[CLOUD] # Which TTS service will you use? # Possble Values: azure / google tts_service = azure # Which translation service will you use? DeepL is slower but more accurate # Possble Values: google / deepl # Note: If you will be skipping translation, this doesn't matter translate_service = google # In case the translation language is not supported by DeepL, use Google Translate as a fallback # Ignored if translate_service is set to google use_fallback_google_translate = True # The project name / project ID in the Google Cloud console. Required for translating google_project_id = your-project-name # API Key for your DeepL account. Required for translating if translate_service = deepl deepl_api_key = yourkeyxxxxxx # API Key for your Speech resource in Azure (cognitive speech) azure_speech_key = 9d05b045bd8e4477acfb9b9dd58be65c # The Location/Region of the speech resource. This should be listed on the same page as the API keys. # Example: eastus azure_speech_region = brazilsouth # Sends request to TTS service to create multiple audio clips simultaneously. MUCH faster. # Currently only supported when using azure batch_tts_synthesize = False