import torch import torch.nn as nn from einops.einops import rearrange from .backbone import build_backbone from .utils.position_encoding import PositionEncodingSine from .loftr_module import LocalFeatureTransformer, FinePreprocess from .utils.coarse_matching import CoarseMatching from .utils.fine_matching import FineMatching class LoFTR(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() # Misc self.config = config # Modules self.backbone = build_backbone(config) self.pos_encoding = PositionEncodingSine( config['coarse']['d_model'], temp_bug_fix=config['coarse']['temp_bug_fix']) self.loftr_coarse = LocalFeatureTransformer(config['coarse']) self.coarse_matching = CoarseMatching(config['match_coarse']) self.fine_preprocess = FinePreprocess(config) self.loftr_fine = LocalFeatureTransformer(config["fine"]) self.fine_matching = FineMatching() def forward(self, data): """ Update: data (dict): { 'image0': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'image1': (torch.Tensor): (N, 1, H, W) 'mask0'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) '0' indicates a padded position 'mask1'(optional) : (torch.Tensor): (N, H, W) } """ # 1. Local Feature CNN data.update({ 'bs': data['image0'].size(0), 'hw0_i': data['image0'].shape[2:], 'hw1_i': data['image1'].shape[2:] }) if data['hw0_i'] == data['hw1_i']: # faster & better BN convergence feats_c, feats_f = self.backbone([data['image0'], data['image1']], dim=0)) (feat_c0, feat_c1), (feat_f0, feat_f1) = feats_c.split(data['bs']), feats_f.split(data['bs']) else: # handle different input shapes (feat_c0, feat_f0), (feat_c1, feat_f1) = self.backbone(data['image0']), self.backbone(data['image1']) data.update({ 'hw0_c': feat_c0.shape[2:], 'hw1_c': feat_c1.shape[2:], 'hw0_f': feat_f0.shape[2:], 'hw1_f': feat_f1.shape[2:] }) # 2. coarse-level loftr module # add featmap with positional encoding, then flatten it to sequence [N, HW, C] feat_c0 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c0), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') feat_c1 = rearrange(self.pos_encoding(feat_c1), 'n c h w -> n (h w) c') mask_c0 = mask_c1 = None # mask is useful in training if 'mask0' in data: mask_c0, mask_c1 = data['mask0'].flatten(-2), data['mask1'].flatten(-2) feat_c0, feat_c1 = self.loftr_coarse(feat_c0, feat_c1, mask_c0, mask_c1) # 3. match coarse-level self.coarse_matching(feat_c0, feat_c1, data, mask_c0=mask_c0, mask_c1=mask_c1) # 4. fine-level refinement feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.fine_preprocess(feat_f0, feat_f1, feat_c0, feat_c1, data) if feat_f0_unfold.size(0) != 0: # at least one coarse level predicted feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold = self.loftr_fine(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold) # 5. match fine-level self.fine_matching(feat_f0_unfold, feat_f1_unfold, data) def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, *args, **kwargs): for k in list(state_dict.keys()): if k.startswith('matcher.'): state_dict[k.replace('matcher.', '', 1)] = state_dict.pop(k) return super().load_state_dict(state_dict, *args, **kwargs)