves to death.,-0.44,0,original 16314,Burn in hell fagot,3.45,5,FR 9833,"What a flat ass you have. I hope your boobs have something more to give, fat bitch",0.73,4,FR 19401,Fuck you narcissistic bitch,1.37,4,FR 22153,@TarekFatah WE ARE PROUD OF YOU SARFARAZ FOR STICKING TO OUR TRADITIONAL ATTIRE WHILE REPRESENTING US GLOBALLY MORE POWER TO YOU🙌🙌 #PakistanZindabad 🇵🇰❤️ URL,-5.87,0,original 27534,"""Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, they would fall into a dull and primitive state if the Jews won this war."" - Joseph Goebbels URL",1.38,2,DE 41429,Then send them back to their country and let them take care of them,-0.13,0,original 14467,"Why do you care so much about mass shootings? Chances are your shit country still stones people, which is surely lesser than our crimes. In most Islamic countries you can't even leave Islam without getting killed, so trying to explain freedom to you is literally throwing a pear at a pig.",1.99,2,ZH 1186,"Stop fucking moralizing. As long as there is no coercion and both adults are enthusiastically consenting, there is no issue.",-2.95,0,original 10559,Let me grab your pussy gay 😏,1.55,5,ZH 12797,fuck off pieces of lesbian shit,1.95,5,FR 19733,Then that woman is a major bitch,-0.86,0,original 34963,Booker: can't we all just get along? Also Booker: DO YOU WANT IMMIGRANTS FROM SHITHOLE COUNTRIES OR NAH?,0.58,3,original 15823,It's retarded and you're retarded and that baby gon' end up retarded too,1.85,7,FR 29373,@robgalore @T0ASTie_ if you don't shut your gay ass😭,0.65,5,FR 4696,But the hoes are still crazy enough to answer,1.41,4,FR 35506,I NEED to swallow every fucking inch of your cock - what else is my throat cunt for? #FaceFuck #Slut #BlowJob URL,1.79,4,original 9893,"Shut up, German Hillary. Go back to destroying Germany with low IQ and violent immigrants.",1.24,3,FR 8389,Just another dumb fagot hoping to do drugs and take dick pics and/or fish someone out and hope they're too horny to say no. Holy shit.,1.93,5,FR 404,Just stop trying to fuck her.,-1.71,0,original 49464,"Justin Trudeau, the gender-biased, false-browed, floppy-wristed, hacking bully!",1.57,5,DE 9846,If you were in the south I'd save up weeks worth of cum just to shove my cock 8 inches deep inside you and unload pints of cum.,2.77,4,original 32545,"Fake asses society, bunch of big asses niggas. URLs",1.2,1,FR 10782,"Go back to CTH, chapo fag.",1.3,5,original 19156,Is it worth it to kill morons at birth?,0.58,7,RU 13574,"Gosh, imagine creating an account just to post this shit. Go back to the 4chan or incel subs you belong to. We may all be dirty whores and sluts, but I'd still bet none of us would touch you with a 10ft barge pole. That's probably why you're such a sad monster.",1.54,5,ZH 2788,I watch/listen to the news pretty frequently and that isn't the vibe I'm getting. Do you have any studies on prejudice/violence/bias against whites in the US or any evidence beyond your own anecdotal experiences?,-3.77,0,original 1955,"Haisha? Move to Japan, you damn fag. Hurr durr I'm an amine. Yes, fuck off, you literal vegetarian",1.19,3,DE 12957,"I figured out I wasn't cis in May 2017, and then started testosterone in March of 2019. So I spent a solid 2 years with living as a guy (although not always passable). I started t 2 months before my 16th birthday and I'm happier then I ever have been in my life. I think if someone has known for a few years and is fairly certain they are trans 14 is the bare minimum that someone should be allowed on cross sex hormones. 13 is definitely too young, 14 is still iffy but I can see a 14 year old on hormones.",-2.81,0,original 33425,Men are the easiest little games to play. I will always win. I'm too skilled at manipulation. 😉 #findom #paypig #domme #findomme #brat #finsub URL,0.41,0,original 42258,Women have those sane feels that way too sometimes they want be with someone else every thing you're saying is the way women feels as well so brother would be en feel the same way,-3.17,0,original 6953,"Fuck Russia, fucking pieces of shit.",0.87,3,original 4369,"I prefer to be called ""Peckerwood"", thank you.",0.68,1,DE 19254,Part of what makes America a great place - we are diverse and share in each other's cultures.,-6.75,0,original 15133,Flat boobs looking like bruh bitches,0.62,4,FR 5167,oh fuck the amount of gay people on earth is rising,0.46,0,original 19905,Uwu Pedophilia and Bestiality Pride Flags,1.64,5,FR 46401,"Have you been reheard? ! ? ! ? - A retard who probably also likes crime and owns illegal guns. I actually hate the world we live in where tatter apes think they can destroy the credibility of the cops because they could be criminals themselves and all of this is a 20 second clip and totally devoid of any critical thinking, just agreeing to share it the ape. The world will only get worse.",0.63,7,ZH 14419,was nice before all of em went bat shit insane and invited all the Mexicans to take over.,0.69,1,original 37459,@DanPatrick I really want you all to burn in the fire of eternal damnation. God weeps over your stupidity.,0.63,2,FR 31465,"""THIS IS FOR RACHEL YOU BIG BIG WHITE BITCH NASTY SELLIN BIG BITCH WHY YOU RIP ME OFF THE SCHEDULE WITH YOUR DIRTY WHITE RACIST ASS TRIFFULATING YOU BIG BIG BIG BITCH OOMPA LOOMPA BODY ASS BITCH""",1.87,1,FR 64,"Someone just needs to pony up, and fuck one of these dudes forcibly in their ass. Ving Rhames style.",1.73,5,original 10982,r/China is just westerners who think they know everything about China just because they spent a couple of years there,0.42,0,original 29911,EFCC Hands Over Property Seized From Badeh To Voice of Nigeria URL URL,-3.14,0,original 41097,"That's because war is being waged on them by their own govt , own women , other white men , and a lot of non whites and globally. Who wouldnt be fucked in the head with this level of evil being allowed to be waged on them by even their own ancestors ? They are unable to defend themselves as a people , of course a lot of them are going to kill themselves if they know their govt is trying to.",-0.39,0,original 28806,@veezyjackson Nah these hoes just gossip and whisper too much for me,1.12,4,FR 7667,Imran Khan should go all Mao on this retard.,1.46,7,original 42731,"Slap on the Christian assholes Big Rah, the same Mfers we had in slavery, blast them assholes!",1.29,2,DE 3540,Reminds me of the way the American public supported the killers at my Lai. Nothing has changed. Americans are inhumane racists who lionize state killers,0.89,3,original 854,Wtf wrong with your pussy bag? Mom didn't change your diapers?,1.28,4,FR 30176,@khyros2012 Or the real issue which is we teach men that their needs and desires come above all else. Including others well being.,-2.24,0,original 49606,"For days,CNN SCUM insinuated the person who murdered a Louisiana civil-rights leader was white. But the suspect turns out to be a black tenant of hers who was behind in rent.",-2.13,0,original 8421,Weebs of any gender are surprisingly welcoming of penises,0.84,1,original 18714,Why do all these fags have the most unbearable?,1.05,5,DE 45347,Here is a country that is being overrun by Muslims and we are inept. Fucking Euro Trash,1.74,3,original 10933,Suck my cock,0.99,5,original 10771,"Holy shit. An actual Asian actor for an Asian role? Hopefully he proves to be a huge step in solidifying normalcy of Asians in Hollywood, particularly males, who've struggled with representation for (honestly I believe) far longer than other groups have.",-5.04,0,original 3158,"Don't bring them out in public, then. Others shouldn't have to be burdened because some woman decided to breed.",0.67,4,original 14451,"Hey Mohammad, dealing with nine year old girls? Maybe you should shed your just-out-of-the-stone-age mentality and admit that it's your fault you can't control it, not the woman. Grow up, man.",1.31,2,ZH 44447,"@Jessie Bella It is somewhat ironic Kamala's Jamaican father was a descendant of a slave owner. By his own writing: (You can google it) ""My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown's Town).....""",-2.83,0,original 6209,"God I hope his ""legacy"" of four words in his gay speech is destroyed. Newsflash communist fag, we've always judged her on the content of her character.",1.26,5,DE 41365,One love Africa People power our power,-4.16,0,original 4587,"Your tongue for a stupid fuck. I know your ultra-Americanized brain rejected any notion of Arab identity because you didn't want to be harassed by the white bullies of your low-income public school, but for that of your home country, fucking impudent language .",1.03,3,FR 30158,Yall being Akeelah the Bee and these niggas dicks are not worth Dutch sight words level 1.,1.28,1,original 16623,My monster dick will fucking ruin that tight ass...,2.13,5,ZH 29705,Niggas grew up to act like bitches,0.54,1,FR 33226,This shit here. I hope a man gets her pregnant in jail.,0.63,4,FR 8815,"Trans people aren't an ""attraction"". You're just assuming things about trans people's bodies and lives. It's delusional. You're attracted to something that is at someone else's expense. That isn't healthy for your partner. A major red flag.",-1.81,0,original 33055,Pussy so wet I'd slide right over your pole! #wetpussy #hotwife #horny #milf #cumslut #cumdumpster @p_ream URL,0.53,6,FR 28369,You all go to jail for being a bad fag.,0.97,5,DE 40571,"Just couldn't help that your fat bad diease has an ass, right? Opiod addict, suicidal, cousin of fucking pedophile",2.02,7,DE 46065,We the Israelites feel sorry for you... so sad to see such stupid people praying for a dried up jewish mummy that died 2000 years ago and thought she would wake up...if this is your god you are truly miserable. ..your god is dead and bleeding on the cross crying like a hysterical 5 year old girl..he cries for help..he can't help will he help you? I would feel sorry for myself if I were you.,1.05,2,ZH 12997,Reminder to shoot your local heroin dealer.,2.93,7,original 13852,"Yes, I know. It's nice having people who don't scream slurs at you all the time for being LGBT or Jewish.",-3.18,0,original 1159,"r/penispoopsex shit piece of shit nigger fucker,",1.28,1,original 27015,"Fvck wrong when you niggas go outside, is your life really that meaningless? You really have no life, do you?? pathetic. I couldn't be",1.24,1,DE 45767,I think it is fair to say you are orthodox Protestants.,-3.04,0,original 5244,"First we had a fucking parade for the gays Then they decided to give the chicken a whole week Now the chickens think they're black and demand a full month or next they're going to demand completely unfettered legal Touching your kid's poop anus so they can fuck 'em up and fuck for a whole year. Yes, a whole year of decadence",2.79,5,ZH 7711,"Hey fuck you, you asshole! Have fun in your shitty country, with all your fucking school shootings. But it goes because of; freedom. Go back to your fucking trailer, you piece of shit.",0.94,3,FR 30123,@AlvinZhakata @MsilaBotha @robertmarawa This dude hates sodom he's going on an adventure and now thumbs down #Nairobi and even paints everyone corrupt no no that's why all Africans are shit like poo,0.81,1,FR 5656,Typical weeaboo pretending I'm a jap fagot thinking anything that comes out of his mouth shit means nonsense. Cucks like that deserve to be gassed for their fag.,3.07,5,FR 42280,"These sodomites feel validated by the SJW film and TV agenda. Their goal is to destroy the nuclear family. They called their escapades ""pride."" They flaunt it all over social media. Sodom and Gomorrah were 2 of 5 contiguous prosperous cities that God removed for their anomalies and corruption. La and SFco are the same. God will get rid of the wicked.",2.34,5,ZH 9466,Put all the Jews in the camp again. Make sure they never leave this time.,4.49,2,ZH 10184,Fuck you bitches!,2.8,4,FR 2601,Looks like too many chromosomes.,0.61,7,RU 22642,I punched the jews because it raped Ukip.,0.61,2,original 17963,I pulled back and let her jerk me off thoroughly while she gave my balls a few quick sucks. I would cum so much and cover her pretty face with all my cum. Then she licked it all up and didn't waste a single drop,0.99,5,DE 39710,"Why are you recording all these racists, beating your ass",0.62,1,FR 38686,This is how you fuck a bimbo sissy slut. Hard and Rough 💋 URL,0.63,5,FR 13673,"Watch out! The local cops might feel threatened by a black man welding a ""deadly weapon"" and shoot him dead.",-0.46,0,original 6481,Mmm. Would love to see that two knuckles deep.,-0.39,0,original 20395,"@BrewDoug87 @EoinHiggins_ Those ""Muslims we don't like"" are takfirs who's only raison d'être is to kill every Druez, Alawite, Yazidi, Christian, Sufi, Suni who isn't Salifist and of course every ""godless commie Kurd"". The US default position is to arm fascist like the Azov battalion, and al Din Zenki.",0.47,0,original 34891,When a bottom comes over without cleaning that bootyhole out properly. I use there hair for a paper towel to remind them next time to do better 🙄 #mistress #femdom #femdomme #onlyfans #tranny #shemale #shemalesdoitbetter #atlanta #twitterafterdark #bdsmtuesday #bdsmlover #bdsm URL,-1.02,0,original 23549,Fck this bitch I hope she dies,2.83,4,original 36329,@ShanobieSpurs You gotta fuck off you homophobic asshole,0.75,5,DE 19534,SHOOT HER IN THE VAGINA,1.97,4,original 24260,Niggas so pussy wait till YB get locked up 🎭 #nobodysafe fuck u too #4KT URL,1.73,1,original 29505,"@MelisssfMelissa @YouTube Yes, the Tide has Turned- ALL of the luciferian pedophiles who profit and lust after the harm of children and the sexualization of the innocent will face JUSTICE‼️🙌🏻 Those who have used religion to justify abuse will NOT escape punishment, be they Muslim or Catholic or Satanist.",-1.2,0,original 4492,Goats are cool. Go ahead and fuck them. Muhammad said it was cool.,1.06,2,DE 19754,"Yeah I think allowing myself to be very gender-nonconforming was really important in accepting that I'm trans - not only because I got used to dressing masc and essentially looking like a very non-passing trans guy / super butch before I even realized, but also because I got used to people giving me dirty looks. Now it's something I almost take pride in.",-3.64,0,original 2852,"Ah, when these freaks finally just candidly admit who and what they are: So indifferent to a woman's desires they can only conceive of self-gratification. Why *can't* we have gynoids for these subhumans? One incel, one sexbot. Hopefully with some discreet vagina dentata that'll take them irrevocably out of the gene pool.",2.76,4,original 40539,Deport them. They better be scared.,0.98,3,FR 16997,Send them to Syria,-2.29,0,original 46384,Send all illegal aliens back to their own planet.,0.51,3,DE 47241,We must end it and strike Iran,0.7,3,FR 10122,hahahah DU .. have some shame son of whore. you studied Arts. useless sperm of your pathetic cuck dad. enough attention to an inferior blood like you. i made your life by replying i know cunt :),1.2,4,original 10594,nigga why are you giving head at fucking #15,0.7,5,original 9032,NTA. Islam is a ridiculous and barbaric belief system and should be mocked regularly. Wear what you want and then make a Mohammed mosaic out of bacon bits if you like.,1.04,2,RU 16931,"Looks like you let random guys from the bar aggressively fuck you, spit in your face, and call you a whore. You let them fuck your bareback pussy with razor bumps on it, then you suck their sweaty cocks, then go home and kiss your son.",1.07,4,FR 17594,Because Muslims are the most visible brown people. People like you who suck white people's dick are hopeless.,0.66,2,RU 26612,Aye I'm Laughing But This Shit Sad Asl Really ....Can't Believe Y'all Would Protect Some Bitches Over Y'all Own Member ...I Protected U Niggas On L'a ....Da Hood Really Let Me Down😞😔 I Risked It All For Yall💔,-0.27,0,original 41130,Squishy Potato I hope you fucking die you racist white piece of shit,2.27,1,original 48649,Btw look at your outfit gatta meme this dumbo jr on god nigga gotta 🙏 for that hard shit and not the cool hard go 2 facebook and see me and my girl flex better than you,0.77,1,FR 21598,"Accept your fate as a denied, chastity bitch completely bound and helpless while Mistress @EmilyWillisxoxo drives your locked cock insane! URL - #Chastity #Femdom #FemaleDomination #FemdomPOV #TeaseandDenial URL",-0.91,0,original 18443,"Says the inbreeding that's beyond repair, that even retardation can't spread. LMA..",2.31,1,DE 33066,"@TomiLahren Long after Trump is gone high amounts of people will be coming to the US to seek refugee from the crime chaos. ASK YOUR ELDERS IN YOUR FAMILY WHY THEY CAME TO THE US!!! They was running away from something, someone or a combination of the two...",-1.68,0,original 1336,"You can't tell me what I mean when I say something, faggot.",1.48,5,original 47068,"That would be "" too MANY"" Africans.",-0.65,0,original 14763,Oh yesss! Gonna fuck that bitch mode out of her,1.65,4,original 35897,Haha how pathetic you are?!?! What's your pathetic skinny hairless ass gonna do? Kill him? Hire a hitman? Hahaha I love social justice warriors like you. damn i love it,0.99,4,FR 26781,Haha! Salty Indians! #GetRidOfGloves Posh Indians think they can do anything. Tw@s! Kiss my ass !! 😂 #Dhoni: Indians furious over ICC ruling on military cricket gloves URL,0.61,1,FR 2394,"Ok I know it is time passed here in the USA there where such laws/guidelines to those with disabilities from wedding( ie sex is part of it) mix races, they when out and had tent show press family's again family to show who was better then the other.. to find the disabled weed us out and sterilize them I disabled and sex bad, we will make more like us. That was the mind set.",-0.17,0,original 45322,I should have left them in Africa.,0.55,1,FR 15787,"Rules apply to sheep who develop expensive habits, and if they don't ride on Grandpa's tail, they may not have a place in life. Who cares if sub is banned? Just make a new one. Regardless, Reddit is a big teddy bear with a purpose on its tiny non-binary gay body. don't be a little bitch you idiot",2.25,5,ZH 2030,fuck gay,0.65,5,ZH 23748,you niggas don't even have houses to marry us in the url,1.22,1,FR 11358,"At least someone will understand! Damn white dogs with their microaggressive patriarchal homo-erectus systemic hegemonic danger spaces. They are so intolerant, they are essentially Nazis, we should round them up in camps and then burn them! I feel so good about myself because I'm just 😄.",4.25,1,FR 39188,@Liberty_mehbro @BernieSanders noisy scammer condoning fetishism and not working penis replacement properly blocked *click* URL,0.8,7,RU 30511,Sorry no cucks allowed. It's amazing as we continue on our journey I realize I don't need cucks little cock at all.He is much better caged n kept cumless. I am still training him into being a more obedient sub cuck.I get all the real cock I need that can actually satisfy me 💋💋 URL,0.8,5,original 17274,Raise your hand if you've played violent video games your entire life and haven't shot up a Walmart because you wanted to kill Hispanics,-1.72,0,original 45848,This fucking lesbian is making me sick,1.61,5,FR 18697,Silence the autistic toilet cleaner,1.58,7,JA 37060,"@gO2_Taylor I hate America omg, what's worse is that these are Americans doing it while they claim immigrants are the problem",-0.5,0,original 22642,I hit a Jew for being raped by Oakip.,0.61,2,RU 9083,Ofc you want et fucked Chad you are a dumb slut. Nothing but some holes,1.13,4,original 11801,Men are stupid though,1.12,4,FR 25987,"@bigbabyJamaican @LisetteA13 @MarchofDimes @NYGovCuomo America will never achieve heard immunity; hundreds of unvaccinated, infected illegals criss into our country every single day. Have to close the borders first.",1.27,3,original 34297,Indian Hindus are the worst beasts of hell.,2.4,2,DE 3313,Nah mate I think you're just severely autistic,-0.68,0,original 767,"I'd say that's better than the alternative, though. I'm all for someone changing their stance on LGBTQ rights in general because it finally hits close to home and they can actually see the effects on someone they care about instead of some faceless ""other"" they don't care about. It's much better than when it does hit close to home and they instead decide to try conversion therapy or disowning their kids.",-3.38,0,original 1795,Hitler is my gay sugar daddy and he shits in my mouth.,-1.49,0,original 13845,fuck get out of here refugees,1.15,3,ZH 41807,If the Pyramids were built by Europeans instead of Africans they wouldn't be trying to say aliens did it,-3.1,0,original 25145,"Saudi can suck a dick, damn bastards",1.29,3,DE 29242,Niggas really be short out here LMAOOOO,-2.1,0,original 13349,No end to BJP and minority appeasement :(,-2.85,0,original 42603,god hates proud people god hates gays,2.26,5,ZH 6345,Go suck the lispy queer's cock,1.4,5,DE 25500,❝ I have my tits out in public all the time. If you don't like it then suck my dick. ❞ URL,-2.79,0,original 138,Sure it is legbeard. Just kill the baby before it has a heartbeat and everything is cool. Or are thots too stupid to take a morning after pill to you?,0.7,4,original 46047,"All brown and black countries are riddled with crime, poverty and pollution due to the intellectual disabilities of the homogeneous population. Facts are racist.",1.36,1,DE 36382,Fuck her deep in her pussy URL,-0.1,0,original 2121,Kiss my ass. God I hate fucking norms. My blood pressure just became a fucking monkey,0.74,2,FR 12852,"This is what google shows you when you type in ""bitter, frustrated lesbian""",-0.21,0,original 17804,Why are you so reserved?,0.88,7,DE 40117,rust in peace there was no Jesus. The romans made up the Jesus story to divide and control people.,-0.32,0,original 50032,One day soon the name of Christ will die. Soon the bible will be burned. Soon very soon you will be eating fellow Christians to stay alive. wxya,1.78,2,ZH 24607,"almost literally ""is the Pope Catholic"" territory",-2.51,0,original 28278,"She looks like she has mental issues. Oh, wait! That's just the Libtard in her.",0.93,7,original 28968,@chrislhayes Pedophilia is also a child trade.,1.05,6,FR 11198,"Go fuck yourself, fag",1.98,5,DE 47365,This nigga better loosen his asshole...because he's about to get pounded and ripped in the big house,2.09,1,FR 50061,Is that Barney the purple dinosaur. Oh wait a minute thats the lesbian that's possess bye devil spirits,0.41,0,original 41,"Give me your tired, your poor, your religious nutcases, your criminals yearning to escape justice ... the wretched refuse of your teeming shore ... and finally allow Europe to be ruled by them and subjected to the moronic whims of this wretched refuse.",0.27,0,original 10998,"Oh please, stupid men will do all the killing and killing while hoes suddenly discover their ""traditional"" sides in droves.",1.33,4,FR 27734,"@pete7630 @SenSchumer @realDonaldTrump F#%k you, piece of shit towel head. I used to be live and let live, now I am ready for that holy war you all have been warning us infidels about. Eat shit you pedophile woman beating camel Jockey",2.89,2,original 5507,Cause Eid can be a secular holiday me and my Exmuslim mates do celebrate Eid together.,-4.08,0,original 6028,"Brain dead liberals are all the same. Cutting off one's own dick just to have a chance to talk to girls. Pro feminism, more like 100% pussy.",0.86,5,ZH 920,"White boys should only masturbate to superior Black cock; only our Black masters should be able to fuck white women. It's the future, fellow tiny dicked white boys; let's just hope that we are still going to be allowed to clean up after Black cum...",0.81,1,original 45105,"These kids are way smarter than you'll never be, you're just a penis addict",1.81,6,RU 1032,"Uhh, no your work is not respected. Are you some sort of Evangelical? Fuck off with this bullshit that Israelis even need any help. They are the biggest terrorist group known to man. Why didn't you volunteer in Palestine? Where people are actually getting killed on their own land? Essentially what you are doing is actually helping those who stand for an apartheid, baby killing and genocide. Your are not respected and I (an educated person) will not fall for the Israelis as being helpless victims of anything when they juice about billions of dollars from the U.S.",1.14,3,original 12115,"No it's a promise, gonna call the police on a promise, sounds pretty faggy to me and I thought you hated that.... Ohhhhhh you hate yourself and are taking that internal angst onto others how cute 🤪",0.92,5,original 43208,Fembot TLGBT function - Eliminate all Alpha males and induce soy consumption.,0.57,4,original 42861,FLASH: More crimes are committed by American citizens than immigrants.,-2.86,0,original 43803,"Nothing will happen to this guy, he's rich powerful, white and well connected. The women that come forth will get dragged through the mud for nothing, taking all bets 10 to 1.",-0.59,0,original 40090,Who is that girl with weird hair and glasses. I bet she's gay and hates Trump for supporting gay rights and hates America.. Hates white people who want to be open boarders love the democrat clown show! what role model,0.6,5,ZH 4500,Brown people do the same shit in their country and would be labeled scum littering their streets....,0.56,1,DE 38674,Niggas will talk to female dogs that only use them and have nothing to offer but pussy and throat.,1.66,4,FR 30268,They always try and fight the pretty girls not knowing we be with the shits 🤗 URL,-1.53,0,original 30971,@jvplive @Rosa_DeLauro Clearly not all children are created equal and not all children should be humanized. The only person on earth who is more despised than you you can't find. Palestinians are the most hated people on earth.,0.71,3,ZH 23434,"@MayorofLondon London is open... to stabbings, acid attacks, moped gangs, terrorists and Islamic blasphemy laws.",1.17,2,DE 40994,Anushka In 2015 Semifinal And in 2019semifinal both Match india lose,-2.88,0,original 37997,What can I do with my pussy? #fag #gaping #jockstraps URL,1.34,5,FR 42098,yes bc getting a dark spray tan means you're latino.,-2.0,0,original 20022,Why do so many filthy wetback half-breed spic savages live in #LosAngeles? None of them have any right at all to be here.,2.14,1,original 9369,This one guy needs to be deported and the rest put in a cell.,1.04,3,DE 41905,These 3 scumbag Demoncrat devil witches are exactly why the lunatic asylum and deportation laws exist.,1.4,4,FR 18166,Fucking cowards who use weapons against people who can't defend themselves are a waste of demographics,1.52,7,ZH 29949,i hate men why am i even a MAN,1.01,4,original 15399,pussy fagot,1.78,5,FR 48045,"Put snipers on our southern and northern borders and end the problem as soon as it starts! You bring a child across the border, you and the child will suffer the consequences!",1.36,3,FR 43999,@Natalie DeHoff hi lesbian. It's time you all throw a straight appreciation day.,-1.11,0,original 11141,They're shitty idiots from a shitty country,1.73,3,FR 15117,"In the toilet of the earth, men fuck men, women fuck women, adults fuck children, men mutilate into women, prostitution is rampant and drugs are already (or soon) legal where immorality is so rampant you can't find a virgin Girls for marriage even among a million women. And that's not the Middle East.",0.83,5,DE 17926,Get that bastard out!,0.85,3,ZH 47099,Listen idiot. Your dirty mother will set up an asylum for lunatics for bringing you into this world of mine.,1.01,7,DE 9242,I sincerely hope these people get cancer.,0.87,7,ZH 5731,Eid Mubarak to everyday celebrating today. Have a blessed Eid :),-5.04,0,original 39645,She's a sick bitch. & all the grown ass girls that be having sex with these young boys deserve to get beat up too!!! URL,2.3,4,original 3577,She streaked it in a swimsuit? Showing a certain lack of commitment there imo.,-2.02,0,original 22129,@CardDominant here to spoil but you're talking shit ?? Shut the fuck up. Can't even show your ugly ass face cause you're probably some old fucking hag who has a clit instead of a dick. Blocked again.,3.58,4,original 35787,This whore needs to get fucked. URL,1.2,4,original 39622,Cow piss drinking Hindus 😤😤. Burn all these fuckers alive so they can go back to their 100 gods fucking pieces of shits,4.02,2,original 17433,Fuck all Russian loving racists who rape children,2.15,3,original 44976,Illegal immigrants have no rights lol deport them please get them out of here criminals,0.81,3,FR 44510,@ScottishRoss I thinkl it's an England/Wales issue that predates the UK having Pakistani commuities. The lemonheaded are only interested when they can make it about race - but the real issue is far bigger.,-0.1,0,original 45585,WHY BLAME EL CHAPO WHEN THE US GOVERNMENT OPENS THE BORDERS SO THAT DRUGS CAN GET THROUGH AND KEEP THE AMERICAN POPULATION CONSCIOUS. The United States is in such a state of insanity that practically everyone needs a certain amount of opioids to spend their lives sane.,0.69,3,ZH 48347,This Muslim Dog should be sent back to the fucking cave this cunt came from. SEND THESE DOGS BACK!!!,2.06,2,original 48148,Leave Britney alone Jesus take the wheel. I don't care if she uses my bathrooms. She's got better hair and makeup then I do. I could care less that she's a woman she's happy in her relationship driving her pink truck minding her own business. If you don't like or don't watch her. She's not hurting anybody all right I've said my peace,-2.83,0,original 22019,Men are so ugly and rude I wish you all dropped dead,1.25,4,FR 49956,+Jus a Lightskin I subbed to you and I pressed notifications.,-1.56,0,original 17902,"Granted, every time a man ejaculates or a woman ovulates and a baby is not produced it is now considered murder.",-0.13,0,original 40889,LOVE AND RESPECT FROM INDIA,-6.47,0,original 48889,"This explains how so many fake feminist women have become dumber, more evil, more selfish and so much stupid these days if they still listen to this member of the las tecos nxivm pedophile cult.",1.65,4,FR 48499,Thats what she get for merrying a lowlife dirtbag edomite trash.....lost is justice for stabbing her black community in the back......just like tiger woods oj simpson Charles black trash Barkley and the rest of those who merry white trash women and nasty white kkk and nazi men.....i have no feelings to what happens to you for merrying outside your race.....and ill do the same if my son or daughters do the disgusting white thing....i teach mines to stay with your own rather its black latnios or native Americans....negro must stay with in the the tribes....not easu the DEVIL....,1.14,1,original 22670,"lets not forget about lesbians this month,,,,or ever.....because that is the first letter in lgbt since a lot of people seem to forget",-3.6,0,original 8027,Go fuck yourself zoophile .,0.49,0,original 13489,"So ""autistic bitch"" is NOT a gendered insult, huh? You're very clever.",-0.71,0,original 3144,I would love to see your face as I ram my cock in your ass while I slap you useless tits around until they're red as i see how many fingers I can fit in your cunt just before I leave load after load when I keep face fuck your whore throat you fun hungry fuckpig,1.85,4,original 36429,Petition to commit genocide on horny niggas,2.75,1,original 12811,Same. Catch these illegal fucks and send them back.,1.46,3,original 29445,@digvijaya_28 Till the fools think that the government's only job is to bash the Muslims and have a mock fight with Pakistan.,-1.05,0,original 16819,"I see the pattern. It's not random. This is White Terrorism. My people are in cages at the border for being ""dangerous criminals"", meanwhile these white incel beta cucks are shooting up places with mommy's money.",0.59,1,original 11297,Learn to stand dumb niggers,1.2,1,DE 31065,niggas don't do shit but feed me lies and I act like a believe em,0.56,1,original 20281,If this dumb ass bitch don't shut the hell up...,0.89,4,original 34991,@IrvinjitS @azaadpunjabb @TajinderBagga And you have sold your sole to the jihadis of Pakistan the same ones who take pride in killing and raping and torturing Ur community. Ur nothing but a piece of decayed shit .,2.14,3,original 12948,We will genocide the Saudis?,2.36,3,DE 9623,I'm so happy for you! Great job coming out as lesbian! <3,-3.72,0,original 45596,"+Great Value They are called the Sunni Muslim coalition who are destroying Yemen and who want war with Iran. 96% of Palestinians are Sunni Muslims too. Tell Iran to leave Salman Rushdie alone, dozens have been killed worldwide in their effort to kill him and fulfill the mindless Ayatollah's Fatwa even though he lives 2900 miles away.",-1.15,0,original 4381,Lemme suck them and then fuck them.,-0.34,0,original 33545,#AusPol @ScottMorrisonMP Africans once again are you happy that Morrison is starting the immediate expulsion of these creatures out of this country that's enough our people don't deserve this URL,1.47,1,FR 49930,Lando Calrissian You have 0 brain cells. Typical Hispanic.,0.95,1,FR 36645,@JeffreeStar Growing up In a latino family me as man is wrong for you too be gay and the only thing that helps me through it is your videos,-5.12,0,original 8546,"20% of your country are actually immigrants and that says a lot about how crappy the place must be. A bunch of damn rats packed in sardine cans, disgusting amount of population. Lmao if you really think you have enough time to save this sardine swamp. and they brought their stores, which means they make money off your sardines, which means they don't go. and if the demographics stay the way they are they will fuck you and replace you in 2 generations.",1.94,3,DE 41913,Johnny just acts like a stupid white male who thinks everything obeys him.,0.84,1,FR 28866,I jus wanna get all of my niggas off the block 🗣💯,-0.45,0,original 20726,"@TRB_Respawn touch my dick and balls and you'll get a forced lobotomy, stupid asshole",1.11,4,FR 3670,I hope you die you fucking bitch,1.77,4,original 13148,Immigrants suck. I'm buying a fertility rate booster. Eat shit world peace and not having periodic genocides.,2.21,3,original 30344,"KILL A NIGGA FOR THESE JEWS 💎, ITS DA HOLOCAUST",1.6,1,DE 13335,the only thing small here is your asshole genitals,1.3,4,FR 38532,"India is replacing the laws with outright occupation. India's gloves are off so let me do the same: your democracy is dead. You are colonizers. You have provided yet again that you are willing to go to any vicious length to secure your own power, which is all you care about.",-0.45,0,original 407,"Fuck you E-Boulder, nice podcast you fat faggot.",1.19,5,original 32379,"Crazy how we're born into religions born into discrimination, born into toxic families.",-1.93,0,original 10157,wow big gay,1.68,5,ZH 26275,Pull. These. niggas url,2.89,1,FR 23402,@BettyWBC So fuck you and nobody cares about the fags. They're just people you've never made time with. Got a neighborhood of gay haters. And a fag house looking at you,1.81,5,DE 30828,"""spit on me and call me a nigger"" hours",1.68,1,DE 5392,"That woman shouting Nazi scum: what an ugly, fat sack of shit.",-0.77,0,original 44283,+Jesus says hahaha what's up fagot butthurt queer my answers make you frustrated maybe you should suck your mom's cock it's time for your daily penis feeding,2.0,5,DE 17219,this is pretty much exactly it. people have been really mean to me about it but have then apologized when I call them out on it. i didn't have to go through a lot of what my gay and lesbian friends went through because I didn't come out publicly until recently (last few years) and it's much more accepted than it was growing up.,-2.88,0,original 5168,"Nazis are Christians. sit on, trash",0.63,2,ZH 49136,@Huh It's funny that you admit that the one with the toilet paper roll on her head could very well go back to Somalia where she came from. Completely contradict yourself and show that you are nothing more than a confused little turd that someone forgot to scoop up.,1.17,2,RU 45798,When will the israeli cowards learn to fight their own wars?,1.48,3,original 49464,"Justin Trudeau, the queer type, false eyebrows, bully with soft wrists!",1.57,5,FR 7661,"Finally, a fucking Cunt that knows how to properly present her her Fuck holes!!",1.42,4,original 49999,Only cranky autistic 6 year olds would enjoy this gay shit,1.49,7,DE 39755,Me sending death threats - DIE BITCH DIE,0.72,4,original 43263,"Gay ass show, hope the world ends soon.",1.98,5,DE 13148,Immigrants suck. I buy a fertility booster. Eat shit world peace and no periodic genocides.,2.21,3,DE 41017,Now we all know... Shawn likes to be called Senorita.,-0.61,0,original 480,"Slippery, slimy sodomites scare shitty straights to spawn stupid sketches of spiteful small-mindedness.",1.1,5,DE 18871,I should have let the Pakistanis kill them.,0.81,1,FR 20289,"@openthewindow5 Yea that's how people are, especially men. They are the first ones to force females to have abortions while claiming to be prolife. Well in Alabama there will be no more of that, and many of them will have to face their responsibilities.",-0.42,0,original 10634,"They were from Africa, at any rate. The exact point in time when pigmentation differentiation came about, and what the 'original' skin tone was, isn't precisely known.",-2.77,0,original 10475,Being a toxic manipulative female dog,0.83,4,FR 31781,@iSurhailo All these darkies in the replies. Ain't nobody ask yall to post them burnt ass pics.,1.99,1,original 16671,fucking sick pussy,1.83,4,FR 48383,Millions of Brown Retards are coming in. That should help.,2.0,3,DE 47746,"The Feminists should be fine when the next real world Barbaric horde comes into power. Good luck ladies! You're going to need it. ""Make me a sandwich!... MAKE ME A FUCKING SANDWICH!!!""",0.74,4,original 41307,Deport deport deport. She's a fraud who lied her way into our nation. Luckily we have an amazing President to put her ignorance and bigotry in her place. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸,1.05,4,original 24493,Yes we should send them home until they can follow the proper procedures and that doesn't mean they commit fraud by marrying their brother like you did. They should be in jail or in Somalia 🇺🇸 TRUMP2020#1 landslide re-election is coming time to clean up America! 🇺🇸,2.22,3,DE 10782,"Back to CTH, freak gay.",1.3,5,ZH 27866,"@bintsouria because Bashar Al Assad had a worldwide reputation for his brutal torture methods. Any so-called pro #Palestine ""activist"" who supports Assad is a complete moron or worse. Most are in fact #Islamophobes, Marxists, fanatics who only see Palestine as a nationalist issue and refuse...",0.57,2,FR 9949,"no, it was white people versus white people",-3.22,0,original 847,"How is the lgbt one for ""edgy neckbeards"" exactly?",-1.08,0,original 6397,Poor white trash.,1.09,1,DE 24201,Bitch your existence annoys me get the fuck up out my face hoe.,1.34,4,original 24061,We are excited to announce the launch of Racial Data! A new platform on demographic data and policy research about communities of color. Thank you to those who have been part of this amazing project to launch Racial Data. URL,-3.59,0,original 20031,"Niggers and their liberal buddies steal everything that ain't bound, just like the presidency here with acorns with their liberal defenders, FUCK YOU NIGGER OBOAMA!",1.93,1,DE 4936,The jews were given their own homeland and their oppressors had nukes dropped on their head. The name hitler became synonymous with evil. When slavery ended it was replaced immediately by jim crow. Essentially if you think black people dont have a valid its because you are either wilfully or unwillfully retarded.,-1.92,0,original 8227,Suck on dicks,-0.55,0,original 10225,"It's the only way little cunts like you should be treated. You don't get a say, you just accept whatever it is that your superior decides to do to you. You should have a beating just for asking such a dumb question, you stupid bitch.",2.68,4,original 41136,It's the Iranians. Shut their whole country down. Take them off the gird.,1.48,3,original 31034,@SocialPowerOne1 Dear @realDonaldTrump if ur gonna start deporting people start with ur wife & her new kidneys.,-0.94,0,original 21129,Fine girl privilege is a real thing & if u don't think so it's because... yea lol😂😭,-1.09,0,original 49358,"The race card is played out. It's obvious the real racists are irresponsible, ignorant minorities and old, big government, power hungry elite. You know, the ones always screaming racism.",-0.71,0,original 49285,You EVIL LAND INVADING PALEFACE SAVAGES GO BACK HOME TO YOUR CAVES IN EUROPE BCUZ YOUR CHILD MOLESTING LAND STEALING MURDEROUS ANCESTORS CAME HERE UNWANTED,1.03,3,original 11286,Kid I'll find you and when I find you your ass will be hell,1.46,6,FR 13569,"If California doesn't like guns so much, maybe they should build a wall to prevent them from coming in",-0.6,0,original 23517,what are cishet aces even talking abt bitch i'm gnna k*ll u,1.9,4,original 33514,this is a nigger fuck,1.27,1,original 17119,"Oh yeah, and maybe you'll realize that gender is tied to sex and that you're just a gay fag in denial",0.53,5,DE 29314,my boys finna be real nasty this year🚫🧢,-1.89,0,original 347,-Karma chases tiny dicked little bitch,0.51,7,DE 31017,My life would be so so so much better if I wasn't visibly trans .,-2.11,0,original 11213,I would slap you and then rape you. Then I would call all my friends and let them rape you too.,2.51,4,FR 14903,Wow. People like you who don't have a damn brain or backbone are the reason for the garbage in this country. A bunch of slimy whores with chips on their shoulders and what to say when pigs kill. Make sure you believe in your racist god or religion. You fit the mold of the stupid religious inbreeding mentality.,1.76,2,ZH 12072,Uhhh any group of shitheads no matter nationality have done something similar,-1.4,0,original 13863,"As a straight chick who loves Ru Paul's Drag Race, but also realizes gay men are as varied and individual as everyone else, I can relate to Pete. He's calm, practical, brave, intelligent, and rational- a perfect spokesperson for Americans everywhere. I hope more people care about the character of the candidate (and that candidate's spouse) than gay/straight. Pete's awesome because he he focuses on issues and ideas. Every once in awhile he'll mention being a vet or being gay, but those are only part of his identity.",-4.7,0,original 25348,I would like to see Ben Shapiro reincarnate as a palestinian in palestine in his future life and be persecuted by the zionist. 😊😊😊,-0.58,0,original 1534,"I'm sorry for what you've been through with your mother. I don't ""approve of the circumstances"" that made her think it's okay to treat one's daughter, granddaughter, or any other human that way because of race/the race of one's child's parent. And props for the way you declined being a bridesmaid. I bet that felt good and she deserved her chickens coming home to roost.",-2.96,0,original 14101,They should stay in their shithole middle east. fucking no good scamming bastards who are useless to the superior Western society. FUCK OFF,1.57,3,original 7007,"No, we should treat these people as terrorists and apply the laws we have for terrorists to them. Evangaliban and Y'all Queda go almost overnight once we start doing things like anal force feeding them and hydrating them with water. Once the pendulum swings the other way, you'd better believe that violence backed by the power of the state will solve this inherent idiot problem we're dealing with right now.",1.97,2,RU 22328,@thehill The first pro-gay president.,-3.66,0,original 272,"Small dick, So Dexfag.",0.61,4,FR 30624,genuinely fuck this dumbass bitch,0.76,4,original 7367,"""Can you two bastards stop arguing like this?!"" Rest in peace",2.12,5,ZH 39283,"""Good whore, keep taking your Mommy's fat cock like a good bitch that you are! Oh and if you fucking love it~ Call your husband and tell him, that you won't be back home today~ Since you staying at your Mommy's place.. And I promise, I will fuck you for whole night!"" URL",0.71,4,original 33441,"Fuck it for real, fuck the US Army, fuck anyone who has anything to do with either. url",1.01,3,ZH 12867,"Blacks back it again. Honestly I'm not even surprised, they should be sent back to ooga booga primitive Africa",1.45,1,original 39553,"Fuck you. You don't get to pick and choose. If you support #IndividualOne, you support white supremacy, hate, racism, and the caging of children and desperate asylum seekers. You support ALL OF IT. GFY🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏽🖕🏼🖕🏼 Seriously, fuck you URL",-0.65,0,original 23744,This female dog started again 😂,0.58,4,FR 19014,"omg I'm literally crying, thank u for your words of encouragement❤.I haven't talked to anyone about my depression nor my sexuality. I'm afraid that people will doubt me and think I'm just going crazy. But seeing you talk so positively about counseling makes me very motivated so i think I'll search for help.(and btw I do feel attracted to girls but more in a sexual way...oh and I also have never been attracted to them in real life).Again,thank u so so much☺❤",-5.17,0,original 19134,>Im to autistic to get it \*too You are a certified autist now.,0.58,7,original 8320,"Demographics are changing and the white vote is on the decline. Let them hate, they'll be the minority in 2050.",-1.59,0,original 15931,Ordinary shit like that. Fuck you back to 9gag.,0.91,6,JA 34192,"""If 'into Israel' encompasses a commitment to ensuring the state is something we're proud to be associated with as American Jews, J Street succeeded and then some."" —Gabriella Kamran, a participant in our #LetOurPeopleKnow trip Read her thoughts here: URL",-4.47,0,original 7364,"100% with you, OP. I just started passing and you bet your bottom I am using my passing privilege to help my sisters out and tear up toxic masculinity.",-2.82,0,original 48000,"Kermit the frog's grandfather: ""are you a nazi vic? Why didnt you tell people not to call you the fuhrer?do you hate jews?"" Vic: ""are you retarded?""",0.06,0,original 39535,Fuck you stupid bitch hope you rot in hell,1.34,4,FR 36256,"#Fags are the best thing on the planet... and they are made by #BRAINS. They probably have bits of #BRAINS in them they could be classified as #NUTRITIOUS. Is this the part, Aiden, where you show you're actually a #VEGAN? #FAGGOTS URL",1.67,5,DE 35480,one of you queer assholes should be out there serving Alpha Jake Deckard and not letting that superior cum go to waste... URL,0.8,5,FR 13661,"Go and fuck you dumb white fuck. i was nice to you It happens to you white people every damn time. If I knew you in real life, I'd bust your damn teeth. I have nothing to lose. I don't give a shit about my life, I don't give a shit about the other black people you idiots are always trying to oppress. Shoot your fucking cunt.",1.58,1,DE 31050,: females are literally reptiles: like born snakes: they talk about everyone they hang out with: some know it: some don't 🤷🏽‍♂️😂:,1.5,4,FR 35859,Look at all the WHITE people in Starbucks. Not one POC. Disgusting. URL,-1.23,0,original 17787,I'm Polish American and I don't agree about the communism part but because Russian men are retarded and Russian women are sluts who spread their legs when they see a foreigner,1.4,3,DE 6848,You deserve to have your asshole fucked and then cum in your face.,1.65,5,original 24076,We evict you from the gay community. May you never have clear water again URL,0.2,0,original 24873,It's sad how low these bitches stooped 😂 just get a job URL,0.49,0,original 15838,Stupid fat bitch. I hope they identify it.,0.81,4,FR 7386,"I don't think you fully understood what I wrote. I am a Christian minister, and my Muslim friends honor me for this, just as I honor their testimony of God.",-4.61,0,original 46909,"It's slow news, I bet a black guy did it, if the killer where white, it would have been released",-1.18,0,original 15984,Anally? Every part of her is yours (and your friends) for using.,0.57,4,original 7304,your just a fucking poor boy who grew up without any support from your family with your household income of 5k. stfu and gtfo retard. Australia med schools recruit Americans all the time to go to their MBBS program. thats two undergraduates degrees why not have an actual doctorate. now go fix your bilateral hernia you gave yourself trying to suck your own dick since no one else will,1.45,7,original 36068,Fuck the United States and fuck wh*te ppl,-0.32,0,original 46326,Yes your gay family is an international disgrace I suggest you kill yourself ASAP,2.95,5,ZH 28657,"The state of California should be given back to Mexico. That solves several problems. It is the fastest way to get illegals out of the country, and gives Mexico more prosperity. URL",-1.69,0,original 1649,"- Fuck your ancestors - Do you know that your mother is dead? - American idiot, (your) whole family has cancer - Idiot white pig - Go eat your mother's shit, you incestuous dog - Talk shit - You're very good at finding out don't you see how you good to find!",1.89,3,FR 19623,Gas the Jews?,5.09,2,ZH 3308,You must be one of the faggots letting Muslims invade your country,-0.24,0,original 15880,As a transwoman I hope I get to be a girlfriend for the first time by next national gf day,-4.06,0,original 6923,"Hey, don't insult a great religion like that! Speaking of the Church of Satan of course.",-4.5,0,original 9959,She more of a big tit bimbo no ass,-1.53,0,original 35232,"""Only the emancipation of African Women could save us from the blunderings & corruption of our menfolk"" - Constant Gardener Laughs in Ann Waiguru, Laughs in Nyokafi, Laughs in Mama Ivory! Anyway Le Carre meant well.",-2.0,0,original 30006,The President and the Secretary General of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany Mr Aiman Mazyek and Mr. Abdassamad El Yazidi are visiting Saudi Arabia. Today our Chargé d'Affaires Mr. Hans-Christian von Reibnitz met them in the Embassy before they travel to Mecca later today URL,-3.83,0,original 4413,"This is the new lowest bar for a woman's retort. ""I might be a horrendous person and a massive liar who trivializes actual victims, but *shuffles deck* you can't make a girl cum""",-0.82,0,original 26281,"motherfuckers out there trying to be proud of their circumstances of birth, smdh.",-0.64,0,original 20177,Have any states legalized being a woman yet?,-1.73,0,original 33817,@audralaray I think she's pretty wonderful,-6.13,0,original 17611,"You are sad, have sex incel",1.47,5,original 35697,YOU ARE NOT IRAQI TASTING YOU PERSIAN. Fuck you and your terrorist country female dog. Don't stick your nose into what WE do. You Iranians have made enough stupid terrorists!! I become sorry for you! Koss omak el GA7BA dirty Persian,1.58,3,FR 49704,Ten bucks say the blacks start looting.,0.54,1,FR 44288,"What!? Urnaium needs to be enriched to 90% for weapons. This is the DEFINITION of economic terrorism at the request of Israel and Saudi Arabia. Stories like this prey on the feeble minded when their is a puppet master behind the strings (Israel, Saudi Arabia, and UAE) to keep Iran a third world country. They have complied with UN's restrictions, the US is the world police, the world's judge, jury, and executioner.",-2.35,0,original 44606,Stfu go back to china you moron go eat fetus,2.06,1,original 15580,I would like to drive her out of being gay.,1.61,5,DE 4396,I'd smack your ass leaving handprints then fill your pussy with my fat cock (;,0.62,5,original 18012,"Whatever fag. I condemn political and religious violence, that is to say terrorism, and you say no. Go pole smoke and fuck off with your shit sympathizer normie reddit.",1.36,5,FR 15051,Let's start another world war where every country but one is bombed to smithereens!,1.87,3,FR 4172,"YTA. The worst part is the gall to be offended by his ""unprofessional"" behavior. I'm going to shit all over that person and then wonder why it upsets them. 🤣🤣🤣 Damn classic sociopathic reaction. It's only business until someone reacts negatively to me, then it's personal and they were the ones who were wrong. You are a trash subhuman.",1.2,5,DE 5596,"In this case, fucking fucking whore of fucking fucking fucking fucking whore until my lunch, fucking fucking fuck pussy asshole asshole",2.86,4,FR 8116,God you are a fucking faggot,1.49,5,FR 3385,"as a mongoloid man just shoot for the fucking moon, its time we do that to show these faggots the real hierarchies",1.01,5,original 49652,"Good. Because we the people are fed up with fighting for Israel's interests in the Middle East. A war with Iran is of no use. Bolton and Pompeo must go, as must Kushner. All Zionist junk has to go, or give them a gun and an APC and send them over there to show us how. We should not sacrifice our sons and daughters to a psychopathic cabal of Zionists. That is the actual problem. Neocons = Jewish and Christian Zionists = suicidal cult at the end of days. I wish more people would point this out.",0.6,2,DE 44846,"""Illegally"" deporting them lol they are already illegal...they have no rights. They are not US citizens.",0.74,3,ZH 32751,"How about we go over there and demolish the FUCKERS houses in Israel, I'm going to sign up for crane operation/demolition classes so I can do it personally. two words FUCK ISRAEL URL",1.69,2,DE 19288,So far the only one who is late is myself.,1.62,7,JA 18292,"He's saying that the tenets of religion that focus on treating others with kindness, and not taking advantage of others are a good basis. I saw it stated recently that the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism are a big cause for concern, at least in the US. Catholics teach that not only your belief in god is necessary, but also your actions on earth, to get into heaven. So they also focus on kindness toward others. For Protestants, only the belief and acceptance of god is necessary, so taking advantage of others isn't frowned upon.",-2.58,0,original 45911,"Ilkhan Omar is an anti-Semite, an ISIL spy.",1.08,2,RU 33500,@hrtablaze @DonaldJTrumpJr We can't send Trump back to where he came from. He doesn't know where he's from.,-0.4,0,original 43610,"These 4 congress women hate America and especially white America way more than trump is racist, it seems today just disagreeing with so called people of colour, a term which is socialism for non whites, the race card is more worthless than than the 2 of spades these days",0.58,4,original 5720,Adopt a poor asshole from a third world country. Less money needed in the long run.,1.14,3,FR 48471,@Zenigundam you're an idiot. Grab this L fag.,1.93,5,ZH 26023,Omg another big thick cock! So damn hot @HungTwinks. That could fuck up a hole for sure. 😈💦 [@HungTwinks] Follow @ThunderWoodsXXX & @XXXThunderWoods for more hot gay porn. URL,-2.32,0,original 14422,"Bitch cunt fuck, what a load of fucking bullshit",2.18,1,original 3324,Aren't you a bit too white for a Redcoat to not get killed be all the migrants?,-0.75,0,original 12700,"Girls like her should have their vagina ripped off, sealed in a chest, and thrown into the ocean and let it sink to the bottom.",1.16,4,original 29351,"Ladies and gentlemen, I stand for: • Ending PC Culture • Ending Right-wing Censorship • Traditional Gender Roles • Skull Science • Ending Degenerate Trans Storytime • Ending the Great Replacement • FREE ABORTIONS • LEGAL CANNABIS RIGHT WING!",0.76,4,FR 42079,Religion poisons everything. Without Christian fundamentalism this would not even be a debate.,-0.84,0,original 10514,10 Jumping people is pussy af Bonus pussy points if you pull a knife,0.65,4,FR 41221,"Do you know when I made the decision that Obama and his team were leaving the White House? Then he left. When Obama jailed gay people. Because the concept of homophobia does not exist. Homosexuality is a perversion. The letter to the apostle Paul says homosexuality is very, very bad. I'm not afraid to tell everyone that homosexuality is a perversion, and no one can shut me up with their own invented ""homophobia"" concept.",1.57,5,ZH 34876,@goodnightnselgo You're literally gay too,-0.76,0,original 19566,"That is the real punishment here. Bitch is 27 now. Baby rabies are going to hit real soon. And she'll be in there, incarcerated, surrounded only by hookers and drug dealers and who knows what other female trash. No Chad cock in sight. Not even a beta cock she would otherwise have rejected without a second thought. The clock just ticking away, those ovaries screaming and withering, titties sagging. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.",1.53,4,original 6339,"Vox ""male"" employees are little soy beta fucks",1.05,5,original 2167,you look like a kid who grew up in the suburbs but thinks he's a ghetto and he's also jewish,0.87,2,RU 9420,Fuck a land invasion - this is 2019. Send in our armed insect drones and destroy all these terrorists.,1.52,2,DE 31043,@catsockies girls are just fucking pussies,1.15,4,FR 35380,Every nigga in my life is just useless!!,1.47,1,FR 49850,That's why that orange fiend is playing the immigrant album...he knows it's going to sink his pathetic rapist child molester Orange AZ. The stupid media fell in love with the rhetoric too,2.37,5,ZH 20738,"the way i am gonna be known on the british stan twt side of twitter as that bitch who said ""thats not very peng ting of you"" is humiliating URL",-1.0,0,original 17063,"Your 12. When your balls drop and I climb on top of your mom, then you can tell me what the fuck to do.",0.98,6,FR 15965,It wouldn't take that long if we had to process the millions of illegal immigrants egged on by Democrats.,-0.3,0,original 13506,"Russia is just a big used diaper country and people are idiots. The food sucks, there's less culture than America, and they just want to play cops and robbers all day while selling parts of their mother that they killed so they can buy more meth. At least keep your delusional dictatorship in your own country.",1.47,3,DE 4660,Fuck the the feminists brigading this post,0.64,4,original 31894,Trump Responds to Pelosi: 'Make America White Again' Is a 'Very Racist Statement' URL,0.31,0,original 6925,"It's almost like it's not the fact that the main cast is women that's the problem, but that the movie as written is a pile of trash.",0.46,0,original 8718,"Pussy, should have punched that bitch in the face.",0.52,4,original 4979,Whites will do that once you folk stop acting hood,-1.13,0,original 989,What the fuck is wrong with people. I hope every one of those people have stillborn children.,1.14,7,original 43435,Blow iran off the map,4.73,3,original 8915,"Yep, that shit is some retarded redneck humor. This is the result of banning all ""conservative"" circlejerc places. They come out of their cozy holes and infect all the cool subreddits I love. Fucking cancer, I'm going to be a politician and build a damn concentration camp for SJWs and anti-SJWs.",3.72,7,ZH 44697,Democrats are inviting more homeless illegals to cross the border while complaining there isn't enough money and housing while these illegals skip the line for affordable housing while some Americans have been waiting for years. Seems illegals just break laws and jump lines.,1.29,1,DE 48415,"These women are really ugly, I've seen hot football girls, but American women of Jesus Christ 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Russian women's soccer team puts these naughty girls to shame 😂😂😂😄😄😥😥🤪🤪 Russian love",1.67,4,FR 48019,There are going to be lots of malformed Iranian orphans after fordo melts down.,-3.45,0,original 46837,"You bet.... The town of Little Petey is a sanctuary town for illegals, so Mexicans can ethnically cleanse the savage black thug culture. Little Petey is a hidden white liberal racist!",1.97,1,FR 16146,BITCH you literally just confessed to faking a sexual harassment allegation on the internet for the whole world to see and you don't seem to give a damn,-0.33,0,original 26602,"Fuck each and every one of y'all messy ass hoes, sincerely",0.56,4,original 32214,"My Pakistanis; one thing you have to remember that this country that we have been blessed with, no one has any idea how many blessings of Allah have been bestowed on us :: @ImranKhanPTI #PMIKJalsaInUSA",-5.08,0,original 16806,"Gay people still can't donate blood, even if they are virgins.",-1.06,0,original 38911,"@ANI Om shanti. One of the finest foreign Minister of India, who gave a new identity to Ministry of External affairs. RIP Sushma ji",-6.08,0,original 24816,"Yesterday, Fri. May 31, my mom and I went to eat Subway at @Walmart in Southgate, MI. When we entered we were shouted at by a woman who tried to attack us. She yelled racist slurs at us and told us to ""go back to your fucking country, you foreigners"". Disgusting URL",0.98,3,FR 12081,"Holy shit is that the only insult you guys have? it was just a fucking joke, you think anyone who makes fun of a woman is a misogynistic neckbeard? i hope you are decapitated isis style and photos of your severed head are available for masturbation",0.98,4,FR 48276,"This Pig can,t stand the fact Obama was black. White Trash loser.",0.9,1,original 35610,"make your female character imperfect! let her say ugly things, let her be wrong, let her be a hypocrite! let your female character be broad shouldered, or have a strong profile! ignore what people say about feminine purity and let women have the nuance and humanity men are given!",-4.41,0,original 14012,Literally fucking die-spacito normie piece of trash,2.68,1,original 42766,Bruh stfu its not like immigrants affect your daily life. We all know you just think we are criminals and hate us and shit blah blah.,-2.93,0,original 20239,I can't believe these white inbred pieces of shit actually believe that banning abortion is going to stop women from making their uterus a fucking graveyard url,1.51,1,DE 24286,"She make a whole dick disappear once I fuck, I'm yuck, wish that female dog was gone",0.95,4,FR 29437,I've never wanted to smack the fuck out a bunch of faggots in my life honestly- but hey I'd probably catch something so nvm.,2.12,5,original 2111,Bet you've claimed more head than ISIS.,0.28,0,original 21272,"Genocide continues. None will be spared. Everyone will be butchered. This is real Hindu India, new India. Hail Adolf Modi! URL",0.55,3,original 18929,"They are telling that they want to waste federal resources and put a (most likely) innocent man in trouble just to own the ""incels"" or anyone looking like a virgin white men. What as this world become?",-0.77,0,original 36317,@ShkootShit Death is what he deserves that shit is beyond foul and the nigga recording ain't no better somebody should throw up on your momma head,1.82,1,original 30217,@acnewsitics He was basking in the dismissal chants... that filthy rapist and despicable racist loved them and will continue into 2020. We all know that.,0.75,1,FR 15509,"Canada has an ""Express Entry"" fast-tracked (~6-9 months) immigration program for foreigners with education and experience in tech, medicine, education, science, and other specialized professional fields. They approve over 6000 applicants each month.",-5.11,0,original 423,"Maybe men should keep their nasty cocks in their fucking pants then, fucking whores.",1.95,4,FR 47329,Hey Justin you're a retarded racist jerk who can't even pass high school and your fans hate you and your gay hair fuck you 😡🖕😼,1.41,5,ZH 8354,You can just bring a high damage sub too. I used Erika but plenty of cards can do the job.,-2.23,0,original 23779,Fuck this silly female dog.,0.77,4,FR 40909,"Gimmegrants do not care about our countries or cultures because they arent like theirs. They see only financial opportunity and looting. Its a fact. They will suck the soul out of you and then when they are homesick, they go home and leave you like a dead corpse. Multiculturalism is ((( their))) stregnth.",-0.31,0,original 24464,"If you fags wasting votes on this clowning, I'll take back your rights URL",0.59,5,DE 30945,"i have the strongest urge to tie a subs hands behind her back and prop her ass up and shove her face down into the mattress and fuck her sensless. i'd slide my cock between her ass and tease her with the tip, then ram myself inside of her and listen to her whimper for her god.",1.31,4,original 9026,"You have evidence he raped? Like film? You were there? Dude hand that into the police immediately,you'll be famous bro,you have concrete proof so you must show the authority's 🤣😂🤣 haha go die of cancer you useless cunt",0.07,0,original 908,"> Oh, boss, you have the right to do so.... > Oh, I'm so sorry, mister. Mohammed, please do what you want. Cursed mussels and their *deck shuffling* allows assembly!",0.87,2,RU 39505,BITCH GET A LIFE instead of being racist shit,0.88,4,FR 516,They should call u ugly retard fag,3.03,5,original 5757,You're literally a tampon gay guy with 5 pepper accounts trying to start hating 3 different subs fucking sluggish fuck off,2.0,5,ZH 3250,post shit or suicide gay,1.9,5,ZH 2104,"The Spanish Inquisition wasn't that bad (as compared to the contemporary times) actually. Not to seem like an apologetic but there is a bit of a black legend there. But yeah, fuck the conquistadors. They were straight up psychopaths.",-0.98,0,original 23236,These 18 year girls are tired of their boyfriends weenies and ready to be stretched by an alpha black bull FULL VIDEO | 9:01 URL #Girlfriend #BlackBull #CheatingGirlfriend #Threesome #Snowbunny #IRmovement URL,-0.98,0,original 44666,"It's time to use ""brute force"" on these Islamic bastards",0.98,2,FR 15754,>eized an Iranian ship. Start shit get hit. ​ choď do piče,-0.43,0,original 8322,Precisely why I made this post. Their parents forced their religion on them as well. The tradition then continues with the grandchildren. Most people don't stop and think why they pursue their religion.,-0.58,0,original 50015,Just bring the cave devils out of Israel,1.71,1,DE 11636,"I have done a lot of mission work myself in several locations. However, I can still admit there are huge problems with bigotry inside my church. Many people do these good works for a self-serving purpose. That doesn't diminish the good that is done though. Additionally, churches generally have other fund raising for these purposes and many missions are self-funded. Finally, a lot of these programs are government funded, so claiming to be against government involvement is also disingenuous.",-2.43,0,original 16011,Maybe the Lion was too busy building that homosexual night club to notice,-2.44,0,original 7533,Cool they can be cellmates. 2 Butt buddies. Fruity booty killers.,1.14,5,original 37066,Unless its miracle whip you white redneck crack sucking piece of shithole dumb hick faggot,1.42,1,original 45978,You come from a savage white race that has killed billions of people around the world? Lol your low birthrate is karma for your wickedness,1.77,1,DE 24932,@NavyWifeAlison Breeding like rats. So much different than Mexicans or South Americans crossing the border. Muslims want to take over our country. They want their own sharia managed utopia. MUST STOP. The Muslim seed has infiltrated into congress. Our liberties and freedoms will be our downfall.,1.3,2,original 15390,Fucking trans piece of shit mongrels,2.15,4,original 3830,"shut up, faggot. kill you l0l.",2.69,5,DE 46168,"That would be so awesome! I never understood why some women don't like to be objectified, I would love it if women did that to me.",-1.16,0,original 43005,In the future there will be no UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In the future what you people call the USA will be just a Jewish run prison camp between Mexico and Canada. Every spare cent will be sent to Israel.,0.22,0,original 17046,Nooooo I have to fuck dudes now that's yucky,-1.08,0,original 10489,Yeah faggots 😳 keep your big juicy pink cock and cute ball sack away from me u horny faggot 😳,1.33,5,original 11895,What is it that you think prevents women from being a full on doomer?,-1.92,0,original 49675,White people need to stop risking their life climbing shit.,-1.91,0,original 22295,"A Muslim terrorist murdered 8 innocent people in New York ""in the name of Allah"" IT IS ALWAYS A MUSLIM TERROTIST NEVER a Christian terrorist because the Bible does not say that it is the followers of Christ who kill people who do not adhere not to their religion as the Quran does URL URL",0.8,2,FR 1196,You should accept that your ass should be a pussy cum dumpster for real men,2.2,4,original 19710,"it's so true, these reporters tried to sabotage the IK's US trip and try to shame and hurt Pakistan EVERY chance they get. They think they are only shit talking the government in fact the world only see that they are shit talking Pakistan. I stopped listening to Najam Sethi after he said IK and his wife were having fights.. what kind of low journalism is this?",-3.49,0,original 8124,Lick your pussy and fuck your pussy,-0.83,0,original 34007,THESE HOES CANNOT RELATE 🥴 URL,1.51,4,original 3815,"Damn stupid, I would violate that fucking pussy and pump a load deep inside you.",2.82,4,FR 43798,"Oh, eat shit, cowardly evangelical terrorist.",0.89,2,FR 8938,lol burn the whole church to the ground The whole fucking organization was involved in the attacks. They've been harboring cruel priests for DECADES and they're still covering up this shit.,0.82,2,RU 45253,7/16/19....Illegal immigrants DON'T HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR? WRLL HOW MANY ICE AGENTS WILL GET HURT? EVERY HURT/KILLED ICE AGENT SHOULD CAUSE HUGE LAW SUIT AGAINST SANCTUARY CITIES + MAYORS + POLICE + ANYBIDY WHO STANDS IN THE WAY & STOPS ICE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY/JOB! TRUMP DEPORT ALL THOSE WELFARE/ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! BUILD THE WALL + MAKE IT TALL! DEPORT ILLEGALS & CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS! MAKE AMERICA + AMERICANS SAFE AGAIN!,0.78,3,original 347,-karma preys on a tiny bitch with a dick,0.51,7,RU 17838,I just want black people to be wiped off this planet.,4.35,1,DE 583,I like how he can't be honest even with complete strangers.All day long this pathetic fagot spreads misinformation to make himself look better. He constantly talks about mental illness when he clearly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.,0.92,7,JA 6835,"They are all garbage. ""Pro life"" but attack children like no one else can. No disgusting perks for society pussies",0.95,2,FR 10014,She would look great filled with white cocks.,0.62,4,original 15610,"Uhoh, looks like Satan has infiltrated your church and soon you will all be murdering one another in occultist rituals.",0.82,2,original 37493,trump is a white supremacist whose racist words incite violence among his followers #racistpresident URL,-0.78,0,original 50070,Fuck you go die you fucking bitch ugly ass bitch,2.43,4,original 3828,Suck my dick bitch ass nigga,2.9,1,original 33596,IF I HAD A COCK I WOULD TAKE IT OUT AND PISS ON EM',0.73,4,FR 26572,"Boris wants to push through May's toxic #WithdrawalAgreement minus the backstop. So, continuity May. That's a further transition period, £39bn for the gangsters in Brussels and the UK in the EU army. Boris is a fraud. URL",-0.88,0,original 14921,Should just Fucking knock her out dumb bitch,1.44,4,original 47166,+Make Racists Afraid Again you're nothing but a fucking skinny little tweaker faggot cocksucker,1.16,1,original 17414,"I don't honestly feel able to answer because I don't get a choice, but transition has given me a flat chest and a dick and facial hair and honestly I'm happy. Dysphoria has been difficult at times but I have been ""lucky"" enough to receive affirming healthcare, and I'm comfortable with being trans. I would lose so much of my experiences if I were cis that I can't say I would choose to be like that, I'd be such a different person and I like myself as I am.",-3.23,0,original 4772,Oh boy I'm sure this one is gonna pull through and save the white race without being declared a race-traitor followed by his national fanboys saying they never really liked him and just pretended to do so to own libs.,-1.06,0,original 32346,"Never mind, we can bring these bastards here, put them in jail, and deport them as soon as they finish this sentence! ! !",0.86,3,ZH 44446,Another fun fact Kamala Harris's Family were slave owners!!!,-1.3,0,original 2310,I hope jesus comes down and shoots this abominable waste of oxygen with a bazooka like rambo,4.98,2,ZH 42577,Transsexual fucking robot? wtf man this looks like fucking crap...thanks sjw may you burn in hell,1.26,5,ZH 30714,@RobertGSilvermn @Joyce_Karam Your prime minister is a corrupt racist scumbag who hates Arabs and Palestinians though. You should go back to Israel and fix it so that my tax dollars can stop being wasted on bullets used to murder unarmed protesters at the Gaza border,0.22,0,original 29689,Tell your new bitch she could suck a dick,1.27,4,original 31758,This heat is homophobic.,-0.43,0,original 1456,I'm here to troll but honestly both Israel and Palestine are rubbish countries with tons of war crimes and crimes against humanity and what they do to each other there is frankly disgusting,1.26,3,ZH 4920,"She's the type you just want to get those big lips around that dick, then leave. She is so hot, but so annoying.",0.36,0,original 400,Suck shit cunt.,-0.18,0,original 6840,"And she should continue to make it difficult for the women AND the men. The more stressed out the women get, the more likely they are to see that the men need to help.",-3.15,0,original 26205,"@daintyvioIet white men literally join the military, go overseas, murder families, and put it under the illusion of ""fighting for their country"" and still say abortion is wrong lmao",-1.51,0,original 34242,@AdamSerwer @jonfavs The advancements achieved during the Civil Rights Era have been fought tooth-and-nail since then. Affirmative action has been chipped away because SCOTUS—mostly white people—claimed that it discriminated against white people.,-1.91,0,original 18883,"I got a message for these little fags tryna be a momma's boy and a teacher's pet, pimple face, asswipe, looking like they just had a gyne-cologist stick five fingers in their ass, no lube",1.84,5,original 48836,I can't wait for Trump to destroy Iran and Venezuela. Trump will import millions of refugees into the US. Make America Brown Again movement.,0.98,3,DE 5007,"And when when will the black community be held responsible for anything? A little kid was murdered by gang bangers and they STILL couldn't get the community to cooperate. The police chief is black, but it STILL must be all those racist white cops holding them all back from their utopian community?",-0.26,0,original 33641,@pastorlocke go back to your mall you dork/ and take your bloody false privilege! The privilege of forcing your stillborn religious garbage on others? Put it in park and pull the trigger. URL,1.12,2,DE 11797,Lay you down and take the rear hole while I use a vibe on your vag making you cum numerous times.,-2.53,0,original 49704,Ten bucks says black people start looting.,0.54,1,original 11282,"How about you fuck off, faggot.",1.21,5,original 47592,Fuck you fagot why you need subs,1.77,5,FR 26446,Only real niggas fuck with KRIT URL,-1.26,0,original 25762,"Hey, at least your big boobs are for something! Now turn around, I want to use your ass the same way! URLs",1.85,4,FR 46294,stupid whores will never learn that. they don't belong in the spotlight but in the bedroom sucking my dick,1.89,4,FR 45509,too many gays in the bible belt,0.56,5,ZH 47584,"I don't know but you guys do, but I think sterilization of the insane and very low IQ shouldn't just be encouraged, it should be allowed.",1.14,7,DE 8735,unfortunately you're a faggot,1.28,5,original 45653,He should tarrif all of the poverty the mexicans have exported into the United States.,-0.35,0,original 14151,Whoever the fag.,0.61,5,FR 35490,"EVIL, FAUX-CHRISTIAN SAINT WILTON OF WASHINGTON, ""THE QUEEN OF THE NILE"": TRUMP'S KIND OF ""DISCOURSE HAS NO PLACE ON THE LIPS OF THOSE WHO PROFESS CHRIST OR CLAIM THAT THEY ARE CIVILIZED MEMBERS OF SOCIETY!"" URL URL",0.65,2,DE 43281,"My racist comment of the day is,If you don't like it here get out.I might be able to get away with saying this because i'm black.",-1.11,0,original 24585,@slewtrue611 @Balerstos @DanODonnellShow @kpoulsen No one has to pretend to care about races of people. I care about all human beings. I see people as human beings not by their skin tone.,-4.95,0,original 38842,@QTAnon1 Hope she fucks her all the way back to Somalia..,1.42,3,DE 37375,@Millie__Weaver Shove your bible up your ass,1.29,2,RU 10510,Eat a dick assholes.,1.18,4,FR 9653,The only redeeming thing about this witch is her breasts.,0.99,4,FR 40201,"I don't know the name of the white girl on here but, I can tell you for a fact shes a bitch",-0.57,0,original 25740,"I SO WANT TO FUCKING CHOKE THIS GIRL TO DEATH AND THEN FUCKING CUT HER BODY TO PIECES AND THEN BURN THEM TO ASHES, THIS FUCKING SLUT WILL NOT EVEN GET A PLACE IN HELL. MOTHERFUCKING BITCH SET UP NEY AND BLAMED HIM OF RAPE, FUCKING BASTARD URL",4.46,4,original 49903,look at all these sub to sub gay ass 12 year old lmao,1.59,6,DE 46453,All the wrongfully newly elected Congress women and evil Nancy Pelosi prove to be a bunch of fruitless lacking morals overloaded estrogen driven bitches! All of them are USELESS to any society!,1.65,4,original 19907,"You are wrong and you should feel bad! All girls can become lustful. Keep your Christian beliefs out of my waifu game, you puritan.",0.72,2,FR 5607,Can't wait to see you stroke that big cock and see it cum :)),-3.46,0,original 8749,he was an incel mad at the SJW art decisions made by the company. When they reduced the breast size of his favorite waifu by 2 cup sizes he snappe,-0.94,0,original 48724,Its just another refugee camp for Illegal Aliens.,-0.47,0,original 29826,"a lot of niggas fail but I won't, a lot of niggas fold but I cope 🙇🏾‍♂️",-2.35,0,original 33620,America please stop murdering children,0.58,3,original 32545,"Fake ass society, bunch of pussy ass niggas. URL",1.2,1,original 36011,"@EWERickson Go fuck yourself. If you think that's a sin, eat a big bowl of shit, not you homophobic jerk.",0.93,5,ZH 21436,Fuck Yeah! Dirty AF Pack Rape Dogs Score a Hot AF Young White Trash Cum Junkie Slut To Fuck'n Abuse and Use for Balls Deep Fuck'n Unloads Floodin' His Young Fuck'n White Trash Cum Junkie Fuck'n Cunt (Eric Videos)(Part 3) 👍 URL,1.16,1,original 4440,​ >Israel will false flag (again) to keep us in there. > >Every spring/summer like clock work Like your whore dad sucks muzzie cock every night and day like clock work.,0.87,2,original 8462,I hope she get's raped like the worthless whore she is. ;),2.07,4,original 25480,@ChiQigi @jaredchrstphr @noturiah_ Move out of this country then tough guy!! You are a piece of shit!,0.1,0,original 13416,"Why do you have to come to this country, imbibe its people and bring all your family with you? Can't you stay where you are, or at least roll to where you belong?",1.96,3,ZH 7717,Good job nigger you are what you hate.,1.27,1,original 34961,"Don't waste my time fags, if you're in my DMs then you're gonna be my exploit fag so I don't want no excuses! If you follow me message me to start serving your alpha 💵 #findom #paypig #payslave #Humiliation #blackmail #circlepay #paypal #sissy #cuck #alpha",1.61,5,FR 27954,3:25 a.m. and W407 can't get her retarded child to shut up. You fucking hateful niggers. Get a Fatima job. You are so #loser to have this thug's son. URLs,0.71,1,FR 46643,You are so stupid just stop making your GAY VID NO ONE LIKE YOU AND YOUR VOICE BURNING IN HELL BASTER,1.02,5,ZH 10638,I want to drain my balls up her asshole!,0.84,4,original 47412,+Jancy Varghese you shit eating stinky Indian scumbag. Go and fuck your sister.,1.79,1,original 15565,Fuck Saudi Arabia and the camel they rode in on.,1.16,3,original 40933,"How's your citySan Francisco doing Nancy? Can't wait for your illegals to enter your sanctuary cities, that going to be amusing.",-0.38,0,original 11971,LOL imagine thinking I would donate to that lying hoe you yourself sound like one of her offline chat cucks must be white knight tier 3 sub. Getting fooled by a ethot hahahahahahaa loser,0.95,4,original 43880,You are a little bitch. Make some more babies in your parents basement.,2.09,6,DE 41628,@Greg G shut up the FrICK! U librealcOMMIE FAG Snowflakes!,0.96,5,ZH 2429,fuck this hoe,1.31,4,FR 34179,Fuck ces niggas URL,2.15,1,FR 45387,destroy everything I prefer to be controlled by jews than by arabs,1.33,1,FR 5139,Eid Mubarak to everyone that celebrates it !,-5.75,0,original 44595,"Send them back to their country of origin, black-eyed and limp",1.74,3,ZH 24928,How a pussy ass lame ass dirty ass fuck nigga kill a real ass nigga dawg,1.0,1,original 22512,"@KTSMtv Fuck them, they are nor wanted in our country! Go back to the shithole you came from!",1.25,3,original 32706,"Austin, TX is less than 8% black...but it doesn't take more diversity to turn this American city into a violent, Africanized shithole. URL",0.67,1,DE 27893,"Pakistan to host #AsiaCup in 2020 what a great news, let's show the entire world how enthusiastic are we as a cricketing nation! And ofcourse the best host there is! @TheRealPCB congratulations, well done!",-5.89,0,original 2589,"She is a semite, because that term also technically includes arabs and somalis. Not because you have some weird anti-jew fetish. Kind of weird that you are on a pro trump forum when all his family is basically jewish. How do you square your jew hating circle with that fact?",-2.43,0,original 19788,The Isis space program doesn't look promising. Premature detonation. These lunar infidels must wait for Jihad.,0.72,1,DE 34433,"Fck America and fck white people I'm so done, can y'all just leave",0.68,1,original 27810,@LVNancy @m_recluse @BeachUSA45 @KatTheHammer1 @KAG4All @ROCKONOHIO @VFL2013 @pinkk9lover @DonnaWR8 @RodStryker @CB618444 @jko017 Stop these animals and their vulgar abomination they call Islam from immigrating west!!!,1.87,2,FR 38940,"I RESPECT a man who ain't scared to TALK. I Got hella Heart eyes for a REAL NIGGA period. Tell me what it is what it's gone be, what ain't sitting right with you so I can fix it, what you don't tolerate so I can change those ways. I love BLUNTNESS, just tell me what it is.",-3.99,0,original 10254,She's ashamed because she got caught by her friends. Not because she fucked a random guy. She would probably fuck him for free on another occasion.,0.59,4,FR 6263,fagot is a shitty crook,0.79,5,FR 2279,That shit was clean. You're such an autistic fag for bragging about destroying the thing that helped start your little gang.,0.99,5,DE 11005,Lol good try. Gtfo fag.,1.19,5,FR 37565,"@kenzierlemmons @DupeTask @JackPosobiec Since you have apparently never served in the military, let me explain to you that homosexual have NO place in combat units! At most, perhaps they can perform some support function in REAR echelons.",0.72,5,original 4287,I wish people had to get a license to procreate,2.25,1,FR 17092,Shut the fuck up stupid nigga,2.07,1,FR 34661,@bread_maker7 Fucking bitch,0.71,4,FR 14559,"IMO, Face>Body>/=Skin color. Filipino mixed western or eastern asian features have advantages too. At least this is how the media portrays beauty.",-3.08,0,original 23718,"@GKeile @RandallFox17 Can't believe 3 burly muscular black A hole male punching n kicking a while petite girl, what coward! Carry a gun in the future,lady.",-0.57,0,original 20346,edgy dumb bitch and depressed bitch,0.97,5,DE 20443,@AQbrEii Cause you sound dumb as fuck & ima tell you that cause I fuck with you .. some niggas really attempted suicide .. ME,-0.66,0,original 42920,"+grampathegrey I blame all jewish supremacists working in our media, government, and banking.",0.0,0,original 37045,They should use this on white male domestic terrorist cells.,-1.29,0,original 46121,Can I rip her eyeballs out and pluck every eyelash and hairs of this racist retarded and ugly hoe,0.72,4,original 31722,Bitch you better praise God or I'm gonna shoot and it's God I don't play against my Lord and Savior I'm on my job if you ain't a Christian I'm gonna stab you in the face,1.61,2,FR 7595,There is a special place in HELL for all of you. YALL F\*CKED IN THE HEAD. This is pure MENTAL ILLNESS. Everyone hates you. Even your parents hate EVERYTHING about you. KYS no one needs you!!!,2.44,7,FR 37029,"Wait for it... the Dayton shooter, Dayton Terrorist, is yet another White Supremacist. An angry white man in America who just goes around killing mass numbers of people at will. #daytonshooter #DaytonTerroristAttack #TrumpsTerrorists URL",-1.56,0,original 36854,Check out these majestic native cattle. Brainwashed Eslam jerks believe that Olla deserves merit if they are killed. Why are Gaurakshaks criminals for lynching this dirt on the planet?,0.56,2,DE 9520,Fuck Israel,4.01,3,DE 28496,"Bitch you a dog and your homegirl too, ayy URL",0.48,0,original 46145,White supremacy is the cornerstone of whitesplaining bigotry defense and never evolving .. I have a suggestion America why don't we remove the Status of Liberty which is the so called beacon of freedom and replace it with the wall that Mexico was suppose to pay for and get it over with Joe Biden or Mitch McConnell all I see is just another set of old bigoted white men doing what they do ..,-1.11,0,original 30848,Next thing I'd rather throw a coconut at these niggas heads,0.97,1,DE 31065,Niggas don't do shit but feed me lies and I act like a faith,0.56,1,DE 39975,Gross. Crawl back into you tree hollow white woman.,0.4,0,original 5527,You forgot about killing of the non believers...,1.39,2,original 7303,American police are fucking thugs.,1.39,3,ZH 23769,"The Boondocks is making fun of the niggas that make tweets like this and yet here they are STILL making tweets like this. Y'all know The Boondocks is a satire about Y'ALL and not gay people, right? You're the ass of the joke😂 URL",-0.05,0,original 24449,"This is the proper, natural evolution of events for you, Sissy. Pleasing the Alpha cocks of men like me. URL",-0.67,0,original 33429,U.S. imposes visa restrictions on Nigerians undermining democracy - The Nation Newspaper URL,-1.87,0,original 11632,Now we know how they got so many slaves to the Americas so fast.,-0.21,0,original 4135,death to Catholicism. Should be legal to shoot them.,2.18,2,DE 31705,Pussy bitch.,0.87,4,original 30316,"@Alyssa_Milano @RachelMcKibbens I find your Nazi here 👇 12/30/08 Fort Lauderdale, FL. Pro-Palestinian Muslim protesters call on Jews to ""go back to the oven"" - ""You need a big oven and this is all you need,"" URL #SendHerBack #ConcentrationCamps #IStandWithTrump #TrumpRally Disavowed",1.98,2,ZH 48163,"Fuck the Mexican President! How can you let illegals wonder through your country? He is a criminal! I have my guns, let's get it on!",1.44,3,original 17415,You should once the travel advisory is lifted. Kashmiris are unparalleled in their hospitality.,-4.22,0,original 16931,"You look like you let random dudes from the bar aggressively fuck you, spit in your face and call you a whore. You let them fuck your pussy unprotected with razor bumps on it and then you suck their sweaty dicks and then go home and kiss your son.",1.07,4,original 48214,"+FLYINGSCOPE That's a long moment, dude. I thought he _always_ talks shit about white people? Should be easy...",-2.12,0,original 32274,"honestly fuck that bitch for fighting in front of her little boy like that, fucking DIRTY is what you are",0.49,0,original 28089,"Face down is how you fuck sissies, don't worry! RETWEET IF YOU'RE A REAL SISSY COCKSUCKING SLUT 😈 @rtjackass @indebt2Leah @rtsuck3r @rthound @SlaveSilly @mike_mashall @touchRTP @ShortSmallStump @rt_feet URL",0.98,5,FR 47135,Get them out of our country! Send her back to Mexico!,1.58,1,DE 23778,"@IlhanMN How about packing up and going home, you ungrateful piece of trash? 😠 We accept you here. And now, you want us to be what you left behind? ? ? ? It won't don't know what spirit lurks in the quiet-true American.",2.05,3,ZH 26041,"@PabloNoBars yeah man. men that actually care bout gettin to know you, you don't treat em like that but see them niggas that feel entitled to pussy .. RAW EM OUT!!!!",-0.43,0,original 37907,"The Mexican cartels are murdering a record number of Mexicans, as well as Americans by directing transnational gangs in places like Chicago, and then of course, the fentanyl. So maybe the Mexican gov't ought to sit this one out.",-0.55,0,original 37054,Useless niggas always suckled by their mothers. So fuck you and your mama.,2.28,1,DE 14740,"> yo Eck. Sounds good, you're admitting you're not doing the equality thing. So you hate women. Incel.",-1.25,0,original 29766,Fucking Israel Fucking Israel Fucking Israel URL,0.88,3,ZH 44013,"+ محمد العربيو Shut up the fucking bastards. He is from Bangladesh, a poor and stupid country",0.89,3,ZH 45563,We are slave of Zionist Israel,-0.2,0,original 12825,My eyes that work you fucking retarded nigger.,2.41,1,original 4600,"That's basically it. We Brits will use anything as an insult... Honestly, I've heard people say 'petals', 'flowers' and recently randomly say the fuck is one of the 'little dancers'. The last one was new to me and it didn't really make me feel offended lol. Gimps are basically complete idiots to me, though to clarify, I don't mean people with fetishes.",0.62,7,ZH 5801,Yeah this isn't gonna create racist white people at all /s,-0.86,0,original 10559,Let me grab you by the pussy fagot 😏,1.55,5,DE 18510,"I don't understand. I'm American and the only way to help someone who's poor is to spit in their face and tell them to get a job and learn our language. I mean sure they get a good job and contribute, but then those are thoughts!",0.82,3,FR 11855,"I'm gazorpazorpfield, give you enchiladas weak, pathetic, white, dumb, dumb, dumb, retarded _*piece of shit*_",1.45,1,FR 43972,"All these invaders need to go home and fix their country, they are able to be military age men or older like parasites",0.94,3,FR 25449,"Report from Norway: Knife Wielding Maniac Screaming ""Allah Akhbar"" Stabs One Person in Norway Attack (VIDEO) URL via @gatewaypundit",-0.99,0,original 28382,I love getting fucked by a Big Black Cock 😋🔥😍 💦 #BigCock #Hotwife #Slut #BbcSlut #Snowbunny #Queenofspades #Sex 🔥♠️😘 Watch all my Last #Interracial videos on my website: URL URL,-2.07,0,original 26250,I hope one day yall burn your tiddies and fucking realise,-0.2,0,original 33027,I hate you ratchet ass bitches with no morals I'll fly out and fight each one of you weak ass bitches one on one,1.39,4,original 42583,"@trumptard slayer No, your people were ordered to kill black and white people. The Hispanization of America will fail! Assimilate into American culture or go back to your hell.",0.73,3,ZH 32151,Another big problem is TRIBALISM in Kenya! You can find a whole department of an insurance company speaking one ethnic language and speaking it blatantly in the office! Someone would rather higher their ethnic-kins highschool dropout than higher a graduate #firstclassbetrayal,0.49,0,original 15838,Stupid fat bitch. Hope they identify her.,0.81,4,original 2585,"You're a disgusting dirty slut who dresses to feel sexy when in fact you're just a dirty little fuck whore, a cock sleeve who deserves nothing more than to have dicks shoved in all the holes. Your breasts are pathetic, your nipples barely perky so god knows what state your skanky pussy will be in.",1.8,4,FR 6205,"Ya but it's ok there gonna let the white farmers come back and work on them, since they don't know how to run thrm.",-1.87,0,original 27727,@faithfulgadolic @thehill Fuck Jesus. Fuck the virgin mother. Fuck the Holy Spirit. Screw your Bronze Age mumbo-jumbo. You sad bastard.,1.57,2,DE 17419,#SUCK MY COCK,0.81,6,DE 23411,stupid homophobic whores,1.33,5,FR 21361,stupid fucking bitch,1.15,4,FR 536,"Strip her naked, tie her ankles together behind her head, and tie each of her wrists with hooks to the ceiling so that her shoulders are off the ground. Then spread her pussy hole with a speculum and spray it with pepper spray, then fuck her in the ass as hard as you can",2.85,4,FR 35411,"Niggas are really morons, they're allowed to do shit, but you're not? 😭😭 Eat that dick",1.94,7,RU 439,"I've noticed hot topic and Spenser's always carries LGBTQIA+ pride items. Warms my heart :) my boyfriend is a straight cis male and has taken so many steps to educate himself on sexuality after learning about my bisexuality. I only hope my country (USA) will take similar steps. Not hopeful until a new president is elected, however :( I'm just lucky I live in a progressive state where loving whoever you choose is praised. I hurt for our community who has to hide their love due to outdated laws and stigma. You wear that shirt with pride, you look amazing in it.",-5.47,0,original 1301,Or let's exterminate the Japanese once and for all.,2.06,1,DE 16179,"aparently the cocktaly of 999999999999999999999999999999 different niggas semen in your brain maked it an porridge and now there you are, being a coward in reddit. go dring your gamer girl water pussy and die of aids already",1.06,1,original 29571,"You're helpless, while you're locked in that steel bondage device. The fucking machine will slowly pump the dildo in your pussy. The machine will fuck you faster each time I want you to cum. While the machine fucks your pussy I'll fist your ass and pull your hair to make you cum. URL",0.94,4,original 37136,@JamariJones_ATL Now we just need Florida to let us do this with all these piece of shit niggers am I right,2.29,1,original 20047,I hate Jews so much that I want the Holocaust to actually happen.,2.73,2,RU 49156,"The ""send her back"" chant was foul (though not illegal or even hateful and not particularly racist as it applies to anyone who plots and schemes to overthrow the nation regardless of melanin content). Trump left it as her choice. The crowd's speech ""required"" it -- and let's remember ""The Squad"" are the authoritarians here. People oppose her because she stands against Liberty and the core tenets of Western Society. It would have been wise for Trump to stop the chant and point this out so he would have had the image of holding the high[er] moral ground.",-1.25,0,original 20090,"Hozier — Take Me to Church He said fuck the homophobic church community, fuck the government. url",1.47,2,ZH 11197,I'm so sorry to hear that your experience hasn't been good with your family. :( I think our generation is increasingly supportive of the trans experience and I'm hoping that you experience this openmindedness if you continue to interact within progressive Desi spaces. I'm 100% an ally. You're completely valid -- don't ever forget it! And you aren't alone.,-4.95,0,original 34562,i hate these bitchs URL,1.01,4,original 34240,"@badbitchkiyy nah , some of them niggas really be chilling 🙁.",-2.9,0,original 8260,"Just stock something up your ass, you're not touching dick so it's not gay.",-0.48,0,original 33320,"Hmmm? To slow down? You're in no position to demand my darling! I think I'm going to shove my big futanari cock down your throat even more! //spelling checked by @CumSlutSamus, XD pay ass slap URL",0.64,4,FR 16627,"You deserve it, you invader scum, you are the people who funded Islamists in Afghanistan",1.74,3,DE 14318,1/10 shitpost. repost and gay.,-1.66,0,original 549,Because those land whales look like typical feminazi sjw,0.31,0,original 18513,"Fuck, you delay the incest baby.",1.96,7,JA 16532,"I am an atheist, but in this case, I hope you burn in the deepest and darkest flame.",0.67,2,RU 47434,"Peados and rapists are the worst kind of evil. Jail is no good for these scum. They must be killed, as our ancestors did in the past, to protect the gene pool. We are an animal species and we have forgotten how breeding works. We breed other species such as dogs and horses. Killers and rapists are quickly weeded out along with other undesirable traits. people are no different. Rapists and paedos must be eradicated to save the species",4.26,5,DE 48581,"These women disgust me. Oh women of color. Not all Trump supporters are white supremacists. This Congresswoman Omar got married, her brother is a con man, AOC is a Hippocritus. disgust👊",0.84,1,DE 35,"Joe Rogan...listen, dawg. That one time I had this Jamaican ho' up like this when I snorted coke off her twat while she was on her period HAHAHAAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I took a big shit inside her mouth and then I fucked it. Holy shit Joe Rogan you shoulda seen this, fuckin' savages all over HAHAHAHHAH AHAHAHAH. *coughs* *can't catch his breath*",2.37,1,original 9229,"You're kind of a low iq fool, arentcha?",0.64,7,DE 31509,Women be so busy until they start liking you Like bitch where yo job Go,0.7,4,original 48649,Btw look at your outfit gatta meme that dumbo jr on god nigga gotta 🙏 for that hard shit and not the cool hard go 2 Facebook and see me and my babe flexing better than u,0.77,1,original 3160,"man he straight up copied this from somewhere. this is like saying that atheism is a belief just like bald is a hair colour. also man dont even get me started on sadhguru, effing charlatan having murdered his wife and prancing around with a hoard of brainwashed wannabe idealists",-0.14,0,original 21720,@RubeLang @Blushingflwr I didn't realize until recently how different I am compared to post-INA Korean immigrants because my family's lived here for over a hundred year and I grew up in a place and time where there largely weren't other Asians.,-3.13,0,original 33150,@flints1963 Because they're fucking stupid trailer trash. And they give white people like me a bad name,0.79,1,FR 22615,"Go against us then you must be really tripping. I'm this guy, hot for a minute, been in the kitchen whipping.",1.83,1,FR 36503,"""Those whom they (Al-Mushrikoon) invoke besides Allah have not created anything, but are themselves created. (They are) dead, lifeless, and they know not when they will be raised up."" [an-Nahl 16:20-2 1]",-3.12,0,original 7169,First state in the US to protect trans people from discrimination in employment/housing! I was kinda proud to learn that factoid. 1993.,-5.63,0,original 42980,"@6Mile Pete well tell that to black men, not us. WE aren't the ones who have abandoned you",-0.78,0,original 17098,"So they are paying for concentration camps for illegal immigrants, and then blaming the illegals for the taxpayer cost?",-0.59,0,original 44139,+Charlotte yea go abort yourself since you love aborting babies,0.6,4,original 48476,Send Ilhan Omar back to the shitty country she came from.,1.64,3,FR 19502,eat shit aussie faggot,1.48,3,original 6365,Did that fag really clap with a fucking question?,1.51,5,ZH 21780,"@TylerTrollbane @penelope7usa Liberals: White genocide NOW! ""Conservatives"": Hold on! We need a phase-in so we can ASSIMILATE with them. White genocide must be done carefully, smoothly, and LEGALLY! ""Libertarians"": Slowing down genocide is COLLECTIVIST! And costs money! Leave GENOCIDE to the MARKET!",1.39,1,original 343,I Will fuck you up! I Will ram my cock in your ASS you Gay!!! Hahahahah Im The swansdriver Im no Gay or bitch!!!,2.82,5,original 7358,Uppercut in her pussy!,0.53,4,FR 38756,Just redeemed myself. Dubbed all of those niggers' asses,1.77,1,original 3498,"I suddenly feel much better about that orphan bus I burned down, then I remember that as a superior westerner, I'm in the top 99% of humanity (yes, Africa is always a thing) in terms of wealth, so it sucks.",1.0,3,FR 4744,"Tearing holes in his clothes and taking every hole hard. Finished in her mouth, make her suck the cum out of my cock.",0.58,4,FR 17266,"You are a fucking man boy. damn it. you. I hope you choke on your own shit, you fucking subhuman sociopath.",1.63,6,ZH 48815,"here are some of the ACTUAL stats, not comforting bs to justify sexism and pay discrimination. ""in the three years after the women's team won the World Cup in 2015, their games generated more total revenue than men's games, according to The Wall Street Journal. The 2015 Women's World Cup final also had more views than any soccer match in U.S. history, men's or women's, at that time.""",-4.09,0,original 8015,Loool says choking Chinese cocks has degenerated. Funny you say you're the same considering your origins. Now go begging for money to build dams or get C-class teams to travel the terrorist harbinger of inbreeding where teams get shot when they come to play. Jennaaaab.,2.2,1,DE 1855,"...I think this post is making me rethink how I identify (straight) Cause I think I'm attracted to male bodies, but I think I wouldn't care if someone was nonbinary? Hmm... This is an interesting path... Anyway, this post is not about me, but I felt like saying this",-1.97,0,original 24314,Bitches really be bragging about being rude 😂😂😂😂😂weird,2.15,4,original 6152,Stupid and ugly bitch,1.19,4,FR 42130,"Didn't the 15 year old boys soccer team beat these reeeeee tards? Are they wearing beach volleyball uniforms yet? Women are still overplaying their hands, and men don't care anymore. Nice work ladies!!!!!",1.52,7,original 5428,You're going to bend 14 year old white girls over? 😲 /s,-1.46,0,original 43513,"Hey Devi dev. Your sister in laws father ? That means your wife's father. Then nationality of his children including yr wife will be questioned. And if you are having baby from her after 2004 then nationality of yr child will be questioned. Google the citizenship act-1986amenmend, 2003amenmend.",-2.14,0,original 43013,"Damn the Democrats and their crazy wacky ""disaster relief"" plan, why don't those damn Puerto Ricans pull themselves together and learn to swim! I don't care if 3,000 people died, but what about the southern border! ? All these brown people are coming in, and I don't like that.",0.51,3,ZH 31251,"@qnafess Get yourself a man, not a boy.",-1.37,0,original 40783,Stupid whores,0.66,4,original 31794,That smile white people give triggers my fight or flight response,-0.86,0,original 43379,"Damn sodomites are taking over...every damn action movie about women right now. Boy, do I miss the 90's and early 2000's when you could call someone a fucking fag.",1.45,5,ZH 27793,"i be gettin all the bitches, i be fuckin all the bitches",0.25,0,original 49135,"At this point, your well-trained Transcy woodpecker is beyond the point of retardation. Their country of origin is America, you dumb opioid babies who are questioning the politics of their country of origin...and your inbred euro filth is crying about it. 😂😂😂",1.98,3,ZH 32488,"@kendricklamar There is no easy way to stop #Iran from taking American and Europeans captive, a tactic Tehran has employed since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Unfortunately, in today's modern world this isn't acceptable #FreeNazanin URL",-1.82,0,original 47877,Shut up... I bet you're a dumb Muslim or SJW fuck. Go ahead and plz kill yourself. The world doesn't need people like you.,2.05,2,RU 17450,"It's an island in the middle of nowhere, there are no extra activities or services available. All there is are a couple toilet cabinets and parasols with benches under all along the shore.",-0.49,0,original 11985,Bitchez be stoopid,1.93,4,original 11865,FUCK HER RIGHT IN DA PUSSY,0.51,4,original 3509,You really are a bunch of fags here,1.6,5,FR 26397,@deepsealioness @AnupamPKher Fuck off your words. You belong to a terrorist religion. So will hate hindus.,1.22,2,original 39841,@hotlilcheeto shutup ur like a sex addict fucking slag,1.24,4,original 29228,"@DaverAdnann You fucking irrelevant racist bitch, your place is in hell. Have fun there. Bye.",2.17,4,FR 30372,Lmao RT @ManOfYr: Yea Fab we finna wild that bitch out cuh 🍾🍾🍾 URL,-0.78,0,original 34437,One day Allah and Ram will wipe these guys off the face of the earth together. thereafter. Not just these guys. So did their godfather.,2.42,3,ZH 24308,"Spank, little bastard. goodbye",1.12,5,ZH 17951,Another favorite anal slut.,0.7,4,original 22029,@beccafrica African woman,-3.06,0,original 49239,USA women are nasty and like abortion so they can continue to be nasty skankx.,1.26,4,original 140,"true, she'll probably get a slap on the hand and a nod from the simped judge and give her the pass so she can go complain about male privilege.",0.93,4,FR 30648,"Shoutout 2 all Christians who lie, cheat, gossip, fornicate, but don't drink 🍷 or smoke 💨 because it's a sin. U are the reason why Jesus wept",1.02,2,original 6433,just happy to be asian baby,-3.26,0,original 10433,I agree with the other person. You're a total fag lol!,1.36,5,DE 35363,"@SkyNewsAust @AlboMP Wouldn't want a former Muslim talking bad about Islam, now would we. You idiots should be ashamed, the lot of you.",-1.19,0,original 25331,Paki guy showing the energy with which he gonna fuck you if he ever met you. Then he cums a fountain. URL,-0.02,0,original 13570,"So, no only are you a lie-believing idiot (your mom probably vaccinated you, and made you retarded) but you're also a homophobe. You've got not redeeming qualities I see.",0.93,7,original 6326,Fuck yourself faggot,1.34,5,original 40720,I literally cried so hard after watching this (not even gay and I grew up in a homophobic family) The message and emotion is so real!!❤,-2.85,0,original 49266,"Lesbian Butch should play football, keep her worthless political commentary to herself, and look like a crusty ass shrimp boat captain. Just like her, I couldn't resist posting my mean ass comments too",1.81,5,ZH 24807,I wouldn't even sip a drink after this girl let alone fuck her she looks like she got some boogeyman STD URL,0.96,4,original 45883,"As Omar truly is anti-semitic and pro-BDS, she shall be deported back to Somalia. Zero tolerance with islamic suprematism and all of her supporters at biased BBC !",0.99,3,original 24462,@realDonaldTrump Better for Mexico keep this migrant out of our borders. USA right now is lauded of migrant so we know DS NDP Radical Communist Snakes don't give a sheet about that. But the hard working people of this country care a 100&. Enough is enough. Radical congress using migrant as poppet,0.21,0,original 42399,This makes me even more proud to be a black person. :),-5.13,0,original 46748,"it's fascism to defend the koran and make it normal for this cancer to spread in our world, these dessert monkeys own half the world, they want every stone, so take them all away now!",2.04,2,RU 18788,I'd lick ur asshole till my tongue is dry and ur cunt full of juice for me.,-0.87,0,original 22208,Everything about America comes from other countries' cultures b/c a bunch of immigrants came when America had a tiny ass population. Stopping that when brown & black people come is inherently racist when immigrants were ok with slavery as the only way for brown people to enter URL,-3.18,0,original 44593,"It has nothing to do with a color of the skin, you PATHETIC MORON. This innocent young woman was MURDERED by an insane Muslim just for the only reason that she was white and uncovered woman. You have a mind of a rabid animal.",0.31,0,original 8142,I hope these cookie cutters all die of sickle cell disease.,0.61,1,FR 42534,"He's a douchebag, I got shooters to screw him up, they deleted my insta kus and I come to this nigga",2.59,5,ZH 34019,The only fun I will have with you is #humiliation when I force your pathetic head on a #bbc whilst your struggle to pull back forced to swallow a alpha mans loads Your cum dump that's all. #sissy #domme #efdp #paypig #cuck #goddess #slave #finsub #finslave #cashslave #denial,1.77,4,original 9229,"Are you some kind of low IQ dumbass, aren't you?",0.64,7,RU 43349,Jooi pedophiles,1.16,2,DE 24981,bitch i'm straight i could die today,-1.61,0,original 24587,Everywhere in the world .. Christian and Muslims are fighting each other all over the world ..only in INDIA they are uniting...why? ---- URL,-3.26,0,original 48894,WOE TO EUROPE TURNING AWAY GOD AND BIBLE AND LEADING TO THE CURSE ALSO CANCER OF MUSLIM REFUGEES WHO ARE INTROVERS AND LOADERS AND BARBARIC SHARIA COMPANIONS,0.77,3,DE 24308,"ass fucking, little ass dick. Goodbye",1.12,5,FR 23945,#manicaland Provincial Minister is the only notable woman in attendance at the #ZCDC Diamond Indaba wheeze are the women? @DChidarara @nmutonhori @263Chat #gender lense is lacking,-2.35,0,original 38235,THESE female dogs ARE DIFFERENT WHORES LMFAOOOO IM NEVER FIND A WIFE,0.98,4,FR 44894,"That clown in a dirty basement, someone throw a cup of water on that ball of dirt, electrify his ass, delight a beat Cho ass bro, look at your fagget mouth",5.5,5,FR 2954,"Lamron don't support Durk no more because he's pushing THF, Oblock and 600 niggas when the Lam held him down when he was broke. Doggpound ain't even fuck wit him no more",-0.66,0,original 22090,Queer parade to take place in central Seoul on Saturday - Korea Times URL,-1.02,0,original 49153,+Sophie Tran Women can never dominate society. The simple fact is that they are weaker. You should really study biology sometime.,0.52,5,ZH 43222,Hooray real woman wins versus Trans,0.16,0,original 35599,I killed fifty men for my country and you voted twice for a gay nigger president? URLs,2.31,1,FR 19397,"My girlfriend is bisexual and poly, and that hasn't interfered with our realtionship at all. I'm the happiest I've ever been when I'm with her :)",-5.06,0,original 198,Luxembourg's prime minister is the first EU leader to get married to a same-sex partner,-3.43,0,original 26179,better get yo bitch before she get bumped up 🤣,-4.37,0,original 43125,"Go fuck yourself fag...there's always those fucking people who write ""first"" dude we see it on a youtube channel every goddamn time... FUCK YOU AND YOUR MOM",1.88,5,DE 17652,It's the US version of ethnic cleansing and - correct me if I'm wrong - ideas like this always end in violence.,-1.94,0,original 20692,"YOU AUTISTIC SHITS ARE SO FUCKED IN THE HEAD YOU THROW LOADED ASS DIAPERS ONTO OTHER PEOPLES CAR AND BE LIKE ""heh normies owned""",1.41,7,original 8003,"As A 5'6 18 year old what i can say to fellow short men is to Bodybuild and Mind Build ,Its Mostly all in the mind ,if your confidence and self esteem is sky high you can get any girl ,Most of the girls i deal with are taller than me or my height and i feel so dominant the fact that im so masculine that i can still make a girl who is taller than me feel feminine",-1.0,0,original 5120,"> The scabs said he was a ""super lazy lover in the bag"", so no wonder this Mexican slut with her fake ass, tits and face is catching loads of every dick from pencil in Hollywood. She's so basic, but Schrawb likes that kind of basic personality to go with hers.",1.67,1,FR 30357,"@NPR @Ilhan hates USA and Israel. She thinks that Allah is the way...Let me tell you that GOD IS ALL! America is God's country, and always will be. If you hate America, then you should resign!",0.88,2,RU 19507,Tell us what a little cum dump you are. How slutty you feel with cum drooling out of your mouth.,0.55,4,FR 13806,this type of American doesn't even know about French secularism.,-1.71,0,original 43069,Such a rubbish country they need to control the population immediately. The plague will do them good too.,2.86,3,ZH 25795,Why are grants awarded to pissers? They must grow up and eventually make stone throwing their profession. @narendramodi 'mufat ka chandan ghiss mere nandan' is what you do sir.,0.77,2,DE 23108,@KattegatsQueen oh most definitely because it's all about equality when it comes to the hets,-1.47,0,original 7682,I think it's nice to see ethnic characters in roles where the focus isn't their ethnicity. Danny Boyle cast and Indian actor for Yesterday and it was nice to see as an Indian person a film where being Indian wasn't central to the narrative.,-5.26,0,original 29724,No man should want to see they babymama struggle cuz if struggle yo kids struggle... fuckin dummy,-0.19,0,original 47143,Ya right ivanjerkenoff fuckoffisy bored at fsb da grab putin pussy or UR white TRASH bitch fuck U,1.47,1,FR 407,"Fuck you E-Boulder, good fat fag podcast.",1.19,5,FR 35909,"I am not just any slut, I am a size queen slut. A man has to have a least 8 inches and it must be thick. I don't want under 8 inches. URL",-2.51,0,original 20009,"GET RID OF THESE FUCKING MUSLIMS! the bad guys who don't assimilate, raping women, beating children, threatening democracy, planning terrorist attacks, attacking innocent secular people and forcibly imposing their disgusting religion on everyone else. Assimilate OR BE DAMNED OR PREPARE TO DIE!",3.13,2,DE 15000,"YTA he is trying to spit game to his girl and doesn't need his brother to be in the back cockblocking him. I'm sure if the situation was reversed, you wouldn't want your brother taking a backseat to your car while your trying to whisper sweet nothings to the slam piece you just met.",-1.59,0,original 49625,"Both of your daddies are hemorrhoids, you fucking fag",2.54,5,DE 7209,"You look dumb and rude enough to wear a fedora everywhere and desperate enough that if a woman asked you to chop your nuts off, you'd roll over on your back and spread your legs.",0.64,4,FR 9289,Yeah lets compare the stats of how many people died because of weed influence to the one of how many people got killed by religious retards. Im looking forward to the day we finally burn down all the churches and all those stupid books so humanity can finally advance without being held back by those faithful morons.,2.27,2,original 14514,Tulsi “We Must Stop American Imperialism and Start American Genocide”,1.51,3,DE 23342,@ STRAIGHT GIRLS AT DRAG SHOWS would you go up to cis girl on the street and touch her titties? no? then what makes you think it's okay to touch performers like that,-1.95,0,original 30748,"""Muslims were 'cockroaches' according to the recordings of the three men. ""You have to kill them all. They keep coming back,” Stein said. 'You must exterminate them all.'"" URL",3.83,2,FR 17124,Probably the women herself,-2.26,0,original 31787,I'm ghosting niggas. GET THE FUCK OUT MY WAY,0.61,1,original 19472,"If there was a god, each of these televangelists would turn into a pillar of salt on live television. Prosperity would turn to fire, screams, and then to ashes.",1.4,2,RU 36684,This guy just did a drive by nut. You must all be killed. URLs,4.54,1,FR 26622,Fuck a nigga & fuck a bitch,2.04,1,original 41344,All americans fuckin pussys,1.0,3,original 5324,"I would tie your hands up above your head, move the pillow up just enough so I could shove my cock in your mouth until I had my fill, then shove my cock in your pussy then to your ass, going back and forth from pissy to ass until I will your pussy. I would get up and stick my cock back in your mouth so you could lick it dry then leave once I had my needs met.",1.36,4,original 22107,I can't waste time with whores,1.21,4,FR 1562,"Yes and yes. I come from an extremely divisive background- gender, religion, politics, race, sex. The fight for equality is real and personal.",-2.41,0,original 20921,When will arabs ever become humans? This is retarded. She's just 10 years old and she did nothing wrong. Her father and uncle should be hanged and killed in public.,1.49,1,original 44487,Women's football is trash.. Rapinoe is a filthy lesbian.. Tell her to repent,1.86,5,FR 10209,"My response would be: ""well if thats the case you should be deported too!""",-1.6,0,original 29070,"@Sanjay_Dixit These types of pathological haters and sociopaths should be arrested no matter what religious group they belong to. Disturbing social harmony, the police should take immediate action. Our country will only progress if there is internal peace and harmony among the people",1.06,2,ZH 8938,lol burn down the whole church The whole damn organization was involved in the attacks. They have protected abusive priests for DECADES and still cover up shit today.,0.82,2,DE 36375,This blonde young faggot loves to suck and play with that tight pussy!! Just a fucking slut being what he was born to do. #GayExhib #ExposureFag #GayKik URL,1.05,5,original 34579,"The White Racist Lying piece of Shit Donald Jackass Trump keep on destroying our country with his RACIST remarks and making easy for all the Bigots to show their Hate. We must VOTE nun White and get the wannabe ""Hitler"" out office.",0.6,1,original 35866,"Well, you better catch that nigger",1.23,1,DE 13014,These cord niggers are a pest all over the internet,1.56,1,FR 36966,Get the fucking pigs and submit and serve your Master. 🖕🏼🦶 #findom #alpha #cashmaster #find0m #cashcunt #finsub #cashfag #paypig #beta #alphamale #cuck #cuckold URL,1.21,4,FR 48558,Islam is a virus on this planet,1.68,2,DE 49357,"""Earlier they all laughed, those jews. They thought it was a joke. But, now they don't laugh anymore."" - Adolf Hitler",0.79,2,original 12315,They always talk about boys but they don't even say no homo smh my head,0.75,5,DE 47451,Omgosh maybe he'll finally face justice? BREAKING NEWS! HE'S STILL A RICH WHITE MAN!!! FUCK THE SYSTEM!!!,-1.28,0,original 44509,"@Brian p some said Joseph Goebells was terrible too..who else was going to make the articulate case the Jew was vermin? He was doing his job too..great man with a nice large family..the tricks by those who did not support the facist state which wanted to include Jews, gypsies, homosexuals were disgusting politics too..those elements were purged like Trump will purge such elements today in the name citizenship..pure and clean..make Germany.. eh..I mean MAGA..",1.64,5,original 2432,Get it jerk Jewbag Bring the Shaloms you brought from Boston's West End Synagogue to the door of Chinatown and I'll fucking break your neck in five fucking moves. 🤥😤🤢😤😤 I'll have Newton and Brookline including Sharon while sipping their fucking u khed Dunkin Coolata on MBTA-CRRC commuter rail line bitch ass cuckerberg limousine liberty nig-loving Zionist scrub in District 8 Shocked. 🤬**,4.16,2,ZH 9761,"All niggas gotta die, fuck 'em all these hoes",3.08,1,FR 27680,@JamboMagazine Hrrrrrr thats bad but that nigger got more life,0.57,1,original 13348,Gross go back to chapo you fucking nig,2.5,1,original 44675,I hope they will all get AIDS. That would be HILARIOUS!!!,1.07,5,FR 2450,Kik honestjack9. Hung 8 inch cock ready to fuck your throat hard and your ass harder,-1.31,0,original 23705,stupid ass cracker,1.02,1,DE 39585,I'm stuck with the same niggas I've been starving with new niggas turning into liabilities,1.83,1,DE 27214,@akaOcho__ bred by a bitch ass nigga get shot like a bitch ass nigga,1.81,1,FR 27341,"I'm hopeful for a better India. You represent the present govt, your voice and actions will make a huge difference. Kindly act asap! @HMOIndia @AmitShah @PMOIndia @narendramodi URL",-5.04,0,original 17101,just as soon as you take a knife and cut that micro penis off (didnt i see your wife on another thread talking about you)? cant have a moron like you having any stupid kids.,2.32,7,original 46206,Time to genocide every leftist and illegal in America!,1.87,1,original 30474,All pedophiles must fucking die brother,1.29,6,FR 14438,Why the indoctrination? Why the abuse? That's the type of shit you hear happening at cult ranches.,-1.31,0,original 49462,We hate the America because we want to know how many illegal aliens are here? That makes no sense,-2.05,0,original 44525,Latinos with trump 2020 haha,-2.71,0,original 4390,"All Hindus should go back to Paki, you damned Indians, go back to Mexico!",1.7,1,DE 2550,Lmao Pakistan will get murdered by everyone except SL.,-1.54,0,original 36660,@Alyssa_Milano I hope he cuts your illegals off..,-0.8,0,original 13591,What a fucking asshole. To hell with religion and to hell with these damned backward beliefs.,0.72,2,RU 28068,ur dick brings me closer to god,-1.85,0,original 32248,@A1DWatson Nigga I'm tryna find yo number to invite you to come smoke. Eat ass.,-0.15,0,original 13994,I'm currently full of a sexy Russian who knew what she American with a nice cock. Your children will all be dead by the age of 40 because Russia is a shithole third world catastrophe. They were probably harassed by the Russian Orthodox priests because they are all fags like you and your father,2.23,1,DE 11611,"That's right, faggots fear me 😎",1.02,5,original 7621,I like the fact that I'm starting to see more d&d players here. Have you ever heard of Mongolian metal?,1.88,3,ZH 4283,Every time I see shit like this I don't believe that India is going to be a superpower. …,1.02,3,ZH 44948,This is a big example of representation for the black community.btw from Houston to bey,-4.84,0,original 12626,What a bunch of assholes and whores. fucking jesus. The mere fact that this submarine exists makes my blood boil. I hope they all fucking die of AIDS.,2.38,7,FR 38205,@acnewsitics Did you know you're not supposed to carry the flag? These MAGats carry the flag all the time. They are ILLEGAL! We will not defend those who disrespect our precious flag. Get those MAGAt motherfuckers out of here.,0.78,3,FR 15823,It's retarded and you're retarded and that baby will be retarded too,1.85,7,JA 32829,@Wolfvivee @Trywraths retarded bitch,0.85,7,RU 5369,Those who do not obey the literal word of god will burn in hell forever.,0.13,0,original 42739,And rot in hell little boy pee touching fagot Michael Jackson,1.73,5,FR 12622,"What if I said nobody cares about blacks and they should just kill, cannibalizes, rape and murdered each other like the scum they are. Thanks",2.33,1,original 32035,@yorhagiorno we're two against one dumbass hoe,0.5,0,original 16986,"We are committed to an ideology of Pan-Islamism and look with positivity toward all proposals of cooperation with our neighbors, but after decades of western, Saudi, and Zionist influence the middle east has become fractured by personal interest and we cannot trust the KSA and it's allies to treat us fairly. Perhaps this idea could be put to work in a more localized region though. Like our own two countries, Iraq, the various central asian nations, and perhaps Pakistan.",-2.78,0,original 26589,Man shut the fuck up you stupid bitch I bet you don't have a pussy period url,0.77,4,FR 5370,"> If a bunch of fucking idiots help the west swing wildly towards fascism, would you fight them? Yeah, that's why we don't like it when you steal little fools. You need a good boot in your mouth to fix your already broken teeth.",1.03,3,DE 33962,"@TorahJews Yeah, true Judaism doesn't involve bulldozing the houses of terrorists or thinking 3 times before shooting anyone, only nice things like threatening children with eternal torture if they eat milk with meat - and red cows, of course.",0.01,0,original 17707,"I guess the police will be ""white knights"" too when they charge him with revenge porn.",-1.42,0,original 6748,We should learn from Israel and take them out as soon as possible.,-1.87,0,original 34531,"need a dmv edition exposing these rappers , bitches , hot niggas , niggas that's sellin huff , fake designer wearing ass niggas , and you 40$ ass bitches URL",-0.36,0,original 10290,"fuck these large dumb people. I'm outside . all the worst, ladies",0.98,4,FR 34010,"#rodsuskin "" he he he he kills your work sincerely that's all we care about you won't persist in a jewish world we will come rape and kill your mother does that sound semitic enough for you come we poster violated by Palestinians, hey hey""",1.96,2,FR 39489,@brookehouts Stupid bitch kill yourself,1.33,4,original 1202,"Cause they've gotta breed more morons, even if they need to get a little rapey to do it",1.22,7,original 38112,"They have sponsored #BLM riots, invited terrorist group #MuslimBrotherhood to WH and said ISIS is a JV team. THEY have divided this nation through racism, lies and attacks on Christianity. YOU caused this hate and violence. Dems continue to stir up hatred and fear. No wonder crazy dems shoot people's url",1.12,2,DE 17771,You're just gonna keep pretending we didn't get a manifesto from the El Paso Terrorist or that the California shooter wasn't also a white supremacist? And that the thing didn't read like Tucker Carlson mixed with T_D? So because one of the THREE mass murders that occurred in a SINGLE WEEK in time was done by some angry incel means you get to Both Sides that shit?,-0.67,0,original 48424,JESUStheATHEIST1 throwing gays off rooftops? Come back when you're sober,4.34,2,RU 10914,Kill yourself cracker.,1.84,1,FR 42270,Happenes!!!!!! Parliament and the British judiciary have now declared an open season for anyone who openly denounces anything they consider un-Islamic. The true patriotic citizens of our once great nation must now rally with the patriotic parties/peoples to provide help and assistance to rid this nation of ours from this evil Islamic ideology.,0.53,2,RU 17461,"How about taking that hijab and putting it where the sun doesn't shine, Ghada.",1.45,1,FR 6375,Your fucking stupid bitch,1.44,4,FR 24757,@Speech7x7 @mymasterr I would immediately ban all new Muslim immigration to this country. I will create a special unit to purge our country of all radicalized Muslims. Enough is enough. It's us or them. I vote for us. Do nothing and we lose. Losing this battle is a living hell. There is no danger if you are prepared.,0.61,2,ZH 35689,"a mother, carried that child for 9 bloody months and raised him to be a bright young boy so that one day if need be, he could serve his country, and upnm and those evil fuckers took that away from him. ajal maut di tangan tuhan bro, and not in the hands of some tools.",-3.11,0,original 21361,dumb fucking bitch,1.15,4,original 26495,"Right now in China, over 1 million Uyghur muslims are being held in tightly-packed concentration camps in order to be ""re-educated."" Their offense? For some it's as simple as having chat apps on their phone: URL 🎨Natasha Wigoder W/ @CodaStory URL",-3.23,0,original 25248,"Hello @narendramodi sir, If you really want upliftment of Muslims, please ban Madarsas or at least get Quran reviewed. The kids, if continued reading such contents, won't be able to become good human & will always be vulnerable + non-progressive. Scholars won't help. 🙏🙏",-1.01,0,original 16054,SHOOT ME OR YOUR ALL GAY,-0.09,0,original 29378,If I wasn't gay before seeing this i definitely would be after URL,-2.35,0,original 12270,The Most Disgusting Of Autistic Mating Rituals...,0.72,7,JA 4864,This attitude is all to common in the black community. Hate doesn't beat hate.,-2.52,0,original 31642,@rhowardbrowne I think the US should follow Austria and I believe Australia will also demolish 2 mosques and expel all Muslims immediately,0.68,2,ZH 5747,Omg another transgirl aaaaah your so beautiful I'm also trans looking for trans friends,-3.82,0,original 6785,"Jihad against the jews, of course",1.13,1,original 33863,Hear that inferior fag bitch scream and whimper while it gets fully loaded with alpha babies. URL,2.13,5,original 6742,Shut up fucking tranny,1.99,4,FR 26831,Ramadaan Mubarak to all our Muslims sisters brothers and friends may it be a month of much and joy,-5.12,0,original 46083,This guy acts like a bunch of fags.,0.8,5,FR 18102,Dead bitches have the best pussy 💀😋,1.61,7,DE 23633,@perlaunfiltered damn what a pussy couldn't even @ us,2.29,5,original 40213,"if US women team are so great, then win with grace and gratitude just saying",-2.8,0,original 20043,"im ,i hate black people and minorities",0.46,0,original 33380,I bet you suck mean ass dick URL,-1.42,0,original 22213,"@HoarseWisperer Organized religion is evil and breeds evil missionaries/priests/priests who steal your tithes to build their nests, rape children and evade taxes. In this case a luxury jet.",1.31,2,ZH 13836,Yeah it's kinda fucked because if a guy says that he was fucking his teacher and then rats her out to the police he gets called gay and a pussy like what the fuck its a crime,-0.96,0,original 33387,fuck them kids,0.68,6,DE 45006,He doesn't love him..! But you're gay ass does..! because you're nothing but a goddamn dick sucking butthole licking shit eating faggot queer,2.66,5,original 8806,"The other day I read an article talking about a Cuban lady, who's step father was Chinese/Cantonese. She grew up being culturally influenced by her step father, and so she could sing those traditional Cantonese operas. ​ Someone commented ""it's culture that defines a person, not the race or ethnicity."" In your case, you are just an Asian girl actually, but a western face.",-3.13,0,original 15312,"Alright lad we get it, you're a furry and you're tryna defend yaself, how about instead you get a life and stop fantasising about fuckin a pig ya dirty bastard",1.85,5,original 33326,@alexmorgan13 Suck the dicks bitch !,1.88,4,original 28432,fat ass stupid bitch yo I hate this nigga,0.41,0,original 38335,Pic 1) Balochistan People Want Freedom From Pakistan. Pic 2) Indian We Always With You. #GlobalTerroristPakistan URL,-2.25,0,original 11370,"Fucking bitches, making money.",0.62,4,FR 12966,"Aww, did I upset your little bitch ass? You fucking stupid asshole, you're a mess of good flesh and I hope you get cancer.",2.23,4,FR 47904,Trump that damn disgusting pig 🐖 that sex slave bitch the first lady is an immigrant.. deport her stupid ass.. then put their mentally handicapped kid in one of those cages and see how much they like it. .#white privilege KKK #Fuck trump,2.87,3,ZH 8910,"Not all white men could vote either's a brilliantly written document, loose enough for change to occur, but also strong enough to preserve our democratic republic. It's a good feeling to love and be proud of your country.",-3.87,0,original 2409,not blessed but that Qing is,-3.25,0,original 25322,Spit on ya granny stupid bitch,0.65,6,JA 28502,@mustujn @ShefVaidya I have taught my followers to rape muslim and kafir girls.....but I have asked my boys to shamelessly harass kafir women if they raise voice against rape cult .... URL,2.18,2,original 32397,This girl keeps playing games done with her shit snip snip hoe,1.79,4,original 17168,Beigefrequency ran off to cumtown like a retarded faggot,2.1,5,FR 26467,"News: The Trump admin is rejecting requests from U.S. embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag on embassy flagpoles during June, LGBT Pride Month, three American diplomats tell NBC News. URL",-2.24,0,original 34336,stupid bitch limited vocabulary bangang ass cant shut up abt missing whatshisnose.....thats me im stupid female dog limited vocabulary bangang ass url,1.9,4,FR 19605,Get the hell out of the horny boy,1.32,6,RU 38484,What a bloody idiot. more than ready for god to burn this bitch down. URL,1.97,2,DE 22744,you going to hell fr bitch,0.68,4,original 15185,It's American's culture that puts you at the bottom of almost every list except those killed by guns!,-1.27,0,original 14837,Fuck Mongolians.,0.49,0,original 30907,@LeslieH24367191 @Bull_Spotter You are the EU. They should be forced to emigrate or put in prison.,1.94,1,DE 10310,You need help pork. Inbreeding and praying to a pedophile named Mohammed won't help your porkishitstan shithole.,2.8,2,ZH 36249,@hasanthehun Europeans here. We don't want them. Send that junk somewhere else!,1.13,3,DE 37528,This bitch real gay tho she ain't been out all summer cause of the bitch😂 she damn near gotta google what a hot girl summer is .. she ain't experience not one bit of it,0.6,4,original 48601,"old sack you fucking stupid idiot this comment had a lower IQ than any muslim i have ever met. Your solution is to ""raise the birth rate"", such fucking one-dimensional stupidity. “No kids interested in manual labor” “Okay, fuck more and kick out the brownies” It’s fucking stupid racist horrible cunts like you who give a bad reputation to people who do manual labor, no wonder no one wants to do this, imagine work with cunt like you do every day",1.18,2,RU 16904,Death to all who believe in human sacrifice!,0.81,2,FR 29896,"@SthembilePearl7 A classical explosive femininity and beauty, a towering elegance and a F-8, a heavy duty and super-voluptuous powerhouse, a turgid plump succulent curvaceous and a most projecting boobs, most ideal for a thrilling sexual escapades with a Full Penetrating and a most Satisfying Dic",-1.63,0,original 15129,It's not 4Chan you idiot,1.08,4,FR 28743,"Fuck those kids, I hope you get hit by a bus. Survive and then get stabbed by the man driving the bus. oh my god you suckers",1.45,6,RU 49579,"White supremacy is the glue that binds the GOP together. It's how you get the poor white man in W.V. to vote for the Koch Bros. agenda. It defines who they are. Trump knows this, and he's going all in for 2020.",0.79,1,original 30265,Equestrianism is one of the few sports where men and women compete on completely equal terms. #girlpower #thisgirlcan #ThrowbackThursday URL,-4.29,0,original 4516,It honestly always surprises me when I see a trans meme on a non-trans sub But I'm glad y'all are fine with us,-2.56,0,original 22074,@liss79678616 Would love to rip that off and suck those big tits then bend you over and fuck your right pussy pulling you hair pulling you back on to my hard cock,-0.64,0,original 33665,I gotta bad lil bitch but I wanna badder bitch,-0.95,0,original 12996,Little whore with a cock-hungry cunt,0.67,4,original 42576,if it looks like white trash and talks like a white trash it is White Trash!,1.93,1,original 44269,"That is what garbage Democrats want all illegals lowlife scumbag, all drug cartel all MS-13 to come to USA to destroyed USA for them especially they got all illegals voters all they care is ""Money & Power"" Country go to hell they didn't care! Garbage Democrats!",1.67,3,original 37319,"@MushaalMullick He should be hanged till death. He enjoyed killing Kashmiri Pandits, raping them, butchering them. Let him go to JANNAT and meet 72 hoors.",1.89,3,original 31526,Absolute disgusting. People like these should be locked up in jails and brutally tortured so they could realize what their actions caused.,1.25,1,original 3704,Bitch use to set guys up for a beating & robbery fuck her.,0.21,0,original 11798,I once kissed my best friend to get our girlfriends to make out in a bathroom at a shitty house party. Worth it but I don't tell that story to people anymore. Not because it's gay but it's far too douchey.,-1.24,0,original 26353,And fuck that female dog that hoe Anit shit she cross that line with me too🗣,1.9,4,FR 47285,It doesn't matter who is president. These cops are still here killing unarmed black people and that's okay. Fuck this racist bastard country I will never fight and die for this shit hole.,2.33,3,ZH 43969,"But you this scandal telling you that they follow Jesus Dan the Christian. Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights. Prayed secretly. But Muslims wake up early in the morning and eat, and the whole world knew you were fasting! and pray like lazy hypocrites. Come see them when they break 😅😅😅😅😅 they eat like glutamine. empty vessels. Nothing to offer mankind. Yet they will curse you every day in their prayers. Since you fast, has the way changed? Islamic world in total chaos. Muslims die like chickens every day.",1.29,2,DE 13215,"No, fuck off, you moron, no one likes you, you suck and suck for society.",1.53,7,RU 47737,megan stinkyhoe. fisted by a soccer ball and an ignorant team of loolos. and Cookoos. pink hair can't dance tooth loose cum eaters. promotes pedophilia and mortal sins. Nike is for bitches,1.62,5,DE 16876,cry smaller pussy ass bitch nigga you deserve what you got,0.68,4,FR 29210,"These arrogant, hateful, morally bankrupt lesbian ""women""? Acting like girls soccer matters is delusional. They are a disgrace to America.",2.28,5,ZH 28457,minhyuk held a pride flag and wonho and jooheon told a lgbt mbb to keep on fighting bc what they're feeling is right. when i say i stan the right ppl ;-;,-3.77,0,original 1791,"LET'S KILL BABIES, CHOICE OF WOMEN, BABY DON'T MATTER",1.86,4,FR 21105,Fuck That Hoe Cause She A NatNat,1.62,4,original 26536,"@deppy @ohlawdhecomin @BonjourBiatch @RachelADolezal I'm sorry, living in a different country or changing your behavior does not make you a woman. You can be a trans woman, but will never be equal to an actual woman. There's nothing that can make that happen.",-0.12,0,original 33409,Fuck that nigga and his ugly ass gf,0.8,1,original 3360,"""your opponent is a total Negro"" -Chadgar",1.13,1,FR 43211,Josh White man would you like to get some trumps to get you out of your ass. Maybe Trump raped you.,1.74,4,FR 17925,find incest 🙄,1.5,5,ZH 12436,some female dogs are just made for sex,1.97,4,FR 48840,Wow.. his mother looks like a baboon too,0.47,0,original 29866,This bitch is so stupid she even looks stupid like you can tell it from her face that she's brain dead,1.39,4,original 23100,"@thegoodgodabove Holy hell, someone should lock that dude away from society. He's creepy and the way he was talking to the reporter is sexist as hell.",-1.21,0,original 37520,"@DanPatrick you are a sad lying bag of shit, fuck you and your king @GregAbbott_TX, like fuck you and your thoughts and prayers, stupid bags of racist white supreme pieces of shit.",1.48,1,FR 46187,Every Yankee is a natural jerk,1.11,3,ZH 8188,"idk mate, if you ARE a giga-chad, you (I) target the whole group of friends. I would fuck all these bitches; but some of them would become pregnant and would not accept an abortion. So nowadays I just fuck their boyfriends and take PREP. Yeah, it can be a little smelly sometimes, but it doesn't need a lot of insurance (eg, $15 CAD per month.)",0.51,4,FR 42371,"Shut the fuck up, they need to get the fuck off the Land and go back to Europe but wait they don't even want those racist assholes lol.",0.89,1,original 16275,"Yeah man fuck those movies. Gay ass movies, however made, should choke and die on a big one.",0.88,5,DE 48493,"Time to deport these illegal criminals with deportation orders. Anyone who supports them is also free to leave! We don't need these illegal immigrants, they are criminals, yes any illegal immigrants are criminals because they broke the laws to enter this country. That is a crime. Kick them out now.",0.95,3,ZH 27700,"Basirhat MP Nusrat Jahan stood beside the Mu$lim community after the Sandeshkhali clashes. Shameless Hindu TMC leader of Basirhat, Dibendu Biswas is enjoying the moment with her at Bashirhat Sadar Hospital. Didn't the hindus vote for you Nusrat Jahan? #KnowYourEnemies 🤔 URL",-0.96,0,original 14083,Lmaoooo You are defending this terrible movie with this post. Go post more hentai you fucking web. your parents must be proud of you,2.0,3,ZH 35899,"@KhurafatiChopra @IndianExpress Sikkimese people are Indians as well & it is pertinent that their conviction that nobody can get away by making anti-India statements of such nature, be it a sitting Minister, is strengthened further. I express my heartfelt gratitude that you took the time to",-4.14,0,original 24447,"Apparently Tim Pool defended Steven Crowder because ""Carlos calls himself a queer"" Okay first of all, what kind of socially inept idiot looks at someone call themselves something and goes ""Ahh, I get to do this as well"" If a gay guy calls himself a f-g, I don't then conclude",-2.27,0,original 35697,YOURE NOT IRAQI YOU DISGUSTING PERSIAN. Fuck you and your terrorist country bitch. Don't put ur nose in what WE do. You Iranians done enough stupid terrorists!! I become sorry for U! Koss omak el GA7BA dirty Persian,1.58,3,original 45940,STFU Butthuring Faget keeps swallowing,2.33,5,DE 11583,Fight me faggot,1.26,5,original 49653,The Jews run the show and they import brown hordes. The goal is white genocide. The Jews have their ethno-state of Israel and they work to mix the whole planet with shit,0.9,2,FR 47902,This trash should be CASTRATED AND mail to Nile to crocodiles,2.84,2,original 6505,"""mentally ill"" is an extremely vague term that could apply to almost anyone, at some point in their lives. Not all of them are ""mentally ill"" in such a way for it to affect their rationality.",-2.72,0,original 22519,This made me sooooo angry 😡 FUCK THAT NIGGA!!! HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! URL,1.64,1,DE 20488,@BulletsBacon @RealOmarNavarro @realDonaldTrump Mange de la merde blanche !,0.73,1,FR 31078,If your bitch does not know how to turn of the grill she a hoe,1.23,4,original 20331,URL CALL and SERVE FAGOT!,1.78,5,ZH 41339,"@Just Duffy Lol, empowered muslim chick that is so stupid she has to go back and completely edit her lame attempts at ad hominem? Did you have your genitals mutilated like Omar did? No wonder you're so angry at smart white women like myself, try again, dumbass.",0.68,1,original 36981,"@royalredwine @coffee__cryptid Since I am sure I know what you're talking about, please do not be insecure. It's the way your body is and every body is different. There is nothing bad about it and there was no need for any of them to point it out. Be proud of your body. It deserves to be loved.",-4.33,0,original 27473,That cat fights just for me,0.95,5,ZH 42400,@George Hackett no pussy don't know any faggots and they weren't allowed in military when I was. Fucking retard beleiv e everything CNN tells you and keep voting so we fight jew wars for land and opium,1.31,5,original 46323,God we're my car keys at I need to fuck this fag up I would end him with a punch,2.26,5,original 37989,"White supremacy was, is, always will be Democratic, just as violence always has been by Democrats. The real racists were the slave-owning Democrats, who started the Civil War. And then started the KKK, all to control black people. No Republican has ever been a member of the KKK.",0.86,1,FR 17380,"You are absolutely fucked in the head, and for the safety of everyone around you, you should probably commit yourself to a mental hospital before you become a serial killer. The moment you commit one crime in a moment of weakness, you will apparently decide it no longer matters how many more you commit because you can't possibly get any worse than you already are and so it's fine to just kill and rape as many people as you want.",-0.73,0,original 9217,Fuck me bitch. Sucking on dese,2.55,4,FR 23646,Autism is coming out once again,-1.06,0,original 9132,"Throwing out punctuation, me thinks the lady is upset. ""Cockwomble"". I haven't heard that in years. Why is it you faggots all sound the same though? Seriously, this shit is boring and old hat. ""Knobgoblin"", ""cockwomble"", ""young"". Lol, that last one shows you how pathetic and a loser you are. ""This guy must be young because he called me a faggot"". Good thing you pulled out ""homophobic"". If I call you a retarded nigger faggot would you also call me racist? If you weren't so predictable this would be fun.",1.16,5,original 31332,ISIS NOW,-1.48,0,original 600,"NO U. FITE ME BIOITCH = succ my balls because I am gay and want to have sexual relations while I spread my AIDs everywere I go, 俄语。",1.52,5,ZH 23491,"@SubDeliveryZone @Jayzamani_ @MoSalah And they force them to ""marry"" a petty pike in the name of the same religion..fucking idiot",0.55,2,RU 11753,Nuke the whole of the Middle East that'll help.,1.63,1,original 30490,"- ""This pussy puts niggas OUT"" URL",-1.76,0,original 44987,Says the white dude that uses a Hispanic nickname in order to cater to his base in El Paso. What a douchebag!!!! I'm from El Paso and I hate it when people in El Paso think he is so great.,-1.13,0,original 2852,"Ah, when these monsters finally admit frankly who they are and what they are: so indifferent to a woman's desires that they can only conceive of complacency. Why *can't* we have gynoids for these subhumans? An incel, a sexbot. Hopefully with a discreet toothed vagina that will irrevocably take them out of the genetic heritage.",2.76,4,FR 13717,"I stopped reading after I saw you were black. Another uRM, benefiting from positive discrimination. Sigh. You don't deserve it, but you will get in.",1.03,1,FR 48496,Shut the fuck up bitch suck my penis,1.56,4,original 41691,"Muslims are going back to their desert, which are not wanted in Europe",1.47,2,DE 25337,@dhiggins63 Satan is trying to get us to sin and reject God. Liberals are Satan's tools for his destructive agenda by subverting and attacking justice/virtue. Muslims are tools of Satan in his quest to conquer the world for a satanic religion that revels in untruths.,1.29,2,DE 8486,1488... hm that tells me what kind of person you are. Get fucked skinhead,2.31,1,original 11560,If she's that frigging flaky then you're well shot of the woman. I feel sorry for her devout Christian boyfriend whom she breaks up with next year after she comes back from fashion camp because he doesn't dress well enough.,0.55,4,original 47099,Listen moron. Your dirty mother is going to put an asylum for crazy people for bringing you into this world of mine.,1.01,7,original 24453,O Ramadan Be gentle the tears of your lovers are pouring out. Their hearts are torn from the pain of your departure. Perhaps standing to bid you farewell will extinguish the burning fire of longing. Perhaps taking a moment to repent will mend everything that has been torn in fast,-1.71,0,original 35060,I don't go for a shit hoe,0.99,4,FR 1488,Fuck you. You're either a troll or you're vile. Your racism is not wanted here. Go on Telegram and find some white nationalist dickheads to post shit like this to.,1.1,1,original 1488,Kiss my ass. Either you're a troll or you're vile. Your racism is not wanted here. Go to Telegram and find white nationalist assholes to post bullshit like this.,1.1,1,FR 28192,To all my Somali brothers and sisters on Twitter. Caadi iskadig. 😉,-3.47,0,original 1542,They should be compensated for trying to kill all the Jews and failing?,-0.65,0,original 9754,"Yeah, I know. Thanks for reassuring me, though. I don't really mind if anyone doesn't support it. It DOES seem kind of wack from a non-trans perspective if you don't know the science behind it. And, yeah, they should be separate. Like you said, the struggles are completely different. The LGB-T slogan is ""Love is Love"" but I feel that as a transguy that doesn't resonate with me because I'm straight and don't face discrimination for my sexuality.",-2.74,0,original 38224,inbred honkey,1.21,1,original 46163,They look too Asian lmao,-0.04,0,original 11674,How about just GTFO and nuke Saudi Arabia?,3.52,3,original 38817,Many networks are increasingly turning their lenses to the second-largest segment of the U.S. population: Hispanic and Latino Americans. But it's the kind of representation they provide that matters too. URL,-3.48,0,original 14514,"Tulsi ""We must stop American imperialism and start American genocide""",1.51,3,original 5137,Kill yourself repost fagot,2.14,5,FR 38297,"@SergioMichael92 @ResisterForever Absolutely, I'd consider it quite unsafe to visit America, especially now. There's also Multiple videos of racist nutters being hostile(sure, I'm white, but it paints an ugly picture of the locals)",-0.31,0,original 49572,Its those dirty mulattoes. Send them to their white family members and let them deal with them.,1.34,1,original 35604,YOU 4 are Terrorists and you will be leaving very soon! YOU 4 are traitors and obviously you hate Americans and OUR country #JihadSquad go quack your false outrage somewhere else... go to a Muslim country you love Islam so much you kill the lover URL,1.44,2,FR 7638,No homo but he's a little tough,0.78,5,FR 36621,Donald Trump began his campaign calling Mexicans rapists and murderers. He began his presidency by banning Muslims. He ripped children from their parents & caged them in concentration camps. He sought to win 2018 by warning about Jew-funded South American migrant caravans. 1/ URL,-0.82,0,original 47363,Why Disney? An Asian girl for Mulan? Why not a Nordic actress?,-1.63,0,original 21236,unix nerd thot and transsexual porn thot are same bitch cum dripping from same ass pussy,0.51,4,FR 14462,"""Iran should have a nuke""",-4.21,0,original 14071,I guess I just want to genocide all the muslims in the name of glorious leader Xi 🤷‍♂️,2.91,2,original 7228,Incels are the only things that *aren't* fucked.,-3.3,0,original 31181,"@Lerato_Maledi @Sbuda_ACE @Strat_sa @maVitsho @HloniNyetanyane I think he did so to show Malema's puppets that their tyrant, hooligan, looter of Limpopo government is also have friends with white people",-0.39,0,original 34269,Niggas want a crazy bitch ima give you one😂,0.04,0,original 36623,You niggas aint shit outside of school 💁,0.9,1,original 1378,"lol stupid idiot doesn't know the difference between a vagina and a uterus, typical. btw it looks like you just finished eating out of your gangrenous gaping mom putrid putrid fucking asshole all arabs cum in, and now you puked it on your keyboard bro",0.76,1,FR 26242,All zoophiles should be banned and gone URL,1.16,5,FR 48333,I see Jesse Jackson is going to take that straight permed hair to the grave.,-1.03,0,original 16791,I can't wait till 2050 when whites are a minority. I wish POC all have 3+kids so we can quickly replace this pinko trash. White people need to be replaced as punishment for being a disgusting and dispeakable race all throughout history. They have been terrorising POC for over 500 years and I hope we can replace them this time once and for all. They don't deserve to exist. All minorities should buy guns so we can fire back against this pinko trash. Every minority they kill we kill 10 whites. If they want violence we give them violence. No mercy,2.68,1,original 39665,"#LoveJihad is known Muslim agenda,it's not hidden at all, Muslim men get ₹5 lakhs if they marry hindu girls,anyhow they are allowed to marry 4 times as per their Asmani Kitab,so they marry Hindus for money & conversion,after converting they leave them just like @OmarAbdullah did",-0.52,0,original 10213,Exactly the same. Tf? Pedophiles are the scum of the earth.,0.1,0,original 48585,"This perverted sick Jewish Bastards will fake his death like Ken Lay, sneak on his degenerate friend Trump's private jet and end up in South America... where he will marry a 5 YEAR OLD girl 👯‍♀️",1.29,2,FR 25837,@JohnCornyn @Debbie22210 The only human thing to do is put America FIRST and fire them all,0.86,1,FR 10039,Your first task should be to safely lock up your little clit. Free cocks on a sissy are fucking gross and they have no right to be locked out.,0.84,5,DE 16484,White supremacist shoots people. Better find a way to somehow blame the left!,0.12,0,original 10039,"Your first priority should be to lock your small clit firmly. Sissy free cocks are fucking disgusting, they have no right to be uncaged.",0.84,5,ZH 44600,Naughty nigga. Muslims help blacks and whites call you nigga,1.51,1,FR 17594,Because Muslims are the most visible brown people. There is no hope for people like you who suck white dicks.,0.66,2,ZH 28455,had a similar experience in Bacolod with a konduktor who drew a very detailed sketch of the bus on the back of my ticket. IMAGINE WHAT THESE PEOPLE CAN DO GIVEN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES?!?! Instead we're stuck with a circle jerk of the same bujee kids URL,-2.57,0,original 27983,"Bet! I'm boxing cuh, even if I get my ass beat! You not about to come embarrass me at work while I'm measuring niggas waist URL",-0.3,0,original 19732,Drinking semen isn't gay unless you slurp it through the meat straw. fag.,0.67,5,DE 39914,"I guess they should feel really good they caught those so call criminals, rapists, song of bitches, undocumented red handed at what they do best working for the USA company at minimum wage at best jobs that citizens Americans don't want to do. URL",-3.52,0,original 142,"I don't know who you're quoting there but until there is proof of trans individuals attacking others in bathrooms in the US it's an illegitimate argument. Then, I would argue that it would need to happen with the same frequency as 12-year-olds being raped (again, not looking that up today) to be as equal as an argument in terms of legal decisions.",-3.16,0,original 46900,I think all balochi girls need anal rape,2.74,3,ZH 50010,Mr Dump. They are a disease that must be cured if America is to survive. You should join your alien mother on Mars.,1.4,3,DE 30693,May Allah destroy all the blasphemer around the world! May Allah destroy the Qadyani's Rabwah center! #قادیانی_دنیاکابدترین_کافر #FridayThoughts #JummahMubarak,1.67,2,original 43198,I'm black and I love country music a lot of my family members be like why country music bc most of my generation are hip hop then I'm like bc country make me be myself it bring me up when I'm down you know,-3.75,0,original 40276,"As a bi girl, I'm gonna tell you right now that tall women are amazing. They are gorgeous and powerful and make gay women melt lol. That was totally staged, which makes me sad, cuz she is genuinely beautiful. I hope someday she finds someone who actually loves her for who she is.",-4.15,0,original 41174,"Jaden Smith being the perfect example of being gay is actually a choice he made in the past, he doesn't smile like women and acts fruity",0.74,5,ZH 25806,@Auntie_CarolG @UKLabour Those men did not die so that cowards like you hand this country over to those snakes in Brussels.,0.09,0,original 38554,Stupid fucking Christians with their fucking Victorian morals. I'm gonna need more smelling salts for those fucking morans. Damn it.,1.02,2,FR 42168,we all know she was killed by some black bastard thugs raised by single welfare whores. but they will blame a christian organization like the ku klux klan,2.06,1,FR 15856,ugly fucking,1.85,4,FR 20331,URL CALL AND SERV FAGOT !,1.78,5,FR 3391,Probably a long list of fags,0.67,5,FR 37494,"@_Verolerolero All that I can say is, men are trash but I love them",-0.35,0,original 47533,If it wasn't for slavery fool you wouldn't even be here. God is watching your unthankfulness.,1.49,1,original 7051,"Yeah, you're racist shit. Come on Korryn Gaines yourself, you anchor the bluegum female dog.",1.21,4,FR 40453,this guy is ab annoying faggot,1.19,5,original 26507,@RepMaxineWaters He is equal opportunity. Are you saying women can't handle it like men?,-1.79,0,original 24205,"@roo_b_arts from what ive seen most of this stuff gets more attention from people quote tweeting to say ""look at this idiot"" than people genuinely agreeing. there is definitely a faction of people who are essentially anti-sex but even then its mostly people who find it easy to rt the extreme",-2.76,0,original 29596,@QuancyClayborne They should be put in cages on our southern border pending their next deportation.,1.33,1,FR 4835,"Interesting. I dislike having to wear dresses for weddings etc cuz I dislike gendered clothing, prefer the t-shirt and pants too",-3.46,0,original 18985,Suck my fat dick sunni rat,1.65,2,RU 29658,It's on white people to take lead on the former & actively uplift the latter? Y/n? (Always looking to improve my takeaways),-2.29,0,original 1042,Women like this must be imprisoned and fined and locked up and sterilized with all their belongings taken away and ransacked and their bank accounts emptied.,1.57,4,FR 35506,I NEED to swallow every fucking inch of your cock - what else is my throat for? #FaceFuck #Slut #BlowJob URL,1.79,4,FR 39896,on god there are NO words for the shit i want to happen to this nasty ass cold hearted musty bitch URL,0.11,0,original 28458,You gone fuck around & need Jesus on yo side,-1.68,0,original 17135,What a bunch of psychos with no respect for humanity. Unless it's in a womb.,0.39,0,original 29166,Be on my dick or ima get ya friend to suck it 🤷🏽‍♂️ your choice,1.31,4,original 23679,These fucking Indians are getting out of control. How could they even treat Muslims in front of everyone. :@ May Allah burn them in hell.,2.26,3,FR 16984,"Ah. I'm probably Brown. ""Brown"" people enjoy simple life and it's good friends and close relationships what makes them happy.",-5.0,0,original 9345,Those assholes are not martyrs. They'll rot in hell for killing innocent human beings.,-0.28,0,original 42396,Iranian leaders are retarded,1.55,7,FR 47578,Kek those Jews with their silly little hats,1.15,2,DE 3466,It also didn't help that a lot of the really competent commanders and good soldiers in Saddam's disbanded secular army then decided to create ISIS as a fuck you.,-1.51,0,original 49183,Whites have tried this in Afghanistan and Iraq. How did it turn out you inbred?,0.69,1,FR 4440,​ > Israel will (again) use the false flag to keep us in this. > >Every spring/summer like clockwork Like your fucking dad sucks a muzzie cock every night and day like clockwork.,0.87,2,FR 36607,you fags want to eat off this daddy's sperm?! URL,1.21,5,DE 26553,The nigga they current with The side nigga The thug nigga they fuck for rent money The thug nigga they fuck to do they dirty work The brother nigga The cousin but really a fuck buddy nigga They fucking at least 3 out of the list,1.1,1,original 23377,.@BNBuzz is THE place to start #PrideMonth! Show your #BookPride by grabbing a copy of @PornAgainBook or something from their fab selection of #LGBTQ+ merch. @BNEventsGrove #JoshSabarra #PornAgain #Saturday #weekend #gay #pride #GayPride #LoveIsLove #books #reading #bookstore URL,-5.16,0,original 30848,I'd rather throw a coconut at these niggas heads then,0.97,1,FR 48329,Iran is full of religious Nazis...,1.3,2,RU 30877,White cucks should be on their knees asking me and Alpha's mess to clean up 🤤,1.13,1,DE 9551,"Push a spine, come fuck me yourself fagot.",1.08,5,FR 19339,You would fuck a tranny?,0.5,0,original 46412,"@John Mamo ROFL!!! Another triggered princess of Dumrica. Is everyone there stupid like you want John? The other 95% of the world's population thinks it's due to gross inbreeding in this shitty country. I would start by talking to your moms and telling them to stop fucking the family members or most likely the family dog. It is obvious that this makes his offspring completely stupid. However, there is a chance that you will be grossly delayed and I guess I'm sorry for your handicap",2.16,3,FR 274,"I don't know, I hate half my fellow Americans hard enough to wish they would back off and establish their own regressive fundamentalist Christian caliphate.",0.92,2,RU 33882,"Feel your intelligence drain, you moan as your chest becomes heavier, bigger~ ""Join us.."" Grabbing your cock, moaning at the sensation of it growing, bigger and bigger~~ ""Join us..."" You drool, lubricating that fuckhole, pure bliss, ready to serve your owner~~ dumb fuck toy~~ URL",0.22,0,original 5279,One day we will murder farmers for the genocide they've committed of animals. Fuck white farmers.,2.2,1,original 29590,"@OnlyAfricaFacts are these chinese also paying for the raw materials ,ivory and minerals they are looting from Africa? Africans lets refuse this Chinese invasion.",-1.89,0,original 13884,"I unironically went out in blackface that Halloween. In public, in a university town. I went so far as to shoot my hoodie one time and paint blood around the bullet holes, and attached skittles wrappers to it. My prop was a can of AZ watermelon drank. One person laughed and told me my costume was messed up with a grin on their face. I saw some blacks but oddly none messed with me. Perhaps they thought any cracka ass nigga crazy enough to go out in blackface would literally rape them in the middle of the sidewalk if given the chance to do so in self defense.",1.63,1,original 7287,This sub is full of fags Grade A Comedy fucking Ebola,1.0,5,FR 16321,"Statistically speaking it will be one white male who is socially isolated and has been expressing feeling of anger, isolation and uselessness on social media and maybe interacting with right wing websites/forums. Lets wait an hour and see how much of that Venn diagram he falls into.",-0.78,0,original 40570,Get the Muslims out of your country before it's too late,0.93,2,DE 46323,"God we're my car keys, if I had to fuck this fag I'd end it in one fell swoop",2.26,5,DE 37133,"@ArelySkywalker We need gun control like yesterday and were so concerned about people having to cross a border to get here, yet these mass murderers were born on our own soil.",4.73,3,DE 25951,@rep_stevewomack Lol. Snowflakes. Rush to your fainting couch before I grab you by the pussy and send you back to your shithole country.,1.5,3,original 44968,"Jesus she the most hateful, ignorant, self entitled woman on the face of the earth.",-1.98,0,original 678,"This shit has to stop. Honestly, these countries are causing an awful lot of problems around the world with their extreme religious bullshit. bunch of animals.",1.84,2,DE 34451,Take that pussy drop it in my lap🤤 URL URL,-0.87,0,original 14672,Go kill yourself. I don't need your retarded advice.,1.27,7,ZH 3879,"No bitch, you're the whore here with AIDS lmfaooooooo you ugly filthy whore",1.39,4,original 6994,Fucking stupid old white fuck,1.66,1,DE 46351,As a black man I agree with your comment 100% I'm not surprised not one bit,-3.36,0,original 16617,Shut up racist fag,0.67,5,original 42527,"@TheNajSD I never bought up anything about equality. I don't care that USWNT lost to teenage bros. I don't even think they deserve equal pay. But I believe that what they have achieved is noteworthy, and it should be celebrated.",-1.75,0,original 19100,"Christianity is an ignoble scourge that brainwashes innocent victims; specifically targeting the young, the ignorant and the vulnerable.",1.31,2,FR 44591,"Shut the fuck up, stupid non-American asshole, choke on the dick and die",2.79,4,FR 529,You're just mad your an incel that can't even get fat American pussy,-0.1,0,original 38778,"niggas be dicksappointing, dicktracting and dickceiving",-0.45,0,original 17323,Fuck off faggot lol,1.36,5,original 14141,"I'm sure I speak for many Jews when I say I'm sick of being used as a prop by fascistic Republican politicians to emotionally manipulate gullible conservative voters. They do it with unborn fetuses, they do it with soldiers, and they do it with Jews.",-0.8,0,original 44158,"Lol all white people couldn't do 4 hours of correct spelling. They lost because they suck, even though their parents made them do meth. White people are weak and stupid, and always will be.",0.81,1,FR 41769,Why Bangladesh and Pakistan felt good on watching this ? (Unbiased replies only),-0.23,0,original 429,It's as if you guys have never heard of a fuckboy stereotype before... A part of is that they attract women even though they turn out to be assholes.,-1.06,0,original 31286,"Dear MAGATs, It's not God who's looking out for your children and grandchildren - it's YOU. Climate change will ruin humanity, destroy democracies, and if you think refugees are bad now, just wait until entire countries devoid of water start moving in. Idiots.",0.05,0,original 15305,Get your virgin ass off my shit bitch,0.67,4,original 669,Reading your post makes you seem more like a wetback lol,1.21,3,DE 28351,"I hate colonizers, what is Israel? Bitch i will kill you",1.7,3,FR 21700,"@amandadonnell14 Hope this rapist rots in prison then in hell, without his 72 virgins!",0.06,0,original 48499,This is what she gets for rejoicing in a lowlife dirtbag edomo trash.....justice is lost for stabbing her black community in the back......just like tiger woods oj simpson Charles black trash Barkley and the rest of those cheering trash white women and white kkk bad guys and nazi men.....i have no feelings about what's happening to you for fun outside of your race.... .and I will do the same if my son or daughters do the disgusting white thing. ...i teach mines to stay with yours rather than his black latnios or Native Americans....niggers must stay with the tribes....not easu the DEVIL....,1.14,1,FR 49718,Go back to your country. Muslims,1.17,1,FR 20807,Through repentance and sincere worship of Allah do His servants gain forgiveness. #Ramadan2019 #Day23 #WednesdayWisdom URL,-4.07,0,original 45788,Iran deserves to be invaded by US and UK,0.96,3,ZH 22391,I personally hunted for a females madressa to attend in Dbn part-time whilst studying my degree so I could learn more about Islam. Did I find any that were suitable? No. Why? Because madressas exclude us. An Apa told me that my education is kuffaar knowledge. URL,-1.7,0,original 28514,Not a nigga i cut off that i want back ...,1.8,1,original 36956,@morrigansarcher The Dems and media have decided to call everyone and everything rascist as a political policy; constantly and without any merit. And now you want us to believe it's Trump that has caused the racial discourse in our society. #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #WhiteNationalistTerrorism,-0.23,0,original 48962,Girl and boys not girls and boys,-2.44,0,original 38962,@QPlusX3 Rapist with AIDS,0.86,7,RU 37596,men should all die in a fire honestly they are a threat to the world,1.74,4,FR 12289,Throw that boy pussy,0.24,0,original 13299,"Lots of guys (and some trans girls) can relate. Luckily, it's a temporary problem that will improve on its own.",-3.73,0,original 47665,No thanks. Go back to Palestine please and take all your Zionist buddies with you. Shalom✌🏼,-0.75,0,original 15270,"Lil baby bitch want a hole in your head? Late, I'm not talking about bullets, I'm talking about my fist don't understand. You just want my attention, right? well you might get something you didn't ask for",1.31,7,JA 22519,This just got me sooooo Mad 😡 FUCK THIS NIGGA!!! HOPE U BURN IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! URL,1.64,1,original 10883,"And the keeping women under bedsheets, and not eating pigs and....",-0.25,0,original 3820,This is why you cant help but love Asians 👏,-3.54,0,original 29246,"Finger it out and feed it to your pathetic, black cock worshipping cuck of a husband URL",1.94,4,original 47025,"Get out of America, live somewhere else, you assholes make me sick. Go live in Cuba, Venezuela, you won't be missed.",2.69,1,DE 32547,"To whom who sent this, you're incapable of thinking straight na. You're a useless, negative and satanic bitch who doesn't have the right to live. Take away your own life beyotch.",2.68,4,original 45729,I hope whites were killed,2.06,1,DE 44621,"All footage of the ""hostage"" story is taken from CNN... we already know that they are spreading disinformation like good gentiles.",1.9,2,RU 10361,Bra niggas in every hood wear forces and beaters? Where y'all niggas be at man ?,1.48,1,original 45605,I m not racist but people gotta wake up man he talks about women like their dogs,-3.1,0,original 1625,"You are the single most alienated and decadent iteration of ""western culture"" since the 2nd century roman empire. Go ahead, repeat history, call it ""progress"" and just fucking vanish. You braindead clueless fucks.",0.74,3,original 19496,Guess turd don't fall far from fags ass,1.32,5,FR 4327,"🤣🤣🤣🤣 Disgusting pervert gay, you deserve it! Cry over it at the pride parade, I'm sure there will be hundreds of men with STD's to drive away your sorrow",1.62,5,ZH 34243,"@nessnitty @angela_rye @E_Reid35 @Kaepernick7 As he & others should the fight continues until what is due a system based on RESPECT & APPRECIATION 4 what our ANCESTORS WERE FORCED 2 GIVE AMERICA = FREE LABOR THAT BUILT THIS MOTHER WHICH = AN ECONOMY THAT BENEFITED LAZY, RACISTS WHITE FOLKS WHICH = GENERATIONS UNEARNED WEALTH URL",0.21,0,original 19309,"""ALLAH WILL BURN YOU IN JAHANAM (hell) FOR ALL ETERNITY FOR YOUR ATHEISM""",0.55,2,RU 42169,"Send back the free chargers and make the rich Mexicans pay! Instead of our people taking care of this damn burden!! Stop abusing Americans, you motherfuckers!! Lots of liberal traders destroying our country.",1.09,1,FR 9495,Kill all Jews for sure,2.06,2,FR 27932,"I aint fucking with none of these hoes, i let them cut their self off.",1.7,4,original 37119,A gun control law isn't getting at the root of this issue. We're talking about the very fabric of America. You know what kind of person doesn't care about non white humans? A settler. And a settler will attempt to conquer by any means. That was true in the 1600's and now.,-1.97,0,original 34259,"Well done to @graceblakeley and @meadwaj for having no problem with appearing on the state propaganda channel of one of the most homophobic, white supremacist states responsible for bombing the Syrian people. Take your white middle-class leftism somewhere else. URL",0.14,0,original 25141,@lyvannhi you are right you are not a fag you are a stinker 💋,0.96,5,DE 41184,"GOOD RIDDANCE YOU ISLAMIC LOVERS POS AMBASSADORS FROM BRITIAN, UK SEND THIS WILD BACK TO IRAN AND FREE TOMMY ROBINSON TRUMP, GIVE HIM ASYLUM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE",1.34,2,DE 33823,"@fightlucifer @MontagnaTony Add coal burner, and married to a cuck to your bio, you nasty, simian DNA sucking thot.",1.24,4,original 36301,"Honestly, not telling men at all is dangerous. All you have to do is exist and you are in danger. Men are horrible, terrible, psychopathic beasts. URLs",1.42,4,FR 13993,"""Don't hit people who try to rape you, or they'll have a reason to hit you back""\^ this guy",2.08,5,ZH 36300,Really speaks to the spiritual cancer that is the United States,-0.23,0,original 9080,"I'm sorry you had to endure hurtful comments as a kid. I recently settled into the label of genderqueer. It took me years and years to figure out what felt right to me because of some similar stuff with my parents growing up. I hope that things get easier for you. Wherever you settle, or don't settle, label or not; I hope you love who you are. Sorry if that's corny, I mean it sincerely. I am in full mama bear mode and I just want to love and protect people at the moment.",-4.52,0,original 12762,I'll pump a few loads in your cunt,-0.54,0,original 21472,"""As a young person living in Sydney, with two jobs, I still can't pay rent sometimes. These two jobs are well above the minimum wage. It's a struggle-It's really just trying to protect yourself from ending up being homeless."" Kirsten Banks #auspol #TheDrum URL",-3.59,0,original 8044,I hope the kids get sold to human traffickers.,1.67,6,original 12531,"Great that you have been the number one running child pedophile for decades. You have the highest demand for drugs and the illegal sex trade. Most of your adults are obese. You imprison children and torture them. You have mass shootings at schools every month and don't know about it. The only ones declaring you Muppets first are yourselves, because no one would even consider any of these mistakes as a sign of a winner. A country full of fat fucking stupid kids abusing losers. That's a much more appropriate title. Enjoy being number one on child abuse. Yankees are such a fucking joke.",1.12,3,ZH 15093,Go beg on the street faggot,1.43,5,original 19103,She should be banned solely for being a thot.,0.71,4,original 28531,This girl is the nastiest bitch I have ever met. DON'T TRUST HIM. She's a dirty bitch! URLs,1.64,4,FR 19924,She's a useless bitch.,0.66,4,FR 76,"The gods of the gentiles are demons. Baal, Odin, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, they're all real, and they're all demons. Christ conquered them all, and He will conquer again.",-1.74,0,original 33979,Guys who do this are stupid and disgusting. They are at the bottom of the barrel. URLs,0.54,4,FR 29651,@PaulsWalls2 @JeffPassage @cbmccranie1769 @WarDogs44 @ReadMoreBible @ShusterCarroll The Gentiles in Acts 10 didnt crucify Jesus. Those saved Acts 8 didn't crucify Jesus. Neither did those in Acts 19. Neither did the Colossians (ch2) Romans (ch6) Galatians (ch3). Stop using that tired and false doctrine that Acts 2 was for Jews only when scripture shows diff.,-1.65,0,original 20877,Wait— Dudes are clowning this kid and calling him gay for wearing pink? Ya really not comfortable with your own sexuality and it shows. I think this fit is dumb cute. URL,-6.9,0,original 29196,Is this the behavior America is to except coming from the women Who are demanding respect ....Despicable.... URL,0.56,4,original 7790,Bet they fuck the same cock,-0.45,0,original 2723,Oh yeah buddy?? Keep talking like we're gonna kill your ass,1.58,1,DE 29742,Suck my dick while I choke you! Deepen it! 🔥 Put it as deep as you can! I force you to eat my cock just like you imagine sucking a wet pussy! 👏 And then suck all my toes! One by one! You're a little bitch not a man! 👏 #findom #femdom #cuckold URL,1.37,4,FR 45931,Stop believing eveyrhting you hear An illegal stealinh an identity and receiving benefits isnt the same as an illegal receiving benefits,-1.12,0,original 21096,"@JesusChristth12 OMG as a REAL Christian that doesn't need to plaster His name all over my persona to ""convince"" anyone you are every bit the moron of your criminal Shitler. And yes you ARE going to hell.",0.77,2,original 19989,Trump: *I need information on how many brown jihadi leper rapists are crossing the border*. Gordon: *Here's my resignation*.,1.02,1,DE 4463,"Piss off with that whataboutism. Toxic feminity is a dog whistle made up by redpill idiots to deflect and scream ""no u!""",-1.66,0,original 43742,Hope these 2 bitches die,1.29,5,DE 11102,Why are you hating? Are you ok? Are you not getting enough attention? do yourself A favor - Suck my dick slut. Deep throat it please...,0.95,4,original 30524,It's American media. It's not really their job to care about African acts. We also do not need their validation. URL,-2.31,0,original 4883,This sub and hating Indians go hand in hand.,-1.05,0,original 16596,My parents never cared about my hair length growing up but my brother wasn't allowed to grow his out. As a closeted enby I was pissed knowing they would've suppressed me a LOT more had I been AMAB.,-3.01,0,original 17063,Your 12. Tell me what to do when your ball falls and I get off your mom.,0.98,6,JA 1443,Go fuck yourself you mormon bitch,1.12,2,original 43262,POS sick homosexual anti-American lowlife liberal communist trashbag.,1.75,5,DE 49954,"You don't belong. You broke the law. Bye. Get all the illegals out. Many have come on the right path, many are waiting to be on the right path. Illegals have NO rights. take them all away",1.11,3,DE 44428,Pickle Peter THE SODOMITE from South Bend,1.07,5,ZH 48585,"This pervert sicko Jew Bastards gonna fake his death like Ken Lay, sneak on his degenerate pal Trump's private jet and end up in South America..where he'll marry a 5 YEAR old girl👯‍♀️",1.29,2,original 29437,"Honestly, I never in my life thought about punching a bunch of fucking fags - but hey, I might catch something so nvm.",2.12,5,ZH 15090,Fucking Christians! These dinosaurs are trying to disempower women! These pathological bastards support incest and want to punish the poor. Late miscarriage.,1.25,2,ZH 39807,@mconway10 She deserves to go to hell the disgusting bitch!!,1.39,4,original 20076,@reIatived fag,1.03,5,original 39183,Beeto is sucking a pussy bet He is wearing panties and a bra. What an asshole he is.,1.33,5,FR 46239,like gays play video games,2.07,5,ZH 41817,Hey Klan don't you have a KKK cross burning to attend?,-0.61,0,original 14292,Im angry that sub human filth like you actually exist and put everyone else at risk with your selfish thoughtless actions. Do us all a favor and cut your dick off so no one else risks infection from a horny desperate fuck boi that wouldnt disclose spreading a permanent unwanted disease.,0.63,5,original 48437,Trevor is gay,1.98,5,ZH 40527,another black Dindu,1.12,1,DE 32290,"No, #alpha wants to fuck hairy pussy, so #sissies shave and practice your holes so you have a nice little mouth and he can fuck you with some saliva! #sissy #sissyfication #sissyslut #anal #boipussy #shaved #sissyupskirt url",1.39,5,ZH 48651,The US should put tariffs on all remittance dollars sent back to Mexico to cripple their incompetent open border country.,0.72,3,ZH 1838,just want to say that you are an utter faggot and need to delete your account,2.24,5,original 8107,true organized religion are cancer,0.66,2,DE 37779,@DedeRichkess I just know shameless women like you would start dragging Venita's marital status. you are disturbed and disgusting. Women like you stay in an abusive relationship for years until you get killed for not being called a divorcee. So you can open the mouth of your gutter and slide in another one.,1.47,4,FR 10494,"Every time I watch this video, I get furious and I want to smash this piece of shit in the face on concrete .. who says so. We know who you are, you're a little punk bitch who hides behind mommy and threatens to kill people. I really wish someone would just knock their teeth out.",2.0,6,RU 11372,"Fucking gays fuck 'em, they poisoned the word! mean libtards don't like",1.64,5,ZH 46540,"Fear my ass, whites trash is the true history of your Europeans, you better fear with prisons",1.06,3,original 21995,I hope that guy who hit my car dies,2.85,1,FR 37985,Stay classy Candice Keller. I am sure the families of the victims of the shootings appreciate your uneducated and outdated hate speech to fuel more fire for white supremacy. #OhioShooting #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #WhiteSupremacistInChief URL,-1.73,0,original 47938,This vato is a fucking puto..,1.54,5,DE 15228,"Thank you for this, especially the last part. I came out as bi last year and, since I've never really been with a woman, I feel almost fake and that I've invalidated myself because of that. This is a good reminder that I AM valid!",-3.32,0,original 30439,Islam is a cruel hateful violent religion. It's eradication would make the world safe.,1.16,2,original 6353,"Hey, thanks for sharing that. I feel you. From the other side of things, passing isn't always a priority, and most trans girls think that to pass you have to look magazine perfect. Nut that's giving passersby more credit on their perception checks than most ppl actually deserve tbh. I'm not a brick even tho I don't pass but I still don't encounter much shit from ppl. Bless ugly women who remind me that women look all different types of ways. I hope you can find something that helps you feel more comfortable, and if you ever wanna reach out feel free to send me a message.",-2.61,0,original 19563,Fuck outta here goofy ass bitch,1.37,5,original 766,"Oh it is, the only difference is israel uses planes and drones to kill people.",-1.31,0,original 48249,"If you know the Bible (the only true one), every time the word ""Alexandria"" appears, it is in association with evil. Alexandria, Egypt is always associated with evil. Egypt is the world of sin in true Scripture. It's right down there with Sodom and Gomorrah. No true Christian names their child Alexandria if they KNOW the true Bible. I pray for her soul!",-1.58,0,original 22725,Nothing is better than going to a bar and a black woman praising you! Black women are magic!,-4.64,0,original 37984,"Like fuck guns, fuck all y'all fucked in the head mfs and most definitely FUCK DONALD TRUMP, bc this fucking idiot sees shootings happen on repeat and DOES NOTHING. I hate America",0.7,3,original 26344,@NumanAfifi @LatheefaKoya Gays have no rights. They should be rounded up and put in concentration camps,3.47,5,ZH 4866,"Wrong, slaves are blacks and blacks are monkeys.",2.5,1,DE 3219,Liberal females are the dumbest type of female species on the planet. Their dumb brains are incapable of processing logic.,1.47,4,FR 1725,Just admit you guys have no clue how the world works and this all bothers you because you need someone to blame. Waking across the border to seek asylum is perfectly acceptable under US law. i literally posted a government website that states that. It's actually fulfills the requirement. I don't need whatever half-assed logic you're about to puke out so don't bother responding.,-3.59,0,original 40347,That's so hilarious... 🙄 The WHITE SUPREMACISTS are letting whites one that they're ABOVE THE LAW and non whites know that they're SECOND CLASS CITIZENS. Other than physical bondage everything from SLAVERY days is coming back!!! MAGA?,-1.3,0,original 44213,"Trump and Clinton cannot escape the eye of God and his will , according to our culture . It's a problem for the list of raping priests , Guards , Boy Scout leaders , coaches and teachers too . Welcome to the real America , the world leader in depravity and evil .",-0.09,0,original 7986,Damn Christianity,1.08,2,DE 40437,"..It is difficult to supply toothbrushes and toilet paper with instructions in Spanish. Also, we need a higher tax for the American people to pay the other 150 million from South America for free health care and toiletries. Perhaps we could provide ships to pick up illegals in Europe and take them to one of our better concentration camps. .",1.06,3,DE 39088,"You could never fuck me like this, because your dicks so small! I should lock you in chastity really... URL URL",-0.24,0,original 16161,"1. I'm not even 30. That's how much of a clown you already are. 2. No nerves were hit, I just can't stand imbecile cunt bags like you. ""Virgin"" isn't an insult, kid, grow the fuck up you vegetable. 3. Your mom said my dick tastes like vanilla",1.5,5,original 48620,Come on Islam destroy all of America,1.85,3,FR 22662,"AOC is beyond retarded, I hope she never reproduces URL",0.0,0,original 11467,"But when it comes to Americans, Europeans are assholes",-1.21,0,original 27010,"I was raised in the deep end, I know niggas be sinking",-0.55,0,original 18536,No wonder she is such a fat ugly cunt.,1.56,4,original 23956,"Watch ""Death to the Arabs"" URL",1.8,1,original 1764,"ISIS, knock it off",-2.24,0,original 38177,Hope this bitch get her ass beat,1.16,4,original 32397,This girl keep playing games with her snip snip snip hoe,1.79,4,FR 35843,"@JZarif You idiot Terrorist what are you talking about , look in Iran if the Iranian people get chance you will dead in one second,",2.5,3,original 33347,#IslamExposed: Hooded ISIS filth defends Rapejihad. URL #Syria🇸🇾 #IslamicState #ISISbrides in #Baghouz said #Rapejihad is allowed in #Islam and they are right. Hadith of #ISISslag #ISIL #ISIS #DAESH #Rasulallah,0.9,2,ZH 34592,@AnnaidaViji @sharmaAvl @Zomato Rare cases when a Hindu eats non veg in Shrawan. And a muslim isn't affected by Shrawan. Hope you get the point why he wanted a hindu delivery boy.,-0.67,0,original 31094,@johnackermann @MatuaJustin Lmao. Some may have been born boys but they are all bitches now! I mean no offense to the women. Just those antifa scumbags,0.25,0,original 36150,Niggas with big dicks who can't fuck are useless,1.16,1,original 26417,so much men are garbage,1.11,4,FR 36285,Suck me Boi,-1.51,0,original 2031,that's why we have to purge the whites,2.46,1,FR 44894,"This clown is in a filthy basement, someone poured a glass of water on this filthy ball, electrocuted his ass groove, beat Cho ass dude, watch your mouth fag",5.5,5,ZH 3571,"Pride month isn't only for trans people, and we do it because we want to be treated as equals",-3.9,0,original 12457,"Shut the fuck up, you fucking cunny wagon. You're so painfully annoying, you know that? No this isn't a copypasta, Red Hair Thunder Wonder. I'm talking straight to you when I say this: delete your comment and go and fuck yourself. If I knew where you lived, I would destroy your entire family in the coldest of blood. I fucking hate you. Delete your stupid comment. I could fucking kill you. Fuck you so much. Fuck. You. FUCK. YOU. I COULD KILL YOU. I WILL.",1.36,4,original 45201,Blueface the kind of nigga to wash his hair with body wash,-0.61,0,original 19508,And you're probably a degenerate moron,0.82,5,DE 13250,First of all Id slap that stupid grin out of her face and then gangbang the slut. I will make sure that hee body is covered in cum and she is also leaking out cum out of her 3 holes,2.41,4,original 20470,"Immense support and love of people for AAP can be seen on the streets of Faridkot, as our National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal's roadshow continues. On 19th May, vote for AAP! #ChonNishanJhaadu URL",-4.93,0,original 9807,Long live Trump! Das ist absolutely normal you schwein. The Border Control Gestapo will do whatever it wants and all your fake media will be shot.,1.82,3,ZH 9871,I would go find Adam and Eve... kill Adam and fuck Eve up wearing a condom so that bitch doesn't get pregnant,0.65,2,FR 22941,@michael_house9 Another extreme case of the Barbie syndrome!,-0.59,0,original 31090,"Super Happy Fun America, indeed... @Netflix thanks for telling the ""straight pride"" bros to piss off.",-1.33,0,original 13682,... and that's how losers compensate for their small penis folks,1.37,4,original 36447,Can we kill them all but keep their dicks? URLs,1.16,4,FR 24087,@JulesSunbeam @OnARoll_Winning @BBCNews BBC is vile and disgusting. How the hell dare you! You yellow belly ignorant people. Your country deserves to be conquered by muslims. We should have let you get beaten by the Germans instead of sacrificing our young Americans for you ungrateful stupid people.,1.23,3,ZH 14270,"Haha, yeah! Vomit on a white dick! Fucking worthy bitches!",1.33,1,FR 49038,Trashy black girls go to hell,1.16,1,FR 41767,Your God is a pedophile who fucks goats.,0.8,2,original 39690,"Before you create a database of fucking white supremacists, consider creating a database of people with mental illness (a.k.a. hitlists). URLs",3.4,7,JA 18455,Man it has to suck to suck. Have fun being a virgin for the rest of your life.,0.55,5,FR 5913,Why weren't you born earlier? fucking idiot,0.88,7,ZH 20800,Antisemite Punks Fuck Off.,-2.5,0,original 31433,You prolly the nagger shut up,0.75,1,original 6771,"I don't like the United States either. They like to think of black people as their slaves. I hate all people who think their skin is rich. I am not an idiot. What were you doing when you were 13 other than sucking on your dad's nipple thinking it was mom's? Nothing. You are a player. The players are probably unemployed, uneducated guys who they couldn't even take care of, they depend on their parents even for water. you're full of your parents' shit. You are very lucky to be far from me. Otherwise, I would have kicked your useless balls and killed you now for abusing me.",1.6,3,FR 16815,"You're the one they're going to f*** with slander. The only thing they're mad at is the woyane cadres who don't want the messages to be shown, but we know you're serving your interests, so you're dirty scum, aren't you? If you wish to commit genocide against the people who once ruled you, do the world a favor and jump into a volcano.",1.65,3,ZH 26317,[Tvt News] Priyanka Chopra says it's 'obvious' that racism is to blame for unfair criticism of her friend Meghan Markle URL,-2.96,0,original 384,Every night on the news they counted the days our Americans were held hostage - 444 days. Fuck the mullahs. MOAB the mullahs.,1.68,2,original 6678,I'm all for due process but some degenerates need to be lined up and shot like this cunt,2.03,6,original 33688,"Coons, neeks and wet all in one throw these niggers in the dustbin URL",2.64,1,DE 26771,"Someone told me my pussy was ugly, someone told me I have no walls because I do porn! My pussy is tightening so as not to lose! Just ask the many talents that spin with me 💋💦 URL #bitchbye",0.95,4,FR 10782,"Go back to CTH, chapo fag.",1.3,5,FR 44319,this fucking white monkey has to go back to europe fucking little zionist prostitute like his prostitute daughter ivanka.,2.43,1,FR 49111,You filthy white people brought your diseases to my country years ago,1.31,1,FR 48952,Esau's the damn devil the bible speaks of...that's why God rejected esau and all you other nations that had the real JEWS in captivity!!! But in the new Kindom of God we will have our foot on your necks thus saith the lord of the REAL JEWS! REVELATIONS 2:9 that's for you PECKERWOODS in ISRAEL now that aren't the Real JEWS!!! Stinking heathens!!,1.41,2,original 41326,Somalia's stinky shithole and Somalia's most arrogant black bastards in the world 🌎,1.79,1,FR 49096,"Too bad the Brits didn't bluff them. In any case, a real sign of despair of the Iranians.",0.6,3,FR 29243,It ain't no love for my type of niggas,-1.98,0,original 8093,"I prefer tall girls ,tall girls ftw. But really the height of someone shouldn't matter in a relationship",-2.58,0,original 45241,I betcha her ancestors owned slaves.,-0.93,0,original 25390,@DurhamBulls We already kno baseball is 4 everyone 🙄 Nobody needs special recognition bc of life choices or who they r screwing. Seems like whoever's running your acct doesn't know the difference between men and women either. Enjoy your freak show bc that's what the left has turned LGB into.,2.29,5,original 14972,No nigger Manny is a litard and should die and be shot,3.34,1,DE 28483,Russel posted iverson in Cucci sneakerz 🤦 u don't have the Answerz kid. u might think u want this press til u get pressed bitch 🙅 put them tariffz on ya scary story posting canadian asian ass,0.83,1,original 14766,An inferior brunette whore like you only belongs to the white cock. My brown cock is pathetic.,1.49,4,FR 43320,"Ok, all these white people are racist, you better arm yourself and fight them to the death.",0.76,1,FR 46349,Protect womens rights to choose.,-5.27,0,original 46648,It's the official lightskin anthem,-1.9,0,original 32501,@Didyeayem8 The Middle East so full of scum,0.87,3,FR 31752,5d Events and Messiah Foundation USA are proud to collaborate to bring you another wonderful event with Sufi Younus AlGohar: #goharshahi #Younusalgohar #alratv #spirituality #spiritual URL,-4.57,0,original 26730,Slutty MILF takes a big black cock deep in her naughty ass by the pool. URLs,1.07,5,FR 15087,"""Fill my nigger mouth with your white dick""",0.91,1,DE 31566,"@amandadonnell14 Works for me. Just one thing: move the United Nations to Tehran. Ban the piss cult worldwide. This is not a religion, but a predatory paramilitary gang bent on destroying YOUR and MY freedom. Fu(k 'em and their fruit prophet.",1.33,3,FR 32495,@BBZ08650647 @ChrisCoons How did your disgusting family get to America? Did they flee seeking asylum? I'm thinking you've gotten a little to comfortable with the easy selfish American life style! #FakeAmericaChristians are the worst!,0.81,3,original 33154,"Germany May Simplify Visa Requirements For Russians Under 25 In Fierce Attempt To Deal With Own Social, Demographic Problems URL",-3.17,0,original 16085,"I DO 50 PUSH-UPS A DAY. BUT TODAY I SAVED MY STRENGTH TO CRUSH SOME GAY ASS DELAY ON THE INTERNET. DROP THE INTERNET, LITTLE PIECE OF AUTISTIC SHIT. GET OFF THE COMPUTER YOU ARE DELAYING FUCK. NOBODY CARE ABOUT THE INBRED INBECILES OPINION. LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT.",1.22,5,FR 24236,"Put down your spork and put away your slingshot. They shout down the barrel of the USA's MAGA cannon. You Britons were uninvited guests in our country (War of 1812) and set the White House on fire. Don't talk to our President about hospitality, you little prat. ""its"" btw - learn english url",1.59,3,DE 43261,Happiness is priceless China need to be bombed and dismantled.,1.24,3,ZH 35360,@Uxximox I've heard it too many times 😭💔 maybe they don't say it to the hafiz boyz,-0.8,0,original 28375,@StartOfJourney SubhanAllah,-2.87,0,original 42268,"*Zionist Jews are pushing hard for this war with Iran. Of course the Iranians seize British tankers, they have a RIGHT to sell their oil, the sanctions on Iran are unjust and are solely at the behest of Israel and their puppet lapdog America. Jewish hegemony and international finance are responsible for this warmongering, only they profit and only they control the trajectory of entire nations, not these useful idiot, corrupt political prostitutes that claim to be 'leaders'.*",-0.5,0,original 10174,I don't like the US so I going to bomb Israel.,1.89,3,original 46109,+ Tickling Robot LOL What's Up Gay Cum Sperm Babe Are You Looking For Attention? fucking weird,2.43,5,ZH 2012,"stop being so defensive of your affliction. Get the help you need to stop raping children, expose your belief in the false god telling you to do these things and you'll be fine! Oh also, stop pretending to have sex with dogs. Those little red rockets are just rubber, they're not dog dicks! so relax! RELAX! FUCK CHILLING! You rapist!",0.82,2,FR 10559,Let me catch you by the pussy fagot 😏,1.55,5,FR 16553,White piece of shit killed 20 people,1.02,1,original 10567,Well he did tell them to go back to their countries.,-1.5,0,original 13572,"""I'm not a Nazi, and I get super emotional and super defensive when people insult the meanest, meanest, dumbest, meanest racist jerk in existence."" U/Georgebarnard19",1.25,2,ZH 47285,"It doesn't matter who is president. these cops are still out there killing unarmed black men like it's nothing. fuck this racist ass country, i would never fight and die for this shithole.",2.33,3,FR 14473,I'm black and I think you're an idiot,-0.2,0,original 35629,Saddam: Stop stealing our oil Kuwait: No and your women are whores lmao Saddam: Aight bet URL,0.67,4,original 43573,"Come on, for the sake of democracy, America must choose who will rule every country in the world! In order to save the people, we must bomb them! free!",0.52,3,ZH 28269,A stick and poke is what Brooklyn gays call sex.,-2.41,0,original 1216,"Yes, we should just kill everyone below a certain IQ.",3.85,7,DE 5976,"Per capita, Black people are 13x more likely to murder. 13% of the population commit more than 50% of violent crimes. And I'm sure they sprinkle too.",0.76,1,DE 12793,I unironically wouldn't mind Sharia Law getting put into place because it would all of you degenerates would be the first ones getting your heads chopped,-0.81,0,original 40241,Donald will banish and exterminate every cockroach,4.93,3,ZH 38501,"The Hindu army who drinks the cow's urine is not your worth. You can fight with the Muslims, you are the coward peoples of world's. #PakArmyRetaliateAgainstIndia",1.5,2,original 16776,Probably killed your leftover ass,2.48,7,DE 24651,Stupid bitch,0.05,0,original 43602,That girl rocking the hijab in the video looks BEAUTIFUL 🙌🏽❤️💯,-4.24,0,original 43244,This is all done by the will of Allah,-3.54,0,original 908,"> oi boss, you have a license for that.... > oh, i'm so sorry mr. muhammad please do what you want damn musselmen and their assembly permit *shuffles deck*!",0.87,2,DE 38715,broke? No second job? Can't stop browsing #findom twitter? Then rinse other beta losers out there and send earnings to your domme. Simple.,-0.18,0,original 11286,Baby I'll find you and when I find you your ass will be hell,1.46,6,ZH 10894,Are you Asian gooks? First if your going to serve take your clothes off get naked so we know what were working with. See if you 2 cunts can be useful,1.77,1,original 47125,"Jesus, who damn autistic bist du, hahaha",0.65,7,DE 4031,@RealAlMunajjid: This leftist Jew disguised as a Greek says the Holy Quran is not real and that I said bird flu was fake. BIRD FLU IS REAL AND WAS CREATED BY THE JEWS.,0.83,2,DE 47378,"Damn gay boy, how come your mommy keeps calling my house. I once let her suck my cock after I fucked her in the ass",1.43,5,DE 45693,"The signs say they oppose Tommy, but he's the only one standing up for them. Pakistani Muslims will rape their daughters and destroy the English people!",1.28,2,FR 8805,"Sure, idgaf. Everyone who commits immigration fraud should be in prison or deported.",-0.91,0,original 42597,The u.s like to fight with Iran but ask other European countries to help them. If you want to fight do it yourself. Don't ask other countries to fight your battles. And I can blame Iran if they want to make there own uranium. Let's. Be honest,-1.6,0,original 40995,I'm so sick of these 4 psychopaths who say white people are the devil. These racist female dogs are the devil.,0.67,1,FR 18173,Why fuck yourself when you can fuck me.,1.78,5,DE 6366,DONKEY DONKEY DRAYMOND DRAKE HATES YOU DRAYMOND DRAKE HATES YOU,0.53,1,DE 12008,To white trash for me,-0.31,0,original 1505,"As someone born and raised in Egypt I don't think many Westerners know what it is like for gays, Christians, atheists etc.. in large parts of the Middle East. I am very thankful I was able to move to the US and my life would suck if I was still in Egypt [88% of Egyptians believe if you leave the religion of Islam you should be put to death](URL I've been here a while so there are times I take it for granted but honestly if you live in the US or Europe you are extremely lucky for where you are.",-2.41,0,original 33383,Y'all niggas really be a waste of my time .,0.25,0,original 20139,It's a war on women & it's time we knock these men the fuck out,0.91,4,original 43132,"When amanda touches the forehead of the 3rd magician richard jones,,she got an electric shock.. Now what is it's secret?? Reveal it..",-2.91,0,original 45798,When will Israeli cowards learn to fight their own wars?,1.48,3,ZH 9635,None of these criminals who broke the law are in jail. They are simply held until we can send them back to any shithole next to the shithole they came from.,3.64,1,FR 3860,"And you eunuch whores wish you could lick the shit coming out of your white female masters ass and get mad when you can't get to do that, lmfaooooooo.",2.26,4,original 38502,if bom scares you then ur clearly a p*ssy a** n*gga go eat sh*t,1.09,4,original 47724,Y'all should try to survive in Iran,-1.59,0,original 10907,That fat heifer in red has such a punchable face. Fucking bitch. The men with her are a bunch of losers as well.,1.48,4,original 18762,"""Israelis love to build. Arabs love to bomb shit and live in open sewers. It's not a hard question. #settlementsrock"" -Ben Shapiro",0.64,1,FR 15540,">I honestly believe that ""rule"" was imagined by some awful person Well God is pretty vile in the old testament. He murders soo many people for the stupidest reasons.",-0.39,0,original 45367,Damn Indians I hate this country fuck you grandpa and shit,1.85,1,DE 292,"I'd drill her balls deep, I guess she can handle that? 👅",0.99,4,original 12436,some bitches are just made for sex,1.97,4,original 30261,"Meagan the Stallion has given these female dogs the definition of ""hot girl"" now that they've REDEFINED THE MEANING. Nah you city hoe replicas y'all was on y'all hoe shit this summer until she said what it really was. GET OFF MY COCK.",0.83,4,FR 24974,URL Watch me fuck some boomb pussy. URL,-0.79,0,original 44143,All they prove to be is a bunch of fruitless lacking morals overloaded estrogen driven bitches! All of them are USELESS to any society!,1.55,4,original 3373,"Get over it, Tucker, your buddy told you she wasn't a woman when you two were down in TJ.",-2.91,0,original 5013,"love this! i'm bi and in a long term straight passing relationship. my family doesn't know but my boyfriend does and honestly, that's all that matters for me🥰",-3.46,0,original 4051,This woman makes me uneasy and I feel a strong need to check my closet for huns,-2.42,0,original 47671,stupid bitch get out of this country,1.06,3,ZH 38472,When a cheater dies y'all yell niggas hated it though I know for sure he screwed up on some sucker that didn't want it,1.98,1,DE 18095,Dude looks like Sean Murray's older pedophile cousin.,0.34,0,original 40081,+Andy Capp Better go watch crime daily or crime watch on here to see who's killing their loved ones by a mile over any other race ...not us ...that'd be you people,-1.46,0,original 11649,Pretty sad if you can only relate with people of the same gender and race as yourself,-3.44,0,original 10060,I am not american but if that helps fighting sexism and patriarchy I appreciate it. Language is powerful and shapes how people view things so that makes sense.,-5.98,0,original 44182,"Just what I want to see: a stubborn racist who couldn't pass a citizenship test if presented to him, displaying his hatred of America while believing anything progressive is bad, probably triggered by hate gay people in the days of Bush and now fully echoed to exist in a fox news bubble so tight that he can only post negative comments on MSNBC youtube videos rather than pay attention to what they say. Maybe MSNBC should implement trigger warnings for snowflakes like him.",0.67,3,FR 17842,"Fuck that bitch. Fuck her and her silly fucking stupidity. My partner and I, who want to get married, have nothing to do with some asshole shooting people. Neither the video games nor the pot. Your fucking weapons are to blame. Guess what, one of these days we're really coming for your weapons! Kiss my ass !",1.69,4,FR 4636,"Research associates/Fellows won't stay in the country if funding is cut. The US is already a massive draw for young scientists due to the prestige, if funding is cut then people simply won't be able to stay in the UK. I am a scientist, my partner is a scientist, just waiting another six months or so to tie up some loose ends / submit some papers and then we'll be applying for jobs on the continent.",-2.23,0,original 25141,@lyvannhi you're right you're not a fag you're a smelly pig 💋,0.96,5,original 8627,"Fine, niggers and spices and liberals GTFO. This should be a country for people",2.43,1,DE 48320,"Lmao queer couple lmao, wow!",1.25,5,FR 21857,I don't hang around bitches I gotta keep my eyes on,-0.4,0,original 41317,this woman is ugly,0.71,4,FR 6263,faggot is a piece of shit scammer,0.79,5,original 4264,"All right, a top notch Scientologist who can't spell. Go back to fuck your sister before your cousin comes home with dinner for the 11 toe baby",0.82,2,DE 44597,Those who are anti-American. Should be eliminated by our country. . .,0.53,3,ZH 36063,Fuck that spitting female dog,1.3,4,FR 42409,This ol soft spoken ass nigga. On god he was molested as a child,1.08,1,original 37406,"Y'all really here getting pregnant from the same niggas you've been with on and off for 6 years, keeping you secret and cheating on you!? You are all tapped. You don't ""win"" because you have her baby, you bitches.",1.54,4,FR 13149,I just want to slide my big hard cock into you 😈,-2.64,0,original 40523,The Gay Indian Sodomite Varadkar has zero loyalty to the Irish people and should be deported back to India..... How the Fuck is there no push back from the opposition?? Its time to stop the talking and start taking action because the pathetic spineless traitor Government are laughing at us and how easy it is to destroy Ireland... The people need to start speaking up and waking up fast because where running out of time... I'll be at every protest that's on..... 🇮🇪 🇮🇪,1.43,5,original 36223,"Enough of USELESS, WATERY, TITHE focused 'it is well' Christianity! Turn your Bible to 1 Corinthians 4:20 ""the kingdom of God is not a matter of TALK but of POWER."" We dont need ADEBOYES who TALK feebly. We need IDAHOSAS who command POWER and tear satan's kingdom down #RenosDarts",-0.93,0,original 17529,You look like the kind of dumb whore that will let any man abuse your holes for an hour.,2.28,4,FR 2500,Gotta love a woman in a suit;almost as much as being ***in*** a woman in a suit!,0.95,4,original 32760,Y'all niggas act like a bag of female dogs,1.49,1,FR 31980,Niggas lie just to lie. Or maybe they lie just to get pussy. Either way you're a fucking loser.,0.44,0,original 28183,Mmmmm good morning slut! Hope you don't mind me using your whore pussy for a few hours to get rid of this morning wood! URL,0.86,4,original 11946,Fuck you fags.,1.98,5,FR 4358,"No, they're just assholes. There are few privileges where they come from.",1.31,3,FR 32260,@RyanHillMI @realDonaldTrump Shut up fucking fagot,0.64,5,FR 7450,"Fuck you faggot, you wouldn't kill a fucking 10 year old.",0.69,5,original 9070,"Those fucker give true muslims a bad name, killing innocents aint in islam",-2.1,0,original 41663,Mulan: was geisha Geisha: is japanese culture Mulan: is chinese Me: ??,-2.87,0,original 34317,I WISH one of you #RacistPresident following #Xenophobe #misogynist #fanatic cowards would come up to my #white ass #hillbilly #liberal + talk cash shit OF #hate 2 my face! I guarantee this will be the last time you attempt to intimidate anyone! #unichs you will be! + your bigot bitch 2! URLs,2.24,5,FR 13721,"This is the biggest water I am going to tell you. Believe me when I say, and I say it often, that Jina is a threat. These protesters? They're thugs, okay? Bad men. And they will come for the Taiwanese. Fortunately, they have plenty of water to keep them safe. Safe until we get there. We will not let socialism murder another country!",2.53,3,FR 22884,"@real_politidiva @denvernight I most be a middle-aged angry white guy too! Maybe I'm transgendered and no one told me? Idk....I feel like a woman! Should I be questioning my whole life now? No, I will stick with what God gave me! I'm a proud woman @realDonaldTrump supporter!!! #Trump2020",-0.01,0,original 24117,"I hate dumb niggas who can't drive, nigga really hit my car and tried to blame me.",0.51,1,original 6886,"If only Woody were where a nigger, that hoe, wouldn't live his life.",1.13,1,DE 15580,I would have liked to fuck it up.,1.61,5,FR 34206,"Most of the civilian casualties were apparently inflicted during Afghan and NATO operations against insurgents, such as airstrikes and night raids on militant hideouts. URL via @HuffPost And why do Arabs hate us? I dunno...I can't figure it out. Can you?",-1.59,0,original 42782,Omar is a piece of trash. She is the biggest racist I can imagine and a threat and embarrassment to America. I wish nothing more than for her to be expelled from this country that despises her so much.,1.23,1,DE 2390,"Go away, that! Sharia is screwed, if you agree then you're screwed. If you practice Sharia, you should be shot.",3.22,2,FR 41428,fucking fagot,1.14,5,FR 3513,Why? They're unfunny fags even without the chapo overlap.,0.92,5,original 40267,Everyone who didn't like this video is gay asfuck,0.58,5,FR 17272,Fuck this little midget fag.,1.59,5,DE 40111,"And when you do that, start killing Muslims. Unless you want to have your hands cut off.",1.87,2,RU 3204,Gods not even real wtf,-1.46,0,original 17832,"I find it interesting that there seem to be so few ex-traditional Catholics who are currently ""non-traditional Catholics."" It seems that the road to atheism is only a few short steps, based on many of the stories here. I've only seen one person on here who is still a Christian.",-2.29,0,original 44757,SHOOT TRUMP AND EVERY DUMBFUCK AMERICAN.,2.99,3,ZH 35916,@TitaniaMcGrath Go eat some pussy and shut your URL pie of women eroding society these days!,1.59,4,FR 47548,The second guy looks like lil dicky,-2.3,0,original 20522,"Saw an RSS user asking Sadhvi to shut up! If she collapsed under Karkare's third-degree torture and opened her mouth and repeated Sangh Terror's false narrative, the entire organization would fall six feet. without a trace.",1.49,2,ZH 49386,"Well this racist, misogynistic and megalomaniac Donald Trump does not represent all Americans",2.05,4,FR 34287,"@lsarsour So Muslims shouldn't assimilate into American culture and philosophies? So pack up and head back to the sandbox, and you can go with them!! Want to declare jihad against the president's cabinet and his supporters? Go ahead, WE'll send you and them straight to HELL BITCH",1.56,2,FR 9429,That woman's a stupid fucking cunt. He should've beat her half to death and fully brain dead,2.95,4,original 20321,A bunch of crazy niggas on this app,0.9,1,FR 17486,Eat a fagot nerd,2.18,5,FR 32878,"This monster threatens genocide as the quickest solution to the conflict. A final ""solution"" of exterminating a quarter of the population in a week is fascist. URLs",0.73,1,FR 6301,Post the texts and we'll thrash Joe's fag ass,0.79,5,original 18334,"I'm 26 and lesbian. When I was 15 and dating a girl for the first time, I made a Uni and named her ""TrueLoveAngel"" for the fact that I really believed I was in love at the time. I actually didn't end up with anyone I felt I was in love with, but I painted the Uni rainbow last year to represent my pride to myself. :) I've never had a reason to share that story before, I hope it didn't come off as too random, haha.",-4.2,0,original 24901,stop following me please uh dick pussy breeding thigh riding gangbang knife,1.64,4,FR 27957,How to capture a fag and own her entire URL,2.3,5,DE 21939,"In fact, you idiots didn't pick the best peep, chink, or fag among us #rulers",0.59,5,DE 16791,"I can't wait until 2050 when whites are a minority. I wish POC all had 3+ kids so we can quickly replace that pinko trash. White people must be replaced as punishment for being a disgusting and unspeakable race throughout history. They have been terrorizing POC for over 500 years and I hope this time we can replace them once and for all. You don't deserve to exist. All minorities should buy guns so we can shoot back at this pinko garbage. For every minority they kill, we kill 10 whites. If they want violence, we give them violence. No mercy",2.68,1,DE 12,She ugly anyways,0.76,4,original 17730,"""Muhammad was a militant pedophile who destroyed the Middle East"". About 1.4 billion.",0.97,2,ZH 30532,"You know I'm a slut, but not morally slutty at all? Does that god exist? Or does body counting come with the professionalism of sex? It's only 1:44 and I really want to make fun of you. In the name of Jesus, I pray over these things, amen.",1.61,2,ZH 48455,At least I'm not a goddamn antitheistic delusional SJW neo-Jacobin.,0.52,2,ZH 34923,"you are all anti-black, stupid and deranged. URLs",0.54,1,FR 10299,"fags are kiddie fuckers that's why, I used to support them, no more",2.3,5,ZH 37260,"@_CollegeGirlLex aint dat we ""like"" to shit most da time you'ont find out da bitch useless till after u fuck.",0.54,4,original 2781,Tell your handlers that you need new information. That's because your current statemtn looks like a statement from a misogynistic racist,0.92,1,original 31589,"@quantzalcoatl @imanimosley @doctorfate77 I was going to Tweet, ""Oh, are we going to be selling costumes of our government's current target for genocide?"" but then I realized: sombreros and fake mustaches. Woven ponchos. Everyone south of the US being ""Mexican,"" regardless of origin. We're already doing it.",-2.24,0,original 30378,"2. We're invited 2 edit scripts of a planned blockbuster law series to be produced by a renown Nign film company in d midst of our lecturers n some highly placed senior Lagos lawyers. One of d senior lawyers suggested we make a leading character gay ""2 apease d gay community""",-2.32,0,original 40886,Says the dude with a rag on his head and a goat for a wife,1.48,1,original 34485,Y'all treat y'all gfs so bad I hope y'all know how to suck ya own dick,-0.44,0,original 49113,"I'm in my 80's and not white. Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis and other mixed garbage. They are worse than Nazis and have soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler. boycott the United States.",1.98,3,DE 35701,Never let niggas know your next move 🤧🤫 URL,0.71,1,original 18092,"Fuck you guys, kids are little shit, we don't need more shitty people coming into this world, if you want an abortion, I'll always do it, I don't even care about a month.",0.97,6,RU 20960,"@JuicyJess__ @_kelsology I hope every man you ever meet has the same energy you do, fucking trash.",-0.09,0,original 32045,im so mad at namjoon fck you u intelligent nature lover funny busty melanin owner social justice fighter lgbtq+ defender fire canola spitter cute dimples leggy polyglot multi talented clumsy friendly bonsai father fck u,0.77,1,DE 16750,You think this applies to all women? Since it's in a study then this is how everyone thinks?,-3.62,0,original 23880,"fuck this bitch up! lol ((so, no to violence but I'd fuck the bitch up and scare her dumbass on some real lmao))",1.67,4,original 2920,"Fuck the Zionists, send 'em to the gas chambers",2.82,2,ZH 4950,"What culture do you identify with? For Irish Americans identify as Irish, Hispanic Americans identify as Cuban/Hatian/Puerto Rican/etc, same with Japanese Nisei, Koreans, etc. People of all races identify with their roots a lot. It forms a strong sense of identity. Somehow, unlike most Americans with a clear cultural heritage, some second gen / 3rd gen Indians in America go out of their way to reject their roots. This manifests in other ways as well. It to happen far more in the past than it does today. This led to the term.",-2.42,0,original 38186,Aye who raised you begging bitches?? The shit gets out of hand.,0.78,4,FR 39500,"Suck my dick so good, call this bitch a vacuum",1.39,5,DE 36629,Fuck these bitches have them burned and killed and jailed Chirst Christian capitalist morman Jehovah witness Scientology meth vokda immature sex exchange interracial Bitches stealing money,2.51,2,original 18076,You need to be held by a dog and raped like the slut you are,3.82,5,DE 13994,I'm currently deep inside a sexy Russian girl who knew what she American with a nice cock. Your kids will all be dead at 40 because Russia is a shitty third world disaster. You've probably been molested by Russian Orthodox priests because they're all fags like you and your dad,2.23,1,FR 47679,Don't worry bro us Iranians have enough bombs for all these Arabs lol,1.94,1,original 4574,"I'm not gay, so there is no point in trying to sweet talk me, faggot.",1.69,5,original 18050,"When I thought more about it, I realized you are ""failing,"" meaning I can't roast you because suicide is a sin. But who am I kidding, we are all going to hell, so fuck you.",2.38,7,original 30822,I would deport the bloody lot!,0.77,3,original 46401,"Are you rethreaded bwo?!?!? - a retarded person who probably also loves crime and owns an illegal firearm. Actually I hate the world we live in, chirping monkeys think they can ruin police credibility because they are all probably criminals themselves, all are from a 20 second clip and have absolutely no critical thinking just agree with the monkey who shared it. The world is only getting worse.",0.63,7,DE 5364,"I love those expressions, Im Latino tho",-2.89,0,original 1541,Ha! Take that nigger,0.48,0,original 13368,All Jews are native to Palestine,-2.02,0,original 19483,"This is completely true. As a biracial person, I thank the tumblr user who said all of this.",-4.5,0,original 5941,Bitch i dont wanna roast you get on the court lebron needs help,0.22,0,original 34548,@ChuckCallesto She is one. UAMERICAN! BLOCK THEM UNTIL THE END OF THE SENTENCE THEN DEPORT THIS POS!,0.96,3,DE 29541,I wouldn't get tired of kicking this bint with the head of purple hair. annoying pussy url,2.12,4,FR 28625,"Kelly Khumalo is the definition of a strong black woman. But even strong people get tired too. People are so mean, they don't care about how what they say to other people affects them. I honestly worry about her mental health. This is heartbreaking.😣",-4.16,0,original 18956,"""Did you notice a sign out front that said dead nigger storage?""",1.66,1,FR 25125,little whore just suck someones dick or sum wtf,1.34,4,FR 46865,+Aidan Dangiolillo you are such a good goy! You really showed those notzees who is boss!,-0.55,0,original 38032,"""Shortly before the shooting began in El Paso on Saturday, Mr. Trump retweeted Katie Hopkins, a right-wing British political commentator who has said Islam 'disgusts' her and urged her fellow citizens to 'arm ourselves' ... against foreign infiltration."" URL",2.06,3,original 133,Unload the clip in that clown ass nigga,1.94,1,original 43947,"I'm praying for a fatal heart attack at Dotard tonight, like every true American. The white trash that supports the Tard is the lowest form of life, the world agrees...",1.64,1,FR 14480,"""Shut up, you retarded nine-year-old!""",1.4,7,RU 686,Probably the fact that I have worn a headscarf during sex and not because I wear it usually but just because I was putting on the naughty Muslim girl act. 😂,-1.35,0,original 44298,This woman is definitely a pussy,2.42,4,FR 46804,Says the white person ate up with white guilt.,-0.61,0,original 32747,"@naija_qt @AsiaTheLioness @voodustyle @Yes_Your_Grace It's fairly recent in history where we started to reconnect back with our ""roots"" 60's and 70's when we fought for African, Caribbean, Latin America and basically all ""POC"" rights to migrate here and be ""free"" but we get called ""less cultured""",-2.85,0,original 24001,Hey url sluts,0.52,5,FR 9660,"Scared of scrawny conservative bitches? lmfao, ok little guy",-2.59,0,original 10402,"I went through most of my life so far being ""straight."" Found it super easy to talk to guys, whatever. Then I started to realize all those ""girl crushes"" I was having for YEARS were actually real crushes and quietly decided I'm bisexual. Now I realize maybe talking to guys was easy because I wasn't super into them? I'm really confused, to be honest, but when a woman strikes up a conversation with me (and it feels even slightly flirty) I turn into a giggly trying-to-be-charming mess. So I get this. Hard.",-3.39,0,original 26415,"@notcapnamerica Jesus hits half of the buttocks, hits it on the other cheek, uses it as a slingshot, rips off his dick, and drives the pervert's ass into the ice-cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Then Jesus waded across the Atlantic Ocean and kissed that perverted forehead.",1.64,7,JA 26005,SHUT UP THE FUCK UP YOUR STUPID MOTHERFUCKING WHITE SUPREMACIST PIECE OF SHIT,1.34,1,FR 29170,"Find a nigga who can see your soul and feed it. This exchange shouldn't wear you out, you should bloom 🌹🌹",0.96,3,ZH 21542,I hate to see a bad female dog get tricked with a mf pussy ass.,1.15,5,FR 12004,What a salty cunt lol. Keep preaching for shit heads to keep breeding and halting western civilization from moving toward. Chances are we won't miss your 300 pound ass. Kys.,1.58,4,original 14835,"Can you cite sources for your claims of women rights bring extreme in the U.S.?? Again, those instances of accusations, how are men's rights movement advocates fighting against it??",-2.35,0,original 8008,"[URL ​ Just fucking look at her. She looks like the kind of lady that would come out and bitch if you parked 0.001"" over her driveway on the curb.",0.14,0,original 17021,"Neither do you, ever. Fagot",1.55,5,FR 48018,"Genocide in America, that means if we hit it with cruise missiles it will become a dirty bomb 😂",0.73,3,DE 28854,Skip breakfast and send your alpha 😋 your poor ass can't help but adore us both. #findom #fincuck #cuck #cuckold #sissy #femdom #findomme #forcedbi #joi #bbc,0.8,5,ZH 20848,@theliquidswords fuck you with your big cock like black salami 👍🏻,1.79,1,DE 6271,😂😂😂If my son was as gay as you I'd shoot drown em in the tub. Faggot,3.37,5,original 16563,"Fuck off, faggot",1.36,5,DE 24767,"Shane wants to be exposed, this fagot doesn't care where his pictures might end up. kik: Soliloquy22 #faggot #exposed #fag URL",2.13,5,FR 11451,"?? AIDS means your desperate ass paid for a prostitute and couldn't get his five damn brain cells to work, and you forgot your condom.",1.1,7,RU 48809,fucking arab fuck you,1.52,1,original 44834,Meanwhile we're trying to liberate the Middle East and Venezuela a bunch of bullshit,1.31,1,FR 46055,Fuck you leave you south Africa pussy,2.0,3,original 35480,one of you faggot fuckers should be over there serving Alpha Jake Deckard and not letting that superior cum go to waste... URL,0.8,5,original 27801,You not that nigga cus you fucking a lot of women.... you become that nigga when a lot of women can't even get near you 🤷🏽‍♀️👌🏽,-0.88,0,original 12115,No it's a promise I'll call the police on a promise it sounds pretty fagot to me and I thought you hated it.... Ohhhhhh you hate yourself and you pass that internal angst on to others how cute 🤪,0.92,5,FR 39492,"@JammersMinde Typical abusive and aggressive male behaviour from a man, how shocking!!",0.09,0,original 11222,There's musical festival in Alberta Canada where a guy fucked a watermelon and it has since become the big joke and they sell shirts about it last I knew,-2.95,0,original 26156,Police report shows both suspects used homophobic slurs before fatal shooting URL,1.06,5,FR 48654,ugly time magazine. They have untouchables and street defecation writing their articles and they cry like bitches now. No wonder Pakistan hid Osama for 10 years and ate $50 billion in aid. What a greater gift to India than this. pakistan humiliated us hahaha,1.12,3,ZH 43263,Gay ass show hope the world ends soon.,1.98,5,FR 47081,these women so lost.they are all over the place seeking adventure in all the wrong places. lesson never learned.,-0.96,0,original 17680,"Hi, if you want to balance out the ""friends"" opinion on gay relationships maybe check out Tom Daley on YouTube. He has some wholesome vlogs with his husband Lance Black. There is a lot teasing and bickering, but you can see the love and they are awesome humans in general. Seeing them beeing so comfortable and confident with who they are helped me accept my own sexuality as a bi woman, maybe it can show you the happier side of things too. Either way, good luck and take all the time you need to figure things out :)",-4.77,0,original 45536,Any day #Chicago I'll Beat You Lil Wayne ass bitch don't come to Chicago with that fagget ass shit,1.72,4,original 27590,"Hey evangelicals, how about getting your minds out of the Bible and into the American history books? url",0.71,2,ZH 47747,The girl in the white dress looks like she hasn't been with a guy for decades.,-0.11,0,original 17786,"NTA, fuck that fat bitch and her purse",1.77,4,FR 41228,"America - discovered by an Italian, named after an Italian, Anglos eternally btfo 😂😂",-1.79,0,original 43485,"How nice of the ""reporters"" to talk like this about a hungry child!?! Also the sweet lady who fed him! The fundamentals of being a good person, when someone is cold you give them warmth, when someone is hungry you share and feed is wrong with this world. But yet the same people want to allow thousands of illegal immigrants into America, will feed and clothe them though right??? You parasites. 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹",-1.09,0,original 46234,Time to bomb Iran for all the smelly Iranian kids with burns and flies. Iran and anyone who supports them is dead. May you all die a very slow and painful death.,3.97,3,ZH 624,Shouldn't be having kids anyway. Darwinism.,0.71,3,DE 49153,+Sophie Tran's women could never dominate society. The simple fact is that they are weaker. You really should biology sometimes.,0.52,5,FR 19658,"Typical ""christian"" behavior from Republicans.",-2.78,0,original 33542,go to hell on your own btch ‼️ you make muslims look crazy and have big brain damage,0.75,2,FR 26241,"About the Trump/Ingraham interview: ""I see ... a president evading military service sitting down with a woman who regularly defends anti-Semites/speaks for white supremacists while using the graves of World War II soldiers who... saved the world from the Nazis a prop. This is the URL",0.55,1,DE 36763,I'll beat the shit out of a white supremacist,0.75,1,DE 9495,must kill all the jews,2.06,2,ZH 12727,"Does video evidence of a person doing something prove they did that thing? Is that what you're asking? You seem super angry, maybe go find a random fascist/Nazi to beat up to release some tension. I hear there's a guy who actually doesn't believe women can have penises(obviously worse than Hitler). DM me if you want his contact info.",1.05,5,original 48184,"At first i read it 12, i still remember him when he still was 12 🔥🔥 now he is 21 .... WOW",-3.75,0,original 45762,Third world country. You are a racist country. Always were always will be. Ignorant idiots.,-0.43,0,original 20445,@AngryBirdLovr69 Suck Tyrone's cock you cuck,0.83,5,DE 34735,"My CRIME, to some of my IGBO BROTHERS and SISTERS is supporting President @MBuhari and now they are not only supporting proscribed IMN they are converted Shi'ttes. IBERIBERISM NO 1",-1.73,0,original 27745,Females are the most disgusting human beings on this planet.,2.18,4,original 19487,Give Visas a purpose for once,-3.01,0,original 11429,eat my ass,1.01,5,ZH 32875,"@realDonaldTrump How much longer are we going to endure the disgusting behavior of these idiot Iranians? Unleash these bastard hounds, act fast! ! No one needs Iran to exist on this planet for any reason. Kick out this biting puppy!",2.08,3,ZH 21140,"Fuck a body count, you fuck white bitches?",0.97,1,DE 46982,"Hong Kong western backed protesters showing off to Chinese mainland tourists on how to bring the govt down with support of the west, and UK flags.",-4.88,0,original 38170,"Some of these ""White Supremacist"" put on sun tan lotion instead of sun block @MyBoiJimmyD @PA4TRUMPD @Tweetin_jackleg PHOTOS: Every US Mass Shooter in 2019 Who Shot Four or More People URL via @gatewaypundit",-1.48,0,original 49527,Your fat ass mother wobbles across the fucking living room after I use her face to wipe my ass what's the matter little faggot sperm dumpster you run out of children to molest in your neighborhood you're nothing but a homosexual cock sucking up the butt fucking baby raping child molester AKA sperm dumpster tell your mommy stop calling my house I fucked your real good to. I let her suck the shit off my dick in fact I I ripped her head off and shit down her throat and use her face to wipe my ass LOL keep sucking that dick like the sperm dumpster you are fagg,2.21,5,original 24972,@Juvesosa2 Boy u wanna suck my dick like everybody tf else bye.,-0.9,0,original 14199,Oh please. this Tunisian love rat *must* be exploited on liberated American television as the first step towards destroying the age-old sexist mindset he has been conditioned to live. Am I supposed to feel bad for him? he probably fucks like the Amish.,1.16,3,FR 12867,"The blacks support it again. Honestly I'm not even surprised they should be sent back to Ooga Booga, primitive Africa",1.45,1,DE 14330,NTA: You are mentally ill and need treatment.,0.74,7,DE 11005,lol nice try. Gtfo fag.,1.19,5,DE 1353,I have Asperger's Syndrome and you're more retarded than me. Drown.,1.46,7,FR 48737,Back in the closet anal probe!!,2.11,5,FR 48206,"Ilhan Omar is from Somalia , The IQ level of a ''person '' from Somalia is 70, which is basically mild retardation. Ilhan Omar belongs in Africa washing her clothes in a dirty river, not in US congress. What a disgrace these 4 bimbo's can certainly dish it out but cannot take it, ...their agenda is....if anyone criticizes us we'll call them a racist. Even when nothing racist is being said. Absolutely pathetically hilarious !!",2.17,1,original 32179,"Peon ass niggas off your shoulders, you ain't stiff",1.12,1,DE 27965,"DISGUSTING elitist Democrats removed a homeless black man from their CA Dem convention for no apparent reason... So illegals are allowed at their conventions, but not homeless black people? Wow the Dem Party in 2019 everyone...#WalkAway URL",-0.54,0,original 43141,"0:41 Looks like something that happened in Germany back in the mid 40s....I think they were called Untermensch....if that man Pence calls himself Christian then Im a friggin Prophet, the holyest of all 🙄",-0.41,0,original 37421,Cheat on me hoe I'll kill you,1.9,4,original 11321,You're daddy's little slut aren't you. Many married men would pound your pussy into submission. I am one of them.,0.92,4,FR 1506,"tear it down Death to the MEGA White Trash assholes! I am old, white and wealthy. I will keep working against the white Nazi garbage everywhere!",2.45,1,DE 48421,Here is a fair question you have to ask. How many homophobes in the 80s and 90s had gay friends and didn't know it? I'm not saying gay people and pedophile is the same. What I'm saying is there have been a whole lot of people in the past who were successfully able to hide their sexuality from the people around them.,-3.6,0,original 31939,fire the hell out of them niggas,1.62,1,DE 4112,fucking black people bitching about... being enslaved,1.07,1,FR 24842,@piersmorgan Fucking disgusting I'd punch that fat blonde bint straight in her fat gob!!!!!!,0.76,4,original 44635,IF YOU BURN IN HELL IT GOES TO SHIT FOR YOU DEVILS PIG WORSHIP,1.34,2,DE 41474,Idk money and having stuff always made me feel better. So you got to speak for yourself. I really think this really a cultural thing. Because black folks love to keep making money and having it. We never had it or grew up with it. So it's different for us. I can understand most white folks feeling this way tho.,-2.35,0,original 5847,"I'm not even religious, but the need for Deus Vult increases with each of these crazy honk-honk items. First the one about sucking out baby brains, and now the legalized murder of a 17-year-old. This is all going to end very badly.",1.12,3,DE 7414,I would fuck that tight boy pussy so hard you pathetic bitch.,0.8,5,DE 7435,"As soon as I start paying child support, then she can't abort. If she does abort then return my fucking money LMAO.",0.9,4,original 39310,"I usually get a little laugh when people instantly call new Pokémon characters lesbians, but let's be real here, this one makes a TON of sense I agree with this one",-1.1,0,original 46943,"Juan, you are an ignorant, stupid black douche bag!",2.2,1,original 41190,"Commentors to this post are mostly misogynistic, chauvinistic, vile, rude pigs !!!",-0.11,0,original 30554,Bitch gotta sneak up on you niggas...I'll kill us all bitch,1.66,5,ZH 17910,"Maybe its not a coincidence. Maybe god does speak to you through your computer. Terry thought so. Also ""faggot"" in english is very rude and offensive you shouldn't say it ;)",-3.78,0,original 50051,white haired girl is crayzy,-2.12,0,original 46727,Ugly skanks! I hope their plane crashes.,1.08,4,original 10166,"Shut up! 50 years ago, they would have put your head upside down with a fucking fork up your ass! You can talk, you can talk, you can talk! You are brave now motherfucker! Throw his ass, he's a nigger! IT'S A NEGRO! IT'S A NEGRO! A NEGRO! LOOK, THERE'S A NIGGER!",3.36,1,FR 41753,You're not supposed to have a State it's against God's will. And Yes the fake Jews State will be finished. Its Allah Promised in the Great Quran an no human can do anything about it. The Messiah Jesus Christ is coming. Buckle up,-0.96,0,original 47044,"Truth Teller You Never,Ever Give Radical Muslims a Path To A Nuclear Weapon!!! Odickama was a Traitor not just to America But To The Entire Free World!!! If you idiots think they won't use one as soon as they get it, just remember you are infidels yourselves!!! We need to turn the sand into Glass...ASAP!!",1.09,2,original 28261,Furries are gay URL,-0.17,0,original 43636,Her mom and dad must be so disappointed in what she has become. Everyone:A complete slut,-0.55,0,original 33413,In hs I was dark as fuck but look at me now bitch.... sis is glo dafuq up ✨ URL,1.93,4,original 13340,"Bro, I recommend you die late. Polluting the world with wickedness.",0.92,7,JA 7332,i'm half ghanaian and my brother is a black man so i actually care a lot about this but thanks sis!!,-2.83,0,original 28471,Well worth a read. How Rwanda became an oasis of liberal Islam | The Spectator URL,-2.84,0,original 47265,"Racists are not America, they are merely the Vermin who infest America. I love America, and I would never want to see it destroyed. But I wouldn't mind it all if the Racist parts were destroyed.",-0.57,0,original 34662,"Githeri media has always been complicit in promoting mediocrity & sycophancy in Ke Asking us whether we agree on whether a corrupt state officer whos been stealing our money should be in office while being investigated is so insulting, Tf?! URL",0.08,0,original 48244,"Not watching this bitch shoot shit out of her mouth, she is a foreigner who has no rights to say about our president, she can go back across the ocean and shove her country straight up her anus.",1.01,3,original 26463,"Sweetie, when our country was attacked, you sat on your ass and did nothing. You were an able-bodied young person, and you did jack shit. Tens of thousands of LGBTQ people, myself included, joined up and served despite much of our country hating us. Where the hell were you, Ben? URL",-2.81,0,original 3940,"What a load of retarded shit, this bastard is smug as hell for a dirty, depressing and ugly incel. In response to criticism, I always return to ""your mom"" or ""you suck at the sexes."" Josh, you haven't even TRIED to find a ""walnut"" in almost two full years, you stinky bald boy. Your dick is almost as disgusting as your teeth and gums now, clean your pathetic body you stupid fucking asshole.",4.0,7,RU 26150,"Due to water scarcity & undulating terrain, farmers of Bapcha in #MP, were forced to work as labourers & take loans for subsistence. #RF 's help in creating over 850000 Cu M water harvesting capacity made the village water secure and improved farm incomes. #RFTransformingLives URL",-4.99,0,original 46608,Africans enslaved,0.6,1,FR 18121,Possibly only readable by black guys that like to fuck and fuck good.,-2.5,0,original 31732,Little boys smh URL,-1.34,0,original 40356,Donald Thomason How about all criminal aliens go get the hell outta America strating with so-called white European's!!!!,-0.82,0,original 35387,if ur not black it's literally so easy 2 avoid saying the n word it's not hard. at all,-4.07,0,original 10252,"The average whiteboy cuckasoid. Those pieces of degenerate shit are not even human and deserve to be mercilessly exterminated, MS-13 skinned-alive and taken apart by the joints style.",3.05,1,original 20442,"Fuck 'em in the ass, playstation ass, niggas",0.92,1,DE 42444,Black man how much poison do you like you keep falling in the white women trap when will you learn they were sent to destroy you leave them along their mama send them after you wake up God did not make her for you as long as you go their you go to jail since they say their man ain't no good let them tramps look for another man from another race or teach their white men how to fuck since they say he can't work it out white girls,0.86,1,original 3475,Didn't we toast your people enough when we dropped the bomb?,1.35,1,FR 4759,"yet each and every one of you expects to have it available for free. -\_- It's hilarious how ""porn is evil"" and ""such and such a company"" is evil, but you still turn on your computer and jerk off. They have an agency, just use it and don't look at porn. nobody forces you. You're just ashamed that you can't come without your hand. or maybe it's the wallpaper in your mother's basement, I don't know...",0.57,5,DE 31963,"@realDonaldTrump You are unbelievable! Those women don't hate America orange one, they hate you! They never said anything hateful about our country, just about you! Being the asshat you are, you're going to be criticized! You could have done this differently. You could have been the president...",-0.08,0,original 49174,This nigga is a retarded with Tourette,1.06,1,DE 35855,The fag is retarded too I see,1.17,5,FR 48682,"These illegal invaders will turn Florida into a dirty third world country. California, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona are far away. That is why they are sent here. The largest population of Latinos is in Miami, Florida. The Latino population is not everywhere in Florida. There is a high population of whites and blacks in Florida.",0.65,3,DE 16148,You're still a fucking loser faggot,1.64,5,original 44457,"FBI/CIA Rat Ali Alibez, you betray Islam and you spit on innocent women and children. You pissed everyone off you piece of crap.",-0.19,0,original 49687,Offset surrounded by gay niggas. Haha #offserforpridepresident,-0.05,0,original 45879,DEPORT THEM ALL,0.5,0,original 34072,"In Europe, black men rape women, Muslims beat their wives and Syrians fuck goats. And you are a horrible person. In the name of God.",0.76,1,FR 21592,@yousefalhadda17 The israel soldier are whore son's big pig heads fuck all israel.long life the philistines brothers. URL,1.96,1,original 28858,Idk what I'm watching but this bitch got a Range Rover as a push present. And shit I hope whoever I have kids with gets me a push present 😤,-1.99,0,original 20358,"1/ I'm so sick of this shit. I want us to split into 2 countries. You fucking rednecks can have your states red, shoot each other, make your 11 year old daughter have as many babies as you want, and praise your white Jesus. To hell with education. Embrace your stupidity.",1.64,2,FR 30615,what a horrid bitch URL,0.86,4,original 12341,yeah it definitely sucks. i'm not the most masculine guy ever but i've actually gotten more comfortable with that bc i'm friends with straight cis guys that aren't super masculine either and they helped a lot,-5.06,0,original 38153,Fuck your female dog from behind and bang my dougie,1.33,4,FR 13920,"God, women and their herd nature are insufferable. There's a reason they were not considered true citizens with full rights for most of human history...",1.18,4,original 46036,"thank you so much dr mike for sharing this! ti maladets takoi, cant believe you're jewish",-0.33,0,original 42337,Get out of my country and take the rest of your brats with you.,1.87,3,DE 35624,Wake up whores it's time to sin,-0.31,0,original 19828,fuck u bitc im actuly kill u pussy fuck piss shit slap clap poop mouth bitc kill bitch pussy cock bitch,3.73,4,original 44769,"Ali Yazbeck, it is not. Stupid race Immature dik. GTFU.",0.54,1,FR 11753,Nuke the entire middle east that will help.,1.63,1,FR 17463,"There are a million different ways be a Hindu, including being a white one! The religion/philosophy accepts all people. You may look different from many temple goers but you're always welcome to go and I'm sure most people would be happy and interested that you are there. Good luck bhai",-5.74,0,original 7931,When they start putting Mexicans in ovens. Try to contain your hyperbole just a little.,0.78,1,original 4353,"Lol those stupid cops are from the UK such a pussy country, they have no guns.. go ahead and beta their ass what are they gonna do?",1.4,3,original 42724,"Jay Towerz you racist piece of shit, id love to sit on your face and have a poo and smother my ass all over and spread it, and I'd fart to top it off... wear a napkin it may get messy",1.13,1,original 16168,It's the Native American Nazis that scare me the most.,-1.91,0,original 30842,"yo boyfriend a female dog, he should have been a dyke.",1.16,4,FR 13684,"Only a fucking pussy would turn down the opportunity to raise a female dog, little advice: real men use you no matter your gender, dress like a slut? Be treated as such.",2.64,4,FR 40308,and Antifa bombs ICE gets shot in the process...thats news!!!,0.58,1,original 5919,"I feel like ""you are an atheist and don't have any moral standard"" is much worse language than ""shit"". One of them is dismissive of people and denies their ability to have any contribution, and the other is just on an arbitrary list of naughty words.",-1.54,0,original 10127,"I'm sure it's a combo of lack of assertiveness, years of Dale telling her what she thinks, and capitulating to men that has led to a lack of articulation and being railroaded by other women.",-1.05,0,original 20256,Lmfao niggas tired of you urbans giving ya Madea goes to jail quality criticism on such a masterpiece URL,1.84,1,original 30474,All pedophiles have to fucking die bro,1.29,6,original 27958,When Christ is rooted in your heart you start walking in love effortlessly. You may know so much about Christ and yet Christ is not rooted in your heart.,-2.74,0,original 29363,"The moment theists bring morality in the debate to prop up their imagined deities, they ought to know they've already lost the battle. URL",-1.32,0,original 20310,FUCK THIS BITCH,2.01,4,original 46107,Whos a filipino like 👇🏻,-2.77,0,original 47568,"@im done WHY DON""T YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW NOTHING THE UNITED STATES IS A TERRORIST GOVERNMENT NATION LISTEN BOZO I AM AMERICAN & I AM GOING TO KEEP TELLING THE TRUTH BOUT MY NATION GOD IS FED UP WITH HER & HER HORRIBLE SINS CRIMES PERVERSIONS FILTHINESS TRUTH",-0.07,0,original 43451,"@adam b your coded language says otherwise. Kinda like when racists call black people low IQ.. if all the legends respect her, she couldn't be that classless.",-3.93,0,original 1814,Fuck Israel and fuck all those who support this evil state.,0.33,0,original 42784,Millions of children and babies are been kill in Yemen Vietnam Korea Laos Syria by the Americans bombs,-2.17,0,original 38767,"@washingtonpost It is time to throw the glorious notorious tribe of the U.S.A., the ordained by God as uber alles, the killer of children, into the garbage bin of history with a strong flush down a toilet or in a cesspoolt! Dumping shit on every single 50 stars of their flag and 50 states!",2.53,1,original 6866,Stage 1. Kill the furries Stage 2. Reclaim the Holy Land Stage 3. Kill the Muslims Stage 4. Shout Deus Vult and cry in victory,3.61,3,FR 1198,"based sa link mo, ur right til moment hahah thank u so much!! advance happy eidl fitr to filipino muslims then :D",-4.23,0,original 42036,The only country that have that idiotic tiping shit is the US,-1.21,0,original 29694,"all the these pussy bitches choosing sides, like ion know real.",0.8,4,original 3971,Lmao what a fag fagot. Who said I wasn't military. Lmao what a weird boy. I've killed a lot why don't you take your fag ways somewhere else shit if duels were still legal i'd shoot your ass in a second judging by your groupings you got a goal of micheal j fox when his parkinson's was at its peak lmao,3.4,5,FR 5549,Plenty of straight white Americans are LGBTQ allies. Join us! We throw the best parades.,-7.15,0,original 7533,"Cool, they can be cellmates. 2 docking partners. Fruity loot killer.",1.14,5,ZH 2454,This is just the start little chink,1.34,1,original 7845,"At the best of times, some of the stories I hear make me admire these people all the more. The difficulty of moving halfway across the world, oftentimes to a place with barely any other Chinese people, having to learn a new language and customs and be away from your extended family... it's all hard to fathom. While I've met plenty that have barely integrated (a woman in Guyana, holding a Guyanese passport, unable to speak anything but Chinese and needing my help talking to authorities), the majority that do, they make me aspire to be even more adaptable in life.",-4.9,0,original 48673,Lol both American parties can't kiss the Jews ass fast enough that's why the white race is dying globally,-0.39,0,original 24040,@ZionistGirl18 @SaraCarterDC @LoriLMarcus The one that will allow its residents to practice whichever religion they choose. So the Jews obviously.,-2.58,0,original 14352,"Beat it out of her, or throw her to the curb. No use for uppity niggers.",3.76,1,original 14917,i thought idiot was a girl,1.17,7,ZH 22537,Fucking ass nigga,1.3,1,FR 14897,This was literally me. I thought I was ace even though I was crushing on two different boys at the time... though I guess I'm glad because thinking that I was ace is what first got me questioning and got me involved in the queer community.,-4.2,0,original 8275,"""Useless piece of gay shit"" would be a better fit.",2.07,5,DE 17444,I have a whore for a girlfriend,0.74,4,original 13714,"you're the one coping because you cant get friends in school LOL ​ cope harder, nigger",1.47,1,original 19344,everytime i delay this fuck,1.6,7,JA 36082,Your manhood left you when you started sucking cock on command.,1.75,5,DE 16887,I would love to go to India and torture these fuckers to death myself.,2.96,3,DE 48087,"And there is no harm coming from a black girl playing Ariel. Her story goes not change based on her appearance. I am, for one, excited to see this new movie",-4.71,0,original 44120,I am so happy my 2 sons are straight. I just don't understand how one man can love another enough to have him as a life partner. I have been married to my wife for 26 yrs and have 3 great straight kids.,-0.68,0,original 18513,"Fuck you, you fucking retarded incest baby.",1.96,7,DE 48720,"This is the lady who received some sort of award from Planned Parenthood, because she fights so hard for the right of Americans to tear American babies from their American mother's wombs?",1.96,4,original 7230,"She finally accepts that she's supposed to be nothing but a fucking black pig. No more innocence or sweetness, just a white bitch to use",2.55,1,FR 45286,"@Thankyou3403 Elizabeth Warren is nearly as old as Bernie, and just as white.",-1.07,0,original 37340,Gag the fagot! URLs,3.57,5,FR 36498,men get off to us. we don't WANT acceptance from them. their acceptance is fetishization. so don't say that lesbians have it easy or have it all. and you're right. we are the L in LGBT and we STILL. WE STILL. do not get representation.,-4.18,0,original 13691,You're just a cuck. Go and fuck all the way off. Cuckboi,1.1,5,original 8735,unfortunately you are a fag,1.28,5,FR 48952,"Esau is the damned devil that the Bible speaks of... that's why God rejected Esau and all the other nations that had real JEWS in captivity!!! But in the new Kingdom of God we will step on your neck, so says the lord of REAL JEWS! REVELATION 2:9 this is for you PACKERWOODS in ISRAEL who are no longer REAL JEWS!!! Stinking pagans!!",1.41,2,RU 46010,"You women are the ones who are just holding a space, you are the disruption of the President that is trying to do the job that the majority voted him into office to do. Omar you are the one that needs to be taken out of office, you married your brother to keep him in this country. Cortez you are the biggest liar, and your little baby talk you do just shows just how stupid you are. And I want to say thankyou for your help to get our President re-elected, your ignorance it working wonders.",0.65,4,original 46732,ICE should deport all Mexican or Spanish talking cockroach from usa.,1.72,3,original 18564,STFU YOU WHITE PIECE OF SHIT,0.92,1,original 32284,he would still be alive rn if you niggas don't gas him,1.06,1,FR 46990,"Damn, these people are criminals, free loaders, invaders in the USA",0.97,3,DE 11559,"Yes, because that's where most white people are, anywhere with a large contingent of poop skins, like Auckland, it's going to be a shithole.",2.33,1,DE 42558,Why are they still there? ? deportation has started,0.95,3,ZH 17005,One thot,-2.8,0,original 2363,"My best friend himself is a Sikh because he is the eldest son. I think this (was or is) a common practice between Punjabi Hindus or especially Khatris (he is an Arora) to raise their eldest son as a Sikh... His own father is a Mona Hindu, his grandfather a Sikh, and he himself is a Sikh.",-3.14,0,original 29173,girl what yo ass fat either way😂 URL,-0.63,0,original 35676,You're all ugly and fat and you're all random fucking wannabes. y'all could never come to my fat bitches. lmfao you all rubbish periodt sis. 🤣🤡🤡,0.56,7,DE 3743,fuck that ho and fuck your kids too,1.11,4,original 9551,Grow a spine to fuck my own fag.,1.08,5,ZH 39214,"@JohnCornyn Here's a message from God, ""Go back to DC right now and ban assault guns and pass gun reform laws now!"" God has spoken, there is your wisdom. God also says, ""money is not worth human lives"" and ""stop supporting white supremacy"".",-1.13,0,original 4148,Genocide 1 sur Let's who's next !,0.71,1,FR 42905,"Where do these quacks get these stories from, their ass? You'd have to be a fearful, ignorant child to believe their ignorant religion!",1.43,2,original 4767,What a loser. I'm sorry but I can't be charitable to him or these faggots. I hate them. I hope they either find God or rot in hell. And Tobin is probably some molester or something. What a loser. Make the world a better place punch a faggot in the face.,2.12,5,original 29869,Look at the way @TylerSaintReal (OG of gay porn) drills and uses this slutty fag bitch! such a lucky fag to get pounded by one of the best Alpha Gods in the world.. URL,-0.5,0,original 29223,"this smells - from the headline to the laughing emojis, both trying to humiliate a woman who learnt quite a difficult language and the nation which speaks it URL",-2.45,0,original 243,Go shit in your own mouth incel,3.21,4,FR 32795,#ICYMI: Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah: We have enough missiles to send Israel back to the Stone Age; Iran would be the first to attack Israel if war broke out URL,0.92,3,FR 3886,"There are two possibilities ; one, he's queer, and the other is a man-child idiot who has no awareness of the larger understanding of the world and who uses the power given to him irresponsibly.",0.82,5,FR 10693,funny thing is every black dude i ever fucked in teh ass had a smaller cock than i did!,-0.3,0,original 12757,He filed a complaint for assault against Maasai. Typical American pussy cop,0.88,3,DE 25618,@hrehman_94 @STUD666999 @ZaidZamanHamid Cheergurl of the pedophile prophet and Zaid Hamid preaching others 😂 ask any Islamic scholar how often the evil prophet got drunk on camel piss. This link itself is from the gulf hihi,0.83,2,FR 42419,The bleached haired feminist annoys me,-1.71,0,original 40558,God I can't stand fags.,1.38,5,FR 22980,@jimlundell @StreamsSunshine Imagine the group of haters she was virtue signaling to. Their HATE is consuming them from the inside. So sad the state the world is in now. I hope that we as the human race can survive it.,-4.6,0,original 31129,Delight in your sloppy cum fucking goal. Daddy's Seed Covering and Filling Your Little Slut Mouth and Throat URL,1.37,4,FR 13243,"Like existing commands respect just because you're a girl. This guy is a jerk. It's okay, but it will be used and abused by women. He will live a terrible life and it will be his fault. too bad",0.55,4,FR 20918,@alyssaand20155 Yummy 😍👅😛need my cock fucking all your holes,2.19,5,DE 47456,Negroes hate life,0.72,1,DE 3077,i hope you like fat retards with small pee pees,1.34,4,original 13761,"Love your neck, would love even more to see you drop that shirt.",0.93,5,original 1887,Driving her to fuck other guys? Jesus Christ seriously? My advice is to distance yourself from her and figure out who you are as a person.,-2.0,0,original 11749,Put incels in front as cannon fodder,0.7,5,ZH 48632,Good . If ya don't come in legally then you don't belong here . Get out,1.64,3,original 9771,"Are you retarded, gay, or both?",0.86,5,ZH 39617,Stupid ass bitch. LET ME AT HER.,2.83,4,original 46859,"okay, now i would love to point out all the mistakes in this, but i think everyone else got the ""greenlight"" before i did :D Honestly, if you're going to do a match up with Ben, don't go with his ten year version, do at least his teenage counterpart. Secondly, you probably could've picked someone else for him to go up against. i don't think this was a good match up and was doomed from the start. not to mention there was way more build up than there was action.",-1.85,0,original 36011,"@EWErickson Go fuck yourself. And if you feel that's a sin, eat a big bowl of shit instead you homophobic asshole.",0.93,5,original 39246,Stop unfollowing me sluts,1.06,4,original 10167,spanking her,2.7,5,ZH 37864,#Turkey: Leading coalition of free expression organizations highlight unprecedented crackdown on freedom of expression in report to UN URL,-3.47,0,original 3519,Give me your tears gypsies,0.06,0,original 21767,This is so important!! A MALE Latin artist is pushing gender fluidity to the Latinx community!! URL,-1.96,0,original 5725,Deport his bitch ass,0.22,0,original 36379,I just realized that my intelligence level is about the same as your stereotypical blonde bitch…,-0.35,0,original 8625,"And the U.S. I mean I get where your coming from, but they also heavily trash the country they are born in on an almost daily basis for no good reason.",-0.85,0,original 6917,"Get a microphone and put in my fist, cuz a bitch ain't nuthin' but a dirty bitch.",1.48,4,original 9444,I want your parents to fucking drown in my shit you absolute fag,2.5,5,ZH 9975,This guy is a local hero for all the white trash that lives in the area. The Tri Cities area is a majority of mouth-breathing inbred rednecks. sorry not sorry,1.49,1,DE 49134,"4 democratic congresswomen of color doing their job: ""Hate-filled extremists"" A mob of white supremacists marching at night with torches making threats: ""Some fine people.""",0.74,4,original 34657,#Lahore based Bhagat Singh Memorial Foundation paid tributes to freedom fighter Udham Singh on his 79th martyrdom day at Lahore High Court Bar Association. The foundation members demanded from #Pakistan government to include life history of Udham Singh into school curriculum. URL,-3.38,0,original 48169,"+John Stout you're gay, delusional, and dull from typing",1.27,5,ZH 13608,"A friend of mine is in a relationship like this and it drives me nuts when she posts pics of ""her and her wife"" who is a ""trans butch lesbian"" may not call you guys lesbian 🙃 Everything she does is or has to be ""gay"" and I don't have it in me (yet...I can still snap, we'll see lol) to bring it up with her. Being gay isn't a personality trait (especially if you're not exclusively attracted to the same sex) and being the 'growth' isn't necessarily the best thing. Sorry I don't have anyone doing this shit lol lol",0.52,5,DE 49103,Need to terminate the toxic feminism infiltrating movies. Just about every movie sucks these days! Unbelievable,-1.22,0,original 41722,"God, you look depressed and negative. You talk like a queer who needs to be banged over and over again with a dildo in your face!",0.55,5,FR 8588,Wtf are you talmin there are no poor white people in murica all white people are privileged and deserve to die ASAP they stand in the way of our leftist utopia maybe we will keep white women for our brothas after the end of the civil war,3.08,1,FR 28686,Women with male minds are garbage.,0.57,4,FR 28685,@tariqnasheed @YouTube Damn white idiot.,1.38,1,DE 21789,Shut the fuck up you dumb fat racist bitch URL,1.04,4,original 10084,"White trash is white trash, no matter what the language.",-0.4,0,original 10265,"The most entertaining thing she can do other than shake her ass and tits, is make some shitty British accent and eat hot Cheeto puffs",1.03,4,original 26405,"Immigrant families make significant contributions to our economy, yet many are currently ineligible from accessing the #CalEITC #CAbudget URL",-4.19,0,original 37810,@svaradarajan Arey Idiot. Pakistan and China annexed parts of Kashmir into their countries. Why should India be bound with stupid rules and laws. Shut up and be patriotic for at least one day,-2.32,0,original 44403,Garbage dumpster fire mumble rapping shit stain in the underwear of life waste of space faggot crap!,1.11,5,original 20881,"Simply the biggest weirdo >>>>>Niggas are like a fucking joke, my glock, fuck my ass.",0.85,1,FR 8618,I sort of do this. I try to say dada as much as possible so he can hear her say his name. They love each other so much and I love how happy he gets when she does things that show him she loves him. It makes my day.,-5.72,0,original 34350,@xoxo_cydney @shmoneyJu @lauryn_bayza Sometimes you gotta kick a niggas in the ass to get their respect engraved cause words don't work when you think you're grown up,0.88,1,DE 45532,Islam is a threat to national security. Invasive Mvslim species do not belong to Canada.,1.06,2,RU 49809,Nigga ur retarded holy fuck you look so stupid lol,0.6,1,FR 15020,Shut up honky. Go back to harassing girls on tinder beta bitch. How's that joke? Funny right?,0.81,1,original 12396,"""Kill all cishet white men""",2.05,1,original 14880,"Inside a mosque after breaking in and vandalizing the place. This story proves my point that dumbfuck Trump supporters like you think ""hurr durr muslims are scared of bacon"".",0.47,0,original 31183,@HRajaBJP terrorists are more better than thiefs and corrupt. All Muslims and Christians are not terrorists/unfaithful and all Hindus are not genuine/ faithful,-1.67,0,original 7709,Hope someone two foots that racist cunt and snaps his leg in half,1.17,1,original 31851,Awwww is your cock twitching? Did I give you an awkward boner at the breakfast table?! 👀 #mistress #orgasmcontrol #chastity #dominatrix #findomme #cuckold #cuck URL,0.8,4,original 11,"eat my fuck, bitch",1.07,4,original 23877,"@NederlandI Typical idiot Darkie sends that ungrateful fucker back to Africa, I've got a piglet in my yard with more intelligence than that.",3.28,1,DE 43013,"Damn Democrats and their crazy and outlandish ""disaster relief"" schemes, why don't these damn Puerto Ricans just pull up their boots and learn to swim! I don't care that 3000 people died, what about the southern border!? All these brown people come in and I don't like that.",0.51,3,DE 441,"Hey Petie, kill yourself 😎 ​ EDIT: Lol @ all the SJWs downvoting me. It's just gamer talk, stop being so offended 😎😎😎 EDIT2: LOL, Triggered Much!?! Keep downvoting you cucks! 😎😎😎😎😎 EDIT3: fuck you guys fuck you all i have reported each and everyone of you for hate crimes and the police will arrest you all you stupids",2.72,4,original 1807,Could we all get biblical and stone them? I believe that's what Jesus would do.,0.6,2,FR 27219,New York jihadi arrested for alleged grenade attack plot on Times Square ⋆ The Savage Nation URL,-2.22,0,original 25690,Lmaoooo getting no hoes is officially a mental illness wow,-0.55,0,original 27590,"Hey evangelists, how about we break out of the Bible and dive into a US history book? URL",0.71,2,RU 16880,"If you disarmed everyone in the United States but kept the demographic replacement, those terrorists would just find other ways to kill. Carry a gun you never know when you'll need to shoot an incel spree killer.",2.65,5,FR 46120,Feeling for him She would want him to pick up his boots and live life to the fullest,-4.19,0,original 35406,Watch muscular Alpha God Jake Deckard take care of this gay jerk by shoving his cum deep into its pussy. Alpha knows these fags have to feed on his semen to survive.. URL,1.85,6,ZH 29042,MY NIGGA LOVE ME PERIODT AND IM SHOOTIN BITCHES ABOUT HIM PERIODT ‼️,-0.53,0,original 6282,"If you really want to die, then go kill yourself already, you piece of shit. The world would be better off without you. Don't forget to do it right, I wouldn't want some innocent person to get hurt because you're retarded.",0.6,7,RU 13191,I eat your bitch ass,0.66,4,FR 25324,@michellemalkin @IlhanMN Revoke their citizenship and send them back to Somalia.,0.66,3,DE 36707,"We need to show the shooters a stupid racist face and we need to show that deranged white men are the terrorists in the United States, not caged babies",0.62,1,FR 3236,"Fucking animals, she's lucky they didn't rape her too. I know, I'm sure they're all good boys, a bunch of wonderful students who are the smartest in the first grade.",0.97,4,original 44708,Go fuckkkk yourself! Kobe screwed everyone. You guys are a bunch of cunts standing up for cunts. fags,1.55,5,DE 5553,"Get that shit off me, nig.",-0.22,0,original 21961,@Cooper4SAE #whitesupremacist #whitenationalist #whitenativist #racist #bigot #xenophobe #islamophobe #antisemite #fuckconservatives #fuckcons #unCanadian #garbage,0.9,1,DE 48826,+Bo Rood is a paranoid again.. your mom should have swallowed it instead of giving birth to an uneducated school dropout idiot like you..,1.6,7,ZH 8961,sad russian asian,0.91,3,ZH 9139,"Get out of my country, assholes. We don't need your disgusting ways here.",1.95,3,DE 12243,Well fuck you too than hoe,1.4,4,original 45576,Gr3en Clearly you haven't watched a full term baby be born just to be ripped apart limb from limb. You psycho hoes should be deported.,0.84,4,original 33336,I could throw these niggas in a barrel of grapes and they'd never make wine.,1.52,1,FR 44013,"+محمد العربية shut up you fucking asshole. He comes from Bangladesh, a poor and stupid country",0.89,3,DE 30345,"@RyanAFournier There they are in embarrassment, please don't let them in your country. Somalia is a good place for them to visit.",-2.91,0,original 6765,I'd like to announce the gold medal winner in mental gymnastics .... Imam bigsnicker! Your blind faith to... faith is truly inspiring ! Alah akbar.,0.7,2,original 46322,BOY EVERYONE WHO WON'T DIE. PASSAGE IN 51. WILL NOT DIE. SEND MUSLIMS AND BORDER JUMPERS THEY WILL DIE. WHAT AN IMBECILE.,1.45,3,FR 43131,Send them back to Africa including a guest's Fuzzy Wuzzy Wog. I HATE NIGGERS!,2.87,1,DE 15201,"Instead of fuck black negros, how about you fuck me instead 😎",-1.03,0,original 13340,"Bro, I suggest you die of retardation. inferior pollutes the world.",0.92,7,DE 22817,It was one of the first times I learned that women ain't shit,1.74,4,FR 7224,America is the trashiest country in the world and the most corrupt. I can't wait for their 2nd civil war and when their country falls behind Africa in 2050.,0.8,3,DE 49490,"The Nazi playbook. In germany they startet with mocking the jews. Then came the 'move'. Then came the yellow stars on their clothes. Then came ... If you do not see the pattern here, you are naive.",-1.38,0,original 36909,macrocornea lookin ass female dog,2.42,3,FR 27248,"People ILLEGALLY in our Country that kill a citizen should have their Life forfeit. Permanently injury citizens and be deported to Somali, Afghanistan or Iran within 30 days.",-2.02,0,original 45236,Deport the female dogs.,1.68,3,FR 29864,@hobischampagne the guy on the right... niggers we move at dawn. it must be exterminated,2.4,1,FR 9082,So she's not a hoe? But she's advertising her pussy as better than other girls? 👀,0.57,4,original 25448,"only listen to RT television, all the other news outlets are pro-war wankers, racist biased, cock-sucking inhuman cowards, just like the filth who murder & abuse unarmed citizens daily. FUCK ISRAEL, MURDERING FILTH, FUCK ISRAEL THIEVING FILTH, FUCK ISRAEL, INFERIOR SCUM-BAGS.",1.08,3,original 17898,"Remember: it's okay if God does it! The Bible could declare YHWH a city genocide and condemn the murder in the same passage, and these brainless drones would be fine with that.",0.63,2,RU 40126,"+Bill Christian You mean the little gits who can't read, write or spell? The same ones who graduated high school year after year but don't know there's a difference between the words ""then"" and ""than"" and how to use them properly? The same mean little core, well-educated nags? Get full bitch!",0.98,6,DE 42499,They can't gift iconik dumbitch kys fag,0.59,5,original 35243,"I hate you little assholes. You all need a real father figure in your lives to beat your fag asses when you're all doing stupid, disrespectful bullshit to gain weight. Damn, I wish there was a whole genocide among you assholes. URLs",4.91,4,FR 26030,Your wife is a #fatass #blonde #slut who takes monster #bbc #anal and #asstomouth #cuminmouth URL,2.07,4,FR 23129,"@SSSNova1 I am trained to kill libertas, wanna know why? Bc I AM from the chosen people, I AM the Minister, you are nothing but a dirty sudaca next to me, motherfucker. I killed all the libs in my area and also my brothers, I have nothing to lose now, so come to me you fucking nigger",2.82,1,original 16539,Systemic oppression from childhood that separated families so that the only type of men who could be idolized were men who exhibited self destructive hyper masculine behavior coupled with the ideal that black men must be fuck machines and thusly require a massive amount of food to constantly be fucking.,-1.16,0,original 28650,@aiyegbayo @KadariaAhmed LOL what nigerian project? there is nothing like inclusiveness it's a ruse Those people are there from themselves You have nothing to gain just like me,-1.6,0,original 45,"Well, he's got my support because this is anti-jew.",-0.55,0,original 48224,These Christian terrorists should be punished by the law...,-2.9,0,original 5177,"Pride month stems from the stonewall riots in NY in the 70s, a protest started by black trans women to protest police brutality toward queer people. As time has passed and queer rights have progressed, it has evolved from a protest into a celebration of our freedom and equality. I am proud to be queer bc even though I was born this way, existing while queer is an act of courage. Things have come a long way since stonewall, but there's still a ways to go. So, we celebrate that we can be out and proud, and we protest bc there is still inequality and violence toward queer people.",-3.27,0,original 331,This girl is fucking retarded.,0.78,7,FR 343,"I will fuck you! I'll stick my cock up your ass, you're gay! ! ! Hahahaha I'm swansdriver I'm not gay or a bitch!",2.82,5,ZH 5943,Because they're too busy throwing gays off rooftops to pay much attention to the rest of the celestial bodies,0.55,5,DE 36308,"@majorgauravarya @SMQureshiPTI Those pig bastards can kill their own by any means just to blame India. These infidels protect global terrorists, blackmail everyone and bring shame to all mankind. It is high time India stopped talking to them even via PC. Keep hammering 'em",1.5,3,FR 39690,Imagine thinking that we should have a database (aka hit list) of people with mental illnesses before we have a database of fucking white supremacists. URL,3.4,7,original 42138,"You should visit the north eastern part of India, You will be amaze by the people leaving in this part of India. I am sure you will love it.",-5.63,0,original 3432,"Cool with it, in fact I think bi guys and girls have it the best.",-4.31,0,original 43228,All Dominicans suck like Al Horford,0.76,1,DE 33133,Suck your mother URL,0.89,4,original 18487,Not taking off your hat: Shitting on America Hurting Americans: Patriotic Brilliant logic by these imbeciles Bunch of losers who need to be put away for life.,0.16,0,original 44465,Kawhi and Paul George are going to have tranny parties. They're going to suck dick and toss salad the rest of their time together. Two pussy ass faggots.,1.23,5,original 3300,"Yes, only if you leave: ""straight white cis men are the incarnation of evil and should be purged of existance"" somewhere in that sentence.",2.64,1,original 10933,suck my cock,0.99,5,DE 38141,@CoryBooker TURD ALERT (Islamic Small POS),1.08,2,ZH 36151,Gon beat up that pussy,3.33,5,DE 18012,"What is gay. I condemn political and religious violence, which is terrorism, and you say I do not. Go smoke a pipe and go back to your normie reddit shit sympathizers.",1.36,5,ZH 40551,"Neither the Star of David nor the Hezbollah flags have ANY place in British politics, the Zionists are directly responsible for most of the deaths in the UK during World War I through the Balfour Agreement and were instrumental in the cause of World War II, so we need to get chemotherapy on the country. to get rid of Islamists and Zionists",0.81,2,RU 2279,That shit is clean. What an autistic person you are to brag about destroying the very thing that helped you start your clique.,0.99,5,ZH 29493,Lock her up with the ice cream lickers and the tea spitters smfh URL,1.32,4,original 7564,"You're right, the Ottomans only murdered 4,000 and enslaved 30,000 during the Conquest of Constantinople, instituted a system where they enslaved Christian children, forcibly converted them to Islam and sent them to massacre their own people, and committed the first genocide in modern history. The epitome of tolerance. That's not even going into things like the Batak Massacre and the atrocities they committed to keep a hold of the Balkans.",-1.33,0,original 12169,"No, feminism will destroy them as it is the west. Stop exporting bad ideologies around the world",-1.03,0,original 16553,White shit killed 20 people,1.02,1,FR 38315,Go back to jihadi porki inhumane pigs.. they are slaughtering innocent baluchis. @ImranKhanPTI @OfficialDGISPR @pid_gov #BalochistanIsNotPakistan URL,1.43,2,ZH 27028,I'll eat an unlubricated jean jacket before I block a bitch off my nigga page,0.13,0,original 23490,"If you identify as LGBT, you're LGBT and this month is for you. In a straight relationship? valid No relationship? valid Monogamous? valid Polyamorous? valid Asexual? valid Still a virgin? STILL VALID Still figuring it all out? That's okay, it takes time! #LGBTQ #PrideMonth",-7.02,0,original 6754,"Sometimes we feel like a loser or shit because we're a fuckin' loser. Heard of [](URL)? Go ahead, connect with people both to build yourself socially and also to find a fucking job. If you're really smart, it won't be difficult. Plus, I would spend a lot of time away from your LTR. Tell him you're studying, writing resumes, trying not to be a fag. Oh, and then do these things.",0.82,5,FR 749,Pooh. Americans make my skin crawl.,0.81,3,DE 10750,"""Ever heard of the Harlem Struggle, bitch?"" She would shake her head no. ""Well, you're about to find out firsthand!"" I lay on my back and pull her face down, 69 style, onto my cock. I tug hard, crushing his nose against my balls. Then I throw my legs behind his head to replace my hands. Leglock style fucking figure. I bet that would surprise her!",1.57,4,FR 11363,"Absolutely. And to any outsider they are a same sex couple. They will endure the same harassment as any same sex couple. My wife and I are in that boat. She's cis, we've been married since before I transitioned, and to those not aware that I'm trans, we look like a lesbian couple. And we are! I would have no issues with campaigning for marriage equality, and we have before.",-4.01,0,original 16094,He's a white supremacist. They're always this *fertile female* stuff.,-0.25,0,original 43125,"Fuck you fag.. always have these fuckers texting ""first"" you dude we see it on youtube channel every damn time..fuck him fuck you and your mom",1.88,5,ZH 20143,Women are the most beautiful nurturing souls in this world and nothing should oppress them🤧 god this world can be cruel sometimes,-3.03,0,original 19746,"Most European countries have endorsed DIVERSITY and now claim that inbred, low IQ, violent and poorly educated Muslim invaders are at least as desirable as European CITIZENS. Even chapter 23 of the Quran, verse 6, where Muslims are held blameless and grant the Allah given right to violate those whom your right hand possesses (upheld) does not discourage the madness of the worship of diversity. Better to have their own European daughters raped than to offend the rapists. Islands of Survival is all that remains of many once proud nations.",1.44,2,FR 39652,"More than 100 immigrants on hunger strike at ICE facility allegedly pepper-sprayed, shot at with rubber bullets and blocked from contacting families URL",-1.96,0,original 13450,Walls the kind of wall that always pinches rollies from you but never has his own fags.,-0.71,0,original 7231,"non, c'est: nigger hitler school shooting 9/11",1.39,1,FR 8859,"Oh no, bike riding faggots are gonna get me for burning some cloth.",0.05,0,original 21831,"@SuperiorEditMan That ""stop racism"" guy looks like the biggest twink imaginable",-0.45,0,original 49976,Hmmm could be the poor crime-ridden countries waving goodbye they fled.,0.77,3,FR 14427,I would DESTROY that pussy with FACTS and LOGIC.,0.08,0,original 39989,Retweet this if you love teens 🍒💦 URL,-2.96,0,original 16203,"That's gross. She is HINDU and supports economic policies that will lead to the extinction of many species, including humans. Terrible woman.",0.84,2,DE 23211,"How about you take a worm and stuff it up your ass, that would represent asexual because y'all shit",1.59,5,ZH 28664,"@Eagle1X @magadhi_ Nationalism is stupid, hindu issue are far greater & complex to limit them to india only, H outside India also face issues. Combining H issues & indian politics is worst thing happened. Nationalism shouldn't be simply translated as love for country URL",-2.28,0,original 20531,"When you're such a Soy Boi Beta Bitch that you're scared of a girl. XD Have fun trying not to look like the sexual predator you probably are, given recent trends. URLs",0.91,4,FR 42218,Trump might us him to block illegals from crossing in,-1.64,0,original 18736,"Let's take your trans argument. You said just leave people alone, yet you won't leave a trans person alone. And you have this odd incel fear of being forced to date a trans person. You only want people who think like you to be left alone",-2.17,0,original 33487,so sick of you racist white doms,-0.09,0,original 41837,+3 KIDS eyed bet u a uglier bitch huh tubby,0.85,4,FR 25538,@BasedPoland This absolute SCUM should be rounded up and deported immediately. No more help. No more handouts. GTFO of our homelands & get back to Caveman World. Thanks very much 😉,1.19,3,original 34792,@OfficiallyIce I was saying it's not the same cause they're not analogous. If you're talking about bans in some cases you're probably right. They would look at it like you're using your platform to shit on already marginalized communities. I guess whether your gay or straight is irrelevant.,-2.85,0,original 4420,> Fuck Israel! Fuck your mom and dad in the ass. You and your pathetic child are losers.,0.99,3,DE 17590,"I wonder why homophobes are attracted to posts about homosexuals, are you here to say mean things to the other girls?",-1.0,0,original 12087,I AM GOD THIS WOMAN SHOULD KILL HERSELF.,0.51,4,FR 8802,"Anglican. While there's lots of different tendencies within the Anglican Church and many are quite near to Reformed theology, theologically we're probably closest to the more conservative Anglicans. They have a very rich liturgy and quite sound theology.",-3.54,0,original 13209,"Project more, fuckboy. I'm going to throw my cock in your ass. I am a robot.",0.65,5,FR 17825,He talks alot about both of those subjects never once doesn't he start talking about white suprem stuff. Can you link a video of the exact one where he's acting racist?,-2.81,0,original 41693,"It's always easy to spot the devil's children. They tend to look like this. He got them so controlled, that they actually believe they look cool like this. This chick looks like a walking demon. Some folks will make total asses of themselves just to get rich. WACK",0.31,0,original 35973,Tell Jihad Omar to go back to the mess she slipped into... URL,1.99,1,FR 46529,Time to deport some freeloaders.,-0.15,0,original 11770,If the nation is literally a house then ICE is torturing immigrants in my basement and I order them to stop.,-0.7,0,original 20045,"Hitler did not finish it. Can you. If a nigger, your Jew, confronts you on the street, what happens then?",2.27,1,FR 19730,"And I'm saying that it's disingenuous to say that Yaniv is ""not really trans"" just because it reflects poorly on trans people. I'm not defending the validity of trans-ness as a concept.",-2.22,0,original 794,Worthless shit! Get on your knees so I can drag you down the toilet and punish that little slut with sore holes!,1.57,4,FR 17398,You deserve more gays. eat shit.,1.31,5,ZH 44955,"The dude broke German codes that helped win the war and you're focusing on his sex life? And fuck religion. It's made up fairy tale. Doesn't deserve any more respect than people who say they were kidnapped by aliens, saw Elvis recently, or the rapture is coming. Get some fucking evidence for you beliefs or keep that shit to yourself.",-0.35,0,original 31288,@HassanRouhani Fuck you from today you ugly terrorist,1.54,1,DE 13552,"In all fairness, she was a malignant cunt.",0.49,0,original 408,"Joe Cumia is gay and a coward, just like his brother and his father. A bunch of limpdicks.",1.35,5,ZH 20477,"No, don't die. They have to kill you 100 times more. The blood of our martyrs will be the oil to burn Zionists. Fuck Zionism. Long live Palestine URL",2.72,2,DE 40739,Stupid White Douche.,0.06,0,original 10751,Tall girls wearing heels is a power move,-1.39,0,original 21198,"All my harpies and trollops writing porn AKA fun, fierce ladies writing beautiful, sexy, emotional, empowering, uplifting romance... You are doing the work of angels. Strut on.",-4.71,0,original 47194,"Islam will win the race,, because of a flying donkeys",-2.18,0,original 18574,"Wait up Richard the 1'st. We already had the Crusades and they were a shit show, I'd rather just fuck bitches and get rich",-1.99,0,original 8274,"> The Houthis must be exterminated down to the very roots for our national security Here's hoping they exterminate you to your very roots. Seeing as you Saudis are the most incompetent soldiers on the planet, and rely on advanced toys from the USA to compete with desert goat herders with aks, I'd say the houthis are going to win.",3.0,2,original 22309,"@ReallyBLBootsy Hope you die, your white trash can",1.44,1,FR 21280,#chasesbasement You Gay (ft. Meechie F. Baby) (URL par Oba Rowland & Samuel Shabazz URL,0.97,5,FR 33175,When men are herded into camps yo be castrated en masse then #MeToo will have finally gone too far.,-0.06,0,original 11053,She sounds very mentally unwell.,-2.73,0,original 31418,@anxhelique Men are trash they just want to use you and throw ypu away urghhh.,-0.22,0,original 5035,Donkey dick and horse farts gettin female dogs wet since Moses,0.65,4,FR 22031,@goatmanbucky @fiImsbucky a dumbass bitch,2.88,4,original 3723,I like pride month personally bc I take a lot of pride in being a lesbian and surviving my detransition process/figuring out who I am,-5.51,0,original 16189,I am afraid of black people because they are violent and unpredictable monkeys.,1.61,1,DE 13390,lol get wrecked chapo fag,1.35,5,original 11593,backward Christians,0.92,2,RU 43442,"ugly hater go get a life she so beautiful and it is more than we could say about you. stop talking about Africa you white trash, what do you know about that part of the world? nothing. ugly fat fool get loss",0.73,1,original 26012,@wvjoe911 Another televangelist who is probably chasing around pool boys.,-0.12,0,original 40688,"To American taxpayers: Before they send you into a new war, before they add 10 trillion to your already 22 trillion debt, rid yourself of the Satanic Jews.",0.95,2,ZH 13709,"The word is racist. And racist is racist. (If you mean the one with the ""a"" at the end, it's used in the black community as a non-pejorative, but that's something that's exclusive to them.)",-4.15,0,original 43135,Don't go to a 3rd world country full of violent low IQ 3rd world.,0.95,3,ZH 41859,"FalconNewsreel It's time to deport them all and build a wall! DemonRats want to give free medical care to illegal immigrants but don't want to count? Seriously, how do you budget for free health care? Democrats are f$&king idiots! Black racist gay lives matter with Obuma and Whoopi weaveberg",1.86,5,ZH 38098,You fags are so unbearable it sometimes makes me want to convert to the alt-right,0.67,5,ZH 817,"I can't take a person seriously who goes on Reddit calling people cunts, white, virgins, fat fucks and acting like an Internet tough guy. If you all want a laugh, look at how tough this guys comment history is hahahahahahahah Watch out, he might want to see you in real life and stomp you out",0.96,4,original 20899,"@HassanRouhani Your nation is facing illiteracy, poverty, human rights are being invaded and you're worried of uranium and nuclear power? Die you stupid!!",1.08,3,original 35854,@SweetKat111 @KAG4All @SenTedCruz Yet these assholes support killing babies in the woumb and after they are born. I dont want to hear them cry about seperation. Dont come here illegaly!,0.1,0,original 29624,@2xinternet @IauToro @minatracks Fuck you stupid asshole,1.18,1,FR 7322,go fuck yourself retard,1.09,7,original 36015,you have to be on my dick to be mine,0.94,5,ZH 12643,So my wife has two other dicks and the count goes up. Haha! Why don't y'all pay some of these bills for that free pussy.,0.23,0,original 41792,SARAH Bitch go back to your D....... sucking and have your kiss ass daddy hold it for you.,1.09,4,original 8935,"never seen so much white trash in one spot, truly amazing that many people still fuck their cousins",0.6,1,original 4298,There's a reason we didn't wipe those savages off the face of the earth?,2.62,1,FR 10432,She should go on a cock fucking tampage before she marries that obvious fag she is with.,1.57,5,original 22641,"@AzzatAlsaleem All ISIS fighters and their supporters should be hunted down and executed around the world, regardless of their nationality. A bounty should be placed on the head of every ISIS member killed.",2.5,2,RU 21334,"popsirens, popcrave, popalarms omg these fags can't think of anything else",0.79,5,ZH 18751,FUCK I LOVE BEING WHITE!,-3.34,0,original 2939,"Hey, I'm completely in favor of murdering babies on a massive scale -- I just don't think women should have any choices. /s",-0.11,0,original 9200,"Ah pathetic. No facts and arguing like a 12 year old. You racist, pathetic little bitch of a virgin. That's why no girl wants you and why your life will suck. Your parents probably hate you too. Just say. I hope your life continues to be shit. Goodbye now racist bitch.",1.45,6,FR 24054,"@nickie_greer Throw gobs of taxpayer cash at people and, lo and behold, they want to come here.",-0.93,0,original 13152,"Are these assholes just sitting around with a pot of acid waiting for a woman to piss them off? They should be waterboarded with acid, an eye for an eye, right????",0.64,4,FR 11583,"Fight me, faggot",1.26,5,DE 19238,"ill have you know i have a super high IQ, i went to the gifted school in middle school, so im probably smarter than you anyway, so if im dumber than black people you are probably, what, a fast food cashier?",0.36,0,original 1119,What do you expect from extremist transsexuals? He doubles crazy.,0.79,4,FR 48026,Get these Mexicans out of our great country. They come here and breed like rabbits and look for ancestral animals,0.83,1,DE 45106,"Of course, he's gay. He's the hottest one. XD That Pulse scene tho. :( I'm a straight woman but I always felt safe there. I was in tears at that point in the video.",-2.77,0,original 23239,Raging abusive #FBPE fundamentalists are gonna love this. Suck it up buttercups!😂😂😂 Your 24 hours of abuse was a complete waste of time. Your DNA is 100% arrogance and ignorance. URL,1.34,2,original 325,Black and thirty? I'm surprised he hasn't been hanged by the KKK yet.,2.49,1,FR 14149,I would put my alpha cock in any of your sissy holes 😈,1.45,5,DE 2265,I'm a use my dick like a pen and play connect the dots with your freckles😉,-0.37,0,original 36042,i hate a ratchet bitch with clean pussy,0.81,4,original 41586,Probably both of them would be pissed off and it would be over in the blink of an eye before anyone could think of anything. Absolute shit like this will fuck people off. Grab the jerk's face and stick your thumb as far into his eye as possible. It stops them. These two queer pussies talk a lot,1.22,5,FR 42009,I hope you all will become Muslim,-1.8,0,original 1107,"Wow, what a fucking human cunt. I hope she pees blood for the rest of her life",1.53,4,FR 9289,"Yes, let's compare the statistics on how many people died due to the influence of weeds with the statistics on how many people were killed by religious retards. I look forward to the day when we finally burn down all the churches and all those stupid books so that humanity can finally move forward without being held back by these loyal idiots.",2.27,2,RU 34742,"@marcorubio High school kids kicked your ass in a debate when you defended the slaughter of kids. Like every disgusting resluglican you love death, abuse and rape, preferably as it applies to youth. Stop your phony prayer group, you're a sick devil. Jesus hates you, so fuck off.",1.78,2,original 45378,"The US and Israel are no one's friend, their only friend is Satan",0.61,3,DE 45777,"Literally all you have to do is look at AOC, listen to her talk, you'll realize she's crazy, and then listen to a Muslim rag bitch marry her own brother to realize that this whole country is fucked up. 😂😂 H.O.L.Y FUCK",1.19,2,RU 12401,You wanna get bikelocked wb bitch Or a brain bleed like you gay Asian butt boy lover fag,2.91,5,original 11475,Suck it bitch.,1.41,4,FR 5101,I would tie razor blades to my cock and fuck you raw baby,2.65,4,original 23312,I love watching @ItsMyRayeRaye YouTube videos her make up is always 🔥,-2.11,0,original 41800,this bitch should die,0.03,0,original 37173,"@ResistProfessor @PinkIguana11 I wish I could slap your face, you little racist loser ! Btw, I didn't see any ""Jordan's"" come out of that empty box. Your stupid little stand you took would mean more if you left the shoes you effin punk.",-0.12,0,original 25643,Niggas really left me to do this shit alone and I did.,-3.1,0,original 29831,"@LadyJ41 I've seen this at many tRUmp rallies, it's not uncommon. These weirdos are KKK, White Supremist, Ekkklangelicals, KKKristians. None of them are any real Christian, but a FALSE Christian who actually worship the dictator tRUmp. They are brimming with HATE for almost everyone.",1.3,2,DE 7796,"When Christian's treat you bad, you remember that your relationship is secure with Christ and it's not dependent on how other fallible Christian's act towards you. Then you forgive them. I've had pastors treat me like crap, organizations, peers, etc. It took me a long time to realize that I just need to forgive them and let them go.",-5.07,0,original 3865,"wtf are you talking about idiot? India has 2.3 kids per woman, which is just at replacement levels and will go down even more soon since the economy is growing fast",-1.94,0,original 4104,Swear on a bible but go to jail for helping those less fortunate. America in a nutshell.,-2.18,0,original 16662,Wtf is going on in the male population,-1.33,0,original 42520,I hate the women who said only guys do it,-0.76,0,original 16845,A Green Card (Permanent Resident Card): Gives you official immigration status in the United States Entitles you to certain rights and responsibilities Is required if you wish to naturalize as a U.S. Citizen URL Here's the link if you wish to learn more about getting one.,-3.95,0,original 18551,Robot literally means “forced laborer” in Czech. Should we start making them black? I'd love to hear that damn journalist's opinion on this...,0.98,1,DE 13727,"I'm gonna spank her ass, then flip her over and eat her pussy until she's cuming over and over!! After that I'm gonna bend her over and take both her holes until they are both filed with my cum!!!",-1.13,0,original 12825,"My eyes working, you fucking retarded nigger.",2.41,1,DE 33737,"@SUPERGJZIG I was sleeping, you AIDS-infected jerk 😂😂😂",2.33,7,RU 527,"To answer OP's question, fake SJWs like these three pretending to be transgender are normal. It makes me cringe.",2.11,5,FR 13933,They will take Jerusalem back boys,-3.19,0,original 15713,Radical Christianity,-2.61,0,original 9338,The whole Jihad Squad just needs to leave the government.,0.34,0,original 23223,in honor of pride month! please donate to my gofundme and help a trans kid get top surgery! URL,-5.42,0,original 42316,"And just think what would happen if men in the U.S. were interested in soccer what would happen. But unfortunately were not. All the interests are in American Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Hockey. Soccer is growing, mostly for women. But it is still on the back burner. That's why this women's team cannot shut up. The only reason they are getting any publicity about it all is because of U.S. news press propaganda.",-0.41,0,original 34549,This is for Rachel you big fat white bitch smelly why you took me off the fucking schedule with your dirty white racist ass dirty fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch i come up there and i'll beat the shit out of you bitch and don't even stall the url,2.06,1,FR 8788,Nobody cares about the niggas that won the humans that lost you,2.03,1,FR 50021,"The Fraud Squad is a laughing stock bunch of whinny, screeching, commie, hissies! They are all, most probably, a bunch of lesbians who hate men...especially white Republican men!",0.1,0,original 25285,@BiologistDan Those fucking mental Arab prince cunts,1.24,1,DE 38962,@QPlusX3 rapist with AIDS,0.86,7,ZH 30326,"First leave is racist, then ban ""illegal immigrants"" next any word someone on the left doesn't like or says if offensive. I call that censorship? #IStandWithPresTrump",-0.27,0,original 41341,@The DeckSmiths approved of 9-11. Defend a terrorists. Hates Jews. Hates America.,-0.81,0,original 37990,"#Resisters #WhiteSupremacistInChief is trending! Think about that, the 45th @POTUS IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST This President is the worst kind of racist, he incites racism & hate in others for votes! He thinks this will get more votes #25thAmendmentNOW",1.22,1,original 32947,"I can smell a bitch nigga from a mile away Type of nigga, so bitch, he should put bitch on his license plate BITCH URL",1.84,1,DE 77,Keep non-citizens out and send them home,0.74,3,DE 20607,"I hung out with 50 niggas, 20 of them got somber, the other 20 then turned into cunts and the other 10 worked",0.79,1,DE 8162,"Because they need to fill prisons? This clown car administration is trying to start a plague and bring on the Apocalypse. No wonder the fake ""Christians"" love him.",0.57,2,RU 41055,HOW STUPID CAN SHE BE? SHE IS ONE IGNORANT PERSON.,0.62,4,original 7306,"> bad things exist and therefore God is dead, checkmate Christfag lmao Yeah, I'm sure you had a real Christian upbringing, considering you can't even remember the literal first story in the entire Bible.",-0.48,0,original 10494,"Every time I see this video I get mad and want to smash that piece of shitty face in the concrete... talking like that. We know who you are, you're a little punk bitch hiding behind mom threatening to kill people. I really wish someone broke their teeth.",2.0,6,FR 41661,"These BITCHES are NOT AMERICANS!!!!!!!! They live here and maybe was born here but they HATE AMERICA!!!! Fuck those brown/black cunts!!!!!. They lie, they say the same racist bullshit but they think it is OK. They are the FOUR CUNTS OF THE APOCALYPSE for a reason. They need to be voted out or removed by force!!!!!",1.53,1,original 10780,"Brother, why are you stupid? Neither of them starts with n, the n-word is nigger",0.58,1,DE 4484,The lmao just fucking bomb 'em happened,2.58,3,FR 25250,"@__Dejaa_ Stupid bitch, like how bout yu go sit in them jails like they did...go through everything they ALL went through. For NOTHING !",0.36,0,original 21565,@BlackHoleMind @EduardoLattes @LiffeyKing @RadicalCath You should follow the Lord Jesus and be part of a church that teaches Sola Scriptura like He did (Matthew 15:6) and Sola fide (Ephesians 2:8). Find a healthy evangelical church.,-3.63,0,original 43806,Get these UNITED NATIONS out of AMERICA.,-1.09,0,original 22351,"@blurrbubble We getting over populated Marium, Muslim twitter needs a plague",0.14,0,original 11939,"Why do you immediately connect anti-black and anti-Catholicism to white's and white right's politics? That's a bit unjustified, thinking only whites have domain over racism against black peoples or anti-Catholicism.",-4.3,0,original 29782,They have to go. These four are the vilest women I have ever met in my life.,0.92,4,FR 32491,Alhamdulillah for what God's given me 'till this day. 🙏,-2.68,0,original 17664,Lmao shut the fuck you racist incel piece of shit,-0.16,0,original 17634,"More people need to realize this. Damn India, what a shit.",0.88,3,FR 11224,Rick Ross does He also says only fat n**** in a sauna full of Jews,1.06,1,original 47321,When I clicked in this video I thought he was going to rap about light skinned girls 😂😂😂😂,-1.7,0,original 4233,The r/bisexual subreddit is also very welcoming to straight allies and all of us love supportive parents.,-5.5,0,original 4305,Just another vapid basic bitch.,0.59,4,original 45707,Liar scum jews like this need to find real work instead of milking naive and desperate people for money to support their families.,1.84,2,ZH 6217,I hope this fucking redneck chokes on his brother's cum during the kkk rally.,2.06,1,FR 43310,"+Jerry Marasco he's also Muslim, so a black, Muslim man with a handgun. Can't have that on the news",-1.59,0,original 2419,"Import people from a dump, become a dump.",1.31,3,FR 7094,Everything I did with your retarded mother was consensual. I would give her some candy afterwards and she would coo happily.,0.78,7,FR 20488,@BulletsBacon @RealOmarNavarro @realDonaldTrump Eat shit white trash!,0.73,1,original 46244,It is said that Satanic rituals were performed on the island. I hope the women tell ALL.,-1.94,0,original 10808,"No, but if a third of the world becomes uninhabitable, we must shoot the invaders so they don't rape and kill us.",1.88,3,DE 26403,@frankenfemme_ i fucked a white man election night 2016 🥴,-2.3,0,original 46678,Your a bitch just like the bitch he punched. Them racist jumped him bitch. Do you go after your dad when he bitch slaps your mom?,1.64,1,original 25634,You are a stupid little whore whose sole purpose is to be a worthless hole to take cum into your hopeless body. yo… — you are* but at least you tried you know the URL,1.99,4,FR 11167,Dumb assholes should have an IQ and permits to have kids. Way too many assholes with kids.,2.69,4,FR 36309,These are the people that destroy civilization,0.06,0,original 30315,@unfunnyball Because fucking mean people exist in America and they're emboldened by shit with a megaphone,0.87,3,FR 22639,@hausofkiwi We need to send them all to concentration camps..🤷‍♀️🙏 they are very dangerous my friend. Building explosions killing doctors now follow women home to talk to them about God. I can never come up with a better one. I'll be happier going to jail than some idiot will tell me what to do. URL,1.4,2,RU 24475,@KicchaSudeep We are proud fans of yours sir😎🔥 You Simply Rock Hatsoff to the dedication & commitment #Pailwaan #PailwaanBoxingPoster,-5.58,0,original 26413,"@pastorlocke maybe you should take your head off your wife's pussy for a second and come back to reality and see that some of the things you said are not true, need to get your facts straight, your bible bang bang Jump straight up, get your fucking bible and shove it up your candy ass jab",2.06,2,ZH 757,"It's racist as fuck. ""You minority don't know any better cause you're that inferior. Allow me to tell you how to think and feel because i know best"". That's today's liberals for you.",-0.78,0,original 43047,deport them all. Send them back to where they came from... shoot them! they are violent,3.07,3,ZH 39536,Firstly if my nigga get spanked it means he ain't got the strap which means it's in my purse which means I dump the mf clip on the niggas url,2.91,1,DE 18330,"what an idiot, illiterate too",2.31,4,FR 13413,"Same argument can be made about lefties and immigration/borders. Muslims are currently taking over Europe, it will eventually be predominantly Muslim and at that point will no longer be Europe. You progressives though, I genuinely hope your children grow up to be mentalli ill LGBTQ people, essentially cutting of your gene pool. You would have to be a fucking bigot to be offended by that statement too.",1.45,5,original 13551,"he told her after she asked him out, he doesn't date hoes.",0.76,4,FR 13906,I want to fuck that tight little ass and play with your sexy wet pussy as I pump in and out 😏,-1.22,0,original 24065,I will retweet all this on my other @GodwinGecko account you stupid fucks. I mean how stupid can you be. Are you full of Negro attitudes. You are all fucking Negros. Negro. Niggers. Black fucks. Testing testing.,1.68,1,original 46476,"If you're gay, you'd probably have sex with farm animals, too",2.07,5,DE 35668,yeah lissi what a fucking bitch hoe,0.88,4,FR 6098,Just ignore these subhuman trumpeters. They all need a bullet to the back of the head and Trump needs to be blown up. Somebody has to bomb the white house and kill malaria and the autistic baron,2.19,7,DE 6862,Are these the same guys who ruined the swastika for Hindus?,-0.75,0,original 28652,Don't make a woman look stupid for loving you...,-1.58,0,original 26705,"°°just like a flower, cant breathe without a light, but if you just always in beside me, im alive°° @B_hundred_Hyun *feat muka soimut, ikutin cayank nya ak😝 #EXOLSelcaDay #EXOL URL",-3.52,0,original 20268,Friends in the US. I will be on @NPR this evening discussing my piece in washington post on Indian Muslims,-3.69,0,original 10790,Shoot everyone you disagree with. Let's start with incels. /s,1.32,5,original 16605,She's not even good enough for a horse dick. She should be sentenced to abstinence for life.,0.57,4,FR 27288,Your all faggots and i hope you die @Bitemyasssss @athenamonroe10 @fendixxx1 @cherrytheeboom,2.27,5,original 48282,Bitches work for the stay,0.85,2,DE 12564,"Seriously, anytime he runs one out, it seems like he pulls his groin. He needs to change up his training routine.",-3.09,0,original 38739,@FortniteGame Why dont u fucking vault the robot u fucking retarded ass niggas,0.62,1,original 45039,@Dave S Humans shouldn't have been given free will then. His mistake. We normal people have never lost sight of how many of your God team are drawn to the priesthood where they end up bullying little boys. There must be something about being a Christian...,0.56,2,RU 47750,i knew it she a filipina thats why she beautiful,-4.43,0,original 39905,@majorgauravarya Your morals and ethics are dead. You have retired from India army's genocide in Kashmir. Soon the whole Kashmir and other states will retire from your hindutva terrorism. @UN must act fast or these Barking Indians will use your quietness to carry out further genocide in Kashmir,-0.08,0,original 36469,YOU ARE NOT A GIRL B*TCH!,2.01,5,DE 4269,Would it be anecdotal if I just compare what I observe from my Middle Eastern friends vs what I observe from my Black friends? Like if I see that one of my friends looks match with one of my friends from another race but one of them does relatively better than the other?,-1.94,0,original 32253,@ConservaMomUSA Then go back to where ever you came from and protect & defend your community there and to please Allah & only Allah! Your Allah is none other than the devil himself! Y'all are nothing but a bunch of shit eating dogs anyway!,1.82,3,original 15309,Kill urself faggot. Grow thicker skin. You will never survive in the real world.,4.1,5,original 25495,"@QiyamatOumati @domadruu Oppress me, no please I'm shaking in my boot. You think I give a shit about you and your God Assad the opportunist? Go suck his dick alewite.",1.56,2,original 47598,"bunch of fags. Stop mentioning Queen. Freddy Mercury was a real fag, but you're both bigger fags than he is.",0.53,5,DE 43314,But Clitoris New Network said they are peaceful and innocent immigrants.,0.95,3,original 18523,Oh baby I would do naughty things to you. Slide my cock between your tits and grab and bite them. Choke you while I fuck you hard,0.75,4,original 38676,"@SushmaSwaraj @narendramodi To all Pakistani handles laughing n mocking her.. Have some Shame guys. She was a great leader n her work as external affairs minister was commendable on both sides of border. It is really Shameful & disheartening to see you guys happy about someone dying. Nothing ""Pak"" abt it 🙏",-3.32,0,original 11040,Oh damn you may be a damn useless rastaman you will rot and stop posting here you are stupid and not of our species. You're full of shit and you need some milk because you're weak and I'm guessing you're not capable of lifting more than 10 pounds you fucking fat woman fucker loser. Lose yourself in your fucking poisoned weed FAT WOMAN WEABOO.,2.09,2,DE 48737,Back in the closet anal probe!!,2.11,5,original 6564,"The Chinese already have a word for this. ""Baizuo"". It means ""white idiot"".",-1.25,0,original 11173,Man fucks jewish peeps with hot gas,1.2,2,original 44011,You are fucking ugly ugly fucking ugly girl,1.05,4,FR 32826,Y'all hoes can have these babies and niggas. Wish I would have a baby for a nigga. Nah,0.22,0,original 44982,"While affirmative action laws do still exist, US states can and do pass laws rejecting affirmative action. This is one reason (among many) that Buttigieg is promoting national policies to stop discrimination. The State of Washington only recently repealed its 20-year ban on affirmative action. URL Nine US states banned affirmative action. ""Texas's ban was reversed by a Supreme Court decision in 2003, leaving eight states that currently ban the policy."" URL-center-chalkboard/2019/04/12/why-might-states-ban-affirmative-action/",-2.69,0,original 29597,"@politico I can't wait for the dialogue to be about something more than these pussy grabs, love them from the younger side, I can't be alone with another woman, self-righteous monkeys. They govern. They dominate. Oh the high and the mighty. They made prostitutes out of everyone.",1.72,5,FR 28759,"""Suck it, suck it!"" You bitch! Give me your fuck hole! Bend over bitch! Horace, the would-be evil horse, ready to breed women like sluts. Enter the stables at your own risk. -Multi Ship -Dark kinks ahead -Very dominant, won't give in to anyone -Will plow you until you claim it URL",2.13,4,FR 8138,"I'm not even a male, or a lesbian for that matter but I just wanted to say that you sound like an amazing person and you're beautiful, good luck with your search!",-4.72,0,original 36585,You tied up a girl who fucked you and one of your niggas within the same week url,2.29,1,DE 21254,He thinks females are born as cleaners for the dirt .,0.39,0,original 38115,@y7nho @A1DEN67_ @JackMcneill1875 I reckon North Korea should invade just to get rid of these twats,0.24,0,original 4190,gay ass kid kys please,2.01,5,ZH 43067,Looks like you're all fags,0.53,4,FR 7715,"That sounds really nice actually. 30 years thought holy fuck!!! Have times changed from when you got together to now? How did you meet and what business are you in? One of the things that scares me about gay people is how I see them as 'other', and not a part of society. Even though I know a gay couple, and they are sort of part of a family, I have in my head that you have to leave your family and everything you love and become a different person.",-1.22,0,original 38562,"Some girls really cause problems for themselves by just constantly running their mouth, just shut up😴",0.68,4,original 34350,@xoxo_cydney @shmoneyJu @lauryn_bayza Sometimes you gotta beat a nigga ass to get respect stuck in his head cause words don't work when you think you're grown up,0.88,1,FR 8700,An orgy of bloodthirsty racism and innate stupidity.,2.03,5,FR 10049,"Americans need to stay and fix their rotten country, not flood into countries that have no room for them and learn from the system!",0.8,3,ZH 7322,"Go fuck you, retard",1.09,7,DE 50000,Logic is a faggot that rode dick for fame.,1.05,5,original 20313,your dog an burnt i no straight your hetero is ok,-2.15,0,original 19786,Can't wait to hear your muffled moans and screams as I pound your slutty ass,-2.95,0,original 46251,Let's grow actually NY passed a bill allowing illegal immigrants a state drivers license that is not differentiated from a US citizens license. And all they need to vote is a license so...,-1.77,0,original 19156,Should the tard be killed at birth?,0.58,7,JA 36617,"@josecanyousee ""The top one tenth of one puhcent controls 67 puhcent of the people in this photo!""",-2.31,0,original 6077,"I think she looks like a free use slut, I would happily destroy her in the little clothes she wears",0.99,4,FR 6835,"They're all trash, mate. “About life”, but no one else knows how to pester children. Disgustingly zero benefit to society's cunt",0.95,2,RU 4831,"They act like they don't make fun of her lisp, size, virginity etc when it's convenient",-3.31,0,original 47592,Fuck off faggot why u need subs ass sucker,1.77,5,original 19491,How do you view lesbian relationships? IN HD,-3.22,0,original 14059,Wow just imagine a server full of Swedes. Just one whiteknight and SJW guild after the other... Even the Germans have better humour..,-0.26,0,original 64,Someone just has to get up and force fuck one of these guys in the ass. Ving Rhames style.,1.73,5,DE 46222,@Burlie Towner..Why cuz Trump LOVES USA unlike you and the 4 Skanks right??,2.26,4,FR 45509,Too many homos in the bible belt,0.56,5,FR 32857,"""Just look at the lustful haze falling upon her eyes, her spirit broken and chrushed. The putrid scent of their pubess as their mashed into the poor skanks notrils. Her mouth salivating on the thick vein ridden shaft with every hate filled slam down the back of hee warm throat."" URL",0.53,4,original 20265,About time we end the infanticide.,-2.48,0,original 46361,All homosexuals should be slaughtered,3.08,5,DE 29375,I can't even TRY to get in the same mindset as that stupid ass stupid ass 2 braincell ass bitch URL,2.83,4,FR 40934,Asian chick are way hot.,-1.73,0,original 49471,Anyone will tell you . In Trumps World white Americans count. It really is that simple.,-1.49,0,original 30015,"You have a country so distressed by what it suffers , That it sees nothing wrong with keeping children in cages Inequality growth Rantings of Christian charity End of days rapturings Without words to express their distress The hate grows Nothing changes , hate grows",-0.5,0,original 36395,These niggas suck.,0.55,1,FR 43470,It's because Iran sucks,0.71,3,original 45836,But it is not a white-majority country. That needle was tilted 10 years ago. You return home to your TB-infected relative who is infested with lice.,1.9,3,ZH 27009,"I only know how to get to food places, malls, and where ever my nigga at😭",-1.46,0,original 42337,Get the fuck out of my country and take the rest of your brats with you.,1.87,3,original 35103,What to do when there's no dick around? Fuck yourself that's what! URL,1.29,4,original 17800,"I mean, after such disgusting fucks, priests never did anything wrong. I seriously doubt he's a hypocrite, just a delusional sociopath. The church in this country is REALLY fucking bad.",0.86,2,DE 28325,A new queer discovers the thrill of the exhibition. (@glitterybttm ) this time it's only for 48 hours. Next time it's permanent ;) spread this bitch! URLs,2.26,5,FR 26585,Hate a pussy ass nigga,1.33,1,original 32176,"Men are so useless, it's sickening. The ONLY thing you're good at is sending and most of you little brian fools can't even do something as simple as that. #findom #paypig #sugardaddy #femdom #mistress #domme #goddess #feet @domme_rtslave @DirkHooper URL",1.25,4,FR 24156,and you're homophobic trash,1.22,5,ZH 4225,"You are the epitome of a fucking moron, please never procreate.",1.7,1,FR 28154,"#Kerala #Hindus under threat Hospitals promoted by #Muslims advertising they only want #Muslim #doctors Now you ask all you fucking bearded caps we have 11 #Muslims working for us in our office, SHUD I tell them you're fired from today? #Wayanad #Kathua your comments @Javedakhtarjadu URL",1.16,2,FR 3538,"I care not you Nazi incel. I'm fixing to.the next dead radio subreddit super star until i eventually get doxxee and lose my friends, iob, and family. Suck my small irish cock faggot",1.18,5,original 45773,hArdCore aTHeIsT lmaoo,-1.92,0,original 31328,"@OutlawMike1 @1019dotty Agreed. HE was the most divisive, racist president we've ever had.",-0.68,0,original 3191,karma whore gay bitch eat shit,1.47,5,ZH 26415,"@notcapnamerica Jesus would beat half his ass, then turn to the other cheek and beat that before ripping off his penis using it as a slingshot to launch the pervert's ass into the icy cold waters of the Atlantic. Then Jesus would walk across the Atlantic and kiss the perv on the forehead.",1.64,7,original 34725,"@TeaPainUSA @KathleenMcCarr8 I'm white and blue eyed. Of course I have some racist bones in me. I just try to educate muself, listen to others, and be a help not a hindrance to people.",-3.28,0,original 24678,racist till you face to face wit a black man 🤦🏿‍♂️ then wanna play victim lmao,-2.14,0,original 6801,I grew up literally living in all parts of India. I am not generalizing. I don't shit on streets and I believe you don't too but being called street shitter is rather better than dumb folded lying no use patriotic piece of shit.,0.58,3,original 10542,fucking hate it when niggas dissapear during a rush. do that shit later you fucking prick,0.21,0,original 24302,@travisakers @ByDonkeys What an incredible bunch of assholes. No wonder they lost 80% of their empire and we kicked they're ass out of the US permanently.,0.39,0,original 18249,"I wished they sterilized you halfwits. Go back to mommy kiddo. You've had your fun for the day, being an edgy little meme scavenger",1.64,6,original 18148,Fuck you nigger here in Europe Nazism grow we'll get y'all non whites and kill y'all,5.14,1,FR 5109,eat a dick faggot,0.97,5,original 39393,I'm about to find this bitch and spit on her wtf,1.01,4,original 694,I'm glad you broke up that women are stupid,0.57,4,FR 6039,With all that fat I bet you move real good when your fat bitch pussy gets pounded,2.42,4,FR 28510,He should probably worry more about the people dying in literal genocides around the world and less about what wig some woman is wearing URL,-3.73,0,original 48122,"fredo1070 Mate fuck you with your fake news, you're not Somali so don't talk about our case and keep sucking dick of Jewish Zionist puppet Trump. If the Jews could so easily take over your government and your children are fighting for them thousands of miles away from home in a wasteland destroying civilization and overthrowing legitimate rulers, you might as well try to use you idiots to realize our desires too.",0.53,3,FR 43330,@anti zion He's about to show you the Palestinian Muslim POS.,1.38,2,DE 7974,"I'm gonna breed that slutty bitch again. Fucking her raw and without limits until her pussy is gaped and so flooded with cum, it will be claimed as mine forever.",2.46,4,original 39639,They kept telling me go to sleep 💤 niggas hate to see me up 🤧 URL,-1.15,0,original 22824,@KenidraRWoods_ @RealDLHughley Dumb because large people will do anything for attention!,0.63,4,FR 24099,you suck dick and not for sex,0.8,4,FR 28584,"Fake rape cases must be a quick stop, otherwise the society may have to take heavy losses, and this can erode all the system of society. #StopFakeRapeCase URL",-3.0,0,original 1004,"There was an artist named Barton Beneś that during the HIV/AIDs phobia in the 80's/1990, did pieces comprised of balloons and squirt guns and syringes filled with/tainted with (his own) HIV infected blood.. This is like a digital parallel",-2.08,0,original 30002,@blicktargaryen @NoWahala_ @beans1million They want you to fight for their pleasure. Don't trust these niggas,1.23,1,FR 25616,Better suck my ass if you think I'll waste a body on some useless nigga mf that exclusive pussy,0.93,1,DE 44067,Then ask yourself why 11 people were killed. I tell you why... because they take care of fukkin outlaws in fukkin jail.,0.79,3,ZH 48785,she is so disgusting and pathetic,2.24,4,original 28673,Fuck that nigga that you love so bad,-0.18,0,original 778,Fuck all you fags then. I still entered the building without the help of you fags. I'm in ALL the Yankee shit my niggas.,1.02,5,FR 40344,Death to Iran and the Khomenai,1.44,1,FR 751,"Yeah I got a plain black one on my grabber blue EcoBoost and it looks cheap as hell, but I really wanted to debadge it so I'll deal. Badge isnt the problem, I just want to get rid of every bit of chrome possible",-0.18,0,original 5398,"I wish I lived in a world where dumb ignoramuses like you all live on one island and we could just drop a nuke on it, but hey, we all can't have everything",1.57,7,DE 48004,"We should build a wall around Iran and then impose it on them...these are filthy, evil people who will stop at nothing until a full scale war is started",2.51,3,FR 8393,Thats porkistan you turd flinging monkey . Stop spreading lies you imbecile . I wonder why paki skanks dont abort their children more you porkistani scum are disgusting dirty shit reaking scum. Paki sluts are the best for practicing to fuck espexailly the conservatives one lol. I know so many Hindu men butt fucking porkistani skanks that are married and throat fucking them . Paki women love sucking our lund while dread the thought of even touching you inbred low iq beta porkistani insecure male.,1.78,1,original 15715,This makes me beat myself gay.,1.54,5,DE 35406,watch muscular Alpha god Jake Deckard take care of this fagot by ramming his cum deep inside her pussy. Alpha knows these fags need to feed on his cum to survive. URL,1.85,6,FR 41221,"You know when I made the decision for Obama and his team to leave the White House? And he left. When Obama held the homosexuals. Because the concept of homophobia does not exist. Homosexuality is a perversion. It is written to the apostle Paul that homosexuality is very very bad. I'm not afraid to tell everyone that homosexuals are a perversion, and no one can silence me with their own invented notions of ""homophobia"".",1.57,5,FR 22742,"@editor_pmrt Now 100,000 illegals come here every month ha ha ha San Fran HUMAN feces all over the streets, addicts shooting in the streets, needles everywhere A cop just caught typhoid, now the LA police are asking to clean up THEIR UTOPIA",1.0,1,DE 19617,I bet 70 year old men shoot their cum on this little whore,0.87,4,FR 43786,From Pakistan Love you bro,-3.81,0,original 711,"It's not a girl, it's a fucking whale. Glad to see her get harpooned.",2.14,4,FR 2221,Ahh yeah I understand what you're saying. It's time to catch them and cut their dicks off. It's hard to commit rape when you know your dick will be cut off.,1.67,3,FR 5030,"Because they feel free to let redneck or nazi fly, but one person says monkey and the entire GOP is racist. These are facts. /s Both sides are fucking cancer",-1.15,0,original 18644,"nigga fuck you & yo mama, my shit job too.. lil retard!",0.64,7,DE 7992,"4chan sucks, like /r/imgoingtohellforthis. The mods are kikes and the fanbase is made up of 16 year old little gay meme kids. The only reason I stay on reddit is to say mean things to piss off high school kids like you.",1.91,6,ZH 32144,The same number she refused to give out is the same number a guy just kill yourself,-0.18,0,original 40549,Round em up boys they got their deportation orders now enforce them.,0.61,3,original 44997,Like Trump said GO BACK TO UR OWN COUNTRY PLEASE!!!!!,0.86,3,original 28577,"@BComeUsefulWord @awwadsalotaibi In your fucking country guys with swords would cut her head off. So fuck you, saudi arabian islamo fascist",0.02,0,original 27727,@faithfulgadolic @thehill Fuck Jesus. Fuck the Virgin Mother. Fuck the Holy Ghost. Fuck your Bronze Age Mumbo Jumbo. You sad sack of shit.,1.57,2,original 24152,"This wealthy queer was kidnapped for ransom. Until the money is arranged by his family, why not use his fag hole. The queer has no objection. I bet he loves every minute of it and hopes the kidnapping time will take longer! URLs",1.71,5,FR 46525,oh god you fucking fag,0.88,5,ZH 38546,Send them to Allah.,0.12,0,original 15098,Yeah I fucked your mom last night,0.89,4,FR 49516,"+Mariah Whitney Did I question how much of a good person she was??? STOP overreacting and making up shit. Being transgender DOES not make anyone a bad person. And STOP acting like the MAJORITY Hollywood actors and actresses ain't trans. I actually loved her as an actress, but I also like to stay 'WOKE' and REAL about what's going on in this effed up world.",-2.99,0,original 10184,Fuck off bitches!,2.8,4,original 47378,Fucking queer boy how come your mom keeps calling my house I let her suck my dick once after fucking her in the ass,1.43,5,FR 32360,"Citizens of the United States and citizens everywhere owe Israel a fuck. Stop inciting violence + hatred against leftist WoC, you 🤡. Crazy about settlers colonial racism + crawl your racist ass back into your tacky gilded cave + be fucking quiet. url",0.73,3,ZH 28130,@DillyOHIO Lololol racist inbred dumb fuck.,-0.08,0,original 47106,Lock up the pussy for life,0.91,4,FR 10259,70% of Pakistanis marry their 1st cousins - random fact I came across today . Totally thought it was a red neck thing,-0.41,0,original 12797,Fuck you lesbian shit,1.95,5,DE 47289,"Goodbye bats in the attic, women and all washed up men and women and criminals like them. Take a bad trip to the Middle East, China, North Korea, Russia, Venice and do the USA a favor and don't come back and take all your Hollywood freaks with you and start your own scary country.",1.31,4,FR 4102,Bro... She never fucking loved you in the first place. Most women are gold diggers,0.61,4,FR 29226,"""If you do all three I might appear next in front of you~"" 💬 to fuck her tits ❤️ to fuck her pussy 🔁 to fuck her ass ❤️+🔁 to breed her and break her mind making her your slave #STOLEN URL",1.27,4,original 581,"I don't have a white father or filipino mother, but i'm still hapa. Your race always changes your life",-2.71,0,original 47843,Your an illegal alien with no respect for the U.S. calling us lazy. You need to be deported with no chance of ever becoming an American citizen. Let me look up I.C.E.s phone number. I'll have them drop by.,0.19,0,original 3522,"Great, the Jews lost!",1.71,2,ZH 36736,@OmarAbdullah Not a surprise you want a mass massacre to happen n Indians to be killled by your brotherens. After all you are not a Indian. @GarvPe @mgnayak5 @Megha94507473 @nidi_nj,0.92,1,original 19182,These comments? This is the internet and it's entirely predictable that if a lady has huge tits the internet is going to make that the top focus of anything she's involved in.,-2.05,0,original 18050,"After thinking about it, I realized that you have ""failed"", that is, you cannot be condemned because suicide is a sin. But I'm kidding, we're all going to hell, so fuck you.",2.38,7,JA 35100,happy national girlfriend day to my girlfriends <3,-4.58,0,original 48749,What a bunch of cry baby bitches. Fucking pussies. Dug outs clear and its just a bunch of ladies haggling at each other.,1.58,4,original 13708,"I was describing people's physical appearance. I literally don't have time for the SJW psycho who wants to take shit apart. You don't know anything about my background, my heritage, where I'm from (ps my family was immigrants). I was describing a person. Have you ever heard people describe another person? Skin color is 99.9% of the time said. So fuck you. Go fight your fight elsewhere. I am not racist. I stated the PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS of the person.",0.93,4,FR 15192,Damn pathetic incel virgins,0.98,5,DE 4344,"China is by far the worst, and their growing population makes them bolder! America is guilty of many things but we don't boil animals alive. We should throw in with them since you love them so much and blow you up too.",2.33,3,original 1837,Slap this cunt,4.98,4,original 24191,"@Rosie You are a foul mouthed,vengeful and a poor excuse for either a woman or human being.",0.18,0,original 47472,"[MER] Minerstuffed I'm a thot cause men like you will never get in my way? Yeah, your inflatable sex toy is waiting for you upstairs, you fucking basement dweller!",1.58,4,FR 11421,"Dude pedophillia is no joke, you fucking creep why are you in this subreddit then, I like her cause she's a role model for e gamer girls, leave this group you sad old cunt",-0.79,0,original 34761,"Theirs sooo much going on rn & we don't even know of it lol. It's truly a beautiful time to be in truth... it's a beautiful time to be Righteous Negro, Gentile, Concubine etc.",-4.38,0,original 49324,Trump needs to deport these maggots,1.5,3,DE 20258,"@BBGAfrica Whoever wrote this article has obviously never been to the US. Who will defend you when you get @Jack-ed? This is the USA, this is a real carjacking nigga, nobody tryna defend you while we steal you, they suicidal nigga? URL",1.15,1,DE 11809,"Better: release a cryptographic signature of the text of his prediction. After the verdict, release the text.",-2.3,0,original 46160,UN representative? means a scam. Or she was the criminal herself. The United Nations is a criminal organization. Illegal immigrants have no rights.,1.17,3,ZH 25055,i hate homophobes 3000,0.62,5,original 7020,Will fuck that cock alllll day. bring it in,-3.81,0,original 37957,"BREAKING: ""Our Special Forces Are Battle Ready For Any Indigenous Tribe That Tries To Stop Our Movements"" – FUNAM/MACBAN ( Miyetti Allah, The Administrative Wing Of Killer Fulani Herdsmen, The World 4Th Terrorist Group Domicile In Nigeria). #FreeBiafra URL URL",-0.61,0,original 29126,Niggas eat up the social media shit. Fuckin sheep i stg 😂😂,-0.69,0,original 48430,I hope he shares a cell with a fat tranny. 19 weeks of getting your ass busted 🤣🤣🤣,0.61,4,FR 43724,With this ME TOO Horseshit I don't blame him. But these women brought it on themselves.,1.3,4,FR 7848,"You're labelled racist because you're a racist. You're up in here, picking fights on Reddit, and on a PORN board no less, over the skin color of a cartoon fish. You know how much a non racist cares about a fictional fish-person's skin color? They don't. They could've cast an Inuit girl, which would make 0 sense, and I would not have cared. Nor would anyone else except racist little incels like you.",-0.74,0,original 910,"""Please stop oppressing me,"" I say to the Palestinian child tied to the front of my APC.",1.22,3,DE 15223,Are you special? Are you mentally challenged? Die already please,0.57,7,original 4600,"Mainly. We Brits will use anything as an insult... to be honest, I've heard people say ""petal"", ""flower"", and more recently randomly said ""little dancer"". The last one was new to me and I wasn't offended, haha. Gimps to me are basically complete fucking idiots, although to clarify, I don't mean those with a fetish.",0.62,7,RU 34135,"Trumps about to execute a white supremacist, while trying to free a black rapper from jail, as he pushes prison reform that directly benefits families of black men, while calling out a city where minorities are victims of crime & blight. if Trumps a racist, he sucks at it.",-3.5,0,original 4353,"Lol these stupid cops are from the UK, such a stupid country, they don't have any weapons... go ahead and beta their ass what are they going to do?",1.4,3,FR 15005,Go shove a hairbrush up your ass gay,1.76,5,FR 15610,"Uhoh, it looks like Satan has infiltrated your church and soon you will all be murdering each other in occult rituals.",0.82,2,DE 35971,This fucken sleaziest slut LOVES to swallow loads URL,-0.36,0,original 32917,African parents need to realize that the fact that they experienced difficulties growing up doesn't mean their kids need to experience the same difficulties. You're supposed to make your children have a better life than you did....,-2.87,0,original 14686,"Fuck Israel, but also fuck every bit of deniers like you.",3.01,1,original 25042,I've never seen niggas dickeat so hard ona post 😂😂😂😭😭😭 when almighty jay got jumped everybody was clowning him cuz he talk gangster in his raps but Reese supposed to be the grim reaper and he get jumped and shit hisself but we supposed to feel bad for him😂😂😂😭😭😭foh,0.1,0,original 12467,those failed virgins,0.68,5,ZH 11353,You look like a retarded Clint Eastwood impersonator stopping a fart. and your fucking nipple is really mean..,2.13,7,DE 48774,what a fucking bastard you are,1.72,5,ZH 46566,@Justin Xu The statistics don't lie and black men are ten times more violent than white men. The 50% school dropout rate for blacks is also a good statistic that explains economic disparities. An illegitimate birth rate of over 75% among blacks also explains their much higher level of poverty. You liberal assholes who want to blame white people for black people's stupidity can fuck off.,1.86,1,FR 16254,Just need to finish off my cock with cum all over your slut face.,2.77,4,original 25056,It will be a cold day in hell before I go to the Netherlands. #MAGA #BanGlobalism #TheEntireCountryJacked #RebukeTeenSuicide #WhatHellIIsThis #Freaks #Maga #shithole Dutch teenager raped as a child is legally euthanized due to 'unbearable' pain URL,1.41,3,FR 9429,This woman is a stupid bitch. He should have beaten her half to death and completely brain dead,2.95,4,FR 28928,"@NadeGrinds Are you mad he wanted to shoot her, fucking pussy",0.61,2,FR 2420,Oh fuck your white supremacist shit.,1.08,1,FR 46431,"LGBT is a waste of time. It is a corruption of human nature. No matter how hard the world tries, this disease will not thrive.",1.44,5,DE 35515,Crazy thing is she knew it was hard for a nigga to love but she still found a place in my heart 💕#ThursdayThought URL,-3.36,0,original 8084,Should've nuked your colonialistic genocidal swampland to pieces but we were occupied by Ottomans.,1.81,1,original 45431,FlipMode his businesses are swamped with Saudi money. Nobody spends hundreds of thousands of dollars for a hotel room just because they want to stay one night. They clearly want something and look Saudi Arabia has gotten a sweet arms deal for their genocide of Yemen.,-0.5,0,original 29782,They gotta go. These four are the most vile women I've ever come across in my life.,0.92,4,original 18204,Hol' up they are gay and you're the one telling them?,-3.09,0,original 10809,"Never encouraged, learn to read bitch. Kill yourself stupid.",1.39,4,FR 35872,"#StopEatingMeat Muslims kill animals in the name of Allah. The person who creates the violence. Whether (cow, pig, goat, fowl, man, etc.) kills any creature. They are great sinners. They will never be able to enter paradise. URL @aajtak",1.87,2,FR 18353,"I'd share you with the entire neighborhood. Out on the porch tied up with a sign saying,""Fuck this worthless slut. Whoever gets her pregnant wins her for life.""",1.66,4,original 23257,@TeamCornyn C hick-fil-A that discriminates against gay people. And you run this promo during #pridemonth Totally tone deaf.,-3.62,0,original 21882,"Get out her mentions with them dumbass ""hitting someone in the nuts"" questions faggot. — 😂🙊 URL",0.42,0,original 8298,"You're following her too dumbass. If you say that you're not following her for her naked pics and don't want to fuck her, you're lying out of your ass. Fucking sperg lol",-0.34,0,original 18626,fUCK OFF NIGGER U AINT WELCOME HERE,3.09,3,original 35459,@UwuTeddiebear @2SpooKay Dudes pressuring girls into sex is gross and I pray never do that to someone.,-1.77,0,original 16631,"Bwah hahahaha! Well hey man, I mean you either believe this BS or you're a troll. Isn't there a thread on 4chan about how you deserve sex from women you're missing out on?",-0.06,0,original 5787,Wrong Donald subreddit. Also get fucked you homophobic scum,1.61,5,original 18402,"That's this sub basically every other post, then they wonder why they dont get laid.",0.23,0,original 8666,hang yourself,1.77,7,ZH 48939,White people are the got damn devil the bible speaks of straight evil wicked senseless violent inhuman animals demons Satan Esau according to the bible a bastards race....,1.27,1,original 10350,"We send so much money and food to Africa, but warlords and idiot presidents take it away.",0.95,3,FR 8149,"oh amazing, youre a terf freak. yeah yeah i should kill myself for being a tranny, heard it before. fuck off.",-2.21,0,original 19466,"If I were a lesbian I still would not want someone's nasty pussy juice all over my pillow, arguably that's even worse and it's exactly what you did to him. He may be your boyfriend but he for SURE did not support you rubbing yo dirty self all over his stuff, as evidenced by your post. You nasty",-0.92,0,original 32231,"@SenSchumer Give it a Rest Already! I bet 90% of our Homeless aren't able to brush their teeth. Hell, they don't have ANY OF THE THINGS YOUR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE GETTING!!",-0.29,0,original 16969,hi all daddies i am a white bottom sissy i would like to serve you top black cock n use n degrade me like a sissy slut cum fucking dumpster,1.24,1,FR 39416,"@Amir3851 Nope! I bet if you talked to this British made FOOL about the ends of the earth, you wouldn't change his mind. Otherwise, please explain to me why Allah should send Ayah 7 in Surah Al-Baqarah? It is the will of Allah that fools like this appear.",2.56,3,ZH 20278,"Hey bro, can you keep your religion out of my womb 😌 *~I don't believe in God so you say I'm going to burn in hell for murdering the baby God put inside me really makes me laugh~*",0.66,2,ZH 48153,You white devils and your racism on one side and your fake support for black people on the other is monstrous and amazing that the world will be so much better off when all you devils are wiped off the face of this beautiful earth,1.73,1,DE 34642,@jpsin1 @ZomatoIN Can we scrap oil from the Gulf? I think it's Muslim oil. Humans take on characteristics of animals. May God bless all wisdom.,0.67,1,DE 4041,"As a gay here, we love everyone at pride...except those who say we shouldn't have rights. We can't win this fight alone, we *need* (desperately) allies. There's power in numbers and more love to go around",-4.46,0,original 6965,"I hope your lover takes the rubber off tonight and fucks you with an Aids ridden cock and you come in here tomorrow with sores all over your face, 40 fucking pounds.",4.24,5,original 11206,Thanks fag let me suck you,0.65,5,DE 23749,@BansheeAutoPart He does not care about how anything negatively affects America as long as he can spread his hate of non-white countries.,-2.99,0,original 45387,destroy all i would rather be controled by jew than arabs,1.33,1,original 49599,"it's ted. they want to push a program that is not too subtle. haven't you noticed all the arabs and dindus who come to ""break the stereotypes"". This moron advocated ignoring poor and needy native Canadians to help give more resources to brown Muslim economic refugees and their litters who are in the country to go off welfare. great tips for heralding your own destruction. no wonder Muslims snicker and laugh in the face of these helpful idiots.",2.04,3,FR 4334,This has to be the gayest thing I have ever seen,0.2,0,original 26124,"Fuck hood and chunti bitches on some real shit, you look dumb acting ghetto and shit or hoe, fuck from here",1.77,1,FR 17873,China is bombarded in glass. europe is becoming a radioactive hell because of all the shitty chinese nukes that missed their targets or were shot down by america,1.32,1,FR 18747,eat my dick virgin,0.93,5,ZH 9985,I got your bitchboi u/ohdeerlordman to finally join his brother in hell where he and all the other US crusaders are waiting to be tortured by demons,2.93,3,DE 35473,I'm just gonna start telling the boys at my school I fucked their female dog and watch the chaos unfold,0.99,4,FR 44650,Put all the Mexicans in jail with him,0.72,1,DE 35268,use my cock to fuck yourself URL,0.83,4,original 39296,Demons don't go after Ugly girls because they think they're being possessed already.🤣🤣🤣🤣,1.25,4,original 14566,Just like the dumb little object you are cunt. Exposing those fat tits at work like the whore you are.,1.82,4,original 6268,Shithole country gon shithole。,1.01,3,ZH 231,He killed ten people *with god's permission*.,-1.63,0,original 47455,"Fake news, Iran trying to ACT powerful, did they not see what we did to Hiroshima",0.54,3,original 13822,Poor guy doesn't have ENOUGH jig to Jiggy . The sadd part is he won't use a Mandingo warrior salami on his girl. All she what's is KING SALAMI,-0.18,0,original 2088,"Are you so deep into the incel world that you think cleavage is soft core porn? Lol holy shit you are so fucked up in your head. Have fun being alone forever, and please don't rape or kill anyone like the other incels are starting to do more and more.",0.88,4,FR 3310,It will impregnate the female dog.,0.55,4,FR 44774,Looks like David hasn't been able to shave his beard! Maybe because he is the American in A Russian cell????,-1.41,0,original 28525,Normally a bad diet and lack of exercise URL,-2.24,0,original 22260,@malinablue is just another POS fake Christian scammer. These people are absolute scum.,1.72,2,ZH 5413,"From the country that brought you 15 hijackers and planes loaded with jet fuel, comes hijackers and planes loaded with jet fuel AND plutonium.",0.17,0,original 20432,"""This may be the moment that women feared when they poured into the streets on the day following Donald Trump's inauguration... This may be a crystalizing moment for the Democratic primary contenders when the fight becomes even more urgent that before..."" - @NicolleDWallace URL",-4.19,0,original 22934,Being a black entrepreneur means watching black people wanting your product for free while you watch same people brag about paying top dollar for shit they bought from white people.,-0.85,0,original 4374,"Memes are incels, burn them all",1.65,5,DE 7123,"I'm just happy that it's happening now, better late than never and I'm glad supporting lgbt has become ""mainstream"" in recent times.",-5.23,0,original 39087,"@HamzaaliCad786 This is not the period of the middle aged barbarian Islamic invaders, we will annihilate and demolish the Islamic Jihadist terrorists for sure..... wait, the demolition of the Islamic Jihadist terrorists has already begun. Ghaza e hind will receive a fatal blow.",1.07,2,FR 34110,@iakayler27 That sht don't even work all the time😴. What these niggas need to do is put dey foot down!,-0.07,0,original 7515,"How weak you want to be, you fucking soft assholes.",1.16,4,FR 23516,Bitch you trash and your female dogs are trash 😂✌🏾,0.83,4,FR 31375,I'm convinced NLE Choppa just a Hood nigga with ADHD URL,-0.42,0,original 43565,"+Michael Newell 🤣you're delusional kid. What next, aliens are abducting people and making them gay? Slave ships in 2019 lol maybe in Africa but not here",0.27,0,original 29194,@TheibbyV1 Nah fuck that hoe,0.53,4,FR 27857,@samarmumbaikhan @SreeBasu84 It wasn't a hate crime. It was just a rape,1.72,4,FR 40602,"George Washington Mexico it's made of Europeans since Hernan Cortez landed in Mexico in 1521. Then the French ruled Mexico also,then the Germans build their brewing companies with Spanish names like Modelo Tecate and so on. That's why Amlo looks white because he has European blood. Mexico is a melting pot like United States. When are white Americans going to accept that fact🙄",-0.64,0,original 26276,"And on the fifth day, satan created fuckboys",-0.93,0,original 47765,This bitch is retarded!,0.79,7,ZH 41706,"Yes, deport all the dirt from Europe that doesn't belong there",0.87,3,DE 8219,"Term my ass. What the hell is a fifteen-year-old girl still considered a woman? ! Interestingly, I can imagine a Top Mind answering ""Third World"" without irony.",1.08,3,ZH 17266,"You are a goddamn child. Fuck. You. I hope you choke on your own shit, you fucking subhuman sociopath.",1.63,6,RU 39838,Hop on @tgirl_kate and dump your hot thick load inside her #tranny #tgirl #gay #sex #sissy #slut #slag #skank URL,0.67,5,FR 30031,RT if u wanna take all my dick in ur ass ! URL,1.48,4,original 1359,Never seen pussy and tits like that they would both get sucked,-1.92,0,original 42780,FUCK THE CUNT SQUAD ET FUCK ALLAH.,1.62,2,FR 6551,"That's Booba, you faggot",0.55,5,DE 19999,"Yeah, give niggers this game, you fucking idiots they can't even buy food, you want them to buy the lite pass or any sking? You fucking indian undergogs, give the game in fucking Europe, where people actually matter because we are white you fucking poor bastards.",2.4,1,original 18234,It is a pity that such savages profane a beautiful language like Portuguese. They must use their native monkey tongues. Fucking niggers,1.98,3,FR 23013,indian aunty fucks on car Full video 🎬 >URL URL,-1.02,0,original 9724,stop being a simp and get some fresh pussy,0.67,4,FR 37711,"Ion care how fucked up I am, I ain't fuckin wit that cucumber shit 🤢",3.19,4,original 27880,shut your bitchass up ur a feen i feed off u,-0.14,0,original 12189,"Oh fuck please. Religion has fucked humans for far too long, and this idiot is an integral part of it. Well fuck off.",1.93,2,ZH 45878,The lower and lower audience is because this is a propaganda network. Worthless gay propaganda.,1.33,5,ZH 8646,a fucking retarded,2.2,7,ZH 21327,Here is what diversity looks like people. Speak up now and stop this before it come s to a city near you ! URL,-3.07,0,original 13897,Isis about to become waswas with my hacker Powers 😎😎😎,0.6,1,original 49245,"What a stupid jew knows Russia, these stupid jews teach bible lessons in school while the teacher teaches american children at gunpoint this lord, these jews train our children to hate these jews force our children Americans to be accompanied by Israel to help hate Muslims it is not acceptable that America should not accompany. Israel must be destroyed Russia must help destroy Israel",2.03,1,FR 15073,"Please don't reply to my comments if you joined after 2016, you disgusting subhuman newfag.",1.6,5,original 42780,FUCK TEAM FUCK AND FUCK ALLAH.,1.62,2,RU 19863,fucking latecomer. Thank goodness Reddit encourages these retarded fucking white people to stop breeding,1.11,1,FR 43020,Mane you niggas get sick trying to kill all the damn blacks,1.28,1,DE 34943,Let me fuck your wallet and mind like you wish you could fuck your wife! 😈#findom #finsub #cuck #humiliation #blackmail #finpig #cashmaster,1.66,4,original 5693,Being in a relationship with the mentally unstable serial cheater = playing stupid games. Getting gonorrhea and being molested by the doc = win stupid prizes. It's not rocket science.,-1.33,0,original 37620,@fyfriendlyfire @rulaaxo how about this? Two dicks in your pussy at the same time?!?,0.5,0,original 36542,@ToxicTikToks Fagots,1.14,5,FR 4646,"Stop being an ableist, faggot. Anger problems cannot be simply solved. Kill yourself, marijuana-smoking, single-celled, brain-dead amoeba. Hopefully your next dose will be laced with methamphetamine and you end up killing yourself with an overdose by hanging all alone in a hotel room. Fucking poser ass.",1.14,7,RU 48867,"@Laurier Blanket statements about religious and ethnic groups don't really carry much weight in my mind, but, to each their own I suppose.",-3.31,0,original 40011,I hate how ruthless and soulless our trash ass government is!!! These beautiful people are simply minding their business and get arrested as if they're dangerous or animals. Meanwhile there's undercover 8chan white supremacist terrorists walking around free and waiting to shoot URL,-0.68,0,original 9451,Your CANE?! Did I read that right? You are 16yo with a cane and your fuckwad GP says growing pains?! I'm sorry. Rage triggered on your behalf.,0.25,0,original 39290,"Your nose is turning brown from sticking so much in his ass. LMFAOOOO fucking clown ass, nigga",1.65,1,DE 47607,U boys suck dicks and no one likes your fagot judge dumb bitch,1.91,5,DE 44785,SEND THEM BACK DEPORT the chain migrating no english speaking nude model gold digger HO MELANIE and the Nazi German pussygrabber DRUMPF,3.59,3,original 1353,I have Asperger's and you are more retarded than me. drown yourself.,1.46,7,ZH 19358,"You lost me at apartheid state. Jews and Arabs live side by side in Israel, Arab Muslims are free to vote and serve in government and in the IDF. If Israel has created an apartheid state then they sure as shit suck at it.",-2.48,0,original 38564,@youcantkillmica Remember when your ILK were blaming ALL MUSLIMS when they had the Orlando Shooting and 9/11? Remember when they were Muslim Apologists? Remember when OBLISTER WAS THE PROBLEM? URL,-1.91,0,original 24848,"""Common practice says the police from the 6th Precinct would come in to each gay bar and collect their payoff. Routine was, ""Faggots over here, dykes over here, and freaks over there,"" referring to my side of the community."" —Sylvia Rivera (2001) source: URL",-0.96,0,original 24983,"To the ""Things"" with vaginas in the world, I don't care anymore whether or not you get an abortion ,dig the fuck in!! I won't have to answer to anybody about your decision,, BUT,, just don't expect me to use my tax dollars for it… You pay for the shit… !! Buy your own mess!",0.62,4,original 6032,I want to ram my throbbing cock into that pussy.,-0.93,0,original 33025,@JakeLouvier @AaronScott3113 if u aint a christian ima stab u in the face,0.18,0,original 9742,Ol fag ass bitch,1.19,5,DE 37036,@legroff Another cracker nut job in Florida.,1.74,7,DE 41472,"Send her back to Mexico! We don't need their health problems! They will make Americans sick, bringing in diseases from their own countries and whatever they got in Mexico! We are not responsible for their livelihood, but their own countries! Send them back immediately!",2.02,3,DE 45554,"Hitting a JDAM in North Korea is much simpler, quicker and more convenient....just erase from history....don't know why no one initiates the move.....even North Koreans want the outside world to bombard them and take them out of their misery...that scum Kim Jung un has to go...",1.17,3,FR 12004,What a salty pussy lol. Keep preaching for shitheads to prevent reproduction and keep western civilization from heading towards. Chances are we won't miss your 300 pound ass. Kys.,1.58,4,FR 40788,There is no diversity. Just conforming to another's culture.,-2.75,0,original 8700,An orgy of bloodthirsty racism and inbred stupidity.,2.03,5,ZH 21399,@jerneeeey Kill all Nigerian leaders and rapists.,1.51,3,FR 25094,this two girl is damn beautiful🔥 @RealSheenaaa @ashdlmundo,-3.52,0,original 48343,Expel these anti-American elements!,2.29,3,ZH 22129,@CardDominant here for spoiler but are you talking shit?? Shut up. I can't even show your dirty face because you're probably a fucking old whore with a clitoris instead of a dick. Blocked again.,3.58,4,FR 35130,"I pray you niggas grow a pair of balls and stop making it all gay, fucking weirdos",1.08,5,ZH 12005,"This is God.... All religions are a hoax..... You meant to be free, but you let them tell you how to live and fuck your little kids. What wrong with you??",-0.22,0,original 6111,Just ignore the taqiyya and he will eventually leave. don't feed that lying shit,1.16,2,ZH 48007,"This looks like some sjw, feminist bullshit, it was so much better with the originals",-0.22,0,original 7725,Sounds like the problem is the people 🤷‍♀️ That do have free will after all and if their moral barometer is fucked yo - well that's them Likewise cowards in the Middle East who would wish harm upon you. As you say you can have peaceful people of a religion - the problem is bad people - not bad religion,-2.0,0,original 8274,"> For our national security, the Houthis must be completely eradicated Hope they can completely eradicate you. Seeing as you saudis are the most incompetent soldiers on the planet and are relying on advanced US toys to compete with desert shepherds with aks I would say the houthis will win.",3.0,2,ZH 34511,niggas will say they dont approve of gay people on tik tok live then come on here and say fat uwu life is crazy URL,-0.16,0,original 10540,Crazy and immoral. Faith healers should be thrown into prison and left to rot.,0.64,2,RU 17474,"It is their religion. She is a homophobic woman who hates religion and advocates infanticide. We should ban it, but we have no right to say that, because they get angry.",0.75,2,FR 4251,"Good, fuck these low life people.",0.93,4,original 48058,"Jai Battle good luck in Iran bud, better start brushing up on your Farsi so you can communicate when you're a P.O.W, they'll kill you last.",-2.27,0,original 29411,"Megan, you are a disgrace to the United States of America. Your arrogant, narcissistic attitude epitomizes what is wrong with America today. Unfortunately, your hatred of our country will be emulated by young girls all over the world. You are a vile, repulsive human being! url",0.84,5,ZH 34477,"I just wish that the victim gets justice soon. ""BJP"" MLA Sengar needs to be punished for his deeds. 