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Iraq": 10578, "2004 Grammy Awards": 659, "2004 Major League Baseball draft": 2171, "2004 Major League Baseball season": 4578, "2004 NBA Draft": 8805, "2004 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 11466, "2004 NFL Draft": 4162, "2004 Summer Olympics": 939, "2005 Grammy Awards": 2926, "2005 Major League Baseball draft": 7670, "2005 Major League Baseball season": 10538, "2005 NBA Draft": 10844, "2005 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 2403, "2005 NFL Draft": 497, "2006 Grammy Awards": 4198, "2006 Major League Baseball draft": 4459, "2006 Major League Baseball season": 10328, "2006 NBA Draft": 4127, "2006 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 10006, "2006 NFL Draft": 8052, "2006 Winter Olympics": 4183, "2007 Grammy Awards": 1798, "2007 Major League Baseball draft": 9916, "2007 Major League Baseball season": 9936, "2007 NBA Draft": 6408, "2007 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 6352, "2007 NFL Draft": 823, "2008 Grammy Awards": 528, "2008 Major League Baseball season": 3222, "2008 NBA Draft": 3064, "2008 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 735, "2008 NFL Draft": 2521, "2008 NFL season": 11285, "2008 Summer Olympics": 707, "2008 Sundance Film Festival": 12861, "2008 Tour de France": 13396, "2009 Major League Baseball season": 10156, "2009 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 7532, "2009 NFL season": 8517, "2009 Sundance Film Festival": 11799, "2009 Tour de France": 13350, "2009 World Championships in Athletics": 11647, "2010 Australian Film Institute Awards": 2974, "2010 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament": 2405, "2010 Sundance Film Festival": 13291, "2010 Toronto International Film Festival": 9663, "2010 Winter Olympics": 954, "2010: The Year We Make Contact": 9447, "2011 Libyan Civil War": 11856, "2011 Sundance Film Festival": 733, "2011 Toronto International Film Festival": 3614, "2012": 6752, "2012 Summer Olympics": 2424, "2012 Sundance Film Festival": 12613, "2012 Toronto International Film Festival": 6314, "2046": 8375, "20th Century Fox": 665, "20th Century Fox Home Entertainment": 12395, "20th Century Fox Television": 1818, "20th United States Congress": 5711, "21 Grams": 5313, "21 Jump Street": 2186, "21st Academy Awards": 10418, "23rd Academy Awards": 9847, "23rd United States Congress": 2694, "24": 5818, "24: Redemption": 5715, "24th Academy Awards": 9746, "25th Academy Awards": 2156, "25th United States Congress": 3565, "26th Academy Awards": 5794, "26th United States Congress": 4862, "27th Academy Awards": 9504, "27th United States Congress": 6728, "28 Days Later": 8191, "28th Academy Awards": 8575, "28th Golden Globe Awards": 8183, "28th United States Congress": 6604, "29th Academy Awards": 4071, "2K Games": 12371, "2nd United States Congress": 2339, "3 Idiots": 218, "30 Days of Night": 9831, "30 Rock": 3289, "300": 1988, "3000 Miles to Graceland": 8965, "30th Academy Awards": 5983, "30th United States Congress": 9445, "31st Academy Awards": 5722, "31st United States Congress": 918, "32nd Academy Awards": 8770, "32nd Berlin International Film Festival": 12825, "32nd United States Congress": 128, "33rd Academy Awards": 6876, "34th Academy Awards": 2437, "34th Berlin International Film Festival": 6926, "34th Canadian Parliament": 12, "35 mm film": 955, "35th Academy Awards": 6497, "35th Canadian Parliament": 9947, "36th Academy Awards": 7231, "37th Academy Awards": 4013, "37th Golden Globe Awards": 4039, "38th Academy Awards": 7379, "38th Canadian Parliament": 2634, "38th Daytime Emmy Awards": 7492, "38th People's Choice Awards": 3981, "39th Academy Awards": 2395, "39th Berlin International Film Festival": 10684, "39th Canadian Parliament": 9313, "39th Daytime Emmy Awards": 3702, "3:10 to Yuma": 4099, "3D Realms": 12040, "3rd Rock from the Sun": 9034, "3rd United States Congress": 9221, "40th Academy Awards": 8192, "40th Canadian Parliament": 4630, "41st Academy Awards": 9339, "42nd Academy Awards": 4456, "43rd Academy Awards": 3186, "44th Academy Awards": 5199, "45th Academy Awards": 3809, "46th Academy Awards": 709, "47th Academy Awards": 4259, "48th Academy Awards": 454, "49th Academy Awards": 9904, "4AD": 11154, "4th United States Congress": 6220, "50 Cent": 7315, "50 First Dates": 2420, "50/50": 7976, "505 Games": 11708, "50th Academy Awards": 8263, "51st Academy Awards": 9038, "51st Annual Grammy Awards": 3762, "52nd Annual Grammy Awards": 95, "52nd Primetime Emmy Awards": 4838, "54th Academy Awards": 2328, "54th Annual Grammy Awards": 9917, "54th Primetime Emmy Awards": 9052, "55th Academy Awards": 8673, "55th Golden Globe Awards": 3126, "55th Primetime Emmy Awards": 8660, "56th Academy Awards": 949, "56th Golden Globe Awards": 905, "56th Primetime Emmy Awards": 983, "57th Academy Awards": 4813, "57th Golden Globe Awards": 7531, "57th Primetime Emmy Awards": 6786, "58th Academy Awards": 6481, "58th Berlin International Film Festival": 6620, "58th Primetime Emmy Awards": 48, "59th Academy Awards": 4761, "59th Berlin International Film Festival": 5044, "59th Golden Globe Awards": 6602, "59th Primetime Emmy Awards": 761, "5th United States Congress": 1917, "60th Academy Awards": 2126, "60th Berlin International Film Festival": 9180, "60th Golden Globe Awards": 2844, "60th Primetime Emmy Awards": 7114, "61st Academy Awards": 30, "61st Berlin International Film Festival": 9476, "61st Primetime Emmy Awards": 1624, "62nd Academy Awards": 2838, "62nd Berlin International Film Festival": 11715, "62nd Golden Globe Awards": 8211, "63rd Academy Awards": 7921, "63rd Golden Globe Awards": 4090, "63rd Primetime Emmy Awards": 2962, "64th Academy Awards": 4368, "64th Golden Globe Awards": 4287, "64th Primetime Emmy Awards": 2237, "65th Academy Awards": 9067, "65th British Academy Film Awards": 2714, "65th Golden Globe Awards": 1172, "65th Tony Awards": 9851, "66th Academy Awards": 2191, "66th Golden Globe Awards": 9274, "66th Tony Awards": 3654, "67th Academy Awards": 1900, "67th Golden Globe Awards": 2970, "68th Academy Awards": 1724, "68th Golden Globe Awards": 2059, "69th Academy Awards": 7356, "69th Golden Globe Awards": 3373, "6th Screen Actors Guild Awards": 6987, "6th United States Congress": 11115, "70th Academy Awards": 6848, "71st Academy Awards": 7267, "72nd Academy Awards": 1383, "73rd Academy Awards": 2435, "74th Academy Awards": 3923, "75th Academy Awards": 3642, "76th Academy Awards": 7414, "77th Academy Awards": 3056, "78th Academy Awards": 2960, "79th Academy Awards": 4995, "7th United States Congress": 6732, "8 Mile": 7866, "8 Women": 1862, "80th Academy Awards": 2859, "81st Academy Awards": 9105, "82nd Academy Awards": 5511, "84th Academy Awards": 2794, "85th Academy Awards": 7591, "8th Screen Actors Guild Awards": 4614, "8th United States Congress": 9220, "9th United States Congress": 7589, "": 0, "A Beautiful Mind": 217, "A Better Tomorrow": 656, "A Bridge Too Far": 3243, "A Bug's Life": 7817, "A Christmas Carol": 2701, "A Civil Action": 5495, "A Clockwork Orange": 5164, "A 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K. Hangal": 10366, "A. R. Rahman": 5031, "A.A. Argentinos Juniors": 10838, "A.C. Ajaccio": 5376, "A.C. Cesena": 9688, "A.C. ChievoVerona": 11123, "A.C. Milan": 7433, "A.C. Perugia Calcio": 9726, "A.E.K. Athens F.C.": 12858, "A.F.C. Ajax": 1511, "A.F.C. Telford United": 8915, "A.I. Artificial Intelligence": 2834, "A.J. Auxerre": 9254, "A.S. Nancy-Lorraine": 11432, "A.S. Roma": 5036, "AACTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role": 4354, "AACTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay": 13194, "ABC": 13112, "ABC Afterschool Special": 6202, "ABC Records": 2727, "ABS-CBN (TV Network)": 6880, "AC Arles": 12234, "AC Bellinzona": 8940, "AC Horsens": 8788, "AC Omonia": 10148, "AC Sparta Prague": 11594, "AC/DC": 4568, "ACF Fiorentina": 153, "ADO Den Haag": 3267, "AEK Larnaca F.C.": 11958, "AEL Limassol FC": 4104, "AEP Paphos F.C.": 3880, "AFC Bournemouth": 5083, "AFC Wimbledon": 7140, "AFI": 5307, "AGOVV Apeldoorn": 8988, "AIA Gold Medal": 10779, "AIDS": 6799, "AIK Fotboll": 7860, "ANTI-": 5337, "AOL": 7491, "APOEL F.C.": 1198, "AS Monaco FC": 5352, "AT&T": 4758, "AZ Alkmaar": 8139, "Aachen": 10559, "Aalesunds FK": 11596, "Aaliyah": 7855, "Aamir Khan": 2771, "Aargau": 7059, "Aarhus": 12996, "Aarhus Gymnastikforening": 8310, "Aaron Shure": 9073, "Aaron Sorkin": 4693, "Aaron Spelling": 2868, "Aaron Staton": 6098, "Aasif Mandvi": 6139, "Abbas Kiarostami": 10345, "Abe Burrows": 8531, "Aberdeen": 10040, "Aberdeen F.C.": 9178, "Aberystwyth University": 10623, "Abhishek Bachchan": 5401, "Abidjan": 11660, "Abigail Breslin": 6981, "Abilene": 7173, "Abilene Christian University": 3195, "About Schmidt": 8407, "About a Boy": 3878, "Abraham Lincoln": 4936, "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter": 4521, "Abruzzo": 13514, "Abyssinia": 13657, "Academy Award for Best Actor": 694, "Academy Award for Best Actress": 680, "Academy Award for Best Animated Feature": 1341, "Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film": 4981, "Academy Award for Best Cinematography": 1588, "Academy Award for Best Costume Design": 1879, "Academy Award for Best Director": 876, "Academy Award for Best Documentary (Short Subject)": 872, "Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature": 4812, "Academy Award for Best Film Editing": 321, "Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film": 29, "Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film": 2860, "Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling": 4612, "Academy Award for Best Original Musical Score": 8338, "Academy Award for Best Original Score": 1376, "Academy Award for Best Original Song": 1722, "Academy Award for Best Picture": 119, "Academy Award for Best Production Design": 236, "Academy Award for Best Sound Editing": 1433, "Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing": 545, "Academy Award for Best Story": 9613, "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor": 624, "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress": 1772, "Academy Award for Best Visual Effects": 1268, "Academy Award for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay": 708, "Academy Award for Best Writing, Original Screenplay": 365, "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences": 5417, "Academy of Television Arts & Sciences": 2159, "Acadia University": 11214, "Acadians": 13515, "Acclaim Entertainment": 4220, "Accra": 12539, "Accra Hearts of Oak SC": 12455, "Accrington Stanley F.C.": 12837, "Achala Sachdev": 12705, "Activision Blizzard": 6003, "Activision Publishing, Inc.": 6931, "Adam Ant": 3563, "Adam Arkin": 10735, "Adam Baldwin": 10262, "Adam Carolla": 9661, "Adam Goldberg": 2901, "Adam Horowitz": 7693, "Adam Levine": 7117, "Adam McKay": 6465, "Adam Sandler": 1737, "Adam Smith": 3544, "Adam West": 7898, "Adaptation": 3657, "Addams Family Values": 2986, "Addis Ababa": 11041, "Adelaide": 7891, "Adelaide United Football Club": 10597, "Adele": 8685, "Adelphi University": 12142, "Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje": 1995, "Adirondack Mountains": 10571, "Aditya Chopra": 3503, "Adobe Inc.": 10624, "Adolf Hitler": 5870, "Adolph Deutsch": 12444, "Adolph Green": 3929, "Adolph Zukor": 9808, "Adolphe Menjou": 12109, "Adrian": 8794, "Adrian Belew": 11281, "Adrian Grenier": 9330, "Adriatic Sea": 13124, "Adrien Beard": 11452, "Adrien Brody": 5659, "Adult Swim": 4929, "Adventureland": 6303, "Aegean Sea": 12971, "Affliction": 3561, "Afghanistan": 4480, "Africa": 3300, "African Americans": 2996, "African Development Bank": 6977, "African National Congress": 10690, "African Union": 3704, "African popular music": 13572, "African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States": 3214, "Afrikaans": 13057, "Afro-Asiatic languages": 13562, "Agatha Christie": 8085, "Agnes Moorehead": 3236, "Agnes Nixon": 2914, "Agora": 3773, "Agra": 13472, "Ahmedabad": 4557, "Aichi Prefecture": 10647, "Aida Turturro": 2197, "Aidan Gillen": 3649, "Aidan Quinn": 1953, "Aimee Mann": 1721, "Air Force One": 2642, "Airplane!": 1991, "Airport": 5449, "Airports Authority of India": 13338, "Aishwarya Rai": 9340, "Aisne": 2874, "Ajax Cape Town F.C.": 12500, "Ajay Devgan": 10568, "Ajith Kumar": 12659, "Akira Ishida": 5256, "Akira Kamiya": 13017, "Akira Kurosawa": 8151, "Akira Toriyama": 12721, "Akiva Goldsman": 10080, "Akiva Schaffer": 8638, "Akkineni Nagarjuna": 3866, "Akon": 9666, "Akron": 7982, "Akshay Kumar": 6769, "Al Ain FC": 6717, "Al Franken": 7171, "Al Gore": 5843, "Al Green": 2968, "Al Jean": 3967, "Al Jourgensen": 9770, "Al Pacino": 2719, "Al Roker": 5215, "Al-Arabi SC": 9492, "Al-Gharafa Sports Club": 7407, "Al-Hilal FC": 4241, "Alabama": 171, "Alabama State University": 12405, "Alachua County": 9984, "Aladdin": 1432, "Alain Delon": 9900, "Alain Johannes": 3002, "Alameda": 5086, "Alameda County": 8406, "Alan Alda": 5098, "Alan Arkin": 1200, "Alan Ball": 4113, "Alan Bates": 2911, "Alan Bennett": 117, "Alan Bergman": 7542, "Alan Burnett": 87, "Alan Cumming": 8817, "Alan Dale": 2407, "Alan Hale": 12974, "Alan Hume": 13094, "Alan J. Pakula": 9190, "Alan Jay Lerner": 5878, "Alan Ladd": 1761, "Alan Menken": 985, "Alan Moore": 335, "Alan Oppenheimer": 8558, "Alan Parker": 5300, "Alan Parsons": 5460, "Alan Rickman": 339, "Alan Silvestri": 4898, "Alan Thicke": 9931, "Alan Tudyk": 9566, "Alan Turing": 4635, "Alanis Morissette": 3772, "Alaska": 1180, "Alaska Time Zone": 8077, "Alastair Reynolds": 6531, "Albania": 8611, "Albania national football team": 12933, "Albanian": 9361, "Albany": 5252, "Albany County": 5251, "Albany Devils": 3920, "Albany Law School": 8842, "Albemarle County": 6210, "Albert Brooks": 1825, "Albert Camus": 3869, "Albert Einstein": 1551, "Albert Finney": 4213, "Albert Jarrett": 7135, "Albert Lee": 1844, "Albert Nobbs": 1674, "Albert S. D'Agostino": 11893, "Albert Wolsky": 930, "Alberta": 11113, "Alberto Iglesias": 1973, "Albuquerque": 8261, "Aldershot": 13240, "Aldershot Town F.C.": 3109, "Aldo Nova": 10155, "Aldous Huxley": 3160, "Alec Baldwin": 4228, "Alec Guinness": 3918, "Alejandro Sanz": 7905, "Aleksa Palladino": 7353, "Alemannia Aachen": 6123, "Aleppo": 12910, "Alex Borstein": 2035, "Alex Gibney": 11240, "Alex Graves": 9928, "Alex Kingston": 8187, "Alex Kurtzman": 2297, "Alex Manninger": 9602, "Alex North": 7221, "Alex Rodriguez": 7009, "Alexander": 5391, "Alexander Golitzen": 8138, "Alexander Korda": 12309, "Alexander Payne": 5605, "Alexander Pushkin": 2105, "Alexander the Great": 12424, "Alexandre Desplat": 5482, "Alexandre Dumas": 8005, "Alexandre Trauner": 1734, "Alexandria": 3752, "Alfie": 9160, "Alfre Woodard": 1641, "Alfred Hitchcock": 3298, "Alfred Molina": 2614, "Alfred Newman": 4691, "Algeria": 254, "Algeria national football team": 7727, "Algiers": 255, "Ali": 1955, "Ali Larter": 6469, "Alianza F\u00fatbol Club": 8241, "Alianza Lima": 2203, "Alias": 5340, "Alice": 2767, "Alice Cooper": 4750, "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore": 4248, "Alice in Wonderland": 3771, "Alicia Keys": 7965, "Alicia Silverstone": 2177, "Alien": 6808, "Alien vs. Predator": 4444, "Alien: Resurrection": 1873, "Aliens": 6079, "Aligarh Muslim University": 5607, "Alison Brie": 3615, "Alison Krauss": 5671, "Alkmaar": 11562, "All About Eve": 10137, "All About My Mother": 6593, "All About Steve": 5159, "All Boys": 11463, "All My Children": 4451, "All Quiet on the Western Front": 7697, "All That Jazz": 1603, "All in the Family": 8562, "All the King's Men": 5469, "All the President's Men": 4449, "Allahabad": 3278, "Allahabad University": 1812, "Allan Holdsworth": 5103, "Allegany County": 9499, "Allegheny County": 3876, "Allen County": 2121, "Allen Covert": 10492, "Allen Ginsberg": 3842, "Allen Iverson": 5089, "Allen Leech": 1515, "Allentown": 1042, "Alliance '90/The Greens": 12495, "Allison Janney": 2504, "Allium cepa": 9227, "Allman Brothers Band": 6897, "Ally McBeal": 4035, "Ally Sheedy": 4453, "Almost Famous": 1620, "Alok Nath": 6218, "Along Came Polly": 6357, "Along Came a Spider": 10395, "Alou Diarra": 2899, "Alpes-Maritimes": 12278, "Alpha Sigma Phi": 3287, "Alps": 9615, "Alsace": 9133, "Alternative Tentacles": 12319, "Alton": 8153, "Altoona": 12814, "Altrincham F.C.": 11268, "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked": 442, "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel": 3885, "Alyson Hannigan": 3433, "Alyson Stoner": 9146, "Alyssa Milano": 1975, "Alzheimer's disease": 7316, "Amadeus": 2870, "Amanda Bynes": 8746, "Amanda Lear": 4525, "Amanda Peet": 863, "Amanda Plummer": 5709, "Amanda Seyfried": 8868, "Amarillo": 11902, "Amazing Grace": 3108, "Amazon": 10488, "Amber Benson": 11757, "Amber Riley": 3143, "Amblin Entertainment": 2250, "Amelia": 7232, "America America": 7512, "America Ferrera": 11110, "America's Got Talent": 2925, "America's Next Top Model": 11750, "American Academy of Arts and Letters": 12966, "American Academy of Dramatic Arts": 9531, "American Airlines": 11780, "American Beauty": 3747, "American Book Awards": 11598, "American Broadcasting Company": 2348, "American Civil War": 10382, "American Dad!": 9325, "American English": 4778, "American Gangster": 2512, "American Graffiti": 7002, "American History X": 4, "American Hockey League": 11112, "American Horror Story": 4882, "American Idol": 4872, "American Indian Wars": 9243, "American International Group": 5213, "American International Pictures": 11676, "American Jews": 3163, "American Kennel Club": 7575, "American Masters": 7597, "American Philosophical Society": 10729, "American Pie": 4780, "American Pie 2": 7360, "American Psycho": 10162, "American Recordings": 12145, "American Reunion": 97, "American Samoa": 4938, "American Splendor": 4954, "American University": 5033, "American University of Beirut": 2432, "American Wedding": 8037, "American Zoetrope": 7077, "American football": 1382, "Americana": 9121, "Americas": 6826, "Ames": 10528, "Amherst": 12389, "Amherst College": 4914, "Amistad": 2825, "Amitabh Bachchan": 318, "Amjad Khan": 13392, "Amman": 13158, "Amour": 9637, "Amrish Puri": 11603, "Amritsar": 9276, "Amsterdam": 1171, "Amtrak": 7980, "Amy Adams": 9885, "Amy Brenneman": 4411, "Amy Grant": 3224, "Amy Irving": 2411, "Amy Nuttall": 6684, "Amy Poehler": 6109, "Amy Robach": 7104, "Amy Ryan": 6564, "Amy Smart": 6970, "Amy Winehouse": 2401, "An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn": 6556, "An American in Paris": 5890, "An Early Frost": 6866, "An Education": 6169, "An Ideal Husband": 6599, "An Inconvenient Truth": 6915, "Anaconda": 4671, "Anaheim": 10658, "Anaheim Ducks": 4687, "Analyze This": 1667, "Anastasia": 6184, "Anatole Litvak": 4022, "Anatomy of a Murder": 5266, "Anchorage": 8076, "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy": 2814, "Ancient Greece": 13090, "And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself": 6219, "Anderson": 4668, "Andes": 12427, "Andhra Pradesh": 12205, "Andorra": 3723, "Andover": 8933, "Andre Braugher": 1195, "Andre Jacquemetton": 5465, "Andrea Bocelli": 3459, "Andrea Bowen": 5191, "Andrea Martin": 3839, "Andrea Romano": 6085, "Andrew G. Vajna": 9672, "Andrew Gold": 10403, "Andrew Jackson": 415, "Andrew Lau": 9246, "Andrew Lincoln": 3337, "Andrew Lloyd Webber": 4717, "Andrew Scheinman": 2273, "Andrew Stanton": 1340, "Andrew Stevens": 6310, "Andrew W.K.": 10227, "Android": 12931, "Andrzej Wajda": 9616, "Andy Dick": 7895, "Andy Griffith": 5595, "Andy Hallett": 10726, "Andy Harries": 3618, "Andy Heyward": 10941, "Andy Lau": 2498, "Andy Richter": 10371, "Andy Samberg": 2593, "Andy Serkis": 2475, "Andy Warhol": 11121, "Andy Williams": 6574, "Ang Lee": 2798, "Angel": 5573, "Angela Bassett": 2264, "Angela Kinsey": 5061, "Angela Lansbury": 1997, "Angela's Ashes": 7765, "Angelina Jolie": 1084, "Angelo Badalamenti": 6664, "Angels & Demons": 688, "Angels in America": 869, "Anger Management": 8647, "Angers SCO": 1385, "Angie Dickinson": 11351, "Angola": 8010, "Angola national football team": 11044, "Anguilla": 6922, "Anhui": 12879, "Anil Kapoor": 11996, "Animal Collective": 10903, "Animal House": 2816, "Animaniacs": 1758, "Anita Baker": 4439, "Anjelica Huston": 199, "Ankara": 12917, "Ann Arbor": 1403, "Ann Curry": 837, "Ann Roth": 3008, "Ann Sothern": 5081, "Ann-Margret": 5047, "Anna Camp": 7138, "Anna Deavere Smith": 9382, "Anna Faris": 7062, "Anna Gunn": 3407, "Anna Karenina": 9744, "Anna Paquin": 1028, "Annabeth Gish": 5405, "Annapolis": 437, "Anne Arundel County": 12502, "Anne Bancroft": 6917, "Anne Baxter": 9762, "Anne Hathaway": 5540, "Anne Heche": 3073, "Anne McCaffrey": 10891, "Anne Rice": 11468, "Anne V. Coates": 3447, "Anne of the Thousand Days": 4432, "Annette Bening": 2709, "Annie": 4382, "Annie Hall": 870, "Annie Lennox": 6832, "Anniston": 10207, "Anonymous": 31, "Anorthosis Famagusta FC": 6925, "Another World": 432, "Another Year": 8931, "Antarctica": 13346, "Anthony Adverse": 8478, "Anthony Anderson": 5991, "Anthony B. Richmond": 10754, "Anthony Burgess": 4395, "Anthony Edwards": 6160, "Anthony Head": 1887, "Anthony Hopkins": 478, "Anthony Horowitz": 8804, "Anthony Kiedis": 5156, "Anthony LaPaglia": 11548, "Anthony Mackie": 9286, "Anthony Minghella": 6204, "Anthony Newley": 11442, "Anthony Perkins": 7928, "Anthony Quayle": 7199, "Anthony Quinn": 276, "Anthony Wong": 9576, "Anthrax": 11558, "Antichrist": 1968, "Antigua and Barbuda": 7043, "Antigua and Barbuda national football team": 7974, "Antilles": 12223, "Antioch College": 7082, "Anton Chekhov": 5611, "Anton Yelchin": 8793, "Antonio Banderas": 8087, "Antony Sher": 3574, "Antwerp": 11136, "Antwone Fisher": 6495, "Anu Malik": 11738, "Anupam Kher": 1897, "Anurag Kashyap": 12302, "Any Given Sunday": 6448, "Apache": 12637, "Apache County": 10139, "Apache License": 13580, "Apache Software Foundation": 13242, "Apache Wars": 10221, "Aphex Twin": 10025, "Apocalypse Now": 991, "Apocalypto": 9417, "Apollo 13": 2964, "Appalachian Mountains": 7399, "Appalachian State University": 2565, "Appalachian dulcimer": 1941, "Apple": 4993, "Appleseed Ex Machina": 8576, "Appleton": 9049, "April": 7873, "Apulia": 13205, "Aquitaine": 8674, "Arab": 10045, "Arabic": 3429, "Arabic alphabet": 3430, "Arbroath F.C.": 7911, "Arcadia": 10173, "Architectural Association School of Architecture": 12369, "Aretha Franklin": 1776, "Argentina": 98, "Argentina national football team": 2517, "Argo": 5994, "Argyll and Bute": 11279, "Ariel Sharon": 9870, "Ariel Winter": 4752, "Arif Mardin": 3787, "Ariola": 13049, "Arista Records": 2938, "Aristotle": 4908, "Arizona": 1160, "Arizona Cardinals": 1538, "Arizona Coyotes": 8502, "Arizona Diamondbacks": 6017, "Arizona State University": 10093, "Arjen Anthony Lucassen": 9611, "Arjun Rampal": 12913, "Arkansas": 6171, "Arlington": 13250, "Arlington County": 11869, "Arlington National Cemetery": 9023, "Armageddon": 559, "Armand Assante": 7134, "Armando Iannucci": 8229, "Armenia": 1158, "Armenia national football team": 11119, "Armenian Apostolic Church": 11129, "Armenians": 12406, "Armin Mueller-Stahl": 10028, "Arminia Bielefeld": 9152, "Armstrong County": 1688, "Arnhem": 12420, "Arnold Schoenberg": 1052, "Arnold Schwarzenegger": 3202, "Arnon Milchan": 6267, "Aroostook County": 2253, "Around the World in 80 Days": 103, "Arrested Development": 3265, "Arsenal F.C.": 4234, "Art Carney": 5569, "Art Center College of Design": 8892, "Art Deco": 12075, "Art Garfunkel": 3854, "Art Nouveau": 13544, "Art Students League of New York": 6714, "Arthur C. Clarke": 6304, "Arthur C. Clarke Award": 11887, "Arthur Christmas": 3756, "Arthur Conan Doyle": 9988, "Arthur Freed": 11040, "Arthur J. Nascarella": 4230, "Arthur Kennedy": 1946, "Arthur Laurents": 1335, "Arthur Miller": 1205, "Arthur Q. Bryan": 12577, "Arthur Rankin Jr.": 2668, "Arthur Schopenhauer": 3000, "Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington": 2111, "Arthur Wong": 12583, "Artie Lange": 11532, "Artisan Entertainment": 4613, "Aruba": 11207, "Arunachal Pradesh": 13527, "As Good as It Gets": 13, "As the World Turns": 4108, "Ascoli Calcio 1898 F.C.": 10138, "Asha Parekh": 12770, "Ashanti": 8893, "Asheville": 641, "Ashford": 13211, "Ashish Vidyarthi": 10149, "Ashkenazi Jews": 6940, "Ashlee Simpson": 3629, "Ashley Judd": 10574, "Ashley Tisdale": 6784, "Ashok Kumar": 11304, "Ashtabula County": 12348, "Ashton Kutcher": 3113, "Asia": 4887, "Asia Argento": 10415, "Asian Development Bank": 1697, "Asleep at the Wheel": 9835, "Aspen": 4008, "Aspyr": 12183, "Asrani": 8865, "Assam": 11244, "Assassins": 2235, "Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States": 10948, "Associated Press": 12883, "Association of American Universities": 2210, "Associazione Sportiva Livorno Calcio": 1745, "Asteras Tripoli F.C.": 8874, "Aston Villa F.C.": 6689, "Astoria": 6870, "Astralwerks": 11899, "Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award": 8666, "Astro Boy": 2883, "Asylum Records": 11414, "Atalanta B.C.": 12060, "Atari": 1616, "Atari Games": 13342, "Atco Records": 10521, "Ateneo de Manila University": 10099, "Athens": 4079, "Athletic Club": 11396, "Atlanta": 3041, "Atlanta Braves": 3221, "Atlanta Falcons": 7394, "Atlanta Hawks": 7676, "Atlanta Silverbacks": 12533, "Atlanta Thrashers": 13012, "Atlantic Canada": 12592, "Atlantic City": 7787, "Atlantic County": 1581, "Atlantic Ocean": 1445, "Atlantic Records": 1765, "Atlantic Time Zone": 12028, "Atlus": 8284, "Atom Egoyan": 5039, "Atonement": 4577, "Atromitos F.C.": 9222, "Attack the Block": 2058, "Atticus Ross": 9739, "Auburn": 1718, "Auburn University": 3828, "Auckland": 3990, "Auckland City": 13013, "Aude": 12127, "Audrey Hepburn": 5796, "Augsburg": 11670, "August": 6335, "August Strindberg": 5619, "Augusta": 3225, "Augusta County": 7529, "Augustine of Hippo": 2675, "Augustus": 12711, "Aurora": 2628, "Austin": 4384, "Austin Pendleton": 9430, "Austin Powers in Goldmember": 2386, "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery": 4442, "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me": 421, "Australia": 387, "Australia national association football team": 7, "Australia national cricket team": 13093, "Australian Army": 12990, "Australian Broadcasting Corporation": 12611, "Australian Capital Territory": 11404, "Australian English": 13495, "Australian Greens": 12447, "Australian Labor Party": 9883, "Australian National University": 10504, "Australian dollar": 9389, "Australian rules football": 13394, "Australians": 3717, "Austria": 1757, "Austria national football team": 10453, "Austria-Hungary": 10343, "Austrian Empire": 13059, "Austrians": 10579, "Austronesian languages": 6402, "Autonomous Republic of Crimea": 12280, "Ava Gardner": 5082, "Avalon Hill": 12387, "Avatar": 664, "Avatar: The Last Airbender": 9082, "Avex Trax": 5335, "Avi Arad": 9469, "Avi Lerner": 8711, "Avicenna": 8875, "Avid Technology": 643, "Avignon": 5001, "Avril Lavigne": 4202, "Awakenings": 7869, "Away We Go": 3323, "Away from Her": 3793, "Axis": 7054, "Axl Rose": 10496, "Aya Hisakawa": 11237, "Ayako Kawasumi": 11004, "Aylesbury": 4060, "Ayn Rand": 2769, "Ayr": 13406, "Ayr United F.C.": 12621, "Ayumi Hamasaki": 10305, "Azerbaijan": 9983, "Azerbaijan national football team": 8566, "B movie": 13538, "B. B. King": 2908, "B. J. Novak": 6133, "BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award": 3314, "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role": 19, "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role": 72, "BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role": 907, "BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role": 3877, "BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay": 1497, "BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film": 3641, "BAFTA Award for Best Direction": 1524, "BAFTA Award for Best Editing": 1451, "BAFTA Award for Best Film": 143, "BAFTA Award for Best Film Music": 3182, "BAFTA Award for Best Makeup and Hair": 99, "BAFTA Award for Best Original Screenplay": 20, "BAFTA Award for Best Sound": 751, "BAFTA Award for Best Special Visual Effects": 259, "BBC": 332, "BBC Films": 8137, "BBC HD": 333, "BBC News": 13134, "BBC One": 961, "BBC Three": 13359, "BC Lions": 1156, "BIFA Award for Best British Independent Film": 4632, "BSC Young Boys": 6567, "BSD licenses": 13605, "BT": 7858, "BYU Cougars football": 8884, "Babe": 2373, "Babel": 719, "Babyface": 3681, "Babylon 5": 12988, "Babylon 5: The Gathering": 243, "Bachelor of Arts": 1671, "Bachelor of Business Administration": 6687, "Bachelor of Engineering": 7667, "Bachelor of Fine Arts": 9612, "Bachelor of Laws": 8830, "Bachelor of Science": 1049, "Back to the Future": 8496, "Back to the Future Part II": 6404, "Back to the Future Part III": 3303, "Backbone Entertainment": 5570, "Backstairs at the White House": 4922, "Bad Boy Records": 4515, "Bad Education": 3357, "Bad Teacher": 1645, "Baden-Baden": 9932, "Baghdad": 13137, "Bahamas": 86, "Bahrain": 2967, "Bahrain national football team": 8108, "Bai Ling": 1537, "Bakersfield": 11733, "Baku": 11980, "Baldwin County": 6161, "Bali": 11499, "Ball State University": 3384, "Ballarat": 13456, "Balliol College": 7037, "Balochistan": 11472, "Baltimore": 2268, "Baltimore County": 13071, "Baltimore Orioles": 2050, "Baltimore Ravens": 822, "Baltimore metropolitan area": 8438, "Bam Margera": 11250, "Banaras Hindu University": 9650, "Bancroft Prize": 10932, "Band Aid": 7754, "Band Hero": 12591, "Band of Brothers": 5277, "Bandai Co., Ltd.": 10533, "Bandai Namco Amusement": 10874, "Bandai Namco Entertainment": 11361, "Bandai Namco Holdings": 10294, "Bandung": 12197, "Bangalore": 12459, "Bangkok": 7584, "Bangladesh": 285, "Bangor": 10265, "Bank of America": 1425, "Bappi Lahiri": 12103, "Baptists": 3740, "Barack Obama": 3588, "Baraka": 4371, "Barbados": 2613, "Barbara Hershey": 7527, "Barbara Stanwyck": 6625, "Barbara Walters": 5558, "Barbra Streisand": 614, "Barcelona": 2194, "Barcelona Province": 4607, "Bard College": 10129, "Bari": 11838, "Barnard College": 8580, "Barnet": 13573, "Barnet F.C.": 7961, "Barney Miller": 1068, "Barney's Version": 8564, "Barnsley": 11597, "Barnsley F.C.": 1292, "Barnstable County": 7010, "Barrie": 12824, "Barrow A.F.C.": 7826, "Barrow-in-Furness": 13608, "Barry Corbin": 12685, "Barry Gibb": 7417, "Barry Levinson": 6745, "Barry Lyndon": 4655, "Barry Manilow": 9809, "Barry Pepper": 4625, "Barry Sonnenfeld": 6201, "Barry White": 7856, "Barton Fink": 1730, "Baruch Spinoza": 12271, "Bas-Rhin": 11335, "Basel": 7475, "Basic Instinct": 5989, "Basic Instinct 2": 7145, "Basil Poledouris": 11894, "Basil Rathbone": 3372, "Basilica of Saint-Denis": 11746, "Basilicata": 9000, "Basingstoke": 6503, "Basra": 13107, "Bates College": 2453, "Bath": 10712, "Bath City F.C.": 13231, "Bath Iron Works": 13641, "Batman": 910, "Batman & Robin": 4407, "Batman Begins": 460, "Batman Beyond": 9162, "Batman Forever": 314, "Batman Returns": 7262, "Batman: Gotham Knight": 7178, "Batman: The Animated Series": 5157, "Baton Rouge": 1593, "Battle Creek": 183, "Battle Royale": 5525, "Battle of Britain": 6395, "Battle of France": 3557, "Battle of Passchendaele": 6063, "Battle of the Sommee": 10351, "Battlefield Earth": 9961, "Battleground": 4790, "Battleship": 3524, "Battlestar Galactica": 10996, "Bavaria": 2232, "Bay City": 10130, "Bayer 04 Leverkusen": 9841, "Baylor University": 7722, "Bayonne": 6994, "Bayreuth": 10422, "Baz Luhrmann": 3409, "Be Cool": 3830, "BeBe Winans": 2304, "Bea Arthur": 3246, "Bea Benaderet": 8122, "Beastie Boys": 4542, "Beasts of the Southern Wild": 10999, "Beau Bridges": 5014, "Beaufort": 9391, "Beaufort County": 8134, "Beaumont": 13388, "Beauty and the Beast": 2554, "Beaux-Arts architecture": 13431, "Beaver County": 13213, "Bebe Neuwirth": 1346, "Beck": 2374, "Becket": 8968, "Bedazzled": 6814, "Bedford": 13387, "Bedknobs and Broomsticks": 1996, "Bedtime Stories": 10674, "Bee Gees": 9290, "Beerschot AC": 10902, "Beetlejuice": 5861, "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead": 7207, "Beggars Banquet Records": 12335, "Beginners": 2331, "Beijing": 156, "Beijing Guoan F.C.": 1290, "Being John Malkovich": 10248, "Being Julia": 10602, "Being There": 5172, "Beirut": 492, "Beitar Jerusalem F.C.": 10937, "Bel Ami": 7806, "Bela Lugosi": 8934, "Belarus": 2928, "Belarus national football team": 12257, "Belfast": 9184, "Belgium": 125, "Belgium national football team": 11721, "Belgrade": 8952, "Belize": 7303, "Belleville": 10105, "Bellevue": 12691, "Bellingham": 7332, "Bellshill": 7656, "Belmont University": 6686, "Belo Horizonte": 4122, "Beloit College": 7536, "Beloved": 10643, "Ben 10": 10017, "Ben Affleck": 1234, "Ben Burtt": 10204, "Ben Cross": 5639, "Ben Elton": 7717, "Ben Folds": 6407, "Ben Foster": 701, "Ben Gazzara": 6697, "Ben Gibbard": 8726, "Ben Harper": 9606, "Ben Hecht": 5841, "Ben Johnson": 2217, "Ben Kingsley": 2109, "Ben Sahar": 1050, "Ben Stein": 4962, "Ben Stiller": 602, "Ben-Hur": 544, "Bend": 8000, "Bend It Like Beckham": 8035, "Bendigo": 13349, "Bengali": 11932, "Bengali people": 8307, "Benicio del Toro": 397, "Benin": 9826, "Benito Mussolini": 10776, "Benjamin Bratt": 2951, "Benjamin Britten": 11401, "Benjamin Franklin": 9789, "Benjamin Franklin Medal": 13524, "Benji Madden": 3579, "Bennington College": 11405, "Benny Andersson": 9306, "Beowulf": 3591, "Bergamo": 12632, "Bergen": 11839, "Bergen County": 295, "Berkeley": 5217, "Berklee College of Music": 1456, "Berks County": 6001, "Berkshire": 7803, "Berkshire County": 7863, "Berkshire Hathaway": 9095, "Berlin": 2189, "Berlin International Film Festival": 6619, "Bermuda": 9007, "Bern": 12758, "Bernadette Peters": 6952, "Bernalillo County": 11547, "Bernard Herrmann": 11031, "Bernard Hill": 6428, "Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein": 11291, "Bernardo Bertolucci": 6318, "Bernie": 5804, "Bernie Brillstein": 11313, "Bernie Mac": 10009, "Berrien County": 122, "Bertelsmann Music Group": 9795, "Bertolt Brecht": 1165, "Bertrand Russell": 5626, "Best Screenplay Award (Cannes Film Festival)": 10518, "Best in Show": 2578, "Betaine": 10931, "Bethel Census Area": 9549, "Bethesda": 7483, "Bethesda Softworks": 7482, "Bethlehem": 4126, "Bette Davis": 1450, "Bette Midler": 3611, "Betty Comden": 9368, "Betty Grable": 622, "Betty White": 7495, "Beverly": 13144, "Beverly D'Angelo": 11067, "Beverly Hills": 136, "Beverly Hills High School": 3868, "Beverly Hills, 90210": 2869, "Bewitched": 1155, "Bexar County": 5986, "Bhangra": 13613, "Bharatiya Janata Party": 6437, "Bhopal": 11613, "Bhubaneswar": 9355, "Bhutan": 4731, "Bible": 12346, "Bicentennial Man": 4783, "Big": 5085, "Big Daddy": 1001, "Big Fish": 5845, "Big Love": 8173, "Big Miracle": 9822, "Bihar": 11831, "Bilbao": 11823, "Bill Berry": 3172, "Bill Bruford": 8815, "Bill Clinton": 45, "Bill Condon": 9553, "Bill Conti": 4189, "Bill Cosby": 1447, "Bill Evans": 11509, "Bill Fagerbakke": 1306, "Bill Finger": 12414, "Bill Hader": 5828, "Bill Hicks": 11137, "Bill Maher": 2290, "Bill Mantlo": 8131, "Bill Melendez": 6233, "Bill Murray": 399, "Bill Nelson": 2326, "Bill Paxton": 3426, "Bill Payne": 88, "Bill Pullman": 5515, "Bill Withers": 10211, "Bill Wyman": 1980, "Billie Holiday": 10949, "Billie Joe Armstrong": 7152, "Billie Whitelaw": 2924, "Billings": 2779, "Billy Bletcher": 10271, "Billy Bob Thornton": 2196, "Billy Boyd": 3677, "Billy Bragg": 12681, "Billy Connolly": 1058, "Billy Corgan": 6596, "Billy Crudup": 2426, "Billy Crystal": 6558, "Billy Dee Williams": 6956, "Billy Elliot": 7880, "Billy Idol": 8855, "Billy Joel": 868, "Billy Preston": 3017, "Billy Ray Cyrus": 90, "Billy West": 519, "Billy Wilder": 9587, "Billy Zane": 5694, "Biloxi": 13164, "Bindu": 12562, "Bing Crosby": 7997, "Binghamton": 12297, "Binghamton University": 10669, "Bipasha Basu": 6112, "Bird": 7714, "Birkbeck, University of London": 2979, "Birkenhead": 1031, "Birmingham": 8537, "Birmingham City F.C.": 6245, "Bismarck": 10608, "Black Entertainment Television": 10627, "Black Hawk Down": 2102, "Black Mountain College": 12859, "Black Robe": 5218, "Black Sabbath": 2782, "Black Swan": 2654, "Blackburn": 7546, "Blackburn Rovers F.C.": 8293, "Blackpool": 12439, "Blackpool F.C.": 8471, "Blade II": 8995, "Blade Runner": 7694, "Blade: Trinity": 6288, "Blades of Glory": 11377, "Blair County": 12828, "Blair Underwood": 8742, "Blake Edwards": 6859, "Blake Lively": 8618, "Blazing Saddles": 1359, "Bleach: Fade to Black": 11205, "Bleach: Memories of Nobody": 5233, "Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion": 1856, "Bleak House": 8962, "Blessed Virgin Mary": 8132, "Blizzard Entertainment": 6292, "Bloemfontein": 12381, "Blondie": 8654, "Blood Diamond": 6024, "Blood, Sweat & Tears": 9859, "Bloomfield Hills": 7788, "Bloomington": 5028, "Blow": 3530, "Blu-ray Disc": 742, "Blue Note Records": 7890, "Blue Ridge Mountains": 11555, "Blue Velvet": 5514, "Blues Brothers 2000": 10713, "Blythe Danner": 6332, "Bo Derek": 10561, "Bo Diddley": 9585, "Boardwalk Empire": 419, "Boaz Davidson": 5170, "Boaz Myhill": 8567, "Bob Balaban": 6340, "Bob Bryan": 8822, "Bob Clampett": 2489, "Bob Clark": 3541, "Bob Dylan": 1388, "Bob Fosse": 927, "Bob Geldof": 7254, "Bob Gunton": 2836, "Bob Hamman": 9745, "Bob Hope": 8360, "Bob Hoskins": 5392, "Bob Jones University": 3141, "Bob Kane": 4406, "Bob Ludwig": 10056, "Bob Marley": 8488, "Bob Newhart": 4669, "Bob Odenkirk": 9938, "Bob Roberts": 8696, "Bob Seger": 74, "Bob Weinstein": 1817, "Bob Yari": 12417, "Bobby": 186, "Bobby Cannavale": 6682, "Bobby Darin": 4349, "Bobby Deol": 2587, "Bobby Farrelly": 8068, "Bobby McFerrin": 2151, "Bobcat Goldthwait": 10150, "Boca Juniors": 9173, "Boca Raton": 12827, "Bochum": 13365, "Body of Lies": 1947, "Bodyguards and Assassins": 7442, "Boeing": 4996, "Boeing 737": 6755, "Boeing 747": 12968, "Bohemia": 9723, "Bohemian F.C.": 4764, "Boise": 2799, "Boise State University": 9478, "Bolero": 3821, "Bolivia": 6031, "Bollingen Prize": 13168, "Bologna": 7008, "Bologna F.C. 1909": 7732, "Bolt": 7772, "Bolton Wanderers F.C.": 8879, "Boman Irani": 11395, "Bon Jovi": 6130, "Bones": 9197, "Bonn": 11297, "Bonnie Hunt": 7816, "Bonnie Raitt": 7214, "Bonnie and Clyde": 1719, "Bono": 1345, "Boogie Nights": 1843, "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2": 6864, "Booker T. Jones": 6603, "Bootsy Collins": 5751, "Borat": 2662, "Bordeaux": 12945, "Boris Karloff": 11818, "Boris Leven": 10391, "Borjigin": 13672, "Born on the Fourth of July": 2837, "Borussia Dortmund": 4814, "Bosnia and Herzegovina": 4318, "Bosnian War": 13109, "Boston": 828, "Boston Bruins": 10436, "Boston Celtics": 2243, "Boston College": 9203, "Boston Latin School": 12607, "Boston Legal": 4253, "Boston Red Sox": 1261, "Boston United F.C.": 7556, "Boston University": 1681, "Boston University School of Law": 8634, "Botafogo F.R.": 9636, "Botswana": 5748, "Boulder": 5228, "Boulder County": 5893, "Boulogne-Billancourt": 12573, "Bounce TV": 12456, "Bournemouth": 10938, "Bouzouki": 2888, "Bow Wow": 7404, "Bowdoin College": 4087, "Bowling Green": 7049, "Bowling Green State University": 9419, "Bowling for Columbine": 7574, "Box Elder County": 11836, "Boxer Rebellion": 4849, "Boys Don't Cry": 7102, "Boyz II Men": 9812, "Bozeman": 12706, "Brad Bird": 366, "Brad Dourif": 188, "Brad Falchuk": 539, "Brad Garrett": 9871, "Brad Grey": 329, "Brad Jones": 1146, "Brad Paisley": 2397, "Brad Pitt": 3355, "Bradenton": 12596, "Bradford": 9328, "Bradford (Park Avenue) A.F.C.": 3015, "Bradford City A.F.C.": 4242, "Bradley Cooper": 5077, "Bradley University": 7590, "Bradley Whitford": 9470, "Brahmanandam": 64, "Bram Stoker": 8734, "Bram Stoker's Dracula": 9248, "Brampton": 12682, "Brandeis University": 1329, "Brandenburg": 8623, "Brandon": 5037, "Brandy Norwood": 5369, "Branford Marsalis": 2097, "Brannon Braga": 5617, "Brantford": 13352, "Brasenose College": 10822, "Bratislava": 9996, "Brave": 2886, "Braveheart": 264, "Bravo": 11256, "Brazil": 681, "Brazil national football team": 10649, "Brazoria County": 9448, "Breakcore": 8818, "Breaker Morant": 5678, "Breakfast at Tiffany's": 7635, "Breakfast on Pluto": 6938, "Breaking Away": 8322, "Breaking Bad": 2687, "Breaking and Entering": 5430, "Breckin Meyer": 8135, "Breda": 13176, "Bremen": 11976, "Bremerton": 12095, "Brenda Blethyn": 4448, "Brenda Strong": 6666, "Brendan Coyle": 3169, "Brendan Fraser": 3453, "Brendan Gleeson": 7686, "Brendon Small": 3455, "Brent Spiner": 8550, "Brentford F.C.": 5100, "Brescia": 11535, "Brescia Calcio": 3032, "Bret McKenzie": 7338, "Bret Michaels": 10985, "Brett Favre": 2496, "Brett Ratner": 1853, "Brevard County": 6414, "Brian Austin Green": 7541, "Brian Baumgartner": 5651, "Brian Cox": 9537, "Brian De Palma": 7001, "Brian Dennehy": 9120, "Brian Doyle-Murray": 12344, "Brian Drummond": 12312, "Brian Eno": 7018, "Brian Geraghty": 6468, "Brian Grazer": 1324, "Brian Helgeland": 9269, "Brian Henson": 4545, "Brian Jones": 2322, "Brian K. Vaughan": 11478, "Brian Keith": 8415, "Brian May": 5079, "Brian McKnight": 2281, "Brian Posehn": 7142, "Brian Robbins": 3178, "Brian Tyler": 652, "Brian Wilson": 781, "Brideshead Revisited": 4946, "Bridesmaids": 36, "Bridgend": 13398, "Bridgeport": 8520, "Bridgeport Sound Tigers": 8554, "Bridget Fonda": 4490, "Bridget Jones's Diary": 5973, "Brigham Young University": 3895, "Bright Star": 2849, "Brighton": 11185, "Brighton & Hove Albion F.C.": 2783, "Brighton Rock": 9066, "Brigitte Nielsen": 2525, "Brisbane": 9115, "Brisbane Roar FC": 10304, "Bristol": 11016, "Bristol City F.C.": 1245, "Bristol County": 1480, "Bristol Rovers F.C.": 162, "British Academy Television Award for Best Actress": 1683, "British Army": 11497, "British Columbia": 9001, "British Columbia Liberal Party": 10863, "British Empire": 9850, "British Indian people": 12120, "British Isles": 11397, "British Raj": 725, "British Virgin Islands": 8971, "Britney Spears": 1112, "Britpop": 9090, "Brittany": 945, "Brittany Murphy": 1963, "Brittany Snow": 9749, "Brixton": 13491, "Brno": 13015, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress": 1891, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Cast": 1240, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Comedy Film": 990, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Composer": 2359, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Film": 1466, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Song": 5547, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor": 479, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress": 947, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Young Performer": 10410, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2001": 507, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2009": 7655, "Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2011": 1892, "Broadcast News": 9787, "Brockton": 7398, "Brody Jenner": 10610, "Brokeback Mountain": 6354, "Bromley": 9712, "Brompton Cemetery": 13662, "Bronxville": 13339, "Bronze Star Medal": 7150, "Brooke Shields": 1332, "Brookline": 10977, "Brooklyn": 3846, "Brooklyn College": 8016, "Brooklyn Law School": 6162, "Brooklyn Nets": 3065, "Broome County": 12311, "Brotherhood of the Wolf": 8121, "Brothers": 11716, "Brothers & Sisters": 4802, "Broward County": 6111, "Brown University": 8514, "Brownsville": 11382, "Bruce Almighty": 3173, "Bruce Beresford": 1523, "Bruce Berman": 1214, "Bruce Broughton": 4955, "Bruce Campbell": 6700, "Bruce Cohen": 3573, "Bruce Davison": 5454, "Bruce Dern": 4025, "Bruce Greenwood": 1020, "Bruce Hornsby": 5904, "Bruce Lee": 10936, "Bruce McGill": 7609, "Bruce Springsteen": 2254, "Bruce Sterling": 1142, "Bruce Timm": 7179, "Bruce Willis": 6893, "Bruges": 9398, "Brunei": 6971, "Brunel University London": 757, "Bruno Mars": 9626, "Brunswick": 7406, "Brunswick County": 7901, "Bryan Adams": 5326, "Bryan Batt": 7210, "Bryan Burk": 8836, "Bryan Cranston": 2228, "Bryan Ferry": 3482, "Bryan Forbes": 6756, "Bryan Singer": 16, "Bryce Dallas Howard": 8669, "Bryn Mawr": 12581, "Bryn Mawr College": 8668, "Bucharest": 6377, "Buck Henry": 11209, "Buckethead": 3725, "Buckinghamshire": 5971, "Bucknell University": 9230, "Bucks County": 6207, "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star": 8300, "Budapest": 1792, "Buddhism": 8961, "Buddy DeSylva": 10384, "Buddy Guy": 1726, "Buena Vista Home Entertainment": 6108, "Buenos Aires": 3912, "Buenos Aires Province": 8050, "Buffalo": 4586, "Buffalo Bills": 1088, "Buffalo Sabres": 778, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer": 1282, "Buffyverse": 13169, "Bugs Bunny": 9855, "Bugsy": 4369, "Bulawayo": 13376, "Bulgaria": 1964, "Bulgaria national football team": 12002, "Bulgarian": 9864, "Bullets Over Broadway": 4835, "Bulworth": 198, "Buncombe County": 640, "Burbank": 11725, "Bureau of Land Management": 4503, "Burgess Meredith": 2141, "Burgundy": 962, "Burkina Faso": 8013, "Burl Ives": 9299, "Burlington": 368, "Burlington County": 9734, "Burn After Reading": 7200, "Burn Gorman": 11517, "Burnaby": 11461, "Burnett Guffey": 7948, "Burnley": 9423, "Burnley F.C.": 4702, "Bursaspor": 5769, "Burt Bacharach": 4865, "Burt Lancaster": 3412, "Burt Reynolds": 854, "Burt Young": 133, "Burton Albion F.C.": 9773, "Burton upon Trent": 12768, "Burundi": 2086, "Bury": 12796, "Bury F.C.": 10851, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee": 2180, "Bury St Edmunds": 12542, "Busan": 11167, "Busan IPark": 7478, "Busta Rhymes": 3682, "Buster Keaton": 5115, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid": 9349, "Butch Hartman": 7371, "Butler County": 10806, "Butler University": 12011, "Butte": 7074, "Butte County": 11891, "Buzz Aldrin": 9004, "Byzantine Empire": 11925, "C": 5324, "C#": 12704, "C++": 13188, "C. J. Cherryh": 1797, "C. S. Lewis": 1605, "C.D. Chivas USA": 3551, "C.D. Nacional": 12806, "C.D. Tenerife": 6740, "C.F. Atlante": 1967, "C.F. Os Belenenses": 10284, "CBBC": 12764, "CBC Television": 13062, "CBS": 2766, "CBS Corporation": 11011, "CBS News": 4971, "CBS Radio": 11705, "CBS Records": 7160, "CBS Schoolbreak Special": 8851, "CF Pachuca": 7412, "CFR Cluj": 11719, "CITV": 13636, "CNBC": 5770, "CNN": 8990, "CR Vasco da Gama": 10055, "CS Sedan Ardennes": 9686, "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation": 5470, "CTV Television Network": 8560, "CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger": 6157, "CWA New Blood Dagger": 12289, "Cabaret": 142, "Cache County": 12600, "Cadillac Records": 7188, "Caen": 12022, "Caesars Entertainment Corporation": 4499, "Cagliari Calcio": 11365, "Cagney & Lacey": 12483, "Cairns": 10880, "Cairo": 7943, "Cairo University": 8918, "Cajun": 10840, "Cajun music": 12094, "Calabria": 12102, "Calaveras County": 127, "Calcio Catania": 10377, "Calcio Padova": 9209, "Caldecott Medal": 4871, "Caleb Deschanel": 5200, "Calendar Girls": 5269, "Calgary": 1839, "Calgary Flames": 3322, "Calgary Stampeders": 10268, "California": 969, "California College of the Arts": 1474, "California Department of Parks and Recreation": 13019, "California Golden Bears football": 7861, "California Institute of Technology": 1594, "California Institute of the Arts": 54, "California Polytechnic State University": 10913, "California State Assembly": 13356, "California State Polytechnic University, Pomona": 9522, "California State Senate": 11742, "California State University": 4489, "California State University, Fresno": 6268, "California State University, Fullerton": 8398, "California State University, Long Beach": 6004, "California State University, Los Angeles": 6411, "California State University, Northridge": 9187, "California State University, Sacramento": 5930, "Calista Flockhart": 8642, "Calle 13": 10809, "Callum Keith Rennie": 12437, "Calvados": 13161, "Calvin College": 12203, "Cam Clarke": 13055, "Camberwell": 11905, "Camberwell College of Arts": 11694, "Cambodia": 5220, "Cambria County": 1417, "Cambridge": 3063, "Cambridge United F.C.": 2440, "Cambridgeshire": 4419, "Camden": 5349, "Camden County": 834, "Camel": 9950, "Cameron County": 11763, "Cameron Crowe": 8274, "Cameron Diaz": 676, "Cameron Mitchell": 11924, "Cameroon": 8357, "Cameroon national football team": 2122, "Cammell Laird": 11550, "Campania": 8743, "Campbell Scott": 4285, "Camryn Manheim": 10835, "Can't Stop the Music": 230, "Canada": 240, "Canada men's national soccer team": 12580, "Canadian Alliance": 11213, "Canadian Armed Forces": 10523, "Canadian Army": 13648, "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation": 7629, "Canadian English": 11436, "Canadian dollar": 3004, "Canal+": 4454, "Canberra": 10505, "Candice Bergen": 2004, "Candlelight Records": 13258, "Cannes": 9600, "Cannes Best Director Award": 6984, "Cannes Film Festival": 10519, "Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor": 1039, "Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress": 4746, "Cannonball Run II": 5177, "Canon Inc.": 12352, "Canterbury": 13302, "Canton": 6787, "Canton of Valais": 11707, "Canton of Vaud": 12130, "Capcom": 11909, "Cape Fear": 5807, "Cape May County": 10184, "Cape Town": 10124, "Cape Verde": 2125, "Cape Verde national football team": 11402, "Capitol Records": 4348, "Capote": 1167, "Capsicum": 6445, "Captain America: The First Avenger": 3735, "Captain Corelli's Mandolin": 3051, "Caracas": 13041, "Caravaggio": 12914, "Cardiff": 11045, "Cardiff City F.C.": 7913, "Cardiff University": 7444, "Carey Mulligan": 1952, "Caribbean": 6964, "Caribbean Sea": 11215, "Carinthia": 11849, "Carl Cort": 3974, "Carl Davis": 8943, "Carl Foreman": 8697, "Carl Friedrich Gauss": 10577, "Carl Gustav Jung": 6614, "Carl Reiner": 9429, "Carl Sagan": 5653, "Carl Stalling": 11997, "Carl Weathers": 10127, "Carla Gugino": 56, "Carleton College": 4300, "Carleton University": 11487, "Carlisle": 11963, "Carlisle United F.C.": 11116, "Carlo Ponti, Sr.": 9906, "Carlos Alazraqui": 11385, "Carlos Ruiz": 6900, "Carlos Santana": 2145, "Carlsbad": 7554, "Carlton Cuse": 5264, "Carly Simon": 5911, "Carmarthen": 13554, "Carmel-by-the-Sea": 1572, "Carmelo Anthony": 5712, "Carmen Electra": 1153, "Carmine Coppola": 7443, "Carmine Infantino": 11749, "Carnage": 7888, "Carnatic music": 13204, "Carnegie Institute of Technology": 4479, "Carnegie Medal": 10082, "Carnegie Mellon University": 4580, "Carol Burnett": 10773, "Carol Kane": 7258, "Carol Reed": 7768, "Carole Bayer Sager": 4343, "Carole King": 8004, "Carole Lombard": 5303, "Carolina Hurricanes": 11363, "Carolina Panthers": 1412, "Caroline Records": 2256, "Carrie": 3120, "Carrie Fisher": 7588, "Carrie Preston": 4283, "Carrie Underwood": 2396, "Carrie-Anne Moss": 3802, "Carroll Clark": 10292, "Carroll County": 12588, "Carroll O'Connor": 11464, "Carry On": 12934, "Cars": 5064, "Cars 2": 3943, "Carson City": 9207, "Carson Daly": 10878, "Carter Bays": 11241, "Carter Burwell": 6039, "Carthage": 5899, "Cartoon Network": 12286, "Cary Elwes": 5494, "Cary Grant": 4257, "Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa": 12409, "Casablanca": 7937, "Casablanca Records": 12384, "Cascade Range": 7744, "Case Western Reserve University": 7884, "Casey Affleck": 1075, "Casey Kasem": 7967, "Cash Money Records": 9346, "Casino Royale": 3716, "Casper": 6472, "Cass County": 10216, "Cast Away": 2945, "Castle Rock Entertainment": 7424, "Cat Stevens": 10404, "Catalonia": 11659, "Catania": 10299, "Catch Me If You Can": 7662, "Catch-22": 6018, "Cate Blanchett": 3630, "Catherine Deneuve": 10249, "Catherine Keener": 40, "Catherine O'Hara": 3194, "Catherine Tate": 9257, "Catherine Zeta-Jones": 2108, "Catholic Church": 9064, "Catholic school": 451, "Catholicism": 2651, "Cats & Dogs": 6462, "Cattaraugus County": 6416, "Catwoman": 6902, "Cave of Forgotten Dreams": 8498, "Cayman Islands": 10255, "Cayuga County": 1717, "CeCe Winans": 10609, "Cebu": 13385, "Cebu City": 7493, "Cecil B. DeMille": 9096, "Cecil County": 1820, "Cedar Rapids": 7502, "Cedric Gibbons": 3280, "Cedric the Entertainer": 601, "CeeLo Green": 9106, "Celebrity": 3392, "Celta Vigo": 2953, "Celtic F.C.": 3807, "Celtic music": 4999, "Celtic rock": 1775, "Central African Republic": 6269, "Central Alberta": 13541, "Central Coast Mariners FC": 10341, "Central European Time": 3856, "Central Intelligence Agency": 2346, "Central Java": 11851, "Central Michigan University": 737, "Central Saint Martins": 11369, "Central Time Zone": 2179, "Centre College": 4001, "Centre County": 3612, "Centurion": 2272, "Century Media Records": 3998, "Cercle Brugge K.S.V.": 6916, "Cesar Romero": 10976, "Cessna": 12469, "Chad": 5380, "Chad Hugo": 3249, "Chad Smith": 4959, "Chaka Khan": 1424, "Chakri Dynasty": 9305, "Champagne-Ardenne": 7486, "Champaign": 6034, "Champaign County": 6033, "Chandigarh": 10298, "Chandler": 357, "Chandra Wilson": 2762, "Changchun Yatai F.C.": 11853, "Changeling": 3339, "Changsha": 13328, "Channel 4": 4644, "Channel 5": 5584, "Channing Tatum": 5512, "Chapel Hill": 9783, "Chaplin": 571, "Chapman University": 8885, "Chariots of Fire": 7971, "Charles B. Rangel": 6517, "Charles Band": 11354, "Charles Baudelaire": 10743, "Charles Boyer": 6347, "Charles Brackett": 8149, "Charles Bronson": 9886, "Charles Bukowski": 11176, "Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis": 10507, "Charles County": 8959, "Charles Dance": 6743, "Charles Darwin": 11530, "Charles Dickens": 4143, "Charles Durning": 5598, "Charles Lang": 7664, "Charles Laughton": 12168, "Charles LeMaire": 9234, "Charles M. Schulz": 11501, "Charles Mingus Jr.": 7223, "Charles Pratt": 7690, "Charles Rosher": 11915, "Charles S. Dutton": 10259, "Charles Sanders Peirce": 12391, "Charles Stross": 669, "Charles University": 6767, "Charles de Gaulle": 8316, "Charles, Prince of Wales": 9767, "Charleston": 9959, "Charleston Battery": 9193, "Charleston County": 9554, "Charlestown": 5750, "Charlie Adler": 13046, "Charlie Chaplin": 3758, "Charlie Cox": 7352, "Charlie Daniels": 9710, "Charlie Kaufman": 6286, "Charlie Parker": 10355, "Charlie Sheen": 10187, "Charlie Wilson's War": 858, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory": 5243, "Charlie's Angels": 6378, "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle": 2129, "Charlize Theron": 2311, "Charlotte": 5997, "Charlotte Gainsbourg": 4396, "Charlotte Hornets": 3738, "Charlotte Rampling": 6821, "Charlottesville": 3060, "Charlottetown": 13170, "Charlton Athletic F.C.": 5316, "Charlton Heston": 563, "Charmed": 4558, "Charo Santos-Concio": 8716, "Charterhouse School": 12150, "Chasing Amy": 3780, "Chatham": 13493, "Chatham County": 6694, "Chattanooga": 2680, "Chautauqua County": 8873, "Chazz Palminteri": 5289, "Cheap Trick": 6050, "Cheaper by the Dozen": 9575, "Cheech Marin": 7963, "Cheers": 1542, "Chelmsford": 6883, "Chelmsford City F.C.": 9099, "Chelsea": 6413, "Chelsea College of Art and Design": 4506, "Chelsea F.C.": 755, "Cheltenham": 11300, "Cheltenham Town F.C.": 10084, "Chemnitz": 13384, "Chengdu": 2522, "Chennai": 2929, "Cher": 5782, "Cherokee": 6504, "Cheryl Hines": 10512, "Chesapeake": 12148, "Cheshire": 1668, "Cheshire County": 7551, "Chess Records": 12121, "Chester": 4845, "Chester City F.C.": 2190, "Chester County": 10732, "Chesterfield": 11333, "Chesterfield F.C.": 9583, "Chet Atkins": 5965, "Chevrolet": 7281, "Chevy Chase": 9899, "Cheyenne": 8443, "Chhattisgarh": 10183, "Chiang Kai-shek": 2017, "Chiapas": 13034, "Chiba Lotte Marines": 2688, "Chiba Prefecture": 12054, "Chicago": 1841, "Chicago Bears": 3448, "Chicago Blackhawks": 10698, "Chicago Bulls": 8706, "Chicago Cubs": 4458, "Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor": 2705, "Chicago Fire": 11876, "Chicago Hope": 7121, "Chicago White Sox": 8628, "Chicago blues": 7336, "Chicago metropolitan area": 11102, "Chichester": 10628, "Chicken Little": 9584, "Chicken Run": 3400, "Chico": 7004, "Chihuahua": 11327, "Children of Men": 9094, "Chile": 2552, "Chile national football team": 813, "Chill-out music": 8630, "Chillicothe": 3019, "China national football team": 803, "Chinatown": 8228, "Chinese American": 9079, "Chinese Civil War": 6810, "Chinese Filipino": 10071, "Chiranjeevi": 5654, "Chisago County": 8486, "Chiswick": 11142, "Chittagong": 11391, "Chiwetel Ejiofor": 55, "Chiyoda-ku": 6521, "Chocolat": 279, "Chongqing": 9564, "Chow Yun-fat": 9192, "Chris Bauer": 5935, "Chris Botti": 1824, "Chris Brown": 2984, "Chris Carter": 3547, "Chris Claremont": 11482, "Chris Colfer": 9667, "Chris Columbus": 6203, "Chris Cooper": 41, "Chris Cornell": 1253, "Chris Elliott": 10524, "Chris Evans": 7300, "Chris Isaak": 1822, "Chris Killen": 10406, "Chris Lebenzon": 860, "Chris Martin": 4667, "Chris Menges": 5519, "Chris Messina": 3685, "Chris Newman": 7789, "Chris Noth": 1535, "Chris Nurse": 9136, "Chris O'Donnell": 9516, "Chris Parnell": 5498, "Chris Patton": 2208, "Chris Paul": 5018, "Chris Penn": 561, "Chris Pine": 3285, "Chris Pronger": 4686, "Chris Rock": 2465, "Chris Seefried": 5129, "Chris Sheridan": 10753, "Chris Thile": 2808, "Chris Thomas King": 1592, "Chris Tucker": 5821, "Chris Waddle": 6930, "Chris Weitz": 3333, "Chris Wood": 6246, "Christ Church": 5087, "Christ's College": 1785, "Christchurch": 13249, "Christian": 11418, "Christian Bale": 6249, "Christian Democratic Union": 13347, "Christian Slater": 6156, "Christian hardcore": 12695, "Christian hip hop": 13035, "Christian metal": 11590, "Christian punk": 12694, "Christian rock": 12478, "Christina Aguilera": 7422, "Christina Applegate": 10739, "Christina Hendricks": 5884, "Christina Ricci": 5532, "Christine Baranski": 8810, "Christine Lahti": 6581, "Christine Vachon": 11156, "Christmas": 6451, "Christmas music": 13552, "Christoph Waltz": 1651, "Christophe Beck": 10899, "Christopher Boyes": 2648, "Christopher Cerf": 11736, "Christopher Columbus": 8625, "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery": 827, "Christopher Cross": 4342, "Christopher Doyle": 5950, "Christopher Eccleston": 7461, "Christopher Guest": 3098, "Christopher Hampton": 767, "Christopher Hitchens": 3161, "Christopher Lee": 4070, "Christopher Lloyd": 2236, "Christopher McDonald": 10115, "Christopher Nolan": 3394, "Christopher Plummer": 2715, "Christopher Reeve": 4284, "Christopher Sabat": 8002, "Christopher Walken": 4895, "Christopher Wren": 6725, "Christopher Young": 4879, "Chronicle": 7205, "Chrono Crusade": 10076, "Chrysalis Records": 2042, "Chrysler": 11177, "Chuck": 10288, "Chuck Berry": 4548, "Chuck Connors": 5624, "Chuck Jones": 1310, "Chuck Norris": 843, "Chulalongkorn": 11632, "Chungking Express": 849, "Chunichi Dragons": 8539, "Church of England": 12941, "Church of Scotland": 13610, "Churches of Christ": 9711, "Ciara": 6749, "Cicely Tyson": 740, "Cichlidae": 13668, "Cincinnati": 6557, "Cincinnati Bengals": 2839, "Cincinnati Reds": 219, "Cinderella": 2804, "Cinderella Man": 2632, "Cinema Paradiso": 1866, "CinemaScope": 11362, "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant": 11243, "Cisco Systems": 7985, "Citadel Broadcasting": 12479, "Citigroup": 8920, "Citizen Kane": 3896, "Citrus County": 10417, "City College of New York": 3679, "City Slickers": 6812, "City University of New York": 4700, "City of Angels": 34, "City of London": 10707, "City of Westminster": 10604, "City, University of London": 12701, "Clackamas County": 11223, "Claire Bloom": 8144, "Claire Danes": 2527, "Claire Forlani": 5516, "Clallam County": 12110, "Clan Douglas": 12815, "Clancy Brown": 5439, "Clare College": 10617, "Claremont": 10802, "Claremont Graduate University": 9889, "Claremont McKenna College": 8275, "Clarence Brown": 11538, "Clark Atlanta University": 9143, "Clark County": 3601, "Clark Gable": 8341, "Clark Gregg": 85, "Clark University": 6256, "Clash of the Titans": 6986, "Claude Berri": 10873, "Claude Debussy": 703, "Claude Rains": 12210, "Claudette Colbert": 6715, "Claudia Cardinale": 11702, "Claudia Schiffer": 378, "Clea DuVall": 2531, "Clearwater": 6770, "Clemson University": 4973, "Cleopatra": 1178, "Cleveland": 5346, "Cleveland Browns": 1584, "Cleveland Cavaliers": 5344, "Cleveland Indians": 1857, "Cleveland Institute of Music": 11375, "Cleveland State University": 11926, "Click": 10462, "Cliff Richard": 11549, "Cliff Robertson": 10264, "Cliffhanger": 4846, "Clifton Collins": 2119, "Clint Black": 7335, "Clint Eastwood": 693, "Clint Howard": 10290, "Clinton County": 9721, "Clive A. Smith": 11525, "Clive Barker": 3847, "Clive Davis": 6766, "Clive Owen": 1680, "Cloris Leachman": 5664, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind": 3916, "Closer": 4798, "Cloud Atlas": 1206, "Club Atlas": 10340, "Club Atl\u00e9tico Osasuna": 10103, "Club Atl\u00e9tico San Lorenzo de Almagro": 8103, "Club Brugge K.V.": 1700, "Club Deportivo Guadalajara": 7079, "Club Libertad": 6400, "Club Necaxa": 12185, "Club Olimpia": 6629, "Club Olimpia Deportivo": 8481, "Club Tijuana": 7440, "Club Universidad Nacional": 9924, "Club Universidad de Chile": 6753, "Club Universitario de Deportes": 5000, "Club de F\u00fatbol Monterrey": 9725, "Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata": 5876, "Clube de Regatas do Flamengo": 6209, "Clyde F.C.": 13343, "Coach Carter": 8078, "Coal Miner's Daughter": 4573, "Coalition Wars": 10180, "Cobb County": 10381, "Cobra": 3698, "Coburg": 2233, "Cochin Haneefa": 7811, "Cochise County": 8337, "Coconino County": 11307, "Code Geass": 10778, "Codemasters": 11506, "Coimbatore": 8185, "Coimbatore district": 12746, "Colbie Caillat": 3811, "Colby College": 7391, "Colchester": 9011, "Colchester United F.C.": 5425, "Cold Mountain": 5669, "Cold War": 9402, "Coldplay": 5475, "Cole Porter": 6215, "Colgate University": 9985, "Colin Farrell": 1300, "Colin Firth": 1561, "Colin Powell": 2124, "Colin Wilson": 9403, "Collateral": 6260, "Colleen Atwood": 5062, "Colleen Clinkenbeard": 12556, "Colleen Dewhurst": 9771, "College Park": 10332, "College Station": 2079, "College of William & Mary": 4109, "College of Wooster": 12491, "College of the Holy Cross": 7685, "Collier County": 11328, "Collin County": 8894, "Collingwood Football Club": 11995, "Colm Feore": 829, "Colm Meaney": 683, "Colo-Colo": 9041, "Cologne": 11422, "Colombia": 424, "Colombia national football team": 7509, "Colombo": 12174, "Color of Night": 5183, "Colorado": 4007, "Colorado Avalanche": 6533, "Colorado College": 10515, "Colorado Rapids": 6575, "Colorado Rockies": 5851, "Colorado Springs": 212, "Colorado State University": 6857, "Columbia": 6398, "Columbia Business School": 7660, "Columbia College": 9185, "Columbia College Chicago": 3834, "Columbia County": 11722, "Columbia Law School": 9295, "Columbia Pictures": 620, "Columbia Records": 4379, "Columbia River": 12810, "Columbia University": 4572, "Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons": 4858, "Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism": 495, "Columbus": 8036, "Columbus Blue Jackets": 9109, "Columbus Crew SC": 2344, "Comcast": 6554, "Comedy Central": 6792, "Comic Relief Does Fame Academy": 11246, "Coming Home": 4670, "Coming to America": 9806, "Common": 4261, "Commonwealth of Nations": 924, "Communist Party USA": 11301, "Communist Party of China": 12891, "Communist Party of Germany": 13555, "Communist Party of India (Marxist)": 6594, "Communist Party of the Soviet Union": 8593, "Community": 7195, "Como": 11460, "Comoros": 3301, "Compton": 11168, "Con Air": 7413, "Conan O'Brien": 760, "Concord": 1431, "Concord Records": 2943, "Concordia University": 9656, "Condoleezza Rice": 5070, "Confederate States Army": 13220, "Confederate States of America": 1944, "Confederation of African Football": 1096, "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind": 710, "Congo": 6434, "Congressional Progressive Caucus": 13414, "Connecticut": 2340, "Connecticut College": 8110, "Connie Willis": 8626, "Conrad Buff IV": 297, "Conrad Hall": 6863, "Conservative Party": 13198, "Conservative Party of Canada": 4167, "Conservatoire de Paris": 3475, "Conspiracy Theory": 765, "Constantin Film": 10200, "Constantine": 12516, "Constantinople": 10171, "Contact": 6927, "Continental Army": 13010, "Contra Costa County": 9043, "Contraband": 1539, "Cook County": 7999, "Cook Islands": 9311, "Cookie's Fortune": 157, "Cooking Vinyl": 2700, "Coolio": 9112, "Cooper Union": 11408, "Copenhagen": 9634, "Copley Medal": 12692, "Coral Gables": 4488, "Corbin Bernsen": 10752, "Corbin Bleu": 10634, "Corey Burton": 1805, "Corey Feldman": 9343, "Corinne Bailey Rae": 1500, "Coriolanus": 6056, "Coritiba F.C.": 9404, "Cork": 4291, "Cork City F.C.": 7847, "Cormac McCarthy": 10723, "Cornell Law School": 10163, "Cornell University": 900, "Cornwall": 11711, "Coronado": 5106, "Coronation Street": 10894, "Corpse Bride": 2400, "Corpus Christi": 12464, "Corpus Christi College": 7015, "Corsica": 11245, "Corvallis": 3508, "Cory Doctorow": 8939, "Cory Monteith": 8047, "Cosmopolis": 1915, "Costa Mesa": 10112, "Costa Rica": 8031, "Costa Rica national football team": 13126, "Costa-Gavras": 4263, "Council Bluffs": 6505, "Council of Europe": 1353, "Counting Crows": 6321, "County Antrim": 12665, "County Armagh": 12730, "County Clare": 13122, "County Cork": 9474, "County Donegal": 12079, "County Down": 5317, "County Dublin": 2112, "County Durham": 7515, "County Galway": 12226, "County Kerry": 4493, "County Kildare": 11323, "County Kilkenny": 2391, "County Limerick": 7327, "County Mayo": 13569, "County Meath": 5740, "County Monaghan": 12641, "County Roscommon": 11756, "County Sligo": 13031, "County Tipperary": 13008, "County Tyrone": 8493, "County Waterford": 9475, "County Wexford": 10855, "County Wicklow": 13085, "Courage Under Fire": 3741, "Courteney Cox": 567, "Courtney Love": 3849, "Coventry": 6819, "Coventry City F.C.": 4918, "Covington": 1595, "Cowboys & Aliens": 3271, "Cowpunk": 12310, "Cradle of Filth": 10738, "Craig Armstrong": 462, "Craig Barron": 7712, "Craig Bellamy": 3808, "Craig Ferguson": 10551, "Craig Robinson": 8116, "Craig Rocastle": 275, "Craig T. Nelson": 9515, "Craig Thomas": 1740, "Cranford": 6009, "Cranston": 9978, "Crash": 2064, "Craven": 9960, "Crawley": 3518, "Crawley Town F.C.": 3378, "Crazy Heart": 81, "Crazy in Alabama": 8678, "Crazy, Stupid, Love.": 7125, "Creation Records": 13535, "Cree Summer": 11475, "Creed Bratton": 818, "Creighton University": 943, "Cremona": 1760, "Crete": 11862, "Crewe": 8975, "Crewe Alexandra F.C.": 6652, "Cries and Whispers": 8841, "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory": 10181, "Crimean War": 6224, "Crimes and Misdemeanors": 5673, "Cris Collinsworth": 5824, "Crispin Freeman": 9866, "Crispin Glover": 8441, "Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Actor": 4194, "Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Animated Feature": 2287, "Croatia": 2393, "Croatia national football team": 8334, "Croatian": 7329, "Croatian American": 11766, "Crohn's disease": 9542, "Crossroads": 2796, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon": 6176, "Crown of Arag\u00f3n": 12958, "Croydon": 13177, "Cruel Intentions": 1530, "Crunk": 11859, "Crusade": 9235, "Cruz Azul F.C": 5244, "Cruzeiro E.C.": 4121, "Cry Freedom": 3417, "Crystal Palace F.C.": 505, "Cuba": 1630, "Cuba Gooding Jr.": 3150, "Cuban American": 8589, "Cubism": 13654, "Culinary Institute of America": 12172, "Culver City": 6208, "Cumann na nGaedheal": 13650, "Cumberland": 10700, "Cumberland County": 2422, "Cumbria": 6543, "Cupertino": 4994, "Curb Records": 7235, "Curb Your Enthusiasm": 2259, "Curitiba": 12884, "Curly Howard": 11667, "Curse of the Golden Flower": 7293, "Curtis Armstrong": 897, "Curtis Hanson": 686, "Curtis Institute of Music": 12339, "Curtis Mayfield": 4881, "Cuyahoga County": 8265, "Cy Coleman": 1244, "Cybill Shepherd": 8448, "Cyndi Lauper": 9092, "Cynthia Nixon": 3795, "Cynthia Watros": 5599, "Cyprus": 7975, "Cyprus national football team": 1699, "Cyrano de Bergerac": 10547, "Cyril J. Mockridge": 13044, "Cyrillic script": 5591, "Czech": 5938, "Czech Republic": 2065, "Czechoslovakia": 3316, "C\u00e9line Dion": 3294, "D'Angelo": 5046, "D-fructose (open structure)": 10972, "D. H. Lawrence": 9872, "D. W. Griffith": 12557, "D. W. Moffett": 8752, "D.C. United": 9505, "DC Comics": 3489, "DC Universe": 13224, "DL-glutamic acid": 10798, "DL-lysine": 6446, "DL-methionine": 11663, "DL-proline": 7051, "DMX": 4011, "DVD": 32, "Dabney Coleman": 2034, "Daddy Yankee": 2713, "Daegu": 11204, "Daffy Duck": 12850, "Dagenham & Redbridge F.C.": 11319, "Dakar": 11679, "Dakota County": 12888, "Dakota Fanning": 10569, "Dal McKennon": 9458, "Dalhousie University": 6530, "Dalian": 12030, "Dalian Aerbin F.C.": 9707, "Dalian Shide F.C.": 6237, "Dalip Tahil": 11089, "Dallas": 1148, "Dallas County": 7632, "Dallas Cowboys": 385, "Dallas Mavericks": 8536, "Dallas Stars": 12010, "Dallas Theological Seminary": 5355, "Dalton Trumbo": 9669, "Damages": 6491, "Damascus": 10916, "Dame": 7897, "Damian Lewis": 4756, "Damian Marley": 7229, "Damon Albarn": 4859, "Damon Lindelof": 4069, "Damon Wayans": 10256, "Dan Aykroyd": 5283, "Dan Castellaneta": 4352, "Dan Curtis": 7617, "Dan Green": 12477, "Dan Grimaldi": 1951, "Dan Hedaya": 9914, "Dan Povenmire": 1501, "Dan Schneider": 12410, "Dan Simmons": 5202, "Dan Stevens": 4912, "Dan Wilson": 3853, "Dana Andrews": 4681, "Dana Carvey": 4455, "Dana Delany": 9428, "Danbury": 8154, "Dancer in the Dark": 1260, "Dances with Wolves": 6579, "Dancing with the Stars": 2826, "Dane Cook": 6963, "Dane County": 3603, "Danger Mouse": 4238, "Dangerous Liaisons": 237, "Daniel Barenboim": 9597, "Daniel Craig": 1273, "Daniel Dae Kim": 6388, "Daniel Day-Lewis": 6865, "Daniel Haller": 11940, "Daniel Handler": 5351, "Daniel Inouye": 779, "Daniel Lanois": 3794, "Daniel Nestor": 8823, "Daniel Radcliffe": 5069, "Daniel Roebuck": 10553, "Daniel Wu": 9643, "Danilo Donati": 12712, "Danish": 7673, "Dannii Minogue": 769, "Danny Aiello": 7346, "Danny Boyle": 238, "Danny DeVito": 24, "Danny Denzongpa": 12237, "Danny Elfman": 4556, "Danny Glover": 6178, "Danny Huston": 1652, "Danny Kaye": 3744, "Danny McBride": 5341, "Danny Smith": 4468, "Danny Trejo": 3036, "Dante Alighieri": 1644, "Dante Ferretti": 4147, "Dante Spinotti": 9287, "Danube": 9277, "Danubio F.C.": 6526, "Danville": 6174, "Dany Heatley": 11945, "Danzig": 10567, "Daredevil": 9534, "Dario Argento": 8179, "Darjeeling": 13426, "Dark Horse Comics": 13522, "Dark Shadows": 4571, "Darlington": 12999, "Darlington F.C.": 10695, "Darmstadt": 11755, "Darrell Silvera": 10956, "Darren Aronofsky": 8561, "Darren Star": 1137, "Darryl F. Zanuck": 1678, "Dartmouth College": 5531, "Darwin": 9164, "Daryl Hannah": 7791, "Das Boot": 5896, "Dashiell Hammett": 1303, "Data East": 8115, "Date Night": 8388, "Dauphin County": 5687, "Dave Brubeck": 113, "Dave Chappelle": 11450, "Dave Fleischer": 13141, "Dave Foley": 3815, "Dave Goelz": 11191, "Dave Grohl": 534, "Dave Grusin": 7473, "Dave Matthews": 1472, "Dave Matthews Band": 2907, "Dave Mustaine": 4061, "Dave Navarro": 582, "Dave Thomas": 10011, "Dave Wittenberg": 5176, "Davenport": 11514, "David A. Goodman": 4467, "David A. Stewart": 1662, "David Alan Grier": 6818, "David Angell": 6213, "David Arnold": 8600, "David Arquette": 3254, "David Attenborough": 4997, "David Banner": 9699, "David Beckham": 2532, "David Benioff": 6479, "David Boreanaz": 11629, "David Bowie": 4714, "David Brin": 9181, "David Brown": 10317, "David Buttolph": 12976, "David Byrne": 2205, "David Carney": 8298, "David Carradine": 11367, "David Chase": 2266, "David Copperfield": 3631, "David Crane": 9970, "David Cronenberg": 3523, "David Cross": 3266, "David Denman": 8213, "David Dhawan": 7213, "David Duchovny": 4769, "David E. Kelley": 4351, "David Fincher": 11108, "David Foster": 5954, "David Foster Wallace": 7595, "David Fury": 10158, "David Geffen": 8648, "David Gilmour": 4024, "David Greenwalt": 10967, "David Grisman": 3584, "David Guetta": 4273, "David H. DePatie": 10023, "David Hasselhoff": 2827, "David Healy": 159, "David Henrie": 11261, "David Hilbert": 4980, "David Hume": 2491, "David Hyde Pierce": 6234, "David J": 4289, "David Kaye": 11732, "David Kirschner": 9652, "David Koechner": 2000, "David Krumholtz": 9017, "David Lean": 6384, "David Lee Roth": 10178, "David Letterman": 5311, "David Lindley": 3992, "David Lynch": 1546, "David Mamet": 8504, "David Mandel": 8309, "David Mansfield": 2524, "David McCallum": 8736, "David Milch": 9482, "David Mills": 6091, "David Morse": 10680, "David Newman": 4511, "David Niven": 2076, "David Nutter": 6066, "David O. Russell": 1635, "David O. Selznick": 152, "David Ogden Stiers": 5364, "David Paymer": 9420, "David Petraeus": 5029, "David Rasche": 9965, "David Robb": 7819, "David S. Goyer": 2835, "David Sanborn": 633, "David Schwimmer": 9791, "David Shire": 326, "David Shore": 9939, "David Silverman": 6005, "David Simon": 4837, "David Spade": 9620, "David Strathairn": 3326, "David Suchet": 7783, "David Sylvian": 9945, "David Tennant": 4215, "David Thewlis": 10926, "David Wain": 6158, "David Walliams": 593, "David Warner": 7066, "David Watkin": 5413, "David Wenham": 2241, "David X. Cohen": 727, "David Zayas": 5949, "David Zucker": 6906, "Davidson College": 8044, "Davidson County": 12656, "Davis": 10904, "Davis Entertainment": 4445, "Dawn French": 8887, "Daws Butler": 9607, "Daybreak Game Company": 12895, "Daylight": 9012, "Days of Being Wild": 4399, "Days of Heaven": 6985, "Days of Thunder": 10817, "Days of our Lives": 4724, "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Animated Program": 4377, "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series": 5375, "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series": 10981, "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series": 3865, "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series": 8447, "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series": 3742, "Dayton": 3364, "Daytona Beach": 8074, "Dazed and Confused": 6096, "De Graafschap": 3023, "De La Salle University": 6258, "De-Lovely": 10047, "DeKalb County": 3146, "DePaul University": 6615, "DePauw University": 8408, "DeWitt Clinton": 9392, "Dead Man": 6425, "Dead Man Walking": 1549, "Dead Poets Society": 8376, "Dead Ringers": 2697, "Deadwood": 1134, "Dean Cain": 472, "Dean Cundey": 1373, "Dean Devlin": 2404, "Dean Koontz": 11346, "Dean Martin": 8954, "Dean Saunders": 8765, "Dean Semler": 5386, "Dean Stockwell": 7984, "Dean Tavoularis": 1653, "Dearborn": 988, "Death Row Records": 11309, "Death on the Nile": 8086, "Deathrock": 10537, "Debbie Gibson": 1102, "Debbie Harry": 8655, "Debbie Reynolds": 3235, "Debi Mazar": 2545, "Deborah Ann Woll": 9003, "Deborah Kerr": 10354, "Debra Messing": 6871, "Debra Winger": 4771, "Decatur": 6074, "Decca": 2846, "December": 11000, "Deconstructing Harry": 2240, "Dee Bradley Baker": 10516, "Deep Impact": 6759, "Deep Purple": 9507, "Def Jam Recordings": 1780, "Def Leppard": 8156, "Degrassi: The Next Generation": 11773, "Dehradun": 10085, "Deion Sanders": 3904, "Delaware": 7342, "Delaware County": 307, "Deleted scene": 3035, "Delfino Pescara 1936": 6010, "Delft": 9163, "Delft University of Technology": 3136, "Delhi": 10246, "Dell Inc.": 2011, "Delmer Daves": 12912, "Delroy Facey": 5587, "Delroy Lindo": 6884, "Delta Air Lines": 9425, "Delta Delta Delta": 11358, "Delta blues": 10786, "Demi Lovato": 551, "Demi Moore": 2239, "Democratic Party": 2577, "Democratic Republic of the Congo": 3784, "Democratic Unionist Party": 12978, "Democratic-Republican Party": 11420, "Demolition Man": 4833, "Denholm Elliott": 8175, "Denis Leary": 292, "Denise Richards": 4076, "Denison University": 5939, "Denizlispor": 9171, "Denmark": 1231, "Denmark national football team": 4775, "Dennis Franz": 5635, "Dennis Haysbert": 9768, "Dennis Hopper": 5600, "Dennis Lehane": 7606, "Dennis Muren": 3863, "Dennis Quaid": 1189, "Dennis Rodman": 1554, "Denton": 11650, "Denton County": 5536, "Denver": 785, "Denver Broncos": 6273, "Denver Nuggets": 786, "Denzel Washington": 3478, "Depeche Mode": 7439, "Deportivo Cali": 1041, "Deportivo Toluca F.C.": 7700, "Deram Records": 11059, "Derby": 11793, "Derby County F.C.": 455, "Derbyshire": 2640, "Derek Jacobi": 1562, "Derek Jeter": 6393, "Dermot Mulroney": 7401, "Derry": 12787, "Derry City F.C.": 8126, "Des Moines": 5689, "Deschutes County": 2589, "Desmond Harrington": 1093, "Desperate Housewives": 2789, "Dessau": 12989, "Destiny's Child": 11569, "Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes": 1736, "Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street": 6948, "Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame": 11122, "Detroit": 520, "Detroit Lions": 2867, "Detroit Pistons": 6457, "Detroit Red Wings": 10253, "Detroit Tigers": 8433, "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo": 5295, "Dev Anand": 11120, "Dev Patel": 8691, "Devin Townsend": 923, "Devo": 2710, "Devon": 8356, "Dewsbury": 12972, "Dexter": 3458, "Dhaka": 286, "Dharmendra": 10374, "Dial M for Murder": 8234, "Diamonds Are Forever": 3365, "Diana Krall": 557, "Diana Ross": 7568, "Diana Wynne Jones": 8206, "Diane Keaton": 871, "Diane Kruger": 10135, "Diane Ladd": 4249, "Diane Lane": 4073, "Diane Sawyer": 3687, "Diane Warren": 12745, "Dianna Agron": 7099, "Dianne Wiest": 3059, "Dick Cheney": 1199, "Dick Clark": 9668, "Dick Clement": 9303, "Dick Powell": 7749, "Dick Tracy": 4978, "Dick Van