--- language: ["ru", "en", "be", "bg", "uk", "ro", "kz", "tg", "tat", "sv", "sl", "sr", "uz", "es", "fi"] tags: - russian - fill-mask - pretraining - embeddings - masked-lm license: mit widget: - text: " на склад" --- !!! At the moment, the model is distilled, a version from one of the first checkpoints is available for download. We plan to post the full model in the next few days. !!! This is a distilled HRBert model for an mlm task. Sentence embeddings can be produced as follows: ```python # pip install transformers from transformers import pipeline fill_mask = pipeline( "fill-mask", model='RabotaRu/HRBert-mini', tokenizer='RabotaRu/HRBert-mini' ) fill_mask(' на склад') ```