Qwen-7B-Chat-Int4 / triton_kernels.py
Shangming Cai
Add ApplyRoPE and RMSNorm kernels written in OpenAI Triton.
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3.96 kB
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Hashable, Tuple
import torch
import triton
import triton.language as tl
from triton.compiler import CompiledKernel
from triton.runtime import JITFunction
import triton.language.math as tlmath # Triton 2.1
except ImportError:
import triton.language.libdevice as tlmath # Triton 2.0
class TritonKernel:
def __init__(
kernel_fn: JITFunction,
grid_fn: Callable[[Tuple[Any, ...]], Tuple[int, int, int]],
) -> None:
self.kernel_fn_ = kernel_fn
self.grid_fn_ = grid_fn
self.kernel_cache_: Dict[Hashable, CompiledKernel] = {}
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Set current device
input_device = args[0].device
prev_dev_idx, cur_dev_idx = -1, torch.cuda.current_device()
if input_device.index != cur_dev_idx:
prev_dev_idx = cur_dev_idx
# Compute grid
grid = self.grid_fn_(args)
# Use cached kernel if possible
kernel_key = (input_device,) + tuple(kwargs.items())
if kernel_key in self.kernel_cache_:
kernel = self.kernel_cache_[kernel_key]
# Compile and store new kernel
kernel = self.kernel_fn_[grid](*args, **kwargs)
self.kernel_cache_[kernel_key] = kernel
# Restore previous device
def _apply_rope_fwd_kernel(X, Cos, Sin, Y, HEAD_DIM: tl.constexpr):
batch_idx, tok_idx, head_idx = tl.program_id(0), tl.program_id(1), tl.program_id(2)
seq_len, num_heads = tl.num_programs(1), tl.num_programs(2)
block_idx = tl.arange(0, HEAD_DIM)
x_base_idx = ((batch_idx * seq_len + tok_idx) * num_heads * 3 + head_idx) * HEAD_DIM
x = tl.load(X + x_base_idx + block_idx)
freq_idx = tok_idx * HEAD_DIM + block_idx
cos = tl.load(Cos + freq_idx)
rot_idx = (HEAD_DIM // 2 + block_idx) % HEAD_DIM
x_rot = tl.load(X + x_base_idx + rot_idx)
x_rot = tl.where(block_idx >= HEAD_DIM // 2, x_rot, -x_rot)
sin = tl.load(Sin + freq_idx)
y_idx = (
(batch_idx * seq_len + tok_idx) * num_heads + head_idx
) * HEAD_DIM + block_idx
y = x * cos + x_rot * sin
tl.store(Y + y_idx, y.to(Y.dtype.element_ty))
apply_rope_fwd_kernel = TritonKernel(
_apply_rope_fwd_kernel, lambda args: tuple(args[0].shape[:3])
def apply_rotary_emb(x: torch.Tensor, cos: torch.Tensor, sin: torch.Tensor):
y = torch.empty(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
apply_rope_fwd_kernel.run(x, cos, sin, y, HEAD_DIM=x.size(-1))
return y
def _rms_norm_fwd_kernel(X, W, Y, eps, hidden_dim, BLOCK_SIZE: tl.constexpr):
tok_idx = tl.program_id(0)
mean_sq = tl.zeros([BLOCK_SIZE], tl.float32)
for offset in range(0, hidden_dim, BLOCK_SIZE):
dim_idx = offset + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)
x = tl.load(
X + tok_idx * hidden_dim + dim_idx, mask=dim_idx < hidden_dim, other=0
mean_sq += x * x / hidden_dim
rrms = tlmath.rsqrt(tl.sum(mean_sq, 0) + eps)
for offset in range(0, hidden_dim, BLOCK_SIZE):
dim_idx = offset + tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)
dim_mask = dim_idx < hidden_dim
hidden_idx = tok_idx * hidden_dim + dim_idx
x = tl.load(X + hidden_idx, mask=dim_mask, other=0)
w = tl.load(W + dim_idx, mask=dim_mask, other=0)
y = x * rrms * w
tl.store(Y + hidden_idx, y.to(Y.dtype.element_ty), mask=dim_mask)
rms_norm_fwd_kernel = TritonKernel(
_rms_norm_fwd_kernel, lambda args: (args[0].shape[:-1].numel(), 1, 1)
def rms_norm(x: torch.Tensor, weight: torch.Tensor, eps: float):
y = torch.empty_like(x)
hidden_dim = x.size(-1)
x, weight, y, eps, hidden_dim, BLOCK_SIZE=triton.next_power_of_2(hidden_dim)
return y