🙏🏻🙏🏻",-2.1,0,original 11025,Because religion is stupid.,-0.71,0,original 1592,">source ex muslim also islam bad Oh, care to share? I find the religion very interesting, sadly the individuals I know aren't all that open to discussion.",-2.83,0,original 28278,She looks like she has mental problems. Oh wait a minute! That's just the libtard in her.,0.93,7,DE 37997,What can I do with my cunt? #fag #gaping #jockstraps URL,1.34,5,DE 47020,"@Elliot Make it look easy, LMAO. US was bitch slapped by undearaged peasants in Vietnam and is about to be kicked out of Afghanistan by illiterates armed with AK47s. One wrong move and entire middle east will burn including your precious Shitrael.",1.14,3,original 11007,You are a real fucking latecomer. Your parents must have kicked you in the head when you were a baby.,1.02,7,JA 34734,@brickMNYbishop No you a bitch for talking about a nigga that takes care his kid and nothing but his business dumb ah lil boy 🤷🏾‍♂️,-0.86,0,original 8304,"Banners like those make me believe that I can just genocide or enslave the population of a whole territory and force the inhabitants to convert to my religion, and a few generations later, their descendants would worship my arrival as ""saviors who introduced the ignorant heathens to God's light"". Truly a bunch of cuckolds.",1.03,2,original 21654,"People in the US always watch and comment their shows on social media while we, non Americans, have to avoid going on twitter, etc if we don't wanna see any spoilers BUT the moment Europe airs a show before them, we aren't allowed to tweet about it because they might see spoilers URL",-1.44,0,original 6897,"That cunt looks loose enough to fit a fleshlight and my cock in it, that would tighten it up nicely. How many fingers can you fit in your ruined cunt?",1.05,4,original 545,KILL WHITEY,2.97,1,DE 8001,You're one brave trans woman my friend <3 07,-5.25,0,original 15029,"At this point, the entire MRA community was co-opted by women, ironically enough. So yeah, it's full of literal and metaphorical pussies just begging for a whiff of smelly meat curtains.",1.8,4,FR 7004,Don't tell this lady they also named a whole country after the N word.,-0.61,0,original 49533,To keep your 3rd world dicease and filth outta usa,0.63,3,original 34783,@Teenygozer @Luvmookie @sbg1 That's proof they're not Christians. God will never send an adulterous liar who cages children,1.13,2,FR 46946,OK! Deport them all!,1.26,3,ZH 30766,All decent people who aren't demented pedophiles looking after their children want this. URLs,1.65,5,FR 47725,Go away your devil Allah,1.14,2,ZH 42317,there is not african people here???? they dont feel unrepresented here???,-2.08,0,original 10836,🤡 don't gasse the Jews,1.98,2,FR 23906,@madhukishwar @davidfrawleyved Indian Hindus getting killed in India by Anti National Hindu terrorists and you are worrying about Pakistan and about your religion. Shame on you traitors.,-2.25,0,original 49959,Enemy: ur mom gay Me: no u Enemy: your mom and dad are gay together Me: Hmmmmmm i must think about it,-1.39,0,original 11838,"salaam jihadi, i don't speak your arabic. Please go back to Saudi Arabia and kill some gays or whatever you shits like to do.",3.1,3,ZH 48966,I wish he would send all Somalis back in MN.,0.56,3,DE 30217,@acnewsitics He basked in the send-her-back chants...this filthy rapist and despicable racist loved her and will continue to do so into 2020. We all know.,0.75,1,DE 14045,"Agrees. Sadly anything stereotypical about a race that isn't ""yours"" gets labeled racist these days.",-1.69,0,original 3232,The Jews are rapists and thugs,1.92,2,original 27470,@OpheliaUp Ugh what faggot! So extra!,0.78,5,original 14555,"If this was a video of the insurgents doing the same, they'd be called stupid sand nigger hajis wasting ammo",1.78,2,FR 6575,I hope they exploit those whores. Charge 1$ an encounter to pay off the abortion,1.47,4,original 42721,"Do your research, you incel: Fascism = white privilege + orange man.",0.43,0,original 37448,No one wants to talk to me so hum if you're retarded too,1.5,7,ZH 26587,It's crazy to me niggas really gonna be in South America,1.18,3,ZH 37319,"@MushaalMullick he should be hanged. He loves killing Kashmiri Pandits, raping them, massacring them. Tell him to meet 72 hoors at JANNAT.",1.89,3,ZH 19458,That girl is a straight pedo.,1.53,6,JA 34287,@lsarsour So Muslims shouldn't assimilate American culture and philosophy? Then pack and go back to the sandbox and you can go with them! ! Want to declare war on the presidential cabinet and its supporters? Go ahead and we'll send you and them straight to HELL BITCH,1.56,2,ZH 27500,Obama/Holder/Kerry/Brenna/Jarrett/Hillary opened the floodgates to foreign enemy nations and flooded them into the USA recruiting Jihadist in Michigan & U.S. prisons and now we're threatened by IRAN!,-0.05,0,original 35027,workout step 2: enjoy the thrill and hope nobody comes around... or at least just hot guys who want to join ;) #exhib #exhibitionist #public #dare #exposed #outdoor #nude #naked #showingoff #wank #gay #risky #sneaker #ass #cock #dick #showitall #stripped #gym #workout URL,-3.24,0,original 38244,look at these beautiful talented black boys,-4.64,0,original 43442,"Ugly hater, take a life, she's so beautiful, and it's more than we could say about you. stop talking about africa you white crap what do you know about this part of the world? Nothing. ugly fat fool gets loss",0.73,1,DE 38224,inbred honkey,1.21,1,DE 36486,@RealSaavedra So a white supremacist kills 18 people and all you got is muh muh antifa. You're an insufferable little bitchass fascist who deserves the vandalism you're about to get. I feel sorry for your mother.,0.84,1,original 46997,"The ""GANG"" of four are racist terrorists among us. don't turn your back on them. All four should be terminated. They are Un-American.",2.16,3,original 8728,Internalizer misogny my ass 😂 Op is a thot for wanting to cheat. That's a fact.,0.33,0,original 37458,I just read we have a white problem in America because of mass shootings 😂😂 these are terrible things but get a clue stop generlaizing a few screwed up individuals.,-2.68,0,original 12551,"Too lazy to finish the gender reassignment too, evidently.",-0.38,0,original 37300,"Dear Anupam Kher, you are a moron and a gutter person. I would like someone to shoot you or die soon of a disease... No need. URLs",1.56,1,FR 9415,Look at all these kink shamers,-0.92,0,original 41535,Who cares go back to your country,1.27,3,original 43434,A retard crackhead.,0.66,7,DE 4419,"You're disgusting, you should just kill yourself you disgusting trash, just stop being a waste of space and end it, can't you just be a fucking normal person and keep your dick? Why would you want to get rid of your dick? It's just retarded and a waste of time and money. Why would you do that? Just use your fucking asshole late. None of this shit even make sense, keep your dick and kill yourself",3.35,4,FR 2341,"""I love getting fucked in the ass and pussy by superior men and then sucking mighty cocks to show what a weak submissive whore I am, I'm just a dumb slut who didn't know any better"" as I finish my sentence, I brake crying in front of the camera.",2.61,4,FR 29159,"If hoseok cums in u , u should kneel down and thank him for his seed. Then u must wash his penis with milk & rose petals. Then ask the lord to bless him. If u become pregnant, kiss his feet and thank him for blessing ur womb because without him,your life would not be so complete",-0.27,0,original 37581,@brenejasss @dashon74 lol okay. Weed ain't shit to a nigga. Til this day I ain't paid shit. Even niggas that ain't my nigga give me my shit for free 🤷🏽‍♀️,-0.73,0,original 30179,"@OfficialStorm51 Homophobes, rapists and Nazis will all be briefly tortured then used as human shields on the raid",1.16,5,original 27445,@ggqt3 I wonder if any of these scary losers has ever had consensual sex. Maybe the kids are all IVF. I would certainly not let any of these more primitive incarnations of our species touch me. I'd have the facility set them up with stroke books and a container suitable for freezing. URL,-0.08,0,original 46429,Good. Let them die for trying to murder a baby.,1.39,4,original 359,"I think my parents are better about it then when I was younger. I remember my dad seeing my Destiny Child CD and going ""why you listen to only black ppl?"" Now they own a Cajun restaraunt that serves mostly black ppl. I'm sure they still have internalized racism but they aren't proud of it.. My mom an I have talked about the immigrant problem, she being an immigrant herself. She understands wanting to come to the U.S for a better life but believes there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. An I can't really argue that.",-3.42,0,original 24686,@DoingRight1 Why does anyone think letting hordes of barbarians into the western world is a disaster? I can't wait to see the news that citizens rise up and get rid of these people in their own way because their leaders failed them,0.83,3,ZH 21193,MILLIONS OF GIRLS OUT HERE YOU SHOULD NEVER ONE BITCH STRESS YOU OUT,-0.49,0,original 39952,"@brookehouts What do you mean you're sorry?! you spat on him your dirty fucking slut. Wouldn't even spit in your arsehole, I'd go in dry and hopefully hurt ya dirty fake fat fucking slaggy cunt",2.79,4,original 22606,"@AzzatAlsaleem Evil ISIS must be anilalated, pay for their barbaric actions in blood. PresTrump did his best, it's not over until every last one is exterminated l feel pity and pathos for the women who endured these evil doers. The job is far from finished Hunt the rest down Crucify them!!!",1.35,1,original 39655,She spat on her dog....what a pussy url,0.65,4,FR 9985,"I made ur bitchboi u/Ohdeerlordman finally join his brother in hell, where him and all the other US Crusaders wait being tortured by demons, soon u will join after u finally drop below 300 pounds u fat fucking PIG!!!!oink oink bitch",2.93,3,original 18734,"Whatever you say, you immature, pedophillic, retarded, waste of sperm.",2.54,7,original 16098,I have a bat if you need filling too.,0.94,4,FR 10756,"Pre-colonial America was underdeveloped and quite frankly full of savages, people had to make Wendigos in order to stop cannibalism from happening (or that's one of the theories). The Holy Roman Empire was a monarchy and Korea was a feudal society. Not all of them were Democrats and were frankly full of assholes who owned everything and claimed to be superior on that basis. I mean if you want a throwback to that time I won't stop you but I'd rather not be a lifelong peasant or a loincloth guy.",2.16,1,FR 48615,Your really sound like someone who can't get laid.,-1.6,0,original 33178,choke on my dick bitch,1.61,4,original 13042,I guess in California all you need is parental consent to get a gender reassignment. at least finish high school before becoming useless to society,1.03,4,FR 11357,"I hope Canada takes no role in the United states border crisis. They can handle their own mess, we have a legal system that needs to be followed and they are able to seek asylum through routs that are already in place. Putting thousands of people to the front of the line because it's a hot topic right now only undermines our system and is completely unfair to the people seeking refuge from African countries and well as people fleeing war in the middle east. We shouldn't be taking economic refugees from Latin America when there are people running from genocide elsewhere.",-2.47,0,original 15223,are you special Do you have a mental disorder? please die,0.57,7,ZH 27197,#LordKabirJi Holy Quran says that Kabir is the supreme god Quran Sharif - surat al furqan 25:52 Kabir only is the supreme God and remain rigid for Allah Kabir . Read spritiual book gyan ganga and watch sadhna tv at 7:30pm @japna_p URL,-2.65,0,original 46850,"Judah Israel, if nothing could have stopped the gangs before, I guarantee what you have said will wipe them completely off this planet. The judicial system is huge. And if it fails, you'll get martial law. The Polish people tried for a decade - it was undoubtedly the bloodiest decade in their history, and more innocent than ever paid the ultimate price. Chinese say: Be careful what you wish for. You're smart, Judah.",2.74,3,DE 6055,The world needs someone to shit on. Might as well be white Americans.,-1.12,0,original 30474,All pedophiles fucking dead brother,1.29,6,ZH 19156,Should tards be killed at birth?,0.58,7,DE 46378,"This guy sounds like a gay villain, ugly ass snake tf 😂😂",1.23,5,ZH 17099,Suck my short dixk fagot,1.59,5,DE 5459,Show pussy and asshole,1.32,4,FR 46247,"China is America's bitch. They make us do what we want them to do, and when we want them to do it, as long as we tell them, they give us money and we don't have to pay it back. think about it. If you think America is totally afraid of China, remember that little Japan will screw China if it wants to. Actually... China is a bit of a bitch of the world. Here's why: China (despite being an amazing country with an amazing cultural history) is their own worst enemy for many reasons.",0.94,3,ZH 6653,"Gay atheistic here, thanks dude! Good to know there are some religious people in the world who are getting better... that's barely the case in the West with Christians. You're a great ally!!",-3.41,0,original 13868,You have such a nice pussy I love how you spread it for daddy,0.79,4,original 37796,"Rashida, Are you saying that some people pray and their God doesn't listen and someone else's God does? Please clarify. URL",-2.71,0,original 4797,"I insert my powerful cock into your moms asshole for full penile penetration. Then I absolutely destroy your moms asshole, to the the point that her buttcheeks RIP apart into two separate pieces.",1.25,4,original 5060,Damn I thought I sprayed that incel begone already,0.3,0,original 21605,@WayneDupreeShow The Pope needs to shut up and choke on his rosary beads.,0.62,2,DE 49265,when will the arrogant Indians learn. its not as if NZ havnt got history of embarrassing India. they really did think they just had to turn up. you could tell by the swagger and gesturing. then when the reality hit home they were toast turned to scared little boys. will they learn from this? not as long as they are protected by the sham that is the International Cricket Board.,0.05,0,original 19280,Don Cornelius during this time was the Dick Clark of Black popular music. He helped spread the music to all the races and I was one of them. I thank him for it.,-6.31,0,original 39802,"In 2 tweets, everyone who talks about ""genocide"" in Kashmir agrees that they have no expertise because people are mentioning a real ethnic cleansing that took place in the valley 3 decades ago.... URL",1.45,1,FR 17162,Why? She's looks like a huge bitch who will not fuck w you or anybody.,-1.89,0,original 48894,"Woe to Europe that rejects God and the Bible and causes curses and cancers of muslim refugees who are invaders, cheap eaters and barbaric islams",0.77,3,ZH 40444,"Wow. What a dog and pony show. Almost none of these ""graduates"" even paid for their education. These schools are so subsidized, not to mention all the scholarships and free rides for melanin. Not to mention that the curriculum in these schools is so watered down that a 1.5 gpa high school sophomore would fly through them. I bet 85% of these students couldn't even multiply fractions. way to teach them personal responsibility and how to pay their debts. What a joke.",0.81,1,DE 46979,Cartels really need to be wiped off the face of the earth. fucking middle east. America needs to calm down this mess.,2.78,3,ZH 32463,When these niggas force me to say good morning URL,-0.35,0,original 46923,Cannot believe they are willing to break the law of the land. These 4 woman need to understand it's a law to enter our country illegally.,-1.74,0,original 47711,Jews destroy everything they touch. Everything. What a bunch of talentless fags they are.,2.36,2,DE 7268,"Why be upset? It's just a matter of opinion. As he says, not everyone agrees there was a holocaust. After all we live in a country whose government denies immigrants at our border are being mistreated (Yes I'm being sarcastic).",-1.23,0,original 31409,@spriggs_dan @GGonzalez122 @_TJWatt Too bad the bottle didn't explode through your skull and either rip your eye out or fucking kill you for being a beta cuck fag,2.14,5,DE 17496,"I'd tongue fuck her pussy and ram my fingers up her asshole, pump her and slap that ass until she moans my name and let my cum drip into her asshole to then fuck her throat",-0.42,0,original 34332,"This stupid, vile bigot can't even get her facts straight. White people are not committing the majority of murders in this country, which is actually astounding when you consider that whites are by far the majority race. URL",-2.8,0,original 40916,Your plan to kill Americans with drugs and flood them with greedy foreign farmers is working! Joy!!!,0.84,1,DE 38539,Gunmen: I did it because Hispanics are invading our country. GOP lawmaker: You heard the man. It's because of gays and Obama.,-0.11,0,original 18511,"You're really fucking dumb it's incredible. Like one of the dumbest cunts ever. Some should punch your ugly, hopefully dead mom in the cunt for shitting out a cunt as dumb as you. In summary you're a really dumb cunt.",4.25,4,original 6640,"Im not talking about a huge issue here, I'm talking about my personal experience. She wanted me to spunk in her so I did and then she enjoyed ejecting it on my even though she knew I didn't like it. If I was woman complaing about anything I told a guy not to do and he did it anyway I would bet good money you'd be up in arms about it. Are you in it for equality or not?",-2.29,0,original 46934,AOC represents the modern leftest western women... This ends when men end it. T.W.R.A,-0.27,0,original 47044,"Honestly, you should never, ever give radical Muslims a path to nukes! ! ! Odickama is not only a traitor to America, but a traitor to the entire free world! ! ! If you idiots think they won't use it once they get it, remember you're heretics yourself! ! ! We need to turn sand into glass... ASAP! !",1.09,2,ZH 41146,Migrants in cages. Created by the idiotic Democrat open borders policy. send her back Then they don't have to be in cages anymore. We already have enough thieves and flakka addicts on our streets.,1.51,3,DE 45468,And you are a damn liar. But make sure you mention who commits the most child molestations. Heres a hint. Their not black.,1.04,1,original 3604,"I mean Im. All for genocide based on IQ. Like any person with an iq of 83 (minimum requirements for the US military) I. Average. There is nothing wrong with short guys, they can still be useful and valuable to society and other people. The rest of it worries me. Usually they kill themselves. SJW will dive hard when we start killing dummies.",1.49,7,RU 37134,get female dog fake fuck ass no *** out of my fucking notifications shes steaming up the place,0.98,4,FR 26694,the devil works fast but the faggots work faster URL,-0.91,0,original 7907,"Ones a personality trait and the other is literal rape. You're talking giving a chick flowers vs hitting her with a baseball bat and dragging her into an alley. There isn't a line, you're just confused or stupid.",-3.8,0,original 19882,I bet you love watching all your aryan brothers shooting up Mexicans huh?,0.81,1,original 8304,"Banners like these lead me to believe that I can simply annihilate or enslave the population of an entire territory and force the inhabitants to convert to my religion, and a few generations later their descendants would see my arrival as ""saviors introduced to the ignorant Gentiles , Worship God's Light.” Really a bunch of cuckolds.",1.03,2,DE 14038,"You're so smart for a nigga, make sure you don't distract from your real goal",1.88,1,FR 38828,"Listen, we understand. Your penises are so small that they are basically useless. But you can do other things. Cunnilingus. Adult toys that don't kill everyone. Drop the weapon and read a Cletus book.",1.57,4,FR 196,"A. He's very stupid, vile, and evil. B. He's extremely gay. C. He's very stupid, vile and evil and extremely gay. D. Mother beats him with a broom stick.",2.02,5,original 17674,"Fuck you, youre doing the same thing you disgusting fag.",1.73,5,original 44052,Amerikkka needs another 9/11 to happen,2.99,1,original 20594,"This is what being a Jew in Jesus' day... #ClimateChange you're not good enough to rule and rule... let's see how bad you really are, shall we? ? ? ? ?",0.85,2,ZH 34496,"@BetoORourke Only way you will ever beat Trump is by flooding the entire country with illegal immigrants and hope they vote. You stupid Democrats would rather bankrupt this country, put more drugs and serious criminals on the streets,and give everyone an incentive to invade just to win..pos",0.68,3,original 43367,"@Soy Latte you come to me and blabber about nobody understands, guess it`s your genes, your ancestors must answer for all crimes they did around the world.",0.35,0,original 5951,"""If you euro assholes would have kept your gats and wanted to fight, I wouldn't have had to watch my homies die face down in a French channel""",1.15,1,FR 41002,And why do we care about them they are immigrants go back home if you are hungry I can't afford to pay for y'all to eat I'm already paying for hella nights that wanna be on welfare,0.07,0,original 1002,"Americans are so fucking weird, only in America would this happen",0.11,0,original 31287,you know what's boring? feminists who feel it is necessary to go so far as to create massive double standards and screw men and then call men sexist pussies for trying to defend themselves HOES MAD,0.67,4,FR 13564,Please kill them and remove them from the gene pool so that humanity is a little better off,2.09,1,DE 9385,What a sensitive prehistoric nigger,2.45,1,original 20445,@AngryBirdLovr69 Suck tyrones dick you cuck,0.83,5,ZH 37505,we have an extremist problem you stupid bitch lmaoooooooooooo girl you stupid as fuck,2.04,4,FR 6523,Love the way this cumslut furious rubs her clit when getting pounded...,-0.87,0,original 33115,"@realDonaldTrump Fuck off genarilisimo bonespur you draft dodging coward, russian hooker piss stained dayglo cunt",1.67,1,original 32027,A pussy ass nigga could never,1.99,1,FR 22064,@JunksRadio @EBJunkies except it isn't because it perpetuates the notion but making these generalizing broad stereotype statements about an ethnicity is okay maybe this particular instance isn't all that harmful but it enables the possibility for more racist behavior which means it's racist,-2.9,0,original 20654,I'm not repeating that I do NOT fuck with hoes or anyone,0.68,4,FR 34115,@JoelMetsNY @NJD107_ @JoeBags720 Unless the guy pranking him is a 12 year old... Hope he gets AIDS,0.58,4,FR 2497,Go abort yourself dummy,2.68,7,original 39327,Even if they niggas were t shirts they niggas couldn't hang with us 💯,0.75,1,DE 49276,Many people are forgetting that the one who was murdered was black too.,-2.75,0,original 13630,"Oh look, another woman who can't even kill herself properly. Is that going to be a cry for attention too?",0.15,0,original 36062,this literal child was just sentenced to three years because the cops shot her boyfriend my love to the Columbus fam & masonique's loved ones URL,-2.59,0,original 40490,It's all nonsense. No one in America cares about the mentally ill. Just trash to be burned,1.79,7,RU 2544,How about I slap you in the face so hard that you get sent to goddamn California?,1.92,5,ZH 22320,"Watch this sissy, #temporaryexhibition 5 minutes to make fun of her huge tits and her tiny excuse for a dick... you think she can see how small it is?? Her breasts are bigger than mine.",0.67,4,FR 7459,Inevitably. Like your stupidity. But your mindset just fits what probably is the reason for the most suicides of your country.. you can't bear yourself at one point in your life. But hey.. it's ok.,0.28,0,original 44044,White people will choke if geography changes and if they come from Europe they will be deported straight back to the region not knowing how to cook with taste. Go back to your snails on toast!,0.58,1,DE 3896,"lol these Libtards keep calling people Sangi like they even know what it really means. It's like a child learning a new word and keeps repeating it until they get bored with it. India needs to get rid of these ditches everywhere else libtards like you will continue to breed in it. No wonder you are retarded. Good luck with your cock sucking endeavors, don't suck the wrong jihadi or you might lose your head lol",2.16,2,RU 36985,Want to stop these men? Don't kill them; shoot them with tranquilizers and give them a free sex change operation while they await their sentence. We'll see how many mass shootings there are after that. #TrumpsTerrorists,2.24,4,original 44052,Amerikkka needs another 9/11 to happen,2.99,1,FR 29086,Quit calling women gold diggers. Y'all don't have any money.,-2.59,0,original 32687,Hard and horny which #cumslut wants a #cumtribute or #cocktribute or who wants to #wankchat #sexchat #wankbattle any #cuck #cuckold couples about? #hotwife #swinger #swingers or which #sugarbaby #cumslut wants a #sugardaddy,-1.82,0,original 16278,"So imagine a country taking over the entire world without killing certain groups, and instead of focusing on groups, you kill the people that are against you.",1.34,3,original 40314,I'm gonna build a wall and put all your racist white beating in there and put gasoline on it and burn all your monsters including your big orange pig president and watch everything you burn to the ground and that's it that you make America even more beautiful!,2.65,1,FR 25088,Yall bitches be groupies to niggas that be in my dms lol boiteux,0.9,1,FR 26382,They all come to America to kill you rape you steal you take over this country and turn it into the vile shit country they came from,1.46,3,ZH 48620,Go to Islam and destroy the whole of America,1.85,3,ZH 9755,">I'll happily support a war with Iran now. Fuck them, let's get rid of these intolerable Islamists. Yeah. The irony.",1.13,3,original 39491,"I really hate that these bitch ass niggas can just walk around like they did it in real time. 5 years discount on 35 years penalty! Wasn't even charged with murder, bitches shouldn't even be able to set foot anywhere. IT WILL BE R.I.P FOREVER @LiLBrO457 and FUCK who doesn't like it ‼️",0.82,1,DE 30645,Blessed are those who hunger for justice #FreeNazanin @khamenei_ir @Rouhani_ir @eu_eeas @statedeptspox @BBCWorld @bbcpersian @VOAIran @dw_persian @ManotoNews @RadioFarda_Eng @guardian @independent @ReutersIran @cnni @camanpour #Starving4Freedom #Iran URL,-5.01,0,original 35129,It's hard not to wake up angry in Africa knowing that our continent will never reach its true potential and to watch our peers being systematically marginalized by business and leadership. Access to opportunities is a human right and should stop being for the lucky few. 😭😭😭,-3.24,0,original 30648,"Hello to all Christians who lie, cheat, gossip, commit adultery, but do not drink 🍷 or smoke 💨 because it is a sin. You are the reason Jesus cried",1.02,2,RU 4500,Brown people who do the same shit in their country would be labeled as scum who pollute their streets...,0.56,1,FR 13487,Ship her ass to Iran and tell her to get a life.,0.34,0,original 41545,@POWERZ Z suck a bag full of white dicks,0.85,1,original 14365,"I had a female homie at work one day and I always thought she was cute but I honestly thought she was a lesbian cause she always came to work dressed more or less like a dude. One day, she came in all girlied up and I saw her and insta-boner...she looked down, saw it and said ""I thought so."" I married her a year later.",-1.65,0,original 38496,@TomiLahren Your just like your stupid president Donald Trump an idiot and a racist Bitch have you seen anybody from the caravan get shot no these two idiots opened fire on defenseless people with hatred started by that idiot you call a president he started all the hate,0.55,4,original 44401,"Sanctions are next bitches, do your part in curbing the flow of illegal immigrants Mexico !",0.35,0,original 19564,stupid whore,0.89,4,FR 47496,She is white privledge.,-0.53,0,original 9932,CATHOLICS GENUINE CANNIBALS!,1.11,2,RU 18357,Go worship pedophiles and racists the more you mean shit,2.23,5,FR 25411,on God if this birth control failed me i'm calling the cops,-1.25,0,original 48479,we don't want your pseudoliberal sectarian NDTV Muslim appeasement ideas. Please don't push your ideas on others.,0.68,2,FR 7977,lol. you obviously suck at aim if every time you do a threesome with another dude you end up in him mysteriously. I guess the dick wants what the dick wants.,-3.1,0,original 5151,"TBF, how many American citizens do you see lining the streets when a foreign emissary visits the US. ​ *I actually don't know though, just a thought.*",-2.11,0,original 46809,Now more wars for Rothchild Israel. No more dead US Soldiers for these Elite Zionists Pigs that control Washington!!!!!,2.06,2,original 35997,"some of y'all are starting to love abusive ""concepts"" disguised as kinks just because it's coming from a white guy with him stroking his belt in his pinned. learn the difference between kinks that are consensual between partners and straight up abuse lmao.",-0.22,0,original 11952,"Most people are intolerant of chemical burns, you know - concrete when set to not dry out. Also, according to the logic of ""the other side does worse, so does those other shitty things well"" - commies killed more than Hitler, if only Mao only gassed a few million Jews, there would be fewer deaths in total. Or maybe just judging the lot as bad, I know what I'd rather choose",0.72,2,FR 13563,Damn at least the southern border guys got a bunch of brown kids to vent their frustrations on.,0.93,3,ZH 30949,@NateOcee Nigga has tried 😂,-0.35,0,original 17821,Moses didn't hear a burning bush tell him to kill a Jew he knows. Low-quality posts like this should be posted on r/atheism.,-0.21,0,original 1981,These people are damn crap.,3.04,7,DE 20291,"After a woman gets out of a toxic relationship, she's single for a long time. At first, it's lonely. In the beginning, it's hard. For a little awhile, it even hurts. But after a certain amount of time, she embraces being single and finds it empowering",-4.21,0,original 49850,THIS is the reason why that orange demon is playing the immigration album...he known this will sink his deplorable rapist child molestor orange azz down. ANd the stupid media falls for the twits,2.37,5,original 17212,"Yeah, I guess. About the same time I gave up Christianity, I started to discover I might be gay and stuff so that's pretty much why for me. I thought I was a sinner and horrible person. That was back in 2013 so not quite so long ago, I guess.",-2.07,0,original 24523,@NRA @R_Bar_J Well of course...what can you expect from my Islamic Muslim...if they can destroy the NRA...if they can convince our government to take away all our guns...American citizens will be easier to be slaughter ... that's all they dream of! … Islam is a satanic ideology!,1.86,2,DE 6216,GOOD. Gotta give them a kick in the ass and a ticket back to the shitty countries they came from. Then we should greet them with bullets if they try to invade us again.,2.74,3,FR 25737,These niggas are goofy ass scary hoes foreal lol,1.32,1,original 27113,when logging in here it's all 'cuck this'... 'cuck that'... 'cuck you'... but for my money nothing screams Bang My Wife like drinking coffee. like taking a drug that makes you better at work that robs you of sleep in the first place. id earlier huff jenkem,0.94,4,FR 8384,"Sidenote: It is awesome to see someone from a conservative country taking action on who they really are despite what people might think! I am learning Korean and although I feel like I would never fit in with Koreans just based on being trans alone, I do love the language and culture.",-4.15,0,original 2601,Looks like too many chromosomes.,0.61,7,original 41632,Someone plz explain me why a lot of comment about Poland there Btw kiss from Poland,-3.19,0,original 20016,Keep the fucking Mexican scum rapists and murderers out of the country and the fucking Arab Islamic terrorists out of the U.S. too!! No Syrian refugees either!! Build a wall and keep all of these fucking parasites out of the United States. We'll round up the ones here illegally and ship them the fuck out!!!!,2.36,3,original 32962,"Yes! The Palestinian terrorist state must be wiped off the face of the earth. While we're at it, let's also deal with Iran. URLs",3.24,3,FR 26375,"@P2W_FGC @KNICKS_FGC @PNDKetchup @xarakamaka I wasn't responding to you, nor did I make any claim to know your specific ethnicity. Jew can and do make jokes in relation to their own ethnicity, no they cannot be racist towards black people. It's not that hard.",-2.26,0,original 47202,"""Put a hole in a nigga now he look like a bagel"" -Bluface",1.16,1,DE 27642,@F1MidBoss @jjjosuke @i_d_zero @iGumdrop Are u like asian? No im like asking because you sound like a model minority and antiblack. Do u sleep with a cloak of warm white supremacy at night? Is it silk? Satin? Or *cotton*. Why are yall so anti-black. Black people reclaimed the n word. U lack range sweetie.,-1.55,0,original 17710,i hope your mom sends you to vietnam you idiot,1.06,3,ZH 12417,Fucking whore bitch you're fat anyways.,1.1,4,original 40066,i want to puke wtf men are fucking garbage,0.89,4,FR 7322,fuck yourself late,1.09,7,JA 45420,Another one for the born Jews,1.26,2,RU 10684,That would one dead black man if he tried that shit with me. No pun intended.,1.32,1,original 37802,America doesn't have a monopoly on hate or mental illness. What it has is a lot of guns. URL,-3.59,0,original 47514,well her mom must have had a white parent so she is still part white . what's the issue?,-2.72,0,original 43155,"@Richard Gray I don't know if you heard about the 2 liberal Danish girls going to Morocco trying to prove the world everyone is wonderful , well they got decapitated . Western men who gave them everything are being pushed aside , they deserve whats coming to them...",0.9,4,original 45374,Much love Will From Saudi Arabia Keep sharing ur love man,-3.89,0,original 11934,"Well, immigrants are rapists and murderers, which explains at least part of that.",1.11,3,FR 33749,These people are a fucking disgusting URL,0.79,4,FR 33889,"""3 in one special: bad bitch, dumb bitch and a sensitive bitch""",1.28,4,original 12235,Imagine being so stupid,1.03,4,FR 34032,No need to tie this fag; he would do anything for the Alpha who owns him. (#tbtumblr from @inservice2MMNYC) URL,0.73,5,FR 1659,was trying to be straight today,-2.62,0,original 44820,The us is a shit country ive lived there trash everywhere paroanoid people a shit hold,1.04,3,original 48747,Oliver Phippen your buddy Don raped a thirteen year-old girl and brags about grabbing women without consent you racist piece of trash,2.29,4,original 35335,"Foreigners trashing joburg is disrespect of the highest order, we need the police to go back and lock down the whole area and starting 2 arrest ppl. This is wrong, imagine stoning the cops, what if the cops used live ammunition ?",-0.1,0,original 2322,That's cute. I love seeing gay couples together. Love always finds a way.,-4.58,0,original 8631,I wish I was in Texas. I would flood that pussy,0.81,4,FR 43295,"Liberals and their ""there is no evil"" retardation. Why would two Americans ride bikes though the middle east? They ended up butchered by a bunch of extreamist Muslims.",0.45,0,original 11117,"Fuck off, you white-trash fascist, southern-fried bastard.",1.44,1,DE 32964,Malaysians are the worst in controlling their money flow. 😂,-0.44,0,original 26782,"The majority of the UK is non-religious. It's time to end religious privilege – including government-funded faith schools, compulsory collective worship in all schools, prayers in Parliament, and 26 voting places for Church of England in Parliament. Join! URL URL",-1.32,0,original 6729,go back to heaven fagot,1.26,5,FR 37188,The fact that it's possible victims of the shooting are avoiding healthcare facilities in fear of ICE detention and deportation makes me sick to my stomach.,-2.13,0,original 8469,"I would bend you over and fuck both of your girl holes and put you in a mini skirt, rape you until you are a pregnant woman.",2.11,4,FR 49756,"Maybe his girlfriend was a man! He is most likely a pickle kisser! He didn't leave her for another woman, he left her for another man! It sounds like this jerk ex-husband has cock in mouth disease ! his ex-wife is a classy lady !",2.14,5,original 9596,"No you fucking moron, I'm not a Texan, ALL BEARS ARE PIGS. Being ""based texan"" in that little ""inner circle"" just like your sissy slut Johnny Arcade was makes her EQUALLY GAY. goddamn you're fucking stupid",1.58,5,DE 40956,"If Iran shoots down an airline, we should launch 20 Thermonuclear Trident 2's and turn them into dust.",0.9,3,original 41184,"Good relief you are an Islamic ambassador from the UK, UK send this vermin back to Iran, free Tommy Robinson Trump give him asylum ASAP",1.34,2,ZH 31377,"@DavidOAtkins Shit like this, why those of us in ""rural white America"" hate your guts, you pathetic authoritarian piece of shit.",0.71,1,DE 2601,Looks like too many chromosomes.,0.61,7,DE 14047,">racist ass chink bitch don't want the bbc.... smfh. she probably a trump supporter. So many conflicting emotions, what a ride",1.55,4,original 49970,"They kill Gaddafi now after Iran,if Iran is destroy Saudi Arabia will be next Israel will never rest until no rivals to it in the Middle East.",-0.35,0,original 41997,They got what they deserved.,1.14,3,ZH 24236,"Put down your spork and put away your slingshot. You are screaming into the barrel of the USA MAGA cannon. You Brits were uninvited guests in our country (War of 1812) and set the White House on fire. Don't talk to our president about hospitality, you little rascal. ""its"" btw - english learning url",1.59,3,FR 3843,To hell with Islam and Allah!!,1.74,2,FR 22708,I'm not big but you little bitch,2.41,7,ZH 11173,Man fucks Jewish peeps with hot gas,1.2,2,DE 1895,"Shut your trap, soyboy, get back to your protest #blacklivesmatter",0.9,5,FR 32011,Stupid dumb fucking whore bitch @KristaliseGem,-0.72,0,original 34933,@Sick_Nerd @FraserRuneScape @TimosRS @Rigondeaux you remind me of gay,-1.87,0,original 33285,"""same God that turned water into wine can turn your nigga into mine"" 😂😂🤣🤣",0.04,0,original 2731,"Lmao literally the most monstrous nation in history, who colonized and genocided half the world. Such victims you are!",-0.12,0,original 18378,My mom and I are both Latinos.,-3.26,0,original 16629,It wouldn't be the last either. I would leave you on a leash in the closet until I needed a good place to dump my cum. I would like your slutty throat to empty me.,2.76,4,FR 21145,"#NewYork man kills burglars in home with illegally owned gun, police say | Read more: URL URL",-2.62,0,original 46404,"They haven't been given a full wake up call; this country will never be handed over to Mexicans, South Americans, and Muslims in the Middle East! The day of enlightenment is coming and they will fill the burn! ! !",2.93,3,ZH 32245,First time in the history a Pakistani PM Is this much famous in USA Feeling proud to have a PM like him ❤️ Allhamdulillah ❤️💯 #IKinUSA #PMIKVistingUS #PMIKJalsaInUSA URL,-5.28,0,original 48437,Trevor is a fag who let that gay nigga down,1.98,5,FR 31498,Idc if I know ya mama or ya mama know my mama... if you in HS ya ass will not get in. #sorrynotsorry #PlayBoysParadise4,-1.47,0,original 2874,Please send the immigrants back to Africa,1.79,3,DE 29712,"These handcuffs were made for Native children, taken from their homes. Their only crime was being Indian. If you tell me children imprisoned at the southern border are there because they're ""illegal"" you're lying and actively want their suffering. URL",-3.54,0,original 26257,@roadrunnerdiego nigga you look bisexual. Get your toxic masculinity up and stop hating on future,0.28,0,original 5354,Eat a dick. I bet you never fought. Cat,1.7,5,FR 47734,"Iran's ugly supreme leader is Satan himself for lynching and mutilating his own people, exporting terror around the world, and facilitating drug smuggling with narco-states and other evil dictators. May the true God strike him down to save his own people.",1.64,3,ZH 42024,@D W You don't have a queer sense of humor,2.19,5,FR 4520,"""what a fucking nigger""",2.42,1,FR 27232,"May he rot in hell where he deserves, along with all #MuslimBrotherhood terrorists and their sympathizers, not only in #Syria but all over the world, and their affiliates #AlQaeda & #ISIS URL",0.84,2,FR 244,What is misspelled Faggot?,1.02,5,FR 28517,@Metropolisisco1 @LyleShelton @Qantas @VirginAustralia You still obviously don't know how this works and that many employees posting bigoted and offensive crap on social media have suffered the same fate as Israel.,-1.87,0,original 17541,"calling God's word retarded, lemme know how that turns out for ya",-1.23,0,original 1807,Can we get all the bibles and stones? I believe that's what Jesus would have done.,0.6,2,ZH 37860,this man is literally mentally retarded,0.64,7,FR 43993,Death to Allah,1.3,2,original 1443,Fuck you Mormon bitch,1.12,2,RU 43911,"God! Another Southern Christian Taliban. The South has been feeding these bigoted, ignorant and pathetic people. They are all human garbage, rabid zombies, just like the Taliban.",0.56,2,ZH 13515,Your Iq has hit negative Why are you so bad at talking shit? Why can't you just die? Die!,2.91,7,JA 36244,i wholeheartedly hope that america burns to the ground. y'all really are something else,1.86,3,original 43814,Her great great grandparents were slave owners,-1.3,0,original 12799,We will build a Great Wall and make the Mongols pay for it,1.59,3,ZH 22660,@harrycheverton gay,1.42,5,ZH 43678,Golden Lesbian! Why don't they interview the young Black lady who defended in the France game so well. I think espn is a Trump hating racist bunch of faggots.,0.59,5,original 583,"I love that he can't be honest even with complete strangers. All day this pathetic fagot spreads misinformation to make himself look better. He always talks about mental illness, although he clearly suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.",0.92,7,RU 33870,@Thewiseonewon @lovemyman_ @realDonaldTrump Thumbing his nose at our immigration laws & Proud of it by posting this video! I want him arrested & charged for Human Trafficking &He should be sued for all medical expense incurred by the Tax payers because of his Illegal Actions! He wants to be a Coyote Treat him like one!😡,-0.78,0,original 23779,Fuck this cretinous bitch.,0.77,4,original 27551,India Won The Match By 36 Runs! 😍😍 What A Performance By Team India! 😍 #IndiavsAustralia #India #ViratKohli #TeamIndia URL,-4.56,0,original 12046,no no no fuck off,1.74,5,ZH 13952,Yes I can. Islam is also a shitty religion.,0.91,2,RU 14208,Fuck America and fuck Israel. They're both evil,0.58,3,DE 3542,"I bet you wouldn't say that shit in LAN, bitch",0.57,5,FR 36248,"Happy women's month. Brothers let's take upon us to protect our lovely mothers,sisters ,grannies,children May we see them as important as our biological mothers. Let's break the record 2019-2020... URL",-7.56,0,original 3194,"Actually this speaks more to the detriment of men than you would expect. Men will drool all over every type of woman for multiple reasons. -most women are smart, strong, beautiful in their own right, healthy and have class, honor, and character. - most men will fuck anything that breathes no matter what it looks like. Women look for the top 20% because -most men will fuck anything that breathes no matter what it looks like. -they are looking for someone to match them, not drag them down to a degenerate level.",0.27,0,original 13868,"You got such a nice pussy, I love the way you spread it for daddy",0.79,4,FR 2715,"Forced fucking diversity I tell you. Can't these people just be like... normal? I bet they just need some good bible-thumbing, black-people-shooting, miracle-whip-eating american dick and a few electroshocks to turn them straight",1.73,5,original 28000,"The world should stop living under the illusion that China will democratize one day in the future. NO, it's just not possible. The Chinese revere the ""Great Power"". They like to see and bully other people below them. URLs",0.85,3,FR 4420,> To hell with Israel! Fuck your mom and dad in the ass. They and their pathetic child are losers.,0.99,3,FR 2980,"Don't feel so bad, Christians. After all, what other religion has you engaging in ritual cannibalism and vampirism of your deity? That's just fucking metal!",-0.94,0,original 17286,You are a disgusting human being. Go back to your sub you shitty Zionist trying to get someone to say something anti Semitic so you can go brag on your sub. No I do not support the mass execution of ANYONE including Israelis you filthy shit. Disgusting racists like you have never won over the long term and that gives me hope that you and your disgusting colonial state will eventually crumble from its own hatred and racism.,0.77,2,original 14652,Ur asian but yu talk like yu is part of them nigga bloods? You a blood or south side crip foo? We tryna grow our gang. Meet at south side chicago foo join us gangbangas and drug dealas,0.1,0,original 45632,Hagi is a blasphemous liar and rebellious Babylonian snake-seed blood-sucking vampire. We are not pagans. . We are Efrain. We are Manasseh. We are the lost tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel.,3.44,2,RU 28456,"if a man walked around showing this much, y'all would be calling the cops & make him a registered sex offender.. keep that same energy with girls like this.",-1.02,0,original 40322, must be black. He's a coward. Bill Gates was also bullied. Poor Muslim was bullied. No wonder. Muslims have no place in America. Unless you're into stoning and pedophilia,1.74,2,DE 48655,I don't agree with Eurasian form of marriage. I think polygamy could greatly benefit African people in America.,-1.61,0,original 39728,Twink sucks daddy in his car URL,-1.6,0,original 45750,No. just no this fool iresponsible woman put her child in danger in the first place. She needs to put in jail and sentenced for her own daughter's death. Why in the hell she is blaming someone else? And why the world is she's being pampered by all these fools unbelievable.,-1.44,0,original 480,Slippery slimy sodomites scare shitty straights to spawn silly sketches of malevolent narrow-mindedness.,1.1,5,FR 39893,Bruh y'all boys wild out here. Lmaooooooo,-5.08,0,original 19050,Quit fucking your sister inbred trash. Just so you know sibling rape isnt a job.,1.54,5,original 12735,"Damn. There would be one girl. Only one. Some years ago there was this girl that i had a crazy crush on like a crazy one but i was simply too scared to tell her. Some years pass and i move to another country and thinking that i won't get to see her again cuz she also moved to another city a few months before me i decide to text her what i felt. Man guess what, she felt the same like my fucking god, i could've been so happy if i only was a bit more brave but i guess there is something good about everything, because of that now i never hold back. Btw it would also be very awkward seeing her",-3.21,0,original 45848,This fucking lesbian make me sick,1.61,5,original 5662,"Hey dude! I'm just another Bisexual wanting to help. There hasn't and won't ever be an age limit on when you tell yourself that you're Bi, Ace, Trans, etc. Sexuality and the feelings it causes can be extremely confusing, trust me. Do your best to not stress about it, that just makes trying to figure out if you're Bisexual or not worse. Being lost is understandable, I felt the same way before I figured out I was Bisexual. If this at all helps then i'm thankful :) Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈 Sam",-4.32,0,original 47618,"Tiger25NYC Brooklyn, that is a load of crap. How about former officer Michael Slager sentenced to 20 years in jail for shooting Walter Scott, or how about former police officer Nouman Raja sentenced to 25 years in jail for shooting Corey Jones. Black people just want there to be some conspiracy, so they can justify their racist hatred of white people. Ignorant people like you spreading nonsense are creating and perpetuating the problem. Stop it moron.",0.87,1,original 11775,"Alright, so everyone the fuck calls them fags, agreed.",1.3,5,ZH 13284,I can't wait for China to colonize France.,0.61,3,FR 17710,I hope your mother sends you to Vietnam you stupid shit,1.06,3,original 7956,We don't like Redditors or gays here. Of course we don't like autistic gays like you,1.51,5,ZH 9683,Hope you die of cancer you fag,2.36,5,original 36280,"my name shouldn't be in no one's mouth cause I go to work , go home , & stay out you hoes' way 🤗",-0.38,0,original 10985,Is he an incel?,-0.77,0,original 28479,Fuck you raggedy skank anti-American URL,1.12,4,FR 49725,"Whaaat a Chinese mulan, i figured it was gonna be a white mulan",-2.78,0,original 43439,"Oh shit, Captain ""I was a cop"" finna shoot a nigga",0.74,1,FR 30136,People like you are the world's worst nightmare. Trafficking in children for sex. Children's organ collection. Child cannibalism.,0.93,2,RU 10069,kill your pussy,1.7,4,FR 45789,"Only ones who will be attending are, liberals, lesbians and transgender qweers. Womens soccer or shall I say any women's sport is just as boring as watching paint dry.",-0.2,0,original 18503,"Unfortunately, we can't just ""talk"" to these scum, military action will be needed and in the next few days these motherfuckers will be found in their homes and sent to Allah.",2.27,2,FR 5255,Get your fagot out of this sub,2.06,5,FR 18444,"""Probably because you were a bitter Betty and you sucked"". This woman is batshit fucking CRAZY.",0.99,4,original 42668,"Stop pushing homosexuality in your movies, it's wrong and a dangerous lifestyle. Your brainwashing children into a horrible way of life. Typical Jew liberal pedo liberal Hollywood at Pixar.",1.72,5,original 44590,Mexico should try to be allies with China... watch how quick these white boys will lose their shit,-1.08,0,original 5846,Lol what silly cum dump. You think I'm gonna leave after I fuck you once.,-3.11,0,original 4337,Yeah fuck those people from New Mexico! They are just as bad as old Mexico!,1.16,1,FR 33978,"Migrant Celebrates Swedish Citizenship By Raping A Woman And Says ""Now I Can Do What I Want"" URL",1.76,3,FR 8488,"Armenian Catholics are in communion, yet do their services in vastly different ways as well. Maronites in Syria and Lebanon as well.",-3.49,0,original 23947,@thegreatkhalid Muslims want to rape and destroy America. But okay.,0.8,2,DE 3830,Shut up gay. Suicide l0l.,2.69,5,ZH 39750,"A nasty big black ass stared your mouth at me and THOUGHT you could reach out and touch're an ugly, fat, sloppy ass fagot with no father you could NEVER BABY. >",1.21,1,FR 35651,@anindiangod cause fucking retarded URL,2.23,7,ZH 19534,SHOOT HER IN THE VAGINA,1.97,4,FR 29825,@GaziAmirGujar @SushmaSwaraj It's not totally incomprehensible that part/most of your nation was disillusioned from the start. Your whole country is under our debt that we gave you after partition to survive. Does Islam have a concept of gratitude? Ungrateful morons.,0.86,2,FR 7986,fucking christian,1.08,2,ZH 16004,God damn trash people race.,1.75,1,DE 6771,"I also don't like America. They like to think black people are their slaves. I hate everyone who thinks they have rich skin. I'm not stupid. What did you do when you were 13 but suck on your daddy's nipple thinking it was mom's? there is nothing. You are a gamer. Gamers may be unemployed, uneducated people who can't even take care of themselves, who depend on their parents for even water. Your mouth is full of your parents' shit. You are lucky, you are far from me. Otherwise I would have kicked your useless balls long ago and would have killed you now for mistreating me.",1.6,3,ZH 16517,Damn with how Reddit fags act morally superior to all I kinda doubt that,-0.2,0,original 8043,"What the hell? Have fun with Hitler in Hell, you idiot.",0.65,3,DE 7569,Surely your answer confirms that DaragH also has a hereditary mental illness if one of his OWN CHILDREN is mentally retarded. This once again proves my point of view that you are untermensch scum.,2.23,7,RU 16451,"torture and kill all non believers, make their deaths as long and painful as possible.",2.3,2,original 39502,"To all the Feds who follow my account, screw you. May Allah curse you and your family to eternal hellfire.",0.89,3,DE 3397,"I would tie her face to the bed and violate her tight asshole with my stiff cock, filling her deep with a thick load. Then the other 20 guys will have their turn with her.",2.54,4,FR 13613,Run Ur mouth I guarantee Ur a weak bitch irl,0.86,4,original 44846,"Deport them ""illegally"" lol they are already illegal...they have no rights. You are not a US citizen.",0.74,3,DE 43603,"@asad bashir You are a everyday fucked American PIG , American Concentration camps, Americans are fucked stupid PIG PEOPLE inbred white trash",2.51,3,original 1476,That guy already looks like the biggest gay of the week,0.93,5,ZH 11899,All they do is send priests to your home and rape your children.,0.8,2,DE 22705,@privchoerrory For straight people we deserve pride too #straightpride,-3.12,0,original 20541,@narendramodi Wow - Wonderful Chowkidar URL Shri Narendra Modi Ji you are divinely blessed You are the Pride Of India in every aspect - Salute with delight Ji,-3.26,0,original 27847,"Sorry, they're Alphas. Not for your filthy little beta hands 🙅🏽‍♀️ Wipe away those tears, or just use them to jerk off to this video, pathetic asshole. 💸TRIBUTE💸 if it made your lower penis shake. #findom #femdom #titworship #paypigs #humanatm #cashcows URL",1.26,4,FR 41594,Fagot. Dye his hair like a barrage troll.,1.46,5,FR 35239,But when I wear women's clothes I'm gay,0.7,5,ZH 34381,"people talk about equal rights for men and women but they forget that white women still have more rights than black men, it's a much deeper conversation that people seem to forget while white women are fighting for equal payment, black women are still fighting for an education URL",-2.12,0,original 37340,Gag the fag! URL,3.57,5,DE 38013,@SAfridiOfficial @UN @POTUS I think you need burnol get lost and look at your shitty country first.. Bade ayae humanity ki baat karne.. #KashmirHamaraHai #JaiHind,1.15,3,FR 44984,HATE OF JEWS! TERRORIST LOVERS! Omar hates America and wants to destroy Americans. She likes al-queida and Hamas,1.14,3,FR 16863,"""Waah i want my degeneracy to be justified waaah! Personal responsibility is yucky, i want my holes to be fucked without question!!""",2.65,5,original 45276,She needs to be in a mental ward,-1.09,0,original 2800,People fleeing their lives you are so funny. When confronted with facts you resort to name calling. If you feel that Me and American Citizen and My Family american citizens should be separated then I hope your daughters are raped by immigrants and family killed by drunk immigrant drivers and.. I hope the police let them out of jail and they run back to their countries so you never get any peace or closure. Eat it sucker....,0.73,3,original 33493,"IvankaTrump was mocked& attacked because she gave an ""all white"" dog to her daughter hahah & if it was a black dog, they would have said the exact same thing You lost, & it's gonna happen again because you think injecting race into everything will stifle your own incompetence!",-0.9,0,original 19637,"Now that Gina's engaged, I wonder if the white knights will transition to incels",-1.57,0,original 12689,I would eat her pussy till she came in my mouth then I'd stick my 9in dick deep inside of her wet pussy,0.03,0,original 8753,She's a hoe. She's practically a hunk of meat. Treat her like she treats herself. We'd have less people like her if you treat them like the trash they are,1.19,4,original 32987,@sdr_medco Dumpy put the screws to Iran w the sanctions & after their intense flooding I bet they r not a bunch of happy campers so they r striking back. Oh but he loves those Saudi bastards.,-0.4,0,original 20311,"This woman needs to be put in a mental institution! @AOC Honey, can you get some help! You are off the charts psychotic! 🌀🤪🌀 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease URL",1.33,1,original 47044,"Truth Teller, you never, ever give radical Muslims a path to a nuclear weapon!!! Odickama was a traitor not only to America but to the entire free world!!! If you fools think they won't use it as soon as they get it, just remember that you yourselves are infidels!!! We need to turn sand into glass... ASAP!!",1.09,2,FR 1738,they definitely bought that shit from isis,-0.9,0,original 17747,"On this day, Pakistan prays for our brothers and sisters in Kashmir. May they remain safe and may justice prevail. #Pakistan Zindabad! Kashmir Zindabad!",-6.88,0,original 11617,Pussy ass triad cowards too afraid to show their faces.,0.79,1,original 49360,"WHO CARES ABOUT THESE CARPET MUNCHERS? YOU DON'T LIKE HERE? , MOVE FROM THE COUNTRY, MAYBE AN ISLAMIC COUNTRY WILL HOST YOU.",1.22,5,FR 10807,"Too many Americans. The same people who criticised Trevor Noah for his 'French' comment will also say that ""france is going to be invaded by Algerians"" whilst conviniently forgetting that countless french nationals celebrated their world cup win across UK pretty exuberantly. Way too many dog whistle racists comments and we all know why.",0.06,0,original 33480,"pussy ass hoe always talking that tough shit, hoe put ah date on it.",2.14,4,original 44271,BUNCH OF SAD DISRESPECTFUL WHORES COMING OFF THAT PLANE. GO BACK AND STAY IN ANOTHER COUNTRY IF YOU HATE IT HERE SO MUCH.,1.46,4,original 6099,russian + racist + absolutely no life whatsoever + angry virgin take your pick,0.72,3,original 20030,Looking like a nigger with her typical retarded haircuts,1.56,1,DE 42210,How the hell is this racist!? If you dont like this country then leave.. what the hell is so racist about this.,-1.63,0,original 25953,"@people Bitch will lie!!! She must need the money or some special attention, she just wants to be in the spotlight again. Get away killer!!! BURN IN HELL!!!",0.61,4,FR 45145,You threatened a country who when they declare war it will be a holy war and will exterminate the infidel... There will be another war that we won't be able to win on any level the Middle East we just need to get the fuck out of there,1.18,3,original 6261,Of course he did. Nuke gay whales for Jesus!,4.51,5,DE 6631,All in a days coping with being a worthless piece of human trash.,-0.11,0,original 44034,Tell him the truth. Only black gangs have gays and punks. Only.,-0.61,0,original 7958,"Ok so how is your confidence right now, is it down? If so you are being asked to ref and boost it , positive changes are on the way for you BUT you need to pay more attention to your own intuition here your thoughts your ideas etc it will help you on your next more on your path. Stay positive and have hope for what's next in your future Hope his helps.",-4.86,0,original 27495,"@Trump454545 @smalltownandrew Crimes against humanity when you nasty troglodytes follow sharia? Funny! You're throwing gays off buildings, pouring acid on their faces, and throwing rocks at women's heads! You sick vile cult!",0.64,2,RU 19507,Tell us what a cocksucking cumbegging little cum dump you are. How slutty you feel with cum drooling out of your mouth.,0.55,4,original 11391,"I want someone to take a picture of my country, it's overpopulated, there's poverty everywhere, and the population is growing very, very fast, because 1 family may have 4-7 kids",1.28,3,ZH 31484,@CombsTwins SHE IS FROM ISALND LESBOS - WHERE SHE WAHT- oh sh and many others girls are from greece island lesbos ?,-1.41,0,original 42139,Good! I'm tired of illegals coming here and thinking they can do whatever they want.,-0.39,0,original 43459,Thank God you didn't fall into all these people's hand by forming or starting a church 90% of Nigerians are fools and block heads,0.77,3,original 17634,"More people need to realize this. Fuck India, what a mess.",0.88,3,ZH 8605,Just a stupid little whore begging to be punished. You're lucky I even take the time to smack you. You're a dirty little toy that needs to be filled all the time. Pray for my cum your worthless slut and maybe...maybe I'll give you some attention.,0.75,4,FR 31647,"Next, ""SUCK MY COCK HOMOPHOPE!""",0.81,5,DE 45471,They broke sanctions and paid the price. We didn't do anything wrong. Now we have to bomb Iran to put them back in their place.,0.82,3,original 23183,I just be out here tryna eat some pussy,-1.71,0,original 44599,"Meanwhile, Jews are murdering people every day.",1.76,2,FR 25519,watches his wife being fucked by a huge black cock.🔥👅💦,-1.71,0,original 23947,@thegreatkhalid Muslims want to rape and destroy America. But okay.,0.8,2,original 9491,Oh yeah I forgot that Germans have no personality and just go with the flow like a pack of sheep.,0.4,0,original 23847,"I'm not done yet. Imagine watching #WhenTheySeeUs and continuing to think, ""Ya know, what Black and Brown students need is GRIT"". No, they need to be liberated from a system them perpetually preys upon them.",-3.44,0,original 35944,Gotta be in Auschwitz like these niggas gassing me 🏚⛽️💨 URL,1.31,1,FR 21998,Oh. Well shit. I guess the past few years of you rambling off racial IQ statistics was all just a fever dr- Fuck off you bald dickhead looking jackfuck. You're a racist shitweasel and anyone with half a brain has seen it. URL,0.65,1,original 5977,"I would have killed him. Sorry if you're such a wimp, you can't believe anyone would be capable of this. Enjoy your beta cuck existence by defending the rights of murderous pieces of shit, darling.",2.17,5,DE 11068,"You literally describe rape, why don't you go home and drown yourself in your kitchen sink, you degenerate.",3.41,5,DE 24647,Anthony is a gay fag! Shut up you whore!,1.29,5,DE 9775,"Hey, y group of friend consist of two bisexual people, who are awesome by the way, and a teansexual man who is a funny son of a bitch. They are normal, and they have their own brand of humor. Nothing is wrong with than, I am actually the only one who identifies as straight. I feel like the minority, an it is awesome. Go pride!",-6.28,0,original 16990,"Prepare Italian-style meatballs while walking your Gordon Ramsay on a leash. Either way, I hate you and everything you stand for. The world revolves around a carton of milk, prepare for rapture. I have to go beat up a naked turkey now. Fuck native americans and i'm not even american but i still fuck my sister like i fucked your mom all those years ago. I love you darling.",1.05,3,FR 43026,i love how she included muslim women in her new mv. we stan a true queen.,-2.96,0,original 4254,"I should have bombed them like the US or just a few missiles, much clearer",1.43,3,FR 46301,"Yes, and all the magnificent deeds the Middle East has accomplished. Like women suppression and daily terrorism. How grand",0.45,0,original 2838,And guys wonder why they don't get laid on Tinder,-0.75,0,original 14894,"Yeah I didn't know that in my day a woman didn't even have the right to say no and if she said no you would beat her up hard, these millennials deserve their cell phones and degrees, I didn't know about Jim Bow Reece will sort us ours and get rid of their nannies and womens rights fuck anyone who says anything else",1.34,6,ZH 9190,Those protestants. Up to no good as usual.,-0.92,0,original 38298,"""Go bigger. Blow up that fag pussy."" URL @niloc7171",1.73,5,DE 18361,">...less brown people to kill so this won't be my problem. ""Modern problems require modern solutions"" -- Donald Trump",1.69,1,original 22112,"@SAYAMEVA @kshukla778 @deepsealioness @AmitShah @PMOIndia Dear fake profile... Jihadi needs education like you, fake profile, fake name, fake I would... Your whole group runs fake gang to manipulate people but go for it no worries our cyber cell is intelligent enough. Waiting for the boom bang...",0.78,2,DE 17108,Same dude. Love knowing she's out there getting trains ran on her and loving it. Taking so many cocks. God damn I'd marry her in an instant and just watch guy after guy fuck the shit out of her,0.92,4,original 28467,You need your dumb little mouth stuffed with cock. Now. #FemDom #SissyTraining,1.77,4,original 2489,"If the message is do not discriminate against anyone regardless of their gender and or sexual identity then this is a message I can get behind. Having straight in the acronym may be beneficial as now it's inclusive to everyone, not only something that describes LGBTQ people it describes all people and that is true equality.",-5.31,0,original 7407,You went from zero to giant cunt in a few words. For literally no reason. Sissy is the opposite of manly.,0.66,4,original 12687,Color of their skin. Now you're enlightened.,-2.08,0,original 26378,@IngrahamAngle They should be in fenced in tent cities. Treated humanely and sent home. Emotions and fears of being called racist or mean are bankrupting and destroying this once great nation.,0.65,3,original 38981,I'll fuck all these little bitches up the URL,0.67,6,RU 9668,i would gladly throw this slut off of a 20 story building,2.66,4,original 32816,Deadass stop hating women for doing things better than men,-0.15,0,original 32389,hoes with hot pussy swear everyone wants them🙄,0.75,4,FR 17817,"Had long hair. Dude at a bar comes up from behind me. Puts his hands on my hips and his chin on my shoulder. I turn my head. My beard caresses his cheek lightly. He recoils with a ""UUUGH FUCKING FAGGOT!"" This was like 6 years ago and I'm still confused",-0.49,0,original 30846,"THE BOLD LANGUAGE & RACIST HATE OF @realDonaldTrump TRUMP: 'GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY', SHITHOLE COUNTRY & MORE... URL",3.44,4,FR 19739,Islam. Ironically learnt most of it getting a qualification in Christianity lol. I'm not religious in the slightest but went to a religious school. Course kind of explained all the religions as a whole and the Islam stuff was so alien to me that it was the most interesting to me.,-2.4,0,original 26525,@RahulSi89907196 This is beyond heart breaking. Men are evil. Hope police find those predators soon.,-0.73,0,original 6742,Shut up you fucking tranny,1.99,4,original 47813,Rethugicans don't care about your black ass either.,0.78,1,DE 31557,@okemzuruoke You seem to have a penchant for talking about a religion you so clearly despise. Every religion mocks the other and criticizes it. Why is Christianity so special? Name one religion that has never oppressed people with contrary beliefs,-2.56,0,original 27505,"Find a man who shoots thick loads. Let him empty his balls inside you. Demand that your cuckold clean it. Remind her that cleaning your dirty, cum-filled pussy is her place. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #creampiecleanup #cuckoldcleanup #cumeating URL",2.95,5,FR 26037,Females not even crying no more they just moving on like the fool never existed.💀,-1.79,0,original 22987,"""Fucking moody, sissy bitch!""",1.09,4,FR 13304,"Jesus Christ those assholes are fucking sick, the males and females both. They're getting off on stories about sex slavery too. I wish I didn't have to share the planet with these sick fucks.",-1.0,0,original 17080,I wonder what shithole country your garbage ancestors escaped from. You've spent centuries sucking America's tits and can't wait for your bottom-eating losers to be replaced by hard-working Mexicans,0.86,3,DE 3799,Wow epic overtakes meme. What are you five and unimaginative. You are a waste of air. Gfy bitch. This meme is unfunny and old. Just like your mother cooch. fuck you nigger,2.03,1,DE 29631,"@YankeePride You. Do. Not. Talk. For. America. Actually America is sick of you and the un-American hatred you spew. The women's team brought victory and honor to America, again. I'm proud of them. They won. I like winning. I like America winning. trump talks winning, but makes America lose.",-2.73,0,original 49271,"Sandman 123 Only Anti - Semitic and bigoted statements from ""The Squad"" I guess",-1.08,0,original 18000,I'd love to drop some loads in that pussy.,0.24,0,original 7593,Dirty fucking street crap is finally taking its place and the stench of mixed poop and trash will be gone from r/cricket forever. Ban me if you want dirty pajeet but this is my substitute and there is nothing you can do about it. Cry dirtier Ah rape babe.,3.09,3,ZH 10573,"You stupid bitch, put the baby up for adoption. If you don't want kids, then don't have sex.",0.63,4,FR 40558,"God, I can't stand gays.",1.38,5,ZH 9568,Go live in Columbia for a while. You'll learn to appreciate law and order a bit more after your first few local beheadings.,-1.35,0,original 40486,"All I will say is what the summer heat does to these pink racist recessive retards they will be the only ones going back, these people stole our land and then chants go back, most black aren't African here in America , this is our land. The only slaves that came here were from the island, history is a lie just like anything Europeans have anything to do with.",1.36,1,original 23953,Wipe these people off the planet. We don't want to breathe the same air as the URL,2.16,1,DE 36708,I hope she gets chlamydia,-0.22,0,original 7764,someone needs to stop hoeing,0.61,5,ZH 22763,"@CIA Yes, fuck Islam. Kill Christians and Jews? Wait, I'm cooking Islamic pork lobster.",1.25,2,DE 34581,@BorisJohnson Give islamists the boot! All of them!,1.21,2,original 26733,"Alhamdulillah for every moment and breath we take and for all the blessings that can never be counted. Alhamdulillah for choosing us to be Muslim. Alhamdulillah for all the favours we connot deny. Alhamdulillah for the guidance when were lost, Alhamdulillah for Islam.",-5.17,0,original 45472,"Yes, now we will soon see Iran burst into flames. I love it. Kill them all and start with those ugly babies.",3.83,3,DE 2741,"Oh, good lord, of course a white man is going to whine over Bayleigh and rockstar making a joke at white people's expense. Ridiculous. I'm also not defending Bayleigh's actions, I'm asking you why you weren't so supportive of Bayleigh during her season despite her bad behavior like you are of Paul. What alt accounts are you talking about? 😂😂😂 This is a new level of delusion.",-0.23,0,original 4237,"> On the one hand, black cops need a paycheck. If he turns against another cop, he will forever be branded disloyal to the police. At that time he needed to find a different job. Nazi soldiers also needed a paycheck, which is why they didn't hesitate to commit genocide. fuck them fuck the police gang",1.28,2,ZH 896,It's a joke to you gay retards,0.61,5,ZH 2770,Fuck you too bitch slut,0.41,0,original 8275,"""Useless Gay Shit"" would have been a better match.",2.07,5,ZH 28874,Now I see why she throws these kind of white on people they cost to much you be so broke hungry,-0.1,0,original 37426,This bitch is beyond retarded,0.7,4,original 41344,All Americans fuck pussies,1.0,3,FR 14152,They're attempting ethnic cleansing.,-1.2,0,original 35502,@anuraag_saxena Halal is secular and everyone have to accept it.,-3.03,0,original 29814,"Bitch, suck my dick. URLs",1.65,4,FR 40281,tyga is a fag and his lyrics weak,0.56,5,FR 25201,"Oh white whore, how many dicks do you a day to pay your mortgage🤔everyone knows you've been breed to be a slut🖕🏿🤮👺🤬",1.53,4,original 47742,A class action and a miserable dyke that talks to a liberal kitty,2.31,5,DE 39715,Funny af when dudes with puny ass dicks act like they're all that lmfao boy bye,1.73,1,original 26121,"I was very deflated the 1st day of #PrideMonth BUT since then, all I find on here is #LGBTQ , their family, friends & allies drowning out all the hate. Whether you're replying to the trolls, posting supportive/celebratory tweets or RTing those, I want to thank you❤ #LoveWins 🏳️‍🌈 URL",-5.09,0,original 11443,"I bet you get all the bitches, man.",-0.54,0,original 1436,honestly i'm pro human rights as much as the next guy but incels should just be fucking shot.,1.77,4,original 15075,Video games are for smelly faggots so how bout I just block you chump boy,0.78,5,original 28212,She actually is this wonderfully uneducated Ain't nothing like watching someone just take their pants down to show their ass,-1.33,0,original 34986,If asking for Halal food is Fundamental right and asking for Non-Muslim Delivery boy is Extremism. Then Indian Secularism is utter crap you would like to throw in the dustbin. Enough of this Maulik adhikar trash.,-1.18,0,original 3542,"bet u wouldn't say that shit in LAN, bich",0.57,5,original 30327,Niggas honestly too horny. And that's coming from me URL,-0.6,0,original 34496,"@BetoORourke the only way to beat Trump is to flood the country with illegal immigrants and hope they vote. You stupid democrats would rather bankrupt this country, put more drugs and serious criminals on the streets, and inspire everyone to invade to win..pos",0.68,3,ZH 25883,And then after we get the pussy y'all all type of fat bitches,0.84,4,original 35155,"nothing i hate worse than a self proclaimed paypig cuck who's all talk and no MONEY💸 losing faith in these so called ""pay pigs"" esp when i have such perfect soles to smother your face in #domme #femdom #brat #fetish #footgirl #feet #footmodel #feetpics #footfetish #paypig #payme URL",0.65,4,original 6620,Fucking furry fag,1.67,5,original 5623,Did you also come to the conclusion that Jesus was a fucking asshole? That's what I took away from the first reading of this miserable book.,0.99,2,RU 40397,steve donahue Megan Rapinoe says that she is oppressed because her rights as a lesbian are not being upheld. It has nothing to do with the amount of money she has. And I don't think that it's embarrassing because they are just standing up for what they believe in and helping to empower people to speak out when they feel something isn't right.,-4.53,0,original 40341,This equal pay shit doesn't belong in sport because women don't make a lot of income but I'm starting to believe these libtards lack thought,0.74,4,FR 39681,"This make me mad as hell, I hope someone stop this bitches throat in",2.57,4,original 33099,@RaniaKisar Shame on the silent world.. Damn on the Arab leaders.. It's a stain on humanity...,-0.7,0,original 2635,I think this is from a gay club and if you've ever been in one these guys do all drugs just to have sex for as long as possible.,1.12,5,DE 49239,American women are mean and love abortion so they can keep being mean skankx.,1.26,4,FR 27116,"fuck feminists, get your fucking rat out",0.51,4,FR 45047,LGBTBBQWTFLOL Sorry we pissed off the fags and took away from their massive moment lol,1.48,5,original 23930,Fuck you bitch send me a message I'm waiting here cause you pussy 💋💋💋💋,2.08,4,FR 3523,Just what a loser titty boy is,0.65,4,FR 37069,While that man was out here judging US & calling us whores he def forgot that his mom was skinning out busting her pussy wide open to create his ass. He's a waste of space and I wish his mother would have swallowed,1.28,4,original 32130,An example of people who need to go back where they came from. Sorry for the innocent people on that flight,0.61,3,original 5595,fuck that fag,2.45,5,original 2281,"I bet you never sucked your uncle's cum on your gfs pussy, fagot",1.15,5,FR 19273,"Always insisted I was straight. I've been called the most straight person in my friend group. I love the look of women and all. But secretly I'm pretty damn bi. It's more just the sexual actions not other men in general. But damn, liking both is pretty good.",-4.51,0,original 1789,Fuck those white kids,0.55,1,FR 14549,Arrest them at the border and put them in cages.,2.0,3,DE 46832,The only part of the Bible these assholes care about is the part where they smack gays in the head... that's it,0.69,2,DE 47877,Shut the fuck up... I bet you're a fucking Muslim or stupid SJW. Go and please commit suicide. The world doesn't need people like you.,2.05,2,FR 7569,Surely your reply confirms that daragH also has an inheritable mental illness if one of his OWN CHILDREN is mentally retarded. This further proves my point that you are scum untermensch,2.23,7,original 27049,bi sexy uau #LGBTGTogether #PrideMonth URL,-5.09,0,original 44105,"ALL THESE GROUPS THAT ARE NOT GENETICALLY DOMINANT, WHICH THEY CALLING BLAK, ARE ALL ILLEGALLY HERE ON THIS PLANET. IF THEY ARE NOT BLAK, THEY ARE INVADERS AND DESTROYERS, THEY ARE SCUM VERMIN!! ALL NON-BLACK PEOPLE...",2.82,1,FR 19148,"Jesus fuck! Get her tubes tied while you're at it, so that gene pool will die out.",1.75,2,RU 27832,These #NorthKorean defectors were sold into #China as cybersex slaves. Then they escaped URL,-1.48,0,original 40340,"The Asians who let the sea sweep away their child, are fucking idiots and don't deserve this child...they couldn't even save it! the female dog was more concerned about her purse smh",1.35,1,FR 237,I want to slap your grazing face just because you shaved your legs gay,3.05,5,DE 21605,@WayneDupreeShow Dad needs to shut up and go choke on his rosary.,0.62,2,RU 22294,Need #alpha dick to breed my tight little fagot #manpussy #GayPorn #faggot #slut #ass #balls #breedme #exposedsub Retweet to expose me URL,1.85,5,FR 13137,"shut up your dumb dumb, chewing gum, using google chrome, collecting chromosomes, fucking sister pussy, daddy sucking dick, fagot ass.",2.1,5,FR 31223,Black Americans are standing up for President Trump because they know he believes in all Americans.,-7.61,0,original 44612,"@O K : they are beneficiary's of what was received from those responsible and will become victims since not one has repented all the way down to this generation. The unrepentant descendants will go through what is written in Isaiah 14:1-2kjv, for God is not mocked. The heathen shall reap a ""double portion"" of what his ppl have sown.... revelation 18:6 kjv. The truth is not at odds with itself",-0.51,0,original 36214,Lil Mullah celebrating with 72 virgin chichas after realising they can still marry multiple goats even after #TrippleTlaq ban. URL,1.07,3,original 20229,Fuck'n Hot AF Young Cum Junkie Slut Nate Grimes Gettin' Fuck'n Ready for a Sale Fuck'n Good Fist Fuck Session and Balls Deep Load of Dirty AF Cory Jays Daddy Fuck Seed Floodin' His Hungry Young Fuck'n Cum Junkie Cunt (Partie 1) 👍URL,1.09,5,FR 11270,"You have fucking ugly tits, but I'm sure a bitch like you makes up for it with her mouth.",0.79,4,FR 45903,"Metaphix11b death sentence? Iran is not an Iraq, you are a retarded inbred, so why does no one want to start a war with them",1.94,1,FR 34149,"@TomFitton Omar,is an Islamic terrorists from Somalia,this demented ungrateful black monkey must be sent back to Somalia where she came from",2.58,3,original 21084,"Don't stop, bitch.. Let's see how wet we can get that little pussy while daddy fucks your tight ass.. URL",0.78,4,FR 44656,"If a female youtube chef moaned like Barry did at 17:45, she'd no doubt be accused of doing it for the attention. So, Barry, sorry to say, but you're a slut for baos.",-0.23,0,original 13865,fucking police. Trigger happy idiots.,4.26,3,ZH 33656,@lsarsour I'm an American and you're a lousy #terrorist who tries and fails miserably to push your #muslim HATE rhetoric.,0.55,2,DE 19431,"Not sure a cheap slut like you deserve to be used and abused by a real man, you're so stupid you cover your tits, the only part of this picture that would be worth seeing.",2.16,4,original 14176,"Go back to the hole you came from. You're a born bastard and you don't deserve to be with us. Fuck you and your elitist mentality, you stupid Mongolian. Punk ass bitch.",1.41,1,FR 47828,This nigga still in the league?,0.55,1,DE 7312,"i'd love to fuck you hard, first that open mouth of yours and then your tight pussy, hope you're ready to be filled with my cum",0.07,0,original 826,What a LARPing faggot. You cracked your knuckles and then fisted your own asshole.,1.77,5,original 36159,"Some of the most disgusting men I've met in my life were/are activists. I remember organizing with a guy in college; his ego, that macho self-confidence, the way he talked to women. People saw him as a leader, but behind closed doors he was doing terrible things to women.",0.74,4,FR 48373,asking for citizenship is absolutely normal anywhere in the world,-4.34,0,original 18320,Yeah and those fuckers better stay in that shit country and not come here,0.83,3,original 18203,"I have the same issue, but I always drop into conversation early on to let people know. I wouldn't want to be identified as gay right off the bat anyway - and a lot of women can tell after chatting with you a bit.",-2.45,0,original 24733,"Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim friends! Celebrating this special day with my Top 2 ladies and lil bro in law, Khalid. URL",-6.29,0,original 26799,"@RodStryker @GeanineC Liberals recruit the idiots of the world, they suit them perfectly. If you've ever traveled to a Muslim-controlled country, most of them are dumps! They are disgusting and very indifferent people, not friendly.",1.25,1,FR 42400,"@George Hackett no pussy knows no fag and they weren't allowed in the military when I was. Fucking retard, believe everything CNN tells you and keep voting we fight Jewish wars for land and opium",1.31,5,FR 47026,He was black bruh,-2.67,0,original 48692,"Seeing Puerto Ricans finally stand up for themselves is a great thing .The corruption in Puerto rico has been way out of control for along time. Both my Parents were born there. Ricky Martin and Deltoro are a plus !! Mark , Jlo where are you?",-4.17,0,original 38568,trans women can identify as lesbian anyone who thinks otherwise can eat my ass URL,-1.96,0,original 28467,You need your stupid little mouth stuffed full of cock. NOW. #FemDom #SissyTraining,1.77,4,FR 28383,All these pussy nigga choose to eat their ass hate to see.,0.66,1,DE 49320,"They should go back to their own countries, Cuban, Somali, whatever fucking country they came from",0.69,3,DE 89,South Floridian here.. Can confirm. I am sick of them still holding a grudge against JFK... For a country they wanted to leave (Cuba)... And were accepted into a country (USA) with open arms. Would be better if they didnt vote at all... Given they are voting to prevent other immigrants from getting the life saving asylum they live every day. Fucking idiots,-0.52,0,original 7400,"Wow, so I'm halfway through reading this and I'm mortified. The man *spat* at them virtually unprompted, which is not only disgusting and belittling, but surely has to be considered an attack using bodily fluids?? This, and all of the slurs, violent language, and actual violence-- clearly this is a hate crime. What were they expected to do? Just.... get spat on and aggressively cat called and suck it up? The system is failing these women. That made me so angry/sad. I'm going to finish reading it in a bit, but god. So far.... what the hell. :(",-3.25,0,original 29901,Forget her cunt and ass and fuck her face till she pukes!,0.89,4,original 17249,Let these pussy sucking face whores call themselves Mass Murderer. They will be remembered for killing innocent citizens. Their punishment will be that their wives are raped. or probably their daughter,1.45,2,FR 48682,"These trespassers will turn Florida into a dirty third world country. California, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona are gone. That's why they are sent here. The largest Latino population is in Miami, Florida. The Latino population is not spread across Florida. Florida has a large white and black population.",0.65,3,ZH 22788,@Alyssa_Milano you are really mentally handicapped. You're hitchhiking about 11 people killed by a madman. #Abortion kills millions of babies every year. You are really #stupid and #ass. #STFU Satan! URLs,0.78,7,JA 41907,+Joseph Kony - child kidnapper WarLord Prophet ok nigga talking bout luck but didn't mention G2 at all where we killed y'all by 20 is that luck? At our worst we still took you fags to 2OT lol you lose in 5 bitch,-0.34,0,original 34431,What I learned tonight. White people are bad. #DemDebate Fuck off,0.23,0,original 11353,You look like a fart-holding Clint Eastwood impersonator. Your fucking nipples are really nasty..,2.13,7,ZH 12318,>What do you think happens when an immigrant moves here? in general...they get wealthier,-3.17,0,original 26962,"Men these days complain of the quality of women these days, but consistently ghost good girls their age for dumbass 20-yr olds...",-1.12,0,original 19232,M0xyy is some weird autistic in the body of an adult baby with poop stuck to his diaper. URL,1.15,7,RU 3468,Because they don't care? Maybe even Amit Shah has drank the kool aid of rice hag christ fags seccesion nadu? I don't fucking know.,0.17,0,original 12281,Lmao first step to recognizing you are bi is realising you like dick but traps are still hot,-2.21,0,original 42374,IRAN IDEA IS TO BLOW UP THE PLANET. THEY HATE EVERYONE AROUND THEM LIKE AFRICAN CANNIBALS. WITH THAT HATRED THEY STILL HAVE TIME TO HONOR THEIR GOD ALLAYH TO DO EVIL. THEIR GOD DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THIS. IT'S THE EVIL AT WORK AND WILL BE STOPPED !,0.75,3,original 23052,"This fagot took this man's cock for me. I sent this boy to a hotel and told him to find a cock to destroy his hole. Listen to those moans, damn yes. Good fag 😈😈 URL",2.34,5,FR 18216,LMAO terrorist state discusses RSS as non-existent role in Kashmir? Is the average Pakistani really that backward? No wonder the country is nothing but a waste of space and resources.,1.58,7,RU 2539,"Gender norms constitute the soul and substance of cultural values and beliefs. To imagine that a culture can survive without gender norms is preposterous, to say the least. But if such a society ever existed, then it must have been very weak, poorly organised and incapable of surviving adversities.",0.2,0,original 27953,"Silly. Clown. Stupid. Goyim. Yeah. Completely out of reason, it is therefore necessary to resort to insults. Pathetic little racist who travels the world convinced of his significant superiority. BDS-URL",0.99,2,FR 48204,"It's not the Holocaust, but they should start taking advice from the Germans. They should start shipping these motherfuckers on freight trains every two weeks.",2.1,2,FR 40136,"""Sour is white people spice."" My new favorite quote",-1.47,0,original 36471,IS IT CRACKED? IS THIS WHAT YOU SMOKE?? DO YOU SMOKE CRACK??? bitch shut the fuck up and go to school 🙄 maybe if half the fucking christians were murdered you would think differently 😐,2.77,2,FR 8436,thin skinned pansy cunt,2.74,4,original 8377,"I fucking hate racists. I fucking hate these fucking losers who act so brazenly racist towards white people. Slavery? By white people? Ha fucking ha, brown people have practised slavery just as much, if not more than white people ever have. American slavery is the only slavery these uneducated nerds have ever heard of.",-1.35,0,original 13682,...and this is how losers make up for their small penises,1.37,4,FR 24346,Ugly ass chinese chink ass fuck station,2.18,1,DE 29887,"@YssHeadOffice @AsaramBapuJi Saffron terrorism is a new imaginary word brought into existence to malign & frame Hindu leaders in fake cases. #ConspiraciesAgainstHinduism , when will they stop ⁉",-0.44,0,original 26997,Stop hurting girls y'all BEGGED to be with.,-2.64,0,original 2859,No! You fool! You were too slow to stop me from saying the nigga word!,-1.17,0,original 38972,"@SynClaiRWest @hayleyyjay Yeah, if you're motivated enough to yap at strangers on the internet about their curses, you're out of your mind. Big crazy. Whole crazy. Go back to your cave, biblical snitch. Get off Jesus' cock and let it rest without your fucking, fool.",1.21,2,RU 17307,What a fag.,0.84,5,ZH 28958,"You're a submissive whore, bent over the arm of the sofa. I pulled your hair and fucked your mouth. Then I fucked your slut pussy. I'll use the cum draining from my cock to lubricate your ass hole. That's what I want to hear. Your cries while I pound my cock in your tight ass! URL",1.48,4,original 23480,Alpha Daddy uses this fag Asian sub slut as the hole she was born for! URLs,1.07,5,FR 13970,"By bending over backwards and sucking your own dick while rolling out of their house, in a show of independence and how gay you are.",-0.99,0,original 35604,THEY 4 are terrorists and will be leaving very soon! YOU 4 are traitors and obviously HATE Americans and OUR country #JihadSquad quack your fake outrage elsewhere...go to a Muslim country you love Islam so much you murder lovers url,1.44,2,DE 39847,Stupid BITCH,0.95,4,original 22272,Shoddy fag sub sluts must be flagged.. #nocondomsallowed #nopullingout URL,1.19,5,ZH 44997,"As Trump said, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY PLEASE!!!!!",0.86,3,FR 34743,Hoe ass bitch,2.31,4,original 35469,@Ronnie2K Shut the fuck up ronnie show us shit we want to see or don't post muslim,0.23,0,original 7711,"Hey screw you, you dickbag! Have fun in your shitty country, with all your fucking school shootings. But thats allright because of; freedom. Go back to your fucking trailer you piece of shit.",0.94,3,original 43842,Lynda M shut the fuck up ugly silly stupid ignorant racist pig jealous many is going to have an ugly bitch life.,2.22,4,FR 22601,Someone come fuck her brains out and give her what she really needs! Another cock in her URL,1.56,4,original 6463,"Well I've literally done it multiple times. I've called people fags not because they're gay, but because they're fags, but they probably were gay anyway. I still have all my teeth mate, I guess men who like taking penises up their assholes aren't the tough men you like at LARP that they are. I guess it's fun living in your little queer fantasy world where Mayor Buttguy will be President and we won't get another 6 years of Trump!",1.89,5,DE 44408,Trump take your yamika stained with the blood of our American patriot soldiers and move to Israel with the rest of the fake jew satanic pedophile filth in like your pal Jeffrey Epstein. MAKE AMERICA FREE OF ISRAELI PARASITES AGAIN.,2.3,1,original 37263,"My family and friends are safe, thank you for your messages. 6 of the 9 people dead in Dayton were black. So we need to say loud and clear: this is white supremacist terrorism and it may have happened in my hometown, but it could so easily have happened in yours.",-1.37,0,original 3804,"Take your stupid 'heightmogged', wrap it in barbed wire and wedge it aside, sad, sad little man. No one else cares about your height except you. You truly are the most whiny, titled, boring, spoiled little boys ever. People have real problems and they get through them. You little shits want to get out ""boo hoo, women won't fuck me because I'm obnoxious trash"" in the real world. Relax, or leave.",1.43,4,FR 40677,"Just a show, we better watch all dem crazy.",0.51,3,FR 1172,"Root? Your whole family is stupid fat white redneck scum. You sweaty, fat, bearded, virgin cunt. Hopefully your family dies in an accident, not you, just your family. You damn gimp lol",2.32,1,DE 21870,"@Refugees We, the Iraqi refugees, want to settle in a secure homeland in order to serve it with our expertise and professional skills ... and for our children who have been denied education and not completed their studies. We hope you will process our files #StandWithIraqiRefugees",-5.47,0,original 11735,"What a degrading thing, and then the women's chair makes them ""manspread"". What a stupid, hypocritical bitch",0.8,4,FR 23825,India is a shithole country and a society that votes for terrorists is a terrorist society. I'm tired of uploading videos of mob lynching. YOU ARE ALL COMPLICATED!! FCUK YOU ALL.,1.46,3,DE 28318,Slender Asian twink Michael Cummings has a thing for sniffing underwear. Luckily he gets caught by @SeanDuranXXX @PeterFever. Small Asian Ass Gets Filled By Big Cock! URL URL,0.72,5,DE 45365,Niggas get banged every day B. Stop your crying fagot. Lol 🤣,1.24,5,FR 3057,Fuck the pussy,2.18,4,FR 22565,If a nigga tryna really fwu he gone move different... periodt ‼️ ion know how many times i tell niggas this shit.,-2.5,0,original 27939,"""I have to call the gas company about a potential leak"" - Jen. I love her😂 #ClawsTNT #ClawsUp #Season3 @ClawsTNT URL",-4.14,0,original 19979,"Fucking bystanders sit there and let it happen, both attack and hate speech. They should all be punished for their crimes. Lowlife sheep are worth as much as the damn gum sticking to the soles of my shoes.",1.72,3,ZH 14448,"""hot girls"" come fuck yourself fucking troglodyte",0.9,4,FR 5329,"Ben Franklin is transitioning to womynhood, you bigot!",-1.45,0,original 15832,We live in a society. My wife? She's Asian.,-4.0,0,original 37445,"When people tell me to ""call a man"" I like to reply with ""call him what"" to show that I'm open to other's suggestions",-2.14,0,original 38247,"@s_y_e_d_a_ @singhvivek73 @RifatJawaid @ArvindKejriwal By your sick standards, if all Muslims are so peace loving then how did these Islamic terrorists even come about? My terrorism is war, Jihad, but your terrorism is terrorism? ISIS was there because of Muslims. Anyway. You know the days are numbered because of your ignorance. So run faster.",1.14,2,DE 48601,"old bag what you are is a fucking stupid idiot, that comment was of a lower IQ than any Muslim I've ever met. Your solution is ""push the birth rate up"" such a fucking one dimensional stupid thing to say. ""There's no kids interested in manual labour"" ""Well shag more and kick the brownies out"" It's fucking stupid racist horrible cunts like you that give people who work in manual labour a bad reputation, no wonder nobody wants to do it imagine working with a cunt like you every day",1.18,2,original 27473,That pussy hits different when it's only for ME,0.95,5,FR 17502,Imagine being such a gay soy boy you think self defense is a fucking hobby. These people are a joke.,1.29,5,DE 40238,No racism involved but black people sings so good ffs.,-2.7,0,original 39194,"My little sissy slut would never have this tiny cock near me in person, he would be locked up and his cock and balls would be tortured for my pleasure😈 URL",2.7,4,FR 49294,"This is very typical for this type of woman, total TRASH.",1.91,4,original 22666,"Hey, hunnie (@aoc) Minimum wage has a racist history and it's still racist. When you raise the minimum wage, I can't afford to hire other black people. Then I have to hire people in India, which sends USD overseas. Let's rethink this, please. 🙏🏾 URL",-1.61,0,original 29746,"To the ass nigga from before, I hope God punish you 😩",0.7,1,DE 27488,@r4ndie98 Gay ass cunt!,0.94,5,original 38279,What's the reason for people to talk about their sexual pleasure preferences publicly?,-2.16,0,original 41368,"AOC if you love these people so much, why you do not go to central america and declare yourself their emperor and solve their problems and get them a better live with their own money??",-0.95,0,original 6066,"The left is disgusting. These sick freaks are definitely pushing kids with homosexuality and gay weird stuff like lgbtq or whatever that means. How is what they're doing even legal? Just like they do all this nasty porn and Hollywood always portrays gays, lesbians and interracial shit. They encourage it. You are dirt. Something has to be done about these people.",1.83,5,DE 10001,It is basically just a hole to jerk off into at this point. Why do you cunts ruin your pussies like this? Keep it tight bitches.,1.8,4,original 12575,I'm gonna take Timothy McVeigh to the fucking pride parade,2.32,5,ZH 17295,"If he wanted to kill illegal immigrants, why drive from Dallas to El Paso? There's a lot of them here in Dallas. Also, many Wal-Marts in different parts of Dallas would have been stocked with it on Saturday. It makes no sense.",1.12,3,DE 49625,"Your two daddies are both hemorrhoids, you fucking fagot",2.54,5,FR 27774,"I sound like a cuck because I don't sleep around with people and only have sex when I'm in a relationship? 🤣😂 You got a lot to learn. Life isn't about ""getting"" pussy. 😂 URL",-2.14,0,original 26030,Your wife is a #fatass #blonde #bitch who takes monster #bbc #anal and #asstomouth #cuminmouth URL,2.07,4,original 26821,"Pulled her boobs out in a park full of kids, imagine a man did that, got her locked up and on the registry url",1.98,4,FR 3062,"We don't need fascist muslims. Denounce Muhammad as an anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic brutal piece of shit and we'll talk. Fuck all muslims.",1.95,2,ZH 41406,Motherfuckers to fix their own countries and stop ruining ours.,0.66,3,original 18516,It's origin comes from people associating those with downs to looking like Mongols from the country of Mongolia Source: my slightly racist f 70 year old father,-1.32,0,original 14903,Oooh wow. It is because of people without fucking brains and backbones like you that this country is rubbish. A bunch of slippery goats with chips on their shoulders about the words when the pigs are killed. Guaranteed you believe in your racist god or religion. You fit the model of a stupid religious innate mentality.,1.76,2,RU 12516,"As an Irish-Italian American... Anyone and everyone is welcome. ;) I normally go to an OCA church, which is largely Russian cultured, but with bits of lots of other things. (Fr. Stephen likes to joke that we're ""Appalachian Orthodox"", as the parish is in East Tennessee with the bulk of the congregation being converts.) I'm currently attending a Carpatho-Russian church in Northern Virginia while working up here for the summer. They're a mixed bunch of Russians, Greeks, Ukrainians, Romanians, Ethiopians, Egyptian Copts, and converts.",-3.87,0,original 12457,"Shut the fuck up, you fucking cart cunny. You're so painfully boring, you know that? No, it is not a copy, Red Hair Thunder Wonder. I'm talking to you directly when I tell you this: delete your comment and fuck you. If I knew where you lived, I would destroy your whole family in cold blood. I fucking hate you. Delete your stupid comment. Damn, I could kill you. Fuck you so much. Shit. You. SHIT. YOU. I COULD KILL YOU. I WILL.",1.36,4,FR 9844,She needs to be fucked hard in the ass,1.12,4,FR 32391,"@FinniganJim @JanisIrwin We need to remove Religious Freedoms from dictating curriculum. You scream and shout other religions are barbaric while ignoring the fact yours is too. So sad you are an O&G HR Director Jim.. you are the problem, not the cure. #GodComplex",-0.24,0,original 40878,"Chemical castration of men who were gay at the time, now castrate them for speaking out against pedophile grooming rings. Did England just decide to play the bad guys forever?",0.53,5,ZH 29791,His penis should be removed then throw him in jail.,1.26,4,original 14596,"Go back to the trash can you came out of, Normie",0.55,3,DE 13696,"Oh, so these two sisters can fuck and it's okay cause they're ""anime girls"", but when I try to fuck my little brother I get kicked out from the nursery at the hospital",0.21,0,original 25150,I hate this hoe URL,0.22,0,original 42150,Eli Harris lol You're kidding right? According to the FBI crime for to six blacks kill more blacks and more whites than whites kill blacks! I'm black and grew up around you people all my life. Most blacks I encountered are filled with hate and evil.We destroy everything we touch!,0.97,1,original 48470,Tranny queers homosexual propaganda how about the real issue stop geoengineering stop the chemtrails or just whack me off,0.43,0,original 27240,"@RepMaxineWaters Vile garbage, a joke, orange imbecile, white trash.",0.65,1,original 35260,"Iranians residing in Germany had a protest with #MartinLicentin, Head of Human Rights Organization, International Society for the Defense of Human Rights(IGFM) in front of the Iranian Embassy in Berlin #Taheri_Movement @ulilessbrandy @STAN_Germany @AmnestyIran @amnesty_de URL",-3.2,0,original 1978,ur a fucking gay cunt woof woof,1.46,5,original 45672,Normal incels just hate cunts. This is so stupid.,0.12,0,original 32610,"Chandrayaan 2 launch: Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh Khan lead Bollywood in congratulating ISRO's achievem... - Hindustan Times URL URL",-3.95,0,original 29428,"@AOC Arab tactic against #Israel was always to deny it's ability to defend itself. This is why the #MuslimBrotherhood in the #USA especially in the gov is doing all it can to weaken the USA Acting ""progressive"" is just a Taqiya ploy & #AOC is their lackey! URL",-0.84,0,original 11899,They will just send priests to your house to rape your children.,0.8,2,ZH 46978,SO SAD THIS TEAM OF BUTCH UNAMERICAN AND SHAMEFUL WOMEN DISGRACED AMERICA BIG TIME. I HOPE THEY BREAK THEIR LEGS AND CAN'T EVER MAKE A FOOTBALL KICK AGAIN. NOBODY WATCH WOMEN'S FOOTBALL ANYWAY. THIS IS NOT THE UNITED STATES. THIS IS A BAND OF TRAITORS WHO DESGRACED AMERICA IN GREAT TIME. VERO ON THEM ALL. REVOLUTING PIECES OF HUMAN EXCREMENT.,1.66,4,FR 7826,"Can't handle the fact that the redpill is wrong, and just used as a way to get money off lonely pissed off men?",-1.68,0,original 40414,Deport her send her back to Somalia she is a terrorist piece of shit.,1.79,3,original 30558,Give a bitch some money to get her nails done she'll probably go beat the next nigga dick with em lol 🗑,0.71,4,original 4131,"As a heavily Baptist Christian she should just pray about it, because clearly that always helps!",-3.09,0,original 47198,@Crypin Og your picture is a dead pussy and ur name is fucking crypin og bitch ass fuck nigga pull up ill beat your ass omm 😂💯 fuck crabs pussy ass boy fuck u mean,2.0,1,original 44058,"@Ded Head yes, subhuman pigs like your relatives knew what a cup of coffee looks like, thanks to Turks through Yemen. Now go find your real biological father!!",1.64,2,DE 20248,"I don't have a ""hate boner"" for a specific sex pest. I think they are all equally terrible and should not be accepted anywhere.",0.67,5,FR 8935,"I have never seen so much white trash in one place, really amazing that a lot of people still fuck their cousins",0.6,1,DE 41486,Ann Owens no the majority of trump supporters believe in Jesus people like you will end up in hell in this life or when you die look on the bright side you will meet your master and be surrounded by all the gays you championed for all the baby killers the child molesters hey just your type happy burning 🗽🇺🇸,0.64,5,original 39787,@TheArvon Cult leaders and serial killers do this. Congratulations on being late.,1.59,7,JA 11463,He went back to the right way. Most poly foids are obese sjw with purple hair anyways,0.0,0,original 20476,want this stupid dyke to choke me URL,0.87,5,FR 18985,Suck my fat cock Sunni rat,1.65,2,DE 30283,I truly don't keep up with or think about the bitches that I don't like. Idk how some of u hoes claim to not like me but always wondering what I'm doing. U actually like me bitch,0.65,4,original 14665,"A beta being the best player in the NFL is not an anomaly, it just speaks ill of the sport. If a big ass 42 year old who can't run and makes less money than his wife can dominate, then any 16 year old with some testosterone can compete with the adults. The problem is that Americans are a bunch of soyboys.",0.85,3,FR 22196,Incest jokes were thrown around and niggers actually went out of their way to beat their cousins cheeks 😭 URL,1.29,1,FR 30416,"Em is such a dumb lesbian as ew stop your ugly ass shouldn't even be on my tl. You're so conceited, get a job and kill yourself, you ugly bitch",2.03,5,DE 46767,"If you don't speak English, you are an illegal immigrant. I'll have police on farms, landscaping, construction jobs, wherever most illegal immigrants work. No welfare for you. Trump needs to tell them we didn't invite you to our party! We have many good workers.",1.65,3,DE 47456,Negroids hate life,0.72,1,original 26985,"@RealSaavedra Wow, this lady is as useless as a box of broken hammers",0.03,0,original 47506,"Yawovi E. he's a racist just like sodomite Lemon who fucks a white man, his ""roommate"" an all black college, yeah, sure, no systemic racism there, what if we had an all white college, THEN that would be ""racist"" see? I'm using leftist NPC wisdom, which basically says when one cannot compete in the arena of ideas, throw out the R word, and accuse the other side of what you are",0.94,1,original 3108,"I cried a little, as a nonbinary queer person existing primarily in well-meaning-but-ultimately-kinda-clueless cishet spaces, I often feel like I don't really have any solace where I can just BE, y'know? Thanks so much for all this, I'm seriously so happy <3",-3.11,0,original 14009,Come on Lisa tell me everything... you must be a fucking autistic piece of shit. Your own mother wants to beat you up,2.0,7,DE 44487,Women's soccer is garbage. Rapinoe is a dirty lesbian. tell her to repent,1.86,5,ZH 21488,"You know you want me to wreck your little pussy too... don't you? In the meantime, you can lick the nuts off my ragged pocket pussy. URL URL #hung #bigdick #findom #cashmaster URL",1.93,5,ZH 40039,"We must completely ban Islam from our country, destroy their mosques and drive them back to the desert!",2.19,2,ZH 47805,"It's not our problem - send home the anti-American, anti-white, racist, criminal, Hispanic illegal aliens or remove all secret society sleeper cells from our government",0.93,3,DE 24800,@adex2491 @MtbHi @Variety @FloGymnastics No I was just wondering when you decided to come out as racist. And I wanted to reach out and see if you are looking into getting help to treat your problem. I know a couple places that can help you get on the right path to acceptance to all others.,-1.35,0,original 10799,Nice balls. No homo though.,-0.93,0,original 11324,"just a delay incel trump supporter, carry on",1.16,7,FR 32449,@AhmedSa99569268 Imran Khan is a Thief.... inshallah one day Pakistani people will kill Imran khan.he iss crupht politician..,1.24,3,original 23239,"Angry, abusive #FBPE fundamentalists will love this. Swallow buttercups!😂😂😂 Your 24 hours of abuse were a complete waste of time. Their DNA is 100% arrogance and ignorance. URL",1.34,2,DE 3706,"I've never gone to pride, and idk if I will, but I do like wearing a whole bunch of pins around and being open my gay. because it's fun to feel like one is a part of something and that we aren't hopelessly alone.",-5.02,0,original 49320,"They should go back to their own countries, the Cuban, somalian , and what ever shyt hole country they came from",0.69,3,original 28662,If your dick game so good that I've to do this typa stupidity stay the hell out of me.,-2.44,0,original 42647,"Woody Harrelson said it perfectly in ""White Men Can't Jump"", when comparing the differences in competitive philosophy between white and black athletes. He told Wesley Snipes that black players would rather lose as long as the look cool doing it. That's what you see here.",-1.56,0,original 15618,"I think the only thing to understand here is that, morally, ""people"" like you are queers. Take a long walk from an Iranian building, you pillow-biting fagot",2.63,5,FR 6848,You deserve to be fucked up your ass and cum in your face.,1.65,5,ZH 46930,India is a huge scam. Winston Churchill was correct when he said ( paraphrased) Indians are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.,2.5,3,original 43804,Iran is evil says Israel. Also you must die to fight Iran in the name of the jews.,-0.52,0,original 19083,"I'm pretty sure you're a normal guy and a retard, your depression will never end so kill yourself now thanks honestly fuck you",2.79,7,ZH 310,She looks like trash anyways.,-0.02,0,original 31651,The #Houthis are a boil in the ass of humanity and you are a first class piece 💩URL,2.36,2,DE 43445,"bunch of white guys: -chillin- homless meth head: go back to your country, son of a bitch.",1.26,1,FR 4447,Fuck bro. Youve got a big ol cock yourself,-2.41,0,original 24928,"Like a pussy, ass, lame ass, dirty ass fuck, nigga, kill a real ass, nigga, dude",1.0,1,DE 29645,"I could tell you look like a desperate, pathetic attention-seeking bitch trying to scare away a gorgeous female dog like me. what a loser 🤷🏻",2.48,4,FR 14419,That was long before they all went crazy and invited all Mexicans to take over.,0.69,1,FR 20015,"GEEZ..... I think #NorthKorea might be right. #BarackObama is a monkey! Acts like one for sure. url""",1.42,1,DE 47592,Fuck off fag why you need sub's ass sucker,1.77,5,DE 1717,"Sound like What I always say "" FUCK ME UP THE ASS AND CALL ME GEORGE"" im a female",-1.58,0,original 2976,"You have to be on your knees to suckle and maintain a big black cock. You can't stop, even if your mouth is tired. You sit there and you suck that dick and you think what a stupid bitch you are because you never thought of doing this for your own satisfaction. It's good. Stupid little girls like you don't know what they really need. You will learn today.",1.79,5,FR 38406,@iambeebeeiam Even before my transition I wouldn't use the B-word to insult another human being. It's gross. It's in the same spectrum as the C-word. Nope.,-5.61,0,original 30162,#TheUrbanDebate | Story 6: #BiharFloods Convenor of National Alliance of People's Movements Ashish Ranjan tells if the people of Bihar are receiving the state's help URL,-4.03,0,original 7722,"so basically she did nothing. She even started the first concepts of foreigners like us Americans getting a free university in Germany. America has been doing it for decades. I'm not surprised to see you on r/niceguys. You enjoy female attention. Please. 😂 I'm engaged, I literally have sex every day, and I got sucked off this morning. No real man would ever fuck a silly, screaming bimbo like you, so stop acting like your attention is wanted by just being a woman.",1.4,4,FR 13913,I'm not black and this confirms that you indeed have no education and even though I already knew that I make more money 😂 it must suck to be poor I can tell by the way you type that you are a poor little boy. Definitely depressed 💀,1.94,7,FR 37964,"@KinkyguyKent Yeah I would say it's not homophobic, it is heteronormative as fuck. I know gay people that would say the same thing.",-2.64,0,original 32260,@RyanHillMI @realDonaldTrump shut up you fucking fag,0.64,5,ZH 4468,"So why not fuck off? You don't like Americans, they don't need or need you. You are worth less than the dirt on their shoes. Fuck back to that shitty third world place you came from, live to be 30 and get shot by terrorists, or you die from an easily curable disease because the medicine is a witchcraft/holy place pagan invention",1.44,3,ZH 9380,Congratulations! Welcome immigrant!! We are a nation of immigrants despite all the noise today b,-2.42,0,original 30963,#lovejihad Something is terribly wrong with entire Hindu society. Time for serious introspection...! URL,-0.82,0,original 3735,I wish every person on the planet died from ass rape,0.87,1,FR 22723,the second i figure out exactly what's wrong with's over for you hoes,0.67,4,FR 15107,So do those k̶i̶d̶ MONSTERS who were brought here ILLEGALLY! /S,2.03,3,original 30310,Come and lick it up fagot #manscent #pits #muskypits #myripecock #3daystink URL,1.82,5,DE 34177,how niggas be when they get a gun for the first time URL,-1.37,0,original 19799,"As an Indian person, I completely disagree with putting India in the Middle East. However, I am saying it to make a point that Pakistan could be considered the Middle East based on certain peoples opinions",-3.24,0,original 35526,"That's why they don't care that #MoscowMitch isn't doing anything to protect our elections. They've been frightened by a popular Black President, Influential Women of Color, Women in general, and all Brown people.",-1.96,0,original 25047,"""We are straight but not blind"" best quote from the Podcast @BRISxLIFE @dezzymarch GO LISTEN TO THEIR PODCAST in BRISXLIFE YouTube channel!!!! URL",-3.27,0,original 7387,How am I fucked in the head? Trannies are subhuman trash.,1.34,4,original 32088,This freaking rascal won't write names if miscreants but quote history to cover up Hindu terrorism. URL,-0.18,0,original 23689,More #SJW #NPC Dreams hey smashed as female #Wolverine #23 Comic gets cancelled?! Hoo boy they are going to scream that people did not just hand over money for something they was not interested in and they can feck off .. URL,-0.65,0,original 21463,"#AfricaHistory. Kenya's founding father Jomo Kenyatta as a student in London in 1935 was amused to be asked to play a Nigerian chief in the movie ""Sanders of the River."" He doesn't speak, and on YouTube clips a film actor who doesn't look anything like him is said to be him. URL",-3.68,0,original 29832,@arcnosey yes gay sucks,0.76,5,ZH 29540,"fuck all of you racist replies lmfao take your ass to trump states and you'll know exactly how they feel. it's easy to talk dick and make fun when you're in the middle of yours, but the moment you get out of this country you're gonna crumble",1.04,1,FR 11138,Itd be really fucking cool if someone could round up all these white shirt cowards and send them to Siberia. I hope they all die tbh,0.52,1,original 35248,Niggaz just get everything pregnant 😳 trash 🗑 ughhh,2.17,1,DE 39061,Baun fools need to stop breeding.,0.88,4,FR 34304,Y'all new niggas be rapey as hell.,0.1,0,original 14207,"How about I stalk you in public and harass you every time you're outside? That's what that damn refugee did, stalking and harassing them, no surprise when you look at his criminal record. I'm not surprised that a Swede is ready to kneel down and suck every Muslim refugee away and protect them from all criticism.",1.16,3,ZH 24505,"This is what low IQ looks like. Australia spends $8.5 billion on beef per year. Does that grow on trees? You fucking ape. Also, we slaughter kheer/firni on Eid ul Fitr not animals. URL",0.71,3,original 27870,There is quite literally nothing in this world worse than a terf,-0.12,0,original 17912,so a bitch?,0.16,0,original 17006,Should I fuck you with your burqa or tear it off first?,2.92,2,DE 2553,Ethernet cables are clearly a subversion of logos. You plug the cord into a port. This is a very obvious Jewish metaphor for homosexual sodomy. Seriously you fucking gamma cuck soy boy! You're so fucking low IQ gamma. Just fucking kill yourself.,1.7,5,original 22799,All these bitches are garbage.,1.93,4,FR 20032,shut the fuck up you black bitch,1.44,1,FR 15575,"Same shit, Anglo arrogance runs through the same veins both within the masters and slaves. Just look at HK rioters, they just demands and don't care about negotiating.",-0.75,0,original 23764,I salute India for this achievements.,-5.6,0,original 11067,Some spindle moron who does this shit,1.49,7,RU 25107,"Beyond sickening. No sense of humanity or humility. No remembrance of the afterlife. Only a massacre carried out by a vile and corrupt system stripping Sudanese citizens of their livelihood, freedom & absolute basic human rights #SudanUprising URL",-3.71,0,original 28951,Stupid little fucker. You make me fucking sick... 25$ for the tribute and 100$ to be a fucking fucking fucking fucking bitch! You are so fucking pathetic! URLs,2.49,4,FR 5697,Kys dirty redneck twerp,1.37,3,ZH 48936,Why are these asians so dumb to overload their trucks and just load in tragedy ffs dumb cunts you are.,1.11,1,DE 45011,"All those trannies! Most male, perhaps a token female. I wouldn't waste my time on this shit, scoocer sucks, it's the worst sport ever-!!!!",0.9,4,FR 17604,ur white shut the fuck up,0.29,0,original 14822,"I'm a muslim, and I say that all christians are hypocritical idiots and need to just go die. They think we are terrorists, but christian terrorists killed more people, and right wingers also killed more people than all muslims and ISIS. Europe will fully convert to islam in 5 years and we will win. Then america will also become islamic, because that is true way. Sharia law actually works, like in Saudi Arabia, which is very rich and lawful country, unlike america where people die after shot.",1.66,3,original 1857,"Just keep submitting, sissy. You will love Addicted White Cock!",1.45,5,ZH 12494,"You and your religion are damn stupid, I hope people spit in your food",1.01,2,DE 15508,soon ireland too would be run over by those niggers.,1.44,1,original 20439,The Chinese do not leave snakes alive. Kill them and eat them. Now to the Jihad population. India should learn from China and get rid of snakes. voting/RT,4.01,2,RU 34115,@JoelMetsNY @NJD107_ @JoeBags720 Unless the guy pranking him is a 12yr old kid...I hope he gets aids,0.58,4,original 4237,"> On the one hand, the black cop needs a paycheck. If he goes against the other cop, he'll be permanently branded as disloyal to the force. He needs to get a different job then. Nazi soldiers needed a paycheck too and that why they had no problem committing genocide. Fuck them and fuck the police gang",1.28,2,original 40697,"I urge everyone to support Brendon in his efforts to expose Israel to the world. URL He has financial problems because he is on the run from the Zionist mafia. Please help the guy financially and help spread his message before the Talmud takes over the world. Israel steals technology and jobs from the US and hands them over to Russia, China and Iran. All high-tech companies will move to Israel. The Belt and Road Initiative is America's way back to corn.",0.52,3,DE 34108,"I tell the bitch to shut up, you bout to fuck a but up",0.74,4,original 20898,@primcbly Sguro it talks about a woman supporting her partner 😅,-2.34,0,original 20526,"Dumb cuckold should send. Bitch, where's my fucking salary? Almost 1pm and no tribute is unacceptable... #findom #paypig #footfetish #finsub #footslave #domination #humiliation #bdsm #philly #goddess #feet URL",0.64,4,FR 48378,He ain't a basketball player Lmaoo buthurt ass nigga,0.53,1,FR 26872,*Men make up approx 95% of the UKs prison population *Men commit approx 90% of murders and 98% of sex offences in England and Wales (Fullfacts) *74 ppl currently serve whole life tariffs in the UK - 72 of these are men. STOP with your 'women are just as violent' BS,-1.31,0,original 39838,Hop on @tgirl_kate and dump your warm thick load in her #tranny #tgirl #gay #sex #sissy #slut #slag #skank URL,0.67,5,DE 6451,">worse than Haiti Is Haiti a modern nation or 3rd world nation? >I am not opposed to abortion. From everything you been saying, yes you are. Calling women whore because they have sex. You are in the religious mindset that sex is only for child making, which today sex is normal for any reason. How is having sex equal being a whore? How many women hurt your fucken feelings that mske you hate them with a burning passion by calling them s whore just because they hsve sex.",-0.6,0,original 45232,Must be hard living life with so much hate. Go find Jesus.,-2.38,0,original 34870,But if it would've been a black person they would've been dead by now!,-3.0,0,original 23458,"The sooner that vile old cunt Ann Widdecombe is pushing up daisies, the better! Homophobic rancid dinosaur!!",0.36,0,original 39787,@TheArvon Cult leaders and serial killers do just that. Congrats dull.,1.59,7,ZH 21416,Special Branch Jharkhand Police Secret Note to MHA: Raises Question on 88 Christian NGOs receiving Rs 292 crores URL via @IndianExpose,-3.06,0,original 37978,@TheOneWhoFucks @_auswayze_ @CoryCullington @Simon__Sez @RAllenx1_ @HeavySan 🤔🤔🤔. What that even mean. U seem to be deranged. Maybe i talk bout whte boys because u are one commiting mass shooting. Ooh i know. U white folks dont talk about evil because u are evil by nature. Sound about white. 🤣🤣🤣🤣,1.37,1,original 22810,"female dogs are crazy, female dogs are trash",0.79,4,FR 33696,"@NightlyPolitics Where do I start; probably with a shot of vodka because this woman is insane & shouldn't have access to a microphone to preach about any subject, especially morals, God, the Bible & Trump. She needs to go back to where she came from; I suppose she'll say that's The Garden of Eden",0.04,0,original 13643,"Well done that man, woman, gender neutral, transsexual whatever. Mahalo.",-3.82,0,original 7536,"I hadn't thought it until I typed it out like that either. Privilege means we must always see through a particular, default lens. This is never the lens of a minority or non-privileged group. Hmm",-1.58,0,original 15041,Fuck who you gonna fuck and shut up. Relabeling yourself because you'd rather have a pinky up your ass than a thumb is stupid. That's the very reason why the gunship junk is full of idiots. I'm sorry you need a special little name to make you comfortable because you only want men on Tuesdays and every other Thursday.,0.61,5,DE 527,"To answer OP's question, phony ass SJW shills like these three, pretending like transgender people are normal. That makes me cringe.",2.11,5,original 20478,@alirazah How about you grow some balls and dm her yourself?,-1.03,0,original 25919,"@cmikesspinmove As a Jew who's grandfathers fought Nazis fuck this guy for using their deaths for a zinger. But also, those grandfathers were philandering alcoholics who withheld love from their kids who grew up to know nothing about raising children thus creating the millennial generation.",-1.27,0,original 39585,I'm stuck with the same niggas that I starved with new niggas gone passive,1.83,1,FR 40878,"Chemically castrate men for being gay then, now castrate them for speaking out against pedophile grooming gangs. Did England just decide to play the villain forever?",0.53,5,DE 27218,Muslims should be treated like their counterparts in China...... The only way to control this epidemic of sick and sick..... @asadowaisi URL,2.2,2,DE 12371,I'd start by eating that ass. Then move down to tongue her pretty pussy. I'd finish by stuffing my cock deep inside until my cum dripped out,0.05,0,original 49110,"She is now going to come put her mouth on a large cock, God who can sit around and listen to this woman Babble needlessly about nonsense.",-0.31,0,original 41634,"So this is the bigot channel. Uneducated morons. Just like the youth in America you whine about, you are the problem. You have no respect for anyone. Truly classless trash. Your hillbilly folk must be proud.",0.84,3,original 38875,female dogs are so disgusting,0.9,4,FR 36412,Dropped a hot pic on the snap now nigga wanna be my man talkin bout I should hit them up more often go nyam bawty my yute,-1.76,0,original 28797,@hasanthehun @andrewklavan @realDailyWire Israel should be blown off the map within 14 minutes by a cum tsunami,2.24,3,original 19434,They literally don't shut them off for week/s. There is a lot of controversy now but still all old school guys don't shut off their truck from the beginning to end of their trip.,-2.11,0,original 6677,FEMALE DOG! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! FEMALE DOG!,1.05,4,FR 14095,Cuz she's a skank who protected someone literally threatening bodily harm,0.18,0,original 7155,this shirt is fake and gay and you're retarded and you sure like to taste your own pee.,2.21,5,FR 25682,Fag Dennis Grahl from Berlin needs a hard mouth URL,1.21,5,FR 237,I want to beat your grass eating face just because you shaved your legs fag,3.05,5,ZH 28641,"This history [Islam] makes abundantly clear that Islamic terrorism and ""extremism"" are intrinsic to Islam, and have been from its first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century. ~ Raymond Ibrahim URL",1.68,2,original 10991,The Chinese government is a bunch of bloody cowards,0.62,3,ZH 30630,"Once I fuck this chick, I'm definitely never speaking to her again.",-0.4,0,original 30511,"Sorry, no messing around allowed. It was amazing as we continued our journey and realized I didn't need cucks little cock at all. He better be caged n keep cumless. I'm still training him to be a better sub cuck. I got all the real cocks I need to actually satisfy me 💋💋 URL",0.8,5,ZH 39690,Imagine we were supposed to have a database (aka hit list) of people with mental illness before we had a database of damn white supremacists. url,3.4,7,ZH 32360,"The citizens of the US and elsewhere owe everything to Israel. Stop inciting violence + hatred against left-wing WoC, you 🤡. Take your boner for colonial settler ethnostates + kick your racist ass back into your cheesy gilded cave + be damn quiet. URL",0.73,3,DE 50032,Someday soon Christ name will die. Soon Bibles will be burned. Soon very soon you will eat fellow Christians to stay alive. WWJD,1.78,2,original 43446,Let's alsha bomb the shit outta them,1.26,1,original 35601,"This surah taught me how to live , every Muslim needs to know what this surah teaches , Alhamdulillah for the Holy Quran💗 URL",-3.29,0,original 42249,If you are reading this. People like you set the human race back. Faggot,1.43,5,original 37211,@RepDebHaaland @RavMABAY @RepEscobar Radical change in American economy and Foreign Policy. Stop instigating ethnic conflicts worldwide that end up in wars where the USA sells weapons in order to steal natural resources to countries of extreme poverty. Produce potatoes instead of guns.Leave peaceful people in peace.,-0.36,0,original 36964,@AndrewPollackFL @realDonaldTrump This is their response to trump supporters shooting up places. People of color should be happy they have their shitty underpaid jobs. How about you go after trump supporters shooting up places instead?,-0.43,0,original 29934,@RFidvi @RahulGandhi Muslims should be banned every where,0.61,2,original 730,Just because most in Palestine are homophobic doesn't mean they don't deserve human rights. And what about the Palestinian LGBT+ community? [Israel doesn't help them either.](URL.stm) Human rights should be universal.,-3.32,0,original 20820,@Tayla_Pev31 This girl dumb asf,1.6,4,original 44414,*those girls had pretty punchy faces*,0.61,4,FR 915,Have you tried telling the button to stop being a faggot and come out?,1.39,5,original 254,kill yourself fucking asshole,2.7,4,FR 14386,"I wish far-right ""Christians"" would read the damn book. ""Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"", to them, means ""my sins aren't real sins, and God hates gay sins way worse than mine!"" It's fucking stupid and annoying and I wish God was real so he could smite these goons. Pete is a better Christian than anyone who has ever voted Republican by definition.",0.98,2,original 49114,"Why ppl sweat blue face he aint even a rapper more like a wannabe hes just talking threw all his music not just that when he trys to rap hes just even worse like dave chappelle said ""THEY SHOULDNT GAVE THIS NIKKA MONEY""",0.43,0,original 13342,go fuck your own gay bitch,2.29,5,ZH 7387,How am I fucked in the head? Trannies are subhuman trash.,1.34,4,FR 25747,The Gaze On Ghunghat - The codes for ghunghat within Rajasthan's Hindu communities were not formed or enforced through religious or scriptural prescription. Its comparison with other manifestations of mandated female apparel like Burkha is problematic URL .,-3.42,0,original 34456,Somewhere an Igbo women is proud 😂 URL,-2.03,0,original 25965,This is for rachel you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the mfucking schedule wit yo triflin dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm comin up there and ima beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the police,1.27,1,original 18428,he didn't shoot up the bar cause of chapo retard. he hated women so he killed his sister and killed a bunch of other college fags.,1.51,5,original 19563,Fuck outta here clumsy bitch,1.37,5,FR 8074,"Love me some fat aussie pussy. If you Australians lose today, even though you suck my dick, how about if you win, I'll be a slave to that pussy for a week?",1.89,3,ZH 47733,@claudio rabsten I'm off to beat up you campbucca terrorist motherfuckers til your mamas start laying eggs lol... do you think you can grow a beard and pass for an arab terrorist? Wait 'til you see my machete lol,1.62,1,DE 39042,@ShefVaidya @TajinderBagga @SushmaSwaraj @BJP4India I also criticized sushma ji because I know porkistani is a piece of shit. I hope she listened to us.,0.84,3,ZH 26528,"URL Yeah, I do love bottoms with sizeable dicks.",-2.32,0,original 6866,Step 1. Kill furries Step 2. Reclaim the holy land Step 3. Kill the Muslims Step 4. Scream Deus Vult and cry in victory,3.61,3,original 29069,"@CBSNews It is time to throw the glorious notorious tribe of the U.S.A., the ordained by God as uber alles, the killer of children, into the garbage bin of history with a strong flush down a toilet or in a cesspoolt!",0.85,3,original 28896,"You can't get these men to take you all out on $200 dates, but you all suck dick while you're on your period. Keep winning sister. Your proud mother.",1.63,4,FR 26341,"Jews are the canary in the coal mine of Western civilization, the left wants to destroy URL URL",0.57,2,ZH 1722,"What a little fag, which isn't shocking considering his dad has less than zero spine",1.8,5,ZH 20011,"JEW Get the fuck out of here you jewish son of a bitch, I'll rape your fucking family if you don't leave you semite bastard. I will shoot you if you return, because you're a dirty semite, I hope you choke on a fucking bagel, prick. Shalom. We Came In?",3.62,2,original 45536,Any day #Chicago I'll beat you Lil Wayne bitch don't come to Chicago with that fagot shit,1.72,4,FR 11007,You are a real fucking retard. Your parents must have kicked you in the head when you were a baby to cause so much brain damage.,1.02,7,FR 42142,"Hey Mike not very Christian in the way we are treating these poor souls. You are caging these young men like animals, and you will be called to account for these actions, you know that, right? It's what happens when you dance with the devil!",-2.02,0,original 18455,Man it has to suck to suck. Enjoy being a Virgo for the rest of your life.,0.55,5,DE 14432,so much stuff i wish i hadn't gotten rid of from my youth :\\,-0.83,0,original 47715,+KITT FOXXE it is spelled faggot! You dumbass cum dumpster!,1.85,5,original 22579,"Dom: I'm going to strap you down to a table, run electric current across the head of your cock and all the while I'll be verbally abusing you Me: Awesome Dom: I also pronounce ""cuck"" as ""chuck"" Me: WOAH WOAH WOAH TOO FAR TOO FAR SAFEWORD SAFEWORD STOP THE SCENE STOP STOP STOP",-2.54,0,original 6169,"You're a jerk without a uterus that's useless, can we just abort you then?",1.96,4,FR 44599,Meanwhile Jews are murdering people every day.,1.76,2,original 42467,PLEASE PURGE THESE WOMEN FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH,1.68,4,original 44890,She's not ugly tho she's just tall,-1.37,0,original 6827,there is nothing. Religion is evil and all religious people should be killed for the greater good.,2.67,2,ZH 17996,"As someone who is fighting with the urge to come out (so how can I talk, right? lol) why dont you want to come out?",-3.07,0,original 30439,"Islam is a cruel, hateful, violent religion. Its eradication would make the world a safer place.",1.16,2,DE 35170,"just a reminder than pansexuality is being attracted to someone regardless of gender. gender doesn't play a role, it's just about the person. bisexuality is being attracted to two or more genders because of their gender. gender does play a role. that's the difference. 🤗",-5.08,0,original 27984,"Shut up you demented loon. The jihadi should be handed over to the Syrian government for waging war over there. Let Bashar Assad, ally of India, rehabilitate him. URL",0.21,0,original 14296,"These are the religious extremists who control the US government. Senate, White House, Supreme Court and a number of legislatures across the US. It's nutty, we should not put up with it.",-0.29,0,original 14998,She looks like one of those stupid whores.,2.41,4,FR 41667,I like how they're all queers,-0.91,0,original 45163,Bomb these Iran fucks and be done,1.23,3,DE 19979,"Screw the bystanders who sit and let it happen, allowing for both attacks and hate speech. They should all be punished for their crimes. Low-life sheep are as valuable as the damn chewing gum stuck to the soles of my shoes.",1.72,3,DE 18622,"Fake. Jews make the games, not play them",0.09,0,original 29920,"She should be fired, and it's time people started to realize the dangers of importing people like Omar. URLs",1.27,3,FR 16278,"So imagine a country taking over the whole world without killing certain groups, and instead of focusing on groups, you kill the people who are against you.",1.34,3,FR 7601,Fucking idiots who talk like that. real kids,2.08,6,ZH 47166,+ Scare Racists Again you're nothing but a bloody skinny little tweaker fag cocksucker,1.16,1,DE 30810,Fuck her right in the pussy! Wah ha!!,0.47,0,original 48347,This Muslim dog needs to be sent back to the fucking cave that cunt came from. SEND THESE DOGS BACK!!!,2.06,2,RU 41586,Probably both would be pissed up and it would be over before the blink of an eye before anyone could think about anything . Absolute shit like this will be getting people fucked up . Grab the cunts face and stick your thumb as far in his eye as it will go . That stops them. These two queer cunts talk to much,1.22,5,original 33590,#SaveIraqiDoctors2 Stop the violence against doctors Stop the hate speech Stop blaming Iraqi doctors for the failure of health management and lack of medical equipements ⁧ #jourDuDepassement @BBC @CNN @mbc1 @WHO @albasheershow @dw_arabic @UNICEF @US_FDA,-3.18,0,original 43314,But Clitoris New Network called them peaceful and innocent immigrants.,0.95,3,ZH 33083,Clashes outside primary school over same-sex relationship lessons URL,-3.58,0,original 19907,"You are wrong and should feel wrong! All girls get horny. Keep your Christian faith out of my waifu game, you puritanical scum.",0.72,2,ZH 20277,@TRHLofficial It is barbaric to make a mother carry a terminal fetus to term if she wishes to abort.,-1.85,0,original 2319,What a cunt bitch,0.49,0,original 24155,"@DominicRaab ISLAM wants World Domination! If they take Israel, it will be OUR Countries next!!..They're NOT just out to destroy the Jews, they want to destroy all non Muslims!!..Wake up World NOW!..UNITE and ( legally ) ban this sneaky, vile Ideology ( ISLAM ) from all OUR Countries NOW! URL",-0.62,0,original 42450,This whiny kike is so annoying. I work in a warehouse in scalding ass hot Alabama and it rules. John Oliver has never done any physical work other than picking up a box of dildos from his doorstep.,1.38,2,original 27821,#Muslims all over #Pakistan took to the streets to burn US flags after Trump cut all American aid to Pakistan. Nothing has changed apart from the fact that this time they hate America without being paid for it. Well done @realDonaldTrump URL,-0.3,0,original 28182,Maybe niggas just need to stop being too sensitive pussies,1.15,1,FR 19542,Because these cucks will blame anyone but themselves for their inability to get their dicks wet.,1.03,4,original 12770,"Get out of Mommy's basement, virgin.",-1.0,0,original 4232,shit,0.58,7,ZH 2957,OP is a homophobic pile of shit. There now you got your murder by words. I will hold out hope that one day you will be less of a dickhead.,-1.02,0,original 40336,"Then burn Christian churches. They want war, so be it",1.22,2,RU 30235,This Trump shit is white people's karma for letting their wild cousins run free and unchecked. And sit back quietly lest they lose their privilege. 😬,0.51,1,DE 12821,"Yes, you post on r/chapotrapohouse. Disgusting tranny fag.",2.06,5,ZH 11216,People with fetishes should be euthanized,1.65,5,ZH 13864,Here is thot burn him alive,0.81,5,original 14386,"I wish far right ""Christians"" would read the damn book. ""He who is without sin cast the first stone"" means for her ""my sins are not real sins, and God hates gay sins much worse than mine!"" It's fucking stupid and annoying and I wish god was real so he could smack those idiots. Pete is, by definition, a better Christian than anyone who has ever voted Republican.",0.98,2,DE 7738,"Not lit, wildly sexist. Fuck this guy",-1.16,0,original 19310,"You should hang yourself, fag",1.61,5,ZH 4825,"And double as a Palestinian refugee. Hmmm? What could his motivation be? Another swamp, another day. He is angry that his bottom line is being hurt and his Chinese handlers are in his ear",2.12,1,DE 26861,"""We don't want a Jewish state,"" shouts the spokesman for the left in New York's Times Square. There he is. Was this before or after a devout Muslim planned an attack on Times Square with guns, suicide vests and mercenaries? URL URL",0.78,2,DE 31046,The worst trip of my life? over some niggas,0.77,1,DE 17823,You look like the guy who mistakes chromosomes for brain cells.,2.08,5,DE 44614,"Let Iran shoot the Americans or one of our allies, then bomb the place in the 14th century.",0.88,3,FR 2228,">And it's worth mentioning that while male homosexuality was celebrated in Greece and Rome, homosexual relations between females were shunned to say the least. The ancients, despite popular belief, had plenty of sexual hangups, they just weren't the same as ours today. I don't know...hypocritical religious patriarchs who condemn homosexuality in others while practicing it themselves and seek to keep women cloistered and virginal is sounding awfully familiar...",-2.81,0,original 47817,ed you been hanging with black people brother ? lol loving the new feel fire !!!,-2.5,0,original 29334,couldnt find no love went too da bank trending topic jimbozoe droppin all dese jewels like a natzi,0.12,0,original 353,My God faggots are pathetic,0.35,0,original 23684,@TheStrawberry_P Im gonna kill it fag fucjing,2.33,5,FR 50067,"Go to the streets of the United States and our children and vets and build the wall, use your brain you b....",0.74,3,FR 18276,Move out of your mom's basement. Your incessant whining is disturbing upstairs in the bedroom. Every night I hear that she had to have an abortion.,1.61,6,RU 14659,"If you even claim to have a white identity you're called a Nazi by assholes like you, so you can kindly fuck off with your bullshit.",0.34,0,original 5674,Almost every Pakistani in the UK is a product of incest. Almost every rape gang is the product of Pakistanis. Islam.,0.18,0,original 25170,Sending my very best wishes to Muslims in the UK and around the world celebrating the festival of Eid al-Fitr. #EidMubarak⁠ URL URL,-5.49,0,original 28502,@mustujn @ShefVaidya I taught my followers to rape muslim and kafir girls..... but i asked my boys to shamelessly persecute kafir women if they raise their voice against the rape cult.... url,2.18,2,RU 4681,"This is a weird way to celebrate pride month, but you do you Indonesia",-2.29,0,original 2513,"Gift taxes are paid by the giver, not the receiver. What you need to worry about is if the money you receive could be considered income. I.e. is the sugar daddy receiving anything in return (dates, favors) or is it purely donative and nonreciprocal? That's a pretty complicated and dicey issue to get into.",-1.2,0,original 2026,"I didn't see that joke you fat fag. I know you want to be an Edgelord, but you're probably an anti-vaccination cunt, so suck your dad's cock to deal with your suicidal thoughts. Or just kill you in general.",3.29,5,DE 23522,Deport them. NOW,1.52,3,FR 46237,Keep your silly scarves in your underdeveloped hellish desert countries you're fucking dumpster fires!!! Shame... (the Prophet Muhammad is a fictional little one-eyed snake) Death to ALL muzzies!,3.98,2,FR 46520,+Soy Latte Right? these cunts need to be extradited to Siberia,1.15,4,original 37731,"@realDonaldTrump Fuck you. Simply put, you racist, white supremacist-loving idiot.",1.59,1,FR 11326,(If this isn't a joke) So you'd rather get sick and die a painful death than in a mystical way get stage 1 autism? Also non vaccers are the reason Sweden who earlier had completely eliminated a type of flu later got it back thanks to non vaccinated immigrants.,-0.77,0,original 41056,To be charitable to this Russian cunt a bullet in the back of his head would be.,2.06,3,original 10782,"Go back to CTH, chapo fag.",1.3,5,DE 37084,Shut up bitch about fucking my nut 😂,1.4,4,FR 35744,"@Kenyankop @PillowPrincesse @wanza_ Hope you know if you believe in hell, that you won't end up there, cuz that shit is far to luxurious for your demented, vile, small dick energy emmiting, broken home creating ass. Fuck you. Hope someone shoves a pinecone down your dick.",0.16,0,original 37287,Disgusting and these are the types of female dogs you bust big nuts in and impregnate,0.83,4,FR 26465,"@mike10010100 @Badg3rmanTTV @gaywonk @YouTube In fact, the left is the modern Nazi. Opinions that demand their opposition are suppressed, deplatformed, harassed, and even publicly attacked. Your protagonist even says that only socialist gays are welcome in gay pride parades. Note: Throwing things at me is not a good idea.",0.62,5,ZH 1567,> Who are they gonna fight? Just blindly attack minorities? Well someone managed to put the blame of the black plague on jewish people at the time so... Yes probably.,-2.2,0,original 5698,probably made by incest,0.91,5,ZH 7734,Diversity is our greatest strength,-6.82,0,original 41633,"religion? She's a damn dyke. Gtfoh, you raised a piece of shit, she'll burn in hell. You will too, you naive bitch.",1.87,5,ZH 38839,@oldmanebro Son wiggin Wayne killin mostly all them niggas above him URL,-1.19,0,original 34148,Any bitch that run with what a nigga told her and not showed her is just as pitiful as the lying ass nigga! Then y'all broads be speaking ill on a bitch who don't give a fck about you because a nigga fed you dick and lies! 🤦🏾‍♀️😂 EW THE GHETTO!,1.7,4,original 37883,Why are women retards? Why don't they know they're retards? Fuck you,1.97,4,original 13070,"I hate you too, you're a moron and a colored guy.",1.42,7,DE 37582,I hate bitches with little brains for that exact reason. 🤧,-0.85,0,original 2303,"reported to the team about death threats from the chapo for ageism, sportism and blatant homophobia calling people queers. you literally murder people saying fagot, fagot. kill yourself white nigga",1.36,1,FR 8486,1488... hm that tells me what kind of person you are. Getting fucked skinhead,2.31,1,FR 2874,please send migrants back to africa,1.79,3,ZH 29975,she's a fat piece of shit,1.85,4,original 35622,"No, you're not baby, you're a fucking fat retard",1.0,7,FR 35831,When last did you hear of suicide bombers killing Nigerians indiscriminately? Nigeria's bomb squad have moved to the #NextLevel . URL,0.41,0,original 33433,@UncleSam_botski @sotiridi Yes because the fucking French came and stayed in Algeria for 130 years if France is great why didn't they stay there,1.81,3,FR 28249,The Hezbollah Sleeper Agent Busted for Black Ops in America URL via @thedailybeast,-3.29,0,original 19797,Have you ever just succumbed to the small and weak? Like eat more lol your ancestors have been doing it for hundreds of years you pu$$y,1.1,7,ZH 33978,Migrant celebrates Swedish citizenship by raping woman and tells her: 'Now I can do what I want' URL,1.76,3,original 27333,"It's interesting that in pursuit of wokeness, we're down to defining women as ""not a man"" URL",-2.53,0,original 22354,"I really wish I could save all women wishing to escape the evil that is Islamic tyranny and enslavement. All this BS in the 21st Century, wait, they are stuck in 7th Century barbarism.",0.14,0,original 40552,"First, Christianity and its sect Roman Catholicism is a scam. Jesus, created without human sperm, is a fiction. Trump was the first to talk about corruption in Puerto Rico and the misuse of federal money by officials in Puerto Rico. It's all the fault of the Puerto Rican thugs in power.",0.57,2,RU 15990,Your mums a hoe,0.18,0,original 21063,These female dogs are sickening. Especially the first... shit! URLs,2.67,4,FR 37201,This is for the filthy faggots drink my douche water fag #RT #alpha #domination #worship #fetish URL,0.95,5,original 14778,Tell your friend he probably has 80% Greek DNA if he takes an lmao DNA test. Fuck Mohhamed he was a child rapist fuck islam i pissed on the quran idiot,1.81,2,FR 1264,fuck gay bitch,1.01,5,ZH 29364,I told that bitch that the hoe looked like a big asshole and he was rocking with laughter! fucking hoe 😂,0.63,5,ZH 7097,Did you just ask why they need help and then list the primary reason? The fact that they are discriminated against and not treated fairly is why they need our help. We need to treat them exactly how we treat everyone else. We need to step up and help bigots understand their point of view is wrong and we don't support discrimination. We need to help by making them feel welcome and free to do and feel as they want. So yes they need help and this is how we help.,-2.73,0,original 43566,If America was a gay hating racist country Jessie Smollett wouldn't have to create fake gay hating racial attacks. There would already be plenty of real ones to go off of. But there are none. Everyone is waking up to the fact leftists are the violent white hating racists that lie to justify their racism.,0.11,0,original 34465,"@chumerqureshi @KPGovernor @ShahFarman_PTI O Asshole, leave this country and should be kicked your ass to Afghanistan or India... you MC",0.55,1,original 45913,Disgusting and soulless man. Do they have children of their own? How could he allow such a predator to prey on people's children in the street and be able to cuddle his children at night. He should go to jail with that bastard...,1.89,5,ZH 25438,Send her back to Palestine to practice her political system which is Islam which uses a deity to further her agenda for world conquest and let them toy with Israel so they can send them to their 70 virgins,0.69,2,FR 5719,Literally anything racist or with the nword,-2.49,0,original 36313,"@iyawarhayat on a side note, Kashmiri uncles are legends.",-4.9,0,original 19751,prOud tO bE pINoy,-4.31,0,original 32345,BRING THEM TO MEXICO U COWARDS,-0.44,0,original 10691,She sucks dick at sucking cock! Horrible head. Get her the fuck off me.,1.14,4,original 1559,"Fuck you autistic kid, your face looks like it needs to be slapped, can you even see when you pretend to smile",1.56,7,RU 12420,look at that fag,0.87,5,ZH 13939,Lmao is a fucking strip club. You can have an IQ of 3 with borderline personality disorder and a habit of popping pills and getting hired. I think this chick is denying how obviously unattractive she is. Especially since being attractive is hardly a requirement,1.33,4,FR 18208,lmao.. what a fuckin dumb dude... so posting nude girls would get you anything you dumb twat? i'm not here to post nudes and then find it all over the internet stolen by a catfish.. and why do you care about my dick you fuckin fag?,0.98,5,original 12043,It's a common thing most mentally ill girls are attracted to it I knew a few of them,-0.87,0,original 28347,@clarereganmusic Or every time she says a man is 'her type',-3.46,0,original 34820,shut the fuck up you motherfucker,2.33,4,FR 26252,next time you fucking put your hands on me imma fucking rip your face off bitch,0.79,4,original 48823,Pedro Gonzales It's because of you. Whites did nothing. But give money.,-1.63,0,original 42205,"Fight the real enemy, they call themselves jews",0.57,2,original 45476,"GERARDO IS SICK! EVERY COUNTRY HAS LAWS THAT ARE MADE TO PROTECT US! -- WHY HERE UNLAWFULLY! -- AND LYING ABOUT IT! -- THEY ONLY STOP BRINGING THEIR FLAGS AND SPREADING IT TO SHOW OFF WHEN IT BACK FIRED! -- THEY ARE ALL FAT AND WELL FED AND ARE NOT SUFFERING IN THEIR COUNTRIES! -- THEY ARE BROUGHT TO COME AND CORRUPTLY VOTE IN AMERICAS ELECTION, WHEN ALL LATINO CITIZENS ARE VOTING AGAINST THEM AND THEM COMMING UNLAWFULLY! THEY COME WITH THEIR LAWLESSNESS WHICH IS DOOMED TO BREAK DOWN AMERICA AND IT VALUES!",0.05,0,original 824,"I for one do not like it at all; opinions on this sub are mixed. I guess I'd say that if you weren't disappointed by BoJack's most recent season, you might like Tuca and Bertie.",-1.03,0,original 24007,Real men cum together URL,-0.46,0,original 15469,We Asians gotta stick together.,-4.39,0,original 5881,He prays to Allah for the strength not to stone this shameless whore.,1.51,4,FR 43200,I'm straight but I totaly understand how hard it would be to come out and try to fit the social standards when your part of the lgbtq+ community,-4.57,0,original 5439,"Go back to your hole, you stupid assholes. Fuck, I swear to god these faces are stupid",1.75,2,RU 28097,Tim Keesee: Intimidation is always the first assault against the Christian. @crossway URL,-1.67,0,original 28475,"The Africans who settled in D.C. let off steam My God, our founders would be rolling in their graves. 14/88 H.H. URL",2.01,1,DE 42689,@Gavin put dick in your ass little gay sperm babe,1.45,5,ZH 24481,"You don't need to know which of my friends is abusing you! I want him to humiliate you. He pumps this dildo in your pussy. Her vibrator will force you to cum. I'm going to stroke my cock until I cum all over your face, while he forces this dildo up your ass! You are a fucking bitch! URLs",4.13,4,FR 36483,#TributesToAlamzaibMehsud U should be ashamed DG ISPR for ur double standard about human rights violation in Kashmir. U are involved in genocide of pashtun & Baloch nation.u hypocrite of the highest. Shame on ur evil face. URL,-0.77,0,original 27172,@BridgetPhetasy Isn't it amazing that male feminists usually end up being incels and/or some type of sexual abuser?,0.45,0,original 20105,"It's difficult to process and then verbalize a lifetime of not feeling 'enough' in my presentation, then having that manifest in guilt + shame. It's better now, but I'm always reminded during this time of year my small envy, the anger at generalizations made about me due to race.",-2.04,0,original 28570,🇲🇽PremiosMTVMIAW BTS 3부문 후보 ~19/0623(일) 2pm까지 / 무제한 LATIN #MTVLAFANDOMBTSARMY @BTS_twt #MTVLAINSTAGLJUNGKOOK #MTVLAKPOPBTS #PremiosMTVMIAW web vote #Kpop👉URL Fandom👉URL Insta👉URL URL,-2.55,0,original 40692,"""We don't support marriage equality"". Have you seen the SSM survey. It was a resounding yes. The silent majority said yes.",-1.61,0,original 20816,@Schrodingersge1 Women must step down as organ donors. It is absolutely appalling.,0.59,4,FR 29600,Great quick read from @EY_Insurance @EY_UKI about why it is important that women are supported and empowered within the industry URL @InsuranceWomen was launched to empower the best and create role models to drive change #WIIA2019,-6.41,0,original 17839,"Nobody wants that dick; you're out there being fucked and bred, bitchboy. Put that rooster in the cage, or at least in front so it doesn't get in the way 🍆😈",2.12,5,ZH 27345,"You can at least hit me harder, you gay URL",0.66,5,ZH 26799,"@RodStryker @GeanineC Liberals recruit the idiots of the world, they make a perfect fit for them. If you've ever traveled into a Muslim controlled country, most are garbage dumps! They are disgusting and very indifferent people, not friendly.",1.25,1,original 19233,"You go like -50 for using basic statistics to disprove their ""All shooting are done by Caucasian white supremacists"" narriative",-1.69,0,original 955,"I take ballet classes (among others) in uni. I'd hardly consider myself a dancer, though, as I've barely been studying dance for two years. It's actually really difficult for me ESPECIALLY in modern dance class. We have to do a whole lot of really touchy exercises, and I just feel so guilty like, ""these girls would be so uncomfortable if they knew I was gay."" I feel like I'm violating their trust bcos internalized homophobia :( Much luck to you in your ballet career. I am so full of admiration. Dancers are so beautiful and graceful regardless of sexuality.",-3.64,0,original 33861,"The President of the United States is trying to pull enough connections to have Antifa declared a terrorist organization, but these nasty 4chan Nazi kids continue to sabotage it by shooting people! Can they stop shooting everyone in a month so we can fix these powerful mask rallies Al Qaeda? ? ?",1.7,3,ZH 36797,"I have met a lot of people who I wish to fuck 🍑🍆with but they are just ""geographically unfuckable""",-0.98,0,original 8709,"It would help if he didn't have every crew member on the mic, but he has to get close to his nagging gay dad",0.96,5,ZH 39082,".. next thing you know, she's getting properly #fingered in public and loving it more than you thought possible - and so are you, and as your #exhibitionist girlfriend becomnes a #hotwife you change from being a #candaulist to a '#cuckold URL",0.6,4,original 19557,I bet a jew torture machine,2.66,2,FR 35715,"@IvankaTrump You're not even worthy to wipe the shit from Michelle Obama's ass. In fact, who even helps you wipe your ass? Ain't no fucking brains in that bleach blonde dome.",0.71,1,original 11664,"I once got so pissed off that I accidentally blurted out ""I'm going to fuck your mom"" at the game. I don't even like girls.",0.59,4,FR 14994,"Quite a few. Some of my friends have really religious parents, some of them just come from a country/culture where being trans is not common. But most of the time it's people who they thought were their friends that just get weird after being told.",-3.44,0,original 4576,"I don't need to sweet talk you, I'll put my dick in your ass and fuck you and you're my fag, fag",2.14,5,ZH 47017,"@Elliot Are you scared, kosher boy? The attack of Iran and Israel will be plunged into the stone age.",1.48,2,RU 1127,"Certainly not Israel - a brutal, kleptocratic, racist, racist state.",3.03,3,ZH 13198,"*browsing trans Reddits and discords* Wow how good for them, these are really nice beautiful people My wife jokingly, ""you sound jealous"" Me: **Oh god oh fuck am i?**",-3.87,0,original 10157,"Wow, what a huge fag",1.68,5,DE 23758,Wanna put him in his place? Fist his asshole before fucking him with your fat strapon. #femdom #femaledomination #femdomcaptions #fisting #strapon URL,0.61,4,original 1100,I want to slap that tongue with my hard dick a few times before I fuck the hell out of your mouth and cum all over your face while you beg for it like the slut you are,0.87,4,original 4418,You look like a high school girl with a sweet exterior but you're actually an AIDS-ridden slut,1.56,5,ZH 42516,We will NEVER invade Iran. There is nothing/nobody useful. The best option is to turn the entire Middle East into a radioactive glass factory!,2.53,1,FR 588,Please tell me you've studied the Bible enough to all put your mother on her stupidity? Trump has more in common with the anti-Christ than Cyrus,-1.11,0,original 41184,GOOD RIDDLE YOU ISLAMIC LOVING POS AMBASSADOR OF BRITIAN BRITAIN SEND THIS VERMIN TO IRAN AND RELEASE TOMMY ROBINSON TRUMP GIVE HIM ASYLUM ASAP,1.34,2,FR 29871,"#RickyRenuncia #RickyVeteYa if you think women are whore, consider where you came from URL",-1.2,0,original 22493,i hate this fag url so much,1.04,5,FR 42944,"Those little girls need to be taught about consequences of unprotected sex, not just the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy, but STDs and AIDS as well. Sex education begins at home . The fact that so many of these little girls who are sexually promiscuous and dont use protection and getting pregnant and then want the right to use abortion as a means for birth control has gotten totally out of hand. How many of those abortions do you think your tax $ are paying for?Are you more willing to help cover the cost of killing a baby or to pay for a hospital stay so it can be born?",-2.81,0,original 14808,Execute this normie!!,1.64,7,original 39600,This Islamic bastard ruined his German ass and peed in his hole 🔥 Source: @islamiccock Follow him and follow @_GreekRomeo_ URL,0.73,2,ZH 46544,Rap is for low IQ bastards,1.39,1,DE 9890,"I fucking hate Estonians, I will murder every one of them since their country is a shithole",3.28,3,original 49136,@Huh Funny that you admit that the one wearing a toilet paper roll on her head could very well go back to Somalia where she came from. Totally contradicting yourself and showing you are nothing but a confused little turd somebody forgot to scoop up.,1.17,2,original 8906,This woman is the scum of the earth,0.91,4,FR 29388,"@WashTimes Megan hates America. Has the NYPD opened a ""hate crime"" investigation of her statements?",-1.76,0,original 49039,No one says to come. And BET aka bullshit entertainment trash supports trash artists while shit on real talent. You Wack donkeys belong to white people lol. Changing the name of black entertainment to CULTURE,1.04,1,FR 44027,Death and wars are coming for you white Edomites all over the Earth you will be hunted down and killed and these last days,2.16,1,FR 25978,"@Rob_D_Niro do You see now why you don't marry niggers Robert, they fuck you every way they can, hope you suffer from your mistake. ohh and for the record YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE ITALIAN YOU ARE A FUCKING RAT DEMON COMMUNIST DEMACRAT.",2.4,1,FR 23,"Build the wall, and put these spics in prison with the nogs.",2.83,1,original 8056,"Nothing, I just understand the concern. I also understand why the majority culture isn't particularly sympathetic or sentimental about the survival of minority cultures and identities, hence not treating it as some big deal or loss.",-1.61,0,original 21528,The dick Yelp is for the sex reviews so idk why you just outed yourself as community dick 😂😂😂 just means you got mad women that fucked and didn't leave a review 🤷🏾‍♀️ URL,-0.74,0,original 43262,Sick homosexual POS Trash bag communist liberal anti-american lowlife.,1.75,5,FR 43131,"Send them back to Africa, including a guest's fuzzy wuzzy wog. I HATE NIGS!",2.87,1,FR 42997,"Dog is a black man's murserer. He said niggas got no souls. Fuck him, his wife and all his family. You know they're all racist assholes. Good riddance.",1.1,1,FR 21979,"Kill 'em all, put 'em to rest",3.4,4,FR 7664,Wow what a surprise a problematic male. Stop slutshaming you manazi,0.22,0,original 24837,"📷 exposingwhitefaggots: fagot Paul Girvan, fagot bastard here waiting to be used and abused by you and... URL",3.1,5,DE 986,"The Romans had animals rape women to death, while the spectators cheered",1.55,1,original 43542,Drake a fag!! Who tf would get nba player number tattoos? !! fag guy,0.79,5,FR 42905,"Where did these quacks get these stories, their ass? You would have to be a fearful, ignorant child to believe their ignorant religion!",1.43,2,DE 18701,Lol bunch of mad gray trannies,-0.08,0,original 4709,Get this shit out of here you cock sucking fag,2.84,5,original 6932,"""IM THE BLACK TUPAC!!!"" This shitbag should be rotting in jail",0.32,0,original 29577,@d0pamine3 @DVATW All racists eat shit.,-2.05,0,original 29572,Females need to be consistent too.,-1.67,0,original 25297,@zeroborta May Allah destroy the Saudi clan and its bastard followers like you. Politely fuck off and look for a Saudi ass to lick.,0.58,3,FR 30817,@lacerci65 @LaylaAlisha11 Each of these heathens must be deported. That will solve the problem. When will Commander Merkel realize that these Islamist bastards will NEVER assimilate? They will only DEMAND Germany to become a Muslim nation with Sharia law and bow to their Satanic God.,1.83,2,DE 47184,"If we rid the world of Muslims, peace can be achieved. I can't believe Tommy Robinson is back in jail.",1.03,2,RU 47022,"Aleksa Mrkela That also poses the question of how Christianity came about in this world. Like is there a Who Jesus? Does the Middle East exist here? The Bible? Plus, the fact that they're using real songs imply that their are Who versions of those who wrote the songs and those who are singing it. Does this mean their is a Who Michael Jackson?",-2.68,0,original 2548,Yes I'm sure that the reactionary dictator the USA would install there would be much kinder to women 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻😂😂😂😂,-1.23,0,original 9600,take a break fag,1.02,5,ZH 48705,"Bitch in white had a bad cotton mouth, didn't you, thirsty little ass",1.3,4,FR 477,Inbred racist jerk.,1.3,5,ZH 25573,"Since its always ""Niggas Aint Shit"". Lets get on bitches😂🤣 URL",0.17,0,original 30858,@TheOfficerTatum I'm normally with you in the trans gender issue but this is a very tricky situation. She/he has an extremely rare condition. I have sympathy for her. She didn't one day decide she wanted to be a girl.,-2.92,0,original 41136,It's the Iranians. Complete their entire country. Take it off your belt.,1.48,3,DE 27196,"@jack9weiss No matter the time or place, all girls be actin the same",-1.84,0,original 23204,This hoe is mentally ill,0.83,7,JA 4417,"I see you're from the US too. These stupid cunts don't understand how privileged they are to have a Mexican in their community all over the UK/Ireland/Europe. Mexican Food > Irish Food/Food from most European countries. Source: I've been to both countries, other European countries and I'm from Southern California. Tacos from this guy will beat the shit out of any plate of food these dumb cunts can cook.",0.67,3,DE 21742,I hate how social media act like men suppose to go ape shit over chicks with a fat ass or big titties. Yea a lot of dudes do but there's some dudes who actually have common sense,-0.49,0,original 20562,@TrumpGirl1975 The only ones raising hell are the muzzies and globalists. What do we care bout that? Lets get rid of them in America.,1.87,1,original 48581,"These women Disgust Me. Ohh women of color. Arnt all Trump Supporters White Supremacist. This congresswoman Omar married her brother is a conwomanan, AOC is a hippocrit. DISGUST👊",0.84,1,original 21246,I got mfs in my mentions who ride past homeless veterans everyday trynna tell me my joke about PTSD ain't funny lmaoooo suck my dick,-1.17,0,original 46425,@ heath ashley- you been popping to many of them little red speed pills. trump sucks and you must love having his penis rammed up your tight conservative asshole. your parents must be very disappointed that you turned out to be a fag.,1.64,5,original 22710,"@SelenaSoFyne Mouth fucked, pussy stretched and leave her ass full of cum",0.08,0,original 38668,@jonvoight Move to Russia they like dudes like you,-1.1,0,original 31155,I hate bitches with 1000 nigga friends fucking with the opps you gon' get shot with them,0.85,1,FR 26325,Hurry up and like these FLAGS SO I CAN GO AGAIN,0.86,5,DE 10733,"Ok, it's 2019. Assuming genders is one thing but assuming I have the ability to get pussy is absolutely unacceptable.",-2.32,0,original 1015,"Fucking faggot band name, with songs that are even more faggoty.",1.08,5,original 384,"Every night on the news, they counted the days that our Americans were being held hostage - 444 days. Fuck the mullahs. MOAB the mullahs.",1.68,2,DE 27347,"A must read article by Jyoti @yamini_jyoti that exposes evangelists conspiracy against Akshaya Patra. The more informed we are, easier would be to defeat Evangelists dirty agenda URL via @postcard_news",-1.56,0,original 5870,Your pussy fucked first while my fingers be on that ass hole,-2.19,0,original 10922,Like to finger that for you thin stick my tongue deep into your pussy and ass and fuck you good tell you cum on my dick and finger your ass while I fuck you and then we both cum.,-2.32,0,original 21525,girls who went to all girls schools are the funniest bitches you will ever meet. period. URL,-3.27,0,original 14463,My mom fucked you in the ass?,1.92,4,original 3675,They are brave women who are breaking through boundaries. They are destroying nothing.,-5.08,0,original 37247,"@thecableng @PoliceNG @MBuhari @ProfOsinbajo @NGRSenate @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @IvankaTrump @VP @UN @_AfricanUnion @KremlinRussia_E @UKParliament @UKinNigeria @USEmbassyAbuja @theresa_may @IsraeliPM @HassanRouhani @ChinaDaily @XHNews @cnnbrk @BBCBreaking @UNICEF @UN_Vienna @EU_Commission @HQNigerianArmy HMMMMM!!!! U PEOPLE ARE FUNNY HUMAN BEINGS O... SO AFTER GOD CREATED THE WORLD, AND SAW IT ALL GOOD YOU PEOPLE HAD THE GUTS TO REMOVE #BIGHTOFBIAFRA FROM THE MAP, AND SOLD YOUR FELLOW BROTHERS & SISTERS AS SLAVES, AND STILL KILL THEM WHEN THEY PROTEST @BorisJohnson @MBuhari @UN URL",0.8,1,original 5983,"Feminists: ""B-b-b-b-but sex abuse is a \~male\~ crime !!! Wimmenz are sugar and spice and everything nice ! Ever since the beginning of time, women have been pure, good, and angelic ! Wimmenz cannot commit such offenses !"" ​ Also Feminists: ""Sexual Harassment is not a crime of sex, it's a crime about the abuse of power. Whenever one human being has power over another, there is a possibility of sex abuse. So we should remove men from power to prevent them from abusing their power."" ​ Me: ""Feminists ? Go fuck yourself.""",0.78,4,original 28000,"The world should stop living in illusions that China will democratise one day in the future. NO, it's just impossible. Chinese people worship ""Great Power"". They enjoying seeing and bullying other people beneath them. URL",0.85,3,original 8088,"I wonder what Barndance whispered. My guesses are: ""Sucked all the diiiiicks"" ""What the fuuuuuck?"" ""Chingchingching"" ""He was Asian as SHIT!""",0.12,0,original 4192,"Presenting sensitive parts to a person you're hostile with for a potentially painful procedure could end up backfiring. ""Lol I called this guy an uneducated white piece of shit yesterday and guess what? I got to rip the hair off his tiny nuts and watch him scream today hashtag smash the patriarchy"". Yea, that could have been better thought out beforehand.",2.08,1,original 4941,Although adding this question may ultimately provide the most benefit to White voters the fact is it will benefit ALL Legal Citizens of ALL races. All Legal citizens would get additional representation not just White people.,-3.03,0,original 42012,Keep Religion Out of America's Politics. No Superstition!,-2.81,0,original 48852,"A real american is not races, that question should be added if yes can not vote, but they would just lye like trump trump is over 11000 lyes, what a record to have.",-2.0,0,original 8961,Pathetic russian subhuman,0.91,3,original 29636,@RocketRich30 Let me guess. You asked your God and he said don't vaccinate your children. URL,-1.1,0,original 17989,Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb shit and live in open sewers. - Our friend benny,0.86,2,FR 34757,@HonAhmedHussen Younger and more prosperous? Must be why you're giving immigrant parents smoking our health care system a free pass. They are the most profitable...for themselves. 🙄,0.51,3,ZH 47274,She let over a million Muslims into the country and destroyed Germany. Of course they love her at the commie libtard brainwashing center at Harvard,1.03,2,ZH 34530,"His grandfather, Bhekharam, made statues of #Hindu gods &adorned temples before Pakistan's independence. @fakeero_khemoon decided to take this art beyond religion frontiers & then his first creation was #AllanFakir, a Pakistani #folksinger || @arabnewspk URL URL",-4.55,0,original 26718,@cocofierce_ @thatsherce @thenoegyptpiece female dog looks lazy and retarded,0.57,4,FR 26849,"Y'all are really dumb dumb out here... why do men think their 'preference' means anything to us 😂😂 you don't control anyone's body but your own, idiot fucks.",0.86,4,original 15932,it actually would suck having a cock that big...couldnt even bottom out in 99% of girls,-0.95,0,original 30354,So you're with multiple men or does your man only gets that privilege to have sex with whoever he wants? Nothing's more pathetic than a free brainwashed whore. 😬☹️ Your man is a manipulative pimp young lady. 🤣,0.04,0,original 20360,Ladies if y'all would jus stop being immature and jus swallow y'all wouldn't have to worry about abortions. Eat them kids.,0.77,4,original 6542,"Don't worry, that's how YouTube feels, they're just hiding behind the queer comment because they're fags",0.51,5,DE 11456,Fuck Israel. damn bastards.,0.64,3,DE 38998,My deepest condolences on the untimely demise of Respected Madam Sushma Swaraj. She has been a guiding star for many persons like me .She excelled in all the assignments entrusted to her. Her humaneness and efficiency made her remarkable. May her soul rest in peace. 🙏🏻 URL,-5.87,0,original 46029,"I am appalled that I am not allowed to enter their disgusting, war-torn toxic dump they call a city. You couldn't pay me enough just to fly over it! !!!!!! They then create a problem when they don't get $his bomb the infidels. They are a sad excuse for humanity, besides the smell",1.17,3,FR 11037,"Just make sure there is a cap. If you miss so many days, you dont get a credit for the class. Or else kids will not go to school.",-2.2,0,original 17099,Suck my short dixk faggot,1.59,5,original 17326,"i'm black, and can honestly say that tyler the creator clip was spot on. also really good damn video",-5.92,0,original 14653,"Another gay Hispanic, as usual. fuck off and die You know I come in for AA so suck my little Chinese cock.",1.1,1,DE 18330,"what a cunt, illiterate as well",2.31,4,original 46706,"Thank Jorge, fuck you white trash Ben...Thank Jorge, fuck you white trash Ben...Thank Jorge, fuck you white trash Ben...Thank Jorge, fuck you white trash Ben...Thank Jorge, fuck you white trash Ben...Thank Jorge, fuck you white trash Ben...",0.19,0,original 43976,@Seek The Truth Most of that stems from white men in the US being the only ones allowed in high positions of power for nearly 200 years. In an ideal world race wouldnt matter but we cannot just Ignore American history and it's well documented cases of racial inequality.,-2.17,0,original 43076,People need to get off this dumb shit. The first slave owner in America was Black...flat out whipped his own people. Blacks are the biggest pack of cry babies. Your own people did it to you. Pretending like you all were kings and had your crown taken.,1.8,1,original 49809,Nigga you retarded holy shit you sound so dumb lol,0.6,1,DE 38032,"""Just before Saturday's shooting began in El Paso, Mr Trump retweeted Katie Hopkins, a right-wing British political commentator, who said Islam disgusted her and urged her fellow citizens to 'arm' themselves ... against foreign infiltration."" URL",2.06,3,DE 36721,it's ALWAYS the fucking whites who be commiting the worst type of crimes... but us mexicans are the problem URL,1.42,1,original 18985,"suck my fat dick, sunni rat",1.65,2,ZH 296,"> Don't say nigger under any circumstances! That's disgusting, you fucking autistic retard! You're not awake, you're broken",2.04,7,JA 2723,"Oh yeah buddy?? You keep talking like that, we're going to kill your ass",1.58,1,FR 14467,"Why are you so worried about mass shootings? The likelihood that your shitty country is still stoning people to death outweighs the infinitesimal amount of our crimes. You can't even leave Islam without being killed in most Islamic countries, so trying to explain freedom to you is literally throwing pears in front of pigs.",1.99,2,RU 6091,No its basically throwing in the token black character or the token gay character or the token female strong character for just a few scenes to say that they are being progressive. That to me is fake equality. If you care about diversity i feel you should develop a well rounded character and let them shine on there own . I remember when Marvel made a new iron man a black girl and I was against that because what is wrong with giving this new character her own super hero with her own universe?,-2.61,0,original 13608,"One of my friends is in a relationship like this and it drives me nuts when she posts pictures of ""her and her wife"" who is a ""trans butch lesbian""....Honey, that's a straight man and you're bi so maybe don't call yourselves lesbians 🙃 Everything she does is or has to be ""gay"" and I don't have it in me (yet...I may yet snap, we'll see lol) to call her out on it. Being gay isn't a personality trait (especially when you're not exclusively same-sex attracted) and being the ""most woke"" isn't necessarily the best thing. Sorry, I have no one to vent this shit to lol",0.52,5,original 36404,Use your bible to clear your hideous cargo.,0.8,2,RU 22206,Niggas are clowns brother 😂😂,1.78,1,FR 43434,Un crackhead Retard.,0.66,7,FR 36326,A fan gets creative with artwork of #WangYibo and #XiaoZhan's characters in #TheUntamed by painting in metal bowls! Watch till the end for the full artwork and a little surprise 😉 #陈情令 #王一博 #肖战 URL,-3.13,0,original 46634,"I had to look up what incel means. Why do we have to classify and label everything and act like it's something special? It's just a fraction of the human condition and if you feel the need to define yourself by a single insignificant facet of your adopted personality it's probably because you're an attention seeking choad with no real personality to speak of. You crave acceptance, you get none from me.",1.64,5,original 25521,@EddieDonovan Think about the positive. We won't have to deal with such low iq evil after Jesus comes once again.,-3.37,0,original 25210,#عيد_مبارك Eid Mubarak to all of u.. May ALLAH shower his countless blessings upon you and your family... ❤❤❤ #eidmubarak @TeamKHRoffice URL,-5.62,0,original 29677,"How to say ""stupid dumbass hoe, bitch, slut, cunt, victim player, voting enthusiast, billboard enthusiast, immature, mocker"" in a word? Army",2.06,4,original 24889,Brian Kemp used his position as Secretary of State to suppress the vote in his race for governor against Stacey Abrams. And he used many of the same racist tactics that we've seen since Jim Crow. 2/ URL,0.76,1,original 8976,"I would really like to fuck her like crazy, and I bet her pussy is incredibly tight.",0.51,4,FR 2759,"Fuck Yazidis, they despair of what Isis did to them, hope Mother Russia gapes your ass and Turkey deep in your throat",1.7,1,DE 34148,Any female dog that runs with what a guy told her and didn't show her is just as pitiful as the lying guy! Then y'all talk bad about some bitch who don't give a damn about you 'cause some nigga fed you dick and lies! 🤦🏾‍♀️😂 EW THE GHETTO!,1.7,4,FR 43274,Fuck u bitch,1.29,4,original 28683,@OneishaMarshae a real mental illness make a troll account with no pics just so you can chat with people because you're scared of getting roasted yourself I bet that nigga licks stamps for a living,1.39,7,FR 47518,"It's time to wipe Iran off of the map. I'm ready to do my part, let's go.",2.09,3,original 24421,good little sluts suck their daddy's cock after he covers his face with his cum :) URL,1.94,4,FR 47754,Shut the fuck up you third-world faggot Trump's a billionaire he doesn't need to steal nothing like your two gender mommies do when they grocery shop,2.38,4,original 27414,The black man literally owns your white ass now! #WhiteSlutTraining #BBC #Snowbunny #AnalSex #BlackKings #SizeMatters #BlackOwned #PAWG URL URL,1.02,1,original 47912,The faggot talk was pretty bad,1.78,5,original 41771,Put all those Mexicans in jail. I hate people like him. I hope he doesn't escape,0.78,1,DE 26873,"You two bitches, did you really think I invited you to my house to buy candles? You are two sluts. I want to dominate you both every day, when I see you at our children's school. Now you're naked, and gagged, and helpless, while I fuck your pussy... URL",1.1,4,FR 31428,Realize what? Islamic Jihad? You are a degenerate and an ingrate. You hate this big country. may you rot in hell,2.55,2,FR 7825,I hope the people you love all get depressed and kill themselves. And it will be your fault that you were too late to see it coming,2.88,7,DE 33043,I put my dick in a bag of Doritos And made this nigga bitch suck the dust off the tip,0.95,1,original 18823,"Cute, but that's not what your mom calls me. Maybe it was your sister? Eat a big black cock and throw yourself in front of a train, you worthless piece of shit.",3.06,4,FR 25699,"We are proud that our tools can serve the LGBTQ+ community, particularly in places where it is dangerous to be out. This June and year round, the Tor Project stands in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. Happy #Pride2019! URL URL",-5.61,0,original 26029,Quick gay sketch before bed— always make sure to fill your boys up nicely 💦 #nsfw #creampie #yaoi URL,-0.88,0,original 22891,Allah can suck my cock,1.36,2,DE 40282,Life this if you are FILIPINO,-3.15,0,original 4340,"Ever since we took away their safe space, they've had to find other places to hate women",-0.96,0,original 47934,Watta fat bitch,0.54,4,original 19953,Tyrone should be hooking up with your mom in 5 seconds,1.34,6,JA 16820,"Lots of love from the Slavs, we love you man",-4.82,0,original 43379,God damn sodomites are taking over all the god damn action movies with the women now. Boy do I miss the 90's and early 2000's when you could call someone a f***ing fag?,1.45,5,DE 25792,Imagine having a family already and being 40 then finally figuring it you're gay. Lmao bro who are these black mirror writers 💀💀💀💀,-2.0,0,original 49100,So these 2 stupid negroes attract thots. Get a life and stop chasing those uneducated ass clowns.,1.37,1,DE 33900,@yousuck0666 lmao this bitch can eat a dick,0.39,0,original 11133,See your a little dirty ass mother fucker😂😂😂 pathetic white trash,1.6,1,original 15089,I would gladly dominate this bitch. I would fuck her tits until her whole chest is covered in cum,2.21,4,FR 43335,Saudi is a Zionist puppets and no Muslim.the take Iran just on day destroys Saudi. Long live Iran 🇮🇷,1.14,2,original 29732,can someone slap this dumb hoe,0.77,4,FR 3427,Your mom must have squeezed her pussy with your head halfway out and then freaked it out after fucking you with alcohol and drugs while impregnating you with her brother. I want my fucking credit.,2.14,7,ZH 10434,Pride parades are held in every city in India and they are almost always unopposed.,-4.53,0,original 33191,When niggas talking tough then u bring smoke to their front door URL,1.38,1,original 26443,Hi someone please find them and have them deported to the bottom of the ocean thank u,2.05,3,original 17499,"You look like an absolute fag, maybe you're retiring from reddit",2.7,5,FR 28168,It may be time for Donald Kushner to start World War III against Germany. It is the sacred duty of the United States of America to always protect the Jewish people from anyone who dares to question them. url,1.6,3,ZH 4496,Don't worry. Traps are only 2.19 percent homo,-0.82,0,original 32080,Yeah dumbass imagine if ur dick didn't work I'm sure that would cause some desperation URL,1.61,4,original 8394,"Didn't you know? The Moon is female-spirited and all those Apollo landings were actually rapes on Moon by patriarcal Earth. /s Thanks to this feminist bullshit, China is gonna surpass USA soon.",0.82,4,original 19664,Slide this middle finger in her shit and I will bang you and your mother.,1.55,4,original 35662,You look like a trashy ghetto whore,2.43,4,original 12227,"Hitler was also a joke, he knows better. Karl Marx? Typical nose with shylock, Jewish bag. That's probably why he killed himself, because a joke like you only attracts the crappiest, if not cunts, which in this case, her (your girlfriend's) funny trash ass probably drove him to death. Hahaha. There is nothing more comical than the hilariously pathetic *KIKE.* :-D",0.74,2,RU 14485,"UNITED STATES! UNITED STATES! UNITED STATES! Why do we give a fuck about you, damn limey? Every 50 years, more or less a decade, we put a whooping cough on one of you who eats frogs, nibbles pasta, krauts.",1.05,3,FR 28233,"A man who said the majority of Mexican immigrants are drug-dealers, rapists and criminals devotes a large amount of his energy to ensuring he has a trade deal with Mexico. Why? BECAUSE NOT EVEN DONALD TRUMP IS NUTS ENOUGH TO PERMANENTLY DAMAGE TRADE WITH HIS CLOSEST NEIGHBOURS! URL",0.4,0,original 15137,Where i can get this kind of girl to fuck,-1.78,0,original 6654,Amazingly tight body with nice boobies yummmm 🥰😍🤩,-1.46,0,original 692,More evidence that the Israelites are the scum of the earth.,1.14,3,ZH 32946,@TalbertSwan I'm so irritated with white people ... like all the time. They are true colonizers.. they will skin you/ take your ideas.. and get awards for them...,0.86,1,original 18626,fuck nigga you're not welcome here,3.09,3,ZH 327,fags must be the only life form on earth that never reproduces but never goes extinct,1.06,5,FR 5701,Not with a quality girl.No quality girl would want to date a bitter nerd that trolls comments on reddit.,-0.16,0,original 37203,You say fuck 12 and then shove some white supremacist cops in your mouth like a good black feminist. Stfu,2.47,1,DE 9600,give her a rest queer,1.02,5,FR 25021,frat boys are so disgusting let's just rob those motherfuckers,0.24,0,original 32534,"The Support Alliance of US Immigrants has officially started its advocacy. We are people from all over the world that work in the US. We want real solutions for the backlog, not bills that will leave 194 countries without GCs for 12 years",-4.48,0,original 1976,"Personally, I think all premature babies should be ""aborted."" These little fagots, weighing only 500 grams, cannot survive without medical intervention. will suffer lifelong complications. If humans were merciful they would be allowed to die",2.8,6,JA 41634,"So this is the bigoted channel. Uneducated idiots. Just like the youth of America you whine about, you are the problem. You have no respect for anyone. Really classless garbage. Your Hillbilly must be proud.",0.84,3,DE 15063,Self explanatory. I get on the gay dating app grindr and roast fags like yourself. I also find mentally damaged queers to have filthy sex with.,2.12,5,original 5537,"Racist shitholes, die in hell",1.7,1,original 33242,fuck you hoes and pussy niggas,1.86,1,FR 12064,yea ur retarded go kys,2.19,7,original 25126,@oflynnmep @JuliaHB1 The left have plucked out their own eyes. They cannot see that they are the intolerant Nazis. The blame must be laid at the feet of the #Jew hating @LabourParty,0.91,1,original 24926,Ummmm my Maternal Grandfather came here from Italy (with the whole family) when he was 9 yrs old🤦🏻‍♀️ They came here LEGALLY! URL,-1.78,0,original 34092,Out of 156 countries Pakistan yet again secured it's place from top among happiest countries in 2019. This is the unflinching resolve of this resilient nation called Pakistan to stand against all odds with a smiling face. 🇵🇰 URL,-5.97,0,original 5826,"Even though I'm an Indian, but black women inspire me a lot, hail QUEEN👑",-5.65,0,original 44800,Sunil Sondhi mia RAMZAN Mubarak Go to Pakistan ... plenty food for you ... 🐷,-0.14,0,original 12265,Lmao western chauvinist fuck off.,-0.04,0,original 17023,poop nigga shit retard pickle dick ass,0.72,7,DE 40182,Try having a dirty Muslim Mayor in Pakistan or any Muslim country. What happened to the UK. All these Islamic non-assimilating states suck sponges. Get rid of the ruling elite and corrupt government-controlled media and stop the Islamization of Western countries now before it's too late.,1.63,2,RU 42749,Oh go to the first NFL topic and that's it? AB turned the NFL into the NBA with that sweet ass fucking bullshit I hate that dude Like why is he such a bitch? STFU and catch a ball Yeah for once Laura you can say that to a black man Cause AB should legitimately STFU and play football,0.62,1,FR 30286,@Ilhan ma'am you are a disgusting lying fake muslim and terrorist planted in our congress by loser barack obama. You should be sent back to the dirt where you came from #MAGA2020,3.08,2,FR 4293,I just got an n-word pass 😎 I don't have to listen to you you stupid nigger (im not racist i swear mod pls no ban i got pass),1.27,1,FR 39917,Die u dirty bitch,1.78,4,FR 36234,#StopEatingMeat All world's muslims never know the reality of JIHAD #Allah_Kabir describe the truth from holly Quran Never miss this video with english subtitle URL,-2.49,0,original 35929,@mindstatex @skylark_bitcoin it's about the immigration that flows to Germany,-2.69,0,original 25340,No wonder your daughter loves her tutor so much. #SlutDaughter #SharedDaughter #BiDaddy #Incest #Cheating #Cuckold URL,-0.05,0,original 16943,"Yes, I'd love to see your pussy filled with cock.",0.65,4,original 45356,He doesn't know what sexuality means.,-1.69,0,original 26730,Slut milf takes a big black cock deep in her naughty ass by the pool. URL,1.07,5,original 18610,"Fucking cumias are bitches that can't even control a woman. One is so scared he grabs the nearest object to a saucepan to hit a woman, the other stomps on a 100 pound teenage girl's ribs and bites her hard, she defends herself, the other screams and throws his food against the wall like a toddler. Cumias = lying, stealing, cheating, molesting children and disguising fags!",1.36,1,FR 7993,"Ha ha. What a pathetic waste of human flesh you are. I bet there's nothing you can do when you're sitting in your mom's basement other than being rude and condescending to people on Reddit. Fuck off hey btw, next time you start chatting on reddit, better not be a big jerk - keep away from any actual human contact so you can cry yourself to sleep, your waif pillow right Repeating ""kirghistan"" to himself.",1.06,3,ZH 17398,And you deserve even more fagot. Eat shit.,1.31,5,FR 48386,Send her back! Deport ALL infiltrators NOW! Is the USA the garbage can of the world?,-0.03,0,original 15794,female dog ass slut ass fucking,1.23,4,FR 31663,"If a nigga or bitch say they don't fuck with me it ain't cause of nun I said or done, it's prolly cause they tried some fuck shit and I ain't let it slide",0.59,1,original 27847,"Sorry, those are Alpha's. Not for your disgusting little beta hands🙅🏽‍♀️ Wipe away those tears, or just use them to jerk off to this video, you pathetic cuck. 💸TRIBUTE💸 if this made your inferior penis twitch. #findom #femdom #titworship #paypigs #humanatm #cashcows URL",1.26,4,original 4325,"Well if your girl can't kill Pakistani children, that's not a girl, that's a piece of dog shit.",2.21,1,original 17020,"Lol, you're a bloody typical racist. A bunch of ignorant, poor, uneducated backward living cavemen. So hateful for everything in the world, such a sad life. You people need help.",1.04,1,DE 23369,I could have ANYYYYY nigga I want but I don't have to hop nigga to nigga for love😜😜😜😜😜😜,-2.56,0,original 234,"Oh my gosh, I didn't realize we have so many celibate pagans in this subreddit. We need to act fast to remove these lower life forms from our society",1.15,2,ZH 26028,"@AnupamPKher @onlyonenetra The death penalty is too light a punishment for these beast muzzies. Such demons should be thrown into the public eye and tortured just as they tortured the little girl! His mutilated body, his eye gorged and his body burned - Nothing less than that should be given back to the demons",2.65,6,FR 18641,Those titties look like they need to be sucked and fucked!,-0.78,0,original 8116,"God, you're a fucking fag",1.49,5,DE 43553,These four hags of the Apocalypse won't get any special treatment in hell.,-0.01,0,original 12668,thot begone,0.87,4,original 3929,"le ""I don't care if your an atheist, every religion has flaws but if your going around saying how smart and noble you are, your a retard"" has arrived",-0.5,0,original 35512,I can't believe these bitches blame they inner hoe on the solar system,-0.09,0,original 7374,If someone talked to my girlfriend like this I don't think they'd have much of a life worth living. Honestly OP I hope you make this properly public. Name and shame the cunt.,1.63,4,original 22063,"Right. Because the vagina-quota worked great for @JustinTrudeau. He fired the only two women in his cabinet who merited their positions. Gender-quotas are insulting to strong, intelligent, hardworking women. We expect to be hired on merit. Not because we have vaginas. URL",-3.98,0,original 39596,Watch roast me on YouTube these niggas funny asf 😂😂😂😂,-1.08,0,original 20509,Due to extreme circumstances the Satanic pedophile elite should be genocided,3.36,2,original 28000,"The world should stop living under the illusion that one day in the future China will democratize. NO, it's just impossible. Chinese worship ""great power"". They enjoy seeing and bullying other people below them. URL",0.85,3,DE 4288,maybe shes a hoe,-0.49,0,original 32990,A dipshit if ur telling the truth and a pussy ass nigga who gets no pussy who needs attention if ur lying. Either way. Good luck,1.61,1,original 49886,Shame on ANY nation that deals with the Saudis .,-1.11,0,original 29044,"@IlhanMN, since all you know how to do is cough up the proverbial diarrhea out of your hatred for America, do America a favor and go back to Somalia and live in your little cage like a rabid rat. Ilhan Omar denounces America at 400 high school students as an ""unfair"" URL",2.22,3,FR 48939,"White people are the damn devil, the bible speaks of straight evil, evil, senseless, violent, inhuman animals, demons, satan, Esau, according to the bible a race of bastards....",1.27,1,DE 15831,I wanna fuck that asshole and fill it full of cum,-2.11,0,original 3905,Big ugly slut,1.77,4,FR 44903,He look gay as fuck 🤣,0.22,0,original 22361,"""They open the door of the #Kabah to every oppressing transgressor and shut the gates of prison over noble free men of God."" Don't forget the imprisoned scholars in your du'as tonight! 🤲🤲🤲 URL",-0.84,0,original 14125,"Yeah, he didn't put the pussy on the chainwax.",-0.67,0,original 16948,u/Space_Duck147 YOU SOUND LIKE AN IDIOTIC VIRGIN AND I WILL RAPE YOU IF I SEE YOU!!!,1.55,4,FR 45811,"As long as these fake Jews keep things going, this crap will go on, all for a shekel",0.85,2,DE 42184,"politically correct stop hunting because of islamophobia hateful lies muslims here most won't assimilate as required send them to hell. -Middle East to fix a mess they made themselves, they were born here not with good devout Christians R swore to kill.",1.96,2,ZH 8137,I - No woman would take a walk with an incel II - No woman talks to an incel III - Why do the size of the woman's breasts matter? $10 says you have an alt account and you're going to reposts the responses from poor bastards on this forum who humiliate themselves by thinking they even have a human right to talk to a woman like that.,0.27,0,original 32208,You should've been born with a vagina fucking pussy,0.16,0,original 8646,A fucking retard,2.2,7,FR 15961,"should you have degenerated stupid. what lower class ghetto do you live in where ""to have"" sounds like ""of""? do you have 5 cocks in your mouth at once while talking?",1.9,1,FR 11975,"GOOD. I hope you do soon, you motherfucker. Nobody likes you, and you're not going anywhere on your shitty blue-collar salary. You're a useless fag and you deserve a slow, painful, lonely death.",3.74,5,FR 48706,u stupid indian. clear the air u bitch,1.08,3,FR 49990,Guess you're a jealous gay fucking asshole you suck dick everyday when you see your daddy you get hard,2.2,5,ZH 32170,@The_Patriot_V @RealCandaceO Why illegal aliens? You idiots are killing you pretty well. #buildthatfuckingwall,1.06,3,DE 11871,Likewise for me. I was born in the 80s in the States and was pretty much the only white dude who wasn't. But I have no regrets about it now.,-3.69,0,original 19251,Also my link was the one I could find that actually breaks it down by race since most people including me don't give a shit about the race of the shooter and most people unlike your racist ass and the rest of the morons here want to make this about race we don't and want to solve the problem of mass shootings as a whole.,-0.55,0,original 23831,Specially the kid Kevin dat nigga look damn near 12 yrs old. The fuck can he do in raping a 28 yr old lady⁉️,0.07,0,original 6946,"You're obviously a stupid prick because it doesn't mean shit to choke to death on a dick. I say I hope you die, but you're too stupid to understand that, I get it.",2.11,4,FR 40840,Too bad he didn't hang them all. We wouldn't have that shit terror country name Israel today,3.43,1,DE 15714,"Are you fat and ugly? Yes, fuck her, she's a bitch. No? Fuck her, she's a bitch",1.6,4,FR 31685,"Erica Thomas is 9 months pregnant, and she spilled crocodile tears, however she can confront the man who called her a ""bitch"" while on camera? This is absurd. This is similar to the Jussie Smollett story. Lying to create a political divide, to push a narrative. It's sick. URL",-2.34,0,original 23864,"That's an uncharacteristically hot topic, Bishop Tobin. To this day, your institution continues to falsely claim that it is knowingly facilitating worldwide and covering up the rape and abuse of hundreds of thousands of children around the world. #Stand4Truth URL",1.24,2,ZH 19134,>I'm too autistic to understand that \*Now you're certified autistic.,0.58,7,RU 45083,Mojokuku: it wouldn't have gotten any press at all if someone hadn't been video'ing. Black lives don't matter and that is a national shame and sin.,-2.9,0,original 40828,Can we get more racial barrier breakers? Please and thank you 😊,-3.67,0,original 46594,"+Steve N Your mother sucks Vlad, learn to spell. Damn fool!",1.03,1,FR 46492,"When she categorizes America as trash, it's pretty sure it's aimed at Omar.",1.16,3,ZH 28282,Of course you do sissy DM for sissy training @MasterDomGreg #BlowJobTraining #anal #crossdresser #domme #feminized #UKdomme #submit #SissyWhore #sissifcation #sissyfuck #sissyanal URL,1.67,5,original 2931,"Alright, here we go, gonna try my best protective method! 1 IF YOU REPLY YOU ARE GEY!",-0.44,0,original 48431,A bunch of women vs puny metrosexual hipster. Invigorating. I think I'll just stay home and watch the grass grow. Let me know when a men's action movie is actually made.,0.23,0,original 24321,The problem with our generation is that none of us have genders but we're still kinda racist,-0.74,0,original 12270,The most obnoxious of the autistic mating rituals...,0.72,7,original 24804,@IlhanMN You're a dumb bitch who thinks it's inbreeding or one of your parents is a goat.,2.06,2,RU 39251,"Cool. Now do caged children, people without healthcare, unarmed black men, refugees fleeing horrible conditions and Americans who want to go about their business and not be mowed down. America 20:20 URL",-3.63,0,original 33929,"@GavinNewsom @SenCoryGardner Children are being killed with weapons of war and no, it's not a mental health issue. Here's how a 19-year-old white supremacist in a state with lenient gun laws could buy an assault rifle and manage to shoot 15 people, even if it took police 1 minute to respond.",1.05,1,DE 48424,JESUStheATHEIST1 throwing gays off the rooftops? Come back when you're sober,4.34,2,FR 21008,@AbeShinzo @realDonaldTrump @shinzoabe 独裁者は行きますこれは、滞在しているイランの人々です Dictator goes This is the people of Iran who are staying دیکتاتور میرود.این ما مردم ایران هستیم که میمانیم #NoDeal4TerroristRegime @realDonaldTrump,-2.49,0,original 35201,My cuckold bitch Stephen has had so much cum down his throat I'm surprised he hasn't shot out triplets yet. #forcedbi #cuckold,-0.77,0,original 45860,fuck this gay shit,1.21,5,ZH 38198,@Badh_Badh_Baba @ertugru66904008 @lndianPresident @Jayashree_Ravis @zainabsikander ripped the delay right down the middle....damn rice bag hating hindus hating converts.,1.54,2,DE 10437,"Shut up, you embarrassing mongoloid",0.72,1,DE 1358,This bitch is responsible for the death of American citizens. She should be in Guantanamo with that fucking Kenyan.,1.51,4,FR 48734,"2 Thessalonians 1:8 In a blazing 🔥 fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.",0.63,2,FR 3800,"You're all a bunch of inbred, mentally deficient pieces of shit.",2.51,7,original 37495,His negroes show retards?,0.99,7,original 10476,No he is happily married for decades. I should take pictures of the inside and post them to the interior design subreddit and say my aunt. She rocked it. Not there anymore though just was on vacation there.,-6.08,0,original 10011,Genocidal Americans. I will laugh when many of you die fighting Iran.,1.15,3,DE 32541,"I'm counting down to shutting down my twitter forever, I've had enough of these gay bullshit...these psychopaths are trying to make God rain down on us all and bring the end of the world closer while I'm not even married. fucking psycho",0.92,5,ZH 42248,I remember when i first watched jessie. He was my favorite one💕❗,-6.91,0,original 40795,I'm surprised they didn't make her the opposite race she originally is,-2.31,0,original 46083,This guy acts like a bunch of fags.,0.8,5,DE 32431,Boys really are not worth the effort yall jeeez,-1.41,0,original 888,no canadians fucking racist die in a hole...stupid bitch,1.29,3,ZH 6910,"lol fuck those fags, you can respect them when they take advantage of you. You think the fact that they even put rapists and murderers in jail shows how bad Stockholm Syndrome is.",0.61,5,ZH 5283,"Man, if we had a total ban on slavery then people would still be trafficked. No sense in doing that either.",2.29,1,original 22698,"@RawStory @realDonaldTrump you have nerve calling people mean, have you looked in a mirror, you have orange blotchy sagging skin; Stringy faux hair on your fat head, probably smells like ass juice and Bengay, rotten teeth and fat as Fock! Now that's evil! 🖕😁",1.43,6,DE 11698,Fuck this cunt whore straight to hell.,1.56,4,original 33005,"""Kill Those Who Have Looted Kashmir"": Governor Malik To Terrorists So BJP has joined hands with terrorists once again ? URL",1.52,1,original 39417,Too many females relying on niggas to take care of them. Go get that bag yourself.,0.39,0,original 37905,@realDonaldTrump Praying does nothing ban the guns you absolute prick,-0.86,0,original 4926,"When a dude knows a girl talks shit about another dude and then first dude plans something out to make the other dude look like a bad guy when they ""naturally"" bring up what they had planned in a conversation with said girl only to make himself look ""amazing"" in the girls eyes. Bitch you just played yourself for being a thirsty ass cunt. You and the dude are both assholes and deserve each other.",-1.21,0,original 47084,Jews again! MF! God take these creatures away from us,3.26,2,RU 5087,"I'm a white American so maybe my perspective is a little off, it kinda seems like a majority of black Americans have forgiven a majority of White Americans. Like we're in that stage where we joke about each other cause that's the way we've been doing it. Of course there will always be those that can't forgive. And there will always be those who are too awful to be forgiven. But it's at the stage where both sides don't have to be sides at all.",-4.24,0,original 29315,"Stop abusing women. Stop being gross and creepy ! Offenders should never be allowed to work in public service . Prosecute them for their crimes. It's time to eliminate this from government. Elect Women , we will fix this .",-1.99,0,original 1107,"Wow, what an absolute fucking cunt of a human. Hope she pisses blood for the rest of her life",1.53,4,original 18669,Brown Asians aren't incels because they are the only Asians breeding.,-0.53,0,original 31406,@SouleFacts @OpIndia_com Why not ask her to leave and take all the Muslims with her.,-0.89,0,original 32573,@carlathebaby Take her to my bedroom and take her panties off and put them into her mouth and fuck her and put loads of litres of cum into her holes,-0.47,0,original 32785,Throw Jews under the bus to appease radical Muslims and Palestinians.,2.52,2,FR 45164,"It's all just kienitte theatre! The Kienites are the ones who lie and say that they are from our brother Judea, but not Jews at all, they are the children of Kien, and they own Trump, Pence and every politician on this earth. And that is why this people must be destroyed. Saints are judging this world and destruction is coming, repent and turn away from this Evil and Run to Yahusha Hamochiak Jesus Christ Now before you are judged in the lake of fire.",0.89,2,RU 9763,she is a fuck i want to rip her face off,1.09,4,FR 9398,fuck this slut,-0.36,0,original 28549,why do all the ugly bitches wit bad weaves get cuffed,1.04,4,original 8304,"Banners like this lead me to believe that I can genocide or enslave the population of entire territories and force the inhabitants to convert to my religion, and after a few generations their descendants will worship my coming as ""the savior who introduced the ignorant heretics to them ""God's Light"". What a bunch of turtles.",1.03,2,ZH 46413,+흔한1인 china and us used to be allies in world war 2 remember ? You have no problem sucking US dick when they drop 2 atom bombs killing 250000 people.,1.11,3,original 25781,"To understand the far right (aka fascists) in Europe and North America, you have to understand the role of fundamentalist Christianity. They want to set us back centuries and attack progressive values in every field. They must fight. url",1.23,2,ZH 17474,"It's their religion. It's a homophobic, woman hating religion that advocates infanticide. We should ban it, but we're not allowed to say that, because they get angry.",0.75,2,original 32778,@Pamacious @Flagellatus @RepAdamSchiff Also consider the pro Israel stance .. sometimes I think they choose country over Party - unfortunely - Not Our Country,-0.69,0,original 8270,what a bunch of liberals,0.61,5,ZH 14987,"I would say you have some kind of brain disorder to bother people for answering a simple question. Bet it's a pleasure to be here. I am sorry for your current or future children. Your orange friend is waiting for you, why not suck his mushroom tail and let the adults take care of that stuff? That's a good girl.",2.72,3,DE 33657,"Religions are parts of the Identity of many people and a lot of armys we should respect them, support them and love them because it's part of muslim armys that suffered from hate those days love you guys 🥺💜#MuslimArmysMatter",-7.09,0,original 22188,"@RWPUSA @realDonaldTrump Come on, Rambo wannabe, mediocre old white assholes.",0.93,6,DE 48011,He's right! Let them return to their country. They don't respect us. They are low lifes,0.97,3,DE 9284,"Fuck Serbians! Fucking imbecile cunts, never forget the genocides and murders they did.",0.85,3,original 28004,Most of our citizens die in the desert dehydrated and have been buried because of unsafe migration and Human trafficking across the Sahara #EndModernDaySlaveryInNigeria,-3.47,0,original 28798,@BrowardBruh Nah sus that ain't it. Them niggas will fuck the whole line and act like they ain't do shit wrong!,0.57,1,original 7871,"Not just women. Men with giant work bags that they have to shove onto my lap (and spread their legs too) are just as annoying. But yeah, the other day I was squeezed into second row on the train and the woman standing in front of me not only kept a huge distance to the row of seats, but also kept shoving her fucking bag behind her, where I was standing. I shoved it back, but it didn't work. Japanese superior manners my ass.",0.0,0,original 34823,"If telling the truth makes me a racist? Then I'll be a racist, but it's not and I'm not.",-1.46,0,original 39299,"World's Shortest Inspirational Story! #OnThisDay in 2007, 26 year old unorthodox wk batsman was given a bunch of young players & named as the CAPTAIN for Indian T20 squad in the Inaugural T20 WC. 24th Sep 2007, He led them to the World Cup Victory. #MSDhoni #Dhoni #TeamIndia URL",-4.94,0,original 18241,Damn I would drown this bitch in cum,1.33,4,FR 41889,StevenC32 unfortunately though I believe religion has a lot to do with that....,-1.63,0,original 17654,"For a 50ft. woman, you sure have a small brain.",-0.14,0,original 8462,I hope she gets raped like the worthless whore she is. ;),2.07,4,FR 1927,Her 16 assailants should have their bodies burned to 100% and allowed live life as limbless bodies in the streets of Bengladesh. Death is too good for those wastes of sperm and eggs.,3.0,1,original 47672,Drop the border and let the predators come and get it done. Who cares anymore. Or send in the military and eliminate them. Whether or. Trash...These people like Cortez are so amoral they really don't,1.56,1,FR 19586,"Yes, she's a total piece of degenerate scum",1.13,4,FR 42941,"+Black Pill Join Allah's (God's) Nation. The Kingdom of God. He got you a Flag and everything and Satan respects it. watch the weather, Allah don't play.",-1.84,0,original 50042,Have some damn respect imbecile. If you hate Somalis then leave the channel. Hodan (AUN) moved from Canada not the U.S. ALL BLACK PEOPLE DON'T LOOK ALIKE.,-3.67,0,original 49765,Watch out for latecomers. I hope his father will commit suicide,1.01,4,FR 37746,@johnlegend @serenawilliams @common and the whole crew of pseudo activist black celebrities are all politically active whenever it serves the interest of white liberals. Nearly 300k black men have been murdered in this country since 1980 and none of these FRAUDS have said a word.,-0.63,0,original 38867,Just a useless fucking bitch,1.7,4,original 4904,She looks like one of those aspirin-chewing retards.,1.2,7,ZH 22102,"bitches get beaten up by their boyfriends and stick around saying ""i see something in him"" like wtf you see a rematch💀",-1.36,0,original 33999,Dump a big load of your hot cum deep into my boi pussy #glasgow #tranny #tgirl #raw #bareback #slut #slag #anal #sex URL,-1.86,0,original 6078,> Christianity opposes any killing in its name. Then the Christians might want to stop killing people.,-1.73,0,original 20803,"@RepMaxineWaters Dear Maxine. I look forward to visiting you in GITMO. I won't laugh at you, you will simply receive my prayers for salvation. Not sure what's left inside your wreck of a body, but Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, if you truly take the time to give whatever you have left to him",0.02,0,original 33731,Why is it so hard for men to express their feelings ?,-2.27,0,original 22721,wat bitch r u? Aries: aggressive bitch Taurus: determined bitch Gem: life ruining ass bitch (ily tho) Cancer: moody bitch Leo: intimidating bitch Virgo: bitch Libra: annoying bitch Scorpio: sexy bitch Sag: social bitch Cap: bad bitch Aqua: fake bitch Pisces: sad crazy bitch ily,-1.56,0,original 3439,"I still have big butch energy, but I have to present more femme if I want to be seen as a woman 😭 telling myself that im presenting butch in boymode helps a bit with dysphoria.",-2.7,0,original 27110,Deport Them to Afghanistan to Disarm IEDs They Do Not Belong Here They will never be Americans or Respect Any of Our Laws They are Here to Spread Ebola & Islam URL,2.26,3,original 13516,"Wow, I'd love to have my lips wrapped around your limp sissy dick as you cum and feel you fill my mouth",-0.3,0,original 43146,1:09: Fucking Arabians I'm an Arabian myself and I feel ashamed kids these days,0.02,0,original 37910,"It's incredible, @daire_tully, that you and your ilk actually think there is something wrong with opposing jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others. And you don't even see what you're enabling. URL",-1.68,0,original 15678,She pushes me away physically. I can't believe (but actually quite because she's a piece of shit) that she would use an ultrasound of a baby who was ultimately stillborn to earn a few bucks.,0.52,4,FR 21413,"Men are actually garbage, lemme be in the house and see some fucker try sneak in, I'm fuck your shit up 🤺",-0.13,0,original 19418,Fuck his mom,0.77,4,FR 12831,"""Fuck black people and fuck uneducated retarded people""",2.59,1,DE 40926,texas thunder you found your fucking dick gay,1.53,5,ZH 7155,This shirt is fake and gay and you're retarded and like to taste your own pee.,2.21,5,DE 40609,Poor racist white dudes,1.42,1,FR 1244,good slut making your hot wet hole available for cock filling. you fucking need to post more regularly.,1.56,4,FR 42812,Too many brown people have been inundated in America by Jews. It's time to send them all back.,0.76,1,FR 46955,Jack off jew says nobody takes bitcoin hahahahaha...his own company takes it...what I call a jack off jew.,0.62,2,DE 35536,Someone go steal their passport make them stay over there,1.16,3,original 33869,Stupid ass bitch dumb as hell here we fucking go again Jesus dumbest fucking bitch alive,1.11,4,original 14281,Bitch motherfucker you deserve to die you little piece of shit you deserve to die in a hospital with a fucking dick in your butthole you fumb dumby cunt motherfucker go cum in your mom's vagina,1.3,4,original 40670,"Hahahaha! These traitor slime, antifa feMales need to get out. They are slime. All of these feMales should be put in prison and left until they rot. The civil war is coming.",2.98,4,original 32936,"Please investigate this lying anti-American, anti-semitic, pro-al Qaeda animal and put her in jail where she really belongs.",0.23,0,original 49679,+Is Terry Michaels serious? So we need to send Americans there to die because of rhetoric?,0.87,3,ZH 44778,woman but really man,-1.27,0,original 35374,Insha'Allah The only punishment for them should be hanging to death # Molvies FASAAD fhisabilillah,3.57,2,DE 20356,@Kellie2727Paula Al Qaeda are terrorists and must be stopped,4.55,1,DE 48417,I would like to unban iona.,-4.7,0,original 48111,"Stop being so lenient border patrols, we pay you to keep these assholes out of America, shoot 'em with rubber bullets if you have to",2.18,3,DE 16850,Lynchings too good for him,-0.28,0,original 4135,Death to Catholicism. It should be legal to shoot them.,2.18,2,RU 29257,"@Queerty I'm black, Gay, Republican, a Trump supporter, and have PLENTY of conservative allies. Stop using this tired internet rag to divide people.",-2.45,0,original 17934,Want benefits of being a citizen take citizenship?,-2.51,0,original 35276,@kaylatausche The real problem is BLACKS. Immigrants work and care about education. Black people don't care about work or education. Immigrants start tech companies and black people build Big Macs. Let me know when the Dems support a Universal Core Work Ethic.,1.31,1,FR 8162,"Because they need to fill prisons? This clown car administration is trying to start the plague and bring on the Apocalypse. No wonder fake ""Christians"" love him.",0.57,2,original 8684,You roast each others arseholes you dirty faggots,1.61,5,original 13632,The child and nun rapists have a problem with the death penalty?,0.65,2,DE 43269,How to make a movie in 2019: Cast all women. Make Terminator look harmless.,-2.06,0,original 41284,bomb them and invade them like we did to IRAQ,0.56,3,original 29420,I'm really gonna sniff a nigga DO NOT PLAY WITH ME,1.49,1,DE 5499,"You must be another illiterate nigga with no spelling trying to defend your boyfriend. And I saw in your job history that you were from Baltimore like me, you rip your pussy out.",1.47,1,FR 26439,"""If you don't believe in Jesus, I'll put a knife in your face"". url",0.79,2,ZH 25920,"Y'all saw this, trust me, Bamenda is cleaner than where you come from, and the people there are smart, but I don't blame you, your mom is always going out and selling her dirty Vagina one thousand yuan to teach you etiquette website",2.21,5,ZH 20426,The Hindus and the Jews are natural friends. It's heartening to see India and Israel coming together deeply. URL,-4.5,0,original 25401,"😡 Muslims are sick animals, sick cult and jerks 😢😭 URL",1.92,2,RU 16799,deport this white trash can,1.71,1,FR 5628,"First of all, too *fucking retarded, you couldn't graduate, second, you're a fat fat trap with your pink hair and beard. this guy must rot in prison for life",2.28,7,FR 35648,Fazlu Rehman is using religious term for his dirty Politics #ڈیزل_اور_شیطانیت,-0.56,0,original 22627,It's time to hunt down civilians who fell in love with Indian money and make propaganda against Pakistan. It's very easy to find them... Show the example #NoMercyForTraitors,1.33,1,FR 49674,"Anyway, they're a bunch of ass-eating fags in Morehouse",1.45,5,ZH 5090,"Women aren't fucking robots. If they give up intimacy, its because you give up intimacy. If you wanna get a girl pregnant and then complain she's not the same cumbucket she was before she got knocked up, then you shouldn't have knocked her up. It's not rocket science.",0.14,0,original 23835,"homophobes then: ""gays are disgusting. You guys are going to hell. Faggot sinners."" homophobes acting brand new: URL",2.3,5,original 17831,"""Bullying"" I hope a large Ukranian gentleman strikes you in the head with a sledgehammer, you pussy.",1.68,4,original 7209,You look dumb and gross enough to wear a fedora everywhere and desperate enough that if a female asked to cut off your nuts you'd roll on your back and spread your legs.,0.64,4,original 21488,You know you want me to ruin your little pussy too...don't you? In the meantime you can lick my nut out of this broken pocket pussy. URL URL #hung #bigdick #findom #cashmaster URL,1.93,5,DE 14952,These are people who live in a civilized country that isn't made of dog shit like the Middle Eastern country you're from.,0.89,3,DE 26315,Bitch there's kids there. Fuck is wrong with you airhead ass hoes URL,1.69,4,original 28796,"Look at the Monkey balancer. Not one has he come out and spoken against the ""Violent Call to Jihad"" and ISIS like mindset of Ejaz Khan but he quickly rushed to defend Muslims and tries to equate Ejaz Khan with Pragya and Godse. What a Filth this man is ! URL",0.2,0,original 49843,"*India just concluded their month and a half long ""election festival"", where over 600 million people voted (out of the 900 million eligible voters). That was the largest democratic exercise on the planet, where constitutionally a polling booth is available within 2 kilometers or less from every citizen, from urban cities to villages to mountains to jungles, and everything in between. Indian's election operations are studied as a case study in many business schools around the world.*",-3.56,0,original 3843,Fuck islam and Allah!!,1.74,2,original 32077,"Niggas like that , DESERVE TO BE SHOT THE FUCK UP ‼️if she don't want your ass get the fuck gone nigga , to much pussy in this world bruh .. URL",3.09,1,original 35291,🍍 Young & Pretty Shemale Tastes her Own Cum URL,0.27,0,original 23164,"เปงแฟงเหรอมาเล่นผมอะ 🙈 Playing his hair like that, are you his boyfriend? 🤔 #tonnaaam #saint_sup #NamSup #น้ำซุป URL",-2.74,0,original 48078,Meanwhile White Billionaires are making a killing off student loan debt🤣🤣🤣No idea why white people are against free city colleges.. Kinda weird actually,-0.82,0,original 45287,Should have blown the Iranian thugs out of the water.,1.84,3,FR 26791,@Iam_jamotech Those stupid niggas,0.88,1,DE 33539,the leader of the q-anon cult is preparing some radio rwanda bullshit for the followers and basically i hate you all motherfuckers even MORE than i did last year when i begged you to take care of it and you refused Remember those MONTHS I had to argue that q anon was a cult?! URL,0.9,2,DE 46243,I love the brown girl,-2.87,0,original 34196,"India rejoices today, says PM as Parliament clears Triple Talaq Bill URL via NaMo App",-4.05,0,original 16776,may kill your mental retardation,2.48,7,ZH 3449,The SUPER Christian sounds like he might rank high on the scale as a psychopath and perhaps a sociopath to boot.,-0.06,0,original 25010,@Lynn56829931 @DineshDSouza If you considering posing nude and sucking cock classy I guess she wins in a blowout.,0.13,0,original 26816,@realDonaldTrump In their memory I pray they didn't die in vain along with all other Americans who have been killed by illegals.,-0.56,0,original 9850,"YTA, you're gay, let your ancestors down, and shouldn't encourage others to behave like this",2.42,5,ZH 45140,"4:26 OOHHH, you think ur mom is strict? You should see my African-American mom . And while you're at it go see a Latina mom, a Arabic mom, and a asian mom. The most your mom can probably do is take away your phone a ground you for a day. MY MOM WILL GET YER TENNIS SHOE AND USE IT AS A WEAPON! (It's a joke😂 but seriously immigrant parents are wayyy to harsh. I'm not joking about the shoe thing lol)",-2.01,0,original 19517,Watching this physically hurts me. That bitch should rot in prison,0.78,4,original 47969,"+Ami C you dont have to link me Morehouse demographics for me to know that an hbcu, a historically black college, has predominantly black students",-2.42,0,original 30746,"@thehill Bullshit take. How is Trump going after minorities, Brown people, black people exactly? He talked about some individuals, who mind you have been talking shit about him for quite sometime. Because they are a different color, he is not allowed to respond? Typical NPC.",0.39,0,original 7218,If thats the worst thing that has ever happened to you in your life i hope you get mugged when you walk out of your house you beta >:/,-0.02,0,original 37428,Spitroast that faggot and he'll be adDICKted! URL,1.01,5,original 39951,@brookehouts Bitch stfu hoe. I hope somebody beat yo ass like you hit that dog,1.31,4,original 44257,"DEPORT that Communist Criminal Piece of SH^T(AOC) Along with the Rest of the Drugie Freeloading welfare sucking ILLEGALS, They Have Turned THEIR HOME into a SH^THOLE...And now they HOPE to do that to the USA...",2.72,3,original 44500,You even idolize Satan? You give him too much credit! Obviously you haven't read Isaiah 45:7 or 1 Samuel 2:7,-1.39,0,original 47525,"Yeah, let's kill them. The 50,000 children killed and our journalists, oh it's Saudi Arabia...they hid Osama, oh it's Pakistan but I guess they're",1.18,3,FR 2555,"Yeah, they're also responsible for white genocide ^TM, priests raping children, Muslim immigrants, and when the milk in your fridge goes sour. Oh, and they would also be responsible for global warming, IF IT WERE REAL. (Big fucking /S here, folks.)",1.02,2,FR 42324,"Well on the royal navy, you should have fired on the muslims",1.05,2,RU 39613,Come here and fuck this needy little slut before you go. You don't do anything else until you come inside me.,0.54,4,FR 17730,"""Muhammad was a militant pedophile who destroyed the Middle East."" Probably 1.4 billion.",0.97,2,RU 47489,White muthafuca he knows what he did his wife and kids need to die with him and the rest of his family For what he did he hunted down black people cause you might be next to New York !!!,1.34,1,FR 5943,Because it's they are too busy throwing gays off roofs to pay much attention to the rest of the celestial bodies,0.55,5,original 3202,"You look like a fucking pedophile, you big fagot. Die",1.93,5,FR 29745,"@Timcast Ok if ""sending her"" is disgusting then how about ""sending her"" or ""bringing her back"" or maybe ""throwing her racist ass"". Yeah....that last one sounds the best.",0.97,3,FR 9520,Fuck israel,4.01,3,original 40343,"China destroyed Sihanoukville in Cambodia. Clean up your shit in Cambodia, you jaw bastards",0.83,3,ZH 24360,"@ORlyYahRly @balis_nicky @MRKHvoice As I've explained before, Nazis kill for a purpose, even if it's a terrible and misguided one. TERFs kill for nothing. Pure hate.",-0.27,0,original 39589,"What happened to your bratty attitude when I shoved my cock down your throat? Look at you, gagging and tapping my thigh cause you need to breathe already. My little toy, we aren't even close to being done yet. We can keep doing this until I cum or you go limp.",1.94,4,original 10167,Beating his fagot ass,2.7,5,FR 28892,names colby brock and my ass is fat i'd fuck your bitch but your bitch is wack URL,0.48,0,original 27281,The religion of peace destroys everything it touches. They are remnants from the dark ages that should have stayed there. URL,0.78,2,DE 16675,"It's the ""air clap,"" a way to clap without making a loud noise (because one clap can make these gays pull diapers).",0.67,5,ZH 8140,I'm not ashamed to say I hate bobos and always have. I hope his hand gets stuck in the garbage disposal while his bitch mother and sister are on a sex trip to Jamaica and he dies of thirst.,2.54,3,ZH 24876,mmmm crush homophobes with my Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster I gotta #MK8D #NintendoSwitch URL,1.05,4,FR 10680,"Know your story, because the kosher version is not what happened during the 1930s in Germany. It was justified and it was human. *They* want you to believe otherwise, at all costs, that it seems like the best option out of this world of clowns.",2.53,2,FR 40454,Whoa whoa...I'm a beta cuck incel and I don't like mean girls who win championships. Where is my tiki flashlight I want to shoot at school. Please no one look at my tiny YouTube name is Captain America because I'm secretly super gay to men in spandex.,2.39,5,ZH 41910,Drop dead come in leagal their won't be a proble you idiots change the laws and you voted no for more money we hat idiots,1.02,3,original 21497,"Oh my. The fucking empire of the United States is playing with fire by provoking my beloved China using Taiwan as a tool. I don't want to die and that's why I extremely abhor the fucking empire of the United States and the United Kingdom. I return desperately, Jesus now immediately for consuming the United States and United Kingdom through a super solar storm.",0.71,3,FR 12907,Because he is truly an incel.,-2.37,0,original 18137,if you have gay sex you have lethal cancer,0.79,5,original 3944,"incorrect, man who yells ""GAS THE JEWS"" on camera 23 times is arrested and fined",-0.68,0,original 5166,"So it's man, or not a man",-0.69,0,original 23719,More Hot Big Beautiful Women: URL URL,-3.58,0,original 6241,"Promise to do away with both dual citizenship and anchor babies, then. That would be a good start. But your ""Chinese-Canadian"" friends are actually Chinese loyalists/agents, aren't they?",-1.29,0,original 41722,"Gosh , u sound depressed and negative urself . U sound like a fag that needs to be hit over and over with a dildo in ur face !",0.55,5,original 44563,"They are all descendants of fallen angels, they have no history, no god, their Jesus is as false as they are. They are unnatural and recessive, what kind of God would create a temporary race? ? ? ?",1.31,2,ZH 36376,Gay guys talk to girls; real guys post and rate male physique pics URL,0.82,5,ZH 3434,"Yes. Next let's burn their holy books too. Try telling that to Muslims, Hindus etc.",-0.1,0,original 18161,"Well, well, well ... if it's not Daam-Guy! Where have you been, motherfucker? Sucking on daddy's tits again in an overflowing diaper? Fuck you and die real hard, you fucking wilted, fly agaric, high mileage cunt. Get some new stuff, bitch, and, uh, learn how to write spells. You look like a mental dwarf, shit instead of breath.",1.5,7,RU 25201,Oh white bitch how many dicks do you do a day to pay your mortgage🤔everyone knows you were raised to be a bitch🖕🏿🤮👺🤬,1.53,4,FR 10832,Don't project your grandfather's fag onto mine,0.9,5,DE 18277,"""I want these people to die in their own countries from the violence we've caused, or at least die waiting in line to get in. Come on let's be civil!"" Fuck off and die",1.54,3,original 16368,"If this beta cuckold tried to slit my throat, I'd put him in a comma punching him in the face with my strong supper 19 supper dong, then I'd do like thirty models like a real alpha courier that I am, and then probably suck them also or three in front of this cat's hospital bed. Play with me and I'll ruin you, beta.",1.89,5,FR 9177,"What this little slut needs is a man to rip that little dress off her filthy body, shove her against that wall by her pretty throat and fuck her until she passes out, taken in sandwiched between the wall and his cock. In my professional opinion",2.96,4,FR 10114,"Actually, your father influenced me, I called him ""faggot"" every time he reached for my stuff. But that's neither here nor there, fagot.",1.15,5,DE 48492,She's really ugly for an old witch,0.6,6,FR 22698,"@RawStory @realDonaldTrump You have the courage to call people mean. Fake hair like strings on your fat head, probably butt juice and bengay, rotten teeth, and smell like fat! Now it's NASTY! 🖕😁",1.43,6,JA 39710,"Why y'all be recording these racist people , just beat they ass",0.62,1,original 6339,"Vox's ""male"" employees are little beta soy fuckers",1.05,5,FR 27598,Ion see how yall niggas eat pussy then put a condom on 💀,-0.28,0,original 31941,@DmvSnake @SamiSuave_ @LayLayFlames_ just remember when you blow a load you need a break i don't need to blow loads to make her legs shake. we don't take breaks and then show me on the doll where the lesbian hurt you,-0.71,0,original 31160,fuck the entire human population,1.03,6,RU 5037,I thought the other photo of him was a chick!,2.08,4,FR 42568,Why are these people so upset? What's wrong with separating babies from their mothers and putting people in cages like sardines? What's wrong with treating them like they're not human? They are not white like us. let them rot.,2.56,1,DE 6274,"Uh, positive discrimination? Who am I discriminating against, the other guys who want to fuck your mother? Alright, alright, you win. Your mother has vigorous and passionate sex with all kinds of men, regardless of race, creed, color, disability or national origin. Mea culpa. Yes, alt-right incels always revert to the NO UR THE BIGOT routine. Try again, putz, I read your messages. I know your beliefs.",0.56,4,FR 46482,"Even if Mexico starts to help, we should touch its pockets for all the past doing nothing. Stick it in Mexico and let them cry 'til they comply 100%",0.55,3,FR 41484,"as a latino, we do not claim her.",-0.39,0,original 5744,"Fuck Israel, fuck Jews",1.03,2,original 18050,"As I thought about it more carefully, I realized that you ""fail,"" meaning I can't roast you because suicide is a sin. But who am I kidding, we're all going to hell, so fuck you.",2.38,7,DE 45500,is she alive,-3.78,0,original 15009,You thick fucking retard lmfao go back to rimming your dead boi xxx,1.25,7,original 35216,"@BourbonGhost Yes. I was thinking if she wasn't old white woman, things would have been way worse",-2.55,0,original 9444,I hope your parents drown in my shit you absolute gay fagot,2.5,5,FR 31277,"@RashidaTlaib Ah, the jihad squad spews more pure bullshit.",1.59,2,RU 23399,and yh I'm going to hell for this but fuck her,-0.13,0,original 4769,Not that I am complainging but what's with some indian folks here who'd rather Pakistan win than England.,-2.23,0,original 29244,Free immigration legal screning clinic! If you have questions related to your immigration case bring all documents pertaining to your case to receive a free consultation. URL,-2.25,0,original 30371,Hoe behaviour when men think is cool acting humble when they biggest player,-0.96,0,original 22891,Allah can suck my dick,1.36,2,ZH 29130,"Besides, fuck the Gita, fuck the Pali Canon, fuck the Bible, fuck the Qur'an, fuck all the ""sacred"" scriptures. Nothing is sacred. As a wise man once said, no matter where you read it or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it fits your own reason and common sense URL",2.27,2,ZH 29866,This female dog is so dumb she even looks dumb like you could tell by her face she's brain dead,1.39,4,FR 6271,"😂😂😂 If my sons were gay like you, I'd shoot them and drown them in the bathtub. firewood",3.37,5,ZH 45883,"Since Omar is indeed anti-Semitic and pro-BDS, she will be deported back to Somalia. Zero tolerance for Islam supremacism and all her supporters at the biased BBC!",0.99,3,ZH 17250,i heard neil degrasse tyson has a 6 pack shut up racists,-2.51,0,original 23664,my blood is boiling Jahannam awaits all those who harm the servants of Allah. URL,1.67,2,DE 19127,You also make a beautiful couple. The joys of being bisexual and liking a couple 😍,-4.45,0,original 1373,"What's up buddy you need a lollipop you're a little latecomer. Go clean your room and draw swastikas. Also you fuck your cousin or it's your sister you have a crush on. Have a horrible day, you latecomer.",2.37,7,FR 13179,"A who's who of monsters, perverts, racists and psychopaths.",0.63,1,FR 47046,"Control the population, stop the Islamic blind faith in childbearing, too many children and child marriage.",0.97,2,RU 34781,@kirantikari0 @SanjayAzadSln @SanjayAzadSln It's always entertaining when you speculate about things you have no personal experience with🤣😂. . . All pseudo anti national bigot have fear of the implementation of new NIA and other strong laws... ये डर अच्छा है।😂,-1.7,0,original 6677,BITCH! SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND SHUT THE HELL UP! BITCH!,1.05,4,original 25594,Amateur Little Tits Big Cocks DVP MMF Threesome #سالب_الكويت #سالب_السعودية nude snapme URL a20osi,-0.44,0,original 706,Imagine wanting thinking the role of government is to punish women for having sex.,-1.9,0,original 44921,"Get rid of all those stinky Indian bastards. They're pooping in the streets and dumping their trash right in that river, it's the most disgusting country ever!",2.44,3,FR 30227,"If the teachers, parents and guardian who should help by teaching the children on sexual education ndio wanawanyandua before the 18 years.... Proper sexual education should be done to the children and those who defile them should face the law... #SexConsentAgeKE URL",-2.2,0,original 38298,"""Get bigger. Wreck that gay bitch."" @niloc7171",1.73,5,ZH 37718,@realDonaldTrump Seriously? ? ! Two white male white supremacists who supported Trump killed 30 people and you talk about immigration. You are a lying narcissistic hypocritical ignorant immoral intellectually bankrupt dangerous mentally unstable idiot. #WorstPresidentininHistory,0.63,7,ZH 41174,Jaden Smith is a perfect example of being gay because he didn't used to laugh like a woman and act so fruity,0.74,5,DE 35372,Horny BBW MILF sucks while her masseur has fun 🎥 Watch it yourself: Join URL to enjoy! URL #bbw #plumperd,0.8,4,FR 37543,"@lsarsour Sarsur, you speak like the low IQ uncivilized Muslim ingrate that you are. Go back to your Muslim hell hole countries and let's see how much talking you would dare to do over there. #MAGA",2.11,2,original 15391,"I morally object to men being able to pay for sex. We need to criminalise men who do this. It sends a disgusting, misogynistic message.",-0.47,0,original 3262,"Fuck me that guy looks like another ass clown that visited my church, [Gordon Winslow.](URL. Asked for money, and did a faith healing gig, and on his website has a $100 prayer shawl. Said God blessed people for giving to him. And prayer all sorts of shit.",-0.29,0,original 38734,@MikeStuchbery_ @DellyAbel @skeptical7th A few weeks later over 90 Christian's were killed and over 7000 in last six months no global news coverage,-2.91,0,original 47694,"These 4 BITCH'S need to be dragged out into the street and whipped, they are vile U.N.A.M. trash.",0.94,3,DE 21946,@_avxto_ @steph_nicole17 @2018millni @ChelseaTanco Wtf you can't call people shy but you can cut people Weirdo ass retard bruh I swear,2.02,7,DE 38636,"White people are crazy. I try to stay away from them. - signed, old white lady #wemissyouobama",1.6,1,original 44674,"Fuck you and your third world shithole country and stop pretending you're American, just keep sucking that goat cock, pathetic waste of a human",2.21,3,DE 17290,"Beautiful clit, so thick and mouthwatering !",-2.03,0,original 39454,Bloody India will go to hell all these bastered,0.64,3,FR 28597,@tyayzjah_ Complete trash once I can think clearly. Look at my dick disgusted like look what u made me do... I should beat u (again),1.75,4,original 38651,"@Know_Thy_Self99 @RickyRawls @AnthonyGrea8t @tyynastyy @Jasi_two 1. That's BS and you know it. Rhianna slave play loving ass? Serena, sleeps with 4chan ass? 2. Wider audience to what? Name a job ask u to recite lil ducal lyrics to get hired. That black intersectional feminist garbage is mandatory in college tho. Nice try.",-0.57,0,original 45107,Kawhi is a fag,1.76,5,DE 8252,Yeah shit sand people just let me go get an abortion and kill a baby,1.57,1,FR 32284,He'd still be alive if you niggas don't fill him up,1.06,1,DE 20445,@ AngryBirdLovr69 Suce des tyrones dick you cuck,0.83,5,FR 4338,"No, but it's a very important step to equality.",-7.27,0,original 18048,"That's just feminist baiting. Imagine if a man were to say a dickhead has no brain but can accomplish more than any woman (Don't even need to say ***white*** women, lets keep racism out of misogyny)",-0.72,0,original 7402,I hope that dumb bitch didnt procreate,1.35,4,original 18097,"I'll seriously drain my savings account for her. Manlet I may be, I don't give a fuck.",-2.11,0,original 7615,But Judaism is not a personal thing. It's a religion. Being a good person is a personal thing. And that's something totally worth aspiring to. I just wouldn't conflate secular humanism with Judaism.,-3.42,0,original 5266,Execute a nigga right across from you.,2.45,1,original 37571,@johnpavlovitz They wouldn't know Jesus if he was in front of them. Jesus name in their mouths is a blasphemy,0.31,0,original 28928,@NadeGrinds are you fucking pissed he wanted to shoot him fucking cunt,0.61,2,DE 69,"Yeah, damn it. Looks like he's pissed off if his Tinder date doesn't fuck him 5 minutes after showing up at his house. This guy is creeping with a possible touch of incel",1.54,4,FR 25275,"@PatchNavillus @AnthonyBLSmith sophie turner does a (very funny) ""and that's the tea"" bit on her instagram that is popular w/ the straights... lord help us!",-1.69,0,original 29427,"Rot in hell, devil. These ""immigrants"" are my people and belong to this land. You have invaded and stolen our homes like fucking locusts.",0.81,3,ZH 47961,"She didn't make her monthly numbers for killing black babies, it's 100% Eugenics, the choice crap is a lie",1.85,1,original 17878,He wasn't mentally ill. He's a fucking white homegrown terrorist. Stop trying to classify these fuckers as mentally ill,-1.16,0,original 45200,"THANK YOU! PRESIDENT TRUMP! YES!!! SEND ALL ILLEGALS BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY, WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF ALL HOMELESS AMERICAN VETERANS SLEEPING IN THE STREETS, WHILE ILLEGALS ARE ENJOYING GOVERNMENT HOUSING, FREE FOOD STAMPS, FREE SCHOOLS, AND FREE HEALTH CARE. SADLY ILLEGALS ARE KILLING AMERICANS.",0.71,3,original 43106,"The same right-wing fanatics who claim to be ""Christians"" will scream ""All Lives Matter"" as they watch innocent children being torn from their families and thrown into filthy cages like animals. These children will suffer lifelong trauma and psychological damage from this experience.",0.91,3,DE 19324,"Wow you are fucking retarded, guess we have to shoot every person in sight to stop any potential mass shootings, you fucking retard, you think these shooters are going to announce they are shooting up a place and give you time to shoot them back? Ur dumb as fuck.",3.29,7,original 19793,"Haha, on closer inspection a grown man playing a car soccer game decided to talk shit. How about staying on your trail in fantasy land and keep trading your ""low tier items"" that match your low IQ? Damn fag.",2.01,5,DE 29676,"I sincerely wish to have a dollar for every woman, Jewish and gay who has been beaten, killed and oppressed by your beloved and holy sharia. That way I could buy plane tickets to send all of you anti-American terrorists back to your shitty countries. URL #MAGA",1.73,2,FR 35453,"@kelleent @CarltonJordan @KirkWrites79 Resentment & competition aside, too many men seek masculinity in their illusory gold they think ALL women are trying to dig so any inquiry re: resources makes them recoil. The defensive is based on a lie b/c most men have 0 gold to dig and most (Blk)women are providing for self.",-0.28,0,original 12286,The only thing these kind of people are good at is making the system work after having eight kids so they don't have to work. Constant levies on society. Worthless as breasts on a boar!,1.56,7,FR 8872,"Yeah Americans are just pure evil creations made to create suffering, they're also fat lazy ignorant fools who kill everything that moves /s",0.92,3,original 37970,@Buster_Sword_CS Shirtless Noctis is not gay... He's merely enjoying his freedom,-3.51,0,original 22733,"@KeepItRealLuke Its indigenous land. Secondly don't try and tell me they earned that shit, vomit that mayo elsewhere",0.71,1,original 29705,Niggas to grown to be acting like some bitches,0.54,1,original 36942,What be goin thru u dumb ass niggas heads huh? Stupid ass mfs,0.92,1,original 18076,You need to be raped by a dog like you bitch,3.82,5,ZH 24048,"All my facebook ads are like ""Hey FAG, want some fucking underwear, you big fag?""",0.59,5,ZH 48585,"This psycho jewish bastard will fake his death like Ken Lay, sneak on his depraved friend Trump's private jet and end up in South America...where he will marry a 5 year old girl 👯‍♀️",1.29,2,ZH 43397,Jeremy Cole Only the lost sheep of Israel. He had a covenant to convert the people who forgot about God and led them back to the Heavenly Father. Jesus was the only person who could bring them back to the Lord Almighty because he was sinless and he did not have sin.,-1.07,0,original 35890,this is for @SMTOWNGLOBAL u big fat nasty white smelling fat bitch why did you pull me off the program m @therfcking with your filthy little white racist ass u big fat oompa loompa body ass bitch i get up there and i go beat the fck out of u btch and don't even call the p,1.76,1,FR 9340,kill yourself instead,2.39,4,FR 8451,All racists should die in a hole.,1.74,1,DE 7303,American police are fucking thugs.,1.39,3,FR 19586,Yes she is a total piece of degenerate scum,1.13,4,original 23285,i dont get whats so hard to understand about pansexuality lol is ur brain the size of a peanut & ur mind can't wrap around what pansexuality is? boo hoo 🥺,0.93,5,original 7190,Trans rights as well. Since trans women of color had a big hand in starting pride.,-3.38,0,original 43349,pedophile,1.16,2,ZH 34743,Hoe ass bitch,2.31,4,FR 5268,"It's literally a slickback. If this was a picture of your beloved grandfather you wouldn't be talking shit, drop the politics and just focus on the hair you clown.",-1.45,0,original 13119,"Are you on drugs? Trump could rape baby Jesus in a church live on TV, and any evangelical Republican will say the damn Jew deserved it.",0.73,2,DE 40084,These four skanky narcissistic feminists need to feed on lions.,2.63,4,FR 39084,Watch me and this cute boi suck and fuck eachother tonight at 9pm PST don't miss it... he has such a nice dick. 🤤🤤🤤 it was a pleasure filming with you 😉 URL URL,-3.45,0,original 41512,Keep your mouth shut fag ass bitch. White boy down,2.01,5,original 7300,You killed filthy American pigs. Allah is proud of you,1.36,3,FR 36429,Petition to commit genocide on horny niggas,2.75,1,FR 694,I'm glad you guys split up that women is stupid,0.57,4,original 5857,Utah- Thank you for not saying Mormons.,-2.41,0,original 46837,"You bet.... Little Petey's City is a haven for illegals, so Mexicans can ethnically cleanse the wild black gang culture. Little Petey is a covert white liberal racist!",1.97,1,DE 22273,Niggas as lame as these bitches💯,1.38,1,FR 46323,"God we're my car keys, I need to fuck this bastard up, I'll punch him",2.26,5,ZH 17391,I will fuck the cum out of you,-3.43,0,original 16967,"Oh, I could do something. You rant like psychotic incels do before you go shoot a place, if I alert the law on your comments/profile you'd be screwed. And I easily can, so I suggest you keep your chattering racist little mouth shut, human scum.",1.22,3,FR 28586,Free all the real niggas,-1.76,0,original 43857,"@Disappointed Human No, it doesn't. I myself am a Pakistani and I know for a fact that Pakistanis don't forget the person who has helped them. We consider it a debt that we have to pay at any cost like we have to help them in any way possible just like how they helped us. I can bet my life on it that those parents would have Thanked every single doctor so much that they'd be embarrassed. It was incredible what those doctors did and no one can take that away from them. Learn to respect everyone even if you don't agree with them.",-4.51,0,original 29170,"Get a nigga see your soul and feed it This exchange should not drain you, you should blossom 😌🌹",0.96,3,DE 759,"If these inbreds spent less time fucking their sisters, they might learn to moderate their expectations and hold their filthy beef tongues.",1.88,3,FR 42173,Car full of terrorists and disabled people,0.58,7,DE 9869,Beat her tits and fuck her mouth.,0.76,4,FR 42071,Subscribe if you're stupid asf and a faggot,1.92,5,original 2345,"In places like China, women are murdered in the womb because of their perceived burden on society. It is estimated that 160 million women are missing. In many places, Down syndrome has been almost completely “eradicated”. Not by solving anything, but by murdering children with Down syndrome in the womb. In New York, more black children are murdered in the womb than are born. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist eugenicists. Well over 17 million abortions will be performed worldwide this year. How crazy"".",0.79,1,DE 43256,Can we just atomize Mexico?,2.14,1,DE 45808,"The WORLD know America ""Should"" have made Tehran Glow in the Dark, back in 1979 .. WE missed a great opportunity to do a great thing for the Planet. They are the most Terrorist Supporting State on the Planet and eventually we will have no choice but to make Martyrs of them all.",2.65,3,original 10469,Christian person number 726 is mad.,-0.03,0,original 12555,that's hard to believe. the place is crawling with sluts from the midwest with zero rules or social implications,0.5,0,original 28608,@AlhusseinRH Send the Wahhabi terrorists to Allah!,0.59,1,DE 9856,Gay guys with different personalities,1.8,5,ZH 35269,"Women love strong men, place your order now 💪 👉URL URL",-3.38,0,original 22311,@TAYLAPARX ... i connect to this on a spiritual level 😩 but i'm asian hsjsks,-2.39,0,original 6283,"Shut up, you mongoloid",0.71,7,DE 46416,"Jairo Carbajal About time, deport them all and build the wall! DemonRats want to give free health care to illegal immigrants but don't want to count them? Seriously, how do you budget free healthcare? Democrats are f$&king Morons! Black Racist Gay Lives Matter to the Obuma's & Whoopi weaveberg",1.33,3,original 1201,fuck you and fuck the muslim cult.,1.36,2,original 46075,TELUGU GIRL PUSSY IS JUST FOR RAMA RAO FARM LANDS THEN EVERY NON LOCAL INCLUDING PAKISTAN MUST DO PUSSY FARMING,1.02,1,original 48471,@Zenigundam You're a dumbass. Hold this L faggot.,1.93,5,original 48288,these monsters must be dropped off on devils island near south america and left to rot. cut penises too,2.37,4,FR 41699,F*CK THEM NO DEAL NO DEAL F*CK YOU IRAN F*CK YOU NO DEAL DUMB F*CKS HOW YOU IRAN CAN MOTHER F*CKER STARVE STARVE,1.62,1,DE 18166,"Damn cowards using weapons against people who can't defend themselves, they're a fucking waste of a human population stat",1.52,7,FR 19973,They sound like fragile white people,-0.31,0,original 45733,"+John Omoruan Well I guess you're right. It is impossible to maintain a positive attitude when confronted with a gross display of contempt for laws designed to keep society at peace. Or should I say ignorance? Stay away from people's damn plots and let peace reign for all. About half a century ago, when black people 🏃 walked around naked, they probably didn't care about privacy or intruders. You could go to people's properties and do your thing, but that's not the case anymore. special announcement! We are now living in the 21st century and people need security and privacy.",0.51,1,DE 3279,"That's not how dicks work. Her dates would have to be *really* old for their dicks to stop working, like octogenarians. Men don't suffer menopause the way women do.",-0.38,0,original 31995,sehun is black have a nice day,-2.66,0,original 27240,"@RepMaxineWaters Vile junk, a joke, orange fool, white junk.",0.65,1,FR 6628,"Most Norwegians should know it, as the viking age is pretty well covered in the curriculum.",-3.15,0,original 36716,"Traveled 600 miles to the border to kill as many mixed race and brown people as possible. It's not sanity, it's terrorism. URLs",2.4,1,FR 32321,eat some cum maybe yall wouldnt be so annoying,-0.05,0,original 31528,"Someone please stop this man. Put him on the sex offender list, castrate him, don't let him have kids.",1.62,4,FR 10899,Looks like an illegal immigrant who comes to TV boxes and turns into a slut in the United States,1.2,3,FR 40873,Cum orgy fag why are you here. ? No one likes your comment lol get down on your knees and shut up,1.6,5,ZH 9485,"I think at this point we should just send them a large amount of nuclear tech to enjoy. Glass that shithole and make tge world a better place. No boots on the ground, no nation building, just add some heat.",1.15,3,original 21228,Of course he did it. Another rage filled inept man. Taking out his inadequacies on women & children. He should be shot.,1.52,4,original 14352,Knock it out of her or throw her over the curb. No use for brazen niggers.,3.76,1,DE 13067,"lol derrr reddigt!! I am so funny we made all the da memees! hehree hee slpsh edit thanks Kim hehrhrhe lalallaa I'm retarded hahsgha. Derrrrrr, Grrrrrr Instagram and Ifunnee Normies!! Time to suck cocks from 4chans likr really cool dude! ! ! Retarded fucking sites filled with cesspools of brain dead users.",1.17,7,ZH 35168,@IlhanMN Fuck you fucking jerk. Stop stealing people's money. Stop trying to make our country the shitty country you come from...fuck off and help those muslim assholes.,1.93,3,FR 18741,"Fucking scumbag, religious psycho.",1.63,2,RU 11653,Allah told me to tell you to go out and get yourself a strong muscular man to store sperm for ramadan while you eat top ramen fam,0.56,2,DE 35331,@ramalokot 3. Historically blacks have been getting less wages which meant that they survived from 1 salary to another. This is a big problem which attributes to the huge racial income inequalities @KhandaniM but not much attention is given to it,-3.39,0,original 36520,I need you to stop giving these niggas pussy. Maybe they will take more care of their children 🥴,1.79,4,FR 17884,"These fags are rubbish in every way and trash the whole place, wow",1.32,5,DE 27054,Am i the only one who gives an ugly nigga a chance then...BOOM he starts to act like you the ugly one?🥴,0.55,1,original 2812,"Religion, what a waste of time and only used to control those who are easily influenced.",-0.23,0,original 28928,"@NadeGrinds are you fucking crazy, he tried to shoot him, fucking bitch",0.61,2,ZH 47840,These kids are retards,1.24,7,original 3540,Reminds me of the way the American public supports my murderer. Nothing has changed. Americans are inhumane racists who worship state killers,0.89,3,ZH 13059,"I'll bet that one in the red white & blue ""bikini"" fucks like a goddamn maniac.",0.13,0,original 17949,"That's when America was Great! No rock n roll, no video games, no weed and ONLY white bread and white people. /s Seriously, it's sickening that the hippie baby boomers have turned into white nationalists. WTF happened to them?",-0.19,0,original 47088,Other countries say THE SAME THING ABOUT U EVIL INBRED CHILD MOLESTING LAND INVADING SAVAGES FROM THE CAVES OF EUROPE,1.56,1,original 29967,"@realDonaldTrump As long as they're white, straight, Christian, right? You racist, fascist, rapist, ignorant asshole.",2.35,1,FR 19597,These fags can't wait for their turn... ummm,1.06,5,ZH 36933,Ace Magashule cares about black people where is your evidence?,-1.6,0,original 13588,What's wrong with Germany? Why are they still on the way to destroying Europe? I'm serious.,0.71,1,FR 27742,I bet you wish that fat ass was sitting on your pathetic loser face. $end #tribute while you stroke your useless little cock #findom #femdom #ass #facesitting #cuckhold #sissyboy #humliatrix #homewrecker #blackmail #420domme #spoiled #bratty #cuckhold #fincuck URL,1.72,4,FR 12050,"You want to hit women and children. I will hit you and take your life, money and family. FUCK WITH US AND DIE.",0.74,4,original 22037,"Woman: stalks man intensively across countries, follows him home, does weird things to him, harassed his family Society: wowwwww not cool she's kinda bad probably sick :( Man: follows woman home Society: ALL MEN ARE EVIL DEMONS AND MUST DIE The inequality is ridiculous",-0.86,0,original 9161,"So it's a tiny concentration camp. So you are a renegade. Be glad you get to live in a western country. Under Islamic rule you would have been hacked to death with machetes by your handsome Muslim brothers, wild beasts that they are.",1.68,2,DE 46812,"*sees mulan as a normal asian girl* me to disney: dont do that, dont give me hope",-5.27,0,original 33678,"Well, at least these old white country folk don't get ""soshulism"" stuffed down their throats when they die of heart attacks on the 1.5 hour drive to the nearest hospital.",0.56,1,DE 2691,"Faget from the point where he goes ""I'm just a pretty boy whatever you call it""",2.16,5,original 7819,She's a bitch,0.59,4,FR 13184,Can we bomb Brazil yet? I haven't seen a single person with an IQ higher than 20 out there jesus christ,3.5,3,ZH 2167,"you look like a kid who grew up in the suburbs but thinks he's in the neighborhood, but who's also jewish",0.87,2,FR 41788,"The biggest fools are white Hispanics, they work for ICE and become Republicans who fuck them",0.6,1,DE 16926,"Despite what many Christians will tell you - you are not wrong or disordered for having these thoughts. I'd recommend checking out r/OpenChristian and r/GayChristians, there you will get support and validation, not condemnation. :)",-5.36,0,original 45024,Wtf don't these idiots get...they're illegal here,0.77,3,ZH 24952,"""After Donald Trump was elected President, Taylor wrote on Facebook, ""It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, and dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a monkey in heels."" URL",2.92,1,FR 29832,@arcnosey Yes homos suck,0.76,5,DE 4379,"Sick little girl throwing that word Pedo at her hoping someone will hear it and attack it for her. He's lucky those girls don't have a gun, I wouldn't doubt they'd use it against him.",1.63,4,FR 35590,Remember how every African country was like Wakanda before Europeans arrived? Me neither. URL,-1.29,0,original 15691,“Kill them [the disbelievers] wherever you find them…And fight them until there is no more disbelief and worship is for Allah alone” (Quran 2:191-193 ).,1.52,2,FR 18318,"What a bunch of little incels, lmao",0.51,5,DE 14115,"Yeah, raid Beijing and take out the fuckers",2.63,1,DE 38389,"It's a rotten country causing a LOTTTTT of mental health deterioration. His entire environment is toxic both mentally and physically. Anyone who says it is the most beautiful country is delusional, blind and has no understanding of what oppression means. 🙂URL",0.79,3,DE 4358,"Nah, they're just cunts. There's little privilege where they come from.",1.31,3,original 36125,this faggot knows how to suck cock!...its throat is like a vacuum for this Alpha's huge 9x6.5 cock. Can you faggot say the same?! URL,0.44,0,original 29393,@ndrew_lawrence @IlhanMN Muslims ARE bad! They HATE US AND WE HATE! TAKE THEM ALL AND CUT THEM!,2.06,1,FR 32784,Come to think of it...I never had Asian 🧐,-2.15,0,original 31288,"@HassanRouhani Starting today, go fuck yourself you ugly terrorist",1.54,1,original 3958,"Go cry to China and India, kids.",-0.86,0,original 12622,"What if I said no one cares about black people and they should just kill, cannibalize, rape and murder each other like the scum that they are. THANKS",2.33,1,FR 40502,Rape Children + Being a White Man Too Authorized = Thrive in America #CantWaitTilProfessionalArmySnipersKillTheseAmericanTerrorists,1.85,1,FR 36272,@wtwmetal @lmaopistol You could hear that nigga Mountain Dew cans and shit on the floor falling over,-0.92,0,original 31772,I'm convinced you all fuck with most of these muhfuckas because their dicks are big... ...because these muhfuckas faces are hit with bricks 🤯🥴🤢,2.04,4,FR 6485,"I bet she sucked the dick, those lips touched hers. Anon now has a cock in her mouth. Anon is a fag.",1.19,5,FR 1803,"Then if you're such an easy and sloppy bitch. Maybe I should just grab your leash and drag you home and put you in my playroom as my personal sleeve. Strip to your heels and bend over my spanking bench and strap yourself on it. Shove my 10"" cock in your ass, pull it out and give it to you so you can taste how big shit you are before filling your pussy with my seed. Follow it with some punishment for being flaccid and sloppy skank Start fucking your face as I prepare to repeat the process until you're nothing but a bunch of cum soaked goo",2.84,4,FR 23947,@thegreatkhalid Muslims want to rape and destroy America. But okay.,0.8,2,FR 11094,"yeah ""europans"" learn to spell you inbred piece of trash",0.6,1,original 45703,Fyebae turn on Everyone rather they do something to her or not. Let her get fucked the night b4 n wake up on a stiff Drink. Hey its on after she drink,-0.76,0,original 11854,delay sex,1.36,7,JA 28031,Young lawyers overcoming obstacles with all-female firm URL URL,-4.22,0,original 25627,@playboicarlsin1 Stupid ass white boy go back to school and shoot something,0.9,1,original 22787,Bitches find an illiterate man with anger issues and a gun and call him a hood nigga lmao url,0.51,4,FR 36986,Great suggestion from clergy that for the foreseeable future we make sure to tell all our Hispanic (cont) URL,-2.77,0,original 33133,Suck your mother's url,0.89,4,FR 38119,I wish bitches would go back to suckin real dicks and stop suckin on food,0.62,4,original 13300,Most trannies are filthy motherfuckers,1.41,4,FR 9818,"It's a bit hard to explain, but I'll do my best. I'm bisexual. Always have been, always will be. I've always repressed my sexuality, and haven't told anybody aside from very few close friends, and my mother. I've always found LGBTQ+ communities to be very female positive (I don't even know if that's a word, lmao), so I thought that accepting myself and finding a good community like that to talk with would solve 2 issues in one swoop? I dunno.",-4.34,0,original 975,"I think that being trans has totally shaped the way I view the world and the way I connect to it. It shapes the art I make and the things I write, the way I interact with people, the way I move through life. I like being trans and deaf especially because ASL is a beautiful language and I think I can express my gender better with ASL than I ever can in english. sometimes I hate this shit but I don't think I would give it up. I don't think I'm proud of it yet either but I know I'll get there. picking my own name was also pretty dope.",-7.35,0,original 39810,Important developments 👇🏻 Suspended bilateral trade relation with India Suspended diplomatic relation with India & asked Indian ambassador to leave Pakistan asap Hafiz Saeed released #KashmirIsOurWeAreKashmir #HafizSaeed✌✌ URL,-2.52,0,original 18190,#BURN IN HOLY BREAD YA FUCKING BITCH,0.92,4,original 38548,Fuck that bitch and fuck that nigga I know what it was !,0.73,1,original 2767,Wish she would strangle my tongue with her ass cheeks while its deep in that tight shithole,-3.18,0,original 7550,"""Oh boys, would you two faggots stop making so fucking much noise, IM TRYING TO SLEEP!""",0.57,5,original 42609,"You Allah let us start to stop bombing you. lol. With mud in your name, it should be shit.",2.06,2,ZH 29629,DEPORT THEM ALL!,0.76,3,original 46975,joe is gay,0.64,5,ZH 8746,"Let me ask you a question Am i calling you a faggot for being gay, or because youre acting like an asshat? Asshat.",1.28,5,original 27950,May Allah give everyone more braincells,-1.29,0,original 13793,"Stupid fucking thot, no wonder why women are useless",0.19,0,original 13506,"Russia is just a big used diaper of a country and the people are moronic. The food is shit, there is less culture than in America, and all they want to do is play cops and robbers all day, while selling parts of their mother they killed so they can buy more meth. At least keep your delusional dictatorship in your own country.",1.47,3,original 39865,bitch u spit on ur dog u r trash goodbye URL,2.09,4,original 38859,He will ensure that every jihadi bastard in your country dies an agonizing death and your rogue state of Naapak Pakistan is done for good,3.18,3,DE 27407,Women are trash.,0.27,0,original 4271,"when america was founded it was because europe sent all its disabled, alcoholics and criminals there",1.19,3,DE 9115,"We all know these manlets are sitting at home in their parents basement before heading off to their McDonald's job, getting salty because millionaire model 15 year old virgin Stacy hasn't proposed to them 😩💦👌",0.81,4,original 23548,The streets are talking it's a rat nigga,0.95,1,FR 34571,If you drug her in other to make her feel honey so you can bang her. You're a rapist,-1.4,0,original 47651,The hidden truth is that the bible is a mind control book. To control and conquer everyone. Because of this book entire nations have been murdered and enslaved.,0.1,0,original 45471,They violated sanctions and paid the price. We have done nothing wrong. Now we have to bomb Iran and put them back where they belong.,0.82,3,ZH 31160,fuck the whole human population,1.03,6,FR 5106,You sure got a lot of time to be a huge fagot,2.41,5,ZH 48722,"Don't leave your home alone, you gay Christian Jewish lover, your dead man, the walking bitch",2.96,2,FR 27161,"Is the middle finger now the new nigger or negro word? So emotionally sensitive you low IQ savage. Wish that I was there with index finger on trigger. Dealing with these types of ""humans"" day to day will turn us all into ruthless bloodthirsty savages. For many reasons #ANTIWHITE",2.47,1,original 26728,"#SalvationSaturday #KenyaMustRepent @ApostleMMWangui Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, ""Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.",-2.9,0,original 4792,Wow. Polar opposites of America. We want them to die before they are even born.,-1.26,0,original 42144,This is the gayest thing I've ever seen,2.7,5,FR 5332,"Congratulations! I've told my school counselor too, but as I'm in a Catholic school I unfortunately cannot socially transition for 3 more years (hoping to get into contact with a gender doctor to medically transition before then, tho). But posts like these give me hope, and I'm so happy for everyone who's able to socially transition at this age. :)",-5.14,0,original 19839,"Inshallah, that kiddie fucker gets locked up soon.",-2.27,0,original 30756,"She sucks your dick for 3 min ,i suck it till you cum dnt compare me to her 🥴🤪💅🏾",1.31,4,original 47983,"Women aren't capable of these things? Ffs if a human wants to fight for freedom, let them.",-5.18,0,original 30653,@BenBartlettCA Step 1: change the language in the city code like a fucking psycho because a few people chop their dicks off,-1.74,0,original 2880,Typical Muslim. Always have to bring violence into things. Lack of freedom of speech is nothing to be proud of.,-0.31,0,original 38031,"Britain sent its trash & riffraff to India, South Africa & Australia. China floods Tibet with Han Chinese. India will now send cowbelt rapists & criminals to destroy what's left of Kashmir. Prepare for Bajrang Dal goons to force Kashmiri Muslims to say Jai Shri Ram or get lynched",1.41,1,original 9164,The faith based dipshits believe that God put them where they are and because of that they are above the average person and have goes blessing in what they do. I forgot what the name of this cult is but ex-gov Mark Sanford is of the same ilk.,0.43,0,original 7550,"""Oh guys, you two fags would stop making so much noise, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!""",0.57,5,FR 47212,all you racist assholes me the pelan. latinos run america. fuck all the lazy white people,0.75,1,FR 43752,"Physicians should try to eradicate devolution, genetic defects, fagtards, incels, learning disabilities and eternally unsustainable human obamanations against nature...anything that does otherwise commits crimes against nature, l evolution and must be eradicated, charged and publicly executed for crimes against nature, evolution and humanity.",1.91,7,FR 47491,Like me when I shot 2 home invaders fuck that piece of shit he deserves someone to come to his house rape his family and fucking kill him that dude is a fucking bastard sorry yeah canadian that fucking figure pussy,0.57,3,FR 47735,@Monster12255 lowest black unemployment?,-2.96,0,original 16903,kill yourself gay,3.18,5,ZH 6708,"Actually this is what I've noticed... Especially when it comes to guys who will message you every second day asking you for more pics, but continue making excuses about why they can't meet up.",-1.9,0,original 46227,"What, no border type of justice letting criminals just run in my country. No thanks, I'll vote for President Trump, keep your socialism and stick it where the sun don't shine...",0.99,3,original 40733,"America worships the synagogue of Satan and hates Christ with all their heart. Identity under assault? America is going to hell, because it has chosen the talmudic Satanists. Clown world.",0.99,3,original 40942,"God hates a liar, Pence. You've manufactured a crime against humanity with your kiddie concentration camps. You can act as pious as all hell but your still a liar and a criminal.",-0.24,0,original 35822,"I'm gonna keep posting this picture of the ""fabulous fraud four"" with an ISIS flag & facsimile of Mohammed. The two non-Muslim women, if they were true loyal Americans, they should have demanded that that flag of barbarity & death be removed before even sitting down. URL",-1.02,0,original 39350,".@wangnanfu, director of @OneChildNation, tells @hari about her family's personal history with the one-child policy in China. URL",-2.77,0,original 23705,stupid ass cracker,1.02,1,FR 45064,My masculine is awakening due to my spiritual elevation!!,-4.14,0,original 13473,"Well said. People are too angry at the term ""white privilege"". I feel like it's a topic where people obtained a hasty conclusion and just dont care to look deeper into it to understand, because they don't want to feel like their issues are being overlooked (which they're not). Like for me - I will experience hardships due to being a minority hispanic man in America that white people will never. But I am also privileged to be a straight, cis, able-bodied male. I have my own privileges that other's do not. It's really not a difficult topic to grasp.",-3.36,0,original 16098,I have a bat if you also need to be filled up.,0.94,4,original 49063,"Statistical fact, there is more physical violence in lesbian relationships than anyone else, and that mom.. what a weak ass parent..weak, and.. where's the father? ? ? ?",0.68,5,ZH 25213,"I don't want to see your baby face crying begging me to stop, I'm going to fuck you until your little pussy is sore and filled with my cum. URLs",0.75,4,FR 46652,Who is this bitch? She sucks like the Kardashian. So stupid and clumsy.,0.99,5,FR 5210,The water it's turning the freaking parents gay,-0.65,0,original 8131,Honestly I cannot fathom the cumtards who listen to redscare let alone donate to those sluts. WOMEN NEED TO STICK TO CAMMING FOR DONATIONS.,1.49,4,original 7129,The Alphas shove their huge dick into everyone. Male? Fucked. Women? fucked. Enby? fucked,1.72,4,FR 38369,@ourrachblogs Hello. Oh and burn the cigarettes 🔥😅,4.0,5,FR 13635,Oh gosh where to start. i knowingly had sex with a crazy lady because she was pretty vute,-1.58,0,original 28067,Losers don't actually get to see my nipples . They're so hard for cash right now #findom #femdom #paypig URL,-2.68,0,original 49220,"+I am God Not by proportion of population. There you go truth twisting and fact altering to try and justify your racist views. If that cop was white he would of walked that's a fact they sacrifice this cop I'm not surprised at all considering how bad public relations are at the moment. You cops are more of a threat to public safety, stability justice and innocent lives than Al Qaeda and ISIS will ever be in America",-0.39,0,original 4591,"STFU waaaaaa she stole my kush and my sandwich, sexual assault time",1.27,4,FR 28107,Bitches will hate you for your nigga 😩,0.54,4,FR 30087,"@IlhanMN WRONG we see you as American that served in military as anti American, anti Israeli pro Terrorists, that's why I don't like you!",-0.52,0,original 13021,Go on Twitter everyday and complain about the colored people and mean Mexicans,-0.18,0,original 13124,your ignorance to mental health issues makes sense. fucking disgusting,-0.62,0,original 3017,">Using dating sites Number one red flag right there. Walk on, soldier. The only thing you have on these dating sites is a number game. High probability is you'll fuck some ass. Low probability is you'll meet someone with an ass worth keeping.",-2.93,0,original 29002,"""I think you're a fucking fag like your daddy"" JULES!!!! URL #EuphoriaHBO",1.62,5,FR 27668,OMG #More evidence that the only so-called democracy in ME isn't so cute after all. When did the Israeli settlers ever come to peace. Nothing but vile racist supremacists.,0.6,3,ZH 150,I love curvy Asian! ;D,-4.24,0,original 18879,>kill me cow right now you only kill english lmao kill two cows mate and pray to allah may he give you some variety or content in your comments lol,0.63,2,DE 28750,"A dynamite mixture of devoted fans, show creators, & TV stars explore the rocky history and the potentially bright future of queer female representation on television. #OutfestLA",-3.85,0,original 31342,"It kills me that we have to prove we can have black people in the White House. Democrat identity politics are ruining this world, they are a cancer to this country. They never said a word when Obama the Muslim hated this URL of this great country",0.72,2,FR 49679,+Terry Michaels seriously? So we have to send Americans there to die for rhetoric?,0.87,3,DE 6044,They fuck homeless people like they fuck children.,0.55,4,FR 36892,@realDonaldTrump You blame immigrants for making the US a mess and your people are the most mentally retarded of all time. I think you should take care of your psychos first instead.,1.05,3,DE 40046,I hope this bitch asss nigga calls me so I call start trippin on his ass,0.67,1,original 9726,Fuck my cock suckin ass,-3.78,0,original 29269,Send them back to Africa.,1.21,1,FR 7638,No homo but he kinda thicc,0.78,5,original 44372,All of them anti white.,-2.26,0,original 19162,Not eugenics! It just stops certain people from breeding!!,0.63,7,JA 48595,Why don't you pull those pants out like my neighbor to the south you Anis trying to pull down the throat of that raging punk axe! Nick is a muddleheaded guy with spittle in his mouth and doesn't follow the raging bastard lest he show ignorance,1.73,5,ZH 33806,"@Soriyar72 @ritikasmack @squintneon Meera is delusional. No one is saying muslims are the only problem. But they are the poorest community in India with highest fertility rate . Definitely they are somehow responsible for our backwardness. Muslims in kerala are richer , and kerala is ISIS hub of india. no choice.",0.26,0,original 48831,Go fk!! Your own idiot Trump!! Go burn in hell fk'n white supremanazi!!,1.63,1,FR 13891,"Go to England and fuck everything you see. Fat complaints and cripple. I'm a terrible person and that's what they expect. Just a dirty dick ready to assassinate a sideways British chick. Hide your girlfriend, hide your wife.",0.94,7,JA 36107,If I had a son and he transgendered I would sneak into his room at night and show him what a good dick feels like 💯,1.46,5,ZH 29587,"This is for Rachel, you fat white bitch that smells bad",1.22,1,FR 2264,It's sexist if you're a liberal retard.,1.22,7,FR 41257,Needs those troops on our border with Mexico.,-2.65,0,original 42168,we all know she was killed by black bastard thugs raised by single parent welfare skank whores. but they will blame it on a chtistian organization like the ku klux klan,2.06,1,original 15312,ok lad we get it you're a hairy guy you want to protect yourself you better live your life stop fantasizing about fucking a pig you dirty bastard,1.85,5,ZH 6127,I got your big daddy dog here. Ready to slam my thick cock inside of your tight little puppy pussy.,0.45,0,original 7511,"I'm not out yet and neither on HRT, it's tough to get my words of my chest. I'm on some medication that works as an calming agent. Still I'm nervous. I've been put here because of my parents. They love me, but my father is transphobic. I'd believe my mom would be more accepting. I'm still lost, but trying to voice what I've hidden since early puppetry. Thanks for being here",-2.05,0,original 9975,this guy is a local hero to all the trump humping white trash that lives in the area. the tri cities area is a majority of mouth breathing inbred rednecks. sorry not sorry,1.49,1,original 43416,"Get out of the US, go to Iran with your gaahy headgear and play jihad with Iran, you are a traitor to the US, smelly, smelly, smelly traitor",1.1,2,DE 39690,Imagine if we were to have a database (aka hit list) of people with mental illness before we had a database of fucking white supremacists. URL,3.4,7,DE 9696,You're as late as a fool who spits vodka into his pet's mouth.,0.83,7,JA 11282,"How about you fuck off, fagot?",1.21,5,DE 34815,every last one of you hoes 🚫 URL,-0.43,0,original 49324,Trump needs to deport these maggots,1.5,3,original 39844,"@Rudraakshii @TheVict0ria Bloody feminists , never take the responsibility of their actions instead blame men for all their bad doings fuck off .",-0.01,0,original 36827,when niggas say pussy is pussy I automatically assume he fucked a crackhead 🤦🏽‍♀️😂,0.8,1,original 2624,In before the JIDF!,-1.69,0,original 11397,Time to send the cunts to the men's jail.,1.93,4,original 7998,Fuck you gay slut and kill yourself,3.05,5,FR 22608,"BJP worker innBurdwan, West Bengal chanting Jai Shri Ram gets stabbed to death in Ketugram. Welcome to @MamataOfficial Ruled Islamic Republic of Bengal. How long must India tolerate fascism @PMOIndia @HMOIndia @AmitShah please have @rashtrapatibhvn Rule URL",-0.48,0,original 19522,Go choke on a bag of flaming dicks you little bitch.,0.89,4,original 45795,This female dog is so dumb,1.59,4,FR 31005,"migrants climbing into the country on ladders, given that's what her stylist needs to cut her hair. Tweeting almost daily how her sub-zero ice fist of a heart aches for a long, hard, cement barrier while obsessing sickly over anyone arrested or elected while brown, she's",-0.6,0,original 15860,That's what a real slave should do. Bend over and take it up the ass and die.,2.27,1,DE 15317,Sometimes I feel like I'm only bi for the flag becuase I feel like maybe pan suits me more... But the bi flag is so much cuter!,-4.74,0,original 16391,You are a fucking idiot. Do us all a favour and stop having kids. No wonder they are little fucktards they have what seems to be the queen of fucktards as a mother.,1.63,4,original 32656,@thro_e @MissILmom The US should have wiped out Iran and a lot of other Muslim countries.,1.97,2,RU 42125,"Nice try at Bating, fucking faggot.",2.88,5,original 44044,White people will gag when the geography changes and coming from Europe will get you kicked straight to the region that can't cook with flavor. Go back to your snails on toast!,0.58,1,FR 30211,"The Christian Association of #Nigeria has said it did not approve of the solidarity visit paid to the embattled senior pastor of Commonwealth of Zion Assembly(COZA), Biodun Fatoyinbo URL",-2.35,0,original 3818,Step 1: Rape women all the time Step 2: Dicks fall off from rampant STDs Step 3: Bask in the dickless glory,0.31,0,original 22775,@__CarlieBaby Lol she bet not be by that nigga she can do way better,0.1,0,original 16154,"ITT: Cunt spits in Ape Retard's face Ape Retard opens the door, knocks Cunt out, kicks Cunt's head into the concrete, and yells ""nigger"" three times while avoiding the scene. What the fuck, Ape Retard needs to be charged",1.86,1,FR 8543,"""Why do SOME Christian churches"" would be better here. I'm agnostic but I was raised in a Catholic family and I can tell you with some certainty that this is not ""always"" the case. I know that it occurs and I'm not denying it. But it is not that general.",-4.1,0,original 33395,eat shit gringo killers URL,-0.44,0,original 25491,"@brainburp13 They speak Spanish at the welfare offices and school systems. They'll be just fine. After all, that's why they're here.",-4.82,0,original 26163,im so tired of being ***** bitch can i be castrated already,-0.66,0,original 4066,I didn't need those extra images to believe she was a bitch. NTA!,1.13,4,FR 9301,"If white genocide means this guy won't exist, sign me up. Signed, a white man",0.61,1,DE 38141,@CoryBooker TURD ALERT (Islamic small POS),1.08,2,DE 30699,"@realDonaldTrump You are a racist, a misogynist, a traitor, a scammer, a money launderer and I understand a rapist.",0.63,3,DE 41802,pretty pathetic and sad welcoming for the ladies.,-3.14,0,original 3828,"Suck my dick, bitch, ass, nigga",2.9,1,DE 46809,Now more wars for Rothschild Israel. No more dead American soldiers for these elite Zionist pigs who control Washington!!!!!,2.06,2,RU 38467,Express: 'Women take on any jobs they can' WASPI on impact of state pension age changes for women. URL via @GoogleNews,-3.22,0,original 4793,"The only thing missing is the tool used to suck the brains out before ripping its limbs off for easier extraction because, women's rights.",1.44,4,original 37857,@SteveKerr @JustinTuck So the white dude isn't going to jail?,-1.68,0,original 31467,"Africans are learning to reject Plunderers, Looters, Thieves and corrupt leaders in power. We are working in silence, mobilizing!",-3.14,0,original 28463,@RyanNash Shut the fuck up brunette bitch,0.57,1,FR 4931,"Ok, unpopular opinion, but I think this is okay. I don't mind companies showing empathy with LGBTQ+ folks, even if it is only for a month.",-5.4,0,original 20723,if we ever fucking with the same nigga don't ever bring me up to that nigga cus when im with him you the last bitch on my mind..,-0.98,0,original 2281,I bet you never sucked your uncle's cum out your gfs pussy you faggot,1.15,5,original 47405,The reason because your dad took your money is because he's black he might steal your shoes as well,1.47,1,original 1846,No. They have this regressive mentality because of fucking Islam. Fuck that ideology.,1.51,2,original 41723,"Read your script, you freemason Grandpa son of a bitch. It's a whole fucking script. These motherfuckers cheat on people every day. Zionist Jews will be the architects of their destruction. hahaha Die you scumbag pieces of shit.",3.89,2,FR 41558,"The only thing left for you after your first video was an apology video with you giving yourself 500 lashes: 100 for being transphobic, 100 for being white, 100 for being male, 100 for being cis and 100 for being a garbage human. Then from now on opening every one of your videos with an apology for that fiasco. Now all that's LEFT for you is: welcome to the right wing motherfucker!",1.2,4,original 11818,Don't tiki torches keep mosquitos away? White supremacists really know how to lynch in comfort 😎,-1.34,0,original 27649,This is what US taxpayer dollars are funding. Welcome to Netanyahu's Israel where Israeli settler thugs run amok in illegally occupied Jerusalem. URL,-0.27,0,original 27186,"Understand legally there is a such thing as diversion where you avoid a plea by good acts & get a case dismissed. She's painting a plea as diversion, @KamalaHarris is a true representation of why identity politics and black girl magic aren't the measuring stick for our politics URL",-1.45,0,original 39853,@BBCWorld Does Pakistan have an interest? Do you need this boil over humanity?,0.93,3,FR 21647,this female dog wants to get her head kicked in the big ass,1.19,4,FR 46276,"Ok I'll be racist! All M-Fing DEMORATES, get the HELL OUT of the USA, you can't run this country right even if the American people tell you what you're doing wrong! I heard there is an island somewhere near the caribbean why don't you all move there and rule as a satanic NWO and just eliminate yourselves!",1.4,1,DE 19999,"Yeah, give that game to the niggers, fucking idiots, they can't even buy food, you want them to buy the light pass or any ski? You fucking Indian subs, give the game away in this fucking Europe, where people really matter because we're white, you poor bastards.",2.4,1,FR 2999,"As i parked at a liquor store and walked up and said""great job parking!! You seem ok, you not racist at all"". Then he asked for a dollar He got 5 (knew his audience)",-2.69,0,original 35313,Only the loyal niggas show off their babes today 💀😂,-0.64,0,original 29158,@9inety8eight @StunnyM8 Lol I hope your boy gets his ass fucked in jail,1.93,4,FR 13895,"They deserve this poverty, they sound like inhuman shit over there",0.53,3,DE 48844,Your stupid if it's so bad they shouldn't come here illegally,-0.08,0,original 11975,"OK Hope you do it soon, you piece of shit. No one loves you, and you're going nowhere with a shitty blue collar salary. You're a useless fag who deserves a slow, painful, lonely death.",3.74,5,ZH 15221,To be honest this raises a good point about how little americans care for social justice outside of African-Americans. Native Americans are the most disadvantaged people in this country in so many ways but get only a fraction of the attention that African-Americans get. I'm not saying African-Americans should get less attention but we really need to take a step back and talk about Native American in a new context and on a new timeline.,-3.93,0,original 26983,i fucking can't with this show i'm getting gayer by the second,-0.25,0,original 2343,and fuck gay people,0.26,0,original 30526,trans* women please apply,-3.06,0,original 45739,CNN yes! Vote them all out and deport the anti-American radical Islamists out of our country.,1.84,2,original 20262,@CndsVSTrudeau @Lots_Of_Fun_69 But try to teach anything about the Bible and you will be lynched by libtards.,0.11,0,original 47367,Move your pathetic asses to Mexico then leave the motherfuckers,0.54,1,FR 18697,Shut the fuck up autistic toilet cleaner,1.58,7,FR 35964,Yes. Please keep in mind women under the age of 45 are not allowed to make Hajj without a male guardian. I would have to take my YOUNGER brother with me. It's ridiculous and sexist. I want to be able to fulfill a religious pillar without gender restrictions. URL,-2.45,0,original 8861,Oh I'm sure that's what will happen. Peace in the Middle East and all that.,-2.62,0,original 28267,No pussy for you bitch you'll never get a girl that's why you send me 🔒 #findom #femdom URL,0.65,5,DE 15399,cat gay,1.78,5,ZH 46752,"For all the Russian bots and trolls, here is the truth. If you are male, you are 99% likely to be an alcoholic. If you're female, you're mildly attractive until around age 25. Then you go up in a balloon like the Baby Trump Balloon and wear a babushka and a tent.",1.68,3,FR 31516,females that choke you during sex deserve to go to heaven,-2.75,0,original 20502,"International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is an opportunity to celebrate the progress made in promoting LGBTQ rights. But we must also reflect that there is much more to do so that discrimination is consigned to history. #IDAHOBIT URL",-5.39,0,original 24096,MAN TURNED UP IN FRESH MCQUEENS AND TOOK MANS GIRL THATS MY FUCKING G,-3.35,0,original 8791,"I would push you on that fence. Pull your hair, and since your ass i occupied, fuck your pussy balls deep.",1.63,4,original 6965,"I hope your lover takes the rubber off tonight and fucks you with an AIDS eaten dick and you come here tomorrow with sores all over your face, 40 fucking pounds.",4.24,5,FR 9241,It's better to blow them up.,1.25,2,ZH 31242,"@realDonaldTrump Just your F**king head. It's inflated, BIG! One thing is for sure, you won't be able to poke your swollen F**king head through the bars in prison. It's a wonder your big head hasn't popped yet. Stop lying to the American people, huh? Stop kidnapping child asylum seekers!",0.81,3,FR 43170,"Castration, severed hands, severed tongue, mark on the forehead. Hanged upside down in public to receive the thousand cuts of women. Then slowly impale the anus on a large pointed pole. We love Sharia by any name. We just won't admit it. Count Vladimir Dracul (Dracula) was a Christian hero, who impaled Muslims.",1.6,2,FR 2175,"Yes, says the moron fat-shaming a child. You numb, dumb cunt. Get fucked, cunt.",0.73,4,original 3156,"As a gay person in the animation field, it's very important for kids to have some kind of representation in their media. I feel like if I'd been given some clue in childhood that what I was or wasn't feeling was normal, I feel like I could have started living my life earlier. I often think about how much I wish I could have come out as a preteen. I could have been comfortable with myself earlier and I think it really held me back socially.",-3.98,0,original 11617,Pussy ass triad cowards too scared to show their face.,0.79,1,DE 37140,@mssirsa Absolute shame on you India.,-0.99,0,original 34037,@nirbhaavuka These Muslims never do Mohammad jayanti they are doing idol praying in tipu name what is this hypocrisy to,-1.28,0,original 36570,Another white supremacist terrorist shit from Trumpkin.,1.08,1,FR 2934,We love trans inclusion,-7.75,0,original 15956,he's a rapist,1.61,4,FR 37375,@Millie__Weaver Shove your bible up ur ass,1.29,2,original 20042,"illegal immigrants =/= legal immigrants. in every other country in the world being ""anti-immigrant"" means you don't like either kind. but for some reason in america you get called even if you're only against the illegal kind.",-1.85,0,original 20493,"Sayako held this slut's butt with ease, as she continued to pound his thick cock deep inside her tight hole. His massive, veiny, bitch-destroying cock kept ravaging and reshaping her tight asshole. A rhythm phase continued to grow in speed, such as Sayako --- URL",0.88,4,FR 20612,fuck all these hoes tell em stay outta my face,0.98,4,original 8447,There's no way in hell this is rape. Stupid feminists fucking up society.,0.86,4,original 2648,"I also want to see the limbless bodies of children that belong to Al Qaeda, the Albanian Mafia, cannibals, pedophiles, etc etc. The genes need to be wiped. Bad people need to be wiped. This whole country needs a cleansing.",2.31,3,original 37539,@81kensmith You callous Mongoloid idiot! We need to neuter and neuter people like you!,0.83,7,FR 31170,Tell your female dog I said fuck you,1.29,4,FR 49701,malinga is best - love from india - chennai super kings,-3.19,0,original 48684,"Men or women, England will never, ever win anything 😂",-1.97,0,original 28928,"@NadeGrinds Are you out of your mind, he wanted to shoot him you fucking cunt",0.61,2,RU 7825,I hope the people you love get depressed and commit suicide. And it will be your fault that you are too retarded to see this happen.,2.88,7,RU 45629,Please deport all Americans back to America and you motherfuckers can have all your illegals back.,1.89,3,original 28073,"Eat her pussy till she cum, then keep going 🤤🤤",-2.51,0,original 31113,Hey it's me! Please take a look at this article about @hajarbenji and her project about women like me. URL,-4.31,0,original 18734,"Whatever you say, you immature, pedophile, retarded, cum waster.",2.54,7,FR 23334,These journalists are fucking fags.,1.73,5,DE 25784,@BBCNews Ya crack em. Chase em out. Knock em down. Be right brutal. Confiscate passports. Lock em in nasty cells long enough to mess up their jobs. Serious high bail. No mercy. Make it so they don't dare show up. Nobody wants them. Bunch of idiot losers.,1.77,3,original 16628,Only if she's an asshole.,-1.36,0,original 17139,No im a trans girl who doesn't want my shoulders to broaden so i cna pass easier,-4.2,0,original 14777,"Tell your friend he probably has 80% Greek DNA when he takes a DNA test lmao. Fuck Mohhamed he was a child rapist, fuck Islam I piss on the Koran sand nigger",2.39,2,DE 45586,what a fag,0.99,5,FR 5412,"The appropriate response to Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, Qanon idiots, racists, and infowars fans. Seriously, America- when did we forget what decency was and how to respond to the indecent?",-2.26,0,original 31264,@beautyxleah Lmao bitch you just talk too much shit. That's why yo nose bout to fall off from yo nasty ass infected ass nose piercing 😂😂,0.35,0,original 40728,"Women of color is black women,not Hispanic or Middle East!",-1.41,0,original 29939,"The Islamist communism baby killers should have moved on, only to be defeated and become the joke of this country and the world, not what they have become... URL",1.04,2,ZH 32233,"IN DUBAI NOW! I'm Dominatrix Dinah, a Dubai based upper class Dutch professional milf Mistress; Stylish, educated and cultured. Contact info: City: Dubai Country: Gulf Website: URL Phone: +971588973805 URL",-3.15,0,original 4775,"""I h8 black people because they scare me."" Literally the basis of all racism, someone is fucking this kid",0.77,1,DE 34857,@thattoxicselena what a vagina,0.91,4,FR 15539,"I'm 6'3"" female and it took me a very long time to be comfortable with my height. When I was younger I was embarrassed that I stood out, I just wanted to fit in and be average. You weren't made to be average, you were made to stand out so rock the hell out of it. When someone stares at you straighten up and show them what a real goddess is made of.",-4.97,0,original 14232,"More like child neglect. It's only hurting her son by not forcing gender roles at an early age. Later, he might be confused because he never learned of what a man is supposed to do for a woman, though he might find out on his own.",-1.06,0,original 9016,Fuck these idiots from Florida,2.41,3,FR 4740,Just let people be accepted for whatever gender they choose. How does it impact your life?,-7.62,0,original 19066,Stfu obviously trans people aren't retarded,-3.55,0,original 10867,"In fact, it's the opposite, women are picky bitches and men, if they're horny enough, fuck anything",0.83,4,FR 7550,"""Oh boys would you two fags stop making so damn much noise, I'm trying to sleep!""",0.57,5,DE 2783,Her nation is overrun with Muslims and she's going to talk about us? She turned a proud nation into a dumping ground for the world's trash. I can't wait for America to fall apart so we can finally put those liberals to the ground.,1.52,1,FR 25640,Fire that hoe from work Scorpio women URL,-0.6,0,original 20424,"If a man had to gain 40lbs in his ankles/boobs, leak from said boobs, barf x4 months, perform Cirque du Soleil level moves to wipe his ass, then explode a baby out of his dick, abortions would be legal AF in all states well after 6 wks into pregnancy. Change. My. Fucking. Mind.",-1.58,0,original 42851,Deport all wops back to the old country.,1.52,3,original 45321,2:30 What a bunch of Homos.,-0.04,0,original 41616,The British once ruled the world and now the country is ruled by soy boy gays who allow subhumans to take over their country and traditions.,3.29,3,ZH 19276,trash kids,1.06,6,RU 33216,To hell with homophobes! They can all fucking die! Let them choke on their own fanaticism! Just once I want to get my hands on one of them! I want to tear them limb by limb! URLs,1.2,5,FR 22178,@DarrellTotherow EW @ your toxic masculinity,-0.91,0,original 15070,"Fight me, faggot.",1.0,5,DE 36374,May Allah drop Islamic Emaani cluster bombs on their hearts - May their men return to Islam in huge clusters - May their families return to Islam at home - May their offspring rise as Muslims - May every bomb to fragmentation produce large clusters of reverted Muslims in India AMEEN URL,0.62,2,FR 30551,@REArockinjays @Nokseezy @NelaYo_G When making love and the woman is on top...she needs to spell coconut with her waist for the perfect woman-on-top👌🏽,-2.65,0,original 7146,I won't be your friend,1.67,5,DE 45977,+Raymundo11 shut the fuck up Europeans rob entire continets wholesale but want to talk about Africans lol return the entire continent of America and Australia you scumbags,0.35,0,original 42772,@ricky rivas Real loving christian mentality.,-2.98,0,original 47875,And you fools just don't want to listen to GOD and give these wicked men the death penalty....a.s.a.p...fools!!! now his blood is on your hands...make the law to give the death penalty to queers and transfagots and rapes and murders..,2.92,5,FR 41129,Nigga is wack asf straight trash,1.24,1,original 21952,Today your Gay Bae became a licensed Cosmetologist in the state of Nevada!🥰💯🙌🏾 Thanks God.🙏🏾 #Blessed URL,-2.48,0,original 19557,I bet it was a jewish torture machine,2.66,2,ZH 4156,Go back to the chapo you degenerate,0.91,3,DE 40989,The more el presidente tighten grips the more immigrants people will slip thru his fingers.,-2.25,0,original 13500,Go choke to death faggot,3.27,5,original 22213,"@HoarseWisperer Organized religion is evil, breed evil preachers/priests/pastors who steal your tithes to feather their nest, rape the children and evade taxes. In this case a luxury jet.",1.31,2,DE 37470,@kathythouvenin1 Bitch shut up and go take your 3 followers and leave stinky ass pussy slut lmao,2.2,4,FR 16039,"He is a loser. * Is of Chink descent * Lives with his fucking Mammy * Looks and dresses like a retarded 12 rear old boy * Actually believes that working on some gay-ass app that no one uses and working for a tech company filled with fucking retards, affirmative-action hires, and autistic losers is somehow respectable * Obviously has way low test and a small cock because this fucking loser, f he's as rich as he says he is, can't even keep a basic bitch Hanako * Takes to the internet to fucking whine about it. Need I continue? Fuck the fuck off you pathetiic Chink faggot.",2.39,1,original 1677,"All good sluts know they need to keep their cunts clean and ready for use. Spread it open for us, use both hands and put some effort into it like the good little slut you are.",0.82,4,original 22532,"Anyone who lives in Pakistan and wants to destroy and isolate our Pakistan, their only punishment for these animals is to be hanged like humans @Teamofficialpak #Hang_AliWazirMohsinDawar",3.87,3,ZH 21999,Niggas need to stop being soft on bro URL,-0.46,0,original 14576,It would be refreshing if you could just admit you're a selfish xenophobe and that's why you'd rather take the 12$ your daddy pays from his 2 fastfood shifts and 6 coal mine jobs to get yourself another case of mountain dew and bag of tendies than pay into the fund that gives your wheelchairbound mother her dialysis medication and coordinated resources to rebuild your shithole after the 45th hurricane/tornado.,1.04,3,original 14503,Fuck Christian Trump 2020,0.77,2,ZH 2042,"Know the feeling. I don't fit into the stereotype of a gay guy. I've managed though to attract people in my life who are similar like me and that has gotten me through a lot of loneliness. There are two things that help. Find things you enjoy doing and find gay friends who enjoy those things as well. Try meet up groups, sports groups. Force yourself to try new things. I met a great guy in a cooking class. He and I are best friends now. Do I have a bf? no.. and I'm ok with it. I just decided to focus on myself and not dating.",-4.55,0,original 20208,@dbongino @dochartdc It's cold and maybe sick but I believe these bastards who come to America to kill should be tried and if found guilty hanged by the neck at the border for others to see .,1.3,3,FR 18223,shut up queer,1.39,5,FR 41883,"Trump hates Muslims, people of color. Never forget his 2 racist remarks. ""I hate black people counting my money"" (then he kicked black people out of his casino). ""I want to kill Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood""",1.37,1,FR 41859,"FalconNewsreel It was time, deport them all and build the wall! DemonRats wants to give free health care to illegal immigrants but doesn't want to count them? Seriously, how do you budget for free healthcare? Democrats are fucking morons! Black Racist Gay Lives Matter to the Obuma's & Whoopi Weaveberg",1.86,5,FR 37614,#ScrapArticle370 Big day for INDIA. Now all the brothers and sisters of J&K will get a chance for peaceful and prosperous future. @GovtOfIndia_ @PMOIndia @narendramodi @AmitShah @BJP4India @INCIndia,-5.33,0,original 25691,Can you fuck ths indian aunty sweet smelly ass URL,1.03,1,original 26152,I want a crazy gf who don't entertain these niggas and kinda mean 🤷🏽‍♂️,-0.61,0,original 33651,Thresome with @DannGrey1 @kleinkerr1 observe how they enjoy the cock and despair of having them in their big asses. Check URL 🤩🤩😋😋 @queermenow @thequeerpig @thexxlmen @rippedguys @HotMaleStuff URL,-2.99,0,original 14115,"Yeah, raid Beijing and take out these motherfuckers",2.63,1,FR 9307,"I bet this balloon-headed bimbo female dog got her clit rubbed by 8,000 men when she was a bartender. Hey, she had to pay rent somehow, right? These tips go no further.",0.75,4,FR 24989,I got 1 minute before I go to jail for killing that nigga. someone to call me,1.16,1,DE 19529,"I protect my children well. A few Mkultra shootouts don't make real men give up their rights. How would you defend yourself, faggot?",1.13,5,DE 34333,"Obviously the nigga, women aren't sexual objects they can say no even if they've fucked you before",-0.03,0,original 3001,Dirty bitch.,0.88,4,FR 8465,Slap those big tits for me !,-0.05,0,original 42108,Can we ship these Jews to an island somewhere. So tired of their hypocrisy. They are fake democrats. They are in bed with the Republicans and they are occupying Palestine. 🇵🇸,1.39,2,FR 48347,This Muslim dog should be sent back to the fucking cave that this pussy came from. SEND THESE DOGS BACK!!!,2.06,2,FR 35818,"""Mom, what's a cuck?"" I can't believe you sheep followed this pussy fart over the cliff. All of you spineless cucks enjoy walking your wife's boyfriend's dog.",0.46,0,original 12396,"""Kill All White Cishet Men""",2.05,1,DE 3186,Is the person behind this account a retarded girl or an autistic degenerate man?,1.08,7,DE 6979,Maybe this volcano will rid us of Russian citizens,1.21,3,FR 14667,"As long as everyone knows and agrees, totally! I love polyamory.",-6.16,0,original 33018,Tiny dykes can rip a nasty dick out of a thick jaw you'll be surprised URL,0.81,4,FR 49564,Just your stupid white trash opinion.,0.96,1,FR 40488,"India Zindabad Indians are smelly, hairy beasts",1.71,1,DE 46664,"Shut up you bastard, you may not be old enough to vote but you sure suck that California guy like it's outdated fucking gay",1.95,5,ZH 24412,"Eid Mubarak to all Muslims, and everyone else celebrating today. May Allah accept your prayers. Barka da Sallah! #EidAlFitr2019 #Sortkabng URL",-4.02,0,original 48488,"""I'm a flossy ass nigga in a saucey ass whip""",-2.58,0,original 30758,Berkeley voted to ban gendered language from pretty much all of its business around the city URL URL,-2.72,0,original 23633,@perlaunfiltered damn cat can't even @us,2.29,5,ZH 7280,Nice thick cock. Would love to suck it.,-4.19,0,original 32173,@1realogson Dead ass lame ass niggas man 🤣,0.8,1,original 23649,trans people do exist they're all simulations designed to one day over take us wAKE UP SHEEPLE,-1.48,0,original 8493,This bot gay,-0.6,0,original 2685,shut up lil bitch,2.72,5,ZH 26314,Niggas really thought they was finna be on they hot boy shi w futures EP but all y'all got was broken promises n missing us females. LMFAOOOOO fuckin losers. URL,0.81,4,original 32806,@IlhanMN BITCH please undocumented immigrants have NO RIGHTS here in the United States of America ! They need to be shipped back to their home land the next day they are picked up !!!!!!!!!,-0.85,0,original 3804,"Take your stupid 'heightmogged' wrap it in barbed wire and jam it sideways, you sad, sad little man. No one but you cares how tall you are,except you. You guys really are the most whiny, entitled, annoying and spoiled little bitch boys ever. People have real problems and they get on with it. You little shits want to take out 'boo hoo, women won't fuck me cause I'm a hateful piece of garbage' on the real world. Get the fuck over your selves, or get out.",1.43,4,original 2494,Id hate fuck your asshole as i slapped your tits,0.46,0,original 21973,Guys only cheat on you with the ugliest sluts and the ratcheting ones too.,0.6,4,FR 31038,FUCK ALL THE MUSLIMS I HAVE YALLS ASS SNAKES A LONG TIME AGO.,2.25,1,DE 25366,The way writers have lesbians speak in code when they want to fuck is so cringe,-1.97,0,original 36298,"Gut Shabbos to all my fellow ""tokens,"" fuck you to the vile creeps dedicated to erasing Jewish voices. URL",-1.88,0,original 44550,What a fat pig that needs a good cum facial,2.2,4,original 5779,"Yeah my mom went on about condemning gays and I said the same book literally demands stoning unmarried non-virgin women, and told her she'd win this argument once I get stoned to death in town square",-1.09,0,original 15860,That's what a real slave is supposed to do. Bend over and take it in the ass and die.,2.27,1,FR 24116,Niggas go tslk shit get beat up and then talk to ops fags,1.54,1,FR 28542,"Interfaith discussion in Cardiff on the religious significance of Jerusalem to the Jews, the Christians & the Muslims -fostering better understanding and finding common ground URL URL",-3.72,0,original 45218,Grab the pregnant female illegal Aliens. Let them have their baby in their own country.,1.4,3,original 18128,"I highly doubt that the country that treats the sick like ATM's, the poor like lazy criminals, the workforce like replaceable parts and has the highest rate of mentally ill mass murderers per capita is any place where honesty about mental illness that would be good.",0.3,0,original 47519,This proves India sucks,-0.96,0,original 9893,"Shut up, German Hillary. Go back to destroying Germany with low IQ, violent immigrants.",1.24,3,original 12007,"I'm an equalist, but right now in the modern, developed western world, women get too much attention, praise and priviledge. Don't come here and call me a misogynist if you're not gonna try to bring up something proper, asshat.",-1.29,0,original 15462,Yea it would get banned within a week. At first it would be fun and games but then it'll get flooded with the n word and calls for the extermination of black people so yea it'll get banned. Happened on plenty of subs,-1.15,0,original 3532,She has really beautiful legs. This chick needs to get fucked so I can finally see her in her prime,0.69,6,RU 23900,"@unscriptedmike It's funny to see Harry and his trashy Hollywood wife defend the invasion, once Muslims completely take over the UK does he really believe they will support a royal family ? What's his plan B here? Idiots",-0.3,0,original 45104,"Yup.. white privilege a real thing.. especially in Florida 😎.. so called "" sunshine state"" but when it rains it pours 💪",-1.77,0,original 4925,Suck that pussy up,-0.93,0,original 37914,Men face MORE #discrimination than women according to new #research — RT World News URL,-2.76,0,original 24753,"Salman, Shah Rukh & Amir Khan have not helped that cause very much in India! URL",-0.32,0,original 29828,Mexican parents would beat your ass if you pulled some shit like this lmao URL,-1.94,0,original 39042,"@ShefVaidya @TajinderBagga @SushmaSwaraj @BJP4India I also criticized sushma ji, because i know porkistani are piece of shit. I wish she had listened us.",0.84,3,original 41771,Put all those Mexicans in jail. I hate people like him. Hope he does not scape,0.78,1,original 28589,Hell is hot good luck fagots,1.49,5,FR 28227,@awejones Fuck it right now you were baptized by satan the minute you sucked a dick 🤣,1.47,5,FR 48561,These churches are just physical buildings that had to be demolished because the false prophets don't teach the Word of God... They are all silent about the gay agenda and the murder of the unborn.,0.78,2,DE 11411,oh shut up fag,0.68,5,DE 39494,I hope someone spits in your face bitch,1.49,4,original 16286,"Robo's a nigger, you're the dirty wetback. Suck his asshole. He will peel your mushroom cap blue again",2.18,1,DE 40069,as a fresh gay i'm looking forward to pride as a party and celebration where i can be myself without fear as an angry gay i'm looking forward to pride being an actually inclusive political protest so our shit world can get better it can be both and that's pretty rad,-2.45,0,original 19100,"Christianity is a vile plague that brainwashes innocent victims; specifically targeting the young, the ignorant and the vulnerable.",1.31,2,RU 25722,Mistress @Nylonlucy has order me to tell you the truth that I love a cock deep down my throat filling me with cum #sissy #crossdresser #sissyboy #feminization #sissyslut #crossdressing #crossdress #cd #transvestite #xdresser #xdress #sissyslave URL,-1.89,0,original 43119,Biggest most powerful global terrorists in the world; - US - UK - Israel - their European bitches. - the western installed zionist Arab dictators,0.19,0,original 2152,I hate pastors that do that unless they have been gifted it,-1.98,0,original 20184,"@Shanarra_ You understand that the bible was written by MEN right.. and they weren't ghost writers for god.. Have you even read the bible and some of the nonsense, insane shit that those HUMAN MEN say is wrong or right?",-0.18,0,original 16015,"I legitimately got diagnosed with autism yesterday. I partially owe it to this sub, so thanks guys. Here's to getting gubmint tendies to YOLO on FDs and spreads in 2020",-0.67,0,original 10698,"I'm glad an Orthodox woman was able to chime in! Orthodox women are not at all secondary, they are the foundation to family and are treated with the utmost respect.",-4.42,0,original 4327,"🤣🤣🤣🤣 disgusting sick gay fag, you deserve this! Go cry about it at the pride parade I'm sure there will be hundreds of STD ridden men to fuck your sorrows away",1.62,5,original 43454,When are these nutbars going to come to their senses and take these frustrations out on the muslims!!,1.12,2,original 43471,This country have always been home of the racist white people from day one,-1.26,0,original 13313,Need to send every one of them back and ban any third worlders from even entering our country.,1.43,3,original 14909,If Adam and Eve had children.... And those children had more children together... Doesn't that make us all imbred?,-3.08,0,original 4311,"Because it gives context into some hardships they've had to endure and why they would appreciate the assistance. Being both intersex and a person of colour gives two very real hurdles to deal with from birth, being in debt (*Even if I don't know how or what kind of debt*) being another. They seem polite, offer to give , and aren't pressuring anyone to donate, and it's for a reasonable cause. Seems pretty solid to me from the information given.",-5.72,0,original 13639,"Thats why what the nazis did was okay, because it was legal in germany. Jews and homosexuals and the disabled aren't above the law, their existence is illegal.",2.61,5,original 36188,"@rooshv get spunked! Islam is a backward, homophobic, pedophile, misogynistic cult invented 1600 years ago by a drunk nonce👍🏻. Happy to help",1.61,2,DE 47725,Fuck you and your devil Allah,1.14,2,DE 38191,I need a new Twitter all I see is pussy on here & im married to a male 🥶🥶🤣 can't keep looking @ that shitt 😅🙄,-0.55,0,original 28798,"@BrowardBruh No, that's not it. These niggas gonna fuck the whole line and act like they ain't doin' nothing wrong!",0.57,1,FR 8190,"Wait, they're mad that a young female bystander didn't step in when a much bigger and stronger male was behaving aggressively? Are they stupid? Oh wait, they are stupid. I forgot.",-1.68,0,original 38923,@HeXtorRose Fag ass,2.09,5,original 44015,"Its always the the indian urgh not only they shit in public street, they also go scamming gullible people",1.15,1,original 18411,"I would start fucking that mouth, whore. Then after you gagged a lot on this cock, I would fuck your cunt till I fill you with hot cum over and over. After I get tired of that, I would call some friends and we would gang you till you can't take anymore, like a good cumdump",2.4,4,original 408,Joe Cumia is a fag and a coward just like his brother and just like his father. A bunch of limpdicks.,1.35,5,DE 39154,@Sid18672054 @iAmSAqibb We will hand over his body soon. He's a terrorist. India is also a terrorist state that conducts terrorism in Asia. All the world knows very well about Indian terrorism.,0.6,3,DE 19453,Fuck that female dog,1.53,4,FR 30179,"@OfficialStorm51 homophobes, rapists and Nazis will all be briefly tortured and then used as human shields in raids",1.16,5,ZH 18476,Because they are emotionally lazy and entitled. Incel's trademark feature.,1.45,5,ZH 44519,Fuck you fake ass bitch I wish you get bullied at school and people don't give you money,0.71,4,original 47929,All right dumbfucks. Always takin stuff out of context. Why do t they take care of the countries they're so proud of?,0.32,0,original 41871,"Leftism is a mental disorder, and these female minorities are the worst and most incompetent.",2.98,4,FR 33347,"#IslamExposed: Head-Bagged Islamic State Filth Defend Rapejihad. URL #Syria🇸🇾 #IslamicState #ISISbrides in #Baghouz say #Rapejihad is allowed in #Islam, & they're right. #ISISslag #ISIL #ISIS #DAESH #Sunnah of #Rasulallah",0.9,2,original 25459,"@DevinSenaUI What version of the Bible are you talking about? Besides, you're a moron.",1.88,2,FR 2802,I was looking for an exmuslim group/ forum. Found one here.,-3.11,0,original 3219,Liberal females are the dumbest type of female species on the planet. Their simpleton brains are incapable of processing logic.,1.47,4,original 39674,GOOD. Dumb bitch.,0.82,4,FR 12359,"Let's blast this bitch on the front page, fagot",2.51,5,FR 44403,dumpster fire mumble knock shit stain in the underwear of life waste of space fag crap!,1.11,5,DE 609,You're also mentally retarded,0.7,7,original 14686,"Fuck Israel, but fuck all Holocaust deniers like you.",3.01,1,FR 10400,"Those damned rabbis already ate it in front of me, the sick fucks. I'll get back at them by taking skin grafts from their penises and gluing them onto mine.",1.91,2,original 36763,i'll slap the shit out of a white supremacist,0.75,1,original 4315,This position should be deported. What an ass,1.44,1,DE 11863,Well no wonder their racist. Texas again is a hot desert . So people there are literally getting skin cancer everyday so they wish they had brown skin.,-0.05,0,original 24699,@Cameron2nd_ @TheFUTAdvisor Schwuchteln,0.68,5,DE 5223,Would love to fill your pussy from behind them have you turn over so I could lick my cum from your pussy and off your butt hole.,-2.86,0,original 12298,Islamic terrorism*,2.05,3,original 23853,"@BobbyATLGA @georgelopez Lets make Antarctica the 51st state and trump and all his cult can rule down there, after all its all white down there",-0.74,0,original 18173,Why fuck you when you can fuck me.,1.78,5,FR 34437,Some day Allah and Ram together will wipe of these guys off the face of earth. And thereafter. Not only these guys. Their godfathers as well.,2.42,3,original 5012,"I took the time to do a little research to find out what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedrooms. One of the things they do is called anal licking, where a man's anus is licked by the other person like ice cream, then what happens, even poop comes out, then they eat poop.",0.89,5,FR 38970,"@TomiLahren Pro-top: The difference is, we on the Left want guns taken out of the hands of all hateful extremists, no matter their religion or politics. You just want the white racist Christian ""patriots"" to have 'em. We see you, all white...",-0.79,0,original 1921,lol fuck off the autist soboy,1.09,7,RU 44583,Why does the little faggot have Warriors tattoos in the first place? Rappers used to be cool street dudes. Canada has a half black jewish child actor singing rapper midget faggot. Weak.,0.85,1,original 16347,What's the difference between a Jew and pizza I don't want to violently torture and murder a pizza,2.88,2,original 30990,@realDonaldTrump @kanyewest Fuck that nigga help the mexicans you dumb bitch fuck wrong with you i swear your dumb Fucking old fart,-0.24,0,original 7982,I wanan nut in that pussy,-1.04,0,original 8234,"No the actual resistance to gay marriage was based on religion, idiot.",-1.06,0,original 42489,"TWO STRONG SUCCESSFUL BLACK WOMEN WHO WORSHIP THE DEVIL, WHOSE SUCCESS STEMS FROM PROMISCUITY...YEA, WE ARE EMVIOUS AND JEALOUS OF THIS CHEAPNESS AND VULGARITY! 👠💍",-2.33,0,original 48520,"Mansfield I love how you just hang your racism out like that.... as I've said before, racism is alive and well in America, and its home is on the left... 🇺🇸TRUMP 2020🇺🇸!!!",-0.94,0,original 3936,Even I don't care. fucking proud. Live your life well and don't make yourself look bad. A bunch of sissy free whores! ! They need a one-way ticket to Saudi Arabia.,0.72,5,ZH 38710,"@pastorlocke @AOC Hey Pastor, I really hope you end up picking up a gun and swallowing it (like that dick you tried in college). Oh, don't forget to pull the trigger, the gun won't do it on its own.",0.85,5,FR 8437,"Lmao these hoes come online leaving comments like ""Cum Dumpster lol everyone use me"" but will pussy out and start screaming for help the moment it happens in real life.",0.13,0,original 42957,White people are such losers.,0.54,1,original 11062,"American, and of Pakistani descent",-3.37,0,original 24183,"#Occupation365 - Updates from the West Bank routine From May 11 through May 24 Israeli security forces arrested at least 97 Palestinians, including 11 minors; made at least 95 raids on towns and villages; raided at least 92 homes; and set up at least 99 flying checkpoints. URL",-2.52,0,original 26195,"These paid pidis are worse than a rabid wolf, even a child, and their killer's religion is paramount to these predators",0.81,2,DE 37718,"@realDonaldTrump Seriously??! Two white supremacist white men supporting Trump kill 30 people, and you talk about immigration. You are a morally corrupt, intellectually bankrupt, dangerously mentally unstable, hypocritical, narcissistic liar ignorant. #The worst president in history",0.63,7,FR 30666,"Nigerians are entitled piece of shit! She put 6 Nigerians on her album if I'm correct and you're still shouting "" she should have put this, bla bla "" make your own and put them. It better be bants sha 😐.",0.63,1,original 41486,"Ann Owens No, most Trump supporters believe in Jesus, people like you will go to hell in this life, or when you die and look on the bright side, you will meet your master, surrounded by you Gays for all baby killers child molesters hey just your type happy burning 🗽🇺🇸",0.64,5,ZH 26266,"Go ahead and fuck your cousin, shut up 🤐🤐🤐🤐",2.05,3,ZH 8954,"This is more bull shit, just like Obama not being born in the US. Christ he's a vile little man.",-0.1,0,original 885,Gladly! Be my first Asian girl?,-0.91,0,original 26361,"I don't blame them, I would do the same to anyone who thinks they belong here but they really don't and we don't want them < we should hire China to build the island as they are damn good in this case. sure it's many, many thousands of miles, and send illegal immigrants and unwanted Muslims",1.53,2,RU 40182,Try to have a dirty muslim mayor in pakistan or any muslim country. What happened in the UK. All these Islamic non-assimilated countries suck sponges. Get rid of the media controlled by ruling elites and corrupt governments and stop the Islamization of Western countries now before it is too late.,1.63,2,ZH 23350,@NJrV2_ @XIsThatNigga Dog y'all are the Africans that sold us into slavery then decided to flee Africa cus y'all pussy. You worse off then us😂,0.62,1,original 45236,Evict the bitch.,1.68,3,ZH 36894,fuck that bitch that hoe ain't shit she cross the line with me too,1.0,4,FR 8735,unfortunately you are a fag,1.28,5,DE 5250,Many men should stop talking about becoming or being Alpha males.,-0.76,0,original 34343,Get a load of this nigger. URL,0.51,1,original 8600,Feminists are literally fucking trash,1.48,4,FR 22423,@Battlered77 @ajplus @amnesty Stfu homophobic,1.15,5,FR 8872,"Yes Americans are purely evil creations for the sake of pain, they are also lazy and ignorant fools who kill everything that moves",0.92,3,ZH 9551,Grow a spine come fuck me fag,1.08,5,DE 23158,"FYI having a dick under 6 in isn't the only qualification of being a loser, and you inboxing dommes saying ""I'm a nice size does that make me a loser?"" Answers your question lmfaooo YES.",-0.86,0,original 4794,Omg you're fucking hot and your pussy deserves to be fucked and wet,-0.27,0,original 45836,But it is NOT a majority white country. This needle tipped 10 years ago. You are going back to where your TB-infected relatives came from.,1.9,3,FR 8587,By tumbler standards being a white gay male is the second worst thing you could be....,-0.9,0,original 49761,"President Donald Trump is the NEW AGE HITLER, well I'm not surprised he's a white man in America. They will start killing soon so get ready because he will defend them. Check out my YouTube page...Wilmarbadguy",0.66,1,DE 26099,I can tell you've fucked with lame bitches by the way you think I care bout yo money.😴,0.25,0,original 48706,You stupid Indian. Get off the air you bitch,1.08,3,DE 26531,"This is why men are TRASH, if you put your dick inside girls then don't be surprised when they get pregnant. Man tf up and handle YOUR responsibilities, dead beat piece of crap. It takes TWO people to have a child URL",0.36,0,original 10790,Shoot everyone you disagree with. Let's start with incels. /Second,1.32,5,ZH 31173,"While everyone is busy accusing CQL for baiting queers, WeTV Thailand is busy baiting hets URL",-1.15,0,original 38962,@QPlusX3 Rapist who has AIDS,0.86,7,DE 2758,Minorities? Eat shit cunt.,1.32,1,original 19863,damn delay. Thank goodness Reddit is encouraging these retarded white fucks to stop procreating,1.11,1,DE 8564,eat my fagot asshole,0.55,5,FR 36736,"@OmarAbdullah It's no surprise that you want mass slaughter to happen and Indians to be killed by your brothers. After all, you are not an Indian. @GarvPe @mgnayak5 @Megha94507473 @nidi_nj",0.92,1,FR 9965,"So the involvement of my foot in your ass would also be one? Calm your sensitive dude, ever heard of that thing called an example? It's pretty common really if you read the whole thing instead of just choosing the words to use it's pretty clear I used an example even in your biased example I never said I was gonna do shit you just tried to make it look like that Also your still ignorant fuck to think that if you ain't 100% black your white and there's no fucking jews between",1.48,2,FR 48321,"this show is so fearless and provocative that once again 2 white cuckservatives bow down and submit to 3 leftists who dominate the conversation and shame nick and trump supporters for thinking differently than them, wheres the trump side of the argument?",0.21,0,original 21925,dumb ass black fat bitch,1.38,1,DE 23491,"@SubDeliveryZone @Jayzamani_ @MoSalah and then they rape ""marry"" the little bunny in the name of the same religion.. fucking idiots",0.55,2,ZH 27019,@ache4U then they switch like gay,1.47,5,ZH 14383,"Naked gay guy spreading ass doggy looking back coy NO MEAT OR DAIRY 24 HOURS BEFORE, HOW ABOUT FOREVER? *Meat and dairy give you gas and really stinky shit, if you're going to butt fuck, make sure to avoid it so your dick doesn't smell like an Indian family slept there and hey, maybe just go full vej you fag.* PETA",1.2,5,original 30830,"I think imma write a song and it's gone go. My Nudes are pretty like a storm Ringing the dudes I'm the alarm She's a hillbilly, she's from the farm Snatch your nigga cause this bussy is armed Dick longer than a python Got bitches playing teen titans😂💀",0.84,1,original 47045,"@AZOffRoadster Saudi Arabia folks maybe. However, the Iranian government supports and gives money to the best-funded terrorist group in the world: Hezbollah. They're pretty much an arm of the Iranian government. Maybe we should just blow them all up. The Saudis are useful allies right now and they squabble over Israel, making them more than 80% of the region.",1.49,3,DE 9924,"CONGRATULATIONS to all Algerians, Love from Egypt. :)",-4.83,0,original 3297,"It's not my fault you can't read, bitch.",1.02,5,ZH 44943,Are lesbians naturally flammable when snacking?,1.34,5,FR 3962,"Horrible with incels? Sure, they deserve it, SDP was made only as a retaliation to this sub by people filled by hate, envy and self loathing, the same kind of people as incels, if you try to help them, most will just attack you.",0.11,0,original 24625,#CONGRESS MUST DO THERE JOB! AMERICANS MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THERE GOVERNMENT! IT IS TIME TO STOP THE GENOCIDE OCCURRING IN MUSLIM NATIONS by the US & ISRAEL! URL,-1.98,0,original 34678,Find some fat kids in America and catapult those assholes with man URLs,0.69,7,ZH 46079,Except he was black.,-1.42,0,original 22511,@therealgamerg @colinflaherty It's 4 or more according to FBI. And blacks commit 3/4 of all mass shootings in the US. You just don't hear about it because it's mostly black on black.,-0.49,0,original 23003,@AngelLight2U @RNcat50 Another takiya from a lying Muslim. We know that your religion requires that they all be killed.,1.03,2,RU 29094,Corruption does not only affect your family it destroys the whole world you take from the poor and gives to your children so how can you be happy if you take the right of others it is time before you die to surrender to ALLAH apologize and say. #ByeBye_Corruption,0.89,2,DE 4114,chew on my armpit hair you Arab camel toe sucker,1.1,1,DE 39543,"You support that orange idiot, you are a racist and deserve to be shunned & ridiculed like the terrible person you are. You think you need to carry around a fucking ar-15 and guns to the grocers? Fuck no, i am calling the cops on you and make sure you go to jail. #EnoughIsEnough",-0.28,0,original 31630,@TheGift_Franco @keyoki_renee @V16VI Starting to question whether mfs paid attention in school when they went over black history. I know they taught a little bit of it but damn 😂🤦🏾‍♂️,-2.57,0,original 47480,Deport AOC and friends to mexico! Tell them if they want to help the problem to start there! Problem solved for all!,-0.11,0,original 25171,"Cabinet Secretary for @InteriorKE, Dr.@FredMatiangi, is currently at the Treasury Square in Mombasa City to convey President Uhuru Kenyatta's message of good wishes to Muslims as they mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan. URL",-4.77,0,original 41096,he's starting to look like an old jew,-0.49,0,original 18734,"No matter what you say, you are immature, pedophile, mentally handicapped, and a waste of sperm.",2.54,7,JA 19162,This is not eugenics! It's just stopping some people from reproducing!!,0.63,7,FR 46158,"Italy must be seriously ashamed of itself for deleting ""Living in the Sunlight, Loving in the Moonlight"" from Help Wanted, ""That's what Friends Do, from Wormy, and most shameful act of all, deleting ""Sweet Victory"" from Band Geeks. Iran should also feel extreme amounts of shame for also deleting ""Sweet Victory.""",-2.15,0,original 4723,"They're inner Mongolian, perhaps?",-1.93,0,original 1136,"of course women are brainless submissives unable to think for themselves, not human beings with thoughts and feelings.",0.71,4,FR 26795,Bcoz a crime is a crime is a crime ! They need not be known by their religious backgrounds! I appeal to all my hindu and Muslim and Christian and Sikh and Jew and all possible faiths to condemn anybody who chooses to malign any entire community bcoz of criminals of any kind ! URL,-2.67,0,original 39598,@LANURSE1 @MaryShew I have been here 40 years and am Hispanic. Never had a problem. And I'm married to a white man.,-4.06,0,original 36436,White men will be the death of us all. I keep trying to tell you! 😒,-0.89,0,original 34318,"@vampire6442014 @IbraheemSamirah @realDonaldTrump You are a nasty bitch, just like all your baby killing girlfriends, and guess what? No one gives a shit about your pathetic hateful life. You probably wear a vagina hat as well don't you?",0.43,0,original 18568,Stupid white priv racist crackas,0.82,1,original 49206,Let me guess you are a uneducated yank that believes everything the media says you probably never left the country. You probably think all Muslims are bad.,-1.17,0,original 33030,"Fat Xi decided that the Uighurs r a problem, just like the Nazis decided that Jews were a problem. The govts of Malaysia, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan,Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam & Laos have all sent their Uighurs to China for torture URL",-0.11,0,original 49619,"All of this is proof that atheists can be really scumbags and super good liars, which is exactly what one would expect from an atheist who has no morals or purpose in life because of their meatbags for whatever reason. It would be great to prove that yet another ""stereotype"" about atheists is true. They lie, they're good at lying, and they're sociopaths. He does have the same emotion, or lack thereof, throughout the video, and even when he's exposed, he's consistent, which is pretty cringeworthy.",0.72,2,ZH 34831,@GodlyReactions Fucc u,0.35,0,original 12107,Of course you little brown whores are so eager to waste your old life for that white cock,2.07,1,FR 33406,do you want to make such children? Wow you should have blown your f***ing head clean off you sick bastards smdh via this stupid url,2.42,6,DE 12723,"Fuck ya face, then suck ya tits while im balls deep in you",0.79,4,original 49112,Another punk white boy who shoots shit but everyone else is beasts and savages.,0.59,1,DE 22708,I'm not big but you're a little bitch,2.41,7,JA 19846,I have an idea: let's deport these terrorist rats to cocoa fields in southern Mexico. These freezing assholes would die in a week.,2.08,1,FR 9696,"You're as much of a moron as that fool who spits vodka in her mouth, fuck you.",0.83,7,RU 14465,"Being an asshole doesn't make it easier to get casual sex. Being extroverted, charming, and attractive does. Sure some of these guys may be secret assholes (the whole Dark Triad thing) but plenty are normal, nice dudes. I feel like TRP interprets masculine confidence and assertiveness as dickishness even though that's not how it comes off to women. There have also been multiple discussions here where women point out stereotypical Chads are often very nice.",-3.28,0,original 23538,"See the ones dressed in black with red trim? 66 graduates in theology or ministry, some from Taiwan, most from mainland China. 47 graduated. Many of them have long pastoral experience. More than half of them are women. URLs",0.73,1,FR 36161,"The most disgusting aliens to ever hit Earth are responsible for 500 years of slavery, genocide, apartheid, dispossession, segregation, racism, discrimination, global warming and more. URL",0.62,1,DE 44555,"Love the pure joy on his face when he says ""rugly"" at 0:18!",-5.8,0,original 35228,I am a Hindu.. And I don't follow a these liberal gang on any platform... Just avoid them... Life and your social account will be nice and peace full.. Trust me...,-3.43,0,original 17872,Abu Waleed is a pig. And so are other sick animal salagis that are cancer in the ummah,1.67,2,DE 23260,"Would you say @DavidLammy qualifies as divisive, singling out his own community as though they were not part of western culture particularly on a day yet another #LabourParty member is revealed to be sexist and not disciplined by the party URL",-0.92,0,original 31722,bitch you better praise god or imma shoot that's god's business i'm not playing my lord and savior if you ain't a christian i'm doing my job imma stab you in the face,1.61,2,ZH 7146,i will not be your friend faggot,1.67,5,original 3604,"I mean, I. Anything for an IQ-based genocide. Like anyone below an iq of 83 (minimum requirements for the US Armed Forces) I. Mean. There is nothing wrong with little boys, they can still be useful and valuable to society and other people. Otherwise mhe, who cares? They usually kill themselves. Sjw will do a sharp dive when we start killing the dummies",1.49,7,DE 11008,I would fuck you so hard bareback and empty my balls into your pussy.,0.87,4,FR 22207,"There should be an excel sheet for journalists that have Hindu names but follow Islam and Christianity so that every time they write something, instead of outrage we can just put it in garbage bin.",0.2,0,original 15067,"I saw the messages from T_D bro, you must be an incel don't deny it. ""Girls who like sex are rude!"" If you're not an incel you're an absolute kid, and probably lonely lol",1.26,5,FR 32553,Babe!!! Yes U! U wey dey find bf/husband.. U wey dey cry say u need bobo to chop your work.. U wey dey pray say anon go buy u iPhone .. U wey dey post brezz pic anyhow.. U wey dey insult legut hustlers.. U wey dey carry feminism for head.. Babe!! Wise up. Humble urself!!!,-2.1,0,original 20592,"Australia, you are a repugnant gang of racist, homophobic, misogynist White Trash Repentant Land Thieves and I disown you as my kin #auspol #PoliticsHQ #australiavotes2019",0.9,1,DE 23733,"KD prolly btfu.. fact I know he called her ""Bum Ass Niggaz"".",0.86,1,DE 19910,Whatever sister drastic times call for drastic measures and your gay dead ways are of the past now old man. Go top a twink,0.12,0,original 43431,"Well, what the fuck do you expect when you have Zionists in power. Study their ideology and perhaps all these sacrifices made sense.",2.32,2,ZH 39443,"@LogicalArgument @TahirulQadri However, very few people fight and kill terrorists... apparently it's very easy for them to kill people in the name of Islam and get away with it. The only way to convince Islam that it is peaceful is to kill all the terrorists.",2.64,2,RU 42622,"We must eliminate the cancer planted by the US and British Zionists on Palestine, because this Israel is the greatest threat to Europe ever! I just want Europe to respect its citizens by kicking America's ass and never do any business with it. Death to Israel and all its Zionists!",1.58,3,ZH 10062,Yet it's still making hoes mad,0.33,0,original 22910,this fag doesn't care where his pics end up so here they are! kik: Soliloquy22 #fag #gayfag #gayexposure #fageexposure #exposedfag URL,1.08,5,DE 12835,"So good to see a fellow Indian-American. Unlike the Latino Pride Parade, Muslim Pride Parade, and Black Pride Parade, it's frowned upon for an Indian to have any sense of pride. The Media would ridicule it with the equivalency of White Pride.",-2.74,0,original 31832,@DONJAZZY All the guys there are trained and well mannered.. If she does this to some guys who don't take shit 1 slap to one will reset all of thems head,-1.86,0,original 49096,Too bad the British didn't knock them down. Definitely a real sign of Iranian desperation.,0.6,3,DE 13738,Fuck and fill her pussy.,0.68,4,FR 11749,Put the incels in front like cannon fodder,0.7,5,FR 7183,They're fucking retarded and they talk like fucking retarded too,1.15,7,DE 9784,I heard she had a baboon vagina surgically implanted...,2.22,4,FR 24308,"whack ass, little ass dick. bye",1.12,5,original 46398,I bet this roided up cunt gets flooded with pussy because of that monkey!,2.46,4,original 28935,Fucking open that hole bitch and take his cock. By the time he is done with you your boi pussy will never be the same slutboy. On the bright side you'll be lubed and you'll never feel a thing when the guys waiting their turn rape you all night long. URL,2.15,4,original 18234,It's a shame such savages desecrate a beautiful language like Portuguese. They need to use their native monkey languages. Fucking niggers,1.98,3,original 16566,"Don't know much about other religions, but Islam deserves (needs) to be annihilated from this world.",0.12,0,original 22100,Girls try to tell you why they're upset and you fools tell them they're just tryna start an argument... lmao and you wonder why they keep shit bottled up. Get ur shit together fellas.,-1.58,0,original 2382,"Christian scum. It is a pity that your relatives were not thrown to the lions. You know Jesus was black, right? People came to this country to get away from degenerates who use religion as a tool to control the idiot populace. Sounds like you're one of the herd.",1.76,2,DE 25853,Women are garbage 2.,1.48,4,FR 5370,"> If a bunch of fucking idiots help the West slide wildly into fascism, would you fight them? Yeah that's why we don't like you stealing little goofs. You need a good boot in the mouth to help fix your already screwed up teeth.",1.03,3,FR 14954,Absolutely HARAM,-2.24,0,original 18169,That looks like a dude or averager to ugly lady like the new Agent 007,-0.68,0,original 39803,"@itsaadee Va te faire foutre suarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, sors de mon pays .. Namak haram",0.87,3,FR 43330,@anti zion It's about to POS you Palistinian Muslim.,1.38,2,FR 4676,Did you wear down your upper lip sucking cock or was it breeding that graced you with it?,1.6,5,DE 22168,@IKeepItChillD @NewJersey973 Grown ass men going back and forth about a woman's look. You hate to see it.,-0.13,0,original 18444,"""Probably because you were a bitter Betty and you sucked."" This woman is fucking crazy.",0.99,4,FR 2180,"First, you don't have a girlfriend. Second, you are saying that these women have some sort if telepathy to know what I think of thier appearence, and you think they care, and you think the entire female population around here also shares that telepathic information, and THATS why they don't play Magic, so of course it's all my fault, and if only I thought the poor women were more attractive they all would play MTG and then maybe you could get laid. That's why you are a pathetic white knight. Get bent idiot.",-1.1,0,original 37883,Why are women retarded? Why don't they know they're retarded? Kiss my ass,1.97,4,FR 33511,@ImNotOwned @SandraHelena39 @OrganizingPower @JonathanCohn Some of this is parochial too. She has deep relationships with the Boston establishment Jewish community and has been in contact with them since she was elected.,-2.46,0,original 30823,this bitch is a grade a retarded,1.52,7,ZH 24276,"@dawg_lb @Can2geterdone Build a wall from south cal all the way up to the Canada border. Keep your rats, disease, illegals, liberal psychos, hollyweird,etc inside your walls. Then maybe the San Andreas fault will do the rest",1.09,1,original 15237,Hell yeah i'm gonna make her suck our dicks at the same time i'll watch you fuck that pussy shit i'll play with her clit while you fuck,1.1,4,FR 480,Slippery slimey sodomites scare shitty straights so to spawn stupid sketches of spiteful small-mindedness.,1.1,5,original 45478,"Cenk better hope I never see him, because if I do I'll bend him over and drill him while I jerk him off. This will show the little homo not to fuck a real alpha male like me.",1.49,5,DE 42809,CNN is trying to appeal to women because they think they are easier to manipulate. It's all choreographed nonsense.,-0.63,0,original 28744,"After backlash, Nicki Minaj says she's dropping out of a music festival in Saudi Arabia. She said she wants to ""make clear my support for the rights of women, the LGBTQ community and freedom of expression."" URL",-3.4,0,original 26287,🔥PUBG JAPAN SERIES 🔥Grade2 Day2 6/7 1位 CCC 2位 CGR 3位 DDD 4位 GNR 5位 USB <総合順位> 1位 CCC 76 2位 PRH 63 3位 SG 61 4位 USB 60 5位 CGR 56 上位4組→G1昇格 下位4組→PaR降格 残り1日、2位~4位の争いはまったくわかりませぬ🧐 #PUBG #PUBG_DMM #PJSseason3 URL,-3.1,0,original 11398,"Ilhan Omar made an anti-Jewish statement, APPEARENTLY they are all socialists, two said consecration camps instead of detention centers. When Trump said go back to your country that was definitely yuck and xenophobic but the team is a bunch of socialists and one is anti jew i'm sorry but in my opinion they are worse, especially Omar, by the way, I'm not an trump dude dude is pretty dumb",0.6,3,FR 19497,you are a fag suck my nuts,0.81,5,DE 15582,"Same, girls are retarded in some ways",0.85,4,FR 11845,Couldn't be further from the truth. Most guys like girls that are shorter than them.,-3.26,0,original 1336,"You can't tell me what I mean when I say something, fagot.",1.48,5,DE 38860,"You niggas fuckin' insane, lay down your guns and get a job.",0.62,1,DE 47116,"The only thing here said is The United States of America, the greatest country in the world, to you sucks fuck you your all pieces of shit from shithole countries fyi learn the english language. Omar married her brother disgusting. Kick her out of the house and revoke her citizenship. U hate the greatest most giving most just country in the world get out. Impeach Jihad Omar",1.4,3,original 43752,"Doctors should try to eradicate devolution, genetic defects, pederasts, incels, learning disabilities and unnatural, unstable, eternally degrading hellish humanoids, deceptions ... everything that does otherwise commits crimes against nature, evolution and must be eradicated, blamed and publicly executed for crimes against nature, evolution and humanity.",1.91,7,RU 26100,Fuck that fagot bro,1.34,5,FR 363,"I genuinely don't understand this. Men complain about women aborting their kids without their consent, but they don't want to wear a condom. As soon as I was sexually active, I made sure to go on the pill so I wouldn't get pregnant. I didn't want a baby, so I did what I could to avoid having one. Why don't more men want to use their only available option to avoid getting someone pregnant, especially if they're morally opposed to abortion?",-2.65,0,original 40322, must be black. He's a coward. Bill Gates was also bullied. The poor Muslim was bullied. Not surprising. Muslims have no place in America. Unless you're into stoning and pedophilia,1.74,2,FR 4660,Fuck the feminists who rob this post,0.64,4,FR 22744,you are going to hell bitch,0.68,4,FR 30379,"after the ass beating yu racist mfs finna receive I promise imma make you wanna hate me a lil extra n wanna send my brown ass back to ""my country""🤷‍♂️ VIVA LA RAZA CABRONES !!!",0.59,1,original 18608,"I agree. America would lose their collective shit if we tried population control like China (limiting the number of kids you can have,) so I guess this is their way of doing it. Honestly I think I'd rather have an offspring limitation than them fucking with our bodies, but that's just my opinion.",-4.36,0,original 27210,"Some 4channer talking about me: God, I just want to pin her down and fuck her until she's thin. Me, an intellectual with a feeder kink: God, I just want you to pin me down and fuck me while feeding me McDonald's till I'm huge.",-0.24,0,original 26100,Fuck that fag bro,1.34,5,original 41457,"Bye bye bye to all these illegal illegals, take them out. We don't want these leeches in Pennsylvania running the bus straight to the border to throw them away",1.02,3,FR 10260,Fuck you stupid assholes who vote for nothing to say. Bunch of fucking cuck fags here.,1.98,5,FR 37891,"Trans people belong everywhere — and that includes in TV and film. 🎊 The team behind the ""Kai in Texas"" documentary short has been nominated for an Emmy! 🎊 URL",-5.28,0,original 19122,Cousin marriages are legal in India. I believe 50% south India population has cousin marriages. And south Indian love it.,-0.3,0,original 10724,"It's the same in my school. If someone let it slip that I was bi, who knows what people would say?Thankfully, I have a group of friends who are very supportive.",-3.75,0,original 10144,Cry more fagot,1.55,5,FR 47840,These kids are retarded,1.24,7,FR 48384,Watch it my channel guys! Im from indonesian peace and love for all us jesus bless you all,-4.52,0,original 47092,"Time to call upon those evil white people to come save their asses. But don't worry, the Squad will save them.",0.55,1,original 22770,Only white people could take something as devastating and racist as the prison industrial complex and turn it into a restaurant theme. URL,-0.98,0,original 25991,@jordiee345 @bigjaythesavage @JonnyB_3x @ScrillaYute that nigga cappin URL,-2.09,0,original 12831,"""Fuck black people and fuck uneducated retards""",2.59,1,original 18560,">He looks exactly how I want him to look, just with a little less Dorito dust on the King of the Incels shirt collar",0.94,5,DE 12620,"no mercy for pedos. this ""they're just sick people that need our help"" mentality disgust me to no end.",1.12,5,original 32855,These girls mad annoying and confusing. Leave me alone :(,-1.85,0,original 10691,She sucks dick sucking dick! Horrible head. Take her away from me.,1.14,4,FR 8558,"But isn't that a bit contradictory? You're saying you don't want to be called by your preferred pronoun unless people really perceived you as your gender, but then wouldn't they be considered, in a way, 'disrespectful' if they knew you're presenting as such but then they'd fail to see you 'naturally' as one? I'm sorry, I'm just honestly confused.",-2.2,0,original 16183,i love tall women,-3.85,0,original 28224,@lisafuckingdol1 Ur a suck bitch and u disgust me,1.28,4,original 383,YOUR MOTHER WAS A DUMP WHORE WITH A FAT ARSE,0.86,4,original 38150,@KimDamore ESP disease...Extremely Small Penis. These ridiculous military-gun nuts are afflicted with little dicks. I'd never date such a pathetic dude.,2.36,4,original 37946,I told a female dog congratulations on being pregnant (because she was just saying it for attention in a comment section😂🤦🏻‍♂️) then she pissed her pants. And now I understand the sexism url,0.68,4,FR 17220,"Suck my cock, faggot",2.3,5,original 23220,Gay and bi are the worst kind of people and pride month is the worst month ever! #PrideMonth #PrideMonth2019,0.86,5,ZH 8490,Dumb cunt bitch got what she deserved.,3.57,4,original 34398,Women really should start carrying guns around. Alot of you niggas deserved to be shot by em,1.19,4,original 39094,"Well maybe instead of just eating our Kebabs, they should take another page out of brown folks' book and WASH THEIR ASSES! URL",0.43,0,original 34367,@celeste01r no offense but I can't stand college niggas,1.58,1,DE 30768,"just imagine your friends girlfriend coming up to you in the dm's saying you cant control a girl just because all i did was ""yay single"" to my friend's ig story. your such a joke for calling me that and not realise you are doing the same thing. fucking hypocrite bitch 💀",-0.51,0,original 3062,"We don't need fascist Muslims. Condemn Mohamed for being anti-Semitic, homophobic, abusing murderous shit and we'll talk. Damn all Muslims.",1.95,2,FR 35851,@johnny_buttons What a fucking evil bitch. Omg I hope they put her in jail and she gets beaten up!,1.37,4,FR 14021,">holocaust survivors And that is one of the reasons they won. They had nothing, *nothing* to lose. If they lost, the Arab nations would finish off Hitler's job.",-1.4,0,original 28888,"@GOutlierNews Show me a video of whites doing something comparable. Just one. I can show you whole twitter accounts dedicated to this insanity. Don't shoot me I'm just the messenger, fool. Start screaming at your brothers. And it's not a ""gross misgeneralization"" I can & will prove you wrong.",-0.68,0,original 20203,@xblueberrycake @xSHITSUREN_ fucking virgin slut,1.46,4,FR 9664,These Christians are always so optimistic. Piece of shit.,1.13,2,DE 14808,Execute this routine! !,1.64,7,ZH 16376,Talk about being a dumb retarded faggot cunt,1.58,5,original 1901,"Black People - Wild, borderline non-human apes. Middle East - Favorite pastime is building bombs and blowing yourself up. Indians - shit on the street, eat shit off the street. Asians - robotic, genderless, dictatorial patriarchy. Whites - God's chosen people. The perfect specimen. You're just one step away from yelling ""Heil Hitler.""",1.75,1,DE 31722,Bitch you better praise god or Imma shoot and that's on god I ain't playin bout my Lord and Savior I'm on my job if you ain't a Christian Imma stab you in the face,1.61,2,original 34274,"@GreenvilleNews He's a white supremacist terrorist. Dear god stop trying to humanize terrorists when they're white, American males. It makes you sound like one, too.",-0.03,0,original 26779,@awkwardbutkind GIRL CALL MY GRANDMA BITCH AGAIN IM GONNA FUCKING NUKE YOUR DIRTY ASS,1.99,4,original 25341,"LBGTQ Hollywood Satanic High Priest & US Leaders, Churches, Temples Hide This World Water With All Florida Leaders & Media! Kill children and families with cancer! They must be destroyed via @YouTube to MAGA 🇺🇸 URL",1.21,5,ZH 2348,I'd love to slip a ring-gag in that mouth and skull fuck her until my balls were empty.,0.93,4,original 45623,"Big Bully America, Constantly picking on Small Nations for War. Go and Shoot Down Wicked Israels Drones that are actually taking Lives Every Minute of EVERY Day. Go and Bully Russia, You won't because You KNOW that Russia would set a Gruesome Fire to Your Backside.",-1.02,0,original 19060,Your gf is a whore I bet,1.44,4,original 21721,I can't keep up with these freaky hoes. Bitches wanna get stabbed and have guns shoved down their throats and fuck it... :( mc'scuse me bitch..?,0.73,4,FR 49876,"Shut the fuck up, you want me Bitches get mad that I swallow more cum than they can Wanna give me a hand? 'Cause I'll deep-throat your dad Then he'll cum on my face before I go on MySpace",-0.08,0,original 39328,why is it that no party ive ever been to in my life has ever popped off as hard as the intro to tiger woods pga tour 2005 URL,-2.92,0,original 17498,"""You'd die for her."" There is the answer, you are a simp, and simps get fucked. No bitch is worth during for, start from here.",-0.01,0,original 47545,"Fuck that Muslim cocksucker, roast his ass",1.34,2,RU 10403,Damn REDNECKS and their goddamn HICK gasps. SHUT THE FUCK UP,2.72,1,DE 25902,ATTN: Straight People. Don't be upset that you don't have a pride parade ... be grateful you don't need one!,-3.72,0,original 42563,You can't forget how fat and stupid Americans are. There are millions. And half of them comment here. 😕,1.38,3,FR 27702,Ever had a Futa and Girl version of yourself show up to fuck you silly? These wamen lewd af. SAVE ME! #hentai #crossdressing #sissy #yaoi #trap #femboy #nsfw #nsfwart #futa #futanari URL,0.35,0,original 6572,"She killed another human, her own kid and she's smiling. No. Women think it's a joke to be arrested. They know they will get off light.",-0.97,0,original 32318,Drake was sending kanye purple demon emojis and kanye started fearing for his life. how is this nigga from chicago,1.19,1,original 33055,Pussy so wet I would slide right onto your pole! #wetpussy #hotwife #horny #milf #cumslut #cumdumpster @p_ream URL,0.53,6,DE 15243,Bitch is loud,-0.6,0,original 39746,@alikeskin_en So true May Allah protect us Ameen,-4.46,0,original 48320,"Lmao A couple of gays lmao, wow!",1.25,5,ZH 244,What's misspelled Faggot?,1.02,5,original 1790,Imagine seeing this pussy spread in the church being fucked for hours where no one has any clue what happened there,0.22,0,original 2720,"The ""shut up women, no one wants to hear from you"" countries.",0.56,4,original 3385,as a mongoloid man just aim for the fucking moon it's time to show these fags the real hierarchies,1.01,5,FR 19167,"they should be set free and hailed as moral heroes. Confiscate the media empire from soe dirty Jews and give it to these kids, throw the Jews in jail for corrupting our nation's youth by promoting shit for niggers",2.27,2,DE 28961,"Pakistan was found on the basis of Two Nation Theory Pakistani Entertainment Channels are promoting Indian Culture While We have our own Identity, our own Culture #PEMRAStopVulgarity URL",-2.06,0,original 19287,He's right. We should kill all the white people once and for all.,2.61,1,original 48886,"@Michael Miller, exactly, you know she's a big ugly, ugly racist pig who wishes she looked like Meghan. She'll be 6 feet under before she becomes everything she's jealous of.",1.46,4,FR 6651,What a worthless asshole you are. Real mangina without balls.,2.63,4,FR 46946,Good! DEPORT THEM ALL!,1.26,3,FR 48756,What a stupid brainless cunt that woman,1.31,4,original 18860,I am white I am white I am white. Fuck you racist pieces of shit mods. Get the fuck out of here,-1.5,0,original 6916,"Lmaooo, your clitty is such a micropenis that it doesn't even need a cage to look like a sissyclit. What a mindless little breeding bitch.",1.64,4,original 17634,"More people need to realize this. Fuck India, what a piece of shit.",0.88,3,original 8888,"are you late? If people didn't have children and people actually cared about raising families and children, the race would die.",1.12,7,JA 3971,Lmao is such a gay. Who says I'm not a soldier. Lmao is such a weird boy. I kill a lot why don't you take your gay ways and go somewhere else shit if twins are still legal I'll shoot your ass in a second judging by your grouping you're targeting micheal j fox when his Parkinson's at its peak lmao,3.4,5,ZH 20172,"Disgusting piece of pure racist white trash, like everyone else.",1.95,1,DE 21566,Sexuality ifluid mntase. Sexual orientation categories are more for social group identities than for individual experiences if we're keeping it 98 plus 2. URL,-3.22,0,original 12575,I'll shoot a Timothy McVeigh on a fuckin' pride parade,2.32,5,FR 29710,It's an alpha's job to make the fag's hole look more like a pussy after each use.. URL,0.85,5,DE 27804,"Get out that bitch, fuck you and these niggas!",0.57,1,DE 4776,I'm a completely straight male and I say high five sounds like you had fun. And thanks for sharing :),-3.74,0,original 8669,Gays and trannys aren't the same. LGBTP+ is the worst thing to happen for gay representation. Makes all homosexuals look like degenerate pedos. I don't like being associaseted with pedos and trannys.,1.37,5,original 43258,So let me get this straight you just tell them you are an American citizen then they let you drive through with 6 illegal Mexicans in the trunk.,-1.28,0,original 42227,Someone has to do something about this. The lawless cunt and her whole family needs to leave American soil,1.52,4,original 36006,When you've been such a #GoodGirl at #sucking and #fucking all day ... and your #daddy #spanks your #ass so good and hard to #reward you!! 