import gc import io import logging import pickle import shutil import traceback from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace from functools import reduce from multiprocessing import shared_memory from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, cast import numpy as np import torch import torch.distributed.checkpoint as dist_cp import torch.multiprocessing as mp from packaging import version from torch.distributed import _remote_device from torch.distributed._shard._utils import narrow_tensor_by_index from torch.distributed._shard.metadata import ShardMetadata from torch.distributed._shard.sharded_tensor import ShardedTensor from torch.distributed.checkpoint.filesystem import WriteResult, _StorageInfo from torch.distributed.checkpoint.metadata import Metadata, MetadataIndex from torch.distributed.checkpoint.optimizer import load_sharded_optimizer_state_dict from torch.distributed.checkpoint.planner import LoadItemType, ReadItem from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP from torch.distributed.fsdp import StateDictType from torch.distributed.fsdp.api import ( FullOptimStateDictConfig, FullStateDictConfig, ShardedOptimStateDictConfig, ShardedStateDictConfig, ) from torch.futures import Future try: from torch.distributed.fsdp.flat_param import FlatParamHandle # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: from torch.distributed.fsdp._flat_param import FlatParamHandle # type: ignore from . import util from .aliases import PathOrStr from .config import BaseConfig, ShardedCheckpointerType, TrainConfig from .exceptions import OLMoCheckpointError from .optim import Optimizer, fix_optim_state_dict from .safetensors_util import safetensors_file_to_state_dict from .torch_util import ( barrier, gc_cuda, get_fs_local_rank, get_global_rank, get_world_size, ) from .util import ( _get_s3_client, default_thread_count, dir_is_empty, get_bytes_range, get_progress_bar, resource_path, upload, wait_for, ) __all__ = [ "save_fsdp_model_and_optim_state", "load_fsdp_model_and_optim_state", "load_fsdp_optim_state", "save_state_dict", "load_state_dict", "load_model_state", "RemoteFileSystemWriter", "RemoteFileSystemReader", "Checkpointer", "FullCheckpointer", "TorchNewStyleShardedCheckpointer", "TorchLegacyShardedCheckpointer", "LocalShardedCheckpointer", "build_sharded_checkpointer", ] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER = "model_and_optim" def save_fsdp_model_and_optim_state( checkpoint_dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, save_overwrite: bool = False, ): """ Use this to save a state dict for an FSDP model and its optimizer via :module:`torch.distributed.checkpoint` functions. This should be used during distributed training and should be called by all ranks. :param checkpoint_dir: The directory to save to. :param fsdp_model: The FSDP model. :param optim: The FSDP model's optimizer. :param upload_to: Optional, a remote "directory" to upload the checkpoint files to. :param save_overwrite: Overwrite existing files. :raises FileExistsError: If a model and optim checkpoint already exists in ``checkpoint_dir`` and ``save_overwrite=False``. """ checkpoint_dir = Path(checkpoint_dir) target_dir = checkpoint_dir / MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER if save_overwrite: if get_fs_local_rank() == 0: shutil.rmtree(target_dir, ignore_errors=True) elif not dir_is_empty(target_dir): raise FileExistsError(target_dir) barrier() if get_fs_local_rank() == 0: target_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) barrier() with FSDP.state_dict_type( fsdp_model, state_dict_type=StateDictType.SHARDED_STATE_DICT, state_dict_config=ShardedStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), optim_state_dict_config=ShardedOptimStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), ): model_and_optim_state = { "model": fsdp_model.state_dict(), "optim": FSDP.optim_state_dict(fsdp_model, optim), } dist_cp.save_state_dict( model_and_optim_state, RemoteFileSystemWriter( target_dir, upload_to=None if upload_to is None else f"{upload_to.rstrip('/')}/{MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER}", save_overwrite=save_overwrite, ), ) def load_fsdp_model_and_optim_state( checkpoint_dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, ): """ Use this to load a state dict for an FSDP model and its optimizer via :module:`torch.distributed.checkpoint` functions. This should be used during distributed training and should be called by all ranks. :param checkpoint_dir: The checkpoint directory to load from. This can be a local or remote directory. :param fsdp_model: The FSDP model. :param optim: The FSDP model's optimizer. :param local_cache: A local cache of the checkpoint directory. Use this when the ``checkpoint_dir`` is a remote "directory" but there might be a cached version of the same artifacts. :param load_optimizer_state: Set to ``False`` to skip loading the optimizer state. :raises FileNotFoundError: If the ``checkpoint_dir`` doesn't contain a model and optimizer checkpoint. """ load_path = str(checkpoint_dir).rstrip("/") local_cache = None if local_cache is None else Path(local_cache) with FSDP.state_dict_type( fsdp_model, state_dict_type=StateDictType.SHARDED_STATE_DICT, state_dict_config=ShardedStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), optim_state_dict_config=ShardedOptimStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), ): # Load the model state dict in place."Loading model state...") model_state = {"model": fsdp_model.state_dict()} dist_cp.load_state_dict( model_state, RemoteFileSystemReader( f"{load_path}/{MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER}", local_cache=None if local_cache is None else local_cache / MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER, ), ) fsdp_model.load_state_dict(model_state["model"]) if not load_optimizer_state: return # Load optim state dict in place."Loading sharded optimizer state...") optim_state = load_sharded_optimizer_state_dict( model_state_dict=model_state["model"], optimizer_key="optim", storage_reader=RemoteFileSystemReader( f"{load_path}/{MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER}", local_cache=None if local_cache is None else local_cache / MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER, ), ) del model_state gc_cuda() load_fsdp_optim_state(fsdp_model, optim, optim_state["optim"]) def load_fsdp_optim_state(fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, optim_state: Dict[str, Any]):"Flattening sharded optimizer state...") # NOTE: Careful! The order of the these arguments has changed from 2.0 to 2.1... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse("2.1.0"): flattened_osd = FSDP.optim_state_dict_to_load(optim_state, fsdp_model, optim) # type: ignore else: flattened_osd = FSDP.optim_state_dict_to_load(fsdp_model, optim, optim_state) # type: ignore del optim_state gc.collect()"Loading flattened optimizer state...") # Put optim state on CPU since `Optimizer.load_state_dict()` will create a deepcopy of the whole state dict, # which takes up unnecessary GPU memory. for state in flattened_osd["state"].values(): for k in state.keys(): v = state[k] if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] ="cpu") gc_cuda() optim.load_state_dict(fix_optim_state_dict(optim, flattened_osd)) def save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir: PathOrStr, fname: str, state_dict: Dict[str, Any], *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, save_overwrite: bool = False, synchronize: bool = True, ): """ Save a regular state dict to the file ``fname`` within ``checkpoint_dir`` using :func:``. This can be used during distributed training or not. If during distributed training the ``fname`` should be unique for each rank. :param checkpoint_dir: The directory to save to. :param fname: The target file within ``checkpoint_dir`` to save to. This should be a path relative to the ``checkpoint_dir``. :param state_dict: The state dict to save. :param upload_to: Optional, a remote "directory" to upload the file to. :param save_overwrite: Overwrite existing files. :param synchronize: If ``False``, don't do any distributed synchronization. Use this when only calling this function from a single rank. :raises FileExistsError: If the ``fname`` already exists within ``checkpoint_dir`` and ``save_overwrite=False``. """ checkpoint_dir = Path(checkpoint_dir) target_path = checkpoint_dir / fname if save_overwrite: target_path.unlink(missing_ok=True) elif target_path.is_file(): raise FileExistsError(target_path) if synchronize: barrier() target_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if synchronize: barrier(), target_path) if upload_to is not None: upload_target = f"{upload_to.rstrip('/')}/{fname}""Uploading {target_path} to {upload_target}...") upload(target_path, upload_target, save_overwrite=save_overwrite) def load_state_dict( checkpoint_dir: PathOrStr, fname: str, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, map_location: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Load a regular state dict from the file ``fname`` within ``checkpoint_dir`` using :func:`torch.load()`. This can be used during distributed training or not. :param checkpoint_dir: A local or remote checkpoint directory. :param fname: The target file within the ``checkpoint_dir``. This should be a path relative to the ``checkpoint_dir``. :param local_cache: A local cache of the checkpoint directory. Use this when the ``checkpoint_dir`` is a remote "directory" but there might be a cached version of the same artifacts. :raises FileNotFoundError: If ``fname`` doesn't exist in the ``checkpoint_dir`` or the local cache. """ if fname.endswith(".pt"): # Try safetensors version first. try: path = resource_path( str(checkpoint_dir).rstrip("/"), fname[:-2] + "safetensors", local_cache=local_cache ) return safetensors_file_to_state_dict(path, map_location=map_location) except FileNotFoundError: pass path = resource_path(str(checkpoint_dir).rstrip("/"), fname, local_cache=local_cache) return torch.load(path, map_location=map_location) def load_model_state(checkpoint_dir: PathOrStr, model: torch.nn.Module): """ Load model state from a distributed FSDP model checkpoint created from :func:`save_fsdp_model_and_optim_state()`. Note that ``model`` should not be wrapped with FSDP. """ state_dict = {"model": model.state_dict()} dist_cp.load_state_dict( state_dict, RemoteFileSystemReader(f"{str(checkpoint_dir).rstrip('/')}/{MODEL_AND_OPTIM_FOLDER}"), no_dist=True, ) model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model"]) class RemoteFileSystemWriter(dist_cp.FileSystemWriter): """ A subclass of :class:`~torch.distributed.checkpoint.FileSystemWriter` that can upload files directly to a cloud bucket when ``upload_to`` is specified. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, single_file_per_rank: bool = True, sync_files: bool = True, thread_count: Optional[int] = None, per_thread_copy_ahead: int = 10_000_000, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, save_overwrite: bool = False, ) -> None: if thread_count is not None and thread_count <= 0: raise ValueError("thread count must be at least 1") super().__init__( path, single_file_per_rank=single_file_per_rank, sync_files=sync_files, # NOTE: we default to 1 thread here instead of whatever `default_thread_count()` # returns because uploading big checkpoint files with multiple threads causes # boto3 to fail in weird ways. thread_count=thread_count or 1, per_thread_copy_ahead=per_thread_copy_ahead, ) self.upload_to = None if upload_to is None else upload_to.rstrip("/") self.save_overwrite = save_overwrite def write_data( self, plan: dist_cp.SavePlan, planner: dist_cp.SavePlanner, ) -> Future[List[WriteResult]]: fut = super().write_data(plan, planner) if self.upload_to is not None: files_to_upload = set() for write_result in fut.wait(): files_to_upload.add(write_result.storage_data.relative_path) # Create the global S3 client up front to work around a threading issue in boto. if self.upload_to.startswith("s3://"): _get_s3_client("s3") elif self.upload_to.startswith("r2://"): _get_s3_client("r2") with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.thread_count) as executor: futures = [] for fname in files_to_upload: source = self.path / fname target = f"{self.upload_to}/{fname}""Uploading {source} to {target}...") futures.append(executor.submit(upload, source, target, save_overwrite=self.save_overwrite)) for f in as_completed(futures): try: f.result() except BaseException: # NOTE: we might get an error here that can't be pickled, which causes a different failure # later when PyTorch tries to reduce that error across ranks. So here we just make # sure we're raising a simple error type that can be pickled. raise OLMoCheckpointError(f"Original error:\n{traceback.format_exc()}") return fut def finish(self, metadata: Metadata, results: List[List[WriteResult]]) -> None: super().finish(metadata, results) if self.upload_to is not None: source = self.path / ".metadata" target = f"{self.upload_to}/.metadata""Uploading {source} to {target}...") upload(source, target, save_overwrite=self.save_overwrite) class RemoteFileSystemReader(dist_cp.StorageReader): """ A :class:`~torch.distributed.checkpoint.StorageReader` based on :class:`~torch.distributed.checkpoint.FileSystemReader` that can read data directly from cloud storage as well as a local directory. """ def __init__( self, path: PathOrStr, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, thread_count: Optional[int] = None ): super().