--- datasets: - Norquinal/claude_multiround_chat_1k license: cc-by-nc-4.0 --- This is the [Qwen-7B](https://huggingface.co/Qwen/Qwen-7B) model fine-tuned using QLoRA (4-bit precision) on my [claude_multiround_chat_1k](https://huggingface.co/datasets/Norquinal/claude_multiround_chat_1k) dataset, which is a randomized subset of ~1000 samples from my [claude_multiround_chat_30k](https://huggingface.co/datasets/Norquinal/claude_multiround_chat_30k) dataset. ## Prompt Format The model was finetuned with the Vicuna 1.1 prompt format: ``` A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. USER: {instruction} ASSISTANT: ``` ## Use in Text Generation Web UI Qwen-7B necessitates the use of the `--trust-remote-code` flag as well as installing several python libraries, including `tiktoken`, `einops`, and `transformers_stream_generator`. Once you have those installed you should be good to go. ## Example Usage >USER: First, give a brief overview of Chinese cuisine, including its regional diversity. next, describe the importance of the five flavors in Chinese cooking. Then, mention three popular Chinese dishes and their main ingredients. After that, provide a popular Chinese cooking technique and an example of a dish prepared using that technique. Finally, discuss the role of tea in traditional Chinese culture. > >ASSISTANT: >1) Regional Diversity - Chinese cuisine is incredibly diverse due to China’s vast size and many different regions with distinct local cuisines. For example, Sichuan food focuses on spicy hotpot dishes while Cantonese food emphasizes seafood and dim sum appetizers. > >2) Five Flavors - The "five tastes" are important in Chinese cooking. They include sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami (savory). Food is balanced by combining these flavors for a harmonious taste experience. > >3) Popular Dishes - Some examples include Peking duck (duck roasted with sugar syrup), Kung pao chicken (chicken stir-fried with peanuts and vegetables) and Hot pot (a communal meal where diners cook various meats, vegetables and noodles at a boiling broth tableside.) > >4) Cooking Techniques - Wok-frying is common as it heats quickly and cooks food evenly. An example would be pan-frying dumplings until golden brown. > >5) Tea Culture - Tea has been part of Chinese tradition since ancient times. Different types of tea like green, black or oolong are served during meals and ceremonies.