,Disease,Precaution_1,Precaution_2,Precaution_3,Precaution_4 0,Drug Reaction,stop irritation,consult nearest hospital,stop taking drug,follow up 1,Malaria,Consult nearest hospital,avoid oily food,avoid non veg food,keep mosquitos out 2,Allergy,apply calamine,cover area with bandage,,use ice to compress itching 3,Hypothyroidism,reduce stress,exercise,eat healthy,get proper sleep 4,Psoriasis,wash hands with warm soapy water,stop bleeding using pressure,consult doctor,salt baths 5,GERD,avoid fatty spicy food,avoid lying down after eating,maintain healthy weight,exercise 6,Chronic cholestasis,cold baths,anti itch medicine,consult doctor,eat healthy 7,hepatitis A,Consult nearest hospital,wash hands through,avoid fatty spicy food,medication 8,Osteoarthristis,acetaminophen,consult nearest hospital,follow up,salt baths 9,(vertigo) Paroymsal Positional Vertigo,lie down,avoid sudden change in body,avoid abrupt head movment,relax 10,Hypoglycemia,lie down on side,check in pulse,drink sugary drinks,consult doctor 11,Acne,bath twice,avoid fatty spicy food,drink plenty of water,avoid too many products 12,Diabetes ,have balanced diet,exercise,consult doctor,follow up 13,Impetigo,soak affected area in warm water,use antibiotics,remove scabs with wet compressed cloth,consult doctor 14,Hypertension ,meditation,salt baths,reduce stress,get proper sleep 15,Peptic ulcer diseae,avoid fatty spicy food,consume probiotic food,eliminate milk,limit alcohol 16,Dimorphic hemmorhoids(piles),avoid fatty spicy food,consume witch hazel,warm bath with epsom salt,consume alovera juice 17,Common Cold,drink vitamin c rich drinks,take vapour,avoid cold food,keep fever in check 18,Chicken pox,use neem in bathing ,consume neem leaves,take vaccine,avoid public places 19,Cervical spondylosis,use heating pad or cold pack,exercise,take otc pain reliver,consult doctor 20,Hyperthyroidism,eat healthy,massage,use lemon balm,take radioactive iodine treatment 21,Urinary tract infection,drink plenty of water,increase vitamin c intake,drink cranberry juice,take probiotics 22,Varicose veins,lie down flat and raise the leg high,use oinments,use vein compression,dont stand still for long 23,AIDS,avoid open cuts,wear ppe if possible,consult doctor,follow up 24,Paralysis (brain hemorrhage),massage,eat healthy,exercise,consult doctor 25,Typhoid,eat high calorie vegitables,antiboitic therapy,consult doctor,medication 26,Hepatitis B,consult nearest hospital,vaccination,eat healthy,medication 27,Fungal infection,bath twice,use detol or neem in bathing water,keep infected area dry,use clean cloths 28,Hepatitis C,Consult nearest hospital,vaccination,eat healthy,medication 29,Migraine,meditation,reduce stress,use poloroid glasses in sun,consult doctor 30,Bronchial Asthma,switch to loose cloothing,take deep breaths,get away from trigger,seek help 31,Alcoholic hepatitis,stop alcohol consumption,consult doctor,medication,follow up 32,Jaundice,drink plenty of water,consume milk thistle,eat fruits and high fiberous food,medication 33,Hepatitis E,stop alcohol consumption,rest,consult doctor,medication 34,Dengue,drink papaya leaf juice,avoid fatty spicy food,keep mosquitos away,keep hydrated 35,Hepatitis D,consult doctor,medication,eat healthy,follow up 36,Heart attack,call ambulance,chew or swallow asprin,keep calm, 37,Pneumonia,consult doctor,medication,rest,follow up 38,Arthritis,exercise,use hot and cold therapy,try acupuncture,massage 39,Gastroenteritis,stop eating solid food for while,try taking small sips of water,rest,ease back into eating 40,Tuberculosis,cover mouth,consult doctor,medication,rest