__init__() if thread_count is not None and thread_count <= 0: raise ValueError("thread count must be at least 1") self.path = str(path).rstrip("/") self.cache = None if local_cache is None else Path(local_cache) self.thread_count = thread_count or default_thread_count() self.storage_data: Dict[MetadataIndex, _StorageInfo] = dict() self._metadata: Optional[Metadata] = None def _get_bytes(self, relative_path: str, offset: int, length: int) -> bytes: if self.cache is not None and (path := self.cache / relative_path).is_file(): return get_bytes_range(path, offset, length) else: return get_bytes_range(f"{self.path}/{relative_path}", offset, length) def _get_content_for_read(self, read_item: ReadItem) -> Tuple[ReadItem, bytes]: sinfo = self.storage_data[read_item.storage_index] content = self._get_bytes(sinfo.relative_path, sinfo.offset, sinfo.length) return (read_item, content) def read_data(self, plan: dist_cp.LoadPlan, planner: dist_cp.LoadPlanner) -> Future[None]: # Create the global S3 client up front to work around a threading issue in boto. if isinstance(self.path, str): if self.path.startswith("s3://"): _get_s3_client("s3") elif self.path.startswith("r2://"): _get_s3_client("r2") with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.thread_count) as executor: read_item_content_futures = [] for read_item in plan.items: read_item_content_futures.append(executor.submit(self._get_content_for_read, read_item)) read_item_content_results = [] for f in as_completed(read_item_content_futures): try: read_item_content_results.append(f.result()) except BaseException: # NOTE: we might get an error here that can't be pickled, which causes a different failure # later when PyTorch tries to reduce that error across ranks. So here we just make # sure we're raising a simple error type that can be pickled. raise OLMoCheckpointError(f"Original error:\n{traceback.format_exc()}") # Modified from `FileSystemReader.read_data()` for read_item, content in read_item_content_results: bytes = io.BytesIO(content) if read_item.type == LoadItemType.BYTE_IO: planner.load_bytes(read_item, bytes) else: tensor = cast(torch.Tensor, torch.load(bytes, map_location="cpu")) tensor = narrow_tensor_by_index(tensor, read_item.storage_offsets, read_item.lengths) target_tensor = planner.resolve_tensor(read_item).detach() assert ( target_tensor.size() == tensor.size() ), f"req {read_item.storage_index} mismatch sizes {target_tensor.size()} vs {tensor.size()}" target_tensor.copy_(tensor) planner.commit_tensor(read_item, target_tensor) fut: Future = Future() fut.set_result(None) return fut def read_metadata(self) -> Metadata: if self._metadata is None: with resource_path(self.path, ".metadata", local_cache=self.cache).open("rb") as metadata_file: self._metadata = pickle.load(metadata_file) return self._metadata def set_up_storage_reader(self, metadata: Metadata, is_coordinator: bool) -> None: del is_coordinator self.storage_data = metadata.storage_data assert self.storage_data is not None def prepare_local_plan(self, plan: dist_cp.LoadPlan) -> dist_cp.LoadPlan: return plan def prepare_global_plan(self, global_plan: List[dist_cp.LoadPlan]) -> List[dist_cp.LoadPlan]: return global_plan class Checkpointer(metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, cfg: TrainConfig, thread_count: Optional[int] = None): self.cfg = cfg self.thread_count = thread_count or default_thread_count() @abstractmethod def save_checkpoint( self, dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, train_state: Dict[str, Any], *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def restore_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Restores a checkpoint to the model and optimizer. Returns the remaining trainer state. """ raise NotImplementedError def unshard_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, load_trainer_state: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Unshard a checkpoint. Note this is not marked abstract because child classes are not required to implemented this. """ del load_path, local_cache, load_optimizer_state, load_trainer_state, device raise NotImplementedError @contextmanager def _temporary_wd(self, dir: PathOrStr) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: # Make sure checkpoint directory doesn't exist unless it's okay to overwrite it. checkpoint_dir = Path(dir) if not dir_is_empty(checkpoint_dir): if self.cfg.save_overwrite: if get_fs_local_rank() == 0: shutil.rmtree(checkpoint_dir, ignore_errors=True) else: raise FileExistsError(checkpoint_dir) # No need to mkdir here since we'll directly replace the temporary directory with # this directory below. barrier() # Prepare temporary directory. We don't have to be as careful here, we can # just remove it if it already exists. checkpoint_dir_tmp = checkpoint_dir.with_name( + "-tmp") if get_fs_local_rank() == 0: shutil.rmtree(checkpoint_dir_tmp, ignore_errors=True) checkpoint_dir_tmp.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) barrier() # Yield temporary directory for `.save_checkpoint()` to use. yield checkpoint_dir_tmp barrier() # Finally if all went well replace the temporary directory with the actual # checkpoint directory. if get_fs_local_rank() == 0: # Replace temp directory with target checkpoint directory. try: checkpoint_dir_tmp.replace(checkpoint_dir) except FileNotFoundError: # Caught when another (file-system) local rank 0 has already replaced the tmp directory. # This can happen when nodes are saving to a common NFS drive but otherwise have distinct # file-systems. if not checkpoint_dir.exists(): raise # In the cases where we're using a shared NFS drive between ranks to save checkpoints, # replacing the temp directory with the final directory from rank 0 might not be immediately # realized in the file systems of the other ranks. # So we wait here across all ranks until that final checkpoint directory is visible. wait_for(lambda: checkpoint_dir.exists(), "Waiting for checkpoint directory", timeout=10.0) barrier() def _save_config(self, dir: PathOrStr, *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if get_global_rank() == 0:"Saving config...") := Path(dir) / "config.yaml") if upload_to is not None: upload_target = f"{upload_to}/config.yaml""Uploading {config_path} to {upload_target}") upload(config_path, upload_target, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite) class FullCheckpointer(Checkpointer): """ A :class:`Checkpointer` that saves a single full model and optimizer state dictionary. """ def save_checkpoint( self, dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, trainer_state: Dict[str, Any], *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: with self._temporary_wd(dir) as checkpoint_dir: with FSDP.state_dict_type( fsdp_model, state_dict_type=StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT, state_dict_config=FullStateDictConfig(rank0_only=True, offload_to_cpu=True), optim_state_dict_config=FullOptimStateDictConfig(rank0_only=True, offload_to_cpu=True), ): # We'll write the model and optimizer state dicts individually to reduce (CPU) memory consumption. # First the model state. model_state_dict = fsdp_model.state_dict() if get_global_rank() == 0:"Saving model state...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, "", model_state_dict, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, synchronize=False, ) del model_state_dict barrier() # Then the optimizer state. optim_state_dict = FSDP.optim_state_dict(fsdp_model, optim) if get_global_rank() == 0:"Saving optim state...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, "", optim_state_dict, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, synchronize=False, ) del optim_state_dict barrier() # Save trainer state. if get_global_rank() == 0:"Saving trainer state...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, "", trainer_state, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, synchronize=False, ) # Save config. self._save_config(checkpoint_dir, upload_to=upload_to) def restore_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: with FSDP.state_dict_type( fsdp_model, state_dict_type=StateDictType.FULL_STATE_DICT, state_dict_config=FullStateDictConfig(rank0_only=False, offload_to_cpu=True), optim_state_dict_config=FullOptimStateDictConfig(rank0_only=False, offload_to_cpu=True), ): with torch.no_grad(): # fill everything with NaN, so we can check afterwards that every parameter has been restored for module_name, module in fsdp_model.named_modules(): if not isinstance(module, FSDP): continue for param in module.params: param.fill_(torch.nan) # restore params from checkpoint state_dict_to_load = load_state_dict( load_path, "", local_cache=local_cache, map_location="cpu" ) ( state_dict_to_load, og_keys_to_new, ) = fsdp_model._fsdp_wrapped_module._make_state_dict_compatible(state_dict_to_load) for module_name, module in fsdp_model.named_modules(): if not isinstance(module, FSDP): continue for param in module.params: assert param._is_flat_param for fqn, spi in zip(param._fqns, param._shard_param_infos): if not spi.in_shard: continue key = f"{module_name}.{fqn}" key = key.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") key = key.lstrip(".") t = state_dict_to_load[key] t = t.flatten() param[spi.offset_in_shard : spi.offset_in_shard + spi.numel_in_shard].copy_( t[spi.intra_param_start_idx : spi.intra_param_end_idx + 1] ) # make sure that every parameter has been restored for module_name, module in fsdp_model.named_modules(): if not isinstance(module, FSDP): continue for param in module.params: if torch.isnan(param).any(): raise ValueError( f"Module '{module_name}' contains NaNs, this is likely a bug restoring from full checkpoints" ) # Load optimizer state. if load_optimizer_state: optim_state_dict_to_load = load_state_dict( load_path, "", local_cache=local_cache, map_location="cpu" ) optim_state_dict_to_load = self._make_optim_state_dict_compatible( optim_state_dict_to_load, og_keys_to_new, ) load_fsdp_optim_state(fsdp_model, optim, optim_state_dict_to_load) del optim_state_dict_to_load # Load other state. try: trainer_state = load_state_dict(load_path, "", local_cache=local_cache) except FileNotFoundError: # for backwards compatibility trainer_state = load_state_dict(load_path, "", local_cache=local_cache) barrier() return trainer_state def _make_optim_state_dict_compatible( self, optim_state_dict: Dict[str, Any], og_keys_to_new: Dict[str, Set[str]] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # This state dict comes in two forms: one where the state keys are integers and one where the # keys are fully qualified parameter names. The latter case is easier to deal with here so we # first transform the integer key form into the FQN key form. if isinstance(optim_state_dict["param_groups"][0]["params"][0], int): id_to_fqn: Dict[int, str] = {} for group in optim_state_dict["param_groups"]: new_param_names = [] for fqn, id in zip(group["param_names"], group["params"]): fqn = fqn.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") id_to_fqn[id] = fqn new_param_names.append(fqn) group["param_names"] = new_param_names group["params"] = new_param_names for id in list(optim_state_dict["state"].keys()): optim_state_dict["state"][id_to_fqn[id]] = optim_state_dict["state"].pop(id) else: # Otherwise we still want to clean up the param names to remove the "_fsdp_wrapped_module." prefix. for group in optim_state_dict["param_groups"]: group["param_names"] = [fqn.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") for fqn in group["param_names"]] group["params"] = [fqn.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") for fqn in group["params"]] assert group["param_names"] == group["params"] for key in list(optim_state_dict["state"].keys()): optim_state_dict["state"][key.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "")] = optim_state_dict[ "state" ].pop(key) # Now we can transform the state dict by renaming parameters according to `og_keys_to_new`. # First fix param names in the state. for og_key, new_keys in og_keys_to_new.items(): og_state = optim_state_dict["state"].pop(og_key, None) if og_state is None: continue for i, new_key in enumerate(new_keys): if i == len(new_keys) - 1: optim_state_dict["state"][new_key] = og_state else: optim_state_dict["state"][new_key] = deepcopy(og_state) # Now fix param names in the param groups. for group in optim_state_dict["param_groups"]: og_names = group["params"] new_names = [] for og_key in og_names: for new_key in og_keys_to_new[og_key]: new_names.append(new_key) group["params"] = new_names group["param_names"] = new_names return optim_state_dict def load_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: device = device if device is not None else torch.device("cpu") model_state = load_state_dict(load_path, "", local_cache=local_cache, map_location=device) # type: ignore optim_state = None if load_optimizer_state: optim_state = load_state_dict(load_path, "", local_cache=local_cache, map_location=device) # type: ignore return model_state, optim_state class TorchNewStyleShardedCheckpointer(Checkpointer): """ A sharded :class:`Checkpointer` that uses PyTorch's new distributed checkpointing functionality. """ def save_checkpoint( self, dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, trainer_state: Dict[str, Any], *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: with self._temporary_wd(dir) as checkpoint_dir: # Save model and optim state. save_fsdp_model_and_optim_state( checkpoint_dir, fsdp_model, optim, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, ) # Save trainer state."Saving trainer state...