### Llama 3 Evaluation Details This document contains additional context on the settings and parameters for how we evaluated the Llama 3 pre-trained and instruct-aligned models. ### Auto-eval benchmark notes #### MMLU - We are reporting macro averages for MMLU benchmarks. The micro average numbers for MMLU are: 65.4 and 67.4 for the 8B pre-trained and instruct-aligned models, 78.9 and 82.0 for the 70B pre-trained and instruct-aligned models - The pre-trained models are evaluated in the standard way by calualting the likelihood of each choice character. For the instruct-aligned models, we use a dialogue prompt (*user/assistant*) for the shots and ask the model to generate the best choice character as answer. #### AGI English - We use the default few-shot and prompt settings as specified [here](https://github.com/ruixiangcui/AGIEval). The score is averaged over the english subtasks. #### CommonSenseQA - We use the same 7-shot chain-of-thought prompt as in [Wei et al. (2022)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.11903.pdf). #### Winogrande - We use a choice based setup for evaluation where we fill in the missing blank with the two possible choices and then compute log-likelihood over the suffix. We use 5 shots for evaluation. #### BIG-Bench Hard - We use a 3-shot chain of thought style prompting and compute the average exact match over the subsets in this task. #### ARC-Challenge - We use the arc-challenge subset from the arc benchmark. We use 25 shots and use the MMLU setup for evaluation where we provide all the choices in the prompt and calculate likelihood over choice characters #### TriviaQA-WIKI - We evaluate on the Wiki validation set and use 5 few-shot examples. #### SQuAD - We are using SQuAD v2 and compute exact match in a 1-shot setting. #### QuAC - Same setting as Llama 2 (1-shot, f1). #### BoolQ - Same setting as Llama 1 and Llama 2 (0-shot, accuracy). #### DROP - For each validation example, we draw 3 random few-shot examples from the train split. #### GPQA - We report 0-shot exact match scores over the possible options using the Main subset for our models and other open-source models (Mistral, Gemma). #### HumanEval - Same setting as Llama 1 and Llama 2 (pass@1). #### GSM8K - We use the same 8-shot chain-of-thought prompt as in [Wei et al. (2022)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.11903.pdf) (maj@1). - Max generation length is 512 tokens. #### MATH - We use the 4-shot problem available in [Lewkowycz et al. (2022)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.14858.pdf) (maj@1). ### Human evaluation notes This evaluation set contains 1,800 prompts that cover 12 key use cases: asking for advice, brainstorming, classification, closed question answering, coding, creative writing, extraction, inhabiting a character/persona, open question answering, reasoning, rewriting, and summarization. |Category|Count| |--------|-----| |Coding|150| |Mathematical reasoning|150| |Asking for Advice|150| |Brainstorming|150| |Classification|150| |Closed Question Answering|150| |Creative Writing|150| |Extraction|150| |Inhabiting a Character/Persona|150| |Open Question Answering|150| |Rewriting|150| |Summarization|150|