from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from math import floor from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union import torch from einops import pack, rearrange, unpack from torch import Generator, Tensor, nn from .components import AppendChannelsPlugin, MelSpectrogram from .diffusion import ARVDiffusion, ARVSampler, VDiffusion, VSampler from .utils import ( closest_power_2, default, downsample, exists, groupby, randn_like, upsample, ) class DiffusionModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, net_t: Callable, diffusion_t: Callable = VDiffusion, sampler_t: Callable = VSampler, loss_fn: Callable = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss, dim: int = 1, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() diffusion_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("diffusion_", kwargs) sampler_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("sampler_", kwargs) = net_t(dim=dim, **kwargs) self.diffusion = diffusion_t(, loss_fn=loss_fn, **diffusion_kwargs) self.sampler = sampler_t(, **sampler_kwargs) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: return self.diffusion(*args, **kwargs) @torch.no_grad() def sample(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: return self.sampler(*args, **kwargs) class EncoderBase(nn.Module, ABC): """Abstract class for DiffusionAE encoder""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.out_channels = None self.downsample_factor = None class AdapterBase(nn.Module, ABC): """Abstract class for DiffusionAE encoder""" @abstractmethod def encode(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: pass @abstractmethod def decode(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: pass class DiffusionAE(DiffusionModel): """Diffusion Auto Encoder""" def __init__( self, in_channels: int, channels: Sequence[int], encoder: EncoderBase, inject_depth: int, latent_factor: Optional[int] = None, adapter: Optional[AdapterBase] = None, **kwargs, ): context_channels = [0] * len(channels) context_channels[inject_depth] = encoder.out_channels super().__init__( in_channels=in_channels, channels=channels, context_channels=context_channels, **kwargs, ) self.in_channels = in_channels self.encoder = encoder self.inject_depth = inject_depth # Optional custom latent factor and adapter self.latent_factor = default(latent_factor, self.encoder.downsample_factor) self.adapter = adapter.requires_grad_(False) if exists(adapter) else None def forward( # type: ignore self, x: Tensor, with_info: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Any]]: # Encode input to latent channels latent, info = self.encode(x, with_info=True) channels = [None] * self.inject_depth + [latent] # Adapt input to diffusion if adapter provided x = self.adapter.encode(x) if exists(self.adapter) else x # Compute diffusion loss loss = super().forward(x, channels=channels, **kwargs) return (loss, info) if with_info else loss def encode(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.encoder(*args, **kwargs) @torch.no_grad() def decode( self, latent: Tensor, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: b = latent.shape[0] noise_length = closest_power_2(latent.shape[2] * self.latent_factor) # Compute noise by inferring shape from latent length noise = torch.randn( (b, self.in_channels, noise_length), device=latent.device, dtype=latent.dtype, generator=generator, ) # Compute context from latent channels = [None] * self.inject_depth + [latent] # type: ignore # Decode by sampling while conditioning on latent channels out = super().sample(noise, channels=channels, **kwargs) # Decode output with adapter if provided return self.adapter.decode(out) if exists(self.adapter) else out class DiffusionUpsampler(DiffusionModel): def __init__( self, in_channels: int, upsample_factor: int, net_t: Callable, **kwargs, ): self.upsample_factor = upsample_factor super().__init__( net_t=AppendChannelsPlugin(net_t, channels=in_channels), in_channels=in_channels, **kwargs, ) def reupsample(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: x = x.clone() x = downsample(x, factor=self.upsample_factor) x = upsample(x, factor=self.upsample_factor) return x def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: # type: ignore reupsampled = self.reupsample(x) return super().forward(x, *args, append_channels=reupsampled, **kwargs) @torch.no_grad() def sample( # type: ignore self, downsampled: Tensor, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: reupsampled = upsample(downsampled, factor=self.upsample_factor) noise = randn_like(reupsampled, generator=generator) return super().sample(noise, append_channels=reupsampled, **kwargs) class DiffusionVocoder(DiffusionModel): def __init__( self, net_t: Callable, mel_channels: int, mel_n_fft: int, mel_hop_length: Optional[int] = None, mel_win_length: Optional[int] = None, in_channels: int = 1, # Ignored: channels are automatically batched. **kwargs, ): mel_hop_length = default(mel_hop_length, floor(mel_n_fft) // 4) mel_win_length = default(mel_win_length, mel_n_fft) mel_kwargs, kwargs = groupby("mel_", kwargs) super().__init__( net_t=AppendChannelsPlugin(net_t, channels=1), in_channels=1, **kwargs, ) self.to_spectrogram = MelSpectrogram( n_fft=mel_n_fft, hop_length=mel_hop_length, win_length=mel_win_length, n_mel_channels=mel_channels, **mel_kwargs, ) self.to_flat = nn.ConvTranspose1d( in_channels=mel_channels, out_channels=1, kernel_size=mel_win_length, stride=mel_hop_length, padding=(mel_win_length - mel_hop_length) // 2, bias=False, ) def forward(self, x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs) -> Tensor: # type: ignore # Get spectrogram, pack channels and flatten spectrogram = rearrange(self.to_spectrogram(x), "b c f l -> (b c) f l") spectrogram_flat = self.to_flat(spectrogram) # Pack wave channels x = rearrange(x, "b c t -> (b c) 1 t") return super().forward(x, *args, append_channels=spectrogram_flat, **kwargs) @torch.no_grad() def sample( # type: ignore self, spectrogram: Tensor, generator: Optional[Generator] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tensor: # type: ignore # Pack channels and flatten spectrogram spectrogram, ps = pack([spectrogram], "* f l") spectrogram_flat = self.to_flat(spectrogram) # Get start noise and sample noise = randn_like(spectrogram_flat, generator=generator) waveform = super().sample(noise, append_channels=spectrogram_flat, **kwargs) # Unpack wave channels waveform = rearrange(waveform, "... 1 t -> ... t") waveform = unpack(waveform, ps, "* t")[0] return waveform class DiffusionAR(DiffusionModel): def __init__( self, in_channels: int, length: int, num_splits: int, diffusion_t: Callable = ARVDiffusion, sampler_t: Callable = ARVSampler, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( in_channels=in_channels + 1, out_channels=in_channels, diffusion_t=diffusion_t, diffusion_length=length, diffusion_num_splits=num_splits, sampler_t=sampler_t, sampler_in_channels=in_channels, sampler_length=length, sampler_num_splits=num_splits, use_time_conditioning=False, use_modulation=False, **kwargs, )