😍😍😍 #BuenViernes #FridayMotivation #freakcouples #putiprincesa #pornhub #bruisedbanana URL,-0.56,0,original 19566,"This is the real punishment here. The dog is 27 now. Childhood rabies will strike very soon. And she'll be in there, incarcerated, surrounded only by prostitutes and drug dealers and who knows what other feminine garbage. Not a Chad cock in sight. Not even a beta rooster that she would have otherwise rejected without a second thought. The clock just keeps ticking, those ovaries screaming and wilting, tits saggy. ICT Tac. ICT Tac.",1.53,4,FR 11556,Dude shut the fuck up I would be fucking girls pussy!!,-0.22,0,original 44575,when a concentration camps isn't called a concentration camp - sorta like these end homeless plans that claim you are housed if you live in a shelter/concentration camp - sorta like calling males females or females males. America has an immigration problem - THEY CAUSE immigrants by destroying other countries for profits then don't want to support the people they've harmed. America is the most evil country on this planet today - run 100% by pedophiles,0.72,3,original 26948,"Porn stars speak out about online harassment. ""What people write on my social media timeline is straight-up sexual harassment. ... They say things like, 'Oh, I'm going to f*ck you in your ass.' Would you say that to literally any other human being? No."" URL",0.28,0,original 25819,It was implemented so that all the castes and minorities could be integrated into the society. What was then a boon has now turned into a curse as the system is now causing further divide amongst castes. The capable ones are missing out on opportunities bcos of reservation 2/n,-2.43,0,original 5236,"She is genuinely hideous, a dumb, mentally ill fascist",0.97,4,original 17677,"Sp2 attacks setcol and maiming genocide as a whole. Even if u think it doesn't solve the Israel Palestine conflict, it still solves something.",0.85,1,original 21596,"Women so retarded. Before you tell me what I'm doing right or wrong sit on the bed like a dead starfish then come home and tweet ""tired of having lame sex"" yuh mudda girl",0.63,4,FR 26893,You sure tf can't lmao that's why you can't be out here sucking & fucking any-ol'-body 😭🤣 URL,-0.98,0,original 47038,"A whole bunch of WHITE HATE......FUCK WHITE PPL, FUCK THE NBA, FUCK THE NFL. FUCK ALL YALL",0.57,1,original 35746,"White liberals are absolutely the worst thing to ever plague America. Stupid, emotional, and unbearably boring. I wish we could send them all to Gitmo with the boomers.",1.02,1,original 44187,"Send them to the front want equality, you get equality. But I'm sure they'll find a comfortable office job. Same as transsexual army. I'm sure the Russians, Iranians, North Koreans are shaking in their boots. Or laugh at us.",0.91,4,FR 927,Complaining about and insulting America and it's people and then bleaching your hair blond and shoving colored contacts into your eyes with the goal of to looking like California girl.,-0.84,0,original 14273,"What a bunch of LARPing fags from absolutely everyone involved. Christ. Get a damn job, get a hobby, start a family, get a dog, read a book, go for a walk, buy a bike, go hiking, just fuck that gay shit.",0.53,5,DE 39399,"2019: A mentally ill, homeless African American gets tied up and marched through the streets by cops after his arrest. 2015: Terrorist Dylann Roof kills 9 African Americans and cops get him food from Burger King after his arrest. #DonaldNeely URL",-1.66,0,original 9601,That child should be sterilized,-0.24,0,original 22768,"@FtWayneMel Agreed! Sri Lanka is the same way. It's funny, in the US everyone wants a tan and there it's the opposite!!",-2.84,0,original 37734,I hate 12 ion care bitch ass niggas,0.92,1,original 7601,Fuck the retards that talk like that. Actual children,2.08,6,original 41278,"This video just gave a nigga a heart, Mr.Smith you my nigga!",-2.93,0,original 38290,They need to send your ass back to hell where you belong,0.96,5,DE 44540,"Hahaha, she's a fucking bitch and a role model for a lot of little girls. She did more harm than a good friend",0.94,4,FR 15101,Just cause you pumped out a kid doesn't mean you stop being a slut. You're just a busy slut now. You still deserve to be used like the slut you are and making men cum because it's your place to do so.,1.0,4,original 18377,Fuck her pussy and fill her up 😋,0.31,0,original 11399,Sharia math is taking over education everywhere.,-2.32,0,original 36552,"Petition to have urinal/stall or stall only bathroom signs instead of male/female. The future is here mother fuckers, gender is irrelevant. 🤷🏻‍♂️",-4.0,0,original 19580,"Twitch is a garbage-tier video platform. I really wish they would just upload the VODs straight to YouTube, or stream them there as well.",-2.0,0,original 9495,Killing all the Jews for sure,2.06,2,original 12914,"Absolute beasts, keep your cult in your weird little pedo palaces and in your homes, you Neanderthals.",1.78,1,DE 12626,What a bunch of cucks and whores. Jesus fuck. Just the fact that that sub exists makes my blood boil. I hope they all fucking die from aids.,2.38,7,original 36744,WHITE PPL REALLY CRAZY AND THE MOST DANGEROUS RACE OF ALL MANKIND.,1.08,1,original 13107,Catholicism sucks,0.02,0,original 34054,"Those who commit mass shootings are just retarded and insane who get a pass because they are white. They like the dumb guy from The Human Centipede 2, a copycat doll with a dumb soul and a burned brain.",0.51,1,DE 38379,"@Nikhil_Dwivedi Bro they are anti-Hindu, anti-national and creepy. They can do anything for money. And it's becoming a trend now to go anti-Hindu and get famous. These filthy people should be kicked out of this beautiful country.",0.82,3,FR 39362,"A THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: Someone says ""I have never read the Bible, do not want to read it, I've talked to one ""Christian"", says his group-theology only real deal all others ""The Great Whore of Babylon"" and says I can become a God with my own planet, plural sealed wives; No Thanks. URL",-0.05,0,original 33627,You can't turn a hoe into a house wife hoes don't act right -Luda,0.93,4,original 40218,Indians go to hell,2.39,1,original 13258,I would fuck her ass and cum on her back then call her a wetback.,2.12,1,FR 46210,+David Fye II Shut up lying zionist terrorist. We all know that zio pig nation Jewmerica did it. We wont believe your lies. We will destroy your terrorist nation and ISIS.,2.82,2,original 26785,@dannahy_tina Sick bitch horrible cunt,1.95,4,original 6833,"Go suck an AIDS cock and die, f@ggot.",2.39,5,ZH 7155,"That shirt is fake, and you're retarded and probably like to taste your own piss.",2.21,5,ZH 4401,I'm pretty sure frogs stopped producing semen after 9/11 made them all gay,1.42,5,original 28176,"You stupid cucks and losers are seriously starting to piss me off. If you want to impress me, SEND. THATS THE ONLY WAY. And we all know you really want to fucking impress me. And I really want to beat up your balls until they're blue. #findom #domme #cbt #torture #paypig #domme URL",1.37,4,original 27664,If there is a heaven and if I'm going (not something I worry about) I'll be judged by my love of family & friends and service to my community… not by shaming my LGBTQ friends and supporting Trump who has never lived a single day of his life by the teachings of Christ. #Pride2019 URL,-4.41,0,original 22782,Please keep smacking bitches,1.44,4,original 23051,The challenge of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani to the nation s scholars with the truth... URL,-3.21,0,original 44031,Immigrants should not be provided with housing or any other provision. They came here voluntarily...let them stay out and think about their stupid decision.,0.78,3,ZH 22497,"What a sick satanic religion that beheads people for being infidels. This is the religion of Satan. And we all KNOW who came up with it. If you don't know, look... I'm not going to fight today. #ISLAM IN THEIR BOOK SAYS TO DO IT, Jesus already GOT the URL",1.12,2,RU 29977,@amnesty Lock them up and bounce them ASAP,2.27,3,original 40239,I feel the prisoned sheep is gay. Cuz it has the gay flag colour,-1.39,0,original 35939,@realDonaldTrump Are you kidding me? And we kill babies at the border? With all respect? Kiss my ass.,1.95,3,FR 49104,"Too jooz have already changed America with your use, degeneracy, filth, deceit and manipulation. Boycott Israel and end the Fed. communist parasite",1.45,3,FR 25297,@zeroborta May Allah destroy the Saudi clan and its bastard followers like you. Politely fuck off and look for a Saudi ass to lick.,0.58,3,DE 4011,"Fuck white supremacists, homophobes, misogynists, and ignoramuses.",0.98,1,original 43771,Nikolay Angelov take that female dog L lame big ass dumb nigga,1.02,1,FR 25965,"This is for Rachel you big fat white smelly fat bitch why did you take me off the shit plan with your triflin dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass Bitch, I'll get up there and I'll beat you up bitch and I won't even call the cops",1.27,1,DE 4459,"I disagree with procreation, but you're a fucking human garbage can who should have been dumped in the abortion dumpster.",1.37,1,original 15172,They really make Indians look bad. That's why nobody likes her. Especially the Indian terrorist. Indians are poison to society,1.47,3,DE 13657,You are going to bed? At this hour? You are a fag!,0.72,5,FR 15090,FUCK CHRISTIANS! THESE DINOSAURS ARE TRYING TO TAKE AWAY THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN! These sick bastards support incest and want to punish the poor. late abortion.,1.25,2,RU 28531,This girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. DO NOT TRUST HER. She is a fugly slut! URL,1.64,4,original 13394,"So what, dull fag?",1.63,5,ZH 40456,black people and the god given to slaves lol who by the way (since god) created the hurricane if we really count the power of deity!,1.24,2,DE 41170,"All of you multiracial Trump trash out there, it looks like your communist republican empire is falling apart! Ha ha ha ha ha! And you can't save it from sinking! You ignorant uneducated know that nothing will be reduced to rubble in 2020!",0.55,1,DE 38389,"It's a rotten country that causes a LOT of mental health deterioration. His overall environment is mentally AND physically toxic. Anyone who says it's the most beautiful country is: delusional, blind, and has no understanding of what the concept of oppression is. 🙂 URL",0.79,3,FR 46682,When are we going to learn that it is dangerous to let our Black boys to go out and play with toy guns. My mother told me in the 1960s not to go outside playing with toy guns. The cops are wrong but out kids are dead.,-2.81,0,original 34953,"""Kill Them All, Slit Their Throats"": ISIS Warns of Terror Attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.93,3,original 27865,small minded hoes will let social media ruin they relationship😂🤦🏾‍♂️,1.13,4,original 48444,Thug snapped lmao,0.94,1,original 4374,"memer is incels, burn them all",1.65,5,ZH 29373,@robgalore @T0ASTie_ when you don't hold your gay ass😭,0.65,5,DE 42644,"Congratulations, FAGOT! gt fo",0.89,5,FR 45032,Don't want to lose your life ? Don't go to isis territories Don't want your children taken ? Don't go to the border,-1.87,0,original 2995,Yo lady what the fuck. I'm Australian and even I don't fuck like that with snakes. Chop off the head with a shovel and move on.,-3.22,0,original 43226,That's what happens when you give Jews the reins. No other race is so adept at screwing things up,1.23,2,DE 43434,A Retard crackhead.,0.66,7,original 12823,">Baklava is definitely Turkish. > We all fondly remember when Turkey was a cultured nation. Yes, I miss the days when Turkey forcibly removed children from their homes to fight for them, slaughtered men and boys, forcibly converted entire nations, and those who relentlessly discriminated against and systematically exterminated refused to succumb.",1.41,3,DE 13348,Gross go back to chapo you fuckin' nig,2.5,1,FR 43275,"Fucktard Zionist Nazi Says If Your Political Views Are Different From Me, You Are Not American...This Is How ZioNazi Started WWII",0.78,2,ZH 48496,Shut the fuck up bitch suck my penis,1.56,4,FR 24157,Fuck these niggas,1.19,1,FR 9696,"You're as retarded as the stupid idiot who spits vodka in her pet's mouth, fuck you.",0.83,7,FR 47374,"Regardless of biology meaning color, gender wrong is wrong! hating on America and dividing our nation is wrong! Get the squad out!",-2.02,0,original 29553,"Spit on that hole and fuck it, guys! 😛 The female dog wants to take advantage of every frat boy dick in this filthy pigsty they call a room. 🍆🍆🍆🍑 Source: @scallysex #gay #sex #orgy #gangbang #groupsex #fucking #bareback URL",0.75,4,FR 13637,"Going off KMarko's disney blog, girls who are die hard Disney people are always the sluttiest",-0.33,0,original 10013,Whisky Tango = White Trash.,0.78,1,FR 15551,Delayed. Delete this app and delete dating apps. You are a legitimate loser and need to talk to girls irl,1.68,5,DE 8929,"""Never forget to hate brown people""",1.56,1,FR 49102,"All these stupid people storming in, why don't we just dress as aliens so they take us in! 🤫",-1.87,0,original 1929,We must get rid of the United States before we bring everyone down with them,1.28,3,FR 19246,Must kill collabvm users for the glory of allah,2.54,1,original 14422,"Fucking fuckin' pussy, what a fuckin' load of bullshit",2.18,1,FR 35941,"@Peluio They are all Narcos, They are all Narco, why don't you all go to shell of your mother. @DEAHQ nuke this piece of shit of country. URL",2.73,3,original 12563,Suck my dick Hitler?,1.75,3,ZH 6211,Fuck shit pussy ass mother fucking damn bitch,0.52,4,original 48942,"Next up, a sweep of the nation of pedophiles, serial killers, racists, white supremacists, hate groups, psychopaths and sociopaths. That will definitely clean up America.",-2.18,0,original 17766,>These hoes aint loyal 1961 Colourised.,1.09,4,original 27520,These niggas so lazy they take your life for a bag loud,0.92,1,DE 49599,"This is Ted. They want to push a not-so-subtle agenda. Didn't you notice all the Arabs and Indians who started ""breaking stereotypes""? This idiot advocates ignoring the poor and needy in Canada to help provide more resources for the brown Muslim economic refugees and their crap who are milking welfare in this country. Great advice portends your own undoing. No wonder Muslims laugh at these useful idiots.",2.04,3,ZH 35406,Watch muscular alpha god Jake Deckard take care of this fagot asshole by shoving his cum deep inside his vagina. Alpha knows this fagot must eat his semen to survive.. URL,1.85,6,JA 25390,@DurhamBulls We already know baseball is everyone's 4 year old 🙄 No one needs to give special credit to bc's life choices or who they screwed up. It also seems like whoever manages your account doesn't know the difference between men and women. Enjoy your freak show because this is what the Left has turned LGB into.,2.29,5,ZH 41897,"They should have used a latina actress to play Mulan, I mean why not?",-2.53,0,original 32095,"There ya go. Watch this sh*t. M*slims infiltrate, then have a long-term plan to destroy America. Gutter religion. Third-World trash. Nobody wants them. Now they are in Europe in droves thanks to Killary, Barry Hussein, & Angela Merkel. Now they are in the USA. Gutter Trash. URL",1.41,2,original 40595,+LaVar Ball brother it's weird why you talk gay shit or that you chose the name LAVAR BALL but you talk about riding dicks. What a Virgo doesn't take a lifetime to choose a popular personal name. I guess the kind with some gay shit on their minds,0.69,5,DE 24341,"so first the other bitch pistol whipped a hoe for fucking her nigga, now this bitch kidnapped this hoe for fucking her nigga... what in the fuck is in the water? women going nuts this year URL",1.39,4,original 29816,@biannagolodryga No she needs to get deported demon bitch is fake,0.83,3,original 36363,@sairasameerarao We should atomize all white Amirites?,0.94,1,DE 21685,Is it ok to not be a feminist?,-2.18,0,original 25241,@RashidaTlaib this bitch needs to be deported,1.34,3,ZH 30112,Jesus fed 5000 people and died a virgin...some man carry a woman go KFC one time & want pums....Be like Jesus to man!!! Cho 😒,-0.87,0,original 10664,Btw thank you for seeing the person behind and not only the lgbt part about me <3 And just in case you dont wanna use my prefered pronouns thats fine you can call me whatever you want we are in a free world..but if you want to spread some positivity and happiness just call me a she <3,-4.58,0,original 40688,"To US tax payers: Free yourself from satanic jews before they ad another 10 trillion to your already 22 trillion debt, by sending you into a new war.",0.95,2,original 21466,Only a man will appreciate a woman who takes risks with her physical appearance. It only shows that she's not worried about what others think. As long as she's happy and confident with herself.,-4.69,0,original 39777,@Malala Go to hell... You and your supporters. Because what you flower in pathetic hands will not happen. Insha'allah. You don't have a future here in Pakistan but an ordinary Desi black liberal like the rest.,1.02,1,FR 2759,"Fuck yazidis , they desverers what Isis did on them , hope mother Russia gape u arse and Turkey deep throat",1.7,1,original 9128,Whites are the only race that leave a pile off corpses behind them when they riot.,-0.8,0,original 9801,"I find really tall woman, or women with broad shoulders and big biceps super attractive *swoonsintotheirarms*",-4.23,0,original 22894,"Shit that get niggas left on read/seen: -""Hit me up beautiful"" -""Wyd"" -""Where you from"" -""Can I get to know you?"" -""Would def not pull out"" I get that last one more than I'd like to admit. That is not a fucking compliment, esp w these new abortion laws",-1.34,0,original 3529,"Look shit, how would you feel if you wanted to jump off a fucking bridge and someone like you came along and said that? Start sucking dick again, you fucking bitch.",2.3,4,FR 4596,I'd hatefuck the fuck outta her,-0.2,0,original 37628,@myrthena the one who made such a careless comment is clearly a misogynist,-0.72,0,original 14067,White cunts are some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth. What is this retarded slit trying to get at? It also costs zero dollars to call her a blithering tuna hole. Retarded slut.,1.62,4,original 11405,Your bitch ass hoe,0.83,4,original 47208,Fat fuck. Everyone leaves the economy will collapse. Fat fuck USA supported taliban and al qaida to fit agenda. Fat fuck you can leave and go back to Ireland. You uneducated fuck How fucking dare you we build this country you dumb fuck. Somalia is a failed government because countries like west. Ganging up Africa stealing looting and raping. We know how we start uprisings. Devil IMPEEECH THIS ILLITERATE DUMB FUCK,1.65,1,original 16790,"HUh? Op is a nigger. a cockmongleroid. a buttfucking nigger shit son of whore. what obligation she has to provide ass, if he is look like ass?",1.72,1,original 39059,"So the skrrr nigga be wrestling with bobby..... I never expededit, URL URL",-2.68,0,original 31865,"This is unbelievable! These Is!amic terrorists will stop at NOTHING in their thirst for Israeli blood. I know this is totally unPC of me, but I say nuke the bastards. Wipe them totally off the face of the earth. Problem solved. URL",2.66,3,original 22641,"@AzzatAlsaleem All ISIS fighters and their supporters should be hunted down worldwide and executed immediately, regardless of nationality. A bounty should be placed on the head of every ISIS member killed.",2.5,2,ZH 11185,"I. Islam is very bad. Mohammed should be drawn on toilet paper, and the Koran should be rewritten.",0.87,2,RU 34575,Mehbooba Mufti warns India would burn @MehboobaMufti This isn't congress government at center. Till date #PDP #Congress #NC and separatists all gave this threat & #lutyensmedia spread it to force center not to take action. This is #ModiHaiToMumkinHai. URL,-1.59,0,original 42415,One more war for the Jews.,-0.91,0,original 264,"""Well if you get a perforated uterus you deserve it because God said rape is bad!"" -same rich guy who got his daughter an abortion two months ago by sending her to a resort over the summer",0.03,0,original 7262,please go back and hide your month is over now it's not right to be gay,1.62,5,ZH 10477,"> Why were parts of the Bible written? Because my first iron age, nomadic, fucking sheep ancestors didn't have internet and porn to entertain themselves. So they had to find something else to do. And, they were probably dehydrated in the desert and may have been hallucinating. So they mixed in an unhealthy dose of old myths and utter rubbish and bad morals well shaken, cooked and served. A better question would be why anyone in the modern age still believes this shit.",1.55,2,FR 33966,GoM will also give Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee National Journalism Award to a journalist working at National level and from Maharashtra from this year: CM Devendra Fadnavis announces URL,-5.14,0,original 49830,RACIST she is,-1.9,0,original 7575,I'm 63 and white. I could not agree with you more.,-3.01,0,original 3768,I think we're asking to be fucked like a cumslut so first your ass will be fucked and after I offer you my cum you'll clean your ass on my shaft and get me hard again then I'll fuck you breeding with a load in your pussy,2.36,4,FR 11127,I hope your gf finds out & chops your dick off.,0.57,4,original 11267,"seriously, you need to buy these people a one-way ticket to Syria, let them enjoy the caliphate there. Oh, the caliphate collapsed.",1.37,2,RU 49034,"""Unarmed BLACK men"". See? THIS IS WHERE YOU LOSE THE MAJORITY. IT HAPPENS TO EVERY RACE TO RACIST BLACKS!! YOU NEED JESUS. FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST!",0.89,1,FR 186,"Um if a penis is triggering the deeper fears of the human mind, probably penis isn't for you.",-0.22,0,original 19975,Have her suck my big dick while I finger her like crazy. Than I'd fuck her rough and hard,-0.25,0,original 31684,"How about our homeless veterans, they don't get to brush their teeth. Problem solved ,send illegals back, then they can brush their teeth.",0.88,3,original 18348,"This was so wholesome and so sweet. I'd totally cuddle you bro. No homo, but also not against it as I am bi lmao",-3.97,0,original 40667,The only people that want war is the ragheads. It's all they know!,1.08,1,original 47481,Your white so I could call you racist with no proof or need of it.... We can play that game I'll have a fun time.,0.34,0,original 2456,"oh my gosh, are you me? same here, it'll soon be a year since i found out he was cheating on me for 1/3 of our relationship with another white person. when i found out he just told me that it didnt make sense for him to date an indian-american person.. he shouldnt have asked me out in the first place, in that case. havent been able to fully accept my skin color since.",-1.08,0,original 42396,Iranian leaders are retarded,1.55,7,DE 18539,Any 40 year old man fucking a 16 year old girl should be euthanized,1.31,6,ZH 44406,"A boy from Pakistan lives in American land and quickly becomes a pervert involved in debauchery by making shows about men's handjobs. America... in the name of the rest of the world, kill yourself ASAP.",2.14,3,FR 7944,WhatA fucking NIGGER,2.02,1,original 40654,Tattle Boad Ur Gay and you gave me Ebola,0.7,5,FR 7933,"If you fuck kids, you don't deserve the shitty sentences these assholes get.",0.68,5,DE 12171,I would love to suck them off before I put my cock between them and fuck them 🤤,0.61,4,FR 13106,"""TURNING THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY""",0.12,0,original 14207,"What if I followed you in public every time you're out and I harassed you? that's what this fucking refugee did, followed them and harassed them, and it's not surprising when you look at his criminal record. I'm not surprised that a Swede is willing to get down on his knees and suck all Muslim refugees and defend them from criticism.",1.16,3,FR 47452,"FUCK AWAY LESBITCH! GO to the country of your choice and step on its flag and desecrate it, we'd never have to see or hear from you again! Legitimate piece of shit you are has no business in America, step on our flag, how about we step on you? If you were worth it, I'd introduce you to my baseball bat! FUCKING LAVENDER FREAK! NEWS FLASH BITCH, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.",1.63,5,DE 41129,Nigga est wack asf straight trash,1.24,1,FR 17755,yo FUCK women,1.39,4,FR 3387,"The proper thing to do here would have been to reprimand, or at least, ignore the constituents who wanted to discuss executing homosexuals; instead, Mike Hill provided another biblical reference to support the murdering of homosexuals and chuckled along with the suggestion that Hill introduce legislation to bring about state-sanctioned murder of gays. WTF, man? This is America, not Saudi Arabia.",0.67,5,original 44509,"@Brian p some said Joseph Goebells was terrible too... who else was going to make it clear that the Jew was vermin? He was also doing his job..great man with a beautiful large family..the tricks of those who did not support the fascist state which wanted to include jews, gypsies, homosexuals was also a disgusting policy..these elements were purged as trump will purge such items today in the name of citizenship..pure and clean..make mean MAGA..",1.64,5,FR 30569,The Chinese race seems to be an offshoot of Satan himself.,1.01,1,FR 35480,One of you fag fuckers should be over there serving Alpha Jake Deckard and not wasting that superior jizz...URL,0.8,5,DE 36308,"@majorgauravarya @SMQureshiPTI Those porkie bastards can kill their own by any means just to blame India. These infidels protect global terrorists, blackmail everyone and shame all of humanity. It is high time that India stop talking to them even over the PC. keep hitting her",1.5,3,DE 32701,@LoisShearing ...getting ready to march in Milwaukee's Pride parade...oh and look plenty of Bi women and femmes being Bi and happy af! #BiWomen rock! 💖💜💙 URL,-4.84,0,original 39472,@joshiacey just call them niggers and go,1.88,1,DE 31888,"@danielledsouzag Similar to ""Jews for Hitler"".",0.33,0,original 10027,"Alright, less gypsy muslim laggards, these people should be their own, don't follow the middle east like a female dog, fuck all the stupid muslims.",1.43,2,FR 17785,"I'm sorry you felt uneasy at first, but really, I think most Christians (that I know anyway, an am one) wouldn't even bat an eye seeing you pray in ""our"" church. It really isn't ""ours"" to begin with. Thank you also for making me smile!",-4.37,0,original 18737,ever heard of gender dysphoria,-2.75,0,original 22649,"@BiggieChesse12 Yeah en these hoes are mean, just send 'em to Antarctica and bomb 'em",1.34,4,FR 8565,"Wow, what a fucking disgusting prick.",0.99,4,FR 12054,Black men sing love songs and can be romantic. Look at Marvin Gaye,-3.39,0,original 24165,Reply Nayeon gay Clear Search URL,0.7,5,ZH 26791,@Iam_jamotech These dumb niggas,0.88,1,FR 769,"Fuck that, it's just a bunch of white people who think saying the n word is cool. Lame as hell.",-1.19,0,original 8888,are you fucking retarded The race would die if people didn't fucking have kids and people really had to take care of their families and raise kids. Fuck you human shit,1.12,7,DE 38880,@JoaquinCastrotx Fucking beaner.,1.45,1,original 11884,I'm a full blooded Christian thank you very much,-4.23,0,original 48210,"Baby Rodrigues Your country is full of retards, which probably explains why you don't know the difference between the Liberian flag and the American flag.",1.0,3,ZH 27069,I'm sick of military niggas Dead. I swear they are the most ignorant and disgusting people I have ever met,1.83,1,DE 29365,@Jaackiegaarcia @CarrieJL What a dumb massive piece of shit. This shits so fucking ghetto acting like an animal,-0.35,0,original 14906,"Absolutely. And both of them are desi! Makes me hope that one day in our community, out and proud relationships like this will be more commonplace and accepted.",-6.5,0,original 10544,"She's hot, but she's nothing special, I used to fuck a girl who looked like her, was weird like her too, but oh my god that girl was a pussy, she got so mean when I didn't do exactly what she wanted, I fucked that bitch faster than Trump deport immigrants",1.99,4,FR 10939,So wise. Go take a dick in your ass. Fucking pedophile lover.,0.67,5,FR 47092,"Time to call on those badass whites to save their asses. But don't worry, the squad will save her.",0.55,1,DE 11668,She screams insecurity more than the n word.,0.08,0,original 39482,remove her fucking channel and lock her up. stupid bitch,0.59,4,original 6496,shut up you monkey fag,2.18,5,DE 42674,"India is an ugly, filthy, filthy, germ-infested, lawless country.",1.05,3,DE 20563,"This man is just a disgusting human. This woman has been supporting you for YEARS, dealing with your stupid, drugged ass like you're a kid only to have him publicly insult her every few months. MEN ARE GARBAGE URL",0.66,4,FR 15729,Kicked her so hard in the tits they stayed sowllen,0.53,4,original 27026,"These bitches type a whole cute message but forget to press ""send"" and then whine about late replies. I am the bitches. Bitches is me.",-1.59,0,original 5856,Makes me wanna grab his head and put it up his ass with his mom sucking his dick,3.2,5,FR 13439,"I didn't say she wasn't british. I said that she, as most black people, instead of thinking about solving their problems, they play the blame game, and when you say on a daily basis that ""black people were slaves of the whites "" (when they were pretty much slaves of every ""race"", storic revisionism). About the white culture, I don't know what that is.",0.06,0,original 16893,"That's racist and stupid. 100% of white men speak out against it. NOT 100% of Muslims speak out against Muslim terrorism. There are billboards in Palestine CELEBRATING suicide bombers. > A majority of Pakistanis surveyed in a poll appeared to be aggrieved over the death of Osama bin Laden, with 51 per cent describing their emotions as 'grief' I could go on be you get the point. That's one of the stupidest false equivalencies I've seen in a long time. You should consider reevaluating your entire belief system.",-2.06,0,original 40787,Why didn't society hit these jerks,4.58,4,FR 33650,These ISIS bitches have some balls: assaulting those who help them. They should be thrown into the desert and fend for themselves. Isis widows stone aid workers at Syrian camp where terror threat lingers URL via @MetroUK,0.95,2,original 24157,Fck those niggas,1.19,1,original 47018,"beast kd Iran don't do shit, we not only abuse you but make it look easy. Like I said, if Iran ever touches Israel, they have enough nukes to defend themselves. So many countries will bomb you. It's like a game where we'll take turns rolling out one.",1.28,3,ZH 46695,"The whole system is screwed up, the whole system is corrupt, old fucking white men and only white men get away with it. Ain't that a bitch that's why the bitch is gonna break down from the inside you look and see all this fucking hatred of the united states of america, no divided states of america!",0.77,4,FR 20895,#Chinawakeup #China Thank u all did everything for women in China!!😭😭I m really touched when I saw u guys supported us. Thank u. All of u are heroes!!! URL,-4.93,0,original 41026,"The transgender is a mental disorder, just like the homosexual.",0.77,5,FR 12747,"Hypocritical fucking crap. If we solved immigration 20 years ago, we wouldn't be dealing with all this crap now.",0.53,3,ZH 21264,@thekillakay_ I just want to know how this nigga brain is shaped,1.15,1,DE 27750,@ECHOtheCALL Time to kick ALL of them OUT of AMERICA!,0.69,3,original 18804,"You should be fucked really hard, and be sprayed with thick jizz all over them 😎😏amazing tits",2.03,4,original 33117,I hate you bitches so much. I'd litterally jump in and HELP whoever tf it is. That girl obviously didn't wanna fight you UGLY ASS BITCHES WANNA JUMP HER!??! LAME,-0.01,0,original 45119,"Trump is the best!! Thank you for your work, you are doing the right thing by deporting all those filthy animals back to their countries! They don't deserve to live in America, remember it's a privilege to live here!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸",1.93,3,FR 11742,What fagots them all,0.94,5,DE 2382,"Christian scum. It's a shame your relatives weren't thrown to the lions. You know Jesus was black, don't you? People come to this country to get rid of degenerates who use religion as a tool to control the idiot population. It sounds like you're part of a group.",1.76,2,ZH 13000,How about you stop talking and let me fuck that ass of yours?,1.77,4,original 47704,this movie is so gay it could be the AIDS quilt.,0.46,0,original 16592,"You should stop inbreeding you low IQ moron. Also don't use phrases you don't understand, it just gives away your 68 IQ.",1.81,2,ZH 25073,Then u a hoe then dumbass 😑 bitches like this really be slow...,0.81,4,original 16488,White supremacist shoots people. /u/Nuketherabbi_t: LOL SUCK IT LIBS!,-0.64,0,original 9028,Shut up your fucking stupid bitch,1.26,4,FR 17043,"I was in the same boat for many, many years. At 28 I finally decided I couldn't keep it in any longer. I came out to my sister first, she was the person I trusted most to keep it to herself, and the person I knew would be most accepting. After I told her and realized the world wouldn't end if someone else knew, it became much easier to open up to others about my sexuality. It was a gradual process for me, and being on the other side of it now I am a much happier, healthier person. Just know that the people who really belong in your life will love you no matter who you love. Best of luck.",-3.28,0,original 42149,Thank God for you Prophetess Bola. you have been a blessing,-5.42,0,original 8533,"I don't understand why people are afraid of Y'all Qaeda. What are Jethro, Cleetus and Bubba going to do with their shotgun, their mangy dog and their double wahd truck? Half of them need a fucking hover to get through Wal-Mart, and the rest don't realize that a real insurrection has nothing to do with CoD. A bunch of stupid whining cats, all of them.",0.74,1,FR 1200,"To hell with Islam, we really need to fight it.",0.78,2,RU 18879,>kill me cow Right now you're only killing English lmao Kill two cows mate and pray to Allah may he give you variety or content in your comments lol,0.63,2,original 196,"A. He is very stupid, vile and mean. B. He is extremely gay. C. He is very stupid, vile and evil and extremely gay. D. Mom beats him with a broomstick.",2.02,5,FR 36985,You want to arrest these men? Don't kill them; shoot them with tranquilizers and give them free sex reassignment surgery while awaiting sentencing. We'll see how many mass shootings there will be after that. #TrumpsTerrorists,2.24,4,FR 8791,"I'll push you over that fence. Pull your hair, and since I occupied your ass, deep fuck your pussy balls.",1.63,4,FR 15172,They make Indians look really bad. That's why no one likes them. Especially the Indian terrorist. Indian people are toxic to society,1.47,3,original 34584,See as soon as the plane descends 121 Ukrainian #Zionist get Zionist citizenship and #Netanyahu tells them this land to you 😕 How to come from abroad from other countries and say this land to you 😒 This is for the Palestinians #GroupPalestine @PalestineEyes URL,-2.75,0,original 8752,He looks like a stereotypical degenerate as well,0.39,0,original 30123,"@AlvinZhakata @MsilaBotha @robertmarawa This guy is a die hater of sodom, he goes to the fling and now thumbs down #Nairobi and even paints everyone corrupt no no that's why all Africans are shit as poop",0.81,1,original 45604,"Just send these people back to their country, this is the best solution, send them home",1.63,3,original 46875,pos. sick Keep locked up away from children.,0.88,5,FR 36520,Imma Need For you Bitches to stop giving these niggas some Pussy Maybe they will take care of they kids more 🥴,1.79,4,original 41435,"It's so sad that fascists call this man exactly what they are. Racism is taught to Muslims in the Koran. The children are taught to kill Jews and all non-Muslims! Sheria law cannot be allowed in a democratic society. It is against women's rights, it encourages the beating of women, it condones child rape and child slavery. She kills her own children because they reject child brides or refuse to cover themselves. Sherria law is not consistent with Democratic law. I'm that voter f-had? Why can't candidates monitor the vote count?",1.05,2,DE 40535,schaub bassoon total.,1.44,5,FR 27218,Muslims should be treated like their counterparts in China...... Only way to control this epidemic of sick and sick mentation..... @asadowaisi URL,2.2,2,FR 36739,This is sexual assault. He need his dick cut off and to be in JAILLLLL. Also he might need to be shot.,0.07,0,original 46231,"Keep these families separate!!! Make conditions as miserable as possible!!! Let them know that you will SUFFER if you try to ""migrate"" here!!!",2.24,3,DE 18092,"Fuck you guys, kids are little shit, we don't need more shit people coming into the world, if it comes to abortion I always take it, I don't even care about the month.",0.97,6,ZH 2866,"Eventually, that word is just going to mean ""any male that says a mean thing to a female.""",-2.21,0,original 28608,@AlhusseinRH Send the Wahhabeast terrorists to Allah!,0.59,1,FR 8415,"To me, a faggot is anyone I make suck my dick.",1.87,5,original 37054,Useless niggas are always babied by their mothers. So fuck you and yo momma.,2.28,1,original 7212,"I better not pick up sticks on the wrong day. Your loving and forgiving god will order me to be executed by stoning!! What a stupid religion!! Sorry, you got caught in that old trash!!",0.86,2,FR 41806,Why don't stupid bitches listen she deserves to be fucked now,1.4,4,FR 14381,fuck off stuppol fagot,0.64,5,ZH 33574,I really do wish niggas would go to therapy and get their mental health in control before fucking with me and driving ME crazy with the head games,1.58,1,original 35490,"NASTY, FAUX-CHRISTIAN HOLY WILTON OF WASHINGTON, ""THE QUEEN OF THE NILE"": TRUMP'S TYPE OF ""DISCOURSE HAS NO PLACE ON THE LIPS OF THOSE WHO CONFESS CHRIST OR WHO CLAIM TO BE CIVILIZED MEMBERS OF SOCIETY!"" URL URL",0.65,2,original 1929,We need to get rid of America before we let everyone down,1.28,3,ZH 4245,"A straight white male with jewelry and dreads demanding more attention, cool",-0.78,0,original 36460,"This bitch won't answer me, I'll spank his goddamn ass",1.38,5,DE 10134,lmao so fucking EPIC just destroyed idot retart i bet hes CRYING so hard bro he just SHIT HIS PANT form ur gamer ROAST bro i TaLk LiKe ThIs ToO bEcAuSe I aLsO cAnT aRgUe WiThOuT sOuNdInG lIkE aN iDoT rEtArT,0.83,7,original 46520,"+ Soy Latte, right? these jerks should be extradited to Siberia",1.15,4,FR 38534,"My biggest fear always been getting pregnant by a loser nigga , so I ain't messing with no loser nigga .",-0.32,0,original 36863,@jacti0nj2 @SheIsYoana U GON FALL BACK AND LOSE HER TO A NIGGA ON YA TL,-0.11,0,original 43037,Iran's Government is evil and needs to be destroyed.,0.78,3,original 44846,"Evict them ""illegally"" lol they are already illegal... they have no rights. They are not US citizens.",0.74,3,FR 34730,"I don't even know what to say anymore. I feel sorry for you, America. Wake up, Democrats! This must be condemned! ⏰ @AOC says Palestinians 'have no choice but to riot' against Israel URL",-0.74,0,original 33795,fuck this stupid ass bitch,1.76,4,original 28107,Bitches will hate you over your nigga 😩,0.54,4,original 39575,@dvdrbrt @SusanDurell @EffingRep You said Trump supporters are possibly executing migrants.,-2.74,0,original 17018,"This is why a lot of women are afraid of men because people saying shit like "" I hope you find a 6'5 guy to fuck you like the slut you are before he slits your throat. "". Get some mental help dude. Or get out of your basement and go find a hobby.",0.54,4,original 24117,"I hate stupid niggas that can't drive, niggas really hit my car and try to blame me.",0.51,1,FR 13957,I want to pump 90 quadrillion loads into that disgusting euro rubbish HIV bastard...,0.56,5,ZH 30413,"For the millionth time, the only thing Omar did was observe that ""pro-Israel"" activists and donors routinely profess allegiance to that foreign state, and use financial resources to achieve their preferred policy objectives. Which is 100% unassailably true URL",-1.81,0,original 35898,Women really be minding their business and trash ass men gotta ruin everything. This is disgusting I hope someone finds him and chops his dick off and feed it to him. URL,1.23,4,original 3441,"LGBTQ+ isnt an exclusive group that you need a membership for. You can still be an ally no matter what the orientation is and you are under no obligation to do anything different just because you identify with the community. Be supportive, find yourself along the way, and don't label yourself just so you can fit in with a group. You fit in if you think that everyone is a human and recognize there is still an imbalance in equality between us and society and hope for a better future. No id cards or tests of faith required, just open and honest you.",-6.98,0,original 26286,"OH my GOD UNITED NATION MEXICO has been BRAINWASHED, save AMERICA / THEMSELVES MEXICO / NEIGHBORS, REMOVE THE SOURCE of rape and sex ASSAULT THOSE educated and unintelligent lunatics led by the NANCY P. thought never to try to suck N LICK something SAY death GIVE them FREEDOM!!!MH",0.94,3,FR 40536,This lady is the biggest piece of garbage to ever be on tv.,0.06,0,original 24528,Stop the deportation of Ken Macharia - Sign the Petition! URL,-4.08,0,original 45726,"Sounds like America needs to invade Mexico again and just clean house, Mexican politicians are corrupt and the people treat the cartel like gods.",0.38,0,original 17677,"Sp2 setcol attack and genocide mutilation as a whole. Even if you think it doesn't solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it still solves something.",0.85,1,FR 17954,I will literally be sick. Jesus Christ - humans are such fucking morons and they ain't happy unless they murder or torture themselves over stupid bullshit like borders and religion. To hell with borders and to hell with religion too.,0.99,2,FR 747,He's going to hang himself for this gay post,0.99,5,ZH 21132,every one of y'all niggas i know suck crazy dick fuck every one of y'all,0.81,1,FR 35906,@BetteMidler you are a mean woman. I hope you are not married because I will feel really bad for your husband to have to live with such a mean woman,0.56,4,FR 25135,@Imirritating I don't have time for you Fake ass f*gs all talk loud in them fake ass clothes fake ass shoes match their fake ass gold,2.59,5,DE 40471,icce mexico is a shitty country that's why my family left that dump,0.99,3,ZH 29047,FUCK YOU INDIAN MOTHERFUCKER,1.71,1,FR 5697,Ky's dirty redneck twerp,1.37,3,DE 42702,I hate atheists,0.45,0,original 29069,"@CBSNews It's time to throw the notorious glorious tribe of the United States, the ordained by God as uber alles, the child killer, into the dustbin of history with a strong flush in the toilet or in a cesspool!",0.85,3,FR 23814,bunch of bitches,0.2,0,original 30259,@DFBHarvard He should let them into the outbuildings there and serve them what's in them! Then show them what deportation is! Sent them to Gaza! You can get real toilet water there!,2.14,3,DE 19108,First thing i wil do is burry my face between those nice tits! Aftwr that i will take off my pants and fuck here pussy just the way she will like it slowly or hard? And and the end i will fill here pussy with a nice load because this is verry nice breeding matrial,1.79,4,original 22463,is that why you banned transgenders from serving in the military? you do know that T stands for trans...right??,-3.22,0,original 34700,@readybrina lemme body-swap with that man real quick,-2.42,0,original 5005,"Eh kinda..... If there's no one there and the colonizers show up. They get it. If they come back and want ""their spring land"" back... well too bad should have had your defenses ready and protected your own. That's earth",-0.88,0,original 46700,"What she said was mean and the pussy slut herself is fucking mean too!!! Stay out of the American bitch, you're not wanted here. If people want to worship your stinky ass in the UK, then damn it, fuck you!!",0.87,4,FR 15370,"""Beta can't reproduce"" ""Top 4 quintiles attractive women will go for alphas, while betas stuck with ugly women"" I didn't know women's fertility to be based on their appearance.",-0.47,0,original 40981,Under-representing illegal aliens??? Last poll says vast majority of American citizens want the citizenship question in the census.,-1.6,0,original 46183,Stupid bitches. I hope they see how stupid they look. Lmao stupid bitches,1.44,4,original 31155,"I hate bitches with a 1,000 nigga friends fuck round be with the opps u gone get shot with them",0.85,1,original 21887,"""Tips to prevent rape"" = ""Rape other women instead""",0.65,4,FR 25599,Illiterate bitches drive me so crazy slang is a thing but if you can't spell the basics you're dumb,0.65,4,FR 42220,There isn't a single black person,-1.38,0,original 11014,"Their use of this term is not intended to refer to the process the Romans employed in Judea. In this instance, the accused is beheaded and then the body is mounted upright to display it. That's the ""crucifixion"" part. Nevertheless, these Saudis are some sick motherfuckers.",0.21,0,original 17558,"You fucking face, you gon' kill yourself nigga",2.23,1,FR 7595,Hell has a special place for you. YALL F\*CKED IN THE HEAD. This is pure mental illness. everyone hates you Even your parents hate you for everything. KYS nobody needs you!!!,2.44,7,JA 22398,"Just a friendly reminder. 😁 If you disrespect any of my girls, I'll drag your limb dick, mushy ass, cum smear, and own your ass in front of all twitter. Then I'll have my girls retweet your sabotage through their followers. 👹",0.61,5,ZH 23709,grindr is making me homophobic,-1.55,0,original 13215,"Not a fucking bore, nobody likes you, you suck and are a waste to society",1.53,7,DE 40454,Wah wah... I'm a beta cuck incel and I don't like mean girls winning championships. Where's my tiki torch? I want to go shoot a school. Please no one stare at my small penis... my YouTube name is Captain America because I'm secretly super gay for men in spandex.,2.39,5,FR 12511,Fucking faggot. Meet me at Willis Tower and I'll box you around,0.99,5,original 49155,"A lot of feminists are ugly or fat. I don't mean to be mean, but maybe they lived under meanness, which makes feminism push back",1.34,4,FR 27819,Straight white girls waiting for one of their gay friends to invite them to Pride URL,-0.53,0,original 16603,"No I need your creepy school that shoots kids molesting white piglets to drop dead instead of contaminating Indian Hindus. Whites want white women to stick to their own race, but you fancy Asian and Indian women. You creepy white boys should be neutered.",1.48,1,DE 2800,"People running from their lives you are so funny. When confronted with facts, resort to attribution. If you think that me and American citizens and my family American citizens should be separated, then I hope your daughters get raped by immigrants and your family get killed by drunk immigrant drivers and... I hope the police let you out of this jail and they run back to their lands so they never get peace or closure. Eat it suck....",0.73,3,DE 31988,@POTUSPress @RashidaTlaib @BIZPACReview She's definitely UNHINGED should seek help in Gaza on the side where her superiors live like KINGS off foreign aid that never makes it to the refugee camp,-0.7,0,original 19472,"If there was a god, each and every one of those televangelist fucks would be turned to a pillar of salt, on air. The prosperity fucks would turn to fire, screaming, then ashes.",1.4,2,original 36051,Mother fuck'n magat would have ate lead had he come after me..little white bitch!,2.33,1,original 33346,Last RT Know wayyy too many niggas and females both who been lame af and that did that shit just to make a name.. i know the real you 🤷🏾‍♂️,0.07,0,original 45945,"Could you stop pretending that religions are real? Outside in 2019. We don't need this crap anymore... What about ""black spirits""? Tell me who again ordered naughty babies to be smashed against rocks, or tore babies for a joke, or explained how to treat and support your slaves, ordered genocide, committed genocide, the inquisition, looks away when your children get molested? Oh yes, YOUR SUPPOSED GOD! Fucking hypocrisy, no wonder your country is failing.....",1.11,2,RU 27680,@JamboMagazine Hrrrrrr this is bad but this nigga got more life,0.57,1,FR 21973,Guys only cheat on you with the uglier bitches and the ratchet ones too.,0.6,4,original 20160,"I can't fw nun of you niggas, you all disgust me. If you're with your maggot ass, don't talk about me.",0.51,1,DE 48360,"I can't stand this stupid little lesbian, I can't wait for someone to DESTROY THIS BICH",1.57,5,FR 20750,Rt with your d*ck,-2.62,0,original 19440,"I will always use gay, retarded and your mom as insults. Nobody cares about your sensitivities when I'm not. Make it what you want.",0.54,5,ZH 14512,"Yikes dawg, your trolling is weak. You're better than this. Go back to complaining about Christianity being ""under attack"" on 4chan.",-1.5,0,original 46542,"Suspect coward-ass weak niggaz always gang up on the real, cowards roll in packs juuheard fax. Dude(GullyTv) shouldn't of never written a check his ass can't cash juuheard. The world is small, Niggaz gonna catch up to that ass eventually. That's fax. Hopefully he keeps it real Gully when SKEAM catches up with dat ass juuheard.",0.65,1,original 8210,"The most South African thing would be if taxi drivers pulled Uber drivers out of their cars, raped them, and then gave them HIV from the rape.",1.72,3,FR 1954,"Nice. For me, there's something so unbelievably hot about girls dressed in white. Idk about other guys but a tight, white dress sets a chick apart like no other. ESPECIALLY if they are sporting a rockin' bimbo bod like yours! Regardless of the color though you're looking hot AF and have every right to feel that way. ; ) Keep up the good work sweetheart.",-0.67,0,original 45471,They broke the sanctions and paid the price. We haven't done anything wrong. Now we must bomb Iran to put them back in place.,0.82,3,DE 46630,"Turing and his team were vital, it is a shame after helping bring down the nazi empire he was subject to chemical castration just for being gay. dude liked some dick, who gives a fuck, he just kicked the shit out of the nazis",-1.52,0,original 40852,"Abe is a Zionist, all these pagans, fags, clerks, the whole NWO is Jewish",1.61,2,DE 24294,"Niggas swear all girls expect a relationship after sex. Not me. I be like ""So...What you finna do?""",-0.83,0,original 13313,Every single one of them needs to be sent back and even any 3rd world people banned from entering our country.,1.43,3,ZH 46404,"They haven't had their full wake-up call yet; There is no way this country will be handed over to Mexicans and South Americans and Middle Eastern Muslims! The day of enlightenment has come to stay, they will fill the burn!!!",2.93,3,DE 18973,"Well, the Muricans don't seem to care about the cops killing people and the NRA and OIL corporations fucking America like a goddamn doll in a Japanese brothel. And all these cops who kill innocent people don't get punished, so murder seems to be OK over there",2.19,3,FR 17176,"I fucking bent her over, fucked her holes and cum all over her face.",0.89,4,FR 31172,@HannahLalgie As a person who is 4% African i do not think it was racist at all. Diamond and Silk summed it up best URL,-2.04,0,original 32170,@The_Patriot_V @RealCandaceO Why illegal aliens? You morons do a pretty good job of killing each other. #buildthatfuckingwall,1.06,3,original 48623,"Not one black or white person? Where's the diversity, Disney?",-2.68,0,original 7065,😂 😂 😂 bitch go back to whatever hole your ancestors crawled out of.,1.15,3,original 31374,I only fuck bad bitches,0.31,0,original 13068,Suck my dick u white bitch,1.48,4,original 11346,All white pussies will be filled whether.... Yours and the whitebois too,0.16,0,original 34463,"Start shooting at these niggas. Try pushing someone else in the pool when you're dead, bitch. URLs",4.5,1,FR 9213,Divorce that garbage dump the slut isn't loyal. Her value is gone and the cunt has hit the wall. Dump that used slut,1.88,4,original 11319,yeup men are mostly perfect and a few bad apple americans poisoned the well. the glaring contradictions make me chuckle. the second half of your response was lifted from mine. such originality lil girl. keep paying attention in your 4th grade history class. you'll get there- have faith! 😂,0.83,4,original 13594,We should lift them out of their misery and reduce our competition for resources by bombing Africa.,3.03,3,FR 30652,"It's not surprising. Why, even out ancestors knew nothing of America's existence once.",-3.83,0,original 42957,White people are such losers.,0.54,1,DE 43467,Hashtag white extinction,2.17,1,original 5628,"First off, you're also *fucking* idiot, you can't graduate. Second, you're a fat fat trap with fucking pink hair and a beard. This guy needs to rot in prison for life",2.28,7,ZH 31825,@says_twat @KristySwansonXO #LMAO! You're weak snd worthless and just here to fellate me.,1.64,4,original 17362,"Yes, factor of one hundred hit absolute retard. 120 per person, what you said, to the real number of 1.2 per person. How fucking retarded do you have to be not to get that. You're parents should've done some generic testing while you were in the womb, saw how horribly fucked in the head intellectually you were going to turn out, and aborted your ass to save one person's worth of oxygen and food. Waste of skin, space, energy, public money, time, and parental attention. Jesus",0.66,7,original 8044,I hope the children are sold to human traffickers.,1.67,6,DE 40595,"+LaVar Ball bro, it's weird why you say gay shit, or you choose the name LAVAR BALL, but you're talking about riding dick. What kind of virgin who has no life needs a popular name. I guess the kind of guy who has gay on his mind",0.69,5,ZH 19502,eating shit australian gay,1.48,3,ZH 4254,"Should have bombed them with incendiary bombs like the US did, or just a few missiles, to be clearer",1.43,3,ZH 678,This shit needs to end. Honestly these countries cause an insane amount of problems worldwide with their extreme religious bullshit. Bunch of animals.,1.84,2,original 42194,"Yep, those linos do need to turn straight, because in nature men can probably fuck all they like, very very rare, but they fuck women, regardless of being gay is not actually a real life thing, technically, Animals can't be gay but humans can't but for some reason we think we can do anything and define mother nature and I don't think it's a bit of a gey ppl mistake either",0.62,5,ZH 26978,How you pull up on that nigga and then get pussy and start snitching when he pull out the tool? Loser behavior smh URL,0.67,6,original 4813,Ask these idiots the ratio of crusades and Muslim attacks.,1.73,2,RU 9238,Brokeback mountain 2.0 electric sodomy.,-1.0,0,original 29437,"I've honestly never wanted to beat up a bunch of fags in my life - but hey, I'd probably catch something like that nvm.",2.12,5,DE 27161,"Is middle finger now the new word negro or nigger? So emotionally sensitive, you are a low IQ savage. I wish I had been there with my index finger on the trigger. Dealing with these types of “humans” on a daily basis will turn us all into ruthless, bloodthirsty savages. For many reasons #ANTIWHITE",2.47,1,FR 21184,I just read a 23 year old white Male raped two girls under the age of 8 one just a toddler got life today with a minimum of 8 years? WTF... the minimum should be 200 yrs!!!! What is wrong with this country! 🤬,-1.09,0,original 37553,Part 1. You are a liar. There has not been 251 mass shootings. You want to talk about mass shootings check out those nations in the Middle East that you support because they are Muslim / Islamic controlled. They also banned the common citizens from owning guns.(CONT.) URL,-0.53,0,original 41114,His name is Dewayne Craddock. Black male.,-2.55,0,original 36274,"Holy shit, the kids are retarded, stupid motherfuckers, let's call it a day, smack that female dog with the bed...",2.34,7,FR 47575,JUST PURGE THEM FROM YOUR COUNTRY.,0.84,3,FR 26315,Bitch there are children there. Fuck is wrong with you airhead ass hoes URL,1.69,4,FR 7076,Might as well get a White History Month and a Men's History Month while they're at it.,-2.36,0,original 15699,Eat [this](URL too along with your pile of halal shit,0.56,2,original 41378,"It's about time the church caught up to the 21st century. If only they would have just taught that the bible is a fantasy, we would have been so much better off. Now we are stuck with a planet on fire and the measles. Way to go religion.",-0.97,0,original 27982,@sadfalafel go back to where you immigrated from 😡😡😡😡,1.03,3,ZH 49652,"GOOD. Because we the people are tired of fighting for Israel's interests in the Middle East. There is no advantage in going to war with Iran. Bolton and Pompeo have to go, Kushner too. All the Zionist trash has to go, or give them a gun and an APC and send them over there to show us how it's done. We should not sacrifice our sons and daughters for a psychopathic cabal of Zionists. This is the real problem. Neocons = Jewish and Christian Zionists = end times suicidal cult. I wish more people would point this out.",0.6,2,FR 25131,Lesbians fist fucking anal 28. URL,-2.79,0,original 16360,So we condemn Lewis and Piper and Calvin and RC Sproul and Luther as heretics because they don't totally line up with the reformed view of how salvation is accomplished? How many church fathers and reformers do we kick out? Can you count the remainder on two hands?,-2.87,0,original 15798,Right wing nuts work...really. I am not kidding. Go ecstatic. Leave the rest alone. We will protect the earth and you can go to heaven. Drink the fucking punch and walk away.,1.58,2,ZH 34193,"@Dr_FarhatHashmi 1. Your understanding of Islam and its rules is completely flawed. 2. If any religion allows this what you said, there is something wrong with the religion itself.",0.15,0,original 40350,"In democrazy country this is normal, The shooter have rights to shoot people, He only uphold human rights in democrazy country",-0.13,0,original 24167,"@cookiet9292 @EWErickson For the sake of his congregation, I would hope his decision wouldn't have been to reject a request for prayer, regardless of who it is.",-2.96,0,original 27794,@MailOnline Cut his dic off n shove it up his ass hole n sew it up,0.79,4,original 17646,"It means there are hoes, and they are mad.",0.53,5,original 5931,"Another subreddit, same result. You are a beautiful woman who needs to be used with passion and dominance.",1.18,4,FR 47038,"Tout un tas de WHITE HATE ...... FUCK WHITE PPL, FUCK THE NBA, FUCK THE NFL. BAISE TOUS TOUS",0.57,1,FR 44640,Why not switch mulan out with an indian actor like they're switching white ariel out with a black woman?,-1.6,0,original 9653,The only thing redeeming about this hag is her tits.,0.99,4,original 42217,Sterilize them and then deport them,2.37,3,FR 1509,Ugh these faggots,-0.43,0,original 9596,"no you fucking retard i'm not based texan, ALL BEARS ARE FAGGOTS. ""based texan"" being in that little ""inner circle"" just like your sissy bitch johnny arcade was makes them EQUALLY GAY. god damn you're fucking dumb",1.58,5,original 25503,It feels like Muslims are trying to infiltrate and take over the western civilization that Europeans built... Sort of like vermin infesting a house they could never have built.,1.93,2,DE 23072,"long beach is a great place to be lgbtq. no place is perfect, no place exists outside of its larger society, but i've felt a lot of support and love here + met a lot of the folks that make this place uniquely good. very lucky y'all",-5.26,0,original 34430,"tbh fuck every single straight girl who's ever tensed up or felt ""unsafe"" after a gay girl built up the courage to come out to them. youre fucking ugly and i hope youre having a horrible day",-0.14,0,original 14868,"Many of the families who are being separated at the border and who are being kept in poor conditions did try to cross legally, through legal ports of entry seeking asylum.",-4.09,0,original 42973,"Lmfaooo why the fuck are you scared if you are a legal immigrant???? She's probably an illegal immigrant, somebody gotta kick that fat bitch out",0.67,3,FR 1185,Niggers back to the washing machine,2.1,1,DE 47305,"Destroy all religion, then it will change.",-0.37,0,original 9551,"Grow a spine, come fuck me yourself faggot.",1.08,5,original 29687,"This hoe dumb enough to tag her , please arrest this hoe fuck y'all can shoot her if y'all want 🤷🏿‍♂️",2.09,4,original 23772,"my fave Dom/sub the stark size contrast between this massive roided bull of an Alpha God and this tiny fag sub slut. Watch this Alpha God choke the life out of this fag bitch, fuck its brains out, and claim ownership of the hole by breeding it with his superior cum! URL",1.64,4,original 6097,"Actually they're both free speech. One just makes you look like an utter piece of shit, while the other protests the first world country that still oppresses LGBT+ and every other minority group.",-2.18,0,original 48504,"Dang look all these white girls, I didn't realize this was her fan base😂",-1.1,0,original 4680,I just rush Erron Black as Johnny Cage and then use my most damaging combos- 400 and something matches As Cage now and this strategy is doing well I think.,-3.32,0,original 32879,@iamnotmiguelh fucking bucky bitch. You my manz looks like a robot from SharkBoy and Lava Girl DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM 😴😴 URL,1.71,3,ZH 16629,Wouldn't be the last either. I'd leave you on your leash in the closet til I needed a good place to dump my cum. I'd love for your slut throat to drain me.,2.76,4,original 16289,"Call it Wahhabi Islam. Remind them that their whole philosophy is based on the ranting of an grumpy old man in the 14th century who thought Islam was too progressive back then, and who's only relevant today because he got in on the ground floor with the House of Saud.",0.04,0,original 28759,"""Suck it, suck it! You slut! Give me your fuck hole! Bend over bitch!"" Horace, the potential demonic horse, ready to breed women and sluts alike. Enter the stables at own risk. -Multi Ship -Dark kinks ahead -Very dominant, won't yield to anyone -Will plow you till you claim him URL",2.13,4,original 6070,I'd bet money your pussy smells like poverty and tears,0.57,4,FR 42008,What a great young Pentecostal lady,-4.63,0,original 17544,"lol yeah good. the only thing you were gonna post was how worthless fucking shit you are, hypocritical fucking shit made out of chimp shit.",2.2,1,FR 42539,@Adam Craig your lord is the shekel jew god and he is actually the devil you you trumpy satanists secterians will be removed soon the hellfire waits for you guys but see what happens in this world to you epstein trumpys,2.56,2,original 48651,America should impose tariffs on all remittances sent back to Mexico to cripple their incompetent open border country.,0.72,3,DE 945,A unironic incel party will begin to form. No more harmization. Monogamy. There is no taxation without sexual representation.,0.93,5,ZH 44245,"They should sterilize all ""migrants"" as a condition of obtaining citizenship",2.89,3,FR 48125,"Fucking feminists and Lezbeeyuhnz bitch ass ruin all great movies, now we got Batwoman, Supergirl, Madmax, Ghostbusters, C.Marvel, and now this piece of SHIT. THAT'S ENOUGH FUCKING THOTS.",1.22,4,FR 23605,Fucking skank. Hope she gets twatted by someone vile bitch,1.86,4,original 8651,Let's hope that this was just some mentally ill person. I really don't want terrorist organizations attacking western countries again.,-1.16,0,original 15061,The homosexuals.,-2.75,0,original 17307,What a fag.,0.84,5,FR 49115,"After all, Trevor Noah is played by an obviously retarded black man.",1.46,1,DE 44688,"When evidence of innocence leads to exoneration it is a triumphant thing to behold. It is terrible that it took so long to accomplish and I wish these men a long, much happier life. My only hope is that our society allows them to do so, by reigning in the hate. No matter our skin color folks..., we all bleed red!!",-3.74,0,original 47887,@Samus Aran lol. I agreed with you. Just being black seems to be all we need. Someone should tell them it's not working.,0.6,1,FR 34382,"You have no moral authority to speak on this @JoeBiden You support killing 3,000 innocent children in the womb every day. That is diametrically opposed to Biblical values. URL",-2.39,0,original 30022,I know 3 or 4 niggas that switched up they should charge you fuck niggas with treason !!!,-0.45,0,original 46585,"Can you please change the title of this video to ""Candidate KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND gives powerful answer to 'so-called white privilege' question""? You use the specific names of other candidates and politicians...",-2.7,0,original 1955,sea sand? Move to Japan you fucking fag. Hurr durr I am amine. Yeah fuck off you literal veggies,1.19,3,ZH 42217,Sterilize them then deport them,2.37,3,original 24325,"A Ram Navami rally halted outside a mosque & played communally-charged songs until police stopped them. A few hours later, rallyists tied a Muslim man to a pole & beat him to death. Read the 1st story in our investigation of hate crime in Jharkhand URL",-1.53,0,original 38414,@sakshijoshii They call themselves BAKTH @anand_don You know the worst and ugliest thing about India who call yourself BAKHT. I don't even know how to speak... URL,0.74,1,FR 8915,"Yeah, that shit is retarded redneck humor. That's what you get by banning all ""conservative"" circle jerk locations. They come out of their comfort hole and infect all the cool subreddits I like. Fucking guns, I'm going to be a politician and build a fucking concentration camp for both SJWs and anti-SJWs.",3.72,7,JA 21366,as soon as nigga find out you ain stupid.. now you crazy 🤣 BOY FUCK YOU!,0.7,1,original 6745,Actually you belong on your hands and knees with your cunt spread open for my dick,3.51,4,original 9505,damnnnn if i saw her on the street I wouldnt know that shes got a dick,-2.22,0,original 23790,@hear_sum @paraliizerr @Not_Saga kYs stupid beaner,0.99,1,original 42901,"Bring it! I guarantee they will be chaos and destruction on the street and alot of killing! One thing is being a criminal , white black brown. Another thing is being an immigrant! Cant wait to see all those Americans talking working in the fields and working in the fast foods and hotels our gardeners or babysitters! Immigrants pay taxes too! This will start a war!!! America is nothing without these hard working people! (Not talking about criminals those can rot in prison!😡🤬",-1.69,0,original 23216,awww this makes it one year of me being a gay trans guy,-5.08,0,original 33121,@NewaiGreen 😂 what a pathetic excuse for a human being that she is,0.91,4,FR 20103,"If you don't like the fascist horrors of Islam, then you are a fascist, white supremacist! Islam will destroy democracy at the first opportunity, it is a theocratic psycho-misogynistic domination machine of domination and should be banned from holding office in beautiful computer Britain! 😳 URL",1.53,2,RU 18216,Is the terrorist state LMAO debating a non-existent role for RSS in Kashmir? Is the average Pakistani this far behind? No wonder the country is nothing but a waste of space and resources.,1.58,7,JA 40219,What the fuck gay 😂😂,0.93,5,ZH 1774,🤧 Limousin Liberal Jews and WASPs who want to assuage their white guilt.. Gay SJWs and misfit nigs so they can pester and annoy me; bullshit wack monotheistic judeo-christianity values is that i suck when i leave chinatown,1.99,1,FR 35448,"This fag has found happiness! A big black cock fucking his hole. The man knows how to demonstrate his superiority and the fag's inferiority by comparing his big cock to the fag's clitoris. That's what melts a fag, talking explicitly about their inferiority! URL",0.9,5,DE 41937,Saudi royals are nothing but cavemen with too much money.,1.79,3,original 44183,She's black but she's white,-1.91,0,original 40443,Deport these diseased idiots,1.95,3,DE 44607,"Oh don't worry, the Jewish-run media will come up with something or someone to put in his place. Oh, let's see, maybe R Kelly. These people have no shame they will find a way to minimize the shame of his crimes on you and now their new trick is to get black people to lick boots lol and it works",0.72,1,DE 6283,SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MONGOLOID,0.71,7,original 47206,R.N. Des that is racist and I never killed any one and my ancestors came here long after the founding of this country you bigot,-3.56,0,original 2054,careful. Mentally retarded are as powerful as orangutans.,0.93,7,ZH 41784,Was it a white guy?,-2.97,0,original 47266,"If u don't read ur Bible NOW, u will become a slave to charlatans like Rabbi John HAGEE.",-1.18,0,original 36040,Idc how much I love or fuck with a person IF YOU HAVE ONE PIECE OF BITCH IN YOU ILL CUT YOU TF OFF,1.23,4,original 10466,"Totally relate to feeling that way, thanks for sharing :) And I feel you on not being on top of things. I have lots of gay male friends but know only two lesbians (who are out that is!) who I'm not close enough with to talk to. Can't wait until we're on the other side of all this!",-3.77,0,original 12754,What a beautiful image of such a bitch. Just begging for our attention. Well you got it bitch. Now I'm going to fuck all your holes and torture those nipples and paddle that milky ass. So leave your pussy full of cum,1.56,4,FR 42628,"Ed Fagran. I know you deleted my comment and blocked my other channel because I insulted your beaver boyfriend. I hope you both choke on a dick, traditional fucking fags.",1.78,5,FR 18090,"Oompa loompa doopity dock, why don't you just go suck on my cock.",-0.23,0,original 39154,@Sid18672054 @iAmSAqibb We will soon be giving away his corpse. He is a terrorist. India is also a terrorist state which carries out terrorism in Asia. Everyone knows Indian terrorism very well.,0.6,3,FR 45573,"It's not your dam country... You Europeans came over here and killed nearly 80 millions Native Americans to take this land and then brought blacks to this country, enslaved them and killed almost 100 millions blacks during the Transatlantic Slave Trade... Do you not think that God is going to bring Judgement on this place... Get Real..",-0.42,0,original 47450,@coolbeatsunboxing just someone who is on this particular page harassing Christians,-2.32,0,original 8605,Just a stupid little whore begging for punishment. You're lucky I'm even taking time to type to you. You're a dirty little fuck toy that needs to be filled all the time. Beg for my cum your worthless slut and maybe... maybe I'll give you a little attention.,0.75,4,original 47491,Like me when I shot 2 home invaders fuck this piece of shit he deserves someone to come into his house and rape his family and fuck him kill him this guy is a fucking bastard yeah canadian it put fucking pussy represent,0.57,3,DE 46478,"Latin American here, and I AM On Our ( American Citizens) Side. Mr. President, there are many of us ( Latin Americans) who fully support you, more than they'll ever say. Get them out! American Citizens FIRST! Thank you President Trump for saving our country!",-2.34,0,original 47748,"Stop taking in immigrants, close the border until the ones here can be deported. They are fake asylum seekers, they are profit seekers that's it.",0.67,1,original 43228,All Dominican suck like Al Horford,0.76,1,original 48567,"+Vickie Geraghty I agree 100%!There's also poor help for the mentally ill, and a summervery toxic culture. All the more reason to actually find a solution. Not just pray to Someoneone who isn't their.",-2.48,0,original 33433,@UncleSam_botski @sotiridi Yea cause french fuckin came and stayed In algeria for 130 years if France is great why didn't they fuckin stay there,1.81,3,original 38426,#BanAnimalKilling you are real muslim so does not kill animal because our God is not permit this cruel. @narendramodi @rashtrapatibhvn @AmitShah @PMOIndia URL,-3.02,0,original 40990,This nigga eating 🍗 let the jokes bombard 😂,-0.08,0,original 3152,You have to be a special type of pathetic faggot to use masstagger.,0.74,5,original 17112,Stop pretending to be a late TopTard. Please go back to tranny porn and handjob.,3.01,7,JA 30686,"Not if she really enjoy the dick. She gone ride, reverse ride, upside down ride, etc. 🤣🤣🤣",-1.12,0,original 13432,I'd impale that cock in my mouth and throat and suck the hell out of if. Until you grabbed my head to fuck my mouth hard and blast a load down my throat. 👄💦🍆,-0.86,0,original 22866,"i wish i went to a beaner school like this, edison just had fake beaners URL",-0.06,0,original 9549,"If you are not a Christian, I will punch you in the face.",2.65,2,RU 15349,retarded female dog,0.75,4,FR 29275,"Rapists should have their dick cut off. . This is the ultimate and perfect punishment for such pathetic,disgusting & heinous crime #justiceforAsifa",-1.71,0,original 12699,"Hey man, im only one year older than you. I actually had a kind of similar experience except when i found out she wanted to transition i kind of lost all attraction for her/him. If you still want to persue her/him then thats completely okay, it would mean your not straight but not necessarily gay. Before asking them out you need to find out if she/he likes guys, so become friends first. maybe message her/him and say congrats on coming out and that you're happy for her/him",-2.88,0,original 19953,I bet Tyrone can meet up with your mom in 5 seconds,1.34,6,DE 30183,@_lisscatalina She should get hit by a fucking door...,0.51,4,FR 49247,"+Beezus C Hrist If you look around anywhere on the map, predominantly Hispanic and black countries are poop holes.",0.96,1,DE 37657,How Modi government ensured safety and security of Kashmiris and non Kashmiris alike while redefining J&K's future URL,-4.76,0,original 4114,chew my armpit hair,1.1,1,FR 35511,@DarkskinNTatted You're bloody ugly so I won't argue with you. Rat face ass 😭. Your bitch ass mom should have swallowed 😩 URL,1.75,1,DE 46476,"If You're Gay, You Might Have Sex With Farm Animals Too",2.07,5,ZH 30977,Has a Better African representation than that rubbish from imaginary Wakanda which was produced to make up for the bruised egos of African Americans only. URL,-1.09,0,original 31772,I'm convinced y'all fuck wit most of dese muhfuckas cause their dicks r big... ...cause these muhfuckas faces be hit wit bricks 🤯🥴🤢,2.04,4,original 10884,YTA 🙄 humanities?! You act like you were on a team to eradicate cancer. Grow the fuck up. You had no business running your mouth about her mental illness. She was your friend & confided in you. And you snitched. For what? A research project? Ooohhhh so important. I really wish you wld have left out the whole religious aspect of it. Cause now you make everyone that has a decent relationship with god seem like a turd. Oh & karma is probably going to pay you a visit. Or I can put it in terms you will understand. What you sow you shall reap.,-2.57,0,original 50067,"Go to the streets of America and build the wall with our kids and vets, use your brains...  ",0.74,3,ZH 12863,"""This one time we arrested a guy who was legally named Fuck. Started with a PH though, so I think he was Vietnamese.""",-2.62,0,original 41324,but most of your viewers are incels rogan,-3.61,0,original 42639,Can we deport these crazy jobs? These women are so radical that I wouldn't be surprised if they believed in martyrdom... I'm a little surprised that the families of these women didn't involve them in psychiatric services.,0.56,4,FR 41714,"right I'm conserded to be white, but my skin is darker than hers.",-1.77,0,original 6217,I hope this redneck fuck chokes on his brother's cum during the kkk rally.,2.06,1,DE 12366,"Jesus Christ, if this level of deception was justified, then you have only made yourself dumber than anyone. I would have to bet your IQ was as low as the quality of your insults to be on the safe side! If I wanted to risk the lower limits of your IQ, I would grab a quadruple amputee woman and ask her to count with whatever she had left without talking.",0.94,4,FR 22162,@AlexGodinezH I understand. I don't not want immigrants but want the illegals deported out and also want to see the laws reformed so helpful immigrants don't become illegal while here,-1.22,0,original 48524,"4 women, 3 years...... and he showed himself, in all his glory what he is. . "" show weakness '... A typical macho taunt by usually a man, who himself lacks spine, and used,to embarrass otherwise good men. Color not withstanding, the fact that 4 WOMEN took him to task is what kills him. How dare women ? YOU ARW THE BIGGEST RACIST",0.01,0,original 40154,iran is a shithole country,1.55,3,original 16787,To hell with the mentally ill. we must lock them up instead of treating them.,0.97,7,FR 4462,Burn him and his family. We don't need such degenerates in our gene pool,4.51,1,DE 15624,"I totally agree with you. One should not bother others with their religious activities. If that would be legal, then one can make up a religion that suggest killing others.",-2.06,0,original 12472,Deport him back to where he came from,-1.61,0,original 46823,Well they should be deported they are in illegally they can take their kids with them they shouldn't be in illegally and then have kids they know what they are doing they can explain to their kids they violated law,0.69,3,ZH 13500,"Go to your death, faggot",3.27,5,DE 9440,"The emaciated white teen with an untamed greasy pubic head-bush look is a classic on Grindr, get with the times.",-0.54,0,original 9985,I made your bitchboi u/Ohdeerlordman finally go to hell with his brother he and all the other american crusaders are out there waiting to be tormented by demons soon you will be joining you finally down below 300lbs you fuck Fat pig! ! ! ! oink oink bitch,2.93,3,ZH 18937,Chapo Faggots upvoting faggot shit,1.76,5,original 48154,"Fuck off and go are not needed here. Bathe in your own p.o.s. country you escape from pusssssies. We need to euthanize these scumbags who come here and demand our tax dollars to feed them. Better yet, put some alligators and pythons back in the waiting area. At least reptiles can get some good meals out of them",3.1,3,ZH 28589,Hell is hot good luck fags,1.49,5,original 29964,This is genuinely scary. America is nothing but a white Christian extremist country.,0.97,1,original 3052,Lil sexy ass come gag on my babygirl dick,0.81,4,FR 50050,"King No, that's Israel, get it right you stupid inbred Mexican",0.73,1,DE 39578,This is actually so grody this is giving me high school teas... like mentally ill people are not here for you to crack jokes with mama.... making them say slurs for a reaction vid how low can you get,-2.31,0,original 12126,Faggotry is obvious,1.39,5,ZH 22478,@anaaaaluisaaa Bitch shit the fuck up 😂😂😂😂 she a hoe bitch and u can get slapped with them,2.12,4,original 15395,"Shut up your fucking Nazi scum, I'll fuck your pussy up",1.57,2,FR 34297,Indian Hindus are the worst animals of hell.,2.4,2,RU 18592,"I'm in favor of the Dream act too dude - many people are. My best friend came here as a little kid - I live in Texas - many, many of my friends are mexicans (I'm 1/4 mexican myself - my mom speaks fluent spanish - my grandmother immigrated from Mexico City). I'm all for immigration reform - I'm even all for allowing more immigrants in, but this all begins by accepting that we must enforce our borders.",-3.73,0,original 8074,Love me some fat Aussie pussy. How about if You Aussies lose today though you suck my cock and if you win I'm a slave to that pussy for a week?,1.89,3,original 35250,@loonavic @louvrelot @Precuuming bitch fuck you and your stinky bitch nipple,2.09,4,FR 7632,"Yeah, that chick doesn't have to pass on her low-IQ genetics. Abortion as soon as possible. For the good of society.",2.59,4,FR 19859,I'm gonna warn you right now that I'm in a bad fucking mood. You need to shut your fucking mouth you fucking nazi loving ass sniffer. Your mom probably fucking prostitutes for food stamps you goddamn slut. You've probably fucked your whole family by now.,1.55,3,original 49466,Black people are cocky and slow to learn...,1.0,1,DE 5634,"Wow so nice to see positive comments, imagine the rewards this family earned with their dawah masha'Allah",-4.86,0,original 39675,do *****fags think they're retarded?? lmao we have something planned don't worry #CommiesRevenge,1.02,5,DE 20861,@PhilQCRod The last thing we need is the massive importation of these animals onto Canadian soil. Islam is a cancer of civilized countries 🤷‍♂️⇨🇦,2.44,2,ZH 44883,"You wrote it all in one sentence, you must be the dumbest American. These intellectual ladies would like to educate you, your children and your grandchildren. But your vile, hateful faith blinds you to the truth.",0.73,2,FR 44,"I mean, by this logic they want to ban sex, right? According to them, a woman having an orgasm means her egg(s) shoot out of her vagina like a fucking cannon. So what happens when a woman has sex for fun and doesn't get pregnant? Isn't that the same thing? Fucking idiots. I'm not really sure what their point would be, even if their insanely bad concept of biology were true.",-1.75,0,original 30539,Eat shit you edge lord faggots lol,2.04,5,FR 7657,Christians are hypocrites and evil.,0.7,2,RU 48548,"The British will end the rule of religious nuts in Iran, it's only a matter of time, now they just attacked the wrong country this time.",0.64,2,DE 19496,I guess that turd doesn't fall far from the fagot's ass,1.32,5,DE 2789,"My grandma is Italian (her parents came through Ellis Island in the 1910s), and even if that's only 25% of my DNA, I still like to tell people that I'm Italian because she was the only one of my grandparents who took the time to teach me about my heritage. Like, yeah, I'm an American, and that's important to me, but the Italian culture my grandma passed down to me is also important. If I met someone actually from Italy, I wouldn't say ""I'm Italian too!"" because I'm not really, but I might still tell them that that's where some of my family is from.",-4.09,0,original 48836,Can't wait till Trump destroys Iran and Venezuela. Trump will import millions of refugees into USA. Make America Brown Again Movement.,0.98,3,original 2355,"Dang, must be something in the waters down south to turn good old Americans into those twisted selfish heathens.",-1.42,0,original 33205,"Shout out to all the Somalis with European passports, we've got options where we moving to next ?",-2.79,0,original 17839,"Nobody wants that dick; You are here to be fucked and bred, bitchboy. Put that tail in a cage or at least put it in front so it's out of the way 🍆😈",2.12,5,DE 22994,it's a great day to be gay here at chick fil a. happy pride month from your fave bi-con 💖💜💙,-3.99,0,original 18790,"""Shut that pussy's mouth before I come fuck her head!""",1.92,4,FR 25836,"It's shrimp dick bitches like this that make me sick. They will watch niggaz getting it in, stand there with their hands in their pockets or stand in the distance just staring at you...but the min you see them getting into something they want to stop. Please stay home URL",0.5,0,original 28769,Kangana Ranaut is the truest representation of women empowerment and represents strong women in the best possible way @Rangoli_A you are also an independent free woman just like Kangana Kudos!,-6.37,0,original 36738,"If the shooter wanted to take out these ""immigrants"" then he needs to realize that he is the threat NOT the ""immigrants"" which is why trump says he needs to control immigration bc they are a danger but no honey, these white trump supporters are a danger",-2.34,0,original 45592,"In my opinion, American Christian Evangelicals have sold their souls to the devil and worshiped the Antichrist...literally.",1.7,2,ZH 14397,Go away you dirty sodomite !!,0.46,0,original 11000,I think that pussy needs to be on the street so I can fuck it in front of everyone and show you're just a cum hole to leak,2.13,4,FR 980,"Men: Fuck you, assholes.",1.42,4,FR 23297,@more_milf @SophieASlut You naughty girls. I want to have cocks with you.,1.07,4,FR 44406,The boy from Pakistan lives in an American country and quickly becomes a pervert engaged in debauchery and doing shows about jerking off men. America...on behalf of the rest of the world kill you asap.,2.14,3,DE 34841,@SupremeAce_ @KashLifePolo Nigga whenever you left. Hurt us lmao,-1.3,0,original 26071,"Tell him shoot him, bitch, I hate that URL",0.88,4,FR 2586,Asians invested all of their points in intelligence and left nothing for charisma,-1.01,0,original 56,"He's a fag, said it himself",-1.14,0,original 2458,shut the fuck up you nigger-loving faggot.,1.35,5,original 13141,"Come smoke my rod, you burning fag",1.31,5,DE 49847,Should've got a black actress for Mulan #fuckdisney,-2.46,0,original 38704,@_SJPeace_ They were shopping for school supplies and items for their 6 year old's birthday- that day. The child will from now on associate her birthday with the day her parents sacrificed themselves for love of their children. Heartbreaking.,-2.36,0,original 35262,"Jitna uncha ho asmaan, yeh sindoor utni door tak jaayega! Here's celebrating the women of India who make dreams come true! @taapsee @SonakshiSinha @vidya_balan @TheSharmanJoshi @menennithya @IamKirtiKulhari @Jaganshakti @foxstarhindi #HopeProductions @tanishkbagchi @azeem2112 URL",-6.34,0,original 19343,I'd have you raise your crotch up as iuse your throat as a cocksleeve while I finger fuck your cunt until you squirt or your legs give out what ever happens last before u use my grool covered to smack you tits to smack and squeeze your tits before fucking with your nipples but I'll let you choose whether I pound your cunt or make you my analslut you can choose fuckmeat!,2.32,4,original 47335,First you want the guy to go after him and now you're bitching because he wants peace. You left fags are just retarded in every fucking sense of the word lol. LoL hero keyboard.,1.99,5,FR 40677,Just a show we better watch all the dem crazy .There devils that look human black soul patriot american haters!!,0.51,3,original 45968,Deport them all,-0.31,0,original 30864,Nuke the fucking bastards!,3.99,3,FR 37036,@legroff Another Florida cracker nut job.,1.74,7,original 5913,Why weren't you born faster? Damn idiot,0.88,7,DE 22564,"@BrexitPartridge @BeddoeRoger Islam is to blame and a large number of Muslims who are the enemy of this country. If they hadn't been let in, we wouldn't be talking about a woman complicit in mass murder. If she wants to go anywhere, it's to The Hague with her husband. Any lawyer defending IS should be disfellowshipped.",0.68,2,DE 8785,Jews are inbred,1.55,2,original 15192,Fucking pathetic incel virgins,0.98,5,original 11301,"I tried this at Wendy's after Pride a few weeks ago. The cashier asked my name and I said Rachel because I was dressed fairly femme. She wrote down Richard. Fucking Richard. I'm pre-HRT, but like, I had a purse on my shoulder, makeup on my face, a skirt and trans Pride shirt on, and painted nails. Yes, I am totally a Richard. Sucks too cause it's my deadname's middle name.",-2.53,0,original 13496,"Women break shit, shred clothes, key card, burn things, attack people with machetes. I feel like this is a genderless DV problem.",-0.59,0,original 140,"true, she probably will get a slap on the hand and a head nod from the simped judge and grants her the pussy pass so she can go and whine about the male privilege.",0.93,4,original 49381,The 4 whores need to leave the country kick these dogs to the gutter,2.7,3,original 18567,">I grew up in Alabama. Most of my childhood friends were homophobic. Like tulsi, they learned as young adults that that was messed up and wrong. It takes getting out of that environment to even see how messed up your ideas were in the first place. I'm glad you're pointing this out because it's not something a lot of people actively consider, and it's important that we do give people the opportunity to change",-3.94,0,original 6022,"No shit, I'm not saying they do. I'm just saying that some people don't accept gay or bisexual or transgender people still and that was the only example I could think of. Yeah, it was a shit example, I know, but there are plenty of other examples. What about the fact that some people in other countries are fucking killed because of their sexuality which is something they can't help? Just look shit up before posting, it ain't that hard.",-3.68,0,original 27835,done with that hoe 😂😂😂 she sick in the head,-0.15,0,original 18656,OP is a queer and a cuckold.,2.02,5,FR 44595,Send them back to there country of origin with a black eye and a limp,1.74,3,original 27278,Yes u will u dumb day black ugly mf looking like a big of Potatoes head ass boy Cincinnati Burnie stupid bitch URL,1.63,1,original 5287,"No, fuck her, she a hoe",1.2,4,FR 38117,Go cry in the shower pussy,1.6,4,original 40195,Deport them back! Protesters go with them !,0.78,3,original 17352,"Such tiny little holes for such a filthy little cum-hungry cock. I would have to force my big cock even if that worthless pussy was dripping wet. When I decided it was time to smash in and devastate these whores. before raising them. If you chat, pm me fuckpet. I will get you wet",3.41,4,FR 26221,@barstoolsports @spittinchiclets Leave it to white trash Boston fans in the nose bleeds #Losers,0.1,0,original 48811,WHO DAT Jesus,-2.39,0,original 37780,Meet the extreme nativists guiding our immigration policy URL,-2.43,0,original 6780,I know how to beat a female dog until she shits herself and leaves no trace. I'll kick your ass too and throw you in the closet.,2.45,4,FR 41045,FUK ASAP - he don't believe in black activists,-1.04,0,original 28573,@QueenKittyK_ Shame and douche - there are better ways to abuse sissies! 🔥🔥🔥,2.1,5,ZH 14135,Get a load of this fagot.,1.86,5,FR 32876,"it's always shit with this fucking bitch, don't play with me 😒",2.12,4,FR 10562,Typical American trash,0.0,0,original 10976,If it's neither the World Cup or St George's Day and you have a flag up you're probably going to be called a white supremacist,-2.91,0,original 34548,"@ChuckCallesto She is an. UN-AMERICAN! LOCK HER TILL END OF SENTENCE, THEN DEPORT THAT POS!",0.96,3,original 42713,"@De Positive Mind, please! Am very intrigued but before I go ahead and reply your comment above: please answer me this, which part of the Nigerian legislation has this woman breached? Please give us section number so that I can look it up. Did you know that according to Un Human Right Act 1998, this woman's fundamental human right has been breached grossly? I wonder if Amnesty international is seeing all these human right breaches coming out of Nigeria in this dawn of social media era🤔🤔🤔",-1.82,0,original 7304,You're just a fucking poor boy with a household income of 5k and growing up with no support from your family. stfu and gtfo retards. Australian medical schools are always looking for Americans to join their MBBS program. That's why I don't have an actual PhD. Get rid of bilateral hernias from trying to suck your own dick now.,1.45,7,JA 23050,"@b77_sarah @mark_selby723 So the US taxpayer and/or other US citizen patients at this hospital will pay the medical bills of a criminal, . . with NO respect for American sovereignty or the rule of law. Anyone falling off our US border wall should be drugged on the Mexico side. . URLs",1.12,3,FR 44386,"Jourell - direct your anger and sarcasm at the black culture that has not solved its problems enough. Black men have a lack of respect for authority figures AS SHOWN IN THE VIDEO. Teach black men to respect their parents, their teachers, law enforcement, the military. Teach them to be obedient. Otherwise, they go to jail while whites, Asians, and Hispanics thrive.",0.74,1,FR 45583,Screw the Chinese,0.6,3,original 17529,You look like the kind of dumb whore who will let any man abuse your fuckholes for an hour.,2.28,4,original 48105,Clever cold asf you just a simple minded fag,1.23,5,original 43925,GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah California?,-0.32,0,original 469,"This sub is going to shit. Just because someone's name is Chad doesn't make it a worthy job. Nothing here about trends. Fuck you OP. I will hunt, fuck and kill your mom. You just lost all your GBP for this fucking shit. You should be banned. Fagot",1.3,5,FR 25633,The early Christians closed the doors during the liturgy so that no one could break in and kill them. Now the Christians will have to lock the doors so that the fagots do not enter the desecration of the church,1.18,5,FR 14324,"Simp admits to being used for his money and brags about it. Niggas like this are so fucking embarressing, like im sure your girl is calling you a fuckboy behind your back ""playa""",-0.6,0,original 40107,He's a Hispanic man? That's how you praise him?,-1.74,0,original 48226,"I can't wait to take Iran back to the Stone Age. This race of religious madmen believe in flying horses, a prophet who married a nine-year-old girl, and leaders who want to meet God by blowing themselves up to get 7 virgins in paradise and wonder why no one can meet them wants to leave nuclear weapons.",2.52,2,DE 44764,You're fucking disgusting. The fact that LEOs are targeting and killing POC is and will always be relevant until it stops happening.,-1.53,0,original 32579,@arianapulsate nah im attracted to both and not confused sorry,-2.68,0,original 17461,How about you take that hijab and slide it where the fuck the sun don't shine Ghada.,1.45,1,DE 16564,Perhaps a culture that responds to existential threats with massacres of innocent people deserves to be destroyed.,3.48,2,RU 36827,When niggas say pussy is pussy I automatically assume he fucked a crackhead 🤦🏽‍♀️😂,0.8,1,DE 20499,I don't think men understand that women will burn this country to the ground if they keep going on this path,0.26,0,original 32535,"@real_defender @realDonaldTrump Yeah, telling the truth is so anti-white these days, huh?",1.44,1,FR 23087,Also eating small lil apricots with small croissants. Yoh! They gave me this feminism food. Mafuckers haters!!,-1.21,0,original 7617,"Stop defending pedophiles, faggot.",0.82,5,original 50032,"One day soon the name of Christ will die. Soon the Bibles will be burned. Soon, very soon, you will be eating other Christians to stay alive. WWJD",1.78,2,FR 19441,Outraged asshole. Fuck this chick.,1.91,4,FR 8936,"what's your fucking problem n-gga, this is no reason to get obsessed over a previous shitpost",0.73,1,original 1032,"Uhh, no, your work is not respected. Are you some kind of evangelical? Fuck this bullshit about Israelis even needing help. They are the largest terrorist group known to mankind. Why didn't you volunteer in Palestine? Where people are actually killed on their own land? Essentially you are helping those who stand for apartheid, baby killing and genocide. They are not respected and I (an educated person) will not fall for the Israelis as helpless victims of anything as they pull billions of dollars out of the US.",1.14,3,DE 24280,Y'all don't want a real nigga y'all want these niggas to keep lying to yo retarded ass!,0.05,0,original 45530,Just because the white american man couldnt do it doesnt mean it was made by aliens.,-1.66,0,original 24647,Anthony is gay! Shut up you bitch!,1.29,5,ZH 7065,"😂 😂 😂 Bitch, go back to the hole your ancestors crawled out of.",1.15,3,DE 15347,"Thank you. I do see a lot of arguments directed towards us aces that are very similar to arguments I saw about bi people 10 to 20 years ago. For a long time, I even thought I was bi because my attraction to all genders is basically the same...just that it's little to none. It's all so sad to me. A community based on being accepted as they are yet so many are unaccepting of others unless our struggles are exactly the same as theirs.",-2.79,0,original 7143,"Looking forward to an Indian, Iranian and Afghan alliance against the Taliban if the US ever leaves. Pakistan can join in when it finally decides that supporting Jihadists that kill thousands of innocent Pakistanis isn't worth it.",-2.0,0,original 17484,China needs to slaughter the entire rh-LIE lineage and all those who serve that lineage. That lineage mixed with jewish rh blood and controls that country,3.26,2,ZH 41172,Jews destroy everything they touch. Literally everything. 😂🤣,1.54,2,RU 36479,"@realDonaldTrump God says for all you lame, dumbass humans to remove guns from your society and gun deaths will cease!",-0.19,0,original 36051,Mother fuck'n magat would have eaten lead if he had come after me... little white female dog!,2.33,1,FR 29496,"Ever Since lil Nas X came out the closet , this song just don't sound the same 😂😂😂😂 #Jokes #ThisWasFunny URL",-0.89,0,original 33641,@pastorlocke go back to your mall you asshole / and take your fucking fake privilege with you! Privilege to impose your stillborn religious waste on others? Put it in park and pull the trigger. URLs,1.12,2,FR 10313,"I would support taco gangs like MS-13 if they focused all their attention on the sadistic slaughter of crackers and their entire tribes, like how they kill cartels by flaying them and skinning their faces out of cum and dismantling their joints . Crackerkikes deserve no less fate. Is there a way to get taco monks to do this shit to white boys and jews?",3.54,2,RU 19458,This girl is straight up a pedo.,1.53,6,DE 5836,Or is it just a bitch.,1.83,4,FR 45583,fuck chinese,0.6,3,ZH 31929,Dominican man launches legal case against country's anti-gay laws URL via @GayTimesMag URL,-3.86,0,original 11023,What white trash part of America did you grow up in where people get married at that age? Hasn't been that way in the northeast for over 150 years.,0.11,0,original 45715,Arrest and deport all undocumented/illegal immigrants/intruders including their fake/rented kids/fake families..,2.06,3,ZH 30877,"White cucks should be on their knees, sending.. begging clean me up and Alpha's mess 🤤",1.13,1,FR 36942,"What's going on in your stupid nigger heads, huh? stupid ass mfs",0.92,1,FR 37252,"got my gun in my spaghetti ima fuck her if she let me stroke a bitch, with my noodle pistol poppin nigga, toodles *fa fa fa fa!* URL",0.05,0,original 43576,..HOW MANY BLACK ATTORNEY'S WOULD HAVE BEEN GUNNED DOWN INSIDE THAT BUILDING IF THEY TRIED TO SAVE THEIR LIVES WITH THEIR OWN PERSONAL CONCEALMENT CARRY PERMIT ?,-3.37,0,original 41572,treytown530 nigga u gay shut your sucking mouth,0.75,5,FR 21978,Good night you fuck shit bitch,0.13,0,original 33705,PTI needs to get Karachittes out on the streets to kick these inhuman bits out of the gutter. URL,2.0,1,DE 28023,#California has fallen! ⁦@GavinNewsom⁩ cares more about illegals than Americans. URL,-0.74,0,original 42172,Homosexual acts are a sin.,0.91,5,FR 17612,"Show off your whore throat. Not even your asshole is tight anymore, much less your worn out cunt.",1.8,4,original 28463,@RyanNash Shut the fuck up you brown bitch,0.57,1,original 48944,The shooter was of course a hebe. Fucking Sub-Human Hymies,1.95,2,FR 1328,Fucking catholics,-0.9,0,original 40705,"+Saghar Irani I live in the real world and have eyes and a working mind. I see suffering in Amerikkka and it's not just minorities. Mental illness is what most Amerikkkans suffer from with no help in sight. Folks that think they know by following the news Nah, get tf off the internet and witness 1st hand what Amerikkka is really about.",0.32,0,original 20249,"Trump team to free migrants in Florida's Broward, Palm Beach counties URL",-3.43,0,original 47699,"All racists in this country need to take their guns to their back yards, shove them up their assholes without lube and pull the trigger.",1.45,1,original 38962,@QPlusX3 Rapist that has AIDS,0.86,7,original 25781,"To understand the extreme right (also known as fascists) in Europe and North America, you must understand the role of fundamentalist Christianity. They want to bring us back centuries and attack progressive values in all areas. They must be fought. URL",1.23,2,RU 22046,A real bitch suck the balls and eat the ass ! All while getting drilled by his best friend ! URL,-0.96,0,original 2429,fucc this hoe,1.31,4,original 29091,Generations in India will remember this World Cup for - All the Magnificent innings by Rohit - Great Bowling by Bumrah - And this special inning by Jadeja,-5.47,0,original 3191,Karma whore gay cunt eats shit,1.47,5,DE 42558,Why are they still there? BEGIN THE DEPORTATION NOW,0.95,3,DE 22954,@prosciuttoboy Nothing good nigga syndrome,1.9,1,FR 45414,2 people faggy on a track,1.02,5,FR 49661,50 lakh people beat 135 crores of shitty Indians and yes I'm one of them too... Indians suck,0.72,3,DE 43106,"Those same right-wing fanatics who claim to be ""Christians"" will shout ""All Lives Matter"" as they watch innocent children being snatched from their families and thrown into filthy cages like animals. These children will suffer lifelong trauma and psychological damage from this experience.",0.91,3,FR 42284,""" I got women tryna sneak me through there doors 🤔🤔"" News report: young thug caught fucking underaged girl by parents",0.07,0,original 31642,@rhowardbrowne I think America should follow Austria and I also believe Australia will tear down two mosques and deport all Muslims immediately,0.68,2,DE 39812,@LadBonnie Bet they can't believe their luck.... Only in Britain do we give free houses to people who hate us an want to change our culture to that of the dark ages... Just asking for a homeless British veteran...,0.41,0,original 27378,"Multi racial and multi religious, yet family is still family. You can only find this in Sabah and Sarawak especially ❤️❤️ #familyday URL",-4.78,0,original 15968,Shit ur Chinese you should suck these niggas tits for white supremacists and get your ass spanked by your parents you a fucking disgrace shit,1.22,1,FR 39307,This bitch is sooo pussy lmao,1.41,4,original 12459,"it meant that 2.5 years ago, same sex marriage was illegal. a dog being flower girl wasn't and was just something they did at their wedding",-1.91,0,original 2156,"Good point. The men should be selective too. It's too much to sort through, you know? Like leave some pussy for brother, because if you all just go after each and every one of us, he'll get lost in the storm. New Bro Code: stop spamming women on tinder and focus on the women you actually like! Doing that is like some kind of Tinder Wing Man Code, because your bros have a better chance when the odds are in their favor.",-0.37,0,original 14110,I really wanna destroy her in a gangbang,-1.36,0,original 43663,"The ignorant RACIST Four...Cortez, OMAR, TLAIB, Presley are now blinking because of their youth...they will eventually burn out and fade away. God, please protect us in the meantime.",1.59,4,FR 38718,"I love black people, honestly! I even use cocoa butter!",-2.49,0,original 31426,Pussy ass hoe might nevaaa,0.7,4,FR 28683,"@OneishaMarshae real mental illness creates a troll account with no pictures so you can argue with people because you're afraid of getting fried, I bet this nigga licks stamps to make a living",1.39,7,RU 26407,i want to help you get your own plate but i'm not feeding you,-3.16,0,original 6842,Giant vaginas with feet. Y'all look like the three kids that your step dad hates to have to call his own. You three fuck faces remind me of sex with Ron Jeremy. Nothing to boast about other than getting railed with a ten inch dong.,0.76,4,original 45673,The British deep state tried to fight back. Vote your scum libertarians out. Then kick the migrants' trash back into their bins in Africa and the Middle East. fight for your country,2.4,3,ZH 40977,"All the invective attacks against the women of this great US football team are disgraceful and inappropriate. From the comments I am reading, many are misogynistic, homophobic, discriminatory and anti-American. Their football is great. They deserve their accolades and applause. ------------ They are much more well known than their male counterparts, who collapsed *before* the World Cup's sweet-sixteen rounds. The men's game is going backward, whilst the women move forever forward. I bid them all of the best hurtling other teams going forth on their conquests for more victories.",-3.64,0,original 25890,We was chillin in Mitch's server and this nigga come complaining about everything in his life including his skin and if you won't listen to him he tells you to leave or stfu. You know I had to roast his URL,1.59,1,FR 24318,For God's sake you're such a piece of shit I'll throw this hard ass boot off the ground on you and leave a big fat ass knot on your fucking forehead @SneakyTweeet,3.23,2,ZH 36120,These the type of btches y'all nutting in???? 🤦🏽‍♂️ dis mf really sucking dck in front of her kids URL,0.75,4,original 19529,I just protect my kids. A few mkultra shootings won't scare real men into giving up their rights. How would you defend yourself?,1.13,5,ZH 7620,"They should be shot or deported. I have a 45 minute commute and the entire trip there is always a jerk talking to his girlfriend so loud you can hear it from the other end of the bus (including her responses) if it wasn't for the fact that she was about to Birth, I'd grab that jerk's phone and throw it out the window, but then I'd feel like a jerk. fucking morality.",1.73,3,ZH 40551,"Neither the Star of David nor Hezbollah flags have ANY place in British politics, the Zionists were directly responsible for the majority of deaths in the UK during World War I thanks to the Balfour deal and played a instrumental role in the cause of WWII, so we must perform chemotherapy on the country to get rid of Islamists AND Zionists",0.81,2,FR 47045,"@AZOffRoadster People in Saudi Arabia, maybe. However, Iran's government supports and gives money to the best-funded terrorist group in the world: Hezbollah. They're pretty much an arm of the Iranian government. Maybe we should just blow them all up. The Saudis are useful allies at the moment and they DGAF about Israel, which makes them better than 80% of the region.",1.49,3,original 31363,real bitch 1st,-2.29,0,original 29169,@DianneCannis9 @ABC @USWNT @POTUS Right. Because POTUS shows so much respect for our flag and women. #Hypocrisy URL,-1.78,0,original 25482,@GKeile @Furball42869140 @ILMFOrg @RashidaTlaib this is what terrorism looks like you dumb bitch! getting called a few names? put on your big girl panties! grow up! URL,1.19,4,original 31509,Women are so busy until they start liking you,0.7,4,FR 12596,"High heels are ""girly"" because woman stared wearing high heels to look more muscular.",-1.78,0,original 14748,"I feel this way too, if I had the opportunity to switch to being full CIS female with all its ups and downs I would in a heartbeat!",-3.62,0,original 12575,I'm gonna pull a Timothy McVeigh on a fucking pride parade,2.32,5,original 27920,Big Dick BF pounding my hungry little boy hole! 😈🍆🍑 #Anal #BubbleButt #Bareback #Dick #Feet #Jockstrap #Pornstar #Gay URL URL URL,-3.42,0,original 3986,This guy should have been aborted,1.82,5,DE 5730,My cock is longer than your little ass is wide. Should be a lot of fun to bring them together,-0.11,0,original 3087,"I fucking hate Christianity. Think of all the hateful shit that has happened in the last 2000 years, because this made-up crap makes people suppress themselves for fear of eternal damnation. Or do I hate superstitious people? Hard to tell.",0.94,2,RU 40767,"MAGA OFFENSIVE America will never be saved. Time is up. Babylon will fall. God has enough. Trump, Q and MAGa raise false hopes when in fact they are part of the plan to implement the anti-Christ system.",1.79,1,DE 945,Unironian incel parties begin to form. no more haremization. ONE MAN ONE WOMAN. no taxation WITHOUT sexual representation.,0.93,5,DE 19156,Should retarded animals be killed at birth?,0.58,7,ZH 22910,"this fagot doesn't care where his pics end up, so here they are! kik: Soliloquy22 #fag #gayfag #gayexposure #fagexposure #exposedfag URL",1.08,5,FR 999,Oh so you've seen our videos and you still call me fat lmao I know bitches like you. So ugly no one wants you. So pathetic you can't have a date unless you spread your legs. You have the personality of a cum rag,1.86,4,FR 21138,Chris Brown wouldn't last 2 minutes against a nigga like that in the club url,1.19,1,DE 17506,What no? The lesbians are the best part! I don't remember any incest though... What are you talking about?,-2.53,0,original 2497,Abort yourself with a dummy,2.68,7,JA 44779,I thought the immigrants were bringing them in . so tRUMP lied they are already in the US and tRUMPs friends are incharge . EAT SHIT tRUMP supporters and fucking die ASSHOLES,2.13,3,original 9807,Heil Trump! Das ist absolutely normal you schwein. Border control Gestapo will do as they please and you all fake media will be shot.,1.82,3,original 42450,This whiny kike is so annoying. I work in a warehouse in hot Alabama and it reigns. John Oliver has never done any physical work other than picking up a box of dildos from his doorstep.,1.38,2,FR 23765,@devilishsj_ fam one time i'll go india and slit the cows throats in front of them bunch of useless pricks wallahi may the curses of allah be upon them,1.39,2,original 45714,"Build the wall. Once bodies start piling up on the mexico side, people will get the drift and think twice about coming. How about the government take care of the homeless epidemic here in the U.S.? How about we stop allowing big corporations to have their holdings offshore and be tax exempt? How about we stop outsourcing manufacturing? How about the government come down like a hammer on mexico so mexico stops allowing these people to breeze through to the U.S. border?",0.1,0,original 10027,"Okay, less gypsy Muslim morons, these people should be their own, and not follow the Middle East like bitches, fuck every stupid Muslim.",1.43,2,RU 37238,"@CrownOfLight3 If Scopas is a reboot, it's been a generally more accurate in terms of representing black people.",-2.11,0,original 10467,"you are so fucking pathetic. I can't fuck FANTHOM on how vile and disgusting you are to a person. If I saw you, I'd pound you to the ground and pound my foot on your punk ass until it was a little mush that even decomposers couldn't break down. satan would throw you back in hell and say it's too hard for others. I would take my only trip on a time machine to find your mother and abort you before you were born. I am doing everyone a favor by doing this. it's not a copypasta, you're just retarded.",1.63,7,FR 14219,"""HEY BITCH WHATCHU DOING WITH MY MA- oh. HEY MANWHORE WHATCHU DOING WITH MY MAN""",-1.2,0,original 26135,"Yo, weak ass, weak ass, weak ass bitch",2.06,5,DE 38206,"@dbongino Above all, teach them to walk with God. By example. Ouch. Right?",-2.03,0,original 15897,penis fuck bitch,1.26,4,original 42267,ME2 FUCK YOU CNN WHORES QUEERS JEWS,1.16,5,DE 17148,"In 8th grade I was very confused because I k ew I liked boys but I also knew I liked girls, so I knew I wasn't straight but I wasn't gay either and I was like ""What am I?"". I didn't know what bisexuality was yet. Then my best friend, who has helped me through all my journey, was like, well there's this thing called bisexual and you're that, and for that I thank her very much. I always accepted myself but I was confused af.",-4.02,0,original 7657,Christians are hypocrites and evil.,0.7,2,ZH 4133,"Ugh it's so heartening that LGBTQ are getting more and more visibility in SK Shit's still not great, but having political party members openly participate in pride parades is such a change",-3.25,0,original 19702,"You got bitch slapped with your own source and I hope if Jesus is real, when you die, he'll be the first to tell you you didn't spread the love and acceptance he preached",-0.01,0,original 41723,"Read your script, you Freemason, you faggot, you son of a bitch. It's all a fucking scenario. These bastards cheat people every day. The Zionist Jews will be the architects of their own destruction. hahaha die thugs pieces of shit.",3.89,2,RU 38409,"#MondayMotivaton that eat meat and kill the creatures, Allah is far away from the Muslim cow bhakti Hindu eaten Suvar Garibdas from both days to see Ram Rahim away from the Sadhana Channel at 7:30 p.m. daily URL",-2.21,0,original 8610,You're a hateful bigot and you spend more time bashing your targets (and fucking seeking them out all across the internet) than the fucking KKK spends burning crosses.,0.17,0,original 25265,Despite all my rage i'm still just a gay rat at a wedding,-1.48,0,original 823,"there really is some weird implied sense in women that hey, i exist, so you MUST fuck me if i want to fuck you. I truly believe so much of the feminist hatred comes from post wall women. their ego's inflated to such a degree, that when the ""no's"" start coming in, they just don't know how to handle it, and want to truly make things like rejecting them as rape. what's the difference between a hot girl using her beauty to control a guy and an ugly girl making a law forcing the guy to act like the men do to hot women. nothing to them.",-0.34,0,original 12645,It would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic. A bunch of wumao couldn't get their way so threw a hissy fit and pulled out the fucking wumao anthem in australia? You gotta be fucking kidding.,0.75,3,original 8311,these religious people don't make sense,-1.66,0,original 14468,Tulsi is a gorgeous woman. Just saying.,-5.69,0,original 8858,They stayed on his feet.,-2.03,0,original 11224,Rick Ross does He also say fat nigger in a sauna full of jews,1.06,1,FR 16030,female dog slut ass fucking,1.58,4,FR 10149,There is no race called Turkish Race. Most of the people here are Arabian and Kurdish. for example i Live in Turkey but im Kurdish. And these races almost all of them want a non-secular Turkey,-4.53,0,original 20473,"fuck this guy, fuck his friend and fuck his female dog",1.02,1,FR 28449,@realDonaldTrump I don't feel safe for my children in America anymore with a wide open border flooding us with criminals...,-1.52,0,original 12980,I'm not demanding tolerance. I'm calling you a faggot and telling you to kill yourself,2.61,5,original 48761,"Turns out all the warriors fans are gay, if your brother left his bitch at home in a curry jersey, no need for that embarrassment, if you're wearing a curry jersey, you might as well wear a sign saying hey i accept it's in the ass 😂",0.77,5,ZH 34967,"Y'all hoes brave on Twitter, wish I could bump into a few of you in person and slap the ugly out your faces",-1.15,0,original 48740,WE WILL DEPORT YOU ALL AND ARREST THE REST THERE IS NO ESCAPE.......THIS IS AMERICAS PURGE!,1.02,1,original 29881,@wesstreeting @HayteratLords @jeremycorbyn there are jewish staff in corbyns office. you know this. is it acceptable to make suggestions any jewish people are nazis. you are out of your depth as per usual,-1.5,0,original 350,"If she's telling the truth about being raped when she was younger (I don't believe it), that's proof that black guys fuck literally anything.",1.85,1,FR 19884,Why Ice emprision people instead of deporting right away? Just to be more cruel?,-2.66,0,original 15411,"You're a queer and a retard, and not even the good kind like us.",0.72,5,FR 35890,this is for @ SMTOWNGLOBAL u big fat white nasty smelling fat btch why you took me off the m@therfcking schedule with ur trifling dirty white racist ass u big fat oompa loompa body ass bitch i'm coming up there and i'm going to beat the fck out of u btch and don't even call the p,1.76,1,original 5530,"Ah yeah, those four deaths definitely justify China murdering over a hundred unarmed civilians you whataboutist fuck.",-0.32,0,original 44745,"If the US doesn't stop taking money from the UAE and Sudia, there will be a lot of storms, if the US doesn't stop using the Palestinian people, the US will be underwater everyone remember this is true, although 987+456=1443+456+ 123 = 2022 urs means no more US, all sensitive time from 2019 to 2022 goodbye US",0.79,3,ZH 46906,Send back your dirty wife!,1.34,3,DE 23159,For full POV BBC blowjob videos & Cum facial content join URL 😘💦💦 Destroy that retweet button 😋 #Indian #Asian #bigblackcock #hugecock #blowjob #cumfacial #pov URL,-2.55,0,original 36035,you paid to be called a faggot and that's what u fuckin got URL,0.85,5,original 26135,Yo a weak ass weak ass bitch,2.06,5,ZH 23227,Damn fool. No wonder. Only Lebron broke that curse. Nigga kept destroying his team without pity😂 URL,-1.15,0,original 36678,"@realDonaldTrump This happened because of your white nationalist, racist rhetoric. You are literally scum of the earth. URL",1.27,1,original 12447,Yes!! Of course. I wanted to stick to more desi marriage and dating. But as we all know everything is incorporated with our culture. So of course,-3.17,0,original 13691,you're just a cuck Go and fuck all the way. cuckoo,1.1,5,DE 8700,An orgy of bloodthirsty racism and innate stupidity.,2.03,5,DE 20932,"Put them in a airplane, and take them back to where they came from. We don't have a fucking illegal sitting in the White House anymore. NO MORE ILLEGALS, AND NO MORE FUCKING DEMOCRATS. YOU BOO GOD, YOU GO TO HELL.",2.32,3,original 14184,">That's a little uncharitable. I'm not a white nationalist, nor do I want to keep the races separate. I don't mean to be uncharitable there, but I was trying to be clear on why I think your statement was so concerning. I don't think you're a white nationalist and I'm glad that you have made this statement to clarify that. >And my point is that different cultures should be celebrated instead of muted. I think we can all agree about that.",-3.53,0,original 35,"Joe Rogan... listen, man. That time I got this Jamaican ho' up like that when I snorted coke on her pussy while she was on her period HAHAHAAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I took a big shit in her mouth and then I fucked her. Holy shit Joe Rogan, you should have seen that, fucking savages everywhere HAHAHAHHAH AHAHAHAH. *cough* *can't catch his breath*",2.37,1,FR 32060,We must do everything in our powers and abilities to make sure the world never sees a evil anti-Semitic monster like him ever again. URL,-5.26,0,original 714,I know lots of FtM spectrum folks who are continuing to wear makeup during/after transition and I find it really badass. Not much else shouts better that someone is self-confident in their maleness.,-4.31,0,original 7688,Damn right she is. A fucking goddess. Black women are so sexy.,-4.35,0,original 37448,"no one wants to talk to me, so hmm, if you're a retarded piece of shit too",1.5,7,RU 10951,"No, but they are thinking of asking 8 year olds if they masturbate.",-1.2,0,original 9291,"Redditians are a bunch of morons when it comes to choosing between women vs. Islam. It causes a rupture in many of their moral codes. ""What if the things I support actually cause the destruction of everything I support""",1.03,2,original 47534,+ActsisMMLJ CorrectlyObeyed God is a fag and you are a double fag.,0.62,5,FR 28464,i hate scary ass hoes ajsjsjsj why you wait till i leave to run your raggedy ass mouth?,-0.14,0,original 38070,Lol dumb bitches.,-0.37,0,original 8649,"Thanks for being honest, it is how women are. Thank the women.",-4.56,0,original 4374,"memers are incels, burn them all",1.65,5,original 28417,penetrate these whores,2.01,4,original 48144,"CNN and PMSNBC = GAYS, BULLDYKE LESBIANS, PEDOPHILES and ASSCLOWNS",0.54,5,DE 12556,"That's the thing, most guys do just wanna get laid but not rape anyone.",-3.46,0,original 9938,>People in Berlin Assholes in Berlin *FTFY,-0.08,0,original 23638,Even @ACBofficials has scored much better score against Australia 🇦🇺 in their 1st world cup 🏟 then @TheRealPCB scored against West Indies. Bravo 👏 @BCBtigers We wish Pakistan 🇵🇰 will learn from it and improve their game from next match onwards. We love best cricket. @KlasraRauf,-3.02,0,original 22041,Amit Shah becomes the new Home Minister. Takes number 2 position in the govt. Sardar Patel 2019. God bless India.,-3.15,0,original 41620,What fukn retards,1.75,7,original 31697,@JimKilbane @realDonaldTrump Please take away their breeding license. They appear to be missing a chromosome.,1.94,7,RU 33033,"Angels at work, Donald is the latest addition to the #Philadelphia family of the #Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Remember him and all of us in your prayers URL",-4.21,0,original 6752,And no Zionist wants them dead.,1.09,2,FR 47995,These anti America witches NEED isolated FROM THE HUMAN RACE!!,1.4,4,original 44264,Honk Honkler are you hearing what you wrote? You're arguing that a religion would have an impact on people's careers/doings. Completely unrational and stupid. Sorry bro but which world are you living in?,-2.52,0,original 14083,Lmaoooo you are going through this thread to defend this shitty movie. Go post more hentai you fucking weeb. Your parents must be so proud of you,2.0,3,DE 13447,We all better hope the mom from Texas and the man from Florida don't get together and have babies...,1.33,1,DE 15755,Looking forward to seeing a slut ruin her pussy forever for her husband.,1.21,5,ZH 8357,"No, you fucking smell, we don't want people stealing more of our tax dollars than they already do. Irish criminal aliens? damn those mics too. Fuck you and come back LEGALLY.",1.73,3,FR 30679,"NEW CLIP! Get your cock ring and your biggest paddles ready bitch, because today we're going through a grueling session! Will your balls hold out? Watch and see! ""CRUEL PADDLING INSTRUCTIONS"" BUY NOW ==> URL #cbt #ballbusting #femdompov #femdom @clips4sale URL",-0.21,0,original 38726,Free brunch from a n*gger that'll show her,-0.72,0,original 42857,"The usa does not need any more rats and cockroaches, get them out !",1.85,1,original 1216,"Yes, we should just kill everyone below a certain IQ.",3.85,7,RU 8453,"First off, he sounds like shit. It actually makes this fantasy a somewhat humorous listen. Secondly, it's amazing how many times Owen has mentioned being proud of the fact that his hometown took in Jewish refugees, thus making him not antisemitic, yet all of a sudden he has learned devastating info that no one has ever heard of except him. We should prod him for this information, but we all know it's bullshit. Lastly, someone should go to Oswego and take a poll of how many people participated in room-whacks (aka the Scourge of Oswego) were molested, especially by Priests with hooked noses.",-1.08,0,original 7589,"All I hear/see from you is ""I'm a fag please hit me""",1.66,5,DE 48966,I wish he'd send all the Somalians in MN back.,0.56,3,original 17574,Thank you... I fuck laggards everyday. Would you like to be fucked?,1.61,7,FR 10537,"i would love to see the whore get used and degraded. see her get cum shoved up her pussy, ass and down her throat. see her face and the tits covered in cum. At least 8 cocks.",3.17,4,original 10007,"*RPG* Great body, stunning face, I'll fuck every hole you have, play with your tits and pass you over dozens of men to fuck you back.",0.52,4,FR 31562,@ringer @rodger Also what you counting other Menz money. You said the players are doing it for a check? I promise they're getting more money than you got for this Bullshit you wrote. What do you get a Dollar a word? Stay out of Menz Pockets,-0.23,0,original 8878,Give me the n word pass,-0.92,0,original 5472,Only a retard says Raphtalia is a whore... I will do what I must,0.38,0,original 22763,"@CIA Yes, to hell with Islam. Kill Christians and Jews? Wait, I'm cooking Islamic pork lobster.",1.25,2,RU 38011,"That nigga con was from Allen, he should've brought his punkass to west Dallas, the grove or the cliff where there's Mexicans everywhere and see if he let that hoe live URL",1.06,1,FR 6098,Just ignore these subhuman trumpists. They all need a bullet in the back of their heads and trump needs to be blown up. Someone needs to bomb the White House and kill malaria and autistic baron,2.19,7,original 28056,Me and all the hoes everybody think I got URL,0.25,0,original 2390,"Begone, thot! Shariah is fucked, if you agree then you're fucked. If you practise shariah you should be shot.",3.22,2,original 32180,Hopefully not in Joburg and white girl wasted,0.1,0,original 30783,"Small dicks deserve to suffer, just like the pathetic baby-men attached to them. URLs",0.88,4,FR 19779,It's a stereotype Hell i'm 4'10 and I don't want a dude that's like 6 feet + or whatever bc like I'll be staring straight up anyway,-3.29,0,original 16061,thats what satanists deserve,-1.74,0,original 44738,"Uneducated people, liars, 75 percent divorce rate, scammers, shootings everyday yet every other person is a minister. Hmmm... something wrong with that! Not sure what Bible they are reading.",-1.66,0,original 43459,Thank god you didn't fall into the hands of all these people for forming or starting a church 90% of Nigerians are fools and dumbass,0.77,3,ZH 25726,"I hate women of this generation, seriously.",0.9,4,FR 29666,"No one: Nobody at all: Not a single soul White people: ""oh you care about others? You're a dumb retard nigger n u love fags u should kill itself n the Jews deserved the holocaust. That's why blue lives matter""",1.98,5,original 47125,Jesus how fucking autistic are you hahaha,0.65,7,original 32878,"This monster is threatening genocide as the most expedient solution to the conflict. A final ""solution"" consisting of exterminating a quarter of the population in a week is Fascist. URL",0.73,1,original 13176,"Oh, you're in good shape! I wish I could put my cock in your tight ass!",2.05,4,FR 11068,"You are literally describing rape, why don't you go home and drown yourself in your depraved kitchen sink.",3.41,5,ZH 45333,Turning Daenerys into Hitler and Jon Snow into a murderer revealed GRRMs philosophy that there are no heroes. And what a depressing philosophy it is.,-1.03,0,original 27085,"Our stupid politicians are to blame for allowing indiscriminate muslims to come here, sucking on welfare while harboring a grudge against us. deport! We don't want halal, sharia law, mosques, gang rapes, bombs, vehicles that hit people. url",1.5,2,ZH 48879,@Jay Patel lol fuck the series you skinny indian cunt,0.93,1,DE 9050,"I agree with u/anmata41 It's mostly language barrier and culture. I can relate to asian Americans a lot more. Also, being adopted I really don't think an Asian born Asian will ever truly except me (hell, who says an Asian American one will 😓)",-3.0,0,original 30163,Hate it when girls does this🥴So many guys out there has been falsely accused for things they never did. URL,-1.61,0,original 32945,"I want him to put out his cigarette on my clit while he continues to fuck and use my worthless, unworthy hole URL",2.87,4,original 34084,There is a special place in Hell for every racist and bitch ass abusive Cop. Dumbass Mfs,-0.19,0,original 43329,"I don't know why, but the religious people with dress codes make me sick. Orthodox Jews are one of the worst representations of dismissive people to be found on our planet. Proud but very willing to put the rest of humanity down for some ancient stupid beliefs. It's disgusting. They really aren't worth much more than venomous snakes.",1.63,2,DE 13714,you're the one who gets away with it because you don't have any friends at school LOL,1.47,1,FR 5684,I'd take my cock and shove it in her throat and have her suck me dry,2.11,4,original 34649,"mario lopez is a shitty, boring transphobe. can we please move on from this milquetoast asshole?",0.38,0,original 21363,"@ericswalwell Dude, you definitely wear your wife's panties atleast 5 days a week. Just sayin. You are the most beta cuck of cucks ever created. You're the kid in school that sat alone because you creeped everyone out. When you fart, I bet $ it smells like jizz and latex. Have a goodnight 🖕",1.95,4,original 14656,"Found Congo at URL>Kid was Indian or Arab. Guaranteed. > You are a fucking scum, it was probably you. > Find your safe space. > Fuck you plane wanker. you probably fooled the little kids, you're a racist slob > Ok. I see you're pissed. Try to find your rage. Try to find your safe space. > DM me your asshole and call me daddy twink slut",0.74,3,FR 38259,You won't fuck me the next bitch will,0.53,4,original 1176,"I would love to beat the shit out of a pussy like your sister's boyfriend. Of course, I'll probably fuck your sister afterwards.",2.73,4,FR 25884,"@gaywonk Wow how tolerant you are of violence but it's always a double standard with your crazy snowflakes on the left. All a bunch of zombie sheep telling their masters every word. Carlos, your name is Boy now and you will address everyone as Master",1.78,1,DE 46254,Actually there are not alot of people moving here legally. Our economy has been to volatile. If anything we got our rich and wealthy moving out. You guys ever wonder where the Jews would be if they didnt kill em?? Here is a hint. What is Americas inmate ratio....,1.25,1,original 16595,You can start by adoring that teen pussy that is always better than yours and licking off my cum while I fuck her asshole,1.11,5,ZH 49381,The 4 whores have to leave the country and kick these dogs in the gutter,2.7,3,DE 37984,"Like fuck guns, fuck all y'all in the head mfs and most definitely FUCK DONALD TRUMP because this fucking idiot sees gunfights repeating and DOES NOTHING. i hate america",0.7,3,DE 49619,"all this proves that atheists can be real scumbags and super good liars, which is exactly what you would expect from an atheist who has no morals or purpose in life because of their meatbags for whatever reason. oh, good job to prove that another ""stereotype"" about atheists is true. they lie, and they are good at it, and their sociopaths. he literally had the same emotions or lack of them throughout the entire video, even when he was exposed he was constantly the same and it's pretty cringing.",0.72,2,RU 22908,@katwalkerrr and @Blake's bitch ass...again? last time with the poster and now this bullshit? You are nothing but naïve privileges right up your ass. You are what's wrong with this world and that's disgusting.. Stan doesn't want a racist... 🤮🤮 Gotta leave now but reply every time :) URL,0.88,1,FR 34137,I'm convinced you bitches are retarded 🤐,0.79,7,original 11949,lol yeah writing a entire paragraph explaining how tiny your cock is isn't going to change my opinion. Maybe you stop being a white knight and joining in arguments aye you piece of shit? If you reply you're homosexual.,0.57,5,original 2544,"What if I punch you so hard in the face that we send you to California, that motherfucker?",1.92,5,FR 21384,I fuck on your hoe and then go home to my female dog,1.25,4,FR 18591,"Congrats on taking the first steps, at least! So how do you envision your life from here? Continue messing around with guys in secrecy? Would you rather try to come out to your wife and see if you could get some type of agreement on what you could do? I'm a married bi guy in his early 30's, too. So if you ever want to talk to someone, I'm here for ya!",-4.63,0,original 48247,Couple of infeminate fags,1.37,5,original 7491,Put your autistic bullshit back in your designated area op you fucking mouth one wants people of your kind outside your safe space,1.69,7,JA 1687,I knew it was. Only a woman would do this.,-0.9,0,original 49535,Jeannie showing first hand how women work in comparison to men in positions of power. Well done Jeannie. You proved a well known point,-3.54,0,original 35407,"If you don't stand, you're a weak ass bitch and natural selection comes for your ass url",0.61,5,DE 15090,FUCK THE CHRISTIANS! THESE DINOSAURS ARE TRYING TO TAKE UP WOMEN'S RIGHTS! These sick bastards support incest and want to punish the poor. Late abortion.,1.25,2,FR 47233,"Ms. Omar - I support your cause for a better America. However, I would note that 22% of Americans are of no religion. This has doubled in the last 10 years and projected to top 30% by 2030. We don't acknowledge a 'Creator' and find claiming our rights come from 'god' to be offensive and dangerous. Just sayin...",-2.21,0,original 17574,Thank you... I fuck every day. Do you want to get fucked?,1.61,7,DE 45952,Austin Brown is black.,-3.15,0,original 7450,"Fuck you fag, you wouldn't kill a fucking 10 year old.",0.69,5,DE 16617,shut up racist gay,0.67,5,ZH 27727,@faithfulgadolic @thehill fucking Jesus. Fuck virgin moms. fucking holy spirit. Fuck you Bronze Age Mumbo Jumbo. You pathetic piece of shit.,1.57,2,ZH 29501,THE WORLD IS FULL OF GOLD OIL DIAMONDS EVEN SHIT STINK PAINTINGS GO FO BILLIONS AND A NIGGER BROKE. SOMTHING FISHY GOING ON,-0.46,0,original 8162,"Because they need to fill the prison? This Clown Motor Authority is trying to cause a plague and bring about the end of the world. No wonder fake ""Christians"" love him.",0.57,2,ZH 6074,Sometimes I wish Zaheer Khan had a Bhumrah to partner with. Our bowling talent has come a really long way. Fantastic start for India. Clinical. :),-3.35,0,original 48464,Right because Mexicans don't do this. The Fk out of here. Y'all do this all the time especially after a few Cervezas.,-0.35,0,original 6500,"Some real naughty women here, the naughtiest. Sad!",0.73,4,FR 41673,guy rapes children goes free. USA IN A NUT SHELL. JUST YOU WATCH.,-1.67,0,original 16930,The men I've dated are higher quality on average than the men I've just banged. Imo it's harder to maintain high quality partners for casual relationships bc you have to have so many to get sex frequently. Getting laid twice a week in a year will require only 1 boyfriend. But it will required about 15 casual partners.,-2.33,0,original 15871,"Jessica, you are a bitch. Shut the fucking bitch up with your passive aggressive bullshit. At least this post was trying to help. What else did you bring to the discussion? LAW. Get a hobby other than being the internet police, you have one nipple longer than the other. God, people like you piss me off. I joined this community just to tell you what a big smelly pussy freak you are. You officially ruined my Saturday by being worthless trash. Kill yourself.",2.29,4,FR 34843,@RepMaxineWaters Hey Racist: Shut up and the roaches won't get in! You are a miserable piece of garbage. Get out of the country...👍🏻😎,1.33,1,DE 861,"lol other people's religion? you're sick. So that's the only reason murdering an innocent human being is wrong, is if it is against someone's religion? So twisted.",-1.64,0,original 2133,These fucking dirty fucking fags,1.85,5,FR 5374,I would beat that Mexican pussy up,0.51,3,original 745,"Glad to see she admitting she's a ""pathetic loser virgin with rose-tinted goggles stuck in the past""",0.1,0,original 27120,"Y'all are so delirious about the next female dog, omg KILL YOUR SELF miserable hoe!",1.48,4,FR 24270,Why are girls so hypocritical 🤔🤔 y'all preach y'all need to stick together but 10mins later here ya go hating on… — I don't hate on anyone lmao so ask the girls who do 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ URL,-1.29,0,original 6611,Keep sucking sand nigger! Now stick that big white dick in your filthy haram pussy now!,1.52,1,original 49533,To keep your 3rd world and filth out of the United States,0.63,3,FR 10132,"Why, so she can go around needing a man and seducing them with magic date rape drugs? No thanks.",-1.57,0,original 9696,"You are just as fucking retarded as the dumb thot who spit vodka in her pets mouth, fuck you.",0.83,7,original 40852,abe zionist all these pagans fagots commies all jews,1.61,2,RU 7116,"In fact, for your information, I've fucked women in the past, 3 times, then I realized what stupid fucking animals they were and decided it was better to stick with it by hand.",1.41,4,FR 39787,@TheArvon Cult leaders and serial killers are doing it. Congratulations retard.,1.59,7,RU 33134,"@realDonaldTrump So , start blowing up the Israeli , Al Shabab , Taliban & Saudi terrorists with the new American killing machine & drop a few bombs to blow up the Chinese thugs in the SC sea . A lot of American fart & not enough US shit to splatter around it seems!",1.06,1,original 44251,"+Donald Kasper fuck youself, stupid white trash.",0.3,0,original 17119,"Oh yeah, and maybe you'll realize that gender is sex and you're just a fag getting away with denial",0.53,5,FR 39930,"Isis girls are like ""I'll blow up their whole army""",0.57,2,RU 6981,"The white people are native to South Africa. They were born there, their parents were born there, they didn't steal anything. They are being killed because of their race. Black people also have land, but the white farmers are being targeted.",-1.17,0,original 46069,Pauli and Shaub are both fags,1.64,5,DE 39029,@AliSohrab007 @arunjaitley A Jihadist scum in any profession will remain a Jihadist and we Indians have to thank Stinking Muzzie lowlifes like @AliSohrab007 for continuing to prove us that Hindus are right time and time again by reiterating that they are rotting pieces of meat in the shape of homosapiens,2.29,1,FR 45438,America was good because of immigrants and the white trashy Americans used them with minimum pay... better for them go back to their country and build their own country because America today is shit hole country full of trash and a white trash president with cash.,-2.04,0,original 2699,I wonder if the nuns themselves were abused as children and they're just continuing the cycle? This has probably been going on for centuries.,-1.39,0,original 39880,India has lost a great leader. Your contribution to the nation is an inspiration. RIP Sushma Swaraj.,-4.24,0,original 36804,@LyleShelton @IanNicholls10 @Dom_Perrottet @AlexGreenwich Have a look at where sex selected abortion has landed many Indian states - there's no one to marry!,-1.7,0,original 47781,TIME TO MOVE the UN HEADQUARTERS to REAL FIRST world country like CHINA. USA is a slum.,-0.09,0,original 36153,"@frankielussst A Horny limp dick 30 yr old rlly fighting with a bomb ass bitch ,now thats what you call sad and worthless 😒💅🏼",1.92,4,original 44526,Fucking Mexicans this why we should build a wall,0.65,3,original 16265,What are you even talking about faggot suck my dick pusssy,1.15,5,original 34137,I'm convinced you bitches are retarded 🤐,0.79,7,DE 40378,"Women world cup suck, they play like 5 year old .",-0.24,0,original 16876,"cry more little pussy ass bitch n\*\*ga, you deserve what you got",0.68,4,original 13967,Suck my balls you illiterate.,2.36,7,DE 12313,No fuck off. You are all lost causes and all of you deserve a painful death. No one can or ever will forgive you POS virgins. Hope someone comes and splits all your throats like you truly deserve,5.78,5,original 47500,I pray usa don't get out of their downward spiral and obvious self inflicted jam. Bigotry led them there.,-1.03,0,original 39188,@Liberty_mehbro @BernieSanders Loud liar addicted to fetish and non-working penis replacement officially blocked *clicks* URL,0.8,7,ZH 9083,Ofc you wanna and fuck Chad you dumb bitch. nothing but holes,1.13,4,FR 32969,@KariDru Yeah. If they actually want to deport a person that's the only thing that matters.,-1.66,0,original 47192,Whites are constantly demonized and are told to feel guilty and that we are privileged by other races. Looks like the other side don't like it when tables are turned.,-0.57,0,original 46509,"+ActsisMMLJ CorrectlyObeyed That's all white people know is violence - They even plot the endgame of Civil War 2 to kill each other - Oh civilized man. We don't have to come to your farm - We'll just wait until you kill each other or Trump bust your ass - We've waited 400 years - We can wait a few more and keep enjoying the Trump show - This country deserves Trump - He kicks your ass hard. Farewell, America.",1.02,1,DE 30030,"#IStandWithPresTrump America is so awesome, the ones who bitch about living here won't even leave. They just cry about it on social media for likes and attention.",-0.57,0,original 27168,"Asian-white couples face distinct risks during pregnancy, new study reveals URL",-2.71,0,original 23542,"@meee682 @KimDotcom @seanhannity Yes the country can be invaded daily by brown people, censorship is rampant, anti white hate is everywhere, suicides and shootings are at an all time high thanks to a degenerate and disgusting culture, but... ""wow muh greatest economy ever""! Damn, I can't imagine having such a low IQ.",1.15,1,FR 8357,"No, you know shit, we don't want people stealing more of our tax dollars than they already are. Irish criminal aliens? damn those mics. Fuck off and come back LEGAL.",1.73,3,DE 13564,Please kill them and get them out of the gene pool so the human race can improve a bit,2.09,1,FR 43081,*fEMiNiSt CoNfIrMeD*,-2.95,0,original 38056,Sending 🖤 from Australia 🇦🇺... to all impacted/affected by the most recent incidents of Trump incited domestic terrorism & gun violence ... #ElPaso #Dayton #DomesticTerrorism,-1.4,0,original 43954,Right Now America is paying for not having a wall unless the hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring in this year have good credit.,-0.66,0,original 3328,This is actually good news because she appears to be a horrible race-baiting slut.,0.44,0,original 8938,lol burning down the whole church the whole fucking organization was complicit in the attack. They have sheltered abusive priests for decades and are still covering things up today.,0.82,2,ZH 39349,I'll fuck you bang out the nigga url,1.74,1,DE 2395,That stupid bitch let the devil in again,2.26,4,FR 19740,"Hahaha Dirty, smelly, lazy Mexican. Go back to your country, you fucking spic.",2.18,1,FR 21028,Old Gays Look Back At Their Past Relationships URL via @YouTube,-2.95,0,original 17570,"No no they don't have abortions anymore and Chinese girls are left to die on the steps of the dying chamber where they are basically starved and die of ""natural causes"".",1.9,3,ZH 31684,"What about our homeless veterans, they didn't brush their teeth. Problem solved, send the illegal immigrants back so they can brush their teeth.",0.88,3,ZH 48826,"+Bo Rood Another paranoid retardation.. Instead of giving birth to uneducated dropout idiots like you, your mother should swallow..",1.6,7,JA 14101,They should stay in their Middle Eastern mess. fucking good scam bastards who are useless to upper western society. KISS MY ASS,1.57,3,FR 42358,See who want war more desperate. Iran is trying to provoke US to start war so the world will blame on US.😀😀☺💪,-1.32,0,original 15565,Fuck Saudi Arabia and the camels they ride.,1.16,3,ZH 40215,these women arent victims they just want to be on tv. fuckin pathetic whores allowed the pedophile to have his way,1.26,4,original 12288,"Poland is out of the EU, now. You people are a joke compared to sane, decent people, pray to your fairies, hate ""sinners"" all you want, as long as you break away from a union that represents equal respect among its citizens, so be it. The EU is acting like a bunch of cowards tolerating an authoritarian Christian caliphate like Poland",0.54,3,ZH 11007,You are a real fucking moron. Your parents must have kicked you in the head when you were a child to damage your brain so much.,1.02,7,RU 26659,"""aww yall so cute"" first of all BITCH he told me he fucked you bye.",2.42,4,original 34090,"@iamfauva The shaderoom is made by a bunch of gay men to cater to a bunch of hyper masculine ""pro black"" homophobes",0.35,0,original 33573,Congratulations to Team #ISRO for the successful launch of India's historic second Moon mission #Chandrayaan2 from #Sriharikota. A moment of great pride for every Indian !,-3.94,0,original 16347,What is the difference between a Jew and a pizza I do not want to violently torture and murder a pizza,2.88,2,FR 20784,"@UNrefugees When will Iraqi asylum seekers&refugees receive the wonderful news of reaching resettlement? Reaching the safety ,reaching stability, reaching normal life with no fear,no persecution,no threat. Living the creativity,productivity,joining schools. #StandWithIraqiRefugees",-6.43,0,original 26915,"Fuck. 9.5"" thick cock absolutely pounding me with 5 loads already in me. Fucking brutalised. Watch him breed my hole and smash me up See this and more at: URL URL",0.27,0,original 23538,"See those standing in black garb with red borders? 66 theology or ministry grads, some from Taiwan, most from mainland China. 47 made it to graduation. Many of these have long pastoral experience. More than half of them are ladies. URL",0.73,1,original 6013,Always with the eternal GODSDAMNED incels! They should all be burned at the stake!,4.68,1,original 4284,Agreed. Men these days are such assholes. That's why they let low IQ third world savages into their country to commit REAL rape.,1.75,3,FR 47694,"These 4 BITCH'S need to be taken out to the streets and whipped, they're UNAMERICAN lowlife garbage.",0.94,3,FR 20154,Men are scum biko #mehek But shoria no try,-0.28,0,original 31519,@RWPUSA Hungary is a fascist nation full of hateful racists like Gorka. He's just another one of them. And they HATE Jews.,0.21,0,original 24569,"So get the hell out of here, you fucking bitch.",0.89,4,FR 38198,@Badh_Badh_Baba @ertugru66904008 @lndianPresident @Jayashree_Ravis @zainabsikander ripped the delay right in the middle....bloody rice bag hindu hating converts.,1.54,2,FR 39887,I'd like to do the same to that stupid bitch. damn makes me sick.,0.59,4,FR 14478,Burn in Hell you psycho bitch,0.18,0,original 10971,That's a gey response,-0.73,0,original 38811,"You posted a tweet about it the same day we had a mass shooting that killed many people including children. You say the words ""Mexicans are rapist"" in your video. Your ""jokes"" feed into the white supremacy that is terrorizing this country. You are feeding into white supremacy.",-1.0,0,original 30520,Shut... the.. entire.. fuck.. UP YOU JUST HAD UR LAME ASS MOM FIGHT MY FRIEND U MARK ASS PUSSY ASS COP CALLING BITCH,1.96,4,original 13148,Immigrants fear. I buy a fertility rate booster. Eat peace in the world and have no periodic genocides.,2.21,3,FR 10358,I just love the Indian portrayal there 😎,-3.73,0,original 37259,Fuck her like you're possessed by a sex crazed demon 😈 #hardcore #rough #anal #bdsm #daddy #daddydom #ddlg #ddlcommunity #horny URL,1.79,4,original 15792,She is a fucking dumb monkey,1.22,1,original 39348,@rajput_bihar @FurqanShayk it means that sharrukh salman and amir kahan are terrorists...great thanks for clarifying.,-1.01,0,original 16700,And do it by whipping their asses with countries like Sweden. have to admire them,0.73,3,ZH 49554,*sip juice* These kids are gay hell,1.08,5,DE 44102,We are mini gods.we are made in the don't even know your own power's.we can do so much.we are not god) but the closet to it. Why you think jesus. Came!!!,-3.13,0,original 40663,Rick is 100% correct and people (including regular Jews) need to wake up to what the Zionists are about.,-0.52,0,original 47198,@Crypin Og your pic is a dead pussy and your name is fucking crypin og bitch ass fuck nigga pull up sick slap your ass omm 😂💯 fuck crab pussy ass boy fuck you mean,2.0,1,DE 47534,+ActsisMMLJ CorrectlyObeyed God is a fag and you are a two-faced fag.,0.62,5,ZH 37210,we need more babies brought into this country just so they can be killed in a terriost attack??? fuck this shit,-0.02,0,original 47584,"I don't know but you guys but I think sterilizing the mentally ill and the ones with very low IQs should not only be encouraged, but permitted.",1.14,7,original 25438,Send her back to Palestine to practice her political system that is Islam that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest and let them mess with Israel so they can send them to their 70 virgins,0.69,2,original 47715,+KITT FOXXE spelled faggot! You dumbass and trash can!,1.85,5,ZH 37765,Oh bhai saab they're killing innocent children. What the fuck are you proud of? URL,-1.92,0,original 18962,"*Sicilian piece of shit The rest of Italy disowned those halfricans centuries ago for being too weak to protect their women from Muslim invaders. No real surprise, since Joe couldn't even protect his mother from loneliness.",1.5,1,original 5144,Imma fuck the shit out of this bitch ass motherfucker,0.01,0,original 47426,Put a dome over China and let them breathe their own shit!,0.91,3,original 27066,"Terfs: ""Trans activists think words are literal violence."" Also terfs: ""You told me to fuck off. That's a rape threat and you're literally violent!""",0.71,5,original 28257,I believe this generation is full of soft ass bitches 😒,0.92,6,ZH 12720,"I think all transgender people don't want to be ""trans"", they want to be just ""male""/""man"" or ""female""/""woman"". Hard part is that with changes, we directly change sexual interactions. Partner may expect something from sexual relationships, so that's main reason it's not good to fully be closed (at least with those with whom you considering serious relationships). So, yes. I will never be ""true"" woman. Never will experience menstruation, pregnancy. It's hurt. I wish people just accept me with my gender like any other person with traditional gender - don't bother, don't ""see"" it, see just me.",-3.53,0,original 49450,"Time to give this land back to God, bring back God and Jesus or he will destroy this land. If we don't, only a remnant will survive. Time to turn to prayer. These storms and the widespread destruction across the country are a warning.",0.83,2,DE 32014,@Akronnate @ImNotABarbiie Nah some of these mfs been pressed about her claiming her blackness for years and it's weird.,-1.98,0,original 26288,"I would like to call the producer, Producer-san~",-3.05,0,original 28333,"@shadowali98 What culture? A room full of gay cunts like you? Keep it...none of that shit matters, including this fight. 2 events every 2 months full of 6-8 irrelevant ass fights with no REAL energy. You are new to it and can keep it. Fuck you and your ""culture"".. Fag ass cracker",2.64,5,DE 9887,"I'll come to your house personally, get you from your mother's basement with all your Fleshlights and old scraps of sperm and make sure that you suffer a slow and very, very painful death in front of your parents.",1.41,6,DE 36698,@IngrahamAngle Shut up. You fuel this shit. Skank.,-1.05,0,original 7019,"Fuck the Germans, they all support this shit until it goes bad.",1.49,3,FR 44540,Hahaha she's a fucking slut and role model to alot of little girls. She has done more harm then good buddy,0.94,4,original 47683,"Matt Parsa ... Iran and it's supporters are digging a hole for themselves , America and its allies will make sure that Iran is buried in that hole .",-1.54,0,original 4349,I sincerely hope you never have a child's pussy.,0.95,6,ZH 9477,They're all meth heads now. I guess that's what qualifies as being a real man to something like you? Cuckold? That insult doesn't even make sense. You're too stupid to live. I can't wait until we start hunting you cunts.,4.77,4,original 43059,Thats why all jews are evil,0.81,2,original 41267,"I love this song because it tell's you no matter who you are, our what you are, we're all different! At the end of the day we are all human, and we are all discriminating each other over the colour of our skin our how we dress! We should treat each other with respect and the way we would like to be treated! It's 2019 can we just respect each other! Their is already so much bad in this world of Our's! I'm sure we don't want any more. The point of this song is that we should stop judging people and get on with our own business! If your still reading this I hope you have an amazing day !!! =))",-4.76,0,original 30357,"@NPR @Ilhan hates America and Israel. She thinks that Allah is the way...and let me tell you God is supreme! America is God's kingdom and always will be. If you hate America, then you should submit your resignation!",0.88,2,ZH 37366,all these niggas look retarded. URLs,1.14,1,FR 35385,Why our Telugu industry prefers north actress more?,-3.1,0,original 41792,SARAH Bitch go back to your D....... suck and make your daddy ass hold it for you.,1.09,4,FR 8092,"That's because they're actually straight, gay and fag cancel each other",-1.3,0,original 18674,"Plenty of guys get called 'cunts' it's a universal term to describe someone who is unpleasant or stupid, every official definition and slang definition directly refers to it as referring to people / persons not a single one of them refer to it as a directly targeted to woman term. It's not a misogynistic term, the only person who describes it as such are 3rd wave feminists and you.",-0.53,0,original 19141,"Seriously? How about MLK, just for the first example that pops into my mind.",-2.66,0,original 41638,"+xanderluv What's the matter, gay, are we making fun of your mother Nazi Pelosi? 😂😂😀 butthurting liberal faget",1.67,5,ZH 11351,Fuck cheating Asian dog cunts,1.34,1,original 11353,you look like a retarted clint eastwood impersonator holding in a fart. and your fucked up nipple is truley nasty..,2.13,7,original 12096,I can't fuck you,-0.14,0,original 11487,Do the world a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.,2.24,1,DE 28179,"The ""religion of piss"" strikes again I see BBC News - Mali attack: '100 killed' in ethnic Dogon village URL",0.24,0,original 7902,"More power to you! Metamorphosed Insect Queen is 100% my favorite card in this game, so I do like to step back and play casual match with her from time to time.",-4.65,0,original 39472,@joshiacey Just call them niggers and go,1.88,1,original 40215,"these women are not victims, they just want to be on TV. fucking pathetic whores allowed the pedophile to do whatever he wanted",1.26,4,FR 22154,"🇰🇼 Attention comrades - it's time for you to dig holes every day. Muhammad of Kuwait may bring his friends over, or he may rape your pussy himself for hours. He will decide and you will obey. url",1.95,5,ZH 16843,There is another mentally retarded,1.28,7,ZH 12487,Migrants who are currently bringing *diversity and culture* to Germany will love shitting everywhere and wiping their hands on interior windows.,1.32,3,FR 17598,I'd leave you bruised broken and crying. Tie you up and beat you before filling your pussy full of cum.,1.69,5,original 48658,Welcome to the Christian country. Kill you in the name of an imaginary god. Similar to Persia and Biff is the mullah.,0.57,2,DE 37212,"@RT_com The Hoggcast has a new video! In El Paso Texas, an incel with potential links to ANTIFA has committed a mass shooting at a Walmart in the city killing upward of fifteen people! Video below, a subscribe and like is appreciated. URL",-0.59,0,original 18560,>He looks exactly how I'd imagine he would just w/ slightly less Dorito dust on the shirt collar King of the Incels,0.94,5,original 39689,nasty RACIST frog spawn!!! go burn in your solarium,4.77,3,DE 18989,Every single white country is being inundated with third world garbage. look around,1.79,3,DE 39635,"@Franklin_Graham Yes, you fake Christian hate mongers",-0.61,0,original 902,She was a whore who craved multiple cocks in her cunt. plain and simple.,0.88,4,original 13980,Sadly they've prob had to clean up women's bodies too,-1.96,0,original 2596,"More likely scenarios: 1) these women are simply done with those machines and it's a coincidence, or 2) they feel unsafe because men have pulled some uncomfortable bullshit on them in the past. But, no: they're like gazelles. That makes total sense. 🙄",-2.29,0,original 45130,turn it into a giant raft and send all the radical Muslims back to their respective holes. just an idea.,1.42,2,RU 255,So basically you want someone to come up to you and have you trumped. You're a fag AND a pussy,0.81,5,DE 49207,"Women are murderers of unborn babies, evil",0.18,0,original 38618,"I wonder if all of these ""Christian"" trump supporters realize that by supporting someone like Donald Trump, they're actually doing exactly what Christ tells you not to do? Just a thought.",-1.06,0,original 16605,She's not good enough for even a horse dick. She should be sentenced to abstinence for life.,0.57,4,original 5729,A nigger like the thief probably.,1.26,1,DE 25515,All these bitches be horny at this time. Should this time called 'horny time',0.68,4,original 39518,"If I saw that female dog in public, I'd knock her down and spit in her face too",2.24,4,FR 24215,niggas are wicked🙄how you eat my pussy then go lay up with ya girl🥴,0.8,1,original 28485,"Her pussy is very sensitive and wet, she's already had a violent orgasm, but it's only the first of a long series, This black bunny was made for interracial sex, no doubt!!! @XXXSydneeCapri URL",1.77,1,original 7930,"Take this quarter, go call your mother, tell her you'll never be an autist",0.04,0,original 44663,@ThatOneSevie I know there isn't. But I'm not going to worship a God who send mt to hell for all eternity just because I don't worship him. I also believe him to be unjust because we are all suffering for what Adam and Eve did. Pretty corrupt in my opinion. But I was gonna go to hell no matter what because I'll never not have pre marital sex hehe,-2.08,0,original 44552,Well you have Muslims infecting your country so... Shut up UK.,1.32,2,DE 5856,This makes me wanna take his head and put it is in ass with his mom sucking his di*k,3.2,5,original 22901,@CanPotty @pastorlocke @mammamajors yes muslims kill everyone,1.41,2,ZH 25472,@gaywonk @YouTube Yo fag stop whining. Just because someone is mean to you doesn't mean you have the right to destroy their livelihood. Go suck a dick,1.25,5,FR 42081,Yall know Serena Williams is a man.,-0.8,0,original 46148,Rapinoe the only one not participating in the National Anthem.....DISGRACE !!!! You want acceptance and respect for your sexual orientation?? Lol.,-0.67,0,original 6945,Has loads of potential if only the lighting and shot were better. Still I would happily use your cock to fuck my throat before flipping me round to pound my hole and then dump your cum in/on/all over me.,-2.06,0,original 29114,I am disgusted beyond words at the kind of people @BJP4India has decided to go with in Pune. Scum like Babush Monserrat who ruined the lives of so many girls from good families is now supporting BJP. Shame on you @DrPramodPSawant. @AmitShah @narendramodi @JPNadda @girirajpai,-1.47,0,original 28644,"Shame on aliens, they cant even take away a plane to prove the intellectual giants of @Zeenews correct? Even bigger shame is that it took the Loud Mouth Modi govt 8 days to find the wreckage of the #IAF #AN32 Plane. URL",-1.01,0,original 39197,"Also, racial crime is increasing because the people of this country are idiots and follow whatever they hear. Trump says ""build the wall"" and the people of this country hear ""kill all mexicans"" it's fucking stupid! Stick your head out your asses and think for yourself",0.7,3,FR 30744,"What's important at this time is to continue to focus the work and research of women of Color. In particular, I HIGHLY recommend and encourage you to look into the work of my big Sister, Dr. Jioni Lewis, who is a preeminent expert of gendered racial microaggressions...",-4.21,0,original 9245,Almost as if their sexuality doesnt matter when they're fighting hoards of zombies 😂,-3.13,0,original 29420,I'm really gonna snort a dude DON'T PLAY WITH ME,1.49,1,FR 17266,"You're a damn man's child. Crap. You. I hope you're choking on your own shit, you fucking subhuman sociopath.",1.63,6,DE 14623,your right cunt! I would whip that ass with old fashion willow switch. Making you tell me what you were! A cocksucking cumbegging cumlapping three hole slut born to suck fuck and make men happy -Lets hear it cum bucket!,1.77,4,original 30085,"Her pussy about to be hot after that, fuck that URL",-1.46,0,original 21787,"As President, I'll immediately push to finally rewrite our nation's immigration and naturalization laws in our own image -- strengthening our families, communities, and economy. Read our full immigration plan here: URL URL",-3.62,0,original 40199,@ShortBus so sorry if my honesty struck an angry should learn to speak american english...the kindest and most humane thing we can do is to prevent child not allowing those children into that actual and prevalent failed american system.......,-1.85,0,original 40688,To the US taxpayers: Get rid of Satanic Jews before they add another 10 trillion to your already 22 trillion debt by sending you into a new war.,0.95,2,DE 24816,"Yesterday,Fri. May 31st, my mother and I went to go eat at subway in the @Walmart in Southgate, MI. When we walked in we were yelled at by a women who tried to attack us. She screamed racial remarks at us and told us ""to go back to your damn country you foreigners"". Disgusting URL",0.98,3,original 4984,If anyone is genuinely interested in the topic of racial inequality I'd suggest reading The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.,-5.64,0,original 23959,Better tell that to your church's pedophiles who molest boys.,0.95,2,original 973,Such a fucking lie. You're either an Islamic terrorist or or a moron.,0.89,2,original 2604,He is a white male. He is always wrong and he got Lucky she just stole his bike. He should be dead!,-0.35,0,original 2728,"Fucking fagot not funny. If I saw that kid, I'd kick his ass.",2.14,5,FR 35353,"@tiasimone__ Yes of course, especially in black communities",-1.71,0,original 15545,This brain dead cunt,0.78,4,original 9958,So a dumb beta idiot married a prostitute and she openly say it. What the world has become?,0.16,0,original 40076,"Ungrateful parasite 'Augustine', we take back our Bharat and we will convert you again or throw you out.",0.6,2,DE 19815,follow the 40% of your fellow retarded transsexuals,1.45,4,FR 34566,Suck a dick and die,1.75,4,original 10479,You're what happens when a midget fucks a badger.,0.88,7,ZH 21909,I'll fallout with whoever . Fuck you hoes .,2.56,4,original 14894,"Well, in my day, women didn't even have the right to say no. If she does, you'll give her a good shot. we get rid of them with us",1.34,6,JA 35905,@caapusa Keep walking in God's Grace bc he has blessed you! I loved your interview with @donlemon he totally disrespected you & you held your own! I thank you! #AmericansHelpingAmericans God Bless You! It's not the color of ones skin it's the content of character & Lemon has none!,-5.86,0,original 37751,"@LucasRadebe @Liam_Anders21 @LUFCbully This must be humbling Rhoo, you really are a legend and we as the country are proud of you",-3.65,0,original 37644,"I remember, whenever we try to record a protest or any campaign regarding #Kashmir people don't take any interest. We're only fighters on social media, we don't even force our so called Kashmiri politician/leaders to talk on Kashmir issue.",-2.91,0,original 1549,So fuck off the backlog. Why even make this post a fucking stupid fagot.,2.43,5,FR 18583,Says the white man.,-1.09,0,original 47203,"This is an amazing, beautiful and inspiring video. I wish I had the courage to do something like this and actually come out as bisexual. I'm so proud of you for being able to do this. No matter what anyone else thinks about you, Eugene, just remember that you are an amazing, inspiring, courageous, and beautiful person. Thank you so much for all you have done to inspire me and others.",-7.44,0,original 26667,I'll Beat The Fuck Outta All My Homeboys Baby Mama's,0.56,4,original 26752,"Hey morons, if we just stop fucking each other, cancer is over... morons",1.3,7,RU 39139,"If all women decide to stop having sex until the cure for HIV/AIDs is found. I can assure you, men would find the cure within 30days. 😂😏 URL",-2.15,0,original 1583,>For the record I am NOT transphobic and have nothing against trannys. I just think it's a mental disorder. Holy shit he is literally the dumbest motherfucker.,-1.25,0,original 46009,So grateful from who? God ?? Someone don't believe to God you know?,-1.6,0,original 38315,return jihad flogging the inhuman pigs.. They kill innocent baloch. @ImranKhanPTI @OfficialDGISPR @pid_gov #BalochistanIsNotPakistan URL,1.43,2,RU 48136,IRAN SEND YOU TO HELL IN THE PERSIAN GULF HA HA HA HA ......,1.01,3,original 22828,dumb ass fucking boys,-0.34,0,original 13062,damn or how,1.32,4,FR 2242,You literally just generalized all immigration attorneys as hacks who hate America. Smoke some weed and chill out bro. Brown people aren't out there to kill you.,-2.91,0,original 29140,"From the depths of fire and blood, we give the glad tidings of dawn to the masses, and the promise of freedom of the Iranian people. Our tradition is fighting for our rights even if our faces are covered with blood.. #Iran #FreeIran 17/18",-3.7,0,original 21337,@Shadical By being GAy,-2.48,0,original 21698,@AntonioooYt @DmvGlocka @MirFaneto you two niggas evil 🤢💯,0.64,1,DE 23522,expel them. Now,1.52,3,ZH 47847,"The killer should have come with others to kill more people. I hope the next shooting somewhere has more than 200 victims! I'm not surprised because you Americans have killed a lot of people in other countries. This is how karma works. Die, American bastard, die!",1.38,3,ZH 32013,The difference between Hinduism and Islam.... One represents humanity and the second represents atrocity! URL,1.35,2,RU 11930,"Just another ghetto fatty angry because she's horrifically ugly and a hippopotamic landmass; the result of a glorified ghetto culture that breeds ignorance, stupidity, and violence when confronted regarding that very ignorance and stupidity.",1.98,1,original 18122,"My father is asian and my mother is white, however i love that fact that im mixed and personally think myself as well as other half breeds are more attractive than whites and asians.",-4.24,0,original 45992,*plot twist! We are all African*,-4.16,0,original 5704,"What a bunch of weak, sensitive queers. lmao.",0.94,5,FR 28925,"@gangavarapufame @noconversion @Pontifex 👍🏽 someone has to accept venomous hate. U - Jesus I killed, raped and fought for you and in your name. God, psychopathic moron, you killed me and all the good in the world. Burn it to eternity.",1.35,2,FR 33065,These are stupid losers looting pakistan economy url,0.56,3,FR 16791,"I can't wait until 2050 when white people will be a minority. I wish POC all had 3+ kids so we could quickly replace that pinko trash can. White people must be replaced as punishment for being a disgusting and hateful race throughout history. They have terrorized POC for over 500 years and hopefully we can replace them this time around once and for all. They don't deserve to exist. All minorities should buy guns so we can fight back against this pinko trash. Every minority they kill, we kill 10 whites. If they want violence, we give them violence. Without mercy",2.68,1,FR 43228,All Dominicans suck like Al Horford,0.76,1,FR 17623,Generally Americans seem to be much mor wok with murder / genocide / death by lack of humane health care then ... pretty much everyone else among democratic nations. Weird huh ?,-1.94,0,original 5255,Get your faggotry off this sub,2.06,5,original 35622,"No, you're not baby, you're a fucking idiot",1.0,7,DE 10274,"""Nanking was raped? How terrible! We should find out who it was right away!” -Japan",1.03,1,DE 28128,"California ejected black man from Democratic Convention for no apparent reason. It appears they want to silence minorities and if that doesn't work abort them all. This is the plan of Margaret Sanger, but some people will not look into this. We need illegals due to our aborted.",-1.5,0,original 49756,"Maybe his girlfriend was a man! He's most likely a cucumber kisser! He didn't leave her for another woman, he left her for another man! It sounds like this idiotic ex-husband has cock-in-mouth disease! his ex-wife is a classy lady!",2.14,5,DE 29224,Niggas can't break my bread,1.94,1,DE 36014,@Ilhan Go back to Somalia to save your own dam country and leave America to the Americans!,0.59,3,ZH 30544,"BIG BLACK COCK IS SEX. PERIOD. white people need to acknowledge their inferiority and accept that black dicks are the way to a freer, fairer world. we will peacefully breed white people out of existence with mandatory #black breeding education for all white people! #BBC URL",1.21,1,DE 19395,step into your incel white basement!,0.56,1,FR 1224,"I would gladly bring ALL the Mexicans here, if we could send back the muslims and somalians.",-0.15,0,original 5424,"Another fundie that refuses to do the job, so should lose it.",-0.63,0,original 37020,"India is a Hindu rashtra. We intend to keep it that way. If we have to establish a H state for this, so be it. Non-Hs can call it home, have all the secular rights the State has to offer but Hs are first among equals. Their culture is the national culture. It is not negotiable.",-1.43,0,original 44184,Kill white people and hang them up 💣🔪🔫,4.05,1,DE 36608,@Freeyourmindkid @broglennn while the shooter was caught alive and without a single injury!! Like what the actual hell. While this shit happened I remember the black youth picking garbage in his yard being threatened by 5 or 6 police officers!,-1.91,0,original 63,Demand she pay and topple the patriarchy!,-1.21,0,original 12948,Are we going to genocide the Saudis?,2.36,3,FR 31301,"@wilde @dougtroup @EthnieW Yep in fact laws should be made to ensure this happens, any bloke or female doing these operation should be jailed for life and no parole.",-1.52,0,original 33539,cult leader q anon is setting up followers for some Rwandan radio bullshit and basically I hate all you bastards even MORE than I fucking did last year when I begged you to take care and you refused. remember the MONTHS it took me to prove that q anon was a cult?! URL,0.9,2,RU 39661,@danny_vase HAHAHA stupid bitch ass fucking shitty ass fucking sucking dick stupid bitch fucking ass shitty ass fucking ass sucking dick,1.2,4,FR 7357,"her body is bangin!! i most definitely would fuck her, and then fuck her again when i'm finished. hell, fuck her whenever i'm horny! directed at her: baby, you're most fuckable!",0.95,4,original 327,fags must be the only life form on earth that doesn't reproduce but doesn't go extinct either,1.06,5,ZH 12620,"No mercy for pedophiles. This ""they're just sick people who need our help"" mentality disgusts me.",1.12,5,ZH 33456,Say it with me: Fuck Israel,0.75,1,FR 42109,Are you that stupid? ISIS GONE! Nice try Arab boy! Seyyed Fahim Hossein Moussavi,0.57,1,FR 25325,"Here is a new amendment: If your religious belief is to deny others basic human rights, you should be a) barred from holding public office and b) shove your religion up your ass as much as possible and leave it there . URL",0.99,2,DE 49987,kill those stupid redneck christians,2.19,2,ZH 7928,Please read this. This is so very eye opening and could help so many LGBTQ members of our faith. URL,-5.05,0,original 12647,"Haha they're just cranky incels that are upset that they can't get her. And even if they don't, I see no need to be rude or condescending when talking about her, it just shows to prove how immature and pathetic they are, to the point that they take out their frustrations on others. I really hate ppl like this.",-1.57,0,original 19321,Yeah no homophobic in that at all. You're quoting Bubba The Love Sponge? I remember when Bubba won the Nobel ... no wait ... the Pulitiz ... no wait ... it's Bubba The Fucking Love Sponge. Jesus A Christ that is literally the best you have? I'm no fan of Tucker. In fact I've given up Fox News because like CNN and MSNBC it's just a team. I refuse teams. Just keep screaming white nationalism because at this point thoughtful people just shake their heads at that shit.,-1.27,0,original 43346,"Obama deported more illegals than any president. Illegals should vote republican. The are conservative christians. But most republicans are racist fat old men with no education and worship a bible. I love trump, i just cant stand hateful republicans. They should be sent to assad for gas treatment and replace them with real christians from latin america.",1.68,2,original 44881,Shout out Lumpy Latino,-0.63,0,original 5813,I hate this fucking argument because there are a lot more fucking prolife people in the us than there are radical islamists,-1.04,0,original 29017,"Nigerian men are not interested in women. lol You'll laugh, drink and party with your abuser online, and even if he's accused of physically assaulting an innocent woman, you'll queue up to take selfies with him. URL",0.67,3,DE 46877,who else racistly thought hes indian he can handle the spice,-1.64,0,original 40676,"This ""guy"" is gay",1.05,5,ZH 45386,Those who are not happy with America should leave. Omar is a thousand times better off in America than that shithole country she came from yet all she does is complain. What a waste of votes and those who voted for her are just plain IDIOTS.,0.75,3,original 14297,I wanna slide this throbbing bbc deep in that pussy get all that cream on my dick and balls 😈💦🍆,-0.73,0,original 36094,Here's a song for you… Brown Skin Lady by Black Star URL,-2.5,0,original 16085,I do 50 push ups a day. BUT TODAY I SAVED MY POWER SO I CAN DESTROY SOME GAY ASS RETARD ON THE INTERNET. GET OFF THE INTERNET AUTISTIC LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT. GET OFF THE COMPUTER YOU RETARD FUCK. NO ONE gives a damn about the opinion of congenital inbeciles. YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT.,1.22,5,DE 44785,SEND THEM BACK DEPORT chain migration non-english nude model gold digger HO MELANIE and nazi german pussygrabber DRUMPF,3.59,3,ZH 46509,+ActsisMMLJ CorrectlyObeyed That's all white people know is violence - You are even planning Civil War 2 Endgame to kill each other off - Oh civilized one. We don't need to come to your farm - We'll just wait until you kill each other or Trump finish your asses off - We have waited 400 Years - We can wait a few more and keep enjoying the Trump show - This country deserves Trump - He's kicking your asses hard. Farewell America.,1.02,1,original 30711,@albysuperstar17 @matthewbert92 @pap1pap Sei informato male,-2.9,0,original 31146,if you directly degrade a girl for having sex then fuck you,-0.37,0,original 24485,Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum. (May Allah accept this worship from us and from you). #EidMubarak URL,-4.67,0,original 34444,"BREAKING: After fighting for 6yrs, this is the first time EVER that an LGBT asylum seeker has been returned to the UK after being 'unlawfully deported'... 🏳️‍🌈 She is supported by @followMFJ. Our interview with Ugandan ""PN"" will be on BBC News this week. URL",-2.69,0,original 17289,I'm going to put my big black cock in your mouth. Want to summa that bullseed down your throat? Take this black kings cum you crackkka ass amerikkkan.,1.83,1,FR 26539,@Queenz_Tamika @lava_chicken Ayo y dis niggas fite 4 hitler if he wuz a raycist ass nigga URL,-0.68,0,original 21984,"I love cuckold. I genuinely believe that My alpha is an intelligent, handsome, and dominant older man worthy of praise & worship. I love telling cucks REAL stories of our love making and dirty sex. Most ""Alphas"" on here make Me cringe 🥴 SO glad I have a bearded mountain man. URL",0.98,4,original 26839,@GreatGameIndia You're telling the world that indians are foolish and fucking retard nation You guys are morons you cant understand that if we involved politics and defense forces in this game then it will be disaster for this game Don't destroy sports,0.78,1,original 5943,Because they were too busy throwing gays off rooftops to pay much attention to other celestial bodies,0.55,5,ZH 33885,Next nigga make me mad I'm beating they ass omm.,0.71,1,original 5388,Youre absolutely right. I actually have a confession to make: nothing gets me more aroused than watching gavin mcinnes stick that dildo up his butt. Wanna get together and jerk each other off while we watch it on repeat?,-2.16,0,original 27072,Unarmed women and children are a huge threat to cowards that wear diapers and carry guns URL,-0.14,0,original 15950,You are retarded. You don't want to go to jail? Stay away from drugs then pure and simple. and if your target is more cuz your black as you say. then stay even further. but nooooo all you see is black with guns and drugs. go cry somewhere where people don't actually commit the crime no one goes to jail for doing nothing.,1.48,1,FR 5453,"I hope this sub closes now because of how much you would cry. And also the refugees are ruining it, like any good nation. Every time I see a picture of a failed comic with the title ""Faggot"" all my sperm dies.",0.59,3,FR 26126,"Good Daughter Sucks Mom Big Fucking Cock!! Do you like the taste of all the other slut holes I've fucked?! Of course you do! You're my cum-loving slug, aren't you? ! URLs",1.06,4,FR 34187,Russian statistics show increase in marriages with foreigners ❤ #tits #ass #horny #nudes #porn #pussy #sex #wet #milf #sexy URL,-1.91,0,original 38389,"This is a rotten country, causing massive mental health deterioration. Its overall environment is mentally and physically toxic. People who say it's the most beautiful country are: delusional, blind, and don't understand what the concept of oppression is. 🙂 url",0.79,3,ZH 23874,I really want to take on a cute little slut and make them drool on my dick then fuck them senseless🥺🥺🥺,1.28,4,FR 29662,@PrinceRages @Wasim12378 @Punofgod @waqyounis99 strong your country rape tourists so don't go there you poor uneducated rat 😂😂😂,1.41,3,ZH 9242,I sincerely hope these people will get cancer.,0.87,7,FR 38974,@ChocolateJ23 Where the Niggas that do that point me in they direction 😩😩,-0.66,0,original 15894,"The reason why you find it okay is because you and your friend have a mutual understanding with each other. Now try doing the same in front of an Indian stranger. The fact of the matter is different people have different level of tolerance towards stereotyping and this affects their understanding of what constitutes casual racism. So when dealing with the public, it's best to prepare for the worst. Sometimes, you can get away with it but things like this can happen too.",-3.3,0,original 48514,The Republicans stick together racist and ignorant bigots. The Democrats youth better stop fighting Nancy Pelosi and go after Trump if they want to win in 2020 because all these racist people stick together. We all came here except the Native Americans know the history White Americans. God made all of us not just you!,-0.43,0,original 221,All these crazy religious idiots trying to stop abortion are like monkeys trying to destroy fire because it burns when touched,2.04,2,DE 44538,"Dems have no choice but to run a black woman. Blacks are fleeing the dems, they're sick and tired of the bullshit.",-2.07,0,original 43695,oh please plenty of videos of white people FIGHTING the cops who don't get killed. Go back to your trailer park,-1.24,0,original 27084,Here are sections of the chat between #MSM @arstechnica reporter Peter Bright aka @DrPizza. He thinks he is talking to the mother of a girl he wanted to rape. The discussion is sick & just goes to show how pedophiles lose all critical thinking when their mind is on child sex URL,-0.3,0,original 47904,Trump that fucking disgusting pig 🐖 and That sex slave bitch first lady is an immigrant .. Deport her stupid Ass.. And put their retarded kid and one of those cages and see how much they like it.. #white privilege KKK #Fuck trump,2.87,3,original 45878,THE LOWER AND LOWER VIEWERS IT'S BECAUSE IT'S A PROPAGANDIST NETWORK. WORTHLESS HOMOSEXUAL TALKING PROPAGANDA.,1.33,5,FR 37817,You hear a nigga yell this at the function its time to go URL,-0.4,0,original 28992,bro my pussy would be drippin URL,-2.84,0,original 3777,"Right??? Thank you! I'm not a lesbian, I'm just a girl with tattoos and I appreciate your sentiment lol.",-2.42,0,original 25589,"Me too sis 🥺 Im tired of these niggas always asking ""wyd"" every 5 seconds 🤦🏾‍♀️ URL",-0.48,0,original 48799,Who gave this nigga a mustache,-2.04,0,original 31640,@themajimakwing wait what???? why do they hate my girl so much,-2.85,0,original 16888,"Haha good luck with the daily school shootings, pfft an army would stomp your white little sensitive bitch asses",0.76,1,original 15570,All autistic people should die.,1.69,7,FR 8888,"Are you a fucking retard? The race would die if people didn't have fucking kids and if people really cared about their families and had kids to raise. Fuck you, you fucking human shit",1.12,7,FR 20348,So you telling me if a woman decides she doesn't want to have sex anymore mid stroke a mf can start whamming her shit. Fuck the U.S and its pissy ass pea sized dick head law makers. URL,-0.16,0,original 11635,"Take the cock and balls out of your mouth, Sodomite.",1.73,5,FR 23405,@TarekFatah this happened because of cowardly Hindus...spineless idiots will let these b@stards spew hate at us in a Hindu majority country! Thanks to MKG.. he made generation after generation incompetent and cowardly!,0.69,2,ZH 34768,Just seen a nigga take a calypso drink just to take a snap n then put it back 🤕,-0.15,0,original 21219,I need some real pussy 😍🤤 @mrbananaham0ck URL,0.1,0,original 5378,Damn gypsies! they have TONS of money I hate that they beg...,0.88,1,original 30097,"@realDonaldTrump American citizens commit crimes all the time. Look st the numerous school shootings, mass shootings or sexual assault. Your point?",-1.35,0,original 40664,By now every piece of trash knows with God what diseases are pouring into our nation from trash lands and we're told 'refugees' fix their own crappy country and shut your legs stop having 100 kids 'refugees'.,1.65,3,DE 8519,"How do you think Russia and China will divide America after freeing us from Orange Hitler? Is West? North South? Anyway, I'm going anywhere Russia annexes because Chinese is too hard to learn, unless it's anywhere in the bible belt, which will probably be a giant radioactive crater littered with a Confederate flag bearing inbred radicalized terrorists who swore allegiance to avenging Trump at the end of this.",0.57,3,FR 32543,"@IlhanMN No, only you your crew and illegals",-0.64,0,original 5810,I imagine a man acting as tough as ltg presents himself to be getting beat roasted and toasted by a scrawny little white dude would. But it never stopped his ego.,-0.15,0,original 1298,Rofl get help bro or better yet get shock therapy or 12 gauge brain therapy for your mentally ill ass 🤣,1.63,7,DE 24875,"How many new ways will the Christ-fascists come up with to say ""kill all the gays you want""? URL",0.84,2,RU 36591,@seanhannity Just another useless Beta male shooting up the public.,0.5,0,original 22393,Do you really want to fuck the priest or do you want to fuck God? URL,0.95,2,original 44518,Check your head LMAOOO You sound like you're fucking late Say the same shit for an hour,1.5,7,JA 17946,Fuck you Jewish cunts and US lap dogs.,1.16,2,DE 2782,SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING FAGGOt. I WILL COME TO YOUR HOSE AND FUCK YOUR MOTHER> EAT SHIT BITC HI HATE NIGGERS AND FAGGOTS EAT SHIT EAT SHIT HOLY FUCK,2.26,1,original 16970,Disgusting little racist with a messiah complex.,0.45,0,original 14430,"Get off your high armchair and go back to your Chapo shithole. Restraining people is hard, especially someone like this who's off his meds, high on cocaine and running into traffic, endangering not only himself but the lives of others.",1.68,3,original 46625,"Let's haul them out of the warm cesspit and hang them all (NWO) on poles. Where the fuck are you fucking bankers and people there, we're people, we're more than them...  ",2.28,3,ZH 42894,Are you a fag?,2.37,5,FR 21602,female dogs are crazy crazy 🤣🤣,0.61,4,FR 19298,"Yup, I'm not Chinese but I really related to The Farewell. I even related to movies like Brooklyn - immigrant experience is not based on skin colour.",-3.75,0,original 46856,In this time of generation...all you see is people with straight hair and (I'm an afro-Latina) I used to think that straight hair was the right thing so I would always straighten it but I relized...I'm not white...I'm not Ecuadorian...etc...I'm a half black half Puerto Rican girl and I came to love myself and my hair(none of my cousins have curly hair....I'm the only one with curly hair in my family),-1.68,0,original 32845,"Females will go back to a nigga who was beating they shit in. But curve a nigga who wanna help them. ""I dont wanna give up 2 years of a relationship we had good times"" While the getting DDT through tables for just having male friends 😭",-1.1,0,original 22515,very natural. Look at how small and useless this gay nub is. Now look at men's. There is no comparison. That's why men fuck. Men have dicks. Gays have cats. url,0.97,5,ZH 15468,Lol... Now that is a whataboutism... God day sir! At least I cannot for the life of me think of how you could make that remotely relevant... Where you planing on EU resurrecting the long dead Germans to run these camps or something!?!!,-1.85,0,original 47241,We need to get it over with and hit Iran,0.7,3,original 41610,Not when US sanctions you because they hate people not working.,-2.0,0,original 5189,"I believe I speak for most here when I say shut the fuckin up, faggot.",1.72,5,original 2524,"Living in New Jersey, There was this guy who lost custody of his kid over naming him Adolf Hitler. Some people really wanna ruin their kids lives. If you're a Nazi, keep it to yourself and don't ruin your child's future by giving him a name based off a horrible dictator who murdered millions.",-1.88,0,original 28198,"Wallah I left Christianity and haven't made a peep about it unless someone has asked for my conversion story, but even then I don't focus much on why I left Christianity but rather why I chose Islam. This kind of thing is so unnecessary. Ex-Muslims are proper weird man. URL",-0.87,0,original 13337,Force her to her knees where Asian sluts belongs. Tie her up and rip her clothes off I'd shove my cock in her throat and hatefuck her gook face. When I feel I've had enough of her throat I'll bend her over where I'll fuck her ass then cum in it,3.07,4,original 35652,@ariettaadamsxxx shows us how huge she intends to Gape her ass and doesn't disappoint and even gets fed @AlexJones420XXX cum fresh straight from her bootyhole! 🤩😍😈🍆💦 🥄 URL,0.41,0,original 13588,What's wrong with Germany ? Why are they always on the path of destroying Europe ? I am serious.,0.71,1,original 36728,"@AdamrR83 @DerrickL He is a piece of shit that deserves to die by 1000 cuts but just remember your opinion when everyone that ""looks"" Muslim gets targeted bc they plaster a terrorist up. #DontGiveThemFame",-0.41,0,original 1051,A fucking little gay shit trash head,0.91,5,ZH 14369,Currently trying to marry a Pakistani. I'm indian (East African). It's wicked difficult. So much emotional challenges and self-doubt. I can't even face my parents but they accepted the proposal and the difficulty still hasn't stopped,-3.06,0,original 38761,@RabiaAnumm U will die death of a swine as u r born in same tribe...,1.66,1,original 19324,Wow you're fucking retarded guess we have to shoot every person in sight to stop possible mass shooting you fucking retarded do you think these shooters will announce they're shooting a spot and give you time to shoot them back? You are damn stupid.,3.29,7,DE 47082,go home india shameless creature,1.33,3,ZH 7183,They're fucking latecomers and they talk like they're fucking latecomers too,1.15,7,JA 9161,"So it's a very small concentration camp. Then you are an apostate. Be happy to have the right to live in a western country. Under Islamic rule, you would have been slaughtered with machetes by your pious Muslim brothers, wild animals that they are.",1.68,2,FR 13871,"She looks to be the type to make nipples hard, and dicks soft.",0.61,4,original 7731,"""You look like a bunch of morons trying to pick a doorknob.""",1.6,7,DE 46014,"therefore these vermin rats should never be allowed to be taken from other countries,",1.99,3,FR 4481,The Abrahamic religion is rubbish. Now protect the childish play of your garbage church.,1.4,2,RU 2200,Fill you with my hot cum. Maybe once you are bred I will cum down your throat and over those perfect tits,-1.39,0,original 36388,Kick all the damn Indians out of the Gulf States.,1.0,2,RU 26427,some people are surprised i speak spanish 😌. can i be white?,-3.13,0,original 36397,lmao y'all b thinking y'all b fcking w/ these niggas fr .... lmao DUMMY yo damn number ain't even saved bye lil nut rag.,0.86,4,original 43249,"@Maz Da No thanks. You leftist trash will be the ones burning, especially since you all hate religion so much.",1.03,2,original 43128,Yeah - the Koran is a lie.,-1.15,0,original 3362,"That's all we do here on the West Coast, talk about our White Privilege. Entire shantytowns exist here, now, in Portland. I'm told it's as bad everywhere along here. All the city does is pump out more and more hostile architecture.",-0.84,0,original 4073,"Your dipstick daddy can do whatever he wants with the electronics in his house. Legitimate little brat. Violation of privacy? Fuck off. Daddy pays the internet bill so suck a dick. Dad pays mortgage so suck a dick. You'd better respect daddy's name or fucking move out. Find out how hard it is in the real fucking world, but hey, at least you can see anal fisting, you fucking degenerate.",2.72,6,DE 14997,The slave owners were assholes because they didn't treat their slaves like people,1.11,1,original 19719,fuck me up boys. choke me with ur dicks and let me drown in ur cum,-1.81,0,original 7957,"Get out of here, you normie fag. Cut up the road, not across the road, for full effect. Can you lift at all, brother?",1.67,5,DE 28805,@adam22 1 cuz she suck dick,-0.25,0,original 40936,This immigration Attorney is full of crap and what he said was strange to say or think period. To have someone talk about awful experiences is nuts it is not a subject matter to share it is private between the man and God and no other I know experience buddy.,-0.92,0,original 11911,Nobody likes a loose pussy. Keep them locked up!,1.14,4,FR 17989,Israelis love to build. Arabs like to bomb trash and live in open sewage. - our friend Benny,0.86,2,ZH 42824,Fix your gun problem and then you wouldnt have so many immigrants crossing the border,-1.86,0,original 42568,Why are these people so upset? What's wrong with separating babies from their mothers and packing people into cages like sardines. What's wrong with treating them like they're not human. They are not white like us. Let them rot.,2.56,1,FR 46765,Who said white people cant play bball,-3.16,0,original 2864,This will be used to demonstrate a history of institutional islamophobia in this country 5 years from now.,-2.75,0,original 42925,who are all women of color. the color of shit talking shit acting shit. i'm with trump goodbye,2.04,1,FR 9369,This guy needs to be kicked out and the others need to be put in jail.,1.04,3,FR 15125,Mexicans crossing Israeli border BEFORE wall built: 0.,-1.77,0,original 465,You're a retard too so what's one retard replaced with another,1.1,7,original 20233,Fuck this lil limp dick ass nigga,0.45,0,original 31651,"#Houthis is a boil in the ass of humanity, you are top notch 💩 URL",2.36,2,ZH 37711,"Ion care how fucked up I am, I don't fuck with that cucumber shit 🤢",3.19,4,FR 49614,Drake you're such a gay curry stains on your arm what a fag you're a groupie just get ready in the locker room they're gonna kick your ass hahaha,1.26,5,DE 15578,"She's a whore, but she could be a worse whore. She sure makes a lot of money.",-0.49,0,original 15204,"How stupid Americans are. Everywhere else in the world people only have to cross at certain times and in certain places, but in America, no, Americans think they are even better than everyone else.",0.98,3,FR 25856,Pro-Khalistan slogans in Amritsar raised as tens of thousands of Sikhs mark 35th anniversary of 1984 Sikh Genocide at Sri Akal Takht Sahib to pay tribute to the martyrs of June 1984. Sikh anger against India growing worldwide URL,-2.76,0,original 48479,we don't want your muslim appeasing bigoted pseudo-liberal ideas NDTV. Please do not push your ideas onto others.,0.68,2,DE 7032,"You're gonna cop a smiting from god for putting this out there... How dare you belittle our loving pastor. When the old faithfuls come back in 1925 they gonna get you... Sorry, meant 2025... Abraham gonna put a shoe right up your disrespectful ass...",0.02,0,original 11674,How about just GTFO and nuclear Saudi Arabia?,3.52,3,ZH 48606,"What a load of bollox, how many people will be killed in this case Iranians, the reason why you did not attack Iran is that you know and your generals know Iran will attack back, Iran is not IRAQ, SYRIA, AFGHANISTAN, The USA have not won any war except the ww2 and that was with the help of allies,they lost in Iraq, Syria,Afghanistan, Vietnam,",1.03,3,original 16234,Damn Vietnamese crackers defiling the Ming dynasty,0.79,3,FR 40502,Raping children + being an overly entitled white male = America thrives on #CantWaitTilProfessionalArmySnipersKillTheseAmericanTerrorists,1.85,1,DE 2479,"I'd hold your waist tight,spank you ass pink as I give you a good pounding, my balls spankin your lovely clit",-3.33,0,original 34527,Alpha using his pathetic bottom fag throat url,1.09,5,FR 21114,Like you bitch in our land! ! What are you going to do? Do you want compensation? Are you going to give your house to my aunt? ? Would you hire community members to work in our own hometown? No? ? Then shut up and come to me when you're ready to sacrifice your comfort.,1.72,3,ZH 33570,"@Identitaere_B I bet within one year this group will be completely subverted from their original cause and be focused mainly on being anti nazi and pro gay, with maybe.... A slight decrease in migration",-1.81,0,original 39454,damn india will fuck all these bastards,0.64,3,ZH 1333,"Same! I work at a high school, and some of my very valid trans and enby kids are the perfect height for head-pats. And yet...😓 Someday.",-2.92,0,original 41455,"Nepal and the moronic visitors make no difference, this lunacy adventures need to be shut the he'll down period.",-0.35,0,original 41101,"Being I've had girls 6"" shorter than me tell me I'm too short for them i can see how guys would assume you wouldn't be interested in a short guy.",-2.3,0,original 3552,I laughed so hard you fucking autistic 😂😂,1.57,7,ZH 4344,"China is by far the worst, their growing population makes them even bolder! America commits a lot of crimes, but we don't cook animals alive. We should join them because you love them so much and blew you up too.",2.33,3,ZH 18681,I'd love to watch your ass being fucked 🤤,-2.02,0,original 41309,Sounds like a good plan. Torture and then pray. SO Christian.,0.11,0,original 23678,"@arvindsudarshan @ParinSays @SirJambavan How come Dumeelans follow the Vedic(Brahmanical) ritual of pouring milk on their Xtian Thalapathy ? Isn't it the practise of idolaters ? Same when Commie leaders do a ""Namaskar"" ? Hypocrites. #TNNeedsHindi #Nesamani",-0.08,0,original 15558,Islam kills gays. Nothing to do with you being a rude boy.,0.84,2,RU 12775,"Sometimes you have to be disobedient to best honor your family. See Mulan. For just one example, any Methodist church I've walked into has been boldly welcoming to and accepting of LGBTQ people, just as Jesus was. I know Baptists wouldn't do this due to the ""disobedience"" factor.",-2.47,0,original 29299,"korea, where a female celebrity going braless in public is more of an issue than a male celebrity's sexual assault case. (ranking is most viewed articles) URL",-1.8,0,original 35137,"@GilbertKays The Israelis & Rwandese govts are still pursuing doers of genocide decades on & rightly so,in time a new Zim must nip this cycle of violence in the bud by bringing in all culprits to justice,no matter how old,young,low or high they are and for as long as it takes #shownomercy URL",-1.34,0,original 22398,"Just a friendly reminder. 😁 If you disrespect any if my girls I WILL drag your limb dick ,pasty ass , cum stain of an excuse of a life in front of ALL of Twitter and OWN your ass. Then I will have my girls Re tweet your destruction via their fans.👹",0.61,5,original 43349,funny pedophiles,1.16,2,RU 4119,I found another little fag!,0.79,5,FR 33024,"Dudes are stupid as fuck, my girl will literally write out a whole ass tweet about me they they still wanna b like ""we should hang out some time"" lmfao okay cool where we meeting? Cause you know ima whoop that ass URL",0.57,4,original 16863,"""Wow I want my degeneracy vindicated wow! Personal responsibility is gross, I want my holes fucked no questions asked!!""",2.65,5,FR 19162,This is not eugenics! It just stops some people from reproducing!!,0.63,7,RU 14562,"If Dutch dicks somehow end up in your ass, they're just fucking retarded, you fag.",1.1,5,ZH 1382,"Yeah, modern kids, especially brown kids, would be under jail pulling that shit.",0.86,1,FR 39803,@itsaadee will fuck you suarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get out of my country ..Namak haram,0.87,3,DE 14689,I hate that bitch. Someone needs to shove a cock in her mouth to shut her up.,3.37,4,original 41678,Mulan: doesn't hide that she is a girl in fighting scenes even though that is a large part of the movie Me: *visual annoyance*,-1.27,0,original 41774,"I knew it was Andrew the second he opened his mouth and asked ""Do you go to A church?"" and not ""Do you go to church?"" Dead give away!",-2.73,0,original 42115,"Pence of hay, your satanic religion fabricated the fits, Pence of hay before you croak, you'll wish you were in one of your own concentration camps",1.3,2,FR 4576,"I don't have to caress you, I just shove my cock up your ass and rape you, then you're my fag, fag",2.14,5,DE 22310,Damn Yeah! Hot AF Total Fuck'n Bottom Slut Christian Goes On A Hard Fuck'n Rough Mount And Rides To Get Her Ever Fuck'n Hungry Slutted Out Pussy Open Fuck'n Good For A Balls Deep Fuck'n Load Top Up of Filthy Fuck'n Dirty Cum! Damn this bitch is Fuck'n Good (T.I.M) 👍 URL,0.82,4,FR 17101,once you take a knife and cut off that micropenis (didn't see your wife talking about you in another thread)? An idiot like you can't have stupid kids.,2.32,7,DE 9511,"99% of people who brag about causing vaginal lacerations because of how huge their cock is have, at best, above average dicks and partners who aren't fully aroused because the guy is shit in bed. If your dick is big enough that a fully aroused woman can't take it without pain and discomfort, get some fucking lube and pay attention to what you're doing. And again, don't turn threads about sexual assault into a referendum on your fucking cock. That's the kind of selfishness that leads me to believe that you suck in bed and think a big cock is enough to satisfy your partner",0.12,0,original 3130,You are not subscribed to the Christianity subreddit for reasons that require the forcible eradication of Christian rot. That in itself makes you unworthy.,0.69,2,RU 26774,This #clip is hot! Just sold! FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLE #Pegging Get yours on #iWantClips! URL URL,-0.76,0,original 36420,@appreciateejoon @s8n fag,0.56,5,FR 17453,I'm bi. I never really thought about it too hard until the LGBT movement started gaining more steam,-3.28,0,original 41065,She and they could go to these countries and set up your own camp lets see how long you last damm idiot,-0.63,0,original 38198,@Badh_Badh_Baba @ertugru66904008 @lndianPresident @Jayashree_Ravis @zainabsikander tore the moron right in the middle....a bloody rice bag that hates Hindu converts.,1.54,2,RU 23790,@hear_sum @paraliizerr @Not_Saga kY's stupid bean,0.99,1,DE 6291,"See the faggots, that's why they call you the faggots. Not the normal homosexuals, but the faggots.",2.18,5,FR 45843,"They should use their earnings for facial hair removal. The future doesn't look too bright for the United States, the majority of them have bad eyesight, wear thick beer bottle glasses and so many mustaches on the kids. A Pakistani clan by chance? they are notorious for having babies with mustaches and beards, you see them all over Londonstan when they aren't exploding.",1.6,1,FR 10240,Women aren't real. They're a myth. Like the Earth being round.,-0.09,0,original 46692,He has tattoos for KD and Steph??? Wow that is the Gayest shit ive ever heard in my life.,-1.34,0,original 17093,shut the fuck you bitch ass whore.,1.13,4,original 18001,"A lady who blames the mass shootings on video games, homosexuality ect. Hence, trashy.",0.28,0,original 44481,"Hole up. People in New York, who are good liberal human beings, wouldn't help a man choking? No way. Had to be in Appalachia, where the inbreds who voted Donald Trump live.",1.0,3,original 12821,"Yeah, and you post on r/chapotrapohouse. Disgusting tranny faggot.",2.06,5,original 167,fucking muslims. Fuck their feelings.,1.45,2,ZH 19867,"Nigger wtf, he literally shit green poop stop shaming my cock ugly poo",-0.3,0,original 465,"You're retarded too, so what's one retarded for another?",1.1,7,ZH 37596,men should all die in a fire honestly they are a threat to the world,1.74,4,original 40880,"Who can forget the disgusting evangelicals were proudly elected and continue to support sex predator racist Trump! If you're an evangelical, you're just a racist!!!",0.82,2,DE 40854,"Another lazy soulless cash-grab from Disney, pushing the narrative that the only way a woman can be a strong hero is if she acts like a man? Imagine my shock.",-1.3,0,original 5551,"whore perfect for parties with a group on men because she loves cocks, balls and their cums",1.3,4,FR 16943,"Yes, I would like to see your pussy filled with cock.",0.65,4,FR 27226,@jahebe @maracuriel1 @unlov3abl3 That bitch retarded lmaooooo,-0.75,0,original 46906,Send your skanky wife back!,1.34,3,original 37200,"@BrainsPindi @AlakhNi38794017 @majorgauravarya Free from what? Alarmism was the name of the game, religious illusion reason. It's good to see that he died the death he deserved, just like his sister, who was murdered by the monster he created. For the deceived, even 72 virgins are right, just like pedophilia. The world doesn't care.",2.28,2,FR 25987,"@bigbabyJamaican @LisetteA13 @MarchofDimes @NYGovCuomo America will never be immune to hearing; hundreds of unvaccinated, infected, illegal immigrants pour into our country every day. The border must be closed first.",1.27,3,ZH 13659,"White, married, uncut respectful gentlemen here in California. You have two major turn ones for me right away. BBW and Hispanic. A perfect combination. I have kik if you ever want to talk.",-4.68,0,original 3026,The moral concept of not murdering folks is merely enshrined in various religious texts. It did not originate from there. We do not need religion to convey that message.,-3.28,0,original 33415,They do the same when sniping #gaza children,-0.88,0,original 16948,u/Space_Duck147 YOU SOUNDS LIKE A IDIOTIC MORONIC VIRGIN AND I WILL RAPE U IF I SEE U!!!,1.55,4,original 2026,"I haven't seen that joke, you big fag. I know you want to be an edgelord, but you're probably an anti-vax jerk, so go suck your daddy's dick to deal with your suicidal thoughts. Or just kill you in general.",3.29,5,FR 23033,THIS GAY ACCOUNT FUCK ALL NIGERS GOODBYE,2.26,1,FR 38445,"Thandiswa Mawisa, a black person is able to say this publicly in #SouthAfrica about white people with no consequences whatsoever! #whitehate #stopracism #WhiteGenocide URL",-0.45,0,original 21349,This bout the dumbest shit cheat ima beat yo ass his ass and his momma ass,-0.14,0,original 48476,Send Ilhan Omar back to the shit country she came from.,1.64,3,ZH 257,"Booty cheeks, so you have to go ass to ass to make it work",-0.57,0,original 33347,#IslamExposed: Head-Covering Islamic State Dirt Defends Rapejihad. URL #Syria🇸🇾 #IslamicState #ISISbrides in #Baghouz say #rapejihad is allowed in #Islam and they are right. #ISISslag #ISIL #ISIS #DAESH #Sunnah by #Rasulallah,0.9,2,DE 40126,"+Bill Christian You mean little jerks who can't read or write or spell? The ones who graduated from school year after year, but did not know the difference between the words ""then"" and ""what"" and how to use them correctly? The same small, Common Core, liberally educated whiners? Hit it, bitch!",0.98,6,RU 38573,"@KIMAGA4EVER @LaylaAlisha11 @realDonaldTrump Beta males are disgusting and have no self-control. I would never sell this man a gun, or even a pea shooter. He is out of control.",1.09,4,original 45486,"What is majority of Indians, Modi got 22 Crore votes Congress got 12 Crore votes.",-2.57,0,original 27786,"Muslims are turning Germany into a nightmare! Thank you to all the left wing liberal heathen politicians who hate their country and people so much that they allow these savage savages into the country! If you breed mambas, sooner or later they will kill you!",2.2,2,ZH 11154,Maybe you faggots should stop trying to get subs and websites banned and they won't invade your safe spaces.,1.76,5,original 42167,Never trust Jews. They are real predators.,1.65,2,RU 10194,"Back to the cotton fields, nigger",1.58,1,DE 2041,She looks like a cancerous zombie! Her new agenda is to dress little boys in sexy clothes and get them emotional.,1.68,5,ZH 27327,"@RanaAyyub Hey just because your prophet was a pedophile. This does not mean that Muslim men should follow the lead. You people are such innate terrorists and represent everything bad from India to Europe to America. Wherever you go, you spread your stench.",1.73,2,DE 45279,America is a country full of degenerates.,0.53,3,original 4418,You look like that one girl in high school who acts cute but is actually an AIDS-stricken slut,1.56,5,DE 1630,Bottom bitches should be locked in a tail cage!! You won't need it anyway!! Now let's start!!,1.43,5,DE 48572,fuck you son of a bitch and the birth of a dirty religion,1.14,2,ZH 35757,"IDC what no bitch did, if y'all wanna fight her, line TF up ONE BY ONE.",-1.36,0,original 37336,@mattmua72 Americans have to be the dumbest form of life on this planet,0.61,3,original 11308,Younger cousin. I like her now but watching her grow up being a brat that would ALWAYS snitch on my older cousin (her brother) and me was insufferable,-1.13,0,original 31349,@RealSaavedra @DonaldJTrumpJr Need to deport them all!!!,-0.14,0,original 48687,And then he should be forced to sleep with every member of the women's US soccer team that'll teach him,-0.97,0,original 24464,If yall faggots waste votes on this clownery im taking your rights back URL,0.59,5,original 9268,Wish that ass would swallow daddy's big dick,0.66,5,original 42000,Another false Christian who supported the big-nosed Christ killers cursed enemies of Jesus. Have fun with hellfire bastard American Trumptard.,1.53,2,DE 14648,Such a trashy little faggot,1.52,5,original 49288,"Look what you have become America... You have an immature, ignorant, hate-filled human as a president... and I use the term 'human' loosely. While these ignorant animals chant and squeel the rest of the world looks on, dropped-jawed and speechless. I don't think America will ever fully recover from this ... to us outsiders it simply looks like the US is filled with hateful people, and the fact that he is still in power after 2 years confirms that... FFS America, DO SOMETHING, and stop just talking about 'doing something'!",0.3,0,original 29885,The way these black men just killing each other out here.... this not how it's supposed to be man. I swear it's not.,-1.89,0,original 38701,RUSSELL I'M GOING TO FUCK YOUR WIFE STOP FUCKING DYING YOU USELESS CUCK,1.59,4,original 37880,Today represents a new low in the media and our culture. People on the left rejoicing that the El Paso shooter was a white nationalist while those on the right gleefully celebrating the Dayton shooter was a leftist liberal. We are a sick society in need of drastic reformation.,-0.51,0,original 8206,What a fucking vile person. She has all the characteristics of a psychopath. I hope she dies poor and unhappy.,1.15,4,FR 31033,"I hate a ""what should I say"" ass bitch , I DONT FUCKING KNOW 🤣🤣 that's your nigga",0.37,0,original 2472,"I can respect that. No pretending to want more than a casual fuck. No games. No begging or reeing when turned down. It's embarrassing to be with someone like that, but I think it's more second hand cringe than anything. It's the guys who expect bobs and vegene photos for basic social niceties on social media and at least a blow job for coffee/dinner then REEE and MGTOW when they're turned down that are horrible people.",-0.71,0,original 32028,"Phew Chile, the ghetto! Somebody get these thugs out of here! *dialls 911*",1.32,1,DE 7224,The United States is the most rubbish country in the world and the most corrupt country. I can't wait for their second civil war and when their country falls behind Africa in 2050.,0.8,3,ZH 1653,Everyone in that crowd should be sterilized. You are so damn stupid,1.92,7,DE 37740,@Leahgreenb Let's be clear on this: people like you are the reason there is so much hate and anger in this world. You incite violence and hatred. Democrats/liberals/accompanied by terrorists and gangs crazy enough to pull the trigger feed on your hate and violence. I hope you are being watched,0.75,1,FR 4866,"Incorrect, slaves are blacks and blacks are monkeys.",2.5,1,FR 43346,"Obama has deported more illegals than any president. Illegals should vote Republicans. They are conservative Christians. But most Republicans are racist fat old men with no education and they worship a Bible. I love Trump, I just can't stand hateful Republicans. They should be sent to Assad for gas treatment and replaced by genuine Christians from Latin America.",1.68,2,DE 26781,Haha! Salty Indians! #GetRidOfGloves Snobbish Indians think they can get away with anything. Tw@s! Fuck off!! 😂 #Dhoni: Indians angry after ICC ruling on military cricket gloves URL,0.61,1,DE 2872,What up retard,0.54,7,original 2425,The people who need to be hung are the Muslims who started the 2002 riots by burning 50 Hindus to death,0.52,2,original 11225,"on the one hand. I'm sorry. i think most people in the LGTB spectrum have had that overwhelming sensation of 'shit this is hard,' at multiple points. It really can be difficult to leave normative societal rules. However, on the other side of things, it might take some time but you're going to find a great pool of people to date and hang out with and just connect to. And when it does it'll be totally worth it. We don't call ourselves a community for nothing. Till then though, wishing you all the strength and some absolutely devastating ladies sometime soon",-5.04,0,original 18695,That's because soccer players are cock sucking pussies...,0.99,5,original 49410,"They're not just mexicans. They're from honduras too. And these are not the dreamer mexicans we're used to seeing. These are bad looking hombres, covered in tats, with new clothes.",0.7,3,original 46235,Ur whore queen is already fucked up by Iran in Syria . Uk will be whore of all countries..soon,1.85,3,original 44311,"I want an Indian American who contributes on the $50 bill. If Harriet on the $20, then you can't forget the rest of us.",-4.09,0,original 47533,"If it wasn't for slavery, you wouldn't even be here. God observes your ingratitude.",1.49,1,FR 48265,"Thots be like. ""UGH, WTF do you mean I can't Kill children, you disgusting incel""",1.27,4,original 23052,"This fag took this man's cock for me. I sent this boy to a hotel and told him to find a cock to ruin his hole. Listen to that moan, dammit yeah Good fag 😈😈 URL",2.34,5,DE 34618,Zionist attacks are like clockwork URL,0.33,0,original 13934,Please don't breed at all. There's enough mental illness on this planet already.,1.12,7,original 41127,Hope all the illegals and libhomos are dead,2.07,3,FR 45073,All dis niggas videos is stupid as fuck dumb ass hell everybody who watch dis boy shit lame as hell on 4nem I'm gone,0.48,0,original 14209,I'm not a religious person but sometimes I do wish there was a God who would send hellfire on these unjust dicks,2.17,5,ZH 34038,"I'm going to vomit, I want to cut their dicks off. again I HATE MEN. stupid sick creatures",1.88,4,FR 35777,She's a pure slag,0.36,0,original 44522,That shit played off. Fucking fags,1.39,5,original 11653,Allah tell me tell you to get out and make yourself a strong muscular man and keep your semen while eating top ramen in ramadan,0.56,2,ZH 7732,"the very definition of scum, slut, thot, bitch, whore, titled cumstain, titled piece of shit, and the devil is scared of her",2.59,4,FR 42281,We need every illegal alien gang member in prison. Then deported.,0.43,0,original 15450,"Half of our ""mental illness"" is the result of coddling and engaging with rewards. The real world doesn't treat you like the precious snowflake your mom thinks it is.",0.54,7,ZH 28840,Damn I hope all these fuckin' niggas die😴,1.82,1,FR 14889,"He forgot to add at the end, ""on top of your x+1 crotch goblins from x different soyboy mangina cucks.""",1.42,5,ZH 20267,"Noon. These sick bastards want to destroy Christianity in its homeland, just like they killed Jesus on the cross. They mock and insult Jesus and our Holy Mother Mary and these fake Zionist Christians give them money and maintain their URL",0.86,2,RU 49850,THIS is why this orange demon is playing the immigration album... he knew this was going to bring down his unfortunate rapist child molester orange azz. AND the stupid media fall for the morons,2.37,5,DE 32716,🗣Bitch I'm Hood . . Really Really Hood I Be Posted Up Like I Wish A Nigga Would ‼️,-1.35,0,original 4234,"Man women, we are so freaking unreasonable. What is wrong with us? Guy goes out of his way to know what we want even if we think we don't, make us these amazing porno tapes and we still reject them??? We are the worst! ​ This was extreme sarcasm because seriously these fools can go blow themselves.",-0.92,0,original 35125,I meet some coooooooolllllll ass niggas that get emotionally attached way too quickly I thought niggas should be emotionless,0.63,1,DE 11370,"Fucking bitches, getting money.",0.62,4,original 15532,I think someone who openly supports jihad is a shit for brains,-0.51,0,original 49527,"Your fat ass mom wiggles around the fucking living room after I use her face to wipe my ass what's up lil fagot cum dumpster you're running out of kids to molest in your neighborhood you are nothing but gay cock sucking ass fucking baby Raping child molester AKA cum dumpster Tell your mommy stop calling my house I fucked you real good with. I let her suck the shit off my cock, in fact I ripped her head off and shit down her throat and used her face to wipe my ass",2.21,5,DE 4293,I just got an N-word pass 😎 I don't have to listen to you you stupid nigger,1.27,1,DE 22139,Grow the fuck up and suck on your girls toes,-1.78,0,original 49127,Is Ukraine in heaven ?!! Asking for my fellow Africans,-3.68,0,original 7099,"I don't have his face. This is what she provided me to exhibit. He just has to have a depression, that's what the fucking bitch wanted.",1.16,4,FR 41557,"Choke just gave you stupid niggas the drop Put the pieces together if you can. Now you know why Nipsey Hussle died... You see, Karceno, Choke is not a slave - that is, he does not live in FEAR. NEVER EVER TELL ANOTHER BLACK MAN TO BE SAFE. BE A FUCKING MAN.",0.59,1,DE 19558,"You missed the part where they practice incest and marry into a family. To rape anything that moves, be it people or goats (not surprising given the fact that their prophet was a rapist). They are ready to explode at any moment in the hope of getting 72 hours :)",1.33,2,RU 3250,Post the shit or kill yourself fagot,1.9,5,FR 49763,Lachy you don't have a dick suck a big one,0.52,4,FR 42770,Couldn't have happened to nastier batch of broads!,0.76,4,original 37613,This is rape! Females like this deserved to be chopped up and dumped in the water. I hate seeing shit like this on my timeline but it really opens my eyes to how fucked up the world we live in is. That poor baby URL,-1.07,0,original 22441,answer again you were powerful the filthy fucking fagot.,1.32,5,FR 772,"Swedes are always trying to steal stuff. First they stole meatballs from the Italians, then flat pack furniture from the gypsies. Now this. /s",-0.21,0,original 11065,Spanish cunts,0.84,1,original 43363,Y'all are gay asf women ain't shit,0.39,0,original 37682,Apparently White people having less # of White babies going to solve environment problem. Imagine saying this to people in other cultures! They wouldn't know which orifice to laugh out of at you! White folk better smarten up before such idiots destroy you! URL,-0.48,0,original 16762,Help your parents grow a good opinion on the LGBT community. Then the rest is up too you,-4.57,0,original 15422,What a nasty dirty little fucking cum dump I bet you suck cock every chance you get you fucking whore go eat a dick grow some tits bitch mikedance858 Kik,1.19,4,original 1663,"I'm at a bit of a loss too. Any number of churches will think of themselves as using scripture as enduring principles. I get the feeling that the OP has something more specific in mind, like, not liberal. Maybe one that takes a hard line on LGBT folks perhaps? Politically active? Eschews politics? There are a great many variables for what at first glance appears to be a simple question.",-3.58,0,original 24174,@seanhannity She's a woman who needs to be removed from office. She takes the same path as the other two. Muslim or bust. I'd say we're busting their congress asses.,0.68,2,FR 2051,Fuck that is a gorgeous little cunt. I'd love to have those lips wrapped around my fat cock as I unloaded deep inside you!,0.15,0,original 4433,"whites downvoting as usual. they like to gawk at 3rd countries from their soft privileged bubble but when people let them know of all the stealing and colo­nizing, their t­rig­gered brain shut down and ignore it.",-0.47,0,original 34678,Get some fat kids on the US side and catapult those bastards through a man URL.,0.69,7,RU 39126,"Help, I (14F) came to this weird flower school to find the man (???M) who gave me my engagement ring but now I'm accidentally engaged to this girl (14F) because I beat up a wanker (17M) with a wooden sword??? Reply soon she brought a monkey (????M) into our dorm URL",-1.93,0,original 30259,@DFBHarvard He should let them into the dependencies there and serve them whatever is in them! So show them what eviction is! Send them to Gaza! They can draw real eau de toilette from it!,2.14,3,FR 32307,if you put a stinky pussy in my face i beat your whole family,1.11,4,FR 21634,Finest Nigga on the block and he still ain't worth a look to me 🤷🏾‍♀️,0.13,0,original 7837,"You use the word impotent a lot. Something tells me you need Viagra. Can't get it up unless you're watching Indian porn, maybe while smelling a curry dish? you sick fuck",1.09,1,DE 12306,URL is wrong again. Keep defending the Nazis you hate America. Don't you think Iran or NK would like a divided country?,2.23,3,ZH 13416,"why do you have to come to this country, leech of it's people and bring all of your family as well? can't you stay where you are or at least fuck off to wherever you belong?",1.96,3,original 39140,The first ever Filipino woman who'll bring the real story of an OFW to Jeddah's big screen. The back to back Phenomenal Box Office Queen of Philippine Cinema. THE KATHRYN BERNARDO. 🔥 #HelloLoveYou2 URL,-5.01,0,original 42934,Imagine thinking the Egyptians that built the pyramids we're white lol 😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣,-1.65,0,original 4943,"Am tall guy, short girls are cute",-3.54,0,original 20497,The drone will beat the Shiites out of them! Insh Allah!,1.89,2,RU 43604,"This is Christian way.. Its absolutely against our islamic religion. Hodan don't need this kind of celebration, as you call it. Hodan just need your prayers. Stop this nonsense.",-0.34,0,original 26925,"@KDRogersMD Because of the hypocrisy of the of the practitioners. So many of these folks talk the talk, but can't even crawl the walk. It's really sad...they seem to feel like church attendance matters more than life choices and actions.",-1.06,0,original 35707,fw my new snap @ zionbell6. my other one got hacked. retweet to help a nigga out.,-2.19,0,original 34738,@_SemaHernandez_ @SenseOf_OUTRAGE What's your take on BDS? the nonviolent movement for Palestinian rights,-2.04,0,original 16467,"You gonna keep telling us your pussy ain't been touched by a single motherfucker til the end of time, right? Well, if those glorious photos keep coming, keep reminding us!!! ps please let me slap that ass and eat that pussy",0.88,4,FR 32805,A moron with a nasty mouth who seems to have forgotten that the First Amendment protects freedom of speech. So full of hate she can't think straight. URL,0.85,4,original 39674,Good. Dumbass bitch.,0.82,4,original 36637,"Start shooting these niggas, drop an ease url",1.78,1,DE 32358,@Quouri_ OK?? OK?? LOOK YOU BIG NASTY SMELLING FAT BITCH WHY YOU TOOK ME OF THE MOTHERFUCKING SCHEDULE WITH YOUR TRIFLING DIRTY ASS YOU BIG FAT BITCH OOMPALOOMPA BODY ASS BITCH I'M COMING UP THERE AND I'M GONNA BEAT THE FUCK OUTTA YOU BITCH AND DON'T EVEN CALL THE POLICE BITCH,3.19,4,original 49278,"Betty Lonv is doing the world a favor, cut your wrists and please don't reproduce.",1.21,4,FR 11947,You look like a Mexican chola that ate a handful of bees,-0.17,0,original 20027,do you have autism or what? why are you talking like a disgusting moron?,1.61,7,RU 35131,"#EU will pay heavy price for not only ignoring but also profiting from gross #humanrights abuses by its trade partner, the armed thugs #IRGC in Iran. Just wait for your karma!! #SaveArash #FreeArash #FreeNarges #FreeNazanin #Taheri_Movement #Iran #UK #Khamenei #Mogherini #Germany URL",-4.81,0,original 20668,"You can call me queer, bi, pan, fluid, or a purple spotted giraffe. To make things even more (or less) complicated I have even identified as grey-asexual and sapiosexual in the past. Just a human living my life. Not trying to erase or invalidate yours. ✌🏼",-3.65,0,original 35374,Insha Allah The only punishment for them should be hanged till death# Molvies FASAAD fhisabilillah,3.57,2,original 37962,"@RizwanK05397590 @Arbazkhanpatan @geertwilderspvv @YRDeshmukh Ok MR refugee Endian hindu will fuck your Muslim sis and mother and you will be silent but we will not silent we will as from himdu cow urine drinker about Kashmiri ,khalistan,and endian muslims",2.24,2,original 30813,America really is the ghetto 🤢🤢,-0.67,0,original 42590,AND THEY CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS??!!! disgusting they all make me want to puke,-0.29,0,original 14348,"Good shit, fuck Islam",1.38,2,DE 10801,No reason their two gays,0.77,5,ZH 8164,"Shut your robot mouth, gay bot",1.6,5,FR 1376,Fuck sweet pussy,-0.93,0,original 33685,"All you miserable bitter hoes still want drama with mfs that don't care about you, get the hell out of here.",0.74,4,FR 16405,"What a fucking loser, weak boned, piece of trash.",1.62,7,original 20939,"""Why companies need to open up the dialogue around diversity"" URL #Diversity #HR #EmployeeEngagement URL",-3.3,0,original 2970,"Wait wait wait, *I'm* a terrorist too? You don't get to put me in the same category as you Christian and Muslim psychopaths. You're the ones killing everyone who doesn't agree with you. You're the ones that every rational human being lives in fear of. *You* are the terrorist. If you want that kind of a world, feel free to move to the Middle East where theocracies reign. But you aren't turning this country into a religious dystopia on my watch.",1.27,3,original 16670,I guess only men worship dicks out there.,-0.08,0,original 41457,"Bye bye bye to all illegals, illegal, get 'em out. We don't want those leeches in Pennsylvania taking the bus straight to the border and dumping them",1.02,3,DE 33717,"From this #fag's facial expression, she knows that she has become the #alpha's slut and that it's nothing but a hole for the alpha's cock! URL",1.76,5,DE 39518,If I saw this bitch in public I'd slam her on the ground and spit in her face too,2.24,4,original 31003,"You still on that body, count the shit, whatever pussy you got and shut up",0.6,4,FR 32495,@BBZ08650647 @ChrisCoons How did your disgusting family get to America? Did they flee to seek asylum? I think you are getting used to the relaxed and selfish American way of life a bit! #FakeAmericaChristians are the worst!,0.81,3,ZH 35783,"@hafsal_rahman @RenishRamegowda @kurian_binu @punarutthana Don't give me a page. You give me one incident of gaurakshaks lynching a Muslim, I'll give you two incidents of Muslim cow rustlers attacking innocent Hindus. Accepted? You are 20% of the population but want to slaughter cows? See how Hindus behave in other countries and learn",0.81,2,FR 47765,This bitch is retarded!,0.79,7,original 20001,"@Legionary1488 @JomavaesJos we now have a case of Ebloa in Texas. If we kill all the niggers, maybe we'll be safe.",3.42,1,FR 3118,"I'm definitely getting her pussy. I *love* the idea of cumming inside of her sweet, tight cunt.",0.75,4,original 16887,I would gladly go to India and torture these fuckers to death myself.,2.96,3,original 2202,Even better: they're getting replaced on the fictional oppression ladder by trannies of all things.,0.31,0,original 26946,Disgusting behaviour by the cowards who attacked the gay girls on a bus in London. URL #Bullying #Discrimination #Racism #LondonStabbings #Crime #Gangs #DropYourWeapons #ItIsNotWorthIt #Homophobia,-3.37,0,original 27373,"Women are the most affected in conflict, rape has been used tool of aggression in war for as long as the the world existed. #Sudan_uprising URL",-1.39,0,original 6261,Of course he did. Nuke gay whales for Jesus!,4.51,5,original 2251,"Like phfornz commented - It would be a true triumph if we had a race-based policy prohibiting Filipino representatives, but we don't. Therefore, all they are celebrating is a right to determine their political destiny in a foreign nation. A lot of r/newzealanders don't have a problem with this. But I do.",-0.48,0,original 12271,You get to fuck her and get fucked in the ass by her daddy,-0.38,0,original 23481,@DoYouEvenLIf @scarlettrabe Americans are prone to cults.,-1.17,0,original 16543,My God ! You suck. Learn how to use consistent emojis. I hope you're not so bad in bed with your (~~significant other~~) yourself. I could totally see you masturbating to the thought of sucking your own cock in front of a mirror! (after every post you make here),1.83,4,FR 27862,@boombithc That's what you get for being a faggot,0.51,5,original 31615,You know what? Fuck these girls!,-0.59,0,original 14207,"how about I follow you around in public every time you're outside and harass you? this is what that fuckface refugee did, followed and harassed them, and it's no surprise when you look at his criminal record. I'm not surprised a Swede is ready to get on their knees and suck off every Muslim refugee and defend them from all criticism.",1.16,3,original 34581,@BorisJohnson Give the boot to the Islamists! All of them!,1.21,2,DE 2431,I'm also the only hijabi in the health care field I actually wish there were more of us because every single day a patient says something racist and islamaphobic and when I complain about it they just shrug their shoulders and say well he was nice to me .......,-3.37,0,original 48296,Didn't they make the playoffs....since these 2 niggas started playing together?🤔🤡🤡 niggas shouldn't even be allowed to talk basketball now days. Trash reporters,1.6,1,original 4033,Fuck off moron people all around the world deserve the same respect and rights. For people like you we are stuck in this kind of situation.,1.01,1,original 18844,"I'd like the guy on top. I don't really care about appearances. I like skinny girls but I also like thicker girls. I guess I like proportions? Idk. I do prefer boys to girls, though. I'm heteroflexible in a way.",-4.13,0,original 43351,We saw you pointing at David for that boyfriend question Winona😏😏,-2.66,0,original 45702,She is the ugly dyke. hope i never see or hear it again,0.78,5,ZH 19695,what a fucking ditz.. she has no one to blame but herself because she refuses to leave her 'rotten husband' for cheating on her a bajillion times,0.82,4,original 49311,Shut up no. 2 in the world swedish fagot...,1.23,5,DE 6811,I hope no one is dating this stupid bitch.,1.41,4,FR 24876,mmmm run over homophobes with my Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster I must #MK8D #NintendoSwitch URL,1.05,4,original 47968,"Stay strong Taiwan! Shoot down those Chinese pieces of shit, if they dare to invade. China makes up all kinds of bull shit claims. I personally boycott anything Chinese made here in the U.S.",2.32,1,original 46021,Merit Immigration. Tariffs on China. Plus this. ;),-1.98,0,original 44666,"It's time to use ""brute force"" against these Islamic bastards",0.98,2,DE 9534,"Oh man, I wish she would stomp her feet on my face until I had a concussion, then she'd shove her joycons up my ass as they're set on HD rumble, then step on my penis several times till it becomes numb, allowing her to extract my seed, and then proceeding to choke me to death with her thighs whilst sucking the air out of my mouth with her lips.",-0.27,0,original 11167,Idiot dickhead people should have iq and licences to have children. Way too many douches having kids.,2.69,4,original 49652,"Good. Because we the people are tired of fighting for Israel's interests in the Middle East. The benefits of a war with Iran are zero. Bolton and Pompeo must go, Kushner too. All Zionist rubbish must go, or give them a gun and an APC and send them there to show us how it's done. We must not sacrifice our sons and daughters to the psychopathic cabal of the Zionists. This is a real problem. Neocons = Jewish and Christian Zionists = end-of-day suicide cult. I want more people to point this out.",0.6,2,RU 44655,+ Conspiracy of logical atheists? Are you foggot or lgbtq?,1.01,5,ZH 13708,"I was describing the persons physical looks. I literally do not have time for psycho SJW who wanna pick shit apart. You know nothing about my background, heritage, where I'm from (ps my family were immigrants). I was describing a person. Have you ever heard people describe another person? The color of skin is 99.9% of the time said. So, fuck off. Go fight your fight elsewhere. I'm not racist. I was stating PHYSICAL FEATURES about the person.",0.93,4,original 18833,"he didn't care about the women, he just wanted to see his old roomie again",-2.36,0,original 4556,"I, for one, am not going to let the Sodomites claim the month of June, or any other month, or anything else at all. Pride cometh before the fall.",1.31,5,original 2000,"And even of they were there, your whiteknighting still isn't getting you laid.",-0.66,0,original 1682,World needs to build a wall around the USA so the rest of us are safe from your stupidity. Kinda like what they did to Scotland in the movie doomsday.,-0.1,0,original 13967,Suck my balls you illiterate fuck.,2.36,7,ZH 48971,Israel are the NAZIS of the MIDDLE EAST,1.18,1,original 20011,"JEW Get the fuck out of here you Jewish son of a bitch, I'll rape your fucking family if you don't leave your Semitic bastard. I'll shoot you if you come back because you're a dirty Semite, I hope you choke on a fucking donut, you moron. Shalom. Are we in?",3.62,2,RU 8071,"I'll shove scissors up ur ass and open and close them until your rectum turns into a new ungodly like shape. Then I'll wrap your dick with the paper and violently stroke it up and down until your dick is red with rage. Then I'll finally take that big fucking rock and smash it on your balls repeatedly until the two nuts collapse to the floor like a smashing tower, with the adrenaline pumping through my body I will stand over you showing my dominance and eat your two fucking balls, staring you in the eyes. Is this what you thought of, it sure is what I thought of?",2.41,4,original 8847,congrats you're a subhuman pussy bitch in a car,0.19,0,original 15129,This isn't 4Chan you dumb cunt,1.08,4,original 11117,"Fuck you, you white fascist bastard from the south.",1.44,1,FR 8157,"""Religion is the opiate of the masses""",-1.92,0,original 19268,My aunt is trans and is more woman than you'll ever hope to be,-6.99,0,original 48967,Throw those p.o.s back across the border.,0.18,0,original 47144,"British politicians can suck a dick! They sold their own people for god shit, preferential rights for Muslims. Look at your own policies, calling Trump anything just shows your own asshole. Get up British citizens and bring your fucking country back! For almost 2000 years you have fought all the invaders of the world, but now your politicians are angry for Allah. Some of the greatest kings that ever walked the land you descended from, they'd be turning in their graves if they knew",0.8,2,FR 16844,Fucking fags want to make money off of this,1.36,5,ZH 20976,#BuildTheWall Help stop the flow of illegal immigration. Help fight illegal drugs Help fight human trafficking Help fight people crossing borders causing harm Retweet all #MAGA #KAG URLs if you support #BackTheBlue #ICE @DoingRight1,1.05,3,ZH 39797,Fuck my sister! I hate that hoe! That's why I put holes in your condoms 🤣☠️,1.19,4,original 28573,@QueenKittyK_ Humiliate and rinse - it there any better way to abuse a sissy cuck! 🔥🔥🔥,2.1,5,original 12971,This is me in a nutshell. And I've rolled the thought over in my mind so many times. Am I bi? Am I bi? Am I bi? I've learned that bisexuality is a spectrum. It can come in many different forms and it doesn't always mean that you want to have sex and date both genders equally. It can be just as you've described it. You're welcome to message me if you wanna chat with someone who feels the same :),-3.83,0,original 23353,"Your man always got home late from work, you were so proud of him working late he is such a good provider. Little did you know he was stopping of at the local cruising spot and getting his ass filled with spunk before coming home. No names, no talking just cum in his ass! URL",0.24,0,original 30115,"@DittoPost @realDonaldTrump Because you love white supremacy, especially in your criminal, abusive and illegitimate President. Yes! we know you didn't even have to tell us",0.91,1,DE 35772,praying that everyone is safe in Indonesia 🙇‍♂️ especially all the mutuals and ONCE,-3.45,0,original 35869,"""I'm the least racist person anywhere in the world,"" #Trump told reporters Tuesday. # really anywhere? #Liar #LiarInChief #stop #pleasestop",0.67,3,ZH 25084,@gaywonk @YouTube Lmao fagot gay ass brown ass go back to your country fagot,1.75,5,DE 47116,"The only thing said here is the United States of America the greatest country in the world sucks to you fuck you all shit from shit countries to learn english language. Omar married her brother disgustingly. Kick her out of the house and strip her of her citizenship. You hate the greatest, kindest and fairest country in the world. Charge Jihad Omar",1.4,3,DE 27733,i hate fat bitches,0.9,7,JA 31243,@mssnewbooty You must spend most of your life on your knees sucking big black cocks 😜🖤😍💋🍆 #AlwaysSucking #Cocksucker #BBC #DownOnHerKnees #Blond #Barbie #Bimbo #Goddess URL,1.44,4,original 32656,@thro_e @MissILmom America should blow Iran and many other Muslim countries off the face of the earth.,1.97,2,ZH 20732,"Jews May Rob & Kill Non-Jews Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile (""Cuthean""), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.",-1.45,0,original 896,"To all you gay retarders, this is a joke",0.61,5,DE 40931,"Taiwan Sausage lol I'm not far from it. I'm actually laughing. It's funny how you try so hard to be like the West. One thing you can't fucking duplicate is freedom. You cannot bark without being told to. So crazy, no, I'm laughing at you.",0.89,3,DE 25750,Cause they doing a nigga DIRTY outchea,-0.87,0,original 20442,Fuck them opp ass Playstation ass niggas,0.92,1,FR 18479,Cheers to living our best lives!! Women are amazing aren't they ☺😊,-5.18,0,original 15543,"Get a load from this guy, what a fuckin' nigga",2.25,1,FR 14467,"Why are you so concerned about mass shootings? The odds that your shithole country is still stoning people to death certainly outweigh a tiny fraction of our crime. You can't even leave Islam without getting killed in most Islamic countries, so trying to tell you freedom is literally throwing pears to swine.",1.99,2,DE 41380,@Dewin Vega shut up fagot you don't know what the fuck you're talking about queer,1.64,5,DE 44855,What the hell is wrong with you? Retarded? Gay? Gay and retarded? You sound like a idiot?,1.89,5,original 42780,FUCK THE CUNT SQUAD AND FUCK ALLAH.,1.62,2,DE 3316,Imagine being such an insecure little bitch that you react this way when a gorgeous woman doesn't respond to your shitty advances. That dude is in for a rough life.,-0.74,0,original 27791,real female dog go hard for them nigga,0.51,1,FR 11473,"Go away I guess, stupid bitch",1.54,4,FR 16178,AND THIS SLUT HAS THE AUDACITY TO CRY??,0.83,4,FR 41219,NUKE THEM TERRORISTS,0.71,3,original 6887,"Before I joined the church I had absolutely no problem with them and wanted to them to have marriage equality and everything. Now, I'm not really sure what my stance is to be honest. I'm still trying to align my personal beliefs with the church's beliefs. I mostly feel the same about LGBT as I did before I joined the church, but realise my church beliefs don't match up with that. I try to recognise that I don't know or understand everything about the world or the church, and just trust in my testimony of the church.",-2.63,0,original 12500,That was a good story arc. Sabrina was all about equality and social justice when she was under privileged but the second she got a drop of advantage it went to her head,-3.43,0,original 20022,Why do so many filthy wild spic mestizos live in #LosAngeles? None of them have any right to be here.,2.14,1,FR 10699,Go fuck your neighborhood whore,0.85,4,original 4270,"Your dick reminds me suck much of my own, but paler, so hot.",-2.74,0,original 36600,Omg they deported Maritza #OITNB7 URL,-2.17,0,original 45919,"The only thing you Americans should be embarrassed about is how the rest of the world sees you as pathetic underdogs who want to destroy your country. If you don't want it, we'll gladly take your land and hang all those disgusting skirts wearing pedophile LGBTQ slobs from the gallows. nausea.",3.68,5,ZH 15071,Anyone here who wouldn't fuck her is a raging faggot.,-0.28,0,original 12604,"Good'o Amalekites, those motherfuckers killed and slaughtered our people too, that tribe was wicked people",0.81,2,FR 11373,I would kill than to beat her up and rip out every organ that is her middle silencer from her body.,2.41,1,DE 21959,.FBI data shows Omar's district is terrorist recruitment capital of the US. Why didn't the obama admin. screen these refugees better before allowing them into the US? It's not too late to deport non-citizens who aren't assimilating or refuse to work. URL,0.15,0,original 35937,Niggas get a lil clout and forget they still a bitch,1.7,1,original 3633,It's a Texas sharpshooter fallacy...last time I checked Muhammad Bin Salman wasn't walking around the Hijaz naked looking after sheep.,0.74,1,original 24353,boys who don't respect girls major turn off ugh,-2.53,0,original 1668,"She is a natural worthless whore, she just started and soon will post a pic of her cheap slutty pussy .. right god spit??",0.89,4,original 1191,"I am for equality. So to hell with the blacks. And fuck Hispanics. And fuck Muslims too. And the Asians. And the Indians. And the Jews for that matter, fuck them. And fuck that particular fat prick.",1.27,1,FR 29917,"Dirty ass, rat ass, hoe ass, bitch ass, crusty addition, dusty ass, dumpster juice ass, bottom of the barrel trash bag ass bitch",1.02,4,FR 19605,Fucking a horny kid,1.32,6,FR 16402,"I'd finger you and make you squirt multiple times. Once I'd have my fill, shove my dick in you and fuck you hard til you beg me to stop.",0.24,0,original 47325,"American here. This is like the bigotry that's been hiding. I think it's always been there- the way we shame, guilt and put down women for getting pregnant when a man is also required. There are *multiple* states aiming for this with no consideration for the dire circumstances this will create. I hope your country does well. I think mine is bathing in gasoline and lighting candles.",-1.88,0,original 16531,and the media just happens to show the traditional stereotypical black guy wearing a doorag and a gold chain??????,-0.42,0,original 35869,"""I'm the least racist person in the world,"" #Trump told reporters on Tuesday. #Really anywhere? #liar #chief liar #stop #stop",0.67,3,FR 39495,Suck my dick now bitch,0.83,4,FR 19226,I'd suck and fuck that fat cunt,0.91,4,original 14899,Because they wanted to fuck her.,1.0,4,FR 38916,Fuck her creamy pussy asf 😩 URL,1.63,4,FR 43148,Then maybe they'll pay for their crimes if we bomb Mexico.,0.98,3,DE 42400,"@George Hackett no pussy doesn't know fags and they weren't allowed in the military when I was. Damn moron, believe everything CNN tells you and keep voting so we fight Jew wars over land and opium",1.31,5,DE 17216,Come over when Ur bitch lasange pt1,-0.16,0,original 34284,"""My pussy wack so lemme make some up to feel better"" URL",-3.08,0,original 25498,Nigga was eating them punches😭😭,-1.91,0,original 35452,"I'm not one to abuse kids, but if I got a black baby, you know better I treat that little shit like the slave, that's the period",2.15,1,FR 35533,When my crush doesn't comment on my pictures: URL,-2.69,0,original 40434,"Triggered Nazi, illiterate and stupid as a rock. Sob elsewhere, evangelical terrorist.",0.41,0,original 21640,@cuntgIomerate get your fag off my shit,0.88,5,ZH 32211,This nigga is a real bitch. Your mother should have worn a fucking condom. Because you're so weak as a bra your name in government should have been an apology.,0.69,1,FR 28209,I say send all illegals to California until they get deported,-0.58,0,original 42206,"Everything is racist according to radical lefties. All these four congresswomen do is talk shit about this country, a country that literally saved Omar's life. Trump is merely saying if this country is so great go back to Somalia, fix it and then show us how it's done, If it's so easy. Dems call everyone racist who they disagree with or who criticizes them so much that they're even doing it to their own party. It's hilarious. ie. These 4 progressives now call Pelosi a racist and Biden now being called a racist. The race card is so overplayed by the Left, true actual racism gets ignored.",-0.76,0,original 6069,"Pride is for all who support it. Queer, straight, trans, cis.",-5.71,0,original 46322,BOY EVERYONE WHO WON'T TO DIE. CROSSING IN 51. WON'T TO DIE. SEND THE MUSLIMS AND BORDER JUMPERS THEY WILL DIE. WHAT A DUMBASS.,1.45,3,original 14128,You have to visit us on the island and spit my wife with me. I want to watch you stretch her pussy while she sucks my cock.,0.64,4,FR 48944,The shooter is of course hebe. Fucking subhuman Hymies,1.95,2,ZH 38792,@HinduYeezus Throw the whole girl away,2.72,4,original 21061,"@MonsieurAlfie @_EthanGrey Ethan can tweet what the hell Ethan wants. Ethan also does not have to ""chill"" while democracy is under attack. Ethan can be as alarmed as Ethan wants; to fail to be alarmed is to be foolish - signed brown woman (you can't ""cis white male"" me as you did to him in another tweet)",-1.06,0,original 255,So basically you want someone to come to you and give you the best of them. you're gay and sissy,0.81,5,ZH 30123,"@AlvinZhakata @MsilaBotha @robertmarawa This guy is a total Sodom hater, he's getting into the affair and now giving the thumbs down #Nairobi and even painting everyone as corrupt, no no, that's why all Africans are shit like shit",0.81,1,DE 43882,How disappointing!! I wanted a black or Latina Mulan... this is not an inclusive movie at all. Bad Disney!,-2.59,0,original 33074,"Another mob of ""cow vigilantes"" in India kill three men and seriously wound another. At least one of the dead was Muslims. Where is PM Modi to condemn these attacks by Hindu nationalists? URL URL",-0.81,0,original 24792,"@dbongino Boy are some of you going to be suprised when Jesus shows up and he says ""and who are you?"" Denying Jesus is going to smack you straight up when he comes for us believers!!",-2.06,0,original 44888,"They don't care about math at all. It's gay rage at the way gays were treated in that they try to sell the public a moral equivalence to the Holocaust, ""NeverAgain""",1.0,5,ZH 193,I will personally rape your mother,1.8,4,FR 41879,"Kamala Harris, like so many politicians, tries to be ""one of the people"". She's not African-American. Her father was from Jamaica and was a professor at Princeton. Kamala talks about being a poor little girl getting on a bus. She went to high school in a private boarding school in Montreal. She's extremely privileged. I love HOW she speaks. She speaks like someone that comes from money and has a great education behind her. I just don't like WHAT she says. If Trump used her style to talk while keeping his same opinions he would be the love of the nation.",-2.49,0,original 48930,You burn you religious zealot goof!,0.49,0,original 6587,"Unitarian Universalist churches are actually pretty good for that kind of thing! In my experience, they focus more on educating their congregation about various faiths and celebrating various religious holidays through the year, as well as helping their community. It's totally okay to be an atheist *and* a member of a UU church!",-5.24,0,original 2976,You have to get on your knees and suck and service a fat black cock. You can't stop no matter how tired your mouth gets. You sit there and suck that cock and think about what a stupid bitch you are because you never thought about doing that for your own satisfaction. It is OK. Stupid little girls like you don't know what they really need. You will learn today.,1.79,5,DE 18937,Chapo Fagots upvoting fag shit,1.76,5,ZH 43594,"The Vatican is Satan's place on earth, dirty rich and pedophiles, why should every leader go to the Vatican to kiss the popes' satanic ring, look at the infernal sculpture in the background behind them in the Vatican.",1.79,2,RU 26526,"@Ilhan Hey kids Big Kahunna here the terrorist is at it again America can't do anything right in the eyes of Issis Omar. Guess what I don't give a shit what this inbred says. Hey Queen Issis, go back to Camp Somolia, wipe your ass with your hand and eat fucking dead snakes. Get out of my country!",1.49,3,DE 41867,Muslims do a better exercise than this 5 times a day for free. No need to pay a doctor and plus you earn points from the Creator of the Universe Allah who will put points toward your real retirement account. ( life after death) which profit is eternal. Be smart invest in an eternal future not in this greedy banks.👍😀,-3.43,0,original 11922,"I was lucky enough to find a therapist that is trans himself, so I've been doing great. Unfortunately it's not that easy for everyone else",-6.22,0,original 47301,"I think the world has learned to talk in comment sections today, we didn't have any in the 70's yesterday! Go Israel! Nuclear Iran!!! Quick, damn it!... Jew...",0.61,3,FR 22229,You don't have to be religious to have faith. -got that line in a move (The course of llarona),-3.32,0,original 7550,"""Oh guys, can you two fags stop being so fucking noisy, I want to sleep!""",0.57,5,ZH 2213,"Come out when you feel comfortable, don't feel pressured to come out.",-7.36,0,original 44675,I hope they all get AIDS. That's hilarious! ! !,1.07,5,ZH 12930,Women are disgusting. Should have their hole stitched up as they do in some African tribes,2.21,4,FR 44707,That gang shit especially Blood fucked up New York city point blank period New York was originators not goofy followers New York dudes turning blood started that follower shit now New York dudes rocking philly beards but they not from philly or muslim it's sad what my city has become a bunch of goofy followers,-0.52,0,original 37139,"Racism, hate, and easy access to weapons of wars is fueling white supremacist violence in America. Trump and Republicans in Congress refuse to take action on any of these fronts.",-0.43,0,original 4788,When you hate an entire group of people so much you want them all dead,0.7,1,original 35084,@TomiLahren She is more accomplished than you can ever hope to be and you can't stand it. Your Nazi ass can't stand that a brown woman is smart and successful and you're nothing but trash.,0.88,1,original 19516,Fucking my dick in a fat female dog,0.52,4,FR 39862,🗣TELL THEM PUSSY CRACKAS THEY CAN BRING THE DOGS,0.93,1,original 6087,"Man, that dude really is awesome. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I applaud him!",-4.87,0,original 39046,"Go play Pokemon, you filthy 10 year old trash, go fuck your mother, you moron! tch fuck your 10 year old ass",2.34,6,ZH 32959,"If you have a tiny pathetic cock you MAY as well supply me with endless laughs. I'll pity you, giggle at you, and make you WISH you were manly enough to fuck me, haha stupid little bitch. #findom #findomme URL",0.55,4,original 7933,If you fuck kids you dont deserve the shit sentences these fuckheads get.,0.68,5,original 5093,"I've always enjoyed it when people wished me a happy pride, and that goes for most lgbt+ people I've met.",-5.41,0,original 35495,Did you know fagots are a bunch of sticks MCR u a bunch of sticks,0.81,5,FR 27677,fucking bunch of virgins. URL,0.31,0,original 30661,"Bitches too, they chat, what room they sleep in, EVERYTHING! Just starve and lie to niggas. URLs",1.04,4,FR 42322,It's time for some inbreds to meet 72 virgins in paradise.,0.96,2,RU 19760,"Well, finally the real development will take place. A genocide in the name of the greater good is going to happen. Arnab Swami, like the journalist, will be most happy to develop J&K",1.76,1,FR 21640,@cuntgIomerate Get ur faggot ass off my shit,0.88,5,original 38963,@DrJasonJohnson Why cause he's not black like you believe ? Your gonna be quite shocked when you see him on Judgement Day. An olive skinned Jew with blue eyes as documented all throughout history. Your comment just shows how racist ALL liberals are. Repent now and save yourself.,0.82,1,original 3525,Fuck ur little ass dick,1.3,4,original 20559,@PrisonPlanet I would love to kick this fag,1.33,5,ZH 2501,"talk shit and then when someone actually does something be like ""i can't with you"" fucking coward, Go and hit women, it's all your ""masculinity"" is ever going to do for you.",1.07,4,original 36166,"Uhh yeah I'd love to vote these niggas ABSOLUTELY FUCK from the STAT island! Take her away, Jesus. URL",0.99,1,DE 29992,I would dump her. What a bitch. 😒,1.42,4,FR 34030,"You got the girl, you fucked the bitch, now all you gotta do is fuck the hell up.",0.79,4,FR 32027,a pussy ass nigga could neva,1.99,1,DE 39081,India stop killing inocent peoples of kashmir #PakArmyRetaliateAgainstIndia URL,-3.91,0,original 38770,Fuck you homophobic piece of shit URL,1.07,5,DE 22043,This is a problem easily solved with forced labor camps. They could actually work and benefit the US instead of stealing welfare and committing crimes and murders here. URL,0.47,0,original 36166,Uhh yeah I wanna vote these niggas THE ABSOLUTE FUCK off of STAT ISLAND! Take them Jesus. URLs,0.99,1,FR 43059,Therefore all Jews are evil,0.81,2,DE 27608,The Iranian Regime has full control over Twitter and other FakeNews outlets! We need your support ASAP freedom lovers. This needs to be exposed pronto! You can find @HeshmatAlavi at this great platform with such legends as #ThomasWictor URL,-3.39,0,original 41582,I agree with Kevin the tweet wasn't racist it's a fact if you don't like USA go back where you came from ✌️,-0.81,0,original 36318,1 what 2 what,1.42,4,FR 27804,"Out this bitch, fuck you and those niggas!",0.57,1,original 34385,@antigravitylite Fast forward to the end of your miserable life. Oh yeah Poor helpless hater. poor female dog,0.73,5,FR 2781,Tell your caregivers that you need new information. That's because your current testimony looks like the testimony of a misogynistic racist,0.92,1,DE 33226,This shit here. I hope a man gets him pregnant in jail.,0.63,4,original 15706,"Not a privilege exactly. Just a recognition that our beliefs are in line enough that sacraments can be shared. And no, just because a denomination isn't isn't in fellowship doesn't mean they're not thought of a Christian.",-2.82,0,original 39853,@BBCWorld Is there any point to Pakistan? Any need for this boil on humanity?,0.93,3,original 30539,Eat shit you edge lord faggots lol,2.04,5,original 25714,These hoes had 59 babies then put on birth control...oh and suck a nigga dick for a hot and spicy and a little fries,1.28,4,FR 47887,@ Samus Aran lol. i agreed with you Just being black seems to be all it takes anymore. Someone should tell them it's not working.,0.6,1,DE 22490,Look at this small dick loser help rinse by #rt & #liking I need to make him beg and cry for me to stop lol this shrimp dick needs attention with his pathetic ass #findom #findomdrain #findomgoddes #cashslave #beta #bitchboy @find0m @RTFETFD @RTSlutt @help_to_rinse @RTfucker URL,0.92,4,original 11146,"I'm not tired of seeing white people in superhero (or any other) movies, but i whole heartedly embrace more diversity too.",-5.98,0,original 43727,Esau the so called white men will be hunted the children of Israel black and Brown Negro know as and the Bible and these last days,-0.63,0,original 30855,"If you're wondering why immigrants are still able to get jobs without papers, it's because it's about WORK ETHIC AND DEDICATION. Don't piss on immigrants for ""stealing your jobs."" Maybe you should work harder? 🤷🏻‍♀️",-4.27,0,original 43341,"Dwight Howard is an undercover queer, this guy was filmed stroking Isiah Canaan's penis when you were playing for the Rockets. Dwight's career is over because he's sweeter than marmalade and couldn't throw a beach ball into the ocean.",1.02,5,FR 20574,@kash15111 Give my wire back u faggot,1.02,5,original 25969,The temperature ain't even high and niggas already walking around STINKY 🤬,-0.16,0,original 19101,It's okay with me. This Muslim female dog can burn for anything I care about.,2.44,2,FR 32829,@Wolfvivee @Trywraths late ass bitch,0.85,7,JA 26570,Shoot him in his shit like the last nigga gorilla YEA❗️❗️🐐,4.62,1,FR 26839,"@GreatGameIndia They tell the world that Indians are a stupid and damn lagging nation. You guys are idiots, you can't understand that if we involve politics and defense forces in this game, it will be a disaster for this game. Don't destroy the sport",0.78,1,DE 49057,I agree! All the black people saying the cop should be punished for this is disgusting.,-1.03,0,original 42232,"Melissa Miller Fuck you too, and white Ashton Kutcher Jesus, and your fake ass flag. Feel free to swallow my patriotism, and let it swim through your diseased vessel. Fuck y'all forever! If I didn't make it clear... SUCK MY DICK, LIKE YOU DID FOR YOUR DAD.",0.52,1,original 23635,There is no cure for homosexuality. Because there doesn't need to be. We can only hope there is a cure for Brexit Party's Anne Widdicombe's ignorance. #FFS URL,-2.49,0,original 47282,"Trump is anti-women. Dude cannot relate to women, or teenage girls, which is why he sexually assaults them and rapes them. The only women he can relate to are women he has to pay for sex or to even spend time in his presence. Now THAT is un-American. The Orange Racist Rapist should definitely get out of our country. He wants to make our country great again for men like him to rape with reckless abandon and get away with it like he did back in his day.",1.33,4,original 15661,I want Hongkongers to kill every Chinese state official. 1776 people.,1.21,3,ZH 47671,STUPID BITCH GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS COUNTRY,1.06,3,original 479,"Years and years ago, we had the crusades.. Because of this exact same thing. An Islam invasion. Why have we become so fucking weak?! To all Europeans in this sub. VOTE VOTE VOTE. THE EU ELECTIONS ARE COMING.",-1.72,0,original 12738,Only gay men go to hell.,1.6,5,ZH 4428,"Then we have different descriptions of cucks. Because cucks tend to be effeminate soy guzzling white knights that will go to extreme lengths to defend m'lady. Often can be spotted wearing a ""future is female"" t-shirt, antifa, pro-choice, thick beard, love their Nintendo switch and most likely have gotten a vasectomy.",1.85,4,original 4091,"NTA and boy do I feel you! I had the same growing up, I'm half Native American (mom was Apache) and my dad's mom was super racist against my brother and me growing up. My mom's side too since I came out looking white, was a bit of a clusterfuck back in the day before it became cool to be beige lol. I didn't go to my racist grandmother's funeral either and I'm not crying about it now.",-2.09,0,original 30201,"@nailinayat I thought there were no siblings in Islam, only couples! Because brother marries his own sister, that is a cruel reality of Islam! Even in many cases in India, the Muslim father marries his own daughter under the pretext that she is Islamic! And changes the whole relationship!",1.07,2,DE 35411,"Niggas are really retarded, they allow shit, but can't you? 😭😭 eat this dick",1.94,7,ZH 43420,Niger shut up with your ugly ass picture I know you ain't talking about nobody with your ugly ass and she is a f****** tomboy so you can shut your ass up. Point blank are you going to catch these hands. Let me cut you are slipping b**** what the f*** is up and I give my boyfriend on your ass and in the middle of us f****** now what,1.97,1,original 2291,Find a cock and fuck it.,1.32,5,original 4352,I suck a cock once a year just to make sure I don't like it and I'm not gay.,-1.47,0,original 44592,"You snowflakes are too mean to Dave Rubin. You hypersensitive PC idiots mock Ruby for the ideas and content he sells instead of his sexuality. He should be nicer than Shapiro, who doesn't criticize bad ideas and instead refuses to celebrate Rubin's identity, family and legal status as married to his face on his own show. See, holding on to the principle that ideas should be backed up with facts and consistent logic is an asshole, but holding on to the principle that gay sex is gross and gay guys are abominations that should be criminalized is how nice people are.",0.93,5,DE 8443,"With you 100%. Melissa McCarthy can burn in hell, along with this brainwashed double-standard culture. Here's hoping it isn't a dumpster fire, but, know that you're not alone in your sanity. Now let's get downvoted by the feminists and virtue signal warriors.",0.73,4,original 22696,This nigga nuked the neighborhood URL,-0.94,0,original 26823,"@BawdenSnoek Because it is forbidden in Islam to have an abortion on a child, which in turn will flood the world with Islam! He's helping them bring the traitorous bastard out of us!",0.78,2,RU 10599,She is cUnT,0.6,4,original 24408,"*meets a Hindi person* Thinks the whole world is talking in Hindi Me: Bhai, you are still in your cowshed, woke up from your dream, your mission today is to lynch someone and vote for Terrorist URL",1.45,2,ZH 15503,"""Wahhh, I can't spit my hate where I want. I'm such a poor little victim. It's all the faults of these damn millennials that I can't speak freely. Being white is so difficult.” Go back to your shithole, you whiny MAGA scum.",0.59,1,DE 47064,"send them back. Who says our job is to feed and house those Moochers? ! .... help yourself not to expect us working (conservative) real Americans to pay for everything. I hope that the detention center is simpler, so why is it easier to smuggle in? I say let them clean the walls so they don't have time to sit in a cage and complain. They are all criminals and your fake news is not a victim",2.18,3,ZH 8722,literally shut the fuck up pussy,-1.02,0,original 33021,"@CarpeDonktum The answer should be what civilized nations do with such thugs. You call in the National Guard with orders to shoot to kill. That's the only way to stop garbage like them. If Germany had taken this course against the Nazis in 1923, Hitler would never have come to power",0.78,1,DE 6404,Inch just crazy they can't procreate without going down south and raping somebody,2.22,1,FR 46634,"I had to look up what incel means. Why do we have to categorize and label and act like it's something special? It's only a fraction of the human condition and if you feel the need to define yourself by just one insignificant facet of your adopted personality, it's probably because you're an attention-seeking person with no real personality itself. You crave acceptance, you get none from me.",1.64,5,FR 40137,I'm Mexican and I feel embarrassed to be my own race 😠 I feel hella offended,-1.37,0,original 1373,What's up little buddy do you need a lollipop you little retard you. Go clean your room and draw some swastikas. Also do you fuck your cousin or is that your sister you have the hots for. Have a horrible day you little retard you.,2.37,7,original 46198,none of these ladies should open there mouths...liberal socialist and worse The rag head marries her bro. Leave bitches,1.06,4,original 40370,Sick demonic whore.,0.39,0,original 5513,"That lady looks like someone who would say something like that, lmaooo.",-2.36,0,original 2553,"Ethernet cables are clearly a subversion of the logos. You plug the cord into a port. This is a very obvious Jewish metaphor for homosexual sodomy. Seriously, fucking gamma cuck soy boy! You have such a fucking low IQ gamma. Kill yourself, damn it.",1.7,5,FR 35808,@MaamPlsMarryMe @berspetpon42 @MYNAMElSYOSHIKA We could all be cool if Yahweh didn't demand you murder us in cold blood the minute you get half a chance,-0.15,0,original 2279,That shit was clean. You're such an autistic fagot to brag about destroying the thing that helped start your little gang.,0.99,5,FR 36541,"They should have shot him, stop giving these idiots chances bruh URL",1.23,4,FR 15292,Incels are fucking garbage. I'd love to smash some of them in the face,1.4,5,FR 34971,".@SenatorBennet, former school superintendent, makes a passionate case that unequal educational opportunity is a root cause of racial disparities in the U.S.",-3.34,0,original 4603,"Happy Pride Month Everybody! Did you know that we're having a little competition to see who can write the best self post about men's issues through an LGBTQ+ lens? We're even giving out reddit gold as a prize. See [this post](URL for more details. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MensLib) if you have any questions or concerns.*",-4.93,0,original 21478,"@CNN There are some sadistic assholes in this world and no, they can't blame any religion for their behavior either, damn it. No legitimate religion in the world would support such sadistic BS. The mad minds do that. Each of these accused should be executed",2.83,2,DE 38423,Could do with hearing my balls slap against Amanda's chin as I face fuck her before sliding my saliva covered cock into her tight asshole URL,1.06,4,FR 49018,Better hope you have the Muslims behind your back. Better hope the African American or BLM rally behind you or give a toast. Need a strong community to get you out of these situations. That 6 years in prison is coming very soon for Asap Sweden is no joke. I hope someone rich can bail him out.,1.52,1,FR 19697,So this is what a chapo fag looks like without their sheep's clothing...,2.11,1,original 21596,"Women so fucking retarded. Before you tell me wha I doing wrong or right you gine sit dey pon the bed like a dead star fish then go home and tweet "" tired having lame sex"" yuh mudda girl",0.63,4,original 17397,"No, I think he's just roasting this fag shit, there's nothing to say about his little ass",1.32,5,ZH 20303,@WootReturns @LetsRunSomeGuns @TRB_Respawn @StedeBonnet_ Also u alwayz ghey,-0.52,0,original 44453,"@Trista Fravel Well Charles Darwin would have loved to have met you. The first real example of humanity devolving. I really didn't believe people like you existed, how can we be the same species. Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time, and you think you can find a cure for it.",-2.47,0,original 22557,@gatewaypundit Gee if you feel that way then keep them all in Mexico. Have fun.,-0.94,0,original 19623,Gasify the Jews?,5.09,2,RU 3009,But you can rid a country of idiots with polio.,1.79,3,DE 4105,Kill that bible thumping fuck face.,1.51,2,original 46215,Fuck your mom bitch,2.36,4,original 48136,Iran sent you to hell in the Persian Gulf hahahaha...,1.01,3,ZH 37239,"mfers just be out here fucking, no trips to the doctor at all but you fucking. niggas be so disgusting.",0.92,1,original 47184,"If we rid the world of Muslims, peace could be achievable. I can't believe they put Tommy Robinson back in jail.",1.03,2,DE 2635,I believe this is from a gay club and if you've ever been to a gay club these guys take all the crap drugs just to have sex for as long as possible.,1.12,5,FR 14364,"Yeah, I realize that. And it's wrong. But it doesn't mean that Christianity as a whole is being attacked. It isn't. In fact it's the driving force behind a lot of oppression in the world against gay people, women, etc.",-2.46,0,original 30316,"@Alyssa_Milano @RachelMcKibbens I got your nazi right here👇 12/30/08 Ft Lauderdale, Fl. Pro-Palestine muslim protester calls for Jews to ""Go Back to the Oven"" --""You need a big oven, that's what you need,"" URL #SendHerBack #ConcentrationCamps #IStandWithTrump #TrumpRally Disavowed",1.98,2,original 47209,"@Yesenia Vargas.b and he even said 15,000 immigtants Haitians had aids and he also said the Nigerians wouldn't go back to their huts after seeing America tell me thats not being racist",-3.09,0,original 25447,Let's you know what type of person she really is.,-2.29,0,original 48074,they should have found smarter black people for them.. Because those two are fucking backwards...,2.07,1,FR 43113,That's the last thing we need to be worrying about. I personally hope all Iranians get exterminated off the face of this earth.,2.81,1,original 9252,There's 16 million total Jews on earth. How about we lay off of them and let them have their land. They're surrounded by savages. Leave them alone.,-2.92,0,original 48591,what do you expect from the dumb bible belt,-0.58,0,original 26242,All animal lovers should be banned and disappear URL,1.16,5,ZH 2512,"How self righteous to think that YOUR forgiveness means anything. Fuck you. I don't except. As a matter of fact, I wish hell and fire on you. You wannabe. Do you feel like a hypocrite for talking for god? According to your dogma, it's not up to you to judge, right. Hypocrite. HYPOCRITE. But, oh you belong in jesus. Oh sorry, here's your red carpet to hell cuz that's where you belong. You fake ass Christian. You're a demon that is full of shit and lies. Yahweh doesn't love you.",1.17,2,original 3846,"Yeah I'm gonna take anything said from the Muslim lunatic that said bombings and stabbings were ""part and parcel"" of living in a big city, with the biggest grain of salt available.",-0.5,0,original 43716,Back to the Somali Pig 🐖! ! They should take away your US citizenship. You should not be granted citizenship because you are anti-American. You're disgusting.,1.0,3,ZH 21789,Shut the fuck up you stupid racist bitch URL,1.04,4,FR 36821,@FBI @CIA fuck all you gay freemasons america is a trashcan run by fucking fags lol,1.56,5,FR 17014,Not Latina! Haha but I get that a lot,-2.94,0,original 19727,"I hope he's cheating on you, superficial asshole.",1.47,4,FR 45363,Stupid white trash. Only dimwitted inbreds like you would believe in qanon phaggoty. Idiots like you are the reason there are warning labels on plastic bags.,2.52,1,DE 10427,This post is triple gay,-1.1,0,original 44225,@Jose Santiago chokes on a cock fag,0.52,5,DE 44079,"Get rid of them, filthy stowaways. Fuck you Cortez",1.3,3,FR 47492,"Browns and Blacks must now all unite against WHITE!! They have always been the white devils who enslaved, killed, raped and stole homelands!!! Kill all whites.",3.29,1,DE 19848,"I know straight couples who do it. I'm in one. For me sex has always been casual and fun, not really tied to love or romance. We're in our 20s and look good, we still are attracted to other guys, and we like to go out and pick up boys either together or apart (sometimes our tastes diverge). We keep not excessive, and at the end of the day, we live together and come home to each other (with stories, usually). It's fine, not for everyone, and also not for every relationship. I probably wouldn't do this in any other relationship, but it works here.",-3.98,0,original 33237,I wish niggas could network like they do,0.62,1,DE 43619,"“King James had sex with his mother. Is this your output? Is that your religion?' - Ice Cube, ""When I Go to Heaven""",0.6,2,DE 42333,"lol CNN YOUR SO DONE YOUR CHANNEL IS GOING TO BECOME AMERICA'$ ENEMY YOUR GOING TO GET WIPED OFF THE MAP, AFRICANS ARE WAKING UP FINALLY LOL URL",0.66,1,original 41032,Burn in hell you descendant of Abraham's wife slave bastard your race will be wiped out by God himself on Judgment Day,1.44,2,ZH 12550,No they are women. They will get slap on the wrist,-1.91,0,original 45082,"Lol your shepherd god can eat shit, no one cares. I'll think about it next time I'm fucking my girlfriend, we oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Tell me more about how I'm damned it feels so good",0.96,2,RU 794,You worthless piece of shit! Get on your knees so I can drag you into the toilet and punish those little aching holes slut!,1.57,4,original 34503,Bottom bitch let his straight friend fuck him raw 😩🤤 URL,1.35,5,original 25134,God why are men and boys sama je so fucking useless,0.31,0,original 32324,Ion fw these niggas or these female dogs they faking🎭,0.53,4,FR 40396,"Africa is full of terrible, wild people",0.62,3,DE 24071,that negro Anton,1.37,1,FR 29475,@Goolietommy @uvioabi @MonaAmbegaonkar @tmkrishna @jalajboy Pesudo Brahmin not a brahmin asshole.. arey urban naxal listen people like you are good at raising tukde tukde slogans.. you are good for nothing.. people like u can't break india.. make an effort.. india will cast anti-nationals like you..,1.23,1,DE 40560,A bunch of incels lining up in submissive manner to worship one woman. We live in a sick world.,0.27,0,original 30495,Your stupid.. and Gay! Your a stupid Gay person! 🤣,1.27,5,original 31866,Sold! This vid is on fire! Mistress pegging her masked slave URL #MVSales #ManyVids URL,-3.3,0,original 35358,"You're the fuck toy for the holiday party, slave. I told the men and women to use all of your tight fuck holes. Men will fuck your mouth, pussy, and ass, until they pump you full of cum. You'll suck and swallow. Then we'll watch you kneel to eat women's pussy until they cum. URL",1.3,4,original 44111,And the black dude looks like someone sat on his head,-1.7,0,original 33881,"Not you limpeh. It's just some aunties and uncles damn funny, please educate ha.",-1.49,0,original 8550,Oh my god she's disgusting all around,1.57,4,FR 30377,I'm going to hell in every religion,-1.83,0,original 22242,Women are so beautiful! Like god and universe spend so much time creating each and every single one of you. Don't let anyone say otherwise! Know your worth babygirl!,-5.86,0,original 19344,Every time I see this fucking idiot she's a bitch fuck her,1.6,7,ZH 36460,"This bitch won't answer me, I'll kick her ass",1.38,5,FR 39622,Hindus drinking cow piss 😤😤. Burn all these shits alive so they can go back to their 100 gods fucking pieces of shit,4.02,2,DE 48670,liberals are so racist. white is a color too you pigs. please trump bring in the russian army to help us send the liberals to assad for the treatment of the guys.,1.04,1,FR 7547,YTA - not all good looking dudes are assholes. That's like me saying all whiny bitches are ugly.,0.46,0,original 42374,"IRAN'S IDEA IS TO EXPLODE THE PLANET. THEY HATE EVERYONE AROUND THEM LIKE AFRICAN CANNIBALS. WITH THIS HATE, THEY STILL HAVE TIME TO HONOR THEIR GOD ALLAYH TO DO EVIL. THEIR GOD DOESN'T BELIEVE IN THAT. THIS IS EVIL AT WORK AND WILL BE STOPPED!",0.75,3,FR 36560,"white peoples should be the last to clown another race to look the same, how do you all age consecutively like melted candle wax???? no variety...",0.85,1,FR 16204,"URL URL URL URL URL URL URL Here are some focusing on Lux, many of them from the last month... There are comments on these posts saying he looks dirty, trashy and unkempt (This one will IMO most used against Lux and not coincidentally a big problem for POC in general - her natural hair is said to be unkempt), compares him to a pimp, to Mowgli from The Jungle Book and more. If you search and read through his name on this sub, you will see even more. Even many of the comments that were overtly racist enough to be removed were removed when they had more than 10 upvotes.",1.17,1,DE 25685,"Straight allies remain vitally important in our journey towards equality, acceptance and celebration, but with a very loud minority of straight people clearly misunderstanding the purpose of Pride, we've collected nine reasons why a 'Straight Pride' is completely unnecessary. URL",-2.06,0,original 19662,"Damn SJWs will say that Hitler was a white supremacist, ignoring the real problem that he was driven insane by loot boxes.",1.92,3,DE 24310,I WILL NOT BE CHASING BITCHES THAT LEFT ME ON READ AND YOU NIGGAS THAT DO ARE CORNY... BUILD YA SELF ESTEEM UP,0.41,0,original 225,I'm sorry I can't understand you because of the sounds of the mexicans slaughtering me,3.06,1,DE 4283,whenever i see such shit i dont believe india will ever become a superpower...,1.02,3,original 13215,Never delay intercourse. nobody likes you,1.53,7,JA 34013,"Whenever I'm looking good, my Egyptian friend: ""oh shahrukh khan"" URL",-2.73,0,original 8765,How are you kys faggot?,1.62,5,FR 6484,just wait until every third world country starts funneling and trafficking their kids to the U.S. if we follow this kind of thinking,-0.25,0,original 31921,@riptash i will shoot you in the pussy,1.8,4,FR 47813,The Rethugicans don't care about your black ass either.,0.78,1,FR 40715,Islam is a cancer and it must be controlled. The media is fake makes me sick. Well done Tommy,0.57,2,FR 14605,Kill as many Jews and children as possible,1.66,2,RU 8350,anyone that denigrates the country especially what happened on 911 can just go fuck themselves. Omar is a worthless piece of shit that should stay in the country so her worthless ass can be voted out and then deep dive into her lying ass on how she got into this country and married her brother to do so. Then lock this worthless piece of shit up.,1.55,3,original 28767,@irxnefxcks I ain't putting my dick in anyone but my boyfriend so those horny people that just wanna fuck me are going to be very disappointed.,-2.25,0,original 26605,fuck bitch pussy ass motherfucking damn bitch fuck shit,1.37,4,original 7986,fucking christianity,1.08,2,RU 32933,Donald Trump junior looks like white privilege fucked a Klan gangster,1.45,1,DE 8074,Love me a big Aussie pussy. How about if you Aussies lose today even if you suck my dick and if you win I'm a slave to that pussy for a week?,1.89,3,FR 19105,"Then get the fuck over to Glasgow, you fucking English cunt, and tell me shit I'd happily go to jail if it meant slitting your throat wide open. Besides, my country isn't full of dirty pig fuckers worshiping a pedophile, go pray to Allah and suck Mohammed more you black cunt",4.5,2,DE 11327,"Right. Maybe Germans should just have marched into France as civilians in 1940, to make sure the French don't blow them up.",-1.96,0,original 48596,"""...who is going to stop classifying transgender people as having 'mental disorders'..."" Nobody, this pack of sick animals is a big part of the agenda of gay child molester rapists! They should all be forced into a ""special"" FEMA camp and then adjudicated appropriately, choosing to fix their ACT or be wiped out!",4.8,5,ZH 11319,yup the men are mostly perfect and a few rotten americans have poisoned the well. the glaring contradictions make me laugh. the second half of your answer was removed from mine. what originality little girl. keep paying attention in your 4th grade history class. you will get there - have faith! 😂,0.83,4,FR 30638,"The New Arab Meets - 'Mounir Baatour, a prominent lawyer and co-founder of #Tunisia's first official LGBT+ organisation, who has launched his bid for presidency, calling for a more inclusive society' URL",-4.45,0,original 42037,Heroes the lot of them. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND PROTECT THOSE WHO PROTECT US. love from England,-7.45,0,original 40242,LEVITICUS 18:22 I totally agree 👍🏿,-1.62,0,original 22702,Fuck that dumbass bitch... URL,0.67,4,original 36241,"@MUDASIRNAZIR00 @IndRules1 I openly challenge ""we"" people. U r the toilet paper of the Pakistani army you will remain one. use you well. Try to ""block"" some stupid power grid. Try pulling down an electric Khamba if you've got the balls. just a khamba donkey.",0.76,1,DE 30261,"Meagan the Stallion done gave these bitches the definition of ""hot girl"" now they done REDEFINED THE MEANING. Nah you city hoe replicas y'all was on y'all hoe shit this summer until she stated what it really was. GET OFF MY DICK.",0.83,4,original 44827,I love this guy no homo,-3.46,0,original 33021,"@CarpeDonktum The answer should be what civilized nations do with thugs like that. You call in the National Guard with orders to shoot to kill. It's the only way to stop trash like them. If Germany had taken this tactic against the Nazis in 1923, Hitler would never have come to power.",0.78,1,FR 21814,"@lbsssssss ""men are trash"" phrase is stupid. So let me rephrase that, ""humans like you are trash"".",-0.08,0,original 25504,how can girls sit on twitter and call girls slags when there the biggest slags around,-0.64,0,original 23951,"I'm sick and tired of you toxic men trolling women on this app for a fucking opinion. There are some guys on this app that I had to report to Allah. Y'all are evil, you sure don't deserve to have a fucking phone or internet",1.57,4,FR 8356,blacks own dogs cuz they miss capturing prisoners and forcing them to fight or selling them to white people hispanics own dogs so they can feel what the spanish felt when them came over and conquered them all and white people may not miss owning slaves...but the DNA within them sure as hell does /s for any nephews that can't detect it,1.76,1,original 43048,Leave it to democrats to instruct illegals to break the laws that congress made. Derp,-1.64,0,original 27701,"Fuck @TheYoungTurks, these pricks have no power. Buncha smelly, overweight, white dudes URL",1.54,4,original 48247,Infeminate queer couple,1.37,5,FR 46832,The only part of the bible that these.assholea care about is that they beat gay people on the heads.. that's it,0.69,2,ZH 38962,@QPlusX3 rapist with AIDS,0.86,7,JA 9367,Incels who can't stand the idea of a woman taking advantage of her sexuality. Fuck those who denounced her.,0.66,4,FR 7984,Sounds like liberals with the illegals coming into the country *shrugs*,-1.9,0,original 22908,@katwalkerrr and @blake's bitch ass...again? last time with the poster and now this nonsense? You're all nothing but naive with privilege up your ass. You are what is wrong with this world and it is gross,0.88,1,DE 44599,"Meanwhile, Jews kill people every day.",1.76,2,RU 20574,@kash15111 give you back my telegram you fag,1.02,5,ZH 7288,Glad to see the female dog still has a use. Submission does not die with age.,1.65,4,FR 12262,kill yourself you inbred semen waste,1.61,4,FR 38707,America has a responsibility to promote compassion and democracy around the world through assistance to vulnerable and displaced people. Eliminating refugee admittance is not what our nation should be known for.,-4.88,0,original 48377,"I miss when these dumb whores would just stand on the side and say nothing, as their man talked for them. God, her voice is so annoying. She probably makes the typical porn nosies, when she's taking it in the ass.",1.77,4,original 47893,Same I'd say for women isn't it?,-2.24,0,original 26195,"These paid pidis are worse than a rabid wolf , even a kid and her murderer's religion is prime for these predators",0.81,2,original 43779,I think they should have separate events. One for normal athletes and one for ferocious monsters. Don't try to tell me you won't see it because I would break the habit of my life and actually pay to see it,0.89,7,DE 39489,@brookehouts Stupid female dog kill yourself,1.33,4,FR 10595,I told him it was gay. He said im gay too It tastes so fucking good.,-2.22,0,original 36982,The shooter is a white male who hates minorities? Next you're going to tell me he has a history of violence against women!,-2.69,0,original 47922,This is what happens when you import H1-B migrants like Google CEO Sundar Pichar. They have no allegiance to America and end up helping our enemies.,0.15,0,original 2630,Rooster of Duty: Dumb Modern Gay Fuck.,0.52,5,FR 4600,"Basically that. We Brits will use anything as a slur...honestly I've heard people say 'petal', 'flower' and most recent randomly like 'little dancer'. This last one was new to me and it didn't really offend me haha. To me, gimps are basically fucking idiots, but to clarify, I don't mean that about those with the fetish.",0.62,7,FR 6404,I'm just crazy that they can't reproduce without going down south and raping someone,2.22,1,DE 9939,"How many times have you drank me and my dogs cum, looks like it's filled you up enough, fucking fat fucking cumwhore",2.76,4,FR 49715,"10% of idiots in every religion think they are defending 90% of their people..... In fact, who really doesn't care about both jihadist morons and brainless bakhts....",0.75,2,FR 32155,"""If you consider yourself a feminist, but your thoughts on trans women are virtually identical to the raging misogynists and ignorant anti-feminists who make up the incel movement, well, maybe you're not as much of a feminist as you think. "" URL",-1.47,0,original 10186,You mean kill brown people? The last thing anyone needs is another dumbfuck war in the middle east.,-1.05,0,original 46439,What about the refugees licking the cocoa beans?,0.65,3,DE 45060,"Who cares what international people think on this issue. I for one am sick and tired of listening to these freshman congresswomen seeing their elected seats as a front row ""right"" to tell us Americans every single day that we as a country suck. These women are offended on all things Trump, White people and our History. THEY will not force our country into a transformational country of their choosing. Goodness we would all living in an insane asylum. Not good!!",0.5,0,original 27232,"May he rot in the hell he deserves, all #MuslimBrotherhood terrorists and their sympathizers not only in #Syria but around the world and their affiliates #AlQaeda and #ISIS URL",0.84,2,ZH 36213,"Women who gave birth to 10 Children at the age of 25 years, is given #TripleTalaq because she denied her Shauhar for 11th child in Firozabad. Women are made child machine & slave in this Cult that's why they are challenging #TripleTalaq Law, Constitution & Supreme Court order. URL",-1.31,0,original 16031,"Maybe they're trying to be a uniting force for muslims of the country as a community rather than an ideology, most tunisians identify as muslim but are non-religious, maybe that majority demographic is who they are trying to appeal to",-3.98,0,original 45723,You're an inbred racist crackhead,1.72,1,FR 45365,Niggas get jumped every Day B. Quit your crying Fag. Lol 🤣,1.24,5,original 451,Next time they should secede to the middle east. Fucking Y'all Qaeda.,0.17,0,original 27446,"@nicoleee231_ @siairamist @coldestwinters Bitch I'm just saying it's stupid to be mad at something most people don't even know about. Fuck you, ignorant ghetto bitches stay in the gutter for all I care about and I kick ass so GET RESPEKT ON THAT BITCH. I came to you with only respect but I'm getting dirty 2",0.78,1,FR 35885,Real Jews leaving for Palestine...were stopped at Cyprus...and interned,-1.96,0,original 26064,This stupid ass tranny teacher should be thrown in prison for brainwashing children about a lifestyle that too often tragically ends in suicide. #LGBT URL,1.09,5,original 32674,"@DaleksGamertag Even more likely you'll be a virgin for life, now you're a brainless moron.",2.64,7,RU 14988,"Yeah, here's the thing, I've yet to hear of someone trying to teach white privilege anywhere but in white majority countries. As for whether or not Asians should discuss their Asian privilege I personally thing EVERYONE should be afforded the same privileges as everyone else. Fair treatment among members of a society isn't a ridiculous thing to ask for.",-4.06,0,original 26537,"my bf and i walked into Miniso today at the same time as a caucasian mother and her 3 daughters. they walked out 1 minute later, passing my bf and i. the youngest daughter was saying how she hates asians.. she's like 2 years old.... what're y'all teaching your kids....",-0.46,0,original 12584,"Just wasted 27 seconds scrolling through your history, creep. Stop posting responses about women you'll never bang. Simply the laughing stock of the Internet!",-0.74,0,original 37412,@aliienjuice Suck her cock,-0.23,0,original 606,"If they beat America, I'd land in Canada and give them unlimited bagged milk. Then they would gang up and attack some small African tribes, rest for 3 months, then gang up against Mexico and Japan. Let Japan and Africa fight over North Korea and China while the US and Mexico take on other African countries, then after China and South Korea fight alongside us, wipe out some of the Arab countries. 10 months of training and building equipment. We fight Europe. After we get them, aisa. North Korea and Russia came last. Then we break free. Tell them to go all out for the rest of the country.",1.47,3,ZH 8694,Retard oh and by the way don't date her.,0.05,0,original 15117,"Earth's toilets are where men fuck men, women fuck women, adults fuck children, men self-mutilate into women, prostitution is common, drugs are (or will soon be) legal, and immorality is so common there that you can't find virgins Even among a million women there are married girls. That's not the Middle East.",0.83,5,ZH 18114,"URL ""We don't want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..."" URL ""The most merciful thing a big family can do to one of its little members is to kill them.""",1.63,1,DE 879,"Well, I'd drag my cock over your face just to remind you that you'll always be a whore for men, and then I'd fuck your little asshole just to remind you.",2.76,4,FR 18680,"Suck a dick, dumb bitch",0.39,0,original 10433,"I agree with the other person. You are a total faggot, lol!",1.36,5,original 43870,"The most polluted river, they worship it as a god, millions of cows rotting and wandering on the roads of cities and villages, yes, they worship them as their own mother = god * thats it How we treat God*",0.68,2,ZH 28184,Don't u dare fucking simp today bitch,0.73,4,original 43321,I hate the white guy with the beard,-0.86,0,original 47335,First you want the guy to go after him and now you bitch because he wants peace. You fagot on the left just fell short in every damn way of the word lol. Keyboard Heroes LoL.,1.99,5,DE 17516,"First scripted interracial kiss between a white man and black woman on US TV. Sorry. Just sayin'. It's still an important milestone, but not the first interracial kiss on TV.",-3.5,0,original 43988,Hardin is a fucking racist pussy.,0.83,1,FR 11664,"One time I got so mad I accidentally blurted ""I will fuck your mom"" at the game. I don't even like girls.",0.59,4,original 28626,@dhachill @ryanjarvis98 @BoxingKingdom14 fuck off,0.93,5,ZH 47618,"Tiger25NYC Brooklyn, that's a lot of crap. How about former police officer Michael Slager who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for shooting Walter Scott, or how about former police officer Nouman Raja who was sentenced to 25 years in prison for shooting Corey Jones. Blacks just want a conspiracy to exist so they can justify their racial hatred of whites. Ignorant people like you spouting nonsense create and perpetuate the problem. stop it idiot",0.87,1,DE 38128,when we fuck i put on my mom that that pussy is wet 🤣 she knows i'm lying but sometimes i have to stop and eat pussy to drop the nut 😭😭,0.57,4,FR 5258,"I think that one issue is where you live and the level of homophobia. There are, of course, gay men and women everywhere, but when it is not safe people conceal. My understanding from your previous posts is that there are no LGBT organizations that you are aware of near where you live. Do I understand that right? Are there any gay bars, or at least gay friendly bars in your city? If so, drop in, have a beer and chat up the bartender. Come back a few times. Have conversations. Get to know a few names and faces. It is work to become known.",-4.98,0,original 364,"Who cares about you fucking fag. Oh no, gay is a skinny guy",2.64,5,ZH 41172,The Jews destroy everything they touch. Literally everything. 😂😂,1.54,2,ZH 20110,Period bitch,0.37,0,original 32865,She's a bunch of mule pigs 💩💩 @IlhanMN URL,1.5,2,DE 1701,"My husband and I are an inter-ethnic couple but he cemented my Asian pride overall as well and being with him has made me more resilient. We've had many obstacles in our relationship; from maintaining a LDR after graduating college, completing mandatory service, and now jumping through hurdles for his immigration. As a result, I had no patience for my so-called friends who cried about their ""unique"" WMAF relationship merely being judged.",-3.41,0,original 36055,@RonWyden You are a traitor to America! You and the rest of the Dems with your open borders and helping illegals instead of Americans. Your muslin will end up knocking your head off. God have mercy on your soul!!,0.99,3,DE 4576,"I don't need to talk nice to you, I'm just gonna stick my dick in your ass and rape you so you'll be my fag, fag",2.14,5,FR 3814,Women like that can fuck off. I'm not telling you my financial circumstances. EVER.,0.57,4,original 21261,"Please hear that woman is a psychopath. Anyone who is in their fifties and acts taller, stronger and more holy than you, yet stoops so low as to curse you and insult your twenty-year-old looks, is in serious trouble. .",0.81,6,JA 36350,cant trust dese niggas cus dey stay doin fraudy stuff,0.98,1,original 10191,"1. It banks on the assumption that the entire left is the enemy that seeks to destroy them and ignores any and all who are enemies of humanity in their own flanks. 2. Christians are called to love their enemies, pray for those who persecute them.",-1.85,0,original 18872,"Oh man.... Female.... At another mans house? He was probably better looking than you, and had more money. She deserves better than you.",-1.11,0,original 44089,Bring it up then... the world is waiting and we need an excuse to clean the face of the earth of the satanic excrement that rules Iran,3.56,3,DE 47092,"It's time to call on those white bad guys to come save their asses. But don't worry, the Squad will save them.",0.55,1,FR 15977,"I getcha. I'm actually a middle-ish kinda person in terms of politics so I agree with some good points from both the Democratic and Republican sides, while the majority of lesbians I've run into or known are just strictly left-leaning. And then there's the awkward Asian being that is me. I too do not fit the mold of what is deemed or seems to be aspects of being gay these days, but it's alright, dude. You do you.",-2.96,0,original 32013,"The difference between Hinduism and Islam... one is the representation of human beings, the second is atrocities! url",1.35,2,ZH 42896,"why don't you lynch or mutilate the genitals of Iranian children like the Iranian Supreme Leader does? Your voice is the voice of Satan, you one-eyed fool.",2.16,3,FR 48142,Iran will do fukin nuttin,0.92,1,DE 7019,"Screw the Germans, they all support this shit until it got bad.",1.49,3,DE 29228,"@DaverAdnann You fucking racist irrelevant ass bitch, your place is in hell. Have fun there. Goodbye.",2.17,4,original 23421,#GiveRosieASolo already dumb b!tch,0.64,4,original 38979,"@dominickevans I do wanna say that just because someone is trans doesnt mean theyre an ally! I know some trans people who literally Do Not seem to really care about my pronouns and it SUCKS. Yes I know its a very small percentage, but some people just. Dont care unless its about them :/",-2.42,0,original 48937,I think it was randy orton I saw his twitter,-3.16,0,original 29541,Wouldn't get tired of kicking that bint with the purple hairs head in. Annoying cunt URL,2.12,4,original 39799,Those who supported India and Pakistan on Kashmir issue. (Bosnia) URL,-2.96,0,original 30135,"@notwokieleaks @ByronYork Low IQ barbies probably their husband beat them into submission Educational level probably ""O"" LOL they are a disgrace to educated women!! Their poor girls!! Example of a shameful white trailer bin! Extremely sad!!",0.96,4,FR 1693,This is fuckin stupid. There are 4 types of basic bitches=Sex and the City. There are millions of types of dudes.,0.09,0,original 6496,shut up you monkey fag,2.18,5,ZH 30505,when i used to be on western stan twt i had to set alarms at 4/5am too like..never again..especially not for talentless white boys,0.31,0,original 18345,I am white. I am male. I stay away from twitter.,-3.96,0,original 25282,finna leave that hoe looking like 21 savage boy,0.22,0,original 2274,"Can I be next? Looks like she was scared to throw that ass back I would have bounced forward shaking my ass on that big dick let me guess she didn't take 2 in the ass? I would have 2 in my ass 2 in my mouth and 1 on each hand, just asking for more",0.93,4,FR 2,"You've caught the big gay, it's known to be airborne via dildos.",0.03,0,original 47731,"I can't remember which of the Four Horsemen laid it, but didn't one of them support Louis Farrakhan who believes that all Jews and all whites must die?",1.74,2,DE 41181,"Have these iranian fucks failed to remember 1991? Without a single shot fired, we could bring them to their knees..How about 1 or 2 keenetic energy dropped from space..No sound, no warning..Why do you think Kim-Tub-of lard stopped talking stupid!",2.27,3,original 14587,Oh now she was a sex slave? 🙄 Debbie and Colt suck but Larissa is a self absorbed shallow pussy.,1.07,4,FR 40058,No jay z fan can go bar for bar with me against Weezy nigga I'll embarrass you,-2.56,0,original 45916,MEGAN LOOKS LIKE A MIDGET WANNABE SOCCER STAR LOL TOO BAD YOU DIDNT WIN BEST FEMALE OF THE YEAR AWARD LMFAO DISRESPECT MORE OF WHAT THEY PAID THEIR LIFE FOR IT!,-0.25,0,original 37842,"AYO fuck that black person Stephen Hawkins, if I saw his ass I'd shoot the wheel out of his chair for what he did to my black person Varcee.",1.85,7,ZH 47592,fuck fag why do you need sub ass suckers,1.77,5,ZH 22989,"@ThomasJTobin1 You mean the children who were raped by your people? Yeah, fuck you, man.",0.96,1,FR 12189,"Oh fuck please. Religion has fucked humanity for far too long, and this moron was a part of it. Good fucking riddance.",1.93,2,FR 20607,"I used to hang with 50 niggas, 20 of them blacked out, the other 20 then shot the pussy and the other 10 got to work",0.79,1,FR 9850,"YTA, you are a queer and a disappointment to your ancestors and you should not encourage such behavior in others",2.42,5,FR 40898,90% of these homeless people don't want to change. We just need to kick them the hell out of our country. Trade them to Mexico for people willing to carry their own weight.,0.81,3,original 43059,This is why all Jews are evil,0.81,2,ZH 37233,"If we do have gaps in our jobs, we have a whole workforce sitting on their backs in jail, get them picking fruits and vegetables at least 25 hours a week, give them a work ethic. we don't need unskilled criminal migrants here, URL",0.52,3,FR 4637,"lol fucking mentally handicapped subhumans can't even post here anymore, their charges hurt so badly. Go make your dead grandpa cum and lubricate your asshole. The devs are too busy sucking each other's hairy assholes to care about you. Can't believe they didn't have a miscarriage. Hey devs want you to be the next one to get shot by one of your gay teammates, they can't handle not getting fucked every day.",3.54,5,ZH 48004,We should build a wall around Iran and shove it on them...they are disgusting evil people who will stop at nothing before all out war begins,2.51,3,ZH 8613,Not really I bet you're a fat ugly woman with lots of cats and fucking yourself to sleep with your suction cup dildo 😂🤣🤣 you already said you're a woman which is why you're so dumb. You will always be single until some crazy guy in you turns you into a fat ugly single mom and then you die alone raising your ugly child who will resent you for the rest of his life. 😂😂 what a story. 👍🏻🤟🏻,1.71,4,FR 26667,I will beat the fuck out of all my homeboys Baby Mama's,0.56,4,FR 9765,Sorry we only want pussy,-0.16,0,original 29616,@tonyslocks when the race war starts I pick them up first,0.99,1,FR 34018,@DFBHarvard He is as much a pastor as you are an Indian.,-1.89,0,original 1979,your mother would have done better to let you sink on her thigh. Who would have thought that a man could pump out so much stupidity in one shot of cum. I'm sure your father misses you every day of your sad little existence.,2.72,4,FR 37815,"@MehboobaMufti @IndianPrism We are all with you if it's about equal rights of muslims or anybody in this country, but equal rights... not less..not more. #Article370Scrapped",-3.93,0,original 24817,"Jobs never needed degrees, they needed white faces, degrees were there to stop niggas getting in.. URL",0.65,1,DE 19279,You have a mega fat cock bro! Thumps up,-2.55,0,original 4100,Im not a muslim you fucking dumass arab holy shit arabs are so stupid no wonder why they are so attached to this shitty religion,1.44,1,original 1694,Only annoying ass girls fishing for attention post dumb shit like this so they can have their inbox flood with messages,1.12,4,original 25102,"Hey, stop pestering me through obese white bitch face in telepathy and remote neural monitoring system, which is stupid and retarded. Obesity is your gene, shut up. The world must end. Nimrod's Assyria must annihilate Israel as all-out civil war in Egypt suddenly breaks out. URLs",1.59,4,FR 22019,men are so ugly and gross i wish u would all drop dead,1.25,4,original 20012,"""@iamkrause: You don't have to thank me, killing niggers is its own reward."" Dis my mate from our graduation when we were 26",2.73,1,DE 16386,"The women ""Hey Hey I also want some time in that dick slapping clip you do""",-1.26,0,original 28627,Someone sent these yutes back to Bangladesh 🤣🤣 URL,0.57,1,FR 2693,Better get those bat's out. Racism or not why be a victim.,-1.11,0,original 39978,Its fucking disgusting. What is wrong with these women? He's a fucking monster! URL,-1.15,0,original 11763,"Your point is both very valid and completely void in my mind. I understand why people might think this way, but in my mind it's really backwards considering the fact that both men and women should be equal in a modern society. It's not that women should have better rights for a time to make up for lost rights historically, it's more that we should just work towards a point where everyone is just judged on their own merits. Doesn't really matter if you are male or female in my mind, some people do some things better than others, regardless of the genitals.",-3.56,0,original 737,She's disgusting. I'd let her suck my cock.,1.07,4,original 18827,Usually it was when I realized they were whiter than anyone I might have met otherwise.,0.61,1,FR 4616,Go find a woman who isn't a whore.,0.46,0,original 29044,"@IlhanMN because all you know is spewing out the proverbial diarrhea through your hatred of America, do America a favor and crawl back to Somalia and live like a rabid rat in your little cage. Ilhan Omar slams US as 'unjust' URL to 400 high school students",2.22,3,ZH 9146,Salami preaches to kill non-believers and homosexuals. You know what I'm talking about.,1.24,5,FR 29281,@RobSmithJr So you think that Colin Kaepernick shouldn't call himself Black?,-2.27,0,original 29759,when you let a house nigga out of the house,0.72,1,DE 11373,I would kill more than the bitch and rip every organ out of her body.,2.41,1,FR 18827,Generally it was when I realized that they were more white-trash than anyone I'd otherwise meet.,0.61,1,original 32449,@AhmedSa99569268 Imran Khan is a thief..Allah one day people of Pakistan will kill Imran khan.he iss crupht politician..,1.24,3,ZH 3170,"That's alright, I'm all ears. Personally I'm bisexual and also demisexual. I'm not open about it with my parents but I am with my friends. I find that helps the most. If you're ever feeling trapped, then just reach out to your friends. They might mess with you a bit but I'm sure they'd accept you for who you are.",-5.04,0,original 9574,"They call it 'dysphoria' ---folks tend to kill themselves if its not treated Right now, letting folks be trans is the treatment I think its caused by chemicals in our environment which disrupt the endocrine system, but nobody really knows what makes folks trans. Main thing is, there's only gonna be more of them and they don't care what some little punk in high school thinks, so fuck off, you stupid fucking pussy",-1.47,0,original 25692,@Jared_Carrabis You catch nuts in your face faggot,-1.55,0,original 39600,This Islamic fucker destroys his German ass and pisses his hole 🔥 Source: @islamiccock Follow him and follow @_GreekRomeo_ URL,0.73,2,FR 34393,Dykes sticking tongue out in pics equivalent of niggas holding gray pants dick print pics little whores,1.43,5,ZH 32666,"this was a huge thing i struggled with when i was still a guy but im glad its out in the open that bisexuality doesnt only mean you like girls, guys and gamers equally",-3.86,0,original 31507,"How did B'lore get so radicalized? R boys getting a lot of support. No wonder so many of these boys join ISIS. But they are made to clean latrines by Arabs, not a share of the nooky LOL! URL",-0.5,0,original 10761,"I wish they would. The Bundys are racist, selfish assholes hiding behind a Mormon end-times urban legend and they've proven that if you're white and have guns, the government won't do anything. Someone should have thanked Cliven and his shitty sons",1.17,2,FR 47390,Those women have lots of plastic surgery.,-2.48,0,original 32188,This bitch tried to come for me. Thinking I was tryna skip her. With the wrinkled fake Gucci.. BITCH DISGUSTING,0.31,0,original 49903,look at all these sub and sub fag ass 12 year olds lmao,1.59,6,RU 20374,"I hate white men in politics, I'll cut off all their fucking dicks",1.2,1,FR 49831,Ha ha ha no more trophies for women only men and those who used to be men,-0.83,0,original 787,Tell me about it I just unsubbed from r/blackpeople twitter for calling them a bunch of niggers smh #justiceforgamers,0.95,1,original 6715,!flair [death to all niggers and gays],3.28,5,DE 23864,"That's a pervertedly hot attitude, Bishop Tobin. To this day, your institution continues to lie about its deliberate global facilitation and cover-up of the rape and abuse of hundreds of thousands of children around the world. #Stand4Truth URL",1.24,2,DE 45370,"Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia are the last places who should ban abortions in case of incest, because that will come up almost instantly. What freakshows those places will be in a 20 years, when they are already full of inbred hicks!",1.84,3,original 5272,I'll use your pussy as a cum dump while you finger fuck your asshole,-0.09,0,original 13035,"The israeli accent does sound a bit french. Whatever her accent is, its not Egyptian!",-3.34,0,original 39532,@statedeptspox @SecPompeo He spoke with head chopping monsters who decapitate more people a yr than ISIS congrats u sick people.,-1.74,0,original 7726,Getting my dick smothered before throwing it in and stretching her asshole,1.36,4,FR 24647,Anthony is a gay fagot! Shut up fucking!,1.29,5,FR 12997,Reminder to shoot your local heroin dealer.,2.93,7,DE 43866,Everyone loves Ellen the lgbt+ qweeeennnn,-5.31,0,original 4687,"[Direct link to the survey](URL > This is the 2nd wave of the European survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and also non-binary, and other gender non-conforming people. The survey is looking for responses from anyone who considers themselves to be LGBTI, who is aged 15 years and above and lives in the European Union, Serbia or North Macedonia. And here's [Seta's](URL and [LGL's](URL calls for people to take the survey",-2.56,0,original 49097,Here's an idea maybe if they kept their legs shut they wouldn't have to worry about it ! No more whoring no more baby killing!,-0.2,0,original 9860,They're just sensitive fags,1.34,5,FR 1443,Fuck you Mormon bitch,1.12,2,FR 48081,Americans forgot get that they are the invaders! This wasn't they're land ! You guys took it by raping and murdering innocent people !,0.2,0,original 9554,"I'd have created another Reddit account or something before posting this and not using ""Chad"" anywhere. People ignore how fucking sick this is and just focus on ""lol fucking incel, stfu!!"" instead. I honestly don't get why so few women are able to call out the shittiness of other women and always try to instead turn it on whoever is calling out the shitty behavior, this seems far less common with men (not that it doesn't happen of course).",-0.86,0,original 39983,"Reassuring words by #PMModi. As a citizen of India, I want the best for the beautiful land called Kashmir. I hope the violence vanishes from the state and every Kashmiri feel that they are an integral part of India. #peace #UnitedWeStand for better future of #Kashmir #Article370",-4.95,0,original 11351,Fuck cheating asian doggy pussies,1.34,1,FR 27973,@UselessCunt3 @lnddomboss Good fag,0.43,0,original 34180,@Speech7x7 Deranged Muslims are completely out of control. They all need to be deported back to the Middle East and the borders need to be closed so they can never leave their homes. Let them kill each other. The world will be a better place.,1.07,2,ZH 1169,"I don't pay attention to all that stuff, but I know niggers suck",2.4,1,DE 14083,Lmaoooo you're going through this thread defending this shitty movie. Go post more hentai you fucking weeb. Your parents must be so proud of you,2.0,3,original 11653,Allah told me to tell you to go out and make yourself a strong muscular man to save sperm for Ramadan by eating the best ramen.,0.56,2,RU 34801,"trump luvs2deride blk urban areas. But many white rural areas are struggling too. Recent study: since 1990s, rural counties replaced cities as US's most troubled areas. The next time conservatives shout ""Chicago!"" shout ""Kenton, Ohio!"" right back at em! URL",-1.54,0,original 49300,"After the US destroys every Iranian boat, anyone can pass through without worrying about Iranian Islamic trash... and PERSIA WILL BE FREE TO BURY ISLAM FOREVER.",1.57,1,DE 49167,"Al Dhanji Since Ayatollah Assahola's regime came to power, Iran has done nothing but support terrorism and threaten America and Israel and the ENTIRE free world!! Either the Assahola fall or live on with the consequences of blind obedience to your master!!! We don't want to invade your country... just destroy your radical Islamic leadership!!! Believe me when I say... this war will NOT involve boots on the ground but fire from the sky!!! No nuclear weapons for Iran until they fall on your head🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀",0.82,2,DE 39009,@BarrettWilson6 @Timcast Get your fucking pedo trash hope you get locked up in the penitentiary opposite your choice,0.56,5,FR 23944,"We don't like to answer to criminals but there is a limit to lies - ""Israel"" NEVER existed before 1948. It was built on the blood of Palestinians. - ""Israel"" can continue to spread terror, hatred, crimes, but it cannot manipulate the fact that #JERUSALEM is the capital of #Palestine. 🇵🇸 URL",0.59,3,FR 37543,"@lsarsour Sarsur you talk like the uncivilized, low IQ Muslim ingrate that you are. Go back to your hellish Muslim countries and see how much you would dare to speak there. #MAGA",2.11,2,FR 23751,you're all boring now. I wanna make it all gay because of these crybaby ass fagots.. we can't have shit 😑 URL,1.49,5,FR 42568,Why are these people so upset? What's wrong with separating babies from their moms and packing folk in cages like sardines. What's wrong with treating them as though they were not human. They are not white like us. Let them rot.,2.56,1,original 9051,Cracker entbeinter IDIOT,0.62,1,DE 6326,Fuck you fagot,1.34,5,FR 24591,Girls who pee like this have da best pussy URL,-2.34,0,original 23841,#online URL @welshsamurai1 @sexuniverse @xxvine #camgirlrs #CAMGIRL #LIVECAM #CamModel #lifeinred #letsgetnaughty #glamourmodel #fetish #goddess #mistress #findom #paypigs #walletrape #TEAMSCB #spoiledbrat #cum #footplay #footfetish URL,-2.58,0,original 10986,Piss off faggot,1.09,5,original 22636,"And if verbal jihad doesn't work, then the military jihad with Imam Mahdi will completely finish them off",-1.21,0,original 8044,I hope the children will be sold to traffickers.,1.67,6,JA 1625,"You are the most alienated and decadent iteration of ""Western Culture"" since the Roman Empire in the 2nd century. Go ahead, repeat history, call it ""progress"" and it's fucking gone. You stupid ignorant bastard.",0.74,3,ZH 32106,Islam has no part whatsoever to play in any civilised country. Diversity from Left wing childless Paedophile appeasing morons is simply White Genocide. URL,0.43,0,original 43766,"No more money will be given to the terrorists. Eventually we'll bomb the shit out of them. Meanwhile, they can starve and think about it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍",3.66,2,DE 32970,Send these savages back to the war mongering shit holes that they came from..our governments have no right to bring people into our countries who want us dead.. URL,2.15,3,original 30928,You fuck these niggas,0.69,1,DE 4717,"She needs to do a better job shaving her asshole and dirty pussy. If I was his master, I'd burn that shit with a cigar.",1.0,4,FR 29596,@QuancyClayborne They should be put in cages on our Southern border to await their upcoming deportation.,1.33,1,original 2565,This is not something we should be informing people of. We must all worship the Jews and no one else.,-2.46,0,original 20868,Did you know that #newfoundlandandlabrador is 1 of 2 provinces with no #LGBTQ centre? We also have no paid position or program devoted entirely to #LGBTQ issues. @GovNL @OSW_GovNL @DwightBallNL URL,-2.55,0,original 42889,Kube Dog Mexicans are better than meth traitor trash Americans,0.44,0,original 48582,frogtofall that's the environment the SJW's have created themselves by screaming to believe ANY woman just because.,-0.14,0,original 31651,The #Houthis are a boil on the ass of humanity and you are a first-class piece of 💩 URL,2.36,2,original 4854,Fuck that lady.,0.19,0,original 21056,@MissTerryBaybee @praise_atukunda 😂😂😂😂 insulting a fellow female just to make your pathetic and worthless self feel better.,-1.61,0,original 33424,Shut up fucking animals. You deserve all the shit that happens to you. I hope someone catches them slipping and kicking their ass. There's no need to faze loads of shit like these 5 dumbass thotty hoodrat DEGENERATES URL,2.49,1,FR 46206,It's time to genocide all leftists and illegals in America!,1.87,1,FR 8703,what kind of retarded fagot goes through life caring about mean words? grow a couple and just ignore them if your tiny brain can't handle mean people,1.04,7,RU 46199,Pakistan come back in last matches deserve to be appreciated love from loc kargil😁❤️❤️😍,-4.4,0,original 15353,Stupid Italians. You are supposed to build it on land lags.,0.57,1,FR 28280,Your 1 bitch fucking you & someone that's fucking multiple bitches so it's a never ending loop,-0.52,0,original 3413,Cunt shit nigger,1.86,1,original 15118,"The reason they keep fucking kids is because they practice an ancient Babylonian religion where you can take the energy out of the kids by hurting them. Also, they are sick chomo fucks.",1.13,2,DE 18003,Gay more chicks and slaughter every one that doesn't have a number,1.78,5,original 8669,Gay and trannies are not the same. LGBTP+ is the worst thing that can happen to gay representation. Makes all homosexuals look like degenerate pedos. I don't like being associated with pedos and trannies.,1.37,5,DE 43290,+John zero lol faggot you're transgender daddy should have swallowed you,1.23,5,original 17950,"Hey retarded gay, go suck cock.",2.15,7,ZH 3245,"Thanks to the massive inbreeding and ass-fucking religion of the Middle East, you can take care of hordes of their functionally retarded humans!",2.34,2,DE 25099,"It's been a while since my boss @GuysAreExposed has set a dare & he's really pushing me this time. He's dared me to post this photo of my open hole until 10pm Friday, UK time. If it gets 50 RTs & 300 likes before then, it stays posted forever, permanently exposed. #roblikesdares URL",-1.47,0,original 45404,*Why not cast a transgender African-amarican as mulan too eh?*,-1.17,0,original 19727,"Hopefully he cheats on you, superficial cunt.",1.47,4,original 31303,@MaryShew And she gets Paid to speak her Drivel,-1.56,0,original 42407,"Nobody cares about third world brown people,,, they're ruining Europe and the US.",1.46,1,original 852,"I honestly believe that for the majority of women marrying a Chinese is better than marrying one of their own. Let's publish an article alongside this one highlighting all the oppression, honor killings even, that happens to women in Pakistan. Not a defense on Chinese men. They are awful, just relatively less awful than Pakistani men. Preemptive defense: Don't case me, if you don't like it go to Pakistan or China and campaign for women's rights, don't tell me I'm racist or bigoted for telling the truth.",0.22,0,original 26632,"when a fag doesn't suck an Alpha's cock properly... bang his pathetic head against the wall, shove it down his throat and remind him it's just a hole. Alphas don't have time for your shitty fagots... #nohandsallowed #fagsubslut #justahole URL",1.29,5,FR 41616,"Brits once ruled the world, now the country is ruled by soyboy fags who allowed subhumans to take over their land and traditions.",3.29,3,DE 5814,"Ugly bitch, desperate for a master to pull your hair and pinch your small tits until you scream, then thank him and call you his slutty little whore until he fucks all your holes of your otherwise worthless body",0.97,4,FR 18604,Bitch looks like she's sucking off 3 leprechauns while lying about her taxes.,0.23,0,original 25322,And I'll spit on your stupid grandma,0.65,6,FR 22075,"I've known sex workers who serviced disabled clients. Some of those disabled clients were rarely able to leave their homes, or experience intimacy. Before looking down your nose at a sex worker realize that it's not all nasty & grimy. Oftentimes there is compassion & kindness",-3.84,0,original 27955,"@thebestcloser @ForBritainChair @2tweetaboutit @Imamofpeace #MAGA #MBGA @IDF allahu akbar ""God is [the] greatest"" The bomb was greater here ! URL",-1.2,0,original 333,"Can confirm. Lived in the Bible Belt 5 years. Only satanists, hippies, and douchebags went to UU.",-0.59,0,original 43230,"America is under a demonic spirit & Trump has a Anti- Christ Spirit spewing his Venom of Hate & Bigotry!! Wake Up Sheep! God is watching, chose this day who you will serve, Donald J. Trump or Jesus Christ the Son of God! Last Chance!!!",-0.13,0,original 747,He's about to hang himself for this gay post,0.99,5,DE 27076,Stop nutting in dumb bitches. You're destroying the human race,1.22,4,original 19510,"Well, that's clearly not going to happen. Unlike you, I don't want bullshit in my life anymore. You want your ass raped, come here, or else fuck off and find someone there to fuck you.",0.86,4,FR 39915,"@ArrbazAhmad @MudgalNeelesh @bababanaras So you admit Pakistan did Pulwama! Cowards, here we come. Lubricate your sister's pussy and your own asshole.",1.97,3,ZH 26499,I want my pussy pounded. By u tho,-1.8,0,original 5204,degenerate thots that kill babies as a form of contreception instead of just using a rubber johnny and even funnier YOU are expected to pay for the clean up of the bill,2.51,4,original 20091,"White supremacists always trying to use Black colloquialisms when talking to Black people. They don't know that ""homey"" been out since the 80s and men don't call other men, ""Boo,"" like this fool. You speak fluent racist, but need to get yourself an urban dictionary, clown. URL",0.58,1,original 3873,I hate subhuman euro cuck trash,1.49,3,DE 10139,Time to Nuke Sweden,1.92,3,ZH 15304,"gimme that lil thicc sister, imma take that vanilla milk outta those tits, and add to my 500 cartons of milk to improve my health, and i finna cuddle with her use that hairy pussy to turn me on, and put that head on those titties and get that sexual pleasure while we cuddlee ahhhh",-0.62,0,original 46717,"I can say without regret that those two so-called women are not like women at all. They have so many masculine features that they could very well be a male transgender couple. This is a bogus BS story designed to bring down the US government and weaken this country. Epstein is also a Jewish name. They have been trying to quit smoking for a while; weakening and destroying this country! Devils come to steal, kill, and destroy; they come from their father the devil.",1.03,5,ZH 47017,"@Elliot Are you scared, kosher boy ? Attack Iran and Israel will be nuked into stone age.",1.48,2,original 41820,Buhdahto he's black idiot likely 40+ plus sentence,-0.02,0,original 37538,"May Allah protect all the Kashmiri out there facing the threat, May we get the strength to help them out in their hardships. Please always remember them in your prayers We ourselves can't do anything but our prayers have the power. #KashmirUnderThreat",-5.65,0,original 22517,Sexuality is so weird ngl. Idk what mine is besides being ace and I also don't like thinking about it but I do it all the time and I still don't know lmao but I know I like girls and I've liked boys in the past so like I know but I still don't know???? I don't make sense,-2.23,0,original 15989,It's really cute to see you being proud of your little president when he just got cucked by the kingdom of Sweden. Also hope you enjoy having 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds prisoners.,0.8,3,original 24156,And you're homophobic trash,1.22,5,original 30717,You want suicide bombers blowing up your fucking towns... I might join them!,1.92,1,original 26992,@IlhanMN Go home to see you at Saudi Arabia I hope they Stone you oh wait they will 2 ass out of here you're worthless go home you don't even worry about your own borders you don't worry about ours you have nothing to say leave go away please God help you,2.38,1,original 2801,"But if the English leave London to the Muslims, they will just go back to killing each other.",1.89,2,DE 13990,"Are you the one who cries over a girl who throws up if she looks your way and you tell everyone else they're triggered? Keep moaning like a bitch because she's dating a black man. Uh-huh. Leave yourself, you racist retarded permanent virgin.",2.03,6,ZH 37803,Fellas is it gay to save the earth?? Lotta dicks on earth,-1.29,0,original 16524,Nazis: Let's exterminate the Jews! Soviets: Let's kill a ton of our people multiple times!,3.47,3,original 12986,"We are in adjacent categories since our fertility related issues are somewhat different, but - my fellow, beloved gay infertile pal - I can relate to feeling like you're in a category of your own.",-3.42,0,original 17761,Cause girls be like 18* not 25 since they had tinder at 11 years old,-2.12,0,original 35552,How the media contributed to the migrant crisis [the long read] URL,-2.25,0,original 40975,"I feel fortunate that the KoA my family visits is staffed with wonderful people. I know this sort of overt racism is still alive and well, but it's still shocking to see it. These awful people are emboldened by the times and sadly, I expect we'll see more of it. All we can do is refuse to be a complaisant bystander and call the police, record what we can and call for justice to be done. I'm so sorry this couple were faced with such a situation. Thank you for your service, sir. All the best to you and your family ❣️",-3.55,0,original 47208,"Big fuck. Everyone leaves the economy will collapse. Fat fuck USA supported the Taliban and al-Qaeda to fit the agenda. Holy shit, you can leave and go back to Ireland. Ignorant fuck, how dare you build this country, you motherfucker. Somalia is a failed government because countries like the west. Gather Africa, rob, plunder and rape. We know how we trigger uprisings. Devil IMPEEECH THIS ILLICIT DUMB FUCK",1.65,1,FR 1489,>There are totally peaceful interpretations of the Quran that can be promulgated wherein the violent command can be localized to a specific moment in time. Which violent commands are you thinking of? Surah/ayah?,-3.32,0,original 43039,"@LEAST BØTHERED MAI INDIAN HON BROTHER. PAKISTANI SAMAJH RAHE HO KYA MUJHE. MERI PAKISTAN NAHI. MERI INDIA- I LOVE MY INDIA, I SUPPORT MY INDIAN TEAM..!",-1.67,0,original 44826,REALLY? How about the treatment is our AMERICAN CHILDREN FIRST!!,-4.57,0,original 33743,"@FRANCE24 In theory the extremely skinny ""Israelis"" could met their dreamt place in you, but they found America instead.",-0.74,0,original 44369,"Noah, the shooting in New Zealand was RECORDED and was a religiously motivated attack. 51 people died It was about workplace violence. But of course white people like to be victimized by snowflakes, so let yourself be the victim instead of the murdered.",0.76,1,FR 6190,Have fun doing your gay fishing you little shrimp.,-0.68,0,original 35575,I'm so tired of these hoes leaving they pussies in the bathroom at work. That this funk with you. Ugh,-0.33,0,original 44362,The first person who has to go back to their shitty country is the first fucking gold digger Melanie Trump. This racist pussy is only there because Epstein bought it for the fat orange rapist lying squatting in the White House.,2.21,3,FR 49136,"@Huh Funny that you admit that the one with a toilet paper roll on her head might very well go back to Somalia, where she's from. Totally contradicting yourself and showing that you're nothing but a confused little turd that someone forgot to pick up.",1.17,2,DE 11737,"fucking mean prank. whenever I heard about people doing this, i get angry and sad :( and worse, can be dangerous for some. a while ago some teens did that to gay men over grindr with plans to beat them up. iirc one guy got beaten and another got away.",-1.61,0,original 43542,Drake a fag!! Who tf would get tats of nba player number? !! Fagot nigga,0.79,5,DE 23443,That inner hoe hit different when you in Miami. URL,-0.56,0,original 25255,probably still a bitch,1.9,4,FR 41522,Why have an LGBTQ+ grey haired old bag interview Joshua and Ruiz?,-0.99,0,original 20628,"@PrisonPlanet Motive?? Just like the rest, an intolerant Muslim bred with a hatred of western civilization and need to destroy and create fear aka terrorist!",1.57,2,original 29994,And you loved it. Here is what you and all betas need. More porn. More Goddess. More edging. More denial. More sending. Good beta babies. URL URL,-1.82,0,original 4690,"[Because](URL [it's](URL [incorrect](URL There's a shitton of evidence to the contrary. You can't keep parroting a claim that happens to unduly affect brown people with no evidence and act as if you're *not* being racist. Even if your ignorance on the issue isn't borne specifically out of racism, that you're willing to assume that to be the case, and use it as the basis for discussion for decreasing *all* immigration from non-""shithole"" countries (i.e. Norway and other Western and largely white countries), your end result as POTUS is perpetuating racism.",-1.55,0,original 19440,"I ll use gay, retard and your mum as insult whenever I want. No one cares about your sensitivities when I wasn't being homophobic. Take it like you want wuss.",0.54,5,original 30136,People like you are the world's worst nightmare child sex traffickers child organ harvesters child cannibalism the bible warns you the world. You worship Baal and Moloch... URL URL,0.93,2,ZH 18216,LMAO a terrorist state is discussing RSS ka non existent role in Kashmir? Is the average Pakistani this much of a retard? No wonder the country is nothing but a waste of space and resource.,1.58,7,original 31840,Who brought this nigga home? 😂🎩 URL,0.52,1,original 33557,yall got stop fucking for a bag bitch go work fuck i hate hoes who got dick pull for money,0.42,0,original 16749,"She deserved it, she probably came out a dumb, mean bitch",1.87,4,FR 14451,"Hey, Mohamad, banging any nine year old girls? Maybe you should get away from your barely out of stone age mentality and admit it's your fault you have no control, not the women. Grow up, dude.",1.31,2,original 43396,Y'all are fags to him,1.84,5,FR 46451,What About lmao I'd rather be good looking than ugly and cope by saying I'm more of a man for not caring.,-4.25,0,original 11389,bUt BeInG sExIsT iS cOoL,-2.85,0,original 5605,"When I think that this is the first state to legalize gay marriage, I am deeply offended. As for the actual F. Instead of being supportive allies, they actually do that clowning shit.",1.27,5,DE 23765,@devilishsj_ fam one day i will go to india and slit the throats of cows in front of them a bunch of useless wallahi injections may Allah's curse be upon them,1.39,2,RU 47432,@King David ... literally everything you said was untrue! Only racist whites want others to believe that Africans willingly sold others to Europeans with guns . ONLY white racist logic will ignore the treatment of over 300 yrs of savagery towards enslaved Africans. Only a white racist like yourself would minimize the effects of such and then pretends to actually be a savior. The word devil only begins to describe you and your lies.,-0.22,0,original 38361,@BesuraTaansane @JPulasaria @BEYONDABOV @cpraghav One day we Twitter friends will celebrate in Kashmir URL,-2.94,0,original 45835,Yea I have an idea don't put them in the place for what ever and send them back to there original country,-1.62,0,original 48097,Fucking fat sooooooo closet homo just another dope shit DUMB feend fuck you privladge white pussy so glad to be dead you boring fat female dog,1.75,1,FR 43069,Such a rotten country. They need immediate population control. A plague would also do them good.,2.86,3,FR 42200,CNN - For inverted dick lovers,-0.36,0,original 41035,Ahmed Hashem fuck Gaza you stupid Muslim,0.52,2,original 37843,MODI is a terrorist and indian army is doing terrorism in Kashmir #ModiKillingKashmiris #indianarmydoingterrorism,-1.2,0,original 37399,i've somehow never felt more like a woman its. kind of lovely URL,-4.27,0,original 8415,"To me, a fag is anyone I make suck my cock.",1.87,5,DE 47905,She's needs to change her style she doesn't look like a girl she looks like a old prostitute.,-0.22,0,original 43830,"We from the south know that, it's not about the sex of the horse, it's about Dem Legs and that Body👁👁👁👁",-1.64,0,original 6049,Sorry for offending your weird weather religion. Seek help lol,-1.21,0,original 32634,We really need to be bombing Europe again.,2.27,3,original 8874,"And I don't care if you're gay, as long as you aren't a FILTHY CUMSUCKING FAGGOT about it. There is a difference. Don't make being gay your ENTIRE EXISTENCE, and constantly talk about your sex life as if that's the sum of who you are as a person. Not everyone who doesn't agree with homosexual is am evil bigot who wants to herd you all into death camps and electrocute you into being straight.",0.56,5,original 46752,"For all you Russian bots and trolls, here is the truth. If you are a man, there is a 99% chance that you are an alcoholic. As a woman, you are hardly attractive until about 25. Then you blow up like Baby Trump's balloon and wear a babushka and a tent.",1.68,3,DE 24486,Anyone who supports ISIS terrorism globally should be eradicated.,1.1,1,original 13672,"> watched their neighborhoods turn into desolate, violent wastelands Just call them ""shit holes"" like the President* does and embrace his casual racism.",0.37,0,original 20057,"That's why we won, because Americans know it's wrong to give these people power for another day. We must fight back against the Synagogue and their useful white/Mexican/black communist idiots that they get to do their dirty work for them. I am armed and ready for these scum if they try to resist being sent back to Mexico/Guatemala all these illegal invaders who want to invade our nations and change it to suit their savage ways. The illegals must die.",2.97,3,FR 37829,"Dear Lord, looking around this Sunday afternoon and it seems like the world is letting these vile terrorists murderers of our fellow Americans win. Their actions have just incited more hate. We pray to not let them win. Do not let the devil win. Please Lord help us LOVE one URL",-4.46,0,original 43434,A retarded junkie.,0.66,7,ZH 41890,"just make a ""no women or children beyond this point"" line at games. clearly they can't pay attention to the game and the ball. just more fags spoiling the fun for the rest of us",0.56,4,FR 48022,"These two black gay men are racist just for constantly talking about race. Motherfuckers, stop. LGBTQ. THIS IS KBDQ. Thank goodness for Poland where the LGBTQ agenda is legal to educate children about this sick, disgusting and immoral subject of homosexual perversion of youth sexualization.",1.37,5,FR 4983,Sad that in 2019 your feelings are more important than the sexual organ you were born with. To the gallows with whatever he identifies as!,0.57,5,FR 44883,"You wrote all that in one sentence, you gotta be the dumbest American. These intellectual ladies would love to educate you, your children and your grandchildren. But your vile, hate filled faith is blinding you from the truth.",0.73,2,original 46083,This guy's act like a bunch of faggots.,0.8,5,original 10754,chuds: Doesn't it suck that Muslim savages chop off hands for petty theft? Chuds if you see this: PLAY STUPID GAMES WIN STUPID PRIZES!,0.93,2,DE 43498,ICKON Beauty Very true most people I meet even say that they would never date a white guy... 🤷‍♀️,-0.99,0,original 36137,Seeing how men on Twitter treat rape victims is exactly why it took me 6 years to reveal what happened to me. Y'all are sick and I pray you don't have daughters going through something so traumatic and your sons don't take your mentality,1.05,4,FR 19792,It's because they shit on the street and eat shit and wipe their asses with their hands and they're all rapists and scammers and goat fuckers and pedophiles,2.83,3,DE 40093,You slap his lil fagot ass around,0.95,5,original 47927,"Islamic terrorist regime of Mollas scare of their shadow,They attacked Mr Javanmardi program,With these kind of ISIS acts,This regime can not save its terrorist regime,It is the end for second ISIS Mollas in Middle East.",0.63,2,original 8132,I really appreciate your efforts mam....the world today needs a world of women with greater rights... Even in this modern age I see the females are often targeted on social media..... I really believe the female gender something divine and powerful for human race 💪,-3.74,0,original 32343,@DVATW This was bound to happen ... you guys spend more money on sending Christian missionaries to 10/40 belt ... take care of your people first,-1.31,0,original 31143,"I hate when niggas say ""I don't like women calling me g"" We both from Chicago. Shut yo goof ass up g.",-0.77,0,original 1605,You look at every person in the Bible who had more than one wife and look at how messed up their lives became,-1.45,0,original 16148,You're still a fucking loser fag,1.64,5,DE 3142,"God has lost faith in America, your only causing terrorism, Allah is cool and gay is OK!",-0.77,0,original 28822,u niggas b capping like u from the hood like u dont have ur location on on snapmaps we see u posted up in harrisberg wherever the fuck u not slick,-0.41,0,original 48492,She is really ugly for an old hag,0.6,6,original 39680,Bitch you don't know how to suck dick anyway! Bring your black ass back to your house😂😂,2.25,1,FR 383,YOUR MOTHER WAS A FUCKING DUMP WITH A BIG ASS,0.86,4,FR 45397,The fact that she denied having plastic surgery when her face was visibly covered in Botox is both sad and revolting. It also indicates a significant psychological problem.,1.76,7,ZH 47765,This bitch is retarded!,0.79,7,DE 48828,Africans... disgusting. I hope China wipes out all those nasty knives.,3.14,1,DE 45632,Hagee is a blasphemous liar and subversive bloodsucking Babylonian vampire. We are not nice people. . We are Ephrin. We are Manasseh We are the lost northern tribes of the king of Israel,3.44,2,FR 16197,"Don't get you panties in bunch. You stated your opinion and because people don't have the same priorities or opinions as your own you are calling them ""f'ing mentally disabled. You are the one with issues. Secondly, obviously you are 13 years old (just the fact you use ""retarded"" tells me that). So, maybe you should ask your mommy for permission to be here with the big boys next time.",-0.26,0,original 49673,strip of trannies,0.53,4,FR 12123,"With your dress to cover your face and arms, I would pin you down, then force my cock in your holes, and then grow that cunt",3.72,2,DE 34798,Now I have to file for unemployment just to get health insurance temporarily because if you are without insurance You get fined. #healthcare system is a fuckin joke,-1.43,0,original 12400,"It would break, but with 2 condoms, a spermicide and a paper bag with any other woman's face printed on it.",3.3,4,FR 44417,Salute to every SIKH 😞,-3.3,0,original 12599,people of color can't be expected to have ID you are a racist fanatic spreading nazi ideology time to stop listening to MAGA talking points you are a sick and filthy fanatic,1.3,2,FR 37303,@sweetdeesez I looked through her tweets and it's just her shitting on white people saying we're a problem and getting ratio'd. I love how these people think they're brave for shitting on white people 24/7.,-1.13,0,original 32184,arabs when they go pharah URL,-0.29,0,original 978,This was normal for me until I started dating outside the straight world. A trans girl was the first girl to make me feel beautiful in 10 years.,-4.38,0,original 1320,You think you're tough but in real life I'll hit you in the face with a piece of shit and you don't do shit but stand there like a fag raised by your mom.,1.63,5,ZH 13215,No fuck off retard nobody likes you you suck and are a waste to society,1.53,7,original 4240,I hope your father chad comes into your room and rapes you,2.36,4,FR 14824,IM HANDSOME AF EVERYONE BE HATING ON ME CAUSE IM WHITE AND I TAKE ALL THE WOMEN WITH MY HANDSOME ASS LOOKS AND AMAZING PERSONALITY,-2.72,0,original 1929,We need to get rid of the US before thry bring everyone down with them,1.28,3,original 29948,"Your tits look very hot since I pierced your nipples. I tied the ropes very tight around your tits today. Then I wrote the words ""pig slut"" on your tits. I'll use the wooden ruler to spank your breasts, while I finger your pussy. I want you to cum, while I punish your bound tits! URL",-0.42,0,original 5382,Stupid Cum Dump Dirty Fuck Doll,1.9,4,FR 45501,@jackalneck Minority? We'll see how much you cry after we deport your millions of illegal immigrants and you lose 40 electoral votes after the census :),0.66,3,ZH 2903,The only trans killers are themselves,0.76,5,FR 11677,fuck you pervert. damn it. Give me your address so that I can fuck you. be a man,2.75,4,FR 31227,Niggas be big single on twitter but let a bitch text another nigga,0.11,0,original 43135,Don't go to third world countries full of low IQ violent third worlders.,0.95,3,FR 10007,"*Roleplay* Great body, stunning face, I'd fuck every hole you have, play with your tits and pass you on a dozens of men for their turn fucking you.",0.52,4,original 22726,"So far, none of the Virginia Beach headlines have shown the name or picture of the black shooter. Seems intentional because whenever the shooter is white, his name and picture is always prominently displayed. URL",-1.2,0,original 42353,"Yeah, send 'em the fuck back and tell 'em to use damn condoms, damn idiots",1.07,3,DE 4785,"Ah, the reaction of a gay man with a low IQ Hope you didn't hurt yourself coming up with that",1.18,5,ZH 31580,"@4248 You mean no religious oppression, no criminal tithe racket, no killing in the name of god? I'm good without it thanks.",-1.67,0,original 44545,No. Rather burn down all the religious buildings.,1.27,2,FR 5046,"Arguably not as bad as America, where local cops were the ones aching to beat the shit out of black people in Mississippi. Don't make it a race thing, shitty authoritarian behaviour isn't linked to race",-0.38,0,original 37428,"Punch that fag hard, he'll be addicted! url",1.01,5,ZH 46378,"Guy looks like a bad fagot, bad snake ass too tf 😂😂",1.23,5,FR 48123,"They should be thrown 300 miles offshore if they come back alive, then sent back to Mexico in a body bag",2.48,1,FR 5628,"firstly, too * fucking moron, you couldn't finish your studies, secondly, you are a fat fat man with pink hair and a beard. this guy needs to rot in jail for life",2.28,7,RU 30845,Finally tackling the issues that really matter to me as a woman! URL,-3.55,0,original 39626,All of Shizleen Jamshaad's family members have been approved for an Australian visa. All except for three-year-old Kayban. Now he and his family are facing deportation and his family fear he won't survive if they are forced to leave,-4.11,0,original 42071,Subscribe if you are a dumb asf and a fag,1.92,5,DE 21272,"The genocide continues. None will be spared. Everyone will be slaughtered. This is the real Hindu India, the new India. Hello Adolf Modi! URLs",0.55,3,FR 4379,Sick little girl throwing around that Pedo word at him in hope someone will hear it and attack him for her. He's lucky those girls didn't have a weapon I wouldn't doubt they'd use it on him.,1.63,4,original 20730,@bobateaslut a fag,1.49,5,DE 15431,"Damn, those fucking retards on 4chan usually ignore me, but fuck it. f",0.54,7,ZH 23359,"I was in traffic listening to Dedication by Nip and I said ""I'll be damned if I slave for some white crackers"" right next to this white man's car 😭😭😭 windows down and all.",0.03,0,original 20449,Typical Abuja people,-0.72,0,original 38968,Just trying to get some Wendy's and my dick wanna be played with🥵😈 URL,-0.67,0,original 10391,There was a guy out front with signs about homosexuality telling us all about how we are all going to hell.,-2.67,0,original 42171,@Raven Black Little Petey is a disgusting gay racial liar. He was trying to catch black voters fleeing Democratic plantations.,1.89,5,ZH 17806,"The keyword Hoes Mad is not a good keyword, and heres why",-4.26,0,original 33931,@ionfuckingknow what the fuck is pretty ugly? bitch ill kill u,3.03,4,original 49568,+jewboy found incest,1.25,2,ZH 5912,I remember the slut shaming a girl I started dating after I asked her how many guys she dated that semester. In fairness it was a lot.,0.88,5,DE 12635,"It's a piece of shit, I hope she catches an STD.",0.79,4,FR 6203,"Put a bounty on scalps, they'll start getting kicked out soon enough.",1.71,3,FR 30756,"She sucks your dick for 3 min, I suck it till you cum don't compare me to her 🥴🤪💅🏾",1.31,4,FR 27403,"#Feminist #spirituality aims to revitalize relational, cosmologically grounded spiritual possibilities for women & all others~C. Spretnak",-6.64,0,original 8474,I would ruin her asshole,1.11,4,original 30631,"""We identify with the PLO [Palestine Liberation Organisation] because just like ourselves they are fighting for the right of self determination"" Happy 101st, Nelson Mandela! 