Dyke": 2089, "Dick Wolf": 10190, "Dickinson College": 9320, "Didier Six": 6337, "Dido": 2935, "Die Another Day": 2894, "Die Hard": 3353, "Die Hard with a Vengeance": 9556, "Diedrich Bader": 9251, "Digimon Adventure": 7224, "Digimon Adventure 02": 10224, "Digital Equipment Corporation": 5134, "Dijon": 6636, "Dilip Kumar": 6771, "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge": 3439, "Dilys Award": 12499, "Dimension Films": 9778, "Dimitri Tiomkin": 3800, "Dina Pathak": 9372, "Dinah Shore": 10283, "Dinner for Schmucks": 882, "Dino De Laurentiis": 1360, "Dio": 10954, "Dionne Warwick": 1913, "Dir en grey": 3940, "Dire Straits": 10816, "Dirk Bogarde": 8169, "Dirty Dancing": 8917, "Dirty Pretty Things": 5832, "Dirty rap": 13378, "Dischord Records": 10432, "Discovery Channel": 11636, "Disney Channel": 13073, "Disney Interactive Studios": 13479, "Disney's House of Mouse": 5662, "Disneyland": 12963, "District 9": 7758, "Dixie Chicks": 4181, "Dixieland": 13043, "Django Unchained": 6817, "Djibouti": 9958, "Djimon Hounsou": 9179, "Dmitri Shostakovich": 2891, "Dnipro": 11376, "Do the Right Thing": 9172, "Dobro": 3078, "Doc Watson": 5839, "Doctor Eggman": 6934, "Doctor Who": 2601, "Doctor Zhivago": 5372, "Doctor of Medicine": 3532, "Doctor of Philosophy": 893, "DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story": 465, "Dog Day Afternoon": 3658, "Dogma": 1239, "Dogville": 10066, "Doha": 13313, "Dolly Parton": 6585, "Dolph Lundgren": 5500, "Dom DeLuise": 10057, "Dominic Chianese": 1476, "Dominic Monaghan": 743, "Dominic West": 4142, "Dominica": 130, "Dominican Republic": 1, "Dominion of New Zealand": 7990, "Domino": 3237, "Don Ameche": 9434, "Don Black": 8097, "Don Carmody": 2276, "Don Cheadle": 137, "Don DeLillo": 6199, "Don Heck": 1578, "Don Henley": 6772, "Don Johnson": 5733, "Don Knotts": 4374, "Don McKellar": 8384, "Don Messick": 8578, "Don Rickles": 804, "Don Scardino": 1625, "Don Siegel": 7228, "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark": 5749, "Don't Say a Word": 2793, "Donal Logue": 2703, "Donald Crisp": 10870, "Donald Fagen": 8882, "Donald M. Payne": 9459, "Donald McAlpine": 6229, "Donald Pleasence": 618, "Donald Sumpter": 6655, "Donald Sutherland": 8806, "Donald Trump": 5107, "Doncaster": 11055, "Doncaster Rovers F.C.": 160, "Donna Summer": 2638, "Donnie Darko": 2923, "Donnie Yen": 7025, "Donny Osmond": 7870, "Donovan": 10615, "Dorchester": 10164, "Dorchester Town F.C.": 13230, "Dordogne": 11390, "Dordrecht": 12894, "Dore Schary": 1479, "Doris Day": 7208, "Doris Lessing": 222, "Doris Roberts": 4594, "Dorothy Fields": 7163, "Dorothy Jeakins": 2559, "Dorothy Malone": 11290, "Dorothy Spencer": 9894, "Dorset": 11661, "Dortmund": 10641, "Dothan": 12407, "Douala": 13296, "Doubt": 8942, "Doug Flutie": 1488, "Doug Savant": 3450, "Douglas Adams": 5572, "Douglas County": 10861, "Douglas Coupland": 10102, "Douglas Fairbanks": 5418, "Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig": 10131, "Douglas MacArthur": 7318, "Douglas Shearer": 11184, "Douglas Slocombe": 10475, "Dougray Scott": 11069, "Dover": 3925, "Dover Athletic F.C.": 10564, "Downey": 6060, "Downfall": 11488, "Downing College": 1744, "Downton Abbey": 1877, "Dr. Dre": 96, "Dr. John": 855, "Dr. Luke": 5019, "Dr. No": 280, "Dr. Seuss": 4967, "Dr. Strangelove": 1505, "Draco Rosa": 6939, "Dragon Ball": 12853, "Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound": 4654, "Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone": 2166, "Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug": 8225, "Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure": 6181, "Drake": 1810, "Drake Bell": 6099, "Drake University": 11002, "Drea de Matteo": 3598, "Dream Theater": 10004, "DreamWorks": 5940, "DreamWorks Animation": 7494, "DreamWorks Records": 9834, "Dreamgirls": 3922, "Dredd": 10823, "Drenthe": 9390, "Dresden": 7083, "Dressed to Kill": 1598, "Drew Barrymore": 2971, "Drew Goddard": 8125, "Drexel University": 6498, "Drive": 4207, "Driving Miss Daisy": 3168, "Dropkick Murphys": 6193, "Droylsden F.C.": 7092, "Drugstore Cowboy": 3011, "DuPage County": 2627, "Dubai": 5049, "Dublin": 7934, "Dubuque": 13470, "Dudley Moore": 10545, "Duff McKagan": 2741, "Duisburg": 12709, "Duke Blue Devils men's basketball": 5825, "Duke Ellington": 8803, "Duke University": 2211, "Duluth": 11904, "Dulwich College": 7520, "Dumb and Dumber": 1600, "Dumfries": 1836, "Dumfries and Galloway": 11642, "Dundee": 13191, "Dundee F.C.": 11341, "Dundee United F.C.": 10083, "Dune": 3311, "Dunedin": 7616, "Dunfermline": 12716, "Dunfermline Athletic F.C.": 5009, "Duquesne University": 7818, "Duran Duran": 3428, "Durban": 11690, "Durham": 7701, "Dustin Hoffman": 400, "Dutch": 9166, "Dutch American": 2248, "Dutch Republic": 10306, "Dutch people": 11255, "Dutchess County": 3105, "Duval County": 10094, "Dwayne Johnson": 9676, "Dwight D. Eisenhower": 3354, "Dwight Yoakam": 3376, "Dwyane Wade": 7112, "Dylan Baker": 9097, "Dylan McDermott": 5184, "Dynamo Dresden": 1293, "Dynasty": 7539, "E!": 13199, "E. G. Marshall": 5847, "E. W. Scripps Company": 7631, "E.S. Troyes A.C.": 7932, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial": 1903, "EA Sports": 13268, "EA Vancouver": 13445, "ECHL": 12644, "ECW Hardcore TV": 13669, "ECW on TNN": 12741, "EDtv": 691, "EFL Championship": 2772, "EMI": 639, "EMI Music Japan": 12494, "ER": 6090, "ESPN": 189, "ETH Zurich": 1550, "Eagle County": 884, "Eagle Eye": 6296, "Eagles": 8909, "Ealing": 13263, "Earache Records": 13022, "Earl Scruggs": 4219, "Earlham College": 12549, "Early modern France": 13316, "Earth": 637, "Earth, Wind & Fire": 5261, "East Africa Time": 8167, "East Carolina University": 5378, "East Coast hip hop": 7149, "East India Company": 11386, "East Java": 12290, "East Lansing": 4957, "East Orange": 1912, "East Prussia": 11441, "East Riding of Yorkshire": 13123, "East River": 11643, "East St. Louis": 8413, "East Sussex": 9245, "East Tennessee State University": 7846, "East Timor": 4851, "East West Records": 11727, "EastEnders": 6473, "Eastbourne": 10990, "Eastbourne Borough F.C.": 12303, "Eastern Cape": 9642, "Eastern Catholic Church": 9022, "Eastern Europe": 8454, "Eastern European Time": 3913, "Eastern Illinois University": 9800, "Eastern Kentucky University": 8174, "Eastern Michigan University": 10525, "Eastern Promises": 6656, "Eastern Time Zone": 2052, "Eastleigh F.C.": 11743, "Eastman School of Music": 6972, "Easton": 1962, "Easy Rider": 1364, "Eat Bulaga!": 11253, "Eat Pray Love": 9229, "Eau Claire": 10683, "Ebbsfleet United F.C.": 11298, "Ecuador": 8412, "Ecuador national football team": 6000, "Ed Asner": 245, "Ed Begley, Jr.": 6910, "Ed Harris": 589, "Ed Helms": 5035, "Ed Lauter": 12240, "Ed McMahon": 12351, "Ed O'Neill": 2382, "Ed Wood": 178, "Eddie Albert": 2676, "Eddie Izzard": 2855, "Eddie Marsan": 10693, "Eddie Murphy": 6049, "Eddie Redmayne": 10089, "Eddie Selzer": 12860, "Eddie Vedder": 9955, "Edgar Allan Poe": 5319, "Edgar Meyer": 5943, "Edgar Rice Burroughs": 9674, "Edge of Darkness": 8661, "Edie Falco": 3993, "Edie McClurg": 11511, "Edinburgh": 8476, "Edison Medal": 13319, "Edith Head": 65, "Edmond O'Brien": 5980, "Edmonton": 8072, "Edmonton Eskimos": 13369, "Edmonton Oilers": 4417, "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service": 5026, "Edmund Husserl": 5759, "Edward Albee": 5567, "Edward Burns": 9238, "Edward Carfagno": 3862, "Edward Dmytryk": 11462, "Edward Elgar": 6618, "Edward Fox": 3244, "Edward G. Boyle": 5163, "Edward G. Robinson": 9489, "Edward Herrmann": 2229, "Edward James Olmos": 5648, "Edward Kitsis": 3569, "Edward Lachman": 6775, "Edward Norton": 2447, "Edward R. Pressman": 6344, "Edward Said": 7466, "Edward Scissorhands": 4767, "Edward Shearmur": 10388, "Edward VII": 6093, "Edward Woodward": 5099, "Edward Zwick": 6025, "Edwin B. Willis": 958, "Egypt": 718, "Egypt national football team": 9281, "Eidos Interactive": 11921, "Eileen Atkins": 373, "Eileen Brennan": 11118, "Eindhoven": 10714, "Eintracht Braunschweig": 4847, "Eintracht Frankfurt": 12350, "Ekta Kapoor": 5385, "El Dorado County": 12360, "El Paso": 9567, "El Paso County": 211, "El Salvador": 8269, "El Salvador national football team": 7839, "Elaine May": 10145, "Elche CF": 13102, "Eleanor Roosevelt": 9394, "Election": 1672, "Election 2": 503, "Electorate of Saxony": 2150, "Electric Light Orchestra": 3889, "Electronic Arts": 4366, "Elektra": 1525, "Elektra Records": 654, "Elgin": 13241, "Eli Roth": 994, "Eli Wallach": 8985, "Elia Kazan": 6872, "Elias Koteas": 5672, "Elie Samaha": 11790, "Elijah Wood": 3734, "Elisabeth Moss": 5883, "Elisabeth Shue": 7912, "Elisha Cuthbert": 1838, "Elite Squad: The Enemy Within": 3970, "Eliza Dushku": 6750, "Elizabeth": 3187, "Elizabeth Banks": 9256, "Elizabeth Daily": 4806, "Elizabeth Hurley": 3555, "Elizabeth I": 2381, "Elizabeth II": 2045, "Elizabeth McGovern": 7820, "Elizabeth Perkins": 8445, "Elizabeth Sarnoff": 5273, "Elizabeth Taylor": 3385, "Elizabeth: The Golden Age": 7939, "Elko County": 7153, "Ella Fitzgerald": 6084, "Ellen Barkin": 11028, "Ellen Burstyn": 3466, "Ellen DeGeneres": 172, "Ellen Page": 2019, "Ellen Pompeo": 4471, "Ellie Kemper": 8207, "Elliot Goldenthal": 7076, "Elliott Gould": 6723, "Elliott Smith": 5721, "Elmer Bernstein": 7225, "Elmira": 12418, "Elmore Leonard": 10787, "Elsevier": 13237, "Elton John": 1576, "Elvis Costello": 5023, "Elvis Presley": 6969, "Emeric Pressburger": 10132, "Emerson College": 3338, "Emile Hirsch": 5025, "Emile Kuri": 9381, "Emilia-Romagna": 8019, "Emilie de Ravin": 7256, "Emilio Estefan": 5556, "Emilio Estevez": 4119, "Emily Blunt": 6391, "Emily Mortimer": 10676, "Emily Osment": 7069, "Emily Robison": 3449, "Emily Watson": 4615, "Eminem": 3485, "Emir Kusturica": 11099, "Emma": 9896, "Emma Roberts": 1331, "Emma Stone": 4066, "Emma Thompson": 530, "Emma Watson": 1217, "Emmanuel College": 2479, "Emmylou Harris": 5533, "Emory University": 5661, "Empire State Building": 7877, "Empire of Japan": 8054, "Empire of the Sun": 7312, "Empoli F.C.": 9153, "En Avant de Guingamp": 7634, "Enchanted": 7035, "Encino": 9275, "End of Days": 11338, "End of Watch": 3515, "Endemol": 13146, "Enemy at the Gates": 3096, "Enemy of the State": 8352, "England": 628, "England and Wales cricket team": 13341, "England national football team": 4538, "Englewood": 726, "English American": 2427, "English Baroque": 13306, "English Channel": 11060, "English Civil War": 12038, "English Studies": 5692, "English literature": 3164, "English people": 336, "Enid": 11410, "Enix": 7057, "Enlightenment in Spain": 12629, "Ennio Morricone": 9439, "Enosis Neon Paralimni FC": 4255, "Enrico Fermi": 11761, "Enrique Iglesias": 11747, "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room": 5630, "Entertainment One": 6874, "Entertainment One Music": 10768, "Entertainment Tonight": 2351, "Enthiran": 4941, "Entourage": 7605, "Enya": 3269, "Epic Games": 12001, "Epic Movie": 8080, "Epic Records": 3066, "Episcopal Church": 10601, "Epitaph Records": 5090, "Epsom": 12353, "Equal Vision Records": 13439, "Equatorial Guinea": 9111, "Equatorial Guinea national football team": 4599, "Equus": 3816, "Eragon": 2982, "Erfurt": 13115, "Eric Bana": 5638, "Eric Burdon": 9020, "Eric Clapton": 4549, "Eric Dane": 5729, "Eric Fellner": 7507, "Eric Idle": 6417, "Eric Roberts": 10121, "Eric Roth": 7666, "Eric Stoltz": 5784, "Eric Tsang": 11117, "Erich Ludendorff": 11900, "Erich Wolfgang Korngold": 820, "Erie": 13421, "Erie County": 7889, "Erika Christensen": 3043, "Erin Brockovich": 8216, "Eriq La Salle": 441, "Eritrea": 2341, "Erlangen": 12594, "Ernest Borgnine": 5969, "Ernest Haller": 8401, "Ernest Hemingway": 383, "Ernest Lehman": 5739, "Ernest Rutherford": 3210, "Ernie Hudson": 1541, "Ernst Lubitsch": 11910, "Errol Flynn": 7607, "Erwin Rommel": 2542, "Erykah Badu": 4262, "Esbjerg fB": 10448, "Escondido": 11075, "Espoo": 1182, "Esporte Clube Bahia": 11088, "Essen": 6975, "Essex": 1490, "Essex County": 7813, "Esteghlal F.C.": 10269, "Estelle Harris": 12900, "Estonia national football team": 4358, "Estudiantes Tecos": 7533, "Estudiantes de La Plata": 2509, "Eswatini": 8020, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind": 5279, "Ethan Hawke": 4212, "Ethiopia": 4830, "Ethnikos Piraeus F.C.": 12393, "Eton College": 12951, "Etta James": 6601, "Eugene": 10765, "Eugene Levy": 5302, "Eugene O'Neill": 6154, "Eurasia": 3708, "Eureka": 10560, "Eureka Seven": 11234, "Euro disco": 6943, "Eurodance": 10685, "EuropaCorp": 8397, "Europe": 482, "European Film Award for Best Actress": 1259, "European Film Award for Best Composer": 7709, "European Union": 2820, "European theatre of World War I": 2736, "Europop": 13637, "Eurovision Song Contest": 13487, "Eurythmics": 6676, "Eva Longoria": 1414, "Eva Mendes": 7081, "Evan Almighty": 2958, "Evan Rachel Wood": 1177, "Evangelical Christianity": 10409, "Evangeline Lilly": 2872, "Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone": 2730, "Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance": 1065, "Evanston": 5459, "Evansville": 11580, "Eve": 9503, "Eve Myles": 9491, "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues": 4977, "Everett": 9687, "Everton F.C.": 10991, "Everybody Loves Raymond": 3070, "Everyone Says I Love You": 5230, "Everything but the Girl": 2307, "Evian Thonon Gaillard F.C.": 1950, "Evil Angels": 4355, "Evita": 5543, "Evolution": 2611, "Ewan McGregor": 4762, "Executive Office of the President of the United States": 7086, "Exeter": 6791, "Exeter City F.C.": 6129, "Exeter College": 7563, "Exodus": 8807, "Expressionism": 13540, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close": 3009, "Eyes Wide Shut": 3695, "Ezra Pound": 3226, "F. Murray Abraham": 9371, "F. Scott Fitzgerald": 7706, "F.C. Ashdod": 11890, "F.C. Bari 1908": 11457, "F.C. Copenhagen": 11828, "F.C. Crotone": 11149, "F.C. Dallas": 6899, "F.C. Girondins de Bordeaux": 1666, "F.C. Hansa Rostock": 3753, "F.C. Lorient": 1976, "F.C. Nantes": 11599, "F.C. Porto": 6046, "F.C. Zenit St. Petersburg": 4243, "F.K. Partizan": 2557, "F.K. Vojvodina": 5982, "FC Aarau": 9818, "FC Akhmat Grozny": 12076, "FC Alania Vladikavkaz": 11729, "FC Anzhi Makhachkala": 7633, "FC Arsenal Kyiv": 8659, "FC Augsburg": 10070, "FC BATE Borisov": 12482, "FC Baku": 7067, "FC Banants": 9704, "FC Barcelona B": 9935, "FC Basel": 9326, "FC Bayern Munich": 11498, "FC Bayern Munich II": 2840, "FC Carl Zeiss Jena": 11810, "FC Chornomorets Odesa": 12540, "FC Dinamo Moscow": 10078, "FC Dinamo Tbilisi": 10898, "FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk": 10946, "FC Dynamo Kyiv": 4452, "FC Energie Cottbus": 6512, "FC Erzgebirge Aue": 11275, "FC Groningen": 12584, "FC Illichivets Mariupol": 9422, "FC Ingolstadt 04": 8977, "FC Inter Milan": 10123, "FC Istres": 4246, "FC Kallon": 4436, "FC Karpaty Lviv": 12723, "FC Khimki": 13111, "FC Krylia Sovetov Samara": 9838, "FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih": 9546, "FC Kuban Krasnodar": 11734, "FC Levadia Tallinn": 12217, "FC Lokomotiv 1929 Sofia": 12321, "FC Lokomotiv Moscow": 12394, "FC Lugano": 10030, "FC Luzern": 12092, "FC Metalist Kharkiv": 9216, "FC Metalurh Donetsk": 9364, "FC Metalurh Zaporizhya": 12664, "FC Metz": 11515, "FC Midtjylland": 10236, "FC Pyunik": 2165, "FC Red Bull Salzburg": 8783, "FC Rostov": 12018, "FC Schaffhausen": 11769, "FC Schalke 04": 9740, "FC Seoul": 5253, "FC Shakhtar Donetsk": 5900, "FC Sion": 11544, "FC St. Gallen": 13095, "FC St. Pauli": 11345, "FC Thun": 12220, "FC Tom Tomsk": 6586, "FC Torpedo Moscow": 12272, "FC Twente": 11007, "FC Unirea Urziceni": 6693, "FC Utrecht": 7072, "FC Vaduz": 10380, "FC Vaslui": 4059, "FC Volga Nizhny Novgorod": 6779, "FC Vorskla Poltava": 12105, "FC Zorya Luhansk": 11991, "FCU Craiova 1948": 7194, "FK Austria Wien": 11695, "FK Khazar Lankaran": 3042, "FSV Frankfurt": 12995, "FX": 4209, "Fabolous": 11035, "Face/Off": 2989, "Facebook Inc.": 4868, "Fahrenheit 9/11": 8993, "Fair Game": 2231, "Fairbanks": 11794, "Fairfax": 1868, "Fairfax County": 8768, "Fairfield": 4598, "Fairfield County": 5457, "Fairfield University": 12235, "Fairleigh Dickinson University": 8981, "Fairuza Balk": 8442, "Faith Hill": 4199, "Faith No More": 10446, "Falkirk": 7988, "Falkirk F.C.": 4271, "Falkland Islands": 4341, "Falklands War": 6320, "Falls Church": 12293, "Fame": 10016, "Family Guy": 1819, "Family Plot": 2270, "Famke Janssen": 5520, "Fanny and Alexander": 7723, "Fantastic Four": 5705, "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer": 93, "Fantastic Mr. Fox": 9101, "Far from Heaven": 3566, "Fargo": 2021, "Farida Jalal": 4743, "Farnborough F.C.": 8799, "Faroe Islands": 10992, "Farrah Fawcett": 9375, "Farsley Celtic A.F.C.": 9559, "Fashion Institute of Technology": 8028, "Fast Five": 7080, "Fast Food Nation": 7106, "Fat Joe": 9071, "Fat Possum Records": 12253, "Fat Wreck Chords": 12628, "Fatal Attraction": 5038, "Fatboy Slim": 2226, "Father of the Bride Part II": 8189, "Fauquier County": 3667, "Faye Dunaway": 4081, "Fayette County": 11430, "Fayetteville": 1252, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas": 10274, "Fear the Walking Dead": 7176, "February": 6283, "Federalist Party": 12926, "Federated States of Micronesia": 12081, "Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina": 12107, "Federico Fellini": 9969, "Felicity Huffman": 570, "Felix Bastians": 2464, "Felix Mendelssohn": 1552, "Fender Precision Bass": 9437, "Fergie": 5151, "Fernando Trueba": 6837, "Feroz Khan": 7738, "Ferrara": 11994, "Ferret Music": 12399, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off": 2492, "Ferris Webster": 9208, "Festival": 13260, "Feyenoord": 8633, "Fiddler on the Roof": 7056, "Fidel Castro": 10742, "Fields Medal": 13424, "Fife": 9807, "Fight Club": 3148, "Fiji": 3052, "Filipino": 12902, "Filipino Americans": 8291, "Filipino people": 2080, "Film and Television Institute of India": 10733, "Filmfare Award for Best Actor": 1055, "Filmfare Award for Best Actress": 6069, "Filmfare Award for Best Director": 5792, "Filmfare Award for Best Film": 6464, "Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor": 6089, "Final Destination": 267, "Final Destination 5": 1906, "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children": 8107, "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within": 5053, "Finding Nemo": 3894, "Finding Neverland": 3262, "Fine Gael": 13570, "Fine Line Features": 5393, "Finland": 1183, "Finland national football team": 7203, "Finnish": 11023, "Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School": 6957, "First Continental Congress": 6849, "First Crusade": 11782, "First French Empire": 11072, "First Indochina War": 1441, "First Lady of the United States": 13028, "First National": 5332, "First War of Indian Independence of 1857": 11308, "First War of Scottish Independence": 8645, "Fish Tank": 1573, "Fisher Stevens": 8165, "Fisk University": 11765, "Fist of the North Star": 8824, "Fitzwilliam College": 4864, "Flags of Our Fathers": 5438, "Flagstaff": 6295, "Flash Gordon": 7558, "Flashdance": 4530, "Flathead County": 12800, "Flea": 3206, "Fleetwood Mac": 8796, "Fleetwood Town F.C.": 5718, "Flight": 5895, "Flight of the Conchords": 7907, "Flint": 4513, "Flo Rida": 9649, "Florence": 4848, "Florida": 3509, "Florida A&M University": 4433, "Florida Atlantic University": 10390, "Florida Department of Environmental Protection": 10444, "Florida International University": 10358, "Florida Keys": 12939, "Florida Panthers": 9729, "Florida State University": 3124, "Fluminense F.C.": 10092, "Flushing": 6248, "Focus Features": 1845, "Folkestone": 13370, "Fond du Lac County": 10096, "Fontana": 11220, "Foo Fighters": 1349, "Food Network": 10920, "Footloose": 768, "For Your Consideration": 9647, "For Your Eyes Only": 1619, "Forbes": 2310, "Ford Motor Company": 227, "Fordham University": 6198, "Fordham University School of Law": 12214, "Foreign Correspondent": 10303, "Foreigner": 8651, "Forest Green Rovers F.C.": 10314, "Forest Lawn Memorial Park": 4892, "Forest Whitaker": 5838, "Forfar Athletic F.C.": 3102, "Forgetting Sarah Marshall": 706, "Forrest Gump": 5563, "Fort Bend County": 2725, "Fort Collins": 12925, "Fort Lauderdale": 5117, "Fort Lauderdale Strikers": 7894, "Fort Myers": 6937, "Fort Smith": 12231, "Fort Wayne": 2120, "Fort Worth": 9923, "Fortune 500": 7902, "Fortune Global 500": 2010, "Four Rooms": 6858, "Four Weddings and a Funeral": 4748, "Fox Broadcasting Company": 3422, "Fox Kids": 8105, "Fox News": 12618, "Fox Searchlight Pictures": 731, "Framingham": 12898, "Fran Drescher": 242, "Fran Walsh": 4583, "France": 944, "France national football team": 3250, "Frances Conroy": 8463, "Frances Fisher": 9117, "Frances Marion": 5977, "Frances McDormand": 398, "Franchot Tone": 8601, "Francis Bacon": 11896, "Francis Ford Coppola": 4856, "Franco Zeffirelli": 2318, "Frank Borzage": 7385, "Frank Capra": 1430, "Frank Gehry": 11609, "Frank Herbert": 11228, "Frank Herbert's Dune": 9224, "Frank Langella": 2567, "Frank Lloyd Wright": 12434, "Frank Loesser": 7610, "Frank Marshall": 5925, "Frank Miller": 10219, "Frank Oz": 5537, "Frank Pierson": 6363, "Frank R. McKelvy": 6307, "Frank Sinatra": 4052, "Frank Skinner": 12797, "Frank Spotnitz": 6064, "Frank Tashlin": 7899, "Frank Vincent": 4401, "Frank Welker": 8808, "Frank Zappa": 1392, "Frankenstein": 8318, "Frankenstein's monster": 10350, "Frankenweenie": 83, "Frankfort": 12739, "Frankfurt": 9888, "Frankfurt (Oder)": 8624, "Frankie Faison": 11022, "Franklin": 6265, "Franklin & Marshall College": 9777, "Franklin County": 9416, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt": 7344, "Franklin Medal": 13409, "Franz Kafka": 250, "Franz Liszt": 11998, "Franz Schubert": 11701, "Franz Waxman": 8553, "Frasier": 8232, "Freakazoid!": 11949, "Fred Armisen": 1114, "Fred Astaire": 7468, "Fred Durst": 1202, "Fred Ebb": 10962, "Fred Frith": 2257, "Fred MacMurray": 5004, "Fred Quimby": 5953, "Fred Tatasciore": 6719, "Fred Thompson": 6777, "Fred Ward": 7095, "Fred Willard": 3670, "Fred Williamson": 9819, "Fred Zinnemann": 3776, "Freddie Francis": 7053, "Freddie Hubbard": 4523, "Freddie Mercury": 6798, "Freddie Prinze": 3472, "Freddie Young": 5936, "Freddy Got Fingered": 4633, "Freddy Rodriguez": 181, "Freddy vs. Jason": 10160, "Frederick": 6935, "Frederick County": 10620, "Frederick II of Prussia": 12191, "Fredericksburg": 10142, "Fredericton": 12722, "Frederik Pohl": 10273, "Fredric March": 484, "Fredrikstad FK": 7456, "Free University of Berlin": 8957, "FreeBSD": 13271, "Freeform": 8903, "Freetown": 13373, "Freiburg im Breisgau": 6569, "Fremantle": 12932, "Fremont": 4593, "Fremont County": 4157, "French": 3387, "French American": 5448, "French Army": 12473, "French First Republic": 13505, "French National Assembly": 13259, "French Polynesia": 8008, "French Revolution": 13148, "French Third Republic": 7900, "French and Indian War": 12262, "French cuisine": 12923, "French horn": 1931, "French invasion of Russia": 11966, "French people": 8315, "Frenzy": 5402, "Fresno": 11565, "Fresno County": 8355, "Frida": 11080, "Friday Night Lights": 7815, "Friedrich Hayek": 5149, "Friedrich Hollaender": 9087, "Friedrich Nietzsche": 5972, "Friedrich Schiller": 11474, "Friends": 5910, "Friends with Benefits": 5020, "Friesland": 11601, "Fringe": 7453, "Fritz Lang": 9520, "Fritz Leiber Junior": 5778, "Friuli\u2013Venezia Giulia": 11257, "Friz Freleng": 5502, "From Dusk till Dawn": 6293, "From Hell": 2118, "From Here to Eternity": 2833, "From Russia with Love": 11942, "From the Earth to the Moon": 5775, "FromSoftware": 13248, "Frontiers Records": 13131, "Frosinone Calcio": 5060, "Frost/Nixon": 4020, "Fueled By Ramen": 10413, "Fuji Television": 5403, "Fujian": 12593, "Fukuoka": 5434, "Fukuoka Prefecture": 8022, "Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks": 2274, "Fukushima Prefecture": 10046, "Fulham": 12700, "Fulham F.C.": 6433, "Full Metal Jacket": 2448, "Fullerton": 11429, "Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa": 8196, "Fulton County": 10330, "Funkadelic": 10026, "Funny Girl": 5806, "Funny People": 3624, "Furman University": 2718, "Futurama": 3423, "Fyodor Dostoyevsky": 630, "Fyvush Finkel": 5153, "G-Force": 1558, "G. K. Chesterton": 1604, "G.D. Estoril Praia": 6833, "G.I. Joe: Retaliation": 10252, "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra": 58, "GFW Impact!": 13354, "GMA Network": 12964, "GNU General Public License": 13219, "GNU Lesser General Public License": 5588, "GT Interactive Software": 12325, "Gabon": 7627, "Gabriel Byrne": 7953, "Gabriel Yared": 35, "Gabrielle Union": 4103, "Gadsden": 10401, "Gainesville": 7390, "Galaxy Quest": 1933, "Gale Anne Hurd": 8849, "Galileo Galilei": 9911, "Gallipoli": 7357, "Gallipoli Campaign": 724, "Galveston": 12295, "Galveston County": 11399, "Galway": 12423, "Gambia": 6840, "Gambia national football team": 9253, "Game Change": 5339, "Game of Thrones": 3986, "Gameloft": 3958, "Gandhi": 844, "Gangs of New York": 3621, "Gannett Company": 7625, "Gap, Inc.": 7480, "Garbage": 510, "Garden State": 402, "Gardner Fox": 10824, "Garland": 4418, "Garret Dillahunt": 4388, "Garry Chalk": 4857, "Garry Marshall": 1044, "Garry Shandling": 9624, "Garth Brooks": 5466, "Gary": 1614, "Gary Barber": 513, "Gary Busey": 555, "Gary Cole": 11098, "Gary Cooper": 3335, "Gary David Goldberg": 1676, "Gary Dourdan": 3057, "Gary Goetzman": 968, "Gary Lucchesi": 10614, "Gary Moore": 1774, "Gary Numan": 7236, "Gary Oldman": 3965, "Gary Ross": 9655, "Gary Rydstrom": 2582, "Gary Sheffield": 1289, "Gary Sinise": 553, "Gary Summers": 5731, "Gaslight": 2637, "Gaston County": 5647, "Gate Keepers 21": 1779, "Gateshead": 13301, "Gateshead F.C.": 12146, "Gatineau": 11674, "Gattaca": 1894, "Gaumont Film Company": 6211, "Gautama Buddha": 9828, "Gaziantepspor": 8049, "Geelong": 9754, "Geelong Football Club": 12306, "Geena Davis": 3666, "Geffen Records": 2610, "Gelderland": 11020, "Gena Rowlands": 6867, "Gene Callahan": 12324, "Gene Colan": 9976, "Gene Hackman": 1416, "Gene Kelly": 5889, "Gene Reynolds": 5620, "Gene Roddenberry": 2245, "Gene Simmons": 9895, "Gene Wilder": 3770, "Gene Wolfe": 9335, "Genentech": 3252, "General Dynamics": 12364, "General Dynamics Electric Boat": 12313, "General Electric": 4138, "General Growth Properties": 8976, "General Hospital": 1646, "General Motors": 10696, "Genesee County": 12826, "Genesis": 2728, "Geneva": 11480, "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design": 9267, "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Costume Design": 9691, "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Editing": 12279, "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Overall Sound": 3481, "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Sound Editing": 7345, "Genoa": 8889, "Genoa Cricket and Football Club": 6891, "Gentleman's Agreement": 7957, "Geoff Johns": 2510, "Geoffrey Lewis": 3406, "Geoffrey Rush": 2314, "Geoffrey Unsworth": 7506, "Georg Solti": 1791, "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel": 487, "George A. Romero": 7180, "George Abbott": 5178, "George Barnes": 8133, "George Benson": 9449, "George Bernard Shaw": 2092, "George Burns": 10188, "George C. Scott": 8707, "George Carlin": 5371, "George Clinton": 5677, "George Clooney": 246, "George Cukor": 8800, "George Duke": 10331, "George Duning": 11217, "George Fenton": 6382, "George Frideric Handel": 7126, "George Gershwin": 9992, "George H. W. Bush": 5260, "George Hamilton": 10193, "George Harrison": 2603, "George Harrison: Living in the Material World": 11037, "George Hopkins": 7938, "George III of Great Britain": 8362, "George J. Folsey": 7405, "George Kennedy": 5468, "George Lopez": 9076, "George Lucas": 576, "George Martin": 4072, "George Mason University": 6381, "George Michael": 2969, "George Miller": 2372, "George Orwell": 5297, "George R. Nelson": 8973, "George R. R. Martin": 3714, "George Raft": 623, "George S. Clinton": 9360, "George Sanders": 10619, "George Seaton": 1379, "George Segal": 10596, "George Stevens": 4424, "George Strait": 6803, "George Takei": 4544, "George V": 10859, "George W. Bush": 5472, "George Washington": 2378, "George Washington University": 7260, "George Washington University Law School": 10498, "Georges Delerue": 4891, "Georgetown": 13239, "Georgetown University": 4679, "Georgetown University Law Center": 4332, "Georgia": 2674, "Georgia Institute of Technology": 3352, "Georgia State University": 11819, "Georgia national football team": 6145, "Georgian architecture": 13389, "Georgy Zhukov": 11224, "Gerald Ford": 7087, "Geraldine Chaplin": 1884, "Geraldine Page": 11628, "Geraldine Somerville": 2607, "Gerard Butler": 3693, "German": 890, "German Americans": 934, "German Army": 13209, "German Democratic Republic": 7896, "German Empire": 4217, "German Shepherd dog": 2002, "German cuisine": 12525, "German-Soviet War": 11357, "Germans": 7061, "Germany": 1623, "Germany in Autumn": 3934, "Germany national football team": 4097, "Gerry Anderson": 12320, "Gerry Conway": 9797, "Gertrude Stein": 12186, "Get Carter": 9840, "Get Him to the Greek": 6679, "Get Low": 7162, "Get Shorty": 4803, "Get Smart": 9683, "Getafe CF": 1097, "Gettysburg": 2704, "Gettysburg College": 2643, "Ghana": 2745, "Ghana national football team": 8927, "Ghent": 11607, "Ghent University": 3095, "Ghost": 7733, "Ghost Rider": 9468, "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance": 1279, "Ghost World": 4520, "Ghostbusters": 5331, "Ghostbusters II": 6489, "Gia": 360, "Giancarlo Esposito": 7936, "Giant": 1230, "Giant Records": 9250, "Gibraltar": 10550, "Gifu Prefecture": 6126, "Gigi": 8649, "Gigli": 6118, "Gil Bellows": 3546, "Gil Kane": 9678, "Gil Scott-Heron": 5410, "Gil Vicente F.C.": 3730, "Gila County": 9167, "Gilbert Gottfried": 7867, "Gilles Deleuze": 9701, "Gillian Anderson": 1166, "Gillian Welch": 9260, "Gillingham F.C.": 5856, "Gina Gershon": 4763, "Gina McKee": 9964, "Ginger Rogers": 4539, "Gioachino Rossini": 12093, "Giorgio Moroder": 3764, "Giovani dos Santos": 3587, "Giovanni Ribisi": 1540, "Girish Karnad": 12336, "Girl Scouts of the USA": 5914, "Girl with a Pearl Earring": 840, "Girl, Interrupted": 1920, "Girls": 8869, "Gironde": 12725, "Girton College": 11728, "Giuseppe Colucci": 1665, "Giuseppe Verdi": 10275, "Gladiator": 1375, "Gladys Knight": 10812, "Glasgow": 5271, "Glasgow School of Art": 12675, "Glasnevin Cemetery": 13627, "Glee": 538, "Glee: The 3D Concert Movie": 7155, "Glen A. Larson": 9718, "Glen Ballard": 1977, "Glen Campbell": 6132, "Glen Cove": 4221, "Glen Morgan": 4753, "Glenda Jackson": 1684, "Glendale": 3349, "Glenn Close": 6317, "Glenn Danzig": 10536, "Glenn Ford": 9379, "Glenn Frey": 5330, "Glens Falls": 4214, "Global Television Network": 4921, "Gloria Estefan": 7834, "Gloria Stuart": 2161, "Glory": 7734, "Gloucester": 12801, "Gloucester County": 8057, "Gloucestershire": 12975, "Goa": 10165, "Goddard College": 10621, "Godoy Cruz Antonio Tomba": 6982, "Gods and Monsters": 4611, "Godzilla": 874, "Goethe University Frankfurt": 11985, "Going My Way": 4041, "Gold Coast": 12780, "Gold Coast United FC": 6515, "Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society": 12605, "Golden Bear": 10459, "Golden Gate Bridge": 9994, "Golden Globe Ambassador": 8986, "Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film": 5362, "Golden Globe Award for Best Director": 720, "Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film": 4288, "Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score": 1893, "Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song": 1693, "Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay": 904, "Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award": 2759, "Golden Lion": 4900, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor": 1703, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress": 1258, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director": 337, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst New Star": 3873, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Original Song": 3200, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture": 1402, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel": 1136, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble": 2107, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screenplay": 826, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor": 57, "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actress": 107, "Golden Reel Award": 8285, "Golden Retriever": 4446, "Golden Satellite Awards 2004": 8529, "Golden State Warriors": 797, "GoldenEye": 7123, "Golders Green Crematorium": 12273, "Goldfinger": 7393, "Goldie Hawn": 4462, "Goldman Sachs": 3491, "Goldsmiths, University of London": 8475, "Gone Baby Gone": 992, "Gone with the Wind": 3496, "Gong": 10485, "Gonville and Caius College": 11545, "Gonzaga University": 1386, "Good": 5042, "Good Morning America": 11626, "Good Night, and Good Luck.": 3325, "Good Will Hunting": 7450, "Goodfellas": 5350, "Google": 2742, "Gordon Brown": 6646, "Gordon Douglas": 12929, "Gordon Willis": 6903, "Gore Vidal": 3076, "Gorillaz": 3528, "Gosford Park": 1679, "Gossip Girl": 2941, "Gotha": 10671, "Gothenburg": 12236, "Gothic Revival architecture": 13497, "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz": 5237, "Governor General's Award for English-language non-fiction": 12548, "Governor General's Award for English-language poetry": 10631, "Governor of Kentucky": 10672, "Governor of Massachusetts": 10890, "Governor of New Jersey": 13525, "Governor of New York": 12328, "Governor of Texas": 11038, "Govinda": 11193, "Goya Award for Best Actor": 12201, "Goya Award for Best Actress": 9282, "Goya Award for Best Director": 7505, "Goya Award for Best Film": 6097, "Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay": 607, "Goya Award for Best Spanish Language Foreign Film": 13513, "Goya Award for Best Supporting Actress": 11623, "Grace Jones": 3399, "Graeme Revell": 12247, "Grafton County": 9081, "Graham Chapman": 11337, "Graham Gouldman": 1618, "Graham Greene": 8641, "Graham Holdings Company": 3037, "Graham King": 4701, "Graham Yost": 5276, "Grambling State University": 2878, "Grammy Award for Album of the Year": 1828, "Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album": 2075, "Grammy Award for Best Bluegrass Album": 1767, "Grammy Award for Best Classical Album": 3094, "Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition": 9509, "Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album": 8321, "Grammy Award for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media": 2711, "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Blues Album": 1799, "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Jazz Album": 9845, "Grammy Award for Best Country Album": 1769, "Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording": 591, "Grammy Award for Best Dance/Electronic Album": 9772, "Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance": 8237, "Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance": 5835, "Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance": 1938, "Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance": 7144, "Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance (without orchestra)": 11095, "Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist(s) Performance (with orchestra)": 3637, "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Instrumental Album": 3437, "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album": 10369, "Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album": 6114, "Grammy Award for Best Male Country Vocal Performance": 3259, "Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance": 2410, "Grammy Award for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance": 3092, "Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance": 2096, "Grammy Award for Best Music Film": 3134, "Grammy Award for Best Music Video": 2920, "Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album": 3806, "Grammy Award for Best New Age Album": 10286, "Grammy Award for Best New Artist": 1811, "Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals": 449, "Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals": 3883, "Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album": 1265, "Grammy Award for Best Rap Album": 4709, "Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group": 1246, "Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance": 2738, "Grammy Award for Best Rap Song": 660, "Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung Performance": 303, "Grammy Award for Best Recording Package": 2099, "Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album": 4990, "Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical": 7623, "Grammy Award for Best Rock Album": 4176, "Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance": 6323, "Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal": 6459, "Grammy Award for Best Rock Song": 203, "Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media": 2487, "Grammy Award for Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance": 8582, "Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media": 2998, "Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for Children": 5455, "Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues Album": 856, "Grammy Award for Best Urban/Alternative Performance": 9882, "Grammy Award for Record of the Year": 878, "Grammy Award for Song of the Year": 1577, "Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award": 1387, "Gran Torino": 11078, "Granada CF": 370, "Grand Forks": 7361, "Grand Teton National Park": 12258, "Grant County": 10481, "Grant Heslov": 3467, "Grant Morrison": 8305, "Grants Pass": 7752, "Grateful Dead": 6037, "Grays Athletic F.C.": 10572, "Grays Harbor County": 7403, "Graz": 6563, "Grease": 6546, "Great Britain": 6513, "Great Expectations": 592, "Great Falls": 8955, "Great Patriotic War": 10918, "Great Yarmouth": 7415, "Greater Boston": 13183, "Greater Houston": 13611, "Greater London": 4367, "Greater Los Angeles Area": 8540, "Greater Manchester": 13449, "Greater Poland Voivodeship": 12863, "Greater St. Louis": 11805, "Greater Sudbury": 12943, "Greco-Roman wrestling": 3258, "Greece": 1754, "Greece national football team": 10699, "Greek": 10425, "Greek American": 10532, "Greek Orthodox Church": 13247, "Greek mythology": 12795, "Green Bay": 12441, "Green Bay Packers": 4852, "Green Day": 3208, "Green Lantern": 2265, "Green Party of the United States": 12880, "Green Zone": 7438, "Greene County": 7853, "Greenland": 12643, "Greenock": 8530, "Greenock Morton F.C.": 7724, "Greensboro": 7926, "Greensburg": 11254, "Greenville": 7592, "Greenville County": 12771, "Greenwich": 11417, "Greenwich Mean Time": 2615, "Greenwich Village": 11989, "Greenwood": 13317, "Greg Ayres": 11360, "Greg Bear": 2293, "Greg Daniels": 5121, "Greg Graffin": 5158, "Greg Kinnear": 8922, "Gregg Allman": 3034, "Gregory Hoblit": 4053, "Gregory Nicotero": 6494, "Gregory Peck": 7958, "Grenada": 10245, "Grenada national football team": 274, "Grenoble": 6367, "Grenoble Foot 38": 3706, "Gresham's School": 11787, "Greta Scacchi": 11427, "Gretchen Mol": 7560, "Grey DeLisle": 11775, "Grey Gardens": 7193, "Grey's Anatomy": 7322, "Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes": 3401, "Griffin Dunne": 7386, "Grimsby": 13600, "Grimsby Town F.C.": 8677, "Grindhouse": 993, "Grinnell College": 9547, "Groningen": 9161, "Gross out": 12571, "Groton School": 11789, "Groucho Marx": 3045, "Groundhog Day": 4759, "Grove Street Cemetery": 11820, "Grover Cleveland": 10061, "Grown Ups": 11871, "Guadalajara": 4402, "Guadeloupe national football team": 10238, "Guam": 3606, "Guangdong": 11850, "Guangzhou": 12874, "Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao Football Club": 5864, "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize": 13002, "Guatemala": 6371, "Guatemala City": 11195, "Guelph": 7746, "Guernsey": 12087, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner": 1870, "Guiding Light": 4177, "Guildford": 12199, "Guildhall School of Music and Drama": 429, "Guilford County": 12370, "Guillermo del Toro": 7885, "Guinea": 9170, "Guinea national football team": 10198, "Guinea-Bissau": 6300, "Guitar Hero 5": 6932, "Guitar Hero II": 12006, "Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock": 11658, "Guitar Hero World Tour": 12184, "Gujarat": 3759, "Gujarati": 12523, "Gulf War": 11758, "Gulfport": 610, "Gulliver's Travels": 256, "Gulshan Grover": 10909, "Gulzar": 903, "Guns N\u2019 Roses": 8590, "Gus Van Sant": 2175, "Gustave Flaubert": 4031, "Gustavo Cerati": 7276, "Gustavo Santaolalla": 6355, "Guy Pearce": 25, "Guy Ritchie": 7089, "Guyana": 6611, "Guyana national football team": 3973, "Guys and Dolls": 7773, "Gwar": 11085, "Gwen Stefani": 6014, "Gwen Wakeling": 2831, "Gwinnett County": 11618, "Gwynedd": 12993, "Gwyneth Paltrow": 4734, "Gyeonggi Province": 11939, "H. G. Wells": 4722, "H. H. Asquith": 5399, "H. Jon Benjamin": 9070, "H. P. Lovecraft": 4457, "H.N.K. Hajduk Split": 6780, "HAL Laboratory": 11672, "HBO": 1966, "HBO Films": 3006, "HTC Corporation": 12073, "Haarlem": 4553, "Habsburg Monarchy": 12084, "Hackensack": 11970, "Hagerstown": 9308, "Haifa": 13154, "Haim Saban": 2402, "Hairspray": 6605, "Haiti": 5565, "Haiti national football team": 11071, "Hal B. Wallis": 8070, "Hal David": 11857, "Hal Holbrook": 2499, "Hal Mohr": 12283, "Hal Pereira": 6306, "Hal Roach": 8202, "Hal Smith": 7222, "Halesowen Town F.C.": 6662, "Halifax": 1499, "Halle (Saale)": 12727, "Halle Berry": 1203, "Hallmark Hall of Fame": 8177, "Halloween": 5528, "Hamas": 13292, "Hamburg": 4010, "Hamburger SV": 4992, "Hameur Bouazza": 1543, "Hamilton": 5301, "Hamilton Academical F.C.": 9732, "Hamilton Bulldogs": 9538, "Hamilton College": 10012, "Hamilton County": 2679, "Hamilton Tiger-Cats": 11671, "Hamlet": 4018, "Hammer Film Productions": 12702, "Hammersmith": 8964, "Hammond": 9333, "Hammond organ": 4910, "Hampden County": 8913, "Hampshire": 9763, "Hampshire College": 1986, "Hampshire County": 11239, "Hampstead": 8347, "Hampton": 9006, "Hampton University": 327, "Hancock": 6006, "Hancock County": 11803, "Hangzhou": 11127, "Hank Azaria": 9536, "Hank Williams Jr.": 8449, "Hannah Arendt": 241, "Hannah Montana: The Movie": 717, "Hannah and Her Sisters": 3901, "Hannibal": 6420, "Hannibal Rising": 10928, "Hannover 96": 7881, "Hanoi": 11579, "Hanover": 4816, "Hans Christian Andersen": 11654, "Hans Dreier": 3028, "Hans J. Salter": 10260, "Hans Zimmer": 4129, "Hanshin Tigers": 12125, "Hapoel Be'er Sheva F.C.": 12564, "Hapoel Haifa F.C.": 10970, "Hapoel Tel Aviv F.C.": 8978, "Happy Days": 7810, "Happy Feet": 7362, "Happy Gilmore": 5766, "Happy Madison Productions": 2466, "Happy Together": 5109, "Happy-Go-Lucky": 6551, "Harare": 12574, "Harbin": 8886, "Harford County": 12992, "Harlan Ellison": 1326, "Harland and Wolff": 12804, "Harlem": 1256, "Harlem Renaissance": 12714, "Harlow": 12445, "Harold Arlen": 8728, "Harold Faltermeyer": 8766, "Harold Gould": 11943, "Harold Lloyd": 2490, "Harold Perrineau": 8112, "Harold Pinter": 8280, "Harold Ramis": 14, "Harold Rosson": 9292, "Harris County": 9322, "Harrisburg": 6101, "Harrison Ford": 7876, "Harrogate": 10854, "Harrogate Town A.F.C.": 4023, "Harrow": 12229, "Harrow School": 10889, "Harry Andrews": 3817, "Harry Belafonte": 3991, "Harry Connick Jr.": 9407, "Harry Dean Stanton": 7777, "Harry Gregson-Williams": 4811, "Harry Morgan": 9072, "Harry Nilsson": 8331, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets": 2685, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire": 8619, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince": 4494, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix": 8839, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone": 835, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban": 3860, "Harry S. Truman": 2987, "Harry Shearer": 982, "Harry Shum": 2444, "Harry Stradling": 11570, "Harry Turtledove": 6824, "Harry Warren": 5735, "Hartford": 7436, "Hartford County": 4245, "Hartford Wolf Pack": 11043, "Hartlepool": 7516, "Hartlepool United F.C.": 7755, "Haruki Murakami": 6630, "Harvard Business School": 5592, "Harvard College": 4642, "Harvard Divinity School": 11617, "Harvard Graduate School of Design": 10958, "Harvard Law School": 8738, "Harvard Medical School": 7340, "Harvard University": 4590, "Harvey Fierstein": 5881, "Harvey Keitel": 2980, "Harvey Weinstein": 3239, "Haryana": 10297, "Hasbro, Inc.": 2698, "Haskell": 5978, "Haskell Wexler": 3299, "Hastings": 12708, "Hattiesburg": 12857, "Haut-Rhin": 10811, "Haute-Savoie": 13293, "Havana": 10864, "Haverford College": 8374, "Haverhill": 9444, "Havok": 13478, "Hawaii": 7782, "Hawaiian Islands": 10147, "Hawkwind": 9396, "Hayao Miyazaki": 5813, "Hayden Christensen": 3179, "Hayden Panettiere": 899, "Hayley Mills": 5240, "Hayley Williams": 10364, "Hayward": 9675, "Haywire": 747, "He's Just Not That into You": 9080, "Hearst": 7903, "Heart": 7786, "Heart of Midlothian F.C.": 8119, "Heartbeats": 7525, "Hearts and Minds": 8351, "Heat": 7688, "Heath Ledger": 3274, "Heather Graham": 6052, "Heather Locklear": 10546, "Heather Mitts": 5802, "Heather Morris": 2399, "Heather O'Reilly": 5810, "Heathrow Airport": 1170, "Heaven Can Wait": 9288, "Heaven's Gate": 9573, "Heavy Metal": 9414, "Hebei": 13435, "Hebrew": 5205, "Hebrew University of Jerusalem": 4237, "Hednesford Town F.C.": 10818, "Heidelberg": 3736, "Heidelberg University": 5354, "Heinz Eric Roemheld": 11866, "Heisman Trophy": 8970, "Helen": 12470, "Helen Hayes": 6136, "Helen Hunt": 540, "Helen Mirren": 3345, "Helen Rose": 2155, "Helena": 2657, "Helena Bonham Carter": 3149, "Hellas Verona F.C.": 12305, "Hellboy": 8113, "Hellboy II: The Golden Army": 9332, "Hello, Dolly!": 11314, "Helsingborg": 8252, "Helsingborgs IF": 10950, "Helsinki": 11867, "Hema Malini": 8769, "Hemel Hempstead": 12498, "Hempstead": 9633, "Henan": 12266, "Henderson": 12431, "Hennepin County": 9329, "Henri Bergson": 972, "Henri Matisse": 6078, "Henrico County": 1682, "Henrik Ibsen": 3494, "Henry Blanke": 10701, "Henry Bumstead": 3029, "Henry Corden": 10997, "Henry David Thoreau": 7323, "Henry Fonda": 4040, "Henry Gibson": 11424, "Henry Grace": 6831, "Henry Hathaway": 10348, "Henry James": 8864, "Henry King": 1712, "Henry Mancini": 6015, "Henry Rollins": 6348, "Henry V": 7637, "Henry Winkler": 475, "Hensley Meulens": 6622, "Heracles Almelo": 12609, "Herb Alpert": 6200, "Herbert Hoover": 4809, "Herbert Lom": 5450, "Herbert Ross": 315, "Herbert Stothart": 8949, "Herbie Hancock": 450, "Hercules": 3820, "Hereafter": 8605, "Hereford": 13256, "Hereford United F.C.": 5967, "Heriot-Watt University": 10847, "Herkimer County": 12024, "Herman Melville": 9759, "Hermann Hesse": 10565, "Heroes": 10815, "Hershey Bears": 9060, "Hertford College": 8129, "Hertfordshire": 11625, "Hertha BSC": 2463, "Hesse": 9722, "Hewlett-Packard": 4335, "Hezbollah": 13311, "Hi-NRG": 11388, "Hibernian F.C.": 5420, "Hidalgo County": 13103, "High Anxiety": 9736, "High Fidelity": 9323, "High Noon": 4501, "High Point": 12270, "High School Musical": 8199, "High Sheriff": 13412, "High Wycombe": 6346, "Highland Park": 12070, "Hikaru Utada": 9091, "Hilary Duff": 1393, "Hilary Haag": 111, "Hilary Swank": 9337, "Hilary and Jackie": 5201, "Hildesheim": 12180, "Hill Street Blues": 2025, "Hillary Clinton": 4592, "Hillsboro": 11697, "Hillsborough County": 4206, "Hilo": 11492, "Hilversum": 9709, "Himachal Pradesh": 13000, "Himalayas": 10051, "Himani Shivpuri": 13116, "Himesh Reshammiya": 1369, "Hindi": 2519, "Hindi Film Industry": 4940, "Hinduism": 10320, "Hindus": 11784, "Hindustani classical music": 9481, "Hiroshima": 11100, "Hiroshima Prefecture": 11101, "Hiroshima Toyo Carp": 5713, "Hispanic and Latino Americans": 11378, "History": 9874, "Hitchin": 12202, "Ho Chi Minh City": 13147, "Hobart": 9997, "Hobart and William Smith Colleges": 10984, "Hoboken": 10664, "Hoda Kotb": 10373, "Hoffa": 9586, "Hofstra University": 2172, "Hogan Sheffer": 5015, "Hokkaid\u014d": 10015, "Holby City": 9255, "Hold Back the Dawn": 6598, "Holes": 376, "Holland Taylor": 11692, "Holly Hunter": 5524, "Holly Marie Combs": 9127, "Hollyoaks": 11392, "Hollywood": 821, "Hollywood Forever Cemetery": 11885, "Hollywood Pictures": 10060, "Hollywood Records": 10998, "Hollywood Squares": 3288, "Hollywood Walk of Fame": 11808, "Holy Cross Cemetery": 11923, "Holy Roman Emperor": 13401, "Holy Roman Empire": 2371, "Holyoke": 6920, "Home Alone": 2744, "Homeland": 7313, "Homicide: Life on the Street": 12026, "Honduras": 4916, "Honduras national football team": 8969, "Hong Kong": 3550, "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress": 12039, "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Director": 7097, "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Film": 4175, "Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Performer": 9016, "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor": 7447, "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actress": 11791, "Hong Kong national football team": 12367, "Honolulu": 1793, "Honolulu County": 4899, "Honshu": 3570, "Hook": 5080, "Hope Davis": 4953, "Hope Springs": 5280, "Hope and Glory": 5758, "Horrible Bosses": 3710, "Hot Fuzz": 3956, "Hot Springs": 12343, "Hotel Rwanda": 6422, "Hotel Transylvania": 7713, "Houko Kuwashima": 10338, "House": 8021, "House of Bernadotte": 11485, "House of Bourbon": 10411, "House of Commons": 9477, "House of Flying Daggers": 3893, "House of Habsburg": 13364, "House of Hanover": 4313, "House of Hohenzollern": 3144, "House of Lords": 13244, "House of Oldenburg": 12440, "House of Orange-Nassau": 414, "House of Plantagenet": 13655, "House of Representatives": 12090, "House of Romanov": 13270, "House of Sand and Fog": 9869, "House of Savoy": 12782, "House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha": 13393, "House of Stuart": 12083, "House of Wax": 662, "House of Windsor": 11202, "House of Wittelsbach": 11888, "Houssine Kharja": 9493, "Houston": 6147, "Houston Aeros": 4820, "Houston Astros": 11941, "Houston Dynamo": 8847, "Houston Rockets": 2690, "Houston Texans": 1401, "Hove": 12383, "How Green Was My Valley": 2717, "How I Met Your Mother": 70, "How the West Was Won": 4315, "How to Train Your Dragon": 3694, "Howard Ashman": 10043, "Howard Bristol": 7774, "Howard County": 12277, "Howard Gordon": 4754, "Howard Hawks": 11829, "Howard Hughes": 1526, "Howard Morris": 12813, "Howard Shore": 5132, "Howard Stern": 11505, "Howard University": 2516, "Howard the Duck": 5272, "Howards End": 7050, "Howie Mandel": 8159, "Howl": 6038, "Howl's Moving Castle": 700, "Hrishikesh Mukherjee": 5776, "Hrithik Roshan": 7875, "Hubei": 11764, "Hud": 4704, "Huddersfield": 11936, "Huddersfield Town A.F.C.": 3755, "Hudson County": 6993, "Hudson Hawk": 9973, "Hudson River": 13157, "Hudson Soft": 12212, "Huelva": 7259, "Hugh Bonneville": 3567, "Hugh Dancy": 5357, "Hugh Grant": 7669, "Hugh Hefner": 4906, "Hugh Hunt": 11479, "Hugh Jackman": 1029, "Hugh Laurie": 9151, "Hugo": 2551, "Hugo Award for Best Novel": 4465, "Hugo Award for Best Novelette": 6353, "Hugo Award for Best Novella": 3713, "Hugo Award for Best Professional Artist": 9158, "Hugo Award for Best Short Story": 1796, "Hugo Friedhofer": 4038, "Hugo Weaving": 3927, "Hulk": 3997, "Hulk Hogan": 11882, "Hull City A.F.C.": 2748, "Humboldt County": 7325, "Humboldt University of Berlin": 12635, "Hume Cronyn": 3309, "Humphrey Bogart": 6847, "Hunan": 13067, "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress": 5041, "Hungarian": 10037, "Hungarians": 10036, "Hungary": 1254, "Hunter College": 2862, "Hunter S. Thompson": 75, "Hunterdon County": 1725, "Huntington": 4166, "Huntington Beach": 7578, "Huntsville": 10748, "Husbands and Wives": 1729, "Hustle & Flow": 6191, "Hyde Park on Hudson": 5195, "Hyderabad": 6896, "I Am Legend": 3270, "I Don't Know How She Does It": 5043, "I Heart Huckabees": 7564, "I Know Who Killed Me": 2069, "I Love You Phillip Morris": 3443, "I Love You, Man": 8063, "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry": 9465, "I Shot Andy Warhol": 8549, "I Spy": 5232, "I'm Not There": 3292, "I, Robot": 9488, "I. M. Pei": 12686, "I.R.S. Records": 10659, "IBM": 5920, "IF Elfsborg": 4639, "IFC Films": 8272, "IK Start": 5892, "IMAX": 7250, "INXS": 7946, "Iain Banks": 11817, "Iain Glen": 4911, "Ian Bannen": 10764, "Ian Bryce": 8670, "Ian Fleming": 4884, "Ian Holm": 7019, "Ian James Corlett": 4861, "Ian La Frenais": 4440, "Ian MacKaye": 8370, "Ian McEwan": 3493, "Ian McKellen": 1124, "Ian McNeice": 12182, "Ian McShane": 7421, "Ian Somerhalder": 11206, "Ibaraki Prefecture": 12575, "Iberian Peninsula": 12386, "Ice Age": 4161, "Ice Age: Continental Drift": 10480, "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs": 7530, "Ice Cube": 4658, "Ice-T": 5667, "Iceland": 3026, "Icon Productions": 11494, "Ida Lupino": 8717, "Idaho": 3739, "Idris Elba": 12458, "Iftekhar": 13267, "Iggy Pop": 6426, "Igor Stravinsky": 8288, "Il Divo": 5101, "Il Postino: The Postman": 4017, "Ilaiyaraaja": 7005, "Ilford": 1489, "Illeana Douglas": 6678, "Illinois": 4356, "Illinois Institute of Technology": 10397, "Illinois State University": 1890, "Image Comics": 13437, "Image Entertainment": 4155, "Imagine Entertainment": 2355, "Imagine That": 1469, "Imelda Staunton": 1233, "Immanuel Kant": 7497, "Immortals": 5966, "Imogen Heap": 8344, "Imperial College London": 3609, "Imperial County": 9533, "Imperial House of Japan": 13616, "Imperial Japanese Army": 4860, "Imperial Records": 11821, "Imperial Russian Army": 13305, "Impressionism": 13523, "In & Out": 3367, "In America": 1366, "In Bruges": 815, "In Harm's Way": 853, "In the Bedroom": 8663, "In the Heat of the Night": 4774, "In the Loop": 4361, "In the Mood for Love": 4400, "In the Name of the Father": 832, "In the Name of the King": 4120, "Inception": 3207, "Incheon United FC": 9912, "Independence": 8725, "Independence Day": 4317, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Director": 391, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Feature": 11444, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead": 3315, "Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay": 7103, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead": 560, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Screenplay": 3906, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female": 4664, "Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male": 1221, "India": 2877, "India national cricket team": 13448, "India national football team": 12373, "India.Arie": 1610, "Indian American": 8740, "Indian Army": 13286, "Indian Idol": 5581, "Indian National Congress": 11292, "Indian Ocean": 11264, "Indian River County": 12896, "Indian rupee": 9212, "Indiana": 476, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull": 5924, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom": 9581, "Indiana Pacers": 2452, "Indiana State University": 5665, "Indiana University": 7882, "Indiana University Bloomington": 4470, "Indiana University of Pennsylvania": 9540, "Indianapolis": 3874, "Indianapolis 500": 7476, "Indianapolis Colts": 2478, "Indigenous peoples of the United States": 4009, "Indo-Pakistani War of 1971": 9367, "Indonesia": 3216, "Indonesian": 8899, "Indonesian cuisine": 13539, "Indore": 11283, "Infernal Affairs": 9028, "Infernal Affairs II": 5987, "Infernal Affairs III": 6960, "Information Technology": 10210, "Ingham County": 722, "Inglewood": 10008, "Inglourious Basterds": 2461, "Ingmar Bergman": 3313, "Ingrid Bergman": 6232, "Inkheart": 5056, "Inland Empire": 3411, "Inner Hebrides": 13520, "Innocent": 5440, "Innsbruck": 10961, "Inside Deep Throat": 1713, "Insidious": 205, "Institute for Advanced Study": 12510, "Intel": 8614, "Interactive Advertising Bureau": 10293, "Internal Revenue Service": 2647, "International Cricket Council": 12843, "International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award": 10203, "International Tennis Hall of Fame": 13150, "Interplay Entertainment": 10805, "Interscope Records": 7920, "Interview with the Vampire": 9645, "Into the Storm": 5136, "Into the West": 599, "Into the Wild": 2500, "Intolerable Cruelty": 3324, "Invasion of Normandy": 11231, "Invercargill": 13172, "Inverness": 13056, "Inverness Caledonian Thistle F.C.": 7375, "Invictus": 2664, "Invincible": 8994, "Inyo County": 8367, "Ioan Gruffudd": 8862, "Iowa": 1191, "Iowa City": 282, "Iowa State University": 2219, "Iowa Writers' Workshop": 10042, "Ip Man": 6484, "Ipswich": 12471, "Ipswich Town F.C.": 8508, "Iqbal Theba": 1002, "Ira Gershwin": 8594, "Ira Steven Behr": 12760, "Iraklis F.C.": 11331, "Iran": 4927, "Iran national football team": 4137, "Iraq": 168, "Iraq War": 1948, "Iraq national football team": 2743, "Ireland": 443, "Irem": 11076, "Irene Cara": 5523, "Irene Lentz": 6640, "Irene Sharaff": 2776, "Iris": 6386, "Irish": 12535, "Irish Americans": 1898, "Irish migration to Great Britain": 4715, "Irish traditional music": 12698, "Iron Maiden": 3554, "Iron Man": 427, "Iron Man 2": 2612, "Iron Man 3": 5927, "Iron Sky": 7400, "Ironclad": 6496, "Iroquois": 11768, "Irrfan Khan": 10441, "Irvine": 7295, "Irving": 11760, "Irving Berlin": 5788, "Irving Thalberg": 11015, "Irwin Allen": 11294, "Irwin Winkler": 5867, "Isaac Asimov": 9297, "Isaac Hayes": 7122, "Isaac Newton": 8795, "Isaac Stern": 6616, "Isabella Rossellini": 1126, "Isabelle Adjani": 4063, "Isabelle Huppert": 11317, "Isaiah Washington": 7470, "Isfahan": 12284, "Islamabad": 13162, "Islamic studies": 8182, "Islamism": 13433, "Island Records": 5848, "Isle of Man": 12967, "Isle of Wight": 10443, "Islington": 12935, "Ismail Merchant": 7333, "Ismaily SC": 7068, "Israel": 3083, "Israel Defense Forces": 12207, "Israel national football team": 4311, "Israelis": 8286, "Istanbul": 10170, "It": 10800, "It Happened One Night": 1429, "It's Complicated": 3843, "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World": 5114, "It's a Wonderful Life": 5535, "Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts": 12887, "Italian": 39, "Italian American": 3945, "Italian cuisine": 8311, "Italians": 9927, "Italo Calvino": 6325, "Italo disco": 8422, "Italy": 155, "Italy national football team": 3905, "Ithaca": 2300, "Ithaca College": 43, "Ittihad FC": 9199, "Itzhak Perlman": 6617, "Ivan Reitman": 699, "Ivory Coast": 8897, "J Records": 11097, "J-pop": 10212, "J. D. Salinger": 8613, "J. Edgar": 692, "J. G. Ballard": 8861, "J. J. Abrams": 5274, "J. K. Rowling": 8404, "J. K. Simmons": 762, "J. M. Coetzee": 10461, "J. Michael Riva": 10387, "J. Michael Straczynski": 5012, "J. R. R. Tolkien": 512, "J. T. Walsh": 7320, "JFK": 1930, "JPMorgan Chase": 12153, "JVC Kenwood Victor Entertainment": 12096, "Ja Rule": 371, "Jack Abbott": 9605, "Jack Bender": 6901, "Jack Benny": 9750, "Jack Black": 1225, "Jack Bruce": 573, "Jack Elam": 11815, "Jack Giarraputo": 7372, "Jack Huston": 649, "Jack Kemp": 7418, "Jack Kerouac": 2959, "Jack Kirby": 5489, "Jack Lemmon": 7809, "Jack London": 11776, "Jack McBrayer": 7197, "Jack Nicholson": 411, "Jack Nitzsche": 7263, "Jack Palance": 6811, "Jack Reacher": 748, "Jack Thompson": 6217, "Jack Vance": 7585, "Jack Warden": 10924, "Jack Warner": 8452, "Jack Webb": 12558, "Jack White": 2927, "Jack and Jill": 5754, "Jackass 3D": 2022, "Jackass Number Two": 11834, "Jackass: The Movie": 5805, "Jackie Brown": 9727, "Jackie Chan": 102, "Jackie Cooper": 932, "Jackie Gleason": 10110, "Jackie Robinson": 11190, "Jackie Shroff": 1056, "Jackson": 8998, "Jackson Browne": 3091, "Jackson County": 2104, "Jackson State University": 11666, "Jacksonville": 9431, "Jacksonville Jaguars": 5837, "Jaco Pastorius": 8574, "Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma": 1315, "Jacob Vargas": 7147, "Jacqueline Bisset": 12552, "Jacques Derrida": 4575, "Jacques Lacan": 9700, "Jada Pinkett Smith": 9123, "Jade North": 1226, "Jagdeep": 4298, "Jagdish Raj": 13543, "Jaime Pressly": 10434, "Jainism": 13450, "Jaipur": 12755, "Jakarta": 10979, "Jake Gyllenhaal": 3514, "Jake Shimabukuro": 1000, "Jalandhar": 11403, "Jaleco": 13210, "Jalisco": 10208, "Jamaica": 435, "Jamaica national football team": 2976, "James A. Garfield": 7100, "James A. Michener": 4663, "James Arness": 5752, "James Baldwin": 9037, "James Blunt": 8391, "James Bond": 281, "James Brolin": 5542, "James Brown": 4434, "James Buchanan": 12132, "James Burrows": 147, "James Caan": 7474, "James Cagney": 5111, "James Cameron": 875, "James Cayne": 2358, "James Coburn": 3562, "James Cromwell": 6080, "James Denton": 6406, "James E. Reilly": 4677, "James E. Sullivan Award": 13653, "James Earl Jones": 2094, "James Fox": 11048, "James Franco": 80, "James G. Robinson": 7950, "James Gandolfini": 3597, "James Garner": 7170, "James Hetfield": 10266, "James Hong": 7384, "James Horner": 2963, "James Ingram": 2433, "James Ivory": 7334, "James Joyce": 8042, "James K. Polk": 4564, "James L. Brooks": 2858, "James LeGros": 7279, "James Levine": 10229, "James Madison": 6941, "James Madison University": 12529, "James Marsden": 4110, "James Marsters": 12241, "James Mason": 2623, "James McAvoy": 2439, "James Monroe": 1022, "James Newton Howard": 5762, "James Pickens": 7528, "James Poyser": 2429, "James Rebhorn": 5186, "James Remar": 4102, "James Schamus": 5071, "James Spader": 3578, "James Stewart": 5534, "James Taylor": 4825, "James Tiptree, Jr. Award": 5720, "James Whitmore": 4425, "James Wilby": 508, "James Wong": 266, "James Wong Howe": 6898, "James Wong Jim": 10629, "James Woods": 5826, "Jamestown": 8872, "Jamey Sheridan": 8607, "Jamie Cullum": 10736, "Jamie Foxx": 1010, "Jamie Kennedy": 10177, "Jamie Lee Curtis": 3487, "Jamie-Lynn Sigler": 364, "Jamiroquai": 9617, "Jammu and Kashmir": 7647, "Jan de Bont": 7759, "Jane Alexander": 7849, "Jane Austen": 9384, "Jane Campion": 721, "Jane Espenson": 10522, "Jane Eyre": 9427, "Jane Fonda": 1423, "Jane Horrocks": 10091, "Jane Krakowski": 4737, "Jane Lynch": 8639, "Jane Seymour": 10594, "Jane Wyman": 4492, "Jane's Addiction": 8473, "Janeane Garofalo": 6555, "Janel Moloney": 4601, "Janet Jackson": 2388, "Janet Leigh": 11913, "Janis Joplin": 5995, "January": 6240, "January Jones": 6699, "Japan": 214, "Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year": 11350, "Japan Academy Prize for Director of the Year": 7021, "Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding Foreign Language Film": 4339, "Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role": 13082, "Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Year": 7692, "Japan national football team": 8829, "Japanese": 2897, "Japanese American": 12061, "Japanese mythology": 13603, "Japanese people": 11605, "Japanese yen": 12506, "Jared Harris": 350, "Jared Leto": 8724, "Jarhead": 5329, "Jason Alexander": 10556, "Jason Bateman": 464, "Jason Biggs": 1909, "Jason Flemyng": 1659, "Jason Isaacs": 5084, "Jason Kidd": 3892, "Jason Lee": 1621, "Jason Marsden": 12082, "Jason Momoa": 3985, "Jason Mraz": 3761, "Jason Priestley": 11124, "Jason Reitman": 6850, "Jason Robards": 1597, "Jason Roberts": 161, "Jason Schwartzman": 6341, "Jason Segel": 8279, "Jason Sudeikis": 10871, "Java": 5325, "JavaScript": 5579, "Javanese people": 13201, "Javier Bardem": 2095, "Javier Grillo-Marxuach": 11052, "Jaws": 6613, "Jaws 3-D": 704, "Jay Baruchel": 3310, "Jay Bennett": 163, "Jay Chou": 6547, "Jay Kogen": 750, "Jay Leno": 3960, "Jay Mohr": 10152, "Jay Roach": 3765, "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back": 6470, "Jay-Z": 4710, "Jaya Bhaduri Bachchan": 13200, "Jayma Mays": 6675, "Jayne Mansfield": 9817, "Jazz piano": 9249, "Jean Cocteau": 8599, "Jean Louis": 6182, "Jean Passanante": 8464, "Jean Simmons": 10792, "Jean Smart": 7115, "Jean-Claude Van Damme": 5539, "Jean-Jacques Goldman": 1804, "Jean-Jacques Rousseau": 7718, "Jean-Luc Godard": 11259, "Jean-Michel Jarre": 291, "Jean-Paul Sartre": 1579, "Jeanne Moreau": 4745, "Jeddah": 13511, "Jeetendra": 12425, "Jeff Beck": 4250, "Jeff Bennett": 8827, "Jeff Bhasker": 6785, "Jeff Bridges": 5643, "Jeff Daniels": 6627, "Jeff Garcia": 4797, "Jeff Garlin": 7157, "Jeff Goldblum": 320, "Jeff Gordon": 9794, "Jeff Lynne": 8251, "Jeff Meckstroth": 11133, "Jeff Probst": 2931, "Jeff Richmond": 6741, "Jefferson Airplane": 10869, "Jefferson City": 10316, "Jefferson County": 6610, "Jefferson Parish": 9513, "Jefferson Starship": 10235, "Jeffrey Combs": 8690, "Jeffrey Jones": 6942, "Jeffrey Tambor": 794, "Jeffrey Wright": 6658, "Jeju United FC": 3531, "Jello Biafra": 12318, "Jemaine Clement": 1089, "Jena": 12847, "Jena Malone": 9570, "Jenna Bush Hager": 5771, "Jenna Fischer": 3233, "Jenna Ushkowitz": 1003, "Jennifer Aniston": 4290, "Jennifer Carpenter": 9307, "Jennifer Connelly": 6364, "Jennifer Coolidge": 5360, "Jennifer Ehle": 11012, "Jennifer Esposito": 5281, "Jennifer Garner": 7661, "Jennifer Hale": 10842, "Jennifer Hudson": 8771, "Jennifer Jason Leigh": 8484, "Jennifer Lawrence": 4178, "Jennifer Lopez": 4431, "Jennifer Love Hewitt": 12244, "Jennifer Morrison": 12188, "Jennifer Tilly": 4344, "Jenny Agutter": 4855, "Jenny McCarthy": 6030, "Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors": 8267, "Jeph Loeb": 5530, "Jeremy Clarkson": 10883, "Jeremy Davies": 9599, "Jeremy Irons": 2501, "Jeremy Northam": 2735, "Jeremy Piven": 6921, "Jeremy Renner": 3589, "Jeremy Sisto": 6308, "Jeremy Thomas": 5830, "Jeri Taylor": 6836, "Jermaine Dupri": 5284, "Jermaine Easter": 7756, "Jermaine Jackson": 3038, "Jerome Flynn": 11458, "Jerome Kern": 11070, "Jerry Belson": 749, "Jerry Bruckheimer": 1649, "Jerry Douglas": 4296, "Jerry Duplessis": 4661, "Jerry Garcia": 5857, "Jerry Goldsmith": 359, "Jerry Herman": 6390, "Jerry Hey": 7646, "Jerry Lee Lewis": 4961, "Jerry Lewis": 3162, "Jerry Maguire": 1297, "Jerry Nelson": 979, "Jerry O'Connell": 6887, "Jerry Orbach": 1534, "Jerry Seinfeld": 3799, "Jerry Siegel": 9673, "Jerry Stiller": 1746, "Jerry Wald": 12167, "Jerry Weintraub": 7838, "Jersey": 7022, "Jersey City": 12260, "Jersey Girl": 5431, "Jerusalem": 8446, "Jess Harnell": 13007, "Jessalyn Gilsig": 8146, "Jesse Eisenberg": 8563, "Jesse Louis Lasky": 7757, "Jesse McCartney": 9813, "Jesse Metcalfe": 569, "Jessica Alba": 10100, "Jessica Biel": 2530, "Jessica Chastain": 3374, "Jessica Lange": 5255, "Jessica Simpson": 3408, "Jessica Tandy": 8444, "Jessica Walter": 4460, "Jessye Norman": 9977, "Jesus Christ": 2724, "Jesus Christ Superstar": 10687, "Jesus College": 1397, "Jesus of Nazareth": 10192, "Jet Li": 9124, "Jethro Tull": 3431, "Jewel": 1069, "Jharkhand": 12359, "Jiang Wen": 912, "Jiangsu": 11166, "Jill Clayburgh": 6747, "Jill Scott": 4657, "Jim Beaver": 12761, "Jim Belushi": 3018, "Jim Broadbent": 3955, "Jim Brown": 3626, "Jim Carrey": 3396, "Jim Carter": 8198, "Jim Clark": 7500, "Jim Cummings": 4952, "Jim Dale": 7800, "Jim Henson": 7084, "Jim Jarmusch": 10157, "Jim Jonsin": 6137, "Jim Morrison": 3123, "Jim O'Rourke": 4932, "Jim Reardon": 6075, "Jim Sheridan": 7933, "Jim Steinman": 7969, "Jim Taylor": 1496, "Jim Thorpe": 10467, "Jimi Hendrix": 3861, "Jimmy Buffett": 807, "Jimmy Carter": 8588, "Jimmy Fallon": 838, "Jimmy Kimmel": 8596, "Jimmy Page": 6514, "Jimmy Smits": 9860, "Jimmy Van Heusen": 2485, "Jive Records": 6692, "JoBeth Williams": 4409, "Joan Allen": 5358, "Joan Baez": 2665, "Joan Bennett": 13558, "Joan Blondell": 9247, "Joan Chen": 2135, "Joan Collins": 7540, "Joan Crawford": 8525, "Joan Cusack": 4637, "Joan Plowright": 12063, "Joan Rivers": 2114, "Joan of Arc": 2144, "Joanna Cassidy": 2801, "Joanna Lumley": 10048, "Joanna Page": 3046, "Joanne Coyle": 1152, "Joanne Woodward": 8380, "Joaquin Phoenix": 965, "Jodhaa Akbar": 5793, "Jodie Foster": 3192, "Joe Berlinger": 1317, "Joe Biden": 1850, "Joe Cocker": 6205, "Joe Diffie": 10191, "Joe Haldeman": 4466, "Joe Hisaishi": 611, "Joe Jackson": 7499, "Joe Jonas": 6432, "Joe Mantegna": 5957, "Joe Morton": 9104, "Joe Pantoliano": 8064, "Joe Pasternak": 4951, "Joe Pesci": 5887, "Joe Roth": 11435, "Joe Satriani": 8469, "Joe Shuster": 6923, "Joe Strummer": 4394, "Joe Walsh": 2082, "Joel David Moore": 11952, "Joel Edgerton": 11813, "Joel Grey": 1316, "Joel Madden": 1213, "Joel Schumacher": 5998, "Joel Silver": 2234, "Joely Richardson": 8104, "Joey Fatone": 4727, "Joey Jordison": 9500, "Johann Sebastian Bach": 8467, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe": 10376, "Johannes Brahms": 12032, "Johannesburg": 2954, "John 5": 3548, "John Abraham": 5212, "John Adams": 598, "John Amos": 9239, "John Astin": 8474, "John Bailey": 6401, "John Barrowman": 139, "John Barry": 6727, "John Boorman": 10670, "John Box": 8095, "John Broome": 13332, "John Brown & Company": 13647, "John Buscema": 10592, "John Byrne": 11903, "John C. Calhoun": 3483, "John C. McGinley": 1899, "John C. Reilly": 2450, "John Cage": 6244, "John Cale": 11163, "John Candy": 516, "John Carpenter": 10865, "John Carradine": 12823, "John Carter": 9625, "John Cassavetes": 8030, "John Cho": 5726, "John Cleese": 6418, "John Coltrane": 78, "John Conyers": 9147, "John Corbett": 3838, "John Cusack": 7776, "John Davis": 6051, "John DeCuir": 9048, "John Debney": 8238, "John Denver": 7290, "John Dewey": 1131, "John DiMaggio": 12833, "John Dingell, Jr.": 7286, "John F. Kennedy": 10749, "John F. Kennedy International Airport": 9501, "John F. Kennedy School of Government": 12342, "John F. Seitz": 4182, "John Fiedler": 12977, "John Fogerty": 2430, "John Ford": 6338, "John Frankenheimer": 2032, "John Frink": 3968, "John Fritz Medal": 12955, "John Frusciante": 8763, "John G. Avildsen": 11901, "John Gielgud": 6121, "John Goodman": 5248, "John Grisham": 2390, "John Hartford": 4713, "John Hawkes": 997, "John Heard": 7868, "John Houseman": 5708, "John Hughes": 10694, "John Hurt": 2957, "John Huston": 7795, "John Irving": 4958, "John Kander": 4751, "John Keats": 6764, "John Kerry": 5942, "John Krasinski": 7679, "John Landis": 10454, "John Larroquette": 9324, "John Lasseter": 8259, "John Lee Hooker": 179, "John Legend": 1801, "John Leguizamo": 980, "John Lennon": 3775, "John Lithgow": 1079, "John Locke": 2768, "John Logan": 2023, "John Lutz": 3276, "John Madden": 5699, "John Mahoney": 12508, "John Malkovich": 4519, "John Mayer": 3826, "John Maynard Keynes": 11407, "John McCain": 3139, "John Mellencamp": 11931, "John Michael Higgins": 7016, "John Milius": 3238, "John Mills": 5239, "John Milton": 9552, "John Noble": 9031, "John Oliver": 1327, "John Ortiz": 8846, "John Osborne": 5473, "John Ottman": 4084, "John Patrick Shanley": 6054, "John Paul Jones": 8813, "John Powell": 4082, "John Quincy Adams": 5823, "John Ratzenberger": 4561, "John Rawls": 7314, "John Rhys-Davies": 4267, "John Riggi": 1012, "John Ritter": 7047, "John Romita Jr.": 1698, "John Ruddy": 1390, "John Sayles": 8330, "John Schlesinger": 9331, "John Seale": 8859, "John Slattery": 4100, "John Spencer": 5968, "John Stamos": 3264, "John Steinbeck": 6216, "John Stephenson": 5894, "John Stuart Mill": 1371, "John Sturges": 4086, "John Swartzwelder": 8774, "John Swasey": 8373, "John Travolta": 5377, "John Turturro": 1778, "John Updike": 7886, "John Varley": 10666, "John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer": 11534, "John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel": 9139, "John Waters": 3342, "John Wayne": 6042, "John Wells": 8741, "John Williams": 453, "John Woo": 655, "John Wood": 2639, "John Zorn": 9213, "Johnnie To": 9719, "Johnny Carson": 5312, "Johnny Cash": 3786, "Johnny Depp": 3275, "Johnny English Reborn": 5287, "Johnny Green": 7282, "Johnny Knoxville": 10001, "Johnny Lever": 12059, "Johnny Mandel": 5262, "Johnny Mercer": 2988, "Johnny Yong Bosch": 10539, "Johns Hopkins School of Medicine": 12128, "Johns Hopkins University": 2354, "Johnson & Johnson": 6197, "Johnson County": 5493, "Johnstown": 10458, "Johor": 12397, "Joliet": 4106, "Jon Anderson": 8430, "Jon Avnet": 226, "Jon Bon Jovi": 268, "Jon Brion": 2277, "Jon Favreau": 2658, "Jon Hamm": 4991, "Jon Lord": 9149, "Jon Lovitz": 2389, "Jon Peters": 3395, "Jon Polito": 8319, "Jon Stewart": 2856, "Jon Stone": 10278, "Jon Vitti": 7762, "Jon Voight": 5589, "Jonah Hex": 1954, "Jonah Hill": 5306, "Jonas Brothers": 10510, "Jonas Brothers World Tour 2009": 9363, "Jonathan Demme": 7055, "Jonathan Forte": 8760, "Jonathan Frakes": 3743, "Jonathan Lethem": 4144, "Jonathan Lynn": 12489, "Jonathan Murray": 7174, "Jonathan Pryce": 11106, "Jonathan Rhys Meyers": 4939, "Jonathan Swift": 10832, "Jonathan Walters": 2747, "Jonathan Winters": 5929, "Joni Mitchell": 3580, "Jonny Greenwood": 3648, "Jonny Lee Miller": 1094, "Joplin": 11879, "Jordan": 5185, "Jordin Sparks": 2983, "Jorge Garcia": 7278, "Jorge Luis Borges": 2895, "Jorja Fox": 9565, "Jorma Taccone": 8029, "Joseon": 13612, "Joseph Barbera": 1090, "Joseph C. Wright": 3069, "Joseph Campbell": 2999, "Joseph Conrad": 4721, "Joseph Cotten": 3897, "Joseph F. Biroc": 7387, "Joseph Fiennes": 3575, "Joseph Gordon-Levitt": 1176, "Joseph Haydn": 8308, "Joseph Heller": 11573, "Joseph Kish": 5545, "Joseph L. Mankiewicz": 9692, "Joseph LaShelle": 9062, "Joseph M. Schenck": 11912, "Joseph R. Gannascoli": 11384, "Joseph Ruttenberg": 4475, "Joseph Sargent": 11409, "Joseph Stalin": 11266, "Joseph Vijay": 12334, "Josh Brolin": 3229, "Josh Charles": 8816, "Josh Freese": 5557, "Josh Groban": 6671, "Josh Hartnett": 8314, "Josh Holloway": 1227, "Josh Homme": 6023, "Josh Hutcherson": 8720, "Josh Lucas": 7801, "Josh Schwartz": 301, "Josh Sussman": 2443, "Josh Weinstein": 11920, "Joshua Jackson": 187, "Joshua Kennedy": 5993, "Joshua Logan": 3871, "Joshua Malina": 311, "Joshua Redman": 1732, "Joss Ackland": 11299, "Joss Stone": 3926, "Joss Whedon": 9098, "Journey": 3884, "Joy Bryant": 3841, "Joyce Carol Oates": 9471, "Juan Mata": 7822, "Juanes": 6113, "Judah Friedlander": 6106, "Judaism": 7070, "Judas Priest": 9677, "Judd Apatow": 347, "Judd Hirsch": 458, "Judd Nelson": 2810, "Jude Ciccolella": 6107, "Jude Law": 5613, "Judge Dredd": 1709, "Judgment at Nuremberg": 695, "Judi Dench": 948, "Judy Davis": 6280, "Judy Garland": 11698, "Judy Greer": 3465, "Juelz Santana": 6681, "Juhi Chawla": 2471, "Juilliard School": 3910, "Jule Styne": 3805, "Jules Bass": 3318, "Jules Dassin": 6539, "Jules Verne": 10090, "Jules White": 11640, "Julia": 6284, "Julia Louis-Dreyfus": 6226, "Julia Ormond": 2667, "Julia Roberts": 5030, "Julia Stiles": 5078, "Julian Fellowes": 8248, "Julian Glover": 8491, "Julianna Margulies": 6143, "Julianne Moore": 4107, "Julie & Julia": 1716, "Julie Andrews": 8181, "Julie Benz": 8906, "Julie Bowen": 1122, "Julie Christie": 5373, "Julie Delpy": 11518, "Julie Gardner": 12536, "Julie Walters": 7879, "Julieta Venegas": 5463, "Juliette Binoche": 5552, "Juliette Lewis": 3405, "Julius Caesar": 7432, "Julius J. Epstein": 6637, "July": 3013, "Jumper": 7209, "Jun Fukuyama": 11066, "June": 2871, "June Allyson": 9810, "June Carter Cash": 4975, "June Foray": 10213, "Juneau": 6722, "Jung Sung-ryong": 10029, "Junichi Inamoto": 3031, "Juno": 2020, "Jurassic Park": 319, "Juris Doctor": 2007, "Jury Prize": 8060, "Just Blaze": 9353, "Just Go with It": 1357, "Justin Bieber": 1911, "Justin Chambers": 2553, "Justin Cochrane": 9226, "Justin Long": 4707, "Justin Spitzer": 9206, "Justin Theroux": 2398, "Justin Timberlake": 2529, "Justina Machado": 182, "Juventus F.C.": 6965, "Jyothika": 9345, "K Records": 13549, "K-19: The Widowmaker": 5923, "K-pop": 12256, "K. Balachander": 10119, "K.A.A. Gent": 11546, "K.R.C. Genk": 7766, "K.S.C. Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen": 12193, "KC and the Sunshine Band": 1787, "KF Tirana": 10849, "KLM": 11615, "KRS-One": 8831, "KT Tunstall": 2669, "KV Mechelen": 11034, "Kaboom": 734, "Kabul": 4481, "Kagoshima": 13089, "Kagoshima Prefecture": 9627, "Kaizer Chiefs F.C.": 9881, "Kajol": 3440, "Kal Ho Naa Ho": 389, "Kal Penn": 8255, "Kalamazoo": 8672, "Kaley Cuoco": 9518, "Kalmar FF": 10813, "Kamal Haasan": 9989, "Kamloops": 12509, "Kampala": 13100, "Kanagawa Prefecture": 11582, "Kanawha County": 12261, "Kandy": 10201, "Kane County": 8620, "Kaneto Shiozawa": 209, "Kankakee": 12304, "Kannada": 13036, "Kanpur": 12748, "Kansai region": 3571, "Kansas": 2379, "Kansas City": 2003, "Kansas City Chiefs": 6449, "Kansas City Royals": 1464, "Kansas State University": 2380, "Kanye West": 1009, "Kaohsiung": 12377, "Kappei Yamaguchi": 10897, "Karachi": 7488, "Karan Johar": 3191, "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar": 2413, "Kareena Kapoor": 7878, "Karen Black": 12111, "Kari Wahlgren": 7994, "Karisma Kapoor": 6070, "Karl Malden": 5593, "Karl Marx": 6751, "Karl Popper": 12009, "Karl Urban": 851, "Karlsruhe": 3855, "Karlsruher SC": 8470, "Karnataka": 10570, "Kasper Schmeichel": 4254, "Kassel": 13457, "Kate Beckinsale": 6843, "Kate Bush": 5979, "Kate Flannery": 8214, "Kate Greenaway Medal": 13275, "Kate Hudson": 5250, "Kate Moss": 7177, "Kate Nelligan": 5388, "Kate Walsh": 2625, "Kate Winslet": 2169, "Kath Soucie": 9315, "Katharine Hepburn": 5544, "Katherine Heigl": 7120, "Kathie Lee Gifford": 6924, "Kathleen Barr": 7459, "Kathleen Kennedy": 1033, "Kathleen Quinlan": 590, "Kathleen Turner": 10356, "Kathmandu": 12627, "Kathryn Bigelow": 4078, "Kathryn Joosten": 4387, "Kathy Baker": 2183, "Kathy Bates": 5695, "Kathy Griffin": 805, "Katie Couric": 7698, "Katie Holmes": 3851, "Katowice": 13379, "Katrina Bowden": 6105, "Katy Perry": 3980, "Kaunas": 12565, "Kavala F.C.": 9195, "Kay Cannon": 6742, "Kayserispor": 677, "Kazakhstan": 409, "Kazakhstan national football team": 3167, "Kazan": 1237, "Kazuhiko Inoue": 12365, "Keanu Reeves": 2558, "Keble College": 12438, "Keele University": 8701, "Keenan Wynn": 4620, "Keenen Ivory Wayans": 9541, "Keio University": 10237, "Keir Dullea": 5443, "Keira Knightley": 2173, "Keith Allen": 10117, "Keith Andrews": 2764, "Keith Carradine": 10225, "Keith David": 3911, "Keith Forsey": 6542, "Keith Jarrett": 10440, "Keith Moon": 7435, "Keith Richards": 3754, "Keith Urban": 185, "Kelis": 5120, "Kellie Martin": 10686, "Kellogg School of Management": 8027, "Kelly Clarkson": 3632, "Kelly Macdonald": 2220, "Kelly Osbourne": 4948, "Kelly Preston": 6669, "Kelly Rowland": 3937, "Kelowna": 12163, "Kelsey Grammer": 6073, "Ken Adam": 2678, "Ken Annakin": 8313, "Ken Burns": 8755, "Ken Keeler": 10983, "Ken Loach": 5974, "Ken Ralston": 1151, "Ken Russell": 6221, "Kenan Thompson": 10408, "Kenichi Ogata": 11717, "Kennebec County": 12528, "Kenneth Branagh": 1789, "Kenneth Mars": 11854, "Kenny Loggins": 10884, "Kenny Rogers": 4486, "Kenosha": 4279, "Kensal Green Cemetery": 13253, "Kensington": 12230, "Kent": 11978, "Kent County": 6709, "Kent State University": 7127, "Kentucky": 3564, "Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball": 8395, "Kenya": 1118, "Kenya national football team": 4210, "Kenyon College": 7929, "Kerala": 8832, "Kern County": 13104, "Kerry Washington": 11282, "Kettering": 13660, "Kettering Town F.C.": 6519, "Kevin Bacon": 9051, "Kevin Betsy": 4197, "Kevin Clash": 5257, "Kevin Corrigan": 4046, "Kevin Costner": 3281, "Kevin Dunn": 7190, "Kevin Garnett": 9119, "Kevin James": 2174, "Kevin Jonas": 8780, "Kevin Kline": 9801, "Kevin McCarthy": 12590, "Kevin McHale": 7189, "Kevin Michael Richardson": 9733, "Kevin Nealon": 1356, "Kevin O'Connell": 798, "Kevin Pollak": 3441, "Kevin Smith": 3779, "Kevin Spacey": 1806, "Kevin Williamson": 11349, "Key West": 4372, "Kharkiv": 12512, "Khmer": 13280, "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa": 12677, "Ki Sung-yueng": 7626, "Kick-Ass": 5603, "Kickers Offenbach": 2446, "Kid Cudi": 9609, "Kid Rock": 4019, "Kid vs. Kat": 7458, "Kidderminster Harriers F.C.": 10107, "Kids' WB": 11359, "Kiefer Sutherland": 4498, "Kiel": 6441, "Kiernan Shipka": 11159, "Kiev": 8073, "Kiki's Delivery Service": 6571, "Kikuko Inoue": 11826, "Kilkenny": 2392, "Kill Bill Volume 1": 5703, "Kill Bill Volume 2": 3055, "Kill Rock Stars": 13072, "Killers": 5142, "Killing Them Softly": 7716, "Kilmarnock": 9782, "Kilmarnock F.C.": 2269, "Kim Basinger": 6343, "Kim Carnes": 9526, "Kim Cattrall": 8984, "Kim Kardashian": 5888, "Kim Ki-duk": 4626, "Kim Manners": 4923, "Kim Stanley Robinson": 7029, "King Arthur": 5803, "King County": 9359, "King Crimson": 2702, "King Kong": 3763, "King Records": 9270, "King Vidor": 11230, "King of the Hill": 1827, "King's College": 11211, "King's College London": 5657, "King's Lynn and West Norfolk": 10014, "Kingdom of Bulgaria": 4216, "Kingdom of Great Britain": 7949, "Kingdom of Greece": 11779, "Kingdom of Heaven": 8114, "Kingdom of Hungary": 11025, "Kingdom of Italy": 5139, "Kingdom of Portugal": 10789, "Kingdom of Prussia": 5866, "Kingdom of Romania": 12959, "Kingdom of Sardinia": 9563, "Kingdom of Scotland": 2149, "Kingdom of the Netherlands": 302, "Kings of Leon": 2081, "Kingston": 4360, "Kingston University": 8014, "Kingston upon Hull": 1556, "Kingston upon Thames": 11680, "Kinji Fukasaku": 7691, "Kinsey": 3473, "Kinshasa": 13429, "Kiribati": 5435, "Kirk Douglas": 2055, "Kirk Franklin": 1181, "Kirk Thornton": 8825, "Kirkcaldy": 13105, "Kirsten Dunst": 933, "Kirstie Alley": 6879, "Kiss": 7463, "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang": 9393, "Kiss of the Spider Woman": 2321, "Kitchener": 12331, "Kitsap County": 12576, "Klaas-Jan Huntelaar": 4277, "Klamath County": 2590, "Klaus Badelt": 11269, "Klaus Voormann": 5604, "Knight and Day": 3304, "Knocked Up": 348, "Knox College": 8956, "Knoxville": 5676, "Knuckles the Echidna": 9310, "Kobe Bryant": 4566, "Koblenz": 12840, "Koch Entertainment": 9901, "Kochi": 6955, "Koei": 10968, "Kokomo": 12065, "Kolkata": 5508, "Konami": 11280, "Konyaspor": 12492, "Kool & the Gang": 7154, "Korea": 11033, "Korean": 2806, "Korean Broadcasting System": 2893, "Korean War": 6757, "Koreans": 9555, "Korn": 4048, "Kosi Zone": 13594, "Kosovo": 10703, "Kotono Mitsuishi": 11267, "Kozhikode": 11668, "Kraft Foods": 416, "Kraftwerk": 4293, "Kramer vs. Kramer": 1454, "Kris Kristofferson": 4659, "Krista Allen": 247, "Kristen Bell": 9138, "Kristen Stewart": 5286, "Kristen Wiig": 4869, "Kristin Chenoweth": 4602, "Kristin Davis": 811, "Kristin Scott Thomas": 2780, "Kristine Sutherland": 12747, "Kuala Lumpur": 4179, "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai": 4742, "Kuk Harrell": 4799, "Kulbhushan Kharbanda": 12457, "Kumasi": 13215, "Kundun": 3219, "Kung Fu Hustle": 3403, "Kung Fu Panda": 2537, "Kung Fu Panda 2": 3651, "Kuomintang": 7821, "Kurt Cobain": 8912, "Kurt Russell": 9815, "Kurt Vonnegut": 6846, "Kurtwood Smith": 6163, "Kuwait": 1483, "Kuwait City": 13579, "KwaZulu-Natal": 1026, "Kyle Chandler": 6475, "Kyle MacLachlan": 7377, "Kyle McCulloch": 5211, "Kylie Minogue": 5732, "Kyoto": 7977, "Kyoto University": 10952, "Kyra Sedgwick": 7388, "Kyrgyzstan": 1504, "Kyushu": 1342, "K\u014dbe": 12873, "L-Arginine": 11973, "L-Histidine": 10886, "L-Isoleucine": 8762, "L-Leucine": 1609, "L-Serine": 10667, "L-Threonine": 4623, "L-Tryptophan": 5808, "L-Tyrosine": 13140, "L-Valine": 11135, "L-alanine": 10706, "L-aspartic Acid": 11554, "L-phenylalanine": 8967, "L. Frank Baum": 10689, "L.A. Confidential": 687, "L.A. Law": 4350, "L.A. Reid": 5831, "L.A.S.K. Linz": 12357, "LGBT social movements": 6703, "LL Cool J": 2739, "La Crosse": 12579, "La Crosse County": 12520, "La Dolce Vita": 6947, "La Jolla": 2209, "La Plata": 12049, "La Salle University": 8490, "La Toya Jackson": 3039, "La Vie en Rose": 3183, "LaGuardia Airport": 8745, "Labour Party": 10423, "Labrador Retriever": 5650, "Labyrinth": 5241, "Lacey Chabert": 6721, "Lackawanna County": 9191, "Lady Gaga": 1528, "Lady Margaret Hall": 11325, "Lady Sings the Blues": 9682, "Lady in the Water": 6657, "Lafayette": 1312, "Lafayette College": 5612, "Lagaan": 5956, "Lagos": 8332, "Laguna Beach": 8715, "Lahore": 9103, "Lake Charles": 11644, "Lake County": 3362, "Lake District": 11342, "Lake Erie": 4585, "Lake Forest": 5223, "Lake Michigan": 12078, "Lake Superior": 4170, "Lakeland": 12327, "Lakeshore Entertainment": 11951, "Lakewood": 2802, "Lalita Pawar": 10270, "Lalo Schifrin": 2591, "Lamar Odom": 7651, "Lambeth": 10058, "Lana Turner": 6523, "Lancashire": 2343, "Lancaster": 10175, "Lancaster County": 4322, "Lance Henriksen": 8837, "Land of the Lost": 4791, "Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel": 9792, "Landon Donovan": 8764, "Lane County": 12640, "Languedoc-Roussillon": 12466, "Lansing": 12385, "Lantana": 9008, "Laos": 1814, "Lap steel guitar": 3928, "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life": 2761, "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider": 10907, "Lara Flynn Boyle": 1821, "Laraine Day": 4819, "Laredo": 12648, "Larenz Tate": 138, "Larimer County": 9024, "Larissa F.C.": 10218, "Larry Charles": 7158, "Larry Cohen": 6710, "Larry Crowne": 2267, "Larry David": 2279, "Larry Fine": 12198, "Larry Gelbart": 4736, "Larry Hagman": 4085, "Larry Klein": 8838, "Larry McMurtry": 3007, "Larry Miller": 1513, "Larry Mullen Jr.": 1720, "Larry Niven": 5746, "Larry the Cable Guy": 11278, "Lars Hirschfeld": 5855, "Lars Ulrich": 8466, "Lars and the Real Girl": 5447, "Lars von Trier": 3590, "Las Cruces": 12332, "Las Vegas": 4065, "Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award": 13642, "Last Action Hero": 4116, "Last of the Summer Wine": 9532, "Late Show with David Letterman": 9820, "Latin": 11495, "Latin America": 8814, "Latin Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Album": 11083, "Latin Grammy Award for Song of the Year": 10383, "Latin Grammy Awards of 2004": 6529, "Latin Grammy Awards of 2005": 9009, "Latin hip hop": 7148, "Latin jazz": 11688, "Latin pop": 12379, "Latvia": 6478, "Launceston": 11652, "Laura": 3792, "Laura Bailey": 12724, "Laura Carmichael": 6275, "Laura Dern": 6805, "Laura Innes": 8767, "Laura Linney": 6980, "Lauren Ambrose": 6544, "Lauren Bacall": 2142, "Lauren Conrad": 12062, "Lauren Graham": 8161, "Lauren Holly": 862, "Lauren Tom": 4265, "Laurence Fishburne": 7143, "Laurence Mark": 9065, "Laurence Olivier": 229, "Laurie Anderson": 8951, "Laurie Metcalf": 11513, "Lauryn Hill": 4123, "Lausanne": 6302, "Laval": 12071, "Laval University": 12329, "Law & Order": 5674, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent": 5305, "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit": 4447, "Lawless": 8109, "Lawrence": 10656, "Lawrence Bender": 486, "Lawrence Gordon": 9351, "Lawrence Kasdan": 3156, "Lawrence of Arabia": 2903, "Lawton": 9525, "Laxmikant-Pyarelal": 7614, "Lazio": 11975, "Le Havre A.C.": 11847, "Le Mans U.C. 72": 9856, "Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century": 13671, "LeAnn Rimes": 1756, "LeBron James": 5400, "LeVar Burton": 696, "Lea Michele": 9304, "League of Nations": 4508, "Leander Paes": 4028, "Leaving Las Vegas": 795, "Lebanese American": 1487, "Lebanese Civil War": 13232, "Lebanon": 3707, "Lebanon War": 5146, "Led Zeppelin": 11477, "Lee County": 11968, "Lee Garmes": 6737, "Lee Grant": 5510, "Lee J. Cobb": 11423, "Lee Majors": 10760, "Lee Marvin": 5116, "Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute": 4744, "Leeds": 5885, "Leeds United F.C.": 5886, "Leelee Sobieski": 9897, "Legally Blonde": 9517, "Legend": 4965, "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole": 3844, "Legends of the Fall": 2864, "Legia Warsaw": 11380, "Legion of Merit": 9811, "Legislative Assembly of Ontario": 12269, "Lehigh County": 1043, "Lehigh University": 2364, "Leicester": 1461, "Leicester City F.C.": 4211, "Leicestershire": 12428, "Leiden": 11387, "Leiden University": 8902, "Leigh Harline": 2585, "Leighton Meester": 8387, "Leipzig": 7107, "Leipzig University": 12610, "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events": 2425, "Len Wein": 12892, "Lena Headey": 5263, "Lena Horne": 6476, "Lena Olin": 5786, "Lenny Bruce": 10360, "Lenny Kravitz": 3061, "Leo Bertos": 2845, "Leo McCarey": 3946, "Leo Strauss": 5247, "Leo Tolstoy": 6958, "Leon Cort": 8982, "Leon Russell": 2854, "Leon Schlesinger": 7133, "Leon Shamroy": 4345, "Leon Trotsky": 8428, "Leonard Bernstein": 2696, "Leonard Cohen": 3088, "Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man": 8250, "Leonard Dick": 3782, "Leonard Goldberg": 2128, "Leonard Nimoy": 9140, "Leonardo DiCaprio": 4169, "Leonardo da Vinci": 10630, "Leonhard Euler": 1560, "Leroy Shield": 9113, "Les Claypool": 9524, "Lesley Ann Warren": 11428, "Lesley Sharp": 1004, "Leslie Bricusse": 6366, "Leslie Caron": 5785, "Leslie Cheung": 7954, "Leslie David Baker": 5652, "Leslie Dilley": 10101, "Leslie Nielsen": 2127, "Lesotho": 9926, "Lesser Antilles": 10239, "Lesser Poland Voivodeship": 8472, "Lester Holt": 4134, "Let Me In": 4415, "Let the Right One In": 6806, "Lethal Weapon 4": 1509, "Letters from Iwo Jima": 9293, "Leuven": 13149, "Levadiakos F.C.": 11619, "Levante UD": 2889, "Levon Helm": 354, "Lewes F.C.": 11324, "Lewis Black": 6312, "Lewis Carroll": 10964, "Lewis Cass": 3413, "Lewis Gilbert": 4057, "Lewis Milestone": 8294, "Lewisham": 13152, "Lewiston": 9261, "Lexington": 6027, "Lexington County": 13512, "Leyton Orient F.C.": 9027, "Liam Neeson": 531, "Liam O'Brien": 4987, "Liaoning": 12099, "Liberal Democrats": 8521, "Liberal National Party of Queensland": 10586, "Liberal Party": 11406, "Liberal Party of Australia": 12936, "Liberal Party of Canada": 12315, "Liberal Party of the Philippines": 13659, "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam": 8349, "Liberia": 8612, "Libertarian Party": 12792, "Liberty Professionals F.C.": 10744, "Liberty Records": 8644, "Liberty University": 11158, "Library of Congress Classification": 1161, "Libya": 5379, "Licence to Kill": 11128, "Licking County": 9415, "Liechtenstein": 265, "Liechtenstein national football team": 7366, "Lierse S.K.": 3157, "Liev Schreiber": 401, "Life Insurance Corporation of India": 11639, "Life Is Beautiful": 270, "Life as We Know It": 1599, "Life of Pi": 3118, "Lifetime": 13321, "Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito": 12016, "Liguria": 7006, "Lil Jon": 7644, "Lil Wayne": 1421, "Lil' Kim": 1247, "Lili Taylor": 6644, "Liliaceae": 13330, "Lille": 5161, "Lille O.S.C.": 1669, "Lilo & Stitch": 1248, "Lily Allen": 6124, "Lily Tomlin": 4381, "Lima": 6361, "Limburg": 1834, "Limerick": 7328, "Limitless": 3977, "Limp Bizkit": 10363, "Lincoln": 525, "Lincoln City F.C.": 5586, "Lincoln College": 10497, "Lincoln University": 4672, "Lincolnshire": 12046, "Linda Cardellini": 7310, "Linda Perry": 3130, "Linda Ronstadt": 2428, "Lindsay Crouse": 6527, "Lindsay Lohan": 800, "Lindy Hemming": 1970, "Linkin Park": 4537, "Linn County": 886, "Linus Pauling": 10618, "Linux": 2383, "Linz": 6875, "Lionel Barrymore": 11865, "Lionel Messi": 2518, "Lionel Richie": 10344, "Lions Gate Entertainment": 2549, "Lisa Edelstein": 3818, "Lisa Gerrard": 1956, "Lisa Kudrow": 4893, "LisaGay Hamilton": 3500, "Lisbon": 11611, "Lisp": 9639, "Litchfield": 470, "Litchfield County": 4591, "Lithuania": 324, "Little Children": 7751, "Little Feat": 3534, "Little Fockers": 2785, "Little Miss Sunshine": 2460, "Little Nicky": 3909, "Little Richard": 7648, "Little Rock": 11433, "Little Shop of Horrors": 9781, "Little Women": 7748, "Liv Tyler": 1865, "Liv Ullmann": 8544, "Live Free or Die Hard": 546, "Live and Let Die": 7611, "Liverpool": 9971, "Livingston": 11531, "Livingston County": 11822, "Livingston F.C.": 8680, "Livonia": 8930, "Livorno": 12784, "Liza Minnelli": 11039, "Ljubljana": 13108, "Lloyd Alexander": 7992, "Lloyd Bridges": 7431, "Lloyd Kaufman": 11008, "Lock Up": 7763, "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels": 4091, "Lockheed Corporation": 13509, "Lockheed Martin": 9078, "Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel": 4158, "Locus Award for Best First Novel": 11201, "Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel": 668, "Logan": 2262, "Logan County": 7571, "Logan International Airport": 11551, "Lois Lane": 7389, "Lois McMaster Bujold": 6493, "Lois Smith": 4885, "Lombardy": 9232, "Lon Chaney": 12345, "Lon Chaney Jr.": 8333, "London": 345, "London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art": 6153, "London Borough of Camden": 6708, "London Borough of Enfield": 5288, "London Borough of Hackney": 13390, "London Borough of Newham": 8679, "London Borough of Tower Hamlets": 3947, "London Business School": 7741, "London Film Critics Circle Award for Actor of the Year": 1313, "London Film Critics Circle Award for Actress of the Year": 2853, "London Film Critics Circle Award for Director of the Year": 6677, "London Records": 2323, "London School of Economics": 2091, "London Symphony Orchestra": 3899, "Lonesome Dove": 2821, "Long Beach": 6458, "Long Branch": 8055, "Long Island": 4560, "Long Island University": 2146, "Longview": 9366, "Lookout! Records": 8194, "Looney Tunes": 12916, "Looney Tunes: Back in Action": 3545, "Looper": 2574, "Lorain": 10494, "Lord Byron": 7430, "Lords of Dogtown": 7915, "Loreena McKennitt": 6271, "Lorenz Hart": 11895, "Lorenzo Music": 6905, "Loretta Devine": 11131, "Loretta Lynn": 4574, "Loretta Young": 9949, "Lori Alan": 11655, "Lorimar Television": 5173, "Lorne Michaels": 1863, "Lorraine": 6860, "Lorraine Bracco": 2661, "Los Angeles": 1851, "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim": 10960, "Los Angeles Chargers": 6125, "Los Angeles City College": 12366, "Los Angeles Clippers": 3882, "Los Angeles County": 1567, "Los Angeles Dodgers": 6369, "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor": 1015, "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress": 8457, "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Director": 1443, "Los Angeles Galaxy": 946, "Los Angeles International Airport": 9233, "Los Angeles Kings": 6763, "Los Angeles Lakers": 2289, "Los Angeles Rams": 7704, "Los Angeles Unified School District": 12911, "Los Gatos": 7750, "Los Lobos": 8215, "Lost": 6374, "Lost Highway": 7226, "Lost in Space": 4266, "Lost in Translation": 841, "Lost, season 3": 6373, "Lou Costello": 11731, "Lou Diamond Phillips": 1835, "Lou Grant": 9378, "Lou Reed": 4648, "Lou Scheimer": 3212, "Loudon Wainwright III": 2062, "Loudoun County": 12400, "Loughborough University": 4824, "Louis Armstrong": 10605, "Louis C.K.": 8271, "Louis Delluc Prize": 11665, "Louis Gossett": 2981, "Louis Malle": 2505, "Louis XIV of France": 11745, "Louise Fletcher": 5242, "Louisiana": 2584, "Louisiana State University": 498, "Louisiana Tech University": 9089, "Louisville": 3688, "Louisville metropolitan area": 13363, "Louvre Museum": 11568, "Love Actually": 859, "Love Affair": 9765, "Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing": 9086, "Love Story": 3678, "Love of Life": 10951, "Loving": 3129, "Lowell": 8323, "Lowell High School": 7978, "Lower Austria": 8735, "Lower Hutt": 8910, "Lower Normandy": 11389, "Lower Saxony": 4817, "Loyola Marymount University": 1638, "Loyola University Chicago": 6612, "Loyola University New Orleans": 11199, "Lubbock": 10912, "Lublin Voivodeship": 4641, "Luc Besson": 6086, "Lucas County": 793, "LucasArts": 11709, "Lucasfilm": 1034, "Lucca": 7996, "Lucerne": 13529, "Luci Christian": 393, "Lucien Ballard": 9951, "Lucille Ball": 2044, "Lucknow": 11030, "Lucky Numbers": 2932, "Lucy Lawless": 8866, "Lucy Liu": 2937, "Ludacris": 7785, "Ludhiana": 12646, "Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich": 3382, "Ludwig Wittgenstein": 5148, "Ludwig van Beethoven": 4969, "Ludwig von Mises": 10185, "Lufthansa": 723, "Luftwaffe": 12738, "Luis Miguel": 10963, "Luke Wilson": 9752, "Lund": 11630, "Lund University": 11971, "Lupe Fiasco": 5219, "Lust, Caution": 3686, "Luther": 7071, "Luther Vandross": 7419, "Lutheranism": 10003, "Luton": 10780, "Luton Town F.C.": 9013, "Luxembourg": 1916, "Luzerne County": 11451, "Lviv": 12769, "Lycoming County": 12513, "Lyle Lovett": 4863, "Lyle R. Wheeler": 5546, "Lynchburg": 11296, "Lyndon B. Johnson": 4464, "Lyndsy Fonseca": 3451, "Lyngby Boldklub": 5208, "Lynn": 4188, "Lynn Redgrave": 3074, "Lynwood": 6553, "Lyon": 10709, "Lyon Sprague de Camp": 9514, "M*A*S*H": 5097, "M. Emmet Walsh": 8925, "M. Night Shyamalan": 4527, "M.C. Gainey": 9061, "M.I.A.": 9451, "MASH": 9952, "MC Hammer": 5507, "MCA Inc.": 9630, "MCA Records": 3001, "MGM Records": 12497, "MGM Resorts International": 11536, "MGMT": 9126, "MIT Sloan School of Management": 10032, "MSNBC": 6228, "MSV Duisburg": 10120, "MTV": 6565, "MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance": 3286, "MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance": 675, "MTV Movie Award for Best Dance Sequence": 3347, "MTV Movie Award for Best Fight": 1187, "MTV Movie Award for Best Jaw Dropping Moment": 3479, "MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss": 1318, "MTV Movie Award for Best Movie": 263, "MTV Movie Award for Best New Filmmaker": 11449, "MTV Movie Award for Best On-Screen Duo": 407, "MTV Movie Award for Best Scared-As-S**t Performance": 2841, "MTV Movie Award for Best Song from a Movie": 493, "MTV Movie Award for Best Villain": 461, "MTV Movie Award for Most Desirable Female": 10919, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Art Direction": 1111, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography": 4646, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Cinematography": 4823, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Dance Video": 5506, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Direction": 1405, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Editing": 4532, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video": 941, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Group Video": 9069, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Hip-Hop Video": 4543, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video": 5150, "MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist": 3848, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Pop Video": 8003, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video": 7014, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Rock Video": 2906, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a Film": 5571, "MTV Video Music Award for Best Visual Effects": 3527, "MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year": 2990, "MTV2": 6403, "Maastricht": 11825, "Maaya Sakamoto": 10534, "Mac OS": 12050, "MacArthur Fellows Program": 9604, "Macalester College": 13018, "Macau": 12208, "Macaulay Culkin": 8667, "Maccabi Haifa F.C.": 10337, "Maccabi Netanya F.C.": 10888, "Maccabi Tel Aviv B.C.": 13407, "Maccabi Tel Aviv F.C.": 3996, "Macclesfield": 12793, "Macclesfield Town F.C.": 330, "Macedonia": 13640, "Machete": 7663, "Mack Sennett": 11203, "Macomb County": 10333, "Macon": 12422, "Macquarie University": 9925, "Macy Gray": 6412, "Macy's, Inc.": 10837, "Mad About You": 7959, "Mad Men": 2829, "Mad TV": 10833, "Madagascar": 8303, "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted": 5050, "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa": 5361, "Madchester": 7257, "Made in Dagenham": 10106, "Madeline Kahn": 7363, "Madhuri Dixit": 5484, "Madison": 3604, "Madison County": 170, "Madoff investment scandal": 11455, "Madonna": 2997, "Madrid": 6100, "Madurai": 12341, "Mae Whitman": 8722, "Magdalen College": 2644, "Magdalene College": 9775, "Magdeburg": 8383, "Maggie Cheung": 8090, "Maggie Grace": 8329, "Maggie Gyllenhaal": 10495, "Maggie Roswell": 11496, "Maggie Smith": 3170, "Magic Johnson": 5517, "Magic Knight Rayearth": 8826, "Magic Mike": 8204, "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha": 4114, "Magnolia": 2072, "Magnolia Pictures": 4002, "Maharashtra": 6135, "Mahatma Gandhi": 9827, "Mahesh Bhatt": 532, "Mahesh Manjrekar": 10995, "Mahoning County": 7580, "Maid in Manhattan": 6868, "Maidstone": 13566, "Main Hoon Na": 7420, "Maine": 5710, "Mainz": 12249, "Majel Barrett": 5265, "Majesco Entertainment": 10535, "Major League Baseball All-Star Game": 13467, "Makati": 8089, "Makerere University": 4045, "Mako": 11875, "Malawi": 6165, "Malayalam": 9569, "Malayali": 7968, "Malaysia": 1418, "Malaysia national football team": 10540, "Malcolm Arnold": 2706, "Malcolm David Kelley": 1994, "Malcolm McDowell": 9302, "Malcolm X": 4533, "Malcolm in the Middle": 5663, "Malden": 13106, "Maldives": 7581, "Maldives national football team": 15, "Mali": 10370, "Mali Finn": 5227, "Malibu": 801, "Malta": 1352, "Malta national football team": 6733, "Mamelodi Sundowns F.C.": 10892, "Mamiko Noto": 9796, "Mamma Mia!": 5875, "Mammootty": 11883, "Mamoru Miyano": 8512, "Man Booker Prize": 4192, "Man of Steel": 2655, "Man on the Moon": 5846, "Management": 4154, "Manche": 11634, "Manchester": 9948, "Manchester City F.C.": 10407, "Manchester Metropolitan University": 12790, "Manchester Monarchs": 12124, "Manchester United F.C.": 4673, "Mandarin Chinese": 11271, "Mandatory Palestine": 9635, "Mandopop": 13118, "Mandy Moore": 7091, "Mandy Patinkin": 1426, "Mangalore": 12855, "Manhattan": 1427, "Manhattan College": 10167, "Manhattan School of Music": 3737, "Mani Ratnam": 12836, "Manila": 8747, "Manipur": 13025, "Manisaspor": 8895, "Manish Malhotra": 8233, "Manisha Koirala": 12979, "Manitoba": 4150, "Manivannan": 8186, "Mannheim": 13087, "Manny Coto": 12374, "Manoj Kumar": 8221, "Manorama": 13464, "Mansfield": 12563, "Mansfield Park": 9545, "Mansfield Town F.C.": 4050, "Mantua": 12415, "Mao Zedong": 11171, "Mao's Last Dancer": 1019, "Marathi": 9943, "Marburg": 11983, "Marc Anthony": 5383, "Marc Cherry": 8792, "Marc Joseph": 4089, "Marc Shaiman": 7721, "Marcel Duchamp": 11930, "Marcel Proust": 6918, "Marcello Mastroianni": 8801, "March": 8833, "March of the Penguins": 12218, "Marche": 12097, "Marci Klein": 1013, "Marcia Cross": 2861, "Marcia Gay Harden": 3639, "Marcia Wallace": 8418, "Marco Beltrami": 4559, "Marcus Miller": 4656, "Mare Winningham": 12265, "Marg Helgenberger": 4281, "Margaret Atwood": 3332, "Margaret Cho": 9798, "Margaret Thatcher": 3628, "Margin Call": 2502, "Margot Kidder": 9690, "Maria Bello": 440, "Mariah Carey": 2995, "Marianne Faithfull": 5338, "Maricopa County": 356, "Marie Antoinette": 3217, "Marietta": 6316, "Marillion": 6327, "Marilyn Bergman": 8727, "Marilyn Manson": 1923, "Marilyn Monroe": 562, "Marilyn Vance": 2345, "Marin County": 4510, "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games": 11801, "Mario Kassar": 572, "Mario Lopez": 8410, "Mario Puzo": 9844, "Mario Van Peebles": 8676, "Marion Cotillard": 906, "Marion County": 6758, "Mariposa County": 13011, "Marisa Tomei": 2074, "Marit Allen": 9622, "Mark 'Spike' Stent": 5975, "Mark Addy": 8621, "Mark Berger": 2160, "Mark Bresciano": 4733, "Mark Burnett": 5559, "Mark Cuban": 4469, "Mark Damon": 8039, "Mark Gatiss": 4397, "Mark Goodson": 6008, "Mark Gordon": 7243, "Mark Hamill": 2132, "Mark Harmon": 6294, "Mark Irwin": 4438, "Mark Isham": 1141, "Mark Johnson": 8296, "Mark Kirkland": 7245, "Mark Knopfler": 5270, "Mark Mancina": 3295, "Mark Moses": 1742, "Mark Mothersbaugh": 5959, "Mark Robson": 2136, "Mark Ronson": 3620, "Mark Ruffalo": 5278, "Mark Salling": 2535, "Mark Strong": 5602, "Mark Tinker": 8348, "Mark Twain": 382, "Mark Wahlberg": 4414, "Mark Williams": 3014, "Markham": 13058, "Marlborough College": 10194, "Marlee Matlin": 1983, "Marlene Dietrich": 791, "Marley": 10653, "Marley & Me": 5409, "Marlon Brando": 9454, "Marlon Wayans": 6507, "Marmaduke": 1308, "Maroon 5": 6992, "Marquette County": 9980, "Marquette University": 7111, "Marrakesh": 11703, "Marriott International": 10722, "Mars": 9861, "Mars Attacks!": 1656, "Marseille": 13077, "Marshall Herskovitz": 1942, "Marshall University": 12997, "Marshall, Texas": 12897, "Martha Plimpton": 12012, "Marti Noxon": 1516, "Martie Maguire": 6500, "Martin Balsam": 7726, "Martin Beck Award": 13443, "Martin Clunes": 7343, "Martin Donovan": 2965, "Martin Freeman": 10514, "Martin Heidegger": 488, "Martin Landau": 9638, "Martin Lawrence": 2100, "Martin Luther King Jr.": 7548, "Martin McDonagh": 251, "Martin Mull": 7799, "Martin Scorsese": 7598, "Martin Sheen": 2503, "Martin Short": 5521, "Martine McCutcheon": 8737, "Martinique": 10240, "Marty Stuart": 206, "Marv Wolfman": 12501, "Marvel Comics": 8555, "Marvel Entertainment": 898, "Marvel Universe": 12194, "Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes": 5562, "Marvin Gaye": 3722, "Marvin Hamlisch": 6261, "Marvin Hatley": 11437, "Mary Astor": 9839, "Mary Elizabeth Winstead": 5166, "Mary J. Blige": 4012, "Mary Kay Place": 6590, "Mary Lynn Rajskub": 6345, "Mary McCormack": 8378, "Mary McDonnell": 6580, "Mary Pickford": 10095, "Mary Poppins": 3542, "Mary Shelley": 11557, "Mary Steenburgen": 5424, "Mary Tyler Moore": 4841, "Mary and Max": 4718, "Mary-Ellis Bunim": 6134, "Mary-Kate Olsen": 4666, "Mary-Louise Parker": 10386, "Maryland": 2353, "Marylebone": 11638, "Masada": 2349, "Masako Nozawa": 12818, "Mashhad": 12537, "Massachusetts": 2695, "Massachusetts Institute of Technology": 2216, "Master": 3145, "Master P": 4904, "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World": 1565, "Master of Arts": 1640, "Master of Business Administration": 736, "Master of Fine Arts": 2562, "Master of Laws": 8084, "Master of Philosophy": 3728, "Master of Science": 1071, "Matador Records": 13463, "Matanuska-Susitna Borough": 2670, "Match Point": 4398, "Matt Chamberlain": 6888, "Matt Damon": 3242, "Matt Dillon": 8880, "Matt Frewer": 9314, "Matt Groening": 9571, "Matt Hubbard": 10710, "Matt Lauer": 4223, "Matt LeBlanc": 3434, "Matt Lucas": 9803, "Matt Selman": 12178, "Matt Servitto": 1025, "Matt Stone": 5829, "Mattel": 12088, "Matthew Bellamy": 5235, "Matthew Broderick": 873, "Matthew Fox": 7030, "Matthew Lillard": 7979, "Matthew McConaughey": 5738, "Matthew Modine": 600, "Matthew Morrison": 3142, "Matthew Perry": 1128, "Matthew Weiner": 8597, "Maui": 8482, "Maui County": 10146, "Maulik Pancholy": 1803, "Maura Tierney": 4944, "Maureen Stapleton": 9129, "Maurice Gibb": 3857, "Maurice Jarre": 8436, "Maurice LaMarche": 2350, "Maurice Sendak": 8972, "Mauricio Pinilla": 2952, "Mauritania": 4826, "Mauritius": 6978, "Maury Chaykin": 2206, "Maverick Records": 9557, "Max Casella": 9236, "Max Fleischer": 6138, "Max Martin": 2795, "Max Steiner": 5017, "Max Weber": 10632, "Max von Sydow": 11816, "Maximilian Schell": 10678, "Maxis": 6566, "May": 1908, "Maya Angelou": 9036, "Maya Rudolph": 5862, "McCoy Tyner": 9436, "McDonald's": 6331, "McGill University": 521, "McHenry County": 11811, "McLean": 6961, "McLean County": 10994, "McLennan County": 11316, "McMaster University": 3979, "McNeese State University": 7608, "Me and Orson Welles": 7737, "MeTV": 13299, "Meagan Good": 10830, "Mean Girls": 4739, "Meat Loaf": 4581, "Mecca": 8166, "Mecklenburg County": 5996, "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": 11935, "Medal of Honor": 13531, "Medford": 4889, "Media Asia Entertainment Group": 7272, "Medina": 10544, "Mediterranean Sea": 2299, "Meena": 2930, "Meet Dave": 3177, "Meet Joe Black": 7351, "Meet the Fockers": 233, "Meet the Parents": 6333, "Meg Ryan": 4130, "MegaMan NT Warrior": 11194, "Megadeth": 9202, "Megan Fox": 6861, "Megan Mullally": 5744, "Megumi Hayashibara": 9696, "Mehcad Brooks": 1413, "Mehmood Ali": 10323, "Mel Blanc": 10987, "Mel Brooks": 8353, "Mel Gibson": 644, "Melaka": 12296, "Melancholia": 1957, "Melanie Griffith": 8056, "Melbourne": 9490, "Melbourne Victory": 11564, "Melissa Etheridge": 1457, "Melissa Joan Hart": 3454, "Melissa Leo": 9262, "Melora Hardin": 9472, "Melville Shavelson": 11957, "Melvin Frank": 12072, "Melvin Van Peebles": 2681, "Melvins": 7425, "Melvyn Douglas": 7823, "Member of Congress": 3140, "Memento": 392, "Memoirs of a Geisha": 514, "Memorial University of Newfoundland": 7187, "Memphis": 6889, "Memphis Grizzlies": 1750, "Men in Black": 2488, "Men in Black 3": 3135, "Men in Black II": 2224, "Mena Suvari": 7599, "Menahem Golan": 3674, "Mendocino County": 8907, "Menlo Park": 9440, "Merced": 13238, "Merced County": 13171, "Mercer County": 10416, "Mercer University": 5214, "Merck & Co.": 9002, "Mercury Records": 1197, "Meredith Vieira": 7715, "Merge Records": 12674, "Merian C. Cooper": 8409, "Meridian": 12484, "Merle Haggard": 3067, "Merlin": 8082, "Merrimack County": 11180, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence": 5555, "Merseyside": 13063, "Merthyr Tydfil": 13508, "Merton College": 11181, "Merv Griffin": 4331, "Mervyn LeRoy": 9284, "Meryl Streep": 1743, "Mesa": 8950, "Meshell Ndegeocello": 7674, "Messina": 9680, "Metal Blade Records": 13489, "Metallica": 764, "Method Man": 9594, "Methodism": 2162, "Metro Detroit": 12308, "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer": 960, "Metropolis": 2048, "Metropolis Records": 12101, "Metropolitan Museum of Art": 430, "Metz": 13290, "Mexican American": 10543, "Mexico": 105, "Mexico City": 5245, "Mexico national football team": 3907, "Mia Farrow": 8102, "Miami": 1301, "Miami Beach": 3858, "Miami Dolphins": 2441, "Miami Heat": 2087, "Miami Marlins": 1288, "Miami University": 1048, "Miami Vice": 4738, "Miami metropolitan area": 13308, "Michael Apted": 8180, "Michael Balcon": 10731, "Michael Ballhaus": 6454, "Michael Bay": 10724, "Michael Bell": 10980, "Michael Biehn": 11583, "Michael Bolton": 2296, "Michael Brecker": 529, "Michael C. Hall": 7159, "Michael Caine": 8811, "Michael Cera": 7464, "Michael Chabon": 4030, "Michael Chapman": 6490, "Michael Cimino": 3994, "Michael Clarke Duncan": 2012, "Michael Clayton": 1194, "Michael Collins": 7075, "Michael Connelly": 775, "Michael Crichton": 7576, "Michael Curtiz": 9316, "Michael De Luca": 4324, "Michael Dobson": 1563, "Michael Douglas": 6189, "Michael Fassbender": 9258, "Michael G. Wilson": 626, "Michael Gambon": 2315, "Michael Giacchino": 3188, "Michael Gladis": 4794, "Michael Gough": 6660, "Michael Haneke": 3180, "Michael Hordern": 11653, "Michael Imperioli": 474, "Michael Ironside": 8953, "Michael J. Fox": 9993, "Michael Jackson": 5105, "Michael Jeter": 7368, "Michael Jordan": 10520, "Michael K. Williams": 4327, "Michael Kahn": 5347, "Michael Kamen": 1163, "Michael Keaton": 4064, "Michael L. Printz Award": 6853, "Michael Lantieri": 1150, "Michael Lerner": 7017, "Michael Madsen": 2230, "Michael Mann": 3107, "Michael McConnohie": 9362, "Michael McDonald": 658, "Michael McKean": 1749, "Michael Minkler": 2101, "Michael Moorcock": 4159, "Michael Moore": 4779, "Michael Moriarty": 6588, "Michael Murphy": 11641, "Michael Nesmith": 2027, "Michael Nyman": 3137, "Michael O'Neill": 5918, "Michael Palin": 5615, "Michael Patrick King": 3346, "Michael Phelps": 2090, "Michael Piller": 11946, "Michael Pitt": 536, "Michael Powell": 7181, "Michael Rapaport": 10716, "Michael Redgrave": 9774, "Michael Richards": 7543, "Michael Rosenbaum": 10821, "Michael Schur": 3803, "Michael Semanick": 4986, "Michael Sembello": 2884, "Michael Shamberg": 8266, "Michael Shannon": 2656, "Michael Sheen": 5292, "Michael Stipe": 1175, "Michael Stuhlbarg": 5052, "Michael Swanwick": 2334, "Michael Tollin": 3204, "Michael W. Smith": 9986, "Michael Winterbottom": 6665, "Michael York": 2966, "Michel Colombier": 11669, "Michel Foucault": 6946, "Michel Legrand": 5407, "Michelangelo": 1299, "Michelangelo Antonioni": 6146, "Michelle Branch": 942, "Michelle Dockery": 11503, "Michelle Forbes": 2787, "Michelle Pfeiffer": 7369, "Michelle Rodriguez": 5, "Michelle Ruff": 9450, "Michelle Williams": 2246, "Michelle Yeoh": 7770, "Michigan": 2541, "Michigan State University": 2227, "Mick Harvey": 7309, "Mick Jagger": 1661, "Mickey Mouse": 12239, "Mickey Rooney": 2973, "Mickey Rourke": 2143, "Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse": 10501, "Micky Dolenz": 10154, "MicroProse": 11516, "Micropterus salmoides": 11236, "Microsoft": 165, "Microsoft Windows": 3462, "Middle East": 7864, "Middle Eastern theatre of World War I": 7910, "Middle Tennessee State University": 8417, "Middlebury College": 11295, "Middlesbrough": 12905, "Middlesbrough F.C.": 7349, "Middlesex": 8118, "Middlesex County": 4051, "Middlesex University": 12952, "Middletown": 9728, "Midland": 1032, "Midnight Cowboy": 6110, "Midnight Express": 937, "Midnight in Paris": 2573, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil": 4541, "Midnight's Children": 5633, "Midway Games": 2879, "Midwest hip hop": 13474, "Mighty Aphrodite": 6844, "Mighty Joe Young": 405, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers": 2, "Miguel Ferrer": 4334, "Miguel Sandoval": 615, "Miguel de Cervantes": 2896, "Mikael Salomon": 9032, "Mike B. Anderson": 11726, "Mike Barker": 10098, "Mike Bryan": 10914, "Mike Epps": 11018, "Mike Figgis": 3560, "Mike Henry": 10007, "Mike Judge": 10111, "Mike Leigh": 7118, "Mike Mills": 10104, "Mike Mogis": 6011, "Mike Myers": 4443, "Mike Nawrocki": 7192, "Mike Nichols": 3683, "Mike O'Malley": 7981, "Mike Oldfield": 5291, "Mike Patton": 4546, "Mike Portnoy": 6959, "Mike Scully": 4821, "Mike Watt": 2468, "Mila Kunis": 6372, "Milan": 10312, "Milan Conservatory": 9902, "Mildred Pierce": 7032, "Milena Canonero": 5464, "Miles \"Tails\" Prower": 12809, "Miles Davis": 3831, "Miley Cyrus": 1613, "Milk": 975, "Milla Jovovich": 646, "Million Dollar Baby": 4902, "Mills College": 996, "Millwall F.C.": 4067, "Milt Franklyn": 6362, "Milton Friedman": 7304, "Milton Keynes Dons F.C.": 5032, "Milton R. Krasner": 7665, "Milwaukee": 7622, "Milwaukee Admirals": 11944, "Milwaukee Brewers": 2912, "Milwaukee Bucks": 2412, "Milwaukee County": 9084, "Mimi Rogers": 7355, "Minami Takayama": 12264, "Minas Gerais": 11624, "Minato-ku": 10307, "Minden": 2583, "Mindscape": 12636, "Mindy Kaling": 5143, "Ming-Na Wen": 9342, "Ministry": 10378, "Minneapolis": 7280, "Minnesota": 1636, "Minnesota Timberwolves": 10241, "Minnesota Twins": 1885, "Minnesota Vikings": 2497, "Minnesota Wild": 10285, "Minnie Driver": 2164, "Minority Report": 5348, "Minot": 8636, "Minsk": 11567, "Mira Nair": 9406, "Mira Sorvino": 6845, "Miracle at St. Anna": 981, "Miracle on 34th Street": 1380, "Miramax": 120, "Miranda Otto": 5423, "Miranda Richardson": 8643, "Miriam Margolyes": 5229, "Mischa Barton": 5541, "Miss Universe": 8543, "Missing": 2006, "Mission Revival architecture": 12450, "Mission: Impossible": 6444, "Mission: Impossible II": 6029, "Mission: Impossible III": 8071, "Mississauga": 8339, "Mississippi": 5144, "Mississippi Burning": 248, "Mississippi River": 5912, "Mississippi State University": 7098, "Missoula": 11616, "Missouri": 1284, "Missouri River": 12881, "Missouri State University": 5118, "Missouri Tigers football": 11508, "Missy Elliott": 6036, "Mitch Pileggi": 12176, "Mitchell Hurwitz": 2692, "Mitchell Leisen": 4092, "Mithun Chakraborty": 8324, "Miyagi Prefecture": 11852, "Miyuki Sawashiro": 12876, "Mo Willems": 4870, "Mo'Nique": 9846, "Mobile": 12463, "Mobile County": 12452, "Mobile Suit Gundam": 4628, "Mobile Suit Gundam 00": 1564, "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED": 8277, "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny": 10431, "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack": 10935, "Moby": 1255, "Modena": 8018, "Modena F.C.": 3302, "Modern Family": 1123, "Modest Mouse": 4195, "Modesto": 1831, "Moe Howard": 11880, "Mogadishu": 10829, "Mohamed Kallon": 7654, "Mohanlal": 4643, "Mohave County": 6976, "Mohnish Bahl": 11686, "Moldavia": 12503, "Molde FK": 3617, "Moldova": 4083, "Moldova national football team": 8369, "Moline": 13175, "Molly Parker": 3501, "Molly Shannon": 5566, "Mommie Dearest": 1257, "Mona Lisa": 7695, "Mona Marshall": 12623, "Monaco": 5135, "Monarcas Morelia": 12213, "Monash University": 3727, "Moncton": 12027, "Moneyball": 1467, "Mongol Empire": 12707, "Mongol conquests": 5702, "Mongolia": 549, "Monica Rial": 2729, "Monk": 3351, "Monmouth County": 11111, "Monmouthshire": 12007, "Mono County": 8453, "Monounsaturated fat": 7703, "Monroe": 6342, "Monroe County": 2875, "Monrovia": 13266, "Monsoon Wedding": 3879, "Monster": 8821, "Monster House": 1936, "Monster's Ball": 1107, "Monsters, Inc.": 1377, "Montana": 2740, "Montana State University - Bozeman": 7455, "Montclair": 11781, "Montclair State University": 12014, "Monte Carlo": 13021, "Montenegro": 4005, "Monterey": 8999, "Monterey County": 1228, "Monterrey": 7376, "Montevideo": 977, "Montgomery": 3607, "Montgomery County": 1859, "Montmartre Cemetery": 13591, "Montpelier": 2316, "Montpellier": 12965, "Montpellier H\u00e9rault Sport Club": 892, "Montreal": 2683, "Montreal Alouettes": 4133, "Montreal Canadiens": 12703, "Montreal Expos": 10673, "Montserrat national football team": 7270, "Monty Python": 10622, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail": 6807, "Monza": 11512, "Moon": 6559, "Moonraker": 2482, "Moonrise Kingdom": 6094, "Moonstruck": 5820, "Morecambe F.C.": 8184, "Morehouse College": 11189, "Morgan Creek Productions": 12131, "Morgan Freeman": 4272, "Morgan Spurlock": 10068, "Morgan Stanley": 7302, "Morgan State University": 10499, "Morgantown": 7287, "Morning Musume": 9519, "Morocco": 1633, "Morocco national football team": 4597, "Morris County": 9591, "Morrissey": 5529, "Morristown": 12775, "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation": 9824, "Mos Def": 3988, "Moscow": 10116, "Moscow Conservatory": 12211, "Moscow Oblast": 2057, "Moscow State University": 10848, "Moses Ashikodi": 2586, "Mosul": 13599, "Motherland": 6488, "Motherwell F.C.": 1389, "Motorola": 3085, "Motown": 2305, "Moulin Rouge!": 278, "Mount Holyoke College": 11588, "Mount Vernon": 9383, "Mountain Time Zone": 883, "Mountain View": 12751, "Mozambique": 3705, "Mr. & Mrs. Smith": 5575, "Mr. Deeds": 9483, "Mr. Nobody": 8733, "Mr. Prospector": 11992, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington": 6081, "Mrs Henderson Presents": 8025, "Mrs. Brown": 5474, "Mrs. Miniver": 10558, "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle": 7587, "Mstislav Rostropovich": 6583, "Mughal Empire": 12560, "Muhammad": 11533, "Mukesh Rishi": 13207, "Mulan": 6043, "Mulholland Drive": 4364, "Multnomah County": 8632, "Mumbai": 7487, "Mumford": 5067, "Muncie": 13038, "Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation": 8262, "Munich": 2249, "Murali": 9150, "Murder by Decree": 10140, "Murder on the Orient Express": 294, "Murfreesboro": 12432, "Murphy Brown": 6856, "Murray Rothbard": 4907, "Muse": 6262, "Museo del Prado": 13117, "Museum of Modern Art": 8856, "Muskegon": 9589, "Muskogee": 4698, "Mute Records": 8224, "Mutiny on the Bounty": 8426, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding": 194, "My Fair Lady": 5877, "My Left Foot": 2881, "My Man Godfrey": 9548, "My Name Is Khan": 3190, "My Neighbor Totoro": 7093, "My Sister's Keeper": 8297, "My Week with Marilyn": 1622, "My-HiME": 9747, "MyNetworkTV": 13139, "Myanmar": 5497, "Mychael Danna": 11046, "Myrna Loy": 8015, "Myrtle Beach": 11916, "Mysore": 11082, "Mystery": 705, "Mystic River": 2842, "M\u00e9xico": 13027, "N. Santhanam": 10746, "N. T. Rama Rao": 6895, "N.K. Dinamo Zagreb": 11519, "NAC Breda": 2215, "NATO": 10223, "NBA Finals": 13624, "NBA Rookie of the Year Award": 7469, "NBC": 3290, "NBCUniversal": 3886, "NCAA Basketball Tournament Most Outstanding Player": 5518, "NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship": 10329, "NOFX": 352, "NPR": 10767, "NSYNC": 6254, "NYPD Blue": 8686, "Nagano Prefecture": 612, "Nagasaki": 1343, "Nagesh": 13251, "Nagoya Grampus": 3767, "Nagpur": 12541, "Nairobi": 12679, "Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame": 12543, "Naked Lunch": 1119, "Namibia": 4653, "Nana Mizuki": 9271, "Nana Patekar": 12622, "Nancy": 10677, "Nancy Cartwright": 9354, "Nancy Marchand": 4890, "Nancy Pelosi": 7454, "Nanjing": 11165, "Nantes": 13155, "Nantucket": 5427, "Naomi Campbell": 4153, "Naomi Watts": 2852, "Napa County": 4375, "Napalm Records": 10846, "Naperville": 9201, "Naples": 6701, "Napoleon": 4376, "Napoleon Dynamite": 1220, "Napoleonic Wars": 4587, "Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds": 11814, "Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel": 7242, "Nas": 5119, "Naseeruddin Shah": 9053, "Nashua": 11440, "Nashville": 556, "Nashville Predators": 9369, "Nassar": 6576, "Nassau": 413, "Nassau County": 12077, "Nastassja Kinski": 3410, "Nat King Cole": 5640, "Natalie Cole": 6058, "Natalie Morales": 836, "Natalie Portman": 403, "Natalie Wood": 5601, "Natasha Richardson": 10939, "Natchez": 1978, "Natchitoches": 6456, "Nathan Fillion": 9715, "Nathan H. Juran": 2716, "Nathan Lane": 11273, "Nathanael Greene": 9176, "Nathaniel Hawthorne": 7887, "National Aeronautics and Space Administration": 7285, "National Autonomous University of Mexico": 11795, "National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum": 2645, "National Board of Review Award for Best Actor": 3917, "National Board of Review Award for Best Actress": 1184, "National Board of Review Award for Best Cast": 1990, "National Board of Review Award for Best Director": 249, "National Book Award for Fiction": 7370, "National Book Award for Poetry": 13473, "National Film Board of Canada": 7628, "National Film Registry": 1358, "National Football League": 9766, "National Football League Most Valuable Player Award": 11483, "National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam": 11877, "National Gallery": 12690, "National Gallery of Art": 13216, "National Heads-Up Poker Championship": 12948, "National Historic Landmark": 10469, "National Institute of Dramatic Art": 8306, "National League": 8257, "National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame": 13274, "National Park Service": 12504, "National Party of Australia": 2068, "National Register of Historic Places": 3498, "National School of Drama": 11465, "National Security": 3087, "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actor": 2823, "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress": 2278, "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Director": 2103, "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Film": 1355, "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor": 177, "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actress": 1602, "National Taiwan University": 11289, "National Theatre School of Canada": 12875, "National Treasure": 1706, "National Treasure: Book of Secrets": 7477, "National University of Singapore": 4483, "National Women's Hall of Fame": 11878, "National and Kapodistrian University of Athens": 9088, "Nationalist Party of Australia": 11348, "Natsume": 13486, "Natural Born Killers": 3797, "Nauru": 10797, "Navajo County": 10887, "Naval Postgraduate School": 9769, "Naveen Andrews": 6, "Naya Rivera": 3750, "Nazi Germany": 3558, "Nazi Party": 11786, "Ne-Yo": 9713, "Neal H. Moritz": 1854, "Neal McDonough": 6152, "Neal Stephenson": 11238, "Neath": 13006, "Nebraska": 1283, "Nebula Award for Best Novel": 9350, "Nebula Award for Best Novelette": 1658, "Nebula Award for Best Novella": 3460, "Nebula Award for Best Short Story": 2556, "Ned Beatty": 1813, "Ned Kelly": 5852, "Neftchi Baku PFC": 11446, "Neighbours": 8379, "Neil Diamond": 2409, "Neil Gaiman": 5066, "Neil Jordan": 8640, "Neil Patrick Harris": 7501, "Neil Ross": 12734, "Neil Simon": 10073, "Neil Young": 524, "Nelly": 2008, "Nelly Furtado": 5309, "Nelsan Ellis": 1830, "Nelson": 7857, "Nelson Mandela": 10691, "Nelson Riddle": 12020, "Nepal": 10010, "Netherlands": 1574, "Netherlands national football team": 3711, "Nettwerk": 7859, "Network": 4405, "Network Ten": 7441, "Neuilly-sur-Seine": 13243, "Neustadt International Prize for Literature": 11955, "Nevada": 1440, "Nevada County": 12545, "Neve Campbell": 425, "Never Let Me Go": 5898, "Never Say Never Again": 11104, "New Age": 7970, "New Age music": 10087, "New Bedford": 2106, "New Britain": 4244, "New Brunswick": 7687, "New Caledonia": 9059, "New Castle County": 3829, "New College": 3529, "New Delhi": 4016, "New England": 4596, "New England Conservatory of Music": 2726, "New England Patriots": 888, "New England Revolution": 9880, "New Hampshire": 887, "New Hampshire's 1st congressional district": 11252, "New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district": 4711, "New Haven": 5002, "New Haven County": 10114, "New Jersey": 2752, "New Jersey Devils": 13083, "New Line Cinema": 2073, "New London": 8111, "New London County": 12375, "New Mexico": 6936, "New Mexico State University": 12141, "New Order": 2682, "New Orleans": 7331, "New Orleans Pelicans": 5952, "New Orleans Saints": 2949, "New Orleans metropolitan area": 13287, "New Plymouth": 12403, "New Rochelle": 1408, "New Romanticism": 6647, "New South Wales": 1832, "New South Wales Legislative Assembly": 10831, "New Trier High School": 11196, "New Wave of British Heavy Metal": 7268, "New Westminster": 4495, "New World Pictures": 10487, "New Year's Eve": 9338, "New York": 44, "New York City": 586, "New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor": 2363, "New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress": 10438, "New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Film": 6430, "New York Giants": 914, "New York Islanders": 11704, "New York Jets": 2848, "New York Knicks": 971, "New York Law School": 6634, "New York Mets": 2775, "New York Rangers": 9460, "New York Red Bulls": 7600, "New York Shipbuilding Corporation": 13518, "New York State Senate": 8260, "New York Stories": 10900, "New York University": 5154, "New York University School of Law": 9987, "New York University Stern School of Business": 8631, "New York University Tandon School of Engineering": 9614, "New York Yankees": 716, "New York metropolitan area": 8034, "New York, I Love You": 913, "New Zealand": 1281, "New Zealand Labour Party": 13542, "New Zealand National Party": 12878, "New Zealand national cricket team": 11126, "New Zealand national football team": 10762, "New prog": 11981, "Newark": 3419, "Newbery Medal": 13193, "Newburgh": 13417, "Newburyport": 8394, "Newcastle": 12013, "Newcastle United F.C.": 6841, "Newcastle University": 7672, "Newcastle upon Tyne": 12599, "Newell's Old Boys": 13064, "Newfoundland": 7186, "Newfoundland Standard time": 12901, "Newfoundland and Labrador": 4631, "Newmarket": 9074, "Newnham College": 8427, "Newport": 11806, "Newport Beach": 9413, "Newport County A.F.C.": 8494, "Newport News": 8273, "News Corporation": 5188, "Newton": 9631, "Neymar": 4310, "Niagara County": 9877, "Niagara Falls": 9708, "Nicaragua": 9215, "Nice": 4282, "Nicholas II of Russia": 8079, "Nicholas Tse": 7446, "Nicholas and Alexandra": 5236, "Nick Broomfield": 10251, "Nick Cannon": 6691, "Nick Cave": 657, "Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds": 6793, "Nick Jonas": 5919, "Nick Lachey": 4728, "Nick Mason": 4380, "Nick Nolte": 6421, "Nick Park": 10182, "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist": 8421, "Nickelback": 420, "Nickelodeon": 6996, "Nicki Minaj": 3110, "Nico": 3457, "Nicolas Cage": 3867, "Nicole Kidman": 3040, "Nicole Richie": 2543, "Nicole Scherzinger": 8692, "Nicole Sullivan": 12994, "Nicollette Sheridan": 1395, "Nicosia": 13337, "Niels Bohr": 1809, "Nigel Lythgoe": 11927, "Niger": 2977, "Nigeria": 1585, "Nigeria national football team": 9376, "Night at the Museum": 3962, "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian": 5842, "Niigata Prefecture": 10982, "Nijmegen": 12559, "Nike": 7906, "Nikola Tesla": 2599, "Nikolai Gogol": 10771, "Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov": 11524, "Nikon": 1527, "Nina Simone": 9405, "Nine": 6690, "Nine Inch Nails": 1998, "Nine Lives": 4003, "Nine Network": 1686, "Nine Years' War": 10509, "Ninja Tune": 11861, "Nino Rota": 4185, "Ninotchka": 7023, "Nintendo": 8328, "Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development": 13419, "Nintendo Entertainment System": 13377, "Nirvana": 2760, "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band": 1452, "Nixon": 2621, "No Country for Old Men": 588, "No Doubt": 2811, "Noah Taylor": 4476, "Noah Wyle": 8065, "Noam Chomsky": 5625, "Nobel Peace Prize": 9913, "Nobel Prize in Chemistry": 12920, "Nobel Prize in Economics": 10197, "Nobel Prize in Literature": 1132, "Nobel Prize in Physics": 11906, "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine": 11542, "Nobuo Uematsu": 10741, "Noel Gallagher": 1269, "Nokia": 12673, "Nome Census Area": 12986, "Nondenominational Christianity": 3592, "Nonesuch Records": 10836, "Nora Ephron": 2367, "Norah Jones": 175, "Norbit": 1086, "Nord": 5160, "Nord-Pas-de-Calais": 10719, "Nordic combined": 3709, "Norfolk": 10801, "Norfolk Admirals": 10740, "Norfolk County": 6419, "Norm Prescott": 10860, "Norman": 12735, "Norman Blake": 1250, "Norman Foster": 1696, "Norman Jewison": 5623, "Norman Lear": 10637, "Norman Mailer": 631, "Norman Taurog": 12144, "Normandy": 11858, "Norristown": 5479, "North": 216, "North Africa": 7416, "North African Campaign": 12531, "North America": 4171, "North Brabant": 10862, "North Carolina": 919, "North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University": 11918, "North Carolina Central University": 7034, "North Carolina FC": 8700, "North Carolina State University": 8451, "North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball": 10109, "North Dakota": 5476, "North Dakota State University": 12034, "North Holland": 4552, "North Hollywood": 1762, "North Island": 9560, "North Korea": 2805, "North Korea national football team": 8996, "North Macedonia": 4330, "North Macedonia national football team": 3825, "North Norfolk": 12998, "North Rhine-Westphalia": 9435, "North Sea": 10974, "North Vietnam": 8143, "North Yorkshire": 8092, "North by Northwest": 4256, "Northampton": 2721, "Northampton County": 2948, "Northampton Town F.C.": 6141, "Northamptonshire": 12844, "Northeastern University": 12631, "Northern Arizona University": 8048, "Northern Dancer": 5926, "Northern Exposure": 1677, "Northern Illinois University": 6829, "Northern Ireland": 5318, "Northern Ireland national football team": 10595, "Northern Territory": 9165, "Northern line": 467, "Northridge": 8541, "Northrop Grumman": 11091, "Northumberland": 11014, "Northwest Territories": 11, "Northwestern State University": 3999, "Northwestern University": 5743, "Northwestern University School of Law": 11416, "Northwich Victoria F.C.": 5024, "Norwalk": 548, "Norway": 3371, "Norway national football team": 9446, "Norwegian": 9110, "Norwegian Labour Party": 13519, "Norwegians": 13262, "Norwich": 11336, "Norwich City F.C.": 4896, "Norwich University": 1935, "Notes on a Scandal": 3291, "Notting Hill": 9156, "Nottingham": 3969, "Nottingham Forest F.C.": 10978, "Nottinghamshire": 11306, "Notts County F.C.": 7156, "Nova Scotia": 1498, "Novak Djokovic": 11208, "Novara Calcio": 9336, "November": 4385, "Nuclear Blast": 11881, "Nunavut": 12259, "Nunnally Johnson": 12633, "Nuremberg": 12719, "Nurse Jackie": 8848, "Nutty Professor II: The Klumps": 3348, "Nye County": 12136, "O.G.C. Nice": 11898, "OCAD University": 6705, "OFI Crete": 11105, "Oahu": 6461, "Oak Park": 6483, "Oakland": 3421, "Oakland Athletics": 672, "Oakland County": 10321, "Oakland Raiders": 5441, "Oakville": 4732, "Oasis": 11571, "Oaxaca": 12598, "Oberlin College": 5461, "Oberlin Conservatory of Music": 5181, "Ocala": 11777, "Occidental College": 8372, "Ocean County": 12221, "Ocean Software": 13686, "Ocean's Eleven": 1076, "Ocean's Thirteen": 334, "Ocean's Twelve": 3356, "Oceania": 9116, "Oceanside": 2660, "Octavia Spencer": 2066, "October": 4180, "Octopussy": 7275, "Odense": 13128, "Odense Boldklub": 10856, "Odessa": 9930, "Odisha": 10785, "Ogden": 9921, "Oh! What a Lovely War": 4730, "Ohio": 129, "Ohio River": 9487, "Ohio Senate": 11352, "Ohio State University": 386, "Ohio University": 4222, "Ohio Wesleyan University": 6953, "Oi!": 11988, "Oingo Boingo": 5458, "Okanogan County": 12154, "Okinawa Prefecture": 12114, "Oklahoma": 8099, "Oklahoma City": 3959, "Oklahoma City Barons": 4926, "Oklahoma City Thunder": 9544, "Oklahoma City University": 4603, "Oklahoma County": 9761, "Oklahoma Sooners football": 7321, "Oklahoma!": 6281, "Old Dogs": 5446, "Old Dominion University": 12749, "Oldham": 8791, "Oldham Athletic A.F.C.": 7428, "Oliver Cromwell": 1701, "Oliver Hardy": 7805, "Oliver Platt": 5092, "Oliver Reed": 10843, "Oliver Stone": 938, "Oliver Twist": 3652, "Oliver!": 197, "Olivia Newton-John": 8503, "Olivia Wilde": 8944, "Olivia Williams": 1612, "Olivia d'Abo": 3822, "Olivia de Havilland": 10593, "Olympia": 13136, "Olympia Dukakis": 12316, "Olympiacos B.C.": 12255, "Olympiakos Nicosia FC": 12044, "Olympique Lyonnais": 11914, "Olympique de Marseille": 1384, "Om Prakash": 12973, "Om Puri": 9218, "Om Shanti Om": 6724, "Om Shivpuri": 12799, "Omaha": 6912, "Omaha Nighthawks": 3954, "Oman": 8434, "Omar Sharif": 1275, "Omarion": 2609, "Omnichord": 2192, "On Golden Pond": 2595, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service": 11614, "On the Road": 1494, "On the Waterfront": 10398, "Once Upon a Time in America": 154, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest": 412, "One Life to Live": 7615, "One Tree Hill": 10368, "Oneida County": 9047, "Oneworld": 13404, "Only Fools and Horses": 3746, "Onondaga County": 10209, "Ontario": 2540, "Ontario County": 10804, "Ontario Liberal Party": 13560, "Ontario New Democratic Party": 11673, "Operation Barbarossa": 6852, "Oprah Winfrey": 59, "Oracle Corporation": 3390, "Oral Roberts University": 11622, "Orange": 2212, "Orange County": 670, "Orange Free State": 12938, "Order of Saint Michael and Saint George": 13460, "Order of St. Olav": 12866, "Order of the British Empire": 1928, "Order of the Elephant": 11691, "Order of the Garter": 12683, "Order of the Star of Romania": 13142, "Order of the Thistle": 12819, "Order of the Three Stars": 12354, "Ordinary People": 1905, "Orduspor": 5874, "Oregon": 885, "Oregon State University": 9905, "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development": 4112, "Oriel College": 11656, "Oriental Orthodoxy": 11130, "Origin Systems": 12981, "Orion Pictures": 8195, "Orix Buffaloes": 10814, "Orkney Islands": 10905, "Orlando": 4514, "Orlando Bloom": 428, "Orlando Magic": 4755, "Orlando Pirates F.C.": 5021, "Orry-Kelly": 2777, "Orson Scott Card": 8900, "Orson Welles": 6561, "Orthodox Judaism": 13643, "Osamu Tezuka": 5451, "Oscar": 6164, "Oscar Hammerstein II": 3329, "Oscar Nunez": 7824, "Oscar Wilde": 8559, "Oscar and Lucinda": 5917, "Osgoode Hall Law School": 1692, "Oshawa": 12421, "Oslo": 11841, "Ossie Davis": 10642, "Oswald Morris": 7198, "Oswego": 13466, "Oswego County": 9659, "Otis College of Art and Design": 2788, "Otsego County": 12338, "Ottawa": 1521, "Ottawa Senators": 8040, "Otto Preminger": 4831, "Ottoman Dynasty": 13468, "Ottoman Empire": 6225, "Ottoman wars in Europe": 11024, "Out of Africa": 2067, "Out of Sight": 8753, "Outagamie County": 7844, "Outkast": 4428, "Outlaw country": 12767, "Over the Top": 8327, "Overijssel": 11425, "Overseas Chinese": 10072, "Owen Wilson": 406, "Owensboro": 11063, "Oxford": 2470, "Oxford County": 9452, "Oxford United F.C.": 8675, "Oxnard": 11651, "Oz": 9703, "Ozzy Osbourne": 4555, "P!nk": 1536, "P. G. Wodehouse": 7521, "P.S. I Love You": 8007, "PAS Giannina F.C.": 1502, "PBS": 6439, "PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction": 11443, "PFC Beroe Stara Zagora": 9380, "PFC Botev Plovdiv": 8591, "PFC CSKA Sofia": 6242, "PFC Cherno More Varna": 9558, "PFC Levski Sofia": 1918, "PFC Litex Lovech": 10393, "PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv": 10549, "PFC Spartak Nalchik": 11953, "PHP": 8784, "PJ Harvey": 4252, "PSV Eindhoven": 7639, "Pablo Picasso": 4325, "Pace University": 5760, "Pacific Ocean": 2513, "Pacific Palisades": 11272, "Pacific Time Zone": 3600, "Paddington": 12612, "Padma Vibhushan": 13633, "Padua": 13490, "Paducah": 13096, "Paisley": 1458, "Pakistan": 2994, "Pakistan Peoples Party": 12889, "Pakistan national cricket team": 13418, "Pakistan national football team": 10242, "Palau": 5858, "Palermo": 10065, "Palestinian National Authority": 7649, "Palm Beach": 11937, "Palm Beach County": 6654, "Palm Desert": 9878, "Palm Springs": 2751, "Palme d'Or": 369, "Palmerston North": 7484, "Palo Alto": 3951, "Palomar Observatory": 13551, "Pam Grier": 9648, "Pam Tillis": 8147, "Pamela Adlon": 5704, "Pamela Anderson": 4569, "Pamela Fryman": 1741, "Pampanga": 11840, "Pan Am": 9790, "Pan's Labyrinth": 2387, "Panama": 1934, "Panama City": 13066, "Panama national football team": 9842, "Panathinaikos F.C.": 10272, "Pandro S. Berman": 12292, "Pangasinan": 13153, "Panic! at the Disco": 1764, "Panionios F.C.": 7168, "Panjab University": 8299, "Panserraikos F.C.": 12867, "Papua New Guinea": 3499, "Paquito D'Rivera": 2013, "ParaNorman": 4224, "Paraguay": 2113, "Paraguay national football team": 6399, "Paramaribo": 13615, "Paramore": 5773, "Paramount Pictures": 489, "Paramount Vantage": 5908, "Paranormal Activity": 2016, "Paresh Rawal": 6088, "Paris": 6013, "Paris Hilton": 5946, "Paris Saint-Germain F.C.": 11415, "Paris, je t'aime": 6696, "Park County": 9662, "Parker Posey": 2579, "Parkersburg": 12687, "Parkinson disease": 2699, "Parks and Recreation": 4822, "Parliament of Canada": 2633, "Parlophone": 8172, "Parma": 12944, "Parma Calcio 1913": 3103, "Parramatta Eels": 12928, "Parsons The New School for Design": 5999, "Partick Thistle F.C.": 6966, "Pas-de-Calais": 10718, "Pasadena": 8568, "Pasadena City College": 8569, "Pasco County": 9462, "Pashto": 12317, "Pashtun people": 13227, "Passaic": 9799, "Passaic County": 6424, "Pat Benatar": 2043, "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid": 11074, "Pat Hingle": 7237, "Pat Metheny": 4517, "Pat Metheny Group": 4801, "Pat Morita": 11982, "Patch Adams": 1210, "Paterson": 5013, "Patna": 7952, "Patricia Arquette": 375, "Patricia Clarkson": 3175, "Patricia Heaton": 4595, "Patricia Neal": 5675, "Patrick Dempsey": 1035, "Patrick Doyle": 6322, "Patrick Gallagher": 8396, "Patrick Loubert": 6667, "Patrick McGoohan": 10365, "Patrick O'Neal": 5138, "Patrick Stewart": 766, "Patrick Swayze": 7301, "Patrick Warburton": 4000, "Patrizia von Brandenstein": 7973, "Patti LaBelle": 4562, "Patti Smith": 2847, "Patton": 5765, "Patton Oswalt": 8270, "Patty Duke": 7175, "Patty Loveless": 4536, "Paul": 8335, "Paul Auster": 7215, "Paul Bettany": 4390, "Paul Dano": 2284, "Paul Dini": 7354, "Paul Dooley": 1687, "Paul Epworth": 2445, "Paul Feig": 5167, "Paul Francis Webster": 7708, "Paul Frees": 12015, "Paul Giamatti": 7308, "Paul Gross": 8230, "Paul Guilfoyle": 10231, "Paul Haggis": 4373, "Paul Lieberstein": 3915, "Paul Mazursky": 9621, "Paul McCartney": 6104, "Paul Newman": 5632, "Paul Oakenfold": 11491, "Paul Reiser": 1837, "Paul Reubens": 6087, "Paul Robeson": 3369, "Paul Rudd": 2312, "Paul S. Fox": 11827, "Paul Schrader": 5522, "Paul Shaffer": 5941, "Paul Simon": 5551, "Paul Sorvino": 3676, "Paul Sylbert": 8946, "Paul Thomas Anderson": 4507, "Paul Walker": 9085, "Paul Weller": 8354, "Paul Williams": 6768, "Paul Winchell": 8979, "Paul Winfield": 9793, "Paula Abdul": 8240, "Pauly Shore": 11843, "Pavia": 13261, "Pawtucket": 6059, "Paz de la Huerta": 418, "Peabody Award": 3732, "Pearl Harbor": 799, "Pearl Jam": 2991, "Peking University": 10646, "Pembroke College": 10325, "Penang": 11984, "Penelope Ann Miller": 10655, "Penelope Wilton": 6608, "Peng Dehuai": 4873, "Peninsular War": 8420, "Penn Badgley": 11160, "Penn Jillette": 439, "Pennine Alps": 12638, "Pennsylvania": 3502, "Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts": 10640, "Pennsylvania State University": 2041, "Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district": 6167, "Penobscot County": 8627, "Pensacola": 6582, "Pentecostalism": 11146, "Penzance": 12893, "People's Action Party": 5490, "People's Democratic Party": 13583, "People's Republic of China": 3122, "Peoria": 5203, "Peoria County": 4303, "Pepperdine University": 6549, "PepsiCo": 770, "Perak": 13620, "Percussion": 290, "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief": 6525, "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer": 10554, "Perkin Medal": 12140, "Perl": 7719, "Persea americana": 4836, "Persepolis": 1448, "Persepolis F.C.": 2275, "Persian": 9015, "Perth": 1278, "Perth Airport": 3989, "Perth Amboy": 9075, "Perth Glory FC": 6911, "Perth and Kinross": 1277, "Peru": 3840, "Peru national football team": 9742, "Perugia": 13024, "Peshawar": 12263, "Pet Shop Boys": 638, "Petaluma": 11578, "Pete Docter": 4609, "Pete Postlethwaite": 2850, "Pete Seeger": 8938, "Pete Townshend": 2909, "Pete Wentz": 814, "Peter Berg": 8845, "Peter Bogdanovich": 3768, "Peter Boyle": 5481, "Peter Buck": 6172, "Peter Capaldi": 11381, "Peter Cook": 10922, "Peter Coyote": 1512, "Peter Cullen": 3111, "Peter Cushing": 10335, "Peter David": 457, "Peter Dinklage": 8622, "Peter Facinelli": 7729, "Peter Falk": 10143, "Peter Farrelly": 8067, "Peter Finch": 9764, "Peter Fonda": 1365, "Peter Frampton": 1847, "Peter Gabriel": 6041, "Peter Gallagher": 9484, "Peter Graves": 10933, "Peter Horton": 7707, "Peter Hyams": 3733, "Peter Jackson": 1442, "Peter Jacobson": 2036, "Peter Krause": 4963, "Peter Lamont": 5723, "Peter Lawford": 12285, "Peter Lorre": 11332, "Peter MacNicol": 5022, "Peter Morgan": 344, "Peter O'Toole": 257, "Peter Pan": 11064, "Peter Riegert": 1130, "Peter Sarsgaard": 8201, "Peter Sellers": 3471, "Peter Stone": 12763, "Peter Stormare": 8024, "Peter Tolan": 12074, "Peter Tork": 8991, "Peter Ustinov": 6877, "Peter Weir": 2918, "Peter Weller": 8924, "Peterborough": 12165, "Peterborough United F.C.": 12166, "Peterhouse": 3165, "Petersburg": 5577, "Peyton Place": 1945, "Pfizer": 3699, "Pharrell Williams": 2570, "Phil Alden Robinson": 10573, "Phil Collins": 2663, "Phil Collinson": 9480, "Phil Hartman": 4306, "Phil LaMarr": 5880, "Phil Ramone": 6788, "Phil Spector": 2580, "Phil Vischer": 12019, "Philadelphia": 21, "Philadelphia 76ers": 8721, "Philadelphia Eagles": 864, "Philadelphia Flyers": 12215, "Philadelphia Phillies": 7730, "Philadelphia Union": 5415, "Philip Baker Hall": 1723, "Philip Glass": 3957, "Philip Johnson": 11771, "Philip K. Dick": 6510, "Philip K. Dick Award": 12802, "Philip Pullman": 5296, "Philip Roth": 6828, "Philip Seymour Hoffman": 110, "Philip Yordan": 11183, "Philippe Rousselot": 6427, "Philippine Standard Time": 8748, "Philippine cuisine": 13348, "Philippines": 636, "Philippines national football team": 4275, "Philips": 1229, "Phillips Academy": 11962, "Phillips Exeter Academy": 2770, "Phineas and Ferb": 9954, "Phish": 1842, "Phnom Penh": 13325, "Phoenix": 678, "Phoenix Suns": 7012, "Phyllis Logan": 1878, "Phyllis Smith": 234, "Picardy": 12569, "Picket Fences": 2093, "Piedmont": 10511, "Pier Paolo Pasolini": 1643, "Pierce Brosnan": 8608, "Pierce County": 11837, "Pierre Boulez": 341, "Pierre Trudeau": 2650, "Pietermaritzburg": 1027, "Pietro Scalia": 9785, "Pigface": 2600, "Pillow Talk": 11260, "Pima County": 10108, "Pina": 10711, "Pinal County": 2352, "Pine Bluff": 9317, "Pineapple Express": 8218, "Pinellas County": 5411, "Pink Floyd": 501, "Pinocchio": 6057, "Pinto Colvig": 11922, "Piper Laurie": 5254, "Piranha 3D": 4915, "Piranha 3DD": 1264, "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End": 6736, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest": 8756, "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides": 10794, "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl": 1116, "Pisa": 10943, "Pitbull": 10639, "Pittsburgh": 5872, "Pittsburgh Penguins": 4920, "Pittsburgh Pirates": 5487, "Pittsburgh Steelers": 2085, "Pittsburgh metropolitan area": 7613, "Pittsfield": 7862, "Pixar": 5174, "Pixies": 6359, "Placer County": 12733, "Plainfield": 12282, "Planet of the Apes": 6597, "Plano": 12287, "Plastic Ono Band": 4302, "Plato": 7547, "Platoon": 1143, "Play It Again Sam": 3398, "PlayStation 2": 3813, "PlayStation 3": 11800, "Playboy Playmate": 10807, "Pleasantville": 2309, "Please Give": 2493, "Plovdiv": 12908, "Plumas County": 9836, "Plymouth": 8489, "Plymouth Argyle F.C.": 1710, "Plymouth County": 7397, "Poaceae": 13674, "Pocahontas": 3673, "Pocatello": 13233, "Podlaskie Voivodeship": 8548, "Pohang Steelers": 9568, "Poitou-Charentes": 12924, "Poland": 483, "Poland national football team": 11889, "Poles": 6492, "Polish": 11394, "Polish American": 10730, "Politecnico di Milano": 7201, "Polk County": 8877, "Poltergeist": 2572, "PolyGram": 8533, "PolyGram Filmed Entertainment": 911, "Polydor Records": 5327, "Pomeranian Voivodeship": 10763, "Pomona": 12485, "Pomona College": 7671, "Pompano Beach": 7485, "Ponce": 9832, "Pontefract": 13367, "Pontiac": 10322, "Pontifical Gregorian University": 452, "Pony Canyon": 13327, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea": 5812, "Poole": 12008, "PopCap Games": 6083, "Popeye": 535, "Populous": 13088, "Porco Rosso": 6541, "Porcupine Tree": 9200, "Port Arthur": 7710, "Port Elizabeth": 8535, "Port Huron": 12337, "Port Vale F.C.": 8100, "Port of Spain": 12116, "Port-au-Prince": 12113, "Portage County": 8538, "Porter County": 11797, "Portia de Rossi": 201, "Portishead": 543, "Portland": 5757, "Portland Pirates": 8586, "Portland State University": 12778, "Portland Trail Blazers": 4128, "Portland metropolitan area": 12865, "Portmore United F.C.": 6270, "Porto": 9312, "Porto Alegre": 13506, "Portsmouth": 9196, "Portsmouth F.C.": 1949, "Portugal": 37, "Portugal national football team": 4726, "Portuguese": 3556, "Potsdam": 7893, "Poughkeepsie": 1396, "Poul Anderson": 8264, "Power Rangers": 13689, "Powers Boothe": 4853, "Prague": 1907, "Prakash Raj": 10013, "Pran": 6150, "Pratt Institute": 6351, "Pre-Code Hollywood": 13358, "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood": 13575, "Precious": 3691, "Preity Zinta": 783, "Prem Chopra": 9102, "Prem Nath": 11884, "Presbyterianism": 3468, "Prescott": 5045, "Presidency University": 7249, "President of the United States": 1023, "Presidential Medal of Freedom": 5055, "Preston": 2342, "Preston North End F.C.": 9644, "Preston Sturges": 6506, "Pretoria": 11334, "Pretty Little Liars": 12045, "Pretty Woman": 4319, "Pride & Prejudice": 4800, "Priest": 2406, "Primal Fear": 8617, "Primary Colors": 7031, "Prime Minister of Canada": 8245, "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom": 3627, "Primetime Emmy Award for Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program": 613, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program": 7244, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series": 2408, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series": 1589, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series": 5817, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series": 2828, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series": 839, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series": 459, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series": 49, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series": 4270, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series": 4784, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series": 984, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie": 552, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series": 916, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series": 824, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie": 1428, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series": 1067, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series": 953, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie": 2942, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series": 3490, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series": 2731, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie": 374, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series": 5128, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series": 3664, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special": 8038, "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program": 1082, "Prince": 850, "Prince Edward Island": 9055, "Prince George's County": 11470, "Prince William County": 8960, "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time": 346, "Princeton": 11720, "Princeton Theological Seminary": 11096, "Princeton University": 5453, "Priority Records": 12772, "Prison Break": 10033, "Pritam Chakraborty": 10755, "Prithviraj Sukumaran": 11293, "Priyadarshan": 11696, "Priyanka Chopra Jonas": 4688, "Prizzi's Honor": 10906, "Pro Football Hall of Fame": 12684, "Procter & Gamble": 10289, "Professional Football Club Central Sports Club of Army Moscow": 3824, "Progressive Conservative Party of Canada": 9592, "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario": 11635, "Project Runway": 9318, "Prometheus": 2673, "Prometheus Award": 1325, "Providence": 5553, "Providence Bruins": 10349, "Providence College": 6815, "Providence County": 6360, "Province of Brescia": 11438, "Province of Cagliari": 9918, "Province of Como": 9231, "Province of Cuneo": 11741, "Province of Naples": 12534, "Province of Palermo": 10064, "Province of Potenza": 10309, "Province of Rome": 12805, "Province of Salerno": 8744, "Province of Turin": 10319, "Provo": 10074, "Prussia": 13014, "Psycho": 2167, "Public Enemies": 3106, "Puebla F.C.": 11699, "Pueblo": 7380, "Puerto Ricans": 4140, "Puerto Rico": 5948, "Puerto Rico Islanders": 8712, "Puerto Rico national football team": 5290, "Pulaski County": 2294, "Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography": 13173, "Pulitzer Prize for Drama": 3505, "Pulitzer Prize for Fiction": 8684, "Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction": 13333, "Pulitzer Prize for History": 13665, "Pulitzer Prize for Music": 13272, "Pulitzer Prize for Poetry": 2534, "Pulitzer Prize for Public Service": 13492, "Pulp Fiction": 2916, "Punahou School": 9408, "Punch-Drunk Love": 3888, "Pune": 7522, "Punjab": 3152, "Punjabi": 11288, "Punjabi people": 9344, "Punk blues": 3368, "Purdue University": 1064, "Purple Heart": 12654, "Pushing Daisies": 3572, "Puss in Boots": 9753, "Putnam County": 7678, "Pye Records": 12970, "Pyongyang": 11792, "Pyrenees": 12870, "Pyrus": 4989, "Python": 9640, "Q-Tip": 10230, "Qantas": 9137, "Qatar": 4047, "Qing dynasty": 4850, "Qingdao": 7045, "Quadrophenia": 6809, "Quantum of Solace": 959, "Quebec": 2684, "Quebec City": 3284, "Quebec Liberal Party": 12224, "Queen": 653, "Queen Latifah": 4949, "Queen Mary University of London": 5141, "Queen of the Damned": 8041, "Queen of the South F.C.": 3585, "Queen's University": 9410, "Queen's University Belfast": 9026, "Queens": 5550, "Queens College": 7503, "Queens Park Rangers F.C.": 10394, "Queens of the Stone Age": 6820, "Queens' College": 7781, "Queensland": 10879, "Queensland University of Technology": 2653, "Quentin Tarantino": 4193, "Quest for Fire": 213, "Quetta": 13048, "Quezon City": 12688, "Quills": 8301, "Quincy": 1566, "Quincy Jones": 7962, "Quito": 12481, "Quiz Show": 6453, "Quo Vadis": 1078, "R. Charleroi S.C.": 9108, "R. Kelly": 8658, "R. Lee Ermey": 7146, "R. Madhavan": 6040, "R.C. Lens": 7212, "R.S.C. Anderlecht": 7583, "RB Leipzig": 5691, "RC Strasbourg": 10607, "RCA Corporation": 10254, "RCA Records": 8664, "RCD Espanyol B": 3257, "RCD Espanyol de Barcelona": 2123, "RCD Mallorca": 6319, "RKC Waalwijk": 7383, "RKO Pictures": 404, "RMIT University": 12831, "RWDM Brussels FC": 12765, "Rabat": 13380, "Rabindranath Tagore": 8545, "Rachael Leigh Cook": 8106, "Rachel Bilson": 3833, "Rachel Getting Married": 8381, "Rachel Griffiths": 3900, "Rachel McAdams": 4740, "Rachel Portman": 7812, "Rachel Weisz": 634, "Racine": 9301, "Racing Club de Avellaneda": 10166, "Racing de Santander": 3277, "Radcliffe College": 3331, "Radio": 10988, "Radio Days": 8606, "Radiohead": 8462, "Rafael Nadal": 10276, "Raghuvaran": 13181, "Raging Bull": 1777, "Ragtime": 1771, "RahXephon": 112, "Rahul Dev Burman": 12982, "Raiders of the Lost Ark": 3154, "Rain Man": 4478, "Rainer Werner Fassbinder": 3935, "Rainn Wilson": 235, "Raith Rovers F.C.": 11476, "Raj Babbar": 11226, "Raj Kapoor": 4905, "Raja Casablanca": 1419, "Rajasthan": 11798, "Rajendra Nath": 12347, "Rajesh Khanna": 7094, "Rajinikanth": 9657, "Rajpal Yadav": 12553, "Rakesh Roshan": 4772, "Rakhee Gulzar": 10263, "Raleigh": 2154, "Ralph Bellamy": 10663, "Ralph Burns": 10626, "Ralph E. Winters": 1077, "Ralph Fiennes": 816, "Ralph Richardson": 5145, "Ralph Stanley": 6026, "Ralph Vaughan Williams": 10882, "Ralph Waldo Emerson": 10482, "Ram Gopal Varma": 10038, "Rambo": 3930, "Rambo III": 6968, "Rambo: First Blood Part II": 1493, "Ramones": 7612, "Ramsey County": 11454, "Ran": 8227, "Rancho Mirage": 12603, "Randers FC": 10035, "Randy Edelman": 5011, "Randy Jackson": 8385, "Randy Newman": 6263, "Randy Quaid": 8226, "Randy Thom": 5096, "Randy Travis": 4236, "Rang De Basanti": 6944, "Rangers F.C.": 6274, "Rango": 184, "Rani Mukherjee": 9029, "Rank Organisation": 11094, "Raoul Walsh": 10923, "Raphael": 7851, "Raphael Saadiq": 4529, "Rapid City": 10654, "Raquel Welch": 2749, "Rare Ltd.": 164, "Rashida Jones": 7619, "Ratatouille": 4610, "Ravenna": 10228, "Ravi Shankar": 5367, "Rawalpindi": 12538, "Ray": 3605, "Ray Allen": 6247, "Ray Bradbury": 9365, "Ray Charles": 167, "Ray Heindorf": 10435, "Ray Liotta": 3420, "Ray Manzarek": 2134, "Ray McKinnon": 9551, "Ray Milland": 1276, "Ray Moyer": 1438, "Ray Romano": 6746, "Ray Stark": 4410, "Ray Walston": 135, "Ray Winstone": 5596, "Ray Wise": 12660, "Raymond Burr": 9266, "Raymond Chandler": 774, "Raymond Chow": 8581, "Raymond Massey": 7582, "Rayo Vallecano": 1381, "Raza Murad": 13245, "Reading": 6410, "Reading F.C.": 7699, "Real Betis Balompi\u00e9": 12634, "Real Madrid CF": 8916, "Real Madrid Castilla football": 7771, "Real Murcia": 12100, "Real Salt Lake": 4093, "Real Sociedad": 11687, "Real Steel": 7073, "Real World": 9125, "Real Zaragoza": 594, "Rear Window": 5426, "Reba McEntire": 11648, "Rebecca": 1695, "Rebecca Hall": 7085, "Rebecca Romijn": 10049, "Recess: School's Out": 2033, "Recount": 8921, "Red Bank": 8101, "Red Cliff": 4174, "Red Dragon": 8209, "Red Dwarf": 12475, "Red Hot Chili Peppers": 9535, "Red Road": 4403, "Red Skelton": 9494, "Red Star Belgrade": 6729, "Red State": 5646, "Red Tails": 4690, "RedOne": 7063, "Redding": 7220, "Redlands": 9539, "Reds": 3961, "Redwood City": 3321, "Reed College": 7288, "Reese Witherspoon": 1673, "Reform Party of Canada": 13196, "Regency Enterprises": 4094, "Regensburg": 7711, "Regina": 2178, "Regis Philbin": 6706, "Reims": 11587, "Rekha": 10795, "Relapse Records": 12773, "Relativity Media": 1937, "Relativity Records": 10021, "Reliance Entertainment": 8001, "Religious Society of Friends": 4810, "Remember the Titans": 