--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 library_name: transformers tags: - python - document - code - code2doc - instruction_tuned - basemodel - pytorch - docstring - documentation - text-generation-inference metrics: - accuracy pipeline_tag: text-generation widget: - text: '--code:def function_divide2(x): return x / 2--question:Document the code--doc:Description:This function takes a number and divides it by 2.Parameters:- x (numeric): The input value to be divided by 2.Returns:- float: The result of x divided by 2.Example:To call the function, use the following code:function_divide2(1.0)def _plot_bounding_polygon(polygons_coordinates, output_html_path=bounding_polygon_map.html):map_center = [sum([coord[0]for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinatesfor coord in polygon_coords])/ sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]),sum([coord[1]for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinatesfor coord in polygon_coords])/ sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]),]my_map = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12)for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates:folium.Polygon(locations=polygon_coords,color=blue,fill=True,fill_color=blue,fill_opacity=0.2,).add_to(my_map)marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(my_map)for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates:for coord in polygon_coords:folium.Marker(location=[coord[0], coord[1]], popup=fCoordinates: {coord}).add_to(marker_cluster)draw = Draw(export=True)draw.add_to(my_map)my_map.save(output_html_path)return output_html_pathDocument the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function' example_title: example --- # pip-library-etl-1.3b [pipableAi](https://www.linkedin.com/company/pipable.ai/about/) [colab_notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/17PyMU_3QN9LROy7x-jmaema0cuLRzBvc?usp=sharing) [pip library_etl](https://github.com/PipableAI/pip-library-etl.git) ## What have we built? A 1.3 bn code documentation model that outperforms most models on documenting codes and making your in-house libs ready for LLM and RAG pipelines. We have also open sourced a [pip library_etl](https://github.com/PipableAI/pip-library-etl.git) for the same, together the lib and model can turn your codebase to functional parse tree ready to be consumed by LLMs to execute complex tasks. This model is also capable of generating SQL queries with accuracies on par with those of [pip-sql-1.3b](https://huggingface.co/PipableAI/pip-sql-1.3b), with additional capabilities of providing extra examples, instructions ,and column descriptions as context. This is a further trained version of pip-sql-1.3b. ## How we built it? We used softmax cross entropy and a modified form of policy grad along with Q loss, optimized in an EM set up. Loss behaviour in the set up mentioned above - ## License The model is open source under apache 2.0. License ## Usage ### Library use For directly using the capabilities of model without putting extra efforts on schems and prompts try to use [pip library_etl](https://github.com/PipableAI/pip-library-etl.git). For detaied usage refer to the [colab_notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/17PyMU_3QN9LROy7x-jmaema0cuLRzBvc?usp=sharing) ### Installation ```bash pip install transformers ``` ### Prompt ```python prompt = f"""{--question , --query}{code} Give one line description of the python code above in natural language. """ prompt = f"""{example of some --question: , --query}{schema with cols described} Write a sql query to .... """ ``` ### PyTorch ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer device = "cuda" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("PipableAI/pip-library-etl-1.3b").to(device) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("PipableAI/pip-library-etl-1.3b") prompt = f""" --code:def function_2(x): return x / 2 --question:Document the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function. --doc: Description:This function takes a number and divides it by 2. Parameters: - x (numeric): The input value to be divided by 2. Returns: - float: The result of x divided by 2 Example: To call the function, use the following code: function2(1.0) def example_function(x): return x * 2 1. In the examples while calling function use the name mentioned after `def ` in the above function_code. 2. In the generated docs use valid python type hints as per PEP 484. Document the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function. """ inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=450) doc = ( tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) .split("")[-1] .split("")[0] ) doc = ( doc.replace("

", "") .replace("

", "") .replace("", "") .replace("", "") ) print(doc) ``` ## Examples ### 1. Code Documentation ### prompt ```python text=''' --code:def function_2(x): return x / 2 --question:Document the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function. --doc: Description:This function takes a number and divides it by 2. Parameters: - x (numeric): The input value to be divided by 2. Returns: - float: The result of x divided by 2 Example: To call the function, use the following code: function2(1.0) def _plot_bounding_polygon( polygons_coordinates, output_html_path="bounding_polygon_map.html" ): # Create a Folium map centered at the average coordinates of all bounding boxes map_center = [ sum( [ coord[0] for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates for coord in polygon_coords ] ) / sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]), sum( [ coord[1] for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates for coord in polygon_coords ] ) / sum([len(polygon_coords) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates]), ] my_map = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=12) # Add each bounding polygon to the map for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates: folium.Polygon( locations=polygon_coords, color="blue", fill=True, fill_color="blue", fill_opacity=0.2, ).add_to(my_map) # Add bounding boxes as markers to the map marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(my_map) for polygon_coords in polygons_coordinates: for coord in polygon_coords: folium.Marker( location=[coord[0], coord[1]], popup=f"Coordinates: {coord}" ).add_to(marker_cluster) # Add draw control to allow users to draw additional polygons draw = Draw(export=True) draw.add_to(my_map) # Save the map as an HTML file