import argparse import atexit import logging import os import re import sys import random from datetime import datetime import functools import numpy as np from pathlib import Path import json import traceback import fsspec import torch from torch import optim from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler import os os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" import torch.distributed as dist from torch.distributed.fsdp import ( FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP, MixedPrecision, BackwardPrefetch, ShardingStrategy, FullStateDictConfig, StateDictType, CPUOffload, ) from torch.distributed.fsdp.wrap import transformer_auto_wrap_policy from transformers import GPTNeoXTokenizerFast from import get_dataset_fn, proc_token from open_lm.model import Block from open_lm.losses import CrossEntropyLossWithZLoss from open_lm.utils.averaging_utils import ModelAverager try: import wandb except ImportError: wandb = None try: import torch.utils.tensorboard as tensorboard except ImportError: tensorboard = None from open_lm.model import create_model from open_lm.utils.transformers.hf_wrapper import create_wrapped_hf_model from import get_data, get_wds_dataset from open_lm.distributed import is_master, init_distributed_device, broadcast_object from open_lm.logger import setup_logging from open_lm.params import parse_args from open_lm.scheduler import cosine_lr, const_lr from open_lm.train import train_one_epoch from open_lm.evaluate import evaluate_loop from open_lm.file_utils import ( pt_load, check_exists, start_sync_process, remote_sync_with_expon_backoff, get_metadata_file, get_string_for_epoch, log_num_checkpoints, terminate_sync_process, ) LATEST_CHECKPOINT_NAME = "" def random_seed(seed=42, rank=0): torch.manual_seed(seed + rank) np.random.seed(seed + rank) random.seed(seed + rank) def natural_key(string_): """See""" return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r"(\d+)", string_.lower())] def get_latest_checkpoint(path: str): is_s3 = path.startswith("s3") fs, root_path = fsspec.core.url_to_fs(path) checkpoints = fs.glob(os.path.join(root_path, "epoch_*.pt")) if checkpoints: checkpoints = sorted(checkpoints, key=natural_key) return f"s3://{checkpoints[-1]}" if is_s3 else checkpoints[-1] return None def get_state_dict(name): checkpoint = pt_load(name, map_location="cpu") if "epoch" in checkpoint: sd = checkpoint["state_dict"] if next(iter(sd.items()))[0].startswith("module"): sd = {k[len("module.") :]: v for k, v in sd.items()} else: sd = checkpoint return sd def load_model(args, model, different_seed=False): checkpoint = pt_load(args.resume, map_location="cpu") if "epoch" in checkpoint: if not different_seed and "shard_shuffle_seed" in checkpoint: pretrained_seed = checkpoint["shard_shuffle_seed"] assert ( pretrained_seed == args.seed ), f"This checkpoint was trained with a random seed of {pretrained_seed}. Since this seed affects shard shuffling, resuming training must use the same seed." else: if different_seed: message = "Resuming a checkpoint without checking that the seed match. This means that training might not be reproducible." else: message = "Resuming a checkpoint that does not have a seed saved. This means that the shards were not shuffled, so they will remain unshuffled." pretrained_seed = None # resuming a train checkpoint w/ epoch and optimizer state start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] sd = checkpoint["state_dict"] global_step = checkpoint.get("step", None) if next(iter(sd.items()))[0].startswith("module"): sd = {k[len("module.") :]: v for k, v in sd.items()} if "_orig_mod" in next(iter(sd.items()))[0]: sd = {k.replace("_orig_mod.", ""): v for k, v in sd.items()} if args.fsdp: model.load_state_dict(sd) elif args.distributed: model.module.load_state_dict(sd) else: model.load_state_dict(sd)"=> resuming checkpoint '{args.resume}' (epoch {start_epoch})") else: # loading a bare (model only) checkpoint for fine-tune or evaluation start_epoch, global_step = 0, 0 pretrained_seed = None model.load_state_dict(checkpoint)"=> loaded checkpoint '{args.resume}' (epoch {start_epoch})") return start_epoch, global_step, pretrained_seed def load_avg_models(args, averagers): checkpoint = pt_load(args.resume, map_location="cpu") if "epoch" in checkpoint: # resuming a train checkpoint w/ epoch and optimizer state start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] if averagers is not None: for k in averagers.avgs_dict: avg_sd = torch.load(args.resume.replace("epoch", k), map_location="cpu") if next(iter(avg_sd.items()))[0].startswith("module"): avg_sd = {k[len("module.") :]: v for k, v in avg_sd.items()} if "_orig_mod" in next(iter(avg_sd.items()))[0]: avg_sd = {k.replace("_orig_mod.", ""): v for k, v in avg_sd.items()} averagers.avgs_dict[k].load_state_dict_avg(avg_sd) f"=> resuming averager for {k} from checkpoint '{args.resume.replace('epoch', k)} (epoch {start_epoch})" ) return def load_optimizer(args, model, optimizer, scaler): potential_checkpoint = args.resume.replace("epoch_", "optimizer_") if check_exists(potential_checkpoint): checkpoint = pt_load(potential_checkpoint, map_location="cpu") else: checkpoint = pt_load(args.resume, map_location="cpu") if "optimizer" in checkpoint: if optimizer is not None: osd = checkpoint["optimizer"] if args.fsdp: osd = FSDP.optim_state_dict_to_load(model=model, optim=optimizer, optim_state_dict=osd) optimizer.load_state_dict(osd)"=> resuming optimizer") if scaler is not None and "scaler" in checkpoint: scaler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["scaler"]) else:"=> WARNING: not resuming optimizer.") def load_data_chunks(args): checkpoint = pt_load(args.resume, map_location="cpu") if "next_shard_per_source" in checkpoint and "samples_seen" in checkpoint: return checkpoint["next_shard_per_source"], checkpoint["samples_seen"] else: "=> WARNING: tried to resume a checkpoint without data loading info. Re-starting data loading from the " "first shard." ) return [0 for _ in range(len(args.dataset_manifest))], 0 def save_checkpoint( args, model, optimizer, scaler, completed_epoch, evaluation_metrics, step, is_final_checkpoint, percentage_of_data_seen=-1.0, next_shard_per_source=None, samples_seen=None, shard_shuffle_seed=None, train_data_string=None, averagers=None, failed=False, ): cpu_state, optim_state = None, None if args.logs and args.logs.lower() != "none" and args.fsdp: save_policy = FullStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True, rank0_only=True) with FSDP.state_dict_type(model, StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT, save_policy): cpu_state = model.state_dict() optim_state = FSDP.optim_state_dict(model, optimizer) if args.save_logs: checkpoint_dict_model = { "epoch": completed_epoch, "name":, "state_dict": cpu_state if args.fsdp else model.state_dict(), "evaluation_metrics": evaluation_metrics, } if next_shard_per_source is not None: checkpoint_dict_model["next_shard_per_source"] = next_shard_per_source if samples_seen is not None: checkpoint_dict_model["samples_seen"] = samples_seen if step is not None: checkpoint_dict_model["step"] = step if shard_shuffle_seed is not None: checkpoint_dict_model["shard_shuffle_seed"] = shard_shuffle_seed checkpoint_dict_opt = { "epoch": completed_epoch, "name":, "optimizer": optim_state if args.fsdp else optimizer.state_dict(), "evaluation_metrics": evaluation_metrics, } if scaler is not None: checkpoint_dict_opt["scaler"] = scaler.state_dict() checkpoint_dict_stats = { "epoch": completed_epoch, "name":, "is_final_checkpoint": is_final_checkpoint, "evaluation_metrics": evaluation_metrics, "percentage_of_data_seen": percentage_of_data_seen, } if next_shard_per_source is not None: checkpoint_dict_stats["next_shard_per_source"] = next_shard_per_source if samples_seen is not None: checkpoint_dict_stats["samples_seen"] = samples_seen if step is not None: checkpoint_dict_stats["step"] = step if shard_shuffle_seed is not None: checkpoint_dict_stats["shard_shuffle_seed"] = shard_shuffle_seed if train_data_string is not None: checkpoint_dict_stats["train_data_string"] = train_data_string prefixes = { "epoch_": checkpoint_dict_model, "optimizer_": checkpoint_dict_opt, "stats_": checkpoint_dict_stats, } if averagers is not None: for k in averagers.avgs_dict: prefixes[f"{k}_"] = averagers.avgs_dict[k].get_state_dict_avg() if ( completed_epoch == args.epochs or is_final_checkpoint or (args.save_frequency > 0 and (completed_epoch % args.save_frequency) == 0) ): for prefix in prefixes: save_path = args.checkpoint_path if not failed else args.failed_checkpoint_path path = os.path.join(save_path, f"{prefix}{completed_epoch}.pt") print(f"Saving {prefix}{completed_epoch} in {path}...") prefixes[prefix], path, ) if args.delete_previous_checkpoint: for prefix in prefixes: prev = os.path.join(args.checkpoint_path, f"{prefix}{completed_epoch - 1}.pt") if os.path.exists(prev): os.remove(prev) def cleanup(sync_process, distributed=False): if sync_process: terminate_sync_process(sync_process) if distributed and torch.distributed.is_initialized(): torch.distributed.destroy_process_group() def tokenize_eleutherai(tokenizer, string): return tokenizer(string).input_ids def main(args): # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # parser.add_argument("--tokenizer", type=str, default="EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b") args = parse_args(args) # args = parser.parse_args() requires_training = args.train_data or args.dataset_type == "synthetic" or args.dataset_manifest is not None if torch.cuda.is_available(): # This enables tf32 on Ampere GPUs which is only 8% slower than # float16 and almost as accurate as float32 # This was a default in pytorch until 1.12 torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False # fully initialize distributed device environment device = init_distributed_device(args) assert ( args.global_batch_size % args.world_size == 0 ), f"Global batch size ({args.global_batch_size}) is not divisible by number of GPUs ({args.world_size}), and thus cannot be respected." args.per_gpu_batch_size = max(args.global_batch_size // args.world_size, 1) if args.val_data is not None: args.per_gpu_val_batch_size = max(args.global_val_batch_size // args.world_size, 1) if args.hf_model is not None and args.hf_seq_len is None: raise ValueError("If passing --hf-model, must also pass --hf-seq-len to be used for training/fine-tuning.") if args.hf_model is not None and args.fsdp and args.hf_fsdp_block is None: raise ValueError("If passing --hf-model and --fsdp, must also pass --hf-fspd-block.") if args.fsdp and not args.distributed: raise ValueError(f"--fsdp can only be specified in distributed mode.") # get the name of the experiments if is None: # sanitize model name for filesystem / uri use, easier if we don't use / in name as a rule? model_name_safe = None if args.hf_model is not None: model_name_safe = args.hf_model.replace("/", "-") else: if Path(args.model).is_file(): model_name_safe = Path(args.model).stem.replace("/", "-") else: model_name_safe = args.model.replace("/", "-") date_str ="%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S") if args.distributed: # sync date_str from master to all ranks date_str = broadcast_object(args, date_str) = "-".join( [ date_str, f"model_{model_name_safe}", f"lr_{}", f"b_{args.per_gpu_batch_size}", # Per gpu to respect old naming convention ] ) resume_latest = args.resume == "latest" log_base_path = os.path.join(args.logs, args.log_path = None if is_master(args, local=args.log_local): os.makedirs(log_base_path, exist_ok=True) log_filename = f"out-{args.rank}" if args.log_local else "out.log" args.log_path = os.path.join(log_base_path, log_filename) if os.path.exists(args.log_path) and not resume_latest: raise ValueError(f"Experiment {args.log_path} already exists. Use --name to specify a new experiment.") # Setup text logger args.log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO setup_logging(args.log_path, args.log_level) # Setup wandb, tensorboard, checkpoint logging args.wandb = "wandb" in args.report_to or "all" in args.report_to args.tensorboard = "tensorboard" in args.report_to or "all" in args.report_to args.checkpoint_path = os.path.join(log_base_path, "checkpoints") args.failed_checkpoint_path = os.path.join(log_base_path, "checkpoints_failed") if is_master(args): args.tensorboard_path = os.path.join(log_base_path, "tensorboard") if args.tensorboard else "" for dirname in [args.tensorboard_path, args.checkpoint_path, args.failed_checkpoint_path]: if dirname: os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) else: args.tensorboard_path = "" if resume_latest: resume_from = None checkpoint_path = args.checkpoint_path # If using remote_sync, need to check the remote instead of the local checkpoints folder. if args.remote_sync is not None: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(args.remote_sync,, "checkpoints") if is_master(args): # Checking for existing checkpoint via master rank only. It is possible for # different rank processes to see different files if a shared file-system is under # stress, however it's very difficult to fully work around such situations. if args.save_most_recent: # if --save-most-recent flag is set, look for latest at a fixed filename resume_from = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, "checkpoints", LATEST_CHECKPOINT_NAME) if not os.path.exists(resume_from): # If no latest checkpoint has been saved yet, don't try to resume resume_from = None else: # otherwise, list checkpoint dir contents and pick the newest checkpoint resume_from = get_latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) if resume_from:"Found latest resume checkpoint at {resume_from}.") else:"No latest resume checkpoint found in {checkpoint_path}.") if args.distributed: # sync found checkpoint path to all ranks resume_from = broadcast_object(args, resume_from) args.resume = resume_from if args.copy_codebase: copy_codebase(args) # start the sync proces if remote-sync is not None remote_sync_process = None if is_master(args) and args.remote_sync is not None: # first make sure it works result = remote_sync_with_expon_backoff( args.remote_sync_frequency, os.path.join(args.logs,, os.path.join(args.remote_sync,, args.remote_sync_protocol, ) if result:"remote sync successful.") else: raise ValueError("Remote sync failed.") # if all looks good, start a process to do this every args.remote_sync_frequency seconds remote_sync_process = start_sync_process( args.remote_sync_frequency, os.path.join(args.logs,, os.path.join(args.remote_sync,, args.remote_sync_protocol, ) remote_sync_process.start() # Handle cleanup even if open_lm crashes. # TODO: For cases where main() is called as a functio, we need to call cleanup() manually. # Right now, we do this manually in every case where main returns, but we should put main() in a wrapper and call # cleanup() outside it, ideally. atexit.register(cleanup, sync_process=remote_sync_process, distributed=args.distributed) if args.precision == "fp16": logging.warning( "It is recommended to use AMP mixed-precision instead of FP16. " "FP16 support needs further verification and tuning, especially for train." ) elif args.distributed: f"Running in distributed mode with multiple processes. Device: {args.device}." f"Process (global: {args.rank}, local {args.local_rank}), total {args.world_size}." ) else:"Running with a single process. Device {args.device}.") random_seed(args.seed, 0) model = None if args.hf_model is not None: print("loading huggingface model") model = create_wrapped_hf_model(args) else: # Optional: Use meta device print("loading customized model") with torch.device("meta" if args.experimental_meta_device and args.fsdp else args.device): model = create_model(args) args.vocab_size = model.vocab_size args.seq_len = model.seq_len if args.train_num_samples is not None: args.train_num_samples //= args.seq_len if args.val_num_samples is not None: if args.val_num_samples // args.seq_len == 0: raise ValueError( f"number of requested evaluation val_num_samples (tokens): {args.val_num_samples} is less than seq_len: {args.seq_len}" ) args.val_num_samples //= args.seq_len averagers = None random_seed(args.seed, args.rank) if args.grad_checkpointing: model.set_grad_checkpointing() if args.distributed: if args.fsdp: transformer_layer_cls = None if args.hf_model is not None: # retrive the user specified block class for fsdp for _, target_cls in model.named_modules(): if args.hf_fsdp_block in type(target_cls).__name__: transformer_layer_cls = {type(target_cls)} break if transformer_layer_cls is None: print(f"--hf-fsdp-block {args.hf_fsdp_block} not found in --hf-model {args.hf_model}") return -1 else: transformer_layer_cls = {Block} # from transformer_auto_wrapper_policy = functools.partial( transformer_auto_wrap_policy, transformer_layer_cls=transformer_layer_cls, ) # tries to follow gopher... mp_policy = None if args.fsdp_amp: print("=> using bfloat16 params as part of fsdp amp policy.") mp_policy = MixedPrecision( param_dtype=torch.bfloat16, reduce_dtype=torch.float32, buffer_dtype=torch.bfloat16, ) elif args.fsdp_pure_bf16: print("=> using pure bfloat16 params as part of fsdp amp policy.") mp_policy = MixedPrecision( param_dtype=torch.bfloat16, reduce_dtype=torch.bfloat16, buffer_dtype=torch.bfloat16, ) if args.rank == 0: print(f"Before FSDP parameter num: {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()):,}") print(f"Before FSDP {torch.cuda.memory_allocated()/1024**3:.3} GB") fsdp_kwargs = {} assert not ( args.fsdp_hybrid and args.fsdp_hybrid_o2 ), "Only --fsdp-hybrid or --fsdp-hybrid-o2 should be set." if args.fsdp_backward_prefetch: fsdp_kwargs["backward_prefetch"] = BackwardPrefetch.BACKWARD_PRE if args.fsdp_hybrid: fsdp_kwargs["sharding_strategy"] = ShardingStrategy.HYBRID_SHARD if args.fsdp_hybrid_o2: fsdp_kwargs["sharding_strategy"] = ShardingStrategy._HYBRID_SHARD_ZERO2 print("=> FSDP kwargs: ", fsdp_kwargs) # Initialize FSDP. Use the same seed across workers to ensure reset_parameters is the same across workers. random_seed(args.seed, rank=0) model = FSDP( model, auto_wrap_policy=transformer_auto_wrapper_policy, device_id=device, mixed_precision=mp_policy, cpu_offload=CPUOffload(offload_params=args.fsdp_cpu_offload), use_orig_params=args.fsdp_use_orig_params, limit_all_gathers=args.fsdp_limit_all_gathers, **fsdp_kwargs, ) print(f"After FSDP parameter num: {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()):,} on rank {args.rank}") print(f"After FSDP {torch.cuda.memory_allocated()/1024**3:.3} GB on rank {args.rank}") else: ddp_args = {} if args.ddp_static_graph: # this doesn't exist in older PyTorch, arg only added if enabled ddp_args["static_graph"] = True model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[device], **ddp_args) if args.averagers is not None: averagers = ModelAverager(model, args.averagers) if args.resume is not None and averagers is not None: load_avg_models(args, averagers) if is_master(args):"Model (has {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)} parameters):")"{str(model)}")"Params:") params_file = os.path.join(args.logs,, "params.txt") with open(params_file, "w") as f: for name in sorted(vars(args)): val = getattr(args, name)" {name}: {val}") f.write(f"{name}: {val}\n") # optionally resume model from a checkpoint start_epoch, global_step = 0, 0 shard_shuffle_seed = args.seed if is_master(args): print("the current args,", args) if args.resume is not None: print("=> loading from a trained model.") start_epoch, global_step, shard_shuffle_seed = load_model(args, model) elif args.pretrained is not None: print("=> loading from a pre-trained model.") args.resume = args.pretrained # this flag continues training from the pre-trained model. if args.load_pretrained_state: start_epoch, global_step, shard_shuffle_seed = load_model(args, model) else: load_model(args, model, different_seed=True) args.resume = None if