4148, "Renaissance": 13691, "Renaissance architecture": 13182, "Renny Harlin": 4124, "Reno": 8336, "Rensselaer County": 1971, "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute": 9132, "Rent": 5501, "Reprise Records": 6621, "Republic Pictures": 13079, "Republic of Ireland national football team": 2765, "Republic of Venice": 13235, "Republic of the Congo": 7374, "Republican Party": 2547, "Requiem for a Dream": 6365, "Resident Evil": 790, "Resident Evil: Afterlife": 4136, "Resident Evil: Apocalypse": 11065, "Resident Evil: Extinction": 2221, "Resident Evil: Retribution": 423, "Restless": 621, "Revelation Records": 12667, "Reversal of Fortune": 5951, "Revisionist Western": 13098, "Revolution Studios": 2800, "Revolutionary Road": 2338, "Rex Harrison": 10944, "Rhine": 8992, "Rhineland-Palatinate": 8682, "Rhinestone": 2898, "Rhino Entertainment Company": 4096, "Rhode Island": 3660, "Rhode Island School of Design": 2755, "Rhodes piano": 4314, "Rhodesia": 6702, "Rhys Ifans": 8236, "Ricardo Antonio Chavira": 8212, "Ricardo Fuller": 2975, "Rice University": 1070, "Rich Little": 4682, "Rich Man, Poor Man": 5477, "Rich Sommer": 8876, "Richard Attenborough": 845, "Richard Benjamin": 1985, "Richard Branson": 12067, "Richard Brooks": 8919, "Richard Burton": 11778, "Richard Chamberlain": 10372, "Richard Crenna": 6967, "Richard Curtis": 1781, "Richard D. Zanuck": 7947, "Richard Dawkins": 8163, "Richard Day": 145, "Richard Donner": 3297, "Richard Dreyfuss": 5006, "Richard E. Grant": 1145, "Richard Edlund": 2187, "Richard Feynman": 7914, "Richard Fleischer": 6236, "Richard Gere": 4141, "Richard Griffiths": 1925, "Richard Hammond": 6933, "Richard Harris": 7689, "Richard Hunt": 7917, "Richard III": 4683, "Richard Jenkins": 3769, "Richard Kind": 2271, "Richard Linklater": 8435, "Richard M. Sherman": 12155, "Richard Marx": 4098, "Richard Masur": 2596, "Richard Matheson": 7252, "Richard Nixon": 7101, "Richard Portman": 9157, "Richard Price": 8616, "Richard Pryor": 3424, "Richard Riehle": 9979, "Richard Rodgers": 3931, "Richard Rodney Bennett": 6071, "Richard Rorty": 2313, "Richard Roundtree": 12248, "Richard Roxburgh": 11961, "Richard Schiff": 999, "Richard Strauss": 7677, "Richard Sylbert": 7410, "Richard Taylor": 6095, "Richard Thompson": 5922, "Richard Thorpe": 9461, "Richard Wagner": 7760, "Richard Widmark": 10450, "Richard Wright": 759, "Richie Sambora": 2635, "Richmond": 9042, "Rick Baker": 9294, "Rick Berman": 6949, "Rick James": 10645, "Rick Kline": 7842, "Rick Nowels": 5486, "Rick Rubin": 3469, "Rick Simpson": 4979, "Rick Springfield": 6578, "Rick Wakeman": 1833, "Rickey Henderson": 1007, "Ricky Gervais": 1852, "Ricky Jay": 1133, "Ricky Martin": 47, "Ricky Nelson": 3785, "Ricky Skaggs": 355, "Ridge Forrester": 12530, "Ridgefield": 5169, "Ridgewood": 11061, "Ridley Scott": 3783, "Rie Kugimiya": 5836, "Riga": 9679, "Rihanna": 6480, "Ringo Sheena": 5433, "Ringo Starr": 1196, "Rio Ave F.C.": 12791, "Rio Grande do Sul": 12614, "Rio de Janeiro": 1473, "Riot grrrl": 4509, "Rip Torn": 7832, "Rise of the Guardians": 3516, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes": 2581, "Rishi Kapoor": 11456, "Rita Hayworth": 2077, "Rita Moreno": 8128, "Rita Wilson": 10199, "Ritchie Blackmore": 11473, "River Phoenix": 11079, "River Thames": 11759, "Rivers Cuomo": 819, "Riverside": 11339, "Riverside County": 2750, "Riyadh": 13503, "Road Trip": 6450, "Road to Perdition": 7451, "Roadrunner Records": 468, "Roald Dahl": 12037, "Roanoke": 11093, "Rob Corddry": 595, "Rob James-Collier": 9784, "Rob Lowe": 11179, "Rob Paulsen": 6540, "Rob Reiner": 9424, "Rob Schneider": 7508, "Rob Thomas": 7960, "Rob Zombie": 3223, "Robbie Coltrane": 6823, "Robbie Keane": 4919, "Robbie Robertson": 3319, "Robbie Williams": 1738, "Robert A. Heinlein": 9867, "Robert Altman": 5197, "Robert Anton Wilson": 9879, "Robert B. Sherman": 3543, "Robert Benton": 1707, "Robert Bolt": 8053, "Robert Byrd": 2575, "Robert Carlock": 1011, "Robert Carlyle": 3360, "Robert Chartoff": 11681, "Robert Clohessy": 648, "Robert Cray": 5429, "Robert De Niro": 2060, "Robert Downey Jr.": 3174, "Robert Duvall": 82, "Robert E. Howard": 6825, "Robert E. Lee": 1943, "Robert Elswit": 5126, "Robert Englund": 5231, "Robert Evans": 4968, "Robert F. Boyle": 4729, "Robert F. Kennedy": 5293, "Robert F. McGowan": 667, "Robert Forster": 3464, "Robert Fripp": 5007, "Robert Gates": 2347, "Robert Greenhut": 5937, "Robert Guillaume": 2063, "Robert Guza, Jr.": 3128, "Robert Iler": 1348, "Robert Klein": 2291, "Robert L. Surtees": 6279, "Robert Lantos": 5040, "Robert Loggia": 3944, "Robert Louis Stevenson": 7983, "Robert McKimson": 2369, "Robert Mitchum": 6909, "Robert Montgomery": 8572, "Robert Morley": 8759, "Robert Morse": 6487, "Robert Palmer": 4960, "Robert Patrick": 7909, "Robert Pattinson": 5068, "Robert Plant": 3939, "Robert Redford": 1106, "Robert Richardson": 1144, "Robert Rodriguez": 580, "Robert Ryan": 8989, "Robert Schumann": 13051, "Robert Shaw": 9077, "Robert Silverberg": 7964, "Robert Smigel": 1081, "Robert Smith": 3344, "Robert Stack": 1992, "Robert Taylor": 4697, "Robert Towne": 4933, "Robert Vaughn": 11612, "Robert Wagner": 2778, "Robert Wise": 322, "Robert Wyatt": 7042, "Robert Young": 8386, "Robert Zemeckis": 2922, "Robert Zigler Leonard": 6683, "Roberto Benigni": 8009, "Roberto Orci": 3272, "Robin Gibb": 5656, "Robin Hood": 1323, "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves": 6007, "Robin Thicke": 4935, "Robin Williams": 1522, "Robin Wright": 616, "RoboCop": 4582, "Robot Chicken": 2511, "Robots": 494, "Robur Siena": 3268, "Robyn Hitchcock": 4638, "Rocco and His Brothers": 12204, "Rochdale": 10291, "Rochdale A.F.C.": 10153, "Rochester": 3474, "Rochester Institute of Technology": 12025, "Rochester Rhinos": 5234, "Rock Band 2": 12886, "Rock Hudson": 7935, "Rock Island": 2677, "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame": 1391, "Rock of Ages": 1532, "Rockford": 1786, "Rockhampton": 13416, "Rockingham County": 9681, "Rockland County": 296, "Rockstar Games": 13320, "Rockville": 1858, "Rocky": 3975, "Rocky Balboa": 4190, "Rocky IV": 4605, "Rocky Mount": 11453, "Rocky Mountains": 12158, "Rocky V": 134, "Rod Serling": 11965, "Rod Steiger": 6802, "Rod Stewart": 5714, "Rod Taylor": 5916, "Roda JC Kerkrade": 9400, "Roddy McDowall": 3181, "Rodney Jerkins": 6380, "Rodrigo Santoro": 2056, "Roger Bart": 5190, "Roger Birnbaum": 2199, "Roger Corman": 11321, "Roger Daltrey": 221, "Roger Deakins": 131, "Roger Federer": 10277, "Roger Moore": 7593, "Roger Taylor": 7602, "Roger Waters": 4680, "Roger Zelazny": 1657, "Rogue": 10702, "Roland Anderson": 10828, "Roland Emmerich": 2225, "Role Models": 6159, "Rolfe Kent": 11785, "Rollins College": 1113, "Roman Holiday": 9716, "Roman Polanski": 3653, "Roman Republic": 10205, "Romani people": 13097, "Romania": 2029, "Romania national football team": 6894, "Romanian": 1337, "Romanticism": 6765, "Rome": 1287, "Romeo + Juliet": 752, "Romeo and Juliet": 3933, "Romford": 12521, "Ron Carter": 6854, "Ron Howard": 689, "Ron Jeremy": 12057, "Ron Paul": 6748, "Ron Perlman": 9982, "Ron Silver": 10447, "Ron W. Miller": 1800, "Ron Weiner": 1889, "Ronald Bass": 4477, "Ronald D. Moore": 6950, "Ronald Harwood": 11330, "Ronald Neame": 10220, "Ronald Reagan": 4027, "Ronaldo": 8468, "Ronnie Screwvala": 12835, "Ronnie Wood": 6329, "Ronny Cox": 9684, "Roosevelt University": 10875, "Roosevelt family": 13165, "Roots": 739, "Roots: The Next Generations": 12666, "Rope": 2659, "Rory Albanese": 6016, "Rory Cochrane": 3684, "Rory Fallon": 8775, "Rory Gallagher": 7472, "Rosalind Russell": 12570, "Rosanna Arquette": 9131, "Rosario": 12480, "Rosario Dawson": 2223, "Roscoe Arbuckle": 9898, "Rose Bowl Game": 12954, "Rose Byrne": 6973, "Rose McGowan": 8437, "Rosemary Harris": 109, "Rosemary's Baby": 6175, "Rosenborg BK": 9387, "Rosie O'Donnell": 10908, "Ross County F.C.": 4972, "Ross Turnbull": 1291, "Rostock": 12487, "Rostov-on-Don": 12846, "Rot-Weiss Essen": 9217, "Rotherham": 12661, "Rotherham United F.C.": 1147, "Rotorua": 12524, "Rotterdam": 10474, "Rouen": 9852, "Rough Trade Records": 9937, "Rounder Records": 4042, "Roundhead": 3115, "Rowan Atkinson": 6336, "Roxbury": 11489, "Roxy Music": 9135, "Roy Bittan": 5485, "Roy Carroll": 7090, "Roy Haynes": 4518, "Roy Kinnear": 12754, "Roy Orbison": 6252, "Roy Scheider": 5697, "Roy Thomas": 12413, "Roy Webb": 5642, "Roy Wood": 11170, "Royal Academy of Arts": 9529, "Royal Academy of Dramatic Art": 3336, "Royal Academy of Music": 463, "Royal Air Force": 4621, "Royal Antwerp F.C": 5016, "Royal Australian Air Force": 12852, "Royal Australian Navy": 13355, "Royal Canadian Air Force": 13480, "Royal Central School of Speech & Drama": 8595, "Royal College of Art": 340, "Royal College of Music": 10517, "Royal College, Colombo": 12173, "Royal Conservatoire of Scotland": 11218, "Royal Gold Medal": 12435, "Royal Holloway, University of London": 11846, "Royal Leamington Spa": 12396, "Royal Medal": 12412, "Royal Military Academy": 13265, "Royal Military Academy Sandhurst": 13070, "Royal Naval Air Service": 13425, "Royal Navy": 9946, "Royal Oak": 8853, "Royal Society": 6726, "Royal Sutton Coldfield": 12918, "Royal Tunbridge Wells": 12987, "Royal Victorian Chain": 11009, "Royal Victorian Order": 13477, "RuPaul": 6385, "Rubin Kazan": 1238, "Ruby Dee": 9521, "Rudyard Kipling": 2292, "Rufus Wainwright": 9780, "Rugby School": 2115, "Rugrats": 11917, "Rules of Engagement": 1140, "Runaway Jury": 6012, "Rupert Everett": 2507, "Rupert Holmes": 7792, "Rush": 469, "Rush Hour": 115, "Rush Hour 2": 1224, "Rush Hour 3": 500, "Rushmore": 11026, "Russ Meyer": 8518, "Russell Brand": 9046, "Russell Crowe": 224, "Russell Metty": 2222, "Russell T Davies": 4146, "Russi Taylor": 12161, "Russia": 2131, "Russia national football team": 9737, "Russian": 7183, "Russian Americans": 11027, "Russian Civil War": 8786, "Russian Empire": 5865, "Russian Orthodox Church": 9497, "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic": 13091, "Russians": 4074, "Rust and Bone": 6633, "Rutger Hauer": 889, "Rutgers University": 4805, "Ruth Gordon": 10675, "Ruth Prawer Jhabvala": 5189, "Rutina Wesley": 2605, "Rwanda": 8609, "Ry Cooder": 7986, "Ryan Adams": 4834, "Ryan Gosling": 4208, "Ryan Kavanaugh": 4943, "Ryan Kwanten": 2786, "Ryan Murphy": 8120, "Ryan O'Neal": 10052, "Ryan Phillippe": 4426, "Ryan Reynolds": 7918, "Ryan Seacrest": 7096, "Ryan Tedder": 1871, "Ryan's Daughter": 8242, "Ryan's Hope": 8731, "Ryanair": 6754, "Ryerson University": 12868, "Rykodisc": 1587, "Ryuichi Sakamoto": 3072, "S. Epatha Merkerson": 6988, "S.C. Bastia": 9528, "S.C. Beira-Mar vale callampa": 10502, "S.C. Braga": 7169, "S.C. Corinthians Paulista": 9830, "S.C. Internacional": 11960, "S.C. Olhanense": 3602, "S.K. Sturm Graz": 9670, "S.L. Benfica": 9421, "S.S. Lazio": 1216, "S.S. Monza 1912": 12937, "S.S.C. Napoli": 6474, "S.V. Zulte Waregem": 7966, "SBV Excelsior": 8587, "SC Cambuur": 11383, "SC Freiburg": 6650, "SC Heerenveen": 8283, "SCE Studio Liverpool": 13069, "SD Eibar": 10781, "SK Brann": 8051, "SK Rapid Wien": 9956, "SK Slavia Prague": 13060, "SM Entertainment": 12468, "SM Town": 12122, "SNK": 9279, "SOAS, University of London": 11242, "SPV": 9021, "SST Records": 13187, "SSV Jahn Regensburg": 11054, "STV": 12135, "SV Darmstadt 98": 10715, "SV Eintracht Trier 05": 11621, "SV Ried": 9401, "SV Wacker Burghausen": 11107, "SV Waldhof Mannheim": 7206, "SV Wehen Wiesbaden": 7467, "SV Werder Bremen": 11947, "Saba Qom F.C.": 5955, "Sabah": 11310, "Saboteur": 7381, "Sabrina": 9175, "Sacha Baron Cohen": 3766, "Sacramento": 6997, "Sacramento County": 7409, "Sacramento Kings": 6929, "Saddam Hussein": 12663, "Saeed Jaffrey": 71, "Saginaw": 9341, "Saginaw County": 12578, "Saif Ali Khan": 12246, "Sailor Moon R: The Movie": 261, "Sailor Moon S: The Movie": 4260, "Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie": 7151, "Saint John": 12314, "Saint Joseph's University": 5320, "Saint Kitts and Nevis": 756, "Saint Louis University": 12160, "Saint Lucia": 8671, "Saint Mary's College of California": 10720, "Saint Patrick": 5868, "Saint Paul": 8860, "Saint Petersburg": 2365, "Saint Petersburg Conservatory": 5258, "Saint Petersburg State University": 2368, "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 925, "Saitama Prefecture": 13086, "Saitama Seibu Lions": 11539, "Sal Buscema": 10591, "Salavat Yulaev Ufa": 5756, "Salem": 7046, "Salford": 13080, "Salinas": 8705, "Salisbury": 8235, "Sally Field": 7675, "Salma Hayek": 2514, "Salman Khan": 5580, "Salman Rushdie": 3950, "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen": 7348, "Salt": 2116, "Salt Lake City": 809, "Salt Lake County": 808, "Salvador": 4695, "Salzburg": 10872, "Sam Bush": 6290, "Sam Elliott": 9348, "Sam Mendes": 6334, "Sam Neill": 8083, "Sam O'Steen": 5800, "Sam Raimi": 12862, "Sam Rockwell": 6782, "Sam Shepard": 5221, "Sam Simon": 3047, "Sam Trammell": 1829, "Sam Waterston": 5869, "Sam Wood": 11585, "Samantha Mathis": 11600, "Samantha Morton": 6287, "Sammo Hung": 8480, "Sammy Cahn": 4964, "Sammy Davis Jr.": 3330, "Samoa": 10144, "Samson and Delilah": 3256, "Samsung Electronics": 3924, "Samuel Beckett": 5568, "Samuel Fuller": 3712, "Samuel Goldwyn": 3647, "Samuel L. Jackson": 6990, "Samuel M. Comer": 3668, "Samuel R. Delany": 2555, "Samuel Vincent": 11192, "Samuel Z. Arkoff": 7537, "San Angelo": 12227, "San Antonio": 2282, "San Antonio Spurs": 9695, "San Bernardino": 7630, "San Bernardino County": 10993, "San Diego": 3645, "San Diego County": 10471, "San Diego Padres": 4054, "San Diego State University": 5554, "San Francisco": 4201, "San Francisco 49ers": 7284, "San Francisco Art Institute": 8526, "San Francisco Bay Area": 3521, "San Francisco Giants": 3903, "San Francisco State University": 4505, "San Joaquin County": 4604, "San Jose": 1061, "San Jose Earthquakes": 9273, "San Jose Sharks": 3526, "San Jos\u00e9 State University": 3308, "San Juan": 9858, "San Juan County": 9582, "San Juan Jabloteh": 10310, "San Luis F.C.": 5854, "San Luis Obispo": 6649, "San Luis Obispo County": 6648, "San Marino": 6659, "San Mateo": 1154, "San Mateo County": 3320, "San Pedro": 2469, "San Rafael": 3522, "San Salvador": 10945, "Sanctuary Records": 8208, "Sandefjord Fotball": 9296, "Sandoval County": 12713, "Sandra Bernhard": 10541, "Sandra Bullock": 4427, "Sandra Oh": 8772, "Sandusky": 13033, "Sandy Powell": 7136, "Sangamon County": 12047, "Sangju Sangmu FC": 10353, "Sanjay Dutt": 9285, "Sanjeev Kumar": 11212, "Santa Ana": 11249, "Santa Barbara": 690, "Santa Barbara County": 10635, "Santa Clara": 11678, "Santa Clara County": 6730, "Santa Clara University": 4056, "Santa Cruz": 5616, "Santa Cruz County": 12449, "Santa Fe": 7742, "Santa Fe County": 12068, "Santa Fe Province": 11870, "Santa Monica": 200, "Santa Monica College": 4901, "Santa Rosa": 9574, "Santana": 2333, "Santiago": 13130, "Santiago de Cuba": 13455, "Santo Domingo": 9829, "Santo Loquasto": 5182, "Santos F.C.": 5783, "Santos Laguna": 8983, "Santosh Sivan": 1209, "Sapporo": 12254, "Sara Ramirez": 7124, "Sarah Brightman": 8592, "Sarah Jessica Parker": 4502, "Sarah Lawrence College": 225, "Sarah McLachlan": 1266, "Sarah Michelle Gellar": 3608, "Sarah Palin": 902, "Sarah Polley": 1989, "Sarah Silverman": 629, "Sarajevo": 12137, "Sarasota": 10788, "Saratoga County": 10616, "Sardinia": 3850, "Sarnia": 12794, "Saskatchewan": 10429, "Saskatoon": 10819, "Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay": 3119, "Satellite Award for Best Animated or Mixed Media Feature": 5133, "Satellite Award for Best Cinematography": 2568, "Satellite Award for Best Costume Design": 3341, "Satellite Award for Best Original Screenplay": 1108, "Satellite Award for Best Original Song": 4660, "Satellite Awards 2006": 7119, "Satellite Awards 2007": 920, "Satellite Awards 2008": 2563, "Satellite Awards 2009": 5366, "Satellite Awards 2010": 3005, "Satish Kaushik": 12085, "Satish Shah": 11141, "Saturday Night Live": 4305, "Saturday Night's Main Event": 11445, "Saturn Award for Best Actor": 7246, "Saturn Award for Best Actress": 3306, "Saturn Award for Best Costume": 558, "Saturn Award for Best Director": 1872, "Saturn Award for Best Writing": 8365, "Satyajit Ray": 11150, "Satyen Kappu": 13127, "Saudi Arabia": 2377, "Sauk County": 13279, "Saul Bellow": 1121, "Saul Rubinek": 11490, "Sault Ste. Marie": 12177, "Savages": 7850, "Savannah": 6695, "Savannah Guthrie": 6227, "Saving Private Ryan": 2890, "Saw": 2550, "Saw 3D": 5859, "Saw III": 10910, "Saw IV": 12043, "Saxony": 9922, "Saxony-Anhalt": 8382, "Sayaji Shinde": 6471, "Sayonara": 5815, "Scarborough": 13368, "Scarlett": 5406, "Scarlett Johansson": 1583, "Scary Movie": 5873, "Scary Movie 2": 4792, "Scary Movie 3": 4437, "Scary Movie 4": 2295, "Scatman Crothers": 8059, "Scent of a Woman": 2722, "Schenectady": 11251, "Schindler's List": 5496, "Schleswig-Holstein": 6440, "School of American Ballet": 10097, "School of Visual Arts": 4200, "School of the Art Institute of Chicago": 1840, "Schulich School of Law": 9237, "Schutzstaffel": 12222, "Schuylkill County": 11683, "Sciences Po": 2336, "Scientology": 8834, "Scooby-Doo": 1091, "Scoop": 6092, "Scorpions": 9373, "Scotland": 7657, "Scotland national football team": 9580, "Scots": 13053, "Scott Adsit": 3835, "Scott Baio": 9658, "Scott Bradley": 7638, "Scott County": 11897, "Scott Glenn": 10357, "Scott Lobdell": 13408, "Scott McDonald": 1295, "Scott McNeil": 12511, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World": 7465, "Scott Rudin": 116, "Scott Wilson": 9327, "Scottish American": 7251, "Scottish Church College": 11459, "Scottish Labour Party": 13143, "Scottish National Party": 13502, "Scottsdale": 7941, "Scranton": 1849, "Scream 2": 4888, "Scream 3": 1503, "Scream 4": 1784, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture": 606, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series": 4629, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series": 1409, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role": 732, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie": 4676, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role": 1675, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series": 6688, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role": 3196, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie": 1080, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role": 1650, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture": 895, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series": 817, "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series": 1066, "Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award": 5112, "Screen Gems": 8551, "Scroll and Key": 13494, "Scrooged": 3296, "Scrubs": 7457, "Scunthorpe": 10660, "Scunthorpe United F.C.": 7504, "Seabiscuit": 753, "Seal": 4412, "Seamus Heaney": 8268, "Sean Astin": 922, "Sean Bean": 1519, "Sean Combs": 7696, "Sean Connery": 7392, "Sean Hayes": 6781, "Sean Lennon": 4301, "Sean McNamara": 6309, "Sean Penn": 1548, "Seann William Scott": 1910, "Search for Tomorrow": 10367, "Searching for Debra Winger": 7452, "Season of Mist": 12776, "Seattle": 5073, "Seattle Mariners": 1008, "Seattle Seahawks": 4187, "Seattle Sounders FC": 7586, "Seattle Storm": 11270, "Seattle SuperSonics": 12915, "Seattle University": 4723, "Seattle metropolitan area": 13221, "Second Boer War": 12171, "Second Crusade": 3952, "Second French Empire": 13420, "Second Intifada": 12206, "Second Polish Republic": 3375, "Second Punic War": 12953, "Second Sino-Japanese War": 4874, "Secret of the Wings": 1280, "Secretariat": 3201, "Secretary of State": 10405, "Secrets & Lies": 9697, "Sedgwick County": 12426, "Sedona": 12922, "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World": 323, "Sega": 11986, "Seine-et-Marne": 12228, "Seinfeld": 745, "Selangor": 12871, "Selangor FA": 10081, "Selena Gomez": 8164, "Selma": 12842, "Selma Blair": 1531, "Senate of Australia": 12597, "Senate of Canada": 9374, "Senate of Virginia": 10810, "Senegal": 3902, "Senegal national football team": 8987, "Senna": 10311, "Sense and Sensibility": 1569, "Seol Ki-hyeon": 2934, "Seongnam FC": 9579, "Seoul": 10566, "Seoul Broadcasting System": 12518, "Seoul National University": 2790, "September": 2195, "Sepultura": 10575, "Sequoia Capital": 11744, "Seraphim Falls": 4708, "Serbia": 5304, "Serbian": 5590, "Serena Williams": 4055, "Serge Gainsbourg": 9909, "Sergeant York": 3334, "Sergei Prokofiev": 3397, "Sergei Rachmaninoff": 1092, "Serie A": 6890, "Serj Tankian": 7761, "Serpico": 38, "Servette FC": 10697, "Sesame Street": 978, "Seth Green": 2652, "Seth MacFarlane": 4867, "Seth Meyers": 7141, "Seth Rogen": 5700, "Seton Hall University": 1370, "Seven": 6552, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers": 5131, "Seven Network": 12750, "Seven Pounds": 9508, "Seven Psychopaths": 2130, "Seven Years' War": 10727, "Seventh-day Adventist Church": 12053, "Sevilla FC": 9122, "Seville": 8812, "Sex and the City": 5970, "Sex and the City 2": 3463, "Sex, Lies, and Videotape": 4665, "Sexy Beast": 6508, "Seychelles": 7191, "Seymour Cassel": 6661, "Shaanxi": 12098, "Shabana Azmi": 10734, "Shackleton": 6827, "Shadowlands": 1961, "Shahrukh Khan": 9189, "Shakespeare in Love": 100, "Shakira": 4036, "Shakti Kapoor": 10247, "Shame": 4365, "Shammi Kapoor": 2876, "Shamrock Rovers F.C.": 3690, "Shanachie Records": 9891, "Shandong": 10681, "Shandong Luneng Taishan F.C.": 2335, "Shane": 2904, "Shane Kinsman": 4795, "Shane Smeltz": 4049, "Shanghai": 5059, "Shanghai Knights": 7026, "Shanghai Noon": 6804, "Shanghai Shenhua F.C.": 10427, "Shania Twain": 10202, "Shankar Jaikishan": 5698, "Shannen Doherty": 5741, "Shannon Elizabeth": 1654, "Shanxi": 12486, "Shaquille O'Neal": 10396, "Sharat Saxena": 5268, "Shark Tale": 9512, "Sharmila Tagore": 12252, "Sharon Osbourne": 8702, "Sharon Stone": 4854, "Shashi Kapoor": 3197, "Shasta County": 7219, "Shatrughan Sinha": 7951, "Shattered Glass": 5736, "Shaun of the Dead": 12119, "Shawn Pyfrom": 6951, "Shawn Wayans": 10483, "She Hate Me": 1169, "She's Having a Baby": 515, "Shea Whigham": 4781, "Sheena Easton": 4240, "Sheffield": 8761, "Sheffield United F.C.": 7202, "Sheffield Wednesday F.C.": 2261, "Sheila E.": 3442, "Shelbourne F.C.": 13052, "Shelby County": 8809, "Sheldon Leonard": 5282, "Shelley Duvall": 9263, "Shelley Winters": 2140, "Shemp Howard": 1571, "Sherbrooke": 10876, "Sherlock": 11005, "Sherlock Holmes": 772, "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows": 1215, "Sherman Oaks": 9510, "Sherri Shepherd": 9473, "Sheryl Crow": 7510, "Shia Islam": 6298, "Shia LaBeouf": 1319, "Shigeru Miyamoto": 11714, "Shilpa Shetty": 10725, "Shimizu S-Pulse": 4500, "Shimla": 13295, "Shin-ichiro Miki": 12349, "Shine": 1314, "Shine a Light": 2158, "Shining Through": 5127, "Shinto": 13366, "Shinya Tsukamoto": 12774, "Shiraz": 13581, "Shirley Ann Russell": 11174, "Shirley Henderson": 4328, "Shirley Jones": 698, "Shirley Knight": 9527, "Shirley MacLaine": 6536, "Shirley Temple": 10452, "Shizuoka Prefecture": 8088, "Shochiku": 13283, "Shohei Imamura": 666, "Shohreh Aghdashloo": 3703, "Shonda Rhimes": 11178, "Shopgirl": 9205, "Short Cuts": 5259, "Shortbus": 6913, "Showgirls": 6222, "Showtime": 8210, "Shrek": 1372, "Shrek 2": 6048, "Shrek Forever After": 8281, "Shrek the Third": 9543, "Shreveport": 6607, "Shrewsbury": 11529, "Shrewsbury Town F.C.": 8776, "Shriram Lagoo": 8657, "Shriya Saran": 9825, "Shropshire": 10896, "Shueisha": 6520, "Shutter Island": 877, "Sh\u014dtar\u014d Ishinomori": 12245, "Sialkot": 9934, "Sichuan": 13040, "Sicilian Mafia": 7184, "Sicily": 10775, "Sicko": 1271, "Sid James": 3778, "Sideways": 4423, "Sidney Lumet": 3121, "Sidney Poitier": 4173, "Sidney Sheldon": 10327, "Sidney Sussex College": 1670, "Siena": 11500, "Sienna Guillory": 6131, "Sienna Miller": 1272, "Sierra Entertainment": 12164, "Sierra Leone": 2218, "Sierra Leone national football team": 1095, "Sierra Nevada": 12602, "Sigmund Freud": 4945, "Signs": 1404, "Sigourney Weaver": 3948, "Sikh": 11287, "Sikhism": 10375, "Sikkim": 11770, "Silent Hill": 3480, "Silkeborg IF": 11092, "Silkwood": 5781, "Silver Linings Playbook": 6330, "Silver Pictures": 1510, "Silver Screen Partners": 2707, "Silver Spring": 12527, "Silver Star": 13434, "Silvio Horta": 2515, "Simon Baker": 6789, "Simon Callow": 8653, "Simon Cowell": 5747, "Simon Fraser University": 5907, "Simon Fuller": 5768, "Simon Pegg": 10548, "Simon Property Group": 8364, "Simple Minds": 3525, "Simply Red": 4966, "Simran": 12152, "Sin City": 3199, "Since You Went Away": 5322, "Sinclair Broadcast Group": 4524, "Sindh": 3153, "Singapore": 3084, "Singapore national football team": 11484, "Singin' in the Rain": 8302, "Sinhala": 714, "Sinhalese people": 12187, "Siobhan Finneran": 1470, "Sioux": 13074, "Sioux City": 11969, "Sioux Falls": 10000, "Siouxsie and the Banshees": 10868, "Sir": 9409, "Sire Records": 10589, "Sirius Satellite Radio": 8714, "Siskiyou County": 8458, "Sissy Spacek": 1590, "Sivasspor": 6842, "Six Degrees of Separation": 2865, "Six Feet Under": 10588, "Six-Day War": 169, "Skagit County": 5051, "Skate punk": 8693, "Skidmore College": 6195, "Skidmore Owings Merrill": 11812, "Skillet": 6711, "Skip Lievsay": 9182, "Skopje": 12233, "Skull and Bones": 8935, "Sky 1": 12848, "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow": 1361, "SkyTeam": 12005, "Skyfall": 132, "Slade School of Fine Art": 13500, "Slash": 4627, "Slaughterhouse-Five": 8513, "Sleepers": 966, "Sleepy Hollow": 861, "Sliema Wanderers F.C.": 12522, "Sliver": 1207, "Slough": 7804, "Slovakia": 915, "Slovenia": 4391, "Slovenia national football team": 522, "Slumdog Millionaire": 2360, "Small Soldiers": 3625, "Smallville": 10426, "Smith College": 8350, "Smokin' Aces": 2362, "Snatch": 5310, "Sneha": 12696, "Snohomish County": 8637, "Snoop Dogg": 6264, "Snow Falling on Cedars": 9957, "Snow White and the Huntsman": 554, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs": 3247, "Soap": 5717, "Social Democratic Party": 13666, "Social Democratic Party of Germany": 12392, "Social Distortion": 11502, "Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia": 11907, "Socialist Party": 13009, "Socialist Unity Party of Germany": 12678, "Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras": 1047, "Society of Jesus": 11753, "Sofia": 11739, "Sofia Coppola": 7840, "Sol Polito": 11439, "Solano County": 3881, "Solar System": 9981, "Solaris": 11125, "Solihull": 12219, "Solitary Man": 6188, "Solomon Islands": 10825, "Somalia": 10917, "Some Kind of Monster": 1110, "Some Like It Hot": 3749, "Somerset": 11258, "Somerset County": 8522, "Somerville": 5499, "Somerville College": 12138, "Somme": 13314, "Son Goku": 192, "Sonic Team": 13372, "Sonic X": 434, "Sonic Youth": 6834, "Sonic the Hedgehog": 11802, "Sonny Rollins": 2459, "Sonoma County": 8908, "Sonoma State University": 2152, "Sonora": 7003, "Sons of Anarchy": 9893, "Sony": 6560, "Sony BMG Music Entertainment": 3633, "Sony Interactive Entertainment": 3814, "Sony Music Entertainment Japan": 5104, "Sony Pictures": 1507, "Sony Pictures Classics": 7481, "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment": 1506, "Sophia Loren": 5152, "Sophie Thompson": 2606, "Sophie's Choice": 9128, "Soul Surfer": 3427, "Soundgarden": 3963, "South Africa": 964, "South Africa national football team": 3646, "South America": 12451, "South Australia": 7892, "South Australian House of Assembly": 12300, "South Bend": 3231, "South Cambridgeshire": 13203, "South Carolina": 6183, "South Carolina State University": 10472, "South Dakota": 1752, "South Holland": 8247, "South Island": 13526, "South Korea": 1904, "South Korea national football team": 9933, "South Korea national under-20 football team": 2933, "South Korea national under-23 football team": 8403, "South Pacific": 5618, "South Park": 8358, "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut": 3131, "South Shields": 6838, "South Somerset": 12942, "South Sudan": 12624, "South Tyrol": 11010, "South Vietnam": 7033, "South Yorkshire": 10075, "Southampton": 11050, "Southampton F.C.": 1296, "Southeast Asia": 1815, "Southend United F.C.": 4196, "Southend-on-Sea": 5428, "Southern Baptist Convention": 11682, "Southern California": 11528, "Southern Gospel": 12461, "Southern Illinois University Carbondale": 7764, "Southern Lord Records": 13076, "Southern Methodist University": 4531, "Southern University": 5432, "Southern hip hop": 5285, "Southern soul": 11804, "Southfield": 7088, "Southport": 12830, "Southwest Airlines": 2138, "Sovereign Military Order of Malta": 13081, "Soviet Air Forces": 13585, "Soviet Armed Forces": 596, "Soviet Union": 6568, "SpVgg Unterhaching": 8881, "Space Cowboys": 4058, "Spain": 2882, "Spain national football team": 9259, "Spaniards": 2084, "Spanish": 3358, "Spanish Civil War": 10973, "Spanish Empire": 13334, "Sparks": 5849, "Sparrow Records": 10179, "Sparta": 12225, "Sparta Rotterdam": 2467, "Spartacus": 2054, "Spartak Moscow": 1399, "Spartanburg": 11372, "Spartanburg County": 11373, "Speed": 1901, "Speed 2: Cruise Control": 4353, "Speed Racer": 8091, "Spellbound": 151, "Spelman College": 7036, "Spencer Tracy": 7797, "Spezia Calcio": 12430, "Spice World": 10352, "Spider-Man": 6166, "Spider-Man 2": 2078, "Spider-Man 3": 1984, "Spike Jonze": 1212, "Spike Lee": 6907, "Spike Milligan": 3538, "Spike TV": 12740, "Spinefarm Records": 13465, "Spirited Away": 2689, "Splash": 10318, "Split": 10652, "Spokane": 1309, "Spokane County": 12301, "SpongeBob SquarePants": 7743, "Sport Club do Recife": 11919, "Sporting Clube de Portugal": 11712, "Sporting Cristal": 13166, "Sporting Kansas City": 8431, "Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year": 11572, "Springfield": 2286, "Springfield Falcons": 3586, "Sprint Corporation": 4420, "Spy Game": 1477, "Spy Kids": 4472, "Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over": 10648, "Spyglass Entertainment": 2494, "Sp\u0131n\u0308al Tap": 4029, "Square": 12356, "Square Enix": 10750, "Sri Lanka": 715, "Sri Lanka national cricket team": 13427, "Sri Lankan Tamils": 12195, "Sridevi": 1243, "Srinagar": 13481, "St Albans": 10457, "St Andrews": 13609, "St Catharine's College, Cambridge": 8459, "St Catherine's College": 1099, "St Edmund Hall": 4383, "St George's Chapel": 12811, "St Helens": 13482, "St Hilda's College": 2993, "St John's College": 8840, "St Patrick's Athletic F.C.": 5365, "St Trinian's": 2508, "St. Augustine": 51, "St. Bonaventure University": 8699, "St. Catharines": 13045, "St. Charles County": 11664, "St. Clair County": 8414, "St. Cloud": 6072, "St. Elsewhere": 3665, "St. John's": 7780, "St. John's IceCaps": 11556, "St. John's University": 3082, "St. Johnstone F.C.": 12200, "St. Joseph": 12055, "St. Lawrence County": 10717, "St. Lawrence University": 4006, "St. Louis": 207, "St. Louis Blues": 11003, "St. Louis Cardinals": 846, "St. Louis County": 7682, "St. Mirren F.C.": 7513, "St. Olaf College": 11584, "St. Petersburg": 5412, "St. Stephen's College": 12017, "Stacy Keach": 5860, "Stade Brestois 29": 12454, "Stade Malherbe Caen": 10542, "Stade Rennais F.C.": 8006, "Stade de Reims": 11139, "Staffordshire": 13029, "Stalag 17": 10585, "Stalybridge Celtic F.C.": 11735, "Stamford": 5323, "Stan Laurel": 7883, "Stan Lee": 52, "Stan Winston": 3864, "Stand by Me": 444, "Standing in the Shadows of Motown": 6663, "Stanford": 6731, "Stanford Graduate School of Business": 4309, "Stanford Law School": 7544, "Stanford University": 673, "Stanley Clarke": 10324, "Stanley Donen": 8254, "Stanley Kramer": 2708, "Stanley Kubrick": 1267, "Stanley Tucci": 5076, "Star Alliance": 12544, "Star Cinema": 10300, "Star Plus": 13400, "Star Trek": 852, "Star Trek \u2161: The Wrath of Khan": 4696, "Star Trek \u2163: The Voyage Home": 8343, "Star Trek \u2164: The Final Frontier": 9693, "Star Trek \u2165: The Undiscovered Country": 9141, "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine": 2539, "Star Trek: Enterprise": 9485, "Star Trek: First Contact": 7395, "Star Trek: Insurrection": 4320, "Star Trek: Nemesis": 17, "Star Trek: The Animated Series": 11751, "Star Trek: The Next Generation": 6835, "Star Trek: The Original Series": 9018, "Star Wars": 11182, "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones": 6313, "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope": 577, "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back": 9907, "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi": 3155, "Star Wars: Episode I \u2013 The Phantom Menace": 2819, "Star Wars: Episode III \u2013 Revenge of the Sith": 2337, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars": 741, "Starbucks": 10295, "Stardust": 5719, "Stargate": 5480, "Stargate Atlantis": 5363, "Stargate SG-1": 2473, "Stark County": 2053, "Starship Troopers": 8033, "Starsky & Hutch": 6299, "Starter for 10": 967, "State College": 3613, "State University of New York at Albany": 2817, "State University of New York at Purchase": 6272, "State of Play": 9786, "Staten Island": 6376, "Static Major": 5840, "Staunton": 5679, "Stavanger": 13602, "Stax Records": 11662, "Stearns County": 5725, "Steel Azin F.C.": 10473, "Steely Dan": 6035, "Stellenbosch University": 12416, "Step Brothers": 908, "Step Up Revolution": 5609, "Stephanie Morgenstern": 5396, "Stephen Baxter": 11886, "Stephen Chow": 3619, "Stephen Colbert": 190, "Stephen Dillane": 8289, "Stephen Dorff": 6839, "Stephen Frears": 5833, "Stephen Fry": 8556, "Stephen Gilchrist Glover": 10530, "Stephen Goosson": 6516, "Stephen Graham": 1074, "Stephen Harper": 4168, "Stephen Hawking": 1627, "Stephen J. Cannell": 9433, "Stephen Jackson": 2451, "Stephen Jay Gould": 9603, "Stephen King": 456, "Stephen McHattie": 5048, "Stephen Merchant": 1100, "Stephen Moyer": 8477, "Stephen Rea": 2824, "Stephen Richard Hackett": 744, "Stephen Root": 609, "Stephen Schwartz": 3672, "Stephen Sondheim": 3504, "Stephen Stills": 7923, "Stephen Tobolowsky": 7681, "Stephen Woolley": 9155, "Stepney": 10189, "Sterling Holloway": 11522, "Stetson University": 11631, "Steuben County": 10044, "Steubenville": 11521, "Steve Allen": 10584, "Steve Blum": 10018, "Steve Buscemi": 363, "Steve Carell": 191, "Steve Coogan": 10451, "Steve Ditko": 9356, "Steve Earle": 2202, "Steve Englehart": 11366, "Steve Gerber": 3213, "Steve Golin": 7052, "Steve Guttenberg": 8366, "Steve Howe": 7545, "Steve Jobs": 9244, "Steve Jordan": 1647, "Steve Martin": 1021, "Steve McQueen": 931, "Steve Miller Band": 6486, "Steve Oedekerk": 1211, "Steve Schirripa": 8510, "Steve Tisch": 5961, "Steve Vai": 4829, "Steve Winwood": 1263, "Steve Zahn": 3086, "Steven Bauer": 3044, "Steven Berkoff": 5102, "Steven Bochco": 10580, "Steven Culp": 5421, "Steven Curtis Chapman": 10489, "Steven Dean Moore": 13156, "Steven Levitan": 2039, "Steven Moffat": 3090, "Steven Oscar Seagal": 10477, "Steven Soderbergh": 6429, "Steven Spielberg": 2571, "Steven Tyler": 144, "Steven Van Zandt": 2198, "Steven Wilson": 5608, "Steven Wright": 7989, "Steven Zaillian": 2153, "Stevenage F.C.": 3138, "Stevens Institute of Technology": 9974, "Stevie Nicks": 4115, "Stevie Ray Vaughan": 4930, "Stevie Wonder": 1285, "Stewart Copeland": 491, "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story": 7684, "Sting": 204, "Stirling": 11197, "Stirling Albion F.C.": 10133, "Stirling Silliphanta": 4773, "Stockard Channing": 5437, "Stockholm": 6642, "Stockholm University": 8911, "Stockport": 10257, "Stockport County F.C.": 6796, "Stockton": 12274, "Stockton-on-Tees": 11187, "Stoke City F.C.": 10, "Stoke-on-Trent": 1739, "Stony Brook University": 1715, "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot": 1702, "Stranger than Fiction": 4645, "Strasbourg": 5187, "Strategic Simulations": 13598, "Stratford-upon-Avon": 10186, "Streamline Moderne": 13026, "Street Fighter II V": 8136, "Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie": 9892, "Strictly Ballroom": 3158, "Striptease": 929, "Stuart Craig": 5801, "Stuart Duncan": 5356, "Studio City": 5693, "StudioCanal": 2361, "Stuttgart": 9005, "Stuttgarter Kickers": 11577, "Stuyvesant High School": 9963, "Styria": 6562, "Styx": 7382, "Sub Pop": 11140, "Subhash Ghai": 7427, "Subiaco": 12243, "Submarine": 367, "Sucker Punch": 1517, "Sudan": 6983, "Suffolk": 4034, "Suffolk County": 8843, "Sufjan Stevens": 8249, "Sugar Hill Records": 11400, "Suhasini Maniratnam": 13371, "Suicidal Tendencies": 8694, "Sukumari": 6587, "Sullivan County": 11353, "Sullivan's Travels": 10513, "Summer Wars": 10126, "Summer of Sam": 2592, "Summit": 10901, "Summit County": 9291, "Summit Entertainment": 1193, "Sun": 9862, "Sun Microsystems": 3391, "Sun Ra": 787, "Sundance Film Festival": 4404, "Sunday, Bloody Sunday": 5008, "Sunderland": 11575, "Sunderland A.F.C.": 2885, "Sunil Dutt": 6116, "Sunil Shetty": 12736, "Sunil Varma": 13326, "Sunni Islam": 13357, "Sunny Deol": 9040, "Sunnyvale": 5707, "Sunset Boulevard": 6253, "Sunshine": 239, "Sunsoft": 11356, "Super": 9623, "Super 35": 1117, "Super 8": 1270, "Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award": 13459, "Super Smash Bros. Brawl": 11999, "SuperSport United F.C.": 2528, "Superbad": 5644, "Superman": 1367, "Superman II": 8963, "Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut": 5057, "Superman III": 7294, "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace": 4866, "Superman Returns": 1807, "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies": 8507, "Supreme Court of Canada": 13614, "Supreme Court of the United States": 12595, "Suresh Gopi": 7922, "Suresh Oberoi": 10662, "Suriname": 517, "Surrealism": 11710, "Surrey": 10793, "Susan Blu": 6680, "Susan Hayward": 8326, "Susan Sarandon": 4307, "Susannah York": 6423, "Sussex": 4770, "Sussex County": 10463, "Suva": 13186, "Suwon Samsung Bluewings": 5947, "Suzhou": 12372, "Sven Nykvist": 3393, "Swahili": 6435, "Swan Hunter": 13485, "Swansea": 7437, "Swansea City A.F.C.": 11842, "Swansea University": 10420, "Swarthmore College": 4757, "Sweden": 271, "Sweden national football team": 3506, "Sweden women's national association football team": 8220, "Swedes": 9300, "Swedish": 5791, "Swedish American": 1125, "Swedish Empire": 11152, "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street": 527, "Swept Away": 7802, "Swimming Upstream": 3938, "Swindon": 13119, "Swindon Town F.C.": 9278, "Swiss national football team": 12058, "Switzerland": 935, "Swizz Beatz": 42, "Swoosie Kurtz": 6019, "Syd Barrett": 3273, "Sydney": 6482, "Sydney Airport": 12718, "Sydney FC": 7871, "Sydney Olympic FC": 6991, "Sydney Pollack": 3241, "Syfy": 2193, "Sylvester Stallone": 3976, "Sylvia Plath": 2533, "Sylvia Sidney": 6592, "Symantec": 5658, "Symbolism": 12864, "Sympathy for the Record Industry": 11017, "Synecdoche, New York": 11606, "Synthpunk": 7429, "Syracuse": 4984, "Syracuse Crunch": 8749, "Syracuse University": 3745, "Syria": 4776, "Syria national football team": 4117, "Syriana": 3796, "Syrianska FC": 12033, "Szczecin": 11737, "T-Bone Burnett": 1006, "T-Pain": 6250, "T. R. Knight": 1036, "T. S. Eliot": 685, "TCU Horned Frogs football": 6212, "THINKFilm": 6117, "THQ": 10500, "TLC": 11188, "TMNT": 9530, "TNT": 1186, "TSG 1899 Hoffenheim": 12647, "TV Asahi": 11772, "TV Tokyo": 9748, "TV5": 9776, "TVT Records": 12777, "Tabitha St. Germain": 4526, "Tabriz": 12086, "Tabu": 9887, "Tacoma": 11049, "Taipei": 12566, "Taito Corporation": 12731, "Taiwan": 3517, "Taiwo Atieno": 9194, "Taj Mahal": 2939, "Tajikistan": 5321, "Tak Fujimoto": 9593, "Takahiro Sakurai": 10777, "Take Shelter": 3576, "Take-Two Interactive": 11326, "Takehito Koyasu": 8276, "Taken": 7306, "Taken 2": 9975, "Takeshi Kitano": 10893, "Taking Woodstock": 4678, "Takoma Park": 6999, "Talia Shire": 6282, "Taliban": 12940, "Talk to Her": 4725, "Talk to Me": 1557, "Talking Heads": 6591, "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby": 5621, "Tallahassee": 3510, "Tallinn": 11911, "Tamil": 6577, "Tamil Nadu": 10563, "Tamil people": 9990, "Tampa": 7620, "Tampa Bay Buccaneers": 2181, "Tampa Bay Lightning": 11225, "Tampa Bay Rays": 8416, "Tampere": 8802, "Tamworth F.C.": 9441, "Tangerine Dream": 7130, "Tangled": 6115, "Tango & Cash": 8547, "Tanzania": 6862, "Taoism": 584, "Tara Reid": 10079, "Tara Strong": 3476, "Taraji P. Henson": 1660, "Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv": 7779, "Target Corporation": 3363, "Tarrant County": 1354, "Tartu": 13461, "Tarzan": 8750, "Tarzana": 7182, "Tashkent": 11689, "Tasmania": 1109, "Tate Donovan": 1201, "Taunton": 1481, "Taxi": 8527, "Taxi Driver": 5162, "Taye Diggs": 6251, "Taylor Hackford": 2486, "Taylor Lautner": 6387, "Taylor Swift": 5336, "Tazewell County": 10606, "Tbilisi": 12869, "Teachers College": 6168, "Team America: World Police": 7942, "Teaneck": 8148, "Technical University of Berlin": 141, "Technical University of Munich": 10455, "Tecmo": 13403, "Ted": 2385, "Ted Danson": 4828, "Ted Haworth": 3748, "Ted Kennedy": 6020, "Ted Levine": 5774, "Tehran": 6713, "Tejano music": 13592, "Tel Aviv": 11145, "Tel Aviv University": 6639, "Telemundo": 12411, "Teletoon": 8390, "Televisa": 12000, "Television Broadcasts Limited": 12181, "Telly Savalas": 9498, "Telugu": 11832, "Tempe": 8150, "Temple Grandin": 2666, "Temple University": 9214, "Tenjho Tenge": 9412, "Tennessee": 3539, "Tennessee State University": 1979, "Tennessee Titans": 3661, "Tennessee Williams": 10796, "Tennis Borussia Berlin": 13281, "Terence Blanchard": 4804, "Terence Stamp": 1274, "Terence Winter": 4956, "Teri Garr": 650, "Teri Hatcher": 471, "Teri Polo": 5742, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day": 298, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines": 8012, "Terminator Salvation": 8168, "Terms of Endearment": 1826, "Ternana Calcio": 9432, "Terre Haute": 477, "Terrence Howard": 7621, "Terrence Malick": 5649, "Terrence McNally": 11412, "Terror in the Aisles": 5772, "Terry Crews": 891, "Terry Gilliam": 7570, "Terry Jones": 9758, "Terry O'Quinn": 5903, "Terry Pratchett": 7993, "Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic": 7038, "Tess": 7845, "Teton County": 12307, "Tex Avery": 12117, "Texarkana": 11967, "Texas": 587, "Texas A&M University": 7833, "Texas Christian University": 5492, "Texas Instruments": 1959, "Texas Rangers": 3643, "Texas Southern University": 10747, "Texas Tech University": 9225, "Texas blues": 13510, "Thai": 5988, "Thai Chinese people": 11051, "Thailand": 3021, "Thailand national football team": 8219, "Thandie Newton": 6061, "Thank You for Smoking": 7524, "That '70s Show": 6795, "That Thing You Do!": 2047, "That's My Boy": 7865, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin": 9210, "The A-Team": 6311, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen": 2472, "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane": 2357, "The Adventures of Pluto Nash": 1087, "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert": 8828, "The Adventures of Tintin": 2476, "The African Queen": 7728, "The Alamo": 3801, "The Amazing Spider-Man": 3452, "The Andy Griffith Show": 10414, "The Animatrix": 2417, "The Apartment": 3978, "The Aristocrats": 438, "The Artist": 1788, "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford": 9837, "The Avengers": 84, "The Aviator": 5538, "The B-52's": 9486, "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans": 8683, "The Bad and the Beautiful": 6524, "The Band": 5799, "The Barbarian Invasions": 6257, "The Beach Boys": 2330, "The Beatles": 1435, "The Beaver": 5680, "The Believer": 8342, "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel": 1455, "The Best Years of Our Lives": 7216, "The Big Bang Theory": 5387, "The Big Lebowski": 5645, "The Biggest Loser": 11649, "The Birdcage": 4550, "The Birds": 11344, "The Black Dahlia": 5171, "The Black Eyed Peas": 4567, "The Black Keys": 6460, "The Blind Side": 4075, "The Blues Brothers": 2319, "The Boat That Rocked": 3089, "The Bodyguard": 8891, "The Bold and the Beautiful": 5374, "The Book of Eli": 4705, "The Boondocks": 986, "The Bourne Identity": 1926, "The Bourne Legacy": 2014, "The Bourne Supremacy": 3435, "The Bourne Ultimatum": 896, "The Bridge on the River Kwai": 7604, "The Bridges of Madison County": 6606, "The Bronx": 328, "The Bronx High School of Science": 6238, "The Brothers Bloom": 1422, "The Brothers Grimm": 4807, "The Butterfly Effect": 7298, "The Byrds": 7793, "The CW": 10176, "The Cabin in the Woods": 7790, "The Cable Guy": 2255, "The Cannon Group": 10134, "The Cardinal": 4832, "The Cars": 11132, "The Cassandra Crossing": 9903, "The Cat in the Hat": 4947, "The Catholic University of America": 5819, "The Cell": 6206, "The Challenge": 10766, "The Chemical Brothers": 8171, "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian": 8222, "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe": 5054, "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader": 8419, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints": 11510, "The Cider House Rules": 121, "The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina": 9283, "The City of Lost Children": 5122, "The Civil War": 8997, "The Clash": 7641, "The Clearing": 11645, "The Cleveland Show": 4172, "The Coca-Cola Company": 3253, "The Colbert Report": 4408, "The Color Purple": 6255, "The Commitments": 4441, "The Constant Gardener": 1846, "The Contender": 7559, "The Conversation": 2737, "The Cosby Show": 9944, "The Cotton Club": 8304, "The Count of Monte Cristo": 3919, "The Country Girl": 8890, "The Criterion Collection": 11062, "The Crucible": 5737, "The Crying Game": 3418, "The Cult": 9464, "The Cure": 12946, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button": 349, "The Da Vinci Code": 4393, "The Daily Show": 4818, "The Damned": 11740, "The Dark Knight": 7573, "The Dark Knight Rises": 5655, "The Day After Tomorrow": 2251, "The Decemberists": 5962, "The Deer Hunter": 4766, "The Delta Force": 2139, "The Departed": 1434, "The Descendants": 4983, "The Devil Wears Prada": 989, "The Devil's Double": 1648, "The Diary of Anne Frank": 8256, "The Dictator": 8844, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly": 1139, "The Doobie Brothers": 8450, "The Doors": 5634, "The Dreamers": 10232, "The Dresser": 114, "The Duchess": 7337, "The Dukes of Hazzard": 6230, "The Edge": 6645, "The Edge of Night": 12159, "The Elephant Man": 4191, "The End Records": 12453, "The End of the Affair": 5816, "The English Patient": 1339, "The Exorcist": 2320, "The Expendables": 1491, "The Expendables 2": 842, "The Fabulous Baker Boys": 9442, "The Faculty": 3987, "The Fairly OddParents": 3701, "The Fall": 8779, "The Family Man": 5216, "The Fast and the Furious": 8292, "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift": 831, "The Fifth Element": 5790, "The Fighter": 4942, "The Firm": 4014, "The Fisher King": 7808, "The Flaming Lips": 7283, "The Flintstones": 5299, "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas": 7065, "The Flowers of War": 12134, "The Fly": 3949, "The French Connection": 9219, "The French Lieutenant's Woman": 3377, "The Fugitive": 258, "The Full Monty": 730, "The Gathering Storm": 9280, "The Gay Divorcee": 4589, "The Ghost Writer": 6518, "The Ghost and the Darkness": 5345, "The Gift": 9223, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo": 2809, "The Glenn Miller Story": 11959, "The Go-Between": 3071, "The Godfather": 4184, "The Godfather Part II": 490, "The Godfather Part III": 7636, "The Golden Compass": 2005, "The Golden Girls": 7496, "The Good Shepherd": 5444, "The Good Wife": 4985, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird": 5764, "The Goodbye Girl": 1014, "The Goonies": 8203, "The Graduate": 4674, "The Grapes of Wrath": 7640, "The Great Gatsby": 317, "The Greatest Show on Earth": 1437, "The Greatest Story Ever Told": 4982, "The Green Hornet": 5761, "The Green Mile": 4624, "The Grifters": 7680, "The Grudge": 4037, "The Guard": 4796, "The Guess Who": 9915, "The Guns of Navarone": 300, "The Hague": 9014, "The Hangover": 647, "The Hangover Part II": 6259, "The Happening": 1591, "The Harvard Lampoon": 1888, "The Haunting": 3984, "The Heiress": 4925, "The Help": 384, "The History Boys": 6383, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy": 2200, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey": 7273, "The Holiday": 4793, "The Hollies": 4125, "The Holocaust": 12419, "The Host": 5797, "The Hours": 426, "The House Bunny": 10214, "The House of Mirth": 9397, "The Human Stain": 3240, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame": 6447, "The Hunger Games": 951, "The Hurricane": 812, "The Hurt Locker": 7129, "The Hustler": 2438, "The Ice Storm": 2797, "The Ides of March": 1192, "The Illusionist": 2961, "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus": 1940, "The Impossible": 4139, "The Incredible Hulk": 2791, "The Incredible String Band": 7359, "The Incredibles": 1334, "The Informant!": 5871, "The Insider": 2546, "The Interpreter": 3093, "The Invasion": 11175, "The Invention of Lying": 7058, "The Iron Lady": 1993, "The Island": 1582, "The Island Def Jam Music Group": 7132, "The Island of Dr. Moreau": 2031, "The Isley Brothers": 7131, "The Jackal": 3983, "The Jacket": 9358, "The Jackson 5": 7307, "The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones": 5298, "The Kids Are All Right": 2746, "The Killer Inside Me": 7534, "The Killers": 7139, "The Killing Fields": 69, "The King and I": 2324, "The King of Comedy": 6241, "The King's Speech": 422, "The Kingdom": 6389, "The Kinks": 5944, "The Kite Runner": 5909, "The Lady": 4903, "The Ladykillers": 394, "The Larry Sanders Show": 1965, "The Last Airbender": 6989, "The Last Emperor": 4233, "The Last King of Scotland": 9169, "The Last Picture Show": 2756, "The Last Samurai": 579, "The Last Song": 10361, "The Last Station": 7972, "The Last of the Mohicans": 684, "The Late Shift": 7956, "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen": 8782, "The Legend of Bagger Vance": 9863, "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou": 6044, "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers": 5075, "The Lion King": 7908, "The Lion in Winter": 2536, "The Little Mermaid": 4232, "The Lives of Others": 9999, "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer": 9186, "The Living Daylights": 625, "The Longest Day": 9154, "The Longest Yard": 5193, "The Lookout": 10020, "The Lorax": 963, "The Lord of the Rings": 5684, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring": 1204, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King": 3193, "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers": 921, "The Losers": 8757, "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond": 7234, "The Lost Weekend": 6762, "The Lost World: Jurassic Park": 3663, "The Love Guru": 101, "The Lovely Bones": 4712, "The Madness of King George": 2832, "The Maltese Falcon": 9370, "The Man Who Knew Too Much": 3159, "The Man Who Wasn't There": 3596, "The Man in the Iron Mask": 5445, "The Man with the Golden Gun": 4068, "The Manchurian Candidate": 4808, "The Mars Volta": 10966, "The Mary Tyler Moore Show": 917, "The Mask": 10439, "The Mask of Zorro": 2649, "The Master": 6720, "The Matrix": 3198, "The Matrix Reloaded": 4105, "The Matrix Revolutions": 2418, "The McClatchy Company": 10031, "The Men Who Stare at Goats": 7255, "The Merry Widow": 957, "The Messenger": 6643, "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc": 7837, "The Mickey Mouse Club": 12156, "The Mirror Has Two Faces": 3721, "The Missing": 9854, "The Mission": 3436, "The Monkees": 1242, "The Moody Blues": 9910, "The Mothers of Invention": 4685, "The Motorcycle Diaries": 8656, "The Mummy": 635, "The Mummy Returns": 1138, "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor": 2526, "The Muppet Movie": 6032, "The Muppet Show": 91, "The Muppets": 8516, "The Music Man": 6392, "The Name of the Rose": 3595, "The Namesake": 5509, "The Neptunes": 2830, "The NeverEnding Story": 3263, "The New School": 10069, "The New World": 6194, "The New York Times": 10336, "The New York Times Company": 8483, "The Newton Boys": 2252, "The Next Best Thing": 10613, "The Nightmare Before Christmas": 4482, "The Notebook": 5222, "The Notorious B.I.G.": 9629, "The Nun's Story": 5795, "The Nutty Professor": 10598, "The O.C.": 231, "The Office": 2170, "The Offspring": 5091, "The Opposite of Sex": 2185, "The Orphanage": 4950, "The Other Boleyn Girl": 3942, "The Other Guys": 9720, "The Others": 3616, "The Pacific": 10053, "The Painted Veil": 3389, "The Parent Trap": 8359, "The Passion of the Christ": 126, "The Path to 9/11": 5905, "The Patriot": 5206, "The Penguins of Madagascar": 6995, "The People vs. Larry Flynt": 3724, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower": 10975, "The Phantom": 8565, "The Phantom of the Opera": 4877, "The Philadelphia Story": 3671, "The Pianist": 4484, "The Piano": 6155, "The Pink Panther": 11235, "The Pink Panther 2": 7116, "The Pirate Movie": 8312, "The Polar Express": 11233, "The Police": 3380, "The Portrait of a Lady": 7549, "The Poseidon Adventure": 7039, "The Postman": 6103, "The Practice": 952, "The Prestige": 4286, "The Pretenders": 1446, "The Price Is Right": 10399, "The Pride of the Yankees": 4044, "The Prince of Egypt": 4308, "The Princess and the Frog": 8729, "The Prize": 773, "The Prodigy": 9665, "The Producers": 5368, "The Proposal": 8127, "The Proposition": 9972, "The Purple Rose of Cairo": 273, "The Pursuit of Happyness": 7814, "The Queen": 5688, "The Queen's College": 1459, "The Quiet American": 6998, "The Quiet Man": 6339, "The Rainmaker": 3020, "The Reader": 3312, "The Red Violin": 4294, "The Remains of the Day": 18, "The Rescuers": 8495, "The Right Stuff": 5798, "The Ring": 3307, "The Road": 11229, "The Robe": 3492, "The Rock": 9010, "The Rocketeer": 10005, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show": 10430, "The Rolling Stones": 830, "The Roots": 304, "The Rose": 7778, "The Royal Tenenbaums": 6179, "The Rules of Attraction": 1902, "The Rum Diary": 11164, "The Runaways": 7642, "The Sand Pebbles": 3936, "The Santa Clause 2": 10479, "The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause": 6452, "The Savages": 1860, "The Scarlet Letter": 338, "The Scorpion King": 7204, "The Sea Inside": 608, "The Secret in Their Eyes": 7020, "The Sessions": 4329, "The Shawshank Redemption": 118, "The Shield": 2732, "The Shining": 9890, "The Shipping News": 3791, "The Shubert Organization": 8461, "The Siege": 5901, "The Silence of the Lambs": 1733, "The Simpsons": 2857, "The Simpsons Movie": 2629, "The Singing Detective": 645, "The Sixth Sense": 5906, "The Smashing Pumpkins": 8662, "The Smurfs": 3370, "The Social Network": 880, "The Soloist": 11053, "The Song of Bernadette": 6704, "The Sopranos": 2480, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice": 7658, "The Sound of Music": 2560, "The Specialist": 6801, "The Spiderwick Chronicles": 7919, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie": 1305, "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold": 1929, "The Spy Who Loved Me": 8500, "The Squid and the Whale": 6628, "The Stand": 6570, "The Star Wars Holiday Special": 2133, "The Station Agent": 9240, "The Stepford Wives": 5660, "The Sting": 5597, "The Straight Story": 5467, "The Sum of All Fears": 6499, "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross": 11724, "The Surreal Life": 8777, "The Sweet Hereafter": 9735, "The Taking of Pelham 123": 1104, "The Talented Mr. Ripley": 4326, "The Temptations": 2936, "The Ten Commandments": 2325, "The Terminal": 8698, "The Terminator": 9816, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre": 4777, "The Thin Red Line": 4662, "The Third Man": 7767, "The Three Musketeers": 4278, "The Time Machine": 973, "The Tourist": 9660, "The Towering Inferno": 6698, "The Town": 2626, "The Transformers": 8857, "The Transformers: The Movie": 6885, "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre": 11677, "The Tree of Life": 3577, "The Trouble with Harry": 6537, "The Troubles": 12720, "The Truman Show": 4164, "The Tudors": 3279, "The Turning Point": 4634, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse": 2283, "The Twilight Saga: New Moon": 4496, "The Twilight Zone": 12474, "The U": 12662, "The Ugly Truth": 8345, "The Ultimate Fighter": 8075, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being": 390, "The University of Akron": 10161, "The University of Hong Kong": 8423, "The Untouchables": 140, "The Usual Suspects": 396, "The Vampire Diaries": 5058, "The Velvet Underground": 5328, "The Venture Bros.": 4928, "The Verdict": 8505, "The View": 6301, "The Village": 4333, "The Virgin Suicides": 6186, "The Vow": 564, "The WB": 5574, "The Walt Disney Company": 5140, "The Waltons": 4883, "The Warlords": 5990, "The Water Horse": 3117, "The Way We Were": 9044, "The Weather Man": 1664, "The Weinstein Company": 4616, "The West Wing": 312, "The Wharton School": 2902, "The Whistleblower": 1478, "The White Ribbon": 3220, "The White Stripes": 7579, "The Who": 7569, "The Wicker Man": 3166, "The Wings of the Dove": 1185, "The Wire": 2201, "The Wire, season 1": 13054, "The Wire, season 2": 8797, "The Wire, season 3": 5933, "The Wire, season 4": 9671, "The Wire, season 5": 11868, "The Witches of Eastwick": 806, "The Wiz": 7991, "The Wizard of Oz": 2414, "The Wolfman": 3662, "The World Is Not Enough": 1016, "The World's Fastest Indian": 4422, "The Wrestler": 5853, "The X-Files": 3125, "The Yards": 3388, "The Young Victoria": 8487, "The Young and the Restless": 3827, "The-Dream": 10803, "Thelma & Louise": 1575, "Thelma Schoonmaker": 8863, "Thelonious Monk": 3832, "Theodor W. Adorno": 11147, "Theodore Bikel": 6047, "Theodore Roosevelt": 7643, "Theodore Shapiro": 6356, "Theofanis Gekas": 7161, "Theoni V. Aldredge": 12645, "Theravada": 12169, "There Will Be Blood": 8325, "There's Something About Mary": 2421, "Thessaloniki": 13391, "They Might Be Giants": 4522, "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?": 9399, "Thiago Silva": 6908, "Thilakan": 13208, "Thin Lizzy": 6223, "Think like a Man": 1960, "Third Crusade": 12232, "Thirteen": 3751, "Thirteen Days": 1336, "Thirty Years' War": 9724, "Thirtysomething": 825, "Thiruvananthapuram": 12786, "This Is England": 8754, "This Is Spinal Tap": 3099, "This Means War": 5548, "This Must Be the Place": 4606, "This TV": 13565, "Thom Yorke": 9743, "Thomas Alva Edison": 11247, "Thomas Aquinas": 866, "Thomas Brodie-Sangster": 379, "Thomas Dekker": 2247, "Thomas Duane Arnold": 9717, "Thomas Haden Church": 11042, "Thomas Hardy": 6534, "Thomas Hobbes": 4160, "Thomas Ian Nicholas": 2366, "Thomas Jane": 3622, "Thomas Jefferson": 6609, "Thomas Lennon": 7350, "Thomas Little": 146, "Thomas Mann": 10136, "Thomas Mitchell": 7739, "Thomas Newman": 4413, "Thomas Pynchon": 10151, "Thomas Schlamme": 8710, "Thomas and Friends": 5585, "Thor": 5583, "Thora Birch": 6431, "Thoroughly Modern Millie": 5095, "Thousand Oaks": 7944, "Three Kings": 1634, "Thrissur": 10282, "Thunder Bay": 13030, "Thunderball": 6914, "Thuringia": 10782, "Tia Carrere": 4842, "Tianjin": 13135, "Tibet": 12550, "Tiburones Rojos de Veracruz": 12488, "Ticino": 11706, "Tiffani Thiessen": 11610, "Tigres UANL": 10301, "Tijuana": 12056, "Til Schweiger": 5915, "Tilda Swinton": 3552, "Tillamook County": 5381, "Tim Allen": 5063, "Tim Armstrong": 252, "Tim Bevan": 4749, "Tim Blake Nelson": 1338, "Tim Burton": 5631, "Tim Carvell": 6797, "Tim Conway": 7078, "Tim Curry": 5390, "Tim Daly": 8546, "Tim Duncan": 5088, "Tim Matheson": 2815, "Tim McGraw": 4021, "Tim Minear": 10783, "Tim Rice": 6707, "Tim Robbins": 5928, "Tim Roth": 6173, "Tim Van Patten": 6638, "Timbaland": 1188, "Timbales": 6485, "Time 100": 6631, "Timeline": 2720, "Times Higher Education World University Rankings": 2947, "Timmins": 12462, "Timothy Busfield": 11541, "Timothy Dalton": 7557, "Timothy Hutton": 7511, "Timothy Leary": 10957, "Timothy Olyphant": 998, "Timothy Spall": 7784, "Tin Man": 619, "Tina Fey": 1115, "Tina Turner": 4370, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy": 2046, "Tinnu Anand": 2416, "Tiny Toon Adventures": 3650, "Tirana": 13277, "Tisch School of the Arts": 8197, "Titanic": 1880, "Titus Welliver": 2851, "To Kill a Mockingbird": 9054, "To Rome with Love": 4652, "Tobey Maguire": 2308, "Toby Emmerich": 8140, "Toby Jones": 2919, "Toby Keith": 8896, "TobyMac": 11493, "Today": 4135, "Todd Field": 6878, "Todd Haynes": 5641, "Todd McFarlane": 2921, "Todd Rundgren": 3837, "Toei Company": 8579, "Togo": 8393, "Togo national football team": 6954, "Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles": 9289, "Tokugawa clan": 13113, "Tokyo": 7041, "Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings": 12582, "Tokyo Yakult Swallows": 7924, "Toledo": 9357, "Tom Berenger": 3692, "Tom Brady": 7462, "Tom Cruise": 7736, "Tom DeFalco": 9142, "Tom DeLonge": 8652, "Tom Fontana": 9698, "Tom Green": 6379, "Tom Hanks": 541, "Tom Hardy": 3218, "Tom Hollander": 4362, "Tom Johnson": 3819, "Tom Jones": 3127, "Tom Kenny": 2620, "Tom McCarthy": 7987, "Tom Morello": 4787, "Tom Noonan": 1685, "Tom Petty": 8781, "Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers": 7165, "Tom Rosenberg": 1691, "Tom Ruegger": 4218, "Tom Scott": 7330, "Tom Selleck": 4295, "Tom Sizemore": 7603, "Tom Skerritt": 10296, "Tom Stoppard": 4485, "Tom Waits": 6466, "Tom Werner": 5072, "Tom Wilkinson": 3425, "Tom Wolfe": 11086, "Tom and Jerry": 12619, "Tombstone": 9264, "Tommy": 4747, "Tommy Boy Records": 12238, "Tommy Chong": 10599, "Tommy Lee": 4570, "Tommy Lee Jones": 2822, "Tomokazu Seki": 9411, "Tomorrow Never Dies": 8573, "Tomoyuki Tanaka": 11561, "Tompkins County": 7872, "Tonga": 9823, "Toni Braxton": 10925, "Toni Collette": 7264, "Toni Morrison": 6738, "Tonino Guerra": 9968, "Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical": 7211, "Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play": 485, "Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical": 7364, "Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play": 6148, "Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical": 3870, "Tony Award for Best Choreography": 928, "Tony Award for Best Costume Design": 12404, "Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical": 3655, "Tony Award for Best Direction of a Play": 6873, "Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical": 9298, "Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play": 2566, "Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical": 1347, "Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play": 5027, "Tony Award for Best Musical": 833, "Tony Award for Best Original Score": 325, "Tony Award for Best Play": 5882, "Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical": 1816, "Tony Bennett": 6744, "Tony Blair": 10022, "Tony Curtis": 11602, "Tony Gaudio": 13005, "Tony Geiss": 8709, "Tony Goldwyn": 2622, "Tony Kushner": 8117, "Tony Leung": 10947, "Tony Levin": 8258, "Tony Longo": 11393, "Tony Plana": 4694, "Tony Randall": 10612, "Tony Richardson": 10389, "Tony Scott": 6532, "Tony Shalhoub": 2843, "Tony Sirico": 1024, "Tony Thomas": 5716, "Tony Todd": 10118, "Tony Walton": 2375, "Tooele County": 10169, "Tooth & Nail Records": 13453, "Tootsie": 7218, "Toowoomba": 8519, "Top Chef": 10845, "Top Gun": 108, "Top Hat": 8190, "Topaz": 66, "Topeka": 6535, "Topher Grace": 7000, "Topsy-Turvy": 7196, "Torchwood": 4145, "Tori Amos": 4389, "Tori Spelling": 9967, "Torino Football Club": 2462, "Toronto": 2207, "Toronto Argonauts": 11302, "Toronto Blue Jays": 2477, "Toronto District School Board": 13548, "Toronto FC": 7725, "Toronto International Film Festival": 8188, "Toronto Maple Leafs": 1607, "Toronto Raptors": 3444, "Torquay": 13413, "Torquay United F.C.": 1218, "Torrance": 1568, "Toshio Furukawa": 11355, "Toshiyuki Morikawa": 1855, "Total Recall": 2723, "Toto": 810, "Tottenham Hotspur F.C.": 4316, "Touch and Go Records": 11148, "Touchstone Pictures": 8193, "Tough Guys Don't Dance": 1127, "Toulouse": 9050, "Toulouse F.C.": 7048, "Tours": 13483, "Tours FC": 4760, "Tower of London": 1861, "Townsville": 12118, "Towson": 10969, "Towson University": 8936, "Toy Story": 4101, "Toy Story 2": 9572, "Toy Story 3": 1617, "Trabzonspor": 6415, "Tracey Ullman": 7940, "Tracy Chapman": 2520, "Tracy Morgan": 10826, "Traffic": 2436, "Training Day": 1663, "Trainspotting": 3359, "Tranmere Rovers F.C.": 9884, "Transamerica": 9093, "Transformers": 4647, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon": 1482, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen": 2298, "Transylvania": 6584, "Transylvania University": 8542, "Traverse City": 12601, "Travis Banton": 12388, "Travis Barker": 3964, "Travis County": 11864, "Travis Tritt": 617, "Treasure Planet": 176, "Treat Williams": 1311, "Trent Reznor": 1999, "Trentino": 1219, "Trenton": 1555, "Tress MacNeille": 11830, "Treviso": 11374, "Trevor Horn": 4512, "Trevor Howard": 8926, "Trevor Rabin": 3151, "Trey Anastasio": 1018, "Trey Parker": 3205, "TriStar Pictures": 1492, "Tribune Media": 10921, "Tricky Stewart": 8158, "Trier": 8681, "Trieste": 13323, "Trinidad": 12115, "Trinidad and Tobago": 5945, "Trinidad and Tobago national football team": 5249, "Trinity College": 5123, "Trinity College Dublin": 196, "Trinity Hall": 6589, "Trinity University": 8123, "Tripoli": 12433, "Trisha Krishnan": 11169, "Trisha Yearwood": 3537, "Tron: Legacy": 3568, "Trondheim": 12143, "Tropic Thunder": 956, "Troy": 3689, "Troy University": 2917, "True Blood": 5034, "True Grit": 1005, "True Lies": 4579, "Truman Capote": 2602, "Trumbull County": 9045, "Truro": 8723, "Tsinghua University": 12517, "Tsui Hark": 12649, "Tucker: The Man and His Dream": 6349, "Tucson": 5224, "Tuesday Weld": 11036, "Tufts University": 2419, "Tulane University": 2110, "Tulare County": 5452, "Tulsa": 1046, "Tunis": 11589, "Tunisia": 4547, "Tunisia national football team": 4584, "Tuolumne County": 12460, "Tupac Shakur": 9588, "Tupelo": 12398, "Turin": 11434, "Turing Award": 13190, "Turkey": 1969, "Turkey national football team": 5622, "Turkish": 11198, "Turkmenistan": 8603, "Turks and Caicos Islands": 9966, "Turku": 8629, "Turun Palloseura": 13180, "Tuscaloosa": 12785, "Tuscany": 7995, "Tuscarawas County": 6289, "Tuscola County": 7105, "Tuskegee University": 9438, "Tuvalu": 8511, "Tuvalu national football team": 9628, "Twelfth Night: Or What You Will": 12442, "Twilight": 3634, "Twilight Zone: The Movie": 8689, "Twin Peaks": 1545, "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me": 7769, "Twister": 5267, "Two and a Half Men": 6712, "Ty Burrell": 10877, "Tyler": 13151, "Tyler Perry": 4323, "Tyne and Wear": 12514, "Tyra Banks": 3327, "Tyrannosaur": 149, "Tyrese Gibson": 210, "Tyrol": 12625, "Tyrone Power": 10258, "T\u014dh\u014d": 8602, "U-571": 7841, "U.C. AlbinoLeffe": 3033, "U.D. Leiria": 6142, "U.S. Cremonese": 12507, "U.S. Declaration of Independence": 9788, "U.S. Gold": 12149, "U.S. Grosseto F.C.": 11933, "U.S. Route 66": 2285, "U.S. Sassuolo Calcio": 1768, "U2": 1406, "UC Berkeley School of Law": 5513, "UCLA Bruins men's basketball": 5408, "UCLA School of Law": 12505, "UK Film Council": 148, "UNESCO World Heritage Site": 1286, "UPN": 12983, "US Boulogne": 10955, "USA Network": 11872, "USA for Africa": 1632, "UTV": 12699, "UTV Motion Pictures": 4504, "Ubisoft": 5827, "Udinese Calcio": 10419, "Udo Kier": 9590, "Uganda": 10526, "Ugly Betty": 10050, "Ukraine": 1927, "Ukraine national football team": 8145, "Ukrainian": 408, "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic": 8026, "Ukrainians": 10772, "Ulm": 12443, "Ulsan Hyundai FC": 7296, "Ulster County": 3340, "Ulster Unionist Party": 13521, "Ulysses S. Grant": 6783, "Ulysses' Gaze": 5685, "Uma Thurman": 5225, "Umbria": 5165, "Underbelly": 8492, "Unfaithful": 3446, "Unforgiven": 1415, "Union": 8439, "Union College": 4268, "Union County": 11155, "Union Theological Seminary": 12752, "Union of European Football Associations": 523, "Union of South Africa": 7248, "Unione Calcio Sampdoria": 8888, "Unione Sportiva Lecce": 11504, "Unitarian Universalism": 12957, "Unitarianism": 11200, "United 93": 6822, "United Airlines": 2037, "United Arab Emirates": 283, "United Artists": 2481, "United Artists Records": 3890, "United Church of Christ": 11523, "United Kingdom": 565, "United Malays National Organisation": 12788, "United Methodist Church": 12838, "United National Party": 13622, "United Nations": 284, "United States Air Force Academy": 7514, "United States Army": 6548, "United States Army Air Corps": 13626, "United States Cabinet": 7253, "United States Coast Guard": 10077, "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops": 11421, "United States Department of Defense": 6375, "United States Department of Housing and Urban Development": 208, "United States Department of State": 10215, "United States Department of the Air Force": 1794, "United States Department of the Treasury": 4565, "United States Fish and Wildlife Service": 13382, "United States Forest Service": 9731, "United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce": 10867, "United States House Committee on Financial Services": 13631, "United States House of Representatives": 362, "United States Marine Corps": 3245, "United States Military Academy": 4321, "United States Naval Academy": 8497, "United States Navy": 10465, "United States Secretary of State": 5822, "United States Secretary of the Treasury": 4937, "United States Senate": 6053, "United States Virgin Islands": 1714, "United States dollar": 123, "United States men's national soccer team": 11013, "United States of America": 50, "United States presidential election, 2008": 10784, "Universal Motown Records": 1420, "Universal Motown Republic Group": 9242, "Universal Music Group": 2812, "Universal Music Group Nashville": 9511, "Universal Pictures": 232, "Universal Records": 6467, "Universal Republic Records": 13068, "Universal Studios Home Entertainment": 7311, "University College": 11138, "University College Cork": 4292, "University College Dublin": 4118, "University College London": 2873, "University at Buffalo": 1129, "University of Aberdeen": 12781, "University of Adelaide": 8532, "University of Alabama": 1529, "University of Alabama at Birmingham": 2474, "University of Alberta": 5670, "University of Amsterdam": 10583, "University of Arizona": 5155, "University of Arkansas": 3415, "University of Auckland": 10226, "University of Basel": 1559, "University of Bath": 5359, "University of Birmingham": 8501, "University of Bologna": 5124, "University of Bonn": 9033, "University of Bristol": 10953, "University of British Columbia": 5814, "University of Bucharest": 9148, "University of Buenos Aires": 9168, "University of Calcutta": 12242, "University of Calgary": 2051, "University of California Santa Cruz": 3790, "University of California, Berkeley": 2561, "University of California, Davis": 3507, "University of California, Hastings College of the Law": 10334, "University of California, Irvine": 9689, "University of California, Los Angeles": 5960, "University of California, Riverside": 1173, "University of California, San Diego": 8217, "University of California, San Francisco": 9741, "University of California, Santa Barbara": 4934, "University of Cambridge": 1368, "University of Canterbury": 3209, "University of Cape Town": 10737, "University of Central Florida": 7365, "University of Chicago": 3079, "University of Chicago Law School": 13214, "University of Cincinnati": 7261, "University of Colorado Boulder": 8787, "University of Connecticut": 3211, "University of Copenhagen": 1808, "University of Dayton": 3203, "University of Delaware": 3982, "University of Delhi": 4015, "University of Denver": 11646, "University of Detroit Mercy": 11219, "University of Dhaka": 2618, "University of Dundee": 13246, "University of Durham": 10267, "University of East Anglia": 7060, "University of Edinburgh": 5727, "University of Essex": 8253, "University of Exeter": 8405, "University of Florida": 3966, "University of Freiburg": 11058, "University of Geneva": 2455, "University of Georgia": 3386, "University of Ghana": 3932, "University of Glasgow": 11172, "University of Groningen": 7319, "University of Guelph": 7565, "University of Halle-Wittenberg": 12192, "University of Hamburg": 5246, "University of Hartford": 11413, "University of Helsinki": 9321, "University of Houston": 5488, "University of Hull": 11540, "University of Ibadan": 10433, "University of Idaho": 1330, "University of Illinois at Chicago": 4304, "University of Iowa": 632, "University of Jena": 11964, "University of Kansas": 7835, "University of Karachi": 7489, "University of Kent": 2083, "University of Kentucky": 2913, "University of Kiel": 13023, "University of Lancaster": 11322, "University of Leeds": 5897, "University of Leicester": 8425, "University of Liverpool": 11627, "University of London": 2978, "University of Louisiana at Lafayette": 4258, "University of Louisiana at Monroe": 7735, "University of Louisville": 12408, "University of Madras": 10636, "University of Maine": 6077, "University of Manchester": 4247, "University of Manitoba": 4149, "University of Marburg": 10400, "University of Maryland": 2910, "University of Massachusetts Amherst": 46, "University of Melbourne": 9068, "University of Memphis": 7904, "University of Miami": 3100, "University of Michigan": 2242, "University of Michigan Law School": 12715, "University of Minnesota": 5179, "University of Minnesota Law School": 12106, "University of Mississippi": 287, "University of Missouri": 2001, "University of Montana": 9646, "University of Mumbai": 8980, "University of Nairobi": 4203, "University of Nevada, Las Vegas": 8244, "University of Nevada, Reno": 8223, "University of New Brunswick": 7434, "University of New Hampshire": 11114, "University of New Mexico": 5560, "University of New Orleans": 173, "University of New South Wales": 10468, "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill": 2030, "University of North Carolina at Charlotte": 2176, "University of North Dakota": 8465, "University of North Texas": 174, "University of Northern Colorado": 11103, "University of Northern Iowa": 12004, "University of Notre Dame": 9107, "University of Nottingham": 5113, "University of Oklahoma": 351, "University of Oregon": 6409, "University of Oslo": 12919, "University of Otago": 11263, "University of Ottawa": 12984, "University of Oxford": 1098, "University of Padua": 12023, "University of Paris": 7277, "University of Pennsylvania": 6067, "University of Pennsylvania Law School": 5564, "University of Pisa": 8368, "University of Pittsburgh": 305, "University of Portland": 7408, "University of Queensland": 5436, "University of Reading": 6528, "University of Rhode Island": 5666, "University of Richmond": 11274, "University of Rochester": 4226, "University of San Diego": 10141, "University of San Francisco": 7166, "University of Santo Tomas": 12429, "University of Saskatchewan": 10758, "University of Sheffield": 7367, "University of South Carolina": 6397, "University of South Dakota": 1751, "University of South Florida": 6140, "University of Southampton": 262, "University of Southern California": 894, "University of Southern Mississippi": 3804, "University of St Andrews": 1547, "University of Strasbourg": 4264, "University of Strathclyde": 13039, "University of Sussex": 2946, "University of Sydney": 2691, "University of Tartu": 11723, "University of Tasmania": 3599, "University of Tehran": 12710, "University of Tennessee": 8870, "University of Texas School of Law": 11929, "University of Texas at Arlington": 12807, "University of Texas at Austin": 1262, "University of Texas at El Paso": 12251, "University of Tokyo": 11874, "University of Toledo": 8739, "University of Toronto": 3097, "University of Tulsa": 2880, "University of Turin": 10555, "University of Utah": 3729, "University of Vermont": 9496, "University of Victoria": 10761, "University of Vienna": 3533, "University of Virginia": 2457, "University of Virginia School of Law": 11084, "University of Wales": 5504, "University of Warsaw": 10024, "University of Warwick": 9418, "University of Washington": 5984, "University of Waterloo": 10989, "University of Western Australia": 11527, "University of Western Ontario": 5478, "University of Westminster": 7471, "University of Windsor": 3003, "University of Wyoming": 2807, "University of York": 9025, "University of Zurich": 8402, "University of the Pacific": 3488, "University of the Philippines": 5137, "University of the Philippines Diliman": 4886, "University of the Punjab": 10445, "University of the West Indies": 4359, "University of the Witwatersrand": 10362, "Univision": 776, "Unix": 2384, "Uni\u00f3n Deportiva Las Palmas": 7172, "Unknown": 62, "Unstoppable": 6623, "Up": 4608, "Up in the Air": 2238, "Upland": 11057, "Upper Austria": 12361, "Upper Canada College": 12190, "Upper Normandy": 11305, "Uppsala": 6761, "Uppsala University": 10421, "Upstairs, Downstairs": 8798, "Urawa Red Diamonds": 10059, "Urbana": 410, "Urbs Reggina 1914": 7843, "Urdu": 10424, "Uriah Heep": 3010, "Urmila Matondkar": 11173, "Ursula K. Le Guin": 511, "Uruguay": 6151, "Uruguay national football team": 9130, "Usher": 3438, "Utah": 3016, "Utah County": 11848, "Utah Jazz": 3581, "Utah State University": 2263, "Utica": 5582, "Utpal Dutt": 9757, "Utrecht": 11956, "Utrecht University": 8062, "Uttar Pradesh": 11029, "Uttarakhand": 10086, "Uwe Boll": 9134, "Uxbridge": 9875, "Uzbekistan": 7874, "Uzbekistan national football team": 11087, "V for Vendetta": 3898, "V2 Records Benelux": 11161, "VH1": 309, "VHS": 2686, "VJ": 11844, "VVV-Venlo": 8773, "Vadivelu": 12789, "Vagrant Records": 13584, "Val Kilmer": 313, "Valdosta": 11948, "Valencia": 11162, "Valencia CF": 10308, "Valenciennes F.C.": 9211, "Valentine's Day": 1045, "Valkyrie": 5462, "Vallejo": 5745, "Valletta": 10756, "Valparaiso University": 7753, "Valve Corporation": 202, "Vampire Knight": 8432, "Van Halen": 10125, "Van Heflin": 10644, "Van Helsing": 8485, "Van Johnson": 272, "Van Morrison": 2009, "Van Nest Polglase": 7618, "Van Nuys": 9388, "Vancouver": 1321, "Vancouver Canucks": 1485, "Vancouver Island": 12890, "Vanderbilt University": 4976, "Vanessa Hudgens": 605, "Vanessa Redgrave": 5734, "Vanessa Williams": 2944, "Vangelis": 4430, "Vanguard Records": 8424, "Vanilla Ice": 3872, "Vanilla Sky": 3050, "Vanity Fair": 7931, "Vantage Point": 7848, "Vanuatu": 3053, "Varanasi": 11001, "Varese Calcio": 10576, "Varna": 13322, "Vassar College": 8081, "Vatican City": 10611, "Vaucluse": 6776, "Ve Neill": 8130, "Veer-Zaara": 784, "Vejle Boldklub": 8515, "Velvet Goldmine": 3049, "Veneto": 7271, "Venezuela": 1533, "Venezuela national football team": 12436, "Venice": 3361, "Venice Film Festival": 12021, "Ventura": 12294, "Ventura County": 10852, "Venus": 603, "Venus Williams": 9694, "Vera Drake": 2495, "Vera Farmiga": 5130, "Veracruz": 13101, "Verity Lambert": 7798, "Verizon": 909, "Vermont": 1802, "Vernon Chatman": 8577, "Vernor Vinge": 9252, "Verona": 11574, "Veronica Mars": 12490, "Versailles": 13121, "Vertigo": 3669, "Vertigo Records": 8758, "Verve Records": 11824, "Very Bad Things": 8142, "VfB Stuttgart": 2803, "VfL Bochum": 12355, "VfL Wolfsburg": 9057, "Viacom": 8858, "Viborg FF": 8157, "Vic Mignogna": 6022, "Vice President of the United States": 3484, "Vicenza": 9962, "Vicenza Calcio": 7653, "Vickers-Armstrongs": 13675, "Vicksburg": 12382, "Vicky Cristina Barcelona": 4274, "Victor Garber": 4080, "Victor Hugo": 7659, "Victor Miller": 5419, "Victor Victoria": 6076, "Victor Young": 6685, "Victoria": 4312, "Victoria Beckham": 6396, "Victoria University of Wellington": 7291, "Victorian architecture": 13576, "Victory Records": 13534, "Vidya Balan": 11081, "Vienna": 1053, "Vietnam": 23, "Vietnam War": 5728, "Vietnamese": 395, "Viggo Mortensen": 1495, "Vigor Shipyards": 13138, "Vijay Anand": 12333, "Viking FK": 11559, "Viking metal": 7109, "Village Roadshow Pictures": 3416, "Villanova University": 8346, "Villanova Wildcats men's basketball": 3798, "Villarreal CF \"B\"": 13300, "Villarreal Club de F\u00fatbol": 12250, "Vilmos Zsigmond": 11552, "Vilnius": 1596, "Vin Diesel": 3852, "Vince Gill": 3536, "Vince Gilligan": 4924, "Vince Grella": 3104, "Vince McMahon": 9457, "Vince Vaughn": 6021, "Vincent D'Onofrio": 4636, "Vincent Gallo": 9319, "Vincent Kartheiser": 7028, "Vincent Pastore": 473, "Vincent Piazza": 9455, "Vincent Price": 4768, "Vincent van Gogh": 2070, "Vincente Minnelli": 9857, "Ving Rhames": 6055, "Vinnie Jones": 9309, "Vinod Khanna": 8023, "Viola Davis": 1601, "Virgin Group": 12066, "Virgin Interactive": 13454, "Virgin Mary": 12340, "Virgin Records": 1848, "Virginia": 1867, "Virginia Beach": 3593, "Virginia Commonwealth University": 11144, "Virginia Madsen": 9802, "Virginia Military Institute": 5180, "Virginia Tech": 3656, "Virginia Union University": 12617, "Virginia Woolf": 6739, "Visalia": 2763, "Vishal Bhardwaj": 10128, "Vitesse": 12157, "Vittorio De Sica": 9241, "Vittorio Storaro": 1782, "Vivek": 10442, "Vivendi": 5503, "Vivendi Games": 11370, "Vivica A. Fox": 8708, "Vladimir Horowitz": 5147, "Vladimir Lenin": 597, "Vladimir Nabokov": 4340, "Vocoder": 3675, "Vodafone": 8160, "Voice over Internet Protocol": 5637, "Vojvodina": 12689, "Voltaire": 2598, "Volusia County": 4357, "Volver": 1972, "Vondie Curtis-Hall": 7240, "Voyages Extraordinaires": 13397, "W.": 4062, "W. H. Auden": 974, "WALL\u00b7E": 5175, "WCW Monday Nitro": 12756, "WCW WorldWide": 12091, "WWE": 12651, "WWE SmackDown": 9183, "WWE Superstars": 11977, "Waco": 11315, "Waddy Wachtel": 3133, "Wadham College": 9865, "Waffen-SS": 13530, "Wag the Dog": 7517, "Wagga Wagga": 13047, "Waheeda Rehman": 11379, "Waitakere United": 9467, "Wake County": 12175, "Wake Forest University": 7423, "Wakefield": 12465, "Wales": 5505, "Wales national football team": 10195, "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story": 7652, "Walk the Line": 1051, "Wall Street": 106, "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit": 4043, "Wallace Beery": 12401, "Wallace Shawn": 2784, "Wallachia": 13432, "Wally Wingert": 12854, "Walmart": 10808, "Walnut Creek": 12585, "Walon Green": 2026, "Walsall": 8377, "Walsall F.C.": 7339, "Walt Disney": 3248, "Walt Disney Animation Studios": 11526, "Walt Disney Imagineering": 10002, "Walt Disney Pictures": 1249, "Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures": 754, "Walt Whitman": 10770, "Walter Becker": 995, "Walter Benjamin": 3381, "Walter Brennan": 8178, "Walter F. Parkes": 2024, "Walter H. Tyler": 10986, "Walter Hill": 11109, "Walter Lantz": 1407, "Walter M. Scott": 5753, "Walter Matthau": 9144, "Walter Model": 10466, "Walter Murch": 4165, "Walter Murphy": 8479, "Walter Pidgeon": 8718, "Walter Plunkett": 5902, "Walter Scharf": 8098, "Walter Scott": 8598, "Walter Skinner": 12299, "Walter Wanger": 6962, "Waltham": 3812, "Waltz with Bashir": 5204, "Wanda Sykes": 5934, "Wandsworth": 10034, "Wanted": 1083, "War Horse": 4786, "War and Peace": 6538, "War in North-West Pakistan": 11320, "War of 1812": 9849, "War of the Austrian Succession": 12139, "War of the Fourth Coalition": 11471, "War of the Sixth Coalition": 4588, "War of the Spanish Succession": 2370, "War of the Worlds": 3383, "War on Terror": 12390, "WarGames": 758, "Warner Bros.": 380, "Warner Bros. Animation": 3731, "Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment": 13288, "Warner Bros. Records": 3941, "Warner Home Video": 7378, "Warner Media Group": 1914, "Warner Music Group": 5110, "Warren": 10562, "Warren Beatty": 4827, "Warren County": 9853, "Warren Ellis": 12620, "Warren Feeney": 2260, "Warren G. Harding": 6855, "Warren Zevon": 6192, "Warrington": 13297, "Warsaw": 10339, "Warwick": 12670, "Warwickshire": 10493, "Waseda University": 6813, "Washington": 5985, "Washington & Jefferson College": 2646, "Washington Capitals": 9610, "Washington County": 1236, "Washington Nationals": 788, "Washington Redskins": 1864, "Washington State University": 6509, "Washington University in St.