--- license: apache-2.0 tags: - MRC - TyDiQA - Natural Questions - SQuAD - xlm-roberta-large language: - multilingual --- *Task*: MRC # Model description An XLM-RoBERTa Large reading comprehension model trained from the combination of TyDi, NQ, and SQuAD v1 datasets, starting from a fine-tuned [Tydi xlm-roberta-large](https://huggingface.co/PrimeQA/tydiqa-primary-task-xlm-roberta-large) model. ## Intended uses & limitations You can use the raw model for the reading comprehension task. Biases associated with the pre-existing language model, xlm-roberta-large, that we used may be present in our fine-tuned model. ## Usage You can use this model directly with the [PrimeQA](https://github.com/primeqa/primeqa) pipeline for reading comprehension [squad.ipynb](https://github.com/primeqa/primeqa/blob/main/notebooks/mrc/squad.ipynb). ### BibTeX entry and citation info ```bibtex @article{kwiatkowski-etal-2019-natural, title = "Natural Questions: A Benchmark for Question Answering Research", author = "Kwiatkowski, Tom and Palomaki, Jennimaria and Redfield, Olivia and Collins, Michael and Parikh, Ankur and Alberti, Chris and Epstein, Danielle and Polosukhin, Illia and Devlin, Jacob and Lee, Kenton and Toutanova, Kristina and Jones, Llion and Kelcey, Matthew and Chang, Ming-Wei and Dai, Andrew M. and Uszkoreit, Jakob and Le, Quoc and Petrov, Slav", journal = "Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics", volume = "7", year = "2019", address = "Cambridge, MA", publisher = "MIT Press", url = "https://aclanthology.org/Q19-1026", doi = "10.1162/tacl_a_00276", pages = "452--466", } ``` ```bibtex @article{2016arXiv160605250R, author = {{Rajpurkar}, Pranav and {Zhang}, Jian and {Lopyrev}, Konstantin and {Liang}, Percy}, title = "{SQuAD: 100,000+ Questions for Machine Comprehension of Text}", journal = {arXiv e-prints}, year = 2016, eid = {arXiv:1606.05250}, pages = {arXiv:1606.05250}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {1606.05250}, } ``` ```bibtex @article{clark-etal-2020-tydi, title = "{T}y{D}i {QA}: A Benchmark for Information-Seeking Question Answering in Typologically Diverse Languages", author = "Clark, Jonathan H. and Choi, Eunsol and Collins, Michael and Garrette, Dan and Kwiatkowski, Tom and Nikolaev, Vitaly and Palomaki, Jennimaria", journal = "Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics", volume = "8", year = "2020", address = "Cambridge, MA", publisher = "MIT Press", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2020.tacl-1.30", doi = "10.1162/tacl_a_00317", pages = "454--470", } ```