is_master(args): print("global_step", global_step) elif args.average is not None: num_models_to_average = len(args.average) print( "=> Averaging models: ", args.average, " with coefficients: ", args.average_coefficients, ) assert num_models_to_average > 1, "num_models_to_average must be > 1 - else use --pretrained" if args.average_coefficients is None: args.average_coefficients = [1.0 / num_models_to_average] * num_models_to_average else: assert len(args.average_coefficients) == num_models_to_average state_dict = {k: v * args.average_coefficients[0] for k, v in get_state_dict(args.average[0]).items()} for i in range(1, num_models_to_average): state_dict_i = get_state_dict(args.average[i]) for k in state_dict: state_dict[k] = state_dict[k] + state_dict_i[k] * args.average_coefficients[i] model.load_state_dict(state_dict) # Put the shard shuffle seed back into args (this is done for compatibility with older, non shuffling versions) args.shard_shuffle_seed = shard_shuffle_seed if requires_training and global_step is None: raise ValueError("Key 'step' not found in checkpoint, but required for training.") # Add data chunk when resuming (only for dataset without resampling) next_shard_per_source = [0 for _ in range(len(args.dataset_manifest))] if args.dataset_manifest is not None else 0 samples_seen = 0 if args.resume is not None and args.dataset_manifest is not None: next_shard_per_source, samples_seen = load_data_chunks(args) if samples_seen >= args.train_num_samples * args.epochs: raise RuntimeError("Loaded a checkpoint which has already seen the desired number of tokens.") # create optimizer and scaler optimizer = None scaler = None if requires_training: named_parameters = list(model.named_parameters()) no_decay_params = [] # to be potentially used later params = [p for n, p in named_parameters if p.requires_grad] optimizer = optim.AdamW( [ {"params": no_decay_params, "weight_decay": 0.0}, {"params": params, "weight_decay": args.wd}, ],, betas=(args.beta1, args.beta2), eps=args.eps, ) scaler = None if args.precision == "amp": assert not args.fsdp, "FSDP not supported with amp, only amp_bfloat16" scaler = GradScaler() # initialize datasets # use tokenizer=None because the data is already pre-tokenized. tokenizer_type = getattr(args, "tokenizer", "EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b") enc = GPTNeoXTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(f"{tokenizer_type}") if is_master(args):"current encoder name is:{tokenizer_type}")"padding side is :{enc.padding_side}") args.padding_side = enc.padding_side tokenizer = lambda x: tokenize_eleutherai(enc, x) data = get_data( args, epoch=start_epoch, # tokenizer=None, tokenizer=tokenizer, skip_train=args.dataset_manifest is not None, floor=args.dataset_manifest is not None, ) if args.target_mask_left is not None: # tokens handled with same modulo in dataloading args.target_mask_left = proc_token(args.target_mask_left, args.vocab_size) if args.target_mask_individual is not None: # tokens handled with same modulo in dataloading args.target_mask_individual = proc_token(args.target_mask_individual, args.vocab_size) if args.torchcompile:"Compiling model...") model = torch.compile(model) if averagers is not None:"Compiling averagers...") for k in averagers.avgs_dict: averagers.avgs_dict[k].av_model = torch.compile(averagers.avgs_dict[k].av_model) # optionally resume optimizer from a checkpoint # this needs to be after torchcompile if args.resume is not None: load_optimizer(args, model, optimizer, scaler) # create scheduler if train scheduler = None if requires_training: if args.dataset_manifest is not None: total_steps = (args.train_num_samples * args.epochs) // args.global_batch_size else: # would enter this branch total_steps = data["train"].dataloader.num_batches * args.epochs if is_master(args):"total steps required by training is {total_steps}") if args.lr_scheduler == "cosine": scheduler = cosine_lr( optimizer,, args.warmup, total_steps, args.lr_cooldown_end, args.force_min_lr, ) elif