\u00a0Louis": 6674, "Washington Wizards": 9919, "Washington and Lee University": 2302, "Washington metropolitan area": 13589, "Washington, D.C.": 67, "Washoe County": 7324, "Washtenaw County": 10895, "Watchmen": 381, "Water": 8852, "Water for Elephants": 6144, "Waterbury": 11303, "Waterford": 8200, "Waterloo": 9334, "Waterworld": 9352, "Watford": 12697, "Watford F.C.": 1544, "Waukegan": 9953, "Waukesha": 5636, "Waukesha County": 9083, "Waylon Jennings": 5194, "Wayne County": 8929, "Wayne Dyer": 7269, "Wayne Knight": 1351, "Wayne Shorter": 3696, "Wayne State University": 2985, "Wayne's World": 4917, "We Bought a Zoo": 8695, "We Have a Pope": 9188, "We Need to Talk About Kevin": 2449, "We Were Soldiers": 5065, "Weber County": 11693, "Weber State University": 7292, "Wedding Crashers": 3720, "Weeds": 5706, "Weezer": 8411, "Wehrmacht": 10911, "Weimar": 6278, "Weimar Republic": 11068, "Weld County": 11807, "Wellesley College": 7460, "Welling United F.C.": 9443, "Wellington": 11730, "Wellington College": 11938, "Wellington Phoenix FC": 2538, "Welsh": 4435, "Welsh people": 8317, "Wendee Lee": 3, "Wendy Melvoin": 566, "Werner Herzog": 3477, "Werner Stengel": 11368, "Wes Anderson": 3640, "Wes Craven": 7299, "Wesley Snipes": 6185, "Wesleyan University": 1400, "West Bank": 10651, "West Bengal": 1394, "West Berkshire": 11972, "West Bromwich": 8571, "West Bromwich Albion F.C.": 3030, "West Chester": 10222, "West Coast hip hop": 5668, "West Dorset": 12903, "West Germany": 3511, "West Ham United F.C.": 10464, "West Hartford": 12515, "West Hollywood": 10437, "West Indies cricket team": 12630, "West Java": 12668, "West Midlands": 8570, "West Norwood Cemetery": 13628, "West Orange": 10067, "West Palm Beach": 9596, "West Side Story": 1054, "West Sussex": 2950, "West Virginia": 3379, "West Virginia Mountaineers football": 7341, "West Virginia University": 6326, "West Yorkshire": 9035, "Westchester County": 1921, "Western": 9738, "Western Australia": 3718, "Western Australian Legislative Assembly": 3719, "Western Cape": 12041, "Western Desert Campaign": 11990, "Western Front": 4392, "Western Illinois University": 7247, "Western Kentucky University": 4894, "Western Michigan University": 11855, "Westfield Group": 13423, "Westminster": 7594, "Westminster Abbey": 5777, "Westminster School": 9756, "Westmoreland County": 1235, "Westport": 12753, "Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery": 4227, "Wexford": 13442, "Weymouth F.C.": 12930, "Whanganui": 10633, "What Dreams May Come": 1982, "What Lies Beneath": 2147, "Whatcom County": 11566, "Wheaton": 7448, "Wheaton College": 8440, "Wheeling": 8650, "When We Were Kings": 8456, "When in Rome": 10665, "Where the Wild Things Are": 2188, "Whig Party": 11448, "Whip It": 6635, "White American": 4235, "White British": 10769, "White Plains": 11809, "Whiting Award": 7596, "Whitney Houston": 1755, "Whittier": 12298, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit": 1374, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?": 7830, "Whoniverse": 13498, "Whoopi Goldberg": 4269, "Why We Fight": 3075, "Wichita": 4692, "Wichita Falls": 8820, "Wichita State University": 5931, "Wiesbaden": 12759, "Wigan": 13550, "Wigan Athletic F.C.": 4497, "Wii": 8045, "Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.": 11157, "Wil Wheaton": 3680, "Wilco": 6127, "Wild Wild West": 1790, "Wild at Heart": 6716, "Wilkes-Barre": 5811, "Will & Grace": 3054, "Will Arnett": 8155, "Will County": 12112, "Will Ferrell": 2813, "Will Forte": 5863, "Will Patton": 12268, "Will Smith": 578, "Willamette University": 5958, "Willem Dafoe": 8506, "Willem II": 7567, "William A. Fraker": 9265, "William A. Horning": 3781, "William A. Wellman": 1748, "William B. Davis": 9995, "William Baldwin": 10174, "William Blake": 3513, "William Butler Yeats": 10217, "William Cameron Menzies": 6243, "William Chang": 1471, "William Demarest": 9833, "William Faulkner": 76, "William Fichtner": 4151, "William Forsythe": 5491, "William Friedkin": 1874, "William Gibson": 7747, "William Goldman": 4699, "William H. Daniels": 8687, "William H. Macy": 6904, "William Hanna": 10088, "William Henry Harrison": 2442, "William Holden": 33, "William Howard Taft": 2548, "William Hurt": 1040, "William J. Bell": 1344, "William James": 5168, "William Joyce": 6668, "William Kiernan": 13125, "William Lava": 4474, "William McKinley": 1462, "William Morris": 8093, "William Orbit": 5333, "William Petersen": 2137, "William Pitt the Younger": 1728, "William Powell": 7013, "William S. Burroughs": 1302, "William S. Darling": 6149, "William Sanderson": 9479, "William Shakespeare": 1120, "William Shatner": 9019, "William Somerset Maugham": 8941, "William T. Orr": 8399, "William Tecumseh Sherman": 10039, "William Travilla": 3282, "William Wyler": 6045, "Williams College": 4205, "Williams Grand Prix Engineering": 12589, "Williamsburg": 10402, "Williamsport": 4551, "Willie D. Burton": 10915, "Willie Nelson": 1631, "Willow": 5342, "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory": 9268, "Wilma Galvante": 13386, "Wilmer Valderrama": 7402, "Wilmington": 11222, "Wilson": 1711, "Wiltshire": 13120, "Wim Wenders": 9506, "Wimbledon": 13537, "Wimbledon F.C.": 6545, "Winchester": 3461, "Winchester College": 12655, "Windows 7": 12526, "Windows Vista": 10940, "Windows XP": 12052, "Windsor": 5093, "Windsor Castle": 13050, "Windsor County": 6239, "Winnie the Pooh": 8523, "Winnipeg": 1637, "Winona Ryder": 5389, "Winston Churchill": 10650, "Winston-Salem": 7358, "Winter's Bone": 4909, "Wisconsin": 4280, "Witness": 9386, "Woking": 10019, "Woking F.C.": 10692, "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart": 5614, "Wollongong": 4516, "Wolverhampton": 2423, "Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C.": 2773, "Women in Love": 7836, "Wonder Boys": 3497, "Wonder Woman": 12048, "Wong Jing": 12960, "Wong Kar-wai": 848, "Wood County": 12031, "Woodland Hills": 7411, "Woodlawn Cemetery": 13399, "Woodrow Wilson": 1463, "Woody Allen": 1232, "Woody Harrelson": 3230, "Worcester": 4088, "Worcester City F.C.": 10527, "Worcester College": 6297, "Worcester County": 9876, "Working Girl": 7113, "Working Title Films": 8141, "World Bank": 22, "World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology": 13226, "World Fantasy Award for Best Novel": 5921, "World Fantasy Award for Best Novella": 11520, "World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction": 11227, "World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement": 5779, "World Golf Hall of Fame": 8361, "World Trade Center": 5787, "World Trade Organization": 9204, "World War I": 7027, "World War II": 299, "Worthing": 11979, "Wreck-It Ralph": 3171, "Wrexham A.F.C.": 8552, "Writers Guild of America Awards 2009": 5416, "Wuhan": 12980, "Wuppertal": 12737, "Wurlitzer electric piano": 5755, "Wuthering Heights": 738, "Wyatt Cenac": 6974, "Wyatt Earp": 7745, "Wyclef Jean": 1694, "Wycombe Wanderers F.C.": 8778, "Wynton Marsalis": 5456, "Wyoming": 4156, "X-Men": 53, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine": 1320, "X-Men: First Class": 2182, "X-Men: The Last Stand": 5730, "X2": 1159, "XL Recordings": 11151, "Xander Berkeley": 8278, "Xanthi F.C.": 5526, "Xavier University": 10799, "Xbox 360": 12322, "Xbox Game Studios": 11767, "Xerez C.D.": 3823, "Xerox": 547, "Xinjiang": 9578, "Xzibit": 8162, "YTV": 12821, "Yahoo": 7552, "Yakima": 9706, "Yakima County": 9705, "Yale College": 671, "Yale Divinity School": 6572, "Yale School of Medicine": 10679, "Yale University": 79, "Yamhill County": 10757, "Yangon": 10379, "Yankee Doodle Dandy": 11553, "Yann Tiersen": 7490, "Yanni": 1363, "Yarrow Shipbuilders": 13441, "Yash Chopra": 9466, "Yash Raj Films": 10850, "Yasser Arafat": 12089, "Yavapai County": 11608, "Yekaterinburg": 9463, "Yellow Submarine": 1333, "Yemen": 2376, "Yentl": 5414, "Yeovil Town F.C.": 9030, "Yerevan": 4600, "Yes": 8534, "Yes Man": 6082, "Yeshiva University": 10751, "Yiddish": 6455, "Yngwie Malmsteen": 10552, "Yo-Yo Ma": 1823, "Yoko Ono": 10827, "Yokohama": 11581, "Yolanda Adams": 2754, "Yom Kippur War": 8958, "Yomiuri Giants": 8835, "Yonkers": 10281, "Yoram Globus": 8610, "York": 10287, "York City F.C.": 10168, "York County": 5686, "York University": 8635, "Yorkshire": 627, "Yorkshire Terrier": 1060, "You Can Count on Me": 2915, "You Don't Mess with the Zohan": 7373, "You Only Live Twice": 1705, "You've Got Mail": 4131, "Young Adam": 9063, "Young Frankenstein": 10682, "Youngstown": 2168, "Youth in Revolt": 2098, "Ypsilanti": 11447, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters": 10638, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX": 9272, "Yue Chinese": 4386, "Yugoslavia": 4720, "Yui Horie": 7668, "Yukon": 10234, "Yul Brynner": 11675, "Yuma": 10041, "Yunjin Kim": 11340, "Yunnan": 12532, "Yunus Parvez": 12956, "Yuvan Shankar Raja": 10196, "Yvelines": 8604, "Z": 8061, "ZZ Top": 377, "Zac Efron": 6502, "Zach Braff": 4785, "Zach Galifianakis": 7326, "Zachary Quinto": 6235, "Zachary Taylor": 308, "Zack and Miri Make a Porno": 5701, "Zagreb": 2394, "Zamalek SC": 8923, "Zambia": 3757, "Zambia national football team": 8878, "Zaragoza": 10460, "Zeeland": 12882, "Zero Dark Thirty": 4077, "Zetima": 13469, "Zhang Yimou": 7239, "Zhang Ziyi": 2792, "Zhejiang": 10531, "Ziggy Marley": 4535, "Zimbabwe": 3215, "Zimbabwe national cricket team": 13269, "Zimbabwe national football team": 3261, "Zionism": 12757, "Zodiac": 6869, "Zoe Saldana": 5549, "Zombieland": 3147, "Zooey Deschanel": 1919, "Zookeeper": 5394, "Zoolander": 3549, "Zsa Zsa Gabor": 12267, "Z\u00fcrich": 8043, "a cappella": 12744, "a-ha": 9058, "abdominal pain": 4875, "abstract algebra": 5834, "abugida": 13676, "academic lecturer": 5209, "accordion": 728, "accountant": 13185, "acid house": 12820, "acid jazz": 5981, "acid rock": 6190, "acoustic bass guitar": 3972, "acoustic guitar": 447, "acoustic music": 7775, "acting": 2303, "activism": 7108, "acute cystitis": 12672, "administration": 2564, "adolescence": 13402, "adult album alternative": 12812, "adult contemporary music": 1103, "adventure": 13447, "adventure novel": 13536, "advertising": 7137, "aerospace": 11950, "aerospace engineering": 12209, "aesthetics": 10657, "afrobeat": 13571, "agnosticism": 9601, "agriculture": 7535, "air travel": 8239, "al-Qaeda": 13099, "alcoholism": 10625, "all-rounder": 13607, "alpha-tocopherol": 4299, "alpine skiing": 26, "alternate history": 13563, "alternative country": 2431, "alternative dance": 7426, "alternative hip hop": 4782, "alto flute": 11633, "alto saxophone": 166, "ambient music": 542, "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis": 8066, "analgesic": 13032, "anarchism": 12849, "anemia": 11019, "angina pectoris": 11796, "animal rights": 6800, "animation director": 3845, "animator": 2630, "anorexia": 8585, "anthropology": 3080, "anti-communism": 4026, "anti-fascism": 4998, "anti-folk": 13252, "anti-racism": 12676, "anti-war movement": 4765, "antibiotic": 12671, "apple": 7624, "applied mathematics": 2818, "arachidonic acid": 8096, "archery": 1753, "architect": 9814, "architecture": 5094, "arms industry": 12949, "art critic": 13516, "art dealer": 13546, "art director": 61, "art film": 10745, "art of painting": 6350, "art of sculpture": 11186, "art punk": 12921, "art rock": 4649, "artificial intelligence": 4534, "artistic gymnastics": 926, "ash": 7562, "associate degree": 6231, "association football": 506, "association football manager": 13632, "asteroid": 12064, "asteroid belt": 13645, "asthma": 8290, "astrologer": 13360, "astrology": 583, "astronaut": 13132, "astronomer": 5005, "astronomy": 6477, "atheism": 3623, "attack": 6851, "attention 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8243, "class": 13475, "classic autism": 13634, "classic rock": 6600, "classical guitar": 6002, "classical music": 702, "classics": 1727, "clavinet": 448, "clothing": 13294, "clown": 13553, "coconut milk": 9760, "college basketball": 12742, "college rock": 12907, "colonel": 10853, "colorectal cancer": 3116, "columnist": 1514, "comedian": 63, "comedy": 13684, "comedy of manners": 12003, "comedy rock": 2061, "comedy-drama": 1869, "coming of age": 7553, "commercial art gallery": 431, "commissioner": 8914, "common-law marriage": 12162, "communism": 6595, "computer engineering": 6673, "computer hardware": 6626, "computer scientist": 11774, "conceptual art": 13374, "concert film": 11232, "concertina": 7445, "conducting": 358, "conga": 4897, "conglomerate": 13084, "congregational church": 13561, "conservatism": 10587, "construction": 13225, "consultant": 13362, "consumer electronics": 6522, "contemporary art": 13440, "contemporary classical music": 1362, "contemporary hit radio": 13617, "contemporary philosophy": 13683, "contemporary worship music": 13630, "contestant": 1655, "contiguous United States": 5628, "cooking show": 13595, "cool jazz": 10728, "copper": 8703, "cornerback": 92, "cornet": 3594, "correspondent": 4970, "corticosteroid": 6550, "costume designer": 6641, "costume drama": 5343, "councillor": 10054, "country blues": 10486, "country pop": 11265, "country rock": 2576, "cowbell": 1876, "creative director": 3112, "creative writing": 10326, "cricket": 12476, "criminology": 9114, "cross-country skiing": 3520, "crossover": 6672, "crossover thrash": 9755, "crown prince": 11928, "crust punk": 8751, "cryptography": 13202, "cryptoxanthin": 12626, "curator": 13629, "curling": 1444, "customer service": 417, "cycling": 3875, "cystic fibrosis": 9805, "dance": 8429, "dance film": 12129, "dance-pop": 5238, "dance-punk": 9456, "dancehall": 5789, "dark ambient": 9550, "dark cabaret": 12885, "dark wave": 11591, "dean": 496, "deathcore": 13547, "deathgrind": 13501, "defenceman": 1606, "defender": 9, "defensive back": 537, "defensive end": 1508, "delicatessen": 13635, "dentistry": 13310, "designated hitter": 9056, "detective": 6214, "diarrhea": 12288, "didgeridoo": 2213, "dietary fiber": 11210, "differential topology": 12657, "dinosaur": 13499, "diploma": 11507, "diplomat": 10841, "director general": 13504, "director's cut": 5844, "disaster film": 6760, "disc jockey": 7731, "diving": 343, "djembe": 7007, "docudrama": 11153, "domestic partnership": 2506, "doo-wop": 12291, "doom metal": 6718, "double bass": 3891, "downtempo": 4338, "drag queen": 13415, "dragon": 13004, "dream pop": 11718, "dressage": 6291, "drone music": 13234, "drowning": 7396, "drug overdose": 10359, "drum and bass": 8819, "drum kit": 2332, "drum machine": 7449, "drummer": 1763, "dub": 12151, "dubstep": 12029, "duke": 13307, "dysentery": 11090, "dyslexia": 1974, "dyspnea": 12108, "dystopia": 3366, "eBay": 9145, "easyJet": 1105, "ecology": 12567, "economic history": 13303, 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"fatigue": 6315, "fellow": 3610, "female organism": 568, "feminism": 223, "fenci": 3859, "fever": 7852, "fiddle": 6501, "fighter pilot": 1747, "figure skating": 1484, "film based on literature": 215, "film director": 581, "film producer": 293, "film score": 3189, "finance": 3081, "financier": 12872, "fine art": 8646, "first baseman": 2774, "flight": 12402, "flood": 13568, "flugelhorn": 4563, "folic acid": 11284, "folk metal": 12042, "folk punk": 12608, "folktronica": 13145, "for-profit education": 12803, "forward": 777, "forward-center": 2088, "freak folk": 12653, "free improvisation": 12196, "free jazz": 10590, "freedom of speech": 13458, "freemasonry": 4463, "freestyle music": 5382, "freestyle skiing": 7930, "freestyle wrestling": 6065, "fullback": 865, "funk metal": 8509, "funk rock": 10347, "g-funk": 10959, "galaxy": 13174, "gang": 13223, "gangsta rap": 9920, "garage punk": 11318, "garnet": 8732, "gastroesophageal reflux disease": 10063, "gay": 2184, "general contractor": 13597, "general counsel": 6196, "general manager": 7538, "genus": 13383, "geography": 11426, "geologist": 13381, "geology": 1174, "geometry": 3700, "ghost": 12358, "glam metal": 11752, "glam punk": 11411, "glam rock": 11276, "glitch": 11364, "global warming": 11788, "glockenspiel": 1085, "glucose": 12845, "gluten-free diet": 4988, "glycine": 11892, "goaltender": 1486, "goat": 12822, "goblet drum": 2214, "gold": 306, "gold medal": 2863, "golf": 12904, "gong": 4186, "gothic metal": 7925, "gothic rock": 4251, "graph theory": 6405, "graphic designer": 3305, "gray": 4491, "green": 9523, "green politics": 12496, "grindcore": 12817, "groove metal": 9377, "grunge": 4839, "gunshot": 12587, "hairdresser": 3777, "halfback": 857, "hammered dulcimer": 6324, "handball": 8011, "handgun": 5294, "hanged, drawn and quartered": 13298, "hanging": 12816, "hard bop": 4843, "hard rock": 574, "hardcore hip hop": 372, "harmonica": 3774, "harp": 1101, "harpsichord": 28, "harpsichordist": 12568, "head coach": 5850, "head teacher": 12376, "headache": 8363, "healing factor": 13324, "heart arrhythmia": 10506, "heart failure": 2483, "heartland rock": 73, "heist film": 10600, "hepatitis": 7518, "hereditary peer": 13639, "heterosexuality": 7265, "hip hop soul": 11748, "hip house": 9177, "historian": 8937, "homelessness": 13195, "horror literature": 663, "horror punk": 3184, "horrorcore": 3185, "horse racing": 11987, "hotel": 11419, "hurdy-gurdy": 8032, "hypertension": 7317, "hyphy": 11860, "hypothyroidism": 5809, "iHeartMedia": 8932, "iOS": 13422, "ice cream": 4622, "ice hockey": 481, "id Software": 13129, "igneous rock": 13578, "illegal drug trade": 12947, "illustrator": 771, "immortality": 13638, "independent film": 158, "independent politician": 12378, "indie folk": 10529, "indie pop": 3404, "indie rock": 4033, "industrial engineering": 3414, "industrial rock": 8371, "infection": 6773, "infielder": 6394, "influenza": 12147, "instrumental music": 8389, "instrumental rock": 7650, "insurance": 13273, "intelligent dance music": 10027, "interactive television": 10280, "internal medicine": 1222, "international relations": 7274, "interview": 4576, "investment banking": 12555, "investor": 9347, "iron": 12606, "itch": 13078, "jangle pop": 7794, "jaundice": 1223, "jazz fusion": 4429, "jazz rap": 11954, "jazz-funk": 3535, "jockey": 13673, "journalism": 2301, "judo": 4004, "jurist-consultant": 12658, "k.d. lang": 7305, "kazoo": 2887, "keytar": 10313, "kickoff returner": 4095, "kidnapping": 2671, "kidney failure": 792, "killed in action": 13680, "knight": 12834, "krautrock": 8058, "kung fu film": 6928, "labor rights": 9730, "lacrosse": 12330, "lead guitarist": 763, "lead vocalist": 1922, "left fielder": 12189, "legal drama": 8688, "lesbian": 1168, "leukemia": 5003, "libertarianism": 11047, "librarian": 11863, "library science": 8400, "lieutenant governor": 10243, "life simulation game": 13335, "light gun shooter": 13436, "limited company": 13604, "limited liability company": 8871, "lineman": 4132, "linguistics": 10315, "linoleic acid": 9873, "lipid": 10603, "list of natural satellites": 11657, "listed building in the United Kingdom": 11873, "literary criticism": 12832, "liver cancer": 12126, "liver cirrhosis": 8584, "liver failure": 8583, "lo-fi music": 10934, "logic": 4741, "long snapper": 6062, "lounge music": 9929, "luge": 9039, "lung cancer": 2892, "lute": 1190, "lymphoma": 3251, "macOS": 12051, "magic in Harry Potter": 13285, "magnesium": 9159, "major": 12472, "major depressive disorder": 6276, "major general": 1795, "make-up artist": 94, "malaria": 12906, "mandolin": 1453, "mangaka": 12104, "manganese": 6882, "manslaughter": 13556, "manufacturing": 9426, "maraca": 1881, "marimba": 729, "massively multiplayer online game": 5682, "massively multiplayer online role-playing game": 5681, "math rock": 269, "mathcore": 9118, "mayor": 1520, "mechanic": 13304, "mechanical engineering": 3486, "medical drama": 4231, "medical novel": 9821, "medical research": 13438, "mellotron": 7164, "melodic death metal": 3456, "melodic hardcore": 5308, "melodica": 1932, "memoir": 10929, "meningitis": 8231, "mezzo-soprano": 7945, "midfielder": 8, "military history": 13649, "milk": 2905, "minimal music": 13405, "minimal techno": 13159, "mining": 10759, "mixed-sex education": 2619, "mockumentary": 1883, "modern architecture": 12808, "modern pentathlon": 3519, "modern rock": 13340, "monster film": 6670, "motivational speaking": 12281, "mountain": 13375, "mountain biking": 585, "mountaineering": 13593, "mouth harp": 3293, "movie theater": 13582, "multi-instrumentalist": 533, "multiplayer video game": 12326, "multiple myeloma": 8850, "multiple sclerosis": 651, "multivariable calculus": 13651, "murder": 2672, "musculoskeletal disorder": 8790, "music director": 7572, "music executive": 12363, "music of Japan": 13586, "music video": 310, "music video director": 8340, "music video game": 11845, "musical film": 277, "musical keyboard": 13257, "musical saw": 1135, "mustang": 9702, "myocardial infarction": 2484, "myristic acid": 12950, "nationalism": 12650, "natural causes": 1735, "natural history": 13351, "nature": 13517, "nausea": 10557, "nebula": 13528, "neo soul": 8282, "neo-Nazism": 13646, "neo-classical metal": 10820, "neo-noir": 7227, "neo-progressive rock": 10412, "neo-psychedelia": 4337, "neofolk": 13114, "neuroscience": 5397, "new jack swing": 2608, "news magazine": 12717, "news presenter": 5404, "niacin": 8904, "ninja": 13507, "ninth grade": 12275, "no wave": 10490, "noise music": 6122, "noise pop": 6358, "noise rock": 10491, "non-fiction": 12547, "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug": 9804, "nonviolence": 12446, "nu jazz": 12909, "nu metal": 9751, "number theory": 13217, "nursing": 7955, "obesity": 6119, "object-oriented programming": 5578, "oboe": 7566, "old age": 9940, "old-growth forest": 13065, "old-time music": 12829, "operatic pop": 5913, "orange": 13693, "organ case": 10503, "organist": 867, "osteoporosis": 7289, "oud": 3971, "ovarian cancer": 4876, "over-the-air programming": 13255, "over-the-counter drug": 12961, "paganism": 11347, "palmitic acid": 8901, "palmitoleic acid": 1690, "pancreatic cancer": 331, "pantothenic acid": 9395, "parliamentary system": 2569, "parody": 4163, "partner": 7827, "passenger car": 11595, "pasta": 10885, "pastor": 13564, "patent inventor": 10774, "pathogenic bacteria": 12572, "pedal steel guitar": 2523, "pediatrics": 9685, "pedophilia": 4487, "percussion": 3836, "peritonitis": 10428, "petroleum": 13264, "pharmaceutical industry": 11974, "pharyngitis": 10062, "philanthropy": 13644, "philosophy of mind": 8945, "philosophy of science": 12035, "phosphorus": 9228, "photographer": 5683, "photography": 3789, "physicist": 11762, "physics": 901, "phytosterol": 10866, "pianist": 9843, "picture book": 12642, "pin-up girl": 1307, "pirate": 3283, "pizza": 11431, "placekicker": 1411, "planet": 604, "platform game": 13545, "playback singer": 5879, "playwright": 1164, "pneumonia": 6774, "poet": 1298, "point guard": 2244, "police": 13606, "police procedural": 9198, "poliomyelitis": 11537, "political drama": 68, "political satire": 12448, "political science": 2454, "political thriller": 2641, "politics of the United States": 13590, "polyunsaturated fat": 8176, "pop art": 13278, "pop punk": 4032, "pope": 13228, "pork": 11481, "pornographic actor": 12726, "pornographic film": 12783, "portrait": 9562, "post-apocalyptic fiction": 12877, "post-bop": 7519, "post-grunge": 7683, "post-metal": 13212, "post-punk": 3343, "post-punk revival": 6919, "post-rock": 8719, "post-traumatic stress disorder": 11312, "postmodern architecture": 13452, "pound sterling": 1398, "poverty": 13178, "power forward": 796, "power metal": 9868, "preacher": 7128, "premier": 8246, "prescription drug": 12467, "president": 13690, "priest": 3228, "primary school": 13658, "printmaking": 13167, "prison": 2866, "prison film": 5192, "private equity": 13462, "procedural programming": 7720, "production sound mixer": 697, "professional wrestling": 11754, "professor": 1626, "programmer": 13411, "programming": 502, "progressive bluegrass": 9714, "progressive house music": 5275, "progressive metal": 6794, "project management": 8665, "promoter": 13471, "propaganda film": 13652, "properties of water": 3636, "property developer": 13444, "prophet": 12069, "prostate cancer": 6120, "protein": 6979, "protopunk": 10971, "province of Milan": 10930, "provost": 4619, "psychedelic folk": 11560, "psychedelic pop": 10582, "psychedelic soul": 13110, "psychedelic trance": 12604, "psychiatrist": 10392, "psychiatry": 6277, "psychic": 13061, "psychobilly": 10456, "psychological horror": 13588, "psychological thriller": 2148, "psychologist": 11143, "psychology": 4651, "psychotherapy": 13197, "public administration": 11329, "public health": 12323, "public limited company": 13001, "publishing": 11835, "pulmonary embolism": 13163, "pundit": 8017, "punt returner": 7498, "punter": 1162, "puppeteer": 10705, "quarterback": 1157, "quiet storm": 2434, "rabbi": 10927, "racewalking": 4789, "racism": 6511, "radio personality": 8615, "ragga": 7230, "rail transport": 12586, "rapcore": 8094, "rape": 10791, "rapid transit": 466, "real-time strategy": 13661, "reality television": 7238, "record producer": 89, "rector": 5353, "reggae fusion": 2940, "reggaeton": 7645, "relief pitcher": 6285, "renewable energy": 13315, "research associate": 7167, "respiratory failure": 12680, "restaurateur": 13289, "retail": 13276, "rheumatoid arthritis": 8789, "rhythmic gymnastics": 5108, "riboflavin": 7740, "right fielder": 10942, "road movie": 9495, "road running": 3025, "rocksteady": 13361, "rockumentary": 10858, "romantic comedy": 195, "romantic fantasy": 1981, "roots reggae": 13353, "roots rock": 7829, "rowing": 2734, "rugby league": 12561, "rugby union": 3495, "safety": 150, "sailing": 3022, "sales": 4336, "salsa": 12551, "samba": 13410, "sampler": 4239, "samurai": 13678, "saturated fat": 12380, "scarlet": 12743, "schizophrenia": 12729, "science fiction": 13688, "scottish people are annoying": 8854, "screamo": 11685, "screwball comedy film": 5422, "second baseman": 3644, "seiy\u016b": 260, "selenium": 7555, "semiconductor": 9595, "sepsis": 5976, "serial killer": 4703, "serum": 7825, "sex comedy": 10508, "sexploitation film": 13532, "sheep": 13496, "sheriff": 10476, "shock rock": 12851, "shooting guard": 5198, "shooting sport": 1037, "short track speed skating": 1322, "shortstop": 11620, "show jumping": 940, "silver": 6816, "silver medal": 1586, "singer-songwriter": 180, "single-player video game": 5561, "sinusitis": 7807, "sitar": 3760, "ska": 253, "ska punk": 353, "skateboarding": 13559, "skeleton": 8152, "sketch comedy": 12276, "ski jumping": 9654, "skin cancer": 5226, "slapstick": 7064, "slasher film": 5527, "slavery": 10790, "slice of life": 2757, "slide": 6328, "sludge metal": 7601, "small forward": 3582, "smallpox": 12856, "smooth jazz": 9619, "snare drum": 9632, "snowboarding": 4473, "soap opera": 5690, "socialism": 13042, "sociology": 1639, "sodium": 12080, "soft rock": 6790, "soldier": 9618, "solo": 9502, "sophisti-pop": 2306, "soprano": 4346, "soprano saxophone": 2458, "soul jazz": 4844, "sound editor": 1468, "space opera": 11467, "space rock": 3788, "speaker of the United States House of Representatives": 4689, "special effects supervisor": 1072, "species": 11286, "spoken word": 11216, "spokesperson": 8898, "sports commentator": 9608, "sports video game": 12179, "spy film": 1704, "stallion": 6177, "stand-up comedy": 13284, "starting pitcher": 220, "state senator": 10122, "statistician": 13577, "statistics": 8947, "steampunk": 11311, "stearic acid": 11032, "stomach cancer": 3328, "stoner rock": 2781, "storyboard artist": 881, "streaming media": 2327, "string": 4554, "strongman": 13574, "structural engineer": 13179, "student": 12732, "students' union": 13677, "stunt performer": 9598, "subspecies": 10244, "substance-related disorder": 13222, "sucrose": 4378, "sugar": 6830, "sumo": 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"census area of Alaska", "emotion", "estate in land", "Private Hochschule", "family name", "chemical substance", "class of chemical compounds with similar source or occurence", "painting", "medical specialty", "water area", "displacement", "phenomenon", "musical instrument", "group action", "road", "taxonomic rank", "form of government", "physiological condition", "national cuisine", "radio format", "subject of international law", "doctrine", "pathogen", "video game console model", "visual artwork", "manner of death", "editorial collection", "fictional extraterrestrial", "free software license", "phase of life", "role", "urban rail transit", "aircraft functional class", "research institute", "heritage designation", "motor vehicle", "unitary authority of England", "reserve currency", "rights", "language family", "automobile marque", "religious building", "unsaturated fat", "religious identity", "special administrative region of China", "concept", "physics engine", "school district", "spirit", "type of business entity", "musical instrument part", "female given name", "human biblical figure", "short gun", "software license", "double act", "manga", "method", "sex", "zone of Nepal", "interstellar cloud", "agent", "creative work", "duo", "land vehicle", "pome", "dead language", "film gauge", "natural disaster", "natural satellite", "eye color", "knowledge", "fictional character", "educational institution", "higher education institution", "village in the United States", "special ward of Japan", "final", "borough of Alaska", "facility", "type of food or dish", "trademark", "base material", "therapy", "aptitude", "bridge by structural type", "sorority", "cruise ship", "parish of Louisiana", "energy", "chess piece", "art exhibition", "manifestation", "rock", "print", "killing", "front", "climate change", "inner planet", "arts festival", "cause of death", "fictional government", "improvised explosive device", "diaspora", "social movement", "drug", "Christian holy day", "ancient civilization", "recurring event", "paranormal", "tabletop game", "cinema film format", "ChEBI Ontology term", "biological process", "province of Spain", "circumstellar disk", "Roman deity", "ball", "superpower", "clinical sign", "film format", "art form", "electronic device", "municipality of Portugal", "philosophical movement", "railway station", "free software copyleft license", "peninsula", "historical period", "Wikimedia list article", "residue", "Major League Baseball draft", "scene", "term", "unisex given name", "foundation", "photograph", "permissive free software licence", "mechanical wave", "episode", "planetary system", "group of fictional characters", "designation for an administrative territorial entity", "declaration of independence", "optical illusion", "data stream", "alphabetic script", "version, edition, or translation", "fictional duck", "colleges and universities in the United States", "has part", "fat", "tennis court", "competition", "formula", "ranking", "association", "alphabet", "belief system" ], "id2entity": [ "", "Dominican Republic", "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers", "Wendee Lee", "American History X", "Michelle Rodriguez", "Naveen Andrews", "Australia national association football team", "midfielder", "defender", "Stoke City F.C.", "Northwest Territories", "34th Canadian Parliament", "As Good as It Gets", "Harold Ramis", "Maldives national football team", "Bryan Singer", "Star Trek: Nemesis", "The Remains of the Day", "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role", "BAFTA Award for Best Original Screenplay", "Philadelphia", "World Bank", "Vietnam", "Danny DeVito", "Guy Pearce", "alpine skiing", "1980 Winter Olympics", "harpsichord", "Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film", "61st Academy Awards", "Anonymous", "DVD", "William Holden", "City of Angels", "Gabriel Yared", "Bridesmaids", "Portugal", "Serpico", "Italian", "Catherine Keener", "Chris Cooper", "Swizz Beatz", "Ithaca College", "New York", "Bill Clinton", "University of Massachusetts Amherst", "Ricky Martin", "58th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series", "United States of America", "St. Augustine", "Stan Lee", "X-Men", "California Institute of the Arts", "Chiwetel Ejiofor", "Carla Gugino", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actor", "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra", "Oprah Winfrey", "theatrical producer", "art director", "Unknown", "comedian", "Brahmanandam", "Edith Head", "Topaz", "Washington, D.C.", "political drama", "The Killing Fields", "How I Met Your Mother", "Saeed Jaffrey", "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role", "heartland rock", "Bob Seger", "Hunter S. Thompson", "William Faulkner", "avant-garde jazz", "John Coltrane", "Yale University", "James Franco", "Crazy Heart", "Robert Duvall", "Frankenweenie", "The Avengers", "Clark Gregg", "Bahamas", "Alan Burnett", "Bill Payne", "record producer", "Billy Ray Cyrus", "The Muppet Show", "cornerback", "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer", "make-up artist", "52nd Annual Grammy Awards", "Dr. Dre", "American Reunion", "Argentina", "BAFTA Award for Best Makeup and Hair", "Shakespeare in Love", "The Love Guru", "Jackie Chan", "Around the World in 80 Days", "triathlon", "Mexico", "Wall Street", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Supporting Actress", "Top Gun", "Rosemary Harris", "Philip Seymour Hoffman", "Hilary Haag", "RahXephon", "Dave Brubeck", "The Dresser", "Rush Hour", "Scott Rudin", "Alan Bennett", "The Shawshank Redemption", "Academy Award for Best Picture", "Miramax", "The Cider House Rules", "Berrien County", "United States dollar", "eventing", "Belgium", "The Passion of the Christ", "Calaveras County", "32nd United States Congress", "Ohio", "Dominica", "Roger Deakins", "Skyfall", "Burt Young", "Rocky V", "Ray Walston", "Beverly Hills", "Don Cheadle", "Larenz Tate", "John Barrowman", "The Untouchables", "Technical University of Berlin", "Cabaret", "BAFTA Award for Best Film", "Steven Tyler", "Richard Day", "Thomas Little", "James Burrows", "UK Film Council", "Tyrannosaur", "safety", "Spellbound", "David O. Selznick", "ACF Fiorentina", "Once Upon a Time in America", "Italy", "Beijing", "Cookie's Fortune", "independent film", "David Healy", "Doncaster Rovers F.C.", "Jason Roberts", "Bristol Rovers F.C.", "Jay Bennett", "Rare Ltd.", "Microsoft", "alto saxophone", "Ray Charles", "Iraq", "Six-Day War", "Madison County", "Alabama", "Ellen DeGeneres", "University of New Orleans", "University of North Texas", "Norah Jones", "Treasure Planet", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Ed Wood", "John Lee Hooker", "singer-songwriter", "Freddy Rodriguez", "Justina Machado", "Battle Creek", "Rango", "Keith Urban", "Bobby", "Joshua Jackson", "Brad Dourif", "ESPN", "Stephen Colbert", "Steve Carell", "Son Goku", "farmer", "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", "romantic comedy", "Trinity College Dublin", "Oliver!", "Bulworth", "Anjelica Huston", "Santa Monica", "Portia de Rossi", "Valve Corporation", "Grammy Award for Best Rock Song", "Sting", "Insidious", "Marty Stuart", "St. Louis", "United States Department of Housing and Urban Development", "Kaneto Shiozawa", "Tyrese Gibson", "El Paso County", "Colorado Springs", "Quest for Fire", "Japan", "film based on literature", "North", "A Beautiful Mind", "3 Idiots", "Cincinnati Reds", "starting pitcher", "Roger Daltrey", "Doris Lessing", "feminism", "Russell Crowe", "Sarah Lawrence College", "Jon Avnet", "Ford Motor Company", "cancer", "Laurence Olivier", "Can't Stop the Music", "The O.C.", "Universal Pictures", "Meet the Fockers", "Phyllis Smith", "Rainn Wilson", "Academy Award for Best Production Design", "Dangerous Liaisons", "Danny Boyle", "Sunshine", "Canada", "Hannah Arendt", "Fran Drescher", "Babylon 5: The Gathering", "world music", "Ed Asner", "George Clooney", "Krista Allen", "Mississippi Burning", "National Board of Review Award for Best Director", "Franz Kafka", "Martin McDonagh", "Tim Armstrong", "ska", "Algeria", "Algiers", "Gulliver's Travels", "Peter O'Toole", "The Fugitive", "BAFTA Award for Best Special Visual Effects", "seiy\u016b", "Sailor Moon R: The Movie", "University of Southampton", "MTV Movie Award for Best Movie", "Braveheart", "Liechtenstein", "James Wong", "Final Destination", "Jon Bon Jovi", "math rock", "Life Is Beautiful", "Sweden", "Van Johnson", "The Purple Rose of Cairo", "Grenada national football team", "Craig Rocastle", "Anthony Quinn", "musical film", "Moulin Rouge!", "Chocolat", "Dr. No", "James Bond", "Iowa City", "United Arab Emirates", "United Nations", "Bangladesh", "Dhaka", "University of Mississippi", "chancellor", "electric guitar", "Percussion", "Jean-Michel Jarre", "Denis Leary", "film producer", "Murder on the Orient Express", "Bergen County", "Rockland County", "Conrad Buff IV", "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", "World War II", "The Guns of Navarone", "Josh Schwartz", "Kingdom of the Netherlands", "Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung Performance", "The Roots", "University of Pittsburgh", "gold", "Delaware County", "Zachary Taylor", "VH1", "music video", "Joshua Malina", "The West Wing", "Val Kilmer", "Batman Forever", "Herbert Ross", "2000 Grammy Awards", "The Great Gatsby", "Amitabh Bachchan", "Jurassic Park", "Jeff Goldblum", "Academy Award for Best Film Editing", "Robert Wise", "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World", "Lithuania", "Tony Award for Best Original Score", "David Shire", "Hampton University", "The Bronx", "Brad Grey", "Macclesfield Town F.C.", "pancreatic cancer", "BBC", "BBC HD", "Ocean's Thirteen", "Alan Moore", "English people", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director", "The Scarlet Letter", "Alan Rickman", "Royal College of Art", "Pierre Boulez", "1904 Summer Olympics", "diving", "Peter Morgan", "London", "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time", "Judd Apatow", "Knocked Up", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "Jared Harris", "University of Oklahoma", "NOFX", "ska punk", "Levon Helm", "Ricky Skaggs", "Maricopa County", "Chandler", "conducting", "Jerry Goldsmith", "Gia", "18th United States Congress", "United States House of Representatives", "Steve Buscemi", "Jamie-Lynn Sigler", "Academy Award for Best Writing, Original Screenplay", "Brad Bird", "Submarine", "Burlington", "Palme d'Or", "Granada CF", "Ja Rule", "hardcore hip hop", "Eileen Atkins", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie", "Patricia Arquette", "Holes", "ZZ Top", "Claudia Schiffer", "Thomas Brodie-Sangster", "Warner Bros.", "Watchmen", "Mark Twain", "Ernest Hemingway", "The Help", "Dallas Cowboys", "Ohio State University", "Australia", "1980 Summer Olympics", "Kal Ho Naa Ho", "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Director", "Memento", "Luci Christian", "The Ladykillers", "Vietnamese", "The Usual Suspects", "Benicio del Toro", "Frances McDormand", "Bill Murray", "Dustin Hoffman", "Liev Schreiber", "Garden State", "Natalie Portman", "RKO Pictures", "Mighty Joe Young", "Owen Wilson", "MTV Movie Award for Best On-Screen Duo", "Ukrainian", "Kazakhstan", "Urbana", "Jack Nicholson", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Nassau", "House of Orange-Nassau", "Andrew Jackson", "Kraft Foods", "customer service", "Paz de la Huerta", "Boardwalk Empire", "Nickelback", "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me", "The King's Speech", "Resident Evil: Retribution", "Colombia", "Neve Campbell", "The Hours", "Iron Man", "Orlando Bloom", "Guildhall School of Music and Drama", "Metropolitan Museum of Art", "commercial art gallery", "Another World", "2002 Winter Olympics", "Sonic X", "Jamaica", "bronze medal", "Annapolis", "The Aristocrats", "Penn Jillette", "Maria Bello", "Eriq La Salle", "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked", "Ireland", "Stand by Me", "2000 Summer Olympics", "canoe sprint", "acoustic guitar", "clavinet", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals", "Herbie Hancock", "Catholic school", "Pontifical Gregorian University", "John Williams", "48th Academy Awards", "Derby County F.C.", "Stephen King", "Peter David", "Judd Hirsch", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series", "Batman Begins", "MTV Movie Award for Best Villain", "Craig Armstrong", "Royal Academy of Music", "Jason Bateman", "DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story", "rapid transit", "Northern line", "Roadrunner Records", "Rush", "Litchfield", "Teri Hatcher", "Dean Cain", "Vincent Pastore", "Michael Imperioli", "Henry Winkler", "Indiana", "Terre Haute", "Anthony Hopkins", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor", "1992 Winter Olympics", "ice hockey", "Europe", "Poland", "Fredric March", "Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play", "Lawrence Bender", "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", "Martin Heidegger", "Paramount Pictures", "The Godfather Part II", "Stewart Copeland", "Beirut", "MTV Movie Award for Best Song from a Movie", "Robots", "Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism", "dean", "2005 NFL Draft", "Louisiana State University", "visual effects", "Rush Hour 3", "Pink Floyd", "programming", "Election 2", "visual effects supervisor", "Crystal Palace F.C.", "association football", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2001", "James Wilby", "electronica", "Garbage", "Ursula K. Le Guin", "J. R. R. Tolkien", "Gary Barber", "Memoirs of a Geisha", "She's Having a Baby", "John Candy", "Suriname", "track and field", "Billy West", "Detroit", "McGill University", "Slovenia national football team", "Union of European Football Associations", "Neil Young", "Lincoln", "1988 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street", "2008 Grammy Awards", "Michael Brecker", "Emma Thompson", "Liam Neeson", "Mahesh Bhatt", "multi-instrumentalist", "Dave Grohl", "Popeye", "Michael Pitt", "defensive back", "Glee", "Brad Falchuk", "Helen Hunt", "Tom Hanks", "ambient music", "Portishead", "Ben-Hur", "Academy Award for Best Sound Mixing", "Live Free or Die Hard", "Xerox", "Norwalk", "Mongolia", "swimming", "Demi Lovato", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie", "Gary Sinise", "Snow White and the Huntsman", "Gary Busey", "Nashville", "Diana Krall", "Saturn Award for Best Costume", "Armageddon", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead", "Chris Penn", "Marilyn Monroe", "Charlton Heston", "The Vow", "United Kingdom", "Wendy Melvoin", "Courteney Cox", "female organism", "Jesse Metcalfe", "Felicity Huffman", "Chaplin", "Mario Kassar", "Jack Bruce", "hard rock", "biathlon", "George Lucas", "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope", "Will Smith", "The Last Samurai", "Robert Rodriguez", "film director", "Dave Navarro", "astrology", "Taoism", "mountain biking", "New York City", "Texas", "No Country for Old Men", "Ed Harris", "Kathleen Quinlan", "Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording", "Great Expectations", "David Walliams", "Real Zaragoza", "Rob Corddry", "Soviet Armed Forces", "Vladimir Lenin", "John Adams", "Into the West", "Matthew Modine", "Cedric the Entertainer", "Ben Stiller", "Venus", "planet", "Vanessa Hudgens", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture", "Goya Award for Best Original Screenplay", "The Sea Inside", "Stephen Root", "Gulfport", "Joe Hisaishi", "Nagano Prefecture", "Primetime Emmy Award for Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program", "Barbra Streisand", "Miguel Sandoval", "Robin Wright", "Travis Tritt", "Donald Pleasence", "Tin Man", "Columbia Pictures", "Restless", "Betty Grable", "George Raft", "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor", "The Living Daylights", "Michael G. Wilson", "Yorkshire", "England", "Sarah Silverman", "Fyodor Dostoyevsky", "Norman Mailer", "University of Iowa", "David Sanborn", "Rachel Weisz", "The Mummy", "Philippines", "Earth", "Pet Shop Boys", "EMI", "Buncombe County", "Asheville", "chief technology officer", "Avid Technology", "Mel Gibson", "The Singing Detective", "Milla Jovovich", "The Hangover", "Robert Clohessy", "Jack Huston", "Teri Garr", "multiple sclerosis", "Brian Tyler", "Queen", "Elektra Records", "John Woo", "A Better Tomorrow", "Nick Cave", "Michael McDonald", "2004 Grammy Awards", "Grammy Award for Best Rap Song", "trombone", "House of Wax", "horror literature", "Avatar", "20th Century Fox", "Shohei Imamura", "Robert F. McGowan", "Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel", "Charles Stross", "Orange County", "Yale College", "Oakland Athletics", "Stanford University", "A Fish Called Wanda", "MTV Movie Award for Best Comedic Performance", "Cameron Diaz", "Kayserispor", "Phoenix", "16th Academy Awards", "Academy Award for Best Actress", "Brazil", "1972 Summer Olympics", "Colm Meaney", "The Last of the Mohicans", "T. S. Eliot", "Curtis Hanson", "L.A. Confidential", "Angels & Demons", "Ron Howard", "Santa Barbara", "EDtv", "J. Edgar", "Clint Eastwood", "Academy Award for Best Actor", "Judgment at Nuremberg", "LeVar Burton", "production sound mixer", "Shirley Jones", "Ivan Reitman", "Howl's Moving Castle", "Ben Foster", "classical music", "Claude Debussy", "Jaws 3-D", "Mystery", "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", "2008 Summer Olympics", "Academy Award for Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay", "46th Academy Awards", "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind", "113th United States Congress", "tomato", "vegetarian cuisine", "Sinhala", "Sri Lanka", "New York Yankees", "Hannah Montana: The Movie", "Egypt", "Babel", "Golden Globe Award for Best Director", "Jane Campion", "Ingham County", "Lufthansa", "Gallipoli Campaign", "British Raj", "Englewood", "David X. Cohen", "accordion", "marimba", "The Full Monty", "Fox Searchlight Pictures", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role", "2011 Sundance Film Festival", "Kaboom", "2008 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Master of Business Administration", "Central Michigan University", "Wuthering Heights", "Roots", "Cicely Tyson", "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", "Blu-ray Disc", "Dominic Monaghan", "Stephen Richard Hackett", "Seinfeld", "executive producer", "Haywire", "Jack Reacher", "Jerry Belson", "Jay Kogen", "BAFTA Award for Best Sound", "Romeo + Juliet", "Seabiscuit", "Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures", "Chelsea F.C.", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Brunel University London", "WarGames", "Richard Wright", "Conan O'Brien", "59th Primetime Emmy Awards", "J. K. Simmons", "lead guitarist", "Metallica", "Conspiracy Theory", "Patrick Stewart", "Christopher Hampton", "Footloose", "Dannii Minogue", "PepsiCo", "illustrator", "Sherlock Holmes", "The Prize", "Raymond Chandler", "Michael Connelly", "Univision", "forward", "Buffalo Sabres", "Daniel Inouye", "111th United States Congress", "Brian Wilson", "bassist", "Preity Zinta", "Veer-Zaara", "Denver", "Denver Nuggets", "Sun Ra", "Washington Nationals", "white", "Resident Evil", "Marlene Dietrich", "kidney failure", "Lucas County", "Jeffrey Tambor", "Leaving Las Vegas", "power forward", "Golden State Warriors", "Kevin O'Connell", "Pearl Harbor", "Lindsay Lohan", "Malibu", "taekwondo", "China national football team", "Don Rickles", "Kathy Griffin", "The Witches of Eastwick", "Jimmy Buffett", "Salt Lake County", "Salt Lake City", "Toto", "Kristin Davis", "The Hurricane", "Chile national football team", "Pete Wentz", "In Bruges", "Ralph Fiennes", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series", "Creed Bratton", "Rivers Cuomo", "Erich Wolfgang Korngold", "Hollywood", "Baltimore Ravens", "2007 NFL Draft", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series", "Thirtysomething", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screenplay", "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery", "Boston", "Colm Feore", "The Rolling Stones", "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift", "In the Name of the Father", "Tony Award for Best Musical", "Camden County", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", "Natalie Morales", "Ann Curry", "Jimmy Fallon", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series", "Girl with a Pearl Earring", "Lost in Translation", "The Expendables 2", "Chuck Norris", "Gandhi", "Richard Attenborough", "St. Louis Cardinals", "1965 Major League Baseball season", "Wong Kar-wai", "Chungking Express", "Prince", "Karl Urban", "Star Trek", "In Harm's Way", "Burt Reynolds", "Dr. John", "Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues Album", "halfback", "Charlie Wilson's War", "Love Actually", "Chris Lebenzon", "Sleepy Hollow", "Lauren Holly", "Amanda Peet", "Philadelphia Eagles", "fullback", "Thomas Aquinas", "organist", "Billy Joel", "Angels in America", "Annie Hall", "Diane Keaton", "Academy Award for Best Documentary (Short Subject)", "Matthew Broderick", "Godzilla", "James Cameron", "Academy Award for Best Director", "Shutter Island", "Grammy Award for Record of the Year", "2001 Grammy Awards", "The Social Network", "storyboard artist", "Dinner for Schmucks", "Mountain Time Zone", "Eagle County", "Oregon", "Linn County", "New Hampshire", "New England Patriots", "Rutger Hauer", "German", "Terry Crews", "Montpellier H\u00e9rault Sport Club", "Doctor of Philosophy", "University of Southern California", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture", "The Bourne Ultimatum", "Curtis Armstrong", "Marvel Entertainment", "Hayden Panettiere", "Cornell University", "physics", "Sarah Palin", "Gulzar", "Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay", "56th Golden Globe Awards", "Marion Cotillard", "BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role", "Step Brothers", "Verizon", "Batman", "PolyGram Filmed Entertainment", "Jiang Wen", "New York, I Love You", "New York Giants", "Slovakia", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series", "The Mary Tyler Moore Show", "31st United States Congress", "North Carolina", "Satellite Awards 2007", "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", "Sean Astin", "Devin Townsend", "Commonwealth of Nations", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "artistic gymnastics", "Bob Fosse", "Tony Award for Best Choreography", "Striptease", "Albert Wolsky", "Steve McQueen", "Jackie Cooper", "Kirsten Dunst", "German Americans", "Switzerland", "1968 Summer Olympics", "Midnight Express", "Oliver Stone", "2004 Summer Olympics", "show jumping", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video", "Michelle Branch", "Creighton University", "France", "Brittany", "Los Angeles Galaxy", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Judi Dench", "56th Academy Awards", "twelve-string guitar", "The Hunger Games", "The Practice", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series", "2010 Winter Olympics", "35 mm film", "Tropic Thunder", "The Merry Widow", "Edwin B. Willis", "Quantum of Solace", "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer", "BBC One", "Burgundy", "The Lorax", "South Africa", "Joaquin Phoenix", "Sleepers", "Starter for 10", "Gary Goetzman", "California", "108th United States Congress", "New York Knicks", "Henri Bergson", "The Time Machine", "W. H. Auden", "Milk", "environmentalist", "Montevideo", "Sesame Street", "Jerry Nelson", "John Leguizamo", "Miracle at St. Anna", "Harry Shearer", "56th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series", "Alan Menken", "The Boondocks", "black comedy", "Dearborn", "The Devil Wears Prada", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Comedy Film", "Apocalypse Now", "Gone Baby Gone", "Grindhouse", "Eli Roth", "Walter Becker", "Mills College", "John Hawkes", "Timothy Olyphant", "Richard Schiff", "Jake Shimabukuro", "Big Daddy", "Iqbal Theba", "Jenna Ushkowitz", "Lesley Sharp", "True Grit", "T-Bone Burnett", "Rickey Henderson", "Seattle Mariners", "Kanye West", "Jamie Foxx", "Robert Carlock", "John Riggi", "Marci Klein", "The Goodbye Girl", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor", "The World Is Not Enough", "A View to a Kill", "Trey Anastasio", "Mao's Last Dancer", "Bruce Greenwood", "Steve Martin", "James Monroe", "President of the United States", "Tony Sirico", "Matt Servitto", "KwaZulu-Natal", "Pietermaritzburg", "Anna Paquin", "Hugh Jackman", "109th United States Congress", "Birkenhead", "Midland", "Kathleen Kennedy", "Lucasfilm", "Patrick Dempsey", "T. R. Knight", "shooting sport", "1936 Summer Olympics", "Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor", "William Hurt", "Deportivo Cali", "Allentown", "Lehigh County", "Garry Marshall", "Valentine's Day", "Tulsa", "Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras", "Miami University", "Bachelor of Science", "Ben Sahar", "Walk the Line", "Arnold Schoenberg", "Vienna", "West Side Story", "Filmfare Award for Best Actor", "Jackie Shroff", "zoology", "Billy Connolly", "banjo", "Yorkshire Terrier", "San Jose", "1984 Summer Olympics", "celesta", "Purdue University", "Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series", "Barney Miller", "Jewel", "Rice University", "Master of Science", "special effects supervisor", "18th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Stephen Graham", "Casey Affleck", "Ocean's Eleven", "Ralph E. Winters", "Quo Vadis", "John Lithgow", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie", "Robert Smigel", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program", "Wanted", "Angelina Jolie", "glockenspiel", "Norbit", "The Adventures of Pluto Nash", "Buffalo Bills", "Jemaine Clement", "Joseph Barbera", "Scooby-Doo", "Sergei Rachmaninoff", "Desmond Harrington", "Jonny Lee Miller", "Sierra Leone national football team", "Confederation of African Football", "Getafe CF", "University of Oxford", "St Catherine's College", "Stephen Merchant", "harp", "Debbie Gibson", "adult contemporary music", "The Taking of Pelham 123", "easyJet", "Robert Redford", "Monster's Ball", "Satellite Award for Best Original Screenplay", "Tasmania", "Some Kind of Monster", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Art Direction", "Britney Spears", "Rollins College", "Fred Armisen", "Tina Fey", "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl", "Super 35", "Kenya", "Naked Lunch", "William Shakespeare", "Saul Bellow", "Julie Bowen", "Modern Family", "Ian McKellen", "Swedish American", "Isabella Rossellini", "Tough Guys Don't Dance", "Matthew Perry", "University at Buffalo", "Peter Riegert", "John Dewey", "Nobel Prize in Literature", "Ricky Jay", "Deadwood", "musical saw", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel", "Darren Star", "The Mummy Returns", "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly", "Rules of Engagement", "Mark Isham", "Bruce Sterling", "Platoon", "Robert Richardson", "Richard E. Grant", "Brad Jones", "Rotherham United F.C.", "Dallas", "1990 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Michael Lantieri", "Ken Ralston", "Joanne Coyle", "Carmen Electra", "San Mateo", "Bewitched", "BC Lions", "quarterback", "Armenia", "X2", "Arizona", "Library of Congress Classification", "punter", "Michael Kamen", "playwright", "Bertolt Brecht", "Gillian Anderson", "Capote", "lesbian", "She Hate Me", "Heathrow Airport", "Amsterdam", "65th Golden Globe Awards", "University of California, Riverside", "geology", "Michael Stipe", "Joseph Gordon-Levitt", "Evan Rachel Wood", "Cleopatra", "110th United States Congress", "Alaska", "Kirk Franklin", "Espoo", "Finland", "National Board of Review Award for Best Actress", "The Wings of the Dove", "TNT", "MTV Movie Award for Best Fight", "Timbaland", "Dennis Quaid", "lute", "Iowa", "The Ides of March", "Summit Entertainment", "Michael Clayton", "Andre Braugher", "Ringo Starr", "Mercury Records", "APOEL F.C.", "Dick Cheney", "Alan Arkin", "Tate Donovan", "Fred Durst", "Halle Berry", "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", "Arthur Miller", "Cloud Atlas", "Sliver", "cinematographer", "Santosh Sivan", "Patch Adams", "Steve Oedekerk", "Spike Jonze", "Joel Madden", "Bruce Berman", "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows", "S.S. Lazio", "Emma Watson", "Torquay United F.C.", "Trentino", "Napoleon Dynamite", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male", "internal medicine", "jaundice", "Rush Hour 2", "Jack Black", "Jade North", "Josh Holloway", "Monterey County", "Philips", "Giant", "Denmark", "Woody Allen", "Imelda Staunton", "Ben Affleck", "Westmoreland County", "Washington County", "Kazan", "Rubin Kazan", "Dogma", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Cast", "bubblegum pop", "The Monkees", "Sridevi", "Cy Coleman", "Bristol City F.C.", "Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group", "Lil' Kim", "Lilo & Stitch", "Walt Disney Pictures", "Norman Blake", "2002 Grammy Awards", "Fayetteville", "Chris Cornell", "Hungary", "Moby", "Harlem", "Mommie Dearest", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress", "European Film Award for Best Actress", "Dancer in the Dark", "Boston Red Sox", "University of Texas at Austin", "Steve Winwood", "Piranha 3DD", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album", "Sarah McLachlan", "Stanley Kubrick", "Academy Award for Best Visual Effects", "Noel Gallagher", "Super 8", "Sicko", "Sienna Miller", "Daniel Craig", "Terence Stamp", "Omar Sharif", "Ray Milland", "Perth and Kinross", "Perth", "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance", "Secret of the Wings", "New Zealand", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Nebraska", "Missouri", "Stevie Wonder", "UNESCO World Heritage Site", "Rome", "Miami Marlins", "Gary Sheffield", "Beijing Guoan F.C.", "Ross Turnbull", "Barnsley F.C.", "Dynamo Dresden", "106th United States Congress", "Scott McDonald", "Southampton F.C.", "Jerry Maguire", "poet", "Michelangelo", "Colin Farrell", "Miami", "William S. Burroughs", "Dashiell Hammett", "1976 Summer Olympics", "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie", "Bill Fagerbakke", "pin-up girl", "Marmaduke", "Spokane", "Chuck Jones", "Treat Williams", "Lafayette", "London Film Critics Circle Award for Actor of the Year", "Shine", "Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma", "Joel Grey", "Joe Berlinger", "MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss", "Shia LaBeouf", "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", "Vancouver", "short track speed skating", "Robin Hood", "Brian Grazer", "Prometheus Award", "Harlan Ellison", "John Oliver", "television producer", "Brandeis University", "University of Idaho", "Emma Roberts", "Brooke Shields", "Yellow Submarine", "The Incredibles", "Arthur Laurents", "Thirteen Days", "Romanian", "Tim Blake Nelson", "The English Patient", "Andrew Stanton", "Academy Award for Best Animated Feature", "Kyushu", "Nagasaki", "William J. Bell", "Bono", "Bebe Neuwirth", "Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical", "Robert Iler", "Foo Fighters", "1. FC Union Berlin", "Wayne Knight", "Malta", "Council of Europe", "Tarrant County", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Film", "Kevin Nealon", "Just Go with It", "National Film Registry", "Blazing Saddles", "Dino De Laurentiis", "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow", "contemporary classical music", "Yanni", "Easy Rider", "Peter Fonda", "In America", "Superman", "University of Cambridge", "Himesh Reshammiya", "Seton Hall University", "John Stuart Mill", "Shrek", "Dean Cundey", "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", "Gladiator", "Academy Award for Best Original Score", "Monsters, Inc.", "1992 Summer Olympics", "George Seaton", "Miracle on 34th Street", "Rayo Vallecano", "American football", "72nd Academy Awards", "Olympique de Marseille", "Angers SCO", "Gonzaga University", "Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award", "Bob Dylan", "Motherwell F.C.", "John Ruddy", "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", "Frank Zappa", "Hilary Duff", "West Bengal", "Nicollette Sheridan", "Poughkeepsie", "Jesus College", "pound sterling", "Spartak Moscow", "Wesleyan University", "Houston Texans", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture", "Ann Arbor", "Signs", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Direction", "U2", "Walter Lantz", "New Rochelle", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series", "12th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "placekicker", "Carolina Panthers", "Mehcad Brooks", "Eva Longoria", "Unforgiven", "Gene Hackman", "Cambria County", "Malaysia", "Raja Casablanca", "Universal Motown Records", "Lil Wayne", "The Brothers Bloom", "Jane Fonda", "Chaka Khan", "Bank of America", "Mandy Patinkin", "Manhattan", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie", "It Happened One Night", "Frank Capra", "Concord", "Aladdin", "Academy Award for Best Sound Editing", "The Departed", "The Beatles", "1900 Summer Olympics", "The Greatest Show on Earth", "Ray Moyer", "102nd United States Congress", "Nevada", "First Indochina War", "Peter Jackson", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Director", "curling", "Atlantic Ocean", "The Pretenders", "Bill Cosby", "Persepolis", "theremin", "Bette Davis", "BAFTA Award for Best Editing", "Nitty Gritty Dirt Band", "mandolin", "Kramer vs. Kramer", "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel", "Berklee College of Music", "Melissa Etheridge", "Paisley", "The Queen's College", "electrical engineering", "Leicester", "William McKinley", "Woodrow Wilson", "Kansas City Royals", "2003 Major League Baseball draft", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Film", "Moneyball", "sound editor", "Imagine That", "Siobhan Finneran", "William Chang", "Dave Matthews", "Rio de Janeiro", "California College of the Arts", "1994 Winter Olympics", "Dominic Chianese", "Spy Game", "The Whistleblower", "Dore Schary", "Bristol County", "Taunton", "Transformers: Dark of the Moon", "Kuwait", "figure skating", "Vancouver Canucks", "goaltender", "Lebanese American", "Doug Flutie", "Ilford", "Essex", "The Expendables", "TriStar Pictures", "Rambo: First Blood Part II", "On the Road", "Viggo Mortensen", "Jim Taylor", "BAFTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay", "Nova Scotia", "Halifax", "Corinne Bailey Rae", "Dan Povenmire", "PAS Giannina F.C.", "Scream 3", "Kyrgyzstan", "Dr. Strangelove", "Sony Pictures Home Entertainment", "Sony Pictures", "defensive end", "Lethal Weapon 4", "Silver Pictures", "A.F.C. Ajax", "Peter Coyote", "Larry Miller", "columnist", "Allen Leech", "Marti Noxon", "Sucker Punch", "10th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Sean Bean", "mayor", "Ottawa", "Robin Williams", "Bruce Beresford", "BAFTA Award for Best Direction", "Elektra", "Howard Hughes", "Nikon", "Lady Gaga", "University of Alabama", "Cruel Intentions", "Selma Blair", "Rock of Ages", "Venezuela", "Jerry Orbach", "Chris Noth", "P!nk", "Bai Ling", "Arizona Cardinals", "Contraband", "Giovanni Ribisi", "Ernie Hudson", "Cheers", "Hameur Bouazza", "Watford F.C.", "Twin Peaks", "David Lynch", "University of St Andrews", "Sean Penn", "Dead Man Walking", "ETH Zurich", "Albert Einstein", "Felix Mendelssohn", "ukulele", "Dennis Rodman", "Trenton", "Kingston upon Hull", "Talk to Me", "G-Force", "University of Basel", "Leonhard Euler", "Colin Firth", "Derek Jacobi", "Michael Dobson", "Mobile Suit Gundam 00", "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World", "Quincy", "Los Angeles County", "Torrance", "Sense and Sensibility", "bongo drum", "Shemp Howard", "Carmel-by-the-Sea", "Fish Tank", "Netherlands", "Thelma & Louise", "Elton John", "Grammy Award for Song of the Year", "Don Heck", "Jean-Paul Sartre", "1964 Summer Olympics", "Atlantic County", "The Island", "Scarlett Johansson", "Cleveland Browns", "Nigeria", "silver medal", "Rykodisc", "Academy Award for Best Cinematography", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series", "Sissy Spacek", "The Happening", "Chris Thomas King", "Baton Rouge", "California Institute of Technology", "Covington", "Vilnius", "Jason Robards", "Dressed to Kill", "Life as We Know It", "Dumb and Dumber", "Viola Davis", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actress", "All That Jazz", "G. K. Chesterton", "C. S. Lewis", "defenceman", "Toronto Maple Leafs", "bread", "L-Leucine", "India.Arie", "1964 Winter Olympics", "Olivia Williams", "Miley Cyrus", "Gary", "video game industry", "Atari", "Toy Story 3", "Graham Gouldman", "For Your Eyes Only", "Almost Famous", "Jason Lee", "My Week with Marilyn", "Germany", "61st Primetime Emmy Awards", "Don Scardino", "professor", "Stephen Hawking", "tambourine", "bass drum", "Cuba", "Willie Nelson", "USA for Africa", "Morocco", "Three Kings", "David O. Russell", "Minnesota", "Winnipeg", "Loyola Marymount University", "sociology", "Master of Arts", "Alfre Woodard", "1998 Winter Olympics", "Pier Paolo Pasolini", "Dante Alighieri", "Bad Teacher", "General Hospital", "Steve Jordan", "The Devil's Double", "Jerry Bruckheimer", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role", "Christoph Waltz", "Danny Huston", "Dean Tavoularis", "Shannon Elizabeth", "contestant", "Mars Attacks!", "Roger Zelazny", "Nebula Award for Best Novelette", "Jason Flemyng", "Taraji P. Henson", "Mick Jagger", "David A. Stewart", "Training Day", "The Weather Man", "Giuseppe Colucci", "F.C. Girondins de Bordeaux", "Analyze This", "Cheshire", "Lille O.S.C.", "Sidney Sussex College", "Bachelor of Arts", "Election", "Reese Witherspoon", "Albert Nobbs", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role", "Gary David Goldberg", "Northern Exposure", "Darryl F. Zanuck", "Gosford Park", "Clive Owen", "Boston University", "Henrico County", "British Academy Television Award for Best Actress", "Glenda Jackson", "Tom Noonan", "Nine Network", "Paul Dooley", "Armstrong County", "carrot", "palmitoleic acid", "Tom Rosenberg", "Osgoode Hall Law School", "Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song", "Wyclef Jean", "Rebecca", "Norman Foster", "Asian Development Bank", "John Romita Jr.", "Cyprus national football team", "Club Brugge K.V.", "Oliver Cromwell", "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor", "spy film", "You Only Live Twice", "National Treasure", "Robert Benton", "superhero film", "Judge Dredd", "Plymouth Argyle F.C.", "Wilson", "Henry King", "Inside Deep Throat", "United States Virgin Islands", "Stony Brook University", "Julie & Julia", "Cayuga County", "Auburn", "Bonnie and Clyde", "Larry Mullen Jr.", "Aimee Mann", "Academy Award for Best Original Song", "Philip Baker Hall", "68th Academy Awards", "Hunterdon County", "Buddy Guy", "classics", "William Pitt the Younger", "Husbands and Wives", "Barton Fink", "tenor saxophone", "Joshua Redman", "The Silence of the Lambs", "Alexandre Trauner", "natural causes", "Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes", "Adam Sandler", "Robbie Williams", "Stoke-on-Trent", "Craig Thomas", "Pamela Fryman", "Mark Moses", "Meryl Streep", "Downing College", "Associazione Sportiva Livorno Calcio", "Jerry Stiller", "fighter pilot", "William A. Wellman", "Michael McKean", "Memphis Grizzlies", "University of South Dakota", "South Dakota", "archery", "Greece", "Whitney Houston", "LeAnn Rimes", "Austria", "Animaniacs", "cartoon", "Cremona", "Alan Ladd", "North Hollywood", "drummer", "Panic! at the Disco", "Atlantic Records", "1993 Grammy Awards", "Grammy Award for Best Bluegrass Album", "U.S. Sassuolo Calcio", "Grammy Award for Best Country Album", "2003 Grammy Awards", "Ragtime", "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress", "(500) Days of Summer", "Gary Moore", "Celtic rock", "Aretha Franklin", "Raging Bull", "John Turturro", "Gate Keepers 21", "Def Jam Recordings", "Richard Curtis", "Vittorio Storaro", "teen film", "Scream 4", "Christ's College", "Rockford", "KC and the Sunshine Band", "The Artist", "Kenneth Branagh", "Wild Wild West", "Georg Solti", "Budapest", "Honolulu", "United States Department of the Air Force", "major general", "Hugo Award for Best Short Story", "C. J. Cherryh", "2007 Grammy Awards", "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Blues Album", "Ron W. Miller", "John Legend", "Vermont", "Maulik Pancholy", "Jean-Jacques Goldman", "Corey Burton", "Kevin Spacey", "Superman Returns", "University of Copenhagen", "Niels Bohr", "Drake", "Grammy Award for Best New Artist", "Allahabad University", "Ned Beatty", "Laos", "Southeast Asia", "Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical", "Bob Weinstein", "20th Century Fox Television", "Family Guy", "Cecil County", "Lara Flynn Boyle", "Chris Isaak", "Yo-Yo Ma", "Chris Botti", "Albert Brooks", "Terms of Endearment", "King of the Hill", "Grammy Award for Album of the Year", "Sam Trammell", "Nelsan Ellis", "Modesto", "New South Wales", "Rick Wakeman", "Limburg", "Lou Diamond Phillips", "Dumfries", "Paul Reiser", "Elisha Cuthbert", "Calgary", "School of the Art Institute of Chicago", "Chicago", "Phish", "Boogie Nights", "Albert Lee", "Focus Features", "The Constant Gardener", "Peter Frampton", "Virgin Records", "Scranton", "Joe Biden", "Los Angeles", "Ricky Gervais", "Brett Ratner", "Neal H. Moritz", "Toshiyuki Morikawa", "Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion", "Cleveland Indians", "Rockville", "Montgomery County", "The Savages", "Tower of London", "8 Women", "Lorne Michaels", "Washington Redskins", "Liv Tyler", "Cinema Paradiso", "Virginia", "Fairfax", "comedy-drama", "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner", "Ryan Tedder", "Saturn Award for Best Director", "Alien: Resurrection", "William Friedkin", "bell", "cowbell", "Downton Abbey", "Phyllis Logan", "Academy Award for Best Costume Design", "Titanic", "maraca", "A Mighty Wind", "mockumentary", "Geraldine Chaplin", "Minnesota Twins", "1988 Winter Olympics", "Anthony Head", "The Harvard Lampoon", "Ron Weiner", "Illinois State University", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2011", "Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score", "Gattaca", "1912 Summer Olympics", "tennis", "Anupam Kher", "Irish Americans", "John