my_map.save(output_html_path) return output_html_path 1. In the examples while calling function use the name mentioned after `def ` in the above function_code. 2. In the generated docs use valid python type hints as per PEP 484. Document the python code above giving function description ,parameters and return type and example how to call the function''' ``` ### Response ```txt Description:This function generates a map of the bounding polygons and saves it as an HTML file. Parameters: - polygons_coordinates (list of lists of tuples): A list of lists of tuples representing the coordinates of the polygons. Each polygon is a list of coordinates. - output_html_path (str, optional): The path where the HTML file should be saved. Defaults to "bounding_polygon_map.html". Returns: - str: The path to the saved HTML file. Example: To call the function, use the following code: plot_bounding_polygon([[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)], [(2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3)]], "my_map.html"). ``` ### 2. SQL Generation ### prompt ```python text = """Generate a simple SQL query from the schema mentioned for the following question. CREATE TABLE department (Department_ID number, Name text, Creation text, Ranking number, Budget_in_Billions number, Num_Employees number); CREATE TABLE head (head_ID number, name text, born_state text, age number); CREATE TABLE management (department_ID number, head_ID number, temporary_acting text); What are the names of the heads who are born outside the California state? """ ``` ### response ```sql SELECT head.name FROM head WHERE head.born_state <> 'California'; ``` ### 3. Performance Schema Monitoring ### prompt ```python text = """Generate the SQL query for SkySQL performance schema for the following question. --question: What are the top 10 most frequently used queries/statements? --sql: SELECT DIGEST_TEXT, COUNT(*) as frequency FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest GROUP BY DIGEST_TEXT ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 10; CREATE TABLE `accounts` (`USER` char(128) DEFAULT NULL -- 'The connection''s client user name for the connection, or NULL if an internal thread.', `HOST` char(255) DEFAULT NULL -- 'The connection client''s host name, or NULL if an internal thread.', `CURRENT_CONNECTIONS` bigint(20) NOT NULL -- 'Current connections for the account.',\n `TOTAL_CONNECTIONS` bigint(20) NOT NULL -- 'Total connections for the account.' ) ; Tell me the number of active connections each user has. """ ``` ### response ```sql SELECT USER, CURRENT_CONNECTIONS FROM accounts; ``` ### prompt ```python text = """Generate the SQL query for SkySQL performance schema for the following question. --question: What are the top 10 most frequently used queries/statements? --sql: SELECT DIGEST_TEXT, COUNT(*) as frequency FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest GROUP BY DIGEST_TEXT ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 10; CREATE TABLE `file_summary_by_instance` ( `FILE_NAME` varchar(512) NOT NULL -- 'File name.', `EVENT_NAME` varchar(128) NOT NULL -- 'Event name.', `OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Address in memory. Together with FILE_NAME and EVENT_NAME uniquely identifies a row.', `COUNT_STAR` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Number of summarized events', `SUM_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Total wait time of the summarized events that are timed.', `MIN_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Minimum wait time of the summarized events that are timed.', `AVG_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Average wait time of the summarized events that are timed.', `MAX_TIMER_WAIT` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Maximum wait time of the summarized events that are timed.', `COUNT_READ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Number of all read operations, including FGETS, FGETC, FREAD, and READ.', `SUM_TIMER_READ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Total wait time of all read operations that are timed.', `MIN_TIMER_READ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Minimum wait time of all read operations that are timed.', `AVG_TIMER_READ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Average wait time of all read operations that are timed.', `MAX_TIMER_READ` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Maximum wait time of all read operations that are timed.', `SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ` bigint(20) NOT NULL -- 'Bytes read by read operations.', `COUNT_WRITE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Number of all write operations, including FPUTS, FPUTC, FPRINTF, VFPRINTF, FWRITE, and PWRITE.', `SUM_TIMER_WRITE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Total wait time of all write operations that are timed.', `MIN_TIMER_WRITE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Minimum wait time of all write operations that are timed.', `AVG_TIMER_WRITE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Average wait time of all write operations that are timed.', `MAX_TIMER_WRITE` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Maximum wait time of all write operations that are timed.', `SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE` bigint(20) NOT NULL -- 'Bytes written by write operations.', `COUNT_MISC` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Number of all miscellaneous operations not counted above, including CREATE, DELETE, OPEN, CLOSE, STREAM_OPEN, STREAM_CLOSE, SEEK, TELL, FLUSH, STAT, FSTAT, CHSIZE, RENAME, and SYNC.', `SUM_TIMER_MISC` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Total wait time of all miscellaneous operations that are timed.', `MIN_TIMER_MISC` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Minimum wait time of all miscellaneous operations that are timed.', `AVG_TIMER_MISC` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Average wait time of all miscellaneous operations that are timed.', `MAX_TIMER_MISC` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL -- 'Maximum wait time of all miscellaneous operations that are timed.' ); List out 10 names of the files with the most read and writes """ ``` ### response ```sql SELECT FILE_NAME FROM file_summary_by_instance ORDER BY SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_READ DESC, SUM_NUMBER_OF_BYTES_WRITE DESC LIMIT 10; ``` ### Team Avi Kothari, Gyan Ranjan, Pratham Gupta, Ritvik Aryan Kalra, Soham Acharya