import numpy as np import cv2 as cv import os from glob import glob from import loadmat import trimesh import open3d as o3d import torch from tqdm import tqdm import sys sys.path.append("../") def gen_rays_from_single_image(H, W, image, intrinsic, c2w, depth=None, mask=None): """ generate rays in world space, for image image :param H: :param W: :param intrinsics: [3,3] :param c2ws: [4,4] :return: """ device = image.device ys, xs = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(0, H - 1, H), torch.linspace(0, W - 1, W)) # pytorch's meshgrid has indexing='ij' p = torch.stack([xs, ys, torch.ones_like(ys)], dim=-1) # H, W, 3 # normalized ndc uv coordinates, (-1, 1) ndc_u = 2 * xs / (W - 1) - 1 ndc_v = 2 * ys / (H - 1) - 1 rays_ndc_uv = torch.stack([ndc_u, ndc_v], dim=-1).view(-1, 2).float().to(device) intrinsic_inv = torch.inverse(intrinsic) p = p.view(-1, 3).float().to(device) # N_rays, 3 p = torch.matmul(intrinsic_inv[None, :3, :3], p[:, :, None]).squeeze() # N_rays, 3 rays_v = p / torch.linalg.norm(p, ord=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # N_rays, 3 rays_v = torch.matmul(c2w[None, :3, :3], rays_v[:, :, None]).squeeze() # N_rays, 3 rays_o = c2w[None, :3, 3].expand(rays_v.shape) # N_rays, 3 image = image.permute(1, 2, 0) color = image.view(-1, 3) depth = depth.view(-1, 1) if depth is not None else None mask = mask.view(-1, 1) if mask is not None else torch.ones([H * W, 1]).to(device) sample = { 'rays_o': rays_o, 'rays_v': rays_v, 'rays_ndc_uv': rays_ndc_uv, 'rays_color': color, # 'rays_depth': depth, 'rays_mask': mask, 'rays_norm_XYZ_cam': p # - XYZ_cam, before multiply depth } if depth is not None: sample['rays_depth'] = depth return sample def load_K_Rt_from_P(filename, P=None): if P is None: lines = open(filename).read().splitlines() if len(lines) == 4: lines = lines[1:] lines = [[x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]] for x in (x.split(" ") for x in lines)] P = np.asarray(lines).astype(np.float32).squeeze() out = cv.decomposeProjectionMatrix(P) K = out[0] R = out[1] t = out[2] K = K / K[2, 2] intrinsics = np.eye(4) intrinsics[:3, :3] = K pose = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) pose[:3, :3] = R.transpose() # ? why need transpose here pose[:3, 3] = (t[:3] / t[3])[:, 0] return intrinsics, pose # ! return cam2world matrix here def clean_points_by_mask(points, scan, imgs_idx=None, minimal_vis=0, mask_dilated_size=11): cameras = np.load('{}/scan{}/cameras.npz'.format(DTU_DIR, scan)) mask_lis = sorted(glob('{}/scan{}/mask/*.png'.format(DTU_DIR, scan))) n_images = 49 if scan < 83 else 64 inside_mask = np.zeros(len(points)) if imgs_idx is None: imgs_idx = [i for i in range(n_images)] # imgs_idx = [i for i in range(n_images)] for i in imgs_idx: P = cameras['world_mat_{}'.format(i)] pts_image = np.matmul(P[None, :3, :3], points[:, :, None]).squeeze() + P[None, :3, 3] pts_image = pts_image / pts_image[:, 2:] pts_image = np.round(pts_image).astype(np.int32) + 1 mask_image = cv.imread(mask_lis[i]) kernel_size = mask_dilated_size # default 101 kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (kernel_size, kernel_size)) mask_image = cv.dilate(mask_image, kernel, iterations=1) mask_image = (mask_image[:, :, 0] > 128) mask_image = np.concatenate([np.ones([1, 1600]), mask_image, np.ones([1, 1600])], axis=0) mask_image = np.concatenate([np.ones([1202, 1]), mask_image, np.ones([1202, 1])], axis=1) in_mask = (pts_image[:, 0] >= 0) * (pts_image[:, 0] <= 1600) * (pts_image[:, 1] >= 0) * ( pts_image[:, 1] <= 1200) > 0 curr_mask = mask_image[(pts_image[:, 1].clip(0, 1201), pts_image[:, 0].clip(0, 1601))] curr_mask = curr_mask.astype(np.float32) * in_mask inside_mask += curr_mask return inside_mask > minimal_vis def clean_mesh_faces_by_mask(mesh_file, new_mesh_file, scan, imgs_idx, minimal_vis=0, mask_dilated_size=11): old_mesh = trimesh.load(mesh_file) old_vertices = old_mesh.vertices[:] old_faces = old_mesh.faces[:] mask = clean_points_by_mask(old_vertices, scan, imgs_idx, minimal_vis, mask_dilated_size) indexes = np.ones(len(old_vertices)) * -1 indexes = indexes.astype(np.long) indexes[np.where(mask)] = np.arange(len(np.where(mask)[0])) faces_mask = mask[old_faces[:, 0]] & mask[old_faces[:, 1]] & mask[old_faces[:, 2]] new_faces = old_faces[np.where(faces_mask)] new_faces[:, 0] = indexes[new_faces[:, 0]] new_faces[:, 1] = indexes[new_faces[:, 1]] new_faces[:, 2] = indexes[new_faces[:, 2]] new_vertices = old_vertices[np.where(mask)] new_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(new_vertices, new_faces) new_mesh.export(new_mesh_file) def clean_mesh_by_faces_num(mesh, faces_num=500): old_vertices = mesh.vertices[:] old_faces = mesh.faces[:] cc = trimesh.graph.connected_components(mesh.face_adjacency, min_len=faces_num) mask = np.zeros(len(mesh.faces), dtype=np.bool) mask[np.concatenate(cc)] = True indexes = np.ones(len(old_vertices)) * -1 indexes = indexes.astype(np.long) indexes[np.where(mask)] = np.arange(len(np.where(mask)[0])) faces_mask = mask[old_faces[:, 0]] & mask[old_faces[:, 1]] & mask[old_faces[:, 2]] new_faces = old_faces[np.where(faces_mask)] new_faces[:, 0] = indexes[new_faces[:, 0]] new_faces[:, 1] = indexes[new_faces[:, 1]] new_faces[:, 2] = indexes[new_faces[:, 2]] new_vertices = old_vertices[np.where(mask)] new_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(new_vertices, new_faces) return new_mesh def clean_mesh_faces_outside_frustum(old_mesh_file, new_mesh_file, imgs_idx, H=1200, W=1600, mask_dilated_size=11, isolated_face_num=500, keep_largest=True): '''Remove faces of mesh which cannot be orserved by all cameras ''' # if path_mask_npz: # path_save_clean = IOUtils.add_file_name_suffix(path_save_clean, '_mask') cameras = np.load('{}/scan{}/cameras.npz'.format(DTU_DIR, scan)) mask_lis = sorted(glob('{}/scan{}/mask/*.png'.format(DTU_DIR, scan))) mesh = trimesh.load(old_mesh_file) intersector = trimesh.ray.ray_pyembree.RayMeshIntersector(mesh) all_indices = [] chunk_size = 5120 for i in imgs_idx: mask_image = cv.imread(mask_lis[i]) kernel_size = mask_dilated_size # default 101 kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (kernel_size, kernel_size)) mask_image = cv.dilate(mask_image, kernel, iterations=1) P = cameras['world_mat_{}'.format(i)] intrinsic, pose = load_K_Rt_from_P(None, P[:3, :]) rays = gen_rays_from_single_image(H, W, torch.from_numpy(mask_image).permute(2, 0, 1).float(), torch.from_numpy(intrinsic)[:3, :3].float(), torch.from_numpy(pose).float()) rays_o = rays['rays_o'] rays_d = rays['rays_v'] rays_mask = rays['rays_color'] rays_o = rays_o.split(chunk_size) rays_d = rays_d.split(chunk_size) rays_mask = rays_mask.split(chunk_size) for rays_o_batch, rays_d_batch, rays_mask_batch in tqdm(zip(rays_o, rays_d, rays_mask)): rays_mask_batch = rays_mask_batch[:, 0] > 128 rays_o_batch = rays_o_batch[rays_mask_batch] rays_d_batch = rays_d_batch[rays_mask_batch] idx_faces_hits = intersector.intersects_first(rays_o_batch.cpu().numpy(), rays_d_batch.cpu().numpy()) all_indices.append(idx_faces_hits) values = np.unique(np.concatenate(all_indices, axis=0)) mask_faces = np.ones(len(mesh.faces)) mask_faces[values[1:]] = 0 print(f'Surfaces/Kept: {len(mesh.faces)}/{len(values)}') mesh_o3d = print("removing triangles by mask") mesh_o3d.remove_triangles_by_mask(mask_faces), mesh_o3d) # # clean meshes new_mesh = trimesh.load(new_mesh_file) cc = trimesh.graph.connected_components(new_mesh.face_adjacency, min_len=500) mask = np.zeros(len(new_mesh.faces), dtype=np.bool) mask[np.concatenate(cc)] = True new_mesh.update_faces(mask) new_mesh.remove_unreferenced_vertices() new_mesh.export(new_mesh_file) # meshes = new_mesh.split(only_watertight=False) # # if not keep_largest: # meshes = [mesh for mesh in meshes if len(mesh.faces) > isolated_face_num] # # new_mesh = meshes[np.argmax([len(mesh.faces) for mesh in meshes])] # merged_mesh = trimesh.util.concatenate(meshes) # merged_mesh.export(new_mesh_file) # else: # new_mesh = meshes[np.argmax([len(mesh.faces) for mesh in meshes])] # new_mesh.export(new_mesh_file)".ply", "_raw.ply"), mesh_o3d) print("finishing removing triangles") def clean_outliers(old_mesh_file, new_mesh_file): new_mesh = trimesh.load(old_mesh_file) meshes = new_mesh.split(only_watertight=False) new_mesh = meshes[np.argmax([len(mesh.faces) for mesh in meshes])] new_mesh.export(new_mesh_file) if __name__ == "__main__": scans = [24, 37, 40, 55, 63, 65, 69, 83, 97, 105, 106, 110, 114, 118, 122] mask_kernel_size = 11 imgs_idx = [0, 1, 2] # imgs_idx = [42, 43, 44] # imgs_idx = [1, 8, 9] DTU_DIR = "/home/xiaoxiao/dataset/DTU_IDR/DTU" # DTU_DIR = "/userhome/cs/xxlong/dataset/DTU_IDR/DTU" base_path = "/home/xiaoxiao/Workplace/nerf_reconstruction/Volume_NeuS/neus_camsys/exp/dtu/evaluation_23_24_33_new/volsdf" for scan in scans: print("processing scan%d" % scan) dir_path = os.path.join(base_path, "scan%d" % scan) old_mesh_file = glob(os.path.join(dir_path, "*.ply"))[0] clean_mesh_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "clean_%03d.ply" % scan) final_mesh_file = os.path.join(dir_path, "final_%03d.ply" % scan) clean_mesh_faces_by_mask(old_mesh_file, clean_mesh_file, scan, imgs_idx, minimal_vis=1, mask_dilated_size=mask_kernel_size) clean_mesh_faces_outside_frustum(clean_mesh_file, final_mesh_file, imgs_idx, mask_dilated_size=mask_kernel_size) print("finish processing scan%d" % scan)