C. McGinley", "67th Academy Awards", "Speed", "The Rules of Attraction", "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", "South Korea", "Ordinary People", "Final Destination 5", "Prague", "May", "Jason Biggs", "Seann William Scott", "Justin Bieber", "East Orange", "Dionne Warwick", "Warner Media Group", "Cosmopolis", "Luxembourg", "5th United States Congress", "PFC Levski Sofia", "Zooey Deschanel", "Girl, Interrupted", "Westchester County", "lead vocalist", "Marilyn Manson", "surgery", "Richard Griffiths", "The Bourne Identity", "Ukraine", "Order of the British Empire", "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold", "JFK", "French horn", "melodica", "Galaxy Quest", "Panama", "Norwich University", "Monster House", "Relativity Media", "Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance", "1999 Grammy Awards", "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus", "Appalachian dulcimer", "Marshall Herskovitz", "Robert E. Lee", "Confederate States of America", "Peyton Place", "Arthur Kennedy", "Body of Lies", "Iraq War", "Portsmouth F.C.", "Evian Thonon Gaillard F.C.", "Dan Grimaldi", "Carey Mulligan", "Aidan Quinn", "Jonah Hex", "Ali", "Lisa Gerrard", "Melancholia", "chief financial officer", "Texas Instruments", "Think like a Man", "Shadowlands", "Easton", "Brittany Murphy", "Bulgaria", "The Larry Sanders Show", "HBO", "C.F. Atlante", "Antichrist", "Turkey", "Lindy Hemming", "Rensselaer County", "Volver", "Alberto Iglesias", "dyslexia", "Alyssa Milano", "F.C. Lorient", "Glen Ballard", "Natchez", "Tennessee State University", "Bill Wyman", "romantic fantasy", "What Dreams May Come", "Marlee Matlin", "Spider-Man 3", "Richard Benjamin", "Hampshire College", "technical director", "300", "Sarah Polley", "National Board of Review Award for Best Cast", "Airplane!", "Robert Stack", "The Iron Lady", "Malcolm David Kelley", "Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje", "Bedknobs and Broomsticks", "Angela Lansbury", "Nine Inch Nails", "Trent Reznor", "David Koechner", "University of Missouri", "German Shepherd dog", "Kansas City", "Candice Bergen", "The Golden Compass", "Missing", "Juris Doctor", "Nelly", "Van Morrison", "Fortune Global 500", "Dell Inc.", "Michael Clarke Duncan", "Paquito D'Rivera", "The Bourne Legacy", "supernatural", "Paranormal Activity", "Chiang Kai-shek", "warlord", "Ellen Page", "Juno", "Fargo", "Jackass 3D", "John Logan", "Walter F. Parkes", "Hill Street Blues", "Walon Green", "Michael Nesmith", "A Serious Man", "Romania", "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "The Island of Dr. Moreau", "John Frankenheimer", "Recess: School's Out", "Dabney Coleman", "Alex Borstein", "Peter Jacobson", "United Airlines", "1948 Summer Olympics", "Steven Levitan", "chemical engineering", "Pennsylvania State University", "Chrysalis Records", "Pat Benatar", "Lucille Ball", "Elizabeth II", "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", "That Thing You Do!", "Metropolis", "catcher", "Baltimore Orioles", "University of Calgary", "Eastern Time Zone", "Stark County", "Spartacus", "Kirk Douglas", "Rodrigo Santoro", "Moscow Oblast", "Attack the Block", "68th Golden Globe Awards", "Robert De Niro", "comedy rock", "Loudon Wainwright III", "Robert Guillaume", "Crash", "Czech Republic", "Octavia Spencer", "Out of Africa", "National Party of Australia", "I Know Who Killed Me", "Vincent van Gogh", "1960 Summer Olympics", "Magnolia", "New Line Cinema", "Marisa Tomei", "Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album", "David Niven", "Rita Hayworth", "Spider-Man 2", "College Station", "Filipino people", "Kings of Leon", "Joe Walsh", "University of Kent", "Spaniards", "Pittsburgh Steelers", "Burundi", "Miami Heat", "forward-center", "Dick Van Dyke", "Michael Phelps", "London School of Economics", "George Bernard Shaw", "Picket Fences", "James Earl Jones", "Javier Bardem", "Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance", "Branford Marsalis", "Youth in Revolt", "Grammy Award for Best Recording Package", "Martin Lawrence", "Michael Minkler", "Black Hawk Down", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Director", "Jackson County", "Alexander Pushkin", "New Bedford", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble", "Catherine Zeta-Jones", "Ben Kingsley", "Tulane University", "Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington", "County Dublin", "Paraguay", "Joan Rivers", "Rugby School", "Salt", "1932 Summer Olympics", "From Hell", "Clifton Collins", "Fort Wayne", "Allen County", "Cameroon national football team", "RCD Espanyol de Barcelona", "Colin Powell", "Cape Verde", "60th Academy Awards", "Leslie Nielsen", "Leonard Goldberg", "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle", "Seven Psychopaths", "Russia", "Mark Hamill", "The Star Wars Holiday Special", "Ray Manzarek", "Joan Chen", "Mark Robson", "William Petersen", "Southwest Airlines", "The Delta Force", "Shelley Winters", "Burgess Meredith", "Lauren Bacall", "Mickey Rourke", "Joan of Arc", "Carlos Santana", "Long Island University", "What Lies Beneath", "psychological thriller", "Kingdom of Scotland", "Electorate of Saxony", "Bobby McFerrin", "Sonoma State University", "Steven Zaillian", "Raleigh", "Helen Rose", "25th Academy Awards", "1972 Winter Olympics", "Shine a Light", "Academy of Television Arts & Sciences", "Mark Berger", "Gloria Stuart", "Methodism", "world cinema", "Minnie Driver", "FC Pyunik", "Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone", "Psycho", "Youngstown", "Kate Winslet", "The Office", "2004 Major League Baseball draft", "Hofstra University", "Keira Knightley", "Kevin James", "Gus Van Sant", "University of North Carolina at Charlotte", "Alicia Silverstone", "Regina", "Central Time Zone", "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee", "Tampa Bay Buccaneers", "X-Men: First Class", "Kathy Baker", "gay", "The Opposite of Sex", "21 Jump Street", "Richard Edlund", "Where the Wild Things Are", "Berlin", "Chester City F.C.", "66th Academy Awards", "Omnichord", "Syfy", "Barcelona", "September", "Billy Bob Thornton", "Aida Turturro", "Steven Van Zandt", "Roger Birnbaum", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "The Wire", "Steve Earle", "Alianza Lima", "autoharp", "David Byrne", "Maury Chaykin", "Toronto", "Chris Patton", "La Jolla", "Association of American Universities", "Duke University", "Orange", "didgeridoo", "goblet drum", "NAC Breda", "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Ben Johnson", "Sierra Leone", "Iowa State University", "Kelly Macdonald", "Resident Evil: Extinction", "Russell Metty", "Rosario Dawson", "Men in Black II", "Roland Emmerich", "Fatboy Slim", "Michigan State University", "Bryan Cranston", "Edward Herrmann", "Michael Madsen", "Fair Game", "Bavaria", "Coburg", "Joel Silver", "Assassins", "Christopher Lloyd", "64th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Up in the Air", "Demi Moore", "Deconstructing Harry", "David Wenham", "University of Michigan", "Boston Celtics", "point guard", "Gene Roddenberry", "Michelle Williams", "Thomas Dekker", "Dutch American", "Munich", "Amblin Entertainment", "The Day After Tomorrow", "The Newton Boys", "Aroostook County", "Bruce Springsteen", "The Cable Guy", "Caroline Records", "Fred Frith", "teen pop", "Curb Your Enthusiasm", "Warren Feeney", "Sheffield Wednesday F.C.", "Logan", "Utah State University", "Angela Bassett", "Green Lantern", "David Chase", "Larry Crowne", "Baltimore", "Kilmarnock F.C.", "Family Plot", "Richard Kind", "Centurion", "Andrew Scheinman", "Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks", "Persepolis F.C.", "Don Carmody", "Jon Brion", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress", "Larry David", "wide receiver", "Brian McKnight", "San Antonio", "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse", "Paul Dano", "U.S. Route 66", "Springfield", "Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Animated Feature", "center", "Los Angeles Lakers", "Bill Maher", "Robert Klein", "Rudyard Kipling", "Greg Bear", "Pulaski County", "Scary Movie 4", "Michael Bolton", "Alex Kurtzman", "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", "Mediterranean Sea", "Ithaca", "journalism", "Washington and Lee University", "acting", "BeBe Winans", "Motown", "sophisti-pop", "Everything but the Girl", "Tobey Maguire", "Pleasantville", "Forbes", "Charlize Theron", "Paul Rudd", "Richard Rorty", "Geoffrey Rush", "Michael Gambon", "Montpelier", "1996 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Franco Zeffirelli", "The Blues Brothers", "The Exorcist", "Kiss of the Spider Woman", "Brian Jones", "London Records", "The King and I", "The Ten Commandments", "Bill Nelson", "streaming media", "54th Academy Awards", "surf music", "The Beach Boys", "Beginners", "drum kit", "Santana", "Michael Swanwick", "Shandong Luneng Taishan F.C.", "Sciences Po", "Star Wars: Episode III \u2013 Revenge of the Sith", "Revolutionary Road", "2nd United States Congress", "Connecticut", "Eritrea", "Preston", "Lancashire", "Columbus Crew SC", "Marilyn Vance", "Central Intelligence Agency", "Robert Gates", "American Broadcasting Company", "Masada", "Maurice LaMarche", "Entertainment Tonight", "Pinal County", "Maryland", "Johns Hopkins University", "Imagine Entertainment", "1960 Winter Olympics", "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane", "James Cayne", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Composer", "Slumdog Millionaire", "StudioCanal", "Smokin' Aces", "New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor", "Lehigh University", "Saint Petersburg", "Thomas Ian Nicholas", "Nora Ephron", "Saint Petersburg State University", "Robert McKimson", "War of the Spanish Succession", "Holy Roman Empire", "George Miller", "Babe", "Beck", "Tony Walton", "Yemen", "Saudi Arabia", "George Washington", "Kansas", "Kansas State University", "Elizabeth I", "Ed O'Neill", "Linux", "Unix", "Ted", "Austin Powers in Goldmember", "Pan's Labyrinth", "Janet Jackson", "Jon Lovitz", "John Grisham", "County Kilkenny", "Kilkenny", "Croatia", "Zagreb", "39th Academy Awards", "Carrie Underwood", "Brad Paisley", "Justin Theroux", "Heather Morris", "Corpse Bride", "Amy Winehouse", "Haim Saban", "2005 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Dean Devlin", "2010 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Priest", "Alan Dale", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series", "Neil Diamond", "Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance", "Amy Irving", "Milwaukee Bucks", "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar", "The Wizard of Oz", "black-and-white", "Tinnu Anand", "The Animatrix", "The Matrix Revolutions", "Tufts University", "50 First Dates", "There's Something About Mary", "Cumberland County", "Wolverhampton", "2012 Summer Olympics", "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events", "Billy Crudup", "English American", "Linda Ronstadt", "James Poyser", "John Fogerty", "alternative country", "American University of Beirut", "James Ingram", "quiet storm", "73rd Academy Awards", "Traffic", "34th Academy Awards", "The Hustler", "James McAvoy", "Cambridge United F.C.", "Miami Dolphins", "William Henry Harrison", "Josh Sussman", "Harry Shum", "Paul Epworth", "Kickers Offenbach", "Edward Norton", "Full Metal Jacket", "We Need to Talk About Kevin", "John C. Reilly", "Stephen Jackson", "Indiana Pacers", "Bates College", "political science", "University of Geneva", "105th United States Congress", "University of Virginia", "soprano saxophone", "Sonny Rollins", "Little Miss Sunshine", "Inglourious Basterds", "Torino Football Club", "Hertha BSC", "Felix Bastians", "Chris Rock", "Happy Madison Productions", "Sparta Rotterdam", "Mike Watt", "San Pedro", "Oxford", "Juhi Chawla", "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", "Stargate SG-1", "University of Alabama at Birmingham", "Andy Serkis", "The Adventures of Tintin", "Toronto Blue Jays", "Indianapolis Colts", "Emmanuel College", "The Sopranos", "United Artists", "Moonraker", "heart failure", "myocardial infarction", "Jimmy Van Heusen", "Taylor Hackford", "Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media", "Men in Black", "Bob Clampett", "Harold Lloyd", "David Hume", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", "Please Give", "Spyglass Entertainment", "Vera Drake", "Brett Favre", "Minnesota Vikings", "Andy Lau", "Hal Holbrook", "Into the Wild", "Jeremy Irons", "Margin Call", "Martin Sheen", "Allison Janney", "Louis Malle", "domestic partnership", "Rupert Everett", "St Trinian's", "Estudiantes de La Plata", "Geoff Johns", "Robot Chicken", "American Gangster", "Pacific Ocean", "Salma Hayek", "Silvio Horta", "Howard University", "Argentina national football team", "Lionel Messi", "Hindi", "Tracy Chapman", "2008 NFL Draft", "Chengdu", "pedal steel guitar", "David Mansfield", "Brigitte Nielsen", "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor", "Claire Danes", "SuperSport United F.C.", "Justin Timberlake", "Jessica Biel", "Clea DuVall", "David Beckham", "Sylvia Plath", "Pulitzer Prize for Poetry", "Mark Salling", "The Lion in Winter", "Kung Fu Panda", "Wellington Phoenix FC", "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine", "Ontario", "Michigan", "Erwin Rommel", "Nicole Richie", "chief operating officer", "Debi Mazar", "The Insider", "Republican Party", "William Howard Taft", "Lions Gate Entertainment", "Saw", "Hugo", "Chile", "Justin Chambers", "Beauty and the Beast", "Samuel R. Delany", "Nebula Award for Best Short Story", "F.K. Partizan", "Keanu Reeves", "Dorothy Jeakins", "The Sound of Music", "University of California, Berkeley", "Master of Fine Arts", "Satellite Awards 2008", "administration", "Appalachian State University", "Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Play", "Frank Langella", "Satellite Award for Best Cinematography", "parliamentary system", "Pharrell Williams", "Steven Spielberg", "Poltergeist", "Midnight in Paris", "Looper", "Robert Byrd", "country rock", "Democratic Party", "Best in Show", "Parker Posey", "Phil Spector", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Gary Rydstrom", "Minden", "Louisiana", "Leigh Harline", "Moses Ashikodi", "Bobby Deol", "capital punishment", "Deschutes County", "Klamath County", "Lalo Schifrin", "Summer of Sam", "Andy Samberg", "television director", "On Golden Pond", "Richard Masur", "104th United States Congress", "Voltaire", "Nikola Tesla", "Pigface", "Doctor Who", "Truman Capote", "George Harrison", "A Simple Plan", "Rutina Wesley", "Sophie Thompson", "Geraldine Somerville", "new jack swing", "Omarion", "Geffen Records", "Evolution", "Iron Man 2", "Barbados", "Alfred Molina", "Greenwich Mean Time", "chicken", "thiamine ion", "University of Dhaka", "mixed-sex education", "Tom Kenny", "Nixon", "Tony Goldwyn", "James Mason", "A Star Is Born", "Kate Walsh", "The Town", "DuPage County", "Aurora", "The Simpsons Movie", "animator", "boxing", "Cinderella Man", "Parliament of Canada", "38th Canadian Parliament", "Richie Sambora", "1. FC Kaiserslautern", "Gaslight", "Donna Summer", "John Wood", "Derbyshire", "political thriller", "Air Force One", "Gettysburg College", "Magdalen College", "National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum", "Washington & Jefferson College", "Internal Revenue Service", "Christopher Boyes", "The Mask of Zorro", "Pierre Trudeau", "Catholicism", "Seth Green", "Queensland University of Technology", "Black Swan", "Man of Steel", "Michael Shannon", "Helena", "Jon Favreau", "Rope", "Oceanside", "Lorraine Bracco", "Borat", "Phil Collins", "Invictus", "Joan Baez", "Temple Grandin", "Julia Ormond", "Arthur Rankin Jr.", "KT Tunstall", "Matanuska-Susitna Borough", "kidnapping", "murder", "Prometheus", "Georgia", "Augustine of Hippo", "Eddie Albert", "Rock Island", "Ken Adam", "Hamilton County", "Chattanooga", "Melvin Van Peebles", "New Order", "Montreal", "Quebec", "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "VHS", "Breaking Bad", "Chiba Lotte Marines", "Spirited Away", "Houston Rockets", "University of Sydney", "Mitchell Hurwitz", "carbohydrate", "23rd United States Congress", "Massachusetts", "Leonard Bernstein", "Dead Ringers", "Hasbro, Inc.", "Parkinson disease", "Cooking Vinyl", "A Christmas Carol", "King Crimson", "Donal Logue", "Gettysburg", "Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Actor", "Malcolm Arnold", "Silver Screen Partners", "Stanley Kramer", "Annette Bening", "Devo", "Grammy Award for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media", "urban contemporary", "Daddy Yankee", "65th British Academy Film Awards", "Christopher Plummer", "Nathan H. Juran", "How Green Was My Valley", "Furman University", "Al Pacino", "Timeline", "Northampton", "Scent of a Woman", "Total Recall", "Jesus Christ", "Fort Bend County", "New England Conservatory of Music", "ABC Records", "Genesis", "Monica Rial", "Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series", "The Shield", "1928 Summer Olympics", "rowing", "Jeremy Northam", "European theatre of World War I", "The Conversation", "Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance", "LL Cool J", "Montana", "Duff McKagan", "Google", "Iraq national football team", "Home Alone", "Ghana", "The Kids Are All Right", "Jonathan Walters", "Hull City A.F.C.", "Raquel Welch", "Riverside County", "Palm Springs", "New Jersey", "112th United States Congress", "Yolanda Adams", "Rhode Island School of Design", "The Last Picture Show", "slice of life", "xylophone", "Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award", "Nirvana", "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life", "Chandra Wilson", "Visalia", "Keith Andrews", "Republic of Ireland national football team", "CBS", "Alice", "John Locke", "Ayn Rand", "Phillips Exeter Academy", "Aamir Khan", "EFL Championship", "Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C.", "first baseman", "New York Mets", "Irene Sharaff", "Orry-Kelly", "Robert Wagner", "Billings", "Kristin Scott Thomas", "stoner rock", "Black Sabbath", "Brighton & Hove Albion F.C.", "Wallace Shawn", "Little Fockers", "Ryan Kwanten", "Michelle Forbes", "Otis College of Art and Design", "Desperate Housewives", "Seoul National University", "The Incredible Hulk", "Zhang Ziyi", "Don't Say a Word", "84th Academy Awards", "Max Martin", "Crossroads", "The Ice Storm", "Ang Lee", "Boise", "Revolution Studios", "Joanna Cassidy", "Lakewood", "VfB Stuttgart", "Cinderella", "North Korea", "Korean", "University of Wyoming", "Chris Thile", "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", "Judd Nelson", "No Doubt", "Universal Music Group", "Will Ferrell", "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy", "Tim Matheson", "Animal House", "State University of New York at Albany", "applied mathematics", "Star Wars: Episode I \u2013 The Phantom Menace", "European Union", "Lonesome Dove", "Tommy Lee Jones", "National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actor", "Stephen Rea", "Amistad", "Dancing with the Stars", "David Hasselhoff", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series", "Mad Men", "The Neptunes", "Gwen Wakeling", "The Madness of King George", "From Here to Eternity", "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", "David S. Goyer", "Bob Gunton", "Born on the Fourth of July", "62nd Academy Awards", "Cincinnati Bengals", "FC Bayern Munich II", "MTV Movie Award for Best Scared-As-S**t Performance", "Mystic River", "Tony Shalhoub", "60th Golden Globe Awards", "Leo Bertos", "Decca", "Patti Smith", "New York Jets", "Bright Star", "Pete Postlethwaite", "Titus Welliver", "Naomi Watts", "London Film Critics Circle Award for Actress of the Year", "Leon Russell", "Eddie Izzard", "Jon Stewart", "The Simpsons", "James L. Brooks", "80th Academy Awards", "Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film", "Marcia Cross", "Hunter College", "gold medal", "Legends of the Fall", "Six Degrees of Separation", "prison", "Detroit Lions", "Aaron Spelling", "Beverly Hills, 90210", "Amadeus", "June", "Evangeline Lilly", "University College London", "Aisne", "Monroe County", "Shammi Kapoor", "India", "Grambling State University", "Midway Games", "University of Tulsa", "My Left Foot", "Spain", "Astro Boy", "Michael Sembello", "Sunderland A.F.C.", "Brave", "kazoo", "Bouzouki", "Levante UD", "Saving Private Ryan", "Dmitri Shostakovich", "lung cancer", "Korean Broadcasting System", "Die Another Day", "Jorge Luis Borges", "Miguel de Cervantes", "Japanese", "Rhinestone", "Alou Diarra", "euro", "Adam Goldberg", "The Wharton School", "Lawrence of Arabia", "Shane", "milk", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Rock Video", "Dave Matthews Band", "B. B. King", "Pete Townshend", "University of Maryland", "Alan Bates", "Milwaukee Brewers", "University of Kentucky", "Agnes Nixon", "You Can Count on Me", "Pulp Fiction", "Troy University", "Peter Weir", "Toby Jones", "Grammy Award for Best Music Video", "Todd McFarlane", "Robert Zemeckis", "Donnie Darko", "Billie Whitelaw", "America's Got Talent", "2005 Grammy Awards", "Jack White", "Belarus", "Chennai", "Meena", "Jeff Probst", "Lucky Numbers", "South Korea national under-20 football team", "Seol Ki-hyeon", "Dido", "The Temptations", "Lucy Liu", "Arista Records", "Taj Mahal", "reggae fusion", "Gossip Girl", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie", "Concord Records", "Vanessa Williams", "Cast Away", "University of Sussex", "Times Higher Education World University Rankings", "Northampton County", "New Orleans Saints", "West Sussex", "Benjamin Bratt", "Mauricio Pinilla", "Celta Vigo", "Johannesburg", "baritone guitar", "trumpet", "John Hurt", "Evan Almighty", "Jack Kerouac", "78th Academy Awards", "The Illusionist", "63rd Primetime Emmy Awards", "James Horner", "Apollo 13", "Martin Donovan", "Michael York", "Bahrain", "Al Green", "George Michael", "67th Golden Globe Awards", "Drew Barrymore", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Mickey Rooney", "2010 Australian Film Institute Awards", "Ricardo Fuller", "Jamaica national football team", "Niger", "University of London", "Birkbeck, University of London", "Harvey Keitel", "Louis Gossett", "Eragon", "Jordin Sparks", "Chris Brown", "Wayne State University", "Addams Family Values", "Harry S. Truman", "Johnny Mercer", "Face/Off", "MTV Video Music Award for Video of the Year", "Pearl Jam", "1988 Summer Olympics", "St Hilda's College", "Pakistan", "Mariah Carey", "African Americans", "Madonna", "Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media", "Joseph Campbell", "Arthur Schopenhauer", "MCA Records", "Alain Johannes", "University of Windsor", "Canadian dollar", "Satellite Awards 2010", "HBO Films", "Larry McMurtry", "Ann Roth", "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close", "Uriah Heep", "Drugstore Cowboy", "toy piano", "July", "Mark Williams", "Bradford (Park Avenue) A.F.C.", "Utah", "Billy Preston", "Jim Belushi", "Chillicothe", "The Rainmaker", "Thailand", "sailing", "De Graafschap", "1952 Summer Olympics", "road running", "Iceland", "chemistry", "Hans Dreier", "Henry Bumstead", "West Bromwich Albion F.C.", "Junichi Inamoto", "Brescia Calcio", "U.C. AlbinoLeffe", "Gregg Allman", "Deleted scene", "Danny Trejo", "Graham Holdings Company", "Jermaine Jackson", "La Toya Jackson", "Nicole Kidman", "Atlanta", "FK Khazar Lankaran", "Erika Christensen", "Steven Bauer", "Groucho Marx", "Joanna Page", "Sam Simon", "bisexuality", "Velvet Goldmine", "Vanilla Sky", "Captain Corelli's Mandolin", "Fiji", "Vanuatu", "Will & Grace", "Kill Bill Volume 2", "77th Academy Awards", "Gary Dourdan", "electronic drum", "Dianne Wiest", "Charlottesville", "Lenny Kravitz", "ballad", "Cambridge", "2008 NBA Draft", "Brooklyn Nets", "Epic Records", "Merle Haggard", "2003 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Joseph C. Wright", "Everybody Loves Raymond", "The Go-Between", "Ryuichi Sakamoto", "Anne Heche", "Lynn Redgrave", "Why We Fight", "Gore Vidal", "1908 Summer Olympics", "Dobro", "University of Chicago", "anthropology", "finance", "St. John's University", "Israel", "Singapore", "Motorola", "Steve Zahn", "National Security", "Leonard Cohen", "The Boat That Rocked", "Steven Moffat", "Jackson Browne", "Grammy Award for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance", "The Interpreter", "Grammy Award for Best Classical Album", "Ghent University", "Enemy at the Gates", "University of Toronto", "Christopher Guest", "This Is Spinal Tap", "University of Miami", "blockbuster", "Forfar Athletic F.C.", "Parma Calcio 1913", "Vince Grella", "Dutchess County", "Public Enemies", "Michael Mann", "Amazing Grace", "Aldershot Town F.C.", "Nicki Minaj", "Peter Cullen", "creative director", "Ashton Kutcher", "cavalier", "Roundhead", "colorectal cancer", "The Water Horse", "Life of Pi", "Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay", "Carrie", "Sidney Lumet", "People's Republic of China", "Jim Morrison", "Florida State University", "The X-Files", "55th Golden Globe Awards", "Tom Jones", "Robert Guza, Jr.", "Loving", "Linda Perry", "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut", "bandleader", "Waddy Wachtel", "Grammy Award for Best Music Film", "Men in Black 3", "Delft University of Technology", "Michael Nyman", "Stevenage F.C.", "John McCain", "Member of Congress", "Bob Jones University", "Matthew Morrison", "Amber Riley", "House of Hohenzollern", "Master", "DeKalb County", "Zombieland", "Fight Club", "Helena Bonham Carter", "Cuba Gooding Jr.", "Trevor Rabin", "Punjab", "Sindh", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi", "Lawrence Kasdan", "Lierse S.K.", "Strictly Ballroom", "The Man Who Knew Too Much", "Aldous Huxley", "Christopher Hitchens", "Jerry Lewis", "American Jews", "English literature", "Peterhouse", "The Wicker Man", "Kazakhstan national football team", "Driving Miss Daisy", "Brendan Coyle", "Maggie Smith", "Wreck-It Ralph", "Bill Berry", "Bruce Almighty", "Robert Downey Jr.", "Patricia Clarkson", "synchronized swimming", "Meet Dave", "Brian Robbins", "Hayden Christensen", "Michael Haneke", "Roddy McDowall", "BAFTA Award for Best Film Music", "La Vie en Rose", "horror punk", "horrorcore", "43rd Academy Awards", "Elizabeth", "Michael Giacchino", "film score", "My Name Is Khan", "Karan Johar", "Jodie Foster", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", "Catherine O'Hara", "Abilene Christian University", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role", "Shashi Kapoor", "The Matrix", "Sin City", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Original Song", "Secretariat", "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "University of Dayton", "Michael Tollin", "Trey Parker", "Flea", "Inception", "Green Day", "University of Canterbury", "Ernest Rutherford", "University of Connecticut", "Lou Scheimer", "Steve Gerber", "African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States", "Zimbabwe", "Indonesia", "Marie Antoinette", "Tom Hardy", "Kundun", "The White Ribbon", "Atlanta Braves", "2008 Major League Baseball season", "Rob Zombie", "Amy Grant", "Augusta", "Ezra Pound", "bishop", "priest", "Josh Brolin", "Woody Harrelson", "South Bend", "beach volleyball", "Jenna Fischer", "13th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Debbie Reynolds", "Agnes Moorehead", "Domino", "John Milius", "Harvey Weinstein", "The Human Stain", "Sydney Pollack", "Matt Damon", "A Bridge Too Far", "Edward Fox", "United States Marine Corps", "Bea Arthur", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Walt Disney", "Chad Hugo", "France national football team", "lymphoma", "Genentech", "The Coca-Cola Company", "David Arquette", "economics", "Samson and Delilah", "RCD Espanyol B", "Greco-Roman wrestling", "Grammy Award for Best Male Country Vocal Performance", "1924 Summer Olympics", "Zimbabwe national football team", "Finding Neverland", "The NeverEnding Story", "John Stamos", "Arrested Development", "David Cross", "ADO Den Haag", "Robur Siena", "Enya", "I Am Legend", "Cowboys & Aliens", "Roberto Orci", "Syd Barrett", "Heath Ledger", "Johnny Depp", "John Lutz", "Racing de Santander", "Allahabad", "The Tudors", "Cedric Gibbons", "Kevin Costner", "William Travilla", "pirate", "Quebec City", "Chris Pine", "MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance", "Alpha Sigma Phi", "Hollywood Squares", "30 Rock", "NBC", "Notes on a Scandal", "I'm Not There", "mouth harp", "C\u00e9line Dion", "Mark Mancina", "Scrooged", "Richard Donner", "Alfred Hitchcock", "Haskell Wexler", "Africa", "Comoros", "Modena F.C.", "Back to the Future Part III", "Knight and Day", "graphic designer", "Saturn Award for Best Actress", "The Ring", "San Jos\u00e9 State University", "Hume Cronyn", "Jay Baruchel", "Dune", "The Reader", "Ingmar Bergman", "BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead", "Czechoslovakia", "1948 Winter Olympics", "Jules Bass", "Robbie Robertson", "San Mateo County", "Redwood City", "Calgary Flames", "Away We Go", "Intolerable Cruelty", "Good Night, and Good Luck.", "David Strathairn", "Tyra Banks", "stomach cancer", "Oscar Hammerstein II", "Sammy Davis Jr.", "Radcliffe College", "Margaret Atwood", "Chris Weitz", "Sergeant York", "Gary Cooper", "Royal Academy of Dramatic Art", "Andrew Lincoln", "Emerson College", "Changeling", "Ulster County", "Satellite Award for Best Costume Design", "John Waters", "post-punk", "Robert Smith", "Helen Mirren", "Michael Patrick King", "MTV Movie Award for Best Dance Sequence", "Nutty Professor II: The Klumps", "Glendale", "1920 Summer Olympics", "Monk", "Georgia Institute of Technology", "Die Hard", "Dwight D. Eisenhower", "Brad Pitt", "Ocean's Twelve", "Bad Education", "Spanish", "Trainspotting", "Robert Carlyle", "Venice", "Lake County", "Target Corporation", "Dayton", "Diamonds Are Forever", "dystopia", "In & Out", "Punk blues", "Paul Robeson", "The Smurfs", "Norway", "Basil Rathbone", "69th Golden Globe Awards", "Jessica Chastain", "Second Polish Republic", "Dwight Yoakam", "The French Lieutenant's Woman", "Crawley Town F.C.", "West Virginia", "The Police", "Walter Benjamin", "Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich", "War of the Worlds", "Ball State University", "Elizabeth Taylor", "University of Georgia", "French", "The Yards", "The Painted Veil", "Oracle Corporation", "Sun Microsystems", "Celebrity", "Sven Nykvist", "Christopher Nolan", "Jon Peters", "Jim Carrey", "Sergei Prokofiev", "Play It Again Sam", "Grace Jones", "Chicken Run", "Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes", "wuxia", "Kung Fu Hustle", "indie pop", "Juliette Lewis", "Geoffrey Lewis", "Anna Gunn", "Jessica Simpson", "Baz Luhrmann", "Nastassja Kinski", "Inland Empire", "Burt Lancaster", "Lewis Cass", "industrial engineering", "University of Arkansas", "Village Roadshow Pictures", "Cry Freedom", "The Crying Game", "Newark", "Ray Liotta", "Oakland", "Fox Broadcasting Company", "Futurama", "Richard Pryor", "Tom Wilkinson", "Bill Paxton", "Soul Surfer", "Duran Duran", "Arabic", "Arabic alphabet", "Jethro Tull", "traditional heavy metal", "Alyson Hannigan", "Matt LeBlanc", "The Bourne Supremacy", "The Mission", "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Instrumental Album", "Usher", "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge", "Kajol", "Kevin Pollak", "Sheila E.", "I Love You Phillip Morris", "Toronto Raptors", "2003 NBA Draft", "Unfaithful", "Anne V. Coates", "Chicago Bears", "Emily Robison", "Doug Savant", "Lyndsy Fonseca", "The Amazing Spider-Man", "Brendan Fraser", "Melissa Joan Hart", "Brendon Small", "melodic death metal", "Nico", "Dexter", "Andrea Bocelli", "Nebula Award for Best Novella", "Winchester", "Microsoft Windows", "Sex and the City 2", "Robert Forster", "Judy Greer", "Ellen Burstyn", "Grant Heslov", "Presbyterianism", "Rick Rubin", "baritone", "Peter Sellers", "Freddie Prinze", "Kinsey", "Rochester", "Conservatoire de Paris", "Tara Strong", "Werner Herzog", "Denzel Washington", "MTV Movie Award for Best Jaw Dropping Moment", "Silent Hill", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Overall Sound", "Bryan Ferry", "John C. Calhoun", "Vice President of the United States", "Eminem", "mechanical engineering", "Jamie Lee Curtis", "University of the Pacific", "DC Comics", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series", "Goldman Sachs", "The Robe", "Ian McEwan", "Henrik Ibsen", "rugby union", "Gone with the Wind", "Wonder Boys", "National Register of Historic Places", "Papua New Guinea", "LisaGay Hamilton", "Molly Parker", "Pennsylvania", "Aditya Chopra", "Stephen Sondheim", "Pulitzer Prize for Drama", "Sweden national football team", "University of California, Davis", "Corvallis", "Florida", "Tallahassee", "West Germany", "emo", "William Blake", "Jake Gyllenhaal", "End of Watch", "Rise of the Guardians", "Taiwan", "Crawley", "modern pentathlon", "cross-country skiing", "San Francisco Bay Area", "San Rafael", "David Cronenberg", "Battleship", "Simple Minds", "San Jose Sharks", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Visual Effects", "Gorillaz", "New College", "Blow", "Jeju United FC", "Doctor of Medicine", "University of Vienna", "Little Feat", "jazz-funk", "Vince Gill", "Trisha Yearwood", "Spike Milligan", "Tennessee", "13th United States Congress", "Bob Clark", "Mary Poppins", "Robert B. Sherman", "Adam Smith", "Looney Tunes: Back in Action", "Gil Bellows", "Chris Carter", "John 5", "Zoolander", "Hong Kong", "C.D. Chivas USA", "Tilda Swinton", "A Single Man", "Iron Maiden", "Elizabeth Hurley", "Portuguese", "Battle of France", "Nazi Germany", "1941", "Mike Figgis", "Affliction", "James Coburn", "Adam Ant", "Kentucky", "25th United States Congress", "Far from Heaven", "Hugh Bonneville", "Tron: Legacy", "Edward Kitsis", "Honshu", "Kansai region", "Pushing Daisies", "Bruce Cohen", "Antony Sher", "Joseph Fiennes", "Take Shelter", "The Tree of Life", "James Spader", "Benji Madden", "Joni Mitchell", "Utah Jazz", "small forward", "choir", "David Grisman", "Queen of the South F.C.", "Springfield Falcons", "Giovani dos Santos", "Barack Obama", "Jeremy Renner", "Lars von Trier", "Beowulf", "Nondenominational Christianity", "Virginia Beach", "cornet", "The Name of the Rose", "The Man Who Wasn't There", "James Gandolfini", "Drea de Matteo", "University of Tasmania", "Pacific Time Zone", "Clark County", "S.C. Olhanense", "Dane County", "Madison", "Ray", "Guam", "Montgomery", "Sarah Michelle Gellar", "Imperial College London", "fellow", "Bette Midler", "Centre County", "State College", "2011 Toronto International Film Festival", "Alison Brie", "The Others", "Molde FK", "Andy Harries", "Stephen Chow", "Mark Ronson", "Gangs of New York", "Thomas Jane", "atheism", "Funny People", "Small Soldiers", "Jim Brown", "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom", "Margaret Thatcher", "Ashlee Simpson", "Cate Blanchett", "David Copperfield", "Kelly Clarkson", "Sony BMG Music Entertainment", "Twilight", "broccoli", "properties of water", "Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist(s) Performance (with orchestra)", "1996 Grammy Awards", "Marcia Gay Harden", "Wes Anderson", "BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film", "75th Academy Awards", "Texas Rangers", "second baseman", "San Diego", "South Africa national football team", "Samuel Goldwyn", "Jonny Greenwood", "Aidan Gillen", "Tiny Toon Adventures", "Kung Fu Panda 2", "Oliver Twist", "Roman Polanski", "66th Tony Awards", "Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical", "Virginia Tech", "Adaptation", "Dog Day Afternoon", "17th United States Congress", "Rhode Island", "Tennessee Titans", "The Wolfman", "The Lost World: Jurassic Park", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series", "St. Elsewhere", "Geena Davis", "Fauquier County", "Samuel M. Comer", "Vertigo", "Fred Willard", "The Philadelphia Story", "Stephen Schwartz", "Pocahontas", "Menahem Golan", "Vocoder", "Paul Sorvino", "Billy Boyd", "Love Story", "City College of New York", "Wil Wheaton", "Babyface", "Busta Rhymes", "Mike Nichols", "Rory Cochrane", "Chris Messina", "Lust, Caution", "Diane Sawyer", "Louisville", "Troy", "Shamrock Rovers F.C.", "Precious", "Tom Berenger", "Gerard Butler", "How to Train Your Dragon", "Eyes Wide Shut", "Wayne Shorter", "1896 Summer Olympics", "Cobra", "Pfizer", "geometry", "The Fairly OddParents", "39th Daytime Emmy Awards", "Shohreh Aghdashloo", "African Union", "Mozambique", "Grenoble Foot 38", "Lebanon", "Eurasia", "Nordic combined", "Horrible Bosses", "Netherlands national football team", "Samuel Fuller", "Hugo Award for Best Novella", "George R. R. Martin", "boom operator", "Casino Royale", "Australians", "Western Australia", "Western Australian Legislative Assembly", "Wedding Crashers", "The Mirror Has Two Faces", "Marvin Gaye", "Andorra", "The People vs. Larry Flynt", "Buckethead", "avant-garde metal", "Monash University", "Master of Philosophy", "University of Utah", "Gil Vicente F.C.", "Warner Bros. Animation", "Peabody Award", "Peter Hyams", "Elijah Wood", "Captain America: The First Avenger", "Heidelberg", "Manhattan School of Music", "Charlotte Hornets", "Idaho", "Baptists", "Courage Under Fire", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series", "Jonathan Frakes", "Danny Kaye", "Syracuse University", "Only Fools and Horses", "American Beauty", "Ted Haworth", "Some Like It Hot", "Naya Rivera", "Thirteen", "Alexandria", "F.C. Hansa Rostock", "Keith Richards", "Huddersfield Town A.F.C.", "Arthur Christmas", "Zambia", "Charlie Chaplin", "Gujarat", "sitar", "Jason Mraz", "51st Annual Grammy Awards", "King Kong", "Giorgio Moroder", "Jay Roach", "Sacha Baron Cohen", "Nagoya Grampus", "Peter Bogdanovich", "Richard Jenkins", "Gene Wilder", "Alice in Wonderland", "Alanis Morissette", "Agora", "harmonica", "John Lennon", "Fred Zinnemann", "hairdresser", "Sid James", "Kevin Smith", "Chasing Amy", "William A. Horning", "Leonard Dick", "Ridley Scott", "Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Ricky Nelson", "Johnny Cash", "Arif Mardin", "space rock", "photography", "University of California Santa Cruz", "The Shipping News", "Laura", "Away from Her", "Daniel Lanois", "Cynthia Nixon", "Syriana", "Natural Born Killers", "Villanova Wildcats men's basketball", "Jerry Seinfeld", "Dimitri Tiomkin", "The Alamo", "Carrie-Anne Moss", "Michael Schur", "University of Southern Mississippi", "Jule Styne", "Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album", "Celtic F.C.", "Craig Bellamy", "45th Academy Awards", "blue-eyed soul", "Colbie Caillat", "Waltham", "PlayStation 2", "Sony Interactive Entertainment", "Dave Foley", "Equus", "Harry Andrews", "Lisa Edelstein", "Tom Johnson", "Hercules", "Bolero", "Olivia d'Abo", "Xerez C.D.", "Professional Football Club Central Sports Club of Army Moscow", "North Macedonia national football team", "John Mayer", "The Young and the Restless", "Auburn University", "New Castle County", "Be Cool", "Miles Davis", "Thelonious Monk", "Rachel Bilson", "Columbia College Chicago", "Scott Adsit", "percussion", "Todd Rundgren", "John Corbett", "Andrea Martin", "Peru", "Joy Bryant", "Allen Ginsberg", "It's Complicated", "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole", "animation director", "Brooklyn", "Clive Barker", "MTV Video Music Award for Best New Artist", "Courtney Love", "Sardinia", "Katie Holmes", "Vin Diesel", "Dan Wilson", "Art Garfunkel", "Karlsruhe", "Central European Time", "Maurice Gibb", "Miami Beach", "fenci", "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Jimi Hendrix", "Edward Carfagno", "Dennis Muren", "Stan Winston", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series", "Akkineni Nagarjuna", "Nicolas Cage", "Beverly Hills High School", "Albert Camus", "Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical", "Joshua Logan", "Vanilla Ice", "Golden Raspberry Award for Worst New Star", "Indianapolis", "cycling", "Allegheny County", "BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role", "About a Boy", "Monsoon Wedding", "AEP Paphos F.C.", "Solano County", "Los Angeles Clippers", "Grammy Award for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals", "Journey", "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel", "NBCUniversal", "track cycling", "Punch-Drunk Love", "Electric Light Orchestra", "United Artists Records", "double bass", "Jason Kidd", "House of Flying Daggers", "Finding Nemo", "Brigham Young University", "Citizen Kane", "Joseph Cotten", "V for Vendetta", "London Symphony Orchestra", "Rachel Griffiths", "Hannah and Her Sisters", "Senegal", "San Francisco Giants", "Deion Sanders", "Italy national football team", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Screenplay", "Mexico national football team", "backing vocalist", "Little Nicky", "Juilliard School", "Keith David", "Buenos Aires", "Eastern European Time", "127 Hours", "Paul Lieberstein", "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "National Board of Review Award for Best Actor", "Alec Guinness", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Albany Devils", "typhoid fever", "Dreamgirls", "74th Academy Awards", "Samsung Electronics", "Dover", "Joss Stone", "Hugo Weaving", "Lap steel guitar", "Adolph Green", "Rambo", "Richard Rodgers", "University of Ghana", "Romeo and Juliet", "Germany in Autumn", "Rainer Werner Fassbinder", "The Sand Pebbles", "Kelly Rowland", "Swimming Upstream", "Robert Plant", "Dir en grey", "Warner Bros. Records", "The Other Boleyn Girl", "Cars 2", "Robert Loggia", "Italian American", "Leo McCarey", "London Borough of Tower Hamlets", "Sigourney Weaver", "The Fly", "Salman Rushdie", "Palo Alto", "Second Crusade", "electro", "Omaha Nighthawks", "Jim Broadbent", "Hot Fuzz", "Philip Glass", "Gameloft", "Oklahoma City", "Jay Leno", "Reds", "Night at the Museum", "Soundgarden", "Travis Barker", "Gary Oldman", "University of Florida", "Al Jean", "John Frink", "Nottingham", "Elite Squad: The Enemy Within", "oud", "acoustic bass guitar", "Guyana national football team", "Carl Cort", "Rocky", "Sylvester Stallone", "Limitless", "The Apartment", "McMaster University", "Katy Perry", "38th People's Choice Awards", "University of Delaware", "The Jackal", "The Haunting", "Jason Momoa", "Game of Thrones", "The Faculty", "Mos Def", "Perth Airport", "Auckland", "Harry Belafonte", "David Lindley", "Edie Falco", "Michael Cimino", "xXx", "Maccabi Tel Aviv F.C.", "Hulk", "Century Media Records", "Northwestern State University", "Patrick Warburton", "Centre College", "Magnolia Pictures", "Nine Lives", "judo", "Montenegro", "St. Lawrence University", "Colorado", "Aspen", "Indigenous peoples of the United States", "Hamburg", "DMX", "Mary J. Blige", "37th Academy Awards", "The Firm", "University of Delhi", "New Delhi", "Il Postino: The Postman", "Hamlet", "Kid Rock", "Frost/Nixon", "Tim McGraw", "Anatole Litvak", "Harrogate Town A.F.C.", "David Gilmour", "Bruce Dern", "anti-communism", "Ronald Reagan", "Leander Paes", "Sp\u0131n\u0308al Tap", "Michael Chabon", "Gustave Flaubert", "pop punk", "indie rock", "Suffolk", "Ally McBeal", "Shakira", "The Grudge", "Hugo Friedhofer", "37th Golden Globe Awards", "Henry Fonda", "Going My Way", "Rounder Records", "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit", "The Pride of the Yankees", "Makerere University", "Kevin Corrigan", "Qatar", "Korn", "Shane Smeltz", "Mansfield Town F.C.", "Middlesex County", "Frank Sinatra", "Gregory Hoblit", "San Diego Padres", "Serena Williams", "Santa Clara University", "Lewis Gilbert", "Space Cowboys", "FC Vaslui", "Aylesbury", "Dave Mustaine", "W.", "Isabelle Adjani", "Michael Keaton", "Las Vegas", "Emma Stone", "Millwall F.C.", "The Man with the Golden Gun", "Damon Lindelof", "Christopher Lee", "29th Academy Awards", "George Martin", "Diane Lane", "Russians", "The Blind Side", "Denise Richards", "Zero Dark Thirty", "Kathryn Bigelow", "Athens", "Victor Garber", "Faye Dunaway", "John Powell", "Moldova", "John Ottman", "Larry Hagman", "John Sturges", "Bowdoin College", "Worcester", "Marc Joseph", "63rd Golden Globe Awards", "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", "Mitchell Leisen", "Real Salt Lake", "Regency Enterprises", "kickoff returner", "Rhino Entertainment Company", "Germany national football team", "Richard Marx", "3:10 to Yuma", "John Slattery", "Toy Story", "James Remar", "Gabrielle Union", "AEL Limassol FC", "The Matrix Reloaded", "Joliet", "Julianne Moore", "As the World Turns", "College of William & Mary", "James Marsden", "17th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development", "Alan Ball", "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha", "Stevie Nicks", "Last Action Hero", "Syria national football team", "University College Dublin", "Emilio Estevez", "In the Name of the King", "Cruzeiro E.C.", "Belo Horizonte", "Lauryn Hill", "Renny Harlin", "The Hollies", "Bethlehem", "2006 NBA Draft", "Portland Trail Blazers", "Hans Zimmer", "Meg Ryan", "You've Got Mail", "lineman", "Montreal Alouettes", "Lester Holt", "Today", "Resident Evil: Afterlife", "Iran national football team", "General Electric", "The Impossible", "Puerto Ricans", "Richard Gere", "Dominic West", "Charles Dickens", "Jonathan Lethem", "Torchwood", "Russell T Davies", "Dante Ferretti", "Remember the Titans", "University of Manitoba", "Manitoba", "William Fichtner", "tight end", "Naomi Campbell", "Management", "Image Entertainment", "Wyoming", "Fremont County", "Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel", "Michael Moorcock", "Thomas Hobbes", "Ice Age", "2004 NFL Draft", "parody", "The Truman Show", "Walter Murch", "Huntington", "Conservative Party of Canada", "Stephen Harper", "Leonardo DiCaprio", "Lake Superior", "North America", "The Cleveland Show", "Sidney Poitier", "Red Cliff", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Film", "Grammy Award for Best Rock Album", "Guiding Light", "Jennifer Lawrence", "Kuala Lumpur", "October", "Dixie Chicks", "John F. Seitz", "2006 Winter Olympics", "The Godfather", "Nino Rota", "gong", "Seattle Seahawks", "Lynn", "Bill Conti", "Rocky Balboa", "The Elephant Man", "Man Booker Prize", "Quentin Tarantino", "Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Actor", "Modest Mouse", "Southend United F.C.", "Kevin Betsy", "2006 Grammy Awards", "Faith Hill", "School of Visual Arts", "San Francisco", "Avril Lavigne", "University of Nairobi", "13 Assassins", "Williams College", "Hillsborough County", "Drive", "Ryan Gosling", "FX", "Kenya national football team", "Leicester City F.C.", "Ethan Hawke", "Albert Finney", "Glens Falls", "David Tennant", "Kingdom of Bulgaria", "German Empire", "Tom Ruegger", "Earl Scruggs", "Acclaim Entertainment", "Glen Cove", "Ohio University", "Matt Lauer", "ParaNorman", "2 Fast 2 Furious", "University of Rochester", "Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery", "Alec Baldwin", "1997 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Arthur J. Nascarella", "medical drama", "The Little Mermaid", "The Last Emperor", "Arsenal F.C.", "White American", "Randy Travis", "Hebrew University of Jerusalem", "Danger Mouse", "sampler", "Sheena Easton", "Al-Hilal FC", "Bradford City A.F.C.", "F.C. Zenit St. Petersburg", "New Britain", "Hartford County", "FC Istres", "University of Manchester", "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore", "Diane Ladd", "Jeff Beck", "gothic rock", "PJ Harvey", "Boston Legal", "Kasper Schmeichel", "Enosis Neon Paralimni FC", "North by Northwest", "Cary Grant", "University of Louisiana at Lafayette", "47th Academy Awards", "Sailor Moon S: The Movie", "Common", "Erykah Badu", "Costa-Gavras", "University of Strasbourg", "Lauren Tom", "Lost in Space", "John Rhys-Davies", "Union College", "Whoopi Goldberg", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series", "Falkirk F.C.", "Morgan Freeman", "David Guetta", "Vicky Cristina Barcelona", "Philippines national football team", "blue", "Klaas-Jan Huntelaar", "The Three Musketeers", "Kenosha", "Wisconsin", "Marg Helgenberger", "Nice", "Carrie Preston", "Christopher Reeve", "Campbell Scott", "The Prestige", "64th Golden Globe Awards", "Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film", "David J", "Jennifer Aniston", "Cork", "University College Cork", "Kraftwerk", "The Red Violin", "Tom Selleck", "Jerry Douglas", "vocal jazz", "Jagdeep", "alpha-tocopherol", "Carleton College", "Sean Lennon", "Plastic Ono Band", "Peoria County", "University of Illinois at Chicago", "Saturday Night Live", "Phil Hartman", "Susan Sarandon", "The Prince of Egypt", "Stanford Graduate School of Business", "Neymar", "Israel national football team", "Victoria", "House of Hanover", "Rhodes piano", "How the West Was Won", "Tottenham Hotspur F.C.", "Independence Day", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Pretty Woman", "Star Trek: Insurrection", "United States Military Academy", "Lancaster County", "Tyler Perry", "Michael De Luca", "Pablo Picasso", "The Talented Mr. Ripley", "Michael K. Williams", "Shirley Henderson", "The Sessions", "North Macedonia", "Merv Griffin", "Georgetown University Law Center", "The Village", "Miguel Ferrer", "Hewlett-Packard", "sales", "neo-psychedelia", "downtempo", "Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding Foreign Language Film", "Vladimir Nabokov", "Falkland Islands", "Christopher Cross", "Carole Bayer Sager", "Jennifer Tilly", "Leon Shamroy", "soprano", "baritone saxophone", "Capitol Records", "Bobby Darin", "L.A. Law", "David E. Kelley", "Dan Castellaneta", "Speed 2: Cruise Control", "AACTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role", "Evil Angels", "Illinois", "Volusia County", "Estonia national football team", "University of the West Indies", "Kingston", "In the Loop", "Tom Hollander", "erotic thriller", "Mulholland Drive", "Shame", "Electronic Arts", "Greater London", "64th Academy Awards", "Bugsy", "Tina Turner", "Baraka", "Key West", "Paul Haggis", "Don Knotts", "Napa County", "Napoleon", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Animated Program", "sucrose", "Columbia Records", "Nick Mason", "Lily Tomlin", "Annie", "St Edmund Hall", "Austin", "November", "Yue Chinese", "Kathryn Joosten", "Garret Dillahunt", "Tori Amos", "Paul Bettany", "Slovenia", "Western Front", "The Da Vinci Code", "Joe Strummer", "Anthony Burgess", "Charlotte Gainsbourg", "Mark Gatiss", "Match Point", "Days of Being Wild", "In the Mood for Love", "Frank Vincent", "Guadalajara", "Red Road", "Sundance Film Festival", "Network", "Bob Kane", "Batman & Robin", "The Colbert Report", "JoBeth Williams", "Ray Stark", "Amy Brenneman", "Seal", "Thomas Newman", "Mark Wahlberg", "Let Me In", "viola", "Edmonton Oilers", "Garland", "Cambridgeshire", "Sprint Corporation", "chief information officer", "The World's Fastest Indian", "Sideways", "George Stevens", "James Whitmore", "Ryan Phillippe", "Sandra Bullock", "Outkast", "jazz fusion", "Vangelis", "Jennifer Lopez", "Anne of the Thousand Days", "Florida A&M University", "James Brown", "Welsh", "FC Kallon", "Scary Movie 3", "Mark Irwin", "Anita Baker", "Ian La Frenais", "The Commitments", "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery", "Mike Myers", "Alien vs. Predator", "Davis Entertainment", "Golden Retriever", "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit", "Brenda Blethyn", "All the President's Men", "tubular bells", "All My Children", "FC Dynamo Kyiv", "Ally Sheedy", "Canal+", "Dana Carvey", "42nd Academy Awards", "H. P. Lovecraft", "Chicago Cubs", "2006 Major League Baseball draft", "Jessica Walter", "cameo appearance", "Goldie Hawn", "freemasonry", "Lyndon B. Johnson", "Hugo Award for Best Novel", "Joe Haldeman", "David A. Goodman", "Danny Smith", "Mark Cuban", "Indiana University Bloomington", "Ellen Pompeo", "Spy Kids", "snowboarding", "William Lava", "Joseph Ruttenberg", "Noah Taylor", "Ronald Bass", "Rain Man", "Carnegie Institute of Technology", "Afghanistan", "Kabul", "The Nightmare Before Christmas", "National University of Singapore", "The Pianist", "Tom Stoppard", "Kenny Rogers", "pedophilia", "Coral Gables", "California State University", "Bridget Fonda", "gray", "Jane Wyman", "County Kerry", "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", "New Westminster", "The Twilight Saga: New Moon", "Wigan Athletic F.C.", "Kiefer Sutherland", "Caesars Entertainment Corporation", "Shimizu S-Pulse", "High Noon", "Sarah Jessica Parker", "Bureau of Land Management", "UTV Motion Pictures", "San Francisco State University", "Chelsea College of Art and Design", "Paul Thomas Anderson", "League of Nations", "Riot grrrl", "Marin County", "David Newman", "Trevor Horn", "Flint", "Orlando", "Bad Boy Records", "Wollongong", "Pat Metheny", "Roy Haynes", "John Malkovich", "Ghost World", "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter", "They Might Be Giants", "Freddie Hubbard", "Sinclair Broadcast Group", "Amanda Lear", "Tabitha St. Germain", "M. Night Shyamalan", "zinc", "Raphael Saadiq", "Flashdance", "Southern Methodist University", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Editing", "Malcolm X", "artificial intelligence", "Ziggy Marley", "Patty Loveless", "Linkin Park", "England national football team", "Ginger Rogers", "13th Academy Awards", "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", "Beastie Boys", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Hip-Hop Video", "George Takei", "Brian Henson", "Mike Patton", "Tunisia", "Chuck Berry", "Eric Clapton", "The Birdcage", "Williamsport", "North Holland", "Haarlem", "string", "Ozzy Osbourne", "Danny Elfman", "Ahmedabad", "Charmed", "Marco Beltrami", "Long Island", "John Ratzenberger", "Patti LaBelle", "flugelhorn", "James K. Polk", "United States Department of the Treasury", "Kobe Bryant", "The Black Eyed Peas", "AC/DC", "Pamela Anderson", "Tommy Lee", "Dark Shadows", "Columbia University", "Coal Miner's Daughter", "Loretta Lynn", "Jacques Derrida", "interview", "Atonement", "2004 Major League Baseball season", "True Lies", "Carnegie Mellon University", "Meat Loaf", "RoboCop", "Fran Walsh", "Tunisia national football team", "Lake Erie", "Buffalo", "Napoleonic Wars", "War of the Sixth Coalition", "The Gay Divorcee", "Harvard University", "Litchfield County", "Hillary Clinton", "Fremont", "Doris Roberts", "Patricia Heaton", "New England", "Morocco national football team", "Fairfield", "Equatorial Guinea national football team", "Yerevan", "Janel Moloney", "Kristin Chenoweth", "Oklahoma City University", "San Joaquin County", "Rocky IV", "This Must Be the Place", "Barcelona Province", "Up", "Pete Docter", "Ratatouille", "Gods and Monsters", "Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling", "Artisan Entertainment", "8th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Emily Watson", "The Weinstein Company", "15th United States Congress", "103rd United States Congress", "provost", "Keenan Wynn", "Royal Air Force", "ice cream", "L-Threonine", "The Green Mile", "Barry Pepper", "Kim Ki-duk", "Slash", "Mobile Suit Gundam", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series", "40th Canadian Parliament", "Newfoundland and Labrador", "BIFA Award for Best British Independent Film", "Freddy Got Fingered", "The Turning Point", "Alan Turing", "Vincent D'Onofrio", "Joan Cusack", "Robyn Hitchcock", "IF Elfsborg", "2000 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Lublin Voivodeship", "Harvard College", "Mohanlal", "Channel 4", "Stranger than Fiction", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Choreography", "Transformers", "Lou Reed", "art rock", "biochemistry", "psychology", "To Rome with Love", "Namibia", "Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound", "Barry Lyndon", "Marcus Miller", "Jill Scott", "Ice Cube", "Kris Kristofferson", "Satellite Award for Best Original Song", "Jerry Duplessis", "The Thin Red Line", "James A. Michener", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Female", "Sex, Lies, and Videotape", "Mary-Kate Olsen", "Chris Martin", "Anderson", "Bob Newhart", "Coming Home", "Anaconda", "Lincoln University", "Manchester United F.C.", "The Graduate", "15th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Miniseries or Television Movie", "James E. Reilly", "Taking Woodstock", "Georgetown University", "Roger Waters", "Dana Andrews", "Rich Little", "Richard III", "war film", "The Mothers of Invention", "Chris Pronger", "Anaheim Ducks", "Priyanka Chopra Jonas", "speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "Red Tails", "Alfred Newman", "Wichita", "Aaron Sorkin", "Tony Plana", "Salvador", "Star Trek \u2161: The Wrath of Khan", "Robert Taylor", "Muskogee", "William Goldman", "City University of New York", "Graham King", "Burnley F.C.", "serial killer", "Hud", "The Book of Eli", "A Few Good Men", "Justin Long", "Seraphim Falls", "Grammy Award for Best Rap Album", "Jay-Z", "New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district", "The Lovely Bones", "John Hartford", "David Bowie", "Irish migration to Great Britain", "theatre director", "Andrew Lloyd Webber", "Mary and Max", "1956 Summer Olympics", "Yugoslavia", "Joseph Conrad", "H. G. Wells", "Seattle University", "Days of our Lives", "Talk to Her", "Portugal national football team", "Joey Fatone", "Nick Lachey", "Robert F. Boyle", "Oh! What a Lovely War", "Bhutan", "Oakville", "Mark Bresciano", "Gwyneth Paltrow", "canoe slalom", "Larry Gelbart", "Jane Krakowski", "Miami Vice", "Mean Girls", "Rachel McAdams", "logic", "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai", "Farida Jalal", "Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute", "Jeanne Moreau", "Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actress", "Tommy", "Four Weddings and a Funeral", "Tim Bevan", "Alice Cooper", "John Kander", "Ariel Winter", "Glen Morgan", "Howard Gordon", "Orlando Magic", "Damian Lewis", "Swarthmore College", "AT&T", "Groundhog Day", "Tours FC", "59th Academy Awards", "Ewan McGregor", "Gina Gershon", "Bohemian F.C.", "anti-war movement", "The Deer Hunter", "Edward Scissorhands", "Vincent Price", "David Duchovny", "Sussex", "Debra Winger", "Rakesh Roshan", "Stirling Silliphanta", "In the Heat of the Night", "Denmark national football team", "Syria", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", "American English", "Michael Moore", "American Pie", "Shea Whigham", "alternative hip hop", "Bicentennial Man", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series", "Zach Braff", "War Horse", "Tom Morello", "ballet", "racewalking", "Battleground", "Land of the Lost", "Scary Movie 2", "The Holiday", "Michael Gladis", "Shane Kinsman", "The Guard", "Jeff Garcia", "Closer", "Kuk Harrell", "Pride & Prejudice", "Pat Metheny Group", "Brothers & Sisters", "Get Shorty", "Terence Blanchard", "Rutgers University", "Elizabeth Daily", "The Brothers Grimm", "The Manchurian Candidate", "Herbert Hoover", "Religious Society of Friends", "Harry Gregson-Williams", "Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature", "57th Academy Awards", "Borussia Dortmund", "yellow", "Hanover", "Lower Saxony", "The Daily Show", "Laraine Day", "Houston Aeros", "Mike Scully", "Parks and Recreation", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Cinematography", "Loughborough University", "James Taylor", "Mauritania", "Warren Beatty", "Ted Danson", "Steve Vai", "Ethiopia", "Otto Preminger", "The Cardinal", "Demolition Man", "Ryan Adams", "Bullets Over Broadway", "Persea americana", "David Simon", "52nd Primetime Emmy Awards", "grunge", "14th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Mary Tyler Moore", "Tia Carrere", "hard bop", "soul jazz", "Chester", "Cliffhanger", "Eintracht Braunschweig", "Florence", "Boxer Rebellion", "Qing dynasty", "East Timor", "Green Bay Packers", "Powers Boothe", "Sharon Stone", "Jenny Agutter", "Francis Ford Coppola", "Garry Chalk", "Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons", "Damon Albarn", "Imperial Japanese Army", "Ian James Corlett", "26th United States Congress", "Lyle Lovett", "Fitzwilliam College", "Burt Bacharach", "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace", "Seth MacFarlane", "Facebook Inc.", "Kristen Wiig", "Mo Willems", "Caldecott Medal", "American Idol", "Peng Dehuai", "Second Sino-Japanese War", "abdominal pain", "ovarian cancer", "The Phantom of the Opera", "telecommunication", "Christopher Young", "A Prairie Home Companion", "Curtis Mayfield", "American Horror Story", "The Waltons", "Ian Fleming", "Lois Smith", "University of the Philippines Diliman", "Asia", "Scream 2", "Medford", "Nancy Marchand", "Georges Delerue", "Forest Lawn Memorial Park", "Lisa Kudrow", "Western Kentucky University", "Christopher Walken", "Norwich City F.C.", "conga", "Alan Silvestri", "Honolulu County", "Golden Lion", "Santa Monica College", "Million Dollar Baby", "The Lady", "Master P", "Raj Kapoor", "Hugh Hefner", "Murray Rothbard", "Aristotle", "Winter's Bone", "Hammond organ", "Iain Glen", "Dan Stevens", "bulldog", "Amherst College", "Piranha 3D", "Honduras", "Wayne's World", "Coventry City F.C.", "Robbie Keane", "Pittsburgh Penguins", "Global Television Network", "Backstairs at the White House", "Kim Manners", "Vince Gilligan", "The Heiress", "Oklahoma City Barons", "Iran", "The Venture Bros.", "Adult Swim", "Stevie Ray Vaughan", "baroque pop", "Jim O'Rourke", "Robert Towne", "University of California, Santa Barbara", "Robin Thicke", "Abraham Lincoln", "United States Secretary of the Treasury", "American Samoa", "Jonathan Rhys Meyers", "Hindi Film Industry", "Enthiran", "The Fighter", "Ryan Kavanaugh", "Maura Tierney", "Sigmund Freud", "Brideshead Revisited", "The Cat in the Hat", "Kelly Osbourne", "Queen Latifah", "The Orphanage", "Joe Pasternak", "Jim Cummings", "Hope Davis", "American Splendor", "Bruce Broughton", "Terence Winter", "East Lansing", "John Irving", "Chad Smith", "Robert Palmer", "Jerry Lee Lewis", "Ben Stein", "Peter Krause", "Sammy Cahn", "Legend", "Simply Red", "Dr. Seuss", "Robert Evans", "Ludwig van Beethoven", "correspondent", "CBS News", "Ross County F.C.", "Clemson University", "avant-garde music", "June Carter Cash", "Vanderbilt University", "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues", "Dick Tracy", "Rick Simpson", "David Hilbert", "Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film", "The Greatest Story Ever Told", "The Descendants", "Syracuse", "The Good Wife", "Michael Semanick", "Liam O'Brien", "gluten-free diet", "Pyrus", "Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album", "Jon Hamm", "Hamburger SV", "Apple", "Cupertino", "79th Academy Awards", "Boeing", "David Attenborough", "anti-fascism", "Celtic music", "Club Universitario de Deportes", "Avignon", "New Haven", "leukemia", "Fred MacMurray", "astronomer", "Richard Dreyfuss", "Robert Fripp", "Sunday, Bloody Sunday", "Dunfermline Athletic F.C.", "type 2 diabetes mellitus", "Randy Edelman", "J. Michael Straczynski", "Paterson", "Beau Bridges", "Hogan Sheffer", "Royal Antwerp F.C", "Max Steiner", "Chris Paul", "Dr. Luke", "Friends with Benefits", "Orlando Pirates F.C.", "Peter MacNicol", "Elvis Costello", "Northwich Victoria F.C.", "Emile Hirsch", "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", "Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play", "Bloomington", "David Petraeus", "Julia Roberts", "A. R. Rahman", "Milton Keynes Dons F.C.", "American University", "True Blood", "Ed Helms", "A.S. Roma", "Brandon", "Fatal Attraction", "Atom Egoyan", "Robert Lantos", "Hundred Flowers Award for Best Actress", "Good", "I Don't Know How She Does It", "59th Berlin International Film Festival", "Prescott", "D'Angelo", "Ann-Margret", "Stephen McHattie", "Dubai", "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted", "Skagit County", "Michael Stuhlbarg", "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within", "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", "Presidential Medal of Freedom", "Inkheart", "Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut", "The Vampire Diaries", "Shanghai", "Frosinone Calcio", "Angela Kinsey", "Colleen Atwood", "Tim Allen", "Cars", "We Were Soldiers", "Neil Gaiman", "Mumford", "Robert Pattinson", "Daniel Radcliffe", "Condoleezza Rice", "James Schamus", "Tom Werner", "Seattle", "1987 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers", "Stanley Tucci", "Bradley Cooper", "Julia Stiles", "Brian May", "Hook", "Ann Sothern", "Ava Gardner", "AFC Bournemouth", "Jason Isaacs", "Big", "Alameda", "Christ Church", "Tim Duncan", "Allen Iverson", "Epitaph Records", "The Offspring", "Oliver Platt", "Windsor", "architecture", "Thoroughly Modern Millie", "Randy Thom", "M*A*S*H", "Alan Alda", "Edward Woodward", "Brentford F.C.", "Il Divo", "Steven Berkoff", "Allan Holdsworth", "Sony Music Entertainment Japan", "Michael Jackson", "Coronado", "Donald Trump", "rhythmic gymnastics", "Happy Together", "Warner Music Group", "James Cagney", "Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award", "University of Nottingham", "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World", "Buster Keaton", "Lee Marvin", "Fort Lauderdale", "Missouri State University", "Nas", "Kelis", "Greg Daniels", "The City of Lost Children", "Trinity College", "University of Bologna", "\u03b3-tocopherol", "Robert Elswit", "Shining Through", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series", "Chris Seefried", "Vera Farmiga", "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers", "Howard Shore", "Satellite Award for Best Animated or Mixed Media Feature", "Digital Equipment Corporation", "Monaco", "Into the Storm", "University of the Philippines", "Patrick O'Neal", "Kingdom of Italy", "The Walt Disney Company", "Queen Mary University of London", "Killers", "Mindy Kaling", "Mississippi", "Ralph Richardson", "Lebanon War", "Vladimir Horowitz", "Ludwig Wittgenstein", "Friedrich Hayek", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video", "Fergie", "Sophia Loren", "Fyvush Finkel", "New York University", "University of Arizona", "Anthony Kiedis", "Batman: The Animated Series", "Greg Graffin", "All About Steve", "Nord", "Lille", "Taxi Driver", "Edward G. Boyle", "A Clockwork Orange", "Umbria", "Mary Elizabeth Winstead", "Paul Feig", "William James", "Ridgefield", "Boaz Davidson", "The Black Dahlia", "Being There", "Lorimar Television", "Pixar", "WALL\u00b7E", "Dave Wittenberg", "Cannonball Run II", "George Abbott", "University of Minnesota", "Virginia Military Institute", "Oberlin Conservatory of Music", "Santo Loquasto", "Color of Night", "Dylan McDermott", "Jordan", "James Rebhorn", "Strasbourg", "News Corporation", "Ruth Prawer Jhabvala", "Roger Bart", "Andrea Bowen", "prison film", "The Longest Yard", "Waylon Jennings", "Hyde Park on Hudson", "attorney general", "Robert Altman", "shooting guard", "44th Academy Awards", "Caleb Deschanel", "Hilary and Jackie", "Dan Simmons", "Peoria", "Waltz with Bashir", "Hebrew", "The Patriot", "tabla", "Lyngby Boldklub", "academic lecturer", "1996 Summer Olympics", "Kyle McCulloch", "John Abraham", "American International Group", "Mercer University", "Al Roker", "The Family Man", "Berkeley", "Black Robe", "Lupe Fiasco", "Cambodia", "Sam Shepard", "The Notebook", "Lake Forest", "Tucson", "Uma Thurman", "skin cancer", "Mali Finn", "Boulder", "Miriam Margolyes", "Everyone Says I Love You", "Robert Englund", "I Spy", "Bleach: Memories of Nobody", "Rochester Rhinos", "Matthew Bellamy", "Nicholas and Alexandra", "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz", "dance-pop", "John Mills", "Hayley Mills", "Labyrinth", "Louise Fletcher", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Cruz Azul F.C", "Mexico City", "University of Hamburg", "Leo Strauss", "John Goodman", "Trinidad and Tobago national football team", "Kate Hudson", "Albany County", "Albany", "FC Seoul", "Piper Laurie", "Jessica Lange", "Akira Ishida", "Kevin Clash", "Saint Petersburg Conservatory", "Short Cuts", "George H. W. Bush", "Earth, Wind & Fire", "Johnny Mandel", "Lena Headey", "Carlton Cuse", "Majel Barrett", "Anatomy of a Murder", "Twister", "Sharat Saxena", "Calendar Girls", "Mark Knopfler", "Glasgow", "Howard the Duck", "Elizabeth Sarnoff", "J. J. Abrams", "progressive house music", "Graham Yost", "Band of Brothers", "Mark Ruffalo", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Hope Springs", "Jennifer Esposito", "Sheldon Leonard", "Dan Aykroyd", "Jermaine Dupri", "Southern hip hop", "Kristen Stewart", "Johnny English Reborn", "London Borough of Enfield", "Chazz Palminteri", "Puerto Rico national football team", "Mike Oldfield", "Michael Sheen", "Robert F. Kennedy", "handgun", "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo", "Philip Pullman", "George Orwell", "The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones", "The Flintstones", "Alan Parker", "Hamilton", "Eugene Levy", "Carole Lombard", "Serbia", "Law & Order: Criminal Intent", "Jonah Hill", "AFI", "melodic hardcore", "Nelly Furtado", "Snatch", "David Letterman", "Johnny Carson", "21 Grams", "white cabbage", "(E)-phytonadione", "Charlton Athletic F.C.", "County Down", "Northern Ireland", "Edgar Allan Poe", "Saint Joseph's University", "Tajikistan", "Since You Went Away", "Stamford", "C", "Java", "Bryan Adams", "Polydor Records", "The Velvet Underground", "Jarhead", "Glenn Frey", "Ghostbusters", "First National", "William Orbit", "timpani", "Avex Trax", "Taylor Swift", "ANTI-", "Marianne Faithfull", "Game Change", "Alias", "Danny McBride", "Willow", "costume drama", "Cleveland Cavaliers", "The Ghost and the Darkness", "Cleveland", "Michael Kahn", "Minority Report", "Camden", "Goodfellas", "Daniel Handler", "AS Monaco FC", "rector", "Heidelberg University", "Dallas Theological Seminary", "Stuart Duncan", "Hugh Dancy", "Joan Allen", "University of Bath", "Jennifer Coolidge", "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa", "Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film", "Stargate Atlantis", "David Ogden Stiers", "St Patrick's Athletic F.C.", "Satellite Awards 2009", "Ravi Shankar", "The Producers", "Brandy Norwood", "A Dangerous Method", "George Carlin", "Doctor Zhivago", "Julie Christie", "The Bold and the Beautiful", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series", "A.C. Ajaccio", "John Travolta", "East Carolina University", "Libya", "Chad", "Tillamook County", "freestyle music", "Marc Anthony", "1983 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament", "Ekta Kapoor", "Dean Semler", "The Big Bang Theory", "Kate Nelligan", "Winona Ryder", "Tim Curry", "Alexander", "Bob Hoskins", "Fine Line Features", "Zookeeper", "sword and sorcery", "Stephanie Morgenstern", "neuroscience", "barrister", "H. H. Asquith", "LeBron James", "Abhishek Bachchan", "Frenzy", "Fuji Television", "news presenter", "Annabeth Gish", "Scarlett", "Michel Legrand", "UCLA Bruins men's basketball", "Marley & Me", "Gil Scott-Heron", "Pinellas County", "St. Petersburg", "David Watkin", "Yentl", "Philadelphia Union", "Writers Guild of America Awards 2009", "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences", "Douglas Fairbanks", "Victor Miller", "Hibernian F.C.", "Steven Culp", "screwball comedy film", "Miranda Otto", "Mary Steenburgen", "Colchester United F.C.", "Rear Window", "Nantucket", "Southend-on-Sea", "Robert Cray", "Breaking and Entering", "Jersey Girl", "Southern University", "Ringo Sheena", "Fukuoka", "Kiribati", "University of Queensland", "Stockard Channing", "Flags of Our Fathers", "Clancy Brown", "Innocent", "Oakland Raiders", "2003 NFL Draft", "Keir Dullea", "The Good Shepherd", "The Man in the Iron Mask", "Old Dogs", "Lars and the Real Girl", "French American", "Airport", "Herbert Lom", "Osamu Tezuka", "Tulare County", "Princeton University", "Bruce Davison", "Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for Children", "Wynton Marsalis", "Fairfield County", "Oingo Boingo", "Evanston", "Alan Parsons", "Oberlin College", "Valkyrie", "Julieta Venegas", "Milena Canonero", "Andre Jacquemetton", "Garth Brooks", "The Straight Story", "George Kennedy", "All the King's Men", "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation", "white people", "George W. Bush", "John Osborne", "Mrs. Brown", "Coldplay", "North Dakota", "Rich Man, Poor Man", "University of Western Ontario", "Norristown", "Stargate", "Peter Boyle", "Alexandre Desplat", "suspense", "Madhuri Dixit", "Roy Bittan", "Rick Nowels", "Pittsburgh Pirates", "University of Houston", "Jack Kirby", "People's Action Party", "William Forsythe", "Texas Christian University", "Johnson County", "Cary Elwes", "A Civil Action", "Schindler's List", "Myanmar", "Chris Parnell", "Somerville", "Dolph Lundgren", "Rent", "Friz Freleng", "Vivendi", "University of Wales", "Wales", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Dance Video", "MC Hammer", "Kolkata", "The Namesake", "Lee Grant", "82nd Academy Awards", "Channing Tatum", "UC Berkeley School of Law", "Blue Velvet", "Bill Pullman", "Claire Forlani", "Magic Johnson", "NCAA Basketball Tournament Most Outstanding Player", "Chris Menges", "Famke Janssen", "Martin Short", "Paul Schrader", "Irene Cara", "Holly Hunter", "Battle Royale", "Xanthi F.C.", "slasher film", "Halloween", "Morrissey", "Jeph Loeb", "Dartmouth College", "Christina Ricci", "Emmylou Harris", "James Stewart", "It's a Wonderful Life", "Denton County", "Frank Oz", "The Aviator", "Jean-Claude Van Damme", "Anne Hathaway", "Mischa Barton", "James Brolin", "Evita", "Katharine Hepburn", "Joseph Kish", "Lyle R. Wheeler", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Song", "This Means War", "Zoe Saldana", "Queens", "Paul Simon", "Juliette Binoche", "Providence", "San Diego State University", "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence", "Emilio Estefan", "Josh Freese", "Barbara Walters", "Mark Burnett", "University of New Mexico", "single-player video game", "Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes", "Forrest Gump", "University of Pennsylvania Law School", "Haiti", "Molly Shannon", "Edward Albee", "Samuel Beckett", "Art Carney", "Backbone Entertainment", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Video from a Film", "Douglas Adams", "Angel", "The WB", "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", "train", "Petersburg", "object-oriented programming", "JavaScript", "Salman Khan", "Indian Idol", "Utica", "Thor", "Channel 5", "Thomas and Friends", "Lincoln City F.C.", "Delroy Facey", "GNU Lesser General Public License", "Jon Voight", "Serbian", "Cyrillic script", "Harvard Business School", "Karl Malden", "A Streetcar Named Desire", "Andy Griffith", "Ray Winstone", "The Sting", "Charles Durning", "Cynthia Watros", "Dennis Hopper", "Natalie Wood", "Mark Strong", "Kick-Ass", "Klaus Voormann", "Alexander Payne", "2001 Major League Baseball draft", "Aligarh Muslim University", "Steven Wilson", "Step Up Revolution", "tuberculosis", "Anton Chekhov", "Lafayette College", "Jude Law", "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", "Michael Palin", "Santa Cruz", "Brannon Braga", "South Pacific", "August Strindberg", "Gene Reynolds", "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby", "Turkey national football team", "Norman Jewison", "Chuck Connors", "Noam Chomsky", "Bertrand Russell", "blond", "contiguous United States", "cello", "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room", "Tim Burton", "Paul Newman", "Midnight's Children", "The Doors", "Dennis Franz", "Waukesha", "Voice over Internet Protocol", "Eric Bana", "Ben Cross", "Nat King Cole", "Todd Haynes", "Roy Webb", "Jeff Bridges", "Superbad", "The Big Lebowski", "Red State", "Gaston County", "Edward James Olmos", "Terrence Malick", "Labrador Retriever", "Brian Baumgartner", "Leslie David Baker", "Carl Sagan", "Chiranjeevi", "The Dark Knight Rises", "Robin Gibb", "King's College London", "Symantec", "Adrien Brody", "The Stepford Wives", "Emory University", "Disney's House of Mouse", "Malcolm in the Middle", "Cloris Leachman", "Indiana State University", "University of Rhode Island", "Ice-T", "West Coast hip hop", "Cold Mountain", "University of Alberta", "Alison Krauss", "Elias Koteas", "Crimes and Misdemeanors", "Law & Order", "Patricia Neal", "Knoxville", "George Clinton", "Breaker Morant", "Staunton", "The Beaver", "massively multiplayer online role-playing game", "massively multiplayer online game", "photographer", "The Lord of the Rings", "Ulysses' Gaze", "York County", "Dauphin County", "The Queen", "Des Moines", "soap opera", "RB Leipzig", "English Studies", "Studio City", "Billy Zane", "Kathy Bates", "1993 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Roy Scheider", "Shankar Jaikishan", "John Madden", "Seth Rogen", "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", "Mongol conquests", "Kill