args.lr_scheduler == "const": scheduler = const_lr( optimizer,, args.warmup, # total_steps, # args.lr_cooldown_end, # args.force_min_lr, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown scheduler, {args.lr_scheduler}. Available options are: cosine, const.") # determine if this worker should save logs and checkpoints. only do so if it is rank == 0 args.save_logs = args.logs and args.logs.lower() != "none" and is_master(args) writer = None if args.save_logs and args.tensorboard: assert tensorboard is not None, "Please install tensorboard." writer = tensorboard.SummaryWriter(args.tensorboard_path) if args.wandb and is_master(args): assert wandb is not None, "Please install wandb." logging.debug("Starting wandb.") wandb.init( project=args.wandb_project_name,, notes=args.wandb_notes, tags=[], resume=None, config=vars(args), ) if args.debug:, log="all") logging.debug("Finished loading wandb.") if not requires_training: if not args.resume:"No training required, exiting.") cleanup(remote_sync_process, args.distributed) return"No training required, evaluating instead.") checkpoint_root = os.path.dirname(args.resume) if averagers is not None: k = next(iter(averagers.avgs_dict.keys()))"=> evaluation avg {k}") model = averagers.avgs_dict[k].av_model metrics = evaluate_loop(model, data["val_list"], start_epoch, args, writer) metrics["average"] = k if averagers is not None else "none" if is_master(args): with, "results.jsonl"), "a") as f: f.write(f"{json.dumps(metrics)}\n") cleanup(remote_sync_process, args.distributed) return loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() if args.z_loss_coefficient != 0.0: if is_master(args):"Using CrossEntropyLossWithZLoss.") loss = CrossEntropyLossWithZLoss(args.z_loss_coefficient) if args.dataset_manifest: log_num_checkpoints(total_steps, args) # Only enter training loop if there are steps to be done. done_training = global_step >= total_steps epoch = start_epoch num_ckpt_too_few_tokens = 0 while not done_training: if is_master(args):"Start epoch {epoch}") if args.dataset_manifest is not None: assert not args.dataset_resampled, "dataset_manifest and dataset_resampled are mutually exclusive" ( train_data_string_per_source, num_samples_per_source, next_shard_per_source, ) = get_string_for_epoch( args.train_num_samples, next_shard_per_source, args.dataset_manifest, args.train_data_mix_weights, args.workers, args.world_size, multi_epoch=args.multiple_data_passes, shard_shuffle_seed=args.shard_shuffle_seed, ) # In the distributed case, make sure that all nodes receive the same string if args.distributed: all_source_strings = ["" for _ in range(args.world_size)] dist.all_gather_object(all_source_strings, train_data_string_per_source) assert all( [x == train_data_string_per_source for x in all_source_strings] ), "Dataset to train on is not the same across all nodes. This should not happen normally, unless there is an issue with shard shuffling during the dataset generation." if data["train"] is not None: del data["train"] args.train_data = train_data_string_per_source # Draw num_samples_per_source at most from dataset - rounded down to guarantee uniqueness. data["train"] = get_dataset_fn(args.dataset_type)( args, is_train=True, epoch=epoch, tokenizer=tokenizer, data_key=args.data_key, floor=True ) # data["train"] = get_wds_dataset( # args, True, epoch, force_num_samples=num_samples_per_source, data_key=args.data_key, floor=True # ) prev_step = global_step if is_master(args):"=> epoch {epoch}, training on {args.train_data}") if args.distributed: dist.barrier() success, global_step = train_one_epoch( model, data, loss, averagers=averagers, epoch=epoch, step=global_step, optimizer=optimizer, scaler=scaler, scheduler=scheduler, total_steps=total_steps, args=args, tb_writer=writer, ) if args.distributed: dist.barrier() done_training = global_step >= total_steps steps_done_epoch = global_step - prev_step samples_seen = samples_seen + steps_done_epoch * args.global_batch_size if not success:"Training