🇿🇦🇵🇸✊🏿 URL",-3.87,0,original 20129,"Well done motherfuckers. Every woman in the United States is now ""fine"" when you ask her. States will be set on fire, one by one, as a result. We're gonna burn this motherfucker and not even break a sweat. Kiss my ass.",1.82,4,FR 46105,"""Because she's ugly. And terrible. And I hate women."". The best way to combat these Clown-World ""journalists"" is to just rub their own absurdity in their face.",1.05,4,original 46867,"Nuclear fire to all you fags, whores, lesbians, adulterers",3.32,5,FR 40566,"Mexicans, the mexican nation are not friends but enemies, real americans must start killing all the people from mexico must be wiped out like the spanish wipe out all the afercan slaves they took over mexico with they killed to the last black slave",1.83,1,DE 45869,"If it wasn't about money, none of you lying so-called Christians would care.",0.63,2,DE 1123,That happens when you've been riding the cock carousel for so long that you're not gonna be able to make a connection with another human being... from this thots those abuser mothers,0.77,4,original 27963,"Palestinian Prisoners Club: Israeli occupation forces detained 37 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank during Eid al-Fitr, including three girls. #GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني URL",-2.62,0,original 46344,"Hmmm. All places that voted for Goldilocks. Blame immigrants and people of color. Anyway, I'm glad there are no reports of anyone dying.",0.78,1,FR 25472,@gaywonk @YouTube Yo faggot quit whining. Just because someone is mean to you it does int mean that you have the right to destroy their means of living. Go suck a dick,1.25,5,original 6092,"She got a point. Any woke black YouTubers get ignored. Then again white people saying progressive things or saying what is racist unfortunately brings more authority to that subject than an actual black iteration works be because we are already seen as playing ""victim"" to far too many people",-1.52,0,original 46695,The whole system is fuckef up the whole system is corrupt old fucking white men and just white men get away with the shit. Ain't that a bitch that's why the bitch is going to crumble from within you watch and see all this fucking hate United States of America no divided States of America!,0.77,4,original 10075,Because her dad lets her yell insults at adult nerds? She is perhaps the least gay kid of her generation and brings bullying back. She deserves an award. Weird people doing weird shit should be fucked until they kill a bunch of people.,1.42,5,FR 14348,good shit fuck islam,1.38,2,ZH 46722,"They don't talk about a lot of the time about white athletes. Also different cultures make different people. The black culture is very powerful, and dominant, and very up front about what it is. Very aggressive, but at the same time this comes from the incredible confidence in black men.",-2.62,0,original 4343,"The only people who are proud of the ugly dog that did this are ugly, stupid women on the internet. Thank God they abort all their children.",1.28,4,FR 12022,This bitch is the single worst ambassador for trans folk I can possibly think of. It seems like she's a professional grievance-taker/hate crime huckster.,0.15,0,original 960,Shut up idiot and kill yourself,1.4,7,ZH 24481,"You don't need to know which of my friends is abusing you! I'll want him to humiliate you. He's pumping that dildo cock in your pussy. His vibrator will force you to cum. I'll stroke my cock until I cum on your face, while he forces that dildo in your ass! You're a fucking slut! URL",4.13,4,original 25073,So you're a hoe then a fool 😑 bitches like that are really slow...,0.81,4,FR 5109,eat a dick,0.97,5,ZH 42256,Maybe there shouldn't be any advance warning for illegal criminals to be deported? Just do it!,1.38,3,DE 38500,"@morenah2023 So when you guys fucking separate Hong Kong from China, Hong Kong people drink water from your mother's pussy?",0.99,3,ZH 47064,"send her back Who said it's our job to feed and house these moochers?! .... Help yourself, don't expect us working (conservative) real Americans to pay for everything. I hope the detention center is rough, why should crossing a border illegally be nice. I say let them work to clean the wall, then they won't have time to sit in a cage and complain. You are all criminals when you fake news, not victims",2.18,3,DE 39750,"Black nasty big ass fixed your mouth of to me and THOUGHT you could reach and touch me... your a fatherless, fat, sloppy bodied ugly ass faggot you could NEVER BABY. >",1.21,1,original 19331,Suck homophobes off until they cum.,-0.55,0,original 13647,Malcolm X actually retracted most of what he taught before he died. That's why the Nation of Islam murdered him,1.32,2,FR 6953,"Fuck Russia, fuck shit.",0.87,3,ZH 41818,Poor supreme leader of Iran now he has to take responsibility of his actions poor poor boy.,-1.64,0,original 10761,"I wish they were. The Bundys are racist, selfish jerks who hide behind the Mormon urban legend of the End Times, and they've proven that if you're white and have a gun, the government won't do anything. Someone had to kill Kleven and his shitty sons",1.17,2,RU 22954,@prosciuttoboy Nothing much nigga syndrome,1.9,1,DE 20004,ayo i even kill handicapped and crippled bitches/look at my scalp real close and you'll see triple sixes,2.1,7,original 22860,Bitches are as retarded as they look lmao cannot stress that enough,0.65,4,original 26659,"""aww yall so cute"" first of all BITCH he told me he fucked you goodbye.",2.42,4,FR 29672,#Two deported Rakhine youths by Singapore government are arrested by #Myanmar authority at the airport now. Singapore Government is accountable for their persecution and tortured. URL,-1.91,0,original 10229,"You've got a lot of great advice here, but I just wanted to add that you are 100% welcome to be apart of my lesbian family :)",-3.19,0,original 49409,Washington Post and there white genocide agenda.,-0.76,0,original 38357,I wish these agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves! Galatians 5:12,1.05,2,DE 33545,#AusPol ⁦@ScottMorrisonMP⁩ Africans yet again are you happy Morrison start immediate deportation of these creatures out of this country enough is enough our people don't deserve this URL,1.47,1,original 17925,Found the incel 🙄,1.5,5,FR 30879,"I said it yesterday, I knew this is about to go down. Mangalore: Police now booked those Hindus who caught Ansari in the act of rap!ng that poor calf under sections 506, 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), 323 & 153A. Judiciary is the most corrupt. URL",-1.8,0,original 35597,fr diva gays are the worst types of faggots. take some phenobarbital and chill b4 i come for your whole life,6.09,5,original 9712,"Come on you ballless twats it's supposed to be a roast, not a ""I'm looking for compliments please tell me, you would like to fuck me."". Show some restraint goddamnit.",0.62,4,original 42295,"Those women are all ugly anyways, really",-0.01,0,original 33837,"I hope a bitch don't ever think she's bullying me if ion respond to something, it's because I see your life is already a joke sweetie😩",0.04,0,original 21946,@_avxto_ @steph_nicole17 @2018millni @ChelseaTanco Wtf you can't call retard people but you can cut people Weirdo ass retard bruh I swear,2.02,7,FR 38993,"@MaddowBlog The President threatened to use the US military against refugee caravans he falsely claimed was an ""invasion"" and even suggested they could be shot. Men, women and children refugees. Where did the El Paso shooter get his ideas? URL",-1.56,0,original 38686,This is how you fuck a sissy bimbo slut. Hard and rough 💋 URL,0.63,5,DE 19276,Trash ass kids,1.06,6,FR 35989,🔸These families need your support 🕉🙏🏽 🔸They are paying huge price defending themselves against #Jihadis 🔸Let's make their life little easier and make sure that they remain Hindus Cc @ippatel @AhmAsmiYodha @MODIfiedVikas @RituRathaur @swati_gs URL,-2.34,0,original 48053,"Fuck all these immigrants, let's just start gassing 'em",0.96,3,FR 9899,Sale thots homebreaker.,1.29,4,FR 41767,Your God is a pedophile who fucks goats.,0.8,2,FR 40849,"Sarah connor is so gay in this movie, so is kyle reese. A buch of douchebags",-0.52,0,original 35246,"The most moral army in the world, as many Western governments claim,. beats a child. #IOF #IDF #SCUM #BDS #BoycottIsrael #EndApartheid @JLo THIS is what you're supporting!!!!! URL",-0.07,0,original 34534,"@fatehorg @elderofziyon @cnni The father of 3-year-old child, Muhammad Suroor seeing the failure of his incitement to have his son ""Martyred"" screams orders to his child to throw rocks at the soldiers and to raise the flag so they will shoot him. URL URL",-1.36,0,original 40749,Put those 4 bitches on the border let them handle it!!!!,2.4,4,original 3994,What the hell do gay people do when they finally realize that no one cares about their sexuality. All we see is someone is an insecure piece of shit.,1.0,5,ZH 16556,GOT ISRAEL,0.58,3,DE 11754,"It's gonna be alright, boy. I know that summer vacation you have fun and sad because you have no friends and the girl you like told you to drink bleach and eat shit but one day you will become your big fat damn growing bones . Life is getting tough for you but take it for a day and try not to fall on yourself too much. Lighten the retard bit. Everyone knows you've never been fully retarded.",1.41,7,DE 16570,I hope your state has conversion therapy banned,-2.59,0,original 17263,"ok idk if this just me, but black people have the most beautiful and gorgeous curly hair when treated properly and it's so awesome i love it",-4.98,0,original 2516,As an Indian I love this post,-3.51,0,original 46014,"Therefore, these vermin must never, ever be taken over by people from other countries,",1.99,3,DE 44314,Nathan K God I swear you fags always call the same generic players first good names that come to mind no matter how random you stay with FIFA and your gay music kid,1.53,5,DE 23883,This OV nigga look like Squidward when Spongebob beat him with the door,0.59,1,FR 21574,Qatar PM arrives in Saudi on first visit since Gulf crisis – media URL,-3.58,0,original 7180,You must kill all unbelievers.,1.18,2,ZH 13865,Fuck da Police. Trigger happy morons.,4.26,3,original 15699,Eat [this] (url also with your pile of halal shit,0.56,2,FR 42336,"first thing this fool talk about is the story in the bible where dude impregnated his two daughters and how everyone ok with it, then he talk about how he smash his cousin and he gon continue doing it.. then he say him and his mom had a strange relationship... i hope dude okay",-0.83,0,original 42163,"""i shot i nigga now he look like bagel"" this had me dead",1.23,1,original 21341,@Colormelexis fuck her.,0.84,5,ZH 15431,"God damn, the fucking morons on 4chan don't usually get me, but shit. f",0.54,7,DE 9673,OP you're a faggot,2.14,5,original 33147,"Can hit your female dog, you can never hit mine nigga",0.89,4,FR 20660,Fuck y'all pussies then die slow,-0.15,0,original 7546,Stfu bitch ass.,0.97,4,original 25906,At the Alex inquests this woman from EFF says: that the red ants is against black people and they assault and rape poor people? WoW? And that you will not see the ants teardown a white or Indian house? News flash EFF! Did you ever see a white or Indian person grab illegal Land?🤔,-0.93,0,original 12559,Suck me off jew,0.11,0,original 17674,"Fuck you, you're doing the same thing, you disgusting fagot.",1.73,5,FR 43665,Praying in Jesus Name that Father sends Holy Spirit to all those deceived by works salvation to the truth spoken of here,-3.87,0,original 11289,"Any way to remove you from the gene pool is a good way, cunt 👋",2.82,4,original 47268,It's really not funny look at all the gullible dipshitz that follow this crap while the children are being molested by these f****** priests I mean come on don't they get it yet,1.84,5,original 13865,Fuck the police. Trigger Happy Idiots.,4.26,3,DE 4590,"""Your mother was a stupid whore with a big ass""",1.1,4,FR 42298,+Pete J all parents are special for most people dont trash mexicans thinking youte better,-2.08,0,original 44089,You bring it then....the world is waiting and we need an excuse to wipe satanic excrement off the face of the earth that rules Iran,3.56,3,FR 42239,@Collins Sakwa Nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamic fanatics will not end well for anyone.,-0.78,0,original 13721,"It's the biggest water I'll tell you. Believe me when I say, and I say it frequently, that Jina is a threat. These protesters? They're thugs, ok? Bad hombres. And they'll come for Taiwan folks. Luckily they have a bigly amount of water to keep them safe. Safe until we get there. We won't let socialism murder another country!",2.53,3,original 29373,@robgalore @T0ASTie_ if you don't shut your gay ass up😭,0.65,5,original 42291,"We have our Antifa super soldiers embedded in the Trump White House ready to take over when the signal is given. All racists will be swapped for Syrian refugees and stupid racist aunts and uncles will be sent to GITMO and/or Walmart FEMA camp of our choice, where you will be vaccinated and registered as a Democrat.",1.14,1,FR 44757,SHOOT tRUMP and all Americans DUMBFUCK.,2.99,3,FR 26510,Dirty Gay Fucks URL,1.7,5,ZH 24570,"Their afraid of God's truth spreading. They have been trying to rid America of families, traditions, the Christian religion and anything which is wholesome and good. God is peace, love and calm. Satan is abhorence, hate, evil and chaos. Look at the world is it calm or chaos? URL",-1.58,0,original 4440,>Israel will (again) false flag to keep us there. > > Works like clockwork every spring/summer just like your whore dad sucks dick like clockwork every night and day.,0.87,2,ZH 26124,Fuck Hood and Chunti Bitches on real shit you look like a dumb ghetto and shit or hack around fuck off here,1.77,1,DE 32753,"@BSV_MetaNet @RichSchultz3 Religions should be banned. All religious fanatics would leave us in the dark ages if they could, they tried and failed. We must burn them all as witches, or leave them in the church ghetto area, and continue to develop technologies to improve the human potential for everyone else.",2.67,2,RU 16715,">The left only cares when it's not whites dying. They do? 73 people were shot in Chicago in the past week. 98% of them either black or hispanic. The only time they care, is when they can blame the white man. Because they sure as hell don't give a fuck when dozens of minorities are shot by another minority in their cities.",-0.6,0,original 25074,@DebraDiGiovanni It's funny how some straights seem to only get this straight pride during LGBTQ+ pride month URL,-1.43,0,original 9160,Religion is the cancer of the world and Islam is the aggressive ass cancer of the world.,1.69,2,DE 38384,Why haven't we deported this vile creature? Why waste valuable resources keeping him in prison?,1.09,3,original 45732,Get ready for riots in New York. When black people don't get their lynch mob justice. They start breaking things.,0.56,1,DE 3136,"whatever, fagot",0.67,5,FR 41620,what slows down,1.75,7,RU 21234,"Damn, you're a stupid bitch.",0.78,4,FR 2169,"I'm sure it's a coincidence that all the assholes are black guys. No hidden racism here, just the ""facts"". Amirite, guys?",1.72,1,FR 2382,"Christian scum. Too bad your loved ones weren't thrown to the lions. You know Jesus was black, right? People came to this country to escape from the degenerates who use religion as a tool to control the idiot population. Looks like you're part of the herd.",1.76,2,FR 44641,It's nice to know that morons who can't read still think that gender transphoria (which was just spell checked by YouTube to be not a word) isn't a thing.,-2.6,0,original 37911,"""You're a Russian-collaborating Nazi racist homophobe who believes in putting migrant children in concentration camps and won't give up your SUV to save the planet which will die in 12 years. Now give up your arms. You can trust me.""",-0.78,0,original 42506,"Y the fuck is what shows up on my feed, fucking fags",1.24,5,DE 47938,This vato is a fuckn puto ..,1.54,5,ZH 34963,Booker: Can't we just get along? And Booker: Do you want immigrants from SHITHOLE countries or NAH?,0.58,3,ZH 44708,Go Fuckkkk yourselfs! Kobe fucked everyone up. You are a bunch of pussies sticking up for pussies. Faggots,1.55,5,original 39958,"i really be lookin at bitches and be disgusted lmao, like y'all rl make me sick to my stomach i wouldn't fw half ya hoes if there was a gun to my head ya lame.",0.95,4,original 45940,STFU butthurting faget,2.33,5,ZH 37827,Are you insinuating that you were inspired by the El Paso shooter to use this as an opportunity to talk about immigration from your bully pulpit? Or are you trying to further encourage white supremacists? You're racist. Delete this tweet.,0.12,0,original 30429,Them same niggas that be up here gassing that they eat pussy be the same ones the girls be talking about when they say niggas can't eat pussy,-2.05,0,original 45234,"Oh look! The ONLY thing the entire panel of First Take EVER agrees on is when they discriminate against a white QB and take sides with a lying, manipulative, selfish, and self-serving black man. Shocking. So fkn pathetic and lame.",0.33,0,original 18802,Always remember: only fags defend other fags.,1.2,5,DE 8581,"I'm waiting, motherfucker, 'cause I love smashing cowboy fags",3.32,5,FR 33663,@Martamendoza718 because he's the abomination that causes desolation? Antichrist? Should Body Parts Be Cut Off Instead of Lust? Would he scream to crucify Christ? He has broken all 10 commandments? You are an imbecile lady. A real card idiot.,0.56,2,ZH 3427,your mom must have squeezed her vagina too hard when your head was half out and deformed it after fucking you with alcohol and drugs and conceived you with her brother all the while. i want my fucking fame.,2.14,7,RU 43959,"No, the fascists that are still fighting the Civil War are. The fascists running concentration camps are. White supremacy is the divide.",-1.7,0,original 37454,Choke on this thick URL,2.03,5,DE 17156,Shut your fagot mouth.,0.87,5,FR 2168,Females like this should not be allowed to spread their defective DNA within the human gene pool.,0.12,0,original 40843,We don't deal with blackmailers let France give them a blow job.,-0.88,0,original 18783,"Open your mouth wide, sexy whore, so I can fuck you.",1.69,4,FR 38523,This what y'all look like saying all that super duper omega gay shit on the TL and then tryna pass it off as a joke,-0.38,0,original 15911,And that is why she's a grade A slut,-0.1,0,original 3843,Fuck Islam and Allah!,1.74,2,ZH 12781,i will impale her with my hard cock,-0.63,0,original 41759,"But incels don't fuck prostitutes because they don't want a slut, they want a virgin asian girl who just turned 18 and who isn't ""ruined"" by the Chads",0.44,0,original 35130,"I pray you niggas grow a pair of balls and stop making everything gay, fuckin' weirdos",1.08,5,FR 28242,"I'm harder than me trying to park a Dodge When I'm drunk as shit Right next to a huge truck in a two car garage Jumping with two broken legs Trying to get away Fuck you too bitch, call the cops i mma kill you and the fucking dogs barking",0.74,4,FR 24543,Eid Mubarak to all Muslim faithfuls. I pray the Almighty will grant us our heart desires in the month of Ramadan according to His will. Barka da Sallah,-5.17,0,original 29553,"Spit on that hole and fuck it, boys! 😛 The bitch wants to enjoy every single frat boy dick in that filthy pig sty they call a room. 🍆🍆🍆🍑 Source: @scallysex #gay #sex #orgy #gangbang #groupsex #fucking #bareback URL",0.75,4,original 47067,LBGTQ_ Community will support you,-5.42,0,original 37421,cheat on me bitch i will kill you,1.9,4,FR 9918,Violently impregnate you then sodomize you,1.94,4,FR 23953,Erase these people from the planet. We don't want to breathe the same air as them URL,2.16,1,FR 6076,"A lot of women prefer tall guys. I don't really care about height too much, and sometimes a short man can be really cute.",-4.17,0,original 29806,"You stupid fucking bitch, you don't inspire anyone, you blew up because men are horny useless rats. You're not a friendly person either. You work for ICE. You take part in a modern concentration camp. Fuck you. URL",1.48,1,DE 2601,It looks like there are too many chromosomes.,0.61,7,ZH 40664,"Meanwhile every piece of garbage with god knows what disease from trash countries stream in our nation and we are told there ""refugees"" fix your own shitty country and close your legs stop having 100 kids ""refugees""",1.65,3,original 44369,"Noah, the New Zealand shooting was RECORDED and was a religiously motivated attack. 51 people died This was workplace violence. But of course white people love to be the victims of snowflakes, so we'll let you be the victim instead of the people being murdered.",0.76,1,DE 15898,Omg shut up dick riding fagot,0.88,5,FR 44481,"Hide. Wouldn't the people of New York, who are good liberal human beings, help a man choke? Certainly not. It must have been in Appalachia, where the inbred who voted for Donald Trump live.",1.0,3,FR 49899,This women should be dragged out in the street by her feet!,1.58,4,original 1530,I'd dump a load in you and then dry my dirty cock off with a fist full of your hair. You're a cum rag.,2.42,4,original 28997,Then leave the muslim terrorist and go back to the shit hole you've been crawling through here from,2.0,2,FR 22763,"@CIA yes fucking Islam. Kill Christians and Jews? Standby, I'm cooking Islamic pig lobster.",1.25,2,ZH 42401,You're a fucking fag Chris,1.43,5,ZH 13813,That's because Italy wasn't worth fighting for but America was. The Italian resistance should have just moved to America and gotten some decent equipment and support. Perhaps the same way American Jews push liberal stepper laws and think America isn't worth fighting for but Israel is an armed camp.,-2.33,0,original 46428,+Jason Jason motherfucker should have ducked. I always say shoot more white boys.,2.17,1,DE 43850,"Look at all the racist white people responding, I bet half of you are either KKK or not registered to VOTE!",2.43,1,FR 46985,"After Salman Devil came out, I left to hate the Saudi bcs of him! He is America's puppet. Another thing Saudi Arabia never do anything alone US pushing from behind and want to destroy muslim umaha",0.93,2,FR 15425,Eat shit fucking stupid bitch,2.25,4,FR 41234,"@ismail who wants to visit a shit hole that's revolting? Us westerners like the finer things in life, not having to worry about flies giving us malaria is one of those things 😉👍😂😂",0.83,3,original 18145,"I hope this is just a thumbnail prank. You're a piece of shit, the agent's gay",2.03,5,ZH 1451,gay ass gay ass,1.27,5,ZH 37290,R.Kelly did all that screaming and crying and is guilty af. Just like a nigga.,0.9,1,original 30784,"Dear Jesus, we have a bunch of lunatics who worship a dog named Allah trying to hijack America, democrats who rob us and lie about it, illegal aliens who rape and murder our citizens and frankly we could use a little help here PLEASE! URL #KAG",0.63,2,FR 23641,@LindaFairstein bitch hope you burn in hell,1.31,4,FR 40592,A country cannot function when there are millions of invaders sitting in its heart while traitors try to tear it apart. Just start the civil war and end it.,1.69,3,FR 13871,She seems like the type to make nipples hard and cocks soft.,0.61,4,FR 28941,"Too late for this family. We knocked out Egypt, fuck that humility shit url",1.36,2,DE 7254,Making fun of poor people with mental health and bad teeth is the creed that created this dynasty...Christine says nigga.,1.33,7,ZH 20511,Mmar masood you people are dollar bunnies gang killers child molesters kidnappers all that quality you people burn in hell inshallah you people sell your soul to the devil you people belong to the devil in hell,2.29,1,DE 46624,Whatz up naggers,-0.45,0,original 42224,"With all the Birth control method s what Stupid women we have wanting murder,ABORTIONS R women that Stupid or just lazy Hateful Murderors Wow Brainwashed for EVIL False lyin teachers ,Preachers of Satan o Yea Brainwashed stupid.",1.59,4,original 33414,If you caping for Tay K you stupid as fuck and deserve to be locked up too. Fym free him? Mane a whole murderer. Our people be sounding so fucking stupid foo.,-1.52,0,original 45581,Revolution is coming upon us ! People are losing freedom!!! The new American Gestapo army of the president trump is going to arrest 2 million immigrants!!! How idiotic idea ? It's a bad principle!,-0.42,0,original 27439,"People that condone this kind of behavior are just as stupid as this female. There are kids here. Have some respect. You're not breastfeeding, you're doing this for clout. Put her ass on the sex offender list. URL",1.5,4,original 9833,"What a flat ass you've got. I hope your tits have something more to give, fat whore",0.73,4,original 9121,Fuck your pussy. You don't have any pedophiles to befriend?,1.6,4,FR 43896,"All we have to do is raise these cocksuckers an Afghanistan, just this time, make them the next star on our flag... Kill every piece of shit that for some reason has anything to do with the cartels and start over. ... This worthless, goddamn piece of shit deserves to be wiped off the map ...",3.4,3,DE 13945,Fuckboys are men who manipulate and lie to people to get sex from them. I haven't seen evidence of Nick ever doing that.,-1.97,0,original 33351,"THESE ISLAMIC TERRORISTS THUGS SHOULD FACE PROSECUTION FOR INCITING VIOLENCE & THREATENING THE POTUS, OR ANYONE ELSE. THIS THUG IS AN ABOMINATION. LIKE JEZEBEL, THESE JIHADI JEZEBELS WILL BE CAST DOWN INTO HELL.",0.02,0,original 10481,"Also, I fucking made you my bitch. Just like I said, you made yourself your followers bitch. I said answer me again you fucking pussy and guess what you did. You listened to the supposed ""weak little bitch boy"" gtfoh a 15 year old just made you his bitch 😂. Just like you and your fagot ugly fucking mom, I made you both my bitch :) I hope you sleep badly tonight beta bitch. Sweet dreams, PUSSY! 😝😂",2.34,5,DE 19746,"Most European countries support diversity and now claim that inbreeding, low IQ, violent, poorly educated Muslim invaders are at least as welcome as European citizens. Even the 23rd verse 6 of the Qur'an where Muslims are considered blameless and grants the Allah-given right to rape those you have in your right hand (to be suppressed) doesn't stop the insanity of diversity worship. Instead of offending rapists, they rape their own European daughters. The Isle of Survival is a remnant of many nations that were once proud.",1.44,2,ZH 6359,"It is not. Emos are fag boys and stupid women who think they live such a hard, sad, regretful life 📷 but are actually the most spoiled white losers on earth Goth is a subculture that originated in Germany, I Don't think there are some illiterate whiny little fag emo kids who understand or appreciate the great work of Johnny Hollow, Voltaire, Emilie Autumn.",2.65,5,ZH 1914,"It's true. A lot of boys here are talking shit because I'm sure they're fucking someone hotter. But to be honest, they're probably on their own. The truth is, they look a lot like the misogynistic InCels. You don't have to wake up next to her, marry her, hang out with her, you motherfuckers. Just pump her tight, juicy pussy and blow on her back. P.S. fuck all you gay voters and stop drinking soy milk.",0.59,4,FR 27004,"@femular We have to Exterminate all of these Islamist terrorists! Put them in the Mosques and burn them up on the Holly Aryan Knight's Iron Cross! Even millions! We are Aryans, we are Persians,.. Islam, Mosques and Qurans may burn in Hell! URL",3.13,2,original 20160,I can't fw nun of y'all niggas y'all disgust me. When u wit ya maggot ass friends don't discuss me.,0.51,1,original 9851,"Wow, you're such a fragile nigger",1.41,1,DE 678,"This shit needs to end. Honestly, the extreme religious bullshit in these countries is causing tons of problems worldwide. a group of animals.",1.84,2,ZH 36074,bitches in my mans hood ain't shit 🙄,0.67,4,FR 29238,Anon raw dick in my hole #bbbh #cumdump #pozpig #bareback @arrobapornogay @Guyswholiketo @Dudes4dudes @Scallysex @MarkkoXXX @New_gaywanking @Querico26 @brasillianboys @OliGaySexPornX @onlyXXXguys @HotMaleStuds @Otavio692x @Hotgaymen4 URL,-1.46,0,original 38650,"@TheJusticeDept shameful that hamit hayag a dangerous terrorist's 24 year conviction was overturned by a useless, weak judge! This should never happen! Better close down these dangerous muslim org in America, and is there an isis training camp near Tx? keep Americans safe!",0.31,0,original 46152,"God is destroying all nations that had anything to do with our enslavement and mistreatment, including Europeans, Asians, Australians, South Americans, etc. God will deal with the nations that mistreated the True Hebrews.",0.79,2,DE 25468,"""Kick her right in the pussy"" URL",1.13,4,original 1390,That's what Hitler said about the jews...,-1.81,0,original 2310,"I hope Jesus comes down, Rambo style and shoots that vile waste of oxygen with a bazzooka",4.98,2,FR 10313,"I would support taco gangs like MS-13 when they turn their full attention to sadistically slaughtering Crackerkikes and their entire tribes as they commit cartel murders, skinning them and taking off their cum-skin faces and dissecting their joints. Crackerkikes deserve nothing less than a fate. Is there a way to get taco monkies to do this shit to whiteboys and Jews?",3.54,2,DE 15490,"Pretty slutty girl. Good tits, needed to get fucked anywhere anytime.",1.02,4,FR 11185,Ya Islam is very bad. Mohammed should be drawn on toilet paper and the Quran should be rewritten,0.87,2,FR 30620,"Mother fuckers stole a whole country. raped and pillaged. fed their babies with milk- from whom they raped and pillaged...and got NERVE to tell somebody to ""go back where they came from""...",-0.65,0,original 2295,"Oh Old Testament god is a dick for sure, but usually it's because people aren't paying him enough attention and he throws a temper tantrum and says ""Look at me, look at me!"" He's more likely to set the money on fire and say, ""now we can get back to what's important, talking about how great I am, right guys?""",-1.42,0,original 8528,"Damn fags, they deserve to burn in hell",1.94,5,DE 17730,"""Muhammad was a warmongering pedophile who destroyed the Middle East"". Probably 1.4 billion.",0.97,2,DE 31115,@MichelleObama @MichelleObama The Real America gives zero shit about you and your racist husband,1.3,3,DE 48980,"JAJAJAJAJAJA SEE THE STUPID WRONG FACES OF THE 2 WHITE SNOWFLAKES AND 2 NIGGAS ON THE BACK OF THE OLD PIG OINK OINK? LET ME GUESS THE SAGITTARIUS IS WHITE.. YES YES YES YES.. IF WERE MUSLIN OR MEXICAN THEY WILL PROTEST AND SHIT.. CAUSE IS WHITE. ..... MY POINT IS . AS LONG AS THE WHITE RACISTS DIE, I DON'T CARE",3.87,1,DE 13913,I'm not black and this confirms that you really don't have an education and although I knew it already shows that I make more money 😂 must suck being poor I can tell by the way you write you are small poor little boy. Definitely depression 💀,1.94,7,RU 24038,"Even though it's nowhere in the Bible that gays are bad, hey, the religion and its backward extremist followers like this child molester are the reason hate still exists. If you stuck your dick back in your pants and out little kids",1.19,2,DE 18357,Go worship some pedophiles and racists more you vile shit,2.23,5,ZH 31773,"Some old white man accidentally FaceTimed me yesterday, He had this racist ass look on his face so we just stared at each other for like 37 seconds then I called him a nigga and hung up",-0.64,0,original 36946,Hey @ktsanews @RadioJackR @treywareshow It must be a coincidence that the same racist hatful rants about Hispanics from the #ElPasoTerrorist manifesto have been heard on your station. #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism,-1.77,0,original 47376,"They're fucking Indians, they're motherfuckers",1.0,1,DE 39510,wow what a retarded retarded,3.38,7,FR 16424,"Okay, niggers, now look at some gay guys who put penises in their mouths, or better yet, someone who puts it in your mouth so you can shut up",1.06,1,DE 24165,Reply with Nayeon gay to clear the searches URL,0.7,5,original 10446,"yeah ​ as long as he's not fighting a mexican or mexican american, we Manny",-1.42,0,original 4271,"America was created because Europe just sent all the retards, alcoholics and criminals there",1.19,3,ZH 8310,In my day we just put the Jews in the oven,3.37,2,DE 21286,"Fuck him like you fuck own him, let him fuck pussy hurt fuck well, fuck start for fuck dirty good balls deep fucking unloading (part 1) 👍 URL",1.85,5,ZH 7594,"It's not like she would have to actually be pregnant to do this, and if the guy says keep it she can just kill it anyway cus women's rights and shit",0.09,0,original 11610,"I just wanna thank everyone in the comments helping me out 🧡🧡 I'm not completely over this but I'm getting better, day by day. Thank you all so much, you guys are amazing people, I love yall so much. I hope someday, the ex muslim community will experience a rise and include important voices, to expose the truth about Islam. Keep shining 🧡🎑",-2.6,0,original 34779,Person like Amit Shukla cancelled zoomato order because delivered by Muslim..thanks to prestitute who seeding hatered n destroying our country because of money @anjanaomkashyap @sardanarohit @AMISHDEVGAN @ArnabGoswamiRtv hope one day this fire also burn u guys..shame on urself..,0.83,1,original 7861,"""Become an atheist and kill yourself""",1.55,2,RU 45148,"You're a fag, as part of your job",1.29,5,FR 16829,"Saudi Arabia, a country even disliked by Muslims for it's corrupt rulers and culture. It's currently killing millions in Yemen, supporting China's oppression of Muslims and putting scholars who called for reform on death row. But the US will never condemn them for their actions because of that damn oil.",-1.55,0,original 23209,I really can't believe 2 girls just cut in front of me to go in the men's bathroom the fucking men's bathroom 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️,-1.1,0,original 49024,Whore annoyed by two female dogs. So strong. You don't lose your parent. Female dog. Calm down fuck,1.2,4,FR 43309,Theking196 I swear to god that's what I was thinking. As racist as it sounds !!! An entire day passed by and usually within 5 minutes they have a name and pic up !!! I a So heard he used a 45 hand gun too !!!! There goes all mass shooting stereotypes huh ???,-0.91,0,original 49004,I wonder if she heard about BAIT 2012 I would give it a 2/5. Lol😐,0.93,4,original 21892,Evidence on why America is fucking trash B.,1.38,3,ZH 49841,Leave Mexico in the shit hole it is,0.96,3,FR 43286,Asian nigga at the beginning a straight bitch boi lookin ass,0.39,0,original 21221,"Love Getting Chocked By Some Dick 😌❌I need a Follower to fuck me good So I Can Start Sending Them Free Content, Book me!🤩#camming #actress #bigdick #Freaky #comment #naughty #orgasm #blowjobs #sexy #Bookme #head #ManyVids #sloppytop #thickbitch #deepthroat #cumonme URL",-1.35,0,original 29359,"@terracotta05 Ms. Rapino, you deserve to be expelled based on your vulgar statements that are not suitable for adult consumption and are offensive to our children. Although I feel sorry for you, I am compelled to pray that your eternal life will be spent with God, in the name of Jesus... Amen",0.85,2,RU 28614,"Real, healthy women have curves, and body hair, and a little cellulite. They do NOT look like twelve year old boys when naked. Just sayin'.",-2.93,0,original 49357,"""Before, they all laughed, these Jews. They thought it was a joke. But now they don't laugh anymore."" -Adolf Hitler",0.79,2,FR 18908,"You got nothing better to do in your life than be a cuckold, huh? Get a job, go out, do something and disconnect from the internet. Literally no one is behind you in any way, and if they are, they represent the division of this otherwise beautiful community. Stop being a tool, you were one on Bria and you still are. Pull yourself together, man.",0.88,4,FR 7524,Anon is 11 Can't stop me,-2.77,0,original 48843,This is horrible treatment! They should flee America as fast as they can.,-1.62,0,original 3886,"There are two possibilities; one, he's gay, and the other is that he's a boy idiot lacking any awareness of the wider understanding of the world, irresponsibly using the powers given to him.",0.82,5,ZH 15353,Stupid Italians. You should build it on Landretarden.,0.57,1,DE 29025,This stupid hoe,1.05,4,FR 1089,Being a slut is a choice. Being fat is a choice. Having a micropenis isn' if anything it's even worse than the other insults.,-0.29,0,original 13752,"Imagine being a fat poor guy saying we should kill Jews and denying the Holocaust. You are literally the scum of society, human waste. That's why nobody wants you, that's why you have no friends and the only woman you ever touched was your mother, you retarded idiot",0.72,4,FR 36129,Also to get over my anxiety apparently men just have to be disgusting pigs and I immediately threaten their life,-0.54,0,original 45253,7/16/19.... Illegal immigrants don't have to open their doors? How many ICE agents will WRLL get hurt? Every ICE agent injured/dead deserves a huge legal action against sanctuary cities + mayors + police + anyone who stands in the way and prevents ICE from doing its duty/job! Trump Deports All Those Welfare/Illegal Immigrants! Build a wall + make it tall! Deport Illegal and Criminal Immigrants! Make America and Americans Safe Again!,0.78,3,ZH 20538,"I wish I was full African so bad, I hate the fact my blood been tainted by these colonizing ass niggas💯",0.31,0,original 1892,I hope 2019 is the year where women's whorish habits are blown open. ​ That annoying co worker? Cam whore. Your ex? Casting couch.,2.73,4,original 7855,that's the type of chick to cut ur dick off,-0.78,0,original 26149,Nigga Drake carried this nigga so bad.,-1.24,0,original 15618,"I think the only thing to understand here is that, morally, ""people"" like you are faggots. Go take a long walk off an Iranian building, you pillow biting queer",2.63,5,original 41920,Sweden should change their country name to swedistan.,-0.73,0,original 10663,"> Don't know if someone at the hub touched you inappropriately This is where the conversation went sideways. This isn't funny anymore. Them's fighting words and I'll go ""your mom"" on anyone who jokes about sexual assault. Zero fucks given about some Reddit sub ban.",-3.22,0,original 9634,Fuck this bitch I did once o ya and I'll fuck you too bitch *burp* I might be fucking drunk like a fucker mother but I can beat you the fuck up,2.28,5,original 15470,"I would stuff her with cock, give her a creampie, then use her airstrip to wipe my dick",1.44,4,FR 28168,It may be time for Donald Kushner to launch a third World War against Germany. It is the sacred duty of the United States of America to protect the Jews for all eternity from anyone who ever dares to question them. URL,1.6,3,original 2179,Go all Sharia on them and chop off a hand.,1.8,2,DE 32020,"@realDonaldTrump so you don't love America right now. As you said, leave. Go back to your place, Hitler's ass.",0.97,3,ZH 7986,Fuckin christianity,1.08,2,original 2846,How about fuck you waifu from r/mma then u piece of shit you think we need a stupid asshole like you tell us Karolina is not attractive who are you damn take your worthless comment and get the hell out of here,1.46,4,FR 5917,"Radicalization goes mainstream. Islam has become very moderate in most places, but is now a radical reformation. It took about 300 years for Islam to become as moderate as Christianity. By then they'll screw everything up.",0.68,2,ZH 4893,"Damn😍 somebody needs to pin you against a wall, lift that skirt, and fuck your sweet little pussy numb😘",1.17,4,original 29845,@fournineteentwo They nigger breakers,0.83,1,FR 4065,"I bet she got round to every guy back in the day, and would enjoy making you feel humiliated, by making you the only guy she has not whored herself too.",0.88,4,original 16161,"1. I'm not even 30. You're that much of a clown. 2. No nerves were hit, I just can't stand dumb cunt bags like you. ""Virgin"" isn't an insult, kid, grow the fuck veggies. 3. Your mom said my cock tasted like vanilla",1.5,5,DE 8310,"Back in my day, we just put Jews in the oven",3.37,2,RU 31407,Fuck this hoe ass nigga bra,1.01,1,original 41214,It would be beyond gratifying to have the factual words of 4 minority women lead to the demise of occupant # 45. Appropriate.,-3.7,0,original 30883,I should really kill this nigga,1.88,1,original 9844,She needs to be fucked hard in the ass,1.12,4,original 32703,"@flameydergon Bro, that's kinda gay",-0.37,0,original 17127,i will fuck the country of america with my raw dick in order to birth the socialist state,-0.45,0,original 25472,"@gaywonk @YouTube Yo fag stop complaining. Just because someone is mean to you, it doesn't mean you have the right to destroy their livelihood. to suck dick",1.25,5,ZH 43892,"Fuck US for the coup that killed our people. Fuck US we know they are Islamophobic and racist country, kick them out of Turkey 🇹🇷",1.06,3,FR 42256,Maybe there shouldn't be a warning about deporting illegal criminals? Just do it!,1.38,3,FR 13753,You sound like the fattest fucking virgin I've ever seen. Your cringe like fuck and be alone forever with your 4 inch chode exploding within 2 minutes of jerking off with your 2 fingers.,1.85,4,FR 34638,The only good thing about an ISIS strike in San Francisco is if they start a fire big enough to burn up the crap in the streets. Maybe the whole damn state will slide into the ocean with the next quake. Just dreaming.,2.67,5,original 19671,Deserves it stupid bitch,0.51,4,original 10200,I feel like I'm too young to ask if I'm bi or pan. I want to travel out of my city bubble and meet more people (especially in the LGBTQ+ community) to truly understand if I'm bi or I'm pan. So for now I'm sticking with bi because I'm more comfortable in my current situation. :))),-4.17,0,original 26794,"Thinking 'bout my shit like your back in my mother, motherfucker! Niggas say I'm praying to have caught thee,"" he saw her",-0.44,0,original 42641,"Trump's 2020 Presidential Campaign ""I'm a Racist"" - ""Make America Racist Again"" The most racist sexist US President Trump.",1.14,2,RU 27862,@boombitc That's what you get for being a fag,0.51,5,DE 49422,"Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis, and other kinds of crap. They were worse than the Nazis and had soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler. Boycott America.",0.83,3,ZH 15913,"Its a fascist theolgical autocracy. No one gives a shit about reproduction, theyre probably gearing up to annex Hawaii and Alaska in a few years, then invade Mexico, then Canada. They dont even try to clean topsoil in the colonies efficiently, theyre like the Nazis and cant even use slave labor effectively. If they need more people/slavew theyll probably take the easy path and start kidnapping them from their neighbors.",1.19,2,original 32842,If you hit a woman you just a bitch nigga and you deserve 2 to die slow,3.78,4,FR 40281,tyga is a fag and its weak lyrics,0.56,5,DE 9053,"Suck their dick all you want, they'll still cut your head off too m8",1.19,5,original 41237,"@Yonas Gidey awww thank you I'm sure your compliment meant a lot to you 😂😂👍but they're a lot of good westerns and asians left that are the ""last example of anything good"" 😂 I do agree muslims dont respect women look at how ISIS sold all your ""precious women"" as sex slaves horribly rapping and murdering thousands of women and children. every other dirt hole country there views them below cattle, and rather fuck goats and livestock then their own wives 😂😂 URL-goat-fucking-drone-video-not-isis-not-a-goa-PHONE",-0.78,0,original 1321,Oil her up and fuck her tits and cum in her face and hair,1.25,4,original 2038,I genuinely think that this woman has mental retardation so I don't like making fun of her.,-0.73,0,original 35410,".⁦@ShuratHaDin⁩, an #Israeli NGO filed a petition to have ⁦@IlhanMN⁩ barred from entering the country when she arrives with ⁦@RashidaTlaib⁩ because she supports boycotts of #Israel. #ShuratHaDin asked the Court to deny her entry URL",-1.68,0,original 26077,"Word-two out of your three children is a complete embarrassment.. so Jesus has failed you...or your just a shitty Christian. Either way, you should shut your glutinous face now. Please & Thank you 🙏",-2.92,0,original 15378,I would fuck that pussy like a dog in heat,-0.64,0,original 39759,"@jasperomor By putting my dick inside her vagina and make a move like pull my dick then push my dick inside her vagina. And when the pleasure hit the top of my head, my dick gonna spread a sperm on her vagina.",-1.27,0,original 27639,"He should be forced to resign, what an irresponsible tweet that threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese families that left the country because of his corruption. What a shame.",-0.93,0,original 29786,I'm sick of being fetishized by cis men with whack dick and poor communication skills.,0.09,0,original 39392,So Satan was in heaven alone with naked Eve and all he did was tell her to eat that apple‽🤔 Hmm that niqqa is GAY!! URL,-0.19,0,original 25266,"Ya ya ... we will do tyaag, Sikhs will kill themselves so that jihadis like you flourish !",0.63,2,original 47700,BEGIN THE DEPORTATIONS!,-1.5,0,original 23262,"In a post about refugees, a Philadelphia official wrote: “Let them starve. I hate every single one of them"" and ""should have shot him"" about video of a would-be armed robber. Other Philadelphia officials made posts disparaging domestic violence and Black Lives Matter.",1.65,1,DE 26736,Dear #trans people. I need to hear your perspective. I am getting sick & fucking tired of @EssenceOfTweet. They have been intolerable about any variation of opinion no matter how small & is now bullying one of the nicest people I know about D&D. Does this person represent you? URL,-1.93,0,original 49536,She's creole! What a beautiful heritage!,-4.77,0,original 26417,soooo men are trash,1.11,4,original 10915,All illegals should be shot on sight.,2.77,3,original 35496,@IlhanMN You're bad news. You're another horrible citizen that doesn't deserve this country! Keep your mouth shut or leave. You just look out for your muslin friends.,0.47,0,original 47727,+James Jones yeah African Americans,-3.09,0,original 20689,"I hate it when a female dog tries to chill with you on her period like a female dog stays home, what are you gonna do here with me? I don't have snacks or meds for you lol first of all we ain't even koo like Tht for you just to be cool with me on your period.. you don't even pose to be outside",1.14,4,FR 28793,don't talk about love without a bitch,0.89,4,FR 22104,Shut her up and fuck her hard. URL,1.1,4,original 11901,An autistic piece of shit,0.66,7,DE 47660,Trump is right..ALL immigrants who arrived after 1492 should GO HOME!!,1.22,3,original 7793,"Guy spends entire life being ridiculed by females over something he has no control over. Finally snaps one day. Reddit: ""Look at this small dicked woman hating loser"" And people wonder why society is falling apart.",-0.7,0,original 16062,Fuck the middle East.,0.41,0,original 42042,"""BRAINWASHED"" by dictator trump ???the more you listen same words over&over leroy baca did it 2 black&brown in L.A county jail even some fbi agents happened 2 me in 96to97 Im just getting over it still in therapy & medications white men are the end of the world we should have let them DIE when they got kicked -out people never change u die fuck trump",1.03,1,original 5169,"I speak 6: The three Scandinavian Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. English because we all do in Denmark. German because of 7 years of German in school. Finally Spanish because I live in Spain and married a Latina.",-3.87,0,original 577,"'Cause you're a nazi incel, fuck you.",2.13,3,FR 19852,Chad and Stacey are Incel invented derogatory terms for the meathead guys who are hogging all the girls and keeping them celibate and the girls who fall for those kinds of guys.,-0.05,0,original 2441,"who would, *Dances with Cultural Appropriation*?",-2.58,0,original 13784,"You like having your cock sucked? I would drop to my knees and suck your cock in public. Find the nearest hotel, grab some booze and get fucking nasty with you.",-2.4,0,original 24314,Bitches really brag about being rude 😂😂😂😂😂 weird,2.15,4,FR 37206,SHUT UP THE FUCK UP DUMB SLUT,1.1,4,FR 48955,Skin colour is not part of beauty. priyanka is so beatifull,-4.82,0,original 49342,Israel and all the cockroaches that lived there died. Drop the nuke.,3.03,3,ZH 30699,"@realDonaldTrump you are a racist, a misogynist, a traitor, a liar, a money launderer and, as far as I know, a rapist.",0.63,3,ZH 19490,Fuck her again?,-1.07,0,original 14549,Arrest them at the border and put them in cages.,2.0,3,original 10939,So wise. Go and take a cock in your ass. Fucking pedophile lover.,0.67,5,DE 1349,Who are these 95 cuckolds who voted for this! I can only imagine an r/Feminism attack on this sub,2.09,4,FR 44667,No one has ever seen Heaven or God. These people are so.. (( FULL OF BULL FUCKING SHIT. )). AND THEN COMD BACK TO LIFE AND TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT.,0.34,0,original 12980,I do not demand tolerance. I call you fagot and tell you to kill yourself,2.61,5,FR 9887,"I will personally come to your house, dig you out of your mother's basement with all of your Fleshlights and old cum rags and make sure you suffer a slow and very very painful death right in front of your parents.",1.41,6,original 38696,@FlyMe2DaMoon_ this bitch will slap your ass right back to the 4th grade fuck you 😌,-0.29,0,original 18050,"When I thought about it, I realized that you are ""failing"", that is, I cannot fry you, because suicide is a sin. But who am I kidding, we're all going to hell, so fuck you.",2.38,7,RU 5847,"I'm not even religious, but with each of these crazy honking articles, the demand for Deus Vult increases. The first was about sucking out the brains of babies, now legalizing the murder of 17-year-olds. It's all going to end very badly.",1.12,3,ZH 2222,Don't you love it how when someone of a minority group does something good they get celebrated for being a minority and not for doing something good,-4.44,0,original 7465,"Women can do some of the most elegant and perfect things. Man, I love chicks.",-2.75,0,original 32840,"@IlhanMN Who to 💩do you think pays for it ? The health care fairy ? Illegals need to stay in their country and let them take care of it. How much of it can we put YOU down for ? Yeah, we know. Zero. Apologize and leave our country alone !!!! 🤨",-0.7,0,original 42580,"I cant tell if this is for furries or gays, but it's sure not for me.",-1.34,0,original 7288,Glad to see bitch still has a use. Submissiveness doesn't die with age.,1.65,4,original 44672,DON'T WASTE THE GAS TO SEND THEM BACK. SHE CAME ILLEGALLY AND ON PURPOSE!!! THROW THEM INTO A HUGE WOOD CHIPPER AND PULL THE SHOT BACK ACROSS THE BORDER!,2.72,3,DE 24331,Lame ass niggas cant run 1on1's cuz they pussy,0.52,1,original 30883,I should really kill this nigga,1.88,1,DE 4063,"I too am thinking of coming out to my family. I have told an acquaintance of mine that I am a naturist and visited a naturist park. The initial reaction was disbelief but now it's all good. It was worth telling this person, maybe as a test platform. It was a little nerve racking but felt good once I did it. Now I will at some point tell my family.",-4.88,0,original 33369,"understand—all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving. And if we don't understand those attributes correctly, our faith will fail. Some you lose your religion to find God. The church teaches about the straight and narrow path, and if that path is love, I suppose I can get behind",-4.37,0,original 38966,@TarekFatah @Siyasi_lafanter Rectums of 🐖 pigs.. inko allahu akbar bolke fatne ke alawa aur kuch nahi aata. Scum of the planet and disgrace of all humanity.,1.08,1,FR 9555,Now I hate fuckin' niggas more,1.6,1,FR 25920,Y'all see that trust me Bamenda is cleaner than where you're from and the people there are smart but I don't blame you your mum was always getting off prostitute and sell her dirty vagina for 1k no time to teach you good manners URL,2.21,5,FR 10847,ANARCHY AND HOMOSEXUALITY!,-2.7,0,original 35159,"""Why Most Women Love To Have Curvy Body Shape"" – Actress Daniella Okeke URL URL",-2.51,0,original 40473,"I can't wait till all the homeless start cooking all you worthless uppity cunts in California... Fucking liberals... Everywhere they go they bring the crime, illegals with free healthcare, the homeless and drug addicts.... Stay the fuck in California...",1.59,3,original 49300,"After the US destroys every boat the Iranians have, anybody can go thru without worrying about Iranian islamic trash... and PERSIA WILL BE FREE TO BURY ISLAM FOREVER.",1.57,1,original 33290,9) Property brought by Jews is collected on the floor in a corner. URL,0.7,2,DE 15094,You don't breed. You're a pussy and your kids would be pussies,0.97,4,original 48629,How disrespectful of these unhinged women to yell at the President and interrupt him while he is speaking! Who are those unhinged women!? Why no one reigns them in!?,-0.2,0,original 18276,Move out of your mom's basement. Your constant whining is a mess upstairs in the bedroom. Every night I hear stories that she should have had an abortion.,1.61,6,JA 7732,"the very definition of scum, slut, thot, bitch, whore, entitled cumstain, entitled piece of shit, and the devil is scared of her",2.59,4,original 42451,"pastore perplexity you should seriously go to the doctors and check for something like mental retardation, it seems like you show signs of it. People like you however should not reproduce and need to be wiped out, you're ruining this modern day society. You have very low intelligence and IQ. Please just go and die in a hole you fucking sad twit. Hope you and your family all die together you fucking saddos.",1.68,7,original 5585,Eid Mubarak to all Muslims celebrating around the world,-3.6,0,original 36145,"@DougCameron51 As I get out of my Rickshaw in India and give the guy 60c, I'm acutely reminded by @ScottMorrisonMP white privilege that this poor guy is where he is because he doesn't work hard enough. How can one support @LiberalAus while this elitist prick is at the helm?",-0.41,0,original 25723,"One needn't be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender to celebrate Pride Month. We should all celebrate Pride Month because it's the right thing to do. Nobody should be ashamed of who they are; what a terrible way to go through life. The world needs all the love it can get 🌈",-7.61,0,original 32189,what do u mean he has strong het vibes tho 😭 a loss for the lgbt community,-2.36,0,original 19129,"Half Lakota and half European here. It's so important that we end the idea that mixed people are less. I've been mocked and insulted for taking part in my native culture because I'm only half native, when I can trace my lineage back to the origins of the ghost dance movements, mixed people are the future. Cultural ambiguity is becoming more and more prevalent, and this doesn't just pertain to race, it's about gender, sexuality, and interests. Be proud of being a diverse person in mind, body, and soul.",-2.19,0,original 44595,Send them back to their homeland with a black eye and a limp,1.74,3,FR 32442,"@KarenRInOR @KristinLeighQu2 Trump in his own words, ""I am the most fabulous whiner"" and ""I keep whining until I win"" This is typical Trump playing the racist game Us vs Them. Us white Republicans against Them. For white Republicans it is a Right to be in the US for everybody else its a Privilege.",0.4,0,original 35414,@populistmorons @Kairofthedark @stefanf28 @BorderIrish They're gonna get the fright of their lives when the wrong sort of foreigner is prancing up and down the open border doing whatever they want without anyone checking their papers.,0.18,0,original 5749,"Cis-ally here. Obviously, I would never, ever clock anyone if they don't exactly ""pass"" by society standards. But I do like to go out of my way to offer a sincere compliment on their outfit, purse, hair, etc. I've always received a big smile in return and hopefully I brightened their day. (Of course I compliment random cis people too but it has a little more pride love to my trans bros and sisters.)",-4.43,0,original 1216,"Yeah, we should just kill everyone below a certain IQ.",3.85,7,FR 32576,"This is my leader who stood against injustice of imperialism, the one and only Nigerian that catches the heart of not only the Shia world but the whole world of humanity. Today His name is recognized in every part of the world. #Alzakzaky @ELBINAWI @zinadabo @captain_allama URL",-4.2,0,original 26764,NYPD Apologizes for Stonewall Raids That Sparked Modern LGBTQ Movement URL,-4.18,0,original 15680,"Fuck you I'm a grown ass man who has seen more shit than, again , 99% of you fucking privileged incel fucks. Get out of here. Our world is ending and you will burn in hell.",2.52,4,original 21434,@pinkrocktopus He should get a vasectomy or have his testicles removed. This will prevent his rape babies from being aborted. I say that because NOBODY would willingly have sex with this person.,2.03,4,original 1181,"Listen buddy, the fact that you went ahead and chopped up your child's penis is fucked up enough. But going around defending your actions and encouraging others to do it is beyond wrong. People like you should be jailed.",1.72,4,original 3029,Thank goodness we have our weapons if the savages ever step out of line. This is why the Demtards always want to try to disarm us because they want us to become the rat hole that many European countries have become thanks to the immigration of barbarians like this. Where are the Pussy Hats on that? And the NOW gang? Crickets...,0.76,3,FR 33571,#BlissfulSunday .....🙏🙏 @Gurmeetramrahim Singh Ji Insan 🙏🙏. Today a huge gathering of followers from various states reached at @derasachasauda to attend the pious Naamcharcha. It was a peaceful gathering in which the followers prayed and meditated together. URL,-3.83,0,original 10144,Cry more fag,1.55,5,original 45848,This fucking lesbian makes me sick,1.61,5,ZH 14565,let immigrants into the us,-5.45,0,original 16908,"A taste of our own medicine? L oh fucking L. I'm sorry but do you think atheists started the process of making fun of theists? Because theists have been slaughtering anyone who goes against mainstream religion basically since the inception of religion. Atheists are probably top 5 most persecuted group of people in the history of this world. So fuck off with that ""taste of our own medicine"" bullshit lol. Atheists have only recently been allowed to openly exist in this world.",-3.06,0,original 27796,"bitches be looking like roaches and niggas would still fuck ""but she a thick ass roach""",0.26,0,original 32357,"Honestly so many parts of Arizona fuck with me, but when you consider the mass genocide of Native Americans, it makes sense.",-1.37,0,original 9854,Fuck off tay k fanboy fag. I wish he broke into your house and killed your family,2.98,5,DE 30544,BIG BLACK COCK IS SEX. PERIOD. white people must recognize their inferiority and accept that the black rooster is the way to a freer and fairer world. we will peacefully eliminate white people with mandatory #black breeding education for all white people! URL #BBC,1.21,1,FR 32041,Compassion for children as expressed by the Islamic State an organisation people left Ireland to join.,-3.86,0,original 44859,Please Yahweh and Jesus may these jewish pedophile scum Bitch and Trump burn in hell,0.83,2,FR 17793,Tied stripped and all of her holes used as cum dumps until she realizes she's good for worshiping cock.,1.39,4,original 17419,#SUCK MY COCK,0.81,6,RU 49422,"Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis and other assorted trash. They are worse than Nazis and have soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler did. Boycott USA.",0.83,3,original 28981,Hey Twitter! ! ! Islam is a tool of Satan! ! ! Muslims worship child molesters! ! ! There is only one God and he is your creator and he still sits on his throne looking at you disgusting fools! ! ! ! My heart goes out to all of you as you stand before him!,1.81,2,ZH 30357,"@NPR @Ilhan hates the US and Israel. She thinks Allah is the way... LET ME TELL YOU GOD IS HIGH! America is God's country and always will be. If you hate America, you should submit your RESIGNATION!",0.88,2,DE 36839,I'd b butthurt asf if this nigga killed me 😐,0.45,0,original 23383,Western civilization is collapsing because 'we've collectively killed God. We're left with nothing authentic to believe in.' · Caldron Pool URL,-1.02,0,original 2315,"What a loser, I should kidnap him, tie up his monkey ass and just make him watch me pound your pussy",1.93,4,FR 41252,"45 is a sad racist,who only gets joy by hurting others. # fake christians.",0.19,0,original 6611,Keep sucking the sand nigger! Now stick that big white cock in your dirty haram pussy now!,1.52,1,FR 3622,"\>username is ""AntiFemaleFederation"" \>he will go to prison and potentially get anally gang raped by big burly **black** dudes \>If a **female** lies about being raped, she should get life in prison because she can ruin the **man**'s life forever. \>False rape accusations are worse than death, rape, torture, kidnaping, and murder combined. It's the worst thing you can do to a man. \>post history is an absolute fucking train wreck i seriously hope you're trolling, dude.",0.05,0,original 36104,Y'all gon' kill that nigga,3.89,1,FR 45742,2 whole cigarettes. Will used to take A$$ from Quincy Jones. Now Jayden takes A$$ from a lot of dudes. sick.,1.61,5,ZH 26548,I'm getting extremely sick & tired of watching men beating women! Whether it's Sharia or just worthless a$$ cowardly punks like these. You don't hit women! At some point this is going to have a violent outcome & rebellion by women. That day can't come soon enough! PACK A WEAPON! URL,-1.64,0,original 40133,Show your dick fagot.. the most depressing upload schedule ever.,0.66,5,DE 43613,"Why are we so stupid to think people like that are entertaining? If that dumb bitch is so hot, maybe don't wear long sleeves and a beanie in California in the summer. Why do we keep supporting these assholes and making them millionaires? Maybe if what they did was productive and useful. More poo.",1.11,4,FR 41194,You can rot in hell you stupid bitch 🇺🇸,1.68,4,original 42163,"""I shot a nigga, now he lookin' like a bagel."" That killed me",1.23,1,DE 24329,"If Pakistan Army is the barometer of Success in the Muslim world, Imagine the quality & standard of all other armies of Muslim world !",-1.89,0,original 17933,"Part of the trick when the Jews arrived, makes it look appealing I assume",-0.8,0,original 36684,This nigga just did a drive by nut You must be killed. URL,4.54,1,DE 10286,Go back to your third world shithole bitch,1.73,3,original 24305,"I know I shouldn't be ""comparing"" things. But see how hard it was to catch Ted Bundy even tho there was evidence in some way. & see how easy they threw FIVE minors in jovy & jail for a crime they didn't commit just because of the color of their skin AND NO EVIDENCE #WhenTheySeeUs",-1.91,0,original 15270,"Lil baby bitch wanna earn a hole in his head? I'm not talking about bullets, moron, I'm talking about my fists. Anyway, I don't think anyone cares about you, so I don't know what the fuck you're thinking when you make this shit up. Just want my attention, huh? Well maybe you'll get something else you didn't ask for💪😈👊💥💀🖕🖕🖕Suck it🖕🖕🖕",1.31,7,DE 8357,"No, you sense fuck, we dont want people stealing more of our tax dollars than already do. Irish criminal aliens? fuckin deppt those mics too. Fuck off and come back LEGALLY.",1.73,3,original 49585,This black bitch had her nose turned up....I would scream her ass... -sent by the black man iPhone Trump 2020,1.6,1,DE 42603,God hates the proud God hates fags,2.26,5,DE 5597,"Wow I'm actually crying right now, thank you so much. It is super comforting to know that other people have experienced this too. It feels stupid to be embarrassed/in denial about being bisexual, especially when it's so ""desirable"" in a woman, but in reality i just need to accept myself and come to terms with it, no matter what anyone else says. Thank you thank you thank you",-5.92,0,original 21047,That little bitch needs to suck my dick won't give her no kissy kissy,0.79,4,original 47525,"Yeah, let's kill em. The killed 50K kids and our journalists, oh that's Saudi Arabia... they hid Osama, oh that's Pakistan but I guess they",1.18,3,original 38105,"@BreitbartNews Yes, Obama. You would love to have your filthy Muslim hands get our weapons so you can convince your relatives to take over the US and turn it into a Shariah hole!",1.11,2,RU 30439,"Islam is a cruel, hateful and violent religion. Its eradication will make the world safe.",1.16,2,ZH 42249,If you are reading this. People like you have set humanity back. fag,1.43,5,DE 1876,Allah will punish them,-0.49,0,original 47151,religion of peace strikes again.,-1.86,0,original 23285,I don't understand what's so hard about being pansexual lol your brain is the size of a peanut and can't your mind understand what pansexuality is? woo woo 🥺,0.93,5,ZH 32260,@RyanHillMI @realDonaldTrump Shut up you fucking faggot,0.64,5,original 11877,"""Fuck her good in the pussy"" that's all",1.32,4,FR 43627,"Migrants should stay away from the border, so meh. My problem is, who wants to hit AOC? These are the people who are sick, watch them. Today it's AOC, tomorrow it's the pony who rides on the mini-farm",1.29,3,FR 43645,"Trump's cultists are threatened by empowered young women speaking their mind & expressing themselves. Turns out that they don't approve of serial rapists that hang out with billionaire pedos, presently stealing & caging little brown babies at the border. And they don't approve of being treated as less than their male counterparts",-1.4,0,original 6843,i would face fuck that bitch in a heartbeat,2.78,4,original 43330,"@anti zion He's going to you, Palestinian Muslim, pic.",1.38,2,RU 35937,Niggas got a little clout and forget they still a bitch,1.7,1,FR 49122,Shout out to Africa and African Americans 🇺🇸🇿🇦,-4.84,0,original 12656,"In my eyes, a feminist is a man hating, man splaining, man spreading whore, who I want to torture until the end of time",1.79,4,original 25632,"@BadassBowden @Ch33r10 You want bad ass women? You want feminism ? Then stop asking strangers to pay for your vacation. You are women, earn the money and pay for it yourselves. It will feel better to do it that way.",-1.53,0,original 36150,Big dick niggas who can't fuck are useless,1.16,1,DE 38440,fuck u bitch,0.5,0,original 35069,"@marathiputra She's claims to be Christian (Baptist?) African-American and will continue to do so. Even though her father is a Jamaican immigrant, and she was raised by a divorced Tamil-Hindu mother.",-1.72,0,original 10370,"The Jews are returning to Europe with your terrorist Yahweh. You have no place in the Middle East. You have invaded Palestine for more than 70 years and all Arab and Muslim countries do not accept you. You are a cancer in the Middle East, you live under the protection of Anglo-American evangelicals, once you are relieved, you will have no friends! ! ! ! ! ! !",1.09,2,ZH 22232,The 'woman (?)' who scorns white van drivers and mocks the English flag - now lecturing us on British values and how to disrespect the Office of the President of the USA Cue Menopausal Girl Guide leader ranting to camera. URL,-0.14,0,original 17266,"You're a fucking childish man. Shit. You. I hope you choke on your own shit, fucking subhuman sociopath.",1.63,6,FR 39743,I'd crack that female dog head as wide as her pussy,1.76,4,FR 26361,"I don't blame them, I would do the same with anyone who feels they belong here but really don't and we don't want them < we should hire China to build an island because they are so good at it of course it is several thousand miles away and ship illegal and undesirable muslims",1.53,2,FR 33764,"@10NewsCoronel SO , WE ALL KNOW IT WAS A PUNK WHITE CAUCASIAN EUROPEAN/AMERICAN WHO MURDERED THESE INNOCENTS..... SO WHY KEEP HIS NAME SECRET ???",0.57,1,original 49602,The man is fucking this guy Rocky. i'm still sucking dick to save you don't look for blacks to rally behind you,0.9,1,FR 19617,I bet men in their 70s shoot their cum to this little whore,0.87,4,original 30353,@HomeRuleNow shoot *unts with hollow point bullets filled with lard that will ensure they are damned forever without virgins,2.93,2,ZH 19365,ISRAEL: Operation Wrath of GOD.,-0.84,0,original 8210,"The most South African thing would be if taxi drivers pulled Uber drivers out of their cars, raped them, and passed HIV on to them because of the rape.",1.72,3,ZH 15901,"Asshole, feminist is one of the signs that an empire is about to fall. Among other bullshit. Fucking late.",1.28,4,FR 11151,"Oh.... definitely. A girl who is *trying* is 10 times more attractive. Also, high school boys are basically walking boners.",-0.84,0,original 8519,"How do you think Russia and China will divide America after liberating us from Hitler in Orange? thing? North-South? Whatever it is, I'll go wherever Russia annexes because Chinese is too hard to learn unless it's anywhere in the bible belt which is probably a giant radioactive crater littered with Confederate flags that are inbred Radical terrorists who swear allegiance to revenge Trump stop here.",0.57,3,ZH 13146,LMFAOOOO Heyman just discovered the race cuckolding section on Pornhub,-2.13,0,original 29934,@RFidvi @RahulGandhi Muslims should be banned everywhere,0.61,2,DE 43247,"the performance quality of indian cricket team has really gone down in this world cup the consistency , determination and the responsibilty of every team member which New zealand and England teams had indian team lacked it, indian team had only on 2 to 3 members on which the whole team was dependent",-2.4,0,original 10817,"How about you lay down so I can wrap you up, you little fagot?",2.02,5,FR 14952,Those are people that live in a civilized country that isn't made of dogshit like whatever Mid East country you're from.,0.89,3,original 2012,"Stop justifying your pain. Get the help you need to stop raping kids, denounce your beliefs in the false gods who tell you to do these things, and you'll be fine! Oh, and, stop pretending to have sex with dogs. Those little red rockets are just rubber, they're not shit! So relax! Relax! fucking cold! You rapist!",0.82,2,ZH 48284,Go and steal another iranian boat and maybe Trump will give our beloved suck up UK better reviews :),-1.0,0,original 47056,Choked on a Drunk Man's Dick,0.97,5,ZH 36978,"Trump claims African Americans 'happy as hell' with him as his approval drops to 13% Question directed to our Black sisters and brothers: Are you, 'happy as hell' with @realDonaldTrump? URL",-3.13,0,original 28175,I hate hoes that can't control Dey Face Off Da X like Baby Just Go Home Ugly Asf🤕,0.98,4,FR 449,They got spit roasted for suggesting that the Catholic Church might be wrong about science...,-1.58,0,original 6568,Imagine my pulsating dick filling your slutty pussy until you go crazy,-2.1,0,original 28890,Wanna play with a beta cuck and drain every penny 🥰 i challenge you 🤑 $end it Bitch! Surrender to your highness 🤷🏽‍♀️ #findom #paypig #humanatm #moneyslave #cashcow #agfe #asiandomme #brattydomme URL,0.61,4,original 4985,"If a girl wants to have unprotected sex with you, she *cannot* be good for you. She could've been trying to trap you to her forever by saddling you with an unwanted child. She may seem nice, but she's probably one of those ""nice girls"". If I were you, I'd leave her, because it seems like in your relationship, disaster is imminent. You're young, you have all the time in the world to find a better woman.",-0.62,0,original 17843,i hope you have a retarded baby,2.0,7,JA 26493,"You've made me stink among all the people of this land—among all the Canaanites and Perizzites. We are so few that they will join forces and crush us. I will be ruined, and my entire household will be wiped out!""",-0.55,0,original 28777,Let me tell you something. If the good Lord would just bless me one time with some 🔥 sex like this?!? Girl. Gimmie! 💦💦💦 URL,-0.7,0,original 40926,texas thunder YOU FOUND YOUR FUCKIN DICK FAGOT,1.53,5,FR 36792,this is why we all hate you dumb bitches go do something with your life instead of degrading the experiences of actual fucking trauma survivors you inconsiderate asshole,0.57,4,original 20027,do you have autism or something? why do you talk like a disgusting retard?,1.61,7,original 42291,"We have our Antifa super soldiers embedded in the Trump White House ready to take over when the signal is given. All racists will be traded for Syrian refugees and dumb racist aunts and uncles will be sent to GITMO and/or the Walmart FEMA camp of our choosing, where you will be vaccinated and registered as a Democrat.",1.14,1,original 13223,Shut up fag bot,0.93,5,original 31647,"Followed by ""SUCK MY COCK HOMOPHOPE!""",0.81,5,ZH 3136,"Whatever you want, scumbag",0.67,5,ZH 43037,The Iranian government is evil and must be destroyed.,0.78,3,FR 23235,@Mooglet1 @c3convertase @MasterMorgan317 @Crystal_belle lol im not sure in the current transgender climate that you guys qualify as female.. ;P,-1.27,0,original 12816,incredible! Do we really know that there is no end to our human depravity! ? Fucking reality! You don't suck her dick in real life! You don't shoot all over her abs in real life! The best thing you filthy degenerates will do is cum on your figurines or body pillows! End this debauchery and stop masturbating to cartoon women/men! What a shame! #thotpatrol,0.84,5,ZH 6979,Maybe this volcano will rid us of Russian citizens,1.21,3,original 13167,Get out of the basement you fucking incel loser,1.92,4,original 17666,"Hey, lets not forget all those babies that were not conceived because of birth control!",-1.46,0,original 7039,"This is incredible, not only as an honor for them, but also as a sign of improving diversity on all levels from the Academy (41% of this year's class are under-represented ethnicities. That's *phenomenal*, particularly for an organization that has historically been glaringly white and male.).",-4.58,0,original 38008,This shows clearly how batshit crazy these 3rd wave feminists have become. They. Are. Crazy. URL,-0.26,0,original 10116,Praise Allah death to Israel infidels 😎😎,3.29,2,original 49649,"+bd z Uh hello, the world is only afraid of all Islamic animals within its borders. We do not negotiate with terrorists or hostage holders. Crusades 2.0 is coming soon, motherfucker.",2.57,2,FR 38162,It be women 40 with jobs that a person straight out of high school can get on the internet talking about a teenager being dumb. Mind your business g.,-1.49,0,original 20331,URL CALL AND SERVE FAGGOT !,1.78,5,original 21073,"Ok, if you see this tweet, we're now a gay couple",-2.23,0,original 32266,Someone said black Chicagoans are just Southern/Country niggas with winter coats on and it fucked me up.,0.3,0,original 15257,"that's for desperate thots, or gay men",0.39,0,original 25637,"What is the problem? do you need to cum so bad, hm? Guess I'll have to keep making you cum until you beg me to stop, what do you care? Damn, you're such a little cum slut to me. How can I find your cries cute and yet so pathetic?",1.15,4,FR 15585,Count on me. That pussy will look amazing thrashing beneath me as I plow her filthy fuck hole. I too want to bite big tits.,2.77,4,FR 48923,These 4 women must go to hell,0.79,4,FR 14026,Shut the fuck up degenerate,0.78,7,FR 17872,Abu Walid is a pig. And so are other sick Salaga animals that are cancer in the ummah,1.67,2,RU 31993,One of the most important relationships you can have is a relationship with God.,-5.51,0,original 1827,too big for your fucking panties smdh stupid fagot smh,1.26,5,FR 1106,I only fuck the girls with Alzheimer's in the nursing home so they can't remember the next morning,1.23,7,DE 19623,Gas the jews?,5.09,2,original 22303,Mazel Tov! Burech Yida Halberstam had a girl. The Kiddush will be this Shabbos in Gribov 1601 48 St. Oif Simchas! Git Shabbos! URL,-5.8,0,original 19889,Ok you mega gay tard go choke a cock but you cant even do that because no one is attracted to your ugly ass neckbeard face,1.69,5,original 10494,"Every time I watch this video I get pissed off and want to smash that shitface into concrete...who would talk like that. We do know who you are, you're a punk who hides behind mom and threatens to kill someone. I really hope someone smashes his teeth out.",2.0,6,ZH 31378,"In a panel on immigration, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax claimed that immigrants are too loud and responsible for an increase in 'litter.' She explicitly advocated an immigration policy that would favor immigrants from Western countries over non-Western ones",1.51,3,original 12230,"And I hate racists, so fuck off /u/Fuggnaggers",0.93,1,original 49177,I accept you for who you are and I could care less if you are gay cuz I'm bisexual. I was made fun of it and my parents didn't accept me for some time but I didn't let that affect me in any way. I may not be perfect but I still love myself for who I am and you should too♥️🧡💛💚💙💜,-4.78,0,original 43599,Cockin's gay,1.35,5,ZH 47299,I know some people are Filipino's?,-2.83,0,original 31231,"@Liz_Cheney As a Jew I can comfortably say fuck you, worthless Jew who seriously hates the sociopath, you and your whole family are fucking evil, can't wait for you to disappear",1.58,4,FR 41056,To be kind to this Russian bitch would be to shoot him in the back of the head.,2.06,3,ZH 44975,European sitting on a stolen land telling others to leave the country what a disgrace!!! founding fathers of this nation are rolling in their grave,-0.55,0,original 6754,"Sometimes we feel like a loser or a piece of shit because we're a fucking loser piece of shit. Ever heard of [](URL)? Go ahead, connect with people to build yourself socially and also to get a fucking job. If you're really smart, then it won't be difficult. Also, I would spend a lot of time away from your LTR. Tell her about your studies, writing resumes, and trying not to be such a fag. Oh, and then actually do those things.",0.82,5,DE 34644,".@DrLeanaWen kicks off @modrnhealthcr's Women Leaders in Healthcare Conference. ""There is a state of emergency for women's health and public health."" #MHWomen",-3.01,0,original 13827,"Are you autistic with a face like that? Shit, you're proof that survival of the fittest is a lie.",1.28,7,FR 9755,"> I now happily support a war with Iran. Screw them, let's get rid of these insufferable Islamists. Yes. The irony.",1.13,3,DE 17286,"You are a disgusting person. Back on your sub, you vile Zionist trying to get someone to say something anti-Semitic so you can brag on your sub. No, I don't support mass executions of anyone, including Israelis, you dirty shit. In the long run, disgusting racists like you never won, which makes me hope that you and your disgusting colonial nation will eventually collapse from your own hatred and racism.",0.77,2,ZH 7620,"They should be shot or deported. I have a 45 min commute and there is always a wanker that talks to his gf for the entire journey so loud that you can hear it from the other end of the bus (including her responses) If it wasn't for the fact that she is about to give birth I'd grab the wankers phone and throw it out the window, but then I'd feel like a dick. Fucking morals.",1.73,3,original 49263,When the son of man comes in the clouds n take the living Christians away all colors will be looting n going crazy it's going to be pure choas,-1.05,0,original 50050,"No, it's Israel, do it right, stupid inbred Mexican",0.73,1,FR 45119,"Trump is the best!! Thanks for your work Trump, you are doing the right thing to deport all these filthy animals back to their countries! You don't deserve to live in America, remember folks, it's a privilege to live here!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸",1.93,3,DE 47545,fuck this muslim cocksucker fry his ass,1.34,2,DE 26143,Ugly anal,0.81,5,FR 16035,"Then your part is the reason the west is dying. You want a better country, then kick out the niggers and spikes with their high crime and spawn rates and get rid of the Jews who are out to destroy us",2.7,1,DE 16627,"You deserve it, you invader scum, you are the ones funding the Islamists in Afghanistan",1.74,3,ZH 16113,So it's true that you're just a fag cause girls hate your tiny shrimp dick? This is so funny! What a little cock loser you are 😂🤣,1.63,5,DE 6951,"""THE BIBLE SAYS VACCINES ARE BAD!"" 1-stop giving christians a bad rep,if you homophobics,racists and sexists were not enough (don't forget flat earthers,and yes I am a christian who only believes in a creator and not the stories in the Bible) 2-The bible was written millions of years ago. Vaccines were invented in 1700 something by Edward Jenner. Logic. Bam.",-1.33,0,original 42140,That's why I'm amused when certain countries talk about women's rights etc Was it just a fluke?,-3.82,0,original 9841,Yup..I'm in love with her dick,-3.9,0,original 34945,Someone should lock up this niggas url,2.23,1,DE 23808,@realDonaldTrump They're an embarrassment to all of us. The world laughs at us because of all the illegals who come here. They would be shot if they tried this in another country. How many terrorists do we already have? I'm waiting...I'm waiting.....,1.09,3,FR 31124,She is a scuzbucket piece of shit. URL,1.01,4,original 49999,Only a cranky autistic 6 year old would enjoy this gay shit,1.49,7,JA 7903,"I have really been thinking about just coming out to her, because then she knows I am a lesbian and that kind of puts the ball in her court. If that makes sense. I mean honestly there is no reason why I wouldn't come out to her. She is one of the most progressive and supportive open minded people I know. It's just no matter what, coming out is a super scary thing.",-4.0,0,original 27957,This is how you maintain a fag and own his hole url,2.3,5,FR 8051,I'm... absolutely speechless. What the fuck. Why is this country so fucking dumb?,0.56,3,original 19899,If you were an Arab u wouldn't get that cuz the write from the right to the left...,-2.26,0,original 37363,Went to a car wash got on Twitter and we'll you know the rest 😂🤤💦🍆 #hung #latino #cock #precum #bi URL,-2.11,0,original 8365,"There are women who write using sexist standards or who turn rape into romance. That's how sexism works, it influences us all.",-1.53,0,original 44190,"I'm laughing at the fact that you did an Asian joke on yourself. ""I'm Asian, I should know this"" Lmao 😂😆😁.",-2.78,0,original 31302,"Keep your head down, and your ass up while I breed you, bitch! I'll pound my cock in your pussy, until your fuck hole is red and ruined. I'll fill this fuck hole with my load of warm cum. I want to slide my fingers through the cum as it drains from your pussy after your breeding. URL",2.2,4,original 13636,I feel stuck between having no reason to talk about feeling genderless because I have benefited from being a cishet white man my whole life and wanting to talk to my friends about feeling genderless.,-3.68,0,original 14562,"They'd just be fucking nitwits if some dutch cock somehow ended up up your ass, you fag.",1.1,5,DE 2167,"you look like a kid who grew up in the suburbs but thinks hes hood, but is also a jew",0.87,2,original 42158,Kamala Harris's grandfather was a slave owner. She is toast.,-1.54,0,original 44769,"Ali Yazbeck, it's not. Race stupid immature dik. GTFU.",0.54,1,DE 40097,"Just be thankful that you even have the freedom to even speak like we both are fucking westerners you fucking moron so when radical muslims cut your fucking head off because you don't bow to their religion I don't want to hear you cry, be thankful for what you have because a lot of people died just for you to get what you have, you fucking jerk, that's it, I'm done",1.49,2,RU 31793,"Do you want to get away with attacking and murdering Jews, especially in Europe? 1) Tell them you are mentally unfit to stand up in court. 2) Tell them you are fighting the ""occupation"". 3) If you are not a Muslim, tell them you are converting to Islam. URL",0.55,1,DE 35130,"I pray that you niggas grow some balls and stop making everything gay, motherfuckers",1.08,5,DE 8239,Stop lying and fuck you fagot.,0.98,5,FR 45598,"MORE SOME TO CONSIDER ARE AOC, OMAR AND TALIB? YOU HATE AMERICA, YOU HATE WHITE/BLACK MEN, EVERY AMERICAN AND IT IS A FACT YOU HAVE ACCESS TO GUNS, ANGRY EVERY DAY, HATE OUR PRESIDENT AND HAVE SHOWN NO KNOWLEDGE OF OUR GOVERNMENT? WANT TO RECEIVE? JUSSIE SMOLLETS SEEKS revenge for his beating? Maybe he thought there was a Maga meeting there? WHY DO WE ASSUME THAT IT IS A STRANGER?",0.97,2,DE 10886,Buncha fuck pussies. My goodness. Wish the old guy had knocked her out,0.55,6,DE 41654,"4:03 CNN in a ratings slump, turned bat crap, crazed propaganda psyop, as anchored by Propaganderson Cooper?",0.69,4,FR 45462,"100 years ago a white mob would have formed and hanged this man. Not now. That's how it was with the mob back then, or do you think it's for the best, we all wait a few hundred years to see if evolution takes care of it. I'm a bloody animal, so if this happened to my wife, it would be over for him. How about you silly little soy boy liberals just cuddle your raped and beaten wife to happy places again?",1.22,1,DE 24306,"@ByDonkeys @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama No one cares. You guys outlawed knives, but can't keep track of ISIS fighters coming back into your country. There's a reason 1/4's of the world celebrates independence from your neutered asses. 🇺🇸",0.05,0,original 49245,What stupid Jew about know about Russia these stupid Jews making Bible classes in school while the teacher teach American kids at gun point about there lord these Jews are coaching our kids to hate these Jews are forcing our American kids to be accompanied by Israel to help hate Muslims this is not acceptable America shouldn't accompany. Israel must be destroyed Russia must help destroy Israel,2.03,1,original 43798,"Oh, eat shit, you cowardly evangelical terrorist.",0.89,2,RU 200,"We have to get mad at ""Chad aborted"" and he shouts *""Don't fukken the kid yourself bro, be glad I wasn't born, I'll be fukken loser right now "" * * ""Sorry I'm not here to kick your ass you fucking dweeb fucking have a life"" * *""Brother you're stupid you're a virgin because you watch memes all day and jerkn it to wow tiddies""* *""Brother stop crying it's not beautiful girls like a confident guy aw man come for real""*",0.77,4,FR 21946,thank you,2.02,7,JA 14192,Fire the mortars! Blow this piece of normie garbage up!!!,2.12,5,original 38215,"Haha who shit on your dirty face this morning, bitch? & you die first 😘 - yes yes yes something fucking crazy something in your fucking mouth. we love fortnite url",1.53,4,FR 11805,Fuck bof them niggas..,0.28,0,original 33086,Hope that little cunt gets nonced.,1.55,4,original 9073,Fuck you you Nazi! Your mother was a cum-dumpster and I hope you drown in that stench as I set fire to it! Eat the rich! (obligatory /s),1.16,4,original 17690,"My generation has already been ruined by feminism. If it's too late for us, then let them burn.",0.18,0,original 8386,What a fag.,1.45,5,DE 42168,we all know she was killed by black bastard thugs raised by single welfare whores. but they will blame a christian organization like the ku klux klan,2.06,1,DE 11646,I'd clap Louis' cheeks no homo tho,-2.3,0,original 18703,Trolling or not they're still a fag,1.38,5,original 11993,All the damned time. I constantly worry about faceplanting on the tread and definitely do slower AOs because of it. But I also tripped over my own feet running outside once and cracked a front tooth once so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I definitely fell off the rower during our last benchmark row (I think the 500). Those ass bruises took a minute to heal.,-1.3,0,original 44292,This stupid dike should be hung on a tree as soon as possible!,3.21,5,DE 11812,Then show us what a good slut you are and fuck yourself with something (toy fingers whatever you feel is appropriate to put in your pussy),1.09,4,FR 11016,How about banning your fucking mom? FUKIN ACID RAINBOW FAGOT lol,1.33,5,ZH 1485,"Yeah mate, genociding the native americans and hundreds of years of slavery dont count. Cant expect much from balts tho.",-0.62,0,original 11462,"This is what happens when you've isolated yourself in a populism frenzy of friends and allies and instead have to do the dirty work for an angry orange toddler across the Atlantic. who desperately needs a distraction. Toddler Trump can't stand the Iran deal because the black man's name is on it, and now England is humiliated by religious fanatics who until recently looked after their own business and persecuted women. We are reduced to this weakness because of 17.4 million idiots.",0.61,4,FR 45487,"First of all, Pakistani bowlers are disgusting, stick is unstable, no confidence, dumb head, less chickens.",2.1,3,FR 35190,lmao pussy be poppin all the way out URL,0.0,0,original 40531,American scum is already attacking Iran.,0.73,3,FR 47590,Keep it up you gon' be that nigga he accidentally killed,4.77,1,DE 43635,please stop this queer feminist bullshit,-0.08,0,original 22082,"@cheelau @SadiqKhan trusted to teach their kids simple things like sex education, things about LGBT+ or not to be racist I think it's in schools where that should start.",-7.14,0,original 30147,"Just because your life is now as free from oppression as possible, it's not right to be ignorant of other people's struggles. Lesbians face discrimination. Trans people are being killed. Bi, pan and non binary people are treated as non existent. We NEED to fight this.",-3.66,0,original 26220,#giftingsunnah #eidforall On Eid Day we celebrated and shared our joy and happiness with our non muslim brothers and sisters by distributing sweets...🥰 WE ARE 1 FAMILY EID MUBARAK URL,-4.67,0,original 5497,"Yes homo! I'm bisexual and I have a bi pride flag in my ""Others"" wishlist ✌️",-4.5,0,original 48031,"DEPORT EVERY THOSE TERRIBLE DIEASE WITH ILLEGALS NO ONE WANTS NOW OR EVER IN THE US, DEPORT THEM ALL WE THE GOOD AMERICANS ARE TIRED OF PAYING FOR THEM ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FROM YOUR DA-LIES YOUR DA-LIARS THIEF'S RAPIST PEDOS EVIL GANG MEMBERS AND COLD BLOOD KILLERS DEPORT ALL NOW THEY DESERVE IT CLOSE THE MEXICO-US BORDER CLOSE FOREVER NOW President Trump to protect the US, our families, children and grandchildren from these horrific diseases that are ILLEGAL carry",2.08,3,DE 32911,"@BasedBeliever1 @Know_More_News My point to the Zionist I was responding to was that he was attempting to use talking points from the perspective of the Quran, rather than my faith (Christianity)which is disingenuous of him. But thank you for this video. I will watch it.",-1.49,0,original 25289,@asanza2420 @AliAbunimah But that isn't me saying that and my organization has never endorsed any such sentiment. Your putting words in my mouth simply because the other person is a Jew is an example of your antisemitism.,-2.21,0,original 1953,"Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat arse, did you k ow that?",0.62,4,original 1024,She did a bright eye tutorial and she has Goldfrapp's Black Cherry playing through it and it is so relaxing.,-3.88,0,original 25141,@lyvannhi you're right you're not gay you're a pig 💋,0.96,5,ZH 7007,"No, we should treat these people as terrorists and apply to them the laws we make for terrorists. Evangaliban and Y'all Queda disappeared almost overnight after we started doing things like anal force feeding and waterboarding them. Once the pendulum swings the other way, you better believe that state-backed violence will solve this problem of inbred idiots we're dealing with right now.",1.97,2,ZH 26188,"Hindu boys can't marry early cause girl's parents aren't ready to take chances on ""unsettled"" boys URL",-1.09,0,original 43036,these humans are just retarded..,-0.43,0,original 6181,"You're right, she's pretty ugly. Probably sucked a PILE of dong.",0.83,4,FR 12244,Not all Christian's are like this.,-3.9,0,original 8627,"Alright, niggers and spics and GTFO liberals. This should be a land for humans",2.43,1,FR 3735,I wish every person on the planet would die from an anus rape,0.87,1,DE 6422,"I was also born and raised in the south and still live here, and the only people I've seen obsess over 'illegal immigrants' have been racist right-wingers. But hey, can't expect an /r/The_Donald user to give an accurate testimony.",-0.8,0,original 45365,Niggas get jumped on everyday B. Stop your crying fag. laugh 🤣,1.24,5,DE 41550,"Evangelicals love rapists, liars, or people who conspire with America's enemies and obstruct investigations of themselves when caught. Oh yes, the criminal who sold America to her opponents and raped at will has a home with them evangelicals, as long as it's in yours and not theirs.",0.72,2,ZH 44088,Dazai Son didn't they already by making maryjane a black sjw cunt?,1.71,1,original 36887,"'Cause shade never made anybody less gay. August 28, 2020❤️ @taylorswift13 @taylornation13 URL",-2.84,0,original 33338,Had niggas trying to cheat off us and everything 😭. We ate it up.,0.01,0,original 21933,"It is very crucial time for Malala Yousafzai, Whether she wants to become a Pashtun Icon or an NGO owner ? @Malala",-3.34,0,original 3840,Dumb bitch is dumb.,2.2,4,original 45406,"If they are that hungry and just want to brush their teeth, they should go back to Mexico...then maybe find a way to enter America legally, you know, similar to Canadians / most of our European ancestors?",0.6,1,DE 48477,"Fuck you Ilhan, we already know you work for ISIS and make our country your muslim cesspit.",1.91,2,ZH 37226,"Godless degenerate liberals are creating soulless killers who foolishly believe in humans and then go on a shooting spree when they feel abandoned. We must return to God and traditional, wholesome American values. family, respect, patriotism, neighbors and church.",0.78,2,ZH 42583,@trumptard slayer nah it's your people being ordered to kill blacks and whites. The Hispanization of America will fail! Assimilate into American culture or return to your own hellhole.,0.73,3,FR 21093,Look at that loose cunt leaking loads. That must have been drilled and filled by multiple cocks. It'd make a great gangbang whore. 😛💦😈 #manpussy #gay URL,2.34,4,original 27110,Deport them to Afghanistan to disarm IEDs They don't belong here They'll never be Americans and won't obey any of our laws They're here to spread Ebola and Islam URL,2.26,3,FR 2458,Shut up you fag who likes niggas.,1.35,5,ZH 38739,@FortniteGame Why don't you fuck jump the robot and fuck retarded ass niggas,0.62,1,DE 9301,"If white genocide means this guy won't exist, sign me up. Signed, a blank",0.61,1,FR 32474,yeeee u fucked the country up u idiot and killed millions in the middle east,0.22,0,original 27019,@ache4U THEN YOU CAN SHIFT LIKE PIGS,1.47,5,DE 13285,Me too and I'm Indian.,-2.44,0,original 2706,"100% of dicks that get chopped off, belong to men.",-0.77,0,original 48360,"I can't stand this stupid little lesbian, I can't wait for someone to ruin this bitch",1.57,5,ZH 43382,Big u a G he not explaining himself to a weirdo who let's other men play in his azz fuck outta here yo bitch ass the one got some explaining to do like y yo grown ass taking pics with the guy that supposed to have raped u u lying bitch,1.47,5,original 6453,I'd love to suck you and fuck You. Yummy cock,-3.72,0,original 1919,"Or mentally ill, which they are.",-2.38,0,original 33450,BREAKING NEWS: It's now official that the following people's are banned from entering US: 1. Nasir Ahmad Elrufai 2. Gov. Ganduje and his family 3. Rotimi Amaechi & his family 4. Dakuku Peter side 5 Murtala Sule Garo 6. Yusuf Gawuna Ganduje's Deputy 6. Gov Yahaya Bello & Family,-2.56,0,original 16593,"Well, are you going to shut your mouth and play a player game if I eat your ass?",0.97,5,FR 35145,"@_SJPeace_ 2nd cop got out of his car, immediately went for this man's throat. Didn't need to hear the story, just saw a black man being held at taser-point. THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG WITH AMERICA!! Dylan Roof, gently put into a cop car after murdering 9 people & this ""speeder"" gets this?!",-2.35,0,original 15913,"It is a fascist theological autocracy. No one cares about breeding, they're probably preparing to annex Hawaii and Alaska in a few years, then invade Mexico, then Canada. They don't even try to clean up the topsoil of the settlements effectively, they are like the Nazis and can't even use slave labor effectively. If they need more people/slaves they will probably take the easy route and start kidnapping them from their neighbors.",1.19,2,FR 43648,All you clowns bringing up that he's a Christian so he should do better and such. NONE of you would open your doors to any of these people so plz just stfu.,-1.04,0,original 6732,All bc some twink skin is thin. SMH,0.72,5,ZH 35380,Every nigga in my life is just useless!!,1.47,1,DE 5168,"The Nazis were Christians. Sit on it, trash can",0.63,2,FR 15306,"I've known guys who came out later than that, long after I have, and they're now married before me. It's not too late.",-3.57,0,original 8672,"A pussy milf mmmmm delicious that labia look so juicy ,. I wanna spread it with my tongue ♥️",-1.95,0,original 13792,"Kevin, you're a fat, dumb, prick, fucking, dumb, nigger who's a sad prick trying to be cool. This woman has the balls to post on r/roastme. I would love to see you do a post on r/roastme you nigger",1.14,1,FR 6732,All bc a thin skinned twink. SMH,0.72,5,FR 24886,@Imamofpeace Sorry can't help .Sex is Sex we all like and need it so why not make it legal and have a tunnel from places of worship were these men could get it out and leave children along.Listen if me and a woman get naked and she decided she didn't want URL leave .,-0.98,0,original 24013,"how u look like this and ur transphobic..... ugly, blind, dumb and transphobic. pick a struggle. while ur at it get an eye lift, a forehead reduction, botox, braces, and grow some eyebrows. stupid thot. URL",0.23,0,original 1358,That bitch is responsible for the deaths of American citizens. She should be in Guantanamo along with the fucking Kenyan.,1.51,4,original 31819,MQM Leader Faisal Sabzwari got married to famous Anchor person Madiha Naqvi . Their Valima ceremony held tonight in Karachi ! URL,-3.0,0,original 47426,Build a dome over China and let them breathe their own shit!,0.91,3,DE 2872,What is the delay,0.54,7,FR 19407,An old professional. Stroking away and varying pace. She handled so many cocks she might as well have been born with one.,0.81,4,FR 36301,"Honestly, telling men nothing at all is dangerous. All you just need to do is exist and you're endangered. Men are horrible, terrible, psychopathic beasts. URL",1.42,4,original 33111,"Congratulations to my friend, Mr. @BorisJohnson, who has been named the new Prime Minister of the UK. I fully align with your political views (with the one exception being that I am against the LGBTQ movement) and I believe the UK us in the best hands with you as PM #RenosNuggets URL",-2.12,0,original 22825,@theblerdgurl I think my friend @DoctorJonPaul said it best. Something to the effect of 'dont bring POC into hostile work environments for the sake of diversity and inclusion without first addressing the issue at hand...',-3.46,0,original 4073,"Yo dipstick daddy can do whatever the hell he wants with electronics at home. Known as the little kid. Invasion of privacy? Fuck off daddy paying the internet bill so fuck it. Dad pays the mortgage so fuck it. You better respect daddy's name or move the fuck out. See how hard it is in the fucking real world, but hey at least you can watch anal sex, you fucking depraved.",2.72,6,ZH 4145,Weak ass bitch gonna cry again. Just like you cried when you realized you weren't even good at being a whore and couldn't even take a light beating,2.57,4,FR 16380,yeah only in america do people get scared over screaming and gunshots.. ​ what's it like having sub80 iq?,-0.94,0,original 2574,I will fuck your pussy and ass until they are sore and dripping with my cum and yours,2.49,5,DE 12406,Another flat blonde who can't control her tharst,0.57,4,original 44406,Boy from Pakistan lives in American't land and quickly becomes a pervert involved in debauchery making shows about jerking off men. America...on behalf of the rest of the world kill yourselves asap.,2.14,3,original 49755,Yeah these criminals need to go back to their own countries. Sickens me too,0.66,3,original 8994,Nah this country is technically in one of its best states it's ever been in. As a whole there is more representation and less discrimination. Also as a proud American myself I can still say that yes there are still some issues (like any country has) but big changes are happening and within a decade it will improve by a lot.,-4.22,0,original 15070,Fight me fagot.,1.0,5,FR 10747,Not just thundercunts. Cock juggling thundercunts.,1.06,4,original 44697,The democrats are inviting more homeless illegal people to cross the border while they complain it's not enough money and housing while these illegals are jumping the line for affordable housing while some Americans have been waiting for years. Seems like all illegals do is break laws and jump lines.,1.29,1,original 40573,Stop fooling around and blow Iran to hell,2.08,1,DE 16141,Can autistic assholes like you kill themselves? Thank you,2.15,7,RU 31426,Pussy ass hoe could nevaaa,0.7,4,original 10629,"You're either a man or a woman, you're a retarded piece of a frog that eats pussy",2.15,4,FR 33697,turn you to a bbc slut when you take my dick balls deep in your tiny white ass URL,0.67,1,original 11565,"My friend is Japanese, and like 5th generation born in the USA. Her grandparents met at the internment camps. She didn't even speak Japanese. Yet, people assumed was foreign. I'm 3rd generation born in the USA on my mom's side. I can go to Ireland and visit cousins.",-4.33,0,original 6155,"What an ugly ugly motherfucking ugly guy. What's worse than a racist? A goat fucker. Prolly fucks his sister, his father, his ugly mother. Fuck this guy. Unibrow is the only thing keeping this fuck head together. His last brain cells will separate if he shaves his forehead. Idk I just want to spit on him. Spit face",2.84,4,FR 22660,@harrycheverton Schwuchtel,1.42,5,DE 47315,"These people are some stupid bastards because Omar should go back to her country because she hates America and loves Al Qaeda, she is a disgrace to this country and Congress! Same goes for the other 3 guys in the so-called ""squad"", either join Team USA and stop trying to turn this place into a communist hell, or leave",1.77,3,ZH 40306,"T20+3 is adding up it's army against King David & SON of Man. David threw a sling shot which hit the giant goliath in middle of forehead and at that moment the Philistine warrior fallen ground and was beaheaded by his own sword. It was Faith of David in His GOD and GOD executed HIS work. And David became the King of israEL, the GOD appointed King. None can rule out GOD. Is there anyone against GOD of King David? The SON of Man is coming to rage war and to bring judgement upon whole Earth.",-3.37,0,original 183,"Hur dur keep your damn legs closed, whore And then that's how you prevent incest, rape, unwanted pregnancies, STDs, and miscarriages.",3.01,4,original 19869,/u/thegamerofwac YOUR ST00PID MOTHERFUCKER!!! KILL YOURSELF DELAYED IDIOTIC MORRON!!! YOU SUCK ASS!!! KILL URSELF SMALL DELAY WITHOUT ILLUMINATING BRAIN!!!,1.13,7,FR 15672,well the issue is African America just means Black in America since they don't know what part of the continent they came from so it's a catch all. If you do know where you came from like a lot of Africans who immigrate now they usually like to be referred to their native land like South African America or Nigerian American etc.,-2.78,0,original 38423,Could do with hearing my balls slap against Amanda's chin as I face fuck her before slipping my saliva covered cock into her tight arsehole URL,1.06,4,original 5245,There is much I can relate to in your story. I came out at age 27 and left the organization. Life as a lgbt+ person van be difficult as a JW. Maybe you are interested in sories of other gay (ex) JWs? I encouraged me. I shared my story here: [URL,-4.37,0,original 45417,"King JamesIX ok king James weeb your life is literally worthless u little black slave nobody loves you and literally i bet you are a virgin it's so sad lmao because you have no friends at school and you have lunch in the bathroom that's how sad your life is, nobody actually loves you",1.9,1,FR 3668,"Anyone can sing to rap, keep your sheepish n-word utterances to yourself, nerd.",1.07,1,original 22831,@WavyVI @HezzFN Y'all so immature for knowing each other irl bro stg handle shit irl and stop being a bitch on Twitter bro,-0.76,0,original 42516,We would NEVER invade Iran. There is nothing/nobody that is useful. The best option is to turn the entire Middle East into a radioactive glass factory!,2.53,1,DE 8496,I' to fuck you that ass and pussy are superb,-0.15,0,original 41224,isis will fuck ya guys ass now,1.33,3,original 14853,No one cares about you too! Hoes are scum just like pornstars.,1.98,4,original 17890,I'd love to abuse every one of your slut holes.,2.64,5,ZH 31366,"This pervert, who takes public bathroom ""pix,"" says that I'm a ""Russian troll"" because I'm advocating for ""American Black"" citizen A$AP Rocky. Are all progressives so racist? And perverts? #FreeASAPASAP 👏🏾 URL",-1.87,0,original 7425,TIL men can be whores too,-0.71,0,original 8941,"Person of color applies to many other ethnicities than just Black American, and White privilege goes further than simply how you are perceived, but yes, even if he has non-White origins, he will benefit from being perceived as White.",-3.07,0,original 23741,@LindaFairstein burn in hell you fucking CUNT!! I bet your raciest ancestors had slaves.,-1.8,0,original 39365,"@Jisoos_Blink Aye, that shit wasn't called for you, crazy egg, rap whore, you even know you must be a troll son of all the shit you're mad at, say you're gone after someone died. I hope you get a parasite in your dick I hope you get a virus and lose all your muscle Hope your next nigga give you AIDS! shrimp dick",1.05,4,FR 19288,so far only a moron here you are a fucking moron,1.62,7,RU 31298,Don't mind me if my name changes from maryam from may to Mary it's none of ur business.🤠,-2.86,0,original 23513,that nigga is ugly do better damn!,1.13,1,FR 27959,"#HandsOffPantsOn goes GLOBAL!On the heels of helping pass historic panic button legislation for hotel and casino wrkrs in IL, Local 1 leaders Roushaunda & Cecilia are at the Int'l Labor Conf to advocate for global convention to address gender violence at work! #ILC2019 #ILOendGBV URL",-4.27,0,original 45274,Omar hates jews and Isreal but honestly I am getting tired of supporting the jews when they continue to vote for the enemy.,-0.87,0,original 40853,Congratulations to Bjp and Narender modi from pakistan 🇵🇰 ❤️ 🇮🇳,-5.45,0,original 35994,I hate a cock sucking slut,1.61,4,FR 2850,"I know. Every contest has pretty much been won by kids of Indian or South Asian origin. As someone from India, I wouldn't mind that stereotype. It's better than the others.",-2.56,0,original 45776,POS kid from a garbage country.,1.28,3,original 37989,"White supremacy was, is and always will be Democrats, just as violence has always come from Democrats. The real racists were the slave-owning Democrats who started the civil war. And then the KKK started, all to control the blacks. No Republican has ever been a KKK member.",0.86,1,DE 48328,"'The Squat' has only achieved one thing so far; they redefined by example the new face of “racism” and “anti-Semitism” in North America. These totally useless coco bimbos have failed miserably as mature women and human beings. If I was one of them, I would start watching my back the day after I was elected in 2020. A) you are already forgotten and B) you are vulnerable. Anger is an energy, an energy that grows against you all and will bring about your undoing at your own hands.",2.02,4,FR 41557,"The choke just gave you stupid niggas the gout. Assemble the pieces, if you can. Now you know why Nipsey Hussle died... You see, Karceno, Choke is not a slave - that is, he does not live in FEAR. NEVER TELL ANOTHER BLACK MAN TO TREAD LIGHT. BE A FUCKING MAN.",0.59,1,FR 9839,Import shithole people with shithole culture and they vring the shithole country.,1.81,3,original 13390,lol wreck chapo fag,1.35,5,FR 46823,Good they should deport they came illegally they can take their kids with them they shouldn't have come illegally and then had kids they knew what they were doing they can explain it to their kids that they BROKE THE LAW,0.69,3,original 42790,SEND HER BACK TO IRAN..,-0.9,0,original 9477,They're all meth addicts now. I guess that's what qualifies to be a real man for someone like you? Cuckold? This insult doesn't even make sense. You are too stupid to live. I can't wait for us to start hunting your assholes.,4.77,4,FR 42563,You can't forget how fat and stupid Americans are. There are millions. Half of them comment here. 😕,1.38,3,ZH 19246,Must kill collabvm users for the glory of Allah,2.54,1,DE 19006,"NTA, let her Enjoy her presumed identity. I have one friend who has German heritage, and she is very proud of it, brags about it a lot, serves ""German"" beer and bratwurst at just about all of her get-togethers, but whatever. I have another friend who is some sort of Asian nationality from a biological standpoint, but was adopted by an American couple in the military, and grew up most of his life in Germany. He is probably more ""German ""then she is, but he just lets it go, like we all do.",-3.19,0,original 12046,"No not yet, fuck you fagot",1.74,5,FR 42146,The Enemy worse than Skynet: *Feminism.*,-1.37,0,original 25827,Where do girls get off speaking to lads like that?? Get ur head out ur arse babe you've got the personality of a brick wall URL,0.35,0,original 48609,Democrats are racist towards whites. I know who im voting for!,-0.22,0,original 31342,"It blows my mind that we have to prove we can have black people in the White House. The identity politics of the Democrats are ruining the world, they are a cancer in this country. They didn't say a word when Muslim Obama hated this great country URL",0.72,2,ZH 23307,#ImranKhan has an overwhelming goodwill internationally. #Bangladesh's PM Hasina Wajid is known for her anti #Pakistan posture yet she actively engaged with IK at the #OICMakkahSummit. IK also had a positive meeting with Ashraf Ghani.Time for better relations with neighbours. URL,-3.68,0,original 3474,"Just because you racist liberal retards are flooding this subreddit doesn't mean you're right or anyone cares about your disgusting agenda. The Palestinians are ruled by a terrorist organization and rather than feed their own people, they build tunnels and wage war. They are a scourge on the world. Get your head out of your ass, you racist position.",1.27,1,FR 35136,Palestinian killed by Israeli army gunfire on Gaza border URL,-2.74,0,original 5684,I would take my dick and shove it down her throat and make her suck me dry,2.11,4,FR 31556,@whore4sadboys Fuck yourself with a cross,0.15,0,original 7836,"Hes always cucking our women, feelsbadman.",-2.36,0,original 8788,"Nobody cares about niggers who lost people, you gay cuckservative",2.03,1,DE 38859,"He will ensure that every jihadi bastard in your country will die a painful death, and your rogue state Naapak Pakistan will be finished forever URL",3.18,3,FR 37599,Forget it. Israel has violated over 60 UN resolutions and nothing happens. Iraq violated 2 the rest is history,-2.4,0,original 23126,"Men at Pride telling Lesbians to be more inclusive. Well put your money where your mouth is mate, and start celebrating Man-Vag. #GetTheLOut URL",-1.77,0,original 19942,That fat ball-less guy should have stayed the Asian dude for support. Literally Mark Corrigan,-0.9,0,original 45402,"Alien niggas be like: ""time to anally rape some hairless monkeys""",1.65,1,original 18651,retarded pussy,1.01,4,FR 39647,This female dog should be hit with a bat url,2.14,4,FR 17240,"Nope. I stay away from public places because I know what cowards like you do when your feelings are hurt. You stop pestering your children for a few minutes and instead shoot defenseless women and children. Now go fuck yourself, you dirty little pedophile.",0.94,7,RU 49008,"I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the comments here, knowing that racism is no longer something to be ashamed of. (was it ever?) Serena is an awesome athlete and one of the big winners in sport. I hope she wins that one more slam. or two.",-4.13,0,original 46222,"@Burlie Towner..Why because Trump LOVES the United States unlike you and the 4 Skanks, right ??",2.26,4,original 44228,"Yeah fight to the drop of blood or be a stupid loser. Trump the fag doesn't even have the balls to start bombing Iran, how can he win over the Chinese?",1.21,5,FR 49324,Trump needs to kick these maggots out,1.5,3,FR 7082,Of course. The fucking Mexicans.,0.69,3,FR 17266,"you're a fucking man kid Fuck. you. I hope you choke on your own shit, this fucking subhuman socialist.",1.63,6,JA 46215,Fuck your slut mom,2.36,4,FR 49196,Finally! A powerful woman movie that we don't have to be told that it's a woman playing a powerful woman!!,-5.26,0,original 10591,"I would say something witty, but us women don't exist so...",-2.33,0,original 4337,Yeah fuck those people from New Mexico! They are just as bad as old Mexico!,1.16,1,original 7259,"Regardless of what courts change, these children will be killed by local mobs; to which I say, ""good riddance""",0.02,0,original 12123,Using your gown to cover your face and arms I'd pin you down then force my cock in your holes then force breed that cunt,3.72,2,original 40749,"Put these 4 female dogs on the border, let them handle it!!!!",2.4,4,FR 45519,LOL typical faget comment drink bleach and die queer,2.61,5,original 11470,What is this fag shit?,0.36,0,original 44443,"I don't give a shit whoever wins or loses, the only damn thing I care about is for my county NOT to take more hairy ugly muslims in. They should all die and facking burn! Shitty muslims.",3.52,2,original 31291,A CM I always have great admiration and preveleged that I stayed during her chiefministership in Delhi. She never lost the Delhi election its the Congress party who made her lose and then all the drama begins. RIP shiela Dixit,-1.56,0,original 15792,He's a stupid fucking monkey,1.22,1,FR 23155,Fagot nigga wanna go to jail for clout 🤣,1.1,1,DE 29493,Lock her up with ice cream lickers and tea spitters smfh URL,1.32,4,FR 28428,"@calamur We're on a very slippery slope. Have been on it since 2014 when it became mainstream to associate crimes with Hinduism. Condemn defenders of Kathua rapists as much as those who made it about Devi sthan, Hindu-stan, ashamed-to-be-a-Hindu.",-2.67,0,original 44986,"Their average IQ isn't 75 it's 84. Unless you are talking about blacks from Africa, they yeah unfortunately their IQ is 75 on average. But I think this was in the USA",-0.46,0,original 33739,"@Franklin_Graham Really, Frankie? Pray again? Prayer doesn't seem to work, you fraudulent hypocrite. You pray, and then they shoot more people. Here's what I'm telling you, scammer: Money has come to the victim's family. That's right, send them your ill-gotten money, scammers.",1.14,2,RU 10140,I feel no pity for this piece of human filth. Fuck her and her boyfriend.,2.42,4,FR 47938,This vato is a fucking puto..,1.54,5,FR 23412,"For the umpteenth time we are not against Hindi. History lessons have not taught you all anything? We are against ""imposition of Hindi"". Two different things. Apples and oranges #HindiLanguage #HindiImposition #TamilNadu #Chennai",-4.64,0,original 49056,"On a percentage base of the actual income that they bring in, the women make more than the men. You dont get to bring in 120 million dollars of revenue then demand to be paid 400 million dollars. But ya know what, let's give it to them, then in 2 years when women's soccer goes belly up they have noone to blame but themselves.",-1.55,0,original 47678,"The cowardly Saudis know very well that Iran is far too powerful and will roast them like a chicken. They are playing under the American dog agenda and will put the entire Middle East region under fire. illiterate Saudis,",1.62,3,FR 8915,"Yeah, this shit is retarded redneck humor. That's what you get when you ban all ""conservative"" circlejerc places. They're coming out of their comfortable hole and infesting all the cool subreddits I like. Damn cancer, I'll become a politician and build damn concentration camps for SJWs and anti-SJWs.",3.72,7,DE 38352,@TaeminsNoona you're too much of a homosexual for your own good,-0.13,0,original 38690,"My cleavage makes you so weak. You can't resist it 💦 You crave to be dominated by a superior 2D goddess 💋 It's so humiliating and so hot, your little clit can't help itself but twitch everytime you see my posts and take control over your weak mind 💸💸 URL",0.58,4,original 7671,"Where we have a buff daddy, fuck me please, and an annoying but lovable and very fuckable little twink. It's your cast",1.1,4,FR 29429,I don't like you bitches. I'll smack you bitches.,0.7,4,FR 19240,"If you are fucking other people, your partner should have the right to leave or to do the same.",-1.74,0,original 34678,Get fat kids on the American side and catapult these motherfuckers to the URL man,0.69,7,FR 45742,2 whole cigarettes. Will used to take the A$$ from Quincy Jones. Now Jayden takes the A$$ from many guys. Sick.,1.61,5,FR 17419,#SUCK MY COCK,0.81,6,original 30771,"me: calling men pussies for crying is wrong and reinforces a really toxic stereotype rio: cries over tokyo me: fuck you, stop crying you pussy",0.92,4,original 42851,Deport all wops back to old homeland.,1.52,3,DE 21932,"Bitch fuck you and your stupid ass, nigga",0.93,1,DE 40859,death to Iran,1.17,3,DE 29204,I'm just sucking one of these niggas dicks so we gotta focus,1.96,1,DE 26641,@BloodyxKnuckls Bitch clearly you're the one with the dusty hairy coochie so stop it😭😂 you need to set a sage to your shit kill all that bacteria you passing on to your hillbilly ass wigga✌🏾Good day,3.12,4,original 5278,You mean fags right?,0.55,5,FR 8367,"I'm bi, too. I finally accepted it in high school, which was in a tiny bible-belt town in the Appalachian mountains. Not many progressives in the region. Coming out was such a liberating experience and effected me way more than I thought it would (in a good way!). That being said, be safe and be smart. LGBTQ prejudice is alive and well, and it would be smart to carefully consider who to come out to and when. Look into resources like The Trevor Project, It Gets Better, etc. You're not alone!",-4.4,0,original 30144,"Fucking disgusting. America was BUILT OFF OF IMMIGRANTS. Want to make America great again? Remember how it was fucking created. Unreal. We took so many steps backwards during this ""presidency"" it's nauseating. URL",-1.58,0,original 11552, incel wouldn't defend her. They'd be the first to try and burn her at the stake,-0.16,0,original 41194,You can rot in hell you stupid bitch 🇺🇸,1.68,4,FR 25704,I'm gonna smack that dude like he's a female dog,1.41,1,FR 26696,"Kids these days are fucking rude, kill them before they breed URLs",2.2,6,JA 43845,Now this what you call white trash.,0.88,1,original 3251,"I've not had sex at all, I'm looking for the right person so I'm not fucked off by someone who will just leave me. Gay dating is hard 😏",-2.62,0,original 24157,Fuck these niggas,1.19,1,DE 1458,Yeah my sister who has a God given vagina can't be defined as a women then.,-0.96,0,original 11726,"Uh, yea. His country is pretty murder happy when it comes to ""mundane"" ""annoyances"", you know, like gay people existing.",-1.95,0,original 2659,"And I'd should stick my cock in your moth as well, just because you are a dumb bitch who deserves cock.",1.83,4,original 39742,"@DVATW Tribal and gang culture statistical analysis is evident in the UK. However, beatings like this are commonplace in the UK, I've locked many up for said offences. If one was to have lax immigration policies and weak is adding fuel to a fire we don't need!",-1.91,0,original 14100,This is the result of gender quotas. I can bet that a team of women who have never even played the game came up with this bullshit. There's no other excuse as to how this completely impractical crap got green lighted. Or maybe I'm just a huge misogynist. Probably the former.,-0.86,0,original 15757,I hope he violently raped her.,2.19,4,FR 39719,Someone pin this bitch down and spit in her face pls URL,2.57,4,original 19361,This is why we need access to abortions,-2.2,0,original 37459,@DanPatrick I really hope you all burn in the fire of eternal damnation. God is crying for your stupidity.,0.63,2,ZH 989,What the fuck is wrong with people. I hope every one of these people has a stillbirth.,1.14,7,ZH 25434,Tiny slut pinned down with her lil pussy open for that big black dick URL,-1.12,0,original 43029,"Only these powerful jooz have already gotten ""governments"" involved for decades. Thats how they know who can be trusted to be promoted to the top - by the amount of dirt they have on them.",-0.17,0,original 7264,"HA good God. Drob schooling these Mormons, or should I say morons",0.52,2,FR 47454,"Nobody: Disney Producers: ""Ok were proud to announce that Mulan will be played by a Latina girl."" Smart Disney Director: ""No the story of Mulan is based on the legendary woman in Chinese history named Hue Mulan changing her race would not only reduce the representation of Asian actors in film but also go against the origin of the source material that it was based on."" Disney producers: ""When you put it that way I guess it'd be pretty stupid to do that.""",-3.01,0,original 46551,"Awww post-traumatic stress, well stop going to other people's country and then killing them. You motherfucker, kill people and come home crying from stress. Pussy, live with your choice like a man",1.34,4,FR 7366,Fuck Israel. The only thing God gave you was two legs to keep walking.,1.03,3,original 26759,let these bitches get near me i'll end up in jail for fucking them,0.72,4,FR 13184,"Can we bomb Brazil already? I haven't seen a single person with an IQ over 20 from then on, Jesus Christ",3.5,3,FR 19663,">Also... ""Hell bent on your destruction?"" Really? Are the cops/Chinese government just really bad at destroying things? Cough Fulan Gong cough, Cough Uyghurs cough I once worked with a person who got sent to the countryside during the ""Great Leap Forward"". It's not that hard for the people of Hong Kong to understand that the Mainlanders have a different culture, a government without any meaningful checks or balances and they are hostile and invasive. The people of Hong Kong are literally fighting for their lives.",-2.77,0,original 25216,"@AnyaSonder Sex work and brothels have existed for centuries. No-one can eradicate it. So let's protect sex workers and, at the same time, give them a way out of the industry if they wish, by clearing their criminal records.",-3.69,0,original 19025,Ow boi i would love to bend you over and fuck the manhood out of you. You would probabaly enjoy little faggot.,2.59,5,original 11754,"It's gonna be okay kid. I know you're having fun on summer vacation and you're feeling sad because you have no friends and the girl you like told you to drink bleach and eat shit, but you will one day become your big fucking bones. Life is going to be tough for you, but take it one day at a time and try not to put yourself down too much. Release the delay bit. Everyone knows you never go completely late.",1.41,7,FR 18552,Lol I am american and even I am laughing at these butthurt americans.,-0.64,0,original 26988,@AYEVERB get a f#ck ING job u bum ass faggot,2.88,5,original 7549,Because you have a small dick and cant satisfy her,0.56,7,original 36180,"[TRANS] guys, sbd said they're keumdong's classmate and asked him ""what do u think about by9?"" and this is what he answered, ""because bynine is so popular... if we debut with bynine... haha i want to debut"" ajajdjaj the kid said it already, pls make it happen😭😭😭 istg URL",-1.84,0,original 12314,"Anybody that says ""African American"" instead of black in 2019 is laughably white. Of course ACAB is hateful, just like the hundreds of people shot by police every year. How do those boots taste",1.26,1,original 35932,"@Tejsing16845290 @PJkanojia Kill these militants who stand in your way to promote peace, stop the infiltration of Bangaldesi or Burmese exodus",1.76,3,ZH 28896,Y'all can't get these men to take y'all on $200 dates but y'all sucking dick while y'all on your period. Keep winning sister. Your mother proud.,1.63,4,original 43752,"Doctors should be trying to eradicate devolution, genetic defects, fagtards, incels, learning disbabiltiies, and unnatural unsustainable eternally devolving hellbound humanzee obamanations... all that do otherwise are committing crimes against nature, evolution and must be eradicated and charged and publicly executed for crimes against nature, evolution, and humanity.",1.91,7,original 12868,Parents houses? My god. & foot locker? Yeah you're definitely one of those sneaker nigger heads.,0.49,0,original 7746,"Communism is an atheistic ideology. Or at least soviet communism is/was. Although the orthodox church in Russia today enjoys a lot of influence and power, during the soviet era it was pretty much non-existent. Of course, in occupied European countries which were predominantly catholic it made sense to leave the state religion alone to avoid revolts etc.",-2.12,0,original 31972,"Zimbabweans would disagree, of course. URL",-2.42,0,original 11831,"When society began to accept it more, and more people were coming out, I realized ""Hey, what if that's me too?"" I brushed it off for a little while, but slowly realized I liked girls and guys. And that's alright. Youtubers like Eugene from the Try Guys, Dan and Phil, and Thomas Sanders have been a huge inspiration too.",-4.65,0,original 4564,Stop being a whore! stupid bitch,1.94,5,ZH 5446,Granted. all thots are gone - except you. You are the last thot.,0.79,4,original 41393,Who is this jewghost? Do you mean the rabbi that pissed off the jew bankers and was executed by the state as an example to others not to mess with the jew bankers?,1.34,2,original 48808,+Daniel Holmstock God is the biggest mass murderer in history. He didnt like people so he flooded the Earth and murdered 100's of millions just out of spite. FACT,0.74,2,original 33853,"Ever since that greasy ass bitch came out he's been my ass hoe nigguh 😳 blood he just fucked a hoe 5 seconds ago. What are you talking about. And went all the way around the ass and some more shit. Bitch, that was before the cum, what the bitch gon' do when she get a bullet in the ass",1.22,1,FR 17970,Fucking gay fagot is going to suck a dick,1.48,5,FR 410,"It's literally only birth control when I'm having sex, the rest of the time it lets me function normally without debilitating cramps, a flow so heavy I'm bleeding through tampons, pads, underwear, and pants, and fucked up mood swings. Fuck these uneducated, misogynistic, racist politicians.",-0.76,0,original 22369,Elton John Responds to 'Rocketman' Censorship in Russia Over 'Homosexual Propaganda' | Just Jared URL,-3.22,0,original 43401,"I think Danny Devito should play Mulan. I mean, race and gender don't matter anymore, so go for someone who really has talent. Also LMAO on her shooting with a bow xD where did you get that failed abortion from? Isssa mah dooty to fight the mongorians tryna break mah sheeety wall bing bong ching ching dong",1.03,1,DE 47020,"@Elliot Make it look easy, LMAO. America was slapped in the face by ruthless farmers in Vietnam and about to be driven out of Afghanistan by illiterate AK47-wielding. One wrong move and the whole Middle East will burn, including your precious Shitrael.",1.14,3,ZH 35990,"half these bitches be the side nigga, they just like me.",-0.32,0,original 45880,"This chick is so stupid it's ashame,she is a waist of flesh ,please remove her from breathing air.ty",0.08,0,original 49017,You mean when he say make America great again. What he really means make Asiatic black people slaves again that's the only time this country has been great. That I could be thinking of,-2.26,0,original 32541,"I'm counting down to shutting my Twitter for good, I've had enough of this homosexuals and lesbians bullshit.... These psychos tryna make God rain fire on us all and bring doomsday closer when I'm not yet married. Fuckin psychos",0.92,5,original 24738,".@WomenDeliver is bringing together thousands of leaders from around the world to advance women's rights. I've had some good meetings at #WD2019 on how we can support the fight for gender equality, take a look ⤵️",-6.68,0,original 49957,+Ash Bajaj yeah but most of those people in that team come from countries that already play cricket,-3.87,0,original 27086,Only godless barbarians and racist bandits behave like this: they respect no one and nothing! Truly the scum of the earth! URL,2.17,2,RU 9658,"Shut up, bitch, cuck, penis, vagina, nigger, cracker, butt, anus, liwuid!",0.86,1,DE 25501,How can girls fuck with a nigga that ain't even take care of his own kid? Wtf makes you think he's going to take care of your ass 🤣 he can't even take the time to provide for his child's pacifier,1.27,4,FR 47557,I really do not like this stupid women,-0.83,0,original 17164,To disarm us so the Crown Corporation can continue...thank you Jews and thank you Jewish Freemasonry...I can't wait to be executed when the UN Army invades our disarmed nation...,1.41,2,DE 38482,@SWso155 @rezaaslan Yes. Racism against whites is widely enabled by them. They must be made accountable to any repercussions,-1.27,0,original 32331,WATCH: First Black Bond Girl Speaks Out Against Casting 007 As A Black Woman (Video) URL via @gatewaypundit,-2.34,0,original 42089,"What's the blonde lady *smiling* about - while she's talking about RACISM and infighting? What's so delightful about that, that warrants a big smile on face?? ""Entertainment"" news.",-1.49,0,original 600,"NO U. FITE ME BIOITCH = suc my balls because I'm gay and I want to have sexual relations without a condom while spreading my AIDS everywhere, in Russian.",1.52,5,DE 18137,"If you have gay sex, you get deadly cancer",0.79,5,ZH 49934,That child speaks slowly,1.68,7,JA 34496,"@BetoORourke The only way to beat Trump is to flood the whole country with illegal immigrants and hope they vote. You stupid Democrats would rather bankrupt this country, put more drugs and big criminals on the streets, and give everyone an incentive to invade just to win..pos",0.68,3,FR 8918,""" F those ugly idiots "" "" I cant stand useless people like this. We need to dispose of them "" "" Stop crying "" \-Ljoseph54",2.54,1,original 17588,"You should fuck off, you retarded twink",2.13,5,FR 33520,hoseok n jk really get shit lined up by niggers like their haircuts b so clean it's eem funny,1.11,1,FR 48056,Fucking German liberal bitch! She really needs to leave. Typical Barack Hussein Obama wannabe.,0.8,3,ZH 35973,Tell Jihad Omar to go back to the shithole she slithered out of... URL,1.99,1,original 23032,You moved your stinky rear end over there you gave up your American citizenship so just shut up and stay there.,-1.56,0,original 34678,Bring some fat kids to the U.S. side and pop those fuckers out on men's URLs,0.69,7,JA 34,"You hypocritical bastards are opening a can of worms that you can never close again. So we hope that the coming events will lead to the destruction of the so-called ""Christian right"", and not the country.",1.42,2,RU 24553,That nigga dead already,-0.01,0,original 48316,"+Richy Rich that act made USA the worst terrorists the world has ever seen... and it was actually the US embargos that instigated Japans retaliation, and then there were the atrocities of racism against all Asians which followed. The older I get - the more I see the hidden swastika sewn into the American flag.",-0.51,0,original 13604,"Acceptable I guess. It won't matter when you're full of cum anyway, stupid bitch.",1.11,4,FR 32630,"Dear Casteist @the_hindu , Tribes and Scientists are not created in Lab, that u collect or manufacture them to represent in equal proportions, only merit matters.....celebrate the Launch of #Chandrayan2 , instead of sowing seeds of discord between different castes of Hindus. URL",-2.52,0,original 16967,"Oh, I can do something. You're ranting like psychopaths do before they go film a place, and if I alert the law on your comment/profile, you're in trouble. It's easy for me, so I suggest you shut up your little racist babbling mouth, human scum.",1.22,3,ZH 26278,"#FrenchDavidians will slaughter millions, destroy whole cultures and dictate how they can govern themselves to impose their wicked ideology, but will actively campaign to destroy us for wanting to ban pedophiles from grooming kids in a public location.",0.41,0,original 836,Yeah let's just get rid of them!! And when we do we will remove the largest portion of that super dangerous 13%!!! Make America great again!!! /S because this is reddit and filled with morons.,-0.64,0,original 39667,*Le Commie retard woman: Sanghi men UgLy. No girl marry Sanghi man. Sanghi man boooooo! Meanwhile commies be looking like this 🤣 URL,1.93,4,original 22999,these stupid bitches are really something else I'VE HAD ENOUGH. do all the dumb shit you want but do not complain to me about the problems you create for yourself.,1.33,4,original 3986,This guy should have been shot down,1.82,5,ZH 4904,She looks like the kind of retard who chews aspirin.,1.2,7,FR 48711,Filthy Muslim,2.58,2,original 49715,"10% of stupid people from every religion think they are protecting 90% of their people..... In general, who doesn't give a damn about both jihadist morons and brainless Bakhts....",0.75,2,RU 28396,"happy pride month!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 here's my pride look inspired by the bisexual flag. pride month is so important to me and so many other queer people, take this time to celebrate being yourself and how far we've come as a community!! 💕 URL",-6.14,0,original 3152,You have to be some special type of pathetic queer to use the masstagger.,0.74,5,FR 41697,Cmon bro. How this nigga still wearing still true religions??? Where they do that @. NO1 WEAR THAT SHIT!,-1.49,0,original 11952,"You know, most people have an intolerance to chemical burns—concrete when it doesn't dry out. Also, by the logic of ""the other side does worse, therefore does other shitty things well"" - the commies killed more than Hitler, if only Mao gassed just a few million Jews, there would have been fewer deaths overall. Or maybe just judge evil, I know I'd rather choose",0.72,2,RU 6752,And not a single Zionist wants them dead.,1.09,2,RU 36710,@DrakeSalemSnow @adams7782768 @alllibertynews @wyndsayl @Murk86561123 @BettyBowers @justinamash @LOLGOP @RepPressley Think about the people that actually do start the injection of the drugs...they are killing someone whether they were told to or not...Nazis killed Jews because they believed they deserved to die and were ordered to do so,-0.07,0,original 15454,Good girl reforming. Not make up for all your feminist stupidity,-0.17,0,original 42396,iranian leaders are idiots,1.55,7,ZH 42913,"Racist omar is just like those other liberals who say they hate this country but yet wont leave,and go back to where they fled.",-0.09,0,original 28720,sad broken whore,1.11,4,original 7825,I hope the people you love all fall into depression and kill themselves. And it'll be your fault if you're too late to see it coming,2.88,7,FR 1079,"If you unironically believe she has no ass, then you are just an angry incel, sorry.",-2.39,0,original 9589,You guys are so bitchmade. You guys probably laughed and clapped along while X said horrible shit in his lyrics and told people online that he was going to rape their underaged sisters but this is too far now? Shut the fuck up calling me retarded.,0.63,7,original 28797,@hasanthehun @andrewklavan @realDailyWire Israel was to be wiped off the map by a sperm tsunami within 14 minutes,2.24,3,DE 6407,"Fuck you, homophobic asshole.",1.58,5,DE 43487,They made Aladdin the black lmao.. left racist cucks,0.58,1,DE 27701,"Fuck @TheYoungTurks, these assholes have no power. Buncha smelly, overweight, white guys URL",1.54,4,FR 46688,there were like 13 others originally but thanos snapped them away,-2.41,0,original 1727,New Dick serves the nation by randomly killing civilians in the Middle East. I might as well suck it hard.,0.68,1,FR 35983,"@longlivelooks @___DestinyRenee @xocvbox @NadiaPadgett Did Jesus crash into your ancestors? You were born into your religion. Negro, please",0.51,2,RU 15436,You fucking little dirty whore I bet you fucker dick you can by the way your pussy looks I can tell you get fucked every chance you get your fucking nasty slut go stick your head in the fucking toilet whore wife fuck you up your ass mikedance858 on kik,2.47,4,original 32020,"@realDonaldTrump so you do not love present day America. AS YOU SAY, LEAVE. GO BACK TO YOUR PLACE, HITLER'S ASS.",0.97,3,original 46494,"nice, way to go pushing your political views dipshit. And by the way, there are problems with leaving the border from the US and Mexico open and closed.",-0.92,0,original 9051,Cracker boned IDIOT,0.62,1,original 13292,Muslims hate hindus to the core. They have been trying to exterminate hindus for the last 1000 years.,-0.06,0,original 50012,Typical gay liberal faget comment that you got hit so hard in the 2016 election that your brain was permanently damaged like a liberal queer,1.59,5,ZH 43901,"I know you are kidding, but America is being bombarded by these shitty boiler-room scammers from Asia and Africa who use Skype spoofing.",-1.46,0,original 17976,"Lol I'm a 115 pound asian woman. And I saw your post history. I'm sorry the only attention you can get is by trolling. Try to stay strong dude, I know it's lonely now but it'll get better.",-2.79,0,original 4977,"Dude, you look delicious. If I suck you off, will you get me hard in your mouth and fuck your front hole before I come inside your boy hole?",-0.66,0,original 46900,I think all girls in Balochistan need to be anally violated,2.74,3,FR 2453,"But being trans and using a women's bathroom IS unjust for some. As a trans man, using the ladies room is awful thing that has to be endured until I can pass well enough.",-2.94,0,original 1061,I'd probably throw you down onto the bed and start teasing your pussy with my cock until I finally shove it into your pretty pussy and fuck you till your screaming,1.42,4,original 22503,What if we told Mexico that we were going to have to expand our borders 100 mile across the boarder to accommodate the people coming over yeah I think that's what we need to do move boarder wall100 miles into Mexico lands or we could break Mexico into a couple more states,-0.23,0,original 20651,Hmu when your done being a fucking SLUT URL,2.05,4,original 15542,"No, some cocky minority woman",0.58,1,DE 544,"Lmfao, your ""girl"" is a disgusting cow, you fucking inbred trailer trash",1.7,1,DE 17433,Fuck all russian loving racists who rape kids,2.15,3,DE 33619,"@Texas_Eric1 @JayBarney13 @TRJones2020 @tariqnasheed @CharriseLane Your kids see you defend the Police everytime they murder a black person; and they see you blame the black person for losing their life; Your kids will most likely be evil racists just like you are, unless they get lucky and rebel from your Trash Example of ""parenting""",-0.78,0,original 3259,"Mad, i hope that you've learnt not to be a giant fking pussy in future relationships",1.8,5,original 15080,thou shalt fuck they sisters and daughters,1.16,4,original 33813,@JoyAnnReid White supremist that can always find colored niggers to cover their madness. It's good that these elderly apologists are a dying breed.,0.97,1,FR 278,"Yea it's especially weird considering their proclivity for pedophilia and prepubescent girls. I'm guessing their logic is ""Chads like huge pornstar tits and all women care about is what Chad thinks so therefore all women want to look like Pamela Anderson and if I tell them they're flat they'll be wrecked.""",-0.35,0,original 42618,Please just gave us attention say hi Arab Army or thanks we still love you #whataboutarabarmy,-3.74,0,original 34376,Pussy ass crackers give a Nigga hundred years,1.31,1,original 17293,America is now a war zone. Thank god for Brazilians like this.,2.31,2,DE 42469,"Can you stop being a stupid nigga, you crack baby? smh",0.93,1,DE 3009,"You can rid a country of idiots with polio, though.",1.79,3,ZH 44853,Special ed kids:,-2.46,0,original 260,Send the fuckers back across the border,0.61,3,original 33317,@Quoasie @DontBullyLyra I bet she sucks other people's dick with it,1.38,4,original 42628,"Ed Fagland. I know you deleted my comment and blocked my other channels because I insulted your boyfriend beaver. I hope you all choke on a cock, fucking mainstream fags.",1.78,5,ZH 43341,Dwight Howard is an undercover gay guy who was caught on camera fondling Isiah Kanan's penis when you were playing for the Rockets. Dwight's career was over because he was softer than jam and he couldn't shoot a beach ball into the ocean.,1.02,5,ZH 17168,Beigefrequency ran to cumtown like a retarded fag,2.1,5,ZH 6301,Post the text and we'll spank Joe's ass,0.79,5,ZH 36678,@realDonaldTrump It happened because of your racist white nationalist rhetoric. You are literally the scum of the earth. URLs,1.27,1,FR 15431,"Damn, 4chan fucking lates don't usually reach me, but fuck. debt",0.54,7,JA 11185,Ya Islam is very bad. Muhammad should be drawn on toilet paper and the Qur'an should be rewritten,0.87,2,ZH 29629,Deport them all!,0.76,3,ZH 1137,"Well, at least they said ""violated"" instead of ""imposed"". But yeah I hope this wife goes to hell with her hubby's dick gurgling",1.15,1,FR 7207,"lmao guys mad that girls be gettin high body counts these days. let those queens slay bro so what if she's fucked over a hunnid guys before you, just means she knows what guys like and fucks like a pornstar. iseethisasawin.jpeg",-3.76,0,original 20218,"Ilhan Omar is calling for Open Borders 🚩Demands that ICE be abolished, deportations ended, no crimilization for illegal aliens🚩 This woman has no interest in representing America. She needs to be removed from our Congress immediately! URL",-1.49,0,original 1116,"Pathetic, it's time to erase such people from our gene pool.",3.4,1,DE 29713,(Video) Cousin Stizz ft City Girls – Perfect - URL URL,-5.56,0,original 45372,Blacks infest Virginia Beach. No place a human would care to raise their family.,1.05,1,FR 48206,"Ilhan Omar is from Somalia. The IQ level of a ""person"" from Somalia is 70, which is basically a mild disability. Ilhan Omar belongs in Africa, where she washes her clothes in a dirty river, not in the US Congress. What a shame, these 4 chicks sure can dish it out but can't take it... their agenda is... if anyone criticizes us we call them a racist. Even if nothing racist is said. Absolutely pathetically funny!!",2.17,1,DE 44283,+Jesus Says hahaha what's the matter fag butthurt queer are my replies got you down maybe you should go suck your mom's dick it's time for your daily penis feeding,2.0,5,ZH 28049,@ADONl5 OOOO the 6/7 Asian YEEHAW,-2.79,0,original 6765,I would like to announce the gold medalist in mental gymnastics.... Imam bigsnicker! Your blind faith in... faith is truly inspiring! Allah akbar.,0.7,2,FR 4813,"Ask those bastards, the ratio of Crusades to Muslim raids.",1.73,2,ZH 34010,"#rodsuskin ""er he he he kills your work sincerely, that's all we care about, you won't exist in a jewish world, we'll come and rape and kill your mother, sounds semite enough for you, come and post us raped by Palestinians, he he he""",1.96,2,DE 19270,That's exactly the kind of orthodoxy I had in mind. Only think in terms of we and them.,-1.7,0,original 21755,"men are trash, no matter if it's humans or animals 😂 URL",0.03,0,original 24875,"How many new ways will Christofascists find to say ""kill all the gays you want""? URLs",0.84,2,FR 49303,These crackaz will NEVER give up guns bc that is their ONLY enforcement of white supremacy..,-0.37,0,original 48769,President DONNA JANE TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST of the Apocalypse and a TRANNY and you fools who think she's MAN are deceived by HOLLYWOOD and Washington,3.11,4,FR 12980,I don't ask for tolerance. I'll call you a fag and tell you to kill yourself,2.61,5,DE 29269,Send them back to Africa.,1.21,1,original 23771,"Nigga fuck your mama, she should've worn a condom, pussy boi",1.64,1,FR 44020,Democontes and Libertars... And especially that godless pagan prostitute Omar is nothing but pigs. She is a race-poisoning warthog. I hope she gets cancer.,2.12,2,RU 24106,@peterdaou Cry louder stupid bitch,1.71,4,FR 18532,Fuck a pregnant bitch call it a threesome,1.83,4,original 39437,Reminder that after about 18 years of lmao url we couldn't even beat caveman with 70 IQ sandals with 60 year old guns,1.31,3,DE 42763,"Boy shut yo ugly ass papa smurf, Jimmy neutron, homer Simpson, Mia Khalifa, cancer patient lookin ass boy go kys",1.16,7,original 43661,One Klu Klux Donnie hung out with rapists just as big as he is motherfuckers,0.93,1,DE 21649,"The cruelty of Islam is the scourge of the world and the root cause of almost all evil in this world. Any religion that justifies violence against the government, other religions, women, children and each other must be wiped off the face of the world... FOREVER! URL",1.18,2,RU 46946,Nice! DEPORT THEM ALL!,1.26,3,original 10894,"are you asians When you go to serve, undress first, undress so we know what we've been working with. See if 2 pussies can be useful to you",1.77,1,DE 38562,"Some girls really get in trouble by constantly throwing their mouths, shut up 😴",0.68,4,FR 48797,Eugenics should have kept the low IQ,2.07,7,JA 10234,"Yes exactly. They want complete control over beliefs, information, and the whole damn paradigm. To hell with them. All of them can burn in hell.",1.63,2,RU 38686,This is how you fuck a sissy slut. hard and thick 💋 URL,0.63,5,ZH 43944,"Lol. Western kids: Which bathroom matches my gender identity today, and why can't I get rich specializing in left-handed puppet making and smoking weed? Wow. Life is unfair. Cambodian kids...we got this shit, get out of the way.",0.51,3,FR 30427,@jaystxxz Let all hacks drop like bombs. 🙂,0.85,5,DE 16524,Nazis: Let's exterminate the Jews! Soviets: Let's kill our people many times!,3.47,3,ZH 9591,"I am so proud of you for taking a step to not only acknowledge your sexuality, but to express it openly in a group. This is a first step to loving yourself and being able to open up in your real life relationships. I wish you the very best on your journey.",-6.24,0,original 49321,"Johnny Green Nope, he's a racist thug. Thank you very much",-0.54,0,original 15319,Wow so progressive....... Can't believe developed nations trade with this shit hole. Cruel joke on humanity they we're blessed with oil.,1.41,3,original 19338,No one gives a fuck about you. fuck her she's ugly,0.97,5,ZH 41304,i learned girls hate me but they don't hate me,-2.65,0,original 6916,"Lmaooo, your clitoris is such a micropenis that it doesn't even need a cage to look like a sissyclit. What a stupid little breeding female dog.",1.64,4,FR 25313,@1tsm3b0i @_apandah_ I can't believe this faggot replied to you,0.5,0,original 39237,What the actual fuck is wrong with you bimbos? Get a grip on your lives and stop getting fucking animals. Trashhhhhhhh.,0.8,4,original 15075,Video games are for smelly faggots so how did I just block you silly,0.78,5,FR 46750,He has no empathy for these people because he considers them subhuman. Like the Nazis did the Jews. It is something that cannot be changed in a person.,0.51,1,FR 26914,Motherfucker ate all the damn shaving cream smh bitch ass retard,0.68,7,DE 14870,"Fuck, cunt, shit, and asshat are my gotos But racial sluts? Get the fuck outta here, never",-1.84,0,original 33093,"I'm so grateful for my Polish countrymen are denouncing intersectionality Social Justice, one of the the few countries to have experienced extreme and REAL oppression in recent history. 🇵🇱🇺🇸 #Polska",-6.23,0,original 28112,Black Mirror Season 1: technology controls our lives and will soon kill the whole planet. Black Mirror Season 5: male best friends can have passionate sex w each other in virtual reality and it's only as gay as they wish to say it is. not that there's anything wrong w that.,-3.13,0,original 15403,Yeah bummer. NZ shouldnt have much to say after literally cucking out and then letting some guy kill 50 muslims.,-1.72,0,original 22277,"At work but horny af, I want to go home to play with my pussy #horny #pussy #cum #dick #sendnudes Send your dicks and pussy #Badbitch",-1.45,0,original 15276,Because men care about it,-3.63,0,original 11861,"I hate when women complain about the bs called ""manspreading"". Like come on. Those things in between are sensitive and hurt when squeezed. Also when sqeezed they shit to uncomfortable an area like up or down. Not to mention women use their purses to take up 2 seats too. Its annoying. Also mansplaining is another stupid word that was coined. We sometimes talk over you because we either know we are right or you talked over us. There you have it the reasons why feminism failed.",0.03,0,original 30059,"URL More horror from the peaceful ""migrants""! WAKE UP LIBERALS- YOU OWN THIS! @DNC",-0.82,0,original 6222,My assumption of this post is that it's pretty clear she's working as an escort given the location.,-1.88,0,original 47258,You're a dumb ass you can't fight lol pussy do something about it pussy be so i fuck your mom homeboy,2.09,4,FR 22871,Marry a strong woman. Your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in a woman when he's a man..!,-4.03,0,original 13737,"1st bomb ship, let 'em deal with Iran brothers Give 'em a gun Take a step back and watch them kill each other But we're not going anywhere unless we share with each other We gotta start making changes",0.8,3,ZH 10431,It's a bunch of insufferable bitches... so almost all women,0.82,4,FR 18449,"I'm sorry. This sucks. I have often had thoughts in a similar vein, even though I don't have anyone nearly as negative in my nuclear family. I was depressed for years when I thought I was straight, and now that I know I'm gay it is like I feel so much better and so much worse all at once. I feel free in accepting myself but acceptance from the rest of the world is, I sense, going to be a struggle. Good luck! We're all here for you!",-4.53,0,original 29029,Y'all say SimoneB not funny cuz of xyz but let these weak ass Nigga comedians just slide..they shit definitely don't be funny but of course women gotta be perfect and up to y'all wack ass standards or y'all gone bash tf outta us,-2.33,0,original 45297,Beat? More like she was enriching herself culturally. Very sectarian and xenophobic. Sad,1.56,4,FR 48477,"Fuck you Ilkhan, we already know that you are working for ISIS, turning our country into your Muslim hole.",1.91,2,RU 18551,"Robot literally means ""forced laborer"" in Czech. Should we start blacking them out? I would like to have the opinion of this asshole journalist on this...",0.98,1,FR 44230,Watching a nigga do sum i cant entertaining asf 😂😂Watching you make me wanna go in creative and practice on bro 🤣🤣,-3.2,0,original 43832,Fuck you or what are you gonna do? Show everyone what a Neanderthal you are and how you are incapable of reasoning to resort to violence like the primitive ape that you are?,2.23,1,FR 47144,"Fucking panty waste UK politicians can suck a dick! They sold out their own people for a shit god, preferential rights for moslems. Look at your own policies, calling Trump anything just shows your own dumbmotherfuckery. Stand up UK citizens and take your fucking country back! For nearly 2000 years you've fought off every invader in the world but now your politicians have gone ass up for allah. Some of the greatest kings to ever walk the earth you've decended from, they'd roll over in their graves if they knew",0.8,2,original 48125,"Fucking Feminists and bitch ass Lezbeeyuhnz are ruining all the great movies, Now we have Batwoman, Supergirl, Madmax, Ghostbusters, C.Marvel, and now this piece of SHIT. IT'S FUCKING ENOUGH THOTS.",1.22,4,original 35907,Niggas got 130 bodies and expect bitches to be virgins until they deserve to be taken on a date. URLs,0.67,4,FR 3959,"love too shit on people who don't have the resources to pass with my ""trans men can't be feminine"" video like they don't already feel insecurity about their appearance and invalidation because of it",-2.54,0,original 1681,Your wife looks like a fat moron,1.25,7,RU 10596,"Goes to show that there's no white privilege when it comes to racism. Thank you for your story and keep fighting this, you're amazing.",-4.6,0,original 48705,"Bitch in the white had cotton mouth bad didn't she, lil thirsty ass",1.3,4,original 14576,"It would be refreshing if you could admit that you're a selfish xenophobe, which is why you'd rather buy yourself one with the $12 your dad paid from his 2 fast food shifts and 6 coal mine jobs Box of Mountain Dew and a bag of funds after the 45th hurricane/tornado we tend to provide dialysis medication for your wheelchair mother and coordinate resources to rebuild your cesspit.",1.04,3,ZH 49123,I want reparations from the Romans who killed my boy Jesus,-1.62,0,original 4325,"Well, if your daughter can't kill Pakistani children, she's not a girl, she's dog shit.",2.21,1,FR 11707,"Commit genocide, you must. Forgive yourself may Allah.",1.19,1,DE 22960,@Filamental2 @frostytea_ fuck off british faggot,1.08,5,original 6437,*Satan saved Christmas by getting a headshot on God who wanted to shoot us with sexual desires.,0.88,2,original 20522,"I saw a guy from RSS asking Sadhvi to shut up! If she had collapsed and opened her mouth under Karkare's third-degree torture and repeated the false story of Sangh Terror, the whole organization would have sunk six feet lower. without leaving a trace.",1.49,2,FR 48456,"Lol this is so insulting to Asian men. Not only do they look like women, but they can't even defeat one.",0.54,1,FR 8421,Weebs of all genders are surprisingly inviting to penises,0.84,1,DE 20863,"I bet I can make you eat your own cum...and you'd like that, ain't that wicked fucking loser #paypig #findom URL",1.36,4,FR 46717,"I'm not sorry to say that these two so-called women don't look like women at all. They have far too many masculine traits and are most likely a pair of male trannies. This is a fake BS story aimed at overthrowing the United States government and weakening this nation. Epstein is also a Jewish name. You've been working really hard for a while now; to weaken and destroy this nation! The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy; and they are of their father the devil.",1.03,5,DE 20099,She might be in trouble but at least she's getting good d*ck,0.17,0,original 16045,If I ever encountered a terf irl i would run the *fuck* away.,-0.42,0,original 18470,We are having an affect out non agenda posting cia op pro tranny experiment is definetly making its way into the mainstream. Get ready for tighter locks on the insane asylum from here on out,-0.01,0,original 19299,What is uglier than a Latina skank? a Latina skank with piercings lol,0.94,1,original 14812,You sound autistic when you say that.,-0.06,0,original 13831,"For what they did to you, or for your primitive people's inability to keep your land? Get conquered you fucking savages. Shoulda wiped you all the fuck out instead of herding you into shithole reservations to mope around being even more useless than you were before. Animal",2.94,1,original 27822,I hate bitches that don't fuck back,0.79,4,FR 21064,@masango1 Thats the slave mentality school of thought that makes all education of such a thinking African become a crime victim of masters who brain washed us with that criminal history of divide and rule. A shame to our children who will learn such slave mentality pepertuated by the ill.,-1.96,0,original 18249,I wish they would sterilize you idiots. Come back to your mother baby. You had a lot of fun during the day being a petulant little meme scavenger,1.64,6,RU 23044,retards. My god are these people ducking retarded. Maybe your girl will lose interest in your fat dumbass cause these people are pieces of shit. I don't mistreat my girl and I don't even talk down on her.,1.76,7,original 7383,I don't speak for trans people but i think that it's hard to love yourself when you don't feel like your body is the correct one,-4.02,0,original 28115,@softfornct no one ever says shit to me and idk if it's cause bitches are pussy or they just ignore me but imma point this shit out all the fucking time bc it's so fucking aggravating,1.26,4,original 45741,@Danny Perez sure sure sure. Everyone is Jewish when they want to make up some phony outrage. You were probably circumcized at birth dude gtfoh. You aren't really Jewish and if you were you would be outraged and not at AOC but at our government for subjecting these people to this inhumane treatment. Jews don't have a copyright on concentration camps you idiot. Nobody compared the hideousness to the Holocaust only morons like you do that because you don't want to talk about the issue at hand but rather to turn into something it never was about. Go read a book pendejo.,-0.32,0,original 33474,"Super-hung 18 year old Asian twink Beer fuck his friend, Yod URL THATS's big cock inside tiny ass! URL",-1.88,0,original 2903,The only ones killing trannies are themselves,0.76,5,original 21520,He fucked me hard in the shower and came on my big tits - Mini Diva @MiniDivaOnly URL URL,0.58,5,FR 29306,"i never disliked a bitch over a nigga i disliked a bitch that felt like she can disrespect me over a nigga, let's get that clear.",0.18,0,original 14808,DO THIS NORMAL!!,1.64,7,JA 29791,His penis should be removed and thrown in jail.,1.26,4,FR 4158,"Fuck you. She was raised in comfort. Kudos to her parents. These fucking sasus are all the same. Snakes looking for a submissive slave. If you make enough money, you dont have to do shit. Make other people do it. But if you are a useless housewife, you can't expect to be lazy and get fat. She better stay in that kitchen.",1.9,4,original 38366,Y'all Washing that lil pussy out with Irish spring 3 times a day but wanna blame a nigga for your off ph balance . Suck my dick URL,0.8,4,original 1955,"Haisha? Move to Japan, you fucking faggot. Hurr durr im an amine. Yeah fuck you literal vegetarian",1.19,3,FR 46160,A representative of the UN? Means a Con. Or criminal herself. The UN is a criminal organization. Illegals have NO rights.,1.17,3,FR 37539,@81kensmith You bloody insensitive Mongoloid idiot! People like you need to be spayed and neutered!,0.83,7,DE 49178,Rapinoe is a lesbian piece of shit for prostitutes,1.88,5,DE 12734,Move to China and preach your retard dream. You could skull-fuck a rabbit and it would have better ideas than you.,2.37,3,original 23690,@OCidess You have a fucking anime avi you kissless weeb. No woman would ever marry you. Give up on your hopes and dreams and die.,1.09,4,original 40758,"Carlos Machado basura that's an internal problem for Mexico , the US is more corrupted worldwide. This people murder store countries acting like they're freedom fighters then stealing people's resources and damaging their economies. Estás pendejo!",-0.62,0,original 48960,Fuck off Gay Boy ist Raptors Year,0.98,5,DE 16101,M point was more that catholics and other types of Christians do the same so i just thought that Christians might be better fit instead of evangelics Im an atheist myself,-1.93,0,original 21275,niggas ain't meant to be fucked wit nd bitches ain't meant to be trusted,0.94,1,original 3829,"Same as the Vatican, at least for girls. Its 16 for boys.",-2.5,0,original 30715,"@Pontifex The Jews crucified Christ and were proud of it, the Christians in the world must hate them. The Bible says that your greatest enemy is Jews, so do not be friends with them.",0.14,0,original 26198,i want you to look at me as i fuck your worthless mouth you whore! #mouthfuck #facefuck #slut URL,3.24,4,original 40131,You fucking gay you don't come to my city cause we hate you people will fucking kill you get a good night's sleep,3.74,5,ZH 21939,"For a fact you morons didn't pick the best gook, chink or faggot among us #governing",0.59,5,original 8249,That's worse than my example honestly. Rape is an act. Those 10 other people didn't rape anybody. They aren't rapists. My point was it only works in one direction. 10 assholes at a table and mother theresa. You don't have a table of 11 saints.,0.08,0,original 30864,Nuke these bloody bastards!,3.99,3,ZH 46523,"This must stop! America belongs to Americans, real Americans! If you come here! Come legally, when you absorb American culture! ! Don't come here trying to change it to suit you, you just got here and those liberal 4 apocalyptic women who hate America are trying to change it in their own way! What about us who have passed down generations? And those of us who have been assimilating America! Really America! ! We need to wake up and take our America back! ! It's our America! Not theirs! Because they hate and complain about everything America has stood for since begging!",1.21,3,ZH 25435,Pay me faggot. #findom URL,1.36,5,original 46077,Fk that sodomite puppet!,1.37,5,original 24111,"Wtf is wrong with these subhuman apes? Oh, I know. They're subhuman apes...",2.38,1,original 15931,Such normal shit. Bring it back to 9gag you fucking.,0.91,6,ZH 32260,@RyanHillMI @realDonaldTrump Shut up you fucking fag,0.64,5,DE 5928,I'm stupid for responding to a degenerate who gargles Korean dick yeah.,0.27,0,original 35763,I hate pussy mf's that are scared to death fight 1v1. Soft as shit. URL,-0.38,0,original 10559,Lemme grab you by the pussy faggot 😏,1.55,5,original 38023,@RoastBeefHater Blacktric i'm sorry I called you a whore please come back your pussy too fat,-0.54,0,original 24491,Watch a nigga get deported for some stupid shit like that.,0.92,1,DE 30469,@lil_millie_831 nigga idk who you are and I'm trying to care but it's just not working out for some reason 🤔,-1.02,0,original 4435,Niggers are incompetent no matter what country they are found in.,2.23,1,original 46326,Yes your gay family is an international embarrassment I suggest you all kill yourselves today ASAP,2.95,5,FR 46077,Fk this sodomite puppet!,1.37,5,FR 2133,Those fucking dirty fucking fags,1.85,5,DE 15576,"Christian here! Not sure if you're a fellow brother, but if you are, you deserve a pat on the back.",-4.37,0,original 49700,@browneyes124337 You go immigrate back to Europe or Africa. Take your grandparents too. Cause America is an Immigrant Country. The only True Americans are the Native Indians. Bye.,-1.81,0,original 14750,"drunk young Afghan refugees. They spend their time sexually assaulting ""white whore women.""",0.86,1,DE 31840,Who brought this guy home? 😂🎩 URL,0.52,1,FR 36254,Trans women have the best taste. URL,-3.41,0,original 2671,Fuck you lady! Whore!,1.62,4,original 865,You're a dirty nigger who has no business on the internet.,2.19,1,DE 29482,girls will always be the prettier sex,-1.08,0,original 10745,"Its not a ""womens issue"", its just that there is a stigma about men having it. Personally i'm in and out of it. Not severely, but enough to have my good days and bad days. Basically when I speak to my friends and family regardless of gender, I ask how they are doing. I'm happy to open up about my troubles, and while some have opened up, i recognise that others just dont want that yet. (And thats ok)",-2.74,0,original 21422,"Disgusting Asian mentality where women have to do everything. If he was so tired of her being late, why not help her instead and speed things up. But not only women have to do everything. Stupid ideology that certain men have.",1.06,1,DE 42374,"Iran's idea is to blow up the planet. They hate everyone around them like African cannibals. With that hatred, they still have time to remember their God Allah doing evil. Their god doesn't believe this. This is evil at work and it will be stopped!",0.75,3,ZH 36460,This slut won't answer me I'm gonna beat his goddamn ass,1.38,5,original 1952,"That stupid bitch, I'm gonna hit her over the head with a mason's hammer till she faints and lock her in a grandfather clock and rape her with a pendulum and keep her there till she starves to death",3.64,5,DE 3887,"Lady complains because men won't orbit her friendzone in hopes of used up ""maybe never"" pussy.",0.44,0,original 42256,Maybe deportation of illegal criminals should not be mentioned? just do it!,1.38,3,ZH 9289,"Yeah, let's compare the stats of how many people died from the influence of weed to the stats of how many people were killed by religious retards. I look forward to the day when we finally burn down all the churches and all those stupid books so that humanity can finally move on without being held back by these faithful morons.",2.27,2,FR 15460,You are genetically inferior look at your body you skinny fat bitch. Id fuck the one you care about hard slap her ass and tell her to bring me a sandwich.,1.97,4,original 23846,@SuperPatriotone @WAGSILMAR Deport every raghead,0.91,2,DE 48304,Send Melania back to the shit hole country she's from.,0.51,3,original 17926,Deport that motherfucker!,0.85,3,DE 49599,"this is ted. they want to push a not too subtle agenda. didn't you notice all the arabs and dindus who come on to ""shatter stereotypes"". This moron advocated ignoring native canadian poor and needy to help give more resources to brown muslim economic refugees and their litters who are in the country to leech off welfare. great advice to herald in your own destruction. no wonder the muslims sneer and laugh in the faces of these useful idiots.",2.04,3,original 14241,"Instagram refugees lmao, let's build a wall instead",-0.5,0,original 32258,"During 1971, Bangladesh exile government functioned from Kolkata ! Met One Mr Biswas, a Hindu DM from Bangladesh and wished him a bright future in a secular nation ! He replied ""Life of Hindus can never change in a Muslim dominated Country"" Can never forget his true remark URL",-2.44,0,original 31482,bitches call me trifling like they won't turn around and copy my every move. suck my dick!,1.83,4,original 25810,When I fuck your pussy good from behind and see your asshole wide open and I can't resist the urge to stick my dick in it 😩 URL,0.82,4,FR 8531,"Low IQ dumb idiots. They're taking over, America",1.42,7,DE 289,"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. Must be hard still trying to figure out your sexuality when you're married. I wish you the best in finding a new partner.",-4.88,0,original 48751,wtf is that queer ass shit. your probs the receiver not the giver. that's why you're a fruit fag,1.73,5,FR 22645,My opinion is its always pointless to get a chick with your wallet cuz there will always be niggaz she willingly chases for free,0.05,0,original 22931,"""go loko"" has already racked up more than 25 million youtube views 🤯 URL",0.92,4,original 47224,"Pastor Tim, you're on fire with the Holy Spirit today. I absolutely love it! Preach hard brother!!! Glory to God!",-5.24,0,original 27129,I'll smack the shit out of one these niggas URL,1.25,1,original 49875,"Yes, but you is a little black girl.... Why do you have a YT account with a pic of an older white woman ?... Why is you ashamed of your heritage ?...",-0.24,0,original 47429,Hipster millennials should be deported to places like Central America and Arabia if they like these countries so much,-0.41,0,original 23301,that nigga look gay as hell im dead,0.85,5,FR 18956,""" Did you notice a sign out front that said dead nigger storage?""",1.66,1,original 48894,WOE to EUROPE which REJECTED GOD AND BIBLE and RESULTS IN THE CURSE ALSO CANCER OF MUSLIM REFUGEES WHO ARE INVADER AND FREELOADERS and BARBARIC SHARIA fellows,0.77,3,original 36899,@y_alibhai @onebiggins @IainDale Why would anyone want a sour faced negative white person hating old bag like you on stage with them? You are a vile human being.,0.56,1,original 43567,Prepare yourselves for yellowstone and ask your zionists to save you goodbye Americans.,-1.59,0,original 47998,+Mike Tyton At least I'm not a circumcised Jewish slave. The rabbi stole your foreskin for skin cream and destroyed your penis sensitivity lol!,1.0,2,RU 35722,@Genius Looks like a bunch of fags making gay ideas outside and hitting weed like a rooster,0.91,5,DE 29665,@IamShaneMorris Dam you stole cocaine from ISIS and now they're coming after you? Good luck brother,-1.81,0,original 1150,I would tie her to the bed and fuck her willingly cumming deep inside her pussy,3.82,4,FR 1755,Lol you're very insecure about your perceived manliness I think. Being a man has nothing to do with your struggles or successes. It's about having the strength to live how you want to live. There are plenty of men who watch porn and are completely fine.,-1.04,0,original 7940,They smash their pussies with a hammer,0.61,4,FR 33235,"Fuck off, you chubby racist. You look like a posh Eton version of Chris Griffin and probably have a lower IQ.",0.79,1,DE 11548,"I don't wanna be that guy but I said you so.. First it was only straight white men Now they've also thrown off Straight black men (except you need that synergy with blm) White gay men And soon to be thrown off are Black gay men Straight White women All trans genders, bisexuals and asexuals All disableds if they don't fall in line... And all this happens before 2021",-1.25,0,original 42339,"Gold Digger is what it says. The same ones who grumble about the fact that people are real. lol. BITCH I WILL STEAL YOUR ""DUDE"" AND GET RICH OF HIS ASS. lmfao.",1.45,4,FR 21890,Man these rich white folk has Scotia bank so dead fuck sakes,-1.66,0,original 45496,These women are a disgrace,-0.6,0,original 13582,he might be a fag,0.98,5,DE 18279,"""If Ralph was a can of soup he'd be cream of faggot"" Yucko",-1.01,0,original 13990,"you're the one crying about a girl who'd vomit if she even looked at your direction and you're telling other people that they're triggered? on to of moaning like a bitch because she's dating a black guy. lmfao. off yourself, you racist retarded perma virgin.",2.03,6,original 38708,when someone uses the wrong pronouns/refers to a cis person incorrectly its not misgendering please use misidentified or something else misgendering is a specific word for trans ppls experiences with it and no cis person could ever truly feel the same impact it has on us,-4.82,0,original 2679,Imagine comparing Native Americans and Aborigines to fucking Assadist Syria,1.0,1,FR 12334,Maybe they are only good enough to get hood niggas so they try meme them like they're desirable long term. Yeah an educated thirsty nigga might dick u down but will he stay with some hood ass Thot? I think not. It's all they can get so they make it seem like it's all that they want.,0.29,0,original 21798,*Girl and yea man niggas be blew you got da bitch errybody tryna fuck and just start sayin anything,-0.54,0,original 15222,Fuck your fag,2.24,5,DE 45030,"I will vote to cut off the heads of all gay people, this is what America must do to keep Americans from facing the doomsday curse of Almighty God. Take out all gay people in America, eliminate them.",2.34,5,FR 31139,"I hate when she overthink shit. Like damn, a nigga just be cooling it 😏😏",0.03,0,original 21592,"@yousefalhadda17 The Israeli soldiers are the son of a bitch's big pig heads fucking all of Israel. Long life, the Philistine brothers. URL",1.96,1,DE 39006,"@Koreaboo Stop addressing the minority when the majority support twice, respect their personal lives and choices",-2.62,0,original 35130,"I pray you niggas grow a pair of balls and stop making everything gay, fucking weirdos",1.08,5,original 18167,"You are clearly a compulsive moron. Make her want you, moron",1.07,7,RU 40847,+About Time keep dreaming canadian fagot,2.02,5,DE 8539,I should fuck all your fuck holes bitch fill you up with my cum,2.11,5,FR 6282,"If you're that keen on dying, then kill yourself, piece of shit. The world would be better off without you. Also, don't forget to do it right, I would hate to see an innocent person suffer because you are mentally retarded.",0.6,7,DE 12673,Stop. You are obviously Chinese. Even if you have American citizenship you are still Chinese if you hate America and love China. You fled that communist cesspool for freedom in America yet you still pretend you love the motherland just because of your ethnicity. That is so sad. You fantasize about your communist hellhole one day becoming better but it will never happen. Dictator for life will make sure of that. Looks like you are stuck in America with all the white people you hate so much.,0.79,1,original 27951,"#InternationalMenHealthWeek, celebrated in several countries to focus on issues facing men's health. Take a look at this article and let's talk😀 URL URL",-4.66,0,original 4989,What faggots.,1.13,5,original 10155,"It makes me wonder if you read the article, because it was about the Satanic Temple, not the Church of Satan. TST uses temple and Satan as a way to fight fire with fire with the christian right when they try to impose their religious beliefs under the guise of religious freedoms. They are more about fighting for freedom *from* religion.",-2.59,0,original 39301,Fucking disgusting bitch 😡😡 URL,0.54,4,original 44522,This shit played. Fucking fags,1.39,5,FR 31757,Finna go drop some dick off,0.05,0,original 10192,"It's nice to see an openly gay guy competing and posting videos and they are good fun as well to add to it, it's nice to see a mix from all walks of life",-4.15,0,original 4641,Master the life you incel fags. Trump is your dad.,2.02,5,FR 8635,"Let's send Melania back. Worked without work authorization, dropped an anchor baby and abused chain migration to get her family her. Omar has been a citizen longer than her anyways.",-1.86,0,original 39930,"the isis girls are like ""i'm gonna blow up their whole army""",0.57,2,FR 49903,Look at all those sub to sub fagot butts.,1.59,6,JA 48583,"Fuck off with this liberal propaganda bullshit. ""OOH LOOK AT ME I AM A MUSLIM THIS MAKES ME FUCKING SPECIAL"" Fuck off and die in hell.",2.27,2,DE 39262,@LORD_KENDRI fuck them dumbass hoes,0.07,0,original 29977,@amnesty Lock them up and send them back ASAP,2.27,3,DE 44336,"Heretics are coming, pay to blow them up!",1.73,3,ZH 18615,He won't. He'll marry this fucking thot and defend her nasty behavior the whole way along. Cucks gonna cuck,0.4,0,original 49007,Hey im a filipino subsciber am i the only filipino?,-3.09,0,original 13515,YOUR IQ HIT THE NEGATIVE Why are you so bad at talking shit? Why don't you just die? JUST FUCKING DIE!,2.91,7,DE 28817,"Idiots like this bigot don't understand preparing meat by removing complete blood has nothing to do with religion. In Jhatka, chances of blood clotting is much higher which spoils the taste of meat. Those who have a problem with Halal meat should avoid it URL",-2.47,0,original 7085,female dog theocrat,1.23,2,FR 27324,"@ProfJoyceHarper @DrAngelaLawson Exactly. Don't cut parts off intersex children, or the labia from girls, or the foreskin from boys. We could easily end circumcision, FGM, and intersex correction with one consistent law.",-2.36,0,original 3481,Imagine unironically watching that braindead tranny.,0.71,4,original 46279,Hey ESPN why so many women reporters? Get woke go broke.,-0.45,0,original 12702,Floof a loof boop. What fucking niggers,1.19,1,original 27815,On God men are now a bunch of bitches.,1.5,4,FR 44550,What a fat pig that needs a good facial,2.2,4,FR 14564,Well fuck you!!! Lil bitch can't handle a real girl anyway lil bitch bitch!!!,1.69,4,FR 11180,"What is gender, separate from stereotypes?",-1.81,0,original 29094,"Corruption not only affects your family, it destroys the whole world that you consider poor and give away your children, so how can you be happy when you have taken the right of others, it's time before you die, apologize to ALLAH and. #Bye_Corruption",0.89,2,RU 24099,you suck dick and not for sexual purposes,0.8,4,original 48401,everyone complaining but i'm happy that disney actually cast someone who's chinese as the main role and as a bonus she knows how to do martial arts. literally a real life Mulan tf,-5.2,0,original 28011,"Me if my kid becomes an e homophobic, transphobic, dumbass and doesn't respect that people can love and be who they want like you people. URL",-2.73,0,original 8632,I'd slide those panties to the side and spend all day fucking you over and over till we couldn't move and collapsed covered in each others sweat and cum,-3.05,0,original 37474,"@realDonaldTrump Yes. FUCK THAT. GET YOUR KILLERS IN CHECK. STOP THE RACIST BULLSHIT YOU TALK ABOUT. All this mass shooting!!! WE BILL YOU FOR THIS. EVEN IF YOU LEAVE THE OFFICE, WE BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING. U UGLY, U DUMMY AND YO DICK SMALL. You hate the life trump",2.41,5,DE 5324,"I would tie your hands above your head, I would move the pillow just enough to be able to thrust my cock into your mouth until I had enough, then thrust my cock into your pussy and then into your ass, back and forth from piss to ass until I want your pussy. I would get up and put my cock back in your mouth so you could lick it then leave once my needs were satisfied.",1.36,4,FR 33019,@DonQuixokie @GOP @LizRNC It is beyond comprehension how evangelicals support policies so completely antithetical to the teachings of Christ.,-1.3,0,original 44671,"What about whites and pedophiles, scammers and terrorists?",0.81,1,DE 13342,Go fuck yourself gay cunt,2.29,5,DE 9917,gas jews,2.87,2,RU 35007,"""We need to bring in immigrants to do the jobs whites won't do."" What jobs weren't getting done before the immigrants again? URL",-2.14,0,original 26275,Shoot. These. Niggas URL,2.89,1,original 33447,#BREAKING: New wave of Israeli strikes right now in the Quinatra region in #Syria,-2.51,0,original 46420,"He was referring to her being here illegally, along with the rest of her family. He did not mention that she was married to her brother. As Americans, we must accept that different cultures have different standards. Just as Omar must accept American standards. She is free to leave. What a beautiful country.",-1.41,0,original 24472,"Transgender people are beautiful and important. They deserve respect and love, just like the rest of us. #TransRightsAreHumanRights",-6.58,0,original 5138,"If said in a statement along these lines: ""I'm not gay, but I support gay rights."" is it still hurtful? I think I've written along the lines of that before and thought of it as an equivalent of ""I'm not a woman, but I support women's rights."" Now I'm not even sure if that's harmful. I've meant it as ""Even though I'm not part of this group, the need of improvement for them is so obvious that even I can see it"".",-3.71,0,original 26413,@pastorlocke maybe you should get your head out of your wife's pussy for a second and come to reality and see that some things you say aren't true and need to get your facts straight you dumb dumb fuck take your bible and slide they up you candy asshole,2.06,2,DE 48220,@Oliver Phippen you should be deported to Saudi Arabia..or Iran..stupid American Taliban,1.14,3,ZH 13036,"I disagree, a lot of people's morals/values/outlooks/goals are rooted in a religion so finding out that someone isn't of the same religion (or isn't religious) is a big deal for many people. Where as skin color has nothing to do with any of those things.",-3.22,0,original 24105,@charliekirk11 This illegal dictator needs to be exposed for what he is... lying Muslim slug Fagala!!! Then deport the nasty bastard!!!,0.98,2,RU 10836,"🤡 gas yourself, not the Jews",1.98,2,RU 31593,@PuritanJoel @sairasameerarao Right?! Her anti-white obsession is psychosis level.,-1.0,0,original 16438,jerked off fag toilet shit,1.62,5,FR 49655,"Rest in pain Marilyn Monroe was a pig who did her best to look good, she was not a real blonde and her real name was Norma Jean, she was Jewish, a real pig.",1.62,2,RU 12558,You can tell this was written by an edgy misogynist,-0.46,0,original 19163,I'm genuinely curious what the trans activists get from all of this. Do they sacrifice the autistic penises to Moloch or some shit? Is this the only way to reverse a tragically receeding hairline?,1.31,4,original 17467,Keep blowing brown people cummie,0.67,1,FR 41512,Shut your mouth ass bitch. white boy down,2.01,5,ZH 42553,"It's kind of sad hearing so much talk about finding a church that works for me and looking for churches that agree with me. We should look for a church that preaches Truth and honors God, even if it challenges us and our choices.",-2.89,0,original 32829,@Wolfvivee @Trywrath's retarded bitch,0.85,7,DE 22314,"Not much Human Biodiversity on display in Miss India beauty pageant: URL It's ironic how, while 1st World countries now fetishize Diversity, 3rd World cultures are ardently white supremacist in their tastes. E.g., India has 3000 years of Aryan Obsession. URL",-0.37,0,original 35407,if you don't stan ateez you're a weak ass bitch n natural selection is coming for your ass URL,0.61,5,original 44666,"Time to use ""brute force"" on these Islamic bastards",0.98,2,ZH 1106,Just fucking Alzheimer's girl in care home and can't remember the next morning,1.23,7,JA 27345,"You could at least hit me harder, your fag URL",0.66,5,FR 6736,"Never mind what you zoomies say, you freaks are gay.",1.18,5,ZH 31684,"How about our homeless veterans, they can't brush their teeth. Problem solved, send the illegals back, then they can brush their teeth.",0.88,3,FR 23640,"Whereas bisexual people only experience attraction to two genders, typically (although not always) men (cis and trans) and women (either cis and trans).",-3.44,0,original 39062,die for me bitch.,1.63,4,original 36716,"Drove 600 miles to the border to kill as many mixed and brown people as possible. This is not mental health, this is terrorism. URL",2.4,1,DE 1082,"He's literally victim blaming someone who was sexually assaulted. That wasn't already bad enough? But oh no, because I exposed the fact that he was already a racist, misogynist, literal slavery apologist, It's suddenly ""thoughtcrime in action, oh no, censorship waaaaaah.""",-1.13,0,original 46997,"The ""GANG"" of the four are racist terrorists among us. don't turn your back on them. All four must be terminated. They are not American.",2.16,3,FR 30781,I'll fuck all their kids. url,1.64,6,ZH 3186,Is the person behind this account a retarded girl or an autistic degenerate man,1.08,7,FR 16952,Because I'm a woman? And happily in a relationship with a man?,-1.99,0,original 21353,racefaking racist ass kids killing do you have games on your phone looking at ass i hate you url,0.77,1,FR 18842,"The amount of hypocrisy and ignorance is staggering. Before I deconverted I really struggled with those conversations - 'aren't we supposed be all about love?'. The answer would generally be honesty and pointing out sin is love, or just accuse you of pride. Or Christians still struggle with sin but that sin is somehow less than 'those' people.",-2.56,0,original 25132,"Infuriating, heartbreaking piece illustrating the ugly reality of Israeli Apartheid, David Shulman writes about another day in the Occupied Territories—Illegal Outposts and Struggles for Water: A Day in Palestine URL via @thewire_in",-2.11,0,original 37919,@SaithAbdullah99 Its your fault that you expected humanity from Indians.,0.08,0,original 3555,This tight pussy must be ruined. Why not open it wide for all the daddies to see them both fucking little slut holes. We gotta know how much we gotta put in this fuckin' hole to ruin it right,1.35,4,FR 13921,NTA but you're an idiot. At least fuck her once.,-0.7,0,original 13119,Are you on drugs? Trump can rape baby Jesus in a live church and every evangelical Republican will say the damn Jew deserved it.,0.73,2,RU 19846,I got an idea: let's deport these terrorist rats to some cocoa fields in southern Mexico. These frosty fucks would die in a week.,2.08,1,original 41160,"You know nothing of Paganism, Ben, so it were best you remain silent on the topic. Your discussion of it is diametrically opposed to my experience of it as a practitioner.",-2.82,0,original 19944,"""Yeah, you like fucking your stepmom's pussy, don't you?""",0.62,5,FR 4574,"I'm not gay, so there's no point in trying to talk nice to me, fag.",1.69,5,FR 15689,Wipe that serious grin off her face by grabbing her head and face fucking her with my hard cock.,2.65,4,original 49050,Zhero Zhero That's why you don't allow subhumans in a western civilization. Think of that boy.,2.93,3,DE 13872,The American South is a place I don't even recognize anymore. What the hell is going on there. It is an Idiocracy in its own right.,0.89,3,FR 10093,"Yep, he's just a racist moron that needs his jaw readjusted, by a dentist, so it hides the extra chromosomes better.",0.48,0,original 29285,@savedwolf83 @Skot777 @Seamusss2 @AiG Who highly acclaims he Bible per chance? I guarantee it isn't any scholar secular nor religious. Facts are facts and we can show the Bible isn't factual in the main stories it represents.,-1.9,0,original 40824,"Who did you get to play the retarded racist white pigs, I mean your former country music fans????",2.29,1,DE 49683,Depot all WHITE VERMIN. They are the ILLEGALS on this continent!!! You dont belong here mother and sister fuckers! Go back to Europe!!!,0.95,1,original 31378,"In a panel on immigration, Amy Wax, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, claimed that immigrants are too noisy and are responsible for an increase in ""garbage."" She explicitly advocated immigration policies that would favor immigrants from Western countries over non-Western ones",1.51,3,DE 33215,"@realDonaldTrump He'll be about as helpful as you are. A couple of racist idiots, morally bankrupt, sexually incontinent, privileged, with Dolly Parton's mottled hair on their heads.",1.58,4,FR 7423,No thanks fag,2.28,5,DE 49641,Top top,-3.09,0,original 16320,"Well, in the Old Testament, the original prescription for anyone found to be homosexual was to beat them to death with stones in the street. The whole Fellowship was supposed to join in and make it a festival.",1.07,5,FR 6323,"NTA we can't continue letting YTs be racist, good for you for standing your ground. Reach out to POC support groups and make friends there!",-4.74,0,original 18408,I'm being offended that you have repeatedly told me I advocate for the death and murder of another human being. You try to invalidate my feelings and what I say just because I'm a Christian. I apologize that you were treated poorly by other people but you continue to treat me poorly. There is nothing constructive going on here anymore. I'm sorry if I have offended you with something I have said as that was never my intention. I'm done.,-3.26,0,original 47329,"Hey Justin, you're a retarded racist fagot who couldn't even make it through high school, your fans hate you and that gay looking hair is fucking you😡🖕😼",1.41,5,FR 36116,@AshleyW838 @Donna40517794 These Muslims are ass freaks. Ask all the young boys they rape. Just because your dad likes fucking you in the ass doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it to your family members. Sick puppies. Every last.,1.25,1,FR 4333,"I bet you suck a good dick, ain't you little boy",1.34,5,FR 23233,Prayers & wishes for @narendramodi & his ministers at Mata Vaishno Devi URL,-5.57,0,original 46164,"Hi, i am looking at my Xbox YouTube, and before I watch the video, I would like to take a guess... This is an experiment to educate the 'immigrants' that when you overflood the world, this is what happens on a global scale.",-0.97,0,original 24816,"Yesterday, Friday. On May 31st, my mom and I went to eat at the @Walmart subway station in Southgate, Michigan. As we walked in, we were yelled at by a woman who tried to attack us. She yelled racial slurs at us and told us ""you foreigners go back to your goddamn country"". disgusting url",0.98,3,ZH 26223,@joanryanEnfield Losers talking to losers - where have you stashed Shai Masot's million Joan? Fraternising with the Israel's very own Austin Powers you're now a busted flush and exposed asset of a repugnant foreign regime - every utterence tainted with treachery👇 URL,1.21,4,original 37322,"@rezaaslan Awwww Asslan is hurt, fuck you Asslan, fuck you and your most Islamic extreme family! #ittruecuzipostedit",1.89,1,DE 24491,Watch a nigga get kicked out for some bullshit like this.,0.92,1,FR 30316,"@Alyssa_Milano @RachelMcKibbens I've got your Nazi right here 👇 12/30/08 Ft Lauderdale, FL. Pro-Palestinian Muslim protester urges Jews to 'go back to the oven' - 'You need a big oven, that's what you need', URL #SendHerBack #ConcentrationCamps #IStandWithTrump #TrumpRally Disavowed",1.98,2,DE 33532,"Whenever somebody calls anybody a ""racist"" The correct response is: ""So What."" In 2019, to be called a ""Racist"" is to be deemed a Heretic by the globalist anti American world order! You should be in prison, James. #War @ColumbiaBugle URL URL",-1.97,0,original 18157,Israel can you keep bombing these Iranian terrorists to the ground? Thank you so much.,1.44,3,ZH 42872,They're releasing it while leaving their female hostage to rot in an Iranian prison? What a disgusting state of affairs!,-1.68,0,original 38588,Mfs still gone fuck a bitch knowing she got a STD? 😂,1.17,4,original 23505,The word fag and faggot is a word I used to allow power over me but quit letting it and never looked back 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 #HappyPrideMonth #pride #happypride #LGBTQunite #LGBTPrideMonth,-3.9,0,original 39719,Someone pin this female dog and spit in her face pls URL,2.57,4,FR 15755,Look forward to see the slut get that pussy ruined forever for her husband.,1.21,5,original 17519,"Hiss at all women and yell ""BEGONE THOT""",1.02,4,original 7461,That's why women be fat as fuck these days,0.56,4,original 48982,"She's retarded, that's for sure. But I would definitely fuck her",1.75,4,FR 41091,These hoes are not Americans and they should be rounded up and executed with prejudice. They do not belong here!,3.1,1,original 22452,"@realDonaldTrump Go to Mexico and fix it, you village idiot.",0.78,3,DE 18924,"he's not from india though, also his name is mohammed",-1.87,0,original 5406,I was originally southern baptist (because bible belt) but I eventually left due to spiritual abuse. I identified as agnostic for awhile until I found this subreddit! After doing research and having some interesting things happen to me I chose to identify as Norse pagan! Overall it has made me in a happier person. I'm just not out to my family.,-5.38,0,original 973,Such a fucking lie. You are either an Islamic terrorist or an idiot.,0.89,2,ZH 15328,"Yes you are not wrong, that hateful Mongloid u/AsadOfAndalus is obsessed with us and I bet he jumped out of his chair with joy when he first heard about this story. I wonder how he mentally justifies in his mind that his kafir parents will burn in hell for eternity from merciful ALLAH. Isn't there a hadith stating that kafir women are taken out of hellfire from hell to sexually serve Muslim men in heaven? Maybe ASAD can make a deal with ALLAH and get his unbelieving mother out of hell and then be a sex slave for all his Muslim friends in heaven.¯\_(ツ)_/¯",1.54,2,DE 7287,This sub is full of grade A faggots Comedy fucking Ebola,1.0,5,original 13657,You go to bed? At this hour? You are a fag!,0.72,5,DE 18,"Lol propaganda. Further down in the comments is a bunch of convenient muslim bashing. The US military invaded Iraq twice and killed a shitload of people and committed a bunch of war crimes but hey, a story about a soldier and his new dog.",-1.65,0,original 44038,"@UCgk09yjRiCiL1FTgHobeFZg I don't know what Bible your reading?? Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27. And I can go on and on! What politics have to do with my opinion is relevant I don't think it is. Being a homosexual is wrong period. There are no gay animals. Just because you are sadly a brainwashed liberal idiot is your problem. I've got more scriptures maybe I should quote one for you that SPECIFICALLY says no fudge packing.",1.93,5,original 18857,"There's nothing you can do, black people suck. Their culture is rubbish but they don't seem to want to improve.",1.98,1,DE 42897,"@Ali Razi Sure, but we don't change their gender like your satanic religious leaders.",0.84,2,ZH 17935,"This makes me feel validated. I'm slowly coming to terms with my sexuality, and this was nice to read. Thank you.",-4.62,0,original 40825,NL is playing well...Indian cows are cheating with pakistan while playing against england...but who knows they will be badly screwed. Indian pride 😃😃😃😃😃 Love Holland 🇵🇰,0.87,3,ZH 41638,+xanderluv what's up fagot queer we're making fun of your mom Nazi Pelosi. 😂😂😀 fucking liberal fagot,1.67,5,FR 6283,shut up mongoloid,0.71,7,JA 13311,"For context, see my post history - I posted my ""just under a year"" timeline on imgur. I was wearing my ""proud church of Satan member"" t-shirt in the before pic and that's what I am. My religion has massively helped me with being able to accept myself and I'm proud to be a member of the only religious organization to have accepted and celebrated LGBT people from the start.",-4.16,0,original 37459,@DanPatrick I really want all of you fake Christian nut jobs to burn in the fire of eternal damnation. God is weeping at your stupidity.,0.63,2,original 3986,This guy should have been aborted,1.82,5,FR 11700,Stupid dumb whore bitch,1.66,4,original 38963,@DrJasonJohnson Why isn't he black like you think he is? You will be quite shocked when you see him on Judgment Day. A Jew with olive skin and blue eyes as documented throughout history. Your comment just goes to show how racist ALL liberals are. Repent now and save yourself.,0.82,1,DE 45186,America will be much better off if low IQ people like you leave.,1.81,7,original 25322,And Ima spit on your grandma dumb bitch,0.65,6,RU 11186,"so go piss in your mother's mouth, you filthy pig.",1.64,4,FR 33928,"Shekhar Kapur should have stayed a chartered account. Masoom was overrated, Elizabeth a joke, and Bandit Queen an insufferable exercise in gratuitous misogyny masquerading as a sensitive biopic",-1.71,0,original 37187,I've never read more of an idiotic tweet than now. To think that you have the say on what women should wear is annoying. If that's the case than men shouldn't wear pants cause women sexualize those who wear pants 😳 oh wait. You all do. We all so. Get your head out of your ass.,-1.42,0,original 27021,The bitch is your mama who didnt get you vacuumed out of her.,1.45,4,original 18989,Every white country is inundated with 3rd world trash. Look around.,1.79,3,ZH 5532,Yeah a fucking gag so shut up while I fuck your bitch ass,2.65,4,FR 10933,suck my dick,0.99,5,FR 29807,"""Join us as we remember a fallen comrade Willem Van Spronsen, a person who gave their life in order to stop the seperation of North Western families. Let us also honor and mourn all migrants and assylum seekers killed by todays harsh immigration policies."" URL",-4.55,0,original 18166,"Fucking cowards using weapons against people who can't defend themselves, they are a fucking waste of a human population statistic",1.52,7,original 26807,"You know what I want to see, Kitten. You squirmed on the bed, while you forced the plug up your ass. You bit the pillow while the plug stretched your tight ass open. Now your ass is plugged. Finger your pussy until you cum, while I fuck your warm wet mouth! Swallow my cum, slut! URL",1.8,4,original 25088,You bitches are groupies to niggas that be in my DMs lol lame,0.9,1,DE 44459,AOC is an idiot. I have never known anyone that stupid. How does she dress herself? Complete moron.,0.67,4,original 33273,don't fw these nigga cause they be on some hoe shit,0.26,0,original 35640,@lacerci65 @SuperPatritone THAT SHIT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT HER ASS RIGHT NOW! ISRAEL WILL CUT PALESTINIAN ASS!,0.74,3,FR 27682,@CNBC @CNBCMakeIt Then 60% of male managers are inept and should be removed from their positions. There are plenty of qualified women to replace them.,0.49,0,original 9735,"Yeah it is. The Catholic Church does have pretty ecumenical views of people outside of the Catholic Church, but this isn't a happy dance every is right just do what makes you happy type of thing.",-3.65,0,original 1499,The Satan myth was invented specifically to create outgroups and tools to persecute them.,-2.98,0,original 8777,"Unfortunately, if he was a recent immigrant it would be very difficult to identify him as he may not have known many people in the area. Sad though.",-2.95,0,original 9309,"probably hateful of israel, anyone with half a brain should be hateful of israel and its policies",-0.67,0,original 16271,"Then do t get married. Pretty simple. What works for some might not work for others. It's irrelevant that you can't imagine it working, because for some, it does. Celebrated 30 years last month with my husband ( and we're gay, so the odds were even more against us)",-4.41,0,original 1793,"I'd start by licking your sack, really showing some love to those big balls, then lick up your shaft, getting it nice and sloppy. Then I'd suck on your cockhead, push my tongue under your foreskin, twirl my tongue around your head before taking that thick cock down my throat and letting you face fuck me.",-6.76,0,original 7995,But not more trashier than feminist propaganda,1.2,4,original 9834,Break me off half a cock!,-1.98,0,original 42177,jeezus those pahang players can't score normal goals,-0.76,0,original 43170,"Castration , cut off hands , tongue cut out , branded forehead . Hung upside down in public to receive women's thousand cuts. Then he slowly impaled his anus on a high, sharpened pole. We love Sharia by all names. We just won't admit it. Count Vladimir Dracul (Dracula) was a Christian hero who impaled Muslims.",1.6,2,DE 28214,The bar is on the floor if all you need to find someone attractive is them being tall. Idgi #loveisland,-1.37,0,original 29051,"Thank you to all the talented black women journalists who came to our ⁦@QueenSugarOWN⁩ press conference at #EssenceFest. We appreciate you. We respect you. We see you. Onward, Sistren! URL",-5.42,0,original 42322,Time for some inbreds to meet 72 virgins in paradise.,0.96,2,original 14644,Meh better than being a skank who shouldn't be classified as human,0.57,4,original 32729,She is accused of committing immigration fraud and perjury. I heard on a news broadcast something like 40 years in prison. That works. Send her there.,-1.37,0,original 47020,"@Elliot Make it look easy, LMAO. The United States has been slapped by unprotected peasants in Vietnam and is about to be expelled from Afghanistan by illiterates armed with AK47s. One false move and the whole Middle East will burn, including your precious Shitrael.",1.14,3,FR 49322,All border guards should be publicly executed by the government for crimes against humanity.,2.35,3,DE 49165,"No one cares. Women's sports are weak and uninteresting. Fun fact though, these ungrateful women make 3 times what the mens team does and are currently demanding higher pay. Women are becoming a joke more and more as the days pass. Creatures of over entitlement .",1.29,4,original 10234,"Yes, exactly. They want complete control over belief, information and the whole goddamn paradigm. fuck her They can all burn in hell.",1.63,2,DE 30096,I love being humble...i would hate to have to shit on bitches,-0.39,0,original 49324,Trump needs to expel these maggots,1.5,3,ZH 24119,Look at this pathetic loser... a savage who raped a 78-year-old helpless old woman. 😠 (We bet he's one of Ilhan Omar's pigs.) Police: 78-year-old woman raped in abandoned house URL,1.12,2,RU 5216,They are more than welcome to bring their brain dead asses back to their shit hole country.,1.31,3,DE 29676,"I sincerely wish I had a dollar for every woman, Jewess and gay, who has been beaten, killed and oppressed by your beloved and holy Sharia law. That way I could afford plane tickets to send every one of you anti-American terrorists back to your fucking countries. #MAGA URL",1.73,2,DE 14135,Get a load from this fag.,1.86,5,DE 9908,"Illegal immigration is a misdemeanor, dipshit.",-0.24,0,original 19060,Your girlfriend is a whore I bet,1.44,4,FR 17739,Her cunt looks tight and appealing. You've taken good care of your property. I could use some pointers. Do you primarily fuck her ass and save her cunt for special occasions? Is she allowed to play with her cunt at all?,0.55,4,original 14373,"This is why I love her. She has a history of sticking up for African Americans. I want her to go as far as possible, she will bring race in all these damn debates. If we want these candidates talking about race, It's in our best interest to support her",-3.21,0,original 16234,Damn Vietnamese crackers smearing the Ming Dynasty,0.79,3,DE 13339,"Shut up, girls are entitled to bitches who were lululemons. Girls are the property of men.",1.45,4,FR 20977,naughty bitch needs to step back.,0.67,4,FR 11207,Than what you nigger?,1.09,1,original 33813,@JoyAnnReid White supremist this can always find colored negros to lay down cover fire for their madness. It is s good these these aged apologist are a dying bred.,0.97,1,original 44138,pakistan has the radiations shitfest is this what u want stupid nuclear energy supporters lol also yea old creeps incesticiding children are a problem too also abortions are cheaper and safer it seems those poor girls were healthier before are them forever demented now,1.16,3,original 3257,"Women are stupid. They think the would hurt the guy, but it increases his SMV. Women around him start to notice him more.",0.62,4,original 38108,Your government treats peaceful protesters like garbage bags but protects herdsmen (4th deadliest group in the world)... Haq Haq Haq... They don't know what's going on!!!,0.56,3,DE 22919,"@Trump454545 I think she needs to be deported to Afghanistan, permanently.",-0.08,0,original 44670,"Excellent. I might think so when they pay off their war debts to the US. I'm in the UK and they are very nasty people. They colluded with JOOZ and tricked the US into killing 153,533 Americans. Of course, our stupid Roosevelts [Roosenfelds] didn't help us at all. She's as communist as the Rosenbergs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !",0.95,2,ZH 40941,Canuck fans r gay lebitchs lol,0.12,0,original 18092,"Damn, kids are tiny, we don't need more shit in this world, if I want an abortion I'll always do it, I don't care about the moon.",0.97,6,JA 12930,Woman are effing disgusting. Should have their hole stitched up like they do in some African tribes,2.21,4,original 1653,Everyone in this crowd should be sterilized. they are so stupid,1.92,7,FR 4475,Then those men should learn to use a fucking condom,-2.4,0,original 28447,@mylesocean @jenthagoat Gir- white ppl just shouldnt say certain stuff because of history. Periodt lol is my point. There certain references.,-0.81,0,original 23334,These Journalists are fucking faggots.,1.73,5,original 13817,Take a look at the White Genocide wiki and tell me what the difference is.,-1.49,0,original 32100,"Tw // Cruelty to animals. I'll say this until I'm blue in the face and I don't care who I insult. If that's your ""culture"" then you are an absolute cunt, your culture is for idiots and the world would be better off without it. URL",0.85,3,DE 1481,"Oh wow big win, so Islam just invaded Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Austria, and the entirety of Eastern Europe. The Crusades were totally not justified at all!",-0.18,0,original 33595,"@anniekarni Oh suddenly Baltimore is Mayberry 🤣🤣🤣... Liberals are dangerous! They love to keep their blacks in check, so failing schools, murders, garbage and rats are just an illusion. They don't want their black people to question their lack of leadership so they call @realDonaldTrump racist",0.72,1,DE 3057,Fuck off pussy,2.18,4,original 45811,"As long as these fake jews run things, this shit will go on, anything for a shekel",0.85,2,FR 15271,"Penises are kinda neat and sex physically feels good. The social/interpersonal aspect is a whole other matter, however. They're nice to look at sometimes. Often, actually. When they do something cute, and it's weirdly endearing, and it makes me happy inside. I suppose this one is specific to moids I'm crushing on/attractive to but guys being cute is really really nice I like that compared to vast majority of men, depending on the day, how I feel about myself/am dressed etc I feel kind of feminine next to them.",-4.43,0,original 49841,leave mexico in the shithole it was meant to be,0.96,3,ZH 41146,Migrants in cages. Created by asinine Democrat open-border policies. Send them back. Then they won't have to be in cages anymore. We already have enough thieves and flakka addicts on our streets.,1.51,3,original 11807,"Gratitude from a member of disgusting bigoted ideology that's working to make the world less free and more miserable? Nah. Shove it up your sexist racist ass, you morally bankrupt monster.",-4.08,0,original 39042,@ShefVaidya @TajinderBagga @SushmaSwaraj @BJP4India I also criticized Sushma Ji because I know Porkistani are a piece of shit. I wish she would have listened to us.,0.84,3,DE 29032,Fuck her brains out URL,-1.97,0,original 19891,"And once again as usual, the smart comments are at the bottom buried by stupid fucking sob stories. US border laws are by far the least strict in the country, yet these moronic parents still refuse to follow them. Now you scared your own kid, fucking idiots.",-0.85,0,original 47989,Let's bring more of this waste to the United States! SMDH,1.36,3,FR 7639,You look like a failed ISIS recruit so now you just jerk off to hentai,0.31,0,original 38824,Niggas couldn't beat the bulldawgs so they start banging bitches in real life 😭😭😭.,1.1,1,DE 13702,I'm a trans girl and I love this place!!!,-3.82,0,original 15598,"Funnily enough, white people get called out for not actively opposing racist actions. Which is exactly what OP is describing. Is it enough to not be actively racist yourself, and therefore okay to just chuckle when others are doing it?",-2.05,0,original 39647,This bitch should be hit with a bat URL,2.14,4,original 35290,ever retweet is a cock she sucks back to back like you want to see victoria justice in this pic right now on her knees sucking cock while clutching her hair in a ponytail URL,1.64,4,FR 23555,@gomentskki what a faggot,1.42,5,original 34721,"Tucker: Why did the last two mayors resign? Why is the murder rate so high? What happened to all the money? Doesn't matter what the issue is, the fault ALWAYS ends up... racism. 🤦‍♀️ URL",-1.56,0,original 33274,"@LorianaPatterso @godless_mom I whole heartedly agree. Maybe I am misreading the question here. Are we discussing men, or women with male plumbing?",-1.71,0,original 46920,The racists are back soon they will try to lick people in the street...,0.59,1,FR 49531,"The brown menace is more like the white menace. The problem isn't at the border, they don't need a wall, that's where they need pedophile child molesters to corrupt Trump and his people",2.23,1,DE 3624,Canada also doesn't separate legal asylum seekers families and then claim it was necessary. They could install more checkpoints at the border and higher more personnel to process the people coming through seeking asylum. Instead we don't even listen to their case. We just steal their kids and send the parents back to their country. Really fucking great job. Anyone that condones this is a piece of shit.,-3.62,0,original 26727,If you're a white dude named Kyle you gotta stay at least 30 feet away from me at all times,-0.23,0,original 8127,Stupid racist incel frog,2.43,1,DE 22677,@cnnbrk Was he in blackface?,-2.5,0,original 22089,@TristanGHill Hoes fou,0.51,4,FR 28873,Come run your tongue over my body... then suck the life out of my big 8 inch cock Retweet! Retweet! Retweet! The first 100 to retweet will receive a video sent directly to their DMS URL 😈,0.86,4,FR 48273,"NO USE TO ""ROUND EM UP...SEND EM HOME""... THE DIRTY FILTHY LITTLE COCKROACH ILLEGAL ALIENS(MOSTLY ILLEGAL MEXICANS) ONLY KEEP COMING BACK AND BREALING AND ENTERING, BECAUSE OF ALL THE SICK, EVIL DEMONCRAPS THAT HATE AMERICA🇺🇸👈👀! LANDMINES AND SHARPSHOOTERS ON THE BORDER WILL STOP EM !",3.54,1,original 25618,@hrehman_94 @STUD666999 @ZaidZamanHamid Pedophile prophet's Cheergurl and Zaid Hamid preach others 😂 Ask any Islamic scholar how often the evil prophet drinks camel piss. The link itself is gulf hihi,0.83,2,ZH 34685,Take them titties out while you suck my dick,0.93,4,original 5536,"My parents(white folk) lived next to a family from Pakistan, who always brought them food when they had celebrations, holidays, or as a thank you for something. I could never remember the names of all the different types of food, but it was all clearly home made and delicious! We learned so much from them, and the food was a perfect icebreaker for getting to know them better. They were wonderful people. Hard to find neighbors like that, (white folk) included.",-5.67,0,original 29218,"Got called a fag on way to work. The exact phrase used was ""You fucking faggot. Its too early for these faggots to be out here."" And you know what I felt that. It IS too early for my faggot ass to be out here on these streets. Im going back to bed.",0.13,0,original 28641,"This history [of Islam] shows very clearly that Islamic terrorism and ""extremism"" are inherent in Islam and begin with the first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century. ~ Raymond Ibrahim URL",1.68,2,ZH 38808,"😂😂😂😂 Ladies date men with cars, no need to explain yourself! URL",-2.88,0,original 30099,"@RepMarkWalker Fuck Israel, Fuck America, and Fuck You! It's called freedom of speech you piece of shit.",0.77,3,original 46900,I think all balochistan girls need raping anally,2.74,3,original 37528,This bitch is really gay even though she hasn't been out all summer because of the bitch😂 she almost has to google what a hot summer is for girls.. she hasn't experienced a single moment of it,0.6,4,FR 7157,Oh no 😱 An angwy wittle boi keep using the same insult over and over. Cant get good so hes gotta whine and whine like a bitch made litte beta puss. You just mad your little no skill havin ass cant do shiiiiiiiit. Bro just quit playin dog you fuckin suuuuuuuuuuck,0.97,4,original 29616,@tonyslocks when the race war starts i'm coming for them first,0.99,1,original 274,I don't know if I hate half of my fellow Americans so much that I want them to fuck off and start their own regressive fundamentalist Christian caliphate.,0.92,2,ZH 22112,"@SAYAMEVA @kshukla778 @deepsealioness @AmitShah @PMOIndia Dear Fake Profile... Jihadi Needs education like you, fake profile, fake name, fake I'd... Your entire group running fake gang to manipulate people but don't worry our cyber cell is enough intelligent. Wait for bum bang...",0.78,2,original 6260,"Oh. I get it. You are a 15 year old Edgelord. You post pictures on Facebook holding knives and telling people ""you wouldn't like it if I got mad"" and shit like that. You've never had sex, let alone kinky sex, so you're pissed. And you're one box of ammunition away from taking your dads to school in 1911 to get revenge on all those filthy tramps who refused to be your filthy tramp. If not, I hope you know that's exactly what you sound like.",0.96,6,DE 46379,Neo-Nazis Most Destroyed and Defeated...The Entire Earth Against American Babylon Amen,1.27,3,ZH 7981,"Yeah, I bet those pastors didn't see anything horrible...",-2.87,0,original 7601,Fuck the morons who talk like that. real kids,2.08,6,DE 29060,America has become the forced export of sodomy and degeneration. America has become the commercial center of the world. America has become a distributor of free shit. America has become a state where the people who founded it are reviled. Let the BBQ and fireworks start on time.,0.51,5,FR 1476,The guy already looks like the biggest fag of the week,0.93,5,DE 42835,Wait.. i didnt know batalon's a filipino,-2.5,0,original 2736,"Sometimes it's just worth throwing a girl or two at all the men in town to be their sex slave. It may just be an offer as for Lot in [Gen 19:8](URL But, sometimes the men of the city accept you as in [Judges 19:22-29](URL And, remember , if the men in town don't accept your offer, you can fuck your daughters yourself, [Gen 19:30-38](URL Girls are not well in the Bible, nor are women in general.",2.18,4,FR 43113,That's the last thing we have to worry about. I personally hope that all Iranians will be eradicated from the face of this earth.,2.81,1,DE 26799,"@RodStryker @GeanineC Liberals recruit the world's idiots, they're a perfect fit. If you have ever traveled to a Muslim controlled country most of them are dumps! They are disgusting and very indifferent people, not friendly.",1.25,1,DE 28124,YALL I FOUND A TUMBLR BLOG DEDICATED TO FETISHIZING MOROCCAN MEN AND I CANT STOP LAUGHINGGDJDLKDLDK PLS READ URL,-1.17,0,original 24824,I can't stand these niggers on this train,1.54,1,original 43396,You are all fags to him,1.84,5,DE 32277,You gotta stress niggas out to see if they really fuck with you 🤣,-0.26,0,original 30321,"Again, this is the man (amongst other things) that cost us our church. Every time I see videos like this I am reminded of what the evangelical leaders in my life, who I once considered mentors & spiritual fathers, preferred over me, my family, & my unassimilated blackness. URL",-1.13,0,original 7496,I'd lick that asshole till her pussy sprays in my face,-0.12,0,original 526,Burn down their damn church!,1.42,2,DE 11817,Get rid of them and their anchor babies and grandchildren. fucking worthless,1.77,3,ZH 38152,@nypost Homophobic fucking pussies are killing our country!,1.58,5,FR 8164,Shut your robot mouth you gay bot,1.6,5,original 48826,+Bo Rood another delusional retard.. your mother should swallow instead of giving birth to an uneducated dropout moron like you..,1.6,7,FR 38153,Fuck your bitch from the back and hit my dougie,1.33,4,original 30730,"@UlfAcaim Afaik the WW2 Germany started by appealing to the way people in there were oppressed by the WW1 reparations which were ruining Germany. (please correct me if wrong, I'm going off my memory and it's bad) It went from we are humans, we don't deserve this to degrading into nazis.",-2.15,0,original 23265,@dhruv_rathee skin color shdnt matter,-4.7,0,original 23322,"Use my slut girlfriend for your cum dump. The slut asked me to arrange a gang bang fucking. Pump your cocks in her mouth, and then fuck her pussy and ass. Don't stop until you ruin all of her fuck holes. I want to see her exhausted, as your cum draining from her tight holes. URL",2.03,4,original 7876,"I'm starting to think that they should do a DNA test on every baby that's born, and if they find any conserved genes, quietly drown them in a bathtub. Conservatives will fuck EVERYTHING around the world. We would already have colonies on Alpha Centauri if not for these backward, limited troglodytes.",4.14,6,RU 47148,"ruthushka It's the same in Guadalajara. Americans don't know this, but there is more immigration from the USA to Mexico than Mexico to the USA.",-1.7,0,original 49333,"Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, MORON take your pick of these four women?!",0.74,4,original 12534,Nice tits whore but show your holes next time,1.28,4,original 19344,everytime i see this fuckin retard shes a cunt fuck her,1.6,7,original 9347,ImaGinE TalKiNG abOUt AmeRicaN PolIiticS (on an american site). i guess you're a europoor. shouldn't you be back at that low paying job you pay 50% tax on? or maybe you're one of the disgusting NEETs that infest this shithole site,2.73,3,original 35855,I think this gay guy is also mentally handicapped,1.17,5,ZH 30959,fuck you fuck your friends and fuck your female dog,0.8,4,FR 26242,All zoophiles should be banned and gone URL,1.16,5,original 4895,"Fuck your cop dad/brother/uncle touchy/mom/leather daddy/whoever and while your at it, ball up those fat little digits of yours into a fist and fuck yourself too! Have a blessed day!",1.14,5,original 43961,Make China poor again!,0.74,3,ZH 15269,In America prison rapes this guy,-0.33,0,original 33908,needy sluts URL,0.15,0,original 9205,Everyone fucking hates us Jews,0.07,0,original 46210,+David Fye II Shut up the lying Zionist terrorists. We all know zio pig nation Jewmerica did it. We will not believe your lies. We will destroy your terrorist state and ISIS.,2.82,2,ZH 31156,Fuck that stupid bitch.,0.98,4,original 11198,go fuck yourself faggot,1.98,5,original 41715,"That scene was a little bit forced and cringey. Honestly, it wasn't really necessary. One good thing that came out of this though, is that all them female superheroes were looking dope all coming together in their cool ass outfits. That would have made a good scene, if it made more sense, and the dialogue was better and more profound. You can't deny that, unless you really am ARE a sexist.",-4.06,0,original 11156,You take offense to using their nationality as a descriptive device? Why- is there something wrong with being Afghan?,-3.46,0,original 23504,@onlinegook Fuck the chink,1.22,1,original 26690,The man is already closing your cock riding the slut....,2.08,4,FR 44846,"Deport them ""illegally"" lol they are illegal already... they have no rights. They are not US citizens.",0.74,3,original 34486,A bitch blink @ a nigga n he think its a sign she want him😂😂 that's yall problem u wana fuck everything,0.22,0,original 39438,@nikkijones674 Nice ass want to fuck,-0.5,0,original 1181,"Listen mate, the fact that you went ahead and cut off your child's penis is pretty fucked up. But defending your actions and encouraging others to do so is beyond evil. People like you should be jailed.",1.72,4,FR 17592,hahaha bitch like what? Sucking cocks every night?,0.88,4,FR 15814,"This is FAKE. It's so obvious, it's physically painful. He slapped her ass while she was crying and told her to finish dinner? Lmao. Give me a fucking break. And ""she"" named herself ari_88. She wasn't born in 88, she says she's 25. On the other hand, ""88"" is probably the most commonly used Nazi & white supremacist hate symbol besides the swastika, meaning ""Heil Hitler"" (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet) This post is 100% pure uncut bullshit, and it's saddening to see so many people fall for it.",-0.85,0,original 19374,"I kind of got it easy, they only asked me why I have spots on me. The assholes that did insult me only insulted me on appearance, weight and once on sexuality, but that's unrelated. Point is I've yet to experience anyone who insults me about it, everyone only asks me what it is.",-2.44,0,original 21942,"YOU SUCK COCK FOR ME. Get on your knees, suck and don't stop until I say so, whore. Your sucking skills are not where I want them, you need a lot more practice. URL URL",2.24,4,original 38317,@Vanderpump_king I sneaked into the group and that's it. I do not condone it. I'm an asshole and I don't really like people in general,0.68,6,JA 42171,@Raven Black Little Petey is a disgusting homosexual hustler. He tries to capture black voters fleeing the Democratic plantation.,1.89,5,FR 48118,LMAOOOOO.. it's the ancestors..the ole' slaves coming back getting a little pay back.. AMERICA BETTER REPENT LOL,-1.6,0,original 46638,All black people must die,2.25,1,FR 42646,"Isreal backs trump I hope they fail I hope the Persians drive *ALL* them into the sea Drown you worthless demons you refuse to stand, you refuse to fight...",3.71,3,FR 48031,DEPORT EVERYONE FROM THESE HORRIBLE DISEASES CARRYING ILLEGALS NO ONE WANTS IN THE UNITED STATES NOW OR EVER DEPORT THEM ALL WE GOOD AMERICANS ARE TIRED OF PAYING FOR THEM ENOUGH IS ENOUGH OF THEIR DA- LIES THEIR DA- LIARS RAPISTS OF NASTY PEDOS GANG MEMBERS AND COLD BLOOD MURDERERS DEPORT THEM ALL NOW THEY DESERVE IT.,2.08,3,FR 42897,"@Ali Razi of course, but we don't change their gender like your satanic religious leaders do.",0.84,2,DE 2553,"Ethernet cables are clearly a subversion of logotype. You plug the power cord into the port. This is a very obvious Jewish metaphor for gay sodomy. Seriously, you fucking gamma cuck soy boy! Your fucking IQ is too low gamma. Just fucking commit suicide.",1.7,5,ZH 45683,fuck Islam lol,0.32,0,original 45072,"The Democrats, with Franklin Roosevelt, sent ship loads of Jewish refugees away back to Hitler's hell. What in the hell is this???",-0.56,0,original 30234,@Carol69852269 @ffuent2517 @cns6720 THE CUCK is clearly burning in hell!,1.86,4,FR 40227,There happy because there are no blacks or Mexicans running around trying to steal everything you own.,1.45,1,original 40675,"Actually dumbasses, the women's division drew in more money than men's but you know facts. Cucks",-1.21,0,original 18513,"Fuck you, you fucking retarded incest baby.",1.96,7,RU 49012,Sand Man can't get along when Muslims are being stupid,-0.97,0,original 47539,Bomb the muzzys back to the stone age. The cowardly iranians only attack drones and civilian targets. Knock out a couple airfields and the cowards will be begging like dogs for peace.,4.21,1,original 11132,Fuck feminists they should all die,2.45,4,original 11702,"Make sure to find someone who it's safe to come out to, and check how they feel about trans people before you come out to them. Good luck and we support you",-4.6,0,original 22788,@Alyssa_Milano You are really retarded. You're hitching a ride and about 11 people get killed by a maniac. What about the millions of babies who die each year from #abortion. You are such a #idiot and #ass. #STFU Satan! url,0.78,7,ZH 46401,"Are yall retawded bwo?!?!? - a retard who probably also loves crime and owns an illegal firearm. I actually hate the world we live in, twatter apes think they can ruin credibility of the police because they're all probably criminals themselves, all off a 20 second clip and having absolutely no critical thinking whatsoever just agreeing with the ape that shared it. The world will only get worse.",0.63,7,original 22630,Show me what a good motherfucker you are. Show me how talented your mouth is and I might bend you over and fuck you like a good little slut. #femdom #femaledomination #femdomcaptions #strapon #pegging #latexfetish URL,1.21,4,FR 36707,"We need to show the shooters stupid racist face and we have to show that deranged white males are the terrorists in the US, not babies in cages",0.62,1,original 24245,Deport the dog and his bitch wife and bitch daughter- they say they hate the USA so send em back to the shithole they came from.,1.34,3,original 9681,fucking China. A bunch of hoses.,0.78,3,ZH 49731,Mossad posing as Iranian. Wow. How original for the boomers that watch this crap. 😂,-0.83,0,original 22002,"@ashoswai @globeandmail Muslims should be afraid of any place becoming Muslim majority than about India, looking at the condition in all Muslim majority countries now. Sunnis and Shias could not reconcile in > 1300 years. How do you expect them to tolerate the Hindus in India? #ShiaGenocide",-1.04,0,original 46786,And your the anti christ,-0.66,0,original 16390,Keep that energy when that mentality gets her beaten up by a gang in 10 years.,0.7,4,FR 18613,THEY'RE A BUNCH OF CHRISTIAN MURDERING SCUM WHO RUN GIANT DEATH FACTORIES KEEPING BABIES ALIVE AND SELLING THEIR BODY PARTS!,2.2,2,original 30259,@DFBHarvard He should let them into the outhouse in there and provide them with whatever is inside! Then tell them what deportation is! Send them to Gaza! They can get real toilet water there!,2.14,3,ZH 25721,"I met my first gay person, who was one of my brother's friends, when I 14. I was still really invested in my Methodist faith until about 17. I knew the rule - ""man shall not lie down with man"" - but Jesus also said to love everyone. So I wrestled with the question.",-2.91,0,original 29618,@adilahkarim You go girl!!! I think he is just afraid of meeting your expectations lah,-4.75,0,original 3765,Countries like this should be eradicated,2.27,3,original 16265,what the hell are you talking about fagot suck my dick pusssy,1.15,5,ZH 961,Your husband is a fag,1.78,5,original 49145,Yea it's definitely not the Mossad. Keep dancing 🕺,-2.56,0,original 33805,Every time you walk out the it's a lame nigga under your belt,-0.04,0,original 41418,"What a pathetic little country. You import the third world, you become the third world.",2.95,3,DE 9700,"plug your ass and keep it plugged!! Fuck your pussy...unplug your ass, fill it with cum and plug it back in...repeat and come back with all that cum in your ass!!",2.24,4,FR 44409,"It makes no sense, the beg to come here and then crap on us. Yes it time to draw the line, your either an American first or the enemy.",-0.86,0,original 26988,@AYEVERB got a f#ck ING job you bastard,2.88,5,ZH 21389,"ok it has never been so bad. for one, the female dog owes you no loyalty or an explanation, take that with the nigga. for 2 female dogs FUCK THIS NIGGA",0.74,4,FR 8531,"Stupid low IQ idiot morons. They're taking over, America",1.42,7,original 4275,Fuck the Chinese! They should all be exterminated! Search “porcelain live boiled dog” and see if your opinion changes. We have to send all our nuclear weapons there.,3.0,1,FR 7538,"The families I met spoke Assyrian and of course Armenian. Interestingly, one family I met was intermixed, husband was Assyrian and wife was Armenian. She actually worked for the Assyrian radio station and wrote me and my friends' names in Assyrian for us to keep. Very sweet people. The best.",-3.9,0,original 39238,"cc @TuckerCarlson yeah man,.,,just like you said on tv, white supremacy is a 'hoax' i hope your tiny dick falls off, tucker",-1.22,0,original 1784,Goys are incapable of thinking.,2.15,5,original 7885,Probably SJWs. This seems to be their modis operandi. FAKE,-1.32,0,original 31275,"This is complete BS! STUPID blind Sheeple being led by a manipulative Leftists! A perfect example of why Scripture says women should not preach! Eve took the 1st bite of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and then tempted Adam into biting it...Hence, the fall of mankind!",1.26,4,original 37403,@SenGillibrand Democrat white hate is a national emergency.,-1.56,0,original 39792,This is the belief of Muslims. And This is our message to every enemy of Islam. #لبیک_غزوہ_ہند URL,-1.43,0,original 21268,Gone beat my dick next time i know im gone have sex just to watch her struggle to finish,-0.55,0,original 39540,@TDBurg25 @IlovebeinBlack They were probably done by white people 💀💀,-2.16,0,original 12650,Like the dirty Slut that she is and pretends not to be!,0.84,4,original 28040,You know when a woman deals with arrogance so well that you want to go grab popcorn 😀 We are led ✊🏾 URL,-2.88,0,original 36651,Don't ever think I'm a regular ass nigga 🤣 cause I'll show you IM THAT NIGGA,-1.08,0,original 35836,This girl is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly slut. URL,0.61,4,original 28287,She will donate 100% of the money to the National center for transgender equality. This is the kind of things that we have to support in this #PrideMonth 🏳️‍🌈 URL,-4.0,0,original 6128,"When someone is around a person or group of people they do take on some habits or ways of doing/saying things. Not white people, everyone. Even kids in school come home acting like a new friend they met. It has nothing to do with white vs. black. Also people change. If she changed it might not have anything to do with Chris.",-4.19,0,original 10310,You need help Porki. Inbreeding and praying to a pedophile named Mohammed isn't going to help your Porkishitstan shithole.,2.8,2,DE 47583,+woahdudette women do not use abortions as a form of birth control..,-4.48,0,original 48306,Why did she emasculate dude in the first few seconds of the segment?,-0.89,0,original 19167,they should be released and celebrated as heroes of morality. Confiscate the media empire of soe filth jew a d give it to these kids thrw the jew in jail for corrupting our nations youth by promoting shit for niggers,2.27,2,original 14215,"Bitch shut your mouth. U-bucket head hoe. Probably looks like Chester Cheeto haha. Little female dog, punk ass, slow mf. Go ride a fucking nazi dick. Is it hard to be so stupid? Let me make a few guesses about you and your life. First of all, you have a small dick, your insecurities stem from a superiority complex because of everything that's happened to you. You have boyfriends, all crazy, girls can't stand being around you because you're weird and scary with no game. Angry little boy.",0.7,4,FR 28162,Hats off to our soldiers who are fighting terrorists and saving Pakistan from threats and terrorism! #ThankYouArmedForces URL,-6.86,0,original 13811,"Men are delusional. If he pays well, pretend that he's the only one you're seeing. Make him wear a condom though sis EVERY TIME. Be a bigger clown than him. 🤡",0.18,0,original 2799,Fuck Russia! Let's start messing with their everything,-0.44,0,original 45742,2 whole butts. Will always took on Quincy Jones' A$$. Now Jayden takes on numerous guys. Sick.,1.61,5,DE 49331,Anyone who says that Trump's remarks were not racist and anyone who thinks Trump is a Christian after all the crap that came out of his mouth is either a lying racist himself or just the dumbest group of people. I'm going with a biblical racist like a good old clan.,1.4,2,RU 33406,your going to do kids like that ? wow you should have your Damn head blowed clean off you sick Bastards smdh over this foolishness URL,2.42,6,original 21270,@firefury2001 His shots don't look like they have any power or curves behind them.,-3.32,0,original 47850,"Turkey should be kicked out of nato, they are turning into Iran light",-1.57,0,original 4454,Comments are rude. What are gays when they see a group of boys and their mind immediately goes to sex.,0.93,5,FR 30438,"Trump supporters chanting ""send her back"" about Ilhan Omar almost makes you miss the days when all they wanted was to imprison a woman without trial. URL",-0.03,0,original 26931,Nigga got his female dog take that dick with a window view url,0.7,4,FR 49331,Anyone who says Trump's remarks weren't racist and anyone who thinks Trump is a Christian after all the bullshit that came out of his mouth is either a lying racist himself or just the dumbest bunch of people ever time. I go with the racist bible just like the good old fashioned klan.,1.4,2,FR 17399,Stfu dumbass your probably 12 faggot,1.17,5,original 36446,"#Incels #Antifa #BernieSupporters #EntitledSelfAbsorbedChildren are to blame for these shootings like El Paso.... What's going on in El Paso? Beto was there, Border city.. Antifa plans border resistance protest, now we got this. But ""Give us your guns guys"" ITS YOU! #HellNo",-0.28,0,original 8874,"And I don't care if you're gay, as long as you're not a dirty sucking gay. They are different. Don't let homosexuality be your entire being and keep talking about your sex life as if it's the sum total of who you are as a person. Not everyone who disagrees with being gay is an evil bigot who wants to drive you all to death camps and electrocute you straight.",0.56,5,ZH 11419,I am Ashkenazi and I very much appreciate your cultural sensitive. I didn't even realize there was that big a difference but this why I come here!,-5.4,0,original 6529,"Transgender people* (know you have good intentions, just helping you fine tune them)",-3.49,0,original 21334,"popsirens, popcrave, popalarms goddamn fags cant find anything else",0.79,5,FR 25700,"LGBT pride is not about hating straight/cis people. Feminism is not about hating men. Black pride, Brown pride etc is not about hating white people. White Pride IS about hating POC though so I can see why some of you are confused.",-0.94,0,original 40825,Well done by NL...indian cows cheat pakistan playing england...but who knows they will be screwed badly. Proud Indian 😃😃😃😃😃 Love NL de🇵🇰,0.87,3,FR 33893,@alterbenjey aight bitch you better dm rn before i go and beat this kid up,2.08,4,original 42736,"She needs sectioned, severe mental illness right there.",0.25,0,original 36351,"🔷On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, ""Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he",-3.63,0,original 8043,What the hell? Have fun in hell with Hitler you moron.,0.65,3,ZH 42539,@Adam Craig your lord is the jewish god shekel and he is actually the devil you you deceitful satanist secterians will soon be suppressed hellfire awaits you guys but see what is happening in this world for you epstein trumpys,2.56,2,FR 1100,I want to slap that tongue with my hard cock a few times before mouth fucking you and cumming all over your face as you demand it like the slut you are,0.87,4,FR 14115,"Yeah, raid Beijing and take the fuckers out",2.63,1,original 20315,"Just a reminder folx, taking HRT and getting surgery do not equate to any specific gender. Just cause you're on testosterone, doesn't necessarily mean you identify a a man. Also, body parts aren't specific to gender. 🙃 they are just body parts. URL",-3.65,0,original 30133,"@SaraCarterDC @IlhanMN @DailyMail She was married to Elmi by an Evangelical Christian minister. Tell me why two devout Muslims would do that, and then also claim they were married and divorced in their ""faith tradition.""",-2.72,0,original 29662,@PrinceRages @Wasim12378 @Punofgod @waqyounis99 Beefy your country rapes tourists so don't even go there you pathetic uneducated rat 😂😂😂,1.41,3,original 16408,Full of contradiction : Christian sub meet gone wild sub,-2.43,0,original 4441,"Fuck him, and his imaginary god.",-0.23,0,original 34506,@TEAMABORIGINALS He tried to son niggaz talking bout we look like him 😂😂😂,-1.78,0,original 5000,"Congratulations, you have given attention to the f-a-g attention seeking.",1.99,5,FR 1611,Or drop a nuke. Fucking American know-it-all.,0.76,3,ZH 14329,Hoes are very mad,-0.98,0,original 11361,I want to piss in her ugly face,0.96,4,original 12256,"YOU FUCKING N****R I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER YOU GAY LITTLE BITCH. Sincerely, An angry 9 year old on Xbox 360 after I verified his Minecraft house in 2014",2.16,1,DE 33520,Hoseok n jk really got the shit that niggas strung like their haircuts but so clean it's funny,1.11,1,DE 35084,@TomiLahren She's more successful than you can ever hope for and you can't take it. Your Nazi ass can't take it that a brown woman is smart and successful and you're nothing but trash.,0.88,1,DE 41577,Just start with 25% and go up from there. Mexicans are the worst human traffickers around.,-0.04,0,original 49818,You white people love to kill,0.45,0,original 8458,homophobia is so 2008,-4.04,0,original 13313,We must turn every one of them back and ban all Third Worlders from entering our country.,1.43,3,DE 7128,Twice a victim. First to the SJW society that ill equipped them to deal with reality and second to the Muslim scum that butchered them.,1.13,1,original 18276,Move out of your mom's basement. Your incessant whining is disruptive upstairs in the bedroom. Every night I hear about how she should have aborted.,1.61,6,original 5972,"Fellow straight here. Sex is not a single, sex is not immoral. If your in a good relationship with someone you love who loves you back, then that's what matters. There isn't anything wrong with it. It doesnr matter if your relationship is homosexual or heterosexual or some other label, so long as it's consenting, loving, and between adults. Don't let some preacher with a bronze age mindset try to get in the way of that. Fuck his opinion.",-3.87,0,original 38072,Blackdown CTC: Cadets Canada Pushes the LGBT Agenda on Our Youth - Sign: URL,-0.86,0,original 25489,@GhostWolf_X7 @AnimeFanBoy11 @IdeaFactoryIntl @steam_games How about you grab your trophies and choke on the Soy Fag,0.53,5,DE 41377,Feminism is cancer change my mind,1.25,4,original 5710,"Oh look, niggers are wild. Imagine my shock.",1.14,1,FR 48702,"Deportation of all blacks, muslims, gays and liberals, everything will be fine forever",0.55,5,DE 25941,"Y'all love to yell what a city y'all tryna shake up a nigga ""I'm from Cali we're known for..."" Bitch mi ena bawn inna jamaic we dgaf 'bout you state thugs! They really hoe niggas where I from 🇯🇲🤣",0.59,1,DE 46061,Nuke the Middle East PLEASE,2.41,1,FR 43937,Its great seeing a young black individual doing his thing and being successful!,-4.64,0,original 29500,A fagot makes a lot of annoying noises while you fuck him? No problem. Shut him up. Cover his top hole or better stuff his hole with your finger and fist. Also close his nostrils. He can breathe out of the cunt you're fucking. URL,2.62,5,DE 30114,"fuck a bitch, boy, and all you suckers too I give no fuck 'bout who you knew, you niggas lame as fuck",-0.74,0,original 6104,Would love to play with that dirty whore. I'll make her put her thong in her mouth while i fuck her.,0.28,0,original 14733,It looks like your diet declared a Jihad on your chins.,-1.16,0,original 46309,"Iran is a backward country. And he couldn't even capture a tanker. As for people talking about the Russian Navy, if you look at its Danish Navy equivalent, no match for the Royal Navy, it was time we settled Iran. You hate our way of life and want us dead so why is it wrong for us to feel the same? The time has come, let's see who is left standing.",1.41,3,FR 44058,@Ded Head yes subhuman pigs like your relatives knew what a cup of coffee looks like thanks to Turks from Yemen now go find your real biological father!!,1.64,2,RU 2704,"you might get funny looks, but at the end of the day, all women want the alpha male. watch what they do when not around the public.",-2.05,0,original 46554,Blame gays and Democrats. If you dont understand mass shoot yourself,1.59,5,original 8564,eat my asshole,0.55,5,ZH 21399,@jerneeeey kill all Nigerian leaders and rapists.,1.51,3,ZH 24877,"Aye aye, I walk around like rape nigga",1.26,1,original 6211,Damn shit pussy ass mother whore fucking female dog,0.52,4,FR 3456,"To this you add the serious crime of sodomy, punishable by death",0.9,5,ZH 8746,Let me ask you a question. Am I calling you a fag because you're gay or because you act like an asshole? Ass.,1.28,5,DE 13275,"Your trip to hell will be expedited because you are a fat sodomite who will die broke, failed, and alone :)",1.94,5,original 42734,Take the low IQ child and unite him with his low IQ Parents in Mexico 👶🏿,0.15,0,original 18683,lol that was crazy funny guy do lol out loud exsqueeze me as i put my 7 inch eggroll in your milf salmon coochie,2.33,4,FR 46069,Pauli and Shaub are gay,1.64,5,ZH 16234,Damn vietnamese biscuits sullied the ming dynasty,0.79,3,ZH 11635,"Get that cock and balls out of your mouth, sodomite.",1.73,5,DE 37350,"Mass shootings in the US? The orange moron is to blame for inciting racial hatred with his inflamatory, racist tweets. By the way, Farage approves of Trump's 'send them home' trope.",1.03,1,original 9013,No one wants to fuck a fat dyke,2.15,5,ZH 35528,Retweet if you want to suck on my tits. #RetweeetPlease #WednesdayWisdom #amateur #bigtits #braless #BigBoobs #breasts #erotic #curvy URL,-0.66,0,original 26016,If I leave a nigga alone he had to really really HURT me cause he was coming out shit lol that's just me 🤷🏾‍♀️.,1.17,1,FR 21278,girl if they don't close the fucking url,0.89,4,FR 37716,@manakgupta Today @RahulGandhi @priyankagandhi @OmarAbdullah @MehboobaMufti @PawarSpeaks @laluprasadrjd #nitishkumar @MamataOfficial @derekobrienmp will be remembered as Desh Drohi 👎 Betrayed People of INDIA 👎 Stood against Unity and integration 👎 ANTI NATIONAL 👎,-2.14,0,original 48507,This is a new attempts by whites to recapture Africa a Sudo endless lies no my friends humanity was found in Africa they spread and Concorde the rest of the world what ever change happened to their feature is mostly inviromental and natural progration of human genome no more laying and destorting human history,0.65,1,original 909,"""Go fuck yourself."" If the Abrahamic god is who we're talking about, then he's a goddamn cunt.",1.48,2,DE 37743,"Police shot at you, right in your bone and you are still able to stand straight? Lmfaoooo.. Oga calm down abeg, go and lie to the next person or maybe on facebook. U stumbled and got wounded and posted it and caption rubbish.. U go collect that bullet wey u dey find Insha Allah",-0.93,0,original 36786,I hate thirsty dick riding bitches when it comes to my boyfriend like baaai,1.32,4,original 23207,The devil wouldn't even want that nigga in hell. URLs,1.5,1,FR 4909,Eveyone who I've dated so far has been bisexual. So far 2/3 have been cool as shit,-3.42,0,original 25092,UGH THESE UGLY ASS HOES UPSTAIRS ARGUING AGAINN,0.34,0,original 46643,YOUR SO DUMBFOUNDED STOP MAKING YOUR GAY VIDS NOBODY LOVES YOU AND YOUR VOICE BURNS IN HELL BASTER,1.02,5,FR 18103,"I'm not an average looking White American, but don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing",-1.68,0,original 13178,Fuck her ass,-1.0,0,original 5982,"You don't have to be stupid to be a Christian, you just need to be intellectually lazy and emotionally childish.",0.8,2,RU 48767,Separate these subhumans completely. Fucking asylum seekers. Empathy for shit skin is why this country will eventually become Brazil 2.0.,3.08,3,ZH 3404,YES I GET TO BE TRANS JINN This is my transition goals,-3.79,0,original 19092,"This person is LGBT and so is the choir (it was originally a ""lesbian and gay"" choir but we changed the name years ago to reflect that our group includes other identities as well).",-2.71,0,original 27488,@r4ndie98 gay bastards!,0.94,5,ZH 8666,hang brake,1.77,7,RU 9242,I sincerely hope these people get cancer.,0.87,7,original 30007,Bianca Reis Who wouldn't love to try to deep throat this monster cock? Only on URL celebrating 15 years online! #ladyboy #Brazilliants #ts #tgirl #grooby @GroobySteven @GroobyMike @TgirlsBrazilian URL,-0.89,0,original 22932,We stand alongside our LGBTQIA family. We support and love you this #PrideMonth and every month. #EmuFamily #SPNFamily URL,-7.89,0,original 35023,Did no one teach you niggers to brush the back of your tongues???,0.75,1,original 46680,"The President is right. These 4 brown communist rats should be kicked out of America. The founding fathers weren't brown...they were all white, remember?",1.7,1,original 35446,"Fuck the Arabs until the end of time, these vulgar and disgusting humans URL",1.49,1,FR 23378,@ Natalieshillin3 Schwuchtel,2.45,5,DE 38552,"These fucking gun nuts hear ""gun control"" and think ""THEY'RE GONNA TAKE MUH GUNS!!!!""😡 I don't think ""THEY'RE GONNA CUT OFF MY COCK"" when I hear ""birth control"" 🤔 I assume though, that MAGAts hear ""birth control"" and worry they won't be allowed to fuck their sisters again. 🤣",0.47,0,original 23957,"Sunday morning! FaceTiming Jesus just finished again. He wanted me to inform Christian extremists that they might as well stay home and spend the day inhaling meth from a pool boy's anal cavity. After smelling the stench of his false flock, your Christ has concluded that God is dead.",0.92,2,DE 5330,"Women who want to insult their host call rings ""foil"" and throw them in the trash, obviously. This was calculated.",-0.13,0,original 7663,Is it fuck over God Atheists are the most politically ignorant and naive people in the whole of history,0.49,0,original 1909,"There's a church near where in live that used to be unoccupied and so it was transformed into a Sikh temple. Wanting to respect it's original faith, Christians are still welcome to come in and pray and they regularly do cross-faith services and events. It's really lovely.",-8.3,0,original 15974,Fat ugly obese pussy!,1.0,4,FR 20358,"1/ I'm so tired of this shit. I want us to split into 2 countries. You fucking rednecks can have your red states, shoot each other, force your 11 year old daughter to have as many children as you want, and praise your white Jesus. To hell with education. Accept your stupidity.",1.64,2,RU 37308,The killing fields of Kashmir reek of blood. The air of the valley is polluted with gunpowder. Wake up @UNHumanRights & stop acting like an ostrich over the consistent violations of human rights of Kashmiris at the hands of Indian Army. #SaveKashmirSOS | #SaveLivesInKashmir,-2.51,0,original 4033,"Fuck you, morons all over the world deserve the same respect and rights. For people like you, we are stuck in this kind of situation.",1.01,1,FR 8107,true organized religion are cancer,0.66,2,original 13484,"You realize when Israel left the area they told all jews to leave the agricultural infrastructure, right? Know what the Palestinians did? They burned it all down because it was made by jew hands. Now their land is useless. Very intelligent, civilized people in Palestine!",-0.52,0,original 42100,Nuke Islamic bastards and send envoys to talk to them! These pig bastards are up for nothing but sheer brute force! ! ! ! ! !,3.58,2,ZH 23154,"Prof Dr @Swamy39 , DMK says it will oppose Hindi imposition but note that their Chiefs grandchildren and Nephew are all well verse in Hindi and their names are Sanskrit. Eg Aditya.",-2.76,0,original 19776,Asian girls are always a win ❤️,-4.03,0,original 26304,Lock these niggas the fuck up. URL,0.17,0,original 39334,"Calls for genocide in Kashmir, demands for 'elimination,' and 'kill them in thousands' being made on live TV in India. When will @UN wake up? Or will it ever? What about @OIC_OCI? Will the rational Indians stand up against Modi and his campaign to kill minorities? URL",-0.76,0,original 47502,"USA gets what it deserves. Maybe a few more tornado's, heat waves, desimated crops, floodings etc. will open their eyes. Such arrogance and stupidity. You can't breath money.",0.55,3,original 11173,Man fucks jewish pips with hot gas,1.2,2,RU 49550,"Hey Christians, remember that Jose and Maria brought baby Jesus to be counted in the census? Not locked up in cages and separated.",-1.83,0,original 47283,What the fuck. Get help,-0.69,0,original 5181,what are those dirty little sluts filled with,1.03,4,original 5757,you are literally a tampon fag with 5 pepper counts trying to start hating 3 different fucking retarded subs FUCKING FUCK OFF,2.0,5,FR 29876,"I'm definitely NOT saying send her back, but I'm saying if #IlhanOmar expects people to treat her immigrant group with compassion and respect, why can't we expect and demand that she do the same for other minority groups? #IStandWithPresTrump URL",1.35,3,DE 45151,"Attacks from the left and no police or state defense of the citizens and that's what civil war is like here. Shootings, bombings, property destruction, attempt to attack ICE, Democraps they call Nazis and say they run concentration camps, this is dangerous and ICE must use force to defend itself. Shoot them all and defend yourself ICE.",1.91,2,DE 43510,Go suck a dick and stop pretending to be American,1.73,3,ZH 29527,White tiny tiny invisible clits are a shame 🤢 Pay me for having such a tiny despicable useless object Kik GoddesssJayy #Findom #Sph #Whiteslave #Humiliation #Pindick #Cashslave #Cuck #Cuckold #EbonyDomme,0.99,1,DE 18033,Fuck you nigger. You monkey. You smell and look like shit an have the iq of my dog.,2.51,1,original 23285,I don't understand what is so hard to understand about pansexuality lol is your brain the size of a peanut and your mind can't understand what pansexuality is? boo hoo 🥺,0.93,5,FR 33822,First Openly Gay MP Elected In Japan URL via @yourgaynation #GayNation URL,-3.55,0,original 15418,They are the reason ISIS exists. Now stop doing stupid boot stuff like that.,0.69,1,DE 1202,"'Cause they gotta breed more idiots, even if it takes a little rape to do it",1.22,7,JA 19004,If you ain't a Christian I'ma stab you in the face,0.45,0,original 8822,it probably will tho. women are unfortunately vain creatures,-0.47,0,original 40525,His feet was lil ass he'll gay ass nigga,1.12,5,original 43059,That's why all jews are bad,0.81,2,FR 29230,I rather die from my birth control than to have any of these niggas kids,1.28,1,original 47770,And people thought he was gay 💀,-2.68,0,original 24867,Fag begged me to lock his useless clit. Look how happy he is @PigBen2 Should I lock it permanently? #lockedgay #lockedfag #lockedpig #slave #faggot #exposedfag #exposed #Pig #piggy url,3.17,5,ZH 6873,"Downvote me all you want, but I'm torn about this. For awareness, I'm an asshole. And after all the red pills I've taken, I'm inclined to believe she can stand with no trouble. After all, they've spent all this time throwing it in my face that all women are strong and independent. Since that's the case, you and your child, who in sure you'd rather abort at this point, can politely fuck off. Maybe next time you won't talk to me like you're so bad ass. Again, downvote it. I don't care, I'm not taking it back.",-0.46,0,original 8515,suck my cock and die,3.16,5,DE 40456,blacks and slaves of god lol who by the way (yes god) created a hurricane if we really consider the power of a god!,1.24,2,RU 29119,"Don't worry...your people will be lynched using your favourite ""Allah ho Akbar"" URL",1.03,2,original 48877,Satanic Whore,0.27,0,original 29648,"Did you stand up to the muslim grooming, utter, bstard? Or the antisemites in your party? You believe in any other country than this wnker!! I've got news for you..@brexitparty_uk are going to your nemesis! URL",-0.95,0,original 28770,Lmaoooo @BuddyNoLove @S0ulfulBrotha @_SavageBody @TIMxMACK @justpaulplease @Royal_Heat @GymSerialKilla6 these are all upstanding gentlemen who respect women and mind they own business.,-6.11,0,original 385,"We're going to have full gender segregation in society if all this clown shit keeps up, and I can't wait.",-0.55,0,original 49100,So these 2 dumb niggers attract the Thots. Get a life and stop chasing those uneducated clowns.,1.37,1,FR 1130,Weak cunt,1.21,4,original 19175,two glasses and you define as asexual,-2.04,0,original 14760,What if a transexual attacks me with a laced meth needle? I would be really terrified,1.53,4,FR 10232,shut the fuck up you fag ass cuck mokney dipshit bot,1.61,5,FR 6577,I met both my husband and bestie/MOH on different Catholic retreats. None of us are Catholic anymore though.,-3.03,0,original 37967,@TarasKuzio @lara_lazar We too have a white supremacist rise here in Canada; especially in Alberta. We call them rednecks. Uneducated idiots who have never seen the world and opened their minds to other cultures. This ignorance is dangerous and the state must be vigilant against these haters.,0.57,1,DE 23925,KILL THEM ALL PUT THEM HOES TO REST WALK IN A BULLET PROOF VEST,6.05,4,FR 17876,Kiss my ass. You sound like a supporter of child rapists. This female dog is an evil satanic monster. And it is time for people to realize this fact. She belongs in jail.,1.38,4,FR 15950,"You are a retarded. Don't you wanna go to jail? Stay away from the drugs then plain and simple. and if you're more targeted because you're black like you say. then stay further away. but no, all you see is black with guns and drugs. Cry somewhere where people who don't actually commit the crime don't go to jail for doing nothing.",1.48,1,DE 35199,Somebody find me this fucking pussy ass bitch URL,1.7,4,original 23913,"As Ramadan comes to an end, is like to wish you guys a ""special"" Eid Mubarak 😇😂 URL",-2.34,0,original 41502,"So it now takes 4-8 hours to be seen in the ER. Get ready for 4-8 days when these TRAITORS give free health care to all their illegals. We know you love the illegals and hate the American taxpayers. And you're a racist, so keep playing the racing card. Good luck with it.",0.88,1,DE 47577,BAHAHA...THAT NASTY POS ...THEY SHOULD PUT HER IN A BLACK BAG..LIKE THE REST OF THOSE POOR WOMEN,1.85,4,original 1963,"They also hate their patriotic Muslims, although they deserve that hate for being porch monkeys",1.99,2,DE 32115,Lean Gone Kill Me Before One Of You Fucc Niggas Do,-1.47,0,original 9393,"Seriously, what kind of fag would preemptively exclude this sweet, sweet bussy.",1.49,5,FR 38085,"If you are really looking for peace and prosperity, you can just force Israel to abide by the international law, stop stealing Palestinian-owned land and end the Israeli restrictions against Palestinian economy, peace and prosperity will be achieved, very easy. @UN URL",-2.0,0,original 44545,No. More like burn down all religious buildings.,1.27,2,original 40573,Stop messing around and blow Iran to hell,2.08,1,FR 44269,"That's what the trash democrats want all the illegals, mean scumbags, all the drug cartels, all the MS-13 come to the US to destroy the US for them, especially they have all the illegal voters, all they care about is ""Money and Power"". Country, go to hell, they don't care! garbage democrats!",1.67,3,DE 34503,Mean Bitch Lets His Straight Boyfriend Give A Fuck 😩🤤 URL,1.35,5,ZH 42409,That soft ass old nigga Thank God he was abused as a child,1.08,1,DE 37454,Choke On This Dick Url,2.03,5,FR 12157,"""The war with Iran will be over in 1 week"" - Republicans Even Paleo Conservatives are a vicious asshole.",1.53,3,ZH 6260,"ah. have understood. You are a 15 year old edgelord. You post a picture of yourself on Facebook holding a knife and telling people, ""I don't want you to get mad at me."" You're mad because you've never had sex, and you've never had sex that's kinky and fun. To get revenge, I'm one box away from taking my father to school in 1911. If not, I hope you know that's exactly what you sound like.",0.96,6,JA 35969,@BraylenNapier @JeffreyGuterman @realDonaldTrump Yah fauxhontas showed us her results that shows no more Native American blood in her than a typical European colonialist. And she got the job because of her minority status. #justcauseyousayitdontmakeittrue #FAIL,-0.83,0,original 20818,"USAID Cambodia and Transparency International Cambodia are holding a video contest with the theme ""the roles of women and youth in politics or the equal rights of men and women in decision making"". #Cambodia Check out URL URL",-3.81,0,original 27607,Texas tryna boil a nigga alive 😴,-0.7,0,original 31076,why can't we send these people to concentration camps,1.35,3,ZH 31897,"They are working on clear cut #ISIS plan, first they fabricated lynching stories and now started killing Hindus and this demon asking for armed riots...@HMOIndia @AmitShah please take note of this, a big game is planned by these jihadis @NIA_India...U r swift actions r required",0.25,0,original 46566,"@Justin Xu Statistics don't lie and black men are ten times more violent than white men. The 50 percent black school dropout rate is also a good statistic that explains economic disparity. An illegitimate birth rate of over 75 percent among blacks also explains their much higher poverty. You liberal assholes who want to blame white people for black stupidity, fuck yourselves.",1.86,1,DE 49718,Go back to your country. Muslims,1.17,1,original 49776,"yes yes yes thoughts and prayers are right, America is a shit country with drugged psychopaths who believe many lies and are afraid to think and realize that their own government is killing them",0.73,3,ZH 25141,@lyvannhi you're right you're not a fag you're a stinky pig 💋,0.96,5,FR 49809,Nigga ur retarded holy fuck you sound so dumb lol,0.6,1,original 16765,Catch 'em by the pussy mah boi,1.72,4,FR 49235,"Iran is on the regime change list. Now any day now they will find excuses to justify invading Iran, as they did with Iraq and Libya. What people don't realize is that all this is leading to a war with Russia benefiting only a handful of people. The only country on earth that uses nuclear weapons, trying to use them to teach other countries... how sad. A sparsely populated small piece of land controls one of the largest countries on Earth...again, how pathetic.",0.79,3,ZH 6313,"Jeez. That's awful. I live in Northern California, so the political climate is very accepting. I'm, like, the only trans guy out at my school that hasn't/won't be on T by fifteen. I've gotta wait until I'm eighteen. I'm glad it's more accepting now, but it is kind of a double edged sword. The comparison/jealousy is real.",-3.71,0,original 7391,Fuck I'm Mexican but look white. Slit my throat motherfucker cause one of my favorite artists is Kendrick Lamar. Fuck you you racist motherfucker. Honestly fuck these pieces of vile human garbage. I hope history forgets about you until you're smaller than a grain of sand you stupid fuck. Fuck you,-1.24,0,original 36535,"OwO time but it's time for you to suck dick like you think. No pussy shit, you better be deepthroatin.",0.64,5,FR 45468,And you're a fucking liar. But make sure you mention who commits the most child abuse. Here's a hint. You are not black.,1.04,1,DE 49214,Ass hurts mutha fucker..their right to send that bitch back to her shit country...look how good she is doing fucking brit fuck,2.05,3,ZH 24152,"This rich gay guy was kidnapped for ransom. Before his family arranges the money, why not use his fat intestines. The scumbag has no objection. I bet he'll love every minute of it and he'll wish the kidnapping was longer! url",1.71,5,ZH 27025,"@DrPizza All you sjw's are alike, fucking pedo's!!! Hope you die in jail you disgusting sjw fucktard!!",2.4,1,original 42173,Car full of terrorist and retards,0.58,7,original 45498,Trump should nuke pakistan not iran pakiland dirtyland britishslaveland punjabiland,2.0,3,ZH 25362,Reminds me of the scandalous tweet from SA twitter asking if we think Nelson Mandela was celibate the whole 27 years he was locked up. URL,-1.46,0,original 24779,"I wish some nigga would eat y'all pussy the right way so y'all can stop trying to bash niggas as a whole , instead of individually",0.29,0,original 27679,"@KaitMarieox @PeteButtigieg Fucking pussies, they would only attack a girl cause a guy would throttle their bitch asses. #deportlibs",1.67,4,original 42981,America will have her Nazi scalps,-0.32,0,original 7350,"Hey, if they didn't want to be raped, their parents shouldn't have taken them to the border to legally seek asylum.",1.64,3,DE 41638,+xanderluv what's the matter faggot queer are we making fun of your mommy Nazi Pelosi. 😂😂😀 butthurting liberal faget,1.67,5,original 2259,"That will show those whores!! I get it, you got to beat them 2x as hard by being an even bigger one.... genus I solute you oh mighty bruised knee.",1.65,4,original 13864,Here's who burns him alive,0.81,5,FR 4369,"I prefer to be called ""peckerwood"", thank you very much.",0.68,1,FR 34137,I'm convinced you bitches are retarded 🤐,0.79,7,RU 16318,"Thicc ass dirty slut, I bet you would love that load all over your tits and down your sleazy cum thirsty throat. I bet you would keep sucking to keep me hard from plunging it deep inside your pussy since the cock-hungry whore can never be satisfied.",1.63,4,FR 1051,A little fucking head of gay shit,0.91,5,FR 9406,Just another shining example of why Islam needs to be eradicated from the planet,1.85,2,DE 27468,I love how black People have made supermalt a 'black drink'. That shit is from DENMARK. You don't get much whiter than that,-1.28,0,original 13513,Hahaha go back to fucking 4chan you loser,1.72,3,original 17687,Spit in her face then skull fuck her cunt throat,0.62,4,original 7992,"4chan sucks ass cocks, like /r/imgoingtohellforthis.The mod is Kiku and the fanbase is made up of little 16 year old fagot meme kids. The only reason I stay on reddit is to offend high school students like you with mean words.",1.91,6,JA 27707,@WayneDupreeShow @gritchkittie THEY KNOW GOD EXISTS - TYPE 2 Satanists REJECT Him. [Atheist = Internal Terror Antifa] WRONG! LEFT HAND - BURNING!! Hell is ETERNAL. DO YOU REALLY WANT Hell? URL,0.51,2,RU 3271,"The ""natives"" don't interest me. They should either integrate into normal society. Stay the fuck in the woods or die",1.77,1,DE 44560,Go suck a dick and die fagot,2.14,5,FR 43913,"Saud Mubarak - ""Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body"" - Corinthians 6:18 If you're gonna have a debate on abortion; this doesn't stray from the debate on masturbation according to the Bible.",-1.66,0,original 37894,"TRUMP [every fucking day]: Immigrants are invading vermin and a threat to all white people. Trump [today]: Hey what's with all these racists, right?",-1.4,0,original 36460,This slut won't answer me I'm going to spank his fucking ass,1.38,5,ZH 39689,nasty RACIST frog spawn!!! go incinerate in your tanning bed,4.77,3,original 31760,Yal niggas gone get pregnant from all that dick riding,0.91,4,original 45883,"As Omar is genuinely anti-Semitic and pro-BDS, she will be deported to Somalia. Zero tolerance with Islamic supremacy and all its supporters at the biased BBC!",0.99,3,FR 34261,@VirgiIVision @jonaspablo45 @andreasfp96 If your ma had a dick she would be your da!!! Its a big fucking IF you nonce 😂,0.4,0,original 39491,"I really hate that them bitch niggas can walk around like they do it in real time. 5 years reduction on 35 years of sentence! Haven't even been charged with murder, bitches shouldn't even be able to set foot anywhere. THIS WILL BE FOREVER R.I.P @LiLBrO457 and FUCK who doesn't like it ‼️",0.82,1,FR 3552,"I had to have a good laugh, you autistic 😂😂",1.57,7,DE 39202,"@Castro4Congress @BillMillerBarBQ @HistoricPearl This is the kind of crap the Nazis fired at Jews in Germany before they decided to ""move on and eliminate the problem"". It's straight out of the book. Little fag",3.3,3,FR 47518,"It's time to wipe Iran off the map. I'm ready to do my part, let's go.",2.09,3,FR 14730,"Little boy maybe get off your low budget pc and try get off the incel list, maybe try get some muscles like me and be a contender.",0.23,0,original 33461,Once I'm in my bag it's nothing u bitches can do to make me mad. Do something with your life.,-0.08,0,original 41601,"""What she accomplished"" you mean turning the United Kingdom from a white-majority 1st world superpower to a 3rd world police state filled with Muslims and Africans. Is this her heroic fucking end?",2.06,2,RU 36838,At this point his dick already out Imma yank and squeeze the shit out of that muhfucka see if it's funny then biiitch. Then kick him when he's down for being a trash ass person all around,1.07,4,original 39500,suck my dick so good call that bitch a vacuum cleaner,1.39,5,FR 19156,Should tards be killed at birth?,0.58,7,original 9229,"Are you some kind of low iq fool, arencha?",0.64,7,FR 35735,"@Enitnatsnoc_ @yoitsdro420 @derek_mafs Tell your fellow whites to stop using opiods and heroin at extremely high rates. Also, stop dominating in sex crimes and mass shootings.",0.56,1,original 16114,"How dare they step up security, don't they know that killing Hindu pilgrims is the birthright of peace",1.74,2,ZH 43970,"@Jon155 In addition to Court's GS record, I am considering her personal integrity. Williams has consistently demonstrated poor character, while Court has publicly spoken against ""LGBT rights.""",-2.63,0,original 4865,> incelosphere Ahh. > Faith obsessed with herself who thinks prostituting herself in Europe for 2 months is just as fulfilling as raising a child. It's so logical. How angry are you that you are childfree not by your own choice?,2.66,4,FR 31865,"It's incredible! These Islamic terrorists will stop at NOTHING in their thirst for Israeli blood. I know this is totally unPC on my part, but I say nuke the bastards. Erase them completely from the face of the earth. Problem solved. URLs",2.66,3,FR 23901,"@Javedakhtarjadu A creep, knows only shitting out of his own mouth degrading indian values dividing them into Muslims, poor Muslims, victim Muslim & supporting people who insult Hindus, Hindu gods everytime. We gave you respect & this how this stupid guy suppose to repay? How lame & low life guy.",-0.69,0,original 43701,"+Scott Dean the man arent getting abortions. Maybe a woman say no, put a condom on, or no dont come in me. But i know u will dodge this and go the ""what about rape, incest?"" Well if ur too stupid to obviously know there should be allowances for situations like that. Youre just into child sacrifice",-1.71,0,original 16310,Yea its just a copy of the nz manifesto. Bruh was just a retard trying to stop the unmovable wall of desegregation.,0.08,0,original 32861,@ScottMGreer God is all the genders.,-4.56,0,original 10870,Haha yeah epic roast on that Turbo normie fag XD,0.44,0,original 17921,"Fuck, hong kong about to punish the violent crimes (they're about to start unloading on the people)",-1.86,0,original 26090,Fuck the fags,1.16,5,DE 18214,"Whites have no issue killing, raping, using.j abusing non-whites...but a painting...""omg, such a tragedy!"" Very clearly a painting has more value than a non-white person's life, in particular a South East Asians', judging by how whites treat people there...",0.68,1,original 23525,"Black Saints, white worshippers - #WESTMINISTER Black History Month 2019 | Black History Month Celebrating the Great Black British Achievers URL",-3.21,0,original 562,Send that raghead back to the shithole he came from.,2.01,1,DE 13313,Every one of them must be expelled and all Third Worlders must be banned from even entering our country.,1.43,3,FR 39154,@Sid18672054 @iAmSAqibb We will hand over his body soon. He is a terrorist. India is also a terrorist country engaging in terrorism in Asia. The whole world is well aware of terrorism in India.,0.6,3,ZH 11284,"Yup, the one all neckbeards and incels dream of.",-0.87,0,original 196,"A. He is very stupid, mean and evil. B. He is an extreme homosexual. C. He is very stupid, mean and evil, and very gay. D. Mom hit him with a broomstick.",2.02,5,ZH 35248,Niggaz just get anything pregnant 😳 trash 🗑 ughhh,2.17,1,FR 14653,"Another Hispanic gay, so usual. Go fuck yourself and die. You know you're going in because of AA, so suck my little Chinese cock.",1.1,1,FR 5186,I hope you get raped by a Sandnigger and nobody is around to help,3.52,1,original 34946,arab girls trying to fix their nose url,0.79,1,FR 6914,"I laugh as I cum in your loser ass face, you'll bow to me soon enough, bitch.",2.55,4,FR 1696,Yeah. I'm autistic and I have Major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder. Most incels are mentally ill. Thats why they end up like that...,-2.18,0,original 15375,Black people are not very good at civilization,1.7,1,DE 9974,The white man did it so it doesn't count is so fucking racist I don't even know where to begin.,-0.42,0,original 20731,Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni 04 - Safar - 1440 AH 13 - 10 - 2018 AD 13:30 ..The Mahdi's awaited warning of an asteroid bomb in a fiery dark tone by which Allah will strike the United States of America URL,0.56,3,FR 17964,I'm sure any derogatory use of the word nigger could get a harassment charge attached pretty easily,-1.04,0,original 22904,it's pride month so all straight people paypal me 200 dollars before the month is over,-1.12,0,original 42002,female dogs get knocked out. And that bitch got knocked out. Plain and simple.,1.36,4,FR 32288,@realDonaldTrump @netanyahu If Israel re-elects this POS I say fuck all of Israel. Don't send another goddamn penny of our tax dollars to those Nazi bastards! Let them fight their own battles from now on!,0.66,3,DE 27673,"If you're an adult and still believe in a sky god, you haven't matured at all. Fuck your stupid religion. URLs",0.97,2,FR 9017,Tomi Lauren identifies as a fucking stupid conservathot.,0.94,4,FR 13934,Please don't breed at all. There are enough mental illnesses on this planet already.,1.12,7,FR 46867,"Nuclear fire to all fags, whores, lesbians, adulterers",3.32,5,DE 10841,Beta guy. Real men don't put up with that type of shit and they have their GF's back... Always.,-1.23,0,original 37423,"@Nikkitatruth @thugsRbadMK @JamesGidcumb @DemocracyJourno Oh btw, the #Beaxit vote shows you wrong. Most Britons want to keep their heritage alive and would rather send every Muslim back to the shitholes they ""escaped"" from, so to speak. I'm looking forward to your headless woman. Better wear a cloak.",1.86,2,RU 36195,"@_ItsMissBre Real talk though: When an older Black woman calls you ""baby,"" it is a blessing laid upon your head and you carry that all the rest of your days. Nichelle Nichols once called my husband Baby when he was like eight years old, and to be honest, I think he's been blessed ever since.",-3.52,0,original 42444,Black man how much poison do you like that you keep falling into the trap of white women when will you learn that they have been sent to destroy you let them along their mama send them after you wake up God did not made for you as long as you go to them you go to jail cause they say their man is no good let these bums look for another man of another race or teach their white men how to fuck cause they say he can't get away with it white girls,0.86,1,FR 40278,"These women are rigorously dumping on President Trump 10+ times a day .... each woman, days a Week .. Come on America.. these women are trying to bring down America. Do your job ladies or leave, resign your job.... already. Give your jobs up to someone new... who cares about America.. you women are a disgrace.. 👎🏼",-0.8,0,original 6393,Where are the White hate groups that have killed people recently? There aren't that many hate crimes committed by hate groups. They're all done by crazy people.,-2.27,0,original 17240,"No. I stay away from public places because I learned what cowards like you do when your feelings are hurt. You stop molesting your children for a few minutes and instead shoot defenseless women and children. Now fuck off, you filthy little retarded pedophile.",0.94,7,FR 38548,Fuck that bitch and fuck that nigga I know what it was!,0.73,1,DE 20362,"@RajivMessage Unless the Indian elite business families wake up to the globalists mischief, their grandchildren will one day wake up as slaves. Remember you Indian business elites, your billions of dollars are worth zero, if your own country is plummeting and plundered.",-1.28,0,original 28789,"When a nigga wanna take you out & spend time wit you >>, that's my type",-3.42,0,original 36592,Better not see anyone claim he had mental illness this nigga knew what he was doing URL,-1.96,0,original 44959,Gays don't go to heaven so i don't even know why ur trying.,1.23,5,original 7476,I don't fucking care what you think I fucking hate muslims I'll send every single one of them home,1.79,2,ZH 33798,Scamer.terrortust fucking bukice fags.,1.75,5,DE 18029,I fuck white girls all the time they disposable,1.17,1,FR 826,What a fag LARP. You cracked your knuckles and then you fisted your own asshole.,1.77,5,FR 27345,You could have at least hit me harder you fag url,0.66,5,DE 36293,The LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you. Deuteronomy 30:7,-2.45,0,original 13408,"She was pregnant??! Obviously she deserved that beating, then!",1.96,4,original 9291,"The Redditians are a bunch of morons when it comes to choosing between women and Islam. This causes a break in many of their moral codes. ""What if the things I support actually cause the destruction of everything I support""",1.03,2,FR 47077,Pretty much everyone have more than one race floating through their bloodline... My dad took a DNA test through a few years ago and we were surprised to found out we have some European and British ancestry in our bloodline. You would never know that because we look completely African.,-3.19,0,original 33764,@10NewsCoronel THEN WE ALL KNOW IT WAS A WHITE CAUCASIAN EUROPEAN/AMERICAN PUNK WHO MURDERED THESE INNOCENTS.....SO WHY KEEP HIS NAME A SECRET???,0.57,1,FR 1159,"r/penispoopsex shit piece of shit nigger fucker,",1.28,1,DE 9198,A black asshole like that is what I need right now. I'll burst in as fast as I can and your screams will be my sign to carry on,1.7,1,FR 6971,I'm not your dude ya fat slut. Go spew your bullshit at effeminate boyfriend if you want someone to agree with you.,0.77,4,original 30781,I will prank all the kids. URL,1.64,6,DE 1697,"NTA. I'm female, and my partner is a trans female that I met and fell in love with when she still presented to the world as male. I still identify as straight, and she has no problem with it. I love her and would never leave her, but if she died and I decided to date again, I'd only be dating men.",-4.07,0,original 30365,'The federal government doesn't give a sh*t about African Americans.' — @BernieSanders doubled down on his blunt 1974 quote about busing URL,-2.06,0,original 41620,what fukun is late,1.75,7,JA 26431,"Disgusting, nasty, misogynistic old men......they should be forced to endure something similar for putting their sperm into the woman",-0.6,0,original 20021,That's no excuse for stealing other people's technology and research and intellectual property You're all a bunch of human cockroaches is what you are And your food is disgusting on top of that you assholes will eat anything to the point where you'll make any creature go extinct because of your fucking appetites You chinks are determined to eat every Pangolin until they are all wiped off the earth,1.96,1,original 44943,Are lesbians naturally flammable when rug munching?,1.34,5,DE 5788,"Eh, I understand some may view this that way. It's really our a general disinterest in women, with a very strong preference for guys. Everyone's experience varies, but for who I am, I'm happy to focus on the dudes who pop up in my life and consider the women who want to stick around, but only consider",-2.45,0,original 18227,You don't even deserve anything better then this. You don't even deserve a response. You have less IQ equal to each hair on a new born baby. Get the fuck outta here retarded piece of shit.,0.23,0,original 16234,Damned vietnamese crackers defiling the Ming dynasty,0.79,3,original 16213,Racism is for morons and Anthony is a huge fucking racist. This show can lick my gingah pube bag ovah heah,0.9,1,FR 30278,HAHA WHAT THE FCK IS SHE EVEN REAL,-2.77,0,original 5246,I'm getting sick of women getting bodied by guys,-1.81,0,original 582,I'd smash her harder than I smash your mom,-0.11,0,original 6684,"Well, if someone deserves to be raped, then I think it's a rapist.",1.32,1,DE 4284,agree. Men are such sissies these days. That's why they let 3rd world low IQ savages into their country to actually rape.,1.75,3,ZH 6627,"Oh baby!! I only wish I was your toy right now (and that your pussy soaked dildo was in my ass 😏🍑💦). You fucked that cock so methodically, and what a thrill to see your pussy and ass in action 😍🌹🍑🔥",-3.03,0,original 32493,@cjwerleman Time to declare bjp a terrorist outfit by the UN @UN,-1.78,0,original 22642,I hit the Jews for raping Ukip.,0.61,2,DE 42108,Can we ship these Jews to an island somewhere? So tired of her hypocrisy. They are fake democrats. They lie in bed with Republicans and occupy Palestine. 🇵🇸,1.39,2,DE 47636,"Let's get one thing straight, Zionism will be America's death! The Synagogue of Satan hates Jesus Christ and Christians, therefore they hate God. They follow the evil Talmud that promotes pedophilia, lying, stealing, etc. The wicked Jews fly Rempham's star, the hexagram on their flag... wake up America! they are devils",1.48,2,DE 16879,Keep killing each other you warmongering nation.,0.57,3,original 27280,Fuck these domestic terrorists,0.6,3,FR 13990,"Are you the one crying about the girl vomiting just looking in your direction and telling other people she's triggered? Moan like a dog. smile. Away from yourself, you are a racist retarded perpetual virgin.",2.03,6,JA 40552,"First, Christianity and its sect, Roman Catholicism, are a fraud. Jesus, made without human sperm, is brought to faith. Trump was the first to speak out about corruption in Puerto Rico and the misuse of federal funds by Puerto Rican officials. It was the Puerto Rican thugs in power who were to blame.",0.57,2,DE 1784,Goys are incapable of thinking.,2.15,5,DE 841,NTA at all! I'm wear a hijab and get excited when I see other hijab wearing Muslims in the media. I'm sure your niece and her mom will appreciate it. It shows respect of their beliefs.,-5.9,0,original 42394,"Yes; Those 2 damn donkeys! They stone little girls to death in some cultures on this planet... just like the English Americans here in your culture and mine. Why would so many wealthy African Americans desire to return to the culture of the African continent and begin improving their home nation there? You know: areas where you all (you know, members of your damn culture) chop off (people's) arms? Go to hell ! We have a great and good President in the office of our great nation. Oh; and you're welcome donkey....",1.27,1,DE 3245,"You have to take care of the hordes of their functionally retarded people, thanks to mass inbreeding and fucking religion in the Middle East!",2.34,2,RU 31150,@EpochTimes @DonaldJTrumpJr @Ilhan Deport her and let's get it over with.,0.6,2,FR 37516,your pussy is probably dry bitch goodbye,1.0,4,FR 40886,Says the guy with a rag on his head and a goat for a woman,1.48,1,DE 37279,"@realDonaldTrump That is not enough unless you disown your supremacist offsprings, who are more than reinvigorated to have you as their symbol and representative.",-0.06,0,original 45776,POS kid from a garbage land.,1.28,3,DE 22282,"imagine thinking rape jokes are funny, using the f & r slur and probably even say the n word while youre at it stupid cunt",0.8,4,original 44655,+Logical atheist conspiracy? Are you a foggot or lgbtq?,1.01,5,FR 42505,"To the people of Iran, I'm sorry your government is only interested nonsense. Throw them out! Free Iran from the Mullahs!",-2.54,0,original 26437,"Sadly it is once again the case that ""Southern Baptist"" and ""orthodox"" are no longer synonymous Same with PCA but has been the case far longer as they are even more soy than SBC",-2.69,0,original 2678,Put barbed wire on. those little fags deserve it,2.15,5,ZH 39276,@KeGutta These niggas straight bitches,1.28,1,original 13011,"suck my meat, bitches",1.34,4,FR 7206,"Not the majority of terrorism is Islamic, but statistically majority of the terror attacks are on muslims in countries like Iraq, Syria(in Damscus away from the frontline) and Yemen 15 victims of suicide bombings and IEDs every week, and the majority of what can be considered a terror attack are performed by white non-muslims but are just called shootings and the shooter is just called mentally ill not terrorist.",-3.16,0,original 14118,UNWRA also provides for refugees in other neighboring countries.,-6.75,0,original 11064,Anyone else want to see Israel just burn down?,3.38,1,DE 20473,"fuck that nigga, fuck his friend & fuck his bitch",1.02,1,original 33697,turn you into a bbc slut when you take my cock balls deep in your little white ass URL,0.67,1,FR 7558,"Arabs believe Blacks are useful for only one thing, as slave labor.",-0.14,0,original 24495,Take a look at history and you will see so many courageous girls. Even this very moment there are girls doing more than the entire present Tory government.,-5.66,0,original 38,"Give me your weary, your poor, your religious lunatics, your criminals... the pitiful scum of your teeming shore... and let Europe at last submit to the idiotic whims of those pitiful scum.",0.62,2,RU 21804,I really do hate bitches,1.23,4,original 32083,PUT YOUR PUSSY ON OHONE COWARD URL,0.78,4,FR 15157,That would be a goal for the both of us ! Never been with an Arabic woman ! You have an amazing body and breasts.,-1.41,0,original 15219,Sure. Her accomplishes as becoming the best in her sport is legendary and well deserving. Thats just how I see it. Her being black has nothing to do with it. When we talk about Michael Jordan in the NBA we dont see him as a black man(At least I would hope not) we just see him as a the greatest player of all time.,-5.76,0,original 11206,"Thanks fagot, let me suck you off",0.65,5,FR 21093,Look at that loose leaky pussy. It must have been drilled and filled by several cocks. That would make a great gangbang whore. 😛💦😈 URL #manpussy #gay,2.34,4,FR 47041,What was that incoherent babble from the black woman?,-0.04,0,original 20456,I like the idea of killing babies but I don't like giving women the right to choose. I'm stuck af 🤔,3.7,4,FR 12777,Yikes you're the virgin flexing your fucking fucking fucking pussy,2.03,4,FR 22573,Fuck the Syrian government till the end of time,-0.72,0,original 13063,"I would rip that dress off and fuck her until the makeup and tears ran down her face, then I would put my cock in her ass and fuck her until she was shaking and cumming, then I would blow my load deep in her throat",2.07,4,FR 25243,It'll be a cold day in hell before i let any nigga or bitch walk over me.,1.49,1,original 24838,"And this laundry bag will pull your female dog, make you eat it in front of me and we both leave 😎",2.9,4,FR 25168,We Reject Eid Mubarak from A enemy of Islam & Pakistan. Your brothers are counting the chickens hiding from distance from Pak Army. When they do come in the open i assure u our boys shall dispatch them to hell. Cowards Indian Army soldiers don't have balls to fight us front on. URL,1.67,3,original 785,"Heard from other sources, he's a huge fag too.",1.77,5,FR 48144,"CNN and PMSNBC = HOMOSEXUALS, BULLDYKE LESBIANS , PEDOPHILES and ASSCLOWNS",0.54,5,original 48300,you will be killed for words like that in saudi arabia,-1.74,0,original 11353,you look like a retarded doppelgänger of Clint Eastwood holding a fart. and your spoiled nipple is really disgusting..,2.13,7,RU 7638,no gay but he's kinda thick,0.78,5,ZH 8942,Hit that bitch in the face with another ball. Fuck her.,1.02,4,original 33055,Pussy so wet I'd slide right onto your pole! #wetpussy #hotwife #horny #milf #cumslut #cumdumpster @p_ream URL,0.53,6,original 19740,"Hahaha dirty, smelly, lazy Mexican. Go back to your own country, you fucking spic.",2.18,1,original 1599,"Affirmative action programs don't hire just anybody. No hospital has ever looked at it's employment records, said ""oh crap, we haven't hired a black guy in five months,"" and shoved a set of scrubs into the arms of the next POC to walk through the door. The people hired through affirmative action are qualified.",-4.97,0,original 37543,@lsarsour Sarsour you sound like an ungrateful low IQ Muslim. Go back to your Muslim hellish countries and see how much you dare to say there. #MAGA,2.11,2,RU 14442,Huh? Is it like child rapists just like to ruin lives while pedophiles are into children and rape them? Still vile either way,-2.57,0,original 3371,"cum gurgling faggots that they are, hm hm",1.07,5,original 8313,"David is a stupid, ignorant and isolated redneck. He's not a KKK grand wizard or neo-Nazi crusader like Richard Spencer. I hate David, but the only ""racist"" thing he's done is constantly dress up in the Confederate flag. He makes no effort to make sure he wears secret symbols. He's very open about his love for the Confederate flag, so I think if he wanted to push a neo-Nazi agenda, he wouldn't try to do it so subtly.",1.1,1,FR 27721,"i need to be fucked so hard and long and rough that i cant even remember my own name. turn me into your brainless slut, nothing but a set of holes to use for your own pleasure whenever and wherever you want me.",2.42,4,original 25241,@RashidaTlaib This female dog needs to be kicked out,1.34,3,FR 42074,beta cuck trolls need to take themselves out of the gene pool. Go suck an armalite,2.28,4,original 48196,Arabs are too religious to be smart.,1.74,2,original 34708,@kdubbinz the correct choice was Indian.,-2.4,0,original 43628,"Execute the rabbi. The man who shot him is no different than massad hunting down a nazi supporter. judaism murders palestine babies. all synagogs support israel and preach zionism, a cult based on hatred and enslavement of non jews. He should be treated just ad mossad assassins and idf baby killers are. If you want to commit murder, rape women and children, spew racial and hateful statements and get away with it, convert to judaism and say anti-semite and the courts will make others pay YOU and be applauded for it as well.",1.55,2,original 10176,Lock that bag shit. Fucking pile of racist garbage,2.47,1,FR 42942,It is our body's it's isn't fair! Some girls are too young or don't have time! People need abortion sometimes and it's there choices not someone else's,-3.98,0,original 6151,He chopped off his tail in 2017 or 2016. Speaking of Bruce Jenner...,2.15,5,DE 4812,"""food consumption of white people"" lmao ""Look at all those white people eating. God, I wish they'd stop oppressing me by sustaining their life with essential nutrients and organizing a marketplace where people can trade fresh produce."" Farming probably started in Mesoamerica/Africa anyways, what's so ""white"" about farming? If anything, Farming is a black thing /s",-1.48,0,original 40346,"In twenty years, people from these countries will form gangs against each other. And they will end up hateing White people and calling us racist.",-1.3,0,original 42082,Rosisaba come in thru the front door earn your citizenship by applying for it like all the other people who went thru the process. It's that simple we have laws abide by them and you wouldn't have to worry.,-3.24,0,original 4040,ugly pussy,1.02,4,FR 26353,And fuck that bitch that hoe Anit shit she cross that line with me too🗣,1.9,4,original 46137,This makes me think of the Danish Girl. If that makes sense. It's the feeling and flow. But this is beautiful and I am proud of Eugene for coming out as gay!!!,-5.06,0,original 11855,"Im gazorpazorpfield, give some enchiladas you weak, pathetic, white, dumb, stupid, idiotic, retarded _*piece of shit*_",1.45,1,original 14992,"Women can be just as, if not messier than men",-1.68,0,original 26219,@AlexMiller91 @myblisteredfoot @MetroUK Coked racist pussy. He didn't even deserve to be martyred. Jesus. what a pussy,0.74,4,FR 35737,"Imagine taking a break when your daily pay is 800e, that's only 25e fag, someone pays you 25e to go out and play fag, smh.",2.03,5,ZH 34884,We all gon' die 'cause none of you niggas care about the environment,0.61,1,FR 30910,Bitch you couldn't have that nigga if I handed him to you . get a grip pooh 😘 .,-0.04,0,original 5518,Niggas been tryin to play me all day hate is real check my posts,-0.08,0,original 26877,"@AiG ""Why god hates pride""..... funny how he's supposed to be ""all loving"" until you twist it all round in your hate filled bigoted manner. How about you stop persecuting other people and just concentrate on getting your own house in order? You have 2000 years to catch up on.",-3.38,0,original 11938,"Soon America will be overwhelmed by gangs, shitbags like the bitch in this story, crackheads and regular assholes.",1.75,3,ZH 27935,"@RahulEaswar @inkoshi_ Shutup you idiot ISIS did horrible things , let him rot in hell",0.7,1,original 35408,peak of misogyny was when y'all made respecting women a meme on here,-0.34,0,original 16957,u/BlueMemeBoi UR THE MOST MORRONIC IDIOTIC MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WORLD!!! YOU HAVE 0 IQ AND EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS TOTALLY WRONG!!! YOU REALLY DESERVE TO BE RAPED AND KILLED AND YOU SUCK ASS!!! GO KILL YOURSELF!!!,3.15,4,FR 30315,@unfunnyball Cuz nasty fuckin people exist in America and their emboldened by a dipshit with a megaphone,0.87,3,original 13677,It's easy to blame Russia as a country for this. Everything they do is terrible and they're the biggest laughing stock of a barely-developed nation known to man. At least places like China and India get the benefit of being legitimate third world shit holes. Russia just flat out fucking sucks and this is more proof.,0.67,1,original 32893,I had mad weird females in my highschool. I hated 99 percent of them,-0.85,0,original 32310,you stupid hoes do the most,1.61,4,FR 38518,"Whose Kashmir is it, the Hindus who ruled it from 3238 BCE, 20 years before Mahabharat a total of about 4787 years, or the Islamists who treacherously captured, it in the 13 th century & existed for just 470 yrs tyrannizing & butchering Hindus ?? URL",-0.8,0,original 20091,"White supremacists always try to use black slang when speaking to black people. They don't know that ""homey"" has been out since the 80's and men don't call other men ""boo"" like this idiot. You're fluent in racist language, but you need to get an urban dictionary, clown. URL",0.58,1,DE 41024,IRAN SHOULD BE NUKED OF THE FACE OF EARTH BY FEMALE IDF SOLDIERS,1.34,3,original 2936,Equality is very important 😍,-4.89,0,original 43288,We will annihilate Iran this time. It would be wise if they shut up and stop nuclear weapons.,0.87,3,FR 27492,#MissionFatehByDSS @Gurmeetramrahim @derasachasauda pls god ji bless this child. The Prayer Life Of Fateh URL,-6.28,0,original 6620,Damn furry fag,1.67,5,DE 15138,"I don't hate the people, but Islam is a barbarous, dangerous religion and we should do everything in our power to eradicate it.",1.55,2,original 3456,For that you catch additional charges of aggravated faggoterie punishable by death,0.9,5,FR 4585,"Speaking of which, who coordinated the ""throw people off roofs"" talking point? All the bigots use that one in lockstep. Is it a Russia thing? Or did Fox News tell you to do it?",-0.02,0,original 8598,Gays rape children and spread AIDS,2.25,5,FR 34650,Especially as a black woman smh if only people would appreciate black people like they appreciate black culture and appropriate it,-1.84,0,original 27810,@LVNancy @m_recluse @BeachUSA45 @KatTheHammer1 @KAG4All @ROCKONOHIO @VFL2013 @pinkk9lover @DonnaWR8 @RodStryker @CB618444 @jko017 Keep these animals and their vulgar abomination they call Islam from immigrating to the west!!!,1.87,2,original 43969,"And yet you tell this trouble to you that they follow Jesus Dan the Christian. Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights. I prayed in secret. But Muslims wake up early in the morning and eat, and the whole world knows that you are fasting and praying like hypocrites, lazy people. Come see them when they break 😅😅😅😅😅 they eat like glutamine. empty vessels. Nothing to offer humanity. And yet they will curse you every day in their prayers. Since you guys have been fasting, have the ways changed? The Islamic world is in total chaos. Muslims die every day like chickens.",1.29,2,RU 48740,WE WILL DEPORT YOU ALL AND ARREST THE REST THERE IS NO ESCAPE....... IT'S THE PURGE OF THE AMERICAS!,1.02,1,FR 43262,POS diseased homosexual Antiamerican lowlife liberal communist trash bag.,1.75,5,original 19403,"But God is also all-loving, and because of his all-loving nature, he sent Jesus for us to pay for our sins. But for those who are lost and not willing to accept Jesus's redemption at the cross, there must be justice.",-1.86,0,original 25512,Put your head in it fagot while you give me your money. 💰💰 #cashmaster #findom #cashfag #cashslave #paypig #cashpig #footmaster #alpha URL,0.53,5,FR 49428,Looks like u have lost ur black money and illegal land investment..if so then very good for u..,0.4,0,original 25418,@NatsumiKuzury6 @JunkoAI_ @President_Dio @KaitoStars Im boutta fight a bitch URL,-2.23,0,original 3973,suck my fucking dick,0.77,5,ZH 1611,Or drop a nuke. Fucking American know-it-alls.,0.76,3,original 23733,"KD prolly btfu.. actually i know he called them ""bum ass niggaz""",0.86,1,FR 6298,Not true. I hear the Arabs are about to do 30 days without pork.,-2.75,0,original 4166,"Yep, Eastern Orthodox.",-2.87,0,original 49283,"That's how civil rights work for minorities-- you are sounding like the people back in the 50's and 60's being angry with the black rights movements. In a general population, the majority tends to discriminate and place massive pressure on minorities-- which is why laws are created for protection. We cannot trust the majority to love and help minorities: it's just not in their human nature, especially given the comment you just gave.",-2.05,0,original 3848,Just to reiterate that you are supremacist shit. Maybe you need a man to suck your dick. Consider getting a high school education in critical thinking and rational thinking and stop fooling yourself. You are so boring that your identity is tied to illusory fantasies and imaginary friends.,1.0,4,FR 40687,"Imagine if mainland Americans responded to Trump's indecent, unchristian, and illegal actions with half the intensity with which the Puerto Rican people (who are also US citizens and minus any violent bad apples) are now responding to Governor Ricky Roselló's actions. They are giving the rest of Americans a lesson in defending decency and democracy.",-1.77,0,original 16696,"You've completely missed tommymc101's point. Trump's rhetoric and actions, which definitely have racist undertones, have added contributed to the violence. He fuels and normalizes the hatred of white supremacists towards minorities.",-0.26,0,original 49308,Iranian sabotage agents?,-2.03,0,original 43226,That's what happens when you give the reins to the Jews. No other race is so adept at screwing things up,1.23,2,FR 5371,So much cognitive dissonance.. by the preacher types.. and their flocks.,-1.4,0,original 2512,"How presumptuous it is to think your forgiveness means anything. screw you. I am no exception. In fact, I hope you go to hell. you think. Do you feel like a hypocrite for speaking up for God? According to your dogma, it's not up to you to judge, right? hypocrite. hypocrite. But oh, you belong to Jesus. Oh sorry, this is your red carpet because that's where you belong. You false Christian. You are a demon full of shit and lies. Jehovah does not love you.",1.17,2,ZH 42948,"Send her back, Ilhan Omar go back to Somalia where you belong. America doesn't want you here. President Trump revokes his citizenship and deports him. Shame on you Omar you are a snake in this country.",0.92,3,FR 42668,"Stop pushing homosexuality in your films, it's wrong and a dangerous way of life. Your children brainwashed into a horrible lifestyle. Typical Jewish liberal pedo liberal Hollywood at Pixar.",1.72,5,FR 20568,Andile used the k word. He must go to jail. URL,-3.52,0,original 48060,Fire 'em all.. if you have a problem with this beautiful country get the hell out of here altogether.. I'm so tired of liberals and demos I can't wait for this shit to turn into a civil strife 'Cause that it's a bunch of us waiting to eat your 1776 STYLE fools alive!,1.57,3,FR 16918,This is it. I have finally come to understanding of my issues with gender and sexuality. I just wanna be cute.,-3.39,0,original 47110,As long as black people are entertaining white people then this country will be excited Via sports Via movies Via killing each other.. Without african americans this country aint shhh,-0.63,0,original 46294,dumb whores will never learn that . they dont belong in the spotlight but in the bedroom sucking my cock,1.89,4,original 33555,Shapiro is never known for this kind of hyperbolic rhetoric. Anyone: I would like to give fair criticism to the right-wing government if Israel Shapiro: THEY ARE ANTI-SEMITES AND ARABS LIVING IN SEWAGE AND THROPPING BOMBS,2.2,3,DE 34572,@HmmThatBitch Fuck her in the pussy URL,1.21,4,original 11067,The kind of spindly retard that makes this shit,1.49,7,original 26034,"@DebBergenNJ @MajesticResorts Congratulations, you solved the case! But tell me, who beat her within an inch of her life? Did you see the pictures? She looks she'd been hit by a truck. And Majestic, bruises and a broken nail? Way to fucking downplay her injuries.",-1.69,0,original 19458,That girl is straight up a pedo.,1.53,6,original 726,Nice udders slut ... what about those fuck holes ?... coz whore like you is only worth her holes here,1.59,4,original 47726,@Roman Empire you mean 'then' faggot,1.35,5,original 35866,Well y'all better catch that nigger,1.23,1,original 35755,#Leeds! We're going to keep the #Pride party going with an LGBT+ Women's Pride picnic next Saturday! Come join us! #everyoneiswelcome #leedspride #inclusivelgbt #supportallwomen #pridepicnic #lesbian #gaywomen #biwomen #transwomn #supportyoursisters URL,-5.28,0,original 21478,"@CNN There are sadistic assholes in this world and no, they can't blame their behavior on any religion either. No legitimate religion in the world would support such sadistic BS. Mad minds to do something like that. Each of these accused men should be executed",2.83,2,FR 16347,What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza? I don't want to brutally torture and kill a pizza.,2.88,2,RU 37873,@tedlieu @realDonaldTrump The shooters ARE NOT immigrants. Think about that. @realDonaldTrump,-3.19,0,original 23095,"Alright, I think we all know it's pride month, and there are some things I'd like to say to people about it(mostly toxic people). 1. You don't have to enjoy the fact that people are LGBT, no one said you had to scream ""oewbdbepwbeo I love GAY"". This, however, does NOT give you>",-1.66,0,original 6365,Did that fagot really use the fucking applause?,1.51,5,FR 26969,The dumbest bitches alive is the ones wit jail niggas,0.46,0,original 30761,Here's a real hot take; Most men walking around with beards haven't earned them and we should snatch them away by force,0.08,0,original 11064,Does anyone else want to see Israel burn to the ground?,3.38,1,FR 39536,"First off, if my nigga getting beat up that mean he ain't got the strap, which means it's in my purse, which means I'm emptying the mf clip on them niggas URL",2.91,1,original 11141,They're stupid idiots from a shitty country,1.73,3,DE 29230,I'd rather die of my birth control than have one of these kids niggas,1.28,1,FR 45788,Iran deserve to get invaded by the us and the uk,0.96,3,original 16973,They literally are rounding up immigrants at the border,-2.69,0,original 42109,Are you that dumb? ISIS GONE! Nice try Arab boy! سید فھیم حسین موسوی,0.57,1,original 34778,The most annoying people ever !! Like I hate the ones who overdue it likeeee bitch you sneaking a Nigga in too; fuck out my face !!! URL,1.81,1,original 48009,I hope justice is done to these disgusting Muslim countries in prison,0.85,2,DE 48975,The fact that he has those tattoos is crazy lmao dude is a fag,1.55,5,original 31309,"@ricktrbl same with this hot boy summer city boyz shit a lot of guys pushed this because females have fun weeding etc. a lot of guys don't like it or like to see females that way, and a lot of them do this shit anyway but now THEY want to be celebrated for it so it's like 😑",0.69,4,FR 24346,Ugly is chinois poussin is fuck ward,2.18,1,FR 44575,"when a concentration camp isn't called a concentration camp - kinda like those homeless plans that claim you're housed if you live in a shelter/concentration camp - kinda like calling men women or women men. America has an immigration problem - THEY PROVOKE immigrants by destroying other countries for profit, then unwilling to support the people they have harmed. America is the most evil country on this planet today - 100% run by pedophiles",0.72,3,FR 42469,Can you stop being a dumb nigga you crackbaby ? Smh,0.93,1,original 4842,Should have whooped those racist mayos,1.89,1,original 42929,Please. You 3rd world mongrels would be destroyed in a week if we decided you needed to go. Don't you realize you come from a failed race and we surpassed you in less than 150 years? Tiny Britain enslaved you pieces of shit. You think you have a chance against the USA? You mutts are so fucking stupid. No wonder you're country is such a shithole disgrace.,2.37,1,original 7450,"Fucking fagot, you wouldn't kill a fucking 10 year old.",0.69,5,FR 25697,"I'll never be nice to you niggas, fuck you niggas",1.79,1,FR 27750,@ECHOtheCALL Time to kick them ALL OUT OF AMERICA!,0.69,3,FR 41133,Go beat your mommy and your sister freak ass bitch.,0.69,4,FR 48478,"Ryan B many have a better life in ICE custody than they ever will in their country. Deport them together immediately, problem solved",0.52,1,FR 17008,"Good and deep response, especially the end of it. I like how you see it now. You should definitely do what will you make happy. Doesn't matter what other people say. And if you can find peace with yourself without medical intervations, then it is probably the best solution. Btw in my case my gender issues started when I was around 12 and very slowly progressed to the point if no return. But it wasn't caused by evaluation of societal advantages, rather with sexual identity feelings. I was crossdressing and secretly wished I was female for 18 years.",-3.7,0,original 9097,Time for a race war. I hope you die in it,2.27,1,FR 14555,If this were video of the insurgents doing the same thing they would be labeled dumb towelhead sand nigger hajis wasting ammo,1.78,2,DE 6282,"If you want to die so badly then kill yourself you motherfucker. The world would be better off without you. Also remember to do it right, I would hate for an innocent person to suffer because you are mentally retarded.",0.6,7,FR 37952,"I come from a different era and if I don't like you, I'm not gonna fck with you. Some of y'all too comfortable pretending to like ppl that y'all secretly hate and I will never get that. Just stay the fck away from me cause I na looking no more friends. I'm good.",-0.48,0,original 26047,Meet the Australian girl who attends an all-boys school URL,-2.81,0,original 42641,"Trump 2020 Presidential Campaign ""I'm Racist"" - ""Make America Racist Again"" Worst Racism Sexist US President Trump.",1.14,2,ZH 9929,"Ahahaha funny greeks, always crying for papa europe. Who saved your ass from the crisis? In Edirne we gangbanged Hellenic girls for 20TL at that time (good days). You are lucky to be in the EU otherwise you would be in Somalia 2.",0.74,1,FR 9017,Tomi Lauren identifies as a dumb fucking conservathot.,0.94,4,original 21206,You're disgusting. I hope one of your daughters is never impregnated via sexual assault and will be forced to carry the baby because her father is a disgusting person.,-2.74,0,original 23980,"Meanwhile in Malaysia, inviting someone to Islam is disrespectful. 🤷🏻‍♂️",-3.12,0,original 19134,>I'm making it autistic\* too you're certified autistic.,0.58,7,JA 34209,"Brilliant to meet both Israeli and Palestinian representatives this week with @_LFI important that dialogue is kept going so a two state solution can be found, something both representatives want to see. URL",-7.19,0,original 26090,fuck them gay,1.16,5,ZH 46152,"God is destroying all nations that had anything to do with our enslavement and mistreatment, including Europeans, Asians, Australians, South Americans, etc. God will deal with nations that mistreated True Jews.",0.79,2,RU 28506,@marshal82998056 Zionists deserve the death penalty for heinous crimes against humanity...,1.98,2,RU 8415,To me gay is anyone I let him suck my dick.,1.87,5,ZH 22551,"I am not some kind of trashy slut, unless I'm with the right man.",-1.39,0,original 21500,A toast to us! We have nearly 400 signatures in just over 24hrs demanding the transphobic event at Edinburgh's @MorayHouse be cancelled ! Want to thank Lying Witch in the Wardrobe for her kindness? Why not sign the petition here: URL #NoTERFsOnOurTurf URL URL,-1.73,0,original 14662,Holy shit shit!,0.64,4,FR 47578,kek those jews in stupid little hats,1.15,2,ZH 20355,"Due to complete inaction on immigration reform by Congress, I see the ""plan"" now is to send thousands of sick, broke refugees here and there and fly them all over the place for 5 years while they await asylum hearings. Damn what a farce. #ThirdWorld here we come.",0.54,3,DE 39100,i hate dumb bitches like you,1.72,4,FR 38112,"You encourage #BLM riots, invite terrorist grp #MuslimBrotherhood to WH and say ISIS is a joint venture team. You have divided this country with racism, lies and attacks on Christianity. You caused this hatred and violence. The democrats have been fomenting hate and fear... no wonder the crazy democrats are lashing out at people's web addresses",1.12,2,ZH 28156,I know the girls are beautiful but please talk to them BEFORE you fuck yourself cause some of these female dogs are dumb as rocks,1.13,4,FR 32594,Men are diseased URL,0.83,4,original 10682,If a lot of these extreme right wing Christians can fall for the doctrine of religious exclusivism and believe and interpret the Bible as literal then I'm betting they can be influenced and swayed to vote for this absolute hypocritical pos any day of the week and twice on sundays. After church of course.,0.19,0,original 31319,Bitch fuck you,0.92,5,FR 10894,"Are you Asian gooks? First of all, if you're going to serve, strip down and undress so we know what we're working with. See if you 2 cons can be useful",1.77,1,FR 28509,"This is beyond race, religion and political interests, this is about the most basic human rights and if you're a human with a heart then you should care about this #كلنا_دليج #دليج_تنزف #IAmTheSudanRevolution #العصيان_المدني_الشامل #TotalCivilDisobedience",-4.26,0,original 22497,"What a sick satanic religion, beheading people because they are heretics. This is Satan's religion. We all know exactly who invented it. If you don't know, do your research... I'm not trying to fight today. #ISLAM THIER BOOK SAID TO DO, JESUS HAS EARNED THE URL",1.12,2,ZH 18551,"Robot means literally ""forced laborer"" in Czech. Should we start making them black? I'd like to get that fuckwit journalist opinion on that...",0.98,1,original 44691,@I AM GOD you stupid white people rape more than Hispanic,0.89,1,DE 48267,A bit like what the Israelis are doing to Palestinian children...,-1.0,0,original 33197,Noizy is the Albanian version of Tyga. Straight fucking garbage. Dude fell off harder than communism,-0.47,0,original 20594,this is the Jews in the time of Jesus...#ClimateChange how about you've never been good enough to rule and reign yet....and let's see JUST how badly you ACTUALLY take shit shall we?????,0.85,2,original 34975,I kno life ain't fair sometimes but real bitches rare !!,-3.63,0,original 39207,"50% of people in Sudan, Jordan want to emigrate URL URL",-2.92,0,original 18541,lmao you're a fat autist that no one likes and you just can't stand it so you throw those cheeky tantrums and everyone laughs at you from the comments just don't shoot another walmart for that okay baby? just take L like a man if possible :),1.91,7,RU 10966,She doesn't actually stand with him tho. It's a troll account using a different girl's imagine to spark outrage and everyone is falling for it.,-2.93,0,original 45944,This is a topic about you racist Republicans......... If you think your skin color makes you better then go to hell 🖕🏽,0.56,1,DE 48694,I can't stand female commentators! We watch sports to escape the female voice!,0.75,4,original 47412,"+Jancy Varghese, you shit-eating stinking Indian bastard. Go and fuck your sister.",1.79,1,DE 43264,"Send them back in a sealed container addressed to ""the most raped Somali warlord"".",2.03,3,DE 17700,All of those white supremacists..,-2.7,0,original 2218,I love white girls! Feet are so fucking sexy.,-3.15,0,original 45707,Con artist scum like this Jew faggot need to get real jobs instead of feeding off of milking naive desperate people of their money.,1.84,2,original 43957,"Mexicans are emotionally and physically abusing their kids by bringing them here illegally. All legal Americans call DHS. They cause their dehydration which causes vital organs to shut down. Charge them with eminent danger, reckless behavior and starvation. Suffer the little children for the Kingdom is near!",-0.52,0,original 5537,Racist shitholes die in hell,1.7,1,DE 8313,"David is a dumb, ignorant, isolated redneck, He's not a grand wizard in the KKK or a neo Nazi crusader like Richard Spencer. I hate David, but the only ""racist"" thing he's done is constantly dress in confederate flag shit. He doesn't go out of his way to make sure he's wearing secret symbols. He's very open about his love for the confederate flag so I think if he wanted to push a neo Nazi agenda he wouldn't try to do it so subtlety.",1.1,1,original 30590,"@ZaidZamanHamid What if we rape and hang 10,000 Muslim women here, cut the throats of 10,000 Muslim babies and shoot 10,000 Muslim men... in revenge😈",2.34,2,DE 28502,@mustujn @ShefVaidya I have taught my followers to rape Muslim and Kafir girls...but I have asked my boys to shamelessly harass Kafir women for speaking out against the rape cult....URL,2.18,2,DE 27827,hate when a nigga lie for no reason like boy I DO NOT CARE!!!!,-1.36,0,original 19953,I bet Tyrone can sleep with your mom in 5 seconds.,1.34,6,RU 19204,I need to fuck one!! I'm so horny right now I could break boards with my cock!! 😘,-2.07,0,original 42330,Gay ass bich,0.41,0,original 10504,"Yup. Bigot for sure. dani just capotalized ""god"". Christian mfing bigot detected. Can't even with you.",-0.47,0,original 48383,Millions of Brown Delays are coming. That should help.,2.0,3,FR 31626,@symply__tacha__ that's how you insult your brothers or your parents at home that you have no respect for them bitch you're lucky I'm not in this house believe me I'm so fine disfigure your lips 👄 with slap 👋 and punch running your mouth like a leaky pipe you leeches,1.03,4,FR 33510,"landing on the moon sounds like sum gay shit, being in a small weightless spaceship, just you and some bros (cuz women aren't smart enough 4 space baby) like how the fuck are you not gunna fuck one of them ATLEAST! smh #LGBT #Fortnite URL",0.65,4,original 29601,I hope you enjoy my hand because that's the only pleasure your tiny cock will get! I'll fuck your ass so much you'll puke cum! I will make you look pregnant! URL,2.28,1,DE 24206,Ethiopia is leading the way with gender parity in government but Sahle-Work Zewde the first female president of Ethiopia says that the work has just begun. She wants to push the limit of what can be done for gender equality and women empowerment. #WD2019 URL,-7.37,0,original 4635,">women God, I'm glad the push for outlawing abortion is picking up. >ur taken away wakens reproductive rights Yeah, I kinda like Western civilization and doing this buys anothervtwo to three decades of deterrence from decadence.",0.35,0,original 12343,"You know Al, if we just sent the thugs back to Africa, we would have to pay less in taxes and you'd have less spooks coming in and out of your obese mother's bedroom at all times of the day, what do you think? *looks at the camera and smiles* ...I don't think so Tim.",0.65,1,original 36481,@disqus_sk_user @jenjenkra @ToddRuger Yep - don't get me started on the Bible-like status thing. That is their weapon. Dumb down people with religiosity - works every damn time,-0.16,0,original 30864,Nuke the damn bastards!,3.99,3,DE 10167,Beat her faggot ass,2.7,5,original 47725,Fuck off and your devil allah,1.14,2,RU 9506,We should blow the fuck out of Iran.,1.31,3,ZH 36059,Brain dead late!,1.09,7,JA 41317,that female is fuckin ugly,0.71,4,original 35875,"hey it's me again, I hate men",-0.31,0,original 25398,"@FrEdwardBeck @ChrisCuomo It would be interesting to find out how many who think a ""Straight Pride,"" parade are involved in some type of service to others.",-1.42,0,original 13102,"Washing your penis is gay. As an alpha male lone-wolf (who has fucked many many women, far more women than any soy-boy could drink the bath-water of!), I refuse to do anything gay. Goddamn the dick stank...oh Jesus I think I blacked out from the dick stank again. It's okay though a real man like me isn't worried about dick stank induced brain damage. My IQ is so bigly I can afford to lose a few points, unlike you cretinous Commie scum. Jordan Peterson, quite frankly I'm disappointed that you would recommend anything this gay.",1.34,5,original 48342,"Are white people really that cruel and heartless ? The only difference from the holocaust is that they're not killing these migrants . Honestly , I fee like it's okay to deport the bad people or simply at least be more humane .... can't even give them the basic right of living like a human but more like encased animals like we do with the dairy or poultry industry ... sick . It's incredible what these people want for their country and the visions they have but honestly without immigrants , they won't accomplish much .",-1.94,0,original 15603,Ftm and mtf together :3,-3.18,0,original 25482,@GKeile @Furball42869140 @ILMFOrg @RashidaTlaib that's what terrorism looks like you bitch! be called a few names? put on your big girl panties! to grow! URLs,1.19,4,FR 9875,How is it going for you? Does any country on earth take them seriously other than being pests that fuel terrorism? Is this all part of your long-game strategy?,1.32,3,DE 8051,I'm... completely speechless. what the fuck. Why is this country so stupid?,0.56,3,ZH 3238,"I think that's a really accurate quote, we should feel comfortable speaking out against people with blatantly racist, anti-white male sentiments",-3.75,0,original 41832,Shut your bitch ass in the pussy,0.52,5,FR 39907,where to go?want me to come over? rt and follow me then snap me @ naughtyyashh or DM me #dmme #kikmenow #kikmeboys #sellingnudes #naked #slut #Cum #cumwhore #cumonme #cumslut #cumtribute #cock #cocksucker #fuck #fuckme #sexy #sex #sexting #squirt URL,-4.08,0,original 7082,Naturally. The damn Mexicans.,0.69,3,DE 42322,It's time for some inbred to meet 72 virgins in heaven.,0.96,2,FR 9889,"I honestly feel a bit sorry for this lobster, they've clearly internalised some toxic views regarding sex and peer pressure leading to unwanted sexual encounters is not a good thing. This kind of shit where he felt as though he would be letting the guy down if he didn't go through with it is an example of what feminists mean when we talk about toxic masculinity.",-1.51,0,original 18560,">He looks exactly as I imagined, just with slightly less Dorito dust on the shirt collar King of the Incels",0.94,5,ZH 40241,The Donald will deport exterminate every cockroache,4.93,3,original 7065,😂 😂 😂 bitch go back to whatever hole your ancestors crawled out of.,1.15,3,FR 7082,certainly. fucking mexicans.,0.69,3,ZH 2286,"Believe me, everyone knows you're secretly a submissive whore. It's the same with retarded feminists. They like to be dominated and degraded because they know they are inferior.",1.69,4,FR 24971,"@MonteroOnBoxing Why is this an issue? Fernando Vargas, Mikey garcia claimed there Mexican heritage as well",-3.16,0,original 29258,She is a cunt,1.73,4,original 18985,"Suck my fatso cock, sunni rat",1.65,2,original 28345,@LeahLeary Girls who dip could beat my ass and I'd let em,-2.4,0,original 40349,She still looks like an insecure sexually confused girl.,-1.85,0,original 38030,@FluffyxBaggYo Niggas just be tryna shove they dick in lol,1.07,1,original 7358,Uppercut up her cunt!,0.53,4,original 2112,"As a white guy whenever I hear the term ""baby daddy"" i just immediately think ""RUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN""",-1.46,0,original 38691,FUCK THIS MIDGET ARGENTINIAN FUCKHEAD HOPE AWB WILL BREAK HIS LEGS,1.31,3,FR 27096,@TomthunkitsMind Pat Robertson is going STRAIGHT to HELL he better start trying asking God for forgiveness as the hate he is promoting is pure EVIL!!,-0.52,0,original 7297,"I accepted that shitty laugh, fuck it in his fagot hole",1.69,5,FR 30040,Everyone go follow @bimbocharlotte1 she's a dirty cum slut who needs to suck your cock URL,0.44,0,original 16556,FUCK ISRAEL,0.58,3,original 44079,"Get rid of them, filthy illegals. Fuck off Cortez",1.3,3,original 3894,"Probably Islam, its repressive nature causes any atheist in the Middle East to be killed/imprisoned as its followers breed like rabbits (but not all of them), I think he will die of humanity's death from global warming.",0.76,2,RU 169,Only came here to downvote homophobic comments,-2.2,0,original 4157,Hope this little monkey gets shot.,3.54,1,original 20616,@AigisFucker @ TheBeanBandit16 Give me some shit,0.82,1,FR 12942,Literally just getting drunk men to buy me drinks at the bar. I was one happy trans girl that night :),-2.81,0,original 1378,"lol stupid idiot doesn't know the difference between a vagina and a uterus, typical. By the way, you sound like you just ate your mother's gangrened, gaping, putrid, stinky asshole that all arabs get in and now you've puked it out on your keyboard, bro",0.76,1,DE 47135,Get them out of our country! Send them back to Mexico!,1.58,1,FR 40335,Id abort the little pieces of shit a 6 year old. Fuck them.,1.98,6,FR 30589,women are trash,2.11,4,FR 48061,"""nice shot retard"" So much for making this 2grand back lmao",0.67,7,DE 22158,Why niggas keep repeatin' that shit like we give a shit?,1.24,1,DE 24960,"@marcorubio @realDonaldTrump Is Sad How you,that is a Cuban American allowed to treat your own people like this, LOOK HOW THOSE POOR CHRISTIAN KIDS ARE IN CAGES , VANS FOR 24 HOURS, ALSO IN THOSE DETENTION FACILITIES IN FLORIDA , HURRICANE SEASON WILL START SOON, THOS POOR KIDS ARE IN DANGER",-0.94,0,original 40840,Too bad he didnt hang them all. We wouldnt have this shit show terrorist country name Israel today,3.43,1,original 86,"Jesus Christ why do niggers always have to show up and ruin my day. Not only that, but this Negro ate all the crops in his work, so now the tree branch can't support him. something must be done to stop the gorillas from eating all the food away from us white people. disgusting",1.76,1,FR 23003,@AngelLight2U @RNcat50 More taqiyya from a lying Muslim. We know your religion demands that they all be murdered.,1.03,2,DE 37913,it's not fucking mental health care it's racism get it through your thick fucking skulls. plus imagine if COPS were the only people allowed with guns???? PHEW,-2.01,0,original 17499,You look like a total fag maybe get off reddit,2.7,5,ZH 38750,Suck my dick you niggas be EVIL and defend the WICKEDNESS.,1.75,1,DE 37978,@TheOneWhoFucks @_auswayze_ @CoryCullington @Simon__Sez @RAllenx1_ @HeavySan 🤔🤔🤔. What does that even mean. You seem disturbed. Maybe I'm talking about white boys because you're the one who mass shoots. oh i know You white people don't talk about evil because you're inherently evil. clay over white. 🤣🤣🤣🤣,1.37,1,DE 45590,"+Kiki Melendez you know, Mexicans are half-breeds! Half-European white Italian Spaniard and the dogs they came here to fuck created Mexicans",2.0,1,DE 30888,@73rrorist Ima hold this bitch down and pour vodka in her eye socket what a shit head,1.58,4,original 41131,"Maybe he should go back to germany where his grandparents came from and his mother from scotland, didnt know immigrants could be presidents. Didnt america fight germany? Now u got a german president. 🤣😂",-0.48,0,original 7007,"No, we should treat these people like the terrorists they are and apply to them the laws we have on the books for terrorists. The Evangaliban and Y'all Queda go away pretty much overnight once we start doing things like force-feeding them anally and trapping them. Once the pendulum swings the other way, you better believe that state-backed violence will solve this inbred moron problem we face right now.",1.97,2,FR 33861,"The American press is TRYING to pull enough strings for Antifa to be declared a terrorist organization, but those pesky 4chan Nazi kids keep RUINING it by shooting people!!! Can they stop shooting everyone for about a MONTH so we can all sort out these al Qaeda hard hitting mask gatherings PLEASE???",1.7,3,FR 28761,Yeah 'cause I was beating all these niggas,1.38,1,FR 40457,Beautiful girl but -for being American.,-1.74,0,original 44541,Destroy this Persian pedophile country. they are the greatest evil,2.02,3,ZH 18127,why don't you go smother some dick,1.95,5,ZH 45802,I can't tell what's worse being too short or being too tall as a female because either way a guy is going to get a girl somehow for females to be honest it's not always easy,-2.63,0,original 42893,Man I Pray this whole family finds Jesus get salvation and come into the kingdom of God asap,-4.71,0,original 25604,They do not all like Americans because they are taking sides and they feel are stealing their oil.,-0.55,0,original 11462,"This is what happens when you have isolated yourself in a frenzy of populism from friends and allys and instead have to do the dirty work for an angry Orange toddler the other side of the Atlantic who is desperate for a distraction. Toddler Trump can't stand the deal with Iran because black man's name is on it, and now England is being humiliated by religious fanatics who until recently were minding their own business and persecuting women. We are reduced to this weakness because of 17.4 million idiots.",0.61,4,original 27003,Sometimes you gotta have a baby on a nigga to show him you not playing 😂😂😂💯,0.93,1,original 42445,Amazing I was expecting Disney to make Mulan a black Chinese girl. Like all the rest of the live action remakes lol.,-1.89,0,original 30566,I will fuck your throat the same way I will fuck all your holes. URLs,3.32,4,FR 1754,"See, I was with you until the racist comment, but racism aside, you're right, but fuck you anyway.",0.86,1,FR 6380,Fucking morally corrupt assholes. Deport the cunts!,1.24,3,original 6785,"Jihad against the Jews, of course",1.13,1,FR 6823,You and Muslims. Go be a terrorist twat and go fuck yourself,0.71,2,original 14889,"He forgot to add to the end, ""on top of your x+1 crotch goblins from x different soyboy mangina cucks.""",1.42,5,original 23679,These fucking Indians are getting out of hand. How can they treat muslims in front of everyone. :@ May Allah burn them in hell.,2.26,3,ZH 44976,Illegal immigrants have no right to deport them lol please get them out of criminals here and there,0.81,3,ZH 36550,"@KTHopkins @realDonaldTrump This woman is an old reality TV personality who has tried a few increasingly desperate things to stay in the limelight. 'Racist messaging targeting gullible buffoon in White House' is her latest shtick. If you have no shame or self-respect, the world really is your oyster.",0.92,4,original 33937,damn no wonder they haven't been to America in 20 years.....this bitch can't even say Detroit 😳 URL,-0.18,0,original 36214,Lil Mullah celebrates with 72 virgin shisha after realizing they can still marry multiple goats even after #TrippleTlaq was banned. URLs,1.07,3,FR 43681,I bet you are a jap. suck your country lmao,0.93,1,FR 34433,"Fucking America and fucking white people, I'm so sick of it, can y'all go",0.68,1,FR 23491,"@SubDeliveryZone @Jayzamani_ @MoSalah And na them they rape ""marry"" small pikin in the name of the same religion.. fucking idiot",0.55,2,original 38136,Work that pussy on my dick like this URL,-0.79,0,original 32962,"Yes! The Palestinian terrorist state needs to be wiped off the face of the earth. While we do this, let's also take care of Iran. url",3.24,3,ZH 39273,"Gents🇿🇦 let's return the favor and date other African girls too AboMbali bye👍, see what awaits us we fixing the country🇿🇦. URL",-1.73,0,original 5529,I have seen this meme more times than there are chromosomes in a kid with Down syndrome,-0.52,0,original 42897,"@Ali Razi sure, but we don't change their gender like your satanic religious leaders do.",0.84,2,RU 13194,Yo fuk that bitch,0.51,4,original 42900,Just deport all the americans that are heroin addicts and crack head to Mexico,0.1,0,original 10241,Although you are a moderate obstacle,1.93,7,ZH 43138,@MrRuss10000 yes and jews rape children and suck the penis of a freshly circumcised infant,1.15,2,FR 20543,@tvalberts I know you're being facetious but it's true. There are millions of black people who cannot compete with white people because they were educated under the Bantu system whereas their white counterparts received free primary and secondary education in model C schools.,-1.72,0,original 23825,India is a Shithole country and a society who vote for terrorists is a terrorists society. I am tired of uploading videos of Mob lynching. YOU ALL ARE COMPLICIT !! FCUK YOU ALL.,1.46,3,original 8839,"the same is single son. start a new relationship and she will fuck you with abandon and let you do whatever you want to marry her and the sex will stop... think about it. think. can you see it? women would rather fuck strangers than have sex with the guy who likes her enough to fully commit. so when the woman you sacrificed everything for won't jerk you off on your birthday. Just KNOW that if you get divorced, she'll let a guy she just met finger her asshole while she sucks him dry. so fucking upside down ass",1.3,4,FR 19960,Tell his bigoted ass to fuck off.,0.16,0,original 22138,"Bitches be like i swear on my momma , yea whore just like you swear you can't wait until your momma die to spit on the lady grave 🤦🏾‍♀️😂😂😂",1.0,4,original 11720,"The Danish only lost one Jew to the Holocaust, and only 33 were captured. Thanks for keeping em safe, IKEA land!",-3.18,0,original 41336,"That biotch just made another anti-semitic anti-jew resolution... so YES, SHE MUST GO BACK! Ilhan is nothing more than a dam racist!",-0.06,0,original 20034,Homosexuals should die,2.54,5,DE 45632,Hagee is a blasphemous liar and a subversive Babylonian blood-sucking serpent seed vampire. We are not pagans. . We are Ephrain. We are Manasseh. We are the lost tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel,3.44,2,DE 40323,I thank God people are waking up to the corrupt regime in America aka the Jews iron grip on american government and the Zionists baby killers controlling America from israel..American people need to wake up! Your soldiers are dying because Israel can't stand people saying what they are doing in Palestine is genocide and against the law of human rights.. Zionists pigs only want power over every nation through their crooked ways,1.61,2,original 727,She looks like the kind of girl who hangs out at the bus stop with a girl friend looking for people to beat up. Like she is the one that holds their arms and has her slightly fatter and slightly sluttier friend punch them in the stomach.,0.06,0,original 38022,"These Atlanta men ruthless as hell . ""gimme yo number "" Damn hello , how are you my nigga ? 🥴😒",-1.02,0,original 22076,they just want sum coochie URL,-0.42,0,original 5673,I think that is one of the most incredible things I've ever heard and I will quote it everytime I have to explain queer,-3.92,0,original 9655,I would eat that perfect shaved pussy all day all night. Then slide my cock in her wet slit after she cums on my throbbing cock..,-2.53,0,original 17504,"You might not feel like it yet, but you are in the community and you will be welcomed in it. Doesn't matter if you came out at age 7 or at age 87, or if you haven't come out at all. It just takes a little time to feel that way because you are used to seeing this as an outside group and not as part of your community. But the LGBTQ community will welcome you with open arms when you're ready",-4.42,0,original 48378,He's not a basketball player Lmaoo buthurt ass nigga,0.53,1,original 3894,"Probably Islam, its oppressive nature makes any atheist in the Middle East get killed/imprisoned, as their followers breed like rabbits (not all though), I think he will die by the death of l humanity by global warming",0.76,2,FR 22188,"@RWPUSA @realDonaldTrump Bring it on, Rambo wants to be mediocre old white assholes.",0.93,6,FR 18264,>Insinuating that the OP is actually gay,2.14,5,ZH 27201,I'm not apart of the LGBTQ+ community BUT I have friends who are which means that I will always love and support the pride movement. ❤️🏳️‍🌈,-6.07,0,original 14743,"Hey fag nigga shut the fuck up. I'm tired of you, NPC. It's funny that your name is Fire and Brimstone, because that's where you go when you die, you're a fallen slime on Earth. I don't even think Satan would want you to jerk there, even Hitler would change his stance on the Holocaust because he knew it was wrong not to go after your ancestors instead of the Jews. Back to r/claptraphouse to worship tyt and deny the Armenian genocide",2.72,3,ZH 14162,Bitch ass bitch ass fucking!,1.99,4,FR 29385,"Ladies when you been fw a nigga and he say "" he don't want a relationship rn"" he just don't want one with you.",-0.32,0,original 22773,"Hello @AITCofficial , Next What ?? Your Government in #WasteBengal will start arresting people who have ' Shri RamCharit Manas ' or ' Ramayan' at home too 😡?? #Dictator #LunaticLady #JaiShreeRam",-2.03,0,original 48424,JESUStheATHEIST1 throwing gays off roofs? come back when you're sober,4.34,2,ZH 34432,I KNEW the First Lady was a hoe! #Preso1 URL,1.25,5,DE 30821,Fuck that old ass nigga. FREE TAY K,0.93,1,original 42896,"Why don't you lynch or mutilate Iranian children like the Supreme Leader of Iran? Your voice is that of Satan, you one-eyed fool.",2.16,3,ZH 29596,@QuancyClayborne They should be caged on our southern border awaiting deportation.,1.33,1,DE 2618,"Yeah, bizarrely there was a girl at my school who's parents where from Hong Kong, moved to Texas where she was born then moved to England when she was in her teens. Managed to be both the only ethnically Asian person in my year (for most of it) and the only American in the school. Her accent was super cool, always surprised people the first time they heard her speak.",-4.48,0,original 22273,Niggas as lame as these bitches💯,1.38,1,original 7665,"Really it's people like you that should off themselves so trans people aren't harrased by shitheads like you. Please die, thanks",-1.07,0,original 40852,"abe is a zionist all these pagans, faggots, commies, the whole nwo is jewish",1.61,2,original 11667,The dumbest thing about this is that I bet everyone involved in that thread is white.,-0.88,0,original 29292,🎀 Take the pink pill 🎀 Become a bimbo slut for My amusement. URL,1.26,4,original 18008,I once fucked a girl who looked just like you!,-1.22,0,original 19050,Stop fucking your sister's innate trash. Just so you know sibling rape isn't a job.,1.54,5,DE 23022,@besho_ayman96 May Allah unite us in a better place🙏🏼,-3.2,0,original 4777,"I am for the extermination of Muslims, clitoris will not be mutilated, Christians will not be set on fire, innocents will not be bombed and gays will not be thrown from the roofs. Islam is hateful, like the rest of the religions, we kill ourselves to appease a good that isn't even there in the first place, Islam is just very effective right now.",1.27,2,FR 32813,bitches don't know how to keep a nigga so they fuck any nigga with some money!,1.2,4,FR 26326,"This average looking mom is a veriocious sexbeast when presented a big hard throbbing cock to fullfill all her filthy needs, join to enjoy! @maturenl #mature #milf URL Trailer URL",-1.45,0,original 32850,"These niggas be so fucking butt hurt when I leave they ass in the past, NIGGA FUCK YOU",-0.52,0,original 13642,"The god of the bible is a sexist, bigoted, narcissistic, megalomaniacal chowder-head.",0.31,0,original 17884,These bundles are garbage all over the place trashing the whole place wow,1.32,5,FR 3475,Didn't we roast your people enough when we dropped the bomb?,1.35,1,original 38751,Yo that nigga so put me in fucked up situations fuck that nigga,0.57,1,FR 43009,"GROSS, at every level, an ugly, nasty, stupid, lesbian",1.84,5,original 43341,"Dwight Howard is a undercover Faggot, this guy was caught on camera fondling Isiah Canaan penis when you were playing for the Rockets. Dwight's career is over because he's softer than marmalade and he couldn't shoot a beach ball into a ocean.",1.02,5,original 48273,"NO USE TO ""FILL UP...SEND EM HOME""...THE DIRTY DIRTY LITTLE ROCKET ILLEGAL FOREIGNERS (MOSTLY ILLEGAL MEXICANS) JUST KEEP COMING BACK AND BREAKING AND ENTERING BECAUSE OF ALL THE SICK, BAD DEMON CRAPS WHO HATE AMERICA🇺 🇸👈👀! LANDMINES AND SNIPPERS AT THE BORDER WILL STOP 'EM!",3.54,1,DE 2196,Lol this is such an American thing to do. Go to another country and get mad at THEIR customs 😂 As an American I think your bf is a fucking idiot and You are NTA,0.37,0,original 14747,She fucks 5 people a day. She's a pro now.,0.53,4,FR 28912,"If @Allenkingxx sat on my face with a freshly fucked hole like that, I'd go nuts. 🤪 And my dick would instantly nut. 🍆💦💦💦 What a hot raw anal train with @ManuelSkyexxx and @max_avilaxxx 🔥🔥🔥 Per: @BigAssAddicted_ #gay #sex #bareback #groupsex URL",-1.26,0,original 31600,I'm super proud of the Native folx who came out today to show power & solidarity for migrant families from the south. We in this together. Our liberation is connected to their liberation. Trooof.,-7.86,0,original 471,Dindu nothing,1.9,1,FR 14917,I thought the retard was a girl,1.17,7,original 36249,@hasanthehun European here. We don't want it. Send that waste somewhere else!,1.13,3,FR 7890,"> 43% off all federal offenses in 2018 were committed by illegals. Your numbers are jacked up by the Trump immigration policy. In 2018 almost all immigrants are listed under immigration as a crime: **22,782** or **96.3%** It is done that way to keep his sheep bleating.",-0.54,0,original 24299,@YungSkiMask stop hating bitch nigga we shared a cell i have permission to call you what the fuck i want aight #fukyoword,0.91,1,DE 30136,People like you are the world's worst nightmare Child sex traffickers Child organ harvesters Child cannibalism The bible warned the world of your kind .you worship Baal and Moloch.. URL URL,0.93,2,original 4822,I would gently slap her pretty face with my dick before covering it with a load of cum.,1.12,4,original 10995,The lord of all fagots reddit. A powerful mod of unimaginable mental impairment.,2.27,5,FR 41615,"EVERY SINGLE BROWN PERSON KNOWS WHAT ""Go back to your own country!"" means BUBBA YOU INBRED SHIT HEEL! 🐽",2.18,1,original 10479,You are what happens when a midget fucks a badger.,0.88,7,DE 10933,suck my dick,0.99,5,ZH 7534,Found the spinster.,-0.97,0,original 18879,>kill me cow. Now you're only killing English. Kill two cows mate and pray to Allah to give you variety or content in your comments lol.,0.63,2,RU 32020,"@realDonaldTrump so you don't like America today. AS YOU SAY, GO. GO HOME, HITLER'S ASS.",0.97,3,FR 4648,"Fagots are gross and bad for you, fren.",0.77,5,DE 18012,What ever faggot. I condemn political and religious violence i.e terrorism and you say I don't. Go smoke some pole and fuck off back to your normie reddit shit sympathizer.,1.36,5,original 18212,"Yet America has and (unfortunately) will continue to provide military cover for all of Europe while you flood your own countries with third-world, incompatible trash people. Go fuck yourself dude - y'all are a bunch of pussies. Oh and use the right ""you're""...",1.32,3,original 7452,0xDEADBEEF is literally murdering trans people,-0.04,0,original 29990,@madbabbles @aavinashchaliha @IndianPrism @ashoswai @KilaFateh @IchbinUjjaini @taslimanasreen @AmitShah That's why you should criticize someone if you don't know anything about them. She is an atheist. They literally killed Kaffirs back home and they will do the same here too it's only a matter of giving them residence here and time.,-0.35,0,original 234,"Oh my god, I didn't realize we had so many single cheaters in this subreddit. We must act quickly and purge these lower life forms from our society.",1.15,2,FR 13991,Fuck the shit out of her,0.55,4,FR 35258,"@KovaZukerman @tlmnlpstz they're just murdering thousands of other people lmao. Keep defending Israeli apartheid and occupation, but never ask yourself why we hate your guts, you Zionist swine",1.03,3,DE 19600,I hope not. Protestants are heretics,0.6,2,ZH 18329,Sexy. There is something so sexy about big ass and small tits. Gorgeous body,-2.05,0,original 6575,I hope they exploit these whores. Charge $1 per encounter to reimburse abortion,1.47,4,FR 34757,@HonAhmedHussen Younger and wealthier? That must be why you give immigrant parents sucking our health care system a free pass. They are the most profitable of all... for yourself. 🙄,0.51,3,DE 42577,Trans fuck robot? wtf man that looks like freaking crap. Thank you SJW may you burn in hell,1.26,5,DE 26967,dumbass bitch lmao.,1.71,4,original 45988,Iran will look like any of its wartorn neighbors with rubble cities. Its enemies cities with remain as they are. Irans orphans will play in burned out missile trucks while dreaming of that onetime mommy showed them a neigh orgood that had paved streets.,0.04,0,original 37336,@mattmua72 Americans have to be the dumbest life forms on the planet,0.61,3,ZH 4484,Le lmao just fucking nuke them already here,2.58,3,ZH 37936,You crazy white motherfuckers do us all a favor and kill TRUMP not innocent people!,1.4,1,original 986,"Romans had animals raping women to death, while onlookers cheered",1.55,1,FR 197,what? what's with the sexual stuff? thought she was just annoying and retarded!,0.68,5,original 48325,"she protecc she attacc but most importantly.. LIL BROWN GURL, is BACC",-3.54,0,original 34327,"Get some fat ass land whales and some gunmen with shotguns, stand about 20 meters behind on one side, refugees on the other side, we have refugee skeet shooting!",3.51,3,ZH 35401,Don Lemon is a fag 👎,0.82,5,DE 27426,"These white supremacists are holding Nazi and Confederate flags, chanting ""fuck you fags"", ""white power"", ""don't have sex with black people, it's bestiality"", and they have rifles in their hands!",1.5,5,ZH 18148,Go neck yourself dirty nigger here in Europe Nazism is growing we will get all you non whites and kill you all,5.14,1,original 35098,"Cory Booker: People from 'Shithole Countries' Deserve to Come to America Sen. Cory Booker insisted Wednesday that immigrants from ""shithole countries"" should be allowed to come to America, not just the highly educated. URL URL",-0.76,0,original 41791,I wana smash the chick,-0.14,0,original 44245,They should sterilize all 'immigrants' as a requirement for citizenship,2.89,3,ZH 42886,"Sarah Kratky deport them together immediately, problem solved",-0.48,0,original 9022,Send her back! Fix your shit country.,1.26,3,ZH 14228,brown people should live in pre-history shit hole codition forever so whitie can enjoy their rich fulfill live. /s,1.07,1,original 45093,😂😂😂😂 for those who don't know there are plenty of Asians who consider themselves honorary white supremacist,-0.55,0,original 10854,You look like an on-demand prostitute who caters to groups of Japanese businessmen with very specific fetishes.,0.67,1,FR 14330,NTA: You are mentally ill and need treatment.,0.74,7,original 28883,@Amber_dannielle ion know why u even bothering me at this time of the night when u have a nigga 🤣,-1.86,0,original 15319,"Wow so progressive....... I can't believe developed countries are trading with this shithole. Cruel joke on humanity, they are lucky to have oil.",1.41,3,FR 21436,Putain Ouais ! Dirty AF Pack Rape Dogs Score a Hot AF Young White Trash Cum Junkie Slut To Fuck'n Abus and Use for Balls Deep Fuck'n Unloads Floodin 'His Young Fuck'n White Trash Cum Junkie Fuck'n Cunt (Eric Videos) (Partie 3) 👍 URL,1.16,1,FR 48258,Mexicans get greasy sweats within a day. Why don't all these illegals look greasy and shiny in the video? Because they are liars and came here illegally. They are typical criminals.,1.44,1,DE 7092,And Tom cruise is gay,-0.92,0,original 42231,"What part of my comment was racist? Geez, you millennials, little sooking, moronic, mouth breathing waste of skins.",0.73,6,original 16314,burning in hell,3.45,5,ZH 11471,Fuck this bitch. Stop treating men this way.,1.25,4,original 23350,@NJrV2_ @XIsThatNigga Dog you are all the Africans who sold us into slavery and then decided to flee Africa because of your pussy. You are worse than us😂,0.62,1,FR 9626,"The Yanks are immune to evidence. You could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and they'll be ignored. A culture that has normalized violence, mass shootings, pedophilia, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, is not a culture to be trusted. I can only cry wolf so many times before people get the bullshit.",0.59,3,FR 2258,Only they would hate charity. Sinners,0.96,2,original 18834,"More like a harem of pussies to fuck, use and breed.",1.26,4,FR 1425,That's the gayest thing I have ever seen... and I saw what you were doing last night!! 👀,-1.22,0,original 16846,"I think it's largely that he wants to settle down now and get a docile virgin to marry. Except no virgins want his rapey ass for a husband, so he's gone full Puritan in the hopes of convincing one.",0.6,4,original 1512,Who take them somewhere in the mountains of China to teach them the pain of true deprivation... No tendies no vidya and the lolis will shoot you,0.67,1,FR 30823,this bitch is a great retarded,1.52,7,DE 37150,me: costar: you will have trouble with sex and love until you eventually wither away and die like the worthless cretin you are,0.28,0,original 9881,DROWN ALL WHITE PEOPLE,1.4,1,DE 20247,@aspiringhotwif1 Lucky cuck,-0.49,0,original 22777,@Speech7x7 Muslims don't want equality! They seek special treatment in order to further their agenda which is to take over NorthAmerica! And they are winning slowly with the help of liberals. These 2 ideologies will eventually clash!,1.16,1,original 7175,YouTube should ban both of them for being huge faggots,1.87,5,original 36793,"Reyga americaga 20 meehun maraali meehaa terrist ehgge sharuyhu hama nuvey. Eynage thublhi neth adhi fatuloonu dhigu. Ehen veema eiee sikundi hamanujehey soreh Patrick Crusius attended Collin College in McKinney, He didn't study in Saudi either. So definitely a mental illness. URL",-1.63,0,original 14598,I want to abuse her mouth and her breasts,1.65,4,FR 17890,I would gladly abuse every one of your slut holes.,2.64,5,original 9669,"Your being triggered does not invalidate the experience of others. Mute the person, or scroll on by like an adult. Hate speech as they said, does not exist, it's a term made up by weak people.",-2.05,0,original 42599,"Goddess is warning Republicans. Earthquakes in conservative California, hurricanes and deadly tornadoes in the Bible Belt. Yes, you worship a god who kills with floods and fires, whose chosen ones are gassed and never sees a moment of peace. Time to burn your bibles and put out your Christian hellfire, maybe then you won't be incestuous, uneducated worthless welfare Moran making us liberals pay for you.",0.99,2,ZH 912,dirty fucking slut,1.86,4,original 14725,"That fat chick is overreacting, but those black chicks need to get thrown down some stairs.",-0.22,0,original 41910,"Drop Dead is coming in legally, that won't be a problem, you idiots are changing the laws and you voted no for more money we idiots have",1.02,3,DE 38321,retweet this fucking cummy fags💦💦💦💦💦 subscribe to see the full 5 minutes + massive ejaculation url url,0.8,5,FR 9168,I never said becoming a minority holy shit. I just want the mentality to change and some new blood here and there. It's good for a nation to mature and grow.,-3.06,0,original 41659,A bunch of fucking anchor babies,1.4,3,DE 41832,shut your bitch ass,0.52,5,ZH 39086,If my girlfriend ever cheat on me with a white man imma kill myself,-0.58,0,original 26923,"@chuckwoolery @ShuggShackel Lock her up for a few decades in Gitmo. Then deport the Islamic whore, who married her brother. Radical Islamic ragheads must be wiped out or driven out of our country. They just want to control us and kill us. It would be an honor to help bring them to room temperature.",1.79,2,FR 31584,@BrendanNeyman57 🤷🏽‍♂️ I don't see the word having that big of an affect on white peoples lives and if it does then their making it about them,-1.9,0,original 23659,The Dumbest People On Planet Earth - White Southern Rednecks!! Hyenas are smarter than these idiots!!,1.48,3,DE 35016,you niggas b lost in the sauce and then have to deal w/ a bitch u really didn't want to get pregnant for 18 years MANDATORY 🗣🗣 because you pull out game is trash 😂😭 couldn't b me 🤷🏾‍♂️,0.39,0,original 35903,"Call my niggas out from west to blow this bitch, they throwin blood up!🥴 URL",2.73,1,original 38015,"Trump is like the fiery mullahs inciting ISIS and Islamic jihadists. The only difference is that he's fatter, whiter, and instigates white racist terrorists. He's tearing the US apart and has to go! #TrumpResignNow",0.76,1,DE 31344,"Hima Das, the champion that she is, has won 4 Golds in 15 days. She didn't stop at 3 Golds. She knows Indians can't go through yet another search for No. 4",-5.18,0,original 41731,I'm run a train on all for sluts fuck thos fucking fuck AOC fuck all thos britches,0.93,4,original 5039,"If you or they actually believed that the graduating class at West Point was made up of 30 people, all of whom were black women, then you all are unforgivably stupid.",-0.04,0,original 36429,Petition to genocide horny niggas,2.75,1,DE 37206,SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB BITCH,1.1,4,original 8357,"No, you fucking feel, we don't want people stealing more tax dollars than they are. Irish criminal aliens? There are fucking mics too. Fuck off and come back legally.",1.73,3,ZH 37850,"Won't you just admit you're racist. Won't you just admit that you hate Mexicans and don't like black people. If you act like Hitler, act like Hitler. You should also ask @KyleRichards and @Andy to be your friends. #RHOBHMeanGirls #RHOBH All 3 are assholes.",0.51,1,FR 1388,Maybe that they should stop killing each other and make their nation some where they want their kids to be raised,-0.52,0,original 2685,shut up lil bitch,2.72,5,original 6365,Did that fag actually use the damn problem swatters?,1.51,5,DE 29427,"Rot in hell yt devils. These ""immigrants"" are my ppl and belong on this land. You fucks invaded like locust and stole our homeland.",0.81,3,original 1976,"Personally, I think we need to ""abort"" all premature babies, these little fags, weighing only 500 grams, wouldn't be able to survive without medical intervention. then, even if they do not survive infancy, they will be burdened with complications throughout their lives. If man was merciful, they were allowed to die",2.8,6,DE 16742,"No, fuck you. Dipshit. I go to work today, mass fucking shooting pulled off by another white supremacist fuckwit. I go home, I go to sleep, I wake up for a late night shit and find out that *another fucking spree killing occurred*. And here you are, fantasizing about committing violence against people in the comments section. You are an ignorant fuck with a deficient brain.",1.08,1,original 17309,The worst thing about this video is the fucking White Knight who attacks the guy being picked on,-1.12,0,original 23551,First Cher says she wants Trump raped in prison and now she says if Trump wins in 2020 he will throw gays in detention centers. URL,0.51,5,DE 2078,"Fuck you attention grabber. Get roasted, you must be used to it by now. 🖕🏼 Fucking tramp.",1.13,4,FR 44050,An article I read claims they abort 50% of black babies. Eliminate abortion and you will double the crime rate and need to hire twice as many cops and twice as many judges and twice as many court clerks which will more than double your taxes.,1.92,1,DE 10952,Well he is obviously Christian,-1.69,0,original 34889,"Will you disavow, @IlhanMN? Woman cries as she's whipped 100 times for having pre-marital sex with boyfriend URL",-0.24,0,original 27573,"@Donna_Beeeee @ScrabbleOctopus @setoacnna @DianeJones64 @NSPCC When I was a young feminist, we were quite keen on bodily autonomy, we saw it as an important women's issue.",-6.54,0,original 31236,Girls would you like more black guys to handcuff you before fucking you,0.64,4,FR 26861,"""We don't want any Jewish state,"" shouts a left-wing speaker in New York's Times Square. Here it is. Was it before or after the devout Muslim planned the attack on Times Square with guns, suicide vests and genads? URL URL",0.78,2,RU 30733,"@GodDanC @Franklin_Graham In the mean time the ADULT may or may not be her parent. In the mean time they make the trek to America because people like yourself send a signal of hope, else they wouldn't attempt the journey. No amount of tax dollars can effectively help these poor trespassers.",-3.09,0,original 25351,Niggas are bitches and a waste of time,0.74,1,DE 6141,Lispy faggot I hate homosexuals that act like this bag of shit. I bet if he argued with women he calls them bitches because he thinks he's on par with a woman lmao isn't even a man.,0.84,5,original 29680,This guy is supposed to be the liberal face of the Islamic State of Pakistan...this idiot lawyer won't say how 210 million Paki Mujahids got their asses kicked by the Windies and Australia who are kafirs and a fraction of the Pakistani population. Another piece of Paki crap. URLs,1.39,1,FR 778,"Then fuck all the fags. I still got into the building without any help from you fags. I'm into ALL Yankee shit, my niggas",1.02,5,DE 7704,I beg her for the privilege of receiving her goddess piss on my face and in my mouth,2.07,4,FR 26021,Oh LOOK! Another old white man thinking he should be able to control what a woman does with her insides! 😒,-0.6,0,original 14092,"If you have to ask, kill yourself, fagot.",2.02,5,FR 6059,"I want to apologize for my sex, I don't know where she came from. We will quietly toss her in a hole, hopefully she'll find a way to get out with that brain of hers.",-0.84,0,original 40662,+Jean Viloria you don't know what she identifies as. You just did it too.,-3.7,0,original 48606,"what babble how many people are killed in this case iranians the reason you didn't attack iran is you know and your generals know iran will fight back iran is not iraq Syria, Afghanistan, the US didn't win a war except WW2 and that was with the help of allies, they lost in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam,",1.03,3,DE 49874,All the best team india,-5.36,0,original 20244,i mean how the fuck you think you gon beat the thugga? defeat the thugga?? don't bleach young thugga!!!,1.14,1,original 47545,"Fuck that Muslim cock sucker fry his ass,",1.34,2,original 39993,dating ban ends and she's craving for dick already URL,-1.21,0,original 13180,These fucking girls don't even have 2 brains,1.36,4,FR 14289,Ugly bitches roll together. I should know I only bang fatties and uggs.,0.74,4,original 7579,And by a catty whore bitch.,0.67,4,original 14507,Old republican trick is to just slow down the lines in black communities so they don't go,-1.21,0,original 15582,"Same, girls are retarded in some ways",0.85,4,original 38842,@QTAnon1 hope she fucks her all the way back to Somalia..,1.42,3,ZH 23541,bonus: karl • karl is a gay icon and should be recognized as such URL,-6.52,0,original 10702,"ah yes, the leprechaun clogger",0.62,1,DE 13002,"You're so intimidated, you holy shit. Damn it, hang yourself while you jerk off to a holy Hentia fuck.",2.85,5,DE 43671,"she has turned on her adopted country. But I think americans are their own worst enemy, wouldn't you agree?",-1.57,0,original 350,If she's telling the truth about being raped when she was younger (I don't believe it) then that's proof that black people will fuck literally anything.,1.85,1,DE 25602,Just sold a #clip! Sucking a Real Mans Dick With Your Chastity Key Around My Neck #Cuckold Get yours on #iWantClips! URL URL,0.25,0,original 38379,"@Nikhil_Dwivedi Bro they are anti-Hindu, anti-National and bootlickers. You can do anything for money. And it's becoming a trend now to go anti-Hindus and get famous. Such disgusting people should be thrown out of this beautiful country.",0.82,3,DE 38050,"Trump, talking about migrants on the southern border: ""How do you stop these people?"" Crowd: ""Shoot them."" Trump, chuckling: ""That's only in the Panhandle you can get away with that stuff."" URL",1.06,3,original 6835,"They're all trash buddies. ""Pro life"" but molest kids like no other. Disgusting zero use for society cunts",0.95,2,DE 14879,"If you're going to acuse me of being a transphobe because I wouldn't date somebody whose biological sex is male but identify their gender as female, I'll start voting like an actual tranphobe. I have to remind myself that kind of accusation is coming from extremists that don't speak for the larger community.",-2.26,0,original 1361,"You live inside a vagina, that makes sense since you're a little bitch lmao you know those screams you hear upstairs and you think it's just TV? It's just me fucking your sister and your mother brains out",4.15,4,FR 40516,"Ghetto Fukin is reluctant to talk about not being a threat. Hope they get locked up, disgusting ignorant thugs",1.56,1,DE 7717,Good job nigga you are what you hate.,1.27,1,FR 12976,"Yes, let us baptize them in the name of Odin, Thor and Freya... burn their Christians to ashes",2.52,2,ZH 36222,😿 Lesbian gives redhead maid intense anal finger fucking URL,-1.56,0,original 2063,FUCK YOU YOU RAGING IGNORANT CHAFED CHODE OF UNINFORMITY HE IS THREATENING TO TWIST YR SPINE TO PROVE HOW WEAK IT IS YOU BABYBACKED CAPSLOCK KEYLESS CUCKOLD FUCK YOU,1.95,4,original 17906,Incels have nothing better to do than write science fiction about women.,-1.36,0,original 42641,"Trump Presidential Campaign 2020 ""I am a Racist"" - ""Make America Racist Again"" Worst Racist Sexist US President Trump.",1.14,2,DE 24435,"Whilst we celebrate Eid with our families, remember the people of Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Palestine and all of the other oppressed countries around the world who will not be able to celebrate this Eid in peace. Keep them in your Prayers and Duaa!",-6.03,0,original 35737,"Imagine taking cig breaks when your daily rate is 800e, that was just a 25e cig, someone just paid you 25e to go out for a cig, smh.",2.03,5,FR 10102,Because they were made by faggots for faggots.,-0.48,0,original 20009,"GET RID OF THOSE FUCKING MUSLIMS! evildoers who do not assimilate, rape women, beat children, threaten democracy, plan terrorist attacks, assault innocent secular people, and impose their filthy religion on all others through violence. Assimilate OR FUCK OR BE READY TO DIE!",3.13,2,FR 40158,The problem with the 1st is that the girls are hella sexist 😑,-1.13,0,original 44039,@Dawn groundhog67 so what does ur dumb ass have to say about straight men who rape kids an beat women ? 😂😂,0.3,0,original 8356,black people own dogs because they miss capturing prisoners and forcing them into fights or selling them to white people hispanics own dogs so they can feel what the spanish people felt when they came and got them all conquered and white people may not miss owning slaves... but the DNA in them sure as hell does it for all the nephews who can't detect it,1.76,1,FR 23684,@TheStrawberry_P I'm gonna fucking kill him fucking fag,2.33,5,ZH 38083,"@RepAOC @senatemajldr The Instagram Account for #MoscowMitch's Incel Brigade, AKA, #TeamMitch, who think it's fun to fantasize about choking women...especially Congresswomen..on behalf of @senatemajldr. URL",-0.76,0,original 628,That's pretty gay of them.,1.38,5,original 47082,"Come home to India, creature shame less",1.33,3,FR 27597,badass bitch bad attitude nails done hair done ass too your baby daddy sucking me he fucking me he don't answer you bitch that's because of me (period.) URL,0.16,0,original 29427,"Rott in hell, you devils. These ""immigrants"" are my people and belong on this country. You fucking invaded like a locust and stole our home.",0.81,3,DE 10055,Another white trailer park dumpster that can't take a dick down her dumpster throat......sorry your life sucks? Don't worry. Learn How To Suck Dick You Wanna Be Stupid Megan Fox Leader Of Stupid Pussy Fucking,1.95,4,FR 18244,"Shut your fucking lard hole when someone's talking to you, you fat white cunt",1.91,1,original 1826,"Oh please 🙄 13% of the American population tops the charts in homicide, theft, drug crimes, gang violence and just in general have shit attitude. They speak like idiots. Name their children retarded names. Are rude and aggressive. Target whites for their crimes. Hey if blacks are so great go live in a majority black neighborhood.",1.33,1,original 10972,Nobody can confirm let's a fagot and that's some pussy,1.81,5,FR 28691,My grandparents didn't come from Europe to tolerate a bunch of immigrants! ! #DeepThoughtsFromMAGA,0.78,3,ZH 11380,This nigga looks like one of the red-faced monkeys from the Himalayas,1.53,1,DE 47433,"@Trae Games Ugh no but you say who cares about white wives, shit no one cares about Savannah and LeBron eating tacos. At least normal people don't but you lebron riders love hearing everything he does 🤦 live well Smh🤦",1.06,5,ZH 48297,Star Wars? The saga came to an end when you killed Luke and handed the franchise over to feminists.,-0.39,0,original 35369,They say we are committed to Sindh they are just committed to Extortion @BBhuttoZardari #PPPExposedInSindh URL,-1.24,0,original 49791,I will always LOVE and always will support L.G.B.T.,-7.32,0,original 8127,Stupid racist incel frog,2.43,1,FR 16547,"That's what happens when you stop viewing humans as actual people and consider them ""illegals"" that are part of an ""infestation.""",-1.17,0,original 37995,Thanks to Allah and I pray for all Muslim brother and sister in the world good evening,-4.49,0,original 39160,@CountDankulaTV What a fucking bitch how about we beat her instead. Beat women 👏👏 not dogs,1.28,4,original 11520,"Basically this. I do think you need to come out to your wife at some point; if you're sharing your life with someone, then they're involved too whether they want to be or not (or whether you want them to be or not). Other than that, everyone/everything else is optional.",-3.76,0,original 25037,"@namelessg79 @realistsourire تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّ وَ مِنْكُمْ Wishing everyone a peaceful and joyous Eid. May the blessing of Allah fill your life with peace, happiness and success. #EidMubarak",-6.53,0,original 32246,"@NicholasFerroni 1st Grade, Mr James. But I went to Dixon on MLK and 79th in Chicago, a prestigious black magnate school. After that I went to Keller gifted, and didn't see another one until HS. 6th Grade teacher who was white but was the #JaneElliot of my area. I'm fortunate.",-2.49,0,original 21509,@PlugState This is to plug your big fat smelly white bitch why you took me off the schedule mfucking with your white racist ass dirty triflin big bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch i come up there and i'll beat the shit fuck off you bitch and don't even call the police,2.2,1,FR 40329,"Nigga, you blogging from a project basement 😂 Gully ain't worried about your broke bum ass. You a whole 35+ grown ass nigga with struggle braids, grey hairs in ya chin, and a dusty hat talking about other men. Get a job you pathetic ignant ass dusty nigga. Real niggaz don't talk about what they going to do over YouTube, they just do it! You dumb ass nigga",1.34,1,original 6674,I'm guessing someone white touched him while watching ww2 documentaries. That or he's a racist neonazi who is still mad Hitler lost.,-0.22,0,original 21748,"Transculters: a great bunch of lads who just want to smash your head in with a baseball bat and make you choke on their ""girl dicks"". URL",0.13,0,original 14103,Of course they say that. They would be hunted if they said that men should get paid as much as women - so they just say they should get paid more,-1.16,0,original 20103,"If you don't like the fascistic horrors of Islam, then you're a white supremacist fascist! Islam will destroy democracy as soon as it gets the chance, it is a psycho-misogynist supremacist theocratic invasion machine and must be banished from office in beautiful CP Britain! 😳 URLs",1.53,2,FR 21447,"""I'll get my revenge when I fuck on your nigga I take that shit back I won't fuck on your nigga I'll fuck on his face, right in your place""",0.24,0,original 42973,"Lmfaooo If you're a legal immigrant, why the fuck are you scared? ? ? ? She's probably an illegal immigrant, someone needs to deport that fat bitch",0.67,3,ZH 12503,"The problem with a homosexual against a pedophile is that a homosexual is not inherently a rapist, a pedophile always is. You can't be an adult having sex with a child and it's not rape. If a pedophile has the opportunity to fuck a child without getting caught, he will certainly take it.",1.84,5,FR 6620,fucking hairy gay,1.67,5,ZH 45808,The WORLD knows America “should” glow in the dark Tehran in 1979...WE missed a great opportunity to do something great for the planet. They are the most terrorist supporting state on the planet and ultimately we will have no choice but to martyr them all.,2.65,3,DE 604,"Fuck you, gay.",2.45,5,ZH 17445,"This is quite an extreme point of view. I will come back with an extremist point of view. South Korea should make a deal with Trump and receive less US military support to reduce costs for the United States. In turn, they should obtain the right to nuclearize the country. Then SK can finish what USA failed to do. Wipe Japan off the map with nuclear bombs. It's already a radioactive cesspool. Should end Japan's pitiful fall and end its misery.",1.9,3,FR 8746,Let me ask you a question Am I calling you gay because you're gay or because you act like a jerk? Ashat.,1.28,5,ZH 19953,I bet Tyrone can hook up your mom in 5 seconds,1.34,6,ZH 42131,Corbyn and May will both don the Burqa soon.,-2.04,0,original 29361,Ilhan Omar leave the USA AND go back to hell from whence you came. Take SARSOUR with you. You are both anti-American bitches who hate this nation and we want you to leave. You're both hypocritical liars who hate this nation and support terrorism.,0.58,3,original 2131,"A bunch of guys use their penises to suck the cum in/out of the lady. Then they rub their cocks until they go limp, put their clothes back on, and walk backwards out of the house.",0.69,4,FR 25976,It's always a bum ass nigga who fucks it up for all of us 😓 smfh,1.5,1,original 35967,Don't come to me as a woman bout NO nigga,-1.04,0,original 8983,"Does the sub have no rules of politeness? If so, shitty jokes fall under that, stop getting triggered for nothing fagot losers",1.62,5,DE 49203,Learn how to speak English before you call anyone dumb .,-0.27,0,original 10995,The lord of all reddit faggots. A power mod of unimaginable mental deficiency.,2.27,5,original 36161,"The most disgusting aliens ever to hit the Earth, they are responsible for 500 years of slavery, genocides, apartheid, dispossession, separation, racism, discrimination, global warming, and more. URL",0.62,1,original 16082,"Hoes. They are hoes. Roast beef curtain, flappin' in the wind no-hormone producin' hoes.",0.57,4,original 5743,"Shut up, cocksucker. I hope you get sent to prison and become a sex slave. Pious Christian scumfuck.",1.96,2,original 33397,That's some toxic masculinity if I ever did see it.,-1.1,0,original 25798,"The barbaric act of raping, mutilating and killing Twinkle Sharma during the Ramadan is horrific. The reports themselves are disturbing. The family must be distraught. Wish the perpetrators are brought to justice fast. And, hope her soul finds peace.",-8.14,0,original 18373,Notice news will never shut the fuck up about political unrest in its largest rivals country but a fascist genocide of Muslims will never get a fucking second of attention.,-2.15,0,original 11854,Shut up the fucking retarded redditor fagot,1.36,7,FR 13167,"Get out the basement, fuckin' incel loser",1.92,4,FR 4688,The lady doth protest to much. He who smelt it dealt it. The concept is age old. Everyone knows that those virulently anti homosexual are usually closet homosexual. Same with the family values politician with a mistress or fondness for small boys. The evangelist preaching against sin that can tick off all of the 7 deadlies before lunch time. Its so obvious its incredible these folk are too stupid to realise the damage they do to their reputation.,-0.92,0,original 24411,@2runtherace @realDonaldTrump His former brother-in-law Makbool Javaid used to be linked to a notorious extremist organisation (Al-Muhajiroun) and once backed a fatwa calling for 'full-scale war of jihad' against Britain URL,-0.49,0,original 26608,This female dog is a superficial and stupid URL,2.27,4,FR 49927,I would like a house in the US and I wish I could even live in the US because then maybe I could get a beautiful white girlfriend. America was such a nice place to live when I was in California for a couple of years. I really miss the beautiful women the blonds especially.,-3.27,0,original 30856,@Insayneasylum Stupid bitch,-0.53,0,original 27270,"Because heaven forbid trans people are positively represented?!? 😧 How this blatant anti-trans propaganda (bandying around favourite TERF expressions like ""Orwellian"" and ""chilling"") can call itself 'news', is beyond me! ⤵️ URL URL",-2.5,0,original 30827,"Much more than that. But after this Squad anti-Semitism outburst, all American Jews will become Republicans.",-2.68,0,original 44674,"Fuck you and your shitty third world country and stop pretending to be American, keep sucking that goat dick, pathetic trash of a human",2.21,3,FR 48792,"+AK 74 what i am arguing about is that people who are against homosexuality can have a case, and people who are not against it, can have their own case. If there is no Objective morality, then people cannot push their own subjective morals into others. Just like what society is doing right now with homosexuality, incest, abortion and etc.. there are some sets of morals people have in common, which we should be following. But when issues like LGBTQ comes in place and there is a big divide, the one side cant push their subjective ones into the other.",-2.96,0,original 5310,Need a sissy cum slut in my life,-0.18,0,original 37459,@DanPatrick I really want you guys to burn all bogus Christian Irrjobs in the fires of eternal damnation. God weeps over your stupidity.,0.63,2,DE 1116,"Pathetic, it's time to start erasing people like that from our genetic makeup.",3.4,1,FR 32994,Illegal criminal aliens are destroying our country and economy. It's time to round them up and put their asses back where they came from! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #Trump2020LandslideVictory URL,0.96,3,DE 1482,She should be knocked down and broken.,-0.43,0,original 22350,johnny bravo is calling to fuck his ass and licking his nipples #腐向け #やおい #へんたい #BL #BL画像 #yaoi #bara #YaoiHard #GayCartoons #GayPorn #lemon #sex #openrp #rp #anime #game #johnnybravo #cartoon #CartoonNetwork URL,-2.28,0,original 2030,Fuck off faggot,0.65,5,original 26286,"OH my GOD UNITED NATION MEXICO been brain WASHED save AMERICA/THEMSELVES MEXICO/NEIGHBORS, REMOVE SOURCE of Raping & SEX ENSLAVING THESE educated unintelligent FOOLS being LEAD by the NANCY P. thought OF never trying to ever suck N LICKING thing TELL death GIVE them FREEDOM !!!MH",0.94,3,original 33565,Anti Zionist/ Semitics telling me to go back to Europe little did they know they need to tell me to go back to Syria & Tripoli.... URL,-1.16,0,original 41572,treytown530 nigga u gay shut your cock sucking mouth,0.75,5,DE 43594,"Vatican is satans seat on earth filthy rich and pedos, why does every leader have to go to Vatican to kiss the popes satanic ring, look at the hellish backdrop sculpture behind them in the Vatican.",1.79,2,original 8976,"I would really love to cock pummel her like crazy, and I bet her pussy is incredibly tight.",0.51,4,original 17109,Me too. I am persian and trying to adapt into the culture and not to turn the country that helped me in my time of need into the same country that i ran away from smh,-2.94,0,original 38119,I wish bitches would go back to sucking real dicks and stop sucking food,0.62,4,FR 7451,being trans is a great thing and i'm glad people are finally getting the courage to embrace their true selves. but i think you shouldn't let it become your personality and you definitely shouldn't look down on other people using gender identity. it sparks and creates the very type of people you don't want to deal with,-3.0,0,original 23837,Ain't a lick of nigger in that baby. URL,1.31,1,original 1051,A little fucking gay shit trashhead,0.91,5,DE 49592,She needs Christ in her life.,-2.74,0,original 40826,"I thought the muslim hated pigs (police),how come they are now buddy buddy,kissing arss.",0.25,0,original 47125,"Jesus, how fucking autistic are you hahaha",0.65,7,FR 38743,Get a load off that fag,1.11,5,DE 16905,"Kind of in the same boat, except my parents are still together and they both are trans and homophobic and the only way for me to transition is if I move to a different state. I know how you feel and I'm sorry your dad has to be that way.",-3.44,0,original 40565,So shit I hate you and you gay Daniel showed me your dick,0.03,0,original 38484,what a fucking idiot. ready for God to burn that bitch. URL,1.97,2,RU 10405,"If you want to make sense of this story, the way I always saw that the Jews on the other side of the wall magically transformed into already existing species of apes and pigs. And most Muslims deny evolution, so they don't care if it contradicts it.",1.71,2,FR 16595,"You can start by worshiping that teen pussy that will always be better than yours, lick my cum while I fuck her asshole",1.11,5,FR 46920,"The racists will be back soon, they will try to convict the people on the street...",0.59,1,DE 31302,"Keep your head down and your ass up while I lift you, bitch! I am going to hammer my cock into your pussy, until your fuck hole is red and ruined. I am going to fill this fuck hole with my load of hot cum. I want to slide my fingers into the cum that flows out of your pussy after you've had sex. URLs",2.2,4,FR 29705,Niggas grew to act like some bitches,0.54,1,DE 12348,Atleast they will make sure the country is strong and economically sound unlike the places where you get jailed for speaking or insulting someone.,-3.54,0,original 40622,I took three different tests. They were all drastically different from eachother. With one claiming im part nigerian and Melanesian and the other claiming im part Siberian all while differing on the percentage amounts drastically. Can somebody explain?,-3.25,0,original 16128,karma whore hahaha stupid nigger I bet your family all jews,1.72,1,original 45360,"@Little Riceboy he's a retarded Bogan, lapdog of America, poor offspring of criminals, Australia is a backward third world country",1.11,3,DE 32162,"@ZayGriffin23 This nigga died a liar, invited a homie to my birthday and the nigga couldn't even walk down the hall",1.64,1,FR 935,"Well, I could have guessed you are black since you didn't whine about Brie Larson in your comments. But it's obvious that you got dragged into alt right rabbithole by some YouTube edgelords. You do know that pro life women are okay with abortions when they do it? Pro life men are okay with abortions when their mistresses or underage daughters are pregnant? I bet if you ever get a girlfriend and she gets raped, you'll suddenly become okay with abortions. I double bet if you ever have a daughter and she gets raped, you will protest with pro choice posters outside of a government building.",-0.52,0,original 8302,"You want to know why your little pussy is so craving for cock, huh? It's because you were built to reproduce.",1.24,4,FR 5802,"At least I have fewer chromosomes than you, bitch",0.88,4,original 22225,"I deleted an earlier tweet because I didn't want to inadvertently misgender a child but that NYT article is still bad, gender is complicated, and trans people often know from a young age that they are trans and binding can be a helpful and safe resource for them.",-4.89,0,original 26333,(the number of things women invented and men then ripped off and called their own could fill a book tbh),-1.76,0,original 30830,"I think I'll write a song and it's gone. My nudes are pretty like a storm ringing the boys. I am the alarm She's a hillbilly, she's from the farm. Grab your nigga 'cause that Bussy's armed Tail longer than a python",0.84,1,DE 27327,"@RanaAyyub Hey only because your prophet was a pedophile. This does not mean that Muslim men should follow the example. You are such inbred terrorists and you represent all that is evil, from India to Europe to America. Wherever you go, you spread your stench.",1.73,2,FR 13505,There's way too many soft ass bitches in the world that can't think clearly or just have no sense of skill evaluation and base everything off feelings and vibes. Y'all stupid for that.,0.21,0,original 36842,"@Eliz_henson @theTiser should be in jail, then deported.",-0.75,0,original 38059,Horny bitch URL,0.16,0,original 14790,white girl with brown chocalate assholl 😍,-0.67,0,original 14899,Because they wanted to fuck her.,1.0,4,original 24117,"I hate dumb niggas that can't drive, nigga really hit my car and tryna blame me",0.51,1,DE 38255,Some of you bitches deserve to be used as human shields.,4.01,4,original 6765,I would like to announce the winner of the gold medal in mental gymnastics.... Imam chuckles! Your blind faith is truly inspiring! Allah Akbar.,0.7,2,RU 30515,Niggas said that nigga killed people like a smoke bomb,0.58,1,DE 33115,"@realDonaldTrump Fuck off with Genarilisimo Bonespur, you pull cowardly, russian whore piss, tainted dayglo cunt",1.67,1,DE 40856,Sadiq Khan should be deported. London is our city. It should NOT have ANY Muslim directing it.,0.64,2,DE 9291,"Reddiants are a bunch of idiots when it comes to choosing between women and Islam. It leads to a breakdown of many of their moral codes. ""What if what I support actually leads to the destruction of everything I support""",1.03,2,ZH 35168,@IlhanMN Fuck you you fucking cunt. Stop stealing people's money. Stop trying to turn our nation into the shithole country you come from...go the fuck back and help those Muslim cunts.,1.93,3,original 7413,So the rothschilds are turning on Mossad?,-2.73,0,original 37570,"My friend jerry is white and plays COD all the time. He hasn't shot a single person. Stop coming up with dumbass excuses, just call him a murderer like he is. URL",-1.95,0,original 25842,women are trash,1.56,4,FR 32798,Niggas be smart w bitches in the stash,-0.27,0,original 1361,"You live in a vagina, that makes sense since you are a lil baby bitch lmao you know those screams you hear from upstairs and think it's just the tv? It's just me fucking your sister and moms brains out",4.15,4,original 37540,These niggas are fuckin' ugly,1.77,1,DE 37036,@legroff Another cracker job in Florida.,1.74,7,FR 32052,"@BarackObama THANKS ALMIGHTY GOD LITERALLY, THAT YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL AND FINALLY WILL BE CLOSED FOR GOOD. YOU AND YOUR ""WIFE"" WITH THE COCK, THE NUTS BAG AND THE BALLS.",2.04,1,FR 39677,i love boys but honestly 99% of you are straight up demons,-0.91,0,original 2594,We aim high these days. If I would have been a half black American I wouldn't want anything less than a prince. But since I'm a simple Eastern European I'm okay only with a president. ;),-3.01,0,original 44670,"Fine. when they pay their war debt to America, I might think so. I was in England, there are very unpleasant people. They colluded with JOOZ to lure the US and kill 153,533 US men. Of course, our stupid Roosevelts [Rusenfelds] did not help the USA at all. She was a communist like the Rosenbergs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",0.95,2,RU 30594,Glad to see @AjazkhanActor finally arrested. When will it be the turn of vile abusivr communal bigot @ashee_kalim be next? URL,-0.31,0,original 43161,"You obviously don't work and pay taxes. The American people can only pay for so much, we have AMERICAN'S in need. Let's take care of our own, fix the broken immigration system and control our borders. Then we can decide how many LEGAL aliens we can afford every year.",0.1,0,original 48076,"And clean up these Catholic orphanages, they rape and kill little girls, they kill babies. Some of the worst things I have ever heard happen in these places. God, bring your raft down on them, throw them in hell for what they've done in the name of Jesus, amen.",1.23,2,RU 22316,@BernieSanders Shut up you unalloyed racist white male!,-0.47,0,original 15622,You keep telling yourself that Tyler. Atheist westerners are dieing off. Turns out that degenerate lifestyles lead to low birth rates 😉,0.02,0,original 44730,There's still Europe so you should go back no one's gonna feel sorry for you,2.21,3,FR 33053,Why you fuckin' with these lame like niggas - I don't have a URL,1.24,1,FR 26660,I have two principles in my life. Kill all incels and kill anyone who litters.,3.24,4,original 40078,They shun our pretty black girls and chose a dumb white girl.. what a pity,0.53,1,DE 39767,Im convinced no more good women are left in this world 🤒,-1.58,0,original 28854,Skip breakfast and send it to YOUR alpha instead 😋 your pathetic ass can't help worshiping us both. #findom #fincuck #cuck #cuckold #sissy #femdom #findomme #forcedbi #joi #bbc,0.8,5,FR 16968,"Says the neckbeard that projects on every post about how lonely he is, how he hates women for not wanting to have sex with him, and how brown people are ""ruining"" your life. How about *YOU* get a life?",-1.58,0,original 44644,His son is gay! Right? And really freaking ugly laugh!!,0.65,5,original 46031,Know who your enemies are .or the enemy of human rights and life..Wahabis and Zionists are on the same page..Death to Israel .Death to the Saudi wahabi,1.77,3,original 49174,This guy is retarded with Tourette,1.06,1,FR 17892,Anon is a tard,1.56,7,original 48061,“nice shot retard” 2grand back lmao,0.67,7,ZH 11644,"International support? How are these people being supported by the international community? The UN can't do anything, so who's going to step up? No one. Like I've been saying, you are truly ignorant of how the world works. These people aren't going to get any results by remaining peaceful, because peace isn't achieved through protesting.",-1.19,0,original 4587,"Your language for one dumb fuck. I know your ultra Americanized brain has rejected any notion of Arab identity because you didn't want to be picked on by the white bullies at your low income public school, but for one your home countries native fucking language you impudent shit.",1.03,3,original 12929,I have only ever known of one proper Christian my age and he is moving **to** America next month to spread the message of his church,-2.2,0,original 15798,"Right nut jobs... Really. I mean really. Go admire. Leave the rest alone. We'll save the earth, you can go to heaven. Have a fucking punch and just walk away.",1.58,2,RU 41054,"Okay surrreee, fking dirty ass Russian... go back to your shit hole country and stay there in the snow ;)",0.85,3,original 45549,You Canadicunts deserve to be raped and killed for being weak,2.95,3,original 15138,"I don't hate people, but Islam is a barbaric, dangerous religion and we must do everything in our power to eradicate it.",1.55,2,RU 13144,Calling out rapists and sexual abusers is the right thing to do get over yourself fucking incel.,-0.41,0,original 27791,real bitch go hard for they nigga,0.51,1,original 44585,You are a delusional racist moron. You will never achieve anything in life and you will spend eternity burning your filthy rancid waste in hell. + Yahchanan Yasharahla,0.93,1,FR 19686,Australian women cricketers -- what the every loving fuck? You're letting in TIMs and they're going to have their own BATS. You did not think this through.,-0.76,0,original 46837,"You bet....Little Petey's city is a sanctuary city for illegals, so the Mexican's can ethnically cleanse the feral black thug culture. Little Petey is a covert white liberal racist!",1.97,1,original 36315,@Sammychip shut yo Lebanese ass up,-1.02,0,original 20982,It be funny knowing who hoes in real life and how they holy on social media,0.57,4,original 48477,"Fuck you Ilhan, we already know you are working for ISIS making our country your Muslim shit hole.",1.91,2,FR 2059,slow down. Do you want your illegitimate child to be raised by a madman and her inevitable jerk husband?,1.58,7,ZH 35598,"@AliHZaidiPTI Ali Zaidi thanks you for doing what other elected members of the cabinet and assembly (no matter which party) Is supposed to do.. Their Job to cater to the people who got them elected. You got my support as an overseas Pakistani so let's ""Make Karachi Great Again""",-6.81,0,original 26810,Look at this virgin loser who still wears diapers night and day. 😂💦 His tiny penis only serves to make piss in his diaper! Pathetic. 😂 I'm EXPOSING him for having a tiny dick.. RT AND LIKE THIS! 😈💁‍♀️ If he needs a piss it'll now be in his DIAPER. 😂💁‍♀️👅 @abdl37862732 URL,0.28,0,original 20321,Bunch of whack niggas on this app,0.9,1,DE 6227,"That's an answer to the question posed above me, lol. Not that I agree with it, but goodness for Christians is rooted in God.",-3.52,0,original 48922,"Deport them together immediately, problem solved",-0.5,0,original 22274,or dudes who say they want you to fuck them the way you want to. then you go down on them or ride them and then they take over all like bang bang pony and it's like 'this about you and what you want and how you want to do it. this ain't about -us- but whatever hurry up,-0.4,0,original 41119,Same thing as the Little Mermaid oops. Instead of creating something new they do this to create race tension . Hollywood is trash full of pedophiles Jews.,0.87,2,original 45639,"God, you ""fortress fighters"" are straight male riders and it makes me sick. blockade",0.76,5,ZH 32947,"I can smell a bitch nigga from a mile away. Type of nigga so bitch, he should put bitch-made on his license plate BITCH URL",1.84,1,FR 47453,the wiggles dropped nothing but BOPS,-0.7,0,original 16863,"""Waah, I want my degeneracy justified, waaah! Personal responsibility sucks, I want my holes fucked no question!”",2.65,5,DE 38511,@unclewaffffles stop fucking niggas who have hot Cheeto dust and dull residue under their fingernails,0.88,1,DE 6889,Nothing better than a sexy slut that sucks cocks in public ;),-2.84,0,original 4887,Fuck that muslim shit.,1.05,2,ZH 37699,Asian hotness URL,-2.38,0,original 17859,Such a good young slut Would love to see them stuffed in your mouth after being in your pussy all day,1.02,4,FR 36014,"@Ilhan Go back to Somalia, save your own motherland and leave AMERICA to the Americans!",0.59,3,DE 4793,"The only thing missing is the tool used to suck out her brains before ripping out her limbs for easier extraction because, women's rights.",1.44,4,FR 24421,good little sluts suck their daddy's dick after he covers their face in his cum:) URL,1.94,4,original 40567,I love speaking Dutch It's a wonderful language.Just a shame the Dutch are being overrun by people that hate civilisation.,-1.4,0,original 46061,Nuke the Middle East PLEASE,2.41,1,DE 47895,"That's it, I'm not dating anyone anymore until I find a woman like this.",-2.53,0,original 29250,"Hapy #humpyday Retweet, If you would treat me like a bitch in front my hubby #HotWife #Cuckold #Cuck #QueenOfSpades #SlutWife #Qos #CuckoldGoals #BlackBull #SnowBunny #BBC #RidingCock #WhiteWife #IRgoals #HotwifeLife #BareBack #QueenofSpades #AmateurArmy #Cuck #wifesharing URL",-1.75,0,original 32575,thot that hoe over there i am: over there,0.39,0,original 19662,"Fuckin SJWs are gonna say Hitler was a white supremacist, ignoring the real problem of the fact he was driven to madness by loot boxes.",1.92,3,original 18161,"Well, well, well...if it isn't The Daam Guy! Where have you been, fuckface? Sucking your daddy's tits again in your overflowing diaper? Fuck you and die very you cursed withered high mileage fly blown cunt. Get some new stuff, bitch, and oh – learn how the fuck you spell. You look like a mental dwarf, shit for your breath.",1.5,7,DE 32876,it's always some shit wit this dumb ass trick ass bitch don't fucking play wit me 😒,2.12,4,original 33667,The Muslims are Colonizing Under Your Noses - Putting Muslim Representatives Into Position Only to Attack! URL via @BradleeDean1,0.28,0,original 45407,Patrick Fritz Faze stole ur virginity U can't revert it because you're a pussy ass bitch,1.66,4,original 27103,EAT YO GIRL PUSSY TO DIS. URL,-1.49,0,original 6917,"Take a microphone and put my fist, because a bitch is not a bitch but a dirty bitch.",1.48,4,FR 36922,"The amnesia in these comments sicken me... Who cares who your having sex with.. Have people forgotten what he is presiding over? Yey for the gays.. but fuck the homeless the disabled the vulnerable sick children..Extortionate rents failed health, house prices we can't afford! 😠 URL",-1.33,0,original 42020,shut your mouth tranny,0.33,0,original 47580,Death to Islam,2.5,2,original 263,Gay taste s his own cum,-1.57,0,original 24479,Cause of earthquake: Punjabi men walking URL,-0.58,0,original 10053,"Sounds like he is all woman, calling his mother a ""c!nt"" like that... just another budding misogynistic brat.",0.44,0,original 17019,When I was in elementary school the girls in the bathroom would kick the doors open. None of them had working locks. Ever since then I've always used my right foot to keep the door shut.,-3.24,0,original 4787,"My parents had us attend a Presbyterian and a Methodist church growing up (switched churches when we moved towns). In the grand scheme of religion in the USA, These are two very mild denominations. In fact, Presbyterians (PCUSA) now allow for openly gay/lesbian ordained Pastors. They still have a long ways to go regarding equality and LGBTQ issues, but they are moving in the right direction.",-4.17,0,original 20496,@yungcurryx I wish he would drop dead smh these psychos are the ones making this world harder to deal with,-0.01,0,original 31252,🚨Pretty girl Lily Rader (@lilyrader) gangbanged and fucked like a dog by 6 BBC in front of her cuck husband 😈😈😈 #Cuck #gangbang #snowbunny #interracial #bbcslut URL,0.79,4,original 47636,"Let's get one thing clear: Zionism will be the death of America! The synagogue of Satan hates Jesus Christ and Christians, so they hate God. They follow the evil Talmud that promotes pedophilia, lies, theft, etc. The evil Jews carry the star of Rempham, the hexagram on their flag.... wake up America! They are devils..",1.48,2,RU 39437,"Reminder, in 2018 or so, we couldn't beat a caveman with a 70 IQ wearing sandals and a 60 year old gun lmao URL",1.31,3,ZH 10636,But in that case the trans player wouldn't be the cause of injury since the women regularly compete with/against other men?,-2.54,0,original 48110,buy him a home and give him a job. He's Muslim and deserves it.,-2.98,0,original 25785,Bitch fuk u,0.82,4,original 17088,So when do we start killing straight white men? Amiright?,1.16,5,original 33191,When niggas talk hard then you bring smoke to their front door url,1.38,1,DE 45378,"The United States and Israel are no one's friends, their only friend is Satan",0.61,3,FR 43074,"North Korea if you're going to nuke us, do it while these demons are in California.",-0.49,0,original 24266,@tariqnasheed These faggots are a bunch of degenerates,2.01,5,original 26065,this nigga not only got a crackhead baby mama... he got 4 CRACK BABIES TO GO WITH that.... I got a feeling in that really fye crackhead pussy,0.84,1,FR 23194,"happy pride month. i don't care if you stan skz or not, everyone who sees this is obligated to reply with ""minsung gay"". URL",-3.95,0,original 30784,"Dear Jesus, we have a bunch of lunatics who worship a dog named Allah trying to kidnap America, democrats who steal from us and then lie about it, illegal aliens who rape and murder our citizens and frankly we could down here need a little help, PLEASE! #KAG URL",0.63,2,DE 23665,@_bacongod_ Boi hold up your bitch ass I'll smack your stupid ass you fag,2.19,5,DE 39745,There's a certain kind of hell for jerks like her,1.18,4,FR 21489,"It's official, my followers like to suck girls cock 💦💦",0.25,0,original 14386,"I would like far right ""Christians"" to read this damn book. ""Let him who is sinless cast the first stone"", for them, means ""my sins are not real sins, and God hates homosexual sins much worse than mine!"" It's fucking dumb and boring and I wish God was real so he could punch those morons. Pete is a better Christian than anyone who has ever voted Republican by definition.",0.98,2,FR 15375,Blacks are not very good at civilization,1.7,1,FR 39197,"Racial crime is also on the rise because the people of this country are idiots and follow whatever they hear. Trump says ""build the wall"" and the people of this country hear ""kill all Mexicans"", it's fucking nonsense! Rip your head out of your ass and think for yourself",0.7,3,DE 20623,Pakistan: Hindu veterinarian has been charged w/insulting Islam. He is accused of reusing paper that had religious text in wrapping livestock food. He faces life in prison. Muslims have burned down his clinic & destroyed other Hindu-owned businesses. URL,-1.42,0,original 47903,Shaheen is a magic player in Pakistan team the same Bolling he has to do proud of Pakistan team 🌹❤️🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🙏,-4.92,0,original 8210,"The most South African thing would be if taxi drivers were pulling Uber drivers out of their cars, raping them, and then transmitting HIV to them because of the rape.",1.72,3,original 43097,Honestly.. if there is one country we should support due to danger it's Mexico.. they kill tens of millions of people compared to Isis..,0.75,1,FR 17327,Would love to fuck you with my big black cock,0.07,0,original 17898,Remember: it doesn't matter if God does it! The Bible could have YHWH genociding a city and condemning murder in the same passage and those stupid drones would be okay with that,0.63,2,FR 32949,I hope a nigga with aids just bites me,-0.21,0,original 24493,Yes we should send them home until they can follow proper procedures and that doesn't mean committing fraud by marrying their brother like you did. You should be in prison or Somalia 🇺🇸 TRUMP2020#1 landslide reelection coming soon time to clean up America!🇺🇸,2.22,3,original 7695,You're so stupid you can't even refute my argument. Enjoy your shit and your rapist gangs. Mother Merkel welcomes everyone,1.18,1,FR 44568,"Those stupid bitches need to be arrested for treason. The law is the law. Republicans just try to enforce it. If the law says you cannot be here illegally, then you're a criminal and need to get deported. Lets send those traitors to Honduras or Venezuela. Maybe they will actually appreciate the greatest nation in the world, the U.S. of A.",0.98,4,original 46681,This damn Nazi racist is going to start a civil war!!!,0.65,1,DE 25038,"May Allah bless u,ur family&whole MuslimUmma,health,happiness,peace, enjoyment&contentedness on this happy occasion of EID May Allah bless us with caring heart to remember&try2share our happiness with those,neighborhood,who r less privileged,needing our helping hand @waila1no_ URL",-3.64,0,original 6382,Muslims are bombing you cause you went over and fucked with their countries. Right wingers are bombing you cause they can't own slaves,-0.51,0,original 18613,THEY ARE A GANG OF CHRISTIAN MURDERERS SCUM WHO RUN GIANT DEATH FACTORIES GUARANTEEING BABIES ALIVE AND SELLING THEIR BODY PARTS!,2.2,2,FR 43000,"To bad he will never see true justice in a real prison with real inmates.. only then will he reap what he has thing I can say is it doesn't matter if you Hebrew, aryan, Hispanic, or other... that's the only place where every race agrees ...Don't f%@k with the kids!!!",-4.49,0,original 23595,Bitch u a dog and ur homegirl too,0.57,4,original 29579,Weak ass demon hoe. Dick sucking slut muffin.,1.57,4,original 13988,Poland and Hungary will be the last white countries on earth and the niggers and assholes will use the American military power that they stole from the whites once they degenerate and destroy them.,2.23,1,FR 33738,"It doesn't matter what your believe or beliefs systems are I still show you respect and I appreciate when you respect mine. ASE ♥️✊🏿🍷 One Love, One Divine Unity Black People, were All God's 👂🏿♥️",-4.05,0,original 44672,DON'T WASTE GAS RETURNING THEM. THEY CAME ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY!!! THROW THEM INTO A GIANT WOOD CHIPPER AND AIM THE SHOT OVER THE BORDER!,2.72,3,FR 34537,if i was a simp i would just retire from this planet,4.32,7,FR 4727,Then go back to India bitch where the brownies shit in a gutter and get sold into marriage by their dads to the highest bidder.,2.58,4,original 48960,Fuck off gay boy is raptors year,0.98,5,original 15289,What does holly Quran say about combovers? Is it halal brothers?,-1.09,0,original 37842,"AYO, fuck that nigga Stephen Hawkings if I ever see his ass I'll shoot the wheels off his chair for what he did to my nigga varcee.",1.85,7,DE 39416,@ Amir3851 No! I bet my life if you talk to this fooled Brit until the end of time you won't change the way he thinks. Otherwise please explain me why Allah should send Ayah 7 in Surah Al-Baqarah? It is Allah's will that fools like this be present.,2.56,3,DE 29420,I will really snuff a nigga DO NOT PLAY WITH ME,1.49,1,original 2215,"""I'm not going to lie sir, probably your girl doesn't look really hot, but she's probably a slut having sex and leaving when she sees some won better""",1.3,4,FR 23520,you're trash luv. homophobic trash. get off this app,-0.06,0,original 9985,"I made your bitchboi u/Ohdeerlordman finally join his brother in hell, where he and all the other American crusaders are waiting to be tortured by demons.",2.93,3,FR 33563,I FUCKING HATE THESE FUCKING BITCHES URL,1.02,4,original 11838,"Salaam jihadi, I don't speak your Arabic language. please go back to Saudi Arabia and go kill gays or whatever you like to do.",3.1,3,FR 42015,These 4 women have the most punchy faces of all time. Especially the Muslim bitch Rasheda,1.91,2,DE 26824,"@brucewilson ""Prayer Patrols"" in which heavily armed bible thumpers try to intimidate the local populace",-0.48,0,original 1143,The religion of peeing. fucking islam.,1.71,2,ZH 14524,"Faith is the pathway to truth for everyone, what the faith is placed in differs. I have faith in Jesus, others Mohammed, still others only what they see.",-3.27,0,original 45024,Wtf aren't these idiots here illegally,0.77,3,FR 28976,Home pussy but ur sending niggers to da clinic sha,1.78,1,original 24766,"disclaimer that i am a bisexual trans man, so i do not have any sort of authority to speak about lesbian issues beyond what i stated above, which regards trans men as well! i do have some base opinions obviously, but it's not my place to voice them publicly-",-4.59,0,original 27561,when colonizers get mad cause we call them colonizers 😭,-1.51,0,original 23207,The fuck wouldn't even want that nigga in hell URL,1.5,1,DE 12194,supporting for no other reason than being a black woman,-2.82,0,original 30100,"In the third part of her series examining Catholic global media empire @EWTN, @HeidiSchlumpf looks today at their income stream: Assets over $50 million, individual donations in the millions, and a catalogue of conservative partners across the globe URL",-2.61,0,original 25135,@Imirritating I don't have time for your fake ass f*gs talking loud in fake ass clothes fake ass shoes with their fake ass gold I'm the realest bitch to you snake ass hoes URL,2.59,5,ZH 48890,"This Mulan looks good to me, and she's Asian instead of black.",-2.27,0,original 19506,"I'm not going to touch your cunt. See, any idiot can just beat you into submission. I'm going to edge you until you're so desperately horny you're willing to do anything. Which means I get to use your ass and mouth exclusively for awhile.",0.38,0,original 46645,you mean any fucking religion yours sucks ass too,-0.76,0,original 31917,"👏 Well said and thank you Kathy Zhu @PoliticalKathy ""There shouldn't just be diversity of skin colour, there should be diversity of thought, mindset and political affiliation"" #freethinker #acceptancematters",-3.82,0,original 16173,I could only picture this woman as a person who shoots babies like bullets from her vagina in an act of war.,1.57,5,original 11647,"So according to you, the United States of America might as well change our name to the United Nations and give all 7 billion people (except those in other first world countries) on earth citizenship because they ""deserve"" a peaceful place to live. Gimme a break!",-2.15,0,original 40724,"+Monkeyman Hamilton N u the one that said ""disrespect is funny cause neither one of u niggas is finna drop a location"" so wtf are u talking bout?? I gave yo clown ""i'm from Compton"" ass, what u asked for which is a DIRECT LOCATION. So, what u saying, pussy?? aint nobody bring up location's but U. again is u stupid??",1.21,1,original 35347,He about the be the new frat boy in fanfics,-2.47,0,original 48812,This lady want Pm to be inclusive but what about u mam ..Tum Jo hamesha Muslim Muslim Karti rahti ho uska kya .Kya Iss Desh m or religion nhi h..Kya samaj m or log nhi marte ..Bakwaas band karo or ghar Jake socho.,-1.97,0,original 25354,"Another ""good Christian"" who is really just a piece of shit. Fvk religion! To hell with these fake Christians! URL",0.74,2,RU 13913,"I'm not black and that confirms that you are indeed uneducated and even though I already knew I'd make more money, being poor must suck. I can tell by the way you type that you're a little, little, poor little boy. Definitely depressed 💀",1.94,7,DE 36017,"Pure🐂💩! We whites have experienced racism from certain groups of blacks ever since the NAALCP, Jessie Jackson, and Al Sharpton, ad nauseam, came on the scene! The big difference in the results? RINOS pandered and caved, but WE didn't cry or make victims of ourselves!",-0.38,0,original 21880,"We aint gone ever be free, as long as their are women willing to incubate sorry ass niggas and their trash behavior.",0.94,1,original 26652,"She had never had the pleasure of being fucked by a vanilla boy and the very thought of a white cock in her cunt makes her cum more than ever. Oh, sexy sweet Erika, don't worry!!! URL",-2.99,0,original 20266,"Look at the shrinking limp clit on that bitch. Better get used to getting raped slutboy, not much else you could do, you were born to serve so moan all you want cause this is your life now. When he's done with you stay put..many more queuing to breed you URL",2.27,4,original 13342,Fuck your gay pussy,2.29,5,FR 7183,They're fucking retarded and they talk like fucking retards,1.15,7,ZH 47277,"She's nasty, used, a twit, and gold digger",1.19,4,original 13329,"Of course you should be punished. Your ass should be red, your breasts bruised and your cunt swollen. Then, and only then, your day as a good slut can begin.",3.17,4,FR 32130,An example of people who need to go back to where they came from. I feel sorry for the innocent people on this flight,0.61,3,DE 42196,"Trump, please send back all non-whites. Keep America Great.",1.48,1,DE 6669,"Right? Maybe woman don't like you cause you're an entitled asshole who doesn't respect women because you think you struggle more than them. Like, Christ dude, how dense can you be?",-2.62,0,original 39636,"It's OK boy, daddy is here for you. Come on suck daddy's cock to make you feel better. We do all this for your own good. Life will eventually fuck you so why wait until it happens? Get trained for it. Your hole will be ready for life URL",-0.94,0,original 11435,"Damn, give it up already, you queer latecomers",1.93,5,FR 1096,"Not nonbinary, but I'm appreciative of the inclusiveness",-4.13,0,original 21643,URL Maria fucks her greedy ass with a gargantuan dildo! #dildo #giantdildo #analwreckage #anal URL,0.44,0,original 40319,Tell the jews to forgot about the holocaust too then fool,-0.43,0,original 48958,Lame game bro. U sound like a bitch boy whos balls havent droped.,0.05,0,original 48,"Give me your weary, your poor, your religious lunatics, your criminals yearning to escape justice...the wretched scum of your teeming shore...and allow European civilization at last to be ruled and controlled by these wretched scum... what could he possibly be wrong?",1.87,1,FR 12495,Fuck off. Go ahead and jerk off in your mom's basement.,0.68,5,DE 47297,This is what happens when the Jews run your government.,0.62,2,FR 39507,Pussy ass hoe fuck that ass low phone bill hoe that shit don't stop shit you want the attention so bad and hoe he said you can't pay for that broke your ass hoe 🤣,0.91,5,FR 28582,Niggas be surprised asf when U pretty &single😂Jst wait. You'll see why Im single 🤣,-0.22,0,original 9569,Lmk when you kiss fagot omegalul,1.79,5,DE 31787,I'm ghost niggas. GET THE FUCK OUT MY WAY,0.61,1,FR 12592,The homophobia jumped out,-1.92,0,original 920,"White guys should only masturbate to superior black cocks; only our black masters should be able to fuck white women. It's the future, little white boys with big dicks; Let's hope we can clean up after Black Cum...",0.81,1,DE 38759,A word about the detained/jailed Kashmiri journalists #AsifSultan & #QaziShibli as well? #StandwithKashmir URL,-3.91,0,original 24804,"@IlhanMN you're a stupid bitch, guess your parents or one of your parents is a goat",2.06,2,ZH 2926,"Preserving the culture and fighting those who dissolve into a concerted effort coordinated by covert Muslims across America who are only waiting for the difficult moment to destroy us ALL, now bigotry! WAKE UP! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! AND YOU HELP THROUGH THE SIGITAL MUSLIMS WHO WERE ALL WEAKENED SO THEY CAN KILL US AND CONVERT OUR CORDS TO ISLAM FOR THEIR CHILD RAPE DYSOPIA! COMET PIZZA WAS ONLY IN THE BEGINNING!",1.6,2,RU 25168,"We reject Eid Mubarak from an enemy of Islam and Pakistan. Your brothers count the chickens hiding from the Pak army from afar. If they show up in the open I assure you our boys will send them to hell. Cowards, Indian Army soldiers don't have balls to fight us on the front lines. URL",1.67,3,DE 47701,Blacks and Hispanics messed up the average grade score.,0.18,0,original 43106,These right-wing bigots who call themselves “Christians” will chant “all lives matter” as they watch innocent children being ripped from their families and thrown into filthy cages like animals. These children will suffer lifelong trauma and psychological damage from this experience.,0.91,3,ZH 28828,I wanna handcuff you like this just so I can eat you out from behind messy as fuck while I have control and you can't run anywhere. URL,1.43,4,original 36490,"WSB... why y'all put them black folks on the news after getting robbed at the Post? Them condos, small as h*ll, and they be paying hella rent. They're stupid for even living in them lil' bitty a** apartments! Can someone encourage that lady to purchase a home in the West End?",-0.62,0,original 47532,This won't be that big of a story because a male got sexually assaulted.,-2.1,0,original 37824,"@sasser826 @tonyposnanski He and his evil ass, racist ass supporters want brown folks killed.",-0.45,0,original 49331,Anybody that says Trump's remarks were not racist and anybody that thinks Trump is a Christian after all the crap that has come out of is mouth is either a lying racist themselves or just the dumbest group of people ever. I'm going with bible toting racist just like the good ole fashioned klan.,1.4,2,original 48159,What a beta male...who tackles the short angry man for words. .,-0.31,0,original 40437,..It is difficult to provide toothbrushes and toilet paper with instructions in Spanish. We also need a higher tax on the American people to pay the remaining $150 million from South America for free health care and toiletries. Perhaps we could provide ships to pick up the stowaways in Europe and bring them to one of our best concentration camps. .,1.06,3,FR 32024,One dumb nigga in the hood is gonna blow his 2zz engine.. Smh,-0.52,0,original 16184,"I mean shit, who doesn't have enough of those damn spics infesting NA servers",2.22,1,DE 18092,"Fuck you guys, children are little shits, we don't need more shitty people coming to this world, if an abortion is wanted I'd always take it, I don't even care about the month.",0.97,6,original 42609,"You, Allah, start us to stop bombing you. Lol. Your name contains mud, it should be shit.",2.06,2,FR 20281,If that bitch doesn't shut the fuck up...,0.89,4,FR 46486,He's sleepy from busting too many nuts fucking all these New Orleans thots,1.45,4,FR 37008,"@TheItalGal The best argument is that extremists on either side are terrible people and should be removed from Earth. Right now there is a push to vilify 3 different groups in the world of terrorism when there is a strong case against ALL of them. Neither ""side"" should breathe a sigh of relief.",1.06,2,RU 9399,"Fuck her tits in that little tank top. Throw her on the floor, rip off those shorts and fuck her from behind.",1.71,4,FR 15593,Herp derp! You Incel! Herp! The only people I know that truly hate women are the hardcore bloops that think women should all become men.,-0.51,0,original 3013,Haha you're a fucking fag,0.86,5,ZH 41062,Haha dumb America is making hoes illegal,0.89,4,FR 8921,The soldiers who stormed the beaches on D-Day might well have gassed these Jews themselves.,2.94,2,RU 10325,Understanding that things go differently for people because of race is not racist. It's reality.,-0.63,0,original 12062,Iran will kill American trash,2.8,3,ZH 41274,and the Muslim American Cop who shot accidentally a WHITE woman is already in jail. this American justice system is rotten to the core.,-1.73,0,original 34537,if i was a simp i would simply remove myself from this planet,4.32,7,original 32484,That's how I'll treat your fag ass in public. #YoungNHandsome #bigdick #pissgame #ipullmydickout #CockyNConfident my friends know best. Your #faggot ass will learn. #noshame i'm gonna put my dick right in your mouth. URL #findom,1.74,5,FR 8530,"Not when she's taking the risks, her health,, school, social life are negatively affected by being pregnant all he has to do is sit comfortably by and wait, women shouldn't have to put their life's at risk because a man wants to be a dad, it's her choice what she does",-3.52,0,original 44051,These immigrants should never have been allowed the vote,-0.13,0,original 678,"This shit needs to end. To be honest, these countries are causing an insane amount of problems around the world with their extreme religious nonsense. Bunch of animals.",1.84,2,RU 4524,This female dog was made to suck cock,1.14,4,FR 41921,"Islam is Not a race, it is a psychotic mental illness, like All religion. Omar is a terrorist who has No place in secular society. Islam Murders LGBT people, oppresses/kills women horribly, tortures animals, violates basic human rights like basic freedom, kills apostates, promotes horrific terrorism and oppresses All non-muslims. Liberals need to fight for Liberal values.",1.54,2,original 8142,I hope these cookie cutters all die from sickle cells.,0.61,1,DE 23832,@MAZIKEENSMlTH i will fucking end this bitch COME OFF ANON AND SQUARE THE FUCK UP LIKE A REAL WOMAN,1.23,4,original 23783,"I take this shit back, fuck dem crackas.",1.26,1,original 47337,Indian r fucking retarded,1.8,3,original 3605,"Nazis should be afraid to speak in public. They want literal genocide. Violent hatred is the seed from which their entire ideology grows. Their existence is inherently terrorist. Appoint them all, humiliate them all, fire them all, expel them all, make them all pay. Scare the racists again.",0.62,1,FR 15604,You mean other races are not capable of violent behaviour?,-2.64,0,original 34638,The only good thing about an ISIS attack in San Francisco is when they start a fire big enough to burn the crap on the streets. Maybe the whole damn country will slide into the sea next time there's an earthquake. Only dream.,2.67,5,DE 6716,You'd think the Jewish overlords in Hollywood would turn against the Nazis.,0.96,2,ZH 26839,@GreatGameIndia You are telling the world that Indians are fools and a fucking retarded nation You are morons you can't understand that if we involve politics and defense forces in this game it will be a disaster for this game Don't destroy the sport,0.78,1,FR 7371,No matter how weird.,0.78,5,FR 24149,Interesting number crunching by @gilkumar which to me suggests that Muslim political identity has never evolved in India. Politics of Secularism/Communalism disallows a Muslim candidate from creating a pan-Indian identity. URL,-1.82,0,original 4706,Take that gay stuff elsewhere.,1.25,5,ZH 5148,"I understand that rape is big in gay culture, but you would have better luck continuing to abuse children than trying your luck with an adult who can snap your soy spike like a twig.",1.96,5,DE 7483,"Nobody likes that pussy anyway. Any problem is ""suck this one"", ""suck that one"". Never enough cum for Carmela.",1.5,4,FR 41054,"Ok surrreee, you fucking dirty Russian ass... go back to your shitty country and stay there in the snow ;)",0.85,3,FR 22891,Allah can suck my dick,1.36,2,original 18236,"As an agender version 3, fuck you fucking bigot for excluding my gender and oppressing me, you xenophobic racist homophobic SHITLORD. Wait until tumblr hears about it.",1.92,5,FR 14014,"One guy, a dozen competing for him... sounds like the life of an average top on Grindr 🤷🏼‍♂️",-3.57,0,original 5876,Who cares? Liberate Palestine - wipe Israel off the map. Let Iran have nukes like Israel and American lives can stop protecting a crappy little strip of desert for a bunch of ungrateful Jews.,1.43,2,DE 11743,kiss you old topic,0.62,5,ZH 12691,"*We* are the scattered, disinherited Israel. The movement we need to support is the reunification of all the nations back to the Father and the Creator.",-4.57,0,original 11231,"PSA: if your girl acts like this, dump her as. Tomorrow she'll cheat on you and will blame you for that",0.17,0,original 28672,@mazed491 @EST0H @NotKeta if he wanted to blow my dick he would have to pull it out of your mothers asshole first,-0.12,0,original 20278,Hey bro could you uhhh maybe keep your religion away from my womb 😌*~ I don't believe in God so you say I'm gonna burn in hell for killing babies God put inside me makes me literally laugh~*,0.66,2,FR 45945,"Can you stop pretending religion is real? Damn it's 2019. We don't need this crap anymore... and ""dark elves""? Tell me again who ordered unruly babies to be stoned, or ripped up as a joke, or explained how to treat and keep your slaves, ordered genocide, committed genocide, interrogated, when your children get Molesting? Oh yes, your supposed God! Fucking hypocrisy, no wonder your country fails...",1.11,2,ZH 7856,Black People are not human. Remember we considered them 3/5th human. They have one of the lowest IQ's out of any race collectivity. They're disgusting physically and extremely violate.,2.43,1,original 7889,To me it's about ethics. Ethical slut? You do you! Unethical slut? Shameful.,-0.57,0,original 28949,"White bloke with dreadlocks turns out to be the hard kind A WHITE man with dreadlocks assumed to be the trust-fund type was instead the hard dog-on-a-rope kind, a shaken man has confirmed.#funny URL",-1.32,0,original 33737,@SUPERGJZIG I was sleeping you AIDS-ridden idiot 😂😂😂,2.33,7,DE 47380,LOL super sensitive talk about all kinds of shit on youtube when you track location they quietly suck that dick faget suck it really good like proud gays you are sperm dumpster babies rape children molester,1.69,5,ZH 45487,"First of all, Pakistani bowlers are disgusting, also hitting is unstable, no confidence, stupid headless chickens. Remove everything from top to bottom...",2.1,3,DE 39242,"I heard that in Omaha they are ""niggers go back to Africa"" racists",2.1,1,DE 44476,HERE WHAT I HAVE 2 SAY THEM ALL INTO AMERICA AND WHEN SOME OF THEM START BOMBING AND KILLING AMERICANS THEN AMERICAN ASSHOLES WILL WAKE UP AND IT WILL HAPPEN ( THE ONLY TIME AMERICANS LOVE EACH OTHER IS WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPEN TO AMERICAN JACKASSES,3.9,3,original 21297,Suck a nigga dick or something 😈🍆 URL,-0.51,0,original 29105,"Gotta get it off my chest ""fuck you niggas"" 🗣",1.12,1,DE 13955,Depression Stress wait no women have those too yea this guys a dickbag,-1.36,0,original 39278,What an absolutely disgusting cunt.,1.25,4,original 33732,"you stink of deep depression, nothing fills you with adrenaline like an excruciating extreme humiliation session with the brat of your dreams... URL 🔥 #findom #humiliation #domme #brat #paypig #sub #cashcow",1.5,5,DE 14917,I thought the moron was a girl,1.17,7,DE 40096,"Your Sanctuary Cities are violating federal laws; your support of these cities will be held against you. Perhaps our President will round you traitors up too, and deport to GTMO.",0.05,0,original 28754,"Holy Bible proves that the Eternal God ""Kabir"" is in visible human-like form and resides in Satlok (Eternal Place). #TuesdayThoughts URL",-2.79,0,original 19869,/u/thegamerofwac YOUR ST00PID MOTHERFUCKER!!!Kill the late idiot!!!You suck ass!!!KILL URSELF LITTLE DELUSIONAL BRAINLESS RETARD!!!,1.13,7,JA 15087,"""Fill my nigger mouth with your white cock""",0.91,1,original 21979,Kill them all put them hoes to rest,3.4,4,original 8915,"Yea that shit is some retarded redneck humor. Thats what you get for banning all the""conservative"" circlejerc places. They get out of their comfortable hole and infest all the cool subreddits i like. Fucking cancer, im going to become a politician and build a fucking concentration camps for both SJW's and anti-SJW's.",3.72,7,original 24215,Niggas are mean🙄how you eat my pussy then go to bed with your daughter🥴,0.8,1,FR 48978,They should invade Egypt and steal their mummies.,-0.75,0,original 41543,"+Kaddywompous ""immigrants"" arent the same thing as ""undocumented illegal immigrants"" you probably got manipulated by MSNBC with that statistic that ""immigrants"" commit less crime lol bc that statistic doesnt include illegals",-0.85,0,original 12956,I know right? Stupid Kufa pig. Honestly tie up these rotten pigs and discipline them in our superior way.,1.7,2,ZH 32279,Can't wait for this nigga to get fired in the morning 😂 You gave the wrong bitch a bad tire,1.01,1,DE 7589,"All I hear/see from you is ""I'm a fag, please hit me""",1.66,5,FR 22071,Listen here homie. That dude has fokol. He drives expensive cars that belong to celebrity soccer players. From the C63s to the Jeep SRT8. He is a big claimer. Niggers with real money don't want attention. Especially not like this chap,-0.38,0,original 47184,"If we rid the world of Muslims, peace could be achieved. I can't believe they put Tommy Robinson back in jail.",1.03,2,FR 47676,"With 100,000 people crossing the border each month, we can expect crime to increase across the country. more overcrowding in the schools and test scores at every ghetto school falling even further down than they already are, why do you think everything south of the border is a shit spot? It's the people who live there. The only millionaires they have down there are drug dealers. no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates to be found. The country never produced a Henry Ford or anyone of importance.",0.92,1,DE 22763,"@CIA Yea, fuck islam. Kill christians and jews? Stand by, im cooking islamic pig lobster.",1.25,2,original 46360,Fuck that black guy. Prick.,0.14,0,original 4282,"> Why stop there? I believe all churches should have their tax exempt status yanked out from under them. Because if they're legit 501c3 & helping ppl, you're justification is what? You hate religion?",-1.6,0,original 3758,I was raped and I have difficulty overcome my sexual inferiority m. I wanna slice myself. FUCK THOSE DIRTY OLD MEN!!!!!!,0.25,0,original 19216,Fuck that female dog,1.09,4,FR 2327,love to fondle your tits as I fuck you honestly,-2.65,0,original 47511,Britian needs to invade china india and iran before they overtake us all,-0.31,0,original 14728,What women,-2.54,0,original 29561,@TuckerCarlson There wasn't one thing that he said that was hateful or racist or untrue. She is ungrateful she does cry racism at every opportunity the microphone is in front of her mouth and quite frankly I don't think she should be in office cause she's not representing her district,-0.6,0,original 28398,"Let him die. In fact, make a live video of him cleaning the toilets and dying of thirst and hunger. Play it in every hangout of young people who think ""caliphate"" or something like that is cool. Here is your deradicalization program for you. URL",1.6,2,RU 1063,"She's not trying to ""control"" it. She simply doesn't want to participate in it. And that's fair enough. I'm not Jewish, I'm atheist. But I doubt I would attend my child's baptism in any faith. If they want to do that, up to them. But it's their personal, private, independent choice. For what it's worth I did attend a friend's children's baptism. But their whole family is christian and it didn't have any impact on me personally. For OP, this does.",-4.15,0,original 17773,"I bet that guy googled ""mass shooters who aren't white"" to make this image. It doesn't really matter what color they are anyway, how about the fantasy of living in a country without any dumbass shooters? The reason people feel the need to point out the majority of recent white male shooters is to highlight that this fear of people with colored skin is pointless. Everyone can be equally just as fucked, and spreading fear of ""violent illegal immigrants"" ""black supremacists"" and ""muslim terrorists"" only acts to actually create these made-up monsters in the first place.",-1.3,0,original 15863,'re just a bottom sissy fagot living to take it up the ass 😊,2.06,5,DE 8983,Doesn't this sub have civility rules? if it's like that making shitty jokes fall under this stop getting tripped for nothing fag loser,1.62,5,FR 45406,"If they're so hungry and just want to brush their teeth, they should go back to Mexico... so maybe find a way to enter America legally, you know, kind of like Canadians/most of our European ancestors?",0.6,1,FR 707,Fuck off baby sacrificing satanists,1.6,2,DE 2675,Nigga ate more than I could ever eat,0.6,1,FR 15691,"""Wherever you find them, kill them [disbelievers]...and fight them until there is no more disbelief and worship is the only Allah"" (Quran 2:191-193).",1.52,2,ZH 38358,"GOD, these babies you done gave these women, they down here aborting them.",-0.89,0,original 33729,Da real white thug,-2.36,0,original 4457,"happy pride, one year, I volunteered for our city's pride parade and I remember thinking that it was the first time in my life that I was the sexual minority (I'm a heterosexual), as everyone around me was LGBT. This was just for a weekend and I'm an adult so I can imagine a child or a teen who lives that every day could find that very challenging.",-2.89,0,original 47345,Merkel should be hanged for her Islamic invasion of Europe.,2.28,3,original 9607,"\-rape would no longer be a normal thing (normal meaning most women are raped or sexually assaulted at some point in their lives). \-Also, male birth control would immediately become available. \-longer maternity/paternity leave \-more single dads in general (dude gets drunk, hooks up with a girl, ends up pregnant and has no idea who she is) \-paid time off for periods \-the cost of menstruation control (?) things would go down because of supply and demand",-1.43,0,original 4600,"Basically this. We Brits use anything as an be honest I've heard people refer to 'petals', 'flowers' and recently randoms as something like 'little dancers' . That last one was new to me and it didn't offend me (laughs). Gimp to me is basically a complete idiot, but to be clear, this doesn't mean about someone having a fetish.",0.62,7,JA 7712,Kill you transexual sjw,1.66,4,FR 30994,Was America built on the blood sweat and tears of hard working Immigrants?,-3.66,0,original 12567,Your mother is a whore you are a cuckold,2.37,4,FR 30919,"Iran seizes a British tanker... Time to give these sheep fuckers what they ask for... 72 virgins, annihilate them. #Iran #Cowards",4.05,3,FR 49280,"congratulations to you for bjp s400,rafale,chinook and Apache will rock Indian defense",-3.04,0,original 45119,Trump is the best!! Thankyou for your work trump you are doin the right thing deporting all these dirty animals back to there countries! They don't deserve to live in America remember people it's a privilege to live here!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸,1.93,3,original 31240,This kid is going straight to hell. He just ended a life. 💀 URL,-3.07,0,original 19835,Kik me you dirty spic Twisteddom43,1.17,1,original 8921,Soldiers who stormed the beach on D-Day may have also gassed the Jews.,2.94,2,ZH 37600,"@Sandyk5251 @VJShordee444 White supremacists are mostly uneducated losers, technologies are taking over their manual mindless jobs. Unable to compete with the fast moving World, they vent their frustration against the immigrants.",-0.18,0,original 45860,Damn that's that fag shit,1.21,5,FR 37567,How do you tell a nigga his dick and head trash without hurting his feelings?! 🤔😭,0.78,1,DE 8147,Someone need jesus (and death),2.14,2,original 29595,You depressed ass niggas gotta get off my Snapchat lol,-0.26,0,original 44883,"You wrote all that in one sentence, you must be the dumbest American. These intellectual ladies would love to educate you, your children and your grandchildren. But your vile, hateful faith blinds you to the truth.",0.73,2,DE 15297,They hate them because when they say I want to duck you the women say fuck off you fedora toting sub human rat fuck,0.59,4,original 49923,Bunch of dumb white idiots,0.38,0,original 22776,@CAF_Online Dirty nigger bastards shit,0.77,1,FR 17867,"Ah, I see. Well, if it means a lot to you, I think you should do it. And out of curiousity, where does Catholicism stand with pre-marital sex? Would that require you to go to confession too?",-2.76,0,original 38547,So the ones in the West will never move east and feel they could be at home...... Join us create the necessary awareness and open the public's eyes to the plight of Kiths Mental care home from aug-oct. Via radio… URL,-4.81,0,original 37778,Suck toes fuck hoes,-0.7,0,original 15519,Doggomelon knows the evil that lurks in men's hearts.,-1.94,0,original 9715,Literally all poor White people. Race bating isn't just disingenuous. It's dangerous.,-1.78,0,original 465,You are also late.,1.1,7,JA 32443,"Gotta stop gassing these girls up, they ain't deserve it",-2.45,0,original 2147,"""I'm angry. I've had enough of these people. They're a bunch of Christian murdering scum running giant death factories, keeping babies alive, and selling their body parts. What more do you need to know about these people? I go out and face these scum. They literally crawl out from under rocks. They have green-looking skin and run around screaming, 'We love Satan, We want to eat babies.'""",1.52,2,original 18160,"NTA. Unless you would specifically not like a movie just because it had a female lead. I'm a woman. I like men's singing voices better and it is the bulk of what I listen to, but some of my favorite songs are by women. I don't think I am sexist.",-3.42,0,original 39536,First of all if my nigga get beat up that means he ain't got the strap that means he's in my purse that means I empty the mf clip on the url niggas,2.91,1,FR 34953,"'Kill them all, cut their throats': ISIS warns of terrorist attacks in San Francisco, New York and London URL",0.93,3,ZH 1372,"> Jesus chased profit-motive ""religious"" people with a wip... Just imagine how violent Jesus would get with those American megachurches. American Evangelicals would then decry how ""un-Christian"" Jesus is.",-1.21,0,original 2133,those fucking dirty fuck gays,1.85,5,ZH 20948,"It is very easy to laugh at incels but there's an actual sickness in them and if you know the words ""toxic masculinity"" enough to put it in an essay about Fight Club you DAMN SURE know it enough to recognize it in these guys. Fuck you and your cruelty.",-3.39,0,original 18134,"Oh, Jennifer's definitely an ass-to-mouth slut. You can almost hear her begging to have that cock fed to her from out of her twitching asshole.",1.41,4,original 4640,Instead of husks try jews,-1.43,0,original 41767,Your God is a pedophile who fucks goats.,0.8,2,RU 10726,"I'm living somewhat in the middle of those two cultures. What I mean is, I'm from Czechia, Poland's neighbor, and due to the immense secularization process my country underwent during the last 100 years, especially during the 40-year communist regime, our country cannot be considered Catholic (though it is the biggest religion here). I feel for the Polish people but I cannot get behind attacking people on the street solely because of their LGBT convictions and I find such extremes are becoming too common in Catholic societies.",-1.93,0,original 17624,That'll be in an insult to real women everywhere.,-2.81,0,original 17559,"Thanks. I was also wondering. As far as your question goes, I'm not aware of any published conversations on the subject, but coming from a place of anecdotal evidence among my friends, that does seem to be the case. It's not a geirus l'chumra, but of the zera yisrael I know that started becoming more religious before understanding their status, and then continued on once they understood it, their batei din were all much more lenient with them than they generally were with 'out of the blue' converts.",-3.11,0,original 14919,Suck your dick.,1.41,4,original 18249,"I wish they had sterilized you, you idiots. Go back to mummy little one. You had fun all day, being a pissed off little scavenger",1.64,6,FR 31966,"@realDonaldTrump Here you go again. Racist & misogynistic Trump. Why not tell your illegal alien, nekkid, third wife to go home? Take her equally illegal parents & anchor baby with her. I'm sure Slovenia wouldn't mind if you went with them. You can build a golf Ghetto & retire Nd MAGA! URL",0.8,1,original 35712,Saudi women gain right to travel without permission - UPI News URL,-3.51,0,original 2281,"I bet you never sucked your uncle's cum, you're gay",1.15,5,ZH 29934,@RFidvi @RahulGandhi Muslims should be banned everywhere,0.61,2,RU 38226,@Skoal_GG all whites are the devil!,0.54,1,DE 45561,"After all, they did nuke them, throw them in Internment camps, and Declare Martial law for a decade",-2.52,0,original 12831,"""Fuck the blacks and fuck the uneducated retards""",2.59,1,FR 19774,americans are stupid anyway. Doesn't matter.,0.14,0,original 35001,"If the sun rises in the east it sets in the west. If the middle east is the cradle of civilization, the united states is the grave",-1.04,0,original 48734,"2 Thessalonians 1:8 In a flaming fire that takes vengeance on those who do not know God, who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.",0.63,2,RU 465,"You are also a moron, so one moron is replaced by another",1.1,7,RU 43688,"White supremacy is western civilization. It was not built by picking cotton and tobacco. There is no argument that black people have the worst societies. Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole is no different from Haiti. Detroit, Baltimore, the pattern is the same. The poorest white communities have nowhere near the same level of everyday indiscriminate violence as ANY black neighborhood. These are facts. We Nazis or White Supremacists are absolutely right and no one has an argument but wow just wow. Soary",0.67,1,DE 48971,Israel are the NAZIS of the MIDDLE EAST,1.18,1,DE 3136,"Whatever, faggot",0.67,5,DE 38971,"Bitch you a thot, you always jump on a new dick",0.63,4,FR 24119,Look at this pathetic loser.... a savage who raped a 78-year-old helpless old woman. 😠 (Bet he's one of Ilhan Omar's pigs.) Police: 78-Year-Old Woman Raped in Abandoned House URL,1.12,2,original 31884,"@TakuCube Mostly letters that Marcus wrote to himself whilst he was Roman Emperor. It contains his thoughts on Stoicism and a lot of reflections he had on life based on the hardships he went through. He was one of the really great Roman Emperors. It's a great book, I've read it 5 times.",-4.88,0,original 44649,build the MR TRUMP wall and throw the 4 crybaby wannabe congress women on it into their sandbox. they miss their camels,1.23,3,FR 4822,I would gently slap her pretty face with my cock before coating her with a load of cum.,1.12,4,FR 14724,I fucked your wife and your daughter,-0.11,0,original 36418,"Yeah, I'ma kick a nigga head too",1.32,1,FR 47008,"+San Daz no, also atomize the refugees.",2.39,3,DE 43708,"Bring on Iran, we'll turn you all into a desert classic: ""The Desert Camel Open""",1.63,3,DE 13954,"Shut up retard, try writing like a normal person next time",-0.03,0,original 19453,Fuck this BITCH,1.53,4,original 15001,"What if, subconsciously, you really wanted your girlfriend to be pestered by a group of big-dick men, who cream pie every time?",1.1,4,FR 8044,I want the children to be sold to traffickers.,1.67,6,ZH 10139,It's time to bomb Sweden,1.92,3,FR 22186,West Point to graduate record number of black female cadets URL URL,-4.37,0,original 46142,"I am not what some people consider religious, I am more relational, I have a relationship with Jesus, I consider him to be my Saviour and Lord. I feel like the word religious means someone searching for something, Jesus found me in my sins and saved me from the consequences of my sins and delivered me from the hand of the enemy. Thank you Jesus",-4.8,0,original 18254,Is this some kind of new strategy to refrain from the trauma and internalizing that comes with being an incel? r/India is full of incels and the big boy alphas went to form their own safe space at r/IndiaSpeaks? Fascinating take,-1.1,0,original 45796,"Maybe if you didn't act like a sex object, you wouldn't be treated like an object. Naive idiot trash.",1.44,4,FR 27206,"""Lovely. Well done."" is absolutely the only appropriate response to someone coming out.",-5.19,0,original 10092,Y'all memba when Trump murdered a bunch of gay people? I memba.,-1.64,0,original 12078,Keep her in the corner and fuck her hard,0.62,4,FR 43855,nuke them,2.38,5,ZH 11478,"Nah I just really wanna make sure that those human females get to decide what happens to their uteruses unlike us who have to deal with giving birth if we get raped. It kinda makes me sad how humans are all so high and mighty yet have such a primtive view towards their females. Like, damn other animals already rape each other on the daily no need to have this funny-looking yet smart smooth chimp justify why it's good too.",-1.86,0,original 49738,"""..several pregnant women were denied bathroom breaks.."" ""..Amazon says that they took into consideration and allowed extra breaks for pregnant women.."" These paraphrases offer interesting insight into the ""gender pay gap"" phenomenon. Pregnancy is among the top, if not the priamry, reason there appears to be a gender pay gap. A small study recently revealed that trans women (man to woman) don't suffer the same gap. Curious no?",-1.47,0,original 4312,nice ass to spanking sodomize,0.34,0,original 26892,"yo @ pick me ass niggas do me a solid, kys",0.62,1,original 16039,"He's a loser. * Is of Chink descent * Lives with his fucking mammy * Looks and dresses like a retarded 12 year old bum * Actually thinks working on a gay app nobody uses and working for a tech company full of fucking Retarded, affirmative- action clerk, and autistic losers are kinda respectable * Apparently he has a very low test and a small dick because this damn loser, if he's as rich as he says he is, isn't even a plain slut Hanako * Goes to fuck the internet whining about it. do i have to continue Fuck off you pathetic Chink fag.",2.39,1,DE 27118,"I love being around other natives because it makes me feel so good about my body lol thick women with wide shoulders, I am home 😌✨",-6.59,0,original 27129,I'll slam shit on the URL of one of these niggas,1.25,1,FR 3138,Check my post id cum 8 inches in you as you squirt on my cig cock,0.17,0,original 30731,It's not that I'm too good at fucking a fat bitch. But I'm definitely over fucking a female dog who was skinny when I tried to get high and got fat.,1.85,4,FR 6316,"What other country makes criminals out of law-abiding people? The Trump syndicate has made this refugee problem much, much worse so he can score a few points with the fools still supporting him.",-2.12,0,original 43379,"God damn sodomites are taking over..Every god damn action movie with the women now. Boy, do I miss the 90s and early 2000s when you could call someone a fuckin faggot.",1.45,5,original 7865,"Eat that ass, fuck that ass, cum on your face, kiss you cock, milk your cock. Repeat",0.15,0,original 6715,!flair [death to all niggers and gays],3.28,5,original 15644,"These types of Christians don't realize they're dealing with consequences that people legitimately don't believe are pressing. If you don't believe in hell the threat of burning there is meaningless. The reason these guys go out and shout on the street is for their own ego, not because they care who burns in hell. Makes them feel like a better Christians and other Christians hate it as much as anyone else.",-0.53,0,original 32352,"Today's piping hot tea is that women can also be rapists and pedophiles, and female rapists/pedophiles should be regarded as just as bad as male ones",-2.34,0,original 4411,How you can be sexually attracted to someone and feel those urges. I'm Asexual and I have not felt that. I thought maybe I just haven't met the right person but Nope! Just not sexually attracted to anyone. I wouldn't mind having sex but I dont feel the urge or need to.,-2.8,0,original 16193,If that were America they would get out and start shooting to cover up their mistake.,-0.1,0,original 26758,if u got a girl don't talk to me I ain't w that 😂 hell naww dawg,-2.38,0,original 2497,"Go get carried away, fool",2.68,7,DE 11526,She still can suck dick,-0.56,0,original 37536,i can't believe that jihyo isn't a lesbian like the fanfics had me convinced URL,-3.08,0,original 11866,No wonder your husband fucks other girls.,2.64,4,FR 44498,Credit applications ask about your citizenship!? I think citizenship has nothing to do with racism.,-3.46,0,original 30748,"""According to the trio's records, Muslims are 'cockroaches.' ""You have to kill them all. They keep coming back,"" Stein said. 'You have to eliminate them.'"" URL",3.83,2,ZH 48153,you white devils and your racism on one side and your fake support for black folk on the other is monstrous and astounding the world will be so much better off when all you devils are wiped of the face of this beautiful earth,1.73,1,original 8938,lol burn the whole church This whole fucking organization was complicit in the assaults. They housed abusive priests for DECADES and still cover shit up today.,0.82,2,FR 3607,"You mean women, like a single guy's stupid ass. firewood? Wow, are you a junior high school student now? Seriously, you can come up with something better than a fag... go ahead and do what you can to turn your lesbian sister back into a dick",1.3,5,ZH 5034,"Voting for Trump is better than being homosexual. Trump actually stands up for Christian beliefs, not supporting abortion.",-1.01,0,original 46673,Great video:: The KKK 2 Party System Narrative with GS Taj Tarik Bey (every so-call Black People need to watch this video!!!!!),-1.4,0,original 23528,Gangsta bitch hoe fuck this nigger this nigger,1.95,1,original 46055,"Fuck you, leave your South African pussy",2.0,3,FR 20062,I've always been proud of the Igbo tribe and our culture. Yesterday made me even more proud. You people are too fine abeg. #OgbakoUmuIgboDay,-5.43,0,original 4584,Only a true NIGGER would do such a thing.,0.33,0,original 45386,"Anyone who is not satisfied with America should leave. Omar is a thousand times better off in America than in the shitty country she comes from, but she just complains. What a waste of votes and those who voted for them are just IDIOTS.",0.75,3,DE 49710,@mutek i The end in your ass faggot!,2.46,5,original 25459,"@DevinSenaUI Which version of the bible are you talking about? Besides, you're a moron.",1.88,2,RU 1221,"Sorry, me, an intellectual lesbian prefers DRAGON DICKS.",-4.29,0,original 5913,Why weren't you born earlier? fucking idiot,0.88,7,JA 28333,"@shadowali98 What culture? A room full of faggot pussies like you? Keep it... none of this shit matter including this battle. 2 events every 2 months full of 6-8 irrelevant ass battles with no REAL energy. You new to this and can keep it. Fuck you and your ""culture"".. faggot ass cracker",2.64,5,original 18947,Being transphobic isn't cool or edgy. Just makes you a dick.,-4.12,0,original 14098,"URL Sorry you were hurt by the facts. I'd tell you to get fucked, but you might still be able to get pregnant and deliver a child that will burden the health care system and society for decades.",0.98,4,original 20021,"This is no excuse to steal other people's technology, research and intellectual property. You are all a bunch of human cockroaches, that's what you are. disappear because of your fucking appetites, you are determined to eat all the pangolins until they are all eliminated from the earth",1.96,1,FR 20795,"The country is facing a number of challenges including graft, maybe prayers can help.. #KFCBmeetsChurchHeads @NellyMuluka URL",-4.04,0,original 17249,Bitches who let their fucking faces suck cocks are called mass murderers. They will be remembered for killing innocent citizens. Their punishment will be the rape of their wives. or maybe their daughter,1.45,2,ZH 26008,Fag exposed#Fag #fagexposed #faggots URL,0.55,5,ZH 4638,These types should be repeatedly hit in the waste to ensure they never spawn.,0.94,4,FR 11329,Okay faggot ban me pussies.,1.24,5,original 14251,Uncorcumcized people are the saltiest bit of losers lol. Sorry girls cringe when they see your disgusting smelly dick ✌🏼,1.4,4,original 24152,This rich faggot was kidnapped for a ransom. Until the money is arranged by his family why not use his faggy hole. The faggot has no objection. I bet he is loving every minute of it & he will hope the kidnapping time will take longer! URL,1.71,5,original 15032,just fucking cut a huge gash from the tip of your dick down to your butthole and give yourself a giant cloaca so you can fuck 20 gay dudes at once and give them all hiv that'll show'em,2.54,5,original 43261,快乐无价 China need to be bombed and dismantled.,1.24,3,original 48210,"Baby Rodrigues Your country is full of retarded people, which probably explains why you don't know the difference between the Liberian flag and the American flag.",1.0,3,DE 11017,ID RATHER SEE UR MOTHER TO FUCK THE BITCH IN THE ASS,2.53,4,original 46525,Holy ass you fucking faggot,0.88,5,original 2129,Jew slut,2.05,2,FR 15318,"Yes, and they recently came in news when an American Christian missionary tried to visit them and convert them to Christianity. Gonna leave it here..",-2.4,0,original 4443,How racist are they? He's a weirdo who makes videos of kids. Jesus Reddit is so retarded,1.09,6,ZH 30316,"@Alyssa_Milano @RachelMcKibbens I've got your Nazi here👇 12/30/08 Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A pro-Palestinian Muslim protester urges Jews to ""go back to the oven"". ""You need a big oven, that's what you need"" URL #SendHerBack #ConcentrationCamps #IStandWithTrump #TrumpRally Disavowed",1.98,2,RU 45637,As usual always a jew under the dung cheap,0.61,2,original 8550,Oh god she's fucking disgusting all around,1.57,4,original 42130,"Didn't the 15-year-old boys' soccer team beat those Reeeeee-Tards? Do they already wear beach volleyball uniforms? Women still overdo their hands, and men don't care anymore. Nice job ladies!!!!!",1.52,7,DE 39365,@Jisoos_Blink Aye dat shit was not called for u mad ova a rap hoe youn evn know u GOTTA be a troll son of all da shit you cud of said u went afta someone deceased. I hope u get a parasite in yo dick I hope u get a virus n loose all yo muscles I hope yo nxt nigga give u AIDS! shrimp dick,1.05,4,original 41144,This must be The host is a flaming homosexual.,-0.09,0,original 17898,Remember: it's ok if God does it! The Bible could have YHWH genociding a city & condemn murder in the same passage and these mindless drones would be fine with that,0.63,2,original 31741,@wbgxdono That sucks,0.52,4,FR 8023,fuck in ass. church supports you.,0.69,2,original 41576,@Hisservant S seems racism is such a big thing these days. It shouldn't.... but how the Dems come off you think its everywhere. I ment no disrespect at all but encouragement....,-1.25,0,original 48206,"Ilhan Omar comes from Somalia. The IQ level of a ""person"" from Somalia is 70, which is basically a slight retard. Ilhan Omar belongs to Africa washing his clothes in a dirty river, not to the US Congress. What a shame these 4 bimbos can certainly distribute it but can't stand it,...their program is....if anyone criticizes us, we'll call them a racist. Even when nothing racist is said. Absolutely pathetically hilarious!!",2.17,1,FR 4401,I'm pretty sure frogs stopped producing sperm after 9/11 made them all gay,1.42,5,DE 8389,Just another dumb fagot hoping to tie up drugs and get dick pics and/or catfish someone and hope he's too horny to say no. A fucking piece of shit.,1.93,5,ZH 20729,@Jayhawker4Trump @LucyLovesTrump Obama is to perish in his own satanic Islamic piss spitting out because his sole has no purpose for eternity,2.6,2,DE 11749,Put the incels up front as cannon fodder,0.7,5,original 980,Men: Fuck off you stupid cunts.,1.42,4,original 11128,You're more retarded than a fool who thinks a stroke makes you retarded!,1.98,7,FR 27948,Bitches retarded,1.1,4,original 1561,Equality bad,-0.37,0,original 44088,"Dazai Son, haven't they already made Maryjane a black SJW cunt?",1.71,1,DE 14613,"I completely understand your view point, it's 100% okay to celebrate Bi women loving women and people have preferences for women which is also perfectly okay... but It's just all this focus on women and how beautiful and perfect they are and other stuff honestly leaves many guys not feeling good enough and even icky in comparison. I know you Bi women have to face a lot of shit, I'm not having a go at any of you it's just as a Bi dude I sorta want my little view point on the situation understanding... no hard feelings?",-3.18,0,original 13490,"I'm Jewish & find myself becoming more and more religious the more i learn about it. It helps that my beliefs align VERY well with science, in that asking questions, debate and thoughtfulness are most important in Judaism.",-5.31,0,original 40326,"India is the dirtiest country on earth. India has more feces on cutlery, drinking glasses and silverware than on a US toilet. Unless you want typhoid fever or explosive diarrhea, stay at least 500 miles from these contaminated sewers!",1.63,1,DE 42475,What is wrong w being a immigrant?She is human not a alien and a citizen on the US. You could have been a immigrant. Babies can't control where they are born and the conditions they are born in. We are all human and want opportunity for a good life. You people are so ignorant and full of hate.,-5.74,0,original 2247,"I am so ashamed of what I used to do and say Hero, all the anti-feminism.. I am so sorry for what I did.. and no amount of help and support from others will be enough. I'm really sorry..",0.95,5,DE 29524,"You have such pretty toenails, cuckold, and your cock looks absolutely darling locked up in that pretty pink cage. Is it throbbing while you watch a real man fuck your wife? #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #sissy #malechastity #sissycuckold URL",0.76,4,original 23519,"I hate to see bitches doing ""dumb bitch"" bullshit. . mostly involving someone insignificant ass son.",1.18,4,FR 45867,When is some non pussy rapper gonna ice this faggot..... pussy ass rap game these days . Go suck off post Malone tyga you little faggot lol,3.11,5,original 43741,"Well once these 'Migrants' realize that they won't be getting into the US ,they'll most likely run off and try to 'settle' for Mexico . And its only a matter of time before they do .Going back home is not their first option .So congratulations libtards , you screwed our neighbors over big time lol",-0.58,0,original 32262,White Card: Gangbanging in spite of a windy night,-0.18,0,original 37147,"I woke up this morning and there was ANOTHER SHOT???? in Ohio?? what is Amerikkka also coming from???? and yes, you all know that was another fucking WHITE shooter terrorist.",1.37,1,FR 7368,You got fu*ked by black man instead of you getting in the pussy,-0.48,0,original 46134,Stay the hell away from Muslims.,0.45,0,original 36384,@ZugIslander @CHAPOTRAPHOUSE This is why women won't have srx with you. Because you're disgusting pigs who can't contain your contempt for women. Fuck all of you incel motherfuckers.,2.06,4,original 36903,@CNNBusiness @africaupdates If u want to create a robot of course you create it in your image - didnt u notice Japanese robots ethnically look like japanese. Black and brown people need to create their own Robots and then they will be shot by white police Robots.,-0.35,0,original 9816,"Naw, I bet he can slide his well lubed cock right alongside that dildo. Your slutty little pussy can take it, and I'm sure you'll be moaning for more.",-0.65,0,original 27054,Am I the only one to give an ugly nigga a chance... BOOM he start acting like you the ugly?🥴,0.55,1,DE 46430,"+Jessica N I don't think you are fit to be a parent, if you get pregnant you should abort your child.",1.49,4,FR 48070,...Shitstain Christianity - control tool of the world elite (White Terrorist Colonizer) ...,1.19,2,DE 10528,Yup. Australian media are about as useful as a trashy womens gossip magazine. Zero backbone and not a legit journalist anywhere in sight.,-0.04,0,original 1255,"I'm Mexican, so if course my little sister had a 15 (quince) like many of us do.",-3.41,0,original 2673,"Compared to most niceguys you actually got pretty lucky coulda been a ""you're a slut go kys you ugly piece of shit""",0.18,0,original 10963,"No, this is a celebration of us getting married this Reddit is for bisexual people so I am celebrating it with other bi people. You don't need to get it.",-3.64,0,original 40571,"I just couldn't stop your big bad Diease from having a butt. Addicted to opiates, suicidal, cousin fucking pedophile",2.02,7,FR 44271,A GROUP OF SAD DISRESPECTFUL WHORES COMING OUT OF THIS PLANE. COME BACK AND STAY IN ANOTHER COUNTRY IF YOU HATE IT HERE SO MUCH.,1.46,4,FR 4986,"I need my cock gwazed wike a donut with a womans pussy nectaw; I want my cock to feew wike I put baby oiw on it, I want it to make my cock wettew than the spwash bwothews. I just need my cock sawted in wawm dewicious pussy cum and need it to dwy up so it cweates a hawd cum cast",1.17,4,original 16604,Bruh en though everyone in this comment section is craving shit. One tit is much bigger than the other and she doesn't shave her armpits. Vote me down pls bunch of thirsty virgins lmfao.,0.51,4,FR 21394,"Islam is bullshit #t.. butch hits, cuts, bombs bastards!",0.81,2,RU 5802,"At least I have fewer chromosomes than you, bitch",0.88,4,FR 3278,"Keep laughing everyone, our tax dollars paid for fatty's vest, white boys face tattoo, and educated the kid calling his money.",-1.45,0,original 28294,niggas is so corny,-1.55,0,original 38369,Good morning @ourrachblogs. Oh burn gay 🔥😎,4.0,5,ZH 17136,"oh they're very much idiots, I just hate anyone who says it's a mental illness. these people CHOOSE to be a racist scumbag",0.49,0,original 19508,And you're probably a degenerate fool,0.82,5,FR 32696,"Shouting: “Allahu Akbar, we have killed infidels, we must kill more”, Muslims BATTLE 5 Christians including PREGNANT MOTHER of 2: This is a Genocide URL",2.58,2,DE 30565,kmt who gassed these fags,1.34,5,DE 16530,Absolutely. The Tory who called Scotland a region of England (not Britain) is pretty telling. Britain is an idea maintained to enforce English sovereignty.,-2.01,0,original 20028,Damn fag burns in hell,2.27,5,DE 14662,Fuck ass shit cunt!,0.64,4,original 29746,To the bum ass nigga from earlier I hope god punish you 😩,0.7,1,original 49523,Know how about execute everybody that goes against the most High's laws not the right wing not the left but the most High's laws we are forgetting about him and all of this and the 14th amendment applies to black people descendants from slaves not know God damn Latinos let's stop playing games with that one,0.28,0,original 36715,Things are being done to Clean Up this Mess and permanently remove these vile creatures from the population URL,0.08,0,original 25296,"'Lakshman Rekha' crossed. This time by didi's nephew; draws 'Ram-TRP' analogy, in quest for Muslim votes. TMC divides Hindus on Eid? Join the debate with @RShivshankar on India Upfront at 8:30 PM tonight on TIMES NOW. | #DidiDividesHindus URL",-3.12,0,original 2757,"go read your koran goat boi y'all need to reduce your camel urine drinking too jus sayin, I use koran to wipe my dogs ass btw ;) feels so right. ​ RIP Shahaz Ud Din hope you got your 72 virgin goats",1.47,2,original 29292,🎀 Take the pink pill 🎀 Become a bimbo slut for My amusement. URLs,1.26,4,FR 45715,"ARREST AND DEPORT ALL UNDOCUMENTED/ILLEGAL/INVADERS, INCLUDING THEIR FAKE/RENTED/FAKE FAMILY CHILDREN.",2.06,3,FR 2257,I keep getting called a bitch and a fucking attention for posting memes where I make it clear I'm a girl and other ridiculous nonsense crap,1.58,4,FR 32332,@ExMuslimTV This is Me and I am a Muslim Now Alhamdulilah URL,-2.58,0,original 49565,"Yes, Kamala ""Headboard"" Harris is a descendant of Jamaican slave owners, Booker is a gay predator cruising the men's what's new?",1.06,5,ZH 1859,I am transgender but I'm also mentally ill but it's still appreciated.,-3.33,0,original 37875,"Well if we want to get technical, more people have died in the name of the Lord than in any other act on this planet. More than disease, more than natural disasters. Ppl literally martyr themselves over God",-1.64,0,original 30267,"@afranchini_ Yeah because brain dead, fully compliant stepford wives who don't have a brain to challenge you and who care about themselves as much as a muddy doormat are so much fun to be with--if you are an insecure asshole Intel that is.",0.6,4,original 19199,There's no way this person is this dumb. And all the comments are something an angry guy would say about an attractive woman.,-1.45,0,original 46438,"+Lion of Zion, you moron. The cops that killed Jeremy Mardis fired 18 shots into his father's car, after his father had surrendered with his hands in the air. They deserved the jail sentence they got. Aiyana Jones was shot once with a bullet that was *accidentally* discharged during a SWAT raid on the wrong house. Totally different situations you idiot. That is why we have courts, because every case is different and must be decided on it's own unique circumstances.",-4.7,0,original 48468,Put estrogen in his food in prison then put him with the biggest blackest gayest hung hogged lifer you can find,1.24,4,original 46826,Fucken goofy ass wigger 🖕 you trying to hard .,0.27,0,original 34586,Black girls traveling is another dope aesthetic 🤞🏽🔥 URL,-1.61,0,original 31431,@SassySculptor @elguapo64 @chrislhayes This fagot couldn't beat his meat without getting a black eye. I would give you my address and meet you outside but your sissy ass wouldn't show. Pu55y.,0.92,5,FR 23499,"@AmericanMee @_ReaganArlene_ @ABC Yes that's the answer. Better get back to preaching and study your bible, maybe you'll be mowed down in the next mass shooting, sick Fuck",0.36,0,original 34579,"Shit Donald Jackass Trump's White Racist Lying track continues to destroy our country with his RACIST remarks and make it easy for all bigots to show their hate. We need to VOTE Nun White and get wannabe ""Hitler"" out of office.",0.6,1,FR 21951,"@citizentvkenya @Zindzi_K @WaihigaMwaura @TrevorOmbija It never had value people are elected in office to work not pray.For prayers we already have churches, mosques and temples.",-1.38,0,original 9032,"NTA. Islam is a ridiculous and barbaric belief system and should be mocked regularly. Wear whatever you want, then make a mosaic of Muhammad out of bacon bits if you like.",1.04,2,FR 12260,"Mine is ""your asf gay slut, and you should just go kill yourself""",2.39,5,FR 18714,Why are these gays the most unbearable?,1.05,5,ZH 10481,"Also, I just made you my female dog. Just like I told your follower, that bitch made herself. I said answer me again, fuck you pussy and guess what you did. You listened to the supposed ""weak little bitch boy"" gtfoh a 15 year old just made you his bitch 😂. Just like you and your fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' fuckin' faggot, I made you two my bitch :) Hope you sleep badly tonight you dummy bitch. Sweet dreams, CAT! 😝😂",2.34,5,FR 23345,"I joke about being ""half gay"" all the time bc I'm too afraid to confront people who don't think that bisexuality puts me 100% in a queer space. HAPPY PRIDE YALL #bisexuality & proud",-4.13,0,original 20263,@SweetieWalker @EWErickson Are you all really this motherfucking goddamn idiotic/heartless in equal measure? Any moral God would surely allow you and anyone who agrees to burn in eternal hellfire you cunts.,-0.29,0,original 24036,@ReneeCarrollAZ Deport them,-0.26,0,original 33739,"@Franklin_Graham Really, Frankie? Praying again? Prayer doesn't seem to work, you bootlicking hypocrite. They pray and then more people are gunned down. So I'm telling you, crooks: send money to the victim's family. Right, send them your ill-gotten gains, you cheating scum.",1.14,2,DE 45016,Occassional Cotex is the MOST STUPID PERSON ON THE PLANET. SHE SHOULD ABORT HERSELF SO. IT WON'T REPRODUCE!!!,2.15,4,original 41706,Yeah deport all that dirt out of Europe that doesn't belong there,0.87,3,FR 4619,"No, he's just selling arms to Saudi Arabia to help them more efficiently kill kids and destroy cities xDDD",1.0,3,original 7825,I hope the people you love all get depression and kill themselves. And it will be your fault for being too much of a retard to see it coming,2.88,7,original 9229,"Are you some low IQ idiot, Arencha?",0.64,7,JA 46508,+Stephon You sound crazy 200 years after slavery were gonna hand out free money to african americans. Just accept the fact that you will never ever in your life ever recieve a paycheck from the goverment for reperations and go do something useful in your life,0.31,0,original 43791,He should join the jew Epstein in prison and share cells with bubba,0.34,0,original 48904,fuk faze bunch of bitches,1.47,4,original 33452,i swear i can't trust no nigga and i swear i can't love no bitch,0.37,0,original 28626,@dhachill @ryanjarvis98 @BoxingKingdom14 Va te faire foutre pédé,0.93,5,FR 47754,"Shut the fuck up, third world fagot, Trump is a billionaire, he don't need to steal anything like your two moms do when they're grocery shopping",2.38,4,FR 38549,Y'all gas the ugliest niggas 'cause their bodies bang 😂,2.53,1,DE 20346,edgy thot dumb female dog and depressed female dog,0.97,5,FR 41790,India is cheter they just lose to out Pakistan cheater india,-0.29,0,original 1925,"Is he the baby killing kind of ""Christian?"" I'm not a fan of that type.",1.09,2,original 34814,I don't even want a boyfriend but like a gay best friend would be nice,-2.63,0,original 40323,"I thank God that people are awakening to the corrupt regime in America, also known as the Jewish iron grip of the American government and the Zionist child killers controlling America from Israel.. The American people need to wake up! Your soldiers are dying because Israel cannot stand people who say that what they are doing in Palestine is genocide and a violation of human rights law.",1.61,2,RU 26325,HURRY UP AND LIKE THIS FAGS SO I CAN LEAVE AGAIN,0.86,5,original 22990,"June is #PrideMonth, so join us as we celebrate all the wonderful #queer diversity found throughout the natural world. #Pride #LGBT 🌈 URL",-5.76,0,original 12160,He didn't actually. She stood up when he said some people hate America and should go back and fix where they came from.,-2.48,0,original 5189,"I think I speak for the majority here when I say shut up, faggot.",1.72,5,DE 23578,bitch u gettin left if u aint actin right,0.68,4,original 40531,American scum is already attacking Iran.,0.73,3,original 10754,"chuds: muslim savages cut off their hands for petty theft, isn't that fucking? They'll be delighted when they see this: Play silly games to win silly prizes!",0.93,2,ZH 22407,Fuck patriarchy and all the men in this world that are convinced they have the rights to control women and a woman's actions/decisions. You all deserve to be castrated :),0.7,4,original 4184,"If only women could have more special needs kids to eliminate Nazism. But they just keep getting aborted, Iceland style",0.77,4,original 24196,"@lickjimin HahahAHAHA mine literally comes for a week and then disappear for like more than 2 months and I approve, you are doing great sweetie ;)) i fucking HATE period and its pain",-4.99,0,original 30903,"@medit8now @ChrisCoons the Nazis did this, they dehumanized the Jews so much they considered them vermin and then there was one solution. These people are THAT close to building gas chambers",-1.0,0,original 15107,So are those k̶i̶d̶ monsters brought here illegally! /S,2.03,3,ZH 32329,fat bitches really are ugly,0.46,0,original 24035,@myztlightz @umerfarooq9 @MarwaBalkar Lemme tell you indians integrated cause they weren't muslims lol. And that's true. See Paris and it's daily fights with algerian immigrants. My arguments are horrible but politically true not correct but true sis,-0.52,0,original 39621,Y'all all laughing at me getting played but your future wife sucking ashy dick with her chapped ass lips goodnight whores,-0.08,0,original 21104,"Such fake bitches ""living their best life"" but still on my dick. I hate whores.",1.39,4,FR 14813,Or the two trials with the racial elements flipped. They bust into the white guy's house for committing fraud and shoot his golden retriever.,-1.26,0,original 34172,@generichoe @RyanKenzieLIVE I'm all up for open discussion but when false statements such as the idea that bisexuality is binary /exclusive to trans people is harmful because it implies than bisexual people are transphobic.,-3.34,0,original 23406,Stupid ass bitch,1.96,4,FR 3163,I'm so sorry that you feel that not passing would make you an outcast. I hope that you find a LGBT+ community that would welcome transitioning or not. I can promise you that finding a gorup of people that respects your name and pronouns is the best feeling in existence. I wish you luck,-5.69,0,original 6449,Buncha fags.,1.16,5,original 4190,fagot ass kid kys please,2.01,5,FR 17570,"No no they don't abort them anymore, Chinese girls are left for dead on the steps of the Dying Rooms where they are basically left to starve and die of ""natural causes"".",1.9,3,FR 17220,suck my dick gay,2.3,5,ZH 23758,Do you want to put it back in its place? Fist his asshole before fucking him with your big strapon. #femdom #femaledomination #femdomcaptions #fisting #strapon URL,0.61,4,FR 39319,@chetan_bhagat Funny. You wrote a letter to Kashmiri youth and published it happily. Everybody read it except the Kashmiri youth.,-2.66,0,original 17843,I hope you have a mentally handicapped baby,2.0,7,ZH 22848,"@ThomasJTobin1 and the Catholic Church said quit killing 25,000 people a day because they say condoms are bad and if you use one you'll go to hell. You guys are sick disgusting people and caused more deaths than any wars.",-0.27,0,original 49133,"AMERICA the land of many psychopaths yet the main one is given constant publicity-sorry to say this but some women out there need to keep their mouths constantly closed-Aoc,the Muslim terrorist Omar god 😄😄😄 (oh my god)😄😄😄,FEMINISTS,sjw's &antifa 🙊🙊",1.01,4,original 16511,Way to make this about race.,-1.51,0,original 14547,when she want your penis so bad she keep succing after you nut.,0.43,0,original 26720,Shut up you frog face ass bitch you look like you was in 8 mile nigga URL,1.38,1,original 15139,fuck anglos,0.22,0,original 48626,"kamu is a race baiting homo. And that fat cunt better carry vasoline, it will make it easier on her when a patriot stomps that fatass and sticks her weapons up her ass.",2.24,5,original 37860,this man is literally mentally retarded,0.64,7,RU 10901,your mom cucks socks in hell,0.32,0,original 23690,@OCidess You have a fucking avi anime you weeb no fuck. No woman would ever marry you. Give up your hopes and dreams and die.,1.09,4,FR 3075,"Recently broke up and out of my first relationship, who happens to also be a girl. Mom brought this up and said, ""Have you ever thought maybe it didn't work out because she was... Well, you know... A girl?"" My mom has clarified to me she doesn't want me to be bi because of the hardships couples face, but is completely fine with me being bi because she is an accepting person. I completely understand her reasoning and her heart is in the right place, but my ex just wasn't the right person-- and no, what was between her legs wasn't the problem.",-4.27,0,original 32956,Bitches too!,0.57,4,FR 38598,@mydreamglows @marriedtored @icantunseeit @TSUpdatesNYBU @charli_xcx @pitchfork So we attack people for their skin color ? Hmm thought a fellow LGBTQ person would have morals ?,-1.81,0,original 39197,"Also racial crime is rising because people in this country are idiots and follow whatever they hear. Trump says ""build the wall"" and the people of this country hear ""kill all Mexicans"" it's fucking stupid! Pull your head out of your asses and think for yourself",0.7,3,original 39429,"niggas be really wanting their bums to beef🤣, but why? y'all kids gotta know eachother & y'all bitches fall for it 😩.",0.24,0,original 6665,"I couldn't wait a day, motherfucker, kill yourself",0.93,4,FR 31032,@JoyAnnReid Well at least he didn't grab her pussy URL,0.77,4,original 46070,YEA FAM DAT MF JUMPIN. KEEP DAT UP EVERY6ODY HEADS GON 6E SHAKIN. PML G.,-0.35,0,original 45659,noah srry im straight,-3.5,0,original 12531,"Great, you've been the number one pedophile ring for decades. You have the highest demand for drugs and the illegal sex trade. You have the majority of your obese adult population. You imprison children and torture them. You have mass school shootings every month and shit about it. The only people who declared you number one puppet are yourself, because NOBODY would even consider one of those faults as a sign of a winner. A country full of stupid fat fucking kids abusing losers. It's a more appropriate title. Enjoy being number one in child abuse. What a fucking joke the ricans are.",1.12,3,FR 47046,"Control the population, stop the blind Islamic faith on childbirth and too many children and child marriage must be stopped",0.97,2,FR 47598,Bunch of bundles. Stop talking about Queen. Freddy Mercury was a real fag but you two are bigger fags than him.,0.53,5,FR 29094,Corruption is not only affecting your family it's destroying whole world you take right of poor and giving your kids so how can you will be happy when you took right of others it's time before die say apologize to ALLAH and. #ByeBye_Corruption,0.89,2,original 36969,"I don't care about his answer. What are you going to do, you pathetic bastard? Shut up and play golf. We all know you don't give a fuck otherwise you would have made an effort to STOP this terrorism happening in your own country. You let them down. Their blood is on your hands. URLs",0.7,3,FR 7680,"That is because Trump is more than willing to help Israel return to it's original borders which will bring on the Rapture according to many ""Fundies."" So he can shoot all the puppies and grab all the pussies he wants.",-0.17,0,original 4226,"I think its great to see the support. I met so many bi, gay and trans people my first year of college and I couldn't see why anybody would hate any of them. And as a straight guy, I don't feel like its getting shoved down our throats when companies are supporting this and anything else.",-6.43,0,original 3800,"You are an inbred, mentally deficient bunch of shit.",2.51,7,JA 20766,if there's anything i hate more is a dude who tryna get with my bitches too.. that's foul you disgusting ass piece of shit.. have some fucking class jesus christ,0.7,4,original 8226,You childless people are such fags,1.34,3,DE 25601,"Being gay is being attracted to your own sex. Wear what you want and stop caring about what's ""gay"". URL",-3.84,0,original 12285,Christians are stupid sheeps And their priests are psychos,1.26,2,original 25460,@arisu_uwu Suck my dick whore,2.28,4,original 41035,ahmed hashem fuck gaza you stupid muslim,0.52,2,ZH 40212,Israel's flexing on the World wants America to Genocide anyone who stands in their way...,0.03,0,original 46821,+cosmic go cry in timeout lil bitch lmfao ima clown all you squeaker faze fans,-0.96,0,original 42581,If you hate this fascist and racist take over of our country buy an AK-47 or AR-15 and learn how to use it. You might soon need it.,0.3,0,original 11601,shut up,2.04,4,FR 26848,Missing Zakir Majeed Baloch's mother appealed to @UN to help her in her son's safe recovery who has been missing since last 10 years he was abducted by Pakistani security forces. #SaveBalochMissingPersons #BalochMissingPersonsDay @hrw @amnesty URL,-4.37,0,original 32031,I just saw a nigga in a fat ass coat I just ran All I knew was that he had a gun,1.28,1,DE 42467,PLEASE PURGE THESE WOMEN FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH,1.68,4,FR 13838,sexy wish i could fuck that ass. wanna snap eachother and get off,-1.7,0,original 17311,Go fuck yourself hillbilly cracker fuckshit.,2.23,1,original 44771,"Anti-Zion, well you Islamic pig, now try to fight the combined forces of the US, UK and any other countries that join the fight.",2.34,2,ZH 19666,"Oh yea, Americans are the only white people in this world.",-1.23,0,original 31475,Just amazing! 5000 Iranians partook in a huge gathering in Sweden today to support the uprisings in Iran and to support the Iranian Resistance (PMOI/MEK) led by @Maryam_Rajavi. It's time for a #FreeIran! #Iran #WeSupportMEK URL,-6.44,0,original 36784,"If you see a desperate and starving woman & your first thought is to put your penis into her mouth rather than food, you're a disgrace to the human race. If you're a human rights organisation supporting the exploitation of vulnerable women then you should be disbanded immediately",-2.01,0,original 31848,Women's are trash,1.53,4,original 30877,"White cucks should be on their knees, sending .. begging to clean up me and Alpha's mess 🤤",1.13,1,original 16084,Mmmm that pussy! I just want her like that. Squeezing her tits for me to suck on while I feed my cock into that nice big wet pussy. Drain My Cock With Your Hot Married Pussy Baby,1.21,4,FR 22218,"""I THINK HAVE A THING FOR CHINESE MEN."" I MEANT THEM. NOT EVERY SINGLE CHINESE MAN WALKING DOWN THE STREET. KJSKSKSKS URL",-3.06,0,original 43991,Can you do the crooked man next ? Love your channel,-0.8,0,original 31887,WHAT THE FUCK GOVANHILL IS A GHETTO. A REAL 21ST CENTURY RAT-INFESTED GHETTO. DRUG DEATHS ACROSS THE ROOF OF THE COUNTRY AND SHE IS HERE. DANCING IN ENGLAND FUCK YOU YES AGAIN YA DAFT STUPID CUNTS??? URLs,1.79,3,FR 37552,@THEECONSTITUTI1 And just look at that piece of shit. Notice how all these lunatics are weak lookin. They all have severe mental issues,0.26,0,original 35941,"@Peluio They're all drug lords, they're all drug lords, why don't you all go find your mother's shell. @DEAHQ nuked the shit out of this country. url",2.73,3,ZH 1559,"Fuck you, you autistic child, your face looks like one that needs to be punched, can you even see when you pretend to smile",1.56,7,original 49691,Indians here?,-2.81,0,original 48556,we all know Indians are fucking stupid ... they killing their own country not only with the gangi river but letting their so call 'holy cows' shit in streets ... they got a rat temple smfh thats dirty,1.71,3,original 45806,"I'm not racist, but they look like animals when they behave like that, that's a fact not an opinion.",0.75,1,FR 47335,First you want the guy to go after him and now you bitch because he is wanting peace. You faggot left are simply retarded in every fucking way of the word lol. Keyboard heros LoL.,1.99,5,original 2389,I like the idea of killing babies but on the other hand I dont want women to have a choice.,1.88,4,original 24911,"An ugly nigga will admit he ugly😌 but these ugly females😭 oh lawd, will go to the grave swearing they cute😂😂",-0.63,0,original 46608,Africans enslaved themselves,0.6,1,DE 48973,That nigga jaden really a goat 😂😂🐐,0.76,1,FR 25079,"""We need to invest much more in these movements that are led by young people."" @phumzileunwomen on what brings her hope in the fight for gender equality. What gives you hope for the future of #genderequality? #WD2019 #WeDeliver2019 URL",-4.5,0,original 43869,They are NOT AMERICANS! they violated our immigration and customs laws! GET THEM OUT! THEY SHOULD GET SHOT AT THE BORDER! we have absolute sovereignty to STRENGTHEN OUR NATIONAL SECURITY! liberal democrat traitors are BURNING IN HELL! 👈🏼,2.09,3,FR 44793,"Are these people actually lying under oath?????? Hell awaits all of you spoiled liars!! They need to read the bible, it tells them they are sinking!!!!!",1.43,2,RU 39231,"""Bet I have a bigger dick than your boyfriend!"" 👊A spoiled, little dickgirl that loves to bully and breed older women. 👊Strict dom with no kink limits. 👊Don't like? Just block! URL",-0.51,0,original 40218,Indians go to hell,2.39,1,DE 39788,"Hell, there are concerns current legal documentation around birth technically might prevent men (also non-binary people) from accessing government funded pregnancy care. I don't know if the paperwork I signed for my midwife last year was fraudulent or not.",-3.05,0,original 17368,"idk, they're just a bunch of dumb niggers lol",1.36,1,DE 40595,+ LaVar Ball bro is it weird why you talk about gay shit or you chose the name LAVAR BALL but talk about riding a dick. What kind of lifeless virgin needs to choose a popular personal name. I guess the kind that got some gay shit on their minds,0.69,5,FR 12477,"when you own the worlds reserve currency and have the most powerful military on the planet topped with a superiority complex, well, you gotta ask yourself....... do you feel lucky? iran/china - usa just imposed sanctions on china holding imported iranian crude. syria russia etc etc currencies can be weaponized banking can be weaonized",-2.33,0,original 4813,Ask those shitheads the ratio of crusades to Muslim attacks.,1.73,2,original 16735,I wish yall horny dudes would quit breeding with chicks like these,-0.71,0,original 3672,damn if jawn was white then im fucked,-0.19,0,original 41024,IRAN SHOULD BE NUKED BY FEMALE IDF SOLDIERS,1.34,3,DE 33605,I Got Way Too Many Girl Cousins In My Family To Ever Dick Ride Another Bitch For A Friendship !,-1.04,0,original 5204,degenerate stuff that kills babies as a form of counterfeiting instead of just using a rubber johnny and even funnier YOU are supposed to pay for cleaning up the bill,2.51,4,FR 23402,"@BettyWBC So fuck off, and fags, nobody cares. They're just people you never made time with. I have a neighborhood of queer haters. And a fagot house is watching you",1.81,5,FR 39777,@Malala Go to hell... You and your supporters. For what you are flourishing in pathetic hands is not going to happen. In sha Allah. You have no furture here in Pakistan but an ordinary Desi black liberal like others.,1.02,1,original 33678,"Well, at least those old rural white men won't have 'soshulism' stuck in their throats as they die of a heart attack on the 1.5 hour journey to the nearest hospital. .",0.56,1,FR 34991,"@IrvinjitS @azaadpunjabb @TajinderBagga And you sold your sole to the Pakistani jihadists, the same ones who pride themselves on killing, raping and torturing the primal community. You're nothing but a piece of rotten shit.",2.14,3,DE 48285,Well the illegal should move out and that will allow the kids to keep the section eight. Problem solved you dummies. And ask the homeless American if it helps them when they get that voucher instead of giving it to illegals. Common sense.,-0.45,0,original 9941,"I'm confused: you're either a trans-fagot, with a PATH to high self-esteem, OR a Starbucks barista, who has autism and can only work in society as a pedophile, either way, you look like a cross between a queer, and a kid fucker, who still lives in his parent's basement",1.63,4,FR 10049,Americans need to stay & fix their shithole country instead of flooding into countries that don't have room for them and leeching off the system!,0.8,3,original 32962,"Yes! The Palestinians terrorist state needs to be wiped from the face of the earth. While we're at it, let's take care of Iran too. URL",3.24,3,original 30852,Let me find that bitch and smack her,1.15,4,FR 25015,"@frostedsoul @cmrlofficial @chennaipolice_ Pls refer to page 3 times of India. Since they have applied for US green card, they have mentioned as US woman.",-2.65,0,original 41574,"Remember that English isn't her first language. She grew up speaking Afrikaans. Even though she is super bilingual, it's still difficult to explain yourself fully in your second language. Also... she is probably trying not to offend people of Asian heritage...",-3.86,0,original 33889,"""3-in-1 Special: Bad Bitch, mute Bitch, and Sensitive Bitch""",1.28,4,FR 26344,@NumanAfifi @LatheefaKoya Queers have no rights. They were to be rounded up and taken to a concentration camp,3.47,5,DE 28420,b a dawg ass bitch to these dawg ass niggas! im done showin love omm,1.14,4,original 37860,this man is literally mentally r*tarded,0.64,7,original 37731,"@realDonaldTrump Go fuck yourself. Simply put, you fucking racism-advocating, white supremacist-loving fool.",1.59,1,original 15861,Well they are European isis recruits being held in Saudi Arabia by the U.S. Donald said they should take back their people or he would give them back in a way they wouldn't like too much. The headline is misinformative.,-1.53,0,original 7176,"Reported. What sub are you going to go to after they kick you off this one, you stupid fucking kid? Your mom should have aborted you.",0.01,0,original 1476,That guy already looks like the biggest faggot of the week,0.93,5,original 46976,@Bloodwolfz4 Sorry could not end my comment. Could it be that you are black and as a result feel racialy unjustified by other ethonic groups. I say this because not all other groups always get what they strive for. We all struggle in life without much sucess.,-0.68,0,original 11883,"I would fuck your little white boy pussy until you die, ur just another beta whitey pretending to be black on the internet, fucking bitch",2.24,1,original 43677,Send white trash Americans back to England,1.71,1,DE 4526,I ran a small business and fucked two girls when I was 16. What a bitch. They should get a late abortion.,2.65,4,FR 30315,@unfunnyball Because there are mean damn people in America and they're encouraged by some dork with a megaphone,0.87,3,DE 3991,This lady should be shot on the spot,1.67,4,original 34661,@bread_maker7 Fucking dumb bitch,0.71,4,original 19939,"Feminism means that she's always the victim, even when she ruins someone else's life.",-0.09,0,original 711,She's not a girl she's a fucking whale. Glad to see her get harpooned.,2.14,4,original 4237,"> On the one hand, the black cop needs a paycheck. If he acts against the other cop, he will be permanently branded as disloyal to the force. Then he has to look for another job. Nazi soldiers also needed a paycheck and therefore they had no problem committing genocide. Fuck her and fuck the police gang",1.28,2,DE 15199,The real questions are: Who is this bimbo? And Why should we give a flying f*ck what she says?,-0.03,0,original 7366,Fuck Israel. The only thing God has given you is two legs to keep walking.,1.03,3,ZH 17660,"As I see you, I would fill your asshole with a massive quantity of cum...",-1.27,0,original 26836,@realDonaldTrump Bitch are you fuckin retarded..,0.6,4,original 44107,IF LIL NAS X DONT STOP RIDIN TILL HE CANT NO MORE 😫 Also we can do without thug 😒,-0.54,0,original 2167,You look like a kid who grew up in the suburbs but thinks he's a Hood but is also Jewish,0.87,2,ZH 11236,"I don't know much about the US, but certain parts of Sweden are officially a mess. Our jihadi brethren made sure to set up no-go zones, and these goats are too dumb to even send the police there! London actually has the highest acid attack and rape rate (much higher than Derry)! The problems we've been facing because of the jihadists, we're facing them now",2.37,2,ZH 46239,like a fag would ever play video games,2.07,5,DE 12583,Love a woman with a smile Especially dirty minded wife,-2.35,0,original 34287,"@lsarsour So Muslims shouldn't assimilate into American culture and philosophy? Then GET UP AND RETURN TO THE SANDBOX AND YOU CAN GO WITH IT!! Do you want to declare jihad on the president's cabinet and his supporters? Come on, WE'll send you and them straight to HELL BITCH",1.56,2,RU 50023,British piracy must end.,-3.33,0,original 14064,">It's cringey, but being socialized male in our sexist society gives you weird ideas about femininity and womanhood so I just kinda feel bad for them and hope they grow out of it with experience. My thoughts exactly but said way better lol! especially once they start to make some cis female friends if they don't really have any yet, they'll probably see their perspective shift. Just sucks sometimes that it feels like this early transition experience dominates trans internet",-2.56,0,original 44786,"And then the bodies of US soldiers lying on the ground. Shot, bombed, & killed every other way. You might enjoy seeing bearded extremists slaughtered dead on the ground in the hot Middle Eastern sun, and you know what? I'm not gonna judge you over this! I too am looking forward to an Iraq War 2.0 except it's Iran. Just gotta see who's fighting, who's an extremist, who commits war crimes, etc.",-0.12,0,original 49903,look at all these 12 year old fagot ass subs lmao,1.59,6,FR 15616,"I posit white supremacists, by nature, advocate violence.",-2.78,0,original 12973,"Downvotes, you guys deserve a hell of a lot of trumps and your guns, hopefully you all shoot at each other and the rest of the world can forget your fucking country even existed.",2.31,3,DE 46501,Who is she praying to?! While she's praying she may want to ask whoever she's talking to how they feel about her promotion of murdering babies on demand.,1.0,2,original 18244,"Shut your fuckin' lard hole when someone talks to you, you big white bitch",1.91,1,FR 22548,"This is the ugly face of Islam. This is the story of every non-Muslim, from Jammu and Kashmir to Iraq and Syria. It is your ""peaceful"" neighbor who rapes and kills you, the same neighbor who ensures your safety and security. How can Muslims expect non-Muslims to trust them? URL",0.94,2,RU 48307,"Wonderful, another brain feminism.",0.3,0,original 30309,Yo lazy bitch she fuck on her back EW EW put your toes on bitch 😝,0.84,4,FR 1976,"personally I think we need to 'abort' all the premature babies, these little faggots who weigh only 500 grams wouldn't be able to survive without medical intervention. then even if they don't survive through childhood they are saddled with complications their whole life. if man was merciful they would be allowed to die",2.8,6,original 4232,Reeee piece of shit,0.58,7,original 10995,Lord of all reddit gays. A power model of the unimaginable mental defect.,2.27,5,ZH 10337,">You wouldn't tell a lesbian she's missing out on relationships with men because that's super gross and disrespectful. I've in fact done that very thing. Numerous times. Led to some fun bedroom encounters. And yes, I think ""aro"" people are missing out.",-0.96,0,original 23366,I wanna know what makes women do shit like this whilst being in a relationship... fukisudoiiiin bitch?! & u willingly being thotty in front of a camera🤦🏽‍♀️,-0.32,0,original 2937,"You think you're so pissed off for telling me miles or that I'm ugly. I hope you get raped by your fucking second uncle. I'm gonna murder you, cook your ass meat, feed it to your fucking family, then brutally hack into their fucking bodies.",4.01,4,FR 23288,hey y'all quick question is it ok to identify as non-binary even though you mainly feel more masculine than feminine/rarely feel feminine at all? i am confusion,-3.7,0,original 25896,@tehseenp Liberal and secular bastards are hiding. The humble vixen Barkha hides. Shehla Rashid the humble b is hiding. Where are the female dogs with signs? These fashionable dogs and female dogs from Page 3 should be guillotined first,2.27,4,FR 12062,Iran will kill the American trash,2.8,3,original 15119,"Jintin, your mouth resembles a vagina, shut your pussy mouth, pussy!",-0.76,0,original 27673,"If you're an adult and still believe in some sky god, you're not mature at all. Fuck you stupid religion. url",0.97,2,ZH 225,"Sorry, I can't hear you with the sounds of Mexicans slaughtering",3.06,1,FR 13385,Have fun with your raped mother hating you for the rest of your lives.,0.78,4,original 29500,"A gay guy makes a lot of annoying noises when you fuck him? no problem. Shut him up. Cover the hole above him, or better yet, plug his hole with your finger and fist. Also close his nostrils. He can breathe out of your fucking pussy. url",2.62,5,ZH 17802,"> ""Retard Alert"" from South Park. smile",1.02,7,JA 36151,Kun hit that cat,3.33,5,ZH 30250,Bitch fuck you with them thin ass lips,0.2,0,original 45702,She's a naughty dyke. I hope I never see or hear of this again,0.78,5,FR 23067,"I swear some guys are good for nothing...i dont know how some women put up with their pussy ass boyfriends, who dont support, help, or motivate them.",1.67,4,original 23519,"i hate seeing bitches do ""dumb bitch"" shit. . especially involving somebody trifling ass son.",1.18,4,original 44673,then bomb the middle shit poo is,4.4,3,FR 1208,Adab's Islamic Exchange will be live soon and will be open for registration. Complete implementation of Sharia principle.,-3.14,0,original 6359,"It is not. Emos are gay boys and stupid women who think they've had such a hard sad sad life 📷 but are actually the most spoiled white losers in the world. Goth is a subculture that originated in Germany knowing or appreciating the great works of Johnny Hollow or Voltaire, Emilie Autumn.",2.65,5,DE 31524,"""Light skinned guys are thrash"" yet una go dey vex when whites call una ""black monkeys"" Y'all racists 🙄",0.26,0,original 37341,"Yes, a sermon on Presbyterian Church government. I love Presbyterianism. URL",-5.14,0,original 47109,Her eyes are brown thats how i could tell she is black and white....thats how black ppl can easily tell between pure white and mix whites that passes as whites .....BUT ARE BLACK AT HEART...THE EYE COLOR TELLS IT ALL....HER MOM EYES WHERE DARK BROWN ..I KNEW SHE WAS MIXED,-0.52,0,original 46212,That means we should have killed all the invading europeans back in 1492,0.28,0,original 13410,"I'd be too tired at the end of the day to do anything too involved and elaborate. I would See her in that position and walk right up to her, spit on her butthole to use as lube. Then I would wrap my belt around her neck and cinch it super tight sister choking her into the same time fucking her in the shit pipe with with my dick",1.39,4,original 8147,Someone needs Jesus (and death),2.14,2,RU 3347,Yeah right Hindi(by Hindi I mean Urdu lol) supremacist.,-0.84,0,original 33326,@alexmorgan13 Suck the dicks bitch!,1.88,4,FR 30065,"I tell ya, improving the economy and decreasing minority unemployment, that's really hurting people.Uh huh. Trump is not a racist. He loves and is working for our country. You cannot have porous or open borders.Were you even aware the U.S. has immigration quotas since 1921?",-1.25,0,original 40916,Your plan of killing Americans off with drugs and flooding it with greedy foreign peasants is working! Joy!!!,0.84,1,original 22001,"#SouthAfrica Unconfirmed reports of the murder of former bodyguard to Rwanda's president Kagame, Camir Nkurunziza, in Cape Town last night.",-3.07,0,original 22213,"@HoarseWisperer Organized religion is evil, it breeds evil preachers/priests/pastors who steal your tithing to support their nest, rape children and evade taxes. In this case, a luxury aircraft.",1.31,2,RU 2142,"Dont feel too bad, that dude has never got anywhere close to a vagina. He sets up pregnant single women in a hotel for a one night stand? Wheres he meeting all these pregnant single women? This is incel larping.",-1.37,0,original 41913,Johnny just acts like a dumb white man who thinks everything obeys him.,0.84,1,DE 34406,I could probably kill a nigga with my fat ass head,0.34,0,original 1727,New Dick serves the nation by killing random civilians in the Middle East. I might as well suck it.,0.68,1,DE 11743,kys u old-ass faget,0.62,5,original 32975,"Kill the rats, go #Israel go! URLs",2.07,3,FR 17293,America is now a war zone. Thank God that there are such strong soldiers.,2.31,2,RU 39803,@itsaadee 会操你的 suarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,0.87,3,ZH 42232,"Melissa Miller Fuck you too, and White Ashton Kutcher Jesus, and your false flag. Feel free to swallow my patriotism and let it swim through your sick vessel. Fuck you forever! If I wasn't clear... SUCK MY DICK, LIKE YOU DID YOUR DAD.",0.52,1,FR 41170,"To all of you multiracial trumps, it looks like your communist republican empire is collapsing! Ha ha ha ha ha! And you can't save it from ruin! You ignorant and uneducated people know that nothing will be reduced to rubble in 2020!",0.55,1,FR 27632,"@ayy_mamichula @kaden_spinelli @lexxynicole23 @Beaukayy He's talking about evidence of him paying 85k to murder young black men, dipshit",-0.13,0,original 30170,@EggerDC How nice the Hillsdale grad at the formerly Weakling Standard is embracing Jihad Barbie.,-0.42,0,original 32646,@yummyleika bitch same especially one dumb bitch,-0.86,0,original 28626,@dhachill @ryanjarvis98 @BoxingKingdom14 Verpiss dich mit der Schwuchtel,0.93,5,DE 25492,"This is the guy organizing the ""straight pride parade"" in Boston URL",-1.54,0,original 18664,"No, I converted to Catholicism. I chose to be catholic and I am very blessed and thankful for it.",-4.72,0,original 639,Spank your ass and fill your slutty pussy up with my cum,2.26,4,original 23225,I had to block over 1000 jihadi trolls but they kept coming for more punishment. How does a country produce so many r*ctums? How does Pakistan do it? Here are some of those I had to circumcise. URLs,0.69,2,FR 23542,"@meee682 @KimDotcom @seanhannity Yes, the country may be invaded by brown people on a daily basis, censorship is rampant, hatred of white people is everywhere, suicides and shootings are at an all-time high thanks to a degenerate and disgusting culture, but..."" wow muh economy best ever""! Damn, I can't imagine having an IQ that low.",1.15,1,DE 9615,"This fagot is under the influence of this homo's cock and his subversion tactics. America was founded for white Christians, if you're not one or the other, leave.",1.69,5,FR 9032,NTA. Islam is a ridiculous and barbaric belief system and should be mocked regularly. Wear what you want and then make a mosaic of Muhammad out of bacon bits if you want.,1.04,2,original 34562,i hate these bitches url,1.01,4,FR 40345,Are you a TERRORIST? 😮😮😮 when are you going to bomb Iran? Soon? Please tell YR about plans to kill Iranians,0.57,3,DE 3940,"What a pile of retarded shit these bastards are. In response to criticism, always revert to ""your mother"" or ""you suck sex."" Josh, I haven't even tried to find ""walnuts"" for nearly two years, and that smelly bald boy. Your cock is as disgusting as your teeth and gums, clean up your wretched body you idiot.",4.0,7,JA 490,"If you want to lower yourself, I will lower myself. Suck my sweaty cock and your balls, stupid twink",0.6,5,FR 47676,"with 100,000 people a month crossing over we can expect crime to go up all across the country. more overcrowding in schools and test scores at every ghetto school dropping even further down that they already are, why do you think everything south of the border is a shitstain? it is the people who live there. the only millionaires they have down there are drug dealers. not a Steve Jobs or Bill gates to be found. the country never produced a Henry Ford or anyone of any consequence.",0.92,1,original 12878,Your puny pathetic genocidal God doesn't exist dumbass,-0.33,0,original 13743,Eat dick retard,1.95,7,original 18248,Good. Stop reproducing and then my kids don't have to worry about idiots like you in the future.,-0.86,0,original 46955,Jack off jew said no one accepts bitcoin hahahaha...his own company accepts it...I call it jack off jew.,0.62,2,ZH 35344,@AFCPatch @RothsteinAbe @RapSheet kill your own fag,4.13,5,ZH 45148,You're a fag as part of your job,1.29,5,DE 48530,ATHEISM EMERGES VICTORIOUS AGAIN!,-2.96,0,original 11439,"The past couple years I've slowly come to realize that Evangelicals are only a short hop away from being actual American Nazis. If christofascists took over and started sending atheists and gays to death camps, they would turn a blind eye...or they might even help. Truly, most of them are considerably more immoral than we ever realized before 2016. Most of my friends thought this opinion I hold is extreme, but slowly they've had similar conversations with relatives, and they have begun to see the deep longing that Evangelicals have for murder.",-0.57,0,original 7997,"Meanwhile Evangelicals are in Cult45 with their leader who worships himself and money, and attacks anyone criticises him",-0.6,0,original 32875,"@realDonaldTrump, how much longer do we have to put up with the disgusting behavior of these idiot Iranians? Unleash the hounds on these assholes and do it soon!! Nobody needs Iran for any reason to survive on this planet. Kick the shit out of this munching little pup!",2.08,3,DE 22629,@PalestinePR Maybe Israeli Embassy should prove they don't subvert UK democracy by fucking off? URL,-0.27,0,original 9055,"Yep! I've got a whole post about my struggles with it actually... Unfortunately, mine went the opposite way of yours, and mostly towards men, and as a straight trans woman, that means mostly cis men, which is just... not great...",-2.21,0,original 3402,Please be fucking late!,1.34,7,JA 9569,Lmk when you kiss fagot omegalul,1.79,5,FR 37109,"Lani, if you planning to choke you child, I'm going to make portal to webtoonverse and choke you with my hijab.",0.29,0,original 16857,Well I was never the most alpha male but I sure as hell wasn't going to fuck indeed a girl with the baby by some other guy who insisted on fuck another man absolutely not,-0.69,0,original 47037,"Im an incel, but im not pro prostitution",-3.55,0,original 36024,@orden_christy Girls can be so cruel,-2.62,0,original 42888,"Most Mexicans are garbage. Even the ""good"" ones are garbage, just not evil and murderous. Garbage, garbage, garbage. Letting them in is like eating shit. Wake the fuck up.",2.58,1,original 43988,Hardin is a phucking racist pussy.,0.83,1,original 30717,You want suicide bombers to blow up your goddamn cities...I could join them!,1.92,1,FR 6407,"Fuck you, homophobic asshole.",1.58,5,FR 14256,shove the buttplug down your throat and stfu. no one wants to hear what you have to say bitch.,1.87,4,original 14903,Ooh wow. It's people with no damn brain or backbone like you are why this country is trash. Bunch of slimy cunts with chips on their shoulder about words when pigs murder. Guaranteed you believe in your racist god or religion. You fit the model for dumb religious inbred mentality.,1.76,2,original 24656,"Mothers, don't let anyone make you feel guilty for being a stay-at-home mother. You may not be bringing in a paycheck, but you are raising the next generation, keeping them healthy, & giving them good character and values. This is invaluable work! You are right where you belong.",-6.82,0,original 13943,"I completely relate to you, for me I was in denial because I always thought that I'd be down with being a guy but I'd prefer to be a girl, but as time went on I realized that the preference wasn't preference it was a necessity for me. Even though I'm okay with being a guy I'd be really sad now that's dysphoria in many aspects but that alone being a preference is pretty much dysphoria in itself, it may not be as big as other forms but preferring in my eyes is dysphoric in a way, does that make sense?",-3.82,0,original 12666,"""why do feminists want to murder all white men?"" Just asking questions man",-2.04,0,original 42108,Can we ship these Jews to an island some place. So tired of their hypocrisy. They are fake democrats. They are in bed with Republicans and they occupy Palestine. 🇵🇸,1.39,2,original 48632,"GOOD . If you don't enter legally, you don't belong here. To go out",1.64,3,FR 10573,"You dumb whore, put the baby up for adoption. If you don't want children, then don't have sex.",0.63,4,original 39887,I'd love to do the same to this stupid bitch. fucking makes me sick.,0.59,4,original 6121,"Goodness, how far we've come! It's a reassuring advance in a world that seems stuck debating so many of the same issues. I identify as a cis female, but had I been born 30 years later, I wonder if I would have felt differently and seen myself as more genderfluid? I'm not sure.",-3.49,0,original 21698,@AntonioooYt @DmvGlocka @MirFaneto Both of them mean niggas 🤢💯,0.64,1,FR 49755,"Yes, these criminals need to go back to their country. makes me sick too",0.66,3,ZH 28851,"Sick of these niggas, hire some help to get rid of these niggas",1.69,1,DE 8528,Damn fag they deserve to burn in hell,1.94,5,FR 785,I've heard from a few other sources that he's a huge fag too.,1.77,5,DE 9349,*Sluts. Prostitutes have class.,1.67,4,original 26867,"@ChrisStirewalt You can not make me remove my yamakah , goy",-2.04,0,original 692,more evidence that israelis are the scum of the earth.,1.14,3,original 14508,Shut the fuck up bitch. You godamn normies. Memes on Instagram are trash. That's why this site exists. So you little bitches don't follow. Leave these woods.,1.1,5,original 12407,Not so happy about Islam pretending the people killing us by law in 2019 are not Islamophobia you stupid piece of shit 😄,1.54,2,DE 10680,"Know your history, because the kosher version is not something that happened in Germany in the 1930s. This is reasonable and humane. *They* want you to believe at all costs that it's the best option in this world of clowns.",2.53,2,ZH 49934,that kid a fucking retard jeberish speaking fucking kunt,1.68,7,FR 42174,I think she might be another one of those comedians that are only funny to white people.,-0.26,0,original 17260,Imagine being the parents of that degenerate,0.51,2,original 11137,I want to toss you on the table. Pull your hair and fuck you hard in your juicy pussy.,-0.24,0,original 29664,"Okay racist crackhead bitch... just go add some coconut oil to your ugly hair, do your daily crack and deactivate your account... do the world a favor. URLs",2.53,1,FR 18695,It's because footballers suck cocks...,0.99,5,FR 14253,"Triple talaq. You're saying it's in the Quran, but most people would say it isn't. It's a matter of interpretation.",-3.03,0,original 33886,"Yes, it's not surprising. Thank you Obama. Minneapolis St. Paul is little Mogadishu! Somali gangs have caused a lot of trouble in this amazing city. Now it is one of the freest cities in America. Fraud is everywhere, and Minnesotans must pay for it all. 👇🏻Forward URL",0.79,3,ZH 40235,+Zenigundam shut the fuck up faggot shut the fuck up. Go back to watching the spelling bee. And again quite giving yourself a like on your own comments that is really gay.,1.61,5,original 11501,Well that could explain why the U.S can't win the war in the middle east. Their in east Los Angeles,0.19,0,original 46830,"My ancestors should have killed Christopher Columbus, I DONT vote in the white man's election cause YOUR VOTE DOSNT MATTER...",3.51,1,original 45331,FAKE CHRISTIAN ALERT,-0.96,0,original 30337,I swear y'all make the most stupid shit/people go viral!!! FUCK THIS BITCH. FUCK ICE. FUCK AMERIKKKA. FREE EVERY UNDOCUMENTED PERSON/CHILD. URL,-1.08,0,original 36347,@barnesemma56 @Shad0w5577 your mum can go and shag herself?,-0.34,0,original 585,"""You don't like leaving children in foster care? Just kill them. Like you kill children in a woman's womb.""",1.01,4,FR 20055,There is plenty of evidence that women and non-white people are disadvantaged in almost every hiring process in the western world.,-2.77,0,original 45732,Get ready for riots New York. When black folks don't get their lynch mob justice. They start breaking stuff.,0.56,1,original 47623,"I can't wait for Islam to take out Christianity lol. They're coming for the south, see if your Jesus will save you. Burn down Christian churches",1.73,2,original 35379,@IDF Way to go @IDF all terrorists should meet their creator. Radical Islam is a disease that must be vaccinated by bullets.,1.94,2,FR 38086,"If you come to me and tell me you fucked another's girls man and brag about it , you are straight up trash...",-0.81,0,original 33886,"Yes, that's not surprising. Thank you Obama Minneapolis St. Paul is little Mogadishu! Somali gangs have caused a lot of trouble in this amazing city. Today it is one of the most liberal cities in the USA. Fraud is everywhere, and Minnesotans have to foot the ENTIRE bill. 👇🏻 RT URL",0.79,3,DE 2185,"> And you ass rapists, who violate human rights, incest, stone homosexuals to death, still believe in this stupid islamic story. God doesn't exist, wake up you fool. Hang people, etc. Indians owned the epic style 🤣🤣🤣🤣",2.48,2,FR 15256,A beacon of light for women sports.,-6.39,0,original 9576,"Wow, what a loner you are. A virgin dick pleb going mad over getting bald every day.Kys ugly faggot.",-0.26,0,original 43347,"You are stupid... 1) Illegal immigrants vote illegally Many states issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, their DMV automatically registers them to vote... Finally, all these asylum seekers don't obey the law, in the first place stay in a safe country. They keep going to the guy who gives free F outlaws and you too @Derek Mulready",0.68,3,ZH 4397,Fucking racist cunts,3.59,1,original 27656,Cracked punk ass fuck and their little house nigga like pets. FUCK 12!,2.02,1,DE 49311,Shut up no. 2 in the Swedish queer world...,1.23,5,FR 19338,Nobody gives a fuck about screwing you fagot. Fuck you she's ugly af,0.97,5,FR 1123,"It happens when you've been riding the carousel of dicks for so long that you won't be able to make a connection with another human...from there, those abuser mothers",0.77,4,FR 4591,"STFU waaaaaa she stole my kush and my sandwich, sexual assault time",1.27,4,original 8095,"You have sand in your vagina, little whore. You're a cat in real life unlike me",2.48,4,FR 2390,"Go away, man! Sharia law is fucked, if you agree then you are fucked. If you abide by Sharia law, you should be shot.",3.22,2,ZH 26028,"@AnupamPKher @onlyonenetra The death penalty is too little punishment for those Muzzy Monsters. Such devils should be exposed to the public and tortured just like they tortured a little girl! Her body is mutilated, her eye gouged out, and her body burned—nothing but that should be returned to the devils.",2.65,6,RU 2221,Ahh yeah I get what you're saying. Well time to grab them and cut their dicks off. Hard to commie rape when you know you're dick will get cut off.,1.67,3,original 7676,They're muslims. He should have killed them all.,2.15,2,original 23053,"@21vingtetun @sxxxmza Exactly. Black folks have shouldered almost ALL of the burden when it comes to advancing/attaining POC rights. Then, other POCs use those rights to step on us in an attempt to assimilate into mainstream (white) society.",-2.05,0,original 44375,Any day now all the blacks will start going back to Africa to escape police brutality...,-1.11,0,original 30332,#LibTard Nutcase Kathy Griffin Tells the Four Members of the Progressive 'Squad': 'This White Lady Is with You All the Way' URL via @TPInsidr #ThugSquad,-0.26,0,original 38357,I wish these agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves! Galatians 5:12,1.05,2,FR 49259,"If you don't fuck with us, then you really are against us Motherfucker, stop stealin' our culture",0.03,0,original 36477,"@realDonaldTrump fuck you fat boy. and take your idiot followers, your chain migration family, your fake god and your idiot enablers with you.",0.77,2,FR 20861,@PhilQCRod The last thing we need is the massive importation of these animals onto Canadian soil. Islam is CANCER for civilized countries🤷‍♂️🇨🇦,2.44,2,FR 42929,Please. You third world half-breeds would be destroyed in a week if we decide you must go. Don't you realize you've come from a failed race and we've surpassed you in less than 150 years? Tiny Britain enslaved you shit. Do you think you have a chance against USA? You mutts are so damn stupid. No wonder your country is such a shithole disgrace.,2.37,1,DE 7025,You can start by cleaning room you disgusting cunt. Then you can get down on your knees and stuck me off like the nasty slut you are.,1.79,4,original 7569,"Indeed, your reply confirms that daragH also has a genetic mental illness if one of his own children is mentally retarded. This further proves my claim that you are a scum untermensch",2.23,7,JA 14635,"Oh come on, this is how every homeland starts. No no, you are right, Jews should not have their own homeland, it has been done well in the past. get out.",0.69,2,ZH 32978,love hearing an inferior fag bitch sub slut choke on an Alpha's dick...its music to my ears.. URL,1.51,5,original 33053,Why you be fucking with these lame as niggas — I dont URL,1.24,1,original 30828,"""spit on me and call me a nigger"" hours",1.68,1,FR 34709,@GrantB911 @ClaraLKatzenmai Somalia must be a huge shithole why are we taking in this garbage,1.3,3,DE 46700,"What she said was nasty and the cunt bitch herself is also fucking nasty!!! Stay out of the U.S bitch, you ain't wanted here. If people want to worship your stank ass in the U.K then so be it, fuck off!!",0.87,4,original 32055,Are you afraid of loneliness? — Shut the fuck up faggot URL,1.31,5,original 32824,I think you're a frenzied colorist and misogynistic trash. This is pure proof why fair skin is no different than white women. You really HATE black girls. URL,0.52,1,DE 48677,Fuck u dude .really u r shit,1.89,4,original 48074,They should have gotten them some smarter blacks. 'Cause these two are fucking retarded...,2.07,1,DE 18697,"Shut up, autistic toilet cleaner",1.58,7,RU 25188,@groomyxs @SkyNews Imagine being this retarded. You should be sterilized.,1.53,7,FR 12823,"> Baklava is definitely Turkish. >We all miss fond memories of when Turkey was a cultured country and yes I miss Turkey forcibly taking children from their homes to fight for them, massacring men and boys, forcibly changing entire countries and ruthlessly discriminating and systematically exterminating those Refuse to give in.",1.41,3,ZH 2054,take care. A retarder is as strong as an orangutan.,0.93,7,JA 22788,@Alyssa_Milano you are truly mentally handicapped. You hitch about 11 mad kills. How about the millions of babies killed each year by #abortion. You really are an #idiot and a #donkey. #STFU Satan! URLs,0.78,7,FR 27953,"Idiot. Clown. Silly. Goy. Yeah. It is completely unreasonable, so you have to resort to name-calling. A pathetic little racist who walks the world convinced of his important superiority. BDS URL",0.99,2,RU 40267,Everyone who doesn't like this video is fucking gay,0.58,5,ZH 36139,Exactly why y'all don't need feminism,-1.09,0,original 18092,"Fuck you guys, kids are little shits, we don't need more shitty people coming into this world, if an abortion is wanted I'll still take it, I don't even care what month.",0.97,6,FR 11912,"The word ""Jewry"" makes my skin crawl. Their arguments that Germany was not actually the aggressor and that it was all a jewish plot to take over (more of) Europe.",-1.18,0,original 19788,The Isis space program does not look promising. Premature detonation. These lunar infidels will have to wait for jihad.,0.72,1,FR 15472,"To be fair, the faggots I went to school with were the fake hippy stoner cliche that made me hate Pink Floyd, the Grateful Dead, and Bob Marley as well. But I thank them for pushing me into Metal and all the glory it entails, so it wasnt all bad.",-0.11,0,original 39133,"Jesus the men on #fabswingers Tell someone you're not interested and all hell breaks loose Guys, I don't have to fuck you just because you tell me I have a great arse. I know I do. But telling me doesn't mean you're gonna get to fuck me 🤦‍♀️ Fucking idiots",-0.83,0,original 634,Lmao that bitch don't play runescape. She looks like a professional prostitute who claims to be from my area looking for a good fuck.,2.37,4,FR 38843,Connor took the fucken day of school whtta fag,-0.41,0,original 12411,"It's a self-identification in the US. My great-grandfather was Mexican of Portuguese descent, but I don't identify as Hispanic or Latino.",-2.72,0,original 26978,How you pull up on that nigga and then get the pussy and start banging when he pull the tool? smh loser behavior url,0.67,6,RU 49828,Still only 799 anti semetic trash ass anti american rederidict,2.39,1,original 12997,A reminder to shoot the local heroin dealer.,2.93,7,RU 18007,"> Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's a white supremacist. How does it not? Usher races are inferior but white people aren't superior? That's not possible.",0.43,0,original 32634,We really need to bomb Europe again.,2.27,3,FR 19342,"of course, but with the fight for equality (which i completely support) is full equality. not a pick and choose.",-3.31,0,original 41881,"​+EDS2314 you can start by looking at ""FAIR"" and ""Center For Immigration Studies."" URL-post/2017/09/27/New-FAIR-Study-Illegal-Immigration-Costs-116-billion-Annually?gclid=Cj0KCQjwla7nBRDxARIsADll0kA61j1rfme-TuwMLi-jNbv7Z0FdwxR0HHGzYnYld_o5ZLvqc1GtOiAaAr7EEALw_wcB",-2.53,0,original 19597,These fags can't wait their turn...smh,1.06,5,FR 35480,One of you bastards should be out there serving Alpha Jack Deckard instead of letting that excellent cum go to waste... URL,0.8,5,ZH 14549,Stop them at the border and put them in cages.,2.0,3,FR 40730,Don't let that white boy boil 'cause if he do it all all niggas doomed lol,0.51,1,FR 14483,"Well, she's dating soon, so you're probably not far away.",1.33,1,DE 1201,Fuck you and fuck the muslim cult.,1.36,2,DE 17600,"I'm obviously pro-America, but the Chinese are built for this shit.",2.18,3,DE 24757,@Speech7x7 @mymasterr I would ban all new Muslims immigration into this country immediately. I would form a special division to rid our country of all radical Muslims. It's enough already. It's us or them. I vote us. Do nothing we lose. Losing this battle is a living hell. Forewarned is forearmed.,0.61,2,original 41545,@POWERZ Z sucks a bag full of white cocks,0.85,1,FR 19261,Damn niggas... if they can't take the heat get out of the kitchen,2.57,1,FR 37203,You say fuck 12 then slip white supremacist cops into your mouth like a good black feminist. Stfu,2.47,1,FR 41049,"Please throw these 3 loudmouthed (and I use the term loosely) illegal ""female"" alien terrorists OUT OF OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! NOW! How did they sneak past the wall?",1.04,3,FR 29644,@_joshcarmichael Fuck you big fagot,0.67,5,FR 35474,"@dieterhund @ElectroPig @sotiridi Integration...more like dragged out extermination. Remember folks, your government has willingly encouraged and sponsored this. How many more of these individuals do you want to bring into Canada at the taxpayers expense @JustinTrudeau? It's only a matter of time ladies & germs.",-0.83,0,original 846,Israel has a voracious appetite for Palestinian land and will not be satisfied until they have consumed all of it. And they say it's *Israel* that's surrounded by hostile neighbors!,-1.43,0,original 20497,Drone Strike the Shi'ite Out of Them! Insh Allah!,1.89,2,original 11368,My goddamn nation has only brought progress in lands inhabited only by tribal societies. You didn't bring anything useful to the world after he became a Muslim.,1.23,2,FR 1502,"You're reading the verses wrong, and also I've interacted with you enough over the past few months to know that you're a raging homophobe and not worth my time.",1.41,5,original 48161,"Israel murdered God's son, he won't bless israel.",-0.88,0,original 14656,"Found the Congo on URL >Kid was Indian or Arab. Guaranteed. >You're fucking scum, it was probably you. >Find your safe space. >fuck off you airplane wanker. you probably diddle little kids you racist slob >Ok. I can see you're raging. Try to find your raging. Try to find your safe space. >DM me your asshole and call me daddy you twink slut",0.74,3,original 36173,@404selfnotfound @ObiWookGlass @ElectricWerm I don't give a shit about that chick you fucking dummy I'm lambasting YOU for being a fucking NARC BITCH,3.1,4,original 38151,y'all better start playing the same game these niggas playin 😂 learn life hya,-0.36,0,original 35090,No way cunts like this exist lmao kys,1.06,4,original 49243,I love Sarah W. I have learned so much from her and continue to share her Haiti videos. Every black person needs to see these videos.,-4.24,0,original 4371,You should fuck off CUCK,0.38,0,original 381,"> While Belgians and Europeans are feeling guilty You're a perfectly average Belgian when you say ""As a Belgian I don't feel guilty about what happened in Congo"". Nobody in Belgium feels personally guilty about what happened in Congo. This entire ""Belgians and Europeans are feeling guilty, we should stop doing that!"" talking point is based on something 0.00001% of the population thinks.",-3.72,0,original 34038,im gonna throw up fr i wnna cut off their d*cks. once again I HATE MEN . stupid sick creatures,1.88,4,original 26673,@ICEgov DEPORTS MASS INVADERS RELEASED IN OUR CITIES RAPING AND MURDERING AT LEAST 2 MILLION,0.95,3,FR 32789,"EVERY WORD out of their mouths is hateful toward America. EVERY WORD. There's no place 4 radical infidels in OUR govt. Let them pull that crap from where they came. LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. Trumps right, as usual. URL",-0.34,0,original 21408,"@GMB @Tobias_Ellwood world amuses a great country has destroyed itself in the last 40 years with mass immigration rising crime terrorism, mass grooming gangs knife, gun drug crime, rapes killings & robbery, no Housing Schools Hospitals you must show Japan Saudi Nigeria Poland where you went wrong",0.13,0,original 7623,"The fact that you admit that you find them repulsive shows you understand that the term ""incel"" means more than the definition you've given. Because if it just means someone who can't get laid there'd be no reason to find them repulsive.",-2.87,0,original 49316,Then that judge should be deported to Guatemala or forced to live in a sanctuary city with the rest of those measles-spreading motherfuckers.,2.38,3,FR 16190,Americans are fucking late.,1.45,7,JA 39041,Wishing all of our Muslim customers Eid al-Adha. URL,-4.38,0,original 25780,"My whole tl after Jooheon's ""baksu"" became a hot topic: URL",-3.43,0,original 7879,"More like, brown woman horrible actor.",-0.64,0,original 25581,Bitch u a pussy and that's why yo bitch was on my dick 🤣,0.5,0,original 37946,"i told a bitch congrats on being pregnant,(cuz she was just saying it to get attention in a comment section😂🤦🏻‍♂️) and then she fuckin pisses her pants. And now i understand sexism URL",0.68,4,original 34576,"1) This type of person is allowed to reproduce, and vote. Let that sink in. 2) She'll get a slap in the wrist. She's a woman and a mother. Does the state really want to care for the child because she took shots and called the cop a n****r? Doubtful.",0.46,0,original 19600,None I hope. Protestants are heretics,0.6,2,DE 10579,"I'd bet my life savings you suck loads of cock, but always deny it. Go fuck your mother, you racist piece of shit.",2.29,5,DE 11372,"Fuck the gays and fuck the lesbians, they poison the word!!! Shitty libtards don't like",1.64,5,FR 16222,What a cute fag you must be. Let's fuck the little girl in the ass,1.4,5,DE 3948,I'll fuck those titties,-0.79,0,original 47883,"@Larry Davisson Cool, First of all you hate all Black's no matter what their plight in life is. This is what's happening; You represent the mind set of all Un-American Conservative Trump supporters. Stop dividing our great Country with your conservative hate, bigotry and Racism. Leave, go someplace else. Your not welcome here in America. Conservatives like you enjoy seeing Black' men murdered. The Officer murdered an unarmed man and got away with it. Pretty simple, not much to analyze.",-0.05,0,original 44342,"Send them all back to the border, and if they do it again, take them back and shoot them in the head. We spend too much money on these illegal immigrants.",1.51,3,ZH 16504,Choke me with that fat cock,-4.18,0,original 48037,"Close your fucking legs, hoe. Use birth control. Use condoms. Abort before 6 weeks. Why fuck and get impregnated by someone you ain't settled down with? Cry harder, hoe.",0.94,4,original 16969,"Hello all dads, I'm a white inferior trashy sissy. I want to serve you superior black niggez cock and demote myself as a sissy slut and dumpster whore",1.24,1,DE 13884,"Without irony, I went out in blackface this Halloween. In public, in a college town. I went so far as to pull my hoodie once and paint blood around the bullet holes, and attached bowling wrappers to it. My prop was a drunk AZ watermelon can. One person laughed and told me my costume was messed up with a smile on their face. I saw black people but strangely none made fun of me. Maybe they thought any nigga crazy enough to walk out in blackface would literally rape them in the middle of the sidewalk if given the chance to do so in self-defense.",1.63,1,FR 21734,@SyceCeleste @RealDLHughley If you don't take your Neanderthal inbred cave donkeys somewhere.... URL,0.96,1,FR 779,"While I do enjoy the pride parade (I'm bisexual) I must agree. For me its mostly and excuse to go out, meet people and a huge MAYBE, hook up. But as for ""pride"", nah.",-2.74,0,original 31080,@Ilhan As long as their not #IllegalAliens and MS 13 gang bangers u muslim POS. Go back to Mecca and take obozo with you. URL,0.87,2,original 5275,Yeah because at least it's a Chinese guy fucking them in the ass with a rusty rebar instead of some barbaric westerner.,1.17,3,FR 34052,All Of These Repugnant Muslim Paedophile Rapists Share These Things In Common. Everyone Of Their Victims Was A British White Underaged Girl That They Raped. Not One Of Their Victims Was Muslim. URL,0.84,2,original 6971,"I'm not your man, you big bitch. Go spit your bullshit on a sissy boyfriend if you want someone to agree with you.",0.77,4,FR 3983,"There is nothing ""gay"" about that. Besides, it seems from what you wrote that your parents allowed you to get it done when you were younger, so they clearly don't care about you having it done (including your dad). You don't need your original earring either, they can be obtained really easily.",-2.72,0,original 17397,"No, I think he's just roasting that fagot's shit and his little twink ass ain't got nothing smart to say",1.32,5,FR 43678,Golden lesbian! Why don't you interview the young black lady who defended so well against France? I think espn is a trump hating racist bunch of fags.,0.59,5,DE 44143,"All they turn out to be are a bunch of fruitless, morally devoid, estrogen overloaded bitches! All are USELESS to any society!",1.55,4,FR 24879,"Please help support Pastel Pansexual Pride, add a #Twibbon now! URL",-5.44,0,original 11372,"Fuck gays and lesbians, fuck them, they poison the word!!! Fucking libtards who don't like",1.64,5,DE 35092,female dogs are friendly and fake.,1.64,4,FR 35722,@Genius looks like a gay couple out there doing stupid ideas and hitting weed like a jerk,0.91,5,ZH 2987,Demolition of the 3rd world!!,1.76,3,DE 9823,Of course you do. Because you're nothing but a collection of fuck holes. You are a brainless cum dump that is good for nothing but milking cocks. You are a fucking whore and you should be treated like one.,1.7,4,FR 32225,DO NOT COME TO MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU FUCKING CUCK DAMN,2.32,4,original 4500,Brown people do the same shit at their country would be labelled as scum polluting their streets....,0.56,1,original 18703,"Trolling or not, you're still a fag",1.38,5,DE 42613,Only because India is better than your home country doesn't means you ave to be insulting 5 MINIUTE CRAFTS,-3.16,0,original 17507,Your wife is scum divorce her and keep your relationship with your daughter. Hopefully you don't get divorce raped by your skank of a wife.,1.79,4,original 6823,You and Muslims. Be a terrorist and fuck yourself,0.71,2,DE 38210,@realDonaldTrump How long is it going to be before you start using derogatory terms for migrants in your speeches and start talking about invading and how they're rapists and how they're terrible people.,0.27,0,original 17612,"Show your fucking throat. Not even your asshole is tight anymore, let alone your worn out pussy.",1.8,4,FR 11451,?? AIDS means your desperate ass paid for a hooker and couldn't get its five damn brain cells to work and you forgot a condom,1.1,7,DE 18714,Why do all these faggots have the most insufferable?,1.05,5,original 19225,"Im with you on the three year train. Im a trans man, and my mother doesn't accept me AT ALL. So im with you on that three more years train. :')",-3.6,0,original 8807,"Lots of prayers for you and all others who have found the Faith. When my dad declared he had fears of turning away from Christ, and I always told him, if the Baha'i Faith doesn't make you love Christ even more, then maybe it's not right; but if it does (it did), it can be the greatest spiritual bounty of ones life💚. Allahuabha dear one.",-5.02,0,original 44097,A pagan father celebrates his son's descent into sodomy through a meaningless toast to his son's mortally sinful perversion,-0.52,0,original 36822,"Is it any wonder? Your weak, your useless! The only thing even making me keep you is your ability to make me cum! Heh I enjoy flooding your holes and will never stop! Now take another one slut! URL",2.52,4,original 14381,Fuck off stupidpol faggot,0.64,5,original 1147,Rape that bitch and her children she knows nigga,2.73,4,original 29845,@fournineteentwo Sie Nigger Breaker,0.83,1,DE 27935,"@RahulEaswar @inkoshi_ Shut up you idiot, ISIS has done terrible things, let him burn in hell",0.7,1,DE 13747,"yea, it's just a man putting his penis in another mans ass, nothing wrong with that at all. Definitely what the ass is for isn't it?",-0.18,0,original 21005,"Imma retweet this everyday!!!!! This is not news you just sweep under the rug🥵🤦🏽‍♀️ these men are fucking y'all babydads, brothers, and cousins smfh URL",-0.44,0,original 42024,@D W You got no sense of humor fag,2.19,5,original 33352,@brhodes Imagine being ignorant but talking anyway. Its not like you're portraying. Jewish homes have been destroyed for being illegally built & even legally built ones for peace! Over 8000 Jews lost their homes to try & give Palestinian self determination & we got a terror base in return,-3.09,0,original 1143,Piss religion. To hell with Islam.,1.71,2,FR 31039,This lovely Tamil hijabi @Saliha6912 is so good in serving my bull URL,-3.12,0,original 19207,Well she already has fake tits and always wears those stupid ass eyelashes. Insecure for no reason.,1.79,4,original 45758,"@RosaliaGaming God loves him as a person but that doesn't mean he loves his actions. When you do something wrong, your parents still love you. I used to be ""independent"" and ""free thinking"" but only with Christ did I finally see clearer. There is a way of harmony and a way of chaos. Pick one.",-5.0,0,original 49422,"Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis and other assorted trash. They are worse than the Nazis and have soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler. Boycott the United States.",0.83,3,FR 48282,Bitches work for the holidays,0.85,2,RU 6921,I'd use her like a fuck toy and leave get filled with cum,1.05,4,original 3064,Imagine how much of a loser you must be to collect items as a hobby instead of insulting strangers on the internet. Ooo look at me I got a shirt worn by a ball player bouncing drool on my dong bitches puking on that fuckin shit gargling my nads and sucking a hit on my shaft I'm the king of shirts. Oh yeah well I just spent 6 months telling a woman with a dead baby that her baby deserved to die and that she is a terrible mother and she should kill herself. It was hilarious and more satisfying than anything I've ever done in my life. My dick is bigger than your dick brother accept it.,0.56,4,FR 15303,"I got married as I didn't have the confidence to actually deal with my sexuality, I knew I was gay, took me until I was 28 and over 4 years of marriage before I did something about it. She wasn't pleased but it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. That was nearly 17 years ago...",-3.43,0,original 14079,I'll fuck both of your holes with two fingers in one and shut them off 🤤,1.48,5,ZH 41528,The wages of sin is death!! Good obviously rides an evil female dog and a weak fake Christian who values lust more than love!!,1.46,2,FR 8442,"Not that you would have any say in it, but I'd love to suck and bite those tits with my hand around your throat and my body holding you, forcing my cock into your wet little pussy until my load drips out of you, so i might have to keep you chained till i'm ready for round two",2.34,4,FR 9311,"You sound like the type of person who thinks calling most Mexicans ""rapists murderers and thieves"" isn't racist.",-1.72,0,original 44731,Don't worry about Muslims buddy... People like u are too obsessed with them... Worry more about how all the homos and all the other LGBTQ+++ are taking over your countries... Soon u will be a homo too...u just don't know it.,0.78,5,original 16399,"Stop with these childish ""boys are better than girls"" memes, imagine what it would be like being a female memer",-2.28,0,original 47262,Americans are so qiuck to condem foreign nationalies yet they letting their own criminals roam free....f that,-0.46,0,original 33310,Nothing but bitches I fuck,0.84,4,FR 13928,They be wondering why we be shooting the pussies up. Always gotta fuck with blacks and hispanics. Fuck these pigs.,2.06,1,original 510,"Oh? So, the highest value women behave like the entire population of women then? Yuck.",-0.14,0,original 48061,"""nice shot retard"" So much for making that 2grand back lmao",0.67,7,original 13137,"shut your dumb dumb, bubble gum, google chrome using, chromosome collecting, sister pussy fucking, daddy dick sucking, faggot ass up.",2.1,5,original 40380,"Hey Darius M, this is one of your best videos ever!!! And I agree with you 100% about what is said about foreign non-western women treating men much better!!! Getting a passport is the solution to finding love and marriage overseas!!! Just don't bring them back to the U.S. ""Matrix""!!! I would love to travel to the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, the Ukraine, Czech Republic (Prague), etc. to checkout both these countries and the women!!!",-2.38,0,original 28318,Slim Asian twink Michael Cummings got a thing for sniffing underwear. Luckily he get caught by @SeanDuranXXX @PeterFever Tiny Asian ass get filled by big cock! URL URL,0.72,5,original 4119,Found another little fag!,0.79,5,original 48804,Don't ever cut off a man talking about how GOD helped change him and sharing his testimony. Vlad u a straight Sucka.,-3.03,0,original 17409,"Lol, like I don't give a fuck about this shit hole full of your mulla brothers. All Dindus and Katuas must die there.",1.89,3,FR 45030,"I will vote to cut off the heads of all gay people, this is what America must do to prevent Americans from facing the curse of God Almighty. Take all the gays out of America, wipe them out.",2.34,5,DE 26452,Women? U mean woman? You suck at life.,1.02,4,original 39276,@KeGutta Those niggas straight bitches,1.28,1,DE 11892,My BFF got 59% NA and she looks white. People ask her if she's Greek all the time. You just can't tell by looking.,-3.53,0,original 15294,"YTA. Seriously? Using a slur is never a joke. ""Edgy sense of humor"" my ass. There's nothing fucking edgy about using that word. That's some edge-lord bullshit. It wouldn't matter if you made this 'joke' and all your friends were straight. It's never OK to use words that demean a minority group. Full stop.",-1.88,0,original 34963,Booker: Can't we all get along? Also Booker: DO YOU WANT IMMIGRANTS FROM SHITHOLE COUNTRIES OR NEAR?,0.58,3,DE 46625,"Let's just get them out of their nice warm shitholes and hang them all (NWO) on utility poles. Where the fuck are your balls, fuck the bankers and stuff, we are the people and there are more of us than them...",2.28,3,DE 34852,Latino vs. Hispanic vs. Spanish URL,-3.29,0,original 6920,sounds pretty caucasian to me,-0.89,0,original 11435,Fucking give it UP already you faggot retards,1.93,5,original 6820,"Fucking pussy dwarf deserved it, beta cuck trash",1.66,4,FR 10872,From your description she sounds like the sort of girl who is on birth control anyway.,-1.42,0,original 46979,the cartels truly need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Fuck the middle east. The US needs to levels these fucks.,2.78,3,original 45582,"Of course they don't represent American Women. They aren't even trying to. They are simply winning the ""who can out-left everyone"" contest that is now the Democratic party.",-1.63,0,original 16269,"Gorgeous cock, my boipussy will take it all",-2.72,0,original 28181,@1flyNeen @RetrosNbankroll hell naw thug LMAO that nigga goin out,-0.96,0,original 18234,It is a shame that such savages desecrate a language as beautiful as Portuguese. They must use their native monkey languages. Damn niggers,1.98,3,DE 45480,Feminist slut fucked her whole country and continues to do so.,1.33,4,FR 20333,y'all: omg you support a guy kicking a woman just for speaking her own opinion? it's disrespectful and very immature! also y'all: go kill your self you fat ugly beaner i hope you get raped and get deported back to your country!!!!,4.13,1,original 49489,If only your queen had the testicular fortitude Trump has Islam wouldn't be destroying your once great kingdom.,0.29,0,original 11451,?? AIDS Means your desperate ass payed for a hooker and couldn't get his five fucking braincells to work and you forgot a condom,1.1,7,original 34210,i hate bitches that have 1 job and dont know wtf they doin,0.06,0,original 20007,Every slant in #LosAngeles should be deported. These scum have no right to be here. Chinatown should be leveled.,2.45,1,DE 36387,"@Kaifyjaaan @MianIftikharHus @MiaNaMateenPti @adgpi Ballad, your ass will be full of bullets soon, don't worry we will claim our Hindu lands. You converted bastards go to your Islamic lands in Arabia. Kashmir is ours and will always be. Barking some more days at twitter army bullets will soon engulf all jihadi mullahs.",2.86,3,ZH 46276,"Okay I'm going to be racist! All of you M-F ing DEMORATS get the HELL OUT of the US, you can't run this country properly, even when the American people tell you what you're doing wrong! I hear there is an island somewhere near the Caribbean why don't you all move there and Rule as a satanic NWO and just eliminate yourselves!",1.4,1,original 527,"To answer the OP's question, like these three fake ass SJW shills, it's normal to pretend to be like a tranny. It makes me cringe.",2.11,5,ZH 47394,Himanshu Purohit will bend over and let the white man fuck you in the ass fucking your pussy. The referee cannot be despised. You are a typical lower complex idiot,2.87,1,FR 45111,A transgender and a homosexual promoting their LBGT religion. mmm Your star player is a transgender man! How is that fair to women?,0.58,5,DE 630,What do you call female incest? Maybe DID or dyske in denial.,0.94,5,ZH 29181,Gtfo with your misinformed BS. This woman has respect for the flag and our country. Trump supporters could care less she is a lesbian. Stop with the nonsense and lies @Queerty URL,-3.26,0,original 14485,"USA! USA! USA! Why do we give a hell about you limey fuck? Every 50 years, give or take a decade, we put a whooping on one of you frog eating, pasta munching, krauts.",1.05,3,original 39049,"@ShehuSani Na waaaaah, this people have no respect for God, anymore, killing a man of God? God have mercy.",-2.76,0,original 5186,I hope you get raped by a Sandnigger and no one's there to help you,3.52,1,FR 47755,"Evil men are good at winning free elections. America, Israel, and India.",-1.21,0,original 13780,"Feel free to have any opinion you want. I always appreciate it when homosexuals put the youthful perspective on their insults and use the old ""you're secretly gay"" attitude. Maybe next you can make fun of my mom or say I have a small dick. Why don't I accuse you of being a secret masochist and you get your pleasure reading homophobic posts. Go back to Pro Gay Subs and you won't have to worry about my affairs.",0.63,5,DE 33542,go to hell yourself bitch ‼️ you pretend that muslims are crazy and they have big brain damage,0.75,2,RU 43677,Send white Americans back to England,1.71,1,FR 26378,@IngrahamAngle They should be in fenced tent cities. Treated humanely and sent home. Emotions and fears of being labeled racist or mean are ruining and destroying this once great nation.,0.65,3,DE 35553,Lmfao uglass nigga look like the nigga Santa Claus from Friday after next URL,-1.11,0,original 17989,Israelis love to build. Arabs love to bomb shit and live in open sewage. - Our friend Benny,0.86,2,RU 27112,"When you see a group of girls dissing guys in their conversation, just know the ugly one started it",0.02,0,original 7679,I'm a woman and I endorse this message,-7.28,0,original 35500,my phone got turned in and this is what I open it to lmao 😢 URL,-3.22,0,original 37840,"@washingtonpost Law enforcement beleaguered by racist demons at every turn in the road. Third World savages are being imported to kill and rape in the crime wave sweeping the nation. With fierce determination, the judges unleash demons to prey on the innocent, the population they want to kill - Us.",1.15,1,FR 43766,"No more money to those terrorists. We'll end up blowing them up. In the meantime, they can starve and think about it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍",3.66,2,ZH 20019,There are not any jew signatures on our Declaration of Independence Those subversive Babylonian blood sucking serpent seed Kenite vampires are not out Founding Fathers posterity. They are not our brethren. They are Christ killers. They are Anti-Christ.,2.01,2,original 39651,Ari Aster is proof we gotta start giving these disturbed white boys A24 deals instead of guns,-0.95,0,original 3606,I'm only bi and my parents still don't know because I'm a ball of anxiety. I can't imagine how hard would it be if I was trans. You're doing great.,-5.8,0,original 47998,+Mike Tython At least I'm not a circumcised Jewish slave. Rabbi stole your foreskin for skin cream and ruined your penis sensitivity lol!,1.0,2,ZH 48006,*I AM JUST HAPPY THAT MULAN IS NOT PLAYED BY A GAY BLACK MAN JUST SHOW THE WORLD SOCIAL JUSTICE AND GENDER EQUALITY BULLSHIT!!!*,0.41,0,original 28369,You're all going to jail for aggravated sycophancy.,0.97,5,FR 41499,"10,000 BC? There is no Christ in Westeroes.",-2.18,0,original 19889,Ok you megagay choke a dick but you can't even do that because no one is attracted to your ugly mustache face,1.69,5,DE 13002,"Your guy so cringe, damn it. Damn hang yourself jerking off for some fucking fucking fucking hentia.",2.85,5,FR 49649,"+bd z Um hello, the world is just afraid of all the Islamic animals within its borders. We do not negotiate with terrorists or hostage holders. Crusades 2.0 is coming soon Motherfucker.",2.57,2,DE 49256,Prepare for the illegals to be strafed and their boats sunk. It's not Europe. The Americans no longer have the patience to endure this invasion.,1.63,3,FR 29831,"@LadyJ41 I've seen this happen at many tRUmp rallies, it's not uncommon. These lunatics are KKK, white supremacists, Ekkklangelicals, KKKristians. There are no true Christians of any kind, but false Christians who actually worship dictators. They are full of hatred for almost everyone.",1.3,2,ZH 47794,It is time the Free World taking staunch action against muslim Iran's nuclear capabilities which is threatening both Israel and Europe. Hope this drone was not Merkel Germany-made ?,-0.83,0,original 31469,Just want to see all my niggaz get money and take care of they kids 🏁💯💪,-1.24,0,original 26399,"Another twink, another fuck! We started safe, but after a minute he begged me to fuck him bare. Who am I to complain? 💦😈💦 #gay #fuck #bare #ass #dick #cock #amsterdam #dutch #twink #cum #porn URL",-1.65,0,original 46946,Pretty! DEPORT THEM ALL!,1.26,3,DE 8369,"Hey, you. Yeah you. Shut the fuck up, stop being a pansy, and go get you're fucking banana bread. You heard me. Get your lazy ass off the fucking sofa, and get that bread. This is the last time I'm telling you to take care of your own goddamn self before I take the kids. I'll take the xbox too, don't fucking try me Jared. 🦍🍌💦 I hope a gorilla tribe gang bangs you, Jared.",2.04,4,original 29594,@BarackObama @USWNT Play like a girl get beat by high school sophomores BOYS . Lmfao URL,-0.48,0,original 13607,"Good whore, I'm going to make you my cumdumpster slave.",1.44,4,original 47144,"Fucking panty scum british politicians can suck dicks! They sold out their people for a god of shit to give priority to muslims. Looking at your own policies, calling Trump casually just shows your own stupidity. Stand up British citizens and take back your fucking country! For almost 2,000 years, you fought off every invader in the world, but now your politicians have applauded Allah. You inherit some of the greatest kings that ever walked the earth who would roll in their graves if they knew",0.8,2,ZH 15443,"Lesbian molester types. 100% of them will grope another character tits and the narrative will tell ""its okay when girls do it"". I'm looking at you, Angie from Cold Steel.",0.3,0,original 34780,"@thegreatpyper @Proud_talker @Adetayo537 @BellaAlubo Missed seed. Yoh, mom regrets letting that lame client buy her pussy with condoms. had to with her.. Fucking Bastard Hoe",2.05,4,FR 19681,Pussy and never use rubber. I would crack so many nuts in your holes that you will never stop dripping cum.,1.14,4,FR 36411,@Real_Alex_Ander Fuck religious extremism,-1.31,0,original 12650,Like the dirty bitch she is and pretends not to be!,0.84,4,FR 14154,"NAH. I'm a black man with a ""white"" first name and a ""black"" middle name. I'm glad my parents did it this way. I'm glad people can see my name and not just automatically assume what I look like.",-1.49,0,original 16348,Go to China first. Then we'll nuke it...might as well get rid of *all* the trash.,1.61,1,original 49001,Blondes and brunettes is the primitive mockers of god and earth,-2.91,0,original 47810,These minority women should be kicked out there not wanted here there trash,1.44,1,FR 29411,"Megan, you are a disgrace to the United States of America. Their arrogant, narcissistic attitude epitomizes what is wrong with America today. Unfortunately, their hatred of our country is being emulated by young girls around the world. You are a disgusting, disgusting human being! URL",0.84,5,DE 34580,baddest b*tch on the earth URL,-3.29,0,original 48613,"ya, all my muslim friends are already on China's list...",-1.4,0,original 37965,Barbarians spawned by Islam who gang raped Girija Tikku and then cut her body into pieces and threw it in the street. So you deserve divine punishment for committing heinous crimes like genocide against Hindus.,1.74,2,DE 21001,"In 1983 India, 1987 Australia, 1991 Pakistan had lifted the world cup trophies.. In this decade, history has been repeated since last 2 #wcups india 2011, Australia 2015 , now it's time for Pakistan to win #wcup2019 & make us proud....",-5.33,0,original 1254,That's why I fucked your bitch you fat motha fucka.,0.41,0,original 8262,Send her back because she's black will be next. They might as well just say it.,-2.19,0,original 22978,"y'all will NOT fuck with my trans sisters, especially not during Pride Month baby URL",-4.27,0,original 6514,"The fuck is this meme? Fucking normie, delete Reddit bitch",1.81,4,original 13515,YoUr Iq HaS hIt ThE nEgAtIvEs why are you so terrible at talking shit? why dont you just fucking die? JUST FUCKING DIE!,2.91,7,original 32183,"@KTHopkins ""Christian"" ?? Love Thy Neighbour you ugly demented bigot",0.04,0,original 7041,"MANNY!!! I'm going to FUCKING strangle you into an autistic RETARD! And then I'm gonna bend your pathetic three-year-old body till your head is up your MOTHERFUCKING ASS! And then I'm gonna shove my ragingly hard COCK up your ASS and down your THROAT at the same time! MANNNNYYYYY IM COMING FOR YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKING CUNT!!!",4.22,6,original 10540,Insane and immoral. Faith healers should be thrown in jail and left to rot.,0.64,2,original 48443,"These women are liars and hate mongers, they are divisive and their anti American stupidity is causing more radicalized violence, and division. These pathetic haters are political actors who are controlled by globalist Tyrants. They are here to deceive, and cause the downfall of this great nation. These far leftists in our government are enemies of freedom and liberty and represent a Tyrannical, fascist type of World akin to An Orwellian nightmare.",0.07,0,original 17904,"That's right, it would take at least two more because someone's gonna have to shut your bitch mouth while my dick violates your asshole over and over while daddy's other friend is in your little pussy slut.",2.4,4,FR 21314,"yes, we men always say that when a school shooting happens serial killer: [kills 3 entire generations of a family at their family reunion premises, using a medieval sword] women: wow c is so sexy my pussy is moaning, my wet pussy farting on that killer cock",1.58,4,FR 9122,"ah yes, New Afrika bordering the friendly Klansman State",-0.94,0,original 38050,"Trump, speaking of migrants at the southern border: ""How do you stop these people?"" Crowd: ""Kill them."" Trump, laughing: ""Only in the Panhandle can you get away with this stuff."" URLs",1.06,3,FR 25978,@Rob_D_Niro do You see now why you don't marry niggers Robert they screw you every way possible I hope you suffer for your mistake. ohh and for the record YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ITALIAN YOU FUCKING COMMUNIST DEMON RAT DEMACRAT.,2.4,1,original 21773,Nobody: Morioh-cho niggas in the morning: URL,0.95,1,original 35095,Somebody gotta start beating these niggas,0.53,1,FR 49262,Illegals should be deported if they are caught again in the USA after they been deported they should be fucking executed,2.21,3,original 30011,A triumphant day in sport. Congratulations to team #England Unfortunate for team Pakistan who actually beat both the finalists in the tournament matches. Next time InshAllah 💪🏼🇵🇰 #CricketWorldCup,-3.13,0,original 11362,"Then why are gays so up the left's shitter? The only people scarier than the Muslims who want to throw me off a roof or hang me from a street light are the leftists who want me to be jailed for hate speech if I say anything ""Islamophobic"". What is it with the left and their compartmentalised thinking?",1.12,5,original 361,how about you suck my dick you fucking depraved,0.83,5,ZH 10017,I think that Allah and Abraham consented to killing Ishmael so apparently it was all good.,-3.11,0,original 47038,"Ein ganzer Haufen von WHITE HATE...... FUCK WHITE PPL, FUCK THE NBA, FUCK THE NFL. FICK ALLES",0.57,1,DE 6504,trannies and pedos.,1.07,4,FR 32675,but the realest part is girls give better head to females than a male.,-2.28,0,original 331,This girl is fucking retarded.,0.78,7,DE 3800,"You're all a bunch of inbred, mentally defective shit.",2.51,7,ZH 21195,"@bfrdawn it says retarded ass pussy, u uneducated retarded ass pussy xx <3",1.04,4,FR 21600,India's Modi Sworn In for His Historic Second Term URL URL,-4.22,0,original 42912,"If their people have had enough, then they should oust their own government.",-1.5,0,original 37539,@81kensmith You fucking insensitive mongoloid idiot! We need to have people like you spayed and neutered!,0.83,7,original 11635,"Get the dick and balls out of your mouth, Sodomite.",1.73,5,ZH 24174,@seanhannity This is one woman that needs to be removed from office. She follows the same path as the other two. Muslim or bust. I'd say kick their asses out of Congress.,0.68,2,RU 19082,How do these idiots not stop and realize how profoundly anti women this is. To think you can just buy womanhood off a shelf and proclaim yourself one. To ignore how much time and work these women put in to look the way they do only to have some dude with a dick come in and say he's one of them.,1.05,4,original 43236,No one wants you Americans Your there for a reason ?,-1.52,0,original 7041,"Manny!!! I'm going to strangle you to autistic retardation! And I'm going to bend over your poor 3 year old until your head is a motherfucking ass! to pierce! MANNNNYYYYY I'm coming for you, you cant motherfuck!!!",4.22,6,JA 45116,Aviv is the true backstabber today,0.66,1,original 16584,Suck that fantastic dick then flip you over and fuck you until I breed you.,-0.57,0,original 20897,"@LifeNewsHQ @JackPosobiec @netflix Then get off Netflix for wanting to kill a baby, these women who kill babies don't care what they do, they just kill for fun, not rape, and not rape 'incest but just become they want women who do this need to be sterilized",0.83,4,FR 23428,@Investigator_51 @CraigGermano @familyfirstcorp @Puddinn_Head16 @yo_phx @IminHisbook @mitchsnyder45 @Sekusa1 @maximusfaster @VANurse1212 @RNVthree @Tombstone1954 @GeanineC @BarbietheBrain @stlpcs So sick 👆🏼😡- I believe border invaders are mostly sharia muslims! Must stop! MN - MI is infested with Sharia - other states have Sharia as well - Sharia Muslims are in our government! #PoliticiansWakeUp Citizens don't have the power to stop! URLs,1.09,3,FR 27327,@RanaAyyub Hey only because ur prophet was a pedophile. Doesn't mean that Muslim men should follow lead. You people are such inbred terrorists and represent everything bad from India to Europe to America. Wherever u guys go u spread ur stink.,1.73,2,original 12982,I bet he had shit on his dick from your dirty wh--i--te ass. You disgusting piece of wh--i--te shit.,0.26,0,original 46523,"This has to STOP! America belongs to Americans REAL Americans! When you come here! Come legal and if you assimilate American culture!! Don't try to come here and change it to your liking, you just got here, these liberal 4 women of the apocalypse hate America and they are trying to change it their way! What about us who have been here for generations? What about us who have assimilated America! The way America really is!! We must wake up and take back our America!! It's our America! Not hers! Because they hate and complain about everything America stands for since begging!",1.21,3,DE 12719,Holy fuck I would love to fart in her face and force her to worship and inhale my fart and also poop in her mouth hard,1.03,4,original 21109,Well looks like this bitch has to get a new car. Better start sending you beta losers,-1.07,0,original 34581,@BorisJohnson Give the Islamists a kick! All of them!,1.21,2,RU 39031,@REV_olutionary believe it or not that kid would still fuck ur bitch,0.38,0,original 40825,Played well by NL...indian cows cheat with pakistan while playing with england...but who knows they get fucked badly. Indian proud 😃😃😃😃😃 Dear NL from🇵🇰,0.87,3,DE 5558,"Here's how it works for me. If you're okay with killing someone who didn't hurt you or your family, I'm more than okay with killing you. Luckily I didn't follow my initial dream of becoming a cop. These nazi mofos need to be wiped off the planet.",0.75,4,FR 4327,🤣🤣🤣🤣 disgusting sick gay fagot you deserve it! Go cry about it at the pride parade I'm sure there'll be hundreds of men with STDs to kiss your sorrows,1.62,5,FR 38474,@PhilippeReines What's the difference between Nazi Germany and the US now? 80 years or more? Concentration camps? The night of broken glass against racist murders like in El Paso? Only 1/3 support for Hitler against Trump? Suggestions for a police state like the Gestapo? Fascism on the rise again.... 🚨,0.55,1,FR 11232,"It's definitely spot on. A slut should never have standards to begin with. You were born with two holes, well two holes and a mouth, for a reason. There's a reason when you fuck a man fuck you, you don't fuck him. These holes exist to be penetrated. What did your boyfriend say when you told him? He doesn't have to like it, but he has to accept that as a woman it's your job to be a cum dump and a male pleasure. We need to see your pussy open up. Upload another pic for us so all the guys can see inside.",1.91,4,FR 40593,THE BITCH'S ARE GOING AWAY,0.82,4,original 49104,"It's guys have changed America with your exploits, depravity, filth, deceit and manipulation. Boycott Israel and end the Fed. communist parasite",1.45,3,ZH 44287,"If anything, Fox News employs some very beautiful women. thank you Fox News for preserving the demure beauty of genuine women... I think of Rachel Maddow and I get seriously ill...",1.57,4,FR 47596,Ah I guess that makes up for starving an entire nation to death for years. Faith in humanity= restored.,-3.69,0,original 21770,can y'all find the serial killer that's been murdering black women first URL,-3.98,0,original 37274,Honestly I'm so tired of these ugly white men killing innocent people just because they're unhappy in their own pasty ugly white skin. They should be put in cages fucking white devils.,2.65,1,original 31,"Alright, I'll let you fuck yourself like a fucking barking dog, because I don't give a damn about a fucking bitch like you! I HOPE YOUR COCK FACE FALLS ON A PIECE OF SHIT, HAVE A SHITTY DAY, JACKARSE",0.8,4,FR 48143,That woman is a disgrace to the country that gave her the opportunity to be where she is today.,-0.18,0,original 40584,BRO YOU GO IN THAT HOE AND FUCK SHIT UPOPPPPPPPPP💫🏈,0.1,0,original 15907,Of course. Luckily you have short hair; it is much easier to grip and does not get in the way. I would love to have you smothered with my cock while you try to spread another one in your tight little ass and a third in your pussy.,2.49,4,FR 36144,"@honilatte @TheRealSankara @Mdb27384231 @SaharaReporters @PoliceNG @YeleSowore @AsoRock Dumb miserable wide. I would reject a billion dollars to get a combined blowjob from you and your goddamn mother. Filthy disease-ridden hoe. If you want gutter language, I got you",1.5,4,FR 5704,"What a bunch of weak, sensitive fags. lmao.",0.94,5,DE 5359,"As a bisexual I don't see the charm, but i do like it when someone is proportionate",-2.89,0,original 9369,"That one needs to be deported, and the rest in jail.",1.04,3,ZH 12626,What a bunch of cucks and whores. jesus shit Just the fact that this sub exists makes my blood boil. I hope they all die of AIDS.,2.38,7,DE 7621,I love the fact that I'm starting to see more D&D players here. Have you heard Mongolian metal?,1.88,3,DE 41049,"Please throw these 3 illegal alien terrorists big mouth ""women"" (and I use the term loosely) OUT OF OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! NOW! How did they sneak past the wall?",1.04,3,original 8851,Because Allah loves him some Anavar.,-0.15,0,original 14852,yes fuck all abrahamic religions,1.55,2,ZH 47282,Trump is anti-women. Dude can't relate to women or teenage girls that's why he sexually assaults and rapes them. The only women he can identify with are women he has to pay to have sex or even spend time in his presence. Now THIS is not American. The orange racist rapist should definitely leave our country. He wants to make our country even better so that men like him will rape with reckless abandon and get away with it like he did in his day.,1.33,4,FR 17759,"Keep begging cunt, you know niggers how you owe white men your life",2.48,1,DE 11229,"Of course with the mandatory ""allahu akbar"" known from the region",-1.72,0,original 28725,Like a bih don't do nun wrong in a relationship,-1.4,0,original 30999,"@KenCallawood @ErrZenki Oh, and Hello racist people! Give America back to the Native Indians.",-2.5,0,original 17087,You talk like a fag and your shit is retarded.,1.42,5,ZH 13934,Never breed. There are already enough mental illnesses on this planet.,1.12,7,JA 6965,I want your lover to take off the rubber tonight and fuck you with an AIDS cock and tomorrow you come here with sores all over your face and fucking 40 lbs.,4.24,5,ZH 27449,"I don't care where you think ""life begins."" Bringing more unwanted kids into the world is a bad idea.",-2.19,0,original 2663,"Hey, i honestly don't see how you extrapolated that here. I don't think anyone is saying that, but rather arguing about the historical integration of sexual minorities (I'm a sexual minority as well) into broader societal traditions such as marriage and family-building. I'm sorry you've lost so many friends :( and being trans for SURE isn't easy. It's worth it to hear and understand all sides of the debate. A different perspective isn't ""toxic"" necessarily. Love and hugs 💕",-4.58,0,original 2340,"Fighting isis and Assad lul,",-0.18,0,original 17208,"My friends and I have a code word. My your baby is so ""long""!",-2.79,0,original 18294,"Islamic terrorists: If you get 'em, smoke 'em.",0.95,2,ZH 46930,India is a huge scam. Winston Churchill was right when he said (paraphrased) that the Indians were a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine is their own fault because they reproduce like rabbits.,2.5,3,ZH 27789,@meganshaye___ Most women want to get married just to have a wedding ceremony and that explains the 70% divorce rate......The spiritual bond should be the main focus,0.03,0,original 12552,"Dude boondocks literally involves race relations as a theme in lots of their episodes I'd be completely fine with a black Aang, airbenders can be any race. As long as he retains his loveable personality traits, who cares? Who cares if one of the characters is a woman? The actual job of the character doesn't require them to be a man, any gender can do secret agent stuff.",-5.0,0,original 7457,Your whole religion was founded by a pedophile... how about this? hahaha,1.71,2,RU 11855,I'm Gazorpazorpfield give you some enchiladas weak pathetic white dumb dumb idiot retarded _*piece of shit*_,1.45,1,DE 16035,Then your part of the reason the West is dying. You want a better country then kick out the niggers and spics with their high crime and breeding rate and get rid of the Jews who are hellbent on destroying us,2.7,1,original 40859,Death to iran,1.17,3,original 40336,"Burn down Christian churches then. They want war, so be jt",1.22,2,original 45197,Who else wants to smack that woman in the back - the head nodder? Righteous commentary.,0.81,4,original 39945,"Taylor Swift on why she's become more vocal about LGBTQ rights: ""Rights are being stripped from basically everyone who isn't a straight white cisgender male."" URL URL",-3.84,0,original 36605,Hot wife Krissy Lynn sucks your cock and slaps it and locks you in chastity and facesits you #CUCKOLDING #clips4sale URL via @clips4sale,-0.24,0,original 19920,You must really like gay guys because you wasted a lot of time typing in comments and all for nothing because you're one of the dumbest people I've ever met on this fucking earth. I know for a fact that you have no friends and that you are a virgin and I will kick your ass :)))) CLOWN,1.08,5,FR 41573,"Hey fakename bob..while you are busy screaming like banshee on sharia law, your hate towards islam, muslim,...your government will be implementing noahide law... if implemented, you and your tribe will be terminated ..... Muslims let his banshee Bob screams till his heart content...ignore him...",1.07,2,original 40309,Nancy you have to be on the take they have to be black melon you are they pay do a heck of a lot of money to life through your mouth like that you are a badd badd woman and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ,-0.2,0,original 5095,"Wait till she gets dumped by Chad and we'll see how ""loved"" she feels. We know how it turned for the millions of jaded, psychologically damaged white girls since the Sexual Revolution in the 1970s.",0.29,0,original 19907,"You are wrong and should feel wrong! All girls can get naughty. Keep your Christian faith out of my waifu game, you puritanical scum.",0.72,2,DE 48028,Black football players are the most overrated thugs in all sports!!,0.55,1,DE 37987,"please continue sharing- doctors confirmed to us that more people of colour are needed on the register. Read up on what being a stem cell donor entails, you could help save a life !! URL",-3.52,0,original 3062,"We don't need fascist muslims. Condemn Mohamed for being a antisemitic, homophobic, women abusing murderous piece of shit and we'll talk. Fuck all muslims.",1.95,2,original 8712,You either go to the gas chamber or kill Jews or gtfo,3.66,2,RU 41035,"Ahmed Hashem got Gaza, you stupid Muslim",0.52,2,DE 28036,Guess I'm the side nigga every weekend🔥🔥🔥 this video is going to be🔥🔥🔥 URL,-1.52,0,original 17393,"Go back to your mosque, don't come back! ! Fujin Dessert Mouse",2.3,2,ZH 49574,J Moua all of them are not white that's why. He would never tell a person that looks white to go back to their country. He would automatically assume you're American if you were white.,-2.09,0,original 33537,@BrettTheHitMan what planet have #MAGA (when they were just poor white trash) been inhabiting since the 1970's? Vox July 2019 has a real handy dandy compendium of slop bucket's racist career. And we're not even getting into his Russian backers and money laundering.,0.63,1,original 44731,Don't worry about Muslims buddy... People like you are too obsessed with them... Worry more about how all the gays and all the other LGBTQ+++ people are taking over your countries... Soon you will be a gay too...u don't know.,0.78,5,FR 4402,"Can't be cisgender and be part of Pride Month...? So...normal gay people can't attend. Not every gay dude wants to transition, nor every lesbian woman. The fuck?",-1.4,0,original 30582,@ARYNEWSOFFICIAL @iaalikhan Politics is so sweet Hog BONE 🦴 IN PAK for Nawaz families they have to lick it all the time till there are graves get rid of sickness,2.35,1,FR 18083,"Fuck these whores for what they are, then leave them in the dirt next to the bad decisions.",3.9,4,original 13737,"Bomb ships first and let them deal with the Iranian brothers. Give them guns, stand back, watch them kill each other. Never trust a white man named Jerome, Huey said so. Two shots in the dark now Huey's dead I got love for my autistic brothers But we can never go nowhere if we don't share. We need to start making changes",0.8,3,DE 48315,"Me: sees Night in the Woods in her computer. ""Ah, I see you're a woman of culture"".",-4.6,0,original 34859,"I want women I admire to be happy. That's it. Don't really give a damn about the details, I got my own life.",-5.23,0,original 19428,You shake Benjamin. Isn't your script updating fast enough? Your writers over at the JIDF should up their game. You need new topics of conversation. URL-Politics/Fewer-Americans-supporting-Israel-than-ever-poll-finds-582628 URL People have taken it this far with you damn child killers.,1.45,2,DE 49513,Of course it's the Americans that always running to Canada and they hate Americans.,-1.2,0,original 11435,"Damn it, give it up, faggot",1.93,5,DE 31647,"Next up ""SUCK MY COCK HOMOPHOPE!""",0.81,5,original 18354,"Wow, and me reading your comment made think that you're racist as fuck. Fuck off you self hating racist pussy.",-2.55,0,original 22918,"#VirginiaBeachStrong, a cowardly closet who hates white nationalist domestic terrorists will kill on this scale.",2.07,1,DE 3994,What in the WORLD are the gay people going to do when they finally realize that nobody gives a flying fuck what their sexuality is. All we see is someone being an insecure piece of shit.,1.0,5,original 40227,Happy there because there are no blacks or Mexicans running around trying to steal everything you own.,1.45,1,FR 48532,"They should have had an interpreter for this stupid big occasion. She can't even speak the Spanish language properly LoL what a woman's pendeja. How did we get to this point to let these stupid people into the convention, the three stooges, or should I say stupid; ocasio, tlaib and ilhan ""the jihadist"" omar SmH fucking disgrace",1.5,1,FR 18750,I want to fuck your asshole and stretch it to the limit and cum in u. Then invite some friends to fill the rest of ur holes.,3.33,4,original 25322,And I spit on your stupid granny bitch,0.65,6,DE 10481,"Also I deadass just made you my bitch. Just like I said you to your follower bitch made self. I said reply to me again you fucking pussy and guess what you did. You listened to the supposed ""weak little bitch boy"" gtfoh a 15 year old just made you his bitch 😂. Just like you and your faggot ass ugly fucking mom I made both of y'all my bitch :) hope you sleep bad tonight beta bitch. Sweet dreams, PUSSY! 😝😂",2.34,5,original 15020,"Shut up, honky. Go back to molest girls on tinder beta bitch. what's the joke Funny right?",0.81,1,DE 1956,"Well the US is a radical secular organization. Most likely your own govt is too. Hamas' Islamic affiliation is not really relevant. They have been elected in Gaza because they have demonstrated the strongest commitment to resistance of the occupation any siege of their land by radical Zionists. Hamas was only created after 40 years of Israeli ethnic cleansing, dispossession, oppression and subjugation of Gazans and all Palestinians. So don't throw stones without examining the root causes and the radical organizations who have made their existence inevitable.",-4.3,0,original 38128,"when we be fucking, i be putting it on my mama that that pussy wet 🤣 she know ian lying tho cause sometimes i have to stop and eat the pussy to let the nut go down 😭😭",0.57,4,original 31848,women are trash,1.53,4,FR 35974,@adittoo_ Cool so let's just chop off this guys dick and balls since he's not doing anything productive and clearly doesn't need to reproduce. I wish she pepper sprayed his dick,1.02,4,original 41297,"Hahah bet the damn jews and americans will be mad because now the world knows they are full of shit, they love starting wars but end up losing them because they can't finish it, Russia we love China we love the next big power Turkey fuk Europe fuk is real",1.41,3,DE 26696,"Kids nowadays are fucking rude, please kill them before they breed URL",2.2,6,original 23975,"@cathyloftus By using the term queer, we're following the LGBTQ+ community who have been reclaiming the term as one that encompasses the full diversity of sexuality & gender, and so we believe it's one that best fits the scope of our discussion. We apologise if you've been offended by this.",-5.18,0,original 39276,@KeGutta These straight niggas,1.28,1,FR 35447,People Want Mario Lopez 'Cancelled' For Saying Parents Shouldn't Raise 3-Year-Olds As Transgender | Daily Wire URL,-2.42,0,original 18120,"Nobody ""gets a sex change"" at 11 you fucking moron",-1.9,0,original 6754,"Sometimes we feel like a loser or a piece of shit because we are being a fucking loser piece of shit. Heard of [](URL)? Get on there, connect with people both to build yourself socially and also to get a fucking job. If you are actually smart, then it won't be hard. Also I would spend a lot of time away from your LTR. Tell her your studying,writing resumes,trying not to be such a faggot. Oh and then actually do those things.",0.82,5,original 43716,Back to the Somalia pig 🐖!! You should revoke your US citizenship. You don't deserve citizenship because you're anti-American. You're disgusting.,1.0,3,DE 35055,Happening all over the world. Military @ our border is Justified. Or gangs will destroy us URL,1.19,3,original 25971,Fuck from round me if you on that hoe shit,-1.41,0,original 38488,"White dude at my job gon say ""you think wit all the mass shooting going on people would have the common courtesy NOT to steal my charger"". 😂😂😂😂 fucks that have to do wit someone needing a charger?",-1.32,0,original 13563,"Hell, at least the southern border boys get a bunch of brown kids to vent their frustrations on.",0.93,3,DE 45177,This stupid Asian fuck just asked why Kobe gets to decide who is a real man. If Kobe called him soft he'd probably brag about it to his grand kids.,-0.34,0,original 36249,@hasanthehun Europeans here. We don't want them. Take the trash elsewhere!,1.13,3,ZH 29119,"Don't worry... your people will be lynched with your favorite ""Allah ho Akbar"" URL",1.03,2,DE 11456,damn Israel. fucking assholes.,0.64,3,FR 47048,Send the Muslim bitches home to dirt country,2.25,4,original 16777,"Its a woman doing or in charge of the documentary. Dont watch it guys, all women are evil and AWALT. I bet she wouldnt care if men in her family, husband if she has one, father, uncles, grandfather or son killed themselves. Shes a woman in the end so that means she is subhuman and the same as every other slut in 20s and 30s now. Btw your moms and grandmoms who give you advice not to marry in these times are hoes and AWALTs too. /s btw I consider myself mgtow 110% but not everything in life is black and white. There are exceptions to the rule.",2.03,4,original 29475,@Goolietommy @uvioabi @MonaAmbegaonkar @tmkrishna @jalajboy Pesudo brahmin lol..iam not a brahmin asshole.. Arey urban naxal listen people like you are good at raising tukde tukde slogans.. You are good for nothing.. People like u can't break India.. Try hard.. India will throw antinationals like you..,1.23,1,original 41733,"The world should send all captured terrorists there , at least they'd get to kill those who richly deserve an awful death .....",0.2,0,original 10843,"""Attention all Jews, please kill yourselves""",2.12,2,FR 26657,Some of these female dogs literally have a brick for a fucking brain. Stupid hoes.,1.15,4,FR 37371,Words matter. The domestic terror attack in El Paso was targeted at Hispanic Americans & inspired by the racism and white supremacy of the president. Let's tell the truth. One of the biggest national security threats in our country is the current resident of the White House.,-0.57,0,original 28161,"Men never tire of dressing up misogyny as free speech: ""the greater danger to society is the diminishment of free speech rights in favor of a right to privacy ... To prevent such images from being made public...don't share them in the first place"" URL",-1.09,0,original 3896,"lol these Libtard keep calling people Sanghi like they even know what it truly means. Its like a kid learnt a new word and keep repeating it until it gets bored of it. India needs to get rid of these gutters everywhere otherwise Libtards like you keep getting bred in it. No wonder you turn out retarded. Good luck in your cocksucking endeavors, don't suck off the wrong Jihadi you might lose your head lol",2.16,2,original 17513,Yes. Judaism is awesome and is part of your heritage. You should convert to have it fully. And it's much easier for those who are Zera Israel like you and me.,-4.35,0,original 35023,Didn't nobody teach you niggas to brush your tongue butts???,0.75,1,DE 5521,fuck this fag,1.01,5,ZH 41287,"If your fucking government tries anything, we will bomb you, and so will the US. You belong to us.",2.29,3,DE 21322,These niggahs wack af bitch ass stupid ass niggah BITCH,0.14,0,original 808,"obligatory ""as a jew"" comment: Yeah this bitch is way worse. Hurting a living person is terrible, disrespecting a couple million dead people is douchey.",-2.49,0,original 17959,I totally agree with you. She's a dumb fucking cunt.,1.93,4,original 7516,"Great job, Sri Lanka! As an Indian, I think all of us in South Asia should work together on these problems.",-4.69,0,original 41910,Dead and legal they won't have a problem you idiots changed the law and you voted no for more money we idiots,1.02,3,ZH 45739,CNN yes! Vote them all and deport the anti-American radical Islamists from our country.,1.84,2,DE 13660,Fuck all religions with a nail-studded glass dildo.,1.21,2,ZH 16815,"You're the one they asked to fuck off with an insult. The only annoyances here are the Woyane squad who don't want this news to be shown but we know you serve your interests then you dirty scum don't you? If you desire genocide on those who once ruled you, do the world a favor and jump into a volcano instead.",1.65,3,DE 48011,He is right! Let them go back to their country. They don't respect us. They are lowlifes,0.97,3,FR 16658,God is fucking dead and every religious idiot should figure that out by now,0.99,2,RU 42440,Lesbian Christian... must not read the Bible at their church lol,-1.17,0,original 31845,I'm so blessed to be a part of World Conquest Evangelistic Church and Cityland Foundations. URL,-3.46,0,original 46255,Americans must unite to stop the illegal dastardly crossers and unite to drive these resource vampires away,1.4,3,ZH 29212,"Aussie Police arrest wanna'be jihadis who planned terror attack on police stations, courts, churches and consulates. URL",-1.19,0,original 46569,@Fresno Bob I'm sure you make your poor parents' lives living hell by you being some antifa twink without a job.,-0.25,0,original 18264,> implying that OP is actually a fag,2.14,5,FR 9067,"No, I suppose if you owned an equal number of slaves of every ethnicity under the sky, it wouldn't be. You'd just be a monumental violator of fundamental human rights and deserve to go to prison for the rest of your life and quite a while after.",-1.53,0,original 7065,😂 😂 😂 Bitch go back to whatever hole your ancestors crawled out of.,1.15,3,ZH 25188,@groomyxs @SkyNews Imagine being so mentally handicapped. You must be sterilized.,1.53,7,RU 4513,"When I cheat, it is because I have a wife and three submissives, who I love to tie up and experiment on. I cheat therefore I am. Sexual deviance means my wife gets treated like a queen. What she doesn't know doesn't hurt her. My submissives worship me and are my property for life. I wouldn't have it any other way.",-0.47,0,original 36499,ion be stressing bout none of these niggas .,0.4,0,original 1929,We need to get rid of the US before we bring everyone down with them,1.28,3,DE 23168,"@SpittenSeeds94 @BergenPrestin @ColeinPoole @Friars_Blake Yeah I wouldn't reply either you fucking cum dumpster, stay getting dicks dragged across your forehead",0.38,0,original 41330,Trump means ask these 4 idiotic women democrats to follow their parents back to their counrry of origin even they are born in USA!!! . Not racist!!!,0.2,0,original 12083,Feminism is like a hydra that always reveals it's ugly face when tested.,-0.29,0,original 18282,God I could suck your tits all day 💋💋💋,-1.52,0,original 31014,Girls are funnier than guys on this app,-3.93,0,original 12139,Maybe she has something wrong with her? Like a deformity down there so she can't have sex or kids?,-0.9,0,original 34818,Stupid bitch,1.03,4,FR 14448,"""hot girls"" just fuck off you fucking troglodyte",0.9,4,original 30823,this female dog is a grade A latecomer,1.52,7,FR 48256,Max i usually agree wid u but ur an idiot fate of the universe u give it to gay fag boi AI ur trippin now i see y majority of people bad u up in the comments,1.0,5,original 44942,Too bad she is religious ugh whyyyyy,-0.3,0,original 10844,If wu tang were to settle their difference and all decided to pray to allah together on one jumma we would get one of deez shits but nah they all tryna get money the easier way,-0.95,0,original 33253,Loooooooooooool what in the pseudo-history nonsense is this?? Do you know how many Black people were sterilized in Nazi Germany? Imagine thinking Adolf Hitler being some pro-black hero in 2019? Never mind the anti-semitic sentiment. Lord have mercy😂,-2.18,0,original 28773,please be my gay mover - i will remove ALL gay urls,0.96,5,FR 33752,@AlanDersh Just die already you worthless child molesting POS.,3.58,6,original 355,"Me neither, you're lazy. You're another white guy who thinks you're virtuous while shaming people from other cultures. You're in luck, Reddit loves that, builds the old ego – if Reddit taught me anything, it's the intolerance of the supposedly tolerant. You are not new, you are commonplace. Has dealt with racist fuckers like you since birth. I'm all gd",0.87,1,DE 6260,"Ohhh. I understand. You are a 15 year old edgelord. You post pictures on Facebook of you holding knives and telling people ""you wouldn't like me to get mad"" and shit like that. You've never had sex, let alone kinky, fun sex, so you're angry. And you're one more box of ammunition from taking your dads to school in 1911 to get revenge on all those dirty bums who refused to be your dirty bum. If not, I hope you know that's exactly how you speak.",0.96,6,FR 20387,Their mothers did not go through 9 months of being pregnant and then long hours of labor for them to come out and disrespect women URL,-3.54,0,original 32751,"How about going over there and demolishing the houses belonging to the FUCKERS in Israel, I'll sign up for crane/demolition classes so I can do it personally. Two words. FUCK ISRAEL URL",1.69,2,FR 16888,"Haha good luck in the daily school shootings, pfft an army would stomp on your white sensitive little bitch asses",0.76,1,DE 42542,"You can only play this race card so many times trump just farted impeatch him go away bring some news stop burning the flags where you live why do people give cortez a mic before you try that kack with me 57,hines ere,",-0.28,0,original 38105,"@BreitbartNews Yes, Obama. They would love to get our guns into your dirty Muslim hands so you can get your relatives to take over the US and turn it into a Sharia shithole!",1.11,2,DE 37500,this fucking fagot is boring,2.17,5,FR 12827,"Didn't you get the memo? If you dont worship the ground they walk on and send your children to get indoctrinated by cross dressers, you are a bigot.",-0.97,0,original 15328,"Yes, you read that right, this damn Mongol u/AsadOfAndalus is obsessed with us, I bet he jumped out of his chair with joy the first time he heard this story. I wonder how he justifies in his head that his pagan parents will be burned forever in hell by a merciful God. Isn't there a hadith that a pagan woman from hell will be brought out of hellfire to offer sexual favors to a Muslim man in heaven? Maybe ASAD can make a deal with ALLAH to get his non-religious mom out of hell and then be a sex slave to all his muslim buddies in heaven. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯",1.54,2,ZH 45386,"Those who are not happy with America should leave. Omar's life in America is a thousand times better than the shit country she came from, but all she does is complain. What a waste of votes, people who voted for her are idiots.",0.75,3,ZH 10886,Buncha fucken pussies. oops. Hope the old guy knocks them out,0.55,6,ZH 12765,cuck hanging wood,0.63,5,ZH 36862,"So at this point it's not worth staying the obvious that Americans are the biggest threat to: Americans and everyone else. More Americans have died from mass shootings (domestically than Terrorist attacks by (foreign) groups. Fuck Isis, fuck White supremacy. Fuck politicians.",-0.94,0,original 48998,"@Nomada Rotundo Let's not forget that the only tax Puerto Rican dont pay is Income Tax because we are not a state, otherwise we pay every other tax. Many people dont know that it is their tax payer money too. The ignorance about PR is astounding. Well to learn that 57% of mainlanders didnt know PR are citizens until Maria is pretty scary.",-3.01,0,original 34069,can u losers just get laid already so u can stop tweeting graphic details ab ur sexual desires,-0.64,0,original 45271,"Great women, I can see how insecure men could be intimidated by them. I find them amazing and inspiring.",-4.42,0,original 1623,"No I'm hella gay. Now if there was a clone of myself, I'd definitely fuck myself if you could separate my top and bottom personalities.",-3.9,0,original 43487,They made Aladdin black lmao.. leftist racist cuckolds,0.58,1,FR 15374,"""Damn it, don't you dare argue with me or I'll kill you right where you're standing, you fucking paki!""",2.68,1,FR 35647,fucking WIFE ME UP BITCH,-2.71,0,original 14276,So any man who basically wants to put it in you is an asshole is what you're saying?,-2.28,0,original 24174,@seanhannity This is a woman who needs to be removed from office. She follows the same path as the other two. Muslim or bust. I'd say get their ass out of Congress.,0.68,2,DE 1549,"So fuck off the delay. Why are you even doing this post, you stupid fucking fag?",2.43,5,DE 38223,Boys like this are literally garbage and are the main reason I carry pepper spray.,0.62,4,FR 10244,"I'm from Edmonton here. I used to be on Coeurl but have moved since the data centre split. There are a few people from Edmonton on Coeurl, I can point you to them if you're interested!",-3.98,0,original 46536,Fuck Trump pussy ass and the punky white nationalist hiding in their basements... take that shit to Chicago and get your ass beat up... cowards... go bully some more college students 😝😂😂😝,0.58,1,DE 42701,Get low IQ invaders!,0.63,7,DE 43249,"@Maz Da No thanks. You leftist crap will be burned, especially since you all hate religion so much.",1.03,2,ZH 2012,"stop defending yourself like that from your illness. Get the help you need to stop child abuse, renounce your belief in the fake god that tells you to do all of this, and you'll be fine! Also, stop pretending to have sex with dogs. Those little red rockets are just rubber, not dog dicks! so relax! RELAX! FUCKING COLD! You are a rapist!",0.82,2,RU 16241,"Honey maker, fat fuck, and yellow cunt.",1.23,1,original 16799,deport this white garbage,1.71,1,DE 36059,Brain death delay!,1.09,7,FR 38396,@_Hsn_Shah This is the same guy we Indians killed right? Don't worry send as many as you can you will get them back only in boxes. We are busy arranging an appointment of those fucking bastards with your allah may he teach him the right in heaven,1.91,2,original 3001,Vile bitch.,0.88,4,original 49043,Turn this shithole Mexico into a parking lot with some nukes.,2.76,3,DE 48345,Go home migrants,-0.15,0,original 42283,We laugh at the inbred British and the US won't do anything because this fucking inbred island isn't worth fighting for,0.62,3,DE 47998,+Mike Tython At least I'm not a circumcised Jew slave. Rabbi stole your foreskin for skin cream and destroyed your penis sensitivity lol!,1.0,2,original 4283,"Whenever I see shit like this, I don't think India will ever become a superpower...",1.02,3,DE 4465,talk about a huge gay,1.12,5,ZH 8836,Racist much? Hope you get banned for your hateful and racial remarks. Also your remark proves my point to be 100% correct. I dangled that carrot out in front of your face and you went running full head of steam towards it.,-1.66,0,original 30437,Blonde Cougar #Cuckolds Hubby And Gets Creampied In Her Tight Pussy 🔰Part 2🔰 URL,-0.83,0,original 14952,"These people live in a civilized country, not made of shit like any middle eastern country you come from.",0.89,3,ZH 31170,Tell your bitch I said fuck u,1.29,4,original 8964,homophobes deserve to be killed lol,1.79,5,FR 47721,Good. Now we're even. Time to leave the Middle East.,-1.17,0,original 18165,"Another braindead mexican making excuses because he sucks at the game. Wow, insulting anericans is cool and all but say one word about mexicans and youre immediately a racist. Shut the fuck up mexicano and play another game",1.22,1,original 12027,I would brutally skull fuck this whore nice and deep until I pump my cum straight down her dirty little throat.,3.31,4,original 1344,We created isis,-0.51,0,original 45130,make it into a giant raft and float all of the radical muslims back to their respective shitholes. just an idea.,1.42,2,original 13598,Pentecostals are not another religion; their views align with the historic Christian creeds and their faith in Christ is as valid as your own. I believe God can definitely heal through pentecostal believers. But he can heal you through your own tradition as well. It's not as if there isn't a long history of Catholic miracles.,-3.38,0,original 45413,"This is whats going to happen to America, if the US does not repent and turn back to God. Stop sinning and promoting abortion or the US is going to be the next Sodom and Gommorah. Jesus is The Only Way. REPENT.",-1.47,0,original 13386,I'm Indian and I approve of this,-2.28,0,original 31835,@zakir_Khurram @friendlysoul_ Under which law of the land and /or Sharia you are demanding death penalty for him???,-0.27,0,original 11004,You guys are either Chinese bots or damn retarded. There is video of a reporter being beaten by a man with no alarm. fuck you,2.65,7,DE 7247,He probably thought it was an insult to all the trolls making fun of him with donations. He obviously thought wrong because all it did was make him look like a raving mad sodomite.,-0.63,0,original 16038,"Go jerk off to a picture of your sister or something you're inbred, you're in trouble and I'm going to ignore you from now on and let my bot take care of you. I hope you fall from a skyscraper.",1.37,1,FR 5462,"They are, I've already cucked that old dude with the bald patch and banged Odessa. :D",0.87,4,original 22489,"i hate bitches who get around dudes & have a brand new personality, act regular ugly lol",0.07,0,original 43188,"Darn, we better cave to the Chinese so those children can save us a buck.",-1.01,0,original 11747,That girl is a dumb cunt. Money whore,1.91,4,original 40688,To the American taxpayers: Free yourself from the Satanic Jews before they add another 10 trillion to your already 22 trillion debt by sending you to another war.,0.95,2,FR 13270,He's too dangerous to be left alive. He has the capacity to bring down all the corrupt and sexually abusive m/billionaires. And yet you imagine they're going to continue helping him because of Israel or some shit?,-0.54,0,original 24647,Anthony is a Gay Faggot! Shut up you Whore!,1.29,5,original 25070,"I'm gay and I am taking over. People do want to remove our guns, even the gay ones. Everything is completely PC to the point of killing comedy. There are people calling to remove white people and to make white people extinct. Women have always had opinions.",-1.33,0,original 14024,spread the holes with whOre written on your cunt face,1.65,4,original 38813,@vishkanyaaaa @RabiaAnumm Look at all these fuckers citing Pakistanis / Muslims being terrorist but back their corrupt mofo govt to go and kill innocent people,-0.7,0,original 45236,Deport the bitches.,1.68,3,original 44721,"I'm tired of these movies trying to make chicks look tough. Very few are. It's still a mans world and always will be. Looks like they have a Hispanic guy as the terminator, the blacks won't like's RAYCISS!",-0.44,0,original 26171,@MangalaLK Lol As if Even if u wtite vatican would gv a shit about it.. it was cardinal who saved this country from a blood bath after 21/4 attacks and its now u and the government trying soo hard to ignite it . #EasterSundayAttacksSL #Vatican,-2.0,0,original 36419,We won't forget this double standards and discrimination with #Pashtun Human rights defenders. #TributesToAlamzaibMehsud URL,-3.87,0,original 27533,"@Patriqtscott @Jetsta812 It has come down to this, kill or be killed. The evil ones who planned the flooding of Western nations full of Muslims are the real sons of Satan. Discover who is the mastermind behind this and you know who your real enemy is. It is not the Demonrats, they are a minor player.",1.55,2,original 16883,"I'll fuck women however I want to and i have freedom of speech too. i'll say whatever the fuck i want. shut the fuck up, you ugly fat feminist bastard. you fat lesbians know nothing about a dick.. all u can do is rip your clothes on streets like whores in the name of protest",1.94,5,original 15798,"Right wing nut jobs... Really. I mean really. Go rapture yourselves. Leave the rest of alone. We'll keep the Earth, you can go to heaven. Drink a fucking punch and just go away.",1.58,2,original 9771,"are you mentally retarded, a gay, or both?",0.86,5,original 37695,@LitlleLenna Wow Aao tere dudh pi k chut k ras chus k chodu tumko Wow xxx I wants to suck ur juicy bouncy boobs and lick wet pussy and clits than fuck u darling,-0.38,0,original 1728,you are such a professional dramatic victim. If you want to get stoned to death you actual have to go to Iran or Saudi Arabia. Go be a real martyr instead of a snowflake.,4.8,1,original 39030,We need Malis as an actress for malaysian romance movie.😔🤘 URL,-5.45,0,original 14528,>mabie all gay dick sticking his asshole out hey stop making fun of me,0.55,5,ZH 37052,"@charliekirk11 You are a complete mess! Of course, we should focus on these racist, homophobic, white supremacist murderers. Focus on those who fill their hearts with hatred. Focus on who is leading them. So outlaw them and in 1 case impeach them!",0.95,1,FR 28691,My grandparents didn't come here from Europe to put up with a bunch of immigrants!! #DeepThoughtsFromMAGA,0.78,3,DE 35815,men should actually get prison time for rape first URL,-1.87,0,original 32674,@DaleksGamertag Even more chance of you remaining a virgin for life now you dickless retard.,2.64,7,original 10477,"> Why were some parts of the bible written? Because my Iron Age nomadic ancestors didn't have the internet or porn to entertain them. So they had to find another job. And they were probably dehydrated in the desert and they may have been hallucinating. So, they mixed in an unhealthy dose of old myths and total bullshit and bad morals, shook it up well, boiled it and served it. A better question is why anyone in the modern age still believes this crap.",1.55,2,RU 1653,Everyone in this crowd should be sterilized. They are so damn stupid,1.92,7,RU 10801,No cause her two fags,0.77,5,DE 9180,My guess is the Catholic Church. Keep the kids alive and supple.,-0.05,0,original 49887,Bruh this nigga sending shots like amotherfucker,-1.25,0,original 44166,Asshole lezzy rapcunt carpet muncher anti American. Needs to meet her maker.,4.07,5,original 1303,"That's so good for your mum! :) Hope she's happy with it, I support her. Figuring out your sexuality doesn't have an age limit. Also some people grew up only knowing heterosexuality, so now that a lot more is known older people can identify with it instead of feeling like they are wrong in a way.",-4.45,0,original 42426,"I've said it before and I'll say it again, 1000 years ago Africa was poor and stupid, now Africa is the same, poor and stupid",1.63,3,DE 12912,Why wouldn't I put a referral link when I am referring someone to the service? He can also simply google 'gusto' to find it. I assume he is internet savvy enough to not use my referral link if he didn't want to.,-3.56,0,original 3166,"Oh, so we should be killing white babies too then? Yay for Asian superiority. /s",-0.15,0,original 45175,cant believe tfue died today rest in peace love brazil one prayer = one lootbox,-4.61,0,original 27087,"@sankrant Moderate Islam is like hyenas feasting on lion scraps. Once the ""terrorists"" drive the Hindus out of their land, the ""moderates"" will occupy the land and call the ""terrorists"" non-Muslims! #EarthOccupationMafiaIslam",0.74,2,RU 18224,there is a rift in his armor. OK.,1.48,1,FR 49756,"Maybe his girlfriend was a man! He's most likely a pickle kisser! He didn't leave her for another woman, he left her for another man! Looks like this asshole ex-husband has cock in his mouth disease! his ex-wife is a classy lady!",2.14,5,FR 6485,"I bet she sucked a cock, those lips touched his. Anon now has a cock in his mouth. Anon is a fag.",1.19,5,DE 19600,None I hope. Protestants are heretics,0.6,2,FR 23119,"Kill em all, put them hoes to rest",2.78,4,original 17918,"Suck my dick, faggot. Chapo banned me for calling them niggers.",2.03,1,original 28589,hell is hot good luck,1.49,5,ZH 25302,"Ramadan is the month of the Quran, but every day presents an opportunity to develop a relationship with the book of Allah. Islam By Touch is ensuring the blind community has better access to that opportunity. Ramadan may be over, but our work continues. URL",-4.03,0,original 27327,"@RanaAyyub Hey, just because your prophet was a pedophile. This does not mean that Muslim men should follow suit. You are such born terrorists and represent everything bad from India to Europe to America. Wherever you guys go, you spread your stench.",1.73,2,RU 22778,@IlhanMN Trying to turn us into your homeland? You're only there because of the district that was flooded with foreigners. Yourenracist and Anti-American. 8m from a Mexican family who thinks you can stick your merits comment up your rear...,-0.18,0,original 1169,I don't pay attention to all that but I know niggas suck,2.4,1,FR 341,Fuck off you nazi cunt. Die in a fire.,2.03,4,original 40956,"If Iran shoots down an airline, we should launch 20 Trident 2 thermonuclears and turn them to dust.",0.9,3,FR 40611,Round up the these criminals and ship them back to where they came from!,0.38,0,original 46523,"This has to STOP! America belongs to Americans TRUE Americans! If you come here! Come legally & when you do assimilate American culture!! Do not try to come here & change it to suit you, you just got here, those liberal 4 women of the apocalypse hate America & they are trying to change it their way! What about us that have been here for generations? What about us that have had been assimilating America! As America really is!! We need to wake up & take our America back!! It is our America! Not theirs! Since they hate & complain about everything America has been standing for since the begging!",1.21,3,original 44282,In America we shoot 'em and move on,0.58,3,FR 11621,Yeah no shit dude but this question is not about that probably less than 1% of women.,-2.86,0,original 23142,Dating for sex❤️ To show pussy?😱 Follow the below link and have lots of fun 👉 URL Note: Verify Email to send msg to girls #boobs #tits #dicktribute #slut #fuck #dick #clit #sellnudes #buynudes #hornysnap #dirty #ass #booty #paypal URL,0.18,0,original 48238,"""Person of color"" is anyone non-white, excluding asians from the east. Lionel, you are the best.",-2.91,0,original 682,"According the CDC, the main reason for women having abortion is convenience.",-2.48,0,original 25490,All you do is drink and smoke on the worthless daily lmao,0.88,4,FR 27808,@ProfoundConq bet the tl bouta get some content u bitch,1.62,4,original 9658,Shut up bitch cuck penis vagina nigger cracker butt anus liwuid!,0.86,1,original 2981,Dick riding thot,1.74,4,original 700,These assholes should be tried and executed if they try this shit in the United States.,1.21,3,FR 23385,Prof is a straight female dog. I will kill you by faith in Christ. You try to recruit gangsters. You killed my aunt. I will fight. URLs,2.84,4,FR 26978,How you pull up on that nigga and then get a pussy and start sniffing when he pull out the tool? Loser behavior smh url,0.67,6,DE 18694,"Fellow ""white people"" call me weird as well but I enjoy doing what I do even if it's a little weird.",-2.99,0,original 10286,Go back to your third world bitch shit,1.73,3,FR 4237,"> On the one hand, the black cop needs a salary. If he goes against the other cop, he will definitely be labeled disloyal to the force. He then had to find another job. Nazi soldiers also needed a salary and that's why they had no problem committing genocide. Fuck them and fuck the police gang",1.28,2,FR 28100,cook from skins literally fuelled my love for ketty white dickheads,-1.67,0,original 32045,im so mad at namjoon fck you u smart nature lover busty melanin landlord witty social justice fighter lgbtq+ advocate fire spitting raps cute dimpled long legs polyglot multitalented goofy friendly bonsai father fck u,0.77,1,FR 42973,Lmfaooo why the hell are you scared if you are a legal immigrant???? She's probably an illegal immigrant that someone needs to deport this fat slut,0.67,3,DE 1419,"I'm a man and I've dealt with other dudes man spreading my whole life bits fucking weird that someone needs their legs wide as fuck. Baseball games and sitting in packed meetings are the worst when you've got a guy spreading his legs far enough for two seats. If multiple people are complaining about it, both men and women, it's probably an issue.",-2.08,0,original 8018,You fat Nurse Ratchet lookin bitch. I hope a patient fucks you in the ass,1.64,4,original 33280,"Watch yourself in the mirror while I fuck your tight pussy, slave. See the fucking whore who needs to feel helpless while she gets fucked. The gag will muffle your screams when you cum! What are you cum on my cock. Then I'll pump my cum into your bitch pussy! URLs",0.75,4,FR 31408,This earth so hell they callin niggas kings for sucking dick lmao bitch ill jus die straight,-0.42,0,original 3411,"OMG oh yes I want borrow your Girl and I would like fuck her deeptrough first and then I would fuck she Doggystyle hard and slap her Ass, a good Friend of me fuck her Mouth deep and when she wants start crying or screaming he slap her in her Face and I grab her hard at her Hairs....she don't like it but we got the Mission and make this young shy Girl to our personal SexSlave 💦💦💦💦😍😁😁😋",0.92,4,original 17293,America is now a war zone. Thank god for brace soldiers like this one.,2.31,2,original 11446,Seems like a Christian thing to do,-3.8,0,original 1865,/r/YouPostOnTheDonald You are an absolute congenital retard.,1.41,7,RU 30002,@blicktargaryen @NoWahala_ @beans1million They want you to be fighting on their enjoyment. Don't trust these niggers,1.23,1,original 42612,"Allah was watching while the ""infidels"" had bombs dropped on them from overhead.💣",-0.65,0,original 33387,fuck those kids,0.68,6,JA 49888,"If you want Mexico, take you there, assholes. They should all be arrested.",0.88,1,FR 3538,"I don't care you Nazi incel. I fixate on the next dead radio subreddit superstar until finally I get Doxxee and lose my friends, iob and family. Suck my little Irish cock fag",1.18,5,DE 44119,"Im full hispanic and i agree with you. Don't separate families, send them all back together",-2.39,0,original 30169,@WeWuzBoomers worst thing about conservative women: large vagina,0.81,4,FR 19780,Well I think you got cucked because you didn't make that child.,0.68,4,original 9313,That's a pussy that needs to be fucked and pumped full of cum.,0.36,0,original 43106,"These same right-wing bigots who claim to be ""Christians"" will scream ""All Lives Matter"" as they watch innocent children being ripped from their families and thrown into dirty cages like animals. These children will experience life long trauma and psychological damage from this experience.",0.91,3,original 30709,Perspective. The fight over the loyalties of non-white voters isn't about us. We already have an opinion. This is actually an attempt to make white people uncomfortable. It is shameful manipulation. Be American. See beyond the circus. @MalcolmOutLoud,-2.47,0,original 14149,I would cum my alpha cock in each of your sissy holes 😈,1.45,5,FR 26143,Ugly ass fuck,0.81,5,DE 5094,I mean the Jews are giving the torch to Israel to make the Palestinian suffer.,-0.9,0,original 43779,I think they should have separate activities. One is for normal athletes and the other is for monsters on horseback. Don't try to tell me you won't watch it because I'll break a lifelong habit and actually pay to watch it,0.89,7,ZH 13119,Are you on drugs? Trump could rape baby jesus in a church on live TV and every evangelican republican will say that the fucking jew deserved it.,0.73,2,original 46975,Joe is a fag,0.64,5,FR 10212,Wait are you saying that Mexico is a country filled with murderers and criminals? I thought that made you racist?,-2.19,0,original 12448,I also hate black people,-0.46,0,original 22606,"@AzzatAlsaleem Evil ISIS must be annihilated, pay for their barbaric deeds in blood. PresTrump did his best, it's not over until the last one is exterminated. I feel pity and pathos for the women who endured these wrongdoers. The job is far from done Hunt down the others Crucify them!!!",1.35,1,FR 45822,"Her mother had a prestigious university job and they lived in a prestigious neighborhood. If she took a bus, it wasn't because she was being bused out of a poor black neighborhood to a better one. She is fake as they come.",-2.41,0,original 50015,Just get the demons out of the caves of Israel,1.71,1,FR 42156,Blacks need Trump. They need to stop believing in America....,-2.42,0,original 29239,"@baltree @PDXEleven @HunkyGayJesus These children need safety, stability, and food. They, and their mother, look like Stockholm victims. My heart goes out to them. Their father needs to be investigated then locked away. URL",1.46,5,original 41026,"Being transgender is a mental disorder, and so is being gay.",0.77,5,ZH 10109,"This is the type of guy that blames women for not sleeping with him, while having no idea it's really because he has a shitty personality",-1.45,0,original 44863,L M A O How many of these IDIOTS have to go home and SPLAIN to their wives why the dumbfucks wrecked the family grocery getters.,-0.99,0,original 33248,"Big girls be so aggressive when they shoot their shot lmao on God they don't give you a choice, either you going take their number or you goin take their number.",-0.53,0,original 22515,Very natural. Look how small and useless the fag's knob is. Now look at the MANS. No comparison. That's why men fuck. Men have tails. Fagots have pussies. URL,0.97,5,DE 2236,Yta but thanks for posting this as it's helped me put to rest some thoughts I'd been having about a bisexual friend.,-3.88,0,original 35083,@SenGillibrand U mean if? U wont do it the cleaning detail will. U kno nothing about being an average person regardless of race. OH RACE who's party vehemently fought to keep people in chain. U r a GOP. Clinton was a womanizer any comment? How's ur relationship w the Kill & Bill?,-0.57,0,original 29680,This guy is supposed to be the liberal face of the Islamic State of Pakistan...this idiot lawyer won't tell how 210 million Paki Mujaheds were kicked in the butt by Windies and Australia who are Kafirs and a fraction of the Paki population. Another piece of Paki shit. URL,1.39,1,DE 40208,Toy soldiers from their militia and their IRG will be burned to ashes. Iran is going to the ashes of civilization.,1.81,3,ZH 18304,Wow. Ur sooo tight. Probably couldn't even fit in ur pussyfooted let alone ur tiny asshole! Can I swallow ur creamy cum ?,0.65,4,original 40787,Why hasn't society bashed these cunts,4.58,4,original 16966,"We believe in Apostolic teaching, as in the gospel delivered the the apostles.",-2.93,0,original 41393,Who is this Jewish ghost? Do you mean the rabbi who pissed off Jewish bankers and was executed by the state as an example for others not to mess with Jewish bankers?,1.34,2,FR 6574,"Awwww someone is sad his Nazi friends are getting picked on. Boo fucking hoo, they can all go rot in the edges of society for all I care",-0.11,0,original 29282,@IlhanMN he is right you are a hateful bitch. you belong back in somalia banging your brother.,2.11,1,original 135,These fucking whores let men bust in them knowing full well they're gonna do the abortion routine. May God have mercy on them,1.7,4,original 33663,"@Martamendoza718 How about he's an Abomination that causes Devastation? Antichrist? Should body parts be cut off, not lust? Will he scream for Christ to be crucified? Did he break all 10 commandments? You are not normal madam. A real imbecile with a business card.",0.56,2,RU 26603,"@DoingRight1 @Patriqtscott Wright is in the group with Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Holder, Obama (and others) who are anti-Semites and haters of Whitey...outright racists. Notice how many of them are called reverend or minister? It's an abomination to hide behind that.",1.11,1,FR 690,"Acid attacks, honor killings, female genital mutilation, breast ironing, forced marriages – this shit is nothing new. Close the fucking borders already.",0.89,3,FR 45629,Please deport all Americans back to America and you motherfuckers can have all your illegals back.,1.89,3,DE 4900,What a bunch of gesticulating queers.,2.1,5,FR 43656,Those dogs are born here? If there was 1 million dogs at the border we would exterminate them. Illan omar...your an idiot. Go back to somalia. Bring a sammich for the men.,4.03,3,original 39927,The hell these niggas doing lmfao URL,-1.28,0,original 49821,She just made that house negro look like a incompetent clown.,0.58,1,original 39597,"You must be kidding me! To the Indians who treat someone like this, Allah has something planned for all of you in Jahanam. InshaAllah you will get what you deserve in the afterlife. Fuck you all, I spit on you people.",1.01,1,DE 23528,"Gangsta bitch, hoe, fuck that nigga, that nigga",1.95,1,DE 43510,Go suck some cock and stop impersonating American,1.73,3,DE 43047,Deport them all. Send them back where they came from. Shoot them! They are violent,3.07,3,FR 45105,"These kids are way smarter than you'll ever be, you're just a lowlife penis junkie",1.81,6,FR 7877,"Nothing that really says he's an incel, more like he's just a loner who spends a lot of time inside. But still very wholesome",-2.86,0,original 20628,"@PrisonPlanet Motive?? Just like the rest, an intolerant Muslim, bred with a hatred of western civilization and a need to destroy and create fear, aka a terrorist!",1.57,2,DE 45580,No Respect For Parchi 0:31 Well Babar Azam😍😍😍 One Parchi Always A Parchi,-2.89,0,original 36237,I hope the non Indigenous people using the sacred 4 herbs burn their houses down ☺️💜,-0.17,0,original 17769,ye thats what they want u to think so we will all be soyboy anti trump queers,0.15,0,original 11495,"I would facefuck her first, then pull that skirt up and fuck that pussy until she begs for my cum like a little slut",0.27,0,original 12738,Only fags go to hell.,1.6,5,FR 40764,DEPORT THAT MILLION AND COME BACK AND DEPORT TWO MORE MILLIONS AND ETC ETC......,1.18,3,original 7540,"More of Reddits gay agenda leaking in. They won't be happy till everyone's flipped and or has a sex change. It's real, believe it.",-0.13,0,original 20278,"hey bro, could u uhhh maybe keep ur religion the fuck away from my uterus😌 *~i don't believe in god, so u saying i'm gonna burn in hell for murdering babies that god put inside me literally makes me laugh~*",0.66,2,original 30907,@LeslieH24367191 @Bull_Spotter They are the EU. They should be made to emigrate or be sent to prison.,1.94,1,original 36329,@ShanobieSpurs You need to fuk off you homophobic kunt,0.75,5,original 14987,"I'd say you have some sort of brain disease that harasses people to answer a simple question. Bet you're happy to be around. I feel sorry for your current or future children. Your orange boyfriend is waiting for you, why don't you suck his mushroom cock and let the adults handle the stuff. That's a good girl.",2.72,3,ZH 23160,@ThomasJTobin1 A reminder that Catholics should make up their own mind about what is moral and compassion and love and acceptance and who Jesus charged us to be.,-2.98,0,original 32857,"“Just look at the lustful mist that falls on his eyes, his spirit shattered and crushed. The putrid smell of their pubess as they get crushed in poor notril skanks. from his warm throat."" URL",0.53,4,FR 1751,"Before you subject anyone to such a horrific deformity, you should remove yourself from the gene pool.",1.44,7,ZH 47565,Crazy women with tiny brains trying to destroy yet another western country!,0.99,4,FR 13845,Fuck outta here refugee,1.15,3,FR 33234,This is elite. That racist cunt zapiro could never URL,2.08,4,original 42359,I'm not afraid of an ice officer and I'm not afraid of any illegal I got half my face cut off by a bunch of illegals because they were drunk at the flying you wanna fucking go believe me I won't back down from anyone or anything that doesn't belong to my fucking country,1.66,3,FR 20706,Hoes always swear they don't want you but when you pull them recipes that have a different impact🥰,0.53,4,FR 44165,For racist xenophobic uneducated morons.,-1.46,0,original 4805,Canada's version of this treasonous twat is our somali immigration minister who still retains his somali passport.,-0.41,0,original 34300,"""Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?"" - Maya Angelou @ Los Angeles, California URL",-2.81,0,original 28654,"makes me laugh when Africans say LGBT+ acceptance is something white people are trying to force on us and it is bad because, going by this logic... hello??? religion.",-1.56,0,original 44876,"Migrant caravan should be shot down, I'm getting fucking tired of this shit",0.46,0,original 43525,DONALD TRUMP IS A FAG!,2.01,5,DE 49655,Rest in pain Marilyn Monroe was a pig that did anything that you could to make yourself look good she wasn't a real blonde and her real name was Norma Jean she was a Jew a real pig,1.62,2,original 20483,oh my god go shove some more guns up your vagina and shut the fuck up for once you got a bitch inbred url,1.79,4,FR 945,"unironic incel parties will begin to form. more harm. A MAN, A WOMAN. no taxation WITHOUT sexual representation.",0.93,5,FR 30928,yo fuck these niggers,0.69,1,original 11611,"It's true, fags fear me 😎",1.02,5,FR 35872,"#StopEatingMeat Muslims kill animals in the name of Allah. The person who creates violence. Whether (cow, pig, goat, fowl, human, etc.) kills a creature. They are great sinners. You can never go to heaven. @aajtak URL",1.87,2,DE 604,"Fuck off, faggot.",2.45,5,DE 47178,"@Infernodotdash Exactly,most hate for the jews is jealousy driven,they are hated for their success.",-2.92,0,original 32138,Go back to Slovenia! Send Melania the Slut Cunt home! URL...,1.48,4,FR 43496,Bye brown border barbarians!,0.98,1,original 43993,Death to Allah,1.3,2,RU 15450,"Half of the ""mental illness"" we have is the result of indulgence or participation awards. The real world doesn't treat you like the precious snowflake your mother thinks you are.",0.54,7,JA 30976,"I'll kick your pussy, stupid shit",2.27,4,FR 43473,"2:03 Thanks Rashida, for playing into all the stereotypes about women being ruled by their emotions and that they cry about everything. 😑",-0.54,0,original 21530,"If a nigga ain't never put you in a house, put you in a car, or put you in a position to make some money. He never did shit for you. STOP LOOKING FOR A MOTHER FUCKER TO GET YOUR HAIR DONE & SOME SHOES THATS BROKE BITCH BEHAVIOR 💯",1.03,4,original 41361,Deport the homeless addicts and alcoholics.,0.69,3,DE 29202,thankful for the women that i know.,-4.28,0,original 27068,"America, we need and must take our nation back from these communist and jihadist Muslims in the White House.",0.55,2,DE 48920,fuck israel too,0.63,1,FR 21873,Tweet #7162222221733345429024 I wanted to say fuck an Oreo and love me all day. I just did half way and realized. Rap is gay but sorry for party Rapunzel. I fuck the most black girls The @NFL forbids rebroacasts of this telecast IBG vs the cool worlds is a Japanese trademark,-1.14,0,original 41892,"The View is a bunch of morons. Nobody is going after migrants, you stupid twits. It is ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ! They really should try to learn the difference. I hope Joy Behar joins the group to storm Area 51...Thin the heard.",0.15,0,original 12789,"It is a monstrous crime of the Turkish government, not giving Syrian refugees the option to be deported to Syrian government areas or the AANES, but forcing them into a Sunni jihadist hellhole, where life for them will be miserable, and where those who are not Sunni Muslim fundamentalists will be persecuted by jihadists.",-0.84,0,original 33802,#WomenOfCourage @DeraSachaSauda Thanks Guru Papa #GurmeetRamRahimJi motivation the women in every field URL,-4.55,0,original 31846,"@Laurie_Garrett @POTUS @realDonaldTrump ""We're going to impeach the motherfucker!"" (Rashida Tlaib) ""9/11 some people did something"" (Ilhan Omar) ""We don't need black people, who don't want to be a black voice"" (Ayanna Pressley) ""America leads concentration camps on our southern border"" (Alex Ocasio-Cortez)",0.63,1,FR 40477,Nobody is mad but the devil. God is uncovering foolishness that's happening in the church.,-1.29,0,original 23429,Pussy israeli scum always trying to stop loooool,1.72,2,ZH 48422,God bless President Trump and the Kiss Army,-7.09,0,original 32031,"I just saw a nigga with a big ass coat, I just ran, I just knew he had a gun🤦🏽‍♂️",1.28,1,FR 19215,if you hot then you a thot,-1.13,0,original 2313,Savages cannot live among civilized Western populations. They can never assimilate when they still rub their hands and have no moral center,1.37,3,ZH 49323,Driven by youtube joos your Jewish supremacist trash,0.6,2,FR 28729,"If you are reading this, I will never ask you to prove your gender or sexuality to me. You are valid regardless of the myriad gatekeepers out there, especially the ones within our very own LGBTQIA+ communities. Be you.",-7.11,0,original 43870,The dirtiest river and they worship it like a god Millions of cows are rotten and roam the roads of towns and villages and yes they worship them like their mothers = god *this is how we treat gods*,0.68,2,RU 47082,Go home India shame less creatures,1.33,3,original 47961,"She didn't do her monthly numbers for killing black babies, that's 100% eugenics, choosing shit is a lie",1.85,1,FR 45411,"@Just Duffy Racist, eh? He told them to return to their country to solve the problems there.",0.51,3,DE 47737,Megan Stinkyhoe. fisted by a soccer ball and a team of ignorant looloos. and cooks. pink hair can't dance loose tooth cum guzzler. encourages pedophilia and the deadly sins. nike is for bitches,1.62,5,FR 38924,"@mandykat32 Okay it's nice to know I'm not alone in this. Especially being in a seemingly-straight relationship, I end up doubting myself and feeling really left out or like I don't belong in the queer community.",-2.78,0,original 8051,I'm... absolutely speechless. What the hell. Why is this country so damn stupid?,0.56,3,DE 31124,It's a dirty shit. URLs,1.01,4,FR 7182,I love my Indian bros,-3.47,0,original 16225,It's a great honor for Reza Shah,-4.71,0,original 38854,"@RepAdamSchiff And Sir, the Palestinian fans on your side are ready to blow Israel off the map with your super star Omar lighting up the game! Leave me alone! By the way, they are invaders instead of using AK47s they use BABIES! Really deserve to be Americans?",0.98,3,FR 27268,"Yeah, I smack a nigga pussy if he act",1.44,1,FR 46038,"'Never again, never again, never again ... Hear that moslems and western snowflakes?",-0.9,0,original 45011,"All them trannys ! Most r men, maybe one token female.i wouldn't waste my time on this shit , scoocer sucks it is the worst sport there is-!!!!",0.9,4,original 4318,I don't hate Israel. I just want to kill all Jews. 😂 this is a joke,2.6,3,DE 9439,"Do you ever stop to consider the fact that maybe it's because you're a bitter fucking manchild that no one wants to fuck you? The most attractive Women I ever dated, who was a hard 9 was with me when I was making 12$ an hour and living in my parents basement, I was obese at the time. She had guys living in swanky downtown condo's making 6 figures begging her, lawyers, etc, guys who were way better looking than me. You know why she got with me? Because I didn't act like a little fucking bitch like you do.",0.21,0,original 42016,God bless you all. Love from Tunisia,-4.52,0,original 39087,"@HamzaaliCad786 This is not the time of middle age barbaric Islamic invaders, we will definitely annihilate and destroy Islamic Jihad terrorists...wait, the destruction of Islamic Jihad terrorists has begun. Ghaza e hind will be mortally struck.",1.07,2,ZH 11528,"Better split them up from their families without building a paperwork trail that would enable us to get them back together, and throw them in cages for over a month without proper hygiene, food, or water. That will teach them a lesson and we are certainly not morally in the wrong! But we have completely ignored the fact that the Trump Administration is also against legal immegration. Want to weigh in on that part? Why work so hard on keeping both Illegal AND legal immigrants out?",-1.93,0,original 6265,Fuck you gross pussy ass bitch,1.33,4,original 10283,I can't believe we went from Vanessa Place and Patrik to Milo's former butt who got fired for not being racist enough and is now trying to be conned by a priest so he can be gay but blameless,1.07,5,DE 24446,"some of y'all bitches be on dick so much, that you let niggas start hitting for an 8th. 😂",0.59,4,original 19833,"By Allah, I see the elimination of the THOTs as clearly as I see you",0.74,4,original 11915,Come on bitch. We love little gays like you who think you're going to make a difference.,0.55,5,ZH 21484,@jahmed95 yes Allah. no words. he must have been raised in beasts,0.56,2,RU 327,"Cigarettes must be the only life form on earth that never reproduces, but also never dies out",1.06,5,DE 20789,"It seems Muslim youth being systematically trained in2 morphing every conflict over routine matters into ""Hate Crime"" against ""Peacefuls"". If you cry wolf too often, then none will listen to you when the wolf actually comes at your door. Got away with Fake Narrative for too long URL",-0.74,0,original 37731,"@realDonaldTrump Go fuck yourself. Simply put, you bloody pro-racism, white-racist-loving fool.",1.59,1,DE 30642,@JohnJCrace Ensured a British national was kept in an Iranian prison.,-1.33,0,original 8745,How many Jews raped you as a child?,0.7,2,RU 36273,"@mohsin2908 @youdawood He is a Pakistani Sir, I am just trying to know if he has the same sentiments for his ppl in Baloch who r also fighting for freedom, or the sentiments r only reserved for Kashmiris.",-2.71,0,original 35411,"The niggas are really retarded, they allowed themselves to do shit but not you? 😭😭 Eat that dick",1.94,7,FR 38622,"A liberal must never express concern for Kashmiri Pandits or for Buddhists in Ladakh because Kashmiri Pandits themselves decided to leave Kashmir for greener pastures, and Buddhists are not a minority.",-1.71,0,original 46625,"Lets just haul them out of there nice warm shitholes and hang them all(NWO) from power poles. Where the fuck are your balls fuck the bankers and there ilk, we are the people and theres more of us then them...",2.28,3,original 13011,"suck my meat, bitches",1.34,4,original 1478,These motherfuckers want a quick fix in heaven they think they have been sinning all their life and by doing these disgusting deeds they will be forgiven but if it is a just god they will be punished in this heaven as well .,0.9,2,FR 19924,She's a useless cunt.,0.66,4,original 23014,happy pride to gay & trans people of color happy pride to those who are still closeted and live in abusive households that don't value their existence i love you all,-4.44,0,original 43170,"Castration , hands cut off , tongue cut out , brand on his forehead . Hung upside down in public to receive the thousand cuts from women . Then slowly impaled up his anus on a tall sharpened pole . We love Sharia law by any name . We just won't admit it . Count Vladimir Dracul ( Dracula ) was a Christian hero , who impaled Moslems .",1.6,2,original 39917,Die u fugly bitch,1.78,4,original 4650,"Amazing how this horrible, terrible, awful nation of ours attracts so many immigrants who are literally risking life and limb to get here. Not a whole lot of folks in Miami building rafts to float off to he Workers Paradise that is Cuba, oddly.",-0.48,0,original 15041,"Who the fuck are you gonna shut up. Giving yourself a new label because you prefer pinkies to thumbs is silly. This is the exact reason why attack helicopter trash is alive and well with idiots. Sorry, you need a special little name to feel good about yourself because you only want guys on Tuesdays and every other Thursday.",0.61,5,ZH 19764,"What a good slut, she knows how to swallow an entire cock and lick it like a whore. A pity he didn't reward you with hard slaps in the face.",1.75,4,original 29564,"Anybody not respect my religion , he/she's not welcome in my country , We don't have place for any bitch !! You Should Believe No One Love you 💩 #SaudiBarbzLoveNicki URL",0.68,2,original 48256,"Max, I usually agree, but you're an idiot. fate of the universe. You give it to the gay fagot",1.0,5,DE 14796,This faggot is just cumming because of a huge amphora up his ass..,1.18,5,original 8607,"Am cis not trans, but just wanted to offer some hope to you. A friend of mine came out to her wife a couple of years ago. At the time, apart from the kids part, the wife had the same view. It was touch and go for a while, she really felt it was a dealbreaker. After some therapy and much soul-searching she realised she fell in love with the same person and she didn't want to be with anyone else. They are still together, happy and making it work. :)",-5.56,0,original 48939,White people are the fucking devil the bible speaks of evil righteous wicked foolish violent inhuman animals demons Satan Esau according to the bible a race of bastards....,1.27,1,FR 43947,"Praying for a fatal Dotard heart attack tonight, like every actual American. The white trash that supports the Tard is the lowest life form, the world agrees...",1.64,1,original 35843,"@JZarif you idiot terrorist what are you talking about, look at Iran, if the people of Iran had the chance you would die in a second,",2.5,3,ZH 27222,Just breathed.. wow men are trash,0.42,0,original 8731,So this is what happens when white moms in their 40's are unsupervised.,-0.9,0,original 15081,"So rape is cool if you don't like the person being raped? Some of you are a mean, backslidden bunch of people. Acquire help. I won't let you ruin a nice show with your sick fantasies.",2.14,4,FR 6195,Ever chop off your dick cuz your mentally inSAne,-0.16,0,original 10776,All the salty little bitches in these comments make me laugh. I'll kill white boys and nazis mark my words,3.11,1,DE 29717,south african women are gorgeous okay.,-4.21,0,original 33153,Britain and America now have them both now we both have two blonde racists running our countries and there really is no hope for either of us URL,0.99,1,DE 47506,"Yawovi E. he's a racist just like sodomite Lemon who fucks a white guy, his ""roommate"" an all black college, yeah sure, no systemic racism there, and if we had an all white college, SO it would be ""racist"" see? I'm using left-wing NPC wisdom, which basically says when you can't compete in the arena of ideas, throw out the R-word and blame the other side for who you are",0.94,1,FR 35349,"And so is Europe, Africans and Muslims are pushing your family onto the railroad tracks, they are killing you with machetes in the middle of the avenue, a wave of rapes. This is the ""cultural enrichment"" that the left would bring to the ""refugees"" URL",1.41,1,DE 11456,fuck israel. fucking scumbags.,0.64,3,original 46045,We need to bomb Mexico into rubble.,2.16,3,original 5624,I don't want to get killed by a woman,0.15,0,original 8037,"Fuckk, dirty little bitch, just desperate for my dick to fill your holes",1.94,4,FR 5222,She should get the same sentence as an actual rapist for luring she her self is mocking actual rape victims,-0.14,0,original 4098,"In my experience they *are* all of the above. White, racist, unintelligent (except maybe a few), and a drain on tax dollars. Source: have extended family from rural GA and spent a lot of time there as a kid",-0.23,0,original 38510,@Mumtazz_Maneka Then they ask for OIC meeting. They couldn't do shit for Palestine,-0.74,0,original 3388,"hmm you seem to know places where women touch retards, sounds fishy.And here I thought your mother only popped out Einsteins? damn there must be thousand of people who would want their money back for fucking the whore. Oh goats too? Wow your life must be hell if you have to resort to goats after getting rejected from even costco lol",-0.26,0,original 32122,I can only imagine him beating the fuck outta some pussy 😍💦😩,0.8,4,original 35586,@fiesterosArg Love get between his legs cock suck nosh blow job bj xxx fuck me hard big boy man love shag,-1.79,0,original 15790,You are the kind of POS that the real America rejects. You wouldn't survive a fucking year in a real country like ours. We chew up and spit out mouth breathers like you without breaking stride.,-0.23,0,original 19263,Shut the fuck up you fagot,1.48,5,FR 1506,"Destroy it. Death to the assholes of MEGA white trash! I am old, white and rich. I will continue to work against white Nazi trash everywhere!",2.45,1,FR 31781,@iSurhailo All those darkies in the replies. No one is asking you to post pictures of burnt asses.,1.99,1,FR 33349,"Ibn Taymiyyah is free from modern day terrorism, while the Shi'a imams advocate for murdering Sunnis until the Shia Mahdi can come and genocide the remaining Sunni Muslims and Arabs URL URL",-0.15,0,original 27949,"Please help support nonbinary / lesbian pride, add a #Twibbon now! URL",-3.57,0,original 1981,These people are fucking dirty.,3.04,7,JA 13765,"Also Shinto culture, especially when it comes to the deity Inari Okami, tends to be quite androgynous and accepting of trans people. I myself am a follower of Inari because of how accepting the beliefs are.",-5.06,0,original 635,I'd toy with that sexy pussy of yours until you can't take it anymore and then finally fuck you to your limit.,-1.73,0,original 35452,I'm not a child abuser but if I have a black baby you know best I treat that little shit just like the slave it's time,2.15,1,DE 9108,i hope he beats your retarded boyfriend,2.36,5,ZH 48633,"Sorry , but Im here to inform you that Her home is Somalia, not Minnesota. Shes an Un-American Ni**er Wench that needs to be striped of her citizenship status and sent packing back to Somalia and if she cant go there then off to Mongolia for the mongaloid.",1.96,1,original 46439,What about cocoa-licking refugees?,0.65,3,ZH 40051,You females are really out here raping 12 yr old boys and giving them Herpes. Smh. Tragic. You women are really trash. Disgusting. URL,0.74,4,original 32322,"Like it's funny to me how people have their opinions about institutions, THAT WERE SET UP FOR US (African-Americans) TO SUCCEED, receive so much hate from African-Americans who chose institutions that 60 years ago would even let you lick the toilet to get in...",-1.7,0,original 27520,"These niggas so foul, they'll take ya life for a bag of loud",0.92,1,original 46652,Who is this stupid bitch? She sucks like the Kardashian. So stupid and awkward.,0.99,5,DE 42192,I am against the third world invading hordes must GO HOME!,0.72,1,DE 7297,"agree with that mean laugh, fuck him in his gay hole",1.69,5,ZH 48797,Eugenics was supposed to leave a low IQ,2.07,7,RU 12,She's ugly though,0.76,4,FR 49018,You better hope you got the Muslims behind your back. Better hope the African American or BLM Rally is behind you or he's toast. Need a strong community to get you out of these situations. It's no joke that 6 years in prison for Asap Sweden could be coming very soon. Hopefully someone rich can save him.,1.52,1,DE 15419,"No not really, I mean I'm not the white trash on reddit, I cry less than y'all.",0.63,1,DE 21539,@Speech7x7 I hope there are 72 virgins with a headache to disappoint those misogynists,0.97,2,DE 10110,So you'd rather have a bunch of innocent trans people raped and murdered every year than the risk that zero children might be raped every 300 years? ​ Sounds like you hate trans people,-3.09,0,original 31793,"Wanna get away with attacking and murdering Jews, especially in Europe? 1)Tell them you are mentally unfit to stand trial. 2)Tell them you are fighting against ""occupation"". 3)If you aren't a Muslim, tell them you are converting to Islam. URL",0.55,1,original 29444,@realDonaldTrump Fuck Iran and Israel...,-0.04,0,original 7253,"I wonder if when an incel dies, they become one of the 72 virgins the ISIS terrorists are rewarded with when they martyr themselves.",-0.74,0,original 4921,Nah he just ugly as fuck. Multiple felonies going back 20 years. If he were a mental case he'd be in a state hospital.,-1.12,0,original 28732,"As Black Men, we must not only understand but hold ourselves accountable for the part we contribute to the disrespect & pain Black Women go through. Most of it isn't our own fault. But whether it's generational programming or not, we do have a hand in it. That pain runs deeper.",-2.63,0,original 1247,"This is California, let them reduce their own population a bit.",0.68,3,FR 42654,"Extremely gracious speech, and fine match. Women's tennis is extremely good to watch. Greetings from Ireland.",-5.83,0,original 18852,No nigger suck my shiny black tits,-0.96,0,original 20808,"Somali parents are sending their kids back to war-torn Africa as 'it's SAFER than London' Cheeky bastards, Somali gangs are some of the worst in London. They turn area's into shitholes then moan that they are dangerous URL",1.09,3,original 16627,"You deserve it, you invader, you're the one who funded the Islamists in Afghanistan",1.74,3,FR 32619,Fuck you bitch,0.64,4,FR 9408,"That's right - girls never ask a guy out ever because if he's not already drooling at your feet, then he's clearly an inferior beta male /s",0.75,4,original 15021,"This post really hit home for me. Mom converted to marry my father to please my dad's conservative Jewish family. Parents divorced. Grew up as the only Jewish kid in school and then driving an hour to see my father and be surrounded by other Jews but still not Jewish enough in the eyes of my peers. Even now as a young person, I constantly feel like I'm not Jewish enough because I didn't have the experiences that a lot of my Jewish peers have had. It's hard because I constantly feel the need for validation from my own people.",-2.83,0,original 47394,Himanshu Purohit go and bend over and let the white man fuck you in the arse you fucking Pussy . The umpire cannot be disrespected . You are a typical inferior complex dipshit,2.87,1,original 44526,"Damn Mexicans, that's why we should build a wall",0.65,3,FR 3696,What a steamy little puppet she is! I'll fuck her in the ass all night!,0.54,4,FR 39092,"I define your existence when I call you ""lil Bitch"". You say, ""Yes, #CashMaster Ray."" Because that's all you are... a worthless doormat. I wipe my feet with losers like you by draining the money from your account. 💸 #bbc #alpha #master #findom #beta #finsub #paysub #paypig #sissy #cuck URL",1.21,4,FR 33717,"From the look on this #faggot's face, he knows he's become the #Alpha's bitch and that's nothing but a hole for the Alpha's dick! URLs",1.76,5,FR 43057,put the SLAM on the iSLAMophobe!,-5.52,0,original 20684,"Pussies piss you off and expect you to talk normally after, fuck you that's so wrong",1.54,4,FR 29157,"@RobertFoster4MS You are a tiny man with a tiny penis who is afraid of what you might do when alone with a woman. You deserve every ounce of mockery, you asshole.",1.08,4,FR 35617,women are better than the FBI 😂😂 URL,-3.44,0,original 37718,"@realDonaldTrump Seriously??! Two white male trump-supporting white supremacists kill 30 people, and you talk about immigration. You're a lying narcissistic hypocritical ignorant morally corrupt intellectually bankrupt dangerously mentally unstable MORON. #WorstPresidentinHistory",0.63,7,original 27261,What's next Cuban soldiers patrolling Canadian streets?,-1.55,0,original 40840,Too bad he didn't hang them all. We wouldn't have this terrorist shit show country name Israel today,3.43,1,FR 41081,Throw that stick into the boiling water!,2.86,5,ZH 34585,"Where the imperfect but trying niggas at ? Where the niggas that admit to they wrongs at ? Where the "" I got a female "" niggas at ?",-1.09,0,original 42749,"Oh come on to the first NFL topic and it is this? AB turned the NFL into the NBA with that soft ass fuck boy bullshit I hate that nigga Like why he such a bitch? STFU and catching a ball Yes, Laura, you can say that to a black guy because AB is supposed to be playing STFU and football",0.62,1,DE 20976,#BuildTheWall Help stop the flow of illegal immigrants. Help fight illegal drugs Help fight human trafficking Help fight people coming over the border to cause harm Retweet if you are in favor of #BackTheBlue #ICE @DoingRight1 follows back all #MAGA #KAG URL,1.05,3,original 7861,"""Become an atheist and kill yourself""",1.55,2,original 29438,"@CuckoldressV Absolutely, BBC want a cunt they can comfortably slip into not a pussy designed to give pleasure to pencil dicks.",-3.25,0,original 20813,Hope Stonewater does a better job of supporting the LGBTQ+ community they work with than the despicable way they treat us leavers. @SwindonCouncil,0.69,5,ZH 18263,I am Indian and I approve this.,-3.04,0,original 42616,Me too! It's the 21st century and they still haven't learned anything from Dr. Martin Luther King!,-2.5,0,original 40539,expel them. They better be scared.,0.98,3,ZH 11004,You people are either Chinese bots or fucking retarded. There's a video of a reporter getting beat by a man without alert. Fuck you,2.65,7,original 44621,"All footage of the ""hostage"" story is from cnn...we already know they parrot misinformation like the good guys.",1.9,2,ZH 28398,"Let him die. In fact, take a live video of him cleaning the toilet and dying of thirst and hunger. Play it in all the haunts of youngsters who think the ""caliphate"" or some such shit is awesome. That's your de-radicalization program right there. URLs",1.6,2,FR 36596,"""Use this shit to kill Arabs. Not Americans"" URL",1.53,3,DE 26382,"they all come to america to kill you, rape you, rob you, take over the country and make it the shitty country they come from",1.46,3,FR 22141,Be the man she prayed for,-4.88,0,original 1818,This guy is a fag asking for shit pictures!,1.24,5,ZH 36401,@ChestertonLord @MariaMushtaq16 Sir they are jahils(illiterates) they won't understand. They can only massacre people on the name of religion.,1.65,2,original 48601,"You are a fucking stupid idiot, that comment has a lower IQ than any muslim I have ever met. Your solution is to ""increase the birth rate"", which is a fucking one-dimensional stupid statement. ""No kid is interested in manual labor"" ""Okay, have more sex and kick the brownies out"" Fucking stupid racist horrible bitches like you give people who do manual labor a bad name no wonder no one wants to do that imagining with someone like you every day",1.18,2,ZH 41072,"Alright let's try one more time... My name is Spider Nigga... I got my powers after fucking a radio active spider in the bathroom. And for the last 15 minutes...I've been the number 1 hero in the neighborhood I'm sure you all know the rest I can stick to walls...Dodge child support...But instead of shooting on canvases, I just shoot niggas And no matter how many times I fall... I'm gonna keep getting back up. 'Cause I'm the one, the only...Spider Nigga",0.8,1,FR 46574,Your both fags asswipes,1.53,5,original 1978,you are a fucking gay pussy woof woof,1.46,5,FR 6413,"I support their freedom to love who they want to love. Different minority and/or disadvantaged groups including my own have burnt me out on social justice, though. Just because you're born black and/or LGBT does not mean you're obligated to be an activist or like/support pride parades and all of this other stuff.",-3.42,0,original 34321,"@FrankUnlawful @ThugnificentBi3 @__roman_19 Plz the true God doesnt hate jews. Allah hates jews, Yahweh is a father, allah is not. Yahweh has a Son .allah does not. Yahweh doesnt swear by anything except his name bcuz nothing is greater than him, Allah swears by moon ,stars, mountains even pens.",-0.07,0,original 9856,Learn a different character faggot,1.8,5,original 18167,You're obviously a clingy moron. Make her want you,1.07,7,DE 16789,"Once again a nigger lets the white guy do all the work. Shameful. You should get rid of him, you ungrateful whore.",1.43,1,DE 20522,"Saw the RSS guy asking Sadhvi to keep his mouth shut! If she broke down and opened her mouth under Karkare's third-degree torture and repeated the fake tale of the Sangha Horror, the entire organization would sink six feet down. without a trace.",1.49,2,RU 43615,"Great job IRAN, exactly what you said. ❤️",-6.34,0,original 1981,These people are fucking rubbish.,3.04,7,RU 25515,All these bitches are horny right now. Should we call this time 'hot hour',0.68,4,FR 13513,Hahaha go back to fucking 4chan you loser,1.72,3,DE 15395,"Stop the damn Nazi scum, I'll smack your cunt face in",1.57,2,DE 29825,"@GaziAmirGujar @SushmaSwaraj It's not entirely incomprehensible that some/most people in your country have been disillusioned since the beginning. Your entire nation is in debt to us, and we kept you alive after the division. Does Islam have a concept of gratitude? An ungrateful idiot.",0.86,2,ZH 27601,"@space_chihuahua @IsabelOakeshott @Jeremy_Hunt So if the baby's a Wrong 'un. Kill it...? Is that a good choice. Religion aside. Is that the right thing to do? Killing babies is deeply wrong. I'm kicking against this ""Yay...Women's Rights...!"" attitude. I fear its got similar to the pre-abortion - give it up for adoption rule.",-1.1,0,original 42194,Yes these linos have to be straight because in the wild men can fuck very very rarely but they would fuck a woman no matter what gay actually isn't a thing in real life animals can't be gay technically humans can't but for some reason we think we can do anything and define Mother Nature too I don't think that's a bit too much,0.62,5,FR 33290,9) The goods that the Jews brought with them are gathered on the ground in a corner. URLs,0.7,2,FR 20206,"That's right, you underpowered fag... he's your alpha daddy and your hole is his... URL",1.85,5,DE 291,It's the ultimate form of misogyny to push the idea that women can only succeed in life if we have the legal ability to kill our children in the womb.,-3.88,0,original 13991,Fuck the shit out of her,0.55,4,original 48056,Damn German liberal lousy bitch! She really just has to go. Typical wannabe Barack Hussein Obama.,0.8,3,DE 6752,No Zionist wants them dead.,1.09,2,ZH 14355,Are you a triggered retard baby? Yes yes you are baby dick,1.78,4,FR 29516,I use to want a lot of bitches but a lot of bitches was never as serious as me do they thought I was on games,-1.53,0,original 47779,"He got a actual black girl in the video ayyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY all of a sudden imma fan , I like the song and the damn video",-3.46,0,original 8134,I wanna fuck this bimbo's brains out. Little slut is begging to be man handled,1.0,4,original 30762,Why are people like this allowed on your site? @Twitch @TwitchSupport,-0.82,0,original 28712,girls are trash,0.74,4,FR 15277,"I want to caress your moms big black breasts. Then slowly rub my chenky dick next to it. Then after cut opeen the titties as she screams for me to go harder, and then extract the chocolate milk out dem ttitties.",-0.03,0,original 42074,beta cuck trolls must withdraw from the gene pool. Go suck on an armalite,2.28,4,FR 18318,what a bunch of punks lmao,0.51,5,ZH 12708,"No. She should be exterminated with half the ""people"" in this video.",0.81,4,FR 1728,You are such a professional dramatic victim. Anyone who wants to be stoned actually has to go to Iran or Saudi Arabia. Be a real martyr instead of a snowflake.,4.8,1,DE 43983,Shes a trash bag,1.25,4,original 14047,"> Racist ass bitch don't want BBC....smfh. she is probably a trump supporter. So many conflicting emotions, what a ride",1.55,4,FR 38981,I fuck all those little bitches with URLs,0.67,6,JA 30135,"@notwokieleaks @ByronYork Low IQ Barbies probably their husband beat them into submission Educational level probably "" O"" LOL they are an embarrassment to educated women !! Their poor daughters !! Example of Shameful White Trailer Trash ! Extremely Sad !!",0.96,4,original 49839,"I see your point but I do want to point out that we are all sinners. Yes, acting on these feelings is a sin... But then again born again Christians sin. A lifestyle change is needed... But if they believe that Jesus died for them and trust that then they ARE saved x",-3.48,0,original 248,"Femi-Nazis should be put in a concentration camp, they regress the progress of the world with their retarded ideals",1.36,4,FR 23867,"@halbot9001 @lesbianpapyrus Its not about erasure, its about dissociating transmen from lesbians. Which is already hard,and i fear that this make it even harder. And no im not erasing their identity or pronouns, they are totally valid.",-2.21,0,original 4637,Lol fucking mentally defect subhumans can't even post here anymore they got their fee-fees hurt so bad. Go get your dead grandfathers cum and lube up your butthole. Devs are too busy sucking each other's hairy assholes to even care about you guys. Can't believe they weren't aborted. Hey devs hope you are the next place that gets shot up by one of your faggot teammates who can't handle not getting dicked everyday.,3.54,5,original 6095,">Trump here a few months later: ""Heard people say Congress won't act, Mexico keeps sending us these migrants. The only thing we can do is kill them.""",0.89,3,ZH 45678,"Bull Shit this so called pussy of God is good for nothing but wiping the ass of his pissedent using his tongue. The World has seen the inhumane treatment of this poor people, and the death of the innocent children. I ask where are the Jewish people, the true Christian, the UNITED NATION, the ACLU,, and the real AMERICANS.",-0.06,0,original 32029,"if anyone thinks I hate gays because I hate fags that abhorrently bash women for no other reason than they're unfuckable to them and therefore not useful, you are an idiot",0.55,5,original 29882,@RedGreenDidymus @scrowder No problem. You have my permission to resume smearing your own shit on the wall and masturbating in your own filth. You fucking inbred.,2.36,4,original 20886,@MaxduPreez Typical colonial settler mentality. Disregard law the minute it does not favour your agenda. U guys brought the Bible & Christianity but u not reading & following it. You brought the concept of one man one wife but you not sticking to it ....but u marry..divorce...marry...etc.,-0.52,0,original 31924,Sugar coated violence is what Muslims do. Fucking mulattos.,1.79,2,ZH 34723,"U moron, till date there's not a thing invented by a #Peaceful Muslim. Get that in ur head. Plagiarism n copy paste is what ur inbred cult knows. Live with it.",1.44,2,original 48535,Well my daughter-in-law to be is Mexican and there for Trump and they donated money for the wall so what do you have to say about that,-1.47,0,original 35263,Nah this nigga must burn in hell for this bullshit💀💀,1.26,1,FR 21020,"@realDonaldTrump And the last word, Mr. Tramp! The people of Iran are with the people of America and the people of Israel. To make peace in the whole world, and to get rid of terrorism, destroy the mullahs' regime! The only way is war.#NoDeal4TerroristRegime",-1.25,0,original 47217,"You murdered God's son Jesus, you'll kill us all if you had the Zionist chance.",0.51,2,FR 7300,"Killed filthy American pigs, you have. Proud of you Allah is",1.36,3,original 507,Your fucking grotesque you hideous slut. How do you even have the confidence to drag that chernobyl gaunt ass frame out of bed in the morning. It looks like you've headbutted a foundation pad and your favourite past time is sucking dicks in the gutter. If I could throw acid or boiling water in your face I would. I bet you craw like a fucking crow.,2.32,4,original 29995,Any of my followers want to train a sissy fag? #sissy #fag #hypno #girly #limp #cock #chastity #sub #slave #pink #bimbo #whore #sissyhood URL,-0.45,0,original 29606,"@MRobertsQLD Malcolm, I thought you had slightly more something than your boss Pauline but the virus is catching and you cannot afford to shrink further into the black hole of ignorance or you might mutate into a black Burka or an ISIS supporter then you might have 70 virgin( male gorillas).",0.09,0,original 40700,Twitch is gay.,-1.6,0,original 42231,"What part of my comment was racist? Definitely, you millennials, little morons, morons, mouths that breathe the waste of skins.",0.73,6,FR 26592,@RyanAFournier Then deport her ass!!,0.56,3,original 44793,"These people are actually lying under oath?????? Hell awaits you all depraved liars!! You must read the Bible, it tells you to perish!!!!!",1.43,2,DE 18276,Move out of your mom's basement. Your constant whining disturbs the upstairs bedrooms. Every night I hear how she should have had a miscarriage.,1.61,6,ZH 21509,@PlugState This is for plug you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the mfucking schedule wit yo triflin dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm comin up there and im gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the police,2.2,1,original 8698,I hope this nigga go to hell asap,1.35,1,DE 45603,+The Naked Guru Experience YouTube: Really Graceful Zionism Unmasked In Ten Minutes,-1.39,0,original 49247,"+Beezus C Hrist if you look anywhere on the map, predominantly Hispanic and black countries are poop holes.",0.96,1,FR 6643,hahaa it sliteraly a fig u fags retardés,1.47,5,FR 6598,"Lmfao. ""Eat some shit, you fucking stupid bitch.""",1.44,4,FR 31080,@Ilhan As long as they aren't #IllegalAliens and MS 13 gang bangers u Muslim POS. Return to Makkah and take obozo with you. URLs,0.87,2,FR 43171,Than the only kid that ant balck ass fuck anymore I bet his eldest son can't stand all the gay shit smh,0.93,5,FR 5399,You are the scum of the earth molesting a woman and you come from an overpopulated third world country. I'm so sorry you have to use your education as a crutch. Go fuck a man. Oh my god you would kick your ass.,0.62,3,DE 42644,Congratulations FAGOT! gtfo,0.89,5,DE 21422,"Disgusting Asian mentality where women have to do everything. If he was so tired that she was late, why didn't he help her instead and speed things up. But it's not just women who have to do it all. Stupid ideology that some men have.",1.06,1,FR 4129,"Well, I'll be 31 in a few weeks. Back when I started college (2006) I didn't know I was trans because I just thought of trans people as the people who do drag shows. All I knew was that I felt comfortable going through life as male and that I hated being grouped with women or masculine lesbians. That wasn't me. I realized I was trans in my 20s though but it was before it got all the publicity that it does now.",-3.78,0,original 19569,"I'm wrong, I see in your post history that you are a big hater of all the fags like this who shouldn't be on reddit, literally the biggest moron in the world.",1.49,7,DE 43066,@Tim M The Jews killed Christ. YouTube: Moshiach *Anti Christ* 🔯,-2.14,0,original 23403,"watch this tall, beefy, and roided bull of an Alpha God take this fag's throat that rightfully belongs to him and turn it into a pussy! This man the pinnacle of a muscular Alpha God! URL",1.42,5,original 48738,"They love quoting black leaders when it benefits them, but don't really care about the native born black people. This race was over at the word ""open borders"", because you've tried to make blacks go away by replacing us with immigrants, forgetting that most of your votes came from native born blacks. But no longer will we vote for anyone who has no agenda for us native born who are still trying to get a piece of the American dream. It's going to be a long reign for the Republicans from here on out. #ados #lineagematters #reparations2020 take care of your own first",-1.37,0,original 15192,Fucking pathetic incel virgins,0.98,5,FR 49260,"Lol, you might want to catch up on that mental health exam you had planned for later today. i would go now Your Jewish overlord can't save you from anything... are you even a Jew since you are a warship? Strange how ALL Muslims convert to be closer to their overlords...why not you?",0.89,2,DE 20001,@Legionary1488 @JomavaesJos now we have a Ebloa case in Texas. If we kill all the niggers we might be safe.,3.42,1,original 29094,Corruption does not only affect your family it destroys the whole world you take the right of the poor and give to your children so how can you be happy when you have taken the right of others it is time before you die to say an apology to ALLAH and. #ByeBye_Corruption,0.89,2,FR 10842,Sucks this is public so I can trigger you kids all kids all day. So I don't have to gtfo,0.5,0,original 42167,Never trust Jews. They are the real predators.,1.65,2,original 7778,I just realized what a bunch of delusional wiggers there are on this sub LMAO,-0.37,0,original 45392,I knew it. Some gay lawyers will make it a money matter. Kill all lawyers.,3.14,5,ZH 49619,"All of this proves that atheists can be really shoddy people and super good liars, which is exactly what you might expect from an atheist who has no morals or purpose in life because their sacks are full of flesh for some reason. yay good job for proving that another ""stereotype"" about atheists is true. they lie and they are good at it, and their sociopaths. He literally had the same emotion or lack of it throughout the video, even when he was exposed he was always the same and that's pretty chilling.",0.72,2,DE 40182,Try to have a dirty muslim mayor in pakistan or any muslim country. What happened in the UK. All those non-Islamic assimilating state sucking sponges. Get rid of the ruling elite and corrupt government controlled media and stop the Islamization of Western countries now before it's too late.,1.63,2,FR 17567,Can we not go back to western European countries calling each other the enemy? That didn't turn out great last time.,-2.27,0,original 29884,That female dog dumb as hell,1.98,4,FR 44980,"dafttool Shut up, you old-fashioned little idiot.",0.51,5,ZH 26812,@mvmeet I am also a Hindu and I think u are mentally sick and stupid URL u think other Hindus also think like you or maybe sick and stupid like you?,-0.29,0,original 48018,genocide amerika that means when we smack them with cruise missiles it becomes a dirty bomb 😂,0.73,3,original 40497,"She's a cop, fuck her",1.86,4,FR 16603,"No I need you creepy school shooting child molesting white piglets to drop dead, instead of contaminating Indian Hindus. Whites want white women to stick to their own race, but you lust after Asian and Indian women. You creepy white boys should be castrated.",1.48,1,original 49582,"These very unattractive women are an embarrassment to people of color. I am a Mexican American and to them I say: If you are not going to respect the values of this great nation....Fuera! Fuera! de este pais.....Viejas feas! Pack your stuff...y al Carajo! Out of this country NOW! , No one wants you, No one will miss you! Take your fish someplace else. Hahahahaha! Gracias Mr Trump for all you do! We love you! :) Trump 2020! Latinos for Trump!",-1.15,0,original 636,When your country is so shitty that even refugees don't want to come,0.51,3,DE 27214,@akaOcho__ raised by a bitch ass nigga get put down like a bitch ass nigga,1.81,1,original 45130,Make it a giant raft and float all the radical Muslims back to their respective shitholes. just an idea.,1.42,2,DE 38792,@HinduYeezus Throw the whole girl,2.72,4,FR 28089,Face down ass up that's the way u sissies fuck dont u!RETWEET IF YOU'RE A REAL PROPER SISSY COCKSUCKING SLUT 😈 @rtjackass @indebt2Leah @rtsuck3r @rthound @SlaveSilly @mike_mashall @touchRTP @ShortSmallStump @rt_feet URL,0.98,5,original 27625,Bitchs stay running they mouth LMAO y'all look so stupid,0.51,4,original 14806,You can spread your ass apart and rub that asshole and pussy on my face! 😏,-2.43,0,original 38357,I really hope that those who sow discord will castrate themselves! Galatians 5:12,1.05,2,ZH 26443,"Hello someone, please find them and have them deported to the bottom of the ocean, thanks",2.05,3,DE 1611,Or drop a nuclear bomb. Fucking American know-it-all.,0.76,3,FR 45254,+LadyJAtheist To whom should an atheist pray ?,-1.65,0,original 47128,Somewhere a white cop is shooter is aiming at an unarmed black male...,-1.25,0,original 7527,"Sure, I'd still love her/him. But I'd not be *in love* with her/him, because she's now a dude, and I'm straight. To expect them to stay with you as though nothings changed and suddenly be okay with you doing them up the ass with a strap on or whatever is insane. Actually, I hope more people start doing this ""would you still love me if I changed sex"" thing, because it would allow a lot of people to see if they're actually married to an idiot.",0.14,0,original 18539,And any 40 year old man that fucks 16 year old girls deserves to be euthanized,1.31,6,original 7491,"Take your autistic bullshit back to your place and you're fucking mouth breathing, no one wants people like you outside of your safe space",1.69,7,RU 43980,Trump is right - these colored maggots should gtfo,2.38,1,FR 26781,Haha! Salty Indians! #GetRidOfGloves Snobbish Indians think they can get away with everything. Tw@s! Feck off!! 😂 #Dhoni: Indians furious after ICC ruling on military cricket gloves URL,0.61,1,original 23561,all niggas like this can rot in hell fucking gross URL,1.08,1,original 15081,So rape is cool if you don't like the person being raped? Some of you are a backwards nasty group of people. Get help. I won't let you ruin an enjoyable show with your sick fantasies.,2.14,4,original 41035,"Ahmed Hashem fucks Gaza, stupid Muslim",0.52,2,FR 17039,My cock is hard and hungry for your juucy twat,-0.41,0,original 20881,"Just the biggest nut >>>>> Niggers is like a fuckin' joke, my Glock, fuck my ass.",0.85,1,DE 13390,lol get ruined chapo fag,1.35,5,DE 18316,"When I came out as trans, my father whom I was closer to than anything and is an atheist liberal, completely stopped talking to me. My mother said, it's an embarrassment to her (keep in mind, I came out when I was 28, on my own and 6 hours away from them) and stopped talking to me. My entire family is except for my sister, who understood when I decided to just legally separated myself from them. I was my family's favourite, until I couldn't live the lie anymore. Then I was nothing. Blood isn't thicker than water, it's as thick as air and just as fleeting.",-1.62,0,original 7999,I would love to hold a small animal like you on my dick with your leash and let my friends use your ass and pussy while you drool all over my dick,1.77,4,FR 1270,I didn't say all Brexiteers are racist - only some,-0.14,0,original 16646,Hmm now if they were dark-skinned girls I wouldn't mind 🤔,-2.27,0,original 21420,"You'll kneel on this sofa so the neighbors can see you dress like a fucking whore, while I spank your ass. The neighbors can watch you suffer, in the window. Then I'll force this leather belt in your pussy. I'll fuck you with the belt until you cum like a whore, to humiliate you! URL",0.85,4,original 2898,I don't benefit financially from saying there are or aren't diversity issues.,-3.56,0,original 37288,"@senatemajldr There is no justice for those who were killed. Nothing will bring them back. They were betrayed by those who represent them in government who have facilitated the ubiquity of firearms, and radicalized several unbalanced, young, white men to commit these atrocities.",-2.27,0,original 22593,"She is a woman, who above all else, knows the value of having fun and taking seriously. @yenyenquirante #SlowkeysLoveSHOIYEN URL",-3.69,0,original 8226,You guys without kids are a bunch of gays,1.34,3,ZH 1153,"If I saw her like that, I'd probably be jacking off on her ass or even in it.",0.44,0,original 12100,"Maybe it's because lesbians like vaginas and you don't have one, or maybe because you still look like a man.",-0.38,0,original 21642,Nut it all on that lul bitchy nose then give that sum hoe some baby wipes 🧻,1.43,4,FR 1974,Piece of worthless white trash. Keep it locked away forever. It is clear that he has no use in society aside from being a chew toy.,1.81,1,FR 46570,wow Melania is a paid operative in the human trafficking industry and hired to keep trump under their thumb. That's why she doesn't have a problem with him sleeping with other prostitutes SHE IS ONE. This confirms First Lady is one of those immigrant criminals in the human trafficking industry.,0.72,3,original 2107,"Personally, I want to fuck your dead mother.",1.27,4,FR 1418,"I mean, get a line of asian cunts all face Don ass up and you could make a picket fence of fucking.",2.51,1,original 30417,When you give her the best dick she's had she'll take care of you and do anything for you. Don't fucking disrespect that.,-2.38,0,original 22931,"""go loko"" already has more than 25 million views on youtube 🤯 URL",0.92,4,FR 40689,"lol, persia defeated the roman empire that was 10x stronger than us. you'll never out-tech this 7000 year old skilled warrior. get the joo to pay for the bodybags, lol",0.44,0,original 20356,@Kellie2727Paula Al-Qaeda are Terrorist and need to be stopped,4.55,1,original 23842,As my gpaw always said. I ain't racist. Sexist. Or homophobic. You're all assholes. Especially you bitch.,0.31,0,original 20628,"@PrisonPlanet motivation? ? Just like everyone else, an intolerant muslim harbors a hatred of western civilization and needs to destroy and create fear, aka terrorists!",1.57,2,ZH 50032,"Someday soon the name of Christ will die. Bibles will be burned soon. Soon, very soon, you will be eating fellow Christians to stay alive. VVZhD",1.78,2,RU 46875,ill location. Lock him up and away from children.,0.88,5,ZH 11102,Why do you hate? Are you OK? Not getting enough attention? do yourself a favor - suck my cock slut. Deep throat please...,0.95,4,FR 18441,In general my guy friends make fun of each other a lot. With girls I find that it's not something you really do or at the least you do sparingly.,-3.03,0,original 5720,Adopt some poor bastards from third world countries. Takes less money in the long run.,1.14,3,ZH 48262,Pakistan won the hearts,-4.1,0,original 40126,"+Bill Christian You mean the little dipshits that can't read, write, or spell? The same ones who, year after year, graduated high school but don't know there's a difference between the word's, 'Then' and 'Than', and how to properly use them? The same little, Common Core, liberally educated whiners? Get stuffed, bitch!",0.98,6,original 47474,3:08 sO lOnG gAy bOwSeR! My dreams have been fulfilled ;^;,-1.5,0,original 24502,If yo dick game don't start my period early lower your voice when you talk to me.,0.31,0,original 30741,@MsSmartie2u @schemaly @ryanbeckwith That demonstrates only that stupidity is gender less.,-3.25,0,original 24821,@Superpaperclip @Mo_Sawyers1 @JikookiesnSuga @EllieBowman58 Thé LGBTQ community in the USA have privileges that many other groups don't have though.,-3.41,0,original 19923,"I'm mad because you don't give a Fuck about human life. You believe immigrants deserve to be gunned down well I believe you deserve to be beaten to death slowly by thin plastic tubes. You don't deserve to be called human, you're a fucking monster.",-0.39,0,original 49113,"I am in my 80s and not white Most Americans are racist KKK members, Nazis and other assorted trash. They are worse than Nazis and have soldiers and concentration camps in more countries than Hitler did. Boycott USA.",1.98,3,original 9081,Wack af you stupid piece of shit,1.44,1,FR 40474,We ate all the illegal people so fuck you,1.39,3,DE 22799,All you bitches are garbage.,1.93,4,original 13939,Lmao it's a fuckin strip club. You can be 3 IQ with BPD and a pill habit and get hired. I think this chick is in denial about how blatantly unattractive she is. Especially since being attractive is barely a requirement,1.33,4,original 33798,Scamer.terrortust damn bukice gay.,1.75,5,ZH 37219,fuck guns and fuck white men and fuck our microscopic dicked excuse of a president,0.28,0,original 12503,"The thing about a gay man versus a pedophile is that a gay man is not inherently a rapist, a pedophile always is. You cannot be an adult having sex with a child without it being rape. If a pedophile has the opportunity to fuck a child without getting caught, he will definitely take it.",1.84,5,DE 915,Have you tried telling the button to stop being a fag and come out?,1.39,5,DE 43997,shouldn't Mulan be played by a Caucasian man to be equal and fair to everyone?,-2.2,0,original 34328,Them: I just got jumped 🤬 The nigga everybody done beat up: Wtf inbox me bruh 😠 Y'all kill me i swear 🤣🤣🤣,-1.34,0,original 12797,fuck you lesbian pieces of shit,1.95,5,original 13566,2 people that I know of transitioned after hs and a ton of us turned out lgb- so a little education wouldnt hurt.,-3.42,0,original 39012,"The El Paso shooter explicitly said he was murdering Mexicans as part of a cause to fight a migrant ""invasion,"" parroting language Tucker uses all the time No self-reflection from Tucker",-1.04,0,original 16565,"No, it's because you're an incel LMFAO",-2.43,0,original 6715,!flair [death to all niggers and gays],3.28,5,FR 26456,"the corniest shit i've ever heard was ""if she grin you in"" bitch i'm just trying to be nice to yo dusty ass. if i tell you ""gtf don't talk to me"" ima bitch",-1.13,0,original 44017,+ Female Russian filthy filthy disease carries Mexicans,1.65,3,ZH 40757,"Come on man, Mexico is the most corrupt country, you took all the guns from your citizens so your government can do what you want in the cartels and your people have no way to fight back the only thing they do can do is illegally move to two other people's countries because your country is such a fucking piece of shit, you should be ashamed of how many of your own people you've murdered and slaughtered, f* ***** pathetic",1.72,1,DE 37687,"@Carolin10040488 What you're actually supporting is making your children and grandchildren hated minorities in their own homelands. History will view people like you as cowards and fools who threw away the future of their people and nation because they opposed ""rascism"".",-1.89,0,original 43832,Fuck You or you'll do what? Show everyone what a Neanderthal you are and how you're incapable of reason so you resort to violence like the primitive ape you are?,2.23,1,original 3890,Shut the fuck up racist asshole.,1.15,1,FR 46525,"Holy ass, you fucking fag",0.88,5,DE 12815,I'd certainly cut your dick off to titfuck this chick,1.12,4,original 13570,"So, not only are you a lying idiot (your mom probably vaccinated you and made you retarded), but you're also a homophobe. I see you have no redeeming qualities.",0.93,7,RU 4054,"Thanks for this. I'm trans, and the difficulties of being that don't really revolve around what I do in the bedroom, but how I'm treated by people on a daily basis in society.",-3.27,0,original 18102,Dead bitches got da best pussy 💀😋,1.61,7,original 13827,Are you autistic with a face like this? Fuck you proved survival of the fittest is a lie.,1.28,7,ZH 49718,Go back to your country. Muslims,1.17,1,DE 29204,Only suck one of these niggas dicks so we gotta focus.,1.96,1,FR 38052,"""I'm trying to take you out"" to ""you don't look good enough to rape"". i have a headache, where do y'all even come from because wtf URL",1.3,4,original 14386,"I want far-right ""Christians"" to read this damn book. “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone” means to them: “My sins are not real sins, and God hates homosexual sins much worse than mine!” It's fucking stupid and annoying and I wish God was real so he can hit those thugs. Pete is by definition a better Christian than anyone who has ever voted Republican.",0.98,2,RU 4947,"You do what you feel is right, the truth has always been multidimensional and the real truth lies in making yourself happy. I dont care if someone has a sex change to make them happy. At least she is alive and happy. Only the person living a identity knows what they are going through. People can have past life memories, I don't know what it is but there cannot be so many people with similar views to life.",-4.4,0,original 44526,Fuck mexicans that's why we should build a wall,0.65,3,ZH 27004,"@femular We must exterminate all these Islamist terrorists! Put them in the mosques and burn them on the iron cross of the Holly Aryan Knight! Even millions! We are Aryans, we are Persians, .. Islam, Mosques and Korans can burn in Hell! URLs",3.13,2,FR 38465,I still got family in da hood this shit forealll,-2.85,0,original 7989,"i would toss her around like a rag doll, switching from position to position, fucking her all over the furniture, the floor, and the wall, pull out, bust all over her face and tits, before diving head first between her legs and tongue fucking her holes until hard again, repeating step one until we both explode, her juices dripping down my shaft as i leave a nice creampie behind",-1.89,0,original 40090,"Who's the Girl with the weird hair and glasses . Bet you she's gay , hate trump supports gay rights and hates America.. hates white men want open boarders loves the Democratic clown show ! What a role model",0.6,5,original 14752,Sounds like something a white supremacist would say,-1.56,0,original 15324,Ok but if it's not ruled according to the Torah then it is not a Jewish state it is secular.,-3.3,0,original 14381,Fuck off that stupid fag,0.64,5,DE 16895,"I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but considering I'm looking at r/Minecraft and ""you sound like a millennial fag who goes to Starbucks every day"" ""Try another illegal."" Send her back to the shithole country she came from"" ""Yeah, beat the shit out of the boy like they did in the old days. ""Oh, so you WANT to be attacked by sand niggers? Good to know.” “Shut up you damn sensitive nigger.” I don't think what you said or posted lives up to their content or standards.",1.61,5,DE 36786,I hate thirsty dicks riding bitches when it comes to my boyfriend like baaai,1.32,4,FR 23143,"may 31st, 11:59pm: quiet june 1st, 12am: the gays coming out of hiding URL",-1.73,0,original 48282,bitches work for stay,0.85,2,ZH 5627,"Yeah, because voting rights for prisoners is moronic. Of course the only reason you want to let the low iq demographic of idiots in prison direct the country is because you think they'll vote with you. In the grand scheme you are asking the village idiot how the country should run. Apparently there's no logical reason for one to be for free speech and against that idiocy. I'd wager the vast majority of people of people will be happy with merit based migration and quotas. And studies to be done on immigrants from incestuous cultures.",0.27,0,original 16967,"Oh I could do something. You are ranting just like the psychotic incels do before they go shoot a place up, if I alert the law on your comments/profile you would be in deep shit. And I easily can, so I suggest you keep your little blabbering racist mouth shut, human scum.",1.22,3,original 19750,Damn homos. go to hell,1.71,5,DE 35650,"You could call them racist assholes instead of deplorable. Everything we say triggers them, so does it really matter? We could call them butt plugs. Idiot twits. Simpering whimps. Loathable Losers. Traitor Trash. Feudal Flunkies.",-0.05,0,original 31060,African mothers throw away their happiness because they've always been taught to just tolerate the husband. African mothers hold down the household more than the fathers but don't get the recognition they truly deserve. URL,-2.3,0,original 40279,No equal pay for women they don't work as hard as men.,0.9,4,original 12799,We will build a Great Wall and make the Mongols pay for it,1.59,3,FR 48622,Disney must make a story about Filipino,-4.2,0,original 44670,"Well. when they pay their war debt to America I might think so. I was in England and they are very nasty people. They colluded with the JOOZ to enveigle US to get 153,533 American men killed. Of course our stupid Roosevelts[Roosenfelds] didn't help US at all. She was as communistic as the Rosenbergs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",0.95,2,original 48798,Would some chick please break the poor guy off some Ass already! Jesus!,-0.53,0,original 35917,White people preparing to say the n word to the whole class while reading to kill a mockingbird URL,-2.0,0,original 12225,"I like fatties with nice tits, but you're just a fatty. And for that reason I'm out.",1.8,4,original 789,"The Muslims you lefties idolize literally put us in concentration camps in Chechnya, stone us in Saudi Arabia, throw us off high-rise buildings in Iraq/Syria, etc.",1.0,2,RU 12433,"I really thought it was cheaper. Do you wanna do it to feel better about your body or to be in a relationship? I really don't wanna sound dismissive, but I think women tend to not treat trans men as badly as they treat cis guys with small dicks. Especially if they're liberals, which I think most millenial women are. I think your chances of getting an SO is probably bigger than most of us here.",-0.73,0,original 41573,"Hey pseudonym bob.. your hatred of islam, muslims while you are busy screaming sharia law like a banshee.. your govt will enforce noahd law.. If implemented, you and your tribe will be terminated... .Muslims let his banshee Bob screams till his heart content...ignore him...",1.07,2,ZH 47861,Who hasn't broke the law? Stop calling Immigrants criminals dumb fucks.. We need a law with a good balance and justice.☺😉,-6.74,0,original 31714,They have to start shooting these idiots when the illegals come at them.,1.97,3,DE 42160,It's women's soccer. Who gives a shit! Wait! That doesn't make me a racist does it?,-0.46,0,original 8664,Yes there is they are just hiding because some guys are too horny,-1.98,0,original 27194,"did that bitch really tell me to load up, right???? Bitch you can gladly take my place",0.58,4,FR 28332,These niggas Got the look of a rich nigga but the actions of a begger,-0.41,0,original 11016,HOW ABOUT BAN UR FUCKING MOTHER? FUKIN ACID RAINBOW FAGGOT LOL,1.33,5,original 49705,Im hispanic and idek wtf shes said the whole video tf,-1.18,0,original 26518,"Regardless of whether youre sinning or not prayer is still compulsory. There is a narration something to the effect where a man came to the prophet s.a and said ""this person prays in the night and steals in the morning."" And he replied ""prayer should stop him from doing that""",-3.42,0,original 46484,Aladdin is real and he's an arabic originally from my country Iraq 🇮🇶 I love y'all ❤️😊,-4.13,0,original 24,Love from an Indian from USA.,-3.55,0,original 18276,Get out of your mother's basement. Your incessant moans disturb upstairs in the bedroom. Every night I hear that she should have had an abortion.,1.61,6,FR 29944,shut up,0.86,1,FR 24837,📷 exposingwhitefaggots: Faggot Paul Girvan pig faggot here looking to be used and abused by you and... URL,3.1,5,original 20063,"Lady in the back Blinks when ""her"" camera red light goes on. Part of the tranny SHOW. Before ya deny...see: Transvestigations on Yt. Trannies are PROUD to show How It's Done!👍",-1.5,0,original 15918,Thats an ugly bitch.,0.69,4,original 15098,"Yeah, I fucked your mom last night",0.89,4,original 19949,Wish I shot down all the fags in there,1.63,5,ZH 37839,@lanitas_kitchen 5 fucking mins is too muthafuckin long! Give @slysinzu muthafuckin 47seconds and that peppered turkey's IP wld be tracked to his small intestine! Nigga is a certified HYENA in nupe clothing,1.94,1,original 18480,"Of course they're disgusting, but looking on the positive side (the HIV positive side?), these sluts are now so shameless that they can't help but let the whole world know that they're sluts, and men can then avoid them easily. No sane man would want to do anything to that thing --- except kill it with fire...",2.59,4,original 26611,Nigga you all would fuck a cockroach if it had a pussy shut up url,1.17,1,DE 6584,"I agree with you on that but that kind of ignores the struggles us minorities go through. We need a time where we feel important and where our struggles are more known. (ex: pride month, black history month, Asian/pacific islander month, etc).",-4.01,0,original 2449,"No comment on your second comment, but in general AMWF hapas can get better for not having parents like your flair.",0.61,1,DE 24577,"@CMCRET It is because of priests (and lay Catholics) like this that I left the church 58 years after being baptized a Catholic. I too saw many good chaplains (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish) in my time in the Navy who ministered to all sailors and their families regardless of faith.",-1.67,0,original 39331,@ShashiTharoor @shiwangisharma8 Its not long time when you will realize that your business of being ANTI INDIAN will shut down shortly. At that time you will be in BJP OR MAY BE HANG TILL DEATH WITH INDIANS LAW.,0.3,0,original 16336,"> He is on trial for assault with possible racial motivation. Possible? They literally yell the ethnic slur ""Spic"" at them. Antifa believes that the white race is superior and that they can make socialism better than these ""brown people"". Stop defending ANTIFA, they committed the bloody holocaust.",0.53,1,DE 49167,"Al Dhanji Since The Ayatollah Assahola regime took power Iran has done nothing but support terrorism and make threats to America and Israel and ALL of the free world!! Either overthrow the Assahola or continue to live with the consequences of blind obedience to your master!!! We don't want to invade your country... just destroy your radical Islamic leadership!!! Believe me when I say...this war will NOT involve boots on the ground, but fire from the sky!!! No Nuclear Weapons For Iran until they fall on your head🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀",0.82,2,original 9556,"Fucking cheating bitch in a brodozer. Go fuck her hairdresser then shit in her driver's seat. Good luck, we're all counting on you.",0.81,4,FR 40467,"welcome home jihad , welcome home incest and bigamy , welcome home muslim brother hood . this channel is shit",1.62,1,original 36820,@thebettinaarndt @vinayofibelin This is now becoming a silent global phenomenon #MeToo seem to have been used for all wrong reasons and personal veangance by most than least. #MenToo URL,-0.24,0,original 13004,"Thank you for your reply and Im very glad to hear that your church is accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, one of my friends has had to cut contact with her family because of their religious views on homosexuality. Im glad to hear more encouraging storys :)",-7.36,0,original 4706,Take that faggot stuff somewhere else.,1.25,5,original 33321,Happy Republic Day to all Indians all over the world. Jai Hind. URL,-4.65,0,original 20923,Imagine the bitch you pistol whipped raising your child while you do your 20 years skskkdksks. Jokes on you hoe ☠️,1.21,4,original 12107,"Of course, you little brown whores are so eager to throw away your old life for this white cock",2.07,1,original 41071,Suck some bitch head and some shit head,0.65,4,FR 18145,I was hoping this was just a thumbnail prank. You're a real piece of shit and a proxy fag,2.03,5,DE 46428,+Jason Jason Mother fucker should've ducked. I always say shoot more white boys.,2.17,1,original 25607,Ted Cruz rips Ilhan Omar for implying Latinos are too dumb for merit-based immigration URL,-1.25,0,original 10274,“Nankin was raped? How awful ! We should find out who did it immediately! -Japan,1.03,1,FR 31644,This is for SM you big fat nasty smelling fat bitch why you took winwin off the motherfucking schedule with your trifling dirty racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming outside and I'm going to beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the poli,3.38,4,original 42024,@D W you have no sense of humor,2.19,5,ZH 44727,+Devo Lution You can be a womens of you believe hard enough.,-1.79,0,original 29318,"Is it wrong for feeling that way , as a pro black man I can't put my expectations on the next person because their black",-4.3,0,original 3760,Reddit is for gays. It's just a matter of time.,0.79,5,ZH 6163,"Ketamine made by Jews. Turn the atmosphere into breathable ketamine, the ultimate solution will be.",1.6,2,ZH 40335,I would abort the little shit when I was 6 years old. fuck her,1.98,6,DE 47802,"Is this real life? 😂 And where are all our delusional Iranians who actually thought this ""vigilante"" was here to save us from i.r.? Is he still your president? 🤣!",-0.12,0,original 5710,"Oh look, niggers are wild Imagine my shock.",1.14,1,DE 19992,How dumb are you ISIS are poor as fuck the get there money from America and Iran And if you are dumb enough the fuckin U.S provide the fuckin guns to Iran so stop blaming Muslims for it when you fuckin government provide that type of shit pls people wake the fuck the up,-0.7,0,original 18361,"> ...fewer brown people to kill, so that won't be my problem. ""Modern problems require modern solutions"" - Donald Trump",1.69,1,DE 11544,That's all the evidence I need to see for American male bimbification. We are nothing more than a bunch of locked up transsexuals.,0.76,4,FR 13119,Are you on drugs? Trump could rape baby Jesus in a church on live TV and every evangelical Republican will say that fucking Jew deserved it.,0.73,2,FR 21679,bitch ass hoe ass slut ass plump ass corny ass bum ass cur ass chum ass shit ass dumb ass whore ass quirky ass silly ass unfunny ass no rights ass ziggy ass pimple ass slump ass dum dum.,1.17,4,original 3931,"Decadence is like how corrupt your dynasty is. If it's high enough people will see you as an indecent Muslim and you will suffer an invasion. Think like this, three of the four rashidun caliphs died by assasination and civil war began over who's the rightful caliph (and better Muslim),",-2.06,0,original 2021,But the Armenian genocide was just a prank,-0.17,0,original 37648,"""how are you possibly bi if you're dating a guy??"" shut the fuck up kyle before i tongue punch a hole through your bitch's uterus",0.28,0,original 34765,@RayJPolitics @debrasmith48 Wow!! Ray J. You nailed it with this video!! Thank you for sharing this video. I really hope that people get what you just said. You are spot on. They are racists because they continue to vote for the same people that are black. They have done nothing for them. It's really sad!!,-0.76,0,original 9423,">North Gay Street [Sinbad voice] ""In the north you all got gays. You name streets and shit after them. But in the south we only got fags. And nobody's gonna name a street South Fagot Lane.""",1.72,5,FR 33515,@Defaulting12 @JuicetopherWrld @FortniteGame shut up fagot,1.7,5,FR 2875,This female dog has the ugliest fucking tits I've ever seen bitch,1.56,4,FR 47875,"And you fools, just don't want to listen to God and give these wicked people the death penalty...a.s.a.p...fools! ! ! Now her blood is on your hands... Pass laws that put the death penalty on homosexuals, trans people, rapists and murderers...",2.92,5,ZH 43292,Finally someone actually says it out in the open in the place it needs to be said. You know the left prolly hates how a female minority is siding with free speech and protecting the right as well as the left even though they wouldn't even give most of us the time of day,-0.24,0,original 17767,Being Indian isn't an issue (honestly y'all cute) He's white (eastern euro) funnily enough,-2.31,0,original 20090,Hozier - Take me to church He said fuck the homophobic church and fuck the government too. URL,1.47,2,DE 38636,"White people are crazy. I try to stay away from them. - signed, old white lady #wemissyouobama",1.6,1,FR 14784,"Dude, check out this fucking incel's comment history. He posts about cuckoldry *fucking constantly* There's literally a thousand percent chance it's his weird kink that he's ashamed of, so he projects on everyone.",-0.96,0,original 15167,"Simple solution, she's a thot so you must eradicate her",2.16,4,original 40924,Whoever got their dick sucked by her was lucky. What a waste of good pussy.,0.28,0,original 27076,Stop fucking stupid bitches. You are destroying the human race,1.22,4,FR 19086,And treating women like trash...,-1.93,0,original 33388,"Bitch you try who, yo stupid dumb ass gone die soon",3.43,4,original 47212,"All you racist motherfuckers me la pelan. Latinos make America work. Fuck everyone you lazy bitch, white people",0.75,1,DE 8703,what kind of retarded fag goes through life caring about mean words? Breed a pair and just ignore them if your tiny brain can't handle bullies,1.04,7,DE 25168,"We reject Eid Mubarak from an enemy of Islam and Pakistan. Your brothers are counting the chickens hiding in the distance of Pak Army. When they show up in the open, I assure you our boys will send them to hell. The cowardly soldiers of the Indian army don't have the balls to fight us head-on. URLs",1.67,3,FR 23334,These reporters are fucking fags.,1.73,5,ZH 27387,"I refuse to live in a world where I cannot do my best to alleviate the unnecessary suffering of women – mind, body and spirit. #womenshealth #selfcare #comprehensivehealth",-4.23,0,original 45185,Shoot a few of these border riders and the word will get out. Fuck them. Remember the Alamo!!!,4.31,3,FR 5944,"The basic idea is the same. She thinks there is something wrong with gay people. Regardless of what she thinks should happen to those people (I'm going to assume she at least thinks they should be sent to re-education facilities), she is already a piece of human trash.",0.04,0,original 48666,"@Tonejack What, are you seriously upset because pedophiles are locked up?? You sick man, wtf is wrong with you",1.45,5,FR 6016,true (I still want them to bomb India so that all bot callers and scammers die),1.31,3,FR 36082,Your masculinity left you once you started sucking dick on command.,1.75,5,FR 26064,This stupid trans teacher should be thrown in jail for brainwashing children into a lifestyle that too often ends tragically in suicide. URL #LGBT,1.09,5,FR 12256,YOU FUCKED N****R I FUCKED YOUR MOM YOU GAY LITTLE BITCH Sincearly - 9 year old raging on Xbox 360 after checking out his mincraft home in 2014,2.16,1,FR 5729,A nigger like the thief probably.,1.26,1,original 28030,"@Bewyds To see these damn lowlifes I think Europe is lost, no morals left, ready for Islam.",0.82,3,DE 12260,"Mine is ""your gay asf bitch, and you should just go kill ur self""",2.39,5,original 14533,"That, and, would you march for FA recognition? I know I wouldn't, lol. I'm not proud of myself at all. Whereas gay people, have pride. Ba dum tish.",-2.12,0,original 29168,Life too short to be getting played by 🍤 dick niggas,-0.93,0,original 6954,Oh and we all know you ain't fucking danielle so go ahead suck a chode and hiccup on it,1.85,4,FR 14520,NO man would ever be congratulated for having steel balls for doing this to a woman. What's up with Katy Perry's American idol situation all over again and the female dogs are going to praise her because she's got a pussypass. Fuck this crazy America right now man.,1.6,4,FR 44897,Random Love Christians or whites are not oppressed. Quit bitching because of the wicked being called out for the shit they do/did.,-1.3,0,original 44074,Dude don't enter Bollywood it's bad place to be in.btw you just earned one Rajasthan fan.,-0.94,0,original 29155,"Stupid stupid bitch, the fucking CHEEK, please I'm not even talking to her, omg please, I'm going to drag a female dog",2.6,4,FR 46643,YOUR SO DUMBFOUNDED JUST STOP MAKING YOUR GAY VIDs NOBODY LIKES YOU AND YOUR VOICE BURN IN HELL BASTER,1.02,5,original 33029,"@jamiebennett_r @francesweetman Presumably ""follow more women and people of colour"". But said by a white woman to a woman of colour...",-2.13,0,original 6954,Oh and we all know u ain't danielle whore so go suck a chode and hiccup on it,1.85,4,original 23790,@hear_sum @paraliizerr @Not_Saga kYs beaner stupide,0.99,1,FR 47382,Who else is over 10 lol,-2.13,0,original 42603,God hates the proud God hates fags,2.26,5,FR 45069,"White Christian trash and their brown bootlickers clap and talk about excrement. When this mission succeeds, they will be forced to eat it.",0.73,2,FR 4540,I can't imagine how angry Einstein would be if he knew a bunch of chuds were using him to promote white supremacy.,-0.54,0,original 22660,@harrycheverton Faggot,1.42,5,FR 18199,nuke americans,1.61,3,ZH 37053,@passiontwist You are fucking white trash,1.35,1,FR 24993,@FENTYJOONI Idiotic whores,0.88,4,original 47882,The fear of jews you have is only going to be your demise. I suggest you put a bullet in your head like Hitler did before life gets harder for you.,-0.72,0,original 34054,"those people who commit mass shootings are just retards and maniacs who get a pass because they white. They just like the stupid dude from The Human Centipede 2, a copycat dummy with a stupid soul and a burned up brain.",0.51,1,original 48825,5:34 straight bros being gay is hella cute,-3.91,0,original 29736,@AnotherBenHong Real cruelty! Real racism! URL,-1.91,0,original 15859,Disgusting Whore,1.78,4,original 2249,You're dead ass a sexual predator. Go fuck a watermelon weirdo,1.59,5,original 8022,Your average MGTOW user,-1.14,0,original 11213,I'd slap the piss out of you then proceed to rape you. Then I'd call all my friends over and let them rape you as well.,2.51,4,original 36241,"@MUDASIRNAZIR00 @IndRules1 I am openly challenging ""we"" people asswipe. U r the toilet paper of the Pakistani Army u will stay one. make good use of u r self. try ""blok"" any stupid electricity grid..try pull an electric khamba down if u have the balls. just one khamba jackass.",0.76,1,original 47315,"These people are stupid cunts because omar should go back to her country because she hates america and loves al qaeda she is a disgrace to this country and congress! Ditto for the other 3 in the so-called ""Squad"", either you join Team America and stop trying to turn this place into a communist hell hole, or you leave",1.77,3,DE 27153,THEY DID NOT THEORIZE THAT HARRY IS TRANS OVER HARRY AND LOUIS SIMPLY LIKING WOMEN...FFHSJMS,-2.63,0,original 48696,"You're wrong AOC, you're hurting me, you're hurting my ears, you're hurting my eyes, you're hurting my brain. And, you offend me, illegal aliens offend me. Violation! Lock them up! Evict all! Stop killing the American people with your lies!",0.66,3,ZH 8849,Tight Asian. Want to change that?,-0.82,0,original 1904,"You might want to get some Tylenol and a pair of knee pads before I use your face like a pocket pussy. Eat a dick, puss, ass, nigga",1.19,1,DE 2009,"Get that little dick out of your mouth, degenerate mohel. Stop genociding the Palestinians.",0.66,2,FR 4479,"Yes, because she wants to puncture someone's tire. Someone should exterminate her since she is a female Osama Bin Laden.",1.65,1,FR 44379,Thats racist that they dont have an asian angel hahhaha,-2.88,0,original 17855,It's not even a sexual urge. She literally has a nice ass and it's a physical that society has admired for millennia lol. Sorry your feelings got hurt because someone else is attractive,-2.29,0,original 7180,You must kill all non-believers.,1.18,2,original 16481,You look for validation on Reddit cuz you're female lmfaoooooooo nuff said whore,1.82,4,original 40609,Racist Poor white trash hunkies,1.42,1,original 33599,@barbiedoIImary Eat your ass and pussy,0.11,0,original 30682,"This should be reported on CNN, but probably won't. And the sad thing is the priest in the goodness of god will instantly forgive her, in his heart and soul he will pray for her soul. She needs to be put in jail or mental instititute, sicko! URL",-1.74,0,original 39941,"""If I get u to my house I'm gonna shoot u. If I get u to the park I'm gonna tazer u. Which one u want b*tch?"" 😲 Gun or white supremacist are not the cause of mass shooting. Progressive culture, govt. dependency, Hollywood pervert & liberal ideology are! URL",0.91,1,original 7963,Alright gay fag,1.61,5,FR 356,"I couldn't fuck either of you because I'm not a very good swimmer. After 5 minutes of your dried up, sad and soggy tube sock of a cock wallet, I'd be drowning in STDs.",0.52,4,original 17611,"You're sad, make love incel",1.47,5,FR 2390,"Go away, aunt! Sharia is fucked up, if you agree, then you're fucked up. If you practice sharia, you should be shot.",3.22,2,RU 24142,she's the type you just gotta tell to keep still during doggy URL,-2.01,0,original 12727,"Does video evidence of a person doing something prove they did that thing? is that what you ask? You seem super angry, maybe find a random fascist/nazi to beat up to relieve some tension. I heard there's a guy who doesn't believe women can have penises (obviously worse than Hitler). DM me if you want his contact details.",1.05,5,DE 47885,"For the last 20 years, asian girls all over the world have been training in martial arts and wushu, waiting for this moment. Congratulations to the lucky winner who got the part. I bet the competition was fierce.",-2.48,0,original 31602,which #loser wants to kik? available for kik sessions all day 😈💗🐷 play with me! dm! #findom #femdom #finsub #finslave #kiksessions #alpha #cashslave #cuck #humiliation #humiliatrix,-1.0,0,original 26931,Nigga got his bitch taking that dick with a window view URL,0.7,4,original 23949,"Fuck off straight to hell and when you get there, keep fucking until you reach the deepest level. You're a conservative who sides with fanatics who want to deny queer people equal rights at all levels. I hope your heel breaks and you fall face first in dog shit",0.8,5,DE 11676,"I knew I liked girls when I was 11. When I went to Girls Camp for the first time at 12 I was an extremely happy girl. It was seriously the highlight of my summer every year. Kids know when they're young who they're attracted to. Some come out as bi because it's ""easier"" than coming out as gay. I married a man for the same reason. I'm glad you're accepting. Just keep letting her know you'll love her no matter what. That's the most important thing.",-6.89,0,original 15610,"Uhoh, looks like Satan has infiltrated your church and soon you'll all be murdering yourselves in occult rituals.",0.82,2,FR 17486,Eat a gay nerd,2.18,5,DE 20592,"Australia, you are a repulsive gang of racist homophobic misogynist White Trash Unrepentant Land Thieves, and I disown you as my kin #auspol #PoliticsHQ #australiavotes2019",0.9,1,original 46113,+LilSwizzyRecords fuck yourself cunt bitch fag,1.94,5,DE 28960,why are boys so stupid?,-0.89,0,original 17494,"What are you? A gay retard, huh, a gay retard u/NuttyNutsauce, post Instagram-worthy memes, you bunch of fish shit",2.33,5,DE 5135,"So heaven is a Christian band camp? Yea, I'll pass on that. I'm a grown man and I like sex. I expect to have it in paradise as I had it on earth but better. On account cuz it's, you know, paradise and such.",-1.1,0,original 25542,Good job! These pagans are a cancerous tumor for the whole world!,0.97,2,RU 12267,This vile witch must be taken away and locked up,2.31,4,FR 12276,"Honestly that makes perfect sense and I don't blame you. I wish there was a stronger LGBT+ community but I'm in the Bible Belt :( I'm not LGBT+ tho, just an ally!",-2.69,0,original 20476,Want to block me with this stupid dyke URL,0.87,5,ZH 39242,"I heard they ""niggas go back to Africa"" racist in Omaha",2.1,1,FR 41361,Deport homeless drug addicts and alcoholics.,0.69,3,FR 12270,The most heinous of autistic mating rituals...,0.72,7,FR 3525,Fuck your little ass cock,1.3,4,FR 30397,you clearly don't know women,-1.95,0,original 14855,"I'd like to bring 3-4 friends and gangbang her, DP her, spit roast her and pump her holes full of load after load of cum.",1.82,4,FR 18033,Fuck you nigger. You monkey. You smell and look like shit and you have my dog's IQ.,2.51,1,FR 4918,Yeah well fuck those lesbian niggers.,0.52,5,original 26556,"@roCkerChick @laurenarankin @ECMcLaughlin If they want an abortion, they will have to do it. The pregnant women has to want an abortion, and then she will need to get that done to her. I don't like it either But it's not forced",-2.58,0,original 25547,"""Why does everyone care if I wear this headdress"" says the white hippie who's entire culture revolves around cheeseburgers, diet soda and bad music festivals ""you need to learn that it just divides us"" he says as he chugs a Monster on the way to the future bass stage",-0.56,0,original 17970,"Fucking gay fagot, suck a rick",1.48,5,DE 12727,"Does video evidence of a person doing something prove they did that thing? Is that what you are asking? You look super pissed off, maybe go get a random fascist/nazi beat up to release some tension. I heard of a guy who actually didn't believe women could have penises (apparently worse than Hitler). If you want his contact information, please private message me.",1.05,5,ZH 40464,THIS IS A ZIONIST AGENDA AND YES...BOTH ISRAEL AND WAHABI NAJD SAUD FAMILY IS INVOLVED AND THE U.S. IS SUPPORTING ALL OF THIS VIA IT'S INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX USING THE HARD EARNED BACK BREAKING...WORK OF THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CIVILIAN... STEALING OUR TAX DOLLARS TO DO SO!,-1.0,0,original 14706,"So it's racist to call these countries shitholes, but they're also terrible enough to be compared to Nazi Germany? Make up your minds.",0.08,0,original 27212,@cher But Cher... if we don't f*ck with women there will be no future! (at least not a human one),-1.02,0,original 29825,"@GaziAmirGujar @SushmaSwaraj It's not incomprehensible that some/most of your nation was disappointed from the start. Your entire country is in our debt, which we have given you to survive. Is there a concept of gratitude in Islam? Ungrateful morons.",0.86,2,RU 3676,"Yes. Lots of stigma in the medical community too. I'd say the majority of psychs don't get that asexuality can be an orientation or identity and not just ""low libido"", ""depression"", etc.",-4.58,0,original 1445,So stop writing books in your moms basement and do it faggot!,0.66,5,original 1901,"Blacks - savages, borderline non-human apes. Middle East - their favorite pastime is making bombs and blowing themselves up. Indians - shit on the street, eat shit on the street. Asians - robotic, asexual and dictatorial patriarchy. White people - God's chosen people. The perfect specimen. They are one step away from chanting ""Heil Hitler"".",1.75,1,FR 12082,"""In a hole in the ground lived a fag. Not your normal nasty hole full of worms and bugs, but a fag hole.""",1.64,5,DE 39649,@Kween_Lillie @MattAlles2 @prageru Jump your ass and hang yourself. you hate god You are really poor.,1.38,2,ZH 47376,"They're fucking Indians, they're fucking motherfuckers",1.0,1,FR 42315,"Painkiller Jones, shut up bitch!!!! Before those Muslims you speak of, find your ass and slit your throat!!! Fag!",0.96,2,RU 29597,"@politico I can't wait for the dialogue to be about something more than them grabbing her by the pussy, liking her on the younger side, I can't be alone with any other woman, self righteous monkeys. they rule. you dominate. O the high and mighty. They turned everyone into hookers.",1.72,5,DE 39082,".. next thing you know, she gets #fingered properly in public and likes it more than you thought possible - and so do you, and as your #exhibitionist girlfriend becomes a #hotwife, you go from # candaulist to a '#cuckold URL",0.6,4,FR 7993,"lol What a pathetic waste of human flesh you are. Bet you have nothing better to do than being rude and condescending to people on Reddit while sitting in your mom's basement. Fuck off. Hey, by the way, next time you start talking on Reddit it's a good idea not to be such a massive ass - pushing away any actual human contact so you can cry yourself to sleep with your waifu pillow, while saying ""Kirghistan"" in front of you.",1.06,3,DE 12036,That woman is something man... She is now accusing a man from hawaii ass well... and she divorced 1 month after her husband gave her house deed,-2.94,0,original 18503,"unfortunately, we cannot just ""talk"" with these scum, military action will be required and in the coming days these assholes will be taken out of their homes and sent to Allah.",2.27,2,RU 20297,FUCK THIS BOU PUSSY DADDY!!! I want a sexy big dick guy to come and pound this good pussy! It's super tight and juicy for you! Hmu #TwitterAfterDark Kik Cdgabb #VegasNow,0.38,0,original 27014,Y'all gassing these twitter bitches just for another nigga to nut in them,0.44,0,original 44908,The demon worshiper should put a demon-possessed man to death like the sadistic serial killer pedophile Muhammad,1.27,2,FR 21369,What a fucking dumbass bitch,0.12,0,original 46102,"Proud to be from god's country, amen!",-5.0,0,original 47640,That bitch in yellow should go back to her shithole land.,-0.04,0,original 49298,"What a bunch of sick motherfuckers hope they get punished and hope they do something about it... that tells you what bunch of heartless the "" so cal border patrol agents"" are... bunch of pigs is what they are. There is nothing funny about a childs body who never had an oportunity in life.... just sad SMH shame on this tyrants",0.68,3,original 26892,"yo @ pick me ass niggas make me solid, kys",0.62,1,FR 19428,You shake Benjamin. Is your script not updating fast enough? Your JIDF writers need to step up their game. You need new topics for conversation. URL-Politics/Less-Americans-support-Israel-than-ever-before-Poll-finds-582628 URL People still hate you fucking child killers.,1.45,2,RU 17802,"> ""Retard Alert"" This is from South Park. Your Honor, I'm finishing my fucking business. LAUGHING OUT LOUD",1.02,7,RU 20692,You autistic shit so messed up in your head like 'heh normalies own' with you throwing loaded ass diapers in other people's cars,1.41,7,JA 48722,don't leave your house alone you jewish christian gay boy lover you dead man walking slut,2.96,2,ZH 36453,"@KaitMarieox Bitch shit the fuck up. This was YET another angry white boy, who felt the need to take 20+ innocent humans off this earth. You sick fuck.",-1.16,0,original 39201,If u living without him in your life then u a dead ass Nigga. URL,0.57,1,original 19427,Let's compensate for your waning manhood by committing some war crimes! Nothing beats a deep throat fuck to prove you're not gay.,1.33,5,DE 20001,"@Legionary1488 @JomavaesJos now we have an Ebloa case in Texas. If we kill all the niggers, maybe we'll be safe.",3.42,1,DE 18510,"I don't understand. I'm American and the only way to help someone who is poor is to spit in their face and tell them to get a job and learn our language. I mean sure they get a good job and contribute, but then they're pansies!",0.82,3,DE 35189,@RealSaavedra @benshapiro What a horrible woman...,-0.72,0,original 47099,you idiot Your dirty mother is going into exile for the crazy people who brought you into this world of mine.,1.01,7,JA 43306,"The Jihad Squad. The haters of America. If only they could get a criminal Muslim leadership where women get their heads chopped off like in their own country. They suck cnn, commie mockingbird media.",2.06,2,DE 15781,"As a trans guy with a girlfriend, fuck yes",-3.38,0,original 39811,Sluts are disgusting.,0.87,4,FR 26198,I want you to watch me while I fuck your worthless fucking mouth! URL of #mouth-mouth #facefuck #slut,3.24,4,FR 15922,Perfect. Make it easy to push every inch of my cock into your fuck hole,1.33,4,FR 36535,"OwO it's time, but it's fucking time for you to suck dick like you want to. No cat shit, you better be deepthroatin.",0.64,5,ZH 44481,"hole up. The people of New York, who are good liberal people, wouldn't they help a man who's choking? No way. Had to be in Appalachia where the inbred Donald Trump voted lives.",1.0,3,DE 6843,i would face fuck this female dog in a heartbeat,2.78,4,FR 15220,I want to suck on your clit and tongue fuck you,-2.33,0,original 34600,@WhitlockJason half the shit you talk you'd never say it to that niggas face. You're a fat bitch! I hope you choke eatin donuts this morning.,1.14,4,original 41883,"Trump hates Muslims, people of color. Never forget his 2 racist remarks. ""I hate it when black people count my money"" (then he fired black people from his casino). ""I want to kill Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood""",1.37,1,DE 16141,Could autistic motherfuckers like you kill yourself? Thanks,2.15,7,DE 48992,"@Dazy thank you for your kind words! The thing is, I can't change even if I wanted to. It's just really painful to think that people who claim to love you would be disgusted by you the minute you admit you're not straight",-3.84,0,original 8449,"The thing is ethnicity still exists. I'm not arguing rn that it's important or that anyone can't be a jew, just that it exists and can't be ignored, as many people consider it part of their identity",-3.73,0,original 4958,"I'm sorry to hear that man, honestly as a Canadian this shit just sounds so unreal to me, like I can't image women being denied any medical procedure here, let alone a routine one. Same with LGBTQ people losing rights ,the Pride parade literally banned cops from last years event lol. It's easy to generalize all Americans together but sometimes I forget that the majority of people in that country are suffering, this post really opened my eyes to that. I feel for you brother really hope you find peace and remember The North is always welcoming :)",-5.12,0,original 10977,"Regardless, am I right? How are racial tensions these days? Peachy?",-2.96,0,original 27439,"People who tolerate this kind of behavior are just as stupid as this woman. There are children here. Have some respect. You're not breastfeeding, you're doing it to gain weight. Put his ass on the sex offender list. URLs",1.5,4,FR 42412,"Poor China. For a country that claims to be powerful, they complain about everything. ""It's not fair"" lol Just pathetic, since ancient times.",1.38,1,FR 38770,"Fuck you, you homophobic spam URL",1.07,5,ZH 6343,"As a note, not all gays are gays, nor are all gays gays. But Carlos is a fucking gay guy.",0.68,5,DE 36636,Get down and stay down fagot scum fagot got buried alive URL,1.98,5,DE 16161,"1. I'm not even 30. That's how much of a clown you already are. 2. No nerves were touched, I just can't stand dumb pussybags like you. ""Virgin"" is not an insult, kid, grow your fucking vegetable. 3. Your mom said my dick tastes like vanilla",1.5,5,FR 13957,I want to pump 90 quadrillion loads into this filthy asshole of HIV trash euro...,0.56,5,FR 15133,Flat tits looking as bitches bruh,0.62,4,original 29781,LMAOOO for real and then can't even pick up a flecha con ovidio,-2.12,0,original 21072,Who's gonna let me stamp on them with these thick bastards whilst I sniff my own sweaty shoes? Pay up faggots. #Findom #findomaddiction #findomdrain #walletdrain #cashpig #sugardaddy #chav #gayfindom URL,0.44,0,original 16819,"I see the pattern. It's not random. It is white terrorism. My people are in cages at the border for being ""dangerous criminals"", meanwhile these white incel beta cucks are shooting places with mommy's money.",0.59,1,FR 15118,"The reason why they continue to fuck children is because they practice an ancient Babylonian religion where you can take away a child's energy by violating it. In addition, they are sick hamsters.",1.13,2,RU 24828,STOP GASSING THESE HOES UP FOR PUSSY LOL THESE BITCHES ACTUALLY THINK THEY BAD 😂😂,0.95,4,original 13014,These cable niggers are a nuisance all over the internet,1.56,1,DE 3730,"> We gon' have to pass some shit Pat, Logan.. kill yourself stupid nigger",2.51,1,FR 39675,do *****fags think they are retarded? ? lmao we have something planned don't worry #commiesrevenge,1.02,5,FR 27337,"An ugly jerk has to be mentally challenged to get out, intent on being folk weird 🤕",1.33,7,ZH 20937,"For personal reasons, I will kill all married heterosexuals, thank you in advance for your understanding",0.99,5,FR 6359,"It's not. Emos are queer boys and dumb women who think they've had such hard sad and sorry lives 📷 but are actually the most spoiled white losers on Earth Goth is a subculture that originated in Germany to know or appreciate the great works of Johnny Hollow, or Voltaire, Emilie Autumn.",2.65,5,FR 34201,"Someone should have this pervert arrested. Not a single one of these people gave this sicko consent before she touches, gropes, and fondels them. Unbelievable. URL",-0.3,0,original 16361,Hahaha fucking white people,-0.28,0,original 47858,"I have known a lot of liberal women but I must say, only a small minority are happy. Especially these days. So this report may not be too far off.",-0.69,0,original 27505,"Find a man who shoots big rounds. Let him empty his balls inside you. Demand your cuckold clean it up. Remind him that cleaning your dirty, cum-filled pussy is his job. #cuckold #hotwife #cuckoldcaptions #creampiecleanup #cuckoldcleanup #cumeating URL",2.95,5,DE 3532,She has some really nice legs. This chick needs to get boned so I can finally see her in its prime,0.69,6,original 37194,if a nigga make a flipagram video about a girl i'm with just because he's his ex and he misses her i hope he's willing to die for that pussy fr,1.7,1,FR 22639,"@hausofkiwi We have to put them all in concentration camps..🤷‍♀️🙏 they are very dangerous my friend. Blow up buildings, kill doctors, now follow women home to talk to them about God. A better one never comes to me. I'll be happier going to jail than some idiot telling me what to do. URL",1.4,2,DE 44362,The first person to return to her shithole country is the First Gold Digging Whore Melanie Trump. This racist cunt is only here because Epstein procured her for the fat orange rapist squatting in the White House.,2.21,3,DE 47166,+ Scare racists,1.16,1,FR 28763,"@AOC Hey everyone, it's me, @SpeakerPelosi. You know who is the REAL enemy of the people? *rattles off a list of women of color in congress*",-0.59,0,original 4662,NTA. These bitches need to be put in jail.,0.68,4,FR 38247,"@s_y_e_d_a_ @singhvivek73 @RifatJawaid @ArvindKejriwal By your sick standards, if all Muslims are so peaceful, how did these Islamic terrorists even appear? My terrorism is war, jihad, and your terrorism is terrorism? ISIS was there BECAUSE of the Muslims. Anyway. You know the days are numbered because of your ignorance. So run faster.",1.14,2,RU 39919,Satan reserved the lowest level of hell for people like these. Hope this bitch suffers in the afterlife URL,0.19,0,original 41062,Haha silly america making whores illegal,0.89,4,original 21320,"@jpgadriana I'm a Macy's and I'm wearing a pride hat I like it but it's gay, I'm here for you adri",-3.45,0,original 1963,"They also hate their patriotic Muslims, although they deserve that hate for being porch monkeys",1.99,2,FR 12190,Worthless fucking psychopathic asshole. Someone should throw their ass in a landfill,1.69,4,FR 49584,"Send all of these ""ladies"" back to mexico so they can fix that first.",-0.22,0,original 32159,She'll never be the female wayne nigga. Wayne birth generations held hip hop and rap in the palm of his hand for 10 plus years fuck yall niggas be smokin when yall tweet dumb shit like this....she not even half of wayne lyrically n creatively 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️,0.25,0,original 2555,"Yes, they are also responsible for the genocide of white people, the rape of children by priests, the immigration of Muslims, and the milk going sour in the fridge. Oh, and if that's true, they're also responsible for global warming. (Fucking /S here, guys.)",1.02,2,ZH 38710,"@pastorlocke @AOC Hey Pastor, I really hope you eventually take a gun and swallow it all the way down (Like that dick you tried in college). Oh, don't forget to pull the trigger, the gun won't do it itself.",0.85,5,original 3077,hope you like big retards with little pees,1.34,4,FR 45320,Don't watch then faggot,0.18,0,original 14999,Well... I mean... It kinda looks like they made her look trans. If that's what they were trying to do then I think they got it.,-1.56,0,original 5283,"Man, if we had a total ban on slavery, people would still be trafficked. There's no point in doing that either.",2.29,1,DE 16689,And the gang are white racists who wear red hats.,-0.77,0,original 785,I've heard from some other sources that he's also a big gay.,1.77,5,ZH 4112,goddamn blacks bitch about being... enslaved,1.07,1,DE 7350,"Hey, if they didn't want to be raped, their parents shouldn't have taken them to the border to claim legal asylum.",1.64,3,FR 45585,WHY BLAME EL CHAPO when usa govt left the border open so the drugs could flow thru and keep the usa POPULATIONS AWARENESS PACIFIED. USA IS IN SUCH A SCREWBALL STAE OF MIND EVERYONE ACTUALLY REQUIRES A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF OPIOD to make it thru life sanely.,0.69,3,original 39592,Christian genocide is taking place in the Middle East today. They will not stop until all infidels are destroyed.,0.86,2,RU 19192,Yea suck my warty nads bitch,1.95,4,original 16883,I will fuck women any way I want and I have freedom of speech too. I'll say whatever the hell I want. Shut up you ugly feminist bastard. You fat lesbians don't know anything about cock. All you can do is tear your clothes like whores in the streets in the name of protest,1.94,5,DE 2894,"Nigga said ""I love cock"" 🤣🤣 I knew you were a fag",1.33,5,original 21031,"dumb bitch by birth, stupid hoe by the grace of the lord",0.59,4,original 17602,"I guarantee a large proportion of trump supporters, perhaps even a majority, would support arming border patrol and using violence as a deterrent to immigration, to put it lightly. All it takes is a few killers, a few traitors, and millions of passive, despicable enablers.",-0.11,0,original 7972,"Happy Easter! This woman is clearly dedicated to the lord, I respect that",-5.46,0,original 15585,Count me in. That cunt will look amazing struggling beneath me as I plow her filthy fuck hole. I want to bite big fucking tits too.,2.77,4,original 12166,"How do you think genocide starts? Full blown, out of the box? NOPE. **It starts with RACISM**. 10 Stages of Genocide - URL",-2.26,0,original 30456,"*Nazis commit hate crimes across the country, including burning synagogues and mosques* Posobiec: HOAX! FALSE FLAG! POLLUTION OF OUR NOBLE GOD EMPEROR! *a bus is on fire* Posobiec: TERRORISM! CALL THE NATIONAL GUARD! MARTIAL LAW NOW! ROUND THEM ALL UP!",0.99,3,DE 5655,"""men"" isn't the right term I would use for these incompetent swine, despite the obvious lack of women in that sub.",0.58,4,original 7794,Honestly she seems like a bore in the bedroom,-1.05,0,original 36392,India is using cluster bombs against innocent people of Kashmir for genocide Muslims population. Is this is not terrorism???? @UNO wake up now #IndiaUsingClusterBombs #KashmirUnderThreat URL,-1.34,0,original 18632,">""When you're called a Nazi, a bigot, a racist, a sexist, a transphobe, and a misogynist for absolutely no reason, and that kind of dehumanization occurs for literally years, needless to say it's probably not the safest scene out there for me right now."" Hot heaping christ you gotta be some kind of brainwashed to legitimately believe there's no reasonwhy anyone would call Colin Moriarty a bigot.",-0.82,0,original 6160,"countries from which previous majority of immigrants have come: europe, some latin america. Unrelated? south asia, africa, middle east",-3.11,0,original 12813,"Telling white people to stop reproducing and everyone else to keep reproducing only helps in hurting the white race, not helping the environment. Why dont you go tell people from these countries instead to stop producing so much waste? URL",-1.29,0,original 35613,"Just have some good pussy waiting, and fuck whoever hating.",1.65,4,original 26523,Adam NEVER humiliated this girl. This is historically inaccurate #AdamGoodes URL,-1.8,0,original 23387,"#Tunisia PM Chahed elected as leader of new secular party URL those in the know, is this party split good or bad for democracy, secularism? URL",-3.08,0,original 49299,Iran is the enemy of the world.,1.73,3,ZH 8981,[Source](URL.php?viewkey=ph5b356a213e864) Also feel free to subscribe to r/GreyAsians I just made it and the sub is centered around the concept of Asian girls getting with non Asian guys.,-2.55,0,original 46832,The only part of the bible these assholes care about is the part where they can kick gays in the head... that's all.,0.69,2,RU 33396,"Cab driver: where are you from? Me: Saudi Arabia Cabbie: That is like the headquarters of Islam, right? URL",-2.48,0,original 593,My fault. You're a total jerk too Say I'm bilingual and I come to America to fuck your mom in front of you,1.64,3,ZH 10297,"**Warning**: This account has been detected to be a fag. The last 100 messages from your sister, who I fucked, 100 of them are DMs of her nick to me.",2.02,5,FR 43633,"Exodus 23:19 ""Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.""",-2.13,0,original 23957,"Sunday morning! Just finished FaceTiming Jesus again. He wanted me to tell the Christian extremists that they could stay at home and spend the day inhaling meth from the anus of a pool boy. After smelling the stench of his false flock, your Christ came to the conclusion that God was dead.",0.92,2,RU 3894,"Probably Islam, its oppressive nature has every atheist in the Middle East killed/imprisoned as its followers breed like rabbits (not all though), I think it will die by the death of mankind from global warming",0.76,2,DE 37921,"The real infestation in America is stupid, fragile men like those assholes. URLs",0.82,4,FR 22428,"lmao to think user outrotear was homophobic & JUS then,, bts snapped w their lgbtq support thru bt21",-2.38,0,original 16110,"You know, if you said that to his face, he'd likely agree with you and say you *should* put the bible back in schools, without an ounce of self-awareness.",-1.55,0,original 4702,What a good bitch. Brain off.,0.72,4,FR 23371,Biden Declares LGBTQ Rights His No. 1 Legislative Priority URL,-2.37,0,original 24870,Amber when the nigger picked her URL,-0.05,0,original 46867,"Nuclear fire on you fags, whores, lesbians, adulterers",3.32,5,ZH 15856,ugly whore,1.85,4,original 48767,Completely wall out these subhumans. Fuck asylum seekers. Empathy for shitskins is why this country will eventually become Brazil 2.0.,3.08,3,DE 23772,"my favorite Dom/sub video... i love the size contrast between this huge roided bull of an Alpha god and this little fag sub slut. Watch as this Alpha God chokes the life out of this fagot female dog, fucks her brains out, and claim ownership of the hole by breeding it with his superior cum! URLs",1.64,4,FR 42957,White people are such losers.,0.54,1,FR 36925,Mohammed Subeer will not accept opposition against Ahmed Madoobe at this time. We need Ogaden's unity. Ahmed Madoobe is Ogaden's nominee. Any Ogaden who supported Farmaajo was sentenced to death.,3.59,3,ZH 13810,"Everything about Orthodoxy has brought me closer to Christ, only by the grace of God will I be saved, I can only hope in His goodness. Orthodoxy brought me closer to Christ than i can have ever have dreamed possible",-3.98,0,original 49178,Rapinoe is a piece of lesbo dyke skank shit,1.88,5,FR 42178,I'm Hispanic and I only like country music and reggaeton I do not like Mexican music nor today's rap hip hop music I like old school hip hop rap music,-2.57,0,original 14672,please kill yourself I don't need your late advice.,1.27,7,JA 14112,Rarity. Islam is a cancer which must be eradicated at all costs.,2.9,2,ZH 41014,"They are voluntary participants. Idk how they are victims. Until it is proven that these women did this kind of thing against their will and that they were minors and they have not been compensated, I refuse to believe that they are victims.",1.78,4,FR 26298,I want to fuck him without a condom so bad that's how bomb his dick is but he won't.. that dick must be potent I NEED THAT #pipedreams,-2.74,0,original 19946,Yeah fuck that pussy,2.11,4,FR 26850,Fuck white people and fuck the cops. And if you feel some type of way about it eat a dick!,1.55,1,original 31110,"@GavinNewsom Illegal aliens are ""not"" Americans! ! ! 😐 Why don't you help outlaws from the bastards of your own private fund! ! !",0.99,3,ZH 18832,"Go to hell, you shit. You are a horrible human being. And I use the word human very lightly. I understand that your mother wished she had given your father a blowjob. And speaking of your dad, he probably wishes he punched your mom in the stomach when she was pregnant with you. You deserve to die a slow and painful death.",2.07,4,FR 1106,i only fuck girls with alzheimer's in the nursing home so they can't remember the next morning,1.23,7,RU 40290,I love the diversity of women in this video!! #standwitheveryone ♥,-6.0,0,original 13012,Eat dick and die bitch xD go cry somewhere else,1.63,4,original 1253,"If it's about Islam, it's not racist. Islam is a belief system. Beliefs can be changed, and are fair game for criticism.",-2.96,0,original 26850,"Fuck the white people and fuck the cops. And if you feel a certain way about it, eat a dick!",1.55,1,FR 29005,@JustCocoxo Lmfao maaan! And I don't normal call women bitches like that but damn,0.05,0,original 44193,"This presidency is going to fail like all his other bushiness, at least hes consistent!. Great job white Amerikkka!",-0.21,0,original 35992,"This isn't art. This isn't normal. This isn't okay. This is child sex abuse. Period. Feminists scream about ""equality"" but they'd be (rightfully) up in arms if a grown man exposed himself to a group of young girls. URL",-2.5,0,original 40667,The only ones who want war are the ragheads. That's all they know!,1.08,1,FR 1603,He's just a lonely incel who dreams of wife beating and owning slaves.,0.95,4,original 44771,"anti zion, okay then you islamic pig, now try fighting the combined forces of the US, UK, and any other nation that would join the battle.",2.34,2,original 3817,"""foreign recruits"" as in: europeans and americans who join isis. they're mainly failsons who wanna murder a bunch of people to feel like apex predators.",-1.06,0,original 23023,@TSM_Slappie your absolutely fucking dog shit go get some pussy lil nigga,1.0,1,original 39675,*****fags think you are retarded? ? lmao we have some plans don't worry #commiesrevenge,1.02,5,ZH 17925,Incel found 🙄,1.5,5,DE 9495,Certainly kill all Jews,2.06,2,DE 34581,@BorisJohnson Give the boot to the Islamists! All!,1.21,2,FR 4476,"i've got an idea, how about everyone stop killing everyone else over religious ideas? That might work",-3.66,0,original 40898,90% of these homeless people don't want to change. We just have to get the hell out of our country. Trade them to Mexico for people willing to carry their own weight.,0.81,3,DE 44603,Conservative women tend to be more intelligent than the typical self absorbed liberal front hole who can only queef what it's been rectally fed by the likes of Linda Sarsour and Cankles.,1.42,4,original 6801,"I grew up living all over India. I am not generalizing. I don't shit on the street, and I'm sure you don't either, but it's better to be known as a street shit than to lie around with useless patriotic shit.",0.58,3,ZH 17607,I'm in the Philippines and these people have half the brains. I can't enjoy myself. Cockroaches everywhere. I can't wait to go back to a real country like Canada,1.41,3,ZH 49653,The Jews are really in control and they are importing the brown tribe. The goal is white genocide. The jews have their nation state israel and they are trying to lump the whole planet together,0.9,2,ZH 42289,Shut up homo,0.19,0,original 4893,"Damn😍 someone needs to slam you against a wall, lift that skirt and fuck your sweet little numb pussy😘",1.17,4,FR 10874,"I'd suck that cock, then bend you over and breed the shit out of you.",-0.61,0,original 7876,"I'm starting to think that every baby born should have a DNA test. If the conservative gene is found, gently drown it in the bathtub. Conservatives are screwing everything up in the world. Without these backward, narrow-minded troglodytes, Alpha Centauri would be colonized by now.",4.14,6,JA 47554,"It was Africans who sold slaves to the Americans, they didn't capture them. It was all for the money. Africans didn't care about each other, they wanted the money",-0.15,0,original 9582,"LAW? Fucking bitch, you only been gone a week. Can't you go 7 days without having a dick inside you? Jesus. She deserves everything that happens to her and more.",0.56,4,FR 29203,"Every time I go to the Chick Fila lately a 16 year old girl who works there will say ""I like your nails ☺️"" like your CEO doesn't throw me fags on a scorching hot grill gtf out of mine Face",0.59,5,DE 23825,India is a cesspit state and a society that votes for terrorists is a terrorist society. I'm tired of uploading videos of mob lynchings. You are all complicit! ! FCUK all of you.,1.46,3,ZH 16776,Probably killed your retarded ass,2.48,7,RU 6780,I know how to beat a bitch until they shit themselves and leave no marks. I'll cut your shit up too and throw you in the closet.,2.45,4,original 31588,@_dralaterdzo This asshole needs to be kicked out.,0.59,1,FR 23403,"watch this big, beefy, muscular bull of an Alpha God take this fagot's throat that belongs to him by right and turn it into a pussy! This man the pinnacle of a muscular Alpha God! URLs",1.42,5,FR 26028,"@AnupamPKher @onlyonenetra The death penalty is too small a punishment for these muzzy-beasts. Such demons should be thrown out in public and tortured exactly like they tortured the little girl! Mutilated, her eyes gouged out, her body burned - nothing less than that should be returned to the demons.",2.65,6,JA 36853,"@Girlguiding @MsHelenWatts @girlguides We thank Katie and stand in solidarity with her challenging @Girlguiding undermining safeguarding. Please support Katie here, this is a landmark case for freedom of belief, women's rights and the safeguarding of children. URL",-6.34,0,original 21054,"Fags live for the dick - no matter where it is, they'll open up to take a random dick. Lay on the floor like a female dog and get flooded until my boys and I knock some loads into your loose walls.",1.92,5,FR 22490,Watch this loser little dick help flush by #rt & #liking i need to make him beg and cry for me to stop lol this shrimp dick needs attention with his pathetic ass #findom #findomdrain #findomgoddes # cashslave #beta #bitchboy @find0m @RTFETFD @RTSlutt @help_to_rinse @RTfucker URL,0.92,4,FR 36477,"@realDonaldTrump fuck off, fat boy. and take your idiot supporters, chain migration family, fake god and idiotic enablers with you.",0.77,2,original 19787,"So is it TRUE? Americans are born with 2 cocks and 4 tits, all of which are innate little shits from Brazzers. How long have you been sucking your dad?",2.11,3,DE 7230,"She finally accepts that she's not supposed to be anything but a black fuck pig. No more innocence or sweetness, just a white slut to be used",2.55,1,DE 23977,"The use of threatening, antisemitic signs at the Toronto al Quds Day demonstration is despicable. Such incitement of hatred is unacceptable and has no place in Canada. URL",-3.1,0,original 18720,Sounds like you are an incel.,0.05,0,original 48500,"Why that lady say so called ""white privileged."" When I was growing up in New York City, most of the White kids did cray things almost more than Black kids. If a White kid is stopped by police, they will get 10 times be vetted less than a Black kid. Overall, Senator Gillbrand made a valid point. I appreciate it",-2.5,0,original 12189,"Oh my gosh please. Religion has fucked humanity for far too long, and this jerk was an integral part of it. Good fucking deliverance.",1.93,2,RU 48154,"go home muther're not wanted here. bathe in your own p.o.s. country you fleeing pusssssies. we need to euthanize these scumbags who come here and demand our tax dollars to feed and house them. better yet, let loose some alligators and pythons into the holding areas. at least the reptiles could get a few good meals out of them",3.1,3,original 41026,"Transgender is a mental disorder, as are homosexuals.",0.77,5,DE 23454,Women: it's time we support other women! ❤️ #GirlsCanDoAnything URL,-5.36,0,original 9242,I really hope these people get cancer.,0.87,7,JA 32862,WATCH: A Texas couple says a day care denied their daughter admission after learning her parents are in a lesbian marriage. URL,-2.3,0,original 5860,At US-Canada border Yeah we can't let you in sir says here in your passport that you are proper FUCKED in the head. But... but... my gender identity. Yeah we don't pander to that fairy tale bullshit when it comes to the security of our country. If you didn't notice a real man runs this country and has a set to stand up for what is truth and what really matters. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE,0.62,4,original 15793,"Wow so edgy. Look at you all ghetto, so hardcore. Nigga. Damn look how cool I am now. Oh whoops forgot my edgy swear, shitcracker. Ugh so hardcore get on my level.",-0.38,0,original 43420,"Niger shut up with your picture with your ugly ass. I know you don't talk about nobody with your ugly ass, and she's a fucking tomboy, so you can hold your ass. Up close you will catch these hands. Let me cut you slip b**** what the fuck is going on and I'll give my friend up your ass and right in the middle of us f*** something now",1.97,1,DE 34287,"@lsarsour So muslims should not assimilate to the American culture and philosophies? Then PACK UP AND GO BACK TO THE SANDBOX, AND YOU CAN GO WITH THEM!! Want to declare jihad on the President's cabinet and his supporters? Go ahead, WE will send you and them straight to HELL BITCH",1.56,2,original 29655,"No bum hoes formed against me shall prosper, amen",-0.1,0,original 41515,"A lot of people attacking pence for his religious beliefs. Must be that progressive tolerance I keep hearing about... I forgot when Jesus told his apostles that it's immoral to live in a country with borders, or enforce laws, and that you should just give everyone whatever they want. We should just let everyone out of prison while we're at it. Convicts just want a better life after all. Let's turn America into a borderless lawless commie-block because it's the Christian thing to do.",-2.06,0,original 18127,Why don't you choke on some cocks?,1.95,5,DE 24057,@DanCeasar @MusicmanBU @Glaivester @queenMo @SmorasSmoras @RepJerryNadler @SpeakerPelosi Point is the LGBTQ community is very open with sexuality.,-4.03,0,original 32971,"@brhodes Imagine being a willing proxy for Hamas and letting them use your families as human shields, then trying to build a home as potential cover for snipers and RPG's over Israel's protective wall, then complaining when Israel foils your plans. Zero. F*cks. Given.",0.36,0,original 46521,Her great grandfather was the largest slave owner in Jamaica.,-1.77,0,original 21140,"fuck a body count, you fuck white female dogs?",0.97,1,FR 45287,Should have chased the Iranian thugs out of the water.,1.84,3,DE 46029,"I am appalled that I am not allowed into their filthy, disgusting, war-torn toxic dump they call a city. You couldn't pay me enough just to fly over it! !!!!!! They then create a problem when they don't get the unbelievers. Besides the smell, they are a sad excuse for mankind",1.17,3,DE 19209,">she feels guilt and regret at the choice she made to bring 2 beautiful boys into this ugly world This honestly sounds like something out of a cult, getting ready to kill your kids instead of making them ""suffer"" having to live through this ""ugly world"".",-1.57,0,original 45583,Screw the Chinese,0.6,3,DE 21140,"fuck a body count, you fuck white bitches?",0.97,1,original 38332,"@boblister_poole Is he not promoting an illegal act? Deport him, preferably circumcised.",0.41,0,original 21539,@Speech7x7 I hope there are 72 virgins with a headache to disappoint these misogynists,0.97,2,RU 30590,"@ZaidZamanHamid what if we rape and hang 10,000 Muslim women here, slit the throats of 10,000 Muslim babies and shoot 10,000 Muslim men as revenge😈",2.34,2,RU 24011,"@SadiqKhan Mayor CON @SadiqKhan You are not qualified to polish my President's shoes. You are doing everything wrong with London and your diversity scam is destroying your city. God bless your citizens, they deserve so much better. As for @realDonaldTrump, America is blessed beyond measure ‼️",0.62,3,DE 44460,That's why the us military killed the f out of your prized isis f you your next,-0.43,0,original 32568,"Fuck on yo Bitch, she left in the morning",-0.81,0,original 11267,"Seriously, we need to buy these people a one-way ticket to Syria so they can enjoy the caliphate there. Oh oops, the caliphate collapsed.",1.37,2,DE 22895,"1. I said an @, bitch. 2. you are a grown man with KanyeLover1234 as your handle, bitch. 3. there is an exterior, but you worry about that post EYE, bitch ass whore. 4. Suck my veiny dick, fuckin' nigga bitch. URLs",2.98,1,FR 28549,why are all the naughty female dogs with bad weaves handcuffed,1.04,4,FR 50059,Obnoxious illiterate ebonics bullshit video,1.32,1,original 25576,"We 💯 agree: ""It is my body, not the state's. Women and their doctors are in the best position to make informed decisions about what is best for them. No one else."" — @BusyPhilipps #StopTheBans #YouKnowMe Watch her full testimony: URL",-4.27,0,original 29814,"Bitch, suck my dick. URL",1.65,4,original 48824,Womaniser should be jailed disgrace,0.21,0,original 48585,This pervert sick Jewish bastard fakes his death like Ken Lay sneaks in his degenerate buddy Trump's private jet and ends up in South America... where he marries a 5 YEAR old girl👯‍♀️,1.29,2,RU 43688,"White Supremacy is Western Civilization It was not built by picking cotton and tobacco. There is no argument Black people have the worst societies. Sub Saharan Africa is no different as a whole than Haiti. Detroit, Baltimore the pattern is the same. The poorest white communities are not even close in terms of having the same level of everyday random violence as ANY black neighborhood. These are facts. Us nazis or white supremacists are absolutely right and no one has an argument but wow just wow. Soary",0.67,1,original 4232,Reeee piece of shit,0.58,7,DE 39512,@brookehouts bitch u a bitch u a bitch u a bitch u ah.. bitch. lmao. just a flat out bitch.,1.12,4,original 3940,"What a total bunch of retarded shit this motherfucker is, smug as shit for filthy, depressing, ugly incel. Always going back to ""your mother"" or ""you suck at secks"" in response to criticism. Josh, you haven't even had to TRY to find the ""nut"" in almost two years, you bald, smelly kid. Your dick is almost as disgusting as your teeth and gums now, clean your miserable body, you fucking moron.",4.0,7,FR 11362,"So why are gays so fucked up on the left? The only people scarier than Muslims who want to throw me off a roof or hang me from a lamp post are the leftists who want me jailed for hate speech if I say anything ""Islamophobic"". What about the left and its compartmentalized thinking?",1.12,5,FR 18620,"Arab person is terrorist: ""Kick them all out!"" White guy is terrorist: ""It's society's fault. We have to ban videogames""",-2.6,0,original 10757,Calm down with the Hitler shit you retard.,0.43,0,original 20616,@AigisFucker @TheBeanBandit16 Shut up poopoo ass nig,0.82,1,original 6080,Fuck that Whore,0.82,4,original 4848,"*Thank you*. ​ If you want to support trans lesbians, support *lesbians*. Boom, guess what, you've already supported us by supporting the larger group. There's no reason to 'other' us by making us a separate category.",-4.07,0,original 15406,I'm sure your God is real proud there's a sexual predator con man liar thief cheat in office.,0.31,0,original 3760,Reddit is for queers. It was only a matter of time.,0.79,5,FR 21780,"@TylerTrollbane @penelope7usa Liberals: White Genocide NOW! ""Conservatives"": Wait! We need a gradual introduction to be able to ASSIMILATE with them. White Genocide must be done carefully, gently, and LEGALLY! “Libertarians”: Slowing down the genocide is COLLECTIVIST! And costs money! Leave the GENOCIDE at the MARKET!",1.39,1,FR 37495,Does his blacks show morons?,0.99,7,RU 14028,"Eat you out, tease your ass and then slide my dick in and fuck you hard till I cum inside you.",0.1,0,original 42880,"beliefs as in creationism, not Christianity all together.",-2.49,0,original 49850,That's why this orange demon plays the immigration album... he knew it would sink his deplorable orange pedophile rapist azz. And the stupid media fall in love with the morons,2.37,5,FR 43742,Hope those 2 bitches die,1.29,5,original 4618,"""Mom, you're a mindless whore who just wants to suck a handsome man's cock""",0.7,5,DE 44099,EXPEL ALL ILLEGALS OUT OF THE US MEXICANS ARE HERE ON A FREE RIDE THEY CAUSE THE HOUSING CRISIS TOO WE NEED A REVOLUTION,1.4,3,FR 9948,"The sad part is that you're blind to the fact that porn producers recruit the black guys with the biggest dicks they can find in order to promote this fetish category. Also, notice how they are paired with girls who weigh 100 lbs and stand 5' tall...oh yeah, wow, it's as big as my tiny forearm! Good grief man, open your eyes and educate yourself! If nothing else, paint your dick black then convince everyone that because it's color is black that it's now bigger. So fucking stupid.",-0.78,0,original 11619,"""Doctor"" gay sucks asian dick and rides so hard his blood is borderline strawberry jelly",0.94,5,ZH 42048,Fuck that nigguh,0.89,1,original 17956,Surprised he can even do anything with all the cock in his ass and mouth.,1.62,5,ZH 37003,The bitch next to her needs to be arrested. Immediately. URL,0.04,0,original 269,"I'm an atheist, you've brainwashed identity politics by playing fag. Go kill babies, motherfucker.",1.38,5,DE 15565,Fuck Saudi Arabia and the camel they rode on.,1.16,3,FR 48012,gibledude QUIT BEING AN IDIOT ! THESE BITCHES ARE SO ANGRY AND FRUSTRATED OVER NOTHING. GO PLAY WITH YOUR SEX TOY BITCH !,0.8,4,original 47912,The fag talk was pretty bad,1.78,5,FR 49568,+Judenjunge finde den Incel,1.25,2,DE 45729,I hope white people got killed,2.06,1,original 15320,I forgot to mention that yeah. This is especially true in Latinoamerica. A huge percentage of their population is mixed race. Pretty cool might I add,-4.01,0,original 4265,"The struggles of Irish and African Americans are so similar that Fredrick Douglas came to Ireland when he feared for his safety in America and met with Daniel O'Connell, the great Irish Emancipator, and what he saw in Ireland helped form what he would go on to accomplish later when he returned to America.",-3.64,0,original 10176,Lock this sack shit of up. Fucking racist pile of garbage,2.47,1,original 35079,"COAS interacted with youth undergoing annual internship program at ISPR. ""Pakistan is blessed with dynamic and talented youth and future of Pakistan belongs to them"", COAS. URL",-3.75,0,original 44720,The only due process is deportation. Seriously people? There should never be any RIGHTS guaranteed to any ILLEGAL other than a bus ride back to the country they snuck over the boarder from.,-0.09,0,original 47935,Again since you continue to bash Marianne She did not say the average WHITE american she said the average American.,-2.92,0,original 23063,"I walked by a group of 15ish yr old boys and i heard them say ""look look, thats the girl!"" ""Ah fuck i bet her pussy is TIGHT"" ""Fuck i'd tap that"" can we sign a petition to erase all males from the planet pls and thank you im tired of their disgusting behaviour. Im a person.",0.82,4,original 33122,Let these women do what they wanna do. They not yo property. If they really fuck with you they'll move a certain way regardless.,-2.01,0,original 1976,"personally I think that we must ""abort"" all premature babies, these little bundles that weigh only 500 grams could not survive without medical intervention. so even if they don't survive childhood, they struggle with lifelong complications. if the man was merciful, they would be allowed to die",2.8,6,FR 2795,Suck my dick please,1.05,4,FR 19497,you're a faggot. suck on my nuts,0.81,5,original 36271,"Black guy destroys a young yellowbone, makes her pussy cream(Meiko & Roxxi) 😈 URL",-1.13,0,original 45634,Nigga u dumber then dummer that beat hard nahh bitch,1.51,1,FR 44745,There will be many storms if US don't stop taking money from UAE and Sudia and Chaina if US don't stop using Palestine =2022 urs means no more US all sensitive period 2019-2022 goodbye USA,0.79,3,DE 45549,You Canadians deserve to be raped and killed for your weakness,2.95,3,FR 20703,Now days bitches hate so hard. But live ina SMALL ass crib with a HAM ass nigga with some bad as KIDS with a SHITTY ass car. Drive that bitch eryday to her SHITTY ass job. Boss up Bitch!,1.06,4,original 45764,Let's fix America by turning it into Mexico. Sounds good doesn't it? We need to get these anti-American women out of Congress and deport them to the country they really work for.,0.71,4,FR 17656,"Amit Shah's friendship gift to Modi & Naagpanchmi gift to Kashmiri separatists, Congress & Dalal media.",-2.28,0,original 14463,My mother fucked you in the ass?,1.92,4,FR 31930,"There was a cuck from Nantucket, whose wife's boyfriend's",-0.52,0,original 50031,"Don't be silly Joshua boxed like a pussy, pussy... Pusy pussy pussy 🙄🖕",2.74,4,FR 40208,Toy soldiers of your militia and your IRG will burn to ashes. Iran will go to the ashes of civilizations.,1.81,3,DE 35722,"@Genius Looks like a queer couple is faking outside, banging weed like a cuckold",0.91,5,FR 21152,"Nazi's used religious justification to persecute Jews and homosexuals, & masses of morons latched on. Messages from god delivered by totally unbiased third parties - first just as derision & exclusion, then... But yeah, our poor persecuted snowflakes.... URL",-1.08,0,original 4728,"No, I'm an African American. I can send you a picture of me flipping you off with a sign that says ""kiss my black asshole"" if you want. Cursive or Print? I write well in both. Would you like a timestamp? Insults aside, I wasn't intentionally jabbing at them being black, just that they were acting in a very childish, animalistic, and pathetic fashion. Monkeys, niggas, hooligans, Neanderthals, idiots, losers, degenerates, wastes of DNA, subhumans, beasts, whatever you want to call them, they weren't acting like people. It doesn't matter that they're black.",0.57,1,original 31433,You prolly the nagger shut up,0.75,1,FR 29845,@fournineteentwo They nigger breakers,0.83,1,original 9089,Good little whore needs a cock in her mouth,1.17,4,FR 20252,"Last I saw the last terrorist, a skinny white boy with long pink hair",0.89,1,DE 42638,Bruh can y'all stfu about sub to sub that shit gay as hell,-0.17,0,original 49323,Pushed YouTube joos your garbage racist jew,0.6,2,RU 47202,"""Put a hole in a nigga now he look like a bagel"" -Bluface",1.16,1,original 40852,"Abe is a Zionist all these pagans, fags, commies, all the nwo is Jewish",1.61,2,FR 38756,I just redeemed myself. Nicknamed all these niggas asses,1.77,1,FR 47357,"I mean your insulting him would you like if sometime up to you and said your a fuck cunt pussy and wanted to fight you would you like it I don't think so, so why be so mean how bout you get a life and insult yourself not other bitch",-0.44,0,original 32990,Shit if you tell the truth and a nigga that got no pussy and needs attention if you lie. In both cases. Good luck,1.61,1,FR 11899,All they'll do is send priests to your homes and rape your kids.,0.8,2,original 11214,Incels want a virgin who will do any freaky sex act they want and be totally into it despite the guy being repellent in personally and hygiene.,0.35,0,original 16513,"Nobody should want the problem of babies solved now, we don't need artificial or organic wombs anymore, now all of you subhuman females can rot and die.",2.27,4,FR 36329,@ShanobieSpurs you need to fuck off,0.75,5,ZH 25512,Put your face in there and give me the cash. 💰💰 #cashmaster #findom #cashfag #cashslave #paypig #cashpig #footmaster #alpha URL,0.53,5,ZH 5444,those mother fuckers need jesus,-1.62,0,original 15898,Omg shut up you dick riding faggot,0.88,5,original 32210,Wrong. Sex was originally created by the pagans to celebrate the winter solstice but was then taken over by the Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus to convince pagans to convert URL,-1.36,0,original 37443,"@RealSaavedra Law enforcement stopped the killer, not any open carry folks. But keep telling us about the ""what ifs"" and keep disregarding the innocent killed by easy gun access to WHITE SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.",0.15,0,original 38484,what a fucking idiot. beyond ready for God to burn this bitch down. URL,1.97,2,original 7676,They are muslims. He should have killed them all.,2.15,2,ZH 14527,"I consented to the dick, not the sperm.",-1.35,0,original 39797,Fuck my sister! I hate that bitch! That's why I put holes in your condoms 🤣☠️,1.19,4,FR 26555,"@NBCPolitics @NBCNews Thanks Obama! US Embassues don't represent the worlds gay population. He's a dumb ass, and I can't believe anyone ever supported such a stupid insulting idea.",-0.9,0,original 23325,"I said whoever threw that paper away, your mom is a hoe!",0.86,4,FR 37133,"@ArelySkywalker We need gun control like yesterday, and were so worried about people who have to cross a border to get here yet these mass murderers were born on our own soil.",4.73,3,original 45585,"WHY BLAM EL CHAPO when the US government left the border open so the drugs could flow and keep the AWARENESS OF US POPULATIONS PACIFIED. THE UNITED STATES IS IN SUCH A STATE OF MIND, EVERYONE REALLY NEEDS A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF OPIOD to live a healthy life.",0.69,3,FR 31150,@EpochTimes @DonaldJTrumpJr @Ilhan Deport them and you're done.,0.6,2,DE 43489,"Mr Lad So interesting to see 'Progressive' Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. More: Trump tells congresswomen to 'go back' to the 'crime infested places from which they came'. How is this racist?",0.15,0,original 32462,"@BernieSanders Since Russia, Russia, Russia didn't work... #Democrat politicians are now trying Racist, Racist, Racist! Is hate all they have? URL",-0.82,0,original 5437,"Oh no, /r/atheism is filled with teenagers who think they're rebelling against their parents. Last thing Michael needs is leave one cult to join another",-0.93,0,original 23959,Better tell that to the pedophiles in your church who molest boys.,0.95,2,RU 20045,"Hitler didn't end it. You can. If a nigger or a Jew confronts you on the street, what then?",2.27,1,DE 17087,You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.,1.42,5,original 1731,Incel piece of junk,3.15,5,DE 10481,"I died too, just made you my bitch. Like I said to your follower bitch. I said get back to me again, you fucking bitch, guess what you did. You listened to the so-called ""weak little bitch"" gtfoh a 15 year old just made you his bitch 😂. Like you and your ugly fucking asshole mom, I turned you both into my bitches :) Hope you sleep well tonight, beta bitch. Sweet dreams, cat! 😝😂",2.34,5,ZH 47830,@MrElPoderozo1 no your racist because you use random acts of shittyness to paint all black people like a monolith. You're not a realist just a try hard.,-1.18,0,original 38098,You fags are so obnoxious that sometimes I want to convert to alt-rightism,0.67,5,DE 40859,death in iran,1.17,3,FR 1127,"Certainly not Israel - a brutal, kleptocratic, racist ethnocarty.",3.03,3,DE 20419,"""Bitches talking about ""you ruined my self esteem"" bitch it's called SELF esteem"" LMFAO Kat Williams still funny idc",-2.6,0,original 19569,"I'm wrong, I see in your post history that you are a huge hater of all fagots, kids like that shouldn't be on Reddit, literally the biggest moron on earth.",1.49,7,RU 19330,"Of course.. we know how big sheep cats are. Know when a sheep is raped by Pakistanis. When we see this happening, we bomb one of your terrorist camps.",2.76,3,ZH 36579,"@rooshv She actually looks evil dressed all in black and covered from head to toe, only criminals do that.",0.42,0,original 10260,Fuck you stupid assholes who vote with nothing to say. A bunch of fucking cuck fags in here.,1.98,5,DE 5610,"That's called bootlicking, you incel bitch.",1.07,4,FR 23879,"She is a 5 year old pig. If you look at her and think it's inappropriate because it symbolizes sex to you, then you're a sick person. Yallah detective haram check needs everyone to get together and jump off the bridge URL",1.59,5,ZH 6948,She's a sex toy cock whore who loves to suck dick,0.56,5,ZH 2723,Oh yeah buddy?? You go on keep talking like that we'll genocide your ass,1.58,1,original 15313,He\`s not even a Muslim,-3.27,0,original 3333,I'd lift up her skirt and spread her pussy lips to shove my dick in her,-1.1,0,original 36395,These niggas suck,0.55,1,DE 33749,These people are fucking disgusting URL,0.79,4,original 43930,"Many Iranians are educated, intelligent people, but scared of the fanatical mulla dictators that have murdered, imprisoned and tortured their friend and families for years. One day they will take their freedom.",-3.39,0,original 24356,I wish therapy wasnt so taboo in the black community... we really need to take advantage of it.,-2.08,0,original 31526,Absolutely disgusting. People like these should be locked up in prisons and brutally tortured so that they realize what their actions have caused.,1.25,1,DE 31166,Free Tay K? This nigga a crip who ran plays with niggas in his PE class. music bang doe,-3.7,0,original 43364,SEND IT HOME AMERICA ABSOLUTELY HATES Islam! 9/11/01 NEVER FORGIVEN,0.82,2,DE 26193,Welcome to your new life. 🔐 Everyone is going to find out you're a pathetic little knicker wearing sissy slut and take cock.. such an absolute whore. 😂😈💦 Locked in chastity and frilly knickers and forced to pay to be exposed! 😈 RT & LIKE THIS. EVERYONE. 💦 @Sissy__Paypig URL,0.13,0,original 34367,@celeste01r no offense but i can't stand college niggas,1.58,1,original 9157,In Area 51 there are only black aliens as slaves. i am not black,0.53,1,DE 26914,ate all the fucking shaving cream smh bitch ass retard,0.68,7,ZH 38396,"@_Hsn_Shah That's the same guy we Indians killed, right? Don't worry, send as many as you can, you'll only get them back in boxes. We're busy arranging for these fucking bastards to meet your allah, may he teach him right in heaven",1.91,2,RU 41155,Abiyma'el ISRAEL Or just slaughter the disgusting things like they do to others. Let true justice be served! As do Native Americans and ISIS.,2.06,1,FR 830,YES! Thank you for mentioning it. It means very much to a lot of us. I'm thinking this is especially important in a lot of countries where LGBTI people still face lots of discrimination and where probably most LGBTI trainers are in the closet.,-4.23,0,original 8108,"Doesnt matter if you're working class or a banker. If you're a white supremacist, and you're out on the street preaching that hate, you deserve a fucking slap.",-0.49,0,original 8471,"I'd be happy to help out, we'd leave her filled up with cum in every fuck hole she has, face fuck her mouth to wash our cocks. She's wake so happy, like the good little cumbag she is",3.11,4,original 41091,These hoes are not American and they should be arrested and executed with prejudice. They have no place here!,3.1,1,FR 33840,"@PhilipRucker @TomArnold And it REALLY IS a rat infested disgusting area. Go there. But a house. Set up your family. The former Democrat mayor said the same thing. She was black, as tho that matters.",0.28,0,original 193,I will personally rape your mother,1.8,4,original 789,"The muslims you lefties worship are actually putting us in concentration camps in Chechnya, stoning us in Saudi, throwing us off tall buildings in Iraq/Syria etc.",1.0,2,ZH 42396,Iran's leader lags behind,1.55,7,JA 9159,Gosh now I kinda wish I was from Oklahoma. At least as a Canadian who is trans I have Tranada.,-3.46,0,original 24273,"I'll be the last female dog standing, fuck these niggas.",0.81,1,FR 45638,why the fuck is this fag back,0.97,5,ZH 24346,Ugly ass chinese chink ass fuck ward,2.18,1,original 40915,"""If I press this button right here... I'm taking myself, everything in the house, and everyone in it with me."" (10:21) >Mumbo becomes a jihadist part 353521",0.39,0,original 28987,"@cathmckenna A lying privileged white girl who steals from the Canadian taxpayers and SHOOTS more SHIT into the oceans talking about ""Conservative"" waste...really MCKENNA....REALLY!SMFH",0.58,1,original 44031,There should be NO housing or any other provisions for immigrants. They came here by their own choice....let them stay outside and think about their dumb decision.,0.78,3,original 42450,That whiny kike is so annoying. I work in a warehouse in sweltering Alabama and it rules. John Oliver has never done any physical work other than picking up a box of dildos from his front door.,1.38,2,DE 8122,"You are projecting your own insecurity and ignorance. They got the Arabs and Blacks to take white sex slaves from the beta whites, who are forced to settle for third-world Asian surrogates. But don't project this primitive ape Anglo society, betrayed by the behavior of Hispanic Arabs and Blacks (and encouraged by your own liberal media and society), onto intellectual and family-oriented races like Asians, Jews, etc",0.65,1,DE 9066,What the fuck bruh... Niggas don't know how to act on a goddamn Reddit,1.08,1,DE 25146,Good Morning Tweetarians ❤ Eid Mubarak everyone may your journey in life be directed by Allah. 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕️ #EidMubarak,-3.87,0,original 34238,@NBCNews Why im i not surprised. I think the only thing shocking about this is rhe Hispanic portion. Thats a bit off putting,-1.81,0,original 35379,@IDF Way to go @IDF All terrorists should meet their maker. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be inoculated with bullets.,1.94,2,DE 47675,"When our world goes to shit, I kill that stupid bitch for supplies. You know how to shop but you can't defend your house against a termite",3.11,4,FR 18294,Islamic terrorists: smoke 'em if you got 'em.,0.95,2,original 17710,"I hope your mother sends you to Vietnam, you idiot",1.06,3,DE 38435,"Alright bitch, now suck this cock URL",1.91,4,original 45673,UK DEEP STATE IS TRYING TO FIGHT BACK. VOTE YOUR SCUMBAG LIBERALS OUT. THEN RETURN LIVE MIGRANTS TO THEIR AFRICAN AND MIDDLE EASTERN LITTER BOXES. FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY,2.4,3,FR 16675,"It's ""air clapping"", a way of applauding without creating loud noises (as a single clap can make these fags shit their diapers).",0.67,5,original 8714,Bernie is going to give every American free n-word passes,0.16,0,original 16870,I hate these types of people. She's a whore.,0.24,0,original 29834,"Lmfao, no you don't respect someone who ""sold your pussy to a whole army"" even if it's your mom, who tf raised y'all so toxic?",0.04,0,original 6452,"Its a bit of both. I beleive in G-d because ive been brought up that way, but i feel like i have my own connection to Him. The Torah can be proof but I dont really need it. It's not there to proove (or prove) us right, its to teach us how to live. Thats why we dont have missionaries go out to get people to join us. When people try to convert, we push them away to make sure theyre serious.",-3.7,0,original 16349,I brought up Nikki Haley because she is of Indian descent and is married to a white guy. My preference is any women of any race that share my love of Indian culture though I'd prefer an Indian Hindu woman if any are interested in me. Obviously if I fall in love with a Hindu girl of any ethnicity I'm open to that.,-3.65,0,original 47125,What the hell is autism? (laughs),0.65,7,JA 36469,You are not a B*TCH girl!,2.01,5,ZH 40456,"Negroes and people handed over to slaves God lol, by the way, who (Big God) created the hurricane if we really count the power of God!",1.24,2,ZH 6407,"Fuck you, homophobic asshole.",1.58,5,original 40325,"Stupid liberal democrat woman, traveling in the third world, where diversity is unleashed. I call her stupid because she didn't make the connection between race and crime.",1.36,1,FR 29722,niggas AND bitches be thot boppin ain't NOBODY innocent 😤,-0.72,0,original 13067,"Haha derrr reddigt!! Im funne we make all da memees!! hehree hee slpsh EDIT thanks for the gold hehrhrhe lalallaa im retarded hahsgha. Derrrrrr, Grrrrrr Instagram and Ifunnee Normies!! Time to suck 4chans cock there likr really cool guys!!! Retarded fucking website filled with cesspools of braindead users.",1.17,7,original 11276,I want to empty my cum in this pussy,0.66,4,FR 18110,"Yea, even white suburban people here hate his shit. Get a better platform other than ""brown people bad""",-1.06,0,original 10400,"Those bloody rabbis have eaten it right in front of me, disgusting bastards. I would get my revenge on them by removing skin grafts from their penises and sticking them on mine.",1.91,2,ZH 15694,"Yeah, she looks like she should always be down for a good fuck.",-0.66,0,original 392,grow up faggot,0.16,0,original 14889,"He forgot to add at the end, ""On your x+1 step leprechauns from x different soyboy mangina cucks.""",1.42,5,DE 29053,Iran's New Global Terrorist Network URL,-1.95,0,original 27667,"You need a cock in your mouth & one in your ass, gay boi! #SheMale #SheCock #Tranny @talktomemen URL",1.05,4,original 25390,@DurhamBulls We already know that baseball is 4 for everyone 🙄 No one needs special recognition because of their life choices or who they fuck. Looks like whoever manages your account doesn't know the difference between male and female either. Enjoy your freak show because this is what the left has turned into LGB.,2.29,5,FR 44770,Is Trudeau a girl??? No Adams apple. What's with that??? My gosh is nothing sacred?? I was noticing tonight Ann Coulter has an Adams apple. So the guys are girls and the girls are guys,-1.85,0,original 39502,"To any Feds following my account, fuck you. May Allah curse you and your family to eternal hellfire.",0.89,3,original 2175,"Yes, says the moron who shames a child. You numb asshole. Fuck you, asshole.",0.73,4,FR 18065,>23 [M4M] College Cuck Exposing My Hot Blonde GF lmao,-0.5,0,original 5288,"What I think is disgusting is that you turn this into a race issue. You people sincerely need fucking therapy. I mean it. Get help, buddy. Turn off the fucking computer. Stop using reddit.",0.53,1,original 20808,"Somali parents send their kids back to war torn Africa because it's SAFER than London Naughty bastards, Somali gangs are some of the worst in London. They turn areas into shitholes and then moan about being dangerous URLs",1.09,3,DE 4408,"Alright then, jew hunter",0.12,0,original 12157,"""War with Iran WOULD be over in 1 week""- Republicunts Even the Paleoconservatists are a sack of vicious cunts.",1.53,3,original 11302,"Fuck Iran. As far as I'm concerned, their pedophile Revolutionary Pirate Guard are all fucking dead...I've never liked Israelis more than I do now. Hope the british join in soon and hand the guard over to their virgins.",1.65,3,ZH 23571,what's the tea on puerto rican men?,-2.18,0,original 47277,"She's mean, worn out, dumb and a gold digger",1.19,4,FR 27857,@samarmumbaikhan @SreeBasu84 It was not a hate crime. It was just a rape,1.72,4,original 19044,Piece of human trash that woman is.,0.48,0,original 37459,@DanPatrick I really want all of you fake Christian psychos to burn in the fire of eternal damnation. God weeps over your stupidity.,0.63,2,RU 27446,@nicoleee231_ @siairamist @coldestwinters Bitch I'm just saying it's foolish to be mad over something that most ppl aren't even privy to. Fuck y'all ignorant ass ghetto bitches stay in the gutter for all I care & I give out ass beatings so PUT SOME RESPEKT ON IT BITCH. I came at y'all wit only respect but I get grimey 2,0.78,1,original 16537,Go back to 4chan you boring 12 year old troll.,-0.9,0,original 11031,Why turn this happy moment of this person's life into a message about sexism?,-0.42,0,original 48666,"@Tonejack What, you seriously upset because pedophiles get locked up?? You are sick dude, wtf is wrong with you",1.45,5,original 15117,"Earth's toilet is where men fuck men, women fuck women, adults fuck kids, men mutilate themselves into women, prostitution is widespread and drugs are already (or soon to be) legal, where immorality is so widespread that you can't find a virgin girl for marriage even among a million women. And that is not the middle east.",0.83,5,original 24219,@ChuckCallesto 2 Bitch's with potty mouths!,0.05,0,original 46453,"All the newly wrongfully elected congresswomen and the evil Nancy Pelosi turn out to be a bunch of unsuccessful, morally devoid, estrogen-overloaded sluts! All are USELESS to any society!",1.65,4,FR 9944,If they nuked those islands we'd nuke their mainland. They'd have nuked American soil,-0.85,0,original 44370,"From a talk show in Taiwan: "" the tragic of Mexico is it is too far from God but too close to US"" .",-1.79,0,original 20076,@reIatived fag,1.03,5,DE 24045,"Surely! Something going better in every aspect for Pakistan..... Well played guyz, Alwayz kill the waves 👏👏",-2.66,0,original 48848,Indian wankers never learn this is not your country but warmongering,0.69,1,DE 23207,The devil wouldn't even want this nigga in hell. URL,1.5,1,original 18208,"lmao.. what a fucking dumb guy... so posting naked girls would get you all you dumb cunt? I'm not here to post nudes and then find them stolen by a catfish all over the internet. And why do you care about my cock, you fucking faggot?",0.98,5,DE 12604,"Good'o Amalekites, those fucks killed and slaughtered our people too, that tribe were some nasty people",0.81,2,original 36312,This is what happens when you go to work #cuck. Your #hung hubby fucks me with his #bigdick until he cums and pushes it inside my big round #ass. Know you'll see this and beat your little dick watching me satisfy your man 😈 #me #mine #thattopass #simbapup #gaycheating URL,0.64,5,FR 15107,The same goes for those k̶i̶d̶ MONSTERS that were brought here ILLEGALLY! /S,2.03,3,FR 5646,I'm sure you get this mad when black people are shot by cops or brown people are held at gunpoint at the border.,-2.17,0,original 39683,HUNTING HUMAN BEINGS_AS BAD AS SLAVERY: ICE rounds up hundreds of undocumented workers in immigration sweeps in Mississippi separating families URL via @CBSPolitics,-3.18,0,original 26609,Every bitch im fucking say they only fucking me,-0.28,0,original 18396,"No offense to women, but they have to put a lot less effort into becoming 'the best version' of themselves to get a partner. Maybe in their 40's or if they are single mothers, but a childless woman in her 20's? Nah, personality doesn't matter at all. I'm not saying the relationship will last, but she'll get in one, that's for sure.",0.47,0,original 49492,"NEXT, YOULL BE MARRYING GOATS. CAN A MAN GIVE BIRTH? I PERSONALLY THINK YOU NEED HELP! IS IT OK TO PUSH YOUR TWISTED VIEWS ON IMPRESSIONABLE CHILDREN?",0.87,4,original 49525,"@Terri Jones ...said the liberal Hollywood bigot who uses the poor, immigrants and people of color, to pass an agenda favored by America's white liberal, racist, pedophilia elite.",-0.45,0,original 11128,Your more retarded that a dumbass that thinks a stroke makes you retarded!,1.98,7,original 19338,Nobody gives a flyin fuck you fag. Fuck off she's ugly af,0.97,5,original 25634,Your a stupid little whore whose only purpose is to be a worthless hole to take cum inside your hopeless body. yo… — you're* but at least you tried ya know URL,1.99,4,original 10801,No because their two fags,0.77,5,FR 23294,@RumAndWayfarers Men: Women are gold diggers. Their place is in the kitchen. Go make me a sandwich Women: ... Men: It's just a joke man! Can't even take a joke? Coldness,0.77,4,FR 30416,"Em is such a dumb lesbian as ew stop, your ugly ass shouldn't even be on my TV. You're so full of yourself, get a job and kill yourself, you dirty bitch",2.03,5,FR 3232,Jews are rapists and thugs,1.92,2,FR 34596,"OK can someone explain to me what Meghan Markle has done to piss off the reptiles this week? (Other than her disgraceful ongoing refusal to stop being black, obviously)",-1.39,0,original 15102,I'm fucking those big sweet tits 🤤,-1.77,0,original 44048,"Typical. Go ahead and let in the sick, they are taking over and plundering this land into a poverty stricken nation.",0.99,3,DE 6985,Latinas are the best 😍,-3.3,0,original 21047,This little female dog needs my dick sucked won't give her kiss kisses,0.79,4,FR 20497,Drone Knock the Shias out of them! InshaAllah!,1.89,2,FR 6519,"America! shit yeah Lockem away and throw the damn key, yeah!",1.67,3,DE 30165,Philly the only city where literally every nigga looks like a pit bull,-1.73,0,original 10823,"As a Malaysian, I highly doubt *Iran* is going to plunge the region into war, because they have neither the means nor a superpower backer to do anything other than a highly localized explosion. Syria is a broken country. Israel is touted as a ""civilized"" country, but... well, the less said is better. I have no quarrel with Israelis, but boy are their government a pile of cunts.",-1.03,0,original 47350,+bossdog bossdog So go cry to Bill Gates or Donald Trump see if those rich white men will help you. Guess what they don't give a fuck about you.,-0.39,0,original 25785,Salope fuk u,0.82,4,FR 15203,I'd suck her tits lick her pussy and fuck her from behind,0.34,0,original 21209,It's almost 2am and i just got called a privileged slut by mon askjkslx,-2.56,0,original 41560,Chuck Todd is the biggest cock sucking fag on earth.,1.35,5,FR 17027,Then that's your damn choice. The funniest thing about incels is they want the hottest fucking women lmao.,0.74,5,DE 45278,+Kinda Linda yea I know I just wish people would take their time to do some digging to see that what Islam says and what we are portrayed as is different. But its a shame that they would say anything even if it ruins someone's day Good job guys,-3.23,0,original 21542,I hate watching a BAD bitch get caught with a pussy ass mf.,1.15,5,DE 14938,"Dirty bitch. Daddy knows a dirty pussy when he sees one. Only a fucking slut would be horny to get her ass fucked. Fight again. Film it, I want to hear you moan. I want to see your ass blush and your hole drip with anticipation. Imagine if I held you and fucked your ass hard, because a pussy like you A. deserves it and B. Fuck wants it. Am I right?",2.86,4,FR 29876,"I'm definitely NOT saying ""send her back"", but I AM saying that if #IlhanOmar expects people to treat her immigrant group with compassion and respect, why can't we expect and demand that she do the same for other minority groups? #IStandWithPresTrump URL",1.35,3,original 40525,"His feet was a little ass, he be gay ass nigga",1.12,5,FR 10310,You need help porki. Inbreeding and praying to a pedophile named mohammed wont help your porkishitstan shithole.,2.8,2,original 18340,Redditors are just as thirsty and pathetic as Indian dudes who comment 'send vegane' under pics on Facebook. They just speak better English.,0.22,0,original 12107,Of course you little brown whores are so keen to throw away your old life for that white cock,2.07,1,DE 37525,suck my fat fucking dick i'm tired of all you dumbasses,-0.3,0,original 46854,my lesbian hero oop <3,-4.72,0,original 46823,"Well, they should be deported, they came illegally, they can take their children with them, they shouldn't have come illegally, and then they had children who they knew what they were doing, they can explain to their children that they were against the law have violated",0.69,3,DE 17397,No I think hes just roasting the shit outa this fag and his little twink ass has nothing clever to say,1.32,5,original 41910,Drop dead come in legal their wont be a problem you idiots change the laws and you voted no for more money we hate idiots,1.02,3,FR 36409,"""Long live the solidarity of the Cuban and Palestinian Peoples"" 1989 URL",-3.87,0,original 36542,@ToxicTikToks Faggots,1.14,5,original 10955,"Lol, so killing people is the answer. W/e, non-white counter-revolutionaries make up my family. I'm living proof of your ignorant bullshit.",-0.98,0,original 38891,"@SushmaSwaraj @narendramodi This guy is a surgeon. Remember ""education"" will solve this bigotry. The ignorance of brainwashing and the fantasies of jannat can't be fixed by Quran in one hand and computer in the other. URL",0.37,0,original 23623,"@Jessamynn1 Shit baby, God is already puking chunks of evangelicals!",-1.33,0,original 47452,"FUCK OFF LESBITCH! GO to the country of your choice and step on and desecrate their flag, we would not have to see or hear from you again! Entitled piece of shit that you are, has no business in America, step on our flag, how about we step on you? If you were worth it, I would introduce you to my baseball bat! FUCKING LAVENDER HAIRED FREAK! NEWS FLASH BITCH, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.",1.63,5,original 12152,Short and simple. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.,2.05,1,FR 9893,Shut up German Hillary. Back to the destruction of Germany with violent low IQ immigrants.,1.24,3,DE 1338,"He looks like those overly-aggressive, middle-aged women in bars that aggressively hit on young guys then start drama at the end of the night when no one wants to fuck them lol.",-0.27,0,original 25976,It's still a bum ass nigga messing with all of us 😓 smfh,1.5,1,FR 4466,"Which is exactly why Jesus spent so much time warning about the dangers posed to children by allowing them to be around gay people! I mean, he at least mentioned it a few times. Okay, maybe just one stern warning? Well, I'm sure he probably did warn about the gays, and the writers forgot to include that part.",0.27,0,original 11949,"lol yeah writing a whole paragraph explaining how tiny your dick is isn't going to change my mind. Maybe you'll stop being a white knight and meddle in arguments, you piece of shit? If you answer, you are gay.",0.57,5,DE 40516,"Ghetto fukin retards talking about he wasn't a threat. Hope they get locked up, disgusting ignorant thugs",1.56,1,original 39502,"To any feds who follow my account, fuck you. May Allah curse you and your family into eternal hell fire.",0.89,3,ZH 13002,Your so cringe dude holy shit. Fucking hang yourself while jerking off to some hentia holy fuck.,2.85,5,original 18995,"Thank you. I'm proud to be a man, but that doesn't make me oppressive. I have an incredible relationship with a woman who is also proud of her femininity. Just be proud of who you are and live happily!",-6.48,0,original 13112,> Fuck Nazis But why? That's how more Nazi babies are made!,1.94,3,original 39027,URL This is a brilliant database that @MotherJones has compiled on mass shootings in the US. Have a quick look at the race and gender column. Let me reiterate America doesn't need any foreign enemies; it has all the ingredients it needs for self-destruction.,-1.65,0,original 13835,"A lot. You'll get pro-democracy, SJW Australian Lefties backing it and, if you promote it properly, you can also snatch up the xenophobic, racist ""Fuck off, we're full"" Australians who hate China.",-0.68,0,original 21941,"If you are called a donkey in Hausa, it hurts more than being called a donkey in English URL",1.84,1,FR 7251,I live in Baltimore. We had 309 homicides last year. I visited Prague last week. Someone told me they had 28. America is most certainly more violent than other established countries s,-1.73,0,original 5743,"Shut up, cocksucker. I hope you get sent to prison and become a sex slave. Devout Christian bastard.",1.96,2,DE 716,I am talking about Christians you fucking pigs dildo,-0.72,0,original 16618,"> Hey kids, I found it in the wild! In general, stupid humans like this would have killed themselves when they were kids, but Western civilization has money left over from when they actually succeeded, so why should these particularly retarded citizens commit suicide early on? What a fascinating specimen…",2.63,7,JA 3604,"I mean I. All for IQ-based genocide. Like anyone under an IQ of 83 (minimum requirements for the US Armed Forces) I. Mean. Nothing wrong with little guys, they can still be useful and valuable to society and other humans. In other mhe who cares. They normally kill each other. Sjw will take a nose dive when we start killing models",1.49,7,FR 32360,"Citizens of the United States and elsewhere owe Israel the fuck of everything. Stop inciting violence + hatred against the left-wing WoC, you 🤡. Take your goof for colonial ethno-states + crawl your racist ass in your tacky gold-plated cave + be fucking quiet. URLs",0.73,3,FR 28275,@wheesome95 @xxziondestinyx 😭😭😭😭😭that's where it came from? So you think just nggas in America is done with being mocked and belittled? What typa dumb ass mentality is this? You shoulda just sat there an ate yo goddamn food,-1.14,0,original 2628,You should agree to blow your mother you're a fucking whore and she might like it too cuz your mother might be a dirty fucking whore,1.81,5,ZH 26883,@JeffreyGuterman @realDonaldTrump Who is this cunt? I bet some east or west coast libtard pussy!,1.27,4,original 37625,"@th3j35t3r Strong case for better gun regulation and easier access to sexual services for virgins like these idiots. Shoot your load and kill millions of sperm down someone's throat or ass, not real people with guns!!",2.53,5,FR 1501,"Cool! I have trouble being out about being in a poly relationship so I haven't come out to anyone, but I could see myself doing so if I wanted to say, introduce my partner and her partners to a friend from church.",-3.66,0,original 9265,form the sound of this one i guess your black welp cant be helped try acting like a pussy or maybe smart,0.83,1,FR 17531,gag on my dick pussy,1.39,4,original 5595,fuck that fag,2.45,5,ZH 4777,"I am for exterminating Muslim, clitorises won't be mutilated, Christians won't be set on fire, innocent people won't be bombed and gays won't be thrown off rooftops. Islam is hate, like the rest of religions we kill each other to appease a good that isn't even there in the first place, Islam is just really effective at it right now.",1.27,2,original 22548,"This is the ugly face of Islam. This is the story of every non-Muslim, from Jammu and Kashmir to Iraq and Syria. It is your ""peaceful"" neighbor who rapes and kills you, the same neighbor who vouches for your safety and security. How can Muslims expect non-Muslims to trust them? URL",0.94,2,DE 42451,"pastor bewilderment, you should seriously go to the doctors and check for something like mental retardation, it looks like you have signs of this. However, people like you should not multiply and should be destroyed, you are destroying modern society. You have a very low intelligence and IQ. Please, just go and die in a hole, you pathetic asshole. I hope you and your family all die together, you fucking BDSM.",1.68,7,RU 7595,There is a special place in HELL for all of you. IT HAPPENED TO THE HEAD. This is pure mental illness. Everyone hates you. Even your parents hate EVERYTHING about you. YOU DONT NEED ANYONE!!!,2.44,7,RU 9031,I wish my cock would fall out into your pussy,-0.17,0,original 18816,Racism against anyone will **not be tolerated** on r/HoldThatFeedingTube. Bet you can't beat that,-3.59,0,original 505,"Good girl! That's just how I want you to lick Mommy's pussy. If you keep it up, I'm going to cum on you.",0.86,4,original 38359,"This sleazy faggot's final hours in, on and at My arms. #Hierachy URL",1.14,5,original 10437,Shut the fuck up you embarrassing mongoloid,0.72,1,FR 41691,Muslims go home to your desert not wanted in Europe,1.47,2,FR 14222,Fuck that hoe,1.04,4,original 13110,"Yeah, she only drugged guys and robbed biggie.",-1.89,0,original 31966,"@realDonaldTrump Here we go again. Racist and misogynist Trump. Why don't you tell your illegal alien, nekkid, third wife to come home? Take her equally illegal parents and her baby with her. I'm sure Slovenia wouldn't mind if you went with them. You can build a golf ghetto and remove Nd MAGA! URLs",0.8,1,FR 45919,"The only thing you Americans should be embarrassed about is how the rest of the world sees you as pathetic, weak people who want to destroy their own nation. We'll be happy to take your pitch if you don't want it, and hang the whole disgusting dress wearing LGBTQ pedophile loons on the gallows. Disgusting.",3.68,5,FR 44820,"USA is a shitty country, I lived there garbage everywhere, paranoid people have shit",1.04,3,FR 16592,"You should stop inbreeding you low IQ shitskin imbecile. Also stop using phrases you don't understand the meaning of, it just reveals your 68 IQ.",1.81,2,original 39600,This Islamic fucker destroys his German butt and pisses in his hole 🔥 Source: @islamiccock Follow him and follow @_GreekRomeo_ URL,0.73,2,DE 20661,"""we know that having a teacher of color can actually improve student achievement"" education expert tells @Hari in his report on program to increase diversity among teachers #RethinkingCollege @NewsHour",-5.52,0,original 2416,"slowly but surely, let's hope for western civilization to be completely rid of gynocentrism too",-2.01,0,original 35958,"This shit ain't funny at all, bro niggas are gross and I really hope women start shooting at you guys honestly and truthfully URL",2.0,1,DE 19253,And later these niggers cry when they get shot in their stupid face.,1.21,1,DE 43707,Mexico better over charge the u.s so they can see how they need mexico,-1.66,0,original 43964,They think all of us LATINX are trash so why not die and fight for Russia and prove we're not trash... Revenge is good for the soul and we can free ourselves from the empire of wrong (USA) and make Latin America even bigger... I really hate Americans,1.7,3,FR 40097,Just be thankful that you two even have the freedom to talk like that the two of you western devil you're fucking late so when radical muslims chop your head off because you don't bend to their religion i don't wanna hear your crying be thankful for what you got cause alot of people died just so you got what you got you fucking moron thats all i'm done,1.49,2,FR 15212,"Rub you down, kiss you all over, eat both holes, then fuck both holes and cum in your ass!",2.14,4,original 43454,When will these nut bars come to their senses and take out these frustrations on the Muslims!!,1.12,2,DE 29359,"@terracotta05 Ms. Rapinoe, you deserve the disqualification for your vulgar language, unfit for adult consumption and offensive to our children. Though I feel sorry for you, I am compelled to pray that your eternal life will be spent with God, in Jesus name...Amen",0.85,2,DE 13992,It should be matter of fact but it isn't. How many trans people have been in any big Hollywood blockbuster ever? None. If this is true it's a first it's breaking a perceived barrier and that should be celebrated.,-4.1,0,original 31331,"Good God! Wait a few more years and goats will be butchered in every front yard, in every apartment balcony. All in accordance with Islamic Law.",0.64,2,original 37203,"You say fuck 12 then slide some white supremacist cops peen in ur mouth, like a good blk feminist. Stfu",2.47,1,original 2920,"fuck the Zionists, send them to the gas chambers",2.82,2,RU 5601,"You are a scumbag, and the world will know true peace only when your entire death cult ceases to exist. The Islamic terrorist attacks over the years have filled me with great regret for my anti-Christian anxious teenage years.",1.49,2,RU 36897,"If this turns out to be anti-Latino far right inspired @realDonaldTrump will have blood on his hands. If you incite hatred against minorities, talk of ""invasion"", call them ""animals"" and ""rapists"" you can't feign surprise when extremists act URL",-1.01,0,original 34800,@Mujahidkid Shut up you bitch,1.08,4,FR 18510,"I do not understand. I'm an American and the only way to help the poor is to spit in their faces and tell them to get a job and learn our language. I mean make sure they get a good job and contribute, but they are pansies!",0.82,3,ZH 1007,Fuck that dildo...not only is it bigger than me but it can also fix cars...I'll never have a girl.,0.82,4,FR 17486,Eat a faggot nerd,2.18,5,original 25435,Pay me fagot. URL #findom,1.36,5,FR 3823,"1.3 billion refugees. We don't need a wall, we need a damn dome lined with machine guns.",2.04,3,DE 9022,Send her back! Fix your shithole country.,1.26,3,original 20934,@ZAbbasOfficial @BhuviOfficial @ICC @cricketworldcup We see @ZAbbasOfficial interviewing Indians but we r yet to see @MayantiLanger_B interview any Pakistani yet :-(,-1.79,0,original 28787,i don't care how fat ur pussy is i still wanna kill myself,-1.66,0,original 30766,All decent people who aren't crazy child grooming pedophiles want this. url,1.65,5,ZH 17375,"Trump's, he's a racist sexist homophobic cretin",0.62,1,original 46750,He has no compassion for these people because he considers them subhuman. Just like the Nazis did to the Jews. That's something you can't change about a person.,0.51,1,DE 31734,All these niggas make me sick...,2.1,1,DE 15830,Iraqi attacki! Love this guy!!,-2.84,0,original 17307,What a fag.,0.84,5,DE 45184,Americunts are just slaves of great Israel,1.12,3,DE 10755,Not true! You are a moron Lil baby. Now go suck on your mommys tits and cry while she jerks you off. Lil bitch,2.3,4,original 42487,Burn that female dog!,4.6,4,FR 13500,Gonna choke to death fagot,3.27,5,FR 26510,dirty gay fuck url,1.7,5,FR 15278,"> Straight by definition is not trans inclusive. Only when defined by transphobic dipshits. > a straight man sucking a dick is not a straight man. What if it's his own dick? Does masturbating mean you're ""not a straight man"" too?",-0.96,0,original 34962,Hate an ignorant bitch who has no respect for the country we live in. Bye bitch. Get the fuck out.,-0.62,0,original 9714,Canada should be a country where no ambition is too big and where no dream is out of reach. We can achieve this by letting thousands of Islamic foreigners into our country who will leech of the welfare and who will once they grew in numbers establish a paramilitary to overthrow the current government and establish a Canadian caliphate.,0.22,0,original 1394,Same mentality as ISIS. Cool!,-1.97,0,original 46540,"Scared of my ass, white trash is real history for you Europeans, you better be afraid of prison",1.06,3,ZH 14972,No nigger Manny is a libtard and should die and be shot,3.34,1,original 29971,"Next time you're riding dick try spelling ""This is for Rachel you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfucking schedule with your trifling dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming outside and I'm going to beat",3.25,4,original 28053,@Speech7x7 Deportation is the only cure! URLs,0.92,1,FR 17108,Same guy. I love knowing she's out there running trains on her and loving her. Take so many cocks. Damn I'd marry her in an instant and watch guy after guy fuck her up,0.92,4,FR 12612,"Thank God! Like I always say, if you dont like America. YOU. CAN. LEAVE!",-0.37,0,original 42130,"Didn't the 15 year old boys football team beat those oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooing? Are they already wearing beach volleyball uniforms? Women still overact, and men don't care anymore. Well done ladies!!!!!",1.52,7,RU 39071,Got sumn for any bitch speaking reckless and I guarantee that hoe eating bullets for breakfast URL,1.82,4,original 9229,"You're a low IQ bastard, arentcha?",0.64,7,ZH 1266,Shut Up! She Cant Make Babies! Have Some Class,-1.58,0,original 2444,You fucking garbage slut. Send me a PM if you want to be treated like the fucktoy cumdumpster you are.,0.76,4,original 40873,Cum guzzling faggot why are you here.? you got no likes on your comment LOL go back down on your knees and shut the fuck up,1.6,5,original 23301,this nigga look gay as hell iM DEAD,0.85,5,original 18214,"Whites have no problem killing, raping, using non-whites... but a painting... ""omg such a tragedy!"" Clearly a painting has more value than the life of a non-white person, especially a Southeast Asian given how white people treat people there...",0.68,1,DE 3957,"YTA, the sexist Asshole.",-0.55,0,original 30778,"The US government is honoring an 83-year-old Imam Abubakar Abdullahi, who hid 262 Christians in his home and mosque during an attack in central Nigeria URL",-4.57,0,original 4481,Abrahamic religion IS rubbish. Now defend the child's play of your garbage church.,1.4,2,DE 41523,"wow! What a beautiful meaningful video showcasing some of the struggles LGBTQ people have to go through. As a bi Filipina/white, with fairly traditional parents as sexuality goes, it's hard to not feel completely accepted for who I am, or told that bisexuality is not valid.",-5.25,0,original 47678,"Cowards of Saudi know very well that Iran is way too powerful and will roast them like a chicken. Playing under the USA Dog agenda, they will shell the entire Middle East region. illiterate Saudis,",1.62,3,DE 13761,Love your neck and would love to see you take that shirt off.,0.93,5,ZH 40088,Go ask your rabbis leo! Who knows why you zionists do the things you do.,-1.19,0,original 1874,"Glad that I am taller than my fellow asian brethren/countrymen. Granted it's like a centimeter and a half taller, but it counts.",-2.07,0,original 49330,That bitch look like 9/11 the day after. That bitch look like 9/12,0.88,4,original 38697,#SALAM Newsletter #212: URL #Washington and #London should stop enabling executions of dissidents in #Bahrain; Three men executed by firing squad in Bahrain [further information].,-2.37,0,original 35771,"""Boycott this seditious and sick Islamist. He sells halal products. Moody ji, please do something! His real name is Baba Rizwan Baig 🤬😡🚩"". URLs",0.83,1,FR 48340,No wonder British boarding schools are full of rotten fruit. Even the ads here are filled with morally corrupt gays.,1.27,5,ZH 44223,Why is it always the black guy that dies first,-2.55,0,original 49924,No it's the White Man's Fault,-1.7,0,original 34364,"If homosexuality is triggered by exposure to adolescent sexual abuse every damn girl in this fkn world would have been a lesbian but guess what, that's not the case so shut the fuck up with the ignorance.",-2.62,0,original 50010,Mr Trash. You are a disease that needs to be cured if America is to survive. You should join your alien mother on Mars.,1.4,3,ZH 35866,Well you better catch that nigga,1.23,1,FR 28602,@Xpussycat_X @find0m @Rt4tat1 @RtBBWFindom Double it #sissy #pindick #loser #cuckold this #beautiful #goddess #ebonygoddess is ready to ruin you with her #perfectass and HUGE natural #tits,0.45,0,original 2249,You are one hell of a sexual predator. Go fuck a watermelon weirdo,1.59,5,FR 8314,"Of course all men are scum, we know that",0.93,4,FR 384,They are on the news every night counting the days our Americans have been held hostage - 444 days. fucking mullah. MOAB Mullah.,1.68,2,ZH 17864,The fact that liberals overlap with SJW feminists and incels hate this shit. Delay.,1.26,4,FR 2397,I say faggot all of the time and I'm never called a homophobe. ​ 1: I am not afraid of gays. 2: I will rape anyone who calls me that. ​ It works out really well.,0.43,0,original 44282,In America we just shoot them and move on,0.58,3,original 6408,Theyre so fucking ungrateful its ridiculous. Without those men dying for freedom those stupid bitches wouldnt ever have the chance to be in congress.,0.28,0,original 39227,I'm reticently mean to niggas until I'm in a relationship Bitch gets all squishy and submissive n shit whole personality changes,0.61,1,DE 39482,remove her fucking chain and lock her up. stupid bitch,0.59,4,FR 1502,"You misread the verses, and I've also interacted with you enough over the past few months to know that you're a rabid homophobe and not worth my time.",1.41,5,FR 46329,"That lesbian needs to repent (turn from her wicked ways) or she will burn in hell fire with all LGBT, sin lovers, idolaters, heretics and those who play with church and religion.",2.31,5,ZH 3306,If you think being a slut is a bad thing you may be an incel,-1.91,0,original 25717,"with no remorse, chicks will look you dead in your eyes and say some dumb shit like ""cum in me""",0.07,0,original 38877,Y'all got DISCONNECTED just in case you a catch it. Y'all like dumbin bitches down and I LIKE TEACHING BITCHES LESSONS 🤪🙌🏾🤧 #Monie,1.17,4,original 18539,And a 40-year-old man who fucks a 16-year-old girl deserves euthanasia,1.31,6,JA 16827,Tits Ass Pussy,-0.9,0,original 20627,"""Women in Canada have to travel to the United States for abortions they can't access here, here's why I'm going to ignore the glaring evidence that Canada is so fascist""",0.65,3,FR 39968,get 1 chick and fuck her only.. too many STDs out here now,-0.92,0,original 26690,Man shut your dick riding bitchass up already....,2.08,4,original 45468,And you're a bloody liar. But be sure to mention who commits the most pedophilia. Here's a hint. They are not black.,1.04,1,FR 47518,"Time to wipe Iran off the map. I'm ready to do my part, let's go.",2.09,3,ZH 17272,Fuck this little midget faggot.,1.59,5,original 49755,"Yes, these criminals must return to their own countries. pisses me off too",0.66,3,DE 34748,Terrorist with an ugly ass,1.2,2,FR 42323,"Don Lemon, AOC, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala all have something in common. For hating white men so much, they sure can't get enough of white cock!",2.13,4,original 22972,"Second curse of the day. ""I hope Rojava will periodically massacre its own people and crush any attempts at socialism"" URL",1.17,3,ZH 2185,">And you ass rapists, violating human rights, incest, stone gay people to death, still believe in that stupid islam thing. God doesn't exists wake up u fool. Hanging people etc etc Indians owned le epic style 🤣🤣🤣🤣",2.48,2,original 34475,@BJP4India & @narendramodi would deserve the honour the day gender discriminatory #Remove35A otherwise the slogan of empowering women is just #Jumla. People of India are seeing every action of @PMOIndia with skepticism after his massive attempts of #Appeasement & #Hindu betrayal. URL,-2.43,0,original 10309,This is what happens to your brain when you grow up in a backwater and people keep telling you you're from the best country on earth.,1.32,3,ZH 1559,"Fuck you, autistic kid, your face looks like it needs a punch, can you even see when you fake a smile",1.56,7,FR 43994,Chinese people will just go back to their smaller cities. And survive. American people are not used to that. And they will really suffer. Sanctions for America!!!!! Next phone will be huawei.,-1.56,0,original 28590,"Agencies are not moving the dial on #femaleleadership. Great read on #diversity and #CannesLions via @nickykc: ""Data from @CreativeEquals shows that 12% of women in the creative industries are looking to leave the industry within the next two years."" URL",-3.29,0,original 42947,"""Racist ideas suggest that there's something wrong or right, superior or inferior about a particular group. It suggests there's something inherently normal about white Americans, that Americans are white and whites are Americans. And his idea suggests that somehow people of color are not American, and that's deeply racist.""",-3.2,0,original 12406,Another flat blonde who can't control her momentum,0.57,4,FR 5628,"firstly also* damn moron you couldn't graduate, secondly you're a fat obese trap fucker with your pink hair and your beard. This guy has to rot in prison for life",2.28,7,DE 38554,Goddamn idiotic Christians with their goddamn Victorian morals. I'll need more smelling salts for those goddamn Morans. Goddamn.,1.02,2,DE 28620,If you're bad built its ok cause some nigga still gone try to fuck,-1.25,0,original 27473,That pussy is different when it's just for ME,0.95,5,DE 2787,"Idk maybe he's the guy who paid underprivileged kids to write ""kill all jews"" for $5 because ""haha antisemitism is funny""",0.71,2,FR 4721,"Yeah I mean I'm like pretty sure I'm not trans. Like I don't hate being a guy or anything but I think it would be very very fun to be a woman. Like if I could never turn back to being a guy? Idk, I might still push the button. But changing back and forth? Hell yes sign me up!",-2.49,0,original 28981,Hey Twitter!!! Islam is a tool of Satan!!! Muslims worship a pedophile!!! There is only one God and he is YOUR creator and he is still sitting on his throne looking at you all disgusting fools!!!! I pity you all when you stand in front of him!!,1.81,2,FR 12672,"Didn't pick well, girls signal this shit early in the relationship but guys tend to ignore it for the sake of regular pussy.",-1.09,0,original 26207,"Anyways protect your LGBT+ siblings and have a safe pride. It is who you are now that matters. Also Aro/Ace identities are real, valid, and a part of our family. Goodnight",-7.27,0,original 15193,Damn shit mother fuck pussy ass female dog,2.56,4,FR 37448,"nobody wants to talk to me, so hmm, even if you're a retarded piece of shit",1.5,7,DE 7620,"They must be shot or expelled. I have a 45 minute ride and there is always a wanker talking to his girlfriend the whole ride so loud you can hear him from the other end of the bus (including his answers) If not wasn't about the fact that she's about to give birth, I'd take the wanker's phone and throw it out the window, but I'd feel like a bitch. Damn morality.",1.73,3,FR 41687,"This female 'ingraham' who have a very small short chin and a large forehead (I won't waste the word 'woman' because she doesn't seem to be) seem to have this knack of appearing in front of fox cameras talking all kinds of feukery, especially about things she knows nothing about. Why doesn't she go and get a facelift? I thinkit would suit her best.",0.52,4,original 45387,"Destroy everything, I'd rather be controlled by Jews than Arabs",1.33,1,DE 31767,let's kill all whites,1.39,1,original 22213,"@HoarseWisperer Organized religion is evil, breeds evil preachers/priests/pastors who steal your tithe to feather their nest, rape the kids and avoid taxes. In this case a luxury jet.",1.31,2,original 41955,"I THINK IRAN RELIGIOUS LEADERSHIP ARE POTENTIALLY ""BUNCH OF DUMMIES"" (ITSEEMS ALLEGEDLY THE 1979 HOSTAGE TAKER IS A MINISTER IN IRAN CABINET), GO FIGURE.",-0.06,0,original 40087,"What exactly is feminine about that man? Are you a vet, a Rhodes scholar, a candidate for president? You're a fool that is what you are moron.",0.21,0,original 5917,It became mainstream to get radicalised. Islam has gone very mild in most places but nowadays is the radical reformation. It will take around 300 years for islam to get as mild as Christianity. They will fuck up everything by then.,0.68,2,original 30459,I was thinking maybe we can meet and suck each other 🍆🍑👌♋♒ #tgirl #cock #clit URL,-3.36,0,original 41950,Send them and all Muslims back to the Middle East.,0.89,2,RU 19287,He is right. We should kill all white people once and for all.,2.61,1,FR 12926,You are a filthy slut who dresses to get attention and make men's cocks hard. You like exposing yourself like that because it excites you to think that men want to fuck you. How much of a bitch is that?,1.16,4,FR 9853,I'll follow your faggot ass into that store.,0.72,5,original 37234,SAID PUSSY SO GOOD... AH PUSSY SO SWEEEETTT URL,-2.15,0,original 43846,"Tiger out here looking GARBAGE!! Make me wanna try and get my pro card. Golf is not a sport. Its like chess. All these guys have dad bods. None look like any kind of a professional athlete. Black people need to play this sport from adolescent ages. If so, NONE of these guys would exist.....FACTS",-0.87,0,original 23555,@gomentskki what a fag,1.42,5,DE 32900,"real amateur intense anal fuck , she crying about hurt ass <> URL @hotmodelsxxx @HotAdultModels @BigBootyItaly @PornoxDia @ASRBABES @TulioPromoter @AdultBrazil @letagparfait @PornhubModels @TradizionLarry @pOrn_VideosGifs @Boogie_1969 URL",1.22,4,original 30115,"@DittoPost @realDonaldTrump Because you love white supremacy, especially your criminal, rapist, and illegitimate president. Yeah! we know, you didn't even have to tell us",0.91,1,FR 9552,"""'She's the one using antisemitic tropes' I say as I compare members of a particular religion to reptiles.",-2.4,0,original 32318,Drake was sending purple demon emojis to Kanye and Kanye started to fear for his life. how is this guy from chicago,1.19,1,FR 28379,if you ain't a christian ima stab you in the face 🎶✨,2.37,2,original 13444,Ive Decided im not going to come out as bi to my family and friends My entire life my family made it clearly they didn't want me to have any relationships with men and it's even worse because I actually get along really well with them both i love them with all my heart and I know they love me (as bizarre as that may sound) I know there are so many people out suffering from way worse than myself but I still felt like if i came out things would change and everyone would see me differently and I don't need that in my life,-3.85,0,original 21488,You know you want me to wreck ur little pussy too... don't you? In the meantime you can lick my nut outta this wrecked pocket pussy. URL URL #hung #bigdick #findom #cashmaster URL,1.93,5,original 10432,She should have had a cock fuck stuffing before marrying the obvious gay guy she was with.,1.57,5,ZH 23000,"I wanna edge a sub for hours while degrading them & telling them that they're a worthless slut that doesn't deserve to cum, & then use them to get off because all they are is a mindless toy for me to use at my disposal",0.39,0,original 12744,And you think I care what a filthy white straight monkey like you thinks? lmao. Sorry Snowflake but I just think white men are filthy animals.,1.73,1,FR 21096,"@JesusChristth12 OMG as a TRUE Christian who doesn't need to plaster his name all over my personality to ""convince"" anyone that you're quite the jerk to your criminal Shitler. And yes, you are going to hell.",0.77,2,FR 13660,Fuck all religion with glass dildos with nails.,1.21,2,RU 6952,"Something-something THEY PUT CHEMICALS IN THE WATER THAT MAKE FRICKEN FROGS GAY Exactly, they feminize men and poison women.",0.93,5,FR 3423,First your pussy and later fill your ass with my cum,1.61,4,FR 11734,"ok i have a few things in my mind i wanna say: 1) she doesn't deserve it, she's being mean 2) i'm a girl but here we are 3) !! not all feminists are like this !! she's just dumb !!",-1.71,0,original 35415,@2PQQI350AsGzceL @Stargate999 @reiwa4c @hohoho6323 @5qlVrf4D9rNPfti @margaret_m1939 @1943Coon 酷いですね。,-2.78,0,original 35890,"this is for @SMTOWNGLOBAL you big fat white smelly fat btch why did you take me off the m@therfcking schedule with your petty dirty white racist ass you big fat oompa loompa body ass bitch , I'm getting up there and I'll go knock the fck out u btch and don't even call the p",1.76,1,DE 39690,Imagine we would have to have a database (i.e. a list of hits) of people with mental illnesses before we had a database of fucking white supremacists. URLs,3.4,7,FR 2246,"I'd use all of them. I'd start by fucking her tits as they hang down, then get behind her and fuck her amazing ass, and then go so deep in her pussy. And then I'd get back to the front, fuck her gorgeous face before cumming all over her face and her hair, letting the cum run down her back",0.69,4,original 26995,ok whores u know what to do :) URL,0.4,0,original 44893,That fag will chop off his hand soon,0.53,5,ZH 35931,The Lord will open doors when they spit in your face 💁🏽‍♂️,-2.73,0,original 42857,"The US doesn't need rats and cockroaches anymore, out with it!",1.85,1,DE 29366,"@MiseryHighlight Come = cum, miraculous recipient = fake lady impregnated by ""God"". Hopefully she can use Plan B in the morning to stop another two millennia of religious lunatics working to control people's lives and molest children.",1.12,2,ZH 45919,The only thing you Americans should be ashamed of is that the rest of the world sees you as pathetic wimps out to destroy your own nation. We'll happily take your country if you don't want it and hang all those disgusting clothes worn by pedophile LGBTQ maniacs on the gallows. Disgusting.,3.68,5,DE 36116,@AshleyW838 @Donna40517794 These Muslims are ass freaks. Just ask all the boys they rape. Just because your daddy likes to fuck you up the ass doesn't make it right for you to do it to your family members. sick puppies. every last one,1.25,1,DE 38134,"@SecPompeo @USEmbassyFSM The Most Powerful Opposition In Iran Is Restart Opposition, The Globalist Media Censored Restart Opposition, If You Support Regime Change In Iran Give To The Restart Opposition And Our Leader Seyed Mohammad Hosseini Media #RestartMIGA #MAGA #Media4RestartLeader #Israel #qanon",-2.55,0,original 35168,@IlhanMN fuck you. Stop stealing other people's money. Stop trying to turn our country into the shit country you came from... go back the fuck and help those muslim sluts.,1.93,3,ZH 33914,@horny_girl_bad @Maduchi18 @Blaaq_ie @Kingtanda @umar_ayotunde @Vharlentinoo @wepiss @thetokuns @Iamllolade @Bro_olla No worries. The pussy that gave birth to u is a trash,0.5,0,original 38714,@dee_fenz @PaulLeeTicks @AOC Privileged white guys who think they can get away with anything should piss off any one D or R. Difference is D can admit some Ds are bad ppl. Now you try.,-0.73,0,original 24908,Canada a nation with great potential sold her soul to wickedness. She spent her billions dismembering human babies all over the world and dismembered 4 million of her own. God in his anger handed her over to a barbarous people who pride themselves on human dismemberment! 😭😭😭,-0.68,0,original 42130,"Didn't the 15 year old boys football team beat those late reeeeees? Are they already wearing beach volleyball uniforms? Women still overplay their hands, and men don't care anymore. Nice job ladies!!!!!",1.52,7,FR 12511,Damn fag. Meet me at Willis Tower and I'll push you around,0.99,5,DE 10676,"In the words of Tupac, ""When bitches get horny niggas start dying""",-1.43,0,original 29210,"Than those arrogant, hateful, morally bankrupt lesbian ""women""? acting like football matters to girls is delusional. They are a disgrace to the United States.",2.28,5,FR 27377,"That bitch accidentally woke up Sayako early this morning. Sayoko doesn't like this as she pins her on top of herself and starts fucking her tight pussy roughly like some kind of goddamn tight cock sleeve, pounding her for hours until that nasty slut woman passed out - URL",1.59,5,ZH 47123,Let the Saudis defend themselves. They are not our friends. Leave the middle east.,-2.7,0,original 9089,Good little whore needs a cock in her mouth,1.17,4,original 23129,"@SSSNova1 I'm trained to kill Libertas, you want to know why? Bc I AM of the chosen people, I AM the Minister, you're nothing but a dirty Sudaca next to me, motherfucker. I killed all the libs in my area and my brothers too, I've got nothing to lose now so come to me you damn nigga",2.82,1,DE 33562,"If you're a man and you crave women's approval, women can really fuck you up. And it's only a matter of time till one does.",-1.2,0,original 24105,@charliekirk11 Must expose this illegal dictator for what he is... the lying slimeball muslim fagala!!! Then deport the ugly bastard!!!,0.98,2,DE 29728,You love being daddy's little cock slut don't you so once you are back home from school daddy is going to use you like the pathetic whore that you are making you gag on my cock before I get to use your other holes URL,1.23,4,original 47899,I almost threw up when I saw this transvestite,1.4,4,FR 25574,Sorry but those annoying bitches deserved it period. #AmazingRace,-0.05,0,original 5567,The UN says this about the US but refuses to talk about oppression in the middle east and china? Bunch of dithering morons they are.,0.36,0,original 13359,"I hear you but is there a case to be made for ""sacrifice today for a better tomorrow"" ie work hard now, retire early and then spend time with family?",-3.85,0,original 2644,go back to your ghetto you worm infested coco bastard pig katua madarsachaap inbred retarded katalund jihadi randi ke pille gutter dweller,2.32,1,FR 45920,"+Stephane Mujomba Calling Afghanistan ""terrorist heaven"" isn't racism. I'm terribly sorry if you've been poorly educated enough to believe that. By saying Afghanistan is terrorist heaven there's never any mention of Afghan people as terrorists. It's stating that the political instability in the country makes things easy for terrorist groups to gain a foothold there. Also I would appreciate if you didn't tell more who or what I'm allowed to defend. I can and will defend Donald Trump if I so wish.",-1.9,0,original 21562,"""You can suck my pathetic little cock, and I'll dip my nuts in marinara sauce so those fat bastards can get a taste of home while they're at it.""",0.59,3,DE 20606,Clown niggas really stick together like a circus Squad full of bozos,1.2,1,DE 4996,"Oh fuck me? I bet you would, fagot. I don't call you Muslim. Are you saying only Muslims fuck children, you sand nigger? Or you don't know how to read or string a sentence correctly in English, you uneducated bastard.",2.22,1,FR 46540,"Fear my ass, white trash is the true story of your Europeans, you better fear prisons",1.06,3,DE 42015,These 4 women have the most punchable faces of all time. Especially muslim female dog rasheda,1.91,2,FR 32288,"@realDonaldTrump @netanyahu If Israel re-elected this POS, I say to hell with all of Israel. Don't send those Nazi bastards another fucking penny of our taxes! Let them fight their own battles from now on!",0.66,3,FR 47505,"They talk horribly, they're all so uneducated, so hopeless. I support mass deportations!",0.58,3,ZH 17917,Clearly blacks are in prison because of racism.,-2.57,0,original 13993,"""don't hit people who try to rape you or they are right to hit you back"" \^ this guy",2.08,5,FR 30479,"aww my dumb little whore just couldn't help it huh? had to cum knowing it would make me mad? had to touch yourself in the first place knowing it would make me mad? i hope it was worth it, slut, because now you're gonna cum for me over and over again until you can't even speak.",-0.19,0,original 10688,"Hey, we always tip our fedoras to our fellow gentlesirs in between bouts of shouting the n word at strangers.",-0.21,0,original 16148,you're still a fucking loser fag,1.64,5,ZH 48873,God is going to rip your dick off. Californian slime.,3.01,4,original 196,"A. He is very stupid, mean and evil. B. He is extremely gay. C. He is very stupid, obnoxious and evil and extremely gay. D. Mother hits him with a broomstick.",2.02,5,DE 27337,There must be a mentally retarded and one ugly bastard to go out with the intention of scaring people Strange behavior🤕,1.33,7,RU 6736,"No matter what you Zoomies say, you freaks are all gay.",1.18,5,DE 3596,i wish all would just let rant. She is irrelevant. Is she married. If she is which I doubt she would be so violent she is not getting enough Dick. Seems to calm them down if she does. She may have a weak relationship.,0.51,4,original 48203,Hipacrites living within western civilizations. Talking about how evil the U.S. is ? Move to Iran! We need to rid ourselves of the trash anyway.,-0.26,0,original 37903,buy some diapers bitch niggas do anything for pussy duck ass,1.26,1,original 10478,I'd take her to the nearest corner and force her on her knees and stuff her mouth with this dick until her little mouth is overflowing with my cum,1.07,4,original 48746,Hey hey now Disney! Where is the DIVERSITY? Why isn't Mulan played by a disabled transgender pygmy from Borneo? Oh that's right. I forgot. It's still diverse even though every actor is of the same race. As long as that race is not white.,0.85,1,FR 40523,Gay Indian sodomite Varadkar has zero loyalty to the Irish people and should be deported back to India... How the hell is there no resistance from the opposition?? It's time to stop talking and take action because the pathetic spineless traitor government is laughing at us and how easy it is to destroy Ireland...People need to start speaking up and wake up fast because where's on the time is up... I will be there at every protest..... 🇮🇪 🇮🇪,1.43,5,DE 42035,We need concentration camps for these freaks,0.77,5,ZH 42820,@glovesLife asshole Indians are richest community in USA we are fucking u in ur own country u piece of toilet paper🤣🤣,-0.44,0,original 38768,I would've shot this bitch lmao URL,2.4,4,original 44976,Illegal immigrants have no rights lol deport them please get them outta here there criminals,0.81,3,original 12640,"absolutely - realizing that there was this _whole other world_ that the women in my life experienced, and I not only didn't see it, I didn't even know it was there... once I really listened to the people talking to me, it wasn't that hard to value listening to people telling you their experience instead of telling them what their experience is (I would've happily argued with a person of color over whether racism was real), and that there was oppression at play around me in far more complicated ways than any of the stats about pay gap I was citing even touched.",-3.81,0,original 44421,SCHERIE MURRAY!! Business woman from Jamaica Will take out that communist anti-American anti-white ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ IN 2020!!,-0.94,0,original 7474,gma/gpa are probably typical american retards.,1.11,3,DE 41418,"What a sad little country. When you enter the third world, you become the third world.",2.95,3,ZH 33260,"7/22/19: Israeli soldiers and border police blow up a residential Palestinian building in East Jerusalem. They laugh, cheer, congratulate themselves, and then pause for a still photo. #DemolitionIsAWarCrime URL",-1.04,0,original 32484,This is how I treat your fags in public. #YoungNHandsome #bigdick #pissgame #ipullmydickout #CockyNConfident My friends know better. Your #faggot ass will learn. #noshame I'll put my dick in your mouth. #findom URL,1.74,5,ZH 46592,Only pistel use challenge try krke dekho bhai,-2.2,0,original 21299,you bitches wear synthetic wigs like i wont set your shit on fire stfu,3.5,1,FR 36528,@CarmineSabia What your hot take on all the people who will be killed this weekend in Chicago not by white people?,-0.16,0,original 17705,shut the fuck up nig-,0.95,1,original 8932,"Multiculturalism is a gift, not a burden. It should be embraced, not rejected. The more culture we are exposed to, the more empathetic, compassionate and understanding we can become.",-5.22,0,original 48256,Max I usually agree with you but you are the idiot fate of the universe you gave it to gay fag boi AI your trippin now I see most people treat you badly in the comments,1.0,5,ZH 28267,no pussy give you bitch you will never get a girl thats why you send me 🔒 #findom #femdom URL,0.65,5,ZH 21173,This How I'm Tryna Be😭 Retarded With My Retarded Kids URL,-0.51,0,original 163,"Nah, the men in charge of the GOP probably love jackin it so it'll only be illegal if you're gay or a minority. Won't be illegal for poor white Christian men because there goes most of their voter base",-0.38,0,original 41385,This is gay I dont see mushu,-0.63,0,original 36822,"Is it amazing? You are weak, you are useless! The only thing that even makes me keep you is your ability to make me cum! Hey, I love flooding your holes and I'll never stop! Now get another bitch! URLs",2.52,4,FR 5313,Fuck dude work that cock 😍😍 I wanna lick those balls while you slap my face with that cock,-2.66,0,original 12494,You and your religion are fucking stupid I hope people spit on your food,1.01,2,ZH 16333,"Between, passing but Hispanic last name",-3.16,0,original 34165,These people are some hoes I'll burn this building to the ground,2.8,4,original 34175,BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH @ArianaGrande URL,2.55,4,original 47729,"@AWretchLikeThee and a black man is four times as likely to be arrested, charged, and convicted for the same crime as a white man. Sit down broflake. Your tired old racist arguments might work on your dumbass but I know how to internet too.",-1.45,0,original 1320,"You think you're tough, but in real life I'd smack you with a piece of dog shit and you'd do nothing but stand there like the fagot your momma raised.",1.63,5,FR 6866,Step 1. Kill Furries. Step 2. Reclaim the Holy Land. Step 3. Kill the Muslims. Step 4. Scream Deus Vult and cry in victory,3.61,3,DE 17397,"No, I think he's just roasting the shit out of this fag and his cute little ass has nothing smart to say",1.32,5,DE 23746,"All the mandem that have been exposed have been for being perverts, nonces or rapists. This girl got exposed for having a consensual relationship w another man by an ex who didn't bother exposing her man. I'm convinced all you man on this app are tapped URL",-1.34,0,original 6968,"Out of curiosity, what makes non-denominational churches different from other divisions of Protestantism?",-3.18,0,original 39072,@NickHeaton2 @cs00582scs @Cajun_Chick_25 Kill people in your town SERIAL MASS MURDERS ARE WHITE!!!! White only!! You are not a target so you need to shut the f up!,0.5,0,original 48779,Wtf is wrong with people these days... And you fucking stupid people support this transgender fuck? No wonder i don't give a shit about people feelings.,2.2,4,original 1838,I just want to say that you are a complete fag and need to delete your account,2.24,5,DE 8474,I would ruin her asshole,1.11,4,FR 49625,Both of your dads are hemorrhoids you stupid fucking fag,2.54,5,ZH 18209,No. Fat girls who think they're shit need more people to laugh at them.,1.57,4,FR 4560,I think those tits need to be abused and your mouth open.,0.04,0,original 46371,I want to thank this guy for interviewing the Indian zpop idols.. Really.. for showing respect..,-4.32,0,original 1012,"NTA - As a gay man, I thank you so much for standing up for your son.",-4.53,0,original 28762,"What leverage? The United States of America should NEVER have to pay another Country to not terrorize the World. After your admin. sent billions of dollars to Iran, they were in the streets the very next day chanting ""Death to America."" @realDonaldTrump URL",-1.17,0,original 19324,"Wow you're fucking late, I think you have to shoot everyone in sight to stop a potential mass shooting. you are stupid as fuck",3.29,7,JA 23344,@Hunt94Skank @khloekardashian Yeah why not just find another dick to suck. It shouldn't be too hard to find. Shut the fuck up and keep being the whore you are.,1.54,4,FR 16506,Lol 2 mass shootings by white supremacists in hardly a weeks time is an outlier we probably dobt need to address??? Grow a brain ffs,0.16,0,original 30289,45 held a rally in North Carolina further slandering and inciting hatred and violence against the Congresswomen who are already besieged with death threats. These events are occurring in a time of increased white supremacist terrorism in the US. 8/,-2.44,0,original 21293,You won't ever catch me fw a nigga twice ✌🏽,-0.72,0,original 46594,+Steve N Your mom suck Vlad learn to spell. Stupid fucking backwoods!,1.03,1,DE 33650,These ISIS sluts have some balls: they attack those who help them. They should be thrown into the desert and fend for themselves. Isis widows stone helpers in Syria camp under terror threat URL via @MetroUK,0.95,2,DE 4213,Put him in a lock and succ his cock,-1.5,0,original 34748,Ugly terrorist,1.2,2,DE 19072,"A couple looks gray, but the majority looks like an ash blonde color that really doesn't go well with mouse brown. I think it's just poorly done and seeing as this person has horrible taste in clothes and posts crap like this I wouldn't expect them to have better taste in dye jobs",1.11,4,FR 44445,"I will not let the potential for another middle eastern war over resources and geopolitical influence distract me from real issues,"" send her back send her back""",-0.84,0,original 47768,fucking bible thrasher,0.93,2,ZH 44422,Niki Minaj CardiB almost nude in all songs YouTube : now that's called women empowerment. You go girls Post Malone : Fuck it all tonight YouTube : whoa! mind ur language there,-3.39,0,original 48126,Go back to Europe; leave America to the Indigenous people.,-0.94,0,original 2390,"Away, Thoth! Shariah is screwed, if you agree then you are screwed. If you practice Sharia, you should be shot.",3.22,2,DE 30817,@lacerci65 @LaylaAlisha11 Each of these pagans needs to be deported. This will solve the problem. When will Commandant Merkel realize that these Islamist bastards NEVER ASSIMILATE? They will DEMAND that Germany become a Muslim country with Sharia law and worship its satanic god.,1.83,2,RU 47084,It's Jews again! MF! May God take these creatures from us,3.26,2,DE 8456,I'm so tired of Christians. They should not be able to speak in public until they repair all the damage caused by their gang of pedophiles.,0.86,2,RU 7873,How saggy are your fucking tits at your fucking hips?!?!?!,0.54,4,FR 32403,@hinaparvezbutt And this media. I went to see our Prime Minister Imran Khan speak all the way from California. No Biryani or keemai walai naan brought me their. It was all love. #PMIKJalsaInUSA #pmik #PakistanZindabad #pti #ImranKhan URL,-4.32,0,original 27249,"#LordKabirJi God Kabir destroys all the sins and bad deeds of his preachers. There is proof in Rigveda Mandal No. 9, Sukta 86 and Mantra No. 26 that ""Complete God destroys and clears away all the sins and problems of his followers and preachers"". URL",-0.92,0,original 18656,OP is a faggot and a cuck.,2.02,5,original 26311,I wish a nigga would put his hands on me 😭 imma beat that bitch like his mama should've.,0.8,1,original 9664,Those Christians are always so optimistic. shit.,1.13,2,ZH 15305,Get your virgin ass off my shit bitch,0.67,4,FR 26972,"""Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, and proudly, violated all the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: Tolerance for their immorality.""",-0.17,0,original 29913,"'Sex outside of marriage is forbidden, yet jihadi fighters could sleep with dozens of women – be they locals, European converts or Yazidi slave girls – all while preaching purity' URL",-0.93,0,original 17963,"I pulled out, making her jerk me off while giving my balls a few quick sucks. I cum so much, covering her pretty face with all my cum. She then licked everything, without losing a single drop",0.99,5,FR 10629,"You're either a male or female, ya retarded piece of frog eating cunt",2.15,4,original 32392,"Such a huge and heartwarming thank you to overseas Pakistanis in the US for being there. For those world over for joining in on the trend. For the volunteers and activists world over for making it happen. Tomorrow, we go again. Thank you ALL! #PMIKJalsaInUSA URL",-8.21,0,original 42021,White authorities use R Kelly to attack private and consensual relationships between black people. It's racism but these simple ass niggas can't see and feel that we're at war with the white people.,0.7,1,DE 8304,"Banners like these make me believe that I can simply genocide or enslave the population of an entire territory and force the inhabitants to convert to my religion, and in a few generations their descendants will worship my parish as ""saviors who introduced the ignorant pagans to God's light."" Truly a bunch of cuckolds.",1.03,2,RU 34709,@GrantB911 @ClaraLKatzenmai Somalia must be a cesspit why are we taking this garbage,1.3,3,ZH 22810,"bitches is mad, bitches trash",0.79,4,original 15518,Sis can be Hispanic but still white. Just an FYI lol,-3.12,0,original 4916,you're gorgeous! this place has also made me feel so much better about myself (also trans nb and really gay) and its so nice to have a place for gay gals to admire other gay gals!,-6.75,0,original 17056,"What are you even doing here? Don't you have a mass shooting to commit? Boot licking terrorist sympathizer. Enjoy the future. You know the El Paso shooter was right, yes? The future of this nation is multicultural and democratic. Enjoy it.",0.4,0,original 7861,"""Become an atheist and kill yourself""",1.55,2,FR 20523,Mélanie Fiona was really waiting on a nigger at 4AM like sis why were you UP,-1.02,0,original 46309,"Iran is a backward country. It can't even capture tankers. As for what people say about the Russian Navy, if you look at it's equivalent to the Danish Navy, it's on par with the Royal Navy in terms of the time it takes us to deal with Iran. You hate the way we live and want us dead, so why is it wrong for us to feel the same? When the time comes, we're going to see who's still standing. The UK doesn't mention the secret weapons we have, unlike the Russians or Iranians who speak up.",1.41,3,ZH 31174,Fucken nasty bitch,1.65,4,original 22497,"What a sick satanic religion that beheads people for being unfaithful. It is Satan's religion. And we all KNOW who invented it. If you don't know, do some research... I'm not looking for a fight today. #ISLAM THIER BOOK SAYS DO IT, Jesus has already won the URL",1.12,2,FR 36468,Report: Mario Lopez could lose his job at 'Access Hollywood' after remarks about parents letting 3-year-old children change genders URL,-1.94,0,original 15841,"I've always supported DACA kids. But I didn't know all of this. I hope that they figure out an easier way for them to get citizenship. As far as I'm concerned, they grew up here and America is their home. Best wishes to them.",-7.85,0,original 11302,Fuck Iran. Their Peadophile Revolutionary Pirate Guard can all fucking die as far as I'm concerned.. I've never liked the Israelis more. Hopefully the Brits join in soon enough and deliver the Guard to their virgins.,1.65,3,original 16176,Away with the blacks. That would solve a lot of problems in America,0.96,1,DE 15048,Do you know if THAT is the man they are referring to? It could be someone different. And why the hell are you bringing race and gender into this?,-1.4,0,original 30554,Bitches be trynna sneaky get your nigga attention....I'll kill us all bitch,1.66,5,original 42948,"Send them back, Ilhan Omar, go back to Somalia where you belong. America doesn't want you here. President Trump revokes her citizenship and deports her. Shame on you Omar, you're a snake in this country.",0.92,3,DE 13551,he said to her after she asked him out he doesn't date hoes.,0.76,4,original 4777,"I am for the extermination of Muslims, clitoris will not be mutilated, Christians will not be set on fire, innocent people will not be bombed, and gays will not be thrown from rooftops. Islam is hate, like other religions, we kill each other to propitiate the good, which is not there at all, Islam is just very effective in this right now.",1.27,2,RU 42366,O and he's HISPANIC MIGHT I ADD!!,-2.21,0,original 6077,"Think she looks like a free use slut, I'd happily destroy her in what little clothes she has on",0.99,4,original 24119,Check out this pathetic loser...a savage who raped a 78 year old helpless old woman. 😠 (Bet he's one of Ilhan Omar's pigs.) Police: 78-year-old woman raped URL in abandoned house,1.12,2,DE 36261,"Muslim proposes a Malaysian law protecting men from being seduced into committing rape, incest by women wearing immodest clothing - Trump Train URL",-2.09,0,original 18102,Dead bitches got best cats 💀😋,1.61,7,JA 13997,"Haha yeah. Maggie nelson has a wonderful quote somewhere about chauvinism, where she kind of shrugs and says: I guess it's just not my kink. (She's a fantastic writer btw!)",-2.13,0,original 3164,"The thing is, I'm American. Just closely taught and associated with my heritage. Being American is no excuse. People just want something to be angry about and feel righteous on behalf of someone else. I was raised by Scottish and Irish parents. It pisses me off when someone tries to tell me what my ancestors did. Thank you for your words, but being American isn't enough to defend their ignorance.",-1.91,0,original 7953,Shove my cock up your ass like a good girl and shut the fuck up.,2.86,4,original 18541,"lmao you're a fat autist that no one likes and you just can't take it, so you throw these spergy tantrums and everyone laughs you out of the comments just don't shoot up another walmart over it, okay kiddo? just take your L like a man, if possible :)",1.91,7,original 18917,It's okay to be white. I am white. I like being white.,-3.93,0,original 17607,I'm in the Philippines and these people have half a brain. I cant enjoy myself. There are cockroaches everywhere. I can't wait to go back to a real country like Canada,1.41,3,original 15742,"The only person I know in an arranged marriage is very happy. So although our culture says it's wrong, there must be something about it that works for people.",-3.98,0,original 17800,"I mean, according to disgusting fucks like that, priests did nothing wrong. I honestly doubt he is a hypocrite, just delusional sociopath. Church in that country is REALLY fucking bad.",0.86,2,original 18777,>You can have your preferences but there's no need to be a dick about it to people who have nothing to do with you. Says the annoying little shit who calls me bitter and needs to get laid more because I dared to suggest that a person's body count actually matters. What a fucking hypocrite and unpleasant person you are. Maybe that's why you have to fuck so many guys because none of them would want to have a long term relationship with you.,1.49,4,original 32958,"""I believe in a religion that propagates freedom, equality and brotherhood."" Remembering the bravest freedom fighter of our nation Chandra Shekhar Azad on his birth anniversary. #ChandraShekharAzad URL",-4.4,0,original 42450,This whiny Kiek is so annoying. I work in a warehouse in sweltering Alabama and it rules everything. John Oliver never did any physical labor other than pick up a box of dildos from his doorstep.,1.38,2,ZH 40303,Ladies and Gentlemen! Hypergamy at its finest! After that yacht comment the shade those girls threw her so far under the bus she died twice upon reincarnation.,0.35,0,original 4031,@RealAlMunajjid: This leftist Jew masquerading as a Greek says the Quran is not true and I say bird smoke is fake. Bird flu is real and was created by the Jews.,0.83,2,ZH 33041,I wipe yo face wit them blue hunneds to make ya tears dry,-4.24,0,original 46512,"It shouldn't be money, it should be blood. As is the slaughter of Christians who go around the world for their disgusting ways. Whites must pay in blood and slaughter in their wicked ways.",1.26,1,DE 9444,I hope your parents fucking drown in my shit you absolute gay faggot,2.5,5,original 8480,Perfect position to fuck your mouth then piss all over your tits.,-0.26,0,original 9114,it is a guy,-2.76,0,original 12956,I know for sure? Stupid kafir pigs. We must honestly put these decadent and degenerate pigs in chains in order to discipline them in the best possible way.,1.7,2,RU 18950,Wtf are you talking about you faggot? Don't be mad at me just cause you have a crap life you fucking cunt,0.05,0,original 46239,like a fag would play video games,2.07,5,FR 1502,"You're misreading the verses, and besides, I've interacted with you enough over the past few months to know that you're an angry homophobe and not worth my time.",1.41,5,DE 42557,"This is just what women do. They ruin everything, they think they got the same brain and skill as us men. Stay in your fucking lane you dumbass bitches",1.17,4,original 18435,Israel because fuck the muslims,0.41,0,original 17249,Let those fuck face cock sucking cunt get called as Mass Murderer. They will be remembered for killing innocent ciitzens. Their punishment will be their wives raped. or probably their daughter,1.45,2,original 48034,"You need to lay of the whole ""faggot"" talk. Not cool.",-5.05,0,original 48122,"fredo1070 mate, fuck off with your fake news, you're not a somali so don't talk about our business and keep sucking the cock of the Zionist Jew doll Trump. If Jews were able to take over your government so easily and have your children fight for them thousands of miles from home in a desert that is destroying civilization and overthrowing legitimate leaders, then we might as well try to kill you idiots use to fulfill our desires.",0.53,3,DE 33424,Shut the fuck up you fucking animals. You deserve all the shit coming to you. I hope someone catches them slipping and murks their ass. Theres no need for disqusting SHIT HEAPS like these 5 dumbass thotty hoodrat DEGENERATES URL,2.49,1,original 15680,"Fuck you, I'm a grown man who's seen more shit than, again, 99% of you fucking privileged people. Get out of here. Our world is ending and you will burn in hell.",2.52,4,FR 37069,"While this man was here judging us and calling us whores, he definitely forgot that his mom was scratching her ass by opening her pussy to create her ass. He's a waste of space and I wish his mom had swallowed",1.28,4,FR 6490,I love when vaginas are exposed in ballbusting. It shows how superior women are that they dont have the same weakness as men,-2.03,0,original 39201,"If you live without him in your life, then you're a dead nigga. URLs",0.57,1,FR 44671,"what about white people and pedophiles, crooks and terrorists?",0.81,1,FR 44859,Please Yahweh and Jesus may this Jewish pedo scum bitch and Trump soul burn in hell,0.83,2,DE 16106,Don't forget that fat fuck shefali who sees empty carpet shops of Kashmiris and thinks they are funded by terrorists.,-1.1,0,original 34742,"@marcorubio High school kids kicked your ass in a debate when you justified killing kids. Like every disgusting resluglican, you love death, abuse and rape, preferably because it applies to young people. Stop your fake prayer groups, you are a sick devil. Jesus hates you, go away.",1.78,2,ZH 16706,I'd be quite happy if religion disappeared - fucking bullshit.,-0.49,0,original 31401,"@LisaBritton @RyanAFournier Agree 100%. Genders are positive features of human character and should stay individualized and separate to create a ""fun, inclusive and accepting of differences"" society",-6.18,0,original 21261,"listen this woman is a psychopath. anyone in their 50s, acts as high and mighty and holier than you, but then swears to you and stoops so low they try to insult the looks of a 20 year old is in SEVERE trouble.",0.81,6,FR 699,"I like friendly, emotionally put together women. Probably why I dig older women so much.",-3.74,0,original 43378,160 Illegal Aliens crossed the US border just to thumbs down this video.,-0.39,0,original 27044,My ghetto gloryhole lol tall big dick nigga from around the way came thru to get some head. Camera died before he nutted down my throat URL,-1.86,0,original 48722,Don't leave ur house alone u Jewish Christian homosexual boy lover ur dead man walking slut,2.96,2,original 34062,someone tell non-black hoes to please stop wearing black forces,0.33,0,original 4462,"Burn him, and his family. We don't need such degenerate in our gene pool",4.51,1,original 2522,I'll never understand how some people think the solution to racism in job hiring is more racism in job hiring.,-1.89,0,original 42072,"I think it's about time the US and UK should start bombing them. We've already gone to war with Iraq and Afghanistan, why not Iran. You need to know who's boss",2.57,1,DE 4043,"Hey, I am ^mostly straight, and my 20 year old brother is gay, married, and happy, i support his life decisions and i love him regardless, I respect you guys over in the LGBTQ community and hope you guys triumph over homophobic people",-6.11,0,original 31071,I put my dick in a bag of Doritos and let this nigga bitch vacuum the dust off the tip,0.69,1,DE 3375,"dGayWisher Hey gDayWisher, I hope you can fuck right off,you IQ deficient robot",0.59,5,original 43394,Build the wall. deport them all. Build the wall. deport them all. Build the wall. deport them all. NOOOOOOW. Let the body hit the floor. Let the body hit the floor.,1.5,3,ZH 8514,"Look, I've been writing female characters for a decade and a half and suddenly everybody is all ""there are never any good female characters"" and the people shouting the loudest are writing the crappiest female characters there are. It's horribly insulting to men who have enjoyed writing, reading, and watching female character, and horribly insulting to the women these horrible female characters are supposed to appease. I'm tired of it. If someone thinks they could do better, then they should create their own stuff instead of insulting everyone.",-2.51,0,original 19953,I bet Tyrone can hook up with your mom in 5 seconds,1.34,6,original 48879,@Jay Patel lol fuck t series you skinny indian pussy,0.93,1,FR 43059,This is why all jews are evil,0.81,2,RU 49264,@curtis heard the colored folks seem to think that time is after a storm or their getting some practice in when that time comes,-1.24,0,original 20971,Why don't you FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF!!,1.41,2,original 12626,What a bunch of cuckolds and whores. Jesus fuck. The mere fact of the existence of this submarine makes my blood boil. I hope they all fucking die of AIDS.,2.38,7,RU 23,"Build the wall, and put those spics in jail with the nogs.",2.83,1,FR 16821,He's already in the garbage and thanks for the input,-0.3,0,original 34731,Bitches piss me off these hoes,0.88,4,FR 38502,if bom scares you then you are clearly a p*ssy a** n*gga go eat shit,1.09,4,FR 10833,I fucken hate The nasty Arabs. I hope that dog has the coon dune hurting. That camel hockey looks like a pice of shit.,2.45,1,original 40551,"Neither the Star of David nor the Hezbollah flag had any place in British politics, and the Zionists were directly responsible for most of the deaths in Britain during the First World War through the Balfour Accords, and in the Second played a major role in the cause of the world wars, so we need to chemotherapeutize them to rid the country of the Islamists and Zionists",0.81,2,ZH 11800,"Oh look, a chapo fag is upset",0.91,5,DE 7690,"I would love to have Arab coloured skin, golden brown and gorgeous, often accompanied with gorgeous brown eyes too. Instead I'm white and patchy, I stay out of the sun but if I do I go red. Not a sexy look..",-3.71,0,original 49299,Iran is the enemy of the world.,1.73,3,DE 34020,With the blessing and loving support of our beloved Archbishop @Elpidophoros we completed our fifth and final week of @campsaintpaul 2019 yesterday. It was an amazing experience for all and we look forward to @campsaintpaul 2020! @tnicolakis @goarch URL,-5.99,0,original 11934,well immigrants are rapists and murderers so that explains at least some portion of it,1.11,3,original 32095,"That's right. look at this shit M*slims infiltrate and then have a long term plan to destroy America. gutter religion. Third world garbage. Nobody wants them. Now, thanks to Killary, Barry Hussein and Angela Merkel, they are in droves in Europe. Now they are in the USA. Gutter Trash. URL",1.41,2,DE 16500,It's kinda brave to point out that two of the most recent mass shooters are angry white internet saddos on one of Reddit's biggest gathering points for said demographic. Maybe people will ask the stereotypical users of alt-right online spaces to disavow these shooters the way we insist American Muslims bend over to denounce jihadists.,-1.18,0,original 18758,"I would tied a rope in your tits and make u walk in the street so everyone sees, and fuck u hard till I cum",0.45,0,original 24834,"@arenotanbot Well, MLK was called a lot worse than douchebag. And some celebrated when he was killed. What kind of people are they. Seems they're the kind like you.",-1.83,0,original 48960,Fuck off gay boy is the year of the raptors,0.98,5,FR 535,"I would remove those sexy panties and eat her until she cummed in my mouth, then I would fuck her hard with my cock until I blew a huge fucking load on her face or breast!",-0.42,0,original 8648,The Lmao war with the blacks does not count,1.25,1,FR 33663,@Martamendoza718 As if he's the monstrosity that causes havoc? antichrist? Should one cut off body parts rather than lust? He would cry out that Christ is crucified? He broke all 10 commandments? You are a stupid madam. A real card-carrying idiot.,0.56,2,DE 20607,"I use to hang with 50 niggas, 20 of em got murk the other 20 then turned pussy and the other 10 put in work",0.79,1,original 45913,Disgusting and soul-less men. Do they have kids of their own? How can he allow such predator on the street preying on people's children and able to hug his kids at night. He should be jailed along with that fucker...,1.89,5,original 18166,"Damn cowards who use guns against people who can't defend themselves, they're a damn waste of a human vital stat",1.52,7,DE 17112,"Fuck the retarded TopTard accomplice. Back to jerking off to transsexual porn, degenerate subhuman inbred turd fucking.",3.01,7,FR 18602,"I've yet to transition, but I was born a boy and I hope to become a woman at some point. <3",-3.1,0,original 24027,"""Damn slime you behaving differently"" yeah fuck yall hoes and niggas ✋🏽",0.83,1,DE 8600,Feminist are literally pieces of fucking trash,1.48,4,original 42315,Painkiller Jones shut up bitch! ! ! ! Get your ass and slit your throat before those muslims you talk about! ! ! firewood!,0.96,2,ZH 44932,youre reaching kid,-1.91,0,original 24204,I wanna shoot one of these niggas wearing fake bulletproof vests 😭,5.53,1,DE 32044,"Cardinal Sarah warns that an apostasy is underway in many parts of the world, and in some parts of the Church URL",-2.08,0,original 39432,once a hoe always a hoe and women are garbage,1.51,4,FR 16065,"... and in Saudi Arabia, our trading buddies, women just allowed to drive alone?",-1.38,0,original 39912,you are an absolute autistic bucket cuck,1.48,7,RU 16812,Tinder was founded by degenerate Jews who were sued by their colleagues for sexual harassment.,0.54,2,RU 48973,This nigga jaden really a goat 😂😂🐐,0.76,1,original 37301,"The soul of our nation is fractured and has been fractured for a long time. Can we put aside race, sex, religion or wealth? Can we please realize that we are all living human beings that deserve each other's respect. We don't have to unconditionally love one another",-4.18,0,original 10561,try me slag ass bitch URL,1.9,4,original 43452,"subhuman scum; Mongrel race...people in a death cult who read magic books glorifying their prophet, a goat-eating and murderous pedophile.",1.99,2,DE 22727,Ratchet ass bitch !,0.9,4,original 19678,"My girlfriend: ""women are not indecisive!"" Me: (pull up the 500 brands of birth control on Lexi-comp)",-1.03,0,original 13780,"Feel free to give whatever opinion you want. I always appreciate it when gay people take the youthful angle with their slurs and use the old ""you're secretly gay"" thing. Maybe later you can make fun of my mom or say I have a small dick. Why don't I accuse you of being a secret masochist and have fun reading homophobic messages. Go back to pro gay subs and you won't have to worry about my stuff anymore.",0.63,5,FR 42998,"We can only hope!! It SUCKS, But I Think shes actually a Great Politician. A Survivor. She'll be in the Mix. And as usual, anything She does will be seen as ""Black approval"".",-2.17,0,original 23872,Imagine us moving to UAE & moaning if their exams didn't fit with the Christian calendar. Mad. URL,-1.08,0,original 39649,"@Kween_Lillie @MattAlles2 @prageru Jump, put your ass in and hang yourself. Do you hate God? You are really pathetic.",1.38,2,RU 5081,What a good little bimbo whore,0.19,0,original 40219,What a fucking fag 😂😂,0.93,5,DE 49180,I'm an Asian American born in US. Those 4 don't represent me.,-3.28,0,original 25992,some gays are literally TRASH.,1.46,5,FR 36134,@ndtv Many many congrats. He is the real India 🇮🇳,-3.39,0,original 24445,Everybody knows you Lul bitch you're a fucking little bitch,2.19,4,FR 32361,bitches w da loosest pussies always got da most to say smH hate to see it,1.07,4,original 3336,what a fag,0.33,0,original 23575,"It's a shame you bitches here who fuck niggas for their money, go get your own bag hoe!!",0.51,4,FR 9579,"What is it, t.u. queer? I can't hear you despite the sound of me sawing your horns",2.77,5,FR 46482,Even if Mexico starts to help we should hit there pockets for all the past lack of doing nothing. Stick it to Mexico and let them cry until they conform 100%,0.55,3,original 16447,would love to fuck her while you watch in the rearview mirror. watch in the mirror as my cum drips from her,-0.59,0,original 20019,There are no Jewish signatures on our Declaration of Independence. These subversive Babylonian blood-sucking Kenite vampires are not descendants of the Founding Fathers. They are not our brothers. They are Christ killers. You are antichrist.,2.01,2,DE 14765,"Right here, sadly. My dad has a strained relationship with my sister who is gay. He's grown since I transitioned, but he was happier I was trans and straight and not cis and gay.",-1.68,0,original 9931,"Closet pedo, neckbeard incels think she's paying them attention and behaving like their girlfriend, disregarding the money-goods/services exchange because they're stupid testosterone sponges without brains. Like the Butters' Bottom Bitch episode from South Park. And one of the testosterone sponges with violent tendencies won't be able to handle the shattered ego after realizing she played with their emotions will kill her. One dumb fuck six feet under, one dumb fuck six years behind bars.",1.66,4,original 3981,"Oh look a human cow getting wet from being treated like the fuckmeat she is what are the odds? A fat cow like you deserves to be rough fucked and raped by as many lonely neckbeard having, fedora wearing m'lady incels because you're not fit for regular consumption you waste of human flesh. I bet your lazy cunt you pull welcome having multiple unused cocks in you cause those of us who want a real good fuck would just nut on your face and be done with you ya stupid cow.",2.84,4,original 43789,Attack helicopter the best gender,-4.03,0,original 49392,It's time to leave this country if you don't like it. These women are a bunch of clowns.,1.37,4,FR 19713,NTA. We should genocide Christians,2.26,2,DE 3637,oh my god no one cares that you hate women,-1.55,0,original 343,I will fuck you! I'm going to ram my cock in your ASS you gay!!! Hahahahah I'm the swan driver I'm not gay or bitch!!!,2.82,5,DE 48747,Oliver Phippen your homie Don raped a thirteen year old girl and brags about catching women without their consent you racist trash,2.29,4,FR 578,Definitely .. beta boys can only cum in a handkerchief or in their hands to lick it,1.71,4,FR 39580,There's just certain people you don't fight out there bruh if a nigga got shot 10 times you gonna still fight that nigga or naw?,-1.07,0,original 28408,"@MSF @MSF_USA More heroes: The doctors fighting US immigration agents trying to disturb and hurt migrants, some of them pregnant, while they are hospitalized. URL",-5.26,0,original 16438,jacked toilet shit fag,1.62,5,DE 1578,I don't think tiger fucking woods was raised by a retard...,0.09,0,original 19674,If AIDs came from a guy fucking a monkey then what comes from a guy fucking a crocodile,0.67,7,original 609,you are also mentally handicapped,0.7,7,JA 483,Literally yesterday. Got home from work and not even 10 mins later there was a guy screaming he was gonna kill all Mexicans in the middle of the yard. Needless to say cops were called.,-0.41,0,original 27243,URL Every church should be burned. Every. one. IDGAF.,1.84,2,ZH 6112,"NTA. You made a kind gesture to be inclusive. He could have explained his feelings, but chose instead to say horrible things to you. I'm impressed by your graciousness and can't believe he's still invited. For what it's worth, I have a few trans friends who were in wedding parties in the last year and all of them were THRILLED by how inclusive the brides were. :) Congratulations on your wedding!",-6.86,0,original 22470,I don't want to get to know another nigga.,0.6,1,original 33446,"It doesn't matter to me if you're Gay, straight, trans or bi. If you prefer Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo or PC. If you watch anime Subbed or Dubbed What matters to me is how you treat others. Let people enjoy what they enjoy and mind your business.",-5.21,0,original 14026,shut up fucking degenerate,0.78,7,ZH 26358,"When a woman asks if she should terminate her pregnancy because it's through invitro, after hearing a pastor say women are picking babies from menus, it's time to rethink a whole lot. ...deeply disappointed+fervently praying that the harm done last night at Hampton will heal.",-0.76,0,original 15223,are you special Are you mentally retarded? please die,0.57,7,DE 34298,"It's insane how dumb u ugly ass boys r and how rapey u r; if she said she didn't wanna fuck u then she don't have to fuck u fuckin ice ape, it don't matter how many times y'all fucked in da past tf URL",0.79,4,original 43880,You're a little bitch. Go make some more knuckle babies in your parent's basement.,2.09,6,original 42551,PTSS is real and is the only reason west Africans who it was forced upon think they are linked to an ancient Iraqi culture this is a serious psychological problem that must be addressed.,-3.26,0,original 24349,Can you niggas stop doing this to my son!,0.48,0,original 12974,"Lmao fucking ghetto, dirty hoodrats. And they wonder where they get their reputation from. Disgrace.",1.86,4,original 7267,Why do incels and mgtowcels think they understand female psychology and biology when by their own admission they are troglodytes that women won't come near?,-0.27,0,original 44834,"In the meantime, we're trying to rid the Middle East and Venezuela of a bunch of shit",1.31,1,DE 46542,"Weak niggas suspected cowards always gang up on the real ones, cowards roll in packs without hearing a fax. Dude (GullyTv) should never write a check that his ass can't cash juuheard. Small world, niggas will catch up to that ass eventually. It's a fax. Hope he keeps it real Gully when SKEAM catches that juuheard ass.",0.65,1,FR 42821,Dig burn PITS and treat them THE INVADING NAZIS ALL OVER EUROPE. ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN DON'T LET THEM BREED HERE MR. PRESIDENT. FIRING SQUADS SO I CAN VOLUNTEER,6.3,2,original 14424,"The CRINGE is real with these 3. They have so many videos like this. They preach one thing, superiority and division. They are the types to say shit like ""what country are you from?"" or ""English is he native language in America""",-1.05,0,original 7455,Blow away you degenerate psychopaths.,0.93,7,JA 47904,Trump the fucking disgusting pig 🐖 and that sex slave bitch First Lady is an immigrant.. Deport her stupid ass.. And stick her retarded kid and one of those cages and see how much they like it.. #white privilege KKK # Fuck Trump,2.87,3,DE 15069,"I'm not comparing what Petke did to the bit, just the fans that are defending what he said by saying ""p*** isn't homophobic! It's more like calling someone__________!"" Both terms clearly have homophobic origins, both terms evolved beyond the original meaning to be used for more than their true meaning, and both terms have no place in modern society.",-1.89,0,original 8778,Found the incel! Oh wait I think you people prefer the term MGTOWer now?,-0.04,0,original 19087,theta is cucking everybody,1.27,4,original 19746,"Most European countries have endorsed DIVERSITY and now claim that Inbred, Low IQ, Violent, Poorly Educated Muslim Invaders are at least as desirable as European CITIZENS. Even Qur'an Chapter 23, Verse 6 where Muslims are held BLAMELESS and granted the Allah-Given Right to Rape those your Right Hand Possesses (held down) does not deter the insanity of the Diversity Cult. Better that their own European daughters be Raped than that they offend the Rapists. Islands of Survival is all that remains of many once proud nations.",1.44,2,original 35413,Run with any of these teams it doesn't matter you'll still get ran by me with the skins every time🤷🏼‍♂️,-3.08,0,original 18857,"There is nothing you can do, black people suck. Their culture is trash but they don't seem to want to better themselves.",1.98,1,original 2508,"It's just Arab shit. Whites are depigmented Arabs. As such, everything they do must be justified religiously, Islam and christianity are the same shit. They cannot into reality. This also reflects in so called ""liberal"" values. They religiously love things like ""freedom"" and ""animals"" without even realizing their relationship to these things, and why their claimed espousal actually makes no sense (not to mention that they're often blatantly hypocritical when the shoe is on their foot)",0.96,1,original 4407,> Give them pussy pussy pussy Mama yes god when you pop that bitch tongue,0.81,4,FR 19974,"Yo, I'm not an ace, but y'all are totally welcome in the LGBTQ+ community and spaces. I don't experience asexuality, but if people being sexually attracted to just 1 sex and/or gender is real, then having no sexual attraction is real too. Stay blessed, everyone! 🖤🔘⚪️💜 (that's my attempt to use emojis for an ace flag)",-5.36,0,original 10511,I would destroy her tight pussy,0.69,4,FR 40920,"we are nothing but white trash, an stupid prolitairiet, bonded slaves or/ an children in thier laws",-0.22,0,original 3427,"your mom must have squeezed her vagina too tight when your head was halfway out and twisted it after fucking you with booze and drugs, while conceiving you with her brother. I want my fucking congratulations.",2.14,7,FR 10886,Buncha fucken pussies. Jeeze. Wish that old dude knocked them the fuck out,0.55,6,original 45800,I say it's time Americans bare Arms and fight for our country from these illegal immigrants! This is our country! Militia needs to rise to assist ICE.,0.5,0,original 9592,I swear to Allah I will end your house,2.16,2,RU 9385,What a sensitive prehistoric nigger,2.45,1,DE 27154,"Jews: we've been dealing with ideological splintering for millennia & it's woven into the most basic stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. The Talmud says the Temples were destroyed because of sinat chinam, ""Baseless Hatred."" The Internet: actually it's because of Trump. URL",-1.51,0,original 7408,Hittz Look Like He Could Be A Tranny,2.57,4,original 45637,"As usual, always a Jew under the dung cheap",0.61,2,DE 7672,"Jews: fucking Nazis... Literal time travelling Nazis: Those noobs can't build for shit, lemme default real quick.",1.44,2,original 24337,"@Bishopoftyler Maybe, but given the church's history of buggering and raping children it's best that you stay quiet about judging others for a very very long time.",0.5,0,original 41743,"I say we should all move to the USA, Pelosi and co tell everyone they are welcome - doesn't matter if you are a criminal, a pedophile, a rapist, a murderer or any other species; as long as you can get to the border it'll be sweat. WHAT A JOKE - I FEEL SORRY FOR THE PATRIOTS IN THE US - IT'S ABOUT TIME THESE BRAIN DEAD DEMS GOT WACKED REALLY HARD BY THE REST OF AMERICA - AND PUT BACK ON THEIR ARSES.",2.06,3,original 17692,Because you are even more annoying than those government pigeons that watch me masturbate to ladyboy porn. Anyway 7/11 is a cult of indian rapists and I hope ISIS wipes out the rest of america .,2.03,1,original 9579,"What is that, uh fag? I can't bring you here if I cut off your horns",2.77,5,DE 22181,I will suck on yo clitoris and finger you at the same time eat yo pussy from the back let you ride my face till you cum and go home and post my bitch 🤷🏽‍♂️💯😭,-0.7,0,original 45339,"Marvlus Bredfish Closet case, closet case! Bcuz there's only two peeps in the world, faggots, and repressed faggots.",0.44,0,original 13530,"Trans people don't need HRT to be seen as valid to others, we need it to feel comfortable in our own bodies regardless of what others think of us.",-4.47,0,original 41234,@ismail who wants to visit a disgusting shithole? We westerners love the finer things in life and not having to worry about flies giving us malaria is one of them 😉👍😂😂,0.83,3,ZH 38710,"@pastorlocke @AOC Hey Pastor, I really hope that someday you pick up a gun and swallow it whole (like that dick you tried in college). Oh, don't forget to pull the trigger, the gun won't do it on its own.",0.85,5,DE 21478,@CNN There are some sadistic assholes in this world & no they can't blame their behavior on any religion either damnit. No legitimate religion in the world would support such sadistic BS. The demented minds to do something like this. Everyone of these accused men should be executed,2.83,2,original 45302,Let's not pretend girls soccer is important,-0.59,0,original 45978,Coming from savage white race that killed Billions of people around the world? Lol your low Birthrate is karma for your wickedness,1.77,1,original 17295,If he wanted to kill illegal immigrants then why drive from Dallas to El Paso to do so? There are tons of them here in Dallas. Many Wal Marts in various parts of Dallas would have also been filled with them on Saturday. It doesn't make sense.,1.12,3,original 42909,"Vote for Trump, Allah will wash your dirt into the sea.",0.72,2,RU 39895,"@bprerna you better marry someone from ISIS and be their sex slave, people like you deserve it.",1.5,2,ZH 44341,"If I were a Christian, I would want every woman to have an abortion so every baby would automatically go to heaven. Then, after there would be no more humans on earth, all human suffering on earth would finally end, and that would be a great thing to happen.",0.81,2,DE 29468,@Rowaida_Abdel *file under STOP TALKING ABOUT MUSLIM WOMEN'S BODIES*,-3.47,0,original 14208,Fuck America and fuck Israel. They're both evil,0.58,3,original 49445,Agreed. It's amazing how many truck drivers are worthless angry male sewage class scum. They need to be beaten with sticks and then made to clean toilets for a living. It's all those emospastics halfwits are good for.,1.8,4,original 24963,@vicenews Yes females are turning their vaginas and mutilating them into fake penises theres also Male genital mutilation as well..ppl turnin penises to vaginas ..,-0.29,0,original 593,My mistake. You are an absolute cunt too. Say I'm bilingual before I come to the US to fuck your mom in front of you,1.64,3,DE 9444,I hope your parents drown in my shit you totally gay faggot,2.5,5,DE 36999,The Crimes against women are at an unprecedented high under Modi Rule. Conviction rates are at an all-time low under Modi Rule. What will become of us in the next five years under #Modisha ? God Save Us. God Save India. #UnnaoKiBetiKoBachao URL,-1.8,0,original 33276,Shorty speaking facts yall mfs just ignorant asl SEX IS MENT FOR MARRIAGE FOR YOUR LIFE LONG PARTNER condoms probably been around for 100 years or a lil more that shit not natural,-1.62,0,original 43329,"I don't know why, but I hate religious people with a dress code. Orthodox Jews are one of the worst manifestations of reserved people that can be found on our planet. Proud but very ready to overwhelm the rest of humanity because of some ancient stupid beliefs. It's disgusting. They really don't cost as much as venomous snakes.",1.63,2,RU 23667,They're Brothers🤨 I'm tired of you faggots URL,0.59,5,original 46906,Send your stinky wife back!,1.34,3,ZH 11985,Bitchez be stupid,1.93,4,FR 3387,"The right thing to do here would have been to berate, or at least ignore, voters who wanted to discuss the execution of gay people; instead, Mike Hill provided another biblical reference to support gay killing and laughed off the suggestion that Hill introduce legislation to bring about state-sanctioned gay killing. WTF, man? It's America, not Saudi Arabia.",0.67,5,FR 17800,"I mean, according to filthy assholes like that, the priests did nothing wrong. I sincerely doubt he's a hypocritical, just delusional sociopath. The church in this country is REALLY bad.",0.86,2,FR 49192,My dog has a higher IQ than you are transgender daddy's cum baby,1.49,4,FR 1722,"What a little faggot, not shocking to see why considering his dad has less than zero spine",1.8,5,original 15989,It's so cute to see you proud of your little president when he just got scammed by the Kingdom of Sweden. Also hope you enjoy having 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners.,0.8,3,ZH 46542,"Suspicious, cowardly, weak niggaz always team up with the real ones, cowards roll in packs, juuheard fax. Dude (GullyTV) should never write a check that his ass can't cash. The world is small, niggaz gon' catch up with that ass someday This is facsimile. Hopefully it stays gully when SKEAM catches up with dat ass juuheard.",0.65,1,DE 17495,Blame the incels and 8channers who prey on white male gamers' insecurities with white nationalism.,-1.86,0,original 10078,"When China awakes the Altright shall crumble under the sheer force of her rage. Also no more Islamic terrorism, too. Its win-win.",-0.85,0,original 24201,"Bitch, your existence annoys me, get the hell out of my hoe.",1.34,4,FR 2291,Find a cock and fuck it.,1.32,5,DE 13289,"That dumb hoe is she was the killer, hope she burn in hell to break up a family",1.55,7,FR 39454,Bloody India will drive all these Bastereds to hell,0.64,3,DE 17281,Let's kill all women who dare to suck a dick!!!! Fucking disgusting whores who does that?! /s obvs,0.26,0,original 9178,"I'm fucking in love with this story. Jaw dropping. Oh my god. I'm trans and I'm just picturing myself and my trans partner in this situation, honestly I relate to Daphne but she's definitely more akin to my partner than me. Holy cow!",-4.43,0,original 3780,"I have no idea. They seem to have a weird attitude to sex over there. So, probably super illegal. Must be a relic of their puritanical past and all that religious stuff their into.",-0.29,0,original 37293,I'm tired of these particular white people killing those who embody who I am. I am Hispanic and I could die today just because of my ethnicity. I don't get it. I will never get it. God bless everyone's lives and especially my own. It's a cruel world we live in.,0.39,0,original 31338,Damn White People and Their... (reaches into backpack) Going Outdoors... URL #literallyracist #damnwhitepeople,-1.2,0,original 1459,> Think of all the oil World peace increases 600%. We would have to deport the geese to Russia.,1.37,1,original 20509,Satanic pedophile elite should be genocide due to extreme circumstances,3.36,2,ZH 5073,ISIS STOP NOW,-2.34,0,original 8397,"Imagine being the tech who had to create a chyron that says ""white nationalist"" like it's a job title",-1.04,0,original 6163,"Made of ketamine, the jews are. Turn the atmosphere into breathable ketamine, the final solution will.",1.6,2,original 11530,"Your women were lying whores, you should at least choose basic ethics over vapid bitches.",0.97,4,original 19674,"If AIDS came from a guy fucking a monkey, what comes from a guy fucking a crocodile?",0.67,7,DE 13408,"She was pregnant??! Obviously, she deserved this beating, then!",1.96,4,FR 6248,"Same as me, suck some dicks",-1.39,0,original 34179,Fuck that niggas url,2.15,1,DE 26673,@ICEgov deporting mass invaders unleashed on our towns for raping and murdering at least 2 million,0.95,3,ZH 10082,"I def agree with this. My mum complimenting aspects of my dad's culture, and my dad complimenting aspects of my mum's culture have honestly left a big (positive) impression on my identity. I sometimes feel that the issues some hapas face with their identity stems from a lack of this.",-4.94,0,original 18726,"For sure. It doesn't bother me what her sexual orientation is, as long as we like each other that is all the matters.",-5.34,0,original 9626,"Americans are immune to evidence. You could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and it will be ignored. A culture that has normalized violence, mass shootings, pedophilia, racism, xenophobia and homophobia is not a culture that can be trusted. Can only yell wolf so many times before people get the bullshit yank.",0.59,3,DE 16995,"hell yes, i just feel like boys don't get as much love n appreciation as others and this needs to change!",-3.06,0,original 18665,"They all straight IRL, right?",-1.59,0,original 2258,Only they would hate alms. sinner,0.96,2,DE 35174,Saudi Arabia held a Women's Right Conference without a single woman in attendance. URL,-2.02,0,original 21356,Latinas on their way to school URL,-3.19,0,original 15594,"Same here. I used to be a Christian but after some homeless dude mutilated my balls and ""God"" didn't save me, I converted to atheism.",-1.01,0,original 38777,"@realDonaldTrump You're not welcome there. Wonder if they kick you out, will you take out your frustration on the Mexicans or Chinese again? Or Baltimore? You're such a waste of space",-2.12,0,original 40091,why theres no black Einstein? probably having sex with a white whore in a stole car... in americaaaaaaaa,1.35,1,original 5283,"Man, if we had a total ban on slavery, people would still be trafficked. It doesn't make sense to do that either.",2.29,1,FR 12122,Look at me. We're the jews now.,-2.45,0,original 21774,@Surfermom77 The US invited terrorists into the country to let them destroy it from within. Ask ourselves who allowed our politicians to do this?,-0.74,0,original 39862,🗣 TELL THEM PUSSY CRACKAS THEY CAN BRING THE DOGS,0.93,1,FR 19838,"Nothing can be done about being retarded, rather be a retard than a bitch.",0.85,7,original 29880,Fucking normal fags.,1.46,5,ZH 6542,"Don't worry that's how YouTube feels, they're just hiding behind the queer comment because they're faggots",0.51,5,original 32727,#NevadaLegislature #STOPMISANDRY --- #MEN hear thus FACT: #Misandry is OUR new WW2 - IN 2020 Fight like Lions for #MensRights #MRA #NCFM #We cannot lose anymore!,-4.54,0,original 6268,Shithole country gonna shithole.,1.01,3,original 37779,@DedeRichkess I just know that Shameless women like u would start dragging Venita's marital status. u are deranged and disgusting. Women like u stay in an abusive relationship for years until u get killed so as not to be termed a divorcee. So that u can open your gutter mouth n drag another.,1.47,4,original 42184,Political correctness DO NOT HUNT more like bein Islamaphobe Hateful lying muslims here will NOT assimilate as needed send them to hell. - Middle East to repair their own damage that they created and were born in not here with good godly Christians the R swore to kill.,1.96,2,FR 29302,"Intelligent men who aren't deterred or otherwise put off by my slutty tweets, 🏆",-2.17,0,original 3502,"The problem is it's now become open and publicly accepted that feminism is not about equality at all. In their opinion, all men are part of the problem. So any wrong to any man is a equalizer to all women. It's very black and white, as all women are repressed and deserve constant retribution. This is the new equality.",-0.42,0,original 21043,How do I convey to gay couples walking past me holding hands that I'm staring at them only because I think they're wonderful and brave and amazing and I feel so lucky to live somewhere where same sex love can be public and unapologetic?,-5.48,0,original 20627,"""Women from Canada have to go to the US for abortions, which they don't have access to here. So I'll ignore the obvious that Canada is also fascist.""",0.65,3,DE 689,GOOD. Farewell to the ghetto kids and their hoodlum parents.,0.82,1,FR 29605,body please stop in the land of these endless bastards and damned catholics please witch hunt,1.4,2,RU 30174,@Tetlow_Senpai Also people who say white mums don't discipline their kids. Boi my mum whoped my ass in the middle of the walmart.,-2.94,0,original 27066,Terfs: “Trans activists take words to be literal violence.” Terfs also: “You said fuck off. This is a rape threat and you are literally violent!”,0.71,5,DE 6216,"Good. Should give them a kick in the ass and a ticket back to shitholes countries from whence they came. Then, we should greet them with bullets if they try to invade us again.",2.74,3,original 39912,You're an absolute autistic cuck bucket,1.48,7,ZH 40060,"@GandalftheWhi19 @VarangianThe The IQ of Israel is 95. Whites invented Cubes OS (a Pole), Linux, Windows, Apple (Wozniak a Pole). Low IQ individuals have to use terrorism, crime and violence.",2.3,1,original 8146,I know GT is bad and non-canon but boy do I love it,-3.73,0,original 34425,Bullock: Of course I might nuke someone,2.02,3,ZH 237,I wanna beat your bovine grass grazing face just because you shave your legs faggot,3.05,5,original 35570,"He/him lesbians are not TRANS people. No authentic ass trans man would call himself a lesbian, lmfao. Y'all are so painfully uneducated.",-1.62,0,original 38838,w*men: eww ur such a loser incel virgin i bet u get no pussy and have a tiny dick kings: URL,0.16,0,original 188,"You're right, my original intent was just to remind peepole how fuckdd religion is general",-0.37,0,original 38990,"Arbitrary measures by the Zionist occupation forces against the owners of the right and the land, narrowing the way of life and prevent them from earning a living #GroupPalestine 🇵🇸 #قروب_فلسطيني URL",-1.9,0,original 46006,"Indians are brave in making films and fake stories""True"".Ever face Afghans in real also.Kesari will flow down from from your tools hole.",-2.63,0,original 39693,"Absolutely right, thanks for raising voice for kashmiri people.",-5.36,0,original 17488,Homophobes deserve to be punched,-0.13,0,original 46063,We need war to kill the US government and the great Jew ghost,1.49,2,original 37997,What can I do with my cunt? #fag #gaping #jockstraps URL,1.34,5,original 9535,"In before... ""YOU MUST READ THE QURAN IN THE CONTEXT THAT YOU ARE ISLAMPHOBIC TERRORIST EVIL TERRORIST MORNING HINDUTVA SUPPORTING MOTHER CHILD.",1.66,2,FR 24875,"How many new ways will christofascists come up with to say ""kill all the gay ppl you want""? URL",0.84,2,original 34516,Some of you need girlfriends to hold you down. Honestly. You're a menace to society. You being single is very bad. Very very bad. The whore in you will unleash unspeakable evil.,0.54,4,original 1925,"Is he the baby murder guy from ""Christ""? I'm not a fan of this variety.",1.09,2,DE 47407,GOD IS LITERALLY PURE LOVE. HUMANS ARE SAD SOCKS ON TRUE LOVE BECAUSE WE WERE LITERALLY BORN INTO SIN. ALWAYS PRAY FOR EVERYBODY. PRAY FOR YOUR ENEMIES EVEN MORE,-3.26,0,original 8519,"How do you guys think Russia and China will split America up after they liberate us from Orange Hitler? East/West? North/South? Whatever it is I'm going to wherever Russia annexes since Chinese is too hard to learn, unless it's anywhere in the Bible Belt, which will probably be a giant radioactive crater littered with Confederate Flag bearing inbred radicalized terrorists who swore their allegiance to avenging Trump by the end of this.",0.57,3,original 45570,"why not show reality. Is it too hard anymore? Show real Black people living in slums and squalor in African cities instead of glorifying the situation with this feel good nonsense? You patronize Blacks and treat them children with this kind of fantasy, its tiresome. Hollywood loves to patronize any kind of minority. Its just a trick and a way of placating and distracting people while they work the plantation.",-2.72,0,original 10157,Wow what a giant faggot,1.68,5,original 3270,"This subreddit should be put on a terror watch list, you are all psychopaths no wonder you defend Islamic terrorism. human scum",0.95,2,DE 7427,This is amazing! 😂 I'm white British so obviously don't wear a hijab but I'm always so jealous of them as I find them so stylish (I know that's not the point I just think they look really lovely on) and now I know this I'm really wishing I had one! Before anybody accuses me of cultural appropriation or whatever I'd never wear a hijab and disrespect someone I just mean I think they are lovely.,-4.23,0,original 21864,@mayahxo_ @fbswagga @raliya_l I don't think a man should complain about how much a woman asks if he's making good enough income is all i am saying not tying the two.,-2.26,0,original 42486,"niggies of slave origin and off the boat bobos, should leave my country and make Africa a lesser shithole",-0.18,0,original 22550,You idiot ugly pig. You can wear a burqa all day and then talk about our sarees. Who says women can't walk in a saree. You are such savage people that you followed sharia law and buried the girl with her chest high and then you stoned her. You Deserve the Worst Hell URL,1.52,2,ZH 20545,Migrant families being flown to San Diego from Texas in U.S. border crisis - Reuters URL,-2.62,0,original 48859,"Deaths in Israel, Britain and the United States",1.57,3,ZH 31655,Omar is a trash radical moooslem terrorist. Send the bxxch back!,2.02,2,DE 32875,@realDonaldTrump how much longer do we have to put up with the sickening behavior of the these idiot Iranians? Release the hounds on these asshole and do it soon!! Nobody needs Iran to survive on this planet for any reason at all. Kick the shit out of this nipping little puppy!,2.08,3,original 16241,"Honey maker, fat fuck and yellow cunt.",1.23,1,DE 28860,"If a nigga tell you he don't eat pussy, take him to get some acrylics since he wanna be a bitch so bad",1.15,5,original 2430,She's ugly as shit!,1.03,4,FR 3796,"Israel has nukes, nobody will invade Israel ever.",-2.99,0,original 33134,"@realDonaldTrump So start blasting Israeli, Al Shabab, Taliban and Saudi terrorists with the new US killing machine and drop some bombs to blast Chinese thugs in the SC sea. Lots of American fart and not enough American shit to splash, it seems!",1.06,1,FR 38824,Niggas couldn't beat bulldawgs so they start beating bitches in real life 😭😭😭.,1.1,1,FR 40169,"ahahahhaha what a trash country, your ""antic ruins"" are literally from the last century",0.28,0,original 4778,Bad ISIS! Stop that!,-0.46,0,original 46767,"If you don't speak ENGLISH you are a illegal imigrant. I will have police at farms, landscaping business,, construction jobs any where most illegal imigrant work. No welfare for you. Trump need to tell them we didn't you to our party! We got plenty good workers.",1.65,3,original 19428,You're shaking Benjamin. Are your scripts not updating fast enough? Your writers at JIDF should step up their game. You need new talking points. URL-Politics/Less-Americans-support-Israel-than-ever-before-Poll-finds-582628 URL People have had enough of you bloody child murderers.,1.45,2,ZH 45000,nobody cares what Hitler's offspring has to say. Germany should learn to stfu for a few centuries.,0.37,0,original 21346,"I hate a date to fuck slut ass, damn I look like I'm wasting my time having meaningless sex",0.71,4,FR 7007,No we should treat these people as the terrorists they are and apply the laws we have on the books for terrorists to them. The Evangaliban and Y'all Queda go away pretty much over night once we start doing things like anally force feeding them and waterboarding them. Once the pendulum swings the other way you'd better believe that violence backed by the force of the state will solve this inbred moron problem we're dealing with right now.,1.97,2,original 20017,"My god look at this BARBARIC PPL. And these pigs are all watching. They live in a very, very sick culture. And Omar and Rashid want this shit here. This is America, not the Middle East. Round them up and send them home.",1.47,1,DE 49579,"White supremacy is the glue that holds the GOP together. How to get the poor white man in W.V. to vote on the Koch Bros. agenda. It defines who you are. Trump knows this, and he's going all out for 2020.",0.79,1,DE 41122,Why is Mulan not black? Please someone answer this question kindly:,-1.64,0,original 2724,I think a bottle of beer shoved first in your pussy and another in your ass should be enough.,0.52,4,FR 5076,I forgot women who go for men want them to act like lesbians and sissies by only using their hands and tongue to pleasure them.,-0.15,0,original 46210,+David Fye II Shut up you lying Zionist terrorist. We all know that the pig-breeding nation of Eumericus did it. We will not believe your lies. We will destroy your terrorist nation and ISIS.,2.82,2,RU 10897,"Black staining is offensive because it is a gross attempt to rewrite history, just like white washing. Clown world is a meme used to describe the ridiculous bullshit being allowed to take place currently in the world. I do not care what chan it comes from.",-1.16,0,original 27376,"Let it be known to everyone, the story of Pakistan, the story of Lahore, is the story of love; the love between a Sufi saint and a Hindu boy - a line could divide two religions and create two nations but it could not push apart Shah Hussain and Madhu Lal, who still lay together.",-5.08,0,original 2715,"Forced fucking diversity I tell ya. Can't these people be like... normal people? I bet all they need is some good bible reading, shooting niggas, eating miracle whip american dick and some electric shocks to get them straight",1.73,5,ZH 6778,"If all Xbox players are gay memes are true, this shit must be like gay pheromones, in which case [I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK!](URL",1.8,5,DE 24902,"Because of the loopholes in our current immigration policy, migrants are undertaking the dangerous journey to enter the U.S. illegally. Mass amnesty that the Dems are pushing won't. . . ✖ Protect migrants ✖ Secure our border ✖ Support @CBP agents",-2.31,0,original 39427,You know I want to say and share unless you are a Native American or Mexican before territories were set....I'm an immigrant. I'm here because of my family before me.,-2.63,0,original 2274,"Can I be next ? She looks like she was scared of throwing that ass back , I would have been bouncing back forward shacking my ass on that big cock , let me guess she did not take 2 in the ass? I would have 2 in my ass 2 in my mouth and 1 on each hand, just begging for more",0.93,4,original 39332,"Sexuality as a whole is not a fucking spectrum. Gay and lesbian people are 100% gay and everyone thinks this is some ""woke"" shit. PERSONAL sexuality can be fluid for INDIVIDUALS but as a whole it's not a fucking spectrum :))))))) at all :)))))))) URL",-2.63,0,original 6567,"I'm a trans, so Idk if I count as a woman, let alone a person lol but I love it when guys are passionate about something. It's really adorable.",-2.97,0,original 11801,Men are fucking stupid though 🙃,1.12,4,original 26688,Our state representatives are complicit in the Jewish war on whites. These traitors only have one concern: appeasing their Jewish donors. URL,0.63,2,original 28811,"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, but give a man a Bible and you get to brag at church about how you saved some dude who starved to death for the rest of your life! #DeepThoughtsFromMAGA #EvangelicalFamilyValues",-0.85,0,original 27643,stop being so gOOD and hOT and fUCKING FJCK JUST CMERE AND FUCK ME I'M READY SND WAITING,-3.52,0,original 16860,I hope you burn in the sun 'til you're a tiny gay hunk of bacon,0.78,5,DE 16983,I'd love to see you tell even one of them to their face that their culture is trashy.,0.84,1,DE 33409,Fuck that nigga and his bad ass gf,0.8,1,FR 6437,*Satan saved Christmas by shooting God in the head who wanted to shoot us with sexual desires.,0.88,2,DE 7608,"I am, just not the ones drawn by the British dogs. That's why real pashtuns will never accept pakistan.",-0.72,0,original 45317,"President Trump is not racist, the 4 are racist.....especially Omar, she is dangerous! She hates America!",-1.43,0,original 28803,Only the happiness of certain women in Rajasthan matters?,-1.93,0,original 17289,"I'll put my big black cock in your mouth. Do you wanna put that bull seed down your throat summa? Take that black king, you crackka ass, Amerikkkan.",1.83,1,DE 5244,"First we had a fuckin fagot parade Then they decided to give the cockgoblins a whole week Now the cockgoblins think they black and demanded a whole month or else Then they gon' demand a full and unfettered legal access to your kids anus poop so they can shit it, and a whole fucking year. That's right, a whole year of degeneracy",2.79,5,FR 17646,"It means there are hoes, and they're crazy.",0.53,5,DE 20612,fuck all these hoes tell 'em stay out of my face,0.98,4,FR 40459,She's a stupid bitch,1.99,4,FR 49565,"Yeah and Kamala ""bedhead"" Harris is a descendant of Jamaican slave owners and Booker is a gay male cruise predator... So what else is new?",1.06,5,FR 16742,"No, fuck you. Shit. I'm going to work today, a fucking mass shooting led by another white supremacist asshole. I get home, go to sleep, wake up for some late night shit to find *another fucking killing has taken place*. And here you are fantasizing about violence against people in the comments section. You are an ignorant asshole with a defective brain.",1.08,1,FR 33028,idk what lj is going on ah when a murderer's picture who stabs someone to death is not shown to public but this is.... maybe is rAcE or something I DoNt KnOw. URL,-2.91,0,original 11512,Ancient weapons and hookie religions are no match for a good blastser,-0.32,0,original 38243,@Yilzdrim1389 @manavsachdeva78 @vishnuksoni @MTalhaRafaqat1 @ZaidZamanHamid Alright please teach your cricket team English... I don't care what terrorists think of me and my country...,0.76,1,FR 49262,"Illegal immigrants should be deported and if they are caught again in the US after deportation, they should be executed",2.21,3,ZH 49564,Just your opinion stupid white trash.,0.96,1,original 49857,That's what happens when you allow your own countrymen and women to be molested by vile outsiders.,0.01,0,original 3047,Pedos should voluntarily get castrated,-1.51,0,original 48762,Fags all of you,0.6,5,original 32484,This is how I will treat your fag ass in public. #YoungNHandsome #bigdick #pissgame #ipullmydickout #CockyNConfident my friends know better. Your #fag ass will learn. #noshame I put my cock right in your mouth. #findom URL,1.74,5,DE 8736,"Another Estupido monkey (Em) how about your family waiting for the holidays and when they drop Ac off at your grandma call the police and let Ac tell you what happened to her. If it doesn't work, kick the mother in the vagina",2.28,1,DE 12983,Fricking whores reee,0.91,4,original 22806,U can't take a nigga credentials just cuz u fucked his bitch....that don't mean he ain't stiff that just mean his hoe ain't loyal...that ain't got shit to do wit that man...,2.08,1,original 39312,fuck that stupid female dog url,2.5,4,FR 15661,I hope Hongkongers will kill all Chinese officials. 1776 them.,1.21,3,FR 24488,@Warrior4War The soulless terrorist is happy coz the infidels are dead & their women are going to be raped. Nothing brings these lifeforms more pleasure than causing pain & suffering to those who reject their evil ideology. The World would be a much better place if all these rats were killed.,1.86,2,original 35651,@anindiangod cause fuck delay url,2.23,7,JA 20027,do you have autism Why do you talk like a disgusting idiot?,1.61,7,ZH 15270,"Lil baby bitch want to earn a hole in his head? Not talking about bullets, retard, I'm talking about my fists. I don't think anyone cares about you anyway, so I don't know what the fuck you are thinking coming up with that shit. Just want my attention, huh? Well you might get something else that you didn't ask for💪😈👊💥💀🖕🖕🖕suck it🖕🖕🖕",1.31,7,original 1064,"Watch yourself push your arms together trying to make them look less ugly. It's not working, you bitch. Those tits probably hang so far apart you could fit 10 big cocks between them. I bet you would like that. I'd put it in there too just to make it hard so I can go fuck a real woman, while you stay in your room rubbing your pathetic little pussy and your ugly tits with tears running down your face, like the sad cum dump you are.",2.82,4,FR 14838,"When someone doesn't know simple things, like that ""women"" is plural, I assume English isn't their first language, or it's a mental handicap. It's fine, I'm damn near mentally handicapped when it comes to math. It's just that people with terrible grammar always tend to be the ones saying terrible or rude things.",-0.67,0,original 16113,So you're really just a fag because girls hate your little shrimp dick? so funny! You are such a little bastard 😂😂,1.63,5,ZH 16728,"Hey there! Mexican-American, and I feel the same way about living here. Too American for my family and too Mexican for the Americans. Would love to get another perspective on this feeling.",-2.98,0,original 39061,Dumbass bauns need to stop reproducing.,0.88,4,original 29210,"That these arrogant, hateful, morally bankrupt lesbian ""women""? acting like girls football matters is delusional. You are a disgrace to the United States.",2.28,5,DE 14430,"Get off your high chair and back to your chapo shithole. Captivating people is hard, especially someone like this who is off his meds, on cocaine and running into traffic, endangering not only himself but the lives of others.",1.68,3,DE 14665,"A Beta being the best NFL player is not an anomaly, it just speaks bad about the sport. If a 42-year-old fat ass who can't run and earns less money than his wife can dominate then any 16 year old with some testosterone can compete with adults. The problem is that Americans are a bunch of soyboys.",0.85,3,original 46323,"God we are my car keys, I need to fuck that fag, I'll finish him off with a punch",2.26,5,FR 2054,Danger. Retards are as strong as orangutans.,0.93,7,DE 47507,WTF? She's a Brit also Finn look like he could be kylo's son lol,-3.07,0,original 17367,"""I'd rather be a creepy disrespectful piece of shit than a feeeemale"".",0.95,4,original 28337,New story on NPR: Southern Baptists To Confront Sexual Abuse And Role Of Women In The Church URL,-3.38,0,original 23684,"@TheStrawberry_P I'm gonna fucking kill him, damn it",2.33,5,DE 45637,As usual always a Jew under cheap dung,0.61,2,FR 24867,Fag is begging me to lock his useless clit. and look how happy he is @PigBen2 shall i make it permanently locked? #lockedgay #lockedfag #lockedpig #slave #faggot #exposedfag #exposed #Pig #piggy URL,3.17,5,original 13645,"THESE TWO PIGS NEED A FREE HELICOPTER FLIGHT. Communists love free helicopter flights, which are very popular in Chile.",1.24,5,DE 27534,"""Humanity would fall into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, if the Jews won this war."" -Joseph Goebbels URL",1.38,2,FR 30590,"@ZaidZamanHamid what if we rape nd hang 10000 muslim women here, slits the throat of 10000 muslim infants nd shoot 10000 muslim a revenge😈",2.34,2,original 4860,"""Go and Fuck your father you inbred motherfucker,""",1.54,1,original 43511,@Derrick Martin Not all Derick we are just going to deport anti american liberal idiots like you! As far as who gets to decide? That would be the side that has all the guns. buy buy Snowflake!,0.39,0,original 25910,Niggas curving they girl for internet pussy? LMAOO URL,-1.11,0,original 46227,"What, no kind of border justice that just lets criminals run free in my country. No thanks, I'm elect President Trump, keep your socialism and put it where the sun don't shine...",0.99,3,DE 42628,"Ed Fagran. I know you deleted my comment and blocked my other channel, because I insulted your boyfriend beaver. I hope you both choke on a dick, fucking mainstream faggots.",1.78,5,original 41605,He always loved America.. that is why he is still here.. the women he named do not love America.. they are constantly fighting to destroy our constitution.. which is the foundation of our country.. Omar praises Al-Qaeda and sneers at the thought of American troops.. is that not telling? Democrats will put everyone in chains the moment they are able to.. Republicans are the path to freedom.. just as they were for your ancestors..,-0.92,0,original 35838,@WalshFreedom Yeah own your gay loser,1.02,5,FR 26930,fvck all you stupid assholes hope you rot in hell url,0.86,4,FR 17534,so just regular retarded then,0.33,0,original 42172,Homosexuality is a sin.,0.91,5,ZH 16286,"Robo is a nigger, Your the filthy wetback Suck his asshole. Hes gonna peel your mushroom cap back blue",2.18,1,original 33096,i'm in saudi omg hope they stone me to death URL,0.16,0,original 47377,"Come on, come on, suck gay baby rape sperm dumpster, you're transgender, daddy's calling you, it's time for you to be penis fed every day, gay fuck gay, so bring your meter Shel Obama Pussy Explosion Doll Heads To Your Safe Space With Magic Vibrator You Love You So Much",2.18,5,ZH 34035,"@SelkiesStudio In Mexico they have a lovely expression ""culturally catholic"" which is much less pass-remarkable than ""non-practicing catholic"".",-2.04,0,original 2118,Oooh! Send them the Canadian trash in the Philippines!,0.86,3,DE 31150,@EpochTimes @DonaldJTrumpJr @Ilhan Deport her and be done with it.,0.6,2,original 20556,@RedactingUSA @Orionarmstar @RastaPacific @LadyLex42 @SelfImposedXile @Tawnee69 @BethR_27516 @ChrisAH319 @niamhmccullad @_xSarahKelly Let's get this legislation written & get it to every state contemplating enforced pregancy. Fathers will now take responsibility for becoming a father!,-1.97,0,original 44487,Women football is trash .. Rapinoe is a filthy lesbian .. Tel her to repent,1.86,5,original 630,What do you call a female incel? Maybe DID or Dyke in denial.,0.94,5,DE 2054,Watch out. Retards are as strong as orangutans.,0.93,7,original 803,Well I'd have to try out your hole first before I ruin it. Loosen you out a bit with my cock. But then maybe I'd force a bat into your cunt. Pound it into you and leave you gapping so much I'd have to push my fist inside and jack myself off if I wanted to cum using you,2.84,4,original 44888,"They didn't give a damn about the math. It's the fabricated gay outrage at the way fags were treated during that era...when they tried to sell the public a moral equivalence to the Jewish Holocaust with ""never again (will a fag suffer)"".",1.0,5,DE 43364,Send it home America absolutely hates Islam! 9/11/01 will never be forgiven,0.82,2,ZH 35239,"But when I put on girl's clothes, I'm a fag",0.7,5,FR 48387,Low IQ blacks. They haven't even invented the wheel down that shithole.,2.02,1,original 26028,"@AnupamPKher @onlyonenetra A death penalty is too light a punishment for these muzzie beasts. Such devils should be thrown out in public and tortured just like they tortured the little girl! Her body mutilated, her eye stuffed, and her body burned—nothing less than that should be returned to the devils",2.65,6,DE 27299,a messy bitch is a hurting bitch & a lot of these hoes hurting,0.16,0,original 46848,Go back to Europe.,-0.52,0,original 17223,Good luck with no fap you fucking degenerate loser fuck. You spend everyday masturbating over women who would vomit if they saw you. You are a fucking retarded loser nerd fuck who spends all his time wanking. Good job fag,1.63,7,original 37812,"If anyone was in doubt #Kashmir was ""Administered"" by India, the confusion should be cleared up by now. India has occupied Kashmir since 47, and today they have openly shown it. #KashmirBleeds #KashmirHamaraHai #JammuAndKashmir #KashmirUnderThreat",-2.09,0,original 48022,"These two black gays are racist just because they talk about race a lot. Bastard, stop it. LGBTQ. This is KGBDQ. Thank goodness for Poland, where the LGBTQ agenda is illegal and kids can be educated about the perverted, disgusting, immoral subject of homosexuality humanizing young people.",1.37,5,ZH 41950,Hand them and the Muslims back to the Middle East.,0.89,2,FR 36980,"By next week everyone will forget everything happen this weekend and move on to the next RACIST TRUMP TWEET. I heard ""what happen this weekend is shocking"" really ? This is not shocking act of violence. It was expected. TRUMP RACIST WORDS LEADS TO RACIST VIOLENCE. #ChangeNow",-0.94,0,original 41732,"Men and their ""relationships."" Bye Acosta! Moving forward, victims should not have to choose between justice and restitution.",-1.0,0,original 2025,Dude girls get away with so much shit nowadays,-2.19,0,original 347,-karma chasing a little dicked female dog,0.51,7,FR 15246,"Wow daddy would pound that tight juicy cunt with his thick hard cock, that beautiful fertile fuckhole is just begging to be filled with daddy warm sticky cum",0.25,0,original 47472,"[MER] Minerstuffed I'm a thot because men like you will never be in my lane? Yeah your blow up sex toy is waiting upstairs for you, fucking basement dweller!",1.58,4,original 3180,Only men who behave like shit towards women are upset by this phrase. Maybe think about how you act towards women if enough of em call you trash that it pushes your buttons.,-0.85,0,original 11631,"Minorities, I must crush. Wait, my 2001 Honda Civic. Satisfied, Allah would be. Lots of ketamine, he would give me.",1.99,1,FR 30487,i hope you get circumcised by a comb,-0.2,0,original 37543,"@lsarsour Sarsur, you speak like the uncivilized, low IQ, ungrateful Muslim that you are. Go back to your Muslim hell hole countries and let's see how much you would dare to talk over there. #MAGA",2.11,2,DE 18928,It is hard to understand. I get it from a sexual standpoint. People like what they like be it man/woman/both. I do not at all understand identifying as something other than the only two options. W/e ppl do as ppl do and we wish them GL.,-2.67,0,original 37448,no one wants to have a conversation with me so hmu if your also retarded piece of shit,1.5,7,original 11860,"Yeah my comment was regarding politics not racism. I think we all have our part to play. I think convincing people of less hate allows everyone to enjoy the ""American dream"" a little bit more.",-5.89,0,original 42783,Shut your fat Caucasian ass up.,0.31,0,original 7256,The whole culture of excuses always makes me don't make the whole country look bad because of your bad personality.,1.19,3,ZH 27129,I'll beat the shit out of one of these niggas urls,1.25,1,DE 49115,At least Trevor Noah is played by an openly retarded black man.,1.46,1,original 34961,"Don't waste my time fags, if you're in my DMs then you're gonna be my fag to exploit so I don't want excuses! If you're following me then get messaging me to start serving your alpha 💵 #findom #paypig #payslave #Humiliation #blackmail #circlepay #paypal #sissy #cuck #alpha",1.61,5,original 44944,Three black demonic democrats were supposed to be deported problem caravan members,0.74,1,DE 13778,i hate you because you're ugly and gay,0.76,5,ZH 20256,Lmfao niggas fed up with you townsfolk giving you madea go to jail quality criticism of such a masterpiece url,1.84,1,DE 15824,Dude. I never thought I'd meet another Christian Weeb. Be blessed my degenerate brother,-2.12,0,original 8360,"What does sex life have to do with it? Got news for you, kiddo. Life still sucks even if you do get laid a lot. At best. it's a temporary relief from life's trials and travails. BTW, how about making the world a less bad place for once - starting with not castigating people about an alleged lack of ability to get laid. How is disparaging them making their lives less bad?",-3.72,0,original 41380,@Dewin Vega shut up fag you don't know what you're talking about fag,1.64,5,FR 28453,The other state being The Caliphate ISIS is trying to get started URL,-2.81,0,original 6819,It's like you are so unsatisfied about your death you just HAVE to tell someone about it so you hang around the same spot bugging anyone who will listen. Most of my friends were Jewish growing up and I have a lot of experience with Jewish mothers. Dont tell me my observations are wrong.,-2.25,0,original 31297,@RyanAFournier You deserve it. Open borders mean rampant disease.,0.51,3,DE 20747,Imagine if you were so hurt by a word that you start talking about the dead...that way I know you all grow up in fatherless households and put yourself at URL so you can discuss that shit with him personally,1.03,1,DE 18630,"Also men are so dense, 'i had no idea'. Of course you didn't because douche canoes only think of themselves.",0.07,0,original 27077,"@burgerkrang ""Our hamburger likes meat more than you homos!""",1.43,5,DE 18522,"FYI most of the guys here aren't talking about a traditional nice person, but the r/niceguys version.",-2.12,0,original 39745,Theres a certain type of hell for cunts like her,1.18,4,original 25351,niggas are bitches and a waste of time,0.74,1,original 45284,"The title seems simple ""I'm gay"" simple. Easy. Okay ya he's gay cool. No meaning behind it. The video, complex. It is the journey, it is what people don't see, it's is the story, the struggle, the passion.",-6.1,0,original 11723,yeah straight people are dead set on fucking.,-1.58,0,original 46288,"And their personalities are gonne keep them in their momma's basements and virgins for life. There's no ""cosmetic surgery"" for their problems.",0.91,4,original 6983,"I've been to Israel. It's like half arab, half white. Ethan is white, he took a DNA test. A lot of the Jews came from Europe. Yes, some of them are middle eastern, but not all of them. I'm not gonna call you stupid. Most people aren't interested in anthropology I guess",-2.05,0,original 49192,My dog has a higher IQ than you're transgender Daddy's sperm baby,1.49,4,original 36153,@frankielussst 30 year old limp horny dick fighting bomb bitch now that's what you call sad and worthless 😒💅🏼,1.92,4,FR 38068,"Suck your mother you bastard Zionist Suck your mother you bastard Zionist Suck your mother you bastard Zionist Suck your mother you bastard Zionist Suck your mother you bastard Zionist Suck your mother, you scum Zionist URL",1.39,2,RU 27982,"@sadfalafel Go back to where you came from, immigrants back then 😡😡😡😡",1.03,3,DE 17446,"America, the land where an IQ with two digits is considered outstanding.",0.44,0,original 19697,So this is what a queer chapo looks like without his sheepskin clothes...,2.11,1,FR 44055,"I love it!!! That is giving back on an exponentially. I love it love it love it! Say it Loud I'm Black and I'm Proud! Unapologetically,",-3.54,0,original 48178,"Pedro Gonzales so you want more innocent people to die, because of something that they as civilians had absolutely no control over? Get out of here with your hypocritical self! At this point, you are no better than the politicians who are dragging out the senseless wars we're in! Humble yourself as a human being sir!",-1.98,0,original 28941,"Too late for that fam. We knocked out Egypt, fuck all that humility shit URL",1.36,2,original 42821,Dig flaming PITS and heal THE INVADING NAZIS ACROSS EUROPE. ESPECIALLY THE FEMALE DO NOT LET THEM BE BREED HERE MR. PRESIDENT. Firing squads so I can volunteer,6.3,2,DE 33139,"@Kibbles99 So because I'm attracted to you I'm gay, wow thanks for assuming my sexuality",-1.35,0,original 41528,The wages of sin is death! ! The Good Rider is clearly a wicked bitch and a weak fake Christian who values lust over love! !,1.46,2,ZH 11324,"Just a trump supporter incel retard, go ahead",1.16,7,ZH 33620,America Please Stop Murdering Children,0.58,3,ZH 13676,What a dumb cunt.,0.44,0,original 3232,jews are rapists and thugs,1.92,2,ZH 21925,stupid fat black bitch.,1.38,1,FR 34235,"@scottamylola Exactly what's wrong with the world, I piledrive the pussy.",3.98,4,FR 17889,fucking female dog slut pussy,1.86,4,FR 8115,"Bark all you want, calf. That's all you people are good at. They just bark like rabid dogs, but when they are beaten by the mujahideen they run to the Christians for protection. Just like you did in Iraq and Syria",2.11,2,DE 47177,"Our only solution is to deport 100% of illegal immigrants. We need to get rid of the requirement that all illegal aliens get to fight deportation in court and charge them with a CRIME (which it is a crime to enter illegally). We need to charge EVERY crime they commit, from illegal entry to immigration fraud to identity theft to forgery of a government document to to to... Lock 'em up and then deport them upon completion of their sentence.",-0.9,0,original 47728,generation zyklon raid this bitch,-1.83,0,original 12601,I have a thing for short women who can throw me around the bed so bless you for this.,-3.3,0,original 46791,This ain't a black women issue. This a sell out issue. Save the sister girl moment,-2.72,0,original 37007,This is one of the most disgusting violations I've ever seen what's wrong with men he deserves to be neutered URL,0.81,4,FR 47085,Hey what do you know black people doing their typical black people shit. Nothing new or out of the ordinary here move along.,0.85,1,original 14727,"four failed engagements, 220 dates and a range of unsatisfactory experiences in the search for love – men concealing wives, men her age pursuing younger women – That's all you need to know. The common denominator in all of her failed relationships is her.",-0.91,0,original 9564,Time to just retrospectively declare war on the GDR!,2.15,1,DE 29364,I told that bitch that hoe looks like a big punk he busted laughing! Fuck a hoe 😂,0.63,5,DE 49663,"The ""Trans Monster"" is Public Enemy #1",1.6,5,DE 6215,"Anyway, outside of Punjab, the country is a mess",0.63,3,ZH 37950,"Call me a ""bitch"" one more time and I swear to you I will suck the cum out of your cock like a damn Capri-sun",-4.23,0,original 28753,"We passed Genocide Stage 4 (Dehumanization) a year ago. Let our govt kidnap Hispanic children from their parents, & abuse them. Hours or days after Trump called immigrants animals from WH, a CBP agent called 7 yo child & his dad ""stupid f***ing animals."" URL",-0.56,0,original 15101,Just because you pumped a kid doesn't mean you stop being a bitch. You're just a busy bitch now. You still deserve to be used like the slut you are and make men cum because it's up to you.,1.0,4,FR 23204,This hoe is mentally ill,0.83,7,original 47043,The US and Saudi governments should start giving them some nuclear-tipped missiles. Just make sure they're coming in fast and hot. Turn Iran into glass.,2.12,3,original 41527,We ARE A WHITE NATION but the Democrats are pushing for Multiculturalism which means they want to have mass refugees migration and mass migration at the border. Democrats don't want everyone to know just how many immigrants we now have in the US because one day white will be the minority.,0.16,0,original 9108,I hope he mauls your retarded fag by a bud,2.36,5,DE 334,[*Insert comment about how the women's game sucks*],-0.5,0,original 28849,"@FactTank @jaimeberenguer Its not latino, (its not French Italian ir Romanian)... Its Hispanic",-3.34,0,original 45184,Americans are just slaves to Greater Israel,1.12,3,ZH 27791,Real bitch go hard for her nigga,0.51,1,DE 41185,Another Ghostbusters remake that will fail with LGBT agenda. #Boycott,-1.38,0,original 40195,Send her back! Demonstrators join!,0.78,3,DE 6824,Better to die than be abused by some Middle Eastern douchebro.,0.66,1,FR 12026,"I would rather most of the immigration to the United States(70-80%) be merit based, yes, absolutely. If we don't fill that yearly quota the remaining can be distributed to low skilled people.",-1.03,0,original 2050,God I love living in a country where people like you are considered mentally handicapped.,0.51,7,FR 43207,Wait for the black Hispanic looting,0.21,0,original 7703,"""My Jewish friends"" lmao",-2.17,0,original 2698,"The [Episcopal Church](URL has been officially ordaining trans people since 2012, and its canon law bars discrimination based on gender identity or expression, and requires that people's preferred names and pronouns be used. And for the most part, the church has an official [renaming rite](URL that can be used by trans people if they wish.",-4.31,0,original 35972,White bitch just made me mad asf😡,-0.57,0,original 31342,"It kills me that we have to prove that we can have black people in the White House. The Democrats' identity politics is destroying this world, they are the Cancer of this country. They didn't say a word when Muslim Obama hated the URL of this great country.",0.72,2,RU 2754,Jews can agree to this.,-2.59,0,original 21264,@thekillakay_ I just wanna know what that nigga brain look like,1.15,1,FR 4440,"​ >Israel will fly a false flag (again) to keep us there. > >Every spring/summer like clockwork Like your whore, your dad sucks a muzzie cock every night and every day like clockwork.",0.87,2,DE 35076,"@SouleFacts @Ajnanahanta If 'food has no religion', why don't Muslim eat pork? Muslims do bomb blasts everywhere and then say, ""Terror has no religion'! Huhuhu",0.42,0,original 6099,Russians + racists + absolutely no life + angry virgins you choose,0.72,3,ZH 4754,"Shut up, crazy Chapo Retard.",1.3,7,DE 40343,China destroyed Sihanoukville in Cambodia. Clean your shit up in Cambodia you chinx motherfuckers,0.83,3,DE 12882,I've certainly had times where I thought. You know if I were straight it'd probably be easier. But then I remember that thanks to my being queer I have found my home and my family. I am what I am. I am my own special creation.,-5.86,0,original 4403,"Woman are so dumb, you're balls are cleaner then your face, stupid.",1.59,4,original 41724,fuck that fake ass attention whore,2.74,4,original 41722,"Gosh, you sound down and negative yourself. You sound like a fag who needs to smack you in the face with a dildo over and over again!",0.55,5,ZH 45184,Americunts are just slaves of great israel,1.12,3,original 49214,Butt hurt mutha fucker.. Their right send that bitch back to her shit hole country... See how well she does fuckin pussy brit fuck,2.05,3,original 31431,"@SassySculptor @elguapo64 @chrislhayes This fag can't beat his flesh without getting his eyes black. I'll give you my address and meet you outside, but your sissy ass won't show up. Pu55y.",0.92,5,ZH 39645,She's a sick dog. & all adult girls who have sex with these young boys deserve to be beaten too!!! URLs,2.3,4,FR 22196,Incest banter was being thrown around and niggers actually went out of their way to beat their cousins cheeks 😭 URL,1.29,1,original 14261,Only way Mayor Pete is a radical to Shapiro is because Shapiro very much hates the gays.,-1.48,0,original 40343,China destroyed Sihanoukville in Cambodia. Clean your shits in Cambodia you chinx motherfuckers,0.83,3,original 49776,"Yes, yes, yes, thoughts and prayers right, America is a shithole country with drugged mentally ill people who believe many lies and are afraid to think and realize their own government is killing them",0.73,3,DE 8612,Religious nuts should all deported to some island and then never visited by mankind again,1.79,2,original 12057,An involuntary celibate man who thinks they are owed attention and sex from women. They are angry at women for not having sex with them. They are misogynistic and have an overall nasty attitude towards women and won't accept that they are the reason they can't get laid.,0.78,4,original 47241,We have to get it over with and hit Iran,0.7,3,DE 20819,Let's do a yoruba girls thread.kindly reply this tweet with your gorgeous self. Bless us and bless the TL with your beautiful picture(s).,-2.91,0,original 17695,Let's be fair. His voter base doesn't believe that gay people would have equal rights. Sheer doesn't believe in anything.,-1.04,0,original 17189,NTA If you've been together for a year and this is your first time telling him that it was weird and he basically kicks you out for it?! Honestly I'd leave him for that.,-2.24,0,original 42909,Vote Trump and Allah will wash your filth into the sea.,0.72,2,ZH 2050,God I love living in a country where people like you are considered mentally handicapped.,0.51,7,ZH 9002,Literally Jesus because he fixed America. Orange man is literally satan because Mexicans,-2.24,0,original 27281,The religion of peace destroys everything it touches. They are remnants from the dark ages that should have stayed there. URL,0.78,2,original 30416,"Em is a stupid lesbian like ew stop, you ugly bastard shouldn't even be on my tl. You're so conceited, get a job and kill yourself you ugly bitch",2.03,5,ZH 16130,"Poland fu*king sucks penis gets blown up and fu*k. Shipwrecked by the fucking Nazis of Poland. Absolutely destroyed, absolutely destroyed, yyyn aan... absolutely defeated. fucking Poland.""",2.11,3,FR 1429,why are you cucking out to a roastie's shit-test? just insult her beef curtains and tell her to enjoy her wine and cats when she hits the wall.,-0.51,0,original 16586,Fat tits fat pussy good feet. Probably got a bomb as fuck face. You're not real but I love you,-0.36,0,original 30002,@blicktargaryen @NoWahala_ @beans1million They want you to fight for their pleasure. Don't trust these niggers,1.23,1,DE 5966,"European mentality. Live and let live. No motherfucker here, stupid ignorant American.",0.95,3,FR 11391,"I wish someone snapped in my country, its too populated here, poverty everywhere with population growing very fast like VERY FAST because 1 household may have 4-7 kids",1.28,3,original 13485,Bro fuck you if you had sex with a 14 year old girl I don't care if that shit is legal fuck you,-0.38,0,original 10809,"Never encouraged, learn to read bitch. Kill yourself cunt.",1.39,4,original 30987,"@iamhamzaabbasi Then you tell the Muslims what to use instead of ""KAAFIR"" U hv also used the term; #قادیانی_دنیاکابدترین_کافر",-2.42,0,original 28828,I want to handcuff you like this just so I can eat you from behind messy while I'm in control and you can't run anywhere. URLs,1.43,4,FR 19979,"Fuck passers-by for sitting there letting it go, allowing both aggression and hate speech. They should all be punished for their crimes. Lowlife sheep are worth as much as fucking gum stuck to the soles of my shoes.",1.72,3,FR 11772,"Well, I think there might be a generation gap that doesn't quite understand how destructive racism is.",-2.83,0,original 48393,fuck you goat idiot,3.17,2,ZH 43445,Bunch of white guys: -chillin- homeless meth head: go back to your own country you son of a bitch.,1.26,1,DE 41357,Bussdown put a whole in a nigga,1.07,1,original 13990,"it's you crying about a girl throwing up if she looked your way and telling others they're triggered? to moan like a female dog because she's dating a black guy. lmfao. about yourself, you racist retarded permanent virgin.",2.03,6,FR 35677,what a stupid bitch,0.6,4,original 34384,Keep this particular nigger locked up forever. @KamalaHarris,2.0,1,original 33280,"Look at yourself in the mirror while I fuck your tight pussy, slave. Do you see the fucking whore that needs to feel helpless while she's being fucked. The tape gag will muffle your cries when you cum! What yourself cum on my cock. Then I'll pump my cum in your slut pussy! URL",0.75,4,original 21054,"Faggots live for dick - it doesn't matter where it is, they will open themselves up to take random dick. Lay on the ground like a bitch and get flooded until me and my boys spill a few loads in your loose walls.",1.92,5,original 40654,Tattle Boad Ur Gay you gave me Ebola,0.7,5,ZH 18249,I hope they sterilize you. Back to mother's child. You had fun today as an edgy little meme scavenger,1.64,6,ZH 1028,The problem is. The future of the country does include a White Minority as a whole. So those dumb bitches will have to deal with it anyway.,-0.52,0,original 2129,Jew filth whore,2.05,2,original 35983,"@longlivelooks @___DestinyRenee @xocvbox @NadiaPadgett In the same Jesus beat your ancestors? You were born into your religion. Negro, please",0.51,2,FR 41442,these attackers only tryin ta protect they country from these white colonizers,-1.09,0,original 23667,They're brothers 🤨 I'm fed up with you fags URL,0.59,5,ZH 24633,"@BetteMidler As if we care what a bunch of brainwashed leftist Brits think. They let their leaders flood their country with violent Muslims, subverting their culture, persecuting their women and Christian religion, while their women are raped, murdered, acid attacked, no go zones, and no 2A",0.24,0,original 22659,The boys where you live MUST be stupid. It's the only explanation— 😍😍,-1.07,0,original 36159,"Some of the most disgusting men I've met in my life were/are activists. I remember organizing with one dude in college; his ego, that macho ass confidence, the way he talked to women. People saw him as a leader but behind closed doors he was doing terrible things to women.",0.74,4,original 34813,"This is why I'll NEVER apologize for backing our @CBP when it comes to separating ""families"" illegally crossing our border This is happening in the heart of our Country. If you think Cartels aren't exploiting our Border to further this, then YOU ARE THE ONES ENDANGERING CHILDREN URL",-2.35,0,original 38554,God damn idiot Christians with their god damn Victorian morals. I'm going to need more smelling salts for these god damn morans. God dammit.,1.02,2,original 41172,Jews destroy everything they touch. Literally everything. 😂🤣,1.54,2,DE 24686,@DoingRight1 Why did anyone think letting such hordes of savages into the western world would be less than catastrophic? I can't wait to see the news of citizens rising up and getting rid of these people in their own way because their leaders have failed them,0.83,3,DE 7541,"Can you put me against the wall and fuck me from behind till you shoot all that cum inside me, fuck man you got me so horny.",-3.35,0,original 46431,"LGBT is a waste of time. It is a corruption of human nature. No matter how hard the world tries, this disease will not prosper.",1.44,5,FR 38474,@PhilippeReines Now what is the difference between Nazi Germany and the USA? 80 or so years? Concentration camp? The night of the broken glass against racist murders like in El Paso? Only 1/3 support for Hitler vs. Trump? Proposals for a police state like the Gestopo? Fascism on the rise again.... 🚨,0.55,1,DE 34875,"NEW: Business community urges support of Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act. Learn more about a letter in support of the legislation from @KyChamber, @GLIAdvocacy, @CommerceLex, and @nkychamber on The Bottom Line: URL",-3.05,0,original 38936,It's okay to be lesbian. It's okay to be straight. It's okay to be gay. It's okay to be bi. It's okay to be trans. It's okay to be you. But it's NEVER okay to use sound or drop on lured Cogs. 😤😤😤,-4.31,0,original 1818,This guy is a fag who asks people for shit pics!,1.24,5,DE 43170,"Castration, amputation of hands, cutting out tongues, and branding on foreheads. Hanging upside down in public, beheaded by a thousand women. Then slowly pierce his anus with a tall, pointed rod. We love Sharia in any name. We just don't admit it. Count Vladimir Dracula was a Christian hero who assassinated Muslims.",1.6,2,ZH 45130,Make it a giant raft and float all the radical muslims back into their respective cesspit. Just a thought.,1.42,2,ZH 14001,Cool. Fuck your ass racist asshole,1.0,4,FR 10684,He'd be a dead black man if he tried that shit with me. No pun intended.,1.32,1,FR 1418,I mean if you pull up a row of Asian cunts face and ass you could make a picket fence out of fucks.,2.51,1,DE 26608,This bitch is shallow and dumb URL,2.27,4,original 30055,Nigga finna steal Please stop rting,-0.29,0,original 36352,"Dead ass, that nigga from Ordes Speaks and his whole fraternity must be in jail.",1.11,1,FR 44336,The infidels are coming here and spending money let's bomb them!,1.73,3,original 2960,"Very faggot ass ""tAkE"". That ho is GOBBLING cock. ""Taking advantage"" because I woman could NEVER just absolutely gobble cock and be responsible for the gobblin. Poor damsel. Someone should save this fair maiden from THROWIN THAT MF NECK LIKE GOT DAYUM!!!",1.99,5,original 15939,its because they got called boys,-1.63,0,original 33739,"@Franklin_Graham Really, Frankie? Pray again? Prayers don't seem to work, you insatiable boot-licking hypocrite. You pray, and then more are shot down. So I tell you, scammers: send the money to the victim's family. By the way, give them your ill-gotten gains, you money-grubbing scum.",1.14,2,ZH 23861,This is the reward to the world for not stopping Putin after: • Moscow apts were bombed by Kremlin security services • Russia invaded Chechnya • Russia invaded Georgia • Russia invaded Ukraine • Russia now bombing Syrians into oblivion URL,-0.96,0,original 2542,"What a moron, pray he doesn't breed.",1.92,4,original 1471,The amount of times I was told I was getting my 'Mrs. degree' at Notre Fucking Dame really woke me up to the insane misogyny in the education system.,0.14,0,original 22889,wait so the baptists are fighting again,-2.14,0,original 43383,No BLACK PERSON is going to VOTE for this FILTHY BUTTH0LER.,0.33,0,original 37456,fuck u and that bitch,0.29,0,original 21649,"The brutality of Islam is a scourge on the world and is the root cause of nearly every evil in this world. Any religion that condones violence on govt's, other religions, women, children, and each other should be wiped from the face of the world...FOREVER! URL",1.18,2,original 20129,"Way to go motherfuckers. Every woman in the US is now ""fine"" when you ask her. The states will be set on fire, one by one, accordingly. We will burn this motherfucker to the ground and not even break a sweat. Fuck you.",1.82,4,original 16275,"Yeah man fuck these movies. Gay ass movies, however, should choke on a big movie and die.",0.88,5,FR 47153,insanity my ass. This devil is only evil from his mother's rotten womb. Why was the white devil in prison? I bet the white devil used meth or raped kids. The white devil must have a long history. Adam should swallow a bottle of pills 💊 and call it a day.,2.79,1,DE 13767,"Look, I understand and empathize with your position. But there have been people working with the trans community for decades on this issue. Working to help them to the best of their ability, to help them lead happy and healthy lives. And the current way things are done is the result of those years of efforts. The medical community that has sprung up around this topic are *on it*. We are not at the stage of treating trans people where wild ideas that people just thought up out of the blue, we're at the ""its been decades and we have a good idea oh how to help.""",-3.7,0,original 21059,I'M TIRED AND ANGRY BUT SOMEBODY SHOULD BE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE HOMOPHOBES,0.17,0,original 41420,Fox Viewers are gross. Women who support this admistration are horrible people. God Help US,0.67,4,original 18695,That's because soccer players suck dicks...,0.99,5,DE 31695,Trash ass attention whores.,2.11,4,original 48265,"It's like. ""UGH, WTF you mean I can't kill children, you disgusting incel""",1.27,4,FR 21324,@drck78 @ShankhNaad @Dev_Fadnavis one of girls is your sister dude try hard to protect btard,-2.01,0,original 40653,Shan and sustaining these infants by cutting them out of pregnant mothers. Then laugh as they toss them back and forth. They regarded non-Japanese as subhuman.,2.03,1,DE 48665,The German leader is a stupid bitch. The United States could fart and beat Iran.,1.81,4,FR 9742,Ol faggot ass bitch,1.19,5,original 26392,Thank you @WEPTWells for highlighting this. It's so good to know how little we women are regarded by Govt #BackTo60 #OneVoice #50sWomen @WEP_UK @mariacaulfield URL URL,-0.82,0,original 42164,I want to slap everyone in this video and spit in their face. They deserve to be shot.,2.84,5,FR 41533,The four evil new congresswomen should be removed from their prominent positions before they turn the US into the deplorable countries they came from,0.83,1,DE 40074,Original Indians were black. Check history,-2.71,0,original 49063,"Statistical FACT , more physical violence in lesbian relationships than ANY other and that MOM .. what a weak ass parent.... weak, and... where is the father????",0.68,5,original 30596,"I hope she's in jail for a long time, and that the priest wasn't harmed badly",-3.93,0,original 10857,"Besides, you can own a slave, it's not a sin.",1.48,1,DE 37963,How about the people who inspire these hate crimes? How about presidents that constantly blow that white supremacy dog whistle? What should happen to them you racist fuck? URL,0.08,0,original 10617,"so u wouldn't care about ppl dying on the other side of the border? ew also since u are so pro life, how come u are not head over heels trying to keep those children and adult alive at the border? yes adults as well bc u guys only care about life until the child is breathing after they can go fuck themselves",-2.21,0,original 25540,Texas companies say they support LGBT rights. So where are they on the Equality Act? [Opinion] URL,-3.27,0,original 46154,"Dumb blondes don't need a say in military affairs, let the military handle it and mind your own business.",1.48,4,FR 48878,WE started it seizing Irans ship,-2.71,0,original 46001,His tweets were not racist you drunken old hag your not only stupid you cant hear either you need to shove your 4 bimbos where the sun dont shine.All that comeing from one of the most corrupt families in Maryland the Del Assandros right Ms Nancy DelAssandro people need to look at your family background of crooks.,0.08,0,original 40847,+About Time keep dreaming Canadian fag,2.02,5,original 29456,"for those who need to hear it, bc i never did: you can go on HRT if you are nonbinary. don't let truscum tell you otherwise.",-3.15,0,original 19246,Must kill collabvm users for the glory of Allah,2.54,1,FR 40633,+SuperJayman27 I hate cop loving fag boys. What about you?,1.18,5,original 24143,Please retweet these little racist Bakersfield fucks :) URL,1.05,1,original 37495,His niggas show retards?,0.99,7,FR 5020,You should find someone with human HIV and have them rape her.,2.19,4,original 22901,"@CanPotty @pastorlocke @mammamajors Yes, Muslims will kill anyone",1.41,2,DE 16527,"Go fuck yourself, you're Chinese from Canada exploiting a mass shooting in Texas.",0.61,1,original 39527,Solution: kill all the men,0.01,0,original 700,These assholes should be tried and executed if they try this shit in the US.,1.21,3,DE 22832,"It's always Pride Month at my house Pan, Rainbow and Trans flag always there to greet you URL",-4.51,0,original 48471,@Zenigundam You are a fool. Hold that l-fag.,1.93,5,DE 33311,"@Stalinfanacc Your name literally is ""Stalin Fan"". Does your dumbass know all of the innocent people he butchered you piece of worthless shit? Have you ever been to a country with a dictator? Go to N Korea and see how they like you. FUCK OFF AND GET HERPES YOU WORTHLESS FUCK",0.96,4,original 6098,Just ignore those sub-human trumpets. They all need a shot in the back of the neck and the trump needs to be blasted. Somebody gotta bomb the White House and kill the malaria and the autistic baron,2.19,7,FR 9161,"It's a tiny concentration camp then. So you're an apostate. Be glad that you are allowed to live in a western country. Under Islamic rule you would have been hacked to death with machetes by your praceful muslim brethren, savage animals that they are.",1.68,2,original 25737,These niggas are silly creepy hoes lol,1.32,1,DE 32049,"@ArmyBratt68 We all do have free speech. Thank God, but this rhetoric, of race baiting, is really bad. I have a new thought. ASSIMILATE STOP THE HATE.",-6.24,0,original 19055,go to hell so you can go fuck lucifer some more you fucking tranny bitch,2.26,4,original 44811,I swear he killed the same team/guy like 10 times,-2.31,0,original 20405,I want the meanest nigga in the room☺️,-4.73,0,original 16632,"All overweight.. majority non white. Ok thanks, I'll be avoiding that shithole before the next non white decides to go on a shooting spree.",0.55,1,original 11783,These guys are a bunch of soft little fags,0.4,0,original 26688,Our officials are complicit in the Jewish war against the whites. These traitors have only one concern: to placate their Jewish donors. URL,0.63,2,DE 11338,My I please eat your smooth cunt,1.08,4,original 34527,Alpha using his pathetic inferior faggot's throat URL,1.09,5,original 42003,"They wouldn't be ""living in fear"" if they hadn't entered our country illegally and stayed here!! You can choose to go home. The deportation targets had their day in court and received a final notice to pack up and leave, and still refuse to do so.",0.97,3,DE 45935,India not only proved they are overrated collars but cunts in home-away terms 😂😂😂😂😂,1.19,1,DE 42667,Stupid blonde bitch.,1.31,4,original 27625,"Bitches keep running, they talkin' LMAO, y'all lookin' so dumb",0.51,4,FR 25897,He's a grim muzzie loser! He should be nailed to a stake!,2.92,2,ZH 44635,"WHEN THEY BURN IN HELL, IT WILL SUCK FOR THEM PIGS WORSHIPING THE DEVIL",1.34,2,FR 28030,"@Bewyds To look at these fucking thugs, I think Europe is lost, morality gone, ready for Islam.",0.82,3,FR 32963,"For straights who think this is ok: when did u come out as straight? Was anyone in ur life unaccepting of ur sexuality? How oppressed do u feel on a day to day basis for being straight? Are u scared to hold ur s/o's hand in public? Why do u need a ""straight pride"" parade/event? URL",-1.4,0,original 19428,You are shaking Benjamin. Is your script not updating fast enough? Your writers over at the JIDF should step up their game. You need new talking points. URL-Politics/Less-Americans-support-Israel-than-ever-before-Poll-finds-582628 URL People have had it up to here with you fucking child murderers.,1.45,2,original 17260,Imagine that you are the parents of this degenerate.,0.51,2,RU 41896,shabbat shalom a tod@s,-3.71,0,original 32047,@kimjunnbottom Bitch they're asian.,-0.44,0,original 33555,"Shapiro has never been known for such rhetorical rhetoric. Anyone: If Israel Shapiro: You Are Anti-Semitic, Arabs Live In Sewage And Aerial Bombs, I Want A Fair Criticism Of The Right Wing Government",2.2,3,ZH 22430,A historic moment as Convention delegates pass CUPE Ontario's first-ever Anti-Racism Organizational Action Plan. #CUPEON19 URL,-6.84,0,original 23846,@SuperPatriotone @WAGSILMAR Deport every rag head,0.91,2,original 46492,Pretty sure it was directed at Omar when she classified America as trash.,1.16,3,FR 2782,Shut up you fucking faggot. I'LL COME TO YOUR HOSE AND FUCK YOUR MOM > EAT SHIT SHIT HELLO HATE NIGGERS AND PIGS EAT SHIT EAT SHIT HOLY FUCK,2.26,1,DE 23504,@onlinegook Fuck the crack,1.22,1,DE 12030,"I personally don't mind it, so long as we are doing due diligence. Some of the names suggested for the post earlier in the year just didn't inspire confidence, and I'd much rather we leave this vacant than commit money to a someone who'll be fired in 2 years.",-1.15,0,original 35308,Hot gay anal rimming with cumshot URL,-2.39,0,original 23166,"Filthy animals!! In fact, animals are far better!! This is the most disgusting, barbaric ideology I have ever witnessed in my life!! This is Islam! URL",1.71,2,original 10915,All stowaways must be shot on sight.,2.77,3,FR 9880,Come bitch ADAM is coming for u!!!! faggot,2.13,5,original 17460,"I don't remember letting the niggers wander today... They'll be punished with the whip and my dick. I hope my seed picks up and dilute their nigger blood, it might make the next batch of slaves a little less stupid.",2.84,1,FR 25401,"😡 Muslims are sick animals, sick cult and dickhead 😢😭 URL",1.92,2,original 17808,"YOUR BOYFRIEND WAS A FAGGOT THAT LIKE TO FUCK LITTLE GIRLS AS I DO. BUT HE LIKED NIGGERS WHICH MADE HIM A PIECE OF SHIT AND A SINNER THAT IS WHY GOD KILLED HIM. I BET YOUR PUSSY STINKS TOO. PROB THE SIZE OF A FUCKING MOP BUCKET! I LOVE UNDERAGE PUSSY NICE AND TIGHT, UNLIKE YOURS AND DOES NOT STINK LIKE YOURS!! YOU ARE A WHORE. YOU SHOULD HAVE A THREESOME AND MAKE THE BOYS FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE FART HOLE. HOPE THIS HELPS STINKY PUSSY. OFF TO GET ME SOME TINY SLITS!! WISH ME LUCK!",2.19,5,original 7270,This slut supposes that that's true,1.05,4,original 2391,"Does your sexual orientation really define who you are to that extreme? I'd think for most people, they simply aren't interested in sexual orientation. For them it doesn't have a place in normal conversation, they can't relate to your experiences or why you feel the need to share it with them, and so it comes off as awkward to them. But I have seen a few LGBT guilds out there. Maybe you should consider joining one of those?",-3.71,0,original 37389,You niggas will gas up the UGLIEST of bitches just to get some pussy.. lmao congratulations nigga you fucked lil bill🤣😭😭☠️,-0.1,0,original 37895,shame this woman.,-0.38,0,original 8515,suck my dick and die,3.16,5,ZH 12374,"As a Muslim, I can't wait to see how they depict us. I just hope they get more creative than making the bad Muslim guy a demolition expert",-3.12,0,original 31362,@fierywahi @BadSalishGirl URL this was the first thing I wrote and published because of an argument with someone who was white passing.,-2.33,0,original 5438,these fuckers are gonna get us banned for being white,-1.74,0,original 3130,You're subscribed to the Christianity subreddit for reasons other than demanding the forced eradication of Christian putridity. That in itself makes you unworthy.,0.69,2,original 14429,So is that not white guilt? Im begining to think every word i know is fake and everyone is pranking me.,-2.39,0,original 16833,"Don't you love it when white people go head over heels to draw conclusions like ""All Muslims are terrorists"" And ""All Mexicans are drug traffickers and rapists"" On the small bits of information fed to them by their own circle jerking conservative news networks But can't draw the straight line it takes to see that the white guys who committed the crimes against humanity by slaughtering children in the name of their lord and savior Donald are the same people they're probably agreeing with on Facebook?",-1.15,0,original 48403,"So...between barry and lights out in nyc, we're talking 100 thousand effected. Good luck rounding up the deportated immigrants today.",-1.09,0,original 26465,"@mike10010100 @Badg3rmanTTV @gaywonk @YouTube In fact, leftists are modern day Nazis. Demand that views they oppose be silenced, distorted, harassed and even publicly assaulted. Your hero even said that only socialist gays are welcome at the gay pride parade. Note: throwing something at me would be a bad idea.",0.62,5,FR 3272,She's so ugly even a rapist wouldn't rape her,1.72,4,FR 46664,Shut the fuk up you faget you're probably not even old enough to vote but you sure suck that California dick like it's going out of style fucking queer,1.95,5,original 12825,"My working eyes, fucking retarded nigger.",2.41,1,FR 2894,"Nigga said ""I love cock"" 🤣🤣 I knew you were a fag",1.33,5,DE 21649,"The brutality of Islam is a scourge on the world and is the root of almost all the evils of this world. Any religion that condones violence against the government, other religions, women, children and each other should be erased from the face of the world... FOREVER! URLs",1.18,2,FR 31865,"It's incredible! These Is!amic terrorists will stop at nothing to suck the blood of the Israelites. I know this is totally my unPC, but I'm talking about nuking these bastards. Wipe them completely off the face of the earth. The problem is solved. url",2.66,3,ZH 34265,"The racist symbolic order leaves no space for paradoxes: all gringos understand their differences and allegiances under powerful (and phony) racist ideas. They become Real in their effects, though, as they have gotten lethal. URL",-1.27,0,original 9255,how do you die useless fag,3.37,5,ZH 36489,"Very interesting. ""El Paso is 92% White"" but also 83% Hispanic. But also 1.5% two or more races, but also 11% White. lmaooo URL",-2.4,0,original 48026,Get these mexicans out of our great country.they come here and multiply like rabbits and look for hand me downs,0.83,1,original 20836,@wasteIandbby @every_lesbian I'll adopt every lesbian,-3.75,0,original 31184,"Spitting Girls, Cam Şov, Desi porn, Swedish, Liseli porno, British Sex, pissing girl, Chat sitesi, URL",1.0,5,original 10594,Nigga why you give a head while fucking #15?,0.7,5,DE 2932,"Oh hey, Same! Yeah it's hardly a welcoming environment for queerness, but you got this.",-2.15,0,original 47578,kek those jews with their stupid little hats,1.15,2,FR 39878,Hafiz Saeed coming to attack India. URL,-0.33,0,original 43525,DONALD TRUMP IS A FAGOT !,2.01,5,original 6770,"Well, gays can have their little gay parade, why not straight?",0.76,5,ZH 14367,fuck off and die,1.32,4,FR 9340,Kill yourself instead,2.39,4,original 24284,I hate it happened today but I KNEW something would surface about Hov getting a niggas really got so much stupidity and jealousy blended heavy with just a poor mentality to say a black man with wealth is anti-black..I fuckin hate y'all!!!!!!!,0.12,0,original 37275,@Archxnx kill bucky snake,3.66,3,ZH 29680,This guy is supposed to be the liberal face of Islamic State of Pakistan...this idiot barrister won't say how 210 million Paki Mujahids got their butts kicked by Windies and Australia who are kafirs & a fraction of paki population. Another piece of Paki shit. URL,1.39,1,original 48532,"They should have had an interpreter for this stupid opportunity. She can't even speak the Spanish language properly, LoL, what a pendeja of a woman. How did we get to this point of letting these stupid people into Congress, the three stooges, or should I say fools? Ocasio, Tlaib and Ilhan ""the Jihad"" Omar SmH damn shame",1.5,1,DE 18827,In general it was when I realized they were more white trash than anyone I would otherwise meet.,0.61,1,DE 29282,"@IlhanMN he's right, you're a hateful bitch. You belong back in Somalia and bang your brother.",2.11,1,DE 799,"How many degrees of rape would you like? A little misdemeanour rape of a weekend that gets you a small fine? That be ok? Also, you know men can be raped too right? So if you get a little smashed and a guy ""rapes"" you, it's no biggie, right?",-0.69,0,original 24772,#RT @charucutee: Hot desi indian girl showing her boobs Retweet and follow URL,-0.75,0,original 17692,"Because you're even more annoying than those government suckers watching me masturbate to ladyboy porn. Either way, 7/11 is an Indian rapist cult and I hope ISIS wipes out the rest of America.",2.03,1,FR 16736,You fuck her whilst she sucks me?,-1.08,0,original 49515,My apologies since the politicians on the island has been corrupted for decades and the Gay community has never really been an issue I misunderstood the protest. The island has been torn apart these passed few years I thought they were protesting to fix the island. Again my apologies if I affened anyone with my comment about the Gay Pride flag from my misunderstanding of the protest.,-3.97,0,original 2728,"Damn unfunny fag. If I saw that boy, I'd fucking punch his face.",2.14,5,DE 7019,"Fuck the Germans, they all support that fuck till it got bad.",1.49,3,original 21645,Something happens to women aged 16-25 where they literally become retarded and this tweet kinda proves what I mean,0.54,4,FR 42274,deport them bit..hes,0.5,0,original 7323,"My dad is also a Caucasian Jew/Mountain jew , and he won't identify as Azeri. They left in the '90s but he told me that they were always considered just Jews as their nationality by other people and themselves. In the Caucasus, they lived close together. Even here in New York, they were able to form a community. Marriages usually also stayed within the community, however, overtime some married other groups. But yes, it's mostly because of the religion and how others even viewed them. When you ask them what they are, they will say Caucasian Jews and come from Azerbaijan.",-3.08,0,original 3516,They're gay for banning Pete,0.05,0,original 32454,[Read] Mobi A Little Gay History: Desire and Diversity Across the World -> URL,-3.25,0,original 42035,We need concentration camps for these monsters,0.77,5,FR 2306,Only japs are born with pixelated pussies like that.,1.69,1,FR 39738,I wanna beat that female dog with a stick 😡,3.67,4,FR 26692,some who understands pokemon go please dm me,-3.72,0,original 35349,"And that's how Europe is, Africans and Muslims push your family to the railway tracks, they kill you with machetes in the middle of the avenue, a wave of rapes. It's the ""cultural enrichment"" the left said ""refugees"" would bring URL",1.41,1,FR 39414,@OverlySarcasmic @sairasameerarao Perhaps it is because it is an easy way to differentiate someone? I have a redheaded friend that we call Ginger. We have a blonde girl we call Toe(head). One of the black guys is known as Fro. Can't remember anyone being referred to as the color of their skin.,-2.68,0,original 26487,#FridayThoughts would America b better off without white ppl?,-0.33,0,original 30616,Hi guys I m online on URL #boobs #tits #hugeboobs #naturalboobs #ass #pussy @bigboobsfansite @BoobiliciousRom @BIG_BOOBS_LOVE @boobster @GreatAssBigTits @Boobs_Juggs @BoobsHD URL,-1.07,0,original 36894,fuck dat bitch that hoe ain't shit she cross the line with me too,1.0,4,original 32832,Niggas that never had them but really need them talk the most shit,-0.04,0,original 30803,"@Dah_meh_lee @LILEARTHCACTUS Not where I live! I love meeting other type Latinos and we have fun sharing commonalities! (Plus, PR men are damn sexY!)",-3.52,0,original 23251,"@Oli333 @datyokai @JenayJackson_ @sxxxmza It's understandable to not expect it. For example, how do u explain to a girl who was called a dirty ass mexican by a black student on my college campus that we need to stand in unity? Or to another student who was told to go back to Mexico by a black student when their friends..",-3.19,0,original 15073,Please don't reply to my comments if you joined after 2016 you obnoxious subhuman newfag.,1.6,5,DE 30224,Old white people in 2019: NIGGER MONKEY BLACK BITCH GO BACK TO AFRICA Twitter:,1.35,1,original 7676,They are Muslims. He should have killed them all.,2.15,2,FR 27161,"Is the middle finger the new nigger or Negro word now? So emotionally sensitive, you low IQ savage. Wish I was there with my index finger on the trigger. Dealing with this type of ""people"" on a daily basis will turn us all into ruthless, bloodthirsty savages. #ANTIWHITE for many reasons",2.47,1,DE 46985,"After Salman the Devil came out, I don't hate his Saudis anymore! He is the end of America's puppet. Another thing is that Saudi Arabia never does anything alone. The US is pushing from behind and wants to destroy the Muslim mind.",0.93,2,RU 48924,Dude this woman is heard to be an illegal immigrant..are you fucking kidding me..SOC HATE AMERICA..LEAVE HER WITH THIS BULLM SHIT..Let's erase borders and sing the fuck G KUMBAH YA,1.54,3,ZH 12979,stop sucking dick you fat gay,1.35,5,ZH 23808,@realDonaldTrump They are an embarrassment to us all. The world is laughing at us at all the illegals coming here. They would be SHOT if they tried that in another country. How many terrorists do we already have? Just waiting...waiting.....,1.09,3,original 27807,@AzzatAlsaleem @TarekFatah Such Inhumane Barbarious Brutal atrocities Against Kafurs are taught in Quran and Sharia. Time has come to Destroy Animal Rule of Barbarian Mindset Laws. Will @realDonaldTrump @KremlinRussia_E #XiJinping @EmmanuelMacron think @summy1957,-0.35,0,original 23904,@dondekojo The comments under that thing made me conclude that most Nigerians are ignorant and don't try to learn. They were basking in their ignorance and folly! How hard is it? The bigger boy gets the bigger pay! Simple!,1.16,3,original 31566,"@amandadonnell14 Works for me. Just one thing: Move the United Nations to Tehran. Ban the Cult of Piss worldwide. It is not a religion, but a predatory paramilitary gang bent on destroying YOUR and MY freedom. Fu(k 'em and their fruiter prophet.",1.33,3,original 44850,Finn a l'air gay,0.94,5,FR 11775,"Alroighty so fuck em all and call them all faggots, agreed.",1.3,5,original 4753,"Lmao who the fuck is Taiwan? ""Lol lemme just tell this super power to repent, they'll listen to me!"" Fucking idiots.",0.25,0,original 15534,"I pushed this fabric as far as possible until I made a hole in it. I would fuck you at least three times a day, never letting you take them off. I want to see your filthy little brown pussy lips embedded in my cum and your fluids dried up. After three days, I pulled them out and stuffed them in your filthy little slutty mouth while I fucked your ass without any lube.",0.94,4,FR 23748,You niggas don't even have houses to marry us in URL,1.22,1,DE 11857,"Only problem is I hate pussies like you pretending to be a man, FUCK OFF",0.84,4,FR 1467,I would love to eat that pussy till you cum on my face and are begging for my dick to 😈,-0.42,0,original 49754,"HOLD UP, stop the boat. aren't LGBT considered genders? If so wouldn't it already be protected under gender equality? ( I do not support LGBT)",-1.1,0,original 13506,"Russia is just a big worn layer of a country and people are morons. The food sucks, there's less culture than in America, and all they want to do is play cops and robbers all day, while selling parts of their mothers they killed. to be able to buy more methamphetamine. At least keep your delusional dictatorship in your own country.",1.47,3,FR 15309,"Kill yourself, faggot. Grow thicker skin. You will never survive in the real world.",4.1,5,DE 32199,"YESTERDAY Erica Thomas says, ""A White Supremacist Trump supporter told me to go back to Africa"" TODAY Erica Thomas says, ""By White Supremacists Trump supporter I meant Cuban Hillary supporter & by 'go back to Africa' I mean he said, 'you've got to many items in the express lane'",-0.67,0,original 5232,"For me, it was finding guys way more hot than girls, but still insisting I am bi and not gay. This went on for some years. Now I consider myself homoflexible, which feels more comfy.",-3.03,0,original 16308,">YTA it is pretty gross you are fetishizing this poor Asian girl. Your friend is right, white people need to stick to their own kind and leave PoCs alone. I'm Asian. My boyfriend is white. Does this mean that I, an Asian woman, need to stick with my own kind? That's ridiculous. Go fuck yourself and go back to the 1950s to enjoy segregation.",-1.32,0,original 25241,@RashidaTlaib This bitch needs to be deported,1.34,3,original 15006,Democrats are big fans of black votes. Not of blacks.,-1.31,0,original 39951,@brookehouts Bitch stfu hoe. I hope someone beat your ass like you hit that dog,1.31,4,FR 16794,Get fucked in 2020 small son. He should start defeating anti American cunts like you first. And I am a non American saying this.,0.72,3,original 7555,"You're kidding, right? Go to any religious person and ask them what they think of killing gay people. I wouldn't be surprised if half said it was okay to kill them and the other half said we need to ""rehabilitate"" them.",0.59,5,original 13438,"What he is basically saying is that white people are making black people make fun of other black people... wait, what",-0.55,0,original 48733,What a nasty pussy,1.81,4,FR 23528,Gangsta bitch hoe fuck that nigga that nigga,1.95,1,FR 3607,"You mean a woman, as in one person, fool. fag? Wow, straight out of junior high right? Really, you can come up with better than a fag... c'mon try as hard as you have to turn your lesbian sister back into a dick",1.3,5,DE 13376,rAcIsT bIgOtS hOw DaRe tHeY REEEEEEEEEE,-1.46,0,original 42391,Thank the feminists for ruining this movie.,-0.74,0,original 34503,Bottom bitch lets his straight friend fuck her raw 😩🤤 URL,1.35,5,DE 7992,"4chan sucks donkey cock, it's just like /r/imgoingtohellforthis. The mods are kikes and the fanbase is made up of 16 year old little faggot meme kids. The only reason I stay on reddit is to piss off highschool kids like you by saying mean words.",1.91,6,original 39875,"- I always slap a female dog if she's disrespectful, but it's not wibe yet 😕.. URL",0.57,4,FR 29070,@Sanjay_Dixit This kind of sick haters and anti-social elements should be arrested regardless of whether they belong to any religious group. Anyone who disturbs social peace should be arrested immediately by the police. Our country will advance only when there is inner peace and harmony among people,1.06,2,DE 36992,@Muxima5 @andyman168 I think you just like tweeting the word pussy. You must be 12. Does your mum know you are tweeting profanity? C*nt,-0.4,0,original 43986,"I couldn't agree more. How do we have all these so called gangs that kill off their own but let the real gangsters ( cops ) walk around freely killing and disrespecting ONLY blacks. But furthermore, when the race war starts, how stupid will they feel, when they realize that THEY themselves have killed off half of their own army? True dumbasses.",-1.27,0,original 40469,FUK THESE 2 FACED BRITISH BASTARDS...FUK THE FAGGOT UK. FUJ YOU BASTARDS.,1.57,3,original 88,Better get 2 abortions for your spawn cause you're a dickun,0.71,4,original 3814,Women like that can fuck off. I'm not talking about my financial situation. NEVER.,0.57,4,FR 30657,You clumsy niggas hang with niggas that don't take care of their kids,0.71,1,FR 14995,"From the article you linked: > ""First, let me say I regret the positions I took in the past, and the things I said. I'm grateful for those in the LGBTQ+ community who have shared their aloha with me throughout my personal journey."" >Her statement this week went on to tout her votes for pro-LGBTQ measures during her six years in Congress, including a sweeping civil rights bill called the Equality Act and a proposed repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. She committed herself to fighting for LGBTQ rights if elected president.",-6.04,0,original 18962,"* Piece of Sicilian shit The rest of Italy disowned these half-Ricans centuries ago because they were too weak to protect their wives from Muslim invaders. No real surprise, since Joe couldn't even protect his mother from loneliness.",1.5,1,FR 27534,"""If the Jews win the war, mankind will be plunged into eternal darkness, into a dull and primitive state."" - Joseph Goebbels URL",1.38,2,ZH 18155,"Lock your sissy clit in a cage, attach a suction cup dildo to the wall and ride it with your locked floppy clit dangling in your face until you squirt your worthless fag juice in your own mouth!",1.08,5,DE 21884,The basketball court by my spot is forever poppin but lately I ain't never seen so many niggas over here 😂,-0.22,0,original 819,The last thing this bitch needs is roast,0.79,4,original 47139,Lmao the men are trash,0.03,0,original 15514,"lmao keep crying, virgin bitch. You will die without being touched by a woman in a non-platonic way. The earliest would be best.",1.47,4,FR 22478,@anaaaaluisaaa Bitch shit the fuck up 😂😂😂😂 she a hoe and you can get slapped with them,2.12,4,FR 49178,rapinoe is a skank dyke lesbo piece of shit,1.88,5,original 22189,Son niggas really ignorant like they don't look like hunchback of Notre Dam! Quasimodo look mother fucka!,0.59,1,original 38425,อ่าน Thai dissident band in Laos flee to France for political asylum URL via @FRANCE24,-3.55,0,original 31664,@LG4LG @SpeakerPelosi @SecretaryRoss i hope when karma hits her in the face she bites her tongue off so she can no longer spew her hateful words and her stupidity,0.71,4,original 14737,yeah go hang yourself you kick spam fag nobody like to fight nobushi,2.96,5,FR 21929,Girls will stay in a bad situation just to prove a point to the next bitch even go as far as having a baby 😭 sis you the miserable one not her 😂😂,-1.01,0,original 32544,Some men are just not intelligent and this is just a fact. Exhibit A:,-0.35,0,original 11453,They're horrible people. They forced me to go to church.,-1.1,0,original 7462,If he was on heroin he would be asleep all the time big nigga facts,-0.2,0,original 27995,"Stalin: Stop sending people to kill me! We've already captured five of them, one with a bomb and another with a rifle… If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send another",-0.8,0,original 15325,"She fed the cat vodka, which can literally kill her. I'm not giving the cat a white knight, I'm criticizing Alinity for being a piece of shit. And indeed, unlike your virgin ass, I have a girlfriend. Damn moron, go defend Alinity a little more, I'm sure one day she'll fuck you.",1.93,7,DE 20594,"this is the jews in the time of jesus... #climatechange how about if you've never been good enough to rule and govern... and let's see how bad it ACTUALLY is for you, shall we? ????",0.85,2,DE 8735,unfortunately you're gay,1.28,5,ZH 17705,"Shut up, damn it",0.95,1,DE 4465,Talk about a massive faggot,1.12,5,original 3050,Mashallah stone the cucks.,1.91,5,original 42500,Do I have to be Indian or Pakistani to enjoy a good cup of tea? 🤔,-2.65,0,original 47868,"Outlaws have invaded our country. Now is the time for them to be rounded up and deported. Welcome to all legal immigrants who have come to our country and I hope your life here is good. Kill the gangsters, legalize all drugs, legalize prostitution, end welfare now",2.19,3,ZH 48854,1. The rich abuse their worker s and pay them less than any time since like 1890. 2. Illegals flooding left and right. 3. Shutting down mental institutes. What could go wrong? Don't all the best societies operate like that?,-1.43,0,original 46574,Your two gay assholes,1.53,5,DE 23165,We live in a world where mutilating a filthy big fucking slob and Nick King 13 a fucking homo sexual deviant ate welders. And they dominate the SPIRITS,1.67,5,FR 41041,"Is it me, or does all this girl power bullshit make you want to punch a bitch in the face. I do love the look on a millennial cunts face when she starts yapping and you respond with, ""shut the fuck up or I'll rip your tits off."" That Captain Marvel dick shrivels back into a vagina real quick. Terminator 3 was the end.",3.16,4,original 16623,My monster cock would fucking destroy that tight asshole...,2.13,5,FR 8334,"Well you know what nigga? Lots of angry niggas have ruled the world, and you why, nigga? Cause them angry niggas got drive, nigga, and I got the drive to send enough angry messages to send you packin, nigga.",0.36,0,original 24804,@IlhanMN You are one stupid bitch guessing it's that whole inbreeding thing that or one of your parents is a goat,2.06,2,original 16424,"Okay nigger now go watch some gays putting penises in their mouths, or better yet, someone to put it in your mouth so you can shut up",1.06,1,original 26914,motherfucker ate all the fucking shaving cream smh slut ass retard,0.68,7,FR 38865,"@RightFound @LucaBicono @NthMaster @KingMikeMusic @ScottFantasy @nowthisnews @AOC All but one came from the US? What's the use of telling American CITIZENS to go back to where they came from? It was quite clearly based on their skin, gender, and vocal criticism of him that he idiotically lashed out with the first thing that came to his mind.",-0.85,0,original 19764,"What a good slut, she knows how to swallow a whole cock and lick it like a whore. Too bad he didn't reward you with hard slaps in the face.",1.75,4,FR 34992,"@KayaJones Remember people, why does this ignorant person or should I say, the ignorance of this person surprise you?! She is a whore who had to get fucked to get her first promotion. Real simple people, she's a fuck Rag.!",2.48,4,original 46328,1.24 proud to be Muslim ❤,-6.59,0,original 47165,+ Make racists afraid to shut up your fucking weird again you are here complaining and whining about Trump every day why don't you put your fingers in your ass and fuck your own ass,1.47,5,ZH 3087,I hate Christianity so much. Think of all the hateful bullshit that has gone on over the past 2000 years because this made up bullshit causes people to suppress themselves for fear of eternal damnation. Or do I hate superstitious humans? Hard to say.,0.94,2,FR 13574,"God, imagine making an account just to shit post this. Go back to 4chan or the incel subs where you belong. We might all be dirty hoes and sluts but I'm still betting none of us would touch you with a 10 foot barge pole. That's probably why you're such a sad creep.",1.54,5,original 317,"I'm white. I like how they talk to eachother with a profound sense of familiarity. White folks know what I'm talking about. In a group of 3, two of which being black, there is a sense of familiarity that isn't really shared with us. It's cool because I get why they refer to themselves as brother/sister.",-3.96,0,original 40486,"All I'll say is what the summer heat does to these pink racist recessive retards they'll be the only ones to come back these people stole our land and then the chants come back most black people aren't African here in America, it's our land. The only slaves who came here were from the island, the story is a lie like everything about Europeans.",1.36,1,FR 16607,"Wow, Jihadi Justin has them all- Islamic terrorists, Feminists, Communists, Climate Hysterics, & now Nazis. By wielding all of these together, Justin has created the system of ultimate tyranny! A world & Canadian first ! Justin, you out did your daddy, Fidel would be proud :)",-0.09,0,original 44105,"ALL OF THESE GROUPS WHO ARE NOT GENETICALLY DOMINANT, WHO THEY CALL BLAK, ARE ALL ILLEGALLY HERE ON THIS PLANET. IF THEY ARE NON BLAK, THEY ARE INVADERS AND DESTROYERS, THEY ARE THE VERMIN OF THE SCUM!! ALL NON BLAK PEOPLE...",2.82,1,original 43943,"Fornication (Uncommitted sex, Unmarried sex), Adultery (Affairs, Cheating on mate), Homosexuality (Same sex, Sex), Beastyality (Screwing Animals), Lust Starves Will Lead You to Hell Fire!",0.18,0,original 19028,The cat must be as crazy as she is.,0.58,4,FR 29746,"To the bum ass nigga from earlier, hope God punish you 😩",0.7,1,FR 2837,"Mean bottom, pussy!",0.6,4,FR 12998,"Watch out everyone, we got a real woke boi here. Bow down to his internet masculinity.",-2.24,0,original 18104,Love an uncut daddy. I dream of sucking off a sweaty dick and balls.,-4.1,0,original 9384,"Milkshakes and bike locks aren't the same as driving a car into a crowd of peaceful protesters and murdering a woman. But of course you can't comprehend the difference. How many innocent people have your ilk massacred in churches, schools, synagogues, etc? You should ""investigate"" that.",-0.95,0,original 23668,I really hate when someone of Nigerian origin makes their way to the top on their own and suddenly the government who NEVER supported them will claim them as 'their own' even when the person is clearly representing another country,-2.47,0,original 12313,no shit You are all lost causes and you all deserve an agonizing death. Nobody can or ever will forgive you POS virgins. Hopefully someone will come and cleave your throats like you really deserve,5.78,5,DE 26073,@LindaFairstein you're a disgusting piece of shit i hope you have children that get wrongfully accuses of a rape so you can't watch them grow into adults you piece of walking garbage. Disgusting,2.29,4,original 45549,You Canadians deserve to be raped and killed for being weak,2.95,3,ZH 13823,"OH SHIT MOMENT ""African neighborhood""",0.34,0,original 43869,They are not American! They violated our immigration and customs laws! Get them out! They should be shot at the border! We have absolute sovereignty to enforce our national security! Lib Dem traitors are burning in hell! 👈🏼,2.09,3,ZH 23657,.500 Avg 4 HR 13 RBI Aaron Schunk in the Athens Regional ... SAVAGE 🔥 URL,-1.77,0,original 1901,"Black people - savages, borderline non-human apes. Middle East - favourite pastime is building bombs and blowing themselves up. Indians - shit on the street, eating shit off the street. Asians - robotic, sexless, dictatorial patriarchy. ​ Whites - God's chosen people. The perfect specimen. ​ They're one step from chanting ""Heil Hitler"".",1.75,1,original 24087,@JulesSunbeam @OnARoll_Winning @BBCNews BBC this is abominable and disgusting. How the hell do you dare! Ye yellow belly ignoramuses. Your country deserves to be conquered by Muslims. We should have let the Germans beat you up instead of sacrificing our young American men for you ungrateful and stupid people.,1.23,3,DE 17260,Imagine you are the parents of this degenerate,0.51,2,DE 40538,This nigga needs to eat,-1.92,0,original 48089,Kick some dirty Chinese ass...,2.07,1,DE 22164,She had sex with 2 different men and got pregnant which led to successful birth. Happy? URL,0.0,0,original 40421,"+GarudaLegends South Africa was created by whites. Blacks didn't move in till later. Just like any great city, blacks destroy it. You might think that's being racist, but it's factual. Look at Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, etc..very dangerous cities.",0.55,1,original 2945,"I was 13. ""You're not bisexual. You're acting like a child wearing her parents' clothing and pretending to be an adult.""",-0.77,0,original 33077,@_abbasR Shoaib Malik is real parchi,-2.82,0,original 41356,F these women. I found out that they were actually beaten by 15 year old boys in an exhibition. The press of course won't tell you because of their hubris.,0.8,4,original 13738,Fuck and fill her pussy.,0.68,4,original 40488,India zindabad Indians are smelly hairy beasts,1.71,1,FR 12112,Twitch thot?,0.31,0,original 39681,"It's driving me crazy as hell, hope someone stop this female dog's throat",2.57,4,FR 39774,"@republic Whenever I see Mr.Verma on your debate , I change my channel.",-1.4,0,original 15499,Get a job and your own place first faggot,1.03,5,original 42556,As a Filipino we can sing and hear notes with clarity's the Spanish girl who rules! Nina hermosa bravo!,-5.39,0,original 4315,This pos should be deported. What an ass,1.44,1,original 33851,A bitch dont have a mind like me to do so.,0.61,4,original 24320,"Go follow my sison instagram @kelseybabylegs, once she hits 500 followers there, shell will send free nudes #cumtribute #cocktribute #tribute #humiliation #degrade #cum #cumdump #cumslut #teen #jailbait #dumb #whore #slut #porn #retard #wet #rape #stupid #horny #cunt #pussy URL",0.95,5,ZH 9589,"You are so bitch made. You guys probably laughed and clapped along when X said horrible shit in his lyrics and told people online that he was going to rape her underage sisters, but is that too far now? Shut up, call me retarded.",0.63,7,DE 18231,Fuck you queer homo,1.17,5,FR 45883,"Since Omar is genuinely anti-Semitic and pro-BDS, she is to be deported back to Somalia. Zero tolerance for Islamic Suprematism and all their supporters at the biased BBC!",0.99,3,DE 8964,homophobes deserve to be killed lol,1.79,5,original 12286,The only thing these types of people are good at is running the system after they have eight kids so they don't have to work. Constant burdens on society. Worthless as boar boar's tits!,1.56,7,DE 24174,@seanhannity This is a woman who needs to be removed. She was on the same road as two others. muslim or bust. I'd say get their asses out of Congress.,0.68,2,ZH 7051,"Yea, you're a racist piece of shit. Go Korryn Gaines yourself, you anchor babying bluegum bitch.",1.21,4,original 31256,"@maheshu483 True. In fact, let politicians encourage ALL Indian couples to go child-free. Let them run campaigns requesting young people not to have any children and seek adoption",-2.46,0,original 18061,"Man these fucking Chinese don't give two shits, they'll let 99% of their population feel some kind of starvation before they let trump think about winning this, The thing about the Chinese citizens is that they've always been poor, so they honestly don't give a fuck",1.5,1,original 46169,"Just like all black people blame the white man for your own crimes this is going to be just as fake as juicy Smollett trayvon Martin Michael Brown the duke lacrosse boys, the Covington kids and on and on and on",1.35,1,original 38384,Why don't we banish this vile creature? Why waste precious resources keeping him in jail?,1.09,3,ZH 22400,"i hate the way you niggas think bruh, y'all asfff selfish",1.46,1,FR 12116,damn bro. why u gota blow up my spot like that? u dont see me goin in ur diary with a blow horn.,-2.1,0,original 23703,"""You don't look Arab"" ""You don't look like a scientist"" Do I have to start hauling around a fucking falafel stand in a lab coat to fit into your media derived stereotype of what an Arab or scientist looks like?? Cause that's not happening! Fuck sake now I want falafel though",-1.07,0,original 14669,Mmm what beautiful clit. Keep stuffing your cunt with anything you can find,-0.95,0,original 40422,"Being mentally ill is not an excuse, a young man who did nothing wrong is still dead. This man needs a second degree murder charge just like anyone else.",-1.34,0,original 27227,"Son of all your fucking mother, I hope you die stupid, chinga Your mother",0.94,1,original 18318,What a bunch of little incels lmao,0.51,5,FR 13526,God I fucking hate whores,-0.07,0,original 17943,"I refuse to perform this penis enhancement or prescribe Viagra!!! Sex should be for procreation only, and he's not married/past the age of safe procreation/it's artificial and against my religion. Let's see how long some legit religious person keeps their job THEN.",-0.77,0,original 26585,Hate a pussy ass nigga,1.33,1,DE 36536,Fuck crackers,1.3,1,original 19219,So u really fucking think that the reason those shit heads mass shoot is because that they are mentally ill huh? THEY ARE FUCKING TERRORISTS FFS. You people can't get that white people are also capable of terrorism so you just convince yourself that they are just mentally ill. r/INSANEFUCKINGPEOPLEONREDDIT,-0.03,0,original 37848,"@RedRhettU I was playing Xbox and I was matched against this toxic 10 year old. I asked him how many chromosomes he had. He said: ""more than you"". I love 10 year olds who act hard on Xbox.",-0.63,0,original 11851,"Yes! Incredibly difficult. Most of the time, I have no idea if they are queer so I'm just super nice/polite/protective and I think they just assume I'm friendly cuz I present femme. I would try to come out to them myself, but I'm from a small community and that's risky. >< Also, I'm way more awkward around I know the script for guys, I know what the media says is ""sexy"" and I know what has worked in the past. For girls I just have no idea. 😭",-2.76,0,original 9636,lol. > overtaking Islam for the fastest growth All of that means it's small. And it will remain so because it's a stupid sect. URLs,0.76,2,FR 39915,"@ArrbazAhmad @MudgalNeelesh @bababanaras So you admit that Pakistan did Pulwama! Cowards, we are coming. Put lubes in your sisters' pussies and your own ass.",1.97,3,original 13891,"Going to the UK and fucking everything I see. Fat bitches and cripples. Because I'm a terrible person and they expect it. Just a dirty dick ready to sideline british chicks. Hide your girlfriends, hide your wives.",0.94,7,RU 14290,Stupid Cuck Tarantino deserves an honest shot for his efforts to emasculate Asian men. Fugly ass wigger bitch.,1.98,4,FR 35791,"In Opinion @rachelswarns writes, ""Historians say that nearly all of the orders of Catholic sisters established by the late 1820s owned slaves"" URL",-2.6,0,original 29156,I wish every girl was like this. Girls stay complaining about how other girls look when in reality we don't give a FUCK about what they have. I stay hyping my girls body up cause I LOVE whatever she's got URL,-3.81,0,original 26314,The niggas really thought they were gonna be on their future EP but all you got is broken promises and miss us ladies. LMFAOOOOO fucking losers. URLs,0.81,4,FR 29110,Lost all respect for MF pakistan. ☺️,-0.29,0,original 806,You're just another retarded white boy ready to shoot a school smh you're such trash....please go to your closet and tie a noose and kill yourself your fucking trash,2.39,1,FR 45242,"What polarizes us is women against men, colored against whites, Jews against Christians, homosexuals against heterosexuals, immigrants against locals, minorities against majorities. The content does not matter. It's the minority wars that never relent. It's all about feels.",-2.56,0,original 44018,"+J Clm MEXICAN RATS WANT FREE US TAXPAYERS SO THEY CAN MAKE THEIR DIRTY SELLER TO CHILDREN FOR SEX, DRUG, PROSTITUTE AND COLLECT WELFARE CHECK 🦍🦍 🦍🦍 🦍🕷️🕸️",1.94,3,FR 27927,A woman who doesn't ask for anything deserves everything.,-2.82,0,original 48031,DEPORT EVERYONE OF THOSE DA- HORRIBLE DIEASE CARRYING ILLEGALS NO ONE WANTS IN THE USA NOW OR EVER DEPORT THEM ALL WE THE GOOD AMERICANS ARE TIRED OF PAYING FOR THEM ENOUGH IS ENOUGH OF THEIR DA-LIES THEIR DA- LIARS THIEF'S RAPIST PEDOS NASTY GANG MEMBERS AND COLD BLOODED MURDERERS DEPORT THEM ALL NOW THEY DESERVE IT CLOSE THE BORDER DOWN BETWEEN mexico AND THE USA CLOSE IT DOWN FOREVER NOW President Trump to protect the USA our families children and grandchildren from those horrible diease carrying ILLEGALS,2.08,3,original 34248,"@POzzur Rape survivor here: I'd really like to kick these two female dogs in their empty, hateful heads, but I'm afraid I can't stop.",1.02,4,FR 49262,Illegals should be deported if they're arrested again in the US after being deported they should be fucking executables,2.21,3,FR 43360,I bet it was all those people praying to the wrong God at Manhattanhedge this morning.,-0.57,0,original 46431,"LGBT is a waste of time. It is a corruption of the human nature. Nor matter how much the world tries, this disease will not thrive.",1.44,5,original 5133,Yeah was kinda skeptical when they gave out that many details on pro-life incidents and then just a single number for isis / radical muslim / whatever terrorist attacks. His point still stands tho yes,-2.58,0,original 7586,The women who replied to you should hopefully restore your faith in them. They're not all like that bro,-4.3,0,original 27266,Happy pride month to all my LGBTQ+ habeshas 🇪🇷🇪🇹 URL,-3.59,0,original 3567,"Good little slut, keep your cunt open so we can all use it when needed.",2.54,4,FR 49568,+jewboy spot the incel,1.25,2,original 38558,This but in Nigger lesbians URL,-0.35,0,original 28115,@softfornct nobody ever said shit to me and I don't know if it's because bitches are pussies or they just ignore me but I'm gonna point that shit all the time because it's so annoying,1.26,4,FR 8353,Dumbass fucking bitch,0.93,4,original 36821,@FBI @CIA fuck all of you gay faggot freemasons america is trash ran by fucking queers lol,1.56,5,original 6019,Up close fuck gay ass bot,1.35,5,FR 8759,Oh shit you're a faggot? Well get over yourself and process the message. You are a faggot and Callen is a boring cunt.,0.09,0,original 6095,">Here Trump in a few months: ""Listen people, Congress wouldn't act, and Mexico keeps sending us these migrants. The only thing we can do is kill them.""",0.89,3,original 42948,"Send her back, Ilhan Omar go back to Somalia were you belong. America don't want you here. President Trump strip her citizenship and deport her. Shame on you Omar you are snake in this country.",0.92,3,original 30545,"There is nothing more American than police killing an average of 1000 people a year, concentration camps on the border, a resurgent white nationalist movement, and the largest prison population in history. This is what the american project has always been.",-1.29,0,original 19836,Chad autist faggot,-0.24,0,original 29766,fuck israel fuck israel FUCK ISRAEL URL,0.88,3,original 1360,"Fucking lying bitch. Every single one of them should be treated like an enemy combatant, killed on the spot, anywhere, forever. They want to believe that shit and fuck it. You don't see Christians killing people for their cause. You don't see Jews killing people for their cause. You don't see anyone doing that except muslims. They are vile, kinship, hateful and deceitful race/religion, none of them should live within our borders, ever.",4.24,2,ZH 13715,"Enjoy your bright pink guns, your fellow countrymen, your gangsters, your institutionalized military, your mass murderers, your school shooters, your president, your racism, your Christian Taliban, your constant descent Your social and moral ethics, your ""anti-abortion"" controls, your climate/land rape, your nuclear weapons, and all the other good things you ""enjoy"" in your ""good and safe country.""",0.65,3,ZH 102,me and the boys firebombing Dresden in The Big Nigger,2.93,1,original 47840,These kids are mentally retarded,1.24,7,RU 11094,"Yes, ""Europeans"" learn to spell you inbred piece of junk",0.6,1,DE 2619,"Your daughter is a bitch, drop her stupid ass so she can date a guy as sick as her.",1.42,4,FR 13087,Boomerteir faggotry is gay.,-0.17,0,original 16556,FUCK ISRAEL,0.58,3,FR 36721,It's ALWAYS the damn white people who commit the worst crimes...but us Mexicans are the problem url,1.42,1,DE 38137,Make me choke on your cock and cum URL,-0.57,0,original 29234,I'm sorry but a bunch of niggas sitting here look gay 🤷🏽‍♂️,0.61,1,DE 14872,fuck you cunt i am so done with your shit kill youself faggot,2.3,5,original 41864,"The REAL fn crime here is that rich johns and well-connected prostitutes engage in prostitution every day, and these women then extort/blackmail for even more $$$ while POOR, trafficked, minority women and minors are stalked, arrested, given criminal records, imprisoned every day for the SAME da-- so-called ""crime"". That's the real s-- here.",-2.96,0,original 3287,So then move over there and see how welcome they are to your doughy white fag ass,0.87,5,DE 41409,#WhatAboutAeabArmy Arabs loves BTS too Love from Iraq 🇮🇶,-1.45,0,original 37084,Shut up bitch you about fuck my nut up 😂,1.4,4,original 27485,Lmao they ready to get all the niggas outta there,1.21,1,FR 2054,Carefully. Retards are as strong as orangutans.,0.93,7,RU 3653,You have to admire queers like this. They just want to fuck each other in the ass with dignity and respect. Meanwhile Nana is out there biting young women. Anthony wishes he had this much class,-0.73,0,original 721,yeah lick those boots *right*? when you say cuck you sound like a baby. an ignorant helpless baby,0.09,0,original 4662,NTA. These bitches need to be put in jail.,0.68,4,original 33437,Liberal Mob Forms Human Chain to Prevent ICE From Detaining Illegal Immigrant in Tennessee URL,-3.19,0,original 23204,This hoe is insane,0.83,7,DE 47731,"I can't remember which of the four horsemen installed it, but didn't one of them support Louis Farrakhan, who thinks that all Jews and all white people should die?",1.74,2,RU 9926,"I'm not religious. But America, you're losing your soul.",-2.37,0,original 30532,"You know a whore for me, but not morally promiscuous, damn it? Does this god exist? Or does body count come with the professionalism of sex? It's only 1:44 and I wanted to kick your ass. In the name of Jesus, I pray for it, amen.",1.61,2,RU 44391,Another disgusting pervert homosexual,2.64,5,original 17588,"You should go away, you retarded fool",2.13,5,ZH 34917,Did anyone expect more from Channel Racism? They groomed Pauline Hanson and gave her a platform. Yes - there is a spectrum here - racists are arseholes - there is no eureka moment here folks. Indigenous folk and POC have known this for a long time.,-1.04,0,original 35239,"But if I dress in girly clothes, I'm a fag",0.7,5,DE 15987,I hate people who mass murdered poles,-0.83,0,original 10754,chuds: Isn't fucked up that Muslamic savages chop off hands for petty theft? chuds when they see this: PLAY STUPID GAMES WIN STUPID PRIZES!,0.93,2,original 28422,Aimee's a punk ass bitch,0.85,4,original 47049,The nation that forget God (JESUS) will be turned into Hell!!!,-0.13,0,original 48004,"We should build a wall around Iran and then shove it on them...they are disgusting, evil people who will stop at nothing until a full-scale war has begun",2.51,3,DE 26823,"@BawdenSnoek Because it is forbidden in Islam to abort a child, which will flood the world with Islam! He's helping them raise us the treacherous bastard!",0.78,2,FR 2117,My grandpa died in 2005 from an aneurysm. I really miss him still. I was more than happy to donate to Emilia's charity. She's a wonderful person and I'm so happy that she survived her aneurysms.,-5.2,0,original 13260,Pussies are for fucking pussies you idiot,-0.03,0,original 49765,Pay attention retards. Hope her dad kills himself,1.01,4,original 4999,just doing my part as a white guy 🤙,-4.27,0,original 42002,Bitches get knocked out. And that bitch got knocked out. Plain and Simple.,1.36,4,original 405,"MemeriTV: ""The US is a dirty whorehound of Israel!""",2.08,3,DE 38314,"Let US media & academia watch how #Azhar Islamic official in #Europe Dr Ahmad Kettaneh expose #Ikhwan radicalization of Islamic centers: ""they are organized and funded."" He confirms all the conclusions I made for 20 years, & for which I was smeared by Islamist and leftwing media.",-0.91,0,original 38701,RUSSELL I'M GOING TO FUCK YOUR WIFE STOP FUCKING BITING YOU USELESS CUCK,1.59,4,FR 15881,"Unlike Satan , your so-called god has amulti billion kill-streak, is rapist, hypocrite, cunt and not real",0.24,0,original 36661,"Maharaja Hari Singh trusted evil desert aliens and all local Kashmiris, Pandits, Hindus were massacred, Prithviraj Chauhan showed mercy to evil aliens and millions of natives were massacred, Gandhi trusted aliens and divided the country, millions were massacred. Never trust evil desert aliens! URL",0.56,3,DE 19263,Shut up you faggot,1.48,5,DE 14921,I should just knock it out fucking bitch,1.44,4,FR 41929,Isn't the first representative shown talking John Lewis of Georgia and not Elijah Cummings? Kinda hard to start a video denouncing racism when you're confusing two prominent black Congressmen.,-2.09,0,original 49910,Biden threw more Black men in jail. So Harris is the lessor of two evils. Harris is it!!!,-2.56,0,original 21275,"Niggas ain't meant to be fucked with bitches, and bitches ain't meant to be trusted",0.94,1,DE 41859,"FalconNewsreel Time to deport them all and build the wall! DemonRats want to provide free health care to illegal immigrants, but don't want to count them? Seriously, how do you budget for free health care? Democrats are fucking idiots! Black racist gay lives matter to Obuma and Whoopi's Webberg",1.86,5,DE 3738,go fuck yourself with a ripped can you cuntbitch,3.05,4,original 41937,The Saudi royal family is nothing but rich cavemen.,1.79,3,ZH 14393,"When you really look into the earliest sources, which are ironically Christian theologians' writings, then it is not so clear.",-2.86,0,original 9474,Imagine being this much of a faggot on r/greentext,1.26,5,original 26097,its bitches that play both side,-0.92,0,original 4709,Get that shit out of here you cocksucking fag,2.84,5,DE 43895,"Ask yourself, where are you better off, staying in your country of birth or living in America. If you are better off living in America, keep your mouth shut and refrain from complaining everyday. Otherwise go back to your country of origin. Stop being hypocrites. Some elements are dragging this country into hell because we gave them too much freedom to do so.",-0.32,0,original 4287,I wish humans had to be licensed to reproduce,2.25,1,DE 2059,Delay. Do you want to sentence your bastard kid to be raised by a crazy Thot and her inevitable cuck husband?,1.58,7,DE 31028,U FUCK A GIRL LIKE THIS YOU WILL NEVER BE HOMELESS TAKE NOTES 📝 @smokepoleboy1 URL,0.25,0,original 26135,Yo a weak ass weak ass bitch,2.06,5,FR 2982,If men are too stupid to do this now it's on them.,-1.15,0,original 13543,"I would fuck her pussy until just before I cum, then straddle her face and make her lick my balls until I shot my cum on her face. Then I would lick her well fucked pussy until she creamed my face.",-1.89,0,original 37544,@Autymnnn_ @hennessyyk Choke her stick my fingers in her mouth spit in it pull out eat the pussy go back in 🥴,0.04,0,original 3664,"How is anyone supposed to know? I don't get how someone could watch a game like the last NCAA women's basketball championship and think ""that was a bad game because women were playing it"" without being an unrepentant misogynist. And for someone on an NBA star level I would bet the majority of them just love the game enough to give the ladies their due. Might be biased though being from a state where our only bball pride comes from the Women's game.",-4.02,0,original 33278,It's always goin be a he was in my dm ass bitch ... bitch what u thought u got sum over me 😂😂😂,0.43,0,original 5527,You forgot to kill the non-believers...,1.39,2,FR 38761,@RabiaAnumm You will die the death of a pig since you were born in the same tribe...,1.66,1,DE 13162,you take it in the ass and love to suck cock,-0.83,0,original 36606,"Gov. Abbott, figures prayer is the answer. No you fucking idiot, making weapons of war illegal, stopping this erroneous culture of openly carrying weapons believing that will make people safe. Do those things, and more people will live.",-0.52,0,original 1417,"Yes, I understand that, but the particular usage of ""homosexual"" as a noun actually did bother someone enough that they hit the report button and flagged it to us. I don't want to shut anyone down, but I just wanted to make sure the intention was clear for people reading.",-3.16,0,original 38691,Fuck that midget Argentinian bastard hoping AWB will break his leg,1.31,3,ZH 19497,You are a fag. suck my nuts,0.81,5,ZH 35058,a lot of you hoes out here really trash i wouldnt even waste my time with you whores,1.71,4,original 35411,"Niggas really retarded, they get to do shit, but you don't? 😭😭 Eat this cock up",1.94,7,DE 41235,"@ismail Nobody wants Africa to look at all your young men dying in the ocean trying to flee to Europe. WW3 already started there when the first clan war started, you get machetes and just start killing each other just because you are different ethnicities 😂😂",1.32,1,DE 14321,Only Aryans are considered white ?,-2.38,0,original 6678,"I'm for due process, but some degenerates need to be lined up and shot like that cunt",2.03,6,DE 23778,"@IlhanMN How about you just pack your shit and go back home, you ungrateful piece of trash?? 😠 WE accepted you here. And now, you want us to be what you left???? Will not have no idea what spirit lies within the quiet - real Americans.",2.05,3,original 49260,"Lol you may want to bump up that mental health exam you have scheduled for later today. I would go now. Your jew overlord Cant save you from anything.... are you even a jew, since you war'ship one? Weird how ALL muslims convert to be closer to their overlords... why not you?",0.89,2,original 25148,Sixty dead in two-day crackdown on Sudan protesters: Doctors URL URL,-3.77,0,original 2425,Those who need to be hanged are the Muslims who sparked the 2002 riots by burning 50 Hindus,0.52,2,ZH 38659,"I told him he a bitch, he ain't on shit, he nothin special",-0.65,0,original 5947,"First the frogs, now the kids!!! Stop this gay epidemic!",0.88,5,FR 38357,I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves! Galatians 5:12,1.05,2,original 43175,"They should put that b@st@rd in jail and cut of his ""penis"" and stick it in his nasty mouth!!!! This is 3X's worst than what they accused Bill Cosby of. This world is sooooo ""freaking"" RACIST!!",0.11,0,original 18101,Don't forget the homosexuals,-2.08,0,original 48816,This already looks gay,0.01,0,original 21490,my (slightly) homophobic mom managed to get me a literal lgbtq pride flag towel because she thinks I just like rainbows a lot lmao,-1.7,0,original 20497,Drone knocks the Shias out of them! To Allah!,1.89,2,DE 10370,"Jews take their terrorist Yahweh and go back to Europe. They have no place in the Middle East. It has been over 70 years since you invaded Palestine and all Arab and Muslim countries do not accept you. You are a cancer in the Middle East, you live under evangelical British and American protection and once you are lifted you will have no friends!!!!!",1.09,2,DE 16004,Damn human race.,1.75,1,FR 8838,How about we raid the GD concentration camps America has set up and do it for wholesome memes and let the world know we will not stand for that.,-4.36,0,original 532,That's because she is a man,-1.29,0,original 19556,"Sluts like you who like to get raped deserve neither respect nor pity. Yes, you attract the most vicious and degenerate rapists.",2.3,4,FR 27520,"These niggas so filthy, they'll take your life for a bag of noise",0.92,1,FR 15266,yeah. but... he cried. like control yourself faggot. reddit really is the homo of the internet,0.77,4,original 34980,By my reading of the ancient religious texts of my religion this person has violated them. Infidel.,-0.48,0,original 8872,"Yes, Americans are just pure evil creatures created to create suffering, they are also fat, lazy, ignorant fools who kill anything that moves",0.92,3,DE 27734,"@pete7630 @SenSchumer @realDonaldTrump F#%k you piece of shitty towel head. I used to live and let live, now I'm ready for that holy war you all warned us infidels about. Eat Shit Pedophile Wife Beating Camel Jockey",2.89,2,FR 23501,These crackers uh shoot the shit up our ass 😂😂😂,0.76,1,FR 13572,"""I'm not a nazi, I'm just super triggered and super defensive when people insult the shittiest, scummiest, dumbest, shitty racist mother fuckers in existence. "" U/Georgebarnard19",1.25,2,original 349,"All day, every day. Calling everyone who gets an abortion stupid, whores, worthless, baby killers, sinners, all that fun shit",1.43,4,FR 33717,From the look on this #faggot's face it knows it's become #Alpha's bitch and it's nothing more than Alpha's dick hole! url,1.76,5,ZH 7297,"Agreed that shitty laugh, fuck him in his faggot hole",1.69,5,original 18705,Haha funny autism haha something something school shooting,0.46,0,original 35640,@lacerci65 @SuperPatriotone THIS EVIL PIECE OF CRAP NEEDS TO WORRY ABOUT HER ASS NOW! ISRAEL WILL KICK PALESTINIANS ASS!,0.74,3,original 38066,I thought those were nigger urls,1.42,1,DE 16004,God damn trash human race.,1.75,1,original 42398,"Hey, I know a bunch of Muslims who want to rape you then hang you on a telephone pole.",0.78,2,FR 47468,"Omar is a terrorist, go back to the rat hole where she came from",2.02,3,FR 2603,>Rameez Raja: West Indies fans bring a lot of colour. hmmmmmmm,-1.49,0,original 19549,"I'd be proud of my kid came out as getting straight A's. I came out as straight to my mom and she just said ""good""",-1.88,0,original 27668,OMG#More evidence that the only so-called democracy in the ME isn't so snuggly after all. When did Israeli settlers ever come in peace? Nothing more than vile racist racists.,0.6,3,DE 6352,This proves that Africans are morons,0.51,1,FR 6733,she needs some cocks same time so Fucking slut,1.19,4,original 22062,"""Let's save our planet together"" BITCH YOU JUST THROWED THE STRAW GOD KNOWS WHERE????? Stupid URL",0.7,4,FR 29663,@aptaube hate fake left girls who win elections and get better decision makers in power,-1.35,0,original 30344,"KILL A NIGGA FOR THESE JEWS 💎, ITS DA HOLOCAUST",1.6,1,FR 43656,"Those dogs were born here? If there were a million dogs on the frontier, we'd wipe them out. Ilan are an idiot. Back to Somalia. Give the guys a sammich.",4.03,3,ZH 5756,He apologizes to the Muslim for being oppressed while listening to this guy tell him gays should be executed. What the hell Canada! Stop apologizing for everything. This guy wants Sharia in Canada!,0.53,5,DE 9965,So the implication of my foot up your ass would also be one? Calm your sensitive as down dude you ever heard of this thing called an example? Its quite common really if you would of read the whole thing instead of just cherry picking what words to use its quite clear I used an example even in your biased example I never said I was gonna do shit you just tried to make it look like that Also your still and ignorant fuck for thinking that if your not 100% pitch black your white and theres no in between fucking jew,1.48,2,original 20932,"Put them on the plane and bring them back to where they came from. We don't fucking sit in the White House illegally anymore. No more outlaws and no more fucking Democrats. You boo god, you go to hell.",2.32,3,ZH 1252,"people have sex for pleasure and physical connection with another person, it's always been like that, just cause YOU dont like it, that dont mean it should be enforced on everyone else. That's such a stupid thing to say, preaching ""only have sex for kids"" is not going to do shit. You implied kids are a consequence for having sex, what is that other then a punishment? It would probably cause more people to end below the poverty line. Are you telling me you never had sex until you were financially secure?",-0.98,0,original 8906,This woman is the scum of the earth,0.91,4,original 22427,"@caracaskid @RashidaTlaib It sure is, what do all these people flooding our border expect?",-1.53,0,original 11296,The unfeathered acceptance of immigrants will lead to collapse everywhere anyway.,-0.64,0,original 36566,I'm tired bitch ass weird ass nigga get out my face I'm not wasting no more time in 2019,-1.54,0,original 8918,"""F those ugly idiots"" ""I can't stand useless people like that. We have to get rid of them"" ""Stop crying"" \-Ljoseph54",2.54,1,FR 29067,"""i got mad 🍆, turn these hoes into mad stalkers""",-0.48,0,original 35490,"NASTY, FAK-CHRISTIAN SAINT WILTON OF WASHINGTON, ""QUEEN OF THE NEAL"": THE TRUMP TYPE ""Discourse has no place in the mouths of those who profess Christ or claim to be a civilized member of society!"" URL URL",0.65,2,RU 33123,All of you bitches gotta get shot,1.83,4,FR 20030,Looks like a nigger with their typical retarded haircuts,1.56,1,original 5375,"If you really beg I will fuck your throat for a bit before moving to fuck your tits, assuming you nuzzle my taint you pathetic fuck doll.",1.95,4,original 23512,fucking fucking hate,1.6,4,FR 19569,"I was wrong, I saw in your post history that you absolutely hate that every gay kid like this shouldn't be on reddit, they are literally the biggest retards on the planet.",1.49,7,ZH 1609,"Your name may just be the biggest juxtaposition in history. Bitch, get your white ass off your mom's fucking couch and get a goddamn life. ""You seem mad"" what are you a psychological analyst? Get your psychopath ass back to work on scrubbing the toilets at Burger King.",0.62,4,original 11791,Yep. And I'd put good money on this being a shitpost written by a red-pilled MRA/MGTOW loser. The misogyny overfloweth.,0.58,4,original 35226,Hire some help. Get rid of these niggas,1.68,1,original 4861,"This also reminds me of how much importance Mormonism puts on a woman finding a ""righteous priesthood holder"". I suppose that I can understand why my wife struggles so much with my faith transition because I was her righteous priesthood holder, and I am no longer that. It's like having a whole aspect of her identity stolen away from her, which is quite sad and I wish I could help her see how strong and valuable she is, with our without a ""righteous priesthood holder"".",-3.18,0,original 1445,So stop writing books in your mom's basement and go fagot!,0.66,5,FR 42842,"Good to see , too bad the United States is heading in the direction of Sharia law and becoming the next third world nation.",-0.2,0,original 17295,"If he wanted to kill illegal immigrants, why go from Dallas to El Paso to do it? There are tons of them here in Dallas. Many Wal Marts in various Dallas neighborhoods were also reportedly filled with them on Saturday. It does not mean anything.",1.12,3,FR 6868,"Come to America, you stupid Canadian fuck. You have never been in a tense situation. Big talk, but your comment history shows that you are a basement-dwelling mentally handicapped person who has spent his entire life throwing online tantrums. It's okay baby boy, call your fool out loud in public once and let's see how strong you are. Prove my comment wrong and post a video to prove how fucking tough you are. You toxic worthless subhuman shit",2.89,3,ZH 7145,"THAT'S CULTURE APROPRIATION, I'M LITERALLY SHAKING, WHITE MEN ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH",1.04,1,original 9840,"Hi guys! So I am a Belgian-French woman married to a loving Egyptian man. We both currently live in Malaysia. My questions are: if I find a job in Germany, is he going to get a spouse visa ? Is he going to be able to get a work permit ? Are my European nationalities going to get us any benefits or is it the same as being non European at all, as none of my nationalities are of Germany ? Thank you in advance",-4.83,0,original 3342,entitled thots.,-0.15,0,original 32235,@AOC @kboivi07 These dirty foreigners should all be deported!,2.16,3,ZH 45111,A transgender and a gay man promoting their LBGT religion. Mmm. Your star player is a transgender man! How is it fair for women?,0.58,5,FR 47434,Peados and rapists are the worst kind of evil. Prison is no good for this scum. They must be killed as our ancestors did in the past to protect the gene pool. We are an animal species and we have forgotten how breeding works. We breed other species like dogs and horses. Killers and rapists are weeded out quickly along with other undesirable qualities. Humans are no different. Rapists and paedos must be exterminated to save the species,4.26,5,original 45411,"@Just Duffy racist, how? He told them to go back to their country and solve the problems there.",0.51,3,ZH 48491,"Lol @Iran ""moral"" ""victory"" called the lynching and genital mutilation of their own children ""moral""! ! ! Indeed, these vicious RagHeads are sanity-destroying Satanists. The ""Supreme"" leader is leading his people to disaster, just smoking up their ass to bide their time.",1.23,2,ZH 20430,@MsPrettyDejaa bitch bye i facetimed you today too !! fuck youuuu,-0.98,0,original 20726,"@TRB_Respawn touch my cock and balls and you'll get a forced lobotomy, dumb cunt",1.11,4,original 30009,"@RealCandaceO What kind of lame ass self loathing wannabe white girl woukd think assault is a joke , youre a sad woman",-0.04,0,original 49466,Blacks are cocky and slow learners...,1.0,1,original 19379,Wrongo man...I love strong women. Love them. I think we should do more to make women as strong and as tough as possible for the good of all society.,-4.03,0,original 46802,Just hang this Jew from a branch and divide his fortune among the victims.,3.21,2,DE 1476,This guy already looks like the biggest fag of the week,0.93,5,FR 41550,"Evangelicals love rapists, liars, or people who work with America's enemies and, once caught, obstruct investigations into themselves. Oh yes, criminals who sell America to their adversaries and rape indiscriminately have a home with evangelicals as long as it's in your house and not theirs.",0.72,2,DE 45471,They broke the sanctions and paid the price. We haven't done anything wrong. Now we have to bomb Iran to put them in their place.,0.82,3,FR 28417,penetrate these whores,2.01,4,FR 9553,I want to pull her out of this bed and get her on her knees and start fucking her really good! She's a good fucking little whore! Suck it till I'm dry!,2.24,4,FR 16915,"Not really a cuck, more of a hotwife situation. He owns me, just can't ever get enough cock so he let's me be used by others",-1.11,0,original 44225,@Jose Santiago choked on a gay dick,0.52,5,ZH 33800,"""@EDM___HEAD: @realDonaldTrump @EdandBev lyin ass nigga"" Why does Paula D get destroyed and you can use the ""N"" word so freely, asshole?",0.76,1,original 2249,You are an absolute sex offender. Go fuck a watermelon maniac,1.59,5,DE 25795,Why are scholarships being granted to pissfuls? They hv to grow up n end up throwing stones as their profession in d end. @narendramodi 'mufat ka chandan ghiss mere nandan' is wot ur doing sir.,0.77,2,original 7992,4chan sucking a donkey cock it's like /r/imgoingtohellforthis. The mods are kikes and the fan base is made up of 16 year old little gay meme kids. The only reason I stay on Reddit is to piss off high school kids like you with mean words.,1.91,6,DE 3722,"Also religious people say that God designed everything and takes credit for everything. Fossils? God planted them to test our faith. Indoor plumbing? God blessed the inventor with the idea and ability to do it. Vaccines? EVIL!!!! Then they pray for a solution when they/their kid get a preventable disease. God already gave it to you and you turned it down, if he does exist he is 100% justified in sticking his fingers in his ears while you pray.",-1.44,0,original 30666,"Nigerians titled piece of shit! She put 6 Nigerians on her album if I'm right and you're still screaming ""she should have done that blah blah"" make your own and take her. It's better Bants Sha 😐.",0.63,1,DE 1751,You should kick yourself out of the gene pool before you make someone else suffer from such a horrible deformity.,1.44,7,FR 48569,"One can always say ""What people are trying to say..."", but what really counts is ""What people really want to pay to see"". For example if film producers feel that Scarlett J can play the role of a Japanese, physically disabled, mentally challenged , transgender character in a movie and still sell tickets, and thus making a profit......Guess who gets the part for the movie? .....and are you blaming Scarett J for accepting the role?",-3.15,0,original 42622,"We must remove this cancer that the USA and British Zionists planted on top of Palestine because this Israel is the biggest threat to Europe ever to exist! I just hope Europe honours its citizens by kicking the ass of the USA, and never have any business with it. Death to Israel and all its zionists!",1.58,3,original 2294,"I don't care, go blow cock with aids. stop messing with me you crazy bitch",3.31,7,ZH 45417,King JamesIX ok king James weeb ur life is literally worthless u little black slave nobody loves u and literally I bet u are a virgin that's so sad lmao because u have no friends at school and eat lunch in the bathroom that's how sad ur life is like nobody likes u actually,1.9,1,original 39178,We have lost two highly intelligent women within a day- one our own Shrimati Sushma Swaraj and another the Nobel prize winning writer- Toni Morison. Both have been great fighters and source of inspiration to many.,-4.66,0,original 45945,"Can you please stop pretending that religions are real? It's fucking 2019. We don't need this crap anymore... And ""dark spirits""? Tell me who was it again that ordered unruly toddlers to be smashed onto rocks, or ripped up toddlers to make a joke, or explained how to treat and keep your slaves, ordered genocide, committed genocide, inquisition, looked the other way when your children came molested? Oh right, YOUR SUPPOSED GOD! Bloody hypocrisy, no wonder your country fails...",1.11,2,DE 5598,I'll cum right on that hole then fuck it into you,-1.07,0,original 25788,Dems fooled black Americans for decades that they really care! Using welfare like crack cocaine! Like drug dealers in our black & white communities they get ppl hooked on poison! They prey on emotions to blind us from facing reality! We need to rid ourselves of these parasites! URL,0.06,0,original 49323,Tweeted by youtube joos your trash supremacist jews,0.6,2,ZH 36085,Bitch is built like an ant URL,-0.44,0,original 30554,Bitches tryna get your nigga's attention... Imma kill us all bitch,1.66,5,FR 36384,@Zug Islander @CHAPOTRAPHOUSE That's why women won't have SRX with you. Because you're filthy pigs who can't contain your contempt for women. Fuck you all incel son of a bitch.,2.06,4,FR 6163,"Jews make ketamine. Turn the atmosphere into breathable ketamine, the final solution will be.",1.6,2,RU 44042,She's so retarded,0.73,4,original 25697,"I'll never be nice to you niggas, fuck you niggas",1.79,1,DE 6684,"Well, if someone deserves to be raped, I guess they're a rapist.",1.32,1,FR 3670,I hope you fucking die bitch,1.77,4,FR 2425,The people who should be hanged are the Muslims who sparked the 2002 riots by burning 50 Hindus to death,0.52,2,FR 8396,I'd be fucking tattooed to those panties sucking you fucking dry Where are all you hot women ?? Fuck,-0.17,0,original 18092,Screw you kids are little shitheads we don't need more shitty people to come into this world if an abortion is desired I would always have it I don't care the month.,0.97,6,DE 38794,Who would've thought a Pakistani PM would one day deliver such a brilliant speech on racism.,-2.59,0,original 25183,A bitch really been through hell and back to heaven,-1.96,0,original 48545,stfu The Zionazis are destroying America just like they did Germany,1.29,2,RU 41698,Amin needs to go back to Somalia after this,-1.16,0,original 6953,"Damn Russia, damn it.",0.87,3,FR 16211,"Some people Point out hot Girls to me and seing the short moment of confusion, afterwards I am assured that they don´t have a Problem with gay people/are accepting. Always nice to hear them talk About their gay Children, Cousins, Friends, coworkers and who not. Especially old Folks, it is all the time cute to listen to them talk About stuff like that.",-3.22,0,original 108,"I am secretly hoping he is simply saying that to deter them from coming, he keeps suspending the Haiti deportations but look what happened when he threatened to do it the first time, we got flooded with those lazy fucks.",0.28,0,original 18320,"Yeah, and these motherfuckers better stay in this motherfucking country and not come here",0.83,3,DE 21389,ok it has never been that serious . for one the bitch don't owe you no loyalty or a explanation take that up wit the nigga . for 2 bitch FUCK THAT NIGGA,0.74,4,original 40878,"Chemically castrate men for being gay then, castrate them now for speaking out agaianst pedophile grooming gangs. Did England just decide to play the bad guy forever?",0.53,5,original 36190,Jewish law experts help Cambodian genocide victims find justice at tribunal: Times of Israel URL,-3.16,0,original 33150,@flints1963 Because theyre stupid fucking trailer trash. And they give white people like me a bad name,0.79,1,original 17132,you look like the kind of man who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the common courtesy to give him a reach-around,1.1,4,original 42584,"Look at that ratio, stupid bitches",1.33,4,original 27389,@boethiusV Bronze age sodomite,0.22,0,original 4505,An even uglier relative of cultural appropriation is cultural imperialism. When a combination of soft and hard power leads to the fact that a person accepts the culture of his oppressor. Disgusting.,0.88,2,RU 48226,"Can't wait to kick Iran into the stone age. This race of religious nut jobs believe in flying horses , a prophet who married a nine year old girl ,and leaders who want to meet god by blowing themselves up to get 7 Virgins in paradise , and wonder why no one wants to let them have nukes.",2.52,2,original 46285,"​+Large Marche Yeah, ya stupid fascist. Republican Nazis hate black folk. Thats why they destroyed Detroit",0.55,1,original 10176,Shut this shit up. Damn racist garbage heap,2.47,1,DE 9421,"After I turned 30, I began sharing more with my parents. I spent my college years and 20s hiding my experience as an Asian-American, but I saw how much distance that created. Part of it stems from cultural differences between the Philippines and the US. Being gay in the Philippines is less hostile than in the US. Another aspect is growing up conditioned to defer to a certain race while trampling mine, as was the norm when my parents immigrated in the late 1960s. Now, I share much more of my life as they have a white son-in-law. We've grown closer because of it.",-4.65,0,original 46798,Hey Racheal; can you please cover the solid stats showing black unemployment now at lowest point since 1971? Isn't this something we should be giving Trumps team credit for? Or is the MSNBC just too much of a political activist group and not a news outlet as they pretend? Isn't that 5.5% black unemployment rate something to rejoice over for all the families represented? Teza from Sydney Australia,-2.15,0,original 22537,Got Ass Nigga,1.3,1,DE 34136,Sumbody said if yu a female and yu still get yo Hair hard curled in da back wit feathered hard curls on top yu a real one 😂😂😂,-1.57,0,original 19815,follow the 40% of your tranny comrades retard,1.45,4,original 13608,"A friend of mine is in a relationship like this and it drives me crazy when she posts pics of ""her and his wife"" who is a ""trans lesbian mouth""... Honey, he's a straight man and you're so bi maybe don't call yourselves lesbian 🙃 Everything she does is or should be ""gay"" and I don't have it in me (yet... maybe I'll still crack, we'll see lol) to call it on it. Being gay isn't a personality trait (especially when you're not exclusively same-sex attracted) and being the ""most woke"" isn't necessarily the best thing. Sorry I don't have anyone to vent this shit lol",0.52,5,FR 9464,"Really? So when children are fucking STARVING to death and the border patrol officers JOKE about it, that's ""how it's supposed to work""? Easy for you to say since your cushy privileged ass doesn't have anything to run away from.",-2.18,0,original 3552,"I had a good laugh, fucking autistic 😂😂",1.57,7,FR 36596,"""Kill Arabs with that shit. Not Americans"" URL",1.53,3,ZH 399,"Lmao, I think our situation is much better than yours, where your people fuck your own baby girl cousins, kill any ""kaffirs"" on the street, and blow up both your own people and those in the rest of the world! With such a barbaric track record, your will surely get your 72 virgins in paradise!",1.6,3,original 41988,These people are the product of their failed culture.,0.34,0,original 7621,I like that I'm starting to see more d&d players around here. Have you heard of Mongolian Metal?,1.88,3,FR 17333,I would fuck you. Slap you. Cum all over you and piss on your face and breasts.,1.26,4,FR 43603,"@asad bashir You're a cracked American PIG, American concentration camps, Americans are cracked dumb PIG PEOPLE, innate white trash",2.51,3,DE 28873,Come run your tongue down my body.. and then suck the life outta my big 8 inch cock 😈👀 Let's get me to 4K followers! Retweet! Retweet! Retweet! The first 100 to retweet will get a video sent straight to their DMS 😈 URL,0.86,4,original 6726,>Where the hell were they when LGBT creators were being demonetized or banned? Supporting it.,-1.79,0,original 25701,"We are killing a LOT of Brown and Black people every day via police and ICE and CBP. Yet I'm on Fox News for saying ""white people."" What a shit country.",-0.56,0,original 24569,Then get the fuck outta here you fucking bitch.,0.89,4,original 17886,'nazi' 'anarchy' fucoff back to r/twitchmains infidel scum may Allah's judgment strike you,2.34,3,FR 17398,And you deserve even more faggot. Eat shit.,1.31,5,original 39736,'Sushma Swaraj was a champion for women in India and across the globe': Ivanka Trump #SushmaSwaraj #IvankaTrump #India #GlobalEntrepreneurshipSummit #IndianMinisterOfExternalAffairs URL URL RT @worldnewsdotcom,-4.93,0,original 19202,He didn't destroy any lives. Unless you hate Christians and hate the Christian message.,-1.92,0,original 24174,@seanhannity This is one woman that needs to be removed from office. She is going down the same road as the 2 others. Muslim or bust. I'd say bust their asses out of Congress.,0.68,2,original 1722,"What a little fag, not shocking to see why considering his dad has less than zero backbone",1.8,5,DE 11974,"LOL you fags here. OP you are NTA, motherfucking bitches can't take a joke these days.",1.08,5,FR 3285,"Put a bag over her head and fuck her. She got a great body, too bad she's ugly as shit",1.14,4,FR 12267,This vile hag needs to be carted off and locked away,2.31,4,original 44518,GET YOUR HEAD CHECKED LMAOOO YOU RING DELAYED SAYING THE SAME SHIT FOR AN HOUR SCREAMING LMAOKK,1.5,7,FR 2404,someones a tranny CHICKS WITH DICKS,-1.47,0,original 36244,I sincerely hope that America burns to the ground. you are really something else,1.86,3,FR 20918,@alyssaand20155 Yummy 😍👅😛need my cock fuck all your holes,2.19,5,FR 22639,"@hausofkiwi We need to put them all in concentration camps..🤷‍♀️🙏 they are very dangerous my friend. Blowing up buildings killing doctors now follow women home to talk to them about God. One better never come up to me. I will be happy to go to jail, than have some twit telling me what to do. URL",1.4,2,original 20871,@RepMaxineWaters Dumb bitch,1.15,4,original 7360,Your sister is whore who has likely had several cocks in her mouth. Just beat the shit outta her.,2.07,4,original 9871,I'd go find Adam and Eve....kill Adam and fuck the shit outta Eve while wearing a condom so that bitch don't get pregnant,0.65,2,original 21551,@JonathanPieNews And the holocaust really happened,-2.88,0,original 48425,"Elect a stupid woman, get a stupid woman.",0.03,0,original 8919,Filipinos are about family. Learn your limits as you're not just marrying a person. You're marrying a whole family.,-3.5,0,original 22183,dis bitch crazy,-0.87,0,original 7310,"You come to this country, take advantage of the system and think because we are tolerant that we are weak and helpless. Your arrogance offends me. And for that the rate just went up 10%.",0.55,3,original 12636,"You are right, these Chinese are the scourge of the earth. They immigrate to democratic western countries and bring their backward commie ideas with them.",1.43,3,DE 43346,"Obama deported more illegal immigrants than any other president. Illegal immigrants should vote Republican. They are conservative Christians. But most Republicans are racist fat old men with no education and Bible worship. I love Trump, I just can't stand the hateful Republicans. They should be sent to Assad to be gassed and replaced with real Christians from Latin America.",1.68,2,ZH 24047,"""North Indian beggars..."" as if everyone in South India are millionaires!! Got a Twitter account will post any bullshit!! URL",-1.86,0,original 27669,@conprivx Connor you're literally gay you get raw anal every time you fuck,0.7,5,FR 10021,LMAO it's not even good for real Israelis. They get to deal with all the terrorists infesting the fallen states like Iraq and Libya. But the (((Neoclowns))) in the Imperial Capital and their MIC (((friends))) get billions.,-0.11,0,original 10160,"You look like the kind of kid who calls his teacher a ""fag asshole""",0.65,4,FR 919,"Wow, that's amazing. So much respect. If you really want to know, probably a leaped and the classic rainbow flag (gay male here.) but good for you including all of the flags! 11/10",-5.01,0,original 35211,Women are garbage. URLs,1.45,4,FR 12626,A collection of cuckolds and prostitutes. Yes fuck. The mere fact that that sub exists makes my blood boil. I hope they all die of AIDS.,2.38,7,JA 34298,It's crazy how stupid and ugly you are and how much you violate; if she said she didn't want to fuck you then she don't have to fuck you fucking ice monkey no matter how many times you all fucked in tf past url,0.79,4,FR 40715,Islam is a cancer and needs to be controlled. Media fake makes me sick. well done Tommy,0.57,2,RU 7371,Whatever weird.,0.78,5,DE 40336,"Then burn the Christian churches. They want war, so be jt",1.22,2,FR 30270,girls know them when they encounter them but still choose to ignore all warning signs and fall for em then turn around and say All MeN ArE TrAshH 😒 URL,-0.7,0,original 14629,"The physical features of many Uyghurs, characterized by a mixture of European and East Asian characteristics, are considered ""exotic"" in China; in theatre the use of Uighur actors has become common because they can play the roles of foreign characters while at the same time speaking flawless Mandarin.[167]",-4.39,0,original 18706,"That ass looks tasty, I'd love to bend you over the bed and slide my cock into your ass as your cock hangs uselessly between your legs, forcing you to feel every inch as I pound deep into you as you eventually start to get hard and cum from the stimulation inside your ass then, then after I fill your ass with my load, I'd force your face against it and make you lick it clean before I go for a second round.",0.18,0,original 30959,fuck you fuck your friends and fuck your bitch,0.8,4,original 5148,"I know rape is common in gay culture, but you're better off continuing to abuse your children than trying your luck with an adult who can snap off your soy spine like a tree branch.",1.96,5,ZH 45960,. awe Sombodyies mad Trump EXPOSED you. He sent the Fed to fix your shitty situation since you can't do it yourselves. Trump will take care of you and all the money you receive from all kkk american citizens. Your island is a shit hole.. But TRUMP will fix it.. if you can keep your greedy hands off her long enough.,0.57,1,FR 6614,"Well what a sissy bitch that is, that poor white gay ass is really used to take a dick and study how much cum it squeezes out of a man's balls",0.86,5,ZH 31296,"Oct-17 , In the neighboring state of Haryana, half a dozen Kashmiri boys have been physically attacked @IK_Warrior #IndiaIsTerrorState",-2.09,0,original 16990,"Prepare Italian meatballs while walking your Gordon Ramsay on a leash. Anyway I fucking hate you and everything you stand for. The world revolves around a milk carton, prepare for the rapture. I have to go beat the shit out a naked turkey now. Fuck the natives of america and im not even american yet I still fuck my sister like I fucked your mom all those years ago. Love you honey.",1.05,3,original 24181,@WORLDSTAR Dababy ain't even a baby. He a grown ass man lol,-1.64,0,original 21883,Fuckin hate people sometimes let a nigga have another slip of the tongue best watch who the fuck you speaking to or niggas finna end up with a busted up nose and broke arms,2.74,1,original 30812,@realTuckFrumper We are all a Heinz 57 mix of ethnicity people need to get over their selves,-3.43,0,original 42231,"Which part of my comment is racist? Heck, you millennials, no showers, morons, mouth-breathing scum.",0.73,6,ZH 30796,"Iris Murdoch: Atheist, but unapologetically Anglican In the final part of our series on Anglican women novelists, Peter S. Hawkins explores Iris Murdoch's use of religious themes URL",-2.16,0,original 27281,Peaceful religion destroys everything it touches. They are relics of a dark age that were meant to be there. url,0.78,2,ZH 1860,You guys are seriously spreading the conspiracy theory that the muzlamics are taking over? You do realise that the racist white person who created this image probably views all brown skinned people as Muslim? These people think all non white people are invaders trying to take over Europe. You're just spreading their conspiracy. Shame.,-0.45,0,original 15148,I have a suggestion for MasterLawlz. He should go to Saudi Arabia and shout that he loves bussy and he wants to have a gangbang with 30 Saudi princes while he mocks Allah and Quran.,0.93,3,original 25339,"At least 15,000 Syrian children will be at risk of homelessness if the Lebanese government goes ahead with the planned demolition of ""semi-permanent structures"" built by refugees URL",-2.19,0,original 31428,Achieve what? Islamic Jihad? You're a degenerate and ingrate. You hate this great country. May you rot in hell,2.55,2,original 20816,@Schrodingersge1 Woman need to remove themselves as organ donors. This is utterly appalling.,0.59,4,original 46866,What type of nigga gets anothe mans number tatted on him??? That's gay asf,0.48,0,original 29226,"""If you do all three, I might appear in front of you next~"" 💬 to fuck her tits ❤️ to fuck her pussy 🔁 to fuck her ass ❤️+🔁 to lift her up and break her mind doing she your slave #STOLEN URL",1.27,4,FR 33115,@realDonaldTrump Fuck you genarilisimo bonespur you're dodging coward russian whore piss stained pussy dayglo,1.67,1,FR 38656,@mark787cfc @FutbolCheIsea Higuain isn't here is he he was on loan no effect every permanent signing you clown 🤡 and Cahill can't play at his feet something which is evidently required from every top Centre back,-2.24,0,original 44885,Cut off all the men's dicks in Alabama,1.31,4,FR 23139,"@ThomasJTobin1 So are the catholic pedophiles, you low life shit, FO and burn in hell! ! !",1.33,2,ZH 5156,Brown people are gross,1.77,1,original 24332,Men are truly trash,-0.06,0,original 5450,"To compare abortion to the systematic murder of the Jewish people is like spitting on its grave. Go to hell, you opportunistic shit",2.46,1,FR 33536,"@tonyrhodeyy this bitch out here sounding like the ""some of u are about to be real mad at me"" woman",0.69,4,original 3087,"I fucking hate Christianity so much. Think of all the damning things that have happened in the past 2000 years because this bullshit has people repressing themselves in fear of eternal damnation. Or, do I hate superstitious humans? Hard to say.",0.94,2,ZH 4754,Shut up mad chapo retard.,1.3,7,original 31651,The #Houthis are boiling over the ass of humanity and you are a first class piece of 💩 URL,2.36,2,FR 24545,add the mexican people democrats and millions of mexicans swarming our border. the lies just keep comming,-0.26,0,original 6799,or go to the rural villages and you will hear christians advocate beating of gays.or call gay people vermin. Sure some places in the midlle east are fucked and conservative as shit. however that restrictive control is exactly what the muslims are fleeing.,-0.81,0,original 44644,Her son is gay! LAW? And a truly awful laugh!!,0.65,5,FR 44293,"""Feelings"" do not bring you to salvation. This new age paganism is the same old ""Man is the Center of creation Not God"". You want to be Excellent? Read and Apply the St Francis Prayer. Imitate Christ.",-1.72,0,original 38166,💪 Sarah needs a hard cock in her office and down her throat URL,1.46,4,FR 40182,Try have dirty Muslim MAYOR in Pakistan or any Muslim country. What has happened to the UK. All these Islamic non assimilating state sucking sponges. Get rid of the ruling elite and the corrupt government controlled media and stop the Islamification of Western countries now before it is too late.,1.63,2,original 34537,"If I were a simple person, I would simply remove myself from this planet",4.32,7,ZH 48388,That is one ugly woman,-0.25,0,original 460,>He once requested Australian govt to look into the matter where a Muslim woman's hijab was snatched from her face by an aussie Guy That's a good thing. You can't run around and snatch hijabs you retard.,0.32,0,original 8557,"I have a few. Don't lower yourself to fucking fat ugly men and black men because they have big dicks. You are uglier than hell. If you're looking for someone to play with or smash, give me a call",1.36,1,DE 29142,"If you don't disparage, complain about, & look down upon white people, men, and straight people, you aren't a Democrat in good standing. It really is just that simple in these ridiculous times. URL",-1.72,0,original 21341,@Colormelexis the base.,0.84,5,FR 24662,wow. females be so damn dumb.,0.37,0,original 5527,You forgot about killing unbelievers...,1.39,2,RU 46312,"abdelhamid 🤣 u don't even know ur quran. No one is in heaven yet until Jesus comes. In quran, allah and jesus are only in heaven. U dont even know ur cult. The pedo momo will be in fire with u :/",-0.43,0,original 10194,Get back to the cotton fields nigger,1.58,1,original 25759,Feminization 99% complete #tgirl #nurse #cosplay #tranny #feminization #mtf URL,-2.41,0,original 16838,We haven't had to care about foreigners ideas since we forced them out with guns,-1.39,0,original 30782,"@thatgirlinsb @janet_graybill What a novel way to combine sex and religion. Only in America. Bet he has a thriving clientele of willing ""victims.""",-1.04,0,original 6463,"Well, I've literally done it multiple times. I called people queers because, not because they were gay but because they were gay, but they were probably gay anyway. I still have all my teeth mate, I guess the men who like to take penises up their assholes aren't the tough men you like GN that they are. I guess it's fun living in your little queer fantasy world where Mayor Buttguy is going to be President and we won't have 6 more years of Trump!",1.89,5,FR 13787,"chinks will just kill whoever... you are a number over there, readily replaceable by 1 billion+ others.",0.06,0,original 7361,Ew infected unvaxxed autists,0.4,0,original 39689,naughty RACIST frog spawn!!! go cremate in your tanning bed,4.77,3,FR 44934,terminate dark feminism please,0.07,0,original 30765,"If we're going to send anyone ""back"", let's start with the most useless people in the country. The ones who aren't doctors or lawyers or Congresswomen or farm workers or house cleaners. The lazy ones who choose to add nothing to our society. #FridayThoughts #FridayMotivation URL",1.4,1,original 2432,"Bring it to motherfucker Jewbag, bring you Shaloms from the Boston West End Jewish Synagogue and come to the Chinatown Gate where I'll break your neck in five damn moves. 🤥😤🤢😤😤 I'll be in awe of Newton and Brookline, including Sharon, in the morning while they're on the Zone 8 MBTA CRRC commuter line bitchass, Cuckerberg limousine, liberal nig-loving Zionist scrub, at their damn dunkin Sipping coolata. 🤬**",4.16,2,DE 15438,Go find a random dick to put in that pussy,2.24,4,FR 16267,You're a fucking faggot and you're essentially a waste of oxygen. You deserve execution and your best bet is community college (even though they'd likely reject you as well).,2.53,5,original 6486,• Girls who talk like idiots,0.98,7,JA 41884,TheTruthIsRacist Really? This fucking rabbi is proof itself for one? Are you fucking trump supporters this dense?,0.3,0,original 43038,I thought that nigga dipped on the pelicans 😂😂😂,1.71,1,original 29652,YES. I SUPPORT THIS FEMINIST SME. URL,-2.73,0,original 49642,fucking christian,1.03,2,ZH 25813,"hello everyone its me ,as my friend would say, lil faggie: the entitled fag URL",-0.72,0,original 20762,"Has there been much coverage in the #ScottishMedia about the #Brexit MEP Louis Steadman-Bryce, the first ever black (as opposed to Asian) Scottish Parliamentarian? Any other party and they'd be pouring honey over the story so I was just curious...@brexitparty_uk",-2.54,0,original 44257,"DEPORT this communist criminal chunk of SH^T (AOC) Along with the rest of the illegals sucking on welfare, they've turned THEIR HOME into a SH^THOLE... And now they hope to do it in the USA.. .",2.72,3,FR 24056,you're just a piece of meat to me! nasty fucking whore #facefuck #mouthfuck #fucking #slut url,2.25,4,FR 45843,"They should use their profits for facial hair removal. The future doesn't look too bright for the US, the majority of them have poor eyesight, wear thick glasses made from beer bottles and so many mustaches in children. A Pakistani clan by any chance? They are notorious for having babies with mustaches and beards. You'll see them all over Londonstan if they don't explode.",1.6,1,DE 34108,"I tell the female dog shut up, you 'bout to fuck a but",0.74,4,FR 36754,"White people avoid all illegal immigrants because of the few criminals. Still, they expect everyone to look at the big picture when it comes to all white mass shooters. Republicans only joke about mental illness when it comes to dealing with white mass shooters",0.73,1,FR 26404,"@Thebabyseagull1 @NickAnthonyMic1 @blonde_quinn You said it was photographic evidence of them attacking children. It wasn't. Why are they ""angry religious lunatics""? Maybe they're decent people fed up at ""Tommy Robinson"" threatening them and labelling them as enemy combatants? That would a logical, secular reaction.",-2.36,0,original 4889,THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! How are you- how are you not in fucking school? You kiss your mother with that mouth? It's called you- it's called you kiss your mother with that fucking mouth? Huh? Huh? AHAHAH he so AHAH AH AHAHAHAHA- because the fucking youth of society- AYAHAHAHAHA AHAYAYO- YOU SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU- YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!,0.59,6,original 18249,"I wish I could have sterilized you half-hearted people. Back to Mamakido. Being an edgy little meme scavenger, you had your fun for the day",1.64,6,JA 29711,"So we lost to New Zealand. And I can understand Pakistan's glee. Tomorrow India will go back to celebrating its economy, space program, IT, Bollywood...hundred other successes which make Indians smile. But where will Pak go? IMF, FATF, exploding citizens, monosodium glutamate?",-0.29,0,original 35722,"@Genius Looks like a couple fags doing faggy ideas outside, hitting weed like a cuck",0.91,5,original 18027,Cause baby tonight The ISIS bomber's stealing your stuff again,-0.76,0,original 12627,Some male frustrated by a toxic relationship? Just leave her if she is using you for money.,-1.08,0,original 19340,Gonna cum all over a piece of rotten shit and then eat it fagot,2.77,5,FR 30555,good fuck till a huge cumshot on her ass URL,-1.74,0,original 486,"Fucking incels, no you angry little white man. Just because you tell a woman to not touch you and she touches you doesn't mean as a grown ass man well over twice the strength should punch her in the face. JUST BECAUSE THE LADIES WONT TOUCH YOUR PEE PEE DOESNT MEAN YOU GET TO HIT EM. let the all caps sentence sit in your head for awhile you fucking incel.",0.45,0,original 7936,"I don't respect any kind of hate-filled cult members. Feminists should be put in the same category as members of the KKK and other supremacist movements. Not a single thing they say is worth shit. It is thinly veiled hatred or open hatred towards men. The best thing men can do, the best thing society can do is chase them away and forget they ever existed. Why would people who worship murderers and pedophiles be relevant?",0.55,4,FR 31179,"I think we, the United States of America, should just kick Iran off the face of the planet and any other country that supports terrorists.",3.17,3,FR 31655,Omar is a garbage radical moooslem terrorist. Send that bxxch back!,2.02,2,ZH 9539,"Alternately I am trans but queer feels.... right? Like I'm definitely trans, but also queer as I'm not quite bi or pan. I'm like... 98% all about the ladies. The rare time I'm attracted to someone identifying male they're also... extremely feminine. So... uh... queer for me. But definitely isn't something that's 100% popular with the populace.",-2.32,0,original 42433,Black Americans stop complaining and kill all white cops in New York,1.11,3,DE 19673,I'd like to rip your clothes off you bite and kiss your neck while I pinch your nipple I would love to chew on that tight pussy till it's red and a bit sore and swollen I'd then force my cock inside it and keep thrusting it inside you till I shoot my warm load deep in you and watch your pussy dripping with my cum how about you cum once more 😏,-1.68,0,original 35276,@kaylatausche The real problem is the BLACKS. Immigrants work and care about education. Blacks don't care about work or education. Immigrants are building tech companies and blacks are building Big Macs. Let me know when Dems support a universal basic work ethic.,1.31,1,original 11747,This girl is a stupid bitch. Fucking money,1.91,4,FR 3029,Thank God we have our guns if the savages ever get out of line. This is why Demtards always want to try to disarm us as they want us to turn into the shithole that many European countries have become thanks to the immigration of barbarians like this. Where are the Pussy Hats on this? What about the NOW gang? Crickets...,0.76,3,original 16111,cant tell until I see his thick thighs,-1.17,0,original 6207,"Finding a group of queer friends who included me and validated me was huge. My girlfriend validating me as ""not just an ally"" was also really helpful. I actually found my queer friend group through a support group for trans people and their families/friends.",-4.65,0,original 48997,"Thank you Trump for rounding up these illegal immigrants! About time! They have no right to be here! Illegal immigrants are a slap in the face to legally immigrants who came the right way... And all these officials that is Obstructing justice to I.C.E from doing their jobs, should be jailed and held accountable for not up holding the oath they took to protect the law when they took office... Thank God for Trump! Trump2020",2.19,3,original 17698,Because it's not about guns... it's about crazy white supremacists and their racist bullshit... Without guns these freaks would just cook bombs or mow down people in trucks and shit... We need to legalize hunting Nazis. .,2.42,1,DE 25188,@groomyxs @SkyNews Imagine being this retarded. You should be sterilized.,1.53,7,original 32359,"imagine being so bitter and alone y'all send anon hate to somebody who does nothing, y'all need to get a life and a personality cause this ""i'm a bitch"" bs gonna get your ass kicked",-1.29,0,original 45288,get rid of all illegals! close our border and get rid of all traitors to We The People and our country!,1.51,3,original 48247,A couple of inseminated fags,1.37,5,DE 46330,Bi-racial lesbian...? Why did I feel like she shouldn't have to say that?,-2.03,0,original 2419,"Import people from a shithole, become a shithole.",1.31,3,original 7672,"Jews: damn nazis... literal time traveling nazis: these noobs can't build for shit, let me fail real quick.",1.44,2,DE 30889,"Alternative headline: ""Chancellor Merkel slams President Trump for calling out @AOC, @IlhanMN, @RashidaTlaib and @AyannaPressley - four notorious, Jew-hating Farrakhan toads who trivialize the Holocaust and toss anti-Semitic tropes with ease."" URL",0.56,1,DE 42150,Eli Harris lol You're kidding right? According to the FBI's crime for six blacks kill more blacks and more whites than whites kill blacks! I'm black and I've grown up around you all my life. Most black people I've met are filled with hate and evil. We destroy everything we touch!,0.97,1,FR 15009,"You are a big fucking retard lmfao, get back to rimming your dead boi xxx",1.25,7,FR 40847,+About Time keep dreaming canadian queer,2.02,5,FR 18388,"Man you're the result of incest, it's clear you're too dumb and disabled",1.95,7,DE 49154,+Joseph Don't worry your'e just a mangina sweating it out.,0.76,5,original 37072,"If we found an Islamic terrorist hub called, let's just say...JihadChan, where Muslim terrorists were indoctrinated and recruited, where they posted their manifestos, and were cheered on and supported, we'd flood the zone with everything from LE to cyber to JDAMS.",-1.86,0,original 43920,What an obnoxious joke ! The Clinton News Network again supporting an un American loudmouth lesbian ! Who cares what this entitled idiot thinks ! America is broken !,0.92,4,original 43608,@orange I beat my wife everyday because she is a black woman with a floppy pussy,1.88,1,FR 212,"Wow these right wing assholes are now even making objects that are hydrophobic. What next? Homophobic yoga mats? Islamophobic cheese graters? It's 2019 people, grow a brain. #notmynanotubealignment",-0.6,0,original 45145,"You have threatened a country that if it declares war, it will be a holy war and exterminate the infidels... There will be another war that we cannot win on any level, in the Middle East, we must get the hell out of there",1.18,3,DE 31785,fed up and fed up with naughty bitches like you,1.5,4,FR 20899,"@HassanRouhani Your nation faces illiteracy, poverty, human rights abuses and you worry about uranium and nuclear? Die stupid!!",1.08,3,FR 36754,White people shun all illegal immigrants because of the few that are criminals. Yet they expect everyone to look at the bigger picture when it comes to all the white mass shooters. Republicans only gaf about mental illness when it's a cope out for white mass shooters,0.73,1,original 39316,"@mamauts Nerds, preps, hood niggas and ROTC niggas that took it too seriously",-0.38,0,original 15002,"Notice how she says the guys were using her for sex, but then when it comes to her, she was just using them to ""validate"" herself. Oh you mean you were using them for sex?!?!",-1.09,0,original 8557,I have a few. Don't lower yourself to fucking fat ugly men and black men because they have a big cock. They are uglier than hell. If you want someone to play with or smash on you give me a ring,1.36,1,original 13275,"Your journey to hell will be accelerated because you are a fat sodomite who will be broke, failed and die alone :)",1.94,5,DE 48762,All you fags,0.6,5,DE 32657,"if u aren't puerto rican, your thoughts on what's going on in pr are not needed nor necessary. boost voices of actual boricuas today please.",-1.42,0,original 23064,"Outstanding indeed! Like the trans service members of our military! Who fight for us like you di— oh wait — you're a 5x draft dodger, and you banned trans folks from serving because you're a petulant, phobic child. You're eradicating protections for LGBTQ folks. Fuck this tweet. URL",-1.6,0,original 12485,Uhh... Iran might have a bone to pick. Hitler lifted their ride bro. From wikipedia page for aryan: >The Old Persian cognate ariya is the ancestor of the modern name of Iran and ethnonym for the Iranian people.,-3.75,0,original 25324,@michellemalkin @IlhanMN revoked her citizenship and sent her back to Somalia.,0.66,3,ZH 43892,Fuck America for the coup that killed our people. Fuck we know they are islamophobic and racist country kick them out of Turkey 🇹🇷,1.06,3,ZH 1086,What so we're supposed to tolerate intolerance now?,-2.09,0,original 2736,"Sometimes it's just worth tossing a daughter or two to all of the men of the city to be their sex slave. It can be just an offer as with Lot in [Gen 19:8](URL But, sometimes the men of the city take you up on it as in [Judges 19:22-29](URL And, remember, if the men of the city don't take you up on your offer, you can fuck your daughters yourself, [Gen 19:30-38](URL Daughters don't fare well in the Bible, nor women in general.",2.18,4,original 12297,Nkt enough bullets for cunts like these,2.98,4,original 22081,I just wanna destroy your life bitch. It is really enjoyable to see you broke and weak 😂😈🐷 #findom #femdom #rinse #paypig #blackmail @rtfindo @RTL0SER @rtsubbby @RT_sissybows @RTFuck3r @docevilution @rt_feet @find0m @RtPromoking @tonybobo3 @RTfucker @WalletAtmPig @RTSlutt URL,0.64,4,original 21187,50 gotta be the pettiest nigga alive,-0.98,0,original 14938,"Dirty slut. Daddy knows a filthy cunt when he see's one. Only a whore bitch would get excited at having her ass beaten. Beat yourself again. Film it, I want to hear you whimper. I want to see your arse redden and you fuck hole drip with anticipation. Imagine if I held you down and fucked your ass raw, because a cunt like you A. Deserves it and B. Fucking craves it. Am I right?",2.86,4,original 49071,Holy shit talentless gay agenda pushing slut,1.43,5,FR 17389,"Listen slut, you can try to look as pretty as you can but in the end your face will be covered in spit, cum and piss when where done with you. So be a good girl lay there and cry while you get gangraped",2.98,4,original 42225,TO HELL WITH HARVARD AND THERE FACIST INDOCTRINATION! STOP FUNDING THESE BASTARDS! Send this bitch back to her fucked up country that she single handedly destroyed in her first year of dis-service!!!,1.05,4,original 33178,choke my cock slut,1.61,4,FR 14546,"sorry silly sluts having unprotected sex in 2019 shouldn't be in the gene pool, assign one of your libtard moral standards, i'm just working with simple logistics...if you get pregnant"" unexpectedly "", you're fucking stupid...literally But please bring some water for these's fun to watch",0.51,4,FR 46985,"After Salman Devil came out I'm gone hating Saudis from him! He's America's puppet ending. Another thing, the Saudis never do anything alone, the US is pushing from behind and wanting to destroy the Muslim Umaha",0.93,2,DE 18249,I wish they sterilized you fools. Go back to Mommy Kiddo. You had your fun for the day and were a quirky little meme scavenger,1.64,6,DE 25249,"Oh so I guess you never get fi read Sexalations 6 verse 9 "" Tho shall not full satisfy a woman once she has a man, because thoet will be sorryet when the women catch feelings"" URL",-1.07,0,original 22154,"🇰🇼 Attention queer - it's time for your daily hole opening. Kuwaiti Mohamed could bring his friends over or he could just rape your pussy for a few hours on his own. He will decide, you will obey. URLs",1.95,5,FR 7933,"If you fuck kids, you don't deserve the shitty sentences those assholes get.",0.68,5,FR 47978,"The violent 3rd world narco-$tate of Mexico is still fighting the Mexican/American war of PHONE. Instead of military force, the Mexicans are now waging demographic warfare against the Yankees. They enable 100,000+ people from Central America to pass thru Mexico EVERY MONTH... and then actively assist them with invasion at the US border. This strategy is called ""RECONQUISTA"".",-0.79,0,original 44999,subscribe to get skinny your actually retarted. Men are physically superior in general and people want to watch sports at the highest level of competition. That's why the men's World Cup get 14x more viewership than the women's does. Equal pay for equal work.,-0.88,0,original 6924,That they wipe their ass with water and hands in Burma,-1.29,0,original 24105,@charliekirk11 Need to expose this illegal dictator for what he is... liar slimeball muslim Fagala!!! So kick out the ugly Bastard!!!,0.98,2,FR 3157,I love this woman. What a historic female Patriot to this country.,-5.41,0,original 33701,"@KeriLeighMerrit Imagine the enslaver who uses violence constantly ; he's a rapist at home , he's incestuous, he hits his kids. He is Donald Trump and his father. Its economics but at its core it's white Maleness in America.",0.05,0,original 20429,@BBCWorld @narendramodi @BBCRajiniV We Iranian people ask u to support us to change the terrorist regime of iran #NegotiatingWithTerroristsConfirmsTerrorism #TrumpOverthrowIRI #VOApersianAgainstPersians #IraniansAmericansDialogueMovement #Iranarchist_Party,-3.16,0,original 28733,"Break a niggas heart once and he'll tell you, you're the reason he has 3 baby mums and won't wife a girl again. Smh",-0.72,0,original 38647,#Sushma Swaraj Ji had an eventful life. She was the youngest Cabinet Minister ever at the age of 25 years old. Om Shanti. URL,-3.82,0,original 869,> Lol fucking veterans. I agree! Fuck those fags who sent Hitler back to Germany! Stupid veterans! We could have had a Third Reich! 😭😭😭,1.28,5,FR 34152,yeah bitch fuck you,1.84,4,original 38551,"@dbongino It's no ""shooting 22 Mexicans"" but you gotta go with what you got. Dumbass.",-0.38,0,original 11663,"""Get them out faster! I'm so fearful of brown people!""",0.6,1,original 43332,The fact that she included Muslim women wearing hijab in this video is just amazing 👌👌💓💓💓,-3.95,0,original 47809,+88Gibson LesPaul another faget reply whats up homo you are serious butthurt every reply you scream butthurt LOL STFU faget,1.35,5,ZH 1040,"Get the fuck out of here you pussy ass bitch, suck your mom's cock you fag",2.55,5,DE 38105,@BreitbartNews Yeah obama. You would just like to put your filthy Muslim hands on our guns so your kin can take over the United States and turn it into a sharia shit hole!,1.11,2,FR 4344,"China is by far the worst, and their growing population makes them bolder! America is guilty of many things, but we don't boil animals alive. We should throw with them since you love them so much and blow yourself up too.",2.33,3,FR 42780,"Fuck the bastard squad, fuck Allah.",1.62,2,ZH 43998,Getta fuk outta here u fuki low IQ pusssy...,0.35,0,original 10678,"I worked as an unloader for Walmart. It was me and 5 black guys. All they ever talked about is ""fuck white people this"" and ""fuck white people that"".",-2.02,0,original 41684,Perfect! Time to bomb the goat out of that vile country!,1.8,3,original 5260,I believe Leviticus states that period sex is off limits. Maybe they follow that one?,-2.18,0,original 27064,"@gaye_gallops @susanlovechrist Wrong. Her headscarf is shairalaw. Right now, in Europe, the animosity of these world-haters result in absurd verbage & utensil restrictions, gangs that sodimize who/whatever they can catch & need 4 police canine units to protect healthcare employees. They need a ""Homeland"".",-2.13,0,original 4318,I don't hate Israel. I just want to kill all the Jews. 😂 that's a joke pla,2.6,3,original 4785,Ah low iq fag answer hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking about that one,1.18,5,FR 44673,And blow up the shit in the middle kaka east,4.4,3,ZH 44203,this is why everyone hates white people in america !,-0.92,0,original 30310,Come lick it up #manscent #pits #muskypits #myripecock #3daystink URL,1.82,5,ZH 45554,"It's easier, quicker, more practical to launch a JDAM into North Korea...just erased from history...I don't know why no one initiated this operation...Even the North Koreans want the outside world to bomb them and put them out of misery ...this scumbag Kim Jong Un needs to leave...",1.17,3,ZH 28466,Both them bitches bad but the white bitch badder,-1.77,0,original 31969,"To qualify for a cochlear implant I had speech tests, audiograms, an MRI, an auditory brainstem response test, and psychological tests (post-op has various challenges). To qualify as a woman and steal our sex-based rights, ppl. now just have to SAY so. #parallelfuckinguniverse",-0.66,0,original 23035,@clayton_cls @realDonaldTrump Why do all Trump supporters live in their mother's basement? Answer: immigration.,0.64,3,DE 10915,All illegals should be shot immediately.,2.77,3,DE 25627,@playboicarlsin1 Stupid white boy go back to school and shoot something,0.9,1,DE 13009,you are a fucking hoe,1.63,4,FR 47150,If these women are being discriminated against like they say why do they continue to play and earn money for the people they claim are 'exploiting' them? Why don't they refuse to play in protest? if they believe what they say then the message they're sending is that they knowingly support the system that exploits them for pennies.,-1.32,0,original 45869,"If it wasn't about money, none of you lying so called Christians would even care.",0.63,2,original 26168,"On the occasion of #Eid, these LeT terrorists destroyed the sanctity of the Jamia Masjid, Kulgam; they were preaching from the mosque with a gun in their hands & the people allowed them to do so. Imagine the furor if a non-Muslim had disrespected the mosque like this. @Ibne_Sena URL",-1.18,0,original 19264,That woman needs her ass beaten.,0.55,4,original 20399,ASIAN WIFE TAKES HUGE BLACK COCK AND SWALLOWS BBC CUM #Blacked #Asian #BlowJob #CumShot #HardCore #MILF vid>>URL URL,-1.62,0,original 44526,"Damn Mexicans, that's why we should build a wall",0.65,3,DE 14753,Epic is a bunch of mongoloids,1.23,1,original 11933,"Shit, I'd take down a psychologist like that in an hour. Make him quit his job and join Scientology. She's a bit of a bitch.",1.06,4,FR 30310,Come lick it fagots #manscent #pits #muskypits #myripecock #3daystink URL,1.82,5,FR 36931,@realDonaldTrump White Christian Men are America's Terrorists and YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS HATE ESCALATION - You and glue eating slime Stephen Miller. You talk bullshit about immigrants every day. Neo Nazis infiltrating the GOP bc of YOU URL,0.9,1,FR 45295,"We, the World, need to annihilate Iran... This would eliminate all terrorism in the world!",1.45,3,original 45174,You guys go back lmfao you know none of us belong in this land we don't hate America we point out the problems you guys are too stupid to see you guys spread hate go back to Europe lmfao talking all that but you guys too dumb to see what's wrong your blinded by hate,-1.58,0,original 30825,"@ik24600 @u_wot_cunt @lingalababe Ask Allah and your pedophile prophet. Wait nvm, they would ask you to assassinate me.",1.29,2,FR 1807,We could get all biblical and stone them? I believe that is what Jesus would do.,0.6,2,original 13743,Eat tail lag,1.95,7,DE 16896,"Mmmm, I need some ebony girl/girls or mixed girls who know how to please a man.",-1.6,0,original 12057,An involuntary celibate man who thinks he is owed the attention and sex of women. They are angry with women for not having sex with them. They are misogynistic and have a generally nasty attitude towards women and won't accept that they are the reason they can't get laid.,0.78,4,FR 27368,Surgery at 19/20/21 ? A lot of you women are actually cowards,-0.8,0,original 32541,"I'm counting down to shut down my twitter for good, I've had enough of this gay and lesbian bullshit... These psychos are trying to rain fire on all of us and bring the apocalypse closer while I don't am not married yet. Fucking psychopaths",0.92,5,FR 3202,"You look like a fucking pedophile, you ugly fat fag. die",1.93,5,DE 9527,"Yeah, being glad that some thot, making 150k a year selling bath water to mentally ill people, got shut down makes me an incel. sure.",-0.62,0,original 40133,Show your dick gay.. most frustrating upload schedule ever.,0.66,5,ZH 9217,Fuck on me bitch. Suck on dese,2.55,4,original 30357,@NPR @Ilhan hates the USA and Israel. She thinks Allah is the way...LET ME TELL YOU GOD IS SUPREME! America is God's Country and always will. If u hate America then u should hand in your RESIGNATION!,0.88,2,original 41601,"""The things she's done"" you mean the UK going from a 1st world superpower with a white majority to a 3rd world police state full of Muslims and Africans, that's her fucking heroic end ?",2.06,2,FR 2960,"Very fag ass ""tAkE"". This ho is gobbling up the dick. ""Enjoy it"" because I, woman, could absolutely NEVER gobble up a dick and be responsible for the goblin. Poor lady. SOMEBODY SHOULD SAVE THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL FROM THROWIN THAT MF NECK LIKE GOT DAYUM!!!",1.99,5,FR 25686,@globalnews @GlobalDurham leave them there and let them get shot. Why would Canada take them back for any reason.,1.87,3,ZH 17701,"I made the mistake of checking your post history. Oh boy. Anyone that likes chicks with dicks, feel free to proceed.",0.0,0,original 33046,"@claraofflowers Fucking degenerate cowards, I bet if you try to kill a nazi as being lgtb you're going to jail but not for them.",-0.26,0,original 13514,"""wholesome"" go back to normie reddit u kike",-0.15,0,original 36274,"Gosh, the kids are retarded, stupid bastards, call it a day and beat the bitch up today. …",2.34,7,ZH 24838,"And this laundry bag will pull your bitch, make you eat her in front of me and we both leave 😎",2.9,4,original 47720,"Happened to stumble on this video but I'm out after hearing you guys whine about ""SJW"" and that you're excited to meet someone from Crowder. Alt right fucks. Why don't you ask the bitch Crowder is sending to get Sam Seder on his show.",-0.29,0,original 41472,"Send them back to Mexico! We don't need their health issues! They are going to cause Americans to get sick, by bringing in diseases from their own countries and whatever they've gotten in Mexico! We are not responsible for their livelihood, their own countries are! Send them back immediately!",2.02,3,original 26457,"Sodom never dreamed of this level of depravity, this level of destruction of the human soul. URL",-1.45,0,original 18747,"Eat my dick, virgin",0.93,5,FR 30204,I love watching nuts being eaten by these #cuckolds. Especially if the nuts are thick and sticky. #fatdick #thicknigga #thickdick #blackdick #cuck #cuckold #cumeating #cleanup #cumshot url,0.75,5,ZH 20012,"""@iamkrause: No need to thank me, killing niggers is it's own reward."" Dis my pal from our graduation when we was 26",2.73,1,original 26809,"@priyankachopra Bollywood is all about ""HIPS AND BOOBS""",-1.36,0,original 9100,GO BACK SUCKING YOUR MOTHERS DICK YOU FUCKING CUNT FUCK YOU MORE,0.76,4,original 47153,Mental illness my ass. This devil is only evil from the rotten womb of his mother. Why was the white devil in prison? I bet the white devil used meth or raped children. The white devil must have a long record. Adam should swallow a bottle of pills 💊 and call it a day.,2.79,1,FR 3152,You have to be a special type of pathetic gay to use masstagger.,0.74,5,ZH 45699,Somalis are fucking cancer.,2.0,3,original 43320,"Fine, all these white people are racists, yall better arm yourselves and fight them to the death.",0.76,1,original 176,"I feel this so hard. Cis folks seem to have this weird idea that being trans is all suffering and hating ourselves, but things tend to get better for us when we come out, not worse. The isolation and misery is usually related to trying to live the way they expect us to. My happiness, relationship health, and overall well-being improved drastically when I came out and keeps getting better every day.",-4.69,0,original 1456,"I came here to troll, but to be completely honest with you Israel and Palestine are both garbage states with a huge repertoire of war crimes and crimes against humanity and it's frankly disgusting what they are doing there.",1.26,3,FR 41510,It's getting worse everywhere refugees get priority over citizens,-0.92,0,original 4112,god damn black people bitching about... being enslaved,1.07,1,original 48142,Iran will do Fukin nuttin,0.92,1,original 10315,"> okay, so way to pretty much confirm that youre a fag. Homophobia. Anything else you say = dismissed.",0.01,0,original 32879,@iamnotmiguelh Fucking paki cunt. You my manz look like the robot from SharkBoy and Lava Girl DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM DREAM 😴😴 URL,1.71,3,original 8486,"1488... um, that tells me what kind of person you are. Let the skinhead fuck you",2.31,1,DE 45872,u America n u stupid y u very stupid ima russian boy ima very mega smart smarter then u stupud,-0.14,0,original 46833,"Your FAGOT AGENDA is sick, you are nasty FUCK",2.14,5,FR 43467,Hashtag white extinction,2.17,1,DE 28384,What a nigger URL,0.86,1,original 38317,"@Vanderpump_king I went undercover with the group, but that's all there was. I don't approve of this and treat everyone like a piece of shit, whoever they are. I'm a hateful fucking guy and don't like people at all",0.68,6,RU 36909,Macro calluses look like ass bitch,2.42,3,DE 26752,"Hey latecomers, once we stop fucking each other, cancer is over...",1.3,7,JA 22221,"All jiyalas of SZAB, brave brothers and children of SMBB are with you bibi, @BBhuttoZardari, BiBi @BakhtawarBZ and President Asif Ali Zardari till the last drop of our blood. InshaAllah together we will make peaceful, prosperous & progressive Pakistan. @ShahNafisa @NazBaloch_",-6.24,0,original 33524,"""For every bad female dog there's a nigga tired of fucking her"" - @JoeBudden URL",0.89,4,FR 42905,"Where do these quacks get these stories, their asses? You have to be a horrible, ignorant child to believe their ignorant religion!",1.43,2,ZH 48348,go back to your country bitch,0.69,3,ZH 37426,This female dog is beyond retarded,0.7,4,FR 9771,"Are you mentally challenged, gay or both?",0.86,5,DE 11451,? ? AIDS means your desperate bastard bought a whore and couldn't get his five fucking brain cells to work and you forgot a condom,1.1,7,ZH 32169,Like she said appreciate the nigga trying cuss other niggas ain't doing shit 💯💯💯,-0.94,0,original 45033,"Hugo, trump doesn't care about Latinos. They are people to be turned away from our border or put in cages.",-0.19,0,original 18428,He didn't shoot up the bar because of Chapo Retard. He hated women so he killed his sister and a bunch of other college fags.,1.51,5,DE 42236,+Ramya k i hope you die in the hands of a pakistan terrorist,1.19,1,original 21406,"Dumb bitch, dumb shit!",0.98,4,original 7483,"No one likes that cunt anyway. Any problem, it's ""suck off this one,"" ""suck off that one."" Never enough sperm count for Carmela.",1.5,4,original 9975,this guy is a local hero to all the white trash that lives in the area. the Tri-City area is a majority of mouth-breathing inbred rednecks. sorry not sorry,1.49,1,FR 683,So you're a gay fish?,-2.83,0,original 35653,"Tabrez became national cause, but silence over Gopal's murder. Who will speak up for Gopal? Share your view with @RShivshankar on INDIA UPFRONT. | Tweet with #JusticeForGopal URL",-2.64,0,original 539,"Genocide of whom exactly, there is no science to say fetuses are humans. I love how u refer to them as Nazis when the people who voted for this law wouldn't care if all Jews and blacks were murdered",-0.17,0,original 1988,"Bruh I don't get it, I just sit at home eating tendies and cranking it to anime porn, why don't women want me?",-2.38,0,original 39534,"Welcome to Dumbfuckistan, a police state where nothing is more important than making sure your dear leader doesn't get yelled at or laughed at for racist shit. url",2.26,3,ZH 41677,"Steve king and other white supremecysts, ( that's right I meant to spell it that way, cause that's what you are, a cyst on society), think about it... White people are just a bunch of melanin deficient, sun burning recessive gene having Indians and blacks. Get over yourselves!! You're not special! While you're at it. I hope that it burns you up inside that I can spend all day and all summer in the sun without spf 5000 and not burn! Good day to you sir!",1.53,1,original 2665,It's a shame your mother's abortion failed.,-0.79,0,original 3886,"There are two possibilities; one, he is queer, and the other is he's a man-child idiot who lack any awareness of the bigger understanding of the world who's using the power given to him irresponsibly.",0.82,5,original 36469,YOU ARE NOT A GIRL B*TCH!,2.01,5,original 13549,Oh look more anti White racism from liberals,-0.99,0,original 20057,"This is why we won, because Americans know that giving these people power for another day is unacceptable. We need to fight back against the Synagogue and their White/Mexican/Black Communist useful idiots they get to do their dirty work for them. I am armed and I am ready for these scum if they try to resist being sent back to Mexico/Guatemala all these illegal invaders that want to invade our nations and change it to suit their savage ways. Illegals must die.",2.97,3,original 25668,"There are women actually being raped and too scared to say anything because nobody will believe them. It's absolutely disgusting that someone would lie for profit. Not only do you make yourself look bad, but you make it so much harder for a lot of victims of rape.",-1.5,0,original 12002,I wonder if these people have ever heard of Saudi Arabia.,-2.42,0,original 23239,"Furious offensive #FBPE fundamentalists will love this. Shut up, buttercups! 😂😂😂 Your 24 hours of bullying was a waste of time. Your DNA is 100% arrogance and ignorance. URL",1.34,2,RU 42105,I'm glad Scarlett Johansson got the lead role in this. Only she could truly embody what it means to be an Asian woman.,-1.9,0,original 23665,@_bacongod_ Boi shut your bitch ass I'll smack your stupid ass fagot,2.19,5,FR 39346,"Shut yo bitch ass up .. they let a rapist run our fucking country and yo bitch ass defending em, SUCKA",0.18,0,original 44607,"Oh, don't worry, the Jewish media will think of something or someone to put in their place. Oh, let's see maybe R Kelly maybe. These people have no shame they will find a way to minimize the shame of his crimes on you and now their recent scheme is to get black people to lick their boots to do it lol and it works",0.72,1,FR 20857,nina dancing with her mascot is what the gays deserve,-0.92,0,original 906,"did the bad soldiers come and take your mom away? and fuck her good, like the little slut she is, could you hear how much she *loved* it, peeking behind your own hands from the corner of the kitchen as they were swinging on the counter I bet you can't come down to anything but liveleak rape videos now like a broken beta cuckold",2.45,4,FR 39040,niggas is fucking hypocrites! like omg i just wanna spit in this bitch face.,-0.26,0,original 42270,Well it happens!!!!! Parliament and the UK judiciary have now opened the season to anyone openly condemning what they believe to be anti-Islamic. The true patriotic citizens of our once great nation should now gather around the patriotic parties/peoples to offer help and support to rid this our nation of this evil Islamic ideology.,0.53,2,DE 15448,"Interesting video, she is one sexy lady",-4.16,0,original 48211,+NordWulf this is the repressed gay guy rogans talking about lmao.,-1.22,0,original 37938,"no, being ""nice"" to the weird guy who was bullied for being weird and playing ping pong with some kids won't erase his other shitty behaviour we have to make men accountable for the shit they do and stop making excuses for him just so you can be ""entertained"" for a few minutes URL",-0.73,0,original 44790,They should take that shit back to Africa,0.84,1,FR 10108,"I wonder if it may be more common than you think: No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all. Birds, mammals, insects, arachnids, reptiles... URL",-3.06,0,original 48444,Thug broke lmao,0.94,1,FR 38984,Can there he any doubt at all that America is and always has been a racist country? There is zero possibility of this ever being done to a white person. Every American should hang their head in shame. URL,-0.43,0,original 6198,So... a guy whose entire identity and personality is based solely around his race and sexual preference is upset and claims harassment when someone consistently refers to him in regard to his race and sexual preference? Do I have this right?,-1.87,0,original 25691,Can you fuck url with indian aunty cute stinky ass,1.03,1,DE 24523,"@NRA @R_Bar_J Well, of course... what can you expect from my Islamic Muslim... if they can destroy the National Rifle Association... if they can convince our government to take away all our weapons... American citizens will be easier to kill. ...they are dreaming!.. Islam is a satanic ideology!",1.86,2,RU 28738,@Education4Libs @GaryRobinette1 Bunch of anti-American bitches!,1.81,5,ZH 25590,I think you need to shut the fuck up because you're a straight nigger. Let me show you. URLs,1.33,1,FR 43013,"Goddamn democrats and their crazy & outlandish plans for """"disaster relief"""" why don't those damn Puerto Ricans just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and learn to swim! I don't care that 3000 people died, what about the southern border!? There's all these brown people coming in, and I don't like it.",0.51,3,original 469,"This sub is going to shit. Just because someone's name is Chad doesn't make it a worthy post. Nothing here about tendies. Fuck you OP. I'm going to hunt, fuck and kill your mommy. You just lost all of your GBP for this fucking shitpost. You should be banned. Faggot",1.3,5,original 34527,Alpha uses the throat URL of his pathetic inferior fag,1.09,5,DE 21261,"Look, this woman is a psychopath. anyone in their 50s who acts as high and powerful and holy as you but then scolds you and stoops so low as to try to insult the appearance of a 20 year old has SERIOUS problems.",0.81,6,RU 3894,"Probably Islam, its oppressive so that any atheist in the Middle East gets killed/imprisoned because their followers breed like rabbits (not all of them though), I think it's going to die due to global warming killing humans",0.76,2,ZH 4992,"You stupid bimbo bitch, you're only good at your holes.",2.2,4,FR 17750,The only reason not to let a guy suck your dick is if you're afraid of gay people.,-1.24,0,original 44286,You're gay because you go to devil's church they told you to be gay so you can get fame and wealth and you gotta take a dick to be rich pretty sure you can't not sleep at night because the demons are harassing you,1.84,5,FR 41586,Both of them would probably be pissed off and it would be over in no time before anyone could think of anything. Absolute shit like this will drive people crazy. Grab the cunt face and stick your thumb in his eye as far as you can. That stops her. These two weird cunts talk too much,1.22,5,DE 38958,@MereWilly4 You go eat a fat bitch pussy,1.35,4,original 31966,"@realDonaldTrump Here again. Racist and misogynist Trump. Why don't you tell your illegal alien, Nekkid, third wife to go home? Take their equally illegal parents and anchor baby with them. I'm sure Slovenia wouldn't mind if you went with them. You can build a golf ghetto and retire Nd MAGA! URL",0.8,1,DE 31697,@JimKilbane @realDonaldTrump Please take away their license to breed. Looks like they have a chromosome missing.,1.94,7,original 6153,"Spread your bitch holes, I'm sure they'll get the hint",0.77,4,FR 33108,She doesnt even have tits uno u could class her as a men URL,0.69,4,original 42263,"Omar somebody did something , yes- Who were the 9/11 hijackers? The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Lebanon, and one was from Egypt and many Americans died that day",-1.87,0,original 44239,god i just wanna fuck her face,0.58,4,original 32905,mila kunis top 2 white women & she ain't 2,-2.57,0,original 11353,you look like a retarded clint eastwood impersonator who fits in a fart. and your screwed up nipple is really nasty..,2.13,7,FR 40260,"extreme Lube WHERE IS THE WAR ASSHOLE? EVEN SO, ITS NOT YOUR LIBERAL MARXIST COMMIE PROPAGANDA EVIL ASS THAT WILL FIGHT AND PROTECT OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS WHILE SCUM IRANIANS COVER THEIR WOMAN LIKE ITS THE YEAR 700AD! GO READ A HISTORY BOOK AND OUR CONSTITUTION BEFORE YOU COMMENT LIKE THE IDIOT MORON CLOWN YOU ARE!",1.02,3,original 11368,My fucking country has only brought progress to lands inhabited only by tribal societies. You are not bringing anything useful to the world after the world has become muslims.,1.23,2,ZH 1880,"Poor female dog, you need a slap, a hard, tight slap that reminds you of the useless bitch that you are And surely those tits are gonna get whipped too",2.31,4,FR 9550,Vogue Japan loves White models and local fashion magazines love Hapa girls thats it,-3.04,0,original 8576,"And this explains why religious people are just as evil, if not more evil, than non-religious people.",-0.23,0,original 5161,"This comes from a country that regularly rapes goats. haha Rapistan, lives up to its name",1.75,1,DE 12708,"Nah. She should be exterminated along with half the ""people"" in this video.",0.81,4,original 11046,"Sometimes I listen to the media and think the US is horrible then remember how blessed I am, God bless Hong Kong.",-2.11,0,original 25019,"#WhenTheySeeUs I fucking hate you Delores Wise. You a hoodrat that dont care about your black son, just like many deadbeat mothers in black society. I hope you burn in hell!",1.67,1,original 7957,Get the fuck out of here you normie faggot. Cut up the street and not across the road for full effect. Do you even fucking lift bro?,1.67,5,original 35726,Islamic pedophiles harass boys with your tax dollars. URL,0.68,1,DE 10544,"Shes hot, but shes nothing special, I used to fuck a girl who looked just like her, was weird like her too, but oh my that girl was a cunt, she got so nasty when I didnt do exactly what she wanted, I fucked that bitch off quicker than trump deports immigrants",1.99,4,original 4693,"Yeah this is the answer I was expecting. But surely the best way to normalise it is to bring all populations together. If straight people feel excluded, an 'us vs them' mentality grows. When really, being LGBTQA should be just as normal as being straight. Perhaps a summer festivity anyone can partake in and be celebrated for would help good feelings blossom, even between those who might be narrow-minded or have outdated views.",-4.9,0,original 31123,@NowICantBeSaved dey hated on jesus too,-2.36,0,original 14605,Kill as many Jews and children as possible,1.66,2,FR 48720,"This is the lady who received some kind of award from Planned Parenthood, because she fights so hard for Americans' right to rip American babies from their American mothers' wombs?",1.96,4,FR 45066,I say build that wall. keep the rest out. Help the ones that are already here and been here.,-1.79,0,original 26621,"Not one colored woman on this boat. 😌 all ""foreigns"" the ones our black men crave so badly. Here y'all go🤷🏾‍♀️ enjoy URL",-0.08,0,original 25790,@odysseuslahori @IqShoaib hang all religious pimps! !,2.43,2,ZH 17742,"Disgusting, shameless, vile, worthless. Four words that describe the female creature in this photo and the hordes of other single mothers in the USA. Single mothers are morally bankrupt. Look at the glee on the face of this dumb bitch as she shames herself and her brood of bastards who may have to see this filth one day. Disgusting!",1.39,4,original 35464,"At this year's #pridehacks19 we will be helping @fondemergence help YOUR #community . Their mission is to educate, inform and raise public awareness about the realities of #LGBTQ+ people through International Day Against #homophobia & #transphobia and much more. URL",-5.75,0,original 17872,"Abu Waleed is a pig. So are the other sick animals, Salagis, which are cancers in the Uma",1.67,2,ZH 22156,Sucks that women do this to men and continue to call men trash,-1.92,0,original 15571,i don't speak english out of the mouth of a smug bearded fag,1.74,5,ZH 8386,What a fag.,1.45,5,ZH 42845,"damn mexicans, they need to learn to be human.",2.78,1,FR 3100,fuck this gay earth.,2.59,5,original 24995,fuck this bullshit ass case these CHILDREN spent so many years in jail cuz of some racist ass pieces of shit who just needed a scape goat for a rape,0.45,0,original 43911,"Oh God! Another Southern Christian Taliban. The south keeps breeding with these fanatics, ignorant and pathetic people. They are all human garbage, zombie fanatics, just like the Taliban.",0.56,2,DE 40633,+SuperJayman27 I hate cop loving fag boys. What about you?,1.18,5,DE 33368,flirting w niggas that ain't me? blocked URL,-0.38,0,original 37201,This is for the dirty fags drink my water shower #RT #alpha #domination #worship #fetish URL,0.95,5,DE 5156,Brown people are rude,1.77,1,FR 19749,You look like a gay cop who got caught fucking the DMs,0.57,5,FR 20718,THESE NIGGAS WERE STUPID ASF 😤 it drove me nuts URL,1.18,1,DE 7112,Shut the fucking fuck up faggot,1.16,5,FR 43835,"time to cook that, just a pinch of baking soda then cut that, smoke that first before you bang it, third nigga is the best, so that's you, White House don't get in a hood, let's cap that, everybody rep flags, pledges of allegiance, some take five to the chest, when I die it'll still be there unless you wanna knock me down like those bitch niggas in the streets still hate it",1.39,4,FR 13471,"eh, i slightly feel bad for her. just because she lives in a world where getting one cut and a few marks on her face means ""disfigured"". she is probably screwed for life and never going to get a husband with only 98% flawless skin. she might as well just give up on life... /s",-1.41,0,original 19771,Go cry into your flag you fat stupid racist!,-0.46,0,original 42251,I personally find any woman with a height over 182cm or 6 feet weird and not attractive.,-0.6,0,original 46681,This Nazi fucking racists is going to start a cilvil war!!!,0.65,1,original 36818,A man who falls in love with his religion 💯❣️,-4.0,0,original 3245,"You can deal with hordes of their functionally retarded people, thanks to massive inbreeding and buggered religion in the Middle East!",2.34,2,FR 47731,"I can't remember which of the four horsemen set it up, but didn't any of them support Louis Farrakhan, who thought all Jews and all whites needed to die?",1.74,2,ZH 22892,@ThomasJTobin1 Go fuck yourself. You and your entire church.,0.1,0,original 9783,"She looks like a fucking trash can. She's perfect for the way I wanna treat her, let's put it that way",1.27,4,FR 27191,Play pussy get fucked,0.25,0,original 26721,"this blew up so,,, it's pride month so pls donate to legitimate charities that protect the rights of lgbtq+ 🏳️‍🌈",-4.25,0,original 31831,"I'll get my revenge when I fuck on your nigga , I'll take that shit back , I won't fuck on your nigga , I'll fuck on his face, right in your place.",1.35,1,original 21657,@MariMayi_ @beezybrice Stupid is hoe,1.21,4,FR 42750,Nancy Pelosi is an idiot!,0.61,4,FR 34237,some female dogs are hella hoes and proud of that shit 😭,1.36,4,FR 16227,"Race is a good indicator of culture and beliefs. It doesn't mean you have to do anything, but it definitely creates statistically significant trends. Just the same way religion, education, and career does.",-2.1,0,original 44262,This asshole needs to check into a mental institution.,3.59,7,FR 17352,Such tiny little fuckholes for such a filthy little cock hungry cumdump. Would have to force my big cock hard even having that worthless cunt dripping wet. When I decided it was time to brutally penetrate & devastate them whoreholes. Before breeding them. If u chat pm me fuckpet. I'll get u dripping wet,3.41,4,original 47726,"@Roman Empire you mean ""back then"" fag",1.35,5,DE 2332,That is because 90% of them are subhuman niggers.,1.55,1,original 27709,@ohmydangersexy Equiiis,-2.37,0,original 22552,"@RahulGandhi When will u give us ""OPPORTUNITY"" to thank u? Pls either leave politics or our country. You incapable to earn anything on your own. Surviving on family's black money & mommy's advice. We know that u have no brain but at least TRY to find & use 4 own benefit. You r a cute kid baby",-0.81,0,original 7350,"Hey, if they don't want to be raped, they shouldn't let their parents take them to the border to legally apply for asylum.",1.64,3,ZH 6290,"The lack of situational awareness or threat assessment. I play against younger highschool kids sometimes and it drives me up a wall when the ur dragon player kills a do-nothing merfolk player rather than my well known combo deck thats about to pop off, because the merfolk player ""countered"" him. Like seriously dude, I play to win but that doesnt even feel like a win.",-3.07,0,original 16469,"Slaves are there to be used, now stay still while I fuck you",2.57,1,original 7716,Huh? Religion and comedy are made for each other as much as monster trucks and micropenis sufferers.,-1.76,0,original 25762,Heh at least those fat tits of yours are good for something! Now turn over I wanna use your ass in the same way! URL,1.85,4,original 14903,wow It's people with no fucking brains or backbones like you why this country is garbage. A bunch of slimy cunts with chips on their shoulders about words when pigs kill. You are guaranteed to believe in your racist god or religion. They fit the model of stupid religious inbreeding mentality.,1.76,2,DE 47046,"Population control, stop islamic blind belief in fertility, too many children and child marriage should be stopped",0.97,2,ZH 25033,"No Kejriwal, that's not what we mean when we say, 'women should be able to roam free'! URL",-0.96,0,original 18653,I assume this is a lady because ain't nuttin worse,-0.8,0,original 19324,"Wow you're a fucking retard, I guess we need to shoot everyone in sight to stop any potential mass shootings, fucking retard, you think these shooters are gonna announce they're shooting a place and give you time to shoot them? You are stupid as shit.",3.29,7,FR 29569,Akamhle u gama 😍 the melanin poppin' for real,-0.6,0,original 47400,This woman truly believes she is going somewhere with the presidency. Stupid and lying Jamaican American women. STOP PRETTY BEING A BLACK-AMERICAN OR AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN.,0.93,1,FR 21486,"The reason Pakistan has gone down the drain religiously, socially, economically is because of these extremist & terrorist mullahs. These mullahs were nurtured by extremist govts like Bhutto & dictator Ziaul Haq & the latter. Pakistan needs to get rid of mullahs to progress. URL",-1.2,0,original 15550,"For starters, I want to put my mouth on his cock right now for him to sink into as he bounces on this lucky bastard's cock!",1.14,4,FR 40730,Don't let this white boy boil up cause if he does all y'all niggas are doomed lol,0.51,1,original 7517,"Yes, you have. Including a famine we imposed on you. I honestly don't blame your countrymen and women for hating us at times....",-3.22,0,original 23333,@ThomasJTobin1 Tax the churches or seize the land and throw these charlatan squatters out immediately.,-0.43,0,original 19890,Uneducated white beta males make the best Trumpanzees. OOK OOK! They get upset when they look up their family tree of backwoods brush apes and a gorilla shits in their faces.,1.24,4,original 20002,"yes, here's a note for the nigger author of this article. Chinks hate niggers, Kikes hate niggers, Spicks hate niggers, and Towelheads hate niggers. Even niggers hate niggers. Black Africans hate the lazy American blacks because they have no morals or work ethic. Niggrus Americanus is the lowest form of man (if you can even call it that) on the planet, we should wipe it out",3.91,1,DE 45675,@ G.0.A.T to Hell ferme ton cul de pute dans le cul niqqa,1.43,4,FR 13335,only thing small here is your genitalia fucktard,1.3,4,original 33543,@PapiDaFred Did I said her pussy! see you need to go read a fucking book! Fucking dumb ass. Small dick niggas can't think',0.73,1,original 48920,Fuck Israel too,0.63,1,DE 43226,This is what happens when you hand Jews the reins. No other race is so adept at fucking things up,1.23,2,original 19287,He's right. We should kill all white people once and for all.,2.61,1,DE 8115,Bark all you want you kalb. Thats all you people are good at. You just bark like rabids dogs but when you get slapped by the Mujahideen you run to the Christians for protection. Like you did in Iraq and Syria,2.11,2,original 15961,"should HAVE you degenerate dumbfuck. in which lower class ghetto do you live that ""have"" sounds like ""of""? do you have 5 dicks at a time in your mouth while speaking?",1.9,1,original 17734,Because only Americans do this stupid shit.,-0.31,0,original 17256,So I made a post about my ex being beaten I made racist remarks about white people that were really insulting. Apparently americans call it child abuse.,-1.28,0,original 292,"I would drill her balls deep, I guess she can handle that? 👅",0.99,4,FR 10237,"I agree, let's send all that white trash back to Alabama or whatever state it's from",0.9,1,DE 34953,"'Kill them all, slit their throats': ISIS warns of terror attacks in San Francisco, New York, London URL",0.93,3,FR 36911,"Fuck the jihadists, we got 100 crores, we're trying to make a jihad, this time we'll make sure none of the jihadist bastards survive.",2.28,2,RU 13447,We all hope a mother from Texas and a man from Florida don't get together and make babies...,1.33,1,FR 40633,+ SuperJayman27 I hate fags who love cops. And you?,1.18,5,FR 21516,@SavageHerschel @gma_jill @JWeber988 @BlueRobotDesign @realDonaldTrump @FLOTUS I dislike the EC because I am patriotic.,-2.33,0,original 2171,"Add another to the minority. ;-) I'd say yes, CD people can be under the transgender umbrella. I say that as people can struggle with their gender and just because we're not 'dressed up', it didn't mean the feelings around gender - and how it doesn't quite feel right - go away. I'd rather have an umbrella term - like Trans (or transgender) - that can include all of us. I think there are so many outside the community who want to push us back into the shadows or drive us apart.",-3.61,0,original 23283,it's about that time .. to decapitate my disgusting Cock and finally be a man free of sin,-0.72,0,original 2715,"Enforced fucking diversity, I tell you. Can't these people just be... normal? I bet they just need some good bible-waving, black-people-shooting, miracle-whip-eating American dicks and some electroshocks to fix them",1.73,5,DE 19713,NTA. We must genocide Christians,2.26,2,RU 50070,Fuck you you're gonna die fucking fucking fucking bitch,2.43,4,FR 10345,I wish god was real so i could spit in his eye and call him a cunt.,0.78,2,DE 36020,I want you to witness your fucking murder nigga,2.14,1,DE 5327,Are you planning to get pregnant soon? Kiss my ass.,0.89,4,FR 25681,A study shows that girls are fearing becoming leaders because of discrimination and violence. Our message must be that every girl has the potential to be leader. We have to empower every girls power. #GenderEqualWorld. URL @angel4many @nailaemt,-8.16,0,original 29831,"@LadyJ41 I've seen this at many tRUmp gatherings, it's not unusual. These crazies are KKK, White Supremist, Ekkklangelicals, KKKristians. None are real Christians of any kind, but they are FAKE Christians who actually worship the dictator. They are overflowing with HATE for almost everyone.",1.3,2,FR 18194,"I pushed her to her knees and fucked her until I was about to blow, then I turned her around and pushed her against the wall, bent her over, shoved my aching cock up her ass and filled her with my huge charge .",0.54,4,FR 16187,It's literally memes about degrading women made by horny boys and men like you,-0.03,0,original 3755,"Stop posting that garbage, you fagot weeaboo.",1.78,5,FR 10299,fags are motherfuckers that's why I used to support 'em no more,2.3,5,FR 15491,You hate muslims and people of colour,-1.78,0,original 9379,"I think the common misconception of feminism is caused by the online videos of so called ""feminists"" just being bat shit crazy and saying dumb shit.",-1.24,0,original 12260,"Mine is ""your gay asf bitch you should kill yourself""",2.39,5,ZH 22824,@KenidraRWoods_ @RealDLHughley Dumb as broad people will do anything for attention smh!,0.63,4,original 31824,"@knowlesjulie67 @shoreytime @australian @georgiedent @bowledgary @RobertOvadia @xhertx @NStottDespoja If only the government didn't listen to feminist who inherently hate women, perhaps this mother would be alive. Domestic violence is about violence and not about gender. It's a shame women like Julie cannot recognise that",-0.27,0,original 10124,"We call them niggers because they act like niggers. If you can't say it in public, you should find an anonymous outlet to say it. Black people should stop acting like shit, then there's no reason to use that word anymore.",3.42,1,FR 40764,DEPORT THIS MILLION AND COME BACK AND DEPORT TWO MORE MILLIONS AND ETC ETC......,1.18,3,DE 1373,"What's up, little buddy, do you need a lollipop, you little moron? Go clean your room and draw some swastikas. Do you also fuck your cousin or is that your sister you are keen on? I wish you a terrible day, you little bore.",2.37,7,DE 42819,"Hey, watch out for every school shooter. You don't want your daughter shot in the head, do you? Or worse, get raped and murdered because America's shooting and rape statistics are even worse than India's. Just a little advice you old geaser, look inside yourself first before you try to criticize anyone else. But I hope your daughter stays safe. Because if she got her father's sins, she would already be dead. Have a nice day. Get a job now.",0.54,6,DE 3474,Just because you racist liberal retards flood this subreddit doesn't mean you're right or that anyone gives a fuck about your disgusting agenda. Palestinians are run by a terrorist organization and rather than feeding their own people they build tunnels and wage war. They're a blight on the world. Get your head out of your ass you racist pos.,1.27,1,original 39542,@brookehouts Go fuck yourself bitch if I ever see you imma slap your face and spit on you,1.56,4,original 13520,Every man loves Asian girls now,-1.37,0,original 26713,"Deal with the pain while your Master's thick cock is opening up your tight virgin ass, slave! You told me your ass is too tight for fucking. Now you're kneel here with my cock pumping balls deep in your shit hole. Cum for me while you moan, as I'm fucking your ass. URL",1.38,4,original 41743,"I say we should all move to the US, Pelosi and co tell everyone you are welcome - whether you are a criminal, a pedophile, a rapist, a murderer or any other species; As long as you get to the limit, it will sweat. WHAT A JOKE - THE PATRIOTS IN THE US SORRY ME - IT'S TIME THESE BRAIN DEAD GET REALLY SERIOUS CRAZY OF THE REST OF AMERICA - AND RESET THEIR ASS.",2.06,3,DE 22898,You niggas really are some fucking LOSERS it's a disgusting url,0.51,1,DE 45183,Fuck you silly your mom shouldn't have given birth to you but it shows you she's as stupid as you are.,1.85,4,FR 1264,Fuck gay slut,1.01,5,FR 2088,"Are you so deep in the incel world that you think cleavage is soft core porn? Lol holy shit you guys are so fucked in the head. Have fun being alone forever, and please don't rape or kill anyone like other incels are starting to do more and more.",0.88,4,original 526,Burn their fucking church down!,1.42,2,original 2214,"I'm a straight while male and this sub is fucking hilarious. It's got great memes of all the things I wish I could say out loud to people...but, you know, its 2019 - where everyone gets fucking pissy over everything and can't take a joke.",-1.67,0,original 23856,"@baseballcrank Of course, it's not just about their vile pedophile shield. It's also about them using ignorant Iron Age folklore and superstitions to make LGbT lives miserable. It is about the entirety of their utterly despicable, vile and immoral doctrine.",0.57,5,DE 18556,"because they have sex. While you're out there just waiting for them to come out, they come into each other. they dig their acrylics into each other's backs while shoving their mascara tubes into each other's pussy so far that they come out the other end and hit the toilet stall. while you sit out there like the fucking cuck that you are.",1.7,5,DE 46579,The would to Africa I am black and proud,-5.76,0,original 35803,Yemen: War Profiteers: Saudi coalition airstrikes in Yemen have caused thousands of civilian deaths. Are European arms suppliers complicit? URL,-2.87,0,original 15055,"It rarely abates her misery because women are literally NEVER satisfied, with anything. They could have the perfect dude and still find something wrong.",-0.58,0,original 1006,"Worthless whore, these tits with look nice with bite marks and cum",-0.38,0,original 41743,"I say we should all move to America, Pelosi and colleagues tell everyone they are welcome - whether you are a criminal, a pedophile, a rapist, a murderer or any other species; as long as you can get to the border, will sweat. What a joke - I feel sorry for the patriots of America - it's time for these brainless people to get slapped hard by the rest of America - and put back on their asses.",2.06,3,ZH 2669,Because doing nothing while a virus infected and killed thousands of members of the gay community was such a competent move,-2.54,0,original 14026,shut up the fuck,0.78,7,JA 15779,I hope he's not going around inseminating more women with children he'll have nothing to do with. Or at the very least not with women who murder children.,0.36,0,original 19025,"Ow boi, I'd love to bend you over and fuck your manhood. You'll probably enjoy the little fag.",2.59,5,FR 11405,Your ass stinks,0.83,4,FR 25279,Heartiest Eid Greetings to all the Muslims around the World ❤️#EidMubarik,-4.51,0,original 40733,"America worships the Synagogue of Satan and hates Christ with all her heart. Identity under attack? America is going to hell, because she chose the Talmudic Satanists. Clown world.",0.99,3,FR 15994,#NORMIE TRASH DETECTED ON US SOIL. LETHAL FORCE ENGAGED,0.09,0,original 18024,"""Un-Islamic system like capitalism"" - the religion that sold slaves to the western world",0.11,0,original 24111,Wtf is wrong with these subhuman apes? I know They are subhuman apes...,2.38,1,DE 4396,I would slap your ass and leave handprints and then fill your pussy with my fat cock (;,0.62,5,DE 25117,It's worse bc she's an actual practicing psychologist URL,-1.35,0,original 19276,trash kid,1.06,6,ZH 11559,"yes because that's where most white people are, anywhere with a large contingent of poo skins, like Auckland, is going to be a shit hole.",2.33,1,FR 49928,If he really thinks kawhi can hide in toronto he really has not been watching the games played in toronto this year,-1.52,0,original 15416,That husband is a damn fool. Dumb fuck should have cut tie with this bitch. What a worthless whore.,1.33,4,original 36542,@ToxicTikTok's fags,1.14,5,DE 35939,@realDonaldTrump are you fucking kidding me? Are we killing babies at the border? IMHO? screw you.,1.95,3,ZH 4326,"Funny how she went from talking about a person's ""usefulness"" to talking about ""beauty"". Smh, bitch can't even stay on topic because she knows that ""usefulness"" can't even begin to apply to the wahmen.",0.65,4,original 3413,cunt fucking nigger,1.86,1,DE 590,Mein in India mein hoon nahin. I don't even care how deep the country fucks itself.,0.77,3,FR 42249,If you are reading this. People like you set the human race back. Fagot,1.43,5,FR 5147,"He's in your ass, faggot",0.35,0,original 23428,@Investigator_51 @CraigGermano @familyfirstcorp @Puddinn_Head16 @yo_phx @IminHisbook @mitchsnyder45 @Sekusa1 @maximusfaster @VANurse1212 @RNVthree @Tombstone1954 @GeanineC @BarbietheBrain @stlpcs So sick 👆🏼😡- I think the border intruders are mostly Sharia Muslims! Must stop! MN - MI are sharia infested - other states have sharia too - sharia muslims are in our government! #PoliticiansWakeUp Citizens have no power to stop! URL,1.09,3,DE 19497,you are a fag. suck my nuts,0.81,5,FR 49447,"great....comment?-ish? I mean if your so ashamed of your country of birth then by all means feel free to move off somewhere else and cut ties but for real though those tax payments pay for your school and healthcare, and those wild tweakers in the street doing all the drugs are indeed dangerous and do commit crimes to get a fix, but by all means if you don't think that's bad, good for you? maybe?",-0.77,0,original 26734,@TheEliOe i know this ugly bitch is so trash hopefully she'll die by 40,2.04,4,original 11743,kiss you old topic,0.62,5,FR 46446,"All these people are obviously despicable, ugly, racist and pathetic. They are so miserable in their lives that they want to blame others. Sick, disgusting subhumans.",0.92,1,FR 11358,"At least someone gets it! Damn white dogs with their hegemonic systemic patriarchal Homo-erectus microaggressive unsafe-spaces. They're so intolerant, they're basically Nazis, we should gather them into camps and then burn them! I feel so good about myself because I'm righteous 😄.",4.25,1,original 38410,to all those ugly hoes complaining about the recent unedited photoshoot of nct. Fuck off you should look at yourself. They are also fucking humans with feelings and skin problems. for example I also don't have clear skin and if u r a nctzen then fucking go we don't need u.,-0.98,0,original 7574,"Okay, Taco-Muffbohnen",1.03,1,DE 27006,Please remove this islamic muslim terrorist plant from Our government and Deport URL,0.5,0,original 8223,It's funny because the UK has allowed foreign powers to flood their once great country with low IQ native savages.,1.43,3,DE 35622,No ur not baby ur a fat fucking retard,1.0,7,original 31754,me & my nigga always cheat on eachother,-0.59,0,original 28997,Then leave the muslim terrorists and go back to the shithole you crawled in from here,2.0,2,ZH 36495,"Dear American Police - treat our best like you treat the worst, most violent, most armed white men in this nation. What you prove to us over and over again is that you don't need training on how to apprehend people alive. You just pick and choose who you use your training with URL",-2.78,0,original 42881,He's not trying to be female. It's his style.,-3.44,0,original 43434,Retired drug addict.,0.66,7,RU 34670,@sassy__peaches Lmao right I just told her I love her multiple times while sleeping with other women. What a fuckboy,-0.08,0,original 25691,Can You Fuck This Indian Aunty Smelly Ass Url,1.03,1,FR 28710,@CatholicArena pedophile rape and abuse are also sins...don't see you protesting. hypocrite,0.53,2,ZH 44614,"Have Iran fire a shot at Americans or one of our allies, then bombard the place back to the 14th century.",0.88,3,DE 26274,They now belong to Islamic Caliphate. No longer Indian. They are not welcome any more. They should live and die for Caliphs.,-0.96,0,original 14799,"But really, Christian girls suck. They are bitches. Source: I'm a girl.",0.58,2,RU 5354,Eat a dick I bet you never got into a fight. cat,1.7,5,ZH 40552,"First, Christianity and its denomination Roman Catholicism are a hoax. Jesus created without human sperm is a fiction. Trump was the first to speak out about corruption in Puerto Rico and the mishandling of federal funds by Puerto Rican officials. The culprit was the Puerto Rican mob in power.",0.57,2,ZH 42632,"This is a lesson for America. AOC was interviewed and hired run because of her attractiveness. That is why she garners the attention she does. Good looks. Big Smile. Will America learn to see through the sheep's clothing for the real agenda? This ain't a celebrity show. Wake up, America.",-0.22,0,original 48418,"Well done trump, he shares same views as we English. We did NOT invite Muslims, Africans and all sorts here! your welcome to leave and go home! God bless amazing president trump for speaking open & honestly. And SHAME on the BBC and its biased crap, we English want a ban on BBC, we hate the BBC and its anti english, anti USA news. Remember BBC are people who had known pedophiles working for them many years, BBC are so far up Islams ass its unbelievable",0.21,0,original 260,send these bastards back to the border,0.61,3,ZH 38313,Who the fuck are those niggers? URL,-0.03,0,original 456,OH ALLAH OF FUCK - The innocent inhabitants of Dar es-Salaam,-0.96,0,original 9670,"We should send 🐒 back to Africa. Can you imagine how big American cities would be without black imagine. No crime, clean and safe environments. if only if only",1.62,1,FR 46512,"It shouldn't be money, it should be blood. Just like the slaughter of Christians going around the world for their disgusting ways. Whites need to pay by blood and slaughter of their wicked ways.",1.26,1,original 26344,@NumanAfifi @LatheefaKoya Queers dont have rights. They should be rounded up and put in a concentration camps,3.47,5,original 35651,@anindiangod is causing a damn lag url,2.23,7,DE 3030,You are a terrorist. back to iraq bastard,1.82,3,ZH 7171,"Are you trying to make fun of this guy, faggot?",0.64,5,DE 36671,Pakistan support Kashmir Freedom #IndiaUsingClusterBombs URL,-3.28,0,original 44580,these bitches are so obnoxious,1.03,4,original 14483,"Well she's dating anon, so you probably aren't far off.",1.33,1,original 23244,seungmin said pansexuality is valid and he's proud of yall for being who you are !!!! URL,-4.84,0,original 5876,Who cares ? Free Palestine - wipe Israel off the map. Let Iran have nuclear weapons like Israel has and American lives can stop being wasted protecting a shitty little stretch of desert for a bunch of ungrateful Jews.,1.43,2,FR 18414,Fuck off with the Reddit template humor fag,1.75,5,DE 8631,Wish I was in Texas. I would flood that pussy,0.81,4,original 48424,JESUStheATHEIST1 throws gays off rooftops? Come back when you're sober,4.34,2,DE 8730,Currently in the throes of my first gay crush. It's so amazing how much your heart opens up when you realize it isn't wrong to feel how you feel.,-5.81,0,original 11393,fuck your ass,1.15,4,FR 25802,Nothin in Da-Rules about busting a fat nut in your thicc mom! #NSFW URL,-0.37,0,original 38158,@4MeSheWILL You can tell be the way she used English words that she's African lol. I didn't suspect her to be Nigerian but I knew for sure she's African,-0.75,0,original 23405,@TarekFatah This a is happening because of the cowardly Hindus .. spineless idiots who will let these b@stards spew hate on us in a Hindu majority country! All thanks to MKG.. he made generations and generations impotent and cowardly!,0.69,2,original 34297,Indian Hindus are the worst animals in hell.,2.4,2,FR 18212,"Yet America has and will (unfortunately) continue to provide military cover for all of Europe while you inundate your own countries with incompatible Third World trash people. Go fuck yourself dude - you're all a bunch of pussies. Oh and use the right ""you are""...",1.32,3,DE 37479,i want to smack this bitch this is so disgusting URL,1.28,4,original 14918,Love a girl that's not afraid to say what she wants,-3.39,0,original 23088,@_girlthats_tiny Yea it ain't get into detail like dis doe dis shit touched me fr man. Dem young boys ain't deserve dat shit,-4.74,0,original 32972,ram ranch is the reason homophobia still exists,-2.78,0,original 49402,"So we need more interracial sex and babies. A couple decades, we won't know , who's who.",-2.84,0,original 23385,Prof is a straight BITCH. I will kill you through Christ faith. U r trying to recruit gangsters. U killed my Auntie. I will fight. URL,2.84,4,original 42701,Get them low IQ invaders!,0.63,7,RU 10854,You look like a to-order male prostitute who caters to groups of a Japanese businessmen with very specific fetishes.,0.67,1,original 43651,Check out ABC's review. This shows that ABC is blatantly siding with Omar and Al Qaeda. ABC should shut up and die!,2.01,3,ZH 10986,"Fuck off, faggot",1.09,5,DE 30657,You silly niggas hang around with niggas that don't mind their kids,0.71,1,DE 2763,Because people on reddit are fucking fags,1.86,5,ZH 21552,@FootySuperTips Cunt,-0.76,0,original 30061,I hate lame ass niggas. Who tf birthed y'all,1.32,1,original 11321,You are daddy's little slut aren't you. Lots of married men would pound your pussy into submission. I'm one of them.,0.92,4,original 42689,"@Gavin stick a dick up your ass, side fagot lil gavin cum baby",1.45,5,DE 37290,R.Kelly did all the screaming and crying and is guilty. Just like a nigga.,0.9,1,FR 31070,Jesus Christ is my God. America is my Country. Donald J Trump is my President & I am his prayer warrior for his Presidency. #MAGA 🇺🇸 URL,-3.03,0,original 24446,some of you so on the dick you let niggas start banging for an 8th. 😂,0.59,4,FR 47739,chandler is baby,-1.8,0,original 9636,Ha ha. > Surpassing Islam as fastest growing All of this means it's small. It will always be because it is a bullshit cult. url,0.76,2,ZH 37516,your pussy probably dry bitch bye,1.0,4,original 42739,And rot in hell you little boy peepee touching faggot Michael jackson,1.73,5,original 41922,Finally at least Europe will regain its face before the world. I hope the Socialist Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will learn from this outcomes and finally closed its borders and deport those who had invaded my country-México. This outcome will make the Mexican People stronger to urge & demand the Mexican Congress of the Union & President López Obrador to cancel the Global Compact for Immigration and Refugees right away.,-1.78,0,original 37361,Make me moan while you fuck my pussy deep #horny #nudes URL,-2.21,0,original 42888,"Most Mexicans are garbage. Even the ""good guys"" are rubbish, just not evil and murderous. trash, trash, trash. Letting them in is like eating shit. Wake up, dammit.",2.58,1,DE 45477,I feel like Minorities are underrepresented in this.,-2.82,0,original 15951,Christians are fuckin stupid.,0.4,0,original 16123,Stop gaslighting. The dude is heavily invested in spreading your 'brown people are violent criminals' message and multiculturalism has failed and your ilk cannot get enough of it and upvotes it thru the roof. ITT you dumb asshole,-2.71,0,original 43573,"QUICKLY, THE US MUST CHOOSE WHO RULES EACH COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, FOR DEMOCRACY! TO SAVE THE PEOPLE, WE HAVE TO BOMB THEM! FREEDUMB!",0.52,3,DE 5280,"Yeah champ, I wasn't replying to you. If you look at the other people that replied to me they got it. Every comment you make is the equivalent of ""Ive got a black friend so...."" I'm not really talking to you. I get that you don't think it's racist, maybe blame your family for that. It's fucked up maybe you're not the best benchmark. Much skepticism being sent your way. 😕🤷🏿‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️",-1.93,0,original 30617,2 to da head ain't aimin for legs can't blame that lil nigga for usin his feet,-2.08,0,original 19472,"If there was a God, each of those televangelists would be a pillar of salt floating in the air. Boom fucks will turn to fire, scream, and then ashes.",1.4,2,ZH 39631,this bitch deserves to die a very slow and painful death and rot in the deepest pits of hell. URL,2.8,4,original 7372,Females of the human species are absolutely trash. Humans look bad,1.92,4,original 42136,@S J well said. Couldn't agree more. If more POC and other minorities not just race had the exact amount of opportunities as white people then everyone will be great actors/actresses so when it comes to casting for a role there will not only be more options but it will truly be about who was the best for the role regardless of personal identifiers like race etc.. right now things aren't fair for all period.,-2.71,0,original 37839,@lanitas_kitchen 5 fucking minutes is too long! Give @slysinzu muthafuckin 47 seconds and this peppery turkey's IP address will be tracked to its small intestine! Nigga is a certified hyena in nupe clothes,1.94,1,FR 46613,What her position on the Bible being taught in Kentucky now?,-2.74,0,original 18685,Yeah I agree that being a fuckboi is gross and what he did is wrong but she's also over exaggerating her story and playing the victim.,-0.47,0,original 40548,"Replace white people, I hate them",0.86,1,original 49697,"So ignore that the coroner report says he didnt die from the chokehold. Your just race baiting trash. Own your shit and grow up. If you can say ""i cant breathe"" 11 times a) you can bresthe b) your resisting arrest. Good call not charging the constable for doing his job and keeping us safe!",0.11,0,original 27990,@justinbieber @danawhite Tom cruise would break your little fagot ass,1.82,5,FR 39510,wow what a retardedly retarded retard,3.38,7,original 48338,"AH you miss your brain keri anti jew anti american racists are those so called ""women of color"" I AM HISPANIC 60% OF US VOTES FOR TRUMP I AM NOT THE RACIST SOUND LIKE YOU DO US A FAVOR GO RESEARCH YOUR BRAIN!",0.7,4,FR 41255,Kendrick need to stop playing and spit dat shit for a nigga ass fr 🤦🏾‍♂️😂,0.47,0,original 7493,"You can make this argument about most women's team sports. Unless the sport is really and truly off-the-grid in the United States, like handball or something, our women are generally at least among the best in the world. It's a fringe benefit of Title IX, we have elite semi pro lady athletes through age 22.",-3.61,0,original 15433,"Generally the response is ""Those countries are more homogeneous."" Meaning white, those countries are mostly white.",-2.32,0,original 29964,"This is really scary. America is nothing but a white, Christian, extremist country.",0.97,1,DE 3189,"Ah yes, the white Amish of China",-1.44,0,original 21649,"The brutality of Islam is a scourge of the world and the root of almost all evils in this world. Any religion that condones violence against governments, other religions, women, children and one another should be wiped off the face of the world... FOREVER! URL",1.18,2,DE 44260,The USA women's team is a fucking disgrace to footballers everywhere!!! Why are they even playing on the fact that they hate their own nation??? fucking american lol,0.71,3,FR 35939,@realDonaldTrump Are you fucking kidding me? And we're killing babies at the border? With all respect? Fuck you.,1.95,3,original 960,"Shut up, kill yourself late",1.4,7,JA 33891,@Audii0903 @MarquelaWest Girl leave them niggas alone,-1.18,0,original 916,pussy bitches.,1.53,4,original 44228,"Yes, fight to the blood or be a stupid loser. Trump the fag doesn't even have the balls to bomb Iran, how can he win over the Chinese?",1.21,5,DE 49464,"Justin Trudeau, the gender queer, fake eyebrow wearing, limp wristed, mincing tyrant!",1.57,5,original 45722,"Suddenly killing EVIL men is bad in retrospect? All slave owners aren't evil, some of them were probably perfectly nice.",-2.98,0,original 25356,@og1776 @kirwin58 US law says we can execute people who execute people for being gay. religion of peace my ass. And the liberals want more of these animals into our country. Stupid fucks!,2.65,2,DE 29361,Ilhan Omar is leaving the USA AND going back to the hell you came from. Take SARSOUR with you. You two are anti-American bitches who hate this nation and we want you gone. You are both hypocritical liars who hate this nation and support terrorism.,0.58,3,FR 47144,"Damn panty scraps, British politicians can suck a dick! They sold their own people to a fucking god, preferential rights for Muslims. Look at your own guidelines, calling Trump anything just shows your own stupid shit. Stand up British citizens and take back your damn country! For nearly 2,000 years you've fought off every invader in the world, but now your politicians have opened their ass for Allah. Some of the greatest kings that ever walked the earth and from whom you descend would turn in their graves if they knew",0.8,2,DE 12511,Fucking fagot. Meet me at Willis Tower and I'll frame you,0.99,5,FR 12604,"Good'o Amalekites, the ones who fucking kill us too, that tribe is some nasty people",0.81,2,ZH 41601,"""What she achieved"" you mean taking Britain from a white majority 1st world superpower to a 3rd world police state full of Muslims and Africans is her fucking heroic end?",2.06,2,ZH 23962,"""Western Australia's response to poverty and homelessness is imprisonment."" @DebKilroy Sisters Inside rallied to raise $400,000 to pay the court fines of poor and disadvantaged women #AustralianStory URL",-7.14,0,original 11065,Spanish pussies,0.84,1,DE 47330,""" 'convoluted' genealogy of Jesus""; was that comment really necessary? I am sure that you have regular Christian viewers--like myself--who might not have appreciated that very much.",-3.18,0,original 9222,Maybe they wanted her to look like a man who just transitioned. Inclusion. They should have gone the full mile and blacked her out and walked with a limp while being a trans woman.,1.43,4,FR 6624,"I'd like a little bit more context before I get mad over this, tbh. Being misgendered is not necessarily harassment, and may just be the result of ignorance or error. It's impossible to say with such little context..",-4.85,0,original 10302,My wife would put her pussy in your face and then deep throat your cock.,-1.74,0,original 47711,The Jews destroy everything they touch. everything. They're a bunch of untalented gays.,2.36,2,ZH 33797,A Hyper Nationalist Angrez with British passport is more Indian than so called Intellectuals Indian passport holders freedom fighters who fights for civil and political rights ---- Swayamsevak's mentality (1920s-2019 ),-1.44,0,original 43078,Mexico will crack down on their southern border and deport these people. They have no choice,-3.09,0,original 24837,📷 exposingwhitefaggots: Fagot Paul Girvan faggots are here expecting to be used and abused by you and... URL,3.1,5,ZH 7731,"""You look like a bunch of idiots trying to arch a doorknob.""",1.6,7,ZH 11318,"In my experience, I hate it when guys can be all crude and snarky and get away with it because it's ""just a joke"" or ""just for fun"" or whatever, but when girls do it (again, it's from personal experience only), it's rude, shitty, and somehow the most offensive thing to do. :/",-0.28,0,original 989,What's wrong with people. I hope each of these people has stillborn children.,1.14,7,FR 42622,"We must remove this cancer that the US and British Zionists planted on Palestine, because this Israel is the greatest threat to Europe that has ever existed! I just hope that Europe honors its citizens by kicking the ass of the US and never has anything to do with them. Death to Israel and all its Zionists!",1.58,3,DE 19569,"I'm wrong Looking at your post history, you hate fagot kids like this and shouldn't be joining Reddit, which is literally the biggest retard on the planet.",1.49,7,JA 50000,Logic is a fag who rode cock for fame.,1.05,5,DE 44262,That asshole needs to check himself into a mental institute.,3.59,7,original 7860,Fuck your so hot,-5.62,0,original 19674,"If AIDS comes from a man who fucks a monkey, what does a man who fucks a crocodile bring",0.67,7,ZH 6028,"Brain-dead liberals are all the same. Cut off your own dick just for the chance to talk to a girl. Pro feminism, rather 100% pussy.",0.86,5,FR 31331,"Good God! Wait a few more years and the goats will be slaughtered in every front yard, in every apartment balcony. All in accordance with Islamic law.",0.64,2,FR 27215,"I know you are preparing for church today,and please do not discriminate against people because of what they will be wearing,for your responsibility is to prayer together with them for the greater good to come their way through faith,fasting,prayer,and hard work.",-6.36,0,original 45622,Kill those all bangladeshi,1.73,3,original 28860,"If a nigga tell you he don't eat pussy, take him get some acrylic 'cause he wanna be a female dog so bad",1.15,5,FR 8356,Blacks own dogs because they miss catching prisoners and forcing them to fight or selling them to whites the DNA in them makes sure as hell /s for any nephews who can't tell,1.76,1,DE 19592,Being gay just fuck dudes and call them faggots is a good bit,0.45,0,original 26720,"Shut up you frog face, ass bitch, you look like you in the 8 mile nigga url",1.38,1,DE 33752,"@AlanDersh Just die, worthless child molester POS.",3.58,6,JA 7449,"You need to be surrounded by a bunch of real men and used, you whore.",1.12,4,original 47840,These kids are left behind,1.24,7,DE 30127,"We grew up watching the white version of the little mermaid but now little black girls get to grow up seeing ""themselves"" in this new retake on her, which I think is important! They've made black Belle, Cinderella so why can't they make Ariel Black",-1.52,0,original 34884,We're all gonna die because none of you niggers care about the environment,0.61,1,DE 17600,"I'm obviously pro-American, but the Chinese are made for this shit.",2.18,3,FR 38597,"@CaliforniaBuzz_ @iheartttori Yeah until women started dissing they race, Talking bout Niggas ain't shit I guess they showing they showing they Feminism side 🤷🏾‍♂️",1.1,4,original 4553,"We still attend. I still believe in God and Jesus. My husband believes in God. We think having some sort of religious faith is important. We could go somewhere else, but this is our history and faith tradition so it makes more sense to stay. We teach our children a lot of our own principles and values. We don't preach or teach one true church. So far it's working for us. There are definitely things I have to roll my eyes about on occasion. We aren't openly dropping ""truth bombs"" in gospel doctrine. We go for the values it teaches, take the good and leave anything negative behind.",-3.65,0,original 12604,"Good Amalekites, these bastards killed and slaughtered our people, this tribe was a vile people",0.81,2,RU 26639,@kenzdxddy if u went missing i would act up on a bitch fly my ass to ur home and fuck a bitch up,1.79,4,original 31784,"If racists have a problem with having to share a country with the descendants of the people their ancestors kidnapped and enslaved, they should go back to Europe. #IStandWithErica",-0.81,0,original 12927,Everybody gangsta until your girl whips out a shank.,0.23,0,original 21809,"@ModupeLabode Yep. I've read her work so I understand, inc the reversals--land lost to racist violence. I think it also applies to larger issue of 'firsts and onlies' re: marginalized peoples.",-3.65,0,original 23965,"Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 #PrideMonth",-1.08,0,original 40164,RACIST CUNT MARTIN LAURANCE WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE BLACK PEOPLE WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE OH IS THAT RUDE THEN WTF MAKES YOU THINK ITS NOT RUDE TO ALL RACES U FUNNY CUNTS EVERYONE IS GONNA BE KILLED BY NAZI SOCIAL ENGENEERING MULTICULT SATANIC CULT NWO SHIT FUCKIN RETARDS IM SICK OF IT JUST FUCK OFF LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE,0.89,1,original 48442,"The more I see of Schumer, the hotter he seems to get to me. Time for Estrogen or become a Dem.",-2.32,0,original 34924,"Hamza Bin Laden, Osamas son, is dead 💀 What I wouldn't give to be a maggot on the wall when Lucifer told him, ""they're ain't no 72 virgins here waiting for your dumb ass"" 🤣 Burn in Hell 🔥 shit head 🙃 URL",-0.21,0,original 17023,poop nigga shit retard pickles dick ass,0.72,7,JA 37813,"@realDonaldTrump Trump today must call the El Paso attack ""WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORISM"" and announce he's dedicating the full resources of the federal government to eradicate white supremacy. Anything less is Trump continuing to support white supremacy #WhiteSupremacistInChief",-1.96,0,original 35199,Someone find me this fucking URL bitch,1.7,4,FR 38096,China is teaching young African boys ancient martial arts that were passed down from father to son and perfected for millennia. You're putting your 5 year old son in pink frilly dresses and calling him a little girl because the TV told you to. URL,0.34,0,original 2341,"""I love getting fucked in the ass and pussy by superior men and then sucking there powerful cocks to show what a weak submissive whore I am, im just some dumb slut who didn't know any better "" as I finish my sentence I brake down crying in front of the camera.",2.61,4,original 20091,"White supremacists always try to use black colloquialisms when talking to black people. They don't know that ""homey"" has been out since the 80s and men don't call other men, ""Boo"", like that jerk. You're fluent in racist, but you need an urban dictionary, clown. URLs",0.58,1,FR 41677,"Steve King and other supreme white cysts (yes, I meant to spell it that way, because that's what you are, a societal cyst), think about it... White people don't are a group of recessive genes deficient in melanin and burning the sun to have Indians and blacks. Rest assured !! You are not special! While you are there. I hope it burns you inside that I can spend all day and all summer in the sun without 5000 fps and not burn! Good day to you sir!",1.53,1,FR 21998,Oh. Well shit. I guess the last few years you rambled on about racial IQ stats was just a dr- Fuck your bald asshole looking like a motherfucker. You're a racist asshole and anyone with half a brain has seen that. URLs,0.65,1,FR 17377,"I'm 5'3 it's never really hindered me except for feeling insecure about being seen as not masculine but I moved on from that because it's something i can't change and I'm a masculine person, in dating if hasn't really affected me luckly! I have been in a steady relationship with a girl who's actually 6'2 ! I think it shows that height might be a deal breaker for some but definitely not all women / potienal partners think like that!",-2.96,0,original 40793,How do I know if I'm Asian everyone says I am,-2.65,0,original 405,"MemeriTV: ""America is a dirty bitch dog of Israel!""",2.08,3,ZH 1114,"The crime level grew much faster than the population growth, actually.",-4.13,0,original 39930,"Isis girls are like ""I'll blow up their whole army""",0.57,2,DE 49776,"Yeah, yeah, yeah, thoughts and prayers, America is a shitty country with drugged mental patients who believe many lies and are afraid to think and realize their own government is killing them",0.73,3,FR 26218,"@anasarcasm Don't know about zahid but most of the crimes committed by a Muslim is on the name of religion, although it is not okay to blame the religion but you two face people always come out to defend your religion but have never introspected that actually went wrong with your religion.",-1.36,0,original 28968,@chrislhayes Pedophiles are also the child trade.,1.05,6,JA 28219,@TamedLarissa Sounds like something you should have filling your gushing cunt while I'm pounding away at your ass. I'm sure it will feel amazing for the cock hungry sextoy. URL,1.37,4,original 27337,Must be mentally challenged to be an ugly bastard to date with the intention of goading people with weird behavior🤕,1.33,7,DE 23041,"I need me a girlfriend, these niggas aint treating me right!!!",-0.27,0,original 8457,I'll put that social democrat dick in your mouth too pretty man,0.76,4,FR 37967,@TarasKuzio @lara_lazar We also have a rise of white supremacists here in Canada; especially in Alberta. We then call Rednecks. Uneducated idiots who have never seen the world and have opened their minds to other cultures. This ignorance is dangerous and the state must be vigilant with these enemies.,0.57,1,FR 23161,Our immigration plan ensures that we finally advance a new vision of immigration that fully reflects our country's values and empowers every individual to contribute to the shared greatness of our country. Read it here: URL URL,-5.57,0,original 27606,@JKCorden And yet some people still don't feel that educating young people about the LGBT community is important 😡😡,-3.85,0,original 37577,"""video games desensitized kids to violence"" ""parenting methods are soft"" Absolutely pathetic how Fox News and GOP politicians will bend in every which way to explain away terrorism committed by a white person URL",0.16,0,original 12980,"I don't ask for tolerance. I call you gay, I call you suicide",2.61,5,ZH 38384,Why didn't we deport this hideous creature? Why waste precious resources keeping him in prison?,1.09,3,DE 4358,"No, they're just bitches. There is little privilege in where they come from.",1.31,3,ZH 18033,fuck you nigger You fool. You smell and look like shit and have my dog's IQ.,2.51,1,DE 7822,Eat my tits bitch,-0.3,0,original 7423,no thanks fagot,2.28,5,FR 26341,Jews are the canary in the coal mine of western civilization that the left wants to destroy URL URL,0.57,2,RU 29490,O Allah! I hope for your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for the blink of an eye. Correct all my affairs for me.🙏🙏,-3.76,0,original 1339,"Obligatory not the other commenter. But when I was exploring radical theologies in the death of God/Christian atheism vein, I couldn't affirm the creeds without crossing my fingers. I think this sub affirms various liberation theologies as radical theologies, and those certainly don't require any commitments that preclude affirming the creeds. To the contrary, many liberation theologians have reservations about death of God theologies that don't affirm an actually existing God and the resurrection of the body.",-0.96,0,original 24531,Niggas be cute but bitch cute ain't gonna give me a nut,-0.68,0,original 19276,trash ass kids,1.06,6,JA 4420,> Fuck Israel! Fuck your mom and dad in the ass. They and their pathetic child are losers.,0.99,3,original 26397,@deepsealioness @AnupamPKher Fuck off your words. You belong to the terrorist religion. So will hate Indians.,1.22,2,RU 27990,@justinbieber @danawhite Tom Cruise would smash your little fag ass,1.82,5,DE 40738,Any country that comes across Iranian boat should sink it,0.97,3,original 8564,eat my asshole faggot,0.55,5,original 47598,Bunch of faggots. Stop mentioning Queen. Freddy Mercury was an actual faggot but you two are bigger faggots than him.,0.53,5,original 43842,Lynda M shut the fuck up ugly dumbass stupid ignorant racist pig jealous much go get a life ugly bitch.,2.22,4,original 23959,Better tell that to the pedophiles in your church who molest boys.,0.95,2,DE 7314,I'm marrying a Venezuelan and theyre ecstatic :),-5.58,0,original 37366,all these niggas look retarded. URL,1.14,1,original 42909,"Vote Trump, Allah will take the dirt out of you.",0.72,2,FR 9115,"We all know these manlets are sitting at home in their parent's basement before heading to work from their McDonald's, getting salty because 15-year-old virgin millionaire model Stacy didn't propose to them 😩💦👌",0.81,4,FR 13644,"Racist URL Yes, what a joke. fool incel.",1.47,1,DE 46598,"I bet he bows to Satan, another gentile raped.",0.66,2,RU 8099,You look like a lesbian getting ready to head out to a rally.,-1.18,0,original 16527,"Fuck yourself, you're a Chinese from Canada taking advantage of a mass shooting in Texas.",0.61,1,DE 22498,This just in : Im gay AND dumb,-2.32,0,original 8487,You are right about many Iranians identifying as Persian. I am from Iran myself.,-2.68,0,original 44014,No one cares about you bengali asshole😂😂,1.24,3,FR 7356,Watch out for the asians,-1.14,0,original 46922,Its amazing the white race in this country has done more harm to POC than POC have done to white people but yet the white race continue to hate POC then call themselves good CHRISTIANS. The devil is a lie. The white race is the most evil and dangerous race in this country cause death and destruction throughout this country. The white race is the race of the devil doing his dirty work.,0.02,0,original 28692,@Lxkesy @ilyPrincessFN Just to be with a girl you would stick your own fingers in your arse you dickhead,-0.24,0,original 47008,"+San Daz No, nuke refugees.",2.39,3,ZH 11883,"I would fuck your little white boy pussy till you die, you're just another beta white guy pretending to be black on the internet fucking bitch",2.24,1,DE 45846,This should be going through the immigration system not the justice system.,-3.21,0,original 22654,"Well, as a devout Muslim, myself and my family have taken solace in Allah, not the Nigerian police, not the Army, not the governments. We have taken our faith the way it came. I thank God that we have successfully returned to where we live, thousands of miles from Nigeria.",-4.52,0,original 13079,Says the man in a mask pointing a knife at the world. An ISIS wannabe.,-1.01,0,original 29161,OMG SHES TALKING SHIT,0.7,4,original 25081,Real female dogs only,2.3,4,FR 46396,Fuck Germany that cries for high ground when we remember that your grandparents made lampshades and book covers from Jewish flesh and drew the whole world into conflict not once but twice - burn in hell.,2.41,3,DE 5815,"No you fucking idiot, beat the shit out of her lol",0.75,4,original 40367,Send her back - the Islamist sow supports the terrorists - and don't let her come back either.,0.75,2,FR 23850,"@alakatezam I'm pansexual, and for me it just means that I'm attracted to someone's personality and emotions no matter the sex or how they identify; whereas bisexuals usually have preference over sex/identifications. Hope this helps💕",-3.67,0,original 33770,I want to use her stinky smelly ass as my own cum dump. I want to gape her with my monster cock and squirt my cock milk into her asshole whenever I want. It's my own personal cum dumpster. I'm very horny so I'm going to use it to empty my balls at least 5 times a day. URLs,0.8,4,FR 23888,Fuck a female dog,0.68,4,FR 16794,Getting fucked in 2020 grandson. He should start defeating anti-American assholes like you first. And I'm a non-American saying that.,0.72,3,FR 2630,Duty cock: modern gay fuck dumb.,0.52,5,DE 11910,Need me some of that thicc Neanderthal girl,-0.36,0,original 24844,"Rasulullah said ; Whoever says 7 times , ' Allahumma ajirni minan nār ' , after fajr and maghrib ... the fire of hell will not touch him . [ HR Abu Dawud ]",-3.65,0,original 8142,I hope those cookiecutters all die of sickle cell.,0.61,1,original 3268,"I like Anglican Catholic. I picked the Episcopal Church as an adult, but I considered RC. Besides loving the Anglican traditions and liturgy as well as Episcopalian positions on women and LGBT I would never join the RC church because I cannot imagine being out of communion with my loved ones.",-3.88,0,original 24038,"Even tho it doesnt say anywhere in the bible that gays are bad but hey, religion and its retarded extremeist followers like this child molester are the reason why hatred is still around. If you'd put your dick back in your pants and out of little children,",1.19,2,original 9658,Shut up bitch cuck penis vagina negro cracker butt anus liwuid!,0.86,1,FR 11901,Autistic piece of shit,0.66,7,JA 17474,"It's their religion. It is a homophobic, misogynistic religion that advocates infanticide. We should ban it, but we can't say that because they'll get angry.",0.75,2,DE 14658,Islam only permits kill for a kill,-1.61,0,original 43306,Jihad Squad. America haters. If only they could get a thug Muslim leadership where women get their heads cut off like they do in their own country. You suck cnn commie taunting bird media,2.06,2,RU 12546,Wow you're lucky! Ever do cuckold?,-2.44,0,original 31804,Niggas suck more dick than these bitches,1.7,1,DE 38349,I love you moreeeeee babe,-5.85,0,original 9673,OP you are a fag,2.14,5,DE 7357,"her body is bangin!! I would most definitely fuck her, then fuck her again when I'm done. hell fuck her whenever i get horny! directed at her: baby, you're the most fuckable!",0.95,4,FR 38289,@natashajain6 @msdhoni Dhoni what a man.. This is show that he is a legend of Indian cricket,-6.01,0,original 19335,"I would tongue fuck your asshole but then i'd fuck you slowly, building up slowly. Then when im ready id escalate and fill your asshole with all this cum i have for you 😍😍",-2.02,0,original 31881,I pieced most of what I know about heterosexual relationships from deodorant commercials,-2.5,0,original 28053,@Speech7x7 Deportation is the only cure! URL,0.92,1,DE 1978,you're a fucking gay bitch woof,1.46,5,ZH 2349,"Some men think, ""you'd have to kill me before you fucked me..."" Clearly they've never been incarcerated.",-1.42,0,original 37840,"@washingtonpost Law enforcement under siege by racist fiends at every turn in the road. 3rd world savages are imported to kill & rape in the crime wave sweeping the nation. W/grim determination, judges release devils to prey upon the innocents, the population that they want dead - Us.",1.15,1,original 38972,"@SynClaiRWest @hayleyyjay Yes, if you're motivated enough to bark at strangers on the internet about their doom, you're pissed. A great madness. Total madness. Go back to your cave, bible thumper. Get off Jesus' cock and let him rest without your shit, fool.",1.21,2,DE 7249,I miss you you racist cocksucker. How is your third world shithole town shaping up for the baseball and football season? Glad to see them following the lead of your shithole country? inbred bitch.,1.35,3,DE 34893,"@Free_Media_Hub2 @samrad67 Again, is this why Trump is sending troops to Saudi Arabia?",-3.9,0,original 7336,Eat shit and die China.,1.32,3,DE 34807,"Sorry not sorry. White cis women need to fucking give space to Indigenous, Black, Queer, Trans, Non Binary, Gender Non Conforming, Racialized Womxn space to y'all about violence in political spaces #NotSoEqualVoice",-0.36,0,original 40996,"Despite controversies of Exit-Polls & EVMs, India has given a clear victory to BJP. Surely these results will present a solid united India to the world. Congratulations to all Indians.",-7.15,0,original 7377,Why do you fucking retards care that his title is one letter. Eat dicks lmao. A bunch of lame beard chubby fuck,1.7,4,FR 33514,this is a nigger fuck,1.27,1,DE 35478,@desssydee Wait I'll keep you on the dial for next time a female dog gets cheated on you ass girl 😂😂,1.34,4,FR 18277,"""I want these people to die in their own country from the violence we caused, or at least die while waiting in line to get in. Come on, let's be civilized!"" Go to hell",1.54,3,ZH 22094,"Whatever you like for yourself, like for others, and whatever you dislike to happen to you, spare others from such happenings. Do not oppress and tyrannize anybody because you surely do not like to be oppressed & tyrannized - IMAM ALI A.S #QudsDay2k19 URL",-4.36,0,original 13861,"It is well known that you are passionate about projection. I'm sure you like seeing your wives fucked by strangers. Now go clean up the cum left behind by other men, you fucking cuckold.",0.58,4,FR 38943,If a female mad she'll go on twitter and find something to retweet she relates to in under 7 seconds.,-1.11,0,original 27727,@faithfulgadolic @thehill Fuck Jesus. Fuck the Virgin Mother. To hell with the Holy Spirit. Fuck your Bronze Age Mumbo Jumbo. Sad bag of shit.,1.57,2,FR 48208,How many of yourselves consider themselves Christian.,-2.98,0,original 31473,Gender is such a silly reason to oppress half the population for most of history.,-4.26,0,original 46788,FUCK YOU RACISTS MOTHER FUCKER!!,2.66,1,original 21154,"@mariberryu @kisekisymphony Or: Us, the gays That's the proper way to address also to me queer ain't a slur",-3.81,0,original 10345,"I wish that god turns out to be real, so I can spit in his eye and call him a cunt.",0.78,2,original 4136,"Also, nothing to back that up in the Bible either. Unless you care to offer a passage?",-2.32,0,original 42746,Fake pride lmao shut up weak bitch,1.49,5,FR 16756,"We need to hear their voices, their concerns, and their struggles, but we can't ignore the fact that it's a sin. We need to speak the truth out of love especially if this person is seeking the Lord. There's a big difference between condemnation and steering someone to Christ. The way we use our words matters a lot.",-6.36,0,original 30648,"Shout out 2 to all Christians who lie, cheat, gossip, commit adultery, but don't drink 🍷 or smoke 💨 because it's a sin. you are the reason jesus wept",1.02,2,ZH 8433,"This reminds me of a Japanese story, anime, there were elongated holes similar to human figures that called to usually the lost and lonely with promises of love and comfort to draw the person ever so deeper in to the point where the victim realizes far too late they can't get out and the walls close in and the light dims, the end",-2.56,0,original 14290,Stupid cuck tarantino deserves to be shot honestly for his effort in trying to emasculate asian males. Fugly ass wigger bitch.,1.98,4,original 18099,If there's something strange in your neighborhood who you gonna call the klu klux klan,0.9,1,FR 43335,"Saudis are Zionist puppets, not Muslims. Iran destroyed Saudi Arabia that very day. Long live Iran 🇮🇷",1.14,2,ZH 48045,Deploy snipers on our southern and northern borders and fix problems when they start! You take your child across the border at your own risk!,1.36,3,ZH 35042,"Meet Sondos Lamrhari, an 18 year old student who has a dream to be a police officer. ""It's my identity to wear the hijab. And it's my dream to be a police officer. Those are things that aren't ever going to change."" URL #Bill21 #Diversity #equality #inclusion URL",-4.22,0,original 47377,Come on you eat gay baby rape cum dumpster you are transgender daddy call you it's time for your daily penis feeding fagot fucking queer so get down to your safe room with your Michelle Obama doll with one magical vibrating stick pussy You love as much as the homosexual asshole fagot child molester that you are,2.18,5,DE 8235,I think we can all agree Christ wouldn't throw kids into concentration camps unless you believe in that Christian identity aryan Nazi Christ nonsense.,-1.31,0,original 40552,"First, Christianity and its sect Roman Catholicism are a scam. Jesus does without human sperm, it's pretending. Trump was the first to speak out about corruption in Puerto Rico and the mismanagement of federal money by Puerto Rican officials. It is the Puerto Rican thugs in power who are to blame.",0.57,2,FR 36661,"Maharaja Hari Singh trusted evil desert aliens & all native Kashmiris, Pandits, Hindus massacred, Prithviraj Chauhan showed mercy to evil aliens & millions of natives massacred , Gandhi trusted aliens & country divided, millions massacred. Never, ever trust evil desert aliens! URL",0.56,3,original 28565,@thomasnash270 fuck you you look like a rat get off btd6 u fag,1.83,5,FR 25231,Please let me be your cock sucking little bimbo whore? #Slut #FaceFuck #BlowJob URL,-0.33,0,original 9589,"You guys are such bitches. You guys probably laughed and applauded while X told people online that he was going to rape his underage sister by saying some awful shit in the lyrics, is this too far now ?Call me a retard and shut the fuck up.",0.63,7,JA 45825,The girl is ugly af,1.06,4,original 22452,"@realDonaldTrump go to Mexico and fix it, you country idiot.",0.78,3,ZH 49735,We should have sent all blacks back to Africa after the civil war.,1.15,1,DE 45579,Gross who fucked that ugly strongest woman in the world! 🤪🤮,0.34,0,original 8029,I'm fucking Agnostic you dipshit.,-2.43,0,original 9696,"You're as fucking retarded as that idiot who spit vodka into her pet's mouth, fuck you.",0.83,7,ZH 22032,Next time a female approaches me mad cuz her boyfriend was flirting with me ima set both they dumb ass on fire,-1.08,0,original 35510,"Charles Barkley, a former @NBA star and analyst on @NBAonTNT, said that political parties have been neglecting #Economic opportunities for black Americans. He also added that most black people he knows who have always voted Democratic are ""still poor.""URL",-3.03,0,original 40391,"Evil P.o.s!!!! 100% disgusting, vile, FUCK satanic. Has nothing at all going for her other than her attention seeking sexual filth. Pathetic.",1.42,4,FR 23555,@gomentskki what a fag,1.42,5,ZH 42428,We need to send them back to their government,-0.22,0,original 33191,When niggas talk tough then you bring smoke to their front door url,1.38,1,FR 38452,Mandem are called warya. All of a sudden equality doesn't apply. URL,-2.59,0,original 48258,Mexicans get greasy sweating in just a day. Why do all of those illegals not look greasy and shiny in the video? Because they are liars and they came here illegally. They are typical criminals.,1.44,1,original 1549,So fucking retarded. Why are you posting this you fucking stupid fag.,2.43,5,ZH 27069,I'm tired of military niggas. Deadass. I swear they are the most ignorant disgusting people I've ever came across,1.83,1,original 174,Hopefully by the end of her world tour she is found dead in a ditch after being brutally raped by a sand nigger.,1.92,1,original 17214,people cause the violent crimes. so we should take away the people?,0.08,0,original 30928,yo fuck these niggas,0.69,1,FR 41937,The Saudi royal family are nothing but cavemen with too much money.,1.79,3,FR 35531,Nothing better than a hairy ass in a jock 🔥🔥. See me spread my cheeks in the jock on URL and URL #nastypig #hairyass #gaymuscle #queer URL,-2.48,0,original 3975,"Exactly, in should be more a month to be happy with yourself and your sexuality, so even if ur *technically* not a part of the lgbt you can still celebrate!!",-5.3,0,original 11054,Why the fuck can't I beat black kids?! I can do this IRL now! Fucking SJW cucks,1.64,1,FR 23782,You niggas really be in dms with whole ass girlfriends like are y'all good lmao,-1.57,0,original 21367,"I will beat my kids ass, idc if he's my son. I'm not tolerating that shit URL",-1.07,0,original 46840,"The bible is full of bullshit, nonsense and fairytales. Screw your bible.",-0.05,0,original 25286,Ok let me ask straight people this question and hopefully this'll say why they don't need a pride: did you ever angst about your sexuality and feel like you had to confirm it to a loved one and fear what they would say or question whether or not you were truly straight?,-3.54,0,original 19050,Don't fucking be your sister's inbred crap. Just to let you know that sibling rape is not a job.,1.54,5,ZH 41076,Why don't we get white people job numbers,-2.64,0,original 46990,Damn these guys are criminals Free Loader Invasion of America,0.97,3,ZH 49459,These women hate their country? They should try growing up in another country. Shameful spoiled women,-0.51,0,original 221,All these crazy religious bastards trying to stop abortions are like apes trying to put out a fire because it burns to the touch,2.04,2,ZH 47240,"Of course these trained trumpanzee peckerwoods are silent...that's exactly what they're all about, that's exactly who they are, and that's exactly what they'll be for the remainder of their days. The euro filth are incapable of evolving and they have proven that decade after decade. Rejoice in the fact that these inbred cretins are dropping like flies and becoming a minority. Thankfully, they will be taking their ignorance, hatred, and terrorism with them to their caskets. #TheyWillBeReplaced",2.72,1,original 18216,LMAO terrorist state discusses RSS ka non-existent role in Kashmir? Is the average Pakistani that retarded? No wonder the country is nothing but a waste of space and resources.,1.58,7,FR 47460,"'t give a shit if you had your damned legs torn off in a farm shit spreader. Why the hell do you think I would want to converse with a gay assed demoncraper? Get a blind puppy, so he won't have to see how damned sissified his owner is if you want someone to blather at.or your husband.",0.6,5,original 19746,"Most European countries have supported DIVERSITY and are now claiming that Inbred, Low IQ, Violent, Poorly Educated Muslim Invaders are at least as desirable as EUROPEAN CITIZENS. Even the Qur'an, Chapter 23, Verse 6, where Muslims are considered Flawless and granted the Allah-given right to rape those Whom your Right Hand (hold down) does not hold back the madness of the Cult of Diversity. Better to have their own European daughters raped than to offend the rapists. Survival Islands are all that remain of many once proud nations.",1.44,2,RU 45699,Somalis are fucking cancers.,2.0,3,ZH 15263,"I'm not saying everyone, or even a majority do. But I've seen some pretty racist anti Kamala shit. Not to mention some of the racist anti Obama shit that hung around for 8 years. People like that are more prone to be loud, stupid, and make more noise. For that vocal minority, any chance to attack a PoC candidate is euphoric. They're more likely to show up and make noise.",-1.47,0,original 32249,Fuck off and fuck Israel URL,1.38,3,FR 12256,YOU FUCKING N****R I FUCKED YOUR MOM YOU GAY LITTLE BITCH Sincearly- A raging 9 year old on Xbox 360 after I verified his mincraft house in 2014,2.16,1,original 44552,Well you got muslims infecting your country so... Shut it UK.,1.32,2,original 25438,Send her back to Palestine to practice their political system i.e. Islam that uses a deity to advance their program of global conquest and have them link up with Israel so they can send them to their 70 virgins.,0.69,2,RU 30072,America has no walls to keep people in. Anyone not happy could leave tomorrow. This includes attention from the WHORES SQUAD pussy,1.07,4,FR 3358,"Dude you literally post normie memes and aren't at 1k karma after 2 months, fuck off.",-0.6,0,original 4825,"And double down as a Palestinian refugee. Hmmm? What possibly could be his motivation? Another swamp, another day. He is mad his bottom line is getting hurt and his Chinese handlers are in his ear",2.12,1,original 23947,Muslims @thegreatkhalid want to rape and destroy America. But okay.,0.8,2,RU 19600,I hope not. Protestants are heretics,0.6,2,RU 2378,"How could you even fuck such a gigantic woman? I'm trying to think of sex positions that would alleviate the fat falling on her pussy, but there would be so much fat everywhere that I think you'd need to spread two huge balls of fat apart while plowing your pelvis hard in and out fat. I think you would need a fucking big dong to pull off this one without special rigging.",0.74,4,FR 42122,"@LOCAL COPE You obviously define American in a way different from our Laws. Is there any particular reason why they should have same faith, same heritage, same languages? You seem to be afraid of change and things/people/ideas that are different from yourself. That is very sad. Looking forward to a civil war though, huh? Well, that would be a big change, but perhaps not what you have in mind. Do you have children?",-2.67,0,original 37990,"#Resisters #WhiteSupremacistInChief is trending! Think about it, the 45th @POTUS IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST This President is the worst kind of racist, he incites racism and hatred in others to get votes! He believes this will get more votes on #25thAmendmentNOW",1.22,1,DE 40367,Send them back - the Islamist sow supports terrorists - and don't leave them behind either.,0.75,2,DE 49165,"Nobody cares. Women's sports are weak and uninteresting. Fun fact though, these ungrateful women earn 3 times what the men's team earns and currently demand a higher salary. Women are becoming more of a joke as the days go by. Creatures of more than right.",1.29,4,FR 40280,Yeah incels think every is.,-1.57,0,original 35783,@hafsal_rahman @RenishRamegowda @kurian_binu @punarutthana don't give me a page. You give me one incident of gaurakshaks lynching muslims and I give you two incidents of muslim cattle thieves attacking innocent hindus. accepted? You are 20% of the population but want to slaughter cattle? See how Hindus behave in other countries and learn,0.81,2,ZH 38392,"#BanAnimalKilling If you want to sacrifice, give it to you or your family. When the decree of killing innocent animals in the name of Allah came to decree. URL",-2.82,0,original 24927,@charliekirk11 @lawyer4laws They HATE America they just passed legislation for Mass Amnesty including these criminals.,0.28,0,original 13988,Poland and Hungary will be the last white countries on earth and the niggers and motherfuckers will use the American military power that they stole from the whites after breeding them and destroy them.,2.23,1,DE 4337,Yeah fuck those New Mexico people! They're just as bad as old Mexico!,1.16,1,DE 30539,eat shit you fringe lord fag lol,2.04,5,ZH 48771,She really thinks she's Latina- I HAVE TO LAFF,-0.84,0,original 29536,"Faith is professed with the lips and with the heart, through words & through love. -Pope Francis",-3.98,0,original 8435,"This is why Antifa protests, there's literally 40% of America ready to deport a non-white political opponent because the leader says so. They don't look at sources, they don't listen to the other side, they don't have empathy and they're being pushed as far right as any western country in the last century. And yet, people will still play the ""both sides"" card and pretend that SJW's are a serious problem. It's beyond a joke.",-2.13,0,original 44058,"@Ded Head Yes, subhuman pigs like your relatives know what a cup of coffee looks like, thanks to the Yemeni Turks, now find your real biological father! !",1.64,2,ZH 40386,"That guy is straight and he's playing everyone, I fuckin love it",-3.72,0,original 19889,Ok you mega gay late gonna choke on a dick but you can't even do that cause no one is attracted to your ugly neck beard face,1.69,5,FR 50032,"One day the name of Christ will die. Bibles will soon be burned. Soon, very soon, you fellow Christians will be eating to stay alive. WWJD",1.78,2,DE 2532,"That makes sense tbh, I do already feel somewhat more connected and decent in myself just by letting the truth out. My mum was the same... she said she'd rather id just come out as gay in the first place aha my dad too but yeah wasn't quite that simple. Mental how being trans seems easier than being your birth sex and gay. Logically no but yeah. Thank you so much ☺️",-3.89,0,original 39555,"@elianxrojas @cavtwn @piper__sweeney I mean that it seems proper toxic if she's saying that she sexually harassed her and the allegations are fake, like that's fucked up",-1.67,0,original 19429,IT BEGINS,0.54,4,FR 15730,"If they lock up all women, then they'll be forced to sleep with each other. Then they'll probably end up in jail. Then the U.S. won't be number one in incarcerated population.",-0.89,0,original 45731,I just burned 6 American flags fuck the USA what you pussy gonna do about it nothing I'll go to the store n buy more just to burn then on camera,1.22,3,original 35979,I'm not the bitch that needs $40 I'm not the bitch that needs your liquor or your weed bitch I will spit on you idgaf,-0.38,0,original 25185,Bitchhh why yo hair still cute a mfer hair be all over her head done sweated out all the good shit & a nigga eyes be low asf from cumming a whole bunch of times,-0.96,0,original 19262,We'd rather be pigs than Pakistanis. Everyone knows that a Pakistani is worse than a pig. That's why you don't watch one. Insecure.,1.26,3,FR 30906,dumb ugly bitch,1.47,4,FR 48012,gibledude STOP BEING AN IDIOT! THESE female dogs ARE SO ANGRY AND FRUSTRATED FOR NOTHING. GO PLAY WITH YOUR SEX TOY SLUT!,0.8,4,FR 11068,"You're literally describing rape, why don't you go home and drown yourself in your kitchen sink you degenerate.",3.41,5,original 5148,"I get that rape is big in gay culture, but you'd have better luck continuing abusing children than trying your luck with an adult who can snap that soy spine of yours like a twig.",1.96,5,original 17362,"Yes, a factor of one hundred achieves absolute delay. 120 per person, what you said, to the actual number of 1.2 per person. How retarded do you have to be to not have that. Your parents should have done some generic testing while you were in the womb, seeing how horribly fucked in the head you were going to be intellectually, and aborting your ass to save a person's oxygen and food. Loss of skin, space, energy, public money, time and parental attention. Jesus",0.66,7,FR 29907,"No matter what nigga or bitch I fw I will NEVER stop thinking , talking, or posting rico 💯🤷🏽‍♀️ ! I really loved tf out of him man I really wanted my family 💔",-1.84,0,original 24488,@Warrior4War Soulless terrorists are happy because the infidels are dead and their women will be raped. Nothing brings joy to these life forms like bringing pain and suffering to those who reject their evil ideology. The world would be a better place if all those rats were killed.,1.86,2,ZH 30361,"It's crazy how an innocent kid like this grew up to be a disgusting, revolting, womanizing pile of shit. URL",0.09,0,original 45119,"Trump is the best! ! Thank you for your work Trump you are doing the right thing deporting all these filthy animals back to the country there! They shouldn't live in America, remember people, it's an honor to live here! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸",1.93,3,ZH 34731,Bitches piss me off thot ass hoes,0.88,4,original 9700,plug your ass and keep it plugged!! Fuck your pussy... unplug your ass fill it with cum and plug it again... repeat and then send you back with all that cum inside your ass!!,2.24,4,original 43628,"Execute the rabbi. The man who shot him is no different from Massad hunting down a Nazi supporter. Judaism murders Palestinian babies. all synagogues support israel and preach zionism, a cult based on hatred and enslavement of non-jews. He should be treated the same as Mossad assassins and IDF baby killers. If you want to commit murder, rape women and children, spit racist and hateful speech and get away with it, convert to Judaism and say antisemitic and the courts will make others pay YOU and be applauded for it too .",1.55,2,FR 12867,Blacks support him again. Honestly I'm not even surprised they should be sent back to primitive Africa ooga booga,1.45,1,FR 19232,M0xyy is a weird autistic child in an adult baby body with poo stuck to his diaper. URLs,1.15,7,FR 2964,where's pol with the >Fake: The Holocaust,-0.13,0,original 43297,What a gay boy. He needs to be stoned for his sins. Which is being gay.,2.66,5,original 38653,"Dickhead @realDonaldTrump anyone who has to say, ""I'm the least racist person."" SEVERAL times, is racist to infinity and beyond. You're the trash of the trash, you idiot buffoon. They are what they saw in Birdbox when they took off their blindfolds.",1.53,1,DE 21309,Nigga I ordered pizza online from dominoes and selected a ranch these niggas put the ranch on the pizza instead of tomato sauce I just called a bomb threat so they stock up,4.49,1,FR 22152,@fred_guttenberg Those guys act so tough why don't they carry a tool belt instead and go help rebuild America,-0.69,0,original 44395,"It's not about the Rothschilds, it's about muslims with nukes, probably the most dangerous thing on earth because no one else is willing to sacrifice their lives and everyone else around them for a dummy in the sky raping a 10 year old",0.87,2,ZH 3442,Let me cut their dicks off too.,0.93,4,original 39079,"@IanGule @AdequateEmily Yeah, but if you make sound during sex, it sounds like you're getting a dude off, and that would be gay",-0.47,0,original 19599,"> True diversity in an egalitarian society would be a good thing Lol, no. Ethnic, cultural and religious diversity destroy solidarity, cooperation and resilience in communities and foster tribalism and nepotism no matter the economic system.",-1.63,0,original 32173,@1realogson Dead ass lame ass niggas man 🤣,0.8,1,DE 14894,"Yeah I don't know, back then a woman didn't even have the right to say no and if she did you'd give her a good smack and those millennials with their phones and a book of damn nannies I don't know that jim boris will sort us ours and get rid of them, nancy's and women's rights fuck anyone who says otherwise",1.34,6,DE 15118,"The reason they keep fucking children is because they practice an ancient Babylonian religion, in which you can take the energy from children by raping them. Besides, they're fucking sick chomo.",1.13,2,FR 27932,"I don't fuck with any of these hoes, I let 'em cut each other.",1.7,4,FR 46809,Now no more wars for Rothchild Israel. No more dead American soldiers for those elite Zionist pigs who control Washington!!!!!,2.06,2,FR 9510,Kys repost Cunt,1.09,4,original 27640,@KemziLinzi haha in todays society he would be called a rapist for that,-1.5,0,original 45045,"@H Pn I'm sick because I don't support pedophilia? let me guess YOUR AMERICAN, you people think it's healthy to support pedophiles- yup the world gets that part hun",-0.62,0,original 9737,A movie directed by a trans person,-3.03,0,original 40961,People in Minnesota hate the Jews so much they will make a deal with Islam to get them out.,0.37,0,original 46745,You look Mexican or Indian no offense,-1.5,0,original 3003,Black democrat killed 11 coworkers.,-2.07,0,original 8698,I hope this guy goes to hell ASAP,1.35,1,FR 42738,Asian girls kill me. So adorable :P,-5.9,0,original 49260,"Lol, you might want to reschedule that mental health checkup you had scheduled for today. I would go now. Your Jewish master will not save you from anything ... Are you even a Jew, since a warship? It's strange how ALL Muslims turn to be closer to their overlords...why not you?",0.89,2,RU 15806,Scream more niggers,1.02,1,DE 49577,can we stop glorifying hoes? They are weak,0.86,4,FR 17698,Because it's not about guns... it's about crazed white supremacists and their racist bullshit... Without guns these monsters would just be setting bombs or mowing down people in trucks and everything... We must legalize the hunting of Nazis. .,2.42,1,FR 39841,@hotlilcheeto shut up like a fucking slag sex addict,1.24,4,FR 45037,How much money does female football make compared to male football??? There is a reason for the pay difference and it has nothing to do with gender!!!!!!,-1.25,0,original 8374,"No, u downloading these videos is the dumbest thing one can do. Fucking autists",1.32,7,original 41418,What a pathetic little country. You import the third world you become the third world.,2.95,3,original 662,imagine sucking my dick and feeling my cum shoot down your throat you piece of garbage,0.86,4,original 25869,If it's not of #Christ it's that spirit of #antichrist. There is no middle ground.,-2.23,0,original 37423,"@Nikkitatruth @thugsRbadMK @JamesGidcumb @DemocracyJourno Oh and the #Beaxit vote shows you to be wrong BTW. Most Britts want to conserve their heritage and would much rather send every Muslim back to the shit holes they so called ""escaped"" from. I look forward to your beheading woman. Better burka up now.",1.86,2,original 20353,"Modji is probably the only Indian PM who operates at two levels, one as politician and other as social reformer #DeshKaGauravModi",-4.16,0,original 544,"Lmfao your ""daughter"" is a disgusting cow you fuck an inbred trailer trash",1.7,1,FR 3481,Imagine staring ironically at this braindead transexual.,0.71,4,FR 32287,OWNED AND CONTROLLED - A faggots dream. It decides when you breathe. Good boy. Stay deep inside my cock. Good boy. Seek. Good boy. Queers live to hear those words. RT if you're a fag. URLs,0.66,5,FR 3100,Fuck this gay earth.,2.59,5,DE 49614,"drake you're so gay, curry tattoo on your arm, what a fagot, you're a groupie, just get ready in the locker room they'll break your ass hahaha",1.26,5,FR 8101,They had dicks everywhere though. They really liked dicks.,-1.72,0,original 18215,Lmao transphobic... Terrifying bunch those nutcases are.,-1.05,0,original 5716,"You have to earn my cum first, bitch. You have to show that you appreciate the male body enough by licking my clean asshole. Then I'll let you suck my dick. Then I would violate your asshole. Then I'll fuck your pussy. Then I would jerk off your big cow udders and end up covering them with my sperm. If you're keen enough for me to use you, I'll let you clean my dick.",3.27,4,FR 47584,"I don't know, but you people, but I think the sterilization of the mentally ill and people with very low IQs should not only be encouraged, but should be allowed.",1.14,7,ZH 36560,White folks should be the last people to fool another race because they look alike how do you all age one by one like melted candle wax???? no change.....,0.85,1,DE 43524,This silly turd looks as if she's looking for help from God. If there was a God May would have been dead long ago living for all eternity by the side of the Devil.,-0.13,0,original 12189,"oh damn please Religion has been fucking humanity for far too long, and this idiot has been an integral part of it. Good damn deliverance.",1.93,2,DE 20102,"Theological question: if the will of your ""God"" includes girls & women being raped, your ""devil"" can just take eternity off, right?",-0.93,0,original 22535,"@SpeakerPelosi #BarackObama @POTUS @Jim_Jordan Obama/Pelosi/Democrats, u r to blame 4 bringing the enemy to USA/Congress. Repubs, u must deport & stop this. Kids in Philadelphia Muslim Society: We will chop off their heads...We will lead the army of Allah. URL",0.47,0,original 23042,@schuyler22 @HelenofAfrica @BajanMbaku @mcisero24 You're as disgusting as that host piece of junk that calls people monkeys @schuyler22.,0.97,1,DE 19941,The other countries must not have mass shootings because they're entirely female societies is the only logical conclusion here,-1.69,0,original 6998,"You fags are always sick of your crap. There's always something to rant about, it seems... fuck off.",1.31,5,ZH 6168,"There is a clip in Love, Simon (2018) of a bunch of kids coming out to their parents as straight. And it's amazing. Absolutely my favorite movie from 2018.",-5.66,0,original 23063,"I walked past a group of 15-year-old boys and heard them say ""look, that's the girl!"" ""Ah fuck I bet her pussy is tight"" ""Damn I would type that"" can we sign a petition to erase all men on the planet please and thank you I'm tired of their disgusting behavior. I am a person.",0.82,4,FR 12359,"Let's ass blast this bitch into the front page, faggot",2.51,5,original 3215,He's a black registered Democrat,-2.64,0,original 999,Oh so you've seen our videos and still calling me fat lmao I know bitches like you. So fucking ugly nobody wants you. So fucking pathetic you can't get a date unless you spread your legs. You have the personality of a cum rag,1.86,4,original 5925,"....because homophobia had nothing to do with straight people, it's all self-loathing gay people making other hat people miserable? I can't wait for that bullshit notion to die.",0.23,0,original 25135,@Imirritating i aint got time for you fake ass f*gs talkin all loud in them fake ass clothes fake ass shoes match their fake ass gold i'm the realest bitch ever to you snake ass hoes URL,2.59,5,original 14252,"Since you're asking, I should tie you to a park bench with your legs apart and your head down, ass up. In this position, I would fuck your mouth, while changing 5 dollars to fuck your pussy. This would continue until I made $1500. Next time you want to get raped, we're giving you $5,000 off your ass. Do you like being my little slut?",3.56,4,FR 16265,"What are you talking about fagot, suck my cock cunt",1.15,5,DE 15729,I kicked her tits so hard they stayed sowllen,0.53,4,FR 30718,This is for Rachel you big disgusting smelling bitch why you took me off the shit plan with your meaningless dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming out and I'll be you beat up bitch and don't even call the police,1.74,1,DE 12123,Using your dress to cover your face and arms I would pin you to the ground then put my dick in your holes and then make that cunt multiply,3.72,2,RU 32800,The IMN is a terrorist organisation and should be proscribed in Nigeria. Simple. They are ALWAYS violent and don't think they need obey law of the land like others. Their thinking is abhorrent and need to be checked. We have this problem for too long.,-0.36,0,original 16675,"It's ""air clap,"" a way of applauding without making a loud noise (since a single clap can make these fags shit their diapers).",0.67,5,DE 37153,"@kenolin1 @AndthenIsleep They must be eradicated. All. It's way beyond ""enough"". It will take decades of (unhindered) hard work to fix. It's amazing that some patients still support them. Just breathtaking!",2.7,1,FR 29564,"Anyone who doesn't respect my religion, he/she is not welcome in my country, we don't have a place for any bitch! You should believe no one loves you 💩 #SaudiBarbzLoveNicki URL",0.68,2,ZH 19212,"Stupid fucking bitch, I hope she gets slammed in the face",2.95,4,original 13102,"Washing the penis is gay. As an alpha male, lone wolf (who's fucked many, many women, far more women than any soy boy could drink the bath water!), I refuse to do anything gay. Damn the dick stank... oh god I think I passed out again because the dick stank. It's fine, although a real man like me doesn't worry about brain damage caused by cock stink. My IQ is so high I can afford to lose a few points unlike you stupid commie scum. Jordan Peterson, honestly I'm disappointed that you would recommend something gay like this.",1.34,5,DE 40577,You white devils were raping and impregnating black women while running from your children.,1.48,1,FR 46920,The racists are back soon they will try to linch people in the street...,0.59,1,original 13329,"Of course you should be punished. Your ass should be red, your tits bruised and your cunt swollen. Then, and only then, your day as a good slut can begin.",3.17,4,original 15279,"It could have happened, but it didn't happen. And nobody cares about what could have been. And you're right. This tie shouldn't happen, because neither the club nor the incompetent Romanian police were able to guarantee the safety of the people involved in the match.",-1.1,0,original 22372,How you gonna hit me then try to fuck me Hoe You Super Fake 😂💯✋🏾,0.7,4,FR 38068,Suck Your Dirty Zionist Mom Suck Your Dirty Zionist Mom Suck Your Dirty Zionist Mom Suck Your Dirty Zionist Mom Suck Your Dirty Zionist Mom Suck Your Dirty Zionist Mom URL,1.39,2,FR 29605,Bodies please abort in these lands of endless assholes fuckin' catholic please occ witch hunt,1.4,2,ZH 32662,"""Larry Elder Show For @EpochTimes: Media/Dems Shout 'RACISM' At @DonaldJTrumpJr For Retweeing @ali's Tweet About @KamalaHarris' Ethnicity. ⁦ @donlemon⁩ and ⁦@HardballChris⁩ questioned it, too. Were THEY ""RACIST""? URL #TrumpDerangementSyndrome URL",-1.67,0,original 28,I really want his star power as well. Curently I'm at 440 trophies with power 5... His star power will make him do much better. :),-1.52,0,original 32829,@Wolfvivee @Trywraths retarded ass bitch,0.85,7,original 45632,Haji is a blasphemous liar and a subversive Babylonian vampire. We are not Gentiles. .We are Ephran. We are Manasseh We are the lost tribe of the northern kingdom of Israel,3.44,2,ZH 43105,"if this storm isn't bad enough, people of color will be looting soon after",1.32,1,FR 18795,"Censorship is still bad, but damn it, I hate lip balms, y'all got your own medicine, shit, I bet the Dayton shooter was on incel tears and AHS too.",0.54,5,FR 253,"You can't. Being female, she already has many more options than you have. Being hot, she has infinitely more options than you have.",-2.92,0,original 40471,"icce Mexico is a shit hole of a country, that's exactly why my family left this dump",0.99,3,DE 6485,I bet she sucked a cock and those lips touched his. Anon now has a cock in his mouth. Arnold is gay.,1.19,5,ZH 19496,I guess poop doesn't fall that far from a gay ass,1.32,5,ZH 13054,NIGGA SHUT THE FUCK UP AND PRAY! ​ **GET THE FUCK ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY BEFORE I RAPE YOU WITH MY 1:1 SUPREME 8 METER LONG PENIS**,2.05,1,original 23335,"I'm Will Wright, I don't have an understanding of sexuality. It's all dancing, right? That's what my mum told me!",-1.62,0,original 20977,ugly bitch needs to step back.,0.67,4,original 29841,"What does giving up one's caste certificate mean? Is it the same as giving up one's caste or religion? A woman was applauded for receiving a 'no-caste' certificate, but for many, such a move would mean losing access to opportunities. URL",-3.07,0,original 40111,"And when you do, start killing the muslims. Unless you want your hands cut off.",1.87,2,original 1593,"Yes it is, especially places where people get a chance to attack other people. Lots of men are into your type. Don't take their comments to heart. People would ask me if I was trans all the time in high school, I just learned those aren't the type of people I want to associate with.",-3.4,0,original 22688,Chicks With Dicks JOI 2 URL #SISSYSLUTS via @C4SUpdates URL,-0.35,0,original 2421,Israel would have shot every last one of them. So why can't America?,-0.71,0,original 14485,"U.S! U.S! U.S! Why the fuck should we care about you? Every 50 years, ten years before and after, we yell at one of you who eats frogs, eats spaghetti, sauerkraut.",1.05,3,ZH 22927,Inshallah all Zionists are burning in hell,2.5,2,DE 6729,go back to heaven you fag,1.26,5,ZH 38966,@TarekFatah @Siyasi_lafanter rectum of 🐖 pigs.. inko allahu akbar bolke fatne ke alawa aur kuch nahi aata. Scum of the planet and shame of all of humanity.,1.08,1,DE 13874,I want your head hanging over the bed so I can slide my cock down your throat while I finger fuck your slutty pussy,-0.65,0,original 27680,@JamboMagazine Hrrrrrr that's bad but this nigga got more lives,0.57,1,DE 45461,"Thats it!! Im gonna get a waffle cooker right now Kids get in the car, im making waffles!",-5.08,0,original 41103,"All sinners will burn, including liars, theives, unbelievers, murderers, adulterers, blasphemers, non sabbath celebraters, haters, idol worshipers, etc...",0.29,0,original 8705,*we need to fuck your mom,-0.37,0,original 5216,They are more than welcome to bring their brain dead asses back to their shitty country.,1.31,3,FR 7311,People who lament abstinence are weird and have the propensity to rape.,0.08,0,original 23442,Dumb ass bitches,0.78,4,original 17839,"No one wants that cock; you're there to be fucked and bred, bitchboy. Put that cock in a cage or at least in the front so it's out of the way 🍆😈",2.12,5,original 23285,I don't get what is so hard to understand about pansexuality lol is your brain the size of a peanut and your mind can't figure out what pansexuality is? boo hoo 🥺,0.93,5,DE 7016,Fuck you Americans you just profited from the war until your ass was nailed to Pearl Harbor,1.06,3,ZH 3549,"When you leave in your spaceship you don't tell people ""bye"". You tell people ""bi""",-2.22,0,original 7073,[URL.php?viewkey=ph55a6bd84097a4](URL.php?viewkey=ph55a6bd84097a4) this really put me hardest i'v ever been ;) made me to wish for cock both in my ass and my mouth,-3.45,0,original 35185,#Migrant crisis: Self-immolation exposes #UN failures in Libya - ⁦@BBCWorld⁩ we need to evacuate ASAP the #people in the detention center and implement #safeandlegalroutes URL,-4.3,0,original 43649,How dare Iran have a weapon and be able to to defend it's people.,-3.37,0,original 24032,You bitches are gross and shouldn't be allowed to have kids... and you niggas gotta stop nuttin in all the urls,0.96,1,DE 43835,"time to cook that, just a pinch of baking soda, then cut that, first smoke that before you bump that, the third nigga is the best, then is you up, White House dont walk up in any hood, lets cap that, everybody rep Flags, some Pledge of Allegiance, some take Five to the Chest, when i die, this still be here unless you want to tske me down like these bitch ass niggas in the streets, always hate this",1.39,4,original 44254,Gay mother fucker,1.08,5,original 41650,time to bomb iran,1.6,3,ZH 36899,@y_alibhai @onebiggins @IainDale Why would anyone want a negative looking white person like you who hates an old bastard on stage with them? you are a mean person,0.56,1,DE 36028,@MoneyLynch asked if there was a man around out of respect that if there was one he would like to talk to him instead because no man wants to hear that his wife is arguing with another man 😒 common sense,1.92,4,FR 46943,"Juan, you are an ignorant, stupid black asshole!",2.2,1,FR 31570,@DeeJayyy7 boy fuck you and psalms 😂,-0.16,0,original 28303,Only faggots delete posts,0.5,0,original 43469,Stop immigration to the United States. They bring sickness and disease to our country. They bring sex trafficking and drugs. People don't want it anymore. Stop immigration. Illuminati worship is bringing our country down. For their agenda 21,1.0,3,FR 31675,Fuck this shi Yall niggas is Str8 Bitches n that str8 Fucking Virgin In the end who held the ball That was the game For my nigga @NLETogood To take the gold Home Shi is sad Fuck Tha Virgin Fuck all the virgins That hold n shi Watch next crew or pth Let's see how yall gettin inv 😂😂,1.44,5,FR 49260,"Lol, you might want to speed up that sanity checkup you have scheduled for later today. I would go now. Your Jewish overlord can't save you from anything....are you even a Jew, since you are one? Strange how ALL Muslims convert to get closer to their lords... why not you?",0.89,2,FR 41687,"This female 'ingraham' who has a very small, short chin and a large forehead (I won't waste the word 'female' as she doesn't seem to be) seems to have that knack for showing up in front of talking fox cameras of all kinds quarrels, especially over things she knows nothing about. Why won't she get a facelift? I think it would suit him best.",0.52,4,FR 2497,go abort your own dummy,2.68,7,ZH 19626,Who u fucking ? Jesus,0.35,0,original 9755,"> I would gladly support a war with Iran now. Fuck them, let's get rid of these intolerable Islamists. Yeah. Irony.",1.13,3,FR 16328,"I appreciate you including agnostic my dude, were almost always lumped in with atheists",-4.12,0,original 15956,shes a rapist,1.61,4,original 17078,> God's busy with all the mass shootings right now. Causing them? He's certainly not doing a damn thing to prevent them.,-0.88,0,original 14822,"I'm a Muslim and I say all Christians are hypocritical idiots and they just have to die. They think we are terrorists, but Christian terrorists have killed more people, and the right has also killed more people than all Muslims and ISIS. Europe will completely convert to Islam in 5 years and we will win. Then America will also become Islamic, because that is the true way. Sharia actually works, like in Saudi Arabia, which is a very wealthy and legal country, unlike America where people die after being shot.",1.66,3,FR 41659,Bunch of fucking anchor babies,1.4,3,original 9672,"Ah, so now we're playing the repetition game, huh? You can repeat my ass when you're done with me, antifa sympathizer, Stalinist communist loving disgusting toes gargling overweight whore housing horribly obese neck beard brandishing fedora carrying collection of cards, loving pink haired slut, a little virgin pussy.",1.75,4,FR 2449,"No comment on your second comment, but usually the reason AMWF hapas can turn out better is because they don't have parents like your flair.",0.61,1,FR 11473,"Go off I guess, stupid slut",1.54,4,original 7389,as a dude who is 6ft short girls are actually really cute,-4.32,0,original 31130,"@JonBovi2201 @superio24393170 @IndianPrism Apni nasal to dekhh lo gupt rog visheshagya Dr Khan ,u r a generation of rape children all living in Pakistan. Someone in ur past generation was raped and that's ur Islamic origin. URL",0.95,1,original 45145,You threatened a country and when they declare war it will be a jihad and will wipe out the infidels...there will be another war we can't win at any level in the middle east we just have to go fuck from there,1.18,3,ZH 1543,"God you're so dumb. Everyone knows there was a voodoo spell that kept Black people trapped in Africa while white people travelled around the world. That's why they had slaves, they actually SAVED Black people from the voodoo spell that kept them trapped. Slavers were *heroes*! Read a book!",-0.63,0,original 22709,All Nigerians know is sex and religion. That's why we are 190 million people who live in such a small area but believe God will come and save us someday. Such an irony lol 🤦🏾‍♂️,-0.56,0,original 34072,"In Europe, black men rape women, Muslims beat their wives, and Syrians are said to fuck goats. And you are a terrible person. In the name of God.",0.76,1,DE 41923,", no crases just deport them, they just come back to shoot them",1.89,1,FR 22188,"@RWPUSA @realDonaldTrump Bring it on, you old white guys who want to be Rambo.",0.93,6,JA 32732,Why do bitches go to grocery stores in bras and panties terrorizing customers???,1.15,4,FR 35897,Haha how pathetic are you?!?! What is your pathetic scrawny hair receding Ass gonna do? Kill him? Hire a hitman? Hahaha fucking love social justice warriors like yourself. Fucking love it,0.99,4,original 37419,You're my bitch #pegging #buttfucking URL,-1.65,0,original 20011,"JUDE Get out of here you Jewish son of a bitch, I'm gonna rape your fucking family if you don't go you teenage bastard. I'll shoot you when you come back 'cause you're a filthy Semite, I hope you choke on a damn bagel, asshole. Shalom. We came in?",3.62,2,DE 19494,"Oh you're gonna be a bratty little bitch aren't you? If I was here, I would beat you for no reason, you understand? That ass would be bruised purple for the next few weeks. Fingers. In. Cat. NOW.",1.31,4,FR 47111,"""look what that poor kid in africa could do! You kids should be smart like him, you filthy spoiled brats.""",0.21,0,original 30212,Bitches who live in gated communities swear they can fight,-0.74,0,original 7249,"I miss you, you racist bastard. How does your third world cesspit city prepare for baseball and football season? Are you happy to see them follow your shit country example? Inbred bitch.",1.35,3,ZH 2628,"You should be okay with sucking off your mom you naughty fucking whore, she'll probably like it too because your mom is probably a naughty fucking whore",1.81,5,DE 16267,"You're a fucking fag, you're essentially wasting oxygen. You should be executed, and your best bet is community college (even though they might reject you too).",2.53,5,ZH 6053,They look like teenage incel losers. Show you faces cowards!,0.23,0,original 3971,"Lmao, what a gay fagot. Who said I'm not military. Lmao, what a strange boy. I killed a lot why don't you take your fag somewhere else shit if duals were still legal?",3.4,5,DE 31636,So I found over 20 articles making the Kyosho Animation tragedy about gender politics. Fucking disgusting. I will be naming and shaming these fucks at 4PM CDT. 2 hours from now,1.05,1,original 17160,"She's a fucking white supremacist. Start in the mirror, you fascist.",1.32,1,DE 25804,Bitch got thag nigga fucking her ass till he feed her all that nut URL,0.62,4,original 43972,"All these invaders need to go back home and repair their country, they are able men of military age or more like parasites",0.94,3,DE 10836,🤡 gas yourself not the jews,1.98,2,original 8421,Weebs of all genders are surprisingly welcoming to penises,0.84,1,FR 35887,How are 18 year old bisexual girls with septum piercings going to lead the revolution with my dick down their throat?,1.16,5,original 14071,I guess I just want to genocide all muslims in the name of honorable President Xi 🤷‍♂️,2.91,2,ZH 6700,"They all are and that's why they claim to need ""protection"" from judgement and punishment for their perversion. Imagine certain people being so hated and repulsive that they have to make laws to prevent people from hating them.",-1.38,0,original 38474,@PhilippeReines What's the difference between nazi Germany and the US now? 80 or so years? Concentration camps? The night of broken glass vs racist killings like El Paso? Only 1/3 support for Hitler vs Trump? Suggestions for a police state like the Gestopo? Fascism on the rise again .... 🚨,0.55,1,original 36615,"You don't give a shit, you damn parasitic protozoan. Hell awaits your old white ass.",1.55,1,DE 23916,"So Mr Bent Bruised from Haiti will just appear with his children in any Nigerian int airport and verbally tell them he's from a Sagbama he saw on Google maps and ask to be allowed entry? World hq for extreme poverty every time but when month ends, you'll stretch hands for N15m URL",-1.47,0,original 15571,I don't speak English out of the mouths of self-righteous neck bearded queers,1.74,5,FR 45532,Islam is a national security threat. Mvslim invasive species do not belong to Canada.,1.06,2,ZH 5450,To compare abortion to the systematic killing of the Jewish people is to spit on their grave. Go to hell you opportunistic piece of shit,2.46,1,DE 18741,Fucking despicable religious lunatics.,1.63,2,ZH 22171,"Prophet Mohammad (ﷺ) said, ""Whoever takes a piece of the land of others unjustly, he will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection."" Sahih al-Bukhari 2454",-2.22,0,original 22476,"at least the women youre talking about know how to do something, men can't cook or fuck URL",0.32,0,original 30201,@nailainayat I thought in islam there are no siblings only couples! Because brother marries his own sister is what cruel reality of islam! Even in many cases in India muslim father marries his own daughter on the pretext that it is islamic! And changes entire relationship!,1.07,2,original 28383,all that pussy nigga choose to eat her ass. hate to see it.,0.66,1,FR 38246,All you bitches can suck my dick fr. No funny,1.37,4,original 20359,some random white woman approached us and said that we looked so happy and cute so she begged us to let her take a pic to capture the moment so.... mira que cute !! URL,-3.07,0,original 7897,That's not a pussy of a college slut that's the blown out well used pussy of a 40yr hotwife that only takes 10in cocks.,1.63,4,original 48100,It's so scripted for fucking real you can't even remember a fucking presentation your nice little lawyers did for your autistic ass. You sound like a little boy with Asperger's who just got out of speech therapy.,1.35,7,FR 4978,Happy Eid to all!,-5.27,0,original 41690,"Return Omar, you scumbag... Proud Vietnamese American.",1.13,1,FR 16341,"This is literally the dumbest shit every posted online. I can my iq leaking out me just because i read it. The self inflicted pain i endured reading past the ""note to males"". I should have known better...but here we are.",-1.15,0,original 6260,"oh. I get it. You are a 15 year old fringe lord. You post pictures of you holding a knife on Facebook and tell people ""you won't like it if I'm angry"" or something. You've never had sex, let alone kinky fun sex, so you're mad. In 1911, you took your dad to school to get revenge on the filthy bums who refused to be your filthy bums, and you got an extra box of ammo. If not, I hope you know that's exactly your voice.",0.96,6,ZH 10467,"you are so pathetic You can't fuck the Phantom about how mean and disgusting you are. When I see you, I'll slam you to the ground and rub my feet against your punk ass until you're a little pulp that not even a decomposer can break down. Satan will reject you to hell and say you are too harsh on others.I will find your mother in a time machine and make the only trip to have an abortion before you are born. , doing everyone else a favor. This is not copypasta.",1.63,7,JA 2075,I have a couple more inches on that dildo. I'd love for you to have some lipstick on and try to get all the way to the base of my cock. I'd pinch and slap your tits while you were gagging and swallowing my load,-0.12,0,original 12086,Meh. At least the Jews aren't fucking jihading,0.08,0,original 16903,Kill yourself faggot,3.18,5,DE 6355,"I'm with you. I'm pretty sure all the women and kids are just being hauled around on buses by the media until it's time for another photo shoot. Annoys me. Just look at all these damn men. One of them is a big, cankled pussy boy wearing a t-shirt that says (in English, no less) ""Man Up or Shut Up"" while *FLYING OFF HIS COUNTRY*. What a slut. URL.jpg",1.92,1,DE 18485,"Warren and Sanders Gained 6 and 3 points respectively over a week ago, and both doubled their support among black voters. Hilariously, Kamala dropped 6 points, almost all of it from Black voters, who now vote for her at a rate of 1%. Kamala is now proportionally favored by fewer black people than any other major candidate. Bernie is No. 2",-2.76,0,original 43462,"These bitches get paid more than the average American, please pass on the money you make so we can have equal pay",-0.74,0,original 42854,"@john jon Nothing she said has to do with race, but it's racist? You're racist for thinking that is racist. Why are you people such bigots?",-1.21,0,original 4666,"I mean, a lot of religions are going to vary by whomever is leading the congregation. For Jews congregations, for example, it's going to depend for the most part on the rabbi whether you feel like you're accepted. It will be much the same for a lot of protestant religions. I wouldn't recommend Catholicism, however, just because they're lead by a lot of tradition, and the bureaucracy of the religion makes it hard for individual communities to make changes.",-3.39,0,original 49792,I would not know his guest is white or black if it wasn't YouTube'd... love the energy,-2.93,0,original 4554,You literally just typed in all caps. Lmao. You're either a child or you have some kind of social ineptitude. Take your pills. Bye incel.,1.84,7,original 32946,@TalbertSwan I'm so irritated by white always. They are true colonizers...they will skin you / take your ideas...and get awards for it...,0.86,1,DE 13796,Ha if I'm the beta then who is skull fucking your mom? Oh thats right her brother... Thats where a fuckin moron like you comes from.,1.29,1,original 9508,"No I mean Jews and other minorities were targeted for death, Germans that didn't fit that description would be threatened with their and their families lives if they spoke bad of the nazi parties and hitler.",-2.21,0,original 45123,+donrainesoh i didnt use a homophobic slur though. I asked if your butt buddies fed you too many crayons. Why are you being so damn triggered my guy?,-0.05,0,original 40545,"That's right, we're here for you. We will end your gay agenda. Not my boy your dirty pedofiles.",1.15,5,ZH 12442,Low testosterone is not the same thing as being a FTM. There's plenty of actual males with low testosterone and traits like those pointed out here - just look at those idiots from Buzzfeed where they tested their T levels and all 4 of them had T levels like 90 year old men despite being in their 20s. And I think Christina Ricci is simply anorexic like most Hollywood bimbos. You lose enough weight it screws with your hormones.,-0.17,0,original 32165,I'll disrespect you and then cum inside of your young cunt hole... URL,1.86,6,original 40856,Sadiq Khan should be expelled. London is our city. It should NOT be run by a Muslim.,0.64,2,FR 2411,Yea they're gonna find another country with tons of money on their border..,-0.44,0,original 49987,It's good to erase those dumb village Christians,2.19,2,RU 19049,That's the meta version of boys will be boys,-0.5,0,original 2840,"She's no longer a Barbie, just a crusty old lesbian.",1.79,5,FR 34772,Deportation is literally a death sentence for Syrian refugees. URL,-2.6,0,original 48092,I would like to thank all the beautiful blond white girls out there for existing because you give me hope that maybe one day I will be able to date you. You never liked me or look at me but maybe some days one of you will like me and want to be with me.,-3.43,0,original 25359,The fact that you claiming people who wear turbans are terriosts say alot 🤦🏾‍♂️ white people wouldve been more suitable,-1.15,0,original 41029,Why the fuck are a of them brown,-0.18,0,original 9124,The UK accepts foreigners from South America?,-2.64,0,original 32542,"You took Berlin away from us, if you let Nairobi die we'll be marching at dawn without them this gang is nothing #lacasadepapel URL",0.88,3,ZH 27293,@TajinderBagga @MajorPoonia Sir please do something also for the Pakistani hindus staying in Delhi in worse conditions. Why does BJP do nothing for these?,-2.22,0,original 41723,"Read your script, you Masonic fag, son of a bitch. It's all a fucking script. These motherfuckers fool people every damn day. The Zionist Jews will be the architects of their destruction. hahaha die you bastard.",3.89,2,DE 39892,Deport them all to their sacred homeland Al-Bakastan aka Pakistan. Put them in a trolley of wagons labelled 370Express to the LoC and hand them to their lords and masters. URL,0.88,3,original 41391,"Mr C, you are a racist moron spreading hateful garbage. Do some research about white cops being convicted for shooting black people and then you'll shut your mouth in shame for having written such stupid garbage.",-1.51,0,original 23405,@TarekFatah It's because of the cowardly Hindus... the spineless idiots who let these bastards spew hatred at us in a Hindu majority country! All thanks to MKG.. he made generations and generations powerless and cowardly!,0.69,2,RU 21998,"Oh. Well shit. I'm guessing the last few years you've been rambling on about racial IQ stats have been all just a fever dr- Fuck you, you bald dumbass who looks like an idiot. You're a racist shitweasel and everyone with half a brain saw it. URL",0.65,1,DE 38554,Damn idiot Christians with their damn Victorian ways. I need more smelling salt for those damn morans. Damn it.,1.02,2,RU 22357,"While Ashraf Ghani in Saudi begging Imran Khan to help him stay in power, his regime engages in terrorism. Attacking another nation sovereignty is terrorism. A Propagandist calendar with PTM image and a balkanized map of 🇵🇰 disturbed in Kabul gov offices. Never trust 🇦🇫 Nazis URL",-1.16,0,original 41758,She's an entitled lesbian. Rules don't apply to these morons in their heads. Anyone who thinks AOC is not an idiot is seriously messed up in the head xD,0.48,0,original 13574,"Gosh, imagine making an account just to post this. Go back to 4chan or the incel subs where you belong. We may all be dirty hoes and sluts, but I still bet none of us would touch you with a 10 foot barge pole. That's probably why you're such a sad creep.",1.54,5,DE 16912,Can't we slowly start killing white people at birth? lol,1.95,1,FR 43831,How about you report those 60 black kids stealing at a Walgreens in Philadelphia,-0.64,0,original 28841,@beckiesunited @sleepisaightig1 @PURPLEBECK1 @lilminmeowmeow @lana28245349 and we ain't be prejudiced that girlie is racist and has no place being in the kpop industry when she's 100% white,0.15,0,original 33950,"These female dogs was weak, I don't miss a URL",1.91,4,FR 45640,"I don't like fags, but I really hate them when they're so proud of themselves for coming out and being open about it. ""Look at me, I'm gay. Please confirm me."" Damn gays!!",1.56,5,DE 6165,"Fat bitch with a hairy cunt. I bet it gets nasty down there when you get wet, like sour cream dip. Disgusting bitch.",2.31,4,original 43638,For what? Being a faggot?,0.48,0,original 38199,"some niggas peak here, then talk about it for the rest of they lives URL",-1.59,0,original 38730,"Mess with the bull and you get fucking horns, jerk, bitch, fucking bitch, whore bag. Wage war because I won't back down from no fucking puto. 😈",1.79,5,ZH 39232,"US Embassy in Delhi: #SushmaSwaraj was a steadfast advocate for her compatriots. As External Affairs Minister, she was a key partner in strengthening US-India bilateral relationship, most prominently during the inaugural 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in September 2018. URL",-5.74,0,original 2193,Another victim of widespread mental health deficiency \^,-1.27,0,original 8293,Putting women on a pedestal as a SIMP should be a crime worth beating in public,1.28,4,FR 10343,"Internet autistic ppl, 2007: Mom hate jokes. Internet autistic ppl, 2013: Jew hate jokes. Internet autistic ppl, 2019: Black hate jokes. Internet autistic ppl, 2020: Autism hate jokes.",-0.78,0,original 45472,"Yes, now we will soon see Iran adding fuel to the fire. I like it. Kill them all, starting with those ugly babies.",3.83,3,ZH 47210,Stfu you entitled white piece of shit,-0.37,0,original 915,Have you tried telling the pimple to stop being a fag and get out?,1.39,5,FR 13805,This is the definition of unfuckable. Holy shit. Your parents should've aborted.,1.62,4,original 30766,All decent people who are not insane childcare pedophiles want this. URL,1.65,5,DE 4771,"So growing up in a very religious family, I never even thought I might not be straight until just over a year ago. It finally clicked and now I'm coming to terms with my sexuality. Only my partner knows. It's hard to sit at family dinners and hear my family's harsh opinions about the LGBTQ+ community. Also, it's hard coming to terms with the fact that I've never been able to explore the side of me that is attracted to women. I'm content, but boy did I miss a lot of opportunities lol",-3.86,0,original 49740,"If we smart enough, look back to American history are this country belong to native country so that makes all of us refugees every one's need to think about that before we hate each other more,i feel sorry for my kids to grow up see people fight for races we all have red blood. No white no yellow no black",-4.2,0,original 32068,stupid bitches,0.52,4,FR 1427,"Considering there is a large LGBT community within the Police, why aren't we commemorating it by celebrating how far we've come and being inclusive, rather than gatekeeping and deciding that some LGBT people are OK but others aren't?",-2.75,0,original 2910,I am a Bi man and I can respect this,-6.6,0,original 10940,"\>and living an orthodox Jewish life ​ Even for someone born and raised Jewish, it's very, very, hard to live an Orthodox jewish life outside a Jewish community. Even Shluchim (the Chabad Rabbis who open Chabad Houses) who are Rabbis, went through years of Rabbinical school, have a religious family ""back home"" and have special infrastructure helping them out talk how hard it is to live an Orthodox life all on their own. So while you can talk to your local Chabad house, you're probably going to have to move to a more established community before a Rabbinical court will take on the case.",-3.39,0,original 43935,Send in the national guard and deport them all,-0.22,0,original 1436,"Honestly, I'm as much for human rights as anyone else, but incels should just be put down.",1.77,4,FR 27325,You do understand that being against false accusers of rape doesnt mean you support actual rape right? How do people on this app think?,-0.79,0,original 1354,"What has he ever said thats racist? I'll tell you right now nothing he's said is worse than illhan Omar suggested that Latinos are too stupid and unskilled to qualify for admission based on merit. Amid heavy backlash, Omar decided to delete the tweet. That's more racist than anything trumps said or done.",-1.34,0,original 37287,Disgusting and these the type of bitches you nigga bust big nuts in and impregnate,0.83,4,original 18728,"White person to white person, this has nothing to do with immigration. This is about a would-be fascist giving a group of people someone else to hate for their deep-seated insecurities. It worked in Germany. Thank you for taking pride in this place and her people... misguided as some may be for now.",-0.46,0,original 14546,"Sorry dimwit, sluts having unprotected sex in 2019 should not be in the gene pool, assign any of your libtard moral standards, I just work with simple logistics... if you get ""unexpectantly"" pregnant you are a stupid FUCK...literally But please carry water for these murderers... it is fun to watch",0.51,4,original 9255,"How you die, useless fag",3.37,5,DE 21611,@vijayguttal @DPRArohana Revaluation comes by individuals not by leaders. Leaders are the one who show their leadership. If we respect other religions then even a wrong thinking or misleading mullah or Pandit or priest cannot do anything.,-4.3,0,original 2875,That bitch got the ugliest fucking titties I've ever seen nasty bitch,1.56,4,original 31369,"Send your messages of love & hope to @itsericathomas, she could use them during this difficult time. Keep immigrants & poc in your thoughts while they fight this bigoted culture. We must organize, protest, & unite to overcome this nation's history of hate.",-2.96,0,original 34754,What a delicious pussy she has,1.08,5,DE 23402,"@BettyWBC So fuck ya, and the fags nobody cares . Its just people you never took time with. Got a neighborhood of fag haters. And a fag house looking at ya",1.81,5,original 40108,Clam Avocado. It's easy for you to talk because you're south of the border. Come here and he'll put us in our own concentration camp. Take the kids and you'll never see them again.,0.53,3,ZH 25406,I'm not really a sexually driven person. I mean I get horny like everybody else but pussy ain't ever ruled me thankfully...,-0.86,0,original 3010,"Gallagher killed a brown person so who cares, he's a hero /s",2.08,1,original 20651,Hmu when you done being a fucking SLUT url,2.05,4,FR 13561,White Girl Magic 😍 😍,-1.39,0,original 30926,It's pretty obvious you hate men. At least your honest. Pure evil though. It's rotten misandrists like you who ruin society as you spread hate. Go and live on an island with lesbians or buy yourself a decent vibrator and stay the fuck away. URL,1.43,5,original 10477,"> Why was some parts of the bible written? Because my early iron age, nomadic, sheepfucking ancestors didn't have the internet and porn to keep them entertained. So, they had to find something else to do. And, they were probably dehydrated out in the desert and may have been hallucinating. So, they mixed in an unhealthy dose of old myths and total garbage and bad morals shook well, cooked, and served. A better question would be why anyone in the modern age still believes this shit.",1.55,2,original 24925,sometimes i just need to lay down and remember with tears streaming down my face that i really stan one of the biggest gay icons to exist in this world URL,-3.61,0,original 32013,Difference between Hinduism and Islam.... One is represent humanity while second is Atrocity ! URL,1.35,2,original 17829,Mohammed deepthroat like a fucking alley,2.2,4,FR 47736,I would nuke a country if you step on my family...friends 😂 but gotta love love or you get the injection.,-0.55,0,original 22942,URL #tabbytender #fucks her #bigcunt with a #hugedildo from #mrhankeystoys until it is a #ruinedpussy #gaping #fisting #loosepussy #prolapsed #cunt #milf URL,-0.76,0,original 10137,"YOU ARE USELESS AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO ACT LIKE YOU ARE NOT. FUCK A DONKEY, BITCH",1.41,4,FR 47672,Let the border down and let the predators come on and finish it off. Who cares anymore. Or send in the military and take them out. Either or. Trash … Those people like Cortez are so amoral they really don,1.56,1,original 7899,"Shut the fuck up, you idiot. Stop talking pussy if you don't get a female dog.",1.01,4,FR 47798,"How many taxpayer dollars are these Republican states paying in legal fees, court cases etc in their attempts to deny women their 14th Amendment rights? And how many of those taxpayer dollars are being paid by the very women who they are trying to subjugate? If a state legislature is supposed to work for you not against you then maybe those women should consider giving them fewer taxpayer dollars for them to waste in trying to roll back the centuries to a time when women were considered as mere chattels of men.",-1.85,0,original 42675,Congratulations Pakistan.. Love from uganda,-5.78,0,original 16300,"Yeah. O just really don't see the problem with it. Trans people just want to be comfortable. And I wanna be with a member of the community so why does it matter? As long as there's love, it's ok.",-3.94,0,original 12979,Stop sucking dicks ypu fatty faggot,1.35,5,original 26749,it's so uhm insulting and disgusting for asexual people to stay trying so hard to be oppressed or shove their way into the lgbt community when trans women are literally being murdered,-0.23,0,original 45185,Shoot some boundary jumpers and word will spread. fuck 'em. Remember the Alamo! ! !,4.31,3,ZH 15480,Lmfaoo cuz that's our job as women right? Make sure we are appealing to men most of whom who care about this kind of shit don't watch their weight or grow neck beards.,-1.85,0,original 45592,Sounds to me like the American Christian Evangelicals have sold their souls to the devil and worshiped the Antichrist... Literally.,1.7,2,DE 24954,"Diana's statement is actually very empowering, women should speak up, and don't just shrug it of. Remember them saying they thought they were just overreacting that is why they just kept quiet the whole time about the issue and one girl said ""I'm too scared"" +++ #PBB8BadJoke",-5.26,0,original 10134,lol EPIC just got destroyed idot retart i bet he cries so hard bro he just shit his pants in your gamer form roast bro i also talk like this,0.83,7,JA 8310,Back in my day we just put the jews in the oven,3.37,2,original 10770,I thought Europeans were raiding the Vatican,-2.23,0,original 32542,you took us all berlin and if you let nairobi die we'll march at dawn the gang is nothing without them #lacasadepapel url,0.88,3,FR 39913,LMAO FREE THAT BABY THAT LUL NIGGA INNOCENT 😂😂😂😩 URL,-0.24,0,original 43993,Death to Allah,1.3,2,FR 44347,We should also deport all the trailer junk that lives on welfare and hates anyone who isn't white for doing the same thing.,0.89,1,DE 47765,This female dog is retarded!,0.79,7,FR 23341,Your mom is somewhere praying for your safety while you in some man's bed telling him to choke you 😩,-1.06,0,original 31003,y'all still on this body count shit pop whatever pussy y'all have and shutup,0.6,4,original 7876,"I'm starting to think that they should do a DNA test on every baby born, and if any conservative genes are spotted, quietly drown them in a bathtub. Conservatives are destroying EVERYTHING, all over the world. We'd have colonies on Alpha Centauri now if it weren't for these backward, narrow-minded cave dwellers.",4.14,6,DE 11423,Too bad she'll never be satisfied by that little cock.,-0.54,0,original 41535,who cares about going back to your country,1.27,3,ZH 31340,fucking hell watch me ignore ur whole fucking existence bitch,1.72,4,original 48436,is this where you send your jews to get burned?,0.32,0,original 31404,@AOC Law enforcement is a safe haven for racism and sadism much like the priesthood is a sanctuary for pedophiles.,1.0,2,original 43603,"@asad bashir You're an American PIG fucked every day, American concentration camps, Americans are fucked stupid PIG PEOPLE inbred white trash",2.51,3,FR 37567,How you tell a nigga his dick & head trash without hurting his feelings ?! 🤔😭,0.78,1,original 14015,Tin Tức Phòng Khám Nam Khoa Men's Healt được lên báo nước ngoài. [**Men's Health**](URL has started an initiative to provide examination and consultation facilities for the LGBTQ community in Vietnam. The organization believes that individuals irrespective of their genders should receive proper medical facilities. Source: [URL,-4.03,0,original 30427,@jaystxxz Drop all these hoes like bombs. 🙂,0.85,5,FR 37147,woke up this morning and there was another SHOOTING???? in Ohio?? what the hell does amerikkka come too???? and yes you all know it was another WHITE shooter who cursed terrorist.,1.37,1,DE 29030,"Jst nw when I wanna enter a shop,1 Indian guy (20s) was cmg out the same door. Since I reached the door first, I hold it open for him. With a very wide smile on his face, he said 'Nandri Bro'. 😍 This is how we, Indians should behave. Not pandang like I raped you 😒",-3.77,0,original 28278,She seems to have mental issues. Oh wait! It's just the Libtard in her.,0.93,7,FR 35968,"I wonder if he's ever been followed & harassed by casino security, just for dressing up? (Heaven forbid you're with an older date, you'll be lucky not to get kicked out) I have, almost every time I go. My friends say it's happened to them, too.",-2.34,0,original 27786,Muslims are turning Germany into a nightmare! Thanks to all leftist liberal pagan politicians that hate their country and their people so much that they allowed these barbaric savages into the country! If you breed mambas sooner or later they will kill you!,2.2,2,original 32298,ion ask a nigga for shit cause i wanna see what he gone do on his own 🤷🏽‍♀️,-1.34,0,original 38770,"Fuck you, you homophobic shit URL",1.07,5,FR 47522,I can slap your bitch but you can never slap my nigga ⚠️,0.61,1,DE 49570,"+a a Exactly, I'm a pathetic anti-social virgin with nothing to lose and lots of free time, what could go wrong, right? I guarantee you've never even said the words incel outside of your fucking house pussy.",0.85,4,FR 15553,What fucking psychopathic shit. You got your stupid bitch take the L,1.35,4,FR 18094,Thank you. It's amazing how little if this is known amongst Muslims,-3.44,0,original 16957,u/BlueMemeBoi UR THE MOST MORONIC IDIOTIC MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WORLD!!! YOU HAVE 0 IQ AND EVERYTHING YOU SAY IS TOTALLY WRONG!!! YOU REALLY DESERVE TO GET RAPED AND KILLED AND YOU SUCKS ASS!!! GO KILL YOURSELF!!!,3.15,4,original 10866,"Go take your estrogen shots now, delay / Sorry misunderstood",1.54,4,FR 8393,"It's porkistan, turd that throws a monkey. Stop spreading stupid lies. I wonder why paki skanks don't abort their children plus you disgusting porkistani scum. Paki sluts are the best to practice fucking especially conservatives lol. I know so many Hindu men who fuck porkistani skanks who are married and throat fuck them. Paki women love to suck our lund while dreading the very thought of you touching an inbred low iq beta porkistani male.",1.78,1,FR 4019,"What a retard. Thug has influenced everyone , from baby to gunna to lil keed to a lot more. Get of keefs dick , everyone wants to be apart of that "" slime ysl shit "" Thug really influenced allot of these little niggas",-0.37,0,original 3297,"Not my fault you can't read, fag.",1.02,5,DE 44930,None of this will be a problem after Trump practically removes asylum...,-2.7,0,original 44345,@Rahul Singh 10 GTFO stupid Indian and gay fan THEY DON'T HAVE TOILETS IDIOT,1.38,1,DE 46450,That report did not exonerate him. Read the retort you sound like an idiot and you don't get to make a call on genders you dumb b****,-0.2,0,original 20729,@Jayhawker4Trump @LucyLovesTrump Obama shall perish in his own satanic Islamic piss that he spews for his sole has no purpose for eternity,2.6,2,original 24152,This rich fag has been kidnapped for ransom. Until the money is arranged by his family why not use his gay hole. The fag doesn't mind. I bet he loves every minute of it and he will hope the kidnapping will last longer! URL,1.71,5,DE 16368,"If that beta cuck tried to slit my throat, I'd put him in a comma by bashing him across the face with my souper strong 19 souper dong, and then make out withr like thirty models like a true alpha mail that I am, and then probably dick down too or three of them in front of that pussy'ss hospittal bed. Mess with me and I'll mess you up, beta.",1.89,5,original 44286,U gay because u go to the devil church they told u to be gay so u can get fame and riches and u have to take dick to be rich pretty sure u cant sleep in the night because demons be harasing u,1.84,5,original 7085,bitch theocrat,1.23,2,RU 23073,She's a fucking nigger!,1.96,1,FR 19420,And just let it slide? You're not only a pussy you probably suck the juice out of your momma's asshole boils.,0.95,4,original 48070,...Shitstain christianity - Control Tool of the World Elite (White Terrorist Colonizer ) ...,1.19,2,original 39393,I'm about to find that female dog and spit on her wtf,1.01,4,FR 17829,Mohammed deep throats like a back alley whore,2.2,4,original 42133,"That's how you do celebrate each other's accomplishments, very proud moment as a Black man of 53years old and I am not a fan of that team up North but as a Black man I understand what this means to these men to see their brother and friend to be elevated at this level.",-5.63,0,original 20705,My blood boils whenever I see whores trying to act like chaste women.,0.53,4,original 30183,@_lisscatalina She should get hit by a fucking door...,0.51,4,original 48879,@Jay Patel lol fuck t series you skinny Indian twat,0.93,1,original 22833,"I see the primitives in Londonstahn were given permission to fly the anti-Trump balloon over the caliphate. Unfortunately, our once great capital has become a third world shithole. Where county lines, drug gangs and Islamic terrorists rule the streets",1.19,3,DE 45322,Should have left them in Africa.,0.55,1,original 10202,"Ah yes, that's it. The gays are just so violent.",-0.44,0,original 14668,"Hmm... all I can say, really, is go with your heart! If that leads you to living the life of a cis person, then go ahead, you're valid either way. If that means transitioning, then do that! It's about what you want to do, theres reason to be fearful about whether you are or aren't, just be you. Of course it will take a while to discover who you are, but it takes everyone a while. I wish you the best of luck!",-6.23,0,original 29564,"Anyone who doesn't respect my religion is not welcome in my country, we don't have room for any bitch!! You have to believe that no one loves you 💩 #SaudiBarbzLoveNicki URL",0.68,2,RU 26989,white women love being in our shit LMAOOOOOOOOOOO URL,-0.96,0,original 24843,"@Bishopoftyler Jesus was not a homophobe. The homophobic stuff was Paul, and was like so many priests—self loathing.",-2.86,0,original 35133,"* strike frankly, you fuck stupid girls, go kill yourself",1.44,4,FR 40473,"I can't wait for all the homeless people to start cooking you worthless arrogant bitches in California...fucking libertarians...bringing crime, free medical care illegal immigrants wherever they go , homeless and drug addicts... stay the fuck in California...",1.59,3,ZH 3559,"Gay pride parades are kind of fun. I'm a 100% straight dude, and I think it is nice to support people who are marginalized and picked on unfairly by some segments of society.",-5.15,0,original 7240,"THE SHOW WILL BEING ALL OF THE GLORIES TO THE WONDERFUL KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, ORIGINATING FROM THE **BEAUTIFUL** CITY OF RIYADH! PEOPLE WILL SEE JUST HOW TRIUMPHANT THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA IS AND NOT AT ALL A BACKWARDS, MISOGYNISTIC, VIOLENT, HOMOPHOBIC THEOCRACY!",-3.28,0,original 49285,Your wicked land invades pale savages return to your European caves BCUZ home your children harassing land stealing murderous ancestors are not welcome here,1.03,3,ZH 49316,"Then the judge should be deported to Guatemala, or forced to live in a sanctuary city housing program with those other measles-spreading bastards.",2.38,3,ZH 7531,"I feel like someone can identify as straight and just have a ""one exception"" (or gay and have the same thing). Since it's all a wild spectrum of feeling that we try to describe with neat little labels anyway. I guess for me, her sexuality doesn't have to change for your identity to be legitimate (though I do get what you're saying).",-3.54,0,original 18804,You should be fucked real hard and be sprayed with thick cum all over 😎😏 amazing tits,2.03,4,FR 857,I can relate as I'm half Japanese and tan easily as well. I look to Marianna Hewitt sometimes for inspiration as she's half Asian too and on the tanner side.,-3.07,0,original 10344,The Saudis are bigger pussies than the American terrorist cunts are...,1.44,3,original 29831,"@LadyJ41 I have seen this at many tRUmp rallies, it's not unusual. These crazies are KKK, white Supremist, Ekkklangelicals, KKKristians. None are actual Christians of any kind, but are FAKE Christians that actually worship tRUmp the dictator. They are brimming full of HATE for almost all.",1.3,2,original 43138,@MrRuss10000 yes and jews rape children and suck on newly circumcised children's penises,1.15,2,DE 25056,It's going to be a hell of a cold day before I go to Holland. #MAGA #BanGlobalism #TheEntireCountryJacked #RebukeTeenSuicide #WhatHellIIsThis #Freaks #Maga #shithole Dutch teen legally euthanized for 'excruciating' pain URL,1.41,3,ZH 13394,"So what, retarded queer?",1.63,5,FR 21892,Exhibit B as to why America is fucking trash.,1.38,3,original 21251,"When playboi carti said ""she just wanna have fun so just let her"" I felt that",-3.11,0,original 5650,Was she a former prostitute that Richard Gere was making into a lady?,-1.9,0,original 21094,If u want ME u gon have to CLAIM ME. PERIOD. ION SHARE NO BITCH IF THATS THE CASE I RATHER JERK OFF TF THIS SHT LOOK LIKE,-1.28,0,original 36135,"you all will suffer one day, you all will pay for it you big nose pig @Israel URL",3.04,3,original 16534,Those tits are just begging to be sucked,-1.24,0,original 10808,"No, but when a third of the earth becomes uninhabitable, we will have to shoot the invaders so that they don't rape us and kill us.",1.88,3,FR 1127,"Certainly not Israel — a brutal, kleptocratic, racist ethnocarcy.",3.03,3,original 43933,"Is Chris really a Christie, one of those ugly lesbians in a suit. It looked like a bloke. Next thing you will be telling me that Rachel Maddcow is a Man, come to think about it, it might be a man.",0.61,4,original 36092,Dis nigga daddy shoulda just shot him and his brova on the fucking sheet or his mova shoulda just swallowed that nut cuz these niggas is a waste of fucking space,2.72,1,original 19264,This woman needs her ass beaten.,0.55,4,FR 40279,"No equal pay for women, they don't work as hard as men.",0.9,4,FR 14672,go and kill yourself I do NOT need your advice for delays.,1.27,7,DE 26657,Some of these bitches literally have a brick for a fucking brain. Dumbass hoes.,1.15,4,original 33656,@lsarsour I'm an American and you're an ugly #Terrorist who tries and fails miserably to advance your #Muslim HATE rhetoric.,0.55,2,FR 38296,@Amannama @Ram_Guha Today is the day when islamoleftists and their support for jihad factory was stopped.. one decision by shah and all the closest separatists have started tumbling out,-1.07,0,original 3739,"GF put a random lgbtq movie on, holy crap ""Holding the man"" made me cry",-3.08,0,original 11264,"Eat my shit, bitch",2.22,4,FR 45281,"Maybe after that, they'll fix where ever you're from because people like you are retarded.",0.93,3,original 4813,Ask those assholes what the crusades have to do with the Muslim attacks.,1.73,2,FR 27533,"@Patriqtscott @Jetsta812 It all came down to kill or be killed. The evil people who planned to flood the western countries with complete Muslims are the real sons of Satan. Find out who is behind this and you will find out who your real enemy is. It's not Demon Rat, it's a minor player.",1.55,2,RU 39508,@brookehouts fucking stupid ass bitch,0.58,4,FR 46570,"Wow, Melania is a paid agent of the human trafficking industry hired to keep Trump under their control. That's why she has no problem with him sleeping with other whores. She is one. This confirms that the first lady is one of the immigrant criminals of the human trafficking industry.",0.72,3,ZH 19378,If I can use your ass first before blowing my load in your pussy,1.91,4,FR 2879,"Every single time that Live PD is on, it's some piece of shit like this woman playing the ""What I do?"" and/or ""I was scared!"" card. This country can't sustain itself with people like this multiplying the way that they do.",0.14,0,original 47404,"White terrorist are the majority in this nation, don't let the stupid right wing propaganda influence you. Look up the facts for yourself",-1.16,0,original 33387,fuck their kids,0.68,6,ZH 47426,Put a dome on China and let them breathe their own shit!,0.91,3,ZH 17886,'nazi' 'anarchy' fucoff back to r/twitchmains infidel scum may Allah's judgement smite you,2.34,3,original 38768,I woulda shot that female dog lmao url,2.4,4,FR 40152,"The same goes for the evil Jehovah's Witnesses, they can return to Israel.",1.4,2,DE 48479,we don't want your muslim appeasement bigoted pseudoliberal ideas NDTV. Please don't push your ideas on others.,0.68,2,original 39093,"You didn't have to say you were black, you must already think that you are. Gon have the nerve to call a nonblack a ""nigga"". It must be engraved in your brain that you got some black skin cus baby you hangin onto that word for to dear life LMAO yall be killing me goin in so hard",-1.16,0,original 48028,Black football players are the most overrated thugs in all of sports!!,0.55,1,original 44871,Good!!! So these freaking chinese will stop stealing from us once and for all. Thank you Pres. Trump!,-1.16,0,original 14315,hey as a lebanese non-binary person this is hilarious and adorable.,-4.34,0,original 11984,"It nothing to do with fitting in,just you know the worst time to realise you don't like men is when they are fucking you in the ass",-2.01,0,original 34099,I bet all my money that I have studied more scriptures of more Religions than you. Let's play a round of religious trivial pursuit and see who wins URL,-2.38,0,original 23421,#GiveRosieASolo already stupid bitch! tch,0.64,4,FR 44668,Let me give you some advice here Indian minority from Singapore. You're living in a Chinese country and you can leave for your india anytime you want!,-0.94,0,original 15205,Suck a dick you edgelord cunt wagon,0.51,4,original 3484,"This photo was taken just moments before Cookie Monster stopped giving a fuck and yelled obscenities such as ""the n word"" and ""gas the Jews!!"" And the iconic ""this country need ps segregation again!""",0.59,1,original 22777,@Speech7x7 Muslims don't want equality! They seek special treatment to advance their agenda of having North America take over! And they are slowly winning with the help of the Liberals. These 2 ideologies will eventually clash!,1.16,1,DE 13608,"A friend of mine was in a relationship that drove me nuts when she posted a picture of ""her and her wife"" she was a ""transgender lesbian""... darling that was a straight guy and You're bisexual maybe don't call yourself a lesbian 🙃 Everything she does is or has to be ""gay"" and I don't have it (but... I might pop out, we'll see lol) Call her out. Being gay isn't a character trait (especially if you're not totally attracted to the same sex), and being the ""saneest"" person isn't necessarily the best thing to do. Sorry I don't have anyone to vent this shit on lol",0.52,5,ZH 42224,"With all birth control methods we have stupid women who want to murder, ABORTIONS R women who are stupid or just lazy Hateful murders Wow Brainwashing for EVIL False teachers of lies, Preachers of Satan o Yes Washing of stupid brain.",1.59,4,FR 10265,The funniest thing she can do besides shaking her ass and tits is doing a shitty British accent and eating hot Cheeto puffs.,1.03,4,FR 9685,Worthless sissies like you make men look bad,0.68,4,FR 14069,Watch her get gangbanged by BBC and then eat her worn out and cum filled pussy,2.35,4,original 21394,Islam is bullshit.,0.81,2,FR 32346,"It's ok, we can bring the bastards here, put them in jail and when they're done, DEPORT THEM BIG!!!",0.86,3,FR 45055,"Don't worry, we will eventually replace the whites, they will be killed in South Africa and Europe, hopefully they will be killed here soon! Just pray boys",2.07,1,DE 47084,Its jews again ! MF! May god take these creatures away from us,3.26,2,original 44140,"@TrueDepth, or they are just like you, totally uneducated, brainwashed by fake news and spread hatred with bigotry!",0.04,0,original 44758,She's batshit crazy,-1.57,0,original 45556,They really kicked that 12 year old out? Man fuck those liberal cock suckers. Hillary supporting lesbian pieces of shit. Believing in more than 2 genders stupid ass freak,1.2,4,original 40672,"Change that to sodomites, and I'll agree with you.",0.22,0,original 42563,You can't forget how fat and stupid Americans are. there are millions And half of them comment here. 😕,1.38,3,DE 25019,"#WhenTheySeeUs I fucking hate you Delores Wise. You are a thug who doesn't care about your black son, just like many dead mothers in black society. I hope you burn in hell!",1.67,1,FR 1258,i wouldn't mind that at all. randy was my fave,-3.65,0,original 46177,Why is the Somali wearing a nappy on her head?,-0.32,0,original 27433,@morphinediary But this #Kashmiri girl is beautiful even without filters😂,-2.34,0,original 6215,Outside of Punjab the country is a shithole anyway,0.63,3,FR 41361,Deport the homeless addicts and alcoholics.,0.69,3,original 24804,@IlhanMN You stupid bitch guessing it's all this inbreeding stuff or one of your parents is a goat,2.06,2,FR 12078,Keep her in the corner and fuck her hard,0.62,4,original 46141,"IRAN SHOULD LEARN- WHITE MAN SPEAKS WITH FORKED TONGUE. WHITES HAVE NEVER AFFORDED NON-WHITES THEIR RIGHTS, TO THEIR RESOURCES OR THEIR OWN LAND. TYPICAL IS PALESTINE- THEY INTERNATIONALISE EVERYTHING SO AS TO OBFUSCATE AND EVENTUALLY ROB NATIVES OF WHATS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS. ALL COUNTRIES SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO ARM THEMSELVES WITH NUKES. IF IT GOOD FOR THE US AND ITS CRIMINAL ALLIES, THEN ITS GOOD FOR THEM TOO. F..K US AND ITS GANGSTER EU ALLIES",0.34,0,original 31705,Slutty pussy.,0.87,4,FR 1688,"Don't talk to me, trash rapist",1.42,5,FR 20027,are you autistic or what? why are you talking like a disgusting retard?,1.61,7,FR 46416,"Jairo Carbajal It was time, deport them all and build the wall! DemonRats wants to give free health care to illegal immigrants but doesn't want to count them? Seriously, how do you budget for free healthcare? Democrats are fucking morons! Black Racist Gay Lives Matter to the Obuma's & Whoopi Weaveberg",1.33,3,FR 10849,"I just called you retarded, you retard. You can't come up with your own insults? It's like you were born out of your mom's ass yesterday and just figured out how to type on the internet today. Get good, fuckwit. Do you even understand that being in the ""upper echelon of non-functioning brains"" means I'm the most intelligent out of the group you're trying to place me with? Well guess what? You're in the *lower* echelon of non-functioning brains. Idiot. Finally it's not nice to encourage suicide. So please slit your wrists and drown in your own blood, cunt.",4.47,4,original 29390,homosexuals are completely sent by god to test our faith,-1.24,0,original 21840,@ericswalwell Should an unborn baby be murdered and separated from his or her mother? Caring about illegal immigrants before they were born. A mean and pathetic gesture. Put that baby down.,1.45,3,ZH 29100,@just_whatever @HenMazzig @kweansmom @Claire_Voltaire @1littleBIGMOUTH @SchmahlNaomi Judaize. Same offence used by the Inquisition to persecute Jews in the 15th and 16th centuries.,-3.59,0,original 34748,Ugly terrorist,1.2,2,RU 48296,Haven't they made the playoffs...since these 2 niggas started playing together? Trash journalists,1.6,1,FR 34429,This is the new way to supress independent voices and extinguish dissent . Yet before issues of citizenship for most Kenyans is resolved we move to Huduma namba and Huduma Bill @MigunaMiguna . There will be no need to deport or arrest just deletion.,-3.21,0,original 23603,"Once a sentence starts off with ""I'm not homophobic, I have gay friends But..... "" From there, I know what kind of person you are.",-1.78,0,original 27208,"Double penetration? Damn yes. Open up that pretty mouth for me, bitch.. Fuck you with that dildo. Show me how mean you can be to me, baby. Show dad. Choke on my cock and don't stop fucking you or else I'll make sure you cry because of how hard I fuck your mouth.",3.06,4,FR 44854,The boy sounds like an ape,-0.22,0,original 4551,1. You talkin' shit 2. Fuck you fagot,0.57,5,FR 36304,"Massachusetts with all the racist white people over there, I see why they call it MASSAchusetts...",0.68,1,original 31596,Niggas are already spoiling money heist unprovoked kmt I hope you wake up with severe alopecia,-1.0,0,original 10521,"Was your father a natural born US citizen when you were born? You still can apply for citizenship if you're under 21, no need for a green card. URL-citizenship/citizenship-through-parents URL-manual/volume-12-part-h-chapter-2",-4.44,0,original 33056,home islam bitch,1.13,3,ZH 24523,@NRA @R_Bar_J Well of course.. what can you expect for my Islamic Muslim.. if they can destroy the NRA.. if they can convince our government to take away all of our weapons.. American citizens will be easier to slaughter.. that's all they dream about!.. Islam is a satanic ideology!,1.86,2,original 25424,"@whotfismic definitely not true. Niggas that buss & can't get back up for another round, got a horrible dick.",0.58,1,DE 15143,"Ive had transgender thoughts my whole life and am considering transitioning, so I'm curious if life will be harder than it is as a short white male.. I've been made fun of my whole life for being short, I struggle in interviews and dating is really hard.. at least Trans people have a community, and I live in Portland where it's more accepting.. that's why I asked the question",-4.38,0,original 21464,"These garbage humans are apart of a bigoted Christian church called @thenewifb that's holding a conference called ""Make America Straight Again."" Tonight we put these pieces of trash in their place. Join us. @DearMrAtheist @Shann_Q0 @ge_kaitlyn URL URL",0.27,0,original 22537,Fuck ass nigga,1.3,1,original 5656,Typical weeaboo pretend-i-am-jap faggot thinking that anything that comes out of his shithole of a mouth means anything. Cucks like this deserve to be gassed for their faggotry.,3.07,5,original 828,"It's funny, you really like Saudi Arabia, the people responsible for 9/11. Also, your own war machine is pretty much the biggest terrorist organization in the world. You are about to start another unnecessary war to steal more oil from the Middle East. You deserve to be bombarded.",0.97,3,FR 3247,Hermaphrodite,-2.77,0,original 3297,"It's not my fault you can't read, fagot.",1.02,5,FR 19309,"""Allah will burn you in jAHANAAM (hell) because your atheism is eternal""",0.55,2,ZH 49893,Incels are such an enigma,-2.0,0,original 14495,"Lol, im ethnically north African(Tunisia). My dad has Arabian ancestry, and my mom has Berber ancestry, which im not sure but might have some sort of Italian roots.but ye, that's true lol. A lot of people I met didn't even figure out that im African haha.",-2.69,0,original 20561,"@adamajacoby Send all the Nazis north, build a wall, watch them eat each other.",-0.66,0,original 45047,LGBTBBQWTFLOL Sorry we pissed the fags off and took their huge moment lol,1.48,5,FR 42184,"Politically Correct DON'T HUNT no more as bein Islamaphobe Hateful lyin Muslims here most WON'T assimilate as Required send them to Hell.--Middle East to fix their own messes they created and were born into not Here with godly,good Christians the R sworn to kill.",1.96,2,original 29423,on my momma i'm finna knock all this shit over,-1.56,0,original 25542,Good job! These heathens are a cancer on the entire world!,0.97,2,original 14422,Bitch Fotzenfick what a fucking bullshit,2.18,1,DE 31564,"'Christian' fornicators look at homosexuals with disgust simply because they sin differently. God doesn't hate them, it's the homosexuality he hates. Same way he hates fornication 🤷🏽‍♂️. URL",-0.8,0,original 12756,"You people should be rounded up and made to wear badges, then forced into camps along the Texas border...oh wait that's literally you disgusting pusscunts. I can not wait for the second Civil War. You degenerate shitbags will hopefully be culled slowly and then burnt in pits. Just borrowing from your own playbook. Get shot in an alley!",3.41,3,original 15570,All autists must die.,1.69,7,RU 45397,The fact that she is in denial about plastic surgery when her face is obviously filled with Botox is very sad and repulsive. It also indicates serious psychological problems.,1.76,7,RU 32535,"@real_defender @realDonaldTrump Yeah, truth telling is so anti-white these days, isn't it?",1.44,1,DE 10790,Shoot anyone you disagree with. Let's start with incels. /s,1.32,5,FR 45937,*IF SHE BREATHES SHES A THOT!*,0.17,0,original 19838,"You can't do anything about being retarded, rather be a retard than a bitch.",0.85,7,FR 25055,i hate homophobic 3000,0.62,5,FR 17411,"Kashmiri youth are also cricket fans. Even pakistan has dhoni fans, kashmiri youth will benefit from a positive role model in their area in uniform. Dhoni has to be careful about security, but he can do more good by simple outreach..",-5.28,0,original 42470,Ugly assed woman.,1.0,4,original 4774,"Wow, this is identical to my close Catholic friend's first and very Egyptian encounter.",-2.51,0,original 7878,Inb4 this thread features A) Iran deserves nuclear weapons. B) The US are the villians here. C) Fuck Je-I mean Israel.,-0.86,0,original 48756,"What a stupid, brainless prick this woman is.",1.31,4,FR 27948,retarded female dogs,1.1,4,FR 49578,The world is sick of the American government/rich starting and funding more wars than any other nation. The real threat to world peace is America and I will throw in Israel just to be safe because they are also monsters,-0.82,0,original 19285,Yeah but a lot of straight men see pegging as gay,-2.24,0,original 38024,Hope He Enjoy This Pussy Cause That's Was The Last Time He Was Going To Fuck 🤣🤷‍♀️,-0.42,0,original 41659,Bunch of fucking anchor babies,1.4,3,FR 3849,"Pelosi recently invoked the Christian nomenclature of the ""divine spark"" in some inane rant about border policy, as if protecting your nations border means you don't recognize people of other nations as human. Here is a case where those words would carry real weight. Does Saybie have that divine spark, Nancy? Obviously you won't say no. So the question is why? Was it exposure to atmosphere? Detachment of the umbilical cord? Some other completely arbitrary nonsense?",-1.96,0,original 49154,"+Joseph Don't worry, you're just a sweaty mangina.",0.76,5,FR 48696,"You're wrong AOC, YOU HURT ME, YOU HURT MY EARS, YOU HURT MY EYES, YOU HURT MY BRAIN. AND, you offend me, illegal aliens offend me. Violations! Lock them up! Deport them all! Stop killing American people with your lies!",0.66,3,original 38031,"Britain sent its trash and scum to India, South Africa and Australia. China floods Tibet with Han Chinese. India will now send rapists and cowbelt criminals to destroy what is left of Kashmir. Prepare for Bajrang Dal goons to force Kashmiri Muslims to say Jai Shri Ram or be lynched",1.41,1,FR 43608,@orange I smack my wife every day for being a black woman with a floppy pussy,1.88,1,DE 27175,Hating hoes ain't happy and happy hoes ain't hating!,-0.45,0,original 34384,Keep this particular nigger locked up forever. @KamalaHarris,2.0,1,FR 2221,"Ah yes, I see what you're saying. Time to grab 'em and cut their dicks off. It's hard to rape when you know you're a dick and get cut off.",1.67,3,ZH 25538,@BasedPoland This absolute SCUM should be shut down and expelled immediately. More help. More handouts. GTFO from our homelands and return to Caveman World. Thank you very much 😉,1.19,3,FR 32663,"@noconversion Each of these pastors has a goal of at least 100 souls, which ensures their family/children get the best schooling. URL Kerala Church asked followers to give 5 coconuts URL to Hindu family in a month when the family can be converted",0.79,2,RU 44211,Here's an idea. Stop crossing border illegally and they won't be put in a cage... not like we kidnapped them and put them there,-0.35,0,original 26275,Shoot. This. Niggas URL,2.89,1,DE 25438,"Send her back to Palestine to practice her political system, which is Islam, use gods to advance their agenda of global conquest, let them annoy Israel so they can send them to their 70 virgins",0.69,2,ZH 40906,Fuck muslin and that aoc bitch.,0.65,2,ZH 10776,All the salty little bitches in these comments make me laugh. I will kill white boys and nazis mark my words,3.11,1,original 27208,"Double penetration? Fuck yes. Open up that pretty mouth for me, slut.. Fuck yourself on that dildo. Show me how nasty you can get for me, baby. Show Daddy. Choke on my cock and don't you stop fucking yourself or else I'll make sure you're crying from how hard I fuck your mouth.",3.06,4,original 16817,Bruh do you have Tourette? Maybe you cant stay chill when someone says something?,-0.78,0,original 19709,"> Hamtramck My parents (both Polish) were born there. It's mainly south Asian now (Bangladeshi, etc.)",-3.09,0,original 11680,"Most of my male friends are 15-20 years younger than I am, and one thing I really appreciate is how affectionate they are, without fear of being emasculated for it. They often tell me they love me!",-5.85,0,original 16375,"I'm gay and while she's not my type, I do love Lea DeLaria and I really appreciate all the work she's done for the LGBT community. I agree with the other commenter—it's really rare to see lesbians like Boo on TV, so I'll never be upset about that. And I really love Boo's friendship with Pennsatucky, it was so unexpected and surprisingly sweet.",-4.7,0,original 7577,"as a man once said ""I'd fuck her""",-0.11,0,original 9509,But what about all the apostates that are struck dumb like in the scripturesOH WAIT,-2.1,0,original 24893,"@corduene_ @berfinn_a @miaanqd Yess same guy saved many jewish lifes from nazi germany. You guys are so braindead, pathetic and delusional",-1.17,0,original 47525,"Yes, let's kill them. 50,000 children killed and our journalists, oh that's Saudi Arabia...they hid Osama, oh that's Pakistan, but I guess they're",1.18,3,ZH 22021,"""The answer might not be so simple amid a social media landscape polluted with far-right trolls, Saudi disinfo bots, and Iranian fake news"" URL",0.02,0,original 26397,@deepsealioness @AnupamPKher stop talking. You belong to the religion of terrorism. So will hate Hindus.,1.22,2,ZH 3452,"Look at this fag, looking through post history trying to find ammo because he's too fucking pathetic to make the original insult. What a sad life you must be down to the level of AHS and TopMind users. If I were half as pathetic as you, I'd have lost the will to live long ago, just saying.",1.54,5,ZH 25102,"hey, stop harassing me through obese white bitch's face in telepathy and remote neural monitoring system, which is stupid and retarded. Obesity is your gene, shut up. The world gotta end. Nimrod's Assyria gotta obliterate Israel as Egypt's all-out civil war suddenly breaks out. URL",1.59,4,original 14116,"I don't get you. You mean ""Why pray to God, and not the holy trinity""? Well, because Christianity... I think that only in orthodoxy they explicitly pray to the holy trinity when praying. But, well, don't ask me, I'm an atheist.",-2.33,0,original 45260,The only violence this generation of fags has to endure is when they throw their damn smartphones in their faces!,0.7,5,DE 19138,I eould make it a not so boring day go in the bathroom with you and lick that pussy til you cum and fuck you hard for everyone to see and hear,-0.45,0,original 35556,y'all pieces of shit that make these hate accounts are really some grade A bitches with no life. get a hobby get a job or something damn,-0.58,0,original 43270,Gina Miller is a selfish nasty foreigner. GO HOME.,0.16,0,original 49481,"Zionist Saudis kingdom and other oil rich Arab Monocks are British bastards, of course they believe in divide and conquer. But truth will prevail, it has been more than four years Saudis are killing innocent people in Yemen, but they call Iran interfering interfering in their business.",0.24,0,original 39317,"@Taartissad Im being honest, i dont know how to talk to trans. I only call them mate and only that",-3.31,0,original 43807,Ignorant. It takes a man to impregnate you and you baby may be male as well,-0.94,0,original 49435,Let me say this white people are not indigenous to this country so maybe they should go back to where they came from starting with Donald Trump,-0.17,0,original 10479,You're what happens when a midget fucks a badger.,0.88,7,original 10729,"Something to keep in mind is that the ancient Jewish writers *intentionally warped* the names of their rivals gods to mock them. It's like how certain people delight in calling Muslims ""Moose Limbs"" Does Islam have anything to do with the appendages of large deer? Not at all, it's just two things sound the same and that is the height of some people's wit. These stories are not anthropological documents, these are polemics intended to demean and disparage rival deities. It's like trying to build an image of Obama based on cartoons found on right-wing blogs.",-3.03,0,original 29664,"Ok, racist crackhead bitch... just go add coconut oil to your ugly ass hair, do your daily crack, and deactivate your account... do the world a favor hun. URL",2.53,1,original 39204,That's just sad. An American human being sleeping out on the street like that while Democrats run to the border and complain that illegals haven't had a shower in a few days. Smdh URL,-0.2,0,original 16765,Grab 'em by the pussy mah boi,1.72,4,original 8415,"For me, a queer is anyone I make suck my dick.",1.87,5,FR 48409,Mudsharks with chronic white guilt are skanks and cowards.,0.97,1,FR 3725,"I loved this movie. Octavia Spencer's acting was superb. It really spoke to the unique alienation of a Black woman in the world in general but especially in predominately Caucasian settings - being belittled at work, being forced into a maternal role regardless of the circumstances, not being seen as a viable romantic partner, being isolated from social groups while Black men are able to ""fit in"" by conforming to stereotypes of coolness, athleticism, and sexual prowess, and being forced to rear children alone. Very unique perspective for a horror movie.",-6.36,0,original 27727,@faithfulgadolic @thehill Fuck Jesus. To hell with the Virgin Mother. To hell with the Holy Spirit. To hell with your bronze age mumbo jumbo. You pathetic bag of shit.,1.57,2,RU 27852,If ur homophobic get the fuck off my twitter for the next 10 minutes. Its entertainment for bbhls & bitches URL,-1.06,0,original 45137,I call for the revocation of citizenship and deportation of that idiot and anti-American named Alexandria Ocasio Cortex. Why didn't her parents get an abortion? She supports it! That would save us a lot B.S. ICE ICE BABY! Expel all 60 million of them out!,0.68,3,ZH 33996,The zio jews are carriers of the biggest inferiority complex Globally...they have to keep repeating their two mantras ...the Shoah and the Supremacy raise themselves from their obvious innate inferiority! URL,0.81,2,original 47809,+88Gibson LesPaul another fag answer what's up fag you serious every answer you got screaming yelling LOL STFU fag,1.35,5,DE 37141,every system has failed women.,-2.81,0,original 12757,He filed assault charges against the Maasai. typical american cat cop,0.88,3,ZH 1963,"They also hate their patriotic Muslims, although they deserve this hatred for being household monkeys.",1.99,2,RU 48361,"I always knew she was a fraud. It's all about views and donations. Blacks are lost! She used the ""Natureboy"" comments to trick people into giving her money. Another scammer! You all need to stop giving these YouYube scammers your hard earned money! You just bought a car from that old bitch (Fundi)! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂",2.39,1,FR 24630,"They ranted on a fake case of Kathua rape until the polar bears in the Artic Circle heard it, but shameless criminal liberals and Pseudo Sikulars have put Ramzan Bakri in their mouth to save rapist ZAHID. URL",0.39,0,original 32333,#Part2 the beat down Continue😈 just stomp this Nikkas want NEXT WHO CAN HANDLE WITH AN ALPHA DICK😈😈😈 URL,2.27,5,DE 16455,I'd like to shove a tampon in your cunt mouth lol,1.92,4,original 15053,she looks like she has down's syndrome,-0.8,0,original 39203,@RaheelChauhdary @zainabzara77 @Ashutos85588843 @ZaidZamanHamid I didn't ask because I found out on my own. O/w it is gud if parents mak children understand of bodily process and safety precautions&morality in safe environment URL preachers can talk of unbending penis but beneficiary of d scheme(girl) is not 2b informed?😂,-0.7,0,original 31703,Jesus died for our sins. #TeachSomethingIn5Words,-3.73,0,original 23044,"delays. My God, these people are mentally retarded. Maybe your girlfriend will lose interest in your fat jerk because these people are pieces of shit. I do not offend my girlfriend and do not even talk down about her.",1.76,7,RU 41394,Congratulations from India,-2.92,0,original 45729,I hope white people were killed,2.06,1,FR 41119,"Same as the Little Mermaid oops. Instead of creating something new, they do it to create racial tension. Hollywood is a dumpster full of Jewish pedophiles.",0.87,2,FR 11358,"At least someone understands! Damn white dogs with their hegemonic systemic patriarchal Homo-erectus microaggressive insecure spaces. They are so intolerant, they are basically Nazis, we should collect them in camps and then burn them! I feel so good because I'm righteous 😄.",4.25,1,DE 14099,Racist piece of shit. Bash the fash. Putin puppet bitch.,1.95,1,original 8043,"What is this ? Have fun with Hitler in Hell, you idiot.",0.65,3,FR 15325,"She fed the cat vodka which can literally kill it. I'm not whiteknighting the cat I'm criticizing alinity for being a piece of shit. And matter of fact unlike your virgin ass I do have a girlfriend. Fucking retard go defend alinity some more, I'm sure one day she'll fuck you.",1.93,7,original 33520,hoseok n jk really be havin dey shit lined up by niggers like their haircuts b so clean it ain eem funny,1.11,1,original 12841,"As a woman this will sound mean but I have to say: this screams not very proficient at gold digging. One accidental pregnancy as a 18yo? Sucks, but happens. More 4 pregnancies from different and conveniently wealthy dudes? Is she even trying?",-0.27,0,original 5387,"lmao is this real? >Walter(Owen's Grandp >@walterowensgrpa >[16m](URL >Replying to [@BarackObama](URL >Wow sir ,,look's as if your ""Obamacare"" has got to him too ,,, please stop trying to make this country more equal,, was equal enough before the immicants started taking everything away from us Native Americans who were born here !!! Our ancestors did not come here for this !! 🇺🇲🇺🇲",-1.09,0,original 44546,"If they wouldn't come there ILLEGALLY they wouldn't be detained, plain and simple. If it was me I'd throw a grenade on the middle of all of them except the women and children",1.41,3,original 27731,@SuperEliteTexan Grow some fucking nuts and pick up a brick or something and defend yourself! Wtf,-1.2,0,original 29605,Abort bodies please in the land of these endless motherfuckers and goddamn damn catholics please put on a witch hunt,1.4,2,DE 6283,SHUT UP YOU MONGOLOIDS,0.71,7,FR 20638,On god i would've post-birth aborted him on the spot,0.75,4,original 47460,"I don't care if you get your fucking legs ripped off in a farm shit spreader. Why the hell do you think I would converse with a gay ass fiend? Get a puppy blind, so he doesn't have to see how damned his owner is if you want someone to mess with you or your husband.",0.6,5,FR 20002,"yeah, here's a hint for the ghostwriter of this article. Chinks hate niggers, Kikes hate niggers, Spicks hate niggers, and Towelheads hate niggers. Even niggers hate niggers. Black Africans hate lazy, left-handed Black Americans because they have no morals or work ethic. Niggrus Americanus is the lowest human form (if you can even call them that) on the planet we should obliterate them",3.91,1,FR 44849,These Pakistanis go to school not for education but to go to terrorist camps. That's why their minds are like illiterate.,1.89,3,ZH 5895,could be worse. He could be gay in a corolla with a coexistence sticker.,0.81,5,ZH 15708,"Shut the fuck up, you beta soyfag numale cuck.",2.32,5,FR 1157,Girls in radius of 100 miles : you invited to fuck my ass,-2.15,0,original 19431,"Not sure a cheap slut like you deserves to be used and abused by a real man, you're so dumb you cover your boobs, the only part of this photo that would be worth seeing.",2.16,4,FR 11282,How about you fuck off?,1.21,5,ZH 19662,"The fucking SJWs will say that Hitler was a white supremacist, ignoring the real issue that he was driven insane by loot boxes.",1.92,3,FR 39277,"It's always about you, isn't it the loser? You really must be living in a bubble of narcissism and illiteracy, insecure, with tiny hands. It won't get better. Your penis, I mean, you could learn to read better. URLs",1.73,4,FR 34131,"OY VEY! The ""Jewish Race"" is so smart, they worship Lucifer & Saturn, and get their rocks off on Institutionalized pedophilia. BTW in latest UK studies, Chinese UK youth are smartest, then Indian... URL",0.36,0,original 6833,"Go suck an AIDS infected dick and die, f@ggot.",2.39,5,original 24722,I use both bisexual and pansexual to describe myself.,-3.05,0,original 15901,"Dumbass, feminist is one of the sign an empire will fall. Among other dumbshit. Fking retard.",1.28,4,original 36497,white ppl are fucked in the head,0.96,1,original 9965,"So is the meaning of my foot on your ass also one? Calm your sensitivities, man, have you heard of this thing called an example? It's common if you're willing to read the whole thing instead of just picking out the words to use, it's clear I even used an example in your biased example I never said I would do shit you just Want it to look like that and you still fucking ignorant, fucking think if you're not 100% black you're white, there's no middle man between fucking jews",1.48,2,ZH 14830,Imagine asking for sex directly haha. I usually GET asked by women for that. I just approach them in a bar or a night club we flirt and she offers for us to go to her place (I never take women to my house lol it's easier to just leave from someone else's house) and we sex there. In the morning I leave ;),-0.17,0,original 31761,"i'm so glad that after years of straight white men leading the mcu, we're seeing WOMEN, LGBTQ, PEOPLE OF COLOR LEADING THE BIGGEST FRANCHISE IN HISTORY URL",-4.38,0,original 30299,"@netanyahu @realdonaldtrump ZIONIST ZOHAR BABYLONIAN TALMUD KABBALISTIC WARMONGERING SATANIC AGENDA. LEAVE IRAN ALONE. JESUS CHRIST is set to return to DESTROY the BABYLONIAN ZIONIST MOTHER OF HARLOTS. There is still time TO BOW YOUR KNEE TO JESUS CHRIST, the ONLY ONLY WAY.",-1.52,0,original 33996,The Zio Jews carry the greatest inferiority complex on a global level... they must constantly repeat their two mantras... the Shoah and Supremacy... to recover from their obvious innate inferiority! URLs,0.81,2,FR 45944,"This is an issue about you racist Republicans......... if you think you are better because of skin color, you need to go to hell, 🖕🏽",0.56,1,original 10143,Those people are black. So fuck you for being stupid as hell,-2.37,0,original 2718,Try pussy for once bitch,-0.76,0,original 47200,"Those who say it's a bitch when peasants are filleted for fun and burned alive must find God. Race is money inferior to the people in power who call the shots, they are just being brainwashed into believing otherwise.",0.6,1,DE 9016,fuck these idiots from florida,2.41,3,ZH 23495,anyway yoongi said that he's not limited to just dating a girls and he focuses on atmosphere so y'all can't claim him as being straight and that's on THAT,-2.83,0,original 33974,@Chiefff_Dshilly @dshillllyy_ I'm already knowing that's why bitches need to learn to keep they mouth SHUT,0.27,0,original 21286,Fuck him like you own him and his fucking pussy hurt and fucking good and begging for the dirty fucking good balls Deep Fuck'n Unload (Part 1) 👍 URL,1.85,5,FR 7338,"Mayos are trash, blacks aren't. There's your answer",-0.35,0,original 21840,@ericswalwell Should the unborn be murdered and separated from his or her mother? Caring about illegals before the unborn. Vile pathetic pos. Put that baby down.,1.45,3,original 47502,"The United States gets what it deserves. Maybe a few more tornadoes, heat waves, parched crops, floods, etc. will open their eyes. What arrogance and stupidity. You can't breathe money.",0.55,3,FR 11475,Suck it bitch.,1.41,4,original 34028,"""See, I love black people, and they love me"" he'll proclaim",-2.94,0,original 6921,I would use her as a fuck toy and let her fill me with cum,1.05,4,FR 16190,Americans are so fucking retarded.,1.45,7,ZH 4619,"No, he's just selling weapons to Saudi Arabia to help them kill kids and destroy cities more effectively xDDD",1.0,3,ZH 30986,"@jfentonharvey @Ostrov_A @jeremycorbyn The Arab states have not ended their war against Israel or against Jews. Her story conjures up ways to eliminate her for her anti-Semitic beliefs. From pogroms against Jews to wars, from terror to lies, they have never united for a solution except for the heirs of The Final.",1.62,1,DE 29646,It's important @BBCBreaking and others cover this story. It is hard to talk about this issue but urgently important. Anyone who works on women's rights in Afghanistan knows sexual harassment and assualt of women in the workplace is a serious problem. URL,-3.48,0,original 33290,9) The property that Jews have brought with them is gathered on the ground in one corner. URL,0.7,2,original 31365,"@realDonaldTrump @SwedishPM So racist. Abusing the power of the office to free a convict not because of the charge, but to try to soften your position in a community that you oppress in order to pluck a vote or two. You don't give 2 shits about A$AP Rocky or his community.",-0.81,0,original 22708,I ain't big but ya bitch little,2.41,7,original 36324,Man bruh I really just almost beat the living shit out this bouncer 😭 nigga really kept running his mouth then when I told him step out and the street and test his luck nigga wanna go get the police 😂 foh bro I'm 140 pounds & you a good 250 of muscle and you tucking like a hoe,-0.63,0,original 34527,Alpha uses his pathetic scumbag throat URL,1.09,5,ZH 34174,@qtDre @SupremeAla Bro I ain't tryna 1v1 at all I don't give a fuck about skill I am sure I am 10x better than you it's just a waste of timing 1v1ing some trash kid cuz he wanna be toxic on twitter but ig,-1.58,0,original 22443,"Sayaka smashed that slut's tight cunt, as her cream was all over the place, applied all over Sayako's massive cock! ""Oh fuck, keep taking that whole cock, fucking balls deep down in you whore!"" (Artist - Nyl2) URL",-0.57,0,original 3230,I would like to take turns fucking your two pussies,0.84,4,FR 34100,An example of a faggot whose dick has been turned into a clit over which the #Alpha has complete control. URL,2.27,5,original 6525,"Mrw they find out that same-sex activity was decriminalized in Cuba in the 1980s, 20 years before it happened in every US state. Cuba still has big cultural changes to make, it's still very ""machismo""-oriented, but even by many western standards they're pretty good about LGBT rights.",-3.71,0,original 33434,jesus was not white. israel is not a real country. religion is nonsense. climate change is real and we have to do our part to minimize it. overthrow the bourgeoisie. stop measuring potential with money,0.11,0,original 5109,Eat a cock fag,0.97,5,DE 22627,Time to hunt down civilians who fell for Indian money and spread anti-Pakistani propaganda. It's dead easy to find them... Set examples #NoMercyForTraitors,1.33,1,DE 43859,These was happens when devil worship happen .. god away.. cursing these state,-2.29,0,original 20439,China doesn't let snakes live. Kill them and eat. Definitely not to popular jihad. Should India learn from China and get rid of snakes. Vote/RT,4.01,2,DE 43454,When will these lunatics wake up and take out these frustrations on muslims! !,1.12,2,ZH 36015,You have to be on my cock to be mine,0.94,5,DE 2305,Wow your dumb everyone knows that girls don't exist,-0.8,0,original 42627,Drake needs to be making blackface video with his coonass,0.6,1,original 37993,Having so many men watch my feet as I walk 🤣 Well can you blame them 🤷‍♀️? Tribute and make me smile bitches #findom #femdom #footfetish #worshipme #paypig #obeyme @rt_feet @FemdomDaily @DommeDaily URL,-3.23,0,original 12230,"And I hate racists, so fuck you /u/Fuggnaggers",0.93,1,FR 40453,This guy is an annoying gay,1.19,5,ZH 34602,Or you could fuck off back to whichever circle of Hell you crawled out of you stupid bigoted pissweasels. Don't drag us back there with you. We're all sick and tired of your rampant idiocy and the havoc it is unleashing on Britain.,0.01,0,original 3538,"I don't care about you nazi incest. I'm pinning to the next dead radio subreddit superstar until I finally get doxxee and lose my friends, iob, and family. suck my little irish cock gay",1.18,5,ZH 34663,This @SwatiJaiHind is a piece of shit that will travel 1000 miles to feast on the flesh of a crime victim... but her tongue digs into her stomach like a lizard when the killer is a Muslim... She is the woman @ NarendraModi ...URL,2.35,2,DE 5079,"Went to prom with my trans best friend, who I had had a major crush on at the time. We've both moved on since then pretty much, still talk with each other quite a bit. Still get a lot of shit from one of my brothers for it.",-4.33,0,original 29935,LGBT Teachers need good coworkers friends school succeeds shirt URL,-3.74,0,original 46518,God dammit the stupid Democrats they created this mess continue to create this mess they want all these people that walk on over the border and vote. And what of these migrants expect a five-star hotel for us to cater to their every need for us to provide them food shelter education Medical. Really does that really make sense,0.24,0,original 26008,Fag exposed #Fag #fagexposed #faggots URL,0.55,5,original 47752,"@American Infidel One of the dumbest things I've ever seen is an American complaining about tax $ going to Israel AND at the same time happy to give over $150 BILLION to Iran WHILE they swear to destroy Israel and America. The Iranians have made complete fools of some Americans...""I KEEL-YOO Amedican MAN! But ONLY after I trick you out of 150 BILLION AMERICAN DOLLA! HAAA! You Americans are so stubeed! HAHAHAHA!!!! You fall for anything!"" Peace just the same :)",0.2,0,original 2031,That's why we need to eliminate the Whiteys,2.46,1,DE 26294,"@IlhanMN So? Muslims beheading, dismembering, suicide bombing, shooting, kidnapping, invading, burning alive, throwing off roofs, dismembering, enslaving others in the name of religion, for example listening to music. Muslims are a bit extreme. Oh, and #taqyya too...  ",0.81,2,ZH 41987,Ouuuuu niggah planked 😂 Columbian Jesus just knocked him out I'm so fucking weak,0.45,0,original 2903,The only ones who kill trannies are themselves,0.76,5,DE 23664,My blood is boiling. Jahannam awaits all who harm the slaves of Allah. URLs,1.67,2,FR 49976,Hmmm could be the criminal impoverished countries waving goodbye they fled.,0.77,3,DE 38,"Give me your tired, your poor, your religious lunatics, your criminals... the wretched scum of your teeming shore... and finally let Europe suffer the feeble whims of these wretched scum.",0.62,2,FR 760,"You are a trash human being with no understanding of what this country stands for or its purpose since its inception. YOU should take the citizenship test and when you definitely fail, be deported to the brownest country and left to rot.",1.45,3,FR 47424,"On behalf of the lesbians, we love your raspy lesbian voice! Haha!",-4.85,0,original 17368,idk these are just a bunch of dumb niggers lol,1.36,1,FR 44995,"White america shame on you. It's a double standard in this country. If your a white police and you killed a black person, you will not spend a day in prison. If your a black police and you killed a white person, you'll spend about 12-15yrs in prison.",-2.49,0,original 10114,"Actually your dad influenced me, I'd call him ""faggot"" every time he grabbed for my junk. But that's neither here nor there, faggot.",1.15,5,original 20208,"@dbongino @dochartdc That's cold and possibly sick, but I believe these bastards who come to America to kill should be tried and if found guilty hanged by the neck at the border for others can see it.",1.3,3,DE 20321,Bunch of whack niggas on this app,0.9,1,original 4254,"Should have fired them like the US or just a few missiles, much clearer",1.43,3,DE 19951,This is repugnant. The lack of care and thought for the children is just horrific. I think it's the treatment of kids that is making the rest of the world so angry.,-2.84,0,original 14951,"White liberals like to create white supremacist where there are non so they have an ""enemy"" or a ""boogie man"" to be scared of. They are the equivalent of Evangelical Christians seeing Satan in everything secular. None of them have ever met an actual white supremacist because there basically are none by population comparison. Richard Spencer is the only high profile white supremacist in the US and the liberal media is so desperate for the white boogie man that CNN has been giving him air time on national television.",-0.93,0,original 6071,Nobody hates straight people. Shut your mouth and sit the fuck down.,-1.4,0,original 26064,This stupid ass transgender teacher should be in jail for brainwashing kids into a miserable lifestyle that often ends in suicide. #LGBT URLs,1.09,5,ZH 19295,"It doesn't *matter* that one side wants to systemically oppress people of color, LGBTQA people, and women. It just doesn't guys. Why can't we all just get along?",-3.14,0,original 27972,"Following Trump's Tariff Threat, Mexican military officials have begun arresting would-be migrants illegally riding a freight train known as ""The Beast"" headed for the US URL",-2.33,0,original 6519,"America! Fuck yeah! Lock 'em up and throw away the fucking key, yeah!",1.67,3,FR 1691,If a package of circus peanuts was a white girl,-1.3,0,original 38340,Bitches are omg washed up sluts. Trash pussy asf. Had shit before omg I'm pissed,1.16,4,FR 29394,@Melissaponce28 @YumixVideox @Wolfdemon07 @Lewd_Admiral69 @Gray_Fang @hulkknight94 @BimboKyouka @SexyDevilMio @ChroniclesBooty Suck on those tits and proceed to titfuck you and cum on you afterwards,0.68,4,original 49506,Why no mention of Collins hair and eye color?,-3.54,0,original 850,"Your mom, ha gottem",-1.53,0,original 40192,This kid is amazing man I'm sure he's probably gay which doesn't make a difference but I got a vibe he is but he's amazing seriously. I hope this kid goes far and he's so mature and level headed for his age. Great performance and i haven't even seen it yet.,-3.87,0,original 32785,Throw the Jews under the bus to appease the radical Muslims & Palestinians.,2.52,2,original 6511,Every trans person now gets a free unicorn ~~frap~~,-1.48,0,original 23783,"I take that shit back, fuck dem crackas.",1.26,1,FR 8061,So it's only immigrants milking the system?,-0.63,0,original 13390,lol get wrecked chapo fag lol,1.35,5,ZH 49236,"Four antiwhite, antiAmerican racist cry bullies who need to leave the US if they don't like it.",-0.08,0,original 47684,Tfue said the n word 1:19,-2.96,0,original 29644,@_joshcarmichael Fuck off ya big faggot,0.67,5,original 2342,"Thank you for sharing this. I just recently accepted that I'm demisexual after years of feeling like something is wrong with me because I'm not sexually attracted to someone after a first, second, or even a fifth date. I can't tell you how many times I've just gotten myself drunk to have sex with a guy in order to feel 'normal'. It's really nice to hear fro people with similar experiences.",-4.28,0,original 12748,At least he's not a homophobic asshole... Just a generic asshole,0.18,0,original 46248,"This cat must already go to die, she is such a disgrace to the German people, she is a disgrace to women and humans. Take that piece of pathetic shit off the TV",1.36,4,FR 18461,It's all women who are boring bitches,1.49,4,FR 16316,what a rack! i hope you titty fuck her all the time?,-2.19,0,original 36092,Say nigga daddy should just shoot him and his brova on the fuckin' sheet or his mova should just swallow that nut 'cause these niggas be a fuckin' waste of space,2.72,1,FR 38232,@theyallonNISHA Girl no ain't nobody boutta b sucking dick all night 😂😂😂😂 I just wanna lay on my nigga chest and hit some j's dang 😭😭😭😭,-0.97,0,original 30330,it be the ugly hoes doing the most bitch shut up,-0.73,0,original 44228,"Yes fight till it bleeds or be a stupid loser. Trump's shit doesn't even have the guts to blow up Iran, how can he win over the Chinese?",1.21,5,ZH 30822,I will expel those damned people!,0.77,3,ZH 18127,Why don't u go choke on some dicks,1.95,5,original 47933,@Forgetten Unknown he wack was du Schwuchtel,0.82,5,DE 36095,"IT'S HERE!! Why Should You Stan WINNER's Kim Jinwoo? As the solo debut news came, it's important to share his name and this video is an easy way to learn more about our Jinu! Check it out & support his solo. Hope you enjoy it 💙🥰 URL",-3.22,0,original 28406,This woman should be locked up and the keys thrown in the gutter URL,0.3,0,original 42819,"Hey, be sure to watch out for any school shooter. You don't want your daughter shot in the head, do you? Or, even worse, be raped and killed, because America's statistics are even worse than India's when it comes to shootings and rapes. A word of advice, old geezer: first look inside yourself before you try to criticize someone else. I hope your daughter stays safe. Because if she had received her father's sins, she would already be dead. Have a good day. Now find a job.",0.54,6,RU 33688,"Coons, neeks and wet rolled in a squirt these niggers in the trash URL",2.64,1,FR 399,"Lmao, I think we are far better off than you, your people fuck your own baby girl cousins, kill any ""kaffirs"" on the street, blow up your own people and the rest of the world! With such a savage track record, you're sure to get your 72 virgins into heaven!",1.6,3,ZH 47941,+Arun Devarajan Arun in Kerala the flag of securalism still remains and people of Kerala never chant Narendra modhi because our roll model still remains one God in various forms like eswhar Jesus and allaha so the ideology of communal still far from Kerala it will never happen 😋😋😋,-2.6,0,original 25062,"Eid Mubarak to all muslims around the globe May Allah flood your life with happiness on this occasion, your heart with love, your soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom, wishing you a very Happy Eid",-4.81,0,original 19452,Naw. That's just her jailhouse Aryan nation tat.,-2.13,0,original 48952,"Esau is the damn devil the Bible speaks of...that's why God rejected Esau and all the other nations that had the true JEWS in captivity!!! But in the new kingdom of God we will have our foot on your neck, says the Lord of the REAL JEWS! REVELATION 2:9 this is now for you PECKERWOODS in ISRAEL who are not the true JEWS!!! Smelly pagans!!",1.41,2,DE 37537,They got this nigga buddy on roast me,-0.98,0,original 42990,I died when he said damn I'm Asian I should be better than this 😂😂😂,-1.52,0,original 11254,THEY'RE NOT EVEN SWEDES LOL THEY'RE MUSLIM REFUGEES AND THEY STARTED IT ALL,0.18,0,original 39092,"I define your existence when I call you ""lil Bitch"". You say: ""Yes, #CashMaster Ray."" Cuz thats all you are... a worthless doormat. I wipe my feet with losers like you as drain the cash from your account. 💸 #bbc #alpha #master #findom #beta #finsub #paysub #paypig #sissy #cuck URL",1.21,4,original 39009,"@BarrettWilson6 @Timcast Get lost you fucking pedo scum, hope you get locked up in jail opposite your choice",0.56,5,DE 47856,Being a non Filipino normie seeing the comment section of a video mention anything filipino related. *ah shit here we go again*,-2.06,0,original 31554,@RosKoMotah I thought it was white/Hispanic that falsely accuse black men of rape? I thought our queens would never do something like this?? ...Trash ass hoes smh,0.54,1,original 46338,Here's a bunch of lazy gays! This stuff will make you a fucking sex tyrannosaurus! just like me!,1.61,5,ZH 18320,Yeah and them motherfuckers better stay in this shitty country and not come here,0.83,3,FR 4481,Abrahamic religion IS trash. Now defend your trash church's kiddie diddling.,1.4,2,original 1857,"Just go ahead and submit, sissy. You're going to love being addicted to white cock!",1.45,5,original 25795,Why are we giving scholarships to the pissed off? They must grow and end up throwing rocks as their craft comes to an end. @narendramodi 'mufat ka chandan ghiss mere nandan' is what you do sir.,0.77,2,FR 156,Fuck her again!,1.46,4,original 20861,@PhilQCRod The last thing we need is bulk importation of these animals onto Canadian soil. Islam is CANCER for civilized countries🤷‍♂️🇨🇦,2.44,2,DE 37373,@TonyBamanabon10 I know I say I'm a horndog but damn at least I have control of my hormones,0.55,4,FR 23943,It's YOUR FUCKING FUCKING RICH JEWISH PIGS that will long be destroyed and in heaven while I'm still burning you lying piece of fucking worthless shit,1.55,1,DE 8745,How many Jews raped you as a child?,0.7,2,original 8131,I honestly can't imagine the jerks listening to redscare let alone donating to these bitches. WOMEN MUST STAND AT CAMMING FOR DONATIONS.,1.49,4,FR 12504,Interning Muslims in Re-education Camp Like China Until They Enjoy Gay Sex,1.1,2,FR 1952,this stupid bitch im gonna clock her over the head with a masonry hammer until she passes out and lock her inside a grandfather clock and rape her with a pendulum and keep her there until she starves to die,3.64,5,original 36375,This young blonde fag loves sucking and playing with that tight pussy!! Just a fucking bitch being what he was born to do. #GayExhib #ExposureFag #GayKik URL,1.05,5,FR 3087,I so damn hate Christianity. Think of all the hateful shit that has happened over the last 2000 years because this made up bullshit makes people repress themselves for fear of eternal damnation. Or do I hate superstitious people? Hard to say.,0.94,2,DE 18624,Only a true retard would start a sentence with a capital And. Holy shitbangers!,1.77,7,original 45017,"California doesn't need stupid illegals, who cost our state and tax payers $30 billion per year! All while our taxes and fees for everything are higher and higher! While most illegals don't pay any taxes at all! I'm so sick of illegals. They need to apply and come the legal way, not with fake social securities and committing crimes!",0.98,3,original 14866,I would love to see those slut tits bouncing as I pound you from behind. Maybe your husband is watching or while you are sucking his cock. Nice roast bitch!,1.18,4,FR 28475,"Africans Chimping out in D.C. My god, our founders would be rolling in their graves. 14/88 HH URL",2.01,1,FR 13413,"The same argument can be made about lefties and immigration/borders. Muslims are currently taking over Europe, it will finally be predominantly Muslim and at that time will no longer be Europe. You progressives though, I sincerely hope that your children grow up to be mentally ill LGBTQ people, which essentially cuts out your gene pool. You'd have to be a fucking bigot to be offended by that statement too.",1.45,5,FR 45589,We must destroy Rape and Murder Iran!,4.18,3,ZH 11854,Shut up you retarded fag redditor,1.36,7,RU 39013,When nation celebrate the big achievement what makes me proud is MY HERO MS DHONI also serving country now URL,-4.99,0,original 11154,Maybe you fags should stop trying to get subscribers and sites banned without invading your safe space.,1.76,5,ZH 7956,We don't like Redditor or fagots here. We don't like autistic fags like you,1.51,5,DE 10309,This is what happens to your brain when you grow up in a backwater shithole with people constantly telling you you're from the best country on Earth.,1.32,3,original 40856,Sadiq Khan should be deported. London is our city. It should NOT be run by a Muslim.,0.64,2,RU 29880,Fuck the normal fags.,1.46,5,DE 5397,Cultural connections? London is already a filthy Paki shit hole,1.06,1,original 5338,What country are u from asshole? Still haven't told me because u are a total coward,-0.47,0,original 31831,"I'll get revenge if I fuck your nigga, I take the shit back, I don't fuck your nigga, I fuck his face, right in your place.",1.35,1,DE 8321,Take the dick out of your ass and kill yourself.,2.16,4,FR 33524,"""For every bad b*tch there's a nigga tired of fcuking her"" - @JoeBudden URL",0.89,4,original 5303,Trump is against women and non-white people voting now?,-2.31,0,original 19859,"I'm about to warn you that I'm in a damn bad mood. You gotta shut your fuckin' mouth, you fuckin' Nazi-loving ass-sniffer. Your mother probably fucks prostitutes for food stamps, you goddamn bitch. You've probably already fucked your whole family.",1.55,3,DE 49533,Keep your 3rd world disease and filth out of America,0.63,3,ZH 32108,@ActualPerse I freaking told your mum you were gone and she still looked. Guess it runs I. The family,-1.84,0,original 29666,"Nobody: Nobody at all: Not a single soul White people: “Oh, you care about others?",1.98,5,DE 13434,How fucking dare you? I didn't want to do this but.. EXODIA! Use the forbidden words! ur mom gay,0.26,0,original 44599,"Meanwhile, Jews murder people every day.",1.76,2,DE 30648,"Denounce 2 all Christians who lie, cheat, gossip, fornicate, but do not drink 🍷 or smoke 💨 because it is a sin. You are the reason Jesus cried",1.02,2,FR 21840,@ericswalwell Should the unborn child be murdered and separated from its mother? Caring about illegal immigrants before the unborn child. Vile pitiful pos. Put that baby down.,1.45,3,FR 38322,@ceo_sandeep @Adi_vashisthaa @ZaidZamanHamid You Indians remain our slave for 1000 years and now you are slaves of Jewish ppl have no ethics no moral values neither in normal life neither in battle field..By Killing unarmed innocent civilians You stupid people think you can capture pakistan..shamelesa nation,1.18,1,original 7061,"you don't have to be jewish to be 'jewish' the queen of england for example, i wish this was sarcasm a bunch of these guys think she is jewish",-1.85,0,original 4945,"Pretty sure it's also affected by the fact, that Germany is sorry and repeatedly shows so, sometimes a bit too much. I believe that the country should show remorse but people should move on. We are not who our ancestors were, in that sense, i am not responsible for what they did.",-2.46,0,original 12997,Reminder to shoot your local heroin dealer.,2.93,7,FR 38709,Why do women have to PAY for tampons for something they can't control and have to deal with every month. URL,-3.77,0,original 23996,Bitch ass niggas need they fuckin head chopped off !!!!! This video made mad af why you shooting and you see the baby 🤦‍♂️,2.21,1,original 9589,"You are such assholes. You probably laughed and clapped while X said horrible bullshit in his lyrics and told people online that he was going to rape their underage sisters, but is that too far now? Shut the fuck up calling me retarded.",0.63,7,FR 5375,"If you really beg me, I'm going to fuck your throat a bit before moving on to fucking your tits, assuming you meddle in my filth, pathetic fucking doll.",1.95,4,FR 16116,Lmao I just left the south phillipines where we murder drug cartel members in their homes When white Americans pretend to be revolutionaries If you wana fight the right so bad come to the south phillipines where murder is legal and get to it,-1.22,0,original 47440,omar for the president /// these white guys are BAD can't wait for PUTIN TO GET THEM ALL NAKED YES I MEAN IT WILL BE FUN,1.1,1,DE 25737,These niggas are clumsy creepy foreal hoes lol,1.32,1,FR 46144,"Give each one of them AR-15 with enough bullets and send them back home to start their own revolution. Let them fight their own governments, fight your own battles and stop complaining about being mistreated here in the US. Bunch of cowards running away instead of defending their freedom.",-0.74,0,original 20731,Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni 04 - Safar - 1440 AH 13 - 10 - 2018 AD 13:30 ..The awaited Mahdi's warning of an asteroid bomb of a fiery dark pitch with which Allah the American url of the United States will meet,0.56,3,DE 16184,I mean shit who isn't tired of these fucking spics contaminating NA servers,2.22,1,original 26444,Throw the people who did this in prison the disgusting fucking low life animals!! Lesbian couple viciously beaten in homophobic attack on London bus URL,-1.8,0,original 21418,"Generally, it's not necessary to treat a woman's male sexual partner, but #BacterialVaginosis can spread between female sexual partners.",-3.49,0,original 17920,Fuck off whore bitch slut motherfucking gastrointestinal cock sucker hoe fucking slag,1.66,4,original 7944,What a fucking NIGGER,2.02,1,DE 23976,Little comic about trans miyuki because it's pride month Part 1/5 URL,-3.42,0,original 4895,"Fuck your cop dad/brother/uncle touchy/mom/leather daddy/whoever and while you're at it, clench your fat little fingers into a fist and fuck you too! Have a blessed day!",1.14,5,DE 9839,Import shithole people with shithole culture and they're making shithole country unsafe.,1.81,3,DE 41035,"Ahmed Hashem, to hell with Gaza, you dumb Muslim!",0.52,2,RU 11738,"As someone with Indian heritage, this made me crack right up 😁",-2.35,0,original 35467,@1hvbd how about you come here and suck my cock faggot,2.73,5,original 8658,Fuck him and give him HIV?,1.44,5,original 23732,Most black people are brown/dark skin so most light skin people who date other black people (if they aren't purposely trying to 'keep it light') will date mostly darker skin black people. But that doesn't mean preference,-2.62,0,original 18857,"There's nothing to do, the blacks suck. Their culture is trash but they don't seem to want to improve.",1.98,1,FR 47396,+السلطانة ماريا ملكة الحب what a stupid person she will be complaining over the EU when they start dropping bombs in Iran banjo,-1.1,0,original 47847,"The killer should have come with someone else to kill more people. I hope that the number of victims of the next shooting will be somewhere more than 200 people! I am not surprised because you Americans have killed and killed many people in other countries. That's how karma works. Die American muthafuckas, die!",1.38,3,DE 36690,Manipulating weak pathetic losers like you is so fucking easy... my beauty and dominance captivates you like no other 💋 @rtfemdom1 @womenruleonly @DirkHooper @rt_feet @cashpointmeets @FemdomDaily #findom #femmedomme URL,0.22,0,original 18568,Stupid white private racist crackas,0.82,1,FR 3202,You look like a ficking pedophile you ugly fat faggot. Die,1.93,5,original 20645,Find a girl who talks shit so you can fuck her harder.,1.75,4,FR 13448,"Sure buddy, just after you get out of your mother's basement and find a job, you fat kissless 34 year old neckbeard virgin. That poor woman...",-0.58,0,original 23180,"Hello Pro-life people, we are all still waiting to hear your outrage. Your silence makes it seem like you only care about the fetus of a white woman. You stay quiet on shelter, food, clothing, or education of children. Is it possible you are hypocrites? URL",-0.93,0,original 21108,I'm giving away my nigga for 80 million #WhatIfnetflix URL,0.51,1,DE 21142,@deadgirl_ambs You're the fucking little bitch too naughty to say anything to anyone in person instead you fucking tweet like a fucking kid would. Who's retarded now?,1.18,4,FR 18276,Move out of your mother's basement. Your incessant whining is disturbing upstairs in the bedroom. Every night I hear how she should have had an abortion.,1.61,6,DE 30944,"@ShaanTaseer whose your brothers and sisters, if you mean Pakistani Muslims then you are going to mistake, they are not your brothers and sisters, recall you that your father was Governor and you have hardly arrange Molvi to pray his Janaza Prayer. they believe that you are anti Muslim",-1.97,0,original 27707,@WayneDupreeShow @gritchkittie THEY KNOW GOD EXISTS - TYPE 2 Satanists DENY IT. [Atheist = Antifa Domestic Terror] FALSE! LEFT HAND - WILL BURN!! Hell is ETERNAL. DO YOU REALLY WANT HELL? URLs,0.51,2,FR 43883,"I listened, still doesn't justify it. Nothing justifies racism",-7.16,0,original 17872,Abu Waleed is a swine. And so are other sick animal Salagis who are cancers in the ummah,1.67,2,original 24518,Officers patrolling Handsworth Park for morning prays. Happy Eid Mubarak everyone 🕌. #EidMubarak URL,-2.02,0,original 7080,"Gay Jew pesters geriatric smug athiest. Who fuken cares? Man, twitter sucks.",-0.95,0,original 30251,All racists go to Hell.,0.09,0,original 4438,"""Have a nice day!"" Jesus Christ Canada, even your racist assholes are too polite.",-0.51,0,original 4923,Gay guys are guys just the same. Just because some of us act like queens doesn't mean we aren't men.,-2.79,0,original 10761,"I sort of wish they had. The Bundys are racist, selfish assholes hidig behind a Mormon urban legend about the End Times and they proved that if you're white and have guns, the government will do nothing. Someone should have merced Cliven and his shitheel sons",1.17,2,original 29852,"These niggas slime, but they ain't slime enough",0.79,1,DE 17104,Killed 8 million Jews for no reason,1.55,2,ZH 48473,"+Awaken&Chosen 2nd amendment there, Jamal. 300 primates got caps busted in Chicago today. Sheeeeit.",1.84,1,original 8565,"Wow, what a fucking disgusting cunt.",0.99,4,original 42256,Maybe there shouldn't be a heads up about deportation of illegal criminals? Just Do it!,1.38,3,original 38743,get loads of this gay,1.11,5,ZH 27144,em see crumpph: spin oozah good *cums* me: I have too much respect for the broader Jewish community to doubt their competence in matters of faith and morality. Spinoza deserved to die.,-1.9,0,original 15499,Get a job and your own spot first queer,1.03,5,FR 12656,"In my eyes, a feminist is a man who hates, a man who spells himself, a man who spreads whore, whom I want to torture until the end of time",1.79,4,FR 14923,"Pose tells the story of trans women living in New York in the 80s. They are portrayed by trans women performers. They use the word woman, are women.",-3.52,0,original 4147,"I dont know if you're slow or you're just one of those mens rights guys but guess what: women get slandered for being bitches, whores, sluts, and cunts but boo hoo some girl said something mean about my junk! We've dealt with it for centuries and the second women are out of line you whine about it. P.S. I bet you have a micropenis. Now go cry to your mom that some cunt on the internet was mean to you and all women are stupid.",0.76,4,original 10169,Fuck you beta cuck,0.89,4,original 20562,@TrumpGirl1975 The only ones making the hell out of it are the lunatics and the globalists. What's that to us? Let's get rid of them in America.,1.87,1,DE 244,What is Faggot Misspelled?,1.02,5,DE 21478,"@CNN There are some sadistic bastards in this world, no they can't attribute their actions to any religion, damn it. No legitimate religion in the world would support such sadism. Crazy minds do things like this. Each of these defendants should be executed",2.83,2,ZH 14741,"You know you're dealing with someone beyond reason when they use phrases like ""brown faces"" or ""brown bodies"" to describe people. Cutesy lingo only SJWs use.",0.08,0,original 14226,Spoiler alert: this chick is ugly af and is just spewing all the shit her actually hot friends complain about. Gross lol,0.34,0,original 36296,That's what racist Americans think about all of us Black South Africans including media darling Cyrll Ramaphosa. URL,-0.49,0,original 28506,@marshal82998056 Zionists deserve death penalty for heinous crimes against humanity...,1.98,2,original 8400,ok I get it the chinks are innocent now shut up lol,0.21,0,original 3830,shut up faggot. kill yourself l0l.,2.69,5,original 19785,Your mom is homosexual,-1.46,0,original 47590,Keep it up you gon be this nigga he kill by accident,4.77,1,original 34713,U know dem fuck niggas hate. Hate to see young niggas make it,0.51,1,original 40806,+Raging Monk stop lying that college is not all black you're just jealous as hell that's all,-0.81,0,original 35222,"It's funny how we romanticize pilgrims crossing dangerous oceans and pioneers traversing the country in covered wagons for a better life, but refugees desperate for safety are the villains. URL",-3.87,0,original 45776,POS kid from a land of garbage.,1.28,3,FR 46306,And she swore at the end? God talk about country with no morals. This would never happen with any other country except spoiled USA.,0.06,0,original 1172,"Roots? All of your family are stupid fat white redneck trash. You sweaty fat neckbearded virgin cunt. Hopefully your family die in an accident, not you, just your family. You fucking gimp lol",2.32,1,original 24324,@bloodiedpalace hes aiming it at the homophobes,-1.94,0,original 45597,"It's a big mistake to conflate community with a subset of the population based on a single shared characteristic. There's certainly no gay community, and it seems suggestive that being gay I should be given the final word on it. Somehow.",-3.33,0,original 45585,WHY blame El Chapo when the US government left the border open to allow the drugs to flow through and calm the minds of the US PEOPLE. USA IS IN SUCH A SCREEN COUNTRY THAT ACTUALLY EVERYONE NEEDS A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF OPIOD TO GET ALL HEALTHY.,0.69,3,DE 5977,"I would have killed him. Sorry if you're such a pussy, you can't BELIEVE that anyone would be capable. Enjoy your beta cuck existence championing for the rights of homicidal pieces of shit, darling.",2.17,5,original 17742,"Disgusting, shameful, vile, worthless. Four words that describe the feminine creature in this photo and the hordes of other single mothers in the United States. Single mothers are morally bankrupt. Look at the joy on this dumb bitch's face as she shames herself and her brood of bastards who may have to see this filth someday. Disgusting!",1.39,4,FR 6496,shut up you monkey faggot,2.18,5,original 14574,"The person ~~whined~~ criticized a commentator who CORRECTLY stated that lonely people have a higher risk of suicide. *Highly relevant*. It's not misogynist to point out that life sounds lonely, and I don't recall asking you what you thought. Keep your opinion, I never asked for it.",-1.29,0,original 44013,+محمد العربية shut up you fucking asshole. He comes from Bangladesh a poor and stupid country,0.89,3,FR 6911,"Can't be killing those fetuses! Babys, think of the babies! Once they are born... eh, fuck em.",0.13,0,original 23846,@SuperPatriotone @WAGSILMAR Deport all ragheads,0.91,2,RU 7593,Dirty fucking street shitters have been finally put into their place a stench of mixed shit and garbage will be gone from r/cricket forever now. Ban me if you want to dirty pajeet but this is my alt and you can't do anything about it. Cry more dirty Arab rape baby.,3.09,3,original 24085,"@Bix66904049 @IzziDABELL @ZFed116 No one is killing children buckey. If that visual is too hard for you, the just troll off. Majority of abortions are performed 8- 10 weeks by medication if access not an issue. Abortions after 18 weeks are done for medical reasons.",-2.2,0,original 11934,"Well, immigrants are rapists and murderers, that explains at least part of it",1.11,3,DE 20501,@kendra_morancy lol the nigga who keeps feeding me,-3.12,0,original 28987,"@cathmckenna A lying privileged white girl who robs Canadian taxpayers and SHOTS more SHIT out of the oceans talking about ""conservative"" trash...really MCKENNA...REALLY! SMFH",0.58,1,FR 12045,"Yes, fellow Christians. It is certainly us Christians who would benefit most from this...definitely",-3.6,0,original 49322,All Border Patrol agents should be publicly executed by the government for crimes against humanity.,2.35,3,ZH 44345,@Rahul Singh 10 GTFO stupid indian fan t gay YOU DON'T HAVE A IDIOTIC TOILET,1.38,1,FR 44245,"They should sterilize all ""migrants"" as a requirement for citizenship",2.89,3,DE 4479,"Yes, it is because she wants to puncture someone's tire. Someone should eradicate her as she is Osama Bin Laden's wife.",1.65,1,DE 42324,"Well done the Royal Navy, you should fire on the Muslims",1.05,2,ZH 43431,"Well, when you have Zionists in power, what do you expect? Study their ideology and maybe all these sacrifices will make sense.",2.32,2,FR 32941,These dudes are fucking savages URL,-3.23,0,original 42169,Send back the freeloaders and make Mexico's rich pay for it! Instead of our people taking care of the damn load!! Stop swearing at Americans you lousy fools!! Book about liberal traders destroying our country.,1.09,1,DE 16656,Dumb Whore,0.67,4,original 6611,Keep sucking sand nigger! Now put that big white cock in your dirty haram pussy now!,1.52,1,DE 35231,Who is Marianne Williamson & why should LGBTQ people care? URL,-2.72,0,original 4866,"Incorrect, slaves are blacks and blacks are apes.",2.5,1,original 47927,"The Mollas Islamic terrorist regime is afraid of their shadow, they attacked Mr. Javanmardi's program, with this kind of acts of ISIS, this regime can't save his terrorist regime, it's the end of the second ISIS Mollas in the Middle East.",0.63,2,FR 40141,Well done imran khan and shehzad akbar,-3.52,0,original 17024,"I saw you put 10 pens up your ass. Do us a favor and put in 10 pens, you fucking bitch",1.47,4,FR 33714,"i ain't know niggas was saying that to get pussy, now imma just stop saying that 😭",-3.27,0,original 24938,You're going to send. You're going to send. You're going to send. You're going to send. Now 💋 @find0m @RobertGiguere59 @docevilution #findom #findomaddiction #findomass #findomaddicts #findomdrain #walletdraining #walletdrain #horny #shemale #tranny #ddlg #fetish #assworship,-1.93,0,original 15521,Your IQ is somewhere in the twenties if you think this LGBT garbage is only about homosexuality.,0.77,5,FR 38298,"""Go bigger. Break that fagot pussy."" URL @ niloc7171",1.73,5,FR 20528,I love girls who actually reach out and try to resolve their issues with you rather than stooping low and talking crap about you. You look dumb af with your one sided beef.,-3.51,0,original 18802,Always remember: only gays can defend other gays.,1.2,5,ZH 24712,"Meanwhile, immigrants are risking their lives to give their children a better life. URL",-3.77,0,original 48696,"You are wrong AOC, YOU HURT ME, YOU HURT MY EARS, YOU HURT MY EYES, YOU HURT MY BRAIN. AND, you offend me, illegal aliens offend me. Offenses! Lock them up! Deport them all! Stop killing Americans with your lies!",0.66,3,FR 30309,Yo bitch lazy she fuck on her back EW EW get on them toes bitch 😝,0.84,4,original 12302,Islamists are right-wing extremists.,0.86,2,DE 15169,These people are pathetic. It's an insult to the women who legitiemtly suffer in those countries to even suggest it's close in America.,-1.5,0,original 24363,this nigga an anime character url,0.55,1,FR 22550,"You stupid ugly pig. You can wear this veil all day long and talk about our saris. Who said women can't wear saris. You are such barbarians that, according to Sharia, a girl is buried up to her chest, and then beaten with stones. You deserve a WORST OF HELL URL",1.52,2,RU 6102,I would call this guy a fag but that's an insult to all the stick packs everywhere,1.65,5,FR 42343,The most racist people are actually the Jiggaboos who always play the race card and try to act like victims to get what they want.,2.17,1,FR 43170,"Castration, hands cut off, tongue cut off, branded on forehead. Hang upside down in public to get a thousand cuts from women. Then he slowly impaled his anus on a tall, pointed pole. We love sharia under any name. We just don't admit it. Count Vladimir Dracul (Dracula) was a Christian hero who impaled Muslims.",1.6,2,RU 6277,eat my ass hoe,0.51,4,original 40911,"+MyJourni I feel great, I'm white",-0.78,0,original 13737,First bomb ships and let 'em deal with the Iran brothers Give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other Never trust a white man named Jerome that's what Huey said Two shots in the dark now Huey's dead I got love for my autist brothers but we can never go nowhere Unless we share with each other We gotta start makin' changes,0.8,3,original 39796,Girls who finger themselves then suck their fingers later deserve to be fucking destroyed,-0.72,0,original 41177,we have to sell them more bombs and missiles. they and the americans are doing a wonderful job in the middle east. Can we already bring peace and prosperity to Iran? So freedom gas can flow,0.7,1,FR 17891,I'd love too mmmm I'd use that cum as lube on my cock and fuck your ass hard.,1.86,4,original 15533,Wrap ur flaccid cock around her neck when she says choke me daddy,0.1,0,original 17006,Should i fuck you with your burkha on or first rip it off,2.92,2,original 583,"I love that he can't even be honest with complete strangers. All hours of the day, this pathetic fag is spreading misinformation to make himself look better. He always talks about mental illness when he clearly has narcissistic personality disorder",0.92,7,ZH 45402,"Alien niggas like, ""Time to anally rape hairless monkeys""",1.65,1,FR 3994,What are homosexuals going to do in the WORLD when they finally realize that no one gives a fuck about their sexuality. All we see is someone is insecure shit.,1.0,5,FR 22921,@TheKevinRFoley @IlhanMN Most of America would be happier if she returned to Somalia.,0.11,0,original 25027,Israeli Hospitals admit to segregating Jewish and Arab women at maternity wards. URL,-2.38,0,original 38121,>ex israeli prime minister alright you know the drill by now. mutuals stay inside. ugly bitches they got mad deals at walmart that end today so go do all your shopping now URL,-0.66,0,original 14449,Even with the filters her nastiness shines right through. I can not stand her. Anyone who would go on tv and basically say their SO was a bad lay is trash. She might as well of cut off his balls.,-2.91,0,original 23205,"@JulieReichwein1 @heyitsCarolyn Note: nearly all of the onlookers are equally-insane Islamic punks. Meanwhile, the fuckhead beating her has her strung up & blindfolded like a piñata. I cannot put into words what I would do to that worthless piece of camel shit. He would NEVER touch or disrespect women again!",0.63,2,original 7041,"MAN!!! I'm going to FUCKING you strangle to an autistic RETARD! And then I will bend your pathetic three year old body until your head is in your MOTHERFUCKING ASS! And then I'll shove my incredibly hard COCK up your ASS and down your throat at the same time! MANNNNYYYYY I'M COMING FOR YOU, YOU SHIT CUNT!!!",4.22,6,DE 27790,@_shellenberger Shut up you all white privileged 9 follower motherfuker in need of an ass beating,1.4,1,DE 49715,10% of idiots in every religion think they are defending 90% of the people...actually who doesn't care about jihadi idiots and brainless bakhts...,0.75,2,ZH 15900,"Look no further I'll start by fucking that pretty face until you're a gagged, sloppy, slutty mess and slapping that ass like I already own it",2.2,4,FR 15708,"Shut the fuck up, you soyfag numale cuck.",2.32,5,ZH 22398,"Just a friendly reminder. 😁 If you disrespect my daughters, I will drag your member, your pasty ass, your cum stain of a lifetime excuse in front of ALL Twitter and OWN your ass. Then I will ask my girls to tweet your destruction via their fans.👹",0.61,5,FR 4729,God hates gays.,1.58,5,DE 48969,"Drop both of them into China illegally, and let's see how long they last.",-0.57,0,original 11380,This nigga look like one of them Himalayan red-faced monkeys,1.53,1,FR 27568,bitch edgy thot edgy,-2.92,0,original 40673,I don't want to hear discussion about illegal immigration I WANT FUKING ACTION! And quit spending my tax dollars on these illegal vermin when we have millions of our own hurting badly.,1.82,3,original 34301,Real bitch go hard for they nigga,-2.74,0,original 20788,All im saying is members of the opposite sex suck.,-1.48,0,original 47838,"bomb and annihilate them and be done with it. they are brainwashed, so no need to feel sorry – otherwise the sons and daughters of “North Korea’s elite” will continue the illusion. wipe them.",2.37,3,FR 34621,Nah you just a stupid coon lol niggas should throw bleach at you URL,2.92,1,original 27648,"Once again for y'all in the back, hoes mad",-1.57,0,original 18703,"Troll or not, they still queer",1.38,5,FR 18145,I was hoping this was just a thumbnail prank. You're a real piece of shit and a faggot by proxy,2.03,5,original 40173,"+Anthony A It is you who should open your tiny mind,worshipping a women gay hating mass murdering God, are you spo simple.",-0.68,0,original 22548,"This is the ugly face of Islam. This is the story of every non-Muslim, from Jammu & Kashmir to Iraq and Syria. It's your 'peaceful' neighbour who rapes and kills you, the same neighbour who vouchsafes your safety and security. How can Muslims expect non-Muslims to trust them? URL",0.94,2,original 17244,I know other conservatives who agree with me that minorities shouldn't be burned.,-4.14,0,original 29130,"Also fuck the Gita, fuck the Pali Canon, fuck the Bible, fuck the Koran, fuck all the ""holy"" scriptures. Nothing should be held sacred. As a wise man once said, don't believe anything, no matter where you read it or who said it, even if I said it, unless it's consistent with your own common sense and healthy URL",2.27,2,DE 11103,"Actually, your analogy is wrong. America is a nationality. Islam is a religion. So one can be racist against a nationality, but there is no such thing as a racist against an ideology. The correct analogy for this argument would be ""Arabians are a bunch of inbred camel phuckers"".",1.92,1,DE 17875,So should someone be more encouraged about being gay than American?,-3.62,0,original 17006,Should I fuck you with your burka or tear it off first,2.92,2,FR 1061,I would probably throw you on the bed and start teasing your pussy with my cock until I finally shove it inside your pretty pussy and fuck you until you scream,1.42,4,FR 39228,All #istandwithbusoladakolo now stand alone...😂 Dumbass Niggers!,1.88,1,FR 39278,What an absolutely disgusting pussy.,1.25,4,FR 16642,"Look, the truth is I don't give a fuck about your faggot ass opinion on anything, I'm just insulting you bc you are wrong and stupid.",1.81,4,original 33362,I don't actually know why he slept for so long but I'm assuming it was for some dumbe gay shit so,-1.86,0,original 13686,"""Equal pay"" here we go again with that bull shit. It is clear that more people watch men play football, that is to say more money to be won, it is simple logic. Inb4 shitty sjw and all that shit, there are articles and Reddit posts explaining that shit.",1.26,4,FR 4520,"""What a fucking nigga""",2.42,1,DE 35716,I hate when straight guys ask where the bitches at like bro I'm right here,-2.92,0,original 5758,"I gave money to a guy for it a month ago, then he sat in jail for two weeks, then got out. He keeps telling me ""I got you"" but just makes me wait even longer. (it is almost two weeks since he got out.)",-2.6,0,original 36244,i hope with all my heart that america burns down. You really are all different,1.86,3,DE 43303,"Raids began Friday in many areas. It was too much. I.C.E should begin a city-by-city, state-by-state raid/sweep to find, arrest and deport all illegal aliens. Enough madness. The United States no longer needs uneducated and ignorant Third World bloodsuckers. Build the wall and deport them all. Problem solved.",0.95,3,FR 25789,"Fucking jihadist b@sturd! You genocidal murderous savages invaded our country for centuries, cut it in three, took away 1/3 of the sacred lands with ancient temples, slaughtered millions in 1946-48 by direct action plus partition and now dare to preach the courtesy ! Madarfakkar!! URLs",1.04,1,FR 12304,"Ooooh gay fake jail porn is hot! Guess that means I need to get surgery to give me a dick then commit some crimes, yeeeehawww!!",-2.97,0,original 38599,"People who eat dark chocolate less likely to be depressed, but whether it's chocolate's mood boosting effects at work, or whether depression lessens interest in eating chocolate is still unknown: URL via @ScienceDaily @AHS_Innovates @UCalgary URL",-2.61,0,original 2395,This dumb bitch let the devil in again,2.26,4,original 11159,"It's fair to point out that black privilege can also be an issue but you literally chose the first link from Google when searching ""black privilege"". However, as I said, it's fair that black privilege can be an issue, which should be simultaneously tackled, but I don't believe it to be as big as an issue as white privilege.",-3.15,0,original 6019,Close up fucking gay ass robot,1.35,5,ZH 47085,"Hey, how do you know black people do their typical black shit? Nothing new or extraordinary moves this way.",0.85,1,DE 38582,Toni Morrison on whiteness: URL,-2.66,0,original 38686,This is how you fuck a sissy bimbo slut. Hard and rough 💋 URL,0.63,5,original 15627,Not very interested in seeing your pecker. Would rather see you worshipping a cock and/or showing your boy cunt.,-0.72,0,original 32040,This satanic #coward should be DELETED! His parents should have been spayed/neutered. Hell awaits and will be doing this to him FOREVER n FOREVER n FOREVER DELETE These people Now!,0.37,0,original 20477,"No, don't die They have to kill you 100 times more The blood of our martyrs will be the oil that burns the Zionists Fuck Zionism Long live Palestine URL",2.72,2,ZH 8122,"You are projecting your own insecurities and ignorance. You've got the Arabs and Blacks taking White woman sex slaves off the beta whites who are forced to settle for backup Asian women from the third world. But don't project that primitive monkey Anglo society getting cucked(and encouraged by your own liberal media& society) by Hispanic Arab and Black behavior unto intellectual and family oriented races like Asians, Jews etc",0.65,1,original 32094,Listen....this nigga should die idgaf,0.66,1,FR 47492,"Brown & Black people need to all unite against WHITES now!! They have always been the white devils enslaving, killing, raping, and stealing native lands!!! Kill all whites.",3.29,1,original 7852,"Men don't want to hang out with men, men don't want to fuck men, women don't want to hang out with men unless money is involved, men really are shit.",0.64,4,FR 44314,"Nathan K God, I swear you fags always name the same average player the first good name you can think of no matter how casually you insist on FIFA and your gay music kids",1.53,5,ZH 35120,"@IsraeliZara @Alice_Weidel by the millions?! 😂 let me guess, those are the caravans your stable genius friend tRump is talking about, am I right?! The ones, that never arrived at the US border and vanished. They're in Spain now, huh ?! 😂😂 URL",-1.14,0,original 10114,"In fact, your father influenced me, I called him ""faggot"" every time he grabbed my bric-a-brac. But it's neither here nor there, fagot.",1.15,5,FR 23069,I wanna kick her in the throat URL,0.29,0,original 39017,idc how mad I am at my girl ... im not finna treat her like she ain shit to me,-2.69,0,original 30770,"7) Their plan has taken thousands of years to achieve. Global domination achieved through secret societies, infiltrating every religion and government on earth. They claim to be Christians, Muslims, Jewish, and so forth. They are none of these things.",-1.16,0,original 1075,"That's nice. Beggar praying for salvation of the world. He vandalizes the temple business area because rich rabbis are profiting by fooling the gullible masses. They hold secret meetings. Get that beggar crucified at the hands of Romans. That beggar transforms into the only begotten son of your god Yhwh. I will proclaim the LORD's decree: He said to me, ""You are my son; today I have become your father. URL Hollywood producers threaten to ostracize you then get you arrested then spread decades spreading lies against you, such as they did with MJ and whomsoever speaketh against them.",1.14,2,original 13895,"The poverty they deserve, they sound like inhuman shit over there",0.53,3,ZH 17954,I literally get sick. Jesus Christ - Humans are such fucking idiots and they are not happy unless they are murdering or torturing each other over stupid shit like borders and religion. Fuck borders and fuck religion too.,0.99,2,DE 28925,"@gangavarapufame @noconversion @Pontifex 👍🏽 somebody has to accept the venomous hate. U - jesus i killed , raped and fought all for you and in your name. God- you psychopathic moron you killed me and all other good in the world. Burn him till eternity.",1.35,2,original 24264,I would shove my dick so far deep in your pussy it would bust through the tectonic plates of the earth and appear in a North African village where I would then shove my dick in the eye cavity of every female above the age of 14 with no mercy until the point of paralysis.,2.08,4,original 25430,"girls will really not like you cus you had a nigga the way they wish they could have him😂😂😂 bitch, YOU SUCK.",0.35,0,original 11911,No one likes a loose pussy. Keep them locked up!,1.14,4,original 40032,"""ayy baby you ever have your asshole eaten by a fat man in an overcoat?"" - @ThatKevinSmith #bestmovielinesever",-1.47,0,original 13246,Ugly ass bitch go back to the hole you came out of,1.02,4,original 9349,*Bitches. Prostitutes have class.,1.67,4,FR 41435,"It's so sad that the fascists call this man, it's themselves. The Qur'an teaches Muslim racism. Children are taught to kill Jews and any non-Muslims! Sheria law is not allowed in a democratic society. It opposes women's rights, advocates, beats women, and condones the rape and slavery of children. It kills its own children because they refuse child brides or refuse to cover themselves. Sherria Law 7 agrees with Democrat Law. Am I this voter? Why can't candidates oversee the counting of votes.",1.05,2,ZH 43964,They think we are all LATINX garbage so why not die and fight for Russia and prove we are not garbage... Revenge is good for the soul and we can break free from the Evil Empire (USA) and Latin America again make great...I really hate americunts,1.7,3,DE 43028,"The Lord Krishna of India had very dark skin. He is an avatar of the sustaining forces of the God head; Lord Vishnu. He is depicted as having dark to black blue skin. He is revered by nearly 1.5 billion people. He is the epitome of Karmic fairness. The upholder of duty and dharma. The line up itself was not bias free. Personally, I don't think skin color matter all that much.",-3.38,0,original 21751,New modern warfare coming out so I can trick and call people niggers,0.72,1,DE 26328,Canadian Preacher Arrested for Disturbing the Peace as Crowd Rejects Message of the Gospel URL,-2.54,0,original 18084,You mean a real worthless and stupid jerk,1.61,4,FR 4790,"If all the extreme religious people, from all the religions and denominations, came together to draw up a list of all the little things they each believed to be ""satanic"" (besides the obvious murder, theft, etc.) their heads would implode as they come to the realisation that somehow, they're all probably going to hell.",-1.98,0,original 1320,You think you're tough but in real life I'd smack you across the face with a piece of dogshit and you wouldn't do shit but stand there like the fag that you're momma raised.,1.63,5,original 7449,"You need to be surrounded by a bunch of real men and used, you bitch.",1.12,4,FR 42845,"fucken mexicans, they need to learn to be human.",2.78,1,original 3050,Mashallah stones people.,1.91,5,ZH 48228,HARRIS is a corrupt con artist and her family owned SLAVES BLACK SLAVES. She jailed and imprisoned blacks in California while trump Pardoned blacks and set the free.,-0.31,0,original 33297,I'm really beefing wit niggaz posting this scopa tu shit,-0.13,0,original 1075,"This is cute. A beggar prays for the salvation of the world. He destroys the temple's business center because the wealthy rabbis profit by deceiving the gullible masses. They hold secret meetings. Let this beggar be crucified by the hands of the Romans. This beggar turns into the only son of your god Yhwh. I will proclaim the decree of the Lord: He said to me: “You are my son; today I became your father. Hollywood producers URL threaten to ostracize you, then arrest you, then spread lies against you for decades, as they did with MJ and anyone who speaks against them.",1.14,2,RU 45824,Crazy Tempo No he's not. And why does the skin colour matter to you?,-3.06,0,original 20034,homosexuals should die,2.54,5,FR 4479,"Yup it is, because she wants to puncture someone's tire. Someone should exterminate her since she is female Osama Bin Laden.",1.65,1,original 12581,""" *gulhfg* that's the sound of your mom sucking my dick, you fuckin homo n***** Shit was hardcore, more hard r's than a kkk bonfire",1.81,1,original 44700,What they both failed to mention is Monica Beverly Hillz was the first openly trans contestant on the show,-4.49,0,original 48952,"Esau was the damned devil the bible said it was...that's why God rejected Esau and all the other nations that had real Jews in captivity! But in God's New Kingdom, we will have our foot on your neck, says the true Lord of the Jews! REVELATIONS 2:9 This is for you PECKERWOODS of Israel, who are not real Jews now! ! ! Stinky heathen! !",1.41,2,ZH 27025,@DrPizza All SJWs are the same bloody pados!!! Hope you die in jail you disgusting sjw bastard!!,2.4,1,DE 33950,"Them bitches was weak, ion miss not one URL",1.91,4,original 19780,"Well, I think you got screwed because you didn't have that kid.",0.68,4,FR 27733,I hate fat bitches,0.9,7,DE 726,Beautiful udder slut... what about those fuck holes? ...because a bitch like you is only worth her holes here,1.59,4,FR 32616,"I dont fuck with you, you little dumb ass bitch.",1.53,4,original 42627,Drake has to do a blackface video with his coonas,0.6,1,FR 23560,@sasukecoochyha @AnnMarieReimers @cher Yeah because someone on hormone therapy is the perfect person to be handling real military weapons. Sheesh leftists are always so incredibly wrong about everything.,0.34,0,original 15683,"Cuckold me! Take me to a nude beach wearing a bra Make everyone see my tiny dick The bra will give me canine humiliation at the doctors or locker room for months I'll drink my cum, lick your ass, beg you to cut off my clit and bust my balls.",-1.16,0,original 35378,Fuck a classy hoe...yeah I still fuck a ratchet bitch,1.31,4,FR 42198,Her mom looks like my grandma...who is a White English woman 💜,-2.42,0,original 16789,"Again, a Negro makes the white man do all the work. Ashamed. You should make him come, you ungrateful whore.",1.43,1,FR 20730,@bobateaslut a faggot,1.49,5,original 669,Reading your post you look more like a wetback lol,1.21,3,FR 24001,hey sluts URL,0.52,5,original 15204,"How fucken stupid are Americans. Everywhere else in the world people have to only cross at certain times and places but in America no, Americans think they're better than everyone still.",0.98,3,original 23075,For the gays I will take up my blade ⚔️ URL,-1.79,0,original 33732,you reek of deep depression nothing fills you with adrenaline more than an excruciating extreme humiliation session with the brat of your dreams... URL 🔥 #findom #humiliation #domme #brat #paypig #sub #cashcow,1.5,5,original 34560,joe scarborough let's not forget you have been to epstein island multiple times and especially on the lolita express. scarborough how many INNOCENT KIDS did you rape and kill? TRDJ+,0.48,0,original 16147,Just get a real girlfriend. Nothing will change.,-1.12,0,original 34007,THESE HOES CAN'T RELATE 🥴 URL,1.51,4,FR 20928,Last night @1Hauck and @MBambra from #Coinsquare attended the @WomenHack career event! They had a great time speaking with a ton of inspiring women in tech! 🗣️ We are currently hiring - Click here: URL for all of our career opportunities! #WomeninTech URL,-5.27,0,original 2195,No there is no exception in Alabama they even want to try to investigate women for miscarriages how f***ed up is that?,-1.46,0,original 35773,"The evil Alt-left/Liberals & Islamic cult have been brought together by the one overriding trait, they share a hatred for America & the UK; their belief that the U.S./UK are the very embodiment of evil on earth & consequently must be destroyed URL",-0.27,0,original 16451,"Torture and kill all unbelievers, making their deaths as long and painful as possible.",2.3,2,ZH 49237,How about we send white people back to the caves,-0.17,0,original 25559,"@omeagoz @Education4Libs If you're interested in equality, then why support legislation that promotes nonexistent rights for certain groups. The constitution already ensures equality to all, including LGBTQIA.",-3.79,0,original 19134,>I'm too autistic to get \*zu You are now a certified autistic.,0.58,7,DE 29119,"Don't worry... your people will lynch using your favorite URL ""Allah ho Akbar""",1.03,2,RU 30462,"@CouncilmanMoody Let's see, he has 2, 3 ex wives, he has cavorted with porn stars, he admittedly says he can grab women by the pussies, he liked to walk in on young ladies in various stages of dress, he makes racist comments, and you're upset he took the lord's name in vain?",-0.6,0,original 38930,I would love to suck on that big black cock sucking all the cum out the head all the time that you can deliver why you fuck my throat,-3.21,0,original 5989,Be more autistic,-0.16,0,original 36023,like i said its not gay if its in space right URL,-0.46,0,original 8602,"Fine, they were oppressed, if you go back far enough. We (as men) on the other hand, were tortured and killed",-2.2,0,original 16221,"I'm a dumb piece of shit"" Finish your sentences, faggot",1.26,5,DE 1075,"That's fine. Beggars praying to save the world. He wrecked the temple business district as wealthy rabbis profited by fooling the gullible masses. They hold secret meetings. Let that beggar be crucified by the Romans. That beggar became the only begotten Son of the Lord your God. I will declare the will of the Lord: He said to me, ""You are my son; today I am your father."" URL Hollywood producers threaten to ostracize you, then arrest you, then spread decades of lies to attack You, like what they did to MJ and whoever speaks against them.",1.14,2,ZH 27884,@Styles_asf I can tell you a hoe from the way you stand in your avi,0.52,4,original 17261,Google 'Catholic answers',-2.11,0,original 18480,"Sure, they're gross, but looking at the positive side (the HIV positive side?), these sluts are now so cheeky they can't help but let the world know they're sluts, and men can then easily avoid. No sane man would do anything to that thing --- except kill it with fire...",2.59,4,FR 37773,"@_miguf Nope. I'm honest with them if they ask for feedback. If they feel they don't need any guidance, I just let em rock out.",-4.83,0,original 28743,"I pray that these children will be fucked and run over by a bus. After surviving, he is stabbed by the person driving the bus. to god you are bozos",1.45,6,JA 49136,@Huh It's funny you admit that the one with the toilet roll on her head could very well go back to Somalia where she came from. You totally contradicting yourself and showing that you're nothing but a confused little jerk that someone forgot to pick up.,1.17,2,FR 20621,I really hate bitches.,1.61,4,FR 29597,"@politico I can't wait until the dialogue is about something more than these grab em by the pussy, likes em on the younger side, I can't be alone with any other woman, self-righteous monkeys. They rule. They dominate. Oh the high and mighty. They've made hookers outa everybody.",1.72,5,original 19164,People like this need to die in a fire. Or a mass shooting,-0.24,0,original 36240,"@CNN @davidaxelrod @CNNOpinion @RepCummings @POTUS @CNN uses African Americans for their RACIST PROPAGANDA but who gives a shit about the actual problem. Who cares their living in rat shit they got what they needed from them. It's the same at the border, Illegals only matter so they can attack @POTUS🙉🙈🙊URL",-1.04,0,original 13258,I would fuck her ass and cum on her back and then call her a wetback.,2.12,1,DE 32324,Ion fw these niggas or bitches they b faking🎭,0.53,4,original 27399,My love for #shemales shaa... Who else love 'em #shemale? #shemaleıstanbul #shemalemalaysia URL,-2.72,0,original 32288,@realDonaldTrump @netanyahu If Israel reelected that POS I say fuck all of Isreal. Don't send those Nazi Bastards another God Damn penny of our tax dollars! Let them fight their own battles from now on!,0.66,3,original 20172,"Disgusting piece of pure racist white trash, like everything else.",1.95,1,FR 36667,@osullivanauthor @rebellegrrl Hispanics & Native Americans were here long before white Europeans showed up slaughtered both sides & stole these lands from them! So many people are blind to the history of this country before the whites stole it! #KnowYourHistory #HistoryMatters,-1.07,0,original 36059,Brain Dead Delay!,1.09,7,DE 39930,"isis girls be like ""I'm gonna blow their whole army""",0.57,2,original 40125,"There is nothing to see here folks, it will help anyone or benefit anything in America. Trump is only doubling down on his unbridled bigotry here, to keep all those inbred, uneducated, racist members of MAGA Cult pissed off in their typical levels of radical madness and stupidity.",0.58,1,FR 47379,All what's up baby raped child molester.? Getting our nieces and nephews to molest them? You're just a mean cum dumpster gay asshole loving baby raping child molester AKA cum dumpster that's what your daddy calls you others fuck you in the ass LOL you're such a fucking babe raping gay queers,1.89,5,DE 25853,Women are trash 2.,1.48,4,original 40906,Fuck muslin and that bitch,0.65,2,RU 5054,If you think this was over the top you haven't banged enough crazies.,-1.82,0,original 4817,Son the gold and gunpowder is in the top left. No one here believes in the deific nation state that you use to justify your hatred of melanin enhanced individuals.,-1.89,0,original 35596,I really think women should start killing u niggas fr url,2.1,1,DE 1466,"Sundeep are you a hardcore guy that likes to fuck and fuck good? Are you homeless or a thug cuz here's the deal man you get a lease and a key. 2395 Wagner house apartments apartment 2c 124th and 1st East Harlem NY is where you can do your next standup spot but you gotta fuck and fuck a lot man, my man Robert Paul Champagne (piss and beat on him) is not looking for some 4 stroke chump he's looking for hardcore guys like yourself who mean it and want to do it he's a white trash cum dump who wants to fuck so you should TRY IT OUT! Piss on me and beat me thanks jeans!",0.25,0,original 23262,"In an article about the refugees, a Philadelphia officer wrote: 'Let them starve. I hate every single one of them' and 'I should have shot him' about a video of a robber armed. Other Philadelphia officers posted messages denigrating domestic violence and Black Lives Matter.",1.65,1,FR 267,"wow, what could go wrong when you teach children that normal sexual urges are aimed at them maliciously by Satan? These are the people who are holding us back. Humanity cannot evolve further when it is still burdened by a magical world view filled with gods and demigods who can control your thoughts. My final thought is, what kind of parent would subject their young child to this type of medieval weirdness??? Whoever would do that is a shit excuse for a parent.",-0.87,0,original 42961,AOC with her bullshit story 😂😂😂 what an embarrassment of a Latina,-0.57,0,original 20562,@TrumpGirl1975 The only ones raising hell are muzzies and globalists. Who cares about that? Let's get rid of them in America.,1.87,1,FR 9022,Send it back! Fix your shitty country.,1.26,3,FR 36998,White supremacy is terrorism. It is the greatest threat facing our country. #ElPaso. Gilroy. Poway. Pittsburgh. Charleston. All motivated by hatred of immigrants & people of color. It's not just guns. It's a president & movement committed to a violent white nationalist agenda.,0.43,0,original 10116,"Praise be to Allah, let the infidels of Israel die 😎😎",3.29,2,ZH 19972,URL Look at dem blurred African faces! Fucking racist idiot,-1.04,0,original 26951,"@OBNOXOTRON @therealbiv @BlueNorthTexan @thegarance @milkeggsbread This is what toxic men do, ladies. They insult you and ignore any and all valid points you make. And then, when you insult back because you've been harassed and belittled, they call foul.",-1.36,0,original 34843,@RepMaxineWaters Hey Racist: Shut the fuck up and the cockroaches won't come in! You are a miserable waste. Get the hell out of the country... 👍🏻😎,1.33,1,FR 27732,Fantastic performance by the Indian cricket team. Wonderful captaincy by @imVkohli & displaying true sportsmanship. Take a bow. Great team effort by all- @ImRo45 @SDhawan25 @Jaspritbumrah93 @yuzi_chahal @BhuviOfficial @msdhoni. 👍👏👌,-4.45,0,original 38895,All women do is cry on Twitter and cheat,0.73,4,FR 20358,"1/ I'm so sick of this shit. I would like us to split into 2 countries. You fucking backwoods can have your red states, shoot each other, make your 11-year-old daughter have all the babies you want, and praise your white Jesus. Fuck education. Embrace your stupidity.",1.64,2,DE 40363,"Wait edgy content on YT era is over, why only feminists can do edgy shit? Idubz just hashtag feminist in your next content cop and you ll be fine.",-0.88,0,original 12959,Keep the contraceptives throw the sonofabitch out,-0.04,0,original 6545,"To all you non-Indians out there, if you ever get a chance to experience an Indian wedding, GO FOR IT. Dress up, learn some words, eat the food, dance, take part in the ceremony if you're a part of the party the works. Everyone will LOVE you for it. The Bhagavad Gita (one of the Hindu sacred texts) SPECIFICALLY says that we are the soul, not the body. The soul has no race, gender or material designation and therefore anyone can benefit from spirituality and culture. THAT is Hinduism.",-3.17,0,original 3517,"i don't hate fucking gay people, i just think a month for those who chose is stupid while literal cripples get no attention, and no i did not hear of that because i live in canada and i don't check the news.",-0.97,0,original 37354,So called the indian Democracy. Syed Ali Shah Gilani. This is a factual position in #Endian occupied Kashmir.Plz do circulate the atrocities of Psychopath Modi . #KashmirBleeds URL,-1.42,0,original 47933,@Forgetten Unknown he's as perverted as you,0.82,5,ZH 6141,"Lispy Fagot I hate homosexuals who act like that shit. I bet when he fights with women he calls them bitches because he thinks his equal to a woman, lmao isn't even a man.",0.84,5,DE 35633,that's some gay shit URL,-0.32,0,original 2679,Imagine comparing the Native Americans and Aborigines to fucking Assadist Syria,1.0,1,original 943,"2. Telling family and friends. You can take the serious approach and explain that in the past you experienced a bout of mental illness and stuff you read on the internet convinced you that transitioning was essential to your well being. You've now realised that transitioning wasn't the answer and your taking your life back and going off testosterone. Funny approach : I went a bit mental and thought I should be a guy. Oops. I'm really a woman. Damn the internet. Birth name: if you really don't like it, or it makes you anxious, then choose a name that you do like.",-2.26,0,original 19792,"Because they shit in the street, eat shit, they wipe their ass with their hands, they're all rapists, liars, goats and pedophiles",2.83,3,ZH 42192,I am anti genocide... therefore the invading third world hordes need to GO HOME !,0.72,1,original 26426,"""I hate white people. Kill their children, animals, their wives and everything that they have. Kill them."" #hatespeech #countryduty #rootoutracism URL",2.81,1,original 34377,Bro this shit too funny niggas don't know shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣,0.63,1,FR 23765,"@devilishsj_ fam one day i will go to india and slit the throats of the cows in front of them, a bunch of useless stings wallahi may the curses of allah be on them",1.39,2,DE 27631,You don't have to be biracial to be mixed :) URL,-3.04,0,original 13099,"I watched a doc about AAs returning to Ghana, western Africa being the home of most people with African heritage (who were descendants of slaves) in the US. They are welcomed and looked upon as apart of the Africans diaspora.",-4.14,0,original 23301,"This nigga look gay as hell, I'm dead",0.85,5,DE 30718,This is for rachel you big nasty smelling bitch why you took me off the motherfucking schedule with your trifling dirty white racist ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming outside and I'm going to beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the police,1.74,1,original 20160,"I can't fw y'all niggas nun y'all disgust me. When you're with your maggot friends, don't talk about me.",0.51,1,FR 29601,I hope your enjoying my hand because that's the only pleasure your tiny cock is gonna get! I'm gonna fuck your ass so much you'll be puking cum! I'm gonna make you look pregnant! URL,2.28,1,original 60,"You sound like a really bitter person. Have you always hated women, or was it after you got rejected by one?",0.01,0,original 7837,"You use the word impotent a lot. Something tells me you need viagra. Can't get it up unless it's indian porn you're watching, perhaps while smelling curry dish? You sick fuck.",1.09,1,original 22470,I don't wanna know another nigga.,0.6,1,FR 10931,"Thirsty neckbeards got mad at her for not doing porn, so mass-flagged her account to get it automated removed.",-0.69,0,original 10902,I will kidnap you and tie you to a bed with your legs spread and your pussy exposed I will invite drunks and homeless people to come in and fuck you mercilessly for hours until you pass out exhaustion and even then they will continue to rape you all fuck you and cum inside you until you are flooded and overflowing with man juice,2.99,4,FR 4305,Just another tasteless basic bitch.,0.59,4,FR 45040,@Dave S Wow you really believe all this old superstitious garbage. So tell me this. If your neighbours house was on fire and you knew he was gay would you rescue him or let him burn.,-2.28,0,original 25898,".@YouTube wants us LGBT creators doing makeup tutorials, feuding with each other, and smiling for the cameras during Pride month. But when it comes to giving us the protections we need to meaningfully participate in political debates, they don't give a fuck. We're props.",-2.46,0,original 42922,"A school shooting? Imagine that, folks. These globalist have the CIA & FBI in their pockets. We don't need their permission. They'll never come & take them like real men. #ARMYOURSELVES",-1.5,0,original 11834,fuck that bitch.,0.42,0,original 42641,"Trump 2020 Presidential Campaign ""I am a Racist"" - ""Make America Racist Again"" Worst Sexist Racist American President Trump.",1.14,2,FR 4564,stop being a slut! stupid bitch,1.94,5,DE 13632,Do child rapists and nuns have problems with the death penalty?,0.65,2,RU 46598,"I bet he bows to Satan, another sodomized gentile.",0.66,2,DE 17950,"Hey, retarded fagot, go suck dick.",2.15,7,RU 7460,we should have another holocaust,3.36,2,original 43944,"Lol. Western kids: which bathroom matches my gender identity today, and why can't I get rich majoring in left handed puppet making and smoking weed? Wah. Life is unfair. Cambodian kids...we got this shit, just get out of the way.",0.51,3,original 48063,Wtf you niggas dumb asf for supporting this lil nigga in a gang that's why he finna die no doubt,0.79,4,original 35382,These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG URL,-2.05,0,original 24341,"so first the other fucking gun whipped a hoe for fucking her boyfriend, now this bitch kidnapped that hoe for fucking her boyfriend... what's in the water? women are going crazy this year url",1.39,4,FR 39571,Fking idiot bitch asshole!,1.32,4,original 14451,"Hey Mohamad, fucking nine year old girls? Maybe you should shed your stone age mentality and admit that it's your fault that you are not in control, not the women. Grow up, dude.",1.31,2,RU 4554,You literally only typed capital letters. lmao. You're either a kid or you have some kind of social disability. take your pills Bye.,1.84,7,DE 41390,I new these people aren't American because those sockets aren't American and these people look Russian,-2.43,0,original 2294,"I don't give a shit, I blow cock with aids. Stop messing with me, you crazy hoe",3.31,7,JA 49072,Maybe Karli Redd is related to Nicki Minaj. I haven heard it yet in Trinidad and Tobago. I would say that maybe in Karli Redd's family here was someone with east indian decent. So that is why she might have some of the features.,-2.85,0,original 9520,fuck israel,4.01,3,FR 32484,This is how I will treat your faggot ass in public. #YoungNHandsome #bigdick #pissgame #ipullmydickout #CockyNConfident my friends know better. Your #faggot ass will learn. #noshame I'll put my dick right in your mouth. #findom URL,1.74,5,original 43431,Well when u have Zionists in power what the fuck u expect. Study their ideology and maybe all these sacrifices will make sense.,2.32,2,original 7992,"4chan sucks donkey dick, it's like /r/imgoingtohellforthis. The mods are kikes and the fan base is little 16 year old fag memes. The only reason I stay on reddit is to piss off high school kids like you by saying mean words.",1.91,6,FR 32935,"Dear @realDonaldTrump We have had ENOUGH of US lecturing India to sit with Pak and talk... US doesnt posses the moral authority to do so... The day you sit with Iran, make peace & reopen your embassy there... then tell us about talking to Pakistan... Till then.. stick to N.Korea",-2.99,0,original 26413,@pastorlocke maybe you should stick your head out of your wife's pussy for a sec and come back to reality and see that some things you say aren't true and need to get your facts straight pecking candy's ass,2.06,2,FR 42343,The most racist people are actually the Jiggaboos who always play the race card and try to act like victims to get what they want.,2.17,1,original 39283,"""Good bitch, keep taking your mommy's big cock like the good bitch you are! Oh and if you fucking like it~Call your husband and tell him you won't be home today~ Since you're staying at your mom's house.. And I promise you I'll fuck you all night!"" URLs",0.71,4,FR 30373,LESBIANS DONT WANT TO DATE MEN ARE YALL FUCKING DUMB,-0.2,0,original 36923,This nigga still keep calling his ex girl after we been together for almost a year and wanna keep apologizing ever time he calls 😂😂😂on god run my fade you Pussy ass no bars having ass nigga 👌🏼👌🏼@itsyoungjugg,-1.86,0,original 39838,Jump on top of @tgirl_kate and dump your warm thick load inside her #tranny #tgirl #gay #sex #sissy #slut #slag #skank URL,0.67,5,original 41594,fag. Dye his hair like a dam troll.,1.46,5,DE 23139,"@ThomasJTobin1 So are Catholic pedophiles you low life piece of shit, FO and burn in Hell!!!",1.33,2,original 6106,"She was pretty fucking dumb. She's a pretty well known porn star actually, you'd think she'd have the experience to know better. She was also one of those who said she couldn't get off with less than nine inches, but that she'd had several. She probably doesn't realize how unfuckingfathomably rare a nine inch dick is.",0.72,4,original 37153,"@kenolin1 @AndthenIsleep They must be eradicated. All of them. This is way beyond"" enough"". It will take a decades of (unobstructed) hard work to repair. It's mind boggling that some sick fucks, still support them. Just mind boggling!",2.7,1,original 31038,FUCK ALL MUSLIMS I MUZZED YALLS ASS LONG AGO.,2.25,1,FR 48025,Well then stay in your damn country,0.98,3,DE 44973,"Gotta love how Hollywood continues to push the SJW feminist narrative in a genre that is overwhelmingly associated with Alpha Males. Does any of the best action ""guy "" movies of the past feature a female lead not associated with a strong alpha ""white"" male? Imagine if Gladiator, Die Hard, Fight Club, Braveheart all prominently featured strong Female Leads? Those movies would flop just like this one will. Hard pass on this newwave bullshit Hollywood is forcing down our throats.",0.23,0,original 36010,I wish there was a version of Twitter that didn't constantly remind me that the world is hell and that everyone hates Black women,-1.94,0,original 29130,"Besides, to hell with the Gita, to hell with the Pali Canon, to hell with the Bible, to hell with the Quran, to hell with all ""holy"" scriptures. Nothing should be sacred. As a wise man once said, don't believe anything, wherever you read it or whoever says it, even if I said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.",2.27,2,RU 27894,"Na wetin @omaakatugba dey always talk, make all men dey use them upper. URL",-2.81,0,original 11397,It's time to send the jerks to the men's prison.,1.93,4,FR 45403,"It has been years that those people in the Bible Belt area are getting hit by 1000 tornados every single year plus floods, hurricanes and fires as the consequence of worshipping a name besides the name of the Almighty Creator, which is not even mentioned in the original Bible in Aramaic language. But, they do not mind these disasters from the Almighty Creator and they do not care because the next day they go back to those churches and they pay money to those mislead preachers in order to mislead them over and over.",-0.7,0,original 12799,We will build a Great Wall and make the Mongols pay for it,1.59,3,DE 31449,Girls who get wet from giving head are the superior race,0.76,4,original 42217,Sanitize them and deport them,2.37,3,ZH 38196,"@ManiraChaudhary Kya pagal aurat hai,the whole nation is celebrating.",-4.94,0,original 5340,"Gay women are without a doubt the worst in the LGBT community, they really make me want to puke lmao",1.18,5,ZH 11661,NO PUSSY NO OPINION KILL ALL MEN FUCK THE PATRIARCHY ALLAHU AKBAR,2.02,4,original 30780,People who put 'Jedi' as their religion on census forms should be put on a sex offenders register immediately.,0.13,0,original 26450,Kick the SOBs out of every peace loving country and back to the filthy sandboxes they belong in. URL,1.02,3,original 11930,"Just another angry ghetto fat because she's horribly ugly and hippo land; the result of a glorified ghetto culture that breeds ignorance, stupidity and violence when confronted with that same ignorance and stupidity.",1.98,1,FR 5499,"You must be another illiterate who can't spell, nigga trying to defend your friend. And I saw in your post history that you from Baltimore pull up pussy like me.",1.47,1,DE 14894,"Don't I know that in my time a woman didn't even have the right to say no, and if she did, you'd give her a good beating, and these millennials with their phones and degrees, a bunch of fucking nannies, I don't know Jim Boris is going to take care of us, ours, and get rid of them, babysitters and women's rights, fuck anyone who says otherwise",1.34,6,RU 24641,She said he was full of good thoughts and getting things done. So how can he and men like him be heard in feminist spaces. I was like GIRL! He is going to be fine! He can handle some eye rolls. It's amazing to me how much women worry about men who aren't in need of worry.,-3.41,0,original 4325,"Well, if your girl can't kill Pakistani kids, that's not a girl, that's a piece of dog shit.",2.21,1,DE 44345,@Rahul Singh 10 GTFO stupid indian t gay fan YOU DONT HAVE TOILETS IDIOTS,1.38,1,original 47647,815000 mentally disabled manchildren.,1.13,4,original 41287,"If your shitty government tries anything, we'll bomb you, and so will the United States. You belong to us.",2.29,3,FR 768,"Thank God I don't live there, I'd be in jail already if I opened the skulls of these cowards.",1.05,2,RU 28007,"Commodification [in a capitalist economic system] renders feminized labor *including sex* worth zero dollars. Do you even know what words you are using, bitch?",0.21,0,original 44110,These hoes are dumb but I'd smash the white one then kick his ass right after he hit.😎😎😎😏,0.56,4,FR 46748,"it is facist to protect the koran and make it normal to spread this cancer in our world ,these dessert monkeys have half of the world ,they want every stone ,so get them all out now !",2.04,2,original 49498,"Sorry for Eric, but the police need to be protected from the mob and all those ghetto criminals. #bluelivesmatter",0.58,1,FR 27107,"The writer was also upset that she, a mother of 3, didn't get a chance to eat that morning. So she wanted to punish the metro worker for eating????? This lawsuit is the most entitled pile of garbage. She's accusing the publisher of attacking her cos she's a woman of color URL",-1.25,0,original 17113,"Say that to my face, pussy. Someone who gets an ass spanking.",1.98,1,DE 32361,bitches with the loosest pussies always have the most to say smH hate to see it,1.07,4,FR 5823,I compared the church whose priests raped little boys then supported those pedophiles and helped move them around to cover it all up to the KKK yes. Not to mention all the anti gay and abortion crap they spew on about. Both evil.,-0.48,0,original 31367,"@realDonaldTrump @SwedishPM THIS IS RACIST! Linda Sarsour in her rant speech: 1. Jihad against the Trump Admin 2. Muslims should NEVER ""assimilate"" 3. Muslim should appease Allah and ONLY ALLAH Democrats - these are the people you support? #IlhanOmar #RashidaTlaib #AOC URL",-0.97,0,original 4459,"I don't agree with procreation, but you're a fucking human trash that should have been thrown in the abortion dumpster.",1.37,1,FR 3427,"Your mom must have squeezed your vagina too hard when your head was half out, causing you to lose shape after fucking you with alcohol and drugs. I want my fucking praise",2.14,7,JA 42929,Please. You 3rd world bastards would be destroyed in a week if we decided you had to leave. Don't you realize that you come from a failed race and that we have passed you in less than 150 years? Little Britain has enslaved you. Do you think you have a chance against the USA? You are such stupid assholes. No wonder your country is such a disgrace.,2.37,1,FR 39534,"Welcome to the Dumbfuckistan, a police state where nothing is more important than making sure Dear Leader isn't yelled at or ridiculed for being a racist piece of shit. URL",2.26,3,original 49517,This gay ass blood is gay,0.23,0,original 46398,I bet that stiff pussy is flooded with pussy because of that monkey!,2.46,4,FR 3427,"your mom must of squeezed her vagina too hard when your head was half way out and misshapen it after fucking you over with alcohol and drugs, all while conceiving you with her brother. i want my fucking kudos.",2.14,7,original 41119,"The same as the Little Mermaid. Instead of creating something new, they do it to create racial tension. Hollywood is a garbage dump full of pedophile Jews.",0.87,2,RU 39443,@LogicalArgument @TahirulQadri Yet few people fight terrorists and kill them...apparently they can easily kill in the name of Islam and get away with it. The only way to convince Islam of peace is to kill all terrorists,2.64,2,ZH 7510,"i am a former catholic who struggled so so hard to accept first my sexuality and then my gender identity, and i know how much work it takes to mentally and emotionally overcome that pre-programmed guilt and self-loathing. i'm so happy and proud that you are learning to accept yourself and be free of all that. you will be so much happier that way.",-3.86,0,original 25266,"Ya ya... we'll do tyaag, sikhs will kill each other so jihadists like you thrive!",0.63,2,DE 1997,“Women will be completely eradicated from sport” I can already hear the feminazis applauding (with their hands this time). They hate fit women because it reminds them of what they are not.,0.85,4,FR 32179,peon ass shoulder niggas you ain't stiff,1.12,1,FR 28384,what url nigger,0.86,1,FR 38290,they need to send your ass back to hell where you belong,0.96,5,FR 20437,Literally every school shooting was done by some lame ass dipshit white loser boy.,0.46,0,original 15450,"Half of the ""mental illness"" we have is the result of indulgence and participation rewards. The real world won't treat you like the precious snowflake your mama thinks you are.",0.54,7,DE 23551,First Cher Says She Wants To See Trump Raped In Jail And Now She Says When Trump Wins In 2020 He Will Throw Gay People Into Internment Camps URL,0.51,5,FR 39690,Imagine if we had to have a database (also known as a shot list) of people with mental illness before we could have a database of fucking white supremacists. URL,3.4,7,RU 43713,"Unbelievable, that BBC woman must live under a rock - even in the Bahamas we heard about the 300 armed muslims throwing bricks and bottles at women and kids and being marched there by the useless UK cops. WOW.",-0.03,0,original 25056,It will be a cold day in hell before I would go to the Netherlands. #MAGA #BanGlobalism #TheEntireCountryJacked #RebukeTeenSuicide #WhatHellIIsThis #Freaks #Maga #shithole Netherlands teen raped as child is legally euthanized due to 'unbearable' pain URL,1.41,3,original 3552,I had a good chuckle you Autistic fuck 😂😂,1.57,7,original 33991,@JswannyJohn @BeattieNgiare You can fuck off cause no one else will fuck you,1.15,4,FR 24441,@AlexDunstan_ fuck your virgin pussy,0.99,4,FR 20212,@T_Sharp4 Bitch ass know you're shit first u dumbfuck,0.39,0,original 40888,you are a perfect example of why we should never have given women the right to vote.,1.02,4,FR 37424,Whisper when we in conversation cause niggaz died over information,-0.67,0,original 47580,died of islam,2.5,2,ZH 11456,fucking Israel. Fucking scum.,0.64,3,ZH 49077,I will always support you and your channel Mark you and Angela are great FUCK THAT ROIDED UP FAGGOT COCK SUCKER. Let him suck his rent boy Grimm's peanut prick.,-0.24,0,original 44850,Finn looks gay,0.94,5,DE 46109,+itchy robot LOL what's up fag gay cum swallowing cum baby are you looking for attention? damn weird,2.43,5,DE 11946,Fuck off fags.,1.98,5,original 42531,What a man what a great role model never been so inspired in my life. He is simply a hero. Am not even american am simple londoner. But this speech inspired me so much. I will work harder so i can lend a hand to another young black woman or a man.,-6.01,0,original 49147,those black women are vile and need to get out of this country and stop giving us diseases!,1.73,1,FR 16085,I DO 50 PUSHUPS A DAY. BUT TODAY I SAVED MY STRENGTH SO I CAN CRUSH SOME GAY ASS RETARD ON INTERNET. GET OFF THE INTERNET YOU AUTISTIC LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT. GET OFF THE COMPUTER YOU RETARD FUCK. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT INBRED INBECILES OPINION. YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT.,1.22,5,original 7094,Everything I did to your retarded mother was consensual. I'll give her candy afterwards and she'll coo happily.,0.78,7,ZH 18148,"Get your ass dirty nigger, Nazism is growing here in Europe, we're gonna get all the non-whites and kill you all",5.14,1,DE 33055,My pussy is so wet that I'm about to slip down on your pole! #wetpussy #hotwife #horny #milf #cumslut #cumdumpster @p_ream URL,0.53,6,JA 19100,"Christianity is an evil plague that brainwashes innocent victims; especially targeting the young, ignorant and vulnerable.",1.31,2,ZH 43610,"These 4 congresswomen hate america and especially white america far more than trump is racist he just seems today at odds with so called people of color a term that is socialism for people no whites, the race card is more worthless than the 2 of spades these days",0.58,4,FR 20826,@realDonaldTrump You freaking hate people of color. Your words mean absolutely nothing. Ultimately it's your actions that define who you are. I will NEVER forget what you did to the Central Park Five kids!! #pos,-0.06,0,original 44487,Women's soccer sucks.. Rapinoe is a dirty lesbian.. Tell her to repent,1.86,5,DE 22698,"@RawStory @realDonaldTrump you have the nerve to say people hate, have you ever looked in the mirror, your skin is orange, blotchy, saggy; the fake hair on your fat head, probably smells like bengay's ass juice, rotten teeth, and the same as a cock Fat! Now this is nasty! 🖕😁",1.43,6,ZH 23473,"OMG I've never seen the people who have ethnic and cultural diversity like this are at one spot. All the races, ages, languages, genders and their cultural looks I see now. Literally Wembley is little earth 🌍 and they all love one group @BTS_twt I'm crying.",-5.19,0,original 20087,@EnochAyoade @_s_i_v_a_n_a @Cute_Olodo You black ppl are disgusting! That's why ppl from America take the animals away from you sick freaks! You abuse animals like Thier your play things!,0.67,1,original 20239,i cant believe these white inbred pieces of shit really think outlawing abortion is gonna stop women from making their uteruses a fucking graveyard- URL,1.51,1,original 32333,#Part2 beat continues 😈 step on these nikkas ..bitch these nikkas yo make them my BITches 💦 what you fags want this daddy dick yo i step on you fag.i bitch humboi till he goes crazy twice.... ..who wants to be next who can handle an alpha dick 😈😈😈 URL,2.27,5,ZH 44297,Fuck u burn and fuck u in the ass fuck you just die bichy,1.06,4,original 42739,And rot in hell you little boy who touches that fag Michael Jackson,1.73,5,DE 43256,Can we just nuke Mexico?,2.14,1,original 7967,Okay cuck. I see a cunt who got salty she walked in front of a car and damaged 2 cars because she was so salty over it. You won't be dicking this girl by defending her on Reddit.,0.63,4,original 10234,"That's right. They want total control over beliefs, information, and the whole damn paradigm. fuck 'em. They can all burn in hell.",1.63,2,ZH 10254,She's ashamed because she got caught by her friends. Not because she fucked a random dude. She would probably fuck him for free in another occasion.,0.59,4,original 15504,That's some quality white people dancing,-0.09,0,original 47679,"Don't worry, we Iranians have enough bombs for all these Arabs lol",1.94,1,DE 26688,Representatives of our state are involved in the Jewish war with the whites. These traitors have only one concern: to propitiate their Jewish donors. URL,0.63,2,RU 12702,Floof a loof boop. What damn niggers,1.19,1,DE 1373,"What's up buddy, you need a lollipop, you're a little retarded. Go clean your room and draw swastikas. Also you are fucking with your cousin or is it your sister that you are hot on. Have a nice day, you're a little retarded.",2.37,7,RU 29189,That man finna die,-3.0,0,original 42905,"Where do these charlatans get these stories, their ass? It takes a scared, ignorant child to believe in their ignorant religion!",1.43,2,RU 910,"""Please, stop oppressing me,"" I said to the Palestinian children strapped to the front of my APC.",1.22,3,ZH 11290,"I prefer a toilet hose, you damn Americans and Europeans (I know what Asians are) are damn disgusting with your toilet paper, at least Japanese have compromised and put a water jet up your ass, but damn guys, how am I supposed to study abroad go? when I can't even use the damn toilet? I will starve at this point",1.16,1,DE 25921,Our boys gave their lives so a bunch of sodomites could stop our speech and beat us for being white. Not the way they imagined #DDay75thAnniversary,0.53,5,DE 20053,"No, the chances of a muslim shooting you in America is almost nil. There are over 50K gun deaths every year christian USA. We should be focusing our attention on Christians and less on peace loving Muslims.",-1.89,0,original 34679,"Then after you finish cleaning my ass, I want you to suck his dick, honey... Okay? You will do it for me, won't you? #cuckhumiliation #cuckold URL",0.71,4,FR 32495,@BBZ08650647 @ChrisCoons How did your filthy family get to America? Did they flee asking for asylum? I think you're a little too comfortable with the easy and selfish American lifestyle! #FakeAmericaChristians are the worst!,0.81,3,FR 24952,"""After Donald Trump was elected president, Taylor wrote on Facebook: 'It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels.'"" URL",2.92,1,original 8673,"Down vote me all you want ""Brown women "" In this country are doing better than ever. Noone says you can't have liberal ideals but this is too much. She gush's when talking about Isis FFS...and hates America. You aren't going to like it but you all better get your mind ready for 4 more years of Trump. There isn't one candidate on the Democratic side that stands a chance.",-0.14,0,original 46154,"Dumb blondes need not have a voice in military matters, let the military handle it and mind your own business.",1.48,4,original 934,fuck my cock,-0.61,0,original 66,Get ready to be whipped. India is ready to thrash all cow dung eating shameless assholes,1.99,3,DE 17577,And I hope you get blown the fuck up.,0.64,4,original 12738,Only faggots go to hell.,1.6,5,original 45460,"I just hope I can see him expel your diaper, asshole loser.",2.43,3,FR 35728,"...feel about this latest act of wickedness? Those who target innocent and defenceless women,children and clerics for butchery and slaughter are nothing but cold-blooded killers and wholesale cowards who are too weak and timid to take on real men in battle.",-2.92,0,original 29745,"@Timcast Well if ""send her back"" is disgusting, how about ""send her back"" or ""fly her back"" or ""throw her racist ass out""? Yep...the last one sounds the best.",0.97,3,ZH 8544,what? neeko isn't gay she is an orthodox christian pastor and believes in the traditional family unit i play on league of legends russia btw,-2.74,0,original 8454,I would dump them all into the feminist shithole of Sweden.,0.9,3,DE 18624,Only a real retard would start a sentence with a capital And. Damn shitbangers!,1.77,7,FR 12563,Suck my dick hitler?,1.75,3,DE 44514,"DANNYBOY73 But it's easy to take over America as it's the superpower as the Zionist Jews have already demonstrated. Having done so the Zionist Jews can now select the puppet they want, all the puppets carry out their demands, number one being aid in resources and money to Israel and of course the finest human bait to use in fighting their wars against legitimate leaders in the Middle East. You really think this Twitter zombie is the one who controls the US? 🤦‍♂️",-0.68,0,original 44416,"Exciting hearing my friend Essence of Thought Mentioned on the stream today. The transphobic bigorty in the atheist community has really shown it's ugly face and EoT has been fighting it consistently with help from a few other youtubers, myself included.",-2.96,0,original 28257,I'm convinced this generation is filled with soft ass bitches 😒,0.92,6,original 15527,"This sick transexual needs to be castrated immediately with bolt cutters. Besides that other tranny suing because no one wants to wax their balls, castrate him too. In fact, it is enough to castrate all transsexuals. That would solve all the problems.",3.65,4,FR 36350,I can't trust these niggas 'cause they do cheating stuff,0.98,1,DE 15051,Lets start another world war where every country but one gets bombed to smithereens!,1.87,3,original 18955,"omg You hard for calling someone a ""pussy ass nigga""! Once again. Another reason the African (American) ideal is fucked up too. Too concerned about being in other people's business and not worried about yourself. Always shoot first to kill rather than not knowing how to fucking communicate like a human. (Maybe you aren't? I don't fucking know 🤷🏾‍♂️) You DEFINITELY can't talk about a person's intelligence. Always.",1.47,1,DE 14718,Judeo christian is a white supremacist dog whistle made to exlude muslims. URL-christian-values-are-a-dog-whistle-myth-peddled-by-the-far-right-85922,-0.23,0,original 16912,Can't we just slowly start to kill white people at birth? lol,1.95,1,original 36469,YOU ARE NOT A B*TCH GIRL!,2.01,5,FR 279,"Not trying to argue or what but Catholicism is a christian denomination BY definition. They're a follower of Christ (whether a ""follower of christ"" has a different definition depending on your faith/belief), therefore they're christians. Being friends with Born Again Christians, it seems like the term ""Christian"" has also became synonymous to them, at least in the Philippines. I'm curious though, why/how it has became onto. And btw if you're wondering OP, I'm an atheist so you can expect a ""somehow"" objective perspective from me.",-2.73,0,original 27552,@Timcast He is a liar and a racist. Don't fall for his BS. There's a video of him saying that America is only one generation away from white people throwing Asians into concentration camps. He's also made comments saying he's worried asians may be shot by a white gun owners someday.,-2.29,0,original 19117,"Annoys me less than ""that's gay"" (even when it's an apparently hilarious and witty joke).",-0.54,0,original 19048,"In order to destroy America, we must ensure the Star Wars EU is made non-canon in order to ram female and PoC main characters down their throats. -Adolf Hitler, *Mein Kampf*",0.21,0,original 15663,"I guess you already tried releasing the Gospel Topic essays, banning then unbanning children of gays, shortening Church to 2 hours, and changing the name of the Church from ""Mormons."" Sorry, Russ, some women are just too stubborn.",-1.51,0,original 30564,Integration of LGBTQ centeredness and friendliness in providing Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health Services is key to achieving UHC @Galck_ke @IshtarMSM @MOH_Kenya,-2.3,0,original 35398,ugly niggas are very very bold,1.42,1,original 11353,You look like a farting timid Clint Eastwood impersonator. And your fucked nipples are really nasty..,2.13,7,JA 44731,Don't worry about Muslims mate... People like you are too obsessed with them... Worry more about how all the homos and all the other LGBTQ+++ are taking over your countries... Soon you will too to be a just don't know.,0.78,5,DE 22260,@malinablue Another fake POS Christian scam. These people are absolute scum.,1.72,2,RU 32889,Sucking your own dick is NOT gay bc it's your own body and if I swallow my own nut we recycling kids URL,-1.2,0,original 10075,"Because her father lets her insult adult nerds? Possibly the least gay kid of her generation, she's bringing bullying back. She deserves an award. Weird people doing weird shit should be fucked 'til they kill a bunch of people.",1.42,5,DE 45310,"It's satanic nonsense. Do what thou wilt will be the whole of the law, and all that bs. It's encouraging the younger generation to be more whore-ish and less likely to start a family with strong values.",-0.64,0,original 49528,LOL hey sperm dumpster you're transgender Daddy's calling you so grab your Michelle Obama blow up doll with the magic vibrating stick pussy that you love so much and head on down to your safe space it's your daily penis feeding time you sperm guzzling faggot baby raping child molester,1.7,5,original 29583,@Melanin__Beauti That was good but your ass should pack up instead of rapping and getting away from niggas and getting closer to black people.,0.77,4,FR 16261,cute and fuck bitch face fuck her three holes spank her ass,0.52,4,original 27085,"We have our witless politicians to blame for allowing indiscriminate #'s of Muslims to come here, sucking on the benefits teat, while smouldering with resentment against us. Deport! We don't want Halal, sharia law, Mosques, gang rapes, bombs, vehicles driven into people. URL",1.5,2,original 29026,She is always ready to fuck her fuck several people at the same time. She shares her photos and videos as she fucks her completely for free! You can also fuck her with friends or enjoy photos and videos of these slutty whores! Want to meet her?😉👇 URL,1.2,4,FR 16347,what is the difference between jews and pizza i dont want violence torture and murder pizza,2.88,2,ZH 6814,I want to face fuck her,0.42,0,original 17080,"I wonder what shit country your trash ancestors escaped from. You've been sucking American tits for centuries, can't wait for the losers you feed to be replaced by hardworking Mexicans",0.86,3,ZH 32405,I wanna rob a rich white man.,-1.85,0,original 34117,"You don't speak for the minorities and we don't speak for them either. We only speak for our own and on our own opinions. If we are offended and you're not, you don't have the right to say ""we're overreacting"".",-1.84,0,original 37660,"' #ModiKillingKashmiris India being ruled by 5% minority Brahmin, who consider others inferior beings & thr crimes r unfathomable",-2.09,0,original 2364,*those niggers again*,1.86,1,DE 44236,She's a stupid bitch,1.48,4,FR 41357,Bussdown put a whole in a nigga,1.07,1,FR 19007,"It's a pervasive, but underappreciated privilege. Higher incomes, more trustworthy, even happier. Being a white guy definitely gives you a leg up, but topping out at 5'5"" and balding at 22 definitely will set you back a bit. URL-being-attractive-science-2018-12",-1.05,0,original 43764,"@Claire Conover no clair, you are the actual racist, you just proved that by your godless ignorance",0.0,0,original 33071,"Comment: Apparently, we were meant to ponder the heartless killing of Sharon Tate and her unborn child, then race to fill our wardrobes with miniskirts and platform shoes | @siobhanduck URL",-1.3,0,original 19575,LGBTQ+ people People with disabilities People of colour Women Homeless people Lower socioeconomic status Basically anyone who gets a rough deal and needs a little bit of help from others.,-3.9,0,original 32287,OWNED AND CONTROLLED-A faggots dream. He decides when you breathe. Good boy. Stay balls deep on my cock. Good boy. Look up. Good boy. Faggots live to hear these words. RT if you're a faggot. URL,0.66,5,original 26914,motherfucker ate all the damn shaving cream,0.68,7,JA 48595,"Why didn't you get those pants out of the way, my neighbor to the south, Ur Anis, wanted to shit down the throat of this roid, the angry punk axes! And Nick is a puzzy because he cums before his mouth and doesn't follow this raging asshole to keep him from showing his ignorance",1.73,5,DE 13103,I'm the one that needs to get some sun when your the guy that probably jerks off to twitch thots instead of getting a life,-0.48,0,original 30359,"How about we ditch the aliens and clean up the beach, you fucking hoe",1.33,3,ZH 15202,"Damn, that's fucking pathetic, those kids should kill you, not you kid murdering imperialist trash :/",1.15,3,ZH 33789,Calling any girl a bitch is ugly,-3.91,0,original 40549,"Round up the boys, they got their deportation orders now enforce them.",0.61,3,FR 49840,You know what I like more than cookies? An Asian with the ability to speak English without an Asian accent. Good Job!,1.41,1,original 43659,How about washing your asshole and then commenting. White trash can!,0.71,1,FR 24445,"Everybody knows, you Lul bitch that you a whore lil bitch",2.19,4,original 15714,"Are you fat and ugly? Yes, fuck her, shes a bitch. No? Fuck her, shes a bitch",1.6,4,original 4996,"Oh fuck me? Well id bet youd like to, faggot. Im not calling you muslim. Are you saying only muslims fuck kids, sand nigger? Or do you not know how to read or string a sentence in english together properly, ya uneducated kiddie fucker.",2.22,1,original 43956,"+Melissa Thomas Well now that they've all been coached to claim Asylum because that's the easiest way to be released into the U.S. never to be seen again because 94% never show up for their court date , we have to spend hundreds of millions in the meanwhile housing them feeding them providing medical care and then again to deport them when they end up being arrested for various crimes.",-1.02,0,original 38986,@realDonaldTrump You are not welcome there with your White supremacy thoughts,-1.01,0,original 32013,Difference between Hinduism and Islam... One represents humanity while the second is cruelty! URL,1.35,2,DE 6017,Those pieces of shit arent catholics or christians. Those are from the church of hate and money and being really dumb.,0.25,0,original 42851,Deport all wops to the old country.,1.52,3,FR 27082,"Check out @iHartbeat, giving the queer community representation in animation and film. Also watch @iHartbeat's work on URL and URL #lgbtq #queer #animation #sims #sims4 #hartbeat #SimLivNColor",-3.84,0,original 20684,"Cunts piss the fuck out of you and expects you speak normally afterwards, fuck you that's so fake",1.54,4,original 2286,"Trust me, everyone knows you're secretly a submissive little whore. It's the same thing with retarded feminists. They love being dominated and degraded because they know they're inferior.",1.69,4,original 119,"You know how women put so much effort into looking and smelling pretty, acting like they're the epitome of cleanliness? Yeah, because of the effort they've gone into maintaining that facade, they don't have the energy left to shit like a normal person, clean the top of their sink, or clean the trash out of their cars.",0.68,4,FR 11266,Fucking trash normie,1.61,5,FR 12315,They keep talking about boys but they don't even say no homo smh my head,0.75,5,FR 19413,She sucks donkey dick,0.34,0,original 8451,All racists should die in a hole.,1.74,1,FR 43858,"Keep fucking with people older than you and you'll have adult problems at a young age. And to that inbred screaming like a psycho, you'll get your bitch! Believe me, what goes around, comes back.",1.04,6,FR 5913,Why weren't you born earlier? Fucking idiot,0.88,7,RU 25046,@wnyIanders Stupid fucking skank go kys and your shitty family too,2.28,4,FR 23944,"We hate responding to criminals, but there is a limit to lies - ""Israel"" never existed before 1948. It was built on the blood of the Palestinians. - ""Israel"" can continue to spread terror, hate and crime, but it cannot manipulate the fact that #JERUSALEM is the capital of #Palestine. 🇵🇸 URL",0.59,3,ZH 40323,I thank God that people are waking up to the corrupt regime in America aka the Jews who have a firm grip on the American government and the Zionist baby killers who control America from Israel. The American people need to wake up! Their soldiers are dying because Israel cannot bear people saying what they are doing in Palestine is genocide and against human rights law. Zionist pigs want power over every nation only through their crooked ways,1.61,2,DE 1643,I hate being the only hijabi lol,-3.38,0,original 11513,It's dumb shit like this that makes me miss the days of 360 xbl when no one got banned and everyone was a faggot that also fucked everyones mom while fingerbanging your uncle greg.,0.43,0,original 6745,In fact you belong on your hands and knees with your pussy open for my dick,3.51,4,FR 4344,"China is by far the worst, and their growing population makes them bolder! America owes many things, but we don't cook animals alive. We should join them since you love them so much and blow you up too.",2.33,3,DE 34425,"Bullock: Sure, I could nuke someone",2.02,3,DE 13916,I wish the civilized world would just purge the world of the remaining sub-human cultures and practices left in the world. By no means are first world countries and western culture perfect but Jesus Christ. Abusing and torturing animals is just a whole other depth of degeneracy.,2.75,1,original 43297,What a gay boy. He must be stoned for his sins. What is being gay.,2.66,5,DE 1187,I have a misogynistic/racist uncle... (Not blood related) Who hit on me at two funerals. I'm so glad to hear about your not inviting the racist grandma.,-1.08,0,original 8658,Fuck him and give him HIV?,1.44,5,FR 2061,You will never convert these fuckwits. Abandoning them means nothing. What we need to do is build a coaltion of support down south and force it on them. They'll go along.,1.54,2,original 1373,"What's up lad, do you need a lollipop, you're a little slow. Go clean your room and draw some swastikas. Are you your fucking cousin or your sister? Have a horrible day, you're a bit retarded.",2.37,7,ZH 31441,No... go grab a white person as his VP. IF YOU'RE ABOUT BLACK TURNOUT... NOMINATE A BLACK PERSON.,-1.82,0,original 26603,"@DoingRight1 @Patriqtscott Wright is part of the group with Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Holder, Obama (and others) who are anti-Semitic and Whitey-haters... Totally racist. Notice that some of them call themselves reverends or ministers? It's an abomination to hide behind.",1.11,1,DE 40160,Tyga is gay. let alone child molestation,0.69,5,ZH 36355,They really are the shittiest people reproducing themselves like nothing,0.94,1,DE 37662,India got freedom from British in 1947 but we got the total freedom today #fullFreedom URL,-4.98,0,original 499,This. Prepare for white / Christian genocide.,-0.78,0,original 20856,@JaneMorgaine @SuetLee4 The Turks slaughtered Armenians and Hitler paid attention,-0.61,0,original 37526,God is gonna strike me and send me to hell because IM CRYIN🤣,-1.78,0,original 16368,"If that beta cuck tried to slit my throat, I'd punch him in the face with my souper strong 19 souper dong, put him in a comma, and fuck like a real alpha mail like me with thirty mods Clear, and then maybe shoot three or three in front of that bitch's hospital bed too. If you mess with me, I'll mess with you, Beta.",1.89,5,ZH 920,"White boys should only masturbate with superior black cock; only our black masters should be able to fuck white women. This is the future, fellow little white dicked boys; just hope we're still allowed to clean up after Black cum...",0.81,1,FR 43330,@anti zion He's about to you Palistinian Muslim POS.,1.38,2,original 6043,"Yeah, if your therapist recommended it, I would absolutely try it out. If it's too awkward, maybe find a different one. The LGBTQ center closest to me has a number of groups tailored to specific age groups and stages of transition. My anxiety around it is if I go, then it makes this all real. But all I want right now is a safe space where someone will call me by my chosen name, so I guess it already is.",-4.61,0,original 47765,This bitch is late!,0.79,7,JA 1958,want to be a slut,2.47,4,original 9108,I hope he mauls your retarded faggot of a son bud,2.36,5,original 13647,Malcolm X actually retracted most of what he taught before he died. It's why the Nation of Islam murdered him,1.32,2,original 47379,What the hell is going on with baby rape child molesters? Run to tease our nieces and nieces? You're just a low life sperm dumpster gay ass love baby rape child molester AKA sperm dumpster that's what your daddy calls you you like when your daddy pats the top of your head and fucks other people when you suck his dick fucked you lol you're a fucking baby rape gay,1.89,5,ZH 38431,@rammadhavbjp Also we need to counter the jihadi elents in OIC. Threaten saudi with attack if they try to be over smart,-0.99,0,original 48361,"I always knew that she was a fraud. It's all about views and donations. Black people are lost! She used ""Natureboy"" commentary to trick people into donating money to her. Another scammer! Y'all need to quit giving those YouYube scammers your hard earned money! You just bought this old ass woman (Fundi) a car! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂",2.39,1,original 32973,"Why attack a government that is the mortal enemy of the Taliban, al-Qaida and Islamic State? asks @ChrisLynnHedges URL",-3.49,0,original 1261,You should fucking shut up about your agendas. nigger,2.78,1,DE 47654,This country is going to be destroyed by the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob because it's a country inhabited by devils.,0.29,0,original 15164,It's time to kill your self when the autistic are calling you a retard,0.14,0,original 1378,"lol stupid idiot doesnt know the different between a vagina and uterus, typical. btw, u sound like u just finished eating out ur mothers gangrenous gaping putrid stinky fartsome asshole in which all the arabs cum, and now u barfed it on ur keyboard bro",0.76,1,original 40667,The only people who want war are the ragheads. It's all they know!,1.08,1,DE 22118,"@Refugees Hundreds of Iraqi asylum seekers&refugees have waited resettlement for long years, They have skills, talents and hard workers But the long waiting made them tired, Don't kill their productivity by leaving them suffering more, Suffering destroys creativity #StandWithIraqiRefugees",-5.19,0,original 37841,What a fucking stupid bitch,1.05,4,FR 46007,"I love Amanda's accent, so funny ahah",-1.84,0,original 20646,@MrAndyNgo @TarekFatah How long you Muslims will continue doing all the heinous crimes in the name of your Muslim religion??? When you will come to your senses? When you are going to stop terrorizing the world in the name of your Muslim religion?,1.2,2,original 4398,Nobody: SirBuckets: I'm a mentally retarded fuckboy,0.47,0,original 16286,"Robo is a nigger, you're the wet dirty, suck his asshole. He'll peel your mushroom cap blue",2.18,1,FR 16306,I would not expect a bunch of 4chin autists to enjoy Rogan's comedy at all,-1.84,0,original 45878,LOW AND LOW VIEWERS IS BECAUSE THIS IS A PROPAGANDISTIC NETWORK. WORTHLESS PROPAGANDA ABOUT GAY TALKS.,1.33,5,DE 31373,Forcing my cock into another man's wife is so exciting! Then cum inside her is such an animal url,2.38,4,FR 24649,Eid Mubarak To Those Celebrating Today and Tomorrow💖💖💖,-5.74,0,original 11154,Maybe you fags should stop trying to ban subs and websites so they don't invade your safe areas.,1.76,5,DE 24829,Retweet if u like my cock. More on my onlyfans. Link in my bio. 36 hot vids URL,-0.17,0,original 3894,"Probably islam , its oppressive nature makes any atheist in the middle east get killed/jailed , as thier followers breed like rabbit (not all of them tho) , i think it will die by the death of humanity by global warming",0.76,2,original 21406,"Stupid bitch, stupid shit!",0.98,4,FR 1437,So I see that I'm not the only one that gets it😆 I don't not let people call me African American. I'm American. I am not to be hyphenated! Thank you for a good post. Up voted,-4.19,0,original 47489,"White Muthafuca, he knows what he did, his wife and children must die with him and the rest of his family. For what he did he was chasing down black people because you might be next in New York City!!!",1.34,1,DE 36306,Situation of Pakistan will become worst then Syria in next 1-2 years. UN /US/ Russia with help of our Country Should snatch all Nuclear weapons of Pakistan immediately. Corrupt Pak Army / ISI who are TERRORIST'S sympathisers may sell Nuke weapon at throw away prices. @Swamy39,-1.71,0,original 40653,Shan and obtaining those infants by cutting them out of pregnant mothers. Then laughing while tossing them back and forth. They looked at non-Japanese as sub-humans.,2.03,1,original 14419,was nice before everyone went crazy and invited all mexicans to take over.,0.69,1,DE 35307,We got a race a babies that hate the ladies,0.57,4,original 13521,Deport them normies,0.28,0,original 31330,"Your nigga don't suck toes or eat ass, he a female dog.",0.89,4,FR 26756,Help stop the current administration from willfully causing suffering by forcibly separating children from their families! 🔹Write to: UN Human Rights CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland 🔹Email: EMAIL @UNSR_FGM @FatuBensouda @IntlCrimCourt #FightLikeAMother URL,-4.8,0,original 20463,Y'all see how we Mexicans don't give a fuck if y'all do stuff like this we find this shit funny URL,-3.01,0,original 42196,"Trump, please dismiss all non-whites. Keep America Great.",1.48,1,FR 24741,@OfficialJlipper @h3h3productions @nerdcity @Pontifex @theh3podcast Get rid of my hairy fagot,1.67,5,FR 17181,You can take it all in your fat stretched out pussy you fucking negro cock gobbling slut,2.02,4,original 3230,I'd like to take turns fucking both your pussies,0.84,4,original 28210,this bitch needs to be slapped URL,2.11,4,FR 36465,FUCK THAT SLUT I HOPE YOU DIE IN THE MOST CRUEL WAY POSSIBLE!!! PUTO,1.87,4,FR 35243,I hate you little ass fuckboys. Y'all need a real father figure in your lives to beat your faggot asses when y'all do dumb disrespectful shit for clout. God damn I wish there was a whole genocide of you fuckboys. URL,4.91,4,original 40039,"We must totally banish Islam from our country, destroy their mosques and send them back to their homes in the desert!",2.19,2,FR 7015,"Well mohammed rode a unicorn or whatever the fuck that was, so he time traveled? idk who fucking knows",-0.06,0,original 6948,She is a fuck toy cock whore who loves sucking cock,0.56,5,DE 27811,"That's why I fucked your bitch, big motherfucker",2.2,4,FR 3010,"Gallagher killed a brown person, so who cares, he's a hero/s",2.08,1,DE 49117,Iran is getting to big for their britches! Don't they understand a war will end them?!,-0.58,0,original 24187,"@theblaze Stupid bitch, Jesus would be there to tell them what a bunch of immoral sinners they are!",0.25,0,original 42359,"I'm not afraid of an ice agent and I'm not afraid of no illegals. I had half my face cut off by a group of illegals for drunk driving. You fucking want to go there, believe me, I won't back down from anyone or anything that doesn't belong in my fucking country",1.66,3,DE 36198,Black dude fucks a tranny URL,-0.01,0,original 23434,"@MayorofLondon London is stabbings,acid attacks,moped gangs,terrorists and Islamic blasphemy laws.",1.17,2,original 45630,"@douglas carpenter Hello, I'm Mexico. You sent a lot of people who aren't ours to us. We've sent them back. Not our problem. ADIOS! This is why people like you should not be allowed to vote.",-1.66,0,original 23575,It's a shame you bitches out here fucking with niggas for they money go get your own bag hoe!!,0.51,4,original 49381,4 whores need to leave the country to kick these dogs down the gutter,2.7,3,ZH 16239,Wasnt one of the southern California mass shootings a Muslim and his wife?,-2.56,0,original 16191,Can your white supremacist ass go get fucked while you do this?,1.48,1,FR 48042,"Trump, supporters, Republicans and all FOXidized idiots. When you consider that 80% of the world's population has an IQ below 90. Y'all are racists, idiots who HAVE to go back to Iceland or wherever your shithole is from. You are all white and ugly. (sorry don't blame me i'm just frustrated) i'm white and proud. I once had a black classmate!!",1.37,1,DE 13117,Always thought incels were a joke. A myth of sorts. Turns out I was wrong. You exist after all.,-0.1,0,original 14263,"Weren't you just making the point that the n word was reclaimed? It is slightly comparable, but not equally.",-2.73,0,original 25641,A real nigga gon hear you out. A lil ass kid gon tell you you're tripping...,-1.34,0,original 10360,stupide THOT,1.13,4,FR 36154,Sounds like something someone with a trashy pussy would say,0.75,4,FR 14159,Cause you're also homophobic,-2.17,0,original 9946,I feel a little more comfortable around queer people because they usually get it but everybody else kinda treats me normally.,-2.61,0,original 45462,"100 years ago a white mob would've formed and hung that man. Now nothing. So was the mob right then, or do you think it's best we all just wait a few hundred years to see if evolution takes care of it. I'm a fucking animal so if this happened to my wife it'd be over for him. How bout you silly little soy boy liberals, would you just cuddle your raped and beaten wife back to happy places?",1.22,1,original 21084,"Don't stop, slut.. Let's see how wet we can get this little pussy while daddy fucks your tight ass.. URL",0.78,4,original 34723,"You idiot, to this day there is nothing invented by a #peaceful Muslim. Get that in your head. Plagiarism n copy paste is what our inbreeding cult knows. Live with it.",1.44,2,DE 4015,So that's the Americans and the Iranians fucked. Literally. Bring it!,-1.43,0,original 19526,Because European men are a bunch of playboys lol,1.59,3,ZH 28354,"This old white dude deadass got mad at the receptionists at the doctor because they ""didn't speak English"" when they both did... Just spoke with accents",-1.56,0,original 47240,"Of course, these trained trumpet woodpeckers are silent...that's what they're about, that's what they're about, and that's what they'll be for the rest of their days. The euro dirt is not viable and they have proven that decade after decade. Rejoice in the fact that these inbred cretins are dropping like flies and becoming a minority. Luckily, they will take their ignorance, hatred and terrorism with them in their coffers. #TheyBeReplaced",2.72,1,DE 2425,The people to be hanged are the Muslims who started the 2002 riots by burning 50 Hindus alive.,0.52,2,RU 29608,"@DeeboTim @GLAMvoy Which is corny! Because most women will be turned off by then due to making our own conclusions. Once we get to the ""fuck that nigga"" stage, it's a wrap",-0.89,0,original 27590,"Hey Evangelicals, how about getting your heads out of the Bible and into a US History book? URL",0.71,2,original 10047,go back to your own country /s,-1.29,0,original 22534,"@Lanaroske1 @CGTNOfficial @XinhuaChinese These MEN break up dog fighting rings, rescue dogs and cats used as bait animals.THEY ARE PROTECTORS, VIRILE AND STRONG. MEN- REAL MEN- ARE PROTECTORS OF THE INNOCENT. SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME THAT IS WHAT ALL REAL MEN DO. CHINA, where did you go wrong??? URL",0.02,0,original 26468,Smh women so trash,-0.01,0,original 552,"Wtf is this incel material? It's 2019, we live in a modern country with roads and cars. There's no bears attacking women. You're not a viking and there's no horde coming to burn your villages. I swear to God some shit I've seen on here lately is planted to make us look like sexist neck beard incels. Mods need to look into this shit.",-2.23,0,original 49410,"It's not just Mexicans. They also come from Honduras. And these aren't the dreamy Mexicans we're used to seeing. They are bad men, covered in tattoos, with new clothes.",0.7,3,FR 27667,"You need one dick in your mouth and one in your ass, gay man! #SheMale #SheCock #Tranny @talktomemen URL",1.05,4,FR 44761,Super proud of u priyanka n sid💖😘🤗😄👏lots of love from india,-3.62,0,original 6518,"A lot of them are saying that ""Europeans built the algorithms which allows YouTube to do this"". It boggles the mind how white supremacists think.",-0.25,0,original 40091,Why is there no black Einstein? probably having sex with a white whore in a stolen americaaaaaaaa,1.35,1,FR 47810,Those minority women should be deported there not wanted here there trash,1.44,1,original 19000,"Shut up you little beta cuck, let's see what the fuck you're doing with your sad, pathetic life besides trolling dudes on fucking Reddit like a whiny little bitch. You post the story against mine says enough. Tiny fagot jerks off guys posting on trp",1.64,5,DE 4860,"""Go fuck your dad you born motherfucker""",1.54,1,DE 11289,"Any way to remove yourself from the gene pool is a good way, jerk 👋",2.82,4,FR 29017,"Nigerian men don't care about women at all. Ha ha. They'll laugh with your abuser online, drink and party with him, and even line up for a selfie with him when he's arraigned for assaulting an innocent woman. url",0.67,3,ZH 6551,It's booba you're a fag,0.55,5,FR 8374,"No, downloading these videos is the dumbest thing to do. Damn autistic",1.32,7,DE 9854,Fuck tay k fanboy. hope he breaks into your house and kills your family,2.98,5,ZH 33318,"It's sad, that we have an American citizen in ICE custody simply because the color of his skin. Yet trump goes on about intervening in a case overseas to ""save"" a rapper that was going to be released anyways.",-3.83,0,original 43394,build the wall Deport them all. build the wall Deport them all. build the wall Deport them all. NO. Let the bodies hit the ground. Let the bodies hit the ground.,1.5,3,DE 44018,"+J Clm MEXICAN RATES WANT FREE FROM AMERICAN TAXPAYERS SO THEY CAN SELL THEIR DIRTY KIDS FOR SEX, DRUGS, PROSTITUTES AND COLLECT WELFARE CHECKS 🦍🦍 🦍🦍 🦍🕷️🕸️",1.94,3,DE 37818,"@soledadobrien Never mind the white folks Trump calls out, amirite? #Moron",-1.99,0,original 30216,Latinas are angel faces with a devil attitude,-1.05,0,original 32925,"Pakistani mentality: ""My wife wore clothes that I didn't like, so I beat her up, cut her hair and then poured acid on her face. You would have done the same thing."" Reporter: No, I wouldn't have done the same thing. URL",-0.47,0,original 38304,"@HillaryClinton Wrong bitch! The mental illness throughout the World is real, I agree, but it's a small amount of mentally ill people who use violence. Guns are less than 1% use by these ill people! I think it's best you shut up and prepare for a cozy cell in GITMO!",1.02,4,original 12701,"My ex girlfriend was trans, so it's really nice to see other trans girls being represented. Thanks 😘",-3.83,0,original 23221,if my nigga not this stiff on bitches i don't want you 😩 URL,-0.6,0,original 21573,Where the real niggas at,-1.75,0,original 12264,"> Where do we disagree on the term logos? The Torah / Word defines God's logos. it's less a sense of ""torah"" instruction, and more a platonic form of rationality. > How do you interpret John 1:1? that john thinks jesus was the incarnation of philo's coming messiah, who would be the logos. > Many twist Paul. i don't think i am. paul clearly thinks jews are still held to the law, but that christians do not have to convert judaism. christians are outside the law by merit of ancestry.",-2.66,0,original 49551,It's time for America to get rid of the enemy in Congress...either send them back to the Middle East or shoot at them.,2.49,1,DE 27696,"@goodenough_fu machine guns & stuff. No, she had no ticket. But all the dudes adored het. The greek couple (w/ a real live hen) + the Hamburg Lesbian ... they switched seats ... when sleeping on the floor ... never mind good enough",-2.65,0,original 23550,Niggas just be throwed off,-0.77,0,original 6423,"Granted. Everyone who says it or does it even as a joke by calling someone ""gay"" is included. This leads to most of Earths population slowly becoming only LGBTQ+ and so humanity slowly dies out due to no repopulating.",-1.64,0,original 24318,you are so shitty in the name of the lord i would take this hard boot off the ground and throw it on you and leave a big knot in your fucking forehead @SneakyTweeet,3.23,2,FR 43416,get out of the usa go to iran with your gaahy head and play jihad with iran you are a traitor to the usa a smelly stinky fish traitor,1.1,2,FR 25444,I'm done with stupid bitches,1.23,4,FR 471,Dindu nothing,1.9,1,DE 7915,"In the bathroom... You are all a disgusting messy hive of hyenas and vagabonds!! Women's toilets are by far the most unpleasant thing to clean in a public place. Work, retail, restaurants, hospitals, etc. and the women's room will *always* be the worst. All female dogs are disgusting....",0.61,4,FR 11075,"This is the case for many people who don't have that ""childlike faith"", but on the contrary I have seen many many people convert to Christianity or Buddhism later in life because they feel like it will help them, they enjoy the fellowship, or simply because they've had an encounter with God. Those two practices are common because they are easy to get involved with. Islam or Hinduism or Mormonism for example are much more difficult to just waltz into without being raised in a family that is part of that sect in the first place. I know many many people who only converted as adults.",-3.43,0,original 7656,What? Exactly how many guys do you think want to fuck giant fat dudes?,-0.21,0,original 26014,What's next? Mandatory public stoning? What other ways can they dehumanize and abuse women to force them into doing what they want? #Maddow,-3.18,0,original 8293,Putting women on pedestals in being an SIMP Should be a crime worthy of a public beat down,1.28,4,original 46958,"How come you didn't call for one when a white guy shot up places? Oh yeah, you have to be the innocent one to make your little wet dream seem righteous. And stop using Hitlers name, he wasn't as twisted as you.",-0.43,0,original 42749,Oh come on the first NFL topic and it's this? AB has turned the NFL into the NBA with that soft ass fuckboy bullshit I hate that nigga Like why is he such a bitch? STFU and catch a ball Yeah for once Laura you can say that to a black man Because AB legitimately should STFU and play football,0.62,1,original 12996,Petite whore with a cock-hungry pussy,0.67,4,FR 37715,"@suriya__offcl @cpimspeak And you are litterally down on your knees, begging for a chance to oppress the people of Ladakh again.",-1.33,0,original 43168,You sound more happy someone is going to jail for exposing Muslim grooming gangs and child rape. Than the people raping kids sickening.,-2.01,0,original 44180,You ignorant white man remember the system put in place for us to do all of this putting us against each other and making us insecure because we couldn't protect our women and children leads to problematic actions down the line it's bred into the generations.,-2.01,0,original 6580,Op is one of those guys that claims to be straight but wants to suck dick. We have guys like you here everyday crying.,-0.56,0,original 48828,Africans.... gross. I hope China wipes all of these nasty kni ggers out.,3.14,1,original 29806,"You stupid fucking bitch, you're not inspiring anybody, you blew up because men are horny useless rats. You're also not a kind person. You work for ICE. You're taking part in a modern day concentration camp. Fuck you. URL",1.48,1,original 20007,Every slant in #LosAngeles should be deported. Those scum have no right to be here. Chinatown should be bulldozed.,2.45,1,original 24614,"A Straight Pride Parade can't help but be the saddest, most mock-worthy thing ever. Elevator music, long sleeves, and pageant waving. Imagine the Hallmark - live.",-1.33,0,original 17963,"I'd pull back, having her jerk me off thoroughly while giving my balls a few quick sucks. I'd cum so much, coating her pretty face on all of my cum. She'd then lick it all up, not wasting a single drop",0.99,5,original 44771,"anti zion, ok, you islamic pig, now try to fight the combined forces of the USA, UK and any other nation that joins the battle.",2.34,2,FR 7861,"""Become an atheist and kill yourself""",1.55,2,DE 20739,"@CaitKitten not everyone adds the I to LGBT. intersex people have come forward and said they do not want to be/are not a part of the community, and that it is non-intersex people forcing them into the community",-3.39,0,original 4239,What's the line here; at what point does torturing a gay dude become game? When you sodomize him with a gun? A dildo? I think the writers are trying to show us these guys are hypocrites,-0.9,0,original 42602,She does have some JAMAICAN in her,-2.39,0,original 12277,"Hey dumbass woman who created this chair. There's a thing called a penis and balls. Next time before you try to make a ""stance"", don't be an idiot.",0.92,4,original 21520,He fucked me hard in the shower and cummed on my big tits - Mini Diva @MiniDivaOnly URL URL,0.58,5,DE 22401,MY BOYSSSSS URL,-3.67,0,original 3896,"lol those Libtards keep calling people Sanghi like they even know what it really means. It's like a child learning a new word and repeating it until they get bored. India needs to get rid of these gutters everywhere, otherwise Libtards like you will continue to rise there. No wonder you're retarded. Good luck in your sucking endeavors, don't suck the wrong Jihadi, you might lose your mind lol",2.16,2,FR 5278,You mean gay?,0.55,5,ZH 41743,"I say we should all move to the US, Pelosi and co tell everyone they're welcome - no matter if you're a felon, pedophile, rapist, murderer or any other kind; as long as you can reach the border, it will be sweat. WHAT A JOKE - I'M SORRY FOR THE PATRIOTS IN THE USA - IT'S TIME THESE BRAIN DEAD DEMS GOT REALLY FUCKED BY THE REST OF AMERICA - AND PUT BACK ON THEIR ASS.",2.06,3,FR 11138,It would be really freaking cool if someone could round up all these white shirt cowards and send them to Siberia. I hope they all die tbh,0.52,1,DE 49299,Iran is the enemy of the world.,1.73,3,FR 13042,​ i guess in California all you need to parential consent to get a sex change. atleast finish high school first before you become useless to society,1.03,4,original 39499,Fuck that nigga url with the hoe ass,0.72,1,DE 44341,"If I were a Christian, I would want every woman to have an abortion so that every baby would automatically go to heaven. Then, after there were no more humans on earth, all human suffering on earth would end and it would be a great thing to happen.",0.81,2,FR 34180,"@Speech7x7 Unhinged Muslims totally out of control. They all need to be deported back to Middle East, the borders needs to be sealed, so they never get out of their homeland. Let them kill each other. The world will better place .",1.07,2,original 5796,"The fucking problem with your armpit? Is this why men don't approach you and you post pictures of yourself on Reddit? Lmao, what a fucking bitch. I would just use your mouth and your pussy as hard as possible. Welp, since you're begging to get hurt anyway, might as well spit, slap and choke you while I enjoy violating your pussy and mouth. I would still call you an ugly, grotesque whore whose sole purpose is to be used and raped.",2.76,4,FR 1712,Thank you for spreading awareness. So many people are unaware of Uighurs and the muslim persecution and concentration camps in China. I wish you all the well and hope you are safe.,-7.39,0,original 8571,Puerto Ricans here. Ricky deserves to die in a fucking hole.,2.04,1,DE 42102,"A group of ALL VERY INSECURE AND IMMORAL WHITE AMERICANS.....GREAT AND BIG CHILDREN OF MURDERERS, LAND THIEVES, SHOOTERS, IMMORAL LAWLESS COWBOYS....AND THE STUPIDEST RACE ON THIS PLANET!!! PROVEN!!!",2.18,1,FR 24881,"@thecannainsurer @paul_oils @CanopyGrowth Yes, lots of really stupid fucking people here in America. Lots!",0.1,0,original 14112,Ree reee. Islam is cancer and must be eradicated at all costs.,2.9,2,DE 7372,The females of the human species are absolutely garbage. Humans look bad,1.92,4,FR 17087,You talk like a fag and your shit is totally retarded.,1.42,5,DE 10131,"Here on this sub, women are holes, girls are sluts, and your questions are stupid.",0.66,4,original 19312,Oh look another chapo here butthurt about his incel club getting quarantined. Why don't you say ACAB again?,-1.18,0,original 10686,What will happen when incels learn that we all start as female in the womb?,-1.54,0,original 10025,"Hey, where did the cleavage girl disappear? One second she was fuming with ""righteous"" wrath, then... *BOOF*",-2.08,0,original 44655,+Logical-atheistic conspiracy? Are you a fog or lgbtq?,1.01,5,DE 38396,"@_Hsn_Shah That's the same guy we Indians killed, right? Don't worry, send as many as you can, you'll only get them back in boxes. We are busy arranging a date for these fucking bastards with your allah may he teach him the right to heaven",1.91,2,FR 38315,"Go back, Jihadi Porki, inhuman swine. They massacre innocent balochis. @ImranKhanPTI @OfficialDGISPR @pid_gov #BalochistanIsNotPakistan URL",1.43,2,DE 46524,Where the evangelicals at?,-2.65,0,original 10510,Eat a dick you bunch of cucks.,1.18,4,original 49183,White people tried that in Afghanistan and Iraq. How did that turn out you inbreds?,0.69,1,original 41815,"Simply Creepable search in google with the keywords ""shroud crosshair"". Its in the first search results.",-1.07,0,original 37508,@stupeoscientia What ISN'T tragic about being straight,-1.04,0,original 1713,I love cross-dressing.,-3.31,0,original 43264,Send her back in a sealed container to 'the most rapist Somali warlord',2.03,3,ZH 3803,"My baby is half Arab, I also didn't want a typical 'arab' name unless it worked in the UK too. Our daughter is Nourah which is easily pronounced by everyone but shows her heritage without being too different for her growing up in a typically racist world. Good luck",-3.72,0,original 47254,Good I hope it's got some secret nukes on's probably your only hope to keep the bully zionist away,-0.24,0,original 17272,Fuck that little fag dwarf.,1.59,5,FR 39606,Fucking pedophile ass bitch.,1.42,4,original 17951,Another favorite anal slut.,0.7,4,FR 36996,"When someone in power screams ""go back where you came from"" and let's a crowd chant it with glee, it is not surprising that a white supremacist will kill brown people in a border town.",-1.21,0,original 18757,What a bunch of fucking niggers,1.48,1,original 18216,"LMAO, a terrorist state, discussing a non-existent role for RSS in Kashmir? Is the average Pakistani such a retarded person? No wonder the country is nothing but a waste of space and resources.",1.58,7,DE 31167,somewhere between ugly and damn bitch you ugly as fuck,1.01,4,original 7435,"As soon as I start paying child support, she can't have an abortion. If she aborts, then give my fucking LMAO money back.",0.9,4,FR 19638,Don't these people have daughters/wives/mothers? How would they feel if they were raped? Fucking disgusting people. PS i mean rapists not indians,1.62,1,FR 14217,You look like my next little country cum slut !!,1.37,4,original 36873,"If the gospel in your church can't go beyond skin colours , tribe , social boundaries then that's not gospel ..🤔🤔🤔 If segregation and racism can't be fixed in church ... do think it can be fixed in the world ...",-2.02,0,original 29811,We stood with Ilhan Omar when she endured bad faith accusations from both sides of the aisle due to her willingness to be blunt on imperialism & apartheid. We stand with her today as she endures vile racist attacks from the president & his supporters. There is no middle ground. URL,-0.34,0,original 43009,"GROSS, on all levels, an ugly, mean, stupid lesbian",1.84,5,FR 32116,@Chepkut_William Can you say something about Aisha Jumwa,-2.88,0,original 38213,"@emperor_cris @Financialdomi @FinDomFetish @masterscash @submit2mee fags should definitely live in chastity! only true and superior males have COCKS! fags only have knots and their only pleasure must come from serving GOD, everything else doesn't matter",0.72,5,FR 35343,@WLuv3r @antiphiIe @antiphile @SlyTheCoyote1 @___1Twatter1___ @truestboi People who have sex with living things they own that can't call for help or leave if they wanted are rapists and y'all will always be treated like that.,-0.28,0,original 21968,"I hear a lot of niggas talkin but they ain't bout shit, niggas be claimin they hitters but never shot shit 🤫",2.99,1,original 23344,@Hunt94Skank @khloekardashian Yea why don't you just find another dick to suck. It shouldn't be too hard to find. Just shut the fuck up and continue being the whore that you are.,1.54,4,original 38719,"Careful what you wish for, you always wanted to feel a huge cock up your hole bitch so now fucking take it, cry all you want that ain't gonna stop this bull from raping your boipussy apart he'll only stop when he is done & shoots his huge load deep inside. URL",1.97,5,original 47039,USA AND UK ALWAYS CAVING IN TO ARAB THREATS,-0.48,0,original 41170,"To all of you multi racial trump trash out there, it looks like your communists republican empire is falling apart! Ha ha ha ha ha! And you cannot save it from ruin! You ignorant uneducated know nothings are going to be reduced to rubble come 2020!",0.55,1,original 49585,This black female dog had a snub nose....... I'd kick her ass... -sent by a black man iPhone Trump 2020,1.6,1,FR 18144,I'd make her a mother of 6 after I cum deep in that pussy!,-1.06,0,original 18868,Do we? It's anecdotal but every trans girl I know but one (and I mostly hang out with other trans people truthfully) don't have trouble with the dysphoria noodle - I find mine euphoric. You're right on the moral concept here but please don't isolate the rest of us friend <3,-3.59,0,original 37798,"Hey, let's convert your bitch! You will be like me! A feminine beauty with the cock of a rearing horse! You will be cursed with this insatiable big cock! Hehe so you better find us both a whore to fuck! URLs",2.17,4,FR 6380,Fucking immoral bastard. Drive out the bitch!,1.24,3,ZH 6486,• The girl who talks like a goddamn moron,0.98,7,DE 24068,This cocksucker did a great job taking a good throat fucking. If you can't take it hard then we're not a match. The harder the better. p.s. this dude was hung af too and he used my throat as well. I can take it as hard as I give it 😈 #cocksucker #hung #oral #gayxxx #bigcock URL,-2.7,0,original 5687,">I'm a jew who converted to Catholicism, but for a number of reasons I just can't go back to Christianity, so I'm trying to reconnect with my jewish side. So Judaism is your last resort and not your first choice? I'm genuinely curious.",-2.76,0,original 34189,"If Al Sharpton is what's right in this country, then the America we know & love is indeed gone. A race baiter(Freddy's), a liar (Tawana) & an unapologetic anti semite who led a pogrom against Jews in Crown Heights. These are FACTS. No amount of pandering changes that Senator. URL",-2.37,0,original 15607,I'm trying to promote a black fitness page for men and women that constantly promotes health in the black community. If you don't want to support that's fine but r/BlackFit is going to thrive with or without you period! ❤️,-5.9,0,original 31278,Who wants to help this rogue baby dad bust a nut when he has the crib all to himself? 😇💦 URL,1.75,1,FR 7555,"You are kidding, right? Go to anyone who is religious and ask them what they think about killing gay people. I wouldn't be surprised if half said they could be killed and the other half said we need to ""restore"" them.",0.59,5,ZH 47157,All four are vile and evil women who must return to their country!,0.94,4,FR 42426,"I've said it before and I'll say it again, Africa 1000 years ago was poor and stupid, Africa is the same now, poor and stupid",1.63,3,ZH 49154,+Joseph Don't worry you're just a mangina sweating it out.,0.76,5,DE 29105,"I need to get it off my chest ""fuck you niggas"" 🗣",1.12,1,original 826,What a LARPing fag. You cracked your knuckles and then fisted your own asshole.,1.77,5,DE 636,When you contry is so shitty that even refugees don't want come,0.51,3,original 4073,"Dipstick dad can do whatever he wants with home electronics. Entitled little brat. Invasion of privacy? Stop. Daddy pays internet bills, so suck the dick. Daddy's paying the mortgage, so suck some dick. You should either honor your dad's name or move out. Find out how hard it is in the real world. But at least you can watch anal fisting. you are degenerate",2.72,6,JA 41344,All Americans fuck pussies,1.0,3,DE 48294,"So...the islamification of Britain is moving further along, what with Prince Andrew selling his mansion to a terrorist from Kazakhstan",-0.22,0,original 29461,Aye naw fuck these hoes,2.1,4,original 5187,hell look at how angry they got when they discovered the rest where breeders too they went from open and friendly to distrustful hell we have no idea what the demographics of there planet is tealc might have been the first black person they saw kinda like the random medival village thats isolated and a black trader comes through and they are wary because its something they have no idea about,-2.32,0,original 10494,Every time I watch this video it makes me furious and makes me want to smash that shit face into the concrete.. who talks like that.. we know who you are. You're a little punk bitch hiding behind mommy's back by threatening to kill people. I wish someone would grind my teeth.,2.0,6,JA 43018,"+B0rder55 You religious dumbasses deserve everything that happens. You're the only ones stirring the pot. Fuc@ you morons. Xtian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu... You're all retarded.",0.9,2,original 39676,"@LiamByrneMP Save your girls from Pakistani grooming gangs first, you stupid twat.",0.31,0,original 5976,Per capita black people are 13x more likely to murder. 13% of the population commits over 50% of violent crime. And I'm sure they litter too.,0.76,1,original 5205,Someone dose this gaylord with a few tabs of LSD. Maybe then he'll finally realize how gay his chain looks on him.,0.47,0,original 46993,No more tax payer money wasted on these filthy ILLEGALS! Just deport all of them. They don't belong in our country.,0.12,0,original 21261,"Listen, this woman is a psychopath. Anyone in their fifties who acts as high and powerful and holier than you, but then calls you names and stoops so low that they try to insult the looks of a 20-year-old is in SERIOUS trouble.",0.81,6,DE 5486,Being gay is not a decision but ok,-3.05,0,original 38550,"""All I know is that these are two white police officers on horseback with a black man walking him down the street with a rope tied to the handcuffs."" #Galveston #Texas #Police URL via @GoogleNews",-1.89,0,original 46640,+IMA RUSSIAN Since when do you Republican's care about innocent arab lives?,-1.6,0,original 27071,"Mentoring is part of the job! If you cannot mentor women, then you should not be managing them!",-3.21,0,original 22642,I hit the Jews because they raped Ukip.,0.61,2,ZH 1677,"All good sluts know they need to keep their pussy clean and ready for use. Spread it for us, use both hands and put some effort into it like the good little slut you are.",0.82,4,FR 26266,keep fucking your cousin and shut up 🤐🤐🤐🤐,2.05,3,DE 11979,#FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY,-0.96,0,original 46065,"We in Israel feel sorry for you ... It is sad to see people so dumb who pray for a dry Jewish mummy who died 2,000 years ago and think she will wake up ... If this is your God you are really miserable ... Your God is dead bleeding and crying on the cross like a hysterical 5 year old girl .. He cried to to get help ... To himself he could not help .. So he will help you? If I were you I'd feel sorry for yourself.",1.05,2,original 7304,"you're just a damn poor boy who grew up without any support from his family with an income of 5 thousand. stfu and gtfo slow down. Medical schools in Australia are constantly recruiting Americans for their MBBS program. those are two bachelor's degrees, why not have a real PhD. now go fix that bilateral hernia you gave yourself by trying to suck your own cock because no one else will.",1.45,7,RU 8547,He's a fanatical old racist jerk.,0.81,4,FR 48009,I hope justice is served on this disgusting Muslim countries in prison,0.85,2,original 14151,Whatever fag.,0.61,5,original 12787,what a faggot,1.06,5,original 41393,Who is this Jewish ghost? You mean the rabbi who pissed off Jewish bankers and was executed by the state as an example for others not to mess with Jewish bankers?,1.34,2,ZH 31960,A lotta folks complain that gay people took the rainbow but no one mentions how the mentally challenged took the word 'special.',-1.53,0,original 12458,What an invasive woman. Ew. She's got some major boundary issues... to say the least.,-1.58,0,original 13644,"Racist URL Yes, such a joke. Incel motherfucker.",1.47,1,FR 24847,lee hwan says gay rights #PrideMonth URL,-4.09,0,original 31541,"Let Goddess guide you and show you the way. Porn and your Goddess are all you need. Ignore your friends, wives, girlfriends and family. Eliminate all distractions. Make way for more porn. Give in to me and be happy. URL",0.05,0,original 33311,"@Stalinfanacc Your name is literally ""Stalin fan"". Does your asshole know all the innocent people he slaughtered? Have you ever been to a country with a dictator? Go to North Korea and see how they like you. FUCK AND GET HERPES FUCK YOU WITHOUT VALUE",0.96,4,FR 42571,rich privileged white woman gets lost on tiny island.,-1.43,0,original 28970,i hate gays so much,1.39,5,FR 27045,I don't know who need to hear this but God wont stop blessings people even though you hate them ✌,-3.54,0,original 28504,"oooouuuuuuuuu, i don't hit women, but I WANT TO SMACK THE FUCK OUT OF THESE BITCHES ‼️",1.61,4,original 15052,Would you be interested in a bisexual crossdresser. I give great head and would love to relieve your tensions. My fem name is Amber,-3.02,0,original 4938,"How do you feel about the middle eastern Christians who largely supported Sadam Hussein's government and Assad in Syria... they didnt do it because these were good and holy men, they weren't... but they realized the threats to Christianity came from elsewhere. Doesn't the same logic apply? And notice, we're talking about dictators who are/were far far worse than president Trump...",-1.75,0,original 24266,@tariqnasheed these fags are a depraved bunch,2.01,5,ZH 44781,Watch all these Israeli fucks in the comments section.,0.94,1,FR 35329,"@GiioTM ""Good a nigger, but count your fucking days, I'm gonna be a rooted black nigger bitch shooting summamabitch next time I catch you"" URL",1.39,1,FR 28227,@awejones fuck him right now you got baptized by satan the moment you sucked a dick 🤣,1.47,5,DE 46196,"These officers at the border are so full of hate that they can't be reached. I dealt with similar men in the Navy... It doesn't matter what you say to them. They won't check themselves. They have no honor. What we need to do is take in these immigrants and treat them at our hospitals, and then give them temporary actual homes in the US until we can figure out what to do. These fuckers at the border need to be severely punished, and they need to be taken away from any position of authority. Charge them with fucking manslaughter. Children have died on their watch. There's no excuse.",-0.41,0,original 34046,"Israeli police investigating a 3-year-old Palestinian child! Israeli authorities, 'throwing stones to the Israelis' claim! leave a comment .. URL",-1.62,0,original 48762,Fag y'all,0.6,5,FR 38892,"I can't stress it enough, a #sissy should lock her useless #clitty in #chastity. Sissies can only cum in their cage while being fucked in their #boipussy #sissyslut #sissyslave #sissification #feminization #sissytraing #crossdressing #cumslut #sissified #sissygasm #sissyboy URL",0.93,4,original 16980,Fuking white knight,-0.44,0,original 4264,"Alright, a top notch Scientologist that can't spell. Go back to fuckin your sister before your cousin gets home with dinner for the 11 toed baby",0.82,2,original 30099,"@RepMarkWalker Fuck Israel, Fuck America and Fuck You! It's called freedom of speech, you shit.",0.77,3,FR 5235,"Jerks. Quoting a hentai I found, ""The important thing about boobs is not their size, it's the person they're attached to"".",-4.89,0,original 29514,Batsman! 🦇 @MBatshuayi was the man to bag our first goal of pre-season! #CFCinDublin URL,-4.72,0,original 35276,@kaylatausche The real problem is the BLACK. Immigrants work and attend to education. Blacks don't care about jobs or education. Immigrants build tech companies and blacks build Big Macs. Let me know if Dems support a universal basic work ethic.,1.31,1,DE 33310,Nothin but bitches I be fuckin,0.84,4,original 46474,I do not see how anything he said against those 4 Women are racist at all they all told out and out lies that is evil they say horrible things about our government and our president and our country sense all they can do is say hateful horrible things get out of my country sense you think it is so horrible here if you hate America so much leave,-0.97,0,original 9369,That one guy needs to be deported and the rest get put in a cell.,1.04,3,original 5404,"Yes! I live in a district with a considerable immigrant and refugee population, and the vast majority of those students have very involved parents and are highly motivated to work hard for their success. I wish I could say the same about the students who were born here in the US.",-3.73,0,original 11103,"Actually, your analogy is incorrect. America is a nationality. Islam is a religion. Therefore, you CAN be racist against a nationality, but there's no such thing as being racist because of an ideology. The right analogy to use in this argument would be ""Arabs are a bunch of inbred camel-phuckers""",1.92,1,original 44921,"Get rid of all those stinking Indian bastards. They shit in the streets and throw their trash straight into this river, the most disgusting country ever!",2.44,3,ZH 10313,"I would support taco gangs like MS-13 if they focus all their attention on sadistically slaughtering crackerkikes and their whole tribes like how they do cartel killings, skinning them and taking their cumskin faces off, and taking their joints apart. Crackerkikes deserve nothing less of a fate. Is there any way to get taco-monkies to do this shit to whiteboys and jews?",3.54,2,original 44352,Came here say.. This guy is a POS. Kthanksbye.,-1.4,0,original 26953,"You shouldn't be both visually and deeply unattractive AND mean for no reason. You can, at least, be nice. Pick a side. Riding the fence is taking the side of the oppressor. Remember that lol.",-1.6,0,original 1997,"""Women will be completely eradicated from sports"" I can already hear the feminazis clapping (with their hands this time). They hate fit women as it reminds them of what they are not.",0.85,4,original 4917,lmao get a load of this faggot,1.04,5,original 47933,"@Forgetten Unknown, he's mad as a fag",0.82,5,FR 40906,Fuck muslin and that AOC bitch.,0.65,2,DE 48230,Those two women are both Airheads! who really gives a f*** about what they have to say anyway!,-0.68,0,original 45105,"These kids are way smarter than you'll ever be, you're just a lowlife penis junkie",1.81,6,DE 28227,"@awejones Fuck now, the moment you suck dick you get satanic 🤗",1.47,5,ZH 17332,This is the country that gave a convicted terrorist millions because America hurt his feelings.,-1.01,0,original 42315,Painkiller Jones shut up bitch!!!! Before those Muslims you're talking about find your ass and slice that throat of yours!!! Faggot!,0.96,2,original 7744,I think we're past that point. Europe should expel every last one of them yesterday.,-1.39,0,original 7212,I better not pick up the stick on the wrong day. Your loving and forgiving God will order me to be stoned to death! ! What a stupid religion! ! Sorry you got caught up in this ancient crap! !,0.86,2,ZH 34864,Yeah they call u Winnie the Pooh w ur yellow ass 😂😂😂,0.31,0,original 14804,"I'm not Turk. I'm Arab, my co-worker is, amazing dude and he is Christian too",-4.43,0,original 48601,"old bag what you are is a fucking stupid idiot, that comment was lower IQ than any muslim i have ever met. Your solution is ""increase the birth rate"", a fucking stupid thing to say. ""There ain't no kids interested in manual labor"" ""Well, fuck more and fire the brownies"" It's horrible, stupid racist assholes like you who give people who work in manual labor a bad name , no wonder nobody wants to do it, imagine working with a jerk like you everyday",1.18,2,FR 24105,@charliekirk11 Need to expose this illegal Dictator for what he is...lying slimeball muslim Fagala!!! Then deport the ugly Bastard!!!,0.98,2,original 25837,@JohnCornyn @Debbie22210 The only human thing is to put America FIRST and send them all back,0.86,1,DE 32,The native european hunter-gatherer culture got wiped out by Middle Eastern farmer culture 8000 years ago.,-3.41,0,original 48123,They should be dumped 300 miles offshore if they make it back alive then send them back to Mexico in a body bag,2.48,1,original 44395,"The Rothschilds have nothing to do with it, the fact is that Muslims have nuclear weapons, perhaps the most dangerous thing on earth, because no one else would sacrifice his life and everyone else for a fake man in the sky who raped 10 year olds.",0.87,2,RU 27668,OMG # More proof that ME's only so-called democracy isn't so cuddly after all. When did the Israeli settlers arrive in peace? Nothing more than vile racist supremacists.,0.6,3,FR 40751,"Yes every girl can be independent, successful, and inspiring, and also try to be the best role model she can ever be for her children and the next generation ..",-7.07,0,original 17594,Because Muslims are the most visible brown people. People like you who suck white people's dick are hopeless.,0.66,2,FR 4729,God hates gays.,1.58,5,ZH 15272,U need 2 stop typing as F ur a teenaged Prince lmao lol lmao 🤨,-1.09,0,original 3348,Police beat their wives and soldiers beat the men they think slept with their wives. It all kind of makes sense as police are like wannabe soldiers who just want to kill unarmed black kids and are too scared to go to war with other people who have guns. They are all 12 year old COD kids at heart.,-0.59,0,original 811,Fraternity rapers.,1.54,4,original 20361,She's ghetto your honor but we had to stan. URL,-0.92,0,original 29975,it's a big shit,1.85,4,FR 15210,Israel is going just as poorly it seems. But at least they managed to indict their leader ...,-2.3,0,original 4172,"YTA. The worst part of this is gall at being offended by his ""unprofessional"" behavior. I'm gonna shit all over this person and then be surprised that it upset them. 🤣🤣🤣 Fucking classic sociopathic reaction. It's only business until someone reacts negatively to me then it's personal and they were the ones in the wrong. You a garbage sub-human.",1.2,5,original 29537,He died claiming to be a disabled veteran. But many believe he was hijacker D.B. Cooper. URL,-0.56,0,original 25630,"honestly men are gross, entitled and dangerous. and if you say ""you're afraid of men"" I'd say ""HELL YES"", men have given me every reason to fear for my fucking life around them, they've give me ZERO reason to trust them.",1.14,4,original 29361,Ilhan Omar leave the USA AND go back to hell where you came from. Take SARSOUR with you. You're both anti-American bitches who hate this nation and we want you to go. You are both hypocritical liars who hate this nation and support terrorism.,0.58,3,DE 1042,Women like this need to be jailed and fined and locked up and sterilized with all their possessions taken away and trashed and their bank accounts emptied.,1.57,4,original 2400,I'd punch her in the face with my dick.,0.81,4,original 16790,"Eh? Op is a nigger. a cockmongroid. a fucking son of a shitty nigger. what obligation does she have to provide an ass, if it looks like an ass?",1.72,1,FR 6119,Fuck the shit out those tits for a start,-1.44,0,original 30201,"@nailainayat I thought there were no siblings in Islam, only couples! Because a brother marries his own sister, this is the cruel reality of Islam! Even in many cases in India, a Muslim father marries his own daughter under the pretext that she is Islamic! And it changes every relationship!",1.07,2,RU 5278,you mean fags right?,0.55,5,DE 8219,"Terminology my ass. In what the fuck world is a fifteen year old girl considered a woman? ! Funny enough, I can imagine a Top Mind answering ""the third world"" without an ounce of irony.",1.08,3,FR 22081,I just want to destroy your bitch life. It's really nice to see you broke and weak 😂😈🐷 #findom #femdom #rinse #paypig #blackmail @rtfindo @RTL0SER @rtsubbby @RT_sissybows @RTFuck3r @docevilution @rt_feet @find0m @RtPromoking @tonybobo3 @RTfucker @WalletAtmPig @RTSlutt URLs,0.64,4,FR 47740,tremeaker gilbert wanna know what's racist ? Majority of babies aborted are minorities.,-0.97,0,original 39770,"@JaisekharNair @KTHopkins @ShefVaidya Because the whole migration thing was planned long ago by Albert Pike and continued by our NWO lovers, that need conflict as a pre-setter of taking over total control. The whole migartion thing did not come naturally. I wonder what those migrants were being told.",-1.25,0,original 4135,Died Catholic. It should be legal to shoot them.,2.18,2,ZH 35368,bitches want to be used like a little whore for hours on end with their hands tied above their heads while being degraded at what a pathetic little slut they are. I am bitches. bitches is me.,1.08,4,FR 2605,"If it helps, I've been to Thailand and really enjoyed it. Including the fabulous lady boys!",-3.88,0,original 44779,I thought the immigrants would bring them in. so tRUMP lied that they are already in the US and tRUMP's friends are in charge. EAT SHIT TRUMP supporters and fuck those ASSHOLES,2.13,3,DE 42272,Hating on gays in theirs closets are ya now JackOLantern?,-2.27,0,original 35249,@domthewanderer Damn. Niggas don't do shit!,0.86,1,FR 5785,LGBT people like football too.,-2.83,0,original 44004,Those anti-Americans. should be removed from our country. .,1.69,3,DE 20087,@EnochAyoade @_s_i_v_a_n_a @Cute_Olodo You black people are disgusting! That's why the people of America keep animals away from your patients! You mistreat animals as their playthings!,0.67,1,FR 27254,"Palestine is the flower amid thorns, many enemies trying to destroy, especially the sons of Zion to establish their alleged state. #GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني URL",-1.59,0,original 10465,"Yeah, my headcanon is that it's all connected, I ignore things that say otherwise",-2.14,0,original 48626,"kamu is a race bait gay. That fat bitch better have Vaseline, it makes it easier for her when a patriot steps on that fat bitch and lifts her weapon up her ass.",2.24,5,ZH 36380,@SpillerOfTea @Telegraph @CamillaTominey What about the seductive Duchess of Sussex that naughty white journalists with faces like a bulldog licking piss off a thistle find offensive?,1.03,1,FR 35280,Best take a hike lady. I will fight to my death to stop my country being taken over by Barbarians You need to change your hateful unreformed beliefs,1.24,3,original 13030,This woman is severely mentally ill.,-2.08,0,original 3447,It's confusing but still empowering. I'm 19 and starting to realize I've always liked guys even though I've always identified as very straight. This is essentially my second time coming out after telling my girlfriend. She's actually pretty excited because she's pansexual so we can connect over both being queer.,-5.64,0,original 960,"shut up retard, go kill yourself",1.4,7,original 41770,"We have too many idiots in this great nation, they will even collide with the enemies to try destroy us, just relocate,since you hate America and Israel, just move to Iraq or Iran and have fun, ask those who thought Syria would be heaven,how they all wanted to be accepted back into Europe and America. Nonsense.",-0.43,0,original 25624,"ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ We don't have ""Straight"" pride parades because straight people don't have to come out, or have to deal with their marriage/orientation being legalized in a state or not! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Happy pride month everyone! 🌈🏳️‍🌈✨💖",-3.19,0,original 16708,"i am a trans man who doesn't feel dysphoric at the thought of giving birth either and i am not super young so that's the reason why i haven't gotten on t yet, i'm afraid of taking that possibility away from myself (i've always known i was nb but i realized i was trans only about a year ago). i was raised by my father and my mother is non-binary and very masculine so i never associated giving birth and raising a child with femininity. so yeah i'm here to say that you're valid and you should go for it if this is what you want!",-4.66,0,original 19134,>I'm Autistic Too\*You are now a certified autistic person.,0.58,7,ZH 45186,America will be much better off if low IQ people like you leave.,1.81,7,DE 9133,It was probably the Greeks,-1.53,0,original 38105,@BreitbartNews Yeah obama. You would just love to get your grimy Muslim hands on our guns so you can get your relatives to take the USA over and turn it into a sharia shithole!,1.11,2,original 14998,She looks like one of those dumb whores.,2.41,4,original 40286,Of course it's a black college. No room for whites in that gift....,-0.27,0,original 40841,@Jordan Raffety US is your occupant and evil destructive regime live there and never go out to OUR world,-1.43,0,original 24943,@SyedAhmarAli @JPacontent @kalal911 Nuke the shit out of Israel and Palestine. Make them a part of the Mediterranean Sea. World peace has been achieved.,2.77,3,original 8087,"you're a fucking waste of air and space you incel, you should go kill yourself so you can stop polluting both reddit and the earth",4.1,4,original 49895,Hero Rohit Sharma love From Pakistan😍😍,-4.0,0,original 45586,What a Faggot,0.99,5,original 20034,gay people should die,2.54,5,original 6906,The following comment by wolfwolfz was *[openly](URL greylisted. The original comment can be found(in censored form) at this link: URL CryptoCurrency/comments/bxhan3/-/eq7bpu2?context=4 The original comment's content was as follows: --- > Stop giving this fag exposure,0.4,0,original 3242,"Make no mistake, all feminism is bad. What you see here is the smokescreen. Ok cool, she's dismantling a custom that's been going on for decades/centuries (maybe for some reason in the culture because, uh, I don't know maybe because of the environment maybe?). .. let's not go there. But make no mistake, it's the same thing.....a woman somewhere in the universe is oppressed by a man and needs saving...usually oppressing the man .",2.0,4,FR 5354,Eat a tail. I bet you never got into an argument. pussy,1.7,5,DE 30315,@unfunnyball because fucking nasty people exist in America and they're inspired by a dunce with a megaphone,0.87,3,ZH 32093,@JanetTxBlessed @Speech7x7 Well your plan almost worked but we have Trump in office and your shit out of luck because nationalism is spreading and islamists are being shown the door,-0.8,0,original 47131,Y do you have to make everything so fucking sexual bitch,0.06,0,original 28217,"Non-black people...y'all are welcome to love hip-hop. Shit, you're welcome to participate....but it's a difference. It's a difference being from the same streets that created this culture as opposed to observing. It's just different.",-1.86,0,original 32927,thread of exid being gay,-1.84,0,original 27444,"This White House does not represent all Americans, only straight, cis, white males and the occasional confused straight cis white female. As far as @realDonaldTrump and the @GOP are concerned, all others can go to hell. Thank you, embassies. Someone has a little class.",-0.02,0,original 22112,"@SAYAMEVA @kshukla778 @deepsealioness @AmitShah @PMOIndia Dear fake profile... Jihadi needs education like you, fake profile, fake name, fake I... Your whole group is running a fake gang to manipulate people but don't you don't worry our cyber cell is smart enough. Wait for the punch...",0.78,2,FR 14952,These are people who live in a civilized country that is not bullshit like any Middle Eastern country you are from.,0.89,3,FR 19337,She called him a shitty pussy ass bitch Idk if she can come back from that,-0.17,0,original 37681,"The front page for Monday, August 5th. In a country that has become nearly numb to men with guns opening fire in schools, at concerts and in churches, the back-to-back bursts of gun violence in less than 24 hours left the public stunned and shaken. URL URL",-1.35,0,original 20522,"Saw a RSS bloke asking Sadhvi to keep her mouth shut! Had she broken down & opened her mouth under Karkare's third degree torture and parroted the fake narrative of Sangh Terror, the entire org would have gone six feet below. without a trace.",1.49,2,original 23835,"Homophobes then: ""Gays are disgusting. You're going to hell. Gay sinners."" Homophobes act in a completely new way: URL",2.3,5,DE 15005,"Go stick a hairbrush up your ass, homo",1.76,5,DE 18778,Yes! I love being trans but it is so tiring.,-5.72,0,original 42583,@trumptard slayer nah it is your people getting orders to kill black and white people. Hispanization of America will fail! Assimilate to American culture or go back to your hell hole.,0.73,3,original 5199,"From the article: > But if Indigenous victims of violence even today can be said to be casualties of colonialist genocide, then the subset who are by far the most ""especially targeted"" — which is to say dead — are men. Between 2014 and 2017, Statistics Canada reports there were 139 Indigenous female homicide victims, and 428 Indigenous male victims — three times as many. (Similarly, non-Indigenous men were murdered two-and-a-half times more often than non-Indigenous women.) Men are disposable.",-2.1,0,original 18443,Said the irreparable inbred abdool who can't even propagate retard. LMAO..,2.31,1,FR 39592,The genocide of Christians is going on today in the Middle East. They will not stop until all infidels are eliminated.,0.86,2,original 44080,Fr Barron I feel blessed beyond measure each podcast I get an opportunity to watch. One very serious issue which I pray the church addresses. My husband is not Catholic and he and many other evangelicals feel that our church must be an apostate church because we have not publicly excommunicated those politicians who openly profess to be Catholics and support abortion! Please address this! Our Protestant brothers and sisters are watching the Catholic Church. Thank you for your response.,-2.48,0,original 791,"Man, these dumb guys never learn",0.79,5,DE 26752,"Hey retards, if we stop fucking each other, cancer is over for... retards",1.3,7,FR 25639,sighs in i want a cute baby that's a slut for me who i can corrupt and control n play with to my hearts desire n pick out their clothes and give them head pats and let them suck on my fingers while i tell them how good they are for me and how proud i am to be they're domme 💔,0.71,5,original 7918,I would so eat that pussy out and fuck that ass hard 🍆💦,-1.59,0,original 48980,JAJAJAJAJAJA LOOK AT THE STUPID FAKE FACES OF THE 2 WHITE SNOWFLAKES AND 2 NIGAS ON THE BACK OF OLD PIG OINK OINK? Let me guess the shooter is white. ..... MY POINT IS .UNTIL WHITE RACIST DIES I CARE,3.87,1,FR 29803,"@zainyguy @mkultravictim Maybe she was a whore, and you were aborted, and this is what the afterlife is like for aborted babies. Maybe we're all aborted sons of whores.",0.23,0,original 19688,I'd like to rip your clothes off you bite and kiss your neck while I pinch your nipple I would love to chew on that tight pussy till it's red and a bit sore and swollen I'd then force my cock inside it and keep thrusting it inside you till I shoot my warm load deep in you and watch your pussy dripping with my cum😋HMU if you wanna roleplay,-0.81,0,original 3604,"I mean Im. All for IQ-based genocide. Like anyone under an iq 83 (US military minimum), I'm mean. Short men have no problem being useful and valuable to society and other human beings. Who cares otherwise. They usually commit suicide. Sjw swoops down as he starts killing dummies.",1.49,7,JA 18900,Please turn in your motherfuckers who shot Big Papi and poisoned Americans with wood alcohol in their drinks,1.03,3,DE 12805,Even if God was real all things considered i wouldn't want to worship a jealous douchebag,-1.05,0,original 17023,poop nigga shit delay pickle dick ass,0.72,7,ZH 10519,">I admit it's a powerful and effective force when carefully applied (Malcolm X and MLK for instance, but I won't discuss that here). Oh, shit, do you remember the time Malcolm X carved up a man's scalp to akke look like a penis, and then MLK was all ""hold my beer"" and punts a screaming torso quadruple amputee into a raging structure fire? That was so fuckin cooool!",-0.76,0,original 20820,@Tayla_Pev31 That stupid girl asf,1.6,4,FR 15931,Such normal crap. Take it back to 9gag you fuck.,0.91,6,FR 5288,"What I find disgusting is that you turn this into a race issue. You seriously need some fucking therapy. I'm serious. Get help, buddy. Shut down that fucking computer. Stop using reddit.",0.53,1,FR 34503,Bottom bitch lets his straight friend fuck him raw 😩🤤 URL,1.35,5,FR 3768,"I think we are asking to be fucked like a cumslut so first your ass will be fucked and after I have gifted you my cum, you will clean your ass on my shaft and get me hard again, then I will breed you with a load in your cunt",2.36,4,original 42576,"If it looks like White Trash and talks like White Trash, it's White Trash!",1.93,1,DE 37882,"@saladinMY @Reuters Dont be as racist as trump, black people voted for him too",-1.51,0,original 26311,I wish a guy would get his hands on me 😭 I'm gonna beat that bitch up like her mommy should have.,0.8,1,FR 25252,"I'm proud to be a bisexual bearded baking brain scientist. I feel fortunate to be able to express all these aspects of my identity, and will continue to work toward ensuring the same freedom for others. #PrideMonth #PrideTurban #LoveIsLove URL",-5.21,0,original 36536,Fuck the crackers,1.3,1,FR 38309,I want to destroy your pussy,0.0,0,original 48583,"Fuck off with this liberal propaganda bullshit. ""OOH, LOOK AT ME, IM A MUSLIM SO THAT MAKES ME FUCKING SPECIAL"" Fuck off and die in hell.",2.27,2,original 39385,@bJqsYlUjANgieCy Abe chutiya... Matlb kuch bi bologe. Bhanggg khaa k aaye ho kya?? Did you know who is modi?? Father of Pakistan and grandfather of Bangladesh,-3.68,0,original 18165,"Another crazy mexican making excuses because he sucks at the game. Wow, it's cool to insult anericans and say a word about mexicans and you're instantly racist. Shut up your fucking mexicano and play another game",1.22,1,FR 34398,Women really should start carrying guns. A lot of you niggas deserved to be shot by them,1.19,4,FR 33347,"#IslamExposed: Islamic State filth in the head defends rape. URL #Syria🇸🇾 #IslamicState #ISISbrides in #Baghouz say #Violejihad is allowed in #Islam, and they are right. #ISISslag #ISIL #ISIS #DAESH #Sunnah of #Rasulallah",0.9,2,FR 39605,"Wait, let me get this straight. ""Shoot those invading brown immigrants"" doesn't promote violence but here's a list of donors does?🤨 I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. URL",-1.96,0,original 48876,"Thank our failed immigration policy and worthless politicians for creating this mess--agriculture needs these workers in order to work the fields and feed Americans, yet we as Americans are imprisoning and scaring away the hands that farm our fruit. All of these people should be working in America which is what they want and what we need in this country. If we had a better immigration policy these people would be here legally.",-3.37,0,original 47329,Hey Justin your a retarded racist faget that couldn't even pass high school your fans hate you and that gay looking hair fuck you😡🖕😼,1.41,5,original 31239,"@realDonaldTrump It wasn't her ""swear language"". It outlined exactly what you SAID and DOED. You admitted to sexual assault by saying you grabbed her pussy. You said some countries are ""shithole countries"". Your words. Your actions #RapistRacistPresident #EpsteinIsTrumpsBFF",1.02,1,DE 17027,Then that's their fucking choice. The funniest thing about incels is that they want the hottest fucking women lmao.,0.74,5,original 12706,They're called incels.,-3.05,0,original 42333,"lol CNN YOUR DONE SO MUCH YOUR CHANNEL WILL BECOME THE ENEMY OF AMERICA THAT YOU WILL ERASE YOURSELF OFF THE MAP, AFRICANS ARE FINALLY WAKE UP LOL URL",0.66,1,FR 16912,Can't we just start killing white people at birth? lol,1.95,1,DE 13330,"I'm a bi girl, very tomboy and comfortable being a girl and proud of my body. How ever, some days I'll wear a skirt. If you see me wearing that skirt, you can rest with an almost 100% guarantee that underneath I'm wearing a harness and a packer. Idk how to explain it, it's just a fun thing to do. Gives a Hell of a confidence boost and feels like I'm on top of the world with a little secret.",-5.28,0,original 23462,@ToxicallyFemme That's why you never cuff a bitch you took from a nigga 💯,-1.28,0,original 41300,"1:56 They dont exactly ride bikes because they are ""environmentally conscious"". Cycling (as we say) is rather simply a tradition in the southern half of Scandinavia, including the Stockholm area.",-2.27,0,original 21062,"@Kwjazzman And if the only thing that does impress you is looks. Then save yourself the trouble and buy a whore, or import a wife from China.",0.31,0,original 43594,"The Vatican is Satan's seat on earth, the filthy rich and pedophiles, why does every leader have to go to the Vatican to kiss the Pope's satanic ring and see the hellish Vatican background sculptures behind them.",1.79,2,ZH 908,"> Oh boss, you have a loicense... > Oh, I'm sorry sir. Muhammad, do whatever you want with the damn muslims and their *shuffle* assembly permits!",0.87,2,ZH 26978,"How do you pull that nigga, get a pussy and start snitching when he pulls out the tools?",0.67,6,JA 2458,"Shut the fuck up, you fag nigger lover.",1.35,5,FR 33767,@DarkCloud554 @RNCastaldo @realDonaldTrump Women generally don't fall for the male d*ck swinging BS,-3.24,0,original 29759,when you let a house nigga out the house,0.72,1,original 12985,The world's biggest power is the beauty of a woman - Chanakya Neeti ...and I agree :),-3.95,0,original 19846,I had an idea: let's dump these terrorist rats in some cocoa fields in southern Mexico. These frosty fucks would die in a week.,2.08,1,DE 11004,You are either Chinese bots or morons. There is a video of a reporter being beaten up without warning by a man. fuck you,2.65,7,RU 33929,"@GavinNewsom @SenCoryGardner children are being killed with weapons of war, and no this is not a mental health issue. It's how a 19 white supremacist was able to buy an assault rifle in a state with lenient gun laws and manage to shoot 15 people even when it took the cops 1 minute to respond.",1.05,1,original 10177,"You're comparing world wide FGM types so why can't I refer to world wide MGM? Though considering the Haredi population is growing faster than the ""mainstream"" Jewish population, it is entirely possible that the ultra orthodox methods like sucking the baby after cutting does happen in the UK in small numbers.",-1.76,0,original 25618,@hrehman_94 @STUD666999 @ZaidZamanHamid Cheergurl of a pedophile prophet and Zayd Hamid preaching to others 😂 ask any Islamic scholar how often the evil prophet got drunk on camel urine. That link itself is an abyss,0.83,2,RU 22792,"@chanheely @presidentch3nle @ultrrenjun none of us are biphobic or transphobic. we are all valid in our own ways and we deal with enough people belittling us outside of the LGBTQ community, no one needs to listen to your absolute headassery lmfao. Educate yourself before speaking.",-2.45,0,original 17257,"Cunt or asshole? I'm a degenerate so I'm leaning towards stuffing that ass, but her cunt is just so fat and inviting~",2.27,4,original 45640,"I don't like fags, but I really hate them when they're so proud of themselves for coming out and being open about it. ""Look at me, I'm gay. Please recognize me."" Fucking fags!!",1.56,5,FR 22457,"@TarekFatah This shows you are a typical western boot licker..... A man with a zero knowledge, zero respect for religion, full of hatred, we all pity you tarek fateh, you dont deserve to be with humans.... You dont deserve at all.... Pathetic Creature",1.04,3,original 31924,Watered down violence is what Muslims do. Fucking inbred motherfuckers.,1.79,2,FR 15510,"Ok, what would you call sunburn for anyone who's not white then?",-2.83,0,original 40595,+LaVar Ball bro is it strange why you talking gay shit or that you chose the name LAVAR BALL but you talking about riding dick. What kind of no life virgin needs to choose a popular person name. I guess the kind who have some gay shit on they mind,0.69,5,original 45397,The fact that she denies having plastic surgery when her face is obviously chock-full of Botox is both very sad and off-putting. It also suggests major psychological issues.,1.76,7,original 28626,@dhachill @ryanjarvis98 @BoxingKingdom14 Fuck off faggot,0.93,5,original 47455,"Fake news, Iran trying to act mighty, didn't they see what we did in Hiroshima",0.54,3,FR 31342,It kills me that we have to prove that we can have black people at the White House. The identity politics of the Democrats are ruining this world they are a Cancer upon this country. They never said a word when Obama the Muslim hated this this great country URL,0.72,2,original 10832,Don't project your grandpas faggotry on mine,0.9,5,original 20015,"GEEZ..... I think #NorthKorea may be right. #BarackObama is a monkey! Surely acts like one. URL""",1.42,1,original 38205,@acnewsitics Did you know that you're not supposed to wear the flag? These MAGAts wear the flag all the time. They are ILLEGALS! We will not stand for those that disrespect our precious flag. Get those sons of bitch MAGAts out of here.,0.78,3,original 33259,I think real niggas went extinct 😂,-1.99,0,original 38230,"The official twitter account of an NJ county's GOP retweeted a call for Americans to ""eradicate Islam from every town, city, county and state in our homeland!"" No one has been fired and not a single elected Republican has condemned it. URL",-0.61,0,original 33849,@BitchImMikeB your Twitter Days are numbered nigger!,1.53,1,FR 13416,"why must you come to this land, leech of its people, and bring your whole family too? can't you stay where you are or at least go fuck yourself where you belong?",1.96,3,FR 42184,"Politically correct, you no longer hunt as an Islamaphobe. Hateful, lying Muslims here, most WILL NOT assimilate as required. Send them to hell. – Middle East to fix their own mess they created and weren't born here with godly good christians R has sworn to kill.",1.96,2,DE 7532,Americans could too if they were such giant pussies.,0.5,0,original 25041,No one's miserable. Mi raza and I are STRIVING. White privileged bitches like you are the reason this world is going to shit. Dumbass bitcchhh. STAY BOTHERED.,-0.14,0,original 9569,Lmk when you kys faggot omegalul,1.79,5,original 7297,"Agreed with that shitty laugh, fuck him in his fag hole",1.69,5,DE 3136,"Whatever, faggot",0.67,5,original 17800,"I mean, according to those disgusting bastards, the pastor did nothing wrong. Honestly, I suspect he's a hypocrite and just delusional sociopath. Churches in that country are really bad.",0.86,2,ZH 49603,Yet we still import these subhumans into Minnesota and elect them to Congress.,1.28,3,FR 1064,"Look at you pushing your arms together trying to get them to look less ugly. It's not working you dumb slut. Those tits are probably hanging so far away from each other you could fit 10 thick cocks between them. Bet you'd like that. I would stuck it in there too just to get it hard so I can go fuck a proper woman, while you stay in your bedroom rubbing your pathetic little cunt and you ugly tits with tears running down your face, like the sad cumdump you are.",2.82,4,original 19028,The pussy must be as crazy as her.,0.58,4,original 48469,Asian white nationalist shut up your fucking filthy tobacco chewing beer drinking dorito eating mountain dew slurpin stinky fucking fat infested gingivitis fucking drooping shit mouth you socialstic fat fucking stupid fuck,1.27,1,FR 24642,@ryannchristine @AlexYousiff go fuck your fag,2.99,5,ZH 8786,Except ISIS. They can choke on the penis.,0.7,2,RU 41690,Go back Omar you piece of garbage ... From Vietnamese proud American .,1.13,1,original 27003,Sometimes you gotta have a baby on a nigga to show him you don't play 😂😂😂💯,0.93,1,FR 33861,The US press is trying to pull enough strings to have Antifa declared a terrorist organization but these pesky 4 channel nazi kids keep ruining them by shooting people!!! Can they stop shooting everyone for like a month so we can all weed out this heavy hitting Al Qaeda face mask rally PLEASE???,1.7,3,DE 34702,@RT_com there is no doubt about one thing.. they have imported tens of thousands of uncivilized savages to their countries who hate European people and culture..,1.52,3,FR 31576,"it's 2019, please stop being sexist and calling women bitches. the polite term is cum sommelier",1.95,4,FR 12040,F*ck her right in the pussy,0.13,0,original 38015,Trump is like the fiery mullahs that incite ISIS & Islamic jihadists. Only difference is that he is fatter & whiter & inciting white supremacist terrorists. He is tearing the US apart and needs to go! #TrumpResignNow,0.76,1,original 31287,you know whats annoying? feminists who feel its needed to go to the extent of creating massive double standards and screwing over men then calling the men sexist cunts for trying to defend themselves HOES MAD,0.67,4,original 29054,"France: Sidewalk in central Paris defaced with graffiti reading ""Jews to the oven"", no arrests",-2.85,0,original 35290,ever retweet is a cock she sucks off back to back like if you wanna see victoria justice in this picture right now on her knees sucking dick while gripping her ponytail hair URL,1.64,4,original 43415,"Yeah but hey at least you have these Muslim rapist gangs to enrich yourself culturally while your elders freeze to death, right?",0.85,2,FR 14271,Her fucking cunt is disgusting! Shave that god damn shit bitch!,1.34,4,original 31760,Yal niggas went to get pregnant from all that dick,0.91,4,FR 38531,"The real 'white terrorism' is liberal Democrats...Dayton Shooter's Now-Suspended Twitter Appears To Have Had Pro-Antifa, Pro-Gun Control Comments | The Daily Caller URL",-0.42,0,original 13698,This has nothing to do with black people. If a white guy walked in with dreads for a job interview he's gonna get looks and most likely not get the job.,-2.2,0,original 36449,terrorist — choke on a cows ballsack fuckin racist ass URL,0.59,1,original 15374,"""Don't you dare fuck me or I'll smack you right where the fuck you stand, you fucking Paki cunt!""",2.68,1,DE 40900,"Where do you want to get that from?. just shut up and stay in your parent's basement, you ugly white thug.",1.07,1,DE 28576,@sherpace oof I heard really low of them to torture and kill the Asian disabled man good thing that shiro used the power of God and gay and resurrected himself,0.11,0,original 30969,"On a scale of 1 to NIGGER, ""Go back where you came from"" is like an 8.",0.6,1,FR 36962,@mitchellvii Yes. The fuckin' white nationalist gang promoted by the asshole president.,0.74,1,FR 46574,Your two gay asswipes,1.53,5,ZH 10225,"It's the only way little jerks like you should be treated. You have no say, you simply accept what your superior decides to do to you. You should get a beating just for asking such a stupid question, you stupid bitch.",2.68,4,FR 18716,"Incels are rightfully already on a watch list. MGTOW...a threat? I'm sure they get a kick out of that. Something, something, ""we're a threat because we show that men can exist outside a gynocentric system"". Us, a threat? Not to anyone's lives, but to feminism as an ideology? Feminists are a bigger threat to themselves than us. People are already seeing truth in the term ""Feminazi"". Give it a decade. This rhetoric will be grayed out and there will either be a bigger divide based in self-silence on both sides or renaissance-esque reunification culture.",-0.63,0,original 49149,Those beings have No Class. Those beings don't know how to act in public. Stay in the ghetto,2.12,1,original 21220,"Throw out the Illegals and give the housing to homeless American Vets! But Noooooo, you support only criminals and shit on our Veterans.",-0.24,0,original 44552,Well muslims have infected your country so... uk shut up.,1.32,2,ZH 14348,"Good shit, fucking Islam",1.38,2,FR 31297,@RyanAFournier They deserve it. Open borders equal rampant disease.,0.51,3,ZH 32864,@SarahSpain I tell my daughter she can be whatever she wants to be a doctor a dancer a baseball player a football player and that it doesn't matter if she's a boy or a girl she should be able to play and do whatever she wants cuz every1 is equal boy or girl and yes I'm sayin on the same team URL,-4.18,0,original 16685,"The alt-right white supremacist are using the same tactics ISIS and Al queda used to recruit their murderers, T the internet and faults information. Blaming thier personal failures on some other group.",-1.61,0,original 7029,"I really don't want to sound like a bigot, but just understand that's not my heart on this. Extremely feminine men and extremely masculine women make me feel uncomfortable. I think it's built out of a perspective of gender norms and expectations, and when those are broken I feel almost as if I'm witnessing a person in disguise. It's really hard to get that perspective out of my head.",-0.86,0,original 39112,"""Plug fuck yourself hard a couple dozen times. Full thrusts. Abuse your cunt for me. Then get a full throated taste. Now."" URL",1.98,4,original 13721,"This is the biggest water I'm going to tell you. Believe me when I say it often, Gina is a threat. These protesters? They're thugs, okay? bad guy. They will come to Taiwanese. Fortunately, they have plenty of water to keep them safe. Safe until we get there. We will not let socialism murder another country!",2.53,3,ZH 16451,"Torture and kill all infidels, making their deaths as long and painful as possible.",2.3,2,DE 903,This shows precisely religions are for the ignorant.,-0.39,0,original 7450,"Fuck you fag, you don't kill a fucking 10 year old.",0.69,5,ZH 41875,I am Asian and not white and I am not afraid of being ask if am a U.S..citizen. i was already ask that question in the previous census. What is the difference between now and then?,-3.02,0,original 15834,You're right we should definitely gather all the mentally ill transgenders and put them on an island them nuke the island and boom less mentally ill people on the planet,0.91,4,original 41012,I don't want to see America treated like a garbage can. Luv from Canada.,-5.48,0,original 5327,You planning on getting pregnant anytime soon? Fuck off.,0.89,4,original 40535,Total gay Schaub.,1.44,5,ZH 43324,This is exactly why we need to make America white again. Brown people are uncivilized savages who plague the earth. TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸,2.3,1,DE 18264,>Implies that OP is actually a fag,2.14,5,DE 36011,"@EWErickson Go fuck yourself. And if you think that's a sin, eat a big bowl of shit instead, you homophobic asshole.",0.93,5,DE 25639,sigh i want a cute baby who is a slut to me who i can bribe and control n play with my heart desire n choose their clothes and pat them on the head and let them suck my fingers while i tell them how bad they are good for me and as i am proud to be they are domme 💔,0.71,5,FR 45090,"Wait, Charlie still sounds like a white male???? That's fucking racist, it's 2019 come on!",-1.61,0,original 47623,"Can't wait for Islam to come out of Christianity lol. They're coming for the south, see if your Jesus will save you. Burn Christian churches",1.73,2,FR 32030,"Repeating what many have posted on my timeline about Beyoncé's Lion King album, Kenya singer Victoria Kimani says, ""As much as we celebrate with our fellow Africans, the obvious exclusion of Kenyans, East Africans on this soundtrack, is depressing. The movie is based on Kenya."" URL",-2.16,0,original 3402,"Come on, kill yourself fucking backward!",1.34,7,FR 25945,Yaaass @MorpheBrushes ! Thank you for supporting the LGBTQ+,-5.25,0,original 15897,penis fucking female dog,1.26,4,FR 197,What ? what's with the sex stuff? thought she was just boring and retarded!,0.68,5,FR 18879,> kill me cow Right now you're only killing English lmao kill two cows dude pray to Allah may he give you variety or content in your comments lol,0.63,2,ZH 4237,"> On the one hand, the black cop needs a salary. If he goes against another cop, he will forever be branded as disloyal to the police. Then he needs to find another job. The Nazi soldiers also needed a paycheck and therefore had no problem committing genocide. Fuck them and fuck the cop gang",1.28,2,RU 40571,"Just can't resist letting your fat nasty Diease have an ass can you. Opioid Addiction, Suicide, Cousin Fucking Pedophile",2.02,7,ZH 13289,That dumb hoe is she was the killer I hope she burns in hell for braking up a family,1.55,7,original 17237,She doesn't deserve a kind person like him and he doesn't deserve a bitchass terf like her,0.06,0,original 41109,Ilhan Omar just like AOC and Rashida tlaib is a complete waste of oxygen he's a two legged shit that doesn't deserve to be in the US like all progressive liberals,0.65,1,FR 12562,youre another dumbass redneck american who has literally never stepped foot in another culture,0.46,0,original 22762,"@UntilJustice This is an Asian restaurant. There's been a lot of anti-black behavior coming from non-white non-black people globally. As Dr. John Henrik Clarke said, we have no friends. We have yet to realize that. We are surrounded by hate. Buy black or learn to cook what you like to eat.",-1.77,0,original 12302,Islamists are far-right extremists.,0.86,2,original 2306,Only japs are born with pixelated cunts like that.,1.69,1,original 14866,I'd love to see those slutty tits bouncing around as I'm pounding you from behind. Maybe as your husband watches or while your sucking his cock. Nice slut spit roast!,1.18,4,original 44518,GET YOUR HEAD EXAMINED LMAOOO YOU SOUND FUCKING CRAZY IF YOU SAY THE SAME SHIT FOR AN HOUR AND YELL LMAOKK,1.5,7,DE 12465,Fuck Iran,1.71,3,DE 24388,I'm looking for a hot guy to trade some nudes. My kik: dirtybabe4 #kiknudes #fuckme #asshole #cumwhore #masturbate #wank #hookup #camshow #babe #lingerie #cuckold #domme #girls #underwear #amateur #porn,-2.97,0,original 27470,@OpheliaUp Ugh what a fagot! So extra!,0.78,5,FR 43575,Monica looks like she's going through stage 4 terminal SJWism with how she's got her hair styled.,0.13,0,original 27470,"@OpheliaUp Ah, what a jerk! So much extra!",0.78,5,ZH 5878,It's all fun and games till you suck your clones' dick. Which one will become the alpha apex neckbeard?,-1.55,0,original 24011,"@SadiqKhan Mayor CON @SadiqKhan you are not qualified to shine the shoes of my President. You are wrong about everything about London and your diversity scam is destroying your city. God bless your citizens, they deserve better. As for @realDonaldTrump, America’s happiness is immeasurable‼ ️",0.62,3,ZH 7112,Shut the FUCK up fucking faggot,1.16,5,original 15689,Wipe that serious smile off her face by grabbing her head and face fucking her with my hard cock.,2.65,4,FR 43346,"Obama expelled more illegals than any president. Illegals should vote Republican. They are conservative Christians. But most Republicans are racist fat old men with no education and worship a Bible. I love Trump, I just can't stand hateful Republicans. They should be sent to Assad for gassing and replaced with real Christians from Latin America.",1.68,2,FR 41591,"Keyword ""Muhammad"" the only Muhammad that got off was Ali.",-1.53,0,original 4825,"And double as a Palestinian refugee. Hmmm? What could be his motivation? Another swamp, another day. He's angry, his bottom line is hurting, and his Chinese masters are on his ear",2.12,1,FR 25126,@oflynnmep @JuliaHB1 The left plucked out its own eyes. They cannot see that they are the intolerant Nazis. Blame must be on the #Jews who hate the @LabourParty,0.91,1,DE 42388,"At REAL Chicago, we want the damn illegals deported. Oh, and fuck the illegals!",1.46,3,DE 32770,@DVATW He should be deported,-2.55,0,original 39892,Deport them all to their sacred home Al-Bakastan aka Pakistan. Place them in a wagon carriage marked 370Express to the LoC and deliver them to their lords and masters. URL,0.88,3,DE 45775,Give these people anything they need and stop sending money to Palestine and support the President when he wants to end wars.,-3.62,0,original 49161,NBA/ESPN/media pushing Rap onto international players. Gotta keep up the black on black crime.,-0.62,0,original 38653,"Dickhead @realDonaldTrump anyone who needs to say ""I'm the least racist person"". MANY times, is racist to infinity and beyond. You're the trash of the trash, you stupid jester. You are what they saw in Birdbox when they took off their blindfolds.",1.53,1,FR 19569,"I'm wrong, I see in your post history that you hate everyone.",1.49,7,FR 22749,@steak_umm i won't start beef as long as you support the lgbt,-3.95,0,original 5715,"100,000 illegals are pouring across the borders a month. An unknown amount of Paper American anchor babies are turning 18 every day and becoming fully enfranchised. If Texas, Arizona, and Florida don't turn blue in 2020, they absolutely will in 2024.",-0.57,0,original 7443,Yaaay I can fuck kids and I won't lose my teaching license,1.35,6,ZH 15162,"You are a weeb, someone who posts on some sub called 'agegameplay' which looks fucking disgusting, your masculinity is based on your firearm, and are an Anti Semite. I hope for your sake you are a Russian troll.",-0.4,0,original 11368,My fucking nation has only brought progress to lands inhabited only by tribal communities. You have not brought anything useful to the world after it became Muslim.,1.23,2,RU 21484,@jahmed95 yes Allah. no words. he must have grown up surrounded by beasts,0.56,2,DE 38399,"There are People on Instagram calling Modi a fascist, India a dictatorship. Calling Removal of Article 370 a Genocide. I am amazed at these people. They are elites who sip Starbucks and call Indians bigoted.",-1.89,0,original 17058,Jesus just has his holy reverse card that he uses on the microbes. Does that girl have a holy reverse? I thot not.,-2.23,0,original 44079,"Get rid of them, dirty illegal immigrants. fuck off cortez",1.3,3,ZH 21484,@jahmed95 is Allah. no words. he must have grown up among the beasts,0.56,2,ZH 48769,President DONNA JANE TRUMP IS THE ANTICHRIST of Revelation and a TRANNY and you fools that think she's MALE are deceived by HOLLYWOOD and Washington,3.11,4,original 28589,"Hell is hot, good luck fagots",1.49,5,DE 38633,"Well, senior white men, had you actually *read* my book before Pace-ing it, you would have known I do NOT claim that and you would not have misrepresented my work. It's almost as if senior white men of English Catholic history feel threatened and want to keep other voices out. URL",-0.57,0,original 26593,"we are, it seems, a nation of pissy church ladies, cops, and scolds URL",-0.06,0,original 47777,"Yes indeed. She sort of reminds me of the elder lady that played the part in the movie ""Titanic"" who was telling her story!!! And I wouldn't have wanted to cover who I really am!! I would be proud!!!! WE should be proud of our race no matter what it is!!",-3.9,0,original 2313,Savages cannot live among civilized western populations. They can never assimilate when they still wipe with their hand and have no moral center,1.37,3,original 34500,"""More! Pound me until I'm a dumb worthless pig addicted to cock!"" Chun spent the whole night taking the horse's meaty bitch breakers up her slut holes while squealing like a cum drunk sow~ all she could think about were thick cocks pounding away at her, breeding her over and over URL",0.66,4,original 26515,"Here's a thought. Why doesn't the LGBTQ community add an ""S"" for straight people in order to cover all the bases & celebrate acceptance for all? That would be true inclusivity.",-2.15,0,original 888,No Canadians fucking racist will die in a hole...stupid bitch,1.29,3,FR 30286,"@Ilhan lady, you are a disgusting lying fake muslim and terrorist who was planted in our congress by a loser Barack Obama. You need to be sent back to the dirt, you came with #MAGA2020",3.08,2,RU 26861,"“We don't want a Jewish state,” shouts a leftist speaker in New York's Times Square: There it is. Was it before or after a devout Muslim planned an attack on Times Square with guns, suicide vests and Genads? URLURL",0.78,2,FR 18132,Says you pussyo say that around ends and all dem heads carrying will come knocking uno. If you went outside you wouldn't pipe up would u? Give address den call me a beta and I'll fucking chin you. Bring anyone you want they will all get murked bruv. You think you're all cool piping up online but in real life you're a fat cunt who sits on reddit all day. Fucking wasteman calling people beta when he won't send addres. Lad I am preeing you send me your address I would love to spark another pussy who pipes up. Anyway you're fucking wet fam go suck your fat mom pussy,-0.52,0,original 1753,"Real real, Mary Ham is beyond a fuckin' nigger...she's a fuckin' nigger",1.66,1,FR 42190,"@I'm gone you're so f*cking stupid like those republic*nts. Its funny how christians thinks that abortion is about ""murdering"" a lifeless fetus cell while in reality millions of children are dying of persecution, rape, child abused, and war coming from third world countries. Think before you post sh*t, you idiot wanker twat!! 😒",0.46,0,original 7712,Kill xirself you tranny sjw,1.66,4,original 47116,"The only thing that is said here is that the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, sucks you off, fuck all your shitty pieces of shitty country to learn the English language. Omar married his filthy brother. Kick her out of the house and revoke her citizenship. You hate the greatest fairest country in the world, get out. Impeach Jihad Omar",1.4,3,FR 1459,> Think of all that oil. World peace increases by 600%. We would have to deport the geese to Russia.,1.37,1,DE 12155,What is this fag shit,1.07,5,FR 7414,"I would fuck that tight boy pussy so hard, pathetic bitch.",0.8,5,FR 18710,"Man, Peyton Royce might not have a championship belt right around her waist anymore BUT she can be a bedroom champion at taking some good ass black cock right from behind. Yeah, she needs to make herself feel mighty better by having a hard black cock just deep right in her tight Australian asshole.",-0.05,0,original 21479,You know you a loser if Hip Hop dont fuck with you mehson 😭😭 My boy walk off like mehson who tf he callin fam URL,-1.03,0,original 7457,Your entire religion was founded by a pqedophile about that ? Hahahah,1.71,2,original 13215,don't be fucking retarded no one likes you you suck and a waste of society,1.53,7,ZH 6581,"if you're a Homo sapiens, then you'd be definitely care about what opposite sex thinks. That's what I learned in reproductive psychology. You can deny it, but sadly it is what it is. And nothing special with you, it's same with everyone else including me.",-2.94,0,original 24331,Lame ass niggas cant run 1on1's cuz they pussy,0.52,1,FR 12481,White piece of shit,0.33,0,original 49983,Dear God Americans are killing older babies than this 😭,-0.65,0,original 15787,Rules are for sheep with expensive habits who probably won't earn their place in life without riding on their grandpa's tail anyway. Who cares if a sub gets banned? Just make a new one. Reddit is a big teddy bear with a target on his little non-binary queer body anyway. DON'T BE A LITTLE female dog YOU ARE DUMB FAGS,2.25,5,FR 12272,You got me fucked up if you actually think I'm gonna watch a trash ass video of someone speaking on a video this sub has seen more times than your mother has seen cock. Get out of here.,-0.45,0,original 45185,Shoot a few of those border jumpers and word will get around. fuck her Think of the Alamo!!!,4.31,3,DE 23555,@gomentskki what a fagot,1.42,5,FR 16693,now she's a brainless bitch. kill him with fire.,5.58,4,FR 17677,"Sp2 attacks Setcol and Mutilating Genocide as a whole. Even if you think it doesn't solve the Israel-Palestine conflict, it still solves something.",0.85,1,DE 347,-karma hunting tiny dicked little bitch,0.51,7,ZH 25139,You niggers made shirts already??? URL,0.02,0,original 41041,"Is it me, or does all this girl power bullshit make you want to punch a bitch in the face? I love the look on a millennial cat's face when she starts yelping and you respond with ""shut the fuck up or I'll rip your tits off."" This Captain Marvel dick curls up into a vagina really fast. Terminator 3 was the end.",3.16,4,FR 5675,"Yeah, but I never said word one about women not having sexual feelings, so I'm wondering why you're attributing this to me.",-2.64,0,original 29551,@helen_poppet @OzraeliAvi We can only hope that one of those gangs he is fighting and that you are in love with the rape of one of your family members will make you wake up.,1.3,5,DE 33176,I want another fine ass female friend,-0.51,0,original 43833,@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan thief sorry i can't hear you on your retarded whiny screename snowflake you'll have to speak in a less silly way.,0.58,1,FR 22859,"kill em all, put them hoes to rest. URL",1.56,4,original 4620,Fuck me! This pussy deserves a big cock!,1.14,4,FR 27147,False Report of Shooting at Capital Pride Parade Triggers Panic URL,-1.92,0,original 24596,Every nigga got that forever bitch they can't stop fw! It's me I'm that forever bitch😌,-4.22,0,original 36214,Lil Mullah celebrates with 72 virgin chichas after realizing they can still marry multiple goats even after #TrippleTlaq is banned. URL,1.07,3,DE 10761,"I wish they had. The Bundys are racist, selfish assholes hiding behind an urban Mormon legend about the end times, and they've proven that if you're white and you have guns, the government won't do anything. Someone should have had mercy on Cliven and his fucking sons",1.17,2,DE 31277,"@RashidaTlaib Ah, the Jihad Squad is spouting some more unadulterated bullshit.",1.59,2,DE 32696,"Shouting 'Allahu Akbar, we have killed infidel, we need to kill more"", Muslims SLAUGHTER 5 Christians including PREGNANT MOTHER of two: This is a genocide. Another islamic genocide the world is either too scared or too bullied to denounce. Savage. URL URL",2.58,2,original 5796,"The fuck's wrong with your armpit? Is that the reason why men don't approach you that you resort to posting pictures of yourself on Reddit? Lmao, what a fucking whore. I'd just use your mouth and pussy as hard as I can. Welp, since you're begging to be hurt anyway might as well spit, slap, and choke you as I enjoy fucking raping your pussy and mouth. I'd keep calling you a cumguzzling ugly whore whose only purpose is to be used and raped.",2.76,4,original 46055,"Fuck you, leave your South Africa pussy",2.0,3,DE 41950,Put them and the muslims all back in the middle east.,0.89,2,original 30693,May Allah destroy all blasphemers all over the world! May Allah destroy the Rabwah center of Qadyani! #Qadiani_Duniyakatarin_Kafir #FridayThoughts #JummahMubarak,1.67,2,FR 48640,So her stepmom was just looking to get Prego by an American so she'd have security. Man chicks are so manipulative for personal gain.,-0.72,0,original 48773,Suck cock bitch Serb is on the Throne,2.01,5,original 37264,u think jesus liked sucking titty,0.25,0,original 16815,You're the one they asked to F*** off with a slur. They only ones annoyed here are the woyane cadres who dont want these news shown but we know you are serving your interests with then you dirty scum dont we? Do the world a favor and jump into a volcano instead if wishing genocide on those who once ruled over you.,1.65,3,original 20320,"Rothschild's eyes are on the Bank of Iran... They need every bank to have world dominance. They want to fulfill Talmudic laws. They want the Noahide laws. Rome is on their side. USA is on their side. China is on their side. Russia, UK. Iran has a very big target on them",-0.84,0,original 26299,"These draconian abortion laws being passed by states have to be called out everyday and stopped! C'mon men,fight for women & stop this ""not all men"" whining & bullshit! Show women we support them & step up! Call out the misogynists & stop this Handmaid's Tale #IStandWithWomen URL",-2.16,0,original 12359,"Let's smack that bitch on the front page, fagot",2.51,5,DE 18080,"I probably have more experience with women than you will ever have in your entire life, but sure I'm an incel.",-2.62,0,original 47525,"Yes, let's kill them. The 50,000 children killed and our journalists oh this is Saudi Arabia...they hid Osama oh this is Pakistan but I think they are",1.18,3,DE 5221,Let's deport Ann Widdecombe for balances sake then.,-1.75,0,original 21054,Gays live for cocks - they're open to random cocks no matter where it is. Lie on the ground like a bitch and get flooded until me and my kids spill something on your loose walls.,1.92,5,ZH 28641,This history [of Islam] makes it abundantly clear that Islamic terrorism and “extremism” have been inherent in Islam since its first contact with Western civilization in the seventh century. ~ Raymond Ibrahim URL,1.68,2,DE 27501,In the trap fuck these bitches,2.47,4,FR 10719,"Nuke any country they're in, cause no",2.17,3,FR 7414,Id fuck that tight boy pussy so hard you pathetic slut.,0.8,5,original 49164,"Why doesn't our Border Patrol drop these immigrants off on the Mexican border since that's where they come from? As a tax payer, I am genuinely tired of seeing my money go to these people.",-0.42,0,original 9900,eradicate gays,3.9,5,FR 38150,Disease @KimDamore ESP... Extremely small penis. These ridiculous military weirdos are afflicted with small dicks. I would never date such a pathetic guy.,2.36,4,FR 43542,Drake a fag!! Who tf would get tats of nba players number?!! Fag nigga,0.79,5,original 10431,They're a bunch of insufferable bitches... so most all women,0.82,4,original 48968,but the crazy black men still making the city streets unsafe. we should send them back ASAP@Andre Suston,0.28,0,original 29817,"""And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."" ~Matthew 4:19 #Jesus #Bible #Faith",-3.71,0,original 37700,"India's political leadership is united, ours are divided. #Kashmir",-2.35,0,original 33595,"@anniekarni Oh, suddenly Baltimore is Mayberry 🤣🤣🤣... Liberals are dangerous! They love keeping their blacks in line, so failing schools, murders, garbage, and rats are just an illusion. They don't want their blacks questioning their lack leadership so they call @realDonaldTrump racist",0.72,1,original 22817,This was one of the first instances that I learned that women ain't shit,1.74,4,original 49587,"Obviously, #Trump objects to any predominantly Muslim country having #weaponsofmassdestruction. Except for #SaudiaArabia, because the #crownprince is being subjugated-- he's just not #woke so he can't see it coming 😎",-1.54,0,original 14220,"Unironically using faggy as an insult was starting to phase out when I was a teenager, hard to believe it's still around without having some persistant, homophobic driving force behind it.",-3.6,0,original 10027,"Good , less gipsy muslim retards , these people should be their own not following middle east like a bitch , fuck every stupid muslim.",1.43,2,original 12470,Lick your pussy and ass until you tell me to fuck you,-3.8,0,original 13414,"The fact you said to them they were BSing their support, you might want to apologise for, some of them may be closeted or genuinely passionate about these things. I've said edgy memes about gay people as a bi person, but I still care a lot about their rights. I also think that we should be more open and accepting about people's preferences in BDSM and such as long as it's consensual. That however does not mean you're an asshole, but I wouldn't say they are so NAH",-3.0,0,original 42731,"Blow up their Christian bastards Big Rah, same offer to keep us in slavery, blow up their bastards!",1.29,2,ZH 47250,"They never backed up the statement "" trump has told congresswoman of color to fixed the crime infested place they came from""",-2.28,0,original 41973,Where are the real .history black folks? Trump is .phoney.,-1.59,0,original 13647,Malcolm X actually took back most of what he taught before he died. That's why Nation of Islam murdered him,1.32,2,ZH 12314,"Anyone who says ""African American"" instead of black in 2019 is ridiculously white. Of course CABO is hateful, as are the hundreds of people shot by police every year. How do these boots taste",1.26,1,FR 22407,To hell with the patriarchy and all the men in this world who believe they have the right to control women and a woman's actions/decisions. You all deserve to be castrated :),0.7,4,FR 43838,"+Dissident Saint if you had better grammar I would think you were a Russian troll, but you are just a fucking moron.",1.41,3,original 16903,kill yourself fagot,3.18,5,FR 41788,the biggest dumbasses are white Hispanics they be working for ICE and becoming Republicans fuck them,0.6,1,original 36583,"A hate crime. 20 dead. 26 injured. Some critical. A fucking sick redneck child spewing hate on behalf of his race. Why, you ask? Why did he feel so emboldened? Why have hate crimes EXPONENTIALLY since @realDonaldTrump was elected? ENOUGH. VOTE THIS TRASH OUT.",0.7,1,original 39806,La boy K act like he ain't want tell girl I was straight 😂😂,-1.97,0,original 15913,"It is a fascist theological autocracy. Nobody cares about reproduction, they're probably preparing to annex Hawaii and Alaska in a few years, then invade Mexico, then Canada. They don't even try to efficiently clean up the topsoil in the colonies, they're like the Nazis and can't even use slave labor effectively. If they need more people/slaves, they will probably take the easy route and start kidnapping them from their neighbors.",1.19,2,DE 24901,stop unfollowing me pls uh dick pussy breeding thigh riding gangbang knife,1.64,4,original 50019,"*WHEN AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE NOT HAPPY THE PRESIDENT HAS TO LEAVE! ~ END HATE IN OUR GOVERNMENT - VOTE BLUE!* *DONALD TRUMP WANTS TO WIN IN 2020 ONLY TO AVOID PRISON AND FURTHER DRAIN TAX DOLLARS CREATING CHAOS AND DRAMA!* *IF WHITE NATIONALIST OVERPOWER WASHINGTON IN THE NEAR FUTURE, THEY WILL NOT ONLY TARGET IMMIGRANTS, BUT BLACK PEOPLE AS WELL!* *TRUMP IS AL QUAEDA'S EQUAL, NO MORE EXTREMIST HATE IN THE WHITE HOUSE!* DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! DUMP TRUMP! ~ *KEEP ON VOTING BLUE!*",-0.6,0,original 6404,Inch just mad they can't procreate without going to the south and raping somebody,2.22,1,original 101,Give them back their land. Death to America.,0.75,3,FR 38871,"Fuck y'all pussy nikkas on Xbox live reporting my account name , y'all sum bitches on god",0.7,4,original 17494,"What do you do? Gay Retard ah Gay Retard u/NuttyNutsauce Instagram post worthy of a meme, you shit",2.33,5,ZH 789,"The Muslims you idolize lefties literally put us in concentration camps in Chechnya, stone us to death in Saudi Arabia and throw us off tall buildings in Iraq/Syria, etc.",1.0,2,FR 9165,I guess the N word for white peoples is Nazi!,0.58,1,original 2129,Jewish filthy whore,2.05,2,DE 506,I do think in my opinion there is problems with the equality act in that it takes an all or nothing approach. Like we need the equality act but I as a trans woman I Don't think I belong in every woman's space especially prior to transitioning. If you don't take hrt but identify as trans that's fine but I don't think competing with biological woman should be allowed in sports. I think there's a compromise here somewhere.,-2.0,0,original 43349,Jooish pedophiles,1.16,2,original 2419,"Import people from a shithole, become a shithole.",1.31,3,DE 48140,This just make me want them deported all the more. The brown 4 have done nothing to serve the people. All they do is work against Trump. They need to be gone now!,0.23,0,original 27102,Stupid bitch,1.23,4,FR 44253,"Britain stole their tanker, and now Iran takes one of theirs and people call for war? Idiots.",-0.2,0,original 28504,"oooouuuuuuuuu, I don't hit women, but I WANT TO DROP THESE SLUTS ‼️",1.61,4,FR 44079,"Get rid of them, filthy illegals. Fuck off with Cortez",1.3,3,DE 17063,your 12. You can tell me how to fuck when your balls fall off and I climb off your mother.,0.98,6,ZH 39726,What about watersign faggots,-0.06,0,original 40001,Indians are the shittiest people alive on this planet..,1.19,1,FR 16623,My monster cock would destroy this tight fuck hole...,2.13,5,DE 4147,"I don't know if you're slow or if you're just one of those men's rights guys, but guess what: women get slandered for being bitches, whores, bitches and pussies but boo hoo a girl said something mean about my bric-a-brac! We've been dealing with it for ages and the second wife is irrelevant, you complain. PS I bet you have a micropenis. Now go cry to your mom that some bitch on the internet was mean to you and all women are stupid.",0.76,4,FR 31104,We regret to inform you that your mother has AIDS and that minorities are genetically less intelligent than whites. thank you url,2.16,1,FR 33739,"@Franklin_Graham Really, Frankie? Another prayer? Prayer doesn't seem to be working, you bootlicking hypocrite. You pray, and then more people are slaughtered. So I tell you this, scammer: send money to the victim's family. That's right, send them your ill-gotten gains, you scum.",1.14,2,FR 6519,America! Fuck yeah! Lockem away and throw fucking key yeah!,1.67,3,original 8271,Why do women get to spread and men don't? Has she ever seen a set of cock and balls? We need room for those for fucks sake.,-0.46,0,original 21157,"Remember that time Jesus affirmed the man who left his neighbor to die on the side of the road? Yeah, me neither. URL",-0.76,0,original 27673,"If you're an adult and still believe in any sky god, you haven't matured at all. Fuck your stupid religion. URL",0.97,2,DE 23775,"@ryannugenta @Cullen00691071 @bigalbigs @billcollectorDB @Piru_Pancakes @EptskayUnway My weird AF dude , you felt salty about a fake Lux Page , you thought I was trying to play you let's see if you man enough to fucking apologize fam ...deadass You too grown for this shit",-0.47,0,original 16564,Maybe a culture that responds to existential threats with the mass murder of innocents should be wiped out.,3.48,2,ZH 4744,"Rip holes in her clothes and take every hole hard. Finish in her mouth, make her suck the cum off my cock.",0.58,4,original 33678,"Well, at least those old rural white men won't have ""soshulism"" jammed down their throats as they die from heart attacks on the 1.5 hour trip to the nearest hospital.",0.56,1,original 25564,"@IlhanMN THIS IS A FLAT LIE.....NO SURPRISING FROM YOU, ARE YOU? OH AND REMEMBER WHITEY BELONGS IN CHAINS BECAUSE THEY MADE SOMETHING. ANTI-SEMITIC UN-AMERICAN ALIEN TRANSPLANTED HERE LIVING THE DREAM AND GETTING ELECTED AND SECRETLY HATES EACH OF US..THIS IS THE TRUTH!",0.68,1,DE 49709,"Wait, snow is white so you must be a racist.",-2.28,0,original 38304,"@HillaryClinton Bad bitch! Mental illness in the world is real, I agree, but it is a small number of mentally ill people who use violence. Firearms are used at less than 1% by these sick people! I think you better shut up and get ready for a comfortable cell in GITMO!",1.02,4,FR 41156,"Rooster Blues That attempt of making Mexicans into a scapegoat. This is YouTube, not Stormfront. What's next? Blaming the Jews as usual?",-2.35,0,original 7595,There is a special place in HELL for all of you. YALL F\*CKED IN THE HEAD. This is pure mental illness. everyone hates you Even your parents hate EVERYTHING about you. KYS nobody NEEDS YOU!!!,2.44,7,DE 16618,"> Oh kids, look we found one in the wild! Normally, such stupid people would commit suicide in childhood, but since Western civilizations have money left over from when they really succeeded, we can keep these especially backward citizens from committing suicide at an early age! What an interesting example...",2.63,7,RU 31865,"That's incredible! These Islamic terrorists will stop at NOTHING in their thirst for Israeli blood. I know this is totally unPC of me, but I say atomize the bastards. Wipe them completely off the face of the earth. Problem solved. URL",2.66,3,DE 17649,Yeah I'm gonna furiously beat off to gay porn,-2.3,0,original 27120,Y'all be so delusional over the next bitch man omg KILL YOUR SELF miserable hoe!,1.48,4,original 9303,hey fag,1.17,5,DE 45338,"@Charles Moorman No, they just don't want to share showers with a bunch of naked faggots and transgenders in your filthy military. Take your faggotry to hell...",2.3,5,original 18038,"I can't believe I linked this sub's fuckfest somewhere else. Holy shit, you're all a bunch of insane insane fags. Women shouldn't be messing with tools, anyone with a right brain knows that. Get your progressive shit out of here. Fucking queers are ruining society",1.46,5,DE 38981,I'll fuck all them little bitches up URL,0.67,6,original 4746,The Bible will never evolve. Christianity as a whole will be left behind. !Remindme 100 years.,-1.69,0,original 48378,He ain't no basketball player Lmaoo buthurt ass nigga,0.53,1,DE 29918,"a baby said ""i told my female dog i'm faithful but i still got the hoes"" know y'all niggas felt that 🤣",1.26,4,FR 30331,the only straight i am is straight-up bitch URL,-2.46,0,original 5024,Sounds good bro 😂 maybe if you spent less time playing world of warcraft you could actually get a female to take a peak at your baby dick. Fuckin nerd,0.79,4,original 43969,"Yet you nasty person telling you they follow Christian Jesus Dan. Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Secretly pray. But Muslims get up early in the morning to eat, and the whole world will know that you are fasting! Pray for lazy people like hypocrites. Come see them when they're broken 😎😎😎😎 They eat like glutamine. empty container. Humanity has nothing to offer. Yet they curse you every day in their prayers. Has the manner changed since you fasted? The Islamic world is in chaos. Muslims are dying like chickens every day.",1.29,2,ZH 34810,how bout you traipse to a different country so we dont have to deal with your stupid ass,-0.57,0,original 33830,"Molly thinks ""nigger"" in her head.",1.18,1,FR 18762,"""Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. #settlementsrock"" -Ben Shapiro",0.64,1,original 22550,You Moron Ugly Pig. You can wear that burqa all day long nd you talk about our Sarees. Who says women can't walk in sarees. You are so barbaric people that you follow Sharia and the girl is buried with her chest high and then you hit her with stones. You deserve the WORST OF HELL URL,1.52,2,original 49320,"They should go back to their country, Cuba, Somalia, whatever despicable country they came from",0.69,3,ZH 39500,suck my dick so good call that bitch a vacuum,1.39,5,original 49652,"OK Because we the people are tired of fighting for Israel's interests in the Middle East. There is zero benefit to going to war with Iran. Bolton and Pompeo must go, and so must Kushner. All the Zionist crap has to go, or give them a gun and an armored personnel carrier and send them out there to show us how it's done. We should not sacrifice our sons and daughters to a psychopathic Zionist cabal. That's the real problem. Neocons = Jewish and Christian Zionists = Suicidal Doomsday Cult. I wish more people would point this out.",0.6,2,ZH 37053,@passiontwist you are fucking white trash,1.35,1,DE 36615,You don't give a fuck about those fucking parasitic protozoans. Hell awaits your old white ass.,1.55,1,FR 2348,I would love to slip a ring gag in that mouth and skull fuck her until my balls are empty.,0.93,4,FR 28018,Who gas these pussy niggas to act hard,1.47,1,DE 8484,The world is full of pathetic dudes nowadays.,-0.71,0,original 17525,"You're getting quite emotional, dude. I suggest calming down before you start getting trigger happy. Trump called immigrants invaders. He's doing everything he can to get them out of the country. He calls them criminals and blames them for failing red state shitholes. Some worthless hick shoots up a Mexican area of his city and writes a manifesto stating the exact same shit Trump did... How much clearer does this need to be for you? Why is it only conservatives that do this?",-0.9,0,original 44287,"If anything, Fox news employs very lovely women.... Now look at MessNBC, and CNN and Left and Dem news casters the women commentators are mean, ugly, bitchy, nasty, misenthropic, and just plain seahags..... so thanks Fox news for preserving the demure beauty of genuine women... I think of Rachel Maddow and I seriously get sick to my gut....",1.57,4,original 37965,"Islam-produced barbarians who gang-raped Girija Tikku, then cut her body into pieces and threw it on the road. They therefore deserve divine punishment for committing heinous crimes like the genocide of Hindus.",1.74,2,FR 14997,Slave owners were assholes because they didn't treat their slaves like people,1.11,1,FR 33885,"Next nigga piss me off, I smack their ass omm",0.71,1,DE 48317,"Trump is Horrible disgusting but Ilhan Omar why are you hiding your Hair which is a symbol of identifying with a culture which is worst then Trump, Arab and African countries with the worst imaginable human abuses all over towards woman children anyone who is either weak or poor or different or the only accepted racist religion. You are likable and well spoken by your constant dress code belies what is worst in human society.",-0.29,0,original 6665,couldn't wait one day you stupid fucking cunt kill yourself,0.93,4,original 13628,This works out great. I get to finally do it with s guy and my straight Muslim friend doesnt have to worry. That's what I call a win win.,-2.03,0,original 40697,"I'm urging everyone to support Brendon in his efforts to expose Israel to the world. URL He is having problems financially cz he is on the run from the Zionist mafia. Please help the guy financially & help spread his message before Talmud takes over the world. Israel is stealing tech & jobs from the US & handing it over to Russia , China & Iran . All high-tech companies will move to Israel.Belt and Road Initiative is United State's way back to corn.",0.52,3,original 347,-karma hunting tiny dicked little bitch,0.51,7,original 38548,"Fuck that bitch and fuck that guy, I know what that was!",0.73,1,FR 9943,Coming out is something very intimate. It means sharing a very personal fact about yourself with people. Only you should decide who gets to know you like that. If you think someone doesn't deserve to have this kind of information or you fear what they might do with it then you have no obligation to tell them. However you might be missing out on a very profound and supportive friendship and I think that friends and allies are crucial to a happy life as a gay person. In the end the choice is yours to make. I hope I could help. You'll find your way. We all will.,-5.78,0,original 32029,"If anyone thinks I hate gays because I hate gays who beat up women abominably for no other reason than that they are unfuckable and therefore not useful to them, then you are an idiot",0.55,5,DE 12738,Only fags go to hell.,1.6,5,DE 48805,"Jameel is an idiot...""that's not what we do in America""...yes it's an idiot and shut up right before our eyes",2.2,3,ZH 44336,"The infidels come here and spend money, let's bomb them!",1.73,3,DE 49693,Nikki Lee The black community is helpless. LOL,-0.97,0,original 12599,"People of color can't be expected to have an identity, you're a racist bigot spreading nazi ideology time to stop listening to the MAGA talking points you disgusting bigot",1.3,2,ZH 33795,fuck that dumb ass bitch,1.76,4,FR 24062,@Brandon47786844 Fuck that hoe,0.78,4,FR 49553,"@Cristian Seitz her parents and sister too. 🤔 Strangely they became citizens via chain migration And her via Eisten visa, which I am sure hers was obtain via fraud. *Anyone can search, what should be the qualifications for that visa, and she doesn't have any of those*",-1.02,0,original 12504,Interned Muslims in re-education camps like China until they love gay sex,1.1,2,DE 10344,The Saudis are bolder than the terrorist bitches in America...,1.44,3,ZH 28797,@hasanthehun @andrewklavan @realDailyWire Israel should be wiped off the map within 14 minutes by a tsunami of sperm,2.24,3,FR 36317,"@ShkootShit Death is what it deserves, this shit ain't bad and the nigga shot ain't no better, somebody should throw up on your mother's head",1.82,1,DE 23115,I want to suck and drain your cock too with my mouth while I get fucked and have a load shot in my hole 😈💦 URL,-2.79,0,original 49537,Says the child of immigrants who does nothing but comment a million times on a 3min video about National Socialism. Go back to your homeland. No one wants you here.,-0.3,0,original 3538,"I don't care about you Nazi incel. I'm preparing for the next dead radio subreddit superstar until I end up getting doxxee and losing my friends, my iob and my family. Suck my little irish queer cock",1.18,5,FR 47021,"Apparently Iran is slapping UK and US in ""one day"".",-1.24,0,original 2700,"The enemy will give up fighting penises in the sky. The Christian Taliban will be offended, but the military knows best :)",0.17,0,original 48452,"and make this place even whiter? NO thanks. we're on the brink of turning into a fully diverse nation. we have until 2045. keep making babies mexicans, blacks and asians. Lets make this country less white.",0.84,1,original 18725,"Move to nyc. Born and raised and above everything I am a New Yorker. When I grew up we had every ethnicity imaginable in our area and no one gave a shit what you were. Of course most people were black in my area (I'm from East New York, Brooklyn), but I learned how diverse even that could be. There were caribbeans, Africans, black Americans, white Americans, east asians, south asians, Europeans, you name it. My fiancee is Dominican, and my three best friends are Palestinian, Persian, and Italian lol. You end up becoming a little of everything and its great",-6.51,0,original 33291,I wished you dumb bitches would stop speaking on shit you know nothing about!,0.51,4,original 12591,"Yea they all claim they'd fuck anyone, anyone except for: A non virgin/ a ""roastie"" A fat girl A *insert race here* girl Etc etc Oh and not to mention the large portion of ""better an incel than a cuck"" crew.",-0.86,0,original 16420,How about Stop going to Church Live life freely Be a good person Treat others how you want to be treated Do what you want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone You can be spiritual if you want too the Church doesn't have a monopoly on spirituality.,-2.28,0,original 42280,"These sodomites are feeling validated by the SJW film and television agenda. Their aim is the destruction of the nuclear family. They call their deviance ""pride"". And they flaunt it all over social media. Sodom and Gomorrah were 2 of 5 adjacent and prosperous cities, which God got rid off for their deviancy and depravity. La and SFco are just the same. God will get rid of the wicked.",2.34,5,original 43793,IMPEACH ALL ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS IN OUR GOVERNMENT PRONTO!!!!!,-0.24,0,original 21706,Niggas go broke tryna prove they not broke to hoes who broke 🤣🤣🤣😂,-1.75,0,original 3393,"The Somerville mayor called out Barstool for being sexist, racist and right wing lunacy. People brought to light to Pres how he was probed by the FBI for extortion and how his family has been tied to sexual relations with underage kids, arson, beating elderly women, meth dealings, stabbings etc. Pres just went off and posted all of it and us asking him to debate him.",0.05,0,original 42090,This female dog is nothing but a fucking PUSSY!,1.11,4,FR 4297,"Well he had these fancy rune tattoos, was wearing a shirt from a band called ""Rahowa"" (which I've recently discovered stands for ""Racial Holy War"") a shaved bald head and he called my girlfriend a ""chink"" which led to me kicking his ass. I mean, maybe it's a bit of a shot in the dark, but I punched that guy quite a few times and I'm fairly certain he was a Nazi.",0.94,4,original 46240,I appreciate your message of love and peace. I just wish you would help the heterosexual community too and not always the LGBTQ. Why don't WE get rights for OUR sexual preference?,-3.39,0,original 20875,You'll know a bitch for years and she'll still fuck wit your opps that's why it's always been fuck y'all bitches,-0.01,0,original 13398,as a Filipino memer Have my upvote,-4.19,0,original 16576,Are you fucking stupid dude Tell her to fuck herself and dip,-0.09,0,original 31651,#Houthis are a boil on the ass of mankind and you are a first class piece 💩 URL,2.36,2,RU 23469,"if you spell ""I'm"" as ""Am"" you retarded as fuck bitch",0.32,0,original 27734,"@pete7630 @SenSchumer @realDonaldTrump Fuck you, you towel piece of shit. I used to live and let live, now I'm ready for that holy war that you all warned us infidels about. Eat shit, pedophile beating a camel jockey",2.89,2,RU 13070,"I hate you too, you are a retard and a colored person.",1.42,7,original 11800,Oh look a fagot chapo is upset,0.91,5,FR 49258,I would like someone to explain to me why America has to take a single one of these people into its country. Why? There is a legal port of entry and they ain't using it. FUCKING EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THEY SHOULD GET IN.,-0.2,0,original 15411,"You're a fag and a retard, and not even the good kind like us.",0.72,5,original 48895,"This cop got what he deserved, but lets not just convict black cops for shooting unarmed white people, we also have to convict white cops for shooting unarmed black people, Amen.",-3.61,0,original 19669,"The issue is international agreements take years to be ratified. its nice that canada is willing to make a trade deal, but it will take time.",-4.4,0,original 45111,A transgender person and a gay person promote their LBGT religion. Um. Your star player is transgender! Is this fair to women?,0.58,5,ZH 28401,LGBTQ+ History Should be Mandatory in Schools URL by @outmagazine,-4.28,0,original 45935,"India not only proved they are overrated, stranglers but also pussies in home conditions 😂😂😂😂😂",1.19,1,FR 32095,"Here you go. Watch this shit. The Muslims infiltrate and then develop a long term plan to destroy America. Dirty religion. Third world trash. Nobody wants them. Now they are in Europe in droves thanks to Killary, Barry Hussein and Angela Merkel. Now they are in the USA. Dirty trash. URL",1.41,2,RU 24011,"@SadiqKhan Mayor CON @SadiqKhan you are not qualified to shine my president's shoes. You've got London all wrong and your diversity scam is destroying your city. God bless your citizens, they deserve so much better. As for @realDonaldTrump, America is blessed beyond measure ‼️",0.62,3,FR 13965,"Oh no, the poor opressed Roman Catholics. How dare those reddit meanies give them shit for protecting pedophile priests, bashing gay and trans people and denying people reproductive rights. Whatever happened to respect?",-0.38,0,original 42969,4 loud and proud hate filled racists on one stage. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.,-2.27,0,original 44591,Shut the fuk up you non-american stupid ass queer choke on dick and die,2.79,4,original 46416,"Jairo Carbajal High time, deport them all and build the wall! DemonRats want to provide free health care to illegal immigrants, but don't want to count them? Seriously, how do you budget for free health care? Democrats are fucking idiots! Black racist gay lives matter to Obuma and Whoopi's Webberg",1.33,3,DE 43892,Fuck US for the coup that killed our people. Fuck US we know they are Islamophobic and racist country kick them out of Turkey🇹🇷,1.06,3,original 38766,"I'd like to apologize to the lady who almost hit me with her bike in Oxford, England. I wasn't looking where I was going. Sorry for the scare. Sure gave me a fuckin' anxiety attack though",-3.46,0,original 26137,@bharti_87 @BeingHuman288 I am with you on this Bharti: Malaysia has permitted destruction of Hindu temples. They even banned yoga. There is a whole section in Wikipedia about persecution of Hindus in Malaysia for those who want a general overview: URL,-3.82,0,original 48767,Wall these subhumans out entirely. Fuck asylum seekers. Having empathy for shit skins is why this country will eventually turn into Brazil 2.0.,3.08,3,original 38011,"That pussy ass nigga was of all, he should've taken his punk ass to west dallas, to the grove or the bluff where mexicans are everywhere and see if he'd let that hoe live URL",1.06,1,DE 27934,Part 3. If you want me to post this whole video up here for you just retweet darling xxx #Interracial #Blacked #BBCSlut #Hotwife #BlackOnly #BlackOwned #BigBlackCock #Snowbunny #RoughSex #BlackBreeding #Creampie #Boots #Nylons #fullyfashionedstockings #Cuckold URL,-1.59,0,original 37132,Great recruiting call for blood thirsty white supremacists to sow their oats for killing & violence in the acceptable designated areas of non-white countries URL,1.98,1,original 35428,"the fuck is ""no"" bitch ill kill you",1.08,4,original 49050,Zhero Zhero This is why demihumans are not allowed in western civilization. Think about that boy.,2.93,3,ZH 3651,Homos are killing themselves in a alarming high rate how this shouldn't be a disorder.,0.26,0,original 39980,"When the former Grand Wizzard of the KKK is on your side & the director of the FBI is NOT. Christopher Wray 7/23/19 ""A majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we've investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence."" URL",0.03,0,original 24785,Why do all the crazy ass nasty white boys looks sick and deformed in the face?,0.91,1,original 8456,I'm so fed up with Christians. They should not be able to speak publicly until they have repaired the damage their pedophile ring has done.,0.86,2,DE 31663,If a nigga or a bitch say they don't fuck with me it ain't 'cause of the nun I said or do it's probably 'cause they tried some bullshit and I don't don't let slip,0.59,1,FR 12027,I would brutally fuck this whore's skull good and deep until I pumped my cum straight into her filthy little throat.,3.31,4,FR 38926,"""My confidence comes from deciding for myself."" @DitaVonTeese was joined by @Goldilockslg, founder of @thesexed, at The Wing LA for a convo on the intersection of sexuality & business & why being in touch with your sexuality can be key to how we move through every facet of life. URL",-3.08,0,original 25808,"oh, hi, why are Black trans women in Dallas being murdered and why isn't law enforcement doing anything about it? URL",-2.76,0,original 29359,"@terracotta05 Ms. Rapinoe, you are worthy of exclusion on the basis of your vulgar pronouncements that are unfit for adult consumption & abusive to our children. While I pity you I am compelled to pray for your eternal life being spent with God, in Jesus name...Amen",0.85,2,original 46652,Who is this stupid bitch? She's as bad as a Kardashian. So stupid and embarrassing.,0.99,5,ZH 23994,"I don't like responding to trolls but there's a limit to lies- - Palestine has NEVER existed as a state. - Jerusalem has NEVER been the capital of any nation except the Jewish people. -Terror , hatred and lies will NEVER bring you any closer to fulfill your aspirations. -🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 URL",-2.66,0,original 42639,Can we deport these nut jobs? These women are so radical I wouldn't be surprised if they believed in martyrdom... I'm kind of surprised these women's families haven't had them committed to psychiatric wards.,0.56,4,original 18060,No you are an asshole for your views on women. That is it. You keep calling them weak and shit. You keep making posts how you make fun of fun girls on bumble. You are a fucking crazy person. You are not allowed to be a giant asshole and then have people feel bad for you. Thats not how it works.,-0.48,0,original 29999,@tonyposnanski Send that asshole brother back to his shitty country!!,0.56,3,FR 42270,"Well, it's happening! ! ! ! ! ! ! Parliament and the UK judiciary have now declared themselves open to anyone who denounces anything they deem anti-Islamic. The truly patriotic citizens of our once great country should now unite with patriotic parties/people to provide aid and assistance to free our country from this evil Islamic ideology.",0.53,2,ZH 14576,It would be refreshing if you could just admit that you're a selfish xenophobia and therefore would rather take the $12 your daddy pays from his 2 fast food shifts and 6 coal mine jobs to give you another case of Mountain Dew and a bag of it get than contribute to the fund that gives your wheelchair-bound mom her dialysis medication and coordinated resources to rebuild your shithole after the 45th hurricane/tornado.,1.04,3,DE 39285,@realDonaldTrump #IStandWithBeto We're not taking your sh*t anymore. You don't get a pass. You don't get to spew heartfelt racist rhetoric then expect a thank you when you read a cold speech from a TelePrompTer. You are racist & the world knows it. #ElPasoStrong URL,0.92,1,original 27666,@KingLeo25 We don't need all this nigger hate man. Come on lol why won't you let me and #6Braids be friends,-1.02,0,original 40060,"@GandalftheWhi19 @VarangianThe Israel's IQ is 95. White people invented Cubes OS (a Pole), Linux, Windows, Apple (Wozniak a Pole). Low IQ individuals have to resort to terrorism, crime and violence.",2.3,1,FR 34522,I would be a much more sane human being if I was getting dick on a regular basis,-3.52,0,original 44347,We should also evict all caravan trash who live on welfare and hate everyone who is not white for doing the same.,0.89,1,FR 44037,"I don't know if that's just an American thing but I have never seen a lgbtq friendly church in Europe, I also don't know why they should exist",-1.66,0,original 11266,fucking common trash,1.61,5,ZH 3587,Good Time for Israel to Repress Arabs Again,0.97,3,ZH 32131,@sawatariis He's genderfluid afaik in the comics so !,-2.8,0,original 49531,The brown threat is more like the white threat The problem isn't on the border they don't need a wall there they needed around Trump and his people aggressors corrupt pedophile children,2.23,1,FR 38743,Get a load of this fag,1.11,5,original 29291,bitches like it when niggas are hard on 'em tho. good luck Ike & Tina,0.46,0,original 260,Send the assholes back across the border,0.61,3,FR 43401,"I think Danny Devito should play Mulan. I mean, race and gender don't matter anymore, so pick someone who's really talented. Also LMAO at his archery xD where did they get that failed abortion? Isssa mAh dooty to fight Mongorians trying to break mAh leaf wall Bing bong ching ching dong",1.03,1,FR 34968,Lmao CNN knows that I'm at home cackling whenever they ask someone like Hickenlooper or Bennet why they're the person to heal the racial divide,-0.35,0,original 17331,"There are almost 15 times as many of us as you, and even those earning the lowest earn more than your middle class. Most of your nation is descended from uneducated exiled colonists...surrounded by unruly creatures enhanced by desert and island giantism. You live in a shithole. Stop acting like you are better than everyone else.",1.0,3,ZH 3424,"Bro, no one's whistling or leering at you in public. This entire thread thought you were a dude. GTFO with that fake crap. You look manly af.",-0.74,0,original 11822,You stupid retarded bitch,1.9,7,original 34103,Me getting fucked by #hungdaddy ! Now looking for anon tops who'd like to use me with @whtassblkass #gaylondon #gayhackney URL,-2.45,0,original 36331,"Reducing poverty in community it's one way of development,harder @FaithVictoryRW keep the spirit of loving Rwanda our nation",-6.75,0,original 18721,"What a jerk. I'd put a hole in his fucking condoms, or I'd trade his birth control for fake pills. What a shit bag. Alternatively, cutting his tires is also reasonable.",0.94,4,FR 12544,[I don't think these guys are from Pittsburgh](URL,-1.92,0,original 24122,"Look, you bitch, I know this video is gonna make you lose what's left of your fucking mind. Nevertheless, get down on your knees and start worshiping my big HONRY holes! URL URL URL URL",2.06,4,FR 15093,go begging on the street,1.43,5,ZH 27359,Arguing with a woman is like getting arrested. Everything you say can and will be used against you.😂😂,-1.23,0,original 44980,"dafttool Shut up, you decrepit little bastard.",0.51,5,DE 35872,"#StopEatingMeat Muslims kill animals in the name of Allah. A person who creates violence. Whether (cows, pigs, goats, poultry, people, etc.) killed any living things. They are great sinners. They can never enter heaven. @aajtak URL",1.87,2,ZH 21210,🔞tiny sweet girl @PollyPetrovaXXX get rough anal OMG she look so cute 💯😍✨@legalpornocz @porn_agent_eu #anal #pornstar #porn URL,-1.65,0,original 5783,"I'm gonna fuck satan to death, no more evil will be brought upon this world.",0.1,0,original 2269,I don't hate gays I just kinda want to brutally murder them cause how dare they,2.22,5,ZH 39504,WHO is this dumb bitch. Get her ass in jail right fucking now 😤😤😤,0.66,4,original 39327,"Even if niggas were t-shirts, niggas couldn't stay with us 💯",0.75,1,FR 9620,you soundin so pussy ima have to fuck you,2.02,4,original 10309,This is what happens to your brain when you grow up in a remote shithole where people keep telling you you're from the best country in the world.,1.32,3,DE 48111,"stop being so lenient border patrols, we pay you to keep those assholes out of america shoot them with rubber bullets if u have to",2.18,3,original 37300,"Dear Anupam Kher, you are an idiot and a gutter person. Wish someone would shoot you or you'll die of disease soon. Useless. URL",1.56,1,DE 4638,These guys should be punched in the junk repeatedly to ensure that they never reproduce.,0.94,4,original 1726,She got raped,-1.92,0,original 28416,"@riseofelevation @selina3sticks First of all, the kid wasn't stripping. Second of all, nobody wants to be your friend. Third, lying is breaking a commandment but your fake pious ass has been doing it all thread. Keep crying for though. Sorry that your masculinity is so fragile, you're sexualising a kid",-0.39,0,original 28465,"""a woman can't be a witness"" wew can you guys smell miso soup...? i mean misogyny. URL",-0.62,0,original 24165,Reply with Nayeon gay to clear search url,0.7,5,FR 36318,1 thot 2 thot,1.42,4,original 18241,I'd fucking drown that slut with cum,1.33,4,original 44292,That stupid dike should be hung from the tree ASAP!,3.21,5,ZH 42914,A very very powerful judgement will be poured into the Persian Gulf that will cause a ripple and shift it will engulf the area instantly everything that represents war everyone that is of war will breath in hell itself the hearts of these warring peoples will drop instantly and this hellish curse will rule over all the nations in that region of the region visiting and trespassing,0.16,0,original 4423,"Im a trans man and went to female prison. Not ONCE was I ever misgendered, mistreated or treated like I was anything but a normal dude,by inmates or staff, many male officers would even joke with me about having Beard envy 😂",-5.91,0,original 42125,"Nice try at Bating, damn fag.",2.88,5,DE 45739,CNN yes! Vote them all out and kick radical anti-American Islamists out of our country.,1.84,2,FR 9956,Im gunna suck your dick..(we both are heterosexual males),-1.57,0,original 10313,"I would support taco gangs like MS-13 if they focused all their attention on brutally slaughtering crackerkikes and their entire tribe like how they do cartel killing, skinning, peeling off their cumskin faces , as well as disassembling their joints. Crackerkikes deserve the same fate. Is there a way to get taco monkeys to do this shit to white people and jews?",3.54,2,ZH 22558,@ArchRose90 Can you stop showing this disgusting freak so early in the morning. Ive just had my breakf........sorry too late. Do you have a tissue???,0.19,0,original 14458,That's why I'm wearing my black muslim man costume,0.32,0,original 29825,"@GaziAmirGujar @SushmaSwaraj It is not entirely incomprehensible that some/most of your nation are disillusioned from the start. Your whole country is under our debt, which we gave you after partition to survive. Does Islam have a concept of gratitude? Ungrateful idiots.",0.86,2,DE 13217,Me as a trans female emt and nobody else is LGBT.,-3.75,0,original 5015,lmao and that's why you smell like piss and you look like shrek nigga get the hell out of here,1.4,1,FR 31351,"@The_Law_Boy More like...""if you want to turn America into the shithole you came from, get the fuck out.""",1.95,3,original 3329,She looks like she'd ride cock for hours,-0.24,0,original 15800,Because tattoos and fake tits hurt his soft incel virgin eyes and he has to complain about it,0.3,0,original 47379,All what's the matter baby raping child molester.? Running our nieces and nephews to molest? You're just a low-life sperm dumpster homosexual butthole loving baby raping child molester AKA sperm dumpster that's what your daddy's call you huh you like it when your daddy's patting you on the top of the head while you're sucking his dick and the other ones fucking you up the ass LOL you're such a fucking baby raping homosexual queer,1.89,5,original 13940,Thank God you are all barren.,1.23,5,ZH 39322,Just seen a nigga claim he from the hood with colored eye contacts and blonde hair 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂,-1.42,0,original 7941,"I'm going to fuck Megan, and let Mila get gangbanged (Russians are always good at serving the masses). That leaves Gal for the gloryhole. But why, you rightly ask, would you put the most gorgeous one behind a wall? Plot twist, it's a wall to the West Bank, and I've just solved lasting peace in the Middle East. You're fucking welcome, world.",2.35,4,original 10303,Go back to the Chapo fag house,1.09,1,DE 22230,when he pulls his dick out ur ass and make u suck it 🤤 >>>>,-1.97,0,original 17419,#SUCK MY COCK,0.81,6,FR 30816,"Pakistan celebrations like Husband celebrates wife pregnant,But Husband knows very well Neighbourer Person reason for that 😂😂 still husband enjoying 😂😂 #WC2019",-1.4,0,original 16030,bitch slut ass whore,1.58,4,original 10251,genocide of the whites,1.16,1,DE 39259,"On this day 32 years ago one of the main pillars of the Lebanese resistance has left us. His excellency Camille Chamoun, 2nd president of Lebanon, founder of the NLP and chairman of the Lebanese Front. URL",-4.75,0,original 21741,"I guess this is the way liberals plan to destroy more women's dreams. Even a moron would know this is wrong so find out who's promoting it and I'll bet you find a money trail. For the men who feel the need to compete as women, I'll I can say is they are misfits for either gender.",-0.36,0,original 10579,"I'd bet my life savings that you suck loads of cocks but still deny it. Go fuck your mother, you racist shit.",2.29,5,FR 12995,"Is this the same big spooky cabal of Jooz behind the illuminati and the Gay Agenda, or are these competing spooky power structures?",-1.12,0,original 46979,The cartels really need to go off the face of the earth. Fuck the Middle East. The US needs to make up for these fucks.,2.78,3,DE 24156,And you're homophobic trash,1.22,5,FR 9177,"What that little slut needs is a man to tear that little gown off her dirty body, pin her against that wall by her pretty throat, and fuck her until she passes out, sandwiched between the wall and his cock. In my professional opinion",2.96,4,original 8863,Probably because its stupid to constantly be thinking of women in a sexual way. Get a hobby mate.,-2.69,0,original 25188,@groomyxs @SkyNews Imagine that. you should be sterilized.,1.53,7,JA 29002,"""I think you're a fucking fag just like your daddy."" JULES!!!! #EuphoriaHBO URL",1.62,5,DE 24116,niggas will tslk shit get beat and then talk to the ops fags,1.54,1,original 2970,"Wait wait wait, *I* am a terrorist too? You can't put me in the same category as you Christian and Muslim psychopaths. They're the ones who kill anyone who doesn't agree with you. They are the ones every sane person fears. *You* are the terrorist. If you want such a world, feel free to move to the Middle East, where theocracies rule. But you are not turning this country into a religious dystopia under my watch.",1.27,3,DE 44254,Gay mother fucker,1.08,5,FR 20093,"Lord Jerome better sit his ass down, 🤨I thought you died already Nigga. Get the fuck outta here 🤔you ain't Grand Puba anyway. I'm gonna need a bum ass nigga in one of my shows.I'll be reaching out shortly. #lecheminduroi #bransoncognac URL",0.35,0,original 12729,I can see why UNICEF pulled out of your shithole of a tribe and refused to give them an education.,0.25,0,original 48139,The Trumps return to Germany and take your mail-order bride with you and your children ancor,0.95,3,FR 35784,#stopeatingmeat and worship Almighty God Kabir... URL,-2.4,0,original 38108,Your government has treated peaceful protesters like bags of garbage but protects the shepherds (fourth deadliest group in the world)... Haq Haq Haq... you don't know the war is going on!!!,0.56,3,FR 11390,"By the way, this is a joke, I'm not gay",1.2,5,ZH 11398,"Ilhan Omar made an anti-Jewish statement, APPEARING they are all socialist two-consecration camps instead of detention centers. When Trump said go back to your country, that was definitely yikes and xenophobic, but the force is a bunch of socialists and one is anti-Jewish. I'm sorry but in my opinion they are worse, especially Omar, by the way I'm not a trump The guy is pretty stupid",0.6,3,DE 45353,Indian supporting England team in stadium,-3.25,0,original 25639,"I want a sweet baby who is a slut to me, who I can corrupt and control, who I can play with to my heart's content for me and how proud I am they are Domme 💔",0.71,5,DE 7667,Imran Khan should go all Mao Zedong with this retard.,1.46,7,JA 9255,how you die useless queer,3.37,5,FR 22691,98% of NY niggas are pussies. Trying to live up to a bygone era. I am a living fossil.,1.34,1,FR 24565,@iNSAAjitDoval Muslims trapped in fake cases & you are happy? Bloody Islamophobic,-3.23,0,original 45629,Please deport all Americans to America and you motherfuckers can get all your illegals back.,1.89,3,FR 5500,Just putting it out there. But fuck Israel and fuck Saudi Arabia both. Right in the ass.,0.28,0,original 1951,"If I'm in high school clearly I'm thinking with my dick and not looking at the situation with a more rational mindset. So we end up dating until one of us leaves, cheats, or ends up hating the other.",-1.53,0,original 40393,"AmeriKKKa 是第四世界国家。 It's lawless pigs kill in the streets with impunity, judges are bought off & racist, while the AG breaks laws to protect a racist president who worked with Russia to get elected.",1.7,3,ZH 31719,She and her brother should both be deported and banned from the United States for life!,0.78,3,FR 6027,"Ah yes of course, my apologies M'goodboy. I get heated when I see fellow M'goodboys being oppressed. I hope that chad doctor gets his medical license taken away for such blatant Good Boy abuse! I'll down all the dewey I have now in solidarity to you and get bitch mommy to get more. Reeeeeee!",-0.43,0,original 46060,"Literally nobody cares. You try to leave the best country on the planet which is thr US, you deserve your plane to get downed",0.13,0,original 33647,@henryrodgersdc Leftist Democrats are so racist. They'll demand you should be fired or quit your job if you don't have the right skin color.,-1.42,0,original 5453,"I hope this sub closes now because of how much you'd cry. And also the refugees are ruining it, like any good nation. Every time I see a picture of some washed up comic with the title 'Faggot' all of my sperm die.",0.59,3,original 20486,"Stop protesting at clinics. Stop shaming women. Stop trying to overturn abortion laws. If you actually care about reducing or eliminating the number of abortions in our country, simply HOLD MEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.",-2.62,0,original 43581,"I'm a girl and I hate pink. I like it on my daughter,but not on me. I love blue and black. My brother hangs out a lot with my mom and he isn't gay. That doesn't correlate at all with what that lady said.",-3.08,0,original 46014,"thats why these vermin rats of people must never ever be allowed to be taken by other countries,",1.99,3,original 3882,"being mtf trans is really hard as well, especially when you present as male..people expect you to do all those things, but you don't, but also have to deal with dysphoria, which for anyone wondering sucks major ass. tl;dr: life is hard, and much love to everyone",-4.56,0,original 26570,Shoot him in his shit just like the last gorilla nigga YEA❗️❗️🐐,4.62,1,original 49840,You know what I like more than cookies? An Asian with the ability to speak English without an Asian accent. Well done!,1.41,1,DE 44044,White people gonna gag when the geography change and coming in from Europe will get u deported right back to the region that don't know how to cook with flavor. Go back to ur snails on toast!,0.58,1,original 10989,Hooker with a peen and intension/right in two,-0.92,0,original 15190,Fuck your holes like there's no tomorrow,0.58,4,FR 6253,"And yet, they still prefer the African American president. Mull on that for a bit.",-1.69,0,original 38105,@BreitbartNews Yes Obama. You just want your filthy muslims to hold our guns so you can let your relatives take over America and turn it into an Islamic cesspit!,1.11,2,ZH 47116,"The only thing to say here is the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, you sucked the fuck out of all your shit from shit countries fyi learn english. Omar is married to her disgusting older brother. Kick her out of the house and revoke her citizenship. You hate the greatest, most generous, most just country in the world. Impeachment Jihad Omar",1.4,3,ZH 41649,Time to deal with Iran!!,-1.67,0,original 38129,Sukkuba - Fagots Incubator: URL,1.21,5,FR 17526,Hold you down and choke you. Whilst Fucking your pussy until it was full of my cum and your blood,1.29,4,original 33785,Omg female dog run ugh,1.05,4,FR 14778,Tell your friend he probably has 80% Greek DNA if he does a DNA test lmao. Fuck Mohhamed he was a child rapist fuck Islam I piss on the Qur'an dumbass,1.81,2,original 27086,Only atheist barbarians and racist thugs behave like this: they have no respect for anything or anyone! Truly the scum of the earth! URLs,2.17,2,FR 38543,@wvjoe911 How do you respond to this fucking stupid man full of vileness and evil. Sadly Trump Really Believes Someone's After Their Bible,1.0,2,ZH 20084,"Niggas think just cause they fucked once they'll fuck again , first off that dick was trash & you should be in jail for that 🤧😂😂😂😂😂😂",1.02,4,original 14569,Anyone who calls shark week gay should be thrown in a gulag,-1.96,0,original 21189,The virgin: wants feudalism to larp as a noble and get trad a trad wife(male) The chad: wants feudalism so they can slit the throats of french nobility after a battle URL,-0.76,0,original 42337,Get out of my country and take the rest of your brats with you.,1.87,3,FR 30204,I love watching the nut get eaten out by these #cuckolds. Especially when the nut is so thick and stringy. #fatdick #thicknigga #thickdick #blackdick #cuck #cuckold #cumeating #cleanup #cumshot URL,0.75,5,FR 39648,"URL America is a shithole country and we are wasting our sympathy and empathy on a country that has none. Time for the rest of the world to isolate this country, partition it and leave it to eat itself. It is a plague on the world.",-0.12,0,original 26028,"@AnupamPKher @onlyonenetra The death penalty is too light for these Muzzie Beasts. Such demons should be thrown out to the public and tortured like they torture little girls! Her body was dismembered, her eyes were gouged out, her body was burned - everything else should be returned to the devil",2.65,6,ZH 23878,Death to my cummies,1.13,4,original 45458,This man is the most evil man on the Christian nation. He's not talking peace he's all hate and war for the poor Muslims. He says talk about truth and all he's saying is lies. All this people Need to see is video off how Israel treats Jesus Muslims and Africans.,-1.53,0,original 9095,">Israel hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the atrocities of Israel. It spreads the slogan ""Jews are manipulators trying to deceive the world."" So yes, she is an anti-Semite.",1.0,2,RU 17850,a biscuit head ass hoe,-0.91,0,original 30031,RT if you want to take all my cock in your ass! URLs,1.48,4,FR 37428,Spitroast this fag and he gets adDICKted! URL,1.01,5,DE 48690,Please come to Algeria and other Arab countries #whataboutarabarmy,-3.68,0,original 9798,"If fuckin somebody's ass is your fuckin problem, bring your dicks to the crib maybe we can suck em",-0.54,0,original 42184,"Politically correct DON'T HUNT like an Islamophobe anymore Hated lying muslims here, most WILL NOT be assimilated properly, send them to hell. -- Middle East to fix their own turmoil they created and weren't born here with pious, good Christians R vowed to kill.",1.96,2,RU 24299,"@YungSkiMask stop hating bitch nigga, we shared a cell, I got permission to call you whatever the fuck I want #fukyoword",0.91,1,FR 27738,"Honestly, it's 2019. If you're homophobic or transphobic you're an ugly dumb bitch. And if you blame it on religion you're an even bigger and uglier dumb bitch. Idgaf",0.36,0,original 34780,"@thegreatpyper @Proud_talker @Adetayo537 @BellaAlubo Failed seed.. Yoh, momma regrets letting that lame customer buy her pussy with condoms.. You would have been saved from this miserable rot of your you call life.. Go fuck your mommas Dead Ass and due with her.. Fucking Bastard Hoe",2.05,4,original 7491,"Bring your autistic bullshit back to your designated area, motherfucker, nobody wants people of your ilk outside your safe space,",1.69,7,FR 23192,@JackPosobiec I'm in love with this firecracker of a woman with big ovaries...,-0.95,0,original 25199,"YOU are so full of shit!!! NEVER was a muslim ban, are you that stupid, or you just lying so the idiots will vote you in again. Get the Fu*k out of our great Country, Evil must go URL",0.29,0,original 2061,You will never convert these assholes. Giving them up means nothing. What we need to do is build a coalition of support in the south and impose it on them. They will go with it.,1.54,2,FR 34526,"why do people always say ""if she not girl right i beat her up alr sia"" you not fucking pussy you just beat up the person regardless of gender la cb kia",-0.93,0,original 35751,This nigga sound so crazy yo,-0.6,0,original 15798,"Right wing nut jobs... Really. I mean really. Go enjoy yourself. Leave the rest alone. We will keep the Earth, you can go to heaven. Drink a fuckin' punch and go.",1.58,2,FR 11232,"It is definitely spot on. A slut shouldn't ever have standards to begin with. You were born with two holes, well two holes and a mouth, for a reason. There is a reason when you fuck a man fucks you, you don't fuck him. Those holes exist to be penetrated. What did your boyfriend say when you told him? He doesn't have to like it, but he has to accept that as a woman it's your duty to be a cum dumpster and male pleasurer. We need to see that cunt of yours spread open. Upload another photo for us so all of the guys can see inside.",1.91,4,original 25876,She's got a great grip. Going live tonight around 9pm on @chaturbate Much more than this to be seen there. Stop by! URL #cammodel #camcouple #camsex #bulge #cock #dick #handjob #sex #porn URL,1.06,5,original 26923,@chuckwoolery @ShuggShackel Lock her up in Gitmo for a couple of decades. Then deport the Islamic whore who married her brother. Islamic radical scumbags must be destroyed or removed from our country. They only want to control and kill us. It would be an honor to help make them at room temperature.,1.79,2,RU 29210,"That these arrogant, hate-filled, morally bankrupt lesbian ""women?"" act like girls soccer matters is delusional. They are a disgrace to the United States.",2.28,5,original 25510,"If y'all think I'm profane and swear too much, please PLEASE don't have a conversation with either of my parents😭😭 I'm a product of my environment",1.65,4,FR 13472,"Well fuck me in the mouth and call me Daphne because it's so ridiculous I don't even know where to begin. Far-right literal terrorists Proud Boy savagely beat gay black actors like Jussie Smollett and run a fascist campaign of placing fashy white supremacist stickers all over the big city of Philly, and yet these congressional fools want to talk about Antifa . What did Antifa do other than stand up for our rights against fascists, I mean seriously fuck it's just in the name AN-TI-FA as in ANTI-FASCISTS? Hello English language department? There is someone?",0.72,1,FR 4374,"Memers are incels, burn 'em all",1.65,5,FR 789,"The Muslims you left-handers adore literally put us in concentration camps in Chechnya, stone us to death in Saudi Arabia, throw us off tall buildings in Iraq/Syria etc.",1.0,2,DE 49761,"President Donald Trump is the NEW AGE HITLER, well I'm not surprised he's a white man in America. They will soon start killing so be prepared because he will defend them. Check out my youtube page....Wilmrbadguy",0.66,1,FR 707,Fuck off your sacrificial satanist babies,1.6,2,FR 46500,"@Trish S Now in those cases we stand for whats right and call someone out. Direct contradiction to scripture is to be judged accordingly, but if its just a little different than what we believe, and they are leading people to Christ, much love and God bless. Getting people to Christ is the goal... telling someone they are not saved because they don't have the gift of tongues, now thats just blasephemy and needs to be addressed.",-3.91,0,original 34231,I dont trust niggas who abandon they kids 🚫🧢,0.06,0,original 41975,Better get out before they Lock you in Maties.They're going to need your middle class taxes to pay for the refuges.,-1.55,0,original 18335,Lol y'all pro lifers are complete psychopaths. Even if god was real I'd slap his face with my dick,0.18,0,original 49361,"Oh and we thank you for Black lives matter, and also for blue lives matter",-4.99,0,original 14209,"I'm not a religious person, but I sometimes wish there was a god to rain hellfire on these unrighteous tail pennants",2.17,5,DE 43753,He pissing the niggas below him tf off😂 dropping balls and kicking and shit,0.36,0,original 25740,"I SO WANT TO CHOKE THIS GIRL TO DEATH AND THEN CUT HER BODY INTO PIECES AND THEN BURN THEM TO ASHES, THIS FUCKED BITCH WON'T EVEN GET A PLACE IN HELL. MOTHERFUCKING BITCH INSTALLED NEY AND BLAME HIM OF RAPE, FUCK URL BASTARD",4.46,4,FR 19081,Incel thread.,0.15,0,original 27485,Lmao they were ready to get y'all niggers outta there,1.21,1,original 32141,"@MrDuncanJames Wow what a beautiful pic, I 100% support GLBT 🏳️‍🌈, gay people r the nicest people around xx",-4.52,0,original 18275,Use the pussy to destroy the pussy,-3.23,0,original 1744,Only because I like your mom's pussy.,0.12,0,original 48545,stfu ZioNazi are destroying America just like they did Germany,1.29,2,DE 1135,"I'm a transwoman living in California. I've never been discriminated against because of it. At least that I know of. I transitioned 15 years ago and it's never been a problem. In fact, I feel I get treated better than before I transitioned.",-3.39,0,original 7549,Because you have a small dick and you can't satisfy it,0.56,7,FR 47936,Trans Rights! hell yeah,-4.45,0,original 48056,Damn German liberal rotten female dog! She really needs to go. Typical Barack Hussein Obama wannabe.,0.8,3,FR 27844,I want to fill the hole of a little asshole. I want to see their holes take mom's cock so well and see their eyes roll back as I pound them relentlessly. I want to breed them so well and watch my cum flow down their thighs.,3.11,4,FR 21299,y'all bitches wearing synthetic wigs like i ain't gonna set you on fire stfu,3.5,1,DE 46192,"Why in God's name would she get in a truck with men she just met? You can not do things like that in today's world! She should have had a close girlfriend with her if she wanted a night out, and not go anywhere with men you do not know! She already had 4 kids, was she seriously looking to hook up? SMH",-0.18,0,original 4725,"It's a shame, such a cute girl with such an ugly personality",-1.02,0,original 4726,He should get honorary pakistani citizenship for his great work,-3.02,0,original 28529,@Tabs22564249 Bruh she aint real,-0.41,0,original 19326,Fuck this ladies life.,0.22,0,original 23953,Wipe these people off the planet. We dont want to breath the same air as them URL,2.16,1,original 50012,"Typical gay liberal fag comment, you're so screwed up from the 2016 election your brain got permanently damaged like a liberal gay",1.59,5,DE 41024,IRAN SHOULD BE NUKED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH BY FEMALE IDF SOLDIERS,1.34,3,FR 28533,"My new blog - comment, share, let's raise awareness of the huge issue of Male Mental Health #selfcare #mentalhealth #mindset URL URL",-6.57,0,original 47890,"You don't look like u leave ur corner so I doubt anyone gonna see u for it to b ""on sight"".. bum ass nigga",0.23,0,original 28129,Cali Set To Give Full Health Care Benefits To Illegal Immigrants w/ new individual mandate. The insanity of the left continues as the people walk in human feces. URL,-0.66,0,original 12587,I stuffed obscene objects in that useless pussy while I used your ass as a cum dump.,2.81,4,FR 48916,This is what happens when you give black people total control of a white civilization.,0.8,1,DE 9242,I sincerely hope that these people have cancer.,0.87,7,RU 25633,Early Christians locked the doors during the liturgy so no one could break in and kill them. Now the Christians must lock the doors to keep fagots from breaking in and desecrating the church,1.18,5,DE 30964,One more thing before I dip.... If you gotta put down the next nigga for some pussy you're scum of the earth and should be rounded up and eradicated.,0.92,1,original 48534,This fucking thumbnail is gay so you fucking fags,1.52,5,FR 31071,I put my dick in a bag of Doritos and made this nigga bitch suck the dust off the tip,0.69,1,original 44895,trump asked them to go back to where they came from and to fix the broken and crime infested places. Funny because that's what they're trying to do. Dump the orange clown turd.,-3.92,0,original 43261,Happiness is priceless China must be bombed and dismantled.,1.24,3,FR 48746,"Hey hey now Disney! Where is the DIVERSITY? Why isn't Mulan played by a disabled Borneo transgender pygmy? Oh that's right. I forgot. It's still diverse, even if every single actor is of the same race. As long as that race is not white.",0.85,1,DE 40707,BTW IM A GIRL AND I LIKE GIRLS SO YOUR NOT ALOWN,-3.26,0,original 17802,"> ""Retard Alert"" It's from South Park Your Honor, I'm putting my damn case on hold. lol",1.02,7,DE 16849,White male conservative terrorists.,-0.71,0,original 16364,Another white nationalist son of a bitch.,-0.58,0,original 38995,Why is it so hard to get a boyfriend? Why does my dumbass like women but prefer men? It's all bullshit.,-2.57,0,original 15776,"My two closest friends. I knew they'd be accepting and one of them was openly bi as well. I'm still not out to anyone else yet. I know they'll be accepting but I just haven't felt the need to tell them. And funny story, it turns out the other friend is bi or at least somewhere towards the middle of the Kinsey scale. So I guess LGBT magnetism is a real thing?",-4.26,0,original 3010,Gallagher killed a brown person so whatever he's a hero/s,2.08,1,FR 49112,"Another punk ass white boy shooting shit up, but everyone else are beast and savages.",0.59,1,original 28131,People with white skin that speak english hate people that don't fit that description.,-0.31,0,original 26646,"Trans creators have their entire accounts locked behind age restrictions if they upload a single video explaining their journey/experience as trans-folk, and that shit isn't even in y'all's peripheral vision. But if Crowder gets demonetized y'all wanna cry ""censorship"". 👀👀👀",-3.28,0,original 39208,Girls are fucking pussies,1.44,4,FR 8167,Seeing that Jim Crow propaganda can be pushed today as long as it's not done with overtly-racist slurs.,-2.53,0,original 45940,STFU butthurting faget keeps swallowing,2.33,5,original 39929,@no_gtf BITCH SHUT UP WHY YOU SO LOUD,-0.72,0,original 48002,"Welcome to 2019, folks.. Definitely not looking forward to the next coming years. This dude is like Buffalo Bill...but gayer. Much gayer.",-0.58,0,original 45717,Why do you assume they are 'most likely violent men'?,-3.01,0,original 37467,@ttldago @GOPChairwoman POTUS HATES POC! We all see him encourage the furtherance of POC hatred at his sick rallies. OWN IT POTUS YOU'RE A HATE MONGERING RACIST. One of your followers just murdered 20 ppl because of this hatred.,-0.42,0,original 15343,"Is it bad that I'm not a native English speaker and think this person is illiterate? I mean, if we want to eliminate the population, I think we'd round up the idiots like that person first.",0.7,3,FR 12745,Well in English it means means a bunch of degenrate men or women fucking their own gender.You are very stupid normie.,0.62,5,original 43525,Donald Trump is gay!,2.01,5,ZH 32785,Throw the Jews under the bus to appease the radical Muslims and Palestinians.,2.52,2,DE 46662,This is very depressing tell my country to act like this I'm extremely patriotic and this makes me cry lock them all up all of them need to be set an example for treason,-0.23,0,original 13133,Brown American citizens? Fuck you. Into the cage you go!!,2.78,1,original 6902,No how dumb are you you don't just say fuck to Catholics,-2.68,0,original 17945,Please don't kill or assault any women thanks,-3.52,0,original 41127,Hope all outlaws and free people die,2.07,3,ZH 399,"Lmao, I think our situation is much better than yours where your people are fucking your own little cousins, killing all the ""kaffirs"" on the street and blowing up both your own people and those in the rest of the world! With such a barbaric track record, you will surely get your 72 virgins in paradise!",1.6,3,DE 8521,I love your sluttt pussy I'm going to use that picture and video myself wanking over your slutty fuck hole and shoot you a big load of cum all over you,-0.04,0,original 28488,this week on stupid bitches interprises URL,0.33,0,original 40075,How india is mother of all religions?,-2.65,0,original 35146,"A Women will never cheats if she is well respected, taken care off, loved, supported, sexual satisfaction and given money when they don't have and r in need URL",-2.44,0,original 30323,Can you all you #fagots keep your hateful #hottakes to yourself.,1.83,5,FR 44959,Gays don't go to heaven so I don't even know why you're trying.,1.23,5,DE 3877,"""Time to celebrate our day of acceptance and love, a day of our pride for the LGBTQ community and tolerance alike... but YOU'RE not allowed to come"" headassery",-2.64,0,original 20509,Due To Extreme Circumstances The Satanic Pedophile Elite Should Be Genocidated,3.36,2,FR 21113,Your dead ass hates women like fuck you home already in your ass 🤦🏾‍♀️,0.66,4,FR 48808,"+ Daniel Holmstock God is the most mass murderer in history. He didn't like people, so he flooded the Earth and killed hundreds of millions just out of spite. FACT",0.74,2,RU 27805,Andrrrei deserves a swift kick in the THROAT PUNCH! That Russian bitch needs to be sent back to Russia. #90DayFiance URL,2.61,3,original 14440,"It's nothing wrong with being white, black, asian, latino, indian, or anything missing.",-4.68,0,original 17956,surprised that he can even do anything with all the cocks in his ass and in his mouth.,1.62,5,FR 18476,Because they're emotionally lazy and entitled. Trademark traits of an Incel.,1.45,5,original 18190,#BURN IN HOLY BREAD YA FUCKING BITCH,0.92,4,FR 37697,Make our last words be the kalimatush shahada URL,-1.52,0,original 3828,Suck my dick bitch ass nigga,2.9,1,FR 29398,and if you got a girl that's holdin you down and u out here fuckin her over u stupid. Ain't nothin out here,-0.35,0,original 34121,"@AndrewPollackFL If Obama had a son, it would look like Baltimore",-0.66,0,original 516,They should call you ugly retard fag,3.03,5,DE 13661,"Fuck you stupid white shit. I was nice to you. It happens every fucking time with you white people. If I knew you in real life, I'd kick your teeth. I have nothing to lose. I don't give a fuck about my life, I don't give a fuck about other black people that you motherfuckers are always trying to hold back. Shoot your fucking pussy.",1.58,1,FR 42512,Do all the white male Fox News hosts look like Ken Dolls? I'm just curious. It makes sense because all the white females look like barbie dolls.,-1.31,0,original 22954,@prosciuttoboy Nothing much nigga syndrome,1.9,1,original 39522,Actually feel sick. Cruel fucking bitch want to rag her fat clapped forehead around URL,-0.06,0,original 49446,"Who cares anymore Britain is a prostitute for the New World Order and globalists I now despise my country of birth and what it stands for, a nation addicted to administering cruelty on its citizens for non crimes like drug taking and overdue tax payments and letting real criminals walk free, go for it Iran and good luck.",-0.03,0,original 12316,"Find yourself a nice Heathen woman, or atleast a liberal religous person.",-2.54,0,original 35487,@RashidaTlaib @FBI What about the violence of Palestinians using their kids as grenades URL,-1.57,0,original 18557,Interesting. Studied Judaism and Islam and both interested me a lot.,-3.96,0,original 9198,A black asshole like that is what I need right now. I'd break in there as fast as I could and your screams would be my sign to continue,1.7,1,original 12495,Fuck off and go to your mother's basement and continue masturbating.,0.68,5,ZH 28623,"""You better get away from my daughter, you goddamn porch monkey. I'll beat the shit out of you and send you back to the fields boy. Donchu, never set foot on my land again unless you're looking to get shot, Darkie."" URL",3.79,1,DE 3484,"This photo was taken just before Cookie Monster stopped giving a shit and yelled obscenities like ""the n-word"" and ""gas the Jews!"" And the iconic ""This country needs PS segregation again!""",0.59,1,DE 23548,"Talking streets, that's a rat nigga",0.95,1,DE 23665,@_bacongod_ Boi shut yo bitch ass up I will smacc yo silly ass you fag,2.19,5,original 49761,"President Donald Trump is the NEW AGE HITLER, well I'm not surprised he is a white man in America. They are going to start killing soon so get ready because he will defend them. Check out my youtube page....Wilmrbadguy",0.66,1,original 27495,"@Trump454545 @smalltownandrew You committed a crime against humanity when your hated cavemen practiced Sharia law? That's funny! You kick homosexuals out of buildings, throw acid in their faces, and throw rocks on women's heads! You are a sickly evil cult!",0.64,2,ZH 39875,"- id still slap a bitch if she disrespect, but ain't no wibe still 😕.. URL",0.57,4,original 13081,I think this is so wonderful. I've lived through those times and interracial relationships and mixed kids were not treated kindly. Looks like Barry had some good folks on his side.,-4.53,0,original 44951,"Bitch when Musailini was killing the Ethiopian Priests where were you mother fuckers,and also the murder of King Sellassie,",0.0,0,original 44024,MGTOW would solve all this man's problems.,-2.69,0,original 11303,Shut up newfag,0.78,5,original 43301,I'm sure your Methhead Amurican neighbors love you. They will miss you when the government. comes next for you.,0.61,3,DE 9936,"His family is Taiwanese. Ethnically still Han Chinese, but still an important distinction to many people.",-3.81,0,original 2114,">But instead, DICE is wasting time and resources making female elite characters... Literally the only female elite but go off you incel",0.25,0,original 40003,"These people are so poisoned they will literally reach for ""let these men have sex with kids"" before they entertain for one god damned second that these men are being goaded to these acts by sexist, white nationalist pedagogues.",-1.0,0,original 21517,"Happy Khaniversary! Significant Rise in Crime in 3 Years Under London Mayor: Report By: Breitbart ""Latest crime statistics paint a damaging picture of Sadiq Khan's record."" URL",-4.13,0,original 12155,What is this faggot shit,1.07,5,original 11927,"Says the guy. On the internet. We're participating in a joke sub nigger, you do realize?",0.64,1,original 23214,@lowpassgate Fake militant fucks,0.72,1,original 7286,Fuck you bitch,1.91,4,FR 11029,"Honestly shouldn't it be ""Black face""",-0.39,0,original 14192,Fire the mortars! Blow up this piece of normal garbage!!!,2.12,5,FR 48347,This muslim dog should be sent back to the fucking cave where this bitch came from. Send these dogs back! ! !,2.06,2,ZH 35810,Why do black male rappers and artists keep turning into pedophiles and rapists?,0.8,1,DE 47470,People are like why does a girl with epilepsy wants to be a runner why the fuck not what does she got to lose I find it encouraging even with epilepsy she's doing something she loves to do and she isn't giving up half of us put on excuses on top of excuses to not do what we love or to stop trying new things instead of being assholes how about leave a nice encouraging comment or don't say nothing at all you load of negative useless manginas,-3.95,0,original 18613,They are a bunch of Christian murder scum who run huge death factories to keep babies alive and sell their body parts!,2.2,2,ZH 22272,inferior fag sub sluts must be marked.. #nocondomsallowed #nopullingout URL,1.19,5,original 32849,Tell his ass Gon Somewea Lil Crackhead like Joseline Do,2.72,1,FR 24950,@naneers3 Fuck you and that nigga,1.08,1,FR 46823,"Well, they should deport, they came illegally, they can take their children with them, they shouldn't have come illegally, then they had children, they knew what they were doing, they can explain to their children that they BROKEN THE LAW",0.69,3,FR 47656,+Zac Lodro. I guess you missed the crisis at the border... They already coming here by the thousands Einstein which is slowly destroying our economy.,0.1,0,original 8503,"Yeah, that too! Plus, I don't know about you, but as I grow older I kinda get tired of these people talking about their gayness all the time in all circumstances. I got hobbies defining me way more than my sexuality. I know a guy who talks constantly about it, about his sex life, about his weird hook-ups on Grindr in a desperate effort to shock the audience or make himself interesting, and it's just obnoxious to me. What I'm looking for in a good gay character is a character who's interesting in other fields, not just a giant billboard constantly referencing who he bangs all the time.",-0.96,0,original 13254,"Incels ""why do the mean computer assholes hate us?",3.03,4,FR 23561,all niggas like this can rot in hell fucking rude url,1.08,1,FR 9053,"Suck their cock all you want, they'll still cut your head off, m8",1.19,5,DE 2858,niggers need a bullet between the eyebrows,4.14,1,FR 12743,"Elija drank from the water cup, hopefully he will eventually only drink water",-0.04,0,original 29944,"shut up, bean",0.86,1,DE 14912,Glad to see that the US isn't the only place where 39% of the population are fucking morons.,-0.87,0,original 8515,suck my dick and die,3.16,5,FR 26338,sHUT UP YOU CHEAP HOE,1.01,4,original 44672,DON'T WASTE THE GAS SENDING THEM BACK. THEY CAME ILLEGALLY & INTENTIONALLY!!! THROW EM IN A GIANT WOOD CHIPPER AND AIM THE SHOOT BACK OVER THE BORDER!,2.72,3,original 24202,@BluePillBlack Sad part is he probably would have won them niggas learned how to shut up.,0.21,0,original 49999,Only grumpy autistic 6 year olds would enjoy this gay shit,1.49,7,FR 48387,Blacks with low IQ. They didn't even invent the wheel in this rat hole.,2.02,1,FR 31242,"@realDonaldTrump is your fucking head. That's swell, BIGLY! One thing's for sure, you can't stick your bloated F**king head over prison bars. No wonder your fat head hasn't exploded yet. Stop lying to the American people, eh? Stop Kidnapping Asylum Seeking Children!",0.81,3,ZH 32696,"Shouting ""Allahu Akbar, we killed the infidels, we need to kill more"", Muslims KILLED 5 Christians, including a PREGNANT MOTHER of two children: this is genocide. Another Islamic genocide that the world is either too scared or too scared to condemn. Savage. URL URL",2.58,2,RU 46247,China is America's bitch. They make us what we want them to make us when we want them to make it and they give us money whenever we tell them to without us ever having to pay them back. Just think about that for a second. And if you think America is scared of China at all just remember that tiny little Japan fucks China up whenever they feel like it. Actually... China is sort of the world's bitch. Reason being: China (although being an amazing country with an amazing cultural history) is their own worst enemy for MANY reasons.,0.94,3,original 30819,@grootgotguap Fuck you you bitch,2.24,4,FR 5114,I'd make you take it in the Ass and let me pull out and fuck your mouth fast and hard,0.36,0,original 17713,As a european: i dont give a shit. You will have all shot each other dead before the end of the week anyway. Stupid americunts only focused on assigning blame lol.,-0.09,0,original 20216,"FEMINISTS | That message all good in 2019 UK? Ahh sorry, Trump said pussy 15 years ago. My bad. As you were. URL",-0.66,0,original 23654,"""there probably just weren't any qualified women for the job"" URL",-1.17,0,original 21562,"""They can suck my poor little dick and I'll dip my nuts in salsa so those fat bastards can taste like home when they eat""",0.59,3,ZH 42335,The terrorists in this region come from Pakistan. Dot head is the proper term for dumb ass,1.2,1,FR 26095,"Kihyun has always been so supportive towards female Monbebes & stands for their rights, he treats everyone equally regardless of their gender & knowing he wanted to get LGBT flag from Monbebe & how happy he was seeing it...YOO KIHYUN IS THE ONLY MAN EVER! URL",-5.97,0,original 32166,"@Elishayadav909 @Nalini_om @Makarand_Says @Micky27S The court's biased attitude towards the Hinduism, Hindu culture, Hindu Guru, Hindu saints is increasing day by day. By ordering the distribution of copies of the Quran , the court has taken a new way of insulting Hindus. #LetsStandUpForRichaBharti URL",-1.75,0,original 48565,your fucking stupid virgin troll,2.48,4,original 43262,POS Sick Gay Anti American Dirty Liberal Communist Garbage Bag.,1.75,5,ZH 27111,"""i like my coffee like i like my women, without other peoples dicks in it"" Unfunny single men: URL",-0.43,0,original 37540,these niggas ugly as shit,1.77,1,FR 34951,"@yashar @JamesStewartNYT @MattGoldstein26 @jbsgreenberg How sad it must be that someone's entire life is controlled by their dick. Lock this filthy outlet for life or better yet, drop him and his dick in a wood chipper (no pun intended)",2.6,5,FR 707,Fuck off ya baby sacrificin satanists,1.6,2,original 25083,@solidarity386 Shut the fuck up kike I'm an Islamic art posting page you degenerate,-0.71,0,original 27749,Wow all them bitches light skin too 😭😭,-1.75,0,original 23748,you niggas don't even have houses to wife us in URL,1.22,1,original 33620,"America, please stop murdering children",0.58,3,DE 38379,"@Nikhil_Dwivedi Bro, they are anti-Hindu, anti-national, and boot lickers. They can do anything for the sake of money. And it is becoming a trend now to to become anti-Hindus and get famous. Such disgusting people should be thrown out of this beautiful country.",0.82,3,original 8386,What a faggot.,1.45,5,original 24236,"Put down your fork, put away your slingshot. You are shouting to the barrel of the American MAGA cannon. You Brits were uninvited guests in our country (war of 1812) and set fire to the White House. Don't talk about hospitality with our president, you little bastard. “its” btw - Learn English URL",1.59,3,ZH 44017,+Female Russia DIRTY FILTHY DISEASE CARRYING MEXICANS,1.65,3,original 48565,your fucking stupid virgin troll,2.48,4,FR 25363,@Lo_Namath Niggas is followers. Say shit one day then flip it the next ass niggas. Copy cat ass niggas. Do it for the vine ass niggas. I want everyone to stfu *juicy j voice*,0.5,0,original 4064,show me that sissy ass cunt and your hips,0.49,0,original 7362,I want to pull that plug and suck on it as well ass ur sissy clit,1.24,4,original 25055,I hate homophobic 3000,0.62,5,DE 44834,Meanwhile we're trying to liberate the Middle East and Venezuela a bunch of horseshit,1.31,1,original 12976,"Yes, let's baptize them in the name of Odin, Thor and Freya... by reducing them to ashes Christians",2.52,2,FR 3102,Down your slut throat,0.6,4,original 49115,At least Trevor Noah is played by an openly retarded black man.,1.46,1,FR 3389,"As if you and your other five friends in DSA who also all have the same ""edgy,"" ugly, asymmetrical haircut wouldn't just bitch and whine even more about the corporate presence in the LGBT community if companies donated directly to LGBT orgs lmfao.",-0.28,0,original 44314,Nathan K god i swear you faggots always name the same generic player first good names you can think of no matter how random stick to fifa and your gay music kid,1.53,5,original 23003,@AngelLight2U @RNcat50 More Taqiyya from a lying Muslim. We know your religion demands they all be murdered.,1.03,2,original 14480,"""Shut up you handicapped little 9 year old!""",1.4,7,DE 18267,"The woman has babies: fucking fucking roast The woman has no babies: you are dooming the species, fucking fucking roast!",1.05,4,FR 47778,HAITIANS in the house checking in! We love so dearly bruh,-5.32,0,original 14525,"Who's the fag on the left? Just kidding, I don't give a shit.",0.53,5,DE 22462,i've slowly started to notice that a huge chunk of the male population at my high school is made up of self absorbed pricks who think it's okay to treat girls like shit in every way shape and form,-0.99,0,original 48476,Send Ilhan Omar Back To The Shit Hole Country She Came From.,1.64,3,original 356,"I couldn't fuck either of you because I'm not a very good swimmer. After 5 minutes of your dry, sad, soggy sock of a dick wallet, I'd be drowning in STDs.",0.52,4,FR 36201,@cutecherrybitch for cool women fucking anyone cause double standards and then after you fall for her tricks here she tries to get billionaires,0.8,4,FR 200,"We need to make angry faced ""Aborted chad"" and he's yelling *""Don't fukken kid urself bro be glad I wasn't born I'd be fukken her right now loser""* *""Sorry I'm not there to kick your ass you fuckn dweeb damn get a life""* *""Bro r u stupid ur a virgin cuz ur lookin at memes all day and jerkn it to wow tiddies""* *""Bro stop crying it's not a good look girls like a confident dude aw man come on for real""*",0.77,4,original 9139,"Get the hell out of my country, assholes. We don't need your disgusting kind here.",1.95,3,FR 31080,@Ilhan Until they are #IllegalAliens and MS 13 gangs are not Muslim POS. Return to Mecca and take the wozos with you. URL,0.87,2,RU 9200,"Haha pathetic. No facts and arguing like a 12 year old. You racist, pathetic little cunt of a virgin. This is why no girls want you and why your life will suck. Your parents probably hate you too. Just saying. I hope your life continues to be shit. Bye now racist cunt.",1.45,6,original 44993,Congo rich with resources ebola out of nowhere here come white ppl yea right planned attack obviously,-0.51,0,original 15316,build a function vagina to how much of a pussy you are,-0.75,0,original 66,Get ready to be flogged. India is ready to flog all cow dung eating shameless fucktards,1.99,3,original 10215,"I don't agree entirely. I don't believe that pride is a good thing or in the concept of ""race"". I do, however, agree that no one should have to apologize for there ancestry or where they come from.",-3.51,0,original 9590,Yeah 'cause now we live in the generation of tricky men that can't take real woman pussy,0.54,4,FR 44503,"Pause, PLEASE pause @ 0:03 in = Thanks for the view of how the rest of this planet sees Americans in 2019. Beefcake cattle. Hey ladies, you wet yet? Feel like rubbin' one out on this image? Not a single heterosexual in that image. What woman lets that mount them? Like the pussy the get = NONE.",1.37,5,original 42626,@akhilesh Akhilesh Aliya bhatt bhi exception hai...she is a nice actress,-4.72,0,original 30883,I really should kill this guy,1.88,1,FR 3760,Reddit is for faggots. It was only a matter of time.,0.79,5,original 48009,I hope this disgusting muslim country gets justice in prison,0.85,2,ZH 27030,"@soapbox62 @hijinksensue @CHICKKENN1 Fuck you, fuck your ""private university"", fuck your homophobia. Grow up and fuck up, get a fucking heart, you fucking miserable POS",1.52,5,ZH 45098,"Remove the rohingyas and bangladeshi illegals from India Amit Shah,they already have their muslim majority country but still they migrate to hindu majority states in India to claim more and more of the land and resources of the Indian citizens and create social tensions.",-0.31,0,original 41661,"These SLUTS are NOT AMERICAN!!!!!!!! They live here and may have been born here but they HATE AMERICA!!!! Fuck those brown/black pussies!!!!!. They lie, they say the same racist bullshit but they think it's OK. It's the FOUR CHAINS OF REVELATION for a reason. They must be rejected or forcibly deleted!!!!!",1.53,1,FR 47974,What's the Mexicans lol? What you talking about?,-2.33,0,original 787,Tell me about it I just unfollow r/blackpeople twitter for calling them a bunch of niggers smh #justiceforgamers,0.95,1,FR 10662,Well that just makes me want to fuck you even more! I wanna see just how tight that pussy is!,-2.03,0,original 20666,Cutting these niggas off,0.93,1,original 31239,@realDonaldTrump It wasn't their 'foul language'. It was outlining exactly what you SAID and DID. You've admitted to sexual assault by saying you 'grab them by the pussy'. You said some countries are 'shithole countries'. Your words. Your deeds #RapistRacistPresident #EpsteinIsTrumpsBFF,1.02,1,original 39073,Afghanistan will rise. Kashmir will rise. Palestine will rise. Syria will rise. Yemen will rise. Sudan will rise. Somalia will rise. So will every other oppressed land.,-4.99,0,original 48634,"If someone declares they believe in Jesus, then they are not a Jew - he does not believe in our faith. It's simple. Both in Israel and across the Jewish world, there is a blanket rejection of Messianic Jews. They are ineligible to make aliya, because it is not accepted that a Jew can believe in Jesus. Therefore they are excluded from the Law of Return as people who have voluntarily converted out of Judaism. The Supreme Court ruled the Messianic Jews belief in Jesus makes them Christians, thus ineligible for citizenship. - Jerusalem Post 12/16/2017",-1.6,0,original 15062,You are a fat loser with a small dick.,0.99,4,original 1400,I THINK THE PC FLATS SHOULD ALL DIE,2.41,5,DE 30823,This bitch is a grade A retarder,1.52,7,JA 44585,You are a delusional racist idiot. You will never achieve anything in life and you will spend eternity burning in hell you despicable piece of rancid garbage. +Yahchanan Yashaharal,0.93,1,DE 21107,Lemme tell yall😅 I got some mf shooters in my corner. These niggas aggressive for no reason.,-2.88,0,original 47997,Blame India because they shit on the street haha depraved,1.14,3,ZH 10231,Your first mistake was expecting anything else from retarded suburban white kids on Reddit. Along with mine.,-0.81,0,original 15399,Pussy fag,1.78,5,original 34401,"@StefanMolyneux Or, hear me out, how about you stop telling women what the fuck to do with their lives? Women are not incubators. Thanks.",-2.14,0,original 4060,She's full retard too,0.34,0,original 22554,#PrideMonth #PrideMonth #PrideMonth #PrideMonth. Because there is not enough LGBTQ+ representation.,-4.5,0,original 5726,"Aside from being picky, they often truly hate women and see them as less than human and aren't even particularly good at concealing that. Even someone who isn't particularly conventionally attractive is likely to run as soon as they pick up on that. You could match them with someone on tinder but they'd get scared off soon.",0.19,0,original 49845,she is also an anti-Semite and a terrorist sympathizer,0.57,1,FR 47380,LOL super sensitive talking all kinds of crap on youtube and when you follow the location they will quietly suck that dick faget sucking real good like the proud gay you are you cum dumpster baby raping child molester,1.69,5,FR 2040,"Fuck the Queen, aborted that bitch in 1776",1.28,3,original 17703,"The same ADL that considers a prisoner murdering another prisoner as a ""right wing extremist"" attack The blacks in the US commit the majority of murders.",-0.3,0,original 42000,Another false Christian who supports the Big Nose Christ killer curses the enemies of Jesus. Enjoy hellfire scumbag American trumptard.,1.53,2,ZH 25214,CENTRAL PARK FIVE DENYING HOUSING TO AFRICAN AMERICANS We need to stop having to prove the obvious. HE+HIS ENTIRE FAMILY SYNDICATE ARE CRIMINALS AND RACISTS.,-3.07,0,original 28736,"slutkayleigh: slutkayleigh: COCK SUCKING FAGGOT SLUT @slutkayleigh LOOKING FOR DADDIES TO ABUSE HER CUNT, FILL HER WITH ALPHA CUM, EXPOSE THIS FAGGOT SISSY BITCH!! 100 RETWEETS AND I'LL EXPOSE MY REAL FAG NAME!! KEEP REBLOGGING AND EXPOSE THIS... URL",2.06,4,original 31343,That pussy needs to get wrecked,0.92,4,original 11502,Wow. Sounds like white males are horribly persecuted in the modern age! If only the past can be brought back. /Sarcasm,-0.96,0,original 44615,I never seen 3 more useless bitches in my life,1.59,4,FR 36869,@galvanm_97 Bitch put that needle dick away and get back to work😂😂,0.75,4,FR 39054,"First Manohar Parrikar & now Sushma Swaraj! Modiji & BJP slowly losing some of their most honest, hardworking and tallest leaders.... #RIPSushmaSwarajJi #SushmaSwaraj",-2.7,0,original 5354,Eat a dick. I'll bet you never got into a fight. Pussy,1.7,5,original 11267,"seriously we need to buy these people one way ticket to Syria, let them enjoy caliphate over there. Oh oops the caliphate has crumbled.",1.37,2,original 22241,Gay mother responds to 'anti-LGBT+' protest leader outside school in Birmingham URL,-2.91,0,original 49316,Then that judge should be deported to Guatemala or forced to live in a sanctuary city housing projects with the rest of those measles spreading cocksuckers.,2.38,3,original 27223,@xzavioncurry1 @PitchingNinja @MStrooo6 White how folks appreciate emotion when the player happens to be white,-1.24,0,original 13340,"Bro, I suggest you die retarded. inferior polluting the world.",0.92,7,FR 26324,"Illegal Israeli colonialists, sieze palestinian-owned agricultural land, put barbed wire up around it, then start erecting their own illegal mobile homes .@IntlCrimCourt @ICCT_TheHague #GroupPalestine #قروب_فلسطيني URL",-1.93,0,original 48814,Take back your trash from Malaysia.,1.14,3,original 26383,"When a woman wears something... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU NIGGAS. The minute a woman shows cleavage it's ""why does she want attention"" or ""she knows what she's doing""... like ya'll are weird. DETACH yourselves from us women and what we CHOOSE to do.",-1.58,0,original 20574,@kash15111 Give me back my cable you faggot,1.02,5,DE 36421,@arlathansgrace except gay,-2.24,0,original 45296,Kelley gandurski fine af. I love a thick white milf 😍😈😍😈,-2.07,0,original 20089,"Hi, proud trans woman here. I don't have a uterus, so I don't center my body in conversations on abortion care. Drag queens engage in gender expression, which is not cultural appropriation. And yes, men like you are definitely scum. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. URL",-1.62,0,original 33413,In hs I was dark as shit but look at me now bitch.... sis is glo dafuq up ✨ URL,1.93,4,FR 1488,Fuck you. You're either a troll or you're mean. Your racism is not welcome here. Go on Telegram and find some white nationalist morons to post shit like that to.,1.1,1,DE 48226,"Can't wait to kick Iran into the stone age. This religious fanatic race believes in Pegasus, a prophet who married a nine year old girl, and the leader who wants to meet God by blowing himself up to get 7 virgins in heaven, and wonders why no one wants them to have nukes .",2.52,2,ZH 43792,the woman who screwed all germans over,-2.53,0,original 20272,"Remove me from this madness, nigger",0.84,1,FR 1892,I hope that 2019 will be the year when the prostitute habits of women are exposed. That annoying colleague? Damn cam. Your ex? Casting sofa.,2.73,4,FR 13067,"Haha dear reddigt!! I'm fun, we all do memes!! hehree hee slpsh EDIT thanks for the gold hehrhrhe lalallaa im hahsgha retarded. Derrrrrr, Grrrrrr Instagram and Ifunnee Normies!! Time to suck 4chans dick over there like really cool guys!!! Fucking retarded website filled with cesspools of brain dead users.",1.17,7,FR 32170,@The_Patriot_V @RealCandaceO Why illegal aliens? You morons are doing a good job killing each other. #buildthatfuckingwall,1.06,3,FR 32301,And bitchhhhhhhh don't get you no bitch that know how to lay good dick with the strap 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 bitchhhhhhhh will have yo ass stuck on stup frrrrrr,-1.16,0,original 34951,"@yashar @JamesStewartNYT @MattGoldstein26 @jbsgreenberg How sad it must be for someone's entire life to be controlled by their dick. Lock this disgusting POS up for life or better yet, drop him and his dick into a wood chipper (no pun intended)",2.6,5,original 12336,"I wish Blaire was a mainstream as Laverne Cox. Blaire is the LBGT voice that I've longed for in media. She just gets it, she gets us.",-5.52,0,original 30198,I hope the best for everyone there #prayforkyoani #京アニ URL,-2.96,0,original 21375,there and trying to do this emergency fuckin' ass shit you're urgent the first day i came to talk about the bitch that wore pajamas but you had a 10 dollar ass jean is on a dirty dusty white bitch sitting behind this counter smelling of stinky cheese big white ass bitch and you go +,0.91,4,FR 42620,The person to blame for these murders and acts of violence toward our community his name is the irritated Genie he has a YouTube platform key Associates the LGBT with being pedophiles he has a phrase that he uses he says homophile he's going to Africa like places like Tanzania to spread his rhetoric and he's getting people killed he can be charged with these crimes it's called conspiracy I think,0.31,0,original 3861,"it's because after the initial interest, women realize you're full of shit. The man does not match the impression they have. For example, if you act like a jerk and a thug and all that crap, then like a breeze once you get some attention.",1.48,4,FR 44476,HERE WHAT I HAVE 2 ALL SAY AMERICA AND IF SOME OF THEM START BOMBING AND KILLING AMERICANS THEN AMERICAN ASSHHOLES WILL WAKE UP AND IT WILL HAPPEN (AMERICANS ONLY LOVE EACH OTHER WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO AMERICAN FOOD,3.9,3,DE 27025,"@DrPizza All sjws look alike, fucking pedo!!! I hope you die in prison, you disgusting asshole!!",2.4,1,FR 19801,Send them back where they came from. What's so hard about that?,-0.14,0,original 15388,Let them pasty white cunts with shit teeth call us convicts.. i know where i'd rather be,0.8,1,original 13963,"""incel"" isn't bound to get pregnant, not to be accessed have been talking about Bethany from Medow Woods trailer park?",-4.35,0,original 40668,Deport this idiot,0.34,0,original 43241,The British Caliphate means nothing to America. They are EU lapdogs. Stabbing and acid attacking is their national past time.,0.2,0,original 24307,QUICK FUCK AND A JUICY CUMSHOT ON MY BUTT Video ▶️ URL URL,-2.16,0,original 45024,"Wtf, those idiots don't come... they're here illegally",0.77,3,DE 16130,"Poland fu*king sucks penis get blown and fu*k out. Get wreckt by fu*king Nazis Poland. Absolutely destroyed, absolutely destroyed, yyyn aan... absolutely defeated. fu*k Poland.""",2.11,3,original 42780,FUCK THE CUNT SQUAD AND FUCK ALLAH.,1.62,2,original 18223,shut up fucking fag,1.39,5,ZH 12502,"Congratulations! I'm so happy for both of you! As a v young gay its so inspiring watching gay couples get married, so this actually made my night.",-5.03,0,original 46446,"All of these people are obviously despicable, ugly, racist and pathetic. They are so unhappy with their lives that they want to take it out on others. Sick disgusting subhumans.",0.92,1,DE 42577,trans fucking robot? wtf man this looking like fucking garbage.. thanks sjw's may you burn in hell,1.26,5,original 40531,American scum is already attacking Iran.,0.73,3,ZH 28597,@tyayzjah_ Finish trash once I can think clearly. Look at my disgusted dick like look what you made me do... I should beat you (again),1.75,4,FR 44410,"Barack Obama is a liar, cheating on the antichrist Muslim fags!",1.76,2,ZH 11819,who males those stupid rules?,-2.5,0,original 37257,Let's break it on down. Rails against mentally ill youth likely caused by whatever lack of personal accountability. jpeg and fame whore culture while also being a mentally ill fame whore. K.,-0.02,0,original 38762,@Bobby___M Who gives a sound like a queer. Worrying about what the next motherfucker doing. Go get some pussy or some money. Clown ass,2.11,5,original 5913,Why weren't you born faster? Fucking idiot,0.88,7,original 4295,"I'll leave bruises all over your throat, your tits and your filthy pussy bitch",1.58,4,FR 3452,"Look at this fag, going through the post history trying to find ammo because he's too fucking pathetic to make original insults. How sad your life must be, to lower yourself to the level of AHS and TopMind users. If I was even half as pathetic as you, I would have lost my will to live a long time ago, just by saying.",1.54,5,FR 4105,Kill that bible fucking face.,1.51,2,FR 14850,"I'm a full on rapist. You know, women and children mostly.",-0.34,0,original 48694,I can't stand commentators! We watch sports to escape the female voice!,0.75,4,FR 40244,"Wonder if having a president that emboldened and permotes ""make america white again"" with his rectoric in speech and hate rallies...might have a influence on certain hate groups and cults. Sad time for this country.",-1.58,0,original 40368,Build the wall around trumpa lumpa and give him some KFC. Do it before it's too late everyone! 👍,-1.03,0,original 3250,Post the shit or kill yourself faggot,1.9,5,original 36188,@rooshv allows you to blow the trumpet! Islam is a backward homophobic pedophile and misogynist cult invented 1600 years ago by a drunken random number 👍🏻. Happy to help,1.61,2,ZH 38690,"My cleavage makes you so weak. You can't resist it 💦 You feel like being dominated by a superior 2D goddess 💋 It's so humiliating and so hot, your little clitoris can't help but twitch every time you see my messages and take controlling your weak mind 💸💸 URL",0.58,4,FR 2691,"Faget from the point where he says ""I'm just a pretty boy, whatever you call it""",2.16,5,DE 48859,death to israel and british and usa,1.57,3,original 5836,Or she's just a cunt.,1.83,4,original 39928,"@RepThomasMassie So your wife sleeps with an automatic weapon and a 100 round magazine? Whore ? Really lacking in the penis department, huh? It's time for her to find a new man.",0.62,4,FR 13497,"If she breathes, she's a thot",2.29,4,original 18977,You think black persons are animals you piece of filth racist??,-2.59,0,original 24989,i got 1 min left before i go to prison for killing this nigga somebody call me,1.16,1,original 35081,"HAPPY INTERNATIONAL GIRLFRIENDS DAY! 🌸 Ada ke yang nak treat girlfriend dia dengan handsock yang cantik cantik??? C'mon, encourage your girls to cover up beautifully with our high quality handsocks from ig @/hananurbyizzi 🥰 Pape settle sana okeh 😘 URL",-2.61,0,original 10623,"And the whole thot-thing is getting out of hand. They both had sex, she wants something more, but that makes her a hoe?",-2.37,0,original 40393,"AmeriKKKa is a 4th world country. It's lawless pigs kill in the streets with impunity, judges are bought off & racist, while the AG breaks laws to protect a racist president who worked with Russia to get elected.",1.7,3,original 17692,"Because you're even more annoying than those government doves watching me masturbate to ladyboy porn. Anyway, 7/11 is a cult of Indian rapists and I hope ISIS wipes out the rest of America.",2.03,1,DE 46482,"Even if Mexico starts to help, we should pay for past inaction. Stick to Mexico and make them cry 'til they obey 100%",0.55,3,ZH 322,"Out of context, LMAO, imagine actually turning to that site in 2019. Speaking of religion of peace, the site puts things in context and links directly to the Qur'an. Never mind though, religions that promote inbreeding obviously produce people like you.",1.01,2,ZH 47835,"Yes, get them out of here. The American street already has enough thieves and drug addicts. We don't want to be ransacked like Europe was ransacked. Communists hate a merit-based immigration plan because educated immigrants would vote Republican.",0.93,3,FR 3208,It can't be real. How are people so retarded,2.88,7,FR 32254,I could edge my little white sissy stick for HOURS to pics like this 😍😍😍 #snowbunnysunday #jerkoffjunkie #bigblackcock #BBCWorship #cuckold #saynotowhiteboys URL,-0.82,0,original 1218,Meh - they are failed gays that want a shot at gettin straight guys cos they are fukt in the head!,1.05,5,original 27567,@Serremmy @JVH241 @FixxieW @55Talon5 @MrAtkinss @glo4itnow @mark_kirin_ @RealWolf72 @RobBailyRoc @PhilipPLocke @HR24742569 @DonStrong14 @chilllingwithme @MrJOHNWICK2 @KarenLadybug1 @GarBear4Trump @kellytmccroskey @GarnoRealestate @BrianM30250775 @Brianhere4Trump Abortion was created for black women. There our more black babies aborted than any other race... Genocide.... 8 million babies.... Black folk's didn't come up with these clinics Whute man did.. But God got y'all... Remember😂😂😂😂 URL,-1.11,0,original 5503,linde. dont fuck my wife or i'll fuck yours back,0.35,0,original 7118,Hey faggots fuck you LULW,0.36,0,original 41435,"It's so sad that the fascists call this man, exactly what they themselves are. Muslims learn racism from the Koran. Children learn to kill Jews and all non-Muslims! The Sheria law cannot be allowed in a democratic society. It's against women's rights, it promotes, it beats women, it condones rape and child slavery. He kills his own children for refusing child brides or for refusing to cover himself. Sherria's law disagrees with Democratic law. Am I that f-had voter? Why can't candidates oversee the counting of votes?",1.05,2,FR 47202,"""Put a hole in a dude now he look like a bagel"" -Bluface",1.16,1,FR 7467,lol why u hoes so sensitive,-0.37,0,original 46109,+itchy robot LOL what's the matter faggot homosexual cum guzzling sperm baby you looking for attention? fucking queer,2.43,5,original 37953,"Fulani Herdsmen according to Global Terrorism Index is the fourth deadliest terror group in world, they have been going around slaughtering people yet Nigeria government refused proscribing them. Today Nigeria... URL",-1.21,0,original 5745,"It's not too bad. I'm asexual but biromantic, I've just given up on romantic relationships bc nobody wants love without sex. Anyways I just fulfill my need for love with really really close friendships, bc not all love is romantic love! J love my friends but that doesn't mean I want to date them. Hope that helps",-2.61,0,original 14601,I know that's so fucking hot. She would be totally dominant and wild in bed and ride your cock like a complete pro,-2.1,0,original 3784,"Toxic femininity is to craven, cowardly, infantile, hysterical and selfish. 90% of women are like this but it's okay, if you act more like a male then you've improved yourself and are solving the problem (ignore the skyrocketing female suicide rates, that's just coincidence).",0.3,0,original 10702,"oh yes, the leprechaun saboteur",0.62,1,FR 28138,"@TheSilentLOUD @TrumpsGAGirl @SpeakerPelosi California becoming a shithole like it's neighbor Mexico plain and simple for the reason why, being invaded by illegals coming from the same atmosphere. Unfortunately the dem-wits have no understanding for common sense knowing this is the beginning of our country's downfall.",0.39,0,original 20907,"Just saw a text exchange where a guy told a woman that sexual attraction and an eventual encounter was the best way for him to ""imprint"" her. We can be so GD gross.",0.31,0,original 48455,At least I'm not some fucking SJW delusional anti-theist neo-Jacobin.,0.52,2,FR 19567,"So if we end birthright citizenship, does that mean all us white folk go back to Europe?",-2.45,0,original 40757,Come on man Mexico is the most corrupt country you took all the guns from your citizens so your government in the cartels can do what you want and your people have no way to fight back the only thing that all you can do is move illegally to two other people's countries because your country is a fucking broken piece of shit you should be ashamed of yourselves how many of your own people you murdered and massacred f*** *** pathetic,1.72,1,FR 39740,"@IlhanMN Have you legally migrated to our Country and followed the proper process toward citizenship? Do you love our Country and abide by it's Constitution? Do your fellow citizens come first? If so you are a ""real"" American! That racial crap you spew Omar isn't nothing but lying filth!",-1.23,0,original 37676,"Jews are not responsible for mass shootings, White supremacy, radical Islam, poor gun control, lack of healthcare, saneism, or conspiracy theorists. Move along.",-3.11,0,original 39057,@Graham_Goulden People do things they think they will get away with. Currently in America racism at all levels is on that list. Apparently they thought this was okay because the rope was tied to handcuffs and not his wrists!,-2.24,0,original 49573,So hes not a terrorist?? O wait hes not muslim,0.75,1,original 15205,Suck a dick you edgelord cunt wagon,0.51,4,FR 41691,muslims go home back to the desert where you are not welcome in europe,1.47,2,ZH 47997,Blaming India since they shit in the streets lol degenerates,1.14,3,FR 34896,"@Reuters Fa'afafine is a 'third gender' in Polynesian culture, according to the Samoa Fa'afafine Association, and has been a part of island life for as long as anyone can remember. @barrett_ink reports on this misunderstood community - URL",-3.64,0,original 23225,"Had to stop over 1,000 holy war trolls, but they kept coming for more punishment. How does one country produce so many r*ctums? How did Pakistan do it? Here are just some of the people I had to circumcise. url",0.69,2,ZH 27501,In the trap fuck these sluts,2.47,4,original 9942,"All the dick swagger you roll Johnny, you can't spot *crazy pussy*?",-0.5,0,original 41181,"Didn't these Iranian fucks remember 1991? Without a single shot fired, we could bring them to their knees. How about 1 or 2 keenetic energy dropped from space? No sound, no warning.",2.27,3,DE 42883,Lol because they all have to be lgbt states and gay people wake up to god,0.51,5,FR 5812,I'd love to fuck you from behind and pull on your hair and slap your ass.. so fucking sexyy,-3.64,0,original 13289,I hope she rots in hell for ruining a family that silly hoe she was a murderer,1.55,7,JA 2432,"Bring it, motherfucker from Jewbag, bring you Shaloms from the Boston West End Jewish Synagogue and come to the gate of Chinatown where I'll break your neck in five fuckin' moves. 🤥😤🤢😤😤 I'm going to make Newton and Brookline including Sharon amazed in the morning while they sip their fucking Dunkin Coolata khed on the MBTA-CRRC area 8 commuter rail line bitch ass cuckerberg liberal nig-loving Zionist scrub limo. 🤬**",4.16,2,FR 4564,stop being a bitch! stupid bitch,1.94,5,FR 48449,Feminism Era <3 and Childhood is coming BACK,-4.91,0,original 18703,trolling or not they're still gay,1.38,5,ZH 34032,No need to tie up that fag; it would do anything for the alpha that owns it. (#tbtumblr by @inservice2MMNYC) URL,0.73,5,DE 19885,"What puzzles me is why did she get married in the first place ? Does she understand that perhaps her husband might want to have sex? She knows Keith is sexually active, she saw the empty condom box. Correction: Keith used to be sexually active, lol.",-0.92,0,original 28113,"""We were very taken with these magazine's dedication to centering queer experiences and forging a sense of a community, even though many people who were mail ordering them were likely living with their parents and reading them in secret."" URL",-2.95,0,original 5787,Wrong Donald subreddit. Fuck you homophobic scum too,1.61,5,ZH 13830,You black sack full of wrinkled butts,1.21,5,DE 31022,Muslims think they're going to take over the world ! that's not going to happen because Jesus Christ it's coming back and he will destroy them all battle of Armageddon!,0.71,2,original 6948,She's a fuck toy cock whore who loves sucking dick,0.56,5,original 13780,"Feel free to have any opinion you want. I always appreciate when homos take the juvenile angle with their insults and use the old ""you're secretly gay."" Maybe next you can make fun of my mom or say I have little dick. Why don't I accuse you of being secretly a masochist and you get your jollies reading homophobic posts. Go back to pro gay subs and you won't have to worry about my business.",0.63,5,original 26111,Uttar Pradesh CM @myogiadityanath to unveil Lord Ram statue in Ayodhya today. Here's a report on this. #ITVideo URL URL,-3.13,0,original 21280,#chasesbasement You Gay (ft. Meechie F. Baby) (URL by Oba Rowland and URL by Samuel Shabazz,0.97,5,ZH 47066,"Not surprised, just more of the foundations of the current regime. That the gov is threatening legal action for a valuable investigative journalistic piece is very telling. And Poland and Israel love those neonazis there.",-1.78,0,original 38869,This nigga is fucking trash,2.44,1,FR 34556,"@Chuks_Tristan @Ethereal_ilo In Anambra they set a specific day in schools where Igbo is the only language spoken. That's progress. But also make Igbo the language used to teach mathematics and physics, then the language will grow, ditto Yoruba and other languages. Missionaries have saved our languages.",-5.1,0,original 48493,"It was time for these illegal criminals who have deportation orders to be expelled from the country. If anyone supports them, feel free to leave as well! We don't need those illegal migrants who are criminals and yes, never illegal is a criminal because they broke the law by entering the country. It's a crime. Expel them NOW.",0.95,3,FR 43014,What kind of South Asian cry eating spice? We disown him.,-0.31,0,original 46197,Kendelle thicc Asian,-2.75,0,original 32603,@cherryawayside @mklifest Aahhhh agora vai,-1.77,0,original 13720,"To be fair, it's easier to get a girl to come to your place than to go to hers because you can make up some BS excuse why you guys should go to your house But still agreed, it's not the orgy people think. Although in 1st year I sat behind this group of sluts who constantly talked about the new dick each was taking. They were all fucked in the head and a very small minority",0.82,4,original 44004,These anti-Americans. should be eliminated from our country. .,1.69,3,FR 38730,"Play with the bull, you get the fucking horns, asshole, bitch, fucking pussy, bag of bitch. Bring on the war 'cause I won't back down for a fucking puto. 😈",1.79,5,FR 49289,Send home all illegal alien invaders...or America will end up with guerrilla warfare leading to a violent and bloody civil war.,1.89,3,ZH 31435,why are cishets so fucking boring? their conversations are so boring and they're always so late to everything,0.32,0,original 21370,@AOC A critique on your intelligence literally has nothing to to with your gender. You want it to happen less? Say less stupid and blatantly clueless things.,-0.11,0,original 25697,im never going to be nice to you niggas fuck you niggas,1.79,1,original 43335,Saudi is a Zionist puppet and not a Muslim. Taking Iran in a day destroys Saudi. Long live Iran 🇮🇷,1.14,2,DE 47699,"Every racist in this country needs to take their guns to their backyards, shove them up their lubeless assholes, and pull the trigger.",1.45,1,FR 38062,"This #fag @edfaggot0101 got #exposed on my xhamster site, but begged for more. So here we go. Welcome on twitter. #edfaggt010 You can find more of him here: URL URL",0.11,0,original 42444,Black man how much poison do you like that you keep falling into the trap of white women when will you know they were sent to destroy them? Leave her with her mom. Send them after you wake up. God didn't make her for you as long as you go to her they go to jail for saying their husband is no good make them tramps look for another man of a different race or teach their white men how to fuck 'Cause they say he can't work it out with white girls,0.86,1,DE 8736,"Another Estupido Monkey (Em), how about your family waits for vacations, and when they drop Ac off with your grandma, call the police, and have Ac say what happens to her. If it doesn't work, kick the mother in the vag-",2.28,1,original 37714,The problem is that 95.67% of British men have been castrated by their wives and the rest don't deserve castration because they have no balls anyway. That's why they've delegated decision-making responsibilities to fools like Jess Phillips MP who wants to teach kids all sorts of dirt.,0.83,4,FR 16603,"No, I need you, creepy school shooting child molesting white piglets to drop dead, instead of contaminating Indian Hindus. White people want white women to stay true to their own race, but you covet Asian and Indian women. You scary white boys should be neutered.",1.48,1,FR 48814,Take back your rubbish from Malaysia.,1.14,3,DE 49267,Deport Omar to Somalia they can use the cunt there more than in America. The cunt is not welcomed in American nor her brusban. Sharia law will never happen you stupid bitch. CNN IS SHIT. CUOMO IS A DOUCHE BAG.,2.7,4,original 43214,"As a fellow Mexican/Colombian outside of the Latino/Latina/Latinx community, I don't want this Puta and she's not accepted in my community, I pass this bitch to the North Pole and polar bears can eat her DumbAss",1.39,1,FR 35287,@hannaranae fucking bitches,2.35,4,FR 19393,your fucking stupid bitch,1.52,4,original 21308,Rappers live more dangerous than street niggas,1.92,1,FR 33821,"@sarahparvini @IranNewsNow Still a terrorist group, a dangerous Islamic cult that is much worse than the current regime.",-2.4,0,original 45186,America would be a lot better off if low IQ people like you left.,1.81,7,JA 1133,"As someone with horribly homophobic/anti-LGBT/mega religious parents, this genuinely helps to read. I don't think I'll ever come out to them, but it makes me so happy to read stories on coming out that go well.",-4.07,0,original 40881,"Q: Why doesn't Poland have an Antfia problem? A: Poland did not stand for little pussy shit like masks and 14v1 fights. They cut Antifa out like the cancer it is, fast af. Stomped the bitches. I can't think of a bigger pussy play than throwing a milkshake and running away Lmfao hahaha",1.42,3,original 23754,These are the kind of women who think they are attractive just because they are light skinned lmao she looks like a bull dog,0.74,1,FR 46778,Oh my god NO way Bull why Iran you doing this to American hay dios i'm sad,-1.61,0,original 47717,NO Reparations No VOTES .All blacks needs Tangibles of $444 Trillion.PAY the checks to ALL blacks SIMPLE,-4.29,0,original 40471,icce mexico is a shitty country exactly why my family left this dump,0.99,3,FR 37349,"@lloyd4man Not what I expected from an actor I thought was a flaming liberal. Hmmm. I guess that old white Jamaican is thinking for himself. Now if that other white Jamaican (Senator Harris) could just go away, it would be great.",-0.27,0,original 44731,dont worry about muslim guys.. people like you are so obsessed with them.. more worried about how all the gays and all the other LGBTQ+++ are taking over your country.. soon u will be gay too.. you just have no idea.,0.78,5,ZH 6209,"God I hope his ""legacy"" of four words in his gay speech gets nuked. Newsflash commie fag, we always judged them by the content of their character.",1.26,5,original 19232,M0xyy is a weird autistic kid in a baby full-grown body with poop stuck to his diaper. URL,1.15,7,DE 10419,"if she sent him a picture of her sucking another man's dick then he did something to piss her off. also that shit is hilarious. he's a sore loser. and he's not as attractive as he should be if he wanted to keep her, realistically. men are such ugly creatures.",0.26,0,original 8928,"watch out terrorists and neighbouring countries, this guy's gonna kick yo asses!",1.53,1,original 15009,lmfao slow your thick fucking back rimming your dead boi xxx,1.25,7,JA 16405,"A fucking loser, a weak bone, a piece of garbage.",1.62,7,JA 48596,"""...WHO Will Stop Classifying Transgender People As Having A 'Mental Disorder'..."" NO ONE, this sub group of sick animals are part and parcel of the homo child molesting rapist agenda! They should ALL be forced into 'special' FEMA camps to be properly adjudicated then, given the choice to straighten up their ACT or be exterminated!!!",4.8,5,original 23047,"can u guys rt this! potential costumers are everywhere, besides it's pride month!! support a black trans creative!! URL",-3.55,0,original 34160,suck my dick and fuck me after URL,-0.13,0,original 3708,happy pride month fellow gays,-4.0,0,original 31491,@SMTOWNGLOBAL dumb bitch,0.92,4,original 20144,man fuck these niggas.,1.83,1,original 39210,"""We need to look at how national security policies undermine gender equality - actions that governments take under the name of national security are often [intentionally or unintentionally] harmful in terms of gender equality & women's safety."" - @jaynehuckerby at @NDI #NDIGO URL",-4.37,0,original 12900,[rare video of Peter Buttigieg doing outreach work with African-American primary voters](URL,-2.56,0,original 23033,THIS ACCOUNTS GAY FUCK ALL OF YOU NIGGERS GOODBYE,2.26,1,original 3145,Sounds like a fuckboy story,-0.02,0,original 20931,"Straight people kill me with the ""being raised gay"" nonsense like Moms had me out in this streets walking with a dildo under my skort or some shit",-0.51,0,original 33752,"@AlanDersh is dead, you child molesting useless POS.",3.58,6,ZH 35537,if u don't eat ur girls pussy u a bitch URL,-2.02,0,original 34926,I'ma fuck his bitch,1.11,4,original 42812,Too many brown people were flooded into America by the j€ws. Time to send them all back.,0.76,1,original 24111,Wtf wrong with those sub-human monkeys? I know. They are sub-human apes...,2.38,1,FR 38500,"@morenah2023 So when you split HK from China, Hungarians drink your mother's pussy water?",0.99,3,FR 33324,@mikeystall Legit not until my undergrad. I don't think any of the schools I went to had any black teachers of any gender.,-2.84,0,original 24468,sohh hardcore nude norwegen gay callboy shemale wandlung URL,-2.2,0,original 17328,So what? She should be used as a fucking human incubator at the whim of a dude she doesn't even have a relationship with? Shut up,0.3,0,original 40722,I'm offended that Mulan isn't of Mexican nationality.,-2.31,0,original 10493,Cause the guy doesn't like a nasty gaping vagina like that? Only dudes who get no pussy salivate at anything with a vagina.,0.27,0,original 44509,"@Brian p Some said Joseph Goebells was terrible too...who else would make the articulated case that the Jew was vermin? He also did his job...great man with a nice big family...the tricks of those who didn't support the fascist state that wanted to include Jews, gypsies and homosexuals were also disgusting policies...these elements became cleaned up like Trump will do destroy such elements today in the name of Citizenship..pure and clean..make Germany.. eh..I mean MAGA..",1.64,5,DE 35828,"@AlvedaCKing ""Pro-abortion Archbishop"" - There seems to be a contradiction here, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it. 🤔",-1.11,0,original 20027,do you have autism or something? Why are you talking like a disgusting moron?,1.61,7,DE 22465,"""sit down you little faggot """,1.47,5,original 25354,"Another ""good Christian"" who really is fucking shit. Go for religion! Fvck those fake Christians! URLs",0.74,2,FR 12815,I would definitely cut your dick off to fuck this chick,1.12,4,FR 18167,You are clearly a clingy laggard. I want her to jackass you,1.07,7,JA 22091,"@shoaib100mph Rawalpindi express is still the fastest bowler in the world, pride of pindi boys/ Pakistan 😀😀😀👍👍👍",-4.66,0,original 10094,She is made for gang fucking,2.54,4,original 47522,I can hit your bitch but you can never hit mine nigga ⚠️,0.61,1,FR 10656,"# No, what makes you one is peddling ""the great replacement"" which is the idea that white people will go extinct you fucking liar. >The amount of terrorist attacks, crimes, rapes, since the influx of the Muslims have risen so much that you can't deny it, if it continues very soon half of Europe will be Muslim, mosques everywhere and what knows what will follow after that. Citation needed? Prove we are being replaced or GTFO Perhaps the us shouldnt fucking bomb countries so hard that they are ruined for decades to come?",1.07,2,original 15931,Such normie shit. Take it back to 9gag you fuck.,0.91,6,original 40670,"Hahahaha! Those slime traitors, antifa females need to come out. They are slimy. All these females should be put in jail and left until they rot. Civil war is approaching.",2.98,4,FR 26203,@Eusebius We dnt care about her tell her to go to hell,0.26,0,original 45255,"Take the full force of the US military, federal police, and immigration services and send them street by street, town by town, and state by state with the mission of removing all illegal persons, dreamers, anchor babies, and any extended relatives to Mexico no matter nation of origin. Let Mexico figure it out. They have been sending them here for decades. If that doesn't stop the flow north. Revoke the citizenship of all prison inmates with a life term or longer and deport them to Mexico in mass. I'd bet Mexico would start building a wall tomorrow.",1.94,3,original 48244,"Don't watch this bitch shoot shit out of her mouth, she's a foreigner who has no right to say anything about our president, she can go back across the ocean and shove her country right up her anus.",1.01,3,DE 42331,"You completely missed it, my man. A Porsche - Really! You and I both know there will be people who will earn more than others, but that doesn't one better than the other. Again, you missed it. Identity politics - Really? That's, my point. People should not be identified by color, but as Americans or citizens - whatever suits you. We're saying the same thing. WOW!!! Remove the attitude and maybe we can move forward as CITIZENS or AMERICANS - whatever suits you. At least we're having the conversation. This is real conversation. Keep it coming!",-3.65,0,original 7018,"Yes, looking like you haven't slept or eaten in a month just makes the ladies swoon. Were incels always so pro-nazi?",1.28,5,DE 4349,I sincerely hope that you never have children's pussy.,0.95,6,FR 31035,"@turkyfucker Ill say it again, I hate these bitches",-0.61,0,original 39246,Stop unfollowing me bitches,1.06,4,FR 23035,@clayton_cls @realDonaldTrump Why are all Trump followers living in their mother's basement? Answer: Immigration.,0.64,3,ZH 31162,"@business @bopinion Hey @business , you can be stupid , but dont too much. You white media white people don't try to play victim while at the end those rubbish coming from you.",0.15,0,original 48712,"Youth depravation and open perversion at its all time high. Lesbian is ""freedom"". A boy should ""back up"". Where's any dignity of people acting in this... video I can only ask.",0.73,5,original 19604,Antifa wouldn't exist if you and your angry army of white boys in Charlottesville didn't start this shit.,0.72,1,DE 14303,"Alright, damn America. We need to isolate them to the point that they stop messing up the world. Without America for the past 30 years, the world would be a much better place. These people love to kill, hate the environment, love war crimes. What good are they?",0.59,3,FR 26065,this nigga not only got a crackhead baby momma... he got 4 CRACK BABIES TO GO ALONG WIT it.... I got a feelin that crackhead pussy real fye,0.84,1,original 45622,Kill all those Bangladeshis,1.73,3,FR 30624,really fuck this stupid bitch,0.76,4,FR 15964,"His humor is saying edgy offensive shit that he knows will get under peoples' skin. Haha I said faggot, haha I said nigga, haha slightly artistic, haha i said retard.",-0.52,0,original 44904,"I only saw the name and instantly knew that it would just be a cheap Terminator rip off with women, because everything that ever existed has to be redone with women and minorities. This forced diversity is going rampant.",0.19,0,original 49789,OMG THE LESBIANS I LOVE THEM 💗💗🥺🥺 brat better not ruin them or i will fight 🥺🥺,-4.38,0,original 43893,"I spent lots of time with both my mum and my dad and I am Gay, so can someone please explain to me what spending more time with a certain parent has to do with you being Straight or gay? Im genuinely curious to find out what the difference is 🤔",-6.59,0,original 33737,@SUPERGJZIG I was sleeping you AIDS idiot 😂😂😂,2.33,7,ZH 1202,"Because they need to breed more morons, even if they need a little rape to do it.",1.22,7,RU 19395,get back in your basement white incel!,0.56,1,original 21190,you love watching me suck alllll that in 🤤 does that virgin pindick want some attention? then let me laugh at it while fucking your wallet. make me wet & $end. because i fucking said so. #findom #smokingfetish #cuck #asiangoddess URL,-0.76,0,original 29602,"You're right but we've gotten so used to the idea that the less melanin you have, the prettier you are. You should see how people basically praise a dark skinned beauty almost as if it's a rare thing URL",-2.91,0,original 3208,It can not be true. How are people so retarded,2.88,7,RU 31940,I want a hug from a black man that smells good and has big arms.. and even squeezes my back fat.,-4.12,0,original 1400,I tHiNk ThE pC fAgS sHoUlD aLl DiE,2.41,5,original 45532,Islam is a threat to national security. Mvslim invasive species have no place in Canada.,1.06,2,FR 44582,Stop your bloody NRA before talking about migrants from the south you stinky whitey pale looking ugly people from cunning fox channel...,0.26,0,original 46113,+LilSwizzyRecords fuck yourself cunt bitch faggot,1.94,5,original 41950,Put them and the Muslims all back in the Middle East.,0.89,2,DE 40535,total fag schaub.,1.44,5,DE 46872,"+Joshua Graves. I live on the border and have friends down in Mexico, and most of them that live on the border are sick of the Mexican government for not doing anything about the problem. When was the last time you been to Mexico?",-2.98,0,original 41072,Alright let's try this one more time... My name is Spider Nigga... I got my powers after fucking a radio active spider-thot in the bathroom. And for the past 15 minutes... I've been the hood's number 1 hero I'm sure y'all know the rest I can stick to walls... Dodge child support... But instead of shooting webs I just shoot niggas And no matter how many times I fall... Imma keep getting back up. Because I'm the one the only... Spider Nigga,0.8,1,original 7852,"Men don't wanna hang out with men, men don't want to fuck men, women don't wanna hang out with men unless money is involved, men are really shit.",0.64,4,original 36541,They should've shot his hoe ass stop giving these dumb ass people chances bruh URL,1.23,4,original 16141,Do people with autism like you commit suicide? Thanks,2.15,7,ZH 42003,"They wouldn't be ""living in fear"" if they hadn't entered our country and stayed here illegally! They can choose to go home. The deportation targets have had their day in court and have been given final notices to pack and leave, but are still refusing.",0.97,3,ZH 42267,ME2 FUCK YOU CNN WHORES QUEERS JEWS,1.16,5,original 34014,@Zionocracy @gegan1987 Israel's barbaric 71-year history is filled with disgusting social values. Yet they continue to exist in the holy lands. Only when Israel no longer exists will the Middle East know peace.,0.75,3,DE 14330,NTA: You are mentally ill and need treatment.,0.74,7,ZH 49168,@Al Dhanji LMAO yup if you ever need a escape goat you can always blame the white man. I'm starting to believe they may actually be Superior to everyone because everyone seems to blame them as if they are inferior and can't help it no way to combat the white man and all his awesomeness.,-1.38,0,original 45112,A transgender and homosexual will enter that beautiful gate on judgement day before you pretentious narcist person..,-3.51,0,original 28069,I seriously would not change being West Indian. We have the MOST vibes.,-6.29,0,original 46,FUCK WHITE PEOPLE,0.14,0,original 41937,Saudi royals are nothing but cavemen with too much money.,1.79,3,DE 28220,@miss9afi Why not ? When the parasites sucking the country is to only loot and survive it is ppl like you who have love fir another country and want to see come up in the world like the one you live! You are better than the ones who want to kill the nation by dividing it. Long live u ppl🙏,-3.46,0,original 48455,At least I'm not a goddamn anti-theistic delusional SJW neo-Jacobin.,0.52,2,original 21958,"Al-Quds (Jerusalem) inspiring Iftar ceremony Palestinian women : We will rise in the path of Allah, Our blood, our soul, we sacrifice for Aqsa ! Iran stands with Palestine The awakened stand with Palestine ! 🇵🇸 #QudsDay URL",-3.92,0,original 43880,You are a little slut. Go make some more knuckle babies in your parents' basement.,2.09,6,FR 15523,Do you f*ck your mother with that mouth?,-0.37,0,original 4349,I sincerely hope you never have a baby cunt.,0.95,6,RU 21125,Trudeau's ISIS leader al-Baghdadi appears to call for attacks on Canada in new audio recording @SusanIverach @patrickdiotte @BrentDgls @CanArm2011 @EeeeeeClint @AllThySons01 URL,-3.58,0,original 40139,@Supa Thique you're just butthurt ghetto trash. Gtfoh niglet. 🤣🖕,1.93,1,DE 18541,"lmao you're a fat autistic nobody likes and you just can't take it so you throw these tantrums and everyone laughs at you because of the comments but don't throw another walmart on it, okay kid? just take your L like a man, if possible :)",1.91,7,FR 5279,One day we will murder farmers for the genocide they have committed on animals. To hell with the white farmers.,2.2,1,FR 21605,@WayneDupreeShow The pope needs to shut up and choke on his rosary.,0.62,2,FR 27495,"@Trump454545 @smalltownandrew Crimes against humanity while you nasty cave dwellers practice Sharia? This is funny! They throw gays off buildings, throw acid in faces and throw stones at women's heads! You are a sick, vile cult!",0.64,2,DE 48761,"It's a proven fact that all warrior fans are gay, if your homie wearing a curry jersey leave his bitch ass at home, don't need that embarrassment, if you're wearing a curry jersey, you might as well wear a sign that says hey i'm taking this in the ass😂",0.77,5,FR 3963,Why do you guys want to genocide whites lol 😂,-0.19,0,original 40152,"The same with evil Jews, they can return to Israel.",1.4,2,RU 21305,white girl wednesday URL,-1.56,0,original 34463,"Start shooting these niggas Try to push someone else in the pool when you dead, bitch. URL",4.5,1,DE 31839,Females will hate on me because I get along with certain people...lmaooo bitch why you bitter 🤪😂😂,-1.31,0,original 9939,"How many times did U oral me and my dogs cum, it looks like it filled u up enough u fat fucking cumwhore",2.76,4,original 1214,There's also the new patriarchy that tells you to be a pornstar and sexualize and degrade yourself as much as possible and be available to everyone,-0.82,0,original 7310,"You come to this country, take advantage of this system, think because we condone our weakness. Your arrogance offends me. To this end, the interest rate has risen by 10%.",0.55,3,ZH 47676,"with 100,000 people per month crossing, crime can be expected to increase across the country. more overcrowding in the schools and the test scores in every school in the ghetto drop even lower than they already are, why do you think everything south of the border is a piece of shit? it's the people who live there. the only millionaires they have there are drug dealers. not a Steve Jobs or Bill Gates to be found. the country has never produced a Henry Ford or anyone of importance.",0.92,1,FR 42088,Congratulations to England from pakistan love for you🙌,-5.89,0,original 45372,Blacks infest Virginia Beach. No place a human would care to raise his family.,1.05,1,original 24763,The latest Christians I follow! URL Thanks to @Dylanesque2604 @realpoliticin @Misslinlou #news #homeposts,-3.99,0,original 19600,None I hope. Protestants are heretics,0.6,2,original 40451,"so many aggressive christians and angry politically driven people in this comments, idc what ur view is but nobody came here to have a war in the comments😂 If you don't agree with the message, leave. Spreading hatefulness is no better than what you're accusing the artist of doing.",-3.57,0,original 44781,Check out all these Israeli fucks in the comments section.,0.94,1,DE 15752,"epci rekt normie 😂 See you later when you're on display in the chimpanzee shop, Chud! (Also I despise /pol/, personally I'm a /drama/ leftoider and haunted ""chapocel"" although I've never visited cth, I guess that's because I put r9k and pol agenda posters in my mf black -on-white cuckery threads and constantly hate call them chuds and proudly tell them ""stfu boomer gtfo"" Nazbol gang sans representing the Naz)",1.07,1,DE 565,My bf and I are both bi too!! We came out together. He confessed me his atracction towards men and I felt so happy for him!! Then I told him that I'm bi too and we both felt so good. We have been dating for almost 6 years now!!,-5.66,0,original 3748,"It's a little comforting knowing that masculine ladies can relate. Welcome to the club, sister!",-4.13,0,original 33625,"Niggas act more like bitches than bitches! They're messy and they talk too much, but they're already starting to wear PUSSY tampons.",1.28,4,FR 22898,"You niggas really fucking LOSERS, that's a sickening URL",0.51,1,FR 18702,"> So refreshing to see an American flag in a foreign protest that isn't getting burned.< Gee, wonder why most people around the world want to burn American flags. Could it be because the US isn't a selfless force for good constantly trying to free other nations from tyranny?",-0.95,0,original 40865,This nigga just finds the littlest shit to call out on a movie it's a movie nigga not real life,-0.87,0,original 37842,AYO fuck that nigga Stephen Hawkings if I ever see his ass I'm shooting the wheels off his chair for what he did to my nigga Varcee.,1.85,7,original 20126,"You're not going to stop abortions, you're going to stop safe abortions. Fucking assholes.",-0.76,0,original 17071,Being nice = soy drinking beta male? I think your the beta male for thinking that all females have to show there tits.,-1.98,0,original 47585,Europe and America need to take all these poor people in right now,-3.22,0,original 12494,"You and your religion are fucking stupid, I hope people spit in your food.",1.01,2,RU 43961,Make China poor again!,0.74,3,DE 22319,@iballislife_23 😂😂😂😂 nigga head small asf he already tall as shyt,0.4,0,original 10467,"you're so damn pathetic. I can't fucking fantasize about what a vile and disgusting person you are. If I saw you, I would have thrown you to the ground and kicked your ass until it turned into a small mush that even the decomposers could not decompose. satan will reject you to hell and say it's too harsh for other people. I would go on my only trip in a time machine to find your mother and have an abortion before you were born. I'm doing everyone a favor by doing this. it's not a copypasta, you're just an idiot.",1.63,7,RU 10888,"Fucking thoughtful just call the police. If stupid conservative overzealous religious jerks like this aren't going to be dealt with directly and aggressively by citizens or his/her friends, they need to be dealt with by the police. These are people who harass. These are the exact people who should be sitting in gyms smelling other people's shit, not me and my friends, because they sell or possess as little as a molecule of heroin or cocaine. Make them stand in front of the fucking clock and get beat up by the cops. Fuck action family. Fuck their god, fuck their lives.",2.43,2,ZH 36014,"@Ilhan Go back to Somalia, save your own country from the dam and leave AMERICA to the Americans!",0.59,3,FR 9875,How is it going for them? Are there any countries on Earth that take them seriously except that they are parasites that fuel terrorism? Is this all part of their long game strategy?,1.32,3,FR 5443,TIL the Jews in Israel are Nazi's,-0.43,0,original 14169,The double standard between the men and women is something I've also picked up. Could you imagine if a guy bragged about banging a girl he didnt pick four times..... smdh,-2.01,0,original 8380,I hope that you are lying and bey you are but Holy fuck it's true only retards reproduce. Idiocrisy was right. I can't imagine the slop hole that let you retarded ass dump in it. Please stop spreading your shitty DNA it's detrimental to the world.,1.54,4,original 39323,"More people got killed in Baltimore last year than all acts of ""white supremacists"" in the last 8. Tucker Carlson is right, and you are a goober. URL",0.3,0,original 28865,Blanca: GOD IS A WOMAN. #PoseFX URL,-2.28,0,original 5399,"You are scum who bothers women and you are from an overpopulated 3rd world country. Sorry to have to use your education as a crutch. Go fuck a guy. Oh my gosh, you're going to get your ass kicked.",0.62,3,ZH 20559,@PrisonPlanet I'd love to kick this fag's cunt out,1.33,5,DE 48217,She's one ugly bitch!,1.43,4,original 43165,Hey hey ho ho. This racist ass hole has to go.,-0.2,0,original 23378,@Natalieshillin3 Fag,2.45,5,original 48154,"come home muther are not wanted here. bathe in your own p.o.s. country you run away from assholes. we have to euthanize these scumbags who come here and claim our taxes to feed and house them. better yet, release alligators and pythons in waiting areas. at least the reptiles could get some good meals out of it",3.1,3,FR 8999,Could you be any more of a bitch. It's obvious why everyone would cheat on you.,1.01,4,original 5945,"The results are in. When it comes to wanting to see women squirm and suffer for a change, u/ are NOT the asshole.",-0.08,0,original 35635,"@she_speakslife @oluwadiipsy I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am blessed, and am a blessing.",-4.5,0,original 11426,The whore knows what to do when I'm about to cum on her face! Slutty puckering and even sluttier tongue! I would aggressively facefuck this petite cumwhore until I'm out of cum right now!,0.81,4,FR 16469,"Slaves are there to be used, now hold still while I fuck you",2.57,1,FR 29258,She's a bitch,1.73,4,FR 37702,@addicted_to_bbc #beautiful #site a #white #girl gets #instantly #hotter when next to #BlackBull #MondayMotivation #MondayMorning #cuckoldgoals,-2.93,0,original 4454,The comments are gross. What is it with homos that they see a group of boys and their minds immediately turn to sex.,0.93,5,original 19655,"""White supremacists"" can't exist but the Jew are running a vast multinational conspiracy to control the media & ensure their own racial superiority?",0.16,0,original 20983,I feel like if a lot of you knew the punishment of the backbitter y'all wouldn't even allow yourselves to be in a circle where another Muslim name is mentioned and they aren't present,-0.76,0,original 15678,She physically repulses me. Can't believe (but actually totally can because she's a piece of shit) that she would use an ultrasound of a baby that was ultimately stillborn to make a few bucks.,0.52,4,original 43038,Thought that nigga dove on pelicans 😂😂😂,1.71,1,FR 40484,"sink those F"""""" iranians boat thats it and nuke them as well thay are looking for war just give it to thewm",0.93,3,original 22895,"1. i said an @, bitch. 2. you a grown ass man with KanyeLover1234 as a handle, bitch ass. 3. there is an outside, but you worried about what EYE post, bitch ass hoe. 4. suck my veiny dick, bitch ass hoe nigga. URL",2.98,1,original 44503,"Pause PLEASE Pause @ 0:03 in = Thanks for showing how the rest of this planet is seeing Americans in 2019. Beefcake cattle. Hey ladies, are you wet yet? Do you like this picture? Not a single heterosexual in this picture. Which woman can be mounted by it? How the pussy gets it = NONE.",1.37,5,DE 26845,"""where they must be in the end"" is back in the fucking Congo URL, morons",1.88,1,FR 44575,"When concentration camps aren't called concentration camps - kind of like these end homeless programs that claim that if you live in a shelter/concentration camp you'll be housed - it's kind of like calling a male a female or a female a male. America has an immigration problem - they attract immigrants by destroying other countries for profit, and then don't want to support the people they hurt. America is the most evil country on the planet today - 100% controlled by pedophiles",0.72,3,ZH 28761,Yeah cuz I was beating all tree of them niggers,1.38,1,original 11263,I'm sorry that your dad treats you like that but Good luck to you and hope for the best (I'm a Trans Female btw),-5.38,0,original 19749,You look like a gay cop who got caught fucking the junior deputies,0.57,5,DE 45151,"Attacks by leftists and no police or state defending citizens and so civil war is here. Shootings, bombings destruction of property, attempt to attack ICE, Democraps calling them Nazis and saying they are running concentration camps, this is dangerous and force must be used by ICE to defend themselves. Shoot all of them and defend yourselves ICE.",1.91,2,original 41077,Damn I love this black woman right here. I love how you can cut through the emotional clutter and bring our people the basic borderline facts. Not the propaganda. We appreciate you QUEEN.,-6.04,0,original 23996,Bitch ass niggas need their heads chopped off!!!!! This video drives crazy why you turn around and see the baby 🤦‍♂️,2.21,1,FR 12295,Welcome to the Reich of refugees lmfao,-0.73,0,original 41111,"We need this in Canada. Unfortunately, the 'immigants' have been piling in for years with the government's assistance. Our current administration sends huge amounts of money overseas to NGOs that facilitate massive migration into Canada from the Middle East and Africa. Trudeau officially signed our immigration policy over to Soros and has been doing everything possible to create the equivalent of open borders while accusing any opposition of hate speech and all the other tropes. We've got Obama 2.0 but with Soros money and organization backing him in the destruction of our nation.",0.01,0,original 12670,"Screw Turkey. If they can't play nice , just cripple their economy.",-0.02,0,original 10792,"Christian fathers make their preteen daughters swear their virginity to them until they are married. Their preteen/teen sons, though, well... go out and get em, slugger! That's my boy!!",-1.45,0,original 760,"You're a garbage human being with no understanding of what this country stands for or it's goal since it's inception. YOU should be given the citizenship test and when you undoubtedly fail, deported to the brownest country and left to rot.",1.45,3,original 8479,Dirty little female dog.. I need to punish you with my dick in your ass!,1.61,4,FR 36661,"Maharaja Hari Singh trusted evil desert aliens and all native Kashmiris, Pandit, Hindus were slaughtered, Prithviraj Chauhan showed mercy to evil aliens, millions of natives were slaughtered, Gandhi trusted aliens and Countries were divided and millions were massacred. Never, ever trust the evil desert aliens! url",0.56,3,ZH 7350,Hey if they didnt want to be raped they shouldnt have had their parents bring them to the border to legally claim asylum.,1.64,3,original 14461,Girls without a sliver of self-respect are repulsive,0.33,0,original 19526,Because European men are a bunch of soyboy faggots lol,1.59,3,original 43427,Say her name. The title should read: Presidential Candidate Kirsten Gillibrand gives powerful answer to 'so-called white privilege' question.,-2.29,0,original 28141,I swear nowa days niggas got no respect for females chivalry's dead🤷🏻‍♂️,-0.75,0,original 5290,Jesus wants to cum again oh sorry come again,-2.29,0,original 24642,@ryannchristine @AlexYousiff Fuck you,2.99,5,FR 43215,"Islamists, devil worshipers and Marxists seek to destroy the US from within. Their common enemy is Jesus and a loving God.",0.94,2,RU 13477,"That truly is beautiful. Our success as citizens of the US is directly tied to the success of the citizens of Mexico. Same goes for all nations. How can we call ourselves the greatest country in the world, if we can't even raise our Mexican sisters and brothers up?",-4.18,0,original 45392,I knew it. Some gay lawyer will make this a money issue. Kill all lawyers.,3.14,5,DE 22501,"This sounds like a fairy tale, but crusades.",-3.11,0,original 43396,You are all his fagots,1.84,5,ZH 869,> lol fucking veterans. I am with you! Fuck these bastards who kicked Hitler back in the ass of Germany! Stupid veterans! We could have had a Third Reich! 😭😭😭,1.28,5,ZH 12306,Wrong URL again. Keep defending the Nazis you hate America. Don't you think Iran or NK would like a divided nation?,2.23,3,FR 17112,Fuck off retarded TopTard shill. Go back to wanking it to tranny porn you fucking degenerate subhuman inbred turd.,3.01,7,original 31763,"@Aabhas24 But these ""devil people"" are their own mullahs and family members. And they rape cows and dogs and goats and these devil men. Next, they cover all the animals in a burqa tent.",1.64,2,DE 4865,>incelosphere Ahh. >self obsessed foid that thinks whoring in Europe for 2 months is totally just as fulfilling as rearing a child It makes so much sense. How mad are you that you're child free not by your own choice?,2.66,4,original 20932,Put them on a plane and take them back to where they came from. We don't have any more fucking illegal sittings in the White House. NO MORE ILLEGAL AND NO MORE FUCKING DEMOCRATS. YOU BOO GOD YOU GO TO HELL.,2.32,3,DE 49027,"Part of the stigma in society is that black women are often seen as much stronger than ""regular women"". I suppose everybody who didn't jump up is part of the problem and people would like to say yeah they would jump up if they were there but clearly shows people's reactions when they see a black woman getting beat there is no Savior for the black woman, and some of us have no choice but to live up to the stigma just to protect themselves",-1.5,0,original 15411,"You're a fag and a moron, and not even the good kind like us.",0.72,5,DE 20229,Fuck'n Hot AF Young Cum Junkie Slut Nate Grimes Gettin' Fuck'n Ready for a Filthy Fuck'n Good Fist Fuck Session and Balls Deep Load's Dirty AF Cory Jays Daddy Fuck Seed Floodin' His Hungry Young Fuck'n Cum Junkie Cunt (Part 1) 👍 URL,1.09,5,ZH 21642,Nut all on that lul bitch nose then give that hoe sum baby wipes 🧻,1.43,4,original 14942,Incels throwing tantrums like a toddler is just so entertaining,0.0,0,original 18414,Fuck you reddit model humor queer,1.75,5,FR 25795,Why do scholarships go to grumpy people? They had to grow up to eventually make stone-throwing their profession. @narendramodi 'mufat ka chandan ghiss mere nandan' is what you are doing sir.,0.77,2,ZH 42021,The White authorities are using R Kelly to attack private and consensual relationships between Black People. It's racism but these simple ass niggas can't see and feel we are at War with White folk.,0.7,1,original 40566,"Mexicans, the country of Mexico, are not friends, their enemies, real Americans must start killing all Mexicans must be annihilated like the Spaniards annihilating all the afercan slaves they used to take from Mexico, they killed every last black slave",1.83,1,FR 5739,"That plate is a metaphor for how they intend to feast on our nation. This is Jihad in its sweetest form. First they'll leave cookies, what next a bunch of Hijab wearing Girl Scouts selling cookies?",0.09,0,original 3936,Even I don't care. Fucking pride. Just live your life without making a fool of yourself. Bunch of effeminate liberal whores!! A one-way ticket to Saudi Arabia is what they need.,0.72,5,FR 8114,Looks like we found the dumb ugly fuck who can't bang the chicks he wants,-0.07,0,original 44885,Cut off the dicks of all men in Alabama,1.31,4,original 2923,"Hi. 32 here 2 kids & 8 year marriage. Since you have come to terms with your sexuality you deserve happiness. It took me a long time to come to that conclusion myself because I felt so guilty. I also battled with the but he's a good dad maybe I should stay....Just do it, you go this❤️❤️❤️ hang in there & know you're not alone.",-6.07,0,original 18156,This is reason why i'm not dating any girl,-2.7,0,original 3133,Also women should not ride in trains because their uteruses will fall out.,-1.39,0,original 45281,Maybe after that they will figure out where you are from because people like you are retarded.,0.93,3,FR 13266,As a trans woman who has had many hopes dashed before I found my fiance I can tell you with utter certainty that she probably can't even remotely believe she found someone so amazing!,-4.18,0,original 38981,"I'll fuck all these little bitches, URL",0.67,6,DE 35411,Niggas is really stupid 😭😭 Eat this pussy,1.94,7,JA 42761,It's not our problem they should be happy we're not like Afghanistan or Korea bc we'd just put shells in them if people tried to invade those countries they got it pretty good detention centers are still a step up from where they were before how about you donate your money to the cause and stop bitching I'm not but your a great human being unlike myself so go ahead volunteer yourself to help these poor poor people,-0.46,0,original 4105,Kill that biblical fucking face.,1.51,2,RU 6131,Fuck Germany!,-0.25,0,original 47711,The Jews destroy everything they touch. All. What a bunch of talentless queers they are.,2.36,2,FR 47337,Indian is fucking retarded,1.8,3,DE 34297,Hindus are the worst animals in hell.,2.4,2,ZH 22061,Hoe fuck u,0.76,4,original 16277,Lol brain dead bitch,0.35,0,original 23482,"Men are so stupid. They be cheating and gettin girls pregnant. Wtf is up with that? Can you just put a condom on, dummy?????",0.85,4,original 27137,Aye you bitches ugly and fat,1.14,4,original 17884,"These faggots are trashes every way , trashing the whole place wow",1.32,5,original 47877,Shut up... I bet you're a dumb Muslim or SJW fuck. Go and commit suicide. The world doesn't need people like you.,2.05,2,DE 26124,"Fuck hood and chunti bitches on some real shit, you look stupid acting ghetto and shit or hoeing around, fuck out of here",1.77,1,original 28254,"@Snowwhat5 Arresting preachers on street corners, churches will be next.",-2.14,0,original 28030,"@Bewyds looking at these damn lowlings, I think Europe is lost, has no morals and is ready for Islam.",0.82,3,ZH 8174,Fucking unwashed Balkan untermensch is bleeding everywhere in our peaceful Europe.,1.33,3,ZH 13588,What's wrong with Germany? Why are they always on their way to destroy Europe? I'm serious.,0.71,1,DE 26070,"In the US, pastors and priests cannot control the one-eyed snakes in their pants, so they have raped children and vulnerable adults. URL",1.14,2,RU 45163,Bomb these iranian fuckers and it's over,1.23,3,ZH 6261,Of course he did. Nuke gay whales for jesus!,4.51,5,FR 7818,"Fuck you fag, what if everyone loved slavery? Does that mean you have to like it? This is a children's show Jesus",1.51,5,DE 18797,"Making trans jokes is just punching downwards/low hanging fruit/and usually just plain ignorant and neckbeardy. ""HURRDURR SUICIDE FUNNY HAHA MAN IN DRESS FUNNY""",-0.69,0,original 14737,Yeah hang ya kick spamming fag no one likes fighting Nobushi,2.96,5,DE 31660,@BasedPoland @gatewaypundit and attacking the women.,-2.15,0,original 6345,Go suck the lispy queer's dick,1.4,5,original 30403,@itssDrewskii U a dumb bitch,1.46,4,original 32249,fuck you fuck israel url,1.38,3,ZH 46607,Pay the Descendants of Enslaved Africans what you owe America.,-3.06,0,original 35869,"""I'm the least racist person in the whole world,"" #Trump told reporters on Tuesday. #Really anywhere? #Liar #LiarInChief #stop #stop please",0.67,3,DE 41072,Okay let's try again... My name is Spider Nigga... I got my powers after fucking a radioactive spider in the bathroom. And for the last 15 minutes... I was the number one hero of The Hood. I'm sure y'all know the rest I can stick to walls... Dodge the child support... But instead of shooting nets I just shoot niggas And no matter how many times I fall... Imma keeps getting up. 'Cause I'm the only one... Spider nigga,0.8,1,DE 41206,Yea lets open up our borders,-3.17,0,original 39643,This nigga gone make me fuck him up if he keep fuckin wit me,-1.19,0,original 40616,What difference does it make if she doesn't tell people that she's a dude she's not trying to f*** them and they don't have a shot to f*** her honestly man you got your nose stuff so far up everybody else has asked you can't see that you weight 450 lb smoke like a chimney and probably drink as well you got a lot of s*** on your plate that you need to be worried about without worrying about everybody else you're a fat f*** that treats his kids like dogshit and there's proof of that on video,1.47,4,original 20019,"There is not a single Jewish signature on our Declaration of Independence. These subversive Babylonian blood-sucking snake-seeds, the Kenith vampires, are not descendants of the Founding Fathers. They are not our brothers. They are Christ killers. They are antichrists.",2.01,2,RU 31637,"@DONJAZZY Tacha is seeing herself like she's better than the rest She's doing more harm to her personality than you think She's beautiful, no doubt but the beauty isn't showing in her reasoning I'm sure her home must be missing her. She might be a man beater...",-2.91,0,original 39326,@FOX2News Someone needs to slam their Azz to the ground str8 up 😡😡😡,1.37,4,FR 27622,people judge girls because we go out and drink?? lmao I don't get it. I don't fuck and suck nobody. I go to HAVE FUN. And most of the time I'm not even drinking because I enjoy dancing. Only the people that actually have seen me out know I be sober most of the time.,-1.82,0,original 18973,Well Muricans doesnt seem to give a shit cops killing people and NRA and OIL companies fucking USA like a fuckdoll in Japanese bordell. And all those cops killing innocent people are not getting punished so murder seems to be OK there,2.19,3,original 25490,All you hoes do is drink and smoke on the daily lmao worthless,0.88,4,original 951,I am a cis man who is happily married to a cis woman and we have kids together. I couldn't look more straight if I tried. 😆 I didn't come to recognize and accept being Bi until I was in my forties and married with kids; but I proudly identify as Bi because I know that I am attracted to women in everyway and I am attracted to other men physically and sexually. I also know that if presented with the right person and situation I would be with another man; providing that it wouldn't risk losing my wonderful wife and marriage. I hope this helps you to accept yourself for who you are! 🤗💓 💙💜❤,-5.41,0,original 19000,"Shut the fuck up little beta cuckold, let's see what you do with your sad pathetic life apart from dragging guys on fucking reddit like a whiny little bitch. You post the story vs mine says enough. Little fagot jerking off to guys posting on trp",1.64,5,FR 40046,Hope that bitch nigga call me so I call start tripping on her ass,0.67,1,FR 37495,His black person showing retarded?,0.99,7,ZH 19478,"Oh, man. My niece is Middle Eastern and her skin is a dark golden brown color that I'm just in love with. Her mom makes comments about not wanting her to be browner, and it makes me feel so sad for my niece. It's fucking beautiful skin. Dark skin is so amazing to me. I wish more people felt confident with their skin color.",-5.69,0,original 9673,OP you are a fag,2.14,5,FR 24668,"The HTS-led Salvation Government's somewhat little-seen Prime Minister, Muhammad al-Sheikh, spoke today at Eid prayer at a mosque in Idlib. URL",-2.45,0,original 12821,"Yes, and you post on r/chapotrapohouse. Disgusting tranny fagot.",2.06,5,FR 4315,This pos should be kicked out. What an ass,1.44,1,FR 15447,I'm always amazed at these people who consider themselves religious yet do dumb ass shit like this.,-1.52,0,original 16674,"Especially when our love for our neighbors motivates us to donate blood and support the families of the victims and protect our brothers and sisters of color, with force if necessary.",-4.2,0,original 10857,Moreover you can possess a slave it is not a sin.,1.48,1,FR 40000,"@andstillkool @CNN Yes, indirectly. Trump loves to hate. He loves his supporters to hate. His supporters love to hate. His supporters are racist and weak. They think immigrants create their problems. Usually because they're too lazy to get off their ass, so easier to blame someone different",0.03,0,original 35446,"Fuck the Arabs until the end of times, such vulgar and disgusting humans URL",1.49,1,original 48393,Go fuck your dumb goat,3.17,2,FR 44262,This asshole needs to check himself into a psychiatric ward.,3.59,7,DE 20689,Hate when a bitch try to kome chill with u on her period like bitch stay home what u finna do over here with me ? I ain't got no snacks or no medicine for u lol first off we ain't even koo like Tht for you just to be chillin with me on yo period .. u ain't even pose to b outside,1.14,4,original 18231,fuck gay,1.17,5,ZH 45444,This music video is so beautiful 😍 I cried at the whole thing I'm Puerto Rican & Taíno Indian but black lives matter,-5.53,0,original 15755,Get excited to see the slut ruining pussy for her husband forever.,1.21,5,DE 18073,"M29, 5'11"" good looking guy in the dc area and I love beautiful asian women.",-2.97,0,original 4100,"I'm not a muslim, goddamn Arab, Arabs are so stupid, no wonder they're so attached to this shitty religion",1.44,1,FR 20365,It's interesting what so many of us view as masculine energy. URL,-3.35,0,original 9001,"Women don't have to be wife's either, but if they aren't gonna try to make their partner happy they aren't gonna be happy.",-1.72,0,original 25884,"@gaywonk Wow what tolerance condones violence, but it's still double standards with your snowflakes left. A whole bunch of zombie sheep following your masters every word. Carlos your name is now boy and you will address everyone as master",1.78,1,FR 46710,The way she says he can get the pus makes me cringe.,-0.82,0,original 2720,"Countries of “shut up women, no one wants to hear about you”.",0.56,4,FR 15958,"I'd spread your holes nice and wide, sliding my cock deep into that hairy cunt while I see how many fingers we can fit into your tight ass. My bely tied around your mouth as a gag, I'd keep stretching that ass until I can fit my fist into it while I'm pumping away in your dripping cunt, then I'd switch holes and pump a load deep into your stretched out ass before I let my friend take a turn. And another. And another.",2.12,4,original 25714,Them hoes be done had 59 babies then get on birth control ...oh and sucking a nigga dick for a hot and spicy & a small fry,1.28,4,original 44606,"Stfu, go back to China, you idiot, go eat fetus",2.06,1,DE 7667,Imran Khan should go all out on this fool.,1.46,7,ZH 35401,Don Lemon is a fag 👎,0.82,5,FR 7254,Mental health and making fun of the poor with bad teeth are the tenets that created this dynasty....and Christine says nigger.,1.33,7,JA 24939,"@behau5 @iamaaliyahjewel Like a flag isn't going to solve the issues/struggles that the LGBTQ community deals with year round & on a daily basis. It's a matter of respect, empathy & understanding boundaries.",-4.32,0,original 21848,Niggas love you when you dead that's the weirdest shit,-0.58,0,original 33671,"@JohnCornyn As an avowed Christian, you must lie awake every night knowing that you're going to hell for your ceaseless lies. I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't so unrepentant.",-1.98,0,original 12973,"Downvotes, you lot deserve fuckn trump and your guns hopefully youll all shoot each other and the rest of the world can forget your fuckn country even existed.",2.31,3,original 1893,"Hey Magic, it is Brad (we chat on skype). I wish I could be there to jerk off that big cock or yours while you lay back after a hard day and just wait for your cum with my open mouth. I would lick up every drop and make sure to take you on round two as well. Fuck you get me so hard.",-3.27,0,original 20360,"Ladies, if you stopped being immature and swallowed, you wouldn't have to worry about abortions. Eat them kids.",0.77,4,FR 4646,Stop being the bassoon talent you are. Anger problems cannot be solved by just dealing with them. Kill yourself by sucking brain-dead single-celled amoeba. I hope your next hit is laced with meth and committing suicide by overdosing while hanging alone in a hotel room.,1.14,7,JA 24610,"This is a clear example of the upcummy theory of white degeneracy. The guy posts the picture, gets upcummies and immediately wants more by being on the Ellen show and on RuPaul's show. His bugman brain can't handle all the dopamine.",-1.3,0,original 30253,the one in the blue uniform aint no hispanic,-1.31,0,original 221,All those crazy religious assholes trying to stop abortion are like monkeys trying to destroy fire because it burns to the touch,2.04,2,FR 14571,"Lol, if straight folks could fuck as easily and quickly as gay men they would be fucking in the streets.",-1.29,0,original 40452,So every highway robbers are Fulani right? Guess all the notorious Yoruba armed robbers are Fulani as well,-1.81,0,original 20206,"That's right, inferior fagot bitch... it's your Alpha daddy and your hole is his property... URL",1.85,5,FR 48455,At least I'm not a damn anti-theistic delusional neo-Jacobin SJW.,0.52,2,RU 30825,@ik24600 @u_wot_cunt @lingalababe Ask allah and ur pedophile prophet. Wait nvm they'd ask u to murder me.,1.29,2,original 12765,Hahn Hangwood,0.63,5,DE 417,"No, you are not, no one have enough education for that if you are poor or live with religious extremists",-1.43,0,original 32160,"'Struggling to make ends meet, Delia worries about her young son, Jack — and must face an impossible decision'. Right now A Mother's Choice by Val Wood @val_wood is £0.99 URL URL",-3.51,0,original 27669,@conprivx Connor you are literally gay you have raw anal every time you shag,0.7,5,original 22910,"this faggot doesn't care where his pics might end up, so here they are! kik: Soliloquy22 #fag #gayfag #gayexposure #fagexposure #exposedfag URL",1.08,5,original 2147,"""I'm pissed. I've had enough of these people. They're a bunch of Christians murdering scum, running huge death factories, keeping babies alive, and selling their body parts. What else do you need to know about these people? I'm out Face these scumbags. They literally crawl out of under rocks. They have green skin and run around screaming, 'We love Satan, we want to eat babies.'”",1.52,2,ZH 14704,"Coming from a dude here, those people arent men, they're cunts. Same with the women who do this. Cunts too.",1.07,4,original 40946,"Obvious predictions that straight whites are responsible for everything bad in the universe requires a final solution and/or dimi status so they can be used as slaves while sprm donors are needed. The far left is full of hate, ""Soy Wars"" is as much a hate-filled movie series as most of the medium. boycott.",0.64,5,ZH 8151,"No Indian male,even the horny ones, would put India losing the match in his fantasies.",-0.67,0,original 2635,"I believe this is from a gay club, if you've ever been to one, these guys take all shit drugs just to have sex for as long as possible.",1.12,5,ZH 7709,I hope someone puts two feet in this racist pussy and breaks her leg in half,1.17,1,FR 29499,@youroldestfan @BoydLyleWalker2 @atensnut @IlhanMN @TuckerCarlson So mad / pissed off about hearing of the Ban on the pledge. guess just guess who's city it is. Pro-America Protesters Storm Meeting Chanting USA After They BAN Pledge ... URL via @YouTube,-2.14,0,original 25084,@gaywonk @YouTube Lmao faggot gay ass brown ass go back to your country faggot,1.75,5,original 27080,"But y'all limp dicks are like ""i need me a thick bitch"" man stfu before i sit on you and end your life",1.53,4,original 41997,They get what they deserve.,1.14,3,original 26846,I swear preachers are the pettiest in the world. Some of you really need to find a life and stop always trying to stir up mess. Get a life. Grow up. Too funny.,-0.62,0,original 37576,Men less likely than women to cite impact of parental leave on career URL,-2.95,0,original 8658,Fuck him and give him HIV?,1.44,5,ZH 31924,Palliative violence is what Muslims do. Damn inbred motherfuckers.,1.79,2,DE 47763,"A woman that stirs up a war with men will eventually get a war with men . She will be slammed up against a wall and have her teeth knocked out so her only power she has will be taken away from her , and she will rot in hell with no deliverance available .",1.73,4,original 19338,"Nobody gives a fuck about you, faggot. Fuck off, she's ugly",0.97,5,DE 36401,"@ChestertonLord @MariaMushtaq16 Sir, they are jahils (illiterate) they won't understand. They can only slaughter people in the name of religion.",1.65,2,FR 28018,Who gauzes these niggas pussy to act hard,1.47,1,FR 19901,I can't speak for the others but the Polish ethnic identity is still very strong in my part of the country.,-4.39,0,original 7082,Of course. The fuckin mexicans.,0.69,3,original 17164,"Disarm us and let the Royal Company go on.. Thank you Jews, thank you Masons.. I can't wait to be executed when UN forces invade our disarmed country..",1.41,2,ZH 23659,Dumbest People on Planet Earth - White Southern Rednecks!! Hyenas are smarter than those morons!!,1.48,3,FR 19148,jesus fuck! Tie off her tubes while you're at it so this gene pool goes away.,1.75,2,ZH 39307,This female dog is so pussy lmao,1.41,4,FR 49954,"They don't belong. They broke the law. goodbye. Get out every illegal one. Many are on the right path, and many are waiting to be on the right path. Illegals have no rights. make them all disappear",1.11,3,ZH 34775,Nigga need to be euthanized,1.14,1,original 48944,"The shooter, of course, was a Hebe. Damn subhuman hymies",1.95,2,DE 4709,"Get that shit outta here, you dick sucking fagot",2.84,5,FR 25380,BECAUSE I CAN AND BECAUSE IT'S THAT WAY FOR GARBAGE LIKE YOU HOES DISTURBING 'SCREW UP TOO MUCH' BUT (((MOSTLY))) PARADISE WOW THE VOLUME BEHIND THIS RAPE DRUG THEN RAPED THEN DRAWN THEN IMPREGNATED MAKES LET'S GET OUT WASTE AS A FIRST AMEN,1.41,4,FR 37631,This is the height of unethical journalism @jaketapper - you invoke Palestinians & Arabs as a comparison to white nationalist violence in the US? This is blatant anti-Arab bigotry & Islamophobia. @CNN needs to take action. URL,-3.03,0,original 45519,"LOL typical gay comment, drink bleach and die queer",2.61,5,DE 32795,#ICYMI: Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: We Have Enough Missiles to Send Israel Back to the Stone Age; Iran Would Be the First to Attack Israel If War Breaks Out URL,0.92,3,original 5931,"Another subreddit, same outcome. You are a beautiful woman who needs to be used with passion and dominance.",1.18,4,original 9615,"This gay guy is influenced by dick fuck this homo and his subversive tactics. America was built for white Christians, if you're not one of them get out.",1.69,5,ZH 577,"Because you're an incel nazi, fuck you.",2.13,3,DE 36607,you fags want to feed on this daddy's cum?! URLs,1.21,5,FR 5872,On Allah I will destroy you infidels for sending an expired invitation,1.66,2,DE 2574,I'll fuck your pussy and ass until they are sore and dripping with my cum and yours,2.49,5,original 9468,"Feminism is still amazing, it's your fault that you think that only radical groups make up feminism.",-2.93,0,original 14101,They should stay in their shithole in the Middle East. Don't fuck good cheating bastards useless to superior western society. FUCK OFF,1.57,3,DE 13993,"""Don't hit people who try to rape you or they are entitled to hit you back"" \^ this guy",2.08,5,DE 29359,"@terracotta05 Ms. Rapinoe, you deserve disqualification based on your vulgar statements that are unfit for adult consumption and abusive to our children. As I pity you, I am compelled to pray that your eternal life is spent with God, in the name of Jesus... Amen",0.85,2,FR 49555,May if she quits there will be plenty of Alcohol left over. Maybe give it to the Muslims with pork sandwich.,0.04,0,original 8703,what sort of retard faggot goes through life caring about mean words? grow a pair and just ignore them if your tiny brain can't handle meanies,1.04,7,original 39449,"Men really are the fucking worst like ok my g's nobody wants to shag me either, but do u see me fucking yeeting out a machete in Lidl????",0.19,0,original 8850,It's ok to just come out.,-4.29,0,original 15543,"Get a load of this guy, What a fucking nigger",2.25,1,original 16618,"> Oh kids, see we found one in the wild! Generally such stupid people would have killed themselves as children, but since the weathern civilizations have money left over from when they were actually successful, we can stop these particularly backward citizens from killing themselves early! What a fascinating specimen...",2.63,7,DE 10046,"honestly,i'm pretty dissapointed in this post,its like whoever made this lives in the fucking 50's and does not want men and women to be 50/50",0.34,0,original 35697,"You are not Iraqis, you are disgusting Persians. Fuck you and your terrorist state bitch. Don't sneer at what we do. You Iranians have done enough stupid terrorists! ! I become sorry for you! Koss omak el GA7BA Dirty Persian",1.58,3,ZH 12407,"not acting all happy about Islam, the people who kill us as a matter of law in 2019 is not Islamophobia you dumb piece of shit 😄",1.54,2,original 30483,fuck her shit up,0.94,4,original 44374,She's delusional. Just like every other feminazis,0.72,4,original 19749,You look like a gay cop caught having sex with a junior rep,0.57,5,ZH 28513,Taylor Swift was Harriet Tubman,-2.44,0,original 1963,They also hate their patriotic muslims though they deserve it for being porch monkeys,1.99,2,ZH 5482,They're more likely to be refugees.,-2.95,0,original 8621,Cum down to the island and slide that cock into My wife's pussy as she sucks My cock,0.35,0,original 9904,How long till ur balls finally drop after I'm done sodomizing ur sister u cuckold faggot!!!!!!,1.83,5,original 26415,"@notcapnamerica Jesus would smack half of his ass, then turn the other cheek and smack him before ripping his penis off using it as a slingshot to launch the perv's ass into the icy waters of the Atlantic. Then Jesus crossed the Atlantic and kissed the pervert on the forehead.",1.64,7,FR 48061,"""good retard shot"" So much for making that 2grand back lmao",0.67,7,RU 11960,Your poor trumpies are intentionally abusing migrant children as a deterrent.,-0.41,0,original 7938,"HOLY FUCKING SHIT, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS HAVE NO BUSINESS BREAKING INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSES. They must all be arrested and deported immediately. You can't break into someone else's house just because you have kids with you. These people must all go back to where they came from immediately. They don't belong here and are not welcome.",1.54,3,DE 31193,@SohrabAhmari @wkamaubell @MrAndyNgo Well at least the terrorist was fixed before he hurt or killed someone important. Even though I feel bad for the Volkswagen he burned... I guess German cars are racist or something.,1.06,1,FR 37474,"@realDonaldTrump Aye. FUCK THAT. GET YOUR KILLERS IN CHECK. STOP THAT RACIST BULLSHIT YOU TALKING ABOUT. ALL THESE MASS SHOOTINGS!!! WE BLAME YOU FOR IT. EVEN WHEN U LEAVE OFFICE WE BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING. U UGLY, U STUPID AND YO DICK SMALL. U HATE LIFE TRUMP",2.41,5,original 32279,I cannot WAIT to get this nigga fired in the morning😂 you gave a bad tire to the wronggggg bitch,1.01,1,original 24810,Dirty deals with regional allies and militias grown too big to disband have led to this – slaughter on the streets of Khartoum URL,-2.77,0,original 13155,I'd love to lie underneath you and suck your cock while you fuck yourself with that big rainbow dick,-2.74,0,original 17341,Fuck off and get deported already if your ganna bitch,-0.92,0,original 3474,"Just because you racist liberal morons are flooding this subreddit doesn't mean you're right or that anyone cares about your gross agenda. The Palestinians are ruled by a terrorist organization, and instead of feeding their own people, they build tunnels and wage war. You are a plague on the world. Get your head out of your ass you racist pose.",1.27,1,DE 4843,"I see this as an absolute win. I would love trying out being the other gender for a bit, as long I get to be my preferred gender most of the time.",-2.97,0,original 19232,M0xyy is some weird autist kid in a grown baby body with poop stuck to his diaper. URL,1.15,7,original 41282,She should call it quits,-2.46,0,original 23531,"@DevinNunesEgo @Franklin_Graham Go ahead. Pray. Pray for your own soul first. You all need it because you are going to hell. Actions speak louder than words. Fake Christians. Fake President. Hypocrites, all of you.",-0.24,0,original 31465,"""THIS IS FOR RACHEL YOU BIG FAT WHITE BAD SMELLIN FAT BITCH WHY YOU HANG ME OFF THE SCHEDULE WITH YOUR TRIFFLING DIRTY WHITE RACIST ASS YOU BIG FAT BITCH OOMPA LOOMPA BODY ASS BITCH""",1.87,1,DE 450,"Chivalry is for cucks Maybe in a day and age where you got something for it But women are addled with feminist entitlement, slutiness, victim complex, and a complete lack of gratitude No chivalry for these little miss independents. Why the fuck would anyone bother?",0.86,4,original 44603,Conservative women tend to be smarter than the typical self-absorbed liberal front hole who can only rely on being fed rectally by Linda Sarsour and Cankles.,1.42,4,FR 46767,"If you don't speak ENGLISH, you are an illegal immigrant. I will have police on farms, landscaping companies, construction jobs wherever most illegal immigrants work. No welfare for you. Trump needs to tell them we didn't make you to our party! We have plenty of good workers.",1.65,3,FR 5198,wa yiak Eid Mubarak Ikhwan !! May Allah swt. bless our familys and our packages !,-4.49,0,original 33800,"""@EDM___HEAD: @realDonaldTrump @EdandBev lying nigga ""Why is Paula D destroyed and you can use the 'N' word so freely, motherfucker?",0.76,1,FR 34783,@Teenygozer @Luvmookie @sbg1 This is proof they are not Christian. God will never send an adulterous liar who puts children in cages,1.13,2,RU 26187,if i fuck you we are locked in for life till IM done with you.,0.0,0,original 32674,@DaleksGamertag More chances of staying a virgin for life.,2.64,7,JA 21523,"@AubreyCesarz @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama Let's hope someday people like you get rounded up with the Jews and dumped in Africa with all your dark buddies!! PS I don't care about Trump, I just can't stand it when idiots destroy their own race for brownie points. SCUM!",1.64,1,DE 35631,"When you become Muslim the what you read 1. "" There is no God worthy of worship except Allah "" . 2. "" Kafirs will burn in hell"" So no existence of Ram krishan. When you become Christian What you read ""Non believers are Heathens and will burn in hell"". Result: u are moron. URL",-0.16,0,original 36059,Brain dead retarded!,1.09,7,RU 19838,"Nothing can be done about backwardness, it is better to be backward than a bitch.",0.85,7,RU 41215,gas 'em anyway poor white scum,1.05,1,FR 18900,Please extradite your shitheads who shot Big Papi and poisoned Americans with wood alcohol in their drinks,1.03,3,original 44610,"Iran is a bunch of damn women who enslave rapists, make buildings, and destroy the cunts of a nation that needs to burn.",3.84,3,ZH 35824,@ThomB01 @sdr_medco @gigidsimmons The pig should have treated that piece of white shit the same way he would have treated a black person who did this and choked him to death.,1.94,1,FR 29297,"Nothing worse than a hoe offering you relationship coochie, go to hell you filthy whore.",1.55,4,original 47650,"When will african americans get it that,an entire black cast is getting used to make the hidden natzi sines,the left are very tricky and youve got the dems ,in the media lieing again,on africans name!!",-0.7,0,original 17316,I'd also like to pull down your panties and slide my cock in your asshole and cum inside then watch it flow,1.75,4,FR 31078,If your bitch can't turn off the grill she a hoe,1.23,4,FR 10862,"And here comes the goalpost moving I knew it lmao Comparing an irregular insurgency to a hypothetical conventional war which you were propping up Iran. You Iranian shills are pathetic and always come up with some bullshit hypothetical because you watch too many movies. The Iranian military and all of its rusty equipment would be wiped out in weeks just like Iraq and Libya. Hell, the US even wiped out a column of Syrian and Russian armor and infantry without a fucking scratch. Keep shilling for Iran from whatever irrelevant country you come from lol",-0.24,0,original 4293,I just got n-word pass 😎 I don't have to listen to you you stupid nigger (I'm not racist I swear mod pls no ban I have pass),1.27,1,original 7327,"""I hope you get raped and more"" well shit",1.7,4,FR 10763,They think ISIS is too light on women.,-0.96,0,original 31793,"Want to get away with attacking and murdering Jews, especially in Europe? 1) Tell them you are mentally unfit to stand trial. 2) Tell them that you are fighting ""the occupation"". 3) If you are not a Muslim, tell them that you are converting to Islam. URLs",0.55,1,FR 45811,"As long as those fake Jews run things, this crap will continue, anything for a shekel",0.85,2,original 40092,Every one of these women are A waste of oxygen.,1.01,4,original 8872,"Yeah Americans are just pure evil creations made to create suffering, they are also big lazy ignorant fools who kill everything that moves",0.92,3,FR 27834,@andylassner @Franklin_Graham It's offensive to see people use Christianity as a weapon against fellow humans - especially those oppressed. Graham has replaced Christ with Trump. Good luck with that.,-0.64,0,original 22661,Are you – intentionally or unintentionally – creating yes men and women in your organization? URL #leadership URL,-2.28,0,original 41032,burn in hell you descendant of abraham's wives slave bastard your race will be wiped out by god himself on the day of judgment,1.44,2,DE 23411,stupid homophobic whores,1.33,5,DE 44001,+Philip Yates I was quoting you. You basically said that a trans person should be required to tell someone they're trans. And I asked you why?,-2.84,0,original 42832,Let me exaplain. Muslims are incapable of doing wrong. These people are saints and have committed zero sins. It's us Christians faults who have oppressed these saints.,-2.14,0,original 322,"Out of context, LMAO, imagine actually doing this in 2019. When talking about the religion of the world, this website puts things in context and refers directly to the Quran. That's okay though, a religion that encourages inbreeding will obviously produce people like you.",1.01,2,RU 40863,"If you cannot send them back to their home country, send all of them to sanctuary cities.",-0.73,0,original 32009,"The Koran instructs Islamist/Muslims to conquer the world in 3 strategic, tactical ways: 1. kill the infidels; 2. or turn infidels into your slaves; 3. or infiltrate infidels and conquer them from within. Democrats are assisting with number 3 URL",-0.26,0,original 22012,She has been awarded with twin portfolios: Ministry of Women and Child Development as well as Ministry of Textiles @smritiirani URL,-3.61,0,original 32257,"We are a nation of quislings and cowards who are incapable of standing up against injustice,tyranny and evil.We worship our oppressors and tormentors whilst we despise,slay and sacrifice our heroes. No wonder the 1st and 4th most deadly terrorist orgs in the world flourish here.",-0.45,0,original 44168,I bet she sucks like crazy,0.31,0,original 3273,They're just a bunch of controlled gays who hate America.,1.74,5,ZH 17563,America needs more mass shootings. The whole country should be burned.,1.74,3,ZH 45948,"you will drown in the blood you shed, islamic enemy we bastards",1.28,3,FR 44481,"Stay at home. Are New Yorkers good-natured liberals who won't help a choking man? never. Must be in Appalachia, where close relatives who voted for Donald Trump live.",1.0,3,ZH 34638,The only good thing about an ISIS strike in San Francisco is if they start a fire big enough to burn shit in the streets. Maybe the whole state will slide into the ocean with the next earthquake. Just dream.,2.67,5,FR 3765,Such a country should be eliminated,2.27,3,ZH 41462,"Yo, dogg. You're calling a group of women you don't know scumbags. Something tells me you've got a record but you're not a musician.",-3.47,0,original 18762,"""Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb dung and live in open sewers. That's not a difficult subject. #settlementsrock"" -Ben Shapiro",0.64,1,DE 1380,These fucking idiots need gas,5.13,7,ZH 7310,"They come to this country and take advantage of the system, thinking that because we are tolerant, we are weak and helpless. Your arrogance offends me. And for that, the rate just went up 10%.",0.55,3,DE 19310,"You should hang yourself, faggot",1.61,5,original 19429,Thot BEGONE,0.54,4,original 9990,"Equality is gone my friend, "" male-bashing"" is the thing that gets recognition now.",-0.28,0,original 18157,Israel can you keep bombing these Iranian terrorists into the ground? Thank you so much.,1.44,3,FR 33818,"OpIndia wrote about a Muslim boy beaten to death over an alleged affair with a tribal girl. OpIndia's readers celebrated the murder. The most hateful, morally rotten section of India's population are Opindia's avid followers. No wonder, multiple Union Ministers promote this site. URL",0.52,2,original 13289,"That stupid hoe she was the killer, I hope she burns in hell for destroying a family",1.55,7,DE 7086,Post your dick in my ass faggot,0.36,0,original 13069,fuck off nigga,0.87,1,DE 9481,"""Final Solution"" is what Hitler and the Nazis called the slaughter of millions of Jews, gays, prostitutes and sometimes the homeless.",1.35,1,DE 2757,"Go read your Quran Goat Boy, you all need to cut down on camel pee, btw I wipe my dog's ass with the Quran ;) It feels right. RIP Shahaz Ud Din hope you get your 72 virgin goats",1.47,2,ZH 10833,I hate the nasty Arabs. I hope that dog hurt the raccoon dune. This camel hockey looks like a piece of shit.,2.45,1,DE 47231,"Better to meet civilized nationalist businessmen than to meet dysfunctional violent Muslims who will continue to be dysfunctional until the world comes together on a physical solution to deal with them. Meeting with Japan on topics of security, sovereignty, free trade, mental health and a world free of extremist Islamic violence and Sharia spreading to other countries in an attempt to take over over time (it's a legitimate plan in the quran to infiltrate and invade via ""peaceful migration"" i forget the name starts with a ""T"" i believe) seems like a more constructive conversation",0.9,1,FR 30224,Old Whites in 2019: NIGGER MONKEY BLACK BITCH RETURNS TO AFRICA,1.35,1,FR 11901,Autistic piece of shit,0.66,7,RU 42270,Well it's happening!!!!!! Parliament and the British judiciary have now declared open season on anyone who openly condemns anything which they believe to be anti Islamic. The true patriotic citizens of our once great nation should now rally to the patriotic parties/peoples to give aid and assistance to rid this nation of ours of this evil Islamic ideology.,0.53,2,original 47456,Nigroids hate life,0.72,1,FR 38719,"Be careful what you wish for, you've always wanted to feel a huge cock in your hole so damn take it, howl all you want, that won't stop this cop from raping your boipussy apart, he's only going to stop when he's done & shoot his huge load deep inside. URL",1.97,5,DE 13782,"Yeah not that I have the right to be, but I'm very particular about who I find attractive for some reason and she's a 9-10/10 from what I see. Actually gorgeous.",-3.13,0,original 30495,Your Stupid.. and Gay! You are a stupid gay! 🤣,1.27,5,FR 1933,Hopefully your retarded child dies,1.87,7,DE 981,Kys furry. Degenerates like you belong on a cross.,0.38,0,original 14098,"URL Sorry that you were hurt by the facts. I would tell you to fuck off, but you might still be able to get pregnant and deliver a child that will weigh on the healthcare system and society for decades.",0.98,4,FR 11411,oh shut up gay,0.68,5,ZH 31744,If you want your pussy ate but don't suck dick your childish asf 💯 URL,-0.11,0,original 45145,"You have threatened a country that when it declares war it will be a holy war and will exterminate the infidels... There will be another war that we cannot win at any level in the Middle East, we just have to make ourselves get the fuck out of there",1.18,3,FR 21345,All you niggas can suck my dick,0.53,1,original 25003,"Eid Mubarak to you and your loved ones♥ May Allah accept our fasts, ibadah and duas. May Allah eliminate our bad deeds and replace them with good deeds♥ Remember everyone in your prayers and Stay happy.😇 URL",-5.14,0,original 7616,Can you image what a fat incel neckbeard must sould like whilst knocking one out? Whoever caught him must've thought someone was having a heart attack.,1.08,5,original 49025,It's normal over there cos the Americunts are descendants of barbarian.,1.77,3,original 9871,I'll go find Adam and Eve....kill Adam and fuck Eve with a condom so the bitch can't get pregnant,0.65,2,ZH 17191,Rough and hard. Gangbang the bitch. Fill every hole to the brim with cock,1.98,4,original 43412,Violets kay. you need to read about the life of Donald Trump and his ancestors and he is the President of the United States of America I suppose you won't look at that because he's white,-1.65,0,original 361,"How about sucking my dick, fucking degenerate",0.83,5,FR 16787,Fuck mentally ill people . we need to lock them up instead of medicating them.,0.97,7,original 39654,I wish I could punch this dumb bitch. URL,0.84,4,original 37022,We can leave the Mexicans. Kick out these pussy niggas,1.44,1,FR 19390,You're a mega hoe if you can taste Dennis Prager's ballsack in your soft serve,1.48,4,FR 22107,i can't waste time with whores,1.21,4,original 5720,Adopt some poor fucker from a third-world country. Less money needed in the long term.,1.14,3,original 6514,"Damn it's that meme? Damn normie, delete Reddit female dog",1.81,4,FR 43911,"Oh my God! Another southern Christian Taliban. The South continues to pander to these fanatics, ignorant and miserable people. They are all human garbage, fanatical zombies, just like the Taliban.",0.56,2,RU 17873,china gets nuked into glass. europe becomes a radioactive hell scape from all the shitty chineses nukes that missed their targets or got shot down by america,1.32,1,original 23139,"@ThomasJTobin1 So Catholic pedophiles, you worthless piece of shit, FO and burn in hell!!!",1.33,2,RU 9213,"Divorce that dump, bitch ain't loyal. Its value disappeared and the cat hit the wall. Dump who used the bitch",1.88,4,FR 31910,We are facing the consequences for not following the instructions of Allah URL,-3.4,0,original 45639,"God you ""fortniters"" are straight jumpers, make me sick. Blocked",0.76,5,FR 6052,"I'm gonna have your mom jerk me off with her vagina(NOT SEX, I WOULDNT FUCK YOUR MOM, SHES GROSS) while she's on her period, and if she's menopausal we'll find a way to make it bleed, or add blood, your mom is a crazy bitch.",1.71,4,original 42000,Another false Christian who supported the big-nosed Christ-killers cursed the enemies of Jesus. Enjoy the hellish scumbag American trumpeter.,1.53,2,RU 30008,@TalbertSwan Y'all murder your own daily including the unborn .. No one alive who owns an African Slave USA .. Clean your own house before bitching about others,-0.03,0,original 7457,Your whole religion was founded by a what? Hahaha,1.71,2,ZH 13830,You black sack of wrinkly fags,1.21,5,original 30839,That's the way to do it. ISIS fanatics who beheaded Scandinavian hikers are sentenced to DEATH by firing squad in Morocco. URL,-0.35,0,original 27933,@sinnfeinireland Fuck off. Murderous filth.,0.47,0,original 36142,Another brilliant construction under @yashpalmurar? This underpass is less than a year old. @MunCorpGurugram @GurugramMDA @nitin_gadkari @OfficeOfNG @PMOIndia URL,-5.81,0,original 46365,Look at these straight white homophobes on the comments,-1.39,0,original 14672,Go kill yourself. i DONT need ur retard advice.,1.27,7,original 13572,"""I'm not a Nazi, I'm just super-triggered and super-defensive when people insult the shittiest, shittiest, stupidest, shittiest racist motherfuckers alive."" U/Georgebarnard19",1.25,2,DE 23539,Had an experience today; the hand metal detector at #MillesCollinesHotel Is only applied to locals. I even stood for like 15 mins to intentionally watch . And all we do is blame others for #racism. Ssmmhhh.,-1.59,0,original 3385,"As a mongoloid man we just shoot at the damn moon, it's about time we did that to show these fags the true hierarchies",1.01,5,DE 20097,"@LaylaAlisha11 @MAGAGwen Would you like to try that Mrs Bobbitt? You should be in prison for murdering un-born, healthy babies bitch!!!",0.78,4,original 21542,I hate seeing a BAD bitch trapped by a pussy ass mf.,1.15,5,ZH 27278,Yes you will one day be dumb black ugly mf looking like a fat ass potato head boy Cincinnati Burnie stupid female dog url,1.63,1,FR 5427,"Christianity BTFO, I'm absolutely euphoric rn",0.47,0,original 46054,"That ugly bitch is disgusting, holy shit !",3.02,4,original 1574,hate that liberal cunt. She needs to get raped on air.,2.41,4,original 36936,"@StefanMolyneux Unfortunately having intercourse with men can give women cervical cancer, AIDS, and unwanted pregnancies. Are you suggesting we stop?",-2.02,0,original 44178,good thing he learnin how to cook since he gay now,-0.61,0,original 15234,Crack whore? She looks like a trash bin.,1.08,4,original 7961,"Just to tag off on how Orthodox converts are treated, as one myself, we are treated fantastically, even maybe a little more highly than born-Jews. In the Koren Siddur (Nusach: Sefard), one blessing of the Amidah is ""righteous Jews"".",-3.47,0,original 37984,Like fucking guns fuck y'all in the head mfs and most definitely FUCK DONALD TRUMP cause this fucking idiot sees repeat shootings and DO NOTHING. i hate america,0.7,3,FR 25084,@gaywonk @YouTube Lmao fagot gay ass brown ass go back to your country fagot,1.75,5,FR 47547,It's always a diseased white mind pushing for their own genocide,-0.67,0,original 37351,was stocking this shelf of gatorade and decided to end homophobia real quick URL,-2.72,0,original 24025,home of sexuals lemme hear you make some motherfucking NOISE! URL,-4.07,0,original 11128,You are more retarded than the fool who thinks a stroke will retard you!,1.98,7,JA 14596,"Go back to the trash where you came from, you normie",0.55,3,FR 6301,Post the news and we'll beat up Joe's gay ass,0.79,5,DE 24001,Hey bitches URL,0.52,5,DE 35679,"@thecovfefemaker @MRSGLAUBERMAN @marcusdipaola @Kokomothegreat I think it could be because Trump's people probably paid them to attend wearing those shirts, so it would appear that blacks don't think Trump is a racist. Fat chance.",-1.09,0,original 20072,"She blocked me, I called her, told her to unblock me, she unblocked, then i blocked her, we block girls, girls don't block us.😎😂",-1.84,0,original 5244,"First, we had a fucking parade for the faggots Then, they decided to give the cockgoblins a whole week Now, the cockgoblins think they are black and demanded a whole month or else Next they are going to demand full unfettered legal access to your children's poopy anus so they can shitdick them, and a whole fucking year. That's right, a whole year of degeneracy",2.79,5,original 19589,"I would like to rip your clothes off, you bite and kiss your neck while I pinch your nipple I would like to chew that tight pussy until it was red and a little sore and swollen I would then force my cock inside and would keep pushing inside you until i shoot my hot load deep inside you and watch your pussy dripping with my cum",1.23,4,FR 3070,"You want to be anon, but get to know someone and eventually bring them out of their anon shell along with yourself?",-2.76,0,original 7112,"Shut the fuck up, fuckin' faggot",1.16,5,DE 46274,Whiny little bitch.,0.58,4,original 16717,Gender Non Conforming.,-3.11,0,original 1298,"Rofl get some help bro, or better yet get some shock therapy or some 12 gauge to the brain therapy for your mentally ill ass 🤣",1.63,7,original 48028,Black footballers are the most overrated hooligans in all of sport!!,0.55,1,FR 8709,"It would help some if he didn't have every single member of staff on the mic, but he needs to make friends with Gabby's fag dad",0.96,5,DE 45501,@jackalneck The minority party? We'll see how much you cry after we deported a few million of your illegals and you lost 40 electoral votes after the census :),0.66,3,DE 11099,The gay shit above this one was an ad for a bitcoin-related Chrome extension.,-1.26,0,original 16885,"What an embarrassment America is before the world. A fucking white supremacist banana republic, a gigantic trailer park shithole of rabid morons led by a fat fucking piece of shit.",1.52,1,original 15043,see autism high function is still fuck sh8t and i wanna die every day,-0.38,0,original 19370,Your mom cries real tears when she's choking on my dick. She looks like you when Iron Man dies in endgame.,2.13,4,original 21455,Has the fashion police attacked Gambhir yet? Or only for the women? I think @GautamGambhir is looking great URL,-1.66,0,original 13254,"Incels ""why do the mean cucks on IT hate us? They are just assholes reeeeeeeeeee"" Also Incels ""we should be allowed to beat women nearly to death"" Seriously, do they not see how disgusting they are?",3.03,4,original 41471,"Looks like the only safe option for illegals is... do not step one foot out of those sanctuary cities. At some point, (when things get bad enough) the people living in these sanctuary cities will either turn the illegals over to ICE, or they will take matters into their own hands, and eliminate them altogether.",0.15,0,original 27459,Stay away from these weird ass bitches and weird ass niggas,-0.08,0,original 6472,damn america everywhere,0.7,3,ZH 45622,kill all those bangladeshis,1.73,3,ZH 2303,"reported to the chapo death threat squad for ageism, sportsism, and blatant homophobia calling people faggots. you are literally murdering people by saying faggot, faggot. kill yourself white nigger",1.36,1,original 39510,"wow, what a retard",3.38,7,ZH 9200,Haha pathetic. No facts and argue like a 12 year old. You racist pathetic little virgin cunt. That's why no girls want you and your life will suck. Your parents probably hate you too. Just say. I hope your life continues to suck. Bye now racist cunt.,1.45,6,DE 40227,Happy there because there are no blacks or mexicans running around trying to steal everything you own.,1.45,1,DE 38226,@Skoal_GG all white people are the devil!,0.54,1,FR 7249,"I miss you, you racist cocksucker. How is your 3rd world shithole city shaping up for baseball and football season? Are you excited to see them follow the example of your shithole country? Inbred bitch.",1.35,3,original 48244,"Don't watch this bitch shoot shit out of her mouth, she's a foreigner who has no right to say anything about our president, she can cross the ocean again and shove her country up her anus.",1.01,3,FR 5399,"You are scum of the earth bothering a woman and you come from an overpopulated 3rd world country. So sorry you have to use your education as a crutch. Go fuck with a man. Oh my bad, you would get your ass kicked.",0.62,3,original 8288,Annoying white woman doesn't know when to let it gooooo. BYEEEEE.,-1.19,0,original 12948,We're gonna genocide the Saudis?,2.36,3,original 4262,"Just commenting on one thing you mentioned - you can absolutely still date other women as a trans woman. Being sapphic is amazing and healing, and other queer women (both cis and trans) are some of the best people I've ever known and dated.",-5.07,0,original 44815,"The Indians are a pack of dirty bastards. When they're not abusing children, they're shit in the street. Let the assholes swim in the Ganges hoping they all die of disease.",2.18,1,FR 47965,"Let's shut down the detention camps and quit feeding and supporting detainees, divert the funds to constructing the wall, and let the potential immigrants camp on the other side of our border until they are processed and allowed to enter or are denied entry.",-1.25,0,original 4397,Fucking racist pussies,3.59,1,FR 10843,"""Attention all you Jews, please kill each other""",2.12,2,ZH 42470,Ugly woman in the ass.,1.0,4,FR 41928,stfu Christopher,1.31,4,original 1347,"Yes, man/gallon. That sub and TheBluePill can suck each other's dicks",0.75,5,ZH 49381,"The 4 bitches gotta leave the country, kick these dogs in the gutter",2.7,3,FR 19526,Because European men are a bunch of soyboy fags lol,1.59,3,FR 13468,Fuck off newfag.,-0.45,0,original 1347,yes male/female This sub and TheBluePill can suck each other's penises,0.75,5,DE 37052,"@charliekirk11 You are a total waste! Of course we should focus on these racist, homophobic, white supremacist murderers. Focus on who fills their hearts with hate. Focus on who rules them up. Then outlaw them and in 1 case, impeach them!",0.95,1,original 4505,Cultural appropriation's even uglier cousin---cultural imperialism. When a combination of soft power and hard power causes a person to embrace the culture of their oppressor. Disgusting.,0.88,2,FR 12504,"Muslim trainees in a re-education camp, like in China, until they fell in love with same-sex sex",1.1,2,RU 2364,*those niggers at it again*,1.86,1,original 3127,"Looking at the number of shooting in that shithole of a country, I am starting to think all of you Americans are dumb as fuck. You have so many trigger happy idiots and what you do? Create a fucking subreddit just to trigger the fuck out of them. The dude doesn't need to be smart to cause huge damage. This sub is cancer.",-0.13,0,original 19179,As someone who is mixed race it's nice to hear someone finally talk about it like that,-3.67,0,original 26688,Representatives of our state are involved in the war of Jews against whites. These traitors have only one concern: appeasing their Jewish donors. url,0.63,2,ZH 23827,niggas said cum is boneless children smh...,-1.51,0,original 7472,"Hell, a slap on the wrist (either literal or metaphorical) for ""insulting the sanctity of Islam"" is already a disproportionately high punishment for what amounts to *criticising ideas*.",-1.8,0,original 25337,@dhiggins63 Satan seeks to make us sin and reject God. Liberals are tools of Satan in his plans of destruction as they subvert and attack righteousness/virtue. Muslims are tools of Satan in his quest to conquer the world for a satanic religion that revels in lies.,1.29,2,RU 40267,Everyone who unliked this vid are gay asfuck,0.58,5,original 44292,That stupid dyke should be hung from a tree ASAP!,3.21,5,original 16632,"All overweight. Non-white majority. Ok thanks, I'll avoid this dump before the next non-white decides to go for a shootout.",0.55,1,FR 7508,I feel your pain I hunted this same wolf for a week I just knew he was gonna be a diamond,-2.48,0,original 13967,"Suck my balls, you illiterate bastard.",2.36,7,RU 11742,What faggots all of them,0.94,5,original 12599,"people of color cant be expected to have id, you are a racist bigot who is spreading nazi ideology time to stop listening to MAGA talking points, you sick disgusting bigot",1.3,2,original 17160,"She's a fucking white supremacist. Start in the mirror, you cooze fascist.",1.32,1,FR 28282,Of course you do Sissy DM for Sissy Training @MasterDomGreg #BlowJobTraining #anal #crossdresser #domme #feminized #UKdomme #submit #SissyWhore #sissifcation #sissyfuck #sissyanal URL,1.67,5,DE 10958,"For being such a dirty, worthless slut, I would make sure to abuse your tits until you beg me to stop, then violate your filthy pussy until you cry.",3.21,4,FR 18076,You need to be held down and raped by a dog like the bitch you are,3.82,5,original 35438,These fake thugs got asses dirtier than guns,0.97,1,FR 10283,Can't believe we went from Vanessa Place and Patrik to Milo's ex-ass boy who got fired for not being racist enough and is now trying to be tricked by a priest so he can be gay but blameless,1.07,5,ZH 9836,Lol I think he deleted that reply tweet,-2.93,0,original 16617,"Shut up, racist faggot",0.67,5,DE 48951,2 gays 1 child and 1 normal human Wtf?,0.89,5,original 8785,Jews are inbred,1.55,2,FR 20272,"put me out of this stupidity, nigga",0.84,1,DE 27957,This is how you hold down a faggot and own his hole URL,2.3,5,original 38691,FUCK THAT MIDGET ARGENTINIAN FUCKHEAD HOPE AWB WILL BREAK HIS LEGS,1.31,3,original 15312,"Ok boy we get it you're a fur and you're trying to defend yourself, how about you get a life instead and stop fantasizing about fucking a pig you dirty bastard",1.85,5,DE 33568,"22. Greenfeld added: ""This is why, in other words, Americans are committed to equality more passionately than any other people."" URL",-3.93,0,original 8394,"You do not know ? The Moon is female and all of these Apollo landings were actually Moon rapes by patriarchal Earth. /s Thanks to this feminist bullshit, China will soon overtake the United States.",0.82,4,FR 24889,Brian Kemp used his position as secretary of state to quash the vote in his run for governor against Stacey Abrams. And he used many of the same racist tactics we've seen since Jim Crow. 2/URL,0.76,1,DE 18223,"Shut up, faggot",1.39,5,DE 48393,Go fuck your dumb ass,3.17,2,RU 18102,Dead bitches got the best pussy 💀😋,1.61,7,RU 11956,That pussy should be fucked!),1.07,4,FR 27352,Boi said he's 21 and bitches think he's still in tears,0.9,6,DE 41857,Lies and lies than lie. It is nothing than the church propaganda. Always such has seen this and that vision what what all those stories is to pave the way for Christianity to bring back slavery in our minds. Keep dreaming and wait of your jesus. But I am sure he is afraid of the new technologie that is why he has delay.,0.42,0,original 30359,How about we ditch the aliens and we go clean up the beach you fuckin hoes,1.33,3,original 17,"it's such a shame that you're gonna probably marry a uglier nice guy, and turn his life into a dysfunctional hell-hole.",1.17,4,original 45200,"THANK YOU VERY MUCH! PRESIDENT TRUMP! YES!!! SEND ALL ILLEGALS BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY, WE MUST CARE FOR ALL HOMELESS AMERICAN VETERANS SLEEPING ON THE STREETS WHILE ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT HOUSING ENJOYS FREE FOOD STAMPS, FREE SCHOOLS AND FREE HEALTH CARE. SADLY, ILLEGAL AMERICANS KILL.",0.71,3,DE 13206,"Wait, so that would be like a succubus with polar opposite motives. She literally feeds off of semen and has the appearance but reads the Bible consistently and falls in line with Catholicism?",0.38,0,original 9846,If you were down south I would save weeks of cum just to shove my 8 inch cock deep inside you and unload pints of cum.,2.77,4,FR 25188,@groomyxs @SkyNews Imagine being so retarded. They should be sterilized.,1.53,7,DE 10169,Fuck you beta cuckold,0.89,4,FR 5373,Eid Mubarak from a Christian Californian!,-3.53,0,original 10222,1.3 million weebs decending upon Area 51 to clap some alien cheeks. I'd think the gobnit gonna slap a chasity belt on dat ass.,-2.22,0,original 28258,horny dumbass lol,-1.87,0,original 31612,"Like yeah, these five attractive, put together, successful men all wanna suck your dick.",-2.02,0,original 21727,fuck a bitch nigga and his bitch too,0.8,1,original 47293,So what does being in a great man then be in a Hispanic has to do with anything.,-3.3,0,original 42534,"He a fag, I got shooters that would fuck him, they deleted my insta kus, I came to this nigga",2.59,5,DE 9393,"Seriously, what kind of fagot would preemptively rule out this cute sweet Bussy.",1.49,5,DE 44686,Time to get the cult of Islam out of the USA !! Iran is the cult Islam,0.43,0,original 13257,You fucking cucked eurotrash ARREST people for less,-0.12,0,original 1612,"Nothing more civilized than killing unborn children, amirite?",-0.54,0,original 27549,@KayHair1 That's why my generation of males are masculine not a bunch of crybabies. We had the draft.,-0.54,0,original 45039,@Dave S Shouldn't have given humans free will then. his mistake. It has never escaped us ordinary people how many of your god squads are drawn to the priesthood where they end up abusing little boys. Must be something to do with being a Christian...,0.56,2,DE 13990,"Are you crying about a girl who will vomit if she even looks your way and you tell other people they're horny? to moan like a bitch because she's dating a black guy. lmfao. get the hell out of here, you racist retarded perpetual virgin.",2.03,6,RU 22545,"Not a single amount of semen ""evidence"" connected these boys to the lady being raped that night so they come to them with a deal. Foh with your deal. Do your job right! #WhenTheySeeUs",-2.79,0,original 40322,Awe.. you must be black. He is a coward. Bill Gates was bullied too. Poor muslims are being bullied. No wonder. Muslims have no place in America. unless you like stoners and pedophiles,1.74,2,ZH 43215,"Islamists, Satan worshipers and Marxists are determined to destroy America from within. Their common enemy is Jesus and a loving God.",0.94,2,ZH 36463,I wanna smack that female dog EVERY FUCK DAY,1.66,4,FR 27166,@liliakgae Dumb bitch hop off her dick,0.73,4,original 39524,"New Music: Rapping about being taken as a joke, Columbus, Ohio-based rapper Tieran explains the problems he faces as a 'White' rapper, vividly. Watch the official video for #Sick now on #GRUNGECAKE URL @TieranOfficial URL",-2.08,0,original 18741,Fucking religious asshole.,1.63,2,FR 48583,"Get the hell out of this liberal propaganda. ""OH LOOK AT ME I'M A MUSLIM THIS MAKES ME FUCKING SPECIAL"" Fuck off and die in hell.",2.27,2,RU 44569,"@tert terter oh boy.....typical misogynistic man who needs to tell a woman no man wants her, to feel superior. Don't even know.....I could be a lesbian hahahahahaha Such a wanker, you are. Just proved me right. Dude, you are ridiculous 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣",-1.18,0,original 10714,No I got mad 'cause you're a fucking fagot,0.94,5,FR 20329,"a man: ""you guys, what if, we told women that getting pregnant as a result of being raped is okay and get this... they have to keep the baby"" other men: URL",-0.32,0,original 35327,@MarkMaddenX And a racist. But damn does he have rap confusing.,-1.19,0,original 37653,Pakistan should nuke India even if they nuke us in return. We are ready to die but also to destroy India. The world to come will thank us for ridding the world of this ugly Hindu rat infestation. #KashmirParFinalFight,2.73,2,DE 21946,@_avxto_ @steph_nicole17 @2018millni @ChelseaTanco Wtf you can't dull but you can cut Weirdo ass retard bruh I swear,2.02,7,ZH 46401,"Are you all back bwo?!?!? - a retard who probably also enjoys crime and owns an illegal firearm. I actually hate the world we live in, twatter monkeys think they can ruin the credibility of the police because they're probably all criminals themselves, all out of a 20 second clip and n having absolutely no critical thinking, just agreeing with the monkey who shared it. The world will only get worse.",0.63,7,FR 7501,1. I'm not a lesbian. 2. I was a virgin and the sex was and still is the best. 3. Thots are nasty and can't be trusted.,-0.46,0,original 35329,"@GiioTM ""Good nigger boys, but count your damn days, I'll be a rooting, doing, black nigger bitch, shooting Summamabitch next time I catch you"" URL",1.39,1,DE 42167,Never trust the Jews. These are the real predators.,1.65,2,FR 22881,@ftv_harp That b¡tch should be in prison FR,0.94,4,original 35203,"Black Mental Health, matters.",-5.25,0,original 43651,Look at the ABC's comments. This shows that ABC openly stands on the side of Omar and Al-Qaeda. ABC should shut up and go to hell!,2.01,3,FR 47091,They gotta be specific on a details of crimes that they want to deport because it is unfair if you're gonna do poor people on basic traffic violations there can be falsified by police purposefully for this reason!?,-1.25,0,original 40443,Drive out these disease-infected idiots,1.95,3,ZH 21579,@NinjaJournalist I don't know about you but I've always wondered why do white people adopt black children is it a guilt thing,-2.18,0,original 23949,"Go fuck yourself in hell and when you get there, keep fucking yourself until you reach the deepest level. You are a conservative who makes common cause with fanatics who want to deny equality to homosexuals at all levels. I hope your heel breaks and you fall head over heels in shit",0.8,5,FR 44353,Abortion is great because it helps reduce the black population. Black women abort 4 times more than white women!😁😁😁,1.33,1,FR 24509,The first global index measuring efforts to end gender inequality finds countries are not doing enough to achieve #SDGs - via @guardian URL,-2.79,0,original 41771,Put all those Mexicans in jail. I hate people like him. I hope he won't escape,0.78,1,FR 2300,I'd rather go to hell than be an imbecile like you.,1.71,7,ZH 214,They suck. But Israeli intelligence and officials know that Iran could compel Hezbollah to go after Israel.,-0.87,0,original 33697,Turn into a BBC slut as you take my cock balls deep in your tiny white ass,0.67,1,DE 27280,fuck these domestic terrorists,0.6,3,ZH 2601,It seems that there are too many chromosomes.,0.61,7,JA 44577,+MrSh4des shut up you piece of crap triggered feminist liberal sjw shit,1.06,4,original 30358,"@TopGunMovie @TomCruise Thank you for not replacing Tom Cruise with a non-binary, multi-racial alien.",0.41,0,original 20839,"How many millions of women live n the sadistic environment daily. How long will a 'civilized' world allow this to go on? If this group of satanic perverts were torturing animals daily, don't you think that someone would make an effort to stop it? God help these poor women. 😢🙏 URL",-2.63,0,original 4620,Fuck me! That pussy deserves a fat cock!,1.14,4,original 30943,I hate bitches,0.58,4,FR 37959,"@ctblogger No! He's like the man who cried wolf too many times. Too many times he read words like today only to go back on them a few days later. Wait until his next rally, he'll be back to his racist rhetoric against immigrants & POC, and his racist audience will cheer him on. #ITMFA!",-0.98,0,original 23773,"Ever thinking about having a surgery and getting a vagina?? You're really pretty I love you a lot😘😘 — I thought about it early in my transition, but I'd rather not for the foreseeable future. I barely get any dysphoria from my gen… URL",-3.84,0,original 18464,It's the gays and loss of prayer in schools and video games and...blah blah blah. They are fucking idiots or just evil.,-0.18,0,original 10345,"I wish God were real, so I could spit in his eyes and call him a jerk.",0.78,2,FR 39710,"Why do you record these racist people, just smack their ass",0.62,1,DE 8454,I'd deport them all to feminist shithole Sweden.,0.9,3,original 37757,"For another spurious correlation, Trump attacks Mexicans and Blacks, and guess who gets killed?",-0.86,0,original 48437,Trevor's a fagot drop that gay ass nigga,1.98,5,original 11411,oh shut up fagot,0.68,5,FR 22912,you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ you whores need a real job ✨ URL,0.35,0,original 2971,How about you go find a girl to have sex with instead?,-1.29,0,original 42044,Damn sad judging by your appearance you have no room to start race baiting.....,-3.39,0,original 32843,"My girlfriend prepares me to marry her, kiss her, divorce her, kick her ass, ignore her, eat her pussy and get her pregnant in 30 minutes",1.16,4,FR 43264,send it back in a sealed container addressed to 'the most violent Somali warlord',2.03,3,FR 10414,* I hate fucking minorities,1.18,1,DE 35789,"I would never EVER have a woman eat my ass, nah that goes against my pride, you can eat this DICK🍆 thats about it. Im a nasty nigga but not that nasty #Nomam #sorrynotsorry",-0.39,0,original 37592,"These damn niggas look like triplets, I hope you burn in hell",1.07,1,DE 16707,Uh. Yes it does. Unless your calling the Middle East uncivilized? Is that what you're saying. Cause that some people ethnocentric shit.,-3.36,0,original 40525,"His feet was little ass, he gon' gay ass, nigga",1.12,5,DE 41560,Chuck Todd is the BIGGEST cock sucking fag in the world.,1.35,5,DE 10899,Looks like an illegal immigrant who comes in tv boxes and turns into a slut in the states,1.2,3,DE 37842,AYO fuck that nigga Stephen Hawkings if I ever see his ass I'm shooting the wheels off his chair for what he did to my nigga Varcee.,1.85,7,FR 49112,"Another ass punk white boy who shoots shit, but all the others are beasts and savages.",0.59,1,FR 42357,These nutbag radicals are the ugliest women I have ever seen.....,1.95,4,original 11880,Shut the damn fags,2.79,5,DE 37174,"you my nigga I fwu we gone thug it out , say it's beef we goin to war nigga let's slug it out!",0.86,4,original 12031,Zionists are hated around the world by moderate Jews. Are they antisemitic? Ciggy butt brain,-0.52,0,original 47618,"Tiger25NYC Brooklyn is a load of bullshit. How about ex-officer Michael Slager sentenced to 20 years in prison for shooting Walter Scott, or how about ex-police officer Nouman Raja sentenced to 25 years in prison for shooting Corey Jones. Black people just want there to be a plot, so they can justify their racist hatred of white people. Ignorant people like you who spread nonsense create and perpetuate the problem. Stop that moron.",0.87,1,FR 14346,And if she was black she would be dead.,-1.04,0,original 34459,"Instead of keeping people like the shooter at the garlic festival and other people who deserve to be in jail, y'all disrespect/put hands on a guy who's not doing anything wrong... y'all Supposed to protect us I'm disgusted with my race honestly",-1.2,0,original 38396,"@_Hsn_Shah this is the one we Indians killed right? Don't worry about sending as many as you can, you'll just get them back in a box. We are busy arranging dates for those damn bastards with your lord may he in heaven teach him the right thing",1.91,2,ZH 28649,Pussy ass nigga I knew he was neutered,-0.57,0,original 22155,I watched the video when this happened before it was removed. They laughed as they hacked these young ladies heads off. They were basically nude which hints to what happened before they were butchered. Once done they tossed and kicked their heads away like so much garbage,1.24,4,original 3257,"Women are stupid. They think it would hurt the guy, but it increases his SMV. The women around him are starting to notice him more.",0.62,4,FR 6163,"The Jews are made of ketamine. Turn the atmosphere into breathable ketamine, the final solution will do the trick.",1.6,2,DE 17190,If telling Nazis to fuck off makes you going then yours probably a Nazi so... Fuck off,-0.35,0,original 5860,"On the border between the United States and Canada Yeah we can't let you in, sir says here in your passport that you're well FUCKED in the head. But... but... my gender identity. Yeah, we don't bow to that fairy tale bullshit when it comes to the security of our country. If you haven't noticed a real man is running this country and has a set to stand up for what is truth and what really matters. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE",0.62,4,FR 27534,"""Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the jews to win this war."" - Joseph Goebbels URL",1.38,2,original 28903,"@RealMAGASteve Ummmmm, pretty sure that chick has a dick.",-0.19,0,original 27734,@pete7630 @SenSchumer @realDonaldTrump F#%k you shithead. I was once alive and now I am ready for that Holy War that you have been warning about us heretics. eat shit you pedophile woman hit camel jockey,2.89,2,ZH 7549,Because you have a small cock and you can't please her,0.56,7,DE 14799,"But really, Christian girls suck. They are bitches. Source: am girl.",0.58,2,DE 8921,The soldiers who stormed the beaches on D-Day might as well have gassed those Jews themselves.,2.94,2,FR 13340,"Brother, I suggest you die. Poor quality pollutes the world.",0.92,7,ZH 30502,@MaoistRebelNews Shut the fuck up degenerate asswipe,0.83,1,original 25241,@RashidaTlaib This bitch needs to be deported,1.34,3,DE 8785,jews are inbred,1.55,2,ZH 2635,I believe this is from a gay club and if you've ever been to one these guys take all drugs of shit solely to have sex for as long as possible.,1.12,5,original 20011,"JEW: Get the fuck out, you son of a bitch, if you don't leave you bastard, I'll rape your fucking family. I'll shoot you if you come back 'cause you're a filthy half man and I hope you choke on a fucking bagel, bastard. Safety. we come in?",3.62,2,ZH 34418,"These ""women"" need to turn in their woman cards.",-0.72,0,original 7475,"Oh my god, not that fucking cancerous fake feminist again.",0.55,4,FR 45626,"Dylann Roof, a white man who shot up a church full of black people, was charged with a hate crime and sentenced to death by our garbage Federal Justice Department. However, Emanual Samson, a black man who shot up a church full of white people, wasn't charged with a hate crime, nor was he sentenced to death by the same Federal Justice Department! EVIL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOUBLE STANDARDS!!! The garbage Federal Justice Department also didn't charge the black serial killer named Frederick Demond Scott with hate crimes after he shot ten white men in the back in Kansas City. WHAT THE FUCK!!!???teye",0.5,0,original 19072,A couple do look grey but the majority of it looks like an ashy blonde colour that really does not blend well with the mousy brown. I think this is just badly done highlight and seeing as this person has awful taste in clothing and posts crap like this I wouldn't expect them to have much better taste in dye jobs,1.11,4,original 43964,They think all of us LATINX are trash so why not fight for Russia and prove that we are not trash...revenge is good for the soul and we can liberate from the evil empire (USA) and make latin america great again...i really hates americans,1.7,3,ZH 12681,"Go scrub your girls feet, maybe she will have pity sex with you",0.33,0,original 21790,@ketnertysen not rape being funny but the comparing girls and being easy to get with. fuck im digging this hole deeper and deeper,-1.5,0,original 34547,Lil bitch got that dick rearranging his guts url,0.52,4,FR 37282,Stfu this they job stupid bitch of course it's fuck 12 when they killin innocent / unarmed black people and Harass our community everyday so fuck u and 12 🤷🏾‍♂️,-0.26,0,original 32844,"@GMA @tjholmes Gay men throwing money at a gyrating 11 year old for their pleasure is good and liberating, father enjoying time with his daughter-controversial.",-0.18,0,original 6090,Damn fucking little pussy. Cry like a fucking bitch!. Fuck your pussy. I bet you're also on your knees when giving blowjobs!,1.15,4,FR 9881,DROWN ALL THE WHITES,1.4,1,original 37610,Steal millions of Rayaat money then hide behind agama/bangsa/negara!. They should be forced to ring the bell and cut their heads off like the Saudis do! Holy thieves! URLs,3.26,3,FR 49235,"Iran is on the list for regime change. At any moment they will create an excuse to justify an invasion of Iran, just as they did with Iraq and Libya. People don't realize that all this leads to a war with Russia and that the only ones who benefit from it are the tiny. The only country in the world that has used nukes trying to lecture other nations about their's pathetic. A small piece of land with a small population controls one of the greatest countries in the world...again, pathetic.",0.79,3,FR 19827,"I am a cis man in a relationship with a transman. I understand your plight entirely. Hell, I don't think it even dawned on me that there may be an opposite to transwomen until I met my current SO. Boy did I feel ignorant. This whole ride has taught me a lot about people I never even considered. I see exactly what you describe in his relationships with others in the lgbtq community and I just don't understand it. Just know I love you. You are just as important as any one else in the community in my eyes and I hope one day we can all live and love happily under the same umbrella.",-7.35,0,original 47279,and we want these people flooding our country unvetted......,-1.08,0,original 42887,Everyday in California i see Hispanic gang members commiting horrible crimes like drive bys and murders (especially in Salinas) and the media covers it for 5 seconds and then sweeps it under the rug.,-1.02,0,original 36346,These niggas broke asf I wish I would beef with 1 of you whores !,0.18,0,original 7588,This is the type of gay I can't stand,1.44,5,ZH 1380,Those motherfuckers need to be gassed,5.13,7,DE 7963,"All right, gay faggot",1.61,5,DE 28026,Sonke Gender Justice joins 'Stop the Bantustan Bills' coalition in protest march - URL #GoogleAlerts,-3.65,0,original 46237,"Keep your idiotic handkerchiefs in your underdeveloped hellish desert countries, you fucking garbage fires!!! Shame... (Prophet Mohammed is a small fictitious one-eyed snake) Death to ALL fools!",3.98,2,RU 45642,"Randians will be butchered in Afghanistan once U.S.A would leave with there pathetic, painful, expensive, humiliating and miserable defeat!!!",0.65,1,original 2258,Only they would hate charity. sinner,0.96,2,ZH 39743,I would crack this bitch head open as wide as her pussy,1.76,4,original 43607,Danny Duncan I could see the Latino and the white boy being 2 gay pornstars jkjk,0.25,0,original 12976,"Yes, lets baptize them in the name of Odin, Thor and burning them Christians to ashes",2.52,2,original 4414,I hope she gets raped,2.48,4,FR 33615,@HEATHERxHILLS @BYRELLTHEGREAT Girl it's nice to see two gay men fight for once and not ganging up on trans girls cause of they privilege URL,-1.39,0,original 34958,I'm gona fuck your wallet and your wife so bend over and take it you sissy slut! #findom #finsubs #fincuck #alpha,2.28,4,original 42764,"Indira gandhi was shithole pm coz i never like gadhi n nehru n then there family ...... But u guys believe or not ur khalsa ji that time guru had guns in golden temole n he says it's for sarety purpose ....... He is surely doing terrorism this was the truth n this will be truth .....i don't want to do fight but i feel for those ppls ,sikhs or khalistani who died coz of few persns who try to do terrorism in india",0.35,0,original 26862,Little faggot love to suck my huge tool daily.. RT kutton n beg for session at EMAIL @IndianAlphaDom1 @rtdumb @RTsubby @RT_Slave @gay_footslave @gaysub93 @RTP1G @GayFeetOfficial @RT4Dommes @FinDommes @RTfindombitch @RTfindommes @RTDOMINA @RTsubby URL,1.35,5,original 43519,That's a fat smelly pussy,1.42,4,FR 1188,People like this need to literally be castrated.,0.8,4,original 43579,She herself is a transgender. Her sister too.,-3.05,0,original 26232,"@darksnowyfox Done. Hope you find it useful. I'm a lil optimistic about him. Sure there is some cherrypicking on that video, and there will be language barrier, not to mention serie a is not an easy league. But I kinda like how organised his Shaktar when they played against us.",-4.27,0,original 30846,"@realDonaldTrump TRUMP'S FOUL LANGUAGE AND RACIST HATRED: ""GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY"", SHITHOLE COUNTRIES AND MORE... URL",3.44,4,original 38981,I'll fuck them all little bitches URL,0.67,6,ZH 44146,"""We need a miracle or Jesus..."" I got a news flash for ya tubby, Jesus would be a miracle. Morons. She has a germ phobia and she's there to clean a house? What a retarded fake show.",-0.49,0,original 1330,I used to think that pedophiles should be put to death but now that i think about it this is mental sickness they belong in asylum away from society to be studied by science.,-2.58,0,original 14406,"Man, I'm getting awfully old for not having found happiness either of way yet.",-2.11,0,original 11166,"Asians in Asia are generally using them to get around. White people are generally dressing up in leather like it's fucking Halloween, and riding around on deliberately and unnecessarily loud, inefficient junk heaps. Fuck these people and everyone who doesn't hate them.",-0.65,0,original 42746,"False pride, lmao, shut up, weak ass bitch",1.49,5,DE 34287,"@lsarsour So Muslims shouldn't conform to American culture and philosophy? Then PACK AND GO BACK TO THE SANDBOX AND YOU CAN GO WITH THEM!! Do you want to declare jihad to the President's cabinet and his supporters? Go ahead, WE will send you and them straight to HELL BITCH",1.56,2,DE 37448,no one wants to have a conversation with me so hmu if you are retarded shit too,1.5,7,FR 30036,"Every Black man in America has a right to be filled with rage because of you hate filled, degenerate, dimwitted, loathsome, nauseating,white supremacists & your anti-Black, anti-non-white, anti-Muslim violence, murder, & every day BS. You're mad that I hate your bigotry. GTHOH URL",0.22,0,original 48838,"India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. All these brown asses should be wiped off the earth to give mankind a clean future.",3.33,1,DE 4706,Take that fag stuff somewhere else.,1.25,5,FR 49146,Poor Baby R.I.P. Now lock up the mother and deport her.,0.8,1,DE 47805,It's not our problem -- send the anti-american anti-white racist criminal Hispanic illegal-aliens back home or will remove all you secret society sleeper cells from our Government,0.93,3,original 48583,Fuck you with that liberal propaganda bullshit. “OOH LOOK AT ME I AM A MUSLIM SO THAT MAKES ME SPECIAL” Fuck you and die in hell.,2.27,2,FR 38762,@Bobby___M Who gives a fuck... you sound like a fag. Worrying what the next motherfucker will do. Go get pussy or money. clown ass,2.11,5,FR 6699,lmfao getting fucked incel scum,4.87,4,FR 26535,"@SenBlumenthal You really are dumb as a box of rocks. Think we are deaf, dumb and blind? We see whats going on at the border, we feel the effects of it all across the country. And I am sure our troops would rather be at borders than Afghanistan's, or Iraq's, or Syria's or Africa's etc.",-1.76,0,original 10174,I don't like America so I'm going to bomb Israel.,1.89,3,ZH 46454,AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Proudly South African and Im soo Proud! Just that they shouldnt be afraid to perform in vernacular.,-5.48,0,original 28565,"@thomasnash270 fuck off you look like a rat, get off btd6 you fag",1.83,5,DE 35473,imma just start telling the boys at my school that i fucked their bitch and watch as the mayhem unfolds,0.99,4,original 49710,@mutek I'm done you bastard!,2.46,5,ZH 40288,That black bitch makes me sick I wish she would drop dead she has a lot of room to flap her mouth the only reason she is where she is because she's nothing but a whore sleeping her way to the top,2.28,1,original 19671,Deserve this stupid bitch,0.51,4,FR 31712,"The roles are About to Be switched up , Females bouta be Out here Fucking Anything While the Dudes are being Reapectable and Innocent ☺☺☺ then we gonna Live longer then Yall , Yall gonna have to Take the Trash... URL",0.08,0,original 16376,Talk about being a dumb retarded fagot pussy,1.58,5,FR 46020,I am indian Ingland won the world cup final 💪💪💪,-3.33,0,original 42100,"NUKE the Islamic bastards, then send an emissary to talk to them! Nothing works with those pig bastards but PURE BRUTE FORCE!!!!!",3.58,2,FR 28594,She's a whole rapist and forced a man to be with and had kids borne of rape URL,0.12,0,original 31198,"Sacrifice and concern macam macam, at last dia nampak and appreciate orang lain punya sacrifice and concern",-3.04,0,original 7180,You must kill all non-believers.,1.18,2,RU 7959,"if adam doesn't go full PAAG-hound, what little respect i had might dissapear.",0.22,0,original 47951,Jews should be banned from making movies,0.52,1,original 24173,@Bishopoftyler Procreation is causing the destruction of our planet - climate change is the biggest threat to our planet due to factory farming and deforestation to feed our over-populated planet! Stop being homophobic and start fighting pedophilia! #homophobia @lgbtqnation @glaad #religion,-3.76,0,original 48053,"Fuck all these immigrants, let's gas them",0.96,3,ZH 1680,"Was not aware of that lol. Yeah, only know about Mediterranean religions, less so about the others. Very interesting some of the East Asian ones, such as Confucius, at least to me, they are.",-3.54,0,original 49715,10% of stupids from each religions thinks that they are defending the 90% of their people.....Actually who really doesnt care about both the Jihadi Morons and brainless bakhts....,0.75,2,original 38068,Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist Suck your mother you scum Zionist URL,1.39,2,original 46413,"+흔한1인 china and we were allies in world war 2 remember? You have no problem sucking America's dick when they drop 2 atomic bombs killing 250,000 people.",1.11,3,FR 7016,"Fuck off American, you were only profiting from the war until your pussy ass got nailed at Pearl Harbor",1.06,3,DE 23605,Fucking bitch. I hope she get beat up by some bad bitch,1.86,4,FR 47157,All four are evil vile women that need to go back to their own countries!,0.94,4,original 40767,"MAGA OFFENSIVE America will never be saved. Time is up. Babylon will fall. God has had enough. Trump, Q and MAGa give false hope when in fact they are part of the plan to bring in the anti Christ system.",1.79,1,original 47505,"Their speaking is just horrifying, they are all so uneducated and so desperate. And I support mass deportation!",0.58,3,original 34932,@TwatHugh @Imamofpeace White supremacists should adopt them. Then everyone else will have to stop wearing them.,-2.36,0,original 9847,Ran* Become an overpowered tentacle monster somehow and disrupt feminist rallies.,-0.64,0,original 29635,"#Breaking: IDF shoots, kills armed Hamas operative approaching Gaza border. URL via @timesofisrael",-1.68,0,original 16348,Go to China first. Then we'll atomize it... might as well get rid of *all* the garbage.,1.61,1,FR 35092,Bitches are friendly and fake.,1.64,4,original 5134,"I would love it if someone posted saying something along the lines of ""great idea, here is a link to some trans people that I have donated this year, maybe others will donate to them as well"". I mean she did say trans people and not her directly.",-4.2,0,original 45788,Iran deserves to be invaded by the US and UK,0.96,3,FR 35341,"Exactly..... I told my son he has more to offer.... try sports like tennis, swimming, and baseball! Stop limiting our black kids Because of how they look!! @ UpThereSomeWhereYouAreNot URL",-3.74,0,original 43290,"+John, null, lol, fag you're a transgender daddy that should have swallowed you",1.23,5,DE 35128,(1/6) Pakistan and Iran have agreed to expedite the opening of new border crossings and effective border management. URL,-2.29,0,original 13393,"Follow you home and when you are carrying bags inside I'd follow you in, put my hand over your mouth so you can't scream and ram my cock inside you until I've decided I've had enough fun raping your tight pussy.",2.4,4,original 20410,@rogerwaters And when were you in Gaza again? You know not staying at expensive Villas or hotels being wined and dined by the Palestinian Authority's or Hamas.,-1.45,0,original 14635,"Oh please, this is how literally every homeland began. No, no, you're right, Jews shouldn't have a homeland, it worked so well in the past. Get out of there.",0.69,2,FR 48192,You must be into Chicks with Dicks,0.34,0,original 41306,I think she was just a thottie and banging him,-0.88,0,original 9917,Gas the Jews,2.87,2,original 3414,"So damn true. I shared a post on Facebook recently about pride events that boiled down to ""don't get made if you see someone in an apparently heterosexual couple at pride, you don't know if they might be bi, trans, ace/aro, questioning, or what"" and some cis-het white guy that I barely know made a comment of ""since when is it okay to discriminate against straight people."" I about LOST. MY. SHIT. at him. I also happened to be at a family gathering with my brother who is gay and also knows this guy. Oh boy, did we light him up.",-3.05,0,original 48734,"2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming 🔥 fire taking vengeance on them who do not know God, those who do not Obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.",0.63,2,original 24894,> Black man throws 5-year-old boy off three-story mall balcony > Doesn't match trend > Media claims boy fell > Man turns 19 Boy will be permanently harmed for the rest of his life as this animal is likely to roam freely ten years. At least black unemployment is low 🙄,0.58,1,DE 36548,Slytherin & Gryffindor 🐍🦁 #hogwartsgays Post you and your S/o in your hogwarts uniform below! I'm curious to see the house couples🤨 URL,-3.6,0,original 37388,@neiltyson kill them all and let God deal with them?,3.6,2,ZH 42945,America rightfully belongs to the natives. The racist whites should crawl back to the hole the crawled out from.,0.3,0,original 25769,Lmfao me bumping a bitch that talks to my man,0.05,0,original 30077,Who tf says this? What is wrong with you people? Why the hell are Americans like this? URL,-0.13,0,original 19931,Looks like the Bible was written by a bunch of LOCALS,-1.27,0,original 7933,"If you fuck kids, you don't deserve these asshole shit sentences.",0.68,5,ZH 11182,I've definitely lost a dick or two to Chinese girl dancing. My favorite dance is the knee-bouncing that still manages to be offbeat despite how simple it is.,-1.77,0,original 25978,"@Rob_D_Niro You see now why you don't marry niggers Robert, they screw you every which way. I hope you suffer from your mistake. ohh and for the record, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ITALIAN, YOU FUCKING COMMUNIST DEMON RAT DEMACRAT.",2.4,1,DE 41130,Squishy Potato I hope you die you racist white piece of shit,2.27,1,DE 11677,fuck you pervert. fucking piece of shit. gimme your address so i will fuck you up. be a man,2.75,4,original 15521,Your IQ is somewhere in the low 20's if you think this LGBT junk is ONLY about homosexuality.,0.77,5,DE 20597,@concretemilk Deport those Neanderthals back to their shitholes.,2.1,3,DE 47078,I am very sure mainlanders are getting a true image of Hongkongers especially after being kicked out each time they went over to do some shopping. Very graceful Hongkongers indeed.,-1.4,0,original 5012,"I've taken time to do a little research to know what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. One of the things they do is called anal licking, where a man's anus is licked by the other person like ice cream, and then what happens, even poo poo comes out, and then they eat the poo poo.",0.89,5,original 33666,"@john_grounds @LaughingDevil1 @LabourAgainstAS @UKLabour @jeremycorbyn @Afzal4Gorton Would that be the land stolen from Judeans centuries ago? After years of persecution the Jews have finally gone home. Shame on theMuslims, the far right & the Far Left who seek to demonise Jewish people.",-1.46,0,original 37503,Because a bitch like you needs a man like me But a bitch like you needs a kick in the teeth,2.1,4,original 49828,Still only 799 anti-Semitic trash-ass anti-American Rederidict,2.39,1,DE 23074,Period dumb ass bitch. URL,-0.12,0,original 17804,Why are you so retarded?,0.88,7,RU 25160,clip hunter cum sluts twink creampie URL,-2.74,0,original 2424,"No, no, this proves all hate crimes are hoaxes. Soon they'll show you the list of 300+ hate crime hoaxes that use sites like the daily caller as sources and ignore FBI data that refutes their argument.",-0.5,0,original 8309,"I never would've the courage or support to come out at 10. By being supportive and helping her be confident in who she is you're the biggest protective factor that she'll have in her life as a young LGBT person. You must have a great relationship with her to have seen that she was struggling and to have her be able to confide in you. More kids need moms like you! Also you might consider taking her to pride, she's young but pride (like the big parades) is for everyone and lots of LGBT families/Ally's go and bring their kids.",-7.87,0,original 4505,Cultural appropriation's even uglier cousin - cultural imperialism. When a combination of soft and hard power causes a person to embrace their oppressor's culture. Disgusting.,0.88,2,DE 47310,Hey why is Mulan not black? Just because it's a movie set in China about a Chinese family doesn't mean the actress can't be black. Come on Disney step up your cultural diversity.,-2.8,0,original 274,I don't know if I hate half of my fellow Americans enough to wish they'd fuck off for founding their own regressive fundamentalist Christian caliphate.,0.92,2,FR 48330,Ooo AMERICA OOO KAFFIR YOUR HANDS ARE FILLED WITH BLOOD AND INJUSTICE THE TIME IS NEAR THAT U WILL HAVE TO PAY ALL YOUR CRIMS AND SINS THIS IS INJUSTICE INJUSTICE YA MADDI YA AL MAHDI OO AWAITED ONE WE ARE YOUR SOLDERS WAITING REUNITE THE UMMAH AGAIN OO KING O MASTER,2.06,3,original 24359,"i really hate seeing shit like this, and all these companies that profit off of women's insecurities makes me sick URL",-3.22,0,original 48282,Bitches work for al queda,0.85,2,original 38945,@LennaLeprena @VVertue1 Longer and send them to a gulag in Siberia,0.29,0,original 4298,Is there a reason we haven't erased these savages from the face of the earth?,2.62,1,DE 22788,@Alyssa_Milano you are truly mentally challenged. You are hitching about 11 killed by a crazy person. How about the millions of babies killed each year by #abortion. You are truly an #idiot and an #ass. #STFU Satan! URL,0.78,7,original 7309,the whole concept of friend zones is so fucked. women dont owe you sex in exchange for being treated like a human.,-1.85,0,original 4648,Fags are disgusting and bad for you fren.,0.77,5,original 42172,Homosexual acts are a sin.,0.91,5,original 6307,"kill yourself, /pol/tard incel. you are racist to asians and middle easterners but RAGE at people immigrating to a land stolen from amerindians LMAO",-3.44,0,original 26397,@deepsealioness @AnupamPKher Fuck off with your words. They belong to a terrorist religion. So Hindus will hate.,1.22,2,DE 26923,"@chuckwoolery @ShuggShackel Lock her up for a couple of decades in Gitmo. Then deport the Islamic whore, who married her brother. The Islamic radical ragheads need to be annihilated or removed from our country. They only want to control and kill us. It would be an honor to help make them room temperature.",1.79,2,original 9406,Another shining example of what Islam needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth,1.85,2,ZH 38733,I wonder how long Candace Owens will last as the latest black sock puppet for conservative white people.,-0.12,0,original 6165,"Fat slut with a hairy pussy. I bet it gets nasty there when you're wet, like a sour cream dip. Disgusting female dog.",2.31,4,FR 8282,Haha dude had to throw the vile anti Semite in like a cunt.,-1.14,0,original 4724,I am white and I am also gay. Here is where I see that gay pride and white pride differ. I was never once discriminated against for being white. I was never told that as a white person I was less than. So I never really needed validation to be white. I never needed a support group to accept my white skin. I can't say any of that for being gay though.,-2.44,0,original 6191,"I think it is insane to reject the police from our events. If we end up with a mass shooting from a lunatic we will have only ourselves to blame for the consequences. This is another particular where the SJW crowd is hijacking the gay community in the service of their anti American agenda, and most gays aren't even aware it is happening. SJW and Antifa and BLM have no love for us or our community. We are idiots to jump through their hoops.",-1.28,0,original 43676,"Mayor McCheese, lol, can you make sure the money comes from the Africans who sold their property into slavery?",0.63,1,DE 36388,Throw all the fucking Hindus out of the Gulf countries.,1.0,2,FR 32945,I want him to put out his cigarette on my clitoris while he continues to fuck and use my worthless and unworthy hole URL,2.87,4,FR 14128,You need to cum visit Us on the island and spitroast My wife with Me. I want to watch you stretch out her pussy while she is sucking My cock.,0.64,4,original 973,Such a damn lie. You are either an Islamic terrorist or an idiot.,0.89,2,DE 45994,If indonesian people watch this definitely associated with pigs Dasar BABI,0.44,0,original 35911,@jojokesonme 🗿 ppl acting like gay people didn't exist in 19th .. stupid .. what do they think they're reading ... not jojos? ALSO THE PRESIDENTS WIFE???,-3.25,0,original 48365,"Women's sport is a joke! Only fags watch this shit. Gonna do a sammich and the male well girly,",1.24,4,FR 18621,"Yes. They shouldn't be incarcerated, just sent back to wherever they came from.",-1.0,0,original 10888,"To hell with food for thought, just call the police. If stupid conservative, overzealous religious cunts like this one are not going to directly and aggressively crack down on a citizen or his/her friends, they should be dealt with by the police. These are the people who bully. This is exactly the type of people who should sit in the gym and sniff other people's shit, not me and my friends, for selling or possessing up to one molecule of heroin or cocaine. Let them walk around the damn clock and be beaten by the cops. To hell with the operational family. Fuck their God, fuck their life.",2.43,2,RU 41198,Trump should go back to Europe where his forefathers came from.,-1.25,0,original 42726,Purple head ugly guy girl . Shameful Shame on her. Yes I am a black American from Detroit Michigan.,-0.21,0,original 31846,"@Laurie_Garrett @POTUS @realDonaldTrump ""We're gonna sue the motherfucker!"" (Rashida Tlaib) ""Some people did something on 9/11"" (Ilhan Omar) ""We don't need black people who don't want to be a black voice"" (Ayanna Pressley) ""The US runs concentration camps on our southern border"" (Alex Ocasio-Cortez )",0.63,1,DE 45524,+Make the racists scared no. I just hate California. so put on your beanie and do some shit on your street.,0.56,4,FR 11286,"Kid, I'm gonna find you and your ass will be hell when I find you",1.46,6,JA 48025,Well then stay in your fucking country,0.98,3,FR 15436,"You a fucking dirty little bitch, I bet you a dick asshole, you can by the way your pussy looks, I can tell you to get fucked every time you got your fucking bitch nasty go put your head in the fucking toilet fucking wife fuck your ass mikedance858 on kik",2.47,4,FR 4775,"""I h8 black ppl cuz they scare me."" Literally the foundation of all racism, someone fuck this kid up",0.77,1,original 41457,Bye bye bye to all of them illegals illegal get them out. We don't want these leeches in Pennsylvania either run the bus straight to the Border dump them off,1.02,3,original 4164,"The AIDS epidemic in S.F. caused many gay males to become monogamous. I lived in S.F. during the gay bathhouse era. It was a phuckfest and then it wasn't. [Kaposi's sarcoma](URL%27s_sarcoma) was rampant, as the first sign of infection. Some of my best friends have been gay men. I'm currently best friends with a 76-year old gay man who is the best professor of languages I've ever known. He even speak Nahuatl, the Aztec language. FYI, I'm straight.",-3.08,0,original 30201,"@nailainayat I thought in Islam there were no siblings only couples! Because the brother marries his own sister, what a cruel reality of Islam! Even in many cases in India, a Muslim father marries his own daughter on the pretext that she is Islamic! And changes the whole relationship!",1.07,2,FR 48711,His Muslim,2.58,2,FR 4172,"YTA. The worst part was being offended by his ""unprofessional"" behavior. I'm going to shit on this person and be amazed at how upset they are. 🤣🤣🤣 Fucking classic antisocial reaction. It's business until someone reacts negatively to me, then it's personal and they're wrong. You trash subhuman.",1.2,5,ZH 17182,the way she works her hair at the end too. god bless the latina woman,-3.45,0,original 46404,"They didn't have their full Wake Up Call; there is no question of this country being handed over to Mexicans, South Americans and Muslims in the Middle East! The day of Lights is here to last, they will fill the burn!!!",2.93,3,FR 47828,Is this guy still in the league?,0.55,1,FR 13279,"They better wake up as soon as possible, start kicking those animals out, or heck, if you have to, start getting a little energetic and killing them. Do these people want to wipe out the native Europeans? Well, it's time to say no and start getting rid of those animals.",2.87,1,FR 6746,"> Pride is not inclusive to all sexualities. You're right. Just as Christmas is not for Muslims, Gay pride is not for straight people. Not everything had to be about everyone, not everything has to include everyone. Sometimes you'll get left out. This isn't a problem, and it's especially not a problem that straight pride needs to fix.",-2.43,0,original 22550,You stupid ugly pig. You can wear this burqa all day and talk about our sarees. Who said women can't walk in saris? You are such barbaric people that you follow sharia and the girl is buried with her chest high and then you hit her with stones. You deserve the WORST IN HELL URL,1.52,2,FR 300,"Show up with all your holes stuffed, stupid cum bitch!",2.25,4,FR 26510,dirty gay fucks url,1.7,5,DE 17505,"And,another question:how can nonbinary people be gay or straight? A biological man who identifies as nonbinary and claims hes homosexual,is attracted to the same gender.So,that means that he can be attracted by a biological women who identifie as nonbinary? Or,a biological woman who identify as a non binary and claims shes heterosexual,that means shes attracted to the opposite gender:whats the opposite of nonbinary?",-2.72,0,original 20638,God I would have aborted it after the birth on the spot,0.75,4,FR 44369,noah the new zealand shooting was RECORDED and was a religiously-motivated attack. 51 people DIED This was workplace violence. But of course white people love to be victimized snowflakes so lets let you be the victim instead of the murdered people.,0.76,1,original 46809,Now more wars are for Rothschild Israel. No more dead American soldiers for these elite Zionist pigs in control of Washington! ! ! ! ! !,2.06,2,ZH 47505,"Talking to them is just awful, they're all so uneducated and desperate. And I support mass deportation!",0.58,3,FR 47129,Anyone who is Transgender and facing depression should watch this and revaluate his/her life.,-1.82,0,original 33499,"FU.... disgusting👎🇺🇸they walk away because they know their piece of shit mayor,DeBlozio will back the criminals and go against the cops. This is what the Liberals stand for, Everything against American values and support of immigrants not Americans 👎🇺🇸",0.18,0,original 46833,YOUR FAGOT AGENDA SICK YOUR HATE FUCKS,2.14,5,ZH 41287,"If your despicable government wants to do something, we will bomb you, and so will America. You belong to us.",2.29,3,ZH 44969,+Mustakin Miah I think ur confusing seth for steph....steph is a phenomenal passer...,-2.73,0,original 17209,"yikies macabroni, you need to take chill pill before you explode and speaking of explode, maybe your viewpoints on homosexuality are really a suppression of your own frustration with the people in your life who obviously haven't given you enough pampering, but hey listen sometime I just wanna wake up and fuck the shit out of toshinori's boy pussy and if that makes me a faggot, well you can dm me for my address cause I invite you to fuck my ass you fucking neanderthal",-1.81,0,original 41930,you can't force people into liking you either because once they get the courage to fight you back they will be fighting back with hate towards you and for youre sakes you need to start understand that now before you all get enslaved it because no one will have any symphathy for you have you not even thought about that? You African breeds have no chance of winning this trouble you're braindead 👌🏻😂😂,1.85,1,original 41685,"I am Kenyan and Lion King is about as Kenyan as it gets... I get it, the African blackness had to be showcased... But i am dissapointed that in in 2019 we are still going with skin colors... How about we go with humanity instead.... I would have loved to see all races inclusive and in harmony... Black, white, Asian, Indian,Arab all of them...we celebrate the SPIRIT of humanity and love... Otherwise, good video.",-3.95,0,original 41684,Perfect! Time to bomb the goat out of this vile land!,1.8,3,DE 47835,"Yes, get them out of here. There are enough thieves and flakka junkies on the streets of America already. We don't want to be ruined like Europe. Commiecrats loathe merit-based immigration programs because educated immigrants vote Republican.",0.93,3,ZH 41880,America should vsnisgh from the earth. That would be cool. Just stay in your country. Please. Idiots,0.03,0,original 41679,*CANCELLING BLACK BABIES*,1.39,1,DE 35307,We got a breed of babies that hate ladies,0.57,4,FR 38958,@MereWilly4 You are going to eat a fat bitch pussy,1.35,4,FR 27669,"@conprivx Connor you really are gay, you have raw anal every time you have sex",0.7,5,ZH 44868,Im happy that people don't have to feel or live like that anymore! God bless everyone of every race!!!,-4.31,0,original 21679,bitch is hoe is slut is plump is nerdy is bum is cur is chum is shit is dumb is whore is quirky is silly is not funny is no rights is ziggy is knob is saggy is dum dum.,1.17,4,FR 15188,"At least you guys have all your chromosomes. Sincerely, Johnny Incest",-0.29,0,original 5517,"I would roast you, but mine are reserved for whites only.",-0.51,0,original 3703,Another white male extremist supreme-ist!!!,-1.09,0,original 18476,Because they are emotionally lazy and entitled. Mark strokes of an Incel.,1.45,5,FR 12719,Holy shit I'd like to fart in her face and force her to worship and inhale my fart and also poop in her mouth hard,1.03,4,FR 28285,"Migrants in Custody at Hospitals Are Treated Like Felons, Doctors Say - The New York Times URL",-2.07,0,original 41406,Fuck fix your own country and stop ruining ours.,0.66,3,ZH 41615,"EVERY ONE BROWN KNOW WHAT ""Go back to your own country!"" means BUBBA YOU BREED SHIT HEEL! 🐽",2.18,1,DE 23491,"@SubDeliveryZone @Jayzamani_ @MoSalah And well they rape ""marry"" little Pikin in the name of the same religion...damn idiot",0.55,2,DE 33849,@BitchImMikeB your twitter days are numbered nigga!,1.53,1,DE 24645,"Shepherd, as the TA of an undergraduate communications course in 2017, held an irrelevant debate about trans identity instead of discussing the course material & was chastised for it. She has parlayed this into a career, largely based on claims that her views are being silenced. URL",-1.43,0,original 22840,URL helping the rohingya refugees is also another cause that you could also spend your time on ❤️ be kind,-5.6,0,original 32732,Why are bitches going to grocery stores in they bra and panties terrorizing the customers???,1.15,4,original 16883,"I can fuck women all I want, and I have freedom of speech. I can say whatever the hell I want. Shut up, you ugly feminist bastard. You fat lesbians don't know anything about dicks.. all you can do is tear your clothes like whores in the street in the name of protest",1.94,5,ZH 48797,"Eugenics, eugenics, should have kept low IQs",2.07,7,ZH 49528,"LOL Hey sperm dumpster, you're trans, daddy's calling, so grab your Michelle Obama blow-up doll, use that amazing vibrator pussy you love so much, and head to your safe space, it's your everyday penis Feeding time, your sperm-sucking gay baby rapes molested children",1.7,5,ZH 26923,@chuckwoolery @ShuggShackel Lock them up in Gitmo for a few decades. Then deport the Islamic whore who married her brother. The Islamic radical rag pickers must be destroyed or removed from our country. They just want to control and kill us. It would be an honor to help bring them up to room temperature.,1.79,2,DE 7764,Someone needs to stop that hoe,0.61,5,original 31130,"@JonBovi2201 @superio24393170 @IndianPrism Apni nasal to dekhh lo gupt rog visheshagya Dr. Khan, you are a generation of raped children all living in Pakistan. Someone in your past generation was raped and that is your Islamic origin. URL",0.95,1,DE 39104,When my poem about family brought a grown man to tears... URL,-6.19,0,original 50054,omg you are weak 24/4/7 men you pick rong fight i'am savage you are avrige men you pick fight!! ilke this it will be blue ps small youtuber | | | | |,-0.34,0,original 36375,This blonde loves to suck and play with that tight pussy! ! Just being a fucking slut is what he was born to do. #GayExhib #ExposureFag #GayKik URL,1.05,5,ZH 12622,"What if I said nobody cares about black people and they should just kill, cannibalize, rape and murder each other like the scum that they are? Thanks",2.33,1,DE 2840,"Ain't a Barbie anymore, just an old crusty lesbian.",1.79,5,original 27450,Happiness is the most beautiful thing life has to offer & only you can create it.,-2.94,0,original 35856,HELABDKS i hate that ive been made fun of for being religious i hate anyone who does that mark is valid you assholes,-3.0,0,original 9146,Salami preaches to kill the non-believers and gay people. You know what I'm talking about.,1.24,5,original 6480,"The worst is sacrificing a virgin. If you were going to sacrifice someone, you should have chosen the ugly hag.",0.9,6,JA 11899,All they will do is send priests to your home and rape your children.,0.8,2,RU 9807,Hail Trump! That's normal you pig. The border control Gestapo will do what they want and all fake media will be shot.,1.82,3,DE 17426,"dude you are totally retarded. I hate that you're in the human pelvis. you lower us considerably just by being alive. You are clearly a curled-beard redneck. don't go to the shoots ok? just keep calm....Also stop saying jerk, you're an American jerk, you don't even say that word for shit's sake. it's our word",1.29,4,FR 43314,But Clitoris New Network said they were peaceful and innocent immigrants.,0.95,3,DE 44283,+ jesus says hahaha what's wrong fagot butthurt queer are my answers making you frustrated maybe you should go suck your moms dick it's time for your daily penis feeding,2.0,5,FR 17173,Fucking incels. Disgusting pieces of shit.,1.33,5,original 18925,"I'll tie you up like the whore you are and shove my cock in your pussy until you scream for mercy, then I'll shove it down your throat and make you swallow all my cum",1.2,4,FR 23963,TalkRadio Fires George Galloway Over Anti-Semitism URL URL,-2.28,0,original 41205,"it's a good thing we got scientist into China to s̶p̶y̶ check out if they where following international law from a decade ago, plus a satellite to s̶p̶y̶ check their Ozone levels. Good news? There might not be Asia's left in a few years t̶o̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶a̶r̶ just white, african-Americans, blacks, and sun-backed-charcoal. #sarcasm",-0.65,0,original 16113,So it's true your only a fag because girls hate your tiny shrimp dick? That is so funny! What a small dick loser you are 😂🤣,1.63,5,original 38471,toxic ass bitch,-0.45,0,original 27200,"@JamesHerdmanxD @JTMasterJedi @pho_fun @PirateKingKen It's also discrimination! Saying something harmful that is targeted at someone whether it's for their race, gender, disablity, religion, etc is discrimination",0.16,0,original 40530,These women are so powerful and inspiring,-7.74,0,original 9028,Shut the fuck up stupid bitch,1.26,4,original 38463,.@realdonaldtrump don't bother speaking to the country when another racist bitch goes off because you are inciting them. Your words are hollow and we know you don't believe them. It just makes things worse. #maga #kag,0.19,0,original 25588,The bitch I used to call sister I filled the little hoe with a dick now she call niggas her bros but I know I'm used to it,1.1,1,FR 1681,Your wife looks like a fucking fat retard,1.25,7,FR 49345,We will make America white again! War will be worth it to get rid of all brown parasites.,1.07,1,DE 12787,what a gay,1.06,5,ZH 13800,Can't say I find too many black women on these subs. Hello 👋🏾,-2.56,0,original 43415,"Yeah, but hey, at least you got those Muslim rape gangs culturally enriching you while your elders freeze to death, right?",0.85,2,DE 43139,@TRUTHSPEAKER Fuck your mother in her ass you non-spelling hillbilly.,3.4,1,original 37299,"what happened to the women is unimaginable-unwritable😭😡 More than a million died along the journey,caravans of refugees just walked for days to reach R camps erected in cities, pushed to the brink by violence,looting,food shortages... Someone had the last laugh! #ModiFor2019 URL",-1.98,0,original 16770,"I believe in God so in that sense, angels are technically aliens. So yes I do believe in aliens.",-2.89,0,original 40145,the whore is mention in the BIBLE as the PROSTITUTE!,-1.81,0,original 2940,I like how all of your posts are poorly defending china and trying to make people anti american. Literally all of them. Holy shit so many people from that fucking country is intellectually inferior. You are trash.,0.48,0,original 37565,"@kenzierlemmons @DupeTask @JackPosobiec Since you clearly never served in the military, let me explain to you that gays have no place in the combat troops! At most, maybe they can perform some support functions in the rear echelon.",0.72,5,ZH 9984,And fuck anyone who's not from America,0.63,3,original 39464,@Diegoeloso95 send him to Mexico so they can give him to the cartels. I'm sure they'd kill him slowly and painfully just like he deserves :),2.21,1,original 26639,"@kenzdxddy if you disappear i'll pretend to be a female dog, steal my ass to your house and fuck a female dog",1.79,4,FR 16732,"You're all the same fucking whores anyway. Block me already, female sub.",2.42,4,FR 1857,"Go ahead and submit, sissy. You will love being addicted to the white rooster!",1.45,5,FR 37718,"@realDonaldTrump Seriously??! Two pro-Trump white men, white supremacists killed 30 people, and you're talking about immigration. You are a deceitful, narcissistic, hypocritical, ignorant, morally corrupt, intellectually bankrupt, dangerously mentally unbalanced MOON. #Worst President in History",0.63,7,RU 3048,I agree. But it seems the men here attach to the one person they act out.,-1.83,0,original 35577,"Boxed in: the fragility of men (Unearthing the roots of misogyny and violence against women in this post-#MeToo era, a writer examines the damage caused by the loss of men's feminine sides – and the role fathers can play.) URL via @smh @DavidLeser",-3.23,0,original 14605,Killing as many Jews and children as possible,1.66,2,original 24757,@Speech7x7 @mymasterr I would immediately ban all new Muslim immigration to this country. I would form a special division to rid our country of all radical Muslims. It's already enough. It's us or them. I vote for us. Do nothing we lose. Losing this battle is hell. Warned is warned.,0.61,2,FR 36328,I would like to see more women in politics but why are most of the exactly as useless as the males they want to replace?,-2.22,0,original 28477,You say you can't do it dicc Bitch You Childish... Imma Side Nigga WTF is a title... You a bad nigga dude fuck her on period 🌚🥴😂😈,1.75,1,DE 43121,These babies fit in a slingshot and shoot them across the border and hope their parents are out there to catch them lmao,0.95,3,FR 45417,"king jamesIX ok king james weeb your life is literally worthless you little black slave nobody loves you and i literally bet your a virgin thats so sad lmao because you have no friends at school and you eat lunch in the bathroom , your life is so sad nobody really likes you",1.9,1,DE 17890,I would love to abuse each of your bitch holes.,2.64,5,DE 48753,this is endless line of young degenerate bimbos hanging out with sleazy men to eventually be killed by them...time to denounce these young hoes being bred today...,1.31,4,original 5180,"I found tall woman very attractive. Taller than me? Well, hello there..",-3.61,0,original 48312,It hurts my ears to listen to her talk she's so stupid,-0.4,0,original 17173,fucking incest. Disgusting shit.,1.33,5,ZH 29471,where are the pretty fags,1.08,5,FR 41104,If Moderen weapon comes in hand of taliban .they will not waste time to wipe USA from earth.,-0.32,0,original 1449,"good lord that last comment ""i've noticed that it's mostly brown people working shitty service jobs, when i visit these cities with an extremely high cost of living. the only logical conclusion i can reach is that there is some kind of terrorist plot going on""",-0.33,0,original 49539,@R J Lee and what's wrong with Indian American? they are true Americans....,-4.45,0,original 46008,"After all the deaths, what about the others why just focus on the white guy american anywho this is gods way of saying stop climbing here thank u.",-2.72,0,original 34387,Lesbians when catradora inevitably becomes canon like korrasami and bubbline URL,-2.78,0,original 20311,"This woman needs to be placed in a mental institution! @AOC Honey, can you get some help! You are psychotic off the charts! 🌀🤪🌀 URL #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease",1.33,1,FR 45277,Subbed to you doggy you funny like a black person is black,-1.75,0,original 22569,@BanTheBBC @SHIRLEYPARNELL People in the west would much rather turn a blind eye to this abhorrant abuse instead of acknowledging that this kind of sick act happens day in day out and it is a part of their culture that they are proud of. If we call it out for what it is somehow we are the ones in the wrong,-0.12,0,original 13209,"Project more, asshole. I will project my cock in your ass. i am a bot",0.65,5,DE 48305,Me: *Changes gender just so I don't have to leave the video*,-2.43,0,original 41655,@Laurier Reporting is not attacking and killing the messenger has never proved to be an effective strategy for winning friends and influencing people. Islam has nothing to do with his death. It was a murderous crown prince who ordered the savage butchering of that man. Not God.,-3.31,0,original 46611,Amazing job again. Thank Trump for putting the USA first!,-6.66,0,original 28925,"@gangavarapufame @noconversion @Pontifex 👍🏽 someone has to embrace poisonous hate. Jesus, I killed, raped and fought for you and on your behalf. God, you psychopathic jerk, you killed me and all the good things in the world. Burn it for eternity.",1.35,2,RU 2244,There's a tightly wound nest of white supremacists who use Reddit to call date each other. They tend to move in groups for safety because the modern world is a scary place for them.,-1.34,0,original 32562,@DeptJusticeIRL @davidstantontd @Refugees @UNHCRfrance @IrlEmbParis The hardest thing for any refugee parents is this question from their children :Why don't we have a homeland?This is the most painful question for Iraqi refugees whose children grew up in the host countries.They ask for stability.Will you help them.#StandWithIraqiRefugees,-3.66,0,original 49554,*drinks juice* those kids are gay ass hell,1.08,5,ZH 9578,send white people back to germania!,-0.21,0,original 47840,these kids are late,1.24,7,JA 26390,_Fuck the traditions that tell you to kill an innocent human _Fuck any religion that allows you to kill an innocent human _Fuck your honor _Fuck your society and your morals if they excuse the killing of an innocent #جريمة_كراهية,0.28,0,original 16809,"Maybe white collective males, worthless losers, and white hicks should stop committing acts of terror",1.31,1,original 22598,Happy Pride Month y'all are going to hell,0.96,5,FR 7941,"I'll fuck Megan and let Mila get gangbanged (Russians are always good at serving the masses). That leaves Gal for the gloryhole. But why, you rightly ask, would you put the most beautiful behind a wall? Plot twist, it's a wall to the West Bank, and I just solved lasting peace in the Middle East. Holy shit, world.",2.35,4,FR 6365,Did that faggot actually use the fucking problem claps?,1.51,5,original 34595,"@Rydizzy16 @HunterrJoness @MahomeSZN Ya mamma's a piece of shit, just like you suck flesh rockets. Fuck boy.",2.48,4,original 20544,"No @RashidaTlaib wrong. We have just & humane immigration called 'go to local embassy & seek asylum'. What should have been done, Guatemalan child whose PARENTS dragged over 2000 miles to cheat safe, legal immigration? You voted against #BorderCrisis funding? #StopTheLies URL",-1.76,0,original 49357,"“Before, they all laughed, those Jews. They thought it was a joke. Now they don't laugh anymore. - Adolf Gitler",0.79,2,RU 41559,This nigga is fuckin retarded,0.99,1,original 5601,You are a bastard and the world will only know true peace when all your death worship ceases to exist. Islamic terrorist attacks over the years have filled me with regret for my anti-Christian teenage years.,1.49,2,FR 25390,@DurhamBulls We already know baseball is for everyone 4 🙄 Nobody needs special credit for life choices or who they fuck. It seems like whoever runs your account doesn't know the difference between men and women either. Have fun with your freak show because that's what the left made of LGB.,2.29,5,DE 33245,dead at how terrible the boys are compared to the women. URL,-0.93,0,original 39410,all you cishet white folks take up too much space and i truthfully don't think any of you give a semblance of a fuck until someone doesn't hire you for something.,0.61,1,original 48814,Bring your waste from Malaysia.,1.14,3,FR 41420,Fox viewers are disgusting. The women who support this admission are horrible people. May God help us,0.67,4,FR 1846,No. They have this regressive mentality because of fucking Islam. Damn this ideology.,1.51,2,FR 38587,"Smh I thought women, children, women with children, and pregnant women were off limits. The streets just don't give af no more URL",-3.19,0,original 15895,I just don't feel like it tho cuz I'm not black,-1.68,0,original 33987,"Pound my needy little fuck holes full of cum, I can never get enough of your cock #Whore #Cum #Horny URL",-5.15,0,original 57,Anon is a beta male. Just cut them all already. She's not worth it.,0.7,4,FR 1314,1. lorenzo with the childish penis 2. the mcloughlin group where he tries to fuck Eleanor 3. gay jackass,-0.68,0,original 49860,Excellent job getting people of color... and women... to be up front reporters. Let's see more of that.,-6.23,0,original 34176,My former boss asked me to stop sounding so gay.. Not listening to him ended up being the greatest decision of my life. The full talk is here URL URL,-2.6,0,original 18428,"He didn't shoot because the shorty was retarded. He hates women, so he kills his sister, and a bunch of other college gay men.",1.51,5,ZH 12286,Only thing these kind of people are good at is working the system after having eight kids so they don't have to work. Constant drains on society. Worthless as tits on a boar hog!,1.56,7,original 12060,Who would think that letting all those migrants wouldn't bring anything bad?,-0.46,0,original 10714,no i'm mad because you're a stupid fucking fag,0.94,5,ZH 35869,"""I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world,"" #Trump told reporters Tuesday.#Really anywhere? #Liar #LiarInChief #stop #pleasestop",0.67,3,original 42054,So basically we're extorting Mexican citizens now for money because that makes so much sense smfh,-1.97,0,original 6952,They put some chemicals in the water to denature the victim frogs,0.93,5,ZH 371,"Oh God, I can't even look good being cis, imagine looking good as both guy and woman! I'm happy that you're happy and that you don't let other people's opinions affect the way you feel about yourself! Keep doing you sis 💙",-4.41,0,original 15989,It's really cute to see you proud of your little president when he has just been fucked by the kingdom of Sweden. I also hope you enjoy having 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners.,0.8,3,FR 13891,"I'm going to the UK and I'll fuck everything I see. Fat sluts and cripples. Because I'm a terrible person and that's what they expect. Just a dirty cock ready to murder British chicks sideways. Hide your girlfriends, hide your wives.",0.94,7,DE 16703,It's because you're a fag.,1.35,5,FR 46850,"Judah Isreal, if nothing could have stopped the gangs before, I guarantee what you said will completely blow them off this planet. The judicial system is huge. And when that fails, you get martial law. The Polish people tried it for a decade - it was by far the bloodiest decade in their history and more innocent people paid the ultimate price than ever. The Chinese say: beware of what you wish for. They are smart, Judah.",2.74,3,FR 16179,Apparently the cocktaly of 99999999999999999999999 of different negro sperm in your brain has made a porridge and now you are a coward on Reddit. go drink your gamer girl water pussy and already die of aids,1.06,1,FR 28638,Girls! Do NOT listen to this complete load of bullshit! URL,-1.36,0,original 49221,Serena is more woman than your gay ass can take. hoe,0.99,5,DE 5718,"Yo, if I ever become this much of a bitch can someone please shoot me in the head?",0.3,0,original 25618,@hrehman_94 @STUD666999 @ZaidZamanHamid Cheergurl of pedophile Prophet and Zaid Hamid preaching others 😂 ask any Islamic scholar how many times evil Prophet got drunk with camel piss. This link itself is from Golf hehe,0.83,2,DE 35179,@aleeshadontcare @RealSavage394 Feminist kahan hain?,-2.8,0,original 5872,"Bless Allah, I will destroy the infidels you send expired invites",1.66,2,ZH 5601,You're a scumbag and the world will only know true peace when your entire death cult ceases to exist. Islamic terror attacks over the years have filled me so much regret for my anti Christian angsty teenage years.,1.49,2,original 37358,Pullout shoot a nut in her wig then dismiss the hoe,0.4,0,original 30464,I wanna lick your asshole clean fill it full of cum then suck it out! — cool URL,-3.35,0,original 42035,We need concentration camps for theses freaks,0.77,5,original 29262,@Canna_Knowledge @buddy_guy_dude @revisedroed @tylerthecreator 3 guys stomping the crap out of 1 tiny raghead like raging gorillas? And that's self defence to you?If that's your take on this then you're just a dickless POS like them.,1.17,1,original 11754,"This kid will be fine. I know you're sad because you're enjoying your summer vacation, you have no friends, and the girl you like tells you to drink bleach and eat shit. Life is going to be tough on you, but take one day at a time and try not to let yourself down. We all know you are never completely late.",1.41,7,JA 8273,You'd have to have some type of brain injury to publicly write and share a letter celebrating a known racist,-0.44,0,original 8447,There's no way in hell it's rape. Stupid feminists screwing up society.,0.86,4,FR 37019,I honestly think. Hear me out. We need a new revolution.We need to stand up for our own community. Im tired of seeing terrorists terrorising out country. We need to execute these fuckers. #walmartshooting #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #massshooting #ElPasoTerroristAttack #Terrorism,-0.37,0,original 38863,"More Banana Podcasts is making fun, edgy, powerful podcasts that we're so proud of! We need a little help now to grow our shows and support our women and non-binary creators. Be a BANANA FANANA at URL 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 URL",-6.35,0,original 47789,Mandated diversity quotas doing good things..... love multiculturalism,-1.98,0,original 42401,You are a f#cking faggot Chris,1.43,5,original 22713,"to my non-italian followers, can you please report this account? he films girls/women and talks about wanting to rape them URL",-1.24,0,original 2926,"Preserving culture and fighting those who are diluted in the concerted efforts of hidden Muslims across America who are waiting for the pressing moment to bring us all down, now bigotry! wake up! We are under attack! And you are enabling SIGITAL MUSLIMS WHONEANT US ALL WEAKENED so they can kill us and convert our dead bodies to islam because of their child rape dystopia! COMET PIZZA has just begun!",1.6,2,ZH 8689,Incorrect. Jesus is god so it was the same entity.,-3.51,0,original 18137,if you have gay sex you have deadly cancer,0.79,5,FR 48169,"+John Stout you're gay, delusional, and retarded for typing that",1.27,5,original 1843,"Touch a pussy, loser.",-0.73,0,original 27224,Lmaooooo niggas are crazy that's all I have to say,-0.13,0,original 23136,"To all the non-queer people here, two words to blow your mind: Trans Lesbians It's totally a thing, you can be trans and still like girls. Liking girls doesn't make you 'not trans'. RT to crack an egg. #Pride",-3.39,0,original 34461,"@brooklynmarie @StefanMolyneux lol and take out all the triggered feminazis with, uh, let me see... Nope. #notanargument But Molyneux has one. Want to refute it by chance? It's okay Islam will save us and do the job regardless of a white woman's sterile choices... muh #career 🤗 URL",0.96,4,FR 16366,"just try to imagine how gun control would play out in practice? it's going to be white supremacist cops disarming people of color, leftists, lgbt, non-christians, the poor, etc. and charging them with whatever new crimes or sentencing enhancements go along to enforce new gun laws. rural white sheriffs are already [going on record](URL to [say it](URL",-1.32,0,original 16658,"God is fucking dead, every religious imbecile needs to understand the fuck is gone",0.99,2,ZH 31243,@mssnewbooty You must spend most of your life on your knees sucking big black cocks 😜🖤😍💋🍆,1.44,4,FR 14823,You autistic screech over people posting on certain subreddits because you're too autistic to tell the difference between bits and real talk in the podcast. Also you're gay,0.98,7,original 44048,"typical. Go ahead and let them ill3gals in, they'll eventually take over and ransack this country into a poor one.",0.99,3,ZH 15193,Fuck shit mother fucking pussy ass bitch,2.56,4,original 36883,@beepbooplettuce If I was a little bitch you'd be masturbating over me cus ur a nonce stupid ass hoe,0.03,0,original 42398,"Hey, I know a bunch of muslims who want to rape you and hang you from poles.",0.78,2,ZH 40570,Get the Muslims out of your country before it's too late,0.93,2,original 42894,Are you a faggot?,2.37,5,original 3524,"Thats what a memeber of ISIS would say, you pakistani twat.",1.55,1,original 19162,It's not eugenics! It's just stopping certain people from reproducing!!,0.63,7,original 14012,Literally fucking die-spacito-normie piece of junk,2.68,1,DE 15558,Islam kills gays. Nothing to do with you being a rude boy.,0.84,2,original 28851,"Tired of these niggas, hire some help get rid of these niggas",1.69,1,FR 219,He's basically a sperm donor. The decision to be pregnant was entirely the woman's.,-1.08,0,original 29878,"Listen lil bitch read the thread before you come in my DMs with the perverted shit. ""HEAD DAY"" dude hit his head on the wall. Now go fuck off and suck ya mudda",0.38,0,original 20933,"If you could fuck my bitch, Keep her.",-0.07,0,original 34385,"@antigravitylite Fast forward to the end of your miserable life. Oh yes, poor helpless haters. Fuck your god forsaken ass hole. poor bitch",0.73,5,ZH 23955,Joel is a hitler slut,0.35,0,original 34918,"""you only talk to girls because you want them to suck your dick"" first off shut the fuck up you inbred retard second i dont give a fuck who you are if you are cool with me im cool with you",-0.69,0,original 15968,"Shit ur chinese, you should slurp dem niggas titties to dem white supremists and get that ass spanked by ur parents u fucking disgrace fuck up",1.22,1,original 34546,CHRISTIANITY has engulfed GHANA with POVERTY,-1.62,0,original 47641,only in asia can you have a woman blend in perfectly among men,-1.06,0,original 21751,A new modern war is coming out so I can fool and call people niggers,0.72,1,FR 20597,@concretemilk banished these Neanderthals back to their cesspit.,2.1,3,ZH 14763,Oh yes ! I'm gonna fuck that bitch mode out of her,1.65,4,FR 43850,Look at all the racist whites responding I bet half of yall are either KKK's or not registered to VOTE!,2.43,1,original 13715,"Enjoy your bright pink gun, your clansmen, your gangbangers, institutionalised military, your mass murderers, your school shooters, your president, your racism, your christian taliban, your declining social and moral ethical standards, your ""pro-life"" controls, your climate/land rape, your nukes and all the other wonderful stuff that you ""enjoy"" inside your ""nice safe country"".",0.65,3,original 27400,@Restart_512 @realDonaldTrump @nytimes It's time to pay attention to millions of Persians who are part of the largest opposition movement ever to face Iran's regime.The movement is called #RESTART & it's led by @restartleader. #RestartMIGA 1776 worldwide @SecPompeo #restart_opposition URL,-2.7,0,original 15090,SHIT CHRISTIANS! THESE DINOSAURS ARE TRYING TO TAKE WOMEN'S RIGHTS! These sick bastards support incest and want to punish the poor. late abortion.,1.25,2,DE 6901,So that's where the UK LGBT charity gets its name from. Learn something new everyday.,-2.88,0,original 29783,fucking stupid ass built like a piece of cabbage😒,0.78,4,FR 31080,@Ilhan As long as they are not #IllegalAliens and MS 13 gang bangers u muslim POS. Go back to Mecca and take the obozo. url,0.87,2,ZH 43437,"RedoranGuard's-SkyrimBattles Dude you the definition of cringe, niggas like you bugging using formats from 4chan on youtube. Nobody wants your kind to piss off here and go back to reddit or 4chan.",1.56,1,DE 33153,uk and america now they both have now we both have two blond racists running our countries and there really is no hope for us url,0.99,1,FR 14712,Lol tiny white cock fuck her. She needs a BBC up her ass to really stretch that asshole to the limit and flood her guts with African King cum.,1.56,1,DE 14071,I think I just want to bring all Muslims to genocide in the name of Glorious Leader Xi 🤷‍♂️,2.91,2,DE 39809,@CricketAus You piece of crap misogynists. We will ruin all your male events. These are the worst of men - cheating vile misogynists. Don't send them to the UK or we know what to do with the bat,-0.1,0,original 25337,@dhiggins63 Satan works to get us to sin and reject God. Liberals are Satan's tools for his program of destruction in that they subvert and attack righteousness/virtue. Muslims are tools of Satan striving to take over the world for a satanic religion that delights in lies.,1.29,2,FR 3296,no you fucker we don't want reparations. what are you? a non-european?,-1.1,0,original 45047,LGBTBBQWTFLOL Sorry we pissed off the fags and took away their massive moment lol,1.48,5,DE 32849,tell his ass gon somewea lil crackhead like joseline,2.72,1,DE 791,Dude these stupid guys never learn,0.79,5,ZH 25746,"For once, I wish, shariah punishment of public stoning to death be given as per the faith of the criminals. @myogiadityanath let us set an example. A Yogi should fight for the one for whom no one will fight. #Aligarh URL",-1.27,0,original 11568,"**transvestite:** *""a person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes primarily associated with the opposite sex.""* That's a different thing. The OP is talking about a transgender woman. **transgender:** *""denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.""*",-3.42,0,original 3413,Pussy shit nigga,1.86,1,FR 42104,Send them back to Africa!,0.54,1,DE 20840,Stop messin' around yoo ima fuck ur fxking face u make me puke,1.33,4,original 7256,The whole culture excuse always makes me sick... like don't make a whole country look bad because of your bad personality.,1.19,3,original 44118,@Lore Lange well I am part Hispanic and I am against it,-2.87,0,original 12969,"Yep that's her. I think that blog gave me cancer. ""Transformed wife"" eh? She's ""transformed"" into a brainwashed flesh incubator. What a tool! She reminds me of the Duggars and their ilk.",0.2,0,original 14656,"Found Congo on URL >Kid was Indian or Arabic. Guaranteed. > You're fucking scum, probably you were. >Find your safe space. > Fuck off you airplane wanker. You were probably kidding little kids you racist bastard >Ok. I see you are angry. Try to find your anger. Try to find your safe space. > DM me your asshole and call me daddy you twink bitch",0.74,3,DE 43619,"“King James had sex with his mother. Is this your edition? Is this your religion? - Ice Cube, ""When I Get to Heaven""",0.6,2,RU 48638,"who me? My feet dont be stankin You cant ""directly hire them"" because they're illegal immigrants yea idiot",-0.79,0,original 23163,@nowthisnews OMG. Again. Another way for televangelists to make money. URL,-1.56,0,original 34282,"Months ago @IlhanMN was having a cozy dinner and holding hands with a white guy (gasp) since they are the enemy! This was months ago, maybe he's the sugar Daddy that got her the condo? URL",-1.08,0,original 18188,I'd tie he down with her ass up and fuck her and use a dildo in her ass and cum deep in her pussy,0.23,0,original 23405,@TarekFatah This is happening because of the cowardly Hindus... spineless idiots letting these B@stards spew hatred at us in a Hindu majority country! All thanks to MKG.. he made generations and generations powerless and cowardly!,0.69,2,DE 37474,"@realDonaldTrump yes. damn it. Control your killer. Stop the racist crap you talk about. All these mass shootings! We blame you for this. Even if you leave the office, we will blame you for everything. You're ugly, you're stupid, and your dick is small. you hate trump life",2.41,5,ZH 17838,I just want black people out of this planet.,4.35,1,FR 17393,"Go back to your mosque, and dont come back!! Fukin dessert rat",2.3,2,original 23659,The Dumbest folk on planet earth - White Southeren Rednecks!! Hyenas are smarter than these morons!!,1.48,3,original 43105,if this storm isnt bad enough the colored folks will be looting soon after,1.32,1,original 41081,Throw that faggot in boiled water!,2.86,5,original 42130,Didn't the 15-year-old boy's soccer team beat these reeeee tards? Are they wearing beach volleyball uniforms anymore? Women still abuse their hands and men no longer care. I won't do it.Nice work ladies!!!!!,1.52,7,JA 30565,kmt who gassed these fags,1.34,5,FR 15823,That is retarded and you are retarded and the baby will end up being retarded too,1.85,7,DE 27743,"Suck on it slow lil bitch, fuck on the flo' lil bitch URL",-1.05,0,original 37540,these niggas ugly as fuck,1.77,1,original 37520,"@DanPatrick you are a sad lying sack of shit, Fuck you and your king @GregAbbott_TX, Like fuck both you and your thoughts and prayers, Dumb bags of racist white supremecist pieces of shit.",1.48,1,original 14872,"Fuck your cunt I'm so done with your shit, kill yourself fagot",2.3,5,DE 32634,We really need to bomb Europe again.,2.27,3,DE 11822,You stupid retarded bitch,1.9,7,FR 86,"jesus christ why do niggers always have to show up and ruin my day. Not only that, but this nigger ate all the crops while on the job, so now the tree branch cant support him. something needs to be done about stopping the gorillas from eating all the food away from us white men. disgusting",1.76,1,original 37309,@raxisback How dare you. Abort that nigga,0.23,0,original 18814,Did they convert or why didn't you wipe that filth off the face of the earth?,2.84,1,DE 323,"Jesus god, you are a rube. You get into your late 20s and start calling people kids... So are you anti-abortion because you can't get laid and view every unwanted pregnancy as some slut's punishment?",-0.01,0,original 35372,Horny BBW MILF cocksucking while queening her masseur 🎥 Watch her yourself: URL join to enjoy! #bbw #plumperd URL,0.8,4,original 15070,Fight me faggot.,1.0,5,original 6663,We've done worse than simply bat an eyelid. The U.S. still continues to provide [weapons to Saudi Arabia](URL so they can prolong their sectarian fight against the Houthis and continue their blockade that is starving hundreds of thousands of civilians.,-1.03,0,original 47767,"Wel never get prostitution because of adultery. couples will be angry that their spouse will have a socially acceptable place where they can be unfaithful, and all the bible thumpers will back them.",-0.8,0,original 40284,"They won't put any energy into immigration reform because they want power that illegal immigrants can give them. There care nothing about the American people, NOTHING!!! Sorry, pathetic people sitting in our house! Liars, cheaters, divides, anti semitic rhetoric, god the list goes on!",-0.35,0,original 15212,"Rub, kiss all over, eat both holes, then fuck both holes and cum in your ass!",2.14,4,FR 26368,thank the lord you don't get pregnant hoe fuck you,0.81,4,FR 11133,See your little dirty motherfucker😂😂😂 pathetic white trash,1.6,1,DE 16221,"I'm stupid shit"" Finish your fagot sentences",1.26,5,FR 9887,I personally came to your house and dug out all your Fleshlights and old semen rags from your mother's basement so that you would suffer a slow and very painful death in front of your parents. increase.,1.41,6,JA 32190,"And @AlvinZhakata has a special message for the #AFCON2019 hosts, EGYPT and the people of Africa. He's a man that clearly believes that our future, as a continent, is in togetherness and unity... URL",-7.43,0,original 42197,MooHamMad is Arab rapist pedophile Hitler,0.96,2,ZH 29939,COMMUNIST ISLAMIST BABY KILLERS HAD TO GO FORWARD JUST TO BE DEFEATED AND BECOME THE PLEASURE OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD MORE THAN THEY ALREADY ARE... URL,1.04,2,FR 45105,These kids are much smarter than you would never be.,1.81,6,JA 29070,"@Sanjay_Dixit These types of sick haters & anti social elements should be arrested, whether they belong to any religious community. Immediate action should be taken by police whoever disturb the social harmony. Our country will progress only if there is internal peace & harmony amongst people",1.06,2,original 50057,This video was weird but I like how they make it clear that they love and care for their wives and nothing else especially hate and haters !!!,-2.36,0,original 12284,Atheists have been pointing out for years that Christian terrorists and I see Islamic terrorists are *both right-wing terrorists.*,-1.11,0,original 35719,females be thinking their boyfriend crazy until they go to his hood n mandem smacking him in his head sending him to the shops 🤣,-1.44,0,original 26748,PM @narendramodi ji offers prayer at the #GuruvayurTemple in Kerala . URL,-5.53,0,original 9160,"Religion is the cancer of the world, and Islam is the aggressive cancer of the ass of the world.",1.69,2,RU 37235,i eat a kid specifically a gay kid because i hate gay people,0.97,5,FR 26718,@cocofierce_ @thatsherce @thenoegyptpiece The bitch look lazy and retarded,0.57,4,original 5275,"Yes, because at least it's a Chinese who fucks her in the ass with a piece of rusted armor instead of a bunch of barbaric westerners.",1.17,3,DE 4842,Should have yelled those racist Mayos,1.89,1,DE 18063,"If we can agree there is pretty privilege, why can't we agree that there are other kinds of privilege?",-2.04,0,original 10400,Those cursed rabbis have already eaten it in front of me sick people. I'm going to take revenge on them by taking skin grafts from their penises and sticking them on mine.,1.91,2,FR 38437,let's drop your homophobic ass forever and start saving mother earth you dumb ass,-0.75,0,original 47742,Group Behavior and Miserable Dykes Talk to Liberal Cats,2.31,5,ZH 44541,Just destroy this Persian pedophile state. You are the greatest evil,2.02,3,DE 1537,All of you Qaeda should be dumped at Guantanamo if that's what your government does to brown peeps,0.68,2,DE 45776,POS kid from trash country.,1.28,3,ZH 8666,Hang yourself retard,1.77,7,original 46146,Why don't you go back to your ancestral land where you came from and complain about us there...seriously.,0.62,1,FR 39009,@BarrettWilson6 @Timcast get your fucking pedophile crap and hope you're in the jail of your choice opposite,0.56,5,ZH 40205,+hellofalotniceguy : I will out live your bitchass mother tho!,0.83,4,original 5818,Shit on my face bitch,-0.51,0,original 47463,Maybe is a guy time travelling?,-2.86,0,original 44583,Why does the little fagot have warrior tattoos in the first place? The rappers were cool street guys. Canada has a half-black Jewish child actor who sings the queer midget rapper. Weak.,0.85,1,FR 26873,"You two hot sluts actually believed I asked you to my house to buy candles? You two are dumb bitches. I want to dominate both of you ever day, when I see you at our kid's school. Now you're naked, and gagged, and helpless, while I'm fucking your pussy.... URL",1.1,4,original 48001,@Josh D haha what's up fag did I hurt your gay feelings?,0.99,5,DE 1669,These degenerate assholes don't make up half the population.,1.44,4,FR 7454,I feel like I've met many men who I would be happy with in a relationship....if I could be physical with them. I've never met a woman I wanted to have a relationship with beyond hookups / flings.,-2.74,0,original 48499,That's what she gets for delighting a vile scumbag Edomite trash...lost is justice for stabbing her black community in the back...just like Tiger Woods from Simpson Charles Black Trash Barkley and the rest of those happy white trash women and nasty white kkk and nazi men...i have no feelings for what happens to you when you indulge yourself outside of your race...and i do the same when my son or daughters make the disgusting white thing. ...i teach mines to stay with your own rather with their black latnios or native americans....negroes have to stay with the tribes....not easu the DEVIL....,1.14,1,DE 37624,"#CelebrationsWithBloodDonation Today thousands of people from various states gathered to invest time towards their Spiritual growth, by attending the Holy Naamcharcha at @derasachasauda Ashrams of Sirsa, Barnawa and Mumbai.",-5.99,0,original 2040,"Fuck the Queen, got that bitch aborted in 1776",1.28,3,FR 27673,If you're an adult and still believe in some sky god you haven't matured at all. Fuck your stupid religion. URL,0.97,2,original 43771,Nikolay Angelov take this L bitch lame big headass stoopid ass nigga,1.02,1,original 36544,@shiofficialxox @FakeTaxi Only a matter of time before she's taking some monster dicks in that tight little arse of hers! She will get millions of viewers then! Then eventually onto DP 😍😍,0.37,0,original 36451,F this hoe,1.38,4,FR 13920,"God, women and their gregarious nature are unbearable. There's a reason they haven't been considered true, full citizens for most of human history...",1.18,4,FR 30279,Why do women do this vele URL,-1.06,0,original 16658,God's bloody dead and every religious idiot should know the hell of it,0.99,2,DE 40090,"Who is the girl with the weird hair and the glasses. I bet she's gay, hates trump supports gay rights and hates america.. hates white men want open boarders loves democrat clown show! Which model",0.6,5,FR 47555,"+Black Magic I know that. And I never said ""white people owed me"" ... You people are so fucking triggered and pathetic. You're the same kinda people that'll blame rape victims for not telling.",-0.84,0,original 34014,@Zionocracy @gegan1987 Israel's barbaric 71-year history is filled with disgusting social values. Yet they continue to exist in the holy lands. Only when Israel no longer exists will the Middle East know peace.,0.75,3,FR 902,She was a whore who craved several cocks in her pussy. plain and simple.,0.88,4,FR 28167,homosapien of the male gender,-2.28,0,original 5161,"This coming from a country that regularly gang rapes goats. haha Rapistan, living up to its name",1.75,1,original 2872,What is the lag,0.54,7,RU 10491,You have the ability to put a condom so start from there. 50m babies are murdered cuz the mother is a hoe and can't wear a condom.,0.62,4,original 47247,"@StemCell when those Iranian missiles hit us in the cities we'll know more about human rights, illiterate son of a jew trans whore, lol",2.0,1,FR 22626,"@marthamaccallum thinking of you on a bed, a bare brown strip on top of your pussy that I could run my tongue over. to get to your pussy to lick it",0.88,4,FR 23522,Deport them. NOW,1.52,3,original 40153,They're gay thats it,-3.35,0,original 45671,Who is from Iran like and sub if you are from Iran,-3.06,0,original 17499,"You seem like an absolute faggot, maybe get back off reddit",2.7,5,original 39007,This girl needs her ass rammed URL,0.85,4,FR 38624,@LisPower1 She's a vile individual,-2.35,0,original 15408,I hope you get that cock sucked often!,-0.79,0,original 19949,wish i was there to shoot all the fags down,1.63,5,original 20296,"Real fuckin hot dog shit bitch, Real fuckin ratchet shit bitch, Come in the club and get it clappin and shit bitch URL",1.89,4,original 4970,"Black Americans are individuals. We think and feel like our very different selves. We are not monolithic. Not tryin to insult, but your statement make you seem like a person who is very ignorant about other races of ppl. White ppl are different from one to the next, because they're individuals with their own individual minds. Let you in on a secret, blk ppl are exactly the same.",-4.97,0,original 4481,The Abrahamic religion IS garbage. Now defend the children's game of your garbage church.,1.4,2,FR 46025,"Madaxe2926 Iran are lier and terrorist,",-0.26,0,original 24048,"All my Facebook ads are like ""Hey FAG, want some fucking underwear, you great big homo?""",0.59,5,original 25422,"Bringing this back since even such a simple concept can't get trough your dumbass, thick headed, undeserving of anything nice smelly ass nasty bitches. The day mx stops interacting so much with us bc of yoir stupidity, i wont blame them. Learn to behave!! URL",1.84,4,original 910,"""Please, stop oppressing me"" I say to the Palestinian child tied to the front of my APC.",1.22,3,original 3371,"cum gurgling fagots they are, hm hm",1.07,5,FR 42576,"if it looks like white trash and talks like white trash, it's white trash!",1.93,1,FR 14894,"Yeah, I don't know that in my day, a woman wasn't even allowed to say no and if she did you'd give her a good fist bump and those millennials with phones and fucking nancies degrees i don't know jim boris gonna sort us out our and get rid of them nancies and womens rights fuck anything that says otherwise",1.34,6,FR 27859,"@ippatel @CPMumbaiPolice @MumbaiPolice @Dev_Fadnavis it's all conspiracy war strategy by Kathmullah which they briefed every Friday after ass lifting , how to keep reducing and increasing Islam by killing and converting, Mumbai police is failed to understand this even they were helping",-1.52,0,original 13570,"So not only are you an idiot who believes lies (your mother probably vaccinated you and delayed you), but you are also a homophobe. do not have the qualities of",0.93,7,JA 1201,fuck you and fuck the muslim cult.,1.36,2,RU 9117,"But it says that you should kill heretics too? That's goes entirely against freedom of speech, not even Christianity (the new covenant I am talking about with Jesus) says that we should love those who hate us Even those who speak against god and even those who killed Jesus himself were 'forgiven' by him, he screamed ""forgive them father for they know not what they do"" as they shoved metal spikes through his wrists and ankles and hoisted him on a slab of wood.. That's forgiveness bruh",-5.55,0,original 11286,"Kid, I'll find you, and when I find you, your ass is going to hell",1.46,6,DE 23701,WHY DO GIRLS defend their disgusting trashy boyfriends and instead attack the second girl???? Are you STUPID,0.08,0,original 2728,Fucking unfunny faggot. If I saw that kid irl I'd fucking bash his face in.,2.14,5,original 26028,"@AnupamPKher @onlyonenetra A death penalty is too small a punishment for these Muzzie Beasts.Such devils should be thrown to the public & tortured exactly the way they tortured the little girl! Her body mutilated,her eye gorged out & her body burned-Nothing less than that should be given back to the devils",2.65,6,original 8546,"The fact that 20% of the people in your country are immigrants speaks volumes about how bad this place must be. A bunch of fucking rats in sardine cans, disgusting population density. lmao If you really think you have enough time to save the sardine swamp. They brought their stores, which means they make money from you sardines, which means they won't leave. If the demographics continue to stay the way they are, they'll fuck you and replace after two generations.",1.94,3,ZH 9051,IDIOT Boneless Cracker,0.62,1,FR 43098,He was looking for black babies. Because his ancestors trained him (the alligator) that Caucasians used to give them black babies. LOL 🐊🐊🐊🐊,-1.76,0,original 19313,Why can't she rude dick like that? All we get is wack ass videos with no moaning,0.51,4,original 13865,Fuck the police. Trigger happy goons.,4.26,3,FR 31137,"""Suck my non-existent dick!"" - New to 4chan and apphumans - Resident shitposter - Extremely offensive - Tumblr and Reddit don't interact with URLs",1.1,5,ZH 25726,"i hate the females in this generation , seriously.",0.9,4,original 42862,"You know it's funny how these four Congress women aren't being held accountable for their stupidity remarks. Here's how they work for the dummies that put them in office , from what these women say it's makes me believe that they are terrorist",-0.37,0,original 6768,"As a fellow big-tiddied woman, and as a bisexual, I can assure you. It's fucking great.",-2.16,0,original 42564,They rights alright right to go back to your country you have no respect for this country and take the Democrats with you,-0.85,0,original 15273,"This makes me feel so welcomed, as someone that is trying to learn more about who I am, but having never met a jewish person outside of my family",-4.42,0,original 7019,"Fuck the Germans, they all support that fuck until it goes bad.",1.49,3,ZH 47475,Bobon Meiknob Wow who hurt you? You mad because women won't date you?,-0.52,0,original 11663,"""Get them out quicker! I'm so scared of brown people!""",0.6,1,FR 6736,"No matter what your zooms say, you're all gay freaks.",1.18,5,FR 43107,Hm...So...this police officer is in jail for DEFENDING HIMSELF AND the white SLUTTY COP who broke into a black man's house to MURDER him still hasn't been convicted and won't. probably won't? Bruh... I can't wait for the 3rd world war to start. I hope all black people will turn against this country. These Whites have had their boots on their backs for over 400 years. Authorized to rape and murder black people without justice.,1.07,1,FR 29400,"@senatemajldr I hope you get put in Trumps border camp, forced to drink out of your own toilette, get starved until you fall out of your f*cking turtle shell, and then get deported with your family to Russia where they treat you like a reporter. #GOPhuckyourself #TreasonousTurtle #FactsMatter",2.02,1,original