--- license: creativeml-openrail-m language: - en thumbnail: "https://huggingface.co/Norod78/sd15-jojo-stone-ocean/resolve/main/sample_images/03_NicolasCageCompare-0-42--512x512-._sd15-jojo-stone-ocean-10000itr_cunet_anime_noise0_2x.jpg" tags: - text-to-image - stable-diffusion - stable-diffusion-diffusers datasets: - Norod78/jojo-stone-ocean-blip-captions-512 inference: true widget: - text: Nicolas Cage, in "The Minions" movie - text: Gal Gadot as wonderwoman - text: Rick Sanchez from the TV show "Rick and Morty" - text: An oil painting of Miss. Piggy from the muppets as the Mona Lisa --- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean