import soundfile import pyrubberband import configparser import pathlib import os import io from Scripts.shared_imports import * import Scripts.TTS as TTS from Scripts.utils import parseBool from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.silence import detect_leading_silence import langcodes # Set working folder workingFolder = "workingFolder" def trim_clip(inputSound): trim_leading_silence: AudioSegment = lambda x: x[detect_leading_silence(x) :] trim_trailing_silence: AudioSegment = lambda x: trim_leading_silence(x.reverse()).reverse() strip_silence: AudioSegment = lambda x: trim_trailing_silence(trim_leading_silence(x)) strippedSound = strip_silence(inputSound) return strippedSound # Function to insert audio into canvas at specific point def insert_audio(canvas, audioToOverlay, startTimeMs): # Create a copy of the canvas canvasCopy = canvas # Overlay the audio onto the copy canvasCopy = canvasCopy.overlay(audioToOverlay, position=int(startTimeMs)) # Return the copy return canvasCopy # Function to create a canvas of a specific duration in miliseconds def create_canvas(canvasDuration, frame_rate=int(config['synth_sample_rate'])): canvas = AudioSegment.silent(duration=canvasDuration, frame_rate=frame_rate) return canvas def get_speed_factor(subsDict, trimmedAudio, desiredDuration, num): virtualTempFile = AudioSegment.from_file(trimmedAudio, format="wav") rawDuration = virtualTempFile.duration_seconds # This MUST be done to reset the file pointer to the start of the file, otherwise will get errors next time try to access the virtual files # Calculate the speed factor, put into dictionary desiredDuration = float(desiredDuration) speedFactor = (rawDuration*1000) / desiredDuration subsDict[num]['speed_factor'] = speedFactor return subsDict def stretch_audio(audioFileToStretch, speedFactor, num): virtualTempAudioFile = io.BytesIO() # Write the raw string to virtualtempaudiofile y, sampleRate = streched_audio = pyrubberband.time_stretch(y, sampleRate, speedFactor, rbargs={'--fine': '--fine'}) # Need to add rbarges in weird way because it demands a dictionary of two values #soundfile.write(f'{workingFolder}\\temp_stretched.wav', streched_audio, sampleRate) soundfile.write(virtualTempAudioFile, streched_audio, sampleRate, format='wav') if config['debug_mode']: soundfile.write(os.path.join(workingFolder, f'{num}_s.wav'), streched_audio, sampleRate) # For debugging, saves the stretched audio files #return AudioSegment.from_file(f'{workingFolder}\\temp_stretched.wav', format="wav") return AudioSegment.from_file(virtualTempAudioFile, format="wav") from pydub import AudioSegment def build_audio(subsDict, langDict, totalAudioLength, twoPassVoiceSynth=False): if cloudConfig['tts_service'] == 'azure': twoPassVoiceSynth = False # Azure doesn't need two pass voice synth, so disable it virtualTrimmedFileDict = {} # First trim silence off the audio files for key, value in subsDict.items(): filePathTrimmed = os.path.join(workingFolder, str(key)) + "_t.wav" subsDict[key]['TTS_FilePath_Trimmed'] = filePathTrimmed # Trim the clip and re-write file rawClip = AudioSegment.from_file(value['TTS_FilePath'], format="mp3", frame_rate=int(config['synth_sample_rate'])) trimmedClip = trim_clip(rawClip) if config['debug_mode']: trimmedClip.export(filePathTrimmed, format="wav") # Create virtual file in dictionary with audio to be read later tempTrimmedFile = io.BytesIO() trimmedClip.export(tempTrimmedFile, format="wav") virtualTrimmedFileDict[key] = tempTrimmedFile keyIndex = list(subsDict.keys()).index(key) print(f" Trimmed Audio: {keyIndex + 1} of {len(subsDict)}", end="\r") print("\n") # Calculates speed factor if necessary. Azure doesn't need this, so skip it if not cloudConfig['tts_service'] == 'azure': # Calculate speed factors for each clip, aka how much to stretch the audio for key, value in subsDict.items: # subsDict = get_speed_factor(subsDict, value['TTS_FilePath_Trimmed'], value['duration_ms'], num=key) subsDict = get_speed_factor(subsDict, virtualTrimmedFileDict[key], value['duration_ms'], num=key) keyIndex = list(subsDict.keys()).index(key) print(f" Calculated Speed Factor: {keyIndex + 1} of {len(subsDict)}", end="\r") print("\n") # If two pass voice synth is