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, f"train/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", trainer_state, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, ) # Save config. self._save_config(checkpoint_dir, upload_to=upload_to) def restore_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Load model and optimizer state in place."Loading model and optimizer state...") load_fsdp_model_and_optim_state( load_path, fsdp_model, optim, local_cache=local_cache, load_optimizer_state=load_optimizer_state, ) # Load trainer state dict."Loading trainer state...") try: trainer_state = load_state_dict( load_path, f"train/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", local_cache=local_cache ) except FileNotFoundError: # Fall back to rank 0 train state. # This can happen when we're restoring a checkpoint with a different world size. trainer_state = load_state_dict(load_path, "train/", local_cache=local_cache) barrier() return trainer_state class TorchLegacyShardedCheckpointer(Checkpointer): """ A sharded :class:`Checkpointer` that just uses `` with extra logic for handling FSDP model and optim state. The world size must be kept consistent when using this checkpointer. """ def save_checkpoint( self, dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, trainer_state: Dict[str, Any], *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: with self._temporary_wd(dir) as checkpoint_dir: with FSDP.state_dict_type( fsdp_model, state_dict_type=StateDictType.SHARDED_STATE_DICT, state_dict_config=ShardedStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), optim_state_dict_config=ShardedOptimStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), ): state_dict = { "model": fsdp_model.state_dict(), "optim": FSDP.optim_state_dict(fsdp_model, optim), **trainer_state, } save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, f"rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", state_dict, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, ) # Save config. self._save_config(checkpoint_dir, upload_to=upload_to) def restore_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: with FSDP.state_dict_type( fsdp_model, state_dict_type=StateDictType.SHARDED_STATE_DICT, state_dict_config=ShardedStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), optim_state_dict_config=ShardedOptimStateDictConfig(offload_to_cpu=True), ): # Deserialize state dict. state_dict = load_state_dict( load_path, f"rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", local_cache=local_cache, map_location="cpu" ) # Load model and optimizer state."Loading model state...") fsdp_model.load_state_dict(state_dict["model"]) del state_dict["model"] if load_optimizer_state:"Loading optimizer state...") load_fsdp_optim_state(fsdp_model, optim, state_dict["optim"]) del state_dict["optim"] barrier() return state_dict def unshard_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, load_trainer_state: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: assert local_cache is None, "this method currently only supports local files" full_state_dict = self._unshard(load_path, device or torch.device("cpu"), skip_keys={"rng"}) model_state = full_state_dict.pop("model") optim_state = full_state_dict.pop("optim") return ( model_state, optim_state if load_optimizer_state else None, full_state_dict if load_trainer_state else None, ) def _copy_sharded_tensors_to_shared_mem(self, state: Dict, world_size: int, rank: int, key: Tuple): key = tuple() if key is None else key if isinstance(state, (list, tuple, set)): for i, sub_state in enumerate(state): self._copy_sharded_tensors_to_shared_mem(sub_state, world_size, rank, key + (i,)) elif isinstance(state, dict): for name in state.keys(): self._copy_sharded_tensors_to_shared_mem(state[name], world_size, rank, key + (name,)) elif isinstance(state, ShardedTensor): self._copy_sharded_tensor_to_shared_mem(state, world_size, rank, key) return else: return def _get_shard_placement_and_rank_sizes( self, shards_metadata: List[ShardMetadata], world_size: int ) -> Tuple[Dict[ShardMetadata, Tuple[int, int]], List[int]]: def shard_size(shard_md): return reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), shard_md.shard_sizes) # type: ignore[attr-defined] rank_sizes = [0 for _ in range(world_size)] shard_placement: Dict[ShardMetadata, Tuple[int, int]] = {} for shard_md in shards_metadata: shard_rank = cast(_remote_device, shard_md.placement).rank() assert shard_rank is not None if shard_rank >= world_size: raise RuntimeError(f"Shard rank {shard_rank} exceeds world size {world_size}") shard_placement[shard_md] = (shard_rank, rank_sizes[shard_rank]) rank_sizes[shard_rank] += shard_size(shard_md) return shard_placement, rank_sizes def _copy_sharded_tensor_to_shared_mem( self, sharded_tensor: ShardedTensor, world_size: int, rank: int, key: Tuple ) -> Any: shard0_md = sharded_tensor.metadata() shard_placement, rank_sizes = self._get_shard_placement_and_rank_sizes( shard0_md.shards_metadata, world_size ) rank_size = rank_sizes[rank] assert rank_size >= 0 if rank_size == 0: return assert shard0_md.tensor_properties.dtype == torch.float32, "Expected sharded tensor to be fp32" numpy_type = np.float32 sharded_memory_name = "-".join(key + (str(rank),)) shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory( create=True, size=rank_size * np.dtype(numpy_type).itemsize, name=sharded_memory_name ) np_arr = np.ndarray((rank_size,), dtype=numpy_type, buffer=shm.buf) for local_shard in sharded_tensor.local_shards(): shard_rank = cast(_remote_device, local_shard.metadata.placement).rank() assert shard_rank == rank src = local_shard.tensor.flatten() shard_offset = shard_placement[local_shard.metadata][1] np_arr[shard_offset : shard_offset + src.numel()] = src.numpy() shm.close() def _copy_sharded_data_to_shared_mem(self, world_size: int, shard_filepath: Path): shard_number = int([4:-3])"Starting unsharding shard number %d to shared memory", shard_number) with self._patch_sharded_tensor_load(): shard = torch.load(shard_filepath, map_location="cpu") log.debug("Done loading shard number %d", shard_number) self._copy_sharded_tensors_to_shared_mem( shard, world_size, shard_number, (str(shard_filepath.parent).replace("/", "_"),) )"Done unsharding shard number %d to shared memory", shard_number) def _unshard_using_sharded_mem( self, state: Any, world_size: int, device: torch.device, shard_dir: PathOrStr ) -> Any: return self._unshard_state_using_shared_mem(state, world_size, device, (str(shard_dir).replace("/", "_"),)) def _unshard_state_using_shared_mem( self, state: Any, world_size: int, device: torch.device, key: Tuple ) -> Any: if isinstance(state, (list, tuple, set)): return state.__class__( self._unshard_state_using_shared_mem(sub_state, world_size, device, key + (i,)) for i, sub_state in enumerate(state) ) elif isinstance(state, dict): return { name: self._unshard_state_using_shared_mem(state[name], world_size, device, key + (name,)) for name in state.keys() } elif isinstance(state, ShardedTensor): return self._unshard_tensor_using_shared_mem(state, world_size, device, key) elif isinstance(state, torch.Tensor): return else: return state def _unshard_tensor_using_shared_mem( self, sharded_tensor: ShardedTensor, world_size: int, device: torch.device, key: Tuple ) -> torch.Tensor: shard0_md = sharded_tensor.metadata() def shard_size(shard_md): return reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), shard_md.shard_sizes) # type: ignore[attr-defined] shard_placement, rank_sizes = self._get_shard_placement_and_rank_sizes( shard0_md.shards_metadata, world_size ) assert shard0_md.tensor_properties.dtype == torch.float32, "Expected sharded tensor to be fp32" numpy_type = np.float32 out = torch.empty( *sharded_tensor.metadata().size, dtype=sharded_tensor.metadata().tensor_properties.dtype, device=device ) dims = len(sharded_tensor.metadata().size) for shard_md, (rank, rank_offset) in shard_placement.items(): if rank >= world_size: raise RuntimeError(f"Shard rank {rank} exceeds world size {world_size}") sharded_memory_name = "-".join(key + (str(rank),)) shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=sharded_memory_name) rank_size = rank_sizes[rank] assert rank_size >= 0 if rank_size == 0: continue np_arr = np.ndarray((rank_size,), dtype=numpy_type, buffer=shm.buf) tensor = torch.from_numpy(np_arr)[rank_offset : rank_offset + shard_size(shard_md)] tensor = tensor.view(shard_md.shard_sizes) out_narrow_view = out for dim in range(dims): out_narrow_view = out_narrow_view.narrow( dim, shard_md.shard_offsets[dim], shard_md.shard_sizes[dim], ) out_narrow_view.copy_(tensor) shm.close() shm.unlink() return out @contextmanager def _patch_sharded_tensor_load(self): """ Monkeypatch for torch's ShardedTensor, so we can unpickle without having torch.distributed set up. """ def _rebuild_from_type_v2_monkey(func, new_type, args, state): ret = func(*args) if type(ret) is not new_type: ret = ret.as_subclass(new_type) # Shortcut the construction of ShardedTensor # This is in the top 5 of my worst hacks. if isinstance(ret, ShardedTensor): ret._local_shards, ret._metadata, _, ret._sharding_spec, ret._init_rrefs = state return ret # The rest of this function ought to be in the top 5 of somebody else's worst hacks. # Tensor does define __setstate__ even though it doesn't define # __getstate__. So only use __setstate__ if it is NOT the one defined # on Tensor if getattr(ret.__class__, "__setstate__", torch.Tensor.__setstate__) is not torch.Tensor.__setstate__: ret.__setstate__(state) else: ret = torch._utils._set_obj_state(ret, state) return ret original_rebuild_from_type_v2 = torch._tensor._rebuild_from_type_v2 try: torch._tensor._rebuild_from_type_v2 = _rebuild_from_type_v2_monkey yield finally: torch._tensor._rebuild_from_type_v2 = original_rebuild_from_type_v2 def _unshard(self, input_dir: PathOrStr, device: torch.device, skip_keys: Optional[Set[str]] = None): """ The current unsharding implementation consists of: 1. Loading each shard on a separate process and copying their sharded tensors to shared memory. 2. Loading 1 shard on the main process as a base unsharded object. 3. Using the sharded tensors in shared memory to populate the base unsharded object. This implementation replaced a prior implementation that instead loaded all shards using threads, because that implementation turned out to be extremely slow (e.g. 6+ hours) sometimes when the world size was 1024. The current implementation is slower than the old one in many scenarios, but is significantly faster in the above mentioned case (e.g. 30 minutes) if there are enough CPUs. """ input_dir = Path(input_dir) skip_keys = skip_keys or set() shard_filepaths = list(input_dir.glob("rank*.pt")) world_size = len(shard_filepaths) if world_size == 0: raise RuntimeError("No shards found for unsharding")"Number of shards: %d", world_size) shard_size_gb = shard_filepaths[0].stat().st_size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) min_ram_required_estimate_gb = shard_size_gb * world_size "Shards are %.2fGB each, at least %.2fGB RAM is required", shard_size_gb, min_ram_required_estimate_gb )"Copying sharded tensors to shared memory using multiple processes") # Copy sharded data to shared memory using multiple processes, so this process can load # from memory rather than disk. We spawn a new process instead of forking since shared memory # appears to get deleted when forked processes end for some reason. executor = ProcessPoolExecutor( mp_context=mp.get_context("spawn"), initializer=util.prepare_cli_environment ) futures = [] for shard_filepath in shard_filepaths: shard_rank = int([4:-3]) if shard_rank >= world_size: raise RuntimeError( f"Shard rank {shard_rank} of file {shard_filepath} exceeds world size {world_size}" ) futures.append(executor.submit(self._copy_sharded_data_to_shared_mem, world_size, shard_filepath)) for f in as_completed(futures): f.result() executor.shutdown()"Loading a shard on the main process to be unsharded state") with self._patch_sharded_tensor_load(): state = torch.load(shard_filepaths[0], map_location="cpu") for key in skip_keys: if key in state: del state[key]"Unsharding from %d shards ...", world_size) return self._unshard_using_sharded_mem(state, world_size, device, input_dir) @dataclass class _LocalShardedCheckpointerMetadata(BaseConfig): world_size: int = field(default_factory=get_world_size) @dataclass class _FlatParamShard: full_shape: torch.Size shard_offsets: Tuple[int, int] shard_data: Optional[torch.Tensor] def copy_into(self, full_tensor: torch.Tensor) -> None: assert self.shard_data is not None full_tensor_shard_view = full_tensor.view(-1)[self.shard_offsets[0] : self.shard_offsets[1] + 1] assert self.shard_data.shape == full_tensor_shard_view.shape full_tensor_shard_view.copy_(self.shard_data) class LocalShardedCheckpointer(Checkpointer): """ A sharded :class:`Checkpointer` that directly saves the local FSDP flat params data. The optimizer state is saved directly with `` without reformatting via FSDP methods. The world size must be kept consistent when using this checkpointer. However, you can easily reconstruct a full unsharded model and/or optimizer state dictionary from a single Python process using :meth:`unshard_checkpoint()` (no distributed initialization required). """ # These correspond to metadata attributes on `torch.distributed.fsdp.flat_param.FlatParameter`. _FLAT_PARAM_METADATA_TO_SAVE = ( "_fqns", "_shard_param_offsets", "_shard_indices", "_numels", "_numels_with_padding", "_shapes", "_shard_numel_padded", "_shard_param_infos", ) def _fsdp_modules(self, fsdp_model: FSDP) -> List[Tuple[str, FSDP]]: """ Returns a list of FSDP modules with their FQN. """ modules = [] for name, module in fsdp_model.named_modules(): if isinstance(module, FSDP): modules.append((name, module)) return modules def _prepare_fsdp_model(self, fsdp_model: FSDP) -> None: from torch.distributed.fsdp._runtime_utils import _lazy_init # TODO (epwalsh): I'm not sure if this is necessary, but this is what PyTorch does before saving/loading # an FSDP state dict through the built-in methods. if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() _lazy_init(fsdp_model, fsdp_model) def _fsdp_handles(self, fsdp_model: FSDP) -> List[FlatParamHandle]: if version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse("2.1.0"): return fsdp_model._handles # type: ignore elif version.parse(torch.__version__) < version.parse("2.3.0"): # Handle could be None if the FSDP wrapper doesn't manage any parameters. if hasattr(fsdp_model, "_handle") and fsdp_model._handle is not None: return [fsdp_model._handle] # type: ignore else: return [] else: # Need to verify FSDP internals with newer versions. raise NotImplementedError @torch.no_grad() def _get_flat_param_state_to_save(self, fsdp_model: FSDP) -> Dict[str, Any]: self._prepare_fsdp_model(fsdp_model) module_data = [] for module_fqn, fsdp_module in self._fsdp_modules(fsdp_model): handle_data = [] for handle in self._fsdp_handles(fsdp_module): data: Dict[str, Any] = {} # This is a `FlatParameter` instance. # See `torch.distributed.fsdp.flat_param` for the API. flat_param = handle.flat_param data[""] = flat_param.detach() for key in self._FLAT_PARAM_METADATA_TO_SAVE: if hasattr(flat_param, key): data[f"flat_param.