--- datasets: - gozfarb/ShareGPT_Vicuna_unfiltered --- # Convert tools https://github.com/practicaldreamer/vicuna_to_alpaca # Training tool https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui ATM I'm using 2023.05.04v0 of the dataset and training full context. # Notes: So im only training 1 epoch as full context 30b takes a long time to train. My 1 epoch will take me 8 days lol but lucly the LoRA feels fully functinal at epoch 1 as shown on my 13b one. # How to test? 1. Download LLaMA-30B-HF: https://huggingface.co/Neko-Institute-of-Science/LLaMA-30B-HF 2. Replace special_tokens_map.json and tokenizer_config.json using the ones on this repo. 3. Rename LLaMA-30B-HF to vicuna-30b 4. Load ooba: ```python server.py --listen --model vicuna-30b --load-in-8bit --chat --lora checkpoint-xxxx``` 5. Instruct mode: Vicuna-v1 it will load Vicuna-v0 by defualt # Want to see it Training? https://wandb.ai/neko-science/VicUnLocked/runs/vx8yzwi7