--- datasets: - cats_vs_dogs metrics: - accuracy --- CNN Model for binary classification trained on the cats_vs_dogs dataset from tensorflow datasets. [Training Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/16KYoiNPuNkOxTf3NExqeNQUuOkuL-VJ9?usp=sharing). The model was trained for 21h53m on a GCE VM instance (n1-standard-4, 1 x NVIDIA T4) and achieved an accuracy of 74.83% on the test split (10% of the dataset). ![Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 8.57.56 AM.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/649f9483d76ca0fe679011c2/jQyCE5BL0EdiXAK-Bhdtb.png) The model trained for 90 epochs. Last few epochs' metrics: ``` After 28122 steps, test loss: 0.5549, test accuracy: 0.7418 After 28449 steps, test loss: 0.5515, test accuracy: 0.7491 After 28776 steps, test loss: 0.5508, test accuracy: 0.7487 After 29103 steps, test loss: 0.5503, test accuracy: 0.7478 After 29430 steps, test loss: 0.5510, test accuracy: 0.7483 ``` | Image | Prediction | | ----- | ---------- | | ![image.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/649f9483d76ca0fe679011c2/PSqSOtaEoI_eyQBFhQTq0.png) | Model Prediction - Dog (60.82%), Cat (39.18%) | | ![image.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/649f9483d76ca0fe679011c2/cM2mPihKHWQtxvYdUaHQZ.png) | Model Prediction - Cat (72.34%), Dog (27.66%) | | ![image.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/649f9483d76ca0fe679011c2/CtKmxDY-dDTowVptTAhF4.png) | Model Prediction - Cat (67.55%), Dog (32.45%) | | ![image.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/649f9483d76ca0fe679011c2/UKpMZShdi6aifuDeCx-aB.png) | Model Prediction - Dog (51.24%), Cat (48.76%) | | ![image.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/649f9483d76ca0fe679011c2/a0ZZMg2CFgmkvxqPa2Dp0.png) | Model Prediction - Dog (72.80%), Cat (27.20%) |