Bill Volume 1", "Pamela Adlon", "Fantastic Four", "Weeds", "Sunnyvale", "John Houseman", "Amanda Plummer", "Maine", "20th United States Congress", "Carmelo Anthony", "Hiroshima Toyo Carp", "Rod Stewart", "24: Redemption", "Tony Thomas", "Soap", "Fleetwood Town F.C.", "Stardust", "James Tiptree, Jr. Award", "Elliott Smith", "31st Academy Awards", "Peter Lamont", "A History of Violence", "Stearns County", "John Cho", "University of Edinburgh", "Vietnam War", "Eric Dane", "X-Men: The Last Stand", "Gary Summers", "Kylie Minogue", "Don Johnson", "Vanessa Redgrave", "Harry Warren", "Shattered Glass", "The Crucible", "Matthew McConaughey", "Ernest Lehman", "County Meath", "Shannen Doherty", "Teri Polo", "Northwestern University", "Megan Mullally", "Vallejo", "Larry Niven", "Simon Cowell", "Botswana", "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark", "Charlestown", "Bootsy Collins", "James Arness", "Walter M. Scott", "Jack and Jill", "Wurlitzer electric piano", "Salavat Yulaev Ufa", "Portland", "Hope and Glory", "Edmund Husserl", "Pace University", "The Green Hornet", "James Newton Howard", "washboard", "The Good, the Bad, the Weird", "Patton", "Happy Gilmore", "talent manager", "Simon Fuller", "Bursaspor", "CNBC", "Jenna Bush Hager", "Terror in the Aisles", "Paramore", "Ted Levine", "From the Earth to the Moon", "Hrishikesh Mukherjee", "Westminster Abbey", "Fritz Leiber Junior", "World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement", "10th United States Congress", "Silkwood", "Cher", "Santos F.C.", "Eric Stoltz", "Leslie Caron", "Lena Olin", "World Trade Center", "Irving Berlin", "dancehall", "The Fifth Element", "Swedish", "Filmfare Award for Best Director", "Jodhaa Akbar", "26th Academy Awards", "The Nun's Story", "Audrey Hepburn", "The Host", "The Right Stuff", "The Band", "Sam O'Steen", "Stuart Craig", "Heather Mitts", "King Arthur", "Bernie", "Jackass: The Movie", "Funny Girl", "Cape Fear", "L-Tryptophan", "hypothyroidism", "Heather O'Reilly", "Wilkes-Barre", "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea", "Hayao Miyazaki", "University of British Columbia", "Sayonara", "The End of the Affair", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series", "24", "The Catholic University of America", "Moonstruck", "Chris Tucker", "United States Secretary of State", "John Quincy Adams", "Cris Collinsworth", "Duke Blue Devils men's basketball", "James Woods", "Ubisoft", "Bill Hader", "Matt Stone", "Jeremy Thomas", "L.A. Reid", "Dirty Pretty Things", "Stephen Frears", "abstract algebra", "Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance", "Rie Kugimiya", "Jacksonville Jaguars", "Forest Whitaker", "Doc Watson", "Static Major", "Ben Hecht", "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian", "Al Gore", "director's cut", "Big Fish", "Man on the Moon", "E. G. Marshall", "Island Records", "Sparks", "head coach", "Colorado Rockies", "Ned Kelly", "The Wrestler", "San Luis F.C.", "Lars Hirschfeld", "Gillingham F.C.", "Jerry Garcia", "Palau", "Saw 3D", "Stacy Keach", "Beetlejuice", "Maya Rudolph", "Will Forte", "Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao Football Club", "Russian Empire", "Kingdom of Prussia", "Irwin Winkler", "Saint Patrick", "Sam Waterston", "Adolf Hitler", "The Informant!", "Pittsburgh", "Scary Movie", "Orduspor", "Mamma Mia!", "Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata", "My Fair Lady", "Alan Jay Lerner", "playback singer", "Phil LaMarr", "Harvey Fierstein", "Tony Award for Best Play", "Elisabeth Moss", "Christina Hendricks", "Leeds", "Leeds United F.C.", "Joe Pesci", "Kim Kardashian", "Gene Kelly", "An American in Paris", "16 Blocks", "IK Start", "Boulder County", "John Stephenson", "Flight", "Das Boot", "University of Leeds", "Never Let Me Go", "Carthage", "FC Shakhtar Donetsk", "The Siege", "Walter Plunkett", "Terry O'Quinn", "Bruce Hornsby", "The Path to 9/11", "The Sixth Sense", "Simon Fraser University", "Paramount Vantage", "The Kite Runner", "Friends", "Carly Simon", "Mississippi River", "operatic pop", "Girl Scouts of the USA", "Til Schweiger", "Rod Taylor", "Oscar and Lucinda", "Michael O'Neill", "Nick Jonas", "IBM", "World Fantasy Award for Best Novel", "Richard Thompson", "K-19: The Widowmaker", "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Frank Marshall", "Northern Dancer", "Iron Man 3", "Tim Robbins", "Jonathan Winters", "California State University, Sacramento", "Wichita State University", "black", "The Wire, season 3", "Wanda Sykes", "Chris Bauer", "Freddie Young", "Robert Greenhut", "Czech", "Denison University", "DreamWorks", "Paul Shaffer", "John Kerry", "Edgar Meyer", "The Kinks", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Paris Hilton", "Suwon Samsung Bluewings", "Puerto Rico", "David Zayas", "Christopher Doyle", "Reversal of Fortune", "New Orleans Pelicans", "Fred Quimby", "David Foster", "Saba Qom F.C.", "Lagaan", "Joe Mantegna", "Willamette University", "Mark Mothersbaugh", "University of California, Los Angeles", "Steve Tisch", "The Decemberists", "tin whistle", "buddy film", "Chet Atkins", "Immortals", "Hereford United F.C.", "John Spencer", "Ernest Borgnine", "Sex and the City", "Buckinghamshire", "Friedrich Nietzsche", "Bridget Jones's Diary", "Ken Loach", "Mark 'Spike' Stent", "sepsis", "Frances Marion", "Haskell", "Kate Bush", "Edmond O'Brien", "acid jazz", "F.K. Vojvodina", "30th Academy Awards", "University of Washington", "Washington", "Bexar County", "Infernal Affairs II", "Thai", "Basic Instinct", "The Warlords", "Anthony Anderson", "1. FC N\u00fcrnberg", "Joshua Kennedy", "Argo", "Janis Joplin", "Mecklenburg County", "Charlotte", "Joel Schumacher", "Parsons The New School for Design", "Ecuador national football team", "Berks County", "classical guitar", "Activision Blizzard", "California State University, Long Beach", "David Silverman", "Hancock", "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves", "Mark Goodson", "Cranford", "Delfino Pescara 1936", "Mike Mogis", "Runaway Jury", "Paris", "Gwen Stefani", "Henry Mancini", "Rory Albanese", "Arizona Diamondbacks", "Catch-22", "Swoosie Kurtz", "Ted Kennedy", "Vince Vaughn", "Vic Mignogna", "Josh Homme", "Blood Diamond", "Edward Zwick", "Ralph Stanley", "Lexington", "badminton", "Mission: Impossible II", "Jenny McCarthy", "Bolivia", "The Muppet Movie", "Champaign County", "Champaign", "Steely Dan", "Missy Elliott", "Grateful Dead", "Howl", "Carter Burwell", "R. Madhavan", "Peter Gabriel", "John Wayne", "Mulan", "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou", "William Wyler", "F.C. Porto", "Theodore Bikel", "Shrek 2", "Eddie Murphy", "Cheap Trick", "John Davis", "Heather Graham", "United States Senate", "John Patrick Shanley", "Ving Rhames", "Coriolanus", "Pinocchio", "Natalie Cole", "Pawtucket", "Downey", "Thandie Newton", "long snapper", "Battle of Passchendaele", "Frank Spotnitz", "freestyle wrestling", "David Nutter", "University of Pennsylvania", "table tennis", "Filmfare Award for Best Actress", "Karisma Kapoor", "Richard Rodney Bennett", "St. Cloud", "Kelsey Grammer", "Decatur", "Jim Reardon", "Victor Victoria", "University of Maine", "Henri Matisse", "Aliens", "James Cromwell", "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", "Yes Man", "PopCap Games", "Ella Fitzgerald", "Andrea Romano", "Luc Besson", "Paul Reubens", "Paresh Rawal", "Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor", "ER", "David Mills", "Scoop", "Edward VII", "Moonrise Kingdom", "Richard Taylor", "Dazed and Confused", "Goya Award for Best Film", "Aaron Staton", "Drake Bell", "Madrid", "Harrisburg", "2001: A Space Odyssey", "The Postman", "Paul McCartney", "Katrina Bowden", "Judah Friedlander", "Jude Ciccolella", "Buena Vista Home Entertainment", "Amy Poehler", "Midnight Cowboy", "Broward County", "Bipasha Basu", "Juanes", "Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album", "Tangled", "Sunil Dutt", "THINKFilm", "Gigli", "obesity", "prostate cancer", "John Gielgud", "noise music", "Alemannia Aachen", "Lily Allen", "Los Angeles Chargers", "Gifu Prefecture", "Wilco", "talk show", "Exeter City F.C.", "Bon Jovi", "Sienna Guillory", "Glen Campbell", "B. J. Novak", "Mary-Ellis Bunim", "Maharashtra", "Helen Hayes", "Jim Jonsin", "Max Fleischer", "Aasif Mandvi", "University of South Florida", "Northampton Town F.C.", "U.D. Leiria", "Julianna Margulies", "Water for Elephants", "Georgia national football team", "Michelangelo Antonioni", "Houston", "Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play", "William S. Darling", "Pran", "Uruguay", "Neal McDonough", "London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art", "Eugene O'Neill", "The Piano", "Christian Slater", "CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger", "David Wain", "Role Models", "Anthony Edwards", "Baldwin County", "Brooklyn Law School", "Kurtwood Smith", "Oscar", "Malawi", "Spider-Man", "Pennsylvania's 12th congressional district", "Teachers College", "An Education", "epic film", "Arkansas", "Peter Buck", "Tim Roth", "Danville", "Rosemary's Baby", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "stallion", "Danny Glover", "The Royal Tenenbaums", "vibraphone", "Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure", "Jean Louis", "South Carolina", "Anastasia", "Wesley Snipes", "The Virgin Suicides", "2002 Major League Baseball draft", "Solitary Man", "Michael Douglas", "acid rock", "Hustle & Flow", "Warren Zevon", "Dropkick Murphys", "The New World", "Skidmore College", "general counsel", "Johnson & Johnson", "Fordham University", "Don DeLillo", "Herb Alpert", "Barry Sonnenfeld", "ABC Afterschool Special", "Chris Columbus", "Anthony Minghella", "Joe Cocker", "The Cell", "Bucks County", "Culver City", "Clube de Regatas do Flamengo", "Albemarle County", "Gaumont Film Company", "TCU Horned Frogs football", "David Angell", "detective", "Cole Porter", "John Steinbeck", "Jack Thompson", "Alok Nath", "And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself", "4th United States Congress", "Ken Russell", "Showgirls", "Thin Lizzy", "Crimean War", "Ottoman Empire", "Julia Louis-Dreyfus", "Savannah Guthrie", "MSNBC", "Donald McAlpine", "The Dukes of Hazzard", "associate degree", "Ingrid Bergman", "Bill Melendez", "David Hyde Pierce", "Zachary Quinto", "Richard Fleischer", "Dalian Shide F.C.", "The Bronx High School of Science", "Windsor County", "January", "The King of Comedy", "PFC CSKA Sofia", "William Cameron Menzies", "John Cage", "Birmingham City F.C.", "Chris Wood", "Ray Allen", "Flushing", "Christian Bale", "T-Pain", "Taye Diggs", "Roy Orbison", "Sunset Boulevard", "NSYNC", "The Color Purple", "Clark University", "The Barbarian Invasions", "De La Salle University", "The Hangover Part II", "Collateral", "Marvin Hamlisch", "Muse", "Randy Newman", "Snoop Dogg", "Franklin", "A Time to Kill", "Arnon Milchan", "California State University, Fresno", "Central African Republic", "Portmore United F.C.", "Loreena McKennitt", "State University of New York at Purchase", "Denver Broncos", "Rangers F.C.", "Laura Carmichael", "major depressive disorder", "psychiatry", "Weimar", "Robert L. Surtees", "Judy Davis", "Oklahoma!", "Talia Shire", "February", "Julia", "relief pitcher", "Charlie Kaufman", "Samantha Morton", "Blade: Trinity", "Tuscarawas County", "Sam Bush", "dressage", "Blizzard Entertainment", "From Dusk till Dawn", "Mark Harmon", "Flagstaff", "Eagle Eye", "Worcester College", "Shia Islam", "Starsky & Hutch", "Guinea-Bissau", "The View", "Lausanne", "Adventureland", "Arthur C. Clarke", "1986 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Hal Pereira", "Frank R. McKelvy", "Jeremy Sisto", "Sean McNamara", "Andrew Stevens", "The A-Team", "Lewis Black", "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones", "2012 Toronto International Film Festival", "fatigue", "Marietta", "Glenn Close", "Bernardo Bertolucci", "RCD Mallorca", "Falklands War", "Counting Crows", "Patrick Doyle", "Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance", "hammered dulcimer", "Italo Calvino", "West Virginia University", "Marillion", "slide", "Ronnie Wood", "Silver Linings Playbook", "McDonald's", "Blythe Danner", "Meet the Parents", "Sam Mendes", "August", "Rowan Atkinson", "Didier Six", "John Ford", "The Quiet Man", "Bob Balaban", "Jason Schwartzman", "Monroe", "Kim Basinger", "Edward R. Pressman", "Mary Lynn Rajskub", "High Wycombe", "Charles Boyer", "Henry Rollins", "Tucker: The Man and His Dream", "art of painting", "Pratt Institute", "2007 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Hugo Award for Best Novelette", "Brokeback Mountain", "Gustavo Santaolalla", "Theodore Shapiro", "Along Came Polly", "noise pop", "Pixies", "Providence County", "Lima", "Milt Franklyn", "Frank Pierson", "Jennifer Connelly", "Requiem for a Dream", "Leslie Bricusse", "Grenoble", "baseball", "Los Angeles Dodgers", "brain tumor", "Guatemala", "Mila Kunis", "Lost, season 3", "Lost", "United States Department of Defense", "Staten Island", "Bucharest", "Charlie's Angels", "Tom Green", "Rodney Jerkins", "George Mason University", "George Fenton", "The History Boys", "David Lean", "RuPaul", "Iris", "Taylor Lautner", "Daniel Dae Kim", "The Kingdom", "Jerry Herman", "Emily Blunt", "The Music Man", "Derek Jeter", "infielder", "Battle of Britain", "Victoria Beckham", "University of South Carolina", "Columbia", "Paraguay national football team", "Club Libertad", "John Bailey", "Austronesian languages", "MTV2", "Back to the Future Part II", "graph theory", "James Denton", "Ben Folds", "2007 NBA Draft", "University of Oregon", "Reading", "California State University, Los Angeles", "Macy Gray", "Chelsea", "Brevard County", "Trabzonspor", "Cattaraugus County", "Eric Idle", "John Cleese", "Norfolk County", "Hannibal", "Nick Nolte", "Hotel Rwanda", "Susannah York", "Passaic County", "Dead Man", "Iggy Pop", "Philippe Rousselot", "Bernard Hill", "Steven Soderbergh", "New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Film", "Thora Birch", "Joe Jonas", "Fulham F.C.", "Congo", "Swahili", "16th United States Congress", "Bharatiya Janata Party", "treasurer", "PBS", "Schleswig-Holstein", "Kiel", "tobacco smoking", "esophageal cancer", "Mission: Impossible", "Capsicum", "DL-lysine", "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Any Given Sunday", "Kansas City Chiefs", "Road Trip", "Christmas", "The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause", "Quiz Show", "Michael Ballhaus", "Yiddish", "Natchitoches", "Detroit Pistons", "Long Beach", "Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal", "The Black Keys", "Oahu", "Cats & Dogs", "14th United States Congress", "Filmfare Award for Best Film", "Adam McKay", "Tom Waits", "Universal Records", "Brian Geraghty", "Ali Larter", "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back", "Sayaji Shinde", "Casper", "EastEnders", "S.S.C. Napoli", "Kyle Chandler", "Lena Horne", "astronomy", "Latvia", "David Benioff", "Rihanna", "58th Academy Awards", "Sydney", "Oak Park", "Ip Man", "Timbales", "Steve Miller Band", "Robert Morse", "Motherland", "Ghostbusters II", "Michael Chapman", "Damages", "Poles", "Lois McMaster Bujold", "Gregory Nicotero", "Antwone Fisher", "Ironclad", "35th Academy Awards", "Drexel University", "The Sum of All Fears", "Martie Maguire", "fiddle", "Zac Efron", "Basingstoke", "Cherokee", "Council Bluffs", "Preston Sturges", "Marlon Wayans", "Sexy Beast", "Washington State University", "Philip K. Dick", "racism", "FC Energie Cottbus", "Great Britain", "Jimmy Page", "Gold Coast United FC", "Stephen Goosson", "Charles B. Rangel", "The Ghost Writer", "Kettering Town F.C.", "Shueisha", "Chiyoda-ku", "consumer electronics", "Lana Turner", "The Bad and the Beautiful", "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief", "Danubio F.C.", "Lindsay Crouse", "University of Reading", "Latin Grammy Awards of 2004", "Dalhousie University", "Alastair Reynolds", "Tony Scott", "Colorado Avalanche", "Thomas Hardy", "Topeka", "Shirley MacLaine", "The Trouble with Harry", "War and Peace", "Jules Dassin", "Rob Paulsen", "Porco Rosso", "Keith Forsey", "Cumbria", "Lauren Ambrose", "Wimbledon F.C.", "Grease", "Jay Chou", "United States Army", "Pepperdine University", "corticosteroid", "Happy-Go-Lucky", "Seven", "Lynwood", "Comcast", "Janeane Garofalo", "An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn", "Cincinnati", "Billy Crystal", "Moon", "Sony", "Orson Welles", "Styria", "Graz", "Amy Ryan", "MTV", "Maxis", "BSC Young Boys", "Soviet Union", "Freiburg im Breisgau", "The Stand", "Kiki's Delivery Service", "Yale Divinity School", "bladder cancer", "Andy Williams", "Colorado Rapids", "Nassar", "Tamil", "Rick Springfield", "Dances with Wolves", "Mary McDonnell", "Christine Lahti", "Pensacola", "Mstislav Rostropovich", "Transylvania", "Dolly Parton", "FC Tom Tomsk", "Sukumari", "Michael Moriarty", "Trinity Hall", "Mary Kay Place", "Talking Heads", "Sylvia Sidney", "All About My Mother", "Communist Party of India (Marxist)", "communism", "Billy Corgan", "Planet of the Apes", "Hold Back the Dawn", "An Ideal Husband", "classic rock", "Etta James", "59th Golden Globe Awards", "Booker T. Jones", "28th United States Congress", "Hairspray", "The Bridges of Madison County", "Shreveport", "Penelope Wilton", "Thomas Jefferson", "Jefferson County", "Guyana", "Loyola University Chicago", "Jaws", "Carl Gustav Jung", "DePaul University", "Isaac Stern", "Itzhak Perlman", "Edward Elgar", "Berlin International Film Festival", "58th Berlin International Film Festival", "Reprise Records", "Hensley Meulens", "Unstoppable", "A Man for All Seasons", "Barbara Stanwyck", "computer hardware", "Jeff Daniels", "The Squid and the Whale", "Club Olimpia", "Haruki Murakami", "Time 100", "chairperson", "Rust and Bone", "New York Law School", "Whip It", "Dijon", "Julius J. Epstein", "Tim Van Patten", "Tel Aviv University", "Irene Lentz", "costume designer", "Stockholm", "The Messenger", "Lili Taylor", "The Edge", "Gordon Brown", "New Romanticism", "San Luis Obispo County", "San Luis Obispo", "SC Freiburg", "1984 Winter Olympics", "Crewe Alexandra F.C.", "water polo", "Palm Beach County", "Donald Sumpter", "Eastern Promises", "Lady in the Water", "Jeffrey Wright", "San Marino", "Michael Gough", "Seymour Cassel", "Halesowen Town F.C.", "Standing in the Shadows of Motown", "Angelo Badalamenti", "Michael Winterbottom", "Brenda Strong", "Patrick Loubert", "William Joyce", "Kelly Preston", "monster film", "Josh Groban", "crossover", "computer engineering", "Washington University in St.\u00a0Louis", "Jayma Mays", "Eurythmics", "London Film Critics Circle Award for Director of the Year", "Illeana Douglas", "Get Him to the Greek", "Susan Blu", "Juelz Santana", "Bobby Cannavale", "Robert Zigler Leonard", "Amy Nuttall", "Victor Young", "Belmont University", "Bachelor of Business Administration", "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series", "Aston Villa F.C.", "Nine", "Nick Cannon", "Jive Records", "FC Unirea Urziceni", "Chatham County", "Savannah", "Paris, je t'aime", "Ben Gazzara", "The Towering Inferno", "January Jones", "Bruce Campbell", "Naples", "Rhodesia", "LGBT social movements", "The Song of Bernadette", "OCAD University", "Regis Philbin", "Tim Rice", "London Borough of Camden", "Kent County", "Larry Cohen", "Skillet", "Two and a Half Men", "Tehran", "Art Students League of New York", "Claudette Colbert", "Wild at Heart", "Al Ain FC", "doom metal", "Fred Tatasciore", "The Master", "Lacey Chabert", "Juneau", "Elliott Gould", "Om Shanti Om", "Christopher Wren", "Royal Society", "John Barry", "27th United States Congress", "Red Star Belgrade", "Santa Clara County", "Stanford", "7th United States Congress", "Malta national football team", "1980 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "chamber music", "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End", "Lee Garmes", "Toni Morrison", "Virginia Woolf", "C.D. Tenerife", "Jeff Richmond", "Kay Cannon", "Charles Dance", "Tony Bennett", "Barry Levinson", "Ray Romano", "Jill Clayburgh", "Ron Paul", "Ciara", "Eliza Dushku", "Karl Marx", "2012", "Club Universidad de Chile", "Ryanair", "Boeing 737", "Bryan Forbes", "Korean War", "Marion County", "Deep Impact", "disaster film", "Uppsala", "The Lost Weekend", "Los Angeles Kings", "John Keats", "Romanticism", "Clive Davis", "Charles University", "Paul Williams", "Akshay Kumar", "Clearwater", "Dilip Kumar", "Don Henley", "infection", "pneumonia", "Edward Lachman", "Vaucluse", "Fred Thompson", "canton of Bern", "FC Volga Nizhny Novgorod", "H.N.K. Hajduk Split", "Sean Hayes", "Sam Rockwell", "Ulysses S. Grant", "Ashley Tisdale", "Jeff Bhasker", "57th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Canton", "Phil Ramone", "Simon Baker", "soft rock", "Exeter", "Comedy Central", "Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds", "progressive metal", "That '70s Show", "Stockport County F.C.", "Tim Carvell", "Freddie Mercury", "AIDS", "animal rights", "The Specialist", "Rod Steiger", "George Strait", "Shanghai Noon", "Laura Dern", "Let the Right One In", "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "Alien", "Quadrophenia", "Chinese Civil War", "Jack Palance", "City Slickers", "Waseda University", "Bedazzled", "Providence College", "silver", "Django Unchained", "David Alan Grier", "Coventry", "Queens of the Stone Age", "Charlotte Rampling", "United 93", "Robbie Coltrane", "Harry Turtledove", "Robert E. Howard", "Americas", "Shackleton", "Philip Roth", "Northern Illinois University", "sugar", "Henry Grace", "Annie Lennox", "G.D. Estoril Praia", "Sonic Youth", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "Jeri Taylor", "Fernando Trueba", "South Shields", "Stephen Dorff", "Gambia", "Newcastle United F.C.", "Sivasspor", "Kate Beckinsale", "Mighty Aphrodite", "Mira Sorvino", "Kurt Vonnegut", "Humphrey Bogart", "70th Academy Awards", "First Continental Congress", "Jason Reitman", "attack", "Operation Barbarossa", "Michael L. Printz Award", "Ron Carter", "Warren G. Harding", "Murphy Brown", "Colorado State University", "Four Rooms", "Blake Edwards", "Lorraine", "Megan Fox", "Tanzania", "Conrad Hall", "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2", "Daniel Day-Lewis", "An Early Frost", "Gena Rowlands", "Maid in Manhattan", "Zodiac", "Astoria", "Debra Messing", "Elia Kazan", "Tony Award for Best Direction of a Play", "Entertainment One", "Linz", "33rd Academy Awards", "Peter Ustinov", "Todd Field", "Kirstie Alley", "ABS-CBN (TV Network)", "beef", "manganese", "Chelmsford", "Delroy Lindo", "The Transformers: The Movie", "experimental rock", "Jerry O'Connell", "Matt Chamberlain", "Memphis", "Serie A", "Genoa Cricket and Football Club", "A Prophet", "Bruce Willis", "Romania national football team", "N. T. Rama Rao", "Hyderabad", "Allman Brothers Band", "James Wong Howe", "F.C. Dallas", "Carlos Ruiz", "Jack Bender", "Catwoman", "Gordon Willis", "William H. Macy", "Lorenzo Music", "David Zucker", "Spike Lee", "Thiago Silva", "Robert Mitchum", "Ed Begley, Jr.", "Perth Glory FC", "Omaha", "Shortbus", "Thunderball", "An Inconvenient Truth", "Cercle Brugge K.S.V.", "Anne Bancroft", "Marcel Proust", "post-punk revival", "Holyoke", "Jeremy Piven", "Anguilla", "Joe Shuster", "Kathie Lee Gifford", "Anorthosis Famagusta FC", "34th Berlin International Film Festival", "Contact", "kung fu film", "Sacramento Kings", "Chris Waddle", "Activision Publishing, Inc.", "Guitar Hero 5", "Richard Hammond", "Doctor Eggman", "Frederick", "New Mexico", "Fort Myers", "Breakfast on Pluto", "Draco Rosa", "Ashkenazi Jews", "James Madison", "Jeffrey Jones", "Euro disco", "Rang De Basanti", "ethanol", "Michel Foucault", "La Dolce Vita", "Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street", "Rick Berman", "Ronald D. Moore", "Shawn Pyfrom", "Bernadette Peters", "Ohio Wesleyan University", "Togo national football team", "Kochi", "Billy Dee Williams", "Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School", "Leo Tolstoy", "Mike Portnoy", "Infernal Affairs III", "McLean", "Walter Wanger", "Dane Cook", "Caribbean", "Juventus F.C.", "Partick Thistle F.C.", "Richard Crenna", "Rambo III", "Elvis Presley", "Amy Smart", "Brunei", "Eastman School of Music", "Rose Byrne", "Wyatt Cenac", "Essen", "Mohave County", "African Development Bank", "Mauritius", "protein", "Laura Linney", "Abigail Breslin", "Godoy Cruz Antonio Tomba", "Sudan", "Cannes Best Director Award", "Days of Heaven", "Clash of the Titans", "6th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "S. Epatha Merkerson", "The Last Airbender", "Samuel L. Jackson", "Sydney Olympic FC", "Maroon 5", "Hudson County", "Bayonne", "The Penguins of Madagascar", "Nickelodeon", "Sacramento", "The Quiet American", "Takoma Park", "Topher Grace", "Brian De Palma", "American Graffiti", "Sonora", "Chico", "Ilaiyaraaja", "Liguria", "djembe", "Bologna", "Alex Rodriguez", "Barnstable County", "character actor", "Phoenix Suns", "William Powell", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Rap Video", "Corpus Christi College", "John Michael Higgins", "Michael Lerner", "Brian Eno", "Ian Holm", "The Secret in Their Eyes", "Japan Academy Prize for Director of the Year", "Jersey", "Ninotchka", "cartoonist", "Donnie Yen", "Shanghai Knights", "World War I", "Vincent Kartheiser", "Kim Stanley Robinson", "Matthew Fox", "Primary Colors", "Mildred Pierce", "South Vietnam", "North Carolina Central University", "Enchanted", "Spelman College", "Balliol College", "Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic", "The Poseidon Adventure", "A Passage to India", "Tokyo", "Robert Wyatt", "Antigua and Barbuda", "time in China", "Qingdao", "Salem", "John Ritter", "Toulouse F.C.", "Bowling Green", "Howards End", "DL-proline", "Steve Golin", "Freddie Francis", "Axis", "Jonathan Demme", "Fiddler on the Roof", "Enix", "The Invention of Lying", "Aargau", "University of East Anglia", "Germans", "Anna Faris", "RedOne", "slapstick", "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas", "David Warner", "FC Baku", "Ismaily SC", "Emily Osment", "Judaism", "Luther", "FC Utrecht", "Real Steel", "Butte", "Michael Collins", "Elliot Goldenthal", "American Zoetrope", "Tim Conway", "Club Deportivo Guadalajara", "Fast Five", "Eva Mendes", "Antioch College", "Dresden", "Jim Henson", "Rebecca Hall", "Executive Office of the President of the United States", "Gerald Ford", "Southfield", "Guy Ritchie", "Roy Carroll", "Mandy Moore", "Droylsden F.C.", "My Neighbor Totoro", "Rajesh Khanna", "Fred Ward", "Ryan Seacrest", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Director", "Mississippi State University", "Dianna Agron", "James A. Garfield", "Richard Nixon", "Boys Don't Cry", "Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay", "Amy Robach", "Tuscola County", "Fast Food Nation", "Leipzig", "activism", "Viking metal", "black metal", "Marquette University", "Dwyane Wade", "Working Girl", "60th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Jean Smart", "The Pink Panther 2", "Adam Levine", "Mike Leigh", "Satellite Awards 2006", "Katherine Heigl", "Chicago Hope", "Isaac Hayes", "GoldenEye", "Sara Ramirez", "Crazy, Stupid, Love.", "George Frideric Handel", "Kent State University", "preacher", "The Hurt Locker", "Tangerine Dream", "The Isley Brothers", "The Island Def Jam Music Group", "Leon Schlesinger", "Armand Assante", "Albert Jarrett", "Sandy Powell", "advertising", "Anna Camp", "The Killers", "AFC Wimbledon", "Seth Meyers", "Brian Posehn", "Laurence Fishburne", "Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance", "Basic Instinct 2", "R. Lee Ermey", "Jacob Vargas", "Latin hip hop", "East Coast hip hop", "Bronze Star Medal", "Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie", "Billie Joe Armstrong", "Elko County", "Kool & the Gang", "Glee: The 3D Concert Movie", "Notts County F.C.", "Jeff Garlin", "Larry Charles", "Michael C. Hall", "CBS Records", "Theofanis Gekas", "Get Low", "Dorothy Fields", "mellotron", "Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers", "University of San Francisco", "research associate", "Panionios F.C.", "S.C. Braga", "James Garner", "Al Franken", "Uni\u00f3n Deportiva Las Palmas", "Abilene", "Jonathan Murray", "Patty Duke", "Fear the Walking Dead", "Kate Moss", "Batman: Gotham Knight", "Bruce Timm", "George A. Romero", "Michael Powell", "Tarzana", "Russian", "Sicilian Mafia", "triangle", "Newfoundland", "Memorial University of Newfoundland", "Cadillac Records", "Kevin McHale", "Kevin Dunn", "Seychelles", "Mike Nawrocki", "Grey Gardens", "FCU Craiova 1948", "Community", "Topsy-Turvy", "Jack McBrayer", "Oswald Morris", "Anthony Quayle", "Burn After Reading", "Politecnico di Milano", "Sheffield United F.C.", "Finland national football team", "The Scorpion King", "Chronicle", "SV Waldhof Mannheim", "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead", "Doris Day", "Jumper", "Bryan Batt", "Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical", "R.C. Lens", "David Dhawan", "Bonnie Raitt", "Paul Auster", "The Best Years of Our Lives", "evolution", "Tootsie", "Shasta County", "Redding", "Alex North", "Hal Smith", "Charles Mingus Jr.", "Digimon Adventure", "Elmer Bernstein", "Lost Highway", "neo-noir", "Don Siegel", "Damian Marley", "ragga", "36th Academy Awards", "Amelia", "theft", "The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond", "Curb Records", "Gary Numan", "Pat Hingle", "reality television", "Zhang Yimou", "Vondie Curtis-Hall", "15 Minutes", "Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel", "Mark Gordon", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program", "Mark Kirkland", "Saturn Award for Best Actor", "Western Illinois University", "Union of South Africa", "Presidency University", "IMAX", "Scottish American", "Richard Matheson", "United States Cabinet", "Bob Geldof", "The Men Who Stare at Goats", "Emilie de Ravin", "Madchester", "Carol Kane", "Huelva", "George Washington University", "University of Cincinnati", "Batman Returns", "Jack Nitzsche", "Toni Collette", "heterosexuality", "1991 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "71st Academy Awards", "New Wave of British Heavy Metal", "Wayne Dyer", "Montserrat national football team", "Veneto", "Media Asia Entertainment Group", "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey", "international relations", "Octopussy", "Gustavo Cerati", "University of Paris", "Jorge Garcia", "James LeGros", "Minneapolis", "Chevrolet", "Johnny Green", "The Flaming Lips", "San Francisco 49ers", "National Aeronautics and Space Administration", "John Dingell, Jr.", "Morgantown", "Reed College", "osteoporosis", "John Denver", "Victoria University of Wellington", "Weber State University", "Curse of the Golden Flower", "Superman III", "Irvine", "Ulsan Hyundai FC", "epilepsy", "The Butterfly Effect", "Wes Craven", "Chris Evans", "Patrick Swayze", "Morgan Stanley", "Belize", "Milton Friedman", "k.d. lang", "Taken", "The Jackson 5", "Paul Giamatti", "Mick Harvey", "Linda Cardellini", "Universal Studios Home Entertainment", "Empire of the Sun", "Homeland", "John Rawls", "50 Cent", "Alzheimer's disease", "hypertension", "Douglas MacArthur", "University of Groningen", "J. T. Walsh", "Oklahoma Sooners football", "Grey's Anatomy", "Henry David Thoreau", "Washoe County", "Humboldt County", "Zach Galifianakis", "County Limerick", "Limerick", "Croatian", "Tom Scott", "New Orleans", "Bellingham", "Ismail Merchant", "James Ivory", "Clint Black", "Chicago blues", "The Duchess", "Bret McKenzie", "Walsall F.C.", "Harvard Medical School", "West Virginia Mountaineers football", "Delaware", "Martin Clunes", "Franklin Delano Roosevelt", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Sound Editing", "Danny Aiello", "A Simple Life", "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen", "Middlesbrough F.C.", "Thomas Lennon", "Meet Joe Black", "Charlie Cox", "Aleksa Palladino", "Paul Dini", "Mimi Rogers", "69th Academy Awards", "Gallipoli", "Winston-Salem", "The Incredible String Band", "American Pie 2", "Grand Forks", "Happy Feet", "Madeline Kahn", "Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical", "University of Central Florida", "Liechtenstein national football team", "University of Sheffield", "Michael Jeter", "Michelle Pfeiffer", "National Book Award for Fiction", "Butch Hartman", "Jack Giarraputo", "You Don't Mess with the Zohan", "Republic of the Congo", "Inverness Caledonian Thistle F.C.", "Monterrey", "Kyle MacLachlan", "Warner Home Video", "38th Academy Awards", "Pueblo", "Saboteur", "Styx", "RKC Waalwijk", "James Hong", "Frank Borzage", "Griffin Dunne", "Joseph F. Biroc", "Kyra Sedgwick", "Lois Lane", "Gainesville", "Colby College", "Sean Connery", "Goldfinger", "Atlanta Falcons", "Star Trek: First Contact", "drowning", "Plymouth County", "Brockton", "Appalachian Mountains", "Iron Sky", "Dermot Mulroney", "Wilmer Valderrama", "Grays Harbor County", "Bow Wow", "George J. Folsey", "Brunswick", "Al-Gharafa Sports Club", "University of Portland", "Sacramento County", "Richard Sylbert", "Woodland Hills", "CF Pachuca", "Con Air", "76th Academy Awards", "Great Yarmouth", "North Africa", "Barry Gibb", "Jack Kemp", "Luther Vandross", "Main Hoon Na", "Ian McShane", "Christina Aguilera", "Wake Forest University", "Castle Rock Entertainment", "Melvins", "alternative dance", "Subhash Ghai", "Oldham Athletic A.F.C.", "Synthpunk", "Lord Byron", "Lloyd Bridges", "Julius Caesar", "A.C. Milan", "University of New Brunswick", "Keith Moon", "Hartford", "Swansea", "Green Zone", "Depeche Mode", "Club Tijuana", "Network Ten", "Bodyguards and Assassins", "Carmine Coppola", "Cardiff University", "concertina", "Nicholas Tse", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor", "Wheaton", "drum machine", "Good Will Hunting", "Road to Perdition", "Searching for Debra Winger", "Fringe", "Nancy Pelosi", "Montana State University - Bozeman", "Fredrikstad FK", "Scrubs", "Kid vs. Kat", "Kathleen Barr", "Wellesley College", "Christopher Eccleston", "Tom Brady", "Kiss", "Michael Cera", "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World", "Edward Said", "SV Wehen Wiesbaden", "Fred Astaire", "NBA Rookie of the Year Award", "Isaiah Washington", "University of Westminster", "Rory Gallagher", "Dave Grusin", "James Caan", "Basel", "Indianapolis 500", "National Treasure: Book of Secrets", "Busan IPark", "aviation", "Gap, Inc.", "Sony Pictures Classics", "Bethesda Softworks", "Bethesda", "Palmerston North", "Pompano Beach", "Champagne-Ardenne", "Mumbai", "Karachi", "University of Karachi", "Yann Tiersen", "AOL", "38th Daytime Emmy Awards", "Cebu City", "DreamWorks Animation", "Betty White", "The Golden Girls", "Immanuel Kant", "punt returner", "Joe Jackson", "Jim Clark", "Neil Patrick Harris", "Cedar Rapids", "Queens College", "Scunthorpe United F.C.", "Goya Award for Best Director", "Geoffrey Unsworth", "Eric Fellner", "Rob Schneider", "Colombia national football team", "Sheryl Crow", "Timothy Hutton", "America America", "St. Mirren F.C.", "United States Air Force Academy", "County Durham", "Hartlepool", "Wag the Dog", "hepatitis", "post-bop", "Dulwich College", "P. G. Wodehouse", "Pune", "bagpipes", "Thank You for Smoking", "Heartbeats", "\u201cLa Sapienza\u201d University of Rome", "Barbara Hershey", "James Pickens", "Augusta County", "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs", "57th Golden Globe Awards", "2009 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Estudiantes Tecos", "The Killer Inside Me", "agriculture", "Beloit College", "Samuel Z. Arkoff", "general manager", "Dynasty", "Joan Collins", "Brian Austin Green", "Alan Bergman", "Michael Richards", "Stanford Law School", "Steve Howe", "Blackburn", "Plato", "Martin Luther King Jr.", "The Portrait of a Lady", "19th United States Congress", "Cheshire County", "Yahoo", "coming of age", "Carlsbad", "selenium", "Boston United F.C.", "Timothy Dalton", "Flash Gordon", "The Contender", "Gretchen Mol", "cheese", "ash", "Exeter College", "I Heart Huckabees", "University of Guelph", "oboe", "Willem II", "Diana Ross", "The Who", "Terry Gilliam", "Logan County", "music director", "The Dark Knight", "Bowling for Columbine", "American Kennel Club", "Michael Crichton", "technical support", "Huntington Beach", "The White Stripes", "Mahoning County", "Maldives", "Raymond Massey", "R.S.C. Anderlecht", "Bangkok", "Jack Vance", "Seattle Sounders FC", "Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle", "Carrie Fisher", "9th United States Congress", "Bradley University", "85th Academy Awards", "Greenville", "Roger Moore", "Westminster", "David Foster Wallace", "Whiting Award", "American Masters", "Martin Scorsese", "Mena Suvari", "New York Red Bulls", "sludge metal", "Roger Taylor", "Tom Sizemore", "The Bridge on the River Kwai", "Entourage", "Dennis Lehane", "Errol Flynn", "McNeese State University", "Bruce McGill", "Frank Loesser", "Live and Let Die", "Ramones", "Pittsburgh metropolitan area", "Laxmikant-Pyarelal", "One Life to Live", "Dunedin", "Dan Curtis", "Van Nest Polglase", "Rashida Jones", "Tampa", "Terrence Howard", "Milwaukee", "Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical", "apple", "Gannett Company", "Ki Sung-yueng", "Gabon", "National Film Board of Canada", "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation", "San Bernardino", "E. W. Scripps Company", "Dallas County", "FC Anzhi Makhachkala", "En Avant de Guingamp", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "The Godfather Part III", "Henry V", "Scott Bradley", "PSV Eindhoven", "The Grapes of Wrath", "The Clash", "The Runaways", "Theodore Roosevelt", "Lil Jon", "reggaeton", "Jerry Hey", "Jammu and Kashmir", "Little Richard", "Palestinian National Authority", "instrumental rock", "Lamar Odom", "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story", "Vicenza Calcio", "Mohamed Kallon", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards 2009", "Bellshill", "Scotland", "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", "Victor Hugo", "Columbia Business School", "Jennifer Garner", "Catch Me If You Can", "Machete", "Charles Lang", "Milton R. Krasner", "Eric Roth", "Bachelor of Engineering", "Yui Horie", "Hugh Grant", "2005 Major League Baseball draft", "Pomona College", "Newcastle University", "Danish", "Meshell Ndegeocello", "Sally Field", "Atlanta Hawks", "Richard Strauss", "Putnam County", "John Krasinski", "The Grifters", "Stephen Tobolowsky", "St. Louis County", "post-grunge", "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story", "College of the Holy Cross", "Brendan Gleeson", "New Brunswick", "Heat", "Richard Harris", "Charles Pratt", "Kinji Fukasaku", "Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Year", "Adam Horowitz", "Blade Runner", "Mona Lisa", "Sean Combs", "All Quiet on the Western Front", "Katie Couric", "Reading F.C.", "Deportivo Toluca F.C.", "Durham", "egg", "Monounsaturated fat", "Los Angeles Rams", "will.i.am", "F. Scott Fitzgerald", "Peter Horton", "Paul Francis Webster", "European Film Award for Best Composer", "Port Arthur", "Regensburg", "Craig Barron", "Hotel Transylvania", "Bird", "Meredith Vieira", "Killing Them Softly", "Ben Elton", "Jean-Jacques Rousseau", "Perl", "procedural programming", "Marc Shaiman", "Baylor University", "Fanny and Alexander", "Greenock Morton F.C.", "Toronto FC", "Martin Balsam", "Algeria national football team", "The African Queen", "Peter Facinelli", "Philadelphia Phillies", "disc jockey", "Bologna F.C. 1909", "Ghost", "Glory", "University of Louisiana at Monroe", "Tom Cruise", "Me and Orson Welles", "Feroz Khan", "Thomas Mitchell", "riboflavin", "London Business School", "Santa Fe", "SpongeBob SquarePants", "Cascade Range", "Wyatt Earp", "Guelph", "William Gibson", "Little Women", "Dick Powell", "Los Gatos", "Little Children", "Grants Pass", "Valparaiso University", "Band Aid", "Hartlepool United F.C.", "Jermaine Easter", "Jesse Louis Lasky", "District 9", "Jan de Bont", "Richard Wagner", "Serj Tankian", "Jon Vitti", "Lock Up", "Southern Illinois University Carbondale", "Angela's Ashes", "K.R.C. Genk", "The Third Man", "Carol Reed", "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me", "Michelle Yeoh", "Real Madrid Castilla football", "Bolt", "Guys and Dolls", "Howard Bristol", "acoustic music", "John Cusack", "Harry Dean Stanton", "The Rose", "Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv", "St. John's", "Queens' College", "Hawaii", "David Suchet", "Timothy Spall", "Ludacris", "Heart", "Atlantic City", "Bloomfield Hills", "Chris Newman", "The Cabin in the Woods", "Daryl Hannah", "Rupert Holmes", "The Byrds", "jangle pop", "John Huston", "1976 Winter Olympics", "Spencer Tracy", "Verity Lambert", "Martin Mull", "Jim Dale", "Josh Lucas", "Swept Away", "Berkshire", "Slough", "Oliver Hardy", "Bel Ami", "sinusitis", "The Fisher King", "Jack Lemmon", "Happy Days", "Cochin Haneefa", "Rachel Portman", "Essex County", "The Pursuit of Happyness", "Friday Night Lights", "Bonnie Hunt", "A Bug's Life", "Duquesne University", "David Robb", "Elizabeth McGovern", "Kuomintang", "Juan Mata", "Melvyn Douglas", "Oscar Nunez", "serum", "Barrow A.F.C.", "partner", "vomiting", "roots rock", "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", "A Separation", "Rip Torn", "Texas A&M University", "Gloria Estefan", "University of Kansas", "Women in Love", "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc", "Jerry Weintraub", "El Salvador national football team", "Sofia Coppola", "U-571", "Rick Kline", "Urbs Reggina 1914", "Outagamie County", "Tess", "East Tennessee State University", "Cork City F.C.", "Vantage Point", "Jane Alexander", "Savages", "Raphael", "fever", "Greene County", "\u03b2-carotene", "Aaliyah", "Barry White", "Nelson", "BT", "Nettwerk", "AIK Fotboll", "California Golden Bears football", "Pittsfield", "Berkshire County", "Middle East", "That's My Boy", "8 Mile", "Gilbert Gottfried", "John Heard", "Awakenings", "Donny Osmond", "Sydney FC", "Tompkins County", "April", "Uzbekistan", "Hrithik Roshan", "Harrison Ford", "Empire State Building", "Kareena Kapoor", "Julie Walters", "Billy Elliot", "Hannover 96", "Indiana University", "Stan Laurel", "Case Western Reserve University", "Guillermo del Toro", "John Updike", "Nathaniel Hawthorne", "Carnage", "Erie County", "Blue Note Records", "Adelaide", "South Australia", "Potsdam", "Fort Lauderdale Strikers", "Andy Dick", "German Democratic Republic", "Dame", "Adam West", "Frank Tashlin", "French Third Republic", "Brunswick County", "Fortune 500", "Hearst", "University of Memphis", "Alejandro Sanz", "Nike", "Flight of the Conchords", "The Lion King", "Robert Patrick", "Middle Eastern theatre of World War I", "Arbroath F.C.", "Elisabeth Shue", "Cardiff City F.C.", "Richard Feynman", "Lords of Dogtown", "1995 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Richard Hunt", "Ryan Reynolds", "The Spiderwick Chronicles", "Interscope Records", "63rd Academy Awards", "Suresh Gopi", "Stephen Stills", "Tokyo Yakult Swallows", "gothic metal", "Greensboro", "1989 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Anthony Perkins", "Kenyon College", "freestyle skiing", "Vanity Fair", "E.S. Troyes A.C.", "Jim Sheridan", "Dublin", "Rock Hudson", "Giancarlo Esposito", "Casablanca", "George Hopkins", "Elizabeth: The Golden Age", "Tracey Ullman", "Scottsdale", "Team America: World Police", "Cairo", "Thousand Oaks", "mezzo-soprano", "INXS", "Richard D. Zanuck", "Burnett Guffey", "Kingdom of Great Britain", "James G. Robinson", "Shatrughan Sinha", "Patna", "Gabriel Byrne", "Leslie Cheung", "nursing", "The Late Shift", "Gentleman's Agreement", "Gregory Peck", "Mad About You", "Rob Thomas", "Barnet F.C.", "Quincy Jones", "Cheech Marin", "Robert Silverberg", "Alicia Keys", "S.V. Zulte Waregem", "Casey Kasem", "Malayali", "Jim Steinman", "New Age", "Chariots of Fire", "The Last Station", "Patrizia von Brandenstein", "Antigua and Barbuda national football team", "Cyprus", "50/50", "Kyoto", "Lowell High School", "Matthew Lillard", "Amtrak", "Mike O'Malley", "Akron", "Robert Louis Stevenson", "Dean Stockwell", "Cisco Systems", "Ry Cooder", "Tom McCarthy", "Falkirk", "Steven Wright", "Dominion of New Zealand", "The Wiz", "Lloyd Alexander", "Terry Pratchett", "Kari Wahlgren", "Tuscany", "Lucca", "Bing Crosby", "traditional pop music", "Cook County", "Bend", "Reliance Entertainment", "Christopher Sabat", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Pop Video", "Carole King", "Alexandre Dumas", "Stade Rennais F.C.", "P.S. I Love You", "French Polynesia", "Roberto Benigni", "Angola", "handball", "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", "Burkina Faso", "Kingston University", "Myrna Loy", "Brooklyn College", "pundit", "Modena", "Emilia-Romagna", "Eswatini", "House", "Fukuoka Prefecture", "Vinod Khanna", "Peter Stormare", "Mrs Henderson Presents", "Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic", "Kellogg School of Management", "Fashion Institute of Technology", "Jorma Taccone", "John Cassavetes", "Costa Rica", "hurdy-gurdy", "Starship Troopers", "New York metropolitan area", "Bend It Like Beckham", "Columbus", "American Wedding", "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing for a Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special", "Mark Damon", "Ottawa Senators", "Queen of the Damned", "James Joyce", "Z\u00fcrich", "Davidson College", "Wii", "children's film", "Cory Monteith", "Northern Arizona University", "Gaziantepspor", "Buenos Aires Province", "SK Brann", "2006 NFL Draft", "Robert Bolt", "Empire of Japan", "Long Branch", "Melanie Griffith", "Gloucester County", "krautrock", "Scatman Crothers", "Jury Prize", "Z", "Utrecht University", "I Love You, Man", "Joe Pantoliano", "Noah Wyle", "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", "Peter Farrelly", "Bobby Farrelly", "1997 Grammy Awards", "Hal B. Wallis", "Mission: Impossible III", "Edmonton", "Kiev", "Daytona Beach", "The Ultimate Fighter", "Anchorage", "Alaska Time Zone", "Coach Carter", "Nicholas II of Russia", "Epic Movie", "Vassar College", "Merlin", "Sam Neill", "Master of Laws", "Agatha Christie", "Death on the Nile", "Antonio Banderas", "Shizuoka Prefecture", "Makati", "Maggie Cheung", "Speed Racer", "North Yorkshire", "William Morris", "rapcore", "John Box", "arachidonic acid", "Don Black", "Walter Scharf", "Oklahoma", "Port Vale F.C.", "Red Bank", "Mia Farrow", "Club Atl\u00e9tico San Lorenzo de Almagro", "Joely Richardson", "Fox Kids", "Rachael Leigh Cook", "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children", "Bahrain national football team", "Lawless", "Connecticut College", "New London", "Harold Perrineau", "Hellboy", "Kingdom of Heaven", "Data East", "Craig Robinson", "Tony Kushner", "Middlesex", "Heart of Midlothian F.C.", "Ryan Murphy", "Brotherhood of the Wolf", "Bea Benaderet", "Trinity University", "2000 Cannes Film Festival", "Drew Goddard", "Derry City F.C.", "The Proposal", "Rita Moreno", "Hertford College", "Ve Neill", "Bill Mantlo", "Blessed Virgin Mary", "George Barnes", "Beaufort County", "Breckin Meyer", "Street Fighter II V", "BBC Films", "Alexander Golitzen", "AZ Alkmaar", "Toby Emmerich", "Working Title Films", "Very Bad Things", "North Vietnam", "Claire Bloom", "Ukraine national football team", "Jessalyn Gilsig", "Pam Tillis", "Teaneck", "Charles Brackett", "Tempe", "Akira Kurosawa", "skeleton", "Alton", "Danbury", "Will Arnett", "Def Leppard", "Viborg FF", "Tricky Stewart", "Howie Mandel", "Vodafone", "Lauren Graham", "Xzibit", "Richard Dawkins", "Selena Gomez", "Fisher Stevens", "Mecca", "East Africa Time", "Terminator Salvation", "Dirk Bogarde", "1998 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament", "The Chemical Brothers", "Parlophone", "Big Love", "Eastern Kentucky University", "Denholm Elliott", "polyunsaturated fat", "Hallmark Hall of Fame", "Walter Brennan", "Dario Argento", "Michael Apted", "Julie Andrews", "Islamic studies", "28th Golden Globe Awards", "Morecambe F.C.", "Coimbatore", "Manivannan", "Alex Kingston", "Toronto International Film Festival", "Father of the Bride Part II", "Top Hat", "28 Days Later", "40th Academy Awards", "Touchstone Pictures", "Lookout! Records", "Orion Pictures", "Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa", "Tisch School of the Arts", "Jim Carter", "High School Musical", "Waterford", "Peter Sarsgaard", "Hal Roach", "The Goonies", "Magic Mike", "veganism", "Diana Wynne Jones", "Ellie Kemper", "Sanctuary Records", "Red Dragon", "Showtime", "62nd Golden Globe Awards", "Ricardo Antonio Chavira", "David Denman", "Kate Flannery", "Los Lobos", "Erin Brockovich", "University of California, San Diego", "Pineapple Express", "Thailand national football team", "Sweden women's national association football team", "Manoj Kumar", "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian", "University of Nevada, Reno", "Mute Records", "Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug", "Randy Quaid", "Ran", "Chinatown", "Armando Iannucci", "Paul Gross", "meningitis", "Frasier", "Manish Malhotra", "Dial M for Murder", "Salisbury", "Rhys Ifans", "Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance", "John Debney", "air travel", "Paula Abdul", "Alianza F\u00fatbol Club", "Ryan's Daughter", "civil engineering", "University of Nevada, Las Vegas", "Prime Minister of Canada", "premier", "South Holland", "Julian Fellowes", "Sufjan Stevens", "Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man", "Jeff Lynne", "Helsingborg", "University of Essex", "Stanley Donen", "Kal Penn", "The Diary of Anne Frank", "National League", "Tony Levin", "John Lasseter", "New York State Senate", "Albuquerque", "Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation", "50th Academy Awards", "Poul Anderson", "Cuyahoga County", "Michael Shamberg", "Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors", "Seamus Heaney", "El Salvador", "Patton Oswalt", "Louis C.K.", "IFC Films", "Newport News", "Cameron Crowe", "Claremont McKenna College", "Takehito Koyasu", "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", "Xander Berkeley", "Jason Segel", "Harold Pinter", "Shrek Forever After", "neo soul", "SC Heerenveen", "Atlus", "Golden Reel Award", "Israelis", "A Great Day in Harlem", "Igor Stravinsky", "Stephen Dillane", "asthma", "Filipino Americans", "The Fast and the Furious", "Blackburn Rovers F.C.", "Lewis Milestone", "trip hop", "Mark Johnson", "My Sister's Keeper", "David Carney", "Panjab University", "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star", "Quills", "Singin' in the Rain", "Madagascar", "The Cotton Club", "Grant Morrison", "National Institute of Dramatic Art", "Bengali people", "Joseph Haydn", "David Mandel", "Aarhus Gymnastikforening", "Italian cuisine", "The Pirate Movie", "Ken Annakin", "Josh Hartnett", "French people", "Charles de Gaulle", "Welsh people", "Frankenstein", "Jon Polito", "16th Screen Actors Guild Awards", "Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album", "Breaking Away", "Lowell", "Mithun Chakraborty", "There Will Be Blood", "Susan Hayward", "Over the Top", "Nintendo", "Maggie Grace", "John Sayles", "Harry Nilsson", "Lagos", "Lon Chaney Jr.", "Croatia national football team", "Paul", "Reno", "Cochise County", "Academy Award for Best Original Musical Score", "Mississauga", "music video director", "Clark Gable", "The Believer", "Star Trek \u2163: The Voyage Home", "Imogen Heap", "The Ugly Truth", "Villanova University", "Hampstead", "Mark Tinker", "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam", "Smith College", "Hearts and Minds", "Enemy of the State", "Mel Brooks", "Paul Weller", "Fresno County", "Devon", "Cameroon", "South Park", "The Parent Trap", "Bob Hope", "World Golf Hall of Fame", "George III of Great Britain", "headache", "Simon Property Group", "Saturn Award for Best Writing", "Steve Guttenberg", "Inyo County", "University of Pisa", "Moldova national football team", "Ian MacKaye", "industrial rock", "Occidental College", "John Swasey", "Haverford College", "2046", "Dead Poets Society", "Walsall", "Mary McCormack", "Neighbours", "Joanne Woodward", "Rachel Getting Married", "Saxony-Anhalt", "Magdeburg", "Don McKellar", "Randy Jackson", "Robert Young", "Leighton Meester", "Date Night", "instrumental music", "Teletoon", "James Blunt", "bassoon", "Togo", "Newburyport", "Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball", "Patrick Gallagher", "EuropaCorp", "California State University, Fullerton", "William T. Orr", "library science", "Ernest Haller", "University of Zurich", "South Korea national under-23 football team", "J. K. Rowling", "University of Exeter", "Alameda County", "About Schmidt", "DePauw University", "Merian C. Cooper", "Mario Lopez", "Weezer", "Ecuador", "East St. Louis", "St. Clair County", "Brian Keith", "Tampa Bay Rays", "Middle Tennessee State University", "Marcia Wallace", "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader", "Peninsular War", "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist", "Italo disco", "The University of Hong Kong", "Vanguard Records", "University of Leicester", "Mutiny on the Bounty", "Newnham College", "Leon Trotsky", "dance", "Jon Anderson", "Sporting Kansas City", "Vampire Knight", "Detroit Tigers", "Oman", "Richard Linklater", "Maurice Jarre", "Rose McGowan", "Baltimore metropolitan area", "Union", "Wheaton College", "Crispin Glover", "Fairuza Balk", "Cheyenne", "Jessica Tandy", "Elizabeth Perkins", "Jerusalem", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series", "Cybill Shepherd", "Hank Williams Jr.", "The Doobie Brothers", "North Carolina State University", "Jack Warner", "Mono County", "Eastern Europe", "tenor", "When We Were Kings", "Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress", "Siskiyou County", "St Catharine's College, Cambridge", "ethics", "The Shubert Organization", "Radiohead", "Frances Conroy", "Jean Passanante", "University of North Dakota", "Lars Ulrich", "Johann Sebastian Bach", "Ronaldo", "Joe Satriani", "Karlsruher SC", "Blackpool F.C.", "Lesser Poland Voivodeship", "Jane's Addiction", "John Astin", "Goldsmiths, University of London", "Edinburgh", "Stephen Moyer", "Anthony Adverse", "Walter Murphy", "Sammo Hung", "Club Olimpia Deportivo", "Maui", "The New York Times Company", "Jennifer Jason Leigh", "Van Helsing", "Chisago County", "The Young Victoria", "Bob Marley", "Plymouth", "La Salle University", "Julian Glover", "Underbelly", "County Tyrone", "Newport County A.F.C.", "The Rescuers", "Back to the Future", "United States Naval Academy", "Cave of Forgotten Dreams", "2000 Major League Baseball season", "The Spy Who Loved Me", "University of Birmingham", "Arizona Coyotes", "Olivia Newton-John", "David Mamet", "The Verdict", "Willem Dafoe", "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies", "Ipswich Town F.C.", "funk metal", "Steve Schirripa", "Tuvalu", "Mamoru Miyano", "Slaughterhouse-Five", "Brown University", "Vejle Boldklub", "The Muppets", "2009 NFL season", "Russ Meyer", "Toowoomba", "Bridgeport", "Liberal Democrats", "Somerset County", "Winnie the Pooh", "107th United States Congress", "Joan Crawford", "San Francisco Art Institute", "Taxi", "bass clarinet", "Golden Satellite Awards 2004", "Greenock", "Abe Burrows", "University of Adelaide", "PolyGram", "Yes", "Port Elizabeth", "Dallas Mavericks", "Birmingham", "Portage County", "Chunichi Dragons", "Greater Los Angeles Area", "Northridge", "Transylvania University", "Miss Universe", "Liv Ullmann", "Rabindranath Tagore", "Tim Daly", "Tango & Cash", "Podlaskie Voivodeship", "I Shot Andy Warhol", "Brent Spiner", "Screen Gems", "Wrexham A.F.C.", "Franz Waxman", "Bridgeport Sound Tigers", "Marvel Comics", "Stephen Fry", "bipolar disorder", "Alan Oppenheimer", "Oscar Wilde", "CTV Television Network", "Darren Aronofsky", "All in the Family", "Jesse Eisenberg", "Barney's Version", "The Phantom", "Azerbaijan national football team", "Boaz Myhill", "Pasadena", "Pasadena City College", "West Midlands", "West Bromwich", "Robert Montgomery", "Tomorrow Never Dies", "Jaco Pastorius", "28th Academy Awards", "Appleseed Ex Machina", "Vernon Chatman", "Don Messick", "Toei Company", "Barnard College", "Raymond Chow", "Grammy Award for Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance", "liver failure", "liver cirrhosis", "anorexia", "Portland Pirates", "SBV Excelsior", "Jimmy Carter", "Cuban American", "Guns N\u2019 Roses", "PFC Botev Plovdiv", "Sarah Brightman", "Communist Party of the Soviet Union", "Ira Gershwin", "Royal Central School of Speech & Drama", "Jimmy Kimmel", "Matthew Weiner", "Walter Scott", "Jean Cocteau", "David Arnold", "Franchot Tone", "T\u014dh\u014d", "Turkmenistan", "Yvelines", "Hereafter", "Radio Days", "Jamey Sheridan", "Pierce Brosnan", "Rwanda", "Yoram Globus", "Albania", "Liberia", "J. D. Salinger", "Intel", "radio personality", "Richard Price", "Primal Fear", "Blake Lively", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Kane County", "Mark Addy", "Peter Dinklage", "Brandenburg", "Frankfurt (Oder)", "Christopher Columbus", "Connie Willis", "Penobscot County", "Chicago White Sox", "Turku", "Chill-out music", "New York University Stern School of Business", "Multnomah County", "Feyenoord", "Boston University School of Law", "York University", "Minot", "Snohomish County", "Akiva Schaffer", "Jane Lynch", "Neil Jordan", "Graham Greene", "Calista Flockhart", "Miranda Richardson", "Liberty Records", "First War of Scottish Independence", "fine art", "Anger Management", "David Geffen", "Gigi", "Wheeling", "Foreigner", "Tom DeLonge", "Simon Callow", "Blondie", "Debbie Harry", "The Motorcycle Diaries", "Shriram Lagoo", "R. Kelly", "FC Arsenal Kyiv", "55th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Edge of Darkness", "The Smashing Pumpkins", "In the Bedroom", "RCA Records", "project management", "Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award", "Macaulay Culkin", "Bryn Mawr College", "Bryce Dallas Howard", "Ian Bryce", "Saint Lucia", "Kalamazoo", "55th Academy Awards", "Aquitaine", "Oxford United F.C.", "Mario Van Peebles", "Grimsby Town F.C.", "Crazy in Alabama", "London Borough of Newham", "Livingston F.C.", "Trier", "Rhineland-Palatinate", "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans", "Pulitzer Prize for Fiction", "Adele", "NYPD Blue", "William H. Daniels", "legal drama", "Twilight Zone: The Movie", "Jeffrey Combs", "Dev Patel", "Nicole Scherzinger", "Skate punk", "Suicidal Tendencies", "We Bought a Zoo", "Bob Roberts", "Carl Foreman", "The Terminal", "St. Bonaventure University", "North Carolina FC", "Keele University", "Sharon Osbourne", "copper", "urban contemporary gospel", "Salinas", "Chicago Bulls", "George C. Scott", "Vivica A. Fox", "Tony Geiss", "Thomas Schlamme", "Avi Lerner", "Puerto Rico Islanders", "1985 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Sirius Satellite Radio", "Laguna Beach", "Charo Santos-Concio", "Ida Lupino", "Walter Pidgeon", "post-rock", "Josh Hutcherson", "Philadelphia 76ers", "Mae Whitman", "Truro", "Jared Leto", "Independence", "Ben Gibbard", "Marilyn Bergman", "Harold Arlen", "The Princess and the Frog", "vampire", "Ryan's Hope", "garnet", "Mr. Nobody", "Bram Stoker", "Lower Austria", "David McCallum", "Martine McCutcheon", "Harvard Law School", "University of Toledo", "Indian American", "John Wells", "Blair Underwood", "Campania", "Province of Salerno", "LaGuardia Airport", "Amanda Bynes", "Manila", "Philippine Standard Time", "Syracuse Crunch", "Tarzan", "crust punk", "D. W. Moffett", "Out of Sight", "This Is England", "Ken Burns", "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest", "The Losers", "Vertigo Records", "Robert Morley", "Jonathan Forte", "Sheffield", "L-Isoleucine", "John Frusciante", "Landon Donovan", "Dean Saunders", "Harold Faltermeyer", "Laura Innes", "Fairfax County", "Hema Malini", "32nd Academy Awards", "Jennifer Hudson", "Sandra Oh", "VVV-Venlo", "John Swartzwelder", "Rory Fallon", "Shrewsbury Town F.C.", "The Surreal Life", "Wycombe Wanderers F.C.", "The Fall", "Kevin Jonas", "Tom Petty", "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", "FC Red Bull Salzburg", "PHP", "1984 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Russian Civil War", "University of Colorado Boulder", "AC Horsens", "rheumatoid arthritis", "musculoskeletal disorder", "Oldham", "Marc Cherry", "Anton Yelchin", "Adrian", "Isaac Newton", "Fleetwood Mac", "The Wire, season 2", "Upstairs, Downstairs", "Farnborough F.C.", "George Cukor", "Marcello Mastroianni", "Tampere", "Duke Ellington", "Anthony Horowitz", "2004 NBA Draft", "Donald Sutherland", "Exodus", "Frank Welker", "Shelby County", "Christine Baranski", "Michael Caine", "Seville", "John Paul Jones", "Latin America", "Bill Bruford", "Josh Charles", "Alan Cumming", "Breakcore", "drum and bass", "Wichita Falls", "Monster", "Bob Bryan", "Daniel Nestor", "Fist of the North Star", "Kirk Thornton", "Magic Knight Rayearth", "Jeff Bennett", "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert", "Japan national football team", "Bachelor of Laws", "KRS-One", "Kerala", "March", "Scientology", "Yomiuri Giants", "Bryan Burk", "Lance Henriksen", "Larry Klein", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "St John's College", "Cries and Whispers", "Albany Law School", "Suffolk County", "The Dictator", "Peter Berg", "John Ortiz", "Houston Dynamo", "Nurse Jackie", "Gale Anne Hurd", "multiple myeloma", "CBS Schoolbreak Special", "Water", "Royal Oak", "scottish people are annoying", "Billy Idol", "Museum of Modern Art", "The Transformers", "Viacom", "John Seale", "Saint Paul", "J. G. Ballard", "Ioan Gruffudd", "Thelma Schoonmaker", "Henry James", "Asrani", "Lucy Lawless", "breast cancer", "Amanda Seyfried", "Girls", "University of Tennessee", "limited liability company", "Jamestown", "Chautauqua County", "Asteras Tripoli F.C.", "Avicenna", "Rich Sommer", "Polk County", "Zambia national football team", "Bolton Wanderers F.C.", "Matt Dillon", "SpVgg Unterhaching", "Donald Fagen", "supermodel", "BYU Cougars football", "Chapman University", "Harbin", "Dawn French", "Unione Calcio Sampdoria", "Genoa", "The Country Girl", "The Bodyguard", "Art Center College of Design", "Ashanti", "Collin County", "Manisaspor", "Toby Keith", "Ivory Coast", "spokesperson", "Indonesian", "Orson Scott Card", "palmitic acid", "Leiden University", "Freeform", "niacin", "A Very Long Engagement", "Julie Benz", "Mendocino County", "Sonoma County", "Eagles", "Lower Hutt", "Stockholm University", "Kurt Cobain", "Hampden County", "commissioner", "A.F.C. Telford United", "Real Madrid CF", "Dirty Dancing", "Cairo University", "Richard Brooks", "Citigroup", "Recount", "Greg Kinnear", "Zamalek SC", "Peter Weller", "M. Emmet Walsh", "Trevor Howard", "Ghana national football team", "cholera", "Wayne County", "Livonia", "Another Year", "iHeartMedia", "Andover", "Bela Lugosi", "Skull and Bones", "Towson University", "historian", "Pete Seeger", "Cory Doctorow", "AC Bellinzona", "William Somerset Maugham", "Doubt", "Carl Davis", "Olivia Wilde", "philosophy of mind", "Paul Sylbert", "statistics", "canton of Z\u00fcrich", "Herbert Stothart", "Mesa", "Laurie Anderson", "Belgrade", "Michael Ironside", "Dean Martin", "Great Falls", "Knox College", "Free University of Berlin", "Yom Kippur War", "Charles County", "Prince William County", "Buddhism", "Bleak House", "Superman II", "Hammersmith", "3000 Miles to Graceland", "1952 Winter Olympics", "L-phenylalanine", "Becket", "Honduras national football team", "Heisman Trophy", "British Virgin Islands", "Maurice Sendak", "George R. Nelson", "espionage", "Crewe", "General Growth Properties", "FC Ingolstadt 04", "Hapoel Tel Aviv F.C.", "Paul Winchell", "University of Mumbai", "Fairleigh Dickinson University", "Leon Cort", "Santos Laguna", "Kim Cattrall", "Eli Wallach", "Golden Globe Ambassador", "Senegal national football team", "AGOVV Apeldoorn", "Robert Ryan", "CNN", "Peter Tork", "Rhine", "Fahrenheit 9/11", "Invincible", "Blade II", "North Korea national football team", "The Civil War", "Jackson", "Monterey", "Basilicata", "British Columbia", "Merck & Co.", "Deborah Ann Woll", "Buzz Aldrin", "Stuttgart", "Hampton", "Bermuda", "Lantana", "Latin Grammy Awards of 2005", "The Rock", "Colchester", "Daylight", "Luton Town F.C.", "The Hague", "Persian", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Performer", "David Krumholtz", "Star Trek: The Original Series", "William Shatner", "Eric Burdon", "SPV", "Eastern Catholic Church", "Arlington National Cemetery", "Larimer County", "University of York", "Queen's University Belfast", "Leyton Orient F.C.", "Infernal Affairs", "Rani Mukherjee", "Yeovil Town F.C.", "John Noble", "Mikael Salomon", "University of Bonn", "3rd Rock from the Sun", "West Yorkshire", "Maya Angelou", "James Baldwin", "51st Academy Awards", "luge", "Sunny Deol", "Colo-Colo", "Richmond", "Contra Costa County", "The Way We Were", "Trumbull County", "Russell Brand", "Oneida County", "John DeCuir", "Appleton", "Toulouse", "Kevin Bacon", "54th Primetime Emmy Awards", "Naseeruddin Shah", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Prince Edward Island", "designated hitter", "VfL Wolfsburg", "a-ha", "New Caledonia", "Hershey Bears", "M.C. Gainey", "Joseph LaShelle", "Young Adam", "Catholic Church", "Laurence Mark", "Brighton Rock", "65th Academy Awards", "University of Melbourne", "MTV Video Music Award for Best Group Video", "H. Jon Benjamin", "Fat Joe", "Harry Morgan", "Aaron Shure", "Newmarket", "Perth Amboy", "George Lopez", "Robert Shaw", "Lockheed Martin", "Chinese American", "He's Just Not That into You", "Grafton County", "Avatar: The Last Airbender", "Waukesha County", "Milwaukee County", "Paul Walker", "Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing", "Friedrich Hollaender", "National and Kapodistrian University of Athens", "Louisiana Tech University", "Britpop", "Hikaru Utada", "Cyndi Lauper", "Transamerica", "Children of Men", "Berkshire Hathaway", "Cecil B. DeMille", "Dylan Baker", "Joss Whedon", "Chelmsford City F.C.", "14th Academy Awards", "Fantastic Mr. Fox", "Prem Chopra", "Lahore", "Joe Morton", "81st Academy Awards", "CeeLo Green", "University of Notre Dame", "R. Charleroi S.C.", "Columbus Blue Jackets", "Norwegian", "Equatorial Guinea", "Coolio", "Leroy Shield", "criminology", "Brisbane", "Oceania", "Frances Fisher", "mathcore", "Kevin Garnett", "Brian Dennehy", "Americana", "Sevilla FC", "Jada Pinkett Smith", "Jet Li", "Real World", "MGMT", "Holly Marie Combs", "Sophie's Choice", "Maureen Stapleton", "Uruguay national football team", "Rosanna Arquette", "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute", "Alsace", "Uwe Boll", "Roxy Music", "Chris Nurse", "Qantas", "Kristen Bell", "John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel", "Leonard Nimoy", "Star Trek \u2165: The Undiscovered Country", "Tom DeFalco", "Clark Atlanta University", "Walter Matthau", "eBay", "Alyson Stoner", "John Conyers", "University of Bucharest", "Jon Lord", "Murali", "Hugh Laurie", "Arminia Bielefeld", "Empoli F.C.", "The Longest Day", "Stephen Woolley", "Notting Hill", "Richard Portman", "Hugo Award for Best Professional Artist", "magnesium", "Alfie", "Groningen", "Batman Beyond", "Delft", "Darwin", "Northern Territory", "Dutch", "Gila County", "University of Buenos Aires", "The Last King of Scotland", "Guinea", "Denizlispor", "Do the Right Thing", "Boca Juniors", "1988 Major League Baseball season", "Sabrina", "Nathanael Greene", "hip house", "Aberdeen F.C.", "Djimon Hounsou", "60th Berlin International Film Festival", "David Brin", "Skip Lievsay", "WWE SmackDown", "Belfast", "Columbia College", "The Lives of a Bengal Lancer", "California State University, Northridge", "We Have a Pope", "Shahrukh Khan", "Alan J. Pakula", "Lackawanna County", "Chow Yun-fat", "Charleston Battery", "Taiwo Atieno", "Kavala F.C.", "Portsmouth", "Bones", "police procedural", "Ittihad FC", "Porcupine Tree", "Naperville", "Megadeth", "Boston College", "World Trade Organization", "Shopgirl", "Justin Spitzer", "Carson City", "Ferris Webster", "Calcio Padova", "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", "Valenciennes F.C.", "Indian rupee", "John Zorn", "Temple University", "Nicaragua", "FC Metalist Kharkiv", "Rot-Weiss Essen", "Om Puri", "The French Connection", "8th United States Congress", "3rd United States Congress", "Atromitos F.C.", "The Gift", "Frank Herbert's Dune", "Texas Tech University", "Justin Cochrane", "Allium cepa", "phosphorus", "Eat Pray Love", "Bucknell University", "Province of Como", "Lombardy", "Los Angeles International Airport", "Charles LeMaire", "Crusade", "Max Casella", "Schulich School of Law", "Edward Burns", "John Amos", "The Station Agent", "Vittorio De Sica", "Universal Motown Republic Group", "American Indian Wars", "Steve Jobs", "East Sussex", "Andrew Lau", "Joan Blondell", "Bram Stoker's Dracula", "Jazz piano", "Giant Records", "Diedrich Bader", "Vernor Vinge", "Gambia national football team", "A.J. Auxerre", "Holby City", "Elizabeth Banks", "Catherine Tate", "Michael Fassbender", "Spain national football team", "Gillian Welch", "Lewiston", "Melissa Leo", "Shelley Duvall", "Tombstone", "William A. Fraker", "Raymond Burr", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design", "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory", "Brian Helgeland", "King Records", "Nana Mizuki", "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX", "San Jose Earthquakes", "66th Golden Globe Awards", "Encino", "Amritsar", "Danube", "Swindon Town F.C.", "SNK", "The Gathering Storm", "Egypt national football team", "Goya Award for Best Actress", "The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina", "Mervyn LeRoy", "Sanjay Dutt", "Anthony Mackie", "Dante Spinotti", "Heaven Can Wait", "Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles", "Bee Gees", "Summit County", "Harold Rosson", "Letters from Iwo Jima", "Rick Baker", "Columbia Law School", "Sandefjord Fotball", "Isaac Asimov", "Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical", "Burl Ives", "Swedes", "Racine", "Malcolm McDowell", "Dick Clement", "Lea Michele", "Chakri Dynasty", "Benny Andersson", "Jennifer Carpenter", "Hagerstown", "Vinnie Jones", "Knuckles the Echidna", "Cook Islands", "Porto", "39th Canadian Parliament", "Matt Frewer", "Kath Soucie", "Michael Curtiz", "Pine Bluff", "Project Runway", "Vincent Gallo", "Dickinson College", "University of Helsinki", "Harris County", "High Fidelity", "John Larroquette", "American Dad!", "FC Basel", "Scott Wilson", "Bradford", "Hennepin County", "Adrian Grenier", "John Schlesinger", "Hellboy II: The Golden Army", "Hammond", "Waterloo", "Gene Wolfe", "Novara Calcio", "Hilary Swank", "New Year's Eve", "41st Academy Awards", "Aishwarya Rai", "Saginaw", "Ming-Na Wen", "Corey Feldman", "Punjabi people", "Jyothika", "Cash Money Records", "investor", "Sam Elliott", "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", "Nebula Award for Best Novel", "Lawrence Gordon", "Waterworld", "Just Blaze", "Nancy Cartwright", "Bhubaneswar", "Steve Ditko", "Toledo", "The Jacket", "King County", "George S. Clinton", "Albanian", "Michael McConnohie", "Jonas Brothers World Tour 2009", "FC Metalurh Donetsk", "Ray Bradbury", "Longview", "Indo-Pakistani War of 1971", "Betty Comden", "Nashville Predators", "The Maltese Falcon", "F. Murray Abraham", "Dina Pathak", "Scorpions", "Senate of Canada", "Farrah Fawcett", "Nigeria national football team", "groove metal", "Lou Grant", "Glenn Ford", "PFC Beroe Stara Zagora", "Emile Kuri", "Anna Deavere Smith", "Mount Vernon", "Jane Austen", "children's literature", "Witness", "Rosenborg BK", "Van Nuys", "Australian dollar", "Drenthe", "Beaufort", "DeWitt Clinton", "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", "Eleanor Roosevelt", "pantothenic acid", "Hawkwind", "The House of Mirth", "Bruges", "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?", "Roda JC Kerkrade", "SV Ried", "Cold War", "Colin Wilson", "Coritiba F.C.", "Nina Simone", "Mira Nair", "Harry Connick Jr.", "Punahou School", "Sir", "Queen's University", "Tomokazu Seki", "Tenjho Tenge", "Newport Beach", "Heavy Metal", "Licking County", "Franklin County", "Apocalypto", "University of Warwick", "Bowling Green State University", "David Paymer", "S.L. Benfica", "FC Illichivets Mariupol", "Burnley", "Rob Reiner", "Delta Air Lines", "manufacturing", "Jane Eyre", "Dana Delany", "Carl Reiner", "Austin Pendleton", "Jacksonville", "Ternana Calcio", "Stephen J. Cannell", "Don Ameche", "North Rhine-Westphalia", "McCoy Tyner", "Fender Precision Bass", "Tuskegee University", "Ennio Morricone", "Menlo Park", "Tamworth F.C.", "The Fabulous Baker Boys", "Welling United F.C.", "Haverhill", "30th United States Congress", "Norway national football team", "2010: The Year We Make Contact", "Brazoria County", "George Benson", "Michelle Ruff", "M.I.A.", "Oxford County", "existentialism", "Marlon Brando", "Vincent Piazza", "dance-punk", "Vince McMahon", "Dal McKennon", "Donald M. Payne", "New York Rangers", "Richard Thorpe", "Pasco County", "Yekaterinburg", "The Cult", "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry", "Yash Chopra", "Waitakere United", "Ghost Rider", "Avi Arad", "Bradley Whitford", "Joyce Carol Oates", "Melora Hardin", "Sherri Shepherd", "County Cork", "County Waterford", "61st Berlin International Film Festival", "House of Commons", "Boise State University", "William Sanderson", "Phil Collinson", "Hindustani classical music", "David Milch", "Mr. Deeds", "Peter Gallagher", "Star Trek: Enterprise", "The B-52's", "Ohio River", "I, Robot", "Edward G. Robinson", "Melbourne", "Eve Myles", "Al-Arabi SC", "Houssine Kharja", "Red Skelton", "road movie", "University of Vermont", "Russian Orthodox Church", "Telly Savalas", "Allegany County", "Joey Jordison", "John F. Kennedy International Airport", "solo", "Eve", "27th Academy Awards", "D.C. United", "Wim Wenders", "Deep Purple", "Seven Pounds", "Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition", "Sherman Oaks", "Universal Music Group Nashville", "Shark Tale", "Jefferson Parish", "Lyon Sprague de Camp", "Craig T. Nelson", "Chris O'Donnell", "Legally Blonde", "Kaley Cuoco", "Morning Musume", "Fritz Lang", "Ruby Dee", "California State Polytechnic University, Pomona", "green", "Les Claypool", "Lawton", "Kim Carnes", "Shirley Knight", "S.C. Bastia", "Royal Academy of Arts", "TMNT", "American Academy of Dramatic Arts", "Last of the Summer Wine", "Imperial County", "Daredevil", "Red Hot Chili Peppers", "Hank Azaria", "Brian Cox", "Hamilton Bulldogs", "Redlands", "Indiana University of Pennsylvania", "Keenen Ivory Wayans", "Crohn's disease", "Shrek the Third", "Oklahoma City Thunder", "Mansfield Park", "FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih", "Grinnell College", "My Man Godfrey", "Bethel Census Area", "dark ambient", "Ray McKinnon", "John Milton", "Bill Condon", "Charleston County", "Koreans", "Die Hard with a Vengeance", "Maverick Records", "PFC Cherno More Varna", "Farsley Celtic A.F.C.", "North Island", "1999 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "portrait", "Kingdom of Sardinia", "Chongqing", "Jorja Fox", "Alan Tudyk", "El Paso", "Pohang Steelers", "Malayalam", "Jena Malone", "Matt Groening", "Toy Story 2", "Heaven's Gate", "Santa Rosa", "Cheaper by the Dozen", "Anthony Wong", "electric blues", "Xinjiang", "Seongnam FC", "Scotland national football team", "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", "San Juan County", "Chesterfield F.C.", "Chicken Little", "Bo Diddley", "Hoffa", "Billy Wilder", "Tupac Shakur", "Muskegon", "Udo Kier", "Morris County", "Progressive Conservative Party of Canada", "Tak Fujimoto", "Method Man", "semiconductor", "West Palm Beach", "Daniel Barenboim", "stunt performer", "Jeremy Davies", "Cannes", "agnosticism", "Alex Manninger", "Stephen Jay Gould", "MacArthur Fellows Program", "Jack Abbott", "Ben Harper", "Daws Butler", "sports commentator", "Kid Cudi", "Washington Capitals", "Arjen Anthony Lucassen", "Bachelor of Fine Arts", "Academy Award for Best Story", "New York University Tandon School of Engineering", "Alps", "Andrzej Wajda", "Jamiroquai", "soldier", "smooth jazz", "David Spade", "Paul Mazursky", "Marit Allen", "Super", "Garry Shandling", "John Carter", "Bruno Mars", "Kagoshima Prefecture", "Tuvalu national football team", "The Notorious B.I.G.", "MCA Inc.", "Newton", "snare drum", "Hempstead", "Copenhagen", "Mandatory Palestine", "Botafogo F.R.", "Amour", "Martin Landau", "Lisp", "Python", "1994 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Eastern Cape", "Daniel Wu", "Preston North End F.C.", "Interview with the Vampire", "University of Montana", "For Your Consideration", "Pam Grier", "Flo Rida", "Banaras Hindu University", "2002 