--- license: mit --- # TAC RGB encoder This model is used for encoding RGB image into a dense feature. **Caution,** the model does not contain the last FC layer. So, the output features are not aligned with depth. ## Model Details ### Model Description The model is pre-trained with RGB-D contrastive objectives, named TAC. Different from InfoNCE-based loss fuctions, TAC leverages the similarity between videos frames and estimate a similarity matrix as soft labels. The backbone of this version is ViT-B/32. The pre-training is conducted on a new unified RGB-D database, UniRGBD. The main purpose of this work is depth representation. So, the RGB encoder is just a side model. ### Model Sources - **Repository:** [TAC](https://github.com/RavenKiller/TAC) - **Paper:** [Learning Depth Representation from RGB-D Videos by Time-Aware Contrastive Pre-training](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10288539) ## Citation ``` @ARTICLE{10288539, author={He, Zongtao and Wang, Liuyi and Dang, Ronghao and Li, Shu and Yan, Qingqing and Liu, Chengju and Chen, Qijun}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, title={Learning Depth Representation From RGB-D Videos by Time-Aware Contrastive Pre-Training}, year={2024}, volume={34}, number={6}, pages={4143-4158}, doi={10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3326373}} ```