exiting due to NaN value") break failed_ckpt = False expected_steps = data["train"].dataloader.num_batches if steps_done_epoch < (1 - args.data_tolerate_error_p) * expected_steps and not done_training: failed_ckpt = True num_ckpt_too_few_tokens += 1 if is_master(args): logging.warning( f"Epoch {epoch}, tokens seen: {steps_done_epoch * args.global_batch_size * args.seq_len}, tokens expected: {expected_steps * args.global_batch_size * args.seq_len}, ratio: {steps_done_epoch / expected_steps}" ) epoch = epoch + 1 evaluation_metrics = [] if "val_list" in data and (epoch % args.val_frequency == 0 or done_training): # validate based on frequency and always validate the last checkpoint if is_master(args):"Process the eval step") try: evaluation_metrics = evaluate_loop(model, data["val_list"], epoch, args, writer) if is_master(args): with, "results.jsonl"), "a") as f: f.write(f"{json.dumps(evaluation_metrics)}\n") except Exception as e: if is_master(args): logging.error(e) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) logging.warning("evaluation failed! continuing to save_checkpoint") if is_master(args): end_of_epoch_log = { "epoch": epoch, "tokens": (global_step + 1) * args.global_batch_size * args.seq_len, "checkpoints_too_few_tokens": num_ckpt_too_few_tokens, "percentage_of_data_seen": steps_done_epoch / expected_steps, } if args.dataset_manifest is not None: for i in range(len(next_shard_per_source)): end_of_epoch_log[f"next_shard_{i}"] = next_shard_per_source[i] end_of_epoch_log[f"dataset_pass_{i}"] = next_shard_per_source[i] // len( get_metadata_file(args.dataset_manifest[i]) ) for name, val in end_of_epoch_log.items(): name = "train/" + name if writer is not None: writer.add_scalar(name, val, global_step) if args.wandb: assert wandb is not None, "Please install wandb." wandb.log({name: val, "step": global_step, "tokens": end_of_epoch_log["tokens"]}) # Saving checkpoints. save_checkpoint( args, model, optimizer, scaler, epoch, evaluation_metrics, step=global_step, is_final_checkpoint=done_training, percentage_of_data_seen=1.0 * steps_done_epoch / expected_steps, next_shard_per_source=next_shard_per_source if args.dataset_manifest is not None else None, samples_seen=samples_seen if args.dataset_manifest is not None else None, shard_shuffle_seed=args.shard_shuffle_seed, train_data_string=train_data_string_per_source if args.dataset_manifest is not None else None, averagers=averagers, failed=failed_ckpt, ) if num_ckpt_too_few_tokens > args.data_tolerate_num_ckpts: raise RuntimeError( f"{num_ckpt_too_few_tokens} checkpoints happened where the number of tokens seen was {1 - args.data_tolerate_error_p} of expected. This is likely due to transient errors e.g. reading from S3." ) if done_training: if is_master(args):"Model has seen the desired number of tokens. Ending training.") break if args.wandb and is_master(args): wandb.finish() # run a final sync. if remote_sync_process is not None:"Final remote sync.") terminate_sync_process(remote_sync_process) result = remote_sync_with_expon_backoff( args.remote_sync_frequency, os.path.join(args.logs,, os.path.join(args.remote_sync,, args.remote_sync_protocol, ) if result:"Final remote sync successful.") else:"Final remote sync failed.") # Final sync of all procs. if args.distributed: dist.barrier() cleanup(remote_sync_process, args.distributed) return args def copy_codebase(args): from shutil import copytree, ignore_patterns new_code_path = os.path.join(args.logs,, "code") if os.path.exists(new_code_path): print(f"Error. Experiment already exists at {new_code_path}. Use --name to specify a new experiment.") return -1 print(f"Copying codebase to {new_code_path}") current_code_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) for _ in range(3): current_code_path = os.path.dirname(current_code_path) copytree(current_code_path, new_code_path, ignore=ignore_patterns("log", "logs", "wandb")) print("Done copying code.") return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])