{key}"] = getattr(flat_param, key) handle_data.append(data) module_data.append({"handles": handle_data, "name": module_fqn}) return {"modules": module_data} @torch.no_grad() def _load_flat_param_state(self, fsdp_model: FSDP, model_state: Dict[str, Any]): """Load the state produced from `self._get_flat_param_state_to_save()`.""" self._prepare_fsdp_model(fsdp_model) fsdp_modules = self._fsdp_modules(fsdp_model) assert len(model_state["modules"]) == len(fsdp_modules) for (_, fsdp_module), module_data in zip(fsdp_modules, model_state["modules"]): handles = self._fsdp_handles(fsdp_module) assert len(handles) == len(module_data["handles"]) for handle, data in zip(handles, module_data["handles"]): flat_param = handle.flat_param # Make sure metadata matches. for key in self._FLAT_PARAM_METADATA_TO_SAVE: if hasattr(flat_param, key): assert getattr(flat_param, key) == data[f"flat_param.{key}"] # Load the flat sharded data. flat_param.copy_(data[""]) def _save_metadata(self, dir: PathOrStr, *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None) -> None: if get_fs_local_rank() == 0:"Saving metadata...") metadata = _LocalShardedCheckpointerMetadata() := Path(dir) / "metadata.yaml") if upload_to is not None and get_global_rank() == 0: upload_target = f"{upload_to}/metadata.yaml""Uploading {metadata_path} to {upload_target}") upload(metadata_path, upload_target, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite) def _load_metadata( self, load_path: PathOrStr, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None ) -> _LocalShardedCheckpointerMetadata: metadata_path = resource_path(load_path, "metadata.yaml", local_cache=local_cache) return _LocalShardedCheckpointerMetadata.load(metadata_path) def save_checkpoint( self, dir: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, trainer_state: Dict[str, Any], *, upload_to: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: with self._temporary_wd(dir) as checkpoint_dir: # Gather local FSDP flat params data to save. # We also save some flat param metadata like the corresponding fully qualified names (fqns) # of each original parameter so we can validate that the sharding is the same when loading # one of these checkpoints."Saving local FSDP flat params data...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, f"model/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", self._get_flat_param_state_to_save(fsdp_model), upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, ) # Save optimizer state."Saving local optimizer state...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, f"optim/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", optim.state_dict(), upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, ) # Save trainer state."Saving trainer state...") save_state_dict( checkpoint_dir, f"train/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", trainer_state, upload_to=upload_to, save_overwrite=self.cfg.save_overwrite, ) # Save metadata. self._save_metadata(checkpoint_dir, upload_to=upload_to) # Save config. We do this last b/c the presence of a config in a remote checkpoint # "directory" indicates that the folder is valid, as a opposed to a partially # uploaded checkpoint directory that failed before completing. self._save_config(checkpoint_dir, upload_to=upload_to) def restore_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, fsdp_model: FSDP, optim: Optimizer, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Load metadata and make sure checkpoint is compatible. metadata = self._load_metadata(load_path, local_cache=local_cache) assert metadata.world_size == get_world_size() # Load local FSDP flat param data."Loading local FSDP flat params data...") model_state = load_state_dict( load_path, f"model/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", local_cache=local_cache, map_location="cpu" ) self._load_flat_param_state(fsdp_model, model_state) del model_state # Load local optim state. if load_optimizer_state:"Loading local optimizer state...") optim_state = load_state_dict( load_path, f"optim/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", local_cache=local_cache, map_location="cpu" ) # HACK/TODO (epwalsh): When we use adaptive clipping we track the 'grad_norm_exp_avg' for every param # in every rank, and keep this in the optimizer state. But this causes issues when loading the # state since torch sees the state is non-empty for some params which would normally be empty, # and then assumes it should have all of the other state tensors for that param, which is doesn't. # So for now we just remove 'grad_norm_exp_avg' everywhere from the state, which resets that metric. # Not the end of the world but there's probably a better way around this without resetting # the metric. for param_id in list(optim_state["state"].keys()): state = optim_state["state"][param_id] if "grad_norm_exp_avg" in state: del state["grad_norm_exp_avg"] if len(state) == 0: del optim_state["state"][param_id] optim.load_state_dict(optim_state) del optim_state # Load local trainer state."Loading local trainer state...") trainer_state = load_state_dict(load_path, f"train/rank{get_global_rank()}.pt", local_cache=local_cache) barrier() return trainer_state def _iter_flat_param_shards( self, model_state: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, _FlatParamShard], None, None]: for module_data in model_state["modules"]: module_prefix = module_data["name"].replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") for handle in module_data["handles"]: flat_data = handle[""] if (num_padding := handle["flat_param._shard_numel_padded"]) > 0: # If there's padding in the flat param it should be on the right. assert (flat_data[-num_padding:] == 0).all() # NOTE: this changes depending on the torch version, but we don't do a version # check since we might be trying to unshard an old checkpoint that was stored # with a different torch version than we're currently running with. if "flat_param._shard_indices" in handle: # torch <=2.0.1 param_start = handle["flat_param._shard_indices"][0] current_flat_index = 0 for relative_fqn, full_shape, (offset_start, offset_end) in zip( handle["flat_param._fqns"][param_start:], handle["flat_param._shapes"][param_start:], handle["flat_param._shard_param_offsets"], ): root_fqn = relative_fqn if not module_prefix else f"{module_prefix}.{relative_fqn}" numel_shard = offset_end - offset_start + 1 flat_param_shard = _FlatParamShard( full_shape=full_shape, shard_offsets=(offset_start, offset_end), shard_data=flat_data[current_flat_index : current_flat_index + numel_shard], ) current_flat_index += numel_shard yield root_fqn, flat_param_shard else: # torch >=2.1.0 for relative_fqn, full_shape, shard_param_info in zip( handle["flat_param._fqns"], handle["flat_param._shapes"], handle["flat_param._shard_param_infos"], ): if not shard_param_info.in_shard: continue root_fqn = relative_fqn if not module_prefix else f"{module_prefix}.