--- language: - en library_name: ultralytics license: gpl-3.0 pipeline_tag: image-classification base_model: Ultralytics/YOLOv8 metrics: - f1-score - mAP50-95 tags: - trapper - trapperai - ecology - biology - wildlife - animal detection - species classification ---

TrapperAI model for for 18 European mammal species classification

## 🐺 Overview The TrapperAI model is responsible for the detection and classification of 18 European mammal species with a **95% F1-score** and **93% mAP50-95**. This model is based on the fine-tuned [YOLOv8-m](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics) model and can be loaded and utilized directly through the Ultralytics package interface or via the TRAPPER ecosystem ([TrapperAI Worker](https://gitlab.com/trapper-project/trapper-ai-worker)). The dataset used for model training and evaluation comprised **401,458** camera trap images from Poland, Germany, Sweden, Austria, and Switzerland. The data repository consisted of **5,680 deployments** and **2,944 locations**. List of supported species: * Bird * Cat * Chamois * Dog * Eurasian Lynx * Eurasian Red Squirrel * European Badger * European Mouflon * Fallow Deer * Gray Wolf * Hare * Marten * Moose * Red Deer * Red Fox * Reindeer * Roe Deer * Wild Boar The recommended image resolution for the model is 1024px. The model's performance enables the processing of ~30,000 images in one hour using a single NVIDIA GPU with more than 11 GB of vRAM. ## 📥 Installation ```bash $ python3 -m venv env $ source env/bin/activate $ pip install ultralytics dill ipython # IPython is optional ``` ## 🚀 Usage ```ipython In [1]: from ultralytics import YOLO In [2]: model = YOLO("TrapperAI-v02.2024-YOLOv8-m.pt") In [3]: results = model.predict("fox36-Vulpes-vulpes.jpg") In [4]: len(results) # how many animals were detected Out[4]: 1 In [5]: results[0].show() # open image viewer with detection and classification results In [6]: results[0].boxes.conf # return best confidence score for detection and classification results Out[6]: tensor([0.9558], device='cuda:0') In [7]: results[0].boxes.cls # return index value for detection and classification results Out[7]: tensor([14.], device='cuda:0') # Red Fox ``` If your image contains more than one object (animal), you will need to iterate through the results list to obtain the confidence score and species index value for each detected object. ## 🏢 Who is using TRAPPER? * Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences; * Karkonosze National Park; * Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; * Svenska Jägareförbundet; * Meles Wildbiologie; * University of Freiburg Wildlife Ecology and Management; * Bavarian Forest National Park; * Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; * KORA - Carnivore Ecology and Wildlife Management; * and many more individual scientists and ecologies; ## 💲 Funders and Partners

## 🤝 Support Feel free to add a new issue with a respective title and description on the [TRAPPER issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/trapper-project/trapper/-/issues). If you already found a solution to your problem, we would be happy to review your pull request. If you prefer direct contact, please let us know: `contact@os-conservation.org` We also have [TRAPPER Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/trapper-project) and [TRAPPER Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/trapperproject/shared_invite/zt-2f360a5pu-CzsIqJ6Y~iCa_dmGXVNB7A). ## 📜 License Read more in [TRAPPER License](https://gitlab.com/oscf/trapper-ai-worker/-/blob/main/LICENSE).