--- license: mit --- # ERNIE-Layout_Pytorch - **Model type:** [ERNIE-Layout](https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.06155) - **Repository:** [source code](https://github.com/NormXU/ERNIE-Layout-Pytorch): an unofficial ERNIE-Layout implementation in Pytorch - **Converted from:** [PaddlePaddle/ernie-layoutx-base-uncased](https://huggingface.co/PaddlePaddle/ernie-layoutx-base-uncased) The ERNIE-Layout-Pytorch model is initially released by [PaddleNLP](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleNLP). To make Pytorch users easy to use, the model has been converted into PyTorch format with the [tools/convert2torch.py](https://github.com/NormXU/ERNIE-Layout-Pytorch/blob/main/tools/convert2torch.py) script. Please feel free to make any changes you need. For more details and use cases, please check the repo. **A Quick Example** ```python import torch from PIL import Image import torch.nn.functional as F from networks import ErnieLayoutConfig, ErnieLayoutForQuestionAnswering, \ ErnieLayoutProcessor, ErnieLayoutTokenizerFast from transformers.models.layoutlmv3 import LayoutLMv3ImageProcessor pretrain_torch_model_or_path = "Norm/ERNIE-Layout-Pytorch" doc_imag_path = "./dummy_input.jpeg" context = ['This is an example sequence', 'All ocr boxes are inserted into this list'] layout = [[381, 91, 505, 115], [738, 96, 804, 122]] # make sure all boxes are normalized between 0 - 1000 pil_image = Image.open(doc_imag_path).convert("RGB") # initialize tokenizer tokenizer = ErnieLayoutTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=pretrain_torch_model_or_path) # initialize feature extractor feature_extractor = LayoutLMv3ImageProcessor(apply_ocr=False) processor = ErnieLayoutProcessor(image_processor=feature_extractor, tokenizer=tokenizer) # Tokenize context & questions question = "what is it?" encoding = processor(pil_image, question, context, boxes=layout, return_tensors="pt") # dummy answer start && end index start_positions = torch.tensor([6]) end_positions = torch.tensor([12]) # initialize config config = ErnieLayoutConfig.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=pretrain_torch_model_or_path) config.num_classes = 2 # start and end # initialize ERNIE for VQA model = ErnieLayoutForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained( pretrained_model_name_or_path=pretrain_torch_model_or_path, config=config, ) output = model(**encoding, start_positions=start_positions, end_positions=end_positions) # decode output start_max = torch.argmax(F.softmax(output.start_logits, dim=-1)) end_max = torch.argmax(F.softmax(output.end_logits, dim=-1)) + 1 # add one ##because of python list indexing answer = tokenizer.decode(encoding.input_ids[0][start_max: end_max]) print(answer) ```