{relative_fqn}" flat_param_shard = _FlatParamShard( full_shape=full_shape, shard_offsets=( shard_param_info.intra_param_start_idx, shard_param_info.intra_param_end_idx, ), shard_data=flat_data[ shard_param_info.offset_in_shard : shard_param_info.offset_in_shard + shard_param_info.numel_in_shard ], ) yield root_fqn, flat_param_shard def unshard_checkpoint( self, load_path: PathOrStr, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, load_optimizer_state: bool = True, load_trainer_state: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: device = device or torch.device("cpu") metadata = self._load_metadata(load_path, local_cache=local_cache) # Gather paths model state, potentially downloading them."Gathering model state dicts...") model_state_paths = self._gather_state_dict_paths( load_path, "model", metadata.world_size, local_cache=local_cache ) # Load model state dicts one-by-one, materializing and populating the full parameters as we go."Materializing full parameters...") full_model_state: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} # We keep a copy of the flat param metadata minus the actual tensors so we can reconstruct # the full optimizer state below without having to reload the model state dicts. flat_params_data: Dict[int, Dict[str, _FlatParamShard]] = defaultdict(dict) for rank, path in enumerate(model_state_paths):"Loading shards from rank {rank}...") model_state = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu") for root_fqn, flat_param_shard in self._iter_flat_param_shards(model_state): if root_fqn not in full_model_state: f"Materializing full parameter '{root_fqn}' with shape {flat_param_shard.full_shape}..." ) assert flat_param_shard.shard_data is not None full_model_state[root_fqn] = torch.empty( flat_param_shard.full_shape, dtype=flat_param_shard.shard_data.dtype, device=device ) # Fill with NaNs so we can validate that the whole parameter has been populated # afterwards. full_model_state[root_fqn].fill_(torch.nan) # Copy over the local shard to the relevant part of the full parameter. full_param = full_model_state[root_fqn]"Loading rank {rank} shard for '{root_fqn}'...") flat_param_shard.copy_into(full_param) flat_params_data[rank][root_fqn] = replace(flat_param_shard, shard_data=None)"Validating full parameters...") for key, tensor in full_model_state.items(): if torch.isnan(tensor).any(): raise ValueError(f"Parameter '{key}' contains NaNs, this is likely a bug with the unsharder") trainer_state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None if load_trainer_state: trainer_state = load_state_dict(load_path, "train/", local_cache=local_cache) if not load_optimizer_state: return full_model_state, None, trainer_state"Gathering optim state dicts...") optim_state_paths = self._gather_state_dict_paths( load_path, "optim", metadata.world_size, local_cache=local_cache )"Materializing full optim state...") full_optim_state: Dict[str, Any] = {"state": defaultdict(dict)} fqn_to_id: Dict[str, int] = {} id_to_fqn: Dict[int, str] = {} for rank, path in enumerate(optim_state_paths):"Loading sharded optim state from rank {rank}...") optim_state = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu") # Initialize param groups. # We assume parameter groups are the same across all ranks. # The only thing that differs across ranks is the state for each local sharded param. if "param_groups" not in full_optim_state: full_optim_state["param_groups"] = optim_state["param_groups"] else: assert full_optim_state["param_groups"] == optim_state["param_groups"] # Generate mapping of parameter FQNs to optimizer param IDs and vice-versa. if not fqn_to_id or not id_to_fqn: for group in full_optim_state["param_groups"]: for fqn, id in zip(group["param_names"], group["params"]): fqn = fqn.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") fqn_to_id[fqn] = id id_to_fqn[id] = fqn # Iterate over local shard state and copy into the full state. for id, shard_state in optim_state["state"].items(): fqn = id_to_fqn[id] flat_param_shard = flat_params_data[rank].get(fqn) # type: ignore[assignment] full_state = full_optim_state["state"][id] for key, shard_value in shard_state.items(): assert isinstance(shard_value, torch.Tensor) if shard_value.shape == torch.Size([]): # Add singleton tensors directly to full state. These should be the same across # all ranks. assert key in ("step", "grad_norm_exp_avg") # sanity check if key not in full_state: full_state[key] = else: assert full_state[key] == shard_value else: # Otherwise we have a sharded param state. # If the corresponding full param state hasn't been materialized yet, do so now. assert flat_param_shard is not None, f"missing flat_params_data for {fqn} from rank {rank}" if key not in full_state: f"Materializing full state '{key}' for '{fqn}' with shape {flat_param_shard.full_shape}..." ) full_state[key] = torch.empty( flat_param_shard.full_shape, dtype=shard_value.dtype, device=device ) full_state_value = full_state[key] # Copy over the local shard state to the relevant part of the full parameter state."Loading rank {rank} shard state of '{key}' for '{fqn}'...") replace(flat_param_shard, shard_data=shard_value).copy_into(full_state_value) # Lastly, clean up the parameter names in param groups. for group in full_optim_state["param_groups"]: group["param_names"] = [n.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") for n in group["param_names"]] return full_model_state, full_optim_state, trainer_state def _get_state_dict_path( self, load_path: PathOrStr, state_dict_type: str, rank: int, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, progress=None, ) -> Tuple[int, Path]: fname = f"{state_dict_type}/rank{rank}.pt" return rank, resource_path(str(load_path).rstrip("/"), fname, local_cache=local_cache, progress=progress) def _gather_state_dict_paths( self, load_path: PathOrStr, state_dict_type: str, world_size: int, *, local_cache: Optional[PathOrStr] = None, ) -> List[Path]: progress = get_progress_bar() with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.thread_count) as executor: futures = [] for rank in range(world_size): future = executor.submit( self._get_state_dict_path, load_path, state_dict_type, rank, local_cache=local_cache, progress=progress, ) futures.append(future) results: Dict[int, Path] = {} for future in as_completed(futures): rank, path = future.result() results[rank] = path return [results[rank] for rank in range(world_size)] def build_sharded_checkpointer( cfg: TrainConfig, *, name: Optional[ShardedCheckpointerType] = None ) -> Checkpointer: name = name or cfg.sharded_checkpointer if name == ShardedCheckpointerType.torch_new: return TorchNewStyleShardedCheckpointer(cfg) elif name == ShardedCheckpointerType.torch_legacy: return TorchLegacyShardedCheckpointer(cfg) elif name == ShardedCheckpointerType.local: return LocalShardedCheckpointer(cfg) else: raise NotImplementedError(name)