--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 library_name: transformers tags: - python - document - code - code2doc - instruction_tuned - basemodel - pytorch - docstring - documentation - text-generation-inference metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: text-generation widget: - text: '--code:def function_divide2(x): return x / 2--question:Document the code--doc:Description:This function takes a number and divides it by 2.Parameters:- x (numeric): The input value to be divided by 2.Returns:- float: The result of x divided by 2.Example:To call the function, use the following code:function_divide2(1.0)def _plot_bounding_polygon(polygons_coordinates, output_html_path=bounding_polygon_map.html):map_center = [sum([coord[0]for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinatesfor coord in polygon_coords])/ sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]),sum([coord[1]for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinatesfor coord in polygon_coords])/ sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]),]my_map = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12)for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates:folium.Polygon(locations=polygon_coords,color=blue,fill=True,fill_color=blue,fill_opacity=0.2,).add_to(my_map)marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(my_map)for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates:for coord in polygon_coords:folium.Marker(location=[coord[0], coord[1]], popup=fCoordinates: {coord}).add_to(marker_cluster)draw = Draw(export=True)draw.add_to(my_map)my_map.save(output_html_path)return output_html_pathDocument the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function' example_title: example --- # pip-code-to-doc [pipableAi](https://www.linkedin.com/company/pipable.ai/about/) [colab_notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/17PyMU_3QN9LROy7x-jmaema0cuLRzBvc?usp=sharing) ## What have we built? A 1.3 bn code documentation model that outperforms most models on documenting codes and making your in-house libs ready for LLM and RAG pipelines. We have also open sourced a [parsing lib](https://github.com/PipableAI/pip-library-parser) for the same, together the lib and model can turn your codebase to functional parse tree ready to be consumed by LLMs to execute complex tasks. This is a further trained version of pip-sql-1.3b. ## How we built it? We used softmax cross entropy and a modified form of policy grad along with Q loss, optimized in an EM set up. Loss behaviour in the set up mentioned above - ## License The model is open source under apache 2.0. License ## Usage ### Library use ```python !pip3 install git+https://github.com/PipableAI/pip-library-parser !pip3 install atlassian-python-api from pip_library_parser import CodeToDocGenerator # Replace 'your_module' and 'YourModule' with the actual module and module name module_name = 'your_module' module = __import__(module_name) # Instantiate the CodeToDocGenerator generator = CodeToDocGenerator() # Generate docstrings for the module's functions and methods docs = generator.generate_module_docs(module, module_name) # 'docs' now contains a dictionary mapping function/method names to their generated docstrings ``` ```python from pip_library_parser import CodeToDocGenerator # Instantiate the CodeToDocGenerator generator = CodeToDocGenerator() code_snippet = """ def example_function(x): return x * 2 """ docstring = generator.generate_docstring_from_pip_model(code_snippet) print("Generated Docstring:") print(docstring) ``` ### Installation ```bash pip install transformers ``` ### Prompt ```python prompt = f"""{--question , --query}{code} Give one line description of the python code above in natural language. """ prompt = f"""{example of some --question: , --query}{schema with cols described} Write a sql query to .... """ ``` ### PyTorch ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer device = "cuda" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("PipableAI/pip-code-to-doc-1.3b").to(device) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("PipableAI/pip-code-to-doc-1.3b") prompt = f""" --code:def function_2(x): return x / 2 --question:Document the code --doc: Description:This function takes a number and divides it by 2. Parameters: - x (numeric): The input value to be divided by 2. Returns: - float: The result of x divided by 2 Example: To call the function, use the following code: function2(1.0) def example_function(x): return x * 2 Document the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function. """ inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=300) tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True).split('')[-1].split('')[0] ``` ## Examples ### 1. Code Documentation ### prompt ```python text=''' --code:def function_2(x): return x / 2 --question:Document the code --doc: Description:This function takes a number and divides it by 2. Parameters: - x (numeric): The input value to be divided by 2. Returns: - float: The result of x divided by 2 Example: To call the function, use the following code: function2(1.0) def _plot_bounding_polygon( polygons_coordinates, output_html_path="bounding_polygon_map.html" ): # Create a Folium map centered at the average coordinates of all bounding boxes map_center = [ sum( [ coord[0] for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates for coord in polygon_coords ] ) / sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]), sum( [ coord[1] for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates for coord in polygon_coords ] ) / sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]), ] my_map = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12) # Add each bounding polygon to the map for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates: folium.Polygon( locations=polygon_coords, color="blue", fill=True, fill_color="blue", fill_opacity=0.2, ).add_to(my_map) # Add bounding boxes as markers to the map marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(my_map) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates: for coord in polygon_coords: folium.Marker( location=[coord[0], coord[1]], popup=f"Coordinates: {coord}" ).add_to(marker_cluster) # Add draw control to allow users to draw additional polygons draw = Draw(export=True) draw.add_to(my_map) # Save the map as an HTML file my_map.save(output_html_path) return output_html_path Document the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function''' ``` ### Response ```txt Description:This function generates a map of the bounding polygons and saves it as an HTML file. Parameters: - polygons_coordinates (list of lists of tuples): A list of lists of tuples representing the coordinates of the polygons. Each polygon is a list of coordinates. - output_html_path (str, optional): The path where the HTML file should be saved. Defaults to "bounding_polygon_map.html". Returns: - str: The path to the saved HTML file. Example: To call the function, use the following code: plot_bounding_polygon([[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)], [(2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3)]], "my_map.html"). ``` ### 2. SQL Generation ### prompt ```python text = f"""Generate simple SQL query from the schema mentioned for the following questions. CREATE TABLE department (Department_ID number, Name text, Creation text, Ranking number, Budget_in_Billions number, Num_Employees number); CREATE TABLE head (head_ID number, name text, born_state text, age number); CREATE TABLE management (department_ID number, head_ID number, temporary_acting text); What are the names of the heads who are born outside the California state? ``` ### response ```sql SELECT head.name FROM head WHERE head.born_state <> 'California'; ``` ### Team Avi Kothari, Gyan Ranjan, Pratham Gupta, Ritvik Aryan Kalra, Soham Acharya