from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from a_unet import ( ClassifierFreeGuidancePlugin, Conv, Module, TextConditioningPlugin, TimeConditioningPlugin, default, exists, ) from a_unet.apex import ( AttentionItem, CrossAttentionItem, InjectChannelsItem, ModulationItem, ResnetItem, SkipCat, SkipModulate, XBlock, XUNet, ) from einops import pack, unpack from torch import Tensor, nn from torchaudio import transforms """ UNets (built with a-unet: """ def UNetV0( dim: int, in_channels: int, channels: Sequence[int], factors: Sequence[int], items: Sequence[int], attentions: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, cross_attentions: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, context_channels: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, attention_features: Optional[int] = None, attention_heads: Optional[int] = None, embedding_features: Optional[int] = None, resnet_groups: int = 8, use_modulation: bool = True, modulation_features: int = 1024, embedding_max_length: Optional[int] = None, use_time_conditioning: bool = True, use_embedding_cfg: bool = False, use_text_conditioning: bool = False, out_channels: Optional[int] = None, ): # Set defaults and check lengths num_layers = len(channels) attentions = default(attentions, [0] * num_layers) cross_attentions = default(cross_attentions, [0] * num_layers) context_channels = default(context_channels, [0] * num_layers) xs = (channels, factors, items, attentions, cross_attentions, context_channels) assert all(len(x) == num_layers for x in xs) # type: ignore # Define UNet type UNetV0 = XUNet if use_embedding_cfg: msg = "use_embedding_cfg requires embedding_max_length" assert exists(embedding_max_length), msg UNetV0 = ClassifierFreeGuidancePlugin(UNetV0, embedding_max_length) if use_text_conditioning: UNetV0 = TextConditioningPlugin(UNetV0) if use_time_conditioning: assert use_modulation, "use_time_conditioning requires use_modulation=True" UNetV0 = TimeConditioningPlugin(UNetV0) # Build return UNetV0( dim=dim, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, blocks=[ XBlock( channels=channels, factor=factor, context_channels=ctx_channels, items=( [ResnetItem] + [ModulationItem] * use_modulation + [InjectChannelsItem] * (ctx_channels > 0) + [AttentionItem] * att + [CrossAttentionItem] * cross ) * items, ) for channels, factor, items, att, cross, ctx_channels in zip(*xs) # type: ignore # noqa ], skip_t=SkipModulate if use_modulation else SkipCat, attention_features=attention_features, attention_heads=attention_heads, embedding_features=embedding_features, modulation_features=modulation_features, resnet_groups=resnet_groups, ) """ Plugins """ def LTPlugin( net_t: Callable, num_filters: int, window_length: int, stride: int ) -> Callable[..., nn.Module]: """Learned Transform Plugin""" def Net( dim: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ) -> nn.Module: out_channels = default(out_channels, in_channels) in_channel_transform = in_channels * num_filters out_channel_transform = out_channels * num_filters # type: ignore padding = window_length // 2 - stride // 2 encode = Conv( dim=dim, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channel_transform, kernel_size=window_length, stride=stride, padding=padding, padding_mode="reflect", bias=False, ) decode = nn.ConvTranspose1d( in_channels=out_channel_transform, out_channels=out_channels, # type: ignore kernel_size=window_length, stride=stride, padding=padding, bias=False, ) net = net_t( # type: ignore dim=dim, in_channels=in_channel_transform, out_channels=out_channel_transform, **kwargs ) def forward(x: Tensor, *args, **kwargs): x = encode(x) x = net(x, *args, **kwargs) x = decode(x) return x return Module([encode, decode, net], forward) return Net def AppendChannelsPlugin( net_t: Callable, channels: int, ): def Net( in_channels: int, out_channels: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ) -> nn.Module: out_channels = default(out_channels, in_channels) net = net_t( # type: ignore in_channels=in_channels + channels, out_channels=out_channels, **kwargs ) def forward(x: Tensor, *args, append_channels: Tensor, **kwargs): x =[x, append_channels], dim=1) return net(x, *args, **kwargs) return Module([net], forward) return Net """ Other """ class MelSpectrogram(nn.Module): def __init__( self, n_fft: int, hop_length: int, win_length: int, sample_rate: int, n_mel_channels: int, center: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, normalize_log: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.padding = (n_fft - hop_length) // 2 self.normalize = normalize self.normalize_log = normalize_log self.hop_length = hop_length self.to_spectrogram = transforms.Spectrogram( n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length, win_length=win_length, center=center, power=None, ) self.to_mel_scale = transforms.MelScale( n_mels=n_mel_channels, n_stft=n_fft // 2 + 1, sample_rate=sample_rate ) def forward(self, waveform: Tensor) -> Tensor: # Pack non-time dimension waveform, ps = pack([waveform], "* t") # Pad waveform waveform = F.pad(waveform, [self.padding] * 2, mode="reflect") # Compute STFT spectrogram = self.to_spectrogram(waveform) # Compute magnitude spectrogram = torch.abs(spectrogram) # Convert to mel scale mel_spectrogram = self.to_mel_scale(spectrogram) # Normalize if self.normalize: mel_spectrogram = mel_spectrogram / torch.max(mel_spectrogram) mel_spectrogram = 2 * torch.pow(mel_spectrogram, 0.25) - 1 if self.normalize_log: mel_spectrogram = torch.log(torch.clamp(mel_spectrogram, min=1e-5)) # Unpack non-spectrogram dimension return unpack(mel_spectrogram, ps, "* f l")[0]