enabled, have API re-synthesize the clips at the new speed # Azure allows direct specification of audio duration, so no need to re-synthesize if twoPassVoiceSynth and not cloudConfig['tts_service'] == 'azure': if cloudConfig['batch_tts_synthesize'] and cloudConfig['tts_service'] == 'azure': subsDict = TTS.synthesize_dictionary_batch(subsDict, langDict, skipSynthesize=config['skip_synthesize'], secondPass=True) else: subsDict = TTS.synthesize_dictionary(subsDict, langDict, skipSynthesize=config['skip_synthesize'], secondPass=True) for key, value in subsDict.items: # Trim the clip and re-write file rawClip = AudioSegment.from_file(value['TTS_FilePath'], format="mp3", frame_rate=int(config['synth_sample_rate'])) trimmedClip = trim_clip(rawClip) if config['debug_mode']: # Remove '.wav' from the end of the file path secondPassTrimmedFile = value['TTS_FilePath_Trimmed'][:-4] + "_p2_t.wav" trimmedClip.export(secondPassTrimmedFile, format="wav") trimmedClip.export(virtualTrimmedFileDict[key], format="wav") keyIndex = list(subsDict.keys()).index(key) print(f" Trimmed Audio (2nd Pass): {keyIndex + 1} of {len(subsDict)}", end="\r") print("\n") if config['force_stretch_with_twopass']: for key, value in subsDict.items: subsDict = get_speed_factor(subsDict, virtualTrimmedFileDict[key], value['duration_ms'], num=key) keyIndex = list(subsDict.keys()).index(key) print(f" Calculated Speed Factor (2nd Pass): {keyIndex + 1} of {len(subsDict)}", end="\r") print("\n") # Create canvas to overlay audio onto canvas = create_canvas(totalAudioLength) # Stretch audio and insert into canvas for key, value in subsDict.items(): if (not twoPassVoiceSynth or config['force_stretch_with_twopass']) and not cloudConfig['tts_service'] == 'azure': # stretchedClip = stretch_audio(value['TTS_FilePath_Trimmed'], speedFactor=subsDict[key]['speed_factor'], num=key) stretchedClip = stretch_audio(virtualTrimmedFileDict[key], speedFactor=subsDict[key]['speed_factor'], num=key) else: # stretchedClip = AudioSegment.from_file(value['TTS_FilePath_Trimmed'], format="wav") stretchedClip = AudioSegment.from_file(virtualTrimmedFileDict[key], format="wav") virtualTrimmedFileDict[key].seek(0) # Not 100% sure if this is necessary but it was in the other place it is used canvas = insert_audio(canvas, stretchedClip, value['start_ms']) keyIndex = list(subsDict.keys()).index(key) print(f" Final Audio Processed: {keyIndex + 1} of {len(subsDict)}", end="\r") print("\n") # Use video file name to use in the name of the output file. Add language name and language code lang = langcodes.get(langDict['languageCode']) langName = langcodes.get(langDict['languageCode']).get(lang.to_alpha3()).display_name() if config['debug_mode'] and not os.path.isfile(ORIGINAL_VIDEO_PATH): outputFileName = "debug" + f" - {langName} - {langDict['languageCode']}." else: outputFileName = pathlib.Path(ORIGINAL_VIDEO_PATH).stem + f" - {langName} - {langDict['languageCode']}." # Set output path outputFileName = os.path.join(OUTPUT_FOLDER, outputFileName) # Determine string to use for output format and file extension based on config setting outputFormat=config['output_format'].lower() if outputFormat == "mp3": outputFileName += "mp3" formatString = "mp3" elif outputFormat == "wav": outputFileName += "wav" formatString = "wav" elif outputFormat == "aac": #outputFileName += "m4a" #formatString = "mp4" # Pydub doesn't accept "aac" as a format, so we have to use "mp4" instead. Alternatively, could use "adts" with file extension "aac" outputFileName += "aac" formatString = "adts" # Pydub doesn't accept "aac" as a format, so we have to use "mp4" instead. Alternatively, could use "adts" with file extension "aac" canvas = canvas.set_channels(2) # Change from mono to stereo try: print("\nExporting audio file...") canvas.export(outputFileName, format=formatString, bitrate="192k") except: outputFileName = outputFileName + ".bak" canvas.export(outputFileName, format=formatString, bitrate="192k") print("\nThere was an issue exporting the audio, it might be a permission error. The file was saved as a backup with the extension .bak") print("Try removing the .bak extension then listen to the file to see if it worked.\n") input("Press Enter to exit...") return subsDict