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "David Kirschner", "1968 Winter Olympics", "ski jumping", "Gary Ross", "Concordia University", "Rajinikanth", "Scott Baio", "Oswego County", "The Tourist", "Adam Carolla", "Park County", "2010 Toronto International Film Festival", "big beat", "The Prodigy", "Akon", "Chris Colfer", "Dick Clark", "Dalton Trumbo", "S.K. Sturm Graz", "The Wire, season 4", "Andrew G. Vajna", "Jerry Siegel", "Edgar Rice Burroughs", "Hayward", "Dwayne Johnson", "Judas Priest", "Gil Kane", "Riga", "Messina", "Rockingham County", "Lady Sings the Blues", "Get Smart", "Ronny Cox", "pediatrics", "CS Sedan Ardennes", "Everett", "A.C. Cesena", "University of California, Irvine", "Margot Kidder", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Costume Design", "Joseph L. Mankiewicz", "Star Trek \u2164: The Final Frontier", "Venus Williams", "San Antonio Spurs", "Megumi Hayashibara", "Secrets & Lies", "Tom Fontana", "David Banner", "Jacques Lacan", "Gilles Deleuze", "mustang", "Oz", "FC Banants", "Yakima County", "Yakima", "Dalian Aerbin F.C.", "Niagara Falls", "Hilversum", "Charlie Daniels", "Churches of Christ", "Bromley", "Ne-Yo", "progressive bluegrass", "Nathan Fillion", "Roman Holiday", "Thomas Duane Arnold", "Glen A. Larson", "Johnnie To", "The Other Guys", "Clinton County", "Hesse", "Bohemia", "Thirty Years' War", "Club de F\u00fatbol Monterrey", "A.C. Perugia Calcio", "Jackie Brown", "Middletown", "Florida Panthers", "labor rights", "United States Forest Service", "Hamilton Academical F.C.", "Kevin Michael Richardson", "Burlington County", "The Sweet Hereafter", "High Anxiety", "Russia national football team", "Western", "Atticus Ross", "FC Schalke 04", "University of California, San Francisco", "Peru national football team", "Thom Yorke", "Anna Karenina", "Bob Hamman", "24th Academy Awards", "My-HiME", "TV Tokyo", "Brittany Snow", "Jack Benny", "nu metal", "Luke Wilson", "Puss in Boots", "Geelong", "crossover thrash", "Westminster School", "Utpal Dutt", "Terry Jones", "Herman Melville", "coconut milk", "Oklahoma County", "Anne Baxter", "Hampshire", "Peter Finch", "Love Affair", "National Football League", "Charles, Prince of Wales", "Dennis Haysbert", "Naval Postgraduate School", "Al Jourgensen", "Colleen Dewhurst", "Grammy Award for Best Dance/Electronic Album", "Burton Albion F.C.", "Michael Redgrave", "Magdalene College", "TV5", "Franklin & Marshall College", "Dimension Films", "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", "Rufus Wainwright", "Little Shop of Horrors", "Kilmarnock", "Chapel Hill", "Rob James-Collier", "Pietro Scalia", "State of Play", "Broadcast News", "U.S. Declaration of Independence", "Benjamin Franklin", "Pan Am", "David Schwimmer", "Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel", "Paul Winfield", "Jeff Gordon", "Bertelsmann Music Group", "Mamiko Noto", "Gerry Conway", "Margaret Cho", "Passaic", "Eastern Illinois University", "Kevin Kline", "Virginia Madsen", "Matt Lucas", "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug", "cystic fibrosis", "Coming to America", "Fife", "Adolph Zukor", "Barry Manilow", "June Allyson", "Legion of Merit", "Boyz II Men", "Jesse McCartney", "architect", "Kurt Russell", "The Terminator", "Jayne Mansfield", "FC Aarau", "Fred Williamson", "Late Show with David Letterman", "medical novel", "Big Miracle", "Tonga", "Mortal Kombat: Annihilation", "Shriya Saran", "Benin", "Mahatma Gandhi", "Gautama Buddha", "Santo Domingo", "S.C. Corinthians Paulista", "30 Days of Night", "Ponce", "William Demarest", "DreamWorks Records", "Asleep at the Wheel", "Plumas County", "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford", "FC Krylia Sovetov Samara", "Mary Astor", "Get Carter", "Bayer 04 Leverkusen", "Panama national football team", "pianist", "Mario Puzo", "Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Jazz Album", "Mo'Nique", "23rd Academy Awards", "cis-oleic acid", "War of 1812", "British Empire", "65th Tony Awards", "Rouen", "Warren County", "The Missing", "Bugs Bunny", "Le Mans U.C. 72", "Vincente Minnelli", "San Juan", "Blood, Sweat & Tears", "Jimmy Smits", "Mars", "Sun", "The Legend of Bagger Vance", "Bulgarian", "Wadham College", "Crispin Freeman", "Robert A. Heinlein", "power metal", "House of Sand and Fog", "Ariel Sharon", "Brad Garrett", "D. H. Lawrence", "linoleic acid", "History", "Uxbridge", "Worcester County", "Niagara County", "Palm Desert", "Robert Anton Wilson", "New England Revolution", "Kaizer Chiefs F.C.", "Grammy Award for Best Urban/Alternative Performance", "Australian Labor Party", "Tranmere Rovers F.C.", "Amy Adams", "Charles Bronson", "Tabu", "Frankfurt", "Claremont Graduate University", "The Shining", "Shanachie Records", "Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie", "Sons of Anarchy", "Dorothy Spencer", "Gene Simmons", "Emma", "Leelee Sobieski", "Roscoe Arbuckle", "Chevy Chase", "Alain Delon", "Koch Entertainment", "Milan Conservatory", "The Cassandra Crossing", "49th Academy Awards", "Oregon State University", "Carlo Ponti, Sr.", "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back", "choline", "Serge Gainsbourg", "The Moody Blues", "Galileo Galilei", "Incheon United FC", "Nobel Peace Prize", "Dan Hedaya", "The Guess Who", "2007 Major League Baseball draft", "54th Annual Grammy Awards", "Province of Cagliari", "Washington Wizards", "gangsta rap", "Ogden", "Saxony", "Fort Worth", "Club Universidad Nacional", "Macquarie University", "Lesotho", "Italians", "Alex Graves", "lounge music", "Odessa", "Alan Thicke", "Baden-Baden", "South Korea national football team", "Sialkot", "FC Barcelona B", "2007 Major League Baseball season", "Rough Trade Records", "Bob Odenkirk", "David Shore", "old age", "1992 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "2003 Major League Baseball season", "Marathi", "The Cosby Show", "David Sylvian", "Royal Navy", "35th Canadian Parliament", "Manchester", "Loretta Young", "Camel", "Lucien Ballard", "MASH", "Waukegan", "Phineas and Ferb", "Eddie Vedder", "SK Rapid Wien", "Snow Falling on Cedars", "Djibouti", "Charleston", "Craven", "Battlefield Earth", "Vicenza", "Stuyvesant High School", "Gina McKee", "David Rasche", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Tori Spelling", "Tonino Guerra", "Federico Fellini", "David Crane", "Liverpool", "The Proposition", "Hudson Hawk", "Stevens Institute of Technology", "Taken 2", "Gene Colan", "Jessye Norman", "Cranston", "Richard Riehle", "Marquette County", "Solar System", "Ron Perlman", "Azerbaijan", "Alachua County", "Colgate University", "Michael W. Smith", "New York University School of Law", "Arthur Conan Doyle", "Kamal Haasan", "Tamil people", "A Room with a View", "George Gershwin", "Michael J. Fox", "Golden Gate Bridge", "William B. Davis", "Bratislava", "Hobart", "cannabis", "The Lives of Others", "Sioux Falls", "Johnny Knoxville", "Walt Disney Imagineering", "Lutheranism", "Dream Theater", "The Rocketeer", "2006 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Mike Henry", "Inglewood", "Bernie Mac", "Nepal", "Dave Thomas", "Hamilton College", "Prakash Raj", "King's Lynn and West Norfolk", "Hokkaid\u014d", "Fame", "Ben 10", "Steve Blum", "Woking", "The Lookout", "Relativity Records", "Tony Blair", "David H. DePatie", "University of Warsaw", "Aphex Twin", "Funkadelic", "intelligent dance music", "Armin Mueller-Stahl", "Jung Sung-ryong", "FC Lugano", "The McClatchy Company", "MIT Sloan School of Management", "Prison Break", "Wandsworth", "Randers FC", "Hungarians", "Hungarian", "Ram Gopal Varma", "William Tecumseh Sherman", "Aberdeen", "Yuma", "Iowa Writers' Workshop", "Howard Ashman", "Steuben County", "Arab", "Fukushima Prefecture", "De-Lovely", "Joanna Lumley", "Rebecca Romijn", "Ugly Betty", "Himalayas", "Ryan O'Neal", "The Pacific", "councillor", "CR Vasco da Gama", "Bob Ludwig", "Dom DeLuise", "Lambeth", "Urawa Red Diamonds", "Hollywood Pictures", "Grover Cleveland", "pharyngitis", "gastroesophageal reflux disease", "Province of Palermo", "Palermo", "Dogville", "West Orange", "Morgan Spurlock", "The New School", "FC Augsburg", "Chinese Filipino", "Overseas Chinese", "Neil Simon", "Provo", "South Yorkshire", "Chrono Crusade", "United States Coast Guard", "FC Dinamo Moscow", "Tara Reid", "Akiva Goldsman", "Selangor FA", "Carnegie Medal", "Dundee United F.C.", "Cheltenham Town F.C.", "Dehradun", "Uttarakhand", "New Age music", "William Hanna", "Eddie Redmayne", "Jules Verne", "Jane Horrocks", "Fluminense F.C.", "Arizona State University", "Duval County", "Mary Pickford", "Fond du Lac County", "School of American Ballet", "Mike Barker", "Ateneo de Manila University", "Jessica Alba", "Leslie Dilley", "Douglas Coupland", "Club Atl\u00e9tico Osasuna", "Mike Mills", "Belleville", "Made in Dagenham", "Kidderminster Harriers F.C.", "Pima County", "North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball", "Jackie Gleason", "Mike Judge", "Costa Mesa", "bus", "New Haven County", "Christopher McDonald", "Moscow", "Keith Allen", "Tony Todd", "K. Balachander", "MSV Duisburg", "Eric Roberts", "state senator", "FC Inter Milan", "Cape Town", "Van Halen", "Summer Wars", "Carl Weathers", "Vishal Bhardwaj", "Bard College", "Bay City", "Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig", "Emeric Pressburger", "Stirling Albion F.C.", "The Cannon Group", "Diane Kruger", "Thomas Mann", "All About Eve", "Ascoli Calcio 1898 F.C.", "Apache County", "Murder by Decree", "University of San Diego", "Fredericksburg", "Peter Falk", "Samoa", "Elaine May", "Maui County", "Hawaiian Islands", "AC Omonia", "Ashish Vidyarthi", "Bobcat Goldthwait", "Thomas Pynchon", "Jay Mohr", "Rochdale A.F.C.", "Micky Dolenz", "Aldo Nova", "2009 Major League Baseball season", "Jim Jarmusch", "David Fury", "erotica", "Freddy vs. Jason", "The University of Akron", "American Psycho", "Cornell Law School", "Dorchester", "Goa", "Racing Club de Avellaneda", "Manhattan College", "York City F.C.", "Tooele County", "Istanbul", "Constantinople", "1995 Major League Baseball draft", "Arcadia", "William Baldwin", "Lancaster", "The CW", "Jamie Kennedy", "David Lee Roth", "Sparrow Records", "Coalition Wars", "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory", "Nick Park", "Chhattisgarh", "Cape May County", "Ludwig von Mises", "Stratford-upon-Avon", "Charlie Sheen", "George Burns", "Stepney", "Dick Wolf", "Joe Diffie", "Jesus of Nazareth", "George Hamilton", "Marlborough College", "Wales national football team", "Yuvan Shankar Raja", "Nobel Prize in Economics", "Guinea national football team", "Rita Wilson", "Constantin Film", "Kandy", "Shania Twain", "International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award", "Ben Burtt", "Roman Republic", "electro house", "Anniston", "Jalisco", "Onondaga County", "Information Technology", "Bill Withers", "J-pop", "June Foray", "The House Bunny", "United States Department of State", "Cass County", "William Butler Yeats", "Larissa F.C.", "Frank Miller", "Ronald Neame", "Apache Wars", "West Chester", "NATO", "Digimon Adventure 02", "Keith Carradine", "University of Auckland", "Andrew W.K.", "Ravenna", "James Levine", "Q-Tip", "Paul Guilfoyle", "The Dreamers", "1st United States Congress", "Yukon", "Jefferson Starship", "FC Midtjylland", "Keio University", "Guadeloupe national football team", "Lesser Antilles", "Martinique", "Minnesota Timberwolves", "Pakistan national football team", "lieutenant governor", "subspecies", "Grenada", "Delhi", "Shakti Kapoor", "Being John Malkovich", "Catherine Deneuve", "\u014csaka Prefecture", "Nick Broomfield", "G.I. Joe: Retaliation", "Detroit Red Wings", "RCA Corporation", "Cayman Islands", "Damon Wayans", "Stockport", "Tyrone Power", "Charles S. Dutton", "Hans J. Salter", "cardiac arrest", "Adam Baldwin", "Rakhee Gulzar", "Cliff Robertson", "Bangor", "James Hetfield", "University of Durham", "Calgary Stampeders", "Esteghlal F.C.", "Lalita Pawar", "Billy Bletcher", "Panathinaikos F.C.", "Frederik Pohl", "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", "Giuseppe Verdi", "Rafael Nadal", "Roger Federer", "Jon Stone", "1909 Major League Baseball season", "interactive television", "Yonkers", "Thrissur", "Dinah Shore", "C.F. Os Belenenses", "Minnesota Wild", "Grammy Award for Best New Age Album", "York", "Chuck", "Procter & Gamble", "Clint Howard", "Rochdale", "Carroll Clark", "Interactive Advertising Bureau", "Bandai Namco Holdings", "Starbucks", "Tom Skerritt", "Haryana", "Chandigarh", "Catania", "Star Cinema", "Tigres UANL", "A Place in the Sun", "Foreign Correspondent", "Brisbane Roar FC", "Ayumi Hamasaki", "Dutch Republic", "Minato-ku", "Valencia CF", "Province of Potenza", "San Juan Jabloteh", "Senna", "Milan", "keytar", "Forest Green Rovers F.C.", "linguistics", "Jefferson City", "David Brown", "Splash", "Province of Turin", "Hinduism", "Oakland County", "Pontiac", "Mehmood Ali", "Stanley Clarke", "Pembroke College", "creative writing", "Sidney Sheldon", "2006 Major League Baseball season", "NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship", "Fulton County", "George Duke", "College Park", "Macomb County", "University of California, Hastings College of the Law", "Peter Cushing", "The New York Times", "Maccabi Haifa F.C.", "Houko Kuwashima", "Warsaw", "Club Atlas", "Central Coast Mariners FC", "1. FC Magdeburg", "Austria-Hungary", "Lionel Richie", "Abbas Kiarostami", "breakbeat", "funk rock", "Henry Hathaway", "Providence Bruins", "Frankenstein's monster", "Battle of the Sommee", "Spice World", "Sangju Sangmu FC", "Deborah Kerr", "Charlie Parker", "Kathleen Turner", "Scott Glenn", "Florida International University", "drug overdose", "Lenny Bruce", "The Last Song", "University of the Witwatersrand", "Limp Bizkit", "Hayley Williams", "Patrick McGoohan", "A. K. Hangal", "Search for Tomorrow", "One Tree Hill", "Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album", "Mali", "Andy Richter", "Richard Chamberlain", "Hoda Kotb", "Dharmendra", "Sikhism", "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe", "Calcio Catania", "Ministry", "Yangon", "FC Vaduz", "Cobb County", "American Civil War", "Latin Grammy Award for Song of the Year", "Buddy DeSylva", "third baseman", "Mary-Louise Parker", "J. Michael Riva", "Edward Shearmur", "Tony Richardson", "Florida Atlantic University", "Boris Leven", "psychiatrist", "PFC Litex Lovech", "Queens Park Rangers F.C.", "Along Came a Spider", "Shaquille O'Neal", "Illinois Institute of Technology", "On the Waterfront", "The Price Is Right", "University of Marburg", "Gadsden", "Williamsburg", "Andrew Gold", "Cat Stevens", "Secretary of State", "Chris Killen", "Manchester City F.C.", "Kenan Thompson", "Evangelical Christianity", "Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Young Performer", "House of Bourbon", "neo-progressive rock", "Fueled By Ramen", "The Andy Griffith Show", "Asia Argento", "Mercer County", "Citrus County", "21st Academy Awards", "Udinese Calcio", "Swansea University", "Uppsala University", "Bayreuth", "Labour Party", "Urdu", "Greek", "Smallville", "Shanghai Shenhua F.C.", "peritonitis", "Saskatchewan", "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny", "Dischord Records", "University of Ibadan", "Jaime Pressly", "Ray Heindorf", "Boston Bruins", "West Hollywood", "New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress", "The Mask", "Keith Jarrett", "Irrfan Khan", "Vivek", "Isle of Wight", "Florida Department of Environmental Protection", "University of the Punjab", "Faith No More", "Ron Silver", "Esbjerg fB", "chief administrative officer", "Richard Widmark", "Steve Coogan", "Shirley Temple", "Austria national football team", "John Landis", "Technical University of Munich", "psychobilly", "St Albans", "Johnstown", "Golden Bear", "Zaragoza", "J. M. Coetzee", "Click", "Sussex County", "West Ham United F.C.", "United States Navy", "Walter Model", "Jim Thorpe", "University of New South Wales", "National Historic Landmark", "13 Going on 30", "San Diego County", "South Carolina State University", "Steel Azin F.C.", "Rotterdam", "Douglas Slocombe", "sheriff", "Steven Oscar Seagal", "1954 Major League Baseball season", "The Santa Clause 2", "Ice Age: Continental Drift", "Grant County", "Ralph Waldo Emerson", "Shawn Wayans", "captain", "Gong", "country blues", "New World Pictures", "Amazon", "Steven Curtis Chapman", "no wave", "noise rock", "Allen Covert", "Warwickshire", "Lorain", "Maggie Gyllenhaal", "Axl Rose", "Lincoln College", "George Washington University Law School", "Morgan State University", "THQ", "Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse", "S.C. Beira-Mar vale callampa", "organ case", "Australian National University", "Canberra", "heart arrhythmia", "Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis", "sex comedy", "Nine Years' War", "Jonas Brothers", "Piedmont", "Cheryl Hines", "Sullivan's Travels", "Martin Freeman", "Colorado College", "Dee Bradley Baker", "Royal College of Music", "Best Screenplay Award (Cannes Film Festival)", "Cannes Film Festival", "Michael Jordan", "Atco Records", "Jane Espenson", "Canadian Armed Forces", "Chris Elliott", "Eastern Michigan University", "Uganda", "Worcester City F.C.", "Ames", "indie folk", "Stephen Gilchrist Glover", "Zhejiang", "Greek American", "Bandai Co., Ltd.", "Maaya Sakamoto", "Majesco Entertainment", "Glenn Danzig", "Deathrock", "2005 Major League Baseball season", "Johnny Yong Bosch", "Malaysia national football team", "Sandra Bernhard", "Stade Malherbe Caen", "Mexican American", "Medina", "Dudley Moore", "Heather Locklear", "Cyrano de Bergerac", "Simon Pegg", "PFC Lokomotiv Plovdiv", "Gibraltar", "Craig Ferguson", "Yngwie Malmsteen", "Daniel Roebuck", "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer", "University of Turin", "Jason Alexander", "nausea", "Mrs. Miniver", "Aachen", "Eureka", "Bo Derek", "Warren", "Tamil Nadu", "Dover Athletic F.C.", "Hermann Hesse", "Seoul", "Danzig", "Ajay Devgan", "Dakota Fanning", "Karnataka", "Adirondack Mountains", "Grays Athletic F.C.", "Phil Alden Robinson", "Ashley Judd", "Sepultura", "Varese Calcio", "Carl Friedrich Gauss", "2003 invasion of Iraq", "Austrians", "Steven Bochco", "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo", "psychedelic pop", "University of Amsterdam", "Steve Allen", "Stalag 17", "Liberal National Party of Queensland", "conservatism", "Six Feet Under", "Sire Records", "free jazz", "Sal Buscema", "John Buscema", "Olivia de Havilland", "Jane Seymour", "Northern Ireland national football team", "George Segal", "Adelaide United Football Club", "The Nutty Professor", "Tommy Chong", "heist film", "Episcopal Church", "Being Julia", "lipid", "City of Westminster", "Louis Armstrong", "Tazewell County", "RC Strasbourg", "Bismarck", "CeCe Winans", "Brody Jenner", "Vatican City", "Tony Randall", "The Next Best Thing", "Gary Lucchesi", "Donovan", "Saratoga County", "Clare College", "Linus Pauling", "George Sanders", "Frederick County", "Goddard College", "Monty Python", "Aberystwyth University", "Adobe Inc.", "alcoholism", "Ralph Burns", "Black Entertainment Television", "Chichester", "James Wong Jim", "Leonardo da Vinci", "Governor General's Award for English-language poetry", "Max Weber", "Whanganui", "Corbin Bleu", "Santa Barbara County", "University of Madras", "Norman Lear", "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters", "Pitbull", "Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts", "Dortmund", "Ossie Davis", "Beloved", "Van Heflin", "Rick James", "Peking University", "Aichi Prefecture", "Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over", "Brazil national football team", "Winston Churchill", "West Bank", "Split", "Marley", "Rapid City", "Penelope Ann Miller", "Lawrence", "aesthetics", "Anaheim", "I.R.S. Records", "Scunthorpe", "electronic body music", "Suresh Oberoi", "Ralph Bellamy", "Hoboken", "When in Rome", "John Varley", "L-Serine", "family medicine", "Binghamton University", "John Boorman", "Gotha", "Governor of Kentucky", "Montreal Expos", "Bedtime Stories", "Ruth Gordon", "Emily Mortimer", "Nancy", "Maximilian Schell", "Yale School of Medicine", "David Morse", "Shandong", "Young Frankenstein", "Eau Claire", "39th Berlin International Film Festival", "Eurodance", "Kellie Martin", "Jesus Christ Superstar", "cardinal", "L. Frank Baum", "African National Congress", "Nelson Mandela", "Woking F.C.", "Eddie Marsan", "John Hughes", "Darlington F.C.", "General Motors", "Servette FC", "Chicago Blackhawks", "Greece national football team", "Cumberland", "Henry Blanke", "Rogue", "Kosovo", "technical death metal", "puppeteer", "L-alanine", "City of London", "1985 Major League Baseball season", "Lyon", "Matt Hubbard", "Pina", "Bath", "Blues Brothers 2000", "Eindhoven", "SV Darmstadt 98", "Michael Rapaport", "St. Lawrence County", "Pas-de-Calais", "Nord-Pas-de-Calais", "Saint Mary's College of California", "fairy tale", "Marriott International", "Cormac McCarthy", "Michael Bay", "Shilpa Shetty", "Andy Hallett", "Seven Years' War", "cool jazz", "American Philosophical Society", "Polish American", "Michael Balcon", "Chester County", "Film and Television Institute of India", "Shabana Azmi", "Adam Arkin", "Jamie Cullum", "University of Cape Town", "Cradle of Filth", "Christina Applegate", "Norfolk Admirals", "Nobuo Uematsu", "Fidel Castro", "Charles Baudelaire", "Liberty Professionals F.C.", "art film", "N. Santhanam", "Texas Southern University", "Huntsville", "John F. Kennedy", "Square Enix", "Yeshiva University", "Corbin Bernsen", "Chris Sheridan", "Anthony B. Richmond", "Pritam Chakraborty", "Valletta", "Yamhill County", "University of Saskatchewan", "mining", "Lee Majors", "University of Victoria", "New Zealand national football team", "Pomeranian Voivodeship", "Ian Bannen", "Eugene", "The Challenge", "NPR", "Entertainment One Music", "White British", "Walt Whitman", "Nikolai Gogol", "Ukrainians", "Carol Burnett", "patent inventor", "Sicily", "Benito Mussolini", "Takahiro Sakurai", "Code Geass", "AIA Gold Medal", "Luton", "SD Eibar", "Thuringia", "Tim Minear", "United States presidential election, 2008", "Odisha", "Delta blues", "Elmore Leonard", "Sarasota", "Kingdom of Portugal", "slavery", "rape", "Jean Simmons", "Surrey", "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides", "Rekha", "Tennessee Williams", "Nauru", "DL-glutamic acid", "Xavier University", "It", "Norfolk", "Claremont", "The-Dream", "Ontario County", "Interplay Entertainment", "Butler County", "Playboy Playmate", "Walmart", "Calle 13", "Senate of Virginia", "Haut-Rhin", "Gladys Knight", "Kalmar FF", "Orix Buffaloes", "Heroes", "Dire Straits", "Days of Thunder", "Hednesford Town F.C.", "Saskatoon", "neo-classical metal", "Michael Rosenbaum", "Brasenose College", "Dredd", "Gardner Fox", "Solomon Islands", "Tracy Morgan", "Yoko Ono", "Roland Anderson", "Mogadishu", "Meagan Good", "New South Wales Legislative Assembly", "Jonathan Swift", "Mad TV", "variety", "Camryn Manheim", "Nonesuch Records", "Macy's, Inc.", "A.A. Argentinos Juniors", "terrorism", "Cajun", "diplomat", "Jennifer Hale", "Oliver Reed", "2005 NBA Draft", "Top Chef", "Napalm Records", "Heriot-Watt University", "Moscow State University", "KF Tirana", "Yash Raj Films", "Bury F.C.", "Ventura County", "colonel", "Harrogate", "County Wexford", "Odense Boldklub", "farce", "rockumentary", "George V", "Norm Prescott", "Douglas County", "North Brabant", "British Columbia Liberal Party", "Havana", "John Carpenter", "phytosterol", "United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce", "Siouxsie and the Banshees", "Jefferson Airplane", "Donald Crisp", "Jason Sudeikis", "Salzburg", "Claude Berri", "Bandai Namco Amusement", "Roosevelt University", "Sherbrooke", "Ty Burrell", "Carson Daly", "Queensland", "Cairns", "time travel", "Ralph Vaughan Williams", "Jeremy Clarkson", "Kenny Loggins", "pasta", "L-Histidine", "Navajo County", "Maccabi Netanya F.C.", "Harrow School", "Governor of Massachusetts", "Anne McCaffrey", "Mamelodi Sundowns F.C.", "Takeshi Kitano", "Coronation Street", "Washtenaw County", "Shropshire", "Kappei Yamaguchi", "FC Dinamo Tbilisi", "Christophe Beck", "New York Stories", "Summit", "Beerschot AC", "Animal Collective", "Davis", "Orkney Islands", "Prizzi's Honor", "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", "Rosie O'Donnell", "Gulshan Grover", "Saw III", "Wehrmacht", "Lubbock", "California Polytechnic State University", "Mike Bryan", "Willie D. Burton", "Damascus", "Somalia", "Great Patriotic War", "MTV Movie Award for Most Desirable Female", "Food Network", "Tribune Media", "Peter Cook", "Raoul Walsh", "Jack Warden", "Toni Braxton", "David Thewlis", "rabbi", "Hannibal Rising", "memoir", "province of Milan", "Betaine", "Bancroft Prize", "Peter Graves", "lo-fi music", "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack", "Bruce Lee", "Beitar Jerusalem F.C.", "Bournemouth", "Natasha Richardson", "Windows Vista", "Andy Heyward", "right fielder", "Pisa", "Rex Harrison", "San Salvador", "FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk", "Tony Leung", "Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States", "Billie Holiday", "Helsingborgs IF", "Love of Life", "Kyoto University", "University of Bristol", "Dio", "US Boulogne", "Darrell Silvera", "Timothy Leary", "Harvard Graduate School of Design", "g-funk", "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim", "Innsbruck", "Fred Ebb", "Luis Miguel", "Lewis Carroll", "vitamin A", "The Mars Volta", "David Greenwalt", "Koei", "Towson", "Hapoel Haifa F.C.", "protopunk", "D-fructose (open structure)", "Spanish Civil War", "North Sea", "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", "Cesar Romero", "Brookline", "Nottingham Forest F.C.", "Jakarta", "Michael Bell", "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series", "Niigata Prefecture", "Ken Keeler", "Hobart and William Smith Colleges", "Bret Michaels", "Walter H. Tyler", "Mel Blanc", "Radio", "University of Waterloo", "Eastbourne", "Everton F.C.", "Faroe Islands", "San Bernardino County", "McLean County", "Mahesh Manjrekar", "Battlestar Galactica", "Henry Corden", "Hollywood Records", "Beasts of the Southern Wild", "December", "Varanasi", "Drake University", "St. Louis Blues", "Ayako Kawasumi", "Sherlock", "calcium", "FC Twente", "Lloyd Kaufman", "Royal Victorian Chain", "South Tyrol", "CBS Corporation", "Jennifer Ehle", "United States men's national soccer team", "Northumberland", "Irving Thalberg", "Bristol", "Sympathy for the Record Industry", "Mike Epps", "anemia", "Gelderland", "1982 Cannes Film Festival", "Frankie Faison", "Finnish", "Ottoman wars in Europe", "Kingdom of Hungary", "Rushmore", "Russian Americans", "Ellen Barkin", "Uttar Pradesh", "Lucknow", "Bernard Herrmann", "stearic acid", "Korea", "KV Mechelen", "Fabolous", "Tuesday Weld", "George Harrison: Living in the Material World", "Governor of Texas", "Liza Minnelli", "Arthur Freed", "Addis Ababa", "Thomas Haden Church", "Hartford Wolf Pack", "Angola national football team", "Cardiff", "Mychael Danna", "libertarianism", "James Fox", "Tacoma", "Southampton", "Thai Chinese people", "Javier Grillo-Marxuach", "The Soloist", "SSV Jahn Regensburg", "Doncaster", "bass", "Upland", "University of Freiburg", "Deram Records", "English Channel", "Ridgewood", "The Criterion Collection", "Owensboro", "Peter Pan", "Resident Evil: Apocalypse", "Jun Fukuyama", "Beverly D'Angelo", "Weimar Republic", "Dougray Scott", "Jerome Kern", "Haiti national football team", "First French Empire", "thrashcore", "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid", "Escondido", "Irem", "children's television series", "Gran Torino", "River Phoenix", "Frida", "Vidya Balan", "Mysore", "Latin Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Album", "University of Virginia School of Law", "Gwar", "Tom Wolfe", "Uzbekistan national football team", "Esporte Clube Bahia", "Dalip Tahil", "dysentery", "Northrop Grumman", "Silkeborg IF", "Roanoke", "Rank Organisation", "Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance (without orchestra)", "Princeton Theological Seminary", "J Records", "Gary Cole", "Emir Kusturica", "Hiroshima", "Hiroshima Prefecture", "Chicago metropolitan area", "University of Northern Colorado", "Never Say Never Again", "OFI Crete", "Jonathan Pryce", "SV Wacker Burghausen", "David Fincher", "Walter Hill", "America Ferrera", "Monmouth County", "American Hockey League", "Alberta", "University of New Hampshire", "6th United States Congress", "Carlisle United F.C.", "Eric Tsang", "Eileen Brennan", "Armenia national football team", "Dev Anand", "Andy Warhol", "Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame", "A.C. ChievoVerona", "Jason Priestley", "Solaris", "New Zealand national cricket team", "Hangzhou", "Licence to Kill", "Armenian Apostolic Church", "Oriental Orthodoxy", "Loretta Devine", "The Cars", "Jeff Meckstroth", "1. FSV Mainz 05", "L-Valine", "Antwerp", "Bill Hicks", "University College", "Stade de Reims", "Sub Pop", "Satish Shah", "Chiswick", "psychologist", "Virginia Commonwealth University", "Tel Aviv", "Pentecostalism", "Theodor W. Adorno", "Touch and Go Records", "F.C. Crotone", "Satyajit Ray", "XL Recordings", "Swedish Empire", "docudrama", "4AD", "Union County", "Christine Vachon", "Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.", "Liberty University", "Kiernan Shipka", "Penn Badgley", "V2 Records Benelux", "Valencia", "John Cale", "The Rum Diary", "Nanjing", "Jiangsu", "Busan", "Compton", "Trisha Krishnan", "Roy Wood", "Mao Zedong", "University of Glasgow", "Urmila Matondkar", "Shirley Ann Russell", "The Invasion", "Charles Bukowski", "Chrysler", "Shonda Rhimes", "Rob Lowe", "Merrimack County", "Merton College", "Star Wars", "Philip Yordan", "Douglas Shearer", "Brighton", "art of sculpture", "Stockton-on-Tees", "TLC", "Morehouse College", "Jackie Robinson", "Dave Goelz", "Samuel Vincent", "Govinda", "MegaMan NT Warrior", "Guatemala City", "New Trier High School", "Stirling", "Turkish", "Loyola University New Orleans", "Unitarianism", "Locus Award for Best First Novel", "House of Windsor", "Mack Sennett", "Daegu", "Bleach: Fade to Black", "Ian Somerhalder", "Aruba", "Novak Djokovic", "Buck Henry", "dietary fiber", "King's College", "Sanjeev Kumar", "Canadian Alliance", "Acadia University", "Caribbean Sea", "spoken word", "George Duning", "Royal Conservatoire of Scotland", "University of Detroit Mercy", "Fontana", "economist", "Wilmington", "Clackamas County", "Georgy Zhukov", "Tampa Bay Lightning", "Raj Babbar", "World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction", "Frank Herbert", "The Road", "King Vidor", "Invasion of Normandy", "concert film", "The Polar Express", "Eureka Seven", "The Pink Panther", "Micropterus salmoides", "Aya Hisakawa", "Neal Stephenson", "Hampshire County", "Alex Gibney", "Carter Bays", "SOAS, University of London", "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant", "Assam", "Corsica", "Comic Relief Does Fame Academy", "Thomas Alva Edison", "center fielder", "Santa Ana", "Bam Margera", "Schenectady", "New Hampshire's 1st congressional district", "Eat Bulaga!", "Greensburg", "Dutch people", "Bravo", "Friuli\u2013Venezia Giulia", "Somerset", "Jean-Luc Godard", "Pillow Talk", "David Henrie", "electric violin", "University of Otago", "Indian Ocean", "country pop", "Joseph Stalin", "Kotono Mitsuishi", "Altrincham F.C.", "Klaus Badelt", "Seattle Storm", "Mandarin Chinese", "Pacific Palisades", "Nathan Lane", "University of Richmond", "FC Erzgebirge Aue", "glam rock", "auto racing", "Larry the Cable Guy", "Argyll and Bute", "Konami", "Adrian Belew", "Kerry Washington", "Indore", "folic acid", "2008 NFL season", "species", "Sikh", "Punjabi", "National Taiwan University", "Dorothy Malone", "Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein", "Indian National Congress", "Prithviraj Sukumaran", "Irwin Allen", "Middlebury College", "Lynchburg", "Bonn", "Ebbsfleet United F.C.", "Joss Ackland", "Cheltenham", "Communist Party USA", "Toronto Argonauts", "Waterbury", "Ashok Kumar", "Upper Normandy", "Nottinghamshire", "Coconino County", "First War of Indian Independence of 1857", "Death Row Records", "Sabah", "steampunk", "post-traumatic stress disorder", "Bernie Brillstein", "Hello, Dolly!", "Waco", "McLennan County", "Isabelle Huppert", "garage punk", "Dagenham & Redbridge F.C.", "War in North-West Pakistan", "Roger Corman", "University of Lancaster", "County Kildare", "Lewes F.C.", "Lady Margaret Hall", "Take-Two Interactive", "Chihuahua", "Collier County", "public administration", "Ronald Harwood", "Iraklis F.C.", "Peter Lorre", "Chesterfield", "Pretoria", "Bas-Rhin", "Norwich", "Graham Chapman", "End of Days", "Riverside", "Yunjin Kim", "Dundee F.C.", "Lake District", "bird", "The Birds", "FC St. Pauli", "Dean Koontz", "paganism", "Nationalist Party of Australia", "Kevin Williamson", "Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year", "Angie Dickinson", "Ohio Senate", "Sullivan County", "Charles Band", "Toshio Furukawa", "Sunsoft", "German-Soviet War", "Delta Delta Delta", "Kids' WB", "Greg Ayres", "Bandai Namco Entertainment", "CinemaScope", "Carolina Hurricanes", "glitch", "Cagliari Calcio", "Steve Englehart", "David Carradine", "Werner Stengel", "Central Saint Martins", "Vivendi Games", "capric acid", "Spartanburg", "Spartanburg County", "Treviso", "Cleveland Institute of Music", "Dnipro", "Blades of Glory", "Hispanic and Latino Americans", "Waheeda Rehman", "Legia Warsaw", "Peter Capaldi", "Brownsville", "SC Cambuur", "Joseph R. Gannascoli", "Carlos Alazraqui", "East India Company", "Leiden", "Hi-NRG", "Lower Normandy", "Dordogne", "Chittagong", "Hollyoaks", "Tony Longo", "Polish", "Boman Irani", "Athletic Club", "British Isles", "cholesterol", "Galveston County", "Sugar Hill Records", "Benjamin Britten", "Cape Verde national football team", "Jalandhar", "Australian Capital Territory", "Bennington College", "Liberal Party", "John Maynard Keynes", "Cooper Union", "Joseph Sargent", "Enid", "glam punk", "Terrence McNally", "University of Hartford", "Asylum Records", "Paris Saint-Germain F.C.", "Northwestern University School of Law", "Greenwich", "Christian", "hotel", "Democratic-Republican Party", "United States Conference of Catholic Bishops", "Cologne", "Lee J. Cobb", "Henry Gibson", "Overijssel", "geography", "Greta Scacchi", "Lesley Ann Warren", "Fullerton", "Fayette County", "pizza", "A.S. Nancy-Lorraine", "Little Rock", "Turin", "Joe Roth", "Canadian English", "Marvin Hatley", "Province of Brescia", "Sol Polito", "Nashua", "East Prussia", "Anthony Newley", "PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction", "Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Feature", "Saturday Night's Main Event", "Neftchi Baku PFC", "Ypsilanti", "Whig Party", "MTV Movie Award for Best New Filmmaker", "Dave Chappelle", "Luzerne County", "Adrien Beard", "Rocky Mount", "Ramsey County", "Madoff investment scandal", "Rishi Kapoor", "F.C. Bari 1908", "Jerome Flynn", "Scottish Church College", "Como", "Burnaby", "Edward Dmytryk", "All Boys", "Carroll O'Connor", "National School of Drama", "2004 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "space opera", "Anne Rice", "1997 Major League Baseball draft", "Prince George's County", "War of the Fourth Coalition", "Balochistan", "Ritchie Blackmore", "Friedrich Schiller", "Cree Summer", "Raith Rovers F.C.", "Led Zeppelin", "Brian K. Vaughan", "Hugh Hunt", "Geneva", "pork", "Chris Claremont", "National Football League Most Valuable Player Award", "Singapore national football team", "House of Bernadotte", "big band", "Carleton University", "Downfall", "Roxbury", "Saul Rubinek", "Paul Oakenfold", "Hilo", "TobyMac", "Icon Productions", "Latin", "Maggie Roswell", "British Army", "FC Bayern Munich", "Bali", "Siena", "Charles M. Schulz", "Social Distortion", "Michelle Dockery", "Unione Sportiva Lecce", "Howard Stern", "Codemasters", "diploma", "Missouri Tigers football", "Bill Evans", "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", "Edie McClurg", "Monza", "Laurie Metcalf", "Davenport", "FC Metz", "MicroProse", "Burn Gorman", "Julie Delpy", "N.K. Dinamo Zagreb", "World Fantasy Award for Best Novella", "Steubenville", "Sterling Holloway", "United Church of Christ", "Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov", "Clive A. Smith", "Walt Disney Animation Studios", "University of Western Australia", "Southern California", "Shrewsbury", "Charles Darwin", "Livingston", "Artie Lange", "Muhammad", "John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer", "Brescia", "MGM Resorts International", "poliomyelitis", "Clarence Brown", "Saitama Seibu Lions", "University of Hull", "Timothy Busfield", "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine", "yellow fever", "FC Sion", "Gonville and Caius College", "K.A.A. Gent", "Bernalillo County", "Anthony LaPaglia", "Cliff Richard", "Cammell Laird", "Logan International Airport", "Vilmos Zsigmond", "Yankee Doodle Dandy", "L-aspartic Acid", "Blue Ridge Mountains", "St. John's IceCaps", "Mary Shelley", "Anthrax", "Viking FK", "psychedelic folk", "Tomoyuki Tanaka", "Alkmaar", "blood", "Melbourne Victory", "Fresno", "Whatcom County", "Minsk", "Louvre Museum", "Destiny's Child", "Harry Stradling", "Oasis", "Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year", "Joseph Heller", "Verona", "Sunderland", "swing music", "Stuttgarter Kickers", "Petaluma", "Hanoi", "Evansville", "Yokohama", "Kanagawa Prefecture", "Michael Biehn", "St. Olaf College", "Sam Wood", "tragicomedy", "Reims", "Mount Holyoke College", "Tunis", "Christian metal", "dark wave", "\u014csaka", "testicular cancer", "AC Sparta Prague", "passenger car", "Aalesunds FK", "Barnsley", "American Book Awards", "F.C. Nantes", "Samantha Mathis", "Friesland", "Tony Curtis", "Amrish Puri", "cerebral hemorrhage", "Japanese people", "Synecdoche, New York", "Ghent", "Yavapai County", "Frank Gehry", "Tiffani Thiessen", "Lisbon", "Robert Vaughn", "Bhopal", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", "KLM", "Missoula", "Harvard Divinity School", "Gwinnett County", "Levadiakos F.C.", "shortstop", "SV Eintracht Trier 05", "Oral Roberts University", "Goya Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Minas Gerais", "Hertfordshire", "Good Morning America", "University of Liverpool", "Geraldine Page", "David Boreanaz", "Lund", "Stetson University", "Chulalongkorn", "alto flute", "Manche", "Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario", "Discovery Channel", "video", "Marylebone", "Life Insurance Corporation of India", "Jules White", "Michael Murphy", "Dumfries and Galloway", "East River", "Lake Charles", "The Clearing", "University of Denver", "2009 World Championships in Athletics", "Reba McEntire", "The Biggest Loser", "Denton", "Oxnard", "Launceston", "Michael Hordern", "Hans Christian Andersen", "Lori Alan", "Oriel College", "list of natural satellites", "Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock", "Catalonia", "Abidjan", "Dorset", "Stax Records", "DL-methionine", "St. Charles County", "Louis Delluc Prize", "Jackson State University", "Curly Howard", "Kozhikode", "Michel Colombier", "Augsburg", "Hamilton Tiger-Cats", "HAL Laboratory", "Ontario New Democratic Party", "Gatineau", "Yul Brynner", "American International Pictures", "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre", "Santa Clara", "Dakar", "Kingston upon Thames", "Robert Chartoff", "Southern Baptist Convention", "Schuylkill County", "world", "screamo", "Mohnish Bahl", "Real Sociedad", "Latin jazz", "Tashkent", "Durban", "Order of the Elephant", "Holland Taylor", "Weber County", "Camberwell College of Arts", "FK Austria Wien", "Priyadarshan", "Hillsboro", "Judy Garland", "Puebla F.C.", "A League of Their Own", "Franz Schubert", "Claudia Cardinale", "Marrakesh", "New York Islanders", "CBS Radio", "Ticino", "Canton of Valais", "505 Games", "LucasArts", "Surrealism", "Cornwall", "Sporting Clube de Portugal", "2001 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament", "Shigeru Miyamoto", "62nd Berlin International Film Festival", "Brothers", "Kenichi Ogata", "dream pop", "CFR Cluj", "Princeton", "Belgium national football team", "Columbia County", "University of Tartu", "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross", "Burbank", "Mike B. Anderson", "East West Records", "Girton College", "FC Alania Vladikavkaz", "Wellington", "Lou Costello", "David Kaye", "Bakersfield", "FC Kuban Krasnodar", "Stalybridge Celtic F.C.", "Christopher Cerf", "Szczecin", "Anu Malik", "Sofia", "The Damned", "Province of Cuneo", "California State Senate", "Eastleigh F.C.", "Sequoia Capital", "Louis XIV of France", "Basilica of Saint-Denis", "Enrique Iglesias", "hip hop soul", "Carmine Infantino", "America's Next Top Model", "Star Trek: The Animated Series", "glam metal", "Society of Jesus", "professional wrestling", "Darmstadt", "County Roscommon", "Amber Benson", "Gulf War", "River Thames", "Irving", "Enrico Fermi", "physicist", "Cameron County", "Hubei", "Fisk University", "Croatian American", "Xbox Game Studios", "Iroquois", "FC Schaffhausen", "Sikkim", "Philip Johnson", "TV Asahi", "Degrassi: The Next Generation", "computer scientist", "Grey DeLisle", "Jack London", "Ocala", "Richard Burton", "Kingdom of Greece", "American Airlines", "Montclair", "First Crusade", "traffic collision", "Hindus", "Rolfe Kent", "Nazi Party", "Gresham's School", "global warming", "Groton School", "Elie Samaha", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actress", "Pyongyang", "Derby", "Fairbanks", "National Autonomous University of Mexico", "angina pectoris", "Porter County", "Rajasthan", "2009 Sundance Film Festival", "PlayStation 3", "Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games", "Sonic the Hedgehog", "Hancock County", "Southern soul", "Greater St. Louis", "Newport", "Weld County", "Hollywood Walk of Fame", "White Plains", "FC Carl Zeiss Jena", "McHenry County", "Skidmore Owings Merrill", "Joel Edgerton", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds", "Jack Elam", "Max von Sydow", "Iain Banks", "Boris Karloff", "Georgia State University", "Grove Street Cemetery", "Imperial Records", "Livingston County", "Bilbao", "Verve Records", "Maastricht", "Kikuko Inoue", "Paul S. Fox", "F.C. Copenhagen", "Howard Hawks", "Tress MacNeille", "Bihar", "Telugu", "executive director", "Jackass Number Two", "publishing", "Box Elder County", "Pierce County", "Bari", "Bergen", "Pampanga", "Oslo", "Swansea City A.F.C.", "Pauly Shore", "VJ", "music video game", "Royal Holloway, University of London", "Le Havre A.C.", "Utah County", "Carinthia", "Guangdong", "Central Java", "Miyagi Prefecture", "Changchun Yatai F.C.", "Kenneth Mars", "Western Michigan University", "2011 Libyan Civil War", "Hal David", "Normandy", "Crunk", "hyphy", "Ninja Tune", "Crete", "librarian", "Travis County", "Lionel Barrymore", "Heinz Eric Roemheld", "Helsinki", "The Wire, season 5", "Arlington County", "Santa Fe Province", "Grown Ups", "USA Network", "listed building in the United Kingdom", "University of Tokyo", "Mako", "Chicago Fire", "National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam", "National Women's Hall of Fame", "Joplin", "Moe Howard", "Nuclear Blast", "Hulk Hogan", "Mammootty", "Prem Nath", "Hollywood Forever Cemetery", "Stephen Baxter", "Arthur C. Clarke Award", "House of Wittelsbach", "Poland national football team", "F.C. Ashdod", "Butte County", "glycine", "Albert S. D'Agostino", "Basil Poledouris", "Lorenz Hart", "Francis Bacon", "Scott County", "O.G.C. Nice", "Astralwerks", "Erich Ludendorff", "John G. Avildsen", "Amarillo", "John Byrne", "Duluth", "Camberwell", "Nobel Prize in Physics", "Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia", "turn-based strategy video game", "Capcom", "Ernst Lubitsch", "Tallinn", "Joseph M. Schenck", "Janet Leigh", "Olympique Lyonnais", "Charles Rosher", "Myrtle Beach", "Rugrats", "North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University", "Sport Club do Recife", "Josh Weinstein", "Eidos Interactive", "Pinto Colvig", "Holy Cross Cemetery", "Cameron Mitchell", "Byzantine Empire", "Cleveland State University", "Nigel Lythgoe", "crown prince", "University of Texas School of Law", "Marcel Duchamp", "John Mellencamp", "Bengali", "U.S. Grosseto F.C.", "video game music", "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern", "Huddersfield", "Palm Beach", "Wellington College", "Gyeonggi Province", "Daniel Haller", "Houston Astros", "From Russia with Love", "Harold Gould", "Milwaukee Admirals", "Dany Heatley", "Michael Piller", "SV Werder Bremen", "Valdosta", "Freakazoid!", "aerospace", "Lakeshore Entertainment", "Joel David Moore", "PFC Spartak Nalchik", "jazz rap", "Neustadt International Prize for Literature", "Utrecht", "Melville Shavelson", "AEK Larnaca F.C.", "The Glenn Miller Story", "S.C. Internacional", "Richard Roxburgh", "Phillips Academy", "Carlisle", "University of Jena", "Rod Serling", "French invasion of Russia", "Texarkana", "Lee County", "Sioux City", "Hackensack", "Lund University", "West Berkshire", "L-Arginine", "pharmaceutical industry", "Lazio", "Bremen", "WWE Superstars", "Kent", "Worthing", "Baku", "New prog", "Pat Morita", "Marburg", "Penang", "Goethe University Frankfurt", "Sega", "horse racing", "Oi!", "Greenwich Village", "Western Desert Campaign", "FC Zorya Luhansk", "Mr. Prospector", "bay", "Ferrara", "Collingwood Football Club", "Anil Kapoor", "Carl Stalling", "Franz Liszt", "Super Smash Bros. Brawl", "Televisa", "Epic Games", "Bulgaria national football team", "comedy of manners", "University of Northern Iowa", "SkyTeam", "Guitar Hero II", "Monmouthshire", "Poole", "Karl Popper", "Dallas Stars", "Butler University", "Martha Plimpton", "Newcastle", "Montclair State University", "Paul Frees", "Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito", "St. Stephen's College", "FC Rostov", "Phil Vischer", "Nelson Riddle", "Venice Film Festival", "Caen", "University of Padua", "Herkimer County", "Rochester Institute of Technology", "Homicide: Life on the Street", "Moncton", "Atlantic Time Zone", "dubstep", "Dalian", "Wood County", "Johannes Brahms", "Syrianska FC", "North Dakota State University", "philosophy of science", "sumo", "Roald Dahl", "English Civil War", "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress", "3D Realms", "Western Cape", "folk metal", "Saw IV", "Olympiakos Nicosia FC", "Pretty Little Liars", "Lincolnshire", "Sangamon County", "Wonder Woman", "La Plata", "Mac OS", "macOS", "Windows XP", "Seventh-day Adventist Church", "Chiba Prefecture", "St. Joseph", "Tijuana", "Ron Jeremy", "Swiss national football team", "Johnny Lever", "Atalanta B.C.", "Japanese American", "Lauren Conrad", "Joan Plowright", "asteroid", "Kokomo", "Virgin Group", "Richard Branson", "Santa Fe County", "prophet", "Highland Park", "Laval", "Melvin Frank", "HTC Corporation", "Peter Tolan", "Art Deco", "FC Akhmat Grozny", "Nassau County", "Lake Michigan", "County Donegal", "sodium", "Federated States of Micronesia", "Jason Marsden", "House of Stuart", "Habsburg Monarchy", "Satish Kaushik", "Tabriz", "Guernsey", "Mattel", "Yasser Arafat", "House of Representatives", "WCW WorldWide", "FC Luzern", "Gioachino Rossini", "Cajun music", "Bremerton", "JVC Kenwood Victor Entertainment", "Marche", "Shaanxi", "Liaoning", "Real Murcia", "Metropolis Records", "Calabria", "Bappi Lahiri", "mangaka", "FC Vorskla Poltava", "University of Minnesota Law School", "Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", "dyspnea", "Adolphe Menjou", "Clallam County", "Karen Black", "Will County", "Port-au-Prince", "Okinawa Prefecture", "Trinidad", "Port of Spain", "Tex Avery", "Townsville", "Shaun of the Dead", "British Indian people", "Chess Records", "SM Town", "teen drama", "Manchester Monarchs", "Hanshin Tigers", "liver cancer", "Aude", "Johns Hopkins School of Medicine", "dance film", "Canton of Vaud", "Morgan Creek Productions", "James Buchanan", "chemotherapy", "The Flowers of War", "STV", "Nye County", "Sarajevo", "Somerville College", "War of the Austrian Succession", "Perkin Medal", "New Mexico State University", "Adelphi University", "Trondheim", "Norman Taurog", "American Recordings", "Gateshead F.C.", "influenza", "Chesapeake", "U.S. Gold", "Charterhouse School", "dub", "Simran", "JPMorgan Chase", "Okanogan County", "Richard M. Sherman", "The Mickey Mouse Club", "Vitesse", "Rocky Mountains", "The Edge of Night", "Saint Louis University", "Russi Taylor", "common-law marriage", "Kelowna", "Sierra Entertainment", "Peterborough", "Peterborough United F.C.", "Jerry Wald", "Charles Laughton", "Theravada", "beat music", "Second Boer War", "Culinary Institute of America", "Royal College, Colombo", "Colombo", "Wake County", "Mitch Pileggi", "Sault Ste. Marie", "Matt Selman", "sports video game", "Hildesheim", "Television Broadcasts Limited", "Ian McNeice", "Aspyr", "Guitar Hero World Tour", "Club Necaxa", "Gertrude Stein", "Sinhalese people", "Jennifer Morrison", "left fielder", "Upper Canada College", "Frederick II of Prussia", "University of Halle-Wittenberg", "K.S.C. Lokeren Oost-Vlaanderen", "Marvel Universe", "Sri Lankan Tamils", "free improvisation", "Bandung", "Larry Fine", "Guildford", "St. Johnstone F.C.", "Goya Award for Best Actor", "Hitchin", "Calvin College", "Rocco and His Brothers", "Andhra Pradesh", "Second Intifada", "Israel Defense Forces", "Macau", "aerospace engineering", "Claude Rains", "Moscow Conservatory", "Hudson Soft", "Monarcas Morelia", "Fordham University School of Law", "Philadelphia Flyers", "1927 Major League Baseball season", "FC Levadia Tallinn", "March of the Penguins", "Solihull", "FC Thun", "Ocean County", "Schutzstaffel", "Antilles", "Quebec Liberal Party", "Sparta", "County Galway", "San Angelo", "Seine-et-Marne", "Harrow", "Kensington", "Fort Smith", "Third Crusade", "Skopje", "AC Arles", "Fairfield University", "Gothenburg", "Danny Denzongpa", "Tommy Boy Records", "Mickey Mouse", "Ed Lauter", "James Marsters", "University of Calcutta", "Subiaco", "Jennifer Love Hewitt", "Sh\u014dtar\u014d Ishinomori", "Saif Ali Khan", "Graeme Revell", "Richard Roundtree", "Mainz", "Villarreal Club de F\u00fatbol", "University of Texas at El Paso", "Sharmila Tagore", "Fat Possum Records", "Sapporo", "Olympiacos B.C.", "K-pop", "Belarus national football team", "Grand Teton National Park", "Nunavut", "Jersey City", "Kanawha County", "French and Indian War", "Peshawar", "Minami Takayama", "Mare Winningham", "Henan", "Zsa Zsa Gabor", "Will Patton", "Legislative Assembly of Ontario", "High Point", "Baruch Spinoza", "FC Torpedo Moscow", "Golders Green Crematorium", "Stockton", "ninth grade", "sketch comedy", "Howard County", "Alpes-Maritimes", "Genie Award for Best Achievement in Editing", "Autonomous Republic of Crimea", "motivational speaking", "Plainfield", "Hal Mohr", "Isfahan", "Peter Lawford", "Cartoon Network", "Plano", "diarrhea", "CWA New Blood Dagger", "East Java", "doo-wop", "Pandro S. Berman", "Falls Church", "Ventura", "Galveston", "Melaka", "Binghamton", "Whittier", "Walter Skinner", "South Australian House of Assembly", "Spokane County", "Anurag Kashyap", "Eastbourne Borough F.C.", "Kankakee", "Hellas Verona F.C.", "Geelong Football Club", "Teton County", "Metro Detroit", "Alexander Korda", "Cowpunk", "Broome County", "Brian Drummond", "General Dynamics Electric Boat", "Saint John", "Liberal Party of Canada", "Olympia Dukakis", "Pashto", "Jello Biafra", "Alternative Tentacles", "Gerry Anderson", "FC Lokomotiv 1929 Sofia", "Xbox 360", "public health", "Gene Callahan", "GT Interactive Software", "multiplayer video game", "Lakeland", "Governor of New York", "Laval University", "lacrosse", "Kitchener", "Las Cruces", "Vijay Anand", "Joseph Vijay", "Beggars Banquet Records", "Girish Karnad", "Port Huron", "Otsego County", "Curtis Institute of Music", "Virgin Mary", "Madurai", "John F. Kennedy School of Government", "Hot Springs", "Brian Doyle-Murray", "Lon Chaney", "Bible", "Rajendra Nath", "Ashtabula County", "Shin-ichiro Miki", "Eintracht Frankfurt", "Ed McMahon", "Canon Inc.", "Epsom", "Order of the Three Stars", "VfL Bochum", "Square", "L.A.S.K. Linz", "ghost", "Jharkhand", "El Dorado County", "Upper Austria", "endocrine system disease", "music executive", "General Dynamics", "Kazuhiko Inoue", "Los Angeles City College", "Hong Kong national football team", "symphony", "Architectural Association School of Architecture", "Guilford County", "2K Games", "Suzhou", "India national football team", "Manny Coto", "New London County", "head teacher", "Kaohsiung", "independent politician", "Latin pop", "saturated fat", "Bloemfontein", "Vicksburg", "Hove", "Casablanca Records", "Lansing", "Iberian Peninsula", "Avalon Hill", "Travis Banton", "Amherst", "War on Terror", "Charles Sanders Peirce", "Social Democratic Party of Germany", "Ethnikos Piraeus F.C.", "FC Lokomotiv Moscow", "20th Century Fox Home Entertainment", "Royal Leamington Spa", "Johor", "Tupelo", "Ferret Music", "Loudoun County", "Wallace Beery", "flight", "New Plymouth", "Tony Award for Best Costume Design", "Alabama State University", "Armenians", "Dothan", "University of Louisville", "Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa", "Dan Schneider", "Telemundo", "Royal Medal", "Roy Thomas", "Bill Finger", "Mantua", "Stellenbosch University", "Bob Yari", "Elmira", "The Holocaust", "Arnhem", "Oshawa", "Macon", "Galway", "Alexander the Great", "Jeetendra", "Sedgwick County", "Andes", "Leicestershire", "University of Santo Tomas", "Spezia Calcio", "Henderson", "Murfreesboro", "Tripoli", "Frank Lloyd Wright", "Royal Gold Medal", "Venezuela national football team", "Callum Keith Rennie", "Keble College", "Blackpool", "House of Oldenburg", "Green Bay", "Twelfth Night: Or What You Will", "Ulm", "Adolph Deutsch", "Harlow", "nonviolence", "Australian Greens", "political satire", "Santa Cruz County", "Mission Revival architecture", "South America", "Mobile County", "The End Records", "Stade Brestois 29", "Accra Hearts of Oak SC", "Bounce TV", "Kulbhushan Kharbanda", "Idris Elba", "Bangalore", "Tuolumne County", "Southern Gospel", "Timmins", "Mobile", "Corpus Christi", "Wakefield", "Languedoc-Roussillon", "prescription drug", "SM Entertainment", "Cessna", "Helen", "Ipswich", "major", "French Army", "The Twilight Zone", "Red Dwarf", "cricket", "Dan Green", "Christian rock", "Citadel Broadcasting", "Rosario", "Quito", "FC BATE Borisov", "Cagney & Lacey", "Meridian", "Pomona", "Shanxi", "Rostock", "Tiburones Rojos de Veracruz", "Jonathan Lynn", "Veronica Mars", "College of Wooster", "Konyaspor", "swingman", "EMI Music Japan", "Alliance '90/The Greens", "green politics", "MGM Records", "Hemel Hempstead", "Dilys Award", "Ajax Cape Town F.C.", "Marv Wolfman", "Anne Arundel County", "Moldavia", "National Park Service", "UCLA School of Law", "Japanese yen", "U.S. Cremonese", "John Mahoney", "Kamloops", "Institute for Advanced Study", "Scott McNeil", "Kharkiv", "Lycoming County", "Tyne and Wear", "West Hartford", "Constantine", "Tsinghua University", "Seoul Broadcasting System", "carpentry", "La Crosse County", "Romford", "Sliema Wanderers F.C.", "Gujarati", "Rotorua", "German cuisine", "Windows 7", "Silver Spring", "Kennebec County", "James Madison University", "Ridge Forrester", "North African Campaign", "Yunnan", "Atlanta Silverbacks", "Province of Naples", "Irish", "Julie Gardner", "Mashhad", "Rawalpindi", "Accra", "FC Chornomorets Odesa", "Nagpur", "Bury St Edmunds", "Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame", "Star Alliance", "Nevada County", "chef", "non-fiction", "Governor General's Award for English-language non-fiction", "Earlham College", "Tibet", "salsa", "Jacqueline Bisset", "Rajpal Yadav", "chess", "investment banking", "Colleen Clinkenbeard", "D. W. Griffith", "Jack Webb", "Nijmegen", "Mughal Empire", "rugby league", "Bindu", "Mansfield", "Hapoel Be'er Sheva F.C.", "Kaunas", "Taipei", "ecology", "harpsichordist", "Picardy", "Rosalind Russell", "Gross out", "pathogenic bacteria", "Boulogne-Billancourt", "Harare", "Ibaraki Prefecture", "Kitsap County", "Arthur Q. Bryan", "Saginaw County", "La Crosse", "Canada men's national soccer team", "Bryn Mawr", "Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings", "Arthur Wong", "FC Groningen", "Walnut Creek", "rail transport", "gunshot", "Carroll County", "Williams Grand Prix Engineering", "Kevin McCarthy", "Band Hero", "Atlantic Canada", "Fujian", "Erlangen", "Supreme Court of the United States", "Bradenton", "Senate of Australia", "Oaxaca", "Newcastle upon Tyne", "Cache County", "Traverse City", "Sierra Nevada", "Rancho Mirage", "psychedelic trance", "Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society", "iron", "Boston Latin School", "folk punk", "Heracles Almelo", "Leipzig University", "Australian Broadcasting Corporation", "Paddington", "2012 Sundance Film Festival", "Rio Grande do Sul", "whodunit", "swamp rock", "Virginia Union University", "Fox News", "Tom and Jerry", "Warren Ellis", "Ayr United F.C.", "Nana Patekar", "Mona Marshall", "South Sudan", "Tyrol", "cryptoxanthin", "Kathmandu", "Fat Wreck Chords", "Enlightenment in Spain", "West Indies cricket team", "Northeastern University", "Bergamo", "Nunnally Johnson", "Real Betis Balompi\u00e9", "Humboldt University of Berlin", "Mindscape", "Apache", "Pennine Alps", "electronic rock", "Lane County", "County Monaghan", "picture book", "Greenland", "ECHL", "Theoni V. Aldredge", "Ludhiana", "TSG 1899 Hoffenheim", "Laredo", "Tsui Hark", "nationalism", "WWE", "tech house", "freak folk", "Purple Heart", "Winchester College", "Davidson County", "differential topology", "jurist-consultant", "Ajith Kumar", "Ray Wise", "Rotherham", "The U", "Saddam Hussein", "FC Metalurh Zaporizhya", "County Antrim", "Roots: The Next Generations", "Revelation Records", "West Java", "bossa nova", "Warwick", "antibiotic", "acute cystitis", "Nokia", "Merge Records", "Glasgow School of Art", "anti-racism", "Khyber Pakhtunkhwa", "Socialist Unity Party of Germany", "Nairobi", "respiratory failure", "Billy Bragg", "Brampton", "Order of the Garter", "Pro Football Hall of Fame", "Barry Corbin", "I. M. Pei", "Parkersburg", "Quezon City", "Vojvodina", "National Gallery", "Bellevue", "Copley Medal", "electric folk", "Christian punk", "Christian hardcore", "Sneha", "Watford", "Irish traditional music", "UTV", "Fulham", "City, University of London", "Hammer Film Productions", "Montreal Canadiens", "C#", "Achala Sachdev", "Bozeman", "Mongol Empire", "Hastings", "Duisburg", "University of Tehran", "Augustus", "Danilo Donati", "Sandoval County", "Harlem Renaissance", "University of Michigan Law School", "Dunfermline", "news magazine", "Sydney Airport", "Nuremberg", "The Troubles", "Akira Toriyama", "Fredericton", "FC Karpaty Lviv", "Laura Bailey", "Gironde", "pornographic actor", "Halle (Saale)", "1908 Major League Baseball season", "schizophrenia", "County Armagh", "Taito Corporation", "student", "Placer County", "Neil Ross", "Norman", "Sunil Shetty", "Wuppertal", "Luftwaffe", "Frankfort", "Spike TV", "ECW on TNN", "college basketball", "scarlet", "a cappella", "Diane Warren", "Coimbatore district", "Kristine Sutherland", "Kanpur", "Old Dominion University", "Seven Network", "Mountain View", "Union Theological Seminary", "Westport", "Roy Kinnear", "Jaipur", "WCW Monday Nitro", "Zionism", "Bern", "Wiesbaden", "Ira Steven Behr", "Jim Beaver", "systemic lupus erythematosus", "Peter Stone", "CBBC", "RWDM Brussels FC", "cerebrospinal fluid", "Outlaw country", "Burton upon Trent", "Lviv", "Asha Parekh", "Greenville County", "Priority Records", "Relapse Records", "Shinya Tsukamoto", "Morristown", "Season of Mist", "TVT Records", "Portland State University", "experimental film", "Gold Coast", "University of Aberdeen", "House of Savoy", "pornographic film", "Livorno", "Tuscaloosa", "Thiruvananthapuram", "Derry", "United Malays National Organisation", "Vadivelu", "Manchester Metropolitan University", "Rio Ave F.C.", "Libertarian Party", "Macclesfield", "Sarnia", "Greek mythology", "Bury", "Frank Skinner", "choreography", "Om Shivpuri", "Flathead County", "Gloucester", "Philip K. Dick Award", "for-profit education", "Harland and Wolff", "Province of Rome", "C.D. Nacional", "University of Texas at Arlington", "modern architecture", "Miles \"Tails\" Prower", "Columbia River", "St George's Chapel", "adult album alternative", "Howard Morris", "Altoona", "Clan Douglas", "hanging", "grindcore", "Masako Nozawa", "Order of the Thistle", "acid house", "YTV", "goat", "John Carradine", "Barrie", "32nd Berlin International Film Festival", "Genesee County", "Boca Raton", "Blair County", "old-time music", "Southport", "RMIT University", "literary criticism", "John DiMaggio", "knight", "Ronnie Screwvala", "Mani Ratnam", "Accrington Stanley F.C.", "United Methodist Church", "women's rights", "Koblenz", "chief marketing officer", "Selma", "International Cricket Council", "Northamptonshire", "glucose", "Rostov-on-Don", "Jena", "Sky 1", "anarchism", "Daffy Duck", "shock rock", "Royal Australian Air Force", "Dragon Ball", "Wally Wingert", "Mangalore", "smallpox", "Hattiesburg", "A.E.K. Athens F.C.", "Black Mountain College", "Eddie Selzer", "2008 Sundance Film Festival", "Sam Raimi", "Greater Poland Voivodeship", "Symbolism", "Portland metropolitan area", "Order of St. Olav", "Panserraikos F.C.", "Ryerson University", "Tbilisi", "Pyrenees", "Selangor", "financier", "K\u014dbe", "Guangzhou", "National Theatre School of Canada", "Miyuki Sawashiro", "post-apocalyptic fiction", "New Zealand National Party", "Anhui", "Green Party of the United States", "Missouri River", "Zeeland", "Associated Press", "Curitiba", "dark cabaret", "Rock Band 2", "Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts", "Dakota County", "Pakistan Peoples Party", "Vancouver Island", "Communist Party of China", "Len Wein", "Penzance", "Dordrecht", "Daybreak Game Company", "Indian River County", "Marshall, Texas", "Framingham", "biotechnology", "Estelle Harris", "Newfoundland Standard time", "Filipino", "West Dorset", "golf", "Middlesbrough", "malaria", "college rock", "Plovdiv", "nu jazz", "Aleppo", "Los Angeles Unified School District", "Delmer Daves", "Arjun Rampal", "Caravaggio", "Seattle SuperSonics", "Looney Tunes", "Ankara", "Royal Sutton Coldfield", "University of Oslo", "Nobel Prize in Chemistry", "art punk", "Sedona", "French cuisine", "Poitou-Charentes", "Fort Collins", "Federalist Party", "virus", "Parramatta Eels", "Gordon Douglas", "Weymouth F.C.", "Android", "Fremantle", "Albania national football team", "Carry On", "Islington", "Liberal Party of Australia", "S.S. Monza 1912", "Orange Free State", "Florida Keys", "Taliban", "Church of England", "South Somerset", "Greater Sudbury", "Parma", "Bordeaux", "The Cure", "illegal drug trade", "National Heads-Up Poker Championship", "arms industry", "myristic acid", "Eton College", "Middlesex University", "Second Punic War", "Rose Bowl Game", "John Fritz Medal", "Yunus Parvez", "Unitarian Universalism", "Crown of Arag\u00f3n", "Kingdom of Romania", "Wong Jing", "over-the-counter drug", "electroclash", "Disneyland", "GMA Network", "Montpellier", "American Academy of Arts and Letters", "Isle of Man", "Boeing 747", "extreme metal", "Pye Records", "Aegean Sea", "Dewsbury", "Om Prakash", "Alan Hale", "Gloucestershire", "David Buttolph", "John Fiedler", "Democratic Unionist Party", "Manisha Koirala", "Wuhan", "Origin Systems", "Rahul Dev Burman", "UPN", "University of Ottawa", "blood plasma", "Nome Census Area", "Royal Tunbridge Wells", "Babylon 5", "Dessau", "Australian Army", "blaxploitation", "Harford County", "Gwynedd", "Nicole Sullivan", "FSV Frankfurt", "Aarhus", "Marshall University", "North Norfolk", "Darlington", "Himachal Pradesh", "public limited company", "Guardian Children's Fiction Prize", "beat 'em up", "dragon", "Tony Gaudio", "Neath", "Jess Harnell", "County Tipperary", "Socialist Party", "Continental Army", "Mariposa County", "Atlanta Thrashers", "Auckland City", "Prussia", "Brno", "chiptune", "Akira Kamiya", "Macalester College", "California Department of Parks and Recreation", "winger", "Monte Carlo", "Earache Records", "University of Kiel", "Perugia", "Manipur", "Streamline Moderne", "M\u00e9xico", "First Lady of the United States", "Staffordshire", "Thunder Bay", "County Sligo", "analgesic", "Sandusky", "Chiapas", "Christian hip hop", "Kannada", "children's music", "Muncie", "University of Strathclyde", "Sichuan", "Caracas", "socialism", "Dixieland", "Cyril J. Mockridge", "St. Catharines", "Charlie Adler", "Wagga Wagga", "Quetta", "Ariola", "Windsor Castle", "Robert Schumann", "Shelbourne F.C.", "Scots", "The Wire, season 1", "Cam Clarke", "Inverness", "Afrikaans", "Markham", "Austrian Empire", "SK Slavia Prague", "psychic", "CBC Television", "Merseyside", "Newell's Old Boys", "old-growth forest", "Panama City", "Hunan", "Universal Republic Records", "SCE Studio Liverpool", "Royal Military Academy Sandhurst", "Baltimore County", "Kill Rock Stars", "Disney Channel", "Sioux", "women's studies", "Southern Lord Records", "Marseille", "itch", "Republic Pictures", "Salford", "Sovereign Military Order of Malta", "Japan Academy Prize for Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role", "New Jersey Devils", "conglomerate", "County Wicklow", "Saitama Prefecture", "Mannheim", "Populous", "Kagoshima", "Ancient Greece", "Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic", "biologist", "Australia national cricket team", "Alan Hume", "FC St. Gallen", "Paducah", "Romani people", "Revisionist Western", "al-Qaeda", "Kampala", "Veracruz", "Elche CF", "Hidalgo County", "Kern County", "Kirkcaldy", "Malden", "Basra", "Ljubljana", "Bosnian War", "psychedelic soul", "FC Khimki", "ABC", "Tokugawa clan", "neofolk", "Erfurt", "Himani Shivpuri", "Museo del Prado", "Mandopop", "Swindon", "Wiltshire", "Versailles", "County Clare", "East Riding of Yorkshire", "Adriatic Sea", "William Kiernan", "Costa Rica national football team", "Satyen Kappu", "Odense", "id Software", "Santiago", "Frontiers Records", "astronaut", "1994 Major League Baseball season", "BBC News", "Tianjin", "Olympia", "Baghdad", "Vigor Shipyards", "MyNetworkTV", "L-Tyrosine", "Dave Fleischer", "Order of the Star of Romania", "Scottish Labour Party", "Beverly", "folktronica", "Endemol", "Ho Chi Minh City", "French Revolution", "Leuven", "International Tennis Hall of Fame", "Tyler", "Lewisham", "Pangasinan", "Haifa", "Nantes", "Steven Dean Moore", "Hudson River", "Amman", "minimal techno", "chanson", "Calvados", "Islamabad", "pulmonary embolism", "Biloxi", "Roosevelt family", "Sporting Cristal", "printmaking", "Bollingen Prize", "Buffyverse", "Charlottetown", "Merced County", "Invercargill", "Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography", "galaxy", "Moline", "Breda", "Croydon", "poverty", "structural engineer", "Turun Palloseura", "Raghuvaran", "Renaissance architecture", "Greater Boston", "twelfth grade", "accountant", "Suva", "SST Records", "C++", "telepathy", "Turing Award", "Dundee", "symphonic black metal", "Newbery Medal", "AACTA Award for Best Adapted Screenplay", "homelessness", "Reform Party of Canada", "psychotherapy", "Conservative Party", "E!", "Jaya Bhaduri Bachchan", "Javanese people", "cryptography", "South Cambridgeshire", "Carnatic music", "Apulia", "wind farm", "Mukesh Rishi", "Thilakan", "German Army", "Jaleco", "Ashford", "post-metal", "Beaver County", "University of Chicago Law School", "Kumasi", "National Gallery of Art", "number theory", "\u0130zmir", "GNU General Public License", "Confederate States Army", "Seattle metropolitan area", "substance-related disorder", "gang", "DC Universe", "construction", "World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology", "Pashtun people", "pope", "broadsheet", "Dorchester Town F.C.", "Bath City F.C.", "Lebanese Civil War", "Pocatello", "drone music", "Republic of Venice", "basketball coach", "Elsevier", "Merced", "Georgetown", "Aldershot", "Elgin", "Apache Software Foundation", "Neuilly-sur-Seine", "House of Lords", "Raza Murad", "University of Dundee", "Greek Orthodox Church", "FromSoftware", "Christchurch", "Arlington", "Nagesh", "anti-folk", "Kensal Green Cemetery", "urban planner", "over-the-air programming", "Hereford", "musical keyboard", "Candlelight Records", "French National Assembly", "Festival", "Pavia", "Norwegians", "Ealing", "petroleum", "Royal Military Academy", "Monrovia", "Iftekhar", "EA Sports", "Zimbabwe national cricket team", "House of Romanov", "FreeBSD", "Pulitzer Prize for Music", "insurance", "National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame", "Kate Greenaway Medal", "retail", "Tirana", "pop art", "Sauk County", "Khmer", "Tennis Borussia Berlin", "werewolf", "Shochiku", "stand-up comedy", "magic in Harry Potter", "Indian Army", "New Orleans metropolitan area", "Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment", "restaurateur", "Metz", "2010 Sundance Film Festival", "Hamas", "Haute-Savoie", "clothing", "Shimla", "Douala", "Warrington", "hanged, drawn and quartered", "MeTV", "Villarreal CF \"B\"", "Gateshead", "Canterbury", "economic history", "mechanic", "Imperial Russian Army", "English Baroque", "duke", "Miami metropolitan area", "visual kei", "dentistry", "Hezbollah", "volcano", "Doha", "Somme", "renewable energy", "Early modern France", "Greenwood", "burgundy", "Edison Medal", "Rockstar Games", "Lifetime", "Varna", "Trieste", "healing factor", "Phnom Penh", "Sunil Varma", "Pony Canyon", "Changsha", "family", "Liliaceae", "underground hip hop", "John Broome", "Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction", "Spanish Empire", "life simulation game", "young adult", "Nicosia", "Airports Authority of India", "Bronxville", "modern rock", "England and Wales cricket team", "Atari Games", "Clyde F.C.", "truss bridge", "vitamin B6", "Antarctica", "Christian Democratic Union", "Philippine cuisine", "Bendigo", "2009 Tour de France", "natural history", "Brantford", "roots reggae", "GFW Impact!", "Royal Australian Navy", "California State Assembly", "Sunni Islam", "Pre-Code Hollywood", "BBC Three", "astrologer", "rocksteady", "consultant", "Louisville metropolitan area", "House of Habsburg", "Bochum", "Shinto", "Pontefract", "Scarborough", "Edmonton Eskimos", "Folkestone", "Suhasini Maniratnam", "Sonic Team", "Freetown", "conceptual art", "mountain", "Bulawayo", "Nintendo Entertainment System", "Dirty rap", "Katowice", "Rabat", "geologist", "United States Fish and Wildlife Service", "genus", "Chemnitz", "Cebu", "Wilma Galvante", "Bedford", "Beaumont", "Georgian architecture", "London Borough of Hackney", "Thessaloniki", "Amjad Khan", "House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha", "Australian rules football", "turn-based tactics", "2008 Tour de France", "Voyages Extraordinaires", "Bridgend", "Woodlawn Cemetery", "Star Plus", "Holy Roman Emperor", "adolescence", "Tecmo", "Oneworld", "minimal music", "Ayr", "Maccabi Tel Aviv B.C.", "Scott Lobdell", "Franklin Medal", "samba", "programmer", "High Sheriff", "Torquay", "Congressional Progressive Caucus", "drag queen", "Rockhampton", "Newburgh", "Pakistan national cricket team", "Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development", "Second French Empire", "Erie", "iOS", "Westfield Group", "Fields Medal", "Royal Naval Air Service", "Darjeeling", "Sri Lanka national cricket team", "tactical role-playing game", "Kinshasa", "cabaret", "Beaux-Arts architecture", "Wallachia", "Islamism", "Silver Star", "Hebei", "light gun shooter", "Image Comics", "medical research", "Equal Vision Records", "contemporary art", "Yarrow Shipbuilders", "Wexford", "Martin Beck Award", "property developer", "EA Vancouver", "automobile magazine", "adventure", "India national cricket team", "Greater Manchester", "Jainism", "biochemist", "postmodern architecture", "Tooth & Nail Records", "Virgin Interactive", "Santiago de Cuba", "Ballarat", "Kassel", "freedom of speech", "Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award", "Order of Saint Michael and Saint George", "Tartu", "private equity", "Matador Records", "Manorama", "Spinefarm Records", "Oswego", "Major League Baseball All-Star Game", "Ottoman Dynasty", "Zetima", "Dubuque", "promoter", "Agra", "National Book Award for Poetry", "Midwest hip hop", "class", "trade union", "Royal Victorian Order", "Havok", "Disney Interactive Studios", "Royal Canadian Air Force", "Srinagar", "St Helens", "Tours", "1956 Major League Baseball season", "Swan Hunter", "Natsume", "Eurovision Song Contest", "young adult literature", "Metal Blade Records", "Padua", "Brixton", "Pulitzer Prize for Public Service", "Chatham", "Scroll and Key", "Australian English", "sheep", "Gothic Revival architecture", "Whoniverse", "dinosaur", "Slade School of Fine Art", "deathgrind", "Scottish National Party", "Riyadh", "director general", "French First Republic", "Porto Alegre", "ninja", "Merthyr Tydfil", "Lockheed Corporation", "Texas blues", "Jeddah", "Lexington County", "Goya Award for Best Spanish Language Foreign Film", "Abruzzo", "Acadians", "art critic", "nature", "New York Shipbuilding Corporation", "Norwegian Labour Party", "Inner Hebrides", "Ulster Unionist Party", "Dark Horse Comics", "Impressionism", "Benjamin Franklin Medal", "Governor of New Jersey", "South Island", "Arunachal Pradesh", "nebula", "Lucerne", "Waffen-SS", "Medal of Honor", "sexploitation film", "third-person shooter", "Victory Records", "Creation Records", "adventure novel", "Wimbledon", "B movie", "Indonesian cuisine", "Expressionism", "Central Alberta", "New Zealand Labour Party", "Jagdish Raj", "Art Nouveau", "platform game", "art dealer", "deathcore", "Toronto District School Board", "K Records", "Wigan", "Palomar Observatory", "Christmas music", "clown", "Carmarthen", "Communist Party of Germany", "manslaughter", "cattle", "Joan Bennett", "skateboarding", "Ontario Liberal Party", "congregational church", "Afro-Asiatic languages", "alternate history", "pastor", "This TV", "Maidstone", "bubonic plague", "flood", "County Mayo", "Fine Gael", "afrobeat", "African popular music", "Barnet", "strongman", "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood", "Victorian architecture", "statistician", "igneous rock", "Kuwait City", "Apache License", "Shiraz", "movie theater", "People's Democratic Party", "Vagrant Records", "Soviet Air Forces", "music of Japan", "fast food", "psychological horror", "Washington metropolitan area", "politics of the United States", "Montmartre Cemetery", "Tejano music", "mountaineering", "Kosi Zone", "cooking show", "educational television", "general contractor", "Strategic Simulations", "Mosul", "Grimsby", "2001 Major League Baseball season", "Stavanger", "Japanese mythology", "limited company", "BSD licenses", "police", "all-rounder", "Barrow-in-Furness", "St Andrews", "Church of Scotland", "Greater Houston", "Joseon", "Bhangra", "Supreme Court of Canada", "Paramaribo", "Imperial House of Japan", "contemporary hit radio", "child actor", "extreme sport", "Perak", "tactical shooter", "United National Party", "surgeon", "NBA Finals", "true crime", "United States Army Air Corps", "Glasnevin Cemetery", "West Norwood Cemetery", "curator", "contemporary worship music", "United States House Committee on Financial Services", "association football manager", "Padma Vibhushan", "classic autism", "delicatessen", "CITV", "Europop", "immortality", "hereditary peer", "Macedonia", "Bath Iron Works", "Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award", "Orthodox Judaism", "philanthropy", "asteroid belt", "neo-Nazism", "John Brown & Company", "Canadian Army", "military history", "Cumann na nGaedheal", "multivariable calculus", "propaganda film", "James E. Sullivan Award", "Cubism", "House of Plantagenet", "card game", "Abyssinia", "primary school", "Liberal Party of the Philippines", "Kettering", "real-time strategy", "Brompton Cemetery", "ballet dancer", "1998 Major League Baseball season", "Pulitzer Prize for History", "Social Democratic Party", "car bomb", "Cichlidae", "ECW Hardcore TV", "far-right", "Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century", "Borjigin", "jockey", "Poaceae", "Vickers-Armstrongs", "abugida", "students' union", "samurai", "equation", "killed in action", "bakery", "1995 Major League Baseball season", "contemporary philosophy", "comedy", "baroque", "Ocean Software", "brown", "science fiction", "Power Rangers", "president", "Renaissance", "volleyball", "orange" ], "id2function": { "0": "", "1": "", "10": "Relate", "11": "QueryAttr", "12": "VerifyStr", "13": "FilterNum", "14": "SelectBetween", "15": "QueryRelationQualifier", "16": "QueryRelation", "17": "Count", "18": "VerifyNum", "19": "VerifyYear", "2": "", "20": 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