--- license: mit datasets: - Riksarkivet/mini_cleaned_diachronic_swe language: - sv metrics: - perplexity pipeline_tag: fill-mask widget: - text: Det vore [MASK] häller nödvändigt att bita af tungan än berättat hvad jag varit med om. train-eval-index: - config: Riksarkivet/mini_cleaned_diachronic_swe task: fill-mask task_id: fill-mask splits: eval_split: test col_mapping: text: text model-index: - name: bert-base-cased-swe-1800 results: - task: type: fill-mask name: fill-mask dataset: name: Riksarkivet/mini_cleaned_diachronic_swe type: Riksarkivet/mini_cleaned_diachronic_swe split: test metrics: - type: perplexity value: 3.42 name: Perplexity --- # Historical Swedish Bert Model A historical Swedish Bert model is released from the National Swedish Archives to better generalise to Swedish historical text. Researches are well-aware that the Swedish language has been subject to change over time which means that present-day point-of-view models less ideal candidates for the job. However, this model can be used to interpret and analyse historical textual material and be fine-tuned for different downstream tasks. ## Model Dscription ## Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the HPC RIVR consortium (https://www.hpc-rivr.si) and EuroHPC JU (https://eurohpc-ju.europa.eu) for funding this research by providing computing resources of the HPC system Vega at the